#i lost my engagement ring for a month before i remembered where it could have been
theoddvet · 2 months
Sometimes adhd is like using a reminder app where you set a reminder to do or remember something but then when you save the reminder it just disappears and you can't see or edit it again until it goes off at a randomly appointed time in the future
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14dyh · 2 months
#18!! I just wanna make hange jealous/be jealous
Replacement | H.Z.
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Pairing: Hange Zoë x female reader Summary: Hange seems to love it when you style your hair a certain way. Content Warning: slow-burn - happy beginning, things fall apart, angst, jealousy, lots of mentions of pikuhan (because they were ex lovers on this one), doubts and insecurities, reader is mentioned as kinda feminine Word count: 3.2k A/N: sorry this took so long. it was a bit slow but i hope you'll like it, anon :)
It has been a month of exchanging letters with Hange, and a few minutes of waiting for their arrival in the dock when you spotted their figure on the ship. The bluish sky seemed to brighten as the ship drew closer, your eyes brimming with joy at once when Hange came running to you once the ship landed.
Family, lovers, and friends await, the waiting area almost filled in groups of twos or threes but all seemed to blur out once Hange filled your vision, hands around your waist as they happily twirled you around. You smile into their neck, your fingers finding their way back to the soft brown hair you longed to touch.
Hange nestled their head onto your body, their grip unrelenting as they inhaled the familiar flowery scent from your perfume that always makes them smile.  "I missed you, sweetheart," they smiled against your ear.
As you walked hand in hand towards the awaiting train, you expected the heliotropes they brought out of their coat, the never-ending stories of fascinating things they encountered from their trip, and most of all the photographs and souvenirs they bought for you. But they showed you something that sent your senses frozen in both disbelief and overjoy. They fished out a small velvet box from their pocket, one that reminded you of the curtains and sheets you share at home. Your mind cannot fathom how your early morning on the train could start with a marriage proposal and an engagement ring on your finger but your thoughts failed to speak as you caught Hange by surprise through a tight embrace, whispering a small "yes, I'll marry you" on their coat before soaking it with your tears.
"Don't cry anymore, sweetheart," Hange chuckled, kissing the last few tears from your cheeks before the train stopped. "I don't like making my future bride cry, you know that."
A smile etched on your lips as you depart the train. You longed for this usual banter, their laughs, the way their eyes smile whenever they face you. Not long ago, these images plagued your dreams in a rosy film, wishing every waking for your dreams to be true. Maybe have a life where Hange doesn't have to be away from you for so long, a less demanding job perhaps? You wonder if a sudden shift would occur once you're married.
Rows of greenery grew near the embankment, the water rippling gently along the wind as you walked hand in hand. A short walk full of promises, and excited glimpses at what the future could be.
"After our wedding, maybe I'll take a week or month off from work," they would say, hand around yours. "I'll spend time making you happy. In many aspects. Would you like that, dear?"
You knew with half of your heart that they were trying to cheer you up, their fulfilling presence healing the time lost. Hange knew you enjoyed lounging at home, tending on the expanse of your garden. It felt like a perfect view, you and the flowers around you. Simple and tender, reminding Hange to purchase a camera once they returned to Marley to capture such moments.
Later that day Hange received an invitation letter. It was a simple party in the headquarters to welcome them back, along with the new Marleyan visitors.
"It wasn't such a big party, we can style ourselves then." Hange placed the invitation at the bedside table, gaze lingering on yours as you gently comb your hair.
"Say, sweetheart. Remember the way you styled your hair the last time? I think it looks beautiful on you."
Your mind recalled the way you styled your hair to their wishes. Your hands went to part your locks, fingers remembering how that style frames your face and a gentle ponytail hung on your back.
Hange's eyes smiled at you, walking over to place a kiss on your head.
"You're beautiful, Y/N," Hange whispered. Their every adoration sounded like sweet music, serenading your heart. A mellow wind blowing any doubt that would linger in your heart. They're right. You're beautiful in this hairstyle, Hange always shows you with how whenever their slender hands slip under your hair to cup your face in a loving kiss. One that sends you out of oblivion and illuminates everything.
Hange spent the night with their arms wrapped around you, their every kiss and praise sending a jolt through your skin. They would occasionally Twirl your locks around their fingers, eyes in deep rapture just by gazing at you. Their tenderness washed your worries ashore. Perhaps tomorrow you'd tell your mother about your marriage, wishing for a positive response despite knowing that you'll only come to hear a skeptical one. After all, you've only known the Commander for a few months. Tracing back your memory, has it even been eight months? You wondered. But as Hange muttered a final good night against your cheek, you were slowly rocked into slumber, dreaming of all the flowers you could place on your hair for tomorrow's party.
There was a single box that Hange refused to sort out or throw away. It wasn't taking up much space but you've always wondered if you could place it elsewhere if they wouldn't sort it out. As you pry the box open for a peek, you half wish this doesn't contain anything poisonous or preserved animals in jars. When the flap opened, you were greeted with a stack of envelopes, papers with their familiar handwriting, and most of all the fragrance of scented papers. You couldn't help but flip through the letters. For sure, they weren't old Survey Corps reports so you decided to look more closely and read.
Words of adoration, of longing, of intense feelings in the neat curls of Hange's handwriting. Your heart would have throbbed in happiness if it weren't for the dedication that wasn't for you.
To my beloved Pieck,
Your eyes read through, traveling around the very few photographs attached to the letters. There was Hange, smiling with a happy glint in their eyes as they held a woman with a familiar face. Of course, you know her, you might not have known her fully but you've seen her face several times. You always remarked them to be soft ones that fit her face perfectly.
It has been more than a year since Pieck and Hange broke up. It was peaceful departing from each other, you never heard a terrible word about her from Hange or their friends. If not, you heard how much Hange loved her.
You felt terrible for the tears welling in your eyes, of the heaviness weighing your heart whenever you looked at Hange's delighted smile frozen in the photograph. You wondered if you've made Hange smile in such a way if their eyes ever sparkled with just the thought of you. Looking at it for longer only creates a crevice within your heart, one that is enough to let doubtful thoughts in. You were about to seal away this box of memories once more when your eyes caught upon something. You briefly gazed at your reflection and back to the photographs Hange and Pieck shared. For a brief moment, you tried to deny it but your eyes couldn't help but gaze at how Pieck's hair frames her face, a ponytail tied low on her back.  Her usual style ever since she met Hange, but the way it mirrors the way your hair currently looked pricked your heart where it doesn't feel right.
The way your hair was tied looked very similar to hers and it almost appeared like you copied her. You loosened a few strands, tucking or siding it differently in an attempt to rid of the image. However, your little fussing stopped abruptly as you heard Hange's footsteps near the room.
"You getting ready for the party, sweetheart?" they asked casually, opening their cabinet to choose from the suits they picked earlier. "D'you think a red tie would look good on me?"
Their lighthearted tone only indicated that they didn't notice you hastily shoving the box back to its original position.  "I think it looks good on you, Hans," you remarked before standing up to smoothen your clothes.
They turned to you with a smile, running a hand through your hair in a way that the strands fell over to their original style despite your attempts to change it. "Get ready now, Y/N. I'll be waiting outside the bedroom."
Momentarily, you were snatched away from the terrible thoughts plaguing your mind. Hange's eyes remained on yours, never failing to tell you how beautiful you looked in that party. You stand out in a way, they said. Maybe it was the quaint old-fashioned dress, or the soft flowers adorned in your hair. However, you couldn't help but feel like everyone looked a different shade of elegant, synchronised almost as you called it.
You shared drinks with Hange, found new acquaintances, and were congratulated by Hange's friends for the upcoming marriage. Those were enough distractions to stray your mind away from the hairstyle you kept to please Hange or the way your eyes caught Hange greeting Pieck who arrived at the party. Sure, it was just a friendly greeting, nothing should be sour between them since they parted ways on good terms. But for a brief moment, you remembered the glint in their eye from the photograph kept in their box. Their smiling eye that sparkles.
It didn't help that when you fully turned in Pieck's direction, her hair was styled the same as yours, except for the flowers adorned in your head. You nibbled on your lip as you tried to avert your gaze, focusing on the swirling drink at hand or how cold the room was. Realizing you were in no position to protest or feel bad only weighed the situation. This was her hairstyle first. Hange was hers first.
You set the drink down quite loudly as if the sound would scare your thoughts away. You tried to depart from your seat but decided against it. However, you knew you were bound to converse with people eventually. Otherwise, you wouldn't have found yourself facing Pieck at one point in the evening.
"You look beautiful, Y/N," she praised you. You only gave her a soft smile in return even if your mind protested and desperately wished she hadn't said a thing.
The terrible dam you tried your best to keep broke within a nudge, like wounds stitched healed being delicately sliced open once more. You've doubted yourself enough the moment Hange slipped that ring on your finger. It felt like a hasty marriage, an opportunity for things to go awry from one simple mistake. You never thought you deserved to be a part of this marriage but you shoved the many possible hindrances at the back of your head when you happily agreed to it.
And even if you think that you never deserved Hange's love, you vowed to spend more than half of your life trying to deserve it. If that's how it should be, then so be it.
In selfish terms, it had to be you. You had to be the one they chose to keep their heart. Their choice was very evident with the ring on your finger and yet... you couldn't help but trace back to the love they shared with Pieck more than a year ago. Haven't they lasted a few years together before breaking up?
Such love couldn't rot in over a year, such deep roots couldn't be unearthed by a new love shared just because you came.
The box was there for a reason. Hange could never throw out their memories, no. Not entirely.
This is one of the things your mind could understand but your heart wouldn't.
Hange didn't like how silent you were on the ride back home, always looking out the window and never facing them. Your silence and the heaviness within disturbed them, but Hange sensed your fragility in those minutes. That perhaps touching you would shatter you into a million pieces.
You excused yourself to the bathroom as soon as you stepped out of the vehicle, the hair on your face getting disheveled by the second. Your anger within had no place but yourself. You couldn't be angry with Pieck when she's been kind the whole time, and you couldn't find yourself angrily accusing Hange of purposely making you style your hair like their ex-lover would when you were never sure if they did.
Before you knew it, your hands found the scissors lying near the sink. Your hands snipped away the hair framing your face, silent tears pouring out of your eyes as your gaze fell down the uneven clippings and severed petals littered across the sink.
The clippings felt like a sinister offering traded for peace. Maybe cutting it off was the only way to get rid of the image prompting those terrible thoughts. 
She looks perfectly elegant, jeweled simply, and you're a woman with no rank in the military and flowers tucked in her hair. Pathetic.
Your fists clenched the sink once again, struggling to pull yourself from the deep pit being created beneath your feet. Vines seemed to grow below the ground, pulling and ushering you in wicked silence to give in. Give in.
You partly registered how the door opened and how Hange’s arm wrapped around you in protection, the phantom vines dying right at their touch. Hange held you as they knew it was the only way to keep you from falling apart. You were a dejected being, a mess of some kind in the mirror. All of a sudden, your hair doesn’t seem to be that soft or your dress to be that pretty. You sobbed on Hange’s chest, burying your face in their coat the way you did yesterday at their proposal.
Hange ran a finger on your hair trimmed haphazardly, brushing away the rest of the flowers strangled by the strands. 
“Y/N, what’s wrong?” Their eyes fell on the clippings on the floor, and the abandoned scissors on the sink. “Why did you do this?”
I don’t want to feel like a replacement anymore, you wanted to sob out. I don’t want you to remember her when you look at me. 
“Do you want to marry me to forget her?” The question slipped from your mouth even before you could stop yourself. 
“What…?” Hange muttered, the realization only beginning to sink in when they ran a hand through your hair, provoking a sense of familiarity. Hange understood by now who you meant.
“It’s just that… I’m having my doubts, Hange,” you said slowly, trying not to break into a pitiful voice. “Our marriage, and the box you kept under the bed… I know I sound ridiculous but… I want to hear it from you.”
Your eyes finally dared to meet theirs as you spoke, “Why do you even want to marry me?”
It was Hange’s turn to trace back into a phantom calendar in their head. It has been several months since you went out together and for half of those months, Hange has always intended to give that ring to you. Always in their pocket even a month before they went for the trip, waiting for the right opportunity until it presented itself yesterday. Hange feared your rejection. After all, it has only been months but… Hange have their own reasons.
Hange began to stroke your hair, slipping their fingers now and then to smooth out the tangles as they spoke.
“I thought maybe we still got to spend a few more months, hell, even years to know each other but... Y/N, you know I'm getting older, and time, well... time has been getting rougher. It was never kind to me... to us. I barely see you when work demands it. And I... I didn't even expect you would be happy to marry me.” A soft smile etched their lips at the memory of yesterday that brought relief in their heart.
"Y/N, it would break my heart if you misunderstood my intentions so let me clear it up this time. I'm not marrying you to get over Pieck or to secure a marriage so you won't leave me... It's just... I've never been so sure about anything in my life but this... "
Hange pressed a kiss on your forehead, their own tears teetering at the edge of their eye.
"I don't know what the future holds for me. And part of me doesn't even want to know because it terrifies me sometimes.
"We live in such a dangerous world. From my line of work, it's easy to anger people and have them take me out instead of resorting to peace. You see, Y/N... I just want to make sure... Make sure that I did something from my heart. Something I would never regret. "
A smile lifted in their lips despite their tears, and inner sorrow by the reality you both live in. You wanted to curse yourself for thinking that you both have all the time in the world. It was a wishful dream that only hurt you in the end. Your chest throbbed from the strained sobs erupting within you but Hange managed to calm you little by little by rubbing your back.
"People think that I understand things enough to have everything under control but I'm... I'm also full of uncertainties. I don't even know if half of the decisions I've made in my life were right,” they continued.
Hange circled a thumb over your hand, the other grazing the beading tears in your cheeks.
"So I'm giving myself this chance to act upon one thing I'm certain about." Hange's lips met your forehead once more, the tears from their cheek brushing against yours as they held you tight. "And that decision is marrying you, Y/N..."
You wanted to thank them for many things, for driving away all the worries nestled in your heart, for being someone to cry on, and for all the trust they placed on you the moment they vowed their heart and life to you. 
"I love you, Hange…” 
I’m sorry.
They chuckled, a soft one coming from their chest as they kept holding you. It amused them that a month ago, they would only hear your i love you's in their head as they read them from the letters you exchanged with each other. It always sounded better coming from your mouth.
"I love you too, Y/N,” Hange smiled. “From that day I saw a few daisies tucked in your hair, I knew I'd give you a ring someday..."
"But that's our first date, isn't it?" you asked.
"Oh, I know," they laughed softly. "I remember that day like a photograph."
Often, living in a cruel world seemed like a life carved out of pain and infinite regrets, brought by never-ending doubts born from such a distrustful world. But with Hange’s every touch, and every word laced with love, the dreadful pit making a home through the atrocities within yourself gradually vanished, smothered by the affection Hange gives.
You sat by the garden where the heliotropes Hange knew you loved grew. They carefully trim your uneven hair the way one trims a plant during growing seasons. Your kiss of gratitude brought a smile to their lips as they ran a hand over your hair once more. They think of you whenever blossoming heliotropes face the sun.
“You’re beautiful, Y/N.”
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14buddy22 · 10 months
heyy i heard you wanted hotch request! sooo you know when in season 11 when mr scratch is finally taken down but he’s kidnapped emily and our pookie bear hotch is in witness protection? could you write some really fluffy shit where reader or something was also taken by mr scratch and they reunite when reader is in hospital. i’m taking tooth rotting fluff but a teeny weeny bit of angst because hotch feels like he failed to protect reader? okie ty <3
Thank you for the request, my love. I love fluff and angst 🫶🥰🥰
Angst is on a higher level here, but the end is fluffy😳😳
You weren't a federal agent.
You never wanted to be. You knew what it was like to be in love with one. Early mornings, late nights, some days and nights without knowing where they are.
That's how you found yourself now, except you always knew that Aaron was going to do his best to make it back to you and Jack. But this constant fear of not knowing, you hated it. It's like Aaron and Jack were a team of unsubs, you trying to track them down with very little, knowing that they were in witness protection and you couldn't get to them.
Hours turned into days, days turned into weeks, now you were going weeks into months. It'd been nearly 2 and a half months since you last saw your boys. The smell of both of them beginning to fade.
Why didn't you go into witness protection? Well, Mr. Scratch was after Aaron ad Jack, he stalked Jack at his soccer game. Pictures addressed to Aaron arriving at the BAU a day later.
When that happened, he knew what he had to do. He lost Haley, he wasn't going to lose his son either. To protect you, he had to leave. He didn’t want to lose someone he loved yet again.
You wanted your boys. You were mad Aaron didn't let you go into witness protection with him but her refused to let you leave your career, your family, your friends. You didn't sign up for that.
He couldn't take you away from your family when you were close with them. He didn't know how long he was going to be in witness protection for, you could have been away from your family for almost 3 months at this point, but it could be years or the rest of your life. Aaron didn't want to do that to you.
Saying goodbye to Jack was hard, what was even harder was him not wanting to let go of you, practically begging Aaron to stay. It broke your heart. You remember sobbing two and a half months ago. Once Aaron pried Jack out of your arms, you kissed Aaron. Aaron kissed back with so much guilt, sorrow, whatever emotion that everyone was feeling. But, that kiss was your reminder that he was doing this to keep the ones he loves safe. He was doing it because he loved Jack. He did it because he loved you. At least, that's what you were telling yourself.
When you were out and about shopping, you saw a dad and a little boy shopping, you swore it was Aaron and Jack but when you ended up almost face to face to them as you were passing by, it wasn't them. But to see the boys happy, it made you think that somewhere, Jack and Aaron are happy together.
When you were bringing groceries in your house, you were in the midst of cleaning out your trunk when you felt a sharp pain on the back of your head. Before you can scream anything, you blacked out.
When you finally came to your senses, you looked around. You were in a house, tied up. Where the hell were you? All you knew was one thing...
You were in pain. So. Much. Pain. The crimson red shining brightly through one of your favorite shirts. It won't be your favorite anymore.
Then you were face to face with a man. Mr. Scratch. Aaron showed you his face so you could be aware of what he looked like and report it to the team if Scratch came after you. But, you didn't see him, until now.
"You're Mr. Scratch."
"I Am. And I'm your worst nightmare. Jack, that little boy, he's your son, right?"
"You better not touch him or Aaron."
He looked at the engagement ring on your finger and he said, "Oh sweetie. You're the future Mrs. Hotchner? Umm. I don't think so. Let me tell you, Aaron and Jack are dead. Currently sitting in a pool of blood for Agent Hotchner's team to find. It'll be amusing to see them squirm and what I've done for them."
"You didn't kill him!"
Scratch just stood up, laughing as he walked out.
You didn't know what to do. You felt helpless. You were bleeding out, you didn't know where you were, and you were just face to face with a psychopath. This was the guy who tortured, Aaron? This was the guy who stalked, Jackers? This is the psychopath who killed your fiancé and stepson?
Groaning in pain, you couldn't help but begin to fall in and out of consciousness. You didn't want to give up. You had to fight because if there was some home that they saved Aaron and Jack, you needed to see them. You couldn't die. Aaron would never forgive himself.
It wasn't until you finally woke back up after falling out of consciousness and someone was untying your hands.
"Y/n, Y/n! We're here. Are you in pain! We need a medic!"
Were you dreaming? Was Rossi here?
Dave came in full view of you, placing his hands on your cheeks, trying to get you to take deep breaths and calm down.
"Scratch told me he killed Aaron and Jack. Please don't tell me they're dead. Dave, please."
"They're alive sweetheart. They're alive. Scratch is dead. He's gone."
"Don't leave me, please."
A few hours after being taken to the hospital for tests and being seen by the psychologists, Dave walked into the room.
"I just. I just want Aaron. Please tell me he's coming home, Dave. Please. I want Aaron. I want Jack. I just want them both back."
Dave looked at you and moved out of the way a bit.
"Y/n!" You knew that voice, so yes, you may have shot your head to the other side, wayyyyyy too quick, but when you were met with your sweet little boy, it didn't matter how much pain you were in.
Aaron walked in with flowers, immediately finding your side. Your eyes met his as you were hugging Jack. His eyes were red and puffy, filled with tears.
As he sat on the chair next to the bedside, he hugged you, giving you a kiss that was apologetic, love, passion, happiness.
As you pulled back for air, he kept his forehead against yours. Murmurs of I'm sorry, I love you, I'm so happy you're safe are exchanged between the both of you.
When you did finally leave the hospital, it was nice to have both of your boys with you. You and Aaron would wed about 1 month later, you would adopt Jack shortly after.
Your boys were your home, you may have moved out of the apartment you three were calling home, but the new house, Aaron retiring from the FBI being a stay at home dad for your family in the years to come. It can't amount to the two and a Half months you had to go alone. And the reunion that had to follow after Scratch did what he did to you. As long as you had Aaron in your life, you could work through anything.
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cevansbrat0007 · 2 years
The Conversation: A Follow-up to Friendly Ignorance
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Summary: Takes place after the events in Friendly Ignorance. You and your family decide to have a much needed family meeting to discuss what happened at the park after Andy lost his temper with an old friend who insulted his girls. Andy Barber x Black Reader, Bianca Barber, Katrina Barber
*Warnings: Sad Andy Barber, Protective Andy Barber, Nervous BiBi and KitCat, Sympathetic Reader, Cursing, Racial Slurs, Diffcult Discussions, Angry Andy Barber, Parenting Hardships, Minors DNI
A/N: Prompt courtesy of @ariellemangomonroe​ - not beta’d. All mistakes are my own. This may be a tougher read for some, please let me know what you think. I appreciate all feedback. Thank yo!
Andrew sat on the edge of your shared bed, staring at the wall. His hands were fisted in his lap, his face solemn.
“Is that really what she said?” He whispered to his wife.
“It is, Andy. But…but it’s because she doesn’t fully understand.”
“I scared my baby.” He mutters as if he hadn’t heard you. “My little Katrina. I scared both my babies.”
The look on your man’s face was breaking your heart.
“Are they…” He could barely get the words out. “Are they afraid of me now, Y/N? Is that why they didn’t want me to tuck them in tonight?”
He had known something was wrong when his girls had said that they only wanted Mommy. They always wanted him to tuck them in too. Usually.
“No! Oh, no, no, no!” You wrap your arms around your Big Man. “I think they just wanted to talk to me without hurting your feelings, baby.” Andy nods, his heart feeling heavy.
“Y/N, it just made me so angry when that fuck assumed that there was no way our babies could possibly be mine.The way he laughed like it was a goddamned joke...”
“I know.” You murmur as you rub his back.
“And why do people always assume that it was you who trapped me? Can’t they see that I’m fucking obsessed with you? Did you know I purchased your engagement ring like four months into our relationship? I mean, come on!”
Um, no. You had not been aware of that particular fact.
Your husband slams his fist on on the bed.
“Tell me how to fix this, Y/N. I can’t have my girls afraid of me.” His voice wavers just the tiniest bit.
“Andrew, none of us are afraid of you. But I think we need to sit down and have a conversation about what happened. Our girls are smart, and just like you, they are unbelievably perceptive.” You run your fingers through his hair, lightly scratching his scalp as you do. You had found early on that this was something that seemed to soothe him.
“I know they’re young, but I think it’s time we start talking to them about, well, being black. Right now we’re in an environment where we as Mom and Dad can control the conversation. Let’s take advantage of that.”
“Will you help me?” Andy whispers, his soulful blue eyes meet yours.
“We’re going to do this together. You and me, baby. We’re partners, remember?”
He nods again, before grabbing your hand and pressing a kiss to your open palm.
“I love you, Y/N.”
“And I love you right back.”
You sit there for a while, snuggling together without saying a word. Sometimes, this was love.
The Next Morning...
After breakfast, you and Andy clear the table and guide the girls into the den. You direct everyone to sit on the floor and then take a deep breath.
“Alright, girls. Daddy and I have decided to call a family meeting to, uh, discuss what happened at the park the other day. Everyone good with that?” You allow a brief pause for any potential naysayers. “Okay then, let’s start. Bianca and Katrina, do you wanna tell Daddy abut how what happened that day made you feel?”
Both girls glance at their father and then look away.
“Scared.” KitCat mumbles while she plays with her fingers.
“Never seen Daddy so angry.” BiBi adds.
You reach over to squeeze Andy’s hand. “It’s okay, honey. It’s all okay.” You murmur in his ear.
“Did that scare you too, Bianca?”
She nods.
“I think Daddy wants to try to explain why he was so angry with that man. Go on, honey.”
Andy clears his throat before taking a deep breath. “First of all, girls, I just want to say that Daddy loves you more than anything and I’m so sorry that I, um…that I scared you. I lost my temper and that’s not okay.”
You can tell your man is trying his best to keep his voice steady.
“That man that I…hurt in the park used to be a friend of Daddy’s from a long time ago, but I’m starting to learn that not all of my friends are actually nice people. He said some not so nice things about you two, and your Mama, and I kind of snapped. Because you three are the most precious people in the world to me. And I just…God.”
Your Big Man sniffles just a little, which prompts you to lean your head on his shoulder.
“Sometimes I wish I could just, I don’t know, wrap you three in bubble wrap so nothing could ever hurt you. That way I could keep you safe all the time.”
“Why he say dah mean stuff?” Your KitCat asks.
“Cuz’ we brown, Sissy. And Daddy not.” Your older daughter responds, surprising both you and Andy. She shrugs combs her curls out of her eyes. “Sometimes people at school used tah think you not my Daddy. Cuz’ you white and I not.”
“Why didn’t you tell us that before, sweetheart?” You ask her.
“Cuz’ they dumb.” She shrugs again.
“Daddy. You sad dat we brown like Mama?” Katrina mumbles out the question.
“No! Absolutely not Katrina!” Your husband all but yells in effort to reassure both of his daughters. “Your Mama is the most beautiful woman on the face of this earth. And to be blessed with two special girls who look just like her…it’s an absolute gift!” He takes a shaky hand through his already messy brown locks.
“Can I say something here?” You gently interject. “What your Daddy struggles with sometimes, and frankly I do too, is how to handle certain situations with, as Bianca said, dumb people. It’s really tough sometimes, girls. Especially when you’re a Mama or a Daddy. You don’t like it when mean people say bad stuff about the people you love. Does that make sense?”
“Um, yeah.”
“Uh huh.”
“Your Daddy is very protective of all of us. And I am too, but his way of protecting us is sometimes a little different than mine. But trust me when I say that he’s not the only one with a temper. Your Mama has one too.”
Andy smiles it that, knowing that his wife was telling the truth. His girl didn’t necessarily need big muscles to flex on people. She could slice and dice folks with her words all day long. And then skip away without a care in the world as they lay bleeding out on the floor.
“Your Daddy has stood up for me so many times when we’ve dealt with…dumb people. And I’ve stuck up for him too. Because we love each other. And we’re family. And that’s what we do. But family also has to be honest with one another, so can we be honest with you two for a moment?”
Bianca leans over to grab her little sister’s hand. “Go head, Mama.”
“Andy…” You tilt your head, gesturing for him to take over.
“Girls, there are going to be some people out there as you grow up who are going to see you as different. Or maybe not like you because of your skin color and -“
“Cuz’ we ugly?” KitCat whispers, horrified.
“No. Cuz’ we brown, Sissy. Some no like dah brown.” She points at her own arm. “They think we bad.”
“But we no do nuffin’ to ‘em!” Your other daughter wails. “Is no fair!”
“You’re right. It’s not.” Your husband agrees. “It’s absolutely not. And it’s really, really frustrating for Daddy when he hears that kind of stuff. Because sometimes people tell me mean things about people with beautiful skin like yours, thinking that I’m going to agree with them. And I don’t.”
“So Daddy get mad.” His younger daughter surmises.
“Exactly.” Andy agrees.
“Bianca, my little love, other than people not thinking that your Daddy is, well, not your Daddy. Has anything else ever happened that you maybe haven’t shared with us?”
Your heart might’ve been stuck in your throat as you asked the question, but it needed to be asked regardless. This was what the heart of parenting was about The tough shit. 
“Umm, well...” Bianca sighs before letting go of her sister’s hand and inching over to settle into her father’s lap. 
“It’s okay, Sweetheart. You can tell us.” Andy murmurs, pressing a soft kiss into her curly hair. 
“Come here, Katrina.” You open your arms as your baby girl rushes forward to wrap her own around your neck. 
“Well, a few weeks ago, umm...” She snuggles deeper into Andy’s chest. “Billy Mason call me a - a nigger. And I no like that. I tol’ Mrs. Robertson but she no believe me. So when no one lookin’, I push him off dah slide and shove dirt in his face.”
You and your husband sit there feeling stunned, him moreso than you. 
“Mrs. Roberston didn’t believe you?” He asks.
“Nuh uh.” 
“BiBi. Why didn’t you say anything before now?” You ask her, recalling that you’d dealt with that boy and his parents before, back when he used to pinch Bianca. Your blood was boiling but you forced yourself to take a deep breath and offer what you hoped seemed like a smile.
“Cuz’ you tol’ me long time ago it was a ugly word. And Daddy tell me I pretty all dah time. So I is too pretty to be ugly.” She smiles up at Andy, who practically melts.
“Yes you are, pretty baby.” Your husband mumbles.
“Well, we’re going to talk with your teacher about that, okay? How about you, Katrina?”
“I fine, Mama. Only, a boy tol’ me I was cute and stole my chicken nuggies. So I flick him in dah eye.” She shrugs.
“That’s my girl.” Andy mutters under his breath, oblivious to your glare. 
“Okay, well, um, we’ll follow up on that too, little KitCat. Anything else you girls want to share or talk about?”
Both of your babies think for a moment before shaking their heads “no”. 
Andy clears his throat once again. “Well, my beauties, your Mama and I are always here. And we’re going to keep having meetings like this okay. If something happens you come talk to us and we’ll work it out as a family, because that’s what we do.”
“Cuz we wuv us!” KitCat squeals. 
“That’s right!” You giggle. 
“Love you, Mama. Love you Daddy.” BiBi whispers. And then she reaches up to stroke Andy’s chin. “We never scared of you Daddy. You dah best Daddy in dah world.” She kisses his cheek and then grabs her sister’s hand. 
“C’mon, KitCat. I’ma show you how to play Go Fish.” And then they were off and running, leaving you and Andy to sit there on the floor, practically motionless.
“Well, I think that went...okay.” You offer eventually. 
“No. That Billy kid called our daughter a fucking nig-”
“I know, honey.” You already knew where this was going.
“Well then what is the point of sending them to the best schools possible if they’re still going to encounter this shit? Huh? Explain it to me!” He’s on his feet and breathing hard.  
“Come sit back down,  Andy.” You tell him as he begins to pace. “Come sit down, baby.”
“No! We pay top dollar and -”
“STOP!” Your husband pauses midstep. “Sit. Down.” He finally does as you ask. 
“Look at me, Big Man. Look at me, Andrew.” You cup his face in your hands. “Do you see me?” He nods. “Good. Do you hear me?” He nods again. “Good.” 
“This kind of shit is unavoidable. No matter where we send them, no matter how much we pay, no matter how much we try to shelter them, this is life. I get that you want to put us in fucking bubblewrap and I admire you for that because, frankly, I’ve always felt the same about you. But this is life, Andrew. You and I are the parents of two little magical black girls. Ignorance is everywhere. This is not the first time or last time that our girls will deal with this.”
You take his hand in your own. “You and I have dealt with it for years. I know it breaks your heart, baby. Honestly, I’d be concerned if it didn’t. I would fucking divorce you so quick if it didn’t. But it’s up to you and I to handle this until they are old enough and wise enough to tackle it on their own. Okay?”
He nods.
“So we can’t pull them out of school?”
“I’m afraid not, Big Man.” 
“And I can’t shake this Billy kid until something rattles?”
“Nope. Authorities frown upon that, unfortunately.”
“And I can’t punch his Dad in the face and force him to eat mulch..?”
A slightly demented smile graces your features. “Well, I wouldn’t say that. Perhaps he and his wife Susie, Shelly, or Sarah whatever her name wss are now on an all vegan diet. Who’s to say?” You peck his lips. Once, twice. 
“You did good, baby. I’m proud of us.” You tell him.
I’m proud of us too.”
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theliterarywolf · 1 year
Hey, I'm always a slut for internet drama, so I'll go ahead and ask: what happened with the No Sleep podcast?
Oh no, nothing happened with the podcast itself.
To elaborate on the whole kerfluffle:
As mentioned before, my students just would not read. It didn't matter if it was read aloud and they needed to follow silently, if it was independent, what have you, they just would not engage.
So, rather than throw my hands up in the air, I thought: okay, let's try something different. So, every so often, I would select pre-screened selections from The NoSleep Podcast. Emphasis on the 'pre-screened' aspect because it wasn't like I was just playing audio out of the blue. I obviously knew I had to make sure that I didn't end up playing anything pornographic or excessively bloody in the classroom. And... Students were engaged! I got strong classroom discussion, a good turn-in rate for classwork, etc.!
And, actually! The vice principal who was supposed to be my evaluator (emphasis on 'supposed to be' because she was supposed to observe and evaluate every other week but, in reality, she only ever swung by once every other month) actually observed a lesson where I used a NoSleep Podcast audio (it was for the story "Dear Jennifer", which centers around a severe parasocial relationship) and everything was fine.
However, a few months down the line when she came back for another rare observation, it was another NoSleep Podcast day. I believe the story for that day was titled "Customer Service". I'm not sure about the exact title, I just remember that it centered around a single mother trying to call Amazon to get some help with the dishwasher she ordered just to end up being tormented by a misogynistic support agent.
Anyway, the class goes fine, discussion and classwork are active and fine, and the vice principal leaves. So the next period passes. Then the next period (which she knows full well is my conference period; keep that in mind). Then lunch. Then the next period. And, finally, during sixth period, this vice principal waddles back into my classroom and, while I'm trying to get students settled before the bell rings, she walks up to me and, with every obnoxious intonation from that scene in Office Space (you all know the one!):
VP - Yeah, so... I can't have you use that audio you played for 2nd period, yeah...
Me - Wait, why are you just saying this now?
VP - Well, it took me a while to get back down here...
Me - You could have sent an email.
VP - Yeah, you just need to find a replacement audio and assignment for 7th period. Yeah...
Me - The audio was fine. It's no worse than you guys having me teach Gatsby with Tom Buchanan's blatant misogyny and racism and Myrtle getting hit by that car.
VP - Yeah, well... If a parent were to complain, I would have to be the one to deal with it, yeah...
Me - ... (thinking "Oh, so you'd actually have to do your fucking job?")
VP - So... Yeah, just make sure to change the audio and make a new assignment, okay? Okay, thank you~!
One of my students, after the bell finally rings - Ms. Lit? Is everything good?
Me - ... Your school's run by cowards. Anyway, get out your Silent Reading books.
And, later that evening (literally, this was around 8 PM), she calls herself sending an email talking about 'Per our discussion today, you were instructed to no longer use audio from the 'NoSleep Podcast' website in your class. This website is listed as containing mature and potentially triggering material...'
To which I responded (my email was formal but this is my angry summary) - EVERYTHING IS 'POTENTIALLY TRIGGERING'. Hell, you guys have me teaching my 10th graders about vaccine articles! I'm sure that could be considered triggering to anyone who lost a loved one to COVID! But, fiiiine! If the issue at hand is to present a perfectly sterile environment with nothing that could ever run the risk of upsetting anyone, I will gladly empty out the classroom library of all the books that the librarian dropped off and give them back to her. Let me know!!!'
And to this day, I never got a response to that email. But, hey. I did comply and stop utilizing The NoSleep Podcast in my classroom.
I just started using Uncanny County and various Creepypasta readings instead!
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yieldfruit · 2 years
I'm almost 30 and still single. It hurts my heart so much especially when I see friends of mine get married and have children. I would rather wait to meet the right person than settle but struggle in this area so much. How do you cope with being single (if you are single) and continue to trust God and have peace about it all?
Hi there, you made an excellent point: "I would rather wait to meet the right person than settle" - this is important. Don't settle. That doesn't mean we expect perfection out of imperfect creatures, nevertheless if there are glaring theological issues someone has or appears to have mental/emotional issues that are a cause for concern, please wait.
I "cope" with being single by not necessarily seeing it as coping. I would love to meet someone, but I don't feel like I am just coping. I hope that makes sense? I continue to trust God because who else can I trust for this and where else can I go? Do I have peace about it? Well, I am not always very happy about it, but I would have far less peace if I was with someone I was settling with in the sense of knowing in my heart of hearts that they are not who the Lord has for me.
I hope this helps. Don't do what I did and marry out of pressure - I tried to call the wedding off and my fiancé freaked out and pressured me, he got physical and threw my engagement ring and we lost it and he blamed me. I then tried to call it off again the night before the wedding when I saw he was drinking too much with his friends and ignoring me and I let a family member talk me into staying - they meant well, but they gave me wine to drink and gave me a silly ultimatum, "If you never see him again after calling it off tonight would you be okay with that?" I should have been encouraged to obey the Lord and not have a drink while making such a huge decision. However, no one is ultimately to blame except myself because I chose to give my vows in spite of all of the glaring issues and it didn't take long (1 month) for him to do something very terrible. Before I got married I remember reading a quote by J. Vernon McGee that said, "Can you respect, look up to, and submit to the many you want to marry? Most importantly, is he submitted to God?" And I couldn't say yes to that because I knew in a big area of his life he was not submitting to God. I also kind of felt like no one else would love me like he does (this is a lie if you feel this way as a woman, sometimes we don't see ourselves clearly in God's eyes in the sense of our worth in Him). He could be so terrible to me, but also tell me how much he needed me, and he could be charming and was handsome and great in his career and people liked him and I just didn't scale back and think: is this who God has for me? I knew it wasn't, and I settled.
I share this because it's not necessarily something I would share publicly and so openly, yet I feel like I have to warn younger women because I know it is getting harder to meet right-on Christians and Christian men especially (typically churches are filled with more women than men and there is a desperate need for godly male leadership in churches and homes, men rooted in the Word and in biblical masculinity). I know it seems hard to find someone, but it's God's doing to have someone for us. I don't have to find him and neither do you. Live your life that God has given you, be faithful with what he has for you for now - that might mean your job, your education, your family, your home, your friends, definitely attending church, serving in the body of Christ, attending small group from church if possible, etc. Let the Lord bring him and don't grow weary in doing good, beloved. I feel for you and I hear you and I believe God has good for me and I pray that for you, too. I pray God reassures your heart. I pray he comforts you at night and you can feel his arm around you when with loved ones in love. Your faithfulness is not wasted and it is a treasure. Lord, please provide - we reach out to you, Lord, asking you, please provide for this sister and for all of those godly women desiring a godly spouse. Lord, please provide. Where else can we go? We look to you, Lord. You alone feed us, God. You provided manna in the desert and opened closed wombs, we pray for provision of heavenly proportions, Lord. We pray for the provision of godly men from your hand. In the name of Jesus we pray, amen.
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nanabrainrot · 1 year
Could you write about Kim confronting Lalo and / or MC about the relationship dynamic ? I just know she’d want to help MC
YESS ive been a bit busy this week but heres the version with Kim confronting reader - if u want a kim vs. lalo focused version u can just send an ask about it! But here it is </3
Solamente Una Vez
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Summary: Kim just has a question. HMMC True Route WC: 1168
There were less grotesque horror movies, Kim was convinced, looking at the sight. You didn’t go out much, this was abundantly clear in the way you posed yourself against him, looking lightheaded and unsure with flitting eyes and a jittery posture. You looked distraught and lost alone, but only really at ease with another woman. It was depressing.
It took a lot of convincing that the men needed to be alone to have Lalo have you in a room he wasn’t in, but it was okay since it was a mild-mannered married woman like Kim was. She watches you, like a hawk, the way your shoulders lower and heighten calmly in a fashion different from the way you carry yourself with Lalo: stiff. The basic muttering through the wall about business between Saul, Nacho, and Lalo is far off with the intent Kim has; it’s like a scientist observing an endangered animals in the little room. You sit on a chair by her shared bed, sipping some tea with cream and sugar. Quiet. Wordless.
“So, how was your day, Mrs. Salamanca?” the blonde gulped, trying to tug a smile out of the other woman.
“Good,” she replied shortly, “and yours?”
“Good,” Kim replied, almost gulping with a brief nod of her head.
Wordless, quiet, silent.
“How long have you and Lalo been married?” Your face twists a little, doing the math in your head. A pause.
“Twenty-four years, since 1980, Ms. Kim,” you responded, before sipping again.
“How about you and Mr. Saul?” you mumble, almost like a whisper in case Lalo could hear you through the wall. It goes noticed.
“A few months.” You hum, acknowledging it. Your brows knit, perfectly plucked and the tails filled in.
“First few months are really hard… hope you’re okay, Ms. Kim.” A sip. Noticed.
“It isn’t really. Same as before but a ring this time,” Kim replied. A sip. You seemed to really savor every sip of the tea, like it was a dessert. Your mousy face seems to remember something, then put it down.
A clank.
“Why are the first months hard for you, Mrs. Salamanca?” A hum, no clank nor sip, but your face seems to twist in displeasure at the thought but only for a fleeting moment before replaced with a face of contentment.
“I didn’t really have any boyfriends before Lalo. We got engaged within a week and got married a day or two later. It was hard not knowing what to do or living with a guy you don’t know well, but it turned out fine,” you grin, so hopelessly stupid, “I love him now.”
Every word was dripping in honesty and you meant every word; you loved him so much but every piece of context to your relationship only made her gears turn faster and grimmer. The hum of the men talking next door feels like the hum of an airplane taking off: deafening.
“Only a few days you were engaged?”
“Was that normal, where you’re from?”
“Mexico? No, it just…” you seem to pause, looking for the word, “happened.” The consideration of what happened crosses your face, so brief you could blink and miss it as the contempt immediately transitioned to gratefulness, like reminiscing a happy memory.
“Do you love him?” It leaves her mouth before she can consider it, the implications and the man next door. Brows knit, mouth twitching.
“Twenty-four years and I love him. More then my life,” your voice cracks. A quivering of the lip.
Her eyes widen, realizing the territory she was breaching before stuttering, “I-I didn’t mean it like that. I was just thinking of you guys not really dating before -“
“I didn’t need to date. He already to chose me before I realized,” you quip, gathering yourself. Cross of the legs, the sundress bunching at the thighs and the thin fabric brushing your ankles. No part of you was out of place, the way she carried herself at work was the way you carried yourself permanently. There was no waver in you any longer; any moment of weakness was immediately covered up and veiled with the prim and proper pout of your pretty face.
“Is he good to you? You can’t look Saul or Ignacio in the eye for him and this is the second time I’ve seen you and you look so withdrawn,” Kim starts quietly, “do you think you’d be this withdrawn or stiff if he didn’t - treat you a certain way? Don’t you want to act like yourself without worrying about what a man thinks?”
 It is a feeling of fear, like when blood runs cold, Kim admits to herself internally. Your brows knit, then relax, eyes squint, then relax, lips purse, then relax. Your throat bobs with a gulp. You have this look of contemplation and consideration about it; every action revolved around Lalo. It was natural as breathing. To consider Lalo was integral to your routine as if it was brushing your teeth. Did he like this dress, the fabric and color? Did you smell like his favorite peachy perfume? Did you chew gum or mints before he came home to kiss you? 
Did you drop everything at a word to keep him happy?
It is a consideration, but it leaves you only with a sense of agitation. Of course she couldn’t understand. The lady with her college degrees and husband whom she was free to leave if she pleased and survive alone dragging any decision you made through the mud of her judgment thinly veiled as concern. She would never understand that there was no real choice with Lalo. In the forced marriage and the decades that passed were lost to the wind. What else could have been done? College? Dates with boys or crushes on tutors or waiters? Picking foods at the farm? It all seemed mundane and ludicrous to consider. To brew on the concept of shaping your own identity seemed pointless, redundant, and insulting. 
Loving Lalo was like winning the lottery, you surmised around year 9 on the marriage.
The crickets chirp a little louder as the door opens, your eyes glued to Kim until Lalo’s voice chimes in: “Ready to go home?” 
Your frame subtly relaxes, something that only puts a sense of unease in Kim as she watches you as your breaths level like you were finally calm. Being around Lalo was as natural as a fish in water or breathing air. 
It was depressing.
“Si,” you replied, smoothing the black sundress as you rose. The clavicles pressed taut against your skin and the flesh of your decolletage was framed by the low dip of the dress clinging on like a second skin. There’s the letter ‘E’ dangling off a chain and hovering over your heart. 
It’s like watching a magnet draw to another, the way he holds out his hand with tentative fingers like about to pick up a rose with thorns and careful to prevent pricking. 
He does look like a man in love and she looks like a woman in love 
It’s sickening.
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Inch-resting . Doesn't that create problems in monogamy for him? Even if he doesn't cheat, just subconsciously starting liking someone else who seems to value you will create problems imo?
Taking this opportunity to ask for Klicky angsttt where Klaus genuinely has a crush on someone else - just someone he looked up to (like a teacher or anyone) eho validated him and had some thoughts but decided against it because he loved vicky a lot more .
Far From The Eyes, Close To The Heart | The Umbrella Academy AU
Pairing: Klaus x Vicky (OC - The Eighth Child’ Verse)
Word Count: 1,2 k
Warning: Strong language, angst
a/n: Yes! I believe he has issues with monogamy because he never really understood his feelings and what love is supposed to feel like. Thanks for the amazing suggestion and I love the ship name Klicky. Hope you like it <3
It had been over a year since Klaus fell into that alleyway and found himself completely lost in Dallas. Just as he managed to confess his feelings to Vicky... Of course that would happen, the little girl on the bike must really not like him.
Even though it didn't seem like he would ever meet any of his siblings again (except for Ben of course), a little voice in his head still held him back, saying they were still out there. Vicky was still out there waiting for him. Whenever he saw anything beautiful, he couldn't help remembering her and sometimes it would bring tears to his eyes.
The cult was full of attractive people who would most likely be willing to have sex with their leader. Sometimes it occurred to him the thought of sleeping with them, but always at the last second, he couldn't. He even failed to... get it up a few times, which he attributed to divine intervention. 
What really got him going was the memory of the few times he got to be with Victoria. He still remembered perfectly, the taste of her lips, the softness of her skin, the smell of her perfume. He remembered that electric sensation when she first kissed him in Vietnam, the excitement of waking up next to her, the whispered conversations they had when they thought the world was ending.
"Be alive, be alive, be alive..." he mumbled. It was taking longer than it did in Vietnam, it was getting harder and harder to hold out hope every day that passed.
"How long are you gonna stay out here pretending to meditate?" a voice called him as he sat under a tree next to the mansion. They had just returned from Greece and Klaus decided to buy the engagement ring, even though he didn't know if she would ever get to wear it.
"Hey, Justin," he turned around with a sad smile. "Why don't you sit down?"
Justin was a young man in his late 20s, tall and muscular, with wavy blonde hair and blue eyes. He had a nose that seemed sculpted and a velvety voice that could make anyone tremble. He wasn't technically part of the Destiny's Children, he was there simply because his younger (and much more gullible) brother, Matthew, decided to join about four months before that conversation took place.
He knew it was a cult, but Matthew didn't see it that way, so Justin followed wherever his brother went to protect him as they were both orphans since Justin was just a teenager. 
"Why do you say I'm pretending to meditate?" Klaus asked.
"Because I never heard the mantra be alive, it sounds more like a prayer."
"It is, but it doesn't mean I'm not meditating on it."
"Who are you praying for?" Justin asked. 
"My siblings, I think you know how that feels. I haven't seen them in so long."
Justin nodded. He didn't believe Klaus was a prophet, he didn't even believe the man knew what he was talking about most of the time, but he recognized a good person under all the bullshit and his crazy facade. That knowledge quickly turned into attraction, which quickly turned into a crush.
"I do, are you orphans too?" 
"Yeah, our father died just a while back and our mom... was crushed when our house collapsed."
"Really? Or is that more bullshit?"
"It's true. If you think all I say is bullshit then why are you still here?"
"You know why."
"Because of Marcus."
"Matthew," Justin corrected with a chuckle. "Yeah, him too."
Klaus noticed how the man looked at him, he knew that look well and it usually brought a cocky smirk to his face, but it was more complicated this time. 
First, there was Dave, then there was Vicky. Too many times he had his heart broken. Even though, he couldn't help imagining what it would be like being with Justin. A nice guy with his life somewhat together, wasn't embarrassed to demonstrate his feelings and treated him like he mattered. All of that made his heart race a little, but he would never admit it to Ben, who was always bugging him about it.
"Can I ask you a question?" Justin murmured, finally gathering the courage to say something.
"Yeah, but you'll probably say the answer is bullshit," Klaus laughed.
"Why have you never slept with anyone here? It's a house full of people, you must be attracted to at least one of them..."
"Honestly, at this point, I have no idea. It just doesn't feel right I guess."
"Is there anyone you would consider being with?" 
"Yeah, definitely."
Klaus and Justin exchanged a look. They both knew they were attracted to each other and more than that, they even liked each other, but so far none of them took the first step. 
Tired of waiting, Justin leaned in for a kiss, which Klaus reciprocated at first, but after a moment, he pulled away. 
"I- I can't," he breathed, though he hadn't felt that good in ages, he really missed the giddy feeling of being wanted and touched in that way.
"Why not?" the young man tried to not let his disappointment show.
"I'm already taken."
"By who?"
"Her name is Victoria, she's been the love of my life ever since I learned what love was. We grew up together and I knew deep inside she felt the same way, but we took too long to say anything and then I lost her. Now I don't know where she is, if she's alive, if she's doing well," Klaus' voice cracked as a tear rolled down his cheek. "There isn't one day I don't regret not saying something sooner, wasting all that time we could've spent together."
"She's a very lucky lady."
"I'm the lucky one. She's the most loving person I've ever met, she loved me when I was unlovable, when I was destroyed. I don't know what I ever did to deserve someone like her."
Saying those things out loud unlocked something in him and Klaus started sobbing for the first time in a long time. He imagined Vicky wouldn't like to see him cry and if she was alive she could probably hear him in her head, but he couldn't help it. He just missed her more than he could ever explain. He didn't feel like a person, part of him was empty, longing for that voice, that laugh. 
"It's all right!" Justin rubbed his back soothingly. "I thought you liked me... I was stupid, sorry I mixed things up."
"I do like you, that's the thing. You're very handsome and sweet, what's not to like? I just-"
"Love her."
"Yeah," Klaus breathed.
"Don't worry, I understand," he shrugged, though he was pretty much gutted as well. Even with all the sadness, he admired that devotion, it was beautiful and he hoped one day someone would feel the same way about him.
Meanwhile, on the other side of town, Victoria was working, dusting the display TVs while Elliott took a break. She heard loud and clear: I can't keep living without her. 
"I miss you too, Klausie," she whispered to herself.  
Tag List: @elliethesuperfruitlover @seanfalco @badsext @salvador-daley @firstpersonnarrator
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pechefarm · 1 year
Butter Cup Baby, Ch 1
This is a Sam/Léo fic! I'm excited to put my Farmer OC out into the world for everyone to see!
Rating: T for Teen
Pairing: Sam/Farmer OC (Male)
Summary: Léo moves to Pelican Town after a rough breakup, and decides to start over and get the family farm back on its feet. A slice-of-life love story, Léo and Sam rekindle their friendship that ended 14 years ago, and perhaps start something new.
Word Count: 5,076
Content Warnings: Alcohol consumption
You can also find it here on ao3!
If you had told Léo a year ago that he’d be returning to Pelican Town, he would’ve laughed in your face. But life has a way of pulling the rug out from under you when you least expect it, and Léo needed a change, desperately. Anything to get out of the city. Anything to forget about Henri.
Two years. Two fucking years. And apparently, none of that had meant anything to Henri. Their first kiss, their first apartment, their promise rings they exchanged because they weren’t quite ready to get officially engaged. None of that mattered because apparently, a sugar daddy was way more important.
It wasn’t that Léo didn’t want to fund Henri’s lifestyle and desire to become an actor. It was just that he felt that his salary could be better spent making a life for them. He had been saving up to move them into a real house, one where they could start a family. Hell, he had even started looking at rings. And then the bombshell hit.
“Rico’s going to help me be an actor. He said he’d give me money for anything I need. And Léo you know I need the cash. If I’m going to become an actor, I can’t stay in Zuzu City. I can’t have that ‘house with a white picket fence’ dream that you want.”
All Léo could do was stare as Henri finished breaking up with him. He nodded dumbly, accepting his fate. They spent the next week dividing their things, and then Henri walked out forever. No calls, no messages on social media. In fact, Léo was almost positive that he’d been blocked on every platform.
For the next three months, Léo felt like he was just existing, not living. He was just going through the motions. Get up, get ready for work, go to work, come back home. Sometimes he forgot to eat, forgot to take a shower.
Depression is what his mom called it. He was depressed and needed a change.
“Remember the letter Grandpa left you?” his mother asked during their weekly phone call. Léo nodded, and then remembered she couldn’t see him.
“Yeah,” he said. 
“Do you remember what he said when he gave it to you?”
“Something about how I should open it when I’m ready? When I need a change?”
“Exactly,” his mother said. “I think now might be the right time.”
Léo decided he agreed, and opened up the letter. He was not expecting the deed to his Grandpa’s farm to be enclosed within, and was certainly not expecting for that deed to have been changed over to his name.
He’d been to Pêche Farm before. It had originally been the farm of his Grandma Cosette. When she died, his Grandpa Davíd had taken over. And now…it was Léo’s. And he had very conflicting feelings about this. Namely, he had not liked Pelican Town a whole lot the last few times he was there. Granted, he had been a kid, but still!
What he remembered the most was how cliquey it had been. All of the kids had their very specific friend groups, and stuck to them. Léo hadn’t managed to join in any of the groups, and typically spent his visits to his Grandpa’s farm alone.
“Just talk to them!” his Grandpa had said one day as Léo was feeding the chickens. “Any of them! I’m sure if they got to know you, they’d love to hang out!”
So Léo had grumpily approached each kid, and nobody had responded well. Not until the last week of his visit. Léo had just fed his Grandpa’s horse, and was petting her nose softly. He loved the feeling of a horse’s nose. So velvety soft. He was lost in his thoughts about how nice the horse was when he heard someone call out to him.
“Hey! Farmer boy!”
Léo turned his head and saw a tall gangly boy standing just outside of the horse stall. His shock of white blond hair contrasted with Léo’s deep brown locks, and his green eyes looked nervous. They seemed to be settling everywhere except for Léo, and when they finally did, the boy gave an awkward smile.
“That’s not my name,” Léo said, annoyed. His honey brown eyes glared at the stranger, who quailed at the intensity of his gaze.
“Oh, uh, yeah I know,” he said, shoving his hands into his pockets. “I just didn’t know what it was. Your name,” the boy clarified.
“Well you’d know it if you didn’t ignore me,” Léo said, turning back to the horse.
“I’m not ignoring you now,” the boy said. “We can try again! Let’s start over. I’m Sam.”
Léo said nothing, turning back to pet the horse. He was hoping that if he ignored the blond boy, he would go away.
No such luck.
“I’m Sam,” he repeated. “What’s your name?”
“Léo,” he said stiffly, not looking at him.
“Well nice to meet you Léo!” Sam said brightly. 
Léo turned around again, and saw the boy looking at him expectantly. He really wanted to dislike Sam, he really did. After all, Sam was the first kid Léo had introduced himself to. And instead of being friendly, he had gotten the cold shoulder. But there was something about Sam’s smile, something about the way he looked like he really meant it when he said it was nice to meet him. Something about all that made the ice surrounding Léo’s heart melt.
“You too,” Léo said. “Have you ever pet a horse before?”
Sam’s face split into a wide grin and he walked towards Léo. “No, never!” he said.
“Well, you should give her nose a pat,” Léo said. “Her name is Lorena. She’s a good girl.”
They pet the horse for a bit, and got to talking. Sam apologized profusely for his previous behavior, which Léo told him was fine. It wasn’t, but Léo found himself wanting to see more of Sam’s smiles, and knew that telling him it had irritated him would cause that smile to fade.
That last week had sped by, Léo and Sam practically attached at the hip. When it was time for Léo to leave, the two promised to keep in touch. They exchanged letters for a bit, but eventually, they grew few and far between before not being sent at all. Léo had eventually forgotten about Sam, but when the deed was in his hand, the boy’s giant grin filled his mind, green eyes twinkling in his minds eye. He wondered if Sam still lived there. Probably not. Léo sighed. He was going to have to start all over, meet all new people, and maintain a farm.
“Yeah I know,” he said with a deep sigh. “But…I don’t know, I feel like I need to. Grandpa said I should go if I felt like I needed a change. And I do. After Henri…fuck, I need to get out of Zuzu City, you know?”
“You know, you don’t have to do this,” his friend Emma said as she flopped onto his couch. Or rather, her couch. Léo had managed to convince the landlord to let Emma live there instead of him. He wasn’t sure how he had done that, but Emma’s sad doe eyes when the landlord nearly said no might have had something to do with it.
He was giving up his whole life to go to Pelican Town. His apartment, his friends, and basically everything he owned. Léo had packed a suitcase to take to the farmhouse, and that was it.
Emma nodded sympathetically. She had been his shoulder to cry on and knew that living in the apartment he had shared with Henri was difficult on him. A change was desperately needed, and she was going to be there to support him no matter what.
“Well, whatever will help you,” Emma said. “I’ll be right here if you need anything, okay?” she said. “Anything at all.”
“I know,” Léo said affectionately. “I can always count on you.”
Early the next morning, Léo set out for the bus station, ticket in hand. It was a long ride to Pelican Town, and he was positive that he was going to fall asleep during the ride. Luckily he had his phone that he could play around on, and he anticipated many many games of Bejeweled while he headed to his new home.
After a 2-hour bus ride, Léo finally arrived in Pelican town. He got off the bus, muscles stiff as he rolled his suitcase down to the path that led to town. There was a fork in the road, and Léo considered it before dread sank in. He didn’t actually know where he was going. Great.
“You must be Léo!” a voice rang out.
Léo looked around, and finally spotted two people. One of them was a short man with kind eyes and an impressive mustache. He looked a little younger than his Grandpa would’ve been, and surprisingly, Léo was sure he knew his name.
“Are you…Lewis? Mayor Lewis?” Léo asked, pulling this information from the depths of his memory. He remembered a man who looked like this who his Grandpa talked to a lot. Léo had been shocked to discover his Grandpa was such good friends with the Mayor of the town.
“Ah yes! That’s me!” Lewis said, looking a bit surprised. “You remember me?”
“More your mustache than you,” Léo said to him, getting a loud laugh from the older man.
“Well, it’s good to know something about me stuck out in your memory! This here is Robin,” Lewis said, gesturing to the other person. Robin had fire engine red hair and was a stocky woman. She looked very strong, and Léo wasn’t surprised at all when he was informed that she was the town carpenter and stone mason.
���It’s good to meet you both,” Léo said, shaking their hands.
“Well, let’s get you to your new home!” Robin said, leading the way. “It’s a bit…uh…rundown, but I made you some furniture to spruce the place up a bit.”
“You didn’t have to do that!” Léo said as they walked onto the land.
“Of course I did!” Robin argued. “The bed in there was falling apart! And everything else looked pretty bad. You needed new things, and I know to make them!”
“I don’t know how I can ever thank—holy shit!”
Robin and Lewis both laughed as Léo surveyed the land. Saying the land was overgrown would be an understatement. Weeds were everywhere, and there was hardly room to move from all the trees, rocks, and random logs around. There was some land not covered in trees that he could till, but there was a lot of work to do. 
“You’re a farmer now! Not afraid of a little hard work, eh city boy?” Lewis teased. 
“I’m just…surprised, that’s all,” Léo said. “I can do it though.”
“That’s what I like to hear!” Lewis said.
“You know,” Robin said as they entered the house, “I can lend a hand with clearing the land. Cutting down the trees and clearing those rocks will take a long time. And I can use what we collect to upgrade uh…this.”
“What are you talking about?” Lewis said, following the two into the farmhouse. “This place is totally fine!” 
Léo nodded, agreeing. In fact, the wallpaper and flooring looked new. As he remembered, the farmhouse was simply one room, but the inside looked like it had been updated.
“Only because I put in new floors and fresh wallpaper!” Robin grumbled. “The size of this place is ridiculous though! One room? For an entire house?” She made a tutting noise, and Lewis rolled his eyes.
“I’m sure it will be fine for now,” Lewis said. “I got you some seeds too,” he said, turning to Léo. “I put them on top of your dresser. It’s just parsnip seeds, but it’ll be enough to help you get into the swing of things.”
“You guys really didn’t have to do all of this,” Léo said. “But since you did…thank you so much! I really appreciate it.”
“Anything for the new farmer,” Robin said. “Though…I do have to say, I’m a bit disappointed you remembered Lewis and not me!”
Léo blinked. “What?”
“I saw you plenty when you were here before. Do you remember Sebastian?” Robin asked.
“Sorry no,” Léo said, feeling guilty. “If he’s my age, I didn’t really hang out with the other kids here.”
“Oh! Well, he remembers you! But probably only because of Sam,” she said with a tinkling laugh. “Do you recognize that name?”
“Yes!” Léo said happily. “Sam and I used to talk back in the day, I remember him.”
“Sam is close friends with my Sebby,” Robin said. “Sam has been running his mouth about you ever since he found out you were coming to take over Pêche Farm.”
“Really?” Léo said, shocked. And then he realized something. “Wait, Sam still lives here?”
“Excited to see him?” Lewis asked. “All the kids that were here when you visited still live here! I’m sure you’ll see plenty of familiar faces. Well, we should let you settle in!” Lewis said, clapping his hands together. “Come to the Stardrop Saloon tonight! Nearly the whole town shows up there in the evening, it’ll be a great time to introduce yourself.”
Léo promised he would come, and bade the two older adults goodbye. Finally, he could breathe. To his chagrin, there wasn’t a true kitchen. Just a hot plate, a microwave, and a mini fridge. Inside the fridge, he found another gift from Robin. She had given him a small bowl of pumpkin soup and left a note insisting that he keep both the bowl and spoon. God that woman was amazing. Léo was going to have to do something special to make it up to her.
It didn’t take very long before all his stuff was put away in the drawers. He was forever grateful to his past self for thinking of bringing his kettle, french press, coffee grinder, and two bags of coffee beans. He would die if he didn’t get to have his morning coffee. 
Léo decided to poke around the cabin a bit, and discovered a few things. The tiny bathroom he remembered from childhood seemed even smaller if that was possible, and it didn’t even have a door. He assumed Robin must’ve been the one to hang up a privacy curtain, because said curtain seemed very new. 
The hot water took forever to turn on, but luckily there was hot water. And thankfully, there was also electricity. That must’ve been something his grandfather installed after Léo stopped visiting because he didn’t remember that being a thing here.
After he finished his assessment of the cabin, he walked out to survey the property. He really would need help clearing the land. He might be strong, but there was no way he would be able to do this all by himself. Walking through the trees, he decided he wanted most of them to stand tall and proud. You didn’t get trees like this in the city, and it would be nice to see them.
As he was looking around, he found a small hidden pathway. Deciding to follow it, he walked for about five minutes before coming across a small clearing. And in that clearing was something so unexpected that for a moment Léo thought he was seeing things.
There was a large shrine there, with four candles on top of it. Fresh candles. Approaching it, he noticed some words carved into the smooth stone.
Wait, what? Why was there some kind of shrine or memorial to his Grandpa hidden in a dark corner of the farm? And why did it seem like someone had been here recently? The candles were clearly new. And that quote…
Davíd Carlos Cienfuegos-Alverez
April 3rd 1946-August 15 2021
He taught me how to love, but not how to stop
A gust of wind blew, and Léo’s attention was brought to something fluttering on the shrine’s mantle. There was a piece of paper held in piece by a small rock. Léo picked it up.
Wait for my return on the dawn of your third year
What the fuck? Léo stood there, incredibly confused. What in the hell was going on? He stuffed the note in his pocket and walked away from this clearing as fast as possible. This was strange and slightly creepy. He needed to get back to the farmhouse. Or maybe to the town.
Yeah. The town. Meet some people, get some food from the store, and just clear his mind from whatever that was. He snagged his wallet from on top of his new dresser and walked into Pelican Town. It was a very short walk, and the first thing he saw was the local hospital. Okay, good to know that was there. And right next to it was the general store. 
“You must be the new farmer!” a booming voice announced in a thick French accent.
A tall man with light brown hair approached him. His glasses were perched on the edge of his nose, and he pushed them up before giving Léo a winning smile.
“Yes,” Léo said, extending a hand. “I’m Léo,” he said as they shook hands.
“Oh I know!” the man said. “I’m Pierre, the owner of this store. You wouldn’t remember me or my wife, but we lived here when your Grandpa did! In fact, I remember seeing you in town a few times!”
“Ah,” Léo said awkwardly. This was the second person who recognized him from his childhood who he didn’t remember. “Well, it’s good to see you again,”
“You as well,” Pierre said. “I really miss your Grandma you know. It almost felt like I was back in France when I talked with dear Miss Cosette. She was the only one in town who knew French. My daughter Abigail can speak it, but…well, she barely speaks to me at all! Do you remember her?”
“No,” Léo said. “Sorry about that.”
“Oh don’t be sorry,” Pierre said. “Abigail only hangs out with her friends Sebastian and Sam. She probably would not have remembered you either if Sam hadn’t been talking about you all this week and last!”
“Robin mentioned Sam had been talking about me,” Léo said. “I didn’t realize he was talking about me with more than one person.”
“More than one? Try the whole town!” Pierre said with a laugh. 
“I see,” Léo said, flushing slightly. He was kind of ashamed that he had barely given Sam a second thought while Sam was chatting up the whole town about him! But it had been what, 15 years since he last was in Pelican Town? Honestly, he was surprised Sam remembered him at all.
Léo ended up buying a few more seeds to plant, and some food to last him for the week. 
“You should only buy your groceries from me,” Pierre had said firmly after ringing him up. “There’s another store…Joja Mart, that’s across the river. They may have cheap prices, but the quality? Not good, not at all. Nothing can compare to my goods!”
“Um, okay?” Léo said. “I’ll be sure to buy from you,” he added on quickly. Pierre beamed at him, and Léo quickly took his groceries back home. This was turning out to be a very strange day.
When night finally fell, Léo decided to take Lewis’ recommendation and go to the Stardrop Saloon. Supposedly, this was where the town really came alive, and he was eager to see it. Plus, maybe Sam would be there. It would be nice to see him after all this time, especially since Sam had been talking about him so much.
Upon entering the saloon, he saw plenty of people looking at him curiously. He introduced himself to several different people, including one man who immediately told him to go fuck himself.
“Excuse me?” Léo asked, eyebrows raised.
“You heard me,” the black haired man said, glaring at him. 
“You could’ve said that a little bit--”
“Oh! Do you hear that?” the man interrupted. “It’s the sound of you shutting the fuck up!”
“Alrighty then,” Léo mumbled and turned on his heel.
As he walked away from the man, he noticed that there was a room attached to the bar that he hadn’t noticed. Deciding to investigate, Léo poked his head in. There were three adults around his age standing around a pool table. There was a man with shaggy black hair and a hoodie, a goth girl with purple hair, and a man with a messy blond mullet that somehow worked on him.
All heads turned when he walked in and Léo realized that he knew the blond man. It was Sam. And when Sam saw him, his face lit up like a Christmas tree.
“Léo!” he cried out, arms shooting into the air in excitement.
“Put down the cue!” the goth girl snapped, as the cue nearly hit her in the side of the head. Sam put it down, a sheepish look on his face.
“Sorry Abbers,” he said.
“You grew,” Léo said, staring at Sam with wide eyes. Sam laughed.
“I’m not 13 anymore!” he said playfully. “I wasn’t gonna stay like that forever!”
“Yeah but you’re…”
“He’s tall, he knows,” the black haired man said, sounding annoyed. “No he doesn’t play basketball, no he has never played basketball, no he doesn’t want to play basketball. Yes he gets back pain, yes all the men in his family are tall. There, now all your “tall” questions are answered. Or they should be. If you have any more, keep them to yourself.”
“Sebastian!” Sam said, looking aghast. “You don’t have to be rude!”
“You get asked that shit all the time,” Sebastian grumbled. “Didn’t want you to have to go through it with this dude.” For some reason, Sebastian looked pissed off and Léo couldn’t figure out why.
“Okay, great to see you Sam,” Léo said. “I can see you and your friends are busy so I’m going to just go. See you later.”
“Wait!” Sam said, sounding frustrated. “You should stay!”
“Yeah!” the goth girl said. “Sebastian’s a dick to everyone, don’t leave yet.”
Sebastian’s eyes narrowed. “No I’m not,” he grumbled, but it seemed a bit halfhearted. Léo looked at him apprehensively and then sighed.
“Yeah alright, I’ll stay.”
Sam cheered. “Great!” he said. “The emo jerk over there is Sebastian, and this lovely lady is Abigail.”
“Nice to meet you Abigail,” Léo said. “And you too Sebastian,”
Sebastian simply nodded. Abigail rolled her eyes.
“Ignore the jackass,” she said. “He’ll come around. I think he’s jealous and thinks you might steal his best friend away. Sam has been talking about you non-stop.”
“Have not!” Sam said, face flushing. Sebastian snorted, returning to the game.
“You have,” he said, lining up the cue. He hit the ball he was aiming for and managed to sink it. Sam swore.
“You’re one away from being able to sink the 8-ball!” Sam complained.
“Not my fault you’re shit at pool,” Sebastian said, but there was a tiny smile on his face.
Abigail didn’t appear to be playing, so Léo walked over and stood by her. She smiled at him, and took a drink from her beer stein. Somehow she managed not to smudge her black lipstick even a tiny bit. And, wait a second, there wasn’t any on the rim! He wondered if it was the waterproof kind that dried on contact and didn’t rub off.
“We play here every Friday night,” she said. “And somehow Sam never manages to figure out how to win the damn game. Sebastian wins every time.”
“Sam hasn’t even won once?” Léo said, eyebrows raised. 
“Not that I can remember,” Abigail said. There was a comfortable pause before she began speaking again. 
“It’s cool that you’re back,” she said. “Sam was over the moon about it. He gets excited about everything you know, but this? Man, I thought you must be a celebrity or some shit.”
“Far from it,” Léo chuckled. “I was surprised he remembered me.”
“I’m not,” Abigail said. “You know, he was really sad when he stopped getting letters from you. I know you guys were kids, but those letters meant a lot. I think he still has them.”
“He…what?” Léo asked, shocked.
“It might be surprising to you, but that’s typical Sam. He holds onto stuff. You should ask him why he decided to ask to hang out with you,” she said. “Back when we were kids.”
“You could tell me,” Léo said, curiosity piqued.
“Nah,” Abigail said, watching Sebastian perfectly sink the 8-ball. “That’s not my story to tell. Seriously, ask him.”
“Yeah okay,” Léo said. “I’m gonna go get a drink, yeah?”
Abigail nodded, and Léo left the room. He approached the bar to find a kind man who looked to be his father’s age behind the counter. The man had a large mustache, which Léo had discovered was very much in fashion in Pelican Town. He had run into no less than 5 men who all had large handlebar mustaches. 
“What’ll it be?” the man asked.
“Two orders of pepper poppers and two beers please!”
“Sam?” Léo asked, turning around to see who had spoken. Sure enough, Sam was standing there, wallet out. The man went to take his card, but Léo slapped Sam’s hand away, shoving his card and ID into the man’s hand.
“Gus! Don’t let him pay!” Sam said, frowning at Léo.
“No, I’m paying!” Léo said. “I came here to buy my own drink. I’ll buy yours too and the food. I don’t care.”
“No!” Sam said, and Gus watched with an amused smile. “This is your first day here. It’s a “Welcome to Pelican Town” gift, okay?”
“Sam…I can’t let you,” Léo said slowly.
“Yes you can,” Sam said firmly, and Léo relented. Gus handed him back his things, and swiped Sam’s card.
“It’ll be out in just a second!” Gus said cheerily.
“I thought you were going home,” Sam confessed as they both took seats at the bar. “Abby told me you were just going to get a drink, but I had to make sure.”
“Why do you care so much about me hanging out here?” Léo asked. “Not that I mind, I’m enjoying being with you and your friends.”
“I missed you I guess?” Sam said, rubbing the back of his neck. “I know it’s stupid. We weren’t that close or anything…but I was really excited to hear that you were moving here. Felt a little unreal, you know?”
“It’s not stupid,” Léo said. “I’m glad there’s someone in town my age that I can talk to. I hope Sebastian doesn’t care if I hang out with you.”
“Oh don’t worry about him,” Sam said. “It takes him a while to make friends so he gets kind of territorial. There’s this girl Penny, right? Well when I started hanging out with her, he got the exact same way. But when he realized she wasn’t trying to make him stop being friends with me, he was fine. It’ll be the exact same with you.”
“I see,” Léo said. “Well, I’m not going to steal you from him,” he said. “But I do want to hang out from time to time.”
“Oh yeah?” Sam said with a soft smile as Gus brought out their orders. “I’m glad to hear it. I’d love to catch up with you and see what’s changed in the last uh…14 years?”
Léo laughed. “Things definitely have changed. For better and worse.”
“Definitely for better,” Sam said, taking a drink of beer, and Léo looked at him curiously.
“What?” Sam said right back, eyes wide. “Oh um, I just meant that things seem to be going well for you? Since you have the new farm and everything?”
“That I got because my Grandpa died,” Léo teased. 
Sam went pale. “Oh shit!”
“Don’t worry about it,” Léo said with a chuckle. “I was only kidding. I mean, it is how I got it, but I’m not mad.”
“Okay,” Sam said. “I hope you’ve been liking Pelican Town okay.”
“Yeah I have,” Léo said after thinking for a moment. “Everyone here has been really nice and welcoming. Way different from the city.”
“Yeah, the people here are pretty great,” Sam said happily. “Everyone knows everyone. Which is usually awesome, but it also means that everyone knows everyone else's business. It’s tough to keep a secret in this town.”
Léo nodded. “If that’s the case, you must know the deal with that weird shrine or monument or memorial thing on my farm, right? What’s that all about?”
“Honestly?” Sam said, picking up a pepper, “Nobody really knows.”
Léo stared as Sam popped not one but two peppers into his mouth. “What do you mean ‘nobody knows?’” 
“What’s it sound like I mean?” Sam said around his bite of food. “No one has a clue! It’s the town’s biggest mystery! Or at least for Abby it is. She’ll know more than me. She’s obsessed with that shrine. And the farm. Used to say it was haunted.”
Léo thought back to the letter that was still in his pocket and handed it to Sam. “Maybe it is,” he said, as Sam read it over. “I found this on the shrine.”
“Probably just Abigail playing a joke on you,” Sam said, but he didn’t look like he believed himself. “This isn’t her handwriting though.”
“Haunted, case closed,” Léo said, drinking some of his beer. “Only explanation.”
“We should show this to her!” Sam said excitedly. “She would flip!” 
“Okay but…maybe tomorrow? Beer makes me sleepy and…Jesus I’m tired,” he muttered.
“Get some rest,” Sam said, as Léo stood up. “We’re talking tomorrow okay? Oh shit you don’t have my number!”
The men exchanged numbers, and Léo promised he would text Sam the moment he was finished with his morning to-do list. This was exciting, Léo thought as he made his way home. He had an actual friend here! And potentially two more? Well, maybe not Sebastian yet, but Abigail seemed to like him okay. Maybe Pelican Town wasn’t going to be that bad after all. Maybe, just maybe, this was the start of something wonderful.
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clouds-rambles · 3 years
Hey bestie may I request diluc,childe,zhongli,and venti having a bad nightmare over their s/o wanting to break up with them and when they wake up their s/o isn’t there but really they’re in another room or something if that makes sense!! Thank you 🤑
Hi bestie positively evil... i love it <3 nobody question why zhongli and the reader are married in all my headcanons thanks lmao
Pairings; (Seperate) Diluc, Childe, Zhongli, and Venti x reader
Warning(s); panic, nightmares, hurt/comfort, injury mention
Keep reading under the cut!
Diluc wakes with a start, his brows furrowed as he takes a moment to arrange the events of his nightmare in his head
Both you and he had a particularly explosive argument after he had come back injured from a night protecting Mondstat 
You had left the winery after exclaiming that you refuse to date someone who has such a lack of regard for his own life. In the long run you’d be saving yourself from further heartbreak if he ended up dead on the front porch
Diluc wonders if dream you could be right...
The red-head finally notices the cold side of the bed you should be sleeping on. He more than remembers going to sleep with you
Panic sets in at the bottom of Dilucs stomach. He must be imagining things right? You’re probably just in the bathroom
A beat passes
Then three
No, you’re not in the bathroom. He would have heard you by now...
What if the dream was actually what had happened last night. A breath catches in the mans throat as he gets out of bed and throws a shirt on
If he couldn’t find you in his home has he truly lost you?
Diluc speedily walks through the halls of his home, checking the spare rooms, the study, the library, the living room, the dining room, the
Diluc opens the door to the kitchen his heart threatening to break out of his chest at the pace it’s beating when he finally spots you drinking a cup of tea, in your pajamas
Thank the archons it was just a dream
“Diluc, honey, are you okay?” you ask getting up from the table in the kitchen to your sweating, hyperventilating partner
Diluc says nothing but opts to hugging you, his head bowing to your chest as he breaths you in
“Diluc, you’re worrying me” you tell him returning his embrace and rubbing circles on his back
“You weren’t in bed” is all he offers to tell you. You don’t push him on the details of why he is so panicked
“I couldn’t sleep so I came down for a herbal tea” you explain kissing the man on his bed of fluffy hair “I have a cup left in the kettle, I can pour one out for you” you offer
“Please” he breathes, but doesn’t move to let you go from the embrace, you can stand to hold him and tell him sweet nothings for a little while. Tea can always be reheated
It would only be right, and he suspected as much. You had told him that because of what has recently transpired in Liyue you cannot find yourself to love a brutal harbinger
Maybe its for the best. Childe concludes not paying much attention to his weeping heart. Maybe, you’d be happier not to be under the constant eye and scrutiny of the Qixing, the Milleth, and the watchful eye of Childes own fatui informants
Without much pause form Childes last thought the man finds himself waking in his room, unsure if the dream was reality or his mind playing tricks on him, he feels your side of the bed and notices a distinct lack of warmth... and you
He cries
Childe curls himself up in a ball determined to not get caught by anyone showing such an extreme and out of character emotion, he let himself cry. He’s pretty sure he’s sobbing loudly but he doesn’t care. It’s just him in the house anyway. The one person that he doesn’t mind seeing such emotions has left him
That’s until he hears the distinct click of the bedroom door open “Oh my archon Childe, are you okay?” you ask quickly making your way to the side of his bed and placing a hand on his shoulder
The man looks up to you, he isn’t sure if you’re real 
“I thought-” he starts “I had a-” he tries to find his words without seeming like a crazed person “You weren’t-” 
“It’s okay babe, I’m right here. I’m not planning on going anywhere” you console “I just had an epiphany in my dream and I had to write it down” you add explaining your absence. Childe nods along 
“Stay” he tells you as you wipe the tears out of his eyes. You nod and hum
“Of course” you lay onto the bed and let Childe wrap himself around you
You hum him to sleep and whisper sweet nothings
‘I can’t love you anymore Zhongli, I feel obligated to come back to Liyue after every adventure, it’s starting to take a toll on me’
‘But our vows, [name] we made a contract at the altar’
‘To love each other, yes? Zhongli there’s no love left in this marriage, you sleep in the spare bedroom whenever I’m back, we sit in silence over dinner, I don’t think I’ve kissed you in months. The lack of love itself is the breach in the contract’
‘But I-’
‘Think about it, do you really feel the same love that you felt on the day we got married?’
Zhongli wakes up with a start, his heart beats a little fast for a second. The man convinces himself it’s just a dream he had, but the coldness of your side of the bed seems to speak otherwise
In all fairness, Zhongli should have rationalised his dream before he started wondering the house like a mad man. The only time he sleeps in the other bed is when you’ve suffered an extreme injury, dinners are often spent with jolly laughs and conversation. And Zhongli prides himself on the amount of affection he gives you around the house... and in the bedroom
But most things aren’t making sense in his head right now
“Zhongli my love” you call him upon noticing him in the hall. You had just come out of the bathroom after a midnight toilet break “Are you okay darling?” you ask placing a hand on his shoulder
The tenseness in Zhongli’s shoulders dissipate as soon as you initiate the touch
“I love you” he tells you, the declaration is out of nowhere to you. But you smile at him and embrace him
“And I love you too” you pause bringing up your hand baring the ring that sits on it “And this ring is a reminder of our vows and my unyielding love to you” you tell him with a smile
Zhongli chuckles at you and returns your hug “You seem to always know how to comfort me my dear”
“It’s because I’m a mind reader” you jest matching your spouses chuckle
Disappeared. So much so that the thousand winds could tell Venti that you were in fact not in Mondstat and had travelled to Liyue from the time Venti was playing music in the tavern to when he knocked for you early the next morning
The only trace you left was a letter. Unmistakeably written by your hand
‘Venti, writing this in a letter is much easier than saying this to your face. I am quite simply tired of your antics, no matter try to talk to you, you seem to always brush me off. Be it the nights you spend at the tavern, my general concern when you disappear for days at end just to tell me you were at the thousand winds temple, stormterrors lair, or windrise, no matter how much I tell you I checked all three. Being in a constant state of concern isn’t good for me, it’s emotionally draining and I’m terrified of finding you dead somewhere, despite your archon blood. By the time you read this I’ll be in Liyue where I’ll be staying with a friend for a while. Tell me I’m going somewhere you can’t follow, and I’ll tell you this is how I have felt many a night. I wish I could have kept loving you, [name]’
A harsh way to break up Venti admits to himself rereading the paper a few times before waking up
A dream?
Venti holds his chest, surely a dream couldn’t conjure such a horrific sinking feeling that makes him want to just vomit
Looking to your side of the bed for your comfort the sinking feeling intensifies when he doesn’t see you
So it wasn’t a dream? Venti doesn’t want to call on his kin, the thousand winds, again just to be told once more that you’re currently in Liyue sipping tea with this cousin you had mentioned in the letter 
The archon sits up in bed and takes deep breaths, he doesn’t want to explain to anybody that he had a panic attack over your horrific breakup letter, no no
After calming his breaths Venti steps out of bed with a shaky few steps before walking downstairs to engage in the typical breakout routine. Snacking. Maybe when you left you had elected to ignore some of the snacks you love to litter about your abode
When Venti walks in to the living room towards the kitchen he sees you nursing your head on the couch
“[name]?” he asks in almost disbelief
“Hm,” you answer before looking up to Venti “Oh hey love, sorry I’ve got a headache” you greet properly after a moment. Venti grins at you which causes you to tilt your head. Why is your headache so grin worthy? Weird...
“Would you like some paracetamol?” he asks walking beside you, you shake your head
“I just took some” you reply looking up at your partner “Though I’d love to rest my head on your thighs” you add. Venti more then obliges and settles down on the couch
“You know I had the strangest dream” Venti tells you after a prolonged amount of silence, you hum to let him know you’re listening “You left me” he says bluntly
You bring yourself up to Venti’s face with a smile and give him a kiss “I love you Venti, I wouldn’t leave you for even the prettiest lyre” you half console half jest
“That’s because the prettiest lyre is mine” Venti chuckles and you nod pressing another kiss to Venti’s lips
guys it’s 2.42am I’m so sorry if there’s grammatical errors, my brain isn’t catching up rn
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rere-the-writer · 3 years
hey!! If it’s not too much to ask, could I request a kol x reader where the reader is a witch and a doppelgänger? Like somehow the reader and Elena are both doppelgängers, but after Klaus broke the curse the reader was able to live a fairly normal life in New Orleans, that is until Esther comes back. Maybe because of Klaus’ presence in Nola the reader has allied with Marcel for protection, resulting in her befriending Davina and encountering the newly resurrected kol? Kol attacks her when he sees her because he thinks she’s Elena, but when she overpowers him with her magic he realizes she’s not Elena. They eventually become friends and start to develop feelings for each other maybe? I hope that isn’t too specific. I really just would like something a little angsty and fluffy with witch! Kol. I really admire your work. It’s very uplifting and comforting, especially, your kol content. He’s my comfort character but I’ve exhausted the supply of fluffy kol fics 😅 Thanks! Make sure to take care of yourself, love ❤️
I'm glad you like my Kol. Time for some fluff for my baby boy.
Warnings- Fluff, Kol be simpin', A bit of angsty
You had been living in New Orleans for a year now to be away from Katherine and Elena as you were a different doppelganger and still carried the Petrova family name. You were a powerful witch and didn't care that Elena was like your long distance cousin because of the bloodline you shared.
Once you had heard Klaus was spotted in Mystic Falls, much to Elena's disappointment you got the hell out of dodge not wanting to be used by the Original as you knew your family's history with the Mikaelsons. Marcel had took you under his wing much like Davina as you help teach the younger witch to control her magic.
You were angry that your life had been fucked over because of Katherine but after Klaus broke his curse you were able to life a normal life in New Orleans that was until a pregnant wolf and Esther coming back.
"The Originals are in town be careful." Marcel told you knowing if Klaus knew of another doppelganger you would be in danger. But Elijah knew about you as he came to you about Davina and you managed to tell him she wasn't a threat.
"So your family has history with the Mikaelsons?"
"You could say that De."
You could feel Esther's magic as it was heavy in the air even more after Davina told you she brought back Kol. It happened in a blur you were held against a wall by your thoat.
"You killed me litt...." Kol was cut off holding his head as you looked down at Kol with a glare as your hand was in a fist.
"I am not Elena, vampire." You growled as Kol felt like his head was on fire as the pain was unbearable. Kol could see that you may have the same face as Elena, your hair was cut short and curled as you got tired of people mistaken you for Elena or Katherine.
"I see....that....now....you're a powerful....witch." Kol panted as you let him go and Kol couldn't help but stare at you. You were attractive and Kol cursed to hisself now seeing what his brother's saw in the Petrova women.
"And you are annoying Kol Mikaelson."
"Forgive me but I don't know your name."
"And you won't." You say walking away leaving Kol laying there as he got up before deciding to ask Elijah.
"You ran into Y/N Petrova?" Elijah questioned his younger brother putting down his book catching Klaus's attention. Kol had got to Elijah to see if he knew anything and was glad.
"Yes so she is a doppelganger?"
"Yes, it surprised Niklaus when Katherine threw her under the bus. Y/N is the last pure blood Petrova witch." Elijah says as Klaus smirking sitting down remembering when he found you on the third day of him being New Orleans. Unlike Katherine and Elena, you didn't fear Klaus as proven when you made his heart stop when he tried taking you from Marcel.
"She is a little feisty witch. Rebekah likes her better than Katherine and Elena which is saying something."
"Oh?" Kol said standing smirking as Elijah and Klaus knew that smirk this crazy boy was going to try to date you.
"Be care Kol. If Marcellus doesn't kill you then she will."
When you got a call from Klaus saying he needed a powerful witch to weaken the hybrids under mother's control you thought he would talk to Davina.
'I need a Petrova witch love.' Was what Klaus told you and you walked into the compound annoyed when Kol smirked following you up stairs.
"Any plans this weekend?"
"Non of your business." You said annoyed hoping that Kol would have lost interest in you by now but the wildest Mikaelson just fell harder with every name calling and magic sent his way.
"Maybe I could take you out."
"No." You told him glaring but it didn't stop Kol from trying to ask you out or buying you flowers and gifts.
"De! I AM IN LOVE WITH AN IDIOT!" You shouted one morning scaring Davina when you came into your shared apartment. You founded yourself falling for Kol which to you was an idiot and didn't know why. You spent the day ranting to Davina that you couldn't love Kol because he was a Mikaelson and you were a Petrova.
"Hello darling."
"What do you want idiot?" You asked working on a spell to help Elijah when Kol had came over and stepped up behind you. You looked up at Kol and your breathing hitched seeing how close he was and your eyes flickered to his lips.
"I was....hoping that...you would finally. " Kol muttered leaning in as your cheeks flushed moving in also and his lips were on yours. The kiss was explosive as sparks flew and you moan against his mouth kissing back.
"Does this mean you like me and we can see one another?" Kol asked sounding unsure his cheeks tinted red as you smiled softly for the first time since he met you.
"Yeah, you goof." You whispered as Kol brighen kissing you again and let out a whine when you pulled away.
"I need to finish this spell." You tell him letting the vampire cling to you watching you work.
It didn't take Marcel and the other Mikaelsons to notice that Kol and you were seeing one another a lot more. You had managed to mellow Kol out as he now turned all of his focus on you. But one thing you and he agreed on was not tell anyone that he proposed eight months into your relationship as you both didn't know how Klaus would react.
"Cute place."
"What do you want Katherine? I thought you didn't want to be anywhere near Nik?" You questioned walking in to your apartment seeing Katherine sitting in a chair drinking your good wine.
"You cut your hair."
"What do you want?" You asked glaring as your magic was stirring up as Katherine huffed before spotting the engagement ring on your hand.
"You're engaged?"
"Yes now Katherine what do you want?!"
"Fine....I need help and you are the only powerful witch I know. Elena had turned off her humanity and I know you have a spell to get her to turn it on."
"Since when did you care about Elena?" You questioned pulling out your grimoire as Katherine watched you huffing sipping her wine.
"The brothers are boring and all angsty over it. It is annoying but I hear you and Kol are a thing."
"That is non of your business." You tell her getting to work then dropped a small bottle in her hand.
"Have Elena drink that it'll compel her to turn it back on." You tell Katherine as she smirked thanking you before leaving and while she was at it sent a text to Klaus that you were engaged to Kol.
Klaus was angry when he learned of you and Kol ever more angry when learning that Kol was going move out of the city with you after your marriage. In Klaus's eyes you were taking what was his while both Rebekah and Elijah was happy for Kol.
"Go warn her. I'll hold Niklaus back." Elijah told Kol hearing Klaus growled throwing things. Kol was quick to head to your place which smiled brightly seeing him walking in.
"So what kind of cake....Kol are you okay?" You asked seeing how terrified your future husband looked. Kol cupped your face tearing up as if to commit your face to memory.
"Nik knows and is coming for you....you need to run and hopefully he'll calm down and we can marry."
"Kol.....I....don't want....to live...like Katherine had.....please don't." You whimpered as he kissed you gently and helped you pack. That night after using magic to hide your tracks, Kol went to blows with Klaus while Katherine suffered at the hand of Elijah when he learned the vampire was the one to ruin Kol's slice of happiness.
"Come on Elijah, the little witch could use so....." Katherine was cut off when Elijah slammed her against a wall hand warped around her thoat.
"If Y/N dies in the hands of Niklaus, I will not be merciful Katerina."
Four years you were on the run visiting Kol's favorite places which made you feel closer to the Original while learning new magic's getting stronger. You sat in your London flat watching the snow falling gently while unconsciously playing with your engagement ring while thinking about Kol.
"Darling can you let me in?" You heard Kol ask making you rush to the door tearing it open letting him. You jumped up into his arms kissing him deeply pulling a deep moan from Kol.
"You're here! Oh my god I missed you. Never again idiot." You said inbetween kisses as Kol smiled looking up at you with adoration.
"I missed you too darling. You did a better job at hiding than Katherine."
"Wait.! But Klaus?"
"It took three years but Elijah and Rebekah calmed him then I spent a year looking for you." Kol said kissing you again as he took you to your bed relearning one another's body.
"You kept it."
"Yeah....ask me again." You tell him taking the ring off as Kol slipped out of your bed getting on one knee.
"Please marry me? You gorgeous, beautiful woman that I would be honored to be her husband."
"Yes....a thousands times yes." You said tears falling as Kol smiled putting the ring back on your hand. Kol rushed up kissing you again as you both fell back into the bed.
"I love you, my beloved."
"I love you too, Kol." You whispered back as you both finally got to be happy.
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kiatheinsomniac · 3 years
1. I LOVE your writing! You're amazing! 2. If it's not too much trouble, could I request something where Ezio's wife is feeling quite insecure because she feels like she isn't as good as some of the other women Ezio has "been" with like Caterina and Ezio is trying to assure her that she shouldn't feel like that
Of course!! Sorry that it's taken me so long to get round to this, I've hardly been active on Tumblr at all in quite a while but I miss it here :(
She glanced over to where the Contessa was being checked over by a doctor while Ezio worriedly looked over her. Deep down, she knew that he was only concerned because she was a powerful ally to the brotherhood and her arrest at the hands of the Borgia had put her contribution to that alliance in jeopardy. But she couldn't help but fear that he was worried because they had a history together.
Claudia had told (Y/n) enough of what her husband was like in his youth - romancing every attractive woman he laid eyes on. On good days, this made her feel special - she were the one he married, after all - but on worse ones, it made her worry that he felt he could do better and go back to some of these women. Ezio was a faithful man, especially when it came to family, but this didn't stop her from worrying that she may not quite reach what he's been treated to by other women in his past.
She must have been glaring a little too hard though, because soon enough, Claudia was by her side, her arms folded.
"The woman is fine, I have a meeting to attend and he’s holding it up to fuss over her.” She snapped in disdain, her voice lowered as to not carry across the stone walls of Isola Tiberina’s Assassin hideout. 
“I don’t like it.” (Y/n) confessed, her eyes shooting daggers at the Contessa of Forli. Claudia raised a brow at the acid in her tone, finding it so unlike her sister-in-law to be so bitter. Glancing over at Claudia’s expression of surprise, she stepped her way out of the conversation to go and fetch Ezio. He had duties as Mentor of the Brotherhood and she had the claws of jealousy tying knots at her like a marionette. Emotions were something personal to (Y/n) and she wouldn’t watch herself become a wreck over some half-disgraced woman who had lost hold of her city. 
She could remember Ezio telling her how impressed he was to see a woman running a city all on her lonesome once... 
She cleared her throat, dismissing the thought as she did.
“Ezio, our contacts are waiting for you.” She spoke up, her face and voice the mask of business to hide her feelings. 
“Sì, I just-” 
“Bartolomeo has barracks to attend to, Volpe has a tavern to maintain and Claudia has a brothel to run.” She cut him off, watching as he turned his head quickly to face her, his expression a lock of shock and offence, “While they wait for you, their factions wait for them. You keep our entire Brotherhood on hold in a most dire hour to fuss over the Contessa who I’m sure if capable enough of getting her own health in order with the medico.” Ezio had stood now from Caterina’s side, bewildered at his wife’s ill temper. 
“You have a job to do so go do it!” She snapped, “I have recruits to attend to and correspondence to deal with.” And with that said, she stormed off to the study in order to deal with the letters sent from the Brotherhood’s contacts across Italia. 
She set the few recruits that she had gathered in Roma some training assignments and filed through all the available contracts in the Mediterranean, even going as far as to reorganise all the books of the study’s library. All of this was done to avoid going to bed, knowing that Ezio would be there and knowing that he wold ask her about her attitude from earlier. 
It was when she was obsessively trying to get the paperweights in position that the door opened. In stepped the last man that she was willing to face in that moment: her poor husband who had suffered the brunt of her lashing out in jealousy. 
“Gioia,” He began, his tone soft yet cautious, “come to bed.” 
“But I need to sort these out…”
“I’m sure that the papers won’t grow wings and start flying any time soon.” He walked behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist, resting his chin on her shoulder and inhaling deeply as he pressed his face to her neck, “Come, I want to hold you and talk.” 
“I just need...” She obsessively tried to get the weight to fit between the lines of the letter perfectly, some part of her mind telling her that everything would be alright if all these little things were exactly where they needed to be, that she wouldn’t have to talk about her feelings if she just got these other things sorted out first. 
“You need to lay down with your husband,” One of his palms splayed across her stomach, tenderly rubbing up and down as his other hand caressed her waist, “and let him hold you in his arms,” A soft kiss pressed to the nape of her neck, “and tell him all about what has you so stressed. Doesn’t that sound good?”
“Yeah, except the talking about my feelings bit.” She mumbled as the weight refused to quite fit between the lines, tears pricking her eyes, even if she tried to laugh a little. Ezio hummed knowingly. 
“Come on…”
“Ok...” She surrendered, letting him lead her upstairs with one arm around her waist while his free hand held her own, smaller, hand in his. 
He lead her up to their room where he began to strip her of her clothes that day, leaving her in a chemise. He frowned in sadness at her apathy, the way she didn’t melt into his touches as she usually would, and worry set into his veins. 
He pulled her to the bed where he lay beside her, propped up on one elbow while she laid on her back, her bottom lip trembling, eyes glassy and jaw held tight in determination to keep a cool composure. 
“What has upset you?”
“It’s stupid.” She replied simply, “I’m sorry if I’ve upset you or worried you, you don’t deserve that.” She took in a quick breath and covered her face with her hands, a small sob escaping her lips, each one that followed like a pair of scissors to his heartstrings. 
“If it’s making you feel this way, it can’t be stupid.” He rested a hand on her arm and she turned away from him, her hand gripping the case of the pillow under her head impossibly tightly. 
“It’s the Contessa.” She mumbled into the plush pillow, her cheeks already heating up in humiliation, “The way you risked your life to save her today and then you were fussing over her health and...” 
“Amore, you know that I would do all the same and more for you.” He spoke, almost in disbelief that this is what she was so upset about. There was a long silence as she wrapped her arms around her torso, hoping that somehow she could physically hold herself together with her arms. 
“Why did you marry me?” Fresh tears wet her cheeks and she muffled the sound of her crying in the sheets. He drew closer to her and held her in his arms, feeling her frame jolt with each sob. 
“Because I’m in love with you.” He replied simply, “I’m in love with the way you see the world and people, I’m in love with your passion and humour and intelligence.” He squeezed her tightly. 
“But you could have had any woman you pleased, any woman you’ve been with before. The countess of Forli: the only woman strong enough to run her own city and even fend off Borgia armies.” She hesitated but now that she had bottled up such strong emotions all day, the glass had cracked and no one could hold in its contents lest they slice their hands on the glass. “And don’t think I didn’t overhear that night back in Monteriggioni when I was still just the decipherer Leonardo had sent for the codex pages.” 
Once upon a time, this would have been a time for Ezio to be boastful, but now that he was a married man, he only felt rather embarrassed instead. Looking away for a moment, his eyes came back to land upon his wife. 
“You worry that you don’t live up to the women I’ve had before then?” He asked cautiously, knowing that this question may well only make things far worse if he were wrong. 
“She’s a fucking countess who runs her own city and has her own armies, not to mention the fact that she’s also very clearly good in bed. Who am I? The goddamn babysitter of all the recruits.” She threw her hands up in the air before rolling onto her back and turning her head to face him, at last, with teary eyes. 
“You, amore mio,” He began, reaching a hand up to cup her cheek, turning his body even more so in her direction, “are the woman who stole my heart so quickly, that I simply couldn’t wait to marry you.” It was true, they had only been seeing each other for just over 18 months when he asked her to marry him. “You’re an Assassin who is fighting for everyone in Roma and then all of Italia behind her borders.” A conviction began to grow within his voice as he took up her left hand in his, holding it up so that she could see her wedding and engagement rings. “You are the only woman in this world that I want to spend the rest of my life with.” He brought her hand up to place a kiss upon her knuckles. “I have had histories with women before, we both know this… But they are the past and you,” He leaned down to place a soft kiss upon her lips, lingering and tender, “are my future.” 
A small smile quivered upon her lips as fresh tears welled in her eyes, tears of an overwhelming sentiment of love. 
“I love you with all my heart, Ezio.”
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mendesblurb · 3 years
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Rumour Has It
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Shawn Mendes x female reader
Warning: fluff, maybe grammar error and maybe some punctuation errors.
Note: did not proofread this, so sorry about that. Hope you like it anon. Thank you so much for requesting ❤️😆….
It was your last day in Mallorca. The two of you were at a boat with some close friends to flim the last few scenes of the SOL music video.
As the filming wrapped up, Shawn suddenly asked for the whole boat’s attention as he pulled you to stand up, reaching into his pocket and feeling for something, before quickly grabbing your hand again. You look at him with a confused expression, but the look he sent you told you to not worry.
“Okay, dare I say I still get a little bit nervous around you. Get a little bit stressed out when I think about this moment but mostly get too excited. Y/N, I’m falling all in you. So there's nothing holdin' me back right now.”
Your friends chuckled lightly as he say the words, and taking a deep breath.
“Y/n, I’ve been in love with you for as long as I can remember. I can’t seem to write one song that’s not about you or for you. However, no song can ever justify how amazing you are and how in love I am with you but mostly I just can't imagine what my world would be like without you in it.”
Everyone couldn’t help but stare with teary eyes this time, but all you could let out was a small chuckle. You were smiling and tearing up as he continued talking.
“I knew that I just wanna be a part of your life whether as your friend or lover because I will never be able to forgive myself if I let someone like you walked out of my life. They say a person needs just three things to be truly happy in this world: Someone to love, something to do, and something to hope for. I can safely say that I got all that and I am currently living the dream with you by my side.” He stopped for a second, taking a deep breath and trying his best not to tear up.
“After our third month anniversary I remember calling my Dad at around midnight and I said that I really wanna marry you. He said that it was too soon and he said I have to rethink everything, but I meant every word and until today I am still very much in love with you if not more. And I want to spend every single day of the rest of my life with you. So will you make me even happier than I already am and marry me?”
As Shawn finished his speech, he got down on one knee and got the ring out of his pocket, looking up at you with a smile. As tears stream down your face, you smile, nodding your head as he stands, bringing you into a hug.
As you pull apart, he slips the ring onto your finger before he reaches up and wipes your tears. You laugh, sniffling as he leans down and kisses you.
“I want you to clear something up for me because there’s all sorts of rumours flying around about Y/N’s recent TikTok video.” Jimmy said as he bring out a small black cupboard cut out your recent TikTok video.
So after what happened at Mallorca, aka your engagement; the news was kept a secret and neither of you confirm or deny the rumours. Of course your friends and Family knew the truth about the happy news but the two of you simply weren’t ready to tell the whole world.
Well, maybe until SOL was released and you wanted to show support via your TikTok account. But, that day you were less cautious so you forgot to take off your ring. Neither of you thought people would notice, but they did.
Shawn never thought of making a clarification here at the Fallon Show, while promoting his new song but here goes nothing.
It’s now or never. Deep down, he is so happy that he can finally brag about it to the whole world because he was always just one post away from sharing it to his social media while you were always the cautious one in the relationship. Not because you were ashamed or anything but more of keeping things private.
“So, Y/N did this TikTok video right?” Jimmy questions.
“Yep, TikTok is kinda like her thing now since the pandemic.” He giggled.
“Her dance was fabulous, but then look here. Looks like there’s a ring on that finger.” Jimmy continued as the camera zoomed on the cupboard cut out and bunch of ooohh was heard from the audience.
“Yeah, both of us are just excited to finally share the music.” He giggled as he try to deflect the question.
“Yes, jimmy?”
“You know, I gotta ask my friend.” Jimmy replied trying to hold back his laughter.
“I know what you’re gonna ask.” Shawn smiled shyly.
“So… did you asked Y/N Y/L/N to marry you?”
“Yeah, I did! And she said yes!” He blurred out quickly.
“Oh my god!! Please tell me more, I need details.”
“So, I have to say it was kinda hard to convince her that she should come to Mallorca too. Of course she wants to be there but it was the same time with her press tour. And so I had to call her manager and bunch of other people to make it possible.” He grinned before continuing.
“So if you guys saw the music video, there were a couple of scenes where we were all at a boat, and so it actually was a last minute arrangement so Y/N wouldn’t be suspicious. And so we flimed that first then I proposed after that. Lots of thing happened man, I mean I even almost lost the ring too and I somehow got bitten by a sea lice.”
The audience exclaimed a bunch of oohhh and sweet 'aw’ when they saw Shawn proudly showing the pictures on his phone and Jimmy was just widely smiling.
“I feel like time flew by so fast, last time both of you were here you were denying all dating rumours.” Jimmy said, “and now you are getting married to each other, this is the best news ever!”
“Yeah I was already so in love with her back then, now I just can’t wait to marry her,” He commented and nodding his head slowly.
“Do you know the wedding date?” Jimmy asked hesitantly, to which Shawn took another breath before replying.
“Yeah, we do,” he laughed nervously. “We are going to do it somewhere next year after Wonder tour ends.”
 “I’m so happy for both of you right now! I can only hope I will get an invitation.”
“Of course man, it would be great to have you.” Shawn smiled.
The rest of the interview was great. He talked more about both KESI and SOL, learning Spanish with you, how proud he is that your movie will be out soon, and how both of you have been quite busy with all the wedding planning.
Thank you for reading guys... feel free to like, reblog, follow my account, leave a comment and my chat is always open for random chats or requests... appreciate every single one of you... ❤️
Taglist: @monikamendes @holland-styles @bvttercupbby @lonelyreputation @badreputationlove @shawn-is-my-giant-jellybean @benito-mi-vida @swiftmendeshoran @yournameoneverypage @shawn-is-bruh @mendesbhraanth @perfectlywrongsm @imaginashawnns @smendes-forever @nervousmendes @whenyoureadyholland @shawn-youth @myboyshawn @camilalewiss @camilalewisss @theregoesmyherojd @nanijaac1 @shawnieeboyy @silverswallow @judeduarteripoff
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desiredmalfoy · 3 years
Future Mrs. Malfoy
Pairing: Draco Malfoy x Reader
Genre: Fluff! So much Fluff!
Universe: No Voldemort. No War :) No trauma
Word Count: 1.3k
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(Credit to the owner of the gif)
I’m back with more Draco fluff! My speciality! :) Draco calls with reader Malfoy instead of by her last name.
”This assignment must be completed with your partner. Only turn in one set with both names written on it” Professor Slughorn paced the room in between the tables filled with Slytherin and Gryffindor students. “You must research the ingredients needed for the Draught of Living Death Potion, how to make this potion, and what is it that it does.”
“This must be done by the next class before you actually brew the potion.” Professor Slughorn stopped in front of Dean and Seamus for the next part, as if directly speaking to them. “This is a very powerful potion and you must get it right.”
You turned to Draco who was sitting next to you and gave him a smile, he saw you and winked. Having the best potions student as your boyfriend had its perks. 
“You will be given the remaining of the class to finish this assignment, but I expect you to have the assignment completed by the next class.” 
“Let’s get started darling”, Draco pulled out parchment paper from his bag and set it on the table. 
“I’m so glad I have you as my partner for potions.”
“What would you do without me” Draco teased you lightly as he poked your side with his quill.
“Go and partner up with Potter”, you giggled into your palm as Draco looked over at you, definitely not amused with your joke. “I’m joking babe. I wouldn’t even go near Potter.”
“Good”, he muttered underneath his breath. “Now let’s get started. I want to finish this here so we don’t have to worry about it later.”
“You owe me a kiss for that joke by the way,” Draco added with a smirk as he wrote your names on the top of the parchment. You didn’t even pay attention to that at the moment. But he had written Draco & (Y/N) Malfoy on the top of it.
“Fine, you’ll get all the kisses you want later.”
“All that I want?”
You were currently in Draco’s dorm after a tiring day of class. Both of you had just finished your days and had returned from dinner. You grabbed your bag looking for your favorite lip gloss when you pulled out the graded assignment that Slughorn had handed back today. You hadn’t noticed before but the top of the paper where your names were placed read: Draco & (Y/N) Malfoy. 
You walked to where Draco was laying on the bed after just showering and getting ready to relax for a bit. You laid down next to him with the parchment paper still in your hand. 
“Draco it seems you forgot to write my full name.” You sat up and handed him the parchment papers so he could see his mistake. He grabbed them from you and barely looked at them.
“I didn’t darling.” He stated simply as he handed them back to you. “I’m just using the last name you’ll have one day so you can get used to it.”
“Draco”, you whined as you placed your head in a pillow in an attempt to hide your reddening cheeks.
“You know we are practically engaged,” he lifted your head gently off the pillow so that you were looking at him. 
“We were five when you proposed to me”, you laughed at the memory of you and Draco when you were younger. 
You had come over to Malfoy Manor with your mother who was having tea with Narcissa Malfoy. You were currently playing in the garden with Draco who you had known since you both were babies. Many playdates later and the both of you were basically inseparable. He was your best friend in the whole world. 
“I have a surprise for you”, Draco said as his tiny hand grabbed yours to guide you in the direction of the bench near Narcissa’s garden.
“What is it “, you asked excitedly, smiling widely as you sat on the bench as Draco stood in front of you.
“This ring”, Draco grabbed a small box from his pocket. He opened the box and pulled out a ring with an emerald in the middle. “Mother let me get it for you.”
“It's so pretty”, you squealed as you let him put it on your finger. 
“My mommy has one that my dad gave to her when they got married.” You explained to him as you were still looking at the ring on your finger.
“We should get married when we’re older. Do you want to marry me when we're older?” Draco said as he now took the seat right next to you.
Your parents thought it was the cutest thing ever.
“You still have that ring and wear it everyday darling”, he grabbed the small ring on the necklace around your neck, playing with the tiny ring. When it had become too small to wear, you had placed it on a necklace to wear instead. It was a simple silver band with a tiny green emerald in the middle. The Malfoy’s didn’t play when it came to jewelry, even when it was little Draco giving it to you.
“Plus remember when I gave you these”, Draco grabbed your hand and pointed at the matching snake ring you both had as well as the small diamond ring, a Malfoy family heirloom.
“Of course I do babe” you remembered fondly the summer before sixth year when you had stayed at Malfoy Manor for a month. Your parents had gone off on a trip, which you did not want to go on, had allowed you to stay with the Malfoys. They had been long family friends and they didn’t see any issue staying with them for a long extended period of time. 
“Do you remember what I said to you darling”, he grabbed you by the waist and pulled you into a hug. You threw the papers in your hand to the floor as laughter escaped to you. He placed multiple kisses all over your face. 
“Yes! You said it’s just a placeholder for my actual engagement ring.” You snuggled in closer to him as he tickled your side lightly. “And you said it would also let any other guy know to not even get near me.”
“I wasn’t joking you know”, Draco mumbled as he kissed the top of your hair. 
“I know.”
“You’re the future Mrs. Malfoy you should get used to being called your future last name now.”
“(Y/L/N), I need to borrow your notes for Divination.” Theo said as he walked to the table that you and Draco were currently sitting at. “I accidentally lost mine.”
“Malfoy”, Draco said without turning his attention from his essay in front of him. The both of you were currently sitting in the Slytherin common room studying when Theo came up to you.  
“What’, Theo looked over to you confused at what Draco had said.
“Malfoy, that is her future last name so please refer to her as that instead”, Draco said while still looking down at his work, as if to imply that this should be common knowledge by now.
“Okay, (Y/L/N)-- I mean Malfoy or whatever last name you are using, can I please borrow them?” You playfully rolled your eyes at your boyfriend's antics. 
“Here you go Theo”, you said as you handed a still confused Theo the notes from the table. “Don’t lose these too.”
“Thanks Malfoy”, Theo said teasingly as he walked away from you. “And I won’t.” 
“See I told you it would catch on.”
“It will if you tell everyone to call me Malfoy.”
It was only a year after you had graduated from Hogwarts that you were officially engaged to Draco Malfoy. 
He had gotten down on one knee on your anniversary and asked you to be his wife.
You excitedly agreed with tears streaming down your face. He gave you a ring that was a combination of both your previous rings. This one though had your first name initial and Malfoy engraved in the inside of the band.
Months later you stood in the front of all your friends and family where you were officially announced as Mrs. Draco Malfoy.
You were now a Malfoy. Even though he had been calling you Malfoy for years now.
(Y/N) Malfoy.
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queenshelby · 3 years
Featuring: Emmett x Reader
Words: 1,347
Warnings: Pregnancy, Fluff
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Two Years Later…
It has been two years since you almost passed away that night, giving birth to your son after having lost a significant amount of blood.
It took several blood transfusions to get you back onto your feet and, for about three nights, no one knew whether you would be going to make it or not. But you did, and now you had become stronger than ever.
Two months after your son was born, you began to work at the infirmary on the island while Emmett often travelled to the mainland with a group of men and women, including your eldest brother, to gather supplies.
Just during their last run six weeks ago, they returned with new survivors, a man by the name of Ivan who was a priest and his sister Elenore.
The community was growing bigger slowly but steadily and you were grateful for what you had as the creatures continued to loom across on the mainland.
Nonetheless, every time Emmett left, you worried. You never knew if he would return and you had no way of communicating with him while he was gone.
For the past three days, you were waiting impatiently as he had gone for much longer than you had expected until, finally, you saw the island’s boat approach on the shore.
‘Look John, daddy is home’ you said eagerly as you saw Emmett at the front of the boat with, what seemed to be, even more new arrivals.
‘It’s alright, go on, you can talk here’ Emmett said to a young girl who must have been about seven or eight years old. But she didn’t speak and looked confused.
‘Daddy’ John shouted out as you walked over towards Emmett and the young girl and Emmett was quick to give you a kiss and take John into his arms, giving him a big a hug.
‘Oh, I missed you my little boy’ Emmett said as he gave John a kiss on the cheek. ‘And I missed my little girl too’ Emmett then said as he placed his palm over your rather large belly and was rewarded with a kick from his daughter which was due to arrive on this world in less than eight weeks.
‘What is your name?’ you asked the young girl as she stood beside you, but she didn’t answer and quickly held onto Emmett.
‘Alright, uhm, are you hungry?’ you then asked and the girl nodded, while pulling on Emmett’s jacket who, in turn, gave her a quick nod and told her that it was alight to talk to you.
‘Good, do you like spaghetti?’ you asked and she nodded again, which encouraged you to tell her to follow you. But again, there was no reaction from her until Emmett took her hand and told her to come along.
‘What about her parents Emmett?’ you whispered quietly and Emmett shook his head and told you that her father didn’t make it when they found them.
You nodded somewhat saddened and, without questioning, offered her a room at your new house in which you were living with Marie who had recently turned 14, Emmett and your two-year-old son John.
It was obvious to you that she had built a connection with Emmett and was rather afraid of all the strangers around her.
Marie was quick to offer her a shower while you prepared the food and finally found some time to ask Emmett about what happened.
Emmett told you that he had found her in an old factory building up north. Her father must have passed away a few days earlier and she was on her own. They had found his body and when Emmett asked her about her mother, she shook her head.
You wondered whether she learned how to speak or whether she wasn’t able to. No doubt, time would tell and you were both determined to give her some time.
And time it took. For weeks, the little girl said nothing and you didn’t even know her name. You made her as comfortable as you could, providing her with a home and taking her out to explore the island.
‘So, I was thinking that, perhaps, tomorrow night, you could look after John and our new little friend here?’ Emmett said to Marie who was chopping up vegetables for preserving.
‘You are finally going to do it, aren’t you?’ Marie asked after she ensured that you weren’t around.
‘Yes and I even got a ring’ Emmett said with a smile as he pulled out a small jewellery box.
‘You broke into a jewellery store. Nice work’ Marie laughed, causing Emmett to shrug his shoulders.
‘I don’t think the owner would have minded’ Emmett explained.
‘Of course, I will watch the kids’ Marie then said which was when the young girl shook her head. She didn’t want to stay with Marie.
‘Maybe I will take them both’ Emmett then said, pouting as he did.
And so he did. He got John ready along with a basket full of food before telling you that you would be going down to the lake for a picnic.
‘You will make me waddle all the way to the lake?’ you chuckled and Emmett nodded eagerly.
‘It will be worth it, trust me’ he then said and you responded with a quick ‘ok’ before putting on your shoes and following him and your little nameless friend.
When you arrived at the lake, Emmett spread the blanket out across the green grass and took John in to the water for a quick dip. It was a warm day and John just loved playing in the water.
‘Did you want to go in? I did bring you swimmers?’ you asked the little girl, but she shook her head and reached for another apple as she watched John and Emmett play in the water with a smile.
After about ten minutes, John had enough and Emmett brought him back out before drying himself off.
‘You know, I often remember that night at the river. Our first night together’ Emmett whispered so that no one could hear while you got John dressed in some warm clothes.
‘Me too. And look at us now’ you said with a smile, which is when Emmett began searching through the basket for the small jewellery box.
‘Well, I think it is about time that I ask you a very important question’ Emmett then said as he pulled you up from where you were sitting while John was sitting on the picnic blanket and eagerly watched the situation unfold.
‘Uhm…damn’ Emmett then said, lost for words before dropping onto one of his knees in front of you.
‘Damn?’ you laughed, waiting for him to say what he wanted to say.
‘I didn’t think I would do this again’ he said nervously and, just as he did, you could both see the little girl giggle, standing there and watching Emmett all so nervously mutter out some words.
‘He wants to know whether you want to marry him’ the young girl then blurted out, laughing and giggling.
‘Uhm yes, do you?’ Emmett then asked slightly amused but still nervous.
‘Yes, of course I do. Of course want to marry you’ you said with a wide and bright smile just before he put the ring he got from the mainland during his last run onto your finger.
After Emmett and you finally shared a passionate kiss, sealing your engagement, you turned around to the young girl, looking at her confused and full of questions.
‘My name is Emily and I guess you will be my new parents now that my real parents are dead’ she said before giving you both a hug.  
‘I am so sorry’ you just managed to say before returning the hug and suggesting that you head back to the house soon as the rain was coming in.
‘That sounds good’ Emily responded before picking up John and carrying him piggy bag.
‘Looks like we are going to be one big family, eh?’ Emmett said as he took your hand and you both followed Emily and John back to the house.
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joannerenaud · 2 years
March 2022 Author of the Month-- an interview with Gareth Williams
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Happy spring equinox! March 20 was also the day that Napoleon, freshly escaped from Elba, marched into Paris, greeted by cheering crowds. And today, speaking of Napoleon, I’m pleased to introduce Gareth Williams (here on Tumblr at @garethwilliamsauthor​). He’s the talented author of Needing Napoleon, a new time travel/alternate history thriller where the twenty-first century, down-on-his-luck protagonist, Richard Davey, goes back in time to help Napoleon win the battle of Waterloo. Does Richard succeed in changing history? What adventures befall him on the way? And what is his relationship like with his hero, Napoleon? Find out in Needing Napoleon— the first three commenters will win a free PDF copy!
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Hello, Gareth. Thanks for coming here today. How did you become interested in Napoleon?
It is hard to remember a time when I wasn’t captivated. I suppose it started at school but before I knew it, I was teaching about Napoleon to my own students!
I think it is the scale of his achievements, both military and civil, achieved, let’s face it, against the odds. An obscure Corsican becomes Emperor of the French, fighting a series of European coalitions, codifying French law, building infrastructure and defying the dominance of the British Empire. Of course, without the French Revolution opening up the military to men of talent rather than title, he would have remained an obscure Corsican. So, the short answer, is that I was drawn to his against the odds story. Plus the glamour of the Hundred Days, when, like a boxer who can’t stay retired, he steps into the ring for one last fight, and what a fight - Waterloo!
When did you first become interested in writing a novel about him? Specifically, a time travel novel?
It had been a vague idea for a long time. I had written other stories, pretty unsuccessfully, partly because I was reluctant to tackle a subject so close to my heart.
But retiring a couple of years ago presented the opportunity to think and plan a book with Napoleon at its heart. Then the first UK lockdown was introduced in late March 2020 and I was out of excuses! In fact, I wrote the whole thing, once plot notes were complete, in just three months. As to the time travel component, there are two reasons I was drawn to this element of the plot. Firstly, I love time travel stories in general. Secondly, I am like my central character, Richard Davey, in that I too was a history teacher and I too believe Napoleon underperformed at The battle of Waterloo. If only I (or Richard) could whisper in his ear. Surely, then, we would see the Bonaparte of Austerlitz, not the pale shadow whose lacklustre command lost the battle.
Do you have any favorite books or movies about Napoleon?
As a man past his mid-fifties, I was dazzled by the sheer scale of Sergei Bondarchuk’s film Waterloo starring Rod Steiger and produced by Dino de Laurentiis. I recommend Max Gallo’s series of books recounting Bonaparte’s life in the first person. Even translated from French into English, all four books in the series seem to put you right inside Napoleon’s head!
Do you have any favorite books or movies about time travel?
Time and Time Again by Ben Elton is brilliant about the experience of being stranded in the past.
Making History by Stephen Fry tackles the unforeseen consequences of tinkering with the past. When this came out, I was gutted. It was like he had stolen ideas right out of my head and made them better! To add insult to injury he went to Queens’ College, Cambridge University just like me.
I really enjoyed the original Back to the Future movie starring Michael J. Fox from 1985. I was at university, I had just got engaged, my future was bright!
Terminator and Terminator 2 are classics too, you just can’t separate them. They sum up the basic time travel plot in non-stop action movies. And you can’t forget Bill Murray’s arrogant weatherman learning to be a better person in Groundhog Day.
Can you tell me more about your research process? How accurately did you try to depict Napoleon—- and what aspects of his character might you have altered and why?
I read quite a lot of autobiographical material dictated by Napoleon. I was influenced, as I said earlier, by Max Gallo. In truth, I don’t think there is one true Napoleon waiting to be revealed through research. The artillery officer at Toulon morphed into a commander in Italy who became one of three Consuls governing France before having the Pope watch him crown himself Emperor of the French!
Life changed him. He started out as an opportunistic republican and look where he ended up!
If I have altered anything, it is to allow Napoleon to retain a little more of his earlier self, buried, but waiting to be re-ignited. Richard Davey, the time travelling schoolteacher will try to light that fire! As a consequence, Bonaparte emerges a little more open to advice and becomes, perhaps, a little less arrogant than the average emperor.
I’ve seen a number of recent fictional depictions of Napoleon where he’s depicted as a Hitler-like villain trying to conquer the free world. In your book, the hero not only admires Napoleon, but he’s willing to buck his very British upbringing by trying to help his hero win Waterloo. What led you to this characterization?
To be honest, I never buy into cartoonish caricatures. Very few leaders are without redeeming features, especially if judged by the standards of the time. Hitler was a monster. Napoleon was not. How else can we explain the men who rallied to his cause in 1815 when he escaped Elba and returned to France?
The other issue here, is the notion that Napoleon wanted to be a new Alexander the Great, conquering the known world.  Firstly, he was constantly faced with military coalitions determined to oust him as a threat to the notion of hereditary monarchy. What choice did he have but to fight?
Secondly, how was his behaviour different from the British? They claimed to be reluctant to subsume territories into their empire and yet it girdled the globe! All major European powers were prone to acquiring territories to their own benefit. France under Napoleon was no different.
As to Richard Davey’s motivation, his life is empty, he admires the scale of Bonaparte’s achievements and believes his downfall was not inevitable. Dreams of Napoleon fill Richard’s emptiness. After all, I’m British but admire the Founding Fathers of the United States!
Your depiction of Waterloo was particularly memorable. It feels like you were there. Did you travel to Belgium to see the battlefield?
Thank you. That is very rewarding to hear but I have never visited the site of Waterloo.  Most battlefield visits are a disappointment. Usually, you end up looking at farmers’ fields trying to imagine what happened there centuries ago. I have visited many other battle sites without finding them especially informative.  So, I decided to rely on the wealth of published material on the battle from narrative accounts to meteorological reports, from detailed illustrations of uniforms to explanations of early nineteenth century tactics.
What inspired your depiction of your hero’s best friend Emile?
In truth, Emile developed as I wrote. I needed someone on the French side who would listen to Richard. Without that, he would have been shot as a spy in short order.
I know this is not really a good way to develop character, but I got to know him as he interacted with Richard. He had to be open-minded and fairly close to Bonaparte hence his regiment and posting.
I also wanted him to be a contrast to Richard Davey. In a way, he is everything Richard might wish to be. He is confident, charming, sociable, brave and relatively successful. He also gives Richard an anchor in the past that has become his present and in so doing, allows him to start thinking about his nineteenth century future.
Thanks Gareth! Your novel was fast-paced and a lot of fun. As this is the first in a trilogy, I am very excited to read the sequels!
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As an additional treat, I have uploaded Gareth’s interview with Carole Horton of Radio Skye here. And I also have uploaded a playlist, also curated by Gareth, to my Youtube channel. You can listen to it here— there’s also a description of how the tracks inspired him.
Don’t forget, the first three commenters on this post (not reblogs, just comments) will win a free PDF copy of Gareth’s book. Thanks everyone!
More about Gareth: 
If you enjoyed this interview, here’s another interview he did with the Historical Novel Society.
Gareth’s website can be found here— and this is his Goodreads page. If you enjoyed this content, please hit like and subscribe!
Purchase info:
Amazon.com Amazon.co.uk Waterstones Browns Books Book Depository
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