#idk it just irks me when people try to bring stuff up like... its not my buisness and i dont care
jessiesjaded · 1 year
Honestly, the most annoying part of fandom now for me personally is just that... I really don't need to know every detail of the thing I'm a fan of- not to say I don't love learning interesting little things but this obsession with knowing absolutely everything is so draining to me, especially private things. I don't need to know the director of the movie I enjoyed cheated on his wife once 20 years ago. I don't need to know that two actors had a fling once upon a time. I don't need to read every old interview from the guy who created the game I love just because I happen to love the thing he created, if you personally feel compelled to find out every last detail of every person involved in creating something, that's great for you! But please don't expect everyone else to be like that, too.
#idk i think you lose part of the xharm when you do that#and I know!! bc i used to be like that#used to find out every little detail and then i just stopped one day and yk what?#its better this way#being a fan of someone and finding stuff out about them is fine#but im at the point where im more distinctly a fan of the work than the person#idk it just irks me when people try to bring stuff up like... its not my buisness and i dont care#Of course if its something like a person bei g accused of abuse or harrassment etc then yeah i dont want to support them#i.e why i'll never listen to r kelly again#but just little random shit? yeah i dont need to k ow about it i dont want to know about it#its likely to taint shit for me so why would i want to#its like when someone just had to come tell me the voice actor of a character i liked 'cheated on his wife'#okay that sucks I feel bad for his wife i really do#but thats a private relationship issue????#if she wants to blast him publicly than that'd be her right#im not involved tho#also funniest thing about that was the guy was actually in an open sort of marriage so like. who tf am i to judge whatever he and his wife#decided to live like ?????#like again if you told me he got convicted of punching a dog then id be like fuck that guy#but when its just random personal issues ????? why is this any of my business ???????#like I knew everything about kstew once upon a time and now i only know bits and pieces#from when i catch an interview here or there#and i go Oh good to see she seems happier these days#and i leave it at that#idk theres too much information now and i dont want to hear it lol
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all-timepanic · 1 year
I watched shazam fury of the gods yesterday and I have thoughts. It has bothered me all day so I need to leave this somewhere. So I guess here is my sort of review. But it is kinda rambly. Or something. Idk I just need to get it out. It also got a lot longer than I planned it to, sorry in advance.
Of course it wouldn't be as good as the first one. Sequels, especially from superhero movies, rarely are. (but maybe I'm just too much of an origin story fan for this as well) This sounds kinda negative, I know, but believe me, I liked this film. A lot, actually. But I'll probably leave out quite a few of the things I actually liked. The main focus is the "bad" stuff. Maybe someone agrees with some of these things. Maybe I'm just overthinking a fun, hero movie. Who knows.
It felt kind of... generic? I liked the first one for its humor. The characters were great, the villain seemed fun and they had fun with some superhero tropes. (+ i loved a lot of the way it was made, from the different shots, to the sets etc.,).
This one fell a little flat for me. Of course, it might be funnier once I get to watch it in english (I can only watch it in my native language here, sadly) but a lot of the jokes just felt like they are forcefully trying to reach the first one in levels of fun. (And don't get me wrong, I was laughing quite a bit as well, there were some HILARIOUS bits in there, but they didn't stick with me as much as some of the firsts ones, y'know?)
The plot kind of felt a bit more boring as well. Yeah, the entire "figuring out the new superpowers" isn't something you can repeat in a second movie, obviously. Instead it went with the kinda family/trust/fear of rejection angle which is nice. It is obviously something that effects Billy. I was excited to see this storyline followed through. But it kind of felt like the movie was just going through the motions? The movie obviously needed to go from point A to B to C but Billy's progression just felt very quick and forced. The speech from the wizard before the showdown didn't feel earned enough for me.
Like, plot angle they were going for was great. Of course everything Billy went through would change him and his behaviour. There is quite a lot of trauma there. And I know with the tone this movie has that is not something that will be unpacked completely. I just wish it was handled slightly differently? (I would have to think more about what bothered me about this, but it isn't handled the way I wish it would be considering it was the very first thing we heard about Billy in this film)
I also disliked how little we actually saw Billy as a teenager? I enjoy Zachary Levi's acting as much as the next person but let Asher Angel get at least some screentime? I don't know if it was because of scheduling or whatever but there were a lot of scenes where the characters didn't need to be in superhero form but they just sort of hung out in adult form.
And it is just a small moment but I still wanted to call it out, because stuff like this annoys me. When Pedro came out everyone answered that they already knew. I hate that. Yes, it was supposed to be a funny moment so of course it wasn't going to be a big, emotional thing and it doesn't need to be. But it always irks me when people "knew" beforehand. bc it always feels like they are saying "people always know before" or "don't feel proud of yourself for opening up, it's old news" (am I explaining this okay? It just diminishes it and if everyone already knows, why add this moment? Especially in this scene where no one would realistically bring the topic up?). Maybe it's not a big deal but imo it was not a good moment.
The biggest thing I hate though is the big, emotional death of a main character with a long scene of the character accepting their fate, grieving friends and family and a funeral (!) just for them to be revived without consequence? Not saying that this is the movie that needs to pull off such a dark twist but... why? It was a very nice emotional part of the movie but it ended up feeling cheap? Especially bc it felt like an excuse to push in a cameo last minute. (It was a nice callback to the fist ww scene, a sort of gotcha we actually have the actress here, but at what cost).
Like I said, I never expected Billy to die, he is THE title character after all and DC would never have the balls to do that. Especially in the 2. film. + they did push Freddy into a more active role, which I love, but especially Adam Brody wasn't built up in a way to take over the franchise, so I knew this would't happen. I was still disappointed. It always cheats the audience out of their emotions. We just wasted 10 minutes of emotional stakes just to be cheated out of the satisfying conclusion?
anyway, I also wanna mention a few things I liked before I leave:
Like I said, the humor was still nice. It felt familiar in a way. And the immaturity was what I expected and hoped for. It makes sense in this film + for the characters. I love the design of the lair. Of course they would bring a bunch of stupid stuff in there. It fit their personalities. (And making the wall in the back a climbing wall was fun, idk why but it was)
I loved Freddy. I liked his character in the first movie as well but I liked him even more here. He got a lot more stuff to do on his own, more screentime and more own struggles to deal with (there are a few things that aren't great but they aren't that big a problem for me)
The monster design was great. I am a sucker for greek mythology and for twists on well known creatures so this one kind of hit a soft spot for me. I liked the way the monsters looked, from the minotaurs to the harpies, and the unicorns were great. I like that they were the fearsome predator type animal in the bunch. and the dragon. I loved it so much. Yes, being made of wood IS sort of a design flaw but you cannot tell me that it didn't look epic. And the way the fear was incorporated into its abilities? Amazing (wish we could have seen more uses of it)
On a similar note the fight scenes were really fun. they played with a few nice ideas and incorporated the superpowers well. ( I especially thought Ana's power were nice to watch, although they weren't often used in direct conflict)
....so I guess that's it? Like I said in the beginning, I really enjoyed this movie but there were quite a few things that felt off, in a way? Maybe I'll feel differently after a rewatch but it just doesn't feel as comfortable as the first one, if that makes sense. It doesn't feel as tightly knit or as satisfying. It is still a fun movie to watch but idk. If anyone wants to discuss this feel free to reblog it and add on or whatever.
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starberrywander · 8 months
This is just my perspective as an outside viewer, and I'm trying not to be mean about it because I fully believe that compassion and patience are powerful things that more people should get in the habit of doing even when frustrated or in disagreement with people. But,
I get this very specific vibe from radfems and I can't find the word and its driving me up the wall. It's like, drastic? Straight line? Un-nuanced? Idk. Every time I come across one of their posts it always feels like they missed a few steps. Like they sprinted across the field instead of stopping to look at the flowers. I guess what I'm trying to say is it feels like they reach really drastic conclusions with very straightforward logic (logic that makes sense and would often be fine and correct in a vacuum) and in the process bypass a lot of nuance that would change the way the final product is presented, y'know?
Like for example I see radfems be like "Porn should be banned because it exploits women!" and I'm like, I see where you're coming from there is definitely a big problem and I'm glad you've noticed it, but banning it all is not necessary. Not all Porn is inherently exploitative or disrespectful and just because that is the most dominant form doesn't mean its the only form or that a universal ban is the appropriate response. That could go so very wrong in so many ways. Maybe set requirements? Ban content that sexualizes abuse? Require warnings and unavoidable disclaimers before anything that contains kinks that may give impressionable viewers an unhealthy view of sexual relationships? Stuff like that that can't be so easily weaponized against women and queer people.
I hope you understand what I'm trying to get across here. Like, I see this pattern sometimes with lots of people not just radfems of like, drawing a conclusion too early or going with a knee-jerk reaction. Like, the conclusions drawn and the proposed solutions are very black and white. It's straightforward, which is appealing I get it, but it leaves so many holes and completely brushes off the nuance as unimportant details. Its so common that I'm sure its just a natural consequence of how human brains work but I just...idk it just irks me and I wanted to talk about it. Maybe bringing it up will help identify a way to combat it? To communicate better? Or something
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cheekygreenty · 3 years
Little Witch - Part 12
the Darkling x Reader
The hour was late as the stars basked in the darkness and cold winter air. The fire roared in its hearth while your still steaming cup of sleep-aiding tea sat untouched on the small table. Your talk with Alina earlier was the cause of your unrest. You didn't know whether to feel sorry for her or be frustrated with her. She is a lovely girl, most pure and kind and quite literally the definition of sunshine, but something about her irked you and you hated it.
Maybe it was her somewhat unhealthy obsession with her friend, the tracker- Malyen Oretsev, or the sheer denial and lack of understanding of her position. Sure, Mal was the only thing that tied her to her old life, a sense of home, but he didn't belong anywhere near the Little Palace and posed a threat to Alina's true potential. She should understand that, no doubt it's been explained to her many times. She was no longer a random girl from the First Army or a Child of Keramzin, she was the Sun-Summoner and had to act the part.
But there was also a nagging feeling in you since your last words with Aleksander, the ones about the stag. From what you could gather, Alina definitely wasn't power-hungry, not yet anyway, and placing an antler anywhere on her would be against her wishes. You knew deep down that whatever he had planned would go far beyond just giving her an amplifier for her sake.
You sighed and moved around on the armchair again, trying to convince yourself those were the reasons you couldn't sleep, that Alina's position in this mess was why your mind wouldn't shut off, but who were you kidding, it was her and him. For starters, she called Aleksander by his name. The second the word left her mouth, your blood ran cold.
'Is he not here?' Alina looked to you from over her mug, eyes scanning the room.
'Aleksander, is he away at Kribirsk again?' Your smile faltered and your grip on your own mug loosened. But Alina waited for an answer.
'Oh umm, I don't know.' You did but the shock caused your mind to blank completely.
You had known Aleksander for years before he even told you his true name, you had to earn it. She spoke of her General with a fondness, at one point even speaking of him as if he were more than just her commanding officer.
'Do you miss the First Army Alina? I know you left friends behind, not just Mr.Oretsev.'
'I suppose I don't feel at home just yet, it's a lot to take in, this whole division of orders thing doesn't help either... But he assures me I am not alone, that I have an equal in the Palace.'
An equal?
The heat of the fire was doing nothing to calm down your rising rage. Apparently Aleksander was doing more talking with Alina than you'd thought, even sacrificing his own true name, one only spoken by you and his mother, for her to utter as if it was just another name. So what if you were in his chambers, making use of his office and sleeping in his bed, he clearly had his eyes on two prizes or maybe just one.
You felt sick now, be it from the heat or the anger, you got up and opened a window. The cold and dark night was a stark contrast to the licks of the flame. It made you feel at peace, but only momentarily. You heard voices outside, slowly growing louder. You rested your head against the wall, begging for one last moment of stillness, but alas the door was yanked open and his boots echoed throughout the room. You cursed yourself for deciding to spend another night in his quarters. You thought he'd be gone longer than just 4 days.
'I do hope you made yourself comfortable' His voice was as smooth as the kvas you had downed after Alina left. You wanted to turn around, but the anger was still there and all hell would break loose if you let your emotions run wild again.
'I did thank you. At least you have a desk'
'I'll get you one first thing in the morning'
'No need, I already requested one' Your voice was void of any emotion. Don't start a fight.
'Are you alright?'
'Just tired, being diplomatic is hard work' It sure was right now.
'Might I suggest actually getting into bed then?' His hand slowly came around your wrist and pulled you in the direction of the bedroom but ironically at the simple touch, your anger grew, when it usually has the opposite effect. You saw out of the corner of your eye that he had a genuine smile on his face, one that tended to make you melt but not now. You shrugged him off and walked in the direction of the door, leaving him utterly confused.
'Y/N what's going on.
'I'm tired, I'm going to bed' You tried so hard to act normal, not in any way pissed.
'Y/N look at me'
'Goodnight Aleksander' You couldn't help it, the mockery of his name just came out. There goes the diplomacy.
You heard him quickly walk towards you and tried to get to the door first to escape the tense atmosphere you created but he got there first, blocking your way.
'What?' You threw your hands up in exasperation not yet looking at him.
'Did something happen whilst I was away?'
'Then what is it'
'Don't lie to me Y/N'
'Oh but it's okay for you to lie to me' Your eyes finally bore into his.
'Excuse me?' His expression read baffled; annoyed; pissed.
'Move away from the door Aleksander'
'No! You're going to be mature and have an actual conversation with me for once' He asked for it.
'Alright fine, Let's start with Alina''
'I had a lovely little tea party with her today. Sweet thing. She loves to talk once you get her going. She told me a lot of fascinating stuff, including your name! How interesting don't you think.' Your voice was so cold it even made you shiver.
'I can explain'
'I'm not finished.' You felt that pull in you, that pull that comes before you put your fire or shadows to use but crammed it down with all your might. 'Her best friend hasn't been replying to any of her letters and I can recount there are many of them. Guess what I found in one of your drawers? They are all very poetic don't you think? I'm all for helping her adjust, but that's not help, that's manipulation Aleksander.'
'She won't let him go, It's dragging her down.' He said through gritted teeth.
'Dragging her down or away?' The double meaning in your words didn't go unnoticed by him.
'Y/N all I want to do is go to bed right now, I've had a long day, please.' His hand reached out for yours but you scoffed and moved away.
'You wanted to have this conversation, General, don't shy away when your actions are questioned.'
'Fine' He unblocked the door and crossed the room, throwing his cloak and kefta on the floor with a heavy thud. 'Is there anything else you wish to accuse me of Y/N dearest?'
'Look at you, so bitter but I haven't heard you deny any of it'
'You may go now if you like.' He picked up a decanter of whiskey and poured himself a generous glass
'Since when are you this childish Aleksander. Have I missed something in my 100-year absence?' You mocked.
'You left me with all of this' He gestured to the palace. '-That's what happened.'
'Don't turn this around on me, and I told you that wasn't a choice.'
'The Y/N I knew would have come back and not hid like a coward'
You stilled and waited for any sign of apology, but it never came. He meant it even though he knew how much such a simple statement would hurt you. You turned slowly and walked to the door.
'While I'm gone, at least have the common decency to change the sheets before you bring Alina in here' you shut it loudly behind you and heard the breaking of the glass, no doubt thrown at the door as you were leaving.
What a day.
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@theonelittleone @searching-for-gallifrey @0-artemis @lostysworld @xceafh @fire-in-her-veinz @patdsinner33 @cleverzonkwombatsludge @wizardwheezes @aleksanderwh0r3 @tomhollandisabae @hotleaf-juice @justmesadgirl @exo-1204 @houseofdupree @oberonpascal @eireduchess
Ok so idk if people can see this but I posted this like a week ago and apparently nobody seen it so here it is!!!!
Part 13
Here's my masterlist!!
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mdverse · 2 years
Hey! So your Furtana art (and art in general) always brings me such joy and I think I feel similarly about Finn as you do, i.e. can't really love canon him but I do like aspects of his character and therefore like my headcanon of him. So I just wanted to ask, what would you change about canon Finn to make him more easily likeable? What do you think are the best things about him, and do you have any headcanons you'd like to share? :) (could be Furtana related haha, or not)
hi!! am glad my art can make u happy (especially the furtana stuff, they really have become my comfort trio haha).
i do want to warn you that i'm not great at analysing characters (or anything else ngl my brain is often very empty), and i'm even worse at putting my thoughts into words, but i'll do my best for u :)
i think the main thing i would change isn't even an aspect of Finn himself, honestly. if anything, the most important change i'd want would be for the characters around him to hold him accountable for his actions. bc let's face it, Finn gets away with saying a lot of things. he's the only character i can think of rn who used two different slurs, in addition to the entirety of mash-off/ikag, and probably more things that i can't remember off the top of my head, and the only time i know that someone for sure made him actually think about the consequences of his words was Burt. also santana slapping him, but idk if that really counts. i know u just watched ikag so i don't really need to go into the fact that pretty much no one tries to knock some sense into him (the kurt/klaine aspect of the outing really irks me and i don't feel like getting into that here but ugh). with the r-word i think he did realise immediately that he was wrong to say it and i think he regretted it, but my point is. most people around him didn't hold him accountable for the hurtful things he said and did, so he was able to get away with doing things without really thinking about the gravity of his actions. and that's really frustrating, bc we see that burt yelling at finn does actually have an effect - it's clumsy but he does try to support kurt after that. and i think we see it in s4 with him defending unique when she is dead set on playing rizzo; he knows there are risks in letting her do so, but he is 100% willing to protect her to the best of his abilities. he's capable of growth, and i think he's also willing to learn, it just seems to take a lot for him to get there sometimes. which actually leads pretty well into why i like vb au furtana! the thing about santana is that she just,, doesn't take people's bullshit. she's stubborn and won't shy away from a fight, even if she stands no chance of winning, which means that growing up together, santana would've always been ready and willing to throw finn's mistakes in his face. very bluntly. it most definitely also means that finn and santana fought a lot as children - usually over dumb stuff bc, yknow, they were kids. but regardless of what it was, finn would come out of the conflict with a new understanding of what he did wrong and most importantly, why it was wrong for him to do x thing. which isn't to say that vb au santana had a fantastic moral compass as a child, bc she did also treat kurt (among others) like trash for a while, but her constant presence and bullshit detector play a big part in preventing vb au finn from turning into canon finn.
in terms of what i do like about him... i think it's kinda similar to your recent post about santana and how you like that she's cruel and messy (i do too! wasn't sure how to respond to that post bc words are hard but,,, its sth i enjoy exploring in vb au... just letting her be harsh and defensive at times... but that's a whole other thing lmao anyway back to finn). i like that he's flawed. i like that he's confused, that he doesn't really know what he wants in life, especially after high school. i like that he's insecure, that he lashes out at people (though sometimes his anger issues worry me and make me think that he needed therapy. tbh a lot of the glee characters needed therapy but that's a whole other post again), that he feels like the (stupid) high school hierarchy is extremely important, that he struggles to merge that part of his life with his love for the glee club. he feels grounded, yknow? i love me some character flaws that make them instantly relatable. but i think what i love about him the most is how kind he can be. it feels weird to type that right after bringing up some of his worst moments on the show, but he really does have some incredibly sweet moments with people. to me, his growth shows the most in s4, bc teacher!finn had some moments where you could just tell that even if he didn't know what he was doing, even if he was scared to be leading these kids by himself, he still cared about them so much. things like helping artie make grease happen, helping ryder with his dyslexia, trying to help the s4 newbies bond with each other, making sure the club didn't fall apart after their sectionals. i am still judging him for deciding to do gangnam style but that's unimportant rn. idk i'm really losing my train of thought now so i'll just finish with this: finn is a sweet but dumb boy. he has golden retriever/dumb ginger cat energy written all over him and i just desperately wish he had been given more chances to properly grow from his mistakes, instead of pretty much everyone (except burt hummel, king, icon) glossing over it.
one more thing tho! i am once again shamelessly self-promoting but i know that watching ikag was a struggle for u and i humbly offer my version of santana's coming out in hopes that it's a more pleasant experience for u...
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imgoodloveenjoy · 3 years
What down, joe?
So I finally got around to watching the episode of ChicagoMed that we all missed due to those idiots at the Capitol. SMH but here we go into the MESS & my feelings lol
What does April want? That’s the name of her arc cause she needs to figure it out. I do feel her on wanting to stay in the COVID ward because it gives her a sense of purpose but her acting as though Ethan “took” that from her is ridiculous: 1. She never let Ethan know that she felt that way, maybe that would’ve swayed his decision a bit and 2. She’s been a nurse for what I’m assuming is years, she knows that nurses rotate positions in hospitals so her being rotated out to the ED shouldn’t have been such a blow- its almost like she expected special treatment & took it personally that she didn’t get that and was expected to rotate out like all the other nurses. In and regards to Ethan, she needs to figure out what she wants from him; it feels like she’s on the fence about resuming a romantic relationship, and that’s fine, but she also acts as though he should be doing things for her because of implied lingering romantic feelings- feels like she’s using him a bit and he’s being a doormat about it.
I’ve noticed that she’s moving as though Ethan should be a mind reader and know what she’s thinking and feeling for a while. When she discovered that she was having fertility issues, she lashed out at him without telling him about it so then he was stuck on stupid thinking they were still on the same page about having a baby. When she was feeling like there wasn’t any romance in their relationship since starting IVF, she took that out on him without telling him how she felt. When she felt like she found her purpose in the COVID ward, she didn’t say anything to Ethan, just gave him attitude. Girl, he’s not a psychic, tell him what you’re feeling! I do feel like the storyline of her getting involved in the Will’s new crusade with the trail medicine is a way for them both to undermine Ethan, his new elevated position and the new hierarchy in the ED – neither of them respects him as a peer or senior at this point.
I would love for April to have something else to focus on. I know that the writers have talked about her re-assessing how she’s maneuvering as a caregiver & I think that’s great! I feel like she can receive more responsibility, like a sort of promotion (idk what that means to nurses), and has to work through the struggle of those new responsibilities (without Ethan trying to save her) and become a more confident & capable nurse. I do think eventually she has to sit with herself and assess her personal life: does she still want Ethan? If not, she has to sit down and discuss that with him, set some boundaries; I think she needs better communication with him in general but this would be a good place to start.
Us: “April, tell us what you want. Make a choice.”
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Will absolutely demonstrated why he isn’t the Chief ED in this episode but one thing that really irks me about this character is that he does thing so totally left field and reckless, but the writers always manage to redeem him in the end, and it moves along as though he was always right. I’m waiting for the day the writers let Will really feel the consequences of his actions; he really needs to sit and think about why he rushes into situations the way he does. And why the hell did Maggie apologize to him? She should’ve questioned Will about how she felt he was being blind to his crusade; his patient’s daughter specifically told hm what type of treatment she wanted for her father and he ignored that…GIRL! Let that have been Ethan or Natalie LOL. And every time he does something like this he comes out smelling like roses…I’m tired of it.
I also feel like Will is acting more impulsive because he still is upset about the Chief position and doesn’t want to accept Ethan and the new hierarchy of the ED. Its like him being a part of this clinical trail give him the authority position that he wanted in the ED but didn’t get, not really about him being really interested in the trails. It’s giving me “I don’t respect Ethan” vibes & I would appreciate it if he just said that.
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Ok so I feel like with this episode, Ethan did really leave April alone except for things that were related to work and that’s what I want for him moving forward until she figures out what she wants: keep it professional. But I don’t like how he’s handling April with kid gloves; I get that he still loves her, it’s evident, but he needs to show her that he won’t be a push over for her, that she can’t use their connection to get her way & then give him attitude when he does his job as Chief of ED.
There is such a wedge in Chexton that it doesn’t even seem worth it anymore and the writers said that Noah is going to cause even more problems, at this point, but my ship in the harbor and let us disembark. I love Chexton but this is ridiculous, they have these characters walking around not communicating with each other like children even though I’m sure these characters are pushing 40!
I would like for Ethan to continue his mentor-mentee relationship with Charles; I feel like that will help Ethan determine the type of Chief he wants to be and how he wants to run his ED. He also needs to make it clear that no one will be getting special treatment (April and Noah) and try to establish communication, trust, collaboration, and accountability (Will) in the ED. For Ethan, getting used to this new role is his drama, he doesn’t need the extra mess with his love life at the moment; it would be good to see him grow in a way that sticks from being Chief of ED. Also free Ethan from the shackles of April, please LOL.
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I’m kinda on this ship LOL. IDK what it is about these two but I kinda like it…I think it’s the fact that Marcel can be vulnerable to Natalie and she gives him the space to do so without judgment. Natalie confronting Marcel about his one-night stands and then just leaning herself onto his back, then his face being so content just made me swoon a bit, I can totally understand Natalie’s attraction to him with this new attitude. I know that his ex-wife will be making an appearance that will surely shake things up with them but it can be a moment for Marcel to determine if he wants to pursue a relationship with Nat or continue being a committed bachelor. The direction the writers are taking with Mancel is the only good thing they’re doing IMO; it’s giving me an insight to Marcel’s pathology – he feels like a person who runs when the going gets tough cause he doesn’t want to be vulnerable but his attraction to Nat and the type of person she is will make him want to stay and work through the hard stuff.
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The Writers
I am TIRED of y’all. TIRED. I’m so done with the way the writers make characters regress to build up other characters/relationships. They had Manstead going but then as Chexton took off, Manstead crashed and burned. Chexton was cruising along, now they’re floundering as Mancel is taking off. What is going on? Can no one focus on more than one relationship at a time? And why are the characters going through the same development that they went through in past seasons (Ethan, Will). Like they went through that, their characters were better then all of a sudden, its back to square one and then on top of that, no one is communicating with each other, just getting upset in their feelings. You know y’all don’t have to do that, right? There are ways of challenging characters beyond regressing them and focusing on their love life screw ups. Do y’all need a more diverse writing room? Some new people to bring in fresh ideas? What is it? What do y’all need to keep this show from being too predictable and unnecessarily messy? It’s like they don’t realize that the characters and viewers of the show aren’t teenagers, we’re grown ass adults so petty relationship drama isn’t going to satisfy us. I would give them more free game but they’re gonna have to pay me LOL.
Me to the writers:
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So i guess that’s all until next episode of ChicagoWhatTheFuckAreTheyDoingOverThereMed Z.
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weishenkun · 3 years
Ppl were saying fendi only invited ten and they stuck lc there but what about yy? Iirc he was there too so they put him there on purpose as well or they won’t mention him because he’s not the one in trouble here? I’m not trying to give an attitude but if it sounds of it I’m really sorry. Idk there’s so much back and forth and ngl to that hardcore cbar fan and revealing all that info, if you saying he was such an a-hole throughout his entire career you didn’t bother leaving his fandom earlier and saying nothing? Idk that really irks me that this only came out because of what has been happening. Idk if you agree with me but I want to rant and I have so much to rant about but idk who to turn. Everything is being picked about from the littlest thing he has done or said and ppl are saying those interviews the 3 groups he in esp wayv ones have done were they praise him all must be fake. We don’t know his side of the story and in honest truth we will never know because how these things are handled through the west and Asian entertainment is so different. But I have I guess I have some reservations about what one of the victims said because of apparently who she is and it has made me think about some things. I still believe he was wrong for some of the things he has done because he needs to understand cheating and manipulation isn’t good. Idk idk idk my heart is heavy and people using this as a lololol ahahah moment to his fan community hurts too like going on and on how all along he was a douche and they always knew and we didn’t. And honestly I feel like there has been so much bandwagon hopping on the hate train because before this most ppl apart from the wayv fandom didn’t give a two cent shit about wayv. They never cared when sm mistreated them or that they got scrapings and were not treated like how 127 or dream were treated. But suddenly everyone who has never cared is up and arms about him in the group because when wayv is going to do their next projects I want to see if all these ppl are going to be cheering them on as loud about you cheering on about what’s going on currently. like I can guarantee you won’t watch an interview or stream their music. And there has been this post going around about what was revealed yesterday and it was about that cat and someone said to the girl well he didn’t give you the cat cause you ain’t his fav and she’s like go ask him on bubble cause that wasn’t what he told me yesterday and idk what it even means because everyone is jumping on it and going lololol he’s still in contact after the apology. Idk she had said it sarcastically and Idk if she’s being truthful or not but everyone is adamant he is still doing all this regardless. And honestly IF he did do that and you let him contact you like that i feel like it’s on her esp since everything has been going on for days. He was dumb for all of this and rn his entire career isn’t surviving so I can’t even tell if she is serious or not and given how this is going on I can’t imagine his devices not being taken away from him cause that’s dumb or someone watching him like a fucking hawk cause I would. Cause on top of everything ppl are saying he mistreats the animals/pets and it’s like wtf is going on?! Oh And with the surfing coach confirming they didn’t flirt but were just friendly, you could have said something earlier but did nothing for hours until you were asked directly because everyone was saying she’s number 5 but apparently in reality she wasn’t but you let it go on. Everything is plaguing me rn and I have so much more to talk about but I’m just so frustrated.
okay this is a long ask so let me just go through each point
1. i saw the fendi story and yeah, yangyang was there too but people are more 'forgiving' towards him cause hes not badmouthing other members like allegedly lucas is. also, labelv was basically trying to get more members into the thing than the organizer originally wanted to, so yangyang, since hes less popular, is pretty logical but lucas? really? he had his own shit almost always so what was the point
2. about that hardcore cbar fan, true, they did only come out with the rant after the stories came out but like they said - they were a hardcore fan. probably theres some money involved or even it was just ignoring stuff cause youre a fan. we did know about most of the things they mentioned, it was just over a long period of time so there were big gaps between each of the incidents and people forgot? idk
3. i agree, there's been a lot of analysis of every little thing he did, but like i said earlier - it was happening over a long period of time and people were blaming it on idk, the culture or the lack of knowledge of some language. now, when theres a chance it could be something more, because of the alleged badmouthing, people will bring that stuff up 🤷‍♀️
4. he had a chance to say something in the apology letter. he said literally nothing instead :D
5. there has been a lot of bandwagon hopping on the hate but theres also been a lot of just straight up ignoring everything. i saw a fan acc on twitter share a list of translators so the fans could block those, cause they've been spreading false news 🤡 like, he was trending for days so people will get interested in whats going on and they will have opinions, thats how world works. and yeah no one will give a single fuck about future wayv project for example but i just hope it will be because they wont care and not because there wont be any future wayv projects :DDDD cause wayv was never big lol, lets be realistic, and this scandal isnt helping them at all and also the fact its happening right when there's that social media/fans campaign going on, i think its even worse :D
6. the bubble thing... labelv isnt the brightest so idk if its that unrealistic. and i think theres the other girl who also said he was calling them non stop when they released their story so idk idk lol
7. wheres the cat :/ we all saw the pic of him getting it, i think i reblogged it with something like 'omg omg ot11 soon' lmao and we havent seen it ever since. it is weird, just like in general. i want to know wheres the cat
8. the coach 🤡🤡🤡 idk idk her story was weird but i think it made another person release their story so thanks i guess :DDD even if he didnt flirt with her, wow, omg, hes so brave for this, wow, bare minimum :)
okay i think i went through everything, thanks for letting me write a whole essay back to you, i will call it an english practice in my brain 😍
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ad1thi · 5 years
far from home spoilers
official rating: 6 maybe 7 on 10??
okay let me just preface this with: i did enjoy the film. lets not get that muddled up. i really did enjoy it but im allowed to have issues with the things i enjoy
Peter Parker. Baby boy whomst i love just trying to live a normal life. I really like the narrative that after Tony's death he just kind of closed in on himself and wanted to avoid the superhero stuff, because I'll be real w you it never sat right w me that Peter watched Ben die and then became mad responsible. That seemed like an off narrative no kid gains responsibility for a traumatic event, especially one they blame themselves for.
MJ: i loved Zendaya's character in this. She's got that kind of dark humour that I like, and what I really appreciated was the film never villainised her for spending time w Brad. Often, when there's a love triangle- the girl is lowkey looked down on cuz "obviously she should just pick one guy wtf" but Peter is never mad at MJ for hanging out w Brad and i think that's really cool.
The effortless diversity. Midtown High is a public school in New York there's gonna be all kinds of people studying here. Its an accurate representation of what classes in New York look like, while not pushing the ticket and having token diversity.
On that note, Ned Leeds. I know a lot of people who don't like the inclusion of Ned because he belongs to Miles Morales' story- but I actually really like him and the comic relief he brings to the story. Idk about y'all, but I was fully invested in the saga that was Betty and Ned. Also, really indicative of a highschool relationship: since it was really short but both parties act like its changed their lives 😂😂😂. Trust me ive had friends who've acted like their whole world view has changed over a 5 day relationship.
The Daily Bugle callback. 'Nouf said.
Peter's relationship with Happy. I always headcanon'd that Happy didn't like Peter because he saw Tony losing sleep designing a suit for a kid he'd not even met, and he put that misplaced anger of Tony not looking after himself onto Peter. To see that friendship evolve and for Peter to have that rock,, someone who understands how much Tony meant to him and how much he meant to Tony was just amazing
the media scene at the very beginning of the film. This was just me, but it looked like the beginnings of an anxiety attack and idk after everything Peter's been through exploring that side would be interesting
The fact that Quentin dies. Idk there's something so unrealistic about villains never dying i liked that he died that's all
okay so thats what i liked
Here's what i didn't like
THE FACT THAT TONY STARK IS MYSTERIO'S ORIGIN STORY. Like seriously marvel come up with better stories not everything is Tony's fault. I'm not tryna be funny but this is a Spiderman film?? Maybe it makes more sense that Spiderman is who the villian hates??
On that vein, its never explicitly confirmed that Tony leaves the glasses to Peter; since the note says "to the next Tony Stark I trust you". So given that Tony wasn't exactly sure Peter would get them (im operating under the assumption Tony built them during the 5 years of the Snap) why is it weapons? Tony's literal character arc is no weapons. His entire THING is not trusting people with his weapons why would his dying wish be, "give someone all my weapons"
NICK MF FURY. look i mean i know that it was a skrull or whatever but idgaf he was emulating Fury and I HATE FURY CUZ HE A MANIPULATIVE PIECE OF SHIT WHO LITERALLY CARES ABOUT NOTHING BUT HIS OWN AGENDA and anyway screw him
The whole mock mjolnir shield scene. I mean, i know Peter's webs were out and that it was a callback to Steve's scene in endgame but i hated it when it happened in endgame and i hated it now.
Peter 👏 has 👏 this 👏 own 👏 mf 👏 powers 👏 and 👏 his 👏 own 👏 mf 👏 story 👏
Also something that really irked me, that i never realised until @webheadstan pointed it out to me was: this film reads like im1. I loved hoco cuz it wasn't a superhero origin story; but this film WAS.
And what's worse is that it wasn't even Peter's origin story it was Tony's.
also Peter's identity getting revealed was well shitty that's not done that's trash
Anyway that's me on far from home hope you enjoyed reading!!
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darthspideys · 5 years
My thoughts on Phase 4
I AM SO EXCITED FOR PHASE 4 let me just start with that. Just generally, without knowing much about the movies or trailers or anything I am pumped. It looks so cool and there are going to be so many more heroes in the universe and that makes me so happy. I know some people want more focus on like the characters from previous phases but I love that they're staring out with new stuff because its the end of the infinity saga and they want to showcase that before immediately going into sequels and threequels. 
Before I get into specific series and movies I want to talk about a couple of general things:
Disney + : I don’t like that “phase 4″ also includes the series(s). don’t get me wrong, I love them like series(s) were my favorite announcements of the night but like it’s weird that they're technically counted in the phase. It makes me feel like if you don’t watch the series you're going to be missing a plot point from a movie which would irk because its a lot easier to buy a movie ticket once or twice a year than to pay for a streaming service every month (though I’ll give Disney this 6.99 isn’t a bad price that's only like a dollar more than Hulu with commercials) . 
The logos: Look I know logos aren’t everything but like some of those were... how you say garbage? terrible? a crime? Like some of them were spiderman far from home advertizements bad in terms of graphic design (I’m sure we’re going to see a lot of people using the ‘graphic design is my passion’ meme and it's totally appropriate). Not all of them we’re bad though, like The Eternals one was soo good, I liked how the background was kind of like a starry night, and the Shang Chi one good and the Doctor Strange one was okay. The Hawkeye logo was *chefs kiss* perfect, I love how they took the Fractions Hawkeye logo and updated it a bit because wow yes. The Loki logo was so bad I can’t even look at it, the fan made ones were so much better, loki I’m sorry you deserved better than some clip art that I think makes a word.... and the wandavision one was just werid but then again everything about them is werid so
The casts: MARVEL HAS THE BEST CASTS EVER that’s it im saying it, no I do not take constructive criticism. Say what you will about the movie but like the amount of talent that has been and will be in the mcu is astounding I mean we had RDJ and Chris Evans, who are amazing and Brie Larson (who by the way has a freaking oscar) and now we’re going to have Salma Hayek, Richard Madden, Kumal Nanjani, Natalie Portman is back, MAHERSHA ALI IS BLADE LIKE WOW (I think he has an oscar too correct me if I’m wrong), Awkafina is gonna be in chang chi (I love her sm), and so many others just the amount of talent is astounding. 
The diversity: SO MANY WOMEN. AHHH JAne foster as female thor??? Our first LGBTQ character (confirmed at least) is going to be a bi black woman??? AMazing??? Another headlining black superhero with blade?? 
Moving on to the actual movies and shows. I’m putting a read more because idk if I’m going to talk about every individual announcement but I might so-
My favorite announcement by far had to be the Hawkeye series, because KATE BISHOP BABEY. She is my favorite marvel comics character and soon to be mcu character :) and now she’s going to get the love she deserves and more people will know about her which makes me so happy. Also it’s interesting that they didn’t announce her casting, so I have hope that maybe they will cast someone asian since that’s always been my headcanon for her even though she’s white in the comics. I’m trying not to use a lot of screaming in caps sentences but just know when I think about Kate being on my screen I AM SCREAMING. When I first saw the post about the series I cried because I was so so happy. And fingers crossed this series is taking cues from the fractions hawkeye comics because that really encapsulated Clint’s character in a way the mcu... hasnt (I really hate mcu clint but that’s a story for another time) so I hope that while they introduce Kate they also fix mcu’s clint and make him actually likable.  (if you couldn't tell I really really don’t like MCU clint.) or at the very least not screw up Kate like they did mcu clint. 
Next up THE SAMBUCKY SERIES. (I know it has a real title but like thats long and I can’t spell soildier to save my life sooo yeah I’m gonna call it the sambucky series in tags and stuff). I know not alot of people are talking about this because we already knew that it was happening, so it’s like yeah we already saw that but seeing Mackie and Stan up on stage together just made it feel so real and it made me so excited. And then Mackie was holidng the shield and I was like ahhhhhhhhhh hes freaking captain America!!! I could write a million essays about why its so important that hes cap and why it means to much to me and a lot of people but,,, another post for another time. But anyway these characters and the actors who play them have so much good chemistry that I can’t wait to really see it. One thing I’m not so excited about... the logo. There was a totally different logo when Disney + originally announced it and I liked that one so much better, this one is just... clunky?? idk but it’s not having that big an impact on my life lol its more of an annoyance then anything. 
I feel like now I should mention an actual movie.. 
THE ETERNALS. I’m going to admit I don’t know that much about the characters or the team (which I will soon fix when I do my wiki deep dive to find out everything) but if your judging just by the cast, this movie is going to be great. I mean the amount of talent in this movie is outstanding and I really have high hopes for what it could be. 
Doctor Strange: The multiverse of madness intrigues me more than I thought it would. Like for starters the name is pretty ominous, and the fact that we’re getting an actual confirmation/movie about the multiverse (far from home really let me down in that regard) is really exciting. Also it’s supposed to be the first “scary” mcu movie, I don’t know how scary they can get with a PG-13 rating (which I’m going to guess there going to try to keep because there’s a big chunk of the fanbase that’s young) but that really made me interesting. ALSO WANDA MAXIMOFF IS GOING TO BE IN IT, so that makes me so excited for it because although I’m not the biggest fan of Wanda's character (which I blame J*ss Wh*don for completely and her lack of characterization in the rest of the mcu and the complete nerfing of her powers.... another post for another time.) I’ve always wanted to see her and Steven use magic togther and I’ve seen a few panels where Wanda, Strange and Loki form a little magic squad which I WOULD VERY MUCH LOVE to see put on screen (minus Loki I’m guessing), also maybe this movie will fix a little bit of her characterization? One thing that makes me nervous about this though is the teaser that it “directly connects” to the wandavision series, if I’m not able to get Disney plus and watch the show I don’t want to have missed out on plot points for the movie but I guess we’ll see. 
since I mentioned it already, lets talk WandaVision. The logo as a mentioned earlier is so very bad, but- yeah idk it’s just very bad. Also the name is really werid? like wandavision with no space? It’s like they went to tumblr, found thier ship name and was like ‘that sounds like a great name for a show’ (that is their ship name right?). I was not planning on watching this show at all UNTIL I found out that FREAKING GROWN UP MONICA RAMBEAU is going to be in it. I didn’t think they would ever bring her up again in the mcu so I’m so happy that she is going to be in this show and I hadn’t even heard any rumors about this so it was a really fun suprise. Am I sure that they are only putting her in the show so that people will watch the trainwreck that is wanda and visions relationship? Yes. But will I fall into the trap because of Monica? YES. But I think this show could be good if your willing to get past the obvious weridness of human girl is in love with basically a robot, a human looking robot sure if your being generous and maybe not fully a robot (a synthoid?) but it’s still werird because he's not human.  I’m curious to see what timeline they use for this, because vision is still dead at the end of endgame. I guess they could use the 2 years between civil war and infinity war but that’s just not a lot of time for a complete story (and if this show “directly connects” the doctor strange 2 then that means that movie takes place pre-thanos as well which would be werid) 
That all being said, I am really excited to see Wanda’s character done by someone who isn’t J*ss Wh*don or the R*ssos because they screwed her up so bad and she was such a badass and powerful character in the comics (my personal theory is that all of these men saw that and went ‘a powerful woman? more powerful then men? we can’t have that around here’ like what was done with Carol in endgame). 
BLADE. We don’t know much about this movie and I don’t know much about the character but I AM PUMPED even though we don’t have a release date for it yet. I just think Mahersha Ali is so talented and I love Black lead heros so yeah. 
THOR: LOVE AND THUNDER am I a little sad they didn't use Thor Four: More thor as our queen Gina Linetti suggested? Yes. But I love this title and it’s just crackhead enough to be acceptable. I’m so happy that this movie is being made, because  1) someone has to make up for the first two thor movies somehow, 2) someone has to fix the mess the R*ssos made of thors character and 3) Thor Ragnarok made me actually like thor as a character, so I want to see more of that Thor. ALSO JANE FOSTER AKA NATALIE PORTMAN IS BACK??? AND SHES GONNA BE FREAKING FEMALE THOR YES YES YES (that picture of her holding the hammer? wow. powerful. showstopping. amazing) I can hear all the dudebros screaming about how much they hate it but 1) who cares what they think? and 2) its completely comics accurate which is thier usual lame excuse for misogyny so they can suck it. ALSO VAL IS THE QUEEN OF ASGARD AND TESSA SAYS SHES GONNA FIND HER QUEEN so we’re gonna get REAL CANON BI VAL (aka out first lgbtq mcu character who is also a woman of color which is so amazing and important!!!!) ANYWAYS THOR IS GOING TO BE AMAZING, its the movie I’m most pumped for AND THE LOGO IS AMAZING and thank you takia watiti for coming to save us. 
Black Widow... hmmm... I’m not as excited for this because one it’s not that much of a surprise since we’ve even seen set photos for it and because Scarlett Johanssen, I just don’t like her. I like Nat as a character even though Scarlett has the acting range of a celerity among many other issues but yeah. I’ll still go see the movie because girl power, and the more female led movies are successful the more they’ll make and more it’ll make the stupid dudebros and misogynists in training at my school mad. Also Rachel Wietz is talented and I liked David Harbour in Stranger things (or you know the 5 total episodes I’ve watched) 
Shang Chi looks like it’s gonna be good, and idk what the ten rings is but uhh I like it. And I love that we’re getting the actual modern and hopefully they’ll do a little flashback or callback to iron man 3. ALSO AWKAFINA 
What if? I love what if comics just because it’s a cool concept and it’s nice to see what if but this feels kind of pointless almost??? Idk I just don’t know why its here (also I originally thought this was going to be on hulu so I’m bitter about that). But I’m interested to see what kind of animation style they’ll go with (which honestly is a huge factor in whether or not I’ll watch it), and depending on what stories they do, if I watch it I’ll probably just end up skipping around and only looking at certain ones. 
Spiderman 3, Captain Marvel 2, Black Panther 2: I’m super pumped for all of these!!! I mean especially after that cliffhanger at the end of spidey (which I’m still shook about). I cannot wait to see my girl carol again, and hopefully her movie will explain what’s going on with the “kree sleeper cells” that skrull maria hill talked about in ffh along with what the heck talos and his wife were doing on earth while fury is in space? (also a cute little reuinion scene between fury and carol?) (also also what the heck has carol been doing since captain marvel and before endgame) (also also also plz give me carol rhodey and intoduce jessica drew thanks) okay so maybe I’m asking a lot of this movie but yknow..and I’m always up to see more Okoye because she is iconic and I love her. 
Fantastic 4, Look I know there's been a bajillion fantastic four movies and they were all bad ( I personally liked the one With Micheal B Jordan, Miles Teller and Kate Mara)  but I have faith in marvel studios. I mean they did take a basically unknown hero and turn him into one of the most beloved heroes and launched that single movie into a cash cow 23 movie freaking franchise (I’m talking tony stark and the tony stark cinematic universe by the way)  so I think they can pull off the biggest miracle of all time and make a good fantastic four movie. 
Mutants... I don’t really know what they mean by this? Like do they mean X men? Or a new movie called mutants? Or mutants themselves will be peppered into the mcu? I think that it shoud be one of the last two options. Just because even if the x men don’t show up for another 2-3 years its still kinda soon to just reboot the whole thing? (also I don’t think that Jean Gray should be recasted because Sophie Turner slayed that role despite the writing being terrible), even the fantastic 4 movie the lastest one will be 6-7 years old by the time marvel reboots it so- also the x men have just been so overdone by fox in bad ways that I feel like if theyre going to use mutants which they should they should do a new team and pull out some lesser known characters and or just put mutant heros in the mcu which I would love to see. 
annnnd an hour later.. here we are. If you made it to the end, thank you because I had a lot to say. 
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natashalie-lumley · 4 years
What’s new Scooby Doo? Oh just more zombies
You know when you get bored so you scroll through the “to rent” section on your streaming service of choice looking at the new movies, trying to find something to scratch that itch, and then you happen upon the most random things ever? Yep, that’s exactly how I found this brand new answer to “what will they think of next that they really shouldn’t do”: SCOOBY DOO: RETURN TO ZOMBIE ISLAND!
From Amazon:  Join Scooby-Doo, Shaggy and the Mystery Inc. gang as they win a vacation of a lifetime and attempt to put their mystery solving days behind them. As soon as they arrive to the tropical island, Velma, Daphne and Fred can’t help but notice how strangely familiar this island is, to a terrifying trip they once took decades ago. They soon find out paradise comes with a price when they encounter an army of zombies! Hop on board and travel with Scooby-Doo and the gang, as they unearth the mystery of Zombie Island in an original movie adventure!
So my first thought, upon seeing this exists, is “holy carp wth”. My second, upon reading the above description, is “decades???” And my third, upon watching the first half hour and listening to the cliche out-of-touch Sheriff describe what kids used to do in, idk, the sixties, was “wait, weren’t they out of school in the original ZI? And they had professions and everything? so if this is decades... how OLD are they?” (Of course, they don’t look any different, at all, because cartoons.)
Anyway I’m enjoying this ride and I decided to bring ya’ll along with me, all dozen of you who might see this lmao. Spoilers ahead!
This is a dream right? It has to be a dream because 1) when did Fred set up that trap, 2) their traps never work that well, and 3) Daphne just used a makeup brush to touch-up the Mystery Machine. Or maybe that’s just normal for her.
Oh it was a dream! Just to lead into the cliche “the thing you had a nightmare about didn’t happen that way but it did happen”
Shaggy and Scooby and their all-to-convenient Judge outfits
Again... very cliche out-of-touch adult.
OMFG ELVIRA! Didn’t she do a movie with them?
It’s at this point that I’m looking at imdb trying to figure out who voices Velma cause I don’t think it’s the original.
Lol one of the rumors about ghosts involves “an ancient ghost that asks you to program the VCR” and the obviously-teens going “what’s a VCR”. Cue me laughing my ass of remembering the days of SD movies on VCR.
Elvira’s convenient vacation offer is so ridiculously convenient I haven’t decided whether or not she’s in on it.
OH it’s Kate Micucci! that explains the voice.
“We’re noticing this strange things but absolutely none of us are going to consider it mysterious at all” is as useful in conversation as telling the jury to strike something from the record in a court show.
How is the original zombie movie “unsolved”. They solved it. 
If the captain of the boat is that worried about the zombies why is waiting to come back right before sundown? Why not come at noon? ...... he’s in on it isn’t he. Wasn’t the original?
Um... don’t they have some sort of cell phone or GPS that could tell them what they have obviously picked up on “we’re clearly not in the Caribbean”.
“Wait until the last person is alone to actually say more than 2 words warning them to get away” cliche
Hasn’t the gang had a close friendship for this entire time? Have they literally never talked about anything but solving mysteries? I mean canonically I swear they’ve spent time in conversation about other things. There’s even whole episodes of shows where they have relationship and stuff... Are you telling me they’re only friends in circumstance?
(It’s at this point where I decide the other good thing about this live posting is I won’t be tempted to fast-forward through the parts that irritate me like all the hijinks of “we’re totally keeping our promise really”)
Did the driver’s phone literally just ring so we had the conveniently “dum dum DUUUMMMM” effect? ‘Cause he doesn’t seem in a rush to answer it.
So... they changed the name... to Moonstar. Instead of Moonscar. Wow. That one letter. Does so much.
CATS!!!!!!!!!! KITTIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yes please
Ok so she’s recapping the first movie and saying “it was for a school project”.... but still...
“The only thing we have to do on this island is relax” and, idk, not look at a GPS or anything with location information...
“I’m sure there’s a perfectly reasonable explanation for the guest book pages being torn out, right Alan?” “Moths.”
Why -are- there so many cameras.
Holy carp look at that it’s the same forking people just modernised a little.
Why is he flirting with Daphne.
I forget, is Fred canonically with Daphne rn? I can never keep that straight.
If this blonde lady says “yes and” again I’m going to be very irked. It’s not an improv class honey.
Why is she so horrified by their manners/lack-thereof?
Why is blonde lady crying? Other than the fact that she’s a horrible actress.
Also why has nobody noticed that Hotel Manager Alan is clearly wearing the same cat-head necklace from the first movie but painted.
“Shiatsu?” “No, Great Dane!”
Ah yes, cartoon details - Scooby slurps on a straw but the liquid level never changes.
Are... the zombies.... giving them....... massages? Or just really failing claw their flesh apart?
That arm was hollow.
If the Mystery Machine is in the frickin’ garage I’m either going to die laughing or bang my head on the table.
The cat necklace now has eyes.
Scooby just poked Shaggy in the nipple during their demonstration.
At this point the gang have seen zombies, witches/actual witch’s ghost, aliens, and idk what else. So why are they scoffing at zombies?
Three of the four people were facing Scooby and Shaggy entirely and somehow still missed them running away.
Ah yes, a trapped kitchen cabinet. These people truly do know how to deal with them.
Zombies don’t haunt.
The “I’m clearly acting, let me try to say that again”
It’s at this point that I start to think the cameras and the bad actor and the convenient look-alikes all mean that this is a setup for somebody’s idea of a TV show
Weren’t the original zombies faster?
I WAS RIGHT! IT’S A MOVIE! But also directors don’t normally act in their movies.
This is obviously just the setup-within-a-setup. Haven’t decided what the second one is... cause that’s definitely a were-cat-person.
Is Mr Bad-actor-director in on the second plot? Because he’s definitely over-acting this “oh no I’ve been found out” and is not crying.
If they try to make Mystery Monster Truck Machine sentient I’ll be really annoyed.
“I thought I was hallucinating!” “Why didn’t you tell us?” Um. because he thought he was insane?
Cartoon details - everybody is mysteriously dry minutes after being doused with water.
So they ask “what’s the next scene” and he walks away going “you’ll see” and then... nothing happens. For ages.
Why is the gang so bad at acting scared? They’ve all been scared before.
Was Alan supposed to be saved? Still not sure if he’s in on this or not...
So it is very definitely the second day now, close to sundown, and even though they know about the “making a movie” plot absolutely nobody has questioned if that changes the plan on how they’re getting home.
Ah yes the cats
“I know I should be freaking out” but I’m too focused on my job cliche
So what happened to the fake islanders that greeted them in the beginning?
Fred is waaaaaaay to in to his car. Like... is there going to be shipping in fanfiction now? (Please don’t tell me I really reAlLY REALLY don’t wanna know)
So who even ARE these three random mofos? And what is with that hairstyle?
Still not convinced Alan isn’t part of this second plot... gone back and forth several times.
Why do people on tv use 2 feet on the brake when they need to brake really dramatically hard?
Please tell me the ramp only sort of works and they end up landing in the middle of the hotel
Aaaaah darn, they made it.
What was the point of the bridge being taken out if the cat people make it to the hotel without getting wet?
Ah yes, the “hiding in the hotel and running from the bad guys” montage
This is such an odd music choice...
Cat person clearly saw Shaggy and Scooby run from their hiding spots, so why’d he smash it anyway?
Daphne has so far done a better job of hiding than anyone
Cartoon detail - blue vase that got smashed a few seconds ago is back in its spot next to the stairs
Ah yes, the “take them off guard and pretend to be a server in a restaurant complete with disguises from who knows where”
Cat people that don’t like fish.... ok.
That rug would’ve unrolled very quickly, or at the very least at the bottom of the stairs.
So the cat people sundial device thing magically points to the treasure... but didn’t the cat people not know where it was? It’s not like the original movie was the first harvest moon since Moonscar’s death. They would’ve been able to do that a long time ago if that was the point of the dial. I know I worded that poorly.
AH the islanders were in on the second plot! That makes sense.
Am I the first person to remember there’s a fourth catperson?
Cat whistle.... cat... whistle... ok
How did the police get there?
So was the cat moondial laser thing part of Fred’s trap?
Are you saying this is the first time the cats have decided to dig in that basement? And it just conveniently happens while they’re all there?
He just walks off with all the gold. Doesn’t even offer to share it.
Why -did- Fred sell the Mystery Machine? I mean it should’ve just been repainted and ta-da- it’s a normal van.
Why -is- the Sheriff there. Ostensibly they’re in a completely different state. Why... is Daphne crying now... this is... ridiculous.
If it weren’t for you (all 3 people who might read this) I’d skip this.
Why are they now friends with the cats?
So... the mystery of the fourth cat person is just... unsolved? that’s ridiculous. Especially because Velma would’ve counted that as a lose end that needs tied up.
So! That was a trip! lmao. Hope everybody gets a laugh out of it.
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fireeaglespirit · 5 years
@fireeaglespirit @viviane-lefay i do worry sometimes with the stories I write if things might be too much for you. To be fair I dont think in any fanfic Ive ever written anything too explicit but now Im so conscious of other people’s viewpoints and being inclusive that it is a concern. Ultimately I write what I want to/need to but I am aware it might not be for all tastes hence always trying to follow ratings etc.
Replying here so it doesn’t cause any problems with OP, etc..
Ohh. I’m sorry if this worried you.. tbh this was very random and I wasn’t even thinking about fiction when I rb this. This one reminded me of a few times I went out with friends and colleagues and I just felt starkly asexual, lmao
About my tolerance regarding sex and explicitly in fiction, I’ll be honest with you…
There’s hardly anything I could say I wouldn’t read about. I just don’t feel ‘triggers’ or anything of the sort, no hard feelings when it gets to fiction and I value your will to be conscious of other viewpoints but its practically impossible to cater to all tastes like you said, so don’t worry about it much… there’s always someone out there who will feel offended and others who will fiercely love it.
As for myself, I’m very tolerant to sexual content in fiction, idk? I don’t seek it out particularly but its not a deal breaker either.
I know some asexual people are less tolerant, I usually just get a ‘meh’ feeling whenever those subjects are touched in much detail, idk some works do get nasty and bothersome because of much detail involving sexual practices so I just give up on them or put them aside when they bring me no joy but I gladly consume material with sex on it as long as I like some aspects of it. Also, I’m good at ignoring or glossing over things I don’t like in fiction… when I read explicit scenes with intercourse it does nothing to me and my eyes focuses on the sentences I loved such as regarding the feelings between the characters and subtle interactions instead of the physical/carnal aspects of it, and this makes it all worthy it.
Even so, some works might become overwhelmingly depressive or repulsive so I might put them aside even if I enjoyed an aspect of it or I might just skip through them and this happened recently to a series of fantasy books I tried to read which were actually really good but they were so overwhelmingly and unnecessarily dark and had an horrid oppressive atmosphere towards women an sex so I just felt no joy reading them? Its not like I was traumatized by its tone but it felt like a chore and I couldn’t care about it further and no character inspired me whatsoever that the world could change for the better, so I dropped them.
But its not like I’m judging it, I just feel weirded out to some things and I just imagine the kind of mind that takes upon themselves the chore to write a whole series of book which has nothing but suffering and misery in them, especially concerning women, lol. We already had this shit in history and still have in some places in the world so I kinda feel like its not interesting for me to read about it in a fictional setting, especially if I don’t feel like the writer is going to challenge the setting.
But I’m aware most people are much more sensitive… these things can be horrid for those who are more sensitive, and perhaps my own asexuality protects me from feeling it fully as I don’t even think of myself as a being capable of partaking in this (weird, I know), so I have problem even projecting.
But I did felt really strongly for the way women were oppressed absurdly and had their agency completely obliterated, so that sparked a sort of empathy or kinship in me which made progress in such book a chore…
You got my point and this just illustrates a bit my relationship to fiction and things that irk me since you were interested in my opinion… I have another example of fantasy book with lots of sex in it:
I read asoiaf even thought its full of sexual stuff but I don’t feel joy at these parts, yet the work is so good on other themes that I ignore it for the most part… but even so, recently I’ve read F&B and it was kinda overwhelming on the sexist aspect with myriads of female characters turned into child brides and raped and dying at their childbirth repeatedly it just got very tiresome and repetitive near the end, because there where almost no counterpoints to it, unlike in the main series where the situation is dire for women but we have characters challenging it more often and idk. F&B just lacked on that front.
So, this shows a bit my sensitivity towards sex is more related to sexism and the feeling that women are confined to their reproductive aspects: motherhood, childbearing, marriage, sensuality, etc.. I don’t have a problem with sexual intercourse per se as you can see, but that’s from my unique point of view and I know some asexuals are more repulsed towards it, but you asked my opinion…
So, if its consensual sex: its not my cup of tea but I don’t feel like its a deal breaker…
Just to give you a positive sex example: when I see an OTP of mine getting to the point of having sex I think its pretty sweet, like when Jon and Dany consummated their love on that boat… I was happy for them, for all that it means, the symbolism between the union of ice and fire and just two characters which I love dearly, finding happiness and comfort in each other. What’s not to love about it??
This is a rare stance I can say I saw a pair I ship get to that point xD
I love shipping as you know, but its more about the psychological aspects and potential for character development and even when I’m reading fanfic about my OTPs I enjoy more the angst and symbolism than the ‘hot’ parts which usually just makes me go ‘meh’ (again).
So this makes me say: when sex is the focus of works I could feel like I’m too asexual for this, even if it regards an OTP, it just doesn’t have a very exciting effect on me or I’m not explicitly interested in this part of a relationship, when so many other things caught my eye… sometimes subtle interactions and dialogue and and gentle approximation (touches, caresses, kissing, etc..) is so much more exciting for me to read about than the ‘thing’ itself, lol.
To sum it up: when its there just for p*rn or even worse, shock value it just makes me go ‘meh’ or ‘ugh’ or ‘uhh why am I even reading this?’
This reminds me of Vivi’s take on the ‘hiero gamos’, in this case I just say I might even enjoy the theme as long as the scenes involving sex are meaningful and passionate and the aspect I value the most about them are sublime and platonic instead of carnal but I’m aware the carnal aspects are very important for the characters and the audience so I also worry when I get to show my stories people will think they lack sexual content ^^  I get you.
Now that you know my feelings towards sex in fiction, to a broader sense I just wanted to say..
There’s no way to guess people’s sensitives but it doesn’t mean you need to walk on eggshells afraid to trigger people all the time, hell no! I’m all for freedom of creation. At least around me there are no metaphorical ‘eggshells’.
Everyone has their own set of opinions which makes them unique, not just me, I mean…  even so I will let my snowflake syndrome show but I’m quite peculiar if you could say, so I sort of grew a strong ‘carapace’ towards the world as I deal with people with completely different views and values on a daily basis which might make me have inflamed political opinions while at the same time, I’m very flexible and forgiving when it comes to fiction in general.
I don’t expect much of the population to be like this so I’m also self conscious when it gets to writing my own stuff because I know people can feel very strongly about it and you’ve seen the way fandom reacts to minor things and bash creators when they perceive flaws in their work… I’m just not a judgmental person, its not in my nature. I just ignore things in fiction if I don’t like and I became even more relaxed over time in regards to this all, lol I nearly reached a ‘nirvana’ as I don’t even feel strongly negative feelings in regard to this.
Snarky and bitter comments from time to time? Yes… but no hard feelings. RL needs my hatred, lol so I don’t have it to spare with fiction any longer.
Anyway, on an unrelated sub note… as you might have noticed, I don’t feel comfortable about current fandom trends and specially policing, and with reason as this gets very serious and quick with literally ‘wave chain reactions’ of hatred sparked apparently from nowhere. I hope people could create more freely instead of the political correct police and restraining of creativity we have now. It was good for a while and I’m all for diversity and change in status quo (for the better), but I think this has gone too far and I perceive a lot of rigidity in fiction right now due to fear of fandom backlash we have creators afraid to make their thing and afraid it isn’t ‘inclusive or progressive’ enough… so they bend themselves endlessly until fandom ‘approves’ them, but even so someone is bound to scream and say the work is offensive and the cycle of hatred is restarted.
I know this reply was like a huge egocentric monologue and I strained with non related issues at the end, but you asked my thought on this so I tried to convey it with detail.. including things related to the perception we have concerning fictional themes and I just kinda had to vent at some parts of it.
etc…. This doesn’t mean I forbid judgment from others or criticism or that I forbid people from harshly criticizing works of fiction, just that sometimes it gets more harmful than beneficial and scare people off, and I felt like saying that.
Anyway,,, just want to say nonetheless I find it very sweet and considerate that you are taking different opinions in mind while writing, but you don’t need to worry at least from my part, and I don’t think you ever got even close to being explicit in your writings so there’s absolutely nothing to worry about.
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scottstiles · 7 years
replied to your post
“hi divvy! i know you are MAD right now, so don't answer this until you...”
thanks so much for answering this! tbh i love the fact that you're religious and that you clearly love it so much. i went to a very catholic college, so that kind of thoughtful and deep connection with religion and tradition is important to me, and i love seeing it in other people. it's an important part of who you are! and part of the reason i asked is because you mentioned disliking the performance thing in your initial post, and i really connect with that. when i was growing up, the church i went to was pretty plain and traditional (despite very liberal politics and interpretations of scripture.) most of the other people i knew who went to church were evangelical and/or southern baptist, and i always disliked that their churches had like, full rock bands at services, and poppy contemporary melodies to "hymns." i understand that they're trying to make church fun, but it always made me suspicious and felt disingenuous.                  i don't think religious services should be a chore, certainly, but i also don't think that they should be "fun" in that way. that's not the purpose of religion. i don't think religion should become more like entertainment or performance, because it's supposed to be a space that's completely different from the rest of the world. it makes it feel less holy to me. so i definitely relate to how you feel there. also, how did you end up feeling about the service in the moment? (and i'd love to hear about the ma'apilim sometime)                                            
SORRY I DIDN’T ANSWER THESE BEFORE CUZ I REALLY WANTED TO BUT PROCRASTINATION IS MY MIDDLE NAME (jk it’s tzviya but try saying that ten times fast. or just one time. slow.)
1- i love finding other people who feel close to their religion, no matter what it is. i remember in teacher’s college i just naturally gravitated to the only catholic girls in my classes i guess simply because i enjoyed talking to them? we weren’t there learning to teach religion, but i’m always fascinated by what other people feel about it. i’ve found myself thinking on more than one occasion that i feel more comfortable with people who have that side to themselves, like me, rather than people who don’t interact/think about/believe in any of that kinda stuff. (im being purposefully vague because it’s a huge generalization, but nonetheless true-ish for me, i often find myself sharing much more common ground with palestinian muslims, for example, than a french canadian montrealer). i guess especially because religion is not something i consider a defining trait of mine, and im just in constant evolution with respect to that. judaism is so much more than just a belief in god or a practice of the rituals and commandments.
2- how fascinating to find someone in my age bracket who feels the same way about music in prayer. my problem has always been that i LOVE music, and its so personal and emotional that i DO see it fitting seamlessly with prayer but... it’s the setting that has always bothered me. it just never felt right for me in a synagogue. like you said, it’s just a different space. i don’t know about church and ‘making it fun’ but i definitely can imagine plenty of religions use music to draw in otherwise disinterested people who find prayer “boring” or pointless. music is awesome! i just wish people could feel the music in their soul as a separate entity from external music, like from an instrument. idk i guess i just really love singing XD and i wish it wasn’t always a performance or a competition of voices, because i think prayer should be personal. even if it’s between a community, its still voices connecting to each other. i’m reminded of Hannah’s prayer, in the book of Samuel (the prophet- his mother), she’s at the temple on one of the annual pilgrimages with her family and she’s depressed because she doesn’t have any children and her husband’s other wife just keeps popping out babies left and right. so she goes to be alone somewhere in the temple, and she’s weeping and praying to god for a child. Eli, the high priest, comes in and sees her shaking and moving her lips real fast so he goes, “hey, you shouldn’t be drinking in here” and she’s like “im not drunk, i’m praying”. so that’s the first place we read about a person actually praying, and not out loud. this was like a huge revelation to the priest cuz clearly he’d never seen that before, and now the tradition has become to pray like hannah. (as an aside, if u ever see the propaganda videos made by the nazis, they use footage of synagogues to show how loony tunes those jews are with their muttering and their rocking back and forth). cuz like, prayer is supposed to be out loud? ahaha anyway i forgot where i was going with this but... oh ya, okay, so prayer didn’t really exist (as we know it, in judaism- and therefore christianity/islam/western monotheism) until that point- it was all about the sacrifices. and the temple ritual was replete with music and instruments like the shofar, timbrels, lutes, blabla other ancient instruments. but since then, we’ve been meant to use our voices alone. so says tradition, i guess.
3- so i did go to services on yom kippur (kol nidre) but not at my shul. i went with my sister to the chabad house near my parents, and it was....not great. but it was compounded by a lot of factors- i got a wicked cold the day or two before, so my nose was running a marathon and i was coughing like a 90yr old with emphysema. i got my period that morning so i was on an extra steep emotional rollercoaster that i just somehow could barely control. so we sat on the other side of the mechitzah (the separation barrier between men and women), the rabbi/cantor stood at the head in the middle so we could all see, and we all prayed out loud, no hush on the women’s side or anything (pretty typical from what i remember of camp/school prayer services). but of course the tunes were not quite what i’m used to, and there was a bit of annoying stuff that just irks me as a perfectionist (like they use a lot of yiddish pronunciation of the hebrew words, injecting a bunch of oy oy oys and ahoyhoyhoys in random places, in fact i leaned over to my sister at one point and was like ‘did ned flanders write this nigun (tune)?’), but altogether i guess it was better than watching an orchestra perform the prayer? idk it was pretty bad, on an emotional level, but not in hindsight. im very good at ruining things for myself through sheer stubbornness. i must have embarrassed my sister just by existing next to her, poor girl, she really wanted me to like it. i’m glad it’s over, and hopefully by next year ill be back in nyc or some other city so i wont have to worry about it.
4- MA’APILIM!!!!! okay so this was my absolute favoritest thing as a kid and i can’t wait to describe it to you. one night in camp, every summer, the counselors and cits would wake us up at like 3am by barging into our cabins chanting (screaming, really) “MA’APILIM, MA’APILIM BEH-MASSAD, BEH-MASSAD. MATCHIL HALAYLA MATCHIL HALAYLA BEH-MASSAD, BEH-MASSAD.” which translates to : “ma’apilim at massad (the name of my camp) starts tonight.” i’m singing it in my head as i type XD. so they’d be screaming and we’d be tumbling bleary eyed out of bed to grab our socks and sweatshirts and run over to the flagpole (keep in mind i was 8 when i first experienced this, and we’ve had kids as young as 6 at camp). once we had all gathered in line with our bunkmates, the counselors and cits put on a little “skit”.
basically they acted like they were nazis and jews, and did a little skit of some basic bad holocaust stuff (don’t ask me to remember the exact details we’re talkin at least 20 years since i last did this) to scare the pants off of us. kids would always cry already at this point from the shouting. we’d all kinda follow into this “play” (sorry idk what else to call it), and marched over to the gym where we watched a fake hanging on the stage. they literally. hanged someone. in front of us. a fake noose, of course, duh, i remember my counselor showing it to me, but traumatizing to say the least (i still remember the name of the counselor they “hanged”- not sure this ever happened more than once but ill never forget it).
then we’d all hustle down to the waterfront, again “playing” the role of holocaust victims/survivors after these little “skits” had sort of put us in the headspace, and we play along, imagining we’d just experienced these things and were now running from it. it was terrifying and exhilarating as a small child, and an even more unbelievably emotional thrill ride as i got older and became pseudo-obsessed with holocaust lit and facts in general in my life (it never did go away but everything changes with age). ANYWAYS so down at the waterfront we got a speech from another counselor playing a member of the haganah (the main jewish defense force in palestine leading up to independence, which ben gurion later turned into the IDF). sidebar for a little history: in the 40s the yishuv (jewish agency) and the haganah began a mission called aliyah bet, “the second immigration,” an illegal smuggling operation to bring refugees from the holocaust into palestine under the noses of the british, since almost all countries in the world had barred their doors to jewish immigration from europe (a high level member of the canadian government is famously recorded as having answered, when asked how many jews they should let in, that “none is too many”). volunteer seamen from the US and canada and other countries crossed the ocean on cargo ships hastily refurbished to fit hundreds of people, picking up thousands of refugees in europe to smuggle them onto the beaches of haifa and tel aviv. paul newman has a lovely half nekid scene of this in the movie Exodus when he jumps off the ship in the middle of the night and swims up onto the beach- one of my fave movies ever and pretty much the story of aliyah bet (albeit with tremendous hollywood embellishment and only mild accuracy). these refugees who became illegal immigrants (caught or not) were known as “ma’apilim”- the root of the word is to “climb” or to “rise up”, and is found in the bible referring to the israelites who were still eager to enter the land even after the negative report of the spies.
okay so basically this was the idea. we were “playing” these illegal immigrants who had just escaped the holocaust, and were now facing another threat in the form of the british who were doing their best to keep them out of palestine. k so we’re down at the waterfront. all the kids get divided into small groups of about 10 or so, with one or two counselors at the helm to be our “haganah operatives” and guides to the end. what end, you say? so the camp is spread out into 2 areas, the main camp where the younger kids cabins were, and the dining hall and the gym and the waterfront, etc. then there’s a road in the middle of the camp, and beyond it a hill leading up to the senior cabins and some sports fields at the top. the goal was for each group to make it through camp to the top of the hill without getting caught by the “british,” played by the cits who were roaming around camp.
idk if i have to describe camp further for people who don’t know the concept, but basically we’re all in the middle of the damn woods with nothing around us for miles except the lake and the camps on the other side of it or down the road. ill never forget my first ma’apilim (tbh most of my description is from then, which is why its so fuzzy cuz these memories are 20+ years old), i was so lucky to get the tripper as our group leader (the tripper is the “nature dude” in camp, the survivalist ;). he immediately led us underneath the gym (which of course was just insane to my small mind... UNDER the gym??) to plan our route and give us instructions. we organized a roll call and signals, we practiced walking in a single file line silently and dropping to the ground on his signal. we smeared dirt on our faces for camo in the woods. it was *mason voice* intense. k so then as you can guess, we snuck our way up the hill through the woods. sometimes we’d encounter other groups, once in awhile i remember getting caught by a cit, and they’d take all or some of us to the “jail” on the basketball court” where we’d have to wait for a jailbreak (idk how that worked but it did, i remember it happening but not in any detail). a famous prison break that DID happen was at acre prison in 1947 when the irgun (another paramilitary jewish group) blew up the prison and broke out 28 of their members and 214 arab prisoners. if im not mistaken they briefly refer to it in exodus by recreating a prison break. exciting times. ANYWAYS fuck im such a tangential bitch sorry XD, by the end of the night we’d all make it to the top- “jerusalem”- and we’d have hot chocolate and say morning prayers as the sun rose over the hill. 
i feel like my description is a little lacking, but hopefully u get the basic picture. ma’apilim wasn;t even the heaviest part of camp- that was tisha b’av- the fast day when we commemorate the destruction of the temple and every other traumatic destructive event the jewish people have gone thru. that night they’d prepare the camp with candles in sand filled paper bags lining all the paths. after dinner we’d walk with our bunks on the path and watch little skits in different parts of camp- scenes from these moments in jewish history, like the holocaust, pogroms in europe, the spanish inquisition, terror attacks in israel, etc. after walking the path we’d all convene back at the waterfront, where they’d set out a small reconstructed “temple” on a makeshift raft in the lake, and a banner on the beach that said “yizkor”- remember. then they’d light both on fire and we’d sit and watch them burn while singing appropriately somber songs like eli eli, by hannah senesz. after that we’d go back to the gym and lie on the floor in small groups huddled around candles. we’d listen as some people chanted the book of eicha (lamentations), and would slowly fall asleep (depending on our age, of course). anyone that was still up after that was over got to stay in the gym if they wanted to watch exodus- a 4 hour movie. the next day we’d fast all day (only those who wanted- 13 y/o +) and treated it basically like shabbat- no regular activities.
MAN did i get some wild shit imprinted on me from camp!! but i don’t regret one second. i only wish other people could have the experience i did, but i dont even know if they still do that there. they probably do, but this old lady has no excuses to step foot in a summer camp anymore :(
as a completely coincidental aside and not at all as a self promo, idk if u knew this but i’ve been working on a documentary for over a year now and this whole thing is a major part of the plot. i interviewed a lady who was a passenger on the exodus, and about 4 or 5 people who were volunteers from montreal/new york/new jersey/toronto that picked up and smuggled the refugees. the stories are incredible. i just hope the rest of the world will get to hear it from their mouths one day. all we need is 100k to finish the film XD
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suedrawl · 7 years
general feelings, opinions, etc. on hollywood’s take w/Ghost in the Shell. Some spoilers too?
this overall is just my humble opinions. im not even grammar checking this guys. just trying to get some thoughts on paper so to speak, and moving on.
for the record, I got into Ghost in the Shell when I was around 15 or so. It was eye-opening. From an artist perspective, storytelling inspiration, my first view into things more than disney...the list goes on. Ghost in the Shell means A LOT to me. From every adaption to view to complexity, it all means a lot.
so i finally got off my ass to see it. i guess i could have watched it illegally or waited for the dvd release but idk. life has been pretty hard so it was nice to take a break and just see a movie in theaters for a change. it was a small screen tho so im like...should had caught it while in imax xD oh well
so it wasn’t as bad as i was expecting? granted my view of it was pretty low during the production era. you know--with all the bs on white-washing and other issues. but for hollywood’s take on it...it came out surprisingly good?
but see, that’s the problem. it was ‘hollywoods’ take on it. everything just gets shallow and less saturated by them. it’s not taken seriously, or with the same care or understanding the originals had with it. It was just missing some really vital stuff imo. The complex political intrigue or the deep philosophical motives. When you wash things away, among other questionable actions, you just get this run of the mill action sci-fi story. Which in itself is fine. But nothing gets me more frustrated than an ‘okay’ movie. It wasn’t amazing. But it wasn’t awful either. It just sat in this weird limbo of indecision. Or this game of tug-of-war with different facets of the storytelling by different people’s view.
In that sense, it was good for the most part. many people don’t know this, but each Ghosts in the Shell story (the manga, movie, tv series, etc) have their own ‘version’. An alternate reality so to speak. Different things are focused on, different character plots, some things completely redesigned--but it all holds a essence of what Ghost in the Shell really is. The movie seemed really good at borrowing from the other series in unique ways. Paying homage to big and small, which I thought was awesome. But then i realized, it didn’t have nothing unique to bring either. Each series IMO has something strong about it in of itself--Rupert Sanders didn’t really give me much to go on or impress me with his directing skills.
what frustrated me the most is why they didn’t just give the roll of ‘Motoko Kusanagi’ to an actual asian actress, instead of choosing Scarlet for the role and then even to further offend the brand, by making her that person in the first place before cyberization. This goes into spoiler mode, but you’ll know what I’m talking about if you saw it. Now, if they had actually pushed through with this interesting ‘twist’, I might have really enjoyed it. But something was irking me about this the entire ride home. We could have really got into that ‘unique place’ for this series on its own by that fact alone. We could have really dug deep into how race, ethnicity, and other factors play into a world where human and robotics are being blurred. It got touched on, but just barely. Before I realized what had really happened, we had moved onto the next action scene.
If they would have slowed down a bit, I think it would had been more to it. characters needed more love, a storyline deeper than your typical watered down Jason Bourne, and like ‘Mira’, the movie couldn’t really figure out where it wanted to be in terms of an identity.
I felt like they were pretty close to confirming a good movie--it’s been forever since we’ve had something as great as Bladerunner or the Matrix. in some sense, I welcome a westernized approach to the story. but as usual, it was taken in wrong routes and left to be just a movie you’ll eventually find in the less than $10 bin.
honestly, I’m not going to be too broken up about it. because while it was a fun watch, i was never wanting a ‘replacement’ film anyway. We have the 1997 version. That’s all we need, really.
one thing i will praise: the art direction. God DAMN. IDK about you but that was some A+++ shit right there. From the composition of scenes, to the costume design, to music...lord that was worth seeing on the big screen IMO. Weta, individual artists, and others really did their research. there was so much talent and colour and beauty and grunge and nnggggg i really want the soundtrack + artbook now. guess i know what to ask for my birthday.
alright. this ended up being way longer than expected. im going to bed.
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multifandombitxh · 7 years
Title: Not Much of a Life, But It Has Its Perks Pairing: Dwight Fairfield x Jake Park Summary: Life in the Entity’s realm is cold and unforgiving but sometimes it’s not so bad. Chapter Genre: Angst/Fluff Chapter Warnings: Blood Chapter Summary: A new face shows up at the fire and the Jake struggles to trust him. A/N: Idk man I was feelin’ stuff. This was all I had the motivation to write. I know you guys have been asking for the next chapter of Devil In The Details but I just can’t bring myself to keep up with it. I’ll keep trying though. <3
I: New Arrival
Jake was upset, and understandably so. Any time someone new showed up at the campfire, there was always some new place they were sent to, accompanied by a new monstrous being. So when Claudette helped Bill onto one of the benches, Jake turned his back on the group, stewing in his thoughts and trying to decide how to go about it all.
It was bad enough with Ace around, constantly hurting the girl’s feelings or making Dwight feel useless to the team. It didn’t matter to Jake whether or not Ace was nice to him, or even tolerated him. But the moment he saw tears come to Meg’s eyes after hearing Ace talk about having to be left behind by her, he knew they would have problems. Talk shit about him? Fine. Jake was thick-skinned, growing up with his father made sure of that. Talk shit about anyone in the group? Hell no. Jake wouldn’t excuse that.
He heard Bill mutter a thank you to Claudette as she finished with his injuries and Jake smiled, but only slightly. Leave it to Claudette to take care of the new arrivals; she was good at that.
“How long have you all been here?” Bill asked the group, his voice coarse and rough like sand paper.
Meg shrugged. “We don’t really know. It’s... been a long time.”
“Too long,” Jake mumbled into the wind.
The others turned to stare at his back and Dwight was the first to speak up. “Jake, come sit down.”
“I’m fine.”
“It wasn’t really a question.”
With a roll of his eyes, Jake joined the others, taking a place between Dwight and Nea. He stared into the flames in silence, waiting for the conversation to start back up, but it didn’t. When he raised his gaze, his eyes met with Bill’s; soft, understanding, and with a hint of sadness. A stark contrast to what he’d seen before. Jake watched with drawn eyebrows as he pulled the cigarette from his lips and held it between his fingers.
“You’re a stubborn one, aren’t ya?”
Just like that, any hope Jake had of liking this guy was thrown into the metaphorical trash. He sighed and tore his gaze away. Perfect, another Ace.
“He’s about as stubborn as they come,” Meg joked, shooting him a smile from across the fire. Jake couldn’t help but return it, even though he was still irked. It was hard not to smile when Meg poked fun.
“Comes in handy when you’re trying not to die,” he chuckled, pulling off his gloves and placing them in his lap, flexing his fingers.
“Speaking of which...” Laurie chimed in, coming to stand behind the bench and placing a hand on Nea’s shoulder. “I bet you’re pretty confused about all of this, Bill.”
“What, being chased by monsters?” Bill scoffed, “Nothing new there.”
The group exchanged looks and Dwight leaned forward on his elbows. “What do you mean?”
“Only ever been good at two things; killing shit, and avoiding being killed by shit,” Bill said, “I dunno how I got here or for what reason, but I’m here now, so there’s no use fightin’ it. May as well get used to it and do what I do best.”
“You’re saying you don’t care one way or another,” Jake said, meeting his gaze once more. “You’re saying all of this is nothing to you.”
Bill shrugged and placed his cigarette back in his mouth. “I’ve been through worse than this, kid. I think I’ll be all right.”
“We’ve been here for God knows how long, fighting for our lives against these... these things, and you think it’s just some walk in the park? You seriously don’t want to just go home?” Jake asked. He could feel himself growing angrier and more impatient, which wasn’t uncommon these days. The longer they spent in the Entity’s realm, the harder it was for him to keep his cool. Especially when it came to people like Ace- and now Bill- who got on his every last nerve.
Bill narrowed his eyes at Jake. “I dunno what ‘home’ is to you, kid, but to me, it’s a lot worse than this. So no, I don’t want to ‘just go home.’“
Jake shook his head and dropped his gaze, not wanting to carry on the conversation. He was beginning to feel a headache coming on, and his shoulder ached. The last thing he needed was to argue with some old war vet; he didn’t have the energy.
There was a rustling in the bushes and everyone stood, eyes wide and waiting for the worst. It wasn’t uncommon to see the Trapper or the Wraith wandering around in the shadows of the woods, but they’d never approached the fire; only stalked from a distance. Once Meg stepped in a trap while walking around during the daytime and ever since then, they never wandered too far from camp. It seemed like even in their safe haven, the Entity couldn’t let them have even a little peace of mind. Must be trying to keep them on their toes, Jake guessed.
A figure emerged from the greenery, clutching its side and chuckling loudly. “Sorry I’m late!”
Jake felt his stomach turn and sat back down. He would have taken the Trapper over Ace any day, and that was saying something.
“What happened?” Claudette asked, approaching Ace and holding out a bundle of bandages. He waved her away and coughed a few times, smirk still seated on his face.
“Kept getting caught,” he said, making his way to the fire. “I managed to get out of there eventually.”
“How did you get away?” Meg asked, pulling her legs up onto the bench.
“Weren’t any hooks left,” he said, clapping Jake on the shoulder and he passed him. “Thanks to you, kiddo.”
Jake winced and refused to respond. He didn’t have the patience for him either. He was spent after being sacrificed and just wanted to be left alone. Laurie glared at Ace as he he did this, then gave Jake an apologetic look, which he returned with a small smile.
If anyone had a harder time getting along with Ace than Jake, it was Laurie. His arrogant nature didn’t sit well with her, and she was one of the few people to actually call him out on it. She knew how much he bothered Jake, as well as the others, so she took it upon herself to dish out some much needed justice any time he acted out. Jake was thankful for that.
Nea helped Claudette patch up Ace as Bill watched on, observing how the others interacted and spoke to one another. In a strange way, it seemed almost familial, how they treated each other. It settled his nerves to know that they had each others backs.
“You okay?” Dwight muttered to Jake as the others conversed.
“Fine,” Jake said shortly, rubbing small circles into the front of his shoulder where the hook had pnce been. It was a dull, phantom-like pain, despite the fact that there was a literal hole in his skin. The fact that Ace was the only one to escape made it hurt that much worse; especially since Jake had basically given himself up to take out the hooks.
Things went a lot slower when he didn’t do generators. Hooks were much harder to find and didn’t take a long to finish in comparison, but when you take down so many, it really puts a target on your back. There were times where he’d only taken down two hooks before being put in the dungeon. Sometimes he didn’t think it was worth it, but if it meant the others- even Ace- could get away, it was.
He was just really tired of being left behind.
“We should get some sleep while we can,” Nea said, glancing around the group. The others nodded in response and stood, saying their goodnights and wandering off. Not too far, of course. It wasn’t smart to risk sleeping too close to the treeline. Some just liked what little privacy they could get their hands on.
Jake leaned back against the bench and let out a sigh, running a hand through his hair and wincing as a finger got caught in a knot. He heard Dwight stifle a laugh next to him, so he turned and shot him a look as he untanged the knot in his locks.
“What?” Jake asked, his voice bemused.
“Nothing,” Dwight said, grinning and holding up his hands in defense. “I didn’t say anything.”
Jake narrowed his eyes at him and smirked, then shook his head and leaned back again. He rested one hand over his stomach and the other at his side, the coarse wood scratching his fingertips. Dwight stayed up quietly talking to Laurie for a while, and Jake listened in silence, not even close to falling asleep. After a while, the two said goodnight and Jake felt Dwight shift next to him, so he opened one eye and glanced at him out of the corner of his eye.
Dwight had his head resting to the side, chin almost on his shoulder, his eyes shut and his chest rising and falling steadily. He’d removed his glasses and placed them neatly in his lap. Jake felt his heart jump into his throat and he smiled, unable to help thinking about how adorable Dwight looked when he was trying to sleep. He looked down and noticed Dwight’s hand resting on the bench dangerously close next to his, and thought about taking it for a moment, but shook the thought and went back to trying to sleep as well.
Except, he wasn’t really trying to sleep. He was thinking of Dwight, against his better judgement. Ever since day one, Dwight had been there for him through everything and had yet to let him down. Then, even if he tried, he couldn’t disappoint Jake, not in a million years. He put 100% of himself into everything he did and Jake knew that he wouldn’t do anything unless he absolutely had to. That included leaving people behind.
Jake would never forget the time it had happened. As he often did, he had taken down one too many hooks and was left to bleed on the ground until fate- or in this case, the Entity- finally took him. Dwight had been busting his ass trying to save Jake, but he just couldn’t reach him in time.  Any time Dwight got close, the killer would return, chasing him off, guarding Jake like a dog until he’d lost every last drop of blood in his body.
Just as Dwight finally reached him, he was two seconds too late, not that Jake knew that until he was back at the fire. Meg told him everything, but made him promise not to tell Dwight she said anything. Apparently, just after Jake had closed his eyes for good, Dwight stayed with him until he was chased off by the killer once again. He’d tried to bring him back, to help him up, but he was already gone. The only thing that got him to leave was when the killer herded him into the exit gates. Meg recalled the tears in his eyes when they got back to camp; how frustrated he was with himself.
“I should have been faster,” he’d said, hands locked tightly in his hair. “I could have saved him, I could have!”
Though he didn’t know it, Jake held the story close to his heart. To him, it meant everything. It was what finally made him realize that he felt something for Dwight, really felt something. Not just because he tried to save him, not just because he protected him every chance he got. It was simply because of how much he cared; and how deeply it hurt him when Jake was the last to make it back. Beyond that, it made his heart flutter any time he saw Dwight smile, or heard him laugh. It was rare for any of them to do, and was always nice to hear, but when Dwight did it, it was different. Jake wondered if he felt the same way.
A few minutes passed and Jake felt a pinky finger link with his own, and he smiled.
Maybe he did.
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