#im fine w alien space though
oathofkaslana · 1 month
my most unpopular hi3 opinion is probably just that i like how hi3 has comics i think second eruption would have been a lot less compelling if it was portrayed the way early hi3 was developed. i also like being able to see the details before the main trio's time because it solidifies the story as something bigger than those three characters, even though the game starts off focusing on those three. i do think the visual novels could have been chronicles though. but its also like. we wouldnt have the beautiful art for 7s......
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victimsofyaoipoll · 11 months
Round 1
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Propaganda Under Cut
Lots of people (myself included tbh) ship klance (Keith and Lance). In s8 the creators made Allura/Lance canon (but then they killed her off and left the ending ambiguous it was weird). Anyway the fandom treats her like she's the most terrible bitchy woman ever but all she wants to do is end the war and avenge her destroyed home planet. Yeah she wasn't always the nicest or always the best, but you could argue some other characters in the show aren't either and they aren't treated near as bad as allura. people really just hate her bc Lance liked her. I don't think allura/lance are good together, but I still liked her as a character and thought she was interesting and had a lot of growth during the show. she DEF is not evil like some people portray her as in fic or talk about her in captions on posts. I've seen people say that they HATE her and that she's the worst and I'm like ??? let her live (well sort of ig she is dead now). lots of fic writers use her as the villain which is so interesting to me bc the show literally has villains like use them. anyway allura so perfectly fits the bracket description she deserves better.
I hate to acknowledge my time in this fandom but I hate the way the fandom treated her more. Allura was treated like shit no matter what side of the Great Ship War you were on because she was always a threat to the biggest ships (klance and sheith). At best she got put into Background Lesbian or Consolation Prize Shallura (Space Mom-zoned) (She was not a motherly figure btw. She was just Black). At worst she was violently demonized for being ~racist~ (kinda not cool with the alien race that blew up her planet for a few episodes), complete with misogynistic language hurled at her (she got called a bitch sooo much). Allura was a good and cool character and the show did her dirty but the fandom was somehow worse.
i apologise for speaking the dark magicks, but amidst the voltron fandoms many, many transgressions, there were a particular subset of people who just hated this girl. the infamous klance wars of the 2010s kept this perfectly fine childrens cartoon character in the sights of shippers everywhere, and she (and her voice actress im sure) were subjected to years of petty squabble blown up to global perportions. ive seen hate, ive seen rants, ive seen fanfics that made her homophobic. girls been through the ringer, and even though voltron was never the show its fandom wanted it to be, i believe allura deserved better
Kayano Kaede
shes genuinely a really tragic character who had potential for a really compelling, effective arc concerning grief, identity, healing, and finding trust again all while going through the inherent ordeal of being 15 years old….if she werent a female character in a shonen anime 😭😭 instead she gets sidelined during the show up until her big plot twist reveal after which shes immediately sidelined again. whatever i still love her and know her to be a character of all time who has suffered more than jesus. in my experience shes perhaps the female character who like. ive seen most *obsessively* hated due to her “getting in the way” of the ship b/w the male protagonist + deuteragonist (bc of her proximity to the both of them) u woild think shes the devil incarnate and not just. 15 and traumatised 
She had a crush on Nagisa and they kissed and a lot of fans ship him with Karma so theyre mad that Kaede is there. She is super silly and nice but the fandom hates her for standing in the way of karmagisa.
she's a sweet person that was an actor and loves her sister. she is the main love interest of the main character but doesn't interact with him more than most of the other characters for a majority of the story. Often I have seen them removed from the story only to become some homophobic jerk that's desperate for the main characters love instead of letting her keep the good friendship that her and the main character had before the romance.
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bloopdydooooo · 9 months
what's your doctor who wtnv crossover like? 👀
i am so glad you asked! (category 7 adhd event to follow)
so our doctor is cecil (no assigned number since i didnt want to cram the wtnv characters into a doctor who plot line when it would be so easy to make a new one special for them (though cecil does come from a welsh surname meaning sixth (among other things) so he could replace the 6th doctor? it doesn’t matter either way)) and while his name is, as always, just ‘the Doctor’, he lets carlos call him cecil as a treat cause they’re in looooooove <33 (he used cecil palmer like john smith when they met and carlos really like the name (it’s so i don’t have to completely erase either ‘the doctor’ or ‘cecil’ and i think i’m awfully clever) anyways he’s like doctor-weird plus cecil-weird, because they’re all so fucking bizarre (affectionate) he kicks off the fic adjusting to the new body and i felt the need to acknowledge the fact that cecil is usamerican while the doctors generally are Not (is a good fic if you don’t slander your own accent a little bit?)
i considered making carlos the doctor, because he’s. you know. a scientist and not a silly goofy gay who works in community radio, but since so much of cecil’s story revolves around him not being quite as person as the rest of the people around him, about him losing track of his age and everything he’s been through, of him canonically dying multiple times, about his relationships with family and parenthood (etc) i just felt like it would be such a waste to not make him the doctor, yk? (i also considered changing up what it meant to be the doctor to include cecil’s title of ‘the voice’ but that felt like too much so we have doctor!cecil now)
so that means carlos is the companion, he’s introduced while studying the phantom ocean which was actually just like. a big weird alien fish. then they go to the dog park and the desert otherworld and have a bunch of doctor who-ified wtnv adventures together (like lee marvin‘a birthdays, the whispering forest, the auction, etc… but make it dr who sci-fi)
i know most of the actual episodes are the doctor saves his companion and Others, but i’m such a sucker for ‘the doctor needs help’ that i wrote in four chapters of carlos saving doctor!cecil (technically could be six, depends how you count it)
and we finish off with a daleks confrontation which takes place during the blood space wars, because you have to have the daleks at least once, and it’s a good cap on a fic
i’ve made it 13 chapters long, cause all the new who seasons are well. 13 episodes long. and i’m considering doing a (not-)christmas (because even though doctor!cecil wouldn’t be jewish it would be incredibly ethically fucked up if i just. chucked a canon jewish character into a christmas landscape w/out acknowledging it) special afterwards as is customary, to follow the bbc’s standards
i am literally so invested in this fic i’ve written the first three chapters so far and they’re all like double my usual length and i’m considering making them longer because i think there’s still more i could add.
anyways thank you so much for asking i am in love with the world i have created. (would you like the link to the doc? (im so proud of this i want everyone to read it and i only want to post it when i know that i have enough of a buffer for regular updates, given how long the chapters are) (obviously it’s fine if you don’t want to read it no pressure))
here’s a drawing of doctor!cecil i made (though i changed the cape to a tailcoat because it felt Better)
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[ID: a black and whit pencil drawing of cecil as the doctor. he’s got dark skin and graying black hair. he’s wearing a puffy-sleeved shirt under a vest and a loosely-done tie. he’s wearing a bunch of jewelry, cat-ear headphones, and star-shaped glasses with beads on his glasses chain. he has multiple chains and beads handing from his belt and is wearing back pants with white pockets. he has a cape tied around his neck and in one hand he’s holding the sonic screwdriver, which he’s looking at and smiling. beside him it says ‘the Doctor (a.k.a. cecil)’ End ID]
i did draw carlos but he’s just like. some guy and i’m honestly not proud enough of that to post it here.
ok i think that’s all (it’s not but you get it)
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themarysuep · 22 days
why does everyone always forget kate bested kingpin TT ...im sure she'll be fine in space shooting some trick arrows at aliens. though im totally on board with riri being in the YA line-up (i absolutely loved the actress in wakanda forever)
Kate can definitely shoot some arrows at aliens. If Clint did it, so can she. But I just don't see why they need to go to space. Kamala is not an alien in the mcu so idt its necessary to do a space plot w/o Carol.
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platonicavengers · 3 years
headcanons for being the youngest maximoff (part two)
pairings: maximoff twins x sibling!gn!reader && avengers x gn!reader
warnings: spoilers for infinity war + endgame, death, non-descriptive violence, idk
author’s note: IM SO SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG TO COME OUT AAAAAAAA it was supposed to be up a while ago but things got in the way and im so sorry :(
tags: @madamevirgo​  @euphoniumpets​
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headcanons under the cut !
after steve broke everyone out of the raft you were all on the run for a while
vision and natasha joined you all at some point, and scott and clint returned home to their families
after a while wanda and vision decided to stay in scotland, leaving you with sam, nat, and steve
you were not a huge fan of the idea of leaving her behind
you had already lost your parents and pietro and even though she wasn’t dead you still wouldn’t be able to see her
but you knew why she did what she did
fast forward a little bit
you find out that tony went missing
and then that wanda and vision are being attacked
so u all fly to scotland to help them
*insert u being a badass and beating the shit out of an alien*
finally reuniting w your sister
there were tears
when you arrived back at the compound it was like a breath of fresh air after so long
it’s a shame you weren’t there under better circumstances
immediately getting upset when you saw the hologram of ross
that motherfucker
going to wakanda was an.... interesting experience
you wanted to enjoy it 
but considering why you were there,,,,,,
it was kinda hard to enjoy it lol
wanda ofc stayed up in the lab with vision and shuri
she wanted you to stay up there as well so she could keep an eye on you
she was very hesitant to let you go into the front lines of the battle
even though you were an adult now you were still her little sibling and she was worried for you
you assured her that you would be fine though
fine might be pushing it but
let’s be realistic here
you kicked some alien ass down there
taking out enemy after enemy with no hesitation
pretty impressive tbh. ur fucking awesome
eventually wanda came down to join the battle
the two of you fought alongside each other
badass sibling duo ugh yes
but then
you had to go against thanos himself
ugly ass mf
you tried to use your magic to remove his gauntlet
you were unsuccessful
he kinda tossed you to the side like a rag doll
which hurt like a bitch
when he snapped you had no idea what tf to do
i mean you had just lost, what were you supposed to do?
you were in the middle of crawling over to wanda, wanting to try to comfort her over the loss of vision
but then she just kinda, disintegrated?
you were in shock for a minute
but then it hit you
“no, no, no, no, no...”
you started sobbing
now you had officially lost your whole family
after a little bit you made your way over to what was left of the team
you all kinda stood in silence for a little while, just processing everything that had happened
eventually you all returned to the quinjet and flew back home
for the first two-ish weeks after the snap you just locked yourself in your room and refused to leave
though eventually you did leave your room again, though very reluctantly
after three weeks had passed by carol, who you were quite fascinated by, returned to the compound carrying a spaceship with her
turns out tony was on said ship
you were glad to see him after so long
and now we jump to going to space to beat thanos’ ass (a g a i n)
you had never been to space before so it was quite a new experience
shame it was under such poor circumstances
when you arrived at thanos’ residence you were out for blood
he took your last remaining family and you were not in the mood to let him get away with it
and then you found out the stones were gone
and everything he had done couldn’t or so you thought be reversed
you were already ready to kill thanos before, but especially now that that was revealed
sadly though, thor took the responsibility of killing the titan himself
*5 years later*
you were 23 now
a whole ass adult
you still lived at the compound with natasha, not exactly having anywhere else to go
not like you would’ve left anyways but
nat had become your sort of support system over the last few years
after all, at this point you really only had each other
all of the rest of the remaining team went their separate ways, none of which deciding to stay with the two of you
one day though steve comes by
you were glad to see him, you had missed him a lot since he left
the three of you had a not-so-positive conversation and then out of nowhere scott appears at the front gate
he tells you his insane idea of using the quantum realm to time travel back to before thanos
you were very wary
you didn’t exactly have a lot of knowledge on the quantum realm but you could still tell that it seemed risky
the four of you went to tony’s house to try to convince him
he almost immediately said no
you all tried to convince him but to no avail
so you went to bruce hulk instead
bruce?? hulk?? who tf is he tbh
but anywho
when you saw him you were kinda like ????????
but chose to ignore it
you got him to agree to the time travel thing
and it was ?somewhat? successful
somewhat is pushing it tbh
scott became a baby which wasn’t great
but then tony showed up and fixed it like the genius he is
you helped recruit all the remaining avengers to help w the whole time travel thing
you were going to go back in time and get the stones before thanos could
you went with clint and natasha to vormir
you thought it made the most sense for you to sacrifice yourself
after all you weren’t even positive this whole thing with the stones would work, and you couldn’t risk continuing to live a life without wanda and the rest of the team
they stopped you before you could jump though
when natasha dropped you swore your heart stopped beating
she had been all you had for the past 5 years and then she was just gone
you ended up getting the soul stone but at what cost
you and clint returned to the compound and there was a small ‘memorial’ (for lack of a better word) for natasha
after that tony put all of the stones together into a makeshift gauntlet
after a little bit of deliberation it was decided that bruce would be the one to snap his fingers
bruce, hulk, whatever tf
sorry back to the headcanons LOL
he snapped
immediately everything felt different
you went out to look out a window, seeing a few butterflies fluttering around that you knew weren’t there before
a smile immediately took over ur face
“hey guys, i think it worked!” - you
you were about to turn around and walk back to everyone else
but then
you saw a large ship in the distance
and something began flying toward the compound
and then everything went dark
when you woke up again you were buried under a bunch of rubble
which bruce picked up off of you
you ran out to where thor, tony, and steve were
you saw thanos and froze
they were engaged in a battle and you tried to keep your distance in order to collect yourself for a moment
which proved to be futile because you were dragged into the fight not long after
you kinda got your ass handed to you
it wasn’t pretty
you were lying on the ground when all of a sudden you saw orange light surrounding you
you looked up to see portals opening, all your allies who you had thought to be dead stepping out
you saw wanda and you stopped breathing for a moment
you got up as quick as you could
which proved to be difficult due to ur injuries and overall extreme fatigue
you launched yourself at her, bringing her into the tightest hug you could muster
the two of you held onto each other for a moment before you had to return to fighting
maximoff sibling teamup part 2???? yeah most definitely 
fast forward to after thanos and his bitch ass army lost (im sorry i just really dont have the energy to write all that rn)
and to after tony’s funeral 
you and wanda had a l o t of catching up to do
5 years worth LOL
u had to comfort her over vision’s death a lot
considering that to her, that was still only a couple days ago
and a lot of the time when you two talked the mood was kinda depressing, all things considered
but you still tried to keep it lighthearted
for example
your absolute favorite thing in the world was the fact that you were now older than her due to the snap, 3 years older to be exact
you held it over her all the time, constantly making fun of her for it
all in good fun of course
something wanda really loved was when you would tell her stories from when she was in the soul world (only happy ones ofc)
though it made her sad that you had to go so long without her, and she missed out on so much
she wanted to know what she had missed
all in all
you two were incredibly close, the snap and its aftermath only further confirming that
sibling goals tbh
a/n #2: aaaaaa im sorry to end it on that note (i didnt know how to end it im sorry asf) but yeah </3 and once again, so sorry this took me so long to post, ive been super busy with school && life in general so i just havent gotten around to it :( butttttttttttt if u guys want i could try to continue this series of headcanons for wandavision?? i’d wait until friday ofc for the final episode and id spoiler tag it and everything but i could try my best? might be kinda difficult but i think it could be fun so if anyone wants that then lmk!! :)
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Do you think they would actually enjoy the modern world? Or would they want to stay in their current time period?
Hm, well, I think that may vary depending on each suitor if I’m honest! (I’ll be excluding Sebastian from this one, only because he is a modern man and I wager he would want to stay in the mansion in order to finish his thesis) 
Under a cut bc it’s a long boi:
I think for people like Arthur and Theo, for instance--who always seem to live in the fast lane--it might not really prove much of a problem. They would continue enjoying the night life and move with their busy schedules. Tl;dr: (For them? Same shit, different day)
Vincent would likely be doing just fine given how Theo often provides assistance in places where he struggles; to promote his art, to spark intrigue in the general public and benefactors. He might be a little overwhelmed by the influx of stimuli that comes with the modern era, constant noise and interaction and movement--perhaps worry that people are losing their ability to live in the moment. (Not to mention what’s being done to the environment...) There might be a learning curve/adjustment, but I think Theo would help him ease in. Plus, it would be a little easier to promote his art given the less stringent restrictions on public exhibitions. He’d still have to work for his fame, but at least the van Goghs wouldn’t have to live in constant unease in the proximity of the cutthroat academy.  Tl;dr: (Mixed feelings, but tries to stay positive about modern times)
Dazai is more familiar with this kind of life of quick turmoil and breakneck speed, if anything he falls back into his old coping mechanisms--hello writing, drinking, and smoking. An overwhelming influx of information and suffering would probably be hard for him to manage, despite how expertly he hides it. I think I would be worried he would lose himself in the dismal reality of diminished connection with other people. Yes I’m shoving him into therapy, I want him to start living for himself and taking care of himself ffs
That isn’t to say there aren’t happy possibilities for him, just that I think he really needs to heal first. I could see him very happy in a kind of writer’s circle with people he loves and trusts; less expending his energy in a desperate attempt to fill the void and please others, more cultivating his own happiness... Tl;dr: (Positive potential, but honestly part of me thinks the past quieter/simple/rural life suits him better...he still loves meme culture tho, he finds it so expansive and creative)
Isaac is in a similar boat as Dazai, I think! He has wonderful potential as a mentor and professor, and living in a world that has a little more patience and respect for genius might help encourage him to put himself out there. That being said, I think the pace of life would exhaust him though--he is very much the kind of person that prefers to keep to himself and just puzzle and tinker. Baby boy just wants to do equations, build little inventions, and read up on the recent discoveries in astrophysics (BRUH WHEN THE IMAGE OF THE BLACK HOLE CAME OUT HE FORGOT HOW TO B R E A T H E) Napoleon is the only reason he eats anything healthy or on any kind of regular schedule s m h. Tl;dr: (Not a lot changes, honestly? He was reclusive then, he still is now--he just has more toys/academic resources. If anything he might get a little too lost in his work because of it, somebody please make sure he’s eating/sleeping/socializing;;;)
Poor Jeanne is SUFFERING. Please release him from this nightmare he is begging. Jk jk, I don’t think it would be too bad for him--but I do think that he would have the aforementioned problem of too many stimuli and too much interaction. I think he would ease into it a little with Mozart’s help; he would just be awkward and wooden until he got the hang of it. Most people just find him quirky in an amusing way, and don’t think too hard about it. I’d wager he’d probably become literate at this point because of the abundance of resources and necessity to read/write (okay but imagine this baby with a little kid workbook iM GONNA CRY!!! TAKE ALL MY CRAYONS JEANNE). 
Can you imagine this mofo at a Starbucks??? Tall and stoic, dark and debonair (EVERYONE IS S W O O N I N G), and he just asks in a light tenor “can I have a mocha with eight shots of expresso” with a completely straight face. “Sir, that could kill you” “Don’t worry, I’ve been dead a long time” And he just moves to wait for his order. 11/10 cryptid I could watch an entire show just about his daily adventures
He works with Napoleon a lot given their similar skillsets. They coach kids at high schools that have fencing teams (it’s really REALLY cute bc if they’re on the younger side, Jeanne will very dramatically lose bc he wants to encourage them and the kids are delighted--but the parents are INCHES from laughing so hard they’re in tears). Otherwise, he mostly takes up gigs as a security worker/bodyguard, only really works for the money. He prefers to spend his time in ways that feel meaningful if he can, so don’t be surprised if you see him in foster homes and in social working spaces. He has an uncanny understanding about him, a kind of silence/patience that doesn’t stifle; it makes the kids/teens calm down in milliseconds. They really listen when he does talk, and he sets good and clear boundaries--he knows how to be firm when it’s required. He gives them the structure and placid grounding they’ve never had, and really pays attention to what’s important to them. Brings them little things he notices; brings flowers to the one that likes to draw, brings CDs (he is bad with technology, but they usually only have access to older/outdated stuff anyway) to the one the one that struggles to write with white noise in the house, brings little plushies to the ones that lose theirs. He’s simple but solid, and he finds a lot of meaning in helping kids overcome the similar kind of struggles he faced.  Tl;dr: (Steep learning curve, but he just sees it as all the same really--just more work to be done with the literacy requirement and adjustment to technology. Will be resistant at first, but when he gets accustomed and starts finding people who are important to him, he wouldn’t want to change anything/go back. But will admit there are some days he just wants to go to the most remote place he can access and just live there for a month with no human interaction whatsoever; people are inefficient and insufferable sometimes)
Mozart’s life honestly doesn’t change much? I feel like he would easily be able to keep composing and continue releasing his work as per usual. Given his quick capacity to schmooze and say what people want to hear when he must, he’d be more than able to network his way into success. I think the only thing he might struggle with now and again is inspiration, given the world operates on a very surface level in the modern era sometimes. Profound insight and depth are not quite as cultivated in many ways, and he can struggle to find something that just sparks motivation/novelty in his mind, makes him start composing at breakneck speed. He reads a lot and watches some TV shows/movies when he’s at really low inspiration levels, the kind of guy that sneers at Game of Thrones--but finds things like BBC’s Sherlock more passable (wants intrigue and complexity, doesn’t much enjoy the sensationalized drivel). When Arthur finds out he loves ATLA he about falls off his seat. “It’s a children’s show.” “Yes it is, with a remarkable level of depth and craftsmanship, what are you trying to say?” He begins to find a kind of rhythm in his composing, and Jeanne and Dazai often drop by with so many crazy stories he finds himself filled with music anyway LMAO Tl;dr: (Same as Isaac, really just keeps doing his thing without being impeded, and he enjoys the luxuries/conveniences of the modern era. Will be slightly resistant at first because of how alien some of the changes are, but will fall into the habits/customs slowly and surely. Fine with it, will whine a bit at the growing pains tho)
Leonardo actually canonically owns a bar, and does that really surprise anyone? He really enjoys the excitement of meeting new people and hearing about their myriad histories, the influx of cultures/languages/experiences. It’s a nice but lowkey place, people stop for a drink, listen to some good music--chat amiably and relax after a long day’s work--before heading out. There are regulars and people that just stop for that single day; tourists, vacationers, so on and so forth.
When asked, many people note a sleek black cat with sharp eyes that led them to the bar... Tl;dr: (Don’t Let the Existential Dread Set-in: The Prequel, adapts well to the modern era because of centuries of experience but also...he’s so tired...somebody please hold him I can’t watch him live like this, lord jesus)
Optimally, I see Comte filling his time with myriad pursuits; ranging from philanthropy, indulging in art/music/theatre (often a benefactor as well), and keeping track of his chirren (they may exist more independently now, but he still worries about them ;-;). Otherwise nothing much changes for him, still goes to galas and fancy gatherings, still enjoys fashion and spoiling people, still seeks to occupy himself with social interaction and care-taking--if he doesn’t have a family of his own. He’s basically just that meme that’s like DON’T LET THE EXISTENTIAL DREAD SET-IN. DON’T LET IT SET-IN!!!!!!!!! Tl;dr: (Not to repeat myself but also Don’t Let the Existential Dread Set-in: The Sequel, literally just desperately trying to fill the void please somebody help him he also just needs to be held fuck’s sake, I’m going to drag him kicking and screaming into happiness--but otherwise has no great trouble adjusting to the modern era. I feel like he would have a more minor form of what Dazai struggles with, maybe a lack of personable connection that he once had; fewer chances to be himself and relax. Also probably worried about the increasing unhappiness and turmoil building in the world in general...)
Napoleon is similar to Comte in that he often checks up on Isaac and Jeanne from time to time, and does the aforementioned fencing lessons with kids. He also takes a lot of basic security positions--for venues, concerts, museums--you name it. He dislikes the idea of sitting behind a desk a lot, so he prefers to do a lot of different things; he even cooks from time to time at the restaurants  that know him very well. One gig he particularly enjoys is battle choreography for movies/theatre! He tends to stay away from anything too historically close to his era of origin, but he has fun coming up with realistic (smaller scale) hand-to-hand combat scenarios and duels. Tl;dr: (This era doesn’t feel like too much of a change. It’s a little more intensive in terms of pace, but he manages to keep up pretty well, it just exhausts him from time to time--and he usually goes on trips or hikes to unwind when he needs to like Jeanne LOL they do not go to their happy place, they go to their high lonesome place).
Shakespeare also continues to do his drama thing, organizes troupes on tons of different levels--from community level to more intense, skilled groups that re-enact his own work. His life doesn’t change all that much beyond a new form of theatre logistics, and he adjusts to the technology fairly easily out of necessity. He’ll stop by Vincent’s place from time to time to show him recordings of his latest shows, but otherwise is almost always on the move. Tl;dr: (So long as he can keep following his greatest passion, he doesn’t really mind the changes in how theatre happens--he doesn’t have any sizable issues with the modern era.)
Ability with technology (phones mostly):
Arthur: more than capable, well-versed, loves to do everything on his phone no prob--maybe lives a little too much on his phone (Vine/TikTok/Youtube can kill his productivity RIP) also yes he has a fidget spinner on his desk, no I will not be taking any constructive criticism at this time
Theo: yes but with a lot of cursing at first, had to do it for work and now looks down on anyone that can’t keep up with him (except for Vincent)
Vincent: knows the basics, taking and sending pictures, writing things in notes for later, texting (tho sending emails is a little harder for him); he does his best but he can be slow. Really really enjoys the paint programs on his iPad for when he’s on public transit, but he starts setting alarms after he gets the hang of it (he’s missed his stops before because of it LMAO)
Leonardo: what kind of stupid question? Man knows how to pick them apart and put ‘em back together for crying out loud, uses it like a pro--comes to him naturally, and he’s the guy that keeps coming up with ways to jailbreak Apple products and thwart their money-grubbing tactics. Catch him playing Minish Cap on his emulator on the way to work, brah
Comte: just vibing, keeps up with the times easily since he’s been doing it for so long, much like Theo uses it to keep in touch with the people around him--he’s the “prefers to call instead of text” sorta guy though, he worries about losing emotional subtleties and he likes to hear people’s voices. Doesn’t do anything special on phones, more just a tool; will read/listen to podcasts/does have emulators (courtesy of Leo) and enjoys playing Pokemon when he’s bored
Jeanne: types one finger at a time, it will take a while--but he’ll get there (deleted all his contacts by accident once and Mozart was just. HOW.) He barely knows how to use a phone, and it’s a steep learning curve for him
Mozart: purely functional when it comes to his phone, refuses to rely on it beyond the necessities that only tech can do (for instance, sending emails or reading articles or uploading compositions) he still writes his music before making more polished digital copies. He will sometimes listen to pieces digitally, but prefers to play them in-person; he feels that a lot of the soul in a piece is lost despite the convenience
Dazai: you absolute fools. you baboons. why would you ever give him this kind of power. it is 3AM and he has been on a wikipedia trail spanning hours, started with Cleopatra being the seventh in her line with that name all the way to cotton candy being called “daddy’s beard” in French. please help him he hasn’t slept in years. Also probably binges anime and manga lbr. He’s the one making vine references every other second, always up to date on the memes^TM
Isaac: also mostly uses it as a tool for research and calculations; it’s a way to keep track of information. He also likes to play background music while he’s working, so he finds the device nice and convenient--plus less having to go around pestering people in-person. he does start to get interested in coding and tinkering with apps/programs eventually, too
Shakespeare: finds it a delightful little contraption, so useful because it lets him jot down ideas as they come to him quickly, and he can edit his texts much more easily with digital interfaces. also likes that performances can be recorded, because now he can analyze his staging more efficiently--it gives him a good sense of what needs to be adjusted, and encourages him to keep streamlining/try new concepts
Napoleon: likes it because he can keep in touch with people more easily, the kind of guy to drop a line before checking on a friend. he really likes to look up recipes and find out more about cooking techniques he’s never encountered before. Isaac starts making an Instagram account just to show Napoleon’s impeccable plating, and Napo gets quite the following without knowing for a while
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gendieanonsideblog · 2 years
about me !! :D hi im that infamous ?_? anon who is very much known in talking to gendie coining blogs !! my pronouns are :  he / they / it as well as xey / xem / xir / xyrs / xemself , bee / buzz / bugs / boops / bugself , bee / bem / bee / bees / beeself , fizz / fizz / fizzes / fizzes / fizzself , but any neos are fine !! i dont use any emoji or noun pronouns but they are def awesome !! :D my pronouns page is here !!  im a genderhoarder and most of my identities are located in this page !!  im nd and poc but i dont want to reveal that specific information as well as my age anon is on if you want to do anything that isnt rqing but please dont dm me !! typing !! : - i mostly use more than end punctuation like !! or ?? - i dont use periods because it makes lh stuff seem too neg or srs :[ - i only use periods when it IS something neg or srs - i put spaces between punctuation ex : hi hey hello !! , what is cheese ?? - i dont use emojis only emoticons unless its something that cant be put in emoticons - i type in all lowercase - i use tone indicators !!  please use them w me as well !! - i swear and use caps a lot :O misc :   - im in pst timezone  - i love giving funfacts   - i have two dogs and i dream of having two ferrets and a lizard  - i love reading / books / romance / angst / horror / slice of life / fanfiction / poetry  - space / astronomy / aliens / stars  - science / biology / physics / psuedoscience / math   - the little things in life [ ex : a weed growing on the side of the road , a cloud that looks painted in the sky , etc ]  - creepy things / spooky ones / the abnormal
and more !! my pfp is ?_? over the sapphicuddledinoboi flag and header is the ?_?anonic flag both by the lovely enkelikitty-mogai !!! my tagging system !! :  #?_?anon mogai : any identities ive coined #?_?anon personal mogai : any identities i think are cool / identify w #?_?anon thinks these are cool : any identities i dont identify w but think its cool #?_?anon pronouns : anything related to pronouns #?_?anon remakes : anything ive remade #?_?anon names : anything related to names #?_?anon replies !! : anytime im replying to someone / anon #?_?anon big things : everything here has anything important just though i should add #?_?anon queued / rq : rq that are currently queued / rq #?_?anon needs suffixes : tagging things suffix related because i forget them a lot #?_?anon pinned : anything that is in my pinned post #?_?anon art stuff : anything related to art #?_?anon thinks this is swag : anything non mogai related that i think it cool #?_?anon edits and such : anything related to edits like pfps , moodboards , etc #?_?anon queued rbs : anything that i rb even if its mogai related , i have this tag to not flood anyones dash :]]
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its-an-inxp-again · 3 years
Idk if you ever got the answer to your thing. But I’m a person who is queer but regularly uses the term lesbian to make things simpler. I can tell you why I hate the phrase monosexual- it feels transphobic to me- I am not attracted to men at all, but I am attracted to women, non-binary folks, gender queer folks, and agender folks. If I was with a partner and they transitioned to be a man I would still love them. That wouldn’t change. Sexuality is fluid and calling someone monosexual seems to erase that and really put people in boxes. Everyone has exceptions. And as someone who has identified as bisexual and pansexual in the past and find those not to suit me and fit right (especially since I am not sexually/romantically attracted to people physically/based on appearances- it’s more about personality and what I could do with a person)
I don’t mean this in an antagonistic way, I really hope it doesn’t come off that way(I’m bad expressing myself sorry).
(I’m sorry, I know you’re not trying to be rude. My answer, however, will sound rude and upset because you touched upon some stuff that needs a lot of unpacking to me lmao. Just know this anger is not necessarily directed at you but at biphobia in general.)
Why do bisexual people may need to use the term monosexual?
A. It is descriptive
I see what you mean but as you said you're queer and lesbian is a term to make things simpler, right?
So I wouldnt call you monosexual because you’re clearly not attracted to only one gender (but if you want to who I am to stop you?). Monosexual is someone who is almost exclusively dating/is attracted to people of one gender. There are plenty trans people that are straight or gay that would NOT date a partner if they realized they were a different gender. For real: kat blaque made a video (here it is if youre interested) on youtube about this - she’s trans and she wants to date men and wouldnt feel comfortable on continuing dating if a partner of hers realized they were actually a trans woman all along. She wants to date guys not girls and that's FINE it just means A. She actually recognizes the girl gender, obviously B. She's straight af and that's wonderful! It’s not a box if that’s how her experience is and she likes it that way!
Also how is being monosexual transphobic? Cant a girl just like guys exclusively (both cis and trans) or like girls exclusively (both cis and trans)? It's not even enbyphobic since you dont need to be attracted to a person to support their rights. (Gay men arent attracted to women but can be 100% feminists.) Being open to fuck somebody is not the same as supporting their rights: fetishization is a thing. Again, I refer to the video Kat Blaque made.
Sexuality IS fluid but to some people (like me and you) it is more than others. Some people don’t feel comfortable dating people that dont fall into the gender theyre usually attracted to and thats 100% okay.
B. It helps in talking about biphobia and panphobia in society
Biphobia and panphobia are for the large part based on the assumption that you cant be attracted to more than one gender (not even non-binary and so on) and that if you do you're weird/disgusting/mentally ill/a sexual predator. I can tell you 100% that's the narrative both straight and gay people can and may perpetuate since I struggle w this kind of shit every single time Im attracted to someone no matter their gender (YES, EVEN IF THEY'RE A GUY, BECAUSE THE OTHER DAY I WAS ATTRACTED TO A GIRL AND NOW I FEEL LIKE A FUCKING ANIMAL THAT CANT CONTROL ITSELF, even though it makes NO sense because if it was two girls or two boys the actual number of people my hormones activated to wouldnt change, but it would make my experience not subjected to biphobia!). I’m not saying gay people are the same as straight people. But I do feel alienated BOTH from heteronormative society AND from (subtly biphobic) gay spaces because of my bisexuality. I costantly feel like I’m outside both of those worlds and you know how humans are: I just need a term to encompass it all easily, to say “I don’t identify with any of this” (which is both straight and strictly gay spaces: ie, monosexual). To me is literally the same as saying non-bisexual/non-pansexual.
I dont mean to say lesbians or gays have it easier or are just like straight people. But we do have different experiences and I need terms to express that. It honestly doesnt matter to me if you identify as lesbian or queer (though I think you’re implying you’re more queer than anything). But I do need a term to talk about how society at large treats sexuality; ie, as a monosexual thing. Another concept that’s been thrown around is bi erasure. A strictly monosexual society is bound to view a girl dating a girl (or girl presenting) as if theyre both LESBIANS and erase a queer person the moment they’re in a m/f relationship, because people cant COMPUTE that it may not be the case and that the girl dating a cis straight dude isnt betraying her queerness.To think so is basic biphobia.
In some ways, I think it’s the same as when transgender people started using the term cisgender - which is applicable to both straight people and queer/gay people. They simply needed a term which meant “not-trans” as they were saying “I dont identify with this” (ie the cisgender experience). Does it imply that cisgender people, no matter if queer, have something in common? Yeah, yeah it does. Does it imply that queer people are just the same as straight people, or face no oppression? Of course not. Seeing people being offended upon being called monosexual feels like people being offended upon being called cis to me.
Also, saying that the terms bisexual people use are transphobic is almost implying that bisexuality is inherently transphobic? Or reeks to me of that kind of rhetoric. I use the terms I need to use, just like any other marginilized group does, and nobody outside of that group has any right of denying me that. It’s like I’m trying to create a safe space for myself and people like me and yall come around to judge us YET AGAIN. And I'm just tired of hearing this bullshit. I could accept this kind of criticism only if it came from a trans person themselves, I guess? But it’s not usually trans people who accuse us of being transphobic, in fact, many trans people identify as bisexual and use bisexual terminology lmfao.
“Hearts not parts” rhetoric
Finally, about personality being superior to physical appearance. That's amazing but I do want to note that, not you necessarily, but many people who are into the “hearts not parts” rhetoric are, how can I say this. Slut-shaming people? I’m not sure if you are doing this but I feel it needs to be said just to be sure. A lesbian trans woman can be just attracted to a girl for her physical appearance and just want to fuck her - and THAT'S OKAY. That's fine. I am a sexually attracted to people and that doesnt mean I have to form a deep bond first. Sex positivity is about accepting that people can feel like this and not shame them for this. "Hearts not parts” rhetoric has in the past infantilized, sanitized or outright shamed other queer experiences. It's fine if you feel that way but dont start acting like you're morally superior because of that. That's catholicism with extra steps. My bisexuality its not the symptom of some predatory and animalistic thing that should be purified into something more palatable and less sexual. That’s the same thing they used to say about gay people and now gay (biphobic) people are using this against us. That’s also the kind of thing trans women (especially if they’re sapphic) constantly hear every fucking day. Queer people have a good part of their discrimination rooted in the shaming of purely sexual desires. Forcing ourselves to be more palatable and less sexual is just respectability politics. I’m tired of it. (This is obviously different from being on the asexual spectrum: but you dont see ace people going around pretending they’re morally superior than everybody else, and many are actually very sex positive)   You would still love your partner if they were a different gender: that’s great, but that’s not how some (most) people feel, and they aren’t superficial because of this, just different from you.
Also, I think you’d really benefit from hearing a trans person say they don’t care if someone has genitalia preferences. Here it is. This obviously doesnt mean that every trans person will feel like she does, but it does mean that we can’t generalize trans experiences/preferences/what they feel transphobia is. Just like straight people dont get to say what’s homophobic or not, cis people dont get to say what’s transphobic or not. The definition of those terms relies entirely on the community that is targeted by these things.
I hope this wasnt excessively confusing but I wanted to make my point clear.
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Chapter 7: The Return Of An Old Freind
As tough as the clan may be at first sight, worry could spread quickly among them. At first it wasn't anything grand, as Sven would explain the leaders were looking for better shelter. It was when their children and the ghost seemed to leave and failed to come back when everyone allowed themselves to show what they were feeling. And while they were relieved when the family came back, many were confused and worried.
Admintly, Right Hand Man's eyes were the main thing that kept the worry from disappearing. At first, second, and many more glances, it appeared that some sort of blue gem had grown over the robotic side of his face. Like some sort of creature was trying to take from, and using him as a host of sorts. Needless to say, many were shocked to find out it was ice. That was all they needed to hear to understand they weren't getting better shelter anytime soon.
Right Hand Man ended up getting scolded a bit by the head of the medical department, Shelia, why she tried to remove the ice from his eye. Right Hand Man just silently took it all, although since it covered his metal side, he felt she was overreacting. However, it was taking a while for the ice to be removed. After about an hour of trying, it was clear melting it alone wasn't going to do any good.
Reginald at frist objected to the idea of trying to chip it off his eye, for fear of it hitting and breaking the glass. However, he agreed after it was pointed out the ice being there too long could cause issues, whether they broke the glass in the end or not. He just sat beside Right Hand Man, looking away and occasionally flinching at the sound of ice being chipped away. It was almost like waiting out a storm.
Eventually, all the ice was removed, allowing the two to leave and start to find the next step in their plan. By now, evening had come, the area getting darker, but not where it was impossible to see. The sky started to look more like a painting then the bright or dark blue it was usually known by everyone for. Reginald let a small smile from on his face at the sight. Before a blush also formed as a rumble went through the air, him grabbing his stomach slightly.
"'ungery, Are we?" Right Hand Man asked teasingly, chuckling slightly when he got a huff in return. He rubbed where his cybernetic eye was slightly, and nearly jolted back at the sudden chill. Ok, maybe Sheila did have a bit of a point when she was scolding him. Not that he was paying attention. He glanced back at his husband. "'ey, I am too, no need to be worried about it. We'll just grab somet'in' from t'e box again."
"The box was nearly empty this morning, probably is empty now." Reginald sighed, glancing back at Right Hand Man as the two approached where the others were. "I suppose we could see if we can have some of those large cherries from the forest... although I don't trust the colour."
"Out of all t'e t'ings you could possibly not trust in t'at g'ost's woods, it's t'e color of some fruit?" Right Hand Man shook his head in a playful manner, but Reginald just gave him a faint stare. He knew the hidden meaning behind that, and Right Hand Man knew he knew. The cyborg let out a sigh. "Look, I know you say we can trust 'im, and I'll admit, 'e could've just left t'e kids alone in t'at place, but still..."
"You get a bad feeling and think we shouldn't trust him." Reginald finished for him, shaking a head to the side. He rubbed his gloved hand slightly, trying to get rid of some of the cold from earlier. "I know you don't. But please, just give him a chance. I'm sure he means well. Just has his... own way of expressing it.. right Hattie?" Reginald called as she entered his sights.
She glanced over at the two. "If it's about something good with Snatcher, yes." She said, watching Right Hand Man glance to the side and Reginald giving a small grin in response. She rolled her eyes, before letting out a slight yawn. "Weird... I'm not really tried, but I am at the same time." She noted aloud, getting a slight eye roll from Platinum, who would never know the definition of being tried.
"I'm surprised I haven't collapsed into a coma by now." Burt added, getting a slight glare from Sven beside him. "I haven't had any coffee in two days. Two days! I asked Mr. Thicc to just throw a pot over a fire and make some and he said no!"
"Because it would ruin the pot, Burt." The chef explained triedly, having sat down ageist the edge of the orbital station's broken off wall. He knew Burt wasn't trying to be mean, it's just the guy seemed to think if he didn't have coffee, he was going to mess everything up or something. Not that he would ever share those thoughts aloud. "And the last thing we need is pots being ruined. We'll need them for when the kitchen is working again."
"You mean if, at this point." Sven sighed, leaning against Calla triedly. He smiled as he felt her grab his shoulders, most likely to keep him steady even though he could stand fine on his own. He then noticed some of the others staring at him. "What? I hate to say it, but I'm just being honest here. We have no way to properly fix half of the inside alone!"
"We know Sven, trust me, we know." Reginald sighed, glancing down at the ground slightly. He felt Right Hand Man wrap an arm around his shoulder, and while he appreciated his attempt to cheer him up, it wasn't going to do much. Sven glanced down in a bit of shame, glancing at Calla, who for a moment seemed to be in space. "Just don't say that around the others, ok?" Sven nodded, although the look in his eyes said 'not yet'.
"Welp, sucks for you all." Platinum said, shrugging slightly, before getting a slight shove from Hat Girl. He held his hands up in defense, he knew she wasn't going to hurt him, nor meant anything from the shove, but still. "Woah, sorry ok! I was just kidding! Can't a topbot make one joke about how his lack of need for stuff like food is useful?" He asked.
Burt threw his head into his hands, letting out a slight grone. This was the most clear emotion people have seen from Burt in quite a bit. "I blame you for all this, Fredrick." He mumbled, the cheese hat toppat giving a faint glare at him. The others let out faint chuckles, trying to find some humor in this. Burt sighed, crossing his arm as he regained himself. "It's almost like I can still smell food."
"Because I think you do." Calla said, glancing over at him, both him and Sven glancing over to give her a confused look. "I can smell something in the air. And... strangely it smells like it's coming closer. I think?"
Hat Girl took a sniff of the air. "Yeah, I smell it too." Hat Girl said, glancing in the direction it seemed to be the strongest in. It was only then they noticed the bushes at the edge of the woodlands were beginning to shake, like something was inside. Right Hand Man didn't want to take any chances, getting in front of the group and getting his lazer blaster ready. "Papa, wait. They could be harmless!"
Before Right Hand Man had a chance to respond, something gray pushed itself out from the bushes. At first they were a bit startled by the sudden appearance, but then realized it wasn't some sort of creature. It was some sort of serving table with wheels like those in fancy restaurants, only this one was a bit bigger and, as they came to find, longer than those. A strange site, even for a planet like this.
Eventually, it came to a stop, and by now had gotten the attention of some other toppats. Most were questioning how it got here and why. Some seemed to be debating whether or not to quickly garb as much of the silver covered dishes on it as they could.
There was a faint huffing of sorts, faintly able to be heard from the other side. Hat Girl got past Right Hand Man, walking along the tables side to get to the other end. She already had a hunch who it was, she just had questions. After about a minute or two of just walking, she came to the end, and glanced at the figure that was there. She wasn't even surprised when she saw the fur, giving a confused smile. "Cooking Cat?"
"W-Who else?" Cooking Cat asked, trying to catch her breath.
"Are you ok, you look tired." Hat Girl stated, offering the cat a hand. After a moment, the cat took it, and was lifted back onto her feet. She hadn't changed a day, or if she did, it wasn't something visible to the teen girl's eyes. Cooking Cat soon hop onto a empty spot on the table, allowing the two to be more face to face. "What are you even doing out here anyway? I don't take you as the type to get lost."
"Because I'm not lost!" Cooking Cat stated, giving a slight giggle at the confused look she received in response. "I happened to hear about your clan's whole 'crashed on this planet situation' yesterday from two mafia, and I thought I would stop by to help!"
"Hattie?" Reginald called as he walked up to her in confusion, and slight worry. He saw the orange blur appear on the table's side, but didn't know what exactly it was. He knew if Hattie hadn't fallen over by now, it was likely safe, but he had to make sure. He stopped when he noticed the cat in the chef's uniform, a bit surprised at first, but soon the pieces clicked into place. "Oh! Is this one of your friends?"
"Yup!" Hat Girl said, a smile on her face. "This is Cooking Cat! She makes some of the best food on this planet, trust me, I let her use the oven in my ship before! And I guess she brought us this food. How did you know we needed it?" She turned her attention back to the cat.
"Well, I'm not an alien like you all are, but I can assume food isn't a common thing after a ship crashes." She said, shrugging her arms.
Reginald took another glance at the table. The fact she came out here just to give them all this. Sure, most of it likely wouldn't last past a few hours, but they could get what they could save in an icebox or freezer. He smiled, as he turned to the cat. "You have no idea how much this means to us all. I wish we could repay you..."
"There's no need to worry, Mister! As soon as I heard she was back on this planet, I just knew I had to do something for her!" Cooking Cat waved him off, glancing back at Hat Kid with a smile. She then seemed to pause. "You've grown quite a lot these past few years! I mean, I shouldn't be surprised. But I was sorta expecting you would still be your old size.”
"Hey, being an alien doesn't mean I grow any faster or slower than humans." She chuckled slightly, glancing back at Reginald, who gave her a slight smile, before leaving, assuming to start planning how the food would go out. She could faintly see Fredrick holding Burt's shoulder, assumingly to keep him from garbing any and all coffee that could be here. "Oh, while I'm on the topic! How's Mu doing?"
"Why don't cha ask her yourself!" Hat Girl tilted her head to the side at her words. As if on cue, another table of sorts started to come out of the bushes. More stuff was on this one, likely making it slightly heavier. By the time it was all in view, she could see the Mustached Teen appear at the end, wiping her forehead slightly. A small smile formed on Hat Girl's face.
"Mu!" A robotic voice called along with Hat Girl's as the two raced over to the red-hooded girl. Mu spotted them and took a sigh, as if more tried by the sight of them. They soon got by her side, the siblings glancing at each other with a chuckle, before Platinum turned his attention back to the visitor. "Mu! We didn't expect you to show up so soon. We would, well, we would've tried to clean the place up, but uhhh.." He glanced back at the crashed station.
"Wow, that is a lot of cleaning up to do." Mu said after a moment of processing, giving a faint chuckle. "I wasn't planning on coming here today anyway. But Cooking Cat needed some help getting everything here, so I thought I would help. Needed an excuse to the get out of town."
"Well, we're happy to have you here!" She placed a hand on her shoulder. She wanted to give her a hug, but knew Mu wouldn't like that without a warning. Mu rolled her eyes, removing Hat Girl's hand from the shoulder. Platinum wrapped an arm around Hat Girl's shoulder, making her chuckle slightly. She then brought her attention back to Mu. "I'm not sure when exactly we'll get to eat. Most of the members here are probably starving after all."
"Again, one good thing about me being me." Platinum said, watching Hat Girl shake her head and Mu give him a faintly confused look. "Oh! I don't need to eat since I'm a robot. Or drink or the other stuff humans need too. I know, I'm lucky."
"I'm not dumb, I knew that." Mu said, slight offence in her voice. "I was wondering why you think it's so good you're missing out on everything except oil." Platinum's mouth was stuck open in shock, him processing what just happened the best he could. Hat Girl couldn't help it, she let out a laugh that likely drew some attention over to them. Mu tried holding back her own chuckle, but it proved useless in the end.
"Oh my goodness! That was perfect Mu!" Hat Girl said, eventually having to wipe a tear from her eye. As much as she loved her brother, she couldn't help but find it funny when he got like this. "It was so simple, yet so perfect at the same time!" The girls eventually slowed down there laughing and chuckling, and Platinum was able to pull himself out of being a statue, crossing his arms.
"Hattie!" They turned when Reginald's voice was heard, him walking over to the group. By now the smell of food had grown around them, as the food was now exspose to the air. Hat Girl would be lying if she tried to claim her mouth wasn't watering. "Oh, Mu is here too? That's wonderful!" He smiled, before resuming. "It might take a few minutes, but you should get ready to grab your food. And don't steal half the cookies, again, ok?"
She held her hands up in defense at his knowing glare, but couldn't help but let out a giggle. "Don't worry, Dad. It would be bad for me to go for sweets right away anyway." Satisfied with the answer, Reginald gave a nod and walked back to where Right Hand Man was.
A bit of a system was set up so no one tries to rush in for the food. The last thing they needed was it all to go over the ground after all. The younger kids were the first ones, their parents alongside them to help them get it, and so they wouldn't just pick any and all sweets their eyes laid on. The teens would go next, then it was mostly going to go from higher to lower, which everyone seemed alright with.
Hat Girl tried to keep her dish somewhat simple when it came time for her and the other teens to go up. When she walked away, her plate simply had some of the grilled chicken, mashed potatoes, mac and cheese, corn, and a breakfast sausage. She was half tempted to dig in at that very second, but wanted to keep her manor-... politeness.
"You know, going two days without food, I thought you would have gotten some more." Mu noted aloud as she came up to where she was. Mu’s plate simply considend of pork chops, green beans, and mashed potatoes, all of which looked like they were just carelessly placed there. Must not have wanted to spend too long on garbing the food. "Unless you have some sort of longer timeframe you all can go without food.
Hat Girl shrugged. "I just didn't want to take too much. There's many people here after all, and I want to be sure we all get something. Although... I was laying my eyes on some of those chocolate strawberries..."
"Yeah, I noticed" Mu snorted, letting out a chuckle as they got near one of the fire pits. Fredrick blew on the wood he held, finally getting a bit of a flame. He tossed it in the fire, and let out a slight strike as it burst to life so suddenly. Burt caught onto him, rolling his visible eye while Platinum couldn't help but laugh. "I suppose this is your first time lighting one?" Mu comment, to which Fredrick pretended she wasn't there.
"Hey, I could probably help, but Dad doesn't like me messing with stuff that could possibly hurt us. Me being made of metal- '' He stopped when he saw a faint glare enter the girls eyes. "Ok, jeez, no more robo talk."
"Thank you." Hat Girl stated, before taking a bite out of her food. Maybe it was just not having anything besides fruit, bread, and bars for the past two days, but her eyes nearly started watering at the taste. This food had to be at least an hour old if it came all the way from mafia town, but it still tasted fresh out of the oven! Or pots. "Man, I knew I said she makes some of the best food on this planet, but I forgotten how good!"
"I don't care for the food itself mostly. My eye is on all that coffee." Burt felt a slight smack, seeing a glare from Fredrick as he pulled his arm back. "What I do and don't eat is not any of your concern. Besides, you're most likely going after the cheese."
"At least I was planning on getting some soup as well! Or any of the actual food over there!" Fredrick pointed his hand over at the table, where now most of the higher ups were trying to get their food, some more picky than others. In response, Burt just shrugged and walked over to the table, leaving Fredrick to let out a frustrated sigh. "I'm going to find Sammy." He mumbled, walking away.
Reginald happened to come over with Right Hand Man then, giving the toppat a confused look. "Is he alright?" he asked, sitting across from where Hat Girl and Mu were. Right Hand Man gently tosses the two a bottle of water, before sitting besides Reginald. "I don't think I've ever seen him this upset before. Then again, we hardly see him."
"Yeah, he's just a little upset about Burt only wanting the coffee. It's weird, they were having a similar conversion before the station crash." Platinum said, shrugging his shoulders slightly. He glanced at his parents dishes, seeing Reginald had picked out that 'fish and chips' dish along with some steak. RHM had steak as well, as well as some roasted potatoes, broccoli and cauliflower. He also had some Strawberry shortcake as well. Guess he must have had a bit of a sweet tooth today.
"So, Mu. If you don't mind me asking." Hat Girl said, getting the blonde to look at her. "You said you needed an excuse to get out of mafia town? How come?" She took another quick bite of food.
"Funny story actually." Mu said, a smirk forming on her face at the thought of it all. "So, I may or might not have found these small pink and purple overalls just laying around. And then sneaked in Mafia HQ. Then waited for Mafia Jar to fall asleep. Then for his guards to leave. Then guled the overalls to the mafia's jar, well, jar." She couldn't help but let out an evil chuckle. "So yeah, pretty sure I have a bounty until those idiots forget about it tomorrow."
The area around the campfire was silent, before Right Hand Man broke out laughing. "T'at's just perfect! 'nd Doin' all t'at at yer age as well!" He felt Reginald garb his shoulder faintly and he calmed down, allowing Platinum's laughter and Hat Girl's giggles to be more clear. "Normally I don't condemn people doin' t'at, but 'e disbursed it."
"How's everyone doing here?" A voice called, the group looking over faintly as the orange cat appeared again. "I figure since everything seems to be going well with the tables, I might as well check on you all!" She glanced at the fire faintly bringing her paws to it for a bit of warmth. "This is really nice. It's a good thing you didn't crash in the desert. Although, you likely have some supper alien tech that could turn sand to fire."
"I'm the only alien of us." Hat Girl said, before pausing a moment. "Well, I guess technically they're aliens too, to this planet at least. But they're just like the humans like Mu on here." She bump a shoulder into that of the red hooded girl. "Besides, even if we had something like that, the sand would become glass."
"Well, that's true I suppose." Cooking Cat shrugged, taking a quick bite out of the fish she brought over. "Say, how did you meet them all anyway? Since they're not your original species and all."
"Her ship crashed on our planet and I happened to see. Thank goodness we got there in time to help her out safely." Reginald looked over at his daughter with a smile, before glancing up slightly, a thought entering his mind. "I wonder if anyone else ever found it. I recall checking the news the first few days and saw nothing about it."
"If anyone's found it by now, MrBeast would have made a 'I Spent 24 Hours In The Mysterious Crashed SpaceShip' video." Platinum comment, getting an eye roll from Right Hand Man.
Mu gave the topbot a confused look. "Who's MrBeast?"
"He's a Youtuber, if you know what that means." Hat Girl said, revising a shrug from Mu in return. "Makes sense, I knew you had a version of Twitter and Ebay here, but wasn't sure about that site. Anyway, he does these crazy challenge videos and a lot of the time puts money on the line. Also gives a lot of it away. Me and Platinum occasionally watch him when we're bored."
"Good guy, then." Mu nodded, seeming pleased with the answer. By now she had finished her plate, and set it off to the side.
"If we ever get a connection to youtube here, we'll be sure to show you!" Platinum said, before gasping. "Maybe we can make some version of Youtube here and use that to get pons! I tried to do the 24 hours on an island challenge once! Only made it to 34 minutes before Pops dragged me back to the airship again."
"I still don't know how you got the drop pod to send you there, those were programmed so anyone under 18 couldn't get themselves in a situation like that!" Reginald let out a tired sigh, leaning against his husband.
"Besides Platinum." Right Hand Man spoke up, rubbing his husband's back slightly. "Makein' videos would be t'e worst way to go around t'e pon situation."
To the cyborg's slight surprised, Platinum didn't try to fight the claim. Instead he just let out a sigh, garbing a nearby log and tossing it into the fire. Reginald just shook his head at the bot, preferring he'd not risk getting burnt but too tired to do anything about it. A frown could be seen on the silver face. "Yeah, Pops. I know..."
The area was slowly getting darker, as evening was slowly turning into night. Only a faint bit of a glowing orange could be seen by the treeline, the sun would be gone within the next hour. By now more camp fires were being lit up, and the glow from metal member's eyes were becoming more noticeable. Small flares would escape from the flame, doing a small dance for the group before burning out and becoming lost to the human eye.
The heat from the fire was becoming more apparent the colder the air around them came. She reached for her neck, losing the scarf slightly to allow it to cool off. She was faintly able to see some member's silhouettes as they got things ready for that night. She was faintly able to see Sven and Calla chatting as the former was grabbing some buckets, while Fredrick worked on setting back up some tents that had fallen earlier that day.
"Cooking Cat, right?" Hat Girl nearly jolted at the sudden voice near the group, turning over to see Mr. Thicc look down at the cat, who nodded with a humm. "I know you must have already gotten this compliment from many others, but I really have to say that your food is amazing. Some of the best I've had in my life."
Cooking Cat gave a smile to the man. "No need for thanks, sir. Cooking for others has always been a passion of mine! Why, that's why I gave myself my name after all!" She gave a small giggle.
"Wait, cooking cat's your rea... You know what. After meeting people named 'Conductor' or 'Mustache Girl' it's too late to ask how names work here." Platinum said, before pausing and looking over at the girls. "Uhh, no offence Mu."
"None taken." Mu shrugged slightly, before pulling her sleeve up as far as it could go.
"'ey, my names Right Hand Man, so I don't 'ave any rig't to start judgein'." Right Hand Man stated as he looked at Mu. "Atltoug' I would be lyin' if I said I didn't find t'e amount of t'ese types of names weird. It's almost like yer all goin' by TV host nicknames."
"Not that I blame you in her case. Cooking Cat does have a show!" Hat Girl piped up.
"Well, it's had now, although you can still stumble upon some episodes on TV." Cooking Cat chime in, letting out a slight giggle as Hat Girl gave her a confused look. "As fun as it was having one, it was starting to get tiring after a while. It did end up giving me enough pons to open a restaurant in Mafia Town!"
"Wow! Now I wished I knew! Would've stop by to say hi yesterday!" Hat Girl said. And it likely would have kept her and Platinum from walking in when they did, ruining the clan's best chance to get pons... A small sigh left her mouth but she kept a smile.
"Bet it took you a while to get your employees to cook as well as you." Mr. Thicc chuckled slightly as he looked down at her.
"Well...." Cooking Cat sighed. "I don't exactly have any employees. Sure I've had many in the past, but none lasted too long and I never had many at a time. Mafia Town isn't the best place to work at if you're not the owner of a place." Mu gave a nod to that statement, despite having no way to know that exact fact. "Had to close the place today just so I could deliver all this."
"I'm so sorry. If we knew you were going to do this for us, we would have found a way to properly pay you for your lost time" Reginald said, a frown forming on his face. "I do have a small bit of gold, but that won't do much on this planet."
"Oh, there's no need to worry mister." Cooking Cat said, shaking her head, voice still with that joyful tone. "Since it's mostly me running the place, I have enough pons to close for a few days and not lose anything if I wanted to! The only real employees I have are my distant cousin from the metro, and a teen from Alpine who comes in on the weekends. And the fromer doesn't show up much." She let out a sigh. "Would be nice to have a few more hands, though."
There was a humm from the toppat chef, before he snapped his fingers, startlingly the toppat who had drifted into the land of his mind. "I got it! I'll need to talk about it with some of the other chefs, but maybe some of us can start working for you."
"What?" Reginald asked, looking over confused. Unless he was planning on sneaking some food back to the clan, how was that going to help.
"Think about it. Even if we do only make a couple pons per shift, that will at least give us a steady source of money we can used to repair the station." Mr. Thicc said, and Reginald was silent for a moment. The answer was so simple, how come he didn't think of it before. "Sure, it may not be the fastest method to get the station fixed, it'll take forever, but it'll be better then nothing!"
"It's... It's perfect!" Reginald said, nearly hopping out of his seat in the joy and relief that willed his being at that very moment. "It's the answer we needed!" He then brought his attention back to the orange cat. "Well... if you're ok with it, that is."
"Well, you'll all have to wake up mighty early in order to get there on time. But I don't see a problem with it!" Cooking Cat said, a smile forming on her face.
"Then it's settled!" Reginald said, clapping his hands slightly. "Mr. Thicc, please go see if any of our other chefs will be interested in working with her?" The man nodded, gray shoes hitting agest the earth as he disappeared. Reginald let out a sigh of relief, leaning against his husband once again.
"Easy Reg, don't want ya passin' out on us." Right Hand Man chuckled, stroking his lover's hair faintly.
"This is probably the most relaxed I've seen Dad." Platinum chuckled, before glancing up at the sky, as everything got the smallest bit darker. "Welp, I should get to my charger. I'll see you all tomorrow." He gave a faint poke in Hat Girl's shoulder as he left, getting a playful glare in return.
"Well, I suppose I should leave." Cooking Cat, standing back up. "It's gonna be a real pain to get back in the dark. Might as well not make it worse."
"Yeah. Well, it was nice seeing you, I suppose." Mu said, giving a slight wave before getting up, getting ready to leave.
"Wait." Reginald called, the two from this planet looking over at him in such confusion. "We... may not have the best condition for guests right now. But please, allow yourselves to stay the night here. It'll be safer for you, and as of right now, it's about the most we can do in return for the kindness you show us tonight."
"Yeah. You two could even sleep in my tent tonight. It normally has enough room for one comfortably but you two should be able to make it work. I can sleep by one of the fires tonight." Hat Girl chimed in. She caught a slight disaproveable of the lack of tent from Reginald's eye, but he didn't say anything.
"Well... I suppose I'll have Mafia Goons outside my place if I return now." Mu sighed, kicking at the ground. "So I suppose I'll take your offer. Although I could also just spend the night in the boat. Would be easier."
"Now, a boat isn't a place for a young girl like yourself to sleep." Cooking Cat said, hoping up and garbing her hand. Hat Girl noticed a faint glare coming from Mu, but made no comment. She was sure she could guess why the glare was there. "Come on, let's find a place to rest." Mu simply nodded, and they disappeared into the dark. The dark of night, lit up with little fires... The dark of space, lit up by night stars...
"Hattie, are you alright?" Reginald asked, placing a hand on her shoulder. She shook her head, breaking out of her thoughts, glancing back at him. "You seemed... sad there for a moment."
"Yeah. I'm fine." She looked at him, giving him a soft smile. "I'm just glad we got things figured out. We'll be back home before we know it." She'll be gone before she knows it.
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radramblog · 3 years
Rating the letters of the alphabet
I feel like part of my style of comedy is just rambling about shit and making loose connections between things as part of an overall bit. I think. I’m no expert on myself, unfortunately.
The inspiration for the following absolute load of shite is trying to search Tiermaker for nothing. Like, no characters in the search bar. Didn’t come up with anything. Did a search for just a space. No dice. What about just a? Surely that’ll bring up everything with an A in the title. But it didn’t, and I was somewhat disappointed.
Then my head started writing bits about letters and that’s how we got here. This is probably really stupid, but maybe it’ll at least be fun. Wordplay is cool, though maybe not my strong suit? Anyway.
A: A is one of the two letters that’s also just a word, as you’ve just seen, giving it a necessary promotion in rank. Not a lot of things get to double up like that, though with the “an” ligature maybe it’s actually a double or nothing. But because of the confusing common connection crossing contexts for the character, it gets somewhat awkward to talk about the letter in conversation. An A, in my opinion, A does not get. 4/5.
B: B is also just a word letter but unlike A when you write it out you have to stick a few extra letters on to make it work, making it not as good. But B’s association with bees isn’t enough, because in the year of our lord, like, 2019 or something, it would become inextrixably linked with shite memes as the B emoji became king. And I just don’t respect that. It’s otherwise a fine letter, dragged down by its company. 2/5.
C: Oh come on now, the word doesn’t even have a C in it anymore! You can sea the see without any of our tertiary letter’s involvement whatsoever. Not to mention how its two main sounds are just copies from other letters wholesale. C must be confusing to non-english speakers, I’d imagine. C as a grade gets what C as a grade typically entails for many a schoolchild. 3/5.
D: It would be remiss of me not to give a sterling grade to the D. Why, none of us would be here without it. While many a youth may find the D to be quite a humourous subject, I assure you I’m taking it with the gravest of sincerity when I say the D has got to be one of the best letters of all.
And by D I mean deity, of course. Wait, what did you think I meant? 5/5.
E: The absolute absurdity that is the E meme elevates E efficiently enough to excel beyond many another vowel. However, it is also the single most common letter in the English language, going so far as to open the damn name. It’s to the point where someone made a point of writing an entire book without using it, and I think Gadsby is cool but mayhaps avoiding fifth uncial was a bit showy. I can’t help but mark it down for the sake of hipster cred. 3/5.
F: F is for Fuck. I like the word Fuck. F is for paying respects. I think the military-industrial complex has poisoned our cultural landscape to the point that a reference to one of its most prized productions’ awkward moments has become one of the most colloquially used meme letters in existence, And That’s Terrible. 3/5, I’m conflicted.
G: Man literally who the fuck cares about G. What is it even good for. Just an absolute waste of a letter, total shithouse. It’s NATO equivalent is Golf, the Worst Sport, too. Who asked for any of this? Just use a J instead, it’s cooler. 1/5.
H: I’ve seen “Hhh” used enough times in written forms of pornography to not consider it a Horny Letter. That and it, being short for Hentai, is often used to denote adult material in Japan. Basically what im saying is, I think this gets worse the less sex-positive you are. 6/9.
I: I think I’ve said enough about letter words already, but I is another high-tier one because like A I is just it’s own thing. It can also, however, be a bit confusing, looking just like an l a lot of the time, and having to constantly capitalise it is a pain in the ass. I also don’t have a particularly high opinion of myself, so a high opinion of I seems disingenuous. 3/5.
J: Clearly the best letter, hands down. I’m definitely not biased. There are so few letters as underappreciated by J- a fact many a person who’s had to do that “assign yourself an alliterative adjective” icebreaker game has had to reckon with. Because it appears to be a lot more popular with names than with words, and that just kind of sucks. 6/5.
K: K has in some circles managed to bump off its partner to become yet another letter word, though in a very informal abbreviated sense. However, when you’re looking into scientific fields, eventually said partner returns, having lost some weight on the trip down to absolute zero. This all makes complete sense in my head, and I’m sure is a lot less funny to anyone who doesn’t live there. 4/5.
L: I’d argue that L doesn’t cop its namesake. It’s a really useful letter, loads of words use it, especially in pairs, and my ADHD-brain thought it was fun to just say LLLLLLLLLLL for a bit while I was thinking about this so I guess that’s staying in now. Put me down as an L Lobbyist. 4/5.
M: Mmmmmm. M&Ms. But also it’s kind of a pain to write. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. 3/5.
N: I’d like to fight whoever decided we should have two letters that sound so similar right bloody next to each other in the alphabet. Actually, who the fuck even decided the alphabet’s order to begin with? Maybe it should go M to N, that’ll bloody show you. 2/5.
O: Our fourth vowel, and perhaps one of the underappreciated ones. O is similarly a letter word, but a much more common one considering its use as an interjection. It’s also one half of a very powerful letter combo, as we’ll see. 4/5.
P: There’s the other half. Many a joke involves OP as a phrase, whether it mean overpowered or original poster, and the letters’ adjacency is a lovely bit of serendipity. Whenever I say P out loud, on its own, I have to resist the urge to do some incredibly shitty beatboxing, which may or may not be a good sign. 4/5.
Q: I was going to write some very harsh words about Q, and its dependency on U, but then I realised that that is probably hate speech against the disabled. It still sucks, though. 0/5.
R: R is the one I am most struggling to think of things to say about. R is another letter that’s just kinda there. I’m sure the Roberts and Rachels of the world would disagree with me, though. It’s also the name of a program that I know has traumatised a lot of young biologist wannabes, slapping us with a whole pile of maths and statistics when we just wanted to look at cool plants and shit. Or in my case, cool cells and shit. 2/5.
S: The most overrated consonant, but also the thing that makes plurals not a pain in the ass. However I’m going to lean towards giving S a positive rating, if only because it’s associated with snakesssss (and serpentine characters who can talk) and I like those. 3/5.
T: I don’t think T gets enough credit as one of the pillars of the English language. A lot of very common words feature it, and yet it feels like it never gets the same level of credit as big shots like S or half of the vowels. T is like the character actor of the alphabet, is basically what I’m saying. 4/5.
U: Ah, the letter Americans hate for some reason. I think this is actually commentary on the history of American politics. Because throughout history, America has been extremely selfish and self-centered, while attempting to present a positive image that people are finally seeing past. They only entered WWI and WWII when it was convenient for them, they started wars and initiated coups in even their allies for petty ideological reasons, and they’ve gone to war with several countries and funded wars with several others seeming just for shits and giggles. Because apparently if you’re not an American, then you’re not one of them, and that means they hate U. 4/5.
V: I actually think V is underrated. It’s a fun sound. That’s it, no joke here. It’s neat, I like it. 4/5.
W: This may come as a shock to you, but double-u over here is actually two Vs! unless you’re writing in cursive, but fuck cursive. The French actually have it right on this one, naming it double-v (pronounced doobleh-vay). Add in the fact that it’s literally just M upside down, and you’ve got a pretty shite letter. 1/5.
X: There’s a reason literally every “A is for Apple” thing you see made for kids uses Xylophone for X, and that’s because there are no commonly used words that start with it. Seriously, it’s all just scientific terms- I’d argue X-Ray is more common than Xylophone in common parlance, but also, who wants to explain imaging to a kid. It doesn’t even get a second page of words on Dictionary.com. X also has implications as a letter word, that I’d rather avoid at the moment. 2/5.
Y: Ah, Ygreck, everyone’s favourite “what the fuck, France?” moment. Between that and being sorta kinda not really a vowel, Y prompts its own question more often than I’d care to admit. 2/5.
Z: As a (technical) member of the generation associated with this letter- on the one hand, I’m sorry, on the other, y’all have it coming. The final letter of the alphabet, one of the other ones worth 10 in scrabble (and yet X isn’t???), and one we probably got pretty sick of in the early 00s when it was everywhere- ironically, when most of the generation was getting born. 2/5.
And that’s the lot of them. I hope this didn’t alienate any non-English speakers too hard. It’s probably fine.
Join me for more bullshit next time I have another stupid idea. I mean, tomorrow.
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pinkykitten · 4 years
meet & greet - part 1
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2845: EXILE
synopsis: It’s the year 2845. A year where Earth is in shambles and space is the new frontier. You are sent along with other cadets to a distress call about some type of unknown creature. You are new as an engineer on the ship Shiganshina and you have to work for your boss and leader of your group Levi Ackerman. But remember, in space no one can hear you scream.
pairing: levi ackerman x female! reader words: 3,406( 〇□〇) genre: fluff, space au, series, future au, romance, comedy 
a/n: this is my first au series. my sis is obssessed w the alien franchise and she showed me alien isolation and it was so good she watched it like all the time and she saw markipliers game through so im excited to show yall my idea, hope yall like it. hope u like some sexy space levi cuz i know i do. 
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You remembered what your father taught you - how to create with your hands. How in your mind you felt lost and insignificant in this vast existence called space. But he explained to you that you could be so much more. With your help people can depend on you and believe in you and that makes you important. That makes hard work payed off when you are there for someone. 
“Hey rookie, make sure to get those screws in. We don’t want this compartment tearing apart.” Hannes, your co-worker, ordered you. 
You wiped the grease from your forehead. Sweat was dripping down your face. “How many times do I gotta tell you this, Hannes, just because I’m new to this job doesn’t mean I don’t know how to seal a door.” You banged the object and rolled your eyes and the insensitive words of that man. He thought he owned the business. “Besides, once I get enough cash, I can buy my own ship and head on out of here like a-”
“-person’s hair caught on fire,” Hannes chuckled. “We know this. You tell us every time.”
You pushed yourself up to get yourself a cup of coffee. “It’s true though, I’m gonna do.” You bit your gloves off as you scratched the back of your head. “Somehow.” It was difficult finding jobs for engineers. Every thing was growing and getting more modern as the days went by. Now robots took care of things and did what you could do but 10 times faster, better, and more work. Plus, you had limited knowledge, you needed to be trained more but there was only so much your old man taught you. “I already know how I’m going to decorate it and the speed.” You whistled. “That baby is going to go faster than a meteorite.” There were stars in your eyes. It was all you ever dreamed of, ever since you were a little girl. It was all you wanted to do. Build things and be on your own. Making your own rules and being your own person. 
You picked up your wrench and went under the compartment to take a look at its legs. 
“Um, Y/N. There’s someone here to see you.” Hannes said. 
You rolled out from under to see your best friend who is like your little brother, Eren, with his two pals, Mikasa and Armin. “No way! Hey guys!” You ran to them for a hug. “I haven’t seen you guys in like 2 years!”
Eren smiled wide as he brought you aside. “Yeah, its been a while.”
“Why are you getting so tall squirt?” You ruffled his chocolate brown hair. You and Eren knew each other as little kids. His father was a doctor and was acquainted with your father. From time to time they worked together. 
“Must be all that food we eat at the academy!” Armin said with a cheerful spirit. 
That’s when you took one look at their attire and saw all of them wearing their space academy suits and that’s when you knew Eren came here to change your mind. 
You shook your head as you walked away to look for parts. 
“Y/N! Where are you going? Y/N!” Eren called out for you. 
“Nice going really subtle.” Mikasa smacked Armin.
“What?” The little sunshine was lost. 
Ever since Eren got into the space academy he had been trying to get you enrolled as well. It was his dream and all but not yours. You didn’t want to be stuck in a room with entitled brats that think they know it all when they really didn’t. It wasn’t your calling and you didn’t want to go and nothing, nobody could change your mind. 
“Please Y/N, listen up.” Eren helped you pick up the box of parts. 
“Why should I? I can’t believe the only reason you would show up and see your friend is to convince her to do something she doesn’t want to do.”
“That’s not true. It’s not like that,” Eren tried to explain. 
“So you didn’t come over here to change my mind?” 
Eren was silent but then gave in, “Okay, yes. But it’s because we need you!”
“Sure,” you said sarcastically. “Like I’ve never heard that before.”
Mikasa cornered you and slapped her hands on the wall near your face. “Listen to what he has to say.”
“Eren you better come grab your friend before I throw hands on a kid.” You gave a warning look. 
You served them coffee as you sat and talked. “What do you need me for?”
“They’ve seen the way you work. They think you’re incredible and one of the best which you are to me and they want you on their team.”
“What makes you think I’m going to say yes?”
“We got in a call, a distress call from one of Warrior’s ships, Marley. One of our own. It’s a real emergency and it sounds like they are in real distress. They’re far away and on our radar it shows the ship is in critical condition. Warrior is sending people out to rescue those from Marley.” Armin reasoned. 
“And why do you need me? Can’t Warrior do it themselves? They’ve got the people and they’ve sure got the money.”
They go silent and Mikasa places her hand on Eren’s knee. “The call that we got from one of our own said that something on the ship was dangerous to the crew. We need capable men and women on this job. Warrior has you in their files and they’ve been watching you on how you react to things. They feel you are really fit for this job.” 
You shook your head, “no. I gotta get back to reality. I got so much stuff on my mind that I have to do.”
“Wait!” Eren pulled your sleeve. “They’re willing to pay a lot.” 
You bit your lip. You couldn’t resist.
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As you walked into the classy headquarters you regretted a bit coming here. Deep down you really didn’t know what danger could they have meant. 
“Hello sir, here is Y/N L/N. She is very strong and highly capable to complete this mission.” Eren saluted to what seemed to be the boss of Warrior.
“Hello there Y/N. We were expecting you,” the man was tall and had short blonde hair. The bangs were split apart and he wore glasses. He gave his hand for you to shake. “I’m Zeke.”
“Nice to meet you Zeke. This a nice place you got here.”
“Thank you, now without further a do I would like to show you the crew that will be assisting you on this mission.”
“There’s more?” You gulped. You were not that spontaneous at working together with others. You had many ideas and usually that clashed with peoples opinions. 
“Yes indeed. You will need the help,” Zeke chuckled. “I’ve seen your work that you do. You’re the one who created that electromagnetic pull to connect and pull together the two trains. I’m very impressed.”
“It’s just, stuff I learned from my pops,” you followed Zeke. Every corner you took amazed you more. Chandelier upon chandelier, buttons leading to new discoveries. You were so curious! 
“I’m sure Eren told you about the distress call and the mission in itself?”
“Yeah, he told me a little about it. It sounds real terrifying. I hope the people are okay.”
Zeke smiled, “that’s why we need people like you that care enough to go save them. Now your crew that you’ll be working on is called the special operation squad, created by their captain of their ship, Erwin Smith.” He gave you a pad to look at captain Erwin’s photo. He looked very handsome and charming. His eyebrows thick and a face of seriousness. You glimpsed over his information and handed it back to Zeke. 
“Looks tough.”
“Indeed he is, he once landed a plain when it ran out of power. It was just falling down to the surface and he managed to let the legs stick out the right moment that it didn’t even have a scratch.”
“We have Eld Jinn, Oluo Bozado, Petra Ral, and Gunther Schultz. They graduated at the top of their classes. This will also be their first mission.”
You saw their pictures and couldn’t believe one of them was that age.
“We have Hange Zoe, smarty that one. And second in command, Levi Ackerman. He is amazing under pressure and is very strong. He is one of our best.”
You saw his complexion and he had bags under his eyes. Not what you were expecting, “he looks short.” You popped gum in your mouth.
“He is but very, very, scary. And he is going to teach you and be beside you mostly during the procedure just so you can understand and get a taste.”
“I think I can handle this myself besides why would I want to take orders from someone half my size.” You laughed as walked right into Levi. 
He raised his brow, “you were saying.” His voice was deep and gruff and he truly looked like he could kill you.”
“Yes, here is the crew. Special operation squad I want you to meet your newest member Y/N L/N.” Zeke presented them to you. 
You waved awkwardly. They all looked like they could eat you alive. 
Oluo walked over with his hands in his pockets, “I hope you can keep up you little,” he bit his lip and started choking.
“Karma,” you smirked. 
“Don’t listen to that idiot. I’m just glad to have another girl on the team! Yay!” Petra ran and high fived you. 
“Hey what about me?” Hange pouted. 
“Fine you too.” Petra gave her a high five. 
“Sir, if I may have a word. We think we might have found a way to get into the breach. Since the power is down there may be a way we can open the latched door and connect Shigashina to Marley.” Erwin walked Zeke over to the map on the screen.
“Actually that won’t work.” You spoke up.
“Who is she?” Erwin questioned. 
“See,” you pulled the blue print of Marley to the crew. “There is only a limited power left on that ship circulating certain items on it and is whats keeping the ship staying up. Light, vents, door, you get the point. If we try to open the gate to connect the two ships all the power left will go to that door. So instead we go over to Marley and get in our suits. Physically walk to Marley and try to open a small vent or door there. It will be safe because we’ll be hooked. I’ve done it many times...Names Y/N L/N.” You shook Erwin’s hand. “And I’m your newest crew member.”
Everyone cooed and awwed at your ability. It was like you said the best comeback. You looked to see Levi not smile but his eyes did the talking. You could tell he was proud of you. 
“Excellent work Y/N. I knew you were made for this job. Levi, make sure you teach her more. She is already a great learner.” Zeke said. 
Hange pushed you to Levi and you wrapped your arms around his head for support. “I guess you’re my student now. Don’t mess this up.”
You weren’t a fond of this amazing hero Levi. 
“Has she heard the call yet?” Erwin asked. 
“No i haven’t.”
The call was shaky at first but then a girls voice came on, “Hello Warrior. This is Marley in the midst of completing the Warrior program. Day 34. Every thing was fine at first. But then everything went to Hell.” There was a bang in the background. “I don’t have much time and I don’t know if I’ll be alive but we need assistance here, asap! Something is here, its coming and its killing! We need someone quick! Please!” It cuts off with a roar and then silence. 
Your heart is beating fast and you feel faint. You take a seat, “that’s awful.” Were you really ready for this mission? “Why did they go there in the first place?”
“To look for more planets that contain life of course. Isn’t that what its always about.” Zeke explained. 
“Our mission crew, is to rescue Marley and bring as many home to safety. We do our best and we make sure we take down whatever that threat may be so it doesn’t come to the population.”
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You ship Shiganshina was being loaded with supplies. Gun were being transported and you almost felt your throat go dry. You tried to keep a tough face but you were never in a situation like this. 
“You okay?” Levi asked. 
He startled you with the suddenness. “Will we be using those?”
Levi saw the fear in your eyes and patted your back, “only if we need to.” He handed you a black space suit. “For you. Put it on, were going to be ready in about 5.”
As you put on the skin tight space suit you began to realize how real this really was. It frightened you and made you want to go back to where it was safe. But you made a promise. Your father taught you to help people and these people needed your help. 
Being and engineer you fell in love with Shiganshina. It was an older model ship but it was redone to look modern. It was bigger than any ship you ever seen that it took more than 20 people to pilot this thing. It was so gorgeous to you every aspect of it. “I’m in love.”
“Did you know that this was the first ship of its kind to be made?” Hange Zoe spat out facts. Zeke was right, she was very smart. 
“It’s so special,” your fingertips grazed the cool metal of the ship. 
Waling into the chilling area you saw the crew playing ping pong and reading. It was announced that the ship took off. You grabbed a coffee and sat next to Eld. 
“Man the way you gave it to Erwin!” Oluo joked. “He looked like he pooped himself!” He laughed. Petra came and sat on his lap. “Don’t act like you’re so cool. You always copy Levi.”
Gunther almost died laughing. “She got you there dude.”
“So this is your guys first mission too. Are you scared?”
“Why are you? Then maybe you shouldn’t be on this ship.” Oluo eyed you down. 
Petra smacked his head, “stop being a jerk! Y/N is part of us now. I am a little scared but I know I am ready to prove myself to Warrior.”
“At least you had training. I’m just learning as I go.”
“I’ll teach you the best way I can.” Levi suddenly appeared holding his cup of coffee odd. “You just have to be teachable.”
“I am!” You were getting aggravated. You were equal to them and you had to start believing it. 
“Psst,” Eld tapped you. “Don’t worry, I’m a little scared too. I’ve got a wife and two kids back at home.” Eld showed you a picture of them in his locket. 
You grinned, “they are a beautiful family. I’m sure you’re making them proud. Thanks by the way. I’m glad someone else is scared around here.”
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You scooped the rest of your stew out of your cup as the others bursted out laughing while saying stories of their training. 
“Remember you fell in the sewer?” Hange chuckled as she picked up the dishes to put away in the sink. “That was pretty gross my man.” 
Gunther rolled his eyes, “I got all that crap in my hair for like months. It was not funny and you know it.”
“What about when Eren slipped and did a split when he was talking to that chick?” Levi recalled, sipping his tea in a strange manner. 
“He did a split?” You almost choked on a piece of meat. “That behemoth?”
“Ha ha very funny.” Erwin said sarcastically. “I thought she was endgame and that was so humiliating.”
“You still went on a date though.” Oluo said, “I remember she threw that cake on your face.”
You raised your brow and tried to hold in your chuckle. “What? She did that to you? Why?”
“It’s because-” Levi started. 
“No let me tell it,” Hange butted in. “Erwin, I don’t think this is gonna work.” She impersonated the lady in a valley girl voice. “Like, you are too much in your job and you will never make time for me. I need a man who will spoil me and who will make me,” they all yelled in unison, “their sexy, little, queen of a thang!”
Oluo banged on the table, cackling loud, tears running down his face. Hange fell on the floor while Erwin was trying to cover his face to hide the blush. You laughed so hard you flipped your bowl. “Oh crap!” You looked and saw a tiny hint of a smile on Levi’s face. It was a different look and you liked it. He looked cute and it made you happy. 
“You finished?” He asked. 
“Yeah,” you yawned. “I’mma hit the showers.”
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You couldn't go to sleep. Tossing and turning you had all these expectations of what this mission entailed. Some were excited while some were terrified of the danger that laid on ship Marley. You didn’t know what to expect. 
Sweat dripped down your back and your heart pounded fast. You shot up and breathed deeply. 
Going to the kitchen you were looking for milk to drink to help with your insomnia. You were searching the refrigerator. 
“What are you doing up?”
You shrieked as you jumped. It was Levi, leaning against the counter. “Oh my God, you scared me!” You clutched your heart. 
“Couldn’t sleep?”
You nodded, “is it that obvious?”
He peered down to the carton of milk. “Eld told me what you two talked about.” Levi crossed his arms and you saw his muscles trying to rip out of his hoodie. “Its okay to be scared. If you’re not scared then you’re not human and when you’re doing this type of job you need everything to remind you that you still are. Besides, I’m not going to let anything happen to you.”
You were silent because no one had ever said that to you. But you wondered if he was genuine. “I’ve never left that garage I worked at. Traveling space like this its always something I wanted but I’m just - the unknown is whats terrifying. I’m scared that I’ve wanted this for so long, what if its not what I expected? What if I fail?”
“That’s why you have to try it though, its to see what you feel about something. Because you’ll live your life not knowing and that being a mystery, and that is the worst feeling ever.”
“Yeah,” you scratched the back of your head. 
“Give me your hand, I want to show you something?” Levi outstretched his hand to you. 
“Where are you taking me?”
“I want to show you something amazing, idiot just take the dang hand.” 
You clutched his palm and he made his way to the window of the ship. It was big and wide. It was as if the world was laid out in front of you. 
“Wow,” you said amazed. Your eyes widened. The amazing galaxies and space reflected into your eyes. The sun was a little far way and was bright and beautiful. “Its so...perfect.”
“Right?” Levi leaned against the wall. “That’s kinda about the good thing about this job. The view is unbeatable.”
“I’ll say.” You smirked. “To think we are just a tiny part of this bigger picture. Makes you feel insignificant.”
“No, to me it makes me feel lucky. Lucky that I’m alive to witness something this great.”
You grabbed a hold of Levi’s hand, still looking at the space. “Thank you Levi.” Tears fell down your face. 
Levi looked shocked and was about to ask but your look turned into something that was horrifying. You covered your mouth as you gasped. “What happened?”
He gazed to where you were pointing and his eyes widened. He ran and shouted and he went to go get the crew. 
The ship Marley was there. Out of power, just floating like a lump of rock in the middle of space. It pieces broken and looking ruined. Something was terribly wrong. 
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a/n: oooh spooky lol i wonder whats gonna happen. phew that was a lot of writing i hope u guys enjoy it bc it means so much to me. but i mean u all can tell that levi is ready to drop everything for y/n, they already having heart eyes!!!
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tfw-no-tennis · 3 years
mtmte liveblog issue 35
ooooh baby functionist universe time
the cover with the neon ‘everything is fine’ sign is rlly good but also the pile of dead data stick bots makes me so sad omg noooo they're so cute leave them alone :( 
minimus and rewind...! its so cool seeing them interact
also I just love the crowd shot, and you can immediately see that there are a ton of data stick bots like rewind around - which isn't what we’re used to at all
also some good ole totalitarian govt stuff like the ‘you are our eyes’ sign (which, in retrospect, is fucking evil damnnnn)
also I'm so [eyezoom] on this functionist universe stuff bc like, this is basically the only time we ever see dominus be a character (rather than hearing abt him thru other characters), and even so he remains pretty ambiguous 
like, minimus clearly isn't thrilled that dominus didn't show up to see him at the space airport or w/e when they've been apart for two million years - and even tho we later see why he didn't show up, it still shows that there's some tension there
the amount of crowd shots in this issue is insane 
oooof, the fact that they sold luna 2 - and to the black box consortia, who we just heard about last chapter when they previously got into a space battle w/the galactic council and the djd
fu!minimus being part of the primal vanguard is interesting, I wanna see more about that. what was he doing w/them for 2 million years?
rewind just casually saying this completely fucked stuff, like that the govt ‘outlawed the intellectual class’ and ‘deported the knock-offs’ (which I'm assuming is cold constructed bots?)
I really like the sense we get thru minimus and rewind’s convo that all of this fucked up stuff has happened slowly enough that its become almost normal - like, they talk about it casually, even though its clear they don't necessarily agree with any of it 
plus the sense of ‘even if things get really bad ill be okay’ that both rewind and minimus seem to adhere to - rewind having been upgraded from being in the disposable class due to his connection w/dominus, and minimus saying ‘I like to think that obsolescence is something that happens to other people’ 
I love all the fucked up signage this issue. ‘take pride in being a means to an end,’ yikes
god and the fact that there isn't MORE data sticks, there's just LESS of other alt modes bc of how many alt modes the govt has wiped out completely...
oof, and continuing the whole ‘slow change’ thing - minimus saying that ‘the council never touches the astro class,’ and maybe that used to be true, but the govt will keep pushing that line, clearly...
and we get to see minimus’s alt mode! altho we the readers know that this isn't minimus’s true form...
‘amazing, the lengths some people will go to cross class boundaries,’ minimus says, as if he isn't doing exactly what rewinds describing, but even moreso as a loadbearer wearing an entire suit of armor
and then the casual public execution of the last lunabot...oof.
love the ‘cybertron. the present day’ text overlay...I was so confused about this when I first read it lmao. I figured it had to be some sort of au/quantum nonsense but STILL
back on the lost light, chromedome is going full kool-aid man on rewinds door
mannnnn I absolutely love the plotline of rewind 2 and chromedome 1...im so glad the story acknowledges that they ARE different, they did experience different stuff on their own lost lights, and rewind 2 being a quantum duplicate doesn't mean he had the same experiences as rewind 1...
and I love so much that chromedome just Doesn't Get It, bc of course he wouldn't - he’s too relieved that rewind is back to even consider that its not quite the same, that the rewind he was forced to blow up is still dead (which is a fucked up thought, so of course chromedome, the master of pushing the past away and moving right along, would want to avoid thinking about that in favor of continuing his relationship w/rewind 2)
it also makes a lot of sense that rewind, who records everything and puts a huge emphasis on history/the past, would be hyperaware of all the differences between him and rewind 1, and his chromedome and this chromedome
AUGHHHH and chromedome referring to an offer he made to rewind that was pretty clearly ‘if your memories of the djd slaughter are too much, I can remove them for you’ ooooof...I love these two so much, like...their absolute opposite approaches to trauma is fascinating
oooh mannnnn and then rewind starts ‘remembering’ stuff from the functionist universe...the plot thickens...!
I really like how one of the main ‘things’ in a lot of tf universes is energon/energy shortages, its interesting when the angle is kinda like, ‘energon is a finite resource and the methods to obtain more often involve destroying other planets,’ that's a pretty unique, alien problem for the tfs to have
it also makes sense that the functionists would form partially in response to that (perceived) shortage, and any sort of scarcity would push them further into their extremist views
I like how expressive the characters with visors are...its cute...
poor rewind has to go thru So Much
WHY can just anyone go into the morgue and touch the dead bodies. I mean I guess megatron being one of the captains explains why he’s in there, but that still shouldn't be allowed 
‘megatron mountain’ vhbjdkshfbjskfbhhk that's so fucking funnyyyyy I love rodimus....I quote that line a lot, especially when watching g1 lmao
the fact that swerve diluting his engex bc he’s a cheapskate saved everyone's s lives is amazing lmao
also like...damn brainstorm sure tried to murder Literally Everyone huh. like I guess the logic would be that if he succeeded in changing the past it wouldn't matter that they had died there cause the timeline wouldn't exist, but STILL. I guess that shows how confident brainstorm was in his plan
it makes so much sense somehow that rung doesn't drink. and we’ve seen firsthand why magnus doesn't lol
mannnn that panel of brainstorm shooting magnus with some wacky beam and causing the magnus armor to fall off in vehicle mode...Super Cool, just peak mad scientist vibes there
ok but if minimus switches to alt mode when ultra magnus does - as we see here, where minesweeper-minimus is inside big-ole-car-magnus - does that mean that inside the minesweeper is turbofox-minimus?? I want to seeeee
ghsdufjkbvksadfbhjs the panels of rodimus telling megatron that brainstorm time travelled are so fucking funny
and megatrons rant about how absolutely bonkers the lost light is....hvbhjdskfbasjh that's so funny oh my god. like yeah dude you're right and you gotta roll w/it sorry 
'on this ship, a minor breakdown is practically a rite of passage’ vbjdsnfbkasdfn its true and I love it
goddddddd it kills me how at this point in the story its So Obvious to everyone that brainstorm travelled back in time to do evil decepticon double agent stuff - and we as the reader can even buy that bc brainstorm has been so sketchy until now, and nothing he’s done contradicts what rodimus suggests - but it turns out in the end, it was all just for love. AUGHHHHHHHH its about the LOVE!!!! that's why I love this arc so much.
back in the functionist universe - god I cant believe rewind waited until Now to reveal to minimus that dominus has a tv face...like I get that that's a difficult topic to bring up in conversation but like, a little sooner might've been good hbvhjkdhnfbjaksl
oh man it hurts...rewind saying that they're in a ‘blind spot...’ oh man :(
rebel rewind, tho!! I love it sm
oh man and rewind never even broke the news about dominus to minimus oof. that's a tough reveal 
MANNN I really like the whole ‘flathead’ thing, its so awful and brutal. its such a logical extension of empurata, and as dominus says, once people get used to seeing empurata’d bots, it loses its punch...and the flatheads thing is even more invasive 
and writing wise, both empurata and the tv-heads are such good devices to show evil govt bs. I talk abt it a lot but I like all the ways jro gets creative with the ‘alien robots’ thing; a lot of these concepts wouldn't work at all with humans or other organic aliens
GODDD and dominus’s chilling speech being interrupted by the functionist propaganda....fucking horrifying I love it
also seeing dominus here is fascinating - clearly the council managed to pin him down enough to turn him into a flathead, but they never discovered his true alt mode...same with minimus, actually 
the cog is so fucking ominous. just floating there...
and the council is scary too! their names, and the fact that they all look the same...seems about right for an evil alien governing body
mannnnnnn and then the reveal that the data slug alt-modes will be ‘recalled’ next...rewind noooooo...and the one council guy even admitted that they still served some purpose in society, BUT that their ability to mass store data made them dangerous to the goverment...evil!!
meanwhile, rodimus doesn't know enough about science to be appropriately frightened about their timeline being wiped from existence, so he’s having a grand ole time
‘no one’s nodding, perceptor’ bvhjdbfasdfhbk their expressions....the lost light command crew are all clearly team ‘leave the science to the scientists’ lmao
I do love the paradox stuff, and brainstorm’s way around it all 
‘so I'm not allowed to take an interest in magic?’ hvbjhsdkfbjhkdf ily sm rodimus
but also like....rodimus suggests a parallel universe could've formed and perceptor is like ‘no way, that's not scientifically possible,’ as if brainstorm didn't basically defy science by time travelling at all...and more to the point, functionist cybertron DID get created, so rodimus was actually RIGHT this time
love that we’re already seeing perceptor’s admiration for brainstorm and his invention even here....sapiosexual mfer
a time travel chase....so beautiful...I love sci-fi so much
seriously time travel is one of my favorite tropes ever, this arc was inevitably gonna be my fav 
‘he’s going to kill orion pax.’ DUN DUN DUNNNNNNNN
meanwhile, on functionist cybertron...aw, is that bulkhead? great cameo! oh wait what's going on with all the data sticks...? uh oh!
the fact that their heads just EXPLODE....soooo fucked!! 
god and then the council picks up their dead bodies, for...probably something evil, I’d assume
god and then dominus got even more fucked....
‘there are certain words you cant afford to lose’ ;_; REWIND....GODDD IM SAD 
GOD GOD GOD the reveal that minimus has CAMERAS in his EYES GODDDDDDDDDDDD that's so FUCKED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and rewinds reaction...ME TOO BITCH TF!!!!!!
all the ‘you are our eyes’ messages are even worse now huh!!
they did it while minimus was asleep...that's so fuckedddd
FUCKKKK and then rewind’s impassioned rebel speech, which I adore.....rewind ily sm...he’s such a good revolutionary, I wish we could've seen him leading an anti-funtionist rebellion....BUT THEN ‘oh? what about the back up?’ and its just like HHHHHHHH AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH and then his head starts smoking and we see another billboard, but this time it says ‘WE are your eyes’ - is the implication that everyone is now a surveilling spy, whether they like it or now, so now it’s ‘we?’ like, we’re all in it together, spying on each other! ooooof
also. this is like the third time rewind has died on-screen in this series lmao (well, if you count the fake-out death where he thought he’d be cancelled out during slaughterhouse)...he ALMOST died in issue 12 too....poor rewind
‘the custom-made now’ is such a great title. jro always killin it w/the titles
plus ‘elegant chaos’ is such a cool arc name. fucking epic 
M A N NNNNNNNN THIS ISSUE WAS BALLER...this ARC is baller....I talked a lot hvbhdjkhfndsak lmao but there's so much to talk abt!!! I love the look into the functionist universe, I love seeing alternate versions of characters and settings so much, and I love time travel, so this issue is basically made for me
plus I fuckign love alien robot politics and seeing the absolute control the govt has over cybertronian society in the functionist universe is fascinating - plus from a storytelling standpoint, I think it was brilliant to show the ‘other side,’ aka what things would've been like without the war...which is something ill talk about later when its more directly addressed in the story but man do I enjoy that 
basically I love this arccccc I cant wait to read more hhhhhhh
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xanketori · 3 years
7, 8, 14, 20, 25, 43 go feral xan also i chose these randomly otherwise im gonna end up asking a ton xD answer with whichever stories!
“whichever stories” blu,,,,,how can i pick,,,,,there’s,,,,like,,,,35 stories,,,,,that number isn’t even an exaggeration.....that’s exactly how many i have right now (the formulated ones, anyway, that are considered Good Enough to stand)
p.s. i am sorry to whoever sees this and has no clue what is going on ;-;
7. which ocs would feel super out of place at a formal event? which ocs are completely fine with it?
Out of place: Seth, Alex, Nathaniel, Waldus, Tali, Tyson, Solomon G, Solomon, Aidan, Thorak, Stefan, Silas, Troy, Thaddeus, Derek, Andy, John K, Hayko, Thes, Thoff, R. Castillo, Dalton, Amy, Vincent, Eden, Jin, Tricia, Malcor, Chase, Orville, Griffin, Roland, Henry, Emily, Chris M, Christopher L.L., Caleb, James, Datris, Sarren, Thief, Ba/Ne, Alkaline, Stanley
Completely fine: Lucian, Vanessa, Nicholas, Halim, Anton, Kathryn, Randy, Thoreim, Tinsan, Tanesh, Hal, Zacharias, Boss, Paramedic, Tom K, Laura, Hisaki, Gedon, Augustus, Cicero, Shim, Rowan, Ashley, Rim, Elm, Adrian, Olin, Horus, Lance, Kasper, Kelos, Colin, Lloyd, Sherman, Scott, Miles, Hunter, Forrest, Finn, Bryce I, Evan, Ethan, Samuel, Benjamin, Jonathan, John W, Bryce II, Janis, Tenkis, Yarrus, Inden, Vennus
(There’s...a pattern here xD) (Also ngl....mostly all I did was envision the picture in my mind, and the names started flowing :P)
8. which ocs use/would use technology the most?
Uh,,,,all the high tech ones?? Lolol, all the ones from the HQ world ;-;
And all the ones from the non-advanced worlds....wouldnt? idk ;-;
14. which ocs would mess with another oc just for fun? (harmless pranks) 
Uh,,,my boy Chase. Derek. Those two would be a disastrous duo hhh. Taakin would also join in cuz nothing stops him. He will claw your face for fun.  
Also Stanley, Henry, Bryce II.
20. which ocs prefer working in the dark? which prefer the light? which don’t care?
Dark: Tyson (he trains in the dark to improve his nighttime fighting), Seth/Lucian (for much the same reason, though Lucian had the added bonus of having an alien eye that can see in the dark :3), Alex, Nathaniel, Nicholas, Waldus, Aidan, Dalton/Tom K/John K/Andy/Laura (for,,,,obvious reasons heh), Amy, Shim, Jin, Malcor, Henry, Christopher LL, Hal, Boss, Paramedic, Cicero, Adrian, Evan, Jonathan, Chris M, Caleb, John W, Bryce II, James, Janis, Horus, Tenkis, Datris, Thief
Light: Vanessa, Halim, Kathryn, Thor twins, Tinsan, Tanesh, Solomon G, Solomon, R. Castillo, Vincent, Eden, Griffin, Roland, Bryce I, Hisaki, Augustus, Ashley, Rim, Elm, Finn, Lance, Finn, Kasper, Kelos, Colin, Miles, Yarrus, Inden, Vennus, Alkaline
Don’t care: Chase, Anton, Randy, Tali, Tricia, Orville, Emily, Chris M, Zacharias, Gedon, Hayko, Rowan, Olin, Forrest, Janis, Lloyd, Sherman, Scott, Hunter, Sarren, Ba/Ne, Stanley
25. which ocs can sprint better than run long distance?
UHHHHH. Hm. Vincent is the first that comes to mind cuz he’s a coward xD
I’m not too sure about others hm. The Thief, and the Boss. Probably Datris and Inden too.
43. which ocs like to work in public places? which prefer to work in private?
Public: Dalton, Tom K, Laura, Henry, Christopher LL, Paramedic, Chris M, Bryce II, Janis, Thief, Vanessa, Kathryn, Vincent, Griffin, Augustus, Elm, Finn, Lance, Finn, Kelos, Forrest, Vennus, Chase, Randy, Tali, Orville, Chris M, Zacharias, Gedon, Hayko, Janis, Scott, Sarren, Stanley
Private: My very first thought: Alex works in private. She murders people for even being near her, so yes she would not work in public spaces. Tyson, Seth, Lucian, Nathaniel, Nicholas, Waldus, Aidan, Andy, Amy, Shim, Jin, Malcor, Hal, Boss, Cicero, Adrian, Evan, Jonathan, Caleb, John W, James, Olin, Horus, Tenkis, Datris, Halim, Thor twins, Tinsan, Tanesh, Solomon G, Solomon, R. Castillo, Eden, Roland, Bryce I, Hisaki, Ashley, Rim, Kasper, Colin, Miles, Yarrus, Inden, Anton, Tricia, Emily, Rowan, Lloyd, Sherman, Hunter, Ba/Ne, Alkaline
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phantom-god-suki · 4 years
Precautionary Elegance
Chatter filled the ballroom as more people arrived at the gathering. Every noble in Nightmare was there to either socialize in leisure or with hopes of improving their social image. The elegant dress you were wearing was a bit too pricey for your liking, but at least it accentuated your curves quite nicely. Kaim had to drag you around town all day to find ‘the perfect dress’ for the occasion. On top of that, you were forced to wear this damned corset that made breathing unbearable. However, beauty is pain so you supposed it was worth it. As you observe the ballroom, your eyes unconsciously trailed to the sunshine haired outcast that everyone seems to alienate.
You smile as you see him happily chatting to the lord of the Angels and King, Lucia. After repeating the same cycle for an eternity, he was finally able to liberate you both from the curse. Now that you have your memories back from other timelines, you felt just a tad bit closer to him. No matter how much you tried to be with him though, he always pushed you away. You feel a presence behind you and turn around.
“You will age faster if you keep glaring like that.” A green demon chuckles as he approaches.
“You don't say. Why are you even here Mefy?” You suck your teeth and roll your eyes at him.
“Fine by me hag but if you get old then how am I going to blame you for my pranks?” Mefy muses.
“Oh please. I’ll be a cool granny. Don't you ever think I can't keep up with you. Plus if I'm older than you, you'll have to listen to me for once.” As you were chatting with your frenemy you felt a pair of eyes on you. Mefy notices this and leans into your ear.
“Wanna make your crush jealous?” He whispers. 
“You know this won't work...” You lean in and whisper back. “He said he loves me but lately he has been avoiding me.”
“...There's a word for that you know.” Mefy smirks.          
“Don't you dare say it!” You hit him playfully.
“There might be a way for you to… motivate him” You can see the gears turning in his head as a sly smirk spreads across his face. You can guess what he was planning but was it fair to Lucas? What if he didn’t want you? Doubts in your head started swallowing you.
“Sulking about it wont do you any good. You have to take a risk at some point.” You can tell he was getting impatient.
“You're planning something, aren't you?” 
“Always. Now come on.” He giggles as he grabs your hand and drags you to the balcony away from prying eyes, especially Lucas’.
The cool evening air grazed your skin as you stepped onto the balcony. It was nice to take a breather from over ambitious nobles and all the court drama for a while. The balcony reminded you of some unpleasant memories but you decided to stay on point.
“Ok what's up Mefy? Why did you drag me all the way here?” You said.
Mefy takes out a vile of potion from his many hidden pockets. It was kind of ridiculous how many items he had with him at all times. It's like he had a warehouse in his pockets but considering his magical abilities it might not be far from the truth.
“See this thing? It's a love potion.” He smirks. 
“Love… potion…?” You give him a look of suspicion.
“What's with that look? You don't trust me?” He asks in a sickly sweet voice.
“Fuck no.”
“Aww come on. Have I ever lied to you?” He says as you remember when he used you in alternate timelines. 
“Literally all the time but okay. Ugh just give me this ‘love potion’.” 
“Sure. But you owe me a BIG favor, got it?” Mefy skips away and you sigh, wondering if this was a good idea or not.
You had a basic understanding of potions from living in Nightmare for a while and all your alternate memories. They’re not any different from drugs in the human world. You hid the vial of potion in your sleeve before you entered the ballroom. What you are about to do is really not fair and Lucas does deserve better but so do you. You were sick of being pushed away and not getting any answers from him. Desperate times require desperate measures.
You walk to the drink fountain and grab two drinks for Lucas and yourself. You carefully pour the liquid into Lucas’ drink. You were scared for a moment that the contents in the vile would change the color of the wine but luckily that didn't happen. With both drinks in your hand you seek out Lucas. You find him at the food table eating a cupcake.
“Hey Lucas,” You approach him like a predator stalks her unsuspecting prey. “I got you a drink.” You smile sweetly. 
“Oh thank you Y/N.” He smiles forcefully. You're not sure if it's that he is tired or pissed that you were with Mefy a couple moments ago. He tends to get awfully protective of you whenever you get close to Mefy or Ricardo. And you can understand why though. 
“Ever since you became the advisor I never got a chance to talk to you. I missed you a lot you know.” 
“I'm sorry it's been really stressful lately. Not all nobles are happy with the decisions that Lucia made.” He says as he takes a sip. Bingo. You get a surge of arousal just by looking at his neck and collarbones. He was a model in your eyes.
“Y/N?” His question snaps you back to reality. 
“Sorry, I couldn't hear that part.” You answer sheepishly.
“I was just saying if we could go somewhere else. It's really stuffy here.” 
With that you started following Lucas through many many identicals hallways the castle had. You reached out and grabbed his hand nonchalantly. 
“So where are we heading?” You can a sharp inhale escape from Lucas’ mouth.
“Planetarium. So we could get a breather. I'm so sick of the nobles but don't tell them that” He winks. 
The planetarium was huge. In fact, huge was an understatement. Above you was a dome shaped glass that made the stars seem bigger than they actually are. By the time you arrive you can hear the subtle huffing coming from Lucas. You ignore it and stare up at the sky.
“They are beautiful.” You say looking up at the constellations.
“Yes… they are..” He replies while looking at you. Lucas was really warm. He had a cute blush on his face already. The potion was working wonderfully. 
“Did I take your breath away Lucas? You are blushing” You nudge his side smirk. 
“O-oh it’s just a little warm in here that's all haha.” He shyly averts his gaze. 
Both of you sit at the bench in the planetarium and talk about your daily lives as if nothing was wrong. You decide to make a move and scoot a little closer to him until you can feel his warmth but he moves away. You get closer again and he moves away once again until he has nowhere else to move on the bench. 
You put your arms around his shoulders. 
“Y/N? W-what are you doing?” He whimpers pathetically. You lean to his ear and whisper. 
“I missed you Lucas. You never pay visits anymore.” 
“I-Im sorry it's just Lucia and the nobles-” He shudders and takes a sharp breath as you lick his ear. 
“That's no excuse Lucas~” You got him where you wanted. It's like he was under your love spell. Well he is under the potions influence literally. You sit on his lap so he can't escape. Not this time. The games end tonight whether it ends in your favor or not.
Lucas wraps his arms around you. Poor Lucas you thought. It was bitchy of you to do this but the look on his face was delicious. Droopy eyes, face red as a tomato, winded. You barely touched him and he was wrecked already.
“Do you love me Lucas?” You whisper against his lips.
“I do… more than anything…” The way he was rocking his hips sent shivers up your spine. This is all you’ve ever wanted. Him between your legs… where he belonged. 
“Prove it baby…” You murmured. His eyes were glossed with a dark, desperate and lustrous look. He was very motivated as Mefy would say. Even though there was no one but you in the planetarium, this was a public space.
‘What if someone walks in on you. Maybe this wasn't the right time-’ He worried to himself.
His thought process comes to a halt when you roughly grab his hair and slammed your lips against his. You can feel a deep shiver run through him. The taste of his lips were sweet probably by the cupcake he was sampling earlier. He let out soft whimpers and pulled your body closer to him as he was easing up. If only he was inside of you… You started removing his clothes and revealed his pale skin. 
“W-Wait! What if someone hears-” 
“Then we'll just have to be really quiet.” You smile at him. “Let me help you”
You got up from Lucas’ lap and easily stripped of your evening gown to reveal lacy lingerie. Lucas gasps and covers his face.
“Lucas… I want you to look at me…” With that you started touching yourself sensually and swaying your body to an imaginary song. Lucas was looking at you from the gap between his fingers. The damn corset was limiting your movements to an extent but it wasn’t so bad. You grab the strap of your bra and let it slide over your shoulders. You then toss the undergarment onto the ground in a whimsical manner. His eyes wander around your body before fixating on your chest. “Oops.” you say cheekily as if you accidentally dropped your bra. In a single gracious movement, you bend over, pretending to pick up your bra. You can feel his gaze on your ass intensify as you begin to peel off your panties in front of him and show how excited he made you. It seemed like Lucas forgot how to breathe after seeing your little stunt. You sit on his lap again and grind yourself against his thigh.
“This is what you do to me Lucas...” You moan. With shaky hands he grabs your waist and pulls you closer. It's like you were made out of glass and he was afraid of breaking you. You grab his hands and put them on your breast. 
“Touch me…” You say before resuming the kiss. He was a lot more eager to please you. Lucas started massaging your soft breasts while kissing you hungrily. You quickly unzip his pants and pull down his underwear to reveal his erection. Just looking at it his member makes your mouth water. A slight glistening on the tip of his cock suggests how aroused he already is.  When you grab it and give it a jerk, Lucas can't help but moan loudly against your lips. You break the kiss. 
“Ah ah ah Lucas... You need to be quiet or we'll get caught...” You tease him.
“It feels s-so good.. I can't stop it…” He stutters softly. 
“Well I did say I would help you…” Lucas squealed in shock when you stuff your panties in his mouth. The taste of your juices spread on his tongue and muffled moans emerged from his throat as his lips pursed over your panties. You resumed stroking his manhood as Lucas threw his head back in pleasure and exposed his neck. It was too tempting not to mark him like this. You pepper his neck with kisses before focusing on a certain area to mark. His body convulsed in pain and pleasure when you sank your teeth into his soft flesh. You tasted a slight tang of iron as you broke the skin. His cock started tensing up in your grip signaling his inevitable release. Lucas trembled when his orgasm hit him like a train. He spurts his hot load all over your chest and corset. You remove your panties from his mouth so he could breathe easier. The advisor took a big gulp of air as he tried to compose himself. You then bring your fingers to your lips and taste him while looking intensely at Lucas.
“I'm glad you enjoyed yourself” You teased.
“Y/N… why..?” He whimpered shakily. “Of all of them… why me..?” Tears welled in his eyes. The sound of his sorrowing echoed through the planetarium's walls. Your blood ran cold for a second. What was he referring to? Does he hate you now?
“I'm not like you!.. I'm not even like them. All my life, I’ve had a single purpose. To save Nightmare...I wasn't meant to have you...” He says while breaking down. You breathe a sigh of relief while tears of sorrow run down his cheeks. 
Lucas tensed up when you embraced him. “I know but.. It's not like that anymore. We saved this world. Together. Now we can be free.” You kiss his tears then softly kiss his lips. This kiss was more passionate than all the rest. You left little pecks on his lips before slipping in your tongue. He kisses you back almost immediately while his hands explore every crevice of your body.
“Lucas please… I want you in me…” You whimpered. He takes you by surprise when he lifts your hips and slams you down his cock, filing you to the hilt, stretching you. Lucas waited for you to get adjusted to his girth for a moment. “God you feel amazing… so warm and tight... “ Lucas growls against your ear.
After getting used to his size you started grinding your hips against his. Lucas was still somewhat sensitive from his previous orgasm but he didnt care. Pleasure was consuming his mind, throwing all the reason from the window. Both of you were trying to hold back your moans but with each thrust it was getting more difficult. Then suddenly you found your back on the bench. Lucas was on top of you, looking at you with an intense expression.
“Even though I still feel like I don’t deserve you, I am going to cherish you with all of my heart.” He softly smiles and kisses your cheek before starting to move. As soon as he thrusts inside, you wrap your arms around his body and dig your nails into his back. 
“Fuck...Lucas...your huge cock feels so good inside of my tight pussy.” Lucas clenches his teeth and starts to move faster. He leans down to suck on your nipples. He licks one nipple while flicking the other one with his fingers. 
“Princess… You are doing so great… I love you so much.” He moves faster while lifting up his head to place soft kisses on your neck and lets out small moans. You shiver every time you hear his beautiful moans on your body. It didn't take long for you to reach the edge of climax.
“Lucas...please...more. I’m gonna cum.” You feel drool running down your cheek. Lucas licks your cheek and leans into your ear.
“Come for me then.” You whimper and melt with his words. You can’t hold back anymore and cum. His pace became erratic and you could hear the low growls in his throat become louder and louder. He is about to pull out but you lock your legs around him and pull him closer gently.
“It’s okay Lucas...You can come inside.” He smiles and lets out a loud groan before releasing inside of you. He collapses on top of you and hugs your shaking body. 
“Y/N...Are you alright? Are you hurting anywhere? ” Lucas breathes into your neck and leaves a light kiss. 
“I… I’m okay Lucas. I love you. Please never say that you don't deserve me.” You lean into Lucas’ head and stroke his hair.
“Alright Y/N. Thank you so much for accepting me… I love you so much.” You can hear a little sniffle as he nods his head. “Can you stand up? Let me help you.”
“I can stand but i don’t think I can walk properly after such a performance.” Lucas blushes at your words and helps you stand. He grabs your dress and helps you put it on. He then sits you down while he gets dressed. 
“You're so handsome… It makes me want seconds~” You smirk as you stand up by yourself. 
“Just wait till I get you in bed then. I won't be holding back.” He chuckles as you reach over and smack his ass. His back jolts up and he turns to get revenge but you are already wobbling away. He smiles and walks slowly behind you to admire the stars for just a little longer. You make your way back to the hall and feel an arm wrap around you. You look to see Lucas smiling softly at you. You both enter the hall holding each other. You look around before seeing Mefy at the drink table sipping wine. He spots you and smirks while lifting his glass. You chuckle while Lucas looks at you genuinely confused. 
“What is up with that little gremlin?” He squint his eyes and whispers to you. 
“Ahh nothing honey, he's just being dumb~” You laugh his comment off. 
“What else is new.” Lucas rolls his eyes while grabbing you closer and pulling you in for another kiss before saying. 
“I can't wait for tonight.” 
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captainillogical · 5 years
Devil’s Ballroom Ch.4
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A year after the events from the earth’s final attack, Little Homeworld is finally complete, and there’s a new jazz bar where gems and humans mingle and drink. - As you’re typing back a reply, someone pulls the stool out next to you and takes a seat. You see a sliver of pink out of the corner of your eye as you try not to actually Look. Oh god. It’s her. God can’t help us now.
collab with my lovely wife @firstofficertightpants
    The man turns to look at you. “The fuck? Why’re you in the men’s room?” He says, slurring his words a bit, and putting up a hand to brace his weight against the nearest wall. He fucking reeks of liquor that you can smell from here, and his hair is slightly disheveled.
“I’m not in the men's room. You're in the ladies' room," You say, boldly. You feel the alcohol you’ve consumed making its way to your head, and the words flow out of your mouth freely. "And if you don't mind, I'll be leaving." You move to step past him and towards the door. As soon as your fingertips brush the door handle though, a hand shoots out and grabs you by the wrist, stopping you. You freeze.
"You are such a rude bitch, you know that?" He says, pushing himself away from the wall and facing his body towards you. You try and pull your arm away from him, but his grip is tight. What the fuck? You're going to snap this bastard's neck.
"Let go of my arm." You say, livid. You can see his eyes boring into you. He looks down at your collarbone and breasts, his eyes moving all over any patch of bare skin you just happen to be showing tonight. You feel exposed in the worst way possible. Trying to move your arm out of his grip again, you feel his fingers tighten ever so slightly.
"Girls like you, you think you can just get whatever you want by dressing like that and going to a bar," He says, spitting a little and glaring at you. 
"I'm not TRYING to do anything, let my arm go you bastard-" you get cut off as he tugs you forward, he's now only inches from your face and the smell of musty cigarettes and shitty vodka hits your senses. It's utterly revolting, and you hold back gagging visibly. You hear noise coming from outside the bathroom.
"You are taking an awwwfully long time in there, Y/N.” You hear Spinel say from behind you as she’s opening the door. She audibly stops. “What the fuck is going on here?” 
    Before you can even attempt to comprehend what is going on, you hear an extremely loud THUD on the opposite side of the bathroom and you feel as though you are launched several feet forward. You feel yourself squished against something and open your eyes to see something shiny. Spinel is holding you against herself, a single arm wrapped around you. Her other arm is comically stretched out and her fist is huge, holding your harasser against the now damaged wall. 
"You think you can just waltz right into the ladies room? Here? In this bar? You're stupider than ya’ look." She says, and tightens her grip around you. Ohhh my god, you’re such a useless lesbian, because you can feel her breast pressed against your arm and you’re trying SO HARD to not have an internal meltdown right now. You steel your face and try your best to dull your heart beats, because they’re currently Very Loud. Fuck. You hear the man whimper. “I thought I told ya to Leave. My. Friend. Alone.” She enunciates each word clearly, and angrily.
“Look, I don’t want no trouble..” You can hear him say, barely.
“You don’t want ‘no’ trouble?” She says, openly mocking him. “Shoulda thought about that before you came in here!” You hear the door slam open again, and can make out two pairs of feet running in.
“Spinel! We heard a loud noise! You guys okay??” Bismuth rushes over to the two of you, looking very concerned. She notices you in Spinel’s arms, and then the man Spinel is currently holding against the wall. “What happened!?” Lapis is standing next to Bismuth with her hands on her hips, and she looks pissed about the wall damage. Oops.
“This guy here,” Spinel shakes him a bit, and some of the wall crumbles around him onto the floor. You are trying and failing at not looking at Spinel’s gem. It glimmers every time she moves, and it sits perfectly right in between-. You look away before anyone catches you. “Came into the ladies room to harass a girl alone. I stopped him.” 
“Y/N? You okay?” Bismuth asks.
“Yeah. Was just surprised.” You say, like you’re not a complete disaster. 
“I’m just glad no one got hurt.” Bismuth says, and starts walking over to the trapped man. She nods to Spinel, who then slowly lets the man drop into Bismuth’s hold. She lifts him up by his armpits.. kind of like a child. You hold back a laugh. Bismuth holds him out in front of her, and squints at him. “And you.. You sir, broke like, 4 house rules. I’m gonna have to make you leave.” She makes her way over to the door with the man in tow, flopping him over her shoulder. Lapis turns to glare at the wall (and all of its damage), and then at Spinel, and turns to leave.
"We'll talk about this later." Is all she says, as the door closes behind her. 
    It is now so quiet in here that you could hear a pin drop. Spinel is still holding you, and you can hear her breathing ever so softly. “U-um,” You attempt to find your voice.
“Oh! Whoops,” She quickly drops her arm from holding you, and visibly deflates a little in relief. “I was so caught up that I..” She trails off, and her gaze makes its way over to your face. Her pink irises find yours. “I’m just glad you’re actually okay.”
“Me too.” You say, rubbing the side of your arm absentmindedly, still feeling a bit warm where she was touching you. Spinel notices your arm movement.
“Did I hurt you just then? I’m so sorry, I-”
“No, I’m fine.” You cut her off. “Still trying to wrap my mind around all of that. It just happened all so quickly.” You lie. You’ve dealt with worse men, in worse situations. This wasn’t something you couldn’t have handled yourself, if it got to that. She just didn’t need to know that you were having an internal gay crisis over being manhandled by a pretty girl. Alien. Whatever. “And thank you. For saving me, I mean. I don’t know what I would have done if you hadn’t come in, just then. Seriously, his breath smelled so bad.” You give her a warm, earnest smile. “I would have done that for anyone, and besides,” You watch her cheeks turn pink as she shrugs. “Someone else was trying to talk to me while you were gone, and I wasn’t really feeling it, and you were taking forever..” She crosses her arms over her chest, angling her face away from you. Is she trying to hide the fact that she’s blushing? Holy shit she’s so cute. You find yourself embarrassed to admit that you’re completely enthralled with this pink alien. In a bathroom.
    Story of your life really.
“So.. you came in here because you missed me?” You say, grinning, and wink at her.
“No! Not at all.” She denies a little too quickly. You suddenly want to make a hobby out of teasing her. “A-anyway, let’s just go back out if you’re finished in here?” You take a moment to look around at the bathroom. It’s destroyed. They will have to re-tile that entire wall.
“Yeah, I’m done here anyway.” You say as you move past Spinel towards the door. You grab the brass handle and pull open the door, holding it for Spinel to come out of the bathroom as well. 
    Outside, the entirety of the bar is still pretty lively. A few people have left as it’s nearing 11, but there’s a good 40-50 people still around. You see a rowdy group of young women laughing and swatting each other playfully while they watch a handsome blond man play a ballad. There’s quite a few spaces open up now at the counter. You don’t see Bismuth there, though. You look around and spot her at the entrance, talking to Lapis and the bouncer. Probably making sure that guy never comes in again, you think. You make your way back over to your previous spot, and Spinel follows you. Once the both of you sit down, you pull out your phone, and open up the right application.
“I hope your beer is still cold.” Spinel says to you as you swipe past a couple messages, getting to the bottom of the group chat.
“It better still be.” You take a swig, and make a face. It’s.. drinkable, you guess. “Also, it’s cider, not beer. I can’t for the life of me stand the taste of beer, it always tastes like shit. Don’t even get me started on IPAs.” You reply to your friends without reading half of the stupid shit they must’ve said while you weren’t paying them any attention.
    Y/N: I was attacked in the bathroom. Wild day, I know.
    Alex: it fucking serves him right to be honest
    Alex: lil bastard had it coming
    Alex: so now my brother cant look at sonic the same ever again
    Alex: w
    Alex: awrfawefaffasdfa
    Alex: WHAT
    Harper: What!? Are you okay????
    Alex: the fucking alien!!!!!!!! i knew it!!!!!
    Alex: she fucking attacked u in the bathroom when u were alone!!
    Alex: she saw her window of opportunity
    Alex: and POUNCED
    Alex: im sorry that ur dead now
    Y/N: I’m fine. The “alien” was actually the one that saved me.
    Y/N: And her name’s Spinel, you shitlord. Have some class.
    Alex: no
    Alex: and make me
    Harper: can’t tell him to have what he’ll never grasp. ;)
    Harper: i’m glad you’re okay though. <3
    Harper: what exactly happened?
    Alex: fuck you
    Harper: no thanks. i know im bi, but even i have standards.
    Y/N: There was this guy that harassed me over drinks earlier, right?
    Y/N: Spinel actually told him off after he wouldn’t leave me alone the first time.
    Y/N: And then, when I went to the bathroom, he came IN.
    Y/N: He literally fucking grabbed my arm ya’ll I was mad af. The audacity.
    Y/N: So then Spinel comes in and punches him against the wall??
    Y/N: Like she killed the wall. Guy was fine. They kicked him out.
    Alex: damn
    Harper: i’m glad she was there to save your ass since i couldn’t be.
    Harper: and what did we learn today Y/N???
    Harper: you go out with US and not ALONE.
    Y/N: Bitch you left me to be across the country for summer. I have new friends now.
    Alex: oh so im chopped liver now huh
    Alex: one sexy murderous alien saves u and now ur too good for us
    Alex: im telling ur fuckin dad
    Y/N: NO.
    Alex: tee hee
“I wouldn’t know. I’ve only ever had whisky.” She replies, taking a drink. You set your phone down for a second.
“I’d offer for you to try mine, but this isn’t in ideal shape.” She raises one of her eyebrows. “It’s a bit warm.” You look at the bottle with slight disdain. “And this isn’t even a great one, regardless. There’s a few better tasting, actually.. you should try those sometime.” “With you?” She says with a questioning look on her face.
“I, um.” You look at her. “I was going to give you a list of suggestions, but if you wanted to drink with me again, we could do that too.” You say as you wiggle your eyebrows at her. She flushes red immediately.
“I wasn’t trying to impose, I just thought-”
“I’m just teasing. But.. if you do want a friend to drink with, I’m all yours.” You say, leaning on your left hand that's on the counter. “It’s not like I’m busy aside from work, anyway.” She’s staring at you with an expression you’re unfamiliar with, which is either longing, or concern. 
“I might take you up on that offer. I don’t have any human friends aside from Steven, and he’s only half.”
“And upon your general pool of human specimens, I’m your best choice?” You say and laugh. She gives you an exhausted look, which makes you laugh even more. “You got a phone?” You ask her, and take another sip. She reaches behind herself and pulls her phone out of her back pocket. 
“Steven gave me his old one a few weeks ago, I just don’t use it much.” You nod and take the phone from her hand. She doesn’t notice that you make sure your hand touches hers on purpose. You tap her phone open, and go to her contacts. And maybe, just MAYBE, you add a heart next to your name cheekily when you add it to her contacts. You text yourself a quick :).
“I added myself to your contacts. You should text me sometime. I also have your number now, too.” You hand her phone back to her. You grab your phone off the counter and the words “her smexy alien” are displayed on the lockscreen. You swiftly turn the screen back off, and down the rest of your nasty ass drink. Fucking christ, why are your friends like this.
“Hey. Spinel.” You turn to the voice in front of you. It’s Lapis. Her full attention was on the gem next to you.
“Yes?” Spinel says. She also downs the rest of her drink.
“You gonna pay for that wall, or what?” Lapis asks, leaning on the counter. She seems tired.
“I did do the damage, so I will, but I seriously think you should try to make that guy pay for this.” Spinel sighs. Lapis considers her for a second.
“We’ll see.” She says, and shrugs. She looks at you. “You want another one of those?” “Yes please.” You say. This will be your last, you think. It’s late. She opens the bottle for you, and swaps it with the empty one in front of you. 
“Yes, I will also take another one.” Spinel says to Lapis.
“I wasn’t going to ask you,” Lapis replies, and Spinel gives her a comically grave expression. “But since you insist, I guess I just might.” She smiles a little. She grabs a new glass, sets it on the counter, and plunks an ice cube into it. Then she grabs a brown bottle behind her, and pours Spinel another drink. She winks at Spinel as she grabs for the used glass. She walks away to a further sink, and starts helping a couple of other patrons who look like they’re about to head out.
“Sometimes, I don’t get her, but for the most part I like her. We both have problems.” Spinel says while watching Lapis from across the bar. She takes a long drink. You think fuck it, and do the same. 
“She reminds me of my cat, if I’m going to be honest.” You say, “Kind of moody, but still wants you to know that it’s there, and it exists.” 
“What’s a cat?” Spinel asks innocently. Your jaw drops.
"You don’t know what a cat is!?” You say, almost offended. You unlock your phone and go to your gallery, searching for your cat pics. You find one of the more recent ones of Jellybean, enlarge it, and show it to the gem. “This is Jellybean. She’s fluffy, stupid, and almost set herself on fire last week, true story.” Spinel eyes your phone screen.
“Oh, those things! I’ve seen them a few times, but they never let me near them.” She says, maybe a bit mournfully. “They look soft.” 
“They are.” You grin. “I should let you meet her sometime. She loves people. She’ll drool on your shoes though, so be careful. She’s a total weirdo.” Spinel looks at you like she’d actually love that. You feel like maybe you underestimated how alcohol would hit you tonight, because you feel it coming to you very quickly.
“I’d love to meet her. I don’t get out much, honestly. I’m still trying to find a balance in my daily life. Steven’s worried that I’ll.. I don’t know.” She shrugs, swirling the drink in her glass. Bismuth walks over to the two of you, grabbing several used glasses on the way and dropping them into a nearby sink.
“Y/N, I’m sorry about what happened to you earlier. Stuff like that never really happens here.” She says to you while making herself busy wiping down the counter. “And Spinel, seriously. Thanks for stepping in.” Spinel gives a noncommittal grunt in reply.
“Bis, if I were even as half as beefy as you are, that wouldn’t have been a problem. I’d dare him, actually.” You say, and finish your drink. You regret it a little, but Papa didn’t raise no quitter and you’ll learn your life lessons eventually. In the meantime, you just feel pleasantly drunk.
“Aw, shucks, Y/N. You’re so kind.” She chuckles and flexes a little. “I have enough muscle for the both of us.” She wipes down Spinel’s side of the counter, and takes the cash handed to her by the couple next to the two of you as they get up to leave.
“Ughhhhh.” Spinel says, slouching on her stool. “I need to walk home soon.. ‘gotta long day tomorrow.”
“You live close?” You ask her.
“Kind of. It’s on the opposite side of little homeworld, and a nearly 30 minute walk.”
“Are you sure you’re sober enough to make it all the way home by yourself?” You grin, teasing her. “You’re not gonna get like, 10 minutes into the walk home and pass out in a bush somewhere?” “No, I’m fine. I should be good enough for the walk.” She says while giving you a half-baked glare, and attempts to get up from her stool, albeit very wobbly. She stumbles a bit.
“Well, I was going to head out soon too.” You say, nodding at Bismuth that you’re ready to pay your tab. She makes her way over to you once she hands back the couple’s change to them.
“You guys good?” She asks. You nod in response.
“Yeah, gonna call it a night though,” you grab your card out of your wallet, and feel a little generous. Maybe a bit ballsy, too. You hand it over to Bismuth, who takes it. “For both tabs, please.” Spinel looks absolutely admonished and is about to argue, so you cut her off. “It’s thanks for earlier. Don’t argue with me.” She shuts her mouth promptly, and Bismuth laughs.
“I like that you two get along well. Warms my heart.” She says, looking at the two of you while working the register. She hands you back your card and the receipt slip.
“Oh, shut up.” Spinel glares. Bismuth just laughs at her and walks away. You put your things back into your bag, and regard Spinel. “Well, I’m off. You should message me soon, and we could hang out.” You say, and turn to move when Spinel takes a single step forward, and slips onto the floor with a loud crash. You look at her, and cannot help laughing.
“OW.” She exasperatedly sighs. You lean down and give her your hand, which she stares at for a second longer than necessary, and then grabs to pull herself up with. 
“Drunker than you thought, huh.” You say, giving her a smug look. You’re drunk yourself, but at least you know what you’re all about.
“Maybe,” She says, dusting off her pants and straightening herself back out. “Maybe I shouldn’t have ordered that last drink.” You still feel ballsy, and maybe a little courageous when you have a particular thought that you verbalize before actually considering in your mind. “Wanna come home with me?” You blurt out. She stares at you blankly for a second, and then her entire face flushes. “Not like that,” You quickly backpedal. “My place is about 10 from here. You can crash on my couch? And meet my cat.”
“I’d love to meet your cat.” She’s smiling, and she looks eager. Or drunk.
“Alright, let’s go then.” You say before you can think any better of it. If your father or friends knew.. Oh my god, your father and friends CAN’T know. Your friends would laugh forever, and what would your dad think!? ‘Chill dad, it’s no biggie, just gonna show this ex-bloodthirsty gem our cat. except she’s cute and cool and nice now’ You give silent thanks to whatever gods are out there that your dad didn’t come home tonight.
    You both meander your way outside of the bar, where the air is still thick with heat and humidity. A slight breeze rolls by, but it isn’t enough to cool your skin where you have already started to feel yourself sweating. You like summer, but hate nights like this. You’re both walking side by side, passing by houses and businesses alike, when she stumbles on a sidewalk crack and nearly topples you over. You catch her by both arms to steady her, impressing even yourself.
“Thanks,” She says and pushes some of her fringe out of her eyes to look at you. “You know.. you’ve been really nice this entire night. Humans haven’t been particularly cruel to me, all things considered.. but I haven’t had this much fun in a long time.” You keep walking with her.
“Well, you didn’t murder me like my friends thought you would, so tonight’s not a total bust.” At that, she laughs very loudly and openly. It’s a nice sound.
    Maybe it’s the warm night, or the alcohol in the both of your systems, but the flush on her cheeks makes your heart feel as bright as the gem on her chest, sparkling in the streetlights.
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garbagegrimoire · 4 years
podcast notes week 1
Here are the notes I had going into the podcast recording for week 1. 
There are some spoilers in here & all of the doodle/synopsis posts have not yet dropped but the episode is recorded & here we gooooo...
Train to Busan
Starting out strong with a zombley deert (to speak in cursed rickyisms).
Giving his kid some yuppie bullshit talk & almost gets them clobbered in traffic, great dad.
Damn that escalated quickly. Why did it take so long for the first lady to turn but the others are like instantaneous?
The shots, effects, & choreography in this movie are crazy!
The grandma has lucid moments before changing which seems more than what the passengers got. & she used them to break hearts.
Ohhh he's a “fund manager,” ofc he's a dick.
Watching a zombie movie during a pandemic hits different.
I like that the bad ass in this movie is a soon to be dad with a dad bod & he's also a boomer who doesn't know how to change his ringtone.
Okay, they’re officially fit daddy & dad bod.
Okay legit tears at dad bod sacrificing himself even though I knew it was coming.
LOL young capitalist bastard fighting old capitalist bastard
This is capitalism & I hate it. OFC the motherfucker willing to screw over everyone else even if he doesn't need to prevails nearly to the end.
We need a zombie killing axe... Oh wait, nevermind, a shoe is good too.
Oh wow, that shit is poignant. The most ruthless capitalist of the group having a mama moment before he changes.
I'm sitting here yelling, get his nards, fit daddy! Do the nuts still have any effect?
Oh shit, fit daddy is infected. Human bites are gross.
This sucks, I hate it. :(
& worse.
I didn't want to cry this much, not fair.
Ooh, my German 101 skills are tingling.
Chaos nerd is everything in this scene. You wondrous ball of absolute cheese.
The security guard saying "Nobody wants in & ain't nobody getting out" is the Chekov's gun of this movie.
Fuckin’ nerd talk. Do either of you even lift? Why don't you duke this out in a tables, ladders, & chairs match?
I don't feel great about that transition between her playfully saying "no" & them full plowing. Greeeeeassy.
I'm with the cat on this one — scratch him!
"The world's last living puritan." LOL, come to eastern Washington tho.
How in the world is this lady's creep radar going off w nerdboy but not with the creepy old man trying to bang her?
They did a few things really well with this cat thing. Because usually I could not DEAL with violence against a pet. First the dead cat doesn't look anywhere near realistic, nonetheless once it's reanimated. Also, there's no like huge emotional connection between the character & the cat because the only experience the viewer has with it prior to it dying is it scratching his back after he's done banging, which I mean, solid choice there kitty.
"Because it's maaaad?" Best line in this mf movie.
I like how quick Halsey turns on nerdboy who he was stoked on like two days later. All because he insulted the creepy old man?
"Here's your meatball!" Writers were A+ obv.
"I know you're all by yourself now." Ew no. Again, she reacts to something other than the creepy old guy trying to bang her. PLEASE REACT, maybe punch him in the face or move to a different state without notifying anyone.
I’m dying, it looks like he's dribbling cherry applesauce out of his mouth.
This is the corniest, dumbest break up scene I've ever watched.
So once they're lobotomized they have like a mind link with the old guy head? Alright...?
Okay so we've arrive. This scene is fucking pure unadulterated cringe & makes me feel like I need to take several showers & drink bleach.
"Get a job & a sideshow." This entire movie is this nerd & that's what I'm here for.
How is there this seemingly endless supply of this green ooze? Also this reminds me of TMNT.
LOL the murderous colon strikes.
I'm very confused on the rules of what stays alive & how. Like the hand is still twitching but the guy in the hallway is dead?
Nothing gore-wise has bothered me so far but the chest compression sound is gross.
This guy is the worst. If he loved her he'd let her die.
Plan 9 From Outer Space
"Future events such as these will affect you in the future." You don’t say, friend.
Hillabilly gravediggers saying "sorta spooky like" is the mood here.
The scream is so good. 
A conspiracy theorist manifesto delivered on a suburban patio made entirely out of wicker.
The walking dead in this movie are so much more chill than the last two, just saying. Like if you're going to kill me, fine, but be chill about it.
"The earth people who can think are so frightened by those who cannot — the dead." Truuuuuuu. Thinking sucks, bro.
The pillow talk is all kinds of weird.
Hey, I know you're worried too, but because you're a child that can't care for herself, make sure you lock the doors because that's something a feeble woman wouldn't remember to do.
"You are on the verge of destroying the entire universe." Ooof this hits different now.
Yeah, it's old timey & corny but there are some seriously artsy scenes in this. I love the glowing trees.
Vampira is aesthetic goals if: I was more feminine, if I gave a fuck, if anyone ever looked at me, lol.
If some big dead dude was coming for you why in the hell would you just stand there or sit there & scream? Like these are the easiest monsters to escape from, you all are so gd slow.
That's it, I'm dressing up as one of these aliens for Halloween. All I need is some black pants, a belt, & a shiny purple shirt.
LOL little green men. Shoot first, ask questions later. Get all the tropes in there buck-o.
I just realized the dude alien is called Eros & I'm laughing. Total heartthrob. "You're always right, Eros." Fucking yuuuck. Miss me with all of this.
Holy trigger happy.
Explode the actual particles of sunlight. LOL, OMG "STRONGER NATION THAN NOW." These fucking nationalist trashbags.
Yes, of course aliens are religious too. & the're sexists. OH MY GOD IM GOING TO THROW THE MONITOR OUT THE WINDOW STAHP!
This was so much. I mean it's the old humans are dumb, violent animals & need to be gently led or annihilated. Okay, that can be true. But the aliens here needed to FOAD too.
Dead Birds
Is Mark Boone Jr in everything & will he die early? (yes)
Very aesthetic theme
Bank manager's whiskers are on point. 
The fuck? Oooh racist, niiiiice. I hate everyone all the time.
Yup this is how bank robbers would behave, wanting to kill of members of the gang to get a bigger share.
Gross, just listening into their friends banging, being creepy.
Is it turning into a bear? (Ohhh, the footprints)
Okay one of these dudes actually has something like a conscience, good to know, still hate him.
54 minutes in & I'm getting real bored.
Good jump scare w the little girl.
Okay the lady in the barn was too much for me. Gore was too much.
"There are worse things than dying" Best line.
Okay first I was like "that's not vomit, it's too white" & then I realized she'd been in bed with her dude earlier & yelled "ew, is she puking cum?" at my computer because that's where my dumpster fire of a brain goes.
Poor horses :(
He just disappeared? TF?
Nah, I’m not feeling this.
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