#im just going off the wiki to see who shares a class with who
wisteriainslumber · 2 years
what types of students are the twst characters
in which i turn nrc into a public school
i cannot confirm nor deny my involvement in any of these scenarios
Warnings: swearing, cr*wley, mentions of drugs and alcohol, caters nicknames, and school
i truly wish not even my worst enemy the pain of setting next to this boy
imagine getting back a test with 90% and feeling proud of it then the dude beside you gets a 98%
and this will happen for every assignment, test, group project
in fact, sitting next to him guarantees being paired up for projects together. the inferiority complex is building. this is truly the azul arc
you will get no sympathy from him. the project thats due in 5 days that you still havent started? what an irresponsible student. you reap what you sow.
truly makes you want to stab him with a mechanical pencil. maybe even get some lead stuck in there and make him think he’s poisoned
he has everything you could possibly need, including more miscellaneous supplies like staplers, hole punchers, highlighters, even compasses.
if you ask nicely he'll lend them to you but you best give them back by the end of the class lest you induce his wrath
people are more scared of him than they are of the teachers. most people dont believe the heartslabyul students when they say that riddle is nice to them
oh but he is. he tutors them and is thorough with it. he knocks on everyones door during lights out to say goodnight to them. no one forgets anything for school trips bc riddle quadruple checks.
has some busted ass phone. imagine some crunchy notifications sounds from it. it blares in the room in the middle of the lecture and its so funny every time
since then riddle keeps his phone out of the classroom or outright silences it. if you have an emergency, have it outside of class hours please and thank you
brings a million layers to school bc hes always getting cold and then hot two hours later can someone pls help him
oh but don’t underestimate him, even if hes sick on his death bed he will show up to class anyway. you know those kids that definitely got fever but their parents still send them to school? yeah, like jade needs to physically drag him into the infirmary before he gives up and reluctantly goes home to rest
lets hope its not exam season he will be hacking n’ coughing and sniffling miserably someone get this man a cough drop i think he just ran out
not up to date on the latest gossip but knows some of the weirdest, nichest shit around campus. literally this was stuff you didn’t even think you had to be warned about
warns you of the drug zones around the school and helps you stay clear of the places students usually hook up
warns you about that bathroom that got flooded because some kid took a shit in the urinal and clogged the pipes😍😍 dont go in there the evidence is still on the ceiling
also be mindful of the graduation plaques in the the student-dubbed “bl*wjob hall”. you do not want to know what the previous graduates did to them.
he will not bake weed brownies for you. stop asking.
in fact, you're not supposed to know he makes edibles
and no they are not for sale at his bakery. dont even try to enter.
gets the shit scared out of him every morning because lilia’s preferred greetings are unexpected and gravity-defying
all of treys classmates knows he’s in the classroom by the loud “GOODNESS, ME” every time lilia says good morning to him
rip to the science club. you got trey trying to magically grow plants and rook claiming he’s making a potion that has smoke machine effects
because a bunch of magical students with access to funky chemicals cannot result in anything good, the chances of the plant becoming carnivorous and that smoke machine causing hallucinogenic side effects is quite high
their club initiation can’t be anything other than making things grow and explode
“experiments” usually mean they’ve accidentally made chloroform. or any kind of corrosive substance. trey needs to dispose of it before it gets into some freshman’s backpack
he doodles on his notes, yes, but they are ✨on theme✨
his notes on the snow queens curse contain doodles of skulls and stick figures buried in the snow...
"adopts" freshman. says shit like "this is my freshie"
knows the latest gossip of the school but doesn’t really know a lot of people
lots of people know him though!! or of him
has nicknames for every professor and they are so horrid. no one deserves to hear the name “vargy daddy” (ironically, we hope) exit someones mouth. not even the rsa students.
sometimes uses the lesson board as his daily streaks, sometimes the profs catch him making winky faces for his photos
and because he refuses to sit anywhere but beside idia (or his tablet), he ends up in these selfies simply by association
cater got a failed test back and claimed prof trein was homophobic
this is even funnier for anyone that hcs cater being treins nephew
his posts keep going viral because he’s always there to film the rumoured nrc antics. he can kickstart an nrc-insider news career out of this
you get a notification that he’s live on magicam but no it’s lilia using caters platform to “sing everyone a lullaby”
on the bright side, it worked, they’re all knocked out. on the down side, it’s not as relaxing as lilia thinks it is
sometimes posts their band antics and hey that would’ve pulled a lot of people in but they are very put off by lilias singing
on the plus side though they are very good at synchronized dancing
clogs the hallways on occasion while filming on twisttok. move or you will be seen by his thousands of followers
might be my bias talking but idc, cater was at least a third of the student body’s gay awakening. hes got a personality that makes it hard not to like him, like what is there not to love?
say hi to him once and he will say hi to you until graduation. he will also introduce you to whoever he’s talking to at that moment
at the end of the semester you know at least half the people in this school
i dont care that this is a magic school, all freshman are sentient zoo animals that have escaped their enclosures
participated in the devious licks trend and got away with some of the wilder shit like stall doors and the graduates plaque from years ago?? (it was his brothers class)
he was the shit back in middle school and hes going to be an obnoxious freshman and claim you need his permission to sit at “his table”
canonically hes always involved in SOMETHING so all of the hot gossip around nrc is usually about ace
his constant beheadings has become an nrc inside joke and is used as a reaction image now
prime examples being "neiges lawyers after they see my y/n edits" or “me after vil’s team finds my account” from user vilsballsack
shortest player on the basketball team and grim will not let him live it down
ace frequents ramshackle the most and his mischievous nature combined with the ghosts’ means lots of rude awakenings
not even the standard bucket on the door pranks, ace goes above and beyond with them. they range from whoopee cushions to the most elaborate traps, with dominos and strings triggering everything
just wait until you hear about april fools day, bro. karmas a bitch :/
at least he buys you a weekly coffee </3 he complains but will be pissed if deuce buys you one instead
fighting for his life trying not to laugh during sex ed
he plays with those cpr dummies like how you imagine children play with dolls
smashes them against each other, establishes the darkest kind of hierarchy, and his favourite thing to do is twist the heads off the bodies
he gets it from the queen housewarden rosehearts🤩
he and deuce whisper so loudly that they disrupt the class so they’ve resorted to very obvious note passing
every crinkle of paper stomps on the profs nerves but it’s better than hearing whisper-debates over whether glitter gel pens are manly or not
bluetooth connects to the announcement speakers to play WAP. sigh. 
for any band kids out there, he is a trumpet player. i think that says enough
vaped in the washrooms for a month thinking he was cool before he reformed himself
thought it was so funny to lie about his name at the coffee shop but keeps giggling and being weird about it. the baristas know “divus” is definitely not his name
plus, the campus shops are more likely than not run by students or staff. literally everyone knows who divus is and he’s never had blue hair and pronouns
is in the centre of every single fight that happens in this school. he has not missed a single match to scrap with the other freshies
even his seniors are shivering in fear
thought it was funny to draw dicks on every desk he sat in
influenced some dorm members to draw dicks on their faces claiming it was Heartslabyul-issued makeup
needless to say he didn’t get away with it for long
cannot leave his phone unattended with ace. the last time he did, ace switched up his charger settings so the phone was robotically moaning when deuce put it in the charging port
calls his momma every lunch time to make sure she ate
somehow got adopted by the cafeteria ghosts and he occasionally gets free cookies or coffees
rode a skateboard to school and hid it in his locker. got caught two months in because sebek was yelling at him for bringing a skateboard to school
finds a way to tear up at any kind of movie or documentary displayed in class. hes just so moved. 
but bro if he gets clowned on one more time by grim, he’s really gonna burst out the waterworks
once got so sick of grim he started barking at him. epel refuses to delete the video
asks you to wake him up if he dozes off during magic history. you get wracked with guilt every time you steal him away from dreamland
didn’t go to class for like 4 months and then shows up after everyone in the class declared him dead
directly sassing his teachers and unfortunately he is very funny
only one he can’t get away with is crewel because crewel will hit him and turn him into a designer rug
doesn’t bring notes, doesn’t even bring a pencil. he’s repeated these lessons twice, he already knows everything
because he already learnt it before he can get away with sleeping and answering their questions just fine
his profs are mad. its not misconduct if the student is in fact, aware of the material
they did him so dirty putting rook in the same class as him. this is actually great for the profs when he decides to come to class because he refuses to sleep in rooks presence
threatens to claw out rooks face if he dares to sit next to him so rook sat behind him :)
learns broken french against his will. learns whos nicknames correspond with who against his will.
if ever partnered up with rook, leona finds out that rook wasnt taking notes at all. all that typing was done on magic of our own and the pen scribbling was a doodle of leona
lord knows what stopped him from turning rook into dust
(it’s because epel will be sad if rook is gone)
doesnt believe in calculators he's a mental math god but only when he wants to be
beware if anything remotely sexist that catches his ears. he will call you out. in front of everyone. who said women sucked at games? they’re lucky his sister in law isn’t playing. her favourite game happens to be predator vs prey :))
violates academic honesty but sucks at it. he copies and pastes, puts it in a paraphrasing bot, then translates it in 10 languages, and puts it on the page. no formatting or anything. 
if the profs uses those plagiarism checkers, leona is getting caught 100%
do not ask him if he can talk to lucius, you will become a missing persons case
knows everyone on school grounds
you might think it’s cater, or azul, but no, it’s ruggie and i can’t explain it
has most likely club-hopped until he settled for magift. he knows quite a few buddies here and there, so if ur ever looking for someone, ruggies the one to ask. if not directly, he can give you leads on your search
shows up to record the fights that deuce gets into but will not join them. hes here for the drama, not to get into them
violates academic integrity. he gets so fucking creative with it. hes the one making homemade water bottle labels or creating a whole new code (disguised as battle scars on his arm) so it looks like hes not cheating
listen he will find a way to cheat if he doesnt know. its all in or nothing
work smarter not harder <3
he’s basically on the clock 24/7 with leona and his other odd jobs. sometimes he doesn’t have enough time to study, but he sure has time to create a new language as a fail-safe. it’s called being resourceful >:(
kid who uses calculator to check simple things like 2 + 3 but can find the circumference of a box using only a formula and the fortitude of his mind????
bro is literally so resourceful, can take the most simplest things and turn them into masterpieces. he is exactly like those people that can create edits, theories, and fics out of a character that was seen for 5 minutes
magishift disk got lost? he’s already found a frisbee. or you can use this notebook. it’s rectangle but if it works, it works, right?
1 inch of snow? no problem he’ll make a sturdy fort for you to hide under during snowball fights
profs thought he dyed his hair blonde in rebellion but no hes just born like that. his hair just got darker as he grew leave him alone pls :( it’s all natural :((
pen flicker and he knows it. absolutely defying the laws of physics with the aerodynamics of his pen. it ends up being more entertaining than the actual lesson
sneaks snacks into classrooms but he’s quiet enough about it that no one really cares
so dont try to snitch on him for a corn chip you aint gettin one
no he does not sell drugs on the down low who told you that?
don’t remove his sunglasses he needs them. is he what? oh, hi.
had a kiddy crush on the queens for a year
they’re so hardworking, and knowledgeable, and talented, like he really looks up to them
turns out he didn’t want to date them he just wanted to be them fr
would be a very good influence on his friend group if they weren’t even worse when combined together
at least he’s a good influence on epel. or at least that’s what vil tells him
not really causing trouble but since he hangs out with the first years, he's in trouble by association
this is the fifth time grim has gotten stuck in the vents playing real life among us and jack is running out of excuses
gives epel a look of disapproval every time he catches his name in kahoot
accidentally learned many countryisms and swear words he didn’t even know existed
any time epel fails a test or had a fight with vil, jack adds to his forbidden vocabulary
invites epel to his 6AM runs with vil and he occasionally joins, but ultimately epel enjoys sleeping in, says that he must sleep enough hours to trigger his growth spurt
got to demonstrate his knowledge in first aid when deuce took a nasty fall during club activities. was the most excited to plaster the patterned bandaid on him but don’t say anything about it >:( bros got an image to protect
gained a new appreciation for musicals from ortho’s influence. he likes six the musical the most obviously
minds his business the most. he doesn’t give a shit if you fell on your ass during flight. he’ll help you up, check that you’re alright, and go on about his day, no further comments
so for anyone who is easily embarrassed, jack’s your bestie now
most pretentious bitch in the class for two reasons
1. always has some extra curricular activity going on and will not stfu about it
2. always has something to add to the lesson or story and will not stfu about it
for anyone thats read jamils lab story, it’s exactly like that. azul will comment on everything, bring out his observations, will constantly pester u & try to pick apart ur brain
not in a scientific way, he just wants to crack into the cool knowledge inside. bros a nerd (affectionate)
by the end of the first week you will want to push his head in the cauldron & not let up until he slowly goes limp
please don’t give him any debate assignment. he’s about to tear out heartslabyul student B over the worth of cryptocurrency
(it’s nothing. it’s worth literally nothing.)
has a stack of business cards for mostro and will hand them out to anyone who shows the slightest interest in azul himself
rip to any one of his classmates that may have harboured a crush on him because azul is nothing if not his own biggest cockblocker
for some reason, he can bend the power of time to his will considering he had the time to control the odds of rolling dice while still attending to all of his after-school activities
every board game meeting is idia being horrified at azul’s extra-ness or azul getting clowned to hell by idia himself
they are so mean to each other but will hiss if you try to pry them apart
bro works two jobs, a student and a restaurant manager. how the hell is he doing all this and still #2 in his grade who knows. the grind never stops and his pronouns happen to be work/hard
don’t be fooled though, behind closed doors he is getting his glasses taken away from him by the twins so he can fucking REST. can’t do ur work without your sight!!
ofc they don’t tell him that though they just embarrass azul by either staring at him “innocently” until azul decides to leave (jade) or threaten to whack him with a frying pan until he falls asleep (floyd)
in the first year he smashed floyds head into poor idias locker and the huge dent is still there to show for it
the profs permit him to snack in class bc he brings “healthy” choices like carrots and apples. 
eats them so menacingly too. stare at him too long and he stares right back, then takes a giant, violent crunch on his snack.
smiles innocently at them even though he’s well aware of the fear in his fellow students eyes
can not incriminate him. hides all traces of his involvement for issues he enabled. 
unless it’s his weekly brawl with his brother on school grounds. “we’re twins, we fight all the time” is not a valid excuse to chase each other down the halls with metal forks
cracks a joint when floyd punches someone so they can convince the student that floyd broke his nose. serves them right for talking shit
doesn’t join in on the fight. you might think this is a good thing but having jade stand by and encourage your pain as you’re getting your shit rocked hurts even worse than the punches
crewel cannot pair jade with any student besides riddle. he’s an enabler. people listen to him either because they’re scared of him or they don’t know better. what was supposed to be a “good idea” to mix vials E and F turns into accidentally (?) creating mustard gas
when you chat with him you find out hes one of those insane sims players that tortures their sims for fun
he genuinely thinks that how youre supposed to play the game
no he’s not shroom hunting on his mountain hikes. he’s genuinely just living his cottagecore dreams. he cherishes the little mushroom mug he got from riddle. it even has a cute lid :)
he never confirms nor denies these accusations, however
if anything, he will turn it on the other party. what do you mean you think he’s collecting magic mushrooms??? he’s never even seen one :((
was the reason the school had to implement a ban on permanent markers. he kept sniffing them and got sent to the nurses office for it. now whenever some students want to skip class or out of pure curiosity, they sniff until they get sick
that fucking maniac when his pen runs out of ink during a test he bites himself and uses the blood as ink and doesnt bat an eye at it
plays the game of switching classes with jade but it doesnt last very long because "jade" is suspiciously doing too well in flight class
treats dodgeball like a carnival game. whips that shit so hard at you, you’re convinced you’re leaking spinal fluid
if he’s feeling real freaky he’ll freeze the snowballs a little before throwing them :D
loudly opening and eating chips in class
when trein scolds him hes handing out gummy bears to his classmates in front of his face
sits in the front row just to nap there. hes got so much audacity and zero fear
lectures last 3 hours. perfect time to watch a movie. hes giving the classmates a free streaming party
sometimes hes just laughing to himself while taking notes. or maybe he’s texting who knows? 
unsafe during potionology have you seen his lab card
comments on the drinkability of every chemical
god forbid you ever do a dissection bc hes gonna be saying the most ravenous shit
"that eyeball kinda be looking juicy" my ass
can he maybe like eat before class for everyones sanity
takes any dare from jade as a challenge, and if he succeeds, then he gets to make jade do smth for him
most of the time he declares himself as the eldest sibling™ and jade just has to accept it
if it was unclear, a lot of their fights consist of who is the godly privileged eldest sibling and who isnt
the rest of the time he makes jade show up to class in some clown shoes and laughs at the squeaky sounds coming from jade’s footsteps
pencil chewer. and eraser stabber. just keep the magic pen away from his mouth
drew flowers and hearts and sparkles around his war history notes
its his standard for all his notes
brings in whole ass meals in his class and shares it with his seatmates. it smells amazing
shows up to class with random shit every day. if he’s making his own day, why not make everyone elses day too, u know?
he has this huge stuffed rabbit that he lugged around class one day. it’s named peter. it has its own seat.
once brought a bunch of balloons and blew them up in the middle of the lecture?? he had time to draw faces on them? one is him, one is jamil, etc, etc
silver gets one of those balloons that kalim drew on. look! it’s purple, like your eyes!
brought bubbles to school and had a rave in the courtyard
initiates snowman building parties but most of the time they don’t work out because these rambunctious nrc students will destroy the snowmen after class
(jamil will secretly repair these snowmen so kalim doesn’t find out octavinelle student A kicked a hole through frosty jr’s chest)
shares his scratch and sniff stickers with his classmates. there’s some whacky scents in there and honestly most of them smell foul
kalim knows this and ofc warns people beforehand. although, which ones smell good and which dont? sniff and find out ig
at least his presentations are the most entertaining. they’re extra as hell like he would sooner coordinate an entire skit than present normally
chances are he ends up improving some stuff because he forgets his lines rip. fortunately it is fun to make up a skit with kalim so, 9/10 for his groupmates, minus 1 point bc he sent them all in cardiogenic shock from his grand ideas. how in the world are they going to get, or even train an elephant for science????
if doing some kinda powerpoint, takes advantage of those fun transition effects and funny pictures. they may not be 100% relevant to the topic but he wanted you to see this baby koala anyway
24/7 talking to himself in his head so he can have an intellectual conversation for once
when being particularly annoyed, he imagines the students or even the school burning. it oddly soothes his mind
avoids the window seat if the window is open. one too many bug accidents. there’s only so many tables jamil can char before he gets in trouble.
watch him pull out a hazmat suit when it’s time for flight class in june. fucking wasps.
pen flicker. he isnt aware he does this but its pretty cool to watch
see, jamil shares a class with azul. and with azuls annoying ass attitude and even more annoying twins tailing him, he’s resorted to keeping a pair of headphones on him at all times
do people not understand? if he’s sitting alone and has headphones in, it means he doesn’t want to talk!! cough cough take a hint
his only joy derives from watching the smug ass grin on azuls face disappear when he’s on a broom
long since stopped trying to reason with his fellow basketball club. ace can deal with floyd, he’s here to do his part and leave
unless they’re playing a match with another school. then get ur ass up, jamil is Competitive and wants the win for himself 
while his phone is on silent, the screen is always lighting up bc kalim loves to blow up his phone with messages
he can’t mute kalim in case the dude gets himself in a problem, so he’s dealing with links and images of dolphins while his class is learning about the components of pixie dust
rarely responds to these but will send occasional “cool”s or “kalim please focus in class” texts
the secret thing is, he is very fascinated by these links. educates himself with dolphin trivia, or whatever topic kalim has been interested in lately, for their future conversations
but he'd rather get buried alive than say that to his face
creative as hell he will find script ideas out of every class hes in (just like me fr <3)
smells so good. unbelievably good. its probably his own fragrance. it’s not on sale yet.
half the school has a crush on him but no one is brave enough to approach him like cater is
celebrity status AND dorm leader? thats like VIP status on top of VIP status. understandably, few try to approach him with further intentions than a fan/classmate
not cater though! he says he wants to take a pic with vil for the clout but thats definitely a farce. vil knows it, and cater knows vil knows it.
he got them teacher heels. you know those? you hear him long before you see him and you fix up your behaviour too. the power of those teacher heels.
non-pomefiore students either hate them or are so damn jealous of them. you’re getting coached by the vil schoenheit?? you get to see his face and hear his voice every day????
vil’s seen too many people sneak in and try to pass off as his dorm members. he’s amused but like, you can visit you know? just make sure to inform your dorm leader and go back before curfew. 
highly advises these students to leave everything as they found it. no dorm would tolerate students who cannot pick up after themselves
if somehow, these brave ass students ignore this advice, vil’s making them wash all 200 of pomefiores windows. inside and outside :) yes, this also includes the mosiacs
if you get this man for a presentation project, you’re either extremely lucky or very unlucky
on the bright side, he can lead a lot of the spoken parts but dont expect him to do it all. he expects you to know your parts and speak clearly
on the bright side again, he’s very thorough with research and citing. your profs love him
on the down side you cannot last minute rush this, if you were thinking of it. while he allows some leeway because emergencies and life happens, he will hunt you down so it will be finished at least a day prior. that is a threat.
knows your entire natal chart
serves u personal asstrology horoscopes. says shit like “your dad is back in your life because mars is in retrograde” and he’s right. why is mars doing the renagade and why is it so powerful???
draws the most detailed, obscure abstract art or the most realistic rendition of a real life object no in-between
was so excited to see leona in his class he has so much to tell him about his day, and what vils doing, and what new discovery science club made that week, and the pretty birds he saw this morning-
confidently writing his neige/vil fanfic in class. or self insert. really doesn’t matter because its actually written so beautifully he could convert you to any kind of ship or belief
in fact he most likely submitted fanfic for an assignment and gaslit the profs into thinking he went above and beyond what was required of him
this is an artistic vision, a romantic metaphor for the tale of the sleeping kingdom. the curse is actually symbolized through her crown!!
in the autumn he picks up a random leaf from the ground and it’s his muse for the day. you look over and theres some kid with a leaf on his desk? don’t mind him
reported on the first week for crawling around on all fours to get the optimal photo angle 
he still crawls around for the photo he’s just sneakier now
a kid who got exposed to creepypasta and has never been the same since
he has the old deviantart account to prove it
unintentionally kickstarts so many rumours because no one knows anything about his life before nrc
there’s ongoing theories that rook is secretly a vampire, or a descendant of royalty, or an undercover spy
the rumours were the worst during his freshman year because his behaviour was jarring to most students. rook had celebrity syndrome then, where people think he’s dating everyone he interacts with
though, self nicknamed “hunter of love”, confusion is bound to happen. does it mean homewrecking? harem collecting? matchmaking?? no one knows and no one is brave enough to find out
the joint cracker in class. leona hates him so much. one more crack and rook is gonna end up on the news
a little bit emo, bros been going through it all year give him some time
has and continues to paint his nails black but switched to colours in the second year
calls his phases in his life “eras” and whoever he was two months ago is not him anymore!! the past is NOT today!
found a way to shake the vending machine to get the snacks to fall down
the loud ass freshie during lunch. believed he was too cool for the cafeteria and ate in the halls
unfortunately he is once again, Too Loud and gets scolded by the teachers a lot
feral. absolutely feral. he has bit people and they have the bite marks to prove it
misgendering? insulting his friends? just overall being disrespectful? square up bitch.
the first years have a hard time wrangling in epel and deuce. pray for them.
still initiates snowball fights even after they got banned because the ignihyde students built machines to mass produce snowballs
jerked off the dildo they were supposed to practice putting a condom on. vargas is so so so disappointed
has an ungodly amount of deodorant in his bag and all of them are from vil
does he use them? hell no, they smell like old people. he has his own max spray. what do you mean it smells bad? this is what manly macho men smell like you wouldn’t get it
kicked a broken soap dispenser into the toilet. when asked, he’ll tell you that he doesn’t know what came over him
competitive in kahoot because he has an inappropriate username
nothing screams victory like standing on the 1st place podium as "ben dover"
being classmates with him is like, this dude next to you is making a portrait in minecraft pixel art??? what does this have to do with the god of mischief’s reign???
gotta admit it tho, he’s pretty damn talented.. wait what was the prof saying again😅?
theatre kid
but like, stage crew theatre kid
once hes got the drama kid complex in him, everyone whos not in the drama program are instantly peons to him
they just arent as fun, they dont understand the references, and they are overall total normies
attends class through his tablet most of the time so, in that era we had of online school, i think we all know idia was not actually paying attention
100% muted his classes to catch up on the episodes he missed
lectures? sure sure, he’ll record them and take notes later. now shh he’s hiding behind his laptop screen to play rhythm games. wheres the mute button irl???
starts attending class more frequently to bond over rhythm games with cater. if you hear two people in the back speaking some foreign language it’s probably them.
in fact im pretty sure that only these two will be able to understand each other with whatever strange terms and lingo they pull out of thin air
ortho is very very happy about this
one time in the bathroom, when he went to get soap to wash his hands, the fucking dispenser fell from the wall
went thru the 5 stages of grief and panic, and ended up fleeing and stressing if he would be caught and fined for this. officially the worst day of his life fr
if it was that rusty to fall from the wall, you can only assume that these people don’t wash their hands often
have you seen his lab card he’s about to drink chemicals
then again, he’s an energy drink person, so i suppose that unidentified lab chemicals arent the worst thing he’s put in his body
actually legally cannot talk to anyone because he gets overcome with a terrible affliction: he gets a crush on them :(
two days of saying hi to each other and idia is already imagining a fancy proposal
cant take that bitch anywhere
barges into idias lectures to deliver him lunch because HE ALWAYS FORGETS IT.
sometimes he just sits and joins the class. can it be considered auditing?? hes certainly not taking notes hes just vibing
do you know who built him?? his big brother knows everything💕💕 so therefore ortho also knows lots of stuff :))
even takes the tests in that class and gets 90s on each one
all of idias classmates have such a hard time trying not to give the ortho pat pats
except cater he gets free reign because he’s always sitting by idia. they bond over music and ortho introduces synthetic tune ideas for their next club practice
unfortunately now ortho also has to remind cater to pls eat lunch. no, you cant live off on instant ramen and coffee-
freshman are escaped lab subjects and ortho is already pretty violent on his own, so ortho being a violent escaped lab subject is Not A Good Mix
don’t worry though he is very tame just don’t insult his friends
why only his friends? oh, you won’t be alive to insult his brother :)
jk, if you insult his brother you will be stuck on the “verifying file integrity” screen on 98% forever
with a gift of “lauren wants to play ;)” popup ads for life
if you really fucked up his beam is already 80% charged and ready for eradication
tinkers a lot with idia, so you will find some pretty snazzy gadgets in his bag that look straight out of a spy movie
laser pens, glitter bombs, and tracking devices!
the more dangerous gadgets are already programmed into his person, so don’t worry, these gadgets are just toys :D
the other first years get their hands on the pen and graffiti drawings of cr*wley as the princess sofia the first are engraved on the side of the school building
cr*wley does not recognize this as the insult it is, he’s “touched that his students think him worthy of princess status”
no proof that he is even on school property
sometimes shows up to his classes, sometimes doesn’t, but it’s enough to guarantee a pass into the next grade
you know those kids that just stick by their mothers? yeah he’s either that with lilia or nowhere at all
once had almost tripped down the stairs and instead of facing that shame he decided to hover down
if you see some random dude hovering around don’t mind him he just Does That
has a notebook to jot down ideas for his next self-published book on gargoyles
he has so many ideas and is so passionate. hes just brimming to the lid with lore someone pls talk to him
casually talking to gao gao dragon and making doodles of his friend. takes him out on walks and shows him all the cool statues
was delighted when you got urself a tamagotchi so gaogao dragon can have a friend
grim is less than amused but knows better than to diss malleus
god forbid you ever be put in a group project with him you will not be able to reach him ever. you get his part in about 3 hours before your presentation. 
the rare times he gets to join the dorm leader meetings he spaces out a lot. his head is in the clouds bro 
when he’s back on his walks he loves to reiterate to lilia what he saw or what happened. sometimes questions about things he hears. whether lilia gives him a proper answer or not is up for debate
“I believe I saw a rainbow today. We don’t have those back at home, I wonder why that is.”
“There’s a story that the leprechaun fairy lurks at the end of these rainbows searching for a game of tag. Anyone who catches him gets one wish granted.”
“Hm, I’ll have to venture to the end of the rainbow next time to meet this ‘leprechaun fairy’. He would be a wonderful birthday present for Silver.”
addresses the teachers by their first names and gets away with it
not because the teachers are okay with it, but because lilia speaks like hes sm older than them. sometimes even the profs feel obligated to call lilia “sir”
the diasomnia dorm members see lilia with a new variation of “#1 best dad” mugs, hats, and shirts every week. he says they’re gifts but who is giving them???
lilias got two pairs of the exact same shoes in two different colours so he can mix and match
lilia also bought two different shoes to mix and match. and by mix and match i mean hes got crocs on his left foot and converse on his right
not like anyone can rlly pay too much attention to it. his shoes are the least of ppls concerns bc hes ALWAYS UPSIDE DOWN
attends silver’s and malleus’ parent teacher interviews as their dad and refuses to take any objections from the staff
accidentally created life during the culinary crucible and jade wanted to keep the crawling little slug of mystery for his terrariums 
since that day, lilia has Officially been banned from taking the class again
everyone but lilia is aware of this ban
casually doing assignments while under the influence with full confidence
worst part is is that he gets better grades while doing this bc his sober self is even more nonsensical than his drunk or high self
history class is so funny. it’s like they took the history and made it into a childrens play: censored, skirting around words, along with fake propaganda!
casually drops the craziest lore in history. hes "correcting" trein on his lessons and informing him that the queen of Andalasia was not even from their world. her magic portal connects to a world with dimensions and laws more outlandish than that of the Queen of Hearts
lilia does not clarify which world this is nor how he knows. source: just trust him
knows alumni from way back. these alumni in question have no clue who the hell lilia is
NRC reunions consist of lilia greeting people like they’re friends and the alumni pick apart their brains trying to “remember” this alleged classmate of theirs
has perfected the technique of silent snoring
it doesn’t matter that there are 4 espresso shots in his cup he’s still zonked out by 3rd period
ofc he tried a method of putting in headphones and playing some metal music but the music was so loud thru his pearpods it was disrupting the class </3
deliberately sits next to kalim to see if his energy can rub off on himself and it worked for the first...30 minutes
yeah, kalim has a lot of energy but you know what he also has? a nice voice. snork mimimimi
he puts in extra effort to stay awake before animal linguistics however
doesn’t really need animal linguistics to understand his critter friends, but the more he learns how to communicate with them, the better, right?
when silver forgets his notes, a few moments later, a bird is delivering the sheets to him
they may not always be the right ones, but awww that’s adorable
always keeps nuts, seeds, and fruit in a little tupperware container for his furry friends <3
very passionate about environmental safety and care. if he catches you littering he will remind you why he’s mastered the art of the sword
attracts so many animals he even attracted this cat beastman. he’s purple! they just started talking and really hit it off
silver doesn’t know his name but leaves notes by his window for him. they keep exchanging notes like penpals :D
sometimes the notes even float towards him and boom, the kitty appears!
only person who knows about his penpal is lilia and lilia is acting so cryptic about the cat’s identity???
silver wonders if he can fit in a locker and he definitely let the intrusive thoughts win bc he climbed inside and closed the gate. 
sebek locks the lock for silver to get the “full experience” but it’s been 20 minutes and he doesn’t know how to blast open the locker without hurting silver
honestly tho, it kind of feels like those coffins from orientation. don’t mind him. if he can tune out sebeks voice, the dim lighting and enclosed space feels very comforting in a crib kind of way
this goes one or two ways: he shouts the answers instead of putting his hand up or he raises his hand before speaking long after graduating
librarians hate him but he does have marvelous taste in books
he would be fantastic at writing essays because he has so much to say and is very opinionated 
english teachers love him, his classmates dont!
sometimes lilia tells sebek stories about the past and his only source was “ive been there” but the “a” in “a. liddel” did not stand for ass. his profs scolded him for saying it. lilia explain pls
hes way too gullible. keep him away from jade
never start anything with "did you know", you will find sebek drinking powerade and monster to test the rumour that you could grow wings if you combined them
took a dare to be handcuffed to jack for the day. the first years blew it up on magicam, its a trending nrc challenge now. 
but at least jacks good influence is rubbing off on sebek. hes more mindful of jacks sensitive hearing but that won’t stop him from dragging poor jack around the school looking for malleus
his phone is always going off in class. its not that he doesnt know how to silence it, he needs to keep it on in case of emergencies with malleus😡😡😡
the friend that tells you all your crushes are ugly and out of your league. 
he’s had a lifetime of having to see silver’s terrible taste in people
and malleus’ no taste in people, as he should
actually, it’s just his adopted brother that has shit taste in people. up your standards, silver, love at first sight doesn’t exist
personally victimizes scarabia student B for distracting you from your studies
if it’s not jack, sebek is the mom friend
speaking of moms, he bonds with deuce over loving their moms <3. they brag about their moms in the most loving way possible
yells at ace for calling them mamas boys and tells him that he will be struck by lightning on 3:02AM on a thursday
at exactly 3:02AM, he texts ace with something that truly looks like the worst kind of detailed, enhanced vocabulary copypasta imaginable
all ace responded with was a no bitches meme and no sebek hasn’t recovered
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I rewatch miraculous—Rogercop
Once again–this post uses screenshots from the French Dub version of Miraculous, translated by the good people at MiraculousSubs on tumblr. Yeah, I like the French version. FIGHT ME!!!!
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Nino winking at Marinette is cute :’). Also Alya’s proud smile makes my heart  💞💞💞
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Marinette and Nino noticing Adrien’s loneliness🥺🥺🥺
Alya’s mom: “Unfortunately i have no dishes to share. But maybe mister Buregouis will invite you all to the hotel! And treat you to lunch!”
....I seriously doubt it.
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Not that i agree with how she reacted, but i can see how Chloe would suspect Marinette for stealing the bracelet.
 Chloe had it in her bag.
 Everyone else is in their seats or standing against a wall.
 Marinette is the only one who is walking/moving and able to take it. 
its not as if Chloe’s aware there’s a little flying devil who lives in Adrien’s shirt, mistook her bracelet case for a camembert box, started playing with the bracelet and got his head stuck in it.
it’s revealed later on she never bothered to look through her bag properly before she started throwing accusations around.
Marinette’s right--it COULD have easily rolled away somewhere. 
No one notices Plagg rolling around between Adrien’s shoes either, so it’s clear they never bothered to look on the floor or search under the desks.
Chloe: “Let’s call Ladybug! Im sure she’ll actually do something!”
Ya just accused Ladybug.
Don’t give Ladybug extra work. 😒😒😒 That goes for Plagg too, since his hijinks are what caused this mess in the first place.
Hawk Moth: “Parent-child relationships can be so complicated.”
Hawk Moth says parent-child relationships are COMPLICATED guys!
Cuz ya know hawk moth is the FLIPPING POSTER-BOY for complex parent-child relationships.
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Tom is a good dad. 😏
Mrs. Bustier: “please gentlemen! This is a school here. Think of the children.”
Mrs. Bustier is a good teacher.
Plagg: “if by big you’re referring to my rock hard abs well thanks for noticing!”
2021 goals: attain the confidence of Plagg.
Adrien: “what do you mean i can’t transform?!”
Plagg: “if you transform the bracelet will get absorbed with me and damge your powers!”
...Yeah, NO. I shudder to think what Adrien would do with a damaged Miraculous. 
Tom: “Marinette let the adults handle this.” Marinette: “Papa! She called me a thief. I’m just defending myself.” Tom: “You’re also accusing all of your friends just like Chloe’s doing to you.”
WHY THANK YOU TOM. You’re a good dad. He defends his daughter but he won’t allow her to do wrong by others either. 
Tom, Tikki, Chat Noir—its a good thing Marinette has so many people who can/will tell her when she’s in the wrong about something. Not that I don’t trust queen but everyone needs sound advice from trustworthy partners/mentors every once in a while.
Sabrina: “I’m Chloe’s BFF. I wouldn’t steal from her.”
So you would steal from other people then? And do you even CARE your dad just lost his job? 
Kim and Max: pointing out Adrien’s a suspect too
Marinette: immediately wrires Adrien off as a suspect because FAVORITISM
Don’t talk as if the entire class is suspicious and then immediately excuse Adrien from any possible suspicion the minute you’re reminded he’s apart of the class too.  That’s literally no better than the stunt Mr. Damocles pulls in Despair Bear--even if he was caving under duress and Marinette is acting on favoritism.
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Have I mentioned how much I hate it when the akuma is in the school???
This whole scene is actually so nerve-wracking to me. And just goes to show how freaking courageous the people of Miraculous Paris are. 
I mean
These are the people who live under the constant threat that any intensely negative emotions could cause them to be possessed and brutally attack/ capture/ maim/ kill their loved ones. This can happen to anyone, anywhere at any time. A place like school or even a highly secure building is nowhere near as safe as ordinary people would usually believe it to be.
Also take into account that by this point in the show (going by the netflix order) five of the students at this school have already been akumatized so it’s more than clear that Hawk Moth isn’t above akumatizing children. 
So parents are literally sending their kids off to school with this knowledge. Of course they believe/rely on Ladybug and Chat Noir to protect everyone but still. People can (and probably have) die in akuma attacks. People (kids!!!) did die, or at least nearly died, in Timebreaker when an akumatized Alix took their life forces to travel back in time. 
And here we have an akumatized person in the school.
Not for the first time. Nor the last.
Not to mention this is Adrien’s school. Hawkmoth knows his son is here. He knows akumatizing someone in this place at this time could easily kill his son. But he’s not concerned with that since his “wish” would “fix everything.” 
Hawk Moth just does not value life in the slightest. 
Meanwhile LB and CN do. Even if the magic ladybugs will fix everything and bring back those killed in akuma attacks (as it states on the MLB wiki) they never hesitate to protect and save people who are in danger during these attacks. Even if it would be more expedient to leave some people behind/sacrifice some people so they can get to the akuma quicker and easier. They never allow anyone to die for their cause.
Meanwhile Hawk Moth is just a bit too ready to break everyone in Paris.
Really, if Hawkmoth wanted to win all he had to do was actually put the akuma INSIDE a person. If that’s possible. I honestly can’t see LB and CN going so far as to kill someone to get the akuma. I’m not sure the babies have that in them...
Rogercop: Mayor, you’re under arrest for abuse of power.
Mayor B.: Hah! Look who’s talking.
He has a point.
Both of them.
Mr.  Bourgeois: flees from Rogercop in a hurry.
....Did you just leave your daughter behind?
 What's wrong with you?
Or is he trying to lead Rogercop away from the school...?
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Okay but Ladybug was actually able to reach an akumatized victim by mentioning their DAUGHTER. 
LB: gets yeeted over building by a supervillain.
I sense memes.
CN: is a tad panicked over Chloe when she gets in a car with a supervillain. 
I actually love their friendship, precisely for little moments like this.
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This little moment here is so cute. The way she gently helps him back on to the car, keeping her hand on his shoulder as he climbs. Their eyes are locked, too <3<3<3
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Lets take a minute to appreciate CN’s initial reaction to LB getting knocked off the car versus his final reaction.
Chloe: is in handcuffs
Good job giving Rogercop a hostage, Chloe.
Chat Noir: So now we’re the nations most wanted felons???
Technically you guys ARE vigilantes.
 Vigilantes who are being allowed to do as they please as they have the trust of the civilians and government not to mention ordinary people wouldn’t be able to handle akuma attacks well, as seen in the Origins special.
Chat Noir: We should go and defend ourselves in the court of law!
Chat Noir is pure.
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I love this transition so much. He goes from “whoops I’m caught” to “haha so are you” in 0.2 seconds.
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...............He’s not wrong.
All in all a good episode with a few faults. 
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ultimate-muscle · 3 years
You know, Mars being a social chameleon and all? I still dont get how he handles both Jade and Kevin mask at the same time- being polar opposites and anything. Must give the poor man whiplash....but he seems to be ok with it. I had this theory that Mars only befriends (for real) bird-like chojins, Idk if Jaeger is in any way Birdlike, seeing as he follows the rules to a T and never strays. Kevin on the other hand is absolutely birdlike, and him and Mars bicker all the time, YET Mars still saves his life. And Mars makes all those "Im the one who is gonna beat you to a pulp" excuses -_- This was just an observation, please tell me what you think!! *Screams: MORE MARS CONTENT WEEE*
I mean, unless they're in the same place at the same time, I don't really think he'd have much trouble socialising with either? After all, it's rare that we all have just one type of friend, especially in the case of someone like Scarface, and Suguru is the best example of that (with Robin Mask and Terryman being polar opposites, too).
I like the theory of him only befriending 'bird-like' chojin, though. I guess it depends on what we mean by 'bird-like', but you are right that he bickers all the time with Kevin (probably why opposites attract and like repels like) XD
I will admit, I still think he saved Kevin for purely selfish reasons (and wasn't like friends with him at that point in the sense that we think of friends), but it's also nice to think that he did save Kevin as he liked the guy, and just puts on a bravado of pretending it was for selfish reasons. That being said, he didn't go back in time to save Kevin, either, but for also selfish reasons . . . if I'm totally honest, I think may have his own version of friendship or he's not actually friends with Kevin. I do acknowledge it's a very popular friendship-ship, though, and I can equally get why (so that's just my personal take) XD
I guess I always saw Kevin and Mars alike, but for different reasons; like both really struggle to form relationships, and both are lone wolves, but for Kevin it's due to trauma and building walls for self-defence, and for Mars it's because of genuine indifference and lack of interest. We see them in flashbacks sleeping during classes together, and otherwise hanging out, so clearly they have enough in common to be friends on some level, but I do wonder if it's more superficial than say Mars and Jade or Kevin and Chloe/Mantaro.
I don't know, maybe I'm being too negative XD
I know Fract has some amazingly detailed headcanons on Mars in the server, if you fancy joining the wiki/fandom server, and others like Fract share in finding Mars a really complex character (I do think he's complex, too, but in different ways). I guess sometimes personal interpretation means there's a bit of a bias, so I admit I've always read Mars in less sympathetic terms (even though I do love the guy).
Sorry for babbling half off-topic, though!
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beesmygod · 5 years
this is what riverdale is about (part 5)
part 1
part 2
part 3
part 4
hey guys. im back to upset you with more information about the first season of riverdale. the next post will wrap up season one. this post will cover eps 7-9. iirc the previous episodes, even when watching it, felt like filler. i was worried i was never going to get the fire of the first three episodes back. we do. don’t worry.
images are from the riverdale wiki
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in a lonely place: jughead is now living in the high school, living every weirdo teenager’s worst nightmare. even better, literally everyone finds out about his relationship with betty “harriet the spy” cooper, making things a little awkward in the group. while discussing polly’s bold escape, cheryl’s goon squad of mean teen girls let her know the hot goss, which she takes to her mother and the sheriff to implicate polly in the murder of jason blossom. she then, and i mean this 100% literally and honestly, goes on twitter and tries to get the following hashtags trending: #PollyCooperKilledMyBrother, #NowhereToHide, and #SharpenYourPitchforks.
jughead then tries to convince his alcoholic, gang leader dad to shape up and get his job back at andrews construction but his dad is a stupid dick. later the gang goes on a hunt for polly in the woods. when this is unsuccessful, betty’s mom reveals ALL about polly’s pregnancy on camera during her plea for her to come home. it turns out polly is just hiding in the attic of the house, where betty finds her. polly begs betty not to tell anyone where she is and that she wants to have the baby and continue with her plan to go to the farm upstate where she will raise it herself. keep that in mind.
with the knowledge about the baby out in the open, cheryl offers an olive branch to betty by offering to let polly secretly stay at their house. cheryl is truly a capricious trickster spirit who pivots from one extreme to another at the drop of a hat.
then literally the most crazy and inexplicable thing int his episode happens: veronica, kevin and josie go to a fucking club on a school night. these teenage kids go to a club in a town that primarily runs on maple syrup and they are let in for some unexplained reason and this is just portrayed as a normal thing you can do in riverdale. they are minors and end up drinking for free when hermoines mom cancels her card and they threaten the owner by exposing him for serving minors. this scene is BONKERS
jugheads dad goes back to work with fred andrews but there’s tension between him and archies dad. literally none of it ends up mattering. don’t worry about it. jughead tells his dad that his mom is getting her GED, working in a call center to support jellybean (his little sister, not like a dog or something). this is a huge spoiler from the future but i dont know if the riverdale writers forgot about this scene or don’t care but none of this turns out to be true to their situation at all. not even close.
jughead is arrested and unarrested for jason’s murder when archie’s dad inexplicably forges a time card to cut him loose. the only proof was fingerprints on the torched car, which are still there for some reason. cheryl intercepts betty yet again to warn her and polly that the blossoms also are insane weirdos who just want her for the baby so polly is shipped off to the stay with the lodge family in the 5 star hotel.
the final shot reveals jason’s varsity jacket is in jughead’s dad’s trailer...for some reason.....
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the outsiders: this ep starts with polly explaining literally everything we already know except with the added information that jason was selling drugs FOR the southside serpents for money for the baby. betty worries about how escalating situation between the coopers and the blossoms and who gets control of what when it comes to polly and the baby, and veronica bizarrely suggests they hold a baby shower to unite the feuding families. if you just want to have a party just say so.
clifford blossom, professional bastard man, has purchased archie’s dad’s construction crew out from under him which leaves the project in limbo. he confesses to archie about how fucked the company is now and how everything is fucked. clifford is also making a play for the land veronica’s dad secretly bought from prison using his wife as a proxy, which makes the whole “let’s host a baby shower thing at our apartment and invite the blossoms” thing seem like a hugely bad idea now. BUT DONT WORRY TEAM!!! 4 high school boys are here to do construction for no pay to save the company. no one verbalizes what an insane plan this is. they carry on until moose, the big closeted gay lad, get his ass flipped like a pancake by two anonymous goons who bust up some equipment and moose’s face. archie the brain genius decides he’s going to solve this mystery himself, taking moose and jughead to a bar called “the whyte wyrm” (literally the worst name for anything ever in human history) to find out who did the slapping. as archie is about to get his head caved in by a gangster, jugheads dad shows up in his cool leather jacket, revealing himself to be the head of the gang.
the baby shower is a miserable affair. alice cooper shows up, penelope blossom shows up, for some reason they bring the senile grandmother. the tension is so thick you can cut it with a knife. then archie BUSTS in flipping his ass about jughead’s dad being a gangster. the just immediately throw him out which kind of rules because no one has time for him right now. the baby shower ends horrible when the blossoms make the lightest suggestion that polly might visit them and betty’s mom loses her fucking mind. everyone shuffles out except for polly, betty and alice. POLLY NOW DECIDES TO REVEAL THAT HER DAD HAD SCHEDULED AN APPOINTMENT FOR AN ABORTION APROPOS OF NOTHING. COME ONNN. anyway alice focuses her insane rage on hal who she boots out of the fucking house for his insane choice.
jughead and betty ask jugheads dad if he killed jason, he denies it and then they share a smooch outside the trailer. “they” being jughead and betty, not his dad. that would be a little too weird. well, not as weird as the reveal that jugheads dad has been instructing kevin’s serpent boyfriend to date him and pretend to like him for information.that’s pretty fucking weird. jughead’s dad refers to jason’s jacket as “insurance”.
jughead’s dad then shows up with his gang to take over the construction from the 4 high school boys, but hermoine reveals that the goons that were sent were sent by her husband, who might have caught wind of her affair with fred.
polly wisely decides to take her change with a different insane family instead of the one that tried to force an abortion on her and heads to thornhill manor with cheryl and the rest of the blossoms.
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la grande illusion: i really need to thank whoever transcribed this entire narrative buttnugget from jughead because it truly is a spectacular example of the level of writing quality you get from the fine people at the cw. please enjoy this screencap of the opening monologue from the riverdale wiki:
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today in riverdale is the annual meeting of the board of trustees, where the blossom family meets to discuss the state of the business and slurp syrup in redheaded harmony. the wigs on this show are outstanding and never more noticeable than when they’re all lined up in a row for you to appraise. cheryl invites archie to the tree-tapping ceremony and he, for reasons i cannot understand given everything we know and love about cheryl, accepts, albeit after some prodding on her mom’s behalf. she knows people at a very prestigious music academy you know, nudge nudge. betty thinks its also a good idea for him to go so he can check up on polly, who is ignoring betty’s calls now.
ethel, who you probably remember from the “sticky maple” episode, reads a fucked up poem to the class and veronica reaches out to ask her what the FUCK that was all about. things at home aren’t good for ethel: her family is fighting over money and they’re going to have to sell the house. so veronica invites her over for a play date with kevin so they can do whatever rich people do.
archie attends the tree tapping with cheryl where he holds a bucket and cheryl taps the tree. everyone claps. great job cheryl. archie comes to her defense when her family shit talks her ability to hit a tree or lead a company, but i guess they somehow don’t know that she is the most wild bitch on the planet and can not be dissuaded from doing anything. in fact, she insists that archie join her for a banquet later and he CANNOT say no.
betty is told polly is fine, and passes on this and the news from the blossom shareholder meeting to her mother who plans to use this information to destroy the blossoms using her newspaper. betty’s mother is truly a needlessly perpetually horrible woman for literally no reason almost 100% of the time. if its not to betty its to her sister and if not to her then to any random stranger she can sink her fangs into. however, her husband is still fucking pissed about the whole “getting thrown out” thing and is enacting a one man coupe on the newspaper. alice trashes her own office in retaliation. these people are the worst.
meanwhile veronica realizes that ethel’s dad used to work for her father, until hiram lodge’s incredibly illegal deeds financially ruined them all. ethel’s father tries to commit suicide and veronica shows up with flowers explaining how her family is the one responsible for all this. as you can expect ethel is not really pumped about this turn of events and tells her to tell the truth at her dad’s trial.
at the banquet, archie is HIGHLY encouraged by the blossoms to keep seeing cheryl. perhaps...in a romantic way? i wonder what reason this family of redheads could have for trying to indoctrinate yet another ginger into their fold. they share a weird kiss and archie flees, but not before securing two bits of information: polly warns him that the blossoms are involved in jason’s death and the blossoms themselves are close to securing the drive-in plot and part of their plan was to send veronica’s father to jail to eliminate the competition.
betty FOR SOME REASON invites her mother to write her expose at the school newspaper. why? i don’t know. her mom accepts. why? i don’t know. archie’s girlfriend, valerie, dumps him because he’s been spending so much time for cheryl, which i don’t know what he was expecting. in the final scene, cheryl, spurned by archie, scratches out his and polly’s face from a photo of the tree tapping. like a normal person would
if you like my posts and write ups on various things you can see more of it on my patreon, which is primarily for my webcomic, but sometimes other things too. consider tossing me a buck for more freebies. ok bye see you next time for the end of season 1
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bxebxee · 7 years
I'm dying because for a million years I can't stop thinking about like the difference between like getting eaten out by yoongi and joonie. I am so embarrassed but like I think joon would be the type of guy to let you ride his face and let you control everything and i just feel like hed let you ride his tongue and fingers but I feel like yoongi would make you lay back and he'd tease you and make you feel so good but overstimulate you but also make it last forever lol iiiidk im embarrassed kill me
(u are very adorable and u dont have to be embarrassed with me ily!!!!)
RE: Namjoon & Face Sitting
You don’t know where to aim the first time you do it. There is no class or in-depth instructions for face sitting outside of wiki-how and suspicious bloggers who want to sell you their how-to sex books. The only reason you even got interested in the first place was because it took five related videos to cum a few nights back, and video number three had some proportional girl hopping up to the guy’s head and then just sitting. And then humping his damn face until she announced her impending orgasm with her fake voice.
And you felt like the heavens had opened up just for you… because if that was a thing, you wanted in.
“I’ll link you to a really cool video,” you tell your boyfriend of god-only-knows how many years and months. Math isn’t your strong suit, and you’d let Namjoon answer that on your behalf.
Namjoon had always been a good sport about sharing erotic content for masturbatory purposes. From the infancy of your relationship, he had claimed it worked wonders for communication between partners, or so he’d read. He opens the link to the video the second you send it to him, and he’s not terribly impressed because he’s a Porn Snob.
“I’m not feeling it.” Namjoon is not into at all. Her moan-to-breathy-sigh ratio was off, and even worse - offbeat.
“Keep watching. Speed up to like the twenty-seven minute mark.”
He groans. Of Course you’d send him a forty-something minute video. You and your ridiculous requirements for Porn With Bad Plot. Namjoon avoids the minefield of fake ads and skips to 27:05, where the girl is suddenly sitting on the guy’s neck and grinding down on his trachea like there’s no tomorrow. Her moans are still offbeat. 
Namjoon grimaces before looking up at your expectant expression. “I don’t get it, babe.” 
You make a sound of frustration and skip to 28:15 because your boyfriend refuses to watch one measly minute before it gets to the Good Stuff. 
“Now Watch,” you order. 
He follows your command to see what on earth has you so intent on sharing. The girl in the video isn’t doing anything spectacularly out of the ordinary. It’s just face sitting #444.
“Do you think we can do that?” 
Your question is a hell of a lot more arousing than the video. 
“Do what? Face sitting?”
“Yeah,” you smile. “If you don’t feel like I’ll suffocate you. But I did a whole bunch of research!!” 
He smiles at you fondly because that’s You. The practical is much more difficult than the theoretical though. 
Namjoon has to tell you to be still so that he can position himself under you. You lean against the headboard, thighs burning while you hold yourself up in a semi-kneeling position. It’s not the most arousing, but at least you’re burning calories. 
RE: Yoongi & Teasing
-I was going to write something but i lost steam.
-I agree with you anon hhahahaha
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Transmedia storytelling - session 6
again as said in previous blog (week 5) I am virtual learning from my home, which as in that blog I felt not as productive as I would have in a class room but under the circumstances I find I accomplished and learnt quite a bit. Also the working in Pjs is a plus...
Web 2.0 is something we have touched on before, in the first sessions which is important as Web 2.0 has become something everyone is very familiar with (even if they don't know what the word means) and that Social Media, with social media its very much broadened to a active audience, we are contanstly looking, creating and thinking about what we are seeing which can be pretty much anything. take my edit instagram account for example, I am constantly seeking new techniques by others (almost collaborating by sharing editing styles with people and I am making ‘User Generated Content’. Also Web 2.0 offers audience participation ‘Participatory culture’, for example the Comment section. this allows the viewer to give feedback, praise and even abuse (even though that's not what its particularly meant for) This gives the viewer a feel of incorporation towards the creator (or photo, video, information- if on wiki).
*Referring to the voice over presentation video* the way marketing use ‘User Generated Content’ is very interesting and it has changed the ways we receive ads and how marketers approach sponsoring etc, I wanted to look more into it/ provide evidence to this and with two popular examples being - Youtube and Game ads.  when you watch a video on youtube by a content creator what do you usually get:
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Youtube (a popular Web 2.0 website) is a Queen Bee hive for Ads... swarming. compared to old visual Ads being Ads on tv in the commercial break or flyers, these ads can be incorporated in the video, being at the beginning of the ad like the 1st picture above, or in collaboration with the creator of the video. I found this very intriguing and interesting, Im quite fascinated by idea of marketing and this little investigation (even tho I'm pretty familiar by being a YouTube veteran) so perhaps in future I can explore it more.
As I am watching the ‘Harry Jenkins film’ I now feel more supported in what I have said previously in the Blog, Mostly where I mention my instagram account, he says “what were seeing in the digital age people are taking media into their hands... and innovating and experimenting” with that media which Is exactly what I am doing, I am taking content and mixing it up making it into my own.
‘Conversion Culture” Having different platforms to see it (say youtube, insta and TikTok) which is shaped by us rather than corporations, we have control. we can all collaborate and mix information together (on say wiki) which leads to much more complex ‘than what someone in a board room can come up with on their own’. I also found this interesting and very off topic to the video but I realised that a very Recent and Popular example can  be how the Convid-19 information is spread out, TikTok a very content creator based app which mostly is used by younger generations and if you go on it now you'll see a lot of information on how to stay safe and social distance during this pandemic which is very interesting... Could it be argued that kids are paying more attention because they see this entering ‘their world’? not just seeing it on the news (which they might not watch as heavily as the app). 
interesting as It creates more of a world for the viewer
Talking on the Transmedia topic of having multiple platforms I was shown the Blair witch project website. This fascinated me and reminded me of my personal experience With this, ‘Ingrid goes west’ a film near and dear to my heart, which is mostly based on instagram (and how it effects us) #LIFE. I was reminded of this film as the creators also made Ingrid's and Taylor’s (the influencer in the film) instagram account real which is quite fun and I enjoyed looking into it and felt like she semi excited in a way, provided more of a world outside of the film.
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Taylors instagram* I found this so clever and funny, with the captions down to the T. also something to note that loads of fans are allowed to interact with Taylor like Ingrid did, Commenting quotes (especially “Damn girl that looks yummy as fuck!” which is a popular comment you'll see). Its clever if you ask me. I myself have to admit to commenting that quote as- well. (but I'm being involved!) 
Watching the ‘Transmedia storytelling’ video with a cinderella adaptation. watching this had made me think. about A- what story I want to create/adapt. and B- how it links so well to todays generation. And yet again watching this reminded me of something I have seen that is off similar structure. An Ad for the social media app ‘Own it” created by BBC. showing how little connections through sharing can lead to bigger things. (this made helped me understand the Transmedia storytelling video more as I know its all about the connections between things and seeing it visually really helped.)Im not looking forward to doing this task though, storyboarding and mind maps are not my friend and I don't enjoy them, (I may have mentioned this before) but I like to freestyle it and see where it takes me instead of planing and expecting etc. Also Im not a fan of Lucid Charts, I find it hard to use and complicated to what it is which I know is unproductive as I should be using a variety of sites to improve my skills but you can't help but hating something... Lucid chart is my kryptonite.  
For my Transmedia story I decided to do it based off of Joker (2019), I chose this as it has a major event in it which I felt I could use events for, also I really like the film so why not.
I started to think about what I would focus the story around and it was hard to pin-point a certain one, I did pick joker killing the 3 men on the subway (Spoiler!) as that is essentially in my opinion what cracked him into becoming the ‘Joker’. *Refer to the story map in google docs*. Being honest I didn't enjoy it as much as I though I did, I found it quite confusing for what I had to do for a while (so like what directions do I go in? what characters do I use?). Something I also didn't like which is strange is that I didn't like making all the social media accounts... strange because I usually make tons in my own time (I have 6+ personal instagram accounts :/) 
I did start using the software ‘Zeebob’ but I found it quite (this will make me sound snobbish but,) cheap. I just felt it limited me and to what I could create and just didn't seem realistic, 
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so I made two on here but ditched it and went for the real thing... making actual accounts for the posts. Guess which is which... the 1st one is zee bob and second is an actual account I made. The upside of making the actual accounts is having the freedom and more ability to do more things (like on twitter I can retweet stuff that I feel the character would and who they follow which adds personality to the account. 
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Of course the downside of making actual accounts is that I couldn't fake the likes or followers which takes away the realism to the accounts. 
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Out of all the accounts and social media’s I created, surprisingly the @GothamNews was my favourite, probably because i spent the most thought on this; creating the logo (on Canva) .. and finding the cool retweets like the van which I thought was like striking gold to add to the realism.
I did make a mistake that i knew occur from using the same account and changing it (E,G, I made a twitter account and kept changing the name,pictures, retweets etc)... Notice that Arthur’s and GothamNews background photo is the same... well I just noticed that too and its why I need to pay attention to it. so tiny lesson to myself for future and if I was going to do this for real I would create separate accounts and spend more time to trying to find the fitting photos for each character and why? it makes more sense for the news account to have trash as (in the film) Trash was the relevant topic, but joker not so much - he doesn't strike me and the recycling type.
While making the accounts I tried to add as much passive detail as I could... adding the subtle detail, like (as I mentioned) who they follow, retweet, like, what's in their bio, what's their background photo etc. referring a little to one of the earlier sessions in visual design (semiotics 'Denotation and Connotation'). 
(especially Jokers) I paid attention to the way joker writes, to my knowledge he isn't very educated so his writing is very childlike and he writes how he hears (eg  when we see him write ‘hope my life makes more cents etc) it so that was a nice detail I added. 
here are some notes I made for when I was thinking about the map:
- plan event - riot
- bruce Waynes dad saying “stop trash/ campaign
- joker “maybe my life would make more cents if I was dead” 
- Marty “tonights show will be interesting “ 
- jokers video going on air
overall I think I will take the idea of broadening the ‘World’ I create (with film) by creating different platforms. I found this lesson a lot harder than I would of found it in class due to my focus being lost and feeling like im not putting 100% into it unfortunately. 
And who knows maybe ill get loads of followers on one of the accounts and become famous.
0 notes
paranoidsbible · 7 years
Ending Hate & Bullying
Ending Hate & Bullying Non-profit and free for redistribution Written on November 08th | 2014 Published on November 08th | 2015 For entertainment and research purposes only
================================================= DISCLAIMER The Paranoid's Bible and its writers hold no responsibility for the acts of others. The Paranoid’s Bible is for research and entertainment purposes only. Please visit our blog for more PDFs and information: http://www.paranoidsbible.tumblr.com/ ================================================= Contents DISCLAIMER    2 Preface    4 What is Bullying?    5 Freedom of Speech and Bullying    6 Trolling Isn’t Bullying    7 Cyber-Stalking Is Not Real    8 You’re Not Your Sexuality    9 Don’t Be a Bully    10 AFTERWORD    11 ================================================= Preface The who: People that have decided to combine their resources to create a repository of information. The what: A guide to helping people deal with hate and bullying online. The where: The internet: An abused form of communication, education and betterment of mankind. The why: To give people the tools needed to survive. ================================================= What is Bullying? According to Wikipedia, Bullying is described as thus: “Bullying is the use of force, threat, or coercion to abuse, intimidate, or aggressively dominate others. The behavior is often repeated and habitual. One essential prerequisite is the perception, by the bully or by others, of an imbalance of social or physical power, which distinguishes bullying from conflict.” (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bullying) It seems pretty straight-forward, especially with the types of behavior they describe as bullying, which include things like coercion, threats, physical assault, or even verbal harassment. Wikipedia even goes on to claim that supposed rationalizations by the "Bully" include things like, social class, race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, appearance, behavior, body language, personality, reputation, lineage, strength, size or ability. The page from Wikipedia also explains that bullying by a group is called mobbing and that the U.K. has no official definition for it, whereas some states within the U.S. not only do have an active definition, but also laws against it. The issue with Wikipedia’s description, and the overall belief of bullying, is that “digital harassment” / “cyber bullying” somehow warrants the same actions and laws as the bullying that takes place in the physical realm of the offline world. The problem with “cyber bullying” itself is that, unlike bullying in the offline world, you can remove yourself from it. Cyber bullying is also undefined and is usually used as a blanketed term to cover something that upsets or offends people.  The cyber bullying many people discuss, especially the mainstream media, is one that amounts to coordinated harassment in the form of unwarranted comments, private messages, e-mails and overall childish and immature antics like for example: A constant, steady stream of spam that is usually filled with racial and/or sexual expletives. Another issue is that with current trends, people have taken to calling anything and everything they feel offends them or a perceived minority as cyber bullying. This is mostly seen, though, on social media and networks like Facebook, Twitter, Deviantart and Tumblr. By labeling anything and everything as trolling, cyber bullying or overall harassment… we end up with a diluted sense of what is or isn’t actual harassment and bullying. This causes the most minor and/or accidental forms of aggression to be seen as an act of all out war against someone. To cut the fear mongering created by the government and various charities that make money off the “bullying scare,” we’d simply like to state this: You can prevent a lot of so-called cyber bullying. ================================================= Freedom of Speech and Bullying There have been several attempts at removing freedom of speech (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Freedom_of_speech) from not only the offline world, but also the digital one. Some people propose the removal of the limited anonymity of the internet to a full-fledged war on privacy itself through permanent IDs and horrendous acts of censorship VIA the removal of one’s internet connection. Many people think a means to end bullying, online or offline, is to stifle and censor people through a bastardization of social justice (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Social_justice) or through the use of forced “self-policing” created by identity politics (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Identity_politics), but it isn’t—it only serves to stifle and censor any and all who dare question those in charge. Freedom of speech, at least in the U.S., will always be about your right to say and state your opinions and ideas without fear of government retaliation or censorship however you want, wherever you want, within reason. You see, freedom of speech means you can say whatever you want, however you can’t go into a privately owned residence or establishment and start spewing whatever it is you wish. People have their rights to privacy, speech and security just like you, yet that doesn’t mean you’ve the right to invade their area with your speech. This though is easily measured in several easy to remember rules: • Is this a privately owned establishment or residence? • Have they stated or placed a set of rules stating what I can and can’t do? • Is this place for a specific group (members…etc) only? • Have they personally committed an act of aggression against me? • Are they near public property that I or others may use to voice our issues? • Are they a private citizen, a celeb, a business owner, religious person of importance (priest, pope…etc), an activist or a politician? • Have they set aside a “Free speech zone”? • Does my “Freedom of speech” violate other rights? • Have I asked permission to use their property? While many will bring up the harm principle or some other such argument, you should think for yourself and think before you act. Assess the situation, look at what you want to say and/or do, then look for other methods to deliver your message (like a flier or pamphlet), but we digress. Unlike the physical realm of the offline world, people can actively silence (ban) you by removing you and your account from their website(s). Websites and the communities created on them have to follow the laws of the U.S., and other countries’ laws, to an extent. This doesn’t mean they have to respect you or your feelings, though. There are no laws stating you’ve the right to not be offended and because of this you must realize you’re ultimately at fault if you become offended or attacked over something you or some else has said. Remember: You don’t have the right to an account or say on anyone’s websites or their communities or accounts. You must follow their rules, guidelines and TOS—you’ve no rights online, no matter what you think. If you dislike this, then you can make your own website, forum, chat or whatever you wish. Trolling Isn’t Bullying Trolling is described as, “someone purposely being chaotic and sowing discord amongst a community or individual profile.” This is supposedly done to either bait a person into doing something idiotic or to take away from a topic being discussed. Others also will describe trolling as similar to performance art where only the most subtle and intelligent can successfully pull off an attempt, whereas even more will claim it is a sub-culture based around a meme or some silly image of a stylized smiling face. Regardless of what you think, trolling isn’t truly bullying and never will be due to the simple fact you can not only ignore, but also block so-called trolls. Many people will proclaim that someone typing mean things and sending it to another user is bullying, yet as the old internet adage goes “Don’t feed the trolls!” -- This adage is something all should take to heart, as simply ignoring someone and the things they say can defuse a situation on the internet quite quickly. Bullying isn’t textual, nor is it someone spamming you with racial epithets. You can ignore those things quite easily with no real physical or mental abuse ever being possible. Growing your figurative “thicker skin” will help you out a lot in the end when it comes to the internet. You must realize, though, that the internet is like the Wild West and once you start participating instead of lurking, you open yourself up to the criticism and opinions of others. No matter how much this upsets or offends you, the more you push to silence or ban others, the more people will push back at you. Take breaks often and learn compartmentalization. The less people know about you, the less they can harass you for something offline. And please, learn, the internet is akin to shoveling manure. The more of your manure (opinions) that you fling around, the more others will fling back twice as hard. ================================================= Cyber-Stalking Is Not Real Before you discontinuing reading and disregard this entire PDF, let me explain – Cyber-stalking (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cyberstalking) is stalking. There are no differences between the two once it delves into the offline realm; however cyber-stalking still doesn’t exist. Someone following your digital footprint from one account to the next and connecting the dots by cross-referencing the information, that you provided on those accounts, is nothing more than simple deduction. A lot of so called cyber-stalking (sending harassing e-mails or IMs, etc) can be likened to that of trolling. If you ignore the person and not feed them any attention, they usually give up and leave you alone. However, if you’ve a multitude of accounts across the internet, and you’ve shared a lot of information, then it won’t be as easy to simply ignore the person. Again, we’ll state that simple OPSEC (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operations_security) and compartmentalization (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Compartmentalization_(information_security)) goes quite far in small doses. There are a few, very simple steps that you can take to ensure your safety when creating an account online. Now, of course, you can head over to our blog and click on our library link for PDFs on a plethora of topics that range from anti-doxing to OPSec or even things like cosplay safety, but we digress. If you simply want the Reader’s Digest version of the safety tips, then continue reading! Tips for creating a secure account: • Always use a strong password created by using special characters, upper and lower case letters, and numbers (Example: *_9233(DAv234)-) • Always ensure the password for each account is different and is at least 8 to 10 characters long • Always use a new e-mail address for each account, never using the same one for an account • Always use a different username for each account that’s in no way connected to your name or nicknames • Never post your real world information online (name, age, address, city, state, time zone, school name…etc) • Never cross-link accounts on other accounts (as in don’t tell people about your other accounts) You also want to try and lessen your already existing digital footprint by checking out our PDF called the “Paranoid’s Bible” at our library link on our blog. This will provide you with much more information that you can use to further lessen your footprint and ensure you have a safe and enjoyable internet stay. Other than the above, we can’t provide much on actual stalking as once you believe someone from the internet is stalking you offline (as in physically, not just dox) then you need to tell an adult, if you’re not one, and contact the police as quickly as possible. We also have a home safety and security PDF in our library that can help you secure your home and lessen intrusions. ================================================= You’re Not Your Sexuality Many people online love to treat every little thing about themselves like an attribute or a part of a description of some character or another. This, however, is quite dangerous as this provides other individuals with cannon fodder to be used against you. It may seem like someone oppressing you or trying to stifle your freedom of expression, yet it isn’t anything like that. On the internet, people love to generate drama from nothing for the simple mission of creating the illusion that there exist some great inequalities still happening in today’s day and age. While there are some hiccups, in today’s society, we’re still one of the more equal and diverse to ever exist. The issue is that the safer we become, and the number of inequalities becomes less, people will look to provoke an issue in order to use it for their own personal or political gain. This isn’t to say people out there pick on others because of who or what they are, but that people look to groom other individual, especially underage people, by manufacturing hate and inequality. This pseudo-hate is done those who think that if their group is seen to be as equal as the majority, then they lose their minority status that they treasure due to the attention it heaps upon them. Some minority groups try to fight this fake hate and rabble rousing, however within minority groups like the LGBT+ it becomes harder and harder as people pollute it with variants of already existing sexualities in order to take hold some of that attention. This is usually seen as teenage girls claim to be bi-sexual, yet only ever having feelings for their male counterparts. Because of this happening for so long, many bi-sexuals are attacked and mistreated by those within the LGBT+ due to the assumption that the majority of bi-sexuals are fake or somehow lesser than homosexuals. You’ll also see this happen with asexual and lesbians, yet this doesn’t mean it’s always gay men who commit these acts. Depending on the minority group, some people who’re legitimate will seek out young individuals to attack and shock in order to “rescue” and ultimately groom into following their preferred path of activism and political belief. It’s a sad state of affairs, but even those who’re most like you can abuse you for their own profit and/or goals. So, in order to prevent this, learn to distance your online self from your offline self. No one needs to know your sexuality, preferences or any other information about yourself. You’re not a character from an RPG; no one needs a back story or list of attributes. This isn’t to say you shouldn’t have pride in yourself, but only that the internet and its denizens will twist and turn everything about you and what you say into a perverted shadow of itself to use and abuse. It’s better to be some random anonymous individual online than a 15 year old, African-American, bi-sexual female who suffers from allergies. If people knew that you’re such a thing, then they already can work out how to prey upon you and get under your skin. Compartmentalize, don’t let people know too much about you. They can egg you into saying or doing something that you’ll ultimately regret. ================================================= Don’t Be a Bully Everyone has a right to freedom of speech and creativity, which means, as we said earlier: You don’t have the right to not be offended. This means, if someone says and does something you don’t like, ignore it. Don’t attack them. Don’t exploit their past or something they said. Don’t drive them to suicide—don’t be a bully. People don’t realize that they, themselves, might just be the bully. Attacking and censoring someone just because they did something they don’t like or approve of, which is quite ironic as most people nowadays hide behind the anti-hate and anti-bully ideologies while being some of the worst bullies themselves. You need to learn to accept the fact that not everyone is going to fall in line and sync up to your beliefs and ideals. No one will fully cooperate with you 100%, and that everyone has the right to draw, say or act as they want. You, though, don’t have the right to attack others or bully them into marching to your drumbeat of life. They’ve a right to march to their own tune and express themselves in their own way. We know this will upset many and provoke some undue hate, but that’s ultimately why a guide like this one is needed—people need to accept the fact that political and religious beliefs will be as varied and as diverse as the people who hold them. Learn to ignore and grow thicker skin. This is a part of growing up and being an adult, forgiving and forgetting the little things that upset you or make you mad. And, truthfully, people need to realize a life isn’t worth a fandom or a head canon. Move on with your life and shrug off the miniscule idiocies of the internet. ================================================= AFTERWORD In the end, it’s all down to you and how you act online. If you say or do the wrong thing, it can end your life and possibility to be hired. Leak too much information, and people can dox you and harass you offline. It all comes down to you and what you say and do—use common sense, think before you say or do anything online.
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