#i love this picture.. thankyou forever and ever
qcellbit · 9 months
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gayshitinfinite · 1 year
16, 20, 23, 25 🌷
16. compliment the person who sent you this number.
one of the smartest, coolest people i know (like go through their blog SERIOUSLY). she's really funny and well-versed in her memes ( i have no idea how u possess the talent to think/find those things and edit so quickly. like how????? the talont, the skills, i could never).
finder of cursed emojis and maker of the cutest crocheted (crocheyed?) baymax plushie, i bow down to you. i admire your strength to keep going no matter how long it takes. thank you for every time you've listened to my problems and for sharing (and for "bringing me" ramen soup (i hope they make a kanji one soon.... or not. the ramen one is really good too), you are a good friend<3333
16.what do you want most in the world right now?
self control?(......that sounds so bad dude). to be more conscious of whats happening instead of just letting things happen (u ever wanna get out of your body and shake yourself by the shoulders and scream 'bitch u have agency, u can make decisions, u can make actions. u r not some character doomed by the narrative or something'). motivation. i'd really like some motivation abt now. god i just wanna do something. anything really. just start something, or pick up something i left off, or idk finish things.
i really want to scream 'stop leaving shit and stop being scared of trying or doing something all the time. GOD' at myself
do something. yeah i really wanna do something ( she sounds like she cud be talking abt drugs. she is not. she's talking abt painting a mushroom (the fungus), 2 girls kissing,funny pictures of cats. binding a book, making funny/cute earrings (or just fucking completing her eng h.w for god's sake)
i'd really like to do things again. i miss it so badly u have no idea. i no longer want to pretend to be cool and mysterious and like, its hard to make me smile or amuse me. i wanna feel joy like that again. i wanna love passionately. i just want to learn and create something. i want to practice a skill and see it's effects bear fruits, uk. im so tired of laying around watching time pass me by and feeling regretful and disappointed and so so guilty for no reason. like can u do something different for MY sake plsss. im so tired and i dont wanna rest. im so tired of resting. i'd really like to stop being paralyzed and overwhelmed by the things i want to do. and instead just start something. or complete one thing i left off. just pick it up again. one thing. one thing for now.
so.. yeah, get my shit together and do something. thats what i wud like to do
23.favorite piece of clothing?
a frilly (kind of) white shirt with little bit lace on it that makes me feel like a pirate. a blue jacket (actually a hand-me-down-shirt), a handme down tshirt.
25. what’s the best personal gift someone could give you (playlist, homemade card, etc.?
honestly, i really love hugs. getting hugs or holding hands with people i love and care abt. but i guess that's not a 'personal gift'.
i really love notes or like letters. like write me something stupid and I would probably keep it forever.
i love being send memes, or articles or quotes or poetry(esp. if it like breaks something in me and puts me back together or something for a sec). ig i like getting written stuff. huh thats something i havent noticed abt myself.
i also like getting music recs or cute jimkis(jhumkis) or hanging earrings.
thankyou sumi for the ask<33333( calling you sumi without chechi added feels weird. should i call u chechi?)
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I love your pictures and your art ^w^ you're so talented keep going !!!!!!
thankyou so much doll<3 i wiLL carry on forever&ever AMEN🖤🚞���🐇🌐
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Favorite Clois romantic scenes of all time in any media?
Thankyou so much for that question: and-I'm extremely sorry for the delay!
Please bear with me here, as this is going to be a long one! (And they aren't in any particular order, so here goes)
1. Fortress Scene(Superman-2)
The movie is my favorite one in the whole series, mainly coz we got to see a lot of Clois. And the fortress date, following which Clark decided to give up his powers, and that "Just say you love me" was so surreal and it happens to be one of my first live-action impressions on Clois. You get the picture- it is still fresh in my mind!
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2. First Flight( Superman-1)
It is a scene which I love watching frequently- especially because it gives me a magical  outlook on their relationship which is, in more than one way, extremely unique.
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LOIS & CLARK TNAOS (1993-1997)
1. "I've loved you since the beginning...and I'll love you till the end." (3 x 22)
This scene was everything. The quote was everything. The angst was everything. And I'm pretty sure I'm going bonkers right now. Oh and special mention to the “I’ll keep this (the ring) safe as I keep my love for you”
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2. "Lois if I ever lost you, I'd be losing myself....I'm right here."(4 x 14)
It is one of those moments which awes me to no end. They couldn't get any more cheesier if they tried. No matter how twisty the plot gets or how insane the story goes, these two till the very end have found their way back to each other. They are seriously couple goals.
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3. "Falling in love with you has been so easy, I don't know why I fought it for so long." (4 x 03)
This is undoubtedly my favorite live action wedding of all time, not just because of the amazing portrayal but also because of the intriguing vows. Superman, the most powerful being on the planet-looking so in love and Lois Lane, the most feared reporter on two planets- smitten. What more could we ask for?
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4. " Lois- everyone is watching....who cares?"(3 x 08)
One of the scenes which successfully makes me smile every single time I watch it. They didn’t even seem to care they are surrounded by a bunch of top reporters or the fact that Jimmy took a snap of them making out in the middle of the newsroom.(Though I hope Olsen escaped mad dog Lane’s wrath afterwards!)  Reasons to state that they fit like a jigsaw puzzle: Meek Farmboy Kent and Exhibitionist Lane.
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SMALLVILLE (2001-2011)
1. "I love you" (10 x 04)
It's the scene which made me fall for them all over again. The defining moment. The dance. The step-on-the-toe maneuver. Clark initiating it, not that it was much of a confession. Lois looking adorably shy all of a sudden. Hovering in the air without either of their knowledge. Both at peace. It was too beautiful for words. But then again, homecoming was a blessing bestowed upon us Cloisers.
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2. "Lois, I died when you left." (9 x 09)
Another bomb in the list of the sweetest things Clark Kent ever told Lois Lane, and it just gives me the best of goosebumps. I've got to admit it was the craziest episode in the whole series- from giving away his signal watch then the "I did it for you.", the "I thought I lost you forever", the "Take my life, let her live." to the "I wish we had more time" and the "What if I never see you again...you will!" God! Too much for me to handle.
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3. " We can make this work...oh boy can we?" (10 x 18)
One of my favorite underrated scenes. The real picture behind "You are not my weakness, you are my strength." (Ugh and what's with those heart eyes?)
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4. "Clark!" (9 x 21)
No words for this. The crossfire ending a.k.a the first real kiss would be my favorite one but this was just epic. The way he pulls her towards him, the way she determinedly keeps her eyes shut the entire time, and then the realization. (Btw Way to go, Clarkie!)
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DCAU (1992-)
1. “I love you, Lois Lane- until the end of time.” (All Star Superman)
The movie gave us such fascinating Clois moments, but this one just stands out every time...Clark Kent is such a great sap, and we love him for it!
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2. Daily Planet (Death of Superman)
One of the scenes where we get to see earth girl Lois manhandling a Kryptonian God and not less, in the Daily Planet copy room. It simply doesn't matter even if it is in the animated realm, coz their chemistry is undeniable. And I also love that part in the movie where we watch Lois opening Clark’s note: “My last secret: I love you.”
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Flight Scene
I may not have been a huge enthusiast of the movie in general, but I happen to always root for Clois flight sessions, so this whole moment is something I genuinely find myself enjoying a lot.
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DCEU (2013-)
1. “I love you...You are my world” (Batman vs Superman)
Somebody kill me first- I’m not even going to bother explaining how much this one affected me- it was that good. The one scene which broke my heart so much..that one scene which turns me into an emotional mess and the one scene which I would never grow accustomed to. The tender look he’s giving her, memorizing every inch of the face he would possibly never see- the whole thing was too damn perfect. And heartbreaking.
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2. Clois Reunion (Zack Snyder’s Justice League)
Another of those adorable scenes. Even though Clark is experiencing that back-from-the-dead amnesia here, I’m talking about the invulnerable man of steel who took down the entire justice league, floating above threateningly, with rage-filled red hot eyes, transforming to a confused boy in Lane’s embrace. Yup- it is true love, folks!
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3. The hug (Man of Steel)
Their comfort hug in the middle of Metropolis ruins. No words, indeed!
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1. “You are my first thought of the day and my last thought at night”  (Superman & Lois: 1 x 04)
Clark Kent arranging a candlelight dinner date. Lois radiating so much of happiness, it was infectious. The quote - ”My time with you....it’s what gets me through everything else” above all. Total domestic bliss we yearn to see
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2. A Brief Reminiscence between Cataclysmic Events (Superman & Lois: 1 x 11)
Among all the others, this particular episode just stands out. It was an epitome of perfection. The brief glimpse into their epic love story didn’t seem rushed and was totally on point. The first meeting, the partnership, the priceless teamwork at the Daily planet, that walk in the street with wide grins and coffee cups(so them), their evolution from friends to lovers, the identity reveal, that beautifully shot proposal, the marriage, the honeymoon, the “I’m yours babe-for better or for worse!”, the “I want a girl”- and so, to sum it all up: every single moment was legendary.
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3. The Reunion (Superman & Lois: 1 x 12)
The “Hey you” and “Hey yourself”, Jon and Jordan sporting identical grins (showing that they are the biggest fans when it comes to their parents’ love life),  that kiss with the Kansas sun in the background. It was sensational
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4. “Told you you’d catch me?” (Supergirl: Elseworlds)
One of the cutest moments I’ve witnessed. The sequence which previously follows up to Clark telling her not to adventurously climb the barn ladder as it was rusty, her telling him with conviction that he’d be there to catch her, and then throwing those words on his lovingly concerned face when he does, on a later occasion. And those contagious dimpled smiles.
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I won’t be able to wind up in this century if I start now on this area. So, you can check this and this one out for some of my favorite comic moments.
Any ways, thankyou again for the ask!
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imasimpforshanks · 3 years
Hello author! Can I ask for K and L for Sanji/Ace please. (Fluff) thankyou!
Fluff Alphabet - Portgas D. Ace
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a/n: hiya!!!! Here is ace’s fluff alphabet! 💗I know you only asked for K & L but I hate only answering a few letters of these at a time LMAO 💀ALSOOOOO I’m going to Sanjis at some point too, because I got a lot more angst asks than fluff so yahhhh! Anywayssss hope you enjoy<3333
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A-Activities (what do they like to do with their s/o? How do they spend their free time with them?)
Ace absolutely loves to pull pranks on you AND he loves to pull pranks with you. Once a month you actually have an all-out prank war against one another where even the crew fear that they will be caught in the middle of it.
Oh, and true to his character, the two of you spend a lot of time eating food together. It’s very difficult for any normal human being to eat anything close to the amount Ace eats, so more often than not, it’s you staring at him in awe while he scoffs down another plate of food.
B-Beauty (what do they admire about their s/o? what do they think is beautiful about them?)
He finds your smile to be one of the most beautiful things he’s ever seen, it’s even more beautiful when the smile is directed at him. The moment you smile at him everything else in the world seems to melt away. Ace does everything in his power to bring a smile to your face, because when you smile everything else seems to fall into place. (SO CLICHÉ I KNOW BUT IT’S TRUE!)
C-Comfort (how would they help their s/o when they feel down/have a panic attack etc.?)
His go to method of comfort is cuddles. He just wraps his arms around you and gives you lots of forehead kisses. He’ll say all these kind things about you and ask what you need from him. If you’re not sure, or if you don’t feel like talking, he’ll patiently wait until you’re ready to talk.
D-Dreams (how do they picture they future with their s/o?)
In every possible future he envisions, you are there. To Ace, there is no future unless you are with him. It’ll be the two of you living life to the absolute fullest, taking it day-by-day.
He isn’t too keen on having (biological) children as he doesn’t want them to be burdened with the blood of Gol D. Roger.
E-Equal (are they the dominant one in the relationship or rather passive?)
He tends to take the more dominant role in the relationship. It’s just his natural personality that seeps through, it’s truly not intentional. He’s confident and loud so there’s not really any way you can’t not listen to him. However, if you were to voice any opinions or comments, you’ve got all his attention!
F-Fight (would they be easy to forgive their s/o? How are they fighting?)
I talk about his fights with his s/o a little in his angst alphabet. Here it is again!
Fights with Ace, although they don’t happen often, can quickly get out of hand. He’s stubborn and his inability to accept that he’s not always right can cause a minor disagreement to escalate into an all-out fight. On a few occasions you have argued about him never turning his back on an opponent.
Your fights tend to be followed by cooldown time. Things can get quite heated (no pun intended) so you need some alone time and space to breathe. After that though, you comeback together and apologize.
G-Gratitude (how grateful are they in general? Are they aware of what their s/o is doing for them?)
Ace felt unloved and unwanted by the world growing up (save for Luffy and Sabo, oh and Dadan), so it was quite the change to experience the unconditional love you provided him. He will forever be grateful for what you have done for him, in fact, he’s so grateful about it that he can never shut up about it! Much like how he gushes about his ‘stupid kid brother’ to the Whitebeard Pirates, Ace will also never shut up about you to anyone he talks to. Your name somehow always makes its way into any conversation he has.
H-Honesty (do they have secrets they hide from their s/o? Or do they share everything?)
The only secret he kept from you was that he was the son of the Pirate King. He was scared that once you knew, you would view him differently. But over time he was able to see that that would never be the case. So, after telling you that, he never kept anything from you ever again. Ace actually finds sharing secrets with you to be a weight off his shoulders.
I-Inspiration (did their s/o change them somehow, or the other way around? Like trying out new things or helped them overcome personal problems?)
You were another person that was able to show Ace he is worthy of being loved. It’s an insecurity of his that will probably never go away, but that’s okay because you’re more than happy to remind him daily.
J-Jealousy (do they get jealous easily? How do they deal with it?)
I talked about Ace’s jealousy in his angst alphabet! But I’ll go over it again here!
When he gets jealous he turns into such a man child. He’s pouting and moping around while mumbling to himself. He develops quite a petty attitude. If you were to ask him “want to go get something to eat?” he’d respond with “why don’t you just go and ask ____ for some food.” But, as soon as you begin commenting on how jealous he’s acting he’s going to deny it to the end of his days.
K-Kisses (are they a good kisser? What was the first kiss like?)
I feel as though I may give Ace a little too much credit when it comes to this because I want to think that he’d be one of those amazing kissers, like he just has a knack for it. But in reality, that probably wouldn’t be the case.
Ace is more likely to be quite an overexcited kisser. He’s keen and passionate, that’s for sure. But with your first kiss, he’s a little too keen and tries to move way to fast. After some calming down and a little bit of a giggle to one other he’s in the zone.
L-Love confession (how would they confess to their s/o?)
The two of you are just talking and he’s, unsurprisingly, brought up his brother, Luffy. What is surprising however, is when he tells you how badly he wants you guys to meet each other. Your first reaction was “yeah that stands to reason he wants all of us to meet luffy” but before you could say anything Ace is already going on like “yeah, I just can’t wait to have the two people I love most in the world meet. It’d be real cool” (or something along those lines and probably a little less cheesy LMAO). You just stare at him like “heh?” and he stares at you like “uhhhh… yeah I said what I said?”
M-Marriage (do they want to get married? How do they propose? What would the marriage be like?)
Heck yeah, this dude wants to get married! Getting to show you off to everyone? Yes please! Getting to tell you in front of everyone he knows just how much he loves you? BIG YES. Oh, AND a big ass party afterwards? THIS DUDE CANNOT WAIT! Being able to marry you is one of his dreams, and he’s actually been thinking about since the first date you guys went on.
But, he’s really struggling with how to propose to you. He’s gone through every cliché in the book. A ring at the bottom of your glass, in your food, a carriage ride etc. They’re all great ideas but he doesn’t think they suit the dynamic of your relationship. So, he’s going to enlist the help of Whitebeard Pirates and create an elaborate prank (that has a 50/50 chance of going wrong but also still working out exactly as he wanted).
N-Nicknames (what do they call their s/o?)
He likes to call you hot stuff or baby. Initially, these nicknames resulted in a lot of teasing from the other whitebeard pirates but neither of you cared.
O-On cloud nine (what are they like when they are in love? Is it obvious for others? How do they express their feelings?)
Whitebeard and a few of the other division commanders are the first to notice. I mean, it’s not that hard… He is constantly bringing you up in every conversation (if you’re not there) and if you are there, they can’t even get his attention for a moment. You have his undivided attention! It isn’t until Marco or someone says “You’re down baddddd, Ace” that he’s like HUH?
P-PDA (are they upfront about their relationship? Do they brag with their s/o in front of others? Or are they rather shy to kiss etc. when others are watching?)
Ace loves PDA. He is all about kissing you in front of everyone else. So much so that you constantly get told to “get a room!”. Ace loves to show off his relationship with you to the whole wide world. He’s incredibly proud to have found someone that loves him wholeheartedly.
Q-Quirk (some random ability they have that is beneficial in a relationship?)
Well, thanks to his devil fruit, his body temperature tends to run pretty warm, so you have your own personal heater.
R-Romance (how romantic are they? What would they do to make their s/o happy? Cliché or rather creative?)
Ace is romantic in his own way, that’s for sure. He expresses his love through teasing and jokes, but also through quality time. He’s big on that. Making sure all his attention is on you so you know just how much he loves you.
S-Support (are they helping their s/o achieve their goals do they believe in them?)
He has so much faith in your ability to achieve your goals. He wants to be able to help you in any way he can, so if you come to him and ask for help, he would be absolutely ecstatic! Ace just wants to be a part of your success story (in the best way possible, I know some people only want to because then they get credited but that’s not why ace wants to do it at all! Nothing makes Ace happier than seeing those he loves achieve their goals).
T-Thrill (do they need to try out new things to spice out your relationship or do they prefer certain routine?)
Your relationship is already spiced out enough as it is. He’s got an extremely mischievous personality so is constantly getting up to god knows what, and some how always manages to drag you into it. If anything, your relationship could do with a little more routine (but you both are extremely happy with the way it is).
U-Understanding (how good do they know their partner? Are they empathetic?)
Ace is an extremely empathetic individual. He understands a lot more than most, just how awful negative emotions can be (whether that’s sadness, insecurity, anger etc.). So he is quick to your aid whenever something seems to wrong.
V-Value (how important is the relationship to them? What is it’s worth in comparison to other things in their life?)
All relationships in Ace’s life are extremely important to him. He even values them more than his own life. Your relationship is no exception. You’ve shown him love, and accepted him for who he truly is, so there’s nothing he wouldn’t do for you and he makes that very clear every single day.
W-Wild card (a random fluff headcanon?)
He knows all your food orders off by heart. And when I say all your food orders, I mean ALL of them. He knows your food orders for each of your different moods. He memorised them pretty quickly so that he could surprise you with food regardless of your mood.
X-XOXO (Are they very affectionate? Do they love to kiss and cuddle?)
He is an extremely affectionate individual. Ace is practically attached to your hip at every possible moment. An arm will always be thrown around your waist or shoulders, and he literally wants to spend all day smothering you in kisses. He’s shameless when it comes to affection.
Y-Yearning (how will they cope when they are missing their partner?)
He copes by talking about you to EVERYONE. He tells the crew stories about you (mind you these are stories not only that they’ve heard multiple times, but they were also there to witness themselves). It gets to the point where even Whitebeard is like “ya know what Ace, you can go visit them.”
Z-Zeal (are they willing to go to great lengths for the relationship? If so, what kind?)
As I said previously, all relationships in Ace’s life are extremely important to him. We saw what lengths he was willing to go to when Thatch was killed by Blackbeard, and you would be no different. In fact, Ace would be willing to do all of that and so much more, if it was for you.
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spankpjm · 2 years
Hi..first i want to say i love ur blog and ur opinions.i like how u explain things... thankyou for that.
I want to talk about...first..do u really believe jikook is real or u just like to ship them bcz they look good together??
Second i want to talk about...let's guess we proved right one day tht yes they are a couple...do u think they hve any future??like a normal couple??...i mean if they both actually decide one day that they want to stay with eachother forever...than they can't hide from people 4ever right??at some point they have to tell evryone to live openly...i really want them to stay with each other always...but it's really tough in reality. What if after disband...their love changed? They really look amazingly magical together...m sorry to say this but i really can't picture them both with any other person (male or female) and its not cuz i love any one them romantically or that it's just my fantasy...it's cuz they look strong AF together and really believe they can change the perspective of people on love...that gender is not important..
But their happiness is first to me...so with whoever they end up with in future... together or not..i wish them happiness...
And again i love ur blog. Thanku.
Thank you so much anon 💜 I appreciate you!
Well it’s a given that they look good together but that’s expected when when two men are just absolutely STUNNING! I don’t ship them because they look good together tho I do it because they literally give me butterflies when they’re together when they interact. I can say yess I do think they’re actually together, just by all the things they’ve done and all the things they’ve showed us, but that’s my opinion I won’t run around telling everyone that I know they’re together because well we don’t know for sure lol. I can relate to you when you say you don’t imagine them with anyone else because me either but maybe that’s because we’re so used to seeing them together, their bond is so magnetic, it’s like watching a firework show that’s how i describe it lol. Also yesss i do see it working out for them and i do see them being together for a long long time if not forever, i know they live in a homophobic place BUT that doesn’t mean gay couples don’t exist there, and they don’t necessarily ever have to come out to us they could be 40 living together and we would just know, they wouldn’t need to tell us, after they disband i think it would actually be easier for them to be together because then they wouldn’t have to hide at all (not that they’re good at hiding now 😂) but you know they’ll be more at peace, even if they decide to work on projects separately my thoughts are they made it work this long why wouldn’t it continue to work?
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True love survives arguments. Sometimes it even survives break-ups, so you have to live, and then you have to fight for him. Just hold on and fight. In which Jo calls Alex and he actually picks up.
“Alex, I need you to call me or so help me, I will fly to where you are and…”
Jo snaps, she'd been practicing her speech over and over in her head all day, she’d not even considered what she’d do if he actually answered. Which much to her surprise he had…it had taken her moment to even notice she wasn’t listening to the familiar sound of his voicemail but instead the sound of his steady breaths.
“You answered?” She mutters almost in disbelief as she pushes herself up off the couch, pacing around the loft. All she’d wanted all week was for him to answer and now he has the silence is deafening.
“I know you said you were going through something and that you needed time and I wanna give it to you I do, but I spent a lot of the last year pushing you away…”
“Jo…” she pauses as the sound of his voice comes over the line. She has to cover her mouth to stop herself from crying out, three weeks he’d been gone, three weeks of sitting by the phone, three weeks of not hearing his voice. Three weeks of conjuring up the worst possible scenario.
She takes a shaky breath, leaning against the cold window. She needs to get the rest of her speech out before she loses her nerve before she breaks down and begs him to come home. “I know it wasn’t my fault but I did, I pushed you away, but you held onto me then. You did, you held on and you refused to let me go or give up on me. You held on to me. So I’m holding on to you, I’m holding on for dear life.”
It’s quiet for a moment. So quiet she thinks he might have hung up but a quick glance down at her phone screen shows they’re still connected.
“It’s not that easy Jo.” He sounds tired, defeated maybe…either way, it turns her stomach.
“I love you.” She whispers, gripping the phone tighter in her hand. Her eyes watering as she hears his low sigh, like that was the last thing he wanted to hear. “Alex, I love you and whatever this is, whatever you’re going through I wanna go through it with you.”
They fall silent once more. Jo grips to her phone like she’s gripping onto him.
“I love you too.” Jo closes her eyes savoring his words. It should fill her with relief but she knows the but is coming. She thinks back through all her fears, all the scenarios that she’s conjured up these past few weeks. He loves her…he still loves her, so can it really ever be that bad?
“You do?”
“Always.” He confirms.
“Then talk to me, just talk to me. I’m right here.” There’s desperation in her voice as she pleads with him. “For better or worse….”
“For better or worse.” They’ve promised it to each other more times than she can count at this point. On a ferry boat in June in front of all their friends. They whispered it against each other's bare skin late into the night. They’ve muttered it in passing on a busy workday when the world felt like it was caving in. He’d promised her it outside the facility the day she was released and he’d promised it to her again just over a month ago in the courthouse.
“Did you mean that?” Jo asks, she’s clutching the phone so tight now she’s sure it will break. She’s holding on for dear life.  “If this is the worst, Alex I can handle it.” She lets out a shaky breath, as she tries to calm herself breathing in for a count of three. “I can handle it...I can handle whatever it is but I need you to tell me what's going on.”
Then nothing.
Just their quiet breaths filtering through the line.
Jo can taste her salty tears as they slip down onto her lips then…
“I’m with Izzie.”
He’s so quiet she almost doesn’t hear him. Her mind takes a moment to grasp what Alex had just said.
“I called her for Mers hearing and we got to talking…”
“She wasn’t on the list.” It’s the first thing she thinks of, all her worst-case scenarios coming true at once.
Her legs feel like jelly, shaking too much to support her weight as she drops to the ground, leaning back against the couch, “She wasn’t on the list.”
“I didn’t put her on there.” He says it like it’s simple. Like it’s an obvious explanation for any of this. He sounds more confident now, his voice clear and concise like he’d practiced it. Maybe he had. Maybe it’s why he’d avoided answering her for so long, he just hadn’t figured out the right words to say.
“She had my kids Jo.” She couldn’t breathe. There wasn’t enough air in the room. “She had twins Eli and Alexis and they're here in Kansas.”
“You have kids?”
“I have kids. Twins. They’re five years old...say something, Jo, please.” He urges after a minute's silence.
She can’t though. She’s clawing at her chest desperately trying to remember all the stupid breathing techniques she’d learned. Trying to get to her happy place, her happy place that had him written all over it.
“I’m so sorry Jo.”
“Do you love her?” She manages through ragged breaths. She’s already on fire, might as well throw on the accelerator.
He hesitates. She hears his breath hitch like he can’t find the right words and then a quiet yes. Yes, he does love her.
“But not like that. Not like I love you.”
The words that had felt healing only moments ago hurt now, causing her heart to tear further into two, now they sound more like pity than hope.
“What does that mean?”
She hears a slight sniffle before he’s clearing his throat. “That I love you...but I can’t come home, I can’t leave them. Can you come here?” He sighs but Jo's mind is still whirling, her body still shaking. She can’t quite comprehend anything that he’s saying.
It’s like all she can see is a huge blinking sign that reads.
He’s with Izzie. He loves her. He has kids.
“You have kids.”
“You have a family?”
“Daddy?” Jo can feel the gasp falling from her lips before she has a chance to stop it. He’s there now, he’s there with them while she’s sitting alone.
“You’re there now? You’re with them?”
She hears the phone muffle. Obviously, he’s covered the speaker but she can still hear him as he asks his children to go play, that he’d come and join them in a minute. He’s a dad. Something he’d wanted for such a long time. Something only weeks ago she’d been considering bringing up for them.
He understood her. It’s one of the reasons she loved him so much. Since Bailey’s wedding, they’d just had this uncanny ability to understand the other. Even if they didn’t agree with each other. They were cut from the same cloth.
Right now though that feels worlds away. Right now they feel like two pieces of different puzzles. She’s here and he’s there and he’s a parent and she’s not.
His voice breaks through the overwhelming thoughts clouding her brain. “Can you come here, Jo?”
“I can’t.”
It's a low whisper before she does the one thing she could never imagine herself doing before she pressed his contact tonight, she hangs up.
She lets him go to voicemail twice before the phone falls silent. She thinks he knows better than to press the issue, especially when all he’s done is ignore her calls for weeks. She needs time. Time to figure out what this all means.
It’s easier said than done. She manages to drag herself to work, detaching herself from everyone she knows, pushing through by focusing on her patients. He doesn’t call again. Weeks go by in silence. Jo falls into the same routine of working until she might drop, only dragging herself home when she’s so tired she's sure her brain won’t be able to torment her.
It’s only when she’s ransacking her wardrobe having neglected the growing laundry pile for too long that she finds them. Tucked into the back behind an old shoebox. Three tiny baby hats.
She clutched them carefully in her hands, trailing her finger along the detailing. They’re made with such love and care for babies she used to be able to picture so clearly. She doesn’t wanna give up that dream or Alex for that matter she's just not sure how to hold onto him.
For the first time in weeks, she finds herself staring down at her phone, her finger itching to hit call. She doesn’t though. She’s not sure what she’d say about this mess, still feeling too big to wade through alone.
The second time she’s overwhelmed with the need to call Alex comes only days later. She’s just finished discussing surgery options with a new patient when she spots him. He recognizes her immediately, his face lighting up.
“Dr. Wilson…it’s so nice to see you again.”
It’s Charlie Peterson. The heart transplant kid from years ago. He’s older now obviously, he looks healthy and it gives Jo a warm feeling to know she was a little part of that. She so rarely gets to see her patients again.
“Charlie…it’s good to see you. Or I hope it is…are you here for treatment?”
“Just a check-in with Dr. Pierce.” Jo nods offering a soft smile before turning her attention down to her phone. She has to run, she has surgery in a little bit. Sensing their conversation is almost over she watches as Charlie sways back on his feet almost nervously. “Dr. Wilson…there’s something…there’s something I wanted to say. Wanted to thank you for really. It’s something you said to me when I got my transplant.” Jo doesn’t say anything, she can vaguely remember talking to him. She knows it was the day she’d propose to Alex. “You said I had to promise to survive, that true love survived fights and breakups. You said you have to live, and then you have to fight and it always stuck with me you know. So just thankyou.”
Jos' speechless. She’d remember it now, her and Alex arguing. He was so sure she was leaving him that he’d spent the night away from home. Her heart had felt heavy as she returned home that night to an empty loft, it felt cold without him much like it did now. She’d hated it so much she’d refused to let that be her permanent reality. She’d fought for him back then. She got down on her knees and told him she wanted him forever. Where had that gone? Where was her gumption? That need to fight for him?
She wishes Charlie well before excusing herself for surgery but her mind is miles away. It might as well be in Kansas because that’s where her heart is. It's where she should be too.
She’s not sure what happens next. She’s not sure how Izzie and the twins fit or how she fits with them. But she knows how she fits with Alex. She knows that nothing has ever felt that scary when he’s been standing there beside her and if she can just get to him she’s sure they can work this all out.
She scans her phone buying the plane ticket out to Kansas without a second glance. Reading the confirmation email she feels at peace for the first time since Alex had walked out that door. The kinda peace that only came from knowing where your heart truly lied. Tomorrow she’d get to see Alex and no matter how bad or how scary everything else around them was, he’d be there to hold her hand. All she had to do was hope he still wanted to.
Tomorrow she'd be with Alex. Her first love. Her last, her only. He was all of it. He was her everything.
It’s late when she arrives back at the loft, so late she doesn't even notice how the lights are already on as she climbs the steps. It’s only when she spots a familiar pair of boots lined up by the door that she realizes the change. The air seems warmer. Looking up abruptly she spots him standing across the room, leaning against the kitchen island like he’d been waiting for her.
“You came home?” She mutters in disbelief, her keys clattering to the ground as she takes him in. He’d let his beard grow, which makes sense considering she’d been crying at the sight of his razor for weeks. He looks tired though, with deep bags under his eyes.
He nods, taking quick strides until he’s standing before her. She could reach out and touch him if she wanted. She watches his own hands twitch with the same urge. Like he too wanted to confirm she was real and standing in front of him. “I came home.”
Suddenly Jo bursts out laughing. Her hand reaching up to cover her mouth as she tries to keep her giggles at bay. Alex's eyebrows drop in confusion as he eyes her carefully. “I booked a flight.” She admits through uneven breaths.
“I booked a flight for tomorrow morning. I was gonna come find you.” She laughs again, finding it overwhelmingly amusing that on the day she’d decided to go find him, he’d come home.
Alex frowns but nods as if he has an understanding of what she’s laughing about. “Jo look…”
“Do you still want me?” She asks abruptly. It’s the only question she has. She can deal with the twins and Izzie and Kansas, she can deal with it all as long as he still wants her.
“What kind of question is that?” Alex settles his hands on her waist, the heat of his palms seeping through her. “Of course I want you. I always want you.”
“Then we’ll figure it out.”
And they do figure it out. They head back to Kansas together the next morning, Alex’s hand clutched tightly in her own. Jo’s nervous and scared and a whole other host of emotions but those feelings soon fade when they step out of the rented car. Alex’s face lights up as two five-year-olds come barreling down the front steps, skidding to a halt in front of her. Their eyes are wide and hesitant as they say a reluctant hello. Jo is struck with the love that flows through her as soon as she sees them, no they’re not her’s but they are his. Little pieces of the man she loves so dearly. She can see parts of him so clearly, he’s in Eli’s lopsided grin and Alexis’s eyes. They’re a part of him; it's impossible not to love them.
She lets Alexis guide her up into the house, accepting a cup of coffee from Izzie who seems genuinely pleased that she's there and they sit for the rest of the afternoon playing tea party. Jo mainly spends the day watching Alex who seems more himself then she’s ever seen him before as he chases the two around.
Later that evening Izzie finds her on the porch swing. Jo feels her stomach turning at what she’s about to say, but she is surprised when Izzie apologizes. She apologizes for keeping the twins a secret, for not calling Alex sooner, and then she apologises the way she’s sure she’s uprooted Jo's life. The funny thing is it doesn't feel uprooted at all. It’s only day one but nothing has been as bad as Jo had made it out to be in her head. The day had flown by in an unexpected bliss, Alex had been the husband she knew, constantly touching base making sure she was okay, a reassuring hand squeeze or a mouthed I love you across the dining table. He needn’t bother though, she was more than okay.
“Do you think she can hear me?” Alexis shouts, making Jo startle out of her daydream. They’d been in Kansas almost a year now. It’s not a picnic by any means but it’s definitely worth it. They’re a family, a real proper family. It’s not just her and Alex and their friends anymore and Jo loves it, every messy second of it. She’d cried when the twins had shown up at their house the day after Mother’s Day with a card that read ‘Not all stepmothers are wicked’ and a bunch of flowers that Izzie had let them pick from her garden. Her life is so far from what she’d imagined it to be after she’d called Alex a year ago. Back then she could never see herself leaving Grey Sloan Memorial or even Seattle but they had and it was better than whatever life they ever had planned.
“What about now?” Alexis yells again, pressing her chin into Jo’s stomach as she looks up at Jo expectantly.
Jo just laughs, their poor baby would probably be deaf by the time she was born. “She can definitely hear you and by the time she joins us she’ll know the sound of your voice.” She runs a hand through Alexis' hair softly as the girl settles her ear against Jo's stomach.
“Can she hear me?” Eli yells suddenly, crashing down on top of his sister as they fight for a place on Jo's stomach. “I want her to hear me.” He cries, making Jo and Alex chuckle as he places his ear against her bump expecting his new sister to talk back.
“Everyone can hear you, ya little monster,” Alex growls, lifting the boy up off the picnic blanket they’d laid out, making him squeal in delight as he tips him upside down, one hand tickling his side.
“Ooo she definitely heard you,” Jo winces, feeling a sharp kick to the ribs. “Here guys come to feel her.” She takes Alexis's outstretched hand moving it about as she traces her daughter's kicks across her stomach until she seems to settle in one spot. She watches Lexs face light up in pure delight, her mouth falling open in wonder.
“Can you feel her Lex?” Alex grins taking the seat beside Jo, placing his warm hand against her bump just slightly to the side of Alexis’s.
“Yeah…yeah, I can feel her,” She nods excitedly.
“Hey, I wanna feel her too…” Eli pouts, crossing his arms over his chest as that famous Karev scowl crosses his face.
Jo shakes her head, reaching her arm around Alex and holding it out towards him. “Come over here then bud,”
They all fall silent for a moment, a very rare moment for the Karevs. The happiness seems to radiate out between them all as they feel the little movements of their newest edition.
The warm sunny day sends a golden filter over the image before her. Alex’s lopsided grin, his hand stretched out across her belly, two smaller hands pressed either side. Eli’s tucked under her arm while Alexis lays across her lap. She knows this perfect moment won't last so she takes extra care to commit it to memory while it happens.
As predicted the moment is broken, the sound of the ice cream truck drawing the children’s attention as they go racing across the grass in a flash and they both know Alex has about ten seconds before he has to go catch up to them. He takes the time to press a chaste kiss to her lips before he goes. Soft and sweet and way too short for her liking.
“Thanks for holding on to me.” He whispers against her lips when he pulls back, shooting her a wink before he’s off and running in the direction of the twins.
She calls back, laughing when he almost trips over as he turns back to grin at her. Jo runs her hand across her bump lovingly, thinking back to how only a year ago she was ready to give up this dream of a life completely. She’s glad she didn't.
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kira-fluff · 3 years
Hello! Have you done headcanons for a MC that is a really good artist? Like, that's what she loves and hopes to make a career out of it? (For the RFA, V, And Saeran?) thankyou! Bye bye! \ ^-^ /
a/n: I LOOOVEE this idea! As a passionate artist myself, this one hits home :) As you probably know, I’ve updated my rules, since you specified 2, I will pick 2 from the RFA :) Again, let me know if you’d like to have different characters than the ones I picked! I went for MC instead of Y/n this time. Let me know what you think. Thanks! 
Also, this is pre-relationship and it may or may not have turned into a confession headcanon oh gosh 
MC is an Artist +Confession bonus 
V +bonus confession 
As a fellow artist, V would be incredibly proud of you 
Even though he might sometimes have trouble saying it 
V has always showed actions above his words 
You’d quickly gathered this from his lack of communication with the RFA chat and text messages between the two of you in general 
But you understood him, in a way 
You related to the freedom he felt whenever he expressed himself through his photography 
Because you felt that same feelings when you painted 
You were incredibly inspired by Beatrix Potter, your memories of her various artworks inspiring you to do the same 
You adored nature just as much as V did 
Together, you both made a beautiful pair 
You wore an adorable flower-patterned, yellow sun dress
A beige sunhat you held to your head with a hand, carrying your brushes and paint palette
Him, dressed smartly in a sweater with khaki pants 
 V could carry your easel for you, his professional photography bag slung around his shoulder. 
You’d laugh, turning around to look at him, the wind blowing in your face, urging him to “Come on!” 
V had never thought you more beautiful than the time you’d accidentally tripped into a meadow of freesias, scattering them every which way 
You gasped, whipping out your pocket book, etching down the scene before you 
After a measurable silence, you looked over at V who had been quiet in taking pictures of you 
He keeps many copies of the pictures, putting one in his wallet and other places he’d look frequently just to make him smile 
He’d never let others besides himself see them, but they were the most beautiful photos he’d ever taken, and this not just by his standards of your beauty 
You sometimes would catch yourself sketching him during your time outside with him, sitting in a quiet pasture 
The world’s creatures were your muse, but you couldn’t help yourself from taking every opportunity to capture V’s every expression
And maybe that’s when you realized you were completely and utterly in love with him. 
In those quiet times in the meadows, all along you were in love with him. 
When you’d caught V taking candids of you, you always would beg him to delete them, which he begrudgingly would, if you really begged him 
But.. other than that, you were positive V had no real feelings for you outside of a deep friendship. 
That must’ve done it. He knows.  
Because suddenly, V had become incredibly distant, flaking out of your naturalist escapades, becoming increasingly difficult to come in contact at all..
it was all pointing to the fact that he had realized how deeply you loved him. 
You in turn, pushed away everyone around you. 
Rejection hurt. So much. One does not truly understand it until they’ve felt it themselves. 
It came to a point where you had no more tears left to cry, you knew he was gone forever. 
Your love, your inspiration. 
All was gone. 
You hadn’t touched a paint brush in months 
You’d been skipping meals for a while, beginning to feel more and more fatigue because of it. 
It came to the point where all in the RFA (except V) had become so worried about you that they’d sent Jaehee and Yoosung over to check on you 
You couldn’t remember the last time you’d checked your phone 
Your blinds and curtains had been shut for a subsequent amount of time. 
It had been weeks since you’d last changed your clothes, your hair was unkept. 
You stopped taking care of yourself completely, emptiness overtaking you. 
You had always had a dream of making artwork your career.. but just when your freelance career had begun to take off.. you lost everything. 
You couldn’t bring yourself to touch your paints or pocket book. It reminded you too much of him. 
You weren’t concerned about money, Rika’s apartment was already paid for and… well, with no real meal expenses, you didn’t feel any real purpose to continue. 
You heard a soft knock on the door. 
Instead of answering, you groaned, rolling over in your sheets – hoping if you ignored the knocking they’d assumed you weren’t home.
Any last grain of hope you’d had left you a long time ago. 
You slowly sat up in your bed. It was Yoosung. 
You instantly felt shame for ignoring them.. and looking, well, like this. 
“I’m coming in!” Came a loud shout, causing you to panic. 
Damn. Seven must’ve opened the apartment.  
Seven was concerned for you, given the surveillance footage, he couldn’t find almost any instances when you’d left your apartment. 
Given your apparent closeness, Seven shot a text to Yoosung, Jaehee, and of course, V. 
Yoosung and Jaehee replied in agreement and concern, V, however, said something very different. 
// V:  I’m sorry. I can’t go. >> [sent, 6:08am]
707: I thot the 2 of u were rly close. Did sth happen? >> [sent, 6:09am]
V: I’m selfish. I can’t see her anymore. >> [sent, 6:29am] 
707: ? >> 
707: > [sent, 6:29am]
read, 6:32am. //
You began to cry, embarrassed and ashamed, as Jaehee and Yoosung called your name throughout your hollow feeling apartment. 
Immediate concern covered their faces when they saw you teary eyed in your bed. 
“Oh, MC, hey, it’s going to be okay.”, Jaehee immediately held your head in her arms. 
She ordered Yoosung to get some food from your local convenience store
From there, she opted to begin cleaning you up. 
Jaehee didn’t want to force you to do or say anything, so she never asked questions – unless to ask whether you were comfortable taking a shower or perhaps, eating something later. 
You were not opposed to the help, rather, you felt indebted to them, feeling guilty for causing Jaehee, Yoosung, and likely Seven a great amount of trouble. 
Jaehee made quick work of stripping your bed sheets, stuffing in the laundry and opening the blinds, cleaning your room and dusting where necessary 
A part of her chastised herself for not doing so sooner, but she and the others were afraid that they’d be intruding on your right to take a social media break or something of the sort. 
Yoosung came back relatively quickly, a meal in hand, per Jaehee’s request. 
He made quick work of making his specialty – an omurice omelette. 
Jaehee continued to tidy up, checking up with you when she’d realized the apartment had gotten too silent
You at last stepped out of the shower, your hair taking on a glimmer, as if thanking you for taking care of it at last. 
You washed your face, trying to gather your thoughts as your shoved a crew-neck shirt over your head, opting for jeans and slippers as well. 
At last coming out of the bathroom, you at last made eye contact with Yoosung and Jaehee you began to cry again. 
Without hesitation, they rushed toward you for a hug, hushing you when you’d blubbered, “I’m sorry, thank you, I’m so sorry” in between dry heaves. 
After a quick call to Seven from Jaehee, Zen, Jumin and Saeyoung had made their way to your apartment as well. 
They each had their piece to share, kind words of encouragement and love. 
You were happy by their words, but… 
V wasn’t here. 
At last gaining confidence through their encouraging words, you ushered them to the large sofas that laid beneath your TV. 
Looking down, you said, “I-I’m sure you’re all wondering about V and I..” 
You didn’t dare look up when your sniffles began. 
You took a deep breath before beginning, “This is nothing to his fault, but….” your lip wobbled, “I believe.. I think he realized that I had completely fallen for him,” you laughed pathetically, “Still am”
Seven began, “MC–” 
“I don’t blame him, really, I never intended to tell him… it’s awkward.” 
Zen clenched his fist, “That asshole…” 
“And my friend” Jumin quickly rebutted. 
“P-please! I didn’t tell you this to make you dislike him or anything! I just felt like I owed you all an explanation…”, you begged.
Seven stared at you for a while before saying, “MC… V he’s– I think you should tell him properly.” 
Zen, ever the hot-head, stood up shouting, “And get her heart broken all over again?! How heartless can you be!” 
You smiled ingenuinely, “He’s right, Zen.” 
Before you could change your mind, you picked up your phone, and for what felt like years, you at last dialed V’s number. 
On the last ring, you heard sound that the caller had, picked up though there was no sound on the other line. 
Jumin and Yoosung ushered everyone out of the room, deciding to take a little stroll outside the apartment complex. 
After a moment of silence you started, “…..V?” 
You now heard him breathing on the other line.
“V, I know you’re there. Please…” You felt your voice wavering, “P-please… come to my apartment.”, you whispered a final, “please.” 
V was silent for what felt like hours before saying, “……..okay.” 
You hung up, attempting to mentally prepare yourself for the world of hurt you were about to endure again. 
After a long silence in which you’d zoned out, you suddenly heard the door bell ring. 
You glanced up. Only V ever used the doorbell.. always had. 
You slowly crept toward the door, taking deep breaths to calm your nerves. 
Gently opening the door a crack, you took in V. 
It had been a few months, but he looked so different. So…hollow. 
You moved for him to come inside, closing the door behind you. 
“Um, V, there’s something I need to tell you.” 
“You already know my answer.” 
You looked up, tears welling in your eyes, doing your best to ignore his statement. 
“V… I love you.” 
You’d never seen V so taken aback, his whole face grew pale. 
“Y-you love me?” 
“Have. For a long time.” 
You looked down, “You can go now.” 
Yet you didn’t hear a sound of movement. 
Looking up, V was still standing there, shocked. 
At last, you managed to hear the softest whisper, “All this time….”
You leaned in closer, “What?” 
“I- I loved you.. I love you. Since we’d first met. I-I thought you didn’t want a thing to do with me. Thought you’d figured out I’d fallen in love, so I distanced myself.. selfishly to try not to get hurt, but I still did. And all this time you felt the same.” 
You were now the stunned one. 
V gently smiled at you, enveloping you in a tight hug, “Really.” 
Jumin +bonus confession 
You loved to create stories 
Various areas of fiction, watercolor splashing against crisp, white pages 
Telling a beautiful story in color 
And Jumin adored it. 
He adored you. 
He admired your deep passion to create and your love for everything. 
He couldn’t understand how you could see the beauty in everything around you… for Jumin, he tended to consider things in their degree of usefulness. 
For the longest time, his father and those around him had encouraged this mentality 
And so, Jumin rarely sought for things that would have no real purpose – his penthouse proved this point by its bare walls – void of artistic charm
It wasn’t until you’d met him through the RFA that you’d immediately brought a force of color into his life 
He remembered well the first time you’d come to his apartment 
You gently ran your soft fingers against the walls of his penthouse saying, “Mr. Han, I think you need some more color in your house. It looks like a hospital in here!” You turned to him, a playful smile on your face. 
The breath was knocked out of him. 
God, he could never say no to you. If you’d ask, he’d get you anything you’d ever need. 
But he loved that you didn’t appreciate that kind of affection. Jumin knew he immediately ran to gift giving for love because it was the only way he had been shown love throughout his life…. and, it didn’t really mean anything to him. 
Still, he desperately wanted to be helpful, so if you were ever in a financial struggle, he’d offer to assist you. 
You’d proudly decline, declaring you could do it all yourself. He liked that about you too. Your independence, your kindness. 
It didn’t take long for him to realize he had taken to you greatly. 
One day when you’d come over for a visit, while petting Elizabeth III, you said, “Hey, Jumin.. have you ever fallen in love before?” 
Tension filled the air while Jumin stared at you. 
How could MC be so blind. 
When it had been a few moments he’d not answered, you awkwardly said, “J-just kidding! I figured you’re probably engaged – that was a stupid question, sorry..” 
Jumin was stricken by your sudden uncertainty, but didn’t make anything of it. 
“I’m not engaged. Don’t listen to anything my father says regarding that. And to answer your question, I think I might have an idea of what that feels like.” 
His eyes bore into yours, but he of course missed the look of sorrow that’d taken over your eyes.  
He’d watch you paint all day if he had the time. 
He couldn’t understand how you could look at a blank sheet of paper and write something so poetically beautiful and paint a lovely picture to match 
It was all a part of his amazement of you. 
He could watch you for hours, humming to yourself while you played around with contrast colors for your watercolor pieces 
No other art had value quite like your own 
He encouraged you at every chance he got, “MC, you should go into the arts.” 
“That’s what I want to do! But, Dad says the arts aren’t a realistic job.”, you frowned. 
“That may have been true in some outdated decade, but in our world today people are always looking for something hand-made and authentic. When we research our products, we look for items that have a ‘signature’ to them. Trust me, people want your art not only because it is breath-taking.. but because you made it.” 
You smiled at that, Jumin was always one to put a rational thought forward for your consideration, something you’d cherished. 
“Besides, I think you’d be happy anywhere you can create.” 
You grinned, pulling him into a tight hug, “Thank you, Ju Ju.”
Staying close friends became increasingly difficult, but Jumin wasn’t going to risk losing his friendship with you because of feelings. 
So you surprised him when you began randomly, “Jumin, I think I’m in love with you, okay?” 
You made eye contact, doing your best to show you were serious. 
As soon as he realized you were authentic in your confession, you turned around and began sprinting, flying open the door to his penthouse 
Jumin immediately chased after you, both in a full sprint 
You screamed when you heard his breathing and steps behind you and so increased your speed 
You had at last reached a dead end, but Jumin was a ways behind you. 
You reached for the elevator button, furiously clicking it – thankfully it came on the first ding. 
You rushed inside, repeatedly tapping the door-closing button. 
You sighed at last when you felt the elevator moving up, gasping for air. 
You attempted to continue going up to the highest story, which happened to be 320, grateful that this damn skyscraper had a ton of floors. 
You froze when the door came to a stop at floor 13. You panicked, trying to force the doors not to open. 
In front of you was a random businessmen, looked slightly peeved at the long wait he must’ve had for the elegant glass elevator. 
You apologized, allowing him into the elevator along with a crowd of impatient people, some gorgeous women with a smart suit and long hair, their phone resting on their cheek next to their ear, some more businessmen, glancing anxiously at their watches. 
As the elevator climbed to floor 21, a heap of people acknowledged their stop, pressing out of the elevator shaft and onto the busy hallways of what appeared to be the finance department. 
You sighed, pressing more buttons to go up higher. 
You screeched when you felt a hand on both of your wrists, slamming you into the wall behind you. 
Jumin’s eyes were glowing from the slight sweat that was beginning to form on his brow 
He looked pissed. 
“Don’t. Ever. Run. Away. From me. Again.” 
You gazed up at him, a guilty expression clouding your face 
“S-sorry..”, you quickly looked away, not bearing to look at the anger in his expression, the way he clenched his jaw and his eyes took on a darker hue… brows knit together. He was really mad. 
“You didn’t let me answer.” He said, his voice deep. 
He leaned in closer.. you closed your eyes in anticipation. 
He breathed a laugh through his nose, resting his forehead on your collarbone and shoulder. 
You blushed in embarrassment. 
Suddenly, Jumin hugged you tightly, “I love you too, MC.” 
As a fellow artist, Zen was overjoyed to say the least when he found out about your love for singing 
Your social media accounts were growing rapidly from your posts of music covers and original songs 
You also had a deep love to playing the harp. 
It had taken a lot of coaxing to convince your father to let you pay half and he pay the other of the expense of a 200,000 Won pedal harp 
But you loved it so much 
And so does Zen 
He’d definitely insist on doing a collaboration with you 
After the recording session and upload, both your following counts grew rapidly 
Comments of all types flooded your posts: 
who’s the b*tch next to him? 
omg, right? 
ew lol 
MC looks so cute…
I agree!! 귀엽다   (cute) 
Over the course of your social media endeavor, you’d learned to ignore the ruthless comments of jealous fans 
Zen was worried you’d taken them personally so he validated you a lot over the period that the video was a hit 
Zen wrote a song about you (which he definitely serenaded you with): 
“your passion, my passion one in the same this song – our communicator of my love to you. your smile each day this serenade a simple translator the time we have means so much i wouldn’t spend it any other way.” - radio wave COMMUNICATION by Zen 
The song overtook the song charts, making it’s way to the #1 spot in half a day 
You’d asked him, “Zen, are you going to make that a single? You are, aren’t you? Right?” 
“No, this is something for you and you only” 
You smiled at that, but said, “Zen, love like this deserves to be shared. This song will mean something so special to someone else, just like it means something to me. Music, what we do.. it was made to be shared.” 
Zen looked at you with stars in his eyes, taking you in a big hug. 
You truly were the kindest person he’d ever met.. and he loved you so, so much. 
Even though you may not have realized yet what the truth of his feelings were in his serenade, he knew he’d wait for the day in anticipation when he’d finally ask you to be his. 
Saeran wasn’t personally one for dramatics, but he loved watching you perform  
You’d sing for all kinds of musicals – you’d act for a series of plays 
He loved it when you’d act in classics like Macbeth or The Phantom of the Opera
It felt like a safe place to forget everything in his life and just watch you 
But he hadn’t fallen for you for who you pretended to be, but for who you really are. 
You were shy – something he found surprising (but unbelievably adorable) because you were a well-known actress 
When you’d first met him, you were walking outside the entrance way of the theater a few hours before your showtime. 
You had accidentally tripped and spilled coffee all over some tax forms you had to fill out
You let out a soft, “oh no!” 
Saeran had been early for a nice seat (hopefully away from other people) and noticed a woman in a cute over-sized sweater was muttering words under her breath, picking up what seemed to be endless amounts of papers 
He quietly walked over and just as softly said, “…need some help..?” 
You were surprised at the sudden presence of a stranger 
“o-oh! … yes please..” 
he smiled, leaning down and picking up stacks of coffee-stained paper
“would you like me to carry them for you?”, he said 
“are you– are you sure?” you looked up at him innocently in concern 
he answered by gently taking the stack of papers, “where to..?” 
“um… i’ll show you..” 
he nodded, following you to the backstage area where there was a mirror attached to a dresser, stage makeup covering the top of it. 
“you’re an actress?” 
you grinned shyly, “everyone’s surprised..” 
“n-no, i think it suits you. i was surprised because i’m watching the show tonight.” 
“r-really? you’ll watch me?” 
he nodded, blushing at your hopeful smile 
“i’ll do my best then, if you’ll watch me..” 
“good.” he looked away 
“i’ll be waiting” you said with a soft smile 
“so will i” 
yeah you two were literally so adorable.
enjoy my beautifuls
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kaznejis · 4 years
I choose you- Marco Peña x reader
@rayof-sunnie said: Hi! I absolutely love your Marco fanfics and I hope to see more of them, since I literally fell in love with him. I was wondering if you can write a fanfic where the reader (a singer) knows Marco is falling out of love with her and she lets him go and it’s all sad and angst but bam he realizes she’s the one after she sings I choose you by Alessia Cara. Sorry if it’s too much to ask
A/N: Thankyou so much for sending this prompt! I’ve noticed this is a recurring quote during requests and I just want to say that no request is ever too much, I enjoy writing and I love turning your prompts into something real! <3
Sorry for the wait on this one, I had a first draft that I wrote about 1200 words of but then ended up scrapping it- so here’s the second draft!
Word Count: 2820 words
Feel free to send in any prompts! 
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High school relationships don’t always last. It’s what the people around you had said for years- their advice was always to save relationships for college because then the two of you would have a better chance at surviving the real world. You’d promise to stick to this, going to the lengths of keeping to yourself so that you wouldn’t ever be enticed. 
But then, Marco came to your school. 
Obviously, you hadn’t jumped straight into it there and then. The two of you had been mere acquaintances at first; nothing but polite smiles in the hallway and casual conversation if you were seated beside each other. Marco had been focusing on sport and Elle Evans at the time, so nothing happened between the two of you. 
Though you did think the guy was hot- you couldn’t deny that. With his dark curly hair, broad muscles and smiles to die for; what wasn’t there to like? You brushed it off as just a small interest though due to the whole, you know, saving yourself until college thing. 
Nevertheless, Marco’s sort of relationship with Elle quickly crashed to the ground almost as soon as it had started- leaving the boy devastated and confused. This is where you came into the picture, going from an outlined figure in the background to the centre point of the illustration. 
It had been like any other day: walk to school, grab essentials from your locker, go to class. Despite this, an interruption came in the pursuit to said class. Marco, leant against his locker with his head resting on the cool metal. 
“Hey, uh, are you okay?”
“What?” Marco’s head shot up, his hair a wild mess as he turned to look at you, “Oh, hey Y/N.” 
“Hey,” You smiled slightly before repeating your previous statement, “Are you okay?”
Marco turned to lean his back against the locker and practically crumpled into it before releasing a heavy breath out of his nose, “I think everyone in this school is aware of what happened.”
“Yeah,” You coughed out as you lent against the locker beside his, “I’m sorry that happened to you.”
“Don’t be, I’m better off without her.”
“Well, at least you're staying confident and optimistic?”
“Yeah,” He laughed, it looked like he hadn’t done that in a while, “It’s the only way to stay afloat.”
You nodded, pursing your lips as you stared at the sad boy beside you, “Do you want to skip class and grab a coffee?”
And that is where it all began.
It looked like a whirlwind had swept through your dorm room as you rushed to find the bracelet Marco had gifted you for your previous birthday- the two of you were going on a date, something that you hadn’t been able to do in forever due to the stress of college and separation in general. It was weird though, you and Marco had attended the same college therefore causing you to be relieved that a long-distance relationship wouldn’t be necessary. 
Despite this, you felt like Marco was far away and not in the vicinity of a 5 minute walk across campus.
At the start of the school year, you and Marco had been attached at the hip- meeting before and after classes, sleeping in each other’s room most nights, doing homework/studying and just generally being together. Eventually, the stress of exam season got to the both of you and seeing each other every day turned to seeing each other once a week. 
But now you were just confused, exam season had ended weeks ago but at this point you and Marco saw each other once or twice every two weeks. So, you swallowed your pride and arranged a romantic night out consisting of a candle lit dinner.
Turning in the mirror and running your eyes up and down your outfit- you decided that you looked good. After weeks of wearing nothing but sweatpants and oversized hoodies, wearing a flattering dress was exactly the confidence boost you needed; seeing Marco’s reaction would only fuel that. For the date itself you’d decided on a small Italian restaurant only a few minutes walk from campus, after that the two of you would stroll leisurely back to campus before returning to one of your respective dorms where you would spend the night together. A perfect, fool proof plan. 
At least, that’s what you had thought. 
The most essential factor for a successful date with your boyfriend…is that said boyfriend actually shows up. 
This is the thought you mused to yourself in a burst of sarcasm as you curled into your stupidly thin coat on a bench in front of the restaurant you had arranged to meet Marco at- 40 minutes ago. Exhaling harshly, you hauled yourself up from the bench and did nothing but stare up at the sky as thunder crackled from above. At that moment, you made a decision- one that did not make your dorm the desired location.
Embarrassment filled every fibre of your being as you trudged through the halls of the college dorms completely alone wearing a tight dress and heels. Once you reached the dorm in question, you rapped loudly on the door (which earned you a number of dirty looks) and waited for the person on the other side of the door to answer. 
“Hello, Who’s there?” A voice called sleepily from the other side of the door as it opened, “Oh...hey Y/N.”
“Marco,” You pushed past him and walked into the room, moving to grab a fluffy towel, “You better have a great excuse for what happened tonight.”
As you made an attempt to wring out your soaked hair, Marco went and sat back down on the messy bed at the side of the room- he must’ve been asleep, “What do you mean ‘what happened tonight?’ I’ve been asleep since 7, you know college has me exhausted.”
You stopped your frantic scrubbing and paused, letting the towel drop to the floor, “What?”
“Uh, I don’t-”
“You don’t know what you were supposed to do tonight,” You wiped a hand over your face in disbelief, “What we were supposed to do.”
Marco froze, chewing on his fingernail as he visibly tried to remember. “No, I’m sorry-”
“We had plans,” You snapped, causing Marco to snap his mouth shut, “Solid plans for an actual night out for the first time in months.”.
Realisation dawned upon Marco’s face as his whole figure slumped, though his actions showed no signs of regret, “I completely forgot.”
“Yeah, I assumed that.”
Marco huffed loudly, before leaning back on his elbows, “Y/N, I-”
“How long is this going to go on for?”
“What?” Marco raised both eyebrows.
“How long are we going to go on like this?” Despite the sadness you felt your eyes were completely dry, “How long are we going to be in this dying relationship where we never talk and never see each other,” You let out a deadly laugh, “I mean, I haven’t even said I love you in weeks let alone touch you.”
Marco looked down, unable to meet your eyes, “I noticed.”
You had been ready to go off on another rant, but the lack of empathy and straight up emotions in Marco’s voice left you mystified- leaving you feeling defeated, “Me too.”
“What have you noticed?”
“You don’t love me anymore.”
Marco didn’t reply. He just stared blankly at the wall behind you, his face portraying no emotion. That was all you needed in order to nod numbly before hightailing out of there. As the door slammed shut behind you- all you could do was slide down the wall beside it and stare at the bright red heels adorning your feet. 
Although not a single emotion slipped out during the initial breakup, the fallout hit you during the following weeks. You did nothing but eat, sleep and go to class; the first two were still very much lacking. To say the least, the people around you were worried- some would pop their head into your room every now and then only to find you curled up in a ball beneath the covers. 
Marco, on the other hand, had seemed completely fine; hanging out with friends and keeping up with his usual routine of work and play- at least, that is what your friends had told you. It was almost like he didn’t care, that he was happy you had ended things. A small part of you knew that wasn’t true though. You knew Marco, having seen him at his lowest and highest points- you knew that he hid his sadness behind a mask of either anger or pure joy. This instance was obviously the latter. 
Stumbling out of the shower you had finally managed to drag yourself into, you pulled on an old hoodie as you walked towards the exit; where a notice board stood. 
There, on the board, was an advertisement for a Karaoke Night in a local bar. 
This is exactly what you needed. A chance to let go, sing silly songs and possibly even meet someone new. You would do anything to fill the crater in your heart that Marco had left behind. So, you texted all your friends (who were really just glad to see you enthusiastic about something) and invited them to go with you- it took place that very night, meaning you only had a number of hours before it began. 
The bar was a small, hole in the wall venue that students of the college tend to frequent regularly. Despite the majority of patrons not yet being of legal age, the workers found their way around these guidelines and supplied students with the majority of their alcoholic intake. 
“It’s really busy here tonight,” Molly, one of your close friends, spoke as you entered the main area, “You sure you still want to sing?”
Shooting her an amused look, you followed the group over to the bar, “That doesn’t faze me, it means more people can appreciate my gorgeous voice.”
“As someone who has never heard it- I’m not sure about that one.”
The whole group burst into laughter, you just shook your head and let out a small huff yourself, “I cannot wait to prove you wrong.” 
As each of you settled into a seat on a high-table close to the bar, you all broke into conversation as you fed off of the energy the bar supplied. For once, you weren’t curled into your bed antagonising over what went wrong in your relationship with Marco or sitting in class unable to concentrate because your ex was all you could think about. For the first time in over a month, you felt really great. 
Of course, that was abruptly cut short. 
“Y/N,” One of your friends gasped, staring at something behind you with wide eyes, “Don’t turn around but Marco just walked in.”
Your entire body seized up, a cold wave of shock trickled down your body, “You’re joking, right?”
She shook her head, sympathy painted her features before she reached forward and squeezed your hand, “Don’t even give him the benefit of looking at you.” All you could do was nod, blinking through the panic that was quickly rising. 
“Mhm,” Molly nodded, rubbing your shoulder, “Don’t even talk to him and then blow him away with your singing.”
“Yeah!” A few girls at the table cheered around you, “You’re still going to do that right?”
“No going back.” You twisted your mouth into a nervous smile as the group surrounding you cheered and held up their respective drinks. Taking the girls advice, you didn’t even look at Marco- which was extremely nerve wracking as you had no idea what he looked like or what state he was in. Your night went from being calm and a relief from drama to a tense and gnawing situation as you fought to not look over at Marco; wherever he was. 
“The karaoke event is beginning soon! If you want to take part just come up here and grab the mic from whoever is on stage.”
“That’s your queue.” Molly squealed, shaking your shoulder excitedly. 
“Not yet.” You laughed, moving away from her teasingly, “I have to work up my confidence first.”
“Hey,” Molly shoved at your shoulder a lot softer this time, “You’ll be great, don’t even think about Marco.”
“How do you always know what to say?”
Molly shrugged, a smile crinkling at her eyes, “I guess I’m just a great friend.”
“Oh, shut up.” You both broke into laughter and continued to talk until the first act came onto the stage, which you all turned to watch and cheer on. The event had a mix of talent, to say the least- some were extremely talented and left the crowd erupting into cheers, though some were obviously there as a dare or joke. 
“Who wants to come up next?” The current singer behind the microphone grinned as they held it before them. 
“I’ll go!” You yelled without thinking twice, having drunk a little bit of liquid since the original announcement- your friends around you cheered for what felt like the millionth time but the most interesting point was the head of black hair across the room that whipped around in shock at the sound of your voice. 
As you clambered up the stairs towards the stage, the guy manning the sound beckoned you over and asked for your song choice, “I choose you by Alessia Cara.” You grinned as the guy gave you an encouraging thumbs up. Grabbing the microphone, you stood in the middle of the stage and waited for your queue to begin singing. 
Relishing in the cheers the crowd gifted you with, you grinned nervously as you walked back to the table; laughing as your friends pulled you into their arms and shouted numerous compliments at you. 
“Thanks guys,” You smiled, allowing yourself to breath now that you weren’t under the bright lights of the stage, “Told you I could sing.”
“You sure can,” Molly laughed brightly, slight shock showing in her features, “You should do that more.”
Before you could reply, an unusually timid voice sounded behind you, “Hey Y/N.”
Slowly, you turned to face Marco who stood behind you- he had a nervous look on his face as he wrung his hands in circles and silently begged you. 
“Can I talk to you?”
Oh, hell no.” Molly barked, stepping in front of you, “You’ve already broken her hear once.”
“No, Molly,” You pulled her back, smiling at her reassuringly, “I’ll be okay.”
Marco nodded before leading you out of the building as you walked together side by side- it felt weird for him to not have his hand on the small of your back like he usually would in places like that, which only drove in the fact that you were broken up. 
“You were amazing up there.”
“Thanks,” You smiled tightly, hugging yourself with your arms with the same enthusiasm. 
“What do you want Marco?”
He frowned at you, his eyes teared up slightly, “You didn’t give me the chance to speak, Y/N.”
“When you said that I didn’t love you anymore,” He gulped and looked down, “You left before I could prove you wrong.”
You pressed your lips together tightly, “Your reaction was enough of an answer.”
He just shook his head, smiling slightly at your antics, “I left you alone after that because I assumed you wanted nothing to do with me...but then I saw you singing tonight and I realised that you are the one for me.”
“Marco-” Your voice wobbled as you looked on at the man before you.
“Please let me speak,” Marco laughed, “I never stopped loving you and I’m so sorry that I made you feel that way. The stress just got to me and I shouldn’t have let you be a victim of that too.”
“It’s okay.”
“No,” Marco wrapped both of your hands in his, he was begging now, “It isn’t and if you let me I will never shut you out like that again.”
“Really?” You hiccupped slightly, tears sliding down your cheeks. 
“Yeah.” Marco whispered softly, letting go of your hands to wipe the tears coating your face, “Unless you realised that you’re better off without me and if so-”
“Shut up.” You sighed before reaching forward and pressing a much needed kiss to his lips. Finally, you thought.
“Fuck, I missed that.”
“Just that?”
“No,” He laughed, stroking your cheeks with his thumbs, “I missed everything about you. I know I’ve seemed happy but I really wasn’t.”
You smile sadly at him as you snaked your arms around his neck, “I never stopped loving you too.”
If you would like to be added to my taglist for any future posts- please let me know!
“Good.” And the two of you met in a kiss once again as a nearby street lamp illuminated the night-cold air surrounding you.
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gardenerian · 2 years
Hi Mel! Poem anon here, again, and it seems your extra wordy vibes have pulled through on my end as I found an absolute gem today! 🥰
This one took me by surprise, I just had to sit there in awe for a little moment because wow. I think this might be one of my most favourite poems I've shared with you Mel, how wonderful is that!!!
"This poison creates pictures dipped in moonlight and dried under the sun, and lives forever" Oh? my? god???
"Some are hues of charcoal realties, Some the stun in written nightmares, Yet the rush To hold a forever in my fingers Pulses serotonin in my heart" OMG? Are you kidding me? I don't even have the words. I... I can not deal.
"Forever will the tree stay for me, I will sing to even the ground Where the tree left it's corpse / Me and my pen will keep our forevers in memories Till everything is burnt by the sun." MEL!!! Oh wow. I need to sit down. I need to be held.
Isn't that just magnificent!!?? Oh wow. You ever have that feeling about works that just make you want to collapse? And scream? And shake something? I find that so often in fanfiction from folk on here and!!!! This just!!!! I'm in awe.
Thankyou, as always, for listening to my silly anon thoughts and creating such a space for us to share works like these, it's truly amazing to share findings with you and I always always always look forward to your responses ✨ Hope you are well!! And that the day/night treats you right 🥰❤
hello my sweet love! this one is powerful! and i especially love to see the impact it had on you!!! sharing poems and words that have touched us is such a special act. knowing this is your favorite one made reading it that much more lovely! and WOW.
that ending in particular floored me. "i will sing even to the ground... till everything is burnt by the sun" ALRIGHT THEN. that is something that sticks with you. you know? i'll be thinking about this concept for a while - the idea of forever, even if something only lasts in our own memory or in our art! in that way we create forever, yeah? or like. the ways this can be both powerful and healing - but also destructive? to hold on like that? whew. wow. this is a lot 😭 but so beautiful, as always!
sending you all the love in the world ☀️
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wonwooridul · 3 years
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Specials 💎
I know that I ask a lot of you guys how you do your contents, I feel bad and feel like I’m taking your secrets. mianhae. Also, almost everyone of you is older to me so y’all are my senpais🥰also, what the fuck everyone of you are so talented.
@art-hao​: not @ us bonding over weird combos like art history (which we both are not a fan of), exams and animes but who cares cause we became friends and you’re amazing . your work gives me tons of inspo Istg! 🥺✨
@boosbin​: isaaa! You’re the person with literally all the same interests as me in almost everything and I love that. thankyou for being the softest boo stan with me cause i know I’m not the only one crying over him 25/8. 🤧Your work gives me serotonin boost.
@defgyus​: val, hiiii🥺 I know we haven’t talked much but you’re very sweet and we can related on a lot of stuff and that’s dear to me. I love your work and how you tag me in stuff which are always so fun to do!
@delicatecy​: Celia!! You’re such a sweet and easy going person and honestly, your work is just 🔥😌. I hope we get to know each other more! I love seeing you on my dash so much cause it makes me go wow all the time.
@haniehae​: heyy anna!! First, I love your haircut hehe. Second, even though you’re an introvert you’re easy to talk to and I love that! I love seeing you on my dash. Let’s catch up soon?
@haoranghae​: did we really bond over aliens? and cartwheel when neither of us can do it? Yeah, weirdos. Your taste is music is 😌 and thankyou so much introducing me to Lucy. Your content gives me feels 🥰
@jinims : zayy you’re such a sweet person and I love your work. Also thankyou for starting svtsource network and coming up with those tons of ideas. Big brain energy. I hope we can interact more!💕
@jonghan: my lovely friend. I’m so glad I met you cause talking you always makes me super hyped and happy about myself. You have taught me so much and your works keeps getting more beautiful everytime I see it. I’m only willing to wait for your message even if it’s 2-10 business days later.😌
@kwonthefire: my desi buddy , my homie. I think that speaks levels lmao. I love how we can always talk about randomest shit and bitch about our schools. You’re my personal hype woman. I absolutely treasure how we go to each other for daily life advices like buying waffles makers and stuff 😂 ab rona mat.
@myunqho: I love how we freak out over members out of nowhere. thankyou for always listening to me and spamming me w boo pictures cause 🥺. Haha you’re officially a gyuldaengi, welcome to the club of your never ending doom, cause mingyu is 🥰👀😳
@smallkore: dasha, my first ever mutual but we didn’t interact until months later but it’s okayy. you’re amazing and one of the cc I look up the most cause hello?? Your brain when you make the content?? The quality? Ideas? Top notch.😤
@softhyungkyun​: fellow cult member, you’re amazing. You’re so easy to talk to and I love how we get along over the weirdest things. #mositymenclub member forever. Again, that sounds so wrong 👀. You’re also funny omg. And your work??? Hellooo??? WOW
@soonhoonsol: my first precious friend I ever interacted with and I love u. You always give me a calming vibe and I love talking with you. Thankyou for checking in on me whenever I posted a questionable text post. Also, thankyou for teaching me tons. You always have something new to show us and i find that amazing.🤧💕
@vanillajoshh​: best friend? Yes.❤️ I love how we talk everyday even after a -13:30 hour time difference and you’re the sweetest and the most fun person who I can just vibe with. Thanks for always listening me rant, giving me confidence when I’m not sure about a content and just being yourself w me. Ily
@wonwvoo​: my best frenemy😌 you truly derive pleasure from my suffering and I love that. I love our dynamic and I hope it’s the same for a long time. Cant believe we bonded over jujutsu kaisen and true crime. I can’t wait to comeback and do all those traumatic asks you have given me.
@xuboowoo​: ahhh my oldest eonnie🥺🥺you’re so amazing and easy going , I genuinely forget the age gap sometimes. Best adult I know 😌🤞🏻talking to you really makes me feel like talking to an older sister and your work is beautiful.
@xuseokgyu: belle, beautiful belle! you’re one of the people im closest to and can go for advise and just being random . Thankyou for always sending me random photos of members, it always cheers me up. You’re such a happy presence on my dash.🥺
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lordeemailarchive · 6 years
A little note from me
Hello my dear email friends,
As you know, I don’t really have social media anymore, but I wanted to share some pictures and thoughts from the end of tour with you.
Eyeris counted up 116 performances this tour. That includes shows, festivals, radio thingies, TV performances... holy shit I have no idea how we did all those bloody performances! And now it’s the end, and I’m caught in an overwhelming mix of relief, gratitude, mourning, elation, and exhaustion. As I sit at home at my kitchen table with the dog under my feet and the doors wide open, I’m thankful to be back where I feel most like myself, but also a little spooked to think it will be a while before we see each again, formally. I had gotten used to meeting you all over the world, all those countries, faces, voices. Every show was different in its beauty, every jet-lagged night as freshly excruciating as the first time... Tour is no joke, it takes so much from you, but is the absolute brightest time. I’ve never felt richer than in those moments with you, all of us heaving to Green Light, or singing Writer together, or Supercut. The way you took this record and made it yours will be a highlight of my life forever.
So really, this little note is just to say thankyou. Thankyou for continuing to change my life, year after year; for living inside the work that I make; for always being ready for what’s round the corner.
I haven’t started properly on the next record yet, and I’m not sure how long it’ll be. But I’ve been teaching myself how to play piano, and here and there little bits come out. I think this next one will probably be born around the piano in my house, me and my friends, keeping it simple. But we’ll see.
I love you so much. Thankyou, thankyou, thankyou. I’ll try drop in from time to time here with a photo or something, let you know that I’m okay. But know that for now I’m happy here at home, living quietly and simply, eating toast, going for walks, swimming. And you’ll hear all about it soon enough. 🥰
OH and also, I’m going to try make a couple of t-shirts or sweaters, to celebrate the end. You know how useless I am, but keep your eyes peeled for those.
Ok. That’s all for now. I really love you.
E xxxxx
Some pictures from this tour ...
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on the way to stage in Argentina, one of my favourite shows ever
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gorgeous Chile
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came to Brasil :-)
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MEXICO. Our customary band ferris wheel ride feat. big cup of tequila lol
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Two minutes after the last melo show ever!!!
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Some fun days off in Brasil feat. a lot of caipirinhas ... you’re getting the theme here
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GREEN LIGHT I WANT IT (police escort)
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(source: forwarded email by u/AitchyB and https://www.reddit.com/r/lorde/comments/a0qbd4/a_recent_email/)
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hikarinon · 4 years
“I don’t think you understand how scared I am of losing you”
Haikyuu!! fanfiction // Bokuto Koutarou
summary: being unable to love yourself, the idea of being the villain in his story sounded so .... right .
But turns out your boyfriend knows his plot better than you do.
pairings: Bokuto Koutaro x reader
warnings: fluff, self-degradation, angst, swearing, slight nsfw
song: The Truth Untold - BTS
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//Sometimes doing the right thing feels so wrong//
“You deserve someone better, Kou.” your mouth twitched into an eventual smile. A lump passing through your throat, seeking a way out through your eyes. His brows drew together “Huh? Baby I don’t get it, what are yo-” your lips tenderly press themself against his forehead. His face altered back into his usual happy go lucky expression.
His smile.
You didn’t want to leave without him wearing it.
You turned around, just to be halted by a familiar warm hand. “You’re not going to wait till I’m done practice?”. No Bokuto, I’m not you bit your lower lips, bruising them from the inside, yet not breaking the smile.
“Be happy, Kou” and with that, you left. Leaving an oblivious Bokuto on the steps of the gym, constantly being called back in by the coach.
Sometimes doing the right thing feels so wrong.
Bloomed in a garden of loneliness
A flower that resembles you
You took in a sharp breath as you closed the door behind you. You’re not worth it he was always there for you, never one text left on read, never one call being declined. You’ll never make him happy whereas you have never even given half of the love he gave you.
Why are you so dramatic. It’s just a break up. Wouldn’t it be rational for you to let go of someone who you know would never be happy with you, someone like you. Your eyes studied the photo placed on top of your desk.
‘How did I even make him smile that wide’
You’ll never love anyone if you stay like this
The same sentence kept repeating your mind ever since, ever since that day.
‘god, that’s his type?’
‘you’re not even that nice’
‘they are totally one sided, I can tell’
‘he’ll break up with you eventually’
Why do people find happiness in degrading others. And why is it so easy for you to believe in them. So easy that you ended up turning them into the truth. Atleast I’m honest, right?
The picture of him blasting on your phone screen. The urge to press the green button and act like nothing happened sounded so sweet, so simple to do.
‘ 21 missed calls ’
I wanted to give it to you
After I take off this foolish mask
 Tears welling up your eyes. It’s for the best, you thought. It doesn’t matter whether you cry or not. As long as he doesn’t.
Your heart clenched way too hard when you saw his text saying ‘baby? We should talk, yeah?’ ‘or if your tired we’ll talk later okay, goodnight babe~’
‘ I love you ’
Ahhh, so this is pain
The only thing you want right now is, no it’s not his cuddles, no not his kisses, no not him. All you want is for him to be happy. And from your own conviction, without you.
The heart does things for reasons that reason cannot understand.
But you had no idea how badly he wanted your name to light up on his phone screen that night.
 Swollen eyes can easily be fixed with concealer, some powder, and a sweet smile. Prom night is just two days away. Better get your shit back together. Well it’s not like you’re gonna go with a date anyway, you scoffed
“Hey, tell us. Asap” one of your friends asked. Of course she could see through the make up. “You did it, huh?” the other one spoke up, “We’re not gonna judge you y/n, it’s your decision.” the memory of them telling you that it was a stupid idea passing back through your mind.haha
Then they wrapped their arms around yours, so it looks like you’re entangled together with you in the middle. “Just remember that we love you, okay bitch?”
You couldn’t help but smile delightedly, “Thankyou” you continued, “God I love you guys so much I might just ask yall to be my prom date” the one on the left chirped brightly “Don’t speak to soon love. Look” her head bobbed to the front.
And there it is, Bokuto Kotarou, circling around the school gate, bag held by his hair, just like usual.
“Y/n baby!” your friends parted to give you some privacy, pouring their hope upon you. You both, that is.
Your face crumbled as you saw them leaving you. What are you gonna say now? He pulled you by the wrist, gently. For a guy like him, this just goes to show how tender he treats you, like you’re the most the most precious thing that exists in his whole entire world.
“What were you saying yesterday babe?” his beamed smile, the smile that always makes your day, “HAHAHA it almost sounded like you were breaking up with me LMAOO-” and here you are, destroying it.
But I know
I can't do that forever
“Yeah, Bokuto, we should. Actually we already have.” It took a few seconds for him to process your sentence, then his mouth fell open. Yes, give him your ironical smile, make him hate you. “ I told you didn’t I? be happy.”
This is bad. You’re breathing too hard. He stared at you wide eyed, head shaking no no no. You cocked your head upwards to meet his face, expecting him to cry or whine like he always does.
But no, he was serious, seriously hurt. His brows furrowed together, mouth slightly gaping, his eyes were swirling with mixed up emotions and disbelief. Poor bokuto couldn’t decide whether he was sad, confused, mad, annoyed, or dejected. But one things for sure, he wasn’t happy.
“ I can’t do that without you, y/n.”
Don’t smile to me
Lie to me
For an airhead, he’s pretty good with words, you thought. Or maybe you’re just wrapped around his fingers that simple.
“I’m sorry, Bokuto.” was the only thing you said.
and again, you left him. No explanation, just a simple ‘ I’m sorry ’ to end the day
Schools done, proms tomorrow, you’re pathetic. You took another sip of your bobba tea. The cashier even asked where was your boyfriend. Yeah where is he, maybe he finally realized that you were right, that he’d be happier with someone else besides you. But god knows just how much you begged for him to magically appear in front of you, sitting on his usual chair, jubilantly sipping on his drink.
Your heart stopped when you saw a hand putting down a drink. Hope immediately lost when you saw that it was not his usual drink, it was someone else’s.
“Hey, Akaashi”
He didn’t reply fast, it took a few seconds of his judgemental stare down till he started “At first I thought you were too smart for him y/n. turns out you’re two peas in a pod.” his face was stern, but you could feel the genuine disappointment from the way he looked you in the eyes. He took a sip of his drink then continued with his speech, “Why would you do that, y/n?”
“That’s none of your business, I believe.”
“I believe it is y/n, you know tha-”
“FINE, he deserves better, that’s why.”
“Who gives a single fuck on who he deserves if the only one he wants is you.”
I have to hide
Because I'm a monster
You breath hitched. The urge to cry choking you again. You were speechless. Akaashi was tired. His best friend’s emotion infected him and there was no turning back. He stood up, grabbed his bag and placed one hand of sympathy on your left shoulder.
“This might make you feel worse but I don’t care, I want you to. He ugly cried the whole day in the infirmary, just. so. you. know.”
Finally, prom night came. It says 6:30 pm, you still had half an hour to get ready before Bokuto comes so better hurry uOh wait “hahahaha funny, brain.” you fixated yourself on the mirror. You were suppose to wear this with him tonight. No, it would just be a coincidence of two people wearing the same color. That doesn’t sound so bad.
And with that you took off. The fear of meeting him will always be there, but running away from prom won’t be too much of a fun decision would it? The moment you arrived, you found your way with your friends. They instantly shoved a drink into your hand with the most radiant of faces.
Where was Bokuto you asked? He, is sitting on the bench area surrounded by other popular folks. “Hey sweetie, let’s have some fu-” he shoved his untouched cup of punch in front of the girl “Here. Fun.”
he proceeded to focus on the entrance, waiting for you to arrive with the dress that matched with his tie. And yes, finally. There you are, drinking, cheering, you looked happy. ‘would’ve looked better if I was beside her though’ he thought. With his most confident face, he stood up, only to be held on the wrist by Akaashi,
“What do you think you’re doing.”
His eyes rolled up glancing at the ceiling, as if he was contemplating on a stupid mission. then with playful smile he looked back down at Akaashi
“I’m just gonna go there and tell her she’s beautiful, that’s all” He enlightened him with his signature smirk.
His best friend smiled with proud ‘I guess he’s not that dumb after all’ , “Good luck, Bokuto-san”
The walk towards you, a mere eight meter distance walk felt like eternity. But with his triumph face, he kept his sail high. Letting the winds of miss and hope push him further. He knew nothing of what’s needed to do. All he knows is that you’re beautiful, and he wasn’t going to let the night end without letting you know.
If I had the courage to stand before you
Would everything be different now
You, laughing, glanced at him from the corner of your eyes, and you smiled, forgetting that you were over. God, how he missed that smile. “hey KouEH I-I mean Bokuto…” your voice stammered as you finally remembered. He on the other hand didn’t even notice. His head was stuck between doing the former plan, or just forcibly shove his tongue right down your throat.
“what’s up, Bo-”
“I-I uhm…” he lost it. He lost his cool. One more slip and he’ll go emo mode.
“Oh sure I’ll dance with you!” you pulled him to dance floor. What am I doing you couldn’t look at him despite the way you’re foolishly smiling like an idiot. The moment you found yourself standing beneath the crowds, you pulled him into a dancing position, shyly, knowing your past remarks
“What were you going to say?”
“Why did you do that, y/n?” Him not calling you pet names still felt foreign
“I thought you wanted to say someth-”
“No, I meant why did you think I deserve someone else”
I'm crying
That’s disappeared
That’s fallen
No, Kou I don’t want you to cry his eyes were fighting back the tears. You could see the way he bit his lower lips as his brows shakily drew together. Your grip on his shoulder tightened. You never wanted this to happen. You did this to make him happy, not to make him…. broken like this.
“i- you should be happy, Kou. You won’t be with me.”
“I would. I am. I will. P-please I’ll do anything” he pleaded with everything he had, still struggling not to cause a commotion. He’s so perfect. But no, you’re not.
“I’m not worth the pain, Kou I-”
“THAT’S FOR ME TO DECIDE Y/N-” he brutally pulled you by the waist, smashing  you onto his strong chest, face just seconds to meeting as his eyes burned into yours.
He was mad.
His warm breath against your skin felt so right, making you unable to notice just how all eyes were stuck on both of you. Your eyes suddenly felt blurry.
Left alone in this sandcastle
Looking at this broken mask
The moment he saw tears falling down your cheeks, his whole expression dropped. You, still unsteady, still unable to realize how he was gently hugging you by the waist and bare shoulder, bringing you out of the gym. He immediately pulled you into an empty classroom, closing the door shut. His strong arms lifting you up to sit on top of a desk, so that he could even up your height with his, nose to nose
“Baby, baby, please stop crying. You know I’ll cry too if you do.” his sweet fingers, always so sweet just for you. Wiping out every tears that escaped your eyes. “I’m so sorry I yelled back there. Talk to me sweetheart, let’s work this out.”
You’re making things so hard for me, Kou
“I’m a pain in the ass, Kou that’s what I am. You’re… you’re just to good for me. I’m so scared of losing you, of you leaving me because of this, because I can’t fucking love my damn self.” you sniffled,
And I still want you
“T-That’s why I thought I should take up the part y’know? Be the villain in this story. Leave you in the hopes of you getting a better fairytale than I have to offer.”
“Baby, I don’t think you understand how scared I am of losing you.” he whispered against your forehead as he showered you with kisses all over you sad expression, hoping for it to disappear. “Sto-stop being like this, Kou.” more waves of tears just came barging through as you felt his wet lips finding themselves behind your ears whispering  ‘I love you’ s over and over again. “I’m stupid, I’m dumb, I’m not worth it, I’m not worth the fight, I’m so annoying, I overreact to much.” your voice hiccuped between each sentence, practically wheezing for air, “B-but….”
“But?” Those eyes, those hopeful puppy eyes. Always showing up on the wrong, yet most perfect time. Unaware on how it shows just how he finally won you over. Again.
You smiled.
Ahhh I give up
“B-but I still want you”
It came out like a pleading whisper. Finally escaping from your heart. Warm his lips tenderly, lovingly pressing themselves on yours, ecstasy filling your stomach as his hands supported the back of your head the moment he went further inside of you.
It felt like a bomb. The explosion of everything you held in you, released as his tongue put dominance on yours. After a few minutes, he finally released.
He pecked your lips softly, then proceeded to press his forehead against yours, looking right into your glazing eyes, drowning them in his
“Then that’s all I needed to hear.”
And I still want you.
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p.s you don’t need anyone, not even Bokuto, for you to know that you are worth it, you are amazing, and you are loved. -self love
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Soulmates part 5
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At 8 pm, Kelsey walked over to the front desk of the Empire Rooftop and asked if Rafael Barba was already seated, "You must be Miss Hardy. Right this way, Mr. Barba is waiting for you."
Kelsey followed the waiter to the table that Rafael was seated. When Rafael looked up at kelsey, she took his breath away. Rafael thought Kelsey looked stunning. She was perfect to him. she wore a short one-shoulder white bodycon dress, her hair was curled loosely and left down, and she was wearing smoky makeup paired with a nude lip. She looked like an angel sent from above, but Kelsey was much prettier, and hotter Rafael reasoned in his head.
"hey you, sorry I'm late." "chica dulce te ves hermosa" Kelsey's brows knitted together in confusion. "Okay, the Spanish thing totally and completely sexy, but you have to tell me what you are saying" Rafael laughed at Kelsey's statement, a real genuine laugh that surprised Rafael. He hasn't laughed or even smiled genuinely for some time now. "no chica dulce," he smirked; kelsey rolled her eyes at him.
The waiter came back to the table and took their drink order, kelsey scanned over the older man's features, and she blushed. "You know I would let you borrow my phone if you like." "Why would I need to borrow your phone, Mr. Barba?" "for that picture, you need to take, you know, to make it last longer," he smirked. Kelsey looked at the table, blushed, and muttered, "sorry" kelsey wished the ground would swallow her whole at this moment in time. "Hey, I'm teasing you. I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable. I'm just so nervous. It's my last first date, and your just so perfect, chica dulce. I'm just trying to relieve tension."
Kelsey took a minute to process what had just happened. A brilliant, sexy man who happened to be her soulmate called her perfect and was nervous about messing things up with her, her of all people. Kelsey broke out one of her killer smiles. "Don't worry about it; I'm nervous too; I get it, I do." "Who was your first crush Miss Hardy" he was trying to change the subject, and kelsey was grateful. "um, probably Emmett from legally blonde. He was shy, sweet, and intelligent. I think I was 11" Rafael raised his eyebrows. "So older lawyers your type, or is it just a coincidence?" he tilted his head to the side and smirked."Enough about me, what about you, who was your go-to crush." "well when I was 18 a young girl came out with an awful song, and a schoolgirl outfit took the charts by storm, and she was hot!, she was stunning with deep blue eyes, every time the teen pop sensation came on the tv I used to pretend to hate her, but she was amazing" he had a glazed look on his face. "who was it " "The ever so talented Britney Spears, god I thought she was the bee all and end-all when it came to girls, when I would look at a pretty girl that would walk by I used to compare them to her and Britney always won"
Kelsey's nerves now vanished, and she fell into laughter at how bad the lawyer had it for a young Britney. Rafael continued to Kelsey about his childhood growing up. It sounded like he was happy growing up even though he left his father out of the conversation. When they finished eating, Rafael paid the bill, much to Kelsey's dismay, and led them out of the restaurant. "Tonight was perfect, Rafael thankyou." "pleasure is all mine chica dulce" Kelsey faced the older man and hugged him. When they pulled away from each other, you could feel the tension between them. "Want to share a cab your not too far from me," Rafael whispered, trying to get his breath back from the intense moment. "or you could come to my place?" kelsey was so nervous; never had she been so bold to ask any man that question. Rafael hailed a cab off the street and gave the cabbie the address. Rafael could sense how nervous and worked up kelsey was, so he grabbed her hand and let his thumb draw circles on the back of it to steady her nerves.
Kelsey unlocked her apartment door, turned on the light, and walked through to the living room with Rafael right behind her. She suddenly spun round to him and crashed her lips to his. At first, he was surprised, letting her clumsy and inexperienced mouth dominate the kiss. Still, when his brain caught up to what was happening, he completely devoured her mouth, the heated kiss turned into a few pecks, and then the couple completely pulled away from one another. Rafael pulled her into an embrace "chica dulce, let me hold you." Kelsey snuggled into the man's chest and closed her eyes, and everything was at peace with her. She could fall asleep, standing up with this man cuddling her. "Rafi, I know you didn't plan the bond to happen, and I know it isn't an ideal situation for you, but I'm so happy that you will be my first and last for everything and that we have forever with each other." Rafael felt Kelsey's sincerity as she spoke to him. He started to well up. "no need to thank me chica dulce, you have given me hope and love to look forward to, I always thought I would be married to the job."
Kelsey wiped away the tear that fell from his cheek and pecked his lips. "Darling, let us go to bed. It is late, and we both got work early tomorrow morning." Kelsey guided him through to the bedroom and told him to get comfy. In contrast, she got ready for bed in the connected bathroom. Kelsey took her PJs into the bathroom, washed up, and put her dirty clothes in the laundry hamper. When she returned to her bedroom, Rafael was lightly snoring on her side of the bed. Kelsey turned the light off and got into the opposite side of the bed, hoping not to wake her soulmate up. As she started to drift off to sleep, she felt Rafael pull her into his chest. He wrapped his arm around her waist and kissed her shoulder. Kelsey never felt so safe then what she did at that moment.
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nihyunluvskookie · 4 years
his wedding //.//
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“Jungkook one shot”
Pairing: Jeon Jungkook x female reader
Genre: Angst
Warnings: mention of blood, glass and wine
Word count: 3.2 K
A/N: I wanted to write something but I wrote this :”) If you want a song recommendations to listen while reading listen to 🎶 Can you hear my heart 🎶 by Epik High ft Lee Hi
[1:50 AM]
I kept the fourth wine bottle on the table and held my wine glass which was half empty, I reached out for my phone, I looked at the wallpaper and started smiling. “Oh, so this is our end after 7 years? Right. You are going to marry someone else tomorrow after promising that we will be together.” I was smiling, I don’t know why and unknowingly my tears started falling. “This is way too much, I thought I will be able to manage and co-operate with this situation. But, how could I? You are my first love. And I can’t forget my first love who was with me for 7 years. We didn’t meet after our 7th year anniversary. I can’t say goodbye to you because it’s hard to say goodbye but I will do it tomorrow, on your wedding”
Everything that happened, that night I wish I could forget and make a new start but tell me how to do that? I want to forget you and think that you are one of those random guys who always make fake promises but I can’t. I am ready to attend your wedding and give myself pain so that I will be able to forget you instead of missing you; once I see your wedding, I will see you as someone else’s husband. I will not tell myself that you will come back and hold me tight like you used to do.
In anger, my grip was getting tighter on the glass and eventually it broke due to pressure and the pieces were scattered everywhere. I swear it didn’t pain, I liked the feeling and blood. My hand was bleeding. I held the pieces in my hand and tried crushing them but it didn’t work and I was frustrated so I thew the pieces on the floor.  I was angry on myself.
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[7 PM]
I was getting ready for dinner, I wanted to surprise him by taking him out today for dinner date. I texted him to come home fast and get ready. I let my hair down and applied nude makeup. I looked at myself in the mirror, a blue knee length dress with a sweetheart neckline and a heart shape pendant gifted by Jungkook. I heard the bell; I went running down the stairs because I know who it was. I opened the door and he came in, I looked at him; he was holding flower bouquet which was hiding his face. I hugged him tight, I was holding him tight, “Ayyyyyyyy aren’t you going to give this bouquet to me? Huh?” I wanted to tease him but he never hugged me back; I held his hands and saw him smiling, it wasn’t his normal smile. We came to the living room. He didn’t give me bouquet and I looked at him, I was having an urge to ask him what’s wrong? Why does it look like he is broken? Is it hurt? Did I hurt him?
He hugged me, all of a sudden and it was tight. I could feel something was wrong, I broke the hug and looked at him, his eyes said something I couldn’t understand.
“Kookie are you okay? Huh? Are you sad?” I looked at him but he was avoiding my gaze; he was looking down all the time.
“Jungkook, tell me. What’s wrong?”
“Jungkook, tell me. Please” I was getting worried, very worried.
“I… I love you” he said me those words.
“I love you too Jungkook” I smiled at him. “now tell me what happened? Please, Kookie. I am here by your side” I was worried, I was requesting him but he looked like he wasn’t going to say anything. I know my limits; I can’t force him to say everything. I will give him his own personal space.
“Jungkook, if you are not going to say, I won’t force y-
“I am getting married” he said,
“Wow! I am so happ- wait what? You- Jungkook” I looked at him, the flower bouquet he was holding fell on floor.
“Jungkook? You are getting what?” I hate his jokes, I was angry. Definitely this is the worst joke ever, my tears were falling already.
“Jungkook stop this type of joke, okay? I hate your jokes. Tell me it’s a joke. Please” I was holding his arms, I wanted him to say, this is a lie.
“Jungkoook!” I screamed. I couldn’t stop crying, I couldn’t. This is what I get after spending and loving a guy for 7 years.
He hugged me, I was hitting him, why is he doing like this and specially today, he could’ve said it other day but no, he chooses today. “Let me go Jungkook, right now” I was trying to get out of his grip but he was holding me tight.
“Jungkook. LET ME GO. I SAID LET ME GO” I was shouting but it was in vain.
“How can I let you go when I love you? Tell me Y/N?” he was crying, my bare shoulder was getting wet, I can get hurt but I can’t see him hurt. I can’t.
“Jungkook, let me go. You are getting married. Kookie, let me go and don’t cry. Please Jungkook you’re hurting me more.”
“Tell me how could I not agree when dad threatened me by saying he will destroy your career and make your life miserable. How could I let you suffer? Tell me! I can’t let him do that” his words were making me cry more. I was sobbing harder and his grip around me was getting tighter “This is all because of the damn business. I hate business relationships. I don’t even know the girl, and dad said she loves me; does that makes any sense? I am ready to do anything for not letting you get hurt. I am sorry.”
“Jungkook, stop.” My mind was a mess, he is doing this to protect me? What kind of protection? Without him? Business? I know it very well and that was the reason I left my family and started my new career.
I can’t ruin him and his future.
“Jungkook. Stop everything and leave.” I took a step back from him.
“I am going to love you and you only, even if I get married I can’t forg-
“Jungkook, go. I hate you. Go now. I don’t need you. That’s it”
“Y/N listen it’s nothing like that”
“Go away. I said I hate you.”
“Y/N I know you don’t mean it. You love me.” His eyes were getting more teary, just to stop hurting him and getting in between his new life; I had only one idea and that was to push him away. Living as his mistress? Never, I would feel worse for his wife. I don’t want to be a girl who takes away someone’s husband.
“I hate you. Jungkook I SAID GO.” It was very obvious that he wasn’t buying my lies; which fool will buy my lies after loving him like that.
He was coming near me and I was taking each step backward; I was ready to do anything to end us right now. I can’t get him hurt. Soon I was in a dead end, my back felt the kitchen counter. “you can’t go anywhere now.”
“Will you still push me if I tell you how much I love you.” He pressed his lips against mine, his kiss was soft and it was melting me, he pulled me closer. His touches were working on me like they always did. My tears were falling, I can’t get weak. I pushed him with all the force I had, I slapped him. “Stop forcing me Jungkook. I said I hate you; do you get it?” my screams were louder than anything. I know how shit I felt when I slapped him. I hate myself for doing this to him.
“Y/N this is not you, right?”
“You haven’t seen me like this and this is my true self." I was pushing Jungkook and anyhow I managed to bring him near the door. He was getting weak too, and he will never push me because he knows. I pushed him hard to and he was outside my house. I slammed the door infront of his face, his eyes; those eyes I can never forget them. Those sad eyes will haunt me forever for being so harsh on him. I finally hurt him. He was hitting the door again and again “Y/N open the door. For god sake, please. Y/N please. Listen to me”
I can’t bear to hear to his voice not after what happened here. I walked up to the living room and picked up the flower bouquet. I went back to my room and in anger I started punching the wall, I hit the window glass and it broke. My hands were bleeding. The blue dress I was wearing now was painted with my blood. I broke down then and there. I hurt him, I did it. I hurt the one whom I loved more than love. My phone kept ringing; I didn’t bother to look up at that. I was hurt, I was letting a person go whom I treasured more than my life. Both of us are hurt but there’s no way I am going back to him just to ruin his life. ‘You did well Y/N.’ I said to myself to feel better but it wasn’t even working.
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[2:00 AM]
“You know, Kookie, I finally got courage after 3 days to go out and I was a mess. I managed to find a beautiful white dress; that I will wear in your wedding. I am sure you will say, I am looking pretty like the way you did always. But this time I will push you again”. I was smiling, I was still looking at our picture. “I need to change the wallpaper”
“Ahh, I need to look good tomorrow, because it’s your wedding” and I was crying again. I left the mess there. I went back to my room and opened the first aid kit. I cleaned the blood and took out the pieces of glass which were piercing through my skin. My knuckle was starting to get better but now my hand. It didn’t hurt anymore. After cleaning and applying bandage, I charged my phone and tried sleeping. Another night with tears and nightmare.
[10 AM]
I was changing the dressing of my hand. I did it carefully, I can’t be careless anymore. I need to work, from tomorrow. I quickly changed myself into the white dress I brought that day for his wedding. I let my hair down and keeping my side bangs perfectly. I applied very light makeup and wore the pendant he gifted me. I wore the bracelet and the watch. I looked at the time, it was nearly time, Jimin said he will come and pick me up.
Jimin being our mutual, I can’t cut off my connections with him just because of Jungkook. I heard my phone ring, I looked at the caller id, it was Jimin. I took my sling bag and went down. I saw Jimin’s car outside. I locked my house; I saw him standing outside his car, he was holding a bouquet of roses. He was smiling at me. “Pretty lady.”
“Thankyou Jimin. You look like a gentleman” I smiled at him.
“Thankyou but will you be okay? He still doesn’t know you are attending. Are you sure?” he was worried, his face said it all.
“I am okay. And I can count on you if something happens, right? I believe you Jimin.” I reassured him, with a smile. I know what I am going through and I can’t let myself down infront of myself.
“Yes. You got me, and here’s the bouquet you asked me to buy. Now let’s go” he gave me the bouquet and we drove.
The journey wasn’t that long and the silence wasn’t uncomfortable. Soon we reached the church. We got down. I am standing infront of the church. After tormenting myself for days.
“Y/N hold my arm, let’s go inside together. Okay?” He looked at me with a soft smile. I nodded; holding the bouquet in my hand we went inside the church. I saw a lot of people, his friends, Jungkook’s family too.
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After sometime, Jungkook came standing near the father; I held Jimin’s arm tightly. I was getting anxious. I was looking down and the moment I looked at Jungkook, he eyes looked at me. He was taken aback after looking at me, his face was blank. He looked like a perfect human being, he was wearing tuxedo and his hair perfectly pulled back, his face looked perfect as usual. He had a tight smile before but now it’s gone. It felt like his eyes wanted to tell me something, something that only I can understand. I wanted to smile but it more than tough. I wanted to but I couldn’t, I finally managed to smile at him while holding back my tears from falling.
“Y/N are you okay? Do you want to leave?” Jimin asked me.
“No Jimin, I am okay. I want to congratulate both of them, then both of us can leave together. Now look at Jungkook, he looks perfect here. This is his happiest day of his life” I said him trying hard not to cry. Jimin, dragged me to a corner where only we could talk.
“Y/N you know it very well, this isn’t his happiest day but the worst day of his life. I know I shouldn’t say but you don’t know how he tortured past five days and he was self-loathing. He stopped everything and wanted to see you and only you. You were unavailable. He was broken too just like you. He loved you with all his heart and getting married to someone else for him was the biggest punishment. He was even ready to divorce this girl af-
“Jimin, I don’t want to live as a girl who stole someone’s husband. And do you think I wanted to meet him and tell him that everything will be fine after he came to my home and said he is getting married? Do you know how hard it was for me to cooperate with myself at that time? Do you think I never loved him? I loved him that much that I let him go. And marriage is not a joke, how can he say that he can divorce that girl who did nothing wrong but just loved him. She is going to give him and his family things I can’t give, his family will be better in business. Do you even know how much better I feel after looking at him right now?” Jimin took my hand.
“Do you think this will help? Y/N taking out anger on yourself and self-harming will help you?”
“Jimin stop. It’s nothing like that. Please.” I wanted to hold back my tears but can’t anymore. I broke down there. I never cried infront of Jimin.  My tears were unstoppable.
“Y/N I am sorry” he hugged me. I was sobbing, he kept saying sorry and I kept denying his apologizes because he did nothing wrong. He wiped my tears. “Y/N you don’t look good when you cry. Awwww stop crying.” He made me chuckle. I smiled looking at him.
“Now let’s go. I need to see the bride” I said and he nodded
We went back to where we were, it looked like Jungkook’s eyes were finding me. We heard that the bride is coming. I looked at Jungkook, he looked like his mind was a mess. I saw the girl walking with her dad in the aisle. I was still managing to smile with all my might. Even if I am sad for myself, I am happy for the girl who is going to have Jungkook as her husband because I know how Jungkook is. She was looking pretty and I am going to accept my fate.
I saw the girl’s dad gave her hand to Jungkook. Jungkook took and his eyes never leaving mine. The father started saying the bows. It was Jungkook’s turn to say, ‘I do’. Deep inside my heart I thought maybe he will say, ‘I don’t’ because maybe he wants to be with me. Maybe, there’s nothing wrong in hoping a bit. I didn’t realize the whole time that I was holding Jimin’s arms just too tightly.
My heart broke into millions of pieces when he said “I do”. I was holding myself from crying and I couldn’t anymore. I was crying and how badly I wanted to tell him, I still love you Jungkook. Everything looks like it slowed down.
My sight was a blur because of tears. I couldn’t see anything clearly anymore. I heard father asking the girl and she said “I don’t”. Everyone was shocked, I thought I was hallucinating.
“Jungkook, how can you say ‘I DO’ when you love someone else and she is crying in that corner?”
Jimin looked at me and I was still looking at the girl, she was coming near me, I saw her holding my hand and she smiled, a bitter sweet smile. When I looked at Jungkook, I was standing infront of him and people were looking at us and Jimin was surprised. “Y/N” I heard Jungkook say.
“Father, he should be marrying her, not me. There was a mistake. Father please understand this situation and please take their bows.”
This girl was about to leave, I held her wrist. “why are you doing this? I don’t even know you.”
“He loves you and you love him, do you think I can see him tormenting himself because he married me instead of you? I’ve seen him since past week and that was horrible. I don’t want him to suffer like that his whole life. I can fall in love again but he can never forget you and so do you. I saw you crying in the corner with his friend Jimin. So, take care of him and yourself” she looked at my hand. “We can talk after your wedding”
“Father I will excuse myself now” she said and left.
Rings were exchanged and father took the bow. This time Jungkook had a bright smile and eh said “I do” and it was my turn to say, I wanted to say but is it right to say? I was in a dilemma. I am getting married to Jeon Jungkook and this is my wedding. Is this even real? I looked at that girl who was supposed to be standing here instead of me. She nooded and smiled at me whereas Jungkook was hoping the same answer as him. I took a deep breath and looked at him, “I do” I said and I could feel the crowd cheering.
“Now you may kiss the bride”
“I love you Y/N” Jungkook said, I repeated after him “I love you too Jungkook” and the very next moment I felt his lips on me, it was a tender kiss as usual; but this time this kiss had emotions. His hands were on my waist and my hands automatically went around his neck. We held each other which intension of not letting go and a longing kiss. His right hand left my waist and trailed toward my hand; he held my hand tightly and we parted because we were out of breath. Both of us were breathing heavily, “never do this again because I am never letting you go. I love you” I heard him say pointing it to my hand. The crowd was cheering for us.
“I announce both of you as Mr. and Mrs. Jeon”
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bunny-bts · 3 years
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Summary: Truth can be harder to bring in than the cattle and spirits can be harder to raise
Warnings: language, angst, mushiness, toxic relationships, mentions of religion, cattle/ranch life, love, drama, alcohol consumption
Authors Note: This one is specifically for me and a friend, I have no idea how many words as always and I'll try to make this a one shot not a series because I just abandon those but if it gets too long I may have to make it a series
Rating: M, no smut but suggestive and mature topics
Characters: Namjoon x reader, Taeyhung x reader's friend
"Morning, Y/N," Namjoon smiles as he enters your kitchen. "Morning Joonie, what are you doing here?"
"oh...uh....your dad sent me over to make a delivery...."
"oh, okay. Come on, sit down and eat," you gesture to the seat across from you at the table and wipe your mouth with the cloth napkin before sitting it beside your plate which was piled over with cheesy grits, sausage, scrambled eggs and some leftover roasted potatoes from supper. You slide your chair out to stand and he comes over to sit as you walk to go grab him a plate. "We had some garlic roasted potatoes last night, want some? The garden out back worked nice for the garlic and the potatoes in the crops came out nice this year so dad brought some home and I made it"
"Yeah, sure. Thankyou.....so the crops are good?"
"Oh yeah, and Mary Lou just had a calf last night and dad says I can keep this one"
"oh yeah? You happy?"
"Totally, you know I try not to get too overly attached usually...."
"Yeah, I know, and I know you've wanted to keep one since you were little," he smiles over at you. You can't help but giggle and jump in place, "I know~," you clap your hands. "You do know you have two horses right?" He laughs a little and rubs the back of his neck, sitting his hat in his lap. "Yes, I love them Cortney and Karen. Shush, let me be happy," you playfully scold him as you continue making his breakfast. "Okay, how're they doing?"
"They're great and Karen has a show soon so I'm getting her mane done and some new shoes-oh! Want to come boot shopping with me? I want to get a new pair so they're shiny, I've been working in mine and they're muddy and I want some more jeans with the studded embroidered pocket designs"
"Shopping?" He makes a face that's a mix of disgust and uncertainty. "Please, it's for Karen's show and my friend is coming to visit"
"Since when do you have friends other than me and Tae?"
"Since about six months ago and haha cute, I'm feeding you," you bring the plate to him and then pour him some juice before sitting back down to eat.
"Maybe, I'm pretty busy but when do you want to go?" "Well, her show is next week and Jeff is coming then too so maybe....Sunday, after church?"
"Yeah, that works, we can go after we leave and get food....Jeff," he did not like the idea of it being a guy. You had all too recently ended a really bad relationship. "Are you sure that's a good idea?" Who was he kidding, he didn't like the idea of anyone with you that wasn't him, but, he wanted to protect you after your last boyfriend. "I know what you're thinking, and yes. Jeff needs this"
"Alright then, this is good, just orange juice?" "Yeah, I need to run to the store after work. Want to come with?" "Can't, delivery." "A long one huh, well do you need anything? I can shop for you and take it over"
"Uh no no yes, yes, I need everything, all of it, groceries," he laughs, "do you know where the spare key to the house is?" "My bra, you gave me one last year when you went to Florida, remember?" "Oh yeah, alright," he had already finished, "can I meet the new addition before I start the day?" "Sure!" You were already running out of the door. "Wait, we gotta do the dish-" "I'll do it when I get back!! Come-on!" You grab his hand a pull him.
"This is Mochi," you introduce him. "She's cute," he smiles and pets her and her mother, "alright," he stands back up and stretches. "Hi Karen, hi Courtney," he waves to your jet black Friesian horse with the gorgeous wavy mane, the ever graceful and snooty Karen and the tan Mustang with black from the hooves to the knees like long socks and dark black hair that have a red highlight at the tips in the sun, the ever goofy and stubborn Courtney in the stalls nearby in the barn. "Well, sun is getting up so I should get going. Where are they?" "Uhm, oh! These," you guide him to the cattle he was here to get and he starts loading them up while you wash the dishes from breakfast and put the leftovers away.
"Bye," you wave to each other as you're both heading out for the day. You were already excited for Sunday.
"Morning," Taeyhung scrolls up, he worked with you. "Hey Tae, oh, we decided, she's coming next week on Thursday"
"Awesome, you've been excited. Jeffree right? I have a room ready for her at my place, can't have her stay at a hotel" "Cool, great, thanks you're a sweetheart, I'll tell her"
The next few days passed as always, only now you were excited because you had Karen's show so you got to prepare for that, got her groomed and everything and you were making arrangements for your guest, Jeff, your friend online you met through a mutual liking of a band. As always, days were tiring but Taeyhung made them interesting. The three of you, you two and Namjoon and had been together for as long as you can remember since Taeyhung moved to town when he was six and you all went to the same church. He was a good guy, they both were.
"Night Lil, see you in the morning," he waves goodbye and slips his gloves off as he walks to his truck to go home for the night. The two of you felt like siblings after spending pretty much every day together, you worked most days of the week together then on Sunday there was church where ofcourse the 'golden trio' as the church elders had coined you, all chose to share a pew, and snacks and memes; and after work you would sometimes drink together. You all had other friends from church too, but they weren't as close as the three of you were. You had no idea that Namjoon didn't feel like you were a sibling, maybe he used to, but not for the longest time now. It was Saturday, which meant, going out with them for a drink and something to eat. Taeyhung had insisted he was tired and would see you at church in the morning so you go home, well to the house. You wash up and change into clean comfortable jeans and a clean t-shirt then head out to the bar. You were starving after a days work to say the least, breakfast had worn off forever ago.
"Y/N!" He waves and gestures you over and you skip, for lack of better verb, over to the stool next to him. "Hi Y/N, what will it be?" The server asks, you order your drink first and a appetizer to share with him. That usually was more than enough to fill you both up. "Okay....since the other day....I've been thinking....," He speaks, his hands fiddling with his glass beer mug. "Thinking about what?" You ask curiously and sip yours. ".....Maybe it isn't my place .....but uh....about this Jeff.....I do-"
"it will be fine, relax," you grab his shoulder. "A-Alright.....how was your week?" "It was good, Tae Tae said he was tired so he went home...."
He nods, "that's weird...."
"I know right!? How was your week love?" You were too busy enjoying your drink to look up and notice him change color at the term of endearment. "Oh, I missed you...you guys, I missed you guys," he smiles, those dimples that melt your heart when he has a bashful moment appearing on his cheeks. "Aww, we missed you too. I think Tae is excited about Jeff coming, he has a room ready and everything. Oh, you remember we are going shopping tommorow after work right?" "Yeah, I remember, oh he's happy ab-Jeff is staying with Tae! That's great!" "Joonie ......honey, are you alright?" You ask, raising a brow at him. "Oh...oh yeah, it's just-hotels would be expensive," he covers and is thankful you nod in agreement. It's silent for a bit while you wait on your food, he taps his fingers on his glass and looks straight ahead mostly except for when he steals quick glances at you. His insides were shaking like the leafs on a tree and his foot was tapping like Thumper against the bar on the bottom of the stool as he hears a song come on that he knows is one of your favorite. Letting his eyes scan the room he sees a few drunken couples dancing like complete idiots. "Hey, it's your song......we should dance?"
"You're joking, right? Joonie, seriously"
"no, really," he laughs
"Alright, what the hay?" You shrug and down your drink so you won't care and could actually go through with it.
He chuckles and holds you steady, "feeling brave now?" "Mhm, oh yeah," you nod and giggle.
That Sunday is was a bit of a struggle waking up after the night you had before, Namjoon was sure that you are plenty and drank water but that wasn't enough for him so he drove you home and called Tae to come and get him so he could drive his truck home; he wanted to tuck you in. The shopping after service was fun, Tae even came, he wanted to get a new shirt and some new jeans which he got several of and wanted your opinion on all of them then he proceeded to also get new pointed toe boots. The week seemed to drag for you both as you both got closer to Thursday but it was finally here.
"Tae wake up," you smack him because he stayed over and was going to ride with you to get her. "Hmm?" He sits up slowly and wipes his eyes. "It's Thursday, she texted she's at the airport" "Oh, yeah"
You pick her up together and bring her back to Tae's place and show her around. She seems nervous at first and quiet, shy. "Relax," you laugh as you give her a tour and help her unpack while you wait on Namjoon to come. Tae had seen her pictures online because you had shown him but it was his first time meeting her as well.
"Y/N," he called out for you from the kitchen. "Just a sec, Jeff," you go out to him as he's drying his hands from washing dishes. "Can you introduce us?" "Yeah, sure? Come on," you pull him by his arm.
"Jeff," she turns to you as she is putting her things away on the floor. "Taeyhung is shy, He wants me to introduce you guys."
"Oh, hi," she smiles and you instantly notice his reaction and it all clicks in your head, making you try and hide a smirk. "This is Tae Tea and Tae this is Jeffrene, Jeff"
"H-Hi," he smiles and they shake hands, "Taeyhung," he says, she notices how deep his voice actually is and paired with the shyness has to laugh. You share a look about how adorable it is.
"Hello?" Namjoon calls from the front door. You introduce everyone.
"Jeff is a girl," Namjoon is shocked, you just wanted to see his reaction to thinking it was a guy. Funny, as you suspected.
"There's nothing to do today as far as work...," Tae speaks, directed to you. "Okay? Cool, what should we do?" You ask them. He pulls you off to the side, "c-can I take her to get some boots?" "Some boots?" You cross your arms. "Y-Yeah....," He tucks his hands in his pockets, "I want to show her around...."
You take his body language into account and conceal from him that you see he is crushing on your friend. "oh yeah, that's a good idea, you can take her to meet the girls" "Thanks," he tries to hide how overly excited he is, "h-how do I ask her?" "Okay, it's really complicated," you put a hand on his shoulder, "here is what you do"
"You go to her and you," you pause
"Yeah?" You could tell he was falling for your trick. Sweet gullible little Taeyhung, you loved him so much.
"and you say ....do you want to come with me to buy some boots? I want to show you the animals on the farm"
He gives you a squinting glare, "you're an asshole," he says while you're laughing and Namjoon is listening in and kindly restricting himself. You both watch your friend approach his first crush.
"Hi....," He smiles and greets her again, with a awkward little wave, one hand tucked into his back pocket. "Hi"
"Do you want...to come with me...to uhm....to buy you some boots and I can uh....show uh....show you the animals?" You face palm for him.
"That's sweet, sure, that sounds nice," she was happy to go along and as excited as he was, she loved animals.
----you and Namjoon at Tae's house-------
"That's cute, it's good that Tae is finally going for it with someone. I was starting to worry that he's never crushed on anyone before," Namjoon chuckles.
"For real though! I'm so proud but our little boy is growing up, now I'm sad," you stomp and come over to him, hugging his torso to lay your forehead on his chest like a melodramatic distraught wife who was experiencing empty nest syndrome. The action was nothing out of the ordinary. He laughs and pats your hair, "it's okay, we can have s'mores, how about that?" "Oo~ I feel better," the two of you grab the graham crackers and marshmallows but Tae didn't have the sticks or the chocolate so you run to the store for them and come back. Namjoon starts the bonfire then you two get cozy and start eating the s'mores without the other two in Tae's pasture.
"Naa~," Your melted chocolate and marshmallow delight cracker sandwhich is taken away from you. "Hey!"
"Hey! Bad Cleo! Bad Cleopatra! You can't take your aunt's s'mores!" Namjoon scolds the pony. "Now, tell her you're sorry young man," he throws his hands on his hips in a sassy manner which makes you almost fall over laughing. The pony rubs his head against you as a apology. "It's okay baby, I forgive my favorite nephew," you pet his nose and kiss it and he trots away to go to his mother. Namjoon laughs and sits back beside you, looking at them. "Mable is getting old......," you both knew what he meant by that. "Yeah...., I know." "Think Tae will be okay....?" "Let's hope so....."
---Taeyhung and Jeff-----
"What size do you wear?" Tae asks, he insisted on opening his truck door for her, and the store's door. He bought her a pair of boots and gloves before taking her out to your place. "I'll show you Y/N's first, then mine"
"This is Mary Lou and her new calf, she hasn't named her yet," he watches her happily pet them then takes her to your horses, "this is Cortney and Karen," after you've gotten to know them all he shows you all around before taking you home.
"I have horses too, well I have a horse and a pony," he takes you out back.
"Oh, they started without us, I won't let you miss the s'mores," he promises. "Cleo! Mable!" Cleo comes to them and she happily plays with him for a moment before Mable finally gets there and she pets the old horse.
The night is spent enjoying s'mores and getting to know each other by the fire.
Authors Note: This may have a chapter two
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