#i have a whole tag you can peruse if you want to learn more or refresh your memory
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[id: a graphic with a series of three images: a girl with her eyes cast in shadow, a statue of a saint dripping gold, and two hands with light between them. the text overlaid reads ‘the metamorphosis of the lost’ / end id]
“Kevla is rotten to the core,” June continued. She was as close to impassioned as India thought she would ever visibly be, reminding India of the times June had opened up before, the anger burning like a bright, cold, distant star in her eyes. “You can’t fix Kevla. All you can do is remove some of the damage.”
after roughly fourteen months of writing, i am proud to announce that the first draft of the metamorphosis of the lost is officially done. at the start of the summer last year (2022), i had only 120k words, and the end seemed unreachable. now, i’ve wrapped up the first draft at a rounded up value of 310k. it’s crazy to think that i’ve actually reached this point. i started tracking my writing progress during my summer goal of 200k, and continued to do so during the fall semester, of which i only failed to write one day. in retrospect, all those days where i was too tired to write more than a few sentences, with word counts under 100, and the months where i struggled to hit my goal of 500 a day - all those days piled up to the completion i achieved right on time for 2023 to hit. 
will i definitely do more work on this novel? who knows. i can’t say for certain that i’ll ever go back to it, or that a second draft will occur. but i hope i will. i always planned for tmotl to have a companion piece, for this to be the first part of a duology. do i have nothing but a few scattered ideas tying the two together? yes. i do need to actually tackle the plot of that rumored companion novel soon.
“What did you ever do for me?” she asked bleakly. “I’m dead because of you. If you had cared at all, the Black Saint would have died long before I came back to find him still alive.” If he had been dead then, I might have come back to you, she didn’t say, because it was something that she would never be able to take back if she did.
i’ve posted a lot of (unpolished) excerpts on here before, so in honor of finishing the first draft, i figured i would let myself talk about the writing process and all the little things i haven’t shared yet! if you were ever interested in finding out more about this wip, or read the posts i’ve made and thought ‘idk what this is about but this is cool’ (as i never did post those character profiles or setting notes or anything informative beyond the wip intro...), read on.
(fair warning: it’s long.)
Kevla itself might be larger than life, but India didn’t believe in the city either. She just knew it existed, because she couldn’t ignore its presence in her life. 
Maybe Kevla was God.
we’ll start with the city itself. kevla, a city set somewhere on the coast, estranged from the rest of the world that it can’t really be imagined somewhere on a map. kevla is, at it’s heart, a gritty thing to behold: it is a city that is trying to kill you, and the only thing that will save you. 
there have been many times when i’ve looked at a wip and said, this wip is just going to be normal. there will be no magical realism in this wip.’ this was not the case for tmotl - when i was first visualizing the story, i knew that i wanted the city the vigilantes occupy to be alive in a very magical realism way. therefore, kevla is a sentient being, though it is never explicitly called that. it is only understood by the characters throughout the story, by anele and india and vin and june. it is talked about as something that acts on its own. in this, kevla becomes both the setting and a character. 
kevla itself is neatly divided into districts. i live in the suburbs, and have not lived in any big metropolises, but i have visited nyc, and d.c.  is kevla not exactly designed as a realistic city would be? yes. but i think it fits into the rest of the novel - kevla has to be small for logistical reasons, but it also has to be larger than life. it has to be a peninsula, with a raging coastline, and it has to have a living forest cutting it off from everything else. the people who live in kevla understand the uncanny nature of their city, but it is not unusual to them - it’s just the place they live.
He didn’t say anything. India drew in a shuddering breath and felt his chest expand slightly, in the barest way, ribs rigid through his costume. She could draw a knife right now, stab him fatally, slide it into the spot between the ribs, drive it in through his skin and break through his back. If not that, then a bullet at close range. The possibilities were endless. At this point, she could see the seams in his body armor. Everything and anything could be destroyed at this close.
india, india, india. tmotl definitely doesn’t have a single main character - june and india both share that title, and many other characters have a substantial amount of povs - but tmotl is also very much india’s story, because she’s the girl i wanted to write about first. an angry girl. an outcast. someone who is overflowing with all the wrong emotions. someone who bares her rage on her teeth.
india as indigo is directionless. she’s stuck in place, and she doesn’t know where she’s going. it’s only after she’s killed by the black saint and returns as the red saint that she finally has a purpose - to kill the black saint, and to prove the world (the vigilantes) wrong. to show them. where she had just been following other people’s paths, and rules, now she forges her own. still, even, she’s torn in her heart - does she really want burned bridges? does she want death? apologies? for all that india claims, she doesn’t really know, herself, but it takes her a long time before she can admit that to herself.
india is, at her core, unpredictable. she’s a series of contradictions, which is intended. no matter how much drive you have, it doesn’t amount to anything if you don’t know where you’re going, or why you’re going at all. she’s a treasure trove of trust issues, impulses, and sharp edged defenses. she doesn’t trust anyone, because she was abandoned from birth - there was never anyone in her corner until she met anele and vin. even then, even with a found family, she put up the walls; she wants to be understand, while believing so strongly in the fundamental divide between them all - that they will never understand what it’s like to be her.
india is a mouthpiece for something that often echoed throughout my thoughts, especially when first brainstorming for tmotl. who gets to decide who the good guys are in vigilantism? are you the good guys, india asks, because you didn’t let your trauma affect you? because you dealt with it ‘neatly?’ am i the bad guy for not being able to?
“I didn’t die easily,” June said ferociously. “None of us died easily. People like you didn’t let us die easily. Our death, to you, was nothing but a chance, but for us it was hell, over and over again. Why do you expect compassion from me when you never had any for any of us? You didn’t change anything. You didn’t save anyone. You took a legacy and let it live on.”
She swallowed back her anger and lividity, fingers curling around the knife handle.
“Complacency is a crime.”
june, our other leading lady. summer 2021, when i was first having the beginnings of an idea of what this story would become, june’s description was ‘a revenge driven victim of nonconsensual body modification/experimentation.’ she was always designed to be the perfect experiment, in a way. she’s the timepiece, not a cog, of the weaponization of children.
june’s story is one of agency. of irony. she’s dissociated from her body - it is just a thing she lives in. it was something that was made by other people. she uses that body to kill the people that made her, as if saying, ‘look what the body you made can you do. look what the thing you made is capable of.’ she is the sword that turns on its owner, the weapon that fights back instead of fleeing. where does the weapon end and the girl begin? she doesn’t even know herself.
june is the ice to india’s fire. they complement each other like that. she’s the level headed one, the executioner. india’s all impulsivity and anger, emotions spilling out over the edges as june keeps everything she feels close. she doesn’t even know how much she’s feeling at any time; june keeps everything muted, a further dissociation from the self.
her revenge is not really revenge so much as it is vengeance. it’s the only way she can even begin to reclaim her agency, and while she acknowledges that at some level, outwardly the reason for what she does is simple: so that it never happens to anyone else. not for herself, but for everyone else. or so she tells herself.
“We’re here,” Vail said. “If you ever want to talk more about any of it, we’re here.”
“But you’re not,” Emrys said, hating the way her voice cracked on the last word. “All of you are here, but you’re not there.”
They were alone. She felt terrible and peculiar, as if they were pins on a map, standing in the same city but far away from each other. As if walking in parallel lines, but heading in different directions. When India had been there, things had been different. When Aerin had been there, Emrys had thought she would at least have the comfort of knowing she wasn’t alone, but she was alone. They all were.
emrys wasn’t supposed to be that main of a character, but she ended up badgering her way into the story anyways, snatching up a large percentage of povs. she became very close to my heart, maybe because, out of all of the characters, she was the most like me in her mind (and i spent a lot of time in her mind). kind of like my embodiment of girlhood - she’s in her nebulous coming of age, in the background: confronting hard truths and hard feelings alongside grief, as she steps into new shoes all on her own. she didn’t quite end up following the ideas i had in mind for her, but i’m pretty satisfied with the emrys i have left.
emrys was supposed to be the hope of the group. in every story (at least for me), there must be someone who represents the new when it comes to the old (pain, trauma, tradition, etc). in a twist of irony, emrys herself became aware of this - she herself thinks that she doesn’t want to be hope, or in pandora’s box at all.
for a character that was supposed to be the happy, bright one, the emrys we meet in tmotl is living out an aftermath. that happy, bright girl is who she used to be. the girl she is now is one transforming, becoming a darker shadow to her brighter body. many of the things she does throughout the story would be considered uncharacteristic from those who know her, and even though the readers are not aware of who this girl used to be (and only catch glimpses of her), the reactions of other characters tell us this.
“You know why I saved you,” Catrin said. 
“I do,” Vin agreed. He could never forget the life debt he carried so heavily on his heart, which had stayed his hand a hundred times over. It was the reason he was loyal to her after all; their relationship was built on mutual debt, with which came a degree of shared trust. Vin had always known that one day she might aim him at someone with intent to kill, and he would do it. If only to keep the balance.
onto vin, one of the older members of this vigilante group at 25, but no less important. he is supposed to come off as almost inhuman - flexible beyond measure, moving like a shadow, so quiet that he makes no noise at all, as if he was a ghost. vin is a mystery, and a private person, who is frustratingly hard to understand to his younger counterparts, such as india and emrys, and still an enigma to his older partners, such as anele. he has one of the most thought out characterizations (because i had so much to work out when it came to his character), but you probably learn the least about him throughout the story.
vin bears the brunt of india’s anger and emrys’ frustration in the story, partially because he’s so hard to communicate with (in a way), and partially because he’s the one they want to prove themselves to. he’s aloof and talented; he never messes up, or calls the wrong shot. he was built for the job, it seems. of course, this is what it looks like on the surface - underneath tells a story, the dark side of june’s moon. human experimentation to the point of dehumanization. on the surface, he looks ordinary. inside, who knows what he has become.
vin operates by a strict moral code. he’s brutal, and capable of extreme cruelty, but he never kills. in a fight, he says, the only thing that matters is the people you want to protect. one rule, but it’s the only thing that matters. this is where he and india clash - she wants the black saint dead, but vin will never kill (for reasons relating to backstory info that can’t be shared at this moment lol).
a fun fact, though, which i don’t think i actually mentioned in the first draft even though it’s so clever, is that vin is short for corvin. corvin derives from corvinus, which derives from the latin word corvus in turn. corvus literally means raven, but it also refers to the genus of birds including crows, ravens, etc. his vigilante name is crow btw.
Angry was too close to being a bomb herself, and for all her sermons on understanding bombs, Anele had already died in the face of one. She did not want to become one herself.
When bombs exploded, they left no survivors. Even the ones who lived were not untouched. 
The ones who died, too, even.
anele!! the wisest of the bunch, maybe, if wisdom equals years. she’s not the mother figure, but more like an older sister to many of the vigilantes. someone you would go to for advice. where everyone else came from empty and hard childhoods, anele grew up loved with a single father, in a suburban neighborhood. she has memories she can look back on with fondness, instead of ones tainted by death or grief.
although anele is always moving forwards, she, too, is mired in the past. she grieves for herself. she visits her father as a ghost, leaving him things without ever knocking on the door, because she is afraid she wouldn’t be welcomed back as one of the living. so much of her current life is trapped in the half second before she died the first time. she might not have believed in the system, but she participated in it, until dying. then, she realized it was always going to fail her. despite being straight laced, she believes in the gray line between black and white, the area outside of laws and all that.
anele steps into the role of x-le with ease, but at the heart of the matter, she doesn’t trust catrin, especially since she never asked to be saved, or to be brought back to life with metal in her veins. she doesn’t allow this to color her professional relationships, but on a personal level, she doesn’t hide her scrutiny.
anele and vin have by far one of my most favorite relationships in the novel, mostly because she is, at least, deeply in love with him in a way that can’t even be described as love. it’s subtle, but interwoven in all their interactions. feelings where there shouldn’t be. emotion where it can’t exist. makes me go insane, honestly.
You didn’t have to answer, Diem thought, but couldn’t make herself say it, because a part of her had always been waiting. Ever since her childhood, when she had first heard the whispered rumors about her father, when she had realized that there would always be questions about her birthright and place following her, she had been waiting for a father to claim. For a father to destroy.
Her mother’s hand on her own, helping her slide the knife into skin, wiping the blood spray for her face gently, showing her how to clean the blade. 
diem is, out of all the vigilantes (our heroes and heroines), the most antagonistic one by design. she is one of the characters that was meant to stay the truest to their original designs (of an old wip also called tmotl i half planned back in 2019-2020, of which several characters were taken off the shelf and dusted off for this story). the diem i created then was cutthroat and hard to the bone, the kind of person who used people and threw them away when she was done. here, her personality is a bit toned down, if only because she has to take the back burner - she’s not the leader, but now a ‘lackey.’ a team member. however, although diem might be one with the team, she very much chafes against the idea, an independent contractor.
daughter of the infamous bowman, a criminal overlord, and an unnamed man, diem grew up in a life of elite crime. she might have died since then, but it only made her harder. out of all of them, diem is the one who focuses the most on impartiality, of cutting things off before they drag her down. she cuts her losses before they can cut her. sentimentality has no place in her - she is a brutal machine, always pushing herself forward. the only soft spot she has is for vail, and even then, she’s hard pressed to show it. to diem, all her weaknesses became her strengths, including her death.
to india, diem is someone she wants to destroy. prior to death, they were always at each other’s throats, and after it, it’s no surprise that diem is the main voice preaching that india can’t be saved. their similarities only cause their differences to be more abrasive.
Kevla already had one saint. It didn’t need another. The audacity they had to call themselves Saints when all they did was contribute to the hell so many people were trapped in made Vail vengeful—he didn’t believe in Saints, and even if he did, they wouldn’t be the ones who walked the streets. Saint wasn’t a title one gave themselves; it had to be earned.
vail is the quiet one. where everyone else is brimming with opinion and emotion, vail is in the backdrop, a muted color against all the vivid, dark ones competing for space. he is kind and compassionate in comparison to diem’s hard headed ruthlessness, but he’s also the only one who can meet her head on without getting emotionally involved - maybe that is why he is the only one who can temper her.
vail is a man of family and faith, but he keeps both those things close to his heart. although he is a sentimental person, he is always hiding that part of himself, because it got him hurt, over and over again. family and faith hurt him, killed him, but he doesn’t know how to let it go. can’t. 
all the characters pay homage to some sort of divine presence at least once or twice throughout tmotl, but vail is the only one who believes in a specific god, instead of an entity-that-might-be-a-god, or kevla-as-a-god-or-divine-being. kevla is a city that kills organized religion, but vail’s faith is too great to be killed.
He’d thought that he had gotten over it. That the past had stopped chasing him. That, when the past finally found him, Mika would be ready for it. That he would fight it. That he would kill it. 
How many times had he dreamed of that night? How many times had he dreamed of another dreary Kevlan landscape, where this time he was the victor?
mika, son of the mockingbird. like diem, he believes in absolute strength, not allowing himself any sign of weakness. he’s very independent, and though he seems unwavering, he’s actually insecure in his identity, if only because of the immeasurable shadow his parents - a chemist and famous vigilante, respectively - left behind.
mika’s story is one of legacy. like his mother before him, he traverses the city in the guise of night, as phantom. he’s cynical, the pessimistic voice among those who believe in the best, and deals with everything that bothers him with coldness, putting up high walls. although he seems closed off, inside he carries a bone deep determination to survive, to defeat ‘evil’ and triumph. his thoughts on justice are often unclear, as is his morality, but he approaches the title of vigilante with a ruthless efficiency.
catrin flint, emrys’ aunt, is mika’s guardian, through a series of loosely explained events - often because it is not clear to mika or emrys themselves how catrin knew his mother, and what led her to take him in. mika never wanted another family, and that much is clear to both flints, but he is also the one who ends up being the most in emrys’ corner as she goes through grief and changes. he doesn’t agree with her on most things, but he stays by her side all the same.
mika was originally supposed to have a touch of magical realism to him as well - and he should still, if the necessary revisions are done and hints portrayed. mika was supposed to be someone who walked the shadowy line of the veil, seeing/communicating with the dead, or hand in hand with death (with nebulous connections to his own death or near-death experience). 
Suicidal, Drakov had called him back then, when he had spared him and Jericho had thrown it away in favor of not taking the hint, trailing him because he had seen a lifeline in the other man, one he wanted to grasp, like flailing in the ocean and chancing upon a buoyancy device. It was coming out of a haze, like a dying man who had been living life with the expectation of it ending only to realize that he wanted to live. 
But Jericho wasn’t fifteen. He was Jailbird, had been for years. He’d trained under Drakov, the only person he knew who had had the honor. He’d managed to survive in this shitty city, had gotten out of the trap where thousands of others had died, and had carved out a living without paying penance to anyone but himself.
jericho’s the only vigilante without a team, but he makes up for it by having plenty of connections. he’s india’s friend, before and after. he becomes mika’s and emrys’ connection in the grimy city, and potential ally. he communicates with the dragon, the only person who can reveal information on the assassin on a personal, instead of professional, level (with the exception of a few). 
a vigilante who is more like a mercenary, jericho goes by the pseudonym jailbird, and mostly keeps to himself. he’s shrewd, witty, and plays the game as smart as he can as a kid on his own - and it’s worked; he’s managed to avoid any major trouble. out of all the cast, jericho is one of the few who avoids a near death experience. 
still, he deals with a fair amount of imposter syndrome and guilt, most of which is only alluded to, as he only gets the rare pov. i can’t speak much on him because several big facts about him are technically plot relevant info that gets revealed in the novel itself.
June wondered if that was before or after he had died for the first time, before or after the first time he had tried to kill himself. With Rhys, the first time had never been the last. She thought of what he had said the last time they had talked so closely. I don’t care about life or death, June. I don’t care about the people I kill. I don’t care if it gets me killed. 
She held the blade up to him. The pale light glinted on the edges, showing the smooth, glossy sheen of it all. 
if winter were a person, it would be personified through rhys. aptly enough, his last name is winters, although this never gets mentioned in-text (i don’t believe). surprisingly, rhys doesn’t get a single pov throughout tmotl, even when most of the characters mentioned here get at least one (like mika). still, he has a presence, if only because he is june’s partner in crime. they come from the same history, cut from the same cloth. 
rhys is the apathetic type of person who doesn’t believe in anything. he’s suicidal (to a lesser degree in the present, but this is still an explicit textual fact). he likes to weaponize his discomfort and acidic personality to make other people (namely kit) uncomfortable. human misery on the downlow, though this could also be attributed to the fact that he lives a miserable existence - as if his history wasn’t bad enough, in death he was saved and made alive only through the fact that he is literally toxic, consigning him to a life wearing a gas mask, as his breathe could kill people if it is not filtered.
in tmotl, rhys is in many ways an abettor. does he care for june’s revenge? not really, but he helps her with it anyways, because what he feels for june is complicated, but he would follow her anywhere, if only because she gives him something to do. does he care about kit? does he care about human life? who knows. sometimes he says things just to be contradictory. 
rhys was also from the original wip, and he stays much the same, if a little more fleshed out. so does his and kit’s antagonistic relationship.
Flames were dancing in the fever bright blue of Kit’s eyes, his arm running red as he carelessly studied the tracker, letting it catch the light. She could see the thin displeasure set in Rhys’ mouth, even behind the gas mask, which snaked around his ears, the rebreathers fitted like a glove to the lower half of his face. He passed her a strip of cloth wordlessly, his own arm bound. She in turn took Kit’s hand, nodding at the tracker as she cinched a quick tourniquet. 
“I know,” Kit murmured, and then threw the tracker back towards the warehouse. His skin beneath June’s cool, blood stained fingers was burning. She could feel the thud of his heartbeat beneath the thin skin of his wrist, beating a wild rhythm, but when she looked at him more carefully, he still stood unwavering, which was good enough.
this excerpt is actually from page number one. kit, our final ‘main’ character (besides the villains and adults of the story, which are not quite as interesting, and also don’t have much i can reveal about them without spoiling things), is part of june’s team of three. he doesn’t go out in costume like basically every single other character; he doesn’t even have a code name. he’s the technology behind june’s operation, the one who runs things behind the scenes for her and rhys.
kit is important because he’s who june wants to protect. he’s one of the reasons she keeps moving forward at all. he’s a failure, at least to the organization - they saved him, but they couldn’t make him something better. sometimes, when you fix something broken, it doesn’t turn out as it was. for kit, this means a slow, aching death sentence, fighting the deterioration of his own body.
still, kit tries to stay brave in the face of it all. he’s light hearted, especially in comparison to rhys and june’s dark moods. he’s a light - something june follows, and rhys abhors. much of kit is a mix of appearance and projection; it is as it looks, but it also isn’t. sometimes, you’ve barely scratched the surface, because as much as kit is the open one, he also has a history of lying and conning that mark him as as much of a street kid as india, or june was.
he’s destined for death. the only question - one that is revisited throughout tmotl in scenes - is how long it will take before he gets there.
That last day in the Fold had never stopped being a blade lodged in his sternum. Vin could still feel it, the wound it covered. If he ever pulled the knife free, he would bleed out, but the longer he kept it in, the more damage would be done in the long run. 
He kept the blade in. It was the risk he could take, for now.
that’s it for now. i could go on and on, but i think i’ve written enough for now. if you have any questions about this work on the characters, or just want to know something, please reach out via my ask box or messages! i hope this piqued your interest - that being said, if you would like to be added to this specific taglist, or my general taglist, let me know in some way shape or form!
taglist: @cannivalisms @sunshineomeara @thepixiediaries @muddshadow
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fluffyhare · 2 months
((Oh shoot I was mid-ask and pushed the wrong thing and I’m not sure it sent so starting over 😅))
Anywho hello hi there I really hope you don’t mind the like spamming (and interactions in general from nsfw blogs); I just really couldn’t help myself bc I’m resonating so much with your content and tags and you seem like a genuinely lovely human with absolutely adorable artwork so I wanted to show you some appreciation 🥺💗 It immediately comes across how much you love and care for your OCs via the lore you’ve created and the utmost tender way you talk about them and the way they interact with each other ?? 😭 it’s impossible not to fall in love with them too. I also hope you’ve heard copious amount of feedback about how brilliant your writing is - so detailed, so warm, so intimate…it’s extremely flustering and endlessly endearing and I’m so grateful you share your gift with all of us on here! In particular, I’m positively fascinated with Avery’s backstory and anatomy and am loving discovering the depth of the layers of thought that you put into composing him. Excited to learn more 🥰
((((I’m also approaching my third decade of life next year and it’s always nice seeing rep for folks my age in the community who are still enjoying and exploring their relationship with this “kink”(using this term lightly bc I know everyone may not consider themselves to fall under that umbrella). I too met my partner on here, and it’s beautiful to hear that things can work out in the long run so thank you for that tidbit of reassurance 💗 sending wishes of happiness for you both!!))))
Sorry again for this long winded ramble I was just inspired and wanted to send the warm vibes I received while perusing your awesome blog back your way!!! Hope you have a lovely day 💕
Anon... my god! 😭💙 /very positive
Crying into my tea on a Sunday morning... god, I am so touched by this, I'm just falling apart...
Let me respond to this sequentially, so I don't just get flooded with emotion (and if you've been watching how I post, you already know this is going to be long as fuck... Sorry! 🥲)
1. I am absolutely okay with NSFW blogs interacting with me, and spam interactions don't bother me at all! The only interactions I don't want are from minors and dickheads, haha. No worries on this, peach.
2. Fewer people interact with my fic than with my art, but when I tell you I treasure every single thing people say about my fic... god, there's just nothing like it. My fic is so, so close to my heart. I've been a writer much longer than I've been an artist, so I feel like I can really express myself through writing in a way I can't with art... I'm trying, but I'm not quite there yet! God, thank you so much for your kind words... I am so grateful that the warmth and love I feel when I'm writing is felt by others, too. I really try to capture the very essence of how these characters and their emotions feel in my mind and heart.
And you like the lore, too? 🥺 My long-winded rambling? My wordy expositions? God, my heart! 😭💙
3. I am so happy to know you met your partner in this community, too! I am really wishing the best for you, and yes, it absolutely can work out! My spouse and I are very different from each other, but we are still best friends after six years, and I don't see that changing any time soon.
4. I feel like this community tends to be younger, especially here on Tumblr, so it's kind of refreshing to hear from someone in the same phase of life as me. If there's anything I didn't expect, it's that I would still be exploring my feelings about tickling (and, well, intimacy as a whole) well into adulthood. It's funny how things come back around, though... I was making tickling doodles in my diary when I was just a kid, but I stopped (and, stopped drawing altogether, really) after high school. Had to work through a ton of shame, religious trauma, and just a metric fuckton of other shit, all to come right back around to doing tickling doodles again, haha! I was delighted to find that, at 30 (and with a whole lot of new experiences and context), it still makes me just as giddy now as it did then.
All of this is to say... There may be common threads throughout one's life, but we aren't really set in stone the way people think. You can absolutely discover, and rediscover, yourself and what brings you joy over and over again as you grow and have new experiences. If I can give any advice on this, it's this: Don't close yourself off. You only have this one life, so use it to experience all you can. Even if you're shy, like me... do your best to lend a kind word, an ear, or a hand as often as possible. You never know who, or what, is gonna set your soul on fire.
Anon, thank you so much for this ask... And if you ever want to chat, I'd be more than delighted. 💙
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aortaobservatory · 7 months
i love your talks of aspects what can you say / your opinion on doom aspect? im knight of doom
Certainly, I can do an overview of the Doom Aspect for you. If you'd like me to post my analysis of the Knight of Doom, feel free to send another ask! I really do not mind being spammed. I feel as though it is often that Doom is characterized by its inverse aspect the most, as people tend to better understand the intricacies of the Life Aspect than they do Doom (this can be due to personal bias, environment, culture, ect). I also personally feel as though the Doom Aspect is overlooked or simply not understood and thus forgotten about, but that's just the general feeling I have picked up from perusing tags here and there.
Doom is an extremely interesting aspect. The remaining 11 aspects are about growing into your aspect through your class, but "growth" is one of the keywords of Life, Doom's inverse. How does one approach Doom and expect to grow?
From The Extended Zodiac, I pulled these keywords from the Doom Aspect description. These would be the "canon" traits; they are what I adhere to when analyzing, but it should also be understood that this concept encompasses much more to do with than these keywords. Its "vibe", if you will, is much more than what is written.
TEZ Doom Keywords: Suffering, wisdom, empathy, listeners, commiserators, wise, kind, non-judgemental, (bitter, resentful, fatalistic)
I'll admit that I had trouble understanding what the Doom Aspect was supposed to be at first. But as I analyzed it further, it occurred to me that this may be the aspect of those who have trauma, or those who have learned to cope through the bad circumstances they've been given and what they've experienced in life. This aspect may be best understood as an outside force that acts upon the player, or a force that the player themself uses upon others. (See: The Condesce's Alternia; the entire thing reeks of Doom). This is not also to say that if you have trauma, you are automatically Doombound. There is nuance involved, and it is important to keep in mind that an Aspect is the force that is most important in a person's life, whether lacking or abundant, whether good or bad, whether they want it or not. Another aspect may be stronger for an individual, even if trauma is a big part of their life.
It is the aspect of tragedy, but it is not necessarily tragic. It is very easy to fail the Doom Aspect, but those who hold onto it are often extremely steadfast, even if they're only hanging on by a thread. The Doombound may be irate about it, but their suffering matters because they deserve better. As in tragedies, we cry because we know it can be better. For others, it can be spite, spitting at the lot you've been given in life and making the most of it anyways, for what else can you do? Commiseration is quite possibly Doom's biggest theme.
The keywords I chose for Doom are "Acceptance, Compliance, Wisdom, and Sympathy". Acceptance and Compliance may be better understood as "coming to terms", accepting and complying with what is there because it's the only choice you've been given. As well, Acceptance isn't necessarily complacency, but rather an acknowledgement of the reality of a situation, and navigating through it as best as one can from what they have. Doombound are able to offer Wisdom when they see others in similar experiences, Sympathetic because they too know what it's like, but how they go about offering their Wisdom and Sympathy can vary. The Doombound are not growing the way the Lifebound are, often trapped or restricted from doing so.
Doom, being Life's inverse, is also given the symbols of illness, rot, stagnation, decay, and we can see this in both Sollux and Mituna in canon. As poorly as Mituna was handled, he as an Heir of Doom (Passive Embodiment), embodies a lot of mental illness. Sollux as a Mage of Doom (Active Knower) had too much experience with Doom as a whole, and he stagnates heavily because of it, later becoming a ghost, which is quite a literal symbol. I will admit that Doom is one of my weakest understood aspects, and it has been a while since I read Homestuck, so I am unfortunately not as familiar with the Captors' character arcs in canon as I would like to be. I'm very happy to invite discussion! I enjoy hearing other perspectives.
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cadmusfly · 4 months
More Dragon Marshalate AU Stuff
Post 1 Post 2 Soult's ADCs snippet napoleonic marshalate dragons au chronological tag
Answering questions because I love the sound of my own typing and then some nattering about psychic dragons which get funky because you should never trust me with worldbuilding
i'll write dragon snippets for the other dragon marshals i just am easily baited into writing stuff based on what people say to me
If Desirée is a dragon, then her sister Julie and her niece, Honorine Anthoine de Saint-Joseph, would also be dragons. This would mean that Joseph Bonaparte and Marshal Suchet both married dragons.
Checks out! I think if we do turn a bunch of people into dragons but leave a bunch of people as human, and we don't want to break history too unbelievably in this era, we are probably going to have to treat dragon-marriage as equivalent to human marriage. But then some of the humans can also be simultaneously dragon married and human married probably.
Also, thinking of the Clary clan as some kind of urban dragon family is kind of funny.
i also love the idea of urban dragons, they'd have to be fairly small but yes
but also im going to babble a bit about psychic powers and how urban dragons miiiight work maybe
Other question: are the dragons ladies subject to similar constraints as human ladies in this era?
I want to say nope! Which probably raises more questions about the ladies that we've turned into dragons, but as I've written, dragons have no physical sex, any two dragons can make eggs, both dragons get sleepy and broody after having eggs.
Also, now I wonder if maybe, this whole "shapeshifting into a human" thing is something that all/most dragons might be able to learn. […] Unless of course they want to be closer to their favourite humans… Okay, so admittedly I just want to see Soult getting desperate over trying to learn shapeshifting so he can be with Louise 😋.
The younger and smaller dragons can learn enough dexterity with their claws to flip the pages of a book, to manipulate a quill, to peruse their own correspondence privately. The larger ones boast more strength and fire, flying higher but not further, but their claws that can take down horses and monsters with a single slash lose the precision for such delicate affairs.
Perhaps that is why the dragon Soult, once called "Jean-de-Dieu" by his family, admires the paintings he is so well known for collecting. No dragon as he can craft such deft and delicate brush strokes.
It is in the presence of these paintings that he asks his ADCs to place the letters before him, so he may read with eyes as sharp as an eagle's sight. But he must ask them to turn the pages, and he must ask them to draft his replies, and ever since the dragon grew beyond the size of a horse he has been so very frustrated with this lack of privacy.
But he must do with what he can.
Today it is Saint-Chamans at his side, and Saint-Chamans can hardly hide his confusion as he reads the letter. "Your excellency, this is a children's tale- why are you asking after such things?"
The great maroon dragon lets out a huff of hot air. He is not interested either in fairy stories and children's games, but… There is a line of inquiry I am pursuing personally.
He does have his valet perform this job for him, often. He does not strictly need the ADCs to do this.
But the valet is friendly with Louise, and he cannot have her worry.
And if there is a chance that one day he may come up to her and embrace her as an equal, then he must pursue it.
Thought process here:
Dragons in Pern are telepathic as in they communicate by speaking in your head -> to really differentiate this AU from Temeraire, we can focus more on Weird Magic but not to the extent that it's Extremely High Fantasy -> telepathy can be extrapolated to other things -> how do we get large dragons participating in city life????
Dragons here can telepathically communicate with people that they can see and that are in a small radius around them, equivalent to shouting at them
Dragons with their favourite people can extend that reach further and can communicate with them even without seeing them in that extended reach
Berthier Dragon is a weirdo who has managed to have a very large range with people he isn't connected to and can also multitask a little bit so he's. like a phone operator. yes this does change a bunch of things to have that instant feedback but I think both he and Napoleon are aware of the dangers of relying on a single tiny dragon
(obviously berthier dragon is. in love with madam visconti. and has a shrine to her.)
But what if dragons with their favourite people can not just pass on their communications but other senses
It may depend on the dragon? Some can send impressions of the emotions they feel, some can send sensory information, but also it might be fun if the human can send stuff back
this is a little funky but I am imagining that some dragon-human pairs can have this weird kind of consensual possession thing going on where the dragon "rides" along with the human's senses
So human cities are not really built for really large dragons - the edges of the city do have dragon and human accommodations, but only dragons horse sized and smaller can really go into the middle of the city
The "riding along" or weird possession thing is basically, large dragons who are too big to go into cities and ballrooms can "ride along" with their favourite people and experience things like extremely expensive balls
To prevent this from being used for spycraft too much, maybe the possessed person's eyes turn the colour of the dragon's
this is kinda creepy and weird but i think it can be romantic, and of course the possessed person can stop the possession at any time, the dragon doesn't actually have control over the human's actions and can only just experience sensory input and telepathically speak to them, so the human has to convey what the dragon's saying
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atlafan · 3 years
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a/n: okay, here it is! a lot of you really wanted me to post this on here, SO THAT MEANS I’M GONNA SEE LOTS OF FEEDBACK AND REBLOGS, RIGHT?! Can’t wait to know what you think of this one! [Patreon] [Buy Me A Coffee] (not proofread) I was inspired by a lot of different things with this, it’s sort of like Scarlet Witch meets The Dragon Prince meets ATLA??? Also, Harry is a major himbo in this, and we love that for him.
Warnings: angst, fluff, flirting, magical fighting, smut (rim job)
Words: 22K
Pairing: Harry x OC (Amber Hale)
Song Inspo: High For This - The Weeknd
“What do you do with a BA in English?” The age-old question that was coined from the hit musical, Avenue Q. Harry thought he had the answer to that question, and it was go to graduate school to get his MEd in English. He’d get his K-12 certification, not that he wanted to work in a K-12 school system. No, he wanted to be a literary professor. He wanted to be able to have high level discussions about the classics, post-modernism, film adaptations, and more. He loved reading, ever since he was a little kid there was a book in his hands. There was just something about getting lost in a world that someone else created for a bit, and then analyzing the shit out of it.
He had already done a semester of student-teaching as a senior, he didn’t love it. He took a gap year trying to find a publishing company to work at. He thought he could maybe be an editor. Harry soon realized he didn’t like being told what to read, and the pay was pretty low. He even tried working at a bookstore for a bit. It wasn’t as much fun as he thought. So, at the age of twenty-four, he enrolled in a master’s program to get his Med in English. At least this time when he’d have to student-teach, he’d be doing it at a collegiate level. He knew he’d get stuck teaching a couple of sections of first-year composition, but he had no problem teaching students how to properly construct a paper. There were three classes he needed to take in the fall, all of them being online-asynchronous: Social Behavior in a Diverse Society, Philosophy, Ethics, & Education, and Teacher Action Research.  
Since Harry had a semester of teaching under his belt, he was able to get a better paying grant, and wouldn’t have to just TA, he could actually teach. He’d still be subject to observation, but at least he could be trusted. So, he’d be teaching two sections of Composition, and one section of Fiction Workshop, where students would read texts Harry picks out, and discuss them. Fiction was his favorite, so he was really excited to be teaching this particular course.
The university he was attending was on the east coast in the states, a very picturesque college town by the seacoast. Harry loved fall, so he was happy about getting to be immersed in the season. So, he had his courses settled that he had to take, he knew what he was teaching and set up his Canvas pages, the last thing he needed to figure out was a place to live. He had been staying at a motel in the area, but that was starting to get pricey. He looked around online, but there wasn’t much out there. He also didn’t want to get stuck living with a bunch of undergrads that were loud and partied. He asked the other faculty in the English department if they knew of anything, but they didn’t.
Harry decided to go for a walk in the downtown area, and see if there were any ads in some of the shop windows. A lot of the buildings looked to be apartments up top. On his walk, he noticed an interesting looking café. There were other coffee shops in town, and this one looked to be almost deserted. Harry shrugs his shoulders and heads inside. A chime sounds as he walks in, and he sees that it’s almost like a country store. There’re tee shirts, sweatshirts, scarves, gloves, books, knick-knacks, and treats. This seemed like a neat little place, why wouldn’t there be a lot of people here? It was still summer, maybe it was more of a college student hangout?
Even though it was still summer, the place smelled like cinnamon and apples. The fresh smell of coffee wafted through the air as well. From the back comes a woman wearing a green apron over her clothes, dusting her hands off. Harry stops in his tracks as he looks at her. She had these piercing blue eyes that resembled sapphires. Her hair was up in a loose, wavy ponytail, the color being one of those silver/lavender mixes, a contrast to her dark eyebrows. She was a short thing, couldn’t have been a little more than five feet tall. Her nails were painted black, and she had this gorgeous necklace hanging around her neck. She also had various piercings in her ears, and a silver hoop in her left nostril.
“May I help you?” She asks Harry just as a Siberian husky comes trotting out by her side.
“Hi! I’m new to the area, and I was just strolling by and saw your shop…um, do you have iced tea?”
“Yeah.” She nods slowly. “Come over to the counter.” The dog circles around Harry, sniffing at his legs. “Are you okay with dogs?”
“Love ‘em! Boy, girl?”
“She’s a girl, her name is Opal.”
“That’s a lovely name.” Harry smiles, and leans down a bit to let Opal sniff his hand. “She’s a beautiful dog.”
“Thank you. So…you said you wanted an iced tea? Here’s the list of flavors.” She taps a laminated paper that’s taped to the counter.
“Right, yeah, um…what do you recommend?”
She furrows her brows at him for a moment, studying his face.
“I just drink the plain, black tea with a dash of sugar syrup.”
“Then I’ll have that.” He smiles.
She nods, gets a cup to fill with ice, and goes into one of the small fridges where the tea was chilling. She adds the syrup and then the tea, then snaps a sippy-cup style lid on top.
“Here you go. That’ll be $3.99.”
Harry sets a five-dollar-bill on the counter.
“Keep the change.”
“Thanks.” She puts the rest in the tip jar.
“What’s your name? You’re not wearing a tag or anything.” He says before taking a sip of the tea.
“It’s Amber.”
“Amber! Oh, is that why you’re wearing one?” He points to her necklace.
“Well, I was given this when I was a little girl.” She says as she looks down at it, then back up to him.
“Do you mind if I peruse around the store a bit? Although, I shouldn’t be buying any trinkets until I actually find a place to put them.”
“What do you mean?” She blinks at him. Who was this man and why was he being so friendly with her?
“I’m new to the area, and I’ve been having a tough time finding a place to live. I’m at one of the nearby hotels, but I can’t stay there much longer. You wouldn’t happen to know of any vacant apartments, would you?”
“Sure she does!” Another woman comes out from the back. “Amber owns the whole building, which means she owns the apartments upstairs.”
“Penny.” Amber seethes, and then looks at Harry. “I’m sorry, I don’t rent to college students.”
“I’m a graduate student, and I’m also going to be teaching. M’not loud, and I keep things tidy. I’d be happy to fill out an application if you like.” He smiles. “Plus, I could be a walking advertisement for the place because this tea is incredible.”
“The shop does well for itself.” Amber mutters.
“Oh, just give the boy an application.” Penny says.
“Fine.” Amber sighs, and ducks down to grab an application. She hands it to Harry reluctantly. “My email is on the bottom. Just scan it and send it to me that way, and I’ll get back to you.”
“I’ll make sure of it.” Penny smiles. “Parking’s included.” Amber glares at her. “Well, I’m just going to head back to the back, take stock of things.”
“You do that.” Amber says, shaking her head, and then looking at Harry. “She’s a good worker, but she’s nosey as shit. So, you’re a grad student?”
“Mhm, and I’m twenty-four, so I’m not fresh out of undergrad either. I’m going for my MEd in English, and I’ll be teaching a few classes as well. I’m excited to get started.”
“English, huh?”
“Mhm.” Harry smiles.
“You must really like to read.”
“I do.” He nods. “Do you?”
“No, I hate it actually.”
“But…there are so many books here.”
“Yeah, the majority of them are cook books, or informational books about the area. I’ve never really cared for reading. It’s a waste of time, if I’m being honest.”
“A…a waste of time?” He blinks at her.
“If I’m reading, it’s so I can learn something.”
“But even if it’s fiction, you can still learn so many life lessons.”
“Maybe worry about teaching that to your students instead of me. I’m a lost cause.” She smirks. “I need to finish up what I was doing in the back, so if you still want to peruse…”
“No, uh, I’ll get out of hair. I’ll email this over to you later tonight. It was nice meeting you.” He looks down at Opal who was eyeing him carefully. “And it was nice meeting you too, gorgeous girl.” He smiles, and leaves the shop.
Amber takes a deep breath and heads into the back where Penny is. She glares at her, and it makes Penny laugh.
“You could use a new tenant.” Penny says to her.
“I don’t need you finding one for me.”
“He’s cute.”
“He’s annoying.” Amber deadpans. “Practically told me his whole life story!”
“He clearly felt comfortable around you.”
“So? He’s an English professor or something, how pretentious.” She makes a disgusted noise.
“Just give his application a fair shot, would you?”
“I will, but only because if I don’t I know you’ll keep bugging me about it.”
Harry couldn’t believe that he just heard with his own two ears that reading was a waste of time. He knew there were people that didn’t care for it in the way that he did, but Amber said she hated it. He couldn’t fret over it too much, though, because either way he still needed an apartment, and she had a vacancy open. So, when he got back to the hotel later that day, he worked on his application, and emailed it over to Amber. The name of shop was cute: Opal’s Café & Convenience. He found it endearing that she named it after her dog. Amber seemed rough around the edges, but maybe Harry could be the one to smooth her out a bit.
Much to Amber’s dismay, Harry was the perfect applicant. He didn’t have any pets, he wouldn’t be throwing wild parties, his credit checked out, and his references were solid. Amber would be stupid not to let him take one of her apartments. She emailed him back and let him know it was his if he wanted it, and when he could move in. In the email, she attached a list of rules he’d need to follow when being one of her tenants. She lived in the building as well, and she valued her privacy. She explained that she would often make a lot of tea in her own apartment, so Harry might catch a whiff once in a while.
Harry was so thrilled he’d have an actual place to live just in time for school starting that he agreed to all of her conditions. So what if he’d smell tea once in a while? There were far worse smells out there. Harry packed everything into his car, and headed over to the building as soon as he could. He found his parking spot, and started moving things up. His apartment was on the floor beneath Amber’s. She had the entire top floor to herself. Harry was surprised that he’d have the whole second floor to himself. It was a spacious one bedroom that he was grateful for. He was drenched with sweat by the time he got the last of things upstairs. The first thing on his list was to install his air conditioner. He tore his shirt off, kept the front door open for some airflow, and got to work putting the air conditioner in the main window of the living room. It was the space he’d be in most, so he wanted it cooler in there. He could always leave his bedroom door open or just use a fan at night.
Amber was heading down the stairs with Opal, and noticed Harry’s door was open. She was about to get to work opening the shop. Her eyes widen when she sees that he’s shirtless, littered with tattoos. He just happens to turn and see her standing in the doorway.
“Oh, hi!” He smiles, and walks over to the door, bending a bit to pet Opal.
“Everything going okay so far?” Amber asks.
“Mhm.” Harry nods, crossing his arms. “Just got the A/C installed, so it’ll be nice and cool soon. Thanks again for letting me rent from you.”
“Yeah, well…it’s money.” She shrugs. “Look, uh, there’s a basement here too, don’t go down there. It’s locked anyways, but I keep all of the supplies for the shop in the basement, so…it’s off limits.”
“Oh, no worries. I’ve got plenty of space up here. I don’t have a bike or anything, so I don’t think I’d even need the extra storage.”
“Good.” She nods. “Well, I’m headed down to open up. See you around.” She snaps her fingers to get Opal’s attention, and they go downstairs. Once they’re down in the shop, Amber notices Opal looking at her. “Don’t even start, I already know you’re on Penny’s side.” She sighs.
“He is awful cute.” Opal says. She and Amber could communicate telepathically.
“I have more important things to focus on, we have more important things to focus on.” Amber crouches down to her dog. “You realize we can’t just chat freely with him around.”
“It’s the same with the college kids. He might think it’s cute that you talk to your dog.”
“I don’t really care what he thinks.” Amber rolls her eyes and stands up. “I have to get the coffee and tea going. Could you check the shelves and see what herbal teas we’re low on?”
Opal nods, and heads over to the aisles to take stock of everything. Amber gets the coffee and tea brewing so it’s fresh for the customers. Penny comes in an hour or so later to make some fresh biscotti while Amber was working on making more herbal tea. Amber’s herbal teas were quite popular with the college students. Were they laced with a little magic? Maybe, but it was all for a good cause. She had special anti-stress and anxiety teas, sleepy time teas, wake-up teas, and some teas that could put someone in the mood, but she didn’t advertise those often.  She didn’t want anyone taking advantage of anyone else, she only sold it to people who knew to ask for it, and they had to sign a waiver.
Certain coffees had some magic involved too. There were coffees that were ground with something to help people focus for long period of time, coffees for all-nighters, and more. She lived in a pretty liberal area where people were super into different types of “wellness”. There were so many people that would rather try drinking an herbal tea, than take a pill, so she used that to her advantage. No one ever really questioned why her products worked so well.
Amber had been living pretty peacefully the last few years, but as of late she felt this odd disturbance. Something bad happened in the spring. Something came after Opal. Amber almost lost her best friend in the world. She had been trying to track down whatever the fuck it was, but the trail had run cold. She took the time to train and work on some of her spells. Opal explained that Amber should be able to just think and cast instead of having to say the spell out loud. She had gotten a lot better at it, and she had gotten a lot better at throwing a punch. Whatever the fuck that thing was, she’d be ready for it. Amber also didn’t want anything bad happening to the college students. They were so vulnerable as it was, but a lot of them would walk around intoxicated at night, making them the perfect target. She felt protective over her college town, she wasn’t going to let anything happen to anyone.
That’s why she had a chip on her shoulder when it came to Harry. She didn’t exactly trust the new guy, especially since he came right to her shop, and asked about a place to live. It was rather peculiar, but she thought it would be better to keep a close eye on him, so she accepted his application. No one else seemed too bothered by him, and she didn’t exactly appreciate the glances Penny and Opal gave her when it came to him. Yes, he was cute, but Amber had a hardened heart that couldn’t be so easily sueded by a handsome man with a kind a smile.
Harry couldn’t believe how packed the shop was once the college kids were back in town. Amber did really well for herself. He liked living above the shop a lot. Sometimes he’d buy a coffee, find a place to sit, and get some grading done, or do some homework of his own. Sometimes he’d catch Amber looking at him, a deep furrow in her dark brows. He’d give her a soft smile, and she’d just look away. Opal liked sitting by his feet. Any time he’d sit down for a bit to get some work done, there she was. He loved dogs, so he was happy she seemed to take a liking to him.
“Hey, Professor Styles!” A girl in one of his composition classes, Zoey, says to him.
“Oh, uh…it’s Zoey, right?” He looks up from his laptop.
“Mhm.” She nods. “You like to hang out here?”
“I live upstairs, actually. I like to come down here for a change of scenery. Do you come here a lot?”
“Oh, definitely. My friends and I come here almost every day. Amber has some of the best tea and coffee I’ve ever had. I was just stopping in to stock up on her sleepy time tea.”
“Sleepy time tea?”
“Yeah! Puts me right to sleep after having a small cup. You should try it.”
“Zoey, come on!” One of her friends says.
“I better go, it was nice seeing you!”
Harry waves to Zoey as she leaves to go down one of the aisles. He gets back to his work. He was doing some research for his philosophy class. He had to look into the different philosophies of various educators from a list his professor gave him. Without even realizing it, he skipped dinner, and ended up being the last person in the shop.
“Glad to see you’re making the most out of having free Wi-Fi.” Amber scoffs as she crosses her arms. “We’re closed.”
“Shit, I’m so sorry.” Harry scrambles to pack up his things. “Time must have gotten away from me.” He looks down at his watch and sees that it’s nearly 9PM. “Fuck, I need to get to sleep. Hey, could I buy some of that sleepy time tea you sell? One of my students was telling me about it earlier.”
“Sure, you can buy a pound for fifteen dollars.” She grabs a bag of it and they both go up to the counter so she can ring him up.
“Must be good stuff if college kids can afford that.” He hands her exact change.
“It lasts a while.”  She purses her lips briefly. “You may have some…vivid dreams. It’s really, um, potent, especially if it’s your first time drinking it.”
“Do you make it yourself?”
“I do.” She nods. “I promise it’s all FDA approved.” She smirks.
“I trust you, no worries.” He chuckles. “Do you need any help cleaning up?”
“No, I’m all set. Penny’s in the back still, I’ve got all the help I need.”
“Alright, well, have a good night.” He smiles.
“You too.” She watches as he heads out the door in the back to go upstairs. Amber looks down at Opal. “You need to stop sitting by him so much. He’s going to think I’m staring at him every time I look over at you.”
“I can’t help it! He smells nice.” Opal says.
“I don’t care what he smells like. We need to be cautious.”
“You worry too much. Whatever that thing was caught me on a lunar eclipse, so I couldn’t transform fully. Had I been able to, I never would have gotten hurt.”
“Yeah, and it probably knew that. Probably want to make you transform into a wolf full time. You’d become rabid.”
“I’m well aware of that. I’d be able to sniff out anything demonic about him, especially by now. He seems genuine.”
“Good for him.”
“Would you two give it a rest?! You’re giving me a headache.” Penny says as she comes out from the back. “We have receipts to go over.”
Harry took a quick shower when he got up to his apartment, and then made his tea. It tasted really good, like, the best chamomile he ever had. He only drank about half of it when his eyes started to droop while watching to TV on the sofa. So, he got his butt into bed, and fell asleep almost immediately. Amber was right about him having vivid dreams.
There he was, walking through a forest at night. He had no idea where he was going, but let his legs take him there regardless. There was a glowing light that intrigued him, so he made his way over to it. As he approached, he saw a woman from behind, her hair flowing in the breeze and her hands glowing with what looked like electrical currents. He steps on a twig by accident, catching her attention. She looks over her shoulder at him, her eyes glowing a white-hot blue.
“What are you doing here?” She says, floating in the air above him. He falls to bum and looks up at her.
“I…I don’t know.” He swallows. “What are you doing here?”
“You need to get out of here it isn’t safe!” She scolds him.
“M’sorry, I don’t even know how I ended up here.” He scrambles to his feet, and she lowers herself to the ground. Her hair was still flowing, her eyes and hands still glowing. “I saw the light and just followed it I guess. Is there a way for you to turn that off? It’s pretty bright.”
The woman takes a deep breath, and closes her eyes. Her hands stop glowing, and when she opens her eyes, all Harry sees is a familiar sapphire color. He realizes who it is once her hair settles. It was that same silver/lavender color that Amber had.
“Amber?” His eyebrows shoot up as he looks at her. “What’s going on?”
“Nothing that you need to concern yourself with. Get out of here, now.” Her eyes glow again, as well as her hands, and she shoots up into the night sky without another word.
“What in the actual fuck?” Harry says to himself.
Harry woke up to his alarm the next morning not feeling groggy at all. In fact, he had never felt so refreshed after a night’s sleep! He quickly grabs his phone and opens the notes app before forgetting his dream. It was so bizarre and weird, he wasn’t quite sure what it meant, if anything at all. Why would he have a dream about Amber? And why would he dream about her glowing the way she did? He hadn’t watched Harry Potter recently, or anything of the like.
He gets dressed for the day, and decides to go into the shop for his morning coffee. The place was already bustling with early birds. Amber was behind the counter getting coffee and tea orders out. It astounded Harry that she was able to do so much by herself. He waits in line, saying hello to some of his students in the process.
“Good morning, what can I…oh, hi, Harry.” Amber sighs. “What would you like?”
“I’ll take an iced coffee, please, black.” He smiles as she nods. “That tea really put me to sleep last night. You were right, I had an odd dream.” She freezes for a moment as she scoops the ice cubes into the cup. “You were in it, actually.”
“That’ll be $3.50.” She says flatly as she sets the cup of coffee down on the counter. He hands her his card, and she runs it through the machine.
“You’re not even the least bit curious as to what I dreamed about?”
“Nope.” She smirks. “I don’t need to hear about your wet dreams.”
“It wasn’t a…I didn’t…” He shakes his head as his face flushes. “It wasn’t like that.”
“I’ve got a line of customers waiting.” She slides his card back to him.
“Can we talk later?”
“Harry, whatever it was, it was just a dream. So I was in it, so what? I’m flattered you were thinking of me, but don’t worry about it.”
“It’s just that…the strangest thing happened. Your eyes were glowing, and your hands were too, but, like, a different type of glowing, and we were in this forest. Oh! And you were, like, flying or floating, or something like that. Your hair was kind of glowing too.”
“You read too much fiction.” She rolls her eyes. “Buh-bye.”
“Next!” She shouts, and it makes him flinch. He grabs his drink and leaves. Amber looks down at Opal, who was about to say something, but Amber shakes her head as to warn her.
“Amber, we need to talk about this.”
“Later, I have customers.” She whispers down at Opal, and looks at the next person in line. “Good morning.” She smiles.
Harry was so distracted during his classes, he ended up showing the movie version of The Grapes of Wrath to his fiction workshop class. It worked with the unit they were since they were discussing historical fiction. He wanted to know why Amber was so cold to him even though she was plenty kind to just about everyone else that stepped through her shop. He also wanted to discuss his dream with her. It felt so real, and he wanted to know why. He had a few students come see him during his office hours, and he tried to be as present as possible for those. There was one girl in his fiction class that came to just about all of his office hours, and normally he didn’t mind, but he had a lot of course work to do, and some grading to get done. He was also in a rush to get back to the shop.
“Hi, Professor Styles.” Whitney smiles.
“Hi, Whitney.” Harry sighs as she sits down.
“Are you feeling alright today?”
“Just a little stressed. I’ve got some work for the classes I’m taking to get done.”
“It’s so cool that you’re a grad student. You’re so good at teaching, I never would have guessed you weren’t a full professor.” She had a tendency to flirt with him. She was a senior, and twenty-one. In any other scenario, Harry probably would have gone for it since he was only a few years older, but he wasn’t about to start dating a student.
“Thanks, that means a lot. Listen, uh, I know we usually chat for a bit, but I really need to get some work done, so unless this is class related…”
“Oh.” She sits up a little straighter. “Um, I guess I don’t really have any questions…I will say, watching the movie helped me understand the book a little better. I was supposed to read it in high school, but I just used spark notes back in the day.”
“Good! I’m glad you have a better understanding of the themes.”
“Well, I guess I’ll see you later. Have a good weekend!”
“Thanks, Whitney, you too.”
They smile at each other before she leaves. He runs a hand through his hair, and attempts to get some of his grading done. Once he makes a decent enough dent, he packs his things and heads to the shop. He finds an open table to sit at, and gets to work on his courses. He was sitting near one of the aisles with the mood enhancing tea.
“I’m telling you, I’ve never been so wet in my life.” Normally, Harry wouldn’t eavesdrop, but a sentence like that was something he couldn’t just ignore. “This stuff really works.”
“Okay, but how was Robbie?”
“Hard as a rock, and desperate to please. He went down on me for, like, twenty minutes! He said I never tasted so good. We fucked for, like, an hour total. It was incredible. I’m definitely buying this stuff again. I couldn’t recommend it enough.”
“Does it taste good?”
“Mhm, like strawberries. I think that’s why it makes for such a good aphrodisiac. There’s a chocolate flavor too, but Amber said that one’s really strong, and it’s better to start out with the strawberry flavor.”
“Oh, damn, I’ll have to ask her about it then. Look, she restocked the anti-anxiety tea! The blueberry flavor is my absolute favorite.”
“I like the lemon, personally, but to each their own.”
Harry couldn’t believe what he heard, more so at the beginning of the girls’ conversation. How the fuck was he supposed to concentrate on his work now? He needed to wait out the customers like he did the night before. Opal comes trotting over to him like usual.
“Hey, there, pretty girl.” He pats the top of her head. “Thought about you today. You gonna curl up around my feet again?” Opal does just that and lets out a such that makes Harry chuckle. As the sun sets, and less people are in the shop, Harry finishes up his work. He notices Amber wiping down the tables. “Hey.” He says to her, standing up and walking over to her. “Could we talk?”
“Is this still about your dream? I told you might have some weird, vivid ones with it being your first time drinking the tea.”
“It’s just…I don’t know why I would have dreamt something like that. I asked you what was wrong, and you told me it was nothing I needed to worry about.”
“Hm, sounds like dream me is a lot like the actual me.” She smirks. Harry frowns slight, and she sighs. “You’re really worked up about this, huh?”
“A little, yeah.”
Amber looks down at Opal, and then back to Harry.
“I wish I could be more help, but it was just a dream, Harry. Try having some more tea tonight and see what you dream about.” She looks down at her watch. “I need to close up early, I have somewhere to be in a bit.”
“Oh, uh, do you have a date, or something?”
“What? No.” She scoffs. “I take Opal for a long walk on Friday nights. She gets antsy if we don’t leave on time.”
“Is that safe?”
“Of course it is.” She blinks at Harry. “We just go walking through some of the neighborhoods with the students live off campus.”
“Could I join you? Haven’t explored the area all that much.”
“Wouldn’t it be weird for you? In case you run into your students?”
“Nah.” He shrugs. “Doubt they’ll recognize me in the dark.”
“Let him come with us.” Opal says, and Amber glares down at her. “I know we were going for a hunt, but it might be good to get to know him better. His dream could mean something.”
“Ugh, fine!” Her voice startles Harry a bit. “Be at your door in ten minutes with some sensible shoes on.” She looks down at the loafers he’s wearing. “You’ll wanna wear sneakers, Grandpa.”
Ten minutes later, Harry was waiting outside his door for Amber. He decided to wear his light-wash jeans and a windbreaker, along with his glasses. Amber came down the stairs with Opal wearing a long black jacket, and black jeans tucked into a pair of combat boots. Her hair was down for a change, Harry thought it looked beautiful.
“Ready?” She asks him.
“Mhm, you’re not going to put a leash on Opal?”
“Nah, she’s not the type to run away.” They both head down the stairs and out the back door to the street. They make their way to the off-campus neighborhood.
“I’ve been meaning to ask, how long have you been dying your hair that color? It’s really pretty.”
“Your roots never show either, do you touch it up at home?”
“I don’t dye my hair.”
“Amber, remember who you’re talking to.” Opal says.
“I mean, uh, I have a hairdresser do it.” She smiles weakly at Harry. “I go every six weeks like clockwork. My hair’s, uh, naturally blonde, so my roots don’t show.”
“Really? But your eyebrows are so dark?”
“Dye those too.” Amber hated lying about herself, but there was nothing she could really do about it. “I don’t really like talking about myself, um, let’s talk about you. How come you’re going to grad school here and teaching?”
“Well, I love literature, reading and whatnot. I have a degree in English Education, but I wanna teach at a collegiate level, so I got into the master’s program here, and they’re letting me teaching. I’m technically a grad assistant, but I have my own classes.” They cross the street, and head up a slight hill. “Sort of hurt a bit when you said you hated reading.” He chuckles.
“I’m not going to apologize for that. I genuinely hate it if it’s not for research.”
“Did something make you not like reading as a kid?”
“I didn’t have much of a chance to read as a kid.” She mutters. “I went to an agricultural boarding school growing up, not much time for reading fantasy books when you’re working the land.”
“Wow! Why’d you do that?”
“I didn’t really have of a choice.”
“How come?”
“I just didn’t. I don’t really want to talk about it.”
“Well, is that how you got so good at making tea and coffee? I overheard some girls talking earlier, uh, you make an aphrodisiac?”
“I make a few, yeah. What did you hear?”
“That they work really well.” He smirks.
“They do. I only put out the best.”
“What would make you put out a product like that?”
“Sex sells.” She grins at him.
“Have you ever tested your product?”
“Sure, I test all of them to make sure they work properly.”
“And you found that it worked properly?” He smirks.
Amber is about to make a smart remark when she hears a blood curdling scream. She and Opal look at each other before sprinting off in the direction of the scream. Harry’s puzzled, and concerned, so he runs after them. He couldn’t believe how fast Amber could run. They all hear the scream again, and run towards the beginning of one of the walking trails. Harry loses sight of Amber and Opal as they run deeper into the woods. Harry’s stumped on where they could have gone. He uses the flashlight on his phone to help him see better.
“Help!” He hears a woman yell, and runs towards the sound.
When he gets closer, he starts getting major déjà vu. It was just like his dream. He stops short when he finds Amber and Opal. Opal’s eyes were glowing a striking blue and so were Amber’s. Amber’s necklace was glowing bright orange too. There was a woman on the ground, knocked unconscious. There was some odd shadow looming over her. All of a sudden, Amber’s hands start glowing, and what looks like electricity comes from her fingertips. It latches around the shadow like shackles, and it bellows a horrible sound.
“Who sent you?!” Amber yells to the shadow, but before she can get an answer, it vanishes. “Son of a bitch!”
“Amber.” Opal says. “Harry…”
Amber looks over at Harry, who she had completely forgotten about. Her necklace, eyes, and hands stop glowing. She looks down at the woman on the ground. She looked like a college student. Amber sighs, and raises her hands up, thus levitating the woman.
“Can you carry her? I’ll explain later.” Amber says.
Harry nods, and cautiously takes the woman in his arms, carrying her bridal style. Amber puts her hand on one of Harry’s shoulders, and blinks. Next thing Harry knows, they’re back on one of the streets in the neighborhood. Amber places her hand on the girl’s forehead, and takes a deep breath. Her eyes glow for a moment before she takes her hand away. She snaps her fingers, and the girl disappears from Harry’s arms.
“What the fu-“ Amber snaps her fingers again, and they’re in her apartment. “Fuck!” Harry pants, totally freaked out.
“Okay, calm down.”
“Calm down? Calm down?! How do you expect me to calm down?!”
“If you don’t then she won’t be able to explain.” Opal says.
“Did she just talk?” Harry points to Opal.
“Yeah…she must be allowing you to hear her.” Amber shrugs.
“Right.” Harry’s eyes roll back, and he faints, dropping to the floor.
“And here I was thinking I’d have to force him to drink some tea to make him think this was all a dream.”
“Don’t you think he deserves an explanation? He literally had a dream where something similar happened! What if he’s some sort of mage too, but just doesn’t know it?”
“How could he not know it?”
“Not everyone’s born into it like you were. Maybe something drew him here, and maybe things activated when he drank the tea.”
“What do you want me to do, wake him up and explain everything to him? No way, I’m not diving in deep with a stranger.”
“But if you just-“
“Enough!” Amber’s eye glow warningly. “What I say goes.” She snaps her fingers, sending Harry down to his own bed. “He’ll just think he had another wild dream.”
“Wouldn’t that be suspicious?”
“Not if I give him something.” She grins. “I’ll be back in a minute.” Amber snaps herself down to Harry’s bedroom. She sprinkles some dried strawberry dust over his open mouth. “Sweet dreams.” She nearly cackles, and snaps herself back upstairs. “With the dream he’s about to have, he won’t be recalling a damn thing. It’s better if he doesn’t know.”
“We’ll see about that, stubborn girl.”
Harry wakes up Saturday in a cold sweat. He couldn’t remember how he ended up in bed, or taking his clothes off. He rips the blankets back and winces when the cold air hits his stiffy. He was used to being hard in the morning, but not like this. His prick was swollen and throbbing, begging to be taken care of.
“Jesus fucking Christ.” He spits into his hand and grips himself.
He hisses from his own touch. He tries to remember last night. He recalls going for a walk, and then not much else. He jerks himself off until he comes. When he does, he swears a wank has never felt so good. He makes a proper mess of his tummy and heads for the shower. As he’s washing his hair, he notices he’s still hard, like, really hard. Not the post orgasm hard before he softens, it was like he hadn’t come at all. He sighs heavily, and starts pumping himself again. He grips at the tile on the walls as he whimpers and whines until he comes again.
When he gets out of the shower, and walks towards his dresser, he feels a throbbing between his legs. He looks down and sees that he’s hard again. Now he’s just annoyed. He had no idea what was going on. Unfortunately, he knew it wasn’t gonna go away on its own, so he jerks off a third time. He gets dressed, and goes upstairs to Amber’s apartment. He knocks on the door, but doesn’t hear anything.
“Amber, you home?!” He knocks again, but there’s nothing. She didn’t open until noon on Saturdays, where could she be?
He heads down the stairs, and peers into the shop, but doesn’t see anyone. He hears some noises coming from the basement door. He sighs and goes over to it. He knows he’s not supposed to go down there, but he needed answers. He knocks on the door loudly.
“Amber, you down there?!” He jiggles the door handle, and much to his surprise, it’s unlocked. “Amber?” Harry makes his way downstairs, and is stunned with what he sees. There were dozens of bookcases filled with old looking books, and bottles full of different liquids and leaves.
“Harry!” Amber shouts as she storms towards him. “You’re not supposed to be down here!”
“The door was unlocked.”
“Fucking.” She pinches the bridge of her nose. “I’ll have to talk with Penny. Go upstairs, now.”
“What is all of this stuff?”
“It doesn’t concern you.”
“Is this a weird meth lab or something? Are you a drug dealer? Is that what you’re really selling to the students?” He gasps for a moment. “Are you selling them ecstasy?”
“What?! You’re a fucking moron!”
“Then explain what’s going on because I woke up with a raging boner this morning, and it took a really long time for it to go away, and I also can’t remember a thing that happened last night, so I want some answers!”
“Wait, you woke up the boner?”
“How is that the thing you’re focusing on?”
“You were supposed to have a wet dream. Did you dream about anything?”
“No, one second I was on a walk and the next I woke up in my bed all sweaty and hard.”
“You’re telling me. Now-“
“No, it’s weird because what I gave you had a delayed effect.”  She walks over to one of the shelves and pulls out a book. She flips through one of the pages. “Ohhhh.” She nods, closes the book, and puts it back. “I sprinkled some strawberry dust in your mouth from my dried stash, it’s extremely potent, that’s why I make it into a tea. Um, when it’s used the way I used it…it’s supposed to make you have a wet dream. I think it delayed because you passed out last night.”
“I did?!”
“Yes.” She sighs, and snaps her fingers, bringing them to her apartment.
“Amber, I’m about two seconds away from-“
“Have a seat.” She points to her couch, and sits down. He sits down next to her, but not too close.
“Where’s Opal?”
“Out shopping with Penny. She upset with me because of last night. She wanted me to tell you everything, but I didn’t want to. I guess I don’t really have a choice now.”
“What do you mean she wanted you to tell me?” Harry blinks.
“May I press my forehead to yours? It’ll be easier to explain that way.”
“Um, sure?”
Amber grips the back of Harry’s neck, pulling him closer. It was almost like she was about to kiss him, but she doesn’t. She presses her forehead to Harry’s, and her eyes start glowing. Harry suddenly has flashes of everything from the night before. She lets go of him, and gives him a moment to process everything.
“Holy shit.” He says, blinking a few times. “So my dream did mean something.”
“That’s what I’ve been trying to figure out. You had some sort of vision, and I have no idea why.”
“What are you then?”
“I’m a mage.”
“Which is what?”
“Well, it’s sort of like a witch, but less spooky. I can cast spells, and I have other abilities. I was born into it. My hair color is naturally like this, that’s why you haven’t seen my roots grow out.”
“Your necklace was glowing last night too. Does that have anything to do with it?”
“I’ve had this since I was born. It helps enhance things.” She grips the jewel for a moment. “It also keeps me safe.”
“From who?”
“People who might want me for their own selfish needs. I’ve been trying to track this…this thing down. A demon of some kind attacked Opal last spring. I thought I was close to finding it last night, but that shadow was just a minion.”
“Do you know why something might have attacked her?”
“We’ve…wait a second, you’re taking all of this in a little too easily. You’re not freaked out?”
“Most of the fiction I read is fantasy based.” He shrugs. “Besides, it’s hard to doubt something when you see it with your own eyes. So, why do you think something attacked her?”
“We’ve been trying to figure it out for months! We were out in the woods at night collecting some leaves. I turned my back for a second and I heard her yelp out. It was terrible. Luckily, it left before it could do some real damage. I don’t want it hurting her, or any of the college students. Seems like it’s back.”
“Can I ask…why have a shop that’s so obviously full of magic?”
“A lot of people are into natural healing methods these days. And this is a pretty granola town.” She shrugs. “I’ve been here the last four years. Things took off quickly.”
“Where were you before?”
“I told, you I went to an agricultural boarding school. It was for kids like me. I…don’t really know my parents, and I don’t have any siblings. They kind of just send you off once you’re of age to go to pre-school.”
“That sounds terrible.”
“It wasn’t.” She shakes her head. “Well, it was and it wasn’t. I learned how to keep myself safe, and learn how to properly use my powers. They let you leave when you’re twenty. I had all my firsts there. My first kiss, my first love, my first heartbreak.” She sighs.
“Is Penny a mage too?”
“Sort of.” Amber smiles. “She’s more a mother to me than my own. She practically raised me. When I left the school I asked her to come with me, and she agreed.”
“When did you get Opal?”
“When you’re little, around the age of six, they take you to a farm so you can connect with an animal. She was the cutest puppy I had ever seen. I bonded with her right away. We ran around and played and laughed. Opal’s my everything.”
“And she can talk with you and others telepathically?”
“Correct. She has to feel bonded to the people she allows to hear her. She’s felt comfortable with you since you got here…I’ve also been trying to figure that out. It pisses me off to no end that she likes you.”
“Why?” He chuckles.
“Because I can’t stand you. You’re so fucking positive and bouncy. You’re always in a good mood, it’s disgusting.” She grimaces.
“Well, I know being a mage can’t mean you’re crabby because Penny’s always delighted to see me.” He smirks. “It disgusts you that I’m happy?”
“Very much so, yes.” She nods.
“I can’t help it. I’ve got a great job, I’m studying something I’m interested in, and I get to see you every day. What could be better than that?”
“You’re happy because you get to see me every day?”
“Well, sure. You’re so interesting, and…I’m very attracted to you, but I’m sure that’s been obvious to you since I walked through the door.” He rubs the back of his neck as he blushes.
“I’m flattered, but I’m not really one for dating. I don’t have the time for it. Not when there’s a fucking demon on the loose that I can’t seem to track down.”
“Maybe I could help. Two heads are better than one.” He smiles.
“No, the only thing you can help with is keeping all of this to yourself. You can’t say a thing to anyone.”
“I won’t, I promise.”
She nods and takes her necklace off. Harry watches as she moves her fingers above the stone, and crates an amber ring from it.
“Here, you like to wear rings, so put this on.” She grabs one of his hands and slides the ring onto his pinky. “This will keep you safe. It’ll keep us connected.”
“Thank you for trusting me with all of this. Um, so about this morning…did you think I was going to be distracted by a saucy dream?” He smirks.
“It was supposed to make you forget everything entirely. I’m sorry it didn’t work right, that must have been painful. How many times did you, uh, you know, before it stopped?”
“Poor thing.” She pouts. “You must be exhausted.”
“I’m still a little tired, yeah.” He chuckles.
“Why don’t you go to take a nap? Penny and Opal should be back soon, and I need to catch them up on everything.”
“This isn’t some trick, right? You’re not going to try to cast a spell to make me forget?”
“No.” She chuckles. “I don’t see much use in it. Your body was clearly trying to fight off what I gave you.”
“Does, um, does it always last like that?”
“Oh, you mean staying hard after you come?”
“Yeah.” He blushes.
“Not if you fuck someone. If you’re alone and have to take care of it yourself it takes longer for it to wear off since you’re not exerting as much energy.” They both stand up and she walks him to her door. “Should have come knocking sooner, I could have helped you out.” She winks at him.
“That’s not funny.” He deadpans.
She laughs anyways, and sends him out. She snaps herself back to the basement where Opal and Penny are already waiting for her.
“Before so a word, I told him what he needed to know.” Amber tells them.
“The powder didn’t work?” Penny asks.
“No, apparently it didn’t kick in until just before he woke up. Poor thing had to jerk it three times.” Amber shrugs.
“See! This is why I think something is dormant within him. First, your tea causes him to have a vision. Second, the powder didn’t work. What did he say when you told him what was going on?” Opal says.
“He took it really well. The questions he asked were more for his understanding, to piece things together. He wasn’t freaked out at all.”
“Then that’s a third thing. We need to figure out what he is.”
“I know, but how? It’s not like I can experiment on him.” Amber sighs.
“I’ve heard of this before.” Penny says, padding over to one of the book shelves. She makes a motion with her hands to get one of the books on the top shelf down. She brings the book over to the lectern so she and Amber could look at it together. Penny flips through the pages, and finds what she’s looking for. “Ah-ha! Here it is. Long ago, there were families that left the coven, wanting to leave the magic behind. It was when a lot of those awful witch hunts became popular. After a few generations, the families became unaware of their abilities, thus the magic lying dormant within. Apparently, all it takes to ignite the magic is meeting another witch, and drinking something magical they made for them. You’ve been making him tea and coffee for almost two months! Then you gave him that tea sleepy-time tea that’s laced with magic. No wonder he had a vision.” Penny shakes her head.
“I wonder if deep down he felt a pull here…to Amber.”
“Could be.” Penny ponders. “I’ve seen that happening too. Certain covens did have truces back in the day. You two could have been from two separate covens, but bonded nonetheless.”
“If you’re getting into some weird soulmate shit, I’m gonna have to head out.” Amber says.
“That’s not what I’m saying.” Penny shakes her head. “When’s his birthday?”
“Um, February, I think.” Amber says.
“Then is birthstone would be an amethyst.” Opal says.
“If you look at any color wheel you’ll see that purple and yellow are polar opposites.” Penny says.
“But they’re also complimentary colors.”
“Can one of you just get to the point?!” Amber huffs.
“You’re not soulmates, but you are connected. In our various covens, those with citrine birthstones, like yours, and those with amethyst birthstones tended to make great pairs. They’re good at problem solving together.”
“I made him a ring from my stone…should I add an amethyst to it?”
“No.” Opal says. “No, he’ll need that ring to stay as it is for safety. We need to get him his own necklace with the stone. Then we can see if it glows.”
“If it glows…he’s a mage.” Penny states.
“Great, where the fuck am I supposed to get a pure amethyst on such short notice?” Amber pinches the bridge of her nose. “Not to mention getting it welded into a necklace.”
“You’ll have to take him out to the Four Peaks Mine in Arizona. I can run the shop while you’re gone. You’ll take Opal with you, simple as that.”
“It’s not simple. He has classes to teach, and there’s a demon on the loose!”
“Yes, but you might be able to ward it off together. It’s Saturday, we could get there quick, and be back by tomorrow night. Plenty of time.” Opal says.
“That’s a long way to snap us there. We’ll need to sleep there tonight so I get gain my strength back.” Amber says.
“Then so be it.” Penny says. “I can handle things here. We’re only open a half day tomorrow as is. Where is he now?”
“Napping.” Amber sighs. “I’ll go wake him up. Opal, be ready in five?”
Opal nods, and Amber snaps herself into Harry’s apartment. She walks into his bedroom where he’s sleeping soundly. Poor thing was knackered. She sits on the edge of his bed, and gently pulls him out of sleep. His eyes flutter open slowly.
“Hi.” She smiles softly. “We have to go to Arizona for the night to get you an amethyst stone.”
“Um, okay…why?” He sits up a bit.
“It’s your birthstone, just as this is mine.” She points to her necklace. “We need to test something, and we need the pure substance to do so. We may be connected somehow, yellow and purple are complimentary colors.”
“Can I ask you something? If the birth stone is so important, why don’t you glow yellow instead of blue?”
“Blue and yellow are also complimentary colors, just as green and purple are. I was born in November, so it was already obvious what my stone would be, but when my parents saw my eyes for the first time…they knew I’d be powerful. Not all citrines are born with such blue eyes, only the most powerful. Your eyes are very green, so you may be quite powerful yourself, but we won’t know anything until we get to the mine. Pack an overnight bag, and be downstairs in five minutes.”
Without another word, she snaps herself out of his room, leaving him speechless.
“I’m really starting to hate it when she does that.” He says to himself before getting out of bed.
It was dusk by the time Amber was able to snap herself, Harry, and Opal to Arizona. Their first task was to find a motel to stay at for the night before heading to the mine. The biggest challenge was finding one that was pet friendly.
“The mines will be too dangerous for you two. I’ll go and bring back what we need by morning.”
“I can’t let you go alone.”
“Amber, you’ll know if something’s wrong. I’ll check in with you. Just get a room and rest up.”
Opal sprinted off into the night while Amber and Harry went to the check in area of the closest motel. They go inside to see what the vacancy situation is. An older gentleman was behind the desk.
“Good evening, folks.” He smiles warmly.
“Hi, we’d like a room with two queens please.” Amber says.
“Let me just double check if we have that available.” The man goes onto the computer on his desk. “Unfortunately, our last available room with two queens has already been reserved by a family of four coming in. I do, however, one room with a full left. Would that work?”
“A full is so tiny.” Amber frowns. “Is there at least a couch in the room?”
“A small loveseat.”
“Ugh, alright, we’ll take it.” She sighs, and gives him her credit card. Harry can’t hide the smirk on his face as the man types away at his computer. Amber glares at him briefly before taking her card back, and getting the room key.
“Enjoy your stay.” The man smiles at both of them.
“Can’t you just cast some sort of spell to make the bed bigger?” Harry asks once they’re in the room.
“No, that’s not how that works. I can’t change the molecular composition of a mattress like that. I’m also too weak to perform that kind of magic even if I wanted to. Snapping us across the country took a lot out of me, and I need to rest so I can get us home tomorrow.” She closes and locks the door behind them.
“What exactly will finding this amethyst do?”
“Well, I’ll turn it into a necklace, put it on you, and we’ll see if it glows.”
“And if it does?”
“Then you’re a mage, and we’ll have some bigger fish to fry.” She sits down on the edge of the bed and takes her boots off. “I’m gonna go wash up, and then I’m turning in. I brought some tea so we can get to sleep.” She makes her way into the bathroom. Harry goes in after her. When he’s done, she hands him a cup of tea.
“Thanks…do you think I’ll have a weird vision again?”
“You could.” Amber shrugs. “I have no idea.” She goes through her bag and pulls out a night shirt and pajama bottoms. “Turn around.”
Harry does so quickly while she changes. He grabs his own pajama pants to throw on, and stays in his tee shirt. Once they’re done with their tea, they both climb into bed. It wouldn’t be a big deal, but there was little wiggle room, and Harry was a broad, tall guy. They were shoulder to shoulder, squished in the small bed.
“Could be worse, could have been a room with just a twin.” Harry says to break the tension.
“Why in the fuck would there be a motel room with just a twin bed in it?”
“I don’t know, I was just saying.” He shrugs, and turns his head to look at her. “Clearly, there are stranger things out there than that.” He smirks.
“Go to sleep, Harry.” She rolls away from him onto her side.
“You’re making a bigger deal out of this than it needs to be. You’ve never shared a bed with someone before?”
Amber sighs heavily and rolls back onto her back to look at him better.
“I have, but these are tight quarters if you haven’t noticed, and you told me you were attracted to me-“
“So? You think I’m going to disrespect you and take advantage of the situation? I’m not that kind of guy.”
“I didn’t say you were. I just feel…nervous. It’s been a while since I shared a bed with a man, that’s all. You’re pretty, um, attractive yourself, so…there’s that.” Her face had to be beat red right now, she could feel it.
“Well, look who’s expressing their feelings!” Harry gasps. “Who knew this side to you even existed?”
“Don’t be sarcastic with me, Harry. You don’t know what it was like growing up the way I did. It was really hard at times. We were basically like grounded nomads.”
“M’sorry.” He turns on his side to face her easier. “Would you, uh, would you want to have a cuddle while we drift off? Doesn’t have to mean anything, but I know you’re worried about Opal, could help you calm down some.”
Amber nods and turns back over so Harry can spoon her. He doesn’t fully press his pelvis to her bum, he didn’t want to push it and make her uncomfortable. She did feel better having his arm wrapped around her. They both drift off easily after settling, the tea kicking in.
In his dream, Harry’s brought to a large estate, like a mansion from 1800’s London. There was a large field as well, a gentle breeze flowing. It looked like it was a beautiful day. He goes walking for a bit and finds this gorgeous tree that had a few tire swings attached to it. He stops short when he sees Amber. She looked a little younger, her hair was much longer, tied back in a flowing braid, and she was wearing a black, off the shoulder maxi dress with buttons running down the front. She had her arms crossed over chest, and she didn’t look happy with the young man she was speaking with. Harry creeps a little closer to hear what they’re talking about.
“Is what Opal told me true, yes or no?” Amber says to him.
“Yes, or no, Max.” She scowls at him.
“What exactly did she tell you?”
“That you’ve been practicing dark magic in the woods at night.”
“She’s never liked me.” He scoffs. “I can’t believe you’re going to believe that mat over me.”
“Be very careful with how you speak about her.” Amber’s eyes start glowing.
“Settle down.”
“Answer the question.”
“Yes, okay, yes…I’ve been practicing dark magic.”
“Why?! You know it’s against the rules.”
“Well, it shouldn’t be. It does more good than harm, everyone is just too scared because it’s powerful.”
“You’re going to get expelled if one of the elders catches you. Do you want to be thrown out into the world before you’re ready?”
“We’re eighteen, Amber, we can do whatever we want. We could leave here together, and never come back. This place is a prison.”
“This place keeps us safe. You know as well as I do we can’t leave until we’re at least twenty.”
“Since when do you follow every single rule, huh? Where’s the girl that sneaks off into my room at night?” He steps closer to her, caressing one of her cheeks.
“That’s totally different.” She swats his hand away. “You shouldn’t be messing with that shit. If Opal saw you, others could too.”
“So I’ll be more careful.”
“Or you could stop. If you don’t…if you don’t then it’s over between us.”
Max’s dark brown eyes start to glow, along with the jewel hanging from the chain around his neck. It looked like aquamarine. Brown and blue were opposites as well. Maybe those gems had a connection too? He couldn’t be sure, a lot of this was confusing. Amber’s eyes were glowing again to match Max’s energy. Both sets of their hands started glowing as well.
“You’d throw away everything between us over something so small?!” He yells at her.
“This isn’t small, this is serious! Don’t make me strike you, Max.” There were tears streaming down her cheeks.
“You wouldn’t dare.”
With a flick of her wrist, she blasts him, knocking him down to the ground. She hovers over him, ready to serve another blow.
“I’m so disappointed in you.” She says to him.
“You don’t know what you’ve just started.” He grits his teeth.
“Actually, pretty sure I just finished it. Goodbye, Max.”
Harry blinks, and all of a sudden he’s in a forest at night. He could hear growling. He runs in the direction of the noise and sees Opal growling towards a man. It was Max. Harry’s eyes widen as he watches Max chant something, striking a blow towards Opal. Harry tries to save her, but he’s frozen in his place.
“Opal?!” He hears Amber yell, and Max disappears. “Opal! Oh my god!” She drops to the ground, her body going over Opal’s and snapping them away from the scene.
Harry’s eyes burst open, and he sits up right away. Amber’s not in the bed anymore. Before he has a heart attack, he hears her coming out of the bathroom.
“Morning.” She yawns. “Opal’s about five minutes away. How’d you sleep?”
“Amber, uh, when Opal got attacked, did she ever say what it was, or who it was that attacked her?”
“No.” Amber shakes her head. “She couldn’t remember a thing. I think whatever it was put a hex on her memory of the event. Why?”
“I had a really unsettling dream.” He blinks a few times and looks at her. Before he can say anything else, Opal appears in the room, letting a large amethyst fall from her mouth.
“You wouldn’t believe the digging I had to do to get this, but it’s a good one.” She says. “You both slept in that tiny bed?”
“Not the time. Go drink some water.” Amber snatches the amethyst. It hovers above her palm. Her eyes glow, and in seconds it’s transformed into a slide on a necklace. “Let’s do this first, and then we can talk about your dream, okay?” She says to Harry as she comes over to him. Opal hops up on the bed, and Amber sits beside Harry. “Close your eyes.” She says softly, and he does so. She places the necklace over his head, and the gem rests on his chest.
The amethyst starts to hover and glow. Amber and Opal look at each other.
“Is anything happening?” Harry asks.
“Open your eyes.” Amber says.
Harry opens his eyes, and they’re glowing a bright green. He gasps when his looks down at the floating amethyst. He looks down at his hands and sees that they’re glowing too.
“How do I turn it off?!” Harry yelps in fear.
“Don’t panic! Give it a moment, the gem is bonding with you, just breathe.” Amber says.
A few moments pass before the gem rests on Harry’s chest once more. He eyes and hands stop glowing as well, and he takes a deep breath.
“What does all of this mean?” He asks them.
“You’re a mage, your abilities have been dormant for quite some time. You’re definitely more powerful than most, you’ll have to learn how to hone in on it.” Opal explains.
“I guess that would explain the vision-type dreams. I…Amber, I saw your break up with someone named Max. You got into a fight because he was performing dark magic. Then I was in the woods where Opal was attacked. It was him who attacked her, not some random demon.”
“What?!” Amber’s eyes flash for a moment. “I’ll kill him, I’ll-“
“No, Amber, that’s the exact rage he wants you to feel.” Opal says. “But we do need to track him down before he does more damage around town. Those college kids don’t deserve his wrath.”
When they all got back Sunday evening, Amber explained everything to Penny. She was beyond infuriated, and reached out to the other elders back at the boarding school to let them know what was going on. Harry was taking in a lot of information in, but he was doing well at not freaking out. Penny took him aside to calmly explain to him was his powers meant, and that there was a code of ethics he’d need to read up on and follow. Now that Amber knew Max was involved, she needed to figure out a way to track him down, and fast.
The weeks go on, no shadows lurking, no demons, and no Max. Amber, Penny, and Opal take advantage of the quiet to train Harry in their spare time. Lucky for them, he was a fast reader, and a quick learner. He was picking up certain spells naturally. He knew it would take a while to get as good as Amber at all of this, but he was happy with the progress he was making. He had never felt more like himself in his life. Penny had them working on combination spells, and boy were they powerful. The blue and green glows mixed beautifully.
“I have a feeling he may strike on Halloween.” Opal says to them one evening.
“Wouldn’t that be sort of cliché?” Harry asks.
“Please, Max lives for shit like that. He probably thinks it’ll be the perfect cover since we usually go out on Halloween.” Amber says.
“What do you do?”
“Penny stays back to hand out candy to the little kids, and Opal and I usually go around making sure there aren’t any creatures looking for trouble.”
“If Opal thinks he may strike on Halloween, then I think I know where we could wait for him. If I draw out where I had that original vision, do you think you’d know where in the woods it is?”
“It’s worth a try.” Opal says.
Opal knew exactly where Harry was talking about after looking over the picture he drew. Halloween was only a few days away, they needed to prepare. Harry was about to get ready for bed when there was a knock on his door. He looks through the peephole to see Amber, and he smiles.
“Hi, there.” He says as he opens the door.
“Hi, may I come in?”
“Of course.” She nods and comes inside. She had on an oversized shirt and pajama pants. Harry smirks to himself as he closes the door. “So, what’s up?”
“Nothing, I just…well, I just wanted to say that I’m really proud of you.”
“For what?”
“Taking all of this so well, for jumping in without a second thought. You’re doing really well with the lessons, and I know it’s got to be stressful because you’re trying to balance this whole mess along with getting your master’s and teaching.” She chews on her bottom lip. “I know Penny is really good at giving praise, but I’m not always so good at it…that’s what the kids at the boarding school used to tell me when I’d work with them anyways, so I just wanted to make sure I told you how proud I am. I really couldn’t stand you when we first met, but I like you a lot more now.”
He knew the last part was a joke, so he laughs before responding.
“Thanks, that means a lot. When I’m passionate about something, I tend to just dive right in, and I usually aim to please.” He steps a little closer to her. “Is that all you came down here for? To praise me?”
She narrows her eyes at him while her cheeks turn a bright red. He was making her nervous, and she hated feeling that way.
“What else would I have come down here for?” She puts her hands on her hips.
“I don’t know, you tell me. Typically, when a girl comes knocking at my door after midnight, she’s looking for something very particular.”
Amber scoffs and shakes her head. She crosses her arms as she smirks at him.
“Mm, I bet you’d love it if I came down here to seduce you. You strike me as the type that likes to hear a woman beg for your cock. Am I right about that, Harry? You’re so nice and sweet all day long, do you like to get a little mean in the bedroom?” She raises her eye brows playfully. “No, maybe you like it when your woman gets a little mean, or maybe it’s a mix of both.”
“You know what I think?”
“Tell me.”
“I think that whoever you’ve slept with in the past never pleased you in the way that you need to be pleased.”
“And how do I need to be pleased?”
“Probably with a lot of tongue, I’m guessing.” He watches as Amber’s pupils dilate just the smallest amount. “You’d like that, wouldn’t you? To feel all warm and wet between your thighs.”
“I’ve got a toy that does that for me. Perfectly mimics the feeling of someone sucking on my clit.”
“Can’t beat the real thing.”
“Sure it can.” She shrugs. “It gets me panting, mining, screaming. And it gets me absolutely soaked. Probably squirted for all I know.” She pushes past him to walk towards his door. “Sleep well, Harry.”
“How am I supposed to sleep knowing that right above me you’re soaking your own sheets?” He pouts at her.
“Drink some tea, you’ll sleep just fine.” She winks, and out the door she goes.
Harry groans to himself, and heads to the kitchen to make himself some tea. There’s no way he’d sleep on his own tonight.
“I should be going with you two.”
“No, you’ll stay here with Penny where it’s safe. Dark magic can’t infiltrate the shop. You’re his target, so we’ll have a fake you set up.” Amber says. Both her and Harry were dressed in all black. She takes his hand in hers, and she snaps them out to the forest. “We’ll have to travel the rest of the way on foot.” She tells Harry.
“When we get there, and we catch him…what exactly are you going to do.”
“I’m going to take his powers away. I should have done it a long time ago.”
“You know how to do that?”
“Yes, Penny taught me how. It’s only for extreme circumstances, but I know how to sort of, like, bend the energy from him. His stone will go black, and that’ll be it.”
“So…all of this is because he thinks you broke up with him because of something Opal saw him do?”
“It’s more than that.” Amber sighs. “He was always jealous…I put Opal first a lot. He didn’t have the same relationship with his animal guide, and eventually he parted from it. That can break something within you. It’s probably why he turned to the dark magic in the first place. I tried to be there for him, but we started fighting a lot more, and when Opal told me what she saw, that was the last straw for me.”
“How long were you together for?”
“Well, I’d known him my whole life, but we got together when we were sixteen, so two years. He was my first everything. I’ve had other relationships, but it’s tough dating a non-mage. Everything has to be a secret; it’s exhausting.”
“Hearing you say that helps me make sense of my own dating life. I never felt fully connected to any of my girlfriends, even when we were having sex. I felt like I was trying to force the passion or something.”
“God, you’re such a romantic.” She says in a disgusted tone. “It’s all that damn fiction you read.”
“Are you telling me you don’t want to have passionate sex?”
“No, but sometimes sex is just sex. You get your rocks off, zip back up, and get on with your day.”
“That doesn’t sound like much fun.”
“Have you ever fucked someone you hated?”
“I don’t think I’ve ever hated anyone to be honest with you. I’ve not liked people before.”
“Okay, have you ever fucked someone you didn’t like?”
“Why would I do that?”
“You can be attracted to someone and hate their guts. It’s hot and lustful.” She smirks.
“Too bad we didn’t fuck when you hated me then. Could have been pretty steamy.”
“You’re an idiot.” She laughs. “Wait, I think we’re here. Get into positron.”
The two of them huddle behind a large tree. Amber’s eyes glow, and with a few twists of her fingers, a fake Opal is created. Amber acts as if the dog is a puppet, making her sniff around and dig. Harry quietly watches in amazement. Before long, a shadow appears, then a few more. Max appears with the shadows, his eyes glowing a reddish brown.
“You must think I’m a real idiot.” Max chuckles lowly, snapping his fingers and making the fake Opal vanish. “Come on out Amber.” Amber and Harry stand up, coming out from behind the tree. “Oh, look! You’ve brought a friend. Did you really think I wouldn’t be able to tell the difference between your mutt and an illusion?” He smirks.
“No, we knew you’d figure it out.” Amber says. “You’re such a sick fuck trying to hurt her when really it’s me you’re mad at. I broke your heart, and you blame her, but you did it to yourself. You knew I wouldn’t tolerate all of this.”
“You broke just about every rule you could at that boarding school!”
“Yeah, like sneaking into your room after hours, and breaking curfew, not messing with dark magic! It’s possessed you, your eyes aren’t supposed to glow red. I’ve grown fond of this town, and I won’t have you terrorizing defenseless kids because of me. This ends now.”
“Well, you’re about that, but I don’t think you’ll be satisfied with the outcome. See, I’m going to find Opal, and I’m going to make sure she learns that eavesdropping isn’t okay. I know she’s gotten older, but even old dogs can learn new tricks.”
Max’s hands and eyes start glowing, and he charges towards Amber.
“Harry, handle the shadows, I’ll take care of Max!” She yells just as she jumps into the air to avoid Max’s blow.
While Amber and Max cast spells at each other, Harry springs into action. He couldn’t fly or float, or whatever the fuck Amber’s able to do just yet, but he had gotten pretty good at casting key defense and offense spells. Max’s shadows were strong, getting the better of Harry a few times, but Harry’s eyes start glowing along with his gem, and then all bets are off for the shadows. He’s impressed with himself when he’s able to make them vanish. He looks over and sees Amber and Max rushing towards each other with an immense amount of rage. The blow they strike at the same time explodes, causing them both to be flung backwards. Amber’s back slams into a tree, making her fall to the ground.
“Amber!” Harry sprints over to her, cradling her face in his hands. “Come on, Love, wakeup.” He’s panicking now.
“I should have known.” Max says as he scrambles to his feet. Harry looks over at him. “An amethyst and a citrine, how cliché.” He scoffs. “You’re new to all of this, I can feel it. Why she’d spend her time with a mongrel like you is beyond me.” His hands start glowing again as he walks over to Harry. “Not to worry, once you and Opal are out of the picture, she’ll be all mine once more.”
“I’m sorry, but you’re mistaken.”
Harry lunges forward, tackling Max by the legs. He pins him down, and punches Max in the face. Max telepathically throws Harry off him. Harry casts spell after spell towards Max, but they’re all blocked.
“You’re weak, what could she possibly want with you?” Max laughs as he blocks another strike.
Amber’s eyes flutter open, and she sees the two men fighting. She rises off the ground, and gets high enough to have an arial view of them. She watches as Max throws Harry into a tree. That was the last straw. She takes a deep breath, and nose dives towards Max. He doesn’t see it coming as he’s forced into the ground. She pins him down and snatches the gem around his neck, and breaks the chain.
“What are you doing?!” He shouts.
“Something I should have done a long time ago. You’re too dangerous.” Amber shoots back up into the air, and Max follows her.
“Give it back!”
She wraps the chain around her fist, and points her other arm out at him. The blue glow leaves her palm and goes right to Max’s heart. First, a red glow starts to leave his body, and soon it turns into Max’s original brown glow. They both start lowering to the ground. He’s screaming at the top of his lungs, and she has tears streaming down her cheeks. There’s a large flash of light, and then nothing.
“You have no idea what you’ve done.” He says weakly on his knees looking up at her.
“I know exactly what I’ve done.” She throws Max’s gem on the ground and steps on it, breaking it into tiny pieces. “I can’t believe I thought this would actually be a challenge.” She pushes him all the way down to the ground with her boot, and steps on his chest. “Only the weak turn to dark magic.”
“What am I supposed to do without my powers?” He asks weakly.
“I don’t know, why don’t you ask your friends?” The shadows come to surround Max. Amber steps back from him and watches as they circle around him. They look to her. “Unless you want to end up just like that, I strongly suggest you take him far away from here.” They all vanish. Amber had a feeling this fight was long from over, but for now Max wouldn’t be able to do any more damage. She rushes over to Harry who was still laying on the ground. “Harry!” She cradles his head into her lap and places her hand on his forehead.
“Hey.” She smiles down at him.
“Did we win?”
“We did.” She nods. “You were so brave trying to battle him. I took his powers away, we should be safe for a while.”
“I bet Opal will be relieved.”
“Yeah, she will be. Let’s get back to the shop, yeah?”
Harry hums his response just as Amber snaps them to the shop. Penny and Opal were cleaning up from the trick or treating.
“You’re back!” Opal exclaims, running over to the two of them. Amber drops to her knees to hug her friend.
“I took his powers away. We could easily see him again, but not for a long time.” Amber says.
“I’m so proud of you.” Opal nuzzles her forehead to Amber’s. “I’m proud of you too, Harry.”
“I’m glad you’ll be safe now.” Harry scratches at Opal’s head.
“You two look knackered.” Penny says. “Here, I made some tea for you both, go upstairs and unwind for a bit. We can talk about everything in the morning.”
“Good idea, thank you. Where’s the tea?” Amber asks.
“I snapped it up to Harry’s apartment.” Penny smiles. “Go on, Opal and I can finish locking up.”
Harry and Amber make their way into his apartment. They see the tea on his coffee table, and sit down on his sofa. They’re quiet for a moment as they take a sip. It had the faintest hint of a coffee smell, which was peculiar. It should either taste like chamomile or vanilla. Amber was too tired to question it.
“I’m going to head up.” She says after finishing her tea. “I’ll see you in the morning.”
“Alright.” He smiles at her. “We can keep training together, right? I’d like to keep learning.”
“Of course.” She smiles. “You still have a lot to learn. Goodnight, Harry.”
“Night, sleep well.” He walks her to the door and watches as she heads upstairs.
Amber takes a quick shower, and changes into a tee shirt and bed shorts. Opal was already asleep on the daybed in the living room. Amber crawls into bed and sighs with relief. She tosses and turns for a bit. She felt wide awake now, like she had just been given a burst of energy. She huffs and puffs, getting more and more uncomfortable. She feels hot all over, and kicks her blankets back. Her thighs felt sweaty, so she dips her fingers inside her shorts and gasps. She was wet, incredibly wet. She sits up and remembers the tea.
“Fucking, Penny.” She groans. Coffee had a way of masking other smells. Amber gets out of bed, getting more and more frustrated with each step. Opal pops an eye open.
“Can’t sleep?”
“Why’d you let Penny give me the mood tea?”
“I have no idea what you’re talking about. Seems like your problem will go away faster if you see Harry, though.”
“You’ll face my wrath in the morning.”
“Mhm, go have some fun.”
Amber makes her way down the stairs to Harry’s apartment. She bangs on his door, preying he wasn’t asleep already. After a few moments, he opens the door only wearing a pair of boxer briefs. He was holding a pillow over his crotch. Amber places her hands on either side of the doorframe.
“We have a problem.” She huffs. “Penny slipped us the wrong tea.”
“Was wondering why I got so hard once I got into bed.” He looks her up and down. “Why’d you come all the way down here?”
“Because if we don’t take care of it properly then we’ll be up all night, and I don’t feel like masturbating for hours on end until it stops.”
“Here I was thinking I’d have to wank off to just the thought of you.” He steps closer to her, dropping the pillow to the floor. Her eyes flicker down to his strained prick.
“I wanted us to go out on a proper date before we did anything like this.” Amber mutters. “Penny’s so pushy whenever she wants me to be with someone.”
“Do you ever listen to her?”
“Seems like she took the necessary steps.” He hooks an arm around her waist, pulling her into him. “I’ll take you out to breakfast tomorrow morning, how’s that sound?”
“I’ve always wanted to go on a breakfast date.”
“You wanna do this? I can kiss you, touch you?” His lips ghost over hers.
“Please, take care of me. M’dripping.”
“For me?”
“For you.” She confirms. “This stuff is potent, but it works better when you have someone in mind that you really want to fuck.”
Harry groans and slots his mouth over hers. He brings her further into the apartment, and kicks the door closed. His hands cup her cheeks as they bump into various walls. She bites down on his bottom lip and he moans into her. He licks into her mouth and starts sucking on her tongue. She tugs on his hair and jumps up so he can carry her into his room. Her legs wrap securely around his waist, moaning into his mouth as he sucks on her bottom lip. He drops her onto his bed, a whine escaping her from the loss of his body. He smirks as he moves to hover over her, attaching his lips to her neck. He sponges wet kisses along her skin, and nibbles on her earlobe.
“What do you like, Amber?” He says into her ear, and her hips buck up into his.
“Anything right now would be good, I’m soaked.” She whimpers, and he moves to look at her.
“Because of the tea, or because you really want me, because I can’t fuck you if it’s just from the tea.”
“It’s a mix of both. The tea can bring out things you’re already feeling for someone else. I want you, I mean it, I’m not just saying it so you’ll fuck me. I…I like you, alright? I really do like you. I think about you when you’re not around, and the best part of my day is when you come into the shop after you’ve finished working for the day. You set up your stupid laptop and work on your stupid assignments, all while looking unapologetically handsome.”
“Why would you keep all of that to yourself for so long, hm?” He coos, brushing some hair away from her face.
“Because romance makes me sick, and so does being vulnerable.” She pouts at him.
“Well, lucky for you, I’m pretty good at both.” He presses his lips to her once more before shifting down her body. He tugs on her shorts, and she lifts her hips to help him take them off. She wasn’t wearing anything underneath, which made things much easier. His eyes widen when he sees how slick she is between her legs. “Christ, you weren’t kidding.”
“It hurts, please, just do something.” She whines again.
Harry smirks before licking over one of her inner thighs, and then the other. He licks over her slit, and she moans out in relief. He licks up to her clit and sucks harshly on it. He moans into her and presses down on her lower stomach. He slides two fingers inside her, and her head rolls back into his pillows. Harry thought she tasted amazing, and she was so wet and warm around his fingers. He was leaking into his boxers, he could feel it. He knew part of it was from the tea, but he also knew how he felt about her. He had been dreaming of this moment since the day he met her, and he couldn’t believe it was finally happening. The tips of his fingers pet against her g-spot, and her hands fly to his hair to grip onto. He continues to suck on her clit, trying not to bust in his boxers too soon. She cries out as she comes around his fingers. She gets her shirt off while he rids himself of his boxers. He comes back down to hover over her. He licks into her mouth as her arms wrap around her his neck. He ruts his hard cock against her folds.
“Do you want me to wear a condom?” He asks her as he starts to knead her breasts.
“N-no.” She shakes her head. “Are you okay with that? I…I’m clean.”
“So am I. Are you on the pill, or something?”
“I have an IUD, so you can come inside me if you want.”
“Is that what you want?”
“We’re going to be able to go for multiple rounds, and I want you to fill me up each time.”
“Fuck.” He groans, and spreads her legs farther apart.
He rubs his tip along her clit before pushing inside. Her nails dig into his shoulders, her mouth falling open from the stretch he was giving her. Her heels dig into the backs of his thighs, pulling him closer to her. Her hands trail down his back until they reach his bum, sinking her nails into the plushy skin.
“You feel so fucking good.” She gasps as he thrusts in and out of her.
“So do you.” He groans. “You’re so fucking tight, don’t know how long I’ll last.”
“It doesn’t matter, you’ll get hard again.”
“Thought you said since we were taking care of it properly it won’t last quite as long?”
“It won’t last as long, but it’ll still last for bit.” She pulls his face down to hers to kiss him. “Let me get on top, yeah?”
He nods, and rolls them both over. She readjusts, and starts bouncing up and down on him. She throws her head back and scratches down his stomach. His hands find her hips, thrusting up into her to match her pace. He watches as her tits bounce up and down. He sits up a bit so he can suck on one of her nipples. Her clit rubs against him perfectly, and she’s coming again in no time. With another thrust, he come inside her, biting down on her shoulder in the process.
“You’re amazing.” He mutters into her neck. “I can feel how hard I still I am.” He groans as he looks up at her. “It’s like I’ve got a cock ring on or something.”
“I know, don’t worry, we’ll make it go away together.” She smiles and lifts herself off of him. “Um…there’s something I’m sort of into, and I was wondering if you might be too?”
“Well, what is it?”
“Could I…would you be comfortable if, I, uh, got behind you and lick you? Maybe use my fingers? I can conjure up some lube.”
Harry’s eyes visibly dilate, making Amber smirk.
“You have no idea how okay with that I am.”
“Yeah? Have you done it before?”
“No, but I’ve always wanted to. I think I actually have some lube here. Let me just double check my side table.” Harry eagerly leans over and reaches into his side table drawer. He finds a bottle of lube and tosses it to her. He gets onto his stomach for her, and she giggles as he wiggles his bum at her.
“M’gonna make you feel so good.” She says lowly, giving his bum a little smack before leaning down to spread him apart.
She licks a strip around his hole, swirling around his him. He grips the blankets on the bed, moaning and whimpering into his pillow as she suckled and slurped around his hole. She sits up for a moment to get some lube on her fingers. She starts with her middle finger, rubbing it around his rim, and then slowly slipping it inside him.
“Fuck.” He groans.
“Does it hurt?”
“No, feels good, don’t stop.”
Amber bites her bottom lip as she slips another finger inside him. She pumps them carefully, she didn’t want him to be in any sort of pain, this was supposed to be pleasurable. Her fingers get deep enough to reach a particular part inside of him. She reaches a hand around front to grip his throbbing cock.
“Doing so well, Harry.”
“Think you found my prostate, shit, feels so fucking good.” He grits his teeth as her thumb rubs over his tip. “M’gonnna come again, fuck!”
Amber presses his prick as close to his stomach as possible to make less of a mess as he comes. She slowly retracts her fingers from him, and lets him roll onto his back. He was sweaty and panting. She licks the palm of her hand that was full of his come, and then leans down to lick his stomach clean. His prick hardens back up instantly.
“Harry, I’m so wet, I almost came watching you enjoy yourself.” She says after licking her lips. “And your come tastes so good.” She pouts.
“I eat a lot of fruit.” He breathes. “Lay on your side for me.” He pats the spot next to him, and she does what he says. They get into a spooning position. She raises her leg a bit, and he slips inside.
“Oh, wow, you’re in so deep.” She arches into him. He grips her hip and starts moving in and out of her.
“Yeah? Like feeling me like this?”
“Yes.” She gasps when his fingers slip to her clit.
“You like it dirty, huh? You don’t like have vanilla sex.” He says into her ear, nipping at her lobe.
She moans out, unable to form an actual response. Once he gains a little more energy, he has her turn onto her stomach so he can fuck her properly from behind. He sits up on his knees, and starts pounding into her relentlessly.
“Oh my god!” She gasps. “Keep going, just like that!”
He grips the back of her neck with hand, and reaches around front to rub her clit with the other. He strokes are fast and deep, beating up her g-spot. She was chanting his name, and it was just egging him on more. He needed her to come again, and he needed her to come hard. As good as she felt, he wasn’t sure if he’d be able to do it again after this.
“Want you to soak my sheets.” He growls. “Come all over my cock, Amber.”
“M’close, m’close!” She cries out.
Everything feels overwhelming all at once, and she finally lets go. He comes inside her at the same time, and does soak his sheets. His cock is absolutely drenched. He collapses next to her on the bed. He sighs with relief when he feels his cock actually start to soften.
“I have a spare set in the linen closet.” He says to her, and she giggles.
“Don’t bother, that was just the first session.”
“That was just the first session. You’ll probably come two more times.”
“But, that other time I only came three times.”
“Yeah, and it hurt, right? Did these last few hurt?”
“Not at all. Felt amazing.”
“We could 69 for the next one. You’re really good at going down.” She bites her bottom lip.
“Wouldn’t mind feeling your mouth around my cock either.”
“Seems like you’re almost ready again.” She looks down at his hardening cock.
“Fuck, please, come sit on my face.”
“You don’t want me to clean up first?”
“You just licked my asshole, I’m not too concerned about tasting my own come while it drips out of you.”
Amber whimpers and scrambles her way to hover over his face, leaning down over his cock so she can lick over his tip. Harry immediately starts sucking on her swollen clit, making her gasp before she’s able to wrap her lips around him. They went at for hours, switching between a number of positions, making an absolute mess of Harry’s sheets. Amber realizes that Penny must have given them a combination of the strawberry tea and the chocolate tea; that’s a strong combination. They couldn’t get enough of each other, and instead of being upset with Penny’s antics, they decided to just roll with it. Harry ate out Amber’s ass, she rode him reverse, he hit it from the side, they were like animals. He had scratch marks all over his chest and back, she was littered in bite marks, by the time the tea wore off, they were exhausted. Neither had the energy to magically make the sheets clean, so Harry stripped the bed while Amber helped make it back up. They fell asleep curled up with another completely naked.
Opal woke up to an empty apartment, to which she laughed. She headed down the stairs to go see Penny, and let her know their sneakiness paid off. The only thing was, there was no sign of Penny. Opal couldn’t get a scent on her.
“Oh, no.” Opal says to herself, and goes upstairs to Harry’s apartment. She scratches at his door. “Amber!”
Amber sits up quickly in bed. She wraps herself in one of Harry’s blankets and sprints to the door, rattling Harry awake.
“Come back to bed.” He groans, but she doesn’t hear him.
Amber opens the door, and Opal rushes in.
“What’s going on?” Amber asks her frantically.
“I’m sure you’re tired, and rightfully pissed off, but Penny didn’t show up this morning. I don’t even have a scent on her.”
“Shit.” Amber groans. “This has Max written all over it. He probably bagged her on her walk here this morning. Why she doesn’t just live here, I’ll never know.”
“What’s going on?” Harry asks them.
“Penny’s missing, get dressed.” Amber says firmly before snapping herself and Opal upstairs.
Harry wanted to talk to Amber about everything they did last night, take her to breakfast like he said he would. But Penny was missing, so that meant their nightmare from the night prior wasn’t over. He gets himself dressed and down to the shop. Amber was already waiting downstairs with Opal.
“Where do you think they took her?” Harry asks.
“I have an idea.” Amber sighs. “He probably sent those damn shadows after her.”
“Penny’s so experienced, I don’t understand.” Harry shakes his head.
“She’s old, Harry.” Opal says. “She wouldn’t stand a chance alone.”
Amber’s eyes start glowing out of nowhere, and she starts hovering in the air. Just as soon as it happens, she’s back on the floor.
“I know where she is, she just sent me a signal.” Amber says.
“I know where she is, she just sent me a signal.” Amber says. “It’s essentially a trap, they know we’re coming for her.” She looks down at Opal. “Are you strong enough for this?”
“I’ll have to be. Let’s go get her.”
Amber snaps them to where they need to be. Mac had the shadows take her to an old, abandoned building on the outskirts of town. Amber brought them just down the hall from where Penny was being kept. Harry had so many questions, but he knew now wasn’t the time. He stays close to Amber and Opal, walking down a dark corridor.
“Harry, stay with Opal. I’m going on the room.”
“I can’t let you go in there alone.” He tells her.
“I wasn’t asking.” She says before snapping herself into the room. Penny was chained up to a wall. “For the love of god.” Amber sighs before snapping her free.
“Behind you!” Penny shouts, and Amber gets zapped by what looks like red electricity. She gets knocked to the ground, but picks herself back up. Max’s eyes were glowing red.
“I told you that you had no idea what you did.” He grins evilly at her. “Give me the dog, now.”
“It’s me you want, not her. You have me, okay? Just take me.”
“The thing is…” He walks towards her. “I don’t have you.”
“What do you mean?”
“You can’t be serious.” He scoffs. “You wreak of that dolt’s scent, Amber. What did you do, go home and fuck him to celebrate? I found this one because she was wearing one of your sweaters, thought it was you.”
Amber looks back at Penny with wide eyes. She had to have known that Max was going to come for her. Penny set the tea up so Harry’s scent would mix with Amber’s, and make her hard to find. Penny essentially sacrificed herself.
“And to think I was mad at you.” Amber smiles softly at Penny.
“I’d never trick you on purpose.” Penny says.
“Blah, blah, blah.” Max rolls his eyes. “Either way, I’ve lured you here.”
“What do you even want from me? Do you think forcing me into a relationship is going to be much fun?”
“Don’t flatter yourself.” Max chuckles. “You think you’re such a prize, but you’re not. I’ve had women far better than you. This really is about Opal, so hand her over.”
Amber’s hands glow, and she strikes a blow at Max. He blocks it and sends it back to her.
“Like the new powers? My friends gifted them to me.” He grins.
“Red’s never been your color, sorry to say.”
They both run towards each other to duke it out. Shadows start to crowd around Penny, and she tries to deflect them, but she needs help. Harry and Opal storm in to help her. Harry’s able to zap them away. He looks over at Max, and runs towards him, striking him with a powerful blow. Amber’s eyes widen as she watches Harry try to face off with Max.
“Amber, get Opal and Penny home, now!”
“Harry, I’m not leaving you!”
“Listen to your foolish boy, Amber, you won’t want to see this.” Max says as he strikes Harry.
Amber fights back tears as she snaps herself, Penny, and Opal out of there. She starts crying because she knows she doesn’t have the strength to snap back right away.
“If I lose him, I…I don’t know what I’ll do.” She cries. “I finally opened up to him, and I-“
“Don’t waste your energy on panicking.” Penny says. “I tried to stop him so you wouldn’t have to worry. I wanted to ward him off, I’m sorry.”
“This isn’t your fault, it’s mine.” Opal says. “I was in the woods that night because I was following him. I had caught wind of dark magic usage, and my suspicions of it being him were true. I had no choice but to tell you.” She says to Amber.
Amber drops to her knees, and wraps her arms around Opal. Amber didn’t blame Opal for anything. This was all Max’s fault. She could feel herself getting angrier. She needed to know if Harry was alright.
“I have to get back to him. He can’t face Max on his own.” Amber looks up at Penny. “Do you think I’ll be able to do it?”
“You are the strongest girl I know. If anyone could muster up the energy to do this, it’s you. Don’t rely on the anger, rely on the love that feel for that boy.”
Amber wants to protest, but she couldn’t deny it. She loved Harry, a lot. She’d fallen for him, and she needed him to be okay. She takes a deep breath, and snaps herself back to where Harry is. She gasps once she’s back in that room. Harry was levitating Max in the air with his powerful green glow. He was holding Max in some sort of bubble.
“Harry!” Amber shouts.
“I’m okay! I don’t know how I’m doing this, but I’m okay!”
“Let me help!”
She blasts her blue glow up at Max, mixing with Harry’s. Max shouts this goulash sound, and a bright red light shines, filling the room. A loud explosion occurs, blasting Harry and Amber back. Max falls to the ground with a loud thud. Amber scrambles to her feet, and dusts herself off. Harry was totally knocked out. She wants to tend to him, but she has to make sure Max can’t do any more damage. She rushes over to him, and stands over him, nudging his body with her boot. His eyes flutter open, and he looks up at her.
“You’re so far gone.” She shakes her head. “You could have been such a wonderful mage, now look at you.”
“I’ve always envied you.” He says weakly. “You were given the best companion, one that could actually help you and bond with you. You’re one of the most powerful citrines out there. We could have been something together.”
“You ruined it. I feel nothing for you, absolutely nothing.”
“I can tell. Your heart belongs to that one.”
Amber steps on his chest, making him wince.
“And don’t you forget it. I showed mercy by taking your powers away. Walk away while you still can, or I won’t show you such kindness again. Do you understand?”
“Yes, I understand.”
She rushes back over to Harry, and immediately snaps them back to the shop. He was still unconscious. Penny and Opal crowd around the two of them.
“Harry, please wake up.” Amber whispers to him. “I need you to be okay, please, I need you.” She cries into his chest.
“Amber.” Penny puts her hand on Amber’s shoulder. “Let’s get him up into your bed. You have some things in your kitchen we can whip up to help him.”
Amber nods, and Penny snaps them all upstairs. Amber gets Harry tucked into her bed. His breathing was steadily, and his blood pressure was normal. He used so much energy to keep Max at bay, he must be so drained, especially after the night they had. All he wanted to do was take her to breakfast, Amber hoped they’d get the chance. She goes into her kitchen with Penny while Opal stays curled up next to Harry.
“So, what are we making?” Amber sighs.
“Here, crush these mint leaves up, I’m making a watermelon tea, so I’m reducing some watermelon over the stove to make a syrup. We’ll use the mint leaves for the tea itself.”
“What will this do? He can’t drink this if he’s not awake.”
“He’ll need it for when he wakes up. It’ll be like an energy boost.”
“How do we wake him up?”
“We don’t. He needs to sleep whatever this is off. You’ll be there when he wakes. I’m sorry again about last night. When you told me what Max did, I knew he’d try to find you today. I just wanted to help, and-“
“I understand why you did it. It’s okay.” Amber smiles softly. “It could have been worse. Please, sleep here tonight in my guest room.”
“Alright.” Penny nods. “I think that’s a good idea.”
Once the tea is done, Amber brings it into her room, sets it down on the side table closest to Harry, and crawls into bed. It was only the early afternoon, but she felt sleep pulling her in. She succumbs to it, letting her eyes droop as she rests her head on Harry’s chest.
Hours later, she stirs awake when she feels the weight shift in the bed a bit. She looks over to see Harry knuckling at his eyes, and sitting up. He looks at her and smiles softly.
“Hey.” He says.
“How are you feeling?” She asks, reaching to caress his cheek.
“M’alright. I woke up a little while ago, Opal had me drink the tea you made. She’s downstairs with Penny running the shop. I fell back asleep after I drank some of the tea.” He presses a kiss to her palm, and she smiles. “How are you?”
“Better now.” She sighs. “I’m glad you’re awake, I was worried. We got blasted backwards after our magic combined. I don’t know how you were able to hold him off for as long as you did.”
“He…he was trying to egg me on. He was saying all of these awful things about you, but I remember reading it wasn’t good to harness anger to make yourself more powerful, so I just sort of thought about how I wanted to keep you safe, how I wanted Opal to stay safe because I knew that if anything happened to her you’d be devastated.”
“I was really worried about you.” Her voice cracks, and her eyes widen. “I thought he was going to try to kill you. I don’t know what I would have done if you didn’t make it out of there.”
“Amber.” Harry cups her cheeks, using his thumbs to wipe her tears away. “I…I didn’t know you felt so strongly about me. We haven’t had a chance to talk about last night. I know we did a lot last night, and we had a bit more, um, gusto thanks to that tea, but everything I said to you last night I meant. I want to be with you.”
“I want to be with you too. I…I don’t want to know what it’s like to be without you. I was scared that I would. I know I pushed you away in the beginning, but I was fighting off something bigger than the two of us. I don’t think I’ve ever felt this way about someone before.” She looks down for a moment, and then back up at him. “I think…I think we were supposed to find each other, like, there was some sort of pull between us. I mean, there were plenty of other stores on this strip with vacant apartments, but you came into mine.”
“I always thought this stuff only happened in the books I’ve read, but it all sort of makes sense. I mean, I had no idea I was a mage, or whatever. Clearly, whatever this is inside of me was trying to bust out. And…amethysts are drawn to citrines, right?”
“Yeah, sometimes.” Amber smiles. “Usually, um, it’s a male citrine that goes for a female amethyst, not the other way around.”
“What about same sex couples?” He smirks.
“Same sex couples usually share the same gem, it’s rare if they don’t. I’m not sure what the science behind it is, you’d have to ask Penny.”
“Oh, is Penny…?”
“Mhm, she’s a widow, but her wife was the kindest woman. The two of them basically raised me.”
“What was her name?”
“Luna.” Amber smiles fondly. “They’re both garnets.”
“That’s really cool. I want to keep learning more about all of this; it’s so fascinating.”
“You’ll definitely learn more. I’ve got shelves upon shelves of books downstairs that you haven’t even touched yet.”
“Do you think I should tell my family about any of this?”
“God, no. Sometimes these things skip generations, they’d probably think you were nuts.” She chews on her bottom lip for a moment. “We’ve digressed a bit, um, I feel really strongly about you.”
“I feel strongly about you too.”
“Like…I…I’m in love with you, Harry.”
“Oh, thank god.” He sighs with relief. “Feel like I fell in love with you from the second we met, but I’ve been trying really hard not to come on too strong. You’re not the biggest fan of romance.” He smirks.
“No, I’m not.” She leans in to peck his lips. “I’m the stoic one, and you’re the cinnamon roll.” She grins.
“Mm, your dirty talk is impeccable.” He rolls his eyes, and it makes her laugh.
“Let me continue. You’re the only one this stoic girl becomes soft for. You turn me into a little cinnamon roll, one of those really sweet ones with a ton of icing.”
Harry chuckles and leans in to kiss her. He sucks on her bottom lip, smiling into the kiss.
“Definitely sweet.” He mutters against her lips.
“We should probably get out of bed before we completely throw off our sleep schedules.”
“You’re right.” He sighs. “M’also starving. I don’t think I’ve eaten all day.”
“Same here.”
“I owe you a breakfast date.”
“It’s already past five, no restaurant would serve us breakfast right now.”
“Maybe not, but I’m sure I could whip something up. You got groceries?”
“Yeah, plenty of food in the kitchen.” She blinks. “You want to make us breakfast for dinner?”
“Mhm.” He kisses her again. “Do you like pancakes?”
“Love ‘em.” She nods.
“What about chocolate chip pancakes?”
“Those are my favorite.”
“Mine too.”
Turns out Harry made some of the best pancakes Amber ever had. After they ate, they went down to the shop to see how Opal and Penny were doing. Amber decided to close down early. Harry needed to finish up some homework, and make sure he had his lesson plans ready to go for tomorrow morning. It was weird getting back to reality, but it was a routine Amber was sort of craving. For so long their main focus was training to prepare for Max’s eventual strike. Amber couldn’t be certain that he wouldn’t try something again, but she looked him dead in the eyes when she threatened him. She saw fear, she could feel his fear. She wasn’t worried about him anymore, nor was she as worried about Opal. She could exhale for the first time in a while.
She had a new concern: Harry. Over the next couple of weeks, she wouldn’t let him sleep alone, which he didn’t mind one bit. Harry liked that Amber was being so affectionate towards him, he reveled in the attention. The kisses, the soft touches, the hugs, the smiles, everything Amber did, Harry loved. He couldn’t wait to finish up his office hours most days so he could get to the shop. Even though Amber had to work, Opal would still curl up at his feet, and Penny would drop off an extra biscotti at his table. Harry felt like he had formed this new little family. It made the little town he decided to call home actually start to feel like home. He even got to see how Amber made her many teas.
The only thing that wasn’t so great was that Harry’s student Whitney tended to keep him late, and Amber didn’t like it. She trusted Harry with her whole heart, but she didn’t quite like the idea of someone else thinking they could try to flirt with him. Whitney came into the shop all the time, Amber knew exactly who Whitney was. She was a senior, so not much younger than herself or Harry, but still, it wasn’t appropriate for a student to be so forward with her professor. So, much like with everything else, Amber took matters into her own hands.
One evening, Harry had made Amber a late dinner after she closed up the shop. After they ate, they made their way to his sofa. Harry thought they were going to just cuddle for a bit, but Amber had made her way into his lap, straddling him and running her fingers through his hair while she sucked on his neck. Normally, Harry would be more cautious about having a mark in such a public spot, but it was getting colder out, so he could wear a turtleneck or scarf to cover it up. He was also just enjoying her body on his too much to care. She was rolling her hips into his, and his hands were kneading her ass.
“What’s gotten into you tonight, huh?” He pants as her teeth really start to sink into his skin. “Not that I’m complaining.”
She pops off him with loud, wet noise, catching her breath as she looks at the red mark forming on his neck. She runs her thumb over it in hopes that it’ll turn a delightful dark purple.
“You just smell so good, you know your cologne drives me wild.” She says as she latches back onto his neck. He moans out as she nips at his skin. She rolls her hips down in a way that grins her center right over his bulge.
“Fuck, Amber, can we move this to the bedroom? M’about ready to explode here.” He groans, squeezing harder at the skin on her hips. She tugs his head more to the side to make the mark even bigger. “Can mark me up all over, yeah?”
“Mm, that sounds nice.” She mumbles into his neck, and kisses her way over to his lips. “Maybe we could take a quick shower, and I could lick you all over too.” She wiggles her eyebrows at him, and his eyes visibly darken.
“Should make you dinner more often.”
Harry was on cloud nine the next day at school. He couldn’t stop smiling even if he tried. Amber made good on her promise to lick him all over, especially where he liked it most. He liked that they both enjoyed a good tonguing, and he liked that they were so good at taking turns. He wasn’t even mad about how fucked up his neck looked. Harry knew what Amber was doing, she was clearly marking her territory, and he didn’t mind one bit. If he wasn’t into her dominant personality, he wouldn’t be with her. The sweater he was wearing covered up most of it anyways, and his students never seemed to hide the marks on their necks, so what was the big deal, really?
After he finishes his classes for the day, he heads to his office for his office hours. He dives into the papers he needed to grade. He assigned a ten-page paper for his fiction workshop, and now he was regretting it. He got about a third of the way through his stack when Whitney came to his office.
“Hi, Professor Styles.” She smiles.
“Hey, Whit.” He smiles back. “I’m actually glad you’re here, could use your help.”
“With what?”
“I have a ton of grades to put into a spreadsheet from my physical gradebook. Think you could do that for me?”
Harry unhooks his laptop from the docking station so she could dive into the spreadsheet he started. Things were quiet for a bit, but she was having trouble reading his writing. Harry had horrible penmanship.
“Professor Styles, I can’t read this.” She says, getting up from her seat and walking over to him. She leans over him slightly, and points to some of his scribbles. “See, I can’t tell if that’s an 87 or an 81.” Her cleavage was practically spilling into his face. He was about to say something, but someone else beat him to it.
“Maybe you should get your eyes checked.” They both look up to see Amber leaning against the door frame.
“Hey!” Harry smiles brightly, and Whitney stands up straight. “Amber, this is Whitney, one of my students. Whitney, this is my girlfriend, Amber.”
“Girlfriend, oh…um…I didn’t realize you were seeing someone, Professor Styles.”
“Course you did, how else would he have gotten that mark on his neck.” Amber smirks. “Now, why don’t you do everyone a favor and put your tits away because he’s not going to suck on them, alright?”
“Amber.” Harry looked mortified.
Whitney looked frightened, and she was speechless. She quickly gathers her things and walks out of Harry’s office. Harry stands up and goes to close his door. He was upset, Amber could tell.
“What?” Amber asks.
“You can’t talk to one of my students like that!”
“Why not? She was practically shoving her tits in your face, and you were letting it happen.”
“I was about to tell her to back off, but then you showed up. Why are you even here?”
“I came to surprise you, but I can see I’m unwanted. Why was she even here?”
“She comes to help me most days after class. She was working on a spreadsheet for me. And you’re not unwanted, you just don’t come to see me here often. It would have been a nice surprise if you hadn’t come in guns hot.” He puts his hands on his hips and looks at her. “Are you seriously jealous?”
“I can’t help that I feel protective over you. I don’t like that other people think you could be theirs when you’re mine.”
“And to think you didn’t want anything to do with me just a few months ago.” He smirks.
“That joke stopped being funny after the first time you made it.” She rolls her eyes, and stops towards him. Harry was just under a foot taller than Amber, and yet she commanded every room she walked into. She grips the collar of his sweater and tugs him down to her face, her eyes glowing.
“You’re so sexy when you’re like this.” He wraps his arms around her, lifting her up and sitting her down on his desk. “But don’t think it gives you a pass for acting like that. You need to be nice. She’s one of your customers, remember? You’re nice all the time at the shop, why can’t be nice where I work?” He pouts.
“Because no one flirts with me at my place of business.”
“Oh, please.” He scoffs. “I’d be a very rich man if I had a dollar for every time I’ve caught someone checking you out.”
“That’s totally different. No one’s shoving a part of their body in my face.” She pouts back at him. “Why does someone so pretty have to be one of your frequent flyers?”
“Okay, let’s get something straight. The only tits I want shoved in my face are yours.” He plants his hands on either side of her thighs, getting nice and close to her face. “And even though Whitney might be pretty, no one could ever compare to how incredibly beautiful you are.”
He always knew exactly how to melt her heart. He leans in to kiss her, sucking on her bottom lip, and licking into her mouth. Her hands move up to his chest, tugging on his sweater to pull him closer. She wraps her legs around his waist, and slowly lowers herself back onto his desk. He follows her, helping her keep her legs around him.
“Wait.” She pants as he kisses down her neck. “Go lock your door.”
“Shit, you’re right.” He says, quickly going over to the door to lock it, and then going back to her. “This is going to hurt your back, do you wanna do it on my chair, on the loveseat?”
“I really want you on top.” She whines.
“Yeah? Want me to be in control right now?”
“Let’s sit on the loveseat, even if you’re on top, I’ll thrust up into you.” He kisses her. “I’ll rub your clit.” He kisses her again. “Suck on your glorious tits.”
“Fuck, okay, just get my clothes off.” She huffs.
He picks her up, and undoes her jeans quickly. He tugs them down, along with her underwear. Harry drops his own pants and rips his sweater off. Amber gets her jacket off and wraps her arms around his neck. Harry tugs her back to the loveseat, turning her around so she’ll sit on him reverse. He pumps his cock a few times before lining himself up with her. Her jeans were around her ankles since she didn’t bother to take her boots off, so things felt a little tighter than usual; neither of them were complaining.
He bites down on her shoulder, and her head rolls back into his chest. His hands grip Amber’s hips, and he starts thrusting up into her. They needed to be quick and quiet, so he takes one of his hands and it brings it up to her mouth so she could suck on his fingers. Her eyes roll back as she sucks on his digits. His other hand slips between her thighs so his fingers could work her clit. She moans around his fingers from the sheer pleasure. His tip was pummeling her g-spot, and his fingers were working magic – excuse the pun. His palm was pressing into her bladder, and she was starting to panic. She didn’t want to make a mess of his loveseat.
“Can feel you squeezing around me.” He says into her hear, nipping at her lobe.
“H-Harry, I-“ She mumbles around his fingers.
“Hm? What’s the matter, gonna make a mess?”
“Mhm.” She whines.
“Well, we can’t have that, can we?” He stops all motions immediately, and lifts her off of him.
“What the hell are you doing?!” She asks as he grabs a tissue to come into.
“You said you wanted me in control.” He says as he pulls his pants back up. “Can’t have you squirting all over my office. I’ll take care of you when I finish work for the day.” He smiles and kisses her forehead.
“Harry, this isn’t funny.”
“M’not trying to be, Babe.” He helps her pull her own pants back up. “I have a lot to do, and since you sent my little worker bee away, I may be here a little later than usual. I’ll come to your place when I’m done.”
“You’re sure you wanna play this game with me?” She asks as she puts her jacket back on. “I don’t think you’re prepared for what you’re coming home to by denying me of an orgasm.”
“I’ll take my chances.” He smirks. “I can’t have you thinking you deserve a reward for acting up in my office.” He pecks her lips and opens his door. “I’ll see you in a little while.”
She narrows her eyes at him, looks him up and down, and nods.
Harry felt a chill run through him as she left. Maybe he should have let her come.
Harry wasn’t kidding when he said he had a lot of work to do. He didn’t get home until after the shop closed. He drops his things off in his apartment before going up to Amber’s. She was sitting on her couch watching TV when he came in.
“Hey, Baby, sorry I’m back so late. Where’s Opal?”
“Staying with Penny tonight.”
“Told her we needed some alone time.” She stands up and walks over to him, giving him a slow kiss on the cheek.
“Huh.” He swallows. “Well, we’re alone now.” He puts his hands on her hips. “Did you, uh, take care of yourself at all?”
“I’ll admit, I almost did just to spite you, but I thought it would ruin the fun.” She slides her hands up his chest. “That being said, I’m not quite in the mood for you to be so in control anymore.”
“What a relief.” He sighs. “M’exhausted, I don’t think I could keep up the façade of being so in charge right now.” He pouts at her and she giggles.
“You made a very good point earlier. I shouldn’t have spoken to your student like that. Bring some coupons with you tomorrow to give her as an apology, but make no mistake, if she keeps hitting on you I will not hesitate to fuck her up.”
“I can live with that. She’ll only be my student for another month or so.” He presses his forehead to hers. “So, what would like to do instead of playing games tonight?”
“I’d very much appreciate it if you ate me out for a bit. You denied me of what would have been a rather powerful orgasm and I think you should make up for it.”
“Fair enough. Then will you go back to bouncing on my cock the way you were? Felt so nice.”
She nods, and takes his hand to lead him to the bedroom. She takes her night shirt off, revealing her naked body to him.
“You’re wicked.” He grins. “Lounging around with that glorious bum of yours out for anyone to see.”
“Good thing I was home alone.” She grins, and gets onto the bed, spreading her legs open for him. She snaps her fingers to light the candles in the room.
Harry rids himself of his clothes, and knees onto the bed. He kisses on her belly, leaving a trail of wet kisses behind as he makes his way between her thighs. He hooks his arms around her thighs and dives in. He sucks on her clit immediately, making her moan out. She cards her fingers through his hair as he eats her like he hasn’t eaten in days. The noises he makes as he sucks and licks on her are filthy, and they only spur Amber on more with her moans and whimpers.
“Oh my god, Harry.” She whimpers. “You’re so fucking good, Baby, so fucking good.” She was near tears. His tongue was so wet and warm, fucking in and out of her. “Fuck, I’m gonna come, I’m gonna come, Harry!” She comes hard on his tongue, and he laps it up, moaning at how good she tastes.
“Fucking hell.” He breathes when he sits up. “Do you want me to give you another this way?”
“God, you’re insatiable.” She groans. “Please, I need you inside me now.”
Harry sits up against the headboard, and Amber sits on him reverse she like had earlier in the day. This time they could both be as loud as they wanted, and this time Harry could grope freely at her breasts. She uses her knees to move up and down on him. She was moving fast, wanting him to fill her up. He uses one of his hands to rub circles into her clit.
“Amber.” He moans into her ear, thrusting up into her. “You’re so fucking wet for me, feels amazing.”
“Only ever want your cock, no one else’s.” She had never said anything like that to him before. “Don’t want anyone else ever again.”
“Fuck, I don’t want anyone else either. M’all yours.”
“Yes!” She gasps as she comes around him. He follows right after, filling her up. “Yes.” She whispers.
“Are you all mine?” He whispers into her ear before kissing on her cheek and shoulder.
“Mhm.” She relaxes into him, and looks up his face, admiring his features. “You’re all I want.”
“You’re all I want too. I’m so glad we found one another.” He wraps his arms tightly around her.
“So am I.” She sighs happily.
Eventually, she gets off of him, and they both clean themselves up before getting into bed. Harry tells Amber about his classes and coursework, and she tells him about some of the funny customers that came in that day. They lay there giggling and chatting, just enjoying each other’s company.
“Harry?” She asks as she traces over his tattoos with her finger tips.
“Hm? What is it, my love?”
“You mean the world to me, I hope you know that.” She snuggles into his chest. “Jealousy is quite ugly, but when I love, I love hard. It’s just who I am.”
“I’m so honored that you’ve welcomed me into your small circle. I see the way you are with Opal and Penny, the love you have for them radiates off you. I can feel what you feel for me.”
“And I can feel what you feel for me.”
“We’re connected.” He says, and kisses the top of her head.
“We are.” She nods. “And it feels wonderful.”
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tomtenadia · 3 years
A Little Braver - 20
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Even if I had a crazy day at work I did manage to do my Monday post as promise... but if you notice typos...I am sorry. I read it and edited but my brain  left with the boat tonight (I work for a ferry company, hence the joke)
This is the first of a few chapters where our bird boy is away and Hamel is causing problems to our gang.
Also, Aelin tries to cook... well... you can imagine how did that go.
After the trip to the base Aelin had taken home a very sad Elide and then got back to her own place and cried herself to sleep while hugging Rowan’s pillow. It was very late in the afternoon and it was her day off and she had no intention of leaving her bed.
Her head was buried under the pillow when she heard her phone buzz so she scrambled to get it and her heart raced when she saw it was Rowan.
“Hi,” she said with a croaked vice.
“Are you okay?” Rowan was already in fussing mode.
“Yes I just woke up.” She heard a lot of background noise “where are you?”
“Vulture’s row.” He activated his camera and showed Aelin the view of a fully functional flight deck. “Uh, wait.” He pointed the camera stern of the ship and showed Aelin a jet landing.
“That was so cool.” He turned the camera to him and she saw him with his sunglasses and his hair messed up by the wind. Then he switched off the camera and they went back to normal.
“Are you there yet?”
“We are skirting around. We still have a few hours before we are fully in enemy territory.”
Then Aelin heard a siren of some sort and Rowan swore “I’ll call you as soon as I can again. I need to scramble. Love you.”
“Be safe.” She managed to add before he closed the phone call.
She collapsed again in bed then decided to call Lysandra and Elide and organise a day out the three of them shopping. Elide needed cheering up as well.
The next day Aelin, Elide and Lysandra had decided to have a girls’ afternoon to cheer up the two ladies who had their boys away. They met at the entrance of the shopping centre and Aelin went to hug Elide first of all “how are you doing?”
“Lorcan gave me a brief call yesterday telling me they were on the ship and on their way, then he had to go.”
Aelin sighed “today we don’t think about our far away boys.”
“And maybe you can buy some very sexy lingerie as a present for when Lorcan comes back.” Commented Lysandra and Elide blushed.
“What’s the point?” Asked Elide “you are taking it off anyway.”
Aelin laughed and took Elide’s hand “remember the dress I had at the navy party?”
Elide nodded “it was stunning.”
“I was not wearing anything underneath. It drove Rowan crazy.”
“I have done it a few times with Aedion and I agree with Aelin. The sex afterward has been amazing.”
“How do I learn all these things?”
“Stick with us and we will teach you.”
“Let’s go for some food,” said Aelin, “I haven’t eaten yet.”
“How will you survive now without your sexy chef in the house?” Asked Lysandra.
“Oh, I’ll just go back to my usual order in and ready meals.” Shrugged Aelin who had no intention of even trying to cook anything.
Lysandra took Aelin’s hand and walked toward a restaurant “come on Elide, let’s get this girl properly fed.”
The three women got into the restaurant and sat down and Aelin started perusing the menu eager for some decent food and not long after they placed their order. Lys was right, without Rowan she would be lost when it came to food. Rowan had properly spoiled her.
“How are the wedding preparations going?” Asked Aelin.
Lysandra and Aedion’s wedding was not far away and she was excited to see her best friend finally having her happy ending.
“We are getting there.”
“Do you have a dress yet?” Asked Elide all excited.
Lysandra took out her phone and showed them her dress.
“That is gorgeous. Aedion will not be able to keep his eyes off you during the ceremony.”
“That is the plan.” Lysandra smiled wickedly “but the biggest question is who is going to be next?”
“My money is on Aelin,” chimed Elide “Lor is not emotionally ready for such a step. You and the captain on the other hand…” her eyebrows flicked in amusement.
“She is right, and the two of you basically live together.”
“Yes and no.”
“What do you mean?” Lysandra was confused by the admission.
“We haven’t covered the subject yet. He still has his flat and some of his stuff there. Even after I recovered he never left and I never pushed because I like having him around.”
“Will you ask him to move in officially?”
Aelin sighed “maybe. When he comes back. I don’t know. Things are going well and I don’t want to mess it up.”
“Do you think he’ll say no?” Asked Lysandra. Brainstorming with her friend was always helpful and recently she hadn’t done it enough.
“I don’t think so. But living together is as far as we can go just now. For many, many reasons.”
“Is it because of Sam?”
“Only partially.” She was not going to tell her friends Rowan’s story. She had no right. So she remained vague hoping the two friends would get the hint and not ask anymore questions.
“Still, my money is on you two.” Added Lys “Elide is right, Lorcan does not seem to have yet the emotional ability to commit.”
“Hey, he kissed her in public. And yesterday at the base he seemed quite nice to her.”
“I don’t know, I was concentrating on Rowan I just cast a brief glance at them.” Replied Aelin.
“He was super kind.” Added Elide taking biting on a breadstick.
Their food finally arrived and Aelin was the first to tuck in.
“Does the captain know about your crazy eating habits?” Asked Lysandra amused.
“Yes,” replied Aelin, enjoying her food “he calls me his bottomless pit. When we had our first date he joked that he might need a mortgage just to feed me.”
Elide laughed “Sam used to joke and say that he needed a second job just for feeding you.”
“I move a lot,” replied Aelin with a grin “I have a big appetite.”
“I think it must be a firefighter thing. Aedion is the same.” Lysandra grinned “and we burn a lot of calories.”
“Eeewwww, I did not need to know that. He is my cousin.”
“Oh come one, as if you and hot captain do not engage in illicit activities. The whole squad guessed that the other night you two had sex in the shower after the call at the club.”
“I was just giving him a special goodbye.” Her hand gently brushed the spot where she could feel his tags. She did a bit of research and she was happy she had a copy. Having the real one meant he was gone and she could not think about that.
“Are you okay?” Asked Lysandra worried at her sudden change of expression.
“Yeah.” She added flatly, then gave them a big smile. It was their day off she should not spoil it.
“So, are we taking Elide lingerie shopping?” Aelin teased trying to raise the spirits of her friend.
“Yes, it’s going to be fun.” Added Lysandra all excited.
“Girls… there is really no need. What I have is okay. Lorcan is not fussed.”
Aelin took a bite of her food “oh but we will make sure he is fussed and also that he knows how sexy you are so he does not decide to…. wander.”
“How do I keep him? I am nowhere near as interesting as the two of you. He might get bored of me very soon.”
Aelin stared at her friend and it broke her heart that her horrible past left her with no confidence at all. Elide was brilliant at her job and she was an intelligent woman and she was positive she would make quite a few heads turn.
“Don’t you say something like that ever again.” Lysandra preceded her. She was even more protective of Elide than her “I work with you everyday and I know how awesome you are and I am positive that if we go to a club you’d have your share of men looking at you.”
Aelin nodded.
They finished their meal and went back wandering around the shopping centre and visited a few shops. In one of them Aelin wandered in the male department and spotted a couple of lovely jumpers. One of them was a deep green and looked very cozy and she realised she had no idea of when it was Rowan’s birthday.
Silly question, you never told me your birthday. She sent the text and knew a reply might take a long time to come. She grabbed the jumper and tried to decide whether it was the right size for him.
“That is a lovely jumper.” Said Lysandra joining her at her side “already thinking about useful presents? You are like an old married couple.”
Aelin laughed.
“But I think this one is really nice and the man seems to look amazing in green.”
“I am just wondering about the size.”
Lysandra grabbed the tag “this one will fit Aedion so you should be fine.”
A moment later Elide rejoined them, her face beetroot red “I feel so silly.” And showed the girls her bag with her lingerie purchase.
“Hey, Ace and I are joking. You didn’t have to buy it if it makes uncomfortable.” But Elide surprised them “I will buy just one pair for now and I’ll see how it goes.”
Lysandra laughed “Aelin is already buying presents married couple style and you are still in the sexy lingerie stage. My girls have grow up so much.”
“And what stage are you and Aedion?” Asked Aelin with a grin.
“The one where I go to the grocery store and I phone him to ask him if he wants beef or chicken for dinner.”
The rest of the afternoon went swimmingly and she loved spending the day with Lys and Elide. They didn’t do that nearly enough.
Now she was back home and in the kitchen trying to accomplish her new mission. She had bought a cooking book for beginners and she had decided she was going to try and cook dinner. Lysandra had told her to start with something as simple as a stir fry. So she had bought a few more kitchen supplies and a pan Lys had told her was called a wok. She had mused why she could not use the pot she already had and Lys had rolled her eyes. Aelin had also bought the ingredients and now they were all lined up in front of her, the book open and a fire blanket and a small fire extinguisher on the counter just to be safe it was her cooking after all. She took a photo and sent it to Rowan then started working. When it got to cut the onions she cursed herself for deciding to cook.
Her phone rang and put it on speaker “hey,” her voice sounded strained and Rowan went in full fussing mode “are you okay?”
“Yeah, cutting those blasted onions.” She sniffled.
Over the line she heard Rowan roar with laughter “what are you making?” He asked as soon as he stopped laughing.
“A chicken stir fry. Lys said it’s easy to do.”
“Why are you putting onions in it?”
“Because I like them, mr I know how to cook.”
“I even bought a wok. Apparently I cannot use my pot.” She added as while throwing the ingredients in the pan.
“Seriously, when I get back we are going to have a massive overhaul of your kitchen.”
And Aelin’s heart raced in joy. It sounded like he had no intention of going back permanently to his flat. Maybe when he got back she should ask him the question after all.
“Aelin, it’s a miracle you have cutlery and two plates.” She could hear the humour in his voice.
“How are things going?”
“I just came off patrol. I am on my way to my quarters to get changed. I don’t have the most appealing scent just now.”
“Shower without me, so what? Two minutes max?”
“That’s about it. The water supply is not endless.”
He finally got to his quarters and collapsed on his bed after removing his boots then lay down and activated the camera.
“Hi sexy,” she did the same and placed the phone against the wall in front of her so he could see her as well.
“I don’t see any smoke. That’s a good start, considering it’s you.”
Aelin gave him the middle finger and then showed him her small fire extinguisher “I am prepared.” She took a bit of her food “for now it tastes edible, but not as good as yours.”
She saw him give her a smug smile and her instinct was to wipe it off his face with a kiss.
“The answer is July 16th, by the way.”
Aelin looked at him not understanding his statement.
“My birthday? You asked me earlier on.”
That she did “That’s two months away.”
“And when it’s yours?”
“May 3rd.”
“Aelin, that’s in two days.” He added sadly “and it sucks I can’t be there.”
“Lys has planned to drag me out with the girls of the firehouse. It’s also her bachelorette party. I have to go.”
“I almost forgot they were getting married. That came around quickly.”
Aelin laughed “not when you have been around them for years.” Aelin placed her food in a plate and moved to the sofa, taking her phone with her.
“When is the wedding?”
“This weekend. The weather is meant to be gorgeous which is a good thing since they are getting married outdoors.”
She heard him sigh “I really, really wish I could be there with you.”
She did not add that she had been thinking the same. So she just took a bite of her food.
“Fuck no,”Aelin spit the morsel back in the plate “I must have done something wrong with the spices. It tastes horrible.” She grabbed her house phone.
“What are you doing?”
“Clearly ordering in. I am not eating this.”
Rowan rolled his eyes “you should practice more.”
“Why bother? I am clearly not cut for cooking. I am hopeless.”
“Do I need to tell you the amount of times my food sucked when I was still learning to cook decently? I got better with trial and error.”
Aelin huffed “fine I’ll try again on my next day off.” Then she put her house phone down after placing the order “I thought you were going for a shower?”
“Eager to get rid of me?”
“No, I just was hoping to have a peek at that nice arse of yours.”
Rowan laughed “If you behave.”
“Do you have the quarters all for yourself?”
Rowan nodded in the screen “the perks of rank. Gav is sharing with Vaughan. The twins are on their own.”
“Is that wise?”
“This carrier has a nice number of female officers. No one wants to go anywhere near that room.”
“Remember I am jealous, Whitethorn.”
“Some of them are middies on their snot cruise, so very young. The others… still not interested.”
“Who is a middie?”
“It’s short for midshipman or woman. They are the lowest ranking officers in the navy, just above the cadets. And a snot cruise is their first time out at sea on a proper mission.”
“Are your students middies as well?” She loved asking all those questions that might have sounded silly to him, but he never made her feel stupid for asking. He was always happy to answer.
“No, my students are called pilot officers. Then they become Flying officers, then flight lieutenants which is what the twins are, then Vaughan is our squadron leader, Gav is the Wing commander and then you have me.”
“Sounds so complicated.” She definitely needed to do more research to understand his job a bit better.
“It’s like you guys. Aedion looks after one rig as a lieutenant, you are the captain and are in charge of the operations of both at the same time and Dorian will be in charge of all the engines in case multiples houses are involved. Am I correct?”
Aelin nodded impressed.
“Same for us. Vaughan looks after our small squadron, Gav two or three squadrons, which is called a wing. I look after a unit composed of different wings and then Lorcan plays god in the CIC.”
“Now it makes more sense. So I could be your wing commander.”
“Having you fly with us would be insane. We would not concentrate on the enemy.”
Aelin laughed, then the buzzer of the door went off “just a sec, buzzard, food is here.” She went to get her food and plopped back on the sofa resuming her call with Rowan.
“Is your ship nice?”
“I served on her before. Not as swanky as the new one, but she is decent enough.” Rowan sat back up “hey, I really need to take that shower and then it’s chow time. If I miss it I don’t eat until tomorrow morning.”
“Go. Sorry for keeping you.”
“You did not such things. I have been looking forward to call you.”
“I love you.” She told him, sending back the tears that had started forming.
“I love you too, Fireheart.”
Aelin waved him goodbye and went back eating while tears had begun flowing down her cheeks. It had only been two days and she hoped it would get easier being so far apart.
The next morning she arrived at the station bright and early, got changed and went straight to Aedion “Are you ready?”
The man nodded “Peter is covering you until we get back from the police and I got Manon in charge of the second rig.”
“Good. Let’s go.”
They arrived at the police headquarters not long after and Chaol met them at the reception area “Hi guys,”
“Here’s my favourite cop.” Aelin went to hug Chaol.
“Just because I keep reporters away from you.”
She gave him a huge smile back.
“Come, detective Ytger is waiting for you.” They followed behind him in silence and stopped in front of a door and knocked.
A female voice told them to go in and once in the office Aelin recognised the same woman at one of the arson cases a few months back.
“Captain, Lieutenant, we meet again.” The three shook hands and the detective sat back down and invited both cousins to do the same.
The detective threw a thick file on the desk “you two have just made a very powerful enemy.”
“The man is a bastard.”
“Believe me, captain, when I tell you that Hamel has been a thorn in my side for a very long time.”
“And why is he still at large? Two people died and the man did not care.”
The woman pinched the bridge of her nose “he has very powerful lawyers and always gets away with murder. We have been working on him for a long time but whatever piece of proof we bring in is never enough to get him behind bars for good.” Aelin could sense the tiredness in her voice.
“Did you close his club as I asked?”
“We did, but he owns almost all the ones in Orynth. And so much more.”
“Can’t you arrest him for murder?” voiced Aedion.
“No, his lawyers showed us the papers of the latest inspections and the place was deemed to code. He blamed the company that did the inspections for lying to him.”
“Detective, I hope you are aware that is a bullshit.” Said Aedion, fury burning under his surface.
“I am well aware.” The woman added almost apologetically “the closure is temporary. It will not stick too long.”
Aelin almost swore “Have the other clubs been checked?”
“We did some undercover recon but we don’t have the full skillset to know what’s up to code.”
Aelin smiled wickedly “well, it’s a good thing that you have a firefighter whose birthday is very soon and was planning to go to a club.”
“You are not dragging Lys and the others in this.”
“Calm down. Hamel does not know them, they are safe. I will wear a disguise.”
“I don’t like the sound of this.” He protested again but he knew Aelin could be stubborn.
“I am coming too.”
“No,” said Aelin “One: Hamel remembers how you lifted him up and he will not forget such act. Two: it’s Lys bachelorette party as well. So, no.” she paused “you can take the guys to another one.”
“What happens if we find both clubs not up to specs?” Asked Aelin worried that it was going to be a lost cause.
“We can start by closing them and gather a bit more time to have more material against him. We have other leads. We just need something significant.”
They discussed with the detective which clubs to hit and they left.
Once in the car Aedion made his displeasure quite clear “I do not like this.”
“Neither do I, but the police has no idea what to look for.” Replied Aelin.
“We are not cops.”
“And they are not firefighters.”
After that they drove in silence all the way back to the station.
Two days had passed and Aelin’s birthday had arrived. She arrived at the station and laughed at the scene. One of the rigs was covered in balloons and a sign saying happy birthday, cap and the second rig was for Aedion and Lysandra and the front of the truck had a long white sheet over it that looked like a bridal veil and two massive papier mache rings attached to the front.
She laughed and joined Ansel and Manon who were doing some checks “did everyone see this?” She pointed at the engine and truck. The two women nodded.
“Then let’s clear it. I do not want to go on a call in that state.”
“Yes, captain.” Said the two women in unison. 
The locker room was empty and she sat down on the bench and looked at her phone again. She was hoping for a text from Rowan or a call but nothing yet. She kept telling herself that he was busy and probably out flying. She removed his dog tags and hung them in the locker and stood and stared at the pictures she had hung up. It was some of the photos they had taken in Doranelle. With her finger she brushed a photo of him. He was standing and looking up to the sky. His eyes closed and a small smile painted on his face and his hair all tousled after she had messed it up. It was one of her favourite photos of him. “Be safe, please.” And she blew him a kiss.
Aelin got dressed and then reached the team who was having breakfast in the communal room.
“She is here.” Shouted Nox happily.
Luca grabbed her arm and pulled to the table where a cake was waiting for her.
“Chocolate hazelnut cake. Your favourite.” He cut a slice and offered it to her.
Aelin grabbed it eagerly “mmmmm”
“Get a room you two,” shouted Ress.
A moment later Manon came through with a man carrying a large box “he says this is for you, captain.”
“Thanks, Manon.”
Aelin grabbed the box from the courier and sat down on the sofa. It came from a shop in Orynth. Strange. She opened the box and when she peeked inside she saw a massive stuffed toy. Once she lifted it she realised it was a bird and she had a feeling she knew who it was from.
“A bird? Why a bird?” Asked Lysandra.
Aelin smiled, grabbed the stuffed toy and walked to her bunk to be alone when she noticed the letter inside.
Once alone she sat down on her bed and placed the bird at her side and read the letter
Happy birthday, fireheart.
I wish I could be there for you but I can’t and it hurts more than I thought possible.
If you are reading this, you have met your new friend. I could not find a buzzard but a toy shop in Orynth had a white-tailed hawk and since I have silver hair I thought it was the closest option. Do we look similar? He will keep you company while I can’t be there with you.
I will try and call you tomorrow if I get a free moment, but the guys and I have pulled alert crew duty for the day so no phone for me.
Have fun with the girls and leave the other guys alone especially if they are navy and army.  Aelin chuckled at the joke
I miss you already.
I love you. Madly. 
To whatever end.
By the time she had finished reading the letter she was in tears. She hugged the soft toy and for a moment she hoped to smell his scent of pine and snow. She went to her locker, grabbed the dog tags and put them around the bird’s neck “you look after them while I am on shift, but then I take them back.” After that she took a photo and sent it to Rowan “I think I will call him Rowan.”
It was later that night and Lysandra and Elide were at Aelin’s place to get ready for their fun night. Aelin though, was not in the mood. Rowan had eventually called her but the phone call was cut short when he had go and scramble. Soft toy Rowan was on her bed, his dog tags back on since she would not be wearing them with her dress.
Lysandra was going through her wardrobe looking for a dress for the night.
“So, the captain does have clothes that are not uniform,” said the woman going through his clothes but Aelin glared at her and Lys went back to Aelin’s side of the dresser.
“Did he phone you?”
“Yeah.” Said Aelin flatly while wearing her dress.
“Lorcan said they were having a couple of shitty days.”
Aelin ignored her friend or she would end up in tears and ruin her make up.
“Did he give you his dog tags?” Asked Lys noting them pending from the bird’s neck.
“No, he can’t. He made a copy. And I don’t want the original ones until he retires.”
“Why?” Asked Elide while she was busy fixing her hair.
“Because it means he is dead. They are used for identification.” Replied Lysandra flatly. She had learned that from Aedion.
“Can we please change subject?” Snapped Aelin.
Lysandra grabbed a green dress “what do you think?”
“It will go perfectly with your eyes.” Said Aelin wearing her blue dress.
“I thought you loved the captain.” Said Elide.
“That dress?” Added Lys pointing at her attire “it makes you look as if you are open to being chased.”
“Too slutty?”
“Ansel will be proud of you.”
Aelin smiled “I do love the captain and I have no plans on taking anyone home. My only companion in bed tonight will be bird Rowan.” Then she wore a wig of red hair.
“Why the wig?”
Aelin and Aedion had decided not to tell anyone about their plan for the night, so she had to lie although it hurt lying to Lysandra “just for some fun.”
They arrived at the club half an hour later and Manon, Asterin and Ansel were already there and apparently already having fun.
“You made it” shouted the red-haired woman. “And who is the hot red-haired friend?”
“It’s me, Ansel.”
“Captain, you look hot.”
Aelin laughed “thank you.”
“We got some drinks already,” said Manon.
“Happy birthday, captain,” said Asterin raising her glass “and congratulation to Lys for bagging the meanest lieutenant in the TFD.”
Their glasses clinked and then Aelin spotted Chaol in the distance. What the heck was he doing at the club? She nodded at him and he gave her a small nod back. Everyone knew Chaol and if the girls spotted him it could raise some questions so she texted him with the pretence of being the overbearing girlfriend checking on her man.
The girls went out dancing and she stood behind saying she was not in the mood when she was actually trying to check out the place. She was about to join Chaol in his hideout when a guy stopped at her side and blocked her way “aren’t you a stunning creature?” He said and Aelin cringed. She really hated clubs and the pigs that came with them.
“Of course I am.”
She felt his arm sneak around her waist and his body move closer to hers and she closed her eyes at the fact that those arms were not Rowan’s.
“What if I buy you a few drink and have some fun you and I?”
“You couldn’t handle me.” She said to him in a whisper.
“I love a good challenge. My flat is not far from here.” And his hand slithered up on her back.
Aelin scoffed “I’d never have sex with you even if we were the last two humans left in the world.”
She made to walk away but he grabbed her arm. She almost punched him but in that instant she felt someone hugging her from behind “it’s me, follow my lead.” He whispered in her ear and she noticed it was Chaol.
“Thank you for finding my girlfriend. I went to the gents and I lost her.”
“Sorry darling,” said Aelin caressing Chaol’s face.
The stranger walked away annoyed.
“Thank you.”
“You were holding your own anyway.” He commented.
“I was about to punch him and cause a scene and mess up the mission.” She whispered then grabbed his hand and pulled him to a quiet booth at the back of the club
“What are you doing here?”
“Detective Ytger sent me here as back up. Hamel’s minions know all of the detectives but not us beat cops.”
“How do you want to proceed?” She asked him.
“You are the firefighter, I am just here to make sure you get out okay.”
“Ok, I need to walk around. Just keep an eye on me.” Chaol nodded and Aelin walked away.
She went back to the bar area and smiled when Elide walked toward her “Ace!! Come on it’s your birthday, you need to come and have fun.” She also had a job to do but felt bad at abandoning her friends. So she joined them again and Lys grabbed her for some dancing.
“How how many hearts did you break?”
“Just the one but he was a pig.”
“Did you tell him you have a super hot captain waiting for you?” 
Aelin shrugged and turned to Elide.
“How many drinks did Ansel give you?”
Elide lifted three fingers in front of her face “two.”
Aelin laughed “no more alcohol for you.”
“Buuut I am sad and I miss Lorcan.” Aelin hugged her friend knowing full well how she felt.
“Still, no more alcohol, you just can’t hold it.”
She walked Elide to Manon “can you keep an eye on her please? And just water please. Elide has reached her alcohol quota for the evening.”
“Of course.”
Aelin smiled at the white-haired woman. She was very introverted and of a very few words but she did not care about that since she was good at her job. She was the complete opposite of Ansel.
Speaking of the woman…”where did Ansel go?”
“Last time I have seen her she was dancing with a brunette.” Aelin dragged a hand on her face “I am going to the ladies. Just behave, okay?”
She used the excuse to slip away and walk around as she was supposed to do. She wanted to try and take some photo as proof but covert operations were not her forte.
“You are back,” whispered Chaol at her back.
“I’ll pretend to be drunk and lost.”
“Be careful, this is making me nervous.”
She nodded and walked away from him. Part of her was glad she had not mentioned this to Rowan, he would have gone in full protective mode.
She kept pretending she was drunk and dumb and ended up in the kitchen “sorry,” she slurred, leaning against the doorframe “are these the loos?”
“No miss,” said one of the staff “they are down there and on your right.” She gave the man a goofy smile and a wet kiss on the cheek “thank you, sweet man.” The hug had given her the time to have a very quick look in the kitchen and note there was no safety equipment. That was enough for her to shut down that club as well. How could they run a kitchen that way? She really had to take down the bastard. She hid in the shadows of the club and and checked the fire doors without activating them and found them of shoddy quality. She was fuming. She had a good look at the club and realised even the numbers of people allowed in was probably over the limit. Those doors were for 60 people, she could only see three on ground level, which meant a limit of 180 people. There were probably over three hundred, all crammed and spread on two levels. It was a firefighter nightmare. She ran back to Chaol “go home. I have seen enough. Tell the detective this place needs to be shut down as well.”
“I’ll phone her as soon as I am out. She was waiting for news anyway.”
“Go, and say hi to Yrene.”
Chaol left and she ran back to her friends nervous that she was placing them in danger. She wanted to go but the idea of leaving all those people behind made her nervous. She texted Aedion and rage surged back when he told her that their club was the same.
The girls took her dancing in the middle of the dance floor and danced away ignoring a couple of guys basically dancing on her. She hated clubs so much and the music was horrible. She bit down her annoyance and went to hug Lysandra “how does it feel to be almost married?”
“Weird.” She looked at Aelin “are you having fun?”
“You know I don’t like clubs but I came for you, it’s your night after all.”
“It’s your birthday too.”
Aelin shook her head “I get one every year, you better marry my cousin and stick to him.”
“And you stick to the captain. I want to come to your wedding.”
Aelin laughed “we’ll see…” then she turned and saw Elide leaning against the counter half asleep “what if we take the party to my place? I am sick of this place.”
“Please,” said Manon in a hopeful tone. She hated clubs as well “we can get alcohol on the way home. If I hear another man asking me why my hair is white I am going to start snapping necks.”
“Hey Manon, no need to snap necks,” then Aelin looked around for Ansel.
“I’ll get her,”said Asterin when she noticed the woman in the distance.
The woman came back with Ansel in tow and moved closer to Aelin “the fire exits are not enough and one is blocked.” She whispered.
“I know, I am going to call Peter and explain the situation to him.” She took her phone out “take the others to the cars. I’ll be there in a moment.”
Aelin watched Asterin walking the group to safety then hid in dark a corner and phoned Peter explaining that they had to pretend they had an anonymous call and come and pay a visit to the place and shut it down. The man agreed after she explained him the situation in terms of safety. She was playing dirty but could not care less. People’s lives were at stake. Hamel could just go and impale himself for all she cared.
Quickly she left the building and she went to her car joining Lys and Elide. The remaining women were in Manon’s car.
They stopped for booze on the way and finally got back home. Aelin took Elide piggyback style as the woman had fallen asleep. Once in the flat she placed Elide in the spare bedroom and covered her with a blanket then went back to the rest of the group camped in her living room. A text from Peter told her that the club had been safely evacuated and closed. Apparently he had found even more infractions that she had not the time to spot. 
“Ok, ladies back to the party.” Aelin grabbed a mixed selection of glasses and mugs for the beer.
Ansel stood and went to use the bathroom and came back a few minutes later “why do you have guy’s stuff on the bathroom shelf? Do you live with the silver fox?”
Aelin sighed “Rowan has been living here since I was discharged from the hospital.”
“That was a while ago.”
“I know.” Aelin sighed.
“Yes!” Shouted Ansel pulling Aelin toward her “our captain is shacking up. I am so proud of you.”
After a few drinks, Ansel would become very friendly with anyone. It was a good thing they had left the club.
In that instant she got a text from Aedion saying that he had activated the fire alarm in their club and evacuated the whole place after he had spotted a shit ton of infractions. Well, that was probably another club down. Definitely not what they had agreed with the detective but they had to do something.
“Ok, since this is a bachelorette party as well, we can have a bit of spiciness.” Said Asterin while drinking her beer “unusual place where you had sex. We need to give Lys some ideas.”
“Do we?” Joked Aelin “Lys would definitely teach us something.” Then everyone looked at Ansel “after her of course.”
“I once hooked up with civilian pilot and we did it in his cockpit before he got to fly the plane”
“Where you flying as well?” Asked Lysandra curious.
Ansel nodded “it’s a long story.”
“Aelin, you are up. I bet the captain is wild.” Lysandra’s eyebrows lifted suggestively.
“He is pretty amazing but the strangest places have been a beach, the sea, behind a waterfall, a pool at the foot of two different waterfalls and almost on a military ship.”
“Almost?” Asked Manon curious.
“I’ll show you the dress.”
Aelin went to get her black dress and got back a moment later “and he knew I had nothing underneath.”
The group of women cheered loudly “that must have driven him insane.” Joked Asterin.
“That’s why the almost. We would have been in a lot of trouble if we got caught.”
“I have nothing left to teach you.”Ansel was sprawled on a chair and lifted her beer in acknowledgment.
The woman blushed savagely “in a car wash. Aedion and I stayed in the car while it was getting washed and… well.. it was quick but fun.”
“Definitely nothing to teach you,” Aelin clinked her bottle with her friend.
“My previous firehouse, with one of my colleagues on top of a rig on a night shift.”
Manon gave a light chuckle “was it when you were at the Regional 2?”
Asterin nodded “he was some hot firefighter. We are still friends. We did it once and then it felt so weird and never happened again.” She explained.
Aelin sighed “The night of the mayor’s party, Thomas and I hooked up. We ended up at my place. We did it, realised it was rebound sex and finished the night with tv and junk food.” Thinking about him still pained her.
“No friggin way. More than the kiss?” Asked Lysandra shocked.
Aelin nodded “after you saw us kissing I left, he found me, we went back to my place.”
Aelin looked around and noticed that no one wanted to make too many comments, his death was still too fresh for everyone and he had been Manon’s and Asterin’s captain.
“Does Rowan know?”
“I told him and he is fine. We were nothing at the time and I was mad at him.”
In that instant Elide joined the group and Aelin stood and went to her “hey, how are you feeling?”
“My head hurts.” Replied the woman leaning against Aelin.
“I should take her home. We are working tomorrow we should all go home.”
“Lys is right,” added Asterin “another 24hrs shift ahead, we need some sleep.”
Manon and Asterin offered to take Ansel home and Aelin remained with Lys and a sleepy Elide.
“I am sorry the evening sucked.”
“Hey,” Lysandra placed her hands on Aelin’s shoulders “it didn’t, and to be honest we were all quite tired. All it matters is to marry that annoying cousin of yours.”
“Take Elide home, she is about to go to sleep again.”
Once Aelin was alone she finally shed the dress and opened one of Rowan’s drawers and grabbed a t-shirt. They were usually far too big for her but she loved them as pyjama. She went to the bathroom, got ready and then finally got in bed with bird Rowan and squeezed close to his pillow to inhale his scent.
She grabbed her phone and found a text from Rowan
I hope you had a nice evening. I wish I had been there with you because it’s bad out here. I hope bird me is keeping you company. Have a nice night, Fireheart. Love you.
Aelin’s heart sank at the anguish in his voice. She tried to call him but had no answer.
I love you, come back to me, was all she managed.
She squeezed bird Rowan and tried very hard to fall asleep.
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frienderbender · 2 years
The Some Guys AU Infopost
Anon last night talked about wanting to know more about this AU but not knowing where to start, and I said I would make an infopost for them. So here's that. I just try to cover the basics in this, so not every little thing gets touched on but I'm more than happy to explain whatever else folks wanna know :]
General AU Overview: This AU is seriously just a silly little domestic AU. Dethklok isn’t some mega famous band, they’re just some guys fucking around in Nathan’s garage. There’s not really any huge overarching plot (though there are some plot points that kinda carry on throughout it), and I imagine it's pretty episodic, if that makes sense. Just the lives of these families in this neighborhood lol
The neighborhood itself is unnamed right now, but there are five families that live there. In the order in which they moved to the neighborhood, there’s:
John and Melmord
Toki and Will
Skwisgaar and Abigail and their daughter Helena (they have a son (Seb) a few years later, but he’s born after they’ve been living in the neighborhood)
Nathan and his daughter Lucy
Pickles and Magnus and their son Jules
So if we consider just any other day in the neighborhood the “start” of the AU, then there’s a bit of backstory for everyone leading up to them actually moving there. Let’s talk pre-neighborhood backstories:
John and Melmord: SO. Melmord actually has a whole other separate story/AU that leads into his life in this AU focusing on his college years with Rikki and Nikki. I won’t get into it here but if you wanna check out some stuff for that, just peruse my rikki/nikki/melm tag. Anyway so a couple of years later when he’s off doing his own thing, Melmord ends up getting into a really bad accident (specifics of it TBD) but he’s left in a lot of pain. He gets involved in a pretty huge case hoping to get some sort of settlement, but in the end, due to one of the lawyers (Charles), Melmord ends up not winning the full case and does not get a very good settlement. Now on top of his chronic pain, he’s dealing with the emotional pain of losing money he deserved, as well as a hatred for Charles. But more on that later. So now Melmord has to go to physical therapy, and that’s where he meets John. John works as a physical therapist in this AU. Obviously they end up spending a lot of time together and eventually it goes beyond the realm of just meeting for physical therapy. They start spending time together off the clock and it soon blossoms into a romance which leads to them eventually getting married. It’s not a big thing but it’s really sweet. Melmord is finally starting to feel like he can move on, y’know?? They get a new place together, and are the first ones of this group to move into the neighborhood.
Toki and Will: Toki and Will first met in college as roommates. At first, Will didn’t really want much to do with Toki, but quickly realized that he really didn’t have any friends outside of the guy he was sharing a dorm with. Once they start spending time with each other, they become fast friends. They learn how much they have in common and start thinking up all sorts of crazy schemes they can get into. One of these schemes, however, resulted in part of the school getting destroyed and, as such, Toki and Will were expelled and not allowed to return. The two end up renting a little house in the neighborhood and do all sorts of odd jobs to support themselves in the process.
Skwisgaar and Abigail: Abigail, much like in canon, still works as a music producer. Skwisgaar, on the other hand, had been doing gigs here and there as well as primarily modeling to support himself. The two end up meeting by chance when they happen to be at the same venue for different things (Abigail at a party, Skwis at the bar after a photoshoot). They hit off pretty much right away, and exchange numbers and all that. Started off as just a few cute dates afterwards, but pretty soon they became serious about one another and began really dating. Anyway they eventually do get married, and have their first kid a little later: Helena! When she’s about five years old, they end up moving to the neighborhood. Abigail continues her work as a music producer, and Skwisgaar happily leans into the role of stay-at-home dad/househusband. Also you know as soon as a family with a kid moved in that Toki and Will were immediately offering their babysitting services. Please they’re so broke.
Nathan: In this AU, Nathan’s main job is as a club bouncer. He likes writing and singing metal songs but he doesn’t have a band (yet) so it’s more of a hobby. Anyway at one of the clubs he works at, he ends up meeting Trindle. He falls pretty hard for her immediately, as she does with him, and pretty soon into their relationship they end up having a baby: Lucy. All seems to be going fine and well for Nathan and his girlfriend, but the red flags he was ignoring soon become more apparent, and this leads up to Trindle trying to kill him in a fit of passion(?). You know how Trindle is. He’s able to apprehend her, and she’s arrested. Now Nate’s stuck on his own with this baby, so he ends up hiring a lawyer to help him out with custody stuff. He hires, obviously, Charles! So as this lengthy process is going on, Nathan moves to the neighborhood with a young Lucy, all the while getting advice from Charles. Though what started as a purely professional relationship soon shifted into something more personal. Nathan and Charles were spending a lot of time together, and Charles found himself becoming more and more invested in the wellbeing of both Nathan and Lucy. Charles and Nathan end up having…Something going on. While Charles doesn’t actually live in the neighborhood, he spends a lot of his time there. He might as well be living there at this point.
Pickles and Magnus: Snakes ‘n Barrels went on for longer in this AU than they were implied to have lasted in canon. Pickles is still the frontman for the group, obviously, while Magnus is a musician and writer who has a lot of industry connections. He’s just that guy that everyone knows. They meet backstage one night and have instant chemistry. The two end up becoming really close, meeting up often to party and hang out and all that. Fast forward a little bit, and SnB comes crumbling down. Pickles, unsure of where else to go, heads to Magnus’s place. They spend some time there, but eventually decide to leave LA for good together. So they’re just kinda running around and causing trouble together but having a lot of fun in the process. Falling even deeper in love. Drink like crazy. Get Vegas married. Try to get divorced but forget the papers. Get Vegas married again. Just partying and stuff. You know how it is. All of this kinda comes to a grinding stop though when they end up accidentally having a kid. Oops. So now they’re figuring out what to do, end up moving to the neighborhood when Jules is about three to settle down more as best they can. They’re trying their best.
So that’s a very basic rundown of everyone’s backstories leading up to them moving into the neighborhood. If there’s any specific stuff folks are wondering about, feel free to ask. But moving on…
The actual “start” of the AU, like I said, is just taking any random day in the neighborhood and just whatever events happen then. Again, very episodic. As far as the kid’s ages during the AU, they’re like this:
Helena: 8-9y/o
Lucy: 8y/o
Jules: 5y/o
And Seb is a baby. He’s the only kid who’s actually born after the family already lives there.
While I think you can get a pretty good idea of how the kids act if you just go through the tag, I can talk about their personalities and stuff a little.
Helena is the oldest and is the self-proclaimed leader of the group. Definitely the big sister of them all. She’s stubborn but very caring, and actively looks out for both her friends and her little brother. She can also be very competitive and set on winning things. Knows what she wants and likes to be in charge.
Lucy is a lot more shy and introverted, but don’t let that make you think she’s a loner. She loves her friends more than anything. She’s a friendship-bracelet aficionado. Lucy, like her dad, doesn’t talk much, but that’s okay! Her friends will definitely do more than enough talking on her behalf.
Jules is mischievous and sneaky, but also exceptionally clingy towards his dads. He likes to cause trouble if he knows he can get away with it, not out of any sort of malice, but because he thinks it can be fun. He’s not actively mean, just silly more than anything else.
So there’s a pretty general run-down of things in the AU. I’ve talked about specific plotlines in other posts scattered around in the tag, and I’m working on a separate big list of a bunch of plot summaries that I’ll finish and post some other time. As always, if there’s specific things you wanna know, feel free to ask. I have a lot of lore for this AU, so chances are I’ll have an answer for it ahaha
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bloomerism · 2 years
How do you go about making your DND word boards? Do you have any resources that you recommend? I'd love to try and make them for my player characters and NPCS.
omg i'm so flattered you're asking, they're so much fun to make!
usually mine consist of 10-12 lines from songs/poetry/books in addition to 2 or 3 art pieces interspersed throughout (arranged like 4 texts - 1 image - 4 texts - 1 image - 4 texts)
the song lyrics are probably the easiest part because i make playlists for all my characters and all of the other players in my campaigns do as well. i just peruse the appropriate character playlist and pick a bunch of lyrics that i think are apt to the vibe of the character. a minor tip I've learned, when you take screenshots of the lyrics make sure they aren't all from the same lyric website, that way it won't look too uniform (usually i alternate between Genius and AZLyrics, and occasionally highlight the text with the mouse)
the poetry/book excerpts could potentially be a little bit harder if you aren't already into poetry; if you were to look closely at my wordboards you would notice that Mary Oliver and Richard Siken make frequent appearances because they are my favorite poets, so I'm already familiar with their work lol. it's usually harder to find lines from a novel or other book that work, but I've done it before (it's usually just luck, or I'm already reading a book for fun and then think 'oh this reminds me of xyz character' and make note of it for later). i've been using this website to download my text sources for a while (it's free). off the top of my head, i've had a lot of luck with Mary Oliver, Richard Siken, Louise Glück, Nikita Gill, and have drawn a surprising number of quotes from the Stormlight Archive series by Brandon Sanderson. If you encounter a book that you suspect might have some good quotes, but you don't want to scour it yourself, you can look it up on Goodreads and they have a whole section in every book's little entry about popular quotes from the book.
the art is easier than the poetry. a lot of the time i literally just google it like 'sky painting' or 'sky art' and see what i find (that's exactly what i did for both of the paintings for this post and several others). some characters are harder to find an art theme for than others, so the difficulty of this part is heavily dependent on how strong or specific the aesthetic of the character is.
one of the most helpful things for me has been to have character tags on my tumblr for all of my characters. that way, every time i see something that reminds me of them, i can tag it and reference it later if I'm making a wordboard. some of the other people in my campaigns do the same thing, so i can reference theirs if i need to.
also, make note of fun quotes that the character says in-game in case you want to include them in the body text of the post! this part is optional to me, because sometimes i forget to be looking out for one, and then i have to post the wordboard and add the quote later when something interesting comes up lol.
i hope this was helpful, and good luck! sorry that was so long-winded, and feel free to dm me if you have any more specific questions :)
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noxtms · 2 years
*   𝐀𝐍𝐎𝐍𝐘𝐌𝐎𝐔𝐒 𝐀𝐒𝐊𝐄𝐃   :   continuing to support a fandom and piece of literature written by a transphobe...telling.
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i really do respect / understand your obvious discomfort and distaste with jkr and the hp universe, as a whole. there is no argument against that, because you are entitled to these feelings - jkr has harmed trans people ( trans women in particular with her largely transmisogynistic actions ) and that’s without getting into all of the many issues of the books and her actions outside of them. if that makes you not want to associate with my rp, or any of the others in the hp rp tags, that is absolutely your right, but in the incredibly niche and insular tumblr rpc, there is no material support ( be it financial or clout based ) being given to jkr.
being the admin here, specifically, is not a role i have ever taken lightly, nor is it one that i have the privilege to do so with - there are a lot of things i am still actively correcting as i continue to learn, and i have had to be ready and more than willing to do that dozens of times over, already. don’t get me wrong - i’m aware there are problematic hp rps and problematic hp rpers out there, and i realise the question of whether an rp is one of these or filled with much the same hangs over the head of everyone who peruses the tags, but unfortunately there’s little i can do for you re: my specific rp outside of assuring you that neither of those things apply to nox. i may not be a part of the specific area of the trans community harmed by jkr’s words, but i am a member of the same broader community, as are many of the members here, which at the very least makes us all incredibly conscious as an rp of what we’re doing here.
at the end of the day, you’re fully allowed to disagree, but you have to be able to accept that there are people who do not share your perspective & we will have to agree to disagree about whether or not this niche of tumblr rp should exist anymore in the first place, because that’s not a discussion that i have ever wanted to wade into or felt i have a constructive contribution to. 
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writesowhatnext · 4 years
sugar and spice and everything nice // remus lupin
Summary: reader has a meetcute with Remus in quite possibly his favourite place on Earth
Request: would you mind writing the reader in honeydukes bumping into remus lupin and bonding over their love for chocolate? thank u 💖💖💖
A/N: how many different ways can I spell chcolate chcoclate chocolate wrong :) also I treasure the ceoncept but am unsure about execution
Reader: unspecified
Warnings: none I was good
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In life, you had priorities. Sure, there were things that were important to you; like world peace and the like, but priority numero uno was one thing and one thing only. Chocolate. Whilst it wasn’t the best of things to be addicted to, at least it wasn’t hurting anybody; at least you weren’t addicted to murder or something, right? That’s what you were telling yourself, anyways, as you stood in front of Honeyduke’s chocolate shelves for the third time that month. The owner, Mr Flume, or Ambrosius as he insisted you call him, was a particular fan of yours given the fact that you almost bought out the shop every time you came. You spent hours in there at once, trying different things and becoming the connoisseur of chocolate you were today; you often got so engrossed in the whole thing that you barely paid any attention to what was going on around you. That, arguably, was a problem.
As you stepped backwards, surveying the enormous selection of treats, you didn’t notice a tall boy with a handful of coins clinking in his palm next to you. You only noticed him, actually, when you side-stepped into his body with a hefty amount of force, knocking his hand and sending his money flying, the metal rattling onto the floor.
“Oh, Merlin!” you huffed, instantly reaching down to help him retrieve it, only to have your forehead collide with his with a resounding thud. You both tipped backwards on your crouching heels, rubbing your heads as you sat on the floor of the almost deserted sweetshop.
“Pretty sure I could’ve handled that one better,” you said sheepishly, finally looking at the boy you’d just turned into a human piñata. Your breathing hitched when you realised who it was, catching in your throat as you recognised those warm green eyes and handsome features. You didn’t know Remus Lupin personally, but you had often ranted to your friends about how much you wished you did, not to mention how cute he was from afar.
“I think I almost definitely could’ve too, don’t worry,” he said, frowning with a nervous laugh that made butterflies swarm in your stomach. You’d imagined his voice a fair few times, but never had it lived up to the real thing.
You stood up and blew air from your cheeks sharply. With an amused smile, you offered him a hand, your grin widening as his eyes darted between your face and your outstretched palm. His hand gripped yours as you helped him to his feet, both of you awkwardly pulling away when you realised how long you’d been touching for. He wiped his palm on his trousers, hoping you didn’t notice.
“Sorry,” you said, bending down and scraping together the change on the floor as he loomed over you, shifting his weight from side to side. He watched you pick up the warm coins that had been sitting in his palm for the last ten minutes and hoped, with a fair amount of paranoia, that you wouldn’t discover how clammy his hands were. “I was very, very busy perusing the chocolate shelves, you see.”
You smiled as you rose to your feet, sliding the money into his palm, biting your lip at the contact, completely unaware of his eyes following you.
“A very understandable excuse,” he said gently, eager to see your smile again. “I’m quite the fan myself, actually.”
“Oh, really?” you turned to face the shelves conspiratorially, your shoulder almost touching Remus’. “What’s your poison?”
The corner of his lips curved upwards at your words, fairly amused at your joke, but more so that you didn’t really know how right you were.
“I like the salted caramel ones… and the strawberry… the white chocolate, milk, dark…” he listed, his frown deepening the further along he went. His face flushed; a pretty pink blush under the silvery-white scars. Your mouth twisted to contain a chuckle at how cute he looked.
“A man of good taste,” you hummed, placing a finger on your chin. He smiled at your pensive expression as you elbowed him lightly, joshing around. He’d been best friends with the Marauders for years, but never before had he felt so in on a joke. “I like the Howling Moon bars, myself.”
He made a face, scrunching his nose up like a child refusing their broccoli. “I don’t like wolves much.”
“I don’t know,” you mused, crossing your arms and rolling your head to face him. “I think they’re kind of cool.”
He stared at you for a moment, fully aware that he was reading way too far into what, to you, was most likely just a throwaway comment to a stranger in a sweetshop. He couldn’t deny, though, the pull he had towards you; he had this strange feeling that it wasn’t luck that you’d quite literally bumped into each other. Perhaps it was just wishful thinking.
“I’m Remus,” he said, shooting you a handsome half-smile that almost had your knees buckling.
“I know,” you nodded casually before the weight of your words hit you and you turned to his confused expression with a horror. “I did not mean that.”
He raised his eyebrows.
“Well,” you said, scowling. “I did, but I didn’t intend for it to be so creepy-“
“Wasn’t creepy at all,” he chuckled, immediately making you smile in relief. “Well,” he paused, tilting his head to the side. “Perhaps a little.”
With a scoff, you threw your head back and laughed, not quite noticing his shyly prideful smile in response.
“I’m Y/N,” you said eventually, pursing your lips. “And I promise I’m not a stalker.”
“I think the jury’s still out on that one.”
“Hey, it’s not my fault I pay attention to you.”
As soon as the words tumbled out of your mouth, you cursed yourself for even having the gall to be born. Honestly, who just let you walk around, saying this and doing that? Remus’ brain short-circuited and for what must’ve been a full minute, you stood in silence as he tried to think of how Sirius would reply; he was always good at flirting and Remus never really cared to learn until he saw you.
“More attention than to where you’re going, I hope,” he rushed, hoping his jab came out in the light-hearted, teasing way he intended. Your shocked expression had him rethinking it until the corners of your mouth curled up and you barked a laugh.
“Very witty, Mr Lupin, very witty indeed.”
Though he’d never admit it, he was quietly smug about the fact that he’d been the one to put such a smile on your gorgeous features.
“So,” you said, grinning at him, pleased with your interaction so far. “The jury’s still out on whether I’m a stalker or not, but is it still out on which chocolate you’re going to get?”
He stared at your comfortable grin, his heart leaping in his chest as he took it in, unable to deny its infectiousness.
“Pick for me,” he insisted, eyes crinkling around the edges as he played with the coins in his hand. “You seem like an expert.”
“That’s a brave choice,” you smirked, slightly chuffed. “You sure?”
“I’d say my sweet tooth is in safe hands.”
“Alright, then,” you said, shrugging. “But only if you’ll do the same.”
He nodded, a borderline embarrassing level of excitement building up in his stomach. “Sounds fair.”
And so, for a few minutes, in perfectly comfortable silence, you stood there, choosing chocolate. Remus even thought that he’d died and gone to Heaven. As he glanced at you, his own chocolate selection in his hand, he could barely concentrate on anything but your bottom lip pulled between your teeth. He watched you reach multiple times for different bars before changing your mind and he found himself rather amused at how seriously you were taking the whole thing.
“Okay then,” you said, stepping back from the wall of chocolate, reluctantly tearing your eyes away to see Remus staring at you, smiling with a fond look in his eyes. Your face fell. “I took too long, didn’t I?”
He shook his head, smiling. “It’s an important decision.”
You tilted your head to the side, shooting him a look. “That’s a very nice way of saying I took too long.”
He barely had time to reply, that is if he’d wanted to drag his thoughts away from how easy it was to talk to you.
“Oh!” you said, suddenly remembering that he’d picked a few bars for you. You stared at them greedily as he handed them over, very much aware of your fingertips brushing. “This one,” you said, lifting up one bar. “Is my favourite chocolate ever. This, I was debating picking for myself before I bulldozed you earlier. And this, well this I’ve never even seen before but I’m excited to-“
“Oi, Remus,” A boy shouted from the doorway of the shop, drawing your attention. You watched with barely contained amusement as a dry look overtook Remus’ features and he he shot you an apologetic glance before turning around.
“I’ll just be a minute,” he insisted to a boy you now recognised as Sirius Black, quite the character at Hogwarts. He looked between the you and Remus with growing mischief, an amused grin growing lazily on his face.
“Take all the time you need!” he yelled, before shooting you a wink and shutting the door, leaving you with Remus in a suddenly very silent shop.
“He seems nice,” you whispered, noticing his exasperation. Remus snorted, rolling his eyes.
“He’s a pillock.”
You laughed at his defeated expression, pleased to see him eventually mirror your smile.
“He seems to think there’s something going on here,” you drawled, hoping he would take a hint. By the way his face lit up even further, you figured he had.
“Well there will be if you don’t give me my chocolates,” he jested lightly, biting his lip as you pushed his shoulder, wishing more than anything that he could spend the whole day, with you, in Honeydukes.
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luxekook · 5 years
chapter one.
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⇥ pairing: jungkook x reader; eventual bts/ot7 x reader
⇥ genre: college au with fluff, smut & angst
⇥ summary: a series in which the reader meets (and falls for) seven members of the Beta Tau Sigma (BTS) fraternity
⇥ word count: 2.3k
⇥ warnings: 18+, cursing, dirty talk, kissing, hickies, drinking, tatted jungkook, nipple piercings
© luxekook. please do not repost, modify, edit or translate.
characters | prologue | one | two | three | four | five | six | seven | eight | nine
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Chapter One
Fall of Junior Year – 8:57am
I curse every single decision that has brought me to this very moment as I power-walk across campus, sweating under the already blistering sun. Campus in August could easily be compared to a swamp given the amount of unearthly humidity, and I'm pretty sure I currently qualified as the local swamp thing.
The only positive feature in my morning has been the table of free coffee and doughnuts staffed by Student Government. The first day of the fall semester always seems to be accompanied by frantically wide-eyed freshmen and celebratory freebies. However, air conditioning is the only thing I would be celebrating today as I finally reach Tyson Hall – the destination of my 9:00am class.
As I rush to my classroom with one minute to spare, I slump into a seat in the far corner – my preferred location for people-watching out of the large windows and for getting away with doing homework for other classes.
Familiar faces surround me, an unsurprising observation given that this is our mandatory research seminar as psychology majors. I notice my friend Jenni sitting in the opposite corner, eyes glued to her phone screen.
Opening my laptop, I shoot her a text to come sit with me. Her head whips up, black braids moving every which way as she immediately piles up her things and hustles over, “(y/n), I forgot you were in this seminar! I just switched over from quantitative research because I couldn’t take any more statistics – or Dr. Harding.”
Dr. Harding is the dean of the psychology department and has been teaching here for ages. Feared by most psychology students for his tough grading and intimidating persona, he’s actually a huge softie – something I discovered by going to his office hours and seeing all 85 pictures of his grandchildren hanging throughout the room.
“He’s not that bad, Jen.”
She scoffs, “You would say that because you got an A in statistics like some sort of wizard. Besides, Dr. Newman is so much nicer.”
Jenni has an excellent point. Dr. Newman is the main reason I chose this seminar. As one of the most respected researchers at our university, she’s known for her qualitative studies on gender across cultures. I consider Dr. Newman to be a real badass woman and I lowkey stan her.
I turn to reply, but Dr. Newman begins taking attendance and class begins.
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Fifty minutes later, Jenni practically drags me out of the classroom, “I cannot believe she kept us the whole 50 minutes. Is she aware that it’s syllabus week? It’s practically law to just read over the syllabus and then dismiss class. This is outrageous– (y/n), are you even listening?”
“Hmm?” I totally had tuned her out, focusing on the number of students flooding the quad. I had missed this – the rush of students heading to class, the yells of people greeting each other from entirely too far away, the buzz of excitement over potential parties…
“Unbelievable. How did I forget you have this whole weird-ass feminist crush on her?” Jenni forges forth, “It doesn’t matter. What are you doing tonight? You’re going out with us, right? Luna and I want to go to Hannigan’s.”
Since the three of us had all turned 21 over the summer, we finally could legally go to the bars in town. Hannigan’s currently holds the top spot on the list of bars that most of the upperclassman frequent. It’s a popular Irish pub downtown known for its cheap beer and mixed drinks.
It’s also BTS’s unofficial hangout – a fact that makes me slightly uneasy. After learning who the higher-ups are in BTS, I have taken to avoiding them like the plague. It was a relatively easy thing to do since the spring semester tended to be less focused on rushing and recruiting for fraternities and sororities.
But now it’s rush season, and I’m pretty much fucked. There will be no avoiding seeing BTS’s president Kim Namjoon out recruiting with his vice president Min Yoongi and his social chair Jung Hoseok. There will also be no avoiding pledge master Taehyung leading around new BTS pledges like a mother duckling. And don’t even get me started on how Kim Seokjin, Park Jimin and Jeon Jungkook will be popping up everywhere to advertise the latest BTS bash.
Sighing, I figure that the chances of actually bumping into them at the bar will be slim, given that it will most likely be super crowded and I can easily blend in.
I turn to Jenni as we keep walking towards our next classes, “Yeah, I’ll go to Hannigan’s. Are you going to come over to get ready at our place?”
Luna and I had moved into a cute little off-campus apartment over the summer. As it turned out, it’s cheaper to live off-campus than on-campus if you look hard enough. We also had it pretty good location-wise being just a few short blocks from both campus and downtown.
“Yes!” Jenni replies, slowing to a stop out front of the science building, “I’ll be over around 8 with tequila. I’ll text you later. I’ve got to go to neuro-psych lab now,” she rolls her eyes, “Hopefully we won’t be kept the whole time.”
Waving, we part ways, and I shake my head.
Tequila never leads to anything good.
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Hannigan’s – 10:54pm
Fate seems to be on my side for once in my life. As soon as Luna, Jenni and I walk into Hannigan’s, my eyes are drawn to the back table where the BTS usually sits. It’s empty.
It’s practically an unspoken rule that no one else can sit there, and even though the bar is packed with all other tables accounted for, that one remains vacant – and for good reason.
Greek life essentially has a cult following around here. The Greeks provide status for those who are into that whole exclusivity thing. They also provide the best parties because of the size of their houses and because the university will never complain about one of their best sources of revenue.
I didn’t to rush a sorority way back in freshman year because I couldn’t feasibly afford it. The dues were way out of my price range, considering I was already paying for my education on my own. Luna, on the other hand, is in Epsilon Xi Delta (EXID) and consistently makes me and Jenni tag along to different Greek parties with her.
"Come on, bitches! Let's get some drinks," Jenni drags me and Luna through the packed room towards the bar that is already encircled by a crowd of thirsty students.
Tonight’s plan is simple – stick together, have fun, scope out cute seniors. Having already taken some shots before we left (saving that coin), we’re definitely feeling ourselves, flaunting our outfits like we didn’t spend a good hour picking them out earlier.
I had settled on a black t-shirt dress with a checkered flannel tied around the waist and some black Doc Martens. Luna and Jenni had tried to convince me to wear heels with them, but I knew syllabus week was a marathon – not a sprint. My feet would thank me later, and theirs would be crying.
As the bartender slides us our beers, the opening beats of Cocky AF by our badass queen Megan Thee Stallion blast through the speakers dispersed throughout the bar. Turning immediately to each other, we clink our beers together, take a sip, and head to the makeshift dance floor.
We squeeze and push our way through the masses until we reach a spot towards the back where the crowd has thinned out a little more. Within seconds, we’re in motion, hips swaying in time to Megan saying ‘bitch, I look good and you know that’.
Shaking out my hair, I get in the zone and lose count of how many songs we dance to. Eventually, our beers empty and Luna turns to me, “Another?" She accompanies her shouted question with an unnecessary charade of shot-gunning a beer in case I couldn’t hear her. I roll my eyes, laughing while I nod in response.
“Save our spot!” Jenni yells and disappears into the crowd of dancers with Luna towards the bar.
I continue dancing on my own. Swaying my hips, I decide to put my hair up to try to cool off a little in the sweltering bar. The music shifts into a new song, this one slower, more seductive, a favorite of mine – Lost in the Fire featuring The Weeknd.
As Abel’s angelic voice flows over me, a pair of hands slide over my hips from behind me. I start to pull away, but then I notice – the hands are tattooed. And for some reason, that hot little fact makes me relax into the large body behind me.
Those tattooed hands tug me back even more, bringing me flush against him as he falls into time with my movements. God, this guy can dance – a rarity these days.
His body is all hard muscle and heated skin. His mouth is hot against my neck, alternating between kissing, sucking, and biting. My skin buzzes. Fuck, I haven’t felt this way since–
Turning my head slightly, I can make out the vague outline him and it confirms my sinking suspicion... He’s a BTS boy.
"Hey, noona," he murmurs in my ear, his lips brushing over it as he speaks.
Fuck my life, I think as I shiver involuntarily in response. Spinning to face one of Satan’s henchmen, I toss my ponytail over my shoulder and jut a hip out in both defiance and defense. But really nothing could have prepared me for the sight of Jeon fucking Jungkook, the golden boy of BTS.
He somehow looks like he’s gotten even bigger since the last I saw him playing pong against Taehyung at that party – information that I cannot even comprehend. His left arm is completely tattooed, along with a few smaller ones dotting his hands. I glare at them, blaming those hands for throwing me off.
“Like them?” Jungkook waves his fingers in front of my narrowed eyes, “I got them this summer.” Smirking lazily, Jungkook makes his own perusal of me – taking extra time along the way.
His jaw flexes as his eyes turn molten, “You’re killing me, noona. Tae didn’t mention…” He trails off, swallowing hard.
I follow his gaze. Oh fuck. I had forgotten I decided to forego a regular bra tonight because I wanted to show off my piercings. Just having a thin bralette under my dress, my pierced nipples are definitely noticeable under Jungkook’s heavy stare.
Refusing to give into him, I square my shoulders, “Yeah, I got them this summer, too. But, I don’t see how that’s either your or Taehyung’s business.”
At my words, Jungkook rips his eyes away from my tits to finally meet my own eyes again, “Oh, but it really is our business. Tae said we’d like you and I agree.”
His voice is low and rough, and I swear I can feel it washing over my body, making all of my synapses fire in response.
“We?” I choked out. In full panic mode, I spin and try to leave, but I barely make it a foot away before getting stopped by a now-familiar tattooed hand wrapped around my wrist.
Luckily, a crashing sound echoes from the back table where the other BTS boys must be, and Jungkook lets out a string of curses, “Fucking hell, listen I have to go make sure no one’s hurt, or Joon will kill me. Stay here, okay? I’m not done with you, (y/n).”
His hand rushes up to the nape of my neck, pulling me into him. Our lips fuse together in a brutally hot kiss, his tongue slipping against my bottom lip for a fraction of a second.
And then he’s gone – disappearing rapidly through the fray to manage whatever trouble his frat has gotten into.
I stand there, shaking fingers on my lips wondering what the actual fuck just happened.
“Hey, sorry we took so long! This bitch cut in front of us and I swear she ordered for the entire fucking population of North America—”
Luna smacks Jenni’s arm, cutting her off, “You okay, (y/n)?” Luna peers closer at me, “Holy shit, is that a hickey?  We were only gone for 10 minutes!”
My hand flies to my neck as both Jenni and Luna grab me, dragging me to the slightly quieter back alley of the bar. As they conduct the second Spanish Inquisition, I spill the details on what happened.
After a moment of silence following my explanation, they both start talking at once:
→ Jenni: “Hell yes, girl, go off! Jeon Jungkook is fine as fuck…” → Luna: “(y/f/n) (y/m/n) (y/l/n), have you lost your damn mind…”
→ Jenni: “…I’d hit that in a heartbeat. I’m so proud!” → Luna: “…Do you not remember last semester? Are you high? Oh my GOD, did he drug you?!”
“Stop!” I slap a hand over each of their mouths, “Jesus, Mary and Joseph, you guys are impossible. I am not ‘hitting’ anything, and, no, he did not fucking drug me.”
Sighing, I continue, “It was a lapse in judgement, okay? I remember last semester more than anyone, but he’s just so powerful and I don’t seem to have any common sense around BTS.”
I take my hands away from their mouths and immediately Jenni asks, “Wait, what happened last semester?”
Luna slings an arm around my shoulder, “Come on, let’s go get pizza and a six-pack from Ralph’s. We can go out another night this week.”
“Take-out from Ralph’s?” Jenni’s eyes widen comically, “This must be major tea. Let’s go.”
Instinctively, we clink our beers together for the second time that night and chug the remainder of our bottles in true broke bitch fashion (never leave paid-for beer behind).
With that, we trek back through the door and out of the bar. We finish our night filling in Jenni with our less than savory experience with the infamous BTS fraternity last semester.
But, as I lay in bed for the night, I can’t help but wonder if Jungkook had looked for me that night after I left… Or if he told Taehyung...
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tinyboxxtink · 3 years
"Doppelganger" *Part 24*
Alright I REFUSE to make this story any longer, so the next chapter IS the finale, I swear to you.
This is just one more little loose end I wanted to throw in, maybe it'll come back around the epilogue. Who knows?! I know.
I would have started the "Wedding Day" here but I really wanted it to be it's own chapter, so this is kinda short and I'm not gonna lie if I have to I will make the last chapter 20 pages long to fit the ending in. That being said I have some stuff to do tomorrow night and work the next night so I may or may not split up writing the last chapter between those and post it late Sunday or Monday.
It's worth it I promise! I'll make it worth it.
Part 23
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The next day Rafael asked you to come by his office once again, making you nervous. Especially when you showed up to the Mayor and a Lawyer to greet you along with Rafael.
“Pinguino,” Rafael smiled as he met you at the door with his arms open wide pulling you into a kiss.
“....More interviews?” You whispered as you eyed the two other men.
“Actually, they haven’t told me what they’re doing here yet,” Rafael whispered back as you both walked over to the men sitting at Rafael’s desk. Rafael pulled another chair around to his side so you could sit next to him. He had a feeling this would take a while.
“So...gentlemen,” Rafael cleared his throat. “What’s this about?”
“Well Barba it’s about your wedding,” The mayor replied.
“...Why am I not surprised..?” He shook his head with a laugh.
“Actually Mr. Barba I think you’ll find this visit different from others the mayor here has sprung on you thus far,” His lawyer answered.
“...And that would be because…?” Rafael raised a skeptical eyebrow.
“Because Mr. Fenkell here says that I owe you financial compensation for all you’ve been doing for me,” The mayor replied rather gruffly as he crossed his arms like a petulant child being called into the principal’s office.
“...Excuse me?” Rafael looked at both of them with confusion.
“Well Mr. Barba, I’m surprised you haven’t either realized or brought up the fact that the situation that you’re in is called ‘quid pro quo’,” The lawyer explained.
“Yes I know what ‘quid pro quo’ is counselor, we went to the same law school,” Rafael snarked. “And I graduated with higher honors than you,”
“Barba I’m here trying to help you out, I don’t know why you’re lashing out at me,” The lawyer now crossed his arms.
“Baby,” You put a hand on his. “Just let the man talk,”
“Right,” He nodded reluctantly. “Go on,”
“Like I was saying,” Mr. Fenkell pulled out papers from his briefcase. “I assume you and your fiancée here have been going along with the Mayor’s requests for fear of losing your job, correct?”
“I mean, not mine per say,” Rafael shrugged. “THAT would be illegal,”
“Right,” Mr. Fenkell nodded. “But everything he’s done thus far involving you and your fiancé's likeness entitles you to royalties, and dues for services,”
“Well, that is true,” Rafael nodded. “I’ve been so preoccupied with everything else I haven’t even stopped to think--”
“Which is exactly why I’m here,” Mr. Fenkell cut him off. “I figured a competent lawyer like yourself would realize when all the dust settles, that you were indeed entitled to a sum of money, and would therefore sue the Mayor after the fact,”
“Wow, that’s a lot of assuming on your part sir,” You laughed softly. “You really think Rafael is that shit of a--”
“I mean he is right,” Rafael finished for you.
“...Or I’m just an idiot,” You muttered.
“No, baby you’re not an idiot,” Rafael took your hand. “But we are entitled--YOU are entitled for some kind of compensation for all that you’ve done for the mayor--for me,”
“I thought my compensation was getting to marry you,” You smiled sweetly.
“Aww,” Mr. Fenkell remarked, causing an eye roll from the mayor.
“Right so--” Mr. Fenkell began laying papers filled with legal jargon on the desk in front of you and Rafael.
“This contract states that once we settle on a number, you won’t try and collect more from the mayor with some random claim like ‘emotional distress’ during your wedding, or events thereafter due to all of this,”
“...Trauma?” You couldn’t help but laugh. “You think that after everything I went through, I would classify this as trauma?”
“I mean theoretically you could, Ms. Y/L/N,” He nodded. “The emotional stress of reliving your trauma and trying to plan a wedding while on display for the whole city must be taking a toll on you right now, is it not?”
“...Well it wasn’t until you said it like that,” You muttered.
“Dammit Maxwell I told you, they were perfectly fine with--” The mayor began to pitch a fit.
“Oh no no no,” Rafael wagged a finger at the mayor. “Just because she’s ignorant of the--”
“Excuse you?” You crossed your arms at Rafael’s condescending tone.
“I mean, just because she doesn’t realize or recognize the emotional stress she’s under doesn’t mean that she doesn’t have it, and doesn’t deserve compensation” He looked to you apologetically while he re-worded the statement. You gave him an approving nod.
“Right well this is what this is for--”
“And what kind of price tag have you put on my fiance's feelings, counselor?”
“Well if you’ll peruse the contract, counselor…” Mr. Fenkell pointed to the bottom of the paper.
“This contract blah blah blah, no further seeking monetary blah blah blah…” Rafael spoke out loud as he scanned the document. Then suddenly, his eyes widened and he stopped reading, looking at you then Mr. Fenkell then the Mayor.
“...A million dollars?” He raised his eyebrow, skeptical.
“...What?” You gasped.
“....Each,” He added with a smile as he handed you the paper. You didn’t know a lot of the words, but in plain black and white you read: “...In the form of one million dollars per plaintiff,”
“I’m sorry, WHAT?” You said louder than you intended, but that was insane.
“That’s insane,” You said out loud. “I don’t need that kind--”
“Baby,” Rafael stopped you and pulled you slightly away from the mayor and his lawyer. “I know that you get antsy when good things happen to you, but you deserve this,”
“For what?!” You hissed. “For taking a few photos? For letting a camera crew in a church? Rafael I just--”
“...But think of everything before that, carino,”
“What, Nevada? That--” You shook your head.
“Wasn’t your fault,” Rafael finished.
“...Well it wasn’t the mayor’s fault either, Raffi,” You nodded at the mayor.
“But he is exploiting you for it,” Rafael pointed out.
“....True,” You nodded.
“Excuse you two, but I--” The mayor began to rant again.
“And if I may add,” Mr. Fenkell jumped in. “While Mr. Barba was worried about his job, you also had reason to be worried about it as well. Being as he is your only means of support,”
“Right now,” You quickly added.
“....Right,” Mr. Fenkell gave you a side eye. “Currently,”
Clearly this douchebag thought what everyone else must be thinking. That you were just marrying Rafael for his money. So that you could be a ‘kept’ woman. Well, he was about to learn that was the furthest thing from the truth.
“Alright then,” You finally said. “Then I want my share to go to Rafael, if we’re going to be married it’s his anyway,”
“No no no no, Nuh-uh,” Rafael shook his head. “Your share is your share,”
“...But I don’t want you to think that I’ve got some... ‘escape money’,” You gave him a sad look.
“Escape money?” He laughed. “Baby I told you, I think the last thing I should be worried about is you leaving me,”
“....Also true,” You nodded with a soft smile. You sure as hell had not gotten this far working this hard to ‘get’ Rafael to just give him up. Ever.
“Okay then, do I tell you where I want the money to go or do I do it myself?” You asked Mr. Fenkell.
“...You already have plans for it?” Mr. Fenkell asked you. “...Didn’t you just say you didn’t want it? Why would you--”
“Just answer the question,” You said flatly.
“I mean Mr. Barba could just draw up the contracts and paperwork for you to transfer your funds wherever you--”
“But Mr. Barba is my husband, not my lawyer,” You cut him off. “...And I’d like to keep that way,” You looked over at who Rafael looked at you in confusion.
"Not Mixing business and pleasure," You smirked.
“Right,” Mr. Fenkell nodded as pulled out a legal pad and a pen. “Well I can make a list of where you want to divert the funds and we’ll go from there,”
“Okay,” You took a deep breath. “Well, first of all-- obviously,” You took Rafael’s hand. “I want to pay off the rest of my time at Julliard,”
“That’s unnecessary, carino--”
“Yeah I know you say that Rafael, but I was going there before I met you and it’s not your respon--”
“It’s already paid for, in full,” He spoke over you.
“...What?” You asked him with a breathy voice. When did he have time to do that?! WHY-wait.
“But I’m going to need an extra semester since I’m taking the rest of this one off,” You said softly as you glanced at the other two in shame. You still felt guilty about Rafael having to basically babysit you for the past few weeks.
“Yeah I figured that.” He nodded with a smile, stroking your cheek. “It’s all taken care of, carino,”
“...Alright fine then I want to pay it back,” You insisted.
“No,” He shook his head. “Absolutely not,”
“Rafael come on--”
“NO,” He repeated sternly. “I won’t take it,”
“....Alright, fine,” You rolled your eyes. “Then I want a chunk to go to abuela--”
“No I have them covered too,” He shook his head. “And they are definitely NOT your responsibility. And before you say next that you want it to go to Maria, she will never accept it. We're too proud of a people," He smiled teasingly.
“...Fine,” You sighed in frustration. “THEN I want a chunk of it to go to opening a drama center,” You crossed your arms and looked at Rafael. “Any objections to that, counselor?”
“...A drama center?” He looked at you curiously.
“Look,” You took both of his hands. “I know you couldn’t-- your mom didn’t want you---” You took another breath, trying to figure out exactly what to say. “...You had to give up your dream to take care of your family,”
“Carino…” He took your hand.
“And my parents, they spent all the money we had on dance lessons, acting lessons, all of it. On ME. Just so that I could live my dream,” You continued. “Kids should be able to dream their dreams without their parents having to worry about money to do so,”
“But...your dream, Y/N. You want to be on Broadway. How are you gonna fit--” He started to speak but you were nowhere near done with your speech.
“Baby my dream was selfish,” You shook your head. “I wanted to be famous for the wrong reasons. To be adored by the world, to be loved by everyone. But, now I know the only person’s love I care about, is yours,” You stroked his face.
“If I open this place then I can still use my talents as a teacher, helping kids like us. I told your mom that when I met you, you made me a better person, that you made me want to be better. I want that to be true. I need that to be true,” You finally finished with a small smile, tears lined Rafael’s eyes.
“You are the best person I know, mi amor,” He pushed a strand of hair behind your ear. “I think the center is a great idea,”
“Good,” You smiled. “And….I want to name it the Y/L/N-Barba Drama Center,”
“....Well obviously after you,” He nodded.
“No,” You shook your head. “After you. And my parents. Because if it wasn’t for them I wouldn’t have found you, and you gave me everything I’ve ever wanted,”
“I love you,” He beamed at you as he kissed you deeply.
“...And on that note,” You turned back to Mr. Fenkell who looked wildly uncomfortable by your little cutesy side conversation.
“I want the rest to be split between a savings account for me, and the other half into a trust,”
“A trust?” Mr. Fenkell asked as he wrote down your wishes.
“A trust for our children,” You smiled at Rafael. “My parents spent so much money so that I could live my dream. I think it’s only fair I do the same for them; especially when I have the means to do it,”
“See those redneck shithead Jersians have no idea what they’re talking about,” He pressed his forehead against yours. “You are not selfish, not at all,”
“Thanks to you,” You pressed your own forehead against his like a love head butt.
“....Okay, so is there anywhere else you’d like it to go, Ms. Y/N?” Mr. Fenkell said rather loudly, trying once again to remind you there were other people in the room. People who were not amused with your disgustingly cute conversations.
“Um, no I think that’s good,” You nodded.
“Split up mine the same way, Max,” Rafael added.
“Rafael you don’t need to--” You started to protest but he put a finger to your mouth.
“I have money,” He assured you. “I have enough money to take care of us for the rest of our lives. This money should go somewhere that represents the both of us, and our love,”
“Can we please for the love of God just end this, please?” The mayor groaned. “If I have to sit here and watch you word vomit your love all over this office, I might actually vomit,”
“Right,” Rafael rolled his eyes. “Well gentlemen you know where to find us,” He grabbed the pen and signed one of the contracts then handed it to you and you did the same.
“Now if you’ll excuse us we’re going to ‘love vomit’ all over each other now,” He smirked as he handed back the papers. Mr. Fenkell and The mayor nodded as they walked out.
“Well, what do you want to do now?” Rafael wiggled his eyebrows suggestively.
“As tempting as that sounds, I have another request mi amor,” You played with the hair on the back of his knuckles with a soft voice.
“Anything for you pinguino,”
“Well I mean, you have some pull over there,” You nodded outside towards the courthouse that was attached to the DA's office by a hallway.
“...Why, do you need parking tickets dismissed or something? Did I agree to marry a felon?” He teased you.
“No,” You giggled. “But I would like to skip the ‘name changing’ line,” You pulled him closer as his smile grew bigger.
“I don’t think that’s what they call it, but I appreciate the sentiment,” He kissed you as you both walked towards the door of his office and out into the lobby.
“We’ll be back, Tommy,” He told his assistant.
“Right sir,” He nodded.
“This way to the ‘name changing line’, pinguino,” He smirked as you walked down the hall towards the courthouse.
--An Hour Later--
You and Rafael walked out of the courthouse and down the steps hand in hand as you pulled the two papers from his hands. One was a marriage license, and one was a form that was filled with boring legal jargon but at the bottom was printed: “Legal Name: Mrs. Y/F/N Barba,” with your new signature on the dotted line.
“Mrs. Rafael Barba,” You smiled as you looked at the paper.
“Oh no no no,” Rafael shook his head with a laugh. “That sounds like you’re my property, pinguino,”
“True,” You nodded with a teasing smile.
“...So why the sudden urgency to change your name, carino?” He asked as you walked down the street hand in hand. “Not that I’m complaining. I'd be lying if I said just looking at your name with my last name makes me giddy,”
“Giddy?” You gave him a look.
“Yeah, I said it. Giddy,” He laughed.
“...I don’t know, it was something that my therapist said,” You shrugged.
“...And what did she say?” He asked you skeptically.
“She said,” You sighed and pulled Rafael out of the flow of traffic of people.
“She said that women who don’t take their husband's last names had one foot out the door of the marriage before even going in,” You looked up at him with soft eyes. “And I don’t want you to think that I am any less than 100% sure of my love for you, and the rest of our lives together,”
“Well, first of all I’d like to see her marriage to divorce ratios based on that assumption,” He rolled his eyes. “And second-- I appreciate the sentiment baby, I really do. Just as long as you did it for you, and not because your therapist guilted you into it,”
“She didn’t,” You assured him. “I did this for me. For us,”
“Well then Mrs. Barba,” He took your hand once again with a huge smile. “Let’s grab some dinner, shall we?” He asked in a melodramatic, fancy tone.
“We shall, Mr. Barba,” You answered in the same tone, making both of you giggle like school kids.
Now all that was left to do was actually get married!
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Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Star Wars - All Media Types, Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008) - All Media Types Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Obi-Wan Kenobi/Satine Kryze Characters: Obi-Wan Kenobi, Satine Kryze Additional Tags: Pre-Relationship, Year On the Run, No beta we die like democracy Series: Part 4 of Whumptober 2021 Summary:
Whumptober 2021 Day 4 - Trust Fall
Do you trust me? / Taken Hostage / Pushed
“Well full marks to the Force!” Satine snapped. “Never mind leading us to safety it's led us straight to a dead end!”
“It hasn’t led us into a dead end!” Obi Wan argued. It couldn’t have done, he was so sure this was where they had to go.
“Well, it looks like it has from where I’m standing. Or maybe it is just you aren’t very good at listening to it.”
That… struck a bit too close to home for Obi Wan.
There were still Bounty Hunters coming after them.
Why were they still following them Obi Wan thought franticly, his master had led them off in a different  direction. If they were still following, did that mean his Master was…
No. There was nothing good to be found by following that thought through to its natural conclusion. Anyway he could still feel Qui-Gon through his bond; he was tired but very much still alive.
Which if they wanted to stay, they would have to move faster.
“Come on Satine!” he yelled at her. “We have to go faster.”
“That is Duchess Kryze to you Padawan Kenobi, and I’d like to see you try and run faster wearing this sort of dress.”
“Well maybe you should chose to wear more sensible clothes when you are on an organization that wants all your clan dead!” is what Obi Wan wanted to say.
He held his tongue. He was sure his master would be very proud of him. He was learning restraint.
“Just a bit further.” He said instead, beginning to pant with the exertion. “We just have to get a bit further.”
He ducked under a tree branch. The vegetation was getting thicker, more difficult for them to move through but also more difficult for their perusers, with their amour and bulky weapons to follow.
“How could you possibly know that.” Satine gasped. “You have never been on this planet before.”
“I just know. The Force tells me.”
“Oh yes your all knowing force.” There was too much sarcasm in her voice for Obi Wans liking.
The bounty hunters were falling further behind them though. Obi Wan let himself smile. They were getting away. The force was leading them to safety. Everything would be ok-
The forest suddenly ended. Obi Wan barely skidded to a stop, throwing an arm out to stop Satine from falling down the cliff face in front of them.
Obi Wan could hear the sound of Water running far below. A river of maybe a stream. He scanned their surroundings. The forest surrounded them on three sides. The chasm before them was wide. Too wide for even a force assisted jump. The small clearing along the side ran beyond the horizon but there was no protection there. It was far to open with the bounty hunters still behind them.
“Well full marks to the force!” Satine snapped. “Never mind leading us to safety its led us straight to a dead end!”
“It hasn’t led us into a dead end!” Obi Wan argued. It couldn’t of done, he was so sure this was where they had to go.
“Well it looks like it has from where I’m standing. Or maybe its just you aren’t very good at listening too it.”
That… struck a bit too close to home for Obi Wan. Maybe that was the truth, maybe the Force had been trying to tell him not to go this way.
He closed his eyes reaching back out into the force.  He felt himself calm, centring himself in the force. The world around him faded, the noise from the bounty hunters dissipated into the background.
He sighed. He was right. The force had led him here. But why? Why would it lead him to a place like this with no obvious ways out. The sound of the river got louder, over powering everything around him.
His eyes flew open.
“Obi Wan!” Satine sounded panicked now. “We don’t have time for you to meditate they are coming!”
She was right, the trees were shaking now. The hunters so close that he could almost hear their conversations.
“Do you trust me?”
“Satine, do you trust me?”
She looked at his face, glance back towards the trees before looking into his eyes.
She took a deep breath.
“Yes. Yes I do.”
The first bounty hunter emerged from the vegetation and Obi Wan pushed Satine off the cliff.
He barely had time to take notice of her look of horror as she fell before he jumped after her.
It can’t have been more than seconds, but the time falling felt like it lasted hours. The air rushing past him. The lack of any control. The freedom.
The impact of the water was like he had hit ice. The cold cut against his skin like knives. He went under, disorientated. He didn’t know up from down, left from right. He needed to breath. He was on the verge of panic. He tried to centre himself before kicking upwards.
He broke the surface mouth first, taking an immediate gulp of breath. He looked round, desperately looking for Satine.
He couldn’t see her.
He tread water, as the current swept him further downstream. She’d said she trusted him Obi Wan thought had he rewarded that by sending her to her death.
“Satine!” He yelled.
“Over here!”
He whipped his head around. Satine was sat on the bank, looking bedraggled but very much alive. Obi Wan kicked, pushing himself out of the current and swimming towards her.
He pulled himself out of the river. She was already talking.
“-of all the harebrained schemes Kenobi, pushing me off the edge of a cliff. Did you know how deep the water was? Did you even know I could swim?”
He grasped her by the shoulders, frantically surveying her form. “Are you all right?”
“What?” She sputtered.
“Are you all right?” He gripped tighter. “It was a long fall.”
“Yes, I’m fine.” She gave him a small smile, trying to placate him. “Not even a scratch.”
Obi Wan release a breath before flopping over next to her.
They remind quiet, the area silent except for their heavy breaths and the sound of the water rushing past.
Obi Wan looked over at her before his face cracked into a grin.
“So Duchess you do trust me, even if I am just a Jetti”
“Well,” she huffed. Obi Wan suppressed a smile as she puffed herself up. He enjoyed her righteous indignation. It looked good on her.
“I don’t think I do any more. You Pushed me off a cliff Kenobi! Thats reckless even for a Jedi. How was that a goof plan?”
“It got us away from the bounty hunters didn’t it?”
“More by luck than judgement.”
“Still you said you trusted me. Can’t take it back now.”
Satine sighed deflating.
“To be honest I wouldn’t want too.” She smiled at him, a small smile. More vulnerable than normal.
Obi Wan froze. This was outside their normal wheelhouse. Since his master had first been assigned onto this mission he had fallen easily into the slightly too sharp comments and arguments with Satine. They had developed from genuine arguments to more gentle ribbing in the months they had spent together but it had never developed into anything like this. Never felt any true emotional vulnerability.
Obi Wan didn’t know what to do with it. He felt knocked of kilter.
“I’m glad.” He said quietly. He smiled at her. “I will try to not fail your trust Duchess.”
“I don’t think you could.”
They fell silent. The only sounds were the rushing water of the river. He could hear birds singing amongst the trees. The world seemed calm, far too calm considering they had a whole squadron of bounty hunters that wanted to capture Satine, and almost certainly wanted him dead.
The systems sun began to lower in the sky, shadows growing longer.
Obi Wan sighed before pulling himself to his feet.
He leant down to offer Satine a hand.
“Come on, Master Jinn will be expecting us.”
She huffed but took his hand and he pulled her to her feet.
“You couldn’t have come up with another plan that didn’t result in us trekking in wet clothes. I hope Master Jinn has found somewhere we can light a fire when we make camp.” Satine grumbled, wrapping her still damp cloak closer around her.
Obi Wan rolled his eyes, but couldn’t stop himself from smiling as they set back off through the trees. He couldn’t help but feel lighter. As if something had changed.
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youarestellarverse · 3 years
Main is @melancholic-pigeon.
It started with a super kinky oneshot. 
the rest of the musing is under a cut for length, because this is now a pinned post.
My fandom philosophy can be found here. TL;DR: antis get blocked on sight. I have a zero tolerance policy against fascist bullshit dressed up in a fake-woke mustache. "Proshipping" doesn't mean what tiktok thinks it means.
Series map here.
Send me asks anytime, about anything! (Just, yknow, don't be a dick.) If you want me to answer it privately, just let me know. 💜
Let me know if you want me to ping you when I post updates or excerpts! Also let me know if you want me to stop pinging you for updates, too.
I try to tag for fic spoilers, but I'm not very good at it. 😅
some content is mature content, tagged as "mature content" so I don't have to keep going "ok is this actually not safe for work, or is it semi-not safe for work???" Please mind and block the tag accordingly; the overall series is 18+ and a significant amount of the content on this blog is as well.
tags on this post are for easy perusing!
(That super kinky oneshot is why the series is called what it's called; it was previously titled "fate or something better" after another Incubus song, but that was hard to shorten to a tag for tumblr— "fateverse" seems to be an established tag for a different fandom— so I went back to the inaugural fic and found it rolled off my mind-tongue quite nicely!)
It was stupendously fun to write and I was riddled with ideas for the backstory and had every intention of writing it all out. Life took over after that and shat on all of my plans.
The fandom developed some issues with some serious toxicity, and tumblr fandom as a whole developed some serious issues with puritan fearmongering and authoritarian fake-woke pseudoactivism, which actually just meant bullying people for shipping the wrong ship or having the wrong headcanon or liking a character who has not been Approved as Certified Wholesome by the Board of Moral Fanwork Engagement. So I ghosted. (I'm not super proud of that.)
I stopped writing for a long while after that. Then a dear friend got me back into posting and I tossed up a brief little thing and learned people still remembered me. 
So I started a kinktober project, figuring it'd be another little collection of oneshots, and it ballooned into an actual novel and holy shit.
Here I am. Here we are. 
I had never actually stopped working on this series, I just stopped writing it down. I think that's a large part of how I've been churning it out; I spent four years digging up a huge pile of clay, and now I've fallen into the rhythm of sculpting with it and I have a pottery wheel and thirty dishes of varying sizes and complexities on one side of me and clay on the other and also I now know how to dig for more!
There's a lot of it, though.
This might be counterproductive and make my life more difficult, but there's a chance it'll help, and I'm taking anything I can get at this point in a desperate attempt to keep track of myself. At the moment, I think it's likely I'll just reblog stuff to it so it's all contained in one place.
We shall see where the journey takes us. 💜
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arinlangdon · 3 years
ok, some more coherent thoughts now that i’m relatively more composed. spoilers of course
still peeved that Arin is so much younger than i assumed at first (what do you mean they’re not 25+), but i’ll accept it because it’s important for them to be the same age as FMC.
i love their last name. i would probably love anything they chose, but i’m glad it’s something like Langdon. i will use it at every opportunity. it’s also mine now. my new full name has a nice ring to it.
they aren’t from the magical realm, as i thought, which is slightly disappointing considering i was actually coming around to the idea of them being a fairytale character. the upside is that they stand out a bit for being the only LI who isn’t one, and i’m a-ok with that.
good to learn more about Arin’s background in general. it’s now established outside of a heart scene that Arin is a Brit, more specifically English. their accent is prooobably meant to be a posher one? modern RP, maybe. but i will hang onto my Yorkshire headcanon still.
“whisked away” is an interesting choice of words. under what circumstances would an English teenager be whisked away to the States? are they still in touch with their family? do they still have family. any blood relations at all
the Jabberwocky, the white rabbit, the pocket watch, Arin crying out about being late and their constant hopping... oh yeah, we’re going the full Carroll. Arin being associated with the White Rabbit (despite not actually being the White Rabbit) is... very cute oh wow. and now i can feel justified in making allusions to the moon and how gay that is. love it.
fridge thought: Arin, you have a cell phone. why would you pull out your pocket watch like a Victorian-era gentleperson instead of just checking your phone. you really commit to the aesthetic, don’t you.
a secret garden! that Arin created themself! my heart. they really are my favorite busy bee.
i’m pleasantly surprised and happy that we got to see their room so soon. of course the walls are bursting with books (yes, Arin, i do want to stay in your room and peruse those shelves). and dang, that Murphy bed. it pulls down to reveal extra storage! now that is my kind of room.
their TBC screen is wonderful. an open door in the library, looking into two chairs bookending a table with a steaming teacup? the trees? the monochrome yellow color scheme? it’s cozy. it’s cute. it’s perfect. it... might be their bedroom? wow, upon that realization, i love it even more.
the Shakespeare tag scene!! the most precious thing. i cannot believe Arin Langdon used to cut class. i can’t believe these nerds made up a literature-based game to play together! and Arin’s competitive streak, which we caught a glimpse of in one of Lucas’s scenes, returns.
Arin’s silly and playful side, the one that’s still comfortable and familiar with FMC, also returns. i love that side of them. i hope we get to see more of it before things get dark.
their whole dynamic is precious, really. long-time best friends who are hurting from drifting apart (for understandable reasons—hello dramatic irony, my old friend) and too shy to admit their feelings, and probably too oblivious to realize them. but Arin being Arin, they still make sure she knows they care and want her around... and so tactile about it too ;~; (let’s see just how much longer they want to milk the angst)
alright, i’m ready for the slowburn best friends-to-lovers romance of a lifetime let’s goooooooo
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onthesandsofdreams · 3 years
The Actor In The App [5/?]
Pairing: Cassian x Jyn Rating: T Summary: Jyn all but swoons and leans against the door as soon as Cassian’s gone. Words: 1628 Notes: Celeb AU. Tagging: @mousedetective
Read @ AO3 | Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4
Jyn all but swoons and leans against the door as soon as Cassian’s gone.
She closes her eyes and breathes, a smile softly forming in her lips. Who would have guessed that she would’ve had such a fun date with Cassian? Truthfully, she had never been one to daydream about Hollywood or celebrities, but right now she felt almost like a teen girl dealing with her first crush. And it wasn’t a bad crush at all, Cassian was a complete gentleman and now, she was fully excited to go out again with him.
That night, she had the best sleep she ever had.
Work was hard and demanding, but she found that she felt like she was walking on cloud nine. No matter what went wrong at the restaurant she worked, she was in an unusually good humor and she dealt with everything with calm.
She would text Cassian here and there, and then, one day Cassian called. “How about we go out? A morning date, you up for it?”
She was more than up to it, “Sure! I don’t think I’ve ever been on a morning date, so long as it isn’t too early.”
Cassian chuckled, “Not yet, there’s one I have planned that we might have to get up early, but not yet.”
“Oh?” She found herself quite intrigued. “Well, so long as it isn’t this one, because I’m not quite ready to get really early, not even for you.”
“I knew I liked you for a reason,” Cassian laughed loudly. “But I promise you, not this one. We can go to this date after eleven. And then, maybe we can grab a bite after.”
“Sounds good to me, where do you want to meet?”
“I’ll pick you up, let me surprise you again. You free on Monday, right?”
“Very well, then, I’ll see you on Monday at eleven.”
The countdown to Monday was, if she was being honest, the longest one of her life. But when Monday came, she woke up early and took a long hot shower to wake up. Dressed in jeans, boots, a nice shirt and her leather jacket, she gave herself a once over in the mirror before doing a casual make up look and putting her hair in a low bun.
When Cassian texted her that he was downstairs, she all but ran out the door. And as it turned out, the place where Cassian wanted to take her, was the Brooklyn Botanic Garden. It was a beautiful and calming way to spend time getting to know one another, they simply wondering surrounded by nature and simply enjoying each other’s company.
By the time their date came to an end, they made plans to see each other again. Cassian made it clear that he had downtime, so unless something came up, neither should worry. And it was something that soothed her.
Their next date was in a jazz club, they danced and drank and laughed.
“I didn’t know you were such a good dancer!” She exclaimed as Cassian swirled her on the dance floor. “You keep surprising me!”
Cassian beamed at her, “I like to dance, and I have the advantage of being able to hire private tutors.”
“Yeah, I can’t imagine that it must be fun to have other people in your business.”
“No, no it isn’t.” Cassian nodded. “Want a drink?”
She nodded and they made their way to their table and ordered their drinks. “How’s dealing with the paparazzi?”
“Not fun.” Cassian said and took a sip of his drink. “But I’m a private man, so I don’t have them trailing after me.”
“That’s good. I’m glad.”
“Thank you, and just know that if for some reason we end up in the tabloids, I’ll make sure you’re well as much as I can.”
She took a large gulp of her own drink, it was something that worried her, after all, eventually someone was bound to spot them. “Thank you, that makes me feel better.”
Their next date was stargazing at the High Line.
They arrived just as the sun began to set, casting a wonderful light upon the view they had. There was a part of her that she was quite excited for this date. Yes, the garden had been a good one, but she would hope that romance blossomed on this one. Maybe she could get him to spend the night. Everything be damned, she wanted him.
They talked about everything, from their childhoods to the good and bad of their jobs. They had drinks and simply watched as the sun set and little by little the stars could be seen, alongside the city view as light turned on.
When it was time to go home, she took a leap of faith and invited him in.
“Are you sure?”
“Never been surer of anything in my life.”
Cassian looked at her eyes, as if trying to discern any lie. In the end, he smiled and said, “Lead on, Jyn.”
The rest of the night was spent in passion and pleasure, it was strange how their bodies melded to one another, like two puzzle pieces that finally found their respective place. It was hard, letting him go in the morning.
Their next date was an interesting one, the Museum of Interesting Things.
They perused and listen to their guide, asking questions and seeing old and sometimes strange things. She fell in love with a barometer that seemed to fit the steampunk aesthetic. That date ended with them exploring little Greece.
It was a pleasant surprise for her, that several of days later, Cassian asked for permission to show up at her apartment. When he arrived, he came with a present, a steampunk barometer.
“How did you found this?!”
“I did some research and found it.” Cassian said with a shrug. “And I got express delivery.”
She rushed towards Cassian and planted a soft kiss on his lips. “Thank you.”
“You’re welcome, Jyn,” Cassian’s whole face was soft. “You’re very welcome.”
For their next date, it was the Aquarium. And once again it was fun to simply enjoy the animals and learning about them. “I really like dolphins,” she admitted. “And otters, otters are so cute.”
“I have always liked sharks.” Cassian said. “You have no idea how much I loved Jaws, even if the shark was killing people. I have always felt that the shark was misunderstood.”
She snorted in laughter, “A misunderstood killer shark, now I’ve heard everything!”
“He was!” Cassian laughed. “Just imagine your house invaded by people, and I imagine they were tasty people.”
“Oh, you’re the worst!” She laughed. “But I like you anyways.”
“Thank you, miss Erso.”
The date that Cassian had promised she would have to get up early arrived. It turns out, that Cassian’s idea was to pedal boat around Manhattan. She would gladly admit to want to punch him in the face, but fortunately she knew how to swim and Cassian would be there with her.
“Be thankful that I like you,” She said as she pedaled at the same time as he did. “Because if I didn’t, you wouldn’t have been able to get me to get up for this.”
Cassian laughed and elbowed her gently, “C’mon on Jyn, look around you! Isn’t it beautiful? This early morning and the coastline look amazing, the sea is calm and it’s just you and I.”
She grumbled, “And just because I like you. But test me, and I’ll toss you over.”
Cassian cackled, “As if you could toss me without going overboard yourself.”
She growled at Cassian, unwilling to admit that he was most likely true. “Only because I like you,” she repeated, but when she turned and looked at the harbor and the light of the sun reflecting on the windows, she was enchanted, even if she wasn’t going to admit it.
“Beautiful view, right?”
But one very memorable date is the Literary Pub Crawl, one that he somehow managed to arrange just for the two of them. She can’t quite help but to be impressed by Cassian’s ability to come up with creative dates. This literature crawl was something she would’ve never think for herself, but she likes it. It’s not every day when she tours special places where authors whose names she recognizes sat and drank and wrote. Or ate and wrote.
They drink at a bar and simply enjoy their guide as they speak the story of the bar they’re in. She leans to Cassian’s side, and feels as he throws and arm around her, and her heart skips a beat.
Through it all their dates, Cassian also made sure to get here little trinkets here and there. Sometimes she would arrive home to find a flower bouquet, fine chocolates, books, or little collectibles that he thought she would treasured.
One particular day, she arrived to find a gift bag that held the softest leather jacket she’d ever owned. It was like butter and on the inside was warm and she knew she could use it during the winter. And every time, her heart skipped a beat and she knew that this relationship was special and she would do whatever she could do for it to last.
But of course, she knew that eventually their relationship was going to leak to the media. But she was not expecting it to be this way.
She’s standing on the line in the grocery store, she’s distracted and her eyes are wondering, but as she starts to look ahead, her line of vision falls into the gossip magazines and that’s when she sees it. In the front page of one large magazine, there is a picture of her and Cassian kissing on one of their dates.
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