#i wrote all of this before su future was even announced
thankskenpenders · 3 months
As has already been reported elsewhere, Penders recently took to his personal blog to announce a major milestone...
The first Lara-Su Chronicles book (which is mostly a Mobius: 25 Years Later collection) is real. The proof copy has been manufactured. These will be in peoples' hands in a matter of months.
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We've already seen the godawful cover art plenty of times before, but I'd like to highlight how bad the back cover blurb is here. It's mostly background info with very little about the actual story. "Some characters would be married with families of their own. Others walked different paths. The fate of a world would be determined." That's all it says about what happens in the comic! The rest is inside baseball stuff. Not exactly a great hook.
However, I feel like this weirdness may be because Ken had to very carefully design the front and back cover so that it isn't selling itself as a new Sonic book. As we've discussed before, Ken regained ownership of all the stories he wrote for Archie Sonic after the settlement with Archie, as well as all the characters he created for the series. He's allowed to do whatever he wants with his old work and his own characters, but he's forbidden from selling new Sonic-branded products. They have to be distinct at a glance. Per the settlement, Sega needed to make sure Ken's future works didn't "have a look or feel as though they were part of a Sonic universe." This is one of the reasons why the cast has been redesigned in a new (bad) art style for The Lara-Su Chronicles.
So while the old comics reprinted inside the book still contain Sonic characters, since Ken can still use that existing material that was forfeited to him in the settlement, you'll notice that nowhere on the new front or back cover does Ken show a character owned by Sega. The only characters shown using their appearances from the original comics are Julie-Su and Lara-Su, who Ken owns. Knuckles has been replaced with his TLSC equivalent, K'Nox, who's probably juuuuuust different enough to be considered a legally distinct character. In the blurb, Ken can mention that he wrote the original stories for Sonic and Knuckles-branded comics, because that's just a factually true statement, but he can't advertise that the book he's selling contains Sega-owned characters like Sonic, Knuckles, or even Sally. They're just... "some characters."
I remain fascinated by the weird needle Penders has to thread here due to the very specific copyright situation he's found himself in.
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diddlydarndoodles · 4 years
More brainstorming for the Change your mind AU
Steven recognizes White’s gaslighting/abuse as such cause he knows what healthy relationships are like/has a frame of reference he can refer to, so it’s easier to work through it. He also assurance that he is not Pink Diamond, and one(1) friend there with him, so he’s not entirely without support.
None of that makes it any easier—this entire situation plays directly to all of his insecurities, and spending every second of every hour of every day trying to justify your existence to an Alien Tyrant while she bombards you with thinly veiled verbal abuse is incredibly exhausting.
Steven starts to hate White Diamond a little after she kills Connie, and his resentment builds slowly over time. He first noticed during a convo where pink Connie was venting her own anger about White, when he caught himself mentally agreeing with her. He immediately felt illogically guilty about it.
As the constant back and forth with White drags on, it gets harder for Steven to find the words he wants to use to explain his points, and White pounces on his every little slip up, and makes a fuss over minor mistakes and derails his entire argument as he struggles to keep up. It gets so frustrating and exhausting that talking becomes too difficult/painful for him to handle sometimes.
Connie was badly affected by the experience as well. White didn’t pay much attention to her, but when she did she treated her like an toy or pet, and used her presence to belittle Steven. “Aw, don’t you think you’re too old for comfort items, Pink?” It’s degrading and humiliating, and Connie’s self worth takes a bad hit. She’s completely powerless in this situation, and it’s hard not to fall into despair. She finds that focusing on Steven makes it easier. She can actually help Steven, even if it’s little things like telling him stories to cheer him up, and she doesn’t have to think about her own tumulus emotions. Because of this she starts neglecting herself. She almost slips back into the mindset Pearl instilled in her in ‘Do it for Her/Him’.
Steven and Connie don’t immediately think of contacting Lars after Connie turns pink because they’re both busy fending off the constant mental barrage White is heaping on them. It’s only after white attempts to mind control Steven that the fear and anger overpower the exhaustion and doubt enough to let them focus on one thing—getting the hell away from there.
Also at first Steven tried to convince himself that he had to stay and put up with this to save his friends and help White/out of a misplaced sense of responsibility for his mother’s actions/to take the attention off Connie, always dancing around the lingering doubt that persisted in spite of everything, that maybe he deserved this, that maybe what white said was true.
Connie and Steven are able to escape because White’s shock over her powers failing on Steven distracts her long enough to give them an opening.
Lars managed to sneak back in to the palace to rescue Peridot, lapis, and Bismuth, who had all been poofed.
White still gets redeemed, because tbh there’s no possible way Steven could win this otherwise. He’s got Connie, Lars, The Off colors, Lion, his dad, nephrite and the barn residents with him and White has multiple bioweapons, both Blue and Yellow under her control, and an army. However, it’s a longer and much more arduous process to redemption here because Steven, justifiably, Very Much Does Not Like White, whereas in canon he was more neutral towards her.
This means that Steven’s goal wasn’t to reason with her or convince her to stop, he was trying to deal with a threat and rescue his friends. This also means she came to the conclusion that what she was doing was wrong on her own, and the one to offer the olive branch.
Despite his anger, Steven accepted her peace offering because he was tired and scared, hated fighting and knew he couldn’t win. However, he and his friends refused to make any sort of agreement with White until she released the other diamonds and the Crystal Gems from her control.
Connie and Lars bond over being pink zombies.
Steven and Nephrite are both now ‘off color’ and so are immediately adopted into the Off Colors
Connie, Nephrite, Lars, and Greg co-found the Steven Quartz Universe Protection Squad. Lion is the mascot. All of Steven’s friends eventually join.
White mentions Spinel to Steven and Connie at one point, so they are able to find her and explain things way earlier, and with some Trusted Adults present as back up. The events of the movie are avoided.
Steven is also more motivated to check up on White’s other victims, and gets to know Pink Pearl a bit better than in canon.
After a long time and a lot of trial and error, Steven builds a fragile rapport with Blue and Yellow. However, he avoids white like the plague unless it’s absolutely necessary.
Blue and Yellow distance themselves from her as well, because when you mind control someone for a month they tend to get angry.
Blue and Yellow try a lot harder to better themselves, because now they’re not just doing it to get on Steven’s good side or atone for their treatment of Pink. Now they know what it feels like.
White tries a lot harder to atone after seeing how her actions have alienated her entire family and caused them to distance themselves from her. She never really mends those bonds, but she makes new bonds with new people. She doesn’t let ‘earning my family’s forgiveness and approval’ be her motivation for improving herself.
The thing that white struggles with the most is understanding that she hurt more people than just Steven and the other diamonds, and that their pain is equally important.
After everything is over, Steven and Connie seek therapy.
Garnet helps them with that once she’s free
Effects this has on steven: selective mutism(sometimes talking is a bit too much for him), still outgoing and social mostly but requires periods of solitude, cares more deeply about establishing boundaries for himself and others, has a harder time emphasizing with people(he has a severe emotional breakdown once this is pointed out to him; it takes him a while to recover and realize that this isn’t necessarily a bad thing)
Effects this has on Connie: separation anxiety, for a while she can’t handle even playful teasing because it reminds her of white’s insults. As stated earlier, she almost backslides into her toxic mindset in ‘Do it for Her/Him’. With white her only goal for a while was to protect Steven no matter what it took, and she started to view her own life and self as worthless. She represses and ignores a lot of her own trauma because she doesn’t want to think about or discuss it—when she’s just talking normally she can talk about herself and her interests freely, but when asked about homeworld she always focuses on Steven, because (it’s easier than thinking about her own experience) it wasn’t THAT bad, she wasn’t THAT affected, and what Steven went through was worse.
Lars snaps Connie out of it by replying it wasn’t that bad?? You died!”
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randomshipperhere · 2 years
Space with Markiplier Stream on MiltonTPike1’s twitch channel summary
I really thought the stream was gonna be Stan coming back when I heard the announcement yesterday 🥲🥲
Minor spoilers for part 2 will start with a ⚠️ and when I say minor, they really are minor. So much so it’s negligible info but it does give you a tiny bit more heads up
(most of them I wrote while watching, I just made it comprehensible enough)
Mark arrives somewhere in the 3 hour mark of the stream.
First topic. How to deal with burnout. Solid advice and discussion
Unus Annus and the meaning of it
Bitch I’m crying I miss that channel. RIP
Memento Mori
[Talking about the endings of ISWM PT.1] Yeah sure, Mark… there’s a lot of endings
No spoilers 🥺 awww come on Mark. Just a little pleaaaseee
Messing with your audience and how fun it is
[chat reaction] D:
I mean considering our relationship with Mark, we do love this back and forth.
Milton talking about Jerma’s Dollhouse </3
A few stories about the BTS
50-60 crew members a day. Holy shit.
In their busiest day there were 20 actors on set. Sheeesh.
Milton has a commercial story. I feel bad because man, even finishing a meal is hard. Having to eat the same thing for retakes sounds like hell.
Mark went over budget a lot during the filming. Interesting.
Last sound session happened last week.
⚠️“-last scene in the show” 🧐 minor spoiler? Kinda hard to tell if this means there’s only one ending or it’s like AHWM where there’s a true end.
Japanese Breakfast Club “Paprika”. I’ll give it a listen after. I’m not even sure if I spelt that right.
No F*p November 🤨 Mark??? Someone take his mouth away lol
Milton made a UFO 5 hour stream. Man
Mark and Amy loving video essays.
Habo Hotel…? huh???
Mark loves space but found that it really is expensive to make a space related production even when others already said so beforehand 😅
Industry calls write/director/actor people pompous douchebags. Good on you Mark lol
Isn’t that also Actor tho…
No one in the crew knew what the fuck was happening until the very end but trusted Mark enough. It also helped that a lot of them already understood Mark’s crazy process because they were in Heist before.
Space is the next thing for humanity
back to back movie night last night with Mark and Amy. Moonfall and After Earth.
Disonsphere??? hah?
UFO stuff
[chat reaction] Among us and Sus
ball lightning? red balls. Alien going wtf at nukes
Earth speed running any%
I seriously love the jokes in this part of the stream
Humans are just like the Orcs from Warhammer. You heard it here folks
I love the unga bunga human stories
Mark mentions Corridor Crew yet again
AI and the future
All I could think of was vocaloid
Mass Effect 3 mention
Milton has 5 space questions
[chat reaction] Wee Woo borpa spins
I knew about that gravity can create waves but wait black holes don’t succ??
Mark is very knowledgeable about space
He still loves kurzgesagt
Interstellar vs Inception
Mark likes Inception better (he still loves Interstellar tho)
I have not watched either movies (: I actually don’t watch a lot of movies you guys. Last I watched was Spider-Man: NWH
Mark would watch Ratatouille over a million times but How the Grinch stole Christmas (Jim Carrey) is his favorite movie
Any future plans?
Mark just wants to focus on youtube again 🥰 We miss you too
Once again the Pokemon smash or pass vid gets a mention but the backstory is much shorter here compared to the stream with Jack.
MEOW mocks him
jingle the keys in front of the audience m’dudes. Well… it worked on us
⚠️ Minor Spoilers. There’s a lot more stupidity in Part 2
YAAAY WE’RE WATCHING IT IN CHAT. With some commentary maybe?
OST being put out? 👀👀 Guess the answer is up to Schmoyoho. I’d love to actually listen to it. The bgm is so cool y’know.
Mark’s face watching ISWM 🥰🥰🥰 He’s so proud of it.
The design of the Invincible ship is based off of the Event Horizon movie
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I see the similarities
Burning Tractor gets another mention! He’s so proud of the VFX team. Corridor Crew mention again
Fun Fact: apparently the things on the ceilings are from Home Depot. Budget stuff
Mark basically saying how everyone’s reaction to the first video is “omg is that MatPat from Game Theory”
Champagne Glass scene. Mark had to drink 12 glasses of sparkling apple juice. RIP Mark’s throat after that shoot.
I mean, I like the taste of sparkling drinks but holy shit 12 of those bad boys…
smh everytime Mark finishes a project he says he doesn’t want to do 1st person ever again
Mark tells he used to do Biomedical engineering. He did civil engineering before that. He dropped 2 sems before graduating .
⚠️“Most is 3 at the moment” AYO MORE MINOR SPOILERS. You telling me my dumbass post about a 4 option path happening is possible
Mark: Recovery is for the weak
Proceeds to say that he’s been focusing on Elden Ring and gettin’ some oreo lol
4:33:55 is the time when he left
Thanks for the existential crisis in the middle of the talk you guys. This is why I just shut my brain off for space stuff. There’s some info that’s repeated but it was really cool to just see these two nerd out about space.
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Bert Williams
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Bert Williams (November 12, 1874 – March 4, 1922) was a Bahamian-born American entertainer, one of the pre-eminent entertainers of the Vaudeville era and one of the most popular comedians for all audiences of his time. He is credited as being the first black man to have the leading role in a film: Darktown Jubilee in 1914.[2]
He was by far the best-selling black recording artist before 1920. In 1918, the New York Dramatic Mirror called Williams "one of the great comedians of the world."
Williams was a key figure in the development of African-American entertainment. In an age when racial inequality and stereotyping were commonplace, he became the first black American to take a lead role on the Broadway stage, and did much to push back racial barriers during his three-decade-long career. Fellow vaudevillian W. C. Fields, who appeared in productions with Williams, described him as "the funniest man I ever saw—and the saddest man I ever knew."
Williams was born in Nassau, The Bahamas, on November 12, 1874, to Frederick Williams Jr. and his wife Julia. At the age of 11, Bert permanently emigrated with his parents, moving to Florida in the United States. The family soon moved to Riverside, California, where he graduated from Riverside High School in 1892. In 1893, while still a teenager, he joined different West Coast minstrel shows, including Martin and Selig's Mastodon Minstrels in San Francisco, where he first met his future professional partner, George Walker.
He and Walker performed song-and-dance numbers, comic dialogues and skits, and humorous songs. They fell into stereotypical vaudevillian roles: originally Williams portrayed a slick conniver, while Walker played the "dumb coon" victim of Williams' schemes. But they soon discovered that they got a better reaction by switching roles and subverting expectations. The sharp-featured and slender Walker eventually developed a persona as a strutting dandy, while the stocky Williams played the languorous oaf. Despite his thickset physique, Williams was a master of body language and physical "stage business." A New York Times reviewer wrote: "He holds a face for minutes at a time, seemingly, and when he alters it, bring[s] a laugh by the least movement."
In late 1896, the pair were added to The Gold Bug, a struggling musical. The show did not survive, but Williams & Walker got good reviews, and were able to secure higher profile bookings. They headlined the Koster and Bial's vaudeville house for 36 weeks in 1896–97, where their spirited version of the cakewalk helped popularize the dance. The pair performed in burnt-cork blackface, as was customary at the time, billing themselves as "Two Real Coons" to distinguish their act from the many white minstrels also performing in blackface. Williams also made his first recordings in 1896, but none are known to survive. They participated in a "Benefit for New York's Poor" held on February 9, 1897 at the Metropolitan Opera House, their only appearance at that theater.
While playing off the "coon" formula, Williams & Walker's act and demeanor subtly undermined it as well. Camille Forbes wrote, "They called into question the possible realness of blackface performers who only emphasized their artificiality by recourse to burnt cork; after all, Williams did not really need the burnt cork to be black," despite his lighter skin complexion. He would pull on a wig full of kinky hair in order to help conceal his wavy hair. Terry Waldo also noted the layered irony in their cakewalk routine, which presented them as mainstream blacks performing a dance in a way that lampooned whites who'd mocked a black dance that originally satirized plantation whites' ostentatiously fussy mannerisms. The pair also made sure to present themselves as immaculately groomed and classily dressed in their publicity photos, which were used for advertising and on the covers of sheet music promoting their songs. In this way, they drew a contrast between their real-life comportment and the comical characters they portrayed onstage. However, this aspect of their act was ambiguous enough that some black newspapers still criticized the duo for failing to uplift the dignity of their race.
In 1899, Williams surprised his partner George Walker and his family when he announced he had recently married Charlotte ("Lottie") Thompson, a singer with whom he had worked professionally, in a very private ceremony. Lottie was a widow eight years Bert's senior. Thus, the match seemed odd to some who knew the gregarious and constantly traveling Williams, but all who knew them considered them a uniquely happy couple, and the union lasted until his death. The Williamses never had children biologically, but they adopted and reared three of Lottie's nieces. They also frequently sheltered orphans and foster children in their homes.
Williams & Walker appeared in a succession of shows, including A Senegambian Carnival, A Lucky Coon, and The Policy Players. Their stars were on the ascent, but they still faced vivid reminders of the limits placed on them by white society. In August 1900, in New York City, hysterical rumors of a white detective having been shot by a black man erupted into an uncontained riot. Unaware of the street violence, Williams & Walker left their theater after a performance and parted ways. Williams headed off in a fortunate direction, but Walker was yanked from a streetcar by a white mob and was beaten.
The duo's international success established them as the most visible black performers in the world. They hoped to parlay this renown into a new, more elaborate and costly stage production, to be shown in the top-flight theaters. Williams and Walker's management team balked at the expense of this project, then sued the pair to prevent them from securing outside investors or representation. Filings in the suit revealed that each member of the team had earned approximately $120,000 from 1902 to 1904, or $3.5 million apiece in 2019 dollars. The lawsuit was unsuccessful, and Williams and Walker accepted an offer from Hammerstein's Victoria Theatre, the premiere vaudeville house in New York. A white Southern monologist objected to the integrated bill, but the show went ahead with Williams and Walker and without the objector.
In February 1906, Abyssinia, with a score co-written by Williams, premiered at the Majestic Theater. The show, which included live camels, was another smash. Aspects of the production continued the duo's cagey steps toward greater creative pride and freedom for black performers. The nation of Abyssinia (now Ethiopia) was the only African nation to remain sovereign during European colonization, repelling Italy's attempts at control in 1896. The show also included inklings of a love story, something that had never been tolerated in a black stage production before. Walker played a Kansas tourist while his wife, Aida, portrayed an Abyssinian princess. A scene between the two of them, while comic, presented Walker as a nervous suitor.
While the show was praised, many white critics were uncomfortable or uncertain about its cast's ambitions. One critic declared that audiences "do not care to see their own ways copied when they can have the real thing better done by white people," while the New York Evening Post thought the score "is at times too elaborate for them and a return to the plantation melodies would be a great improvement upon the 'grand opera' type, for which they are not suited either by temperament or by education." The Chicago Tribune remarked, disapprovingly, "there is hardly a trace of negroism in the play." George Walker was unbowed, telling the Toledo Bee, "It's all rot, this slapstick bandanna handkerchief bladder in the face act, with which negro acting is associated. It ought to die out and we are trying to kill it." Though the flashier Walker rarely had qualms about opposing the racial prejudice and limitations of the day, the more introspective and brooding Williams internalized his feelings.
In 1908, while starring in the successful Broadway production Bandanna Land, Williams and Walker were asked to appear at a charity benefit by George M. Cohan. Walter C. Kelly, a prominent monologist, protested and encouraged the other acts to withdraw from the show rather than appear alongside black performers; only two of the acts joined Kelly's boycott.
Bandanna Land continued the duo's series of hits and introduced a tour de force sketch that soon Williams made famous: his pantomime poker game. In total silence, Williams acted out a hand of poker, with only his facial expressions and body language conveying the dealer's up-and-down emotions as he considered his hand, reacted to the unseen actions of his invisible opponents, and weighed the pros and cons of raising or calling the bet. It later became a standard routine in his solo stage act, and was recorded on film by Biograph Studios in 1916.
Walker was in ill health by this point due to syphilis, which was then incurable. In January 1909 he suffered a stroke onstage while singing, and was forced to drop out of Bandanna Land the following month. The famous pair never performed in public again, and Walker died less than two years later. Walker had been the businessman and public spokesman for the duo. His absence left Williams professionally adrift.
After 16 years as half of a duo, Williams needed to reestablish himself as a solo act. In May 1909 he returned to Hammerstein's Victoria Theater and the high-class vaudeville circuit. His new act consisted of several songs, comic monologues in dialect, and a concluding dance. He received top billing and a high salary, but the White Rats of America, an organization of vaudevillians opposed to encroachments from blacks and women, intimidated the theater managers into reducing Williams' billing. The brash Walker would have resisted such an insult to his star status, but the more reserved Williams did not protest. Allies were few; big-time vaudeville managers were fearful of attracting a disproportionate number of black audience members and thus allowed only one black act per bill. Due to his ethnicity, Williams typically was forced to travel, eat and lodge separately from the rest of his fellow performers, increasing his sense of isolation following the loss of Walker.
In 1910, Booker T. Washington wrote of Williams: "He has done more for our race than I have. He has smiled his way into people's hearts; I have been obliged to fight my way." Gene Buck, who had discovered W. C. Fields in vaudeville and hired him for the Follies, wrote to a friend on the occasion of Fields' death: "Next to Bert Williams, Bill [Fields] was the greatest comic that ever lived."
Williams' stage career lagged after his final Follies appearance in 1919. His name was enough to open a show, but they had shorter, less profitable runs. In December 1921, Under the Bamboo Tree opened, to middling results. Williams still got good reviews, but the show did not. Williams developed pneumonia, but did not want to miss performances, knowing that he was the only thing keeping an otherwise moribund musical alive at the box office. However, Williams also emotionally suffered from the racial politics of the era, and did not feel fully accepted. He experienced almost chronic depression in his later years, coupled with alcoholism and insomnia.
On February 27, 1922, Williams collapsed during a performance in Detroit, Michigan, which the audience initially thought was a comic bit. Helped to his dressing room, Williams quipped, "That's a nice way to die. They was laughing when I made my last exit." He returned to New York, but his health worsened. He died at his home, 2309 Seventh Avenue in Manhattan, New York City on March 4, 1922 at the age of 47. Few had suspected that he was sick, and news of his death came as a public shock. More than 5,000 fans filed past his casket, and thousands more were turned away. A private service was held at the Masonic Lodge in Manhattan, where Williams broke his last barrier. He was the first black American to be so honored by the all-white Grand Lodge. When the Masons opened their doors for a public service, nearly 2,000 mourners of both races were admitted. Williams was buried in Woodlawn Cemetery in The Bronx, New York City.
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mimik-u · 3 years
Fragments III, 1-100
300 drabbles about Steven Universe/Future, 100 words each! These are the first 100 prompts and writer’s choices that have been fulfilled.
Asterisks are placed next to my personal favorites that I’ve written.
Baggage* — Steven meets his new therapist!
Eternity —How about a Bellow interaction you've always wanted to see in canon but didn't get to?
Foe —Jasper is simultaneously satisfied and yet left deeply empty inside by her self-isolation on Earth, and doesn't understand how to even begin to process this dichotomy. (So she doesn’t.)
Letter — Young Greg's POV when he wrote those letters to his parents Steven found on Mr. Universe episode.
Sword —Connie interacting with someone she doesn't usually talk to by herself (ex Jasper, Bismuth, Lapis, etc.).
Reconciliation — Idk about you but I wanna see more Mega Pearl. The others have not met Mega Pearl.
Marks —How about... Spinel, and the tiny, everyday baby steps towards healing?
Tangled — Peridot finds out/is told about PD/RQ? (And is confirmed in her guess that Pearl is fancy...?)
Challenge* — How is Steven’s TubeTube channel doing?
Bruises — Priyanka tends to Connie's wounds after training sessions with Pearl. [Writer’s Choice]
Rest* — Yellow Diamond gets to relax. (She's the one who most expresses regret and real understanding. Let her take a nap! She deserves it!)
Barbecue* — Post-movie, during cleanup, Steven and Lars talk and plan the BBQ we got a glimpse at during the final song.
Ghost — Yellowtail and Greg talk about fatherhood and how it can be ruined (mentioning Marty and Greg's father subtly).
UNO* — Date between Pearls (platonic or otherwise).
Height — The pebbles!!! They're so small???? Where are they? *Sobs, points at the Heaven and Earth Beetles.*
Embrace — Steven gets a well-deserved cuddle pile from family and friends.
Constructs — Bismuth and Peridot have a lot more in common than they think.
Horns — Amethyst makes an unexpected new friend at Little Homeschool. (Whichever other character you feel would fit best!)
Garden — Pre-show scene. While having a funny chat, Greg mentions something that reminds Rose about her abandoning Spinel, which makes her regret more of her choices.
Advice — Garnet can tell when Stevonnie has a lot on their mind. [Writer’s Choice.]
Hum — Yellow and her relationship with music.
Love* — Pearl considering her romantic feelings towards someone and thinking about how she's finally moving on from Rose. (Doesn't mean she'll ever forget her.)
Kid — A glimpse into “Sadie Killer.” Maybe when they played their first show, while Steven was still in the band. Celebrating afterward or a discussion on why Steven didn't stay IN the band?
Troubleshooting* — Integration of gem communication networks and Earth Internet and phone lines and the resulting inevitable disaster.
Fairytale — Connie gets a tour of Little Homeworld.
Hope — Jasper finally starting to let her guard down and realize her self worth.
Song* — As for prompts... Steg? Like, him in general, just being himself. It's a bummer we only got to see him in the movie.
Mistakes* — Steven talking to someone (not a therapist, just another character) about his trauma?
Forgiveness — The Topaz fusion reconnects with the Crystal Gems at Little Homeschool and apologizes for her role in the kidnapping all those years ago.
Visions — Sapphire and Ruby reflect on the events of "Together Forever." [Writer’s Choice]
Reunited — Maybe a scene where Yellow comes home from a long escapade and is reunited with a worried Spinel?
Beginnings — After CYM, Lapis and Peridot discuss where to live since the barn is destroyed.
Pet* — White Diamond happily announces one day that she has decided to take in a small creature (of your choosing) as a pet.
Together — What were Doc, Army, Navy, and Leggy doing during Future?
Desert — Steven meeting Lion from Lion's perspective. I dunno, I think it could be neat.
Freedom — For a post-CYM/SU:F prompt, what do you think about the exact moment it hit either Blue or Yellow Pearl that they were completely free to follow their whims?
Apologies — Greg apologizes to Steven due to the incident in “Mr. Universe” and both have the talk they should've had in that episode.
Change — Blue and Yellow Zircon's relationship has improved even if they are now rivals in the new democratic Homeworld. This last tiny bit is related to the “Homeworld Bound” episode.
Hug — Bellow cuddling. Yellow has no idea what to do, but Blue is loving it.
Valentine* — Steven gives Peridot a Valentine's Day gift. [Writer’s Choice]
Spite — Aquamarine and Eyeball are distraught at knowing they won't be rewarded for their actions because their worst enemy, Steven Universe, has been labeled a hero and royalty by the Diamonds.
Reevaluation — How about more Peedee and Steven friendship? Like, Peedee noticing Steven’s change in demeanor the farther along the show we get?
Camp — Connie kicking ass at space camp.
Family — The night after the events of the movie, Steven gets some quality family time.
Homestretch — Peridot, Lapis, and Bismuth spend time together while preparing Little Homeworld.
Enough — We know what Jenny, Sour Cream, and Buck are gonna do for their futures, but what's Kiki been up to? Is she gonna take over the pizzeria?
Spillage — Vidalia and Amethyst catch up after Steven's monster episode.
Reformation — White Diamond has learned how to be so extremely empathetic to the point that she literally becomes another person, but has she really begun to understand others?
Comment* — Sardonyx makes some Internet videos.
Unicorn — While traveling through California, Steven encounters two fishermen arguing about unicorns. [SU/GF crossover.] [Writer’s Choice]
Worry — Andy and Greg stay in touch.
Homerun* — I hopal for Opal—perhaps she will attempt some baseball.
Skydancer — Post-CYM, Pearl getting to “truly” take Steven out for a joy ride through the cosmos in a properly operational ship of her design.
Mercy* — The shattering-is-wrong discussion between Rose and Bismuth that led to Bis being bubbled.
Happy — Smoky Quartz hasn't made a self deprecating joke in a while—is it Steven's therapy?
Electric* — Yellow’s gloves—I feel like they’re covering something up, maybe.
Cake — Fusion Cuisine 2: Electric Boogaloo.
Belonging — The Rose Quartz sisters visit again.
Transcendence — Fluorite offers someone wise caterpillar grandma advice.
March — Connie and Steven reflect on changes in life after the pandemic. Not canon compliant. [Writer’s Choice.]
Understanding — Onion be doing Onion things.
Ocean* — Andy and Steven post-”I Am My Monster”? I love their relationship, lol.
Ignorance* — Does Lapis even realize Bismuth was probably the one who poofed her?
Reflection — Did I already say more Mega Pearl? ‘Cause there can never be enough Mega Pearl.
Possibility* — Yellow deciding she should try putting shattered gems back together. (She probably broke the most.)
Storyboard — Peridot’s budding career as a storyboarder.
Fall — Lapis and Steven talk about trauma and recovery. Pre-The Future.
Limbo — How the dismantled gempire has affected the lives of noble gems like Emerald, Holly Blue Agate, and others.
Now — Garnet reminds herself to live in the present.
Grief* — Alexandrite forms for the first time. [Writer’s Choice]
Inauguration — Wait, did Connie's parents ever meet Stevonnie?
Please — Did Kevin ever learn anything? Naaaaaah....unless...
Friend — General prompt? A sequel/prequel to this, please [White D’s panther].
Treatment — Greg starting to learn more about gem stuff to be more involved in Steven's life if something ugly happens.
Numbers — Pearl, please do something with all those phone numbers in your head.
Generations — Rose continues to discover the wonders of Earth, even after all this time. (No angst allowed in this one, just pure wonder.)
Survival — The Off-Colors used to have more members in the past.
Acting — How did Rainbow 2.0 even get invited to babysit Onion?
Kindness* — Former Mayor Dewey coming to terms with his new position in town.
Play — The Gems and Greg try to capture Steven's first moments on a bike. [Writer’s Choice]
Documentary — Ronaldo makes a real actually informative documentary about Little Homeworld.
Rain — Blue Diamond still cries sometimes.
Zoophobia — Also, I saw Z and my immediate thought was "Zoophobia.”
Echo* — Why does the tiny floating whale have Rose's voice before Steven ever heard it in the tape?
Sketch — Steven and Connie discover an anime character/mythological figure who bears an awfully similar resemblance to Obsidian.
Unironically — Why does Buck wanna be a doctor?
Club — How did Bismuth, Lapis, and Peri become such tight friends?
Nostalgia — Greg considers a comeback tour.
Pressure* — The creation of the Diamonds, maybe?
Coping — Amethyst and Pearl grapple with Rose's pregnancy. [Writer’s Choice]
Theatre — Sugilite, meet Rainbow 2.0.
Dadhood* — Whatever happened to Mrs. Fryman? IS there a Mrs. Fryman, or was it only a passing on-and-off thing that resulted in kids?
Lingering — Jasper finally lets Malachite go.
Human — Steven talks to his therapist about his mom, the feelings of before and the now. (It was left open-ended—his relationship with his mother.)
Words — Kofi is proud of his daughters.
Quest — [Letter prompt] Quest.
Picture — Sour Cream and Steven talking about absent parents and bad parenting. Post-The Future.
Bittersweet* — Shep finally gets to meet the notorious Lars.
Gemini — Spinel discovers memes and we're all doomed.
Weird — When he's younger, Steven doesn't quite know how to label the Gems.
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rosethornewrites · 4 years
Fic: ripples spread out when a single pebble is dropped into water
Relationships: Lán Zhàn | Lán Wàngjī/Wèi Yīng | Wèi Wúxiàn, Jiāng Yànlí/Jīn Zǐxuān, Jiāng Yànlí & Wèi Yīng | Wèi Wúxiàn, Jiāng Chéng | Jiāng Wǎnyín & Wèi Yīng | Wèi Wúxiàn, Wèi Yīng | Wèi Wúxiàn & Wēn Qíng, Lán Qǐrén & Lán Zhàn | Lán Wàngjī, Lán Qǐrén & Wèi Yīng | Wèi Wúxiàn
Characters: Lán Zhàn | Lán Wàngjī, Lán Huàn | Lán Xīchén, Lán Qǐrén, Jiāng Yànlí, Wèi Yīng | Wèi Wúxiàn, Sū Shè | Sū Mǐnshàn, Jiāng Chéng | Jiāng Wǎnyín, Jīn Zǐxuān, Niè Huáisāng, Jīn Zǐxūn, Wēn Qíng, Wēn Níng | Wēn Qiónglín
Additional Tags: Time Travel, Time Travel Fix-It, Alternate Universe - Time Travel, Implied/Referenced Character Death, Past Character Death, Future Character Death, Timey-Wimey, Truth, Honesty, Guilt
Summary: Being in the Cloud Recesses facing his fifteen-year-old self, surrounded by other fifteen year olds, many of them long dead in his time, is… sadly not the weirdest thing that’s ever happened to him.
Notes: Partially inspired by For_Bantan_Things’ “Wangxian and Co. Do Time-Travel.” Also I wrote this instead of grading and on no sleep, and it’s not beta’d. So hopefully it reads decently. This is a one-shot. Also, the title is from a quote by the Dalai Lama.
AO3 link
Being in the Cloud Recesses facing his fifteen-year-old self, surrounded by other fifteen year olds, many of them long dead in his time, is… sadly not the weirdest thing that’s ever happened to him. Though it’s definitely strange to be looking at a young himself, who seems absolutely amazed and would likely be asking all the questions in the world if Lan Zhan wasn’t arguing with Lan QiRen currently. Young Lan WangJi looks vaguely constipated, but he knows that’s largely confusion.
Fortunately, Lan Zhan has explained enough to prevent QiRen from having a qi deviation, largely that they did not intentionally time travel, that this was an accident. But the old man is currently arguing over the immorality of changing the timeline, of them telling any of them anything, that they should be locked into seclusion until they can be sent back to where—or rather, when—they belong. XiChen is looking on with a vaguely bemused look.
“If I may?” Wei WuXian breaks in when QiRen pauses to take a breath.
Lan Zhan gives him a long-suffering look of resignation, and Wei WuXian takes that as acceptance. He knows his husband—it’s absolutely acceptance. He knows well enough that QiRen is unreasonable and needs a good shock to knock sense into him.
“Most of the people in this room are dead in the time we come from,” he announces.
The murmurs that had been passing between students die immediately, and QiRen takes his seat abruptly, looking like he’s been sucker-punched. Even young Lan WangJi looks distressed.
Wei WuXian starts pointing at people. “Jin ZiXuan. Dead.”
The peacock looks absolutely shocked, as though the idea that he could die has never occurred to him, it’s so beneath him.
There’s more to say. That his dad is awful in ways barely comprehensible and will try to become the next Wen RuoHan. That he has many half-siblings, some the product of rape. That one of those half-siblings plotted his death. But all of that can wait for now.
“Jiang YanLi.”
He has to pause to swallow hard here. He doesn’t dare look at her or young Jiang Cheng. Lan Zhan puts a hand on his arm, and it steadies him, but his voice still cracks at the next word.
“Dead. Your son orphaned. My fault. You sacrificed yourself to save me. I didn’t deserve it.”
So much is wrapped up in her voice, so many emotions, but he knows she’s speaking in protest. He can’t bear to look at her, can’t handle her conviction that he would deserve her sacrifice, so he moves on.
“Jin ZiXun. Dead, but to be fair you grow up to like killing innocent women and children, so maybe deal with that.”
“Wei Ying.”
There’s a warning note in Lan Zhan’s voice, and he glances toward Jin ZiXun to see that the boy has started crying, and relents. He’s not yet a monster, maybe.
“To be fair, there was a war that happened, but you let your anger and arrogance take over after and killed refugees. Let’s try to be better, okay?”
The kid nods, and Wei WuXian moves on.
“Nie HuaiSang, your brother’s dead. Artificially provoked qi deviation.”
He glances at the boy and isn’t surprised to see that though he’s wide-eyed, there’s some calculation going on in those eyes. Good.
“Su She. Dead. But like with Jin ZiXun, you’re kind of awful when you die. Sorry.”
Su She is scowling at him, and Wei WuXian fixes him with a hard look.
“You feel disrespected and looked down upon. I get that. But you’ll die unmourned if you keep on your path of resentment.”
The kid looks down, and he can see him biting his cheek, clearly at least thinking. That’ll do for now.
“Jiang Cheng.” He lets his voice gentle. “In the coming war, Lotus Pier burns. The only three who make it out are you, Wei Ying, and YanLi. Your parents, dead. All the disciples, dead. Your core gets melted by Wen ZhuLiu.”
He’s not surprised by the gutted look on Jiang Cheng’s face.
“War?” XiChen asks. He looks vaguely sick.
“I’m getting to that. But Cloud Recesses burns at the start of it. Many of the disciples, massacred. Your father dies. Master QiRen, you’re injured and I don’t know if you ever truly recovered.”
He glances at Lan Zhan for confirmation, and he nods. He doesn’t dare look at the Lans.
“Wen Qing. Dead. Your brother also died, but I brought him back as a conscious fierce corpse and so he’s still undead-living. You died later. Oh, and basically all the Wens are dead. Wen RuoHan starts a war, and it ends in the annihilation of QishanWen and basically a genocide of anyone with the name Wen. That’s where his lust for yin iron leads.”
Wei WuXian has noticed her looking at him in a calculated way, but this leaves her open-mouthed and clearly horrified. She values her brother above everything, and he knows learning Wen Ning died has shaken her.
“I did try to save your family, but only one child survived,” he tells her softly.
She needs to know, and he hates to have to tell her that her sacrifices to keep them safe will come to naught.
“Ah, and by the way. That theory you have about core transplants is absolutely possible.”
She looks away, as though she knows there’s only one way he could know that.
“Core transplants?” Jiang Cheng interrupts. “How would you know about that?”
Wei WuXian smiles at him. From the tone of his little brother’s voice, he suspects.
“Your core was melted. How do you think?”
“You! Wei WuXian!”
It’s almost hilarious to see Jiang Cheng trying to decide whether to be mad at young Wei Ying or him—the one who would do it or the one who did. YanLi’s hand on his arm stops him, seems to calm his natural impulse to punch one of them.
More uncomfortable, though, is dawning realization and horror he sees on several faces, including the young Lan WangJi, who looks at young Wei Ying in what is almost a possessive way.
Ah, how had he missed all the obvious clues for so many years?
Weirdly, QiRen is looking between himself and Wei Ying oddly… Is that respect? 
To avoid dealing with that, because he absolutely cannot handle QiRen looking at him with anything but disdain, he looks at Wei Ying. His younger self has already clearly understood how much he’s going to lose, what he’s sacrificed, and goes rigid at his attention, fearing the worst is yet to come.
He’s right.
“Wei Ying. Thrown into the Burial Mounds without a core. To survive, resorted to demonic cultivation. War hero, but feared, and so things went pretty badly after. Dead for sixteen years. Brought back by a soul sacrifice summoning spell.”
There’s open horror on Lan WangJi’s face now, and Wei Ying looks shattered, slipping from his relatively proper sitting position to lean heavily against his desk. Jiang YanLi scrambles to him, and Jiang Cheng… He’s seen him cry before, but never in public until now.
Wei WuXian leans against Lan Zhan, abruptly exhausted. He manages a smile when his husband puts a comforting arm around him, but it’s mostly because young Lan WangJi’s ears go bright red, his lips parting with realization. He hopes it softens the horror of what he’s revealed of the future so far.
He wants so badly to tell them it will eventually be okay, that they’ll be happily married and having a lot of really amazing sex, but now is absolutely not the time, and he suspects QiRen would actually have a qi deviation if he said that. Maybe later, to Wei Ying and Lan WangJi alone, with Lan Zhan.
“I’ve only scratched the surface. More of you are probably dead, but my memory’s shit and I was dead for sixteen years, so…”
He finally turns back to QiRen.
“Still think it’s unacceptable to change the timeline, or can we get on with it?”
The look of absolute contempt he gets from QiRen is so normal he almost wants to laugh. He’s challenged the old man’s rigidity in a way that can’t be fought, and of course he’s pissed about it.
Wei WuXian lets himself relax, just a little. The time travel was accidental, but maybe, just maybe… they can make things right.
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jbbuckybarnes · 4 years
Raising children with Cevans.
Description: I wrote a super long imagine for @marmariavel at the beginning of the year and I thought I’d put it into a thing you all could read. The only thing I didn’t change was the bilingual aspect and some stuff I couldn’t flesh out more. Beware: Tons of sentences that start with “You” & time jumps. Pairing: Chris x german!bilingual!Reader
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You'd been together for a little over 3 years and he had proposed to you very on the down low at home after a beautiful day planned by him a few months before. You had talked about kids but you didn't really plan them soon. Well...you didn't think that your birth control would've just stopped working because of some antibiotics for your gripal infect a few weeks back.
He was gone for a movie for two more weeks and you sat there in the middle of your shared house in the bathroom, staring at the two pink stripes after being late, panicking and wanting to ease your mind...well, that kinda backfired.
You'd call a friend and go crazy for a minute or ten before they would be like "Yo, relax and let a doctor confirm it. I can come with you." And that's what you'd do that week.
You would get the confirmation and be happy but also super fucking insecure about it even though you knew he wouldn't have a problem with it. It's still your body and you didn't know how to handle it mentally. Your friend would just stay with you that night, take your mind a bit off things, eat Ben & Jerry's with you, and the rest of that program. And the next day you'd start planning how to tell him since you had two weeks to prepare for it.
So you kinda had the opportunity to make it a bit bigger and exciting but also not super big but like cute big. You decided to get some books about pregnancy, baby clothes and shoes, baby food and probably something Baby Captain America themed. After getting it in the mail you would start putting together a big box, neatly decorated so he could see all the things at once. At the center, you stuck the test. The outside neatly sprayed in a gender-neutral color and a few stickers.
You would start emptying your office room carefully and put the stuff in his office. He was used to you rearranging his whole house all the time so he wouldn't be super surprised by that part at first. You would put the box in the middle of the room and be super excited for him to come home.
You'd write to him that you had a surprise for him and he'd be like "don't tease me" and you'd dance around excited until he gets in through the door. You would run towards him with a big grin and he'd just bear hug you.
You'd take all his stuff away from him excited and tell him to leave everything right in the hallway and that the surprise couldn't wait.
So you'd drag him towards your old office, open the door and he'd be like "You rearranged again?" with a smile at you before you almost ran to the box, picked it up and held it out to him. "Open it." He'd look at you a little bit '???' but happy. And then he would open it slowly and instantly stop in his movement as soon as he had a full view of the inside of the box and his jaw would just drop and he'd eye all the different things in there and would be looking up at you speechless.
"Welcome to your future child's nursery." you'd smile with happy tears in your eyes before he would set the box down and envelope you in the best hug ever and kiss you and cry and mumble "I'm finally gonna be a dad."
He'd pick you up in the air with the biggest smile ever and ask you how far you are and you'd say something like 2 months and he'd jump like a happy little boy before setting you down, kissing you again and saying "Let's go through the box, plan what you want in here and order pizza, baby." he'd say with just pure love in his eyes before going onto both knees in front of you and holding your hips "Because Baby Evans needs to get strong." and you'd just burst into tears right there.
You'd sit down on the floor and start looking through the books together, talking about marrying a little sooner, your fears, your ideas for the room, names, public announcements, milestone ideas. You'd start crying every time he'd say "Baby Evans" or "Little Bean" or something. Hormoooones.
Also: "Now nobody can judge me for my big appetite anymore." "Or your giant sweet tooth." "I feel called out!" "Blame it on the baby." "Believe me I will. It's gonna be just like me when it's here. Constantly eating." "Two of those in my house. Can't wait for those food fights in a few years." You: *starts crying again*
You'd take at least one mirror picture per week. You'd tell your parents the following week. You'd tell all of your friends after inviting them over for a get-together. You'd announce it at the beginning of the fourth month with something Captain America themed. You'd plan the best wedding ever and marry in your early sixth month. You'd find out it's a girl and he'd be so over the moon to have a little princess that he could take to Disneyland all the time and dress up with. You'd make the room peachy orange-pink themed on one wall and have like a photo tapestry of clouds in that color on the other one. You'd get all the cute baby stuff over the time. You would do some rad maternity pictures that the internet would probably go crazy over. He'd push you to go and get facials and shit to relax cause he's a good husband. You'd learn about all birth stuff together, go to a pregnancy sports class cause why not.
He'd be relatively chill about the whole birth experience probably. He'd just read up on a lot of things and stuff. He'd get you all the weird things you crave, massage you all the time. Hold you when your hormones would go crazy.
Baby Evans would probably come late and doctors would want you to try natural things to start contractions so you would just dance through a hospital room and film it for the world later on. He'd be so sweet all throughout the actual pain and shit and you'd literally almost break his finger to be honest.
And the moment he hears a baby cry you just see his face switch. Like an actual "I'm dad"-switch.
He would go with them while they do all the first stuff with the baby and then you'd get it onto your chest and big hug moment and exhaustion.
While you would be sleeping he'd hold her and sit with her in the chair beside your hospital bed. You'd wake up every now and then and see him staring at her with sparkly eyes and count her fingers.
*mini sneeze* "Bless you, my little Princess." *mini sneeze again* "Don't look at me like that with your big cute eyes, I didn't make it tickle, baby girl."
You'd name her Amelia Jillian Evans. He'd be super good at changing diapers while you were still laying in pain. You'd take her home two days later dressed in a Captain America body. Obviously posting the news online then.
The first weeks would be exhausting but his family would help where they could with making your life easier. He was on Baby Workout duty since the little bean needed to learn how to turn around by herself and he would be so proud every time she did it. When she started being able to recognize you and started laughing he was just constantly carrying her around when you didn't have a grasp on her. She was definitely going to be a daddy's girl
When she starts crawling he's the first one to see it since it happens while he's laying with her on the ground and you were in the kitchen making food. "She just crawled!" he'd yell. You'd come running with a proud smile. "Show Mama what an independent girl you are Amy." She'd laugh and crawl a little more and you’d melt so damn much.
You'd raise her bilingual, and he's walking in on you both a lot when you talk German and understands nothing. But he tries to learn it a bit at least. "Are you two gossiping about daddy?" he'd touch her nose before giving you a kiss.
She'd grab his beard all the time and giggle and that would be his favorite thing ever.
As soon as she starts drinking from bottles he just takes her to the gym with her sometimes on days he knows it's almost empty and he doesn't have big weights. He just has the crawling blanket, toys and her bottle with him and just working out.
One day she would just look at him while he's doing push-ups with her right under his face to make her laugh and for his own motivation and she'd just laugh up at him and say "Dada" and he just stop in the middle of the push up with a jaw-dropping smile and say "Am I your Dada?" And she'd just giggle more and grab his beard again and say "Dada" before making one of those happy “baby moves all limbs at once”-dances on her back.
He'd drive home and burst in with her on his arm and you'd be confused and he'd be like totally in shook still "She said Dada." And right at that moment, she would say it again and you would melt.  And he would point towards you "Mama." "Mmm...ma." You'd giggle, "Close enough."
You would start seeing her pulling herself up on your furniture and from her baby bed and one morning just be like "If you also get to see her walk before I see it I'm suing." and he'd chuckle and continue drinking his coffee while you made airplanes of applesauce into her mouth.
You'd hold her hands and helped her walk forwards slowly while he was the goal they wanted to reach. You did that for a couple of weeks now and you gave her less and less hold over time and today you let her go completely and she walked three steps before landing on her behind. A few weeks later you were holding her hands one each and went for a walk completely proud of your little bean. "Mama?" She looked up at you and let go of Chris' hand completely and held her arms up so you picked her up. "Amelia?" you'd answer. "Müde." she'd say. Her first German word outside of the basics and you'd be over the moon smiling over at your husband that had a questioning smile on his face and you mouthed 'tired' while she laid her head on your shoulder.
By the way: Dodger would be protective and super chill around her. From the moment she came home the first time. He never nudged her, always just smelled and let her grab him sometimes even if it was uncomfy for him.
He would always be up to play with her over the next two-three years until she had her first big detachment phase. "Do you wanna play, Amy?" "No." and his eyes would be proud but also ouch.
She'd walk around in a princess dress and with a toy car most of the time and went to kindergarten a few days per week.
"Honey?" He'd say one evening hugging you from behind while you were cooking. "Hmm?" you'd smile at him. "I want another one." he'd mumble. "Are you sure?" you answered, "We still don't have our sleeping pattern back to normal." "I want her to have a sibling," he said kissing your neck. "Let's talk about that after bedtime, okay?" You'd say squeezing his hand.
By now she spoke both languages with both of you and Chris really needed to get his German game up. "Daddy?" "Yes, princess?" "Liest du mir Buch?" and in that moment, he knew...his child was more intelligent than him lmao. "She wants you to read her a book." you'd say from the next room. "Which one?" She'd pull out an easy German one but damn was it hard for him to pronounce it right.  You'd stand in the door frame proudly smiling at them.
The weeks after that you let her do a lot of sleepovers at friends. Was it a cover-up to get pregnant again? Yup.
And like three months later you both sat there together on the living room table waiting for the test. 5 minutes could be so fucking long. When you turned the test around and the second pink line was there he jumped up and almost threw you into the air. "You better pray to my vajayjay from now on," you'd joke. "Believe me. Already been doing that every day." he'd be like serious but also chuckling and you'd just hug so tight and squeak.
After going to the doc you would just send the ultrasound picture around with DJ Khaled's "Another One" over it. Cause you both are dorks like that. "Please stay Amy's rock, okay? I don't want her to feel left out when her sibling comes."
You'd both tell her that she'll get a sibling and she was jumping around and holding her hand on your Belly all the time.   You'd find out it's another girl. "Oh lord, three of them?" Would be Chris' reaction after the doc says it and a chuckle goes through the room. "A lot of food we need to have at all times." you'd laugh.
She would find it so fascinating how the belly moved. "When does my sister come?" she'd ask almost every day.
You'd have a trip to Disneyland together with her in a Cinderella dress and a Captain America Helmet. She was proud to have a superhero daddy. And it was good for paparazzi to not see her completely on pictures. She still couldn't hold the Shield tho. It was still like two thirds of her size.
You'd all eat so much in all the places there and he'd get her anything princess-like. "What do heroes eat, daddy?" "Whatever they want. Just like princesses." "But princesses only eat special food." "A princess can also eat a burger if she wants one, right honey?" he'd look at you. "Yes. Princesses and heroes both can eat whatever they want. It's super important to listen to what your belly wants, Amy." "What does your belly want, Mama?" "Two cheeseburgers, a salad, and ice cream." you deadpan and Chris would giggle.
He'd probably put a dress on himself just for her to see, that gender roles are shit. And school will shake that for her but he will make sure she knows that she can love 'masculine' things like cars, tech & science.
She'd probably be super good at math but also start drawing and writing early. You both would probably put her into a dance class but also let her try a sport that's a bit more like Taekwondo.
If she would feel in any way threatened she would use what she learned and say "You better stop. My dad is a superhero and he will kick your behind if you don't stop."
Your 6/7 yo daughter would kick ass so hard. Promise.
Then the little sister would come and she would be old enough to hold her and all that. You both had asked her for a name she liked and took that as a second name for the little sister. This one was more of a mommy's child.
Her name would be Chloe Jordan Evans and after the birth, you would be "You won't get more," to Chris completely exhausted.
You had already talked about not wanting more children after that but the steps of growing up were so much cooler now that a bigger sister could watch all of them happen.
You decided to raise this one on bottles mainly which made sleep a bit easier for you both since you didn't need to be awake for it every time.
Amelia & Chloe would not be revenge siblings as soon as Chloe could walk and talk. They were close and Amelia was very thoughtful and definitely into sports and science while also loving pink and stuff.
Chloe would be more of a singer and would love makeup and dressing up. She wanted to learn more about her daddy's job pretty early on and loved coming to little events of Chris' management. She was super extroverted and loved being around people.
But she still was super focussed on you with everything else. A mom's child.
She'd cook with you, play video games with you and loved going on walks when Chris was gone filming and Amy at elementary school.
She also was obsessed with Daddy dressing up. The shield was her goal. He always told her she is too small for it so her big goal was growing faster. The first time he let her wear it was with his friends being over and Seb or someone just being like "Just let her. I'm sure she is responsible enough to keep it safe, right Chloe?" And a heavy nod would come back. The shield went from her shoulders to under her knees and was clipped to her back. All the men in the room were just smiling at her. She definitely had the attention of the room as soon as she came in. She'd run around with the Shield on her back and a Nerf Gun and shoot all the men with the soft little things and they played dead. When you walked in you looked around confused but then she jumped out of her corner and pointed the Nerf Gun at you which made you put your hands up. "Miss? I need to arrest you." And you'd play into it and internally smile at 1. The shield on her back. 2. How good she was at this.
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justcallmehermione · 4 years
Let me update ya ;)
Story: Small Bump  Rating: M for some delicious smut Pairings: Linzin, Tokka (implied), and Kataang
Chapter 12: The Beifong Estate
“I wish you guys could stay a little longer,” Kya sighed as she gave the couple another big hug.
“I agree,” Sokka adds, throwing his arms around the trio, “I’m going to miss my meat eating buddy!” Everyone laughed at his new nickname for Lin. Now that she was eating for two, Lin sometimes felt like she was always hungry and always had room for more food on her plate. Kya had chided her about overeating not being healthy for her or the baby, but she dismissed her remarks. Tenzin knew Lin had plenty of opportunities to burn off the extra calories in the sparring yard as well as their bed.
“Make sure to tell me when you’re close to your due date, and where you are so I can be there to meet the little one,” Kya reminded Lin.
“I will, don’t worry,” she agreed.
“Don’t worry about letting me know, I’ll be intercepting Kya’s mail so I can make it there first,” Sokka jokes.
“We’ll see you in a couple months,” Tenzin stated. He waved as he mounted Oogi, Lin following him closely.
“Yip yip,” Tenzin commanded. Oogi took to the sky, headed north. The couple waved at their relatives until they were high in the sky.
The newlyweds had decided to head to the Beifong Estate in Gaoling. Lin’s grandparents wanted to spend some time with them before the baby arrived, probably so they can throw some kind of party in her honor. The Beifongs not only enjoyed showing others their wealth, but also their connections and what better connection than their granddaughter having the Avatar’s grandchild? Tenzin was a little apprehensive about going there. He knew that Lin loved her grandparents and had some fond childhood memories with them, but he also knew that sometimes their propriety could get on Lin’s nerves. Lin had been in such high spirits after their make up and he didn’t want her to go down any more dark paths.
“Yuan for your thoughts?” Lin inquired, noticing the look on her husband’s face.
“Nothing important,” he assured her, “Just looking forward to continuing our honeymoon adventure.” He smiled at her. She smiled back and leaned into him to plant a kiss on his lips.
“Yes, I like our little honeymoon adventures. Especially the time we spend in bed together,” she purred, sliding her hand to rest on Tenzin’s inner thigh.
“Please behave,” he said while clearing his throat, “You know I don’t want to give Oogi the oogies while we travel.”
Lin laughed at her husband. “Fine,” she acquiesced, “I’ll behave until we have a little privacy.”
After an entire day of traveling, wrapped in a couple furs to keep the chill, winter air out, the couple finally arrived in Gaoling. They landed in the gardens in the back of the Beifong Estate, where the lanterns were starting to be lit as twilight started. Tenzin and Lin were greeted by a butler and were escorted into the manor house as another servant saw that Oogi was taken care of in the stables. Tenzin and Lin were led to the main parlor where Lao and Poppy were enjoying some after-dinner drinks.
“Master Tenzin and Mistress Lin have arrived,” the butler announced as they entered the room. Lao and Poppy set down their drinks and rose to greet their guests.
“Lin, you look absolutely radiant!” her grandmother proclaimed. She approached the pregnant woman and gave her a kiss on each cheek.
“It’s so good to see you again,” Lin greeted back.
“Tenzin, it’s a pleasure as always,” Lao greeted, bowing to him.
“Likewise,” Tenzin replied, returning the bow.
“Are you hungry? We can have some leftovers brought in here. I requested that they be saved a little later than usual,” Poppy explained.
“Yes, please,” Lin replied politely, resting a hand on her baby bump. Now that she was in her second trimester, her belly seemed to grow a little more everyday. Tenzin thought she looked beautiful and told her as much every chance he could, but he knew she was starting to doubt him since her feet were slowly disappearing from under her.
“Thank you for allowing us to visit,” Tenzin said.
“Oh, please! You’re always welcome here!” Lao told him.
“Yes, we miss Lin visiting us regularly now that she’s a grown, married woman,” Poppy agreed.
“I miss our visits, too,” Lin shared.
“Come sit, let’s catch up while we wait for your food. I’d love to hear about all your latest adventures,” Poppy directed the couple to one of the sofas in the parlor. Lao and Poppy sat on the sofa across from them, picking up their drinks from earlier. Tenzin and Lin shared stories from their recent travels. Lin updated them on how she was feeling during the pregnancy. Tenzin knew that Lao and Poppy did not always approve of Toph and her life choices, but he was glad that they were able to reconcile and that Lin was able to have more people in her life who loved and supported her. The food arrived and the newlyweds were able to refuel after the journey north while Lao and Poppy updated them on the goings-on of the Earth Kingdom nobility and the work Lao’s company had been doing.
After a little anecdote about a recent tea party Poppy had been to she started to explain, “Oh, that reminds me! Lin, I know you’re not fond of high society get-togethers, but I just could not resist…” Tenzin put a hand on the small of Lin’s back, reminding her that he was here for her and hoping she found the gesture relaxing as they waited for Poppy to reveal a surprise.
“What is it, Grandmother?” Lin invited her to continue.
“Well, since this is your first baby and you’ll need some things to help take care of him or her, I thought it might be fun to throw you a tea party. When you announced your pregnancy, you know that the news spread fast and all my friends started asking if there’d be a celebration for you. Then you wrote asking if you could stay here for a bit and I just couldn’t help myself,” Poppy finished explaining.
“Your grandmother will be hosting the party in your honor at the beginning of next week,” Lao added.
“Yes, and I invited your sister, mother, and mother-in-law to it as well!” Poppy exclaimed.
Lin smiled a little uneasily, “That’s great. I’m looking forward to it.” Tenzin started rubbing small circles on Lin’s back trying to reassure her. He prayed to the spirits that Lin would remain calm and on good terms with him and her grandparents, despite another party with her in the spotlight.
Later that evening, Tenzin was lying in bed as Lin was finishing her nightly hygiene routine. He was debating whether or not to bring up how she was feeling about the party. He really didn’t want to upset her anymore, but he also wanted her to know that he was there for her. Lin finished up in the washroom and flopped onto the bed next to him with a deep sigh.
Well, it’s now or never, he thought before he began, “Anything you’d like to discuss?”
Lin sighed and replied, “I’m not sure if I’m ready for another party quite yet.”
“Well, you still have a few days before it. We can always run away in the meantime,” he offered with a cheesy smile on his face.
She turned and smiled up at her husband, “I might take you up on that offer.”
“Hey, it might not be so bad. It’ll be nice to see our moms again. And your sister will be here to help take the edge off. You two could always have a Beifong sparring match and tear some rocks up beforehand,” he suggested.
“That’s not a bad idea, airhead,” Lin told her husband while she snuggled closer to him, closing her eyes. Tenzin held Lin close as they drifted to sleep, looking forward to enjoying his time with his wife in Gaoling.
The week flew by and before they knew it it was time for the Tea Party. Poppy had invited nobles from all across the Earth Kingdom as well as some prominent individuals from the  other nations and the United Republic. Toph, Katara, and Suyin had arrived a few days after Tenzin and Lin, and the newlyweds had enjoyed catching up with them while also preparing for  the big event.
Katara, Toph, Suyin, and Lin were finishing up getting ready when Tenzin knocked on the door.  Katara was helping Lin with her hairstyle while Suyin was doing Toph’s makeup.
“Well, don’t you all look stunning?” Tenzin remarked as he entered the room. All the women were wearing beautiful gowns that seemed to match the colors of their eyes: Katara’s dress a bright, icy blue, Toph’s a pale mint, Su’s and Lin’s an olive color. Their hair was all done  in more formal styles and they were all wearing more makeup than usual.  Katara finished Lin's hair, so Lin got up to greet Tenzin. Tenzin’s mouth hung open slightly when he saw his wife’s figure. Her dress was floor-length with long sleeves and a high waisted belt that seemed to accentuate her now-protruding stomach. Half of her hair had been pulled back into intricate plaits that met in the back of her head  while the rest of her hair was left in loose tendrils that flowed past her shoulders.
“Lin, you’re absolutely gorgeous,” Tenzin whispered as his wife embraced him. He pecked her cheek very carefully, trying not to mess up her make-up.
Lin flushed at the romantic gesture and words and whispered, “Thanks, Tez.” Tenzin could not believe how lucky he was to have such a beautiful wife carrying his future child.
“All right that's enough from the two love birds,” Toph interrupted, “Let's start making our way to the party before my mother has a fit because we are late.”
The group made their way to the grand staircase that led to the main foyer. As they approached the stairs, Tenzin offered his arm to his wife to help her down the stairs. He took advantage of their closeness to whisper in his wife's ear, “Let me know if you need a little break from the party my love. I know a private place where we can spend some time alone.”
Lin elbowed his side gently in response and scolded, “Will you behave? This is not the time to make such suggestions to your pregnant wife.”
“On the contrary, anytime is an appropriate time to show my beautiful wife how much I love and adore her. Not to mention, I do love pleasing you any chance I get.”  He ended his line with a wink and pulled back a little since they were about to enter the room Poppy had set up for the Tea Party.
“Lin! You are absolutely glowing!” Poppy proclaimed when she entered the room. Tenzin  could sense his wife tense a little when most of the heads in the room turned in her direction. It wasn't a very large nor a very crowded room, especially compared to the events the couple had attended in the past, but there were still probably at least 50 or so people at about a dozen tables scattered throughout the room. At the center of each table was a beautiful glass vase with lovely flowers that included peonies in a soft blush color, baby blue carnations, and white daisies, all lined with a rim of baby’s breath. How fitting, Tenzin thought to himself, putting baby's breath in a flower arrangement at a tea party for a pregnant woman.
“Hello everyone,” Lin greeted her guests with an elegant wave, “Tenzin and I are so very glad you could come celebrate such a happy time with us.”  Tenzin gave the crowd a wave as well and smiled at their guests. He glanced over in Poppy's direction and saw her nod of approval at their good hosting manners.
“Come and join us,” Poppy invited the new arrivals and guests of honor. Once they were all seated at the same table, Poppy gave the orders to start the tea ceremony. Tenzin watched as his wife focused on taking small bites of her food and small sips of her tea to appear like the proper lady her grandmother wanted her to be. He knew she would rather have heartier food options since the pregnancy seemed to make her ravenous, but he also knew she wanted to make her grandmother proud and not cause any scenes.
After most of the food and tea had been consumed, Poppy guided her granddaughter   and her husband to a pair of chairs that were in the front of the room, facing the crowd.  Poppy  cleared her throat and waited for everyone to quiet down and face her.
“I wanted to take the opportunity to thank you all for coming again. I hope you enjoyed our hospitality. I would now like to invite anyone who wishes to offer well wishes to the expecting couple to come up and do so at this time,” Poppy announced.  She bowed to the crowd  and returned to her seat at the table. Tenzin glanced at his wife and saw she was smiling, but was positive it was an uneasy smile. He reached over and grabbed her hand in reassurance. Lin glanced at him quickly and she squeezed his hand back in thanks. The two sat with their hands together while the guests came up to offer small gifts for the baby and them, as well as to offer well wishes for the baby and mother to have good health. Not a single person made a reference to airbending the entire time and Tenzin was relieved for himself and his wife.
As the line of guests was nearing the end, a gentleman dressed in Fire Nation robes approached them and bowed. “Masters Tenzin and Beifong, it is an absolute honor to be here celebrating your new bundle of joy. I have been given the privilege of being the official envoy for the Fire Lord and her Royal Highness the Crown Princess. They regret not being able to come, but wish to pass along their love.”
“How very kind of the Fire Nation to send such a wonderful envoy with such kind and moving words,” Tenzin told the man.
“It is sad that Princess Izumi could not be here on this special occasion, but I completely understand given her current circumstances,” Lin added.
“Yes,”  the man agreed, “We are very excited about the birth of the next heir. The princess also wanted me to give you this.”  The man offered Lin a letter with the Royal Seal of the Fire Nation. Lin and Tenzin thanked the man for coming. Lin handed Tenzin the letter which he safely tucked into his breast pocket to read after the party had ended.
After the guests had all left and the family were enjoying some after dinner drinks in the  parlor,  Tenzin took the letter out of his pocket and handed it to Lin. She tore it open eagerly  and scanned the letter quickly.
“What does it say?” Suyin asked her sister.
“Who was it from?” Toph asked her daughter.
Lin smiled at them all and explained, “It is a letter from Izumi. She says that the Royal Physician believes her baby will be here within the next fortnight. She wants me there to be there for her when the baby comes.”
“Oh how exciting!” Katara exclaimed, “It's so funny to think our kids are starting to have babies of their own.”
“You've got that right, Sugar Queen,” Toph added, “I know I sure don't feel old enough to be a grandma quite yet.”
Poppy agreed and added, “Quite right, dear. I don't think I'm old enough to be a great-grandmother!” All of the older women laughed at their comments.
“I wish I could join you guys,” Su sighed, “but I agreed to help a group of students from Ba Sing Se University do some exploring in the Si Wong Desert. They want to study the sandbenders and how their culture has evolved in such an arid place.”
“We promise to send your regrets along,” Tenzin comforted her.
“Well, I suppose this means you all will be leaving us shortly,” Lao stated with a hint of sadness in his voice.
“Yes, but we should all try to get together like this again soon,” Lin offered, trying to make her grandfather feel better.
“That would be lovely, Lin,” he agreed.
By the end of the week Katara, Toph, and Suyin had left Gaoling to return to their duties elsewhere. Lin and Tenzin were now preparing to depart as well so they could join Izumi in the Fire Nation. The young couple bid the Beifongs farewell and promised to return to spend more time with them as soon as they were able.
A/N: I meant it when I said I want to finish this fic before 2020 is over.  I am trying to write as much as I can now because in exactly one week I will be returning to work as a teacher in the middle of a global pandemic. I am not looking forward to going back in person with my students so I'm trying to avoid singing about it by focusing on things that make me happy like this fic and this ship. How lucky for all you lovely readers :)  as always feel free to leave comments and Kudos because they definitely help motivate me!
12 notes · View notes
Prompt: Brienne is a guitarist in a tribute band that has a viral video. Jaime, the guitarist in the "real" band, sees the video and goes to one of their shows.
Sapphire Blue Guitar
Words: 2,690
Notes: Inspired by Liz Phair, Kim Gordon, and the Fender sapphire blue electric guitar. @bussdowntarthiana i hope you like it!
“100,000!” she hears Sansa announce. 
Brienne is still half asleep, but slowly rises upon hearing her friend’s announcement. By the time her feet hit the floor and she staggers out to the living room, she sees her other roommates and bandmates, Asha and Ygritte, shuffling around the kitchen, looking like they are dealing with the same emotional hangover. (Ygritte might be suffering from an actual hangover. She was knocking back shots last night.) They all grab at the coffees Sansa has brought, made to everyone’s order, and demolish the box of donuts. 
“Did you save one for Margaery?” Sansa calls. Ygritte, Asha, and Brienne exchange wide-eyed, guilty looks, and burst into laughter. Asha puts back a chocolate one for Marg. 
“What’s the count at now?” Asha asks as they join Sansa in the living room, flopping down on couches, balancing coffee cups, and licking their fingers clean of powdered sugar or icing from the donuts. 
“105,000.” The three of them nod, trying not to get too excited. Brienne knows it’s the most hits they’ve ever had. Maybe they would finally start booking more gigs at places other than Qyburn’s Goat. 
The set last night was amazing. She wasn’t sure if it was the energy of the crowd or what, but the songs were tight. They stopped worrying about the mechanics and simply let go and had fun.
Perhaps too much fun, judging from the half naked man trying to sneak out of the house right now. Asha lets out a cheer, Sansa turns beet red, and Ygritte waves it off. “Aw, that’s just Jon.” She beckons him over and tips her head over the back of the couch to give him a kiss. 
“Ugh,” Sansa moans, hiding her face in a pillow. “That’s my brother.” 
“I’ll call you later,” he promises. “Great show, ladies.” He smiles at their group before heading out the door. 
“Great show, ladies,” Asha repeats in a mocking, derisive tone, until Ygritte nudges her in the shoulder.
“Do we want to have our decompression sesh now?” Brienne asks, stifling a yawn. She’s half wondering if the number of hits on their video has anything to do with their song choice.
“Margaery’s not even awake yet. Can’t start a band meeting without our lead singer.” 
The four of them met in college due to their love of the rock band, The Kingslayers. One night at karaoke, when they found out Margaery could actually sing, they decided to form their own group. “A kind of gender reversal thing” as Asha had coined it, The Queenslayers. They started out messing around by playing a couple songs at a student talent show, but the response was so great, they kept it up, and started doing more and more covers of their favorite Kingslayers songs. By graduation, they were a full blown tribute band with regular gigs. 
They all had other jobs, but the whole thing, which started out as a college joke, felt like it was snowballing into something serious these last few months. The Kingslayers, who had stopped recording and touring years before, announced they were doing a new album and accompanying comeback tour. Due to The Kingslayers’ return, more people seemed to have gotten wind of their little band, and more and more people were showing up to their sets. 
Sansa was social media obsessed and had been friends with Brienne for years, so it made sense to bring her into the fold, and she had nearly doubled their hits in the past few months.
“Oh my god,” she exclaims, looking at her phone now. “We’re at 250,000. That’s…impossible. When did I check last?” 
Asha’s eyes widened. “Not that long ago! Before Jon strolled through.” 
Chaos erupts in their living room. “Don’t remind me!” Sansa declares, as Ygritte is grabbing for her phone, and nearly knocks over Asha’s coffee before Brienne swoops it up, saving their living room floor from another disaster. 
She glaces up to see Margaery smiling as she comes in, looking perfectly put together as always in an emerald green silk robe, a hint of lacy lingerie peeking out as the robe falls off one shoulder. “What’s going on?” she asks innocently.
“One of our songs from last night has a bunch of hits. Show her, Sansa,” Asha prompts. She hands her phone to Margaery, her fingers trembling a little. Sansa’s cheeks flush before she turns to look at Brienne, who gives her friend a reassuring smile.
“Well, that is exciting.” 
“Tyrion.” He shook his brother awake from where he was passed out on Jaime’s living room couch after a particularly fierce night out. 
Jaime shoves his phone into his brother’s hand. “Just watch this. Addam sent it to me.” He crosses into the kitchen in his giant loft apartment. As he makes coffee, he can hear the tinny strains of the song through the phone’s speakers and hums along under his breath. It finally gets to the part Jaime has been waiting for, the guitar solo. He watched it about five times this morning. The shock of blonde hair falling in her face, the way her fingers fly faster and better than his own. His guitar skills haven’t been the same since the accident. 
“Damn,” Tyrion grunts when Jaime returns and sets a steaming mug in front of him. “They’re good.” 
“No,” he shakes his head. “She is. The guitarist. Their singer could be better and their drummer is shit, but she…” he taps his fingers on the phone over the woman paused mid-solo. “…she’s the key to all of it.”
“Maybe I should hire her for the tour, then,” Tyrion snarks. Squinting, his brother watches the video again. “Gods, they’re young,” he breathes. 
“They’re not. We’re just old. Old and washed up,” Jaime tosses over his shoulder as he heads back into the kitchen to make them breakfast. 
“Speak for yourself!”
The past few days have been insane. The video reached two million views (and counting), the local news contacted them for an interview on their morning show, other media outlets have been bugging them for comment, and they still have their regular gig at Qyburn’s on Saturday. Sansa spends most of the week freaking out about whether or not they could be sued by The Kingslayers’ legal team, but the day before their show, she receives a very brief, but nice email from Tyrion Lannister, the band’s manager (and brother to their lead guitarist.) “Saw this. Rock on, girls!” 
“Girls,” Asha sneers. 
“It’s nice,” Brienne replies. “Like he’s giving us his blessing.” She feels a bit uncertain about all the attention and prefers to concentrate on their upcoming show. Their house seems to have fallen into constant bickering about what their future might hold, so Brienne holes up in her room, fooling around with half-written songs. It’s her father’s old guitar, not the sleek blue electric Fender she uses at gigs, the one which matches her eyes. It’s taken her a number of years, but she’s written a few songs, and she only hopes that one day she’ll get to play them. 
Qyburn’s is packed. No, packed doesn’t even cover it. It’s teeming. They arrive a few hours early to have time for a sound check and there’s already a line around the block. “Holy shit,” Asha intones.
Nerves begin to prick at Brienne’s stomach. Sansa steers the car as close to the door as possible. Margaery is following behind in a separate car with Ygritte’s drum set. 
After their sound check, she bums around in her old Kingslayers’ t-shirt and jeans for a bit until they all start getting ready. Brienne doesn’t usually put much thought into what she is going to wear for shows, but tonight she put together what feels like an appropriate outfit. She changes into a well-worn striped black and white t-shirt, ripped black tights, and a pair of men’s maroon shorts over the tights. She prefers jeans, but they get hot during shows, and Margaery is always telling Brienne her best feature is her legs. 
During sound check, she noticed her hands were twitchy, almost little muscle tremors. But now they are full on shaking. She has them tucked under her thighs as Margaery does a smoky eye on her. 
“I don’t know if I can do this,” she breathes.
“Don’t tell the others,” Margaery says very quietly. “But you’re the best out of all of us, Bri. So you can. I’ve seen how strong you are.” With all the bickering lately, it’s easy to forget how long they’ve all known each other and how well each of them know her. It’s comforting. 
Brienne nods, glancing at herself in the mirror. The eye makeup is a lot, but she loves it. “Thank you,” she says, giving Margaery a tight squeeze. “You’re amazing.” 
All week, Jaime tries to convince himself not to go, but curiosity gets the better of him and he finds himself ushered into Qyburn’s via the kitchen. He’s wearing a red and yellow plaid shirt and a black baseball cap pulled down over his hair. 
There’s a giant roar from the crowd as Queenslayers take the stage and he laughs, knowing what it’s like to be on the other end of that. His heart clenches when he sees her, blonde hair swept out of her eyes for now, a beaming blush coloring her cheeks as she looks out at the crowd and gives a little wave. She grips her blue electric guitar. Beautiful hands, he thinks. Long, nimble fingers. 
It takes her a couple songs to get into it, but if she’s nervous, he can’t tell. By the third song, she and the bass guitarist are bopping around the stage and his eyes can’t help but travel the length of her legs, can see the lines of muscle in her calves. He feels dirty for even noticing and swallows the rest of his beer.
It’s an odd feeling, listening to songs he wrote years ago, but there’s a pride there, too. They sound better in person than the video. The singer is evocative and flirty, even more so than Addam, which he didn’t think was possible. When they get to the song he’s been waiting to hear, as soon as she starts to play the guitar solo, electricity races up his spine. His heart is pounding in time to the music and he licks his lips, watching her with anticipation. Come on, he thinks. You got this. It’s strange, but he wants her to do well. He hasn’t even met her, but somehow feels he knows her. When she finishes, he gives a shout from the back. “Woohoo!” Others join in and the cheers travel up to the stage. She smiles, a blush rising in her cheeks again. She searches the back of the room, shielding her eyes with her hand for a moment, looking for someone. Looking for him.  
After their set, Brienne watches her bandmates. Ygritte finds Jon in the crowd, Asha and Theon are already headed towards the bar, and much to Brienne and Sansa’s surprise both, Margaery kisses Sansa as soon as she steps off stage. The two of them smiling at each other giddily before they find Renly and Loras in the crowd. Brienne tries to ignore the envy which washes over her. Everyone has someone. Except her. Her dad has always been supportive of her music–he had even called her when he saw the video–but he’s busy with his new family on Tarth and she cannot picture him hanging out in Qyburn’s to hear her play. 
Brienne makes her way to the back, getting stopped by a few people in the crowd who congratulate her on the video or tell her “great show” with bright smiles and a nod, but she’s relieved when she arrives at the bar and signals Hodor for her usual. “I’ve got it,” the man next to her gestures to the bartender. 
She’s surprised and surveys him out of the corner of her eye quickly before he turns towards her, flashing her a smile. The smile she would recognize anywhere. It’s dark and he’s wearing a baseball cap pulled low, but there are green eyes peeking out underneath the rim. Ohmygods. It can’t be. 
“Jaime Lannister?” she asks, dumbfounded. Why would he bother? She remembers Sansa’s worries about the Kingslayers suing them and her stomach plummets. But why would they send him? They would send a team of lawyers instead. 
“Shhh,” he presses a finger to his lips, his other hand falling to her wrist to quiet her. 
“Oh my gods,” she replies, her tone muted. “It’s really you. What the fuck.” She covers her mouth with her hand, horrified she just cursed in front of her idol, but he laughs and some of the worry slips from her body. He has the most beautiful laugh. And he’s gorgeous. Not that she doubted he would be, but she can tell, even though his looks are tucked under a baseball cap and his body hidden by long sleeves. “I mean,” she tries again, knowing she’s beet red. “Thank you for coming?” 
“Is that a question?” he winks at her and thankfully their drinks arrive, because she’s pretty sure she’s died or melted into the floor or something. It’s Jaime Lannister. Standing here. Talking to her like they’ve known each other for years. 
“No, really, thank you. What the hell are you doing here?” 
He grins and gods, he’s so fucking easy on the eyes it hurts. She feels like an awkward giant next to him and probably looks absolutely ridiculous in this eye makeup when she’s not on stage, but then he’s speaking and her brain stops freaking out so she can listen. “I saw the video, like the rest of the world. You’re good.” 
“Thanks.” It’s such an automatic response, but she tries to let the simple praise infiltrate her many layers of defense. Tries to truly absorb that her favorite musician told her their band was good. “So has…did the whole band see it?” 
“Of course. Addam’s the one who sent it to me.” He takes a sip of his beer before he turns his whole body towards her, leans in so close she can feel the heat from his skin. She feels dizzy and turned on and confused all at once. “The band is good,” he murmurs in her ear. “But you, you’re truly talented. You know that, right?” He draws back to gage her reaction and finds himself arrested by her eyes. The blue so deep it nearly matches the color of her guitar, the same blue of his mother’s wedding ring made of sapphires and rubies. Her eyes are steady. A calm in a stormy sea. “The guitar solo,” he nods up at the stage. “You’re better than I am. My brother would kill me for saying that, but it’s the truth.” 
“I don’t know what to say,” she admits. Brienne’s half convinced he’s lying, half wonders if he’s trying to get her to sleep with him or if he has some ulterior motive, but the way he’s smiling at her, the way his face softens whenever she talks, she doesn’t think so. He’s a millionaire. He doesn’t have to come to dank bars to see tribute bands play in order to get someone into bed with him. He seems genuine. “Thank you. That means a lot.” She’s nearly finished her beer and glances up to see if Hodor is nearby so she can order another. 
“Let’s go outside,” Jaime suggests. “It’s too hard to talk in here. I want to get to know you, Brienne Tarth.” Her skin prickles with the heat of his voice saying her name. She follows him outside, half laughing at the ridiculousness of it all. 
“I’m afraid you’re going to be disappointed.” 
He holds the kitchen door open for her and there’s a cool breeze as they step outside. “I doubt that.”
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crystal-lillies · 3 years
A few positive things from 2020
So we all can agree 2020 was hardly much but chaos and struggle, but there were some good things I don't want to overlook on this last day. Therefore, in no particular order, here are some bright things we had this year.
-We got the finale of Steven Universe Future, the end of the SU saga, and it was full of emotions of all kinds, but ended with our boy getting love and care from all his family and friends and that's all that matters yknow?
-Infinity Train books 2 and 3 holy shit man they both slapped so hard, one at the top of 2020 and the other in the middle. Wild. I really hope we keep getting more but what we've got was spectacular.
-Continuing the line of animation, like, The Owl House? Absolutely superb??? Hello??? Finally some good fucking food??? Lumity watered my crops, cleared my acne, saved my life??? Not to mention Eda and Lilith and Hooty and Willow and Gus oh gosh they're all so great
-ATLA got added to Netflix mid-year, and a whole swarm of new fandom was brought into the mix. with this came a lot of Zukka, and honestly not bad tbh.
-we got Sonic the Hedgehog this year y'all and lemme tell you it was honestly a solid movie which we were all not expecting at all. I went to see it twice and it was the last movie I saw in theaters. Totally worth it.
-Movies kinda got shot in the foot this year, but the ones I got to see in theaters besides Sonic were Dolittle, Knives Out, and Birds of Prey (and the Fantabulous Emancipation of one Harley Quinn), along with a collection of animated short films nominated for Oscars this year. That last one was a pretty rocking experience ngl, and all of the ones in that collection were incredible.
-Speaking of that collection of short films, Hair Love won best animated short film, and even though there were so many incredible ones, Hair Love was so sweet and heartwarming and gorgeously animated, it was a deserving win.
-I think it goes without saying that Animal Crossing New Horizons has been one of the best things to come out this year, period.
-for better or worse, Hamilton proshot was released on Disney Plus in July, and In the Heights was pushed to next summer. Hey, we got to see everything from King George spit and everyone's sweat to every heart wrenching emotion and fun background actors you don't get to appreciate when watching bootlegs or listening to the album (particularly thinking of the Bullet character).
- do I need to mention the great conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn, or the double full moon of October? Absolutely brilliant.
-Fruits Basket Reboot!!! Holy hell has it amazing this year!!
-BNHA got lots of crazy reveals and arcs coming to heads this year with all kinds of fun in store for the next season of the anime
-y'all. Y'all. TWEWY not only got an anime adaptation announced with trailers that look amazing for a drop next year, but WE ALSO GOT NEOTWEWY....TWEWY2.....AFTER ALL THESE YEARS.....
-Doctor Who season 12 went hard all the way through and was so exciting to watch weekly the old fashioned way this year
-on a personal note, I got a couple amazing art commissions from my good friend @ghoststrawberries, and while I wanted to do more, I'm so so happy with getting what I was able to this year. (And I highly recommend commissioning them)
- Also another personal note, I was able to keep in touch with a lot of my friends, even some I haven't kept in good communication with, via letters and messages this year, and I've got a sweet collection of letters and cards from everyone I've connected to this year, and it's really nice.
-I participated in Camp NaNo April and July along with regular NaNoWriMo this year. I set and reached goals of 30,000 and 40,000 words for the Camp NaNo challenges and wrote every day; while I wasn't able to hit 50,000 words for NaNo proper per my hoped plans, I wrote about 10,000 more words than I did the previous year, and I'm proud of that considering how crazy my November was this year. Even though I didn't get to finish a second draft of my middle grade novel, I was able to work through a good amount of the research and worldbuilding through NaNo, and I'm proud of that.
It's been a hell kind of year, and I don't discount any of the struggles faced. But I wanted to just touch on some good stuff before closing out 2020. There's plenty more I didn't cover bc I'm 5 minutes away from sleep and am just listing off the top of my head, but I like this tradition of taking the good and appreciating it every year before the new one comes.
I hope you all stay safe and take care ❤ happy New Year, and I wish all of you good vibes into 2021!
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idolstylekpop · 3 years
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End of the year 2020! We did not expect it to look so tragic. Luckily, we have it behind us. I hope that in the coming year I will have nothing to write about in this post. 
So scandals... Although there were few scandals, at the beginning of the year we were probably surprised by the most unexpected news. 
January prepared a real bomb for us. Information about one of the EXO members leaked to the network. Chen revealed that he would soon become a father. He also added that he already has a partner with whom he wants to spend his life. This news shocked the fans who give him hell on internet. 
We also learned that Big Hit bought out shares in Pledis Ent. Thus, Seventeen and Nu'est became senior colleagues of BTS and TXT. This month we also got disband X1. The case with Producer X 101 has been going on since 2019. It was very loud about it, but only at the beginning of 2020 the disband X1 was announced. 
In February, the A.C.E. team survived a real hell, thanks to their anti-fans who attacked the members of the team. The whole case was reported to the police and the label issued a statement and asked fans to control their emotions. At the end of February we said goodbye to The Rose. The guys called off their contracts but did not resign from the band. The reason: The record company did not pay them for their hard work. 
In March, the Instagram Moon Hyuna account of the former member of 9MUSES, she a posted reported her pregnancy. The future mother shared this wonderful news with her fans.
Since March we can address Hyolyn fans - "Bae". Such a name has been chosen for her fandom. On March also, IU’s agency - EDAM Entertainment  released a statement about the legal action they are taking against malicious commenters.
In April, Mamamoo‘s Solar released her 1st solo album titled “Spit it Out”.
In May, Big Hit officially confirmed that Pledis Ent. is part of Big Hit, but it will remain an autonomous entity. In May we also received a message about an accident caused by one of the AB6IX members. 
In June AB6IX team leader Lim Young-min decided to leave the team after the drunk driving scandal. The team will continue its activity in four people.
In June we also received news of an anti-fans attack by one of NCT members. Information about Taeyong came to light. Apparently 10 years earlier he was accused by his schoolmates of harassing. They also had anti-fan attacks on other NCT members in the same month. The idols spoke out about their fear for their lives. Fans followed the idols most of the day. They had no privacy even in the house where people were standing under their apartments. The whole situation affected their mental health. As you can see, this is not the first time this year where a band has been attacked by fans. 
In July, fans were shocked by the message Mina put on her Instagram - a former AOA member who wrote in it how badly she was treated by band leader Jimin. After this declaration, the fans showed their support for her and other AOA members. Jimin was thrown out of the band. 
In July, Minah alleged that she had been bullied by the other ILUV members. WKS ENE, ILUV’s agency, denied the claims and, along with the members, sued Minah for defamation and spreading false information.
In August, lm Seulong from 2AM was involved in a car accident in which a pedestrian was killed. This is the second car crash involving an idol, this year. In this month, Hongbin has now withdrawn from Vixx. This month Blackpink also released a song in cooperation with a well-known pop singer, Selena Gomez.
On September, Hyungjun was cleared of all false charges brought in 2019 by a woman claiming to be his old friend. She accused him of rape, which was supposed to happen 10 years ago. As it turned out, these were false accusations. The girl was sentenced to 8 months in prison.
October was especially lucky for Blackpink fans, due to the release of their first full length album. Also, this month Minzy (former 2NE1) has established it's own label MZ Entertainment. There was also information that Changmin form TVXQ, got married. 
However, October was not without drama. One of the famous editors and stylists posted a post about a "certain" star on Instagram. The post described a meeting at which she was brought to tears by the celebrity's harsh words and felt humiliated. The Red Velvet member, Irene, was immediately associated with this case. SM stood up for her artist, Irene herself also put on Ig, a post with an apology. 
In October, it was also loud about Chanyeol from Exo. It was because of his supposedly ex-girlfriend who shared some thoughts about their relationship on the Internet. 
In November, YG confirmed the rumors that G-Dragon (BigBang leader) is currently working on its new solo album. Unfortunately, the release date is not yet known to anyone. Also in this month, Eli (ex U-KISS) on his Instagram informed that he separated from his wife.
In November, the world also received news of the BTS nomination with the song Dynamite. BTS was nominated as the first Korean band at the most prestigious gala that is Grammy.
In December, SM Entertainment has issued a statement after it was reported that BoA and a staff member had been questioned by the prosecution. SM will pay compensation to the soloist for any damage to her good image. 
On December, Minhyuk from Monsta X wrote that for health reasons he must take time off. In this same reasons, also Taeyong form NCT and Lia from ITZY, must take time off. Suga from BTS, on the other hand, took time off due to a major operation in November. 
In the last month of this year, we were informed about Girls' Generation's Taeyeon And VIXX's Ravi, who reportedly have been dating each other for a long time. However, the rumors were disproved by both sides.
In this month, ILUV’s legal representatives released an official update on ILUV’s lawsuit against Shin Minah, a former member of the girl group. They explained the whole situation before a few months ago and confirmed the reports of referral of the former member to the prosecution.
Every year cannot go without any scandals, especially k-pop is exposed to many unpleasant situations. This year, many idols had to take time off for health reasons, even though the whole world is in pandemic, so theoretically the number of idol training should be reduced. I hope that next year will allow us to have more happy experiences. 
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longforyesterday · 4 years
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Ok. Here we are. Long post(/rant) ahead in response to the photo above. Sorry for my English, but I had to get these things off my chest. Thanks to everyone who will take the time to read this post, and tell me what you think!
1. They had all agreed to shut up about the “divorce” and he announced it to promote his album.
First of all, it was Allen Klein (one of the main villain in this wretched story) that had convinced John - who was very enamoured with him, his persona and his promises - not to tell anyone about it. In late December 1969 John, however, told journalist Ray Connolly, who didn’t say a word. Klein wanted to make as much money as he possibly could from the band, and announcing the break-up would have certainly damaged that prospect.  Paul did it in April 1970. That’s four months of limbo, of nothing. He was in the midlle of an uncertain situation, with a manager who profited off them and their work and that he didn’t want, his bandmates and closest friends against him. Paul loved the Beatles and being a Beatle, he never wanted them to break up but the time had come. George had wanted out for years but never left for good. We all know John had lost interest in the band and had already started working with Yoko. I feel like Ringo didn’t want the band to break-up, but just went along with the other two, hoping that Paul would eventually agree with them. Releasing a solo album (that he put together without any help from the other three) while staying in the Beatles under Klein, with no hope of a follow-up to Abbey Road, in a tense situation, after John’s “divorce” private announcement, alone against the other three would have meant - for Paul - that everything he made from it would have gone to Klein for the most part. Of course he didn’t want that. Let’s not act like this didn’t affect Paul at all.  It must also be mentioned that, while he was working on his solo album, Allen Klein and John had contacted Phil Spector to work on Get Back/Let It Be, which had been shelved.
Back in Beatles headspace, Paul sat in a room at Cavendish Avenue and, with fresh ears, reviewed the results of the second version of the Get Back LP. To his mind, the music was stark, unadorned, frighteningly bare, but ultimately thrilling. Klein, meanwhile, bluntly deemed it ‘a crock of shit’ and conspired with Lennon to bring in Phil Spector, who had just overseen the rousing production of ‘Instant Karma!’, to rework the tapes. Unknown to McCartney, Spector booked studio time in March and began slathering strings and brass, fairytale harp and aaahing choir onto ‘The Long And Winding Road’, making it sound hopelessly corny, like a BBC orchestra backing Engelbert Humperdinck. At this stage, however, Paul remained unaware of this development, his thoughts somewhere else entirely. Secluded in his music room at Cavendish Avenue, McCartney began recording his first solo album.
Tom Doyle, Man On The Run
Then came a letter (maybe it’s just me, but I find it a little passive-aggressive) from the rest of the Beatles.
Ringo Starr stood on the doorstep of McCartney’s house at Cavendish Avenue, unaware that he was about to precipitate the end of The Beatles. His tricky diplomatic mission, which he had chosen to accept in his role as the chirpy drummer, was to convince his increasingly estranged bandmate that there was an unacceptable clash of release dates between the long-delayed Get Back – now renamed Let It Be – and Paul’s freshly minted eponymous solo album, which was due to be issued only a week before. With him, he had a letter, dated 31 March 1970, handwritten by John Lennon and co-signed by George Harrison. It read: ‘Dear Paul, We thought a lot about The Beatles and yours [sic] LPs – and decided it’s stupid for Apple to put out two big albums within 7 days of each other. So we sent a letter to EMI telling them to hold your release date ’til June 4th (there’s a big Apple-Capitol convention in Hawaii then). We thought you’d come round when you realised that The Beatles album was coming out on April 24th. We’re sorry it turned out like this – it’s nothing personal. Love, John and George.’ Paul – his patience already strained, his temper on a hair-trigger – invited his friend inside and very quickly absorbed this information. Then he erupted. ‘I told him to eff off,’ Paul says. ‘Everyone, to my mind, was completely treating me like dirt. It was kind of like, “We’re the big guys, we’re the grownups.” And I said, “No way, man. Get out.”’ Ringo swiftly departed with the sound of Paul’s fury ringing in his ears. McCartney refused to budge and his solo album was released on 17 April 1970, forcing Let It Be back another two weeks to 8 May. It was the moment when Paul McCartney finally gave up on The Beatles, the point where he mentally quit the group.
Tom Doyle, Man On The Run    
Of course the news provoked public outrage, and Paul - trying to set the record straight - later said 
‘It was all a misunderstanding,’ he protested. ‘I never intended the statement to mean “Paul McCartney quits Beatles”. I didn’t leave The Beatles. The Beatles have left The Beatles, but no one wants to be the one to say the party’s over’ 
Tom Doyle, Man On The Run
but John was furious because he had wanted to announce it to the world and Paul had beaten him to it. He didn’t announce it to promote his own solo efforts, he wasn’t the type of person to do such a thing: Paul left that limbo he didn’t want to stay in and did what had to be done, even though it was painful. His first solo album resented from the announcement, and McCartney was destroyed by critics for ages because of it, not because of the songs, and by John, George and Ringo too.
2. “He sued the Beatles”
Yes, he sued them, that’s a fact. He sued them in December 1970, at the end of an year during which he had received worldwide hate and criticism for his actions and for his album. He could have sued the other three immediately after the release of McCartney or Let It Be (and he was booed during screenings of the movie), but procrastinated and thought a lot about it. He also had a nervous breakdown because he felt worthless and useless and because of that difficult situation within the group (which at that point didn’t exist anymore) and with Klein. We could have lost him if it hadn’t been for Linda.  There was no other escape from that situation. He brought his former bandmates to court with a heavy heart. He “killed” the Beatles, but he also saved them from their manager. In the end they all recognised Paul was right about Klein, and he did them a favour by freeing them from that shark and from Apple.
3. “It’s a drag”
Imagine having just learned of your close friend’s sudden, terrible death at the hands of psycopath. Imagine burying yourself in your work, in the studio to deal with your grief, and crying your eyes out all the while (George Martin was there with him, and I trust George Martin). Then you come out of the studio and a journalist shoves a microphone in your face, prying, asking you for a reaction to the sad news you’ve been trying to deal with for hours. He probably was still in denial. Everyone has a different reaction to death and grief.
4. “He lost their songs to his little Jackson mate”
Paul and Michael had worked together on two singles, and MJ had hung out with the McCartneys in their Scottish estate. He had also asked Paul for financial advice, and he suggested investing in song-publishing. The Beatles catalogue was up for sale and Jackson seized the opportunity. Of course Paul didn’t think MJ would go after their songs and was upset about it (eight years of his and his former bandmates’ hard work in another man’s hands? I would be furious) and he and Yoko weren’t able to outbid Michael and to get the songs back, which only happened ten years ago. 
5. The credits for ‘Yesterday’
Every song in the Beatles catalogue that wasn’t a cover, written jointly with Ringo or written by George was credited to Lennon-McCartney, even when they wrote and composed separately (especially after 1967). Paul and John also agreed that the credits could be reversed, if either of them wanted to, on any future releases. When I first got into the Beatles, I thought that that was a good arrangement, but in my book the name of the main composer should go first. For example,in my opinion, A Day In The Life is correctly credited to Lennon-McCartney, but Eleanor Rigby, which was Paul’s creation with some input by John, should be McCartney-Lennon. But this is just my opinion. Now, Yesterday. We all know Yesterday was and is Paul’s baby. John repeatedly said he had nothing to do with it. In Wings Over America (1976), Paul reversed the credits for five Beatles songs, and John didn’t say a word about it. In 1996, before the release of Anthology 2, Paul asked Yoko to reverse them only for Yesterday, and she disagreed. He didn’t ask her to remove John’s name. After Yoko’s refusal, (probably unbeknownst to Paul) Linda, who was at the height of her chemo treatment, phoned her to ask the same thing, only to be answered “That’s never going to happen”. She could have been more empathetic and polite. Maybe she refused beause Yesterday is the most covered song of all time and still makes a lot of money?
6. “Salieri and Mozart”
Some people may argue that I’m bringing Yoko into this for no reason whatsoever, but - actually - there is a reason. The comparison with Salieri and Mozart was made by Yoko herself in a BBC interview in December 1997, when Linda was diagnosed with terminal liver cancer. Put yourself in Paul’s shoes.  Your wife is dying and your best friend’s widow rubs salt into the wound and describes you as the Salieri to her late husband’s Mozart. Common knowledge has it that the two composers were enemies, and that Salieri even poisoned Mozart, but in reality the Italian musician was Wolfgang’s mentor and tutor, and we probably wouldn’t have had Mozart without Salieri. If you choose to make that comparison just as Yoko made it, you should keep in mind the historical truth, and that Salieri was essential. The person who made the comment said that Paul is the modern equivalent of Mozart, and for a reason. Mozart had been a musical prodigy since his childhood, and Paul was and is still considered by many an all-round musician and multi-instrumentalist. People who worked with the Beatles like George Martin and Geoff Emerick, their sound engineer, even said that he was the most musically talented of the four. He also composed Yesterday in his sleep, for heaven’s sake! You can have your favourite among the four Beatles, but you can’t deny his talent. (The commentator isn’t doing that, but a lot of people did it in the past and still do to this day.)
7. *I’m not going to repeat those last words*
Read up on his life and work, dear commentator, and then tell me if you still think that. And his solo work shouldn’t be dismissed like that. Maybe I’m Amazed? Another Day? Band on the Run? Live and Let Die? Here Today? I could go on. (The other former Beatles wrote some clunkers too, let’s not forget that). I think that many of the nasty, horrible comments about Paul come from what John said about him immediately after the break-up. John regretted them later, walked back on them, apologised and made peace with Paul (who never badmouthed him in the press), but the media ignored that and continued spreading lies. Paul wasn’t and isn’t perfect, neither of them was. A lot of people (mainly boomers) just like to act like John was Saint John of Peace from Liverpool and never did anything wrong, while the other three were inferior to him and evil people, especially Paul. Nowadays (thankfully) people tend to be objective and to not believe the old whitewashing propaganda that has been perpetuated by the Lennon Estate. But this post is not the place for that.
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My thoughts and feelings on the Great British Divorce, as written on January 18th (and updated on February 19th)
I wrote a very long and detailed essay on my feelings when the Sussexes stood down and it was super cathartic. I’ve not reread it since (although I have added one final paragraph) but I am going to make you all read it...
Prince Harry announces he is dating Meghan Markle
I had Meghan Markle down with Ellie Goulding, Mollie from The Saturdays, Caroline Flack, and Jenna Coleman as famous women Harry has “dated” that would never come to anything. Then, on a completely normal day when I was at work, Harry released his statement. It was completely unprecedented. Everyone in the staffroom was talking about it, saying things like “I didn’t even know he was dating/Diana would want to see him happy/Who is she?”. And I knew they would be for keeps. This one would become Mrs Harry.
Engagement announcement
Do you want to know what my initial reaction was when the engagement was announced? Fear and worry. I was so so scared that Harry’s fiancé would be put through the same awful treatment Kate had gone through. I was also worried that Meghan would be pitted against Kate and vice versa – I hadn’t spent all those years watching people drag Kate against Diana/Sophie/Camilla/[insert female royal here] to live it again with Harry’s fiancé. But, despite my fears and the initial sinking feeling of dread, I was still excited. Apart from George’s first day at school, Harry and Meghan’s engagement announcement remains the only event with no Kate appearance that has a tag on my blog. I fell in love with the brilliant, charismatic, intelligent woman in the engagement interview. I was excited for the future.
Pre-wedding engagements
My main memory of how I felt at the time was disappointment at Meghan’s outfits. Where had my stylish young professional gone? Why was she wearing these wide-legged trousers that dragged on the floor with long coats? But I genuinely thought they both did really well. Meghan came across as personable and warm and intelligent. They were clearly in sync. They were a modern young couple and the perfect counterpart to the stability of the Cambridges.
I was at uni when the wedding happened. I took the day off work and travelled home for one day to surprise my mum and watch the wedding with her. My auntie called me minutes before Meghan appeared to talk to me because she was watching it and she “knew” I was on my own in Bournemouth. When Meghan appeared, I literally crawled in front of the TV and sat inches from the screen so I could see her emerge in her dress in all its glory (I was disappointed, ngl). I cried during her wedding. I’d spent the morning spotting celebrities and Kate was there and the bridal party was fantastic. Meghan’s tiara shone like the jewel she was. Charles, Camilla, and Doria were literally angelic. After the wedding I went to my auntie’s house to watch the FA Cup final (as a family, we always do that and have a BBQ) and I spent all my time on my phone waiting for photos of their evening outfits. I cried again when I saw Meghan’s Stella dress. It’s one of my favourite wedding outfits of all time. I’m a super fussy bitch and I had plenty of complaints with the wedding and I have aired them before but it was a truly happy and wonderful day and I was happy and content.
Post-wedding engagements
I know I’m literally only talking about Meghan but I don’t pay attention to Harry so I barely know if he’s there or not. I think Meghan hit the ground running. She did some brilliant engagements during the time post-wedding and pre-Archie. Her patronage choices were inspired and the work she did with her patronages is some of my favourite Meghan work. Obviously, she also created the Together Cookbook, which doesn’t need going into. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, Meghan would have been the Anne of this generation of royals, quietly getting the numbers and doing fantastic work. Meghan was connecting with people no one else could in a way no one had since Harry himself. She quite literally made the role her own.
Faux Pas
Meghan had teething problems but, most of the time, I put them down to cultural differences. Things like talking about abortion in Ireland – any British person knows not to do that. More importantly, it was a political statement, which is, essentially, “against the rules”. I think Meghan would have grown out of these, as she was making far less of them already, in the same way Kate, Camilla, Sophie, and Diana grew out of them. I also think the general public opinion wasn’t as positive as social media has people believe. I was talking to Cece about this but the Africa documentary went down badly. If it wasn’t for Andy’s well-timed interview, I think it would have been a much bigger deal but, as it was, it was swept under the carpet. Don’t get me wrong, I think Meghan made some incredible points in the documentary that deserved being aired BUT I never heard anyone in the real world say anything positive about those decisions. I think, during their time together, both Harry and Meghan made mistakes that warranted criticism and I don’t think they ever received that criticism because…
Press treatment of Meghan
Has every royal woman received incredibly negative headlines? Yes. Has Kate and her family been treated awfully by the press? Yes. Do I find it funny when people make comments like “look, Meghan touched her baby bump and people hate her and they loved it when Kate did it” when I had to sit through people talking about what trailer trash Kate was for touching her bump in her first two pregnancies? Yes. Was Meghan compared to Kate in the same way Kate was compared to Sophie and Sarah compared to Diana? Yes. Was Meghan’s coverage actually that different from the coverage Kate got? No. Did Meghan receive worse coverage than any other British royal? Yes. Without a doubt.
I’ve stayed away from talking about race too much. I am a white woman. I look like a “stereotypically” Jewish woman as my family is Jewish. A large proportion of my family is either from the Republic of Ireland or the Irish travelling community. I’ve seen my family be subject to abuse because of their ethnicity. My mum has scars because her house was set on fire as a child because her dad was Irish. Despite that, I have no idea what it is like to experience racism. I’ve had the most closeted white woman life when it comes to matters of race. None of the things I described was racism in the way Meghan experienced it and none of it means I am in a position where I can join in on this conversation. I have spent years learning about racism and every day I find myself coming across something that I hadn’t considered, like the idea that Meghan is a good mum for going back to work so quickly is a form of positive discrimination and we should tackle that. I genuinely don’t know how much I should get involved in these conversations but I also don’t want to add to emotional labour by continuously directing these conversations towards people of colour.
Coming from my position of privilege, Meghan received some truly awful and horrific treatment at the hands of the press and the public. She was humiliated, her family history and private life was raked over, she was blamed for war because she ate an avocado one time? I can only assume Harry is really good in bed because there is no way I would have stayed with him if I had to go through what Meghan went through. Announcing they were suing the press was still the dumbest thing I’ve ever seen though.
BRF & Meghan
The BRF could have – and should have – done more to protect Meghan from the press. However, I think it was naïve to ever assume they would. I could talk until I’m blue in the face about how it would have helped Meghan’s confidence (and the BRF’s PR) to make a statement like “The Queen and the royal family are greatly distressed at the treatment of the Duchess of Sussex…”. I could talk about how the BRF uses symbolism rather than statements and I watched you all talk about how the Queen loves Meghan because she went on the royal train and had a solo engagement with the Queen so don’t pretend for one minute that you all don’t know that. I could talk about William releasing a statement (which everyone glosses over but go off, I guess). I could talk about how, if the Queen did not release a statement, Kate couldn’t very well have gone off and released one on her own (also, how come it’s always The Queen, Charles, Will, and Kate, where is Camilla?). But there’s no point. They should have done more. It was a massive oversight not to consider how being a woman of colour would affect Meghan’s treatment after becoming a member of the firm and they had a duty to help protect her. But no one should ever have thought it would have happened. The BRF look after number 1 and that, right now, is the Queen. That’s how it has always been. They treated Meghan the same way they treat everyone who isn’t in the direct line (also Andrew but that’s Andrew). As Katie says, anything else would have blown up in Meghan’s face. If I was in charge of the BRF’s PR, I would not have advised them to say anything.
Archie is a precious angel and I refuse to hear otherwise.
Archie’s birth was poorly handled by Sara but I don’t care. It was cute. Archie’s christening was foolishly handled by the Sussexes. I also don’t massively care. It’s miniscule in comparison to the bigger fish at play. Despite that, the only people who would have cared who Archie’s godparents were, are on this site. By refusing to allow the small bit of access the public get to christenings, it annoyed people who barely even know who Archie is. And we’re still talking about it today. I said to a friend recently that most British people only care about royals when it comes to weddings, babies, and money. With a wedding in Windsor, not London, and on a Saturday (meaning no bank holiday), coupled with a messy birth announcement, no ��Lindo Wing” appearance, and the godparent faux pas, they missed golden opportunities to help the public fall in love with them and their family. There’s a reason the Cambridge kids are always seen after a PR disaster.
Sussex Statement
My opinion on the statement? Massively poorly handled. I think the BRF knew the Sussexes wanted out but did not know the statement would be released. This doesn’t contradict anything anyone has said. Harry and Meghan are right to leave. Mentally, and also for their family. They will flourish outside of the confines of the BRF. I also think Harry messed up by releasing the statement when he did. By forcing the hand, the public was calling for them to lose their funding before a decision had to be made (and lo and behold, they lost their funding), rather than being able to release a full statement confirming how much money they would keep. TLDR; good idea, hope it all works out, awfully handled.
Sussex/BRF Resolution
I think it was the best possible solution. I’m a little shocked they are completely stepping down but, as time goes on, I’m not surprised. I think the Sussexes clearly expected to be more half in/half out because their website had a whole section dedicated to royal work and supporting the Queen and taxpayer funding. The website used their titles. There are still things to work out (Duchy funding? How will they repay the taxpayers? Will they go to Trooping? Will they answer letters? SussexRoyal) but I think it’s a good middle ground.
Overall thoughts
The Sussexes are right to leave. The way they left was messy af and I blame Harry for that. I don’t think Meghan was innocent in how they left but I blame Harry for being so trigger happy. They made some bad PR moves in the last few months: announcing they were suing the press (do it quietly or they’ll just come after you more), the documentary, the statement. I think the press will be after them even more now and I think it’s interesting looking at how many times we’ve seen Meghan papped in Canada this year compared to the times we saw her papped in the UK since 2017. I also think, long term, they will lose their star power and become Reese Witherspoon levels of famous. Everyone knows who she is, most people like her, she does some good philanthropic work, she gets freebies, that’s pretty much it. Meghan and Harry’s appeal (and this goes for every single royal) is in the fact they are royal. Without the connection to the BRF, they’re just rich people preaching.
I’m also very sad. I thought Meghan would come back, post maternity leave, with a new project and put everyone else to shame. I thought she would take on new patronages, do a solo overseas visit, and generally flourish as a young working mum. We will see far less of her than we thought we would. I doubt we’ll see little Archie much at all. As for Harry, I can officially say that the most amusing and upsetting thing to come out of this has been seeing good, kind, left-wing people brown nose a rich, privileged, racist, quite frankly dangerous white man because he married a good woman. I think he will struggle more out of the royal bubble than in it because he’s lost the little structure he had.
Harry was always going to leave the royal family. Meghan might have been a catalyst, but she is not the cause. There is nothing the BRF could have done – no statement – that would have stopped him. He did a whole interview about how much he hates being a royal and then said the public need royals. In his new life as a whatever he is now, my biggest worry is that he will spend more time talking publicly about issues like mental health, without understanding what he is saying. I hope I’m wrong and that he flourishes and becomes a force to be reckoned with. But, while I know Meghan will do brilliantly, I have no idea what he’ll do.
Meghan, Archie, I hope you flourish. I can’t wait to see what you do next. Harry. Sayonara, biatch.
A final update
I thought I should give my thoughts on this now – mid-February – after the dust has settled. I genuinely miss a lot of the people the Sussexes brought to the fandom. I miss planning outfits for Meg to wear to events, I miss predicting what Meghan’s next patronages might be. I miss seeing Meghan interacting with the public, because that was where she shone. We now know the Sussexes will formally split on March 31st, after a final set of engagements. I’m super looking forward to these engagements and judging the vibe from everyone there. We also know it’s likely they will have to rebrand (my bet is Sussex Foundation) and I’m assuming this rebrand will happen in April/May time, possibly around their anniversary. Honestly, I was expecting to see more of them. I was expecting more posts on their Instagram about private visits to charities. I was definitely not expecting them to jump straight to JP Morgan and start attending exclusive events. Rich people going to rich people, I guess. Despite that, Meghan and Harry could start a business selling rubber ducks and, quite frankly, it’s none of my business. If we never see them again, that’s their choice as private citizens and I have to respect that. I’m still fascinated to see how this will all turn out but they are now free to live their own lives and, because of that, I’m going to live and let live.
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abadpoetwithdreams · 6 years
Nirvana in Fire Episode 11 Reaction
I took a break from watching Nirvana in Fire for a day to watch the Fullmetal Alchemist film that just released here in the States, and while that was an unexpectedly enjoyable diversion (if a bit too wild in its severe tonal moodswings) it feels so good to be back in hell! What fresh miseries await me this episode, I wonder. (In an additional note I feel compelled to add that I wrote the above intro back at the end of February, when I did not know that illness/the loss of my phone/a crazy busy St. Patrick's day show schedule would mean this recap was delayed not by a few days but instead by a full MONTH. But I’m finally back, so sorry about the wait ^_^)
In keeping with established Nirvana in Fire tradition we pick up right where we left off, but with the added spice of a flashback insert! We flashback to the night at the brothel when young He murdered Qiu, but this time we see it from Prince Supreme Ji's POV. Someone was beaten to death? Let me have a look! he exclaims, which would be the opposite of my reaction were I in his place. But his reaction does mean he is a potential star witness.
And we cut from the flashback not back to Team Good Boys and Ji, but to Banruo! Whaaaa? Oh, this was the information on the murder case that she got from one of her spy girls last episode. She is now reporting to Prince Yu. Since there were a lot of less important witnesses, Gao Sheng did not feel the need to have Ji testify, so Yu's team missed this until now. This throws a major wrench into Prince Yu's plans, because if he goes through with his plan to acquit He, his uncle will undoubtedly tell the Emperor the truth about what he saw, and of course the Prince Supreme is not a witness Yu can bully or bribe into silence. Banruo agrees that if Baron Wen Yuan, Qiu's father, asks Ji to testify then that is the end for Team Yu, who cannot now continue being sneaky due to this potential disaster. Saving one of your ally's sons is not worth falling out with your uncle, Banruo tells Yu: It seems that He Wen Xin can't be saved.
Yu is deeply unhappy. He refuses to give up on helping his supporter, and he says he has to make sure the Ministry of Justice is not implicated. Then he turns to Banruo: Fortunately, I have you, he tells her. He compliments her cleverness and alertness in finding out about Ji, and set his hand on her shoulder while asking How should I reward you? Oh, she toooootally likes that. I'm pretty sure she has a crush on Yu. She just tells him that even though she is a woman she likes legends about emperors and the chance to work for the future emperor is enough reward. I think she is lying. Her answer pleases him, but she has serious heart eyes going on. Either Yu does not notice or he is happy to ignore them. Just then, there is a knock on the door and it is Yu's wife summoning him to dinner, lolllllllll Banruo looks really put out at having her Moment spoiled. Does the Princess Consort realize Banruo has a massive crush on her husband? Hard to tell.
Now we go to the Crown Prince and Marquis Xie, who are chatting about the brothel murder scandal. CP is very happy: It would be great to drag the father down with this case as well. The Marquis dismisses this, saying the Baron Wen Yuan is already taking care of that so Team CP doesn't have to worry about it lol. Instead, the Marquis tells CP that his top priority should be getting his disgraced mother back in the Emperor's good books. She was expelled from the palace, remember, so the Marquis points out that Yu now has the advantage of his mother still being in the palace to pass along news and gossip to him, while CP is blind. CP says sure, he is definitely worried about that but there is nothing he can do, it is his father's decision to reinstate CP's mom or not. The Marquis leans forward meaningfully and says that New Year's is only a month away. The New Year ritual is significant somehow in potentially putting the Consort back in power, but CP and I both don't really know what the Marquis is getting at. I expect he will enlighten us.
Cut to yet another loser nobleman's son being released from custody seemingly, but this is a guy we haven't met before. His father is Master Chen, another official I don't think we have met before. He is hugely grateful to the man who arranged the release of his corrupt, arms-dealing son. And who is this man? Why, the Marquis himself! Okay, what is he up to. He obviously wants this official to owe him a favor.
It turns out this favor involves that New Year's end-of-year ritual aforementioned. In the ritual, the Emperor prays to heaven and to earth. Concubines below second rank are not allowed to accompany him onto the ritual platform. The Crown Prince, being the heir to the throne, also has a role in the ritual: he must sprinkle wine on the platform, pray to heaven, and then touch the ground while keeping in contact with his parents' garments to indicate filial piety. OHHHH OH I SEE WHERE THE MARQUIS IS GOING WITH THIS. CP's mom, Consort Yue, HAS to be on that platform for the ritual, but she CAN'T be on the platform if she is a disgraced lower level concubine. Thus she will have to be reinstated before the ritual!
The Marquis is very theatrically smug while he lays this all out with Chen. I am confused, he says, innocently: how should Imperial Concubine Yue place? Is she considered Crown Prince's mother or a lowly ranked concubine? Should she go on the platform to attend the ritual or kneel outside? Chen starts to say there is a simple solution, but we do not find out what it is because the Marquis cuts him off very threateningly. Chen realizes he is being strongarmed and meekly asks for advice. The Marquis just tells him to make sure to inform the Emperor of this complicated problem. As Minister of Rites, you have the say [in interpreting the ritual's rules], the Marquis says. So THAT is why he needed Chen's help! Okay, got it. Very sneaky.
Also, the Marquis stresses how it is essential everything go smoothly and correctly for the end of year ritual in order to make sure the next year is untroubled, and all I can think about is Mei Chang Su lololol do whatever you want with the ritual I don't think it will help much with keeping the new year uneventful.
Sure enough, Minister Chen tells the Emperor about how difficult it is to arrange CP's ritual with his mother demoted like that. CP himself is kneeling nearby listening, with his sad mama's boy face on. The Emperor considers, but then the Marquis is announced as having arrived to talk about some military stuff. Oh, the Emperor says, I forgot I arranged to meet him today. Well, since he is here, let us ask him his opinion on the ritual problem! It will be good to have someone totally disinterested and not involved in this mess give their opinion, what good luck he is here. THIS IS A DUMB EMPEROR.
There is as very awkward silence between CP, the Marquis, and Minister Chen while they all stand around watching the Emperor read the report and pretend not to know each other, lol. But then the Emperor asks the Marquis if he would be willing to help by answering a question: Do you think that it's inappropriate to restore Imperial Concubine Yue to her title as Noble Consort? Oh, says the Marquis, demurring, This is a matter of the Inner Court, I don't dare say much about it. How he lies and lies. I hate that Jing Rui lives with him and loves him. I hate it. I hate it so much.
The Emperor insists on an answer, so the Marquis replies that he thinks Yue deserves credit for CP's good virtues. Which SHOULD mean that he is saying she should be exiled not just from the palace but from the entire city itself because CP has NO good virtues whatsoever, but of course he is pretending CP isn't a useless slug of a man. He says furthermore that Yue was demoted simply for offending a superior, which everyone in court secretly thought was unduly harsh punishment, and so if the Emperor is willing to forgive her now, what is he waiting for?
Oh, says the Emperor, I forgot you would not know this Inner Court secret: Yue was actually demoted because she insulted Ni Huang in the palace. (Remember the Marquis was TOTALLY in on that plan, wowwww the nerve of this man.) I'm worried that if I pardon her sins too easily, it will be disappointing to the soldiers on the southern border. Yeah, the last thing you should want is a Ni Huang-led coup, Emperor. It is kind of remarkable that Ni Huang can have an army and the Emperor is wary of it but Jing also has an army and no one cares lolol. Hers is more powerful I suppose. But still.
CP interjects that he will personally apologize to Ni Huang on his mother's behalf, please forgive his mommm. The Marquis calmly lays out that this qualm of the Emperor's actually makes it even more necessary that he pardon Yue, because no matter how powerful and highborn Ni Huang is, she is still a subject of Imperial Concubine Yue. If she holds a grudge against her for a one time mistake that isn't how a subject should behave. A one-time mistake, oh my gosh. But of course the Marquis is still playing the role of someone who doesn't know that this one-time mistake was attempted rape -.-
He further tells the Emperor that speaking as a military man, he knows that it's easier for those with merits in the army to grow arrogant. The Emperor has already handed down extremely severe punishment to his Consort and his heir on behalf of Ni Huang; that is already more than she deserves and the Emperor should not continue to indulge her for fear that she will grow proud beyond her station. The Emperor just chuckles and says That isn't what Ni Huang is like, and it is so weird how he is so doting and nice to Ni Huang but is just the worst about everything else!
The Marquis then plays his trump card: Back then, Blaze Army grew to such an overpowering strength . . . wasn't it because we did not restrain them sooner? SHut uP YOU VICIOUS HORRID MAN YOU VIPER
The Emperor is not laughing now. He is silent a long time, then asks the Minister of Rites his opinion. Of course Minister Chen backs the Marquis. The Emperor is silent a moment longer, than says he will make a decree.
Aaaaaand then we cut to Prince Yu smashing some porcelain in a rage, and we all know what that means: The Emperor's decree was an announcement that he is reinstating Yue to her high rank. The win Yu managed to get over CP has been effectively negated. Yu's poor wife shows up to ask his opinion on New Year's gifts she is planning for his royal parents, and she tries to apologize for whatever caused him to be angry, but to his credit even though he is furious he does seem like he is trying not to take his anger out on her. He assures her she has done nothing wrong and explains the situation. Since his wife apparently gets along with Empress Yan very well, he tells her to visit his mom more often to comfort her since this turn of events is sure to bother her even more than it bothers him.
But you know who is bothered most of all? BEST BROTHER IN THE WORLD MU QING, THAT IS WHO. He's back! Along with Ni Huang herself! I guess it is a sign of how well-paced this show is that the instant I start missing characters they come back into the action. I had almost forgotten just how adorable Mu is, but he is a darling and very, very upset. There aren't even any legs for him to break this time, either. Xia Dong is also here and agrees with the raging Mu that this isn't fair. What is justice? she laments. But the placid Ni Huang says they don't have to convince her to be outraged, she already is. It is just that she already knew this was coming. Now that the Southern border is at peace, it is a perfect moment for the Emperor to reinstate his authority over her, she says. Mu is not appeased. He suggests visiting that clever Mei Chang Su to ask him for a plan by which Ni Huang can “vent her anger”, which just makes me think of her like TPing the palace or something. Stop being such a kid, Mu Qing. No, wait, I take that back. Never change. Ni Huang looks verrrrry thoughtful when Su is brought up. Is she still thinking about his weird reaction to the Lin family house?
Cut to Mei Chang Su! He is sitting on a stack of books with his socked feet propped up close to the warmth of his usual brazier and it's so cute imma cry you guys. And GUESS WHAT IS IN A BOWL NEXT TO HIM. TANGERINES. THEY'RE BAAAAAAACK. MY FAVE SIDE CHARACTERS.
Looks like he ate only one this time, and is making a game of tossing fruit over his shoulder for Fei Liu to catch and eat as Fei Liu demands. I love how he spoils his murder boy. Su is more intent on reading some stuff that he is also burning so idk what that is.
Then who shows up but Meng!! Yaaaay! He is astonished that Su is so relaxed (lol) and when Su asks why, what else should he be, Meng says Don't you know that Yue has been restored to her title??? Su's expression is less surprised and more Oh, yeah, that. Whatever. I'm sure he knew this was coming even before he managed to have her demoted to begin with. I have so much faith in his smarts.
I just came from Prince Mu's manor, Meng says. Young Prince Mu was so angry that he nearly left teeth marks in his cedar chair! Fei Liu pipes up nonchalantly from his fruit corner: It's very easy to bite. LOL WHAT IS EVEN HAPPENING RIGHT NOW. Fei Liu said it, Su says pleasantly to Meng, Cedar is very soft and easy to bite. It is very unfair of Troll Son and Troll Dad to gang up on poor Meng like this, but I am loving it, more more more! and then Su caps it off by innocently offering Meng a TANGERINE and that's the last straw I LOVE when this show has these weird humor moments I LOVE THEM
Quit fooling around, Meng says, disgusted that he is the only sane person here. Also he calls Su Xiao Shu again and like that is super cute in this rare playful scene but also excuse me while I go curl up in a corner and cry about Royal Grandma for a few minutes because that trauma never goes away.
Su explains that nope, he isn't surprised about Yue. The crime was severe, yes, but it was directed at Ni Huang, not the emperor himself. Our emperor never cared about the sufferings of other people, he says lightly, (what is this weird fey mood he has gotten himself into) It isn't as if you didn't know that. Meng makes a face. You don't have to say that about His Majesty, Meng complains. Nah, I'm gonna say Xiao Shu can say whatever the heck he wants about the Emperor, Meng. I'm with him on this one.
Meng explains about the whole ritual mess and why it is because CP needs his mom on the platform that Yue is being given her rank back, not because of the emperor not caring about people or whatever. Immediately Su asks: Doesn't Crown Prince have a legal mother? Wait what
Cut to the Emperor and CP walking together. The Emperor dismisses CP and tells him to go be with his mom since she has just been reinstated and all. CP thanks his dad and reiterates his intention to go to Mu's manor and apologize to Ni Huang. But instead of this pleasing his father, it enrages him. You can't get anything right! The Emperor yells at his worthless son. You are the heir! Only the emperor is above you! How dare CP demean his rank by apologizing in person??? The emperor will send someone else instead. CP looks pleased once the Emperor has walked away, I think because this shows the emperor is unwittingly showing he is invested in his chosen son's status again.
Back to Su, who has left his book-and-tangerine throne while he explains animatedly to Meng. According to the ritual, the Crown Prince should kneel down while holding onto the garments of his father and legal mother, the empress. Isn't that then what true filial piety is? OHHHHHHH. CLEVER. Also Hu Ge is so cute in how he delivers these lines, mercy.
In past years, Yue held high enough rank that she was allowed to stand on the platform with the Emperor and Empress, and thus CP was allowed to touch her robe instead of the Empress'. Su points out however that it really is more proper that CP hold the Empress' robe anyway, so reinstating Yue on these grounds is all just a ploy, not really a matter of sound ritual at all. Meng admits he thought the Minster of Rites must have a reason for bringing up this supposed ritual problem to the Emperor. Su suddenly looks like he is paying more attention. Chen Yuan Zhi? he asks. He sighs and rolls his eyes like oh, well, and then says: Since it has come to this, it's about time to tackle him. Are you freaking kidding me, Su.
(Also the camera pulls back and I see that he's been holding a tangerine this entire time asdghjkl)
Meng is instantly super worried. The Crown Prince holds too many advantages if Su wants to take out the Minister of Rites! Have you thought it through? He asks. Su looks slightly affronted to be questioned in such a way, and shuts Meng down by offering him that tangerine. Can all Su's deflection tactics in future continue to involve tangerines please. He should have brought some with him when Ni Huang insisted on that walk by his house. You want me to walk inside that creepy old place? Nah I'd rather eat this fruit over here actually Problem solved
Cut to some kinda court session, lots of ministers are there as well as the two rival princes, all reporting to the Emperor. CP, all grins, says the Minister of Rites has everything prepared for that ritual. The emperor approves, but then suddenly one of the background officials steps forward. He says his name is Tian De Zhi, he is the Deputy Censor-in-chief, and he wants to impeach the Minister of Rites. HO BOY. Does he work for Su or how does he know about the loophole? Maybe he is just smart enough to realize it on his own?? Or Su clued him in somehow??? CP is FURIOUS and tries to shut this down fast, but of course Yu intercedes. Censors are allowed to impeach people, and furthermore he hasn't even said why he wants to impeach, so just chill, he tells CP. Let him have his say!
Tian De Zhi says the Minister of Rites has seen the ritual being done improperly for years and has stayed silent, which is a dereliction of duty both morally and legally. Noble Consort overstepped the authority of the empress. Crown Prince showed no act of respect to the Empress in the ritual. It is an act against filial piety.
CP flies into a panicked rage. Yu seizes upon the opportunity to act calm and mature and logical: don't get angry, CP, we are not in a competition to see who can yell the loudest in front of the emperor, Tian just pointed out a super valid problem that we need to fix, is all. For someone who breaks dishes when he is upset, Yu sure does know how to act the cool-headed and responsible one when he needs to. What a slug. (Also the fact that CP squeaks whenever he is angry is still one of my favourite acting choices of any actor in this entire show. Makes me giggle every single time.)
The Emperor talks about how the Minister of Rites has been in this role for a long time so he would know better than anyone how to run these rituals. He cannot be wrong! Yu smoothly says that yes, probably so, however since there is a legitimate disagreement in the court about how to correctly interpret the requirements of the ritual, there should be a formal debate on the matter. He specifically says that Confucian scholars not currently in office should come debate the problem in court (I am guessing since these would be more senior scholars and ideally "purer" ideologically since they are not tied by political allegiances) to settle on an answer once and for all. CP looks horrified. He thought his life was on the upswing again, how did this happen??? He looks on the verge of tears, but he cannot think of any reasonable argument against this course of action, so the Emperor agrees to Yu's proposal, saying that it seems sensible. CP glares actual daggers at his very smug-looking brother. ALSO, since Yu was so fast with proposing this plan, I am guessing that means less that Tian knows Su and more that Su told Yu to make this happen and Yu strong-armed, bribed, or tricked Tian into helping him.
The Empress asks her foster-son later how he knew to set this plan in motion. Sure enough: Mei Chang Su gave him the idea. She is worried it means losing favor with the Emperor, since Yue is his favourite and we already know his patience is wearing thin for his sons fighting, but Yu is confident. Su says it is worth the risk to make sure Yue loses her influence, he tells his foster mother, plus even making this issue a point of debate reminds everyone in the court that CP is actually an illegitimate son even if he IS the heir at this point in time. If everyone is reminded that CP is both illegitimate AND not the Emperor's eldest son, and is really only in power because the Emperor says so, then if the Emperor were to strip him of his title and give it to someone else--like, say, to Prince Yu--then it would not be such a scandal and no one could really protest on CP's behalf because he doesn't really have any claim to the throne outside of the Emperor's favor. This whole affair will reinforce how tenuous his hold on the throne actually is.
(Of course, this also works in Prince Jing's favor, but Prince Yu has not realized that yet. I sort of feel bad about how Yu will feel when he realizes his precious Divine Talent friend has actually been backstabbing him this entire time, but then I remember what an odious twat he is and I don't feel quite as sympathetic. I still do a little, but it might just be me dreading the secondhand embarrassment of seeing him realize just how he has been played. Sigh. I hope he remains oblivious for a long time.)
And now we cut to--OH NO IT IS NI HUANG AND MEI CHANG SU. I brace myself for the Feels, but without much hope. So far I haven't been able to guard successfully against any of the emotional drubbing this show has dealt me.
They are walking together in Ni Huang's courtyard, and there are all these flowers everywhere ghhh. Su comments on how Ni Huang has seemed so unperturbed by all the insults and attacks she has suffered since she came home to the capitol. She replies as she turns to admire some plum (I think? I'm so bad with flowers) blossoms: It's just that after going through bloodshed on the battlefields I do feel a bit bothered by such malicious plots in the harem. I just don't wish to brood over it, that's all.
And then Mei Chang Su, this DUMB BOY, reaches out and plucks a fallen flower from her hair because he just can't help himself this SAD IDIOT this LONELY GENIUS FOOL. Of course she notices, and turns around in time to catch his WHOOPS expression as he realizes he has Done It Again. I freaking love every time he forgets himself around his two best loves, whether it is him smiling at Jing, or touching Ni Huang with obvious affection. He is just so untouchable except around these two and he just can't stop tripping over his heart when he is with them and I adore it. It is so sad but I adore it.
Ni Huang looks a little weirded out but mostly pleased, and Su quickly walks away, inwardly screaming. He tries to distract her by complimenting the garden, lol, but just look at the smile on Ni Huang's face as she catches up to him, she is not so easily distracted. She has just put another mark down on her mental list of 101 Reasons Why Mei Chang Su Is Lin Shu. She says not many people in the capitol are in the mood to admire plum blossoms anymore, what with all the turmoil. Su again brings this back to the attack on her by Yue, suggesting Ni Huang hasn't vented about it enough (is he just still worried about that and wants her to talk about it to him lol) but Ni Huang dismisses that suggestion: She is talking more about the increasing aggression of the struggle between CP and Yu. I heard that you were also involved, so I asked a bit more about it, she tells Su. He answers by asking her who she thinks will win the debate on the New Year's rite. Empress Yan doesn't have a son, Ni Huang replies, thoughtfully. Prince Yu has been raised as her child, so even if he wasn't appointed Crown Prince, he seems to be of a more noble identity. Su says that is only seeming; ALL of the Emperor's sons are equally illegitimate, so when it comes down to that all of them have equal right to the throne. Even, say, Prince Jing. Ni Huang's gaze sharpens. Prince Jing? She repeats, immediately narrowing in on that name in the list of names Su seemingly casually listed, because she is Ni Huang, she is brilliant, and I love her so much. Su just smirks and sidesteps, asking Ni Huang if she wants to help in his latest plot to smack Yue in the face, lol. When she just waits with a questioning expression, he elaborates: he wants Mu Qing to do him a favor. What could Mu Qing possibly do to help you? Ni Huang wants to know. I'm going to go out on a limb here and say Mu Qing would be willing to do literally anything to help smack Yue in the face, including but not limited to actually physically smacking her in the face.
Meanwhile, Yue herself is walking with her son, newly restored to her position of prestige in the palace but also unhappy because she knows this rite will be debated. It was unavoidable, she tells CP. CP says he feels like Yu is coming on strong. Thus he feels that Yu must be confident of the outcome. Yu has apparently spent years cultivating respect in prominent scholars by giving gifts and whatnot, so CP feels the scholars will be on Yu's side. So what? Yue tells her son. You are the Crown Prince! Go invite your own scholars! CP has prestige and money enough that he can probably assemble a worthy team to debate Yu's team with. If bribery is the name of the game, surely there are corrupt or easily bought scholars out there willing to ally themselves with the Actual Heir. I love that Yue has to be the one to TELL him this obvious fact. CP is such a man baby.
And so begins the latest stage in the battle between Yu and CP, wherein they vie not for the support of a Divine Talent this time but the support of a bunch of old men. Brilliant Confucian scholar old men, but still. It is like the early days of Su being in the capitol all over again, where each prince is falling over himself to gain the support of some clever person and is fiercely trying to outdo the other, but this time instead of MCS they are trying to win over like twenty guys each, probably. Yu is dismayed when he finds out CP has spent a ridiculous amount of money to host his own team of scholars and to treat them royally well. Yu is worried not just because CP's team is strong enough it might actually win the debate, but furthermore he knows that they are impressive enough that even if Yu's team wins the outcome will be muddled and divisive and not a clear win. And if he does not get a clear win over CP in this debate then all his effort and the blow to his father's esteem of him will be for nothing, because the impact on CP will not be big and obvious enough to cause him any serious trouble.
Cut to Yu explaining all of this to Su, who admits that he did not anticipate CP gathering such a pro group of scholars to help his case. If only Mr Zhou could be here, says Su, and Yu responds with an incredulous Mr Zhou Xuan Qing?? So I guess this is a Mega Scholar. Legendary Scholar. Scholar Boss.
Yu says it is impossible that Zhou would attend this debate (which is being held tomorrow) because he retired into seclusion ages ago and also he hates politics. There is no way he would be willing to participate in this debate, let alone travel to the city in the middle of winter to attend. Su, however, tells him anything is possible. I heard that Mu Qing has already set out with his carriage to Lingyin Temple where Mr Zhou resides, says Su, and Ahhhhhh he said he did not anticipate CP putting up such a good fight but look he is one step ahead anyway you LIAR, Su. Mu Qing? Yu repeats, surprised. You are not the only person angry about Yue getting her position back, Su tells him, and Yu is like Ohhhh, yeah, Ni Huang is probably annoyed too, huh? Yet another example of what a raging egoist Yu is, LOL. Yeah, Prince Yu, Ni Huang MIGHT be just a little irritated.
Su says that if Zhou attends the debate the respect he has and the influence he wields is enough to make sure the ruling goes in Yu's favor. Yu asks how a kid like Mu could possibly convince such an eminent scholar to come, though? Well, we will have to wait and see, Su says, and anyway him trying can't hurt, now can it? (Mu must have some very detailed instructions because yeah he doesn't seem like a natural choice for persuading a politics-hating anti-social Confucian scholar to come to the palace. No offense, Mu, you're a dear. But it's true.)
Cut to Mu making his try. He is out in the mountains somewhere at the base of a really long flight of stone steps, pacing impatiently. Soon a kid who is probably an acolyte of some kind comes rapidly down the steps to meet him. He has to keep his eyes on the stairs the whole way to keep from tripping on those robes, poor thing. Once at the bottom, he tells Mu that Master Zhou says he no longer cares about worldly affairs, nor does he accept common visitors. Please head home. Well, so much for that trying, Mu.
Mu protests that he has something he needs to show Zhou. The kid starts trying to shoot him down, but Mu ignores him and takes out what looks like . . . a carving of a beetle or cockroach or somesuch insect? Gross. Anyway, Mu says this is a token from an old friend of Mr Zhou, and was Zhou Su's teacher once upon a time or something, is that why he is so smart what's up
You won't recognize [this token], Mu tells the kid in that earnest, engagingly open way of his, but Mr Zhou will. Show this to him. The kid takes it and looks at it skeptically, which is exactly what I would have done in his place. We flashback to Ni Huang giving the token to Mu, telling him to keep it safe. Mu strides off all purposefully and the camera lingers on Ni Huang, who is looking at the note that came with the bug rock, that has Zhou's address on it, basically. Then the scene changes and I didn't know what Ni Huang was up to but she takes another piece of paper out of a chest and FREAKING HECK IT IS A LETTER FROM LIN SHU FROM WAY BACK WHEN SHE IS GOING TO COMPARE THE HANDWRITING ISN'T SHE OMG OMG OMG
Also, if any more confirmation was needed, this is final definite proof to us that she is indeed convinced somehow that Mei Chang Su is Lin Shu. She compares the two papers and she looks so nervous, poor thing, she has finally 100% admitted to herself that this is what she believes, and what a thing to hope for so improbably after so long. But as she looks with increasing distress from paper to paper she exclaims Why would the handwriting be different? And her hand starts shaking and she looks on the verge of tears as she wonders if she has been reading too much into something that isn't there, and ughhhh, Ni Huang. This is so cruel. Is she going to backtrack now, after getting so close? That would be MADDENING. But at the same time there are like 40 episodes left, so idk. (Also I TOTALLY thought the handwriting would match, so well played, Mei Chang Su. My question now is did he teach himself to write differently because he is just That dedicated to this deception and intelligent enough to anticipate someone might recognize his writing, or is it his actual physical transformation that made his hand write differently? I guess I might never know. Also I remember at this point that Jing already saw MCS' handwriting when Su gave him a list of officials to befriend, and yeah he did not notice anything at all lol oh poor Jing.)
Back at Zhou's temple home the boy is running down the stairs again. He asks for Mu's surname. I'll ask about it, he says when Mu answers, and runs up those long long stairs again. All these scenes are so awkward and funny, that poor kid. Also I need to point out that when Mu is concentrating he sticks his tongue out ever so slightly and rocks forward onto the balls of his feet anxiously, and that expression is THE cutest thing in this entire show so far (sorry flashback bros and Yu Jin's everything) I am desperate please show spare this boy. I don't know what further hell is coming but like PLEASE leave Ni Huang's baby brother alone pleeeease.
Cut to the next day: Debate Day. All the confucian scholars march into the palace like opposing armies, which I guess they sort of are. Today the ideological armies; tomorrow the military ones, who knows? (This is all very fun for me because it reminds me of the Ancient Chinese roleplaying game I had to play in my honors history class back in college. We all had to memorize Confucian sayings and debate our points using Confucius to try to persuade the classmate who had to play the Emperor to support our plans and stratagems and and it was so fun to engage in that sort of mind game. That experience is partially why I love this sort of stuff in Chinese film. And also I wish this show had existed back then because it would have been sooooo much easier for me to make up a Chinese name for my character I was RPing as.)
Yu looks nervous, actually, much more jittery than usual. CP, meanwhile, looks supremely smug and sanctimonious. He has had his confidence propped up a lot by his team; clearly whether or not this mysterious Zhou shows up will determine whether or not Yu wins his case. Yu was obviously not anticipating CP gathering such a good team of scholars to back his case with. Using Yu's own tricks against him, how dare he! Yu has gambled his father's good opinion for the chance to hurt CP's standing, so the ramifications for him if CP wins the case (or even just blusters enough to prevent Yu from having a clear victory) are dire. He really needs MCS to pull through for him here.
The ominous whispering sounds of the scholars' feet as they enter the palace, combined with the boom of the gong or bell (the Golden Bell, we learn in a sec), are wonderfully atmospheric. We cut to MCS who hears the bell sounding and looks up from where he is reading a book at his tea table, and he actually looks worried. It isn't often that we have seen our man in suspense thus far, so that is notable. He leaves his table and its tiny brazier (WHERE ARE YOUR FURS LIN SHU SOMEONE TATTLE ON HIM TO THE GRUMPY DOCTOR PLS) and goes to stand in the doorway yearning to know, surely, what is going on in the palace. Everything is up to Mu and (funnily enough) Yu, now, and that must be very difficult for Su to accept and trust. Su asks Li Gang if Mu has returned yet; No, is the answer. Li Gang hesitantly asks if Su is hoping too much in expecting Master Zhou to travel to the capitol just because of a jade cicada. Oh, is that what that bug is. Okay. I still don't get it, but okay. It's been years, Li Gang reminds Su. But Su is 100% certain that this is enough to bring Zhou; what he is not confident in is Yu's ability to stall the debate long enough for Zhou to arrive, LOL.
And now! DRAMATIC! CONFUCIAN! DEBATE MONTAGE! I freaking LOVE this show.
Yu looks a bit embattled, but he is clearly trying his darndest. I wonder what the actors are saying, obviously I cannot even attempt at reading lips. CP looks way too confident and calm. Su passes the time of waiting by intensely toying over the lit brazier with the tile he wants to burn with this debate (namely, the Minister of Rites), and he still looks wholly too cold. FURS, people. I wonder what sort of signal will let him know if Zhou has arrived? Or maybe just one of his men will tell him. Just how close WAS Su to this esteemed scholar? Why is he certain the cicada will lure the man from retirement?
(Also he is still not bundled up. Someone needs to teach Su how to wear his furs for function instead of just fashion, this brat)
The tension rises until: HERE COMES MU QING WITH AN OLD MAN WHO CAN ONLY BE MASTER ZHOU, and a more unlikely couple of travelers you could never find. When they reach the palace steps, Zhou stops to bow with such deliberate and slow reverence (a brilliant intro, as we can already tell just from this one moment that yes, this man is a stickler for the Rules and someone to be reckoned with. This show is a MASTER of show-don't-tell) and poor Mu is actually dancing with impatience, he is so frantic but he can't afford to offend the old man by rushing him, ahaha. Bless. I would pay to see a, like, one-shot short film that's just chronicling how incredibly awkward Mu and Zhou's journey back to the capitol must have been. I feel like I have missed out on some good stuff, here.
Zhou's entrance into the throne room is like a thunderclap; EVERYONE notices and is stunned. Jing looks a bit awed and has also never looked handsomer. Yu looks elated; he definitely knows this is Su's work and thus that his victory is assured. And what is extra brilliant is that of course Zhou looks completely impartial, he hasn't even been in the city for years, so the Emperor will not suspect Zhou's arrival to be due to any sort of Yu scheme. Instead, Zhou's return both legitimizes Yu's claim that this ritual business is a Big Deal, AND will make sure the outcome is what Yu wants. Genius.
Su continues his hypnotic dance over the fire with the tile, and the music is so GOOD btw. It's both melancholic and triumphant, but still feels like building tension somehow instead of purely cathartic. In an interesting editing choice, WE the viewer know before Mei Chang Su does that his play has worked and Zhou has arrived in time. We get to see this in person, and then cut back to Su still caught in the throes of his suspense, left out of the action even though he has orchestrated the whole thing. It feels uncomfortable and wrong to be more in the know than Su! But I am sure that is the point. I feel bad for him. I also feel like I should take notes on whenever we the viewer are given more power than Su in the narrative because this might be the first time it has happened, hm.
Li Gang runs in, and that is all the signal Su needs. He finally, finally drops the Minister of Rites into the fire.
Then we get a fade to black transition (not many of those in this show yet, so that is worth noting) to a really odd (and, yes, heartbreaking, because HELLO this is Nirvana in Fire) scene, an indeterminate but short time later, with Su still sitting at that brazier and Li Gang dutifully stirring the charcoal to keep the embers burning. Su is warming his hands at the fire, but then as Li Gang watches in worry and then dismay, he reaches his hand further into the very embers, as if trying to pull something out of the charcoal. And of course he burns his fingers, and snatches his hand back, and he just starts to laugh, helplessly and bitterly. This is so sad you guys. The worst is just watching him trying to calm himself and lock himself back under control, we never get to see Su raw and emotional yet, he is always caging what he really feels. To see him break for a moment and then have to fight for that control again is just really hard to watch. It isn't healthy to try to keep all that bottled up, Su! It makes you snap in stupid ways--by reaching out to touch Nihuang's hair, for example, or to touch an ACTUaL FIrE PLS DONT DO THAT.
(This reminds me I still have no idea why this show is even called Nirvana in Fire everything has been very cold so far because winter but still. I mean, obviously the main fire element highlighted so far has been the brazier, even in the opening credits, but idk. I'm going to have to keep that question in mind and maybe I will get an answer some episode.)
So Li Gang watches in no small amount of horror and concern as his beloved leader is just madly laughing/crying over his burned hand. And then he and we are both treated to THIS lovely Su monologue:
Do you know that my hands--they once held great bows and tamed fiery steed? But now, they can only stir up chaos here in this hell of schemes. He says it like it's some awful, bitter joke, and Li Gang looks so worried and upset, and I'm with him on this 100% this is awful and this scene definitely makes that coup of a victory seem a bit hollow. Su is winning, and yet he is so MISERABLE I can't. This scene takes all the happiness out of this episode's victory, because this is Nirvana in Fire and we Can't Have Nice Things. Thanks, show.
Cut to: IT'S JINGMUM SHE'S BACK. Have we seen her with Jingyan before, I can't remember if they have shared a scene yet but I don't think they have??? Regardless, seeing them together cheers me up considerably after the last scene, although also every time I see Jing I am stabbed with teh sads anyway just because he is him. He is still wearing his red/blue/gold outfit so he seemingly came straight to his mom after that debate, presumably to share the news? I want a lot more scenes between my fave mom and son duo in future episodes, please.
The music is still soulcrushingly beautiful and melancholic as Jingmum approaches her son and asks him what is the matter? and I adore how she says his name, it's so sweet.
I have already started to vie for the succession of the throne, Jing confesses to his mother, and oh, my gosh. Oh, my gosh. He's making it official. This is It. His mother looks dismayed and confused as she searches his face: You're assisting Crown Prince? Or Prince Yu? Oh, of COURSE she would think that and would be distressed by it! She sounds so disbelieving, but even before she finishes her question, Jing is shaking his head: No.
I am fighting for myself. (I'm going to cry, Jing is fighting for himself, finally, finally)
Jingmum watches in silence (though with an ever so slight narrowing of her eyes, which I am sure is the moment she starts thinking Okay, who put you up to this, boy) as he further explains: I want to get the throne. For my brother, Prince Qi; for Xiao Shu; for everyone who was wronged . . . I have to get the ultimate throne.
Jingmum's face clears and she stops looking upset, instead just looking a little sad. She asks her son: You have made up your mind? Yes, he answers. This is very difficult, she warns him; I know that, he replies. So she takes a deep breath, and she tells her son: Go ahead then. Now Jing looks a little distressed, but when he tries to say something to her, she cuts him off. I have loved this woman in all of her scenes so far, but this scene is hinting at even further depths for her; when she warned Jing about the difficulties ahead of him in winning the throne, she said it as someone who is intelligent enough to know in an instant exactly what those difficulties will be, and her sudden authority here is so quietly fierce, her voice suddenly sharp. Don't worry about me, she says. Be it a success or a failure, what is there to fear as long as we stick together through life and death? And Jing, who had indeed been looking worried/guilty about what his gamble might mean for his mother, just gives his mom this tiny, tentatively reassured smile that breaks my heart. I am so, so excited about what Jingmum's support for her son's play will mean in this show going forward. He obviously thinks the world of her, and so do I. Is he going to tell her that MCS is working for him? Because once she finds out that MCS is responsible I bet Jingmum is going to be CLOSELY watching this strange strategist, and once she is closely watching him, she has to figure him out fast, she seems really smart. In fact, all women in this show in general are all more perceptive than the men, lol, which is fun.
We get yet ANOTHER fade to black, so I feel like that is a signal that this is the end of act 1 for Jing, as well; he has officially accepted his role in MCS' plot, and now the story is going to start racing forward with all the hell that probably entails. The music finally drops away, too, yet another signal that this is the start of a new phase. Next scene is outside the city: we are back with Prince Mu and Scholar Zhou, who are riding together in a carriage that is presumably taking the scholar home after his surprise appearance at the debate. This is the first time we actually get to meet the scholar as a character, and I really like his voice. He asks Mu to confirm that the person who told you to bring me the jade cicada will be waiting for me outside the city. Mu says yes, he will meet you at Lingyin Temple. Wait, Su is meeting him???? Zhou looks thoughtfully at the cicada. And sure enough, when he disembarks from the carriage in the next scene, there is Mei Chang Su waiting for him (wearing one of his fur capes this time, thankfully). Does this jade cicada belong to you? asks Master Zhou, and when Su says it does, then who gave it to you?
Li Chong, Master Li Chong, replies Su. Lucky he had this jade bug on him when he was off in his father's army all those years ago, I guess. He could have left it at home. Zhou looks pleased, and the two of them withdraw from Mu and the retinue to have a moment of private conversation. Zhou asks Su how he knows Li Chong, and Su replies that he was once Li Chong's student. Zhou talks about how Brother Li Chong was the Imperial tutor but also taught many commoners, so he had many students. He did not, however, have many students who he would consider his protégés (which is what I guess the gift of the cicada signifies). I have met them all, Zhuo tells Su. As for you, we don't seem to have ever met.
And the episode ends there, as Su considers his reply! An odd place to cut the episode, I can't tell if the show intended it to be a cliffhanger or not. It isn't much of one, since Zhuo seems rather kindly and curious and not like he is any kind of threat to Su's disguise, though I'm curious how the rest of their conversation plays out. But I guess it was just a convenient stopping point. If this show was released two episodes at a time, it makes more sense.
A lot happened in this episode! It really felt a lot like the close of an opening act, so I am eager to see how the show takes off from here, now that our cast of characters and stakes and goals are all clearly established. Jing is officially in it to win it, Nihuang is officially suspecting Mei Chang Su, and Lin Shu is officially making me cry in every single freaking episode; now that we have Jingmum's blessing, let the fight for the throne officially begin!
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captainkirkk · 6 years
ok so. so so so. this will be a long message, because frick on a stick there is so much i want to tell you and thank you for. so brace yoself: i read history has its eyes on you only yesterday, but i've been desparately rereading it ever since, almost non-stop, because holy macaroni if this fic ain't one of the most perfect stories these tired eyes have ever seen. i love SO MANY THINGS i'm not sure where to even start, gosh. okay. okay. let's start at the beginning. (1/?)
WEEPS. You sent me A DOZEN messages, bless you? And thank you!!!
This ask and my response got long, so I’m putting it under the cut. There’s a bunch of headcanons about the ‘see it all in bloom’ universe in here, so if you’re interested, keep reading. 
your headcanons regarding class 3-a’s rise to fame/the july attacks/deku’s leap in the limelight as future number one, i adore it all. it makes sense, it’s exciting even if we don’t get to see it on the page word-for-word/in real time, and it’s inspiring too! but most of all, it fits them all so well – they deserve to be written as great heroes and i’m beyond happy you gave that to them in your story – to ALL of them, including shinsou. cookies for you. (2/?)
secondly, the rankings you picked for them – deku as no.1 of course, and katsuki ACTUALLY BEING CONTENT WITH SECOND PLACE, EFF YEAH! and shouto at no.4, holding neither all might’s nor his father’s former ranks, i appreciate the heck out of this. just… all the kids becoming awesome heroes and having wonderful, fulfilling careers just like they’ve always wanted, i’m here for this and i’m here to STAY. (3/?)
thirdly, katsuki’s character. i will be the first person in this fandom to admit my intense dislike of him, but you’ve written him in exactly the way i’ve always wanted him to turn out – significantly less jaded, noticeably more humble (and sane…), actively working to correct the mistakes of his past by becoming an advocate for quirkless kids and participating in anti-bullying campaigns (as an ex bully-victim, reading this made me want to kiss you) with deku, that felt sweet on the soul (4/?)
and also being married to kirishima, of course. DUH. speaking of which, the ships! THE SHIPS! ALL. MY. FAVOURITE. SHIPS. they were all there, they all got attention, and i love you all the more for it. tododeku especially. i just love how tenderly yet comfortably they were written. in my mind, they’ve always felt like the couple that will get the happily-ever-after kind of romance, like two souls mated in a fairy tale come to life. and they, above all others, deserve that everlasting joy (5/?)
and the parts with toshinoti, how he’s dealing with his new(-ish?) lifestyle and the world is spinning on without him, but also taking care of him, because he’s more than earned it – how all his former friends and students have become family to him and are so eager to remain an active part of his life, how he helps bakugou with teaching (for dummies ;P) and is so painfully proud of deku, it was all so deeply touching and heartwarming, i loved every single one of his scenes to bits! (6/?)
the writing was wonderful forma purely technical point as well: there were some typos but nothing serious, and it all flowed quickly yet smoothly – you stylde felt simple and dynamic, but also somehow profound, perhaps precisely because of its simplicity. i still can’t put my finger on it. i just know i loved it. your ocs were a great addition too! their personalities felt distinct and they left good impressions without overstaying their welcome in a class 3-a-centred story, top job! (7/?)
the whole domestic feel of the fic was wonderful as well! it felt like a true slice-of-life piece, even though the lives in question are filled with action and danger. you captured the nature of the balance between working your (adventurous and stardom-speckled) dream job and living your private life/spending quality off-time with friends very accurately. the final excerpt (the description of the photo) left a sweetly nostalgic sense buzzing in my chest. just… thank you for this story. (8/?)
and now that i’m done singing your praises, time for the payback! i adore this verse, and therefore i naturally have questions. first and most importantly, the tododeku relationship development. could you tell me when and how they got together in this verse, how that whole tidbit with suing endeavour went, and when and how exactly they got engaged? i assume it’s in the 5 months leading up to the reunion, but details please? future wedding details too? give me ALL THE DETAILS. (9/?)
then, ranking details! we know deku’s no.1, bakugou’s no.2, and shouto’s no.4, but the fic mentions the class currently has 6 members in the top 10. who are the rest, and who’s the number 3 hero? please tell me it’s momo. PLEASE. also, have their ranks changed since the time they graduated, or have they remained the same for the last 7 years (i.e. deku’s always been no.1 ever since he entered the ranklist, shouto’s always been no.4, etc.)? and what’s shinsou’s rank? (10/?)
what about teaching details? where’s nedzu if aizawa’s principle? is shinsou a part-time teacher or a guest lecturer? does bakugou now do teaching full time, or does he only do homeroom for one class and keeps hero-ing in the meantime? will he even remain in the ranklist if he stops fighting villains? will he even care? and on a less-related note, are bakushima the only married couple? and when did they get married? was deku best man? my shameless curiosity demands to know everything (11/?)
finally, in case i haven’t tormented you enough, i wanted to ask, how do you envision our heroes’ futures? we know they’re only 25 in the story, and tododeku are about to soon get married. and bakushima are married already, bakugou’s switching careers, yada yada. but if you had to plot a course for the rest of class 3-a’s lives, what would it look like? all might mentioned grandchildren, but would tododeku want that? and where even was/is kouda in this entire fic? xDDD thank you!!! (12/12)
Again: thanks for the comments! I’m so glad you enjoyed this.
The next ‘in bloom’ instalment will focus on Bakugou becoming involved in anti-bullying campaigns. I’m with you, Bakugou makes me very uncomfortable in canon, but occasionally we get these glimpses of character development (esp in the manga), and I just needed to bring that out and expand on it. 
And there will always be typos in my work, unfortunately. I don’t have a beta, and I’m a dumb-ass who always misses my errors. I do my best, but I am only human.
I won’t give you all the details (partly because I don’t have this universe entirely mapped out yet), but you can have some answers:
TodoDeku have a long engagement. They were engaged before we see them in ‘history…’ actually. They’re in no rush, and are very busy with their work lives, and are enjoying the blissfully engaged lifestyle. They’ve been engaged for about a year, and they have some vague plans, but nothing concrete. At the moment, they’re debating the merits of getting married somewhere private in the city vs. getting married on Toshinori’s estate. I’m not sure which one will win out. 
Their rankings have changed A LOT! When he officially entered the rankings when he was 19, Deku only ended up no. 20, because it had been over a year since the July Attacks, and he hasn’t actually done much since then, being busy with exams/graduating/entering a hero agency. A lot of people were upset by this, but it didn’t bother Deku. He was ecstatic to scrap into the Top 20 as it was.
Sorry, no. 3 belongs to Inasa (from the manga). The top 10 has changed a lot, too. There’s actually seven 1a heroes in the top 10 - Uravity was No. 11 but got a jump in popularity recently. In order: Deku, Detonation, Gale (Inasa), Polarise, unnamed number 5, Creati, Red Riot, Ingenium, an unnamed number 9, and Uravity. 
Shinsou is rankless. He’s an underground hero, and I headcanon that those types of heroes are not typically assigned ranks.
Shinsou has his own role at UA. He does a bunch of stuff: watches the entrance exams, works with some of the Gen. Ed kids, oversees possible transfers between courses, and does guest lectures. Aizawa gives him a lot of independent power.
Bakugou co-teaches Class 1-B. He occasionally guest lecturers other classes (like how Thirteen worked one-off with 1-A during the USJ attack). He has enough time to do hero work too, but he has a less intense work-load now that he’s also teaching.
Kirishima and Bakugou are the only married couple at the moment. They got married when they were 23, before TodoDeku had gotten engaged. They were the first couple to start dating in high school, too. They just … clicked, and never looked back.
Do you mean Kouda or Kouta? Kouda is probably off running a rescue animal shelter while doing minor hero work, too. Kouta is doing amateur film work and arguing with classmates when they don’t believe that he knows pro heroes irl.
I almost wrote Jirou and Momo announcing their engagement at the reunion, but at that point, I had been writing the fic for months, and I needed to upload it before I combusted. So. Yeah. They get engaged around the end of the fic.
I haven’t thought too hard about kids but … I can’t get the image of Kiri/Baku adopting an orphaned girl when they’re in their 30s, and Bakugou ringing up Midoriya to ask him to be the godfather, and Midoriya CRYING FOR HOURS. HOURS. He catches the train over at like 11pm, still in his pjs, still crying, and all over twitter there’s pics of Deku crying into a phone, sparking all kinds of terrible rumours, until he uploads a photo of him cradling his goddaughter in his arms a few hours later. 
I also have more headcanons in my history verse tag, if you’re curious. Thanks again!
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nataliesnews · 3 years
Article which appeared in Ha’aretz 25.6.2021
* The protesters in Balfour look at their work with pride, but also with a little apprehension *
They protested near the prime minister's residence with the piety of believers and suffered insults, beatings and arrests. Now that the Netanyahu family is packing, the main activists are concluding a period, but for some of them a protest is far from over.
* Nir Hasson * 25.06.2021 06:00
Last Saturday night it was the first time in four years that Sami Alkalay did not go to the demonstration. "I've been missing two or three for four years," he admits after a thought. Instead of a demonstration he went with his wife to a movie. On the way they passed near Balfour. Several demonstrators gathered and shouted "Get out," in protest of the refusal of former Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to the official residence. "I saw them together, and I did not miss it . I had done  what needed to be done," Alkalay says.
 There were bigger protests than the Balfour protest, but there seemed to be no more determined ones. Yesterday (Thursday), the black flag movement also announced that it had achieved its goal: "Removing the greatest threat to the State of Israel from the chair of the state's leadership," the statement said.
 Thousands of activists have devoted a significant portion of their lives to protesting against Netanyahu. Most of them had not been political activists before, but in the last four years, and especially in the year since the major protests began in Balfour, they have made the political protest against Netanyahu an integral part of their lives and identities. They came to Balfour with the piety of believers, quarreled with family members and friends who were bibists or skeptics, invested thousands of shekels of their money in travel and signs, and suffered insults and beatings from right-wing activists and police arrests. Now that the main purpose of the protest has been successfully crowned and the Netanyahu family is packing their belongings at the official residence, they look back with pride, and forward with a little apprehension - about Netanyahu's return or corruption, but also about boredom.
 Natanya Ginzburg, 82, a native of South Africa who walks with two walking sticks, was one of the symbols of the protesters in Balfour. Every week she used to not only come to the demonstration in Balfour, but also to the String Bridge, at the entrance to Jerusalem, and from there to Paris Square along with the crowds. "I had a hard time with going up  of Bezalel street which is very steep," she admits. In addition to the demonstrations near the prime minister's residence, she demonstrated with her friends at the "Migdal Nofim" sheltered housing complex in the Kiryat Hayovel neighborhood at the Monster Junction. Like many activists, she too has experienced violence from right-wing activists. During one of the demonstrations at the intersection, she was knocked  down in an alteracation  by a right-wing activist who got out of his vehicle. "I had no dizziness, I had no nausea. Nothing that a glass of whiskey can solve," she replied to the paramedic who asked that she be be evacuated. In another case, she was attacked by two in the Mahane Yehuda market. "I went with a T-shirt by Yeshayahu Leibowitz that says 'I told you so,'" she says. "I was alone in the market. He passed by a couple and started cursing me and dancing around me and saying it was a pity they didn't make me soap. It was not pleasant, but I got used to it too." Despite this she admits she will miss Balfour: "I will not miss the noise, but the young people, even though sometimes the attention  was embarrassing to me, encouraged me saying that because of me they feel they have to keep going."
 Meir (Moscow) Moskowitz was one of the permanent occupants of the sidewalk in front of the Prime Minister's residence. Until four years ago he was never in a demonstration. Like many, he finds it difficult to put his finger on a single incident that caused him to come, but the combination of the submarine affair and the dismissal of Mani Naftali, the head of the house at the Prime Minister's Residence, caused him to start protesting in Goren Square in Petah Tikva. “Like someone becoming a football fan, that’s how I became active in protest,” he says. "A lot of people said to me, 'What do you need this for?' "They understood that I was stubborn. To their credit, the day a new government was formed, they sent me WhatsApps and wrote that it was because of me, even though I did not think so."
Danny Danieli, former director of cultural institutions in Jerusalem and now an organizational consultant, joined the protest four and a half years ago. "There were moments I had a hard time," he says. "There were cold and stormy evenings. We had terrible years in Paris Square. Sometimes 20 people and sometimes 25. You seem to be the only one in the world who cares. But I said I was here until a result was achieved. When the young people started joining, I said 'no matter what happens, I dedicate it to All the time it takes. "
 Many activists report criticism and misunderstanding from friends and family over the years of protest. "I heard it a lot," says Alkalay, "treated me like a hallucinatory god. 'What are you standing there for? It won't help.' I even had bitter arguments with my wife." "Family and friends is a sore point," Danieli adds. "I have friends who have disappointed me, people who did not have a different position in terms of the need for change, but they did not leave the house."
 "My father would say to me, 'Find a life, make your home,' but in my eyes I do for my home, because I am really worried about the future of my children. That is why I am struggling," says Adv. Gonen Ben Yitzhak, a senior activist in the Crimea Minster movement.
 "My brother said to me 'Leave, who will pay attention  to you?' Says Rami Matan, 70, who is also a veteran of the protesters. Matan is the chairman of his hometown, Nataf in the Jerusalem mountains. He is a former IDF and police officer and was a battalion commander on the Chinese farm during the Yom Kippur War. "I never dreamed I would confront police," he says. Matan stood in the square with Alkalay and others. Three years before Amir Hashakel, the prominent protest activists, came for his Shabbat strike, which turned Paris Square into “Balfour Square.” “I told my wife that was my mission now. This is my life's mission, "he says. He was arrested twice - the first time after drawing the word" you "on the road at the Hemed interchange, and the second time after police came to his home on suspicion of hoarding equipment intended for an illegal demonstration." They claimed we were planning to break into the house of the Prime Minister, "he says." I told them, 'Are you crazy?' "
 Last Saturday evening, Adv. Ben Yitzhak devoted himself to drafting a petition to the High Court against Netanyahu's stay at the prime minister's residence, "but then they announced that Bennett and Netanyahu had closed on a departure date and I did not submit," he clarifies. For him, the protest did not end. "Not a day goes by that I do not deal with it. This week we issued a letter exhausting proceedings on the center, on security for Netanyahu's children and a public letter to MK Galit Distel-Atbrian from the Likud, so that she can remove her immunity and be sued for a reward
Last Saturday evening, Adv. Ben Yitzhak devoted a petition to the High Court against Netanyahu's stay at the prime minister's residence, "but then they announced that Bennett and Netanyahu had closed on a departure date and I did not submit," he clarifies. For him, the protest did not end. "Not a day goes by that I do not deal with it. This week we issued a letter extending proceedings on the center, on security for Netanyahu's children and a public letter to MK Galit Distel-Atbrian from the Likud, so that she can remove her immunity and be sued for libel against Kiry Minster. I do a lot of things, I don't feel empty, and there are a lot of things that still need to be taken care of. Netanyahu is a symptom of a bigger problem. "
 Since the election, Moskowitz has stopped coming to demonstrations and decided to wait and see what happens. Last week he demonstrated again, this time in front of the home of the new health minister, Nitzan Horowitz, in protest of the extension of the Corona emergency laws. "Everyone is in a coma, wanting to give the new government a chance, so there are not too many partners. But I'm waiting," he says. "I treat this government the way I treated the previous one - I don't make a distinction between right and left. I have a lot of good friends I knew in protest, but I don't need friends meetings. It was not a friends meeting for me. It was a war."
 "I even shed a tear," Matan admits, recounting the day the new government was sworn in. "It was a huge relief. We did not get to rest and estate. There is still a lot to fix. Now I take care of the garden. I neglected it and the house as well."
 Like many others in the protest, Ginzburg is now directing her activist energies to protest against the occupation and stepping up her activities in the Machsom Watch organization and in demonstrations against the settlers in Sheikh Jarrah. "I'll find something to deal with," she says, "but I was actually willing to be a little boring."
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