my-table-of-things · 17 days
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I wrote a poem :)
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excitementshewrote · 1 year
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happywebdesign · 4 months
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thepariahcontinuum · 2 years
One thing Parahumans does really well, that a lot of other franchises couldn't pull off if they tried, is making an off-screen death feel more weighty and impactful than if you'd seen it.
Aegis in the fight against Leviathan.....The guy whose whole shtick is being hard af to kill, we don't see how it happened, we don't see him go down fighting til his last breath or make any heroic sacrifice; he's just gone....Another name on the list of people who volunteered and never came back.
Battery against the Slaughterhouse Nine, died horribly and it was almost a footnote in the scale of what the nine did and what had to be done to stop them.
Clockblocker in the fight against Scion, he was there and then he just wasn't anymore; there was so much happening and so many people going down that Skitter didn't even realise that one of the first heroes she went up against had died until she saw Glaistig Uaine channel him.
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randomreasonstolive · 2 years
Reason to Live #7916
  Because you never know the full impact your life has on somebody else.– Guest Submission
(Please don't add negative comments to these posts.)
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theprinsloos · 5 months
The Most Beautiful Place in the World - A Short Film
I grew up in South Africa, but moved to the USA at age 11. I often found myself yearning for home. This short film captures the essence of longing for the nostalgia of my childhood. In the midst of my journey, I discovered that home transcends geographical boundaries. Home is an experience etched in the heart.
"The Most Beautiful Place in the World" is a touching reminder that encourages us to reflect on our own definitions of home and invites us to cherish the universal truth that home is where the heart finds solace and connection, no matter where life's adventures take us.
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impactfulpitch · 1 year
Why Angel Investors May Reject Funding for Your Startup
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Securing funding from angel investors is crucial for many startups, but it can be a challenging task. Angel investors are often high-net-worth people that offer funds in return for shares to early-stage firms. However, getting them to invest in your company is not always easy. 
There are several reasons why angel investors might say no to funding your venture. These reasons can include a lack of trust in the management team, unrealistic valuations, unclear exit strategies, and poor research. It's essential to understand why potential investors might reject your proposal and to take steps to avoid these pitfalls. 
This can increase the chances of success in raising capital and move your business forward. In this article, we will explore some of the reasons why angel investors might say no to funding your venture and provide insights on how to avoid them.
Investors find you untrustworthy: 
Trust is crucial when it comes to securing funding from angel investors. If investors perceive you as untrustworthy, it's unlikely they will invest in your company. This could be due to a lack of honesty and transparency in your communication, or a history of shady business practices. To avoid this, it's essential to be transparent and honest with your investors and to establish a strong reputation in the startup community.
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Lack of research: 
Angel investors want to see that you've done your homework before approaching them for funding. If you haven't conducted thorough research on your market, competitors, and business model, they will likely reject your proposal. To avoid this, make sure to conduct extensive research and provide detailed data to back up your claims.
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Unrealistic valuation and/or investment terms: 
Valuation is one of the most critical factors in securing funding from angel investors. If your valuation is too high, investors will be less likely to invest, as they will see a lower potential for return on their investment. Similarly, if your investment terms are too onerous, investors may be hesitant to invest. To avoid this, make sure to conduct thorough research on industry standards for valuation and investment terms, and use this information to set realistic expectations for your company.
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Poor management team: 
Angel investors invest in people as much as they do in ideas. If your management team lacks the necessary skills, experience, and vision to execute your business plan, investors will be less likely to invest. To avoid this, make sure to assemble a strong management team with the necessary skills, experience, and vision to execute your business plan.
Unclear exit strategy: 
Angel investors are looking for a return on their investment, and they need to know how they can exit their investment. If you don't have a clear exit strategy, investors will be less likely to invest. To avoid this, make sure to have a clear exit strategy in place, and communicate this to potential investors.
In conclusion, getting funds from angel investors might be difficult, but it is not impossible. By understanding the reasons why investors might say no to funding your venture, you can take steps to avoid these pitfalls and increase your chances of success. Remember to be transparent and honest, conduct thorough research, set realistic expectations, assemble a strong management team, and have a clear exit strategy in place.
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redtoondevils · 6 months
Best song for them.
I recommend you to listen to this!
I picked this song. 'Clown' sung by Emeli Sande. Not only for her talent. But also, I find this meaningful to how I think Sun, Moon and Eclipse over time had transitioned to. It represents low self-esteem, rejection, and comfort. (This song can be meaningful for people that has low self-esteem as well)
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lotus-duckies · 2 months
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ismidi · 3 months
Friday Contemplation by Mentor
Ada 4 Pertanyaan akan diajukan di alam barzakh yang harus menjadi fokus kita menjadi pondasi rencana hidup yang tepat
Diriwayatkan dari HR. Ahmad dan Abu Dawud Miskhat al-Masabih 13
"Dan dua malaikat datang kepadanya, lalu duduklah mereka di sisinya, dan mereka berkata kepadanya,
1. Siapakah Tuhanmu?' Ia menjawab, 'Tuhan saya adalah Allah.'
2. Mereka bertanya lagi, 'Apa agamamu?' Ia menjawab, 'Agamaku adalah Islam.'
3. Kemudian mereka bertanya lagi, 'Apa pendapatmu tentang orang yang diutus di antara kamu?' Ia menjawab, 'Dia adalah Rasul Allah (Nabi Muhammad SAW).'
4. Mereka bertanya lagi, ‘Dari mana kamu tahu informasi tentang profil Nabi itu?' Ia menjawab, 'Saya membaca Kitab Allah, dan saya percaya padanya dan membenarkannya.'
Lalu mereka berseru, 'Dia telah benar, hamba-Ku ini telah benar!' Maka dari langit dipanggil suara, 'Hamba-Ku ini telah berkata benar, bukalah baginya pintu dari surga.' Dan diperlihatkan kepadanya pintu surga, dan wanginya disampaikan padanya dari surga. Kemudian pintu surga itu dibukakan baginya, dan matanya diperluas penglihatannya di dalam surga.”
Kemudian ada 5 Pertanyaan akan diajukan di Yaumul Hisab
dan kelima pertanyaan puncak ini harus menjadi bahan visi-misi di dunia.
"Kaki seorang anak Adam tidak akan beranjak dari hadapan Tuhan pada Hari Kiamat hingga dia ditanya tentang lima hal:
1. Usianya dan bagaimana dia menghabiskannya
2. Masa mudanya dan bagaimana dia mengisinya
3. Harta yang dia peroleh dari mana
4. Bagaimana dia menghabiskannya
5. Serta apa yang telah dia kerjakan dari ilmu yang telah diketahuinya”
HR. Jami` at-Tirmidhi 2416 & Abu Barzah and Abu Sa'eed
Itulah yang seharusnya menjadi fondasi dari tujuan hidup yang kita semua perjuangkan. Ini bukan sekedar ‘Memulai dari akhir’-nya Stephen Covey, atau ‘Why’-nya Simon Sinek, atau IKIGAI-nya orang-orang Jepang, atau ‘Thinking Big’-nya David J. Schwartz, atau teori ‘Self Actualisation’-nya Marslow.
Tapi ini adalah filosofi hidup Muslim yang sudah diajarkan Rasulullah 14 abad lalu.
Bahwa setiap Muslim, terserah apakah dia bermental baja atuapun tempe, apakah dia berpendidikan tinggi ataupun buta huruf, yang jelas dia harus mempersiapkan jawaban yang mantap untuk hari akhir, di Yaumul Hisab.
Dan jawaban terbaik adalah “Ahsanu ‘Amala’ (QS. Al Mulk: 2)
Mengutip tulisan mentor yang jadi membuat merenung lebih lama. Panduan hidup seorang muslim sudah diajarkan dari 14 abad lalu bukan teori-teori yang lahir ngetrend di zaman now. Semoga ini menjadi awal yang baik untuk selalu bisa mengevaluasi setiap kontribusi dan niat dalam setiap aktivitas yang dikerjakan.
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edtype · 3 months
Lady in Red
Zawe delivers in red. From demure to striking to distracting.
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my-table-of-things · 2 months
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How to be a Dog // Andrew Cane.
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hyliandude · 5 months
I had a dream last night.
There was a middle eastern guru that seemed homeless and dirty in the streets. He asked me to follow him to help save the people i care about. He seemed solemn and genuine so i went with him in the streets without care of calling off from work.
He took me into street markets in between a temple with devout followers of another religion, but there were people of all ethnicities.
I tried catching up to him but he was so fast, and everyone knew and bowed to him. There was this column everyone was huddled around at one point, and before proceeding he chanted something around it, seemingly “blessing” the column and gently told people to respect the area. Everyone got away from it (he later told me the column was unstable and needed repairs, so this was the fastest way to get people to clear the area and be careful with the column).
We entered this kitchen area and he changed attire. Food safety prep attire? I didn’t question it, but it seemed like we were going into some sort of food kitchen or prep kitchen to prepare meals for the homeless. Ok. I didn’t mind at all, and i remember thinking about how small the operation was. We were only probably going to feed like 80-100 people, but i also realized how MUCH more of an impact this was than me sitting at a desk pretending to do work for companies i know nothing about. (The attire they gave me was some sort of bib, and event shirt. It was a memorial shirt, for someone named Carla Mae, but i knew it wasn’t you b/c you were alive in my dream and the picture of the person was someone else. But it still made me think about the event. Before i could speak to anyone about the coincidence, my shift was over and the guru was having me haul leftover stalks of some of the food we prepared out back. All waste, and super heavy).
There was a lady out back, either washing clothes or collecting trash to place it in a giant pile of a courtyard. There weren’t many people there because of the horrid smell, and i think even residences above were no longer there because of the stench. It was only the one lady. She was peeling something with a knife, and then i realized she was mincing the trash to make it easier for herself to toss it. She took pride in her mundane task, but no one seemed to appreciate her efforts. The guru greeted her like a long time friend, but she was blunt and almost rude with him the entire time (in hindsight, im sure people were rude to her all the time because of the stinky area she was patrolling so she developed this personality as a defense mechanism). The guru conversed with her and eventually convinced her to hand use each a knife. I took it gladly. With the leftover stalks of food waste we had, we started peeling them to better expose the insides. The lady asked us why we were “taking her job” and the guru replied that we were just here to help. To which she relaxed and continued to quietly converse with us. The guru would peel a few stalks from the pile we had, and tossed them into her pile. He then gestured to me to do the same. After a few hours, we were finished with our pile, and finished sprinkling the chunks across her pile. She thanked us, and so did others before we left (i didn’t know, but it turned out that the leftover food stalks were a natural deodorizer. The guru had killed 2 birds with 1 stone in his efforts). It took a while, it smelled, i was sweaty and gross. But i felt so fulfilled and impactful, I can’t even explain.
(Throughout this entire time there’s been music playing from the temple area. Id had it stuck in my head since i woke up, but it’s now 6:55 AM and i dont remember how it goes anymore).
Later in the day we are in the temple, for some service i suppose, and i swear people are huddling around the guru as we walk like paparrazzis, but with more decorum and respect. He’s not mad at any of them, and he addresses those he can without losing sight of his path through them.
The only one i remember was a man asking for the presence of “god” in his village. He was wondering what it would “cost” him to have god come and be at his village. This question stood out to me, and it mustve stood out to the guru too, because he stopped and turned to the man:
“This is a common question, but an easy one”
I assumed he’d be asking for a donation of sometime, which was a concept that disillusioned me to the entire establishment.
The guru then proceeded to talk to the man. His village was going through a rough time. This man was the only one of strong enough mind and body to come out into the temple from afar to seek help. The guru said it would cost him the salary of multiple builders, cooks, fisherman, etc. The man said that he was strong and well versed in many skills, but that he had no funds to pay more people to come and help in the village with those things.
The guru then whispered something to the man, which must’ve shocked him immensely as i saw the wave of revelation come over him, and he left the crowd!
The guru turned to me and quickly said
“Why pay for god if he’s already there?”
There was another scene where i was at a private rooftop dinner with the guru and a family overlooking the city. We were clearly there for the father, a strong and clearly wealthy man who had evidently been religious in the past. He wanted the guru’s influence and advice on military and commercial conquest, and i dont remember what else was said, but we just left. Something about how the man had lost sight of “all his past lessons”.
In the end, i didn’t quite understand why i was playing “hooky” all day. I didn’t know how to “save those that i love”. He told me people just want to be heard and understood. Not a surface level thing, but truly HEARD and UNDERSTOOD. It seemed so cliché, but he also mentioned how the time we spend with our loved ones is 1. An investment and extension of ourselves that they’ll remember and learn from. A piece of ourselves inevitably makes it to them, and he wanted to make sure it was the BEST piece of ourself. And 2. The time is something we’ll both cherish. At the end of the day, we’ll all be gone without thoughts or memories. In our final moments we’ll regret spending time on a computer or pointless meeting instead of with the people we love. To save them, means saving ourselves of course, but it means spending as much time with them. They aren’t with us if we’re not spending time with them, just like they won’t be with us when we’re all gone - so spend as much time with them to save them. Take that time back with them. And cherish it.
I still had the jaunty music stuck in my head. I vividly remember what i was wearing, what he was wearing, and what others were wearing.
Just wanted to jot all this before i forgot.
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vofsilence · 9 months
Celebrating Mark Margolis' Achievements: The Scene-Stealer of Breaking Bad
Welcome to the captivating world of Breaking Bad, a TV series that left an indelible mark on the hearts of millions of viewers worldwide. In this article, we pay tribute to Mark Margolis, the exceptional actor who portrayed the unforgettable character Hector Salamanca. Join us on a journey through Margolis‘ achievements, his contributions to the Breaking Bad cast, and the lasting impact of the…
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piper spam post 🤍
man, this is hard.
honestly, letting you go is the hardest thing i've had to do in my 29 years of life. it took 3 months for me to give in to what my soul was telling me and decide to adopt you. i looked at your profile every single day until i couldn't stand not calling you mine. i worked through your quirks and learned your opinions and boundaries. i taught you to trust and let you love as hard as you want to. i've cherished every moment i've had with you, my grumpy, wrinkly, dense girl. i'm so sorry our time together is being cut short. nothing is going to fill the void you'll be leaving in my heart & i don't know if i will ever again feel as safe as i do with you around me. my heart is broken. i can only hope that your next pack treats you with the same respect and affection i have these past two and a half years. i love you with my whole fuckin heart and i always will. may you prosper in your new home, wherever that may be. i will never give up on you. ever. you've made tremendous strides during the time we've had together. i'll be with you wherever you go; just like you'll be with me. may your future be full of playing catch, touchin butts, loads of kisses, and a bunch of swimming. until we meet again...be blessed, my pittie angel. may the universe protect you as you continue your journey through this life. hopefully, your new family will let me see you again soon. if that's not the case, i know you'll be waiting for me in our next lives - ready to give me all the kisses. i miss you already. keep on being brave, my st. louis girl. you've made me a stronger individual, taught me to be more confident in life, made me so proud to be your mom, and helped me learn to be patient, even when it's not easy. thank you for letting me into your heart. you'll forever be in mine. i love you.
i hope you're prepared to have the best week and a half of your life. we're gonna do all your favorite things bc you deserve it ✨
here's to touchin butts and grumbly noises. and big ole kisses, of course.
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joncronshawauthor · 10 months
The Kings and Queens of Fantasy: A Look at the Most Iconic Royal Characters
Fantasy literature is filled with a wide variety of royal characters, each with their own unique strengths, weaknesses and stories. From brave warriors to cunning politicians, these kings and queens have captured the imagination of readers for generations. In this blog post, you’ll find seven of the most memorable and impactful royal characters in fantasy. From the epic battles of Middle-Earth…
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