#imagine thinspirations
inkskinned · 1 year
im gonna start a fight; and, at the same time, i need you to take this in the most good-faith way possible, but:
videos that involve body-checking and intentionally (and uncritically) show a mealplan of an unhealthy number of calories are just a revamped version of pro-ana food diaries.
and yeah, i know there's arguments. i address some of them under the cut. but at the end of the day, we're just coming back to romanticizing mental illness; we've just found a better platform for it.
this is already something we've done. we knew it was wrong and tried to stop it. and tbh. it just wasn't enough.
there are people who argue "well, what if you have an eating disorder, you can't help it if you don't eat!" except that as someone with an ED; we are not infants. we know what we're doing. part of having an ED is that you are like, maybe too self-aware. even if we can't help our own food choices, we don't need to fucking romanticize the disorder - something we've been warning you about since 2013. there are hours of setup, filming, and editing that go into these videos. they do not happen to fall into place randomly. there is a reason they are pieced together to be beautiful, bright, inspiring.
there's this woman who pretty much only posts daily plans under a normal amount of calories, and everyone defends her saying but it's better than nothing! and i'm like. except she opens those with images of her showing off her body and provides no context in the video or caption that suggests that she believes what she's doing is unhealthy. she has hundreds of thousands of followers on a platform designed for young kids and teens. i refuse to believe that by accident her content just happens to be cheery advice on "healthy" versions of starving.
for any other symptom of mental illness, we would be incredibly enraged by this kind of placid acceptance of a "tips and tricks" fast-start guide. imagine if people posted pink & pretty videos saying "best places to cut yourself" as if it was a fucking storytime. we, as a society, are so fucking fatphobic that we would rather accept blatantly harmful displays of self harm than admit that we are obsessed with a hyper-thin body type.
i am not suggesting someone never talks about their disorder. i talk about mine. actually, it's a plot point in my book.
here's the difference: i recognize it's a fucking mental illness. i am very careful to never mention a specific weight, eating pattern, or calorie plan. i always make sure to position it as something that ruined my fucking life. i do not put cheery music in the background and hearts and sparkles over my worst moments. i do not film it in bright light. i do not start each passage with an image of a thin body followed by "here's how to look like her."
eating disorders should not be framed as aspirational. and the problem is that society worships the "after" image, so long as you don't get too sick. there is a reason so many people who quit being "influencers" will later admit - i wasn't eating well that whole time; an obsession with food was completely destroying my life.
we let any uncredited, uncertified person write the most backwards, fucked up shit about how to get the body you desire! because the underlying, secret belief is: well, at least they're thin! and the real thing that fucking gets me each time - they make fucking money off of it. their irresponsibility and societal harm literally pays off for them.
"why do you care so much." "don't like it don't look." "so what if people experiment with new ways of thinking of food?"
thank you for asking. we're about to get extremely personal. it's because when i was 18 i discovered "thinspiration"/"thinspo." and it absolutely influenced, shaped, and codified my pre-existing eating disorder. i went from having some troubling habits and traits to being incredibly unwell within what felt like a matter of days. there were actual pages designed to train me on how to have an ED correctly. it was all so suddenly easy. i was sick; and the nature of the illness meant - i wanted to be sicker.
it takes an average of 7 years for a person to fully recover. i know this personally - even now, 10 years from the worst of it, i still fucking struggle. i am so much happier now and i eat what i want and i literally don't think about food at all (19 year old me would shudder) and yet - i still fucking know the calories of plain toast with butter.
an eating disorder is one of the deadliest types of mental illness. over 1 in 4 people with an ED will attempt suicide.
and i'm sorry. i just do not see the exchange rate of "high rate of engagement" versus "the value of a human life."
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faseborboleta · 9 months
1. É muito fácil ler um milhão de dicas em blogs, o difícil é começar a agir. Se você não fizer esforço para começar, nunca vai sair de onde está! Dê o primeiro passo!!
2. Entenda como funciona uma NF antes de querer começar, pergunte à pessoas que estão acostumadas  a seguir e pegue dicas e sites!
3. Compre uma peça de roupa alguns números menores ou alguma que você goste e queira entrar. Ela será como uma primeira meta, para você ter noção do quanto falta.
4. “Já que amanhã começo o NF, vou comer o que quiser hoje” SEM ESSA!! Se já é difícil manter a NF com o peso normal, imagina com 10kg a mais?!
5. No começo, tipo primeiros dias mesmo, você vai pensar em desistir porque vai bater um medo (quando for a primeira NF), nesse momento use a IMAGINAÇÃO… Quando olhar pra comida imagine ela entrando pela sua garganta e caindo no seu estomago, se desfazendo pelo ácido diurético e toda aquela gordura se armazenando nas paredes e aí se imagine por fora, uns 15kg mais gorda e com a barriga dando pulinhos…
6. Para o corpo não ficar esgotado, coma algo uma hora ou 30 min antes de começar o NF..
O NF não vai durar anos, lembre-se disso…Estabeleça uma meta e CUMPRA!
7. Durante o NF, não beber.
8. lembre que se você beliscar aquela bala, quem garante que você não vai beliscar um x-tudo depois?
9. Sempre escove os dentes quando ir ao banheiro, assim você não terá vontade de comer por causa do gosto da pasta e da falta de saliva. E se comer, o gosto não vai ser muito agradável…
10. Beba dois copos de água a cada duas horas, tem alguns aplicativos de dieta que contam calorias e já contam os copos de água, alem de avisar a hora de tomar água! São bem úteis !! A água é um inibidor de apetite natural, hidratante natural, alem de que se estiver fria, queima calorias e se estiver quente, da sensação de “satisfeito” como se tivesse comido uma refeição, de água.
11. Nunca esteja com dinheiro a mais quando sair, e se estiver gaste-o com água ou pacotes de chá verde no mercado mais próximo assim que perceber, pois chá verde é laxante natural e ajuda na NF.
12. Evite se sentar e se for preciso, sente-se reta. A boa postura queima 10 calorias a mais que a curvada.
13. Tenha uma Thinspiration, uma foto de uma garota magra para se inspirar, uma que tenha o corpo que você quer ter, e mantenha a foto dela sempre por perto, pode ser qualquer um desde que te inspire e faça você pensar duas vezes antes de ter compulsões.
14. Se possível, tenha uma balança em casa, se pese todos os dias pela manhã e no fim do 7° dia você anota no bloco de notas a primeira pesagem semanal e anote suas medidas também… Depois, só volte a pegar o bloco quando terminar o NF.
15. Aprenda a gostar do vazio no estômago, pense que essa dor significa que está dando resultados. Assim vai se sentir enjoado quando comer.
16. Tenha sempre um Trident no bolso, são sem açúcar e mantém a boca ocupada e distraída. (Não engula)
17. Se estiver com muita fome, tente dormir com algum calmante, você vai acordar sem fome. Se não adiantar, saia de casa, leve com você seu fone de ouvido e celular ou mp3 e vá correr sozinho ou com algum amigo, distraia a cabeça, só não passe perto de comida!!
18. Desistir e ter recaídas é coisa de gente fraca.
19. Durante a NF evite passeios pela cozinha, assim como também deve evitar ver ou sentir cheiro de doces e industrializados.
20. Evite ir aos mercados, mercearias, etc. Até nas farmácias, porque vendem algumas guloseimas que seu cérebro vai pedir. Peça à algum amigo se precisar de algo.
21. Tenha uma pulseira vermelha para Ana e azul para Mia, porque quando sentir vontade de desistir vai olhar para a pulseirinha e se sentir culpado.
22. Se tiver alguém especial como namorado, pessoa que gosta, um amigo ou algo assim (tirando familiares) pense que dará orgulho à eles para se manter forte durante a NF.
23. Ouça músicas que te encorajam.
24. Doces e balas com açúcar abrem o apetite para outras coisas. NUNCA NEM PENSE EM TOCÁ-LOS!!!
25. A cada dia de NF esforçado, você perde 1kg aproximadamente (aproximadamente porque SEMPRE é um pouco MAIS). Os exercícios alimentam o metabolismo e você perde mais ainda! Porém, isso também depende da intensidade dos exercícios, 10 polichinelos não adiantam.
26. Não saia de casa sem uma amiga SUPER FIEL: a garrafa de chá/água/etc. Pode te ajudar muito nos momentos que a fome bater, pois um gole do líquido já é o bastante para seguir em frente.
27. Faça um cronograma dos dias de NF, ajuda muito para algumas pessoas (no meu caso não ajuda muito mas já vi pessoas dizerem q foi o q fez elas não desistirem.)
28. Para inibir a fome tome água com duas colheres de sopa de vinagre e algumas gotas de limão.
29. Se estiver com o estômago roncando, tome chá Mate com algumas gotas de adoçante! Ele causa sensação de satisfação alimentar. Se não funcionar, um gole de leite de soja ou desnatado deve ajudar.
30. Laxantes são ótimos para desinchar, mas tome apenas em finais de semana ou feriados.
31. Não fique sem fazer nada, assista um filme, leia um livro (aqui tem indicações de filmes sobre ana e mia para te manter focada e aqui indicações de livros), ou faça caminhada, qualquer coisa que distraia seus pensamentos.
32. Dança é uma ótima opção para queimar calorias e se distrair, faça uma coreografia ou, pode treinar Kpop, que é bem eficaz, aprenda algum dos mvs, pois em uma dança normal se perde em média 300 calorias em 30 minutos, kpop são vários estilos e sua queima de calorias é 15% mais efetiva.
33. 10 minutos de exercícios estimulam seu metabolismo por mais de uma hora.
35. Diga “eu posso” o tempo todo, essa frase te leva à qualquer lugar.
36. Evite pensamentos negativos. Pense sempre positivo e quando o pensamento negativo vier, exercícios!
37. Quando estabelecer suas metas, faça planos realistas para não se frustrar ou desanimar.
38. Tenha autocontrole. Pense bem antes de fazer as coisas, assim não terá do que se arrepender depois.
39. Esqueça o elevador, escadas são um ÓTIMO método para perder calorias!
40. Tente anotar tudo o que comer/beber.
41. Não pense que está de NF ou o sacrifício que é, isso torna tudo mais difícil.
42. Se pensar em desistir, lembre-se por que começou, isso ajudara no autocontrole, se puder, anote esses motivos.
43. Quanto mais fome você sente, mais perto da meta você está, aprecie isso!
44. Quando seus dias de NF acabarem, Jamais vá direto para doces, chocolates ou frituras, entre outros… Seu organismo estará carente de proteínas, então quando comer essas coisas ele irá primeiramente absorver toda a gordura para repor as antigas. Opte por uma maçã, coma bem devagar, pedaço por pedaço, cada dia você aumenta um pouco sua alimentação, mais ou menos em 2 semanas ou 3 (dependendo da alimentação da pessoa) você chega à alimentação normal.
45. Durante a fase de reconstrução alimentar pós NF e durante NF opte por muitos chás multifuncionais.
46. O chá de maracujá é um bom relaxante muscular natural, é indicado porque provavelmente haverão dores musculares e/ou insônia durante e depois do NF, além dele também ser um redutor de apetite natural (faça o chá usando a casca e as folhas do maracujá)
47. O chá de hibisco é um ótimo diurético e digestivo, além de ser um leve laxante (use a flor do hibisco para fazer o chá)
48. Chá verde: possui cafeína e catequinas, que aceleram o metabolismo e por esse motivo faz o corpo gastar mais energia, traz regularidade ao processo de digestão, leve laxante natural e combate a retenção de líquidos no organismo.
49. Chá de hortelã ajuda a reduzir barriga e queimar calorias!! (E é o mais gostoso na minha opinião)
50. Chá de erva doce é um super laxante natural (que funciona até de mais) e reduz o inchaço.
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vampirethin27 · 3 months
Blog Intro
⚠️TW!!: This Is An ED Blog. I'm Not Here To Be Harmful, Just Finding A Community, Scroll or Block If Uninterested⚠️
Hi! My name is Elliott, I'm 19 (it's my birthday as of posting this 🥳🎂🎉), and I've had disordered eating patterns for about a decade now and have been on ana blogs and things of the sort for like 7 years. I've had the blogs, the journals, the calculators, the screenshots as wallpapers, all the fun stuff
Name: Elliott (Lia/Eli)
Age: 19
Birthday: February 3rd
Gender: Genderfluid
Pronouns: Varies Between She/He/It, Usually Present Semi-Feminine No Matter What Though
Sexuality: Bisexual
Mental Diagnoses: Anorexia, Bipolar, Anxiety, Autism (😎), and probably PTSD, I haven't checked but reputable sources keep telling me to
I also have POTS (Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome), which is a chronic illness that basically spikes me with adrenaline when a positional change happens, like rolling from my left to right side in bed or going from sitting down to stand up, and other stuff like my vision blurs and I run out of breath easily. Look it up, there's so many random fucking things that can be POTS and you'd never know it it's insane
Anywho, now for the actual fun stuff!
My Stats
Height: 156.6cm
HW: 142lbs
SW: 105lbs
CW: 99lbs
LW: 97lbs
GW: 95lbs
UGW: 90lbs
Thigh (R): 52cm (20.4in)
Thigh (L): 51.5cm (20.25in)
Hips: 82cm (32.25in)
Waist: 64cm (25in)
Underbust: 72cm (28in)
Bust: 83.5cm (32.75in)
Overbust: 80cm (31.25in)
Wrist (L): 15cm (5.75in)
Wrist (R): 15cm (5.75in)
Bicep (L): 24.5cm (9.5in)
Bicep (R) 26cm (10in)
My Current Favorite Thinspo
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(for those of you who are maybe new to ED Tumblr and aren't sure what I'm saying)
Ana: Anorexia Nervosa
Mia: Bulimia Nervosa
Coe: Compulsive Over-eating disorder
Ednos: Eating disorder not otherwise specified
BED: Binge eating disorder.
ED: Eating disorder
SI: Self injury
AnaMia: Having both anorexia and bulimia
Pro-ana: This term infers being pro-active in the ED community, usually online. It does not mean promote ED's in any way, shape or form.
Thinspiration: Collection of thin looking peoples pictures, used to inspire those with ana/mia. Can also be text scenarios/imagines
Anorectic/Anarexyc: One who has anorexia. There's a billion variants of it
CW: Current weight.
HW: Highest weight.
LW: Lowest weight.
GW: Goal Weight.
SW: Starting weight.
GW1: First goal weight. (implying a GW2, etc.)
UGW: "Ultimate"/Final goal weight.
IP: In patient.
BMI: Body Mass Index.
And Memes <33
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I can't fit more photos than this, but that's the rundown of me!
I'm currently on my way to eat dumplings, sushi, and sashimi for my birthday dinner because I have a sushi obsession.
It has resulted in an adjacent raw fish obsession because... well, here's a list of things that make my POTS symptoms worse (food wise)
• spice
• sugar
• gluten
• dairy
• eating too many carbs in a day
• eating too fast
• eating too much
• not eating often enough
So I avoid most things, specifically bread when it's unnecessary and dairy all the time
Also, last thing I swear, EGGS AREN'T DAIRY
Hydrate or Diedrate, have a good my birthday <33
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 les he1. Bois un verre d'eau toutesures, tu te sentiras remplie.
2. Bois de l'eau très froide même glacée, ton corps devra brûler plus de calories pour ramener l'eau à une température digérable.
3. Bois 3 tasses de thé vert tous les jours, ça boost le métabolisme et en plus c'est un excellent anti-oxydant qui aide à avoir une belle peau.
4. Prends des vitamines tous les jours.
5. Mange de la glace quand tu as faim, ça fait croire au corps qu'il mange mais sans les calories.
6. Fais de l'aérobie quand tu sens que tu vas craquer.
7. Mange de la nouriture épicée, ça aide à hausser le métabolisme.
8. Prends de longues douches froides, ton corps doit brûler des calories pour revenir à une température normale.
9. Ne prends pas de laxatifs, ils ne t'aident pas à perdre du poids, ils dérèglent et sont très mauvais pour le métabolisme.
10. Ne prends pas de dirurétiques… Ils ne font que te déshydrater (et même chose que 9).
11. Brosse tes dents très souvent comme ça tu seras moins tentée de manger après.
12. Entoure ta taille avec un ruban ou une écharpe … ça va te serrer quand tu vas manger.
13. Nettoie quelque chose de dégoutant (toillette, litière du chat, la chambre de ton copain lol) avant de manger. Personne n'a envie de manger après avoir nettoyer quelque chose comme ça…
14. Garde tes cheveux en bonne condition comme ça personne ne suspectera rien.
15. Trouve une chose à faire qui te fera t'absenter durant les repas.
16. Fais plus d'exercice que le nombre de calories que tu manges.
17. Utilise de petits plats et de petits ustensiles comme ça tu auras l'impression de manger plus (par exemple, mange dans des assiettes à dessert, elles te paraîtront plus vite remplie…)
18. Prends une bouchée de nourriture pour deux gorgées d'eau comme ça tu seras remplie.
19. Dis que tu vas manger chez une copine et vas marcher à la place tu vas brûler des calories au lieu d'en prendre.
20. Achète des vêtements trop petits et accroche les bien en évidence comme ça tu seras motivée à pouvoir les enfiler !
21. Dors au moins 6h par jour sinon ça peut faire baisser ton métabolisme de 15%
22. Si tu commences à avoir faim fais des redressements assis et bouge toi !
23. Pomponne toi : donne-toi un facial, fais-toi les ongles, exfolliation, épile-toi à la pince. Fais-toi belle !
24. Fais ton lunch mais ne le mange pas, salis la vaisselle et jète les restes ou personne ne va les trouver, comme ça ton entourage croira que tu as mangé. Enfin, c'est vrai que c'est mieux quand t'es seule, comme ça, tu vas même pas dans la cuisine de la journée.
25. Prépare une liste d'excuse à dire quand tu ne veux pas manger : tu es malade, végétarienne, allergique, t'as trop mangé avant, etc…
26. Sors de ta maison ! Si tu ne reste pas assise sur ton cul à rien faire le monde ne pourra pas t'emmerder avec le fait que tu ne manges pas.
27. Rejoins un groupe Pro-Ana ou démarre le tien, n'importe quoi qui va te tenir motivée !!
28. Fabrique un scrapbook d'ANA, avec des photos de thinspiration etc tout ce qui pourrais te tenir motivée un espèce de journal de bord !
29. Une bonne posture te fait brûler 10% plus de calories que quand on s'avachit…
30. N'achète jamais de nourriture avec ton argent ou celui qu'on te donne, tu ferras des économies :p ! À la place d'acheter de la nouriture achète de nouveaux vêtements, une balance, tout ce que tu veux !
31. Fabrique une liste des mauvais aliments que tu aimes manger, et chaque jour tu en prends un et tu te jures de ne jamais le remanger ! Tu peux mettre cette liste dans ton journal de bord.
32. Jamais d'alcool ! L'alcool est bourré de calories un seul verre en contient au moins 120 … alors imagine les dégats après une soirée ! A moins, que tu vomisses tout…
33. Ne mange jamais rien de plus gros qu'une tasse !! Ton estomac pourait s'agrandir et tu aurais encore plus faim ensuite.
34. Mange devant un miroir. Vois comment tu es une grosse cochonne sans volonté…
35. L'odeur du café est sensé couper l'appétit
36. Porte parfaitement du lip gloss, tu seras moins tentée de manger n'importe quoi.
37. Prends le moins possible de repas par jour (petit-déj' essentiel, midi, jamais de goûter, et repas du soir à éviter).
38. Le chocolat chaud basse calorie te fera te sentir remplie sans pour autant prendre trop de calories.
39. Prends une photo de toi en maillot de bain et regarde-toi à chaque fois avant de manger, dis-toi que tu ne veux plus ressembler à ça…
40. Il faut 20 minutes au cerveau pour réaliser que l'estomac est plein, intérressant non ?
41. Mange beaucoup de fibres, ça te fait sentir pleine et aide à faire sortir le gras de ton corps.
42. Avant de manger un gâteau, bonbons, chips ou autres prends une grande respiration et compte jusqu'à 100 dans ta tête. Habituellement l'envie passe ou tu réussis à te convaincre que tu vas devenir une grosse truie (ou que tu en es déjà une) si tu manges ça !
43. Quand tu as faim bois deux verres d'eau chaude… Vraiment dégoûtant, ça fait passer la faim.
44. Lis l'information nutritionelle sur chaque aliment et renseigne toi sur les calories, les graisses saturées etc… Tout ce qui est mauvais pour ton corps !!
45. Si tu aimes boire de l'alcool fais toi une règle : Si la semaine, tu as atteint l'objectif que tu t'étais fixé, tu peux boire un peu, si au contraire, tu n'as rien réussi du tout, ou que tu as régressé, ne bois pas.
46. Ne mange pas devant l'ordinateur ou la télé, ça te distrait et tu ne sais pas quand tu n'as plus faim.
47. Épargne l'argent que tu prenais pour tes lunchs mets-le dans un pot et regarde le montant augmenter jour après jour ! Je peux te dire que ça fait plaisir !
48. Tiens toi loin de Slim-Fast et autres produits santé miracle pour faire perdre du poids. Jette seulement un regard aux renseignements nutritionels pour voir comment ces supposés shakes sont bourrés de calories.
49. Quand tu as faim bois de l'eau glacée avec du citron et compte jusqu'à 100 dans ta tête, tu n'auras plus faim.
50. Manger 4 repas de 100 calories est mieux qu'un seul de 400.
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gwinforth · 1 year
Imagine giving your precious attention to an algorithm. Instagram? Look at one vegan recipe reel, and then somehow it's wall to wall thinspiration and girls in leggings cupping their morning mug of gruel. Must soak chickpeas. Monkey brain reward center flicker flicker like a lightswitch.
Personally I think people should spend more time imagining what it would be like to be trapped in a cruise ship that flipped upside down in a storm.
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Hello my loves! Okay so weighed in today at exactly 150.0 so 1st gw hit!! Woo hoo!! Sticking to the same diet and staying strong. Been feeling amazing. Had half a cup of coffee this morning with 3 teaspoons of Powdered coffeemate Creamer in it (30 cals) plus the 2 cals from my coffee (black Starbucks Sumatra) so a total of 16 cals from breakfast and then of course doing my low carb tortilla (45 cals) with turkey (1.3 oz at 39 cals) and one slice of colby jack cheese (80 cals)
total calories for the day 255 cals.
If I stick to one cup of coffee and one pinwheel I typically wake up 1 pound lighter each day. One thing I have been slacking on is my water keep forgetting to drink it so need to get back on the good habit of that but other than that we are doing good. It's getting easier to resist sampling everything I make my family for dinner lol I am a type 1 diabetic so luckily it works in my favor. My blood sugars have been amazing on this new diet so I just tell my husband it's a diabetic diet and show him my blood sugar and he is supportive.
2nd gw is going to be 145. I've decided to do my goal weights in 5 lb increments to help keep me motivated. If anyone wants to be friends and help support each other in our weight loss just shoot me a mutual! I'm 26 so you must be 18+ to message me thanks!
Also, one of my biggest things that help keep me motivated is reading thinspiration imagine stories, you know the ones where it's like you wake up early now and stretch your slim arms above your head. Where they write as you once your skinny so anyone know any accounts who write them or have any stories you love please let me know!
I'll update tomorrow, good luck my sweets!
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nickynicknick · 3 years
another (quick!!) thinspo imagine
TW ed, Ana, restriction, food, drinks
what’s up!! here’s a (hurried) thinspo imagine-ish-type-thing I whipped up real quick (it’s dinnertime so I have like an hour; or should I say, “dinner” time for all my ed fellows). as with most of my writing, it’s in the third person, and based on my daily life/romanticisms (Rhode Island is a rainy rainy place... great fall foliage). but quick disclaimer-- I def am not describing myself, just who I want to be. hope y'all enjoy and have a peaceful day/night wherever you are!!
September’s rains had washed the last remnants of summer’s golden haze of pollen from the air. the clear sky that settled in its place was, as a result, a sort of negative space; the hollowness, the coolness of the grey breeze, made one feel apart from their surroundings; wholly alone.
this particular grey Friday began with a torrential downpour of rain that, by the time she stepped out of her dorm front door, had calmed to a drizzle. there was no need for an umbrella; she quite enjoyed the damp waviness that curled her notebooks on humid days. they made the paper softer, made the ink of her cursive lettering bleed gentle halos. 
someone seated in the coffee store, a secret admirer of sorts, recognized her as she drifted in every morning around 7, her battered canvas messenger bag hanging off a frail shoulder, bony long fingers clinging to the strap. after observing her for a few days, they could predict her outfits. she donned delicate glasses that framed her dark doe-like eyes, like the steaming mugs of roasted black coffee she ordered (on sunnier days, with light hazelnut flecks and almond foam). hanging off her willowy arms was always a soft long sleeve, usually in a pale gemstone color, with the border of a lace undershirt peeking through. a few thin, mismatched silver necklaces glinted at her gaunt sternum, tracing the bow of her hollowed collarbones. and always faded low-rise jeans and dusty converse. 
such gentle and approachable clothing endeared her admirer, who sat on this particular morning in the corner table at the back of the room near the bar. this way they would be able to spot her. as she walked in at precisely 7:03am, they saw that today she wore a jade-green henley-- it made them want to reach out and run their cool hand over the small of her back, her tiny waist, feel her bones and ribs and heartbeat veiled by only cotton (and no fat). today was the day, they told themselves, they would talk to her.  
they were fascinated with the way she stood as she waited in line, rocking back and forth, fidgeting with her bag. pulling a book from her bag (Ramanujan’s Notebooks!), flipping through, then putting it back in. looking up, down, slightly nervous. like a bird on the forest floor, ready to take flight. they had never heard her voice; she talked quietly to the cashier, which told them it was probably soft, low, gentle. fitting for such a lissom body. 
they knew which table she would take-- the square one with two chairs by the window. around 8:00am daily, a shock of golden sunlight would stream in from the North and illuminate the wavy pages of the books she read (always a new title). they knew that she savored this moment-- they’d watch her stretch her thin arms out onto the table, brush her long chocolate brown hair from her neck, and close her eyes. rest a hollow, flushed cheek on her fist. trace the shadow of her coffee’s steam on the table with a lithe finger. 
they decided they would wait until at least 7:30 to approach her. perhaps they’d ask her whether she liked Ramanujan’s writing, or whether she’d recommend the black coffee. ask her if she had tried any of the café food yet (to which she’d wrinkle her nose a little and shake her head, as if it were the silliest question in the world). 
then they’d ask if they could have a seat, they’d buy her a second coffee, and then the sunlight would come. 
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starvegazing-old · 3 years
Halloween has been dreadful the last three years. You dodged parties, cancelled plans last minute, blamed it on homework or strict parents.
All because your old body betrayed you everytime you went to put on a Halloween costume.
Your old body was cruel and selfish. It was surface deep, craving shitty chocolates over memories with your friends.
But you finally destroyed it this year. You stood up to your old body and you said ENOUGH.
And now look at you. Your costume fits perfect, hugging every slim inch of your body perfectly. It doesn’t squeeze you. There’s even room for a little bit of a alcohol bloat—hey it’s Halloween!
You did it this year. You conquered your old self and you’re going to own it this Halloween. You’re perfect. Those three years of wasting away inside are behind you and they are worth the entrance you get to make now.
Be proud of yourself.
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vintagedarl · 3 years
interact with this post and ill drop ya a message if youre down to share progress and help each other navigate through this hell of an ed ✨ ✨
im 18 so ideally i’d rather you be close to my age ☀️
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kiwisana · 4 years
drugs? nah, the only high i get is when i see my bones becoming more visible
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msdreamersjournal · 4 years
Th*nsp* request
Request: Idk if you are still taking requests but do you think you could do an imagine where a girl is the heaviest out of her friend group not really overweight but kinda getting close to it and she loses weight in time for fall. I think it would be cool if the friend group went to a pumpkin patch or haunted house and got coffee before or after. The girls crush could start flirting with her now that she is thin. Requested by @overcaffeinatedfatgirl
I ended up putting my own little twist LMAO and sorry if it’s kinda bad- I haven’t written one of these in a looooooooong time! I hope you enjoy! 
Your eyes trace the details of your hand holding a piping hot coffee as though it were a stranger’s. And that’s because it was- who you were even four months ago was someone completely different from now. You hadn’t known the first thing about being truly in control of yourself. 
“Hey- are you listening?” 
You glance up, eyes meeting with a beautiful group of girls you felt fortunate enough to call your friend group. They’re all giddy, trying to figure out the next spot for the afternoon. You had all already checked off the first two boxes on the list: 1. Get food (you’d successfully ordered a vegan plate and eaten less than half, putting the rest in a to-go box now sitting in your car) and 2. Get coffee (also a success- you’d done the math for the day and now allowed yourself to splurge a bit on your favorite coffee). 
“Yeah?” You giggled as they all playfully rolled their eyes, smirking. 
“Can you stop daydreaming about your crush and help us decide if we should go to the pumpkin patch or a haunted house?” 
You let a small smile play at your lips before deciding on the pumpkin patch. “I say we should go to the pumpkin patch- that way we can take cute photos, and that’s something you all want, no?” 
Your friends all nod in agreement before getting up from the park benches they sat on to head back to where the cars were parked. You, of course, had stayed standing, your beautifully thin and seemingly longer legs catching the attention of other pedestrians. You couldn’t blame them- in your light-wash ripped skinny jeans, striped drop sweater (tucked into a black belt to show off your newly slim waist), and adidas… you were, undeniably, glowing with an aura of maturity and looked absolutely bewitching. Sure, you’d always been beautiful and yes, you had started at a relatively healthy weight. But now? You were a slimmer, more graceful version of the girl you had been at the beginning of the year. You no longer had rolls when you sat- they had been replaced with a tiny, flat stomach. Your thighs were now much more toned, your arms were so much smaller now. Your jawline was noticeable. Your skin was glowing from hundreds of hours of exercise you had put in, your collarbone shyly peeping from the collar of your sweater.
As everyone spoke of the breakups that had happened due to Quarantine and horny boys no longer having access to their girlfriends and deeming them troublesome and unnecessary while walking to the line of cars parked half a block away, you scrolled through Instagram for new petitions to sign before switching to Snapchat. You scrolled through all the people who had slid up on the mirror picture you had posted on your public story until you found one that caught your eye. It was them. 
Them. Out of all people, your crush had texted you! You slide your finger over the chat to avoid actually opening it to find their response: wow 😍 absolutely stunning!
You can’t help but smile before checking their location on Snap Maps; they were already at the same pumpkin patch you were on your way to! They seemed to be there with their own group of friends. The two of you exchange compliments, leading to flirting, leading to a date being planned for the next weekend.
You finally arrive at your car, carpooling with two of your friends, and adjust the mirrors and seat before setting on a route and driving to the pumpkin patch.
As you sit in the driver’s seat, awaiting for the red light to change, you notice the way your hands hold the steering wheel. How long and slim your fingers looked, the veins poking just beneath the surface. How your thighs sit neatly on the seat with plenty of space surrounding them. How skinny your arm looked on the armrest. They were right- nothing felt as good as being skinny. And you felt absolutely ecstatic.
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softsparklingfog · 3 years
I’m having a terribleeeeeeeee body image day :( I tried recovery and it’s just turned into me binging on junk at night and waking up with a sick stomach.
I’m 5’5, my lowest weight was 115 and my weight now is 135. I wanna lose these 20 pounds I gained.
My dash is boring and I’m rly lonely! I’ll follow whoever reblogs/comments on/likes this post if ur struggling with similar issues.
Also I wanna talk to someone and if anyone is in the same boat as me inbox me and let’s chat!!
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bellesmaire · 4 years
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my ultimate thinspo
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95thin · 4 years
heyy after like what ,, 3 - 2 yrs im coming back to ed tumblr .. missed this tbh 🌸 interact if ure an active acc in oct 2020
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summerhugs · 4 years
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𝚒 𝚖𝚊𝚍𝚎 𝚜𝚘𝚖𝚎 𝚌𝚞𝚝𝚎 𝚙𝚒𝚗𝚔 𝚞𝚕𝚣𝚣𝚊𝚗𝚐 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚗𝚜𝚙𝚘 ♡︎
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Going strong for a week. Had fallen back into temptations but now back on track!
Age: 26
Gender: female
Height: 5 feet 1 inch
Cw: 157.3 lbs
1gw:149 lbs
2gw:130 lbs
3gw:110 lbs
Ugw:90 lbs
Relationship: married
Kids:3 and 5
Pets: 2 dogs and 5 cats
Occupation: housewife/stay at home mom
Interests: romance novels, anime, manga, lolita, sanrio, baking, gardening (my family are homesteaders), traditional living, writing, Christmas, home decor, learning new languages.
Reasons: to be small and delicate. To be a doll. To have my husband easily be able to sweep me up into his arms. To have people look and say I need to be protected. To be a soft little living doll. To wear big sweaters and thigh high socks. To wear sweet lolita clothes and look cute instead of a fatass. To know that sweet lolita clothes will make people look and go oh yes that suits her and not snicker behind their hands. To curl up on Christmas in my chair in front of the heater, warm sweater with fuzzy thigh high socks and a hot chocolate. To go and fit into any clothes I want to wear. To have control and get my life lined up.
These are some of the things that keep me going. I'd love to make a support friend to help keep each other responsible. I'm also working on overall bettering myself. Since starting back up I've remembered to drink 128 oz of water everyday, I've taken my vitamins everyday, I've put on nail growth serum and oil to my nails, I've started taking better care of myself. I love reading thinspiration imagines in my spare time to help motivate myself. This is just a little get to know me post since I feel like I always reshare posts but never make my own. Hoping to take a more active approach on here from now on. Once I lose all the weight I'll be doing a mommy makeover to remove lose skin and tighten up my body. My ultimate goal is to look like a living doll. I know alot of people have the goal of looking sexy and hot but I'm going for more cute and delicate. So if that's your preferred aesthetic then please message me so we can be friends!
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