#i love this story a lot and would love to get back to it. i have the next three chapters fully planned. i just need to write...
phantomrose96 · 17 hours
Sham Sacrifice
(Hi it's time for my favorite headcanon)
Vlad Masters sat firm and proper on the Fenton Family couch, legs crossed, teacup pinched in his fingertips, fighting subtly against the sinkhole that came with the mistake of taking Jack’s usual spot on the couch. He appeared with all the same charm and delightfulness of an ant swarm rearranging your picnic.
Danny stood at the doorway, just-still-in-the-kitchen, just not inviting himself to join the adults in the living room where Jack boomed and rambled and Vlad sat so stiff and polite and nice that his tea in his hands was going cold.
“Oh, Danny you’ll love this story—Danny, you should join us—Danny this was, what, summer of ’84? When was that heatwave, Vladdy? The one where you—”
“There’s no need to bore Daniel with the mad ravings of two old kooks, Jack. Kids would rather be off at the mall or—some store, surely. No need to stick around Daniel on my behalf. I assure you I won’t be offended if you leave.”
“No worries, V-man. I’m good right here. I love hearing Dad’s stories." Danny met Vlad's challenge, speaking with more poisonous courtesy than Vlad had proffered first. "In fact I think he should tell a few more, if he’s got more in mind.”
“In fact I do have more in mind—” Jack answered.
Neither Danny nor Vlad were listening to Jack. They held eye-contact, Danny with a stern unblinkingness of a sheepdog on duty. A lot was said without words. A lot was understood when Vlad decided to visit through the front door. Vlad only used the front door when he wanted something.
And it was never good when Vlad wanted something.
“—the core reactor project, yeah? That summer? That was in the lab with no A/C. Top floor. We were sweating like pigs, all of us. And I dared you to eat the really moldy pizza from our fridge the night before and you ralphed right into—”
“—Surely you remember this more fondly than I do. Daniel, really, you can go.”
Not a chance.
“Actually,” Danny answered, brightening some as his opportunity struck. “I am interested in this. For science class I need to write a report on the invention of an important piece of technology. I was gonna ask Mom and Dad about the Ghost Portal. And now that you’re here, I can get the whole history.”
Jack made a giddy little noise. He leaned forward, words primed, but Vlad was quicker to the draw.
“Sorry to say, your faith in me is unfounded. I wasn’t the portal guy back in college—that was always your mother and father’s passion project. I was their skeptic.”
“Bet that’s got you feeling pretty foolish right now, doesn’t it V-man?” Jack chided, a quick jab to Vlad’s ribs that nearly unseated the teacup from his suspended saucer. “Considering the fully-functioning portal right beneath our toes.”
“I hardly feel foolish, Jack. Your calculation for the portal in college was never going to work.”
“What do you mean? Of course it did.” Jack thumped the ground with his foot. “It’s running the old girl right now.”
At this, Vlad’s eyes narrowed. For the first time he’d been shaken off whatever skeezy machinations had brought him in. His pride was being challenged, and by Jack no less.
“Absolutely not. With that calculation? Absolutely not.”
“Well forget the tea biscuits Vlad, because you’re going to be eating your words in a second. Mads, hold my spot,” Jack said, as if anyone was planning to take his spot. He bounced from the couch, scooted from the living room, and vanished into the dark maw of the lab stairs, leaving only the waning beat of his footsteps behind.
His absence filled only a swallowing few seconds. The footsteps returned, bounding upward, creaking with his heavy cadence, and Jack bounced back into the room in much the manner he left. A pad of yellow lined paper was clutched in his hand. When he dropped it on the coffee table, it revealed row after row of tight scribble, churning math, carrying down the page and occupying two entire pages more that Jack flipped through.
“Same baby I came up with in college. It just needed heavier dampening and higher voltage than what we made back then. The portal downstairs has that in spades. Well, in like two-thirds of a spade.” Jack tapped something on the last line. “The projection was still only hitting 70% of the threshold we calculated to reach dimension penetration. But it’s an art, not just a science. We fired it up anyway, and it took!”
Vlad grabbed the paper pad, agitated. His eyes ran over it. Then again. Until he settled on one line, a firmness overcoming his face. He tossed the pad back onto the coffee table, and Vlad leaned back into the couch, arms crossed.
“The lambda, Jack.”
“The lambda?”
“Check it again.”
Jack did, lips pursed, pad of paper nearly swallowed in his big meaty hand.
“What about--?”
“It squares. The units don’t balance otherwise. It originates from an integration step of λ*∂λ/∂t. It squares.”
Jack’s brow remained furrowed, firm, until delight cracked into his eyes, and he let out a laugh.
“Gods, my handwriting is gonna be the death of us. Mads,” he tapped something unseen on the second page. “That’s the genius of Vladdy. Cracked this puppy wide open with just a glance. I never noticed that in all my checking. That explains the missing 30%, at least. That explains how the portal took. Lucky for you Danny that Vlad was here—”
“Jack,” Maddie said.
“—your report can have the correct formula. It’ll be—”
“—A+ worthy—”
“—Jack,” Maddie said, curt. “Lambda is the ambient ecto-energy. It’s a few ten-thousandths of a unit.”
Maddie had surfaced a pen from her pocket. She sheared a few blank pages out from the back of the pad and started the formula fresh. She made quick work of copying it over, quicker work of solving it through – lambda-squared intact.
She hit the final line and hatched a pen mark beneath the number. Jack stared, confused.
“That can’t… no.”
He repeated the same. New pages torn loose. Formula copied over, processed, line by line by line—lambda squared—by line by line by line.
Jack settled on his answer. Same as Maddie’s.
Confusion made his face tense.
“So it’s not 70% of the way to the threshold… It’s 0.013% of the way to the threshold.”
He held the pen hard, his whole body holding firm and taut as the gears turned in his head. Jack’s eyes flickered across the formula, again and again and again. He looked to Maddie, like a dog issued a command he did not understand.
“But it worked,” he said, small. “But it worked.”
Jack stood, robotic almost, eyes lost in something far away. He disappeared into the lab almost as quickly as he had a few minutes before, but now he exited with a smoothness and a quietness so very uncharacteristic of him. It bothered Danny, somewhere deep in his gut.
Maddie followed, a possession matching Jack’s.
Danny’s fingers curled and uncurled. He’d succeeded. He’s successfully interrupted Vlad’s… whatever this was. But the disquiet infected him. He didn’t like it.
“So what does that mean?” Danny asked, perhaps to Vlad. “What’s wrong with the calculation?”
Vlad sipped on tea ice cold.
“Who knows?” Vlad lied.
The math didn’t work.
Maddie and Jack burned through paper, burned through pencils, burned through hours.
The math didn’t work.
Clothes stuck to skin. Sweat lingered fetid and stale in the cold basement air. Exhaustion beat like a slurry through their veins.
The math didn’t work.
The portal supervised all, placidly green, the light for their table, the light for their work when the lightbulb overhead burnt clean out and neither Jack nor Maddie could be pulled away to replace it. It stood, it watched, a testament of contradiction to everything they could not solve on paper, and yet everything they built directly into the fabric of reality.
And it should never have worked.
They threw every radical what-if they’d ever conceived over 20 years of ghost research.
The ecto-ether layer.
The latent activation stitches in space fabric.
The anti-ectomatter collision proposal.
The positive-feedback crystallization theory.
And still nothing worked.
All together, every crackpot theory in their favor taken for granted, racked them up to an activation energy 200x more potent than the calculation, and still just 2% of what would be needed to rip open, and hold open, a stable fissure between their reality and the ghost zone.
Maybe by pure luck, unfathomable luck, Fentonworks basement was directly situated atop a natural portal.
Maybe that would explain ripping it open. It did nothing to explain the stability. Natural portals were unstable by definition. There and gone in a few seconds. Not hours, days, weeks, months, a year, that the Fenton Portal had been open. Never so much as faltering.
It was late. 3am ticked away to 4am, and 4:30am. The discarded paper stacked higher than Jack and Maddie both. Calluses oozed from their hands at another attempt, and another, and another.
Maddie flipped through a folder’s worth of yellowed papers, aggressively thumbed over and over after two decades left untouched. And she settled on the one she’d passed over a few dozen times already, always seeking something else, something better.
This time she unsheathed it, and she placed it on the lab table.
“…If a mouse died. In the machine. If a mouse ran through the machine and accidentally bridged two live wires, and died of violent electrocution. 500 milliamps. Instantly melted into the circuitry.”
Maddie’s mouth was cotton-dry while she wrote. Ambient ecto-energy was low. Always very, very low.
Unless something very, very bad happened to something with the capacity to become a ghost.
The numbers wove. Maddie started the formula fresh, and it was pure muscle memory. A mouse. A big mouse, even. A 99th percentile beast of a mouse. And a wire that had been wired incorrectly. Something grounded that never actually grounded. An absolutely horrific amount of electricity.
0.37%, by pure numbers. If she included every permissive crackpot idea they had thrown on top, it topped out at 6% of the needed activation threshold.
Not a mouse.
“A cat,” Jack said, words gummy, tongue dry, face tired. “If we’ve got mice down here, maybe… a stray cat wandered in. Chased the mouse.”
Maddie nodded. It didn’t matter if it made sense.
She penned it in. A large cat. A devastating electrical short. Cats carried more ecto-potential than mice did. Ecto-potential did not necessarily go up with size. It went up with complexity. The things with the most ecto-potential were the things that most became ghosts.
1.45%, by pure numbers. 18% at absolute, absolute crackpot best.
“A dog,” Jack proposed with a shaky laugh. He swallowed. “A mouse… chased by a cat… chased by a dog… all electrocuted at once”
Maddie didn’t say the thing they both knew, which was that both of them would have noticed the evidence left behind by the electrically exploded pieces of a dog.
Maddie did it anyway. A mouse and a cat and a medium-sized dog, maybe just small enough to notice no evidence of, all together. All at once. All violently ripped apart, sacrificed to a machine still asleep in its wall.
Mice did not often make ghosts. Cats did not either. Dogs, occasionally. But infrequently. Very infrequently.
37%. At best.
“Maddie, I know just—maybe something really smart—”
“—like an octopus—”
“I hear, maybe, pigs are smart. If it was—”
Maddie was writing, already. Not for a pig. Not an octopus. Jack watched, and he knew what the numbers meant. The ecto-potential she penned gave her away. An ecto-potential that high.
65kg, an estimate
10,000 milliamps, a catastrophic accident, a death certificate.
A human’s amount of ecto-potential.
Maddie wrote.
And she wrote.
And she did not apply a single crackpot theory, not a single discredited proposal, not an ounce of exaggeration.
Threshold, and then some.
Comfortable, easily, then some.
For the first time, after all the hundreds of times she and Jack had penned this equation over the course of 2 decades, the number met her and Jack’s threshold.
A breakthrough.
A revelation.
A pure eureka moment.
Jack and Maddie were silent.
Alone in a humming basement. Alone with only the soft swirls of the portal for company, happy, stable, purring its contentment, singing to the cold air.
“It has to be something else,” Maddie said. And she said it weakly. And she said it childishly.
“You’re right. It can’t be this,” Jack echoed. “If someone died down here, we’d know. Dead bodies don’t walk away. We’d have seen it. O-or even if, if the body got stuck in the portal, we’d have heard of someone going missing.”
Maddie sat, quiet. A thought held her mind hostage.
“Unless they didn’t go missing,” Maddie said, and she said it barely audibly. “Unless the portal spit them right back out.”
“Then—that’s what I said—a dead body, on the floor, we’d have seen.”
“Not a dead body.”
“It had to be lethal, Mads—”
“I know Jack. But if they died, here, in the portal Jack, then their ghost did not get ripped away from the body and sent to the Ghost Zone. …They ripped the Ghost Zone here.” Palms slick with sweat smoothed over her notes. She pointed to one specific line and found her pen tip trembled no matter how badly she stabilized it. “The ecto-potential of a creature is how strong of a pull their ghost creates on the Ghost Zone. A strong enough pull means the ghost can reach the Ghost Zone and stabilize, like a fish reeling itself up, yeah? We agree on this Jack, yes?”
“Yes,” Jack answered.
“It’s what makes the math even work, Jack. Someone dying in the portal didn’t reel themselves to the boat. They reeled the boat in. Jack, they brought the Ghost Zone here…” Maddie wasn’t breathing right. She pulled sweat-soaked bangs away from her face. “Their ghost never left their body Jack. They died, Jack. And they walked back out.”
“…No. No,” Jack said. “No, they didn’t.”
“Then what?” Maddie asked.
Jack stared. He looked away. He didn’t like the expression on Maddie’s face.
“It—what about the ecto-ether theory?” Jack said, of the theory they’d tested and retested and tested all over, all night. He grabbed his pencil back up and pointed it aimlessly at Maddie’s piece of paper, pointed end out in self-defense. “If the ecto-ether is maybe… if it’s only 250-times stronger than we calculated. Then it could…”
Jack’s voice died. His pencil hung idle. Maddie’s paper remained unblemished.
“If it… was a pig,” Jack offered. “If it was a pig that died in the portal.”
“How, Jack? How would a pig get in? We lock all the doors at night, Jack. No one else can get in, Jack. It’s just us, Jack.”
Jack and Maddie were not there when the portal turned on.
Maddie’s statement carried two possibilities. Only two. Both felt like claws digging all the flesh right out of Jack’s heart.
“I want… I want to try the ecto-ether theory again,” Jack choked. “I think it’s the ecto-ether. I think it’ll work.”
Jack slid a piece of paper over, already covered in scribbles. In its single untouched corner, he started the equation for the several-thousandth time that night.
Above their head, birds were singing.
Sunrise hailed unseen from the windowless laboratory.
At 6am, Vlad answered his cell phone. The reception crackled, struggling through the layers of sheetrock above his head.
“Vlad?” Maddie’s voice crackled. “Sorry, did I wake you up?”
“Not at all my dear.” Vlad leaned his weight against the wall, playing with the singsong melody in his voice. “But you sound exhausted. Is anything the matter?”
“Yes. Well… Yes. Jack and I have—all night—trying to fix the equation.”
“We found something that maybe works.”
“Oh?” Vlad asked. He straightened, pacing now, cracklingly attentive. “And what might that—”
“If someone died. Activating the portal. We have an on-switch inside the portal’s interior. The trigger we use to press it is external to the portal, of course. But if someone went inside the portal, and they pressed it directly, and if they died, and pulled the Ghost Zone here—”
Vlad’s red eyes reflected pools of iridescent green. He twirled his free hand in the fringes of his cape, tongue working over the fanged edges of his teeth. He stared, consumed, forward.
“—and just, you, I was thinking, you’re the only other expert I’d trust to… maybe weigh in.”
“What does Jack think?”
“He denies it. He’s still. He’s trying other theories.”
“Well who knows, surely? The answer may lie somewhere you haven’t looked.”
“…I’ve looked everywhere, Vlad. That's the thing. There is no more ‘somewhere else’. I’ve looked.”
“You sound like your mind is made up.”
“I just… if maybe you have some idea.”
“Am I meant to talk you out of this idea?”
“Do you think I have some secret information you don’t? Sorry to say, I’m just your skeptic.” Some noise came through muffled from the other side. Vlad flashed a smile. “But…as your skeptic I will offer you this—It all sounds a bit absurd, doesn’t it? To kill someone and have them come back intact and… for you to never notice? Who would they be? How would they be? Surely not human anymore, surely. How would you never notice?”
Vlad paced forward, booted feet clicking along his laboratory floor.
“It would be ridiculous,” he continued, with a building crescendo, “so unfathomably self-centered surely, to not notice something like that befall someone so close to you, who died at the hands of your own invention? …If I’m correctly inferring who, in your household, you suspect of having activated the portal?” Vlad’s tongue lingered along his teeth.
Maddie’s line held, quiet. And the seconds of static drew long.
“Ah, apologies. I’ve overstepped,” Vlad continued. “I meant this as a vote of confidence in you. You and Jack both. Two people as attentive, caring, compassionate as yourselves. You would notice. I promise.”
“You’re… Okay, thank you, Vlad. I appreciate it.”
“Is there anything else, my dear?”
“No. No. Thank you, Vlad. I’ll think about this.”
Maddie’s line clicked dead. A chuckle built to Vlad’s lips and he let his head tip back with mirth. It lasted only a moment. He stowed his phone. And as if the interruption had never happened, Vlad reaffixed his attention on his own portal swirling in front of him. It bathed him, swimming green, purring contentment.
And Vlad vanished into his portal.
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enwoso · 3 days
WELCOME TO THE WORLD — alessia russo
-> three moments during pregnancy, and one which means the most.
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you and alessia had been best friends since the two of you met all the way back on the first day of primary school when you were both were just four years old. alessia was older by two months and was something she loved to use to her advantage.
"y/n i'm older so i know what's best!"
"less! you use that same excuse every time!"
the two of you being polar opposites in school, alessia being the more confident one, who loved football with her entire heart while you were definitely the more introverted one who swore you were allergic to any form of athletic activity. you instead loved having a book in your hands, escaping to another world within the story from the book.
but that's what made you too the bestest of friends and that was something neither of you would change, ever.
you had gone through school together, knowing every aspect of alessia's life and in turn she knew every aspect of your life. and the older you got the more your family's began to become more and more closer.
like when you two were little, you would sit and pick the daisies from the grass on the field making a daisy chain to give to alessia while she would run around the field with a ball at her feet a big toothy grin on her face as she did so.
as alessia got older she made sure you were at every one of her football matches and you proudly did, alessia always making sure to make the point that she played a lot better when you were standing there watching her, even if you didn't have clue what was happening.
you had to there, you were her lucky charm.
so to your families it wasn't the least bit surprising when you both began to start dating when you were 17, however you held off telling them until just a few months before alessia moved to go to university in america.
there reactions being very far from what you both imagined it being a simple — “we knew all along" with a smile and a shrug of the shoulders leaving you and alessia more confused then what your parents were.
now the both of you were 24, having been together now for seven years. alessia had came back to england having made her break through into the lionesses senior squad and was now playing for arsenal after just having the summer of her life, even if england were unable to win the world cup, you know that just making a final was a huge achievement alone.
you on the other hand had graduated from university having gotten your dream job and you couldn't be anymore prouder of your girlfriend — life with her by your side was amazing and was just about to get a whole lot better.
you were finally pregnant.
after a few failed rounds of ivf, you and less decided this would be your last try before you stopped trying for a while in order to give your body a rest however you were now stood in your bathroom shaky hands holding a positive test a huge grin taking over your face.
you had been feeling horrible for the past few days, thinking you had just gotten a tummy ache but now it all made sense there was going to be a little human growing inside of you.
alessia being at the arsenal training ground as it was the beginning of the wsl season in just a few days time, this gave you a few hours to set up a little something in a way to surprise her.
alessia was due to be home in the next ten minutes so buzzing with excitement you found a sticky note and wrote 'hello mama!' on the note and placed it next to the pregnancy test
stepping back and looking down at your stomach and admiring it, it beginning to settle in that you were about to have a baby with the girl of your dreams. thoughts of alessia with a baby over run your mind but you were soon took out of that track of through by the sound of the front door shutting.
"baby i'm home!" she called out hearing her drop her keys on the side table and her bag hitting the floor as you came over to the door a giggle slipping from you as you watched her tussle with her trainers to try and get them off.
"hi love" you smiled as she engulfed you in a hug, "how was training?" you asked as the blonde moved her head into your neck, inhaling your perfume. "good but i missed you" she mumbled into your neck as you kissed her forehead.
you hummed, "i've missed you too but i've actually got something to show you" alessia's head rising from your neck, confusion knitting over her face. "show me?" she repeated hesitantly.
you nodded, "close your eyes" alessia looking at you apprehensively, "should i be scared?" the blonde asked, a nervous smile on her face. "no! no i actually think you'll really like it — just close your eyes and trust me!" you said as the blonde finally shut her eyes, you grabbing her hands and leading her to the kitchen.
"okay.. open them!" you say standing to the side as the room is filled with silence, you waiting for alessia who is looking at the little display as you waited for her to piece everything together.
"no way- really!" alessia gasped turning to you a wide smile not so dissimilar to the one you had on your face a few hours ago. you nodded as a squeal came from the blonde as she wrapped her arms around you, twirling you around attacking you with kisses.
placing you back on the ground, her hands staying on your waist as they travelled to your stomach. making sure she's gentle both hands rest on your stomach where your little human will live for the next nine months.
"this is the best thing that has ever happened to me!" alessia mumbled before placing her lips on yours, a slow and loving kiss taking place as your hands came to cup on her cheeks as alessia's hands stayed put on your tummy.
"i love you!"
"i love you too lessi."
it was a rainy sunday afternoon and alessia had just gotten home from playing at meadow park, a solid win and even bagging a goal, it was all a good feeling but nothing beat being tucked up next to you as you watched tv.
you lying with alessia on the couch, her head resting on your shoulder as your legs draped over the blondes, tangling themselves within hers as she played with the rings on your fingers.
“where you going?” the blonde asked a pout on her face as you made a sudden movement to get up, looking back at the blonde with a smile, “just to get a drink?”
before you had a chance to even move any further off the couch, alessia had sprung to her feet. “i’ll get it” the blonde sweetly said, pecking your lips quickly before rushing into the kitchen, not before stopping and yelling asking what it was you actually wanted.
“just a water love!” you yelled back, hearing her open the fridge as you smiled to yourself. ever since you found out you were pregnant alessia had been amazing.
helping you whenever your morning sickness struck, giving you your weird cravings whenever you wanted, being patient with you whenever you weren’t in the best of mood because you were tired or just weren’t have the best of days, you could already tell that she was going to be an amazing mother and the little human inside you was only about the size of a peach.
"oh my god!" you gasped as alessia almost ran back in the living room.
"what's wrong?" she frantically asked confusion hitting her as she wondered why there was a big cheesy grin on your face.
"little one just kicked!" you said watching intensely at you bump to see if it would happen again. "is it not a little early for kicking?" alessia asked as you shook your head. you were just hitting the fourth and a half month mark.
you midwife had told you to keep an eye out for any movement as it would begin to happen but it would all depend on the little one growing inside as some baby's were very active inside the womb whilst other weren't.
"no, she said it would be around about now" you explained as alessia nodded, you hands going over your bump trying to feel for any movement.
"pass your hands" you told alessia as she placed your water bottle down on the coffee table at the side of the couch before handing you her hands.
you moved you top up a little more to reveal your bump which was huge but was definitely getting bigger by the day. moving your girlfriends hands around you bump hoping for her to feel your little one's movement.
"can you feel there little kicks!" you looked towards alessia, a little “wow” escaping her as she felt the little kicks as she sat in awe.
"powerful little kicks" you whispered still loud enough for the blonde to hear you as she hummed in argreement her hands still holding your bump.
"gonna be a footballer just like there mama" alessia said smugly as you shook your head in amusement. looking at the blonde, leaning forwards to plant a kiss to her cheek, as she moved the kiss landing on her lips.
you were back at wembley for the first time since you had found out you were pregnant, the england girls were set to face the netherlands in the uefa nations league match in hopes of securing qualification for the the olympics next year.
you were nearing six months into your pregnancy, your body was changing massively and you had your 21 week scan telling you the gender of your baby a few weeks ago and with each ultrasound you were falling more and more in love with your little one and you couldn't wait to meet them.
watching as alessia would sit in the room with you, eyes in awh of the tiny human growing in your belly. listening intensively as the heartbeat would fill the small room in the hospital.
however as the weeks were passing, alessia was growing more and more protective of you. not allowing you to pick up anything heavier than an empty bottle or allowing you to stand in your feet for too long meaning she had been taking on the roll of cooking for the past few weeks but secretly you didn't mind that as you loved her cooking.
you were meeting with alessia's mum, dad and brothers at the match, alessia having left earlier this morning to do her usual pre match routine however every half an hour there was another message asking if you were okay - the blonde had been a little wary about you coming to the match but you had assured her that you would be perfectly fine.
walking in the entrance to wembley it was quiet for now fans still not allowed to enter for another thirty minutes. seeing alessia's family in the reception area all with england jerseys on, russo and the number 23 plastered on the back. yourself with the blue england away shirt on with your girlfriends name proudly on your back.
"hi honey, how are you, and the little one?" carol asked, engulfing you in a hug, she had been amazing to you since you had found out along with your own mum - the both of them giving you plenty of advice and tips on how to deal with pregnancy symptoms.
"i'm feeling good today, happy to be out the house!" you beamed it being to longest you had been out without the urgency of needing to go home.
"and little one is very happy and healthy in there" you smiled, "this is from the scan a few weeks ago- look!" you said getting the latest scan photos up on your phone.
"going to be such a beautiful baby" carol pouted, nudging her husband and alessia's two brothers to come and look at the scan photos.
"can't wait for me to pass on all my football secrets!" gio said as you shook your head at the younger russo's childishness. "i think less will beat you to that" you chuckled as giorgio shook his head rolling his eyes at your comment.
"and who do you think she learned them off, hmm?" gio said with a smug grin as it was your turn to roll your eyes, "your dad?" you teased as he scoffed beginning to walk away in a pretend huff.
you had all made your way to the family box, gio coming out of his little huff but not before alessia had made it her mission to find you before she began her warm ups.
"are you sure your okay? you haven't got any p-" alessia began before you cut her off. "lessi, i promise you i'm fine plus your mum and dad are here so i'm not alone okay" you said placing your hands on her shoulders squeezing them a few times as the blonde nodded a few times letting out a big sigh her body relaxing a little.
"now you go out there and play the game that you love!" you smiled as she sighed loosening herself up before placing a sweet kiss on your lips.
"i love you" she whispered as you lips lingered and you hummed repeating the three word back to the blonde before pushing her in the direction of the rest of her teammates.
"come on less, she's not made of glass, she's isn't gonna break in the next ninety minutes!" hearing a thick manchester accent of non other than ella. turning your head to wave at the girl before turning to your girlfriend who had a light scowl on her face in the direction of her bestfriend.
"go on!" you nodded your head in the direction of her other teammates, as the blonde began to walk away not before kissing your goodbye on the cheek. watching as she walked off towards her friends not missing the fact she tripped on the carpeted floor, shaking your head in amusement.
it had been a tight game between the dutch, the current score being 2-2, lauren just equalising for england. it was all to play for and england desperately needed the three points in order to put them in a good place for qualification.
alessia had been substituted in the 68' minute having been brought offf from fran kirby.
england managed to pull the win with ella scoring in stoppage time meaning england secured the three points putting them in with a chance of qualifying for the next round of the nations league.
the girls walking around, stopping and signing shirts, books, you name it while also taking photos with the fans. walking around wembley waving and thanking the fans who took the time to come and watch them play.
alessia finally gets to where the box is, looking up trying to find you and soon enough she does giving you a wave as you blow her a kiss back. as she caught it holding it close to her chest.
you were now waiting in reception for your blonde lover to emerge from the changing room, a few of the england girls coming out, waiting in the reception area to board the bus.
mary, beth and lucy being the first of girls to come out all showered, wet hair in low buns and wash bags hid under their arms with big grins all over there faces, there being a hint of surprise in their faces when they find a sight of you.
"hey y/n! how's you and the little one?" beth asked as you sat scrolling through your phone. a smile appearing on your face, sliding you phone into your pocket.
"yeah i'm good, tired and little one kicking my ribs like no tomorrow!" you sighed leaning back in the chair that you were sat on, as the three girls joined you.
"less been teaching them football tricks already?" lucy joked as you all began to laugh before getting into the conversation of how long the blonde was going to take to get ready - knowing she loved her skin and hair routines too much as you found yourself spending a lot of your time waiting for her to get ready on a mornings.
"do you know the gender yet?" mary asks as the topic changed again, "i think it'll be a girl!" the manchester girl appeared beside you as you rolled your eyes nudging her slightly as she sat down next to you.
"and then you can call it ella!" she cheekily smiled as you shook your head along with a few weird looks from the other girls.
“you can take that up with less, yeah!” you say softly, patting ella on the back as you give her a look that tells the midfielder that the answer is a definite no.
"what! just saying ella is a great name" she was the one to now roll her eyes as you chuckled shaking your head, "we did find out the gender-" you began smiling as the debate began of what you and alessia were having.
"so what's the gender then?" lucy asked the debate stopping as they had ran out of points to back up why one thought it was a girl and why one thought it was a boy.
"you'll find out in good time!" you smiled as the four began to all talk at once crowding you but luckily your saviour came to your rescue who was in the form of a tall blonde wearing a tracksuit and a massive wash bag hanging tiredly under her arm.
her blonde hair which was still wet, racked back into a low bun at the back of her head. her tired movements getting closer to you, "woah, don't crowd the pregnant lady!" she yelled walking closer to you, standing behind you as she shooed the girls away. resting her hands on your shoulders as you looked up at her with a smile, as she leaned down to place a quick kiss on your lips.
"well we wouldn't have to if she would just tell us if your having a girl or boy!" beth complained as the other three joined in with their complaints.
"we might as well tell them all together" alessia said as she began to gather the rest of the girls around in a huddle, you and less being in the center,
"what's this about russo?" georgia asked as a few others asked the same.
"well we had planned to tell you all in a different way but some are clearly too impatient. but we did find out the gender of our baby the other day and we are having a little... girl!" alessia explained leaving a few pauses just for dramatic effect as the rest of the girls cheered at the gender.
"told you mary! you owe me tenner now!"
you were now officially nine months pregnant and if you were being honest you were over it, you wanted nothing more than for the little one to be born for many reasons, one being so you could finally meet your little baby and two so you could get back to doing things without feeling tired after two minutes or needing to go and pee every ten minutes.
alessia with a lot of convincing had gone to training after ensuring that you were going to be okay for a few hours by your self expect you were not going to be by yourself as she had sent her mum to keep you company for the duration she was away.
not that you minded as it meant it kept your mind of the contractions you were having every few hours that had been progressively closer together since yesterday.
you knew it was going to be any time now, your hospital bag sat at the bottom of the stairs which alessia had made sure to pack and then unpack it to then repack it to make sure you had everything you and the new baby would need.
you were currently stood at the kitchen counter folding some clothes of your own while carol insisted on making you lunch, "lessi said that the.. oh" you stopped feeling another contraction wave over you this being a much more intense one that the previous ones you had been having in the past few hours.
"honey, are you okay? do you want me to call alessia?" carol asked as you hummed, leaning over on the kitchen counter trying to steady your breathing.
"okay, just keep breathing, in through your nose and breathe out through your mouth” carol soothed as she picked up her phone from the kitchen counter and pressing on the blondes contact who answered before the call even have a chance to get to the third ring.
"mum? what's wrong? is y/n-" alessia blurted out in a panic before the older women even had a chance to say hello.
"alessia! y/n is fine, but her contractions are getting slowly worse and she's going to want you here to comfort her" carol explained as a sigh of relief was heard from the other line.
"tell her i'm leaving now i'll be twenty minutes max!" alessia said in a hurry as it could be heard of her rushing around, many sounds of doors opening and closing.
"alessia, please don't panic. she's okay and if anything changes i'll call you as soon as i can" carol calmly said as the blonde on the other line hummed along rustling still heard.
"okay mum, i won't be long!" alessia quickly said before saying bye and ending the call. carol puts her phone down, you still in the same position controlling your breathing.
"she's on her way. do you have a yoga ball?" carol asked as you gave her a look wondering why on earth she would need one of them right now - pain fogging your brain for a moment.
"it's for you to bounce on, it'll help you stay upright and active" carol explained further as a knowing look came across your face - it slowly coming back to you remembering the midwife telling you about a range of exercises to do on it but admittedly you were a lot more focused on the sound of your baby's heart beat than the midwife's words.
"oh.. um i think there's one in spare room upstairs, less put it in there somewhere" you paused every few words your voice shaky as with each contraction you tried to steady your breathing - in through your nose and breathe out you were repeating to yourself.
carol telling you she would go and get it for you but not before asking you a few times if you would be okay left alone for a few minutes, you nodding and the older omens coming back a few minutes later with a bright green yoga ball.
helping you into the living room, as you lent forwards thinking it would help with the pain but really it did nothing. carol placed the bright green ball in the middle of the room and helping you find a rhythm to follow as you bounced up and down on the green ball.
it admittedly helping to reduce the intensity of the pain from the contractions as you were able to fall back into conversation with the older women but just as you did your blonde lover burst through the door with a sudden urgency.
"y/n, oh thank goodness your okay!" the blonde said out of breathe as she held her hand on her chest, as she stood in the doorway of the living room. a small laugh leaving your lips as you shared a look with her mum.
"have you ran back from coloney or something? why are you so out of breathe?" you asked a small chuckle coming from her mum but nothing from alessia as she wasn't impressed with your joke.
"sorry for being concerned for my pregnant girlfriend, but i did run to tell jonas where i was going before running to my car!" the blonde rolled her eyes before going into the kitchen to get a drink.
"sometimes you would think it was her with the pregnancy hormones" you joked to carol who laughed slightly along with you.
"i can hear you, you know!" alessia yelled from the kitchen as you laughed a little more with the older women.
an hour had passed and gradually your contractions were getting worse, carol had gone back home and told alessia to call her when you were in labour and she would be straight there with you both.
you were getting yourself a bottle of water from the fridge when you felt a popping sensation, a groan coming from you as you lent on the counter as another contraction came along.
"baby?" alessia called out from the living room, "love are you okay?" she asked again after not getting an answer, you hummed letting the last of your contraction hit.
shaking your head as another hit soon after, "n-no- i think my waters just broke" you whispered feeling slightly embarrassed as the feeling of warm liquid rushed down your legs
"breathe, love. let's get you changed and then we'll head to the hospital" alessia said softly taking your hand and leading you to get a change of clothes.
within half an hour you were changed, hospital bag in hand and being lead down the corridor to the maternity ward by a nurse.
"your midwife will be here in a few minutes to do some checks" the nurse smiled as she lead you both to a private room. you nodded your head your contractions were still very much present and very often. "thank you" alessia spoke for you as she helped you over to the bed.
like the nurse said the midwife came through the door, a few trolleys of medical equipment following her through the door as she began doing your checks and telling you how far you were dilated - 5cm.
“we can give you your epidural now, and then in about an hour or so you’ll probably be ready to start pushing” the midwife explained as both you and alessia nodded along.
“i’ll have the epidural” you said immediately after the midwife had stopped talking, the women nodding and letting you know she would be back in a couple of seconds
"i can't believe that we are going to meet our little girl soon!" alessia whispered kissing the top of you head as you got comfy in hospital bed, a smile creeping on your face it not lasting long as another contraction hit you as your face scrunched up with the sudden pain.
"that's it y/n, one more push and the head will be out" the midwife encouraged as you face was pooled with sweat and tears, alessia holding your hand as you squeezed the living day lights out of it.
"you doing so good love!" alessia encouraged, kissing your head as you groaned again, the midwife urging you to push again.
a few more pushes and baby's head had officially been delivered, only a few more were needed to get the rest of the baby out.
"keep pushing, baby's nearly here!" the midwife told you as you hear alessia urging you on with words of encouragement stroking your hair out of your face and within seconds of your last push, you hear a baby cry.
your swear your heart stopped for a second, looking up to alessia who was grinning from ear to ear. "you did it!" she whispered into the side of your face as tears fell down your face and your baby was passed to you on your chest.
"congratulations, you've given birth to a beautiful baby girl!" the midwife smiled as you handed you your baby, as you pushed the towel from covering your little girls face. her little cries stopping as soon as she heard yours and alessia's voices.
"she beautiful" alessia said, stroking the side of her small face, you silently nodding as you both sat admiring your little girl. excitement coursing through you as after a long, tiring nine months your little girl was here.
"welcome to the real world, little one"
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liked by giorgiorusso_ and 1,042,106 others
alessia 23/05/24 ☁️
when two became three. me and mummy love you so much our little love🤍
comments -
leahwilliamson my heart🥹 congratulations i can’t wait to meet the little one🤍
31m 129 likes     reply
giorgiorusso_ next in line for me to pass on my football knowledge to!
1h 230 likes     reply
-> alessia in your dreams gio.
yourusername omg your milf era is beginning!
1h 360 likes     reply
-> alessia your my favourite milf<3 forever proud of you
ellatoone oh gosh they grow up so fast🥹
1h 207 likes     reply
-> yourusername your literally younger than us tooney?
410 notes · View notes
luveline · 2 days
Hi I have a request for zombie Steve! I’d love to hear the story of how they met 🫶🏻
zombie!au —You rescue Steve at the start of the end of the world. fem, 2.4k
The sound of them makes your throat close up. Fear like a knife held too tight in unwilling hands, the heat. It’s the hottest summer Hawkins’ has had for years, and you’re overdressed. You couldn’t fit your favourite hoodie in your bag so you wore it but it doesn’t matter, you lost your bag somewhere in the school gymnasium. You’re lucky you didn’t lose your leg when that thing grabbed you. What were they calling them on the radio? Something starting with G.
Those… things, they can kill people. You saw it just ten minutes ago, your algebra teacher turned to a creature, Maisie Lewinsky from your homeroom stained with gore under her hands.
You press the back of your hand to your mouth to stifle a hot gasp. What are you supposed to do now? The Hawkins station said everyone would be waiting here, a repeat radio message, but by the time you heard it the sun was going down and there was nobody left. No cars, no promised convoy, nobody.
You’re the last living girl left in Hawkins.
You’re gonna die in here.
Terrified of breathing to loud but spooked that staying will seal your fate, you lift yourself up from the floor of the science lab to peer over a high table. There’s no signs of life. No signs of the dead, either. You’d thought this might be a good place to hide, the thick fire door unbreakable, but you can’t stay here. It’ll be dark soon.
You wish you had your stuff. They’ve for sure taken anything worth eating from the cafeteria kitchens and Bradley’s has been empty for days. You aren’t sure where your next meal is coming from. Fuck, you’re already dead—
“Fuck!” a voice echoes, boyish and terrified from somewhere outside of the door. “Fuck! Get the fuck away from me, holy shit!”
He sounds scared but firm at the same time. Your own fear is like the insufferable heat, riding the back of your neck as you creep toward the door. There’s gotta be more of them outside. That must be why whoever it is that’s shouting sounds so depeserate. But fuck, there’s relief too. There’s someone still here.
“Fuck! Jesus, help me!”
“Okay,” you say unsurely.
You wedge open the door to the science lab and poke your head out cautiously. There’s a dull thudding sound somewhere to the left, metallic screeching further down, but the panicked shouting (and now panicked yelping) is coming from outside.
You look around for a weapon. There’s nothing to take.
“Holy fuck I do not wanna die!”
Me neither, you think, sniffling back your worried tears. You don’t wanna die, you just want your bed. You want to be home, and safe, but there’s no one to look after you anymore, and you can’t just let people die ‘cos you’re scared. You run from the science lab to the fire escape door full pelt, arm in sudden hot pain at the collision, but the door gives and swings hard into the adjourning wall. You look around frantically for the source of the shouting as it bounces off of the exterior walls of the school and the stone floor of the courtyard, heart suddenly afloat in your chest.
“Hello?” you shout. “I’m here, I’m–”
“What the fuck!”
It’s said with such horrified anger that you give pause, even as your hands shake, cold sweat wetting your lip and colder in the rare afternoon breeze. You dart toward the shouting a moment later, and maybe you’re too late, you can’t save anybody, your shoes pinch as you race down the few concrete steps that lead to the parking lot.
Snarling curdles the air. Your neck snaps left, away from the cars and open territory and toward the subject of your nightmares these last few days. You’ve seen glimpses of these things, always too scared to stay and help, always too stupid, too weak, and seeing them now cements it.
A group of geeks grab at a boy where he hangs from the bars of a metal staircase leading up to the roof of the building. You run toward it on instinct but stop before they hear you, eyes wide. His hands are white-knuckled, his hair falling down into his face, but you know who it is now you’re close enough to see him. You could recognise Steve Harrington a thousand feet away.
“Hey!” you shout. “Hey! Over here!”
Why did you say that? Why are you yelling? The geeks turn their heads to easier pray and you’re done for —they start to run. You stumble back in terror.
“My bag! Get my bag, get the knife!” Steve shouts.
You swing yourself around in a huge circle. There, further into the lot, lies a bag. Further past it lies a wooden baseball bat spiked with fifty silver nails.
You sprint past the bag to the bat and try to grab it while you’re still running, knees grazing hot white fire on the tarmac and hands like acid as you force yourself up again, running further, putting space between you and the too fast footsteps that follow. When you’re sure you’ll have room you swing to see them, their maws dripping gore over white buttoned shirts and once prim blouses. There must be ten of them at least. Only two stay to snap their jaws at Steve Harrington where he attempts to climb up the stairs from the bottom, his foot dangerously close to bloodied teeth.
You pull the bat back as the first of the creatures reaches you. With a grunt more terror than exertion, you force the bat forward, wood arcing through the air, shiny nails catching the light of the setting sun and slamming downward into flesh.
Your eyes flare as wide as they’ve ever been. The geek stops cold and drops, your strangling grip on the bat forcing it up out of the mash of his brains. Another geek leaps over him as you scramble back.
“Run!” Steve yells from the stairs, stress stretching his voice thin and high. “Run away!”
You drop the bat and sprint for your life. Down into the parking lot, past a handful of locked cars and suitcases discarded. This must’ve been where everybody was before they left. There couldn’t have been room. Boxes and trophies, books, magazines and toys, all manner of possessions string like a breadcrumb trail down the road that you have to avoid. You run until your calves are burning over the road that will lead toward Hawkins middle, where you throw yourself into the woods, and hope without any real hope that they’re empty.
Grass folds under your feet. Your panting is as loud as your heart.
When the only shallow breathing you can hear is your own, you circle back to the High School, sticking to the shadows so as not to attract any more attention. A few geeks have collected to join the two you’d left behind, and for a second you’re sure Steve’s succumbed to fatigue and fallen into their blackened clutches, but you spot him balancing dangerously on a handrail between two sets of stairs, leg pulled back in preparation to kick any opposition away.
You sweep up the bat and try to make a plan. You were never going to be able to handle that many people before, not with their new mutations, but you can handle four. Maybe. Probably not.
“Steve, what do I do?” you call. “You have to tell me what to do.”
“You came back!” He swears and shimmies further up the railing as one of his attackers finally manages to traverse the blocked up staircase. “I don’t know what to do! Just hit at them until they die!”
It’s easy for him to say. They’re gruesome creatures, the faces of people you once knew but none of their humanity. They can run as fast as any person can. A human bite has alarming force behind it. The voice on the radio warned you that what you’re trying to do is a bad idea, and yet. You roll the bat in your hand. Your chest aches as hard as your dry throat.
The first geek goes down easy. Unsuspecting, you manage to whack it in the back of the head hard and break through soft skull. The second turns to see you just as you’re lifting the bat again, and it runs hard into it as it comes down, killing itself.
The third is where things get tricky.
“Fuck,” you mumble, lifting your bat to find a sloughing of cartilage and tissue stuck between the spines. “Oh, fuck,” you moan.
“Be careful!” Steve shouts.
You step back and trip, nearly falling. “Stay away from me!”
It snarls in response. Eyes clouded, the geek is a little slower than the others, and it follows you sluggishly away from Steve. The fourth remains, snapping, but you can’t keep watch.
“Stay away from me!” you warn again.
Steve swears on the railing, his cursing followed by a wet thunk.
The geek doesn’t listen, it bites.
You pull your arms to the side, hands wrapped tight around the base of the bat and ready to swing. With a huge, aching cry, you swing the bat to the side and knock the nails clean into its cheek.
It doesn’t die.
Fuck fuck fuck! You throw yourself to the floor by the geek’s feet and out of its reach, on knees, on your feet again, scrambling toward Steve’s bag. You glance over your shoulder as your knees slam down hard into the floor, never so scared in your life, horrified as the bat stays stuck between tendons and the geek takes a running jump toward you.
You pull the knife from Steve’s bag and hold it out in front of you, squeezing your eyes closed in terror.
“Fuck, hey!”
You scream as the weight of the geek lands on top of you. You scream like it’s taking bites of you, until your throat burns and there’s no sound left to make and you choke on it instead. A short, sharp sound.
Then the weight is pulled off of you. Someone lets out a massive gasp.
“Did it get you?”
You blink your eyes open against the glaring white sun where it meets the horizon. If you’re crying, it’s your business, water on your cheek and a dizzy hot feeling everywhere else.
Steve Harrington looks at you like you’re a ghost. “Did it get you? Are you okay?”
You look at your hand and the knife —his knife— where it rests on the tarmac. “I don’t think so. How do you know?”
“They bite! Did it bite you?”
“I don’t know.”
“How can you not know?”
“Because I’m not exactly uninjured, Steve!”
He frowns at you. Well, he glares. “You’d know if it bit you. Don’t be dense.”
“How am I supposed to know?”
“You’re telling me you don’t know what a bite feels like?”
“Some of us had homework.”
He wrinkles his nose. “Is that supposed to be funny?”
Well, yeah. It was supposed to be hilarious.
You look around the parking lot and the school courtyard for any outliers, but the school seems well and truly abandoned now. You can’t hear anymore huffing or screeching, no crying, not even the sound of a radio. Everyone’s been playing them nonstop for weeks, waiting for days like today. Suddenly the raptures here, and you aren’t part of the rescue.
But you saved Steve Harrington, at least. You’re accruing some good karma.
Steve doesn’t hold his hand out, he just grabs you under the arms and pulls you up into a standing position. You’re surprised he can do it, you aren’t light, but you remember his last skins game in the gymnasium and nod to yourself. Of course he can pick you up. Plus, you help, using your legs despite their stiffness to brace yourself on the ground.
“Doesn’t look like it bit you,” he says, quieter now, his hands sliding down to yours briefly before he stands back. “What are you doing here?”
“I thought this was the rendezvous point. I mean, it was, right? We missed it.”
“We missed it.”
“How’d you get here?” you ask.
“Bike. Car chose the worst possible time in the world to die. Not that I could’ve got gas.” He eyes you hopefully. “Tell me you drove here.”
“I biked too, but it’s gone.”
“Tire popped.”
Steve rubs his eyebrows. His hands are clean where yours are caked. You stand unable to mask your heavy breathing now, and when you reach for him to steady yourself, he doesn’t move away.
“Sorry,” you mumble, licking your lips. You’re a map of little pains. “Are you okay?”
Steve’s hand reaches back to cover yours like he’s going to pull it off, though he doesn’t. “Are you alone?” he asks.
You wince. “Yeah.”
“Where’s your stuff?”
“I lost it.”
“I don’t know.” Your knees hurt. “It’s gonna get dark soon.”
It’s a question. You’re immediately thankful to have found him, because he’s a real living person, and you don’t think you can do this alone. You don’t mean to force him, but you need to know what he’s doing and soon.
“…Better come with me, then,” he says finally.
Steve walks out of your grasp, grabbing up his bag which you’d unfortunately ripped open and shoving the spilled contents back inside. He doesn’t stop to zip it closed, walking straight in the direction of the school.
“Where are we going?”
“Same place as everybody else.” You stumble. Steve, reluctant, frowning hard enough to etch a new wrinkle, holds out his hand to catch you by the elbow. “Where did you think?” he asks.
“I don’t know,” you say, half-indignant.
“You ask a lot of stupid questions, you know that?” He looks you up and down. “How’d you do that?” He points at your bleeding knees.
“I ask stupid questions?”
He grabs the bat from near the felled geek and stands tall. “Jesus. Let’s go find a car.”
It’s not as easy as his tone might suggest. You don’t find a car, you never do, and you never stop asking him obvious questions, but Steve says thank you for saving him eventually (nearly an entire year later, with a hand on your cheek).
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mercurycft · 3 days
## katie mccabe x reader !!
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hi pookies!! once again i apologise for the lateness.. but i really hope you enjoy this.. my little tattoo-lover heart got a little carried away with this, but i love this concept so much and i hope you do too! its a little different than the original idea for the direction of this, but either way, i really enjoyed this!! happy reading! love always - RG! x
i would also like to say! this is inspired by a fic i saw on my feed about a tattoo artist x alexia (i think) and i loved it! if i find the account i will top the link to their fic here!
contains: tattoo artist reader! shameless flirting! angsty make up sex, cocky!katie, fight for dominance, oral - both receiving, rough grabbing, dirty talk, fingering, useless lesbians, top!katie and brat!reader, foul language.
r's masterlist - requests open!
4.6k words
a knock at your door was a disruption to your night time routine - pyjamas already on, makeup off, hair tied back and your toothbrush hanging from your lips. you slipped on your slippers and headed down the stairs, still brushing your teeth when you pulled the door open to reveal a familiar face.
she was in a similar state. hair tied back messily, loungewear on and no makeup accept for her eyelash extensions. your eyes lifted from the floor to finally meet hers on the other side of the threshold
“can i come in?”
3 months ago.
a notification past 7pm would usually be ignored.
and it was the first time, then the second, then the third. the fourth, however, was followed by a groan from your sprawled-out position on your sofa. although tempted to put your phone onto 'do not disturb' and continue the twilight marathon you started the previous night, you stretched across the empty space and patted around to locate your phone - simultaneously pausing the tv and shifting to sit with your back against the pillows for a change.
katie_mccabe11 liked your story.
katie_mccabe11 liked your post.
katie_mccabe11 started following you.
you have 1 new message.
"katie mccabe.." you whispered into the emptiness of your apartment, crossing your legs beneath you and clicking on the notification on your screen. "why do i know her.." you racked your brain, pursing your lips. you noted the football shirt in her profile picture alongside the blue verified tick beside her username and used your critical thinking skills to put two and two together, chuckling at the thought of your younger sister losing her mind at another footballer dming you.
you waited a few seconds before opening her message, reading it carefully and silently. "that's how i know her.." you replied to yourself, whilst alone.
last week you had beth mead in your seat at the shop, getting a small paw print behind her ear and chatting yours off in the process. you spoke about a lot of things, you're used to that though. sometimes people just need someone to talk to - and who better than their tattoo artist? you liked beth, she was lovely, easy to talk to. the kind of person you would be friends with. she wasn't with you for long, an hour tops and it flew by. at the end of the appointment you exchanged socials and she left with a 'i'll tell the girls about you!".
you didn't really watch football, but you knew enough - and you would be lying if the thought of your name being chucked around between a very attractive group of women didn't make your stomach twist.
you typed your reply to katie quickly. starting with your usual friendly opening, explaining your upcoming availability and then ending with a single kiss. you had no available appointment spaces for the next three weeks, but you hoped that beth really sold you and your passion enough that she would consider waiting. she read it almost immediately, making your eyes widen and quickly swipe away from the message in an effort to not seem like a total weirdo.
her reply flashed across the top of your screen a few seconds later.
'ill take it x'
appointment day.
it was appointment day and god were you a nervous wreck. you arrived at the shop an hour earlier than normal to open up and clean before she arrived - she was your first and only appointment of the day and you wanted to make a good first impression. you prepared what you would need, laying your tools out on the table beside you and making a coffee - which would no doubt be freezing cold by the time you actually got around to drinking it.
you connected your phone to the bluetooth speakers around the room and shuffled your playlist just as the doorbell rang from the front of the shop. 7:59. you didn't know much about katie, having restrained yourself from going full-on stalker mode over the last few weeks leading up to her appointment. but clearly she was punctual.
as you unlocked the door and smiled to her through the glass, you couldn't help but realise how strikingly attractive she was. her hair pulled into a tight and slick ponytail at the back of her head, a deep green tracksuit complimenting her tanned skin and bright eyes.
"good morning!" you greeted cheerfully, welcoming her in.
you watched as her eyes scanned around the room, studying the artwork on the walls before they landed back on you and a smile spread across her face to match yours.
"mornin' hope i've not been a fuss this early.." she joked as you embraced each other in one of those awkward-but-friendly-first-meeting hugs, causing you to laugh softly.
"oh it's no bother, serious." you waved her comment off, shutting the door behind you both and leading her over to your station at the back of the shop. you didn't expect her accent to be so thick, but the way her voice sat heavy in the space between you had you clenching your jaw.
the pair of you made small talk as she got situated and sat on the leather bed whilst you pulled up a stall and your phone to take another look at the pictures she had previously sent, grabbed a pen and then pulled a pad of paper onto your lap. laying the phone down so she could see as well.
you sat across from katie, discussing designs and what she would and wouldn't like. she was engrossed in the conversation, her eyes sparkling with enthusiasm as you shared ideas and suggestions. you found yourself doodling on the paper, absentmindedly drawing whatever came to mind as she chatted about the specifics of what she wanted. every now and then, your eyes would meet hers, and a playful smile would tug at the corners of your lips.
there was silence between you for a few beats as your pen etched across the paper and completed the first sketch of the possible design. when you finished you looked up and turned the paper towards her before you could ask how she felt about it she spoke up.
"how do you do that?"
"do what?" you replied playfully with a smile.
"how can you just listen and draw? it's so cool.." she sounded genuinely bewildered for a moment and you couldn't help but laugh lowly.
"honestly, it just happens. when someone describes what they want i see it in my head and just let my pen translate it." you explained with a shrug, looking at her again.
"well its sick, i won't lie!"
"thank you.. i'm a woman of many, many talents.." it came out a lot more suggestive sounding than intended, mental cursing yourself and begging internally that she wouldn't see the pink tint you could feel spreading across your cheeks. you looked back down at the page before she could notice, avoiding her eyes.
"oh i bet." she added, smirking across from you.
you both sat like that for another ten minutes, brainstorming ideas and katie watching you bring them to life like a magician until you both finally settled on a design. you couldn’t believe how natural the interaction was coming and conversation flowing. you embraced the shared banter between you and leant into her jokes.
the design she had settled on was small and intricate but you knew you could free-hand it, so decided against using a stencil for the work. “right, i am gonna wash my hands and get everything sterilised, you get comfy and have a think about where you want it. okay?” you said as you stood up and ripped out the page you were using, placing it beside your other supplies so it was easy to use as a reference. katie replied with a small “sounds good to me,” and you heard her shuffle around the bed and as you made your way to the sink you could feel her eyes on you, following you away.
when you returned to her, she was sat more comfortably and had discarded her hoodie. the ribbed vest she was hiding left little to your imagination, revealing her arms and more of that heavenly tanned skin to your prying eyes. you tried not to look, but were made too aware of yourself failing miserably when she caught your gaze and you watched her suppress a chuckle.
once you were situated on the stool again, you took a deep breath and turned towards her. “so where are you thinking?” she sat silently in response, deep in thought.
“either here,” she pointed to the inside of her bicep to punctuate her point “or here..” she added quietly as her thumb hooked into the waistband of her joggers and shimmied them down a couple of inches until you could see the skin at the bottom of her stomach- in line with her hip. perhaps you looked for a second too long, or she heard you gulp, or maybe your fears were real and she could in fact hear your heart rattling against the boney cage of your ribs in your heaving chest - but the way you heard her exhale a humorous breath and tense her stomach muscles snapped you back into reality.
“which one would you prefer?” you questioned, professionally.
“probably my hip.” you nodded in agreement, smiling and internally celebrating at her decision. “and as a bonus i get to watch you gawk at me for however long it takes,” she teased, earning a small smack to the upper thigh and an eye roll.
“i was absolutely not gawking!” you defended with a smile.
“oh yeah, alright then..”
you rolled your eyes again and stood to grab a small bottle of sanitiser and a disposable razor, placing them on the table - once you made sure she was comfortable you sat down again.
“i’m going to pull your joggers down a couple inches, is that okay?” you waited for her reply before making any moves closer to her.
“of course,”
you got straight to work, dragging them down until the area she had pointed out was revealed again - only this time you could see the band of her underwear peaking out from beneath the fabric and it had you drawing in a careful breath. you circled the skin with your pinky finger lightly and showed her the length and width the ink would cover, double checking that was exactly where she wanted.
the tattoo itself took no longer than forty minutes to complete. once you were finished you sanitised and made sure it was exactly how she wanted before moving to discard any disposables used. she took it like a champ the entire time, only slightly flinching when the needle grazed a particularly tender spot.
you spoke to her about the aftercare and how to take care of it whilst it healed, then covered it with second skin and soothed the area - moving to wash your hands and stand against the counter. “any questions?”
you sat speaking for another hour, and you were sure at times she was stalling so she wouldn’t need to leave.
“when do you finish?”
“whenever you want to go,”
“why didn’t you say! i don’t want to hold you up, love..” she tutted and began collecting her stuff. you laughed at her huffing like a child and led her towards the front desk.
the petname made your stomach jump, twisting and twitching in your abdomen as you studied her. the way she moved and smiled, how her eyes pierced through you like she was reading your mind - how you were so sure she actually could see and read the filth behind your own eyes.
at the front she paid and thanked you another couple hundred times as you let her out the door. she stepped over the threshold and gave you another small hug. “thank you again, i really love it.”
“stop thanking me! i’m just glad i could do your vision justice..” you smiled and shrugged, “you’re welcome anytime, just pop me a message!”
“that’s just because you want to look at my stomach again..” she called, walking to her car and waving.
“shut up.” you rolled your eyes, laughing. “don’t be a stranger!”
during the appointment you and katie exchanged numbers and for days, weeks, months you texted each other everyday. you met for coffee, went to watch her and the team (who you got along with swimmingly) practice, you even went to watch all of their matches.
you had been inseparable since that first meeting, you shared things about each other previously unknown by anyone, spent evenings and nights at each others homes and got aquatinted with family and friends.
after spending so long together, the pair of you had become incredibly close - often sharing a bed, and clothes. you couldn’t help but feel things for her, for katie. your stomach became a harvest ground for butterflies and your heart rattled with longing for her.
you came close to telling her, to explaining how you felt - until one day, it just stopped.
the meetings stopped,
then the match invites,
then the messages,
everything stopped.
present day - 2 months later.
over the last months without talking to katie, you threw yourself into work and university in an attempt to distract yourself. you felt like you were going through a break up - could you even call it that? could you categorise this into the break up section? a friend break up? whatever it was, it hurt, and you found yourself still thinking about her.
friday nights felt weird now. usually sat on the sofa with a takeaway, katie sat on the other side with her food in her lap - laughing at some stupid program she had put on. now it was empty in the apartment, and you sat on the sofa alone with a cup of tea watching telly until it was time to get ready for bed.
you showered, careful to avoid putting soap the area of your newest tattoo addition on your wrist - letting the warm water run over the skin. when you were done, you made sure to moisturise and then cover it up again before getting dressed into your pjs.
you brushed your hair, and then began brushing your teeth - staring at yourself in the mirror and studying the ink that now littered your arms and chest.
you were deep in though when a a knock at your door disrupted your night time routine - still brushing your teeth when you pulled the door open to reveal a familiar face. your eyes lifted from the floor to finally meet hers on the other side of the threshold.
“can i come in?”
“uh, yeah- yeah- sure,” you stammered and stepped back to open the door wider for her, stepping away into the kitchen area to spit the froth from your toothpaste into the sink and quickly rinse before running back to shut the door behind her.
it was awkward. she stood in front of you in silence for a few beats, looking down at the ground as if she was figuring out what to say. you stood a few steps away, leant on the wall beside you with your arms crossed across your chest.
"why are you-"
"look i dont know why-"
you both spoke over eachother, breaking the silence that sat heavy between the walls. you shared a smile, it was brief, but it was there as you met her blues and waved your hand - gesturing for her to continue.
"look, i don't know why i'm here. i just got in my car and then i was on the drive and i just needed to speak to you. i just wanted to see you-"
"oh god you never shut up mccabe.." you whispered with an eye roll as you advanced towards her.
one step. what if she doesn't want this?
two steps. what if i've read this all wrong?
three steps. jesus her perfume..
every step you took was narrated by that voice in your head, you know, that one that tells you to shut up in uncomfortable situations and the one that speaks to you when you watch something brilliantly but so stupidly funny. you couldn't stop to think out loud, you couldn't stop full stop. point blank. period.
your feet were moving faster than your thoughts, and your thoughts were moving faster than your logic until you were so close you could feel her soft breath caressing the skin of your face.
"tell me not to, and i won't." you said softly
"god, you've always been too sweet for me."
there was no time to register what she said, her lips were on yours. they were everything you had thought of, they were soft but she kissed you with urgency. breathing heavily as her hands raised to either side of your face, pulling you closer than physically possible. your lips moved together sweetly, full of love.
you stayed like that for a few minutes, soaking each other in until she pulled away. lips swollen, taking a deep breath. there were no words exchanged between you, only eye contact - the sound of breathing shared. then you crashed together again, lips connected for a second time in the space of five minutes.
this time however, was harsher, and fast-paced. she was in control, gagging for it. hands grabbing at whatever fabric they could find on the opposing body, a small moan falling from your lips when her hands squeezed the skin of your waist and her lips broke from yours momentarily to grunt out a "jump." to which you gladly obliged, legs wrapping around her waist and her hands finding the skin at the top of your thighs - she held you like nothing, with no struggle as she passed through the hall and up the four steps to your bedroom.
when she placed you back down onto your feet you were quick to tug your top up and over your head, discarding it on the floor. before you could continue she grabbed your hand, finger tracing gently over the still-fresh tattoo across your wrist.
"this is new," katie whispered.
"i had a lot of time on my hands." you replied at the same volume, shrugging. she chuckled lightly, reading the words now littering the skin. "and you were always saying i was sweet.."
"aye, and you're yet to prove me wrong."
"don't start something you can't finish, katie."
"oh i'm very, very good at finishing, actually."
"shut up."
this time you had her, hands on the back of her neck as you pulled her in. grabbing the fabric that sat at the nape of her neck and pulling it over her head, only breaking the kiss until your path was cleared again. you span around, walking backwards until the back of her knees hit the edge of the bed causing her to lay down. you wasted no time in straddling the top of her thighs, arms on either side of her head.
"behave." she muttered, hands gripping your thighs and switching your positions on the bed, now towering over you, arms replacing yours on the bed. mouth moving to your neck, nipping at the skin beneath your ear. "stop acting like you don't want me to have my way with you."
"stop acting like you've got it in you." you quipped back, smirking when her teeth grazed your earlobe roughly. her hand raising to grip your jaw and forcefully turn your head to face her.
"is that a challenge? hm?" it was rhetorical, her eyebrows raised and voice low.
"prove it."
she didn't need further pushing, lifting herself off the bed and taking a few steps back. you propped yourself up onto your elbows to watch, head tilted when she stared at you blankly. eyes flicking to your shorts before back up to your face.
"take em' off."
"you take them off."
"take. them. off. i won't be asking again."
you gave in with a huff, rolling your eyes and lifting your hips to peel your shorts off. biting down a smirk as you lifted your legs back onto the bed - revealing yourself to her.
"awfully cocky there, love."
"as if you don't love it."
"do you always have such a smart mouth?"
"i have a very lovely mouth."
"oh i bet."
she was on her knees then, face level with you. eyes locked on your gleaming pussy, fingers gliding through your folds and collecting your slick before bringing her digits to slip between her lips - tasting you. she laid her fingers back against you, prints flat against your clit, applying the perfect amount of pressure to make your head fall back on the bed behind you with a desperate moan.
she drew tight circles, watching you throb beneath her fingers. you moaned at the contact, your clit already sensitive. you didn't know how she managed it, but she had you falling apart from the pressure alone - and you could tell she loved every second of it with her lips drawn into a cocky smirk at the sight of your mouth falling agape when you began rutting up into hands as a plea for more.
“does that feel good darlin'?” she asked from between your thighs, her lips pressed against the soft skin of your leg, stopping their sloppy kisses for a second. you whimpered in response, nodding slowly. “use your words, love.”
“yes it feels good..” you whispered, licking your lips, your mouth increasingly dry.
“good girl..” she added, jaw clenched when she attached her lips to your thighs again. you savoured the feeling, the delicious feeling as she dragged her fingers roughly against you. the praise made your legs tense against her lips, sending a rush of pleasure down through the depths of your stomach.
“i want more. please.”
"hm? what was that?”
“i want your fingers..” you confessed, dragging your own teeth along the back of your hand which you were using to muffle the sultry sounds tumbling from your lips - biting down against the skin when you felt your face flush.
“please,” you begged, hips rising off the bed in a desperate act for more friction. she shut you down quickly, using her free hand to pin your hips back to the mattress.
“please what, darling..” she stalled, slowing down to an unbearable speed.
“i need you to fuck me,” your words made you squirm, eagerly waiting as you felt a single finger travel down and tease your hole before she pushed into you slowly. her own thighs clenching at the sound of you gasping as she added another finger, curling them methodically inside of you.
she stretched you out perfectly, her fingers moving at just the right speed to have you moaning with every thrust into you. her pace and pressure increased with the volume of your whimpers, back arched into her touch and face buried in your arms as her fingers pressed perfectly inside of you. she curled her fingers to press against your g-spot, mentally noting how perfect you sounded chanting her name. taking advantage of you being preoccupied by the pleasure, she moved to lay her tongue flat against your clit. fingers still moving inside you as she carefully flicked the bundle of nerves between her lips.
a moan rattled from the back of her throat as you coated her taste buds, the vibrations travelling straight to the fire now raging in the pit of your stomach and coursing through your legs - coaxing out a moan of your own.
she felt you tense and squeeze around her fingers, your clit throbbing against her mouth when she lifted her eyes to survey the scene above her. your eyes screwed shut and teeth gripping your bottom lip so tight it was sure to leave a mark. chest heaving and hands twisting in the sheets.
"you going to cum for me?"
“y-yes,” you stuttered, eyes rolling into the back of your head when her fingers curled a final time and she took your clit into her mouth with a pop.
“thats it. good girl.”
that was all it took for you, your orgasm crashing through your body and shaking through your limbs. legs shaking beside her head and cunt tensing around her fingers. back arched and screaming out her name.
katie let you ride it out, only stilling her fingers and withdrawing her tongue from you when your back finally laid against the bed again - catching your breath. she brought her fingers up to your mouth and slipped them past your lips for a second as she moved to straddle you, climbing up from the floor. her fingers dragged down the length of your chin and were replaced with her mouth, her tongue finding yours - allowing you to taste yourself from her mouth.
"wanna taste you," you managed to croak out through the kisses, gulping and lifting your hands to press against her chest. pushing her back and towards the pillows at the head of the bed until she was laid down. "my turn.." you whispered seductively in her ear, lips pursed and leaving small kisses in your path as you travelled down the length of her body.
her tracksuit bottoms were removed quickly and your fingers were hooked into the band of her underwear, pulling them down her tanned legs until they followed the rest of the clothes to reside on the floor. she was dripping, and the sight alone was enough to have you salivating below her.
the scrunchie in your hair had loosened after the previous events of the evening, and your hair was limp enough for her to slide her hand into the back of your locks. gripping tightly and pulling you closer to her pussy.
"go on, make me feel good."
you needed no further instruction, moving closer to her before she had even finished the sentence. you laid your tongue flat against her, lapping her up. she tasted almost as good as she looked. her eyes focused on you and her hand tight against your scalp, guiding you.
you couldn't look away, allowing her to take you as she wanted. moving your head against the rhythm of her hips - moaning your name when your eyes met hers innocently. her head fell against the headboard when you whimpered against her, her own noises mirroring yours as her legs started to close around your head.
"fuck, thats it. i'm gonna cum," she groaned, both hands on the back of your head as you drank her in. nodding eagerly between her thighs, silently begging for her to cum for you.
and she did. hard. crying your name out into the room around you, followed by a string of curses until she finally released your head from her hands and her legs laid limp beside her on the bed.
"jesus christ."
"nope, just me." you teased, now occupying the space beside her on the pillows. both of your bodies coated in a sheen layer of sweat and your eyes threatened to close with the sound of her steady breathing when her arms moved to embrace you.
"i didn't mean to just disappear how i did," she began, causing you to look at her again. "i just didn't want you to get caught up in the shit show that is my life,"
"katie, you could've just said you needed a bit of space,"
"but i don't think that's what i wanted, i just didn't to ruin what we were doing, and well, making.." she paused, taking one of your hands into her own and bringing her lips to press against the skin.
"you were just too sweet to me,"
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oo-delallymrcrow · 2 days
The Babysitter
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A/N: I haven't jumped on a bandwagon so fast but this man has made me start writing again so here you go. Thank you so much for the love on my last story. It made my day 😊
This story is a little more spicy. Nothing to explicit and more suggestive.
Cooper had just moved into the neighborhood. Of course, with this divorce, Barbara got the house, and he had to move out.
He sighed as he went to check his mail when the sound of a door opening caught his attention. His new neighbor was a dad and a daughter who he got to know when they helped him move in. Y/N walked out with a smile and waved to him. Cooper smiled and waved back.
“Heading out to work, Y/N?” He called out as she walked toward him.
Cooper was older but not blind. Y/N was a young, beautiful woman that caught his attention. With her radiant smile and kind demeanor, she seemed like a breath of fresh air in his life.
“No Mr. Howard,” she laughed out, “not work. I'm still in college. Hopefully this degree will help get me one though.”
He hummed in agreement as she walked past him. He looked up to see her still walking before he called out to her.
“You walkin’?”
She stopped and turned to him. “Yeah? Gotta catch the bus.”
He stepped toward her and gestured back to the house.
“You're daddy doesn't take you?”
She shook her head, “no sir. He’s a businessman so he's on the road a lot.”
Cooper looked at his car before making up his mind.
“How about I take you then sweetheart?”
She smiled shyly down at her shoes, “oh I don't want to put you out Mr. Howard.”
“Please,” he scoffed as he led her toward his car. “You're not sweetheart. I'll be happy to know you're getting there safely.”
He opened the door as she smiled again, “thank you Mr. Howard.”
He smiled as her hand brushed along his as he muttered a welcome.
As Cooper pulled into his driveway, Janey was excited to be staying the weekend with her dad and was talking admittedly.
“-and then we can watch cartoons with some pancakes. Can we have pancakes for dinner? I think we should have pancakes for dinner.”
Cooper chuckled as he helped Janey out of the car.
“Whatever you want kiddo. It's our weekend for fun.”
She grinned up at him when a voice called out.
“Hi Mr. Howard. How's your day been?”
Cooper looked up at Y/N as she was walking past his house into her yard. She was smiling at him and glanced down at Janey at his side.
“And hello to you too.”
Janey smiled up at her and waved.
“Hi my name's Janey. I'm staying with my dad this weekend and we're having pancakes for dinner.”
Y/N’s smile widened and she glanced at Cooper, making his heart skip a beat at the glee he saw on her face. He remembered when he was taking her to school she mentioned that she wanted to be a teacher and how much she loved kids.
“Oh wow! You're a lucky kid. I wished I had pancakes for dinner. Are you going to have bacon and eggs too?”
Janey giggled as she nodded, “yes and we're going to watch cartoons!”
Y/N gasped, “Wow you have an amazing night planned huh?”
“Yep. It's gonna be a great weekend.”
Cooper watched the interaction with happiness blooming in his heart. He didn't think his daughter would like Y/N but she took a shine to her so easily. He was thinking about whether she would like to babysit some nights when he had her, when Janey interrupted his thoughts.
“Do you want to join us? You can have pancakes with us.”
Cooper snapped his head to Janey as she grinned up at him. His eyes narrowed at his daughter when a twinkle hit her eye. She turned to Y/N smiling sweetly at her.
“My daddy and I would love for you to come over. We can watch his new movie together.”
‘Oh this little-’ Cooper ran his hand down his face as he felt himself turn a little red at Janey's words.
He looked up at Y/N and saw her face look like it matched hers. He felt a little bad but thought why the hell not.
“Well,” he drawled out as her gaze shot to him. Her eyes made him pause as the setting sun caught the shine in them. They were really pretty. “If you're not busy. We would like you to join us.”
Y/N smiled and tucked her hair behind her ear before shaking her head.
“No, I'm not busy tonight.” She looked at Janey. “I would love to join you.”
She glanced up at Cooper, “and you're dad.”
He smiled and Janey squealed out a yes as she ran up the door to his house. She came over with a laugh. She offered to help bring Janey's things in as Cooper shook his head.
“Come on sweetheart. You are a guest and you need to relax. Now go on.”
Y/N blushed and he liked the look on her. She held the door open for him as he followed behind. Janey was playing with Roosevelt, giggling as he licked her face with his tail wagging in excitement. Y/N walked into the living room and let Roosevelt sniff her hand before giving it a lick. She smiled and leaned down to pet and scratch behind his ear, cooing about how he's a good boy.
Cooper smiled as he walked back to the extra bedroom he claimed was Janey's. As he set her suitcase down Janey's voice came from the doorway.
He knelt down as she walked up to him.
“Yes pumpkin?”
“I hope I didn't make you upset with inviting Y/N over. She just seemed really nice and she sounded like she was lonely.”
Cooper kissed the top of her head as he smiled, “you didn't upset me pumpkin. I think she was happy you invited her over. Now let's go make those pancakes before you get hungry.”
Janey smiled at her dad as he followed her out. Smiling at Y/N as she looked up from petting Roosevelt on the floor. She smiled and let Janey sit right next to her as she started asking about Y/N.
“What's your favorite cartoon? Oh do you like purple? My favorite color is purple.”
Cooper chuckled as he walked into the kitchen. The sound of his house filling with talk and laughter, something he was missing for awhile.
After that night Cooper asked Y/N if she would babysit for him if he ever got busy at work. She smiled and enthusiastically said yes and to give her a call whenever he needed her. When a day came that he needed her, she didn't hesitate to come over and wave him away with a laugh.
So, it became a little routine. He got a busy day with shooting, running a little late into the night. When coming home she would have Janey in bed and a home-cooked meal ready for him. It made Cooper want to spend more time with her than immediately sending her home. So he made sure to strike up conversations whenever she came over, always finding excuses to linger a little longer in her presence.
It was nice. It made Cooper feel normal after all of the chaos. Whenever they did just sit together or the random times he would come home to Y/N and Janey having dinner. She would smile and fix him a plate as he sat down. They all laughed and enjoyed dinner together. It was a happy little family.
So his mind started putting her into different fantasies. They started innocent at first. A family day around town. Going grocery shopping together. Just sitting by the fireplace, cuddling up together, as Janey sat and played with her dolls or coloring while watching tv.
Then one night as Cooper had trouble falling asleep, his mind went down a different path. Coming home to you and bending you over the counter. Making you stay in bed all day as he worshipped your body. That's what you deserved after taking care of him so well.
He felt a little guilty when he had to clean himself after coming to the thought of you, but it was his little secret that he didn't share. He knew it was just one sided and didn't have a chance with her.
Until a day came where she flirted with him. It caught him by surprise. He didn't think anyone would find him attractive with how much older he was. But there you were and it made his heart beat just a little faster.
It was a Saturday morning. Janey wasn't with him this weekend so he slept in a little longer. When he got out of bed and walked to the kitchen to get some coffee the doorbell rang out. He huffed and went to open it, not expecting anyone this morning.
Opening the door, Y/N was standing there with a bright smile like always. Her mouth dropped open a little at surprise and it made Cooper confused. Until he realized he goes to bed with just sleep pants and he was standing in front of you shirtless. He felt heat in his cheeks and spread down his neck as he cleared his throat.
“Sorry Y/N. Um, can I help you?”
He watched as her gaze ran down his body before catching his eye again. She blushed and glanced away.
“Sorry Mr. Howard. I was coming over to see Janey.”
“Oh,” he cleared his throat, bringing her attention back to him.
“She's not here. She's at her mother's this weekend.”
She blinked up at him before making an ‘oh’ face. She scratched the side of her head before slightly turning away.
“Sorry for interrupting your morning then. I'll be on my way.”
Before she could fully turn around, Cooper called out.
“Wait, um did you want to come inside? I was going to make coffee. Maybe if you joined me I'll make a little breakfast for us.”
She turned back and bite her bottom lip. “I would like that.”
He stepped back and let Y/N walk past him. She was trying not to let her gaze linger and wander. But he saw her eyes drop down again and it made Cooper feel heated.
He followed her into the living where he stopped and motioned towards his room.
“I'll just go throw on a shirt and then I'll make us breakfast.”
He walked down the hall but stopped suddenly when he heard her say, “I'd prefer if you didn’t.”
His eyes widened before he shouted, “what was that?”
He heard her let out a little squeak and a nothing. It made Cooper feel better about himself. It made him feel attractive again. So he walked out standing a little taller and was more confident about himself.
Apparently she wanted the same. And over the next few weeks he noticed that they both flirted back and forth. She started staying an extra hour or two just to sit and talk about their day. Shooting was a bitch sometimes and classes made her want to rip her hair out.
“I'm surprised that- what's his name?” Cooper looked up at her as she chewed at her lip.
“Matthew,” she sighed out, throwing her head back to face the ceiling.
He took the opportunity to let his gaze run down her body. She was just sitting there and there he was, wondering if she threw her head back when she pleasured herself. Gasping up to the ceiling and-
Cooper shook his head with a groan. Making her look at him in concern.
“Are you alright Mr. Howard?”
“Fine darlin’.” He growled out as he faced away from her.
He heard a hitch in her breath at his new nickname for her and it made him smirk a little.
“What did Matthew do?”
She groaned and buried her face into her hands. She mumbled a reply and leaned toward her to pull her hands away from her face.
“Couldn't quite hear you,” he smirked, “darlin’.”
Her breath got caught again and she looked away with a blush as she spoke.
“He asked me out on a date.”
Cooper looked at her and couldn't help the bolt of jealousy that went through him. He cleared his throat and stood up to head to the bar to get a drink.
“Is there anything wrong with that?”
‘Quit talking Cooper.’ He poured himself some whiskey. ‘Don't say anything stupid. Don't need to scare her off.’
“A beautiful woman such as yourself should have a boys falling at your feet. I know I would”
It was silent for a minute before he faced her with a grimace.
‘Said the stupid thing.’
She looked down at the couch, picking at a stray string on her sweater. He wished he kept his mouth shut as he took a step forward.
“Sorry if I made it awkward.”
She shook her head quickly, “no you didn't make it awkward Mr. Howard. I just don't like…”
Her face flushed red looking up at him before shooting her gaze back down. He chewed at his bottom lip and gazed down at the glass in his hand.
“I don't like boys,” she finished her statement making Cooper raise his gaze to hers. Surprised that she held it as he felt heat raise up his neck toward his cheeks. He cleared his throat before asking.
“What do you mean-”
“Men.” She stated bluntly. “I like older men. A man who is willing to take care of me and show me new things to try.”
She stood and slowly walked to him. His gaze running up and down her body as she sauntered up to him.
“I like when a man takes care of his child.” She smiles up at him and glances off to the side.
“It shows me that he's a good father and,” she bite at her lip as she ran a hand down his chest. Cooper held his breathe as she looked up at him. “I wouldn't mind him putting a few kids into me.”
Cooper threw his glass to the side to cup her face and smashed his lips against hers. The past few weeks making Cooper take his chance. She let out a small squeak but followed his lead. He ran his hand down to her hip and turned them around as he backed her up into the wall. He placed his other hand beside her head on the wall as he pulled away to catch his breath.
He waited as Y/N slowly opened her eyes in a daze before he licked his lips.
‘Sweet,” he thought as he tasted her chapstick. ‘Of course she tastes sweet.’
“Darlin'” he practically growled put as she wrapped her arms around his neck. “You need to tell me now if you want this. If you want to walk out and forget it happened.”
Cooper paused at that statement and hoped to god she didn't reject him.
“Cooper,” she all but purred as she stood up and tip toes. “If I didnt want this. I wouldnt have flirted with you until you got the hint.”
She brushed her lips to his as he ran his hand down to squeeze her ass. She let out a harsh breath and whined as he chuckled.
“Duly noted sweetheart.”
He pressed his lips to hers again as she moaned out. He pressed his body and slotted his leg between hers. She threw her head back with a cry of his name as she rolled her hips. It clicked in his head that she was calling him Cooper instead of Mr. Howard. He pressed a few soft kisses down her neck.
“Never thought I'd like my name falling out of your mouth this much.”
She let out a small breathless laugh as he nibbled at her ear.
“You should hear when I moan it, done that a few times. Maybe screamed it too.”
Cooper let out a low moan and pulled away to hoist Y/N up and over his shoulder. She giggled as he walked down the hallway to his bedroom muttering about how she's being a tease.
“Gonna have to teach ya a few manners, darlin’.”
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as the flowers bloom, my heart does too ⋆*·゚misa x putellas!reader, social media au, (7/-)
when your relationship ends and all you want to do is hide and cry, flowers suddenly start to appear on your doorstep.
or; misa hating to see a pretty girl cry and suffer and going out of her way to cheer her up while staying anonymous
fic: coming
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yourusername: hello madrid 🌼 Liked by sofie.svava, frejaolofssonn, ona.battle and 1,289 others
ingridengen Sweetest girl!!
username1 😮
marialeonn16 Floraaaa mi favoritaaa 😎
sofie.svava Yay, the princess has arrived! 👼🎀
albaps9 oh dear is the car still ok ↳ yourusername i'm a better driver than you ↳ albaps9 iM a bETtER dRiVeR THAn yOu ↳ yourusername you can't even drive manual 😙
janafernandez3 Aw, what beautiful flowers!! 😍 ↳ claudiaapina from her 'secret' admirer, I bet! ↳ jennihermoso Cough, secret admirer turned girlfriend, cough! ↳ ona.battle They're so goals together 😭 ↳ patri8guijarro Uhhh, you know who SHE is?!!! ↳ ona.battle 🤷‍♀️ ↳ __cata13 HOW ↳ janafernandez3 Just a little common sense, girls 😅 ↳ keirawalsh hasn't it been obvious right from the start or do i just spend too much time on social media to have seen it all happen? 😳 ↳ aitanabonmati The last one, you clown 😁
marisabel_rguez Have fun in Madrid, YN! Hope you have a good time 😎 ↳ yourusername ass 🤣
username2 hello, more MisaxYn content? 🤞
username3 Driving six hours to Madrid for funsies?.... hmmm I wonder why 😳 ↳ username4 she could've just taken the train but ok ↳ username5 Maybe the u-haul was already filled to the brim so she decided to bring the rest herself 🤭 ↳ username6 👀 ↳ username7 uhhh they wouldn't, would they? ↳ username5 Oh, but they might! 😌 ↳ username7 🕵️‍♀️🧐
Text Messages
ale 🐻 You post a picture before telling me you've arrived? I love you pero can you please stop worrying me like that. I called you like so many times. ale 🐻 I just had the most nerve wracking seven hours of my life, you know?? you ○○○ you ALE you im okay im okay! you fuck i'm so sorry, my phone died and then i arrived and misa and sofie took me in and they immediately took me out to eat and i just kind of forgot im so so so so so so so sorry and i love you the most in the whole entire world. you're the best sister ever and i'm the luckiest shithead there is. t'estimo, t'estimo, t'estimo!!!! ale 🐻 Bé, I was just really worried about you, I didn't like not hearing anything from you. You're my whole world, too. Next time make sure it's fully charged when you know you'll go out for a long time. What would you have done if you had needed help? Not saying this to scare you, but you know that. So, how was the drive? Did you at least take a few breaks? you boring, lots of rain and traffic. aaaand no breaksies because i didn't want to arrive in the middle of the night bc the traffic had set me back some hours. misa has a game tomorrow and i didn't want her to lose any sleep 😅 ale 🐻Next time you take regular breaks, yes? I'm sure Misa would understand and want the same. Can you please Facetime mami? you i will. petons to you all and olga 😘 you and nala! Delivered
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↳ 6h ago: marisabel_rguez added to their story
Direct Messages albaps9 corrupting the missus to support real madrid, i see? misa, are you even trying to get along with alexia? 😂 marisabel_rguez Jeje 😆 Had to show her a little bit of our Madrid culture, of course! It's tradition to attend a game! albaps9 in the putellas household, it's also tradition to support barca, so have fun holding onto your head! albaps9 no, but all jokes aside. i might not have said this to you in person yet, but i want you to know how happy i am that you're with my sister. i don't think anyone else could've pulled her out of the deep end and love and treat her the way she deserves. you made her see her own worth again, believe that she was deserving of all the good things, and gave us our girl back. i'll never be able to properly thank you, but i want you to know how grateful we all are nonetheless. marisabel_rguez Thank you for telling me. But you don't need to thank me for doing all that. I love her, it's only normal that I treat her accordingly. She's my entire world, Alba. albaps9 i still don't think you realise how much your love and care for her means to her and the rest of us, and how it has impacted us as a family. but remember that we're proud to call you family too. okay? albaps9 unless you hurt her and end up destroying all the progress she's made, maria isabel. then i'll fucking come for you and alexia won't be your only problem. marisabel_rguez I would expect you to do so then! She's really lucky with you two. She loves you very much, so I'm also happy to be part of your circle. albaps9 🥹🥹 okay but you don't even seem the slightest bit intimidated? 🤣 marisabel_rguez Oh no, I know you're bark and bite! I just know I don't have to be afraid because that worst case scenario will never happen! albaps9 thank you misa ❤️
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tagged: marisabel_rguez, frejaolofssonn, carolinemoller_, haleyraso, yourusername sofie.svava: Supporting the boys with my favourite madridistas Liked by claudia.zornoza, carolineweir95, haleyraso and 12,493 others
frejaolofssonn Gooooooaaaaal golgolgolgolgol 🤩
carolineweir95 Supporting the men but wearing Misa jerseys, I'm so here for it haha ↳ sofie.svava Someone insisted 🙊 liked by marisabel_rguez ↳ marisabel_rguez And we couldn't resist her! liked by yourusername
username1 Did sofie just... ↳ username2 Yes 😭😬😬😬 ↳ username3 she's removed yn from the tags now 🤭 ↳ username1 Too late man lmao
claudia.zornoza Vamos 💪🏼
haleyraso 💅🏽
username4 it sure is real love if someone raised on barca sets even one foot inside santiago bernabeu and it's not in the away-section liked by 12 others
username5 The Misa appreciation is spreading 😛 ↳ username6 and rightly so!! ↳ username7 I wonder who's behind that 🧐👀
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marisabel_rguez: Happy life. Liked by albaps9, bff2, jennihermoso and 18,329 others
username1 we know who this is why dont u just tag her lmao srsly ↳ username2 Honestly, do they truly still think they're being slick 🤦‍♀️ ↳ username3 I don't even get the point in keeping it private, like what's the big deal? ↳ username4 maybe they just don't care but don't want to indulge people like you all
marialeonn16 😊
albaps9 ❤️ ↳ albaps9 but that tush will always be mine 😭
sofie.svava 💖
haleyraso Awww
username7 I love how they're slowly growing more comfortable letting the world in ):
sofiajakobsson 😘
bff1 ummm hey? hands to yourself. she's still my snookums until she officially has your last name 🤣 liked by alexiaputellas ↳ yourusername omg stop embarrassing me ↳ marisabel_rguez ✋🏽😳🤚🏽
ingridengen The sweetest together!
salmaparalluelo 😍
jennihermoso 👀
username4 You forgot the other half of the caption ↳ username5 Happy wife, happy life? ↳ username4 Ding-ding-ding! ↳ username6 don't think they'll get married so long as alexia is still lurking in the background 🤣
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yourusername: madrid, you were good to me!! (plus a little surprise i discovered at the petrol station on my way home. te amo mas que a la vida en sa) Liked by bff3, fridolinarolfo, haleyraso and 2,499 others
albaps9 hmmm i wonder whyyyy liked by yourusername
salmaparalluelo Pls yn confirm that you-know-who and the anonymous admirer are the same person!! ↳ jennihermoso 👀 ↳ yourusername hehe ↳ janafernandez3 !!!!!!!!!!!!! ↳ ona.battle We want to know 😱 ↳ marialeonn16 Oh, but we know 😌 ↳ ingridengen yup!! ☺️ ↳ jennihermoso 👀 ↳ ona.battle ???
username1 the note in the car is the cutest 😔
username2 I want a Misa too, care to loan her out?
alexiaputellas Proud of you and how strong you are. You kept fighting and look at you now. You deserve all this happiness, ma germana petita. T'adoro. ↳ yourusername t'estimo tant tant tant
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yourusername: feliç diada de sant jordi, la meva gent🌹 Liked by ingridengen, alexiaputellas, albaps9 and 940 others
marisabel_rguez Horrible choice of clothing, I should give you some of my shirts to wear ↳ yourusername you're acting as if half of them aren't already at my place ↳ marisabel_rguez Right where they should be 😉
bff1 feliç sant jordiiii
begovargas 🌹
alexiaputellas 🌹📖🐉🌹
marisabel_rguez And I love when you speak Catalan!!!! liked by yourusername
janafernandez3 feliç sant jordi, el meu amic 🌹
aitanabonmati Feliç Sant Jordi, YN!
claudiaapina feliç sant jordi! 😊
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↳ 5h ago: marisabel_rguez added to their story ↳ 4h ago: marisabel_rguez added to their story ↳ 1h ago: marisabel_rguez added to their story
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marisabel_rguez: este camiseta 💪🏼 Liked by yourusername, sofie.svava, realmadridfem and 14,398 others
alexiaputellas Visca Barca!!!!! ↳ yourusername be nice... 🤨
yourusername oh wow black is your colour too 🤭 ↳ yourusername (keeping the rest of my thoughts to myself bc alexia's lurking here) ↳ alexiaputellas Yes, behave... 🤨
sofie.svava looking gewd amiga!!! 😇
realmadridfem Nuestro orgullo 💪🏼🤩
haleyraso ✨👏
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username1: o-oka…okay.. ma’am 😳 Liked by username2, yourusername, username3 and 548 others
username2 lucky person who gets to keep her ↳ username3 @/yourusername 👋 ↳ username12 how shallow of you ↳ username2 she's gorgeous??? and look at that smile 😪 ↳ username4 don't act like you didn't see the other two pics 🤥
username3 LOL HI YN
username4 yn we see you liking 🤣 ↳ username3 I can just imagine her kicking her feet and giggling
username1 okay i understand yn now ↳ username2 And you didn't before?!!?!? liked by 25 others ↳ username3 SHAME
yourusername 🤩🥹😳 liked by 120 others ↳ username5 and i oop- ↳ username10 🤣😭 ↳ username11 pls fangirl again it gave us life last time ↳ username6 girl don't hold back, we know what you're thinking ↳ username2 Alexia isn't here now, come on, let it go 🤭
yourusername6 Misaaa
username7 😣
username8 🤯
username9 Hahaha Misa in that suit summoned yn again ↳ username10 can you blame her? 😱 ↳ username11 everything about that picture is making me swoon!
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yourusername: girl's trip to celebrate one of my besties getting married!!!! Liked by albaps9, bff2, bff3 and 5,439 others
bff1 what happens in croatia stays in croatia
bff2 💃👩‍👩‍👧‍👧
username1 😍
judebellingham 😁😎 liked by 230 others
alexiaputellas Sunscreen! 😅 ↳ bff3 Don't worry, I'm on it! 😊 ↳ alexiaputellas 😊
username1 i want a friend group like that </3 ↳ username2 fr
albaps9 jealous!!
marisabel_rguez 😣
bff3 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
jennihermoso Guapa!
begovargas Sunflower in human form! 🌻
Text Messages
17:48 m 💌 I hope you're having a great time together. Don't forget to drink enough if you're out in the sun a lot! (And I don't mean alcohol, jajaja) ✓ m 💌 Ah, no... pls don't tell me you fell asleep in the sun again ☹️ m 💌 I have to go now so I'll call you later tonight. Te amo mas que nadie and take care!! ✓ 22:36 m 💌 Just saw your post. Are you trying to make me miss you even more? I miss seeing your gorgeous face, it always makes me so happy seeing you. m 💌 You know it’s been torture not having you around, right? m 💌 I miss you so much, YN ✓✓ you i miss you too, my love. the most. i'll be back before you know it! more rested than ever 😚💅🏽 and don't worry, i didn't fall asleep. we were on a boat! i'll tell you more in a bit on the phone. you soon we’ll see each other again, vale? we can go on a trip of our own. for now, just try not to miss me too much 😘 you sent you a photo ▼
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m 💌 ○○○ m 💌 Oh, you fucking did not! you oh but i fucking did tho 🥺🥺🥺🙃 m 💌 YN. you si, chula? you ○○○ you misa? you i'm sorry you ☹️ Delivered
Incoming call m 💌
"Are you alone right now?"
a/n: wishing you the sweetest start of your week! i hope someone does something nice for you and if not, then here's a flower from me to you already 🌻
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blingblong55 · 3 days
Bloom- Simon "Ghost" Riley
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Based on a request:
Could you do a fic, simon x witch! reader where the reader is a very powerful witch (like Scarlet witch powerful). Simon gets lost in a forest during a mission after being shot by some blue energy by the enemy team. He doesn't know that the forest is an enchanted one. The reader finds him wounded and with a mysterious energy so she takes him to her sanctum sanctorum in the forest (🙈) and then he has to stay for a few months for the reader to study that energy and then they fall in love.  Thanksss ❤️ ---- F!Reader, witch!au, fluff/romance? ----
You live near a small, calm, beautiful and peaceful river. It is said that this river is special, that if you follow it, you'll find the mythical and wonderful creatures that roam it. From fairies to soft fur cats, this place is truly magical. 
One day, as the sun is still looking over the trees, a tired soldier finds the peculiar place you call home. It was like out of a soft and kind witch story. A flower-filled garden was the entrance to such a place, the birds chirping and two cats roaming by what welcomed him. It is as if the sweet creatures lured his wounded body into this side of the forest. 
It's a long walk before he can even get close to such a place. Simon walks with caution, gun steady as he approaches this place. His eyes were vigilant, looking over the vegetation, the windows and then the door. His body begs to sit down and he complies. He finds some tree, sits down and looks at his wounds. "Bloody hell, Simon. You fuckin' had to ruin this mission, you blood muppet," he curses himself and shakes his head.  
The second you see him, you can tell there is truly something wrong, no right-minded person comes to this part of the woods. Your cat looks up at you and you nod. As you approach him, something tells you to be cautious and you follow that feeling. 
All of a sudden, his body freezes and he is turned over. His eyes come in contact with yours. They are so beautiful, just like the nature that surrounds him and you. 
"Who must you be?" you ask him rather later after your eyes scanned his body. "...Soldier...I'm a soldier, and you are?" Simon's voice is deep and raspy. "I'm Y/N, I live here, what are you doing here?" He takes a moment to try to explain his situation, "..I stumbled through here, running away-"
"Oh god, you're bleeding-those damn farries," you take his hand and guide him into your home. It was always known to you that when you found this place, the farries that here long before you did, always tried to get you to help any and everything. You were too powerful, they weren't and since they were sneaky but helpful, you and them made such a good team when help was needed. 
His brow was bloody, and so was his cheek, arm and left thigh. What must someone do to earn this?
There is truly no evil in you, which is by some force, you stumbled upon a home like this. It's a perfect, secluded place and it even brings magical friends now and then. 
"Who did this to you?" you ask him gently, trying to not alarm him with a louder voice. "I...it's not important," he lies and you shake your head. "They seem superficial, except the leg, which one needs a lot of time to heal," you explain, not trying to push the previous subject. 
When you put on your special glasses, made by the kind fairies, you can see why such thigh injury would take time to heal. This man was not hurt by any human, any normal one that is. 
You run to your garden, urging to find red tulips. Your eyes turn a sage green colour before switching to a soft pink as the plant decays and you rush back in. "What's wrong?" Simon asks but you shush him up. "You stay seated, don't interrupt," you say, not trying to be gentle anymore. The mark of black magic was always noticeable to those with the special eyewear. 
A black with gold buttons cape comes flying from the nearby table and places itself around your shoulders, the hood so effortlessly falling on your head. You begin to whisper, calling for all help to turn the decayed flower into medicine to heal him. 
The room goes completely dark and silent and before he knew it, you had a bowl in your hand. 
You kneel in front of him, and he panics but before he can say a word, your cat walks to him, licks his hand and purrs. Your cat always knew best and calming Simon was a wise move. 
Simon sighs as he feels relief in the medicine you're applying. His wound finally became normal, the odd colour it had now gone. You stand up, "You mustn't leave, not until you are safe," you advise with caution. "Why not? what will happen if I leave?" he asks with fear in his voice. "Whoever did this is still out there, searching for the mark it left on you, now, whilst you're here, you mustn't leave this part of the forest," you tell him softer this time. 
He looks down, weighing his options. 
Once those sweet brown eyes of his lay back on you, you smile, knowing his answer. 
For nearly five months, Simon has it here with you. Adoring the days and nights when he doesn't feel like his life is at risk by some gun or bomb, all he looks out for is those fairies playing tricks again. 
With time, you and him enjoy the time you spend together. He tells you his life story under the willow tree by your home and you tell him yours. 
Nights become sweeter when he and you sit under the moon. "I like this place," he confesses and you smile. Truth be told, there is an odd feeling you've been getting each time he flashes you a smile. What must it be? No clue, you lie to yourself. 
Slowly, month six comes by and you've decided to enjoy all activities, not wanting to be the powerful witch you are but a woman in her twenties, enjoying the sun in the safest forest there is to be. Simon has become the person you roam the forest with, telling him silly stories of the animals you find along the way. Every day, he sits down in the leaf-covered room you call your laboratory and lets you inspect the dark magic wound. And every day, he watches you in a different light, at least now he does. 
With time, he sits under a full moon, confessing that his heart began to beat for more than the gun he held dear. "I think I have begun to enjoy you by my side, Y/N. It's weird, I don't know if I should like you or feel...different about you but I do like this feeling." He looks at you as your eyes soften. 
"Simon," you begin but he cuts you off. It's like a symphony that plays beside you when he cups your face. "I like that I'm not afraid of life, not since you walked into it," he whispers before nervously kissing you. Both your eyes closed as this warm and sweet feeling rushed through your veins. 
Isn't it beautiful? 
Being heaven-struck by the kiss of a soldier who he, himself always wanted that feeling too. Yeah...there is something else this forest holds. 
A/N: I don't why..but let me confess that each time I write something that isn't smutty, I get sleepy and its such a good feeling..anyway..bye
@liyanahelena @johfaam0 @goldenmclaren @ghostslillady @moonsua1 @rvivienner @Krinoid24 @iruzias @frazie99 @night-mare-owl-79 @saoirse06 @vampsquerade @alxexhearts @Juneonhoth @tiredmetalenthusiast @jinxxangel13 @strangepuppynightmare @defnotlpuluvyou @enarien @Simonssweetgirl @luvecarson @nellsbobells @willowaftxn83-87 @coralwitchdreamland @ikohniik @nobodys-coffee @strawberrychita @sae1kie @queen-ilmaree @pbcartii @Llelannie @Macnches2 @bbyfimmie @avidreadee123 @talooolaaloolla @skelletonwitch @bittermajesties @Nyx_Flower @sparky--bunny @honestlyhiswife @who-can-appease-me @ghostwifeyy @konigssultwithghost @pinkblossomsworld @kaoyamamegami @the_royal_bee @beansproutmafia @soapybutt17 @asianbutnotjapanese @a-goose-with-a-knife @foxface013 @anonxasian @born4biriyani @thegreyjoyed @mychemichalimalance @marshiely @sleepyycatt @believeinthefireflies95 @noodlezz-bedo @alexaseeraj @trinthealternate
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moonsaver · 3 days
Your writing is very good! And I like it! I'm having it for breakfast, lunch, dinner, everytime
BUT LIKE, LISTEN TO ME, WHAT IF S/O WAS REBELLIOUS LIKE HIM TOO. But not like actually him, just typical rebellious student back then. Like, breaking the rules, pissing off the teachers, etc
AND, HIS S/O IS LIKE NOW, NORMAL. A PROFESIONAL, and probably embarrassed of their phase back then. I do see them being Friendly and chilled with Ratio?? Or like "Oh crap, it's the old rebellious dude that tries to teach me random smart stuffs"
But in my opinion, I do see S/O just being like "Oh, what's up Ratio" and just being neutral. Greeting him whenever they passed by or see each other again, while also slightly joking about the things Ratio tried to teach them back then. As they told him that they actually listened to his teaching.. Even though it's.. Well, it's used by unsuccessful methods
S/O WOULD DO THAT, telling Ratio old rebellious phase embarrassing stories to his students whenever they feel afraid of him. Like
"Oh, did you know that your professor (Veritas Ratio), used to talk so much about our teacher that just give the slightest wrong formula, to the point he keeps getting send to the office? Hah! I was there!"
As Ratio stood there with hidden embarrassed look, as he tries to hold the urge to not shut S/O up.
Under the cut,might be long!
Soso, you're the rebellious kid who's butting heads with the other jerkwad, the only difference between you two is that he's just a nerd on top of being a rebellious kid. He's the "worst" of both worlds.
It's a very cliche enemies to strangers to acquaintances who respect each other to tension between possible lovers. Its kind of funny.
In your student days, I imagine the moment both of you see each other in the hall, you scowl at each other. Or make fun of something the other has. Maybe he's lugging a bulky art project and you make fun of him saying he looks like a turtle dragging his own shell. Maybe you left your bag's zip open and Veritas comments on how "devoid of knowledge" it is, "like your head" (you forgot all your books somewhere, your bag is completely empty). God forbid either of you tried something experimental and the other catches a glimpse of it. If they're not within talking distance, they'll shout on the top of their lungs. To both of you, the louder it is the more humiliation is involved. You'll find this method is often used by Veritas, as he openly quizzes you and chides LOUDLY that you're a BUFFOON and an IDIOT for not knowing a SIMPLE FORMULA. You decide to retaliate by stealing more than half his stationary, so now he has to scramble to gather extras and literally no one helps him cause he's a jerk lol.
Everyone on campus absolutely either hates it or loves it. Theres fanpages of you two with cringe edits,or those really well-made shitpost ones. Sometimes your classmates just bait the other to go a certain place just so you two cross paths and stir up a lot of trouble. The teachers are all done with both of you.
Cut to the future (or present?), reader's a professor too now. Let's assume either of them is unaware when they join the job (as implied by the request).
I imagine professor reader, if they manage to stay calm and just.. talk normally, it does give Dr. Ratio some whiplash. His pride demands he straightens himself out though, so it's not too soon before he himself drones on about some or the other tedious topic. You mention the past and how often you used to butt heads, and Veritas' first instinct is to immediately retaliate the way his past self would have done; but he stops himself in time, and sighs at it. You've painstakingly ingrained that response into him. But he's still slightly embarrassed nonetheless. It's not too soon before the conversation becomes more relaxed (I mean.. considering Veritas,as relaxed as he lets it be), and as a form of "nostalgia" he brings up all the questions he used to ask you back then, only to be pleasantly surprised when you give him detailed but professional answers. It's not too soon before he learns that you've become a professor aswell. Dr. Ratio congratulates you – with reservations of course, which is completely thrown out the window when you tell him you knew all of this because.. you listened to him.
Ugh. Don't make him feel so sappy. A part of him detests it; warming up and being all chummy with a hopeless classmate of all people. But a part of him is.. kind of happy about it.
Which is promptly changed the moment you also realize he's a professor now.
And that his students aren't spared from the nostalgia either.
He's bursting through the door, jaw dropped, angry and shocked face as you prattle on about how much of an asshole he was back in the day to his students. For a moment, he contemplates whether he should just throw chalk at you and make an example of you to his students, or drag you out. After a few seconds of paralyzed contemplation, he immediately grabs you by the back of your collar and drags you out before something else comes out of your mouth.
It's almost the same all over again – both of you bickering back and forth as he's all pissy about you spilling everything to his students! You've positively tarnished his reputation! Perhaps he shall tell your students how you used to walk around wearing a lanyard and a shirt with the institution name written on it in big, bold letters on the first day? Or that time you tripped and faceplanted right into the trashcan while you complained about his (axe bodyspray) deodorant?
Ugh.. he'll just deal with you later. Although he won't admit this even to himself.. it's nice seeing you again. He didn't think of that, it must be the headache you gave him that's making him think all weird.
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daisyblog · 2 days
New Friend
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Unexpected Love Masterlist Summary: Harry meets Jacob.
YN could feel the nerves start to creep in as the time for Harry to arrive approached. Deep down she knew she had nothing to worry about, but that niggling thought at the back of her mind pushed forward reminding her that if Jacob didn’t like Harry or if things didn’t go to plan then she would have to end their relationship.
Jacob had been excited all morning, wanting to know when Harry would be arriving and if they could bake something for him. They had spent a couple of hours baking brownies, Jacob insisting that Harry would love them “because everyone loves brownies”.
After spending the morning tidying and baking, Jacob suggested going to the shop to get some snacks for their movie night. As they walked around the store, YN couldn’t help but laugh at how Jacob continue to pick up different types of treats and saying “Just incase Harry likes these”.
As YN watches Jacob playing with his Lego in the lounge area, she thinks back to a few days ago when she sat down with him and asked if he’d like to meet Harry.
YN had already asked Jack if he was happy for Jacob to meet Harry, he screamed with excitement knowing YN would never introduce someone into Jacob’s life unless she was serious about them.
Jacob was cuddled up to her on the sofa, they were watching Toy Story, one of his favourites. “Hey Jakey…can I ask you something?”. YN ran her fingers through his hair, knowing it was something that helped him relax.
“Yeah”. His eyes didn’t leave the screen as they focused on Woody and Buzz.
“Uh…Mummy has a new friend-“. YN began, trying to explain in simple way.
“A new friend?”. Jacob’s voice was curious but his eyes only left the screen for a few seconds.
YN nodded. “Yeah…and I like my new friend a lot…and I was wondering if you would like to meet him?”.
Jacob was still distracted by the scene on the tv. “Yeah…will he be my friend too?”.
“Well not straight away but once you get to know him I’m sure he’ll be your friend too”. YN smiled at how innocent he was despite his mature social skills.
“What’s his name?”. Jacob continued to ask questions.
“Harry”. YN felt herself smile as she said his name. “Is there anything else you want to ask Mummy about him?”.
Jacob sat in thought as he tried to think of another question, but he quickly shook his head and continued watching the film.
Jacob was watching Manchester United play as YN began clock watching knowing that Harry would be arriving any minute. She got lost in the excitement of Jacob cheering on his favourite team, when the doorbell rang.
YN quietly walked to answer the door, knowing Harry was the one standing behind it. “Hi”. She smiled widely as she stepped aside for Harry to walk in.
“Hi…you look beautiful”. Harry complimented YN with a quick peck on the lips, whilst they were alone.
The blush crept onto her cheeks. “Aw tha-“.
“YEEEEESSSSSS!”. Jacob’s voice shouted from the next room, causing Harry to have an amused grin and YN to laugh knowing someone must have scored.
“Sorry!”. YN let out a laugh. “Jacob is watching football and I’m guessing someone’s scored”.
Harry held his hands up in defence. “Hey…that’s a boy after my own heart”.
“He’s a Manchester United fan”. YN explained knowing how much Jacob loved football.
Harry smirked as they both still stood in the hallway. “What a coincidence, so am I”.
Harry followed YN through to the lounge and he could see Jacob sat on the edge of the sofa, his eyes focused intensely on the game. “Hey Jakey”. YN tried to get his attention.
“Mummy they scored!”. Jacob announced as he heard his mother enter the room. Excitement clear in his voice.
“Wow that’s amazing!”. YN shared the excitement despite not knowing much about football. “I said you were their lucky charm”. Jacob gave YN a toothy grin.
“I think we going to win”. Jacob looked behind YN to where Harry was standing. He looked to YN with a shy smile.
“Jacob, this is Harry”. YN explained to the little boy before she continued. “Do you want to say hello?”.
“Hello”. His voice was quiet as he looked at Harry with a shy expression.
“Hi Jacob…thank you for letting me join you and Mummy for some dinner”. Harry knew this was a huge deal for him but an even bigger one for Jacob.
“Guess what Jakey”. YN knew she had his attention from the way his eyes lit up when he heard the word guess. “Harry loves Manchester United too!”.
Jacob’s little eyes widened as far as they could. “Really?”. He couldn’t believe it, when Harry nodded with a big smile. “My Daddy says they’re the best team”.
“Your Daddy is right…they are the best team!”. Harry agreed.
“Mummy? Can Harry watch football with me?”. Jacob asked, his eyes large as they pleaded.
YN smiled. “Yeah of course he can”. Harry gave YN a smile of relief as he took a seat next to Jacob. She couldn’t help but look on at the scene of them both at the edge of their seats as they waited for a score, or how they spoke about different players.
Harry had insisted on buying them all pizza in the evening and as they all sat around the dinning table, Jacob had began asking Harry questions.
“Harry? How old are you?”. Jacob took a bite of his pizza.
“Twenty five”. Harry answered another question, as he picked up another slice of pizza.
“My Mummy is twenty five…but I’m five”.
“What’s your favourite colour?”. Harry joined in on the questions. YN smiled over to him from where she was sat next to Jacob.
“Blue!”. Jacob answered quickly. “My Mummy likes pink…my Daddy likes green…Zara likes red and…Theo likes….Mummy what colour is Theo’s favourite?”. Jacob info dumped as he tried to recall everyone’s favourite colours.
“I’m not sure sweetheart…I don’t think he has one yet”. YN answered. “He’s still little isn’t he?”.
“Theo’s my baby brother”. Jacob turned to look back at Harry.
Harry pretended this was new information to him. “Waw…you’re so lucky having a baby brother”.
“Have you got a brother?”. The questions kept coming. YN laughed at how inquisitive her son was.
YN interrupted. “Sorry…Jacob is a social butterfly after a while…aren’t you Buddy?”.
“I’m used to questions….but these are definitely my favourite ones”. Harry waved off YN’s apology. “I don’t have a brother but I have an older sister…her names Gemma”.
“Mummy has a sister and a brother”. Jacob revealed a new piece of information to Harry. He noticed YN smile down at Jacob, but he could see it wasn’t her natural one. It was more forced and like she was putting on a show. “But they make Mummy sad”.
“Okay sweetheart…why don’t you go and choose some snacks and we can watch a movie”. Whilst Jacob was oblivious to YN changing the subject, Harry wasn’t but decided staying quiet was for the best right now.
Jacob had chosen for them to watch Cars and insisted to sit next to Harry, so he could share his snacks with him.
“Harry look how fast they go!”. Jacob’s voice was excited as the screen showed all the cars racing around the track. “Watch….vrooooom!”.
“They are super fast!”. Harry agreed as he watched the scene in front of him. “Who do you thinks going to win?”.
Jacob was fascinated by the cars fighting for first place. “Uh…I think Lightning McQueen!”.
“Oh here they go…they’re starting to go faster!”. Harry encouraged Jacob’s excitement. “He’s nearly there….is he going to do it?”.
“HE DID IT!”. Jacob shouted and turned to Harry who was signalling him for a high five.
About half way through the film, Harry felt a heavy movement on his arm and as he glanced he noticed Jacob resting against it with his eyes closed. “All this excitement has worn him out”.
“He’s been so excited all day to meet you.” YN explained as she looked down at the sleeping boy, who had made himself comfy against Harry. “He really likes you already…when you went to the bathroom earlier…he whispered to me asking if he could have hair like yours”.
“He’s adorable…today’s been one of my favourite days”. YN felt her heart swell with warmth at Harry’s words. “And I’m hoping there’s many more to come”.
“We’d like that!”. YN gestured towards Jacob, who was still sleeping soundly. “You’ve definitely made a new friend today!”.
@ell0ra-br3kk3r @vikiii07-blog @sleutherclaw
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penelopepine · 20 hours
Don't be a stranger! Pt. 6
Part 5 Part 6
Simon "Ghost" Riley x FemReader
Content: Neighbors AU, fluff, developing relationship, light angst
It was you. It was fucking you; Simon finally felt like he could breathe again hearing your voice. 
"Simon? Simon, are you ok?" It's pretty late right now." You calling his name brings him back to the conversation at hand. You're right it was late; he wasn't thinking of that when he called you. It also relieves him to know that you were ok and that you were just sleeping. Heavens knows though that he would be running to you right now if you hadn't answered. 
"Love, I need you to not panic, and do exactly as I say." Simon can't talk as Simon right now. His emotions will only get in the way, and that will get you hurt. Ghost doesn't have emotions though; he only knows orders and doing what needs to be done, "Copy." 
You don't answer right away. You're clearly worried and confused about what is happening, "I copy." 
"Put me on speaker and start packing. You're staying at a hotel tonight." He's getting you out of there right now. Call him paranoid Simon doesn't care right now. His main focus is getting you out of that flat; he'd rather be wrong about everything and have you safe than dead. 
"What! Simon, what's going on?" 
"I know I'm not making a lot of sense right now, but just trust me." Simon waits to see if you're going to actually listen to him or just hang up on him. 
It's silent on your end for a few moments before he hears what he assumes is you getting out of bed, "You're on speaker now. How long am I packing for?" 
You listened to him. Simon is so relieved to know that despite him acting so out of the norm for you, you do trust him. "Pack light; only for a few days just in case. Bring any important documents with you as well." He's going to get to you as soon as he can, but he knows that Price and the others need to be involved first. "Now, tell me exactly what happened when the two men showed up." 
"Uh well, I saw them when I was just getting home. They were right outside your door talking to one another." 
"Do you know what they were saying?"
"No, it was all in Russian."
Simon at this point has put you on speaker as well as he starts to book a hotel room and cab for you, "Continue." 
"I tried to just walk past them; I thought maybe they were lost looking for a friend's room or door to door salesman, but they stopped me as soon as I was unlocking my door." Your breathing fast; obviously panicking about the situation you're now in, "they asked about you mostly; they knew your name. Just things like if I knew you, when you would be back, or if anyone else lived in the flat." 
"Breathe love, it's okay." He needs to keep you calm; if you get panicked you'll be more prone to make dumb decisions, "What did you tell them?"
“I didn’t tell them anything, I promise. I said we’ve seen each other in halls, but we’ve never really talked before and that I couldn’t answer their other questions.” 
Simon is starting to feel less bad about dragging you out of your flat as you continue to tell the story. Everything about this is sounding more and more suspicious, “Did it look like they had been in the flat?” 
“No, no the door was shut and when I was sure that they had left I went in to make sure you hadn’t been robbed or something.” That made Simon nervous; he wished that you hadn’t been so worried about his place. He had been practically bullied into giving you a spare key so you could keep things clean while he was away.
Simon wants to question you further, but is cut off by a noise from his phone. It seems the cab is ready for you outside. It is late he reminds himself, and he can find out more later once you’re safely away from your flat. “Love, a cab is waiting for you outside. It’s going to bring you to a safe hotel nearby; a room under Jane Smith will be waiting for you. I need you to share with me your location as well.” 
You release a shaky breath, “Simon, I’m scared.”  
"I know, I'm- I'm sorry. I haven't been handling this situation well at all I'm sure." 
"I trust you Simon, I do, but you're going to have to explain to me what is happening tomorrow." With that another noise comes from his phone and he sees that he now has your location. 
Simon makes sure to stay on the phone with you the entire cab ride, and even until you reach your room. Talking about things you’ve been doing for the last two weeks; keeping the conversation light. 
When the phone call ends he expects hours to have passed, but in reality it has only been an hour at best. Simon takes a stumbling step backwards before he’s rushing out the door to find the others. He cares much less about keeping them awake then he did you. 
Marching through the base he goes to Price's office first. Simon knows for a fact that Price is still up and doing paperwork. He knocks once on the door out of respect, but is storming inside without waiting for an answer.  "Price." 
"Ghost," Price looks up at him quizzically, "Is there a reason for your sudden appearance at this time?"
"We have a problem. My flat and identity has been compromised." 
Price suddenly looks very serious; all tiredness fading from his face, "tell me everything." 
Simon quickly explains everything that you told him. The two come up with a plan of action, and how they're going to proceed with what's happening. Price has already scheduled a meeting with Laswell and the others first thing in the morning. Which isn't ideal for Simon as he wants to be near you right now, but he knows waiting for everyone to be on board is for the best. 
The next morning everyone is awake and in the meeting room with Price leading the briefing. "We're going in to survey the area, and see if Beads or Ghost's flat has been tampered with." 
Simon had to admit to himself it was nice to have a name for you without actually telling others your real name. It was the name he had given Price and the others to use whenever they needed to talk about you. 
“Is Beads still there?” Johnny  looks towards Simon.
“She’s safe and away from there at the moment.” 
It's Laswell who chimes in next, "We'll need her brought back to base after you've surveyed the area and got any information you can find; at least for a few hours. I'll need to talk to her about who she saw, and what exactly was said in their conversation." 
Price nods and claps his hands together, "Alright lads you know the plan let's roll out!" 
They all arrive at his flat building a couple hours later. During that time Simon had checked your location, and texted you as well for good measure. Your location was exactly where it should have been. When texting he had given you a heads up that he was coming to get you. Your replies showed that you were relieved to hear from him, but still upset about being in the dark about the situation. 
Walking down the hallway to both yours and his flats he sees that both doors are slightly ajar. Simon speeds past his own door and goes for yours instead. “Price, Gaz, you two take my flat while Johnny and I go to Beads.” 
He receives a nod from Price before slowly pushing your door open and stepping inside. It kills him when he gets a good look around your space. The whole place has been overturned and torn apart. 
“They really did a number on this place didn’t they?” Johnny asks from behind him, “Is there anything you want to grab from here?” 
“No, but if you see something that looks important let me know.” 
Going further into your flat it seems like every room has been turned upside down. Simon doesn’t know what they could have even been looking for in here. He luckily didn’t even keep anything important relating to him at his own flat; he knows that they didn’t get anything useful about him in here. 
It took the two of them about half an hour to completely and thoroughly go through the place. When nothing was found they went back to the hallway where Price and Gaz are just exiting his flat as well.
“Find anything?” Simon asks, looking towards Price. 
“Cameras, we’re sure we’ve found them all and deactivated them already. We’ll get these to Laswell right away. There may be something we can use on them.” 
“This place has cameras in the halls as well; let’s make sure we grab those too.”
Simon gives his flat a look through once more while Price deals with getting the building cameras. His place looks much like yours did; except he had much less things to destroy in his. Not finding anything else that they could have planted he makes his way back down to the car where the others are already waiting. 
"Time for us to meet Beads?" Johnny grins as Simon approaches them; clearly excited about the idea of meeting you. 
"Unfortunately." Simon simply walks past and hops back in the car. The others followed right after him, and in just a few moments they were heading in your direction. Your location hasn't moved since the last time he checked. 
He makes sure to text you once again; to let you know that he and the team are on their way to you, and to pack up since you'll be coming with them. 
Parking in front of your hotel comes far too fast and too slow at the same time for Simon. He hasn't seen you in weeks, and now when he is finally able to you're upset with him and possibly being hunted by some Russian terrorist group. 
"Do you want us to go up with you, or should we wait here?" Gaz speaking finally snaps Simon out of his thoughts. 
"Wait here; we'll be out soon." He steps out and begins his way inside right past the receptionist desk, and down the hall to your room. Before he can knock on your door though he hears a ping from his phone. 
Looking down at his phone he sees that a group chat with everyone has been made by Soap with the chat being named ‘Operation: Wingman’. It seems things have just gone from bad to worse for him.
Note: I just want to thank everyone for the support on this story; it really means a lot to me! Would anyone at this point believe me if I said this was meant to be a cute and simple one-shot? Now I'm on part 6 and the whole thing is over 8k work count!
Taglist: @nexthyperfix @yourdaydreamerfan @tf141gloryhole @just-pure-trash @definitelynotaclown
@141tfsan @arminarletssword @openup-yourmind @evie-119 @v1x3n
@whos-fran @trcyyyyy @azkza @kaoyamamegami
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ze0re · 3 days
❥# — 𝘐𝘯𝘧𝘰 angst to comfort?, crying, softie shigaraki,
☆ — 𝘴𝘶𝘮𝘮𝘢𝘳𝘺 this is his last visit.
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❣︎ — 𝘢𝘶𝘵𝘩𝘰𝘳𝘴 𝘯𝘰𝘵𝘦 this is for all the shigaraki lovers (including me). this takes place in season 5 so slight spoilers but it’s not a big spoiler, so I hope you guys enjoy 🫦.
next story is aizawa!
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“ 𝖮𝗇𝖾 𝖫𝖺𝗌𝗍 𝖵𝗂𝗌𝗍 “ 𝖳𝖮𝖬𝖴𝖱𝖠 𝖲𝖧𝖨𝖦𝖠𝖱𝖠𝖪𝖨 𝗈𝗇𝖾𝗌𝗁𝗈𝗍
❤︎︎# — SHIGARAKI this was going to be his last visit he did for a good awhile.
it made his heart clench. a feeling that was entirely new to him, he won't be able to see, or even touch you..the thought of not being able to do those things made him irk but he had to do it. since his quirk— decay has gotten a lot stronger and more adapted the doctor agreed to giving tomura what he wanted.
the league or anyone else hasn't said anything to you yet from his order— wanting to tell you himself. so here he was, by your bedroom door watching you sleep. you looked so..peaceful. you were hugging a pillow with the covers half off your body wearing the little bonnet he had gotten you. he sighed walking towards the side of your bed crouching down a bit, luckily since he had gloves on he got to touch you one last time. he placed his hand on your cheek, with a short smile something he's never genuinely done before. you shifted a bit feeling a cold hand on your skin, groggily, you epened your eyes. It was blurry but once you gain vision you were able to see, tomura was in front of you and he looked..a bit different?.
his usual blue hair was now white, his face looked more sharper and clean and his body? he was more muscular, he was wearing a black shirt that hugged his body really well. what was he up to?. almost immediately you placed your hand on top of his, yawning. "you didn't break my door this time did you?." you joked, tomura shook his head with a small smile, "no, I didn't." and his voice too? more deeper and raspy. but you nodded your head, "you sound different..let alone look different. you hit puberty?." you joked now sitting up as tomura rolled his eyes with a sarcastic laugh, "funny. but no I didn't, I assume it has something to do with my quirk adapting.." you spoke a small 'oh' as you took a. strand in your hand. it looked nice. “would you be mad if I said this hair color fits you more?.” he shook his head with a small grin, you also smiled.
"good, because it does. I’ll miss the blue hair though” you chuckled “..but what're you doin here? aren’t you supposed to be somewhere?." he hoped you wouldn’t have asked this question, you seen the reaction on his face. he looked..upset? furrowing your eyebrows you grabbed ahold of his hand. "what's wrong my love?." your soft voice..his hand twitched against your own looking down, "this will be my last visit for awhile." confused. "what do you mean, last visit?." he looked up this time, "doc agreed to give me what I wanted after I proved myself to him." he looked down at his hand, but..doesn't that mean..your eyes widen a bit, "I don't know how long It'll take bu—!." you cut him off by hugging him tightly. he almost fell over by how fast your Impact was but Instantly wrapped his hands around you, his heart clenched again. he didn't want to leave you but after so many long months— years..he finally got what he wanted.
from the tremble of your body tomura knew you were crying but trying so hard to not make It noticeable. you clenched tighter against his neck not wanting to let him go, but you had to. shigaraki softly caressed your hips letting this moment sink In. never in a million years would he had thought he would feel like this, clenching heart, smiling..you were the only person to get him to break. to be so soft too, he would do anything for you, kill for you. he loves you. after a few minutes or so you pulled back from him with a smile of your own, tomura looked at you with soft eyes placing his hand on your cheek wiping away the remaining tears. you looked so pretty when you cried. "as long as you come back to me I'll be fine." you chuckled, he gave another small smile, "I always come back to you sweetheart."
"I'm holding this against you." you teased leaning In to take his lips with yours which he Instantly accepted. the kiss was soft and warm, yet so meaningful. the kiss you shared soon broke apart, leaning your head against his, ”you have to promise me one thing.” he spoke, you looked at him with a nod, “anything.” he breathed In then out, “stay out of the city. I don’t want you caught up in that mess let alone getting hurt. so promise me.” the look in his eyes were serious. despite being confused of this request you nodded your head, “I promise.” he nodded, “good.” — "despite that, how long till you leave?." shigaraki hummed, "not till tomorrow." — "then let's make the most of this.." when you said this, he instantly knew what you meant. you wanted to cuddle with him, laid in bed with him. right when you hit your comforter again laying on his chest, you fell asleep. even though you didn't want too, sleep took over you almost immediately. but as for shigaraki he couldn't sleep knowing this is the last visit before awhile, he traced a long your back and hip sighing. he's going to miss you so much. he knows the league will take care of you by his orders but it still ached him that he had to leave you. all the hate he has in his heart he was able to make a tiny space just for you.
his one love.
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littlemissmiller · 3 days
𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐚𝐥𝐨𝐨𝐧 𝐆𝐢𝐫𝐥
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Pairing: billy the kid x fem!reader
Summary: you are a bartnder/saloon girl at a bar in town. when billy rides into town, he is absolutely in love with you, but takes it slow. one night you invite him home and he can’t resist you any longer
Warning: 21+ (drinking) fluff, smut, p in v, semi-rough sex (ass slapping), hickeys, oral (f receiving), aftercare, porn with a plot
Word count: 5.1k
A/N: hello friends :) first i just want to say thank you for the support! it has truly exceeded my expectations given i thought like three people were going to read my last two posts sooo thank you thank you thank you all! second, i was trying to get this out to y’all sooner, especially with season 2 being announced, but alas life be busy and i wanted to get this just right so here y’all go! a cute lil fluffy smutty billy moment. i hope to release more billy(and coryo) related content as well as other stuff soooo get excited ♥︎ ! p.s. there is a lil treat at the end ;)
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The moment you saw him ride into town, you knew you had to have him. You had seen a lot of cowboys come into town, handsome ones too. Something about Billy however, had you wondering about what the story was behind those mysterious eyes. His pretty blue eyes that pierced into your soul. He always looked at you so intently under the brim of his hat and would study you. Trying to figure you out just as much as you were with him. 
Billy became a regular at the saloon and would start to stay and wait for you to walk you home. It never went beyond that. He was such a gentleman, despite how easily you would have accepted him had he offered himself to you. Little did you know that he was being patient with you because he liked you so much. His last encounter with a woman ended up being a short and fast heartbreak, which pained him at the time and made himself feel like a fool in the long term. So he had swore to himself the next time he had the inclination to want someone he thought was good enough for love, he wouldn’t rush it. He didn’t want to scare you off like the precious creature you were to him. 
One morning you can’t stop thinking about him on the way to the market. Your sister was coming into town with her family and you had a big dinner to plan. As you arrived at the market, you were greeted by a familiar face. 
“Well good morning, darling” Billy stated tipping his hat “What brings you into town so early?” 
“Could ask you the same” you smiled “I need groceries”
“New rope for cattle ranching. Could I offer you any assistance sweetheart?”
Your heart fluttered at the pet names and your face went flush. You felt hot, your corset somehow becoming tighter, and your stomach nearly dropped. You nervously tucked your hair behind your ear. 
“Well if you insist” you quipped back
Billy held your basket for you as you shopped. He eventually obtained his rope and the pair bought their goods and were on their way. Of course, Billy offered you a ride home, despite the short distance. You rode on his horse as he rode with you behind him. You loved the feeling of being able to grip onto his waist like this. A seemingly innocent action that you reveled in. And with being this close to him, you happily took in the scent of gunpowder and fresh pine wood that wafted from his shirt. He would occasionally glance over his shoulder to sneak a look at you. He smiled to himself at how pretty your eyes looked as you held onto him tightly, your basket of groceries tucked in your elbow. They arrived soon enough at your home and Billy assisted you inside. 
“Well thank you Billy. Always willing to help me ain’t ya.” You smiled sweetly at him. The kind of smile that made Billy loose his thoughts. Your big doe eyes once again captured his attention. 
“Of course. A lady like yourself deserves all the help in the world.”
“Why are you sweeting me up like I’m hot tea William Bonney?” 
“Maybe because you are sweet. Like honey.” He smiled back, taking a step closer to you. This time, sensing your nerves, he pushed your hair back behind your  ear. 
“So what is all this food for anyways. Not that I would judge but it seems like a lot for a women who lives alone.”
“Got family coming in. They’ll be wanting a nice meal the first night at least.” You explained lightly gripping his bicep, rubbing his arm with your thumb. 
“And I reckon you’ll need some help cooking that. Don’t you think?” 
Normally you wouldn’t need the help. Especially since you enjoyed to cook and was very picky about who was in your kitchen. But with Billy asking, how could you say no.
“You don’t have somewhere better to be” she teased 
“Where else better to be than with you. Besides just so happens I’m free all day, sugar.” 
“Well then, I suppose I better keep ya busy. But I ain’t no nice cook. You’re going have to listen to me” you instructed 
“Yes ma’am” he agreed 
The two spent the whole day preparing the meal for later that evening. Billy practically danced around you all day. Using any excuse to get close to you. Whether it was reaching across you to grab a cutting knife or touching your lower back when he had a question about something, he was as bold as a man could be without crossing the line too much. Not that you didn’t want him to. His actions were more than welcomed and excited you each time he said “pardon me darling” or “I got another silly question for you dear”. 
With Billy’s help, preparations took half the time it usually would. You poured a glass of whiskey for you both, as they finished the last of the preparations. 
“Well I think this is well deserved. Thanks again for all the help.” 
“Anytime. Thanks for the drink.” He smiled
“It’s the least I could do Billy.” 
“Don’t worry, I’ll be out of your hair before your family shows up.” He announced, taking a sip of his drink
“Oh don’t feel rushed.” You reassured 
“I don’t want to overstay my welcome darling. Don’t worry about it.”  
He finished his drink and you insist on pouring him one more, just to keep him longer. He thanked you once again for the drink, tipped his hat to you, then was on his way. He gave you one last smile over his shoulder and was off back to the ranch. 
Once your sister arrived, you found it hard to concentrate on the joy of seeing your family. They were only in town for the weekend, on their way to visit your brother-in-law’s family two towns over. As excited as you were to see your sister, nephew and brother-in-law, your mind was elsewhere. And your sister noticed. 
“Hey, you seem distant. Is everything alright?” 
“Yes. Just lost in thought.” 
“Lost in thought about what pray tell?” Your sister asks
“A man” you whispered 
“You’re finally seeing someone?” Your sister, asked suspicious yet hopeful. 
“Not really. I’d like to. I sure do fancy him.” You admitted 
“Does he fancy you?” 
“Seems to.” You guessed “I tried to make him stay and dine with us but he was too polite”
“He was here?” Your sister perked up
“He helped prepare the meal.” 
“Did he now? A gentleman and a cook”
You rolled her eyes. “You know I didn’t let him get anywhere near the oven. He washed and chopped some vegetables. And helped season the beef cuts. 
“What a fine young man nonetheless” Your sister smiled
The rest of the evening went by. You’re sister, her husband and their son stayed until about 8 o’clock. After they left, you went upstairs and prepared yourself for bed. You changed into a white nightgown, and your long hair falls out of your neat, tight bun. As you brushed it out at your vanity, your attention wondered back to your favorite cowboy. You couldn’t help but wonder what he could be getting up to at the moment. You desperately wished that somehow he would want to find his way back to your doorstep and come stay the night with you. You didn’t care if that was too unbecoming of a proper lady. You wanted him. 
The next morning when you woke up, you headed off to see how your sister and their family were settling in for the weekend. They had rented a room at a boarding house at the end of town, you got ready and made it out the door. Once she arrived, her sister was already sat down at breakfast with her son and husband. They spotted her and invited her to join them. Another patron entered the bar and you turned to briefly look who it was. As he entered, Billy looked around for a seat and spotted you. He smiled, tipped his hat, and strode over to the bar where he took a seat. 
“Is that him?” She asked and you nodded
“My word ain’t he handsome.” You’re sister exclaimed 
“He looks familiar…” your sister’s husband noted as he peered at him 
“That’s just because a pretty face like his stands out.” You’re sister smiled at you 
The rest of the day you, along with your sister’s family, shopped for some new shirts for your nephew, some new dresses for herself, and you’re sister insisted on buying one for you to impress Billy. 
“Come on! What about this blue one?” She exclaimed
She held up the dress and you examined it. It was long, ruffled, and had a square neckline that was laced in white trim. It was pretty, but something else caught your eye. A purple dress, with a sweetheart neckline. The sleeves were short, puffed out and the waist was made to look like a corset, tying snugly in the front. 
“If you’re gonna get me a dress to impress Billy, then this is the one I want” You declared, striding over to the dress and showing it off to your sister. 
Your sister bought you the dress and you accompanied her family back to the room they were staying in. You tried on the dress, which fit you perfectly. Your sister was practically gawking at you, in awe at how beautiful you looked in it. 
“You’re so beautiful” you’re sister exclaimed 
“As are you.” You rolled your eyes
“Not as beautiful as you look right now!” Your sister protested. “He’s going to love it” she whispered. 
Your sister and her family left the next morning to see her husband’s parents. You bid her a goodbye and watched as she rode out of town. You decided to head into the boarding house for a quick breakfast. You enjoyed a plate of eggs and ham alone, paid, and headed back home. 
“Family left this morning I see!”  Billy’s voice called out to you as you stepped out of the boarding house. You whipped your head around to look at him and smiled. He was hauling two jugs of water over his back with the intention of hooking them up to his horse to bring back to the ranch. You walked towards him and he set the jugs down next to his horse. He grabbed a torn up towel from his hip and wiped the sweat from his brow. From this distance, you could see that he had already spent a hard morning working. His face was dirty, his handsome features almost hidden. 
“They did. Thanks for all your help again the other day.”
“Of course. Anything for you darling.” He smiled 
“You know I was thinking I really wish you had joined us the other night for dinner. They would have loved your company I’m sure.” You smiled back 
“It’s fine. Don’t want to intrude.”
“Well I want to make it up to you regardless. Are you free tonight?” You asked tentatively 
“I can be. Why?” He asks, taking curious steps toward you
“Well I was thinking maybe tonight you could stop by and actually have dinner. Now that everyone is gone. I thought it could be just us?” You suggested 
“That’s sounds lovely darling. I get done at the ranch at sundown. I’ll swing by after. How does that sound?” He asked with a light grip under your chin. He rubbed it in between his thumb and forefinger, smiling at you  lovingly. 
You nodded, but Billy held his grip on you. He spoke up again. “That ok?”
“Yes. I’ll see you after sundown.” You spoke up 
You silently begged for him to kiss you. You wanted to taste his lips, his salty sweat, and his tongue dancing with your own. You decided to be somewhat bold and also get a taste of what you wanted. You kissed his cheek, savoring his soft, slightly dusty flesh against your lips. 
“Don’t be too late now.” You whispered into his ear. You pulled back before he had a chance to take any action. As much as you wanted to kiss him, you wanted to leave him wanting more. 
You rushed home enthusiastically. You spent the rest of the day cleaning your house and making cornbread for dinner. You had some extra cuts of steak from dinner the other night and decided it would pair nicely with some potatoes, and would make a steak and potato stew, which you knew how to season just right. You were nervous, wanting everything to be perfect for him. Thankfully, you prepared for his arrival with just enough time. After putting the cornbread in the oven, and keeping the stew on a low simmer, you went to take a bath. You bathed and shaved your body. Not that you were expecting anything to happen between you and Billy tonight, but you weren’t sure what type of man he really was. How badly did Billy desire you too? You supposed you’d find out tonight. 
After your bath, you adorned the purple dress you had bought with your sister. You admired yourself in the mirror and picked out a purple silk bow to match. You tied your hair half up with it and gave yourself one last look in the mirror. You were absolutely adorable and you knew it. Finally you heard a long awaited knock on your door and scurried over to answer it. 
Billy stood in your doorway, nervously straightening up his vest and looking down at the bouquet of wildflowers in his hand. 
“Mr. Bonney. Glad you didn’t keep a lady waiting too long. Please come in” You invited him, giving him a girlish smile
“Of course not. These are for you.” He replied handing you the flowers. You gladly took them and he watched your expression as you did, noting how cute you looked as your lips curled up into a wider smile.
“Always such a gentleman. Can I get you a drink?” You asked
“A whiskey would be great.” 
You poured him a glass of the brown liquor and he took it as he sat down on your couch. 
“You seem like you had a long day.” You remarked 
“I did. But glad that you invited me over. Makes it worthwhile.” 
“Then I should invite you over more often” 
“You should.” He agreed, taking a sip of his drink. 
You poured yourself your own glass and joined Billy on the couch. You scooted close to him, your knees barely grazing. 
“So…” he started pushing your hair behind your ears. “Tell me about your day.” 
“It wasn’t anything special. Just spent the whole day getting things ready for this handsome cowboy.” You whispered knowingly 
“Oh really? Sounds like you were working hard too hmm?” He remarks 
“Not too hard. As long as he likes my cornbread then it will all be worth it.” You smirked 
“I’m sure he will.” 
You sipped on your whiskey without taking your eyes away from the piercing blue ones in front of you. You batted your eyes at him and moved closer. Just as you felt as if you’re about to lose yourself in his eyes, the smell of cornbread fills the room, indicating that it was done. You excused yourself and took them out of the oven. You also take the opportunity, while you are up, to completely turn off the oven and blew out the flame under the stew so it doesn’t boil over. You walk back to him, sitting even closer. 
“Hungry?” You ask
“I-I hate to be rude but…” Billy started leaning in closer. “I just…Can I please kiss you darling?” 
You nodded and closed your eyes in anticipation, but Billy needed verbal permission from you. To hear it, to make sure that it’s what you wanted from him. He didn’t move in, but simply danced his thumb over your lower lip, waiting for you to speak. 
“Yes Billy, please kiss me.” You gasped 
He swooped in, capturing your mouth. He held your chin delicately in his hand, tilting your face up more. He kissed you deeply, not wanting to break away. He finally had you. Finally got to feel you in some way and he wanted more. Damned be any dinner, despite his hunger he felt, he was hungry for something else. He moved his lips with your own, hoping that his movements didn’t come off as too needy. Just before he pulled back entirely, he placed a few sweet, quick pecks to your lips then, he smiled at you. 
“You have no idea how long I’ve waited for that.” He remarked 
“As have I” you breathed 
Billy dove back in. His soft lips danced with yours again. He cupped your face fully, eliciting a moan against his mouth that made him smirk in satisfaction. His thumbs caressed your cheeks, touching you as if you were made of glass. He was in awe of the moment he found himself in. Having you all to himself like this was exhilarating. You moved to straddle him, your dress pushing up against your thighs as you did. Billy splayed his hands over your newly exposed skin, inhaling sharply as he touched you. You were soft, legs freshly shaved during your bath, which Billy noticed. He snaked his fingers through your hair and admired you on his lap like this. It made his length twitch against your core. 
“Billy, ain’t you hungry?” You asked softly 
“I’m starving sweetheart, but I’m only hungry for one thing at the moment.” 
Billy recaptured your lips, pressing his firmly against your own. He continued to cup your face, holding you like he never wanted to let you go. You sighed into him and rolled your hips against his crotch. He moaned at your actions and sprung into action. Billy moved to stand, gripping your ass, hoisting you up. You gasped as he moved, clinging to him. He loved the way you held him and loved that he was strong enough to hold you like he was. It made his chest swell with pride. 
“Where is-“ Billy started 
“To the left” you huffed 
Billy carried you to your bedroom, kicking the door behind him and tossing you onto the bed. He stood at the edge of the bed, pulling his suspenders off his shoulders, all the while never breaking eye contact with the beautiful girl in front of him. He smirked as you stared up at him, gawking in awe. You slowly sat up until you were on your knees. You placed your hands around the sides of his neck as he snaked his own behind your back. He was quick to untie the thin string that held your dress up. It fell past your shoulders and you gasped at the cool sensation of the room. He brushed the rest of your dress down, revealing your bare breasts to him. He dove in, groping them and massaging them, while he pressed deliberate kisses to your chest. The soft mounds of skin fit perfectly in his hands. Both hands giving you the amount of attention and pleasure you deserved. 
You arched your back at the sensation, shoving your chest further into his face, which Billy very much enjoyed. He continued kissing your chest fervently. Feeling bold and drowning in lust, Billy started to leave marks all over your chest. He sucked and bit down on your flesh, causing you to mewl.
“Billy” you whispered 
Billy gave your chest a few quick kisses before pushing you back onto the bed. He undid the buttons of his shirt before tossing it off. He climbed back on top of you. He stroked the side of your face gently, admiring the pretty girl below him. He glanced down to your chest, equally admiring your bruises. He slipped the rest of your dress off, stripping you of everything. Bare before him, you felt timid and vulnerable. You had been with men before. A few men in town had fancied you, but also fancied other girls at the same time. As you laid under the handsome cowboy, you were utterly breathless and anticipatory.  Billy splayed  his hands over your stomach, grabbing the fat of your hips.  
“So gorgeous like this. More beautiful than I imagined.” 
“You imagined me like this?” 
“From time to time. I just couldn’t help myself darling.” 
You gasped with a small smirk at the confession. The feeling of being wanted in that way made your core throb. Billy had imagined you like this several times in fact. He would imagine you bare for him as you are now, begging for him to touch you, taste your sweetness, and the feeling of you around his cock. Billy found himself more and more thinking about you in such an intimate way. He couldn’t help but get off to the idea of you. And now he had you all to himself, caged in under him. He palmed his now hard, aching cock through his pants. 
“What else did you imagine…with me?” you whispered 
He cocked his head, his jaw going slack as he looked at you with amusement. He leaned back down and kissed your cheek. 
“Why don’t I just show you?” 
You bit your lip in anticipation. Billy began to kiss down your body, each kiss feather light and delicate. You were sensitive to his touch, flinching slightly as each kiss landed on you. When he reached your hip bone he sucked down to leave another scandalous mark. You shuttered at his actions, and slithered your fingers through his hair.  He finally made his way down, down, down, until he reached your thighs. He spread your legs apart, roughly and greedily groping the meaty flesh. He began to suck. The idea of marking you up so much drove him crazy. He liked leaving you with the small reminders of the pleasure he gave you. 
“Billy!” You gasped “why you leaving so many marks on me?” You raked your fingers through his chocolate brown waves and gave him a curious look. 
“You wanted to know what I was thinking about when I was getting off to you right?” 
She nodded her head. 
“I thought of you branded like this. I just want you to remember every spot I touched you at. So you know this ain’t no dream.” 
Lazily, you nodded your head. His lips trailed closer and closer to your core. He glances up at you for approval and you nod. Billy moves his mouth to capture your wetness. He lapped you up, his lips practically making out with your sweetness. Your hips moved in his face slightly. You couldn’t help it, the pleasure he brought you was overwhelming. Billy didn’t seem to mind too much however and you became aware of how much he was enjoying you. 
“Christ Billy, I’ve never been with a man who loved to taste a woman this much.” 
Billy pulls away with a gasp, looking up at you with the most dazed out look in his eyes. As he smirked, you noticed how wet his mouth is covered in your juices. 
“That’s cause they ain’t real men, sugar.” He gave the inside of your thigh a few sloppy kisses, resting his head against it. He groped the soft skin greedily. He trailed his fingers over your clit, rubbing gently on the sensitive bundle of nerves. You cooed at him, squirming slightly. He grinned against you. 
“You gonna let me keep tasting you then?” 
You nodded your head and he kissed your clit. His passion overtook him as he sucked and swirled his tongue on your core. You watched him, transfixed on the way his mouth moved against you. You let out a few shaky breaths, gripping his hair harder. Your head fell against your pillow and you let your body unwind. As he ate you out, all you could do was moan and grind against his face. Billy did truly love tasing a woman like this. Especially a woman such as yourself. The sweetness, how wet they got. How their thighs would quiver around his cheeks. He loved it. Which is exactly what he loved when he was pleasing you. Especially the way in which you fell apart under his tongue. Billy was satisfied watching you like this. But he craved more. As did you. He pressed a few more fervent kisses to your slit then pulled away. He crawled up on his knees. 
Billy worked feverishly to undo his belt, his hand trembling slightly. He quickly wriggled out of his pants, taking his boxers with him. Grabbing the base of his cock, Billy lined himself up with your slit. You moaned as he coated himself in your wetness, diving into your weeping entrance. Billy pressed in slowly, then bottoming out. He took a moment to feel you around him before he began to move his hips. 
Lust over took his sensibilities and all he wanted to do was keep you here, caged under him, inside you all night. Billy quickened his pace at the thought. His actions elicited beautiful moans that rolled off your lips. Billy reveled in the fact that he could play you like a guitar as you continued to let him know how good he felt. A devilish grin curled up in the corner of his lips and he scoffed in amusement.
“Oh my god you’re so beautiful.” he whispered gently 
 He looked down at you with curiosity and amazement. He wondered just what else he could do to you. What else he could coax out of you. He trailed his hand down your stomach until his thumb was pressed firmly on your needy clit. He rubbed tight circles, enjoying you as you writhed, once again, under his touch. He did his best to keep your back on the bed, pressing a hand to your pelvis. The movement of his thumb was almost overwhelming. You were completely under his control, despite the seemingly involuntary movements of your hips bucking up against his hand. 
“S-s-so good Billy. Please just like that.” You groaned as he sat up on his knees, readjusting his angle. 
He gripped your ankles and tossed them on his shoulder. He kissed down your ankle and along your calf. You decided to take some control and moved your hips with his rhythm as he pumped into you. He ducked his head down, squeezed his eyes and let out a groan. His jaw went slack and he glared down at you. He slowed down his movement and tossed your legs back down on the bed. You gasped in confusion. Billy let a knowing grin sit on his face as he maneuvered your hips and waist, flipping you on your stomach. He kissed your shoulder and down your back, each kiss sending an electric current up your spine and shoulder blade. Then, with one hand on your upper back, he lowered you down. 
Billy adjusted you so you were on perfect display for him. He admired your perfect, round little ass perked up for him. He slipped back into you, pulling your hips toward his. He gripped onto your waist with one hand and gave your ass a firm slap with the other. You yelped and Billy gave you another one. He wasted no time moving inside you at a quick, tempered pace. He knew he wasn’t going to last much longer, so he simply enjoyed the view and fucked you with a satisfied grin on his face. You squirmed and whined under him. You could feel yourself becoming undone. His free hand wandered down your spine, tracing your body to memory. His touch was toxic, his fingers felt like fire. He continued to rock into you. He loved the way you bounced against him, and he filled you up so good too. 
Your collective moans filled the room, and soon enough Billy was pulling out and readjusting you one last time. He made you stand up for a moment while he crawled under you. He rested his head against the headboard and patted his thighs. You nodded your head, swinging your legs around his waist. You slowly sank onto his cock, your ass landing down with a small plop. You bit your lip and watched Billy’s face melt into pure ecstasy as you rode him. He loved having your breasts bounce in his face like this. He groped them and sucked them as you continued taking him. You tried to steady yourself on him, cupping his face as you rocked your hips. You lean in and kiss him, his lips felt hot and dangerous now. His hands travel up your back, holding you close to him. 
“You have no idea how long I’ve wanted this.” He panted “How long I’ve wanted you.” 
All you could do is nod. He smiled, and returned your lips back to his own. He held your hips and began to move them a bit faster. He was close and so were you. Your stomach began to tighten, your legs felt weak and before you knew it you were shaking around him. Billy pulls his face away to watch you. He gawked at your fucked out form on top of him. It nearly sent him over the edge. A few more hard bounces and he was spent. Billy spilled himself inside you, panting as you tamed your breathing. 
“Fuck.” He groaned sharply. 
You both settled down from your high, breathing in sync as you rested your sweaty forehead against his. He kissed your jaw and cheek, regaining his composure. You chanted his name like a prayer, whispering it into his ear. 
“Mmm yes baby?”
“Th-that was so good. You’re so good.”
He nodded in agreement and kissed you once again before he spoke. 
“Say darling, would it be too forward of me to ask to spend the night?” He asked
“I would want nothing more than to share my bed with you Mr. Bonney” you smirked
“You sure doll? I know how townsfolk like to gossip and peg beautiful women such as yourself with such nasty names. I just want to be sure-“ he started but you cut him off with a deep, passionate kiss
“Does that answer your question?” 
He nodded lazily, a goofy, boyish smile planted on his face. With that he stayed. You crawled off his lap and the pair settled under the sheets. He held you in his arms, playing with your hair until you fell asleep. He kissed your forehead occasionally as you slept, continuing to stroke your hair, until sleep found him as well and he rested his head against yours, holding you close all night long. 
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vaguely-concerned · 2 days
another really interesting thing in our man bashir to me is that I think this is the point where garak finally mostly relinquishes his self-appointed role as bashir's teacher. he seems to have taken it upon himself early on, for inscrutable but probably partially horny, partially cultivating a promising (and lovely) contact reasons of his own, to imbue julian bashir with some spysmarts and basic bastard thinking literacy skills, in the hopes that he won't go get his bright beautiful excitable ass killed at the first opportunity. there's a lot of mentor/protege undertone there in the early years. (if you want to get into asit stuff, very much in the same vein as palandine and garak's relationship in the beginning.)
but in omb garak really only has one of his little lectures, and it's basically about The thing about being a spy (and a person) that has most shaped his life: That's something else you've yet to learn, Doctor. A real intelligence agent has no ego, no conscience, no remorse. Only a sense of professionalism. There is no joy, no magic, no real delight to this, no winning, no recognition, and most importantly no connection; the reward for work well done is only ever the work itself. You don’t kiss the girl, get the key — you simply get on with turning yourself into nothing as best you can. and julian, who had just been trying to momentarily imagine a world where secrets can be cool and glamorous and for good, meaningful reasons that empower him to help the world rather than shameful and isolating and alienating and like a damocles sword hanging over him and everything he cares about, shoots back with 'well, but what if not that, though? that's the whole point of this game! this is my story not yours, trust me to know it better than you do. (I have more things to teach you too, if you’d just listen. And once he gets shot a little bit, garak does listen.)'
(somewhere beneath all this is almost exactly the same debate they will have explicitly later on -- "Sentiment is the greatest weakness of all"/"If that's true, that's one lesson I never want to learn". Something something the freedom to imagine and play around with different worlds in your head, no matter how cringefail james bond LARP nonsense that world is as long as it brings you hope and joy and new perspectives, kill the part of you that cringes etc. Garak you're allowed to get out of the closet in your head now, Tain is gone, you can imagine different things than what has been and no one will turn it against you. Im… sad)
through most of this episode garak is observing, and when he's not simply bitching about everything from the sidelines (<3), he's tentatively trying to throw in comments to play along, to figure out how the flow goes like he's learning a different language, and he's BAD at it hahaha. he barged in there to put himself in a position to learn something about julian bashir's ~*hidden inner psyche*~, but UH-OH spiritual uno reverse card time he's having to face some shit about his own psyche and the immense barrenness it's been forced to operate under for so long.
The learning between them has of course always been two-way (that’s partially what the whole relationship is built on), but in giving up the more ‘formal’ role — mask — of teacher, garak is also opening up space for realer emotional intimacy, letting one layer of artificiality fall and allowing more realness to shine through. even so he doesn’t let go of control completely until he’s faced with irrefutable (horny) proof that julian’s sentiments and ideals are backed by real conviction — julian knows (possibly better than garak does) what is a game, and what is real, and where he draws the line between frivolous and deeply necessary is different from where garak would and by the end of the ep I think garak trusts julian more, enough to leave the story in julian’s hands without trying to steer or form him even indirectly/sneakily. And to top it all off, the way julian uses his last dramatic speech to signal that he did also listen to what garak told him… augh.  
the teacher role, along with the lies (ever his swiss army knife god bless), has helped garak keep a sort of fine-tuned control of the level of emotional intimacy possible between them, stay in control of what narratives are even on the table. and I think finally letting that fade more into the background transforms their relationship in ways that can pay off big time down the line, for all that it leaves things a bit strange and tentative in the meantime. by garak standards he’s being positively transparent in this episode. for the first time he talks about his time in the order without any coy prevarication, he states his hunger for knowing julian better right down to his ~*hidden inner psyche*~ almost pathetically openly (<3<3<3<3). And this is just my headcanon and definitely not what was meant at the time of airing, the unplanned nature of the augment reveal being what it is, but in context of the whole show as it became it feels a lot like garak offering some of his own authenticity to signal that julian could trust him with his. It feels like garak has figured out at least the rough outlines of what julian has uh got going on and tried to make this gambit, having… perhaps underestimated the extent of the defenses julian has internally/psychologically against Being Known, quite aside from the practical real world consequences of his secret getting out. Anyway. Lots in this episode. Many thoughts.
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scoonsalicious · 3 days
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3.4 Major
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Fem!Reader
Summary: Lily McIntyre, trainer for new SHIELD recruits at the Avengers Tower, has been in love with her best friend, Bucky Barnes, from the moment she met him. She's been content with her role of the #1 girl in Bucky's life, even if it means she has to sabotage a romantic relationship or two. It'll be worth it when he realizes that they're meant for each other, right? There's just one small problem: Lily McIntire never expected Bucky Barnes to fall for You.
Warnings: (For this part only; see Story Masterlist for general Warnings) Language, mentions of Bucky's past, minor fluff.
Word Count: 482
Previously On...: Bucky and Lily went out to brunch, and Bucky lied about his upcoming plans with you.
A/N: I'm going to let you all know well in advance that, once I finish posting through Chapter 5, I am going to take a small break from updating so I can write (I'm thinking maybe a week, tops). I've had some things going on recently that have been taking up a lot of my mental and emotional energy, which has prevented me from being as invested in the story as I want to be, so I need to take some time to get myself in the right headspace to where the story just flows out. I'm currently only two chapters ahead, and that makes me nervous, so I would like to build my buffer back up again. So, there will be a pause in updates starting on Tuesday, May 14th, and updates will resume on Tuesday, May 21st. I do hate doing this, and I know that, as a reader, it's so annoying when you have to wait between updates, but it needs to be done in order to provide you with the best story possible. I probably should have taken more time between finishing Unwanted and beginning to post With Friends Like These..., but I was too eager to share it with all of you to wait, lol. I want to be upfront and honest with all of you ahead of time, so I hope you understand.
NOTE! The tag list is a fickle bitch, so I'm not really going to be dealing with it anymore. If you want to be notified when new story parts drop, please follow @scoonsaliciousupdates
Thank you to all those who have been reading; if you like what you've read, likes, comments, and reblogs give me life, and I truly appreciate them, and you!
You’d spent the rest of the morning and early afternoon digging up everything you could about Bucky’s trial. At first, you were getting nowhere, not being able to find any information about ‘Bucky Barnes,’ but then you nearly slapped yourself on the head when you recalled Lily referring to him as ‘Jamie.’ Obviously, ‘Bucky’ was a nickname, and once you searched ‘James Barnes + trial,” you were nearly overwhelmed by the number or results you got.
Meticulously, you went through them, as if you were gathering intelligence for a military op. You read all about his history in World War II with Steve (which, admittedly, you sort of already knew about from Nat), but things took a turn when you discovered he’d been declared MIA: Presumed Dead, only to resurface around 2014.
You nearly started crying when you read what had been done to him– the loss of his arm, the experiments, the serum, all under the control of the terrorist group, Hydra. The brainwashing. And you really did start to cry when you read about what Hydra had made him do for them. The assassinations, the murders. Screw whatever Zadie and Rand thought. This poor man was a victim. One who didn’t deserve to spend a moment behind bars. Your heart positively broke for him. 
You were wiping the tears from your eyes when Zadie popped her head in. “Hey, Major,” she said, a devilish smile on her face. “You got a delivery.”
You look back at her, puzzled. You weren’t expecting anything. Getting up from your chair, you made your way to the front reception area. There, on Zadie’s desk, was a beautiful gold bowl holding a live fuschia orchid plant. 
“There’s a note!” Zadie squealed, bouncing on her toes and wringing her hands together in excited anticipation.
Biting your lip, you reached over and picked up the note. Unfolding it, you tried to make out the messy scrawl:
Thanks for bringing some beauty into my life last night. Figure it’s only fair I return the favor. Looking forward to seeing you tonight for dinner. - Bucky’
“Oh. My. God.” Zadie picked up a piece of paper from her desk and began fanning herself. “I don’t care how many people that guy murdered,” she said. “That’s the most romantic fucking thing I’ve ever seen!” She paused. “How did he even know orchids are your favorite?”
“I don’t know,” you said, gently running your finger along the edges of the soft petals. “I guess I’ll have to ask him tonight.” You looked back at the note, rereading it, and smiling. You felt your stomach fill up with butterflies, as though you were a sixteen year old girl again, getting flowers from a boy for the very first time. God, but this man seemed absolutely perfect. 
But you were never this lucky. You couldn’t help but wonder when the other shoe would drop.
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sl0t4matt · 3 days
smut w marc guiu where some boy is trying to talk to the reader in a party and marc gets jealous and then reader and marc end up doing things in his car please🤭
m. guiu | jealous looks good on you
warnings: smut
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marc annoyed the shit out of you today. he’s been such a bitch, fighting and complaining about any minor thing you did wrong. you know your boyfriend can be sassy at times, but today he’s been extra.
you’re supposed to be the girl in the relationship not him and he’s the one acting bitchier than you. today you got especially tired of it, so you called your friends and brought them to the club, bringing you to now, sitting on a chair beside the bar, waiting for your friends to come back from dancing.
you didn’t join them because your legs gave up on you a few minutes ago when you were dancing, like your life depended on it.
you decide to get on your phone, check a few messages, before they get back, so you get on instagram, immediately noticing that hector posted a story.
you click on it seeing a booth of the club you are exactly in. you keep watching the video scoffing at seeing marc in the corner of it, he’s not alone though. a girl is sat beside him, talking to him. a little too close for any girlfriends liking.
“what the fuck.” you mutter, huffing at him finding a new girl exactly after you fought. pathetic really. she’s not even close to your level.
“hi, i’m diego. i saw you dancing a few minutes ago, you looked stunning, could i buy you a drink?” an attractive man sits down beside you. he looks like he’s in his 19s or maybe 20s, with dark skin and dreadlocks.
if marc can talk to other women, what should stop you to? maybe you could even get him jealous and make him see how much he actually needs you. “yes i would love that, actually.” you smile at him.
“perfect, what would you like?” he grins back, his pearly white teeth peeking through his lips. “i’ll take a negroni, thank you.”
“a negroni for the pretty woman beside me, please.” he winks at you. you innerly cringe at his words but don’t let it show. you get the drink in a heartbeat since it only had three ingredients. you smile at the bartender, taking the drink.
“so, are you new in barcelona?” he asks, leaning closer to you. “i moved here a few years ago, for uni.” you answer, sipping on your drink. “nice, what university do you go to? i go to esade.” your eyes widen. esade is one of of barcelonas elite, also super hard. “you study law? that’s like suicide.”
he laughs at your reference. “yeah, it’s a lot.” he nods, agreeing with you. “oh sorry. i go to the university of barcelona.” you answer his previous question.
“you’re good. did you come alone or with friends?” you look around trying to find your girlfriends, but failing immediately, the crowd in the dance floor being way too big to see them. the nightlife of barcelona really is something else.
“i came with my friends, i can’t find them right now, though. they’re probably dancing.” you answer, giving him a tight lipped smile.
you keep looking for them, when you suddenly meet eyes with a certain brown eyed boy, you call your boyfriend. his brows are furrowed and eyes piercing on the guy beside you. if looks could kill, alejandro would be five feet under for sure.
he gets up from the spot in between hector and the girl on the video and walks towards you. “oh fuck.” you mutter. alejandro glances at you. “what’s wrong?” he asks, but marc is already in front of you. alejandro furrows when he sees him.
“hermano, can i help you?” alejandro asks him. “yeah, you can get the fuck out of my face.” marc spats, turning to look at him. “who the hell are you?!” alejandro gets up pushing marc’s chest slightly, you still sitting dumbfound beside the bar.
“i’m her boyfriend, you dumbass.” marc isn’t the one to act nice. you know he could throw a whole fit in here as well as seriously hurt the guy if he really wanted to, so you get up, getting in between both of the boys.
maybe project making marc jealous wasn’t such a good idea, since you know exactly how mad marc can get when jealous.
“marc lets go.” you pull on his hand, making him look down on you, with gritted teeth. he scoffs, taking your hand and dragging you to the exit of the club.
you see hector on the way out, him laughing at marc’s outburst.
he takes his car key out of his pocket, opening it. “get in.” he demands, after opening the door to the passenger seat. you scoff, getting into his car. he turns around to get into the driver seat, walking like a mad kid you think.
“did you want to make me jealous, is that it?” he huffs. you turn to look at him, rolling your eyes. “did you? with that blonde girl?” you ask him back. “what the hell are you talking about?”
“oh please. so you’re telling me you weren’t all up on that girl beside you, taking to her.” you scoff. he can’t deny the fact that she was eye fucking him the entire time.
“fucking hell, i wasn’t all up on her, she was the one flirting with me and i literally told her i have a girlfriend.” you roll your eyes. “she was the one? because i’m sure, i literally saw that you were laughing with her on hectors story.” he scoffs.
“see! you always fucking do that shit. you don’t trust me.” you laugh, sarcastically. wow this just is really hilarious. “oh my god! i don’t trust you? you literally dragged me out of there because i was talking to a guy.” you yell at him, finding it rich coming from him.
his hand makes its way to his forehead, massaging it. “because if i didn’t, you would’ve ended up in that guys bed.” he reasons, shaking his head. “are you even hearing yourself? what the hell are you saying? bro just shut the fuck up, honestly.” you scoff, also shaking your head.
“fuck you.” he spats. “fuck you!” you yell back, turning to look at him, meeting his eyes. his eyes move from yours down to your lips, licking his own. “i hate you.” you mumble, as the both of you lean into each other, meeting your lips in a heated and aggressive kiss, taking out your madness on each other in a kiss.
his hand moves to his thigh, squeezing it. his other grips your neck, clutching around it and pulling you even closer if thats possible. your hand slips into his pants, finding his already hard cock. “fuck.” he moans into your mouth.
you start to jerking him off, collecting his pre cum with your thumb, making him tense at the sudden touch.
he pulls his seat back, mentioning you to straddle him. so you do so, each of your legs in between his lap as you feel his already throbbing cock in between your legs, begging for release. he winces, as you grind on him, while you lock lips again, feeling his stubble slightly tickle your chin.
his hand glides in between your legs, pulling your panties down. you’re already soaking and you’re sure he’s very aware of it, your juices already rolling down onto his pants.
you attempt to open his belt with a rush but fail miserably. he helps you, opening up his belt, following with sliding his pants down his hips. he hurries with taking off your top, his hands instantly gripping your tits.
you hoover over his tip, biting your lip when you feel his tip slightly touching your soaked hole. he rocks his hips upward, making his dick stretch out your cunt. you snake your hand around his neck, clutching onto his sweaty hair.
you whine, when you feel him fully inside of you, collecting all of your juices. “you’re so tight, ma.” he groans, as he takes ahold of your waist, squeezing it.
your lips hoover over his as you roll your hips back onto his, feeling his dick pulsing around you, your breasts bouncing up and down. he groans at the stimulation, panting heavily.
you quicken your movements, thrusting into him more laboriously. “marc.” you breathlessly moan his name, arching your back at the feeling, feeling closer to the edge.
you tremble from above him, clutching onto his shoulders, your nails digging deep into his skin, forming cat like scratches. “fuck. gonna come.“ he groans before filling you up with his warm sperm.
your legs shake around his cock before you come onto him, drenching his thighs in your come.
your head leans onto his shoulder, tiredly. a smirk forms onto his smug face, as he sees your juices all over him. “not a word.” you speak, knowing he was going to make a smart ass mark.
“for a person you hate, i can make you come quite alright, don’t you think?” he winks. “oh my god.” you shake your head.
“what did you say the last time? jealous looks good on me?” he chuckles. you hit his chest before getting back into the passenger seat. it does look good on him. you can’t lie.
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scintillyyy · 1 day
zdarsky. so having had some time to sit on and think about batman #147 some more. well, here's the thing. i *do* understand the weaknesses in zdarksy's writing. he does have his favorites. he does have the unfortunate habit of hitting some characters with the stupid stick to make bruce & tim shine. which. i don't love either, it's not a hallmark of great writing. i do wish he would do less of that, & i empathize with the fans of characters who are not doing so hot this story.
however. i do think some of the issues arise from 1) the super expanded cast of characters nowadays means that you do have to pick and choose those who you want to focus on and uplift for the current story being told while everyone else get shafted and 2) i think. well, being a post-crisis fan myself. i think post-crisis as an era of comics spoiled us in a way with tight editorial, focus on shared continuity, and 90% of the titles being written by chuck dixon allowing for characterization and character trait consistency across titles & everyone having their own title to "shine" which allowed them to take a step back and be a supporting character in a different title in a way that overall felt like a less egregious depowering than it *currently* does in today's era: where titles & space to shine are far more limited opportunities for a hugely extended cast of characters and continuity is being held together by the thinnest string of vague references that allow us to pretend that it makes sense that this might be taking place in the same universe as concurrent stories.
because currently the way things are set up, due to the very nature of comics no longer being in their heyday of the 90s where they were selling like hotcakes, is that there's no expectations that you have to buy 10 different titles to get the entire story. there's more focus on "you can just by this one storyline by this one writer and it will stand on it's own and you don't have to read 12 other comics for things to make sense because you won't have really missed anything relevant to the story at hand". which, much like the shared continuity of the 90s, does have pros and cons (pros being that there's far less investment required from the reader, that you're not missing an integral part of the story in another character's line. cons being that there's far less narrative depth & character traits don't have a chance to develop and solidify across multiple titles & an overall smaller universe). but it's just so fundamentally different from how post-crisis was written that it's also a bit hard to truly compare 1:1 (it's also hard to compare completed stories to ongoing one)
because with the limited space with a focus on a contained story. that story has limited space. and so, that story is going to focus on 1 or 2 characters or relationships. and when you're in a bat-only title, well. compared to non-bat titles where the bat character tends to get slotted in the "smartest one in the room" role. the problem is that since they're all so smart together, someone has to get hit with the stupid stick (historically, it has happened to all of them at various different points). and sure tim is being treated extremely well by zdarsky. zdarsky clearly had a lot of love for tim. i would not recommend zdarsky to a non-tim fan. zdarsky's run is also the only title tim is appearing in, so for him to be bolstered up at the others' expense...i get the annoyance, i do. but at the same time it's also the only title tim's got going for him atm, he's allowed to be the specialist boy in it. cass is eating over in 'tec and birds of prey. nightwing has his own title to be the main character of (even if it's not being done well atm). other characters have their own dedicated space. tim is allowed to shine in the only one he's got for the moment.
and as a tim fan. it's funny because i see zdarsky as pulling back hard on "tim drake, boy genius" to instead focus on the other traits i love so much about him. focusing on him as the team up dude, calling back to the early tim and bruce dynamic where tim told bruce what to do and bruce had so much trust and pride in him, calling back to tim's strengths as the guy who coordinates team ups to try and help bruce be less isolated, tim thinking dick is great. his ingenuity and cleverness and hard work over being natural boy genius we've been suffering from. idk. i just. idk. one day zdarksy will be gone and tim will go back in the dungeon. for now i'll take what little i can get.
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