#i will always remember the boop wars
littlecutiexox · 1 year
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Not all stormtroopers miss x
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skyloftian-nutcase · 2 months
The Great Boopathon
It had honestly been an accident, a truly sincere miscalculation. Sky tried to remember that Wolfie was Twilight. But sometimes, when the fluffy animal trotted into town, panting from exertion or cheer, Sky just immediately knelt in front of him with a sweet greeting and a gentle boop on the nose.
He didn't think it was possible for an animal to look so offended, but somehow Twilight managed it.
This was war.
Twilight huffed as he watched Sky sleep. The teenager was out cold, as per usual, curled into himself and covered in blankets. It was a little more unusual than his usual sleep position, in which literally anything was possible because he could fall asleep literally anywhere, but the boy's head cold had him shivering.
That didn't stop Twilight, though. He still remembered the boop. The completely humiliating and degrading gesture, the cute noise Sky made with it as he bapped Twilight's wolf nose gently with a smile on his face and a flush to his cheeks.
Sky moaned miserably, looking distinctly uncomfortable. Twilight swallowed, grabbing his resolve. He walked forward stealthily before laying on the ground, his canine nose stretching forward until it met Sky's own congested one. Then his tail swished back and forth, dusting leaves off the earth.
Sky scrunched his nose in response, tickled by the wetness of it, before he opened his eyes to see a snout. He yelped, trapped in his blankets, and Twilight pounced on him, bapping him with a paw and pinning him in place as he laughed and tried to fight.
"There's no way you can do it!"
Link glared defiantly in response. He would do this, and there was no stopping him. He would always rise to a challenge. He couldn't afford to fail, he couldn't afford to lose the faith of those who believed in him.
He was stealthier than he'd ever been in his entire life. He could pass for a Sheikah, he was certain. His heart pounded in his chest, anxiety trying but failing to whittle away at his resolve. His naysayer watched with bated breath.
The greatest challenge, of course, were the floorboards. There were some that creaked. It would be absolutely catastrophic if his foe heard his approach. Carefully, Link tried to remember which boards creaked the most, settling his bare feet with such care to distribute his weight properly.
When he finally reached the bed, he nearly failed in his mission. His enemy stirred, almost awakening, but he managed to avoid disaster. Finally, his objective in sight, the Hero of Hyrule leapt, landing on his prey with a mighty hyah.
Abel nearly jumped out of his skin as he was startled awake before getting slammed in the face with a pillow.
"I told you I could do it!" Link yelled at the stairway where his sister, Lyra, was hiding.
The leader of the Gorons had many precious memories to make him smile when he was more contemplative in the evenings. Perhaps his favorite, though, was when the Champions met his child, who had been so delighted to meet them that he'd rolled over Revali's toes and crashed into Link's knees, knocking the Hylian over. It had been a fun day in general, but the little boop his boy had given him when he picked him up had been the most delightful part.
It was usually what Daruk would do for the child before bedtime; to have such a simple gesture reciprocated brought him more joy than he could ever articulate.
Shadow Link
He had nearly succeeded in getting away from the damn gloom hands, but his stamina had run out. When they'd caught up to him, he could practically sense the displeasure radiating off them, and his insides froze at the sight of them.
Then one of the hands leaned over and booped him on the nose, making him yelp, before the others grabbed him and teleported him through the gloom back to Ganondorf's location.
"Was that really necessary?" Link grumbled, holding his nose as if it had been burned.
"Yes," the demon king replied without hesitation as he snatched him by his tunic and plopped him beside him. "Now rest."
Mystery Link
Link wasn't sure how it happened, but being completely smothered by his dog was not how he wanted to start his mornings. Nevertheless, it was how Friend decided to be his new morning alarm, slapping his face with a paw as a warning before laying her whole head over him and asphyxiating him.
By the fifth morning, he started wrestling her in response, and she always got so excited about it that she would spend the next few minutes zooming all over the forest, tail tucked and legs flailing in all directions.
Twilight was acting weird.
Wind was a little worried. After all, he'd only just recovered from his injury recently. Although the sailor had the utmost faith in the elder Hero's abilities, he couldn't help but watch him and see what was up. This was a matter of great importance, and only Wind could truly understand as the others seemed completely oblivious.
He made several observations while the others were pointlessly distracted. Twilight's eyes were wary, looking everywhere as if he were expecting an attack. Wind knew for certain that the rancher hadn't been patrolling because Time and Wild wouldn't allow for it quite yet. But no one else was on edge. It was possible Twilight just felt inadequate or useless, as he was typically the one who tried to shoulder a great deal of responsibility.
Wind moved closer to his dear friend, curious. He was going to ask him outright if he kept this behavior up, but--
Twilight gasped, grabbing Wind around the ribs and holding him like a shield in front of his body, and Wind yelped as Sky poked his nose.
"Hey!" Sky snapped. "No cheating!"
"There are no rules in this war!" Twilight huffed back. Then he gave Wind a squeeze against his torso as a compensatory hug. "Sorry about that, little pirate."
"Ha! Sorry? Let me go, I'll avenge you!" Wind happily offered, already wiggling out of his grip as Sky fled.
"This is getting out of hand," Time said severely, hands on his hips. "And is unbefitting of a Hero."
Twilight looked extremely schooled. If he were in his wolf form, he probably would have his tail between his legs, ears peeled back. Time did not feel guilty in the slightest about it. The camp was in utter disarray, supplies strewn everywhere as Twi's wolf form had utterly destroyed the place and barreled over most of the heroes while he'd tried to escape Sky's little winged mechanical booping machine and Wind's exuberant screams.
Unlike Twilight, Sky looked nearly indifferent, but somehow he managed to convert his expression to apologetic when Time glared at him. Wind, however, was unrepentant.
And giggling.
Time was going to lecture him further when the reason for Wind's laughter dropped out of the nearest tree, landing on Time's shoulders and booping him on the nose.
Sky and Wind cheered as Wild scrambled off Time and fled into the forest, giggling all the way.
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imabeautifulbutterfly · 3 months
Congratulations on 450 followers! (You just got another)
2 and 37 with Rex?
Thank you for the congratulations and for the following, love.
@coffeeandbatboys I hope you love this little fic. I love Captain Rex, so I hope you enjoy my portrayal of him.
Love oo.
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Main Master List   |  Star Wars Fic Roulette
You ran from one end of the hangar to the other, looking like a mad woman screaming for people to move out of your way, but you didn’t care, time was of the essence. 
After all, you’d been given the privilege of doing an upgrade on the General’s droid, his beloved R2D2, and somehow a drop of oil landed on his memory circuit. 
The minute you saw it happen, instant panic hit you. You ran to grab the degreaser, stealing it right out of the hands of your coworker, you didn’t care if it was rude, or that the shouts and curses followed after you as you ran with full force back to your workbench, all that mattered was saving the General’s droid. 
You dabbed a little degreaser on the soft cloth you had, all the time, praying to the force and anyone else, “Please be okay. Please be okay, please be okay—” it was the only thing that you could say. Especially as you gently placed the memory chip back into the little R2 unit. 
“Beep boop beep”
“Oh thank the force, R2, are you okay?”
“What do you mean, you’re not R2. Of course you are?”
R2’s blue dome shook back and forth, as it led out a long string of beeps and bleeps. You let out a sigh, shaking your head, “You are not the Supreme Leader of all that you survey.”
“Beep Boooop”
“Oh yeah, well I’d like to see how you would attempt to behead me.” You didn’t even let him finish, as you turned him off, taking a deep breath, how were you going to explain to the General that you turned his beloved droid into a killer robot.
“You okay?”
Came the voice of the one man you knew you could count on, “No. Not really.”
“Oh-oh, what happened?”
“I was trying to do an upgrade on some key components when a tiny, miniscule, almost insignificant speck of oil dropped on his memory card…”
“Okay …” Rex leaned against the workbench narrowing his eyes, as he tried to understand your worry, “So what’s the problem?
“Somehow he turned into the Supreme Leader of all that he surveys” you motioned as you hang your head.
“Who did?”
“He did.” You point towards R2.
“He did?” Rex pointed towards R2 to clarify.
You nodded as you stood upright again, “Don’t even ask me how that happened, but now, I have to try and salvage what I can of his memory …”
Rex started to laugh, “Wait, did he say anything about beheadings?”
“Yeah, he did,” you answered, albeit confused at his reaction.
“Don’t worry, kayilyr’ika. You didn’t screw him up that badly. There was a story Senator Amidala was reading to a group of children at the last diplomatic mission we accompanied her on, and it had to do with a Supreme Leader of all that he surveyed. Maybe you just need to give the memory chip a further cleaning.”
“I hope so, otherwise I might need you to protect me from the General.”
He let out a belly laugh, “Don’t worry, kayilyr’ika. I will always be there for you.”
You tried to fight the warmth creeping up your face, hoping he wouldn’t notice, after all your crush on the Captain was only one-sided. You can still remember, when he started referring to you as kayilyr’ika, when you finally built up the courage to ask him what that meant, he simply shrugged and said ‘little mechanic’. Because you were little to him, he simply patted your head as he said that, as though he were talking to a child. 
From that moment you knew he wasn’t interested, it broke your heart when you realized, but you resolved within your heart, you’d rather have him as a friend than nothing. 
So here you were, doing your best to calm your racing heart, as you gently pulled out the memory chip, and grabbed your magnifying goggles, pulling them over your head, and gently cleaned the chip. 
Rex watched as you worked, always amazed at your attention to detail. No matter what damage a gun ship, droid, or even datapad sustained, you always somehow managed to get them working again. And if it was too damaged to repair, you saved all the parts you could use before discarding the shell. Thanks to your frugality, there was less of a wait time when it came to finding parts and repairs being completed on time. 
It astonished him how bright you always were, not just in mind, but in spirit too. There was always a glow of happiness that surrounded you. He enjoyed that about you, it made him feel comforted and at peace; whenever he was having a particularly bad day, he just had to find you, see your smiling face and suddenly nothing seemed that bad anymore. 
It even got to the point where he would dream of you, that smiling face, those bright eyes, that hair that somehow always fell in your face like it was doing right now, was all he needed to chase the bad dreams away. He moved beside you and gently pulled your hair back, clipping it with the hair clip on the table. You mumbled a thanks as you continued to focus on your work, and even that he found endearing. 
When you had asked him what kayilyr’ika meant, he told you the truth, it meant little mechanic. What he didn’t tell you was that ‘ika was usually used only for those you held dear. He realized, as he watched you put the memory chip back in R2, he needed to tell you how he felt. Even if you didn’t reciprocate, he wanted you to know. Maybe closer to when your shift was done, he’d come by and see if you’d join him for dinner. He took in a deep breath and resolved within himself, he wasn’t going to let another day pass without telling you how he felt. 
Not especially, after you got R2 working again, and was the droid you all knew and loved.
Main Master List   |  Star Wars Fic Roulette
Tag list:
@liadamerondjarin @badbatch-simp24@spicymcnuggies@lady-ren @firstofficerwiggles @darkangel4121 @discofern @kavecika @monako-jinn-stories @ladykatakuri @avathebestx @theroguesully @furyhellfire66 @carodealmeida @ciramaris @sprout-fics @twinkofthedink @dindjarin-mandalorian @ulchabhangorm @littlemisspascal @tortor-mcgee @vodika-vibes @clonethirstingisreal
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hayleythesugarbowl · 9 months
ooo can you do ones for the smosh women?
if so amanda and/or angela plzzz
smosh women x reader headcanons
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⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ masterlist • smosh masterlist ⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚
a/n: ok i went ahead and did all the smosh women but angela and amanda are on here!! also i found out after i wrote this that jackie left smosh (😭😭) but im going to include her anyways!! hope you enjoy these <3🩰🍓
this is what I think it would be like dating the smosh women…
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she bought you guys matching shirts
her love language is definitely physical touch 
and she’s always holding your hand or playing with your hair or giving you kisses 
tells you how much she loves your butt lol
you met her family and they all love you so much
boops your nose
loves cuddling under a blanket with you
she thinks you’re the funniest person ever
facetimes you all the time and when you try to decline saying you’re not having a good hair day she called you anyway and tells you how gorgeous you and your hair look
if you’re having a bad day she’ll cheer you up by being extra silly and taking you to your favorite places
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you guys take turns picking movies and shows to watch and get really into them 
she loves your sense of humor so much 
and you guys definitely make each other laugh at inappropriate times 
she lets you borrow anything of hers you want 
so much teasing 
you guys do karaoke together 
she sits in your lap all the time
you guys go to the theater together and she whispers to you throughout the whole thing
you guys get a dog 
she thinks you’re crazy talented and loves listening to you talk about what you’re passionate about 
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smells so good 24/7
knows your order at like every restaurant you guys have been to 
on your birthday she makes sure to tell the waiters it’s your birthday and then sings louder than anyone 
so protective of you fr
you guys have these really relaxing self care days and spa days 
and she definitely eats the cucumbers 
gives the best hugs omg
neck kisses 
anytime you’re uncomfortable or embarrassed she does something even more weird or embarrassing to take the heat off you
so supportive of whatever you do 
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y’all watch so much Netflix together 
and all the other streaming services 
because she probably somehow knows all the neighbors passwords 
you guys have these elaborate prank wars
she always wins but she doesn’t brag too much
the best at comforting you when you’re upset 
rubs your back 
goes out and gets you starbucks because ‘you looked like you needed some coffee’
loves your smile so much 
the best at picking a restaurant and we love that 
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definitely asked you out with ‘you ever been with a black woman before?’
(if you got that reference i love you)
always has a hand on your thigh 
you guys definitely got a cat…or a few cats 
you two go out to events and stuff and she never leaves your side and makes all the introductions 
you definitely went to a swing dance together once and dressed up and had so much fun
she led
she writes poetry about you 
and one fanfiction as a joke
and you’ve framed every one she’s given you
sings you to sleep 
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sends you the most random memes at 2 am
‘saw this and thought of you’
and you spend so many minutes trying to figure out what they mean
she’ll just flop down on top of you on the couch and rest her head on your shoulder 
takes you to so many fun locations 
you guys have your own emoji language 
forehead kisses 
gets really close with your parents
remembers the most random things you said months ago and prides herself on knowing you really the best 
she gets the best gifts 
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makes her own valentines for you
always asking how you’re doing or if you’re cold or hungry or tired
calls you ‘sweetie’ and ‘honey’
you guys bake together 
holds your hair while you throw up 
introduces you to all her friends and compliments you so much in front of them
‘you pick’
calls you every day/night that you don’t see each other and you guys talk for hours 
she leaves you cute little notes all over the place
tries to make you laugh to cheer you up
her lock screen is you and she has you entered into her phone as ‘🩷💜love of my life💜🩷’
ˋ°•*⁀➷ ok i hoped you enjoyed these!! let me know if you want any full length headcanons for any of the specific smosh women or men <3 💋💌
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flynnarts · 3 months
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Some Extras About Me! (Where I can Rant and no one shall stop me >:D)
• #FlynnDoesArtShit - For mah Art
Lill’ Things I’ve Done
Keys and Locks : An OC Comic Masterpost
@minkschasijasi, My IRL Bestie too!
@frilled-cheese-sandwich, Art buddy and Reblog Mate!
@clownpalette, Thank you for being a Mootie, I still can't believe you followed back, Love your art! (and lore lol) <3
@naughtynoodlestogo, IDK HOW you decided to follow me back, but uh- yeah! Your Vox art is amazing.
@kevin-ibw, art and au is AMAZING and I love <3
@rose-morose, because you're a consistent! Plus I got to show you what BWU was <3
@justletmereadmycomics, ah yes. Mooties over the boop war. Memories-
@goofyroxy, you are always one of my 'Biggest Fans', so I have to shout you out by now (Vox and Roxy- amazing)
@lotsofstupidshit, because you're awesome and the first person I reached out to in DM's other than Jasi!
@volatilechemicalz, writing style is amazing, my turtle booping moot introduced me to you :D
@mysterybooks-world, I see you! Blog scroller. You pop up often enough in my activity so now I know who you are :D
@im-bored-so-i-draw, but like, cat.
@bag-of-milk69, I SAW YOU. I didn't have a lot of activity that day, and then I get a butt ton of notifs. I ranted about you to Jasi multiple times <3
All my Mooties, I love you so much, I just can’t remember your names-
Find Me!
Ao3 Account - FlynnWrites -A few random OC stories Youtube - Flynn Corvus -Like, nothing here lol Instagram - Flynn.PurpleChaos -I post Aesthetic Photos here!
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abhainnwhump · 1 month
IMYM Chapter 30: Captive to Queen: Ribbon
<- Previous Chapter || Masterlist || Next Chapter ->
For the fifth time that day, Ribbon adjusted his new ruby necklace.
Nightmare didn’t want him to take it off, he never told him why. All he said was it had to do with his mortality problem. Since talking about the guardianship issue made him so upset, Ribbon kept his mouth shut. He didn’t question anything he said, although he always did that. Nightmare was always stressed, especially after Error escaped. Ribbon offered help in any way he could. He made him tea, offered cuddles, did extra chores, and always let Nightmare hold him on his lap. Ribbon couldn’t be happy unless Nightmare was happy first! The head pats were nice too, Ribbon made sure to purr at those, Nightmare liked that, he always wanted him at his side. And all this pressure a week before they got married too!
That’s why Ribbon was here, singing for him in private in his office.
His dress spun around as he twirled. Nightmare leaned back in his leather chair and watched him. Ribbon didn’t know the words to this song very well, it was in French, but Nightmare said it was one of his favorites. It was from somewhere in the seventeenth- no, the eighteenth century? Ribbon forgot. Nightmare went a long ramble about it when he taught Ribbon the song.
Ribbon kept his eyes on Nightmare’s tense face. Yeah, Ribbon was upset about Error running away too. He tried to be good to him! He tried so hard to be his friend and Error always said no! But Nightmare took it way harder. But luckily, Ribbon watched as his face softened. It was working! His soft little soprano voice was helping!
“Thank you, my little bear. That was lovely.” Nightmare said with a slow clap when he finished. Ribbon curtsied, blushing at the pet name. At this point, Nightmare used pet names to describe him more than his real name, even to other people. Nightmare booped his nasal bone with his tendril.
“I just didn’t want you to be stressed out.”
“I’m not. Everything is under control. However, I do need your help to pack the last of the decorations." Nightmare stood up from his desk chair and gestured for his doll to follow. Ribbon studied his stance and vibe. Tendrils relaxed, aura calm. Good, he was genuinely happy. The doll skipped after him, smiling knowing his job was done.
The big day has finally arrived.
Ribbon scrunched his face as he did his best to fill his back with paint. He used a mirror to help him see what he was doing. Strange, Nightmare always remembered to help him with this. It could be because there was so much other stuff to do today. Still. Ribbon struggled to fill each compartment on his spine, arms shaking. Yellow paint and pink paint had to be the strongest, . That’s why he could. He couldn’t even feel emotions without him!
But he figured it out after about five minutes of trying and failing. His spinal compartments dripped with all shades of the rainbow. Nightmare wouldn’t notice with his back screwed back up. Ribbon left his room and walked through the dark hallways. He met up with the other four members at the front entrance. Horror and Dust whispered to each other. Killer stared out the window, holding a wreath under his left arm.
The entire Villian Sans Squad teleported to the venue. Each member carried a different tote of supplies. Ribbon carried the lightest one.The building was the size of Nightmare’s ballroom and had two floors. The first floor was the actualplace they were going to marry. Twenty-six long benches lined a massive space with a triangular roof. Three stained glass windows with pictures of the monster-human war lined the back.But that wasn’t important right now. They had to decorate the second floor, which was where the celebration was going to be.
First, Ribbon went to help Horror with the food. The kitchen area was a room behind the bar. It was small and periwinkle. Horror dropped a cooler and a tote of supplies by the entrance. Ribbon looked up. Why was this place so cold?
Horror frosted the cake, going slow to get every peak right. It was four-tiered and covered in white frosting. Each tier had black fondant acting like streamers and roses to hold them up. Horror’s massive hands didn’t look like they were fit for holding the tiny frosting, but they worked. The top had a little fondant display of Nightmare and Ribbon dancing. Dream's circlet sat at Nightmare's feet, covered in dust.
“Tryin’ . . . follow boss’s plan.” Horror pushed a drawing toward Ribbon. Ribbon looked between the two. Nightmare had amazing drawing skills.
“It looks perfect! Good job!” Ribbon grinned and bounced. Horror’s mouth curved up in a half smile. He looked over and spotted leftover frosting left in the bowl. He wanted a taste, but he knew Nightmare would say no.
Horror looked over and gave Ribbon a nod. “You can . . . have it. Better than letting it . . waste.” His comment was technically permission, so Ribbon took a spoon. He took a scoop of the white buttercream frosting and licked it up. It wasn’t too sweet, but the vanilla was strong. And there was something else. Cinnamon? That had to be it. The cake was apple spice, so it made sense.
"Do you need any help? That's . . . that's why I came in." Ribbon asked, wiping the frosting off his face with a napkin.
Horror shook his head. "No. 'M fine."
Ribbon nodded. He checked that off his mental checklist and dashed out of the room. He went back to the main decorating room. Nightmare and Killer worked together and Ribbon joined in. He shuffled through a tote until he found some fake flowers that had to be hung up. Nightmare used his tendril to help Ribbon go up and tie purple flowers to the walls. Ribbon wrapped bows around each bouquet. The chandelier at the top of the room glittered.
“This is a little . . . brighter than I expected my wedding to be, but I still like it.” Nightmare said, looking around the light purple and black room. The streamers the flowers held up looked just like the cake.
"I did this intentionally. Your dress will be the brightest thing in this room since you're the brightest thing in my life." Nightmare chuckled and nuzzled Ribbon, making him blush.
Dust knocked on one of the wood benches to get Nightmare's attention. "Hey boss, I got a situation with the guest list. I need your help."
"Of course. Wait here, my doll," Nightmare said. He dropped Ribbon and followed him. Ribbon focused on ground decorations instead, at
Ribbon hung up a banner as Killer dropped one of the roses. He wore his best man suit with a knife lapel pin on the chest. Ribbon designed all the outfits, the weeks of sewing hurt his hands. Well, made them ache at least, it was hard to feel much pain without nerves. Ribbon picked it up and handed it over to him.
“Thanks, dollface,” Killer said. He set the rose back in the bouquet. Then he poked a petal. “Do you think I can get Cross to do this with me one day?
Ribbon paused and looked down at him. He pulled his heart charm. “Um . . . I don’t know. Maybe. Why Cross? Do you like him?”
Killer laughed, which was more of a mix between a scoff and a wheeze. “Have you seen that guy? I’ve liked him since boss brought him into the castle. Cross hid his face with his turtleneck when he introduced us and it was adorable. I saw him training for the first time a week later, shirtless.” Killer fake-fanned himself with one of the napkins. “He has a really nice body. One time he put his knife to my throat after a battle . . . you should’ve seen the look on his face. It was hot as hell.”
Killer giggled to himself. Ribbon couldn’t help but giggle with him. It was silly.
“What would this be about?” Nightmare stepped into the doorway with his arms crossed. His tendril lashed out and grabbed Ribbon. He was yanked back like a pull-string into Nightmare’s arms. He held Ribbon with one hand on the back of his head and the other wrapped around his back. Ribbon couldn’t see Killer with his face pushed into Nightmare’s chest.
Killer held his hands up. “Woah, boss. I was just joking with him.”
“Well don’t joke. Not . . . Ribbon doesn’t need to be agitated. He needs to be in a calm mindset before the ceremony.” Nightmare turned around and walked with Ribbon, holding him close. Ribbon couldn’t breathe and looked up, taking in a big breath. He squirmed. Nightmare loosened a little bit, only when he realized he was suffocating him. Nightmare kissed Ribbon on the cheek as he sat him down on a bench. No one was around but them. “Aw, I didn’t mean to choke you.”
Ribbon nodded. “Mm hm, I’m fine! I forgive you.” Ribbon looked at the clock on the wall. He couldn’t read it very well. He asked Nightmare for help before, but he just said he didn’t have to learn. He would do that for him. “How much longer before I have to get ready?”
Nightmare looked around like he was nervous someone was watching. But why? Nightmare was stronger than everyone here combined! Nightmare set a finger on Ribbon’s mouth. “Now. I hired some maids to help you get ready. So don’t be scared of them.”
“Okie!” Ribbon exclaimed. He forgot about Nightmare taking him from Killer, that wasn’t important right now.
“Good. Now remember where the bridal’s suite is and go put your dress on. Killer, Dust, and Horror will greet the guests while we get ready.” Nightmare turned Ribbon around by grabbing his shoulders. He leaned down and whispered in Ribbon’s nonexistent ear with a grin. “The next time I see you will be on the altar. Traditionally, it’s bad luck to see the bride before the wedding. The same goes for your seeing me, so go on.” Nightmare let go and melted through the shadows.
The doll did remember the suite from their tour. Ribbon walked down and listened to the sounds of arguing from Killer and Dust. Nightmare scolded them. Ribbon found the wood staircase and walked up it. It was one of the thin ones that forced him to tiptoe so he didn’t slip. It led him through another hallway.
Ribbon entered the bridal suite. It was a mix of periwinkle and pink. Big cushy sofas lined the room. Framed photos of previous brides lined the walls. He walked to the back and sat on a soft ledge, looking out at the busy Mafiatale. Ribbon looked into a small subsection of the room and spotted a group of seven maids, all in matching white dresses. Nightmare didn't tell him much about this, so he didn't know what he was getting into. Bridesmaids? Maybe.
"Queen Ribbon!" One of them exclaimed. She walked up to him and held his hand. Ribbon assumed she was the oldest being the tallest with long black hair and blue eyes. But she didn't have a name tag or anything like that, so he wasn't sure what to call her. The maid grabbed him by the shoulder, something everyone seemed to like to do today, and brought him over to a small bathroom. It was at least gentler than what Nightmare did, somehow. "Would you like any assistance?"
"I can do it myself. That- that's okay." Ribbon didn't like the idea of anyone seeing him naked except his soon-to-be husband.
"As you wish, your highness." She bowed before him and went back to the other girls, who all seemed to be invested in some kind of drama. Something about a secret cannibalism ring. He didn't want to know.
Ribbon took his dress off and set it aside, along with his shoes, stockings, and beret. He would get to pick it up later, once all of the party and noise and action was over. He climbed inside. He turned the right setting on and a wave of hot steam blew onto him. He poured porcelain cleaner on a scrub brush and
Ribbon washed himself in the shower, taking deep slow breaths. The steam felt nice and helped him clean. Since it was only vapor, it didn't damage his porcelain body like liquid water or ice. He couldn’t believe it. Less than three hours from now, he would be Nightmare’s queen and wife. His hands jittered with excitement and anxiety. He had to make his porcelain body shine and glitter.
Ribbon didn’t know anyone, they were all Nightmare’s connections and friends. But he remembered what he said. He wouldn’t need to talk so much. It would be like his singing; he wouldn’t need to talk directly to people. He took another deep breath. His mechanical heart pitter-pattered in his chest.
The doll finished cleaning himself and was grabbed by two maids. They dragged him over to a dressing room. The walls were periwinkle with brown trimming. Was there any heating in here? Ribbon shivered from the cold. Maybe it wasn’t the building’s fault and only his porcelain body.
“Your Highness?” One of the maids asked. Muscle memory forced Ribbon to curtsy. "Can you stay still so we can get you prepared for Lord Nightmare?"
“Um . . . go ahead.” Ribbon wondered how much he was allowed to talk to them.
Ribbon stood as still as possible in a t-pose. Soft material slipped over his head and something clicked on his neck. The only time he moved was whenever one of the maids adjusted his limbs. Either to slip his arms into sleeves or to tilt his head this way and that. Several times he had to resist peaking. Ribbon could’ve opened his eye sockets whenever he wanted, but he tried to keep it a surprise. He struggled not to giggle when the makeup brushes tickled his face. The room smelt like vanilla and roses. It felt like it went on forever, though it couldn't have been longer than fifteen minutes.
Once they slid his veil on, a maid gripped his shoulders and guided him to what he guessed was the mirror. One of her fingers pushed something out of Ribbon’s face saying, “Open your eyes, your highness.”
Ribbon stopped repressing his smile and followed the order. He looked in the mirror and smiled with a gasp.
The maids dressed him in a long-sleeved silk white dress with a long train. The heart-shaped bodice revealed most of his chest. His breezy skirt had a medieval-looking corset. The sleeves were made of lace and dropped down. Tight around his neck was a white choker with his heart charm peeking out from above it. His chapel-length veil was semi-translucent and lined with white lace. Rose-gold flowers covered both that and his dress in a long chain. Light blush and eye shadow tinted his face, along with highlighter on his cheekbones. His ‘nails’ were painted light pink. Ribbon reached up and touched the last piece of the outfit. A silver tiara with a lavender diamond-shaped gem in the middle. He put it on, smiling. He did feel like a queen.
Yes, Nightmare’s beautiful queen, as you were always meant to be. This is who you are.
Ribbon bounced and clapped his hands. He looked in the mirror and watched as the maids giggled with each other and left through the back. As disappointed as he was, he kinda understood, they didn't know him. Or at least, he didn't know them. It was a job, that's it. What if Error was here? He would stay! He would be his friend here and say something nice. Error seemed to care . . .
The doll looked at the one thing that was left, a bouquet of black dahlias. They were real flowers, not fake ones like the decorations. A little note hanging off one of the stems said 'Good luck!' with a smiley face. Ribbon smiled and picked it up. He opened the bridal suite and left.
Ribbon walked down the hallway. The walls were white and the floor was darker tan. It was empty besides a few windows and vases here and there. He could have sworn he heard footsteps, really angry ones. But then he looked around at all the guards. Nightmare said he would be safe, so he had to be safe. His silly doll brain was just overthinking. Ribbon puffed up his sleeves and adjusted the flower chain on his dress.
Finally, he stood in front of the door. Both sides were engraved with humans down on their knees and praying. Ribbon listened for any strange sounds, but he didn’t hear anything. This was it. Once he walked through the door, there was no going back. He had to face the scary strangers. His hand shook as he grabbed the door handle.
Ribbon took a deep breath and stepped through the entrance. Rose pink petals fell down from the ceiling and onto his head. One fell right on his nasal bone, but he shook it off. He did most of the decorating, and it still looked great. The banners were the same ones Nightmare put up after taking down an AU.
The orchestra played a soft tune while he walked down the aisle. His veil and dress trailed behind him. He looked at the monsters and humans whispering and staring at him. There had to be eighty at least. They were mostly Sans, Papyrus, Undyne, Chara, and Asriel variants. Ribbon waved with a nervous smile.
It’s okay, it’s okay, it’s my wedding. I’m safe.
He wasn’t sure, but then he saw Nightmare and all his panic faded away. His back was turned as he talked to the officiator, an old Gaster, but he must’ve sensed Ribbon’s aura as he looked at him. The only word he caught from the conversation was ‘legal’. He wore the suit Ribbon made as he promised. The embroidery shimmered in the light and made it look like it glowed. He only added one more thing to the outfit, a crown. Well, it was more like Dream’s circlet. It was the same silver as Ribbon’s, except with a fancier moon design. A crescent moon was in the middle and was surrounded by waves. Ribbon’s soul fluttered; his cheekbones exploded in blush. Stars, he was perfect.
Ribbon walked down the rest of the aisle. His body was fuzzy all over. If he squeezed the bouquet any tighter, he would’ve snapped those rose stems in half.
He made it to the altar. Nightmare offered a hand to help up the steps. Killer gave Ribbon a wink. He stood as Nightmare's best man. The maids that cleaned him stood as bridesmaids. Ribbon ignored them though and only focused on Nightmare. He stared into his eye as they held hands.
Nightmare brushed his thumb against his knuckles before kissing them. “Are you ready to become a queen, princess? You look perfect, precisely as I imagined you.”
“Very ready,” Ribbon said. His scared jitters turned into excited ones, but he kept his emotions in control for Nightmare’s sake.
A sigh came from Killer. “If you two are done being sappy with each other, let’s get this show on the road.” He glanced up at the door. “And Horror will get here at some point. I don't know where the hell he went. Last time I saw him, Horror went to investigate some sounds he heard. Don't ask me what, I have no clue. I didn't hear anything."
"Interesting . . ." Nightmare eye twitched. Ribbon rubbed his arm to remind him to calm down. What if there were angry noises and he wasn't imagining it?
The officiator cleared his throat. “We gather here today to join Nightmare Joku and Ribbon Adela in marriage. The bonding of two souls is a practice as old as monsters lived, as these two immortals should know.” Ribbon tilted his head a bit. He knew that wasn’t true. Only Nightmare was immortal.
“Within the circle of love, marriage encompasses all of life’s most important relationships. A wife and a husband are each other’s best friend, confidant, lover, teacher, listener, and counselor. Marriage deepens and enriches every facet of life. Happiness is fuller, memories are fresher, and commitment is stronger. Now, please join hands and look each other in the eye.”
Ribbon and Nightmare followed the order. Nightmare’s eye glowed a bit, both with teal and pink. The officiator looked at Nightmare. “Do you, Nightmare, take Ribbon to be your lawfully wedded wife, to live together in matrimony, to love him, comfort him, honor and keep him, in sickness and in health, in sorrow and in joy, to have and to hold, from this day forward, as long as you both shall live?”
“I do,” Nightmare said. Killer gave a thumbs up.
The officiator nodded. “And do you, Ribbon, take Nightmare to be your lawfully wedded husband, to live together in matrimony, to love him, comfort him, honor and keep him, in sickness and in health, in sorrow and in joy, to have and to hold, from this day forward, as long as you both shall live?”
“I do.” Ribbon couldn’t stop grinning.
At that moment, Dust walked down the aisle. He carried a small silver pillow surrounded with lace. Their rings glittered on it. He wore a suit like Killer’s, using an embroidered cloak Ribbon made for him to make up for his hood. He went down on one knee and held out the pillow. He didn’t look all that happy.
“The two of you have chosen rings to exchange with each other as a symbol of your unendin’ love. As you place this ring on Ribbon’s finger, repeat after me. ‘With this ring, I thee wed and pledge you my love now and forever.’”
Nightmare took the black ring and slipped it onto Ribbon’s finger. “With this ring, I thee wed and pledge you my love now and forever.” Dust didn’t even look up when it was Ribbon’s turn. He stood up and walked to stand by Killer.
Ribbon grabbed the black and silver band and did the same thing. “With this ring, I thee wed and pledge you my love now and forever.”
“If there are no objectifications to this marriage,” he shut the book, “I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride.”
Nightmare pushed his veil aside and pulled him in. Ribbon wrapped his arms around his shoulders. He’d kissed him a million times before, but none came close to this one. He wasn’t kissing his boyfriend anymore. He was kissing his husband.
The crowd clapped and cheered. Killer whistled. The rainbow glass from the window shimmered onto them. Nightmare’s face was lit with green, red, blue, and pink. His mind went blank; his eyes glazed over, flickering between lilac and blue. The doll’s tiara and ruby necklace also caught light. Nightmare chose the perfect time for the sun to hit. Queen Ribbon Adela Joku, he liked that title. Though the idea of being a queen worried him. Would he have a lot of new responsibilities? Was he good enough for it? Would there be more once they took over the Doodlesphere? Could he handle it without breaking down? But lucky for him, Nightmare would always be there to help when he was too dumb and weak to do so.
Nightmare broke the kiss and pulled back. His tendrils wagged. One of them traced the outline of Ribbon’s black cheek mark, absently thinking. “Well . . . shall we begin the festivities, my sweet wife?”
Being called ‘wife’ made Ribbon blush and go back to that dreamy feeling. He felt it the whole time, but now it was at its peak. He was walking on cotton candy clouds and he couldn’t be happier. He pulled his string, being sure not to get it tangled with his necklace. “Yes, Nighty! I’m ready for-”
Ribbon stopped as the back door flew open in a field of dust. Ribbon coughed and his husband held him. At first, Ribbon thought it was something Nightmare set up and planned. But he looked shocked too, something was wrong. Very wrong. From the cloud, a glitchy skeleton wearing a red scarf and battle armor strode out. Blue’s body was covered in blood and dust. Ribbon couldn’t tell which was his own. He screamed and burst into tears. The doll didn’t know what else to do with all the stress.
If it couldn’t get any worse, Dream followed Blue. He’d never seen him that angry before. His eye lights blazed with anger. They made eye contact with Ribbon, which softened their gaze, but only a little. He was covered in less blood, but that didn’t make him less scary. Were they here to kill him? Or Nighty? Neither of them said a word. Nightmare’s tendrils raised and Killer and Dust summoned their weapons.
Everything was perfect. Everything was going to be perfect. Now they ruined it. Blue summoned his hammer with a huff, pointing at Nightmare.
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ageless-aislynn · 2 months
Nine people I'd like to get to know better
I was tagged by the awesometastic @helix-studios117 Thanks so much! 😎👍
Last song:
Yeah, I was just watching my own vid, what can I say? 🥺🤷‍♀️ I was telling my dad earlier how I love how Halo 2 has very few barriers and thus lets you fly a lot of places you're not "supposed" to go in regular gameplay. Which made me think of this Halo 2 vid of mine and thus, I just listened to this awesome song by Foo Fighters. 🤷‍♀️😉
Watch my early Halo 2 utter lack of abilities in the gameplay parts of this vid and marvel at the fact that I somehow eventually managed to beat this game on Legendary, lol! I played like an absolute goober here but I did get better, what can I say? 🤣😋
Favorite Color: Dark red, dark green and dark purple
Last Film/Show: Star Wars: The Clone Wars (we're in the last few eps of season 7 now, almost done 😭)
Sweet/Savory/Spicy: Sweet and savory; spicy has become my enemy as I've gotten older, sad to say 🫤
Relationship Status: I'm a dedicated free-range Aislynn 😇
Last Search: "Halo 3 Master Chief dog tags" I saw a pic someone had of them, thought they were cool and decided to see how much they were, just in case they were, like, super cheap and affordable. They were not. 😐😉
Current Obsession:
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This guy falling down the stairs behind Captain Keyes in Halo: Combat Evolved, lol!
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Master Chief (and Halo 4 Cortana), my beloveds
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Kai and season 1 Cortana, my beloveds
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Carter and Noble Team, my beloveds.
I have a LOT of beloveds. My fangirl heart is always overflowing, what can I say? 😇💖
Tagging the last 9 mutuals in my notifications because I can't remember who all I've seen tagged in this one. No pressure tags, as always, and if you'd like to do this one and I didn't happen to tag you, then you know what that means! *boops your nose politely* 😉💖
@officialnighttime @architectofimagination @jemmalynette @littletonpace @empresskadia @spartanxanthe @arbitraryimposition @coleishere @inthatfandom
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2nd2ndalto · 1 year
I Wanna Love You the Best That I Can
Here's something short and sweet!
Written for @writers-choice prompt "initiate". Title is from Hold My Hand by Hootie & the Blowfish
Will’s hands are warm and freckled. Slender and graceful, with a thin, white scar that curves from the last knuckle on his right index finger down to the soft skin between his finger and thumb. It’s only really visible in the sunlight, though Nico seeks it out in darkness, too, tracing the length of it with the pad of his thumb. Or, he used to. 
Nico has never considered himself to be particularly good at math, but he’s acutely aware that it’s been thirteen days since Will last held his hand, and he’s equally aware that he and Will had held hands precisely eighteen times prior to those thirteen days. 
And it shouldn’t matter. Right? It wasn’t his idea in the first place, none of it was. Not the gentle nudging of shoulders when they’re seated next to each other at campfire. Not the way Will kicks Nico’s leg under the table when Nico teases him. And not the warm, sometimes-sweaty clasp of their fingers and palms. But well. Will started it. And now Nico’s having a hard time remembering what he did with his hands, before.
It’s not like he can talk to Will about it, not like he can ask him why things have changed, because they never talked about it in the first place. It just… happened. And now it doesn’t.
Will doesn’t seem any different otherwise. He still comes to fetch Nico for breakfast every morning. He still walks Nico back to his cabin after campfire. His face still brightens instantly, heart-stoppingly when Nico shows up to help in the infirmary. But now there’s this gulf between them that Nico doesn’t quite know how to bridge.
One night, alone in his cabin - two whole interminable weeks since Will last reached for his hand - Nico is struck by the terrifying thought that maybe he needs to take Will’s hand. Is that what Will wants?
Because the truth is, the hand-holding has always been initiated by Will, every single time. Nico’s never shied away, because honestly after months of thumb wars and being booped on the nose and the occasional pulse-quickening brushing–of-Nico’s-bangs-off-his-forehead, Nico’s come around to the idea of touching, particularly where Will’s concerned. Even if it makes his face heat and his fingers tingle and his heart race. Maybe, possibly because of those things, if he was pressed to admit it.
But maybe Will’s gotten tired of making the first move.
So Nico tries. He really does. But the thing is, Will was always so smooth about it. It seemed so easy, so natural. And after a week of absolutely superhuman effort, Nico has come to the realization that he is not smooth. It's not entirely surprising, but it always hurts a little to have these things confirmed. And not only is he not smooth, but he just can’t seem to take the jump at all. Can’t just reach the fuck over and take Will’s hand. It’s frankly embarrassing. He can summon zombies, for gods’ sake. But clearly those skills are not transferable.
After the fourth night in a row of sitting next to Will at campfire, trying desperately to master psychokinesis, attempting to force his brain to move his hand just two godsdamn centimetres to the right - Nico is forced to admit defeat.
Bruised but not broken, Nico resolves to show Will how much he likes him in other ways. Because that’s another thing, actually. He does like Will. More than anyone. It’s taken him a while to accept it, but now that he has, it feels permanent, immutable, and what’s the point in pretending otherwise?
So he drops by the infirmary more often to offer his help. He shows up at the Apollo cabin to accompany Will to breakfast, rather than waiting for Will to come to him. He cracks stupid jokes when Will seems like he needs a laugh. He offers to help Will with his sparring.
And Will… he seems really, really pleased whenever Nico appears. And sure, that’s weird in itself, but Nico’s gotten accustomed to it, over the months. Will is always happy to see him. He looks utterly ecstatic when Nico sits down next to him at mealtimes. He flushes and stumbles over his words when Nico arrives at the infirmary with Will’s favourite snacks. But Nico’s hand remains unheld.
It all comes to a head the afternoon that the hand-holding-moratorium-count is at twenty-three excruciating days. It’s a June afternoon like any other, except that all of their regular activities have been unexpectedly called off due to various injuries and quests and weather conditions. Will has just arrived at Nico’s cabin to inform him of this, practically bouncing with nervous energy.
“We could do anything, Nico! We have the whole afternoon! Do you want to go to the beach? Or - do you need to do laundry? Or we could go get ice cream! Ooh, or there’s that cave we saw down by Bunker Nine…”
And Will is beautiful and electric and Nico absolutely can’t stand it anymore.
“Do you want -” Will begins again and Nico blurts out, “I want to hold your hand.”
Nico thinks they both stop breathing. He’s honestly just as shocked at the words that fell from his mouth as Will seems to be, and now he can feel his own face flushing, the heat beginning along his cheekbones and spreading rapidly.
But Will’s face lights up. There’s no other way to describe it. His eyes shine and his ears go pink and he asks tremulously, “you do?”
Nico nods, and the next thing he knows, Will’s hands are cupping his face - really not what Nico was anticipating, to be honest, but he’s not complaining - and then, with infinite gentleness, Will is pressing his lips to Nico’s. The kiss is short, sweet, and Will’s breath is warm on Nico’s face. Just as Nico is getting completely on board with the idea, Will pulls back looking horrified.
“Shit. Sorry. Shit.” Will takes a step backwards, pressing his fingers to his mouth, and now his whole face is flushed. It’s impossibly adorable, Nico’s brain helpfully points out.
“Wha-” Nico begins the second he finds breath for speech.
Will shakes his head, backing away further, and his words tumble out in a rush. “Oh my god, I’m sorry, I’m so sorry Nico. I didn’t want to push you, so I waited and waited even though I really wanted to hold your hand and then I completely screwed up the second you made the tiniest move, I’m such an idiot -”
“Will,” Nico manages, and the single syllable freezes Will in place, stops the torrent of words and the nervous movement of his body.
And Nico isn’t sure where he suddenly finds the courage, whether it’s his pounding pulse or Will’s wide eyes and pink lips, but - “I want you to kiss me again,” he whispers.
And it seems as if Will’s mouth is on his almost before Nico’s finished speaking. Nico reaches for Will’s fingers, traces the scar on his right hand. It turns out he can find it even with his eyes closed.
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foxglovecove · 2 months
Just crossed your “come and say hi” post, and I’ve been wanting to tell you that even if I’m not into pacific rim, I’m enjoying very much how much you enjoy it, and the ship with the science guys, which I cannot remember now for the love of me how they were called hahaha
So this is me, telling you 😁 also *boop*
*flail* @doublesunsets thank you so much for coming and saying hi! Ahhhhh I love Newt and Hermann (the pac rim science guys) a perfectly reasonable amount. They’ve certainly taken over my brain just like The Clone Wars so it’s been fun to post non-Star Wars art as a sort of break. It’s helping me want to draw more Star Wars art again (I sort of burned myself on it oops)
Here is a visual representation of my current brain and thank you for joining me on both my Star Wars (AnStarWar) and everything else (foxglovecove) blogs. You’ve always been a delight and definitely happy when I see you in the tags or notes or reblogs and such!
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sparrowinkk · 2 months
I know we barely talk since yeah we became mooties yesterday, but I'm happy to have more friends now :D Also the boop day will forever stay in my heart
yess me to!! T-T
I'll always remember the boop wars, I'm glad to have met you <3
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ricochete29 · 3 months
Where do you put that nose of yours. I bet you put it all over. Like in some of the hills around Belo Horizonte. Or your house. Or at the end of your face. All interesting places. Have I told you about the time I went to the end of your face? I don’t remember it too well either. I think it was completely dark out, sun went out for a few days or whatever after a solar flare. No streetlights or any lights either. Anyway I booped you. I booped you so fucking hard. It was more like I slapped you across the face. You didn’t have skin anymore after that. Have you regrown it by now? Yes? Can I have a bite? I hear catskin tastes like porcelain and I haven’t gotten my fix since the last opium war. Goddamn brits always have to fuck up everything good. Did you hear about the… oh god where to start. In india they killed so many people… anway, did you know that there’s a place in england called slough and the antichrist supposedly hails from there? Just something to think about
Hello Crocs.
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mlobsters · 10 months
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supernatural s8e5 blood brother (w. ben edlund)
let's see what sort of bad takes i can have today!
SAM I don't know, Dean. I mean, you did try to kill his mother. DEAN I was trying to kill Crowley, okay? Who happened to be wearing Kevin's mother at the time. Well, there's a difference. SAM Apparently not to Kevin. Oh, I know. Maybe because – oh, yeah – it's his mother.
i'm here for the bickering but not whatever replacement-wife-dog drama is actually going on underneath
benny feeling like ruby 3.0 (meg briefly held 2.0)
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DEAN Hey, the trail is dead, but the room is paid for. You got some research to do, and I got some personal crap I got to take care of. That's all. SAM What does that mean – "personal"? DEAN Did you have a stroke? Vocabulary? Personal, as in my own grown-up personal – I don't know – crap. SAM Damn it – DEAN What, Sam? Last I counted, you took a year off from the job. I need a day.
the affront at dean having something private, which they're the ones that have surrendered their privacy in order to be insane about each other, and when they start hiding things everything goes to shit. sigh
objectively, i can only imagine the bond dean would have made with benny after being basically in war with him for a year without breaks. like lifetime, cumulatively, spent time in the trenches fighting with sam even might be less than the amount of time they're telling us he and benny were killin stuff together, so i'm gonna give that.
of course doesn't deal with the conflict caused by failure to communicate with sam which truly is evergreen
BENNY Oh, your work here is done, Dean. You already saved the day. You know, I got my, uh, deal, and you got – what'd you call it? A family business?
yes, that's it. family business!
CASTIEL Well, I think we're clear for the moment. It does present a curious curl in the metaphysics, doesn't it? If you murder a monster in monster heaven, where does it go?
great minds
DEAN Listen to me, you undead blood junkie, I'm the one with the mojo. I'm the one with the plan. Cas... we're gonna shove your ass back through the eye of that needle if it kills all three of us. BENNY Obviously, I'm less than comfortable with that.
fair, benny, fair
these prompts for sam's little flashbacks are so goofy. i am going to sit outside and use my laptop boop boop. oh, an ice machine..... 🎶 memory, all alone in the moonlight 🎶
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remember when it was cheerfully bright while also a little hazy, and i had a dog? and i fixed things for a living? and was normal?? dreamy
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BENNY Boarded, burned, and buried at sea. My nest – that's how we fed… How we always fed. We kept a tight little fleet, maybe a half-dozen boats. Nothing ostentatious, just pleasure craft. I must have circled the Americas ten times during my tour. A few of us would act as stringers and patrol the harbors, looking for the right-size target – fat, rich yachts going to far-off ports.
they said eat the rich 💁
DEAN Vampire pirates? That's what you guys are? Vampirates. BENNY You know, all the years we ran together, I can't believe nobody ever thought of that. DEAN What do you mean? It's like the third thing you say. BENNY No, it isn't.
dean bringing the awkward as ever
BENNY Anyway…our father – he was a jealous god. He kept the family together but kept us apart from the rest of the world, always at sea. I always did what was best for the nest… till I met her.
fits right in with the family, daddy issues all around
deleting the text before sending it to sam 😔 so close and yet so far
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hey, benny's lady was in the expanse
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the expanse s1e6 rock bottom - athena karkanis as octavia muss
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SAM A friend? Dean, you don't have any – all your friends are dead. DEAN That's not what I called to talk about!
they're kind of hamming it up but it's just sad. everything about this
SAM (on phone) I get the separate-lives thing, but this is a hunting thing, and we need to find that line –
separate lives since when
BENNY’S MAKER But she meant everything to you. If that's all I could salvage from my wayward son – the woman he defied his maker for – I wanted someone to remember you by.
lol wayward son
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AMELIA You come from nowhere, you appear to be going nowhere, and you've, quote, "seen a lot of stitches." It's all pretty solid creepy.
that was cute but there's something about how she's playing this that gives me strong natalie portman in garden state vibes? is she manic pixie dream girling? it's weirding me out.
AMELIA I used to – have someone, I mean. But that's over now. It's gone. You know what that's like, don't you?
maybe so!!
and now sam's freakin out because dean's in trouble and he's not there to help, so is this when he learns the lesson that he actually does want to stay with dean? since the almost-heart-ripped-out incident wasn't enough. oh, not if benny and dean take care of things and sam's got no saving the day to do. may get to hear the 'go hunt with benny instead' argument after all
music swells after dean kills benny's monster lady, okay. benny sounding ready to die, okay.. flashback meteors of black goo shapeshift into dumbass leviathan okaayyy
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that was a nice effect with the little slowmo going for a weapon, dean shaking his head, situation defused
BENNY I can see you two have a lot to talk about.
dean's in troouuble. if you want sam to stay with you, you can't be hiding stuff, man.
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thefandom-casserole · 7 months
Episode 46 Notes-
- It’s time to start
- I’m vibrating I’m so scared
- They’re doing a similar opening to when we met Paeden <3333
- Rock paper scissors 😭
- What was that moan. Omg.
- Why not
- The clussy. Hot clussy autumn
- Taylor RadFact: Taylor’s mom buys Taylor Everything at a Ninja store thing after the incident at the karate thing
- “She’s not spending like a single mom” 😭
- What is with their moans wtf they’re so silly
- Linc RadFact: Linc had to sign a NDA (Near Dad Agreement - you have to always be near dad, 2.5 feet) if he wanted to go outside and play with anyone. No fifa if he breaks the rules. They got rid of it when he went to school
- “Hi Will~” me when I talk to my irl bestie wil (not Will Campos I’m not that cool 😞)
- Normal RadFact: He ruined the football game after a botched front handspring. Normal runs Model UN Ecuador and all other countries declare war on him.
- They sound like the hallways I walk down in school 😭
- Scary RadFact: Scary tried to start a petition to make emo music called Black Metal (even though she doesn’t like Black Metal and only likes Emo)
- Daddy Fact: Scam thought it would be funny for Jodie and him <333. He scammed Jodie (straightest man) into falling in love with him
- The real thing here we go 😭
- I’m so scared
- The two genders: Blade pose and whatever the other thing they said was
- hehe
- Wow Shmegan is really smart
- This is going so bad 😭 oh my fucking god
- This is one of their most wild plans omg
- Awww poor Hermie
- Abraham Lincoln was actually a wrestler I hope Anthony or Freddie or one of them remembers this
- That’s so in character
- “Can I bet on this fight?” SCREAMING CRYING THROWING UP
- The mascot thing again <3333
- 32 damage. Omg.
- Comparing Britain and the US as exes is wild man
- I missed the autism from Normal omg
- Wait nvm Linc saved him
- The music 😭
- Nat one from Abe 😭 Pulling a Paeden there
- Lark and Sparrow ohhhh
- Heyyy Normal and Hermie will have something in common now. They’re both burnt.
- Nat one again 😭 REALLY channeling his Paeden
- Linc why do you like Shmegan so much dude
- Booped on the schnoop
- I love how they used to dunk if Taylor for being a useless ranger but now that he’s a rogue literally everything would be better if he were his old class
- He’s no longer dying thank god
- He’s lost his mustache nOOOOOOOOO
- Hamilton ayyyyyy
- Heyyyy Grant
- Hide n seek
- Norm pulled a Linc
- He pulled a Henry! Doing what Henry did to Cern
- Normal got hit by a bullet omg
- Poor Taylor omg
- Matt did it again 😭 he gave Anthony the choice
- “For the final time roll performance”
- I’m genuinely crying omg
- “Normal I like you too”
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threenorth · 7 months
I miss you every hour.
I'm still loving you even if I can't see you...
I remember when I wanted to kiss you and make out with you in the toy store.
Red? I've always tried sending in yellow my special sunflower.
You said it alot I'm thankful to have you in my heart, keeping me going when times get rough and kept me pushing on.
Don't worry about my happiness, I'm just having netual most of my time, most days are insignificant lately expect maybe my redundancy weeeee, oh and applying for a job in Washington.
The only thing I'm feeling is a bit scared about not being able to find job not really having alot of experience in my given area and hope my MBA is more of an ace, I'm afraid I'll be working in retial again... I don't know I try not think about it too much...
I hope you know I'm sorry you cry over me, if only it would be easier... But I'm trying my best to come back as fast as I can now I gotta find a job who knows it could be the job that pays me double if not quad,and we can give a life we wanted in our cabin.
I'd text you again, if you want that I just don't know what to say I'll think about it tommrow morning.
You aren't blocked on my end, your the one who blocked me and that's okay I pretty much deserve it with my mental health problem telling you I didn't want you talking to me, and then probably the time you kicked me out of your life when I said we switched places I get it. I'll get anything I ask for...so I should of thought about my words better like you said and the people I might hurt...
Oh trust me I ain't beuiutful, hahaha I appreciate it but I got a few issues at the moment I don't feel cute at all...but thanks dear *blows a kiss * you were always the cute one.
Tokyo? Intersting choice, again that would be nice I'd love the bullet train and the eletroinc square. And all the Anime stores.
The secret is like John Green said , slowly then all at once.
A name? Hahaha Bae is yours because I was trying to think up a good pet name.
I've loved you from the day we met, and probably had a crush on you since I saw your smile in 2012, my chemical romance and star wars, I couldn't of asked for more and I still am amazed at you. *touches your nose* boop
I'm sure we think about each other the same amount.
I'd never hangup, but you on the other hand Ive had a few quick hangups and a few long rings, but the best part is no voice mail system set up.
I sure do, cowgirl.
Tomorrow I don't have much planned but if you want you can vc me on ig/fb/skype.
I'll probably be doing some meetings and research as all my work has folded up so pretty sure no meeting either but I don't check my calender till the day, hope you had a good day.
0 notes
fanthatracks · 1 year
We're not only gearing ourselves up for the arrival of the Dark Droids crossover event, but we're also greasing the wheels for Dark Droids: D-Squad, a mini series set to star  R2-D2, IG-88, 4-LOM, WAC-47, BT-1, and 000 and coming from the writing hand of Marc Guggenheim, and the Official Site sit down with Marc to discuss the series and his influences. StarWars.com: We know that in the overall Dark Droids story, something is corrupting droids across the galaxy. Where does your miniseries come in? Marc Guggenheim: D-Squad picks up directly after the events of Dark Droids issue 2. Without spoiling that issue, suffice it to say, that the corruption that is affecting droids throughout the galaxy is made apparent to R2-D2 in a very pointed and personal way. We pick up in the aftermath of that development and with Artoo realizing that he’s going to need some help if he’s going to fight back against this menace. StarWars.com: Fans of Star Wars: The Clone Wars will remember D-Squad from a memorable four-part arc that saw Artoo lead a team of droids. Did you revisit those episodes in preparation for this? Marc Guggenheim: Absolutely! Rewatching those four episodes was the very first thing I did! StarWars.com: I always loved the idea of D-Squad and I'm glad to see the concept return. How have you enjoyed writing a droid team, including some members who only speak in bleeps and boops? Marc Guggenheim: I won’t lie: It’s a challenge to write a comic where almost all your cast speaks an untranslatable language. At the same time, though, that’s part of the fun. In the series, we have entire pages where it’s just droids speaking to each other in binary. Fortunately, we have the perfect artist in Salva Espín. I’ve remarked numerous times to the editors that I’ve never seen a better match of artist and material. In the hands of a lesser artist, the whole story would probably collapse in on itself. [amazon box="B0C5YWBSHR"]
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helpinghanikan · 2 years
What they don't have
Sum: It wasn't simply about jealousy, or even getting a dig in. For Crosshair this was just about making sure the regs knew that he had something they could never get.
AN: Nothing says power move like doing your girl in front of a rival.
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Crosshair has always had an attitude towards his more on-brand brothers. Whether it be simple sneers, mean words or outright laughter whenever he had to work with them. Supposedly Crosshair has been like this even before you joined as the designated medic.
It didn’t take long for that attitude to get worse with you around. Especially when your relationship passed the point of professionalism. Making it no surprise when he started a fight with Arc trooper Jesse with one sentence.
“We don’t usually work with regs.” Crosshair had said flicking his pick at Jesse.
“What did you call me?!” Jesse had snapped back.
It only took one step for Jesse to get close. Luckily Hunter stepped in to stop the reg. You doing the same for Crosshair. Stepping right in front of him and getting close enough to whisper: “Can you play nice?”
He gives you that smile of condescension. The same kind he gives Wrecker when they start one of their little contests. You weren’t Wrecker, though.
“Play nice?” You repeated. “For me?”
He doesn’t verbally agree but he does drop the look. Shooting one last glare towards Jesse over your shoulder before the ship crashed.
There wasn’t any time to focus on Crosshair and his attitude. Kix was a good medic but you had to take point on Commander Cody. Not that you could blame Kix for being distracted. The Bad Batch were unique in how they work, it was practically a show. Albeit a show you’ve seen dozens of times by now.
By the time Kix remembered he had a job Cody was on his way to stable. Kix kneeling across from you to give Cody another once over. Having the unfortunate timing of seeing Crosshair pause while walking by.
“Nice enough?” The sniper says to you. Moving what little hair was in your face while doing so.
You don’t say anything. Just barely shake your head. Making eye contact with Kix and asking; “Help me with the stretcher?”
Jedi weren’t the only non-clones to be found in the field. Medics, mechanics, and specialist from across the galaxy have enlisted themselves for the war. It also wasn’t unusual for those non-clones to become more than just a comrade.
This little interaction didn’t prove anything. You could just have a touchy relationship with Crosshair. The same with Wrecker who held out his hand to help you. And with Tech who kept a hand on your shoulder whenever he was close enough. There was only one physical interaction with Hunter, but a little forehead touch before tucking in still counted.
When the fight started you kept your distance. Letting the boys vent their frustrations and pride at eachother while you stayed with Cody. Slipping him some of the good stuff when he started to stir. Drugs are the only way to keep clone commanders down when injured. They’re worse than medics when sick.
Jesse and Kix took first watch after that fight. Kix pointing his head towards the sky to feel for any injuries. Nothing major that he could feel. Just a little sore skin from Crosshair’s gauntlets on his throat.
“We all come from the same donor. Same handsome donor, right?” Jesse asked, looking over the camp.
Jesse had noticed your interactions with the Batch, too. Making the comment when Hunter took a moment to stop by your cot. Whispering something before booping his forehead against yours.
You weren’t as durable as the others. While everyone else made do with the ground and their arms you got a blanket. Your pack being used as a makeshift pillow. Facing where Jesse and Kix were stationed. Not even looking at them, only closing your eyes.
“That’s what the long necks said. I don’t remember the word ‘handsome’, though.” Kix said, although he wouldn’t disagree.
“The point is, Kix, there’s millions of us. Why’d she go for the one that looks like a ghost?” Jesse says, trying to subtly gesture towards you.
“Or that can’t even fit through a door?” Kix added.
They never would have heard Crosshair if he didn’t want them to. Choosing to walk right between them, giving them both a glance. He had heard what they said but didn’t snap back or anything like they expected. Instead he just walked between them. More focused on reaching you rather then dealing with these two.
Jesse and Kix watch Crosshair, although it’s hard to hear. Although jokes were made it wasn’t clear if you and Crosshair were a thing. Making Jesse tense when Crosshair kneeled behind you, two fingers gently running over your jaw.
“He wouldn’t try-.” Kix started to say, ready to intervene if needed.
You smile before Kix can finish. Bringing a hand up to hold Crosshair’s face, turning your head back to give him a kiss.
“Never mind then.” Kix says, looking away to the woods.
Jesse didn’t look away. Instead eh tried to hide that he was watching. Switching between looking at his hands and looking back over.
Crosshair broke protocol by removing his armor during a mission. They were stacked next to the couple. Leaving Crosshair in his blacks when he slid under the blanket. Spooning you with a surprising amount of body heat.
Tech was usually the one who came over during missions. When it’s just the squad and there’s no fear of jokes about the ‘weak’ member needing a hug. In reality Tech needed sleep more than the others. That you helped meant nothing, it was all about productivity.
It should be surprising that Crosshair hasn’t mocked Tech for wanting a cuddle during missions. Solely because Crosshair understand the effect you had. And took advantage of it when ever he could. Like now when Tech chose to sleep alone to save pride.
Crosshair didn’t care about what these regs said or thought. Making eye contact with Jesse. Turning his head to kiss your cheek and whisper something into your ear.
You nod, eyes still closed, and Crosshair’s hands start to move.
For the sin of existing Crosshair kept looking to Jesse. Making this new rival was watching as your breasts were cupped. Crosshair squeezing hard to get through your shirt and bra. Something that you made a face at and turned your face towards him.
Crosshair asking to join and asking to touch could only be heard by you. When you whisper “softer…” it travels through the camp.
Kix looking up at the same time Wrecker does. Catching each other’s eye across the way. While Kix gives nothing Wrecker grins. The giant would probably give a hearty chuckle if he wasn’t already falling back asleep.
Crosshair, like the others, listens. Blanket and shirt fabric hiding the journey his hand takes up your shirt. Sliding his thumb under the wire and pushing up until your breasts were freed. His hand, like his breath, was hotter than any sun could be. War worn skin lightly rubbing over a nipple that makes you keen.
Both Kix and Jesse are watching now. Crosshair smirking behind your head when he sees this. Kissing your cheek and whispering into your ear.
“They’re watching,” He whispers just for you. “Should we stop?”
Neither Kix nor Jesse were ready for your eyes to open. Jolting slightly when you didn’t really react to the voyeurism. Just closing your eyes again and leaning back. Kissing Crosshair as your answer.
Crosshair presses his body over yours. Keeping the blanket over your hips when his hand goes lower. Reaching the hem of your pants and easily finding their way past it.
His fingers are surprisingly soft. His gloves kept his hands safe from too much damage. They likely kept them warm, too. A heavy breath thanked him for this. Your thighs opening for his fingers to find your lower lips.
It’s a bit of an awkward position for Crosshair. Pressed flush against your back. Keeping his arm around your torso with a hold on your breast. His other arm reached over your waist to get between your thighs. Not a lot of physical pleasure came from barely grinding against your back. All of it came from the effect his fingers had on you. And the look Jesse and Kix had when they pretended not to be watching.
He looks to Kix. The one who tried whatever skills regs have against Crosshair’s own. The only thing he got from this was a sore neck and a show. Crosshair making sure Kix looked over when he brought his hand back from you. Sliding two fingers into his mouth and returning them between your thighs.
Going from one dangerous mission to another left you without for two weeks at this point. By extensions, so did your boys. This made the parting of your lips have a bigger effect then they normally would. Finally feeling a cool touch from heated hands on your most sensitive skin. What else could you have done but gasp?
Listening to moans and whispers were, unfortunately, nothing new for Jesse and Kix. When the boys find someone it’s not like they can rent a motel or somewhere private. The only options are their partner’s place or the barracks.
It was different in the barracks; when the lights go out it’s too dark to see anything past an outline. It’s where you can let your imagination run wild with the moans. None of the boys had gotten under Jesse’s skin, either. Nor did any of them smirked at Kix while they fingered a fellow medic.
“He’s so full of it.” Jesse says.
“I think she is, actually.” Kix adds.
Jesse’s look said ‘shut up’ more than his voice ever could.
Crosshair tended to become too enthusiastic when it came to your pleasure. Finding that one little motions against your pearl that causes a shiver and attacks. Three fingers between your thighs to keep the target exposed and vulnerable. Middle finger speeding in rubs for a second before slowing and starting again.
Warmth from your core had traveled by this point. Growing and stretching throughout your muscles until the tips of your toes were starting to feel it. You didn’t have to do anything special for Crosshair to know this.
You’ve been gripping his working hand since the very beginning. At first it was a point of physical contact. Now it was something akin to a lifeline. Squeezing his wrist hard as you could; whether it was to slow down or speed up no one could say.
“Can I get a kiss?” Crosshair whispers. Switching to a slower massage between your legs.
He didn’t need to ask to get kissed. Just the tilt of your head in the right direction could get your lips working. This question wasn’t for permission, it was a kind of bargaining. He gets a kiss, you get to cum.
“I’m still- I’m still annoyed.” You said, turning your head towards him anyway.
“Of course you are.” He says, taking his demanded kiss.
It was light, barely a press, of lips. Just enough to make him smug about getting what he wanted out of you.
He keeps up his end of the deal. Returning to his slow to swift rhythm that had started the buildup. His arm around your center tightening as you arched. Moving to stay with your wiggling body as the orgasm started to crest.
Crosshair presses his face into the crook of your neck. Running his teeth over the exposed skin but not biting. Probably cursing himself for not moving your collar before starting. If he had your arching neck would be nipped and bitten like the treat it is.
Both Jesse and Kix gave up trying to play it cool. Now outright staring when you come back to yourself. Jesse only looks away when you smile at him. Taking a cue from Crosshair and not caring about what one in a million pair of eyes has to think.
It took awhile to understand Crosshair’s goal of less than private sex. With the others it was the simple fact of timing and finding a place. Neither Wrecker nor Tech ever slowed down when walked in on. Tech too focused on the task at hand and Wrecker finding it downright funny that you got caught. Hunter was the only one who had hesitations. When another person enters the room he can’t help but focus on them, even if it’s for a moment.
With Crosshair it was almost personal. Becoming so much more affectionate and loving when a reg could be in the vicinity. Although his love was for you, his eyes were still watching them. Making sure they knew who was the one touching you.
Fingers that still smell like you run move your hair. Crosshair kisses your jaw, your cheek, and your temple. He stays close and asks; “Can I have you?”
It’s too good of an opportunity to give up. Smiling as you replied, “Can I get a kiss?”
The kiss you get is also more than his. It’s a deep press that becomes a bite. Pushing you down from his arms until your flat on your back. Hands on his back, too focused on his backside to care that the blanket was gone.
Crosshair moves faster than you can keep up with. Pants already to your thighs before you even thought to lift your hips. Down to your boots that are, thankfully, easily to toe off without having to move positions.
Trooper blacks come in two pieces; top and bottom. Really they were just overpriced pajamas. Making it easier to slip his bottoms down than it was to get yours unzipped.
Bottoms past his ass you don’t get long to admire him. Warm against the inside of your thigh that he holds to guide. Barely a touch of precum making it anywhere but between your legs. Both hands reaching up to hold his face during penetration.
It’s surprising that the separatist didn’t hear your combined moan. Jesse certainly heard it. His leg bouncing up and down like a nervous twitch. Kix notices this, raising an eyebrow but choosing not to say anything when Jesse snaps “What?”
This was a different kind of jealousy then Jesse usually shows. Not the same pouting when a fellow clone snags the cutie at the bar before Jesse got a chance to. No, this seemed to be actual anger at Crosshair. Watching with his arms crossed and scowled face.
You’re too busy to care about that. Or even to give Jesse and Kix a glance. Instead bending your knees on either side of Crosshair’s waist. Moving with Crosshair’s almost erratic thrusts that do little more than scratch the surface.
Looking up to your man, and seeing him look to something else, can’t be anything but insulting. Especially when he has the same smile he gets when mocking Wrecker. The little shit preferring to see the shimmering mess he had made out of Jesse than to even think about you.
“Hey,” You whisper but also grab his chin. Turing his head to look back at you. His eyes are the prettiest when they’re wide. “I’m the one you’re inside of, Darling.”
His wide, cute, eyes don’t stay that way for long. He instead gives a single laugh.
“You’re absolutely right.” He says. The only warning you get before he hauls you up and onto his lap.
Your arms work on their own. Wrapping around his neck to gain stability while you looked up to the sky. Your own weight and gravity bearing down to spear you onto Crosshair. Your man only making it worse by thrusting up to match.
“How selfish of me.” Crosshair says, running his hands up your sides and onto your back.
Although quiet there is still a distinct smacking noise that only grows louder. Crosshair leaning forward to take refuge in your neck. Although a quieter man he’s never been really good at keeping his voice down during sex.
He loses himself in the feeling of you. Keeping you closer than any hug could ever be. His face pressed into the crook of your neck. Getting drunk on the smell and taste of your skin. If it weren’t for the stupid uniform shirt he would have covered your breasts in nips and kisses. He digs dull nails into your thighs. Growing more and desperate for touch as he grows closer.
You and Crosshair were different than the meet ups the regs do. Both Jesse and Kix have had their fair share of hookups. There’s always a battalion bunny or three on some planet looking for a trooper. But those were usually quick and done with barely a name shared, let alone a kiss and hug.
Although a laugh doesn’t come out, it is funny how loud Crosshair can get when he cums. Enough so that you covered his mouth when he started to grow beyond a moan. Nodding for him to finish inside when he looks up at you with those eyes that have started to widen.
Kix watches you smile at Crosshair’s mumbling into your neck. He presses his lips when you giggle at how loud Crosshair had gotten. That you run your hands through his hair, and he looks up at you like you’re the only star in the sky. He frowns at your kiss and has to completely look away when you say, “Love you.”
Jesse does the same when Crosshair responds. Not letting his brother see the effect a regular reminder of love has on him.
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