#i still need to figure out if the new bodies would bubble or not. oh no Ori bubbling.....
frozenjokes · 2 days
Two Touchy Mermaids Fail To Communicate With The Most Obnoxious People You’ve Ever Met In Your Life
pronouns get a little weird. clarification in ao3 notes
Something was different today. Something was going to happen.
Grian and Scar were restless, but Mumbo was pretty sure it was an excited sort of restlessness, the type where you couldn’t sit still, where you couldn’t stop smiling.
They were trying to explain something to him as well; a thing called Etho, which seemed important, but neither of them were doing a very good job of actually telling him what an Etho was besides the fact that it was good, indicated by constant thumbs up motions. But beyond Mumbo’s own frustration, that was exciting too! They were preparing for something, someone even, maybe another human? In truth, the idea of a new human made Mumbo quite nervous, but if Grian and Scar trusted them, surely Mumbo could too. He didn’t think they’d do anything to jeopardize the safety of his cove, but humans weren’t the most intelligent of creatures.
There was something about mermaids as well. Scar kept trying to tell him something about mermaids. Yes, Scar, I am a mermaid. That is what you call me. Yes I know mermaids are good. Yes I know an Etho is good, what are you trying to say here.
Scar had also brought an extra bag that Mumbo hadn’t seen before, though unfortunately he was very protective over it, not leaving its side and making some sort of hissing sound when Mumbo got too close. Given how Grian laughed at the noise, Mumbo got the impression that it was not a normal human vocalization, just an attempt at mimicry. Scar looked happy with himself though, and that was cute. After being given a new human device (Fidget Cube, it was called), Mumbo left him alone. This tool was fascinating; it seemed to serve no purpose at all! Was it a puzzle? Oh, he adored these! It looked a little like some mermaid puzzles, but so much smaller. Mumbo would figure it out.
This preoccupied him for quite a while (making no progress- how difficult did human puzzle cubes get? Was there a human secret he was missing? At least it felt good to play with), but he jolted up when Scar yelled, waving at the water. Mumbo’s fins flicked, confused, but raised when he saw a massive ripple over the top of the water, then a dark shadow just beneath the surface. Far too big to be a fish.
“Etho! I- Mumbo-“ Scar didn’t have to say any more before Mumbo dove forward to investigate, fins raised and teeth gently bared, wariness which only heightened when he saw exactly who was on the other side of the lake.
‘I’m friendly. I’m friendly.’ Ghost whistled, fins tight against their body and head low in a submissive posture, as if Mumbo didn’t already know better. ‘I’m-‘
Mumbo launched after the other mermaid, Ghost frozen in a moment of terror before turning tail in a flurry of bubbles. But Mumbo was bigger, faster, and Ghost had to maneuver downward in a sharp turn to escape Mumbo’s teeth in their tail. Not here. Not now. No one would be permitted to enter his cove, not when his humans were present. Especially shapeshifting not-mermaids. Unfortunately, Ghost had pivoted down and away from the outlet back to the river, so Mumbo would need to corral them more effectively on the second try.
But Ghost wasn’t trying to escape to the deeper part of the lake like Mumbo had anticipated; the area with more cover, more room to swim. They were going to the shore.
The course correction was awkward, but once Mumbo straightened himself out he was flying after Ghost. The mer was sprinting like their life depended on it, but Mumbo was quicker, catching up from below just as the sand started to brush his stomach and rearing upward in a flash of teeth, tearing at Ghost's tail. Mumbo wanted to flip them around, drag them by the tail back where they came from, but unsurprisingly, Ghost did not make this easy, thrashing and snapping and being extraordinarily difficult.
Muffled yelling from the surface turned sharper every time Mumbo was spun above the water, Ghost writhing in desperate circles to force Mumbo to let go, but Mumbo didn’t process the movement in the water before something attached itself to his back, making him rear back above the surface in startled surprise.
“SCAR!” was the first thing Mumbo heard, the shrillest shriek he’d ever heard out of Grian’s mouth, but he didn’t have time to think when Ghost was shooting away toward the beach and something was crushing the fins on his back and wrapping around his neck-
Mumbo slammed himself into the sand, rolling through as he fought a sharp panic, but Ghost was escaping, they were going to-
All rational thought went out the window when The Something found the lip of his gills, pulling with uncoordinated movement and sending fiery shots of pain down his neck and chest. Mumbo slammed himself against the sand twice more, but the thing just wouldn’t untangle. The delayed realization that he could use his arms hit fiercely, but before he could rip off whatever it was that had latched itself onto his back, splashing outside of his own caught his periferie, the clumsiness of a human racing through the water unmistakable.
“Mumbo! Stop- stop! Fucking fuck FUCKING Scar FUCK. Mumbo!” Before Mumbo could even recognize Grian in front of him, something blunt slammed against the side of his head, then his shoulder- ow- Mumbo hissed, confusion rattling his brain more than hostility, then something else yelled, really loud directly into his ear, but the thing did drop off his back- had Grian done that?
Oh. The thing was Scar. AAA! That was Scar!
Mumbo jumped away with a start, fins tense and quivering. Scar was sitting dazed in the water, shirt torn and tattered from being crushed against Mumbo’s sharp fins- skin- most of him was sharp, actually. He was bleeding everywhere, but closer inspection revealed the injuries were mostly scrapes, the worst of it on his arms from pushing against Mumbo’s rough skin as well as Scar’s neck and upper chest area which had probably been poked and punctured by Mumbo’s hair. Goodness gracious. What was he thinking!?
‘Scars! Never in my many years have I ever met anyone as eager to die as you! What is wrong with your head? I could have killed you!’
“What is your fucking problem!?” Grian started speaking to Scar at nearly the same time, who at this point was not looking very amused, ignoring the both of them in their continued tirades as he stood up, brushing sand off his torn shirt and limping to the shore.
“That was stupid, Scar,” Mumbo whipped up when he heard Ghost’s voice, their human voice, but Scar didn’t look concerned at all, meandering right up to the bush where the other mermaid was cowering in the shade. Ghost’s tail was tucked away where Mumbo couldn’t see, but the small trail of blood across the beach indicated he’d still done some damage. “I told you. Territorial. Not sure how I’m going to get out of here now, so.”
“I’m sorry then.” Scar huffed, hunching his shoulders as he plopped into the sand. Mumbo hissed, somewhat uncertain now, but stopped with a few startled clicks when Grian grabbed at his hand to get his attention, letting go as quickly as contact was made.
“No. That’s Etho. Good.” Grian gave him a firm thumbs up, to which Mumbo returned with a thumbs down, to which Grian returned to a thumbs up, to which-
‘I’m sorry for our first meeting. I did not realize we shared idiot friends. I did not think we would meet again. Which, for the record, was not my idea. I was stuck somewhere poor. Needed a secluded place with access to land. If it’s any consolation, I thought this was a terrible idea. Humans don’t think. They only want.’ Ghost made a motion with their hand that Mumbo didn’t understand, but Scar seemed to take offense, slapping at the gesture. Ghost didn’t mind, fins unchanging.
Mumbo’s fins flicked, unsure, but above all, deeply confused. How could Grian and Scar know another mermaid- neither of them had brought it up before. Well. In fairness, Ghost wasn’t really.. ‘You are not a mermaid.’
Ghost shrugged, a human gesture, ‘Part time.’
‘This makes no sense.’
‘It’s best if you just accept that you won’t understand. I also do not understand. The bad human you met before has the power to do as he wishes with me. Usually I am human, but I have been stuck as a mer in recent days, unable to contact the bad human. Though I did grow up in this form before being trapped on the surface. I know the language, obviously. Unfortunately, I happen to be good friends with-“ Ghost stopped for a moment, ‘What do you call them?’ Ghost flicked their fins in Scar’s direction.
Ghost made an odd sound, that weird wheezing noise, mimicking a human laugh, ‘I forgot. It means the same thing in the human language, isn’t that funny?’
Mumbo blinked, fins flaring for a short moment of surprise, ‘What? That’s a cruel name for a child, you must be mistaken.’
‘He named himself.’
‘Genuinely, I do not know.’ Ghost narrowed their eyes, and Mumbo saw a teasing flick of his tail even obscured by the brush, ‘If it’s so cruel, why did you choose it?’
Mumbo puffed up, embarrassed, ‘They put me on the spot. Wanted mermaid names. Just went with the first short word I saw.’ Mumbo gestured with a soft motion to Scar, ‘They still can’t say it, but I think it would be more confusing to change. Now though, I don’t think Scars minds.’
“You two friends yet?” Scar cut in, grabbing Ghost’s attention away, but they only made that shrugging motion again.
“I don’t think he wants to kill me anymore.”
“That’s great news!”
‘Okay, wait a minute-‘ Mumbo struggled to cut in, unused to having so much competition while speaking, ‘I don’t understand any of this-‘
‘You won’t.’ Ghost cut him off, curt.
‘How do you change?’
‘I don’t know.’
‘How do you not know? Will the bad human come back?’
‘Forces beyond my control. They might, but if I’m given advance warning I will leave and you won’t have to worry about them. Assuming I will stay, which I won’t.’
“What are you saying?” Grian finally spoke up, blatant in his interruption as all humans seemed to be, but Ghost waved him off.
“I’m telling him I’m going to leave as soon as I’m healed. Shouldn’t be long now, Joel will take care of it.”
“What? Why! You’re already here!” Grian jumped up, and Mumbo sidled away from the high energy.
“Etho! Solitaire, Etho! Etho. Remember solitaire?” Scar joined in, taking Ghost’s hand in a way that made Mumbo cringe.
Etho flicked their fins. “He doesn’t want me here.”
“Mumbo totally wants you here! It was just a misunderstanding- isn’t it?” Grian turned to Mumbo, and it took a couple moments before Mumbo even realized he was being addressed. “Right?”
Mumbo flicked his fins with a short huff, and Ghost made a similar motion, whistling, ‘Do you want me here?’
“He said no.”
“To what? What did you ask him?” Grian waded back to the shore, his interest acutely on Ghost now.
“You two are insufferable and this was a horrible idea. My regrets are many.”
“No! Nononono!” Scar seemed quite distressed, touching and tapping Etho’s shoulders and face and arms and how did they stand that? “Mumbo! Etho.” Scar proceeded to point at Ghost with great urgency, giving Mumbo many thumbs up so it was clear exactly what he was trying to convey. Once Grian made it to the sand he made similar motions, equally enthusiastic in his strained excitement. Scar continued, “Etho! This is Etho! Etho is good. Good! Good guy, very good. Etho! Good!”
‘Etho’s’ fins were pinned all the way back, eyes closed in irritation. Mumbo huffed, keeping his own thumb firmly down and struggling not to be charmed by both humans’ great reaction of slapstick distress.
‘Pests.’ Ghost said.
‘Pests.’ Mumbo had to agree. Couldn’t the two of them see how much they were bugging Ghost? Or- Etho as they were called, weren’t they. That was their human name. Human. A part human with human friends. How did that work?
Scar continued babbling to Etho while Grian seemed to be trying to communicate with Mumbo, but honestly, Mumbo didn’t care that much, his wariness of Etho turning over to curiosity. Not curious enough to feel bad about biting them, but curious regardless. Anyone would be.
‘You speak human?’
Etho stared at Mumbo for a long time, entirely ignoring both Grian and Scar making fools of themselves between them. After a very long pause, Etho finally answered, ‘Yes.’
‘You can translate?’
Mumbo didn’t think Etho could look any more irritated, but he was proven incredibly wrong when Etho’s pressed-flat fins began to quiver. ‘Technically.’
“What is he saying?” Grian.
‘What are they saying?’
“You’re both asking for translations, all three of you are pests, and you have about three games of solitaire to convince me to stay.” Etho started to translate what they’d said for Mumbo, but the clearing exploded into noise before they could finish. Scar and Grian were tripping over themselves to convince Etho of- something, and one moment of shared eye contact was all it took for Mumbo to understand this was going too far. Well. Mumbo knew a place where Etho could get some space.
With a flick of his tail, Mumbo gestured to the water. Both humans missed it, but Etho got the message, bracing themself before pushing forward, pointedly slapping both Grian and Scar with their tail and shooting into the water.
While this caused quite a bit of commotion on the shore, he and Etho didn’t hear very much of it, swimming deeper where the sound of unhappy humans would not reach. Mumbo slowed his pace once they were far enough away though, partially due to Etho’s injury (which didn’t look nearly as bad as Mumbo had thought; holding on with his teeth for so long would have caused a lot more damage wouldn’t it? Now it only looked like a scratch; Etho must have really tough scales!), but also quite aware of Etho’s intent as they swam in the direction of the outlet to the river. He still had questions. Time he intended to buy.
‘You weren’t born human? You come from the ocean?’
Etho’s fins jerked in acknowledgment of the words or maybe surprise, but either way they still took their time answering. Not unusual for mermaids, but a little stressful when time was so limited.
‘I come from the ocean. It’s been a long time since I’ve been to the deep, but I do not miss it.’
‘You don’t?’
‘I’ve found my place.’
‘Do you have friends? Family? Do they know where you’ve gone? I could take a message if you’re trapped.’
‘Not necessary. I left the deep of my own will long before this happened to me.’
Mumbo paused in his swimming, concern disrupting his pace, ‘And you don’t miss it? At all?’
Etho swam a little faster, irritation rippling through their fins. ‘It doesn’t matter how I feel. Nothing will change.’
Well that seemed like answer enough, didn’t it. Even setting out to leave the deep of your own will, there was still the option of returning. Of visiting, even if you don’t intend on staying. Plenty of mers venture to different seas; open skies, warmer waters; there’s plenty of reason to travel, and beyond that, plenty of reason to leave. The deep was not a perfect place. It was dark and cold and often unexciting. Not counting the time his tail was sprained, Mumbo had never eaten better than when he was near the surface- had never felt better; it was like this is where he was meant to be. Where mermaids were meant to be.
But the deep had heart. It had love and song and strangers who would fight for you tooth and nail without even knowing your name. Mumbo didn’t know many mers’ names actually, but he still knew dozens by shape, song, and skill. He was known similarly; the eccentric mer who liked to visit the surface, greeted upon his return with amused and/or exasperated chirps and clicks. And that was lovely. To have mers know you, recognize you, and swim beside you in a silently nosey gesture, wondering what you brought home this time.
‘I would miss it.’
Etho bared their teeth and Mumbo slowed his pace, letting Etho widen the gap between them. ‘Congratulations.’
‘I only say it because I have things from home. I brought them for the humans to show. You’re welcome to them. To look or to keep.’
Etho stopped short.
Their tail waved idly, keeping control over their place in space, but other than that they were still, thought rippling ever so slowly through their fins. Mumbo wondered what they were thinking. What they might be hoping to see. Etho was silent for a long while and Mumbo maintained the respectful distance between them while they processed.
‘What do you have?’
Mumbo left them without another word, motioning for Etho to stay. As much as Mumbo sympathized with the.. whatever was going on with them.. he still didn’t want Etho anywhere near his hideaway.
But Mumbo did get homesick. He couldn’t imagine not being able to go home at all.
As quickly as he could Mumbo returned with his bag, the bulky thing strapped a tad awkwardly over his shoulder. It had been a pain in the ass to lug up to the surface, but Mumbo had imagined how excited his humans would be when he showed them his trinkets, and that had made the weight feel a little lighter. This was even better.
Settling on an outcrop close to the surface but far from the shore, Mumbo undid the straps. Neither of them needed to speak. Away from humans, it was easier to remember the twitches and flicks that meant ‘it’s okay,’ ‘go ahead,’ ‘yes,’ ‘no.’ There was nothing to distract them, nothing loud and hyperactive to take the attention away from each other, disrupting an integral part of their language. A brush of fins asking ‘Can I?’ just as if they were in the dark. Of course Etho could, and Mumbo let himself drift back, still holding the bag down but giving Etho a little space.
Etho did not want Mumbo to know how they felt. They kept their fins stick stiff, not relaxed, never relaxed, but Mumbo could still see it in the quiver of Etho’s fingers, the suppressed twitching of their pale fins. Mumbo saw it in the care Etho lent to the mer tools for building and for tinkering, the children’s toys, the notoriously uncomfortable clay paint Mumbo was pretty sure all mers hated but still wore to nice events regardless. Etho stopped short at the puzzle box Mumbo produced specifically for them to see, delighted to see a wave of emotion break through Etho’s stubborn facade as they took the toy in their hands, immediately beginning to fidget with it.
‘I used to love these,’ they said, the first words between the two of them in ages. Mumbo didn’t need to speak to communicate his agreement, basking in the relief of this, of silence, of not having to speak like humans do. Briefly, Mumbo mourned the loss of his own puzzle cube, the human puzzle, but excitement overtook him once more when he realized how entertained he’d be trying to find it again. For now though, he was content to watch Etho fiddle with the mer puzzle, the child-esc joy delightfully palpable. Etho solved it quickly, separating the two pieces to reveal the caged pearl inside, the indicator you had won. They clicked the toy back together, placing it back in Mumbo’s bag before continuing to explore it with great enthusiasm, fins twitching and waving and flicking in the wake of their broken facade.
All movement stopped the moment Etho’s hand found something Mumbo couldn’t yet see, fins flattening as they pulled the small music box from the bag. The instrument was delicate of course, not just thrown haphazardly inside but stored in an intricate box, the engravings of which any mermaid would recognize. They were items of great importance; spiritual, educational tools, or otherwise, and mermaids often kept copies of their favorite songs for when they were alone, when they needed a song that no one was around to sing for them.
Mumbo had brought two, intending on giving them as gifts. For Scar he chose Healing, which he figured was appropriate. For Grian; the box Etho held now, Mumbo brought Love.
With utmost care, Etho gingerly removed the instrument from the box, winding it back with uncertain fingers. The focus they paid to the music box was intense, like they and the instrument were the only things on the planet, like Mumbo wasn’t even there. Finally, Etho let the music play, closing their eyes as they listened. It lasted a while; Etho had winded it quite far, maybe to make sure it looped in its entirety.
But the waters were quiet and calm, and Mumbo didn’t mind at all. He waited until the notes tapered off to speak, gently disturbing the trance laid out over the water as Etho moved to wind the box again.
‘Do you want to sing?’
Etho, whose fins had relaxed at this point, lowered them once more, tail swishing in an uncertain ‘No’ gesture. ‘It’s been too long. I’m no good.’
‘Neither am I. Nearly failed all my classes.’
Etho looked skeptical, an expression that said ‘Really.’ without words.
‘No, not exactly. But my memory is abysmal and I can never bring myself to practice. Really bites me in the tail when I have to do.. anything at all. I keep accidentally putting those humans to sleep!’
Etho found that amusing, but their fins soon fell, discomfort twitching across their back. They glanced at the music box in their hands, fingers dancing around the crank. Mumbo cocked his chin, ‘Go on,’ and Etho dipped their head, doing just that.
This time when the music played, Mumbo sang along.
After five more rounds of winding, Etho finally joined him, timid at first, but by the sixth go, they too were singing in earnest. Mumbo felt their stress flaking away like leaves on the wind, and he too felt a little bit lighter.
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spotsupstuff · 9 months
Caper drunk must be very cute! I mean he loves Sparrow so much!! I bet he would be all over her, smuching and cuddling her all day.
Caper: Spaaarrrrrrowwwww~~~! I loveee you!!! So~~~ much!!!!! Did I tell you that?!?!?!
Sparrow, looking fondly at him: jejejeje, yeah you told me that every day
But now genuinely: what type of drunk would be Caper? And how would he get drunk? Was it a bet? A dare? Or just a night with Sparrow? And did he ends up liking the alcoholic drink?
Tarrows gets fed up with dealing with all of this shit sober so as any proper slavic adult she decides it's time to turn to the roots n goes figure out how to make smth light n then Also Vodka
Euros would be, yeah, the overly affectionate emotional drunk- one second he's giggling like stupid over smth, then he's leaning against a wall flirting with Sparrows, trying to get her number as if they haven't married centuries ago and then he's nose diving into his chest to cry his eyes out cuz he remembered all those years he spent without her thinking he's alone for good and "oh gods Sph... i love you so much i'mgh -sob- i'm never letting you out of mh.. armbs uhhhhuhh" and at the end of All THat he falls asleep curled up into her bubbling up a storm
as for how- c'mon, this man got people to surgically staple a hooha n a peepee to him, he's here to live n try stuff out. Sparrows drinks it n seems to like it, what more incentive could he possibly need yanno
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mariasont · 23 days
My Assistant - A.H
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a/n: im a little addicted to bimbo reader rn if you can't tell lmao
‧₊˚ ✩°。⋆♡ ⋆˙⟡♡ ⋆˙⟡♡⋆。°✩˚₊‧
pairings: aaron hotchner x bimbo!assistant!reader
summary: you can't reach a book so hotch helps you out
warnings: none? fluff, reader climbing a fucking book shelf and for what
wc: 0.8k
"Oh, biscuits!" 
It was a ridiculous thing to say, but frankly you didn't care. You were on your tiptoes, chest flush against a bookshelf. Spencer had asked for a book for the case they were working, and naturally, it was nestled on the top shelf.
Balancing precariously on your stilettos, you stretched as tall as you possibly could, your fingers skimming the spine that was an inch too far away.
You shifted your weight back onto your heels, planting your hands firmly on your hips as you considered the stubborn object just out of reach. Sure, Spencer would grab the book without hesitation if asked, and he'd do so with a smile, but you really liked feeling useful.
For over a year, you've been the one at Mr. Hotchner's beck and call--fetching coffee, filing papers, and attending to, basically, his every need (not the one you wanted though). To others, it might seem trivial, but you really liked it. Well, you really liked him. 
At first, you were intimidated--how could you not? He had a reputation. You heard the stories--a man who never smiled, his ever-serious nature, and Penelope's not so family friendly description of his sternness was enough to unsettle anyone.
But you considered his reputed severity to just be part of his charm, he was far from the figure others painted him as. He was a good boss, always fair, never once raising his voice at you or demanding too much. In your eyes, he was perfect. You might be biased. 
The idea of climbing the shelf was a gamble, especially in these shoes, and it seemed almost certain to end with a less-than-elegant fall. Still, you couldn't resist the challenge and hoisted yourself up anyway, the shelf wobbling perilously as you did so. 
You pressed on, climbing higher, the wood's groans of protest falling on deaf ears. If this was how you were going down, so be it.
"Almost there," you muttered to yourself, straining every muscle in your arm, you were sure.
And just as you almost had the book, your balance faltered and then found new footing, the sensation of falling dissipating. In its place, you found your ass delicately perched, nearly seated on someone's broad shoulder.
You honestly didn't even need to look to know who it was--embarrassingly enough--you had basically memorized the feeling of Hotch's hands. Though they had never been wrapped around your legs like they were now. His grip was warm and strong, sparking a wave of electricity that rippled through your whole body.
"Got it!" you cried out, your victory fist pump nearly launching you from Hotch's shoulder. But his hold on your thighs clamped tighter, securing you in place. "Thanks, sir."
You angled your head downward, locking gazes with Hotch--his eyes a rich blend of ember and molten chocolate that you really liked looking at.
His eyebrows were arched in a silent question on his well-defined face as if he really couldn't believe what you were doing. 
"Careful," Hotch murmured, his hands lowering you to the ground. There was a fleeting brush against your ass, surely accidental, yet it sparked a flurry of butterflies swirling in the pit of your stomach. "In the future, just ask. I wouldn't want you hurt over something as trivial as a book."
"Oh, don't you worry about me, sir. I'm like, practically a pro at rock climbing when I'm not here." you said, letting out a bubbly giggle.
He regarded you with a look that was equal parts amusement and disbelief, clearly not convinced.
"Okay, not really, but wouldn't that be cool?"
"Well, rock climber or not, let's keep those feet on the ground, please," Hotch remarked, the slightest quirk of his mouth suggesting a suppressed smile. "It's less of a fall from there."
"Sure thing, sir!" you beamed, popping off a silly salute, noting his struggle not to roll his eyes. "But I did get the book, so it all worked out in the end, right?"
With a gentle nudge on your lower back, Hotch directed you towards the conference room.
"Yes, it did, but for future reference, Spencer's height makes him more capable of reaching those books himself."
You couldn't help the blush that colored your face, and you managed a flustered smile.
"Well, I mean, it is what I get paid to do, sir."
"No, you get paid to do my bidding, not Spencer's," he teases, giving a gentle squeeze to your side.
Your laughter rang out, a bit too high, a bit too bright, as his touch sent a delightful vertigo spiraling through you. 
"Well, yeah, okay, that's fair. But it's been pretty light on the to-do list from you today."
"And you're complaining about that?"
With the conference room in sight, you pretended to lock your lips and throw away the key.
A rare laugh rumbled through his chest, and you felt your knees buckle, you were sure you could have melted into a puddle right there and then. It was such a beautiful sound, and you desperately wanted to become familiar with it.
Spencer emerged from the conference room, his eyes landing on the book in your hands. "Is that The Selfish Gene?"
Hotch took the book from you, handing it to Spencer with a firm look. "Reid, I'd appreciate it if you didn't recruit my assistant for your library runs."
taglist: @hotchhner @khxna
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thehighladywrites · 2 months
— “He clearly doesn’t want you!”
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☀︎ — pairing: nerd/tutor azriel x bimbo/ditzy/popular reader
☀︎ — summary: after yoga class you and your friends run into a sweaty, hot, big armed Azriel.
☀︎ — warnings: fluff, azriel get’s hit on by creepy friend, reader punches someone, possessiveness, protective reader, secret relationships come to light, kisses and hugs
☀︎ — amara’s note: thank u guys for the patience, the next one will be smutty👀👀💗
series masterlist
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“Oh my god, who is that?” Letty, your sorta friend, exclaims, eyeing the figure behind you from head to toe.
You blink, tilting your head and squinting as if trying to figure out a puzzle. "Who?"
As heads turn to see, anticipation fills the air. The man stands with his back to you, but there's something unmistakable about his shoulders, the way he carries himself. It's Azriel, unmistakably, his muscular frame reminding you of the intimate moments you've shared.
It was yoga day, so you headed to your weekly session at the gym. Never did you imagine you’d see Azriel using some fancy machine. You didn’t even know your boyfriend worked out here; sure, you knew he did, but not here. He looked incredibly good, although you were aware that your so-called friends only looked at his body. If they knew who said body belonged to, they would totally roll their eyes.
It seriously irked you because they never even glanced at campus, but now they were drooling over him. Like, hello? He's totally yours, and it's so annoying to see them fawning over him. Ugh, seriously, can they not see he's off-limits?
"Okay, let’s—let’s just go, I wanna get some food. I'm sooo hungry," you say with a dramatic flair, clutching your stomach and fluttering your eyelashes.
Letty shakes her head, still gazing at your boyfriend. "Hmm, no, I think I’ll go say hi," she says determined, twirling a strand of her hair.
She walks over, putting a hand on his back, making him jump. The move makes you feel murderous as you observe how Azriel is so very obviously uncomfortable. How dare she?
"Hi, I haven’t seen you around. Are you new?" she asks, her hand still lingering on his back.
"Get your hand off of me, you are making me quite uncomfortable," Azriel responds firmly.
"Yeah? We could,like, leave and get comfortable in other ways," she suggests with a suggestive smile.
"Um, I’m good. I really don’t want to leave with you. I’m not available." Azriel replies, his discomfort palpable.
"Oh, come on—"
"Um, hello??? What part of 'no' are you not getting? He clearly doesn't want you," you say with a cute furrow between your perfectly shaped brows, your glossy lips pursing as you cross your arms over your chest, stepping closer to Azriel.
Letty and the rest of your soon-to-be ex-friends look between the three of you with comically large brows.
“Azriel is my boyfriend, and he loves me a lot, and I love him even more, there’s no way he’s going with you. He's mine and mine only, so if any of that clicked for you, i’m going to need you to get your Dollar Tree nails off of him, like right now.” you declare, narrowing your eyes at them, your possessive tone leaving no room for doubt about your feelings for him.
They had never seen you like this before. Usually, you were bubbly, ditzy, a little stupid, but never possessive, cold, and jealous.
Letty lets out a demeaning laugh, looking back at the group who soon start to laugh at demand like dogs.
“Did you say Azriel? That teachers pet guy in your math class? Y/n, do you think I’m stupid? This man is hot, that disgusting loser from your math class is a social reject who’s probably a closeted perv—“
Her words grate on your nerves, and you're fed up with her bitchy attitude. Without another thought, you ball up your fist and punch her straight in the face, of course, very careful of your nails.
Azriel startles a little, pulling you in by the waist before Letty tries something.
“You bitch, you broke my nose!” she yells, clutching her bleeding nose.
You shrug, attempting to wriggle out of Azriel's iron grip to no avail. “You should be thanking me, I mean, your botched nose job needed an upgrade anyway. I’d suggest Dr. Heartman for the fix-up!” you yell the last bit as Azriel drags you away to a secluded corner.
Azriel doesn’t let you go until your erratic breathing has calmed down, and you look up at him with those familiar loved out eyes he loves.
“You okay?” he asks carefully, his brow furrowing with worry.
“Yeah, I’m good. M’sorry you had to see me like that,” you say with a pouty expression, your voice a bit airy. You flash him those adorable doe eyes, your shoulders sagging as you twist your lips.
He nods, still looking concerned. “It’s all good, sweetheart. But are you sure? You didn’t have to do that for me,” he says, his worry evident in his endearing, caring demeanor.
You melted. Even though he was getting uncomfortable and hit on, he was still checking on you. As sweet as it was, you wanted to be the one caring for him in this moment.
“Oh, babe, I would like totally do anything for you! I am so freaking in love with you, I’d totally give up my entire closet for you. And trust me, that’s like, a big deal,” you say with a girly giggle, knowing just how much your clothes meant to you.
But your love for clothes would never ever come close to the love you felt for Azriel.
“But what now? Your friends know about me.”
You tilted your head in confusion. “So? You're not some dirty secret. I want people to know about you.”
You got closer, dropped your water bottle and bag before standing on your tippy toes, pressing a sweet, tender kiss on his lips, your heart fluttering with affection.
He pulled you closer, his arms wrapping around you as he returned the kiss. “Thank you, sweet girl.”
“Mhm, never worry about her again, Azzie. I will so punch her if she even dares to look at you,” you declared with fierce determination.
Azriel looked down at you, a tender smile gracing his lips as he kissed the tip of your nose. “I feel safer already. How about we go get some ice cream? Maybe make out in the car?”
Your eyes lit up with excitement, and a wide grin spread across your face. He had really gotten more comfortable with expressing his wants and it made you so proud and happy
“I’m so in!”
He changed quickly, holding your hand as you walked out of the gym. As you strolled down the street, he finally voiced the question that had been on his mind.
“So, uh, Dr. Heartman any good?”
You couldn't help but smirk mischievously, lifting your chin. “The absolute worst.”
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🏷️: @ithan-holstroms-girl l @whatdoyxumean @honeybeeboobaa @to-be-written @sidthedollface2 @stasiereads @andrewgarfield2022 @amara-moonlight @thescooby-gang @linoisqt @mischiefmanagers @tortured-artists @dwyniii @scoobies @harryshoobies69 @caroline-books @kalulakunundrum @meshelleexplosionmurder @danikamariewrites @clairebear08 @redbleedingrose @jeannineee @rowaelinsdaughter @nocasdatsgay @v3lv3tf0x @liati2000 @teenageeggscissorslawyer @impossibelle @stonerpersona @dreamlandreader @djaaaa @callmeblaire @thelov3lybookworm @polli05927 @ahitsalyssa @evergreenlark @thegirlintheshadows101 @saltedcoffeescotch @acourtofladydeath @acourtofwhatthefuck @readychilledwine @daycourtofficial @azriels-shadowsinger @sapphicmsmarvel @hungryforbatboys @justasillylittlegoofyguy @luvmoo @emryb @meritxellao @mochibabycakes @artists-ally @azzieslittlebunny @viatorem-maris @berryzxx @riddlesb1tch @sweetshifter @lilah-asteria @hannzoaks
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triasticalwarlock · 2 months
Yandere sonic
Pair- sonic x reader
Warning- MDNI, yandere behavior, possessive behavior, obsessive behavior,emotional manipulation, manipulation,gaslighting, non-con sonic, PDA, delusional behavior, forced relationship, stalking.
Note- this is just for fun! Also, I'm still trying to correct Sonic's personality, so bare with me please.( This is the sonic from the anime! But you're welcome to imagine another version as well) Having a lot of fun with writing, might actually make a one-shot! Maybe. There are more than likely a few spelling errors I looked over, so bare with me again. This took to fucking long
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For sonic, I don't see it being love at first sight. this is because sonic is level headed, calm, and it's clearly shown how he acts around new people. He's not rude of course, but it does take a bit before he gets completely used to them. That being said, it's the same when you roll around. Still, he's not a jerk, but he just needs to get used to your presence. As a animal, it can be uncomfortable for them is someone new is where they normally hang out at, even if they don't show it, it's still there.
So, even when he does get used to you, it'll be a lot different. He'll actually start to go up to you and talk, not like he didn't before, but he enjoys it a lot more now. Not that anyone could notice. They just think it's the same ol sonic.
Now, up to the things that'll make him like you a lot more(maybe not in a healthy way): it could be a lot of things, maybe it was the way you were able to keep up with him, not speed wise. But his attitude. When ever he starts to wise up, getting cocky, you challenge him. He says how he's the fastest thing on earth, you say how shadow beat him that one time, and that there are millions of other universes out there. And you do it in the same cocky tone he speaks about in. Or how you always protect and care for his friends, how much you care for tails means the most to him, as much as he loves all of his friends, tails is his brother. So when he sees you patching he up after a the x tornado cashed, sonic will feel a sense of something, something he's never felt before. And dear God, when you take care of sonic is a nightmare for both of you, for different reasons; For sonic, it's because feeling you oh-so gentle touch on his skin makes him literally vibrate. While your reason is because he won't fucking sit still, but you figure it's because of him having a running craving. You couldn't be anymore wrong
Speaking of running, he will definitely make you run with him, even though you can never keep up. So he slows down a bit, not being with you exactly but a little ways away, just so he can tease you about how 'your almost there!' and when you scowl at him as he grins and Snickers. Kinda like in the first episode, where he's running backwards in front of team S, playing with them
Also, he gets unbelievably clingy, like, unreasonably clingy. when ever he's sleeping, or trying to sleep. If you walk by, he has no problem grabbing your wrist and pulling you on him. Even if your taller. He does not care, if he wants to cuddle, he will get those god damn cuddles. He will force your head to the nape of his neck, put his head on yours, and trap you with his arms. Normally, sonic would never do this, but the desperate need to now if your ok is a lot stronger than his shame for not giving you personal space. With sonic, you personal space is his personal space. You share bubbles
If your shorter than him, than good luck, cause he will use you as a arm rest. Tease you, pick you up like a rag doll, and all with that signature smug smirk. And it gives him an advantage to trap you to, when ever you try to get up from a cuddle, he'll pull you back. Curling above you as you whine about wanting to get up. He chuck, putting all of his body weight on top of you. Teasing you about how ' what are going to do about it?' And as you whine, and huff and puff. He will not move.
Now, if you get up for another reason, like going outside, or getting his friends. And that's when his more... Concerning side shows. He literally can not function when you out of his sight, his anxiety and possessivnes getting the best of him, he'll always run off to find you. The discomfort of you not there is unbearable. so when you try to leave his sight willingly. He panics, and uses the best trick in the book, manipulation.
" but i don't want you to get hurt! Eggman's been stepping it up lately, who knows what he'll do to you if he captures you! And more than likely, he'll use you as bait, and maybe we could get hurt trying to save you, there's no telling what Eggman's got planned. And you can never be to careful."
" And if your with me, you will never get hurt, no one will! So why don't you came back, and cuddle with me again."
Yea, it's really bad. And note how it wasn't a question, the last one. Even if you disagree, sonic will force you back to bed, saying how you've been overworking a lot lately anyway, and that what a better way to relax than to cuddle with your 'friend' sonic. He'll force you under him, curling above you as he keeps on saying it's so you, and your friends won't get hurt. But at this moment, he could care less about his friends, he just cared about you. But from your point of view, your scared about what he's doing. And how for just being a hedgehog, speed wasn't the only thing going for him, it was strength to. You never expected this, you thought back to the hedgehog you were talking to not even 10 minutes ago. Your best friend, the one that would lend a hand, the shoulder you could cry on. Was not who you were looking at, this was someone else.
Now, if you go back to him without a fuss, it will be a lot better! He'll pull you back to him, laying down with you. And will go back to talking, like you weren't just trying to leave him (in his thoughts). Speaking of his thoughts, in both instances. The one thing he will be thinking is; ' why are you trying to leave me?" And while on the outside he looks unbelievably calm. But on the inside he's freaking out, scared, and worried for what he did that would make you want to leave. Was it something he said? Something he did? Did someone tell you something about him? Who was it? Lover's quarrel? Ah, that had to be it.
He's so delusional that he won't even ask you to be his girlfriend, assuming that you guys are already in a relationship. So when you try to tell him that it's not true, he'll act like you're the crazy one
"you uh, feeling ok baby? Don't know how you could forget that we're in a relationship, but that's okay! I'll let it slide. This time"
" y/n, for the last time! It's okay that you forgot, I'll make you remember."
This guy has the biggest ego in the sonic universe, so he'll automatically assume, that again, your in a relationship. I mean, it doesn't matter if he asks or not; he saves you, is there for you, protects you, stands up for you, traps you from harm, feeds you, cuddles with you, and so much more! What's the point in asking?
And besides, he loves you so much more than those other. Things. You should be grateful he looks your way!
But, even though he'll save you from harm. Sometimes, he's the one that puts you in it just to impress you, only you. He'll never let you actually get hurt, just captured. And he'll save the day by swooping in at the last second. Getting your praise is one of the most important things in his life, something he couldn't possibly live without, something truly out of this world, or, universe.
And when ever your out, oh boy. Be prepared because he does not hold back, he'll always be touching you, it's so he nows you're still okay! You're not hurt. And he won't be subtle, he does not give two fucks about what other people think; He'll wrap his arms around your waist from behind as your looking at something, hold your hand, wrap his arm around your neck, kiss your cheek, forehead, and nose. Once again, he doesn't give a flying fuck.
He's also stupidly overprotective. He'll follow you around, and it's not like you could catch him at the corner of your eye or run from him. He's the fastest thing alive! And he's not stalking you! He's simply protecting you, wouldn't want Eggman to steal you away! Now would we?
There's not many things that sonic will lose his cool over, he's probably one of the most chill people you will ever meet. But, that doesn't mean he'd never go apeshit. And one of these things are people, people talking to you. Why are they around you? They shouldn't even be breathing the same air as you. He sees people that you talk to as a threat, even if their the least threatening person on the planet. He doesn't care, and he will gladly scare them away. Without you knowing of course, all he has to do; is look at them in the eye from behind you, glow dark, Make his eyes white, and bam! Their running off. But no one else sees this of course! He wouldn't want to ruin his reputation, now would he?
And when you two are alone, he'll plant doubts in your head about your friend or friends. Making you eventually believe that their not a good person, and it always works. He won't stop until it does.
" I don't really like this Joseph guy y/n, he's tried to hurt people in the past. What do you mean I'm lying? I've seen him do it in person! What makes you think that I haven't? I stopped him from doing it before, and I'll stop him from doing it again!"
A sigh, "i'm sorry y/n, it's just-i don't want you to get hurt, please understand that I'm only trying to help and protect you. And by doing that, I'm warning you of this guy before he does something."
" are you sure about this? I'm not so sure you should go out with her tonight y/n, or any other nights. What I mean is that she's not a good person, she manipulates people. I've heard she doing it! Why do you think I wasn't to happy with being 'introduced' to her by you?"
And even with all the lies, he truly feels like he isn't hurting you, he genuinely believes that he is just protecting you. He's not intentionally isolating you, nor will he call it that. He's just protecting you from the dangers of this fucked up world, and if he wants to shelter you. He will
But, even after all he's put you through, remember. He'll " always love you!"
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lovehyyuntold · 9 months
— Fluttering Between The Dusts Of Our Love
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— Rundown: Days have gone by without each other, but house responsibilities have pilled against one another. However, instead of fulfilling such duties, the both of you get distracted by one another, and end up cherishing the moment instead.
— Pairing: husband!chan x wife!reader
— Word Count: 1400 → Genre: Contemporary Romance · Suggestive · Fluff ! No explicit smut !
— Warnings: Filled with utter nonsensical banter, teeth-rotting fluff, huge on physical affection, clingy chan, a little sweet make-out scene? Not by much, mentions of being bare in bed, lots of teasing and kissing
— It would be the biggest honor if you could reblog & comment. Share your thoughts, I genuinely love discussion.
Once again, thank you ♡
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“Hey, hey, no!” 
“I am only in need of affection.” Your husband whines.
A huff comes out as a breath, eyes rolling at Chan. Your legs move in a hurry, swiftly getting to the other side of the room. You clicked your tongue, “Exactly. Why do you think I'm avoiding you?” Hands pointing at him as if you were having a conversation with a child.
“But we've been here for so long.”
He pouts, grabbing the nearest shirt by the edge of the bed, and folding it. You smile a little, admiration twinkling beneath your irises as you watch him work slowly. 
A bubble of guilt builds inside as you continue to gaze at him, for he hasn't had time off in weeks, and the first thing he ends up doing is chores? 
You couldn't help but pout with him, a busy man, he was, an endless supply's worth of music production in the palm of his hands, a passion of his. Yet, he does not complain when you ask him for help. It is much difficult when one falls in desperation for need, for every dust could become a bunny waiting to be inhaled. It isn't exactly your fault when jobs become the overlying priority in your lives.
From breakfast to noon since you've started this cleaning fest. Witnessing the sun's bright glow—it's soft hue of gold as it glimmers into the shimmering orange rays that seep through the windows. The slight howl of wind slipping past the curtains.
Coming back from the laundry room, you continuously flinch at the heat—that is, until you giggle at the idea of dumping these scorching clothes on your husband. Karma for distracting you each time you started a new chore. 
You enter the room, tiptoeing to Chan as you observe him—his lips moving, muttering random thoughts as he folds shirt after shirt. You had a slight feeling he heard you, but still risked it. As expected, he turns around—colliding with the laundry basket in your hands, the freshly dried clothes dumped upon his figure.
Planned failed yet worked out successfully.
“Hot!” He yelps, reacting violently by reaching for you, who's about to run away. But malfunctioning as you clutch onto your stomach from the slight wheezing—his eyes bulging wide, arms flapping around, head turning to multiple different directions. “Oh no, you don't!” He barks, grabbing your waist, causing your bodies to crash—bouncing on top of the piles of clothing scattered around the bed.
“How is this allowed? Yet, me offering my love to you earlier wasn't?” His tone, accusing, as he places his head on the crook of your neck, spooning you as you try to wiggle out of his grip. With no luck, his arms tighten on your figure with each move you take. A prey, you thought. As if you were a prey trapped inside a coiling snake. One so close to be devoured, if not the success of escaping doesn't occur.
“Doesn't count!” You squeak, his mouth nibbling slightly on your ear, nose rubbing around the back of your head. “Chris! It tickles! Stop–” He continues, only this time, moving towards your neck, peppering kisses as he sucks on some parts—tongue swiping every time he does.
“Don't resist, it'll only get worse if you do.” He whispers against you, fingers circling on your stomach while the other hand squeezes your thigh. Flipping your position, he swiftly moves his legs to your sides, trapping you below him—smiling, he places his forehead on yours. 
Curls of molasses fall down slightly, the sun's gaze highlighting such pure content written across his features. Eyelids scrunched up from adoration, love spoken in the sigh against your lips—breaths lingering as if a kiss was held in between.
He lays his hands on both of your cheeks, cradling your face beneath his grasp—softly planting a kiss on your forehead. He handles your head gently, as if you'd break at the smallest touch. 
Your husband smiles again, eyes crinkling at your dazed reaction. He chuckles, lowering his head—placing kiss after kiss on wherever he can, as if exploring your body, the body he's already ingrained in the depths of his soul. 
“I.” A kiss on your eye. 
“Can.” Kisses on your cheeks. 
“Never.” A kiss on your lips, biting delicately as if desire spoke within the action. 
“Get.” A kiss below your earlobe.
“Enough,” A kiss on your jaw, more as he explores your neck—dragging out the end of the word.
“Of.” A kiss on your collar bones, painfully taking his time as he descends to the middle of your breasts—staying there as he grabs your left hand. The gaze lasting on you as you flutter your eyes open, he must've looked ravished of you—there was no doubt, he was in dire need of such love. He's grown absolutely frantic without you.
“You.” He plants his last kiss on the back of your hand.
“Channie–” You whine, grabbing onto his arms, you almost forget how obsessively rough they've gotten. Chan laughs, “Hm?” The side of his lips curling up, holding onto you tightly—the space between you both disappearing each time that he presses your body closer and closer.
“T-the chores…” You stutter out, still trying everything in your power not to back down. “My sweet love. You're my priority.” He whines, nuzzling his face on your neck as you place your hands at the back of his head—one tenderly rubbing patterns at his back while the other plays with his hair.
“I'm off tomorrow.” He muffles into you, causing your figure to stiffen at the news. You haven't heard him say that since weeks prior—it was torturous, but he didn't really have a choice from the responsibilities he beholds. The group they have, they rely on each other, they care for each other, and all you could do was support him, because you understood.
Yet it felt as though everything burned to the ground instead, since he had never been home. He mentions this as if such news wasn't a big deal, as if you haven't grown miserable without him.
“How come?” You ask, curious—fingers now fully twiddling with his hair.
“My wife, how I missed you.” He whispers, placing multiple kisses on your neck—wherever he can reach without ultimately leaving the spot. “I barely get to spend any time with you anymore. I become devastated whenever I arrive home, and you're either asleep or gone for your work.” You could feel the frown forming on his lips. He held you tightly as the seconds trickled, as if you would disappear if he had not.
“Baby, you don't have to.” You clarify, knowing how much this job truly meant to him. “We both know it's none of our fault.” You go on, moving your hands down to caress the back of his neck and below—his warmth flowing onto your skin. “Sometimes, we aren't able to, and that's okay. It is why we cherish these moments.”
He jolts up, eyes wide as he stares at you, your brows scrunched up in return, “Now, let's—” Your sentence is cut off when he lets out a hearty giggle. He grabs both your legs, wrapping it around his abdomen, “What are you—ah!” You squeal as you place both hands around his neck. His hands seize your waist as he carries you to the top of your bed onto the pillows, gingerly placing you down.
“Stop it!” You screech while his hands lift your shirt until your full stomach is revealed—he nuzzles his head into it, “I don't think so, you're warm.” continuously placing kiss after kiss.
Eventually, you end up ticking him, repositioning yourself on top of him, straddling his chest—you grab the pillow closest to you, hitting him playfully as he chuckles, dramatically screaming as if to mock you. You cling onto him as if you had been a Koala, and him, oddly, a tree. He hums against you, grabbing your chin softly, tilting your face upwards to gaze at him.
“I love you.” Chan's eyes twinkle as he gazes at you, brown locks scattered beneath the pillow behind him—he wishes more than anything that you understood the weight of those three words, which meant more to him than any star out there. The biggest sensation of adoration written in such pupils.
“I love you too.” You whisper back, wrapping your body around him further—clothes forgotten, cluttered items forgotten, everything just there. 
At this moment, all worries have been forgotten, all tasks shrugged off, because it's just you and your husband in the middle of it all and there's no place you'd rather be.
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— Date Created: 6/15/2022 → Date Edited: 8/27/2022
A/N: I had found this gem hidden in my drafts, previously made it for a friend, and edited it to fit Chan. Please don't expect too much. I hope you find it somewhat sweet. I genuinely love marital fics, they make-up that tiny side of my brain in need of dopamine.
— Still working out taglists and stuff. Note that I am very slow in releasing content, so if you'd like to be added (please interact) send an ask or dm < 3
©lovehyyuntold — 2023
407 notes · View notes
Sunshine, Lollipops, and Rainbows 4
Warnings: non/dubcon, clashing personalities, exclusion, and other dark elements. My username actually says you never asked for any of this.
Characters: moody boy Curtis Everett x bubbly, plus-size reader
My warnings are not exhaustive but be aware this is a dark fic and may include potentially triggering topics. Please use your common sense when consuming content. I am not responsible for your decisions.
As usual, I would appreciate any and all feedback. I’m happy to once more go on this adventure with all of you! Thank you in advance for your comments and for reblogging.
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You vow yourself to confinement. You will not leave your desk for any reason. You even brought a thermos of coffee. The container is a honey brown and the lid has bear ears, an animated face painted on the metal. It makes you smile despite the gloom that clouds you.
You don’t know how it happens. You always mean well but things always end up so wrong. So you’ve determined you’re better off on your own. Minding your own business and getting through the work day without calamity.
It’s lonely. You eat your lunch in your cubicle, watching a crochet video on the small screen of your phone. You still can’t figure out how to get just the right shape for the hippo you’ve been working on. It’s the final piece in your collection; to go along with the giraffe, the elephant, lion, and zebra. With your new job, you haven’t even had the energy to try.
You get back to work, eyes fuzzy as you stare at the spreadsheet. Millennia of human existence and for what? For excel and stale coffee? Is this really progress?
You reign in your wandering mind and work through the numbers. You just want to get through your first week. That will be a feat you can be proud of. You drain the last lukewarm sip from your thermos and pout. You could really use a refill but you will resist. You can’t risk it.
At the end of the day, you sneak out down the stairwell. You’re breathless by the time you reach the bottom, dizzy from the winding levels above. You shake it off and head off. You could use a nice hot bath, those office chairs are really not comfy.
Your night goes by as any does. You get your bath and eat some ramen before tucking into bed and mindlessly scrolling on your phone. You fall asleep with the light on and wake up to the blare of your alarm the next morning. 
It’s Friday! You get up and get dressed. A lilac skirt that buttons up the front and a frilly white blouse on top. You pull on a lemon yellow cardigan and a pair of matching flats. It’s bright and fun! Unlike anything else in that gray office.
You shove one of the pillows from the couch into your bag, the one that looks like a sprinkle donut, and grab your thermos. You race out to catch the bus and throw yourself into the day ahead. You just need to make it to the end and you have the whole weekend ahead of you.
Once at your cubicle, you settle in. You place the donut pillow on the thin cushion of the office chair and kneel on the floor as you work at readjusting the backrest and arms. You get up and plop down, testing the height and swiveling a bit. It’s slightly better.
You roll closer to your desk and boot up for the day. You reach for your pen cup but stop short as you find only the boring Bic sticks that overflow the supply cupboards. Huh?
You reach under your desk and grab your bag. You stir around, certain you careless slid your pen in there. You can’t find it! Your most favourite pen is gone. There’s a tiny penguin at the end and the pen’s body is filled with water and glitter that shimmers and looks like falling snow. Where is it?
Your panic has you searching the empty drawers of the desk and down on your knees crawling around. You don’t find it. You give up as your chest sinks and you mope at your monitor, clicking mindlessly on your Outlook and the company’s shared drive. 
You sit back and uncap your thermos. You take a drink and nearly choke. Oh no! It’s so bitter it leaves your tongue gritty. The filter must’ve split in the machine again. You let out a blech and get up, letting your chair roll back carelessly.
You go down to the break room and dump the coffee down the sink. That’s when you remember you’re not supposed to be in there. Shoot. You look around. It’s empty. You should have time enough to fill your cup.
You go to the machine and pick a pod from the rack. You don’t pay attention to the flavour, you just want coffee. You wait for the machine to grind and claim your cup as the brew stops below the brim. You quickly retreat back to your desk and sit, leaving the lid off the thermos to let it cool.
Ow! Your tailbone hits the thin seat and jars your spine. You get up and look down at the barren cushion. Your pillow is gone. What the heck?
You roll the chair around, thinking maybe you knocked it off when you stood up. It’s not that hard to miss. Nope, it’s gone. 
You look over at Dana as he yawns over a Starbucks cup. She has no donut under her bottom. Who would do that? Who would steal your pillow? You chew your lip and resign yourself to another day of discomfort.
You taste the coffee. Mmm, it must be the dark roast. It’s full-bodied and rich, slightly smoky. You don’t usually go for it, you prefer more caffeine. It might be good for you, you really don’t need the extra jitter.
You plant your elbow beside your keyboard and fall into your work. The office awakens around you. The clack of keys, the clicking of mice, and the low voices that rise and fall over cubicle walls. 
You lean back and check the time. Barely an hour in. You stretch your neck and massage your shoulders as you try to work out the kink of your poor posture. As you do, you sense a shadow approach Dana’s desk. You shift your chair and peek over, quickly wheeling back to your desk to hunch down and hide. It’s him.
“Phillips,” he calls her by her last name, “you still in charge of supplies?”
“Morning, Curtis,” she replies tritely, “what is it? We don’t have budget left for tech upgrades until end of month.”
“Coffee,” he growls, “dark roast.”
You tap your foot nervously. You didn’t know he liked the dark roast. If you did, you wouldn’t have taken the last pod. Maybe you should offer him what you have left… no, you should just leave him be.
“I’ll add it to the list,” Dana acquisces dismissively, “anything else?”
He grunts but doesn’t answer as he pivots on his heel. You peek up above the wall of your cubicle and immediately regret it. His attention is drawn by the movement and his eyes meet yours as his features twist into a scowl. You try to smile and he rolls his eyes before setting his shoulders and striding away.
Oh, you have an idea!
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penvisions · 23 days
sweetening the deal {by the grit of sandpaper}
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Pairing: Jackson! Joel Miller x Patrol Partner! Reader
Summary: Tommy Miller asked you to take his place beside his brother on patrols, and you're determined to not let him down even if you're far too awkward around the older Miller you don't know very well.
Word Count: 1.2k
Warnings: canon typical language, pining, requited unrequited feelings, joel is so soft in this, heart of gold joel, carpenter joel, woodworking joel, artisan joel, patrol partnership, lots of feelings, joel miller's body needs its own warning, tooth rotting fluff, mostly joel pov, SET BEFORE THE FIRST CHAPTER
A/N: dear @copperhalfcent submitted a drabble emoji as part of the final chapter celebration and of course i got carried away, what a bummer, huh? here's this for y'all to enjoy until the final chapter comes out! ♡♡
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A rather loud crack of cartilage startles you, your gun aimed toward the direction Joel approached you and the horses from. He had dismounted to check out the small wisps of smoke with an urgent but quiet request to remain behind.
“Just me ‘n my bad back.”
“Should soak in some hot water when we get back.” You say as you lower the barrel, turning your attention to the tittering horses. You miss the way his eyes darken at the image of you covered in nothing but scented bubbles flashing in his mind. It was the middle of summer, your shirts having given way to tank tops that gave the man more than a glimpse of the swell of your breasts glistening with sweat. His hands twitch at his sides, his own gun secure over his back, pistol nestled in the holster at his hip.
“Afraid that won’t do much at my age.”
“You’re not that much older than me.”
“I’m far older than you, you can’t be more’n forty.”
“Tommy’s got a few on me, but he said you’re not much older than him?”
“I’m fifty-seven, he’s about fifty. Even older with a birthday comin’ up soon. More’n a few years, actually.”
“Oh. Well, I always did go for older guys.” And fuck if his cock didn’t twitch and his stomach didn’t swoop at the implications of your words. You must’ve realized they were uttered aloud as you spin back to face him with a twisted face, heat tinging the tops of your ears and your chest rising with a deep exhale of an apology he didn’t think was necessary.
“Shit. That was wildly inappropriate, Joel. I’m so sorry.” The worry in the lines of your face, the few wrinkles he could see around your eyes made his stomach swoop again. You were so god damn expressive once he got you talking, something relatively new as you both got used to being around each other, reading each other’s moods.
“No need to apologize, we all got our preferences.”
“Still, you-you’re…I’m just gonna shut up now.” He could hear the clack of your teeth as you snap your jaw shut, tense at what he figured you thought was too forward of a conversation with someone who you interacted with only a few times a week. But he frowned, not liking the way you interpreted their easy-going patrols that had begun to develop into something he would call genuine friendship.
“Nah, is okay. Filters are for people who actually say inappropriate stuff. You’re fine, Olive.” He watches the way you begin to lead the horses down an overgrown path, falling into step behind you. Something that paired with the smoldering fire he had found keeping his eyes and ears open to those responsible. “When’s your birthday?”
“I’m a winter baby, which is ironic because I don’t like the cold.” His eyes trace the same line a drop of sweat as it makes its way from your braided hair and down the back of your neck. The increasing heat not seeming to bother you as it did so many others who had the relieve of central air in Jackson.
“Not a fan either, being from Texas we didn’t get much of it.” Joel realizes he hadn’t told anyone of his past other than Ellie in…god knows how long. You were smart though, no doubt picking up on the twang his voice carried, the particulars of it telling of his past just as much as his answers to each new question. But he was willing to share it with you, something about you softening the edges of the walls he had built up around himself. Of wanting to find out what you had in common and what you didn’t.
“Do you…like sweets?”
“Huh?” Even if he were privy to the innerworkings of your mind, the question would still have caught him off guard, doubly so since he wasn’t.
“Uh…sweets? Like cake or tart or even muffins?” Nervous, he realized, you were nervous around him sometimes. But it was so unlike the rest of the town, nervous as in worried about accidentally offending him or saying the wrong thing, not nervous he was going to throttle them. He had done his best to work alongside Tommy, to appease Maria and the council, to show them that he was committed to turning a new leave and abiding by their way of life to ensure he and Ellie had a place to call home. It had been a rough couple of months, but you sure as hell sweetened the deal.
“Wouldn’t say no to ‘em, but never went out of my way to get any for myself.” The question of who he would go out of his way to get them fore glints in your eye, but you purse your lips and refrain from another question. He rather likes betting against himself to see if you would ask the many he sees cross your face. Your brow was twitch just before you did, if you allowed yourself. Your lips would twitch if you didn’t, like you were holding back the words springing up in your mind.
After a rather awkward first couple of patrols, he had realized the set of his face may have come across as uninterested. But you were so sweet, so quiet and he found himself wondering about you beyond the bubble of time you shared while out on patrol. Tommy had barked a laugh when he asked how long you had been here, the glimmer of teasing only a younger sibling was capable of lighting up his face. Longer than him, he had said. Which meant you had to have been a part of it for a while.
Time passes and his birthday is suddenly something Tommy makes a point to stop by the house with a classic yellow cake covered in chocolate frosting.
Figured you for a simple man, so a simple cake seemed the safest bet. Hope the day is good to you, Olive.
The note attached to it was inscribed with beautiful, looping writing. Tommy had remarked that you were the go to baker for cakes, even if the requests were made at the mess hall where he learned you were one of the cooks behind the scenes. Each new piece of you he learned making him want to know more. With the thought to thank you next patrol, he accepted the cake and his brother’s company.
Ellie had made him breakfast before school, but he had remained inside all day, busing himself with cleaning and carving to ignore the memories the date always brought up. But that evening, he smiled over a small dinner with his brother as they cut into the cake almost immediately after. Glad he had opened up to you and to find that you thought of him as much as he was beginning to think of you. He would return the favor by bringing coffee, something he was learning was a commodity few had a steady supply of. A branch of his own to let you know he didn’t think you were being too forward in any capacity.
Even more so when he noticed a third slice stolen from the platter it was delivered on the next morning, a card beside it from Ellie wishing him another year for her to tease him.
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taglist: @joelsgreys @morning-star-joy @sawymredfox @pascalpvnk @littlemisspascal @merz-8 @orcasoul @sabmat @dreamingofleon
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138 notes · View notes
bucknastysbabe · 3 months
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Handsome Devil • C. Cole
Rating: Explicit
Word count: 4.3k of uhhh I love this little guy lets break him
Tags: PEGGING, prostate massage, anal sex, oral (f and m! receiving) femdom, modern au, college au, Criston is actually a little Baby Girl but pretends to be Big Man, like he’s a touch-starved needy SLUT, enemies to lovers, fast burn, Degredation and dirty talk, feminization, alcohol use, Alicent is a sad lesbian and I stand by this, man tears, subby spacey boy, Alicent is DONEEEE
Taglist: @arcielee @bambitas @moncherrii @starogeorgina @valeskafics @aemonds-holy-milk @targaryenbarbie @sugarpoppss2 @lovelykhaleesiii @thought--bubble @fairysluna
The more you learned about the enigmatic Criston Cole, the less you wanted to know. Mainly because his bravado was a bluff you could only seem to see. He listened to those idiotic chauvinist podcasts. You’d almost asked Alicent why she brought the asshole around so often.
But you knew. They both got dumped by Rhaenyra, who was moving on as they stewed. Her new man was quite hot. Poor Ali, she was the epitome of sad sapphic poetry. Stuck in the ways of her upbringing— a limbo of sorts. Still, a dear friend whom you tried to uplift and support, especially after the breakup.
Meanwhile, she was getting closer to Criston. Who you had remained to have a normal conversation with. Usually, you’d argue with him until he would yell or storm out— over topics such as tampons being taxed or the gender pay gap. Alicent would merely ignore you two, pouring over a book, headphones in.
The prick was a waste of good looks in your opinion. There had to be a chink in his proverbial armor. Perhaps something under the puffed chest and nice clothes. Social media didn’t turn up much besides his frat and different dates every day of the week. He had multiple retweets of meninism or whatever the fuck incels called it these days.
The only observation you could draw from his socials and continuous annoying existence was he couldn’t keep a girlfriend. You weren’t going to reach out to Rhaenyra either.
You’d have to test your theory next time he was over with Ali. That was nearly always if he wasn’t out being a “frat star” or had class. You heard his clipped tones and her replies as you lay in bed. You’d have to get up and say hello. There was an ongoing competition to who could give the least excited greeting after all.
“Oh, you again.”
“Yep,” he replied, popping the ‘p’. You narrowed your eyes and shouldered past his stupidly good-looking body. You could feel the heat of his gaze follow your frame to the refrigerator.
“Care for something Cole?”
“Sparkling water. Anyways have you heard about this new-“
You tuned Criston’s impressively sexist commentary out, handing the sparkling water to him and landing a smack to a pert ass. It was a heavy handed smack— like the prick was some poor girl at a party. Alicent already had her headphones in, typing away, pointedly ignoring you two. Criston spluttered and gaped, brows furrowing.
“What the fuck was that for?”
His brows were pulled tight and cheeks flushed. ‘Fuck yes!’ you thought, this might be ammo. Shrugging you stated, “I dunno, figured you talk so much about these horrid men you’d want to be treated like one of their ‘bitches’, yes?”
Criston hissed, “You’re so dramatic, don’t touch me.” You couldn’t help but smirk at his trembling hands on the countertop, drink left untouched. A certain stagnancy was in the air. Making a faux expression of concern you cooed at him.
“Oh, my bad, did alpha sigma male chad Criston get his pretty ass slapped?”
He gasped, actually gasped out loud.
You changed gears, “I mean, someone needs to fuck all those emotions outta’ you. Such a whiny thing. None of your frat bros take it out on that sweet ass? Back when you were a freshman? C’mon you were soooo twinky then.”
Criston’s bravado had shattered quite more than you anticipated. His stark white knuckles on the marble counter trembled, a red flush appearing down the tan neck. He ran an exasperated hand through his curls, voice weak, “I’ve done nothing ah-of the sort. What game are you playing here? I only fuck girls.”
“The hot gossip was that Rhaenyra had you on all fours, like a sweet pup.”
He chugged the sparkling water, sweat beading on his forehead. Placing it down with a shaking hand Cole warbled, crossing his arms defensively “Th-that’s lies, fuck off, really, you’re into that degeneracy?” You laughed and sauntered off with your own drink, pausing at your bedroom door.
“If you need a good fucking, my door is open, I’d give that mouth of yours something to suck on.”
Criston visibly shivered and swallowed, adjusting his pants. Narrowing his eyes, he snatched his laptop and walked away. You blew a kiss, closing your door. Either Criston would take the bait or continue on into misery. You had a feeling it would only be a matter of time.
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Ali and Criston were trashed from her sorority’s formal and you said you’d be the designated driver. You had completely forgotten until Ali sent a text, “met a hot chick walking to her dorm, Cris still needs a ride. Pleaseeeee🥺🥺🥺🥺” For the sake of Alicent getting her pussy ate for once you told her you’d pick up bozo. Which he eagerly got into your car, still taking pulls from his bottle of dark liquor.
You stared in abject horror at his disheveled state, particularly the way his pinched look was absent. Criston Cole was shitfaced to say the least. His eyes were hazy and reddened, a loose way in which he held himself, none of that tightness. Criston sat forward, whining, “Change the music, something else, ugh!”
“We have a 30-minute drive so it better be good Cole.” He clumsily plugged his phone in…and out came the wailing tones of Morrissey. You did a double take— wondering if Criston Cole was truly a fan of the ultimate sad sack music? You loved the band too but this felt...strange. Criston laid back and sang along, stretching his legs, dark hair flowing in the wind.
“The Smiths huh?”
Dark eyes regarded you slowly. He mumbled, “The- the songs, they get me. It’s s’good. I’ve heard you listen to them.”
“Yeah they’re a favorite of mine actually,” you admitted. How come he couldn’t talk to you about that? You scoffed, he was such a fucking weirdo. Criston smiled goofily, looking over at you. He laughed, “You’re being nice to me!”
“You’re not being a raging dick head, of course, I’ll return the favor Criston.”
He grinned some more, eyes out the window, singing along to the lyrics. His smile faded but he continued to softly murmur along.
And I’m not happy and I’m not sad.
“You hanging in there okay? Not feeling sick?”
“Nah, m’fine, didn’t really hit it heavy until later. When we had to dance and shit.” You smirked, prodding a broad shoulder. Criston snorted, “I don’t like to dance unless I’m properly loaded, too awkward.”
You laughed, “I love to dance! It’s not all business.”
He took another swig and rasped, “Trust me, it’s quite awful, I can deal with that shitty frat grinding for a bit, no finesse in that. You won’t catch me fist pumping around.”
You decided drunk Criston was entertaining. Fishing through the car’s compartments you asked “Wanna smoke?” He groaned in delight, “Fuck yes, Ali hates it.” You lit up one and handed it to him, suppressing the shiver at the soft touch of his warm fingertips.
You smoked along with him, belting Handsome Devil.
I say, I say, I say, I crack the whip! And you skip but you deserve it— you deserve it deserve it deserve it.
He giggled a bit, pretty face exclaiming the innuendo filled lyrics. Cole unbuttoned his stiff blazer and threw the last dregs of his cigarette out. You softly glanced over, shaking your head at this strange version of the bane of your existence. He raised a thick brow and questioned “What? You’re looking through me again.”
“You’re a fun drunk,” you laughed with eyes on the road.
“I’ve been told that I don’t know- it’s weird,” he murmured.
“It’s not weird. You don’t need a drink to lighten yourself up,” you playfully rolled your eyes, “Or be a raging chauvinist.”
Criston narrowed his eyes, lightly shoving you by the shoulder. You giggled and yelped, “Hey- easy there- I’m driving!” Criston snorted, “Then drive and don’t insult me. Also, I’m taking Ali’s bed, better than that shit they give me at the frat house.”
Criston is alone in the apartment with you. That would be a first. You merely nodded with a weak, “Aye-aye captain.” He asked for another cigarette, singing and smoking. You would peer at his relaxed face and shoulders, smiling softly.
It would be back to normal come morning.
He was a bit drunker than you expected upon arrival. Criston stumbled a bit closing the car door, clumsy footsteps leading to the stairs. You followed along, getting out your key and snickering. Cole smelled good; a mix of cologne, cigarettes, and expensive bourbon. You ignored the way he was towering over you.
You unlocked the door and let him in, turning back to lock it again. As you twisted again, the brunette’s big hands and lips were on your face. His voice cracked as he moaned, “Want you so fucking bad, c’mon baby, c’mon.” You’d love to indulge him but the man was wasted.
Gently removing yourself from him you shook your head to state, “Criston. You’re drunk. Maybe sleep this off a little before making moves.” He frowned, puppy eyes shining pitifully. He huffed, running a hand through his wind-blown hair. “Right, right, m’sorry, I just.” He began to walk away.
“You just what?”
Criston shot you the most pitiful look. The type of look that made you want to baby him. Then make him cry. You leaned toward babying him right now. Criston untied his laces, voice sulky, “You intimidate me so I just act like a prick. I thought since the other day you might be interested.”
You sighed at the pouting man.
“Criston, darling, I really wish we didn’t have this moment when you’re fucked up. No funny business but you can cuddle with me tonight. Since you look like a sad puppy.”
He seemed to brighten a bit, apologizing, “I- I know! And don’t call me that.”
Rolling tired eyes, you moved into your bedroom while stripping. He stared at you merely clad in underwear and a thin tank. Maybe you could play around with him in the morning? Alicent will want to play sleepover at least two more nights before the inevitable breakdown.
Criston eventually shuffled in, wearing his briefs and dumb little argyle socks. He climbed clumsily onto the bed, you chiding, “Under here dummy, here!” He snickered, warm body sidling to your own. A tan arm wrapped its way around your waist, the man like a damn Koala the way he plastered himself to you.
He pressed a few little kisses before getting batted on the head. Criston groaned before snuffling, “You’re so strange, God, make me feel goddamn crazy.” His legs intertwined with your own, lips smirking against your nape.
“So does this mean you aren’t always…so sexist?” you asked.
He didn’t reply but you knew the answer. Sleep reached the pair of you easily, especially poor drunk Criston. He’d be alright after some breakfast. The man laced his fingers with yours, dreaming of happy things.
You awoke with a very hard dick slotted between your ass cheeks. Criston still had a death grip on you— inky curls tickling your face. Raising a brow you took inventory of the situation. The man was not awake. But he was groaning and rutting against your ass.
This should be good.
“Criston- uhhh- Criston!,” you yelped. Brown eyes opened wide, his cute face half red and curls adorably sleep-mussed. He retracted himself in a flail of limbs, apologizing profusely. He seemed to be getting more frantic until you put a hand on his surprisingly still-hard dick.
Criston’s wide eyes flicked down to your hand and back up to your dead serious face. He gulped, “I- uh- enjoyed last night. Sorry.” Holding back a laugh, your hand tightened a little on his girth, straining the dark fabric. The man was bigger than you thought, especially after all that horrid talk.
He whimpered a little, eyelids fluttering, dark lips falling open. You questioned the man “Well, Ali won’t be here for a bit. Maybe I can make good on my promise Hm?” Another whimper graced your ears. Criston whined softly, “Please, yes, please.”
You immediately straddled him, Criston groaning, remaining pliant. Caressing his cheek you asked “How’s the hangover? Maybe some breakfast and water first? I’ll be a good little housewife and make it for you.” He scoffed, lips turning up a hair, “I always thought you had it in you. Sure.”
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You ignored his comments while making some French toast. Soon you’d have the man crying and shaking, Criston could cling to his manhood while he ate. Immediately after— you two had climbed back into bed, you atop his slim hips, the tank top was far gone.
His big hands greedily pawed at your tits, Criston lapping into your mouth. You had reached around to curl your fingers in slightly overlong hair, moaning into his mouth. You’d been lazily rutting your hips against his cock, enjoying the man trying to cut off his moans.
What was he going to do when you had two fingers in his ass playing with his prostate?
You smirked and pulled back, him chasing you forward, brows pinching. Sliding both of your palms down his chest you cooed, “Lay back, I got you, sweetheart.” Criston fell back like a chopped tree, dark eyes looking up. You inched down tan skin until you sat between his thighs, patting his hips so you could get his underwear off. His adorably soaked fucking briefs.
“You’re excited hm? All wet for me?”
Criston shivered, thighs twitching as he bit his bottom lip, swallowing audibly. You eased off his underwear, fighting back laughter as you threw them to the side. It was the reverse of what usually happened in bed for the man— you knew that. His cock was flushed and gorgeous as it slightly dribbled pre onto olive skin.
You hummed in excitement, laying on your belly as you took his length in hand. Criston’s stomach twitched as he breathed in sharply, face agonized. You immediately lowered your head to the slit and laved off the pre, eyes coming up to meet his.
“Oh fucking…fuck,” he muttered, hands fisting in the comforter. He was holding back— big time. You would get Criston to unwind soon. You felt the poor baby didn’t know what was hitting him. Swallowing down the head of his cock you rolled his balls with your other hand, making the man groan and twitch again.
You bobbed your head in a familiar rhythm, making sure to drool all over his cock, the wetter the better. Coming up to flick your tongue at the frenulum or his sensitive tip had more spit rolling down to his balls and Criston throwing his head back to moan.
You’d try a little stimulation first before shocking the man with the anal question. While still sucking, the hand holding his balls crept back to shove two fingers up into that sensitive thin skin. You felt him from the other side, that hard gland was a bit swollen. Good god, had the guy not cum in days?
Criston’s entire demeanor shifted as you stroked his taint. His legs subtly widened, stomach sucking in as he let out the tiniest little whine. You pulled off his cock immediately, still stroking as you needled, “Crisssston, you like me playing with your special spot? Spreading your legs for me like a slut.”
He whimpered and a hand came up to his head as if to hide his eyes. Cole managed to reply after heaving a couple of times. The man moaned, “You- you can’t! Ohmygod s’fucking good- no!”
Kissing his trembling hips you kept massaging and stroking, murmuring in a more gentle tone “It’s okay sweetheart, it’ll be our little secret, I think you’ll feel good if you let me play some more. Really milk you dry. You want that baby?”
He moaned long and loud, cock slightly spitting onto his messy stomach. You grinned, watching Criston unravel by the second. He was a goddamn princess, wanting to be babied and loved on. He babbled, “Please yes— don’t tell anyone please I want it so so so bad please!”
You smiled at him, pressing lips to his hipbone again, shushing his pleading. This was going to be a fun ride for your new toy. You eased your fingers back, instructing Cole to bend his legs, he huffed and immediately followed the order.
It took a lot of petting and hushing until you’d breached his tight rim. You had to get up and grab lube when Criston started to ramble and tighten in apprehension. He was looser around your fingers but still wound tighter than a bowstring.
Every breath was a soft little noise, his dark orbs nervously flicking down to watch. You slipped your middle finger along the pointer, sitting flush up against his thighs for comfort. Watching his face you fingered deeper, fingers awkwardly searching for his prostate. You knew you’d found it when he jolted and shouted abruptly, tensing up.
He mewled like a cute little slut when you dragged your fingers across the gland, legs tightening around your hips before he arched and spread wider for you. Cooing in surprise you remarked, “Good boy, yesss, spreading your legs for me like a sweet baby.”
Criston seemed to lose more control at your words, crying wordlessly and writhing as he was worked over. His hands grasped and held at your waist, nails digging in just so. You grinned and put more pressure on him. He responded easily, shuddering and whining as his cock leaked more and more.
“Please, oh my god, please more, more, touch me!”
You leaned over his trembling body, lips ghosting over his drooling ones, practically fucking him with your fingers. Criston was sloppy as he pressed swollen lips against yours, tongue desperately lapping inside, moaning all the while. Snickering at him only had him whine and try harder, brain slowly oozing out of his ears with every rough jab of your digits.
You breathed when he did, softly demanding, “You’re so damn needy Criston, come for me and loosen up pretty baby.” Swiping a lazy hand across the mess of his sensitive stomach had Cole gasping and falling apart whimpering. His trembling hands slapped to the bed as you felt his ass tighten around your fingers, cock flexing as he spilled all over his stomach.
Criston dissolved into tears, blabbering, “I-I’m still cumming, ah, mmm, I’m s-still cumming!” You smirked as you dragged across his sweet spot again, forcing another whiny sob and gush of essence out. He was writhing again, back arching to figure out whether to escape or fuck back onto your digits.
“Goodness. You’ve made a mess of yourself. Attention whore, you just needed to be coddled and loved on. Stupid little pet,” you drawled.
“Mhm, mhm, yes!,” Criston groaned, “A fucking whore.”
“You want something bigger in your ass honey? Since you’re my whore?”
His eyes rolled a little, you having to hold his cheek to get the man’s full attention. Criston stared at you with wide eyes, mouth fumbling around a response. You slid your fingers out of him gingerly, relocating to a nearby shirt, wiping your hand off.
Criston breathed, “God oh- uh- God, yes, yes I want it.”
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He blinked in shock when you were back between his thighs, looming over his already used body. The polka-dotted harness and strap-on cock were secured. Criston had been quiet and pliant while you got ready, hand rubbing his achy cock, squirming and softly sighing in need. You tittered at him in sympathy, poor baby's dick had not wilted since the beginning of this excursion.
You fisted the strap with a lubed hand, smiling at Criston's little noises and trembling. Off a look alone, one would think he was either a virgin or a nympho. Sliding your non-lubed palm up his inner thigh had Criston whine deep in his chest, dark lashes fluttering across reddened cheeks. He slurred softly "M'ready, unnh, be gentle?"
Rubbing soothing circles into his lean thigh you hummed, honey dripping from your words, "Don't have to worry about a thing sweetie, I've got you. You're gonna love it I promise." Criston nodded, puppy eyes trained on you, his hands slithering to your hips to grip the flesh.
You rubbed the tip of the blunt strap against his loosened ass, inching in enough to pop the tip. Criston’s breath drew tight, eyes wide, fear flitting across his features. You shoved both of your thighs up under his, stroking tan flanks while murmuring, “Relax, s’okay baby, jus’ us Criston, relax.”
He nodded with a strangled noise, the silicon cock sliding in halfway, you laying down atop Criston. You traced a hand across his stubbled cheek to dark hair, kissing eager lips. Cole opened for you with a hopeless moan, then a cry as you jerked your hips— the fake dick all the way inside now. You whispered between kisses, “Mm- there we go- good boy- takin’ me all the way like that.”
“Uh-huh,” he garbled out, pretty eyes rolling.
His bigger arms had wrapped around your back, leaving your lower half to fuck him in a shallow rhythm, grazing his sensitive sweet spot. You had one arm up and in Criston’s hair, the other holding his hip as you fucked him. Moans fell out of his swollen mouth on every thrust, his legs flopping between tightening and falling loose.
“Aw, baby, you feel good? You being my good whore Criston?”
Criston sobbed, rutting back onto your dick and wrapping long legs around your waist. He slurred some nonsense as you fucked into him harder, angling downward to hit his prostate. Soon you struck it again, the sweet baby between your legs crying and wailing, kissing and holding you all the while.
You idly wondered if the neighbors could hear Criston being thoroughly used and broken down into mush.
He panted, “Oh, god god god, oh baby, m’gonna cum again!”
“Yeah priss? Gonna cum from having a dick in your slutty pussy?”
Criston trembled and made the most pitiful noise, blabbering and kissing frantically as his arms tightened, “Fuck! Yes!” You grinned and returned the needy little pecks, clapping your hips against his ass, watching his cock leak and swell once again. He’d probably have the orgasm of his life soon. Striking Cole deep began the fire, and then your words set him aflame, burning up as he came with another wail.
He impossibly tightened around you, cum flooding your stomachs as he whimpered, cried, and carried on like the needy little thing he was. Criston sobbed, “Pl-pl-ease don’t ever stop-p! S’go-od! Ohmygod m’all yours, only yours, forever!” You grinned and eased out of him, unclipping the strap-on so you could coddle your whiny toy.
“Such a cute baby, did so well, hmm, you needed to cum huh priss?”
Criston nodded into your neck, not wanting to let go. He asked in a tiny voice “Lemme be yours?” Stroking his slightly sweaty hair you replied, “Sure babes, just remember who blew your mind right here. You’re mine now.” He let out a soft noise, nodding pliantly, nosing and kissing your smooth skin. If you could picture it, hearts were just appearing over the man.
You’d have to talk to him again when he wasn’t a submissive mess— but Criston seemed quite eager to be petted and called pretty. Fucking Princess. You held back your laughter as the thought bubbled up. He was so damn clingy right now you could pull out a purse and he’d crawl into it, or if you had a leash? Criston Cole would definitely be excited.
He just needed to be trained up a little, s’all.
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Alicent was tired. She had met a nice girl for once, but she couldn't go shack up for a week as much as she wanted to. Criston and her 'froomie' had been radio silent. The redhead feared they may have killed each other. She gently keyed into the tiny apartment and slunk in, eyes darting around.
"That's good, ah, good boy!" came the cry of Alicent's roommate. She clapped a hand over her mouth, eyes widening in horror. Alicent wanted to melt into the floor. Dear bestie had one of her 'toys' over. Alicent could maybe duck and scramble her way into her room-- from the noises, it sounded like she was receiving some oral attention.
Ali dropped to her knees and ignored the moaning and slick noises. A deeper voice moaned something, Alicent's roommate responding, "Oh shush prissy, there's no one here. You're just being paranoid." The Hightower girl paused again, crawling behind the loveseat. The noises of very...excited cunnilingus ramped back up. She made the horrid choice to peak out before making the final cross.
Criston 'I don't eat pussy' Cole was on his knees. Eating the pussy of his mortal enemy, Alicent's roommate. Quite enjoyed it from the way he had a hand shoved down his sweats. How long had they been at it? It hit Alicent that the whole apartment reeked of marathon fucking. She could not believe this. Sure they had lowkey sexual tension but this?
Alicent scrambled across to her room, eyes forward and praying no one would notice.
"OH MY GOD- NOnONO! Christ!"
"Oh shit sorry Alicat! I didn't hear you come in! He's trained now!"
Alicent stood behind her closed door, hand over her helplessly smiling mouth. Oh my god, she couldn't be serious right now. Criston Cole broke in as the roomie's toy while she was gone. Hell must have frozen over. She laughed, Criston's miserable voice echoing from the living room. Alicent had to get away from the door so he would not hear her losing her mind. Good for them, good for them!
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bluebellhairpin · 6 months
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Erwin Smith X Wife!Reader
Summary: The aftermath of your first murder opens a whole new door on your sexual escapades with your husband. He is more than eager to help you figure out if you like it or not. (word count; 3.4K < )
Warnings: 18+ MINORS DNI. NSFW - Porn with almost no plot. DEAD DOVE DO NOT EAT (if you don't like it, don't read it) Cannibalistic themes (Both in the literal sense and as a love metaphor). Sexual themes and Smut (Oral - receiving. Blood kink (menstrual specifically). (Unprotected sex + penetrative sex but focuses on the oral more.)) Reader; has female anatomy, has periods.
Listening to: 'Dinner & Diatribes' by Hozier - "I'd suffer Hell if you'd tell me... Scarcely can speak for my thinking of what you'd do to me tonight."
Part 1 || AO3 Link || Masterlist || Ko-Fi
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“Then I examined my own heart. And there you were. Never, I fear, to be removed.” - Jane Austen, 'Emma'
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You didn’t realize quite how serious Erwin was. You didn’t even know how you thought about it. You didn’t really think much about it anyway. 
Admittedly, despite how lust-filled your mind was in the moment (and perhaps the memory was tainted? But who were you to argue) you couldn’t help the feelings that swelled in your lower belly at the thought of your husband between your legs for something so unusual. 
Something so many thought was untouchable, or dirty. 
At the time he seemed very enthusiastic about it - his words rang through your head still days after. It was like your heart was clutching to them like they were the last pearls in a jewelry box. 
“The things I would do for a chance to be between your legs while you bleed life right into my mouth.” 
You realized that it must’ve been pure coincidence that it hadn’t come up before. 
Sure, certain aspects would probably have produced more questions that, at the time, he would’ve been unable to answer. But now you knew his habits, his tendencies, the unnatural appetite he had towards human flesh - now he knew you supported them, he had no reason to hold back. He had no reason to hide just how carnal his desire for you ran. 
So he didn’t.
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The kitchen island where the sink was, allowed you to look out over the dining room and patio outside. Erwin was out again tonight, so the dishes you washed up were all your own from the day - despite how quiet it was, your mind was loud. 
You were wondering why killing that cashier wasn’t bothering you more. First murders were meant to be the most memorable. Perhaps your lack of reaction -  the numbness you felt where grief or shock should be - maybe that was your reaction. 
But you held no pity or remorse for the woman who still lay unbutchered in your freezer downstairs. You believed whole-heartedly that she deserved it. 
With the last plate put on the drying rack, you pulled the plug from the sink and watched the bubbles fade away. You knew exactly where your next stop was. It wasn’t even seven, but bed had been calling you all day - if only to curl up somewhere warm to alleviate the aches and pains that came with the first few days of your dreaded period. 
The lock on the front door clicked, and with a shudder it opened and closed again to welcome your husband home. He was early. Again. 
Oh how you enjoyed his company. You always had, he knew just when you needed the peace of quiet, when you needed space for yourself, he knew when you needed a warm body pressed against your own, and he knew when you needed to be sedated with a warm womb of cum. He could read you like a book - he had a vast collection of those, but if you asked he’d say his favorite always had been you. 
With his shoes, jacket, and briefcase put aside, he walked over with a tired smile and a quiet greeting. Erwin came up beside you, ignoring your wet hands as he took one in his while the other found its home around your waist. 
“How has your evening been?” he asked, mouth firmly pressed to your temple in some sort of kiss between words. 
“Slow,” you sighed, leaning into his side, “Lower back has been a pain.” You could almost hear how Erwin’s eyebrows creased in concern. 
“What for?” he said, leaning back partially to get a good look at your face. “You know I prefer you doing strenuous things with me around, then you don’t hurt yourself.” 
You tsked him, shaking your head with a light smile. 
“Honey it’s always like that when I’m on my period.” You could see it on his face, how he processed what you’d said. How his eyes darkened and his grip of your waist drew you in slightly closer. 
His voice was soft, curious, but the look in his eye told you it was nothing but innocent. He was far too sly for that. Far too devious. Had a far too large bloodlust. The way his eyes were flicking lower wasn’t telling you that he wanted a kiss - no, he was eyeing a place much lower. 
And, currently much messier. 
“I know that look.” you said, and your hand curled up around the still-fresh collar of his dress shirt. “Didn’t know what it was about less than a week ago, but now…” 
Your words trailed off, quiet. An unspoken understanding went though you both - he of hunger, you of curiosity. What would it feel like to have your husband feeding himself full of the blood that slipped out from your cunt? 
You felt yourself shift, an ache started to build between your legs, and your breathing became more apparent as your chest pressed against his. Erwin’s arm snaked around your waist, a firm hold taken in order to safely turn and cart you away without having to separate. Nothing was even happening yet and you knew exactly how much he didn’t want to part from you - you felt quite the same way. 
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It didn’t take long for Erwin’s mouth to attach to your neck after you’d been laid on your bed. Your legs had already spread to accommodate his hips, and the slow - barely there - drag of his clothed crotch on yours. 
He was filled with as much lust as he was hunger. Erwin could feel it, deep in the very marrow of his bones that he’d need all night for his feelings to fade. The more he thought about it happening - how willing you were to let him do what he most truly desired - the more his need grew. And his need to return the favor grew too. 
Erwin would bleed himself dry to fill your cup, carve the flesh right off his bones to make sure you were never hungry again. But that would have to wait. You had much to do together before that time came. 
As he felt you whimper under his tongue, while his teeth slowly sunk in and out of your shoulders and neck, his hands wandered. He felt light headed at the thought of what lay waiting for him beneath your clothing. The mild summer air had left you in almost scraps of clothes even though you’d been inside all day, he had to steady his breathing just so he didn’t tear them completely apart. 
He knew you liked these shorts. 
Erwin’s hands found their way under your shirt, slowly pushing the fabric up over your stomach and chest until you had to raise your arms to let him take it off completely. He - unfortunately - had to break away from your delicious skin to do so, however - fortunately - the sight he was left with made his cock swell again. 
It wasn’t something he’d never seen before, he’d seen all of you many times, almost had the sight committed to memory. But this was different. The way he saw your chest rise and fall, eyes half-lidded, and body completely trembling under him. He could see how badly you needed him, it was spoken without words. 
The blood running through your veins, the breath in your lungs - he felt like he could see your very heart beating in your chest and it drove him wild. 
He couldn’t help but lean down and claim your lips in a long, deep kiss. You groaned into his mouth when he rutted into your covered cunt again, and he broke away to see your lips swollen and glossy. 
“Are you ready for this?” he asked. “Because sweetheart once I start on you, I doubt I’ll want to stop until you stop bleeding.” His voice was soft, but even he could hear the edge added by his own desperation to get started. However the way you were looking at him - something wasn’t quite right. “Does it make you uncomfortable?” 
“No.” you replied, breathless. 
“But something’s wrong.” he took your chin in his hand, gently trailing his thumb across your lower lip. “Tell me.” he said, casting a spell to demand your words to fall right into his palm. 
“It’s so…” you started, shifting under him - still from arousal - but trying to find the right words while your brain was covered in a fog. “Are you sure you want to do this? It’s not - it’s so - you don’t have to.”
“But you want me to, don’t you?” he asked. His other hand moved, trailing down your body to press down on a spot just above your clothed slit. “I can feel it. Right here.” Oh his lips he felt your breath leave your mouth in a hushed huff, and felt how your hips chased his hand as he pulled it away. 
“Yes, I - I really would like to try. Just this once. You don’t have to again.” 
“Honey, remember who you’re talking to.” He said, making sure you were looking into his eyes as he spoke. “I already know that once this is over I will be completely filled with longing for the chance to do it again. To me your womb is always ripe for the taking.” With his words his hands both took hold of your hips, slipping under the cloth, ready and waiting. “I’ll ask once more. Are you ready for this?” 
You looked up at him with a soft smile, and Erwin knew that look in your eyes - the one that could be filled with cartoonish pink hearts, almost unfit for such a scene as this. 
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You found out very quickly that Erwin left very little room for you to move. 
On a normal day, he would eat you out and urge you to do with him as you pleased. You could hump his mouth and grind into his nose as much as you wished, often he begged for it. Right now, however, that was not the case. 
You couldn’t even do so much as start to lift your hips off the sheets. Erwin’s arm lay slung over your hips, pressing you into the mattress in a show of strength you’d only seen him muster when working as a butcher, brutally and in your basement. 
With a curl of his fingers inside your cunt, you keened once more with your heels digging into the crisp fabric adorning Erwin’s back. You tried to move, to rut further for more, however it only made Erwin stop. He pulled away, and your head lifted off your pillow to look down at him. 
“Try that one more time and I’ll give you a real reason not to.” You then thought of how alike Erwin could’ve been to a predatory animal hunched over a carcass. 
He was all dark eyes and ruffled hair, with a string of your slick and blood threading his chin to your pussy. From you he truly was taking what he wanted, and he wasn’t even going to let you stop him from having his way. It almost frightened you, how easily he was holding you down. But he had never done it before - how he must have held back in times like these. Now though he was letting go - all for the taste your blood brought. 
It made your chest heave, and your cunt clench onto his fingers. That made him grin - because of course there was no way he wouldn’t notice how tightly you were gripping his digits - and his once pearly white teeth were stained pink and red, yet to be licked clean by a greedy tongue. 
“Of course you’d like that. What a dirty thing you are. You never cease to surprise me.” he said, then lent down to lick you from where his fingers nestled in your heat up to your clit, long and slow. “But I don’t want to hurt you, not right now. So don’t move.” 
You swallowed, nodding. Your head fell back and he returned to his meal. Between his thrusting fingers and the way his lips suckled on your clit, you wondered just how far he could go while devouring you. How far he would go. Even how far you’d let him. 
You couldn’t lie and say none of it appealed to you. Maybe you were more fucked up than Erwin was, with how a strong rush of heat went to your core at the thought of him stripping your bones clean of their marrow with his need. His fingers curled to just the right spot to push your high ever closer, and you had a moment of clarity before it all came crashing down. 
How romantic it was that your husband was so truly consumed by his love that he had to physically feast on parts of you in order to sedate himself. 
After a moment, as your eyes slowly stopped fluttering behind your eyelids, Erwin’s hand slid around your waist to rest on your back, and as he moved himself to kneel on the bed he pulled you up and into his lap. Your legs were pulled so your knees pressed against each side of his hips, your thighs spread wide over his own. His other hand was still snug inside your cunt, slowly scissoring, pushing and pulling, teasing enough in your post-orgasm bliss to leave you open-mouthed and moaning into his neck. 
If he kept it up, your lips would be drooling all over his collar as much as your slick drooled all over his thighs. 
With a squelch of your cunt, you caught Erwin’s eyes casting themselves lower, and he pulled back. His eyes were fixed on the hand that had crept out from between your legs, and the way his lips parted in awe made you curious. What could render him so speechless? 
There, sitting really quite innocently in the space just below Erwin’s pointer and middle finger, was a clot. 
They weren’t unfamiliar to you. Lumps of tissue and blood that passed each month like clockwork had left you curious too - you knew what they were and they never worried you, it left you in awe at the way your body worked more than it disgusted you. However Erwin was being unreadable. It made you start to shift away. 
“Don’t.” Erwin said, grip on you vice-tight in warning. So you chose to wait. To watch and see what he would do next. 
He took the lump between his fingers, prodding it, spreading it over his palm. Inspecting it with curious fingers and eyes. When his hand stilled, your eyes flicked back up to his face, watching as his eyes softened to a dark wonder, and as his tongue wet his bottom lip. 
He brought his hand to his mouth, licking it clean - clot, tissue, blood and all. His eyes closed, rolling into the back of his skull. It made a strange lump form in your throat, and your core clench with some sick sense of want. But how sick could it be if you both wanted it that bad? 
His now mostly clean and wet hand met your body again. Both hands found a place on your ribs just below the sides of your breasts and trailed down. His eyes opened, meeting yours, but you couldn’t help but watch as his jaw moved, cleaning over his teeth as if sucking the last of you to his tongue and down his throat. 
His throat which was now stained inside and out with your blood. 
Something about it made you sigh wistfully, relaxing to his touch and threading almost limp arms around his shoulders. Waiting to be cleaned and put to bed. Unlike you, Erwin could always read you - he knew what you were thinking, and the smile on his face told you clearly that you weren’t on the same page as him. 
“Do you think we’re finished?” Erwin asked, pushing his crotch into yours, uncaring about the mess of slick and blood he was getting over his once pristine slacks. “I’m not planning on stopping until we’re both spent, and as you can feel, I’m nowhere near done yet.” His hands found home on your hips and pulled your spread legs closer so your core was flush to his hard cock. 
“Erwin…” you said, breathless as one hand found the soft hairs on the back of his neck. His nose bumped into your cheek, mouth landing on yours for one soft moment when your voice trailed off. 
“What is it?” he asked. His voice was soft, despite the hard and slow back and forth his hands guided your hips. It made your heart swell as your breathing hitched and you pressed yourself closer still - to his cock, his chest, his hands and face, anywhere he’d let you be. 
“I’m aching for you.” you replied, shifting in his lap and working your hands down to start tugging his shirt out from where it was tucked into his pants. You mouthed at his jaw and neck, tasting all sorts of yourself on your tongue. His arm pressed you closer, wordlessly stilling your movements. ‘Calm’ he spoke, ‘be with me here, in this moment’. 
“Tell me what you want from me.” he said, taking your cheek in his palm, “Anything. I am all yours.” 
“I just need you.” you said. Like a key to a lock, his hold loosened, and your hands returned to their previous venture - getting as much of Erwin's clothes off as quickly as possible. While your fingers wandered, your mouth returned to licking his throat clean of your slick mess. “Fill me. Use me. Lay me here and do what you like, just don’t leave me empty.” 
You could feel his groan resonate from his chest to yours, the hardness pressed to your pussy jumped. In a moment he kissed you, sharing a taste of him, you, and a twang of iron. 
“Whatever you wish for sweetheart,” he murmured to your lips, shifting as he spoke and kissed you so he could add a third - undressing - to his growing list of things to do all at once, “I’ll give you everything and more.” 
Somehow, among the mess of his lips on yours, he shed his clothes and had laid you back down onto the bed. He seemed almost content, despite you writhing beneath him for more, to just get his cock wet grinding into your cunt with your legs wrapped snug around his hips. 
“Erwin please, stop teasing.” He pulled away from your mouth as you spoke, a hand resting beside your head while the other stilled your thigh. 
“I know, I know, just,” He said, taking in a deep breath when his eyes dropped lower, “I’m going to need a second.” 
You followed, taking in how his cock was tainted with his pre and your slick - and a sheen of pinky-red that bled into his dirty blond pubes. From how angry and hard Erwin’s cock was, and the flush on his cheeks, you could put two and two together. 
“Are you gonna cum that fast just because there’s blood down there?” 
“‘t’s your blood.” he replied, eyes screwed shut as he took in a deep breath and opened them again - seemingly recomposed. 
“Still.” You smiled, reaching a hand up to coyly curl your fingers at the longer hairs near his ear. 
“Don’t.” He warned, catching on to your internal plot to tease him further, brows furrowed and bottom lip sticking out in an almost-pout. You licked your bottom lip, getting a flavor of salt and metal, before kissing him again. 
“I think I will.” You said, squeezing your legs around him, nudging his cock closer to your waiting pussy. “You being so turned on by it is kinda turning me on.” 
Erwin only scoffed - mumbling something about how perfect you were - before kissing you again, deeply, and shifting his lower body so his tip caught on your clit before sliding lower. He entered slowly, letting you stretch around his girth, even though with all the fluids down there making it easier than usual. He seemed to be wanting to take his time, and despite how needy you were before it felt too good to complain. 
You were more than happy to lay back and let him have his way with you, and he was more than willing to let you. 
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im-a-marvel-ous-hoe · 6 months
Baby, It’s Cold Outside | Bucky Barnes (8th Day of 🎄)
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(Credits to the owner of this pic!)
Here’s a brand new story for y’all! I hope you enjoy! 🩵
Christmas Masterlist <- check out my other holiday fics!
“Do you think it’ll let up soon?”
I stood next to the window, holding a blanket against my body as I watched what was supposed to be light flurries turn into fat snow hitting the pavement. Soon all I could see were pure white lines, the wind outside making the snow zoom at an angle. I felt Bucky’s presence behind me, his body heat almost making me want to turn around and let him keep me warm.
“It’s uh.. lookin’ pretty bad out there, isn’t it?”
I nodded and sighed. “I should probably leave before it gets even worse..”
It was supposed to be a brief visit. I came over to his place to see him and drop off his favorite hoodie that he let me borrow a little while back.. but then he asked me if I wanted to grab a cup of hot chocolate and I couldn’t say no. That hot cocoa led to us watching a couple movies while snacking on whatever junk food he had. Before we knew it, the sun went down and the snow caved me inside Bucky’s apartment.
“You want to leave in that?” He asked while opening up his blinds even more to showcase how bad it’s getting outside. “You can’t even see the pathway to walk to your car. How are you gonna drive?”
“I’m a big girl, I’m sure I can figure it out. It’s just snow.” I walked over to his couch and slid off the blanket, shivering as soon as the air hit my skin. It’s been really nice and warm since I’ve been here and the thought of having to go out in the cold made me wish I had paid better attention to the weather outside. I folded up the blanket nice and neat and laid it on the cushion.
I wanted to prolong me leaving for as much as I could, but I knew I probably overstayed my welcome three hours ago and he might want some time to be alone. I know I would if a guest came over unexpectedly and couldn’t get the hint I wanted them gone.
He slowly stalked closer to me, his head bowed down and I turned to look at him. “Y/N, you’d freeze out there. The snow is piling up by the minute, I’m sure you’d get pneumonia and I wouldn’t be able to – ”
I lifted my hand up to his face and placed a single finger on his lips to silence him. “Nat and Wanda are probably wondering where I am. We were supposed to have a girls night and I’m like twenty minutes away from the apartment.”
He stayed silent for a moment, his body still and his cheeks were blushed. The initial shock of me shutting him up started to wear off as he sighed. He reached up and grabbed my hand in his and he inspected my fingers. I could feel his breath against me as he placed a soft quick kiss on the top of my knuckles. I instantly felt get warmer.
“Doll, your hands are cold.”
My knees wanted to buckle right then and there. I felt like I shouldn't say anything, this moment seemed too intimate and I didn’t want to break out of this bubble. Something about the way his gaze stayed concentrated on my cold fingers made my heart flutter. I longed to feel his lips against them again.. or other places.
“Maybe you just run hot.. I’m not calling you hot, it's just you’re so warm.. I – I mean, not to say that you’re not hot. You’re very easy on the eyes and..”
Oh God, what the fuck am I doing?!
“What I mean to say is – ” He laughed and brought our hands to rest on each of our sides, him refusing to let go and said, “Need me to change the subject?”
“Yes please.”
My stupid mouth just had to make a comment.
He noticed a strand of my hair seeming out of place from my messy ponytail and he reached his hand up to move it out of my flustered face and place it behind my ears.
This man is makin’ me melt like a popsicle on the fourth of July. I felt like I was warm enough to even brace the snow storm outside and walk it back home.
“You know, I.. I actually have an extra room that you could stay in, if you wanted..” I parted my mouth open in surprise as he continued. “I could let you borrow a couple of my clothes to sleep in so you’re comfortable.”
I smiled and slowly shook my head. “That’s very kind of you, Buck, but I can’t impose on you like that.”
“Trust me, it’s no bother to me at all. We could have a night dedicated to just us and watch movies until the sun came up if we wanted to.” I tilted my head and felt warmth spread across my face.
I didn’t want to feel like Bucky had to offer up a room to me because he felt bad, but I really didn’t want to drive back in this storm and freeze the whole way there. I bet if I was to even call a cab, which I probably wouldn’t because I have a working car, they would go out of their way to pick me up. Plus, I don’t really want to spend money on gas anyway.
“I just don’t want anything to happen to you. It’s bad out there and I know if you’re with me, you’ll at least be safe. I don’t have to go to bed wondering if you made it home when there’s a perfectly open space for you here.”
I stood there, debating back and forth and back and forth in my mind as I tried to think of what’s the best option…
“What do you think your neighbors will think when they wake up and see that my car is still parked outside?”
“I hope they’re smart enough to know that I couldn’t let someone as pretty as you leave in a snow storm.” I tried to brush over the fact that he called me pretty and hoped that my face didn’t give away the fact that I liked it.
“And if they’re not smart enough?”
He shrugged his shoulders.
“At least there will be plenty implied.” He chuckled. “But honestly, I couldn’t give two shits about what they think of who stays at my place. It’s my place.” He smiled. “C’mon, doll.. it can be just for tonight, if you wanted to.”
I glanced back at the blanket on the couch I folded neatly earlier and wished I was cuddled up against it again. Our cups of hot chocolate still remained on top of his coffee table, both completely empty next to crumbs left from pastries and plates with half eaten food. The movie on his TV paused and I realized he was still waiting for an answer.
“... Shall we heat up some more hot chocolate then?” His smile widened at my decision as I continued. “It’s gonna be a long night, Buck and it looks like we’re stuck together until further notice.”
“There’s no one else I’d rather be snowed in with.”
“After all, it is cold outside and you’re a literal heater. It was getting harder and harder to say ‘no’ to that.”
“If that’s what got you to stay, then I guess I can’t be too upset. It gives me a reason to cuddle up to you and keep you safe. I’d say this is a win – win, if you ask me.”
I hope y’all liked it! Please let me know your thoughts! Likes, comments and reblogs are very much appreciated!
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bitchyycapricorn · 1 year
Almost There
Peter Parker x Ghost!Reader
Chapter One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven
Series Masterlist
Wordcount: 1.7K
Synopsis: Peter enters his apartment that night expecting to find an empty bed. But instead, he comes face to face with your transparent glowing figure.
Warnings: Angst, Mentions of sex, cheating, masterbation (M), mentions of death, mentions of murder, open wounds/cuts
AN: This part and future parts will contain graphic content! Not edited.
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Peter looks at Ned for a moment, still trying to understand how any of this was possible. “We have to figure this out, meet me at my apartment at 4, we can start our research then.” Peter says before turning to leave.
“Wait, but we get out of classes today at 12, I can be there by at least 1, wouldn’t that work better?” Ned asks, not wanting to admit that he was overly excited for possibly cracking the case on what really happened.
Peter shook his head, throwing a glance over his shoulder, “No, you need to see Y/N after school. Don’t leave her alone it’s, it’s important to her. It already bothers her enough that we both decided to join a Saturday class last minute.” Ned watches as Peter starts heading back inside to see MJ. He could tell by his voice and the way he was walking that the separation was taking a real toll on Peter. Peter knew it too, even talking about you made his stomach turn and his mind wander back to your soft lips.
“So this neighbor girl,” MJ says as Peter sits back down next to her. “Is she pretty?”
Peter pauses, meeting MJ’s gaze. “Why do you ask?” He laughs nervously.
MJ hums, looking down at her book. “Well, we’ve been friends since high school, I’m your girlfriend now, and yet I’ve somehow never heard of this Y/N girl. It’s just strange is all.”
The guilty feeling from earlier starts to bubble up in Peter’s stomach again as he realizes that of course MJ would be uncomfortable with him talking to another girl. Wouldn’t he have a problem with her talking to a new guy without telling him? “Yeah, I’m really sorry about that. Honestly she just wasn’t important enough to me, didn’t really think of mentioning her because I’m never thinking about her.” Peter lies, shifting his gaze down to his book as well.
“You seemed pretty interested when Ned had news about her though.” MJ counters.
Peter shrugs, trying his best to seem like he didn’t care about you. “Thought they finally got together.” Another lie.
MJ casts Peter another look before letting it go, “I believe you.” She presses a kiss to his lips, snuggling into his shoulder. Peter can feel his heart drop, he needs to get you taken care of so he can focus on MJ and MJ alone.
“Hey sorry I’m late.” Ned says as he drops his bag on the floor. “Y/N and I were playing video games again, she’s like wicked good.”
Peter frowns, his eyes wandering over to the two controllers left abandoned near his TV. “Yeah she is pretty good..” his voice trails off a moment, thinking about you once again. “Not important though, we have some research to do.” Peter opens up his laptop, quickly searching up the elevator explosion eight years ago.
Ned’s eyes widen as he begins to read some of the headline articles. “Holy smokes dude, look at all of these. Six missing children? All before the elevator collapsed?”
Peter furrows his eyebrows, clicking on one of the links. “Parents of 11 year old Y/N L/N claim elevator collapse was a coverup, their daughter had been missing since 10 that morning….” Peter scrolls down a little more. “Ned..”
“Peter?” Ned asks, trying to find where Peter was in the article before pausing as well. “Oh…”
Peter reread the sentence again, “No bodies were found…police believe they disintegrated…that’s not, not possible.” Peter clicked out of the article, hopping over to another one. “They all say the same thing, children going missing, some almost a week prior to the accident.”
“Wait look,” Ned cut in, pointing to a paragraph on the screen. “Some of the children reported a game of hide and seek occurring when parents began questioning the whereabouts of their missing children. These reports were taken days before the accident.”
Peter sat back in his chair, his head swimming with questions. “The elevator was no accident. But then the question is, where did the children actually go? We know Y/N is, mostly dead. But she never mentioned the other kids being around here, and I haven’t ever seen them either.”
Ned gives a weak shrug, still scanning the information on the computer. “The only one who will have answers is Y/N, but she isn’t exactly too open to talking. She broke down when she started to open up about it last time.”
Peter gave a small sign, “Right.”
Clicking out of the article he continues to browse. Stumbling on dead end after dead end. His head began to hurt as the hours tick by. Ned eventually going to lay on Peter’s bed after about an hour of useless or repeated information. At about the four hour mark Peter stumbles upon a website that contains supposed video footage. “Hey Ned, come look at this.” Peter says, clicking on one of the videos. Ned stumbles over to the desk, leaning down so he can listen with Peter. The video appears to be taken in the lobby at night, the faint sounds of crying can be heard from what appears to be below the building. “This was taken a day before the elevator collapsed. The person recording had reported hearing voices of children coming from below the building.”
Ned looks over to Peter hesitantly “Peter you don’t think-“
“Y/N was murdered.”
You hadn’t spoken to Peter in nearly a week, as far as you knew him and MJ were still a stupid happy couple that you never ever wanted to see again. The issue is, you still needed to move your stuff from under the floorboard into Ned’s room. Which is exactly why you decided now would be the best time to go retrieve your stuff while both Peter and Ned were at their Saturday afternoon class. You made your way through the walls and down to your old apartment, floating through the door and into the living room. You look around for a moment, wishing you could stay here once again.
Your attention was pulled away from the room by the sound of a soft moan followed by your name coming from Peter’s room. You furrow your eyebrows, floating through the wall and into his closet where you peak through the sliver once again. Through the crack you could see Peter, his head was thrown back on the pillows while his mouth was agape, his bedsheet barley covering his lower half.
“Ah fuck Y/N,” Peter groans, his hand slowly moving up and down his shaft, completely oblivious to your presence in the room. His actions had started as an innocent destresser really. He had skipped going to class today and opted to watch a movie in hopes of getting his mind off everything until he built up the confidence to talk to you again. But as his mind began to wander vivid thoughts of you kept reappearing over and over again. Your lips being the main focus, since he knew how they felt on his own. His mind of course only wandered from there. Now as he lay there slowly stroking himself all he can thing about was the way your body felt as he held you, and the way you touched his chest as you helped to sew him back up.
His pace got quicker, another grunt leaving his lips as he thrusted up into his hand slowly. “Peter?” You whisper, slowly stepping out of his closet. Peter’s eyes flew open, his head snapping to the direction of your voice.
“Oh my, fuck Y/N, what are you?” Peter stutters, pulling the covers closer to his body.
Your eyes slowly scan Peters body, “You were saying my name.”
Peter’s eyes met yours, his face turning a bright shade of red realizing there was nothing he could say at this point. “I didn’t, I’m sorry it just happened. I was so, and you’re so, and you’re all I can think about.”
You took a step closer to Peter, allowing your body to go solid. A rush of feelings suddenly washes over you, your stomach doing a small flip while the rest of you felt tingly. “Peter do you like me?” Your voice came out just barley a whisper, but he could hear you perfectly.
“I-“ he stutters.
“If I took my cloths off and joined you…would you object?”
Peter’s mind went blank, suddenly you were the only person there with him. Sitting up a little more he shook his head ‘no.’ “You can, I want you to,”
A small smile spreads across your face as you grab the hem of your shirt, slowly lifting it up and off your body.
Peter’s eyes widen “Holy shit,” he says, quickly slipping back on his boxers under the bed. He stumbles out from under the covers approaching ing you quickly. His eyes scan your now mostly topless figure. “What, what happened?” His finger slowly traces the cuts on your stomach.
You look down as well, your eyebrows furrowing at the sight. “I-I don’t know.” You say slowly. The cuts weren’t scars, but rather marks that appear to have simply stopped bleeding, but never scabbed up or healed.
“Y/N, what really happened to you?” Peter says slowly, his finger brushing the wounds.
Tears begin to well up in your eyes, “I really don’t know Peter. I don’t remember anything, not really. I remember the people saying that there was an accident with the elevator, I remember there being others, I remember..” you pause, looking behind you at the closet. “Under the floorboard…” you whisper.
Peter follows your gaze to the closet, removing his hand from your abdomen. He moves slowly towards the closet, opening it fully so he can look down at the floorboards clearly.
“Can you see it? Where it does not fit all the way?” You ask quietly. Peter nods, kneeling down to pry the board from the floor. He struggles with it for a moment before you hear it pop open. He looks down, reaching in to pick up a picture laying face down.
Peter slowly turns it over in his hand, his whole body freezing up at the sight. “What did he do to you?” Is all he’s able to say, as he stares at the fading image.
@dandelionqueen @etaerealboy
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rite4fun · 1 year
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another fic based on a song,, definitely not going to be everyone’s cup of tea but i’m a bit of a masochist and loveeee a good angsty fic now and again!! if you got any ideas on what i should write next, don’t be shy, send a message, open to many things; smutty, angsty, fluffy.. anything really :) (once again.. see an error, no ya don’t)
the only warning i got, is don’t read if you have a sensitive heart <3
although night has fallen, the breeze is still humid around the pair that lay pressed side by side on the damp ground of the quarry.
the thin blanket they lay upon doing nothing to protect their clothing but neither seem to mind as they gaze up at the open sky, lustrous stars scattered across the midnight abyss.
“do you ever think about what happens after you die?” her voice is soft, a sweet melody that accompanies the rustling of leaves and crushing waves of water a few feet away.
“nah” his response equally as hushed but less like a song and more like a disgruntled muffle.
“ever?” she turns her head to look at the man beside her, his side profile illuminated by the moonlight.
“dun’ need too” his words are definitive, leaving no room for any further questioning.
she adjusts her head back to the empty space above, the slight swish of the water against the bank tickling her ears everytime the wind blows.
“maybe.. maybe we get to choose what we come back as.. i’d be a cat.. oh! maybe a firefly!” she excitedly gasps, a smile stretching across her lips.
“why tha hell would ya wan’ ta come back as an insect?” incredulously fills his question as his head whips to look at her.
she meets his gaze, her smile softening at the quizzical expression he wears, “have you ever been sad when you have seen one?”
and taking in her words, he realizes the undeniable resemblance she holds to a firefly. similar in their relationship with humans, she too brings a lively spirit to any room she enters - to any person she encounters. no one can resist the natural ray of light that bubbles from within, bursting at the seams and bringing every bit of life back to what it used feel like with a simple shine of her smile or riveting laughter.
it was like the universe knew they needed her, needed that ever building optimism and confidence she seemed to never run out of in this new world.
light pours into the room from the windows, a soft glow casting over the unconscious figure in bed. daryls shaggy brown hair sprawled messily over the white pillow case as the dark blue covers pooled around his hips leaving his sunkissed bare chest exposed to the cool morning air.
his body stirs as his consciousness rises, the silence of the beginning of a new day washing over every fiber of his being. a refreshing contrast to the ugly world that lurks beyond the walls.
daryl reaches an arm out to the opposite side of the bed, searching for the warmth of another body. the lack thereof is accompanied with emptiness among the cold sheets, leaving an unnerved feeling in the seekers chest.
with a sudden gasp, he sits up in a panic. sleepy blue eyes squinting in the luminous room as they search the open space for the missing presence. the more time passes, the larger the anxiety grows within the already empty cavity that lies in his chest.
his heart thuds painfully, a hand rubbing over it as he throws his legs over the side of the bed, feet landing on the chilly flooring. before he can throw caution to the wind and fully thrust himself into a full on manic streak, the door across from him opens.
a familiar figure stepping into the natural lit room and daryl finds himself finally able to breathe at the sight of her.
“oh.. well good morning sunshine!” his sudden alertness just as surprising to her - who had slipped from the bed as he lay dead to the world, snores having left his mouth as his mind finally finds a deep resting period. “what’s wrong?”
blue eyes glare from under the curtain of messy bangs, an evident hint of annoyance filling the once relaxed ambience room.
“ya weren’t in bed..” a frown settles upon his lips in complete contrast to the upturned amused smile that appears on her own.
“even though you refuse to acknowledge it, i volunteered to go on the next run,” her body sways closer, daryl forced to tilt his head up to keep eye contact. his eyes narrow at the glowing halo the shining sun seems to create around her head.
“the run i told ya not to go on?”
she hums in confirmation, “rick’s been planning it for days. solid strategy and the place seems promising”
her words fall flat to his ears, a million and one scenarios filtering through his mind as they often do when she steps outside the safety of alexandrias’ walls. she’s every bit capable of handling herself but it does nothing to ease his fears of just one slip up and shit hitting the fan in a split second for his whole world to crumble.
actually, he’d rather not think about it.
“or.. ya could stay here with me” his hands reach out, fingers easily slipping through the loops of her jeans to pull her even closer.
“cute” her fingers reach up to pinch his nose playfully, his nose scrunching up at the ticklish feeling her touch leaves, “but you promised aaron that you would finally make another recruiting mission”
it’s been a minute since daryl had stepped far outside the walls, their last trip lasted near three weeks, returning with only one person. aaron called for a dry spell, deciding that maybe their help wasn’t needed outside the walls right now but inside.
daryl isn’t one to settle for too long and he’d find himself taking daily hunts outside the walls just to keep a seldom piece of mind, but he’d recently found that he didn’t particularly mind if he was forced to stay inside the house if her presence was assisting.
a couple months have passed now and daryl still feels like he’ll never get enough of her.
her hand lifts to brush the long bangs from his vision, revealing her favorite shade of blue. the simple graze of her fingertips against his forehead sends a riveting chill through his whole body - his breath hiccuping, eyelashes fluttering before shutting heavily.
gaining the strength to open them, he finds her now standing at the bottom of the steps, slipping her boots on. the touch of hers, now just a ghost feeling as his body physically aches for it longer.
“duty calls, dixon” she winks before walking up the steps and out the basement door.
“did you ever think about staying?” leaves crunch loudly under her feet in the otherwise desolate forest.
“where?” he doesn’t have the heart to tell her to be quiet with all the noise her miss-matched steps make. he was finding himself more often than not seeking out her company especially in times like now where the search of a twelve year old girl remained urgent and weighing heavily on his shoulders.
“in the cdc..” her eyes gaze over the woods that surround them, although they have stated they have more cover here, she still finds it unnerving to see the many hidden spots a person - a walker - could be. “even for just a second?”
“hell no” he stops, looking over his shoulder at her, “why? did ya want to?”
she shrugs, eyes still wandering their whereabouts, “thought about it..”
“why?” he asks in bewilderment, turning his entire figure to face her, forcing her attention to his intimidating frame that towers over her.
“just.. sometimes i think i’m not meant to be here long..” she shifts her footing, looking away from his sharp blue glare, “not sure i’m built for this new world”
“‘nd why’s tha’?” frustration creeping into his bones.
“just a feeling, i guess..” she’s regretting asking him such a question and now opening up to him as she can feel the crushing irritation roll off him in waves.
“well..” he roughly scratches at his chin, “yer here so yer jus’ gonna hav’ta deal with it” he turns away, ready to get back to their search and rescue. hopefully forget this whole meaningless conversation.
“why do you care?” the question is ridiculous, she knows it too as the minute they met, they just clicked. he found himself rather comforted by her exuberant personality - a contrast to the dull world - and she had found a sense of safety within him.
“why ya suddenly so negative?” he rushes her, his curiousity piqued at her startling pessimism.
“i’m not! i-i just think-“ she scrambles to grasp her words, she hadn’t meant it to sound so daunting.
“yer gonna be fine” his words leaving no room for her to doubt or dispute.
“you can’t promise that” she shakes her head, shoulders curving in.
“i have n i will. we’ll find sophia n we’ll find some place ta settle. it ain’t gonna end like this, not for us” his words are final and despite the slight lashing, she can’t help but feel soothed by them.
he’d be damned if one more person gave up, most of all her whose light always shined brighter than most.
daryl stumbles out the same door several minutes later, following the delicious smell coming from the kitchen.
a slight disappointed feeling fills his stomach when her figure isn’t in there, a place she’d normally be humming some random tune as she danced around.
instead, the humming is from his fellow friend carol and although he typically doesn’t mind her company, he couldn’t deny the overwhelming urge to rush out the door and find the one his body craves most.
carol senses his presence, turning around as her eyes sweep down his person caustiously, “morning, how are you feeling?”
“mornin’” he squints his eyes at her filtering gaze, “‘m fine”
carol nods slowly, setting a plate of food infront of him before turning back to the stove silently.
the air feels heavier than normal between them, there is something off but daryl can’t put his finger on it. not one to press, he decides to let it go, if carol needed to speak to him about something, she would.
as he looks at the plate of food, he realizes he has no appetite instead he finds himself looking through the windows, trying to catch a glimpse of her but it is like she’s vanished and that similar feeling he had this morning when he couldn’t find her begins opening again in his chest.
the abrupt squeak of a chair before it’s tumbling to the floor in rapid succession has carol spinning around to face him. he stands haphazardly next to the fallen chair, chest heaving in the silence.
carol takes small wary steps in his direction, leaning down to pick up the chair and settling it upright. she eyes him again, searching the surroundings for the thing or person that sent him into a tizzy but there’s nothing.
“hey.. you okay?” carol softly asks, her motions slow and tone quiet in hopes of not disturbing whatever frenzy daryl suddenly seems to be in. she steps closer, enough to reach a hand out and set it up on his arm. his body jerks roughly, eyes flashing to meet carols, “come on.. sit back down”
carol gently motions for him to sit again but he doesn’t move. his heart has snuck up to lodge in his throat, creating a sharp lump when he attempts to swallow the nonexistent saliva in his otherwise dry mouth. he isn’t sure why he suddenly feels like the world is crushing on his chest or why he feels the need to run until his legs ache and his breathing burns as he tries to catch it. his mind is running but not a single thought sticks except what the hell is happening.
“hiya stranger!” she approaches him, her eyes scanning his new set up.
“wha’ da ya want?” he looks up as he puts up some finishing touches of his camp.
“just checking up on the neighbors.. you know, since you’ve moved away” she pesters as she steps further into the area.
“dun’ know wha’ ya talkin’ bout” he denies and turns away, hoping if he ignores her, she’d leave.
“you do” her voice closer and when he looks over his shoulder, he finds her settling on a log near the fire he had just started. her eyes flicker up and meet his, patting the spot next to her, “sit”
he could easily kick her out, yell- cause a big scene so she’ll go running back to everyone else.. but he finds that he can’t- correct term won’t because he genuinely wants her here. it’s an infuriating feeling sometimes.
he sits anyway, plopping carelessly into the spot next to her. no one speaks for a couple minutes, the sounds of nature encompasses the empty space as the fire crackles infront of them.
“no one blames you, you know? you did everything and more to find sophia, pushed harder than anyone on this land..“ her arms settle around her legs, pulling them closer to her chest, “carol is lucky you were willing to continue looking even though everyone else wanted to give up.”
“not lucky enough..” he grunts, hand rubbing over his chest where an ache begins to stir eveytime he thinks of the little girl who died alone and terrified in the woods, if only he looked harder.
“no.. maybe not. but she’s thankful.” even not looking at him, she can sense his disagreement, “she is! they all are, we are incredibly lucky to have someone so willing to do anything despite the odds.” she glances at the group campsite, only a sliver of light visible from the distance that he put between them and himself, “you shouldn’t pull away.. they need you. all of them.” utter disbelief gracing his person as he scoffs, “what? they do! they need your strength, your wit, your drive..” she stands abruptly, ready to make the trip back to her own tent, having felt she got everything she needed to off her chest plus some, “you’re every bit as important to this group than you think..”
“wha’ bout ya?” his timid voice makes her stop in her tracks.
“hm?” she tilts her head, her body still close enough that he can see the flicker of the fire reflecting in them, his stomach flips at the sight.
“y-ya said they need me.. wha’ bout ya?” the eye contact is intense and he finds himself taking a deep breath as if it will lessen the heat of it.
but she’s the first one to break it, taking a glance in the direction she was headed before looking down and toeing at the dirt, “maybe, uh.. when you’re ready to join us again.. there’s space next to my tent for you to set up- if you want” her words are rushed, almost bashful and he can’t tell if the pink of her cheeks burn from the heat of the flames or his gaze.
she doesn’t have to wait long for an answer when the next day, coming back from a day of gun training, she finds him setting up his tent in the empty space next to hers.
both sharing an equally coy smile.
by the time his head catches up to reality, he finds himself now outside, sitting on the porch swing alone. the vivacious sounds of the community invades his ears, his eyes following the many movements that come from the members who take advantage of the beautiful day. only a couple houses down, that same familiar figure exits from a home, bounding down the front steps and striding down the sidewalk. the sight of her takes his breath away simultaneously as it lifts that weight from his shoulders.
sensing his intense gaze, she looks over her shoulder, silky hair moving fluidly down her back at the motion. her pink lips lifting into a sweet smile as she lifts a hand to wave at his still figure before turning around and continuing her journey down the street.
daryl finds himself going to make the move of following her, hoping it’d quell the ever-building ball of anxiety in his chest as she creates more distance between them. he doesn’t make it far, just barely lifting his body from the swing before the front door is opening and carol is stepping out, a cup of water in one hand and the abandoned plate of food in the other.
she settles next to him, slipping the cup into his hand. in his disconcertment, the sudden acknowledgement that he has limbs that function becomes evident in the way his fingers grip the glass tightly in apprehension.
“i’m sure aaron will understand if you don’t go today..” carol finally breaks the silence, placing the plate on her lap and staring out into the street.
it’s unsettling the way she speaks to him, although their friendship has grown enough that being vulnerable infront of each other was welcomed, it was like she was holding something back. it was beginning to become frustrating to daryl as tensions rise more, he knows there is something there, he can feel a part of his brain has shut a door of information he feels like he should know.
daryl invisions the mentally shut door with bright yellow caution tape creating an X over it and no matter how curious he felt, he found himself not being able to open it.
“‘m fine” he grunts as he brings the cup up to his dry mouth.
that same desire earlier of crawling back into bed and wallowing in the covers with another warm body vanished, if she was outside the walls - daryl would be too.
“then atleast have some breakfast,” carol thrusts the plate into view, his stomach churning unpleasantly at the sight.
“not hungry..” turning his body to face away from the food, he sips at the water to crush the near unbearable urge to vomit.
“you should eat if you plan to go with aaron, you’ll need the energy” carol pushes more verbally but physically she sits back against the porch swing, her eyes casting over the back of his person.
daryl can’t stand an overbearer.. well except one. the only one he’ll tolerate with such nonsense now stands at the corner of the road. she’s further than before, forcing his eyes to squint as if it will better his sight. she’s got a bag over her shoulder as she conversates with someone infront of her.
the sunlight beams over her, casting an even brighter glow on her skin. it’s impossible to not look at her whenever she’s near, a true beauty that warrants all attention wherever she goes.
and goes, she does.. again. parting ways with whoever she was speaking with and disappearing around the bend, out of his sight.
don’t get him wrong, daryl loves a good chase but this has become increasingly tedious. she’s so close, yet so far - a stone’s throw away but still out of reach.
he can’t take it anymore as he heaves his body from the porch swing, leaving carols’ to be jostled by the sudden movement. her hands reaching out steady herself and the rejected plate of food as she watches him move disorderly, staring off down the empty road for a moment longer..
then he’s moving, throwing open the front door hastily. carol is quick to follow, calling out to him as she surveys the sporadic way in which he throws his crossbow over his body and mumbling to himself as he rummages through his pack.
“i think you should stay in today” daryl freezes his rash ministrations at carols’ voice, riveting sharp blue eyes peaking through his messy bangs.
“wha’ is yer problem?” carol is taken back by such notion, taking in the defensive way in which he stands - hands gripping his bag and holding it purposefully against himself.
“i-i don’t have a problem daryl.. i just think you should cancel today” she stands in the open doorway, blocking his way and whether it’s intentional or not, it makes him feel caged in. an itch crawls it’s way under his skin and he needs to get out now before he does something he’ll regret.
“i told ya, ‘m fine” he shoulders his pack, “now, ‘m leavin’.. wanna catch up ta say goodbye”
carol is hesitant to move but she can see the way in which he grips the strap of his bag - knuckles nearly white as he fights an imaginary battle against himself. his fight or flight mode activated by their conversation, there’s days she pushes but she can’t today because among the agitated gaze that sets in his eyes is the fearful look that covers his face. such vulnerability that he only shows time to time and one that breaks carols heart everytime.
she steps away from the doorway, allowing daryl to push through and down the steps, his last words finally catching up to her, “you’re gonna say goodbye to rick?”
it isn’t unusual to bid farewell to a group run, this new world left little to no promises to anyone but carol has never seen daryl so rushed and panicked to say goodbye to someone.
daryl has just reached the bottom step as he takes in her ridiculous question. his words coming out heavily sarcastic, “ya gonna send him off with a song n maybe even a kiss”
he shakes his head in disbelief as he stomps to his motorcycle. not bothering to settle his belongings along the bike and instead hastily throwing a leg over and starting the engine. a wash of relief settling cooly over his skin at the roar of the motor and building vibrations beneath his body.
“would you rather be burned or buried when you die?” she speaks louder than the monstrous growls that travel through the fences a couple feet away.
“why ya always on ‘bout death, woman?” she giggles at the genuinely preturbed tone he uses, it always shocks her how quick she can catch him off guard in comparison to his usual mellow demeanor.
“you see the world we live in? not exactly a guaranteed place for the living..” her voice falls short at the end, losing her words somewhere in the dirt that she digs in. her gloved hands sprinkling in some seeds before piling the soil on top and patting it down.
repeating the process in another area of ground, she reaches up and swipes an arm over her forehead. even though it’s morning, the georgia sun still bears down against the pair, her skin already beginning to glisten with a layer of sweat.
“i told ya, ya dun’ hav’ ta worry about tha’” her head shoots up to face the man infront of her, he wasn’t big on gardening but he liked spending any free time with her- even if it meant being knee deep in the sodding earth, “‘bout.. dyin’.. i mean. least not while ‘m here” he continues when confusion covers her flushed face, seeming to have forgotten the promise he had made to her before.
the sentiment of his words are sweet - familar and she wants to believe them but as she looks to the rattling of fences to her right, she can’t bring herself fall short of reality, “shouldn’t promise things like that..”
“i mean it” the absolute tone along with the clear certainty that covers his face makes her smile softly, “who knows.. maybe yer’ll be the last man standin’”
the heroic idea isn’t as appealing as he tries to play it out to be, quite frankly it holds more of a harrowing threat. one filled with loss and loneliness, one she would rather not think about as she tries to bury the thoughts along with the seeds she plants.
“i always liked the idea of a tree pod burial..” she answers her own question from before, “would be cool to come back as a tree” her little joke is a hit and the man across from her scoffs out a laugh as he shakes his head.
“yer ridiculous” the two share a smile before continuing their manual work.
she redirects her attention back on planting the many seeds she has left while he stays struck still on the prospect that she’s thought of her death before - something he’d rather not fathom - even to her perferred burial.
despite her previous dismissal at his words, he would infact continue to keep the promise that came from his affectionate remark and the one before that. if there was anyone in this world that deserved to beat this new world, it had to be her.
and he’d do anything to make that happen.
he glides down the street to the front gate, taking in the recruitment car and two figures standing near it. he rolls up behind the car, eyes flashing in disappointment as he notices the missing vehicles to his right.
“didn’t think you’d come!” eric and aaron stride closer, speaking over the loud engine of his bike.
“they left already?” confusion falls over the pairs’ faces, “rick and them?”
“oh.. yeah!” aaron nods, “rick wanted to get out early so they had as much sunlight as possible”
daryl takes a second to digest the words because he can’t believe she didn’t say goodbye. he understood the urgency to hit the road, he knows the disadvantage they had against the dead with the lack of light but.. his heart still sits dejectedly in his chest.
“daryl?” he hadn’t realized his head had fallen forward until he lifts it heavily to meet erics’ eyes, “you okay?”
he can see the concern in both their features, the same unpleasant worry over his wellbeing showcasing in their cautious manner. daryl is getting real sick of everyone treating him like he is a glass doll.
“should hit the road too, if we, uh, wan’ ta be back by sundown” he nods his head towards the walls, hopping off his bike and attaching his crossbow and bag securely.
he keeps himself busy with adjusting his belongings that he misses the shared look between the couple infront of him but they make for no more conversation.
once aaron has settled into his own equipped vehicle, daryl watches as eric leans over the open window. clearly a romantic farewell for aaron as they laugh, it’s every bit as obnoxious as ones he’d receive when he left her behind. her voice always sweetly asking for one more kiss and clinging to any body part she could.
he’d never been a fan of pda before but he never could deny her. he also couldn’t help the flare of jealousy everytime he caught wandering eyes over her figure, only to be quelled when they would catch sight of the many ways he’d claimed her and he equally hers.
the burning in his chest grows as he thinks about her, somewhere outside these walls without his affections. the itch grows under his skin, irritation filling his body as he watches the pair share sweet sentiments.
he honks his horn, the sudden sound making them jump along with the watch guards. he plays it off, atleast he hopes the pull of his lips look more like a playful smile and less like a painful grimace.
it’s enough to have them sharing one last kiss before eric steps back from the car. the guards up the tower motion for the all clear, another pulling open the gate. daryl passively throws a nod in erics direction when he passes him as he continues to ride through the gate.
“the bright side is we’re back together!” her cheerful statement a cover for the fear she had endured for those few days she remained alone after the fall of the prison. the heart-wrenching pain she felt wandering the woods, searching for the people she found a family in. “we’ll find something better, i don’t know about anybody else but those cells gave me the creeps!”
and despite everything, the loss of their home, the separation, the cannibals- they couldn’t help but laugh, a laughter filled with disbelief and relief because they were infact still together. still alive.
to others, they probably looked like maniacs, laughing and hugging one another in the middle of a road, the sky caking a dark set of thunderous clouds above them with the threat of pouring rain but to them.. it meant they were still living.
he pulls her close, shoving his face into her hair as he holds her tightly to his chest. giggles errupting from her pink lips at the crushing grip.
“gotta let her breathe man, she’s the only light we have left.. gotta keep her around” ricks’ tone is filled with humor but his statement paved way for the truth.
if one of them ever needed a bump of enlightenment, she was the one they seeked out. her optimism lit a fire that burned within each of them, sometimes they just needed that boost of energy she never seemed short of to keep going.
it seems this recruitment trip will end in similar fashion to the previous ones: a bust.
“i say we end early, stop by that mini mart we passed and then go on home.. sound good?” aaron stared down at the map laid atop the hood of the car, they had ventured even further than they originally had organized. they really only had two choices now, do what he previously stated or travel even furthur out but they didn’t really plan on overstaying anywhere so as it seems, the first option sounded more appealing. “daryl?”
“hm?” he had been pacing on the side of the road after their previous conversation of their whereabouts.
aaron had noticed the whole trip how out of it the other male seemed to be, locked up in some mental battle. they’d be lucky on walkers, coming across small groups and the occasional loner - nothing they couldn’t handle.
“that sound okay? I think we’d be pushing it if we kept going, better we go home and plan a few days trip than risk it all today” aaron folds up the map as daryl continues to pace, teeth nibbling on the skin of his thumb.
“ya, we could stop by tha’ mini mart we passed before headin’ back” daryl looks to aaron for confirmation who only nods in confusion as if he didn’t just suggest the same thing seconds ago. he watches the way daryls’ usually skilled hands scramble over his belongings as if his mind has yet to catch up with his movements, repeating motions he had already made.
he can only hope that daryl has just enough mental clarity to get them through the last bit of this trip so they can make it home safely.
aaron leads the way back to the abandoned mini mart they had passed, keeping a mindful eye on the motorcycle behind him.
always cautious with just the building around the corner, aaron pulls onto the side of the road and daryl pulls up next to him a bit furthur into the woods, concealing his bike within the wilderness’ cover of bushes. they stay hidden in the thicket of trees, coming up on the backside of the mini mart, hoping that if someone was here, they’d catch them blindsided.
daryl takes the lead, eyes sweeping across the open back alley. he signals to aaron the all clear and they sync their steps, one covering the front and the other watching their backs until they reach the building.
pressing themselves flat to the brick wall, on opposite ends of the only door that’s available for access into the building in the back. daryl lifts a hand to jiggle the doorknob roughly then pressing his ear to the door. he is met with silence so with one final sweep of the otherwise quiet alley, daryl shares another nod with aaron who grips the doorknob as his counterpart raises his weapon. in silent conversation, the door is swung open to reveal an empty room, clear of walkers or live beings.
aaron holds the door as daryl checks every corner of the small room and once cleared, he shuts it behind them, leaving them in complete darkness. their next movements are quick when whipping out their flashlights.
the first room is a storage room, boxes upon boxes labeled of papers or containers. the next room they come up equally as empty, although a break room it contains nothing but a fridge that leaks a rotten smell. seeing their way out of it, their met with a hallway that splits in two directions.
the right has four closed doors while the left has only one so daryl makes a motion towards it, aaron following closely behind. the door swings open to a small kitchen, trashed but empty of walkers as their lights cast over the room. they move further in until they reach a cased opening, both walking through and finding a food case that separates them from the main lobby. they keep their steps quiet, flashing their lights over the room once to confirm they had finally made it before looking infront of them.
the food case holds what would have been fresh food but now resides it rotten below them. both of them shuffle behind the counter silently, daryl leaning over to flash his light at the closet rack across from him. his eyes following the light as it reveals bags of chips left unharmed, they’d all be stale but hope builds in his chest at the potential of more salvagable food.
he reaches out to nudge aaron, nodding his head in the direction of the chips as both their lights flash over the rack and they share a similar look of gratification.
maybe their trip wasn’t a bust after all and they could bring home a real treat for everyone when they empty this place.
but alas, like many things in this new world, nothing is ever that easy anymore because not a second later the familar groaning sounds of a walker makes itself known, stumbling from around the rack and towards the counter. easy enough, daryl grips it and stabs a knife in its head before he shoves it back. maybe a bit too roughly as it collapses into a display, taking every bit of it down with a resounding bang.
the pair freeze, ears ringing in the ominous silence before it’s followed by multiple ghastly moans. their lights flash around as the walkers reveal themselves and begin to crowd the counter, forcing them to move back.
“we can’t take them all, we have to go!” aaron shouts over the ever growing sounds as daryl attempts to kill as many as he can, thrusting his knife in one before moving out of reach of the grabby hands. a walker pushes through on one side, advancing into the space they reside in and cornering them to one side, “we gotta go, now!”
aaron pulls at daryl before both are jumping over the opposite end of the counter, dashing down an aisle and weaving into another in the darkness. aaron holds the front well, stabbing any walkers that cross his path while daryl throws whatever shelves or displays down behind him to block and hinder the dead so they can make a quick escape.
“there! it’s an exit door!” aaron flashes his light a few feet ahead, grunting as he kicks one walker back and stabs another before finishing off the previous one. daryl chances a glance ahead, finding the same door before he focuses on keeping a decent distance between them and the growing crowd following them.
aaron makes a dash ahead for the exit, shoving the shelf that blocked it and pushing the door open, his eyes squint, arm coming up defensively at the bright gleam of light that filters through the door and casting clearance on the scene inside.
daryl finally breaks through an aisle when the distinct yell of his name steals his attention from the billow of light that glows from the exit door. aaron lifts his gun, killing the dead that stand in daryls way of reaching safety, the echo of gunshots would surely attract more walkers but he is hoping by the time they show up, him and daryl would be miles away from here.
daryl is so close, only a few feet away from where aaron stands when the same distant yell reaches his ears again. his head looks in the direction it seems to emanate from, a flash of white light, followed by the familar figure he so badly missed this morning, dashing around a shelf. his brain stutters, steps matching with staggering steps as he tries to comprehend the idea of her being here- let alone if that was her and- questions upon unanswered questions filter through his mind but he wastes no time in diverting his direction towards where he last saw her.
he’ll be damned if he left her here in a walker infested mini mart, he’ll berate her later.
“daryl!” aaron screams, firing shots at the few walkers that stumble towards him while others follow the other man back into the darkness. there’s no second guessing in this new world so aaron quickly finds himself letting go of the door as he darts after the other man, “shit!”
daryl can’t seem to catch up, always a couple steps behind as he stumbles in the dark while he tracks the gleaming ball of light that seems to follow her. he calls out to her, demanding she stop and wait for him but she doesn’t listen, maybe she can’t hear? he makes to yell again but as he flashes his light in the direction she seemingly disappeared in, she’s gone.
he lost her.
his mind shifts gears into overdrive, frantically searching around in circles with his flashlight, eyes flicking in every direction as he tries to determine just where she may have escaped. having made it to the front of the store, he scans down every aisle, walkers stumbling down most of them but he pays them no mind as he seeks out the one he came running after.
his one track mind causes him to lose sight of his surroundings, unaware of the walker that creeps up on him from behind. his head falls forward as his ears ring at the sound of a gunshot and as he whips around, he finally notices the fallen walker and his savior who stands above it, gun clutched in their hand.
“i told you it’s time to go!” red in the face with frustration, aaron turns away from daryl and begins unblocking the front doors, layers upon layers of blockage that he shoves away to reveal the chains that lock around the handles, “there’s chains daryl!”
pulling an arrow from a walkers head, daryl throw his pack off and tosses it in aarons direction, “gotta’ hatchet in there!”
together they work, one taking out the walkers that drive closer to them and the other fighting the shackles that lock them in this place of demise.
“daryl!” the shout of his name - one much clearer than the others earlier - has him turning around, the door now opened and it’s radiant light blinding him for a moment, sensitive blue eyes squinting but still- he grabs the hand that reaches out to him and pulls him through the doors.
the wind howls through his ears as his feet pound heavily against the black tarmac. his chest heaves as he pants, his attempts of catching his breath useless as he loses it just as fast as he gains it.
finding safety in the great distance they’ve put between them and the shit show they were in, both pairs of feet slow until they come to a complete stop - dropping everything but themselves to the road.
daryl barely finds himself recuperating before his body is abruptly shoved, the exhaustion of running leaving his body tired and easily conforming to such movement with many steps back as he tries to find his footing again.
“what the fuck were you thinking?!” aaron shouts at him, “were you trying to get yourself killed?!”
steady on his feet now, his attention falls back in the direction they’ve just come from. the breath of fresh air bringing clarity to senses as he rethinks the close call, then reality hitting him as he realizes there was infact no her but instead some conjured up neurotic vision of his.
he shakes his head, a palm coming to cover his face in disbelief. he nearly got them killed over a hallucination, daryl felt like he was going crazy and yet he felt a sudden need to get back. he had to see her, make sure she was okay. maybe it was a sign, he thinks. maybe things really did go south like he thought it would because he wasn’t there to protect her.
“i-i gotta get back” it’s the only thing he can get out, a heavy wave of anxiety drilling into him. daryl reaches down to grab his bag and crossbow, walking into the woods and back towards the direction of their abandoned vehicles.
“no- wait!” aaron grips his shoulder, forcing him to look at him, “what was that?! we had a clear exit!”
daryl understands the anger, the frustration that equates to fear at the near death experience he put them in but right now, he has more important things.. like getting back home and finding her, making sure she was every bit as okay as she was this morning when she stepped out that bathroom, glowing from head to toe.
“man i don’ owe ya nothin’!” he swings his arm, shoving the other mans hand off him as he diverts back to his original pace and course. despite the leaves that crunch sharply under his boots and the space his rapid steps put between them, he can still hear the muttered words that spill from aarons mouth.
“i told carol and rick you weren’t ready..”
daryl whips his body towards aaron, “wha’ the hell ya mean by tha’? wha’ shit ya been talkin’ with carol n rick?”
aarons’ pentience eyes travel over daryls figure, taking in the man before him. he shakes his head before continuing to walk, “nothing.. let’s go”
daryl returns his gesture from before, gripping his shoulder as aaron passes by him, forcing him to stop his motion, “is’ not nothin’, tell me wha’ the hell y’all been sayin’ bout me!”
aaron takes a deep breath, exhaustion clear in his tone as he speaks, “thought you wanted to go home?”
daryls’ forced to fight an internal crisis of pushing more or just letting it go, he chooses the latter, opting to press for more information later once his sights set on her and the knowledge that she’s made it back unscathed is visible then- he’ll rage until someone tells him what the fuck the gossip is about.
despite his final verdict of the situation, the swell of anger still sits tightly in his chest. enough that as he passes aaron, he harshly throws his shoulder into the other mans’ as he makes his way back through the dense woods.
“i think we’ll be good here” she pipes up from the makeshift bed they lay upon the floor.
“yea?” he grunts.
“mhm.. could be a good home.. for a long time” his heart skips when her eyes flicker to meet his, “settle down finally..” the warmth in her words make his stomach squirm.
“with me?” insecurity in his tone.
“who else?” she shakes her head in disbelief, bringing a hand to cup his cheek, allowing a thumb to caress the skin of his cheekbone before shrugging, “maybe it’s time to think of the future.. our future hm?”
he is speechless as his hand comes up to cover the one she has on his face, holding it before bringing it to his lips, kissing her fingertips softly. the feather-like touch making her laugh quietly, a smile spreading on his face at the happiness that emits from her.
they had a future. she wants a future. with him.
the sun’s just beginning to set as daryl finds himself impatiently slipping through the first sliver of space his bike can fit through when arriving to the gates of alexandria. his eyes catching sight of the returned vehicles - a visual confirmation that the group run has made it back - as he races down the streets to his home.
if the thundering of his bike isn’t enough to reveal his presence, his bounding steps up the stairs are, leaving the occupants that sit inside his house more than ready to face him. atleast it should, yet the two faces that stare back at him in his kitchen are no less than startled.
quite frankly, they were the last two people he wanted to see considering the idle talk that aaron so kindly disclosed to him earlier.
“hey.. didn’t expect you back so early!” carol speaks with faux cheerfulness, a clear indicator that something’s wrong, that and the transparent flicker of concern on ricks face.
“wha’ happened?” daryl wants no more bullshit, this game that everyone seems to be playing with him today has caused him enough irritation and confusion to last him a lifetime, “go on!”
the silence is deafening, the pair infront of him turning to each other - a soundless conversation - before pivoting back to him, fish mouthed and all as if trying to find the words or maybe there isn’t any.. either way it pisses daryl off more.
he adjusts his stance, rubbing a hand down his face before throwing it towards them in frustration, “jus’ tell me where she is?”
and the room freezes, literally and figuratively. while no one moves physically, a sudden chill settles over him and he rubs at his arms as the goosebumps appear over them. bewilderement makes up his face as he stares back at the pair before him who seem frozen in time.
“wh- who?” carol is the one to speak up, words wary and meek. rick seemingly caught up in his own mind as he drags his own hand over his growing beard roughly, a look of discomfort taking over his features.
“dun’ play fuckin’ games, ya know who ‘m talkin’ bout! she went on the run with ya today rick! where is she!?” he hadn’t even noticed his pulse rising, a wave of anger coursing through his veins: red hot and flushing over his skin causing him further irritation. shoulders rolling back and his chest puffing out, his menacing demeanor a threat to anyone who won’t give him an answer, at this point he doesn’t care if it’s his family- someone is going to tell him what the fuck is going on whether they like it or not.
“dar-“ rick begins to speak but is quickly interrupted.
“she’s still out…” carol steps around the island, hypervigilant of the man infront of her, “they got back early and she wanted to hunt while the sun was still up.. why don’t you rest and we’ll let you know when she gets back?”
it’s all daryl needs to hear, a where and he’ll be there. always.
just on the horizon, sits the bright orange sun, leaving the sky colored in a dark blue with pinkish clouds. the gentle breeze of warm air ghosting over the community, a peaceful wave of harmony found in their otherwise dark reality.
but none of it matters to daryl as he bolts out the house and towards his bike, the hasty calls of his name bouncing off his back. he’s got his gear still hooked as he straddles the seat and all it takes is a flick of a switch for his engine to start.
he’s just moved the kickstand up, preparing to roll out when a hand reaches out to grip his handle bars, forcing his attention on the owner.
“don’t do this brother..” ricks’ voice is filled with emotion as he stares into his eyes, an attempt to convey something to him without verbally saying it.
“let go man..” fury is all daryl can explain what he feels, red alert alarms blaring throughout his brain and causing mayhem in every vincity of his body - furthering his irritation levels.
“daryl, let’s just go inside and wait” carol croons at him and an unwavering pressure of rage boils down then out.
“get the fuck off!” daryl crushes ricks hand in his as he attempts to shove him back, his voice level making carol step back in fear and all the commotion bringing unwanted attention from the residences that roam the street. the stares are just as aggravating, pity and comminsertion on everyone’s face as they look on the scene.
he goes to make another break but two sets of hands reach out to grab either him or the bike and all he can do is try and fight them off. to him, their voices are muddled and their motions slow but daryl still finds it difficult to keep up. a sudden surge of exhaustion taking over him at everything that he had and still is enduring since this day started.
a pit in his stomach opening as tears build in the back of his eyes, his attempts of getting them to just stop seem futile but he still tries tirelessly.
“daryl!” a golden voice reaches his ears through the sounds of his heart pounding, his head sweeping to the owner, “she’s here”
the hands of rick and carol hovering but having stopped all motions as they watch his chest heave with his watery deep breaths and slow blinking eyes. he seems to take in maggies’ words before he makes for getting off the bike, leaving it to fall if it had not been for ricks grip on the handle bars.
his steps seem almost indifferent as if his mind has yet to come up with anything solid to grasp and instead willing to go wherever, so long as he doesn’t have to endure whatever hell rick and carol were putting him through.
he matches his footing to maggies as he follows behind her, right left right left right left right left right left righ-
he stumbles right into her back, muttering an apology as he lifts his head, a simple movement that suddenly feels so heavy as he stares at the ground before him.
“‘s this some sick joke?” his body faces away from the dirt and intersecting pieces of wood staked into it, “wha’ game y’all playin’ at? this yer idea of fun?”
his back is swallowed up by a massive cold chill, spreading sharply throughout his body yet a layer of sweat lingers over the same areas. his heart thuds painfully in his chest and when he goes to inhale a refreshing breath of air to clear the burning sensation, he finds himself unable to, his throat blocked by the sudden need to scream, cry, something to release the pent up emotions he didn’t even know existed.
but as his body trembles there, back turned in repudiation and facing his family, who seemingly have gathered along the way- he finds himself standing at that metaphorical door.
the one holding back some torturous truth that his mind locked up to protect his heart.
“you okay?” maggie settles next to her on the porch.
“hm, yeah. just don’t want to forget this..” this as in their family, who spread over the expanse of the streets of alexandria. laughter and chatter among the group as they bask in the glory of safety.
“oh we’ll have plenty of this that the memories will soon overlap, we’ll even be beggin’ to get away from each other” maggie nudges her with a playful smile before returning to glenns side who stands in group conversation a few steps away.
there’s an itchy feeling on her shoulder, a nagging reminder of her limited time.
“ya okay?” lost in thought, she missed the sound of the front door behind her opening and the heavy familar steps.
“why’s everyone keep asking me that?” she looks up at him, watching the way he clumsily settles next to her.
“well, ya are ova here, alone..”
“says you” her eyes flick to the door he just came from.
“was thirsty” he lifts the ice cold lemonade in his hand in her direction before taking a sip.
“mhm…” she rolls her eyes playfully, her knee nudging his and jostling his body. she wraps her arms around her legs, resting her cheek on her knees as she takes in the joyus scene before her. rick and michonne play with little judith, carl having found kids his age to bond with, maggie and glenn cuddle together as they speak to carol. their newfound family: abraham, rosita, eugene, tara, noah, sasha, gabriel- among the masses of this place they can finally call a home. it’s everything she has ever wanted for them, everything they have ever deserved in this cold wicked world.
so despite the never-ending pain that erupts from within, coursing through her veins and digging into her aching bones: she can’t help but feel euphoric.
she sighs in contentment, “you’ll be okay..”
“hm?” he leans closer, glancing at the sudden calmness that seems to settle into her person: an unspoken acceptation to her fate.
she turns her head to face him, eyes glazed over and to any watchful eye, it’d seem she was blissed out in happiness over the scene before her but reality was, she was satisfied to know he’d be safe within these walls.. he’d have his family to protect him, to help him continue to conquer this new world.
even without her there.
confusion riddens his face, an arm wrapping around her back and settling around her hips, pulling her body closer to his as he mumbles comfortly into her hair, “we’ll be okay”
with her face hidden in his neck, she allows herself to mourn the loss of her future- their future. shedding small tears as she rubs a hand over his chest, tracing small hearts over where his own rest.
the calls of their names have them pulling apart, their family looking on with glee as they gesture for them to join them. with a final kiss pressed to her head, he stands and reaches a hand out, her small one swallowed in his tight grip as he pulls her to join the liven group that greet them with open arms.
the stars above stand no chance to the beaming smile that covers her face, the last bit of her light brightening before it completely burns out.
“yer lying” unshed tears rim his eyes, threatening to fall as he shakes his head at rick who returns the gesture.
“we’re not..” rick moves closer as daryl moves back with every step, his head continuing to shake as if it will rid the idea out of the universe’s existence.
daryl has to sweep his eyes across every person infront of him, searching for just one small implication that they were making some horrible joke but all of them share similar expressions to him: agonizing unshed tears accompanied by their trembling figures.
it’s gut-wrenching watching them, he has to tear his gaze away to keep from crumbling to the earth but maybe he doesn’t have too and instead it will swallow him up.
“i-i saw her this mornin’.. sh-she was here” his body stiffens at the sharp cries that seem to leave someone, his hands clenching in pulses as if it will help keep himself together.
“you didn’t, daryl” rick fights to stay on top of diminishing any potential reasoning to his friends delusions, he had to be the one because everyone else couldn’t.
“wha-“ he gasps, “i-“ his hands reach up to grip his hair roughly, “please..” and finally looking to rick, his brother, his leader, his last resort of denial.
but all he gets is a head shake before rick has to deter his eye sight away from the excuriating pain that settles into daryls’ eyes as that imaginary door finally opens.
“no no no no” daryls vision becomes impaired by the blurry of tears, his body finally giving up and collapsing into the earths soil. he can feel arms around him, multiple holding him anywhere they can as if it will piece together the chipped part of his heart that lays six feet below him.
it’s like he can still hear her laughter, can see her sweet smile, feel her warmth and it hurts more than he can handle at the realization that it’s been days since he truly did- his anguished wails ripping from the bottom of his heart and echoing into the world beyond.
he feels sick but the heart-wrenching sobs don’t stop, hiccuping breath after breath, searching for relief in the grim depths of agony. it’s useless.
the world must think so too as the day turns into night, casting the sky in an endless navy blue, the clouds low and hiding any forms of light as if the universe punished itself for ridding itselfs of its brightest star.
he’d give anything to go back to this morning, during that grace period of peace where she still existed. where his chest didn’t ache as it felt like his heart was tearing into two.
there’s an end to it all, somewhere in the darkness the tormented cries lessen but the devastating pain resides within them- sitting heavily along their shoulders as they grip tightly to one another as their rock; their strength breaks.
she’d always remind him how important he is to the group, how loved and needed his presence is. comparing him to glue and praising his durability to continue, not knowing that she was every bit as responsible for helping him be that.
he wanted to keep pushing if it meant she was there too. standing next to his person and giving him a perfect visual of how worth it living can be.
daryl isn’t sure he can be that anymore.
not when his searing heart is torn apart and buried beneath his body, no warmth to be found.
“look..” maggies emotion riddled voice rattles in the stagnant air and where his face had been buried in his arms, he lifts it, blinking rapidly as he focuses on what the others see: a single firefly.
flickering brightly in the absence of light and being the confirmation they all knew meant that she was there, she could see them, could hear their cries and that it was all going to be okay.
they’d be okay.
daryl would be okay.
because she was okay.
the celestial clock rings dusk, the light from the lamp casting a soft halo glow over her head, “why didn’t ya tell me?” his hand brushes her hair back, pressing multiple kisses to her feverish skin.
“wasn’t anything to be done, hey..” she grips his hand, a comforting gesture for the continuous tears that stream down his cheeks, “you’ll be okay”
“you will. you have too, they’ll need you” her eyes cast into the other room where their family waits, having said their goodbyes but disappearing for the hard part, “gotta remind them that there is light at the end of all tunnels”
he shakes his head in despair, “should be you..”
“i’ll be there, in every light.. shining the brightest whenever you guys need me. your very own firefly to guide you” she smiles through the pinching fire that drives in her veins, leaving her whole body aflame.
“i-i dun’ think i can..”
“you can, my strength” her grip is weak, eyelashes fluttering before settling tiredlessly on him. the corners of her mouth twitching upwards, “may- maybe you’ll be the last man standing”
he doesn’t get the chance to let her know that he too, finds the idea to be just as daunting but he’d face it.
for her, his firefly.
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nonotnolan · 1 year
Soul Stones: Long Distance
“It feels like it’s been forever since you’ve held me in your arms, and your trip is only halfway over.  Honestly, I have no idea how people in long distance relationships can stand it.”  The texts and calls helped alleviate some of the longing, but it was still rough knowing that Oliver was hours and hours away.  Oliver wasn’t out to his parents, so when they told him about their plan to send him on vacation to Singapore for an entire month, he couldn’t really protest without raising suspicion.  They were only going to pay for his ticket, and there was no way I’d be able to afford the trip on my own.
I placed my boyfriend on speakerphone so that I could scroll Instagram while we spoke.  “At least everything is going fine over on my end.  Same old boring life.  My work gets done, my boss doesn’t hate me... could be worse.  What about you, how’s your trip?  If it’s even as half as good as these photos, it must be sweet.”
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“Heh, yeah... it’s so gorgeous out here, Brian.  Like, part of me says that I should be lying to you so that you don’t feel bad that you’re missing out, but... dude, we’ve gotta come back here later.   I even managed to make a few friends with some guys who are also on vacation.”
I couldn’t help but laugh.  “Oh, you managed, did you?  Yeah, I’m sure it was so hard for the extroverted socialite to make friends.”
“Yeah, yeah, shut up...” he said, in that voice he uses when he knows I’m right.  I could picture his blushing, and it was just entirely too cute.  “But like, there wasn’t a guarantee there would be people my age here.  I’m gonna count it as a win.  Besides, you would not BELIEVE some of the people I’ve met.  Like, this guy, Alfie?  He’s the one I’ve tagged in a few of my other photos, and... well, I don’t want to ruin the surprise I mailed you.”
It was my turn to start blushing.  “Ollie!  You didn’t have to do that, what the heck?  You’re on vacation, you’re supposed to be enjoying yourself!  You don’t need to send me anything.”
“Well too bad, I sent it to you anyway.”  Oliver had quickly shifted back to his normal smug self, which I had to admit was part of his charm.  “Speaking of which-- have you checked your mail today?  The tracking slip says it should have arrived by now.  I think it’s small enough that they were able to put it in your mailbox.”
Sure enough, there was a small bubble-wrapped envelop waiting for me in my mailbox.  Inside was a brown, marbled stone covered with intricate carved runes.  “Oliver, it’s beautiful.  What’s the story behind it?  I didn’t expect Singapore to be known for its--”
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There was a sudden lurch, and I suddenly found myself staring into the face of Oliver’s friend.  That would have been weird enough, but it was clearly a mirror that I was staring at.
“It’s a body swapping stone,” Oliver said, coming up behind me and resting his hand on my shoulder.  “Well, a pair of swapping stones.  I didn’t believe it either, until Alfie showed me how they worked.  It was his idea, obviously.  He doesn’t need them anymore, and so he gifted them to me when I told him about our long distance situation.  I figure you and Alfie can swap bodies Friday night, swap back sometime Sunday afternoon, and we can just... do that for a few weeks until the trip is over.  And I’ll be taking mine home with me at the end of the trip, in case we ever need them again.”
I found myself running my hands along the ridges and curves of my new skin-- surprisingly soft new skin, I had to admit.  “And Alfie is... fine with this?  I mean, it sounds like swapping bodies every week was his idea, but like...  He knows what we’re going to be doing to his body, right?”
“Of course, Brian.  As long as I have permission to do the same in yours,” said the voice over the phone.  I recognized it as the sound of my voice-- or, my body’s voice, I suppose-- though hearing from the outside was incredibly weird.  It made sense that he’d be on the line, it wasn’t like I had hung up on him.  “Oliver volunteered your body for me to use, but it’s not cool of me do to anything unless you tell me it’s okay.”
I hadn’t even considered that, to be honest.  Granted, I was the only person who didn’t know that body swapping was possible a few minutes ago. “Yeah, of course, dude.  Just, you know... use a condom, don’t drive my car if you’re hammered, that sort of thing.  And I guess I’d rather you drive downtown if you’re looking for a random hookup, just so that you don’t run into anyone I know.  Outside of that... good grief, Alfie.  You’re doing us a huge favor!  I can’t believe you’re just giving us these things.”
“Hey, I’m just glad someone is able to get good use out of those things,” he said.  “I haven’t used them in several months, and... well, I don’t really need them anymore.  I bought them for cheap, so it’s whatever.  Just... do me a solid, and give them away if you see someone who could use ‘em.”
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“Yeah, I think we can manage that,” Oliver said, looking over at my face.  Now that the shock had worn off, I was already starting to get horny-- clearly he was feeling the same way.  “Thanks again, Alfie, talk to you later!”  He hung up, tossed his phone onto a nearby bed, and swept me up into his arms.  If this is what our long distance relationship will look like?  I think we can manage.
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moonmaiden1996 · 2 years
Claiming His Queen- Part 9
Please Please Please let me know what you think. I really value your feedback it helps motivate me.
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You woke to the most divine feeling of fingers threading through your hair, massaging your scalp with light scratches. A throaty moan pulled from you as bleary eyes focused on the raven-haired man staring down at you in adoration. You smiled lazily as nails racked over your delicate scalp. A smile Morpheus returned. Eyes bright and warm as they took you in.
"Good morning, my Queen".
With that simply greeting, the smile bled off your face and vivid memories of last night sprung to the forefront of your mind. Each image raunchier than the next.  You could still feel his cum inside, the mess that had oozed out against your thighs. Gods, the ache of your pussy, was delicious, begging to be filled again.
“Oh god", a mortified blush covered your face. You buried yourself under the mountain of pillows and blankets. As much as you desired to lie, you had wanted it. The feeling was almost indescribable when he thrusted into you, stretching you full, but in the harsh light of day, the reality had set in. Now he would never let you go. You could see it in the way he gazed at you.
"Now, now you weren't so shy last night." The deep voice cooed behind your barricade of pillows and covers. Beside you, the bed sank deeper as the man slinked closer. It was a feeble attempt to wiggle away from the mass of body heat that invaded your space. A deep chuckle filled the air.
"There is no point in being coy, my love, and as much as I would love to stay in bed and ... explore this new side of our relationship, time is of the essence; it has begun. We must be ready’’ A shiver ran through your body as the cover melted away, leaving you naked under the intense mercury gaze of the Dreamland King.
‘‘Come, we must away.’’
You shivered as you walked through the Dreaming. All the way you walked, you felt something. Something inside you, small, but nevertheless, it was there. It was there inside you, bubbling away. You weren’t cold, not exactly it was more of a tingling sensation that ran across your spine like thousands of tiny sparks across your flesh. Another shiver rushed through you as you watched Morpheus part in the same inky waters from before. However, instead of the swirling inky mass threatening to consume you, the limp and cowering tendrils of water bent to the will of its master. Crawling back, revealing the staircase descending into darkness.
"Come, my love. Put this on; it will protect you where we must venture.’ Morpheus mumbled into your ear as his arms encircled you, laying the gleaming red jewel around your neck. The stone resting just above your heart.
He looked at you with such adoration and need it hurt. You felt bare beneath his gaze, not that the rich dress he wrapped you in offered much coverage, not that it mattered. He had seen every inch of you. Inside and out. Morpheus’s eyes clung to your figure as he led you into the darkness.
There was darkness for the longest time till a barren heath stood in front of you, light burning your eyes. Bright and grey. You frowned as Morpheus placed three bundles onto a dirt strip in front of him.
Another shiver ran through you as he stood back, pressing his warm hand to the small of your back. The mark seemed to pull against your skin as his lips ghosted over your pulse point.
‘I cannot wait to take you again; you were so responsive under my touch. I will take you against our throne in nothing but your glory.’ Morpheus’s low voice rumbled as his lips ghosted across your throat, nipping gently as they moved.
A shiver of desire and disgust ran through you, gnawing away at your insides, pulling a predator-like smile against his lips as he suckled at a tender spot at the base of your neck.
“Hail King of Dreams and... future Queen. We are so honoured to be the first to meet her." Three voices echoed across the wind, pulling Morpheus from his ministrations.
Three women stood across from you, wild and withered, strange in their attire, smirking in disdain.
You whimper at the loss of Morpheus at your side, watching as he stood straighter, head pulled back as he glared down at them.
"Such a pretty queen.’’ one croaked.
“She will make a good queen and a devoted mother. Don’t you think, sisters? I’m sure the other Endless will be delighted.” Another added, peering deeply at you with icy eyes.
“Maiden, Mother, Crone. I have come with three offerings, I wish..."
"Spare us. We know why you are here, King." One snapped, snatching at the gifts he brought.
The next continued, “We have been waiting to meet her for so long..." purring with glee as she riffled through the present, examining the strange object in the cold light of the heath.
"So long", the others purred.
"Then you know what I have come for." Morpheus’s voice echoed across the wasteland, glaring at the women down his delicate nose.
"Hush, king", one snapped. As they began to move, swaying dementedly, edging closer and closer. You dare not take your eyes off them as they move ever closer. Morpheus’s glare hardened, but he did not attempt to ward them off.
Stumbling back, they had you. Surrounding you, encircling you as their eyes glared across the expanse of your body.
“My my, what has the king done." One crooned, you didn’t know which; they all seemed to be as one, merging and separating as they pleased.
A wiry hand shot out, caressing your chest, rolling down to your stomach. Sharply, you tried to slap it away, but another replaced it. As soon as you slapped one away, another took its place, fondling every inch of you, fingertips mapping the expanse of you. Helplessly you looked to Morpheus; he stood tensely, eyes scrutinising their every movement but never halting them.
‘’Such a selfish king... can you feel it sisters... that spark he set alight inside her." Your eyes fell on Morpheus, his lips set into a thin line as his gaze burnt into the three.
That’s what you felt, that something inside. Despite it feeling so small, so insignificant, now you knew. You knew it would burn and consume you just like Morpheus did; it would pull you in and make you submit. You were helpless. And deep down, you wanted it.
"Tsk tsk, Dream King, such a selfish thing to do."  A voice called.
"So selfish, sister. To not tell her of the ceremony." Another voice replied.
A dull ecstasy-filled memory resurfaced. The ritual. How could you forget? He mumbled it so delicately against your skin as he rocked into you, as he came hard inside you, rutting away till he covered every inch of your core in his cum. Oh god. What had you done?
"The ritual?" you gasped; a look of glee spread through the three as they ensnared your arm, staring down in adoration, cooing at the sigil burned into your flesh.
"Oh yes. The ritual. The ceremony to bind you fast forever." One added.
‘’The first part is complete. Now the very fun part begins.’’ The other finished, tenderly caressing the skin around the mark.
"But I don't want to please… you must know how to stop it." You cried while attempting to snatch your arm away, staring pleadingly at the three. Your soulmate standing in silent rage as his eyes devoured you in disappointment.
"No point pleading, girl. The bonding ceremony began as soon as he plunged into your core.’ She cackled. ‘’You cannot stop once the spark has been struck; you must attend to it, tend it, build it, or it will become a raging inferno, and you will lose yourself to it." The other mocked.
‘‘Don’t cry, queen.’’ Another taunted. ‘‘You seemed to like it.’’
‘‘How!’’ You snapped.
‘Ohh, we felt it. Your coupling was felt across this plane and the next. Scream, did you?’ The last one ridiculed as her finger began to prod against your mark. ‘‘Oh, I feel the bond, so powerful.’’
"Enough. Leave her be. Tell me what I came for so we can leave...’’ Morpheus’s quiet command halted them and slowly, so slowly, they drifted away like clouds of rags. Not before dispatching one last piece of mockery each.
‘’Oh, you will scream and beg.’’
‘’Writhe and pine.’’
‘’Submit and command.’’
‘’But a queen you will be.’’ They all echoed the last part in a barely audible whisper before silently; you watched them, crowd, round him, like servants to their King, whispering into his ears. His eyes turned darker with every utterance till they shone completely black.
Solemnly you walked back. Rage and shame bubbling under your skin. You were trembling now as you trailed behind Morpheus. Tension vibrated violently off his body as he marched through the dirt, kicking up swirls of dust that clung to the bottom of your dress. He was so angry; you knew that; you just didn’t know what he would do.
You walked till he stopped at the edge of the inky water, turning fast, gripping your throat tight, tilting you back to stare into his onyx eyes, no trace of silver left.
‘’I saved you from the emptiness; I tended to you; I brought you to the peaks of pleasure unparallel to anything anyone has ever experienced. Yet you deny me. I love you. Adore you. Worship you. All I want is you, yet you spurn me. You will not escape me; I will not allow it." He gritted out darkly as his sand churned and twirled around you both. ‘’We will begin…and I will show no mercy.’’ His voice called out as the sand consumed your bodies.
Firstly, I want to apologise. There seems to be an issue with who can read my work. I have emailed Tumblr, so hopefully, it will be sorted out soon. Also, life is crazy. We are massively understaffed, and I am currently applying for a new job, so I will update you when I can.
This story probably has 2/3 more chapters left. And trust me, the next chapter is going to be gooooddddddd! Dark Morpheus will be back in full force after the reader little slip up with the fates. I am not sure how Dark Morpheus might get, so be warned. But we all know he wants to be loved.
Quick poll- How dark do we want our soft Morpheus? 
@daydreamin1220  @jesllianaquilesrolon @ultimatreality @musemaniac42 @duhitzdae  @songbirdcannabe  @wt-fxckk @quillycrow @lemontails-blog @zafirina12 @alastorhazbin @witchybitch @thegreatestsandwich @buckys-pillow @sunscreenfeverdream @lu123sworld @asianfrustration13 @leighs-posts @elraeeee @intothesoul @sparklinglilac @lustreader69 @thraetor @fate-huntress @itshamleth @beautifulsoulsublime @bookohocolicsstuff @aurorarevenclaw1927 @winxschester @gingermous @scarlettmoon98 @nushy @nanadesudesu @sinisterandfun @the-whispering-mountain.  @ellie-xoxox @xixxala @theraggedygirl11 @poemfreak306 @sugarstone1999 @depressooexxpressoo @lovesickollie @andy-rocks @reallystressedhoneybee @theoddballinyourcloset @zaflrina12 @dangerousdreamkitty @chadekelevra @wandas-soulmate @yor72 @sugarstone1999 @heartyhope @thecrazytealady @louslous @minetticatinwonderland @thecrazytealady@deafeningnightmarecrown @kiki13522 @fantasylover-92 @weirddominatrixpop @majestyjade @electric-cabaret @littlewhitefairy7777 @acdassenza @immaturedinosaur @juniebugg @theamuz @itsbqueenthings @thedepthsoffandomminds @nightly-polaris @pinkcyclewitch @kuchokitty @asgardiandeadpoetsociety @humongousgalaxycoffee @arim0895  @kuchokitty @inannamoon @true-queen-of-mischief @tyelikesbees @one-loud-mind @hoefortonks @notabotiswear @cynic-spirit @mamamidnight60 @paulina15  @18crazybutcutealsopsycho @thedepthsoffandomminds @minetticatinwonderland @blossomedfloweroflove @bluebear142077 @ladychibi @sinisterandfun @itsbqueenthings @hagofyourdreams @sugarstone1999 @44capybara @tortilla-chips-and-allioli @loverofallgoodboys @dilf-of-the-endless @aiko-uzumaki @kipoturtle   bisexualunicronrunninglose   angelheartifillia1   @azrielloveselain @the-ruler-of-death  @the-disastrous-one  @one-loud-mind @wardlow @aurorarevenclaw1927 @v-vic @hedwigprewett12 @intothesoul @ bisexualunicronrunningloose @boofy1998 @abcdefghi-lmnopqrstuvwxyz @diamondskyforever @ammonialovebutt @dees-newest-obsession @mikariell95​ @muffin-cup
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iheartchv · 1 year
🌷🌻🌷Turtle of choice x F!Reader🌻🌷🌻
Another entry to the March TMNT all 4 1 challenge hosted by: @turtle-babe83 @thelaundrybitch @leosgirl82 and @post-apocalyptic-daydream
(This piece was actually requested)
🌸Prompt: “Spring has sprung! And like said Spring, I too am sprung!”
Warnings: mating season... need I say more?😂 do not read if you are under 18; this was written by an adult for adults. Everyone depicted is 18+
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You are in the turtles' kitchen, cleaning the dishes. You cooked for your turtle beau and his family. It felt nice to make them something instead of ordering pizza all the time. After the meal was finished, you insisted on helping cleaning up. And your boyfriend wanted to help.
However that was just an excuse to get closer to you. Not that he wouldn't not ever help you; he'd never let you do all the work. Since the warm weather had come back to New York, he knew it was that time again. The urge to have you next to him was greater than any other time... as well was another urge.
He walked up behind you and slid his arms around your waist. He placed his chin on your shoulder. "That was delicious, baby. But even though I just ate, I'm still hungry..."
You could hear that teasing tone in his voice. It was the voice that made you shiver with delight, that made your body grow hot and achy. "Oh? Well, what're you hungry for?" you asked back with the same suggestive tone.
He lightly kissed the side of your neck, moving to the back of your neck, and kissing any exposed skin. He buried his nose in the crook of your shoulder to inhale your scent. His moan was like a purr.
You giggled and reached your hand behind you to hold the back of his head to you. "Spring must be here~" Not that you were complaining. It always felt so good having him kiss you or touch you.
“Spring has sprung! And like said Spring, I too am sprung!”
He pressed himself against your backside. You knew then he wasn't kidding. He was already hard as a rock. You figured thats probably why he moved around in his seat earlier. (He was also giving anyone looks if he thought someone was looking at you the wrong way or even sat close to you at yhe table)
"Well, I shouldn't keep you waiting, then.~"
Last year, he went a little too feral. You forgave him even if you were sore for a while, and it took him a while to actually forgive himself for being so rough with you. He promised to never do that to you again.. unless you wanted him to.
You asked,"Baby, remember last year?"
"I was thinking maybe you could do that again."
"Are you sure about that, sweetheart?" His mutant sized hands held your hips. "Because once I start, I'm not stopping." His teeth scraped the nape of your neck, causing you to gasp and shiver.
"Yes, I'm sure. I'm prepared this year."
"Oh really?" his brow ridge raised and he smirked a sexy grin. "Let's find out"
He turned you around, lifted you by the back of your thighs, and sat you on the counter. One of his hands stayed there to squeeze your butt cheek and the other running up and down your whole body. His lips captured yours in a heated kiss that then turned into a tango of tongues.
"Mmmmm, (Leo/Raph/Mikey/Donnie)....~" you moaned. Heat started to bubble in your belly and spread like a wildfire. Your hands splayed over his plastron and slid down his torso. You felt his muscled thighs and buttocks and snuck downward to stroke his erection through his pants. That earned you a growl like churr rumbling in his chest from your turtle man. You would never get over how sexy it was to have someone who looks like a turtle but was all male.
"You want it wild? You're getting there...." he said in a dangerously low breathy voice. He switched places with you, standing against the counter and holding the edges while he told you to get on your knees and pull his cock out. You did so, undoing his pants and then letting his throbbing cock spring free from its confines, while looking up at him. Your tongue touched the tip and teased him.
"God you're so friggin gorgeous, you know that?!"
"So are you~"
You licked him up, down, around to get him wet, and then took what you could of him into your mouth (he was already at the back of your throat). Slowly you bobbed your head down and up his hard length, adding a swirl of your tongue around the head and using your hands to pump him every now and then. Your eyes looked up to see his face: his eyes half lidded with pleasure, his mouth open as he was lost in the ecstasy. His chest moved as everything he was feeling took his breath away. Plus hearing his sharp intakes of breath and his moans was making you hot and wet. It turned you on that you were making him feel so good and making him want you.
After sometime he stopped you from making him blow his load. "Pleaseplease stop, stop, stop! You're gonna make me cum!" You let him go with a pop. Heavy breathing was all that filled the room. For an instant you had forgotten that you were in the kitchen, not the bedroom; you both were so lost in the moment that you forgot about your surroundings.
You smirked and gave one last lick to a sensitive spot. The look he gave you was one of pure lust, and you couldn't help but squirm as desire took hold of your body. His voice shook you to your core.
"Bedroom..." What he was wanting to do to you, he was going to need all the room and privacy he can get.
Upon entering his room, he locked it behind him and was stripped in a second. He basically tore at your clothes to get you completely naked. He kissed you again quickly before going down your body, past the apex of your thighs, then back up to stop between your legs. He could smell your arousal, and it made his own arousal soar high. He grabbed your hips and had you against the wall. Your legs draped over his shoulders, and cupping your cheeks he started eating you out.
You gasped at the first jolt as his tongue licked your hidden bud. When he started sucking your clit your hands held his head, keeping him there. "Yes, baby! Yes!!~" you cried out. He then used his skillful tongue to plunge inside you, brushing against your gspot. Your head thrashed as you tried to not drown in this sinful bliss. Strings of profanity escaped your lips.
He could feel you clenching around his tongue, so he knew you were close. He slid one of his digits inside, brushing along your slick sensitive walls. "Cum, baby. I know it feels so good~ Cum for me."
The orgasm that hit you made you cry out in pleasure that anyone could've heard you. But you didn't care at the moment. He drank your juices as it flowed out of you. Your body shook as you came down from your high. Catching your breath you leaned forward, pressing your breasts into his face, trying to calm your beating heart.
"Good girl" he growled against you. His hard on was twitching like crazy. You did this to him, and he loved every minute of bringing you to heights of pleasure.
Soon you found yourself on your knees, @$$ up in the air, and a pillow underneath your head. He towered behind you and whispered hotly in your ear,"You want me as badly as I want you?" he teased.
"Yes~~~" you whimpered in response.
"Good. You're gonna take every inch of me, aren't you?" he teased agsin as the head of his dripping cock rubbed up and down your slit. Once he slid inside, there wasn't no going back; he was going to pound you into the matress, and fill you so full of his seed, you wasn't going to feel like getting out of bed.
"Hang on." he warned.
You gripped the sheets under you and steadied yourself for what was to come next. But even though you prepared yourself, you still felt the painful burn of him stretching you fully. You hummed a moan in your throat as he pushed deeper.
Above you, you heard him groan in pleasure. Your walls pulsated around him. You felt every vein and ridge of his manhood. It was stimulating. You gave him the okay to start moving, and he pulled back before thrusting forward.
"Oohh!~ god~~"
He held your hips and rocked himself hard and fast into you. He let all control go. The speed took your breath away. You knew you were going to be bruised later, bu it felt too good. Your sensitive walls was becoming overstimulated. You would come undone sooner than you expected.
"B-babe! I'm close!"
He didn't stop slamming his pelvis against your backside as he leaned down to your ear. His hot breath fanned over you. Hot chills spread everywhere, causing goosebumps yo form on your skin. "Tell me, who do you belong to? Who makes you feel this good?"
You screamed out his name over and over as your answer. As you came, he bit your shoulder and continued to thrust so deep in you. The sounds that erupted from you would've made anyone blush.
He slowed then came to a halt to give you a moment to gather yourself. He checked in on you, making sure you was okay. You felt like jelly, but you was okay. He was still hard inside you. You mentally prepared yourself again for a round 3 of an orgasm because you knew by the time he was through, you were going to be screwed brainless with drool on the sides of your mouth and cum dripping out of you and down your thighs.
Tag list:
@turtle-babe83 @tmntspidergirl-deactivated20230 @leosgirl82 @angelcatlowyn @annaliaandtheturtles @pheradream15 @exovapor @cowabunga-doll @bluesakurablossom @darksaphire2002 @foreignbrunette @greenprincess @half-shell-bo @lady-maria-the-wolf225 @moonlightflower21 @narwals14 @nikitaboeve @nittleboo @raphaelsrightarm @southernblossoms @thelostandforgottenangel @white-masked-beauty @roxosupreme @kawaiibunga @captain-kinda-trash @yumefuusen @sivy-chan-blog @artsolarsash @crazedtmnt @raisin-shell @sacredwarrior88 @leosgirl82 @egg-on-the-run @ashleighclark98 @dilucsflame33 @tkappi @happymoonangel @allybutton @android-cap-007 @androidships007 @turtallyawesome @doctorelleth @crazysarah-98
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