#i need to add a ...thing with all the translations. and i will. eventually
nabooro · 2 years
The Tale of King Dod Veruna and Enshadu
The full moon celebrations in Ojian were different to the ones in Theed. Dn. Sabrun told them all to hold hands in at least pairs and make sure nobody got lost as she led them through crowded streets filled with stalls of rice cakes and sweet breads dipped in thick syrups and large flat breads filled with meat that made her stomach growl just to hear it sizzle on its pans. Dn. Sabrun had promised them a good meal, though, and that where they were going was better than any of these distractions, so Padmé held onto Nura's hand and kept to the group, tugging Nura back whenever she started to get distracted.
Their teacher led them to the very coast, where a small crowd had gathered on a makeshift theatre, temporary seats and lights arranged, and even some tables in the back. Padmé followed her friends to their seats and sat with them, just close enough to Dn. Sabrun that she might hear anything she told them.
"Have any of you seen a theatre performance before?" Dn. Sabrun asked, as the performers began to set up. All of them were masked, some in plain enshué of tasse or synthsteel, the most of them white. Padmé wondered idly what the play was about.
One of the girls in the class raised her hand, though in the dim light Padmé couldn't see who. Dn. Sabrun said, "Have you seen the tale of King Dod Veruna and the Dark Lady?"
The girl hesitated. "No, but I saw Shiraya's Last Days."
Someone else said, "I've seen the holo!"
Several others chimed in, though Padmé did not. She hadn't seen the play before, but she didn't want to say it, not when many of the others had. Though she wasn't alone; several others were only looking among themselves.
Padmé knew the story, of course, or some of them, but if it was her choice, she liked watching Zenda—her mother said that was natural, because Zenda had the best adventures—and if it was her mother's choice, she would always watch Shiraya's stories. And if it was Sola's, it was cartoons. Enshadu had not featured much in their watching.
"This story is best watched," Dn. Sabrun said. "So pay attention, now."
Padmé adjusted in her seat and turned her attention to the beach, where the holo of a palace had been set up, and a performer in a King Dod Veruna enshué and a kua so long it dragged behind him stood, hands crossed behind his back.
In the background, one of the musicians began a low, haunting melody.
The séame began, "Ri cu nanké soc Veshinc, co fuâd re ké tugoné."
Behind her, Anakin said, "Padmé."
Padmé looked up, and Anakin laughed. "What?" she asked, frowning.
"As much as I'd like to, I won't understand much of the holo if it's in Naboo."
Padmé sighed. She hadn't even realised the holovid, so familiar to her, would be basically gibberish to Anakin. "You could learn faster," she suggested, and Anakin laughed again.
"I will, I promise," he said, his eyes flashing to her stomach—still relatively flat, but Padmé knew that would probably not last. So he had noticed her murmuring to herself—well, to their child—in Nabooro. Nothing important, but it felt right, even here on Coruscant. Anakin had been meaning to learn Nabooro for the last three years, but it was only after she told him she was pregnant that his attempts had really gained any meaning. Until then, it had been only "I love you," and "dearest," and the few words she had taught him, all along similar lines. "But can we watch it in Basic now?"
"If you insist," Padmé said, teasing, and Anakin smiled, tucking his nose into her neck as she rewound the 'vid and changed the language settings to Basic.
The séame began once more. "Once upon a time," he said. Padmé repressed the wish to roll her eyes. The voice of the narrator in Basic was somebody with a deep and dignified voice and a Coruscant accent that reminded her a little bit of Master Kenobi. Anakin seemed to hear the resemblance, too, because he pressed a smile into her skin. "There was a just and fair King."
The king's castle sat atop the moon, whence he watched all that happened in the Kingdom. This king was true and generous, brave and kind… but he had one flaw, and that was his pride.
One night, as the moon rose in the sky, the King's eyes fell for the first time on a part of his land where his light did not reach. Where all of his land seemed to shine back at him, this place sat dark and mysterious. Curious about this place, the King put away his royal cloak and his crown of silver, and wore simple clothing to descend to his kingdom, so he may have truthful answers. There, he asked in the surrounding villages about this strange, dark part of his world.
"That is the home of the Dark Lady," he was told. "She protects us from the creatures of the Deep, whom even the moon's light cannot protect us from."
This angered the King, whose pride in his light and his ability to protect every corner of his kingdom had sometime turned into arrogance. At once he took to the home of this Dark Lady… and found that the Dark Lady was only a woman, and nothing more. What could a simple woman do that his light, the light of the moon itself, was not capable of?
He asked her so.
The Dark Lady said, "The light of the moon cannot touch the Deep, and in truth never should."
The performer that played Enshadu had not donned the traditional enshué, but a deep black one with a single tear limned in silver. Padmé watched as King Dod Veruna and Enshadu began a battle with their staffs, their long sleeves and cloaks fluttering around them as they did. It was beautiful—the moon caught upon the silver-threaded embroidery on their clothing and turned them almost into holos of themselves.
"Who do you think will win?" Dn. Sabrun asked.
"They can't fight," Suvane said, sounding shocked. "King Dod Veruna and Enshadu love each other!"
Padmé frowned. That was true, and she knew that, but the sight of their battle had made her think that this was a different tale, or an older one.
"They will," Dn. Sabrun said.
Nura seemed to be in agreement with Padmé. "How?" she asked, pouting. "They're fighting."
Dn. Sabrun seemed amused. "Are they fighting?" she asked. "Or are they dancing?"
The King, angered, said, "There is no place in my kingdom that my light cannot touch." And revealing himself as the King who lived upon the Moon, he ordered every lantern upon the moon lit, until each river in his kingdom shone back the veins of his land. His servants hurried to obey, but the King found the Dark Lady's home unchanged, still under shadow.
"Even now," the Dark Lady said, "the moon's light does not touch the Deep."
Growing angrier still, the King now had great mirrors built, and turned them thus that his own light may shine even brighter, until every lake in his kingdom became a mirror in itself and turned his own light back to him.
"Even now," the Dark Lady said, saddened, "the moon's light does not touch the Deep."
Finally, unable to relinquish his pride and furious to have twice failed, the King summoned the light of the sun to himself, and shone bright enough to illuminate all in the world, even the very shadows themselves. And as the light of the moon finally touched the Deep, all its creatures came forth, great beasts with teeth sharp as knives and mouths as wide as caverns. For these were creatures that had once been kept at bay by the Dark Lady's power, and upon seeing the brightness now they emerged.
"What have you done, King?" the Dark Lady asked, mournful, at the sight of these beasts, who began to crawl over the land, destroying villages and harvests, cities and forests, with no impunity.
Realising his error, the King pulled away his light. First, the King returned the Sun's light, which had never been his to keep. And still the creatures of the Deep crawled over the land, until his kingdom's towns and cities began to crumble.
Then, he dimmed his lanterns, and still the creatures of the Deep ravaged his kingdom, until the people of his land had to lift their own weapons, afraid that their King could not protect them against these beasts.
Finally, he shattered his great mirrors and spread them through the skies, each piece too small to reflect more than a point of light… and even then, emboldened now, the light of the moon was sufficient for these creatures, who did not cease their horrors.
"What have I done?" the King asked, as the people of his kingdom died before him.
Anakin looked mildly horrified as the exaggerated bodré continued their destruction of cities that deeply resembled Moenia and Theed, though of course they wouldn't have. "Padmé," he said, slowly, "this is a story you tell children?"
Padmé raised her chin in the air. "It was my favourite when I was young," she said. On the holo, something exploded. "Children love explosions."
Anakin snorted. "I… you're not wrong," he murmured. "Ahsoka's been telling me some of the popular stories in the creche, ones I never really heard. They're violent." He huffed, a noise of quick amusement. "But the Jedi wouldn't like all this talk of Light and Dark. Definitely not when the Light unleashes, ah, all these beasts."
Padmé shifted in his arms. "This isn't about the Force, though I can see the similarity. It's the moon's light. King Dod Veruna illuminates… the injustices and horrors people believe they can hide under the cover of the dark."
Anakin raised an eyebrow. "Why do I get the feeling you don't like the Dark Lady very much?"
Padmé paused, surprised. "They're not opposites, you know," she said. "If you follow the metaphor, it may look like Enshadu is just espousing ignorance, but that isn't it at all. She's the protector of the damned and the outcasts. She protects her bodré just as much as she protects the people in those villages. This holo is… simplifying it a little."
"Monsters need protection, too?"
Padmé raised an eyebrow. "Is it better to pretend they don't exist than to offer them… aid, if they're willing to accept it? Enshadu's presence is a reminder." She looked over at the holo, paused upon a still of Enshadu watching the destruction. The holo had her in tears, but Padmé remembered her own preferred version: a play she had watched recently, in which Enshadu wept not for the villagers, but for the creatures that did not know what to do with so much light.
"An unwelcome one, for most," Anakin murmured, as she continued the 'vid and King Dod Veruna's devastated features rose.
Padmé eyed him thoughtfully. "They're lovers, you know," she said. "King Dod Veruna and Enshadu. And protectors of lovers, together. Our own ceremony invoked them… heavily."
Anakin opened his mouth, then closed his mouth. "Play the 'vid," he muttered, and Padmé laughed.
"Only the darkness is protection from the creatures of the Deep," the Dark Lady said. "Would that you had understood this, King."
"I bow to your wisdom," the King said. "Please teach me what it is I may do to end this senseless violence." And seeing that his humility was true, the Dark Lady pulled him into her embrace. As she did so, the black of her long neem wrapped around him, head to toe, and finally the moon, too, was hidden entirely.
As the light disappeared, the creatures of the Deep, blind once more, began to stumble back into their depths, and the villages of the kingdom were safe once more, though not unchanged from this time.
The King was moved and humbled by this act, and for the first time he gained an appreciation for the dark, which he realised was as much a part of his kingdom as his own light. He thanked the Dark Lady, but as he did, he saw that she could not see. "My eyes were not made for such light," she said, sorrow in her voice. "Having once seen it has changed me. I cannot see in my own dark. How, now, will I protect our people?"
And so, the King once more lit his lanterns, but wary of his past mistakes, he lit only those that would shine upon the surface of her home, and allow her to see.
And even to this day, you may find the moon shining upon the waters of the home of his beloved Dark Lady.
Before them, King Dod Veruna unmasked Enshadu, and pulled her to him for a kiss, tying off a new enshué behind her head before they separated. This mask was the one Padmé knew—deep black, with a streak of silver down the forehead, over the nose, and past the lips: the streak moonlight left on the Dark Lady.
"Any questions?" Dn. Sabrun asked.
There were lots. "Why did he help her?" "Why did she help him?" "Why wasn't Zenda there?" "Why doesn't he wear his neem?"
"What does it mean?" Padmé asked Dn. Sabrun, as the performers parted to to mark just where the moon—not Veruna, but Ohma D'un—cast a bright halo across the lake, rippling out almost to the beach itself.
Dn. Sabrun said, "It means different things to different people," she said, patient. "What do you think it means?"
Padmé stopped. "What does it mean to you?" she asked.
Dn. Sabrun said, "To me, it means we all have much to learn, from the oldest and wisest of us to the youngest. And that we must help each other learn, whenever we can."
"What does it mean?"
Padmé looked over her shoulder. "What did it mean to you?" she asked.
Anakin shrugged, but he looked thoughtful. "There's more than one way to skin a womp rat?"
Padmé grinned, carding her fingers through his hair. "You're not wrong. I've always seen it as a story of… ignorance, and its cost. Where even good intentions can fail." She paused, and rolled over to face Anakin. "And I've always found the lovers very romantic."
Anakin raised an eyebrow. "What's romantic about that? I assume the light and dark thing means they never meet again?"
Padmé shrugged. "That can be romantic! It's the sacrifice, I think: he gives her a little bit of his light just so she can see, and doesn't see her again so she can… be who she is without suffering. Do what she's meant to do, even if that means sacrificing his pride."
"He doesn't seem to have much to offer, considering he's the one who blinded her in the first place."
Padmé stroked her fingers across his forehead. "This is a kid's holo, but… there's this poem, Cu Saétâto so Enshadu, where Enshadu talks about how nothing she's ever seen before and nothing she'll ever see again will compare to the singular moment in which she was surrounded by King Dod Veruna's light. It's an erotic poem," she added, and Anakin's attention shifted.
"Is it? Tell me more about this… erotic poem."
"What do you think it meant?"
Leia frowned. "Well, from one point of view, the King was responsible for all of the destruction himself. So perhaps it's about… ignorance and its consequences." She snorted. "Or it's a commentary on the carelessness and arrogance of royalty."
"You're royalty," Luke said.
Leia shrugged. "Self-awareness is a useful quality."
Luke shook his head. "I thought it was about forgiveness. The King was responsible, but—what happened wasn't what he intended."
"That doesn't change everything that was lost," Leia said. Luke nodded.
"I know. But if the Dark Lady hadn't forgiven him, it would never have ended." Leia gave him a wry look, like she knew what he was doing. Luke could feel his shoulders slowly rising to his ears, and he sat up straight again. "What are you giving me that look for? I haven't seen this before any more than you have."
Leia shook her head, but she was smiling. "I want to look into the Dark Lady more. All this beasts from the Deep and Dark nonsense just sounds like Imperial propaganda—how old is this 'vid, anyway?"
Luke checked. "Just a few years, but I don't think the story can be that different from the traditional ones." He clicked through a few articles, then slowed. "They're lovers, traditionally," he said. "The King and the Dark Lady. Enshadu." The name was strange in his mouth, unfamiliar. He imagined what it might sound like with practice, and said it again. "Enshadu."
"I wouldn't have guessed that from this."
Luke nodded. "I'd like to hear the real story, though. If they're lovers, then really, isn't this a story of everyone trying to protect the ones they love? Even if it doesn't always go well."
Leia's expression softened. "I suppose so. If you ever find a better 'vid, one that doesn't look like it was made to pander to Palpatine… well, you know where to find me."
Luke grinned. "I'll find something. Stories like this—they're always being told."
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juniperskye · 10 months
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The Story of Us
Sneak Peek: Three years, seven months and twenty-four days. That is how long you had been with Aaron Hotchner. That also happens to be the same amount of time that Aaron had been lying to his team.
Aaron Hotchner x Reader
Word count: 3468
Warnings: Age gap, pregnancy, mention of divorce, mention of Haley and her death, mention of child abduction case (no details), pregnancy complications, mentions of hospitals. Use of y/n (once I think). I think that's everything - let me know if I missed anything else.
Not edited - please be kind.
I do not consent to having my work translated or reposted to any other site. That being said I do not own the characters portrayed in this story.
Three years, seven months and twenty-four days. That is how long you had been with Aaron Hotchner. That also happens to be the same amount of time that Aaron had been lying to his team.
It really wasn’t that Aaron wanted to hide you from them, he just had to keep you safe. He needed to keep you separated from the horrors the plagued his career.
When he met you, he honestly wasn’t sure what would come of it, you were quite a bit younger than him, only having just begun your ascent into adulthood. It wasn’t until he got to know you that he knew he was hooked. You had him wrapped around your finger and all you had done was be your most authentic self. Something he envied.
On your first official date he’d learned so much about you, you were twenty-five, you owned your own café, you had moved to Virginia just a year prior from Arizona, you were divorced, and you were a single mother. You had explained to Aaron that the pregnancy had been unplanned and ultimately was the beginning of the end of your marriage. Your daughter, Norah, was four and the divorce had been long been finalized when you began dating.
The two of you had agreed to take things slow, seeing as you both had been through so much in your previous relationships. It had taken him some time, but he did eventually explain what had happened to Haley – He had spared you of the more gruesome details, but he explained that his job was dangerous, and it is what had led to their demise, so he gave you an out. Once he had finished his tangent you had caressed his cheek and leaned in and kissed him, explaining to him that you understood and didn’t plan on going anywhere.
You and Aaron have not had it easy over the last three and a half years, after just a year of dating you had moved in together. That hadn’t been easy, you had to adjust to his lifestyle, and he had to adjust to yours. It was hard work finding the balance of your newly blended family, but you had managed – coming out on the other side even stronger than before.
Three months after moving in you had found the ring. It hadn’t been intentional by any means. You were doing the laundry on your day off and while placing his socks in their designated drawer you had noticed the little velvet box. It sat there mocking you as you just gawked at it. You were definitely ready to marry Aaron, but you questioned whether he was truly ready to marry you. You had been together for just over a year and the only family of his you had met was Jack, Sean and Jessica. How could he possibly want to add you and Norah to his family if he was too afraid to introduce you to them.
That night when Aaron got home you confronted him, you had waited until dinner was finished and the kids were tucked into bed, not wanting them to be a part of a conversation of such nature. It started off as you simply explaining to him how you had found the ring – adamant to inform him that you had not been snooping, you had found it purely by accident. That is when the word vomit started, you just couldn’t stop yourself from droning on about how you loved him and you are so excited that he wants to take this step, but you can’t help but feel like maybe you have pressured him into this and that you would stop talking about the future and just take it day by day because you couldn’t live with yourself if you had forced him into this decision and you would never want him to resent you because of it.
Before you could get another word out Aaron had practically shouted your name, it had been the only way to get you to stop talking and listen to him in that moment. He had asked you where on earth you had gotten the idea that he felt forced or pressured from, he was so heartbroken to know that you were feeling this way. This is when you explained your theory about him not being ready to introduce you to his family, let alone add you to it. Aaron’s face fell at your words, everything coming together in his head. He looked into your eyes and the walls he had spent so long building up after Haley’s death, came crumbling down. He reassured you that he wanted nothing more than to make you and Norah a permanent part of the Hotchner family (if you’d let him) and he explained to you why he had continued to keep his personal life so separate from his professional one. This time around he gave you some of the details surrounding Haley’s death and it was your turn to have the pieces fall into place.
Your conversation ended in an engagement as well as an understanding that for his piece of mind and your safety, things would continue to be separate. With the clause that Aaron would at least tell you about his job a little more and he would tell you all about his team (even if they didn’t know about you). You wanted to feel connected to him completely and in order to do so, you needed to know about the other half of his life.
Eight months later you were married, after another six months you had officially adopted Jack and Aaron had officially adopted Norah. The Hotchner family was complete! Or so you had thought. Your family had enjoyed six-ish months of bliss after the adoptions had been finalized before your world had turned upside down. After a night of celebration, (Jack winning his soccer game, Norah’s A+ on her spelling test, your new menu, and Aaron’s completion of his most recent case) the two of you had enjoyed a particularly heated evening which leads to you – three weeks later staring at the stupid digital letters spelling out PREGNANT. Aaron and you had both mentioned wanting a big family, but you had assumed that the four of you were what he meant.
Aaron took the news well, honestly, you’re pretty sure he was more excited than you were. The two of you talked about how you would make the announcement, both to the kids and to your extended family. You also scheduled the first appointment to check and see if this was really happening.
After that first appointment, in which you confirmed that you were in fact pregnant, you and Aaron had begun planning. You talked about potential baby names, and you began looking at houses. At your eight-week appointment (which you’d gone to solo as Aaron had been working) you’d gotten some news that would really change things…you were worried about what this would mean for you and Aaron.
When he finally arrived home five days later, you wasted no time in breaking the news. You were having triplets, and you had officially been labeled as a high-risk pregnancy. Aaron sat stunned for a while, so long that you had started to worry. You knew he needed time to process this, but you really needed him too, truthfully, you were scared. Your pregnancy with Norah had not been easy and that was one baby. Here you were now trying to fathom how difficult this pregnancy and birth would be. When Aaron finally snapped out of the daze he’d fallen into, he reached for you, holding your hands in his own while reassuring you that you guys could do this, and everything would be okay.
Two months later you moved into your new home. Things had been changing faster than you could wrap your head around them and while you were so excited to be in your new home and settled with these babies that were officially four months along, you couldn’t help but succumb to that nagging feeling in the back of your mind. It had been telling you that things would not be this good forever and there was bound to be a bump in this road at some point.
The bump that came was not one you were prepared for.
Three years, seven months and twenty-four days. That is how long you had been with Aaron Hotchner. That also happens to be the same amount of time that Aaron had been lying to his team.
The Hotchner family had been settled in their new home and you were just nearing the end of your pregnancy. Aaron had been called in for a time sensitive local case – child abduction. These cases were always hard on him, having Jack and needing to leave him to work these cases, but now it wasn’t just Jack. It was Jack and Norah and your three unborn babies and you, Aaron had been feeling the pressure of this case and you could see it on his face, in the fleeting moments you’d been able to share since the case had begun three days ago.
It was time and you knew it, that all too familiar feeling, the pain coming in waves every so often. The kids were at school and Jess was out of town. The only person you could call was Aaron, and he wasn’t answering. He had been really good about attending to her calls during the pregnancy but given his current mental state and the pressure he’s under to solve and close this case, you weren’t exactly surprised that he wasn’t responsive.
There was one other person you could call. Aaron had given you his number in case of an emergency. When he gave your number to Dave with little to no explanation, Dave just smiled a nodded his head. The team had noticed the changes in Hotch as your relationship had progressed. He didn’t stay late anymore unless absolutely necessary, he had been happier, smiling more, wearing a ring again. Nobody said anything as they figured Hotch would share when he was ready…they just didn’t expect it to be nearly four years later.
So, when Dave’s phone rang, and it was your contact that had flashed across the screen, he didn’t hesitate to answer.
“Hi, this is David Rossi, right? Aaron gave me this number in the case of an emergency!” You rushed.
“Yes, this is Dave. You must be Y/N. Is everything alright?” Dave asked, waving off Emily’s look of confusion.
“Umm I’m just trying to get a hold of Aaron and he’s not answering and…I’m not sure how much information he gave you about me or anything, but screw it, now is not the time, I am in labor, and I need Aaron to get here like now.” You were rambling, but at this point you just didn’t care anymore, the contractions were pretty close together at this point and you were in far too much pain.
“Okay, don’t worry, we will get a hold of Aaron. What is your address, I will come and get you and drive you to the hospital. Unless you think you need an ambulance.”
“I don’t think I need an ambulance. If you or Aaron could get here to take me that would be ideal. I’m at our house, the address is 123 West Elm. The kids are both at school, someone will need to pick them up!” You were starting to panic, and Dave could tell.
“Don’t worry about that we will send someone to pick up the kids, I am on my way to you now. Do you want me to stay on the phone with you until I get there?” Dave was being so patient with you, and you couldn’t have been more grateful.
“Um, no that’s okay, I should really get my bag together and ready to go. Have you called Aaron yet?”
“Okay, you go ahead and get your bag, I will come to the door once I arrive. And I have Emily calling Aaron now, okay?”
“Okay, thank you Dave.”
“Of course. I will be there soon.”
Once he hung up the phone, he told Emily to dial Hotch’s number. She didn’t question him but ultimately, she was worried and confused by what was going on. The phone rang four times before Hotch finally answered. When he did, he immediately told Dave that they had a new lead that JJ and Morgan were actively looking into, it had been promising. Dave had to interrupt Aaron’s briefing to let him know that his wife was in labor and that they were currently headed to their house to get her to the hospital.
Aaron felt immediate panic, in more ways than one. First and foremost, his wife was in labor, and she was all alone, second this was a high-risk pregnancy and there was a chance that the four of them might not all make it through this birth, and last, his worlds that he had worked tirelessly to keep apart were officially colliding which meant your safety was now and forever compromised.
Once his brain calmed from the rapid-fire panic, he sprung into action. He’d given clear instructions; Dave was to take you to the hospital in your car while Emily drove the work issued SUV back to Quantico to continue working the case. He told Reid to continue on and if anyone were to ask, inform them that he had a family emergency. While rushing out of work and to his car he called your closest friend/coworker who had been running the café since you’d been on maternity leave, he asked if she could pick up your kids and drop them off with him at the hospital after the shop closes at 2pm. She was quick to agree and wished you a safe birth and claimed she couldn’t wait to meet the 3 peanuts!
Everyone stepped up and went to work on their respective tasks. Dave and you had gotten to the hospital in record time. You were quickly settled in a room and made as comfortable as possible. Aaron arrived with about five seconds to spare. Dave gave him a pat on his shoulder and let him know that he’d be in the waiting room to sit with your kids once they arrived as well as to see his “godchildren”. He claimed it was his right as he was the only one who knew about your relationship. Emily arrived back at Quantico and led the team through the remainder of the case which thankfully was closed within the next hour thanks to that lead JJ and Morgan had been following up on.
The next few hours went by in a flash, the case was closed with families being reunited, Jack and Norah had been dropped off with Dave, Aaron had supported you through what was arguably the most difficult childbirth known to woman (naturally birthing triplets is not recommended nor is it necessarily the safest option – unfortunately you hadn’t had a choice given how far progressed your labor had been when you’d arrived at the hospital), and the BAU team patiently waited for the announcement of your safely completed birth…only that announcement didn’t come. They sat and waited for what felt like hours before Aaron finally came out. He explained that you had hemorrhaged after the babies were delivered, the doctor had told him it had something to do with the placenta having not come out completely. Dave could see how distraught Aaron was…he couldn’t handle not knowing.
Things happened so fast, one minute you were being congratulated on bringing three beautiful babies into the world and the next doctors were scrambling to stop the bleeding. You could feel yourself fading, you had reached out for Aaron, and you were able to hold his hand for a second before he was shooed out of the room. You were taken to surgery so they could effectively stop the bleeding and remove the rest of the placenta. Thankfully surgery hadn’t taken long (to Aaron it had felt like an eternity).
The doctor came out to inform him that you were okay and had been moved to a private room along with your newborns. She explained that you would feel weak for a bit but would make a full recovery. She also let Aaron know that he and the rest of your group could go back to see you as long as they remained at an appropriate volume and that any non-family was gone by 8pm as visiting hours would be over. Aaron looked to his team.
“I know that you are all probably expecting an explanation, and while I do want to give that to you…”
“You want to go see your wife and kids.” Morgan interrupted.
Aaron smiled at how understanding his team was. “Thank you, give us a few minutes alone, then I will come and get everyone.” Aaron said as he reached to pick up Norah with his left arm and grab Jack’s hand with his right.
The team agreed and discussed going to grab snacks and coffee from the cafeteria.
Aaron made his way to your room as quickly as he could with two young children. When he arrived, relief crashed over him in a tidal wave and tears sprung to his eyes. He walked to your bedside, gently placing Norah to sit at your feet. He’d instructed Jack to sit in the chair that was on the opposite side so he would be able to see his new siblings. Aaron leaned in to kiss your forehead all the while he could hear the quiet coo’s coming from the three infants, he walked over to them, and you couldn’t help but smile. As you brushed a hand through Norah’s hair and reached to cup Jack’s cheek, you could hear Aaron whisper to the babies “You just couldn’t wait to meet your family, could you?”.
Aaron and you spent a bit of time just like this, your family, taking turns holding the babies or carefully monitoring your older children while they tried to hold the babies. Norah was elated to have three live baby dolls, while Jack seemed happy that she’d have someone new to bother all the time. Aaron huffed a laugh at their reactions and then looked to you.
“Have you thought about their names anymore?”
“I have…I think after seeing them, and seeing you with them, that they just seem right.”
“Well then, are you ready to meet everyone?”
With that, Aaron made his way to the waiting room. He could see how antsy his team looked, but he couldn’t delineate if it was from wanting to meet you and the babies or from wanting to hear the story. When he posed the question to them, they had all agreed they wanted to see you and the babies first, then the two of you could explain everything. So that is what led to Aaron leading his six teammates to your room; before entering, he turned to everyone with a finger over his lips signaling for them to enter quietly.
Everyone entered the room, their eyes scanning to see you and the kids chatting quietly. You had looked up and smiled, quietly greeting the group of people you had learned so much about over the last year and a half. Hugs and congratulations were exchanged throughout the room, babies being passed from person to person, chairs being brought in from the hallway. Once everyone was comfortable the room fell silent, you could tell they were waiting for name announcements and more information about you and Aaron. You figured names were an easier start and a much shorter conversation.
“Alright, I suppose it’s time for you all to formally meet these three. Aaron and I have thought long and hard about what to name them and it has proven difficult up until this point. When I saw them for the first time, it all became clear to me. So, without further ado, I’d like to introduce you to David Thomas Hotchner, Millie Joy Hotchner, and Faye Emilia Hotchner.”
There were “ooohs” and “awws” throughout the room and misty eyes (though Dave swears it was an eyelash) There was discussion of who would be the godparents of which baby and plans of baby shopping over the upcoming weekend to make sure they were spoiled by all their new aunts and uncles. The team started to pose some personal questions at you, like if you had siblings or family nearby and what you did for a living and how you met Hotch.
“I guess now’s as good a time as any” you said looking over at Aaron. “The story of us…”
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formulapierre · 5 months
If You Love Her | Pierre Gasly
Pairing : Pierre Gasly x Reader
Prompt : Based off of the song 'If you love her' by Forest Blakk. You finally decide to give Pierre your everything and you get his everything in return, except the universe seems to have other plans.
Warnings: Life changing injuries; Any other language apart from English was done by google translate, apologies for anything incorrect x
Word Count: 5261
Song: If you love her - Forest Blakk
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Take it If she gives you her heart, don't you break it
“I'm ready to let you in,” You say, you had been guarding your heart for months now; scared, no, terrified of being betrayed again by someone who told you they loved you. 
“Then let me in cherie,” He says with a smile as he gently cups your face, brushing his thumb over your cheek.
“I love you…” You say. He had said it a few weeks ago, assuring you there was no pressure for you to say it back. You had met through a mutual friend, that being your ex-boyfriend, who at one point in time had been Pierre’s best friend. Though after seeing everything He had done to you and seeing how damaged you were; both of you decided never to speak of him again. 
“I love you too,” He says softly, bringing you in for a gentle kiss. “So much,” He adds, causing you to blush. You were then, and still are now, surprised that someone like him could love someone like you.
Let your arms be a place she feels safe in She's the best thing that you'll ever have
“You need to leave,” Pierre said calmly to the guy who had been pounding on the door to your apartment for the last ten minutes, adamant on talking to you.
“Mate, just let me talk to her,” He said, voice holding strong.
“She doesn’t want you here, and neither do I,” Pierre replies, looking over at your tear-stained face as you sit on the couch. “Cherie, go into our bedroom, you don’t need to hear any of this,” He says and you quickly follow his advice.
“Just go home, neither of us are opening the door for you. Y/N Is gone, she can’t hear you,” He tells your ex-boyfriend who was still adamant on seeing you.
“Ma-,” Your Ex goes to say before Pierre cuts him off.
“I’m not your ‘mate’ anymore. And I’m fed up now, I just want to go and make sure Y/N’s ok, so I’ll put this plainly for you. If you don’t leave in the next 30 seconds, I will call the police,” He said bluntly. There’s one last bang on the door before it all goes quiet. Pierre pulls up the security feed from the camera outside the door and sees your Ex begrudgingly walking back towards the elevators. He sighs in relief as the camera loses sight of him. Pierre quickly makes his way into your bedroom and finds you curled up underneath a mound of blankets.
“Hi cherie, it’s just me,” He says getting onto the bed next to you. You almost immediately turn over and cuddle into his chest. “What do you need?” He asks, wanting more than anything to take this feeling away
“I just need you to hold me,” You say as you cling to the shirt he was wearing, not wanting him to leave you.
“I can do that” He says with a smile as he pulls you into his chest, wrapping his strong arms around you.
She always has trouble falling asleep And she likes to cuddle while under the sheets
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Liked by PierreGasly and 391,683 others...
yourinstagram Life lately...
yourbestfriend People either want to be you, or be with you 🤩
PierreGasly Missing you Cherie <3
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Pierre had been gone for what felt like ages, in reality it had only been a few weeks and you had facetimed each other most nights. Falling asleep next to each other was something you had both become very accustomed to. You knew his flight arrived in the small hours of the morning into Malpensa Airport and he made you promise that you wouldn’t wait up for him. You had settled into bed slightly later than you normally would, opting for one of your favourite movies and eventually falling asleep. 
You didn’t hear the front door to the apartment as he came in. Drop his suitcases and carry on by the door before heading straight for your bedroom. He kicked his shoes off and got undressed before slipping into bed next to you. You had fallen asleep facing his side of the bed, wanting to see him when he got back and luckily you did. As the bed dipped and he moved closer to you, you slowly woke up; arms instantly reaching out for him as he made himself comfortable.
“Missed you whilst you were away” You say as He wraps his arms around you.
“I missed you too Cherie,” He says, kissing the top of your head.
“Glad you’re finally home,” You add sleepily as you cuddle into him, resting your head on his chest as he pulls the sheets over you both.
“-and I’m not going anywhere,” He says as you fall back to sleep, just as quickly as you woke up.
She loves pop songs and dancing, and bad trash TV
It had been a fairly productive day on your part, you had mailed a letter to your Grandma, sent a package to your Aunt with birthday presents for your niece and nephew and gone grocery shopping. You were slightly surprised when you found the apartment unlocked; cursing at yourself as you had evidently forgotten to lock it. You turned the handle and pushed the door open with your foot as you had grocery bags in your hands.
“I can help,” Pierre says coming out of the kitchen and taking some of the bags from your hands,
“What are you doing here?” You ask with a pleasantly surprised smile on your face. He must have been back a while as the living room was now tidy and He was in the process of doing the kitchen. Music was playing in the background, though it wasn’t his music, it was yours…
“I took the day off,” He says as you put the bags down on the kitchen counter; He takes you into his arms and you both start to sway to the music. “I thought we could start the new season of that reality tv show you watch,” He adds, spinning you round. “Oh, and I picked up that album you’ve been listening to on vinyl,” He says as you both dance around the kitchen.
There's still a few other things She loves love notes and babies and likes giving gifts Has a hard time accepting a good compliment
‘Good Morning, mon cherie, i woke up early this morning so have decided to get a quick gym session in before we leave; i won’t be too long and then i'll bring you breakfast in bed. Maman isn’t expecting us until 11 so we’ve got a couple hours before we need to catch our flight.  I can’t wait for you to see what I got you.
I love you more than you’ll ever know , P x
Pierre certainly delivered on his promise as the next time you saw him He had breakfast in hand, both of your bags packed next to the closet door as He got back into bed. You spent an hour in bed together before you had to get up and get ready to go. You had been looking forward to Christmas with Pierre’s family for months, slightly disappointed that you weren’t going to see your family until the 27th.
She loves hеr whole family and all of her friends So if you'rе the one she lets in
The jet touched down at the airport in Paris, a rental car waiting for us on the tarmac as we grabbed our bags. The drive from here to Rouen was pretty good and didn’t take too long so before You knew it you were pulling into the driveway. You could already see everyones cars parked up and there looked to be a few more than usual but you just chalked it up to Pierre having a large family and maybe there were a few more cousins joining you this year.
Pascale had spotted you as you drove down the driveway so was already on the doorstep waiting for you. She wrapped her arms around you both, telling you how much she had missed you. Even though she had seen you a few weeks ago at the Abu Dhabi GP she acted like she hadn’t seen you in years.
You were quickly ushered inside and out of the cold, as you were hanging your coat up you thought you saw someone you recognised, you thought it was your Mum…you laughed to yourself knowing there was no way it could have been her…must have been Pierre’s other cousins that parked their cars outside. Everyone was sitting around the fireplace watching a movie whilst Pascale and Pierre’s sister in law cooked christmas dinner. 
“Uncle P!” His niece shouted when she saw him. Scrambling to get up and run into his arms, the other children quickly followed, they didn’t forget about you either. Pierre’s youngest niece is almost being more excited to see you. Then you thought you saw her again…and your Dad sat next to each other on the far couch, smiling back at you. 
“Mum? Dad?” You ask and your Mum quickly comes over to you. “What are you guys doing here?” You ask looking between them.
“Pierre called, said you were annoyed you wouldn’t be seeing us today and that you wished you could have a huge family christmas so He invited us. I hope that’s alright?” She asks and you quickly nod.
“That's more than alright,” You reply, pulling her in for another hug. Growing up with no siblings or cousins, Christmas was always very quiet so you loved the years you were at Pierre’s with his entire family.
Take it If she gives you her heart, don't you break it Let your arms be a place she feels safe in She's the best thing that you'll ever have She'll love you, if you love her
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Liked by AlpineF1 and 891,183 others...
PierreGasly Christmas dumpp
yourdad Thanks for having us!
yourinstagram You are literally the loml 😍
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“You’re incredible you know that,” You say as you drive back towards the airport. It had been a busy few days with His family and you were glad you were finally heading home. You had made some amazing memories and it would be a Christmas you’d never forget.
“I’m glad you liked it Cherie,” Pierre said, squeezing your thigh lightly as he rested his hand there.
“No-one's ever done anything as thoughtful as that before…it really means a lot to me,” You say honestly.
“They should have done, you deserve the world Y/N,” He replies and you lace your fingers into his.
On days when It feels like the whole world might cave in Stand side by side and you'll make it She's the best thing that you'll ever have She'll love you, if you love her like that
📍 Bahrain International Circuit, Bahrain
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Liked by PascaleGasly and 501,183 others...
yourinstagram Tell a friend, to tell a friend...WE'RE BACKKKK!!!!!!!!
Unknown1 Pierre and Y/N are my roman empire
Unknown2 We've been waiting far too long for this...
WaGsF1 The 'IT' couple are backk!
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“-fuck!” Pierre shouts as he pulls his helmet off, he crosses the garage not sparing you a glance. He had collided with Alonso on the first corner, suffering too much damage so they had to retire the car. Honestly, a rookie mistake. But any little thing always caused Pierre to spiral. You gave him a few moments to calm down before you left your seat and headed towards his driver's room. As you walked in his race suit was strewn over the couch, fireproofs on the floor and boxers by the bathroom door. The sound of the shower was the giveaway.
You picked up his clothes, putting them into the laundry bag in the corner. He came out a few moments later, towel wrapped around his waist.
“I don’t know why I bother anymore,” He says to you as he uses another towel to dry his hair. “I’m not fucking good enough, this is my 7th season, I should not be making stupid mistakes like that,” He adds, collapsing onto the couch next to you.
“You are good enough Pierre, they wouldn’t have signed you if they didn’t think so,” You remind him. 
“There were so many other people that should have gotten the seat…Doohan, Pourchaire, Martins? They’d all be doing a better fucking job than I am,” He says and you lean back against the couch, your fingers moving to thread themselves between Pierre’s damp hair.
“It’s only the first race of the season…you’re not completely comfortable with the car yet. It’s fine Pierre, it happens. But you are good enough and you do deserve to be here,” You assure him.
Kiss her with passion as much as you can
You were sitting in the back of his garage, headset on as you listened to the engineer chatter, you had always been interested in that kind of thing so any opportunity you get to listen in, you always take. Pierre was also in on the conversation, standing with the group of engineers. They were wrapping up the conversation when He came over to you, pulling the headset down and letting it hang around your neck. His finger moved under your shin and he pulled you into a slow and loving kiss.
“What was that for?” You ask breathlessly a few moments after he pulled away.
“-because you’re beautiful” He replies and you blush. He presses a final kiss to your forehead before he starts to put in his ear plugs and pull his balaclava on. A wide smile on his face as he walks away from you.
And when she doesn't notice how pretty she is Tell her over and over so she never forgets
The summer break could not have come soon enough, despite Pierre’s rocky start to the season He had managed to claw his way back, now sitting comfortably in 3rd in the drivers championship. To say it was his best season yet would be an understatement. But.  All of that meant the pressure was on, and you were both starting to feel it. It was a unanimous decision that you needed a vacation and Bali was always a good idea. The flights had been booked only a few hours after the decision had been made, and ever since then you had been counting down the days.
“Are you sure this looks ok?” You ask Pierre as you get ready for a day at the beach. “You don’t think it's showing off a little bit too much?” You add as you look at yourself in the mirror. The dark green bikini you had chosen left very little to the imagination.
“Cherie you look stunning, you look beautiful in everything you wear” He assured you, coming up behind you and resting his head on your shoulder. “It’s Bali cherie, I guarantee there will be people wearing much less than you, right?” He asks, snaking his arms around your waist. “I think you look hot, and that’s all that matters,” He says as he starts to kiss your neck.
Take it If she gives you her heart, don't you break it Let your arms be a place she feels safe in
📍 Bali, Indonesia
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Liked by Charles_leclerc and 418,386 others...
yourinstagram When in doubt, go to Bali
Unknown4 That bikini is certainly brave...
Unknown5 God I wish i was them...
Unknown6 That is much more of y/n then anyone needs to see
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“I told you I shouldn’t have worn it…have you seen the comments? Pierre, look at them,” You say to him as you hold your phone up
“They’re just jealous cherie, you looked stunning…besides, it doesn’t matter what they think does it?” He asks, taking your phone, it's quickly turned off and placed on the coffee table.
“No…” You answer as he sits down on the couch next to you
“Exactly, come here,” He says pulling you into his arms, he knew that the comments got to you sometimes, and that all he could do was reassure you that they don’t mean anything.
On days when It feels like the whole world might cave in Stand side by side and you'll make it
📍 Singapore
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Liked by yourbestfriend and 496,275 others...
yourinstagram Race day in the Lion city!
PierreGasly Doing this one for you mon amour <3
-- yourinstagram Good luck darling <3
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You felt like the word was standing still, time had slowed, your breath catching in your throat.
This couldn’t be happening. Pierre had lost control, the power steering had gone and his brakes had failed. There was nothing you could do except watch as his car hurtled along the track, spinning as it hit the barrier, being flown up and into the air when it hit the curb at the wrong angle; finally coming to a stop in the tire barrier.
Where was he?
The car was a smoking wreck, why wasn’t he out by now? You could hear the faint sounds of his race engineer trying to contact him but everyone in the garage knew that would be a lost cause. Then, suddenly, almost as quickly as it had all started, there were flames. Bright, hot, burning flames exploding from the rear of the car. Your hand clutched over your mouth as you had tried to look away, Pierre’s trainer spotted you and tried to lead you away into his drivers room, but you just couldn't take your eyes off of the screen.
Why wasn’t he out?
The red flags flew the moment He had hit the barrier so half the crew were supposed to be more concerned with Esteban’s car but nobody was. They were all fixed in place, unable to move as their eyes were glued to the screens. Marshalls sprinted towards the burning wreck, fire extinguishers in hand as they started to spray down the car. You saw him. Or at least you thought they did. A hand. There it was again. Waving. One of the marshalls ran forwards, spraying the area around him. You could just about make out Pierre trying desperately to pull himself out of the cockpit. Eventually the marshalls had thrown their fire extinguishers down and went in, both of them physically pulling Pierre out.
The screens cut away.
You let Ben take you out of the garage towards a quieter area where you could try and compose yourself. “Charles is outside asking for you,” One of the media personnel said after knocking on the door. You wiped the tears from your eyes and headed out. As soon as he saw you, He quickly wrapped his arms around you and you broke down again.
She's the best thing that you'll ever have She'll love you, if you love her like that
It had been three weeks of the same. Arriving at the hospital at 9am, just as visiting time started, leaving at 9pm, just as visiting time ended. And despite how much you hated it, you refused to be anywhere else. He had remained unconscious for the first couple of days, those had been the hardest. Not knowing if he was going to wake up, His crash had been measured at 132G, nobody expected him to. But he did.
“Y-,” He muttered, softly moving his head. “Y-,” He said again, this time catching your attention. You rushed to his side, taking his hand in yours.
“I’m right here Pierre, I’ve got you,” You say, tears rolling down your face as he faintly squeezed your hand. As you held his hand you called for the doctor, having been asked to if he woke up. They assessed him as you sat there, Pierre was very reactive to any movement you made; squeezing your hand as you shifted positions, begging you not to leave his side.
She'll love you If you love her like that
After three long weeks in a Singaporean hospital it was finally agreed that Pierre could be moved to a hospital in Paris, much closer to all of his family; you had spent another three weeks in there as Pierre underwent different operations on his legs. They had become trapped between different parts of carbon fibre and metal during the crash; the base of his spine also having been damaged. That was why He couldn’t get out. 
The Hospital in Paris knew Pierre was itching to get out, that was evident to anyone that came to visit him. They released him pretty quickly and after six weeks in hospitals Pierre was finally free to go. Though he was nowhere near full health. He was in a wheelchair, unable to walk by himself. So one of the conditions of him being discharged was that you would find a place together in Paris, close to the hospital so He could attend all of his check-ups and rehab appointments.
By the second week Pierre was ready to give up. “Why are you still here?” He asked you one morning as you helped him get dressed. You knew he hated this, not being able to do things for himself.
“Because I love you,” You assured him as you handed him a shirt. Any ounce of independence he could have, you made sure to give him.
“There are many better men for you cherie, none of them need help getting dressed in the mornings. You don’t deserve this,” He said, and this wasn’t the first time He had shared this sentiment with you.
“But none of them are you, my love,” You reminded him. “I wouldn’t be doing this for anyone other than you,” You add as you put his feet through the legs of his trousers.
“T-thank you,” He says, voice faltering as you pull his trousers up his legs and over his ass.
“I’ve got you and I’ll always have you, I promise,” You say, pressing a kiss to his lips as you grab his wheelchair. Thankfully, that was the one thing He had gotten used to quickly, transferring himself in and out of the wheelchair, as that was probably the only thing you couldn’t have done.
She'll love you If you love her
He hated it, and you weren’t surprised. At the moment his sessions were only an hour long as He got tired and frustrated very quickly. You totally understood everything that was going on inside his mind. He had gone from being one of the fastest men alive to barely being able to take two steps without assistance.
Pierre had always said that He wanted you with him every step of the way, and when you promised that you would be, you really meant it. If that meant sitting in a chair on the far end of the room, so be it. He didn’t want you to help him, encourage him or anything. He hated showing you how weak he was. But you both knew He needed you there.
There were two long beams that he rested his arms onto as He tried to put one foot in front of the other. His physical therapist and rehab assistant had both assured Pierre that he had come on leaps and bounds since He first came through the door. Back then he was unable to stand up without help, but now he could get out of the wheelchair and lift himself up to hold the bars
She'll love you If you love her
You were sitting in the kitchen of your parisian apartment, working on your laptop as Pierre took a nap after his PT appointment. They always took everything out of him so the first thing He wanted to do was go to sleep. The apartment had been quiet for a few hours until you heard a crash from the bedroom. You instantly bolted from your seat and ran towards the sound; you found Pierre on the floor in the bathroom.
“-merde,” He swore as He tried to get back up. You went to help him but He pushed you away. “I don’t need your help,” He said through gritted teeth as he tried to stand back up.
“Just slow down and take a breath,” You said, repeating the words his physio had been telling him for months. He was always trying to do things at 100mph when he wasn’t capable. “Let me help you,” You say softly as you crouch down to him.
“I am so fucking fed up of slowing down,” He says and you nod, he had also been saying that for months.
“I know you are darling, but you’ll only hurt yourself more if you don’t,” You tell him as you offer your arm to him so he can stand back up. You knew why he had fallen, there was a slight lip on the doorframe to the bathroom that you had stubbed your toe on a few times, neither of you had noticed it when viewing the apartment and Pierre now had the tendency to drag his feet a little so it was bound to happen at some point.
She'll love you If you love her
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PierreGasly The last 12 months have been tough. From being bed-bound to being able to take a few steps was a huge challenge; but we keep pushing forwards 👊
Comments have been restricted on this post.
The rest of the evening had been quiet, you cooked dinner for the both of you, Pierre silently taking his and eating in the study. That had been his one fault. He hated making mistakes; so tripping and falling like he did was a massive blow to his ego and dignity. He was already fast asleep by the time you went to bed, facing away from you so you just left him to it. 
When you woke up you realised he wasn’t there, feeling his side of the bed you found a small yellow post-it note.
‘Don’t move, i want to surprise you and make up for yesterday
-P x
You did exactly what the note said and stayed in bed, picking up your phone and answering some messages you had gotten; about 15 minutes later the bedroom door opened, Pierre came in holding a plate and a mug. He carefully placed the mug down on the bedside table before passing you the plate that had fresh berries and pancakes on. “You didn’t have to,” You say, taking a bite and you instantly recognise that this was his own pancake recipe he used to make for you all the time.
“Yes I did,” He says, pinching a blueberry off of the side of the plate. “I shouldn’t have gotten angry at you, you were only trying to help,” He says with a regretful look on his face.
“You’re still entitled to your feelings Pierre,” You remind him and He nods.
“I know I am, but that shouldn’t be at your expense, I’m sorry,” He says and you pull him into a soft kiss. 
On days when It feels like the whole world might cave in Stand side by side and you'll make it
The video starts to play, Pierre stands up from a chair across the room, walking towards the camera slowly, still slightly wobbly on his feet. “Hi Everybody, Pierre here. I know I’ve been very quiet on social media over the past eighteen months or so since the crash and that’s because I've really been focused on my recovery and the long process of learning to walk again. I wanted to tell you all what happened and that primarily, I’m ok. During the accident both my legs became trapped and I also shattered two of my lower vertebrae; that left me, for the first six months, totally paralysed from the waist down. I cannot even begin to express my gratitude to my physio team who have done everything they can to get me into the position I'm in today,” He says before there is a short montage of photos showing Pierre in hospital, then in the first few stages of physiotherapy of him learning how to stand up by himself. 
“I know that my journey is far from over, I’ve still got pins in my legs from where they were crushed, and only after they have been removed should I begin the road to full mobility. Whilst I've been recovering Formula One has been incredible in assisting with finding me the correct doctors to suit my injuries and keeping the door open to future plans. Y/N’s been quietly active on social media and has told me of quite a few tweets and comments about my possible return to racing and I want to clear things up. I hold absolutely nothing against Alpine, Formula One or the FIA about my accident, as it was exactly that. An accident, there was an investigation and there was nothing anybody could have done. However this does not mean I am ready or willing to return to racing; I have no plans to return to racing in the future, I feel I need to be investing more into my personal life, thanking those who have stood by me over the past two years. Y/N and I got engaged during that time so we are in the middle of wedding preparations and we could not be happier.” He continues before it cuts to more photos of the final stages of his PT and then the video of him proposing, He was still on crutches at the time and was unable to kneel but the sentiment was still there. “-And finally I want to thank all of you guys, my fans, all of your kind comments and messages are read and they really help me to get through those tough days. I probably won’t be very active on social media going forward so for now; thank you, and goodbye,” He says with a wide smile.
She's the best thing that you'll ever have She'll love you, if you love her like that
yourinstagram and PierreGasly
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Liked by LandoNorris and 620,682 others...
yourinstagram Mr and Mrs Gasly - 23/8/2026
PierreGasly Cant forget about Pedro! 🐶
-- yourinstagram Never!
a few years later...
“Pierre,” The interviewer started. “We are now 5 years on from your near-fatal accident, how are you doing?” She asks. The studio hadn’t changed since the last time he was filming here during his career in F1.
“I’m doing really well; I’m back to pretty much full mobility, a little stiff here and there but my wife says that's just because i’m getting old,” He says with a laugh, you roll your eyes from behind the camera.
“We all saw the photos that she posted a few weeks ago, updating your fans on your life at the moment. Tell me about that, you always hear the horror stories of partners leaving because they couldn’t cope. How much does it mean to you that She stayed?” She asked as you were slightly taken aback…that wasn’t one of the prepared questions.
“It means everything to me…there were times during my recovery where I would tell her to go, to leave me and that she didn’t deserve this. But she stayed, and I don’t think leaving was ever an option in her mind. I owe her everything and I will spend the rest of my life trying to show her how thankful I am.” Pierre answers honestly, not looking at the interviewer, but looking behind her at you as He spoke.
“I love you,” You mouth back, aware you weren’t allowed to talk out loud but he heard you, loud and clear.
“I mean you guys were the ‘it’ couple in the paddock before the accident…now i think the entire paddock is jealous of the love the both of you share, it really is beautiful to watch you two,” She tells you both. 
“Have we got an extra chair?” He asks, looking over at the producers. One of the crew quickly moves a spare chair next to Pierre who stands up, holding out his hand to you. “Come join us…this is just as much your story as it is mine Cherie, I wouldn’t be here without you,” He reminds you as you cross the set to him. He presses a kiss to your forehead before you both take your seats.
344 notes · View notes
alexiethymia · 1 year
Listen, book!Lockwood who is so repressed that it just translates to beaming smiles has a special place in my heart, but at the same time I cannot stress how much I appreciate the live action series for showing us unbelievably exhausted Lockwood who’s so obviously scared that Lucy and George will eventually leave (willingly or otherwise) but still has the gall to push them away. My boy was barely pulling it together. And ofc he would be so tired that the bags under his eyes are so prominent because we’re outside of Lucy’s POV now. Lucy who’s always had rose-colored glasses when it comes to him.
Speaking of Lucy, I really do love how she calls him out. She’s so aggressive with her love. It’s like she’s demanding that George and her will love and care for him and there’s absolutely nothing Lockwood can do about it so he just better shut up and take it. Peak found family right there.
How that scene where Lockwood comes to apologize to Lucy in the kitchen had so much ‘husband in the doghouse’ vibes, and how ultimately what Lucy is really mad about is just her wanting Lockwood to value his life more. And for Lockwood to outright admit that yeah he was a bit suicidal but it’s a bit like he found a new reason for living because of Lucy and George, again I say PEAK FOUND FAMILY, this is my jam. The ease of which Lucy being Lucy calms him down. (Ugh, again the domesticity of choosing egg cups). He can’t stand when she’s mad at him and he learns about apologizing properly this time around, but when she wordlessly forgives him, you can see on his face how he could fall so quickly and deeply in love with her. That’s one thing I love so much about the live action series. While the book showed us more of Lucy’s feelings for Lockwood, I actually think the series highlights Lockwood’s feelings more in that if I hadn’t read the books beforehand, I could have easily seen it as Lockwood falling first. His abandonment issues are so prominent in the series and while they play it with humor with Fittes and Kipps, you can just see that desperation behind the lighthearted tone, and for Lucy to say that she chooses Lockwood and George anyway….!
This is basically an excuse to ramble about the little things they add in the series that I love so much, which works because we’re not restricted to Lucy’s POV, in no particular order:
How Flo can immediately see how Lockwood feels about Lucy because of the effect she has on him. Prior to that statement, she’d only met Lucy once before, but that brief meeting told her everything she needed to know. She probably knew Lockwood in the aftermath of his family’s death, so for her to see Lockwood just buttering someone’s else toast for them and being all domestic and smiley, treating another person like a family member especially considering how guarded he is, she must have thought (and rightly so) that meeting Lucy made him have an appetite for life again.
We actually get to see Fittes’ and Lockwood’s side of the fight! And it was awesome. “I’m Anthony bloody Lockwood.” I can no longer remember if that line was in the book or not but idc I love it.
George and Lucy’s scene was in the book, but the acting in the series just really sold it for me. How Lucy’s heart just broke hearing George talk about himself, especially everything he said then were feelings I’m sure she’s also had about herself. I seriously loved that last episode. George and Lucy were adorable. Again I say, found family ftw.
The rise of the Flo x George ship! “You, me, and herons!” Again I say, adorable.
There are some elements that work better in book format, but in many ways the tv series really did elevate this beloved book series. It was a wonderful, wonderful adaptation. As a reader, I couldn’t be more satisfied. As a shipper, I couldn’t be more ecstatic.
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Jealous Alejandro kidnaps Valeria's girlfriend to be interrogated by the 141 (2.3k words, part 2)
Summary: Valeria despairs when you don't answer her calls and immediately returns to her residence, only to find you gone. In the meantime, Graves presses you for information, and Alejandro starts to understand why Valeria hides you so well.
TW: mentions of cheating, toxic Valeria and very toxic Alejandro (OOC but I think it adds juicy drama, sorry for ruining him!). Mentions of death and violence. apologies for the imperfect Spanish, I've been using Google Translate! I titled this as 'Valeria's girlfriend' but I ended up writing them as kind of unofficially married. Link to part 1 Link to part 3 Link to A03
Valeria knew something was wrong when you didn't pick up the phone. In all your years together, she never had to call for you more than once, you were always at her beck and call. Her face turned to stone as the call went to voicemail, it felt like her heart stopped and then started again with fire and poison. In hindsight, she should have worried about your safety first, but unfortunately, her insecurities got the best of her. Anger seethed within her as she thought of all the ways you had betrayed her the moment she left you alone. Infidel! Her right-hand man Rafael was looking at you closely when she left, no? How could she be so blind as to trust you? Of course, you were jumping around with her men behind her back - you seemed all innocent and pure, but sure enough the viper within revealed itself and finally slithered out of her tight grasp. Immediately, she called Rafael to check up on the house, and when he also didn't pick up the phone, she cut her trip short and packed her bags. El Sin Nombre doesn't need to explain why she's leaving early! She commanded her business partners to figure it out amongst themselves as she went to her chopper and rushed home. Her hands shook as she navigated the helicopter, her mind unable to stop thinking of all the ways you were intertwined with Rafael on your marriage bed; desecrating your marriage vows. Of course this would happen. Why would fate let Valeria get away with the betrayal she'd inflicted on Alejandro? It was only right that her karmic debt would catch up with her.
It was as she was lowering her helicopter on the freshly cut grass of your home that she began to realise her devastating mistake. Doors were left open with the curtains billowing with the wind, broken glass from shattered windows littered the entryway and, worst of all, dried trails of blood lead a path from the house to the bushes. Her heart caught at her throat as her eyes roamed frantically from one catastrophic sign to the other. Guilt coiled around her stomach and she cursed her darkness for having doubted your loyalty when really, you were fighting for your life. "Mi esposa," Valeria whispered as rushed out of her helicopter, the blades still cutting the air as she ran indoors, not even bothering to be cautious of any enemies that could still be lurking within the shadows. She knew there were bodies dumped behind the green bushes that you so tenderly cared for, but she couldn't make herself check for you there. Part of her hoped you were smart and had the time to hide somewhere good, but she knew you were as helpless as a child when it came to things like this. You, who were so kind and good, left to fend for yourself. How could she possibly think you'd remain unharmed within this field of work? Valeria selfishly forced a divine light like you to live in the shadows with her, of course you'd get snuffed out eventually. If not by Valeria's own hand, her selfishness and greed, her need to possess and own you at all times, then by the selfish and greedy hands of others. All these thoughts rushed through her as she ran from one hallway to another, rushing to your part of the mansion. Memories of violence clung to your home like spiderwebs, she could see the struggle that ensued in the doors left open when you'd normally keep them closed. In the flower vase that you lovingly refilled every week that now lay on the floor shattered, shattered like her heart. The flowers lay on the floor, dying.
"Mi corazon...," she whimpered and came to a stop right before your bedroom door, one hand clutching her chest as she stood there, too afraid to step in and face your fate. She could only hear the wind catching on your curtains and the light humming of your electric blanket. She could already picture the catastrophe. You were in bed, lathering your lotions on, probably adjusting your night light because you were too afraid to sleep in the dark without Valeria next to you. You were all snuggled for bed, probably waiting for her call on the phone, when somebody came for you. "God, give me courage," she said as she stepped inside and lifted her eyes.
It was as if you evaporated into thin air. She saw the marks your body left on the bed where you lay on it and your phone was still there. Valeria's eyes scanned every inch of the space, no blood or other fluids were on any of the surfaces. You were either taken, or whatever happened to you happened elsewhere. All your belongings were still there. She didn't want to have false hope, so she willed herself to look at the bodies left by the bushes. She charged through the rest of the houses, taking note of all the mess. Her chopper was still on as she crossed the garden you tended to, the sweet smell of roses faintly covering the stench of blood lifting from the pile of bodies. Rafael was there, along with the rest of her men who manned the house in her absence. Treacherous relief washed through her because you were not there. This was the most devastating attack that Valeria had ever experienced in all her years and she could not think of anyone that hated her enough to do this. A rival cartel? Unlikely. They were violent criminals, sure, but they still kept a code of conduct amongst themselves. El Sin Nombre was the biggest competitor out there, no one was so stupid as to do this.
Valeria went to the security room and saw the CCTV footage. Her heart stopped when she saw an all-too-familiar figure invading her home. The tall, dark man cut through her men and made his way directly to where her wife lay. It's like he knew exactly where she was. "Alejandro?" Valeria's heart dropped as she watched Alejandro prepare to break the door and attack her wife, who was shrouded in a naive innocence where she could never comprehend the attack she was about to experience.
Angry tears threatened to spill from her glassy eyes as she saw Alejandro's hand grab you by the throat and drag you out of your marital bed. The same bed that you made love in every night, now permanently defiled with the way he violently dragged you out of it. Bruises from his fingers would have definitely formed on your soft skin by now, if you were still alive. Valeria watched on as Alejandro handcuffed her wife and pushed her through the hallways, saying something to her ear whilst parading her through the home she was supposed to be safe in. It was no coincidence that Alejandro stared directly at one of the cameras as he pushed her wife forward, looking directly at Valeria's eyes. This was no incidental operation; this was deliberate and malicious. More so, it was fucking personal. Yes, this was where Valeria ran her operation, but it was also the home you and her nested in so lovingly. And now it was trampled all over by men in uniforms, just like those fallen flowers. She forced herself to watch on as you were put in a helicopter and disappeared in the night sky.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ "I hope you're ready to talk now, sweetheart." After a few hours of silence, the door to the container you were kept in opened, bringing in some rays of sunlight before shutting again. The American, whom you now knew was called Commander Graves, entered along with Alejandro. It had been many hours since your abduction, you had no way of telling how long exactly. But you were tired and restless, and cold. You thought they might move you to a cell at least, but they made no effort to transfer you out of the metal container. Too afraid to say anything when not spoken to, you sat still and waited. You wondered if Valeria had noticed your absence yet but even if she did, how could she find you? "I'm not sure what to tell you, sir." You remained polite hoping that courtesy would make up for your lack of talking. "Don't be like that, there's plenty to tell. How about we start with this little business trip of hers?" Graves circled around you, placing his hand on your shoulder before finally coming to a stop. " What'du hear about it?" Graves had many years of experience underneath his belt when it came to interrogation, especially the violent ones. And so did the 141. That was made very clear from the beginning. If this was any ordinary member of the cartel, they'd have buried them by now. But spouses were different; you hurt them and there'll be hell to pay. Even worse, there'll be no chance of making a deal with Valeria. "Like I said, I just know she went away for it, sir, that's all."
"Hm," he said and dropped his hand. He moved to stand right in front of you. "Well, you must know something. You know she's El Sin Nombre. You know she runs the biggest drug cartel in Latin America. You know she runs an international operation, you know she has friends in many places. What am I missing here?"
You looked up at him. "That's basically it, sir. It's a drug operation. But I don't know where it comes from, who her manufacturers are, or how she sells it. She doesn't deal with small details." Graves was starting to lose his patience, and not with her but with Alejandro. He couldn't understand why he insisted on extracting a housewife instead of the real deal. Here he was trying to gather intel on those Russian missiles with a trophy wife who hasn't had a day out of the kitchen, let alone discussions with the biggest terrorist organisation in the world. It was time to cut loose and make the call. "Hermano, take over for me will ya? I'll be right back." Graves walked away, wondering what General Sherperd will think of this whole situation.
You were alone with Alejandro now, who paced up and down the compound like a restless animal. You wondered to yourself how similar he was to Valeria, she had the exact same habit when she was stressed. They were very similar in temperament; too similar. Aggressive, hard-headed and dominant. Part of you gloated at the whole situation. Here was a Colonel of the Mexican Army, a well-decorated military man, wasting his time with you, someone quite irrelevant in the grand scheme of things, all because of- "Your wife," he said, disrupting your thoughts and you suddenly realised you were staring at him. "Is that correct?" He nodded at your ring finger. "Yes, sir," you replied timidly. He was exactly like Valeria, and it worked in your favour. You've spent so many years living with your partner that it was almost too easy to deal with people like her. People who could fill up a room with their presence; intimidating, powerful people who could hurt you badly. The sort of people who made the world go round. People, in other words, who could be domesticated.
Because violence and intimidation aren't the only ways to get what you want. Alejandro scoffed, "you've come a long way from that food stand, huh?" He looked at you with a faraway look in his eye, his mind having entered that shrouded area of the psyche where apparitions of the past hover, always eager to glide into the present in the form of memories. Your heart softened both at the memory he was referencing and because, at that moment, he seemed so pitifully sad, having lost himself in reminiscence.
Many years ago, you helped your Abuela run her restaurant in Las Almas, which stood very close to where the Mexican Army had its headquarters. Your Abuela was a genius in strategy and profited a lot from the laziness of soldiers who couldn't be bothered to cook for themselves but who also didn't want to eat whatever the Army served. And that's how you met Valeria, who was regularly sent by her teammates to fetch a group order. Valeria picked up the food because it was expected of her, an unfortunate burden of being one of the youngest women in her squad. But over time, she did it because it meant she got to see you. To everyone's surprise, when Valeria ran away to work for the cartel, that quiet girl in the small restaurant vanished too. "Alejandro." His eyes snapped back into yours. "Lo siento mucho. I really didn't know about you and Valeria. I am not that kind of person." You knew exactly what this was all about. Sure, they wanted to get El Sin Nombre and Valeria *was* the head of the biggest drug operation in the world. And she *has* made Las Almas dance to the rhythm of her tune for the past decade. But this was all just a big temper tantrum. And if you played your cards right, you could leave unscathed. You continued, "Whatever happens, I just wanted you to know that. I am truly sorry. I never meant to hurt anyone."
Something changed in his eyes. You could already picture what was about to happen. After your sincere self-flogging will come his pity, then the remorse. He might chuck you in a cell to show that he's treating you like the criminal collaborator that they all think you are, but soon enough he'll arrive bearing the fruits of forgiveness. Just like Valeria, you told yourself. Like moths to a flame. "Hm," he mumbled to himself, his eyes roaming all over you. "I get it now." He cocked his head to the side, "eres una cosa encantadora." At that moment, you felt a change in the air, something dark hovered between you two. It made you shiver.
"Tell me, Y/N. Have you ever been with a man?"
Hope you enjoy this part! Promised tags: @justmare @sleepiemain @caffeineliker @lesvii @silas-222 I'll bring Valeria and her partner together in part 3! I've also thought of a cute backstory for them that I want to get into :) also sorry for ruining Alejandro, i made him so toxic in this fic 😭
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talkdutchtome · 4 months
You Should Have Said No
chapter seven - enchanted
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pairing . . . max verstappen x reader / pierre gasly x reader )
summary . . . when your fiancé cheats on you, you strike up an unusual friendship with one of his closest friends, who just so happens to have had a crush on you since he set eyes on you. chaos ensues.
inspired by the works of miss taylor swift )
genre . . . angst )
song . . . enchanted - taylor swift )
warning . . . cheating, mental illness, angst, eventual smut, poorly translated french and dutch, swearing, mention of parent loss, emotionally abusive parent, slight social media au, kendall jenner as fc (potentially more i’ll add as i go along)
a/n . . . so i took a bit of a hiatus, but upon returing i found i had written this chapter months ago and for some reason never published it, so here it is, more to come in the coming days )
Max Verstappen was usually a picture of confidence, there was very little that made him nervous; after all he spent his life driving at 200 miles an hour. Max was consistently cool, calm and collected no matter what he was doing, that’s just who he was. But as he stood in front of your apartment door, he felt a chill of uncertainty deep within. He had rehearsed his words a thousand times, but now, as he prepared to knock on the door, all eloquence seemed to escape him. Could he do this? Should he do this? Even though his friendship with you was still fresh, it had come to mean a lot to him, and if he did what he wanted to do, he was well aware that he could lose the newfound friendship. “It’s now or never” he spoke out loud to himself before finally gathering the courage to knock on the door. When the door swung open, revealing you stood there in your pajamas holding a rather large glass of wine, Max couldn’t help but second guess whether he should be doing this.  
“Hey Max, I-” you started, trying to find a way to apologize for kissing him and then completely ghosting him immediately following the kiss, but was interrupted by the Dutchman’s voice cutting through. 
“Wait, Y/N. Just let me get this out” His words hung in the air, heavy with anticipation, and you watched as he took a deep breath to steady himself. It was evident in the way his hands trembled that this was not an easy moment for him. Despite his anxiety, Max looked directly into your eyes, his sincerity shining through. 
“30th of September 2017. That is the day that you and I met, I remember it like it was yesterday. Pierre and I knew each other from karting but when he got his seat at Toro Rosso, and you came with him to the Malaysian GP, we met each other for the first time. When I saw you for the first time, I thought you were the most beautiful girl I had ever seen in my life, and when I got to know you, I realized that not only were you the most beautiful girl, but you were also the kindest and funniest girl too. But you were with Pierre.”  
For a second Max stopped, wondering if it was too late to run away and pretend that this never happened. He couldn’t bring himself to look you in the eye, afraid of what he would see. You were frozen, slowly taking in every word he said.  
“You were with Pierre, and I knew I needed to respect that. So, I ignored everything I knew I felt for you. I kept you at arms length as nothing more than Pierre’s girlfriend because I knew the more I got to know you to harder it would be to ignore how I felt. And I was right; because as I've spent more time with you, it’s made it impossible for me to pretend that this isn't how I feel. I know this is selfish of me, I know that the last thing you need right now is me making things more complicated for you after everything you’ve been through, but I haven’t been able to stop thinking about that kiss. I can’t pretend anymore. You deserve so much more than how Pierre has treated you.” 
Max's confession hung in the air, and as he finally looked into your eyes for the first time since he started speaking, his own were filled with trepidation. He feared that he might see disgust or anger in your expression, but what he found instead was a bewildered look, a mix of surprise and confusion. For a moment, silence prevailed as you tried to process the whirlwind of emotions that his words had stirred within you. Max, sensing your confusion, stammered out an apology. "I'm sorry, Y/N. I shouldn't have put you in this position." He took a step back, as if ready to retreat and give you space to collect your thoughts. "If you want me to go, just say the word." 
You shook your head, still unable to find the right words. "No, Max, please stay," you finally managed to say softly. "I just need a moment to process all of this." You motioned for him to come back inside, and as he entered your home, the air was filled with a sense of uncertainty.  
Max stood there, his gaze locked onto yours, and it was clear that he was waiting anxiously to hear what you had to say. You could see the nervous anticipation in his eyes, the way his fingers slightly trembled. It wasn't just your feelings that were in turmoil; Max's emotions were on display as well. 
"Max," you began again, your voice wavering with raw honesty, "I would be lying if I said that I didn’t feel anything for you. But I’m just so confused." Your gaze dropped to the ground for a moment before returning to meet his earnest eyes. "I met Pierre when I was 13 and we’ve been together since, he was my first and only everything. So even though he hurt me more than I knew was possible, those feelings don’t just disappear” 
You continued, trying to express the jumble of emotions swirling within you. "I like you, a lot. And the time we’ve spent together has been great, but I'm in a place where I have no idea what's going to happen with Pierre. It wouldn't be fair for me to lead you on when I'm still grappling with my own emotions." 
Max nodded, his understanding gaze unwavering. "I get it, Y/N," he replied softly, his voice filled with empathy. "I don't expect you to have all the answers right away, and I don't expect you to suddenly be done with Pierre. But I also don't want to give up on the potential of what we might share." He took a deep breath, a glimmer of hope in his eyes. "So, if you're willing, could we start by going on a date? No expectations, no pressure. Just two people getting to know each other better." 
Your heart swelled with a mix of emotions, but you needed to make sure he understood the complexity of your situation. You searched his eyes for any signs of hesitation and, finding none, you mustered a small, genuine smile. "Okay, Max," you replied, “If you’re sure you’re okay with me not really knowing what I’m doing, then I’d happily go on a date with you.” 
As Max heard your tentative agreement to go on a date, a radiant smile spread across his face, illuminating his entire expression. It was as if a weight had been lifted from his shoulders, and his eyes sparkled with genuine happiness and relief. His excitement was palpable, and it showed in the way he couldn't contain a small, triumphant chuckle. 
Max's voice, once tinged with nervousness, now carried a buoyant enthusiasm as he said, "Thank you, Y/N. I promise there's no rush, no pressure. We can take things as slow as you need. I'm just grateful for the chance." You truly didn’t know what was going to happen, you liked Max, but you loved Pierre. Things were pretty much as complicated as they could be, but Max had made you feel like it was okay that you were confused, it was okay that you didn’t know what you were doing.  
Content that you had agreed to go on a date, Max stood up to leave and as he reached the door, you noticed a moment of hesitation in his gaze. It was as if he was contemplating something, and for a brief second, you thought he might lean in for a kiss. Your heart raced at the possibility, but then you saw the doubt flicker in his eyes, and his lips curved into a warm, sincere smile. He decided to step closer and envelop you in a gentle hug. 
The embrace was warm and comforting, and as Max held you, you couldn't help but feel a wave of happiness wash over you. There was something undeniably exciting about the prospect of this new chapter, despite the complicated circumstances that had led to it. The mix of emotions that had coursed through you during the day seemed to have settled into a pleasant anticipation. 
As you climbed into bed that night, you were amazed by the unexpected shift in your mood. Instead of feeling worried or stressed about the uncertain future, you were filled with excitement and happiness. Max's genuine interest and the possibilities that lay ahead left you with a sense of hope and a newfound joy that you hadn't anticipated. 
Taglist - @lordperceval-16 @omarsiglia @tom-rec @hiraethrhapsody @barnestatic @ironmaiden1313 @dudenhaaa27 @aundercover @amalialeclerc @icarus-nex @reidsworld @simxican @idkiwantchocolatee @ruleroftheuniverse @faithm120601 @eugene-emt-roe @bicchaan @leclercdream @be-your-coffee-pot @pjofics @yunnie-f1 @girlintheredscarf @larastark3107 @rosalysaoirse @mycenterfold @janeholt3 @daddyslittlevillain @gaslysainz @princessria127 @laneyspaulding19 @fangirl125reader
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moralesmilesanhour · 7 months
mad props! 02
summary: Miles catches onto your antics. wc: ~800 a/n: some advanced haterism going on here. this has gotten increasingly fun to write as the plot ramps up! pls don't be scared 2 leave any reactions or thoughts in the comments + tags :) 01 02 03
From then on, you made it a point to ignore Miles during partner work and punctuate it with an eye roll. He tucked his head back in surprise the first time you did it, and you felt like you’d just won a prize.
…That is, until he ignored you back. 
Eventually, Miles just turned to the person in the next column to ask for a pen instead, seeming perfectly content with working on his own.
It should've been a relief.
Today, Mr. Sanchez handed out worksheets to write a short composition on, and you struggled to recall the correct word for ‘kitchen’. All of your attempts to remember the pictures at the back of your flashcards came to nothing, finally forcing you to turn around and ask with a heavy sigh.
"Um, hey," you began, wincing at the softness of your voice. "What’s ‘kitchen’ in Spanish? You remember?"
Miles looked at you with only his eyes. " ‘Cocina’."
No puns, no off-hand comment. Not even an offer to help further. He just quietly returned to his work. 
Your plan was already falling apart now that he no longer initiated conversations for you to brush off, so you went with the next best thing: competing with him.
“Who was able to solve for the trajectory of–oh!”
The AP Physics instructor pushed back a strand of red hair as she glanced between you and Miles, whose hands had shot up at the same time.
“Let’s go with someone who hasn’t spoken yet. Ms. L/N?”
You smiled as you answered, “24.7 meters per second.”
“Excellent job, Y/N, and thank you for participating today. Now, would anyone else…”
As the woman called on other students, a strategy began to take shape. 
It wasn’t hard to tell when Miles was about to raise his hand. His eyes would go wide, with a tiny smile that said he was certain that no one else could get this question right but him. His hand went up so fast that you had to answer before the teacher could even finish their question, but it worked. And it got you a few extra points for participation.
“Now, who can tell me what makes the film ‘Romeo + Juliet’ so unique?” asked the English professor.
Miles raised his hand. “It takes the original play and reinterprets aspects of the original plot for modern audiences.”
As soon as he answered, his eyes flickered towards you almost as if on cue. Sure enough, your hand flew up.
“Y/N, what a surprise! Care to add on?”
“Of course. The director, Baz Luhrmann,” you met Miles’ gaze as you specified the name, “used his over-the-top cinematic style of directing to bring the drama of the original play to life in a contemporary context. He replaced the swords with guns and balls for parties, but kept the dialogue the same so that audiences could better understand Shakespeare without needing to grapple with the work of translating Shakespearean English into modern English. He found a way to make the play accessible without compromising on the text.”
Miles narrowed his eyes at you while the stocky teacher made a noise of approval.
“Very succinct explanations, you two. I’m very impressed with you especially, Miss L/N. I hope to hear your voice more often in class.”
You noticed Miles still glaring, and rested your chin in the palm of your hand.
In a sickly-sweet tone, you whispered, “What?” 
He shook his head and turned away.
“Alright, make sure you go home and memorize those formulas! See you Wednesday!”
You neatly stacked your papers and slid them carefully into one of your labeled folders as the bell rang, marking the end of your last class.
The hallway bustled with students rushing like bees to their lockers. On the way to your own, a pop of color catches your eye. 
It’s a bulletin board filled with sign-ups for a number of clubs, from cheerleading to student government to debate. Remembering your college counselor’s comment about your extracurriculars “looking a bit empty”, you drew closer. Might as well, right?
You didn’t have the stamina for cheerleading, but speech and debate looked promising. Just as you took out a pen to sign your name, though, you stopped short and frowned.
At the very bottom of the list read the name ‘Miles Morales’ written with a neon highlighter. 
Then again on the art club’s flier. And anime club. And music engineering. 
‘Miles Morales’.
‘Miles Morales’.
‘Miles Morales’.
Guess you weren’t the only one who needed to beef up their transcript.
“Show-off,” you muttered to yourself. 
Just as you were about to lose hope, there was one other club that Miles hadn’t signed up for, hanging precariously off of the edge of the board from a single thumbtack:
And auditions were the very next day.
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five-rivers · 1 month
My Kingdom of Fish poll fic! Continued from here.
(Also for Dannymay Day 6: Immortal AU, because KoF is one!)
But Danny had already started to reach for the badge with the lantern symbol, entranced by its curlicues and the graceful curve of the glass.  The librarian took this as him pointing, and swept all the other badges off the table.  
“So, um,” said Danny, rubbing the back of his neck, “what kind of an alteration are we talking about, here?”  He could practically feel his parents glaring at him, for all that he was a whole dimension away.  
“The lantern is the symbol of light,” said the librarian.  “That’s what it gives you.  Extra light.”
A pretty minor transformation, then, compared to other places he’d been.  “Anything else I should know about?  Side effects?  Library rules?”
“Your Library of Tongues card says you’re a minor.”
“I mean, when I got it, but that was years ago.  I’m over eighteen.”
The librarian looked at him skeptically.  “Chronologically, perhaps.  Board policy restricts minors from accessing age-inappropriate topics.  These topics include, but are not limited to, certain sexual and reproductive material, details of portal mechanics and construction, duplication, decomposition of human bodies, summoning rituals, except for instructions on how to prevent oneself from being summoned, metaphysical or core bonding, except for prevention methods, coming of age rituals, customs, and rites, and any similar rituals restricted to adults.  Do you accept these restrictions?”
“I’m not sure how I’m going to tell if something includes one of those things without looking at it,” said Danny, rocking back slightly.  “Why are portals restricted, anyway?” he asked, echoing a question from his Dad.
“Because they are exceedingly dangerous and liable to end people.  But you won’t need to figure out what is disallowed yourself.”  She held up a roll of stickers.  Most of them were generic circles, but the one on the end was a cute little cluster of stars.  In the center of the largest star, the word ‘MINOR’ was written.  “We add these to minors’ badges.  They’re linked to an effect that will prevent you from entering the relevant areas.”
“Oh, that’s alright, then,” said Danny.  It grated, a little, but he had more or less accepted that ghosts, much like his parents, were never going to see him as a full adult.  
Partially, unfortunately, because he never would be.  
The librarian stuck the sticker on the badge.  “As for other rules,” she began, “common courtesy applies.  No fights.  Capturing pests like dire bookworms is fine.  No damage to the library.  Food items should not leave marked areas.  Do not attempt to remove books from the library.”  She tapped the visitor’s badge against the counter and began to make another note on her pad of paper.  “And be quiet, or the lost ones might take you, I suppose.”
Danny’s eyebrows went up.  “Lost ones?”
“A legend,” said the librarian.  “Every so often, a story circulates about people becoming permanently lost in the lower levels of the library.  I’ve never seen evidence of anything of the sort happening.  We do send out search parties for those guests who fail to leave when their time is up.  Speaking of which, if you manage to get lost, you will be required to take two aids on your next visit.”
The librarian finished writing her note and inserted it into a slot on her desk.  “The copyists’ room has been informed that you will be arriving and your preferences regarding the translation.  They will give you the book you will be translating.”  She held the visitor’s badge out to Danny.  “Clip this to the front of your clothes and try not to lose it.  It’s much more tedious to undo the alterations when you leave if you don’t have it.”
“They don’t just disappear when you leave?” asked Danny.  That was unusual.  Most transformations like this were location-dependent.  
“They do, eventually, but since they aren’t entirely natural, they tend to stick a little more.  So.  Don’t lose the badge.”  She wiggled the badge a little.  
Danny took it and briefly searched for a part of himself that wasn’t covered with equipment and would fit the badge.  It was harder than he’d thought it would be, but he managed.  
The transformation hit almost immediately.  
Most of the glow a ghost produced wasn’t in their skin, but their aura, hovering less than an inch above it.  Danny’s aura flared and billowed out, going from moon-like to a luminous nimbus Danny could probably read by.  
Actually, Danny reflected as his aura stretched out even further, pulling gently but firmly on his core, someone twenty or thirty feet away could read comfortably in this much light.  
His parents exclaimed over the change in brightness and ecto-energy readings, the light no doubt whiting out their video.  
He swayed slightly, and blinked hard as some mechanism in his eyes and perception shifted to accommodate the light.  He reached out to the counter to steady himself, and was surprised when his hand hit not the counter, but the wall.  Somehow, the equipment he had so carefully put on felt loose, precarious, as if he was going to–
At the last minute, he managed to catch the complex camera rig and lower it to the ground.  Then, he decided that sitting down would be good for him, too.  He put his head between his knees as best he could, stripping off a few more pieces of recording equipment to do so, and waited for the waves of dizziness to pass.  
Finally, he looked up.  He could see down the long reception room as easily as before, but it was much better illuminated now.  He held his hand up in front of himself.  The first thing he noticed was how light seemed to trail after it, a sort of neon afterimage, almost like something in a video game.  
Then, he noticed how small it was.  
He jumped to his feet, then off them, so he could properly grasp at the counter.  He only vaguely noticed that his usual jumpsuit had been replaced with loose pants and a smock that fell to his knees.  His hands left glowing prints on the wood.  
“You didn’t tell me I was going to shrink!”  he hissed.  
The librarian held up her hands.  “Usually, it’s not quite so severe.”  Her eyes practically twinkled.  “But you must admit, that it is much easier to tell who is a minor at a glance, this way.”
Danny huffed, drew his eyes down over himself again, then deliberately flew in front of the cameras, light trailing behind him, lingering in the air like ink in water.  “How old do I look right now?” he asked his parents.  
“Oh, dear,” said Maddie.  
“I was never good with ages,” said Jack.  
“Five, I think.  You looked like this when you started school.  Danny, maybe you should come home.”
“I already made the deal to translate, backing out would be bad form.”  He looked around at the equipment he’d shed during his transformation.  “I’m probably not going to be able to bring most of this, though…  It won’t fit, and my arms just aren’t big enough to grab on to everything.”  Although, he could probably drag it around with telekinesis.  That required an awful lot of concentration, though, and he wasn’t sure he could manage it.
“You can leave what you can’t take in here,” said the librarian.  “We have a coat room for just such a purpose.”
Well, that was one problem solved.  Now he just had to decide what he could take.  The Fenton Phones, of course, since they still fit alright in his ears, but what else?
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mylesimeblr · 2 months
A little Aonung/Spider I've been working on... (not proofread)
Warning: T rated for this one but might go up to M or E rated when finished (I might add a first time moment at the end of this)
Aonung has had enough.
Can’t they mind their own business?
Yes, he knows Spider is different from him, in more than one way. But he has accepted it. So why do they have to make such a big fuss and be so weird about it?! Three talks! He’s already had to suffer three talks! With their worried expressions and not so subtly allusions he might hurt Spider with his size and his weight, as if he were some sort of horrible brute. It makes him sick, this image they have of him… of them and his love.
Yes, he’s aware making Spider his official mate will be… a conundrum. He’s not stupid. He’s seventeen. He passed his Rite. He’s an adult now. Spider has no Kuru to make the bond with him. He couldn’t even pass his own Rite, being unable to ride a Tsurak like a Na’vi. Jakesully said that Spider can be considered an adult in human standards but the tribe will never validate it - not really. And Spider is small. Child sized. He reaches Aonung at the waist and Aonung isn’t stupid. He noticed how incredibly much larger he is and what it means. Yes, he’s scared. But he knows that adorable tawtute is the one. Did he ever think his mate would be a tawtute? No! But that’s what happened. And now, he’s determined to take things as they are and not as he wishes they were.
He will make this work.
He knows he can, somehow.
That Avatar - Norm - was a great help. He owes him a lot. He’s the one who told him about human physiology and how Spider’s body works. It was probably the only interesting talk he’s had so far… So much better than all the fearful warnings he got from his father, Toruk Makto and even his mother. Neytiri was… her whole sort of weird. That woman is terrifying - poor Toruk Makto. But Norm was different. Norm was… trying. He was instructive. 
Aonung wants the evening to be perfect. 
He has spent hours preparing everything while Spider was held busy by his very supportive sister. When Lo’ak understands why Tsireya insisted they needed to weave twenty five new nets when most of the used nets seem to be perfectly fine, he might get angry. But that’s an ordeal for another day. Right now, his priority is to finish having things ready when Spider returns to his shack. He hopes the boy will not find him intruding or strange… He has no idea how to court a Sky Person. He knows Spider was born and raised among Na’vi but he still has his own things about him that Aonung can barely start to understand. 
It took Spider months to understand the young Na’vi was courting him at all. 
He accepted the gifts but with an expression that even Aonung translated as confused. It was only when Kiri told him that Spider had no idea Aonung was courting him at all that he decided to communicate with words and Aonung confessed that he was indeed interested in the tawtute. He thought it would finally settle everything down but then Spider rejected Aonung’s courtship and it hurt. Because Aonung wasn’t expecting to be rejected.
It could have ended right then and there but Aonung was not one to give up and he persisted. He liked this cute but fierce little tawtute and was determined to win him over. It took a moment but Spider eventually confessed his fears and Aonung did his best to reassure him. Yes, they were different species but he was sure they could make this work, somehow.
Then, his parents - and the Sullys - decided to step in and discourage him, arguing that he was going to hurt the little human with his large body and that this relationship had to stop before it even got started.
But Aonung doesn’t care. He knows he can make this work. He knows he can.
Which is why he finds himself currently preparing a pik’nik right in the middle of Spider’s shack, not really knowing if what he’s doing is the right thing at all.
The door of the shack suddenly depressurizes and the metal clicks.
A few seconds later, Spider’s voice rises into the windowless room.
“Hey Nung, Reya said you were looking for me… Why are you in the dark-”
He stops right at the threshold, his sentence finishing itself in the air. Aonung feels his heart beating in the back of his throat. His tail goes rigid behind him and his ears fall backwards. Spider is blinking at him with the most dumbfounded expression he has ever seen on his face, eyes wide, lips parted and Aonung does feel like a fool, his immense body knelt as it can in the middle of the room on a blanket that is already too small for him and that forces more than half of his body on the cold metal floor to leave enough space for the small human to fit. He tried to reproduce as best as he could the pictures Norm gave him but couldn’t find any candles like they had and he didn’t want to risk burning the whole place with a torch so he settled for bioluminescent plants that he put in jars instead. It doesn’t give that warm orange light, the plants basking the room in dim hues of pink and blue that reflect on the walls around them and the floor. He harvested Spider’s favorite human edible fruit and took some bread, vegetables and dippings that he arranged in bowls, as well as swamp nectar and prune juice.
For long seconds, Spider just stays there, watching the display in front of him, stunned and at a loss for words. It doesn’t help alleviate Aonung’s nervousness in the least.
“What… What is that?” Spider eventually asks.
Aonung’s ears flicker. Did he do something wrong? Did he miss something in his… reproduction of tawtute culture?
“It’s uhm… A… pik’nik,” he says, trying to pronounce the foreign word correctly.
Spider blinks, “Oh!”
“You know them, right?” Aonung presses, feeling more and more anxious that his idea completely missed the point.
“Only from Norm and Max’s stories. I never really… had one before…” His face takes on that adorable pink color Aonung loves so much, “But… why?” he asks and he sounds like he has no idea why Aonung went through all that trouble.
“For you,” Aonung explains.
“Me?” Spider repeats as if the concept of someone doing something like this for him is an impossibility.
“Yes, you. Please, come sit with me.”
Spider blinks and wobbles on his legs, joining Aonung on the blanket. He swallows. Aonung smiles. It’s one of the first times he can see Spider without his mask. What a beautiful sight. He takes a deep breath from his own mask. 
“Is that… swamp nectar?”
“Where did you get it?”
Aonung smirks, “I’m the Olo’eyktan son. It comes with privileges!” he says, sounding shamelessly smug and proud of himself.
Spider chuckles and his face flushes again.
They begin to eat, talking about their day. Spider is always shy at first but when Aonung starts speaking with him, he suddenly opens up and can no longer be stopped, going on and on and on about the fish they saw and the nets they weaved and how Lo’ak kept growling the whole time. Aonung smiles and chuckles, watching him. There are so many colors on him when he speaks. It’s like the words are dancing on his skin, each one of them a different emotion that lights him up in so many different shades. His own human bioluminescence. It’s fascinating.
Spider suddenly realizes that Aonung is staring at him intensely. He stops talking and frowns, looking self-conscious again.
“What?” he asks, pouting a little.
Aonung smirks, “You’re beautiful,” he whispers.
Spider swallows, his Adam apple bobbing as he does. Aonung blinks at him. Slowly, he cups his face. His hand is so much bigger, it encircles his head completely. His heart starts beating faster. It’s the first time he can touch his beautiful face, the first time he finally has access to that masterpiece held behind a glass for so long. Gently, he swipes his thumb under Spider’s eye. The skin is so soft.
“Sevin,” he whispers.
Spider swallows again. His eyes are huge. His lips tremble. A breath passes through them, hitting Aonung’s hand with its warmth. He blinks at the tall Na’vi. Aonung bends down slowly toward him. Spider’s breath hitches through his nose and fills his lungs with too much air, making his throat tickle with the need to cough. 
Their lips touch for the very first time.
Aonung has already kissed his mask a few times already but nothing compares to this. Spider’s lips are warm and tiny against his. Aonung’s mouth takes almost all of Spider’s lower face and he adjusts his angle not to smother the human and free his nose, making Spider’s chuckle in the kiss. Yes, that size difference is really awkward. But Aounung wouldn’t change it for the rest of the world and laughs. Spider wraps his small arms around Aonung’s neck, his fingers digging into the thick curls. The Na’vi moans at the gentle contact. Slowly, he opens his mouth and pokes the tiny lips with the bit of his tongue, requesting entrance. Spider shakes against him but parts his lips nonetheless and Aonung touches the tip of a tiny tongue and it feels like a spark of electricity. His braid is heavy on his lap. From the corner of his eyes, he sees his Kuru open and the tendrils reach up, desperate to touch the tawtute. 
The kiss deepens. Spider’s hand cups Aonung’s face. Aonung strokes the soft skin of Spider’s cheek with the back of his fingers. The kiss is slow, careful. Aonung knows that he can’t push the fragile human and he doesn’t want to. This feels so nice, kissing him and touching him like this. Spider tastes like fruit and Swamp nectar. He’s delightful. 
They part. Spider gives him a shy smile and looks down. His lips are a bit swollen and pink. He looks adorable and so much more edible than any of the food on that blanket. Aonung keeps his hand on his face and kisses the tip of his nose gently, making Spider chuckle.
Their eyes meet.
They’re both breathing hard and deep.
Their bodies are hot, heart racing behind their rib cages.
Gently, Aonung lays a soft kiss on Spider’s cheek before diving into the warm crook of his neck. The human’s reaction is immediate. Goosebumps suddenly cover his skin and he moans loudly, tilting his head. Ok, so the neck is very sensitive for humans. Good to know! He gently sucks on the skin, mindful to keep his teeth away and not leave any mark. But that skin is so soft and tender.
“Nung!” Spider whines.
Aonung pulls away and returns to face him with a playful smirk.
“My cute little tawtute is sensitive!” he gently mocks.
Spider turns beet red again but looks down in haste.
“Spi?” Aonung asks, “What’s wrong? Did I hurt you?” he’s suddenly anxious - he did try to be as gentle as he could.
“What?! No! Of course not!”
Aonung relaxes at that.
“Then, what is it?”
He touches Spider’s cheek again, marveling at the softness of that skin he can never feel against his fingers. With his other hand, he takes his mask and breathes deeply in it, the intensity of the kiss having left him a little too dazed for his own good.
Spider shrugs, “Nothing… I just…” shyly, he looks up at the Na’vi, “I just like you, I guess…” he’s quick to look down again.
Aonung feels his heart miss a beat. Here, just the two of them in the confinement of this tawtute shack, in that strange colorful darkness, it feels so much more intimate than in the open of the sea. It fits them. It makes them belong.
“I like you too,” he says, “So much, Ma Spider.”
Spider nibbles his bottom lip, not looking at Aonung. He’s adorable. He smiles and bends down to kiss him again just as gently as the first time. He tastes fruit and swamp nectar again. His mouth is so warm and wet. He loves it. His fingers sink into Spider’s dreads, then on his shoulders, brushing against the blue painted patterns on his skin - he wonders if Spider will let him paint him. His hands find their way down Spider’s arms and onto his waist. The skin is so hard there. There are so many muscles. He’s really beautiful.
His ears fall backwards.
He can feel himself… react. But he won’t give his parents reason. He can control himself. He knows he can. Spider’s is more important than any heat. 
“Can I… see you?” he asks in a whisper.
Spider looks up in haste, “What?”
Aonung’s tail swipes nervously behind him, “Can I look at you… I really want to see you, Ma Spider.”
“I’m right here,” Spider babbles.
“Without your Tweng,” the Na’vi specifies with a smirk, “I want to touch you. All of you. If you allow me."
Spider’s eyes widen and he thinks he’s going to faint.
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eatingfireflies · 2 months
I want to talk about this thing
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And I have a proposal:
The name of Dr Ratio's warp event is connected to this and, incidentally, Aventurine
Disclaimer: 1) I'm not normal or rational about Dr Ratio. 2) The conclusion is supported only by the English translation as far as I know. 3) Maybe the conclusion is a bit of a leap but I'm serious about everything else.
Let's go!
The conversation Aventurine and Acheron had towards the end is probably up there with End of Evangelion for me in terms of comforting. There's something comforting about Acheron's Nihility because there's still a drop of colour in there and she thinks it's enough. It's the kind of emptiness that accepts anything and don't we all need a little black hole to chuck all our worries into? 🥲
Before the 'grand finale', Aventurine says that sleep is a rehearsal of death. After his death, Acheron agrees and adds that we sleep in order to prepare for the real thing.
And then Aventurine asks her a question:
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And Acheron's answer is: this isn't true and Aventurine knows this himself. We don't get born to die. There's no reason for being born, just like there is no meaning in life.
(There's only chance. In stories, things happen for a reason but life isn't story-shaped.)
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So: there is no meaning in life. But the way we live our lives gives meaning to our deaths.
Then she tells him to look at his pocket because his friend has already given him the answer.
And I was like 'Finally !! I've been waiting for this reveal!' because what can be said at this moment that could help Aventurine?
There are 2 phases in his plan:
1) Prove that death is possible in the dreamland. Since all the visitors in Penacony are protected by Harmony, this is pretty hard to do but not impossible. We know other people have done it before. Aventurine uses Acheron the emanator of Nihility to cut through the Harmony protection and finish him off.
And Aventurine wins his wager! But the plan doesn’t end there.
2) Move forward to the Real Penacony somehow and investigate the truth about the Watchmaker. And then figure out how to come back. Which honestly sounds like a tall order, but what else can Aventurine do?
Well, he can stop at phase 1.
Acheron says that the conclusion of phase 1 is a win-win situation for the IPC, which is true. Aventurine's death will give the IPC a reason to investigate Penacony and the Family. We know Jade and the others aren't even allowed to go into the dreamscape, but with the death of the IPC envoy, they'll have the right to make some demands from the Family.
If Aventurine stops here, he still would have won.
We know from his conversation with his future self that he's tired and ready to stop. He wants to come home and be with his family.
Aventurine is pretty much a mess: he's a child blessed by Gaiathra Triclops, which gives him godly luck. This luck has prevented him from dying countless times before (even the times when he was actually fine with it). He wants to die but also he's terrified of... dying?
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Truly embodying the 'Why is it so hard to die, so impossible to live?'* vibe.
(*From Tanith Lee's The Secret Books of Paradys 1, if you're interested)
Or maybe more accurately, he's terrified of losing everything just like he did in Sigonia. You can look at it in 2 ways: without Mama Fenge's blessing, Kakavasha would have died with the rest of the Avgin. Or Kakavasha's luck came at the expense of literally everything he holds dear.
With Acheron's help, he has finally achieved the death his own luck has been protecting him from. So why should he move forward?
Well, let's see what Acheron meant when she said Aventurine's friend has the answer.
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And I... have no idea.
The underlying message here is easy enough to understand: Acheron has already answered Aventurine's question. He can move forward and keep living because that's what will give his eventual death more meaning. But hearing this from Acheron is a bit of a cold comfort: she accepts everything and also views everything impartially.
Ratio's note is a reminder to Aventurine that someone in the waking world is personally invested in Aventurine's well-being. Not because of what Aventurine can do for the IPC (as a consultant, I assume Ratio gets paid whether Aventurine succeeds or not, but also Aventurine has already succeeded with Phase 1).
And not because Ratio gets anything out of it... well, the Stellaron files maybe? But he already has that. Or whatever it is he went to Penacony for, because the two of them are being cagey about it.
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Whatever it is, Ratio has already gotten what he wanted. This note is an extra then, something that he gave Aventurine because he wanted to.
I'll come back to what I think he meant, but I need to talk about the Jp translation (sorry I know I should check the original Cn instead but I don't know Cn at all 😭 it's hard enough for me to catch the nuance in Jp let alone a language I can't parse at all), because the word used is different and this is why I'm unsure.
Post by a Jp user about Ratio's note. I can't post a screencap because there's no more space 🥹 But here's the text:
夢の中で不可能なのは「死」ぬことではなく、「熟睡」することだ。 生きろ。幸運を祈る。
In this note, Ratio uses 熟睡 (jukusui), which means deep sleep. This is deep uninterrupted sleep, the kind that you wake up from feeling refreshed. Or the kind that you have when you take sleep meds. Or the kind that you have when you're contented with your life and not burdened with ambition or anxieties or curiosity.
I don't know.
We know that it's possible to sleep in the dreamscape because Ratio wakes Aventurine up in the beginning of the quest. At the very least, he seemed to be dreaming so I assume he was asleep? And they seem to be in the dreamscape because there's an origami bird tail behind him... except Dr Blues also appears in reality so maybe we can't rule anything out just yet.
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I'm not 100% sure what Ratio means about 熟睡. But what about 'Dormancy'?
This is easier. The disclaimer here is I'm not a big fan of the English translation in general (especially the way Dr Ratio was translated in English) but I'll let myself have this.
Dormancy is (thank you wiki) a period in an organism's life cycle when growth, development, and (in animals) physical activity are temporarily stopped. It's also connected to 'deep sleep'. Hey, we're getting somewhere!
Basically, hibernation. Ratio seems to be confirming what we already know: the dream is falling apart because everything in the universe will succumb to Nihility in the end. Maybe the dream was created to preserve a memory (just like how the IPC was preserving Chadwick's memory in Penacony), but the dream is also starting to crumble.
Maybe this isn't the most comforting thing to tell Aventurine, but it does confirm what he probably already suspected (about the truth behind Penacony) and it also tells him that change is constant. Moving forward means he could potentially get out of a situation he doesn't like.
And he does move forward. He tells his past self that there will come a time in the future when he'll come home to his family, but not now. For now he can keep changing and making his own meaning.
Dr Ratio's warp banner is called Panta rhei. 'Everything flows', which says that things are always in a state of flux (change). For example, you can't step into the same river twice because the water is moving and is constantly getting replaced (thanks again, wiki). This is the same about humans: we are always changing both physically and mentally. We both are and are not (wiki again).
Doesn’t it sound like what he said in his doctor's prescription?
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agendabymooner · 10 months
she's beauty, she's grace ! sergio 'checo' p. x ofc (miss philippines!ofc)
summary: the red bull driver sergio perez has married a long-time fan - who also happened to be the miss universe 2018 winner AND the mother to his two kids, carmella 'mella' ayala.
content warning: possible use of explicit language, established relationship, miss universe!ofc, fluff, dad!checo and mom!ofc, mentions checo and his proud bf moment, video clips + tweets and posts, what is proper grammar, mentions of characters from jenson button x ofc work and seb vettel x ofc piece (no storyline involved)
note: i used this face claim because i was one of those people that were screaming "PHILIPPINES" at the tv hoping that catriona gray would win. don't ask me why i made a checo one. there's something about that man that had my internals screaming for a moment so i've been at this thing for HOURS. i should probably update my masterlist soon before i start packing my shit and going 😭🤠 enjoy xx
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[translation: mi rana pequeño = my little frog]
tagged schecoperez
liked by carlossainzjr, danielricciardo, christianhorner
user1 my little frog 😭
carmayalaprz bitzy but he's at the hotel rn 😅 he's taking a break from chiquito
user2 even froggys need a break too 😩🙌
schecoperez what do you mean mr. bitzy's at the hotel 🧐
carmayalaprz what do you mean by that love? 😄😊
schecoperez 😊
maxverstappen1 uh oh. i wouldn't play this game with carma if i were you checo 🤔
redbullracing i agree with max on this one
christianhorner i don't really mind being introduced to bopit and bitzy every time 😕 liked by carmayalaprz
carmayalaprz i hope gp's the same because there's gonna be a lot of that soon 😅
danielricciardo how much plushies does he have for the trip rn?
carmayalaprz without cece's? about seven. apparently the whole pack either come or be left at home but we all know the chances of one being left alone in the cold dark place
danielricciardo i can barely imagine ribb being left alone at home- can you just imagine that poor frog crying for his friend?
carmayalaprz i can never 😔
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tagged schecoperez, artsforyouth, artsforkids
liked by charles_leclerc, lewishamilton, adaabbott
adaabbott ah yes! the efficient cardboard crafting camp! my favourite activities yet! liked by carmayalaprz
carmayalaprz i had my biggest proud wife and mom moment just watching serg and silas make those houses 🥰
adaabbott haha! i can imagine! poppet and jens definitely tried their best working together!
user1 silas and sergio perez are the most iconic duo since sebastian and michael 😍
user2 i love how hands-on you and checo are when it comes to your little ones!
carmayalaprz thank you so much! us parents are trying despite the busy schedules, you know? 💖
danielricciardo i hope you guys brought earplugs. god knows how much of a screamer silas is 😭
schecoperez daniel for the last time he didn't intentionally try to break your eardrums 🤠
carmayalaprz try babysitting them, you'll get used to it eventually
danielricciardo maybe next time, yes?
user3 danny would probably add more to the noise if anything ngl 😭
schecoperez am i ever glad to take your and silas' attentions away from the stupid frogs 😄 liked by carmayalaprz
carmayalaprz don't say that about those frogs 🤠 i was shedding blood and tears swiping my card after passing by that store
schecoperez maybe next time let's not go to a mall with a build a bear store 🤔
carmayalaprz i agree. we might have pavlov'd our son with the build-a-bear stores we come across to
maxverstappen1 so i should return the froggy i bought him then...?
redbullracing you know the right answer to that max.
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the perez kids
silas milo ayala perez
cecilia morgana ayala perez
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willowmaidsworld · 3 months
Good Omens s3 clue
I realised I never posted this, although I made it ages ago! So here y'all go!
This is going to be long, and I hope it will make sense. Please bear with me to the end, I will eventually get to the Judgement Day, Armageddon, Death (and four horsemen of Apocalypse) and I will mention goats.
I noticed this tiny clue when watching s2ep3. Aziraphale drives to Edinburgh and the Bentley plays classical music. But not just any classical music – it’s Danse Macabre by Camill Saint-Saëns.
I am a musician and I've played this piece in the past, so I knew there was a lot of symbolism to uncover. And that thing is deeper than I thought. I will be speaking about some music theory, but I will try to make it as understandable as possible. 
I think it would be best, if you listened to Danse Macabre: https://youtu.be/…zrJ 
I would like to speak once more about the scene in which Danse macabre appears. Aziraphale is driving to Edinburgh in now a yellow Bentley, and he even has his "car sweets". He is quite satisfied. And he plays this, certainly dark-themed, music. It is a major contrast. 
Danse Macabre, "the dance of death" is a memento mori. Memento mori is a theme we see in art, and it originated in medieval times as reaction to the plague. It should remind us of our own mortality. “Memento mori” literary translates as "remember death". And mark my words, do remember death!
The composition uses tritones, a special kind of a music interval. (Interval is the tonal distance between two tones, you can play the tones together and/or separate.) Tritone is seemingly dissonant because it uses seemingly inharmonious tones. (You can hear tritones just at the beginning, the violins play it.) Because of its dissonance it was called "the devil in music" and was considered forbidden and associated with Hell/demons/death.
Since the music piece and the poem is based on the theme of Memento mori, I had to look into it as well. Turns out Danse Macabre was inspired by a poem by Henry Cazalis. Here is the poem: https://oxfordsong.org/…bre Memento mori doesn't only remind us of death and our mortality, it also reminds us, that everyone's equal in death. Henry Cazalis, the poet, writes: Long live death and equality! The poem is called, of course, Danse Macabre, but I found that it is also called Égalité - Fraternité (when reading stuff about it in French). This is a reference to the French revolution motto: Liberté, Égalité, Fraternité (Liberty, Equality, Brotherhood), but Liberty is missing. Is there then no Liberty in death and we are all doomed to obey someone's will, The Ineffable plan? (Good Omens book and season one also deals with topics of free will, look at Crowley and Anathema. She has been doing only the things her dead ancestor told her to do, she overcomes it in the end. I think it nicely illustrates the problematic of a free will. And Crowley values free will a lot.)
Memento mori says one thing - remember death, no one can outrun it. And there I would like to get back to season 1, because who else we meet here than Death itself.
Death is one of the Four Bikers/Riders/Horsemen of Apocalypse. But I always thought Death has a higher rank than the others. If you think of it, War, Pollution and Famine all lead to one thing- to Death. Why would you need all three then? Isn't Death qualified enough to do its job? Also, rewatch the scene where Adam and his friends battle them! War, Pollution and Famine all get destroyed by the flaming sword. But not Death- it spreads its wings and says (quote from the book): "You cannot destroy me. That would destroy the world." And later he adds that they are never far away. And he flies of. He isn't destroyed.
Death didn't appear in season two and I think people are starting to forget it, but Memento mori! Remember Death!
I would also like to remark that Neil Gaiman says the whole story is plotted out and that he has done this with Terry Pratchett. In every Discworld series book (the magnum opus of Sir Terry Pratchett), apart from two or three, there is the character of Death. And I think it would make sense that Death would appear in Good Omens as well, after all, it is also Pratchett's book. I think we might see Death returning in season three, because the Day of Wrath/Last Judgement/Armageddon is coming. And this music piece could serve as a literal memento mori - remember Death, it has not exited the scene yet. (A lot of Pratchett's humour is based on puns, and this seems like a joke/plot twist he would try to use. It's my personal opinion based on how I know his style from his books.) 
And what's next? Armageddon is coming, the Day of Wrath is here! Both sides are pretty eager to do this ending-of-the-world thing and after all, it's what they have been trying to start from the begging of the show. It was delayed by Gabriel's "disappearance", but things are now getting into motion, I think. 
But back to the Danse macabre, because it (surprise surprise!) has quite some things to do with the Judgement Day. In the middle of the composition Cammille Saint-Saëns uses a musical theme from a different work, a Gregorian chant called Deis irae ("Day of Wrath").
Here is a link to Wikipedia page about the chant, you can listen to it there. (I didn't find any recording on YouTube, only other musicians using the quite popular words of the chant and not the actual music.) https://en.m.wikipedia.org/…rae 
About the chant itself. It is written from the point of view of a sinner/normal person, and it describes how the Last Judgement shall be. Before dealing with the themes of the chant itself, I would like to say, that Saint-Saëns has used the Deis irae in a major key. Allow me to do a quick music theory intermission.
You can play in two keys, major and minor. These are, if I oversimplify things, sets of notes with different intervals. The melody, played one tone at a time, can be used in both major and minor key. The melody isn't the thing that determines the key of the song, the tones played with it do. And depends on what tones you use, you either get major or minor. Major is (in western culture) associated with happiness and good things, while minor with sadness. (It's not always like that, but for the sake of understanding we are going to pretend it is.) Now, the Deis irae is usually written in the sad minor key. Saint-Saëns decided to use the happy major key with this depressing chant, once again creating contrast. I'm stumbling over contrasts more than usually, so this may be important. End of the intermission. 
In the third and fourth strophe of Deis irae, it's described how the sound of a trumpet will sound everywhere and the Death will resurrect all dead creations to be brought to the Judge. (Death is back again and resurrecting, that sounds familiar, where have we seen that before?)
In the fifteenth strophe, the writer, a sinner, prays for this: Put me with the sheep and separate me from the goats, guide me to the right side! Goats again, there they are! This strophe of course references the chapter 25 in the Gospel of Matthew, the Separation of sheep and goats. Sheep go to the right and goats to the left. I think the side symbolism is pretty clear in Good Omens. Right is the righteous side and left is the sign of sin. And we also know how Crowley cares about the goats. There is also the Jewish tradition of scapegoat. Either way, goats are connected to Crowley, their symbolism of being “on the left side” is clear. This interesting bit can play part in Armageddon.
In the fifth strophe of Deis irae the Book, that is exactly and perfectly worded and that will judge all world, appears. And this book is no other than The Book of Life.
We know about Book of Life from the season 2, Micheal threatens to force "extreme sanctions" (erasing them form the Book) upon anyone who knows about Gabriel. 
Enter a fan theory I read: Nor Heaven or Hell actually have the Book of Life, we never see it on screen. This was mentioned in a tumblr post, and I will probably never be able to dig it up from the depths of the internet, so remember this is not my theory. (Although I find it very interesting.) The post continues and remarks, that when Crowley in the first episode of the second season learns about the Book and the "extreme sanctions" from Beelzebub, he doesn't bat an eye. He is pretty calm and doesn't seem surprised. (He literary says: "That will teach them a lesson", man, we're talking about being wiped from the earth's surface completely!) The writer of the post thinks, this is because Crowley knows that Heaven doesn't have the book and he knows where it is. The writer claims, it was Crowley, who took it as a little souvenir before his Fall, and later has hidden it in Aziraphale's bookshop. ('Cause one single book will definitely stay hidden in all those piles of old books.)
I think this is really interesting because of Crowley’s reaction. He knows what Aziraphale is risking, and he loves that angel, yet he seems so calm. When the bookshop burned down in the fifth episode of season one and Crowley thought Aziraphale died, he went feral: he was angry and furious, and he was destroyed by the fact that he has lost Aziraphale. He mourns and gets drunk. Nothing of this happens in season two! 
So, what are my thoughts on season three? It will get really dark and serious, the Armageddon is coming, after all. I think we will see Death return and the Book of Life will appear. The goats may not be used literally, like on screen, but I think we will get some metaphors.
In all of this, I tried to say one thing. All of the cards are laid out, we have all of the clues. It would be pretty cheap trick to use some ineffable "deus ex machina", that's not Gaiman's and Pratchett's style.
I think everything is now foreshadowed; we have been given all the information. We just haven't made the links in-between. Given the uproar the second season has caused, I think people are forgetting the first season a bit. But it must end with what it started with.
I think we should look at both seasons equally and try to pick up as much as we can, after all the third season will not be based solely on the season two...
We have all the clues, now it's Neil Gaiman who plays an ineffable game of his own devising, a poker that nobody has the rules for and the dealer, Neil himself, is smiling all the time. Ineffable, indeed. If you ask me, he's enjoying it bloody-well.
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lychee-angelica · 1 year
ashwini nakshatra 🍯
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please do not plagiarise or copy my work, thank you my loves
ashwini nakshatra occurs at 0.00° - 13.20° of aries, ruled by ketu and influenced by mars. it is the first nakshatra of the twenty-seven lunar mansions, in a sense marking itself as the original ascendant point. planet sun becomes exalted in ashwini specifically and funnily enough the sun rises on the eastern horizon - where all of our ascendant signs are calculated from. ashwini is the dawn of the sun x
the word ashwini literally means "horse-woman" or "a beautiful stallion". despite the yoni of this nakshatra being a male horse the word ashwini translates to something quite feminine. a horse is the main symbol of this nakshatra, making it very important when understanding the qualities of ashwini. horses are a symbol of good health, vitality, beauty and opulence. the quality of ashwini is light and swift, aligning well with horses characteristically speaking. this nakshatra is fast, powerful, wild yet elegant and graceful.
additionally, the bird that symbolises ashwini nakshatra is an eagle. a bird that represents a kind of fierce beauty, proud independence, freedom and strength.
i would also like to add that just as how not all aries people are the same, not all ashwini people are the same either. the padas distinguish the nakshatra further into fourths. each pada essentially is a sign that planet falls within in our navamsa charts. the pada will indicate certain traits attributed to the sign in our navamsa charts.
ashwini pada 1 falls in aries - lively, pioneering, energetic
ashwini pada 2 falls in taurus - materialism, down to earth
ashwini pada 3 falls in gemini - light-hearted, witty, friendly
ashwini pada 4 falls in cancer - emotional, compassionate
mythological significance 🍯
wife of suyra
the ashvini kumaras are the gods of ashwini, they are twin horse headed deities. their mother was wife of sun, suyra. she had once fled her husband due to his immense heat, taking on the form of a female horse, venturing far away into the woods in order to recuperate. she had casted a shadow of sorts or a clone of herself to take care of her affairs at home. although, suyra eventually figured the reality of the situation, from there he swiftly took form of a horse and ran after her. upon reunion the two made love in their horse forms and the ashvini kumaras were then born.
this story portrays many things, the first being a tendency to run-away from our issues in life whether literally or metaphorically. this can manifest in someone's life through forms of escapism and even deception. although this theme of running away from our problems tends to be for the purpose of regaining our own vitality and peace, finding ourselves once more.
the second key message in the story is that of loyalty and devotion. suyra's wife did not wish to leave his side, she temporarily distanced herself from her husband for her own health and well-being. this is why ashwini individuals tend to remain loyal in love despite their apparent independence, boldness and awareness of their own needs. for this reason, sun becomes exalted in ashwini nakshatra, specifically occurring at 10° of aries - pada four. ashwini pada four resembles the most softest and compassionate side of ashwini as it falls in the sign of cancer in our navamsa charts, this is why suyra thrives best here. ashwini is the true wife of sun.
another note is that suyra's wife married a man of high status, he is literally the hottest. this is why ashwini is often times attributed to opulence and luxury. additionally, horses are symbolic of wealth in society which has been quite a timeless association. although money and fame is not the motive of ashwini women, just a little side note.
miraculous healing
the asvini kumaras are celestial physicians to the gods. there are copious amounts of stories told of the twins performing medical miracles for others. they most notedly cure blindness specifically, but also regenerated the health, well-being, youth and beauty of others. the twins were knowledgeable on the sciences, medicine and art of surgical practice but had a thirst for divine and occult knowledge in order to 'cut to the chase' so to speak with their miracle workings.
the fact that the asvini kumaras primarily cure blindness is quite significant. when we think of eyesight, visible perception and light, suyra's exaltation within ashwini provides deeper reason. ketu on the other hand, resembles a dark force of ultimate nothingness, metaphorical blindness. it is just like to say that our literal pupils are just twin black holes of empty space, with those same eyes all that can be taken in is the immense light of suyra. the story portrays the act of curing blindness as miraculous, meaning attributed to divine working, acknowledging the divinity of our own vitality. in ashwini nakshatra health and well-being is expressed as something divine with a sense of regenerated youth. ashwini individuals are able to peer through beyond the veil so to speak, entwined with the affairs of tangible and internal realties, the seen and unseen.
characteristically the asvini kumaras are painted as youthful and delightful deities, even a mischievous and cunning pair with good intentions. they are interested in the secrets of divinity and are willing to take short cuts or loopholes in order to learn quickly. they are highly compassionate and in tune with the needs of others. ashwini people tend to be very light-hearted and don't take things too seriously. their cunning and intelligent nature ultimately negates any mistaken nativity in their character.
appearance 🍯
when discussing the physical appearance, it is important to note that our other placements will garner influence over the appearance in our charts too - specifically speaking our moon, sun and ascendant. i believe too that first or second house lord placed in ashwini will result similar features.
one of the most notable traits of ashwini women is their lips, they are usually wide, if not they'll be quite moderate in length, along with moderate plumpness. the cheekbones of these women tend to be high set too along with a moderately pointed chin - the face is usually tight in structure despite the overall length. the most common eye shape i have seen with these women is slightly hooded and large eyes, especially with ashwini ascendant and moon. overall these women physically possess a quite youthful and elegant kind of beauty.
suyra ashwini (sun) - gigi hadid & anya taylor-joy
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chandra ashwini (moon) - selena gomez & zendaya
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personality sun, moon & ascendant 🍯
when either sun, moon or ascendant is placed within ashwini the traits of course become personal. these individuals are independent and bold, they are the types to value their freedom and will prioritise their health and well-being. they have a quite cunning, playful and even mischievous side to them too. they are light-hearted, sweetly-spoken and don't take life too seriously. they are also very loyal and devoted to their loved ones.
people born under ashwini may have a tendency to become quite impatient, they may even speak or walk pretty swiftly too. they may love adrenaline and adventure. these people likely have a thirst for divine and occult knowledge too.
planets in ashwini mercury, venus, mars, jupiter & saturn 🍯
mercury in ashwini people are very friendly and good at communicating with others, most people will often find these individuals highly likeable. they can be quite witty, cunning and have good sense of humour. they are highly intelligent, skilful and have the ability to learn very quickly. they may also speak in a quick yet delightful and persuasive manner.
venus in ashwini people are highly compassionate and devotional lovers. others may perceive them, particularly the women as worthy of a very valuable or even high status partner. there is also something beautiful when it comes to their light-hearted and playful natures - especially when relating to love interests.
mars in ashwini people may be very self-made types, very strong independent streak can be seen. people with this placement can have a very stunning physique too, they may appear very healthy. similar to sun, mars in ashwini can indicate someone who possesses the characteristics of a pioneer or leader.
jupiter in ashwini people may be very intrigued with the bigger, over arching questions in life. they most likely have a thirst for divine and occult knowledge and refreshing perspectives and beliefs. they also tend to grasp these topics quickly, even through some sort of spiritual loophole. they are like pioneers when it comes to spiritual and existential ideology.
saturn in ashwini people may be quite impatient, they can be frustrated when it comes to their karmas and struggles in life. although saturn is not debilitated in ashwini, he still struggles within the sign of aries. unfortunately saturn's slow paced and patient nature is quite uncomfortable within ashwini.
© lychee-angelica 2023
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nur-ein-amor · 5 months
Hi I heard you do monster AU things!
I've been looking at those monster au 141 team things, and I was wondering if you could do a Percht!König and Survivalist Werewolf!Reader! (pref male)
Essentially the reader has been camping in the dense forest in just a tent and uses the forest to their advantage, hunting, scaling trees for shelter if dangerous creatures are nearby, using an axe or machete of sorts to help harvest materials or break their way through the underbrush. But one day the reader runs into König in Percht form (Percht can be pretty territorial) and ends up in a tall tree, König circling them. Eventually night comes and König returns to his den, little does the reader remember it's a full moon. Before the reader knows it their gaze is trapped on the full moons hypnotic glow as the Werewolf curse takes effect.
Upon hearing the sound of something violently thrashing near his territory, Percht!König finds a large werewolf(The reader), feasting on a dead moose. It's rather appalled because uh, moose can take a hit from a semi-.
I'm running out of ideas to add to this so I guess get creative- also can the werewolf have soft but spiky looking fur?-
[I'm all in for interspecies stuff :D]
To be honest, I'm not a writer and probably the last time I wrote anything was 5 years ago.
You would need to contact any authors who write anything on this fandom, etc.
I say right away, everything is translated through a translator. And instead of Y/n, I use a Reader because it's easier while writing.
And to tell the truth, I was bored when I found this query and eventually decided to write it, so, yes.
Sorry if it was turned bad. Nothing romantic or fluffy. Just if you really want what you need just write to someone else who can normally write.
Percht!König and Survivalist Werewolf! Male! Reader!
Maybe part 2 . But if someone want or ask about that.
The sun was setting, bathing the dense forest in a warm golden light. The air was filled with the smell of pine trees and the sounds of birds chirping. The Reader, an experienced survivalist, has set up camp in a small clearing, and his only shelter is a simple tent in the forest.
But for him the forest was home. He knew every inch of it, from the tallest trees to the smallest animals that lived in the forest. The dense forest was an ideal place for such a person (okay, half human, you could say) like the Reader. He lived in various forests for many years, relying on his hunting, gathering and survival skills.
Surviving in the wilderness was not easy due to some possible dangers, weather and seasons, but the Reader learned to adapt. He foraged for food, hunted for animals, and climbed trees to seek shelter when dangerous creatures were nearby or while hunting to spy. He also always carried an ax with him, using it to gather materials or while making his way through the forest.
The reader has lived in this forest for a long time, enjoying the freedom and solitude that the forest provided. But little did he know that their peaceful existence was about to be disrupted. One day, while doing a routine hunt in the winter forest, the Reader came across a creature unlike anything he had ever seen before, although this creature stood with its back to him, perhaps not even paying attention to the Reader's presence. It was tall and imposing, with a twisted and gnarled body, covered in tufts of matted fur and large, twisted horns on its head. It was König, the German monster known as Percht, and he was in his terrifying bestial form.
Perchts could be very territorial. The Perkht were a race of creatures that lived in the forest, and they were not known for their friendliness to humans or other creatures. Watching from a safe distance, the Reader saw and knew that he needed to be careful of possible approaching danger. The Reader quickly retreated back in order to return to his camp, hoping to avoid confrontation.
But Percht, known as König, caught the scent and began tracking him down. The reader could hear his heavy footsteps and low growl as he moved closer and closer to him. In a panic, the Reader grabbed an ax and climbed a nearby tree, hoping to wait out König's presence. But the fact that it’s already getting dark and it’s winter doesn’t help.
Watching from his place, the Reader saw König circling at the foot of the tree he was on. His eyes glowed in the darkness of the evening sky, creating an eerie feeling. You could hear his powerful breathing and the sound of his hooves scratching the ground. The Reader was sure that the monster was simply waiting for the Reader to come down to attack. The Reader knew that he was safe now, and hoped that Perkht would eventually leave. What the Reader didn't know was that there would be a full moon that night. As a result, after some time, König left, emitting a menacing growl, realizing that he could not get enough of fear and flesh. König, returned to his den.
And so the Reader, having checked and waited, still came down from the tree, first throwing his ax down into the snow, and then he went down himself. Taking the ax in his hands, he began to run from that place, being careful of the nearest and possible danger, not paying attention to the crunch of snow under his boots. Not paying attention to the sky, he continued to run towards his tent. As the moon rose higher in the sky, the Reader felt a strange sensation come over him. At night, one could feel the werewolf's primal instincts take over.
The reader was no longer in control of his actions, and his mind was clouded by the desire to hunt and feast. Transformation was always painful, but the reader got used to it. What they weren't used to, however, was the insatiable hunger that came with it. As werewolves, their senses were heightened and they could smell fresh animal blood from a distance. He could not control his body as his limbs began to lengthen and his skin became covered with fur and the feeling of blood and thirst swept upward while shreds of tattered clothing lay in the snow and an ax somewhere in the snow.
**Thirst** Only thirst controlled him at this moment.
The once peaceful forests are now filled with fear. Sniffing the air, the werewolf's heightened senses detected prey nearby. He followed the scent of elk for miles, his stomach growling with hunger. The elk, unaware of the danger lurking in the shadows, continued to graze peacefully. But the graceful creature was no match for the ferocity of the hungry werewolf. Suddenly, the werewolf jumped out of the shadows and attacked the unsuspecting moose. Its massive jaws clamped down on the moose's neck, drawing blood and causing the creature to let out a deafening scream.
But the Reader did not limit himself to one bite. With sharp claws, he grabbed the elk's flesh, tearing out huge pieces of meat. The moose, writhing in agony, struggled to escape the werewolf's powerful grip. But the werewolf's grip only tightened, his primal instincts took over, and he furiously charged into the helpless animal. The sound of bones cracking was heard above the deafening roar of the werewolf and the cries of the dying elk. As the elk's life slowly slipped away, the werewolf let out a howl of victory, raising his bloody muzzle to the moon. The moose now lay in a pool of his own blood, his body mangled and torn apart by the werewolf's merciless claws.
Percht Koenig was resting in his den deep in the forests when he was suddenly awakened by loud sounds echoing through the night. He stepped out carefully, his hooves clicking on the cold ground as he scanned his surroundings for the source of the disturbance.
A disgusting smell suddenly filled his nostrils, causing him to curl his lips in disgust. He followed the scent, his keen senses leading him to a clearing where the full moon shone brightly, illuminating the gruesome scene. A huge elk lay on the ground, torn and lifeless, its body mangled and covered with deep claw marks. A werewolf stood over the corpse, his muzzle covered in blood.
Perkht let out a loud, guttural growl, and the Reader responded in kind, preparing to attack. König's claws extended and muscles tensed, ready to defend its territory. The two creatures surrounded each other, their eyes meeting with a deadly gaze. The reader felt the adrenaline coursing through his veins as his wolfish instincts urged him to attack. But he also knew how important strategy was in such a battle. As König rushed at him, the Reader quickly dodged to the side, stabbing him in the side with his claws. The monster howled in pain, but quickly recovered and responded with a devastating blow of its claws.
The reader felt the sharp pain of claws on his fur, but refused to show weakness. He responded with a vicious bite, sinking his teeth into Percht's flesh. The creature let out a bloodcurdling scream and retreated. The battle continued, Reader and Percht König exchanging blows. With one last burst of energy, the Reader pounced on Percht König, pinning him to the ground. He let out a howl of triumph as the creature let out a sigh, defeated at the hands of the werewolf.
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genericpuff · 1 year
Rachel "Retcon" Smythe Strikes Again!
Okay, so I've been seeing pictures of Volume 4 of Lore Olympus floating around, and people are ALREADY FINDING RETCONS.
Most notably so far, some added panels in the Hades and Apollo confrontation that happens outside Artemis' house (when Persephone steals Apollo's lyre) in Episode 81.
This is the original scene, for anyone who needs a refresher:
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Aaaand here are the panels that were added.
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(all pictures of Volume 4 are courtesy @iwannagutyou on IG!!! thank you for giving me permission to use these! <3)
First of all, the art. It's so noticeably bad. You can tell Rachel has completely lost her ability to draw these characters in the S1 style, I'm fairly certain she took the panel of Hades from the old version and just copy pasted it to try and get around it (look at the posing) but it's incredibly obvious looking at that third panel that LO is not and can never be what it was back in 2017-2019. Those first two panels seem like they were copy pasted from the previous ones, which is just sad if those are the lengths she has to go to to come even close to replicating the older style.
Now, this just might be due to camera translation, it could very well look better IRL, but the colors just look so incredibly desaturated and the lines blurred out, to the point that people are doing double takes over whether or not panels have been directly changed - they haven't been, they've just been so sucked dry of their colors that they look off enough to cast suspicion.
If anything it's a harsh reminder that LO has kinda always had art problems, especially with its lazy humor and stupid meme faces.
Of course, to be fair, color loss can happen in print, but seeing how slapped together these books tend to be, I wouldn't be surprised if they just didn't put in the effort to convert the page art to CMYK or at least tinker with the saturation in editing some more to ensure it would come out more vibrant in print.
Now. Excuse me while I go on a bit of a crackpot rant here. Newbie puff pals beware, because this is gonna get dicey and you're about to learn where my tinfoil-hat rep comes from but I just have to talk about it.
Back to the added Apollo panels, where Persephone asks Hades not to hurt him and he looks nervous before she says "I just want him to leave".
Maybe it's just me, but it's a little weird that THESE are the panels they decided they needed to add. It's weird that she's asking Hades not to hurt Apollo when she's about to break into his car and steal his lyre just a few moments later. It's weird that the implication seems to be that she's referring to Hades' act of violence towards Tori... but Persephone doesn't know that's happened yet. So this feels like an unnecessary retcon that's doing more harm than good.
But I feel like the timing of this is kinda messed up as well, as this book released just days after the release of the last FP episode in which Apollo has his 'side' of the assault story told through his perspective, which is often considered a HUGE no-no in writing assault stories because it often comes with the implication that it's asking for empathy from the audience. We already know Apollo is delusional, we already know he thinks him and Persephone are meant to be despite her constant rejection of him, we didn't need a flashback from his own warped perspective explaining that very thing, the only purpose to do such a thing this late in the game would be to try and get the audience to 'connect' with him (it's giving S3 Bryce from 13 Reasons Why vibes). Now we have this scene of Persephone asking Hades not to hurt him (despite the structure of the episode being literally fine before, this change wasn't needed) getting snuck into the physical book release just a couple days after the newest FP tried to present Apollo in an empathetic light (and let me tell you, that's a whole essay and a half that I'll be getting into eventually).
Shit, if I wanted to get REAL Pepe Sylvia with it, I might say that hypothetically, the whole point of the random Leuce abuse episode - despite Persephone having no way of knowing what she attempted as Hades hadn't told her and she wasn't there to see it and we weren't shown her overhearing them in any way - and the following episode that was mostly padding of Hades and Persephone having sex - no consequences or follow-up whatsoever to the Leuce scene - was just to pad out the episode release schedule and buy time until the book came out so that Rachel could release that Apollo POV episode right before the book came out and revealed those new added scenes of Persephone asking Hades not to hurt Apollo, in what could be a sly artificial attempt at minimizing the SA plot so Rachel can finally just brush aside the one major plot point she regretted writing the most. After all, it wouldn't be the first time Rachel's controlled the pace of her comic to release certain moments at certain times that line up with IRL events.
But, y'know. I'm gonna quit on that thought while I'm ahead because it's probably making my credibility meter drop into the red. My ADHD has been real bad lately and it's really starting to show LMAO All ima say is that IDK who Rachel thinks she's fooling here, this kind of shit is stupid easy to fact check when the digital version of the comic is available online to read.
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To end on a much funnier and lighter note, remember how Rachel tried to retcon the Demeter/Hera/Hestia relationship by changing the line "I miss my sisters" to "I miss my friends"? Well, there was one panel that had been missed in the webtoons version that still refers to them as sisters. You can still find this unedited line in Episode 78.
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And uh. They forgot to fix it again for the book.
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It's permanent now. That's permanent marker. It would have cost them nothing to find this in the webtoon version and fix it before it got sent to the book editors. Now it's gonna cost them thousands because the book editors didn't bother (or know) to check.
There's also this... weird shit going on with the speech bubbles. Like, they're REALLY FUCKING OVERDOING IT with the speech bubble outlines. I don't know who made this choice but it was a bad one. Gross. Don't do that. It looks so cheap.
But let's be real, at this point I feel like the book editors are just outright sabotaging Rachel because who the fuck calls themselves a professional when they do this shit-
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Oh, and there's no bonus episode, just sketches. Which is fine. But it makes me chuckle to think that Rachel just didn't have time in her already razor-thin buffer to draw up a new episode to pass off as "cut content".
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marblemoovt · 2 years
New Neighbour - Yuushi/K-san/Reader
Rating: Explicit (Smut)
Word Count: 9.3k
Warnings: Fluff and Smut, Porn With Plot, Reader is AFAB but is Gender neutral otherwise, Threesome - F/M/Other, Cunnilingus, Vaginal Sex, blowjob, Dirty Talk, Praise Kink, Pet Names, Edging, voyeurism?
Moving into an apartment, you were planning to tough it out for a few years to save up for a better one. But then you meet your neighbour, and maybe living here won't be so terrible after all? Until you learn your hot neighbour is fucking someone else for hours every day. But what happens when you get to join them?
------ He holds a small box out to you. “I think the movers left this at my door by mistake,” he says. You examine the box and recognize your handwriting on the side. He tilts his head to the side and adds, “I’m Yuushi Totsumoto. I live next door.” This is the first neighbour you’ve met. You have yet to meet anyone besides the landlord; it’s like a bunch of ghosts live here.
You clear your throat when you realize you’re staring. “Ah, sorry.” You grab the package and hug it to your chest. “Thanks. I just moved here.” You gesture to the boxes behind you and introduce yourself.
His lips tug into a smirk as he examines you. “See ya around, neighbour.” Yuushi waves and heads back to his apartment. You stand there in a daze. You just met the guy, but fuck was he hot. Shutting the door, you let out a breath you didn’t know you were holding.
This took me forever to write. Last time I checked there was only one other fic for this manga on tumblr, and I felt the need to correct that. If you guys haven't read Lady K & The Sick Man, I highly recommend it to anyone looking for an erotic manga. The two protagonists are very fine and it's just something you have to see yourself to understand.
With that said, did you guys know there's already a fourth book??? It hasn't been translated yet so I read the raws. I vaguely understood what happened, but what a ride!! If anyone wants to look for it, you'll most likely have to search under 'Kko to yamioji'
This is also my first time writing smut that involves more than two people, so if the writing is a bit awkward, that might be why.
Happy Reading! (。・∀・)ノ゙
─── ⋆ 。゚☆: *. ☽ .* :☆゚。⋆ ───
You’re living in an apartment building where someone has died. On the plus side, that means the rent is criminally cheap. On the downside, you didn’t learn about this until after you signed the lease. 
You haul the last cardboard box into your apartment. The ad you saw boasted about its affordable rent, so you signed a contract the day after. Now here you are, in a slightly run-down apartment with sketchy neighbours. But you can’t complain about the price. You plan to stay here for a few years and save up for a place in a nicer area. The landlord seems polite enough, but you can tell he’s hiding something from you. 
When you arrived to check out the apartment, he ushered you straight inside and kept the tour as short as possible. You barely had time to process before he brought you into his office and placed the paperwork on the table. Your current lease is ending soon, so it was either this building or scrambling to find another place. Persuaded by the low price, you signed your name. 
So you packed up your things and moved out of your current place. You cleared your schedule to spend the rest of the day unpacking. The apartment is bare except for the pile of boxes, and you feel the procrastination creeping in. If you don’t start now, you’ll continue to live out of cardboard boxes, never to be unpacked until you eventually move. You take out the box cutter and begin slicing at the tape. Before you can even open the flaps, there’s a knock at your door. 
You walk to the door and open it. There’s a middle-aged man with black hair and a scruffy beard. He holds a small box out to you. “I think the movers left this at my door by mistake,” he says. You examine the box and recognize your handwriting on the side. He tilts his head to the side and adds, “I’m Yuushi Totsumoto. I live next door.” This is the first neighbour you’ve met. You have yet to meet anyone besides the landlord; it’s like a bunch of ghosts live here. 
You clear your throat when you realize you’re staring. “Ah, sorry.” You grab the package and hug it to your chest. “Thanks. I just moved here.” You gesture to the boxes behind you and introduce yourself. 
His lips tug into a smirk as he examines you. “See ya around, neighbour.” Yuushi waves and heads back to his apartment. You stand there in a daze. You just met the guy, but fuck was he hot. Shutting the door, you let out a breath you didn’t know you were holding. 
“What just happened?” you ask yourself. When you signed the paperwork, you didn’t think much about neighbours. Living here doesn’t seem so bad after all. You set the package aside and continue unpacking. The first box is labelled ‘Bedroom.’ You have a futon and some drawers, which require little effort to unpack. Next are the items that go on the walls. There are posters and picture frames you want to put up. As you pick up your blanket, a loud moan comes from the other side of the wall. 
You pause, wondering if you heard that right. Another moan followed by a squeal. It’s coming from the apartment next door. Yuushi’s apartment. Of course, the hot neighbour you met is already taken. The discovery leaves a hollow feeling in your chest, but you’re glad you found out soon after meeting him. You can’t make out their conversation, but your thoughts run wild. From what you remember, Yuushi has a pleasant voice. Deep and gruff, a voice that sends a rush of blood between your legs. 
There’s a rhythmic pounding that accompanies the lewd noises. Whoever this woman is, she’s extremely lucky. Is it inappropriate that you’re so smitten over a man you just met? Probably, but you ignore the warning signs because you’re blindsided by his appearance. You’re not sure you can tolerate these noises if they happen frequently. You lay your blanket and pray the noises are a rare occurrence. That night, you head to bed unbelievably horny and frustrated, forced to listen to your neighbours as they fuck for hours. 
You wake up the next day and resume unpacking. Yesterday you finished the bedroom and bathroom. All that’s left now is the kitchen and miscellaneous items. You live alone, but you have extra utensils for when you have company. It’s strange how some people live with only one set. What do they do when they have guests? You organize everything by category. All the glasses go into one cupboard while plates and bowls go into another. The cutlery has its own drawer, and the miscellaneous kitchen tools are placed in the next one. 
You enjoy cooking, but living alone means you never have anyone to share it with. The cold weather makes you crave something warm, like curry. You might as well make extra and freeze the leftovers for another time. Since you just moved, your fridge is bare. A quick grocery run later, and you have all the ingredients you need. 
As you stand outside your door and fiddle with your keys, Yuushi also returns home. “Hiya, neighbour,” he greets. Unlike yesterday, he’s wearing a suit. 
“Hello.” You wave, but it’s awkward with your hands full. 
“Groceries?” He nods towards the bags. 
You hum, “Yeah, I want to make curry tonight. What about you?” 
“I could go for some curry,” he says. You tilt your head at the unexpected answer. Yuushi flushes when he understands your question. “Oh. I was at work,” he answers, lifting up the briefcase in his hand. 
Your eyes linger on his face. Pink looks good on him. “You work in an office?” you ask. You didn’t peg him for a salaryman. 
“Just a temp job,” he shrugs, “I do a lot of part-time work.” You admire his outfit, tempted to drag him by his tie into your apartment. Licking your lips, you meet his dark gaze. He doesn’t say anything, just stares at you with a knowing smirk. You remind yourself that this man has a girlfriend—potentially a wife! 
Clearing your throat, you glance at the ingredients you bought. “Um, do you want some curry?” you offer. “I always make extra.” If he says yes, maybe that will give you an opportunity to enter his apartment. 
Yuushi grins, and it sets off the butterflies in your stomach. “Really? That would be great!” He can barely contain his excitement, and you find it adorable. “Been a while since someone’s cooked me a meal,” he comments. 
His energy is infectious, and you bounce on the balls of your feet. “I’ll drop by later then.”
He grins and says, “Lookin’ forward to it.” You turn to your door and miraculously unlock the door in one attempt. You shake off the feeling of his eyes on your back and head inside. Shutting the door and turning the lock, you hear his footsteps fade.
Leaning against the door, you sigh. “Just a friendly neighbour,” you whisper to yourself. “I’m just a friendly neighbour.” You head to the kitchen and hunt for your pots and pans.
─── ⋆ 。゚☆: *. ☽ .* :☆゚。⋆ ───
The entire kitchen is filled with the scent of turmeric and cumin. You can almost taste the spices on your tongue. All that’s left is for the curry to thicken. The mixture gurgles as it simmers and reduces. You give it a stir, taste-testing to check if you need to add more seasoning. You decide to leave it alone and look for some Tupperware. There’s a bag you keep of reusable takeout containers from restaurants. You select one and check on the curry. 
The curry is nice and thick now. You turn off the heat and grab a ladle. You scoop some into the container, sealing the lid tight afterwards. A giggle bubbles in your throat. You can’t remember the last time you were this excited to cook for someone. Stopping by the bathroom, you clean yourself up and head outside, clutching the curry to your chest. 
You stop in front of Yuushi’s door and take a deep breath. Bringing up a fist to knock on the door, you’re startled by another scream. You bite your lip. Of fucking course. 
You return to your apartment and grab a second container, filling it with another serving of curry. On a sticky note, you write down instructions for how to reheat the food. Hesitantly, you add a smiley face at the end. Walking back outside, you set the containers in front of his door, rap your knuckles twice, and sprint back to your apartment. You shut the door as quietly as possible, but even the slightest noise sounds like an explosion. You breathe a sigh of relief when you don’t hear his door open. Another moan, followed by a deep grunt, rumbles the walls. You slump to the floor and lean back, thumping your head against the door. 
You are such a fucking idiot. 
─── ⋆ 。゚☆: *. ☽ .* :☆゚。⋆ ───
You don’t speak to Yuushi after that, mostly because his erratic schedule leaves little chance of running into him. He also never thanked you for the curry, so maybe you’re also trying to avoid him because you’re petty. I mean, a week has gone by and not once has this man left a note. He never even returned the containers! So yeah, you feel the need to be a little bitter. 
Despite being upset, you can’t help but get incredibly turned on every night listening to them. You learn that if you’re close enough to the wall, you can make out what they’re saying. It’s muffled, but you’ll take what you can get. So far, it’s all dirty talk from Yuushi. His partner doesn’t seem to speak other than the noises of pleasure she makes. Is the sex really that good?
You know what you’re doing is perverted, but it’s very hard not to touch yourself when Yuushi’s husky voice says things like ‘I’m gonna stuff ya with my cock,’ and ‘are you cumming? How cute.’
Thus masturbating while listening to your neighbours has become a nightly ritual. Otherwise, you’re too frustrated to get a good night’s sleep. You’ve considered politely asking them to be quieter, but confrontation has never been your strong suit. Plus, someone banged on their door last night. That only escalated the moans and screams. It’s a mystery how anyone else here sleeps at night—earplugs. You should buy earplugs. Why didn’t you think of that earlier? Oh, right. You were too busy thinking about what it would look like to have Yuushi’s face between your thighs. 
So you buy some earplugs, and it works for a few nights. Until you start having wet dreams. The only prevention that works is relieving yourself before sleeping. Which leaves you back at square one. You don’t know how much longer you can keep living like this. The lease is for a year, and it’s barely been a month since you moved in. That’s when you come up with a plan. Maybe you can fuck it out of your system?
On the weekend, you dress up for a night out. You don’t have a complex plan. Just find someone to bring home for the night. Although with your neighbours’ track record, it’s probably best to go to a motel. Slipping on your shoes, you take one final look in the mirror. Your reflection smiles back at you. You feel hot—sexy even! You grab your bag and head out, wrinkling your nose at the scent of cigarette smoke. Since you plan on drinking, you call a taxi to drive you to the bar. When you enter the vehicle, you miss a pair of eyes watching you from next door. 
If you were more outgoing, you would have chosen a club. But it’s been a while, and you think you’re past your clubbing days. When you arrive at your destination, you pay the driver and head inside. Taking a seat at the counter, you order your favourite drink. Might as well drink something you like and get drunk. The bartender nods and accepts your money. Your order is in front of you in a few minutes, and you take a sip. 
“What’s a lovely thing like you doing here all alone?” a voice says from your right. You nearly choke on your current sip. Turning your head, you meet blue eyes and neatly-styled brown hair. His features are chiselled and angular like those marble statues. You wonder if he’s a foreigner or if his family is. Honestly, he’s very handsome by society’s standards. 
“Um…drinking?” you phrase it more like a question than an answer because, apparently, your brain ceases to function around attractive people. The man chuckles, and the warm timber sends your stomach into a frenzy. Your cheeks flame from embarrassment, and you take another sip to calm your nerves. 
“Lovely and charming. Let me buy you a drink,” he offers. This man is clearly flirting with you. All the confidence you had before leaving your apartment vanishes in an instant. How the heck are you supposed to respond?? And then you realize you’re not ready for this. You’re not prepared to have a one-night stand. Yuushi has already burrowed deep into your heart and claimed a piece of it. 
“That’s very kind, but no, thank you,” you reply. Going out tonight was a mistake; you know that now. Scratch that. Thinking you could get some random stranger to make you forget your hot-ass neighbour was a mistake. You’ll still have to see Yuushi and hear his moans at ungodly hours every single day. As long as you live there, you’ll continue to pine like the naive idiot you are. You chug down the rest of your drink and call the bartender for your bill. 
The man beside you is unphased by your rejection. “No? Then how about we get out of here, go somewhere less crowded.” His hands creep around your waist, and you recoil with a shudder. 
“I shouldn’t. I’m waiting for my boyfriend,” you lie, pretending to check your phone for messages. 
“Are you sure? I saw you get out of a cab by yourself,” he says, and your blood runs cold. What the actual fuck??
“You were watching me.” It’s not a question but an accusation. You keep your tone level, refusing to let panic crack your facade. Despite your glare, he nonchalantly shrugs his shoulders and grins. 
He leans closer and says, “More like you happened to catch my eye. So what do you say? I’ll make it worth your while.” This man is too damn persistent. It’s actually starting to piss you off. 
“As I said, I’m waiting for my boyfriend. I’m not interested in leaving with you,” you insist. Your glass is empty, and the alcohol hasn’t kicked in yet. You’re way too sober to be dealing with this bullshit right now. You signal to the bartender for another drink, and she nods, her eyes lingering on the man beside you. 
He scoffs and pulls out his wallet. “Look, I’ll pay you if that makes it easier.” He takes out a cheque and a pen. “How much?” he asks like he’s buying a shirt. Did he really just ask you to name a price on your body?
You blink, too stunned to speak, until outrage burns in your veins. “Excuse me?!”
He looks you up and down. “I know what you’re trying to do. You say no, but you’re all dolled up. You’re playing hard to get, and while it was interesting, it’s getting annoying now.” He begins writing on the cheque, pausing to appraise you before continuing. 
You clench your glass, ready to smite this fool down. “Wha—“
“Sorry I’m late, baby,” a deep voice says from behind. You get a faint whiff of cigarette smoke and cologne. You know that voice. Because it’s the same one you’ve gotten off to every night since you moved. You tilt your head up and see Yuushi smiling down at you. How does he still manage to look attractive from this unflattering angle?
“Fuck off, pal. I saw this one first,” the man spits, scrunching his nose at Yuushi’s appearance. 
Yuushi hangs an arm around your shoulder. “Why don’t you fuck off. This one is already mine,” he fires back. You know it shouldn’t, but his words make you squirm in your seat. Yuushi glances at you with an amused expression. 
“And who are you?” the man asks, and you swear his face grows redder with each passing second. His once handsome features are marred with a snarl. He reminds you of those birds or frogs that puff themselves up to look intimidating. 
Yuushi pulls you into his chest—which is very broad and muscular, by the way. You're almost too distracted to pay attention to their conversation. “The boyfriend. Now piss off and find somethin’ else to stick your dick in,” he replies. 
The man rises from his seat, but the look Yuushi shoots him sends him skulking away. You hear him mutter angrily to himself. Not even a minute later, he’s already chatting someone else up. You have to admire his tenacity. 
The bartender comes up. “I’m glad your boyfriend stepped in,” she says. “I was going to have him kicked out, but your boyfriend came just in time.” You flush at the misunderstanding. Before you can correct her on your relationship with Yuushi, she slides another drink in front of you.  “Here, this one’s on me.” You thank her and take a sip. Your throat burns more than your cheeks. Whatever she gave you, it’s stronger than your last drink. You grimace and down the entire glass, licking your lips. 
A thin blanket of fog rolls across your mind. Through your tipsy haze, you remember you’re not alone. There’s an arm wrapped around your waist, and you look to your left. “Yuushi? What are you doing here?” you ask. 
He chuckles and squeezes your hip. “I, uh, wanted to return the containers and thank you for the curry,” he says. A week has passed since then. Why is he thanking you now of all times? 
You furrow your brows. “So you followed me to the bar?” A quick observation reveals him to be empty-handed. “Were you… worried about me?” you ask. You don’t receive an answer. Instead, Yuushi helps you out of the stool and guides you to the exit. He places some money on the counter for your bill. 
He opens the door, and the cool evening breeze whips against your face. “Let’s go home,” he says. Pulling your shivering form to his side, he adds, “a walk might help ya sober up.” It’s only a 15-minute walk, and you’re too intoxicated to disagree. The warmth radiating from his body is cozy, which leaves you clinging to his arm. 
You keep your gaze on the sidewalk and ask, “You don’t want to question why I went out tonight?” You play with the cuffs of his jacket. The material feels new underneath your fingers. 
Yuushi shrugs, his steps unfaltering. “None of my business.”
You bite your lips. “...Did your girlfriend like the curry?” you mumble into his arm, hiding your flushed complexion. 
Yuushi perks up and starts gesturing animatedly with his free hand. “Your curry was delicious! And your note was cute. I—“
You cut him off. “Not you. Your girlfriend.” Inhibitions freed, you’re on a mission to figure out what’s going on with this man. A part of you is clinging to the hope that you still have a chance. 
“I don’t have one,” he answers in a matter-of-fact tone. Ok, so he’s not dating anyone—the moans sound too high-pitched to be another man. The cynical voice in your brain points out that it doesn’t rule out marriage. 
“Then who are you pounding every waking minute you spend at home?” you prod, noticing how Yuushi shortens his strides. He doesn’t look at you as he searches for an answer. 
“It’s… complicated,” he finally says. 
You scoff, “I’ve heard that one before.” You know it’s none of your business who he sees and what he does with them, but you feel hurt anyway when he doesn’t give you a straight answer. Maybe you’re hoping for a firm rejection so you can move on with your life. 
Yuushi shakes his head. “No, it really is. Look, why do you care so much?” he asks, eyes widening when he jumps to conclusions. “Shit, are we too loud? I know a couple of the others have complained, but you’re right next door.” He babbles some apologies, panic evident on his face. 
You chuckle and look him straight in the eyes. “I like it; it turns me on,” you confess. 
Yuushi’s smile wavers. He looks unsure how to respond. “How much did you drink?” he asks, scanning your face. 
You hum and count with your fingers. “Juuuuust… two?” You hold your hand up to his face and grin. 
Yuushi chuckles, and you like how the vibrations rumble against your body. “What a lightweight,” he teases. 
With your filter gone, everything that comes through your brain comes out of your mouth. You hum and lean into his side. “I touch myself every night listening to you two.”
Yuushi laughs. “I don’t think you know what you’re talking about,” he rasps. The gravel in his voice and his heated gaze send a gush of slickness between your thighs. 
You pout and whine, “Why do you have to be so hot? I thought I could find someone else, but there’s no one else I’d rather fuck.” You don’t quite love him yet, but you want him carnally with an intense desire you’ve never felt before. 
Your words cause Yuushi to halt. You’re unaware of this and continue walking, losing balance when you’re jerked backwards. Yuushi steps forward to catch you, and you land against his broad chest with a thud, his arms securing themselves around your waist. “....I didn’t know you felt that way,” he whispers into your ear. 
You shudder at the closeness and say, “Oh, you make me feel all kinds of ways. But you have a girlfriend, so it makes me feel bad that I want you.” It takes all your willpower not to turn your head around. You know you’ll lose all reason and kiss him senseless if you do.
“What if,” he pauses, “I told you that I also want you?”
“I’d tell you that you’re either a terrible liar or a cheating asshole,” you reply. And from the bulge prodding you from behind, you’re leaning towards the latter. 
Yuushi groans when you try to wiggle out of his grip. “She’s not my girlfriend. We’re more like roommates with benefits—”
You gasp, “And they were roommates!” You giggle to yourself. 
Yuushi chortles. “...I think I’m too old to understand that reference.” He bends down and scoops you up.  “C’mon, we’re almost home. I’ll help you to the door.” You’re thankful you don’t have to walk the rest of the way, but you won’t voice the reason out loud. Each step was delicious torture, but the light friction was beginning to frustrate you. It’s not enough to scratch that itch or quench the fire consuming you. 
The sidewalk is still blanketed in darkness, the apartments a faint glow on the horizon. Lamps mark the street like checkpoints, and you occupy yourself by running your hands across Yuushi’s broad chest. A pleased hum purrs from your throat as you feel the solid muscle beneath your fingertips. 
“You’re killing me, baby,” Yuushi groans, breathless and needy. It sends a jolt of desire straight to your core. You nip his chin and giggle at the shivers that wrack his body. The hand on your thigh tightens, and his dark eyes narrow at you. “Don’t tease,” he commands. His authoritative tone sends another wave of arousal, but your hands drop, and you become still. 
The speck of light becomes a beacon, and the warm yellow glow welcomes you home. Yuushi walks up to your door and sets you down. You rummage around your bag for your keys, giggling at how surreal the entire night feels. The memory of fondling Yuushi is something alcohol will not be able to wipe away. You unlock your door despite struggling to slot the key into the keyhole.
You turn around to face Yuushi. “Thank youuu,” you slur, planting a sloppy kiss on his cheek. He looks at you, jaw slack and eyes wide. You glance down at the tent in his pants and smirk. Stepping closer, you lean into his ear and whisper, “I hope you think about me when you fuck her.” You chuckle at the noise that chokes up in his throat.
He swallows, and you watch his adam’s apple bob with hooded eyes. “We’ll talk in the morning,” Yuushi says. He brings up a hand and skims your cheek with the back of his fingers. The feather-light touch leaves you wanting more. You want to know how it feels to have his hands explore the rest of you. You’re sober enough to know you’re too drunk for this, so you step back.
“Yes, sir,” you agree with a salute. Yuushi smiles at your antics, and the fond look in his eyes churns your stomach.
“Get some sleep.” His eyes dart to your lips, but he averts his gaze and clears his throat. “Sweet dreams, neighbour,” he says, shuffling his feet. 
“Goodnight, Yuushi.” You walk into your apartment, poking your head out. You smile and wave before closing the door. His footsteps don’t start until you turn the lock, and the gesture fills you with warmth. Worn out from tonight’s events, you do the bare minimum to prepare for bed. Slipping out of your clothes, you don’t bother changing into pyjamas. So you sleep in undergarments, passing out the second your head touches your pillow. 
In the morning, you wake up in a puddle of your arousal. You had a dream which was very vivid and involved a threesome with Yuushi and his mysterious roommate. Groaning, you peel yourself off the bed and remove the sheets to wash them. A knock from the door startles you. Stretching your limbs, you make your way to the door. The stickiness between your thighs is a constant reminder for a shower and an orgasm later.
Opening the door reveals Yuushi. “Good morning!” you greet, ignoring the dull throbbing in your head. It’s like someone stretched an invisible rubber band around your head that squeezes you tight. 
“G’morn…” Yuushi stops mid-sentence. He holds a small plastic bag in one hand and a bottle in the other. You tilt your head to the side and stare at him. His gaze strays from your face and flicks back to your eyes. “Black is, um, a good colour on you,” he says. You look down and see that you’re only wearing a matching set of lacy, black undergarments. 
Hooking your thumb in your underwear band, you grin at him. “Thanks, I look better without them on,” you say, and Yuushi flushes red. From what you recall from last night, there’s no point in pretending you’re not attracted to him. So you might as well see how many boners you can give him until he decides to bend you over and rail you.
“I, uh, got these for ya,” he says, holding the items in his hands out to you. “I figured you’d wake up feelin’ like shit.” The contents of the plastic bag rattle as you take it from him. The drink is one they sell at convenience stores for hangovers.
You peek inside the bag and recognize the label of the pills. “Thank you,” you say, unscrewing the cap on the bottle and downing the drink in one chug. The bitter, herbal taste on your tongue twists your lips into a grimace. 
Yuushi chuckles. “Open your mouth,” he commands. Confused, you comply and part your lips. He pushes something into your mouth, and it dissolves in sugary goodness. You moan as the foul taste from the drink is washed away with candy. “Huh, I wonder what other sounds you would make if I stuck somethin’ else in there.” His comment catches you off guard. 
But you don’t miss a beat when you reply with, “Why don’t you try and find out?” His jaw tightens, and his eyes darken.
“I need you to get dressed first. There’s someone I want you to meet,” he says. You don’t have to guess who. Maybe your threesome fantasy will come true? But it’s not like your life is some raunchy romance novel. He’ll probably introduce you to his roommate and then reject your feelings.
“Do you want to come inside and wait while I change?” you offer. 
Yuushi bites his lip and shakes his head. “Baby, if I come inside, we won’t leave for a while.” There he goes again with the pet name. It genuinely fills you with warmth and a sense of comfort. Honestly, Yuushi could call you anything, and it would give you heart palpitations. 
You nod and head inside. You take a quick shower to rinse the stickiness and the stench of alcohol from your skin. You grab a random outfit from your wardrobe, making a bold decision to not wear any undergarments. Once you’re all ready, you head outside to meet Yuushi. He greets you again with a smile. The morning light sharpens the ache in your head, and Yuushi shields you from the sun.
“I’ve wanted to introduce ya to each other, but I wasn’t sure how you’d react.” He opens his door and looks at you over his shoulder. “Just don’t freak out.” His ominous comment does nothing to calm your nerves. The floorboards creak, and several doors slam open. A blur of dark blue and white collides with Yuushi. “Hey, K. I brought someone over.”
You stare in astonishment. A woman in a white dress peeks at you from behind Yuushi. Her smile is gentle, but it looks like she might scamper away if you make any sudden movements.
“Hi?” You wave and remain rooted to the spot.
“This is K,” Yuushi introduces the woman. Her gaze fixates on you, and she refuses to leave her hiding spot. “K, this is our neighbour.” He side-steps, and you get a good look at her. Dark locks form a waterfall that cascades down to her butt. Long lashes frame her blue eyes that are veiled by her messy hairstyle. She is very well endowed, and the first thought that comes to mind is the terrible back pain she must endure. She’s gorgeous. You can see why Yuushi likes her. The shy smile on her face stretches wide, and she waves back. “Ah, K doesn’t talk much, by the way. So don’t worry if she doesn’t say anything,” he adds.
“Is this all you wanted to talk to me about?” you ask. K looks at you with wide eyes. It’s adorable watching her gaze dart across your figure, trying to take in every detail. She reminds you of a wild animal trying to determine your intentions. You can’t decide whether you want to dominate or be dominated by her. Yuushi whispers something to K, and she nods and makes noises of approval.
“I was gonna ask if you’d like to join us?” Yuushi offers, and you’re floundered by his invitation. “I obviously want ya, but I needed to make sure K was alright with it,” he explains.
You stand there in silence, processing his words. “Like, a threesome?” Stupid. What else would he invite you to? Lunch? The smile on Yuushi’s face is lascivious, and you hear a quiet giggle from K.
Yuushi shoves his hands into his pockets, which draws your attention to the tent pitching in his pants. He rocks on the balls of his feet. “I know it might not be exactly what ya wanted, but—”
You cut him off. “I’m in.” This is exactly what you wanted. Maybe your life is a raunchy romance novel, after all. 
Yuushi grins. “Eager, aren’t ya?” And the chuckle he bellows sends a tingle down your spine. K grabs your hand and leads you to the bedroom. You’re not used to focusing so much on a person’s expressions and body language before. Her grip on you is shaky, but the smile on her face is bright. 
The door clicks behind you, and Yuushi is leaning against it with his arms crossed. “Strip,” he commands. His tone is firm, but the lines on his face are still soft. You rub your thighs together but make no other movement, too enthralled by his voice.  He smirks and nods at K. “Give our neighbour a hand, would ya?”
“Mm!” K hums, and her delicate fingers skim down your torso. She grabs the hem of your shirt and pulls it up over your head. The cool air hits your nipples, and they stiffen in response. “Ah….” K stares at your chest and brings a hand up to your breasts, but she withdraws and looks at you. 
“It’s ok, you can touch me,” you say. “Please touch me,” you beg. K nods, and her brows furrow in concentration. You bite your lip to hold back a laugh. She cups your breasts and circles your nipples with her thumbs. You hiss and melt into her touch. 
“Ah!��� K recoils like she’s been burned. Her eyes widen, and she bows her head. 
“No, no, no,” you say, taking her hand and placing it back on your chest. “I liked it,” you reassure her. “Can you do it again, please?” She nods and pinches your nipples with a newfound sense of confidence. Her fingers pull and tug, every move calculated and adjusted after observing your reaction. “Yes, just like that.” You throw your head back and sigh when she squeezes your breast.
K leans forwards and wraps her mouth around your nipples. Her tongue flicks the stiff peaks, and you press yourself closer to her head. The jangle of a zipper catches your attention, and you turn your head to see Yuushi removing his pants. His boxers are next, and his cock springs free. The tip is swollen and leaking with pre-cum. He wraps his hands around his shaft and gives a few, short pumps. You tear your gaze away from his when you feel the cool breeze against your nipples once more. K looks at you, her pupils blown.
You can’t resist the urge to kiss her forehead. “Thank you, K.” And fuck. The smile she gives you afterwards shines brighter than the sun, and it doesn’t worsen your headache. Maybe you can convince her to live with you instead. She kisses your collarbone, trailing between the valley of your breasts and down your stomach. Her plush lips are warm and wet. With each kiss, she ignites a fire beneath your skin. Your breath hitches when she tugs your pants down, unveiling your naked skin.
“Oh, sweetheart,” Yuushi groans at your lack of underwear. “Looks like we got a naughty neighbour here.” You squirm in place, the slickness between your thighs adding to the delicious friction. You lick your lips, and saliva begins to pool in your mouth when you see his cock coated in precum. “Use your tongue, K,” he orders.
“Mm!” K pushes you down onto the futon. She squeezes your thighs and parts your legs. She hovers in front of your crotch, and her warm breath tickles your sensitive skin. You shiver in anticipation, muscles tensing when she laps at your clit. She does the same thing she did with your nipples and circles your clit with a finger. When she brushes over the bundle of nerves, you moan and buck your hips, clenching around emptiness. K runs a finger between your folds and pops it into her mouth. She hums at the taste and begins eating you out, wanting more. 
“Fuck!” you cry out when her tongue enters you. Your mind is too foggy to notice how she’s reaching deeper than humanely possible. Electricity thrums in your veins, and your walls are trembling around her tongue. You make eye contact, and your stomach flutters at the pleased smile on her face. “You’re doing a good job, K,” you praise her. She brings a hand up to pet your clit, and your hips jolt. “So good,” you mumble. She starts pistoning her tongue in and out of you. Your hips chase after her movements, and you’re riding her face.
You teeter on the edge of an orgasm. Your thighs tremble, wet with your juices. K drinks from you with a ravenous thirst. Her loud slurps echo throughout the room, and you like how dirty it sounds. Something wet and firm taps your lips.
“Open,” Yuushi commands, and you comply. A salty tang coats your tongue, and his musky scent fills your nostrils. “Time to see what kinda noises you’ll make.” He grunts and slowly slides himself into your mouth. “You good, sweetheart?” he asks, and you hum in reply. You take in the rest of his cock and tease him with your tongue. “Fuck, baby. You look so hot with your mouth full.” His words spur you on, and you begin sucking. With your movements hindered, you take his hands and place them on your head. His eyes darken, and he pulls out. “I need to hear you say it, baby,” he says, waiting for your permission.
“Please fuck my mouth,” you plead. Your mind is hazy. K keeps bringing you to the brink of orgasm and pulling you back before you tip over. You need to have this man use you. You want his taste to overwhelm your senses and feel his seed spill down your throat. 
Yuushi looks at you with lust-blown eyes. “You gotta grab my wrist if you want me to stop,” he says. “You understand?” You nod. “I need words, baby.” For a man whose partner doesn’t speak, he’s very insistent on hearing your vocal consent.
“Yes, sir,” you say, batting your lashes at him. He growls and grabs a fistful of your hair. Your scalp tingles with a slight burn that shoots a jolt of pleasure to your core. He rams his entire length into your waiting mouth. You resume sucking and running your tongue over his cock. K finds your g-spot, and she presses against the spongy area. The knot in your stomach threatens to snap as the pleasure builds.
“Fuck, you look so pretty with your mouth around my cock,” Yuushi praises, hips thrusting at a steady pace. “Do ya like it? Having your mouth and pussy stuffed at the same time?” You moan in response, and he chuckles. “I think you’re too drunk on sex to think right now.” He turns his head to K. “How’s it going down there, K?”
“Mm!” K groans and laps up the stream of juices trickling out of you. She’s eager to please, but her teasing is torture. Your body tenses as she brings you to a high, only to stop and let you plummet back to the ground. She laughs when you whine and grind against her face,
Yuushi smiles and looks back at you. “I think it’s about time we let ya cum. Whaddya say?” Yuushi asks. Pleading with your eyes, you beg him, desperate to have an orgasm. “Look at that face. I can’t say no to that,” he says. The grip on your hair tightens, and he speeds up his pace. “You know what to do, K.”
You widen your eyes, back arching when K assaults your g-spot and clit in tandem. Her ministrations are precise, and each stroke brings you closer and closer to your climax. Sensitive from her edging, waves of pleasure crash into you, sending you reeling into an orgasm. Your scream is muffled, and the vibrations cause Yuushi to stutter his hips. Warm ropes of cum shoot down your throat, and you swallow it all. You suck on his cock, milking the last few drops.
Yuushi slides out of your mouth and crouches down, smashing your lips together in a heated kiss. You’re positive he can taste himself, but he doesn’t hesitate to explore with his tongue. You shiver when K pulls her tongue out, clenching around nothingness, She flicks your clit, and you jerk from the overstimulation. Her giggle rings in your ears, and she plants a kiss on your inner thigh.
Yuushi moves away, and you whine at the loss of contact. He smirks and swipes a thumb across your swollen lips. “Ready for more?” he asks. “I’m gonna pound that tight cunt of yours ‘til it moulds into the shape of my cock.”
“Yes, please,” you beg. And for good measure, you add, “Sir.” He pushes you onto your back, spreading your legs. Two thick fingers enter and stretch you out. You moan and try to move your hips, but his other hand pins you in place. You squirm, but he chuckles and adds more of his weight,
“I’m only using my fingers, and you’re already squeezing so hard. How cute. You want me that badly?” he teases, fingers skirting around that sensitive spot. Close but never touching, and it drives you wild with need. 
“I need to feel you inside me,” you plead, struggling to escape his iron grip. The callouses on his fingers scratch against your bare skin and send sparks of electricity in their wake. He’s giving you too much and not enough at the same time. The burn as he stretches you adds to the pleasure, but he continues to avoid your g-spot.
Yuushi smirks, “I am inside, sweetheart.” He shoves his fingers deeper and crooks them to prove a point. You clench your teeth and try to stop your walls from spasming. You want to feel him pulsing inside of you before you climax again.
“No,” you buck your hips, “I need your cock inside. Please, I need you to stuff me full.” Your walls clench around his fingers, aching for more. He pulls them out with a hum and licks them clean, groaning as he savours your taste. 
Licking his lips, he lines his cock up with your entrance before grinding to a halt. “Fuck,” he curses, looking at you with wide eyes. “I don’t have any condoms.” He starts mumbling to himself about a quick run to the nearest store.
You tilt your head. “You don’t use any with K?” you ask. Although, given how often they have sex, condoms would be expensive.
“Well, no,” he answers, rubbing the back of his neck. 
“We can buy some for next time—“ if there even is a next time “—but it should be fine since I’m on birth control.” Maybe K is in a similar situation, which would explain the lack of condoms. However, you would prefer to have them; two forms of contraceptives are better than one.
Yuushi bites his lip. “Honestly, sweetheart. I think you would look amazing with a cream pie. I wanna see that sweet cunt dripping with my cum,” he confesses. You would be lying if you said the idea didn’t turn you on.
You raise a brow and spread your folds, revealing your wet entrance. “Then what are you waiting for?”
Yuushi rubs the head of his cock up and down your slit, brushing it against your clit. Your walls flutter in anticipation, and you hold your breath when he starts easing in. Since Yuushi prepared you, there’s little resistance. The burn from the stretch is mild and pleasurable. 
Yuushi closes his eyes as he sinks deeper inside, groaning when he bottoms out. He starts slow, rubbing lazy circles around your clit. “You take me so well, baby,” he praises. You preen at the compliment and move your hips to match his thrusts.
K pads over to your head, flushed and fidgety. She lifts her dress to reveal the cutest cunt you’ve ever seen, framed by a patch of dark blue. Her plump thighs are shiny with her juices, and your mouth waters. You don’t need to guess what she’s trying to ask. “You can ride my face, K,” you tell her. She smiles and climbs over, hovering above you. Sinking slowly, she hesitates and stops inches from your face. You breathe in her musky scent, mesmerized by her swollen clit and puffy lips. Impatient, you wrap your hands around her thighs and pull her down. She shrieks, which turns into a string of moans when you begin devouring her.
“Ah!” she cries out as you suck on her clit. Lapping up her juices, you drown in her sweet nectar. You’re drunk on her taste, and her heady scent makes your head spin. The bottom half of your face is messy, but you continue your ministrations. K is very responsive. She’s already quivering and on the brink of orgasm.
“Heh, you should see the lewd face she’s makin’,” Yuushi says. He pushes his thumb into K’s mouth, and she licks your juices off of it. “Good?” 
She nods, “Mm!” and coats his finger with her saliva. 
“Hear that, baby? She thinks you taste amazing. Be prepared to give me a sample later,” he says, pulling his thumb away to resume stroking your clit. Your mouth is busy, but the way you clench around him is all the response he needs. “You two are so fuckin’ hot,” he groans, picking up the pace. He lifts your right leg and rests it on his shoulder. The new position allows him to thrust at a deeper angle, and he brushes against your sweet spot.
You moan, sending a stream of vibrations into K’s throbbing cunt. The added stimulation sends her over the edge, and you can feel her clit pulsating against your tongue. She wails and rides out her orgasm, grinding her slick heat into your face. 
“Ah!” K cries out and tries to pull away when you don’t stop, but you’re determined to get payback for the edging. Your nails mark her thighs with crescent moons, and Yuushi’s low chuckle spurs you on. A flick of your tongue opens the floodgates, and you’re directly in the splash zone. K becomes rigid, muscles tensing as another orgasm tears through her body. Gushes of liquid rain down on you, and you’re drenched with her release. You let go, and K slumps to the floor beside you, chest heaving and dress clinging to her sweaty form. Her hair is all over the place, and the smile on her face is relaxed. All the tension in her body is gone. She looks like she’s about to melt into a puddle on the floor. 
“Holy shit. I haven’t seen her cum that hard in a while. You’re something special, aren’t ya?” Yuushi says. “Now that K’s all tuckered out, I want to see what face you’ll make when I make you cum again,” he slaps the pubic mound just above your clit, “and again.” Slap. “And again.” You jolt with each strike. He only uses enough force to leave a light sting, and you ache for more. You shudder, but he doesn’t miss how you bite your lip. His large hands wrap around your waist, and he picks you up like you weigh nothing.
Your arms flail and wrap around his neck for stability. The wolfish grin on his face sends a spike of arousal to your core. What is he planning? Your question is soon answered when he raises and drops you onto his cock. You gasp at the sudden movement, eyes nearly rolling into the back of your skull at how he drags along your walls. He doesn’t move, observing your reaction.
“You ok, sweetheart?” he asks, and this would be very wholesome if you weren’t impaled on his cock right now. “I don’t wanna be too rough with ya. Let me know if it’s too much,” he says.
“Do it again,” you say. 
He smirks and squeezes your waist. “You gotta beg for it.” He tuts when your pout at him. “C’mon, I know you can. If you want it, you gotta beg.” You can feel his cock pulsing inside you; the heat makes it difficult to ignore. His thumbs rub little circles into your hips, and your body is already aching for more friction.
You groan and toss your shame out the window. “Fuck, Yuushi. Please fuck me. Fuck me until the only thing I can think about is your cock,” you plead. The smirk on his face both makes your blood boil and sing at the same time.
“Since you asked so nicely.” He lifts you again, but this time at an agonizing pace. His cock leaves you inch by inch for what feels like forever. And when you reach the tip, he slams back into you. Your nails bite into his shoulder as he repeats this over and over again until your mind is blank. “Look at you, baby. Absolutely drunk on my cock. You like it when I use you like this?” He aims for your g-spot on the next thrust and hits a bullseye. “I’m talkin’ to you, sweetheart.”
You whimper, “Yes, I love it.” As a reward, he raises and spears you with his cock once more. Your clit is throbbing, and you don’t think you’ve ever wanted to cum so badly before in your life. Yuushi spaces out his thrusts so that you’re more sensitive with each one, but it’s never enough to reach a climax. Every time your pleasure peaks, he waits until it almost fizzles out before setting you ablaze. It’s absolute torture, and you love it.
“Look at you, being so good for me,” he coos. You clench, thrilled by the way his muscles tighten. He grunts, “your insides are sucking me in, and they don’t wanna let me go.” Leaving one arm to support you, he brings his other hand to tease your clit. “Do ya wanna cum, sweetheart? Wanna cum all over my cock?”
You beg, “Yes. Please.” You’re desperate to finally climax. If you thought K’s edging was bad, Yuushi’s is ten times worse.
Yuushi hums, a sly grin on his face. “Why should I?”
You pause and stare at him with wide eyes, “You said I’ve been good. Please, Sir. I need to cum,” you sob.
“Alright then. Cum,” he commands. Both of his hands return to your waist, and he begins ramming into you relentlessly. Your body buzzes with pleasure, and your hips eagerly match his thrusts. “Look at me; I wanna see your face while you cum.” You obey, focusing your gaze on him. “Good. Touch yourself. I’ve got ya.” You bring a hand down to rub your swollen clit, and your blood thunders in your ears. That feeling in the pit of your stomach is building, and your fingers move faster without thinking. “There ya go. Just like that. Milk my cock with your tight cunt.” 
He grunts and continues railing you. His cock twitches. You want to feel his hot seed paint your walls white. On purpose, you clench as hard as you can. Yuushi curses and his thrusts become short and sloppy as he chases his own high. He comes undone, a mixture between a groan and a growl leaving his throat. Ropes of thick cum shoot inside you, sending you over the edge. You roll your hips as your vision blurs, and white-hot pleasure courses through your body in waves. Your clenches coincide with the pulsating of your clit. The rush of endorphins leaves you feeling floaty.
Still buried to the hilt, Yuushi turns you around so your back presses against his chest. He sucks on the pulse point on your neck and plays with your clit. “Yuushi,” you groan, still very sensitive from your recent orgasm.
He nips your earlobe, and his hot breath tickles your ear. “C’mon, baby. I know you got another one in ya,” he whispers, voice husky and low. 
You shiver and shake your head. “I can’t,” you whine. Your clit is still swollen, and even the slightest touch is unbearable.
He presses a tender kiss to your shoulder. “You can and you will.” His tone is both demanding and soft. His hand travels to your clit and circles around it. “C’mon, sweetheart. Cum one more time for me.” He avoids directly touching your clit and instead stimulates the surrounding area. He traces down your lips to where the two of you are joined. “This pretty cunt was made for me.” Slapping your pubic mound, he chuckles darkly when your head lolls back into the crook of his neck. 
His deft fingers make short work of you, bringing you to that precipice once more before tossing you off the cliff. This one is less intense, but it lasts longer. Yuushi continues with light touches, helping you ride out your orgasm. The spikes of pleasure ease into a pleasant buzz. Yuushi whispers praise the entire time, placing small kisses along your shoulders, the scruff of his beard scratching your skin.
He unsheathes his cock and lays you beside K, flopping down on your other side. Your body trembles from the aftershocks of your orgasm, and you can still feel a tingling sensation between your thighs. The entire room smells like sex, and there’s a faint smell of cigarettes that always lingers when someone smokes inside. 
You stare at the ceiling in a daze. “That was….” You’re at a loss for words. Because how can you describe what you just went through? K holds your hand, her lips in a gentle curve upwards. Her eyes contain an understanding look, and the amount of affection in them makes your heart skip a beat. She glances at Yuushi, and the two share a silent conversation you can’t interpret. 
“I like you, and so does K. Wanna make this a thing?” Yuushi asks, blunt and to the point. You suppose this is the best outcome you could have hoped for. At least if they want you to join them during sex regularly, it’ll help satisfy your urges.
You look away from him and instead focus on K, playing with her hair. “Would it be casual?” you ask.
Yuushi chuckles and traces your collarbone with his fingertips. “Not gonna lie, sweetheart. I like you a lot,” he confesses and adds, “K seems to have gotten attached to ya, too.”
You frown and turn your head to face him. “What are you trying to say?” You don’t want to get your hopes up.
Yuushi smiles and caresses your cheek. “I’m sayin’ that I want you to join our relationship.” 
Your eyes bug out of your head, and you almost believe you heard him wrong. “Is that something both of you want?” you ask. You need to make sure, especially since K doesn’t talk. Because of this, you look at her first. K nods and scoots closer to your side, snuggling into you. She reminds you of a cat curling up beside you. Glancing over at Yuushi, he’s watching the two of you fondly, the corners of his eyes crinkling.
“Wouldn’t want anything else,” he says. “Although, there is one other thing.” Yuushi crawls down in front of your thighs, parting them with ease. He licks his lips and eyes your dripping cunt. “K got to taste you earlier; now it’s my turn.” He teases you with a short jet of cool air, and a shadow shields you from the bedroom light.
You glance up to see K’s breasts swaying above your head, nipples perked and begging to be touched. Her face is flushed, but she pushes her body closer to you. She makes this cute little squeak, and you open your mouth, latching onto her nipples. The salty taste of her sweat fills your tongue, and there’s a slight tang you can’t quite place. You moan, and she whimpers from the vibrations. 
Yuushi’s deep chuckle rumbles against your inner thigh, and he licks a stripe up your slit, tasting the concoction of your juices mixed with his. 
You shudder. Fuck. You’ll be lucky if you can even get out of bed in the morning. 
─── ⋆ 。゚☆: *. ☽ .* :☆゚。⋆ ───
End Note:
ASfdjga;kgjf. Not me learning a few days after posting this that his first name is Yuushi and not Totsumoto. My bad. I went back and changed it so apologies if that fucked any of the other text up. Did you know his name appears around 90 times in this fic? Yeah, wasn't fun to change.
At first, I was going to have K be more dominant, but she's such a sweetie in my mind. Please let me know your thoughts. I rarely write smut so it always feels like I'm doing something 'wrong.'
I am interested in a scenario where the reader and K top Yuushi. Maybe that's what the next fic I'll write for this fandom be.
I'll see you guys at my next hyperfixation! (。・∀・)ノ
Reblogs are appreciated!
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