#i have a mini vacation in three weeks and i think that will help
wordsinhaled · 10 months
whew. feeling some type of jumbled up blend of gender dysphoria + creative energy + existential angst + anxiety + fandom imposter syndrome + oversensitivity
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thatgirlie-diaries · 6 months
How I have improved my routines and consistency
Hello girlies! This first week of my vacations period I have been using it as a test for my ideal routines and schedule, identifying what goes right and wrong and what changes do I need to do to be consistent and have an efficient systmem. What you'll be reading next are all the things I have done and learned to apply to have a calm, healthy, fun and fulfillling routines and daily schedule, overrall improving my lifetyle.
Energy levels: Are you a morning person or a night owl? Do you identify when do you have the most energy and when it goes down? What would be my ideal time to sleep and wake up?
What negative habits do I have? And why do I have them? With what habits I can switch them?
Why do I procrastinate? In which ways I procrastinate and distract myself?
How I want my lifestyle to look like? What habits, routines, hobbies and activities are included in my daily life? How do I act on a daily basis?
Creating my schedule and routines
Set a sleeping schedule that fits you based on your energy levels.
Create a morning, night and pampering routines that you enjoy doing, that you are comfortable with and makes you feel fulfilled.
Create (if neccesary) other routines that you need:There are probably other things you want to do that you need a routine for! For example, I have a mini manifesting routine and a weekly spiritual healing routine. I also want to create a language sudy routine too.
Include non-negotiable healthy habits: this habits are the ones that keep you healthy in body, work with your mind and give you peace. For example, some of mine are: eating 3 healthy meals, tidying up my space for 30 minutes, listening to a podcast, don't use my phone for more than three hours, etc. Also, include fun habits to help you romanticize the day and feel good.
Have time to do things I love: I have noticed that if I don't do the things I love after long period of time, meaning productive only days, I get burned out and more prone to procastinate and get distracted when I get the chance. Make sure you have time to yourself, either be it hobbies or fun activities, you will keep your mind, heart, body (if it's physical) and soul healthy!
Have time to rest and be still: We need to understand that we need rests, so we have to respect it and let us be. Also we need some minutes in silence to connect with ourselves, body and creativity out of all the noise and stimuli.
Maintaining consistency
Plan my day: I plan my daily tasks and my daily schedule, this to not procrastinate overthinking "what I'm going to do?"
Add a place and hour: For any routine, habit or activity decide "Where am I going to do it? At what time or after what habit?"
Habit stacking or multitasking: If I have a "listening habit" (podcast, subliminal, listening to high vibe music) with a "not-thinking alot habit" (tidyin up my space, do the dishes, cooking) habit I do them both at the same time. If I need to do a habit that needs my full attention then it will be done that way.
Include timers (if needed): This helps me know how much time do I need to do my habits and to know if it's taking me more or less time to complete them. I use an app where I have my routines (morning, night, weekly reset, mini manifestation and spiritual healing activities) with each habit having a timer.
Have a habit tracker: In here I write a daily log that includes filling boxes of my daily non negotiable habits and extra habits (that romanticize my life or keep me healthy). Also includes two questions: "What progress did I made today with my goals? Is there something I need tom improve or change in my system?'.
Romanticize! Your habits and activities, routine sets, daily schedule, romanticize your days your way! It's different for everyone, so find out how to add magic into your life.
Wasted day? It's never too late to do something useful. Keep going or journal about what went wrong. I like to remind myself my motivations and ideal lifestyle to mantain myself going forward.
Let's be healthy and organized together! 𑄽𑄺ྀ
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xmalereader · 11 months
Miguel O’Hara x Black Cat! Male Reader || 4 ||
|| Masterlist ||
Authors note: Hello Everyone! I am back from another vacation…this boy be traveling a lot, but I was able to get part four done of this little mini series! I also want to thank everyone for 7.2k, because holy shit I gained 200 followers in less than a week. I don’t know how that happened but thank you! Also enjoy this new shot!
Summary: Miles and Miguel are a little stuck during a mission and Miles is hesitant to call for back up until a familiar anomaly changes things.
Warnings: No spoilers, fighting, language, parenting skills, hobie is the goat, fluff, black cat anomaly, protective reader and Miguel, some hints of Rio knowing about Miles and Miguel’s identity, short.
Word count: 2.0k
— || Part One || Part Two || Part Three ||
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Miles is throw against Miguel who catches him easily as the two tumble to the ground. The teen lying on top of the older Spider as they groan in pain. “How are these guys not giving up?” Miles grumbled out as he slowly gets up with the help of Miguel. The two have taken notice of an unusual Anomaly in the wrong universe. The two expected it to only be one only to encounter four on the other side when entering the universe. Both Miles and Miguel have been at it for hours, growing tired and restless.
“I think we should—“
“No.” Said Miguel, shutting down Miles suggest.
“I just think—“
“Do you always say no?”
“No.” The sudden bickering catches the old Spider off guard as Miles grins under his mask, quick to dodge a piece of rumble heading towards them as the teenager swings after the anomaly and lands onto another building. “All I’m saying is that we should bring some back up!” Shouted Miles, grunting as he’s grabbed by the leg and dragged down from where he stood, causing a scream to escape his lips.
The teen comes face to face with Doctor Octavias, someone that he’s very familiar with in his own universe.
“We don’t need it!” Miguel shouts back as he attacks one of the other anaomlies, clearing not listening to Miles who struggled with his own problem as he used his electric static to try and malfunction Doctor Octavias arms. He escapes from his grasp and climbs higher up the building. “Lyla!” He calls out to the artificial intelligence.
“Yes, baby spider?”
Miles groans at the name.
“Can you call for back up, please?” His eyes widen when he’s pinned down a flash of black and white in front of him as a pair of claws dig into his neck and jaw, squinting up in pain as he grunts and makes direct eye contact with a familiar outfit. “Noir?”
The figure leans closer.
“Sorry, hun you must have me confused with someone else.” The voice is feminine as Miles frowns, noticing that the cat holding him down wasn’t Noir. This was someone entirely different but yet, similar to the one he knows. “Didn’t think a kid like you would be a spider—a bit clumsy.” She taunts, holding him down as her claws dig deeper into his neck, causing the teen to wince and glare under his mask.
Miles tried to use his web against the black cat only to have his wrist pinned down, he struggles with moving as she chuckled at him and looks around. “Don’t make this your fight kid, go home before you get yourself hurt.” She warns. Miles huffs out a small laugh as he watched her closely.
Miles can’t help but think about Noir and how every black cat was the same but him and he’s able to tell the difference between her and noir. “Yeah, I don’t think so.” He looks over her shoulder, noticing the familiar portal opening up. “You don’t belong in this world and if I can’t take you back then my dad will.”
The women above him cocks her head with a confused look on her face. Before she can react a flash of black is quick to shove her off Miles, watching as she rolls with a grunt and is quick to stabilize herself. The sound of metal claws against the pavement gets Miles attention, sitting up slowly to see Noir in front of him.
He’s in a crouching position, cat like as he glared under his goggles at the women before him. “Touch my kid again and I won’t hesitate to kill you.” He growls out in warning.
It didn’t take long for the rest of the back up to arrive, both Gwen and Hobie landing next to Miles and helping him up while Noir focused on the black cat in front of him. “Help Mig with the others, this ones mine.” Noir instructs the teens, his eyes not leaving the women before him as she grins at him. “How cute, but I’m not going anywhere.” She states, launching herself at Noir as the two get into a brawl.
Miles steps back and grunts.
“Did he just punch a women?” Gwen asks when she noticed Noir punch the other black cat in the stomach.
“Equal rights, equal fights!” Hobie shouts as he jumps off the building, heading towards one of the anomalies and helping Miguel. As much we he hated it, he knew he had no choice but to help. The three teens worked together on taking down the villains, tying them up and getting rid of their weapons while Miguel worked on the one he was dealing with, using his fangs to inject the poison and numbing them from doing anything else.
“I told you I didn’t need back up.” Miguel grumbled as he drags the anomaly towards the pile of villains as Miles chuckles nervously. “Sure you didn’t, took us a few hours to try and take down one. We needed all the help we could get.” He explains, knowing how much Miguel hated admitting help when it comes towards missions like this. “Doesn’t matter—is it just you three?” He questions.
“Y/n is still dealing with a different version of himself.” Gwen points behind her back towards the roof top of one of the buildings as the four of them turned to watch the fight, noticing how Noir and Black cats movements are nearly in sync. “Five bucks that he takes her down in a minute.” Said Hobie, getting the other teens intrigued by the bet. “Bet ten that he takes her down, now!” Miles points at the scene before them as Noir grows angry, changing his way of fighting and using an old trick of his that Miguel taught him a long time ago.
“Stay down, for once!” Noir growls through gritted teeth as he gets her tied up with his grappling hook, keeping her claws far away from the wire and using the extra wire to tie her wrists together, finally getting her pinned.
Miguel hums, shrugging his shoulder. “I taught him that.” He mumbled as he swings towards the building, landing next to Noir and giving his husband a glance. “You know, I didn’t think you’d be able to take your own self down.”
“For the record, that is not me and second I learned a thing or two differently than everyone else.” Noir shot back as he leans against Miguels shoulder, feeling himself grow tired from the constant fighting while wincing in pain. Turns out that he got a few pretty good cuts from the anomaly. “We should have that checked out.” Said Miguel as his fingers touch the small wounds which only caused Noir to smile. “Nah, I’m okay I’ve been through worse.” He bends down to pick up the anomaly and carry them with towards the rest of the others as Miguel opens a portal back to base.
“Still, at least have it checked for me.” Miguel takes his own anomaly and drags them inside the portal while the others do the same. Y/n sighs softly and rolls his eyes when hearing how worried his husband is for him and knows that he shouldn’t argue with him. “Fine, I will get it checked out.” He walks through the portal that takes them back to base.
Getting assistance from the other spiders and taking the anomalies back to their own universe where they belonged while Y/n walks alongside Miguel and Miles. Y/n had noticed Miles limping with each step he took, causing him to raise a brow. “Hey.” His voice gets Miles’ attention and turns to face the older man who gently gripped his chin. “You alright? You’re limping—she didn’t hurt you did she?” Y/n’s voice suddenly growing protective as he glares, but Miles is quick to shake his head. “No, no, don’t worry this wasn’t her doing. I was dealing with one of the other anomalies and they pulled me by the leg, I should be fine soon.”
Miles give his leg a small shake and continued to walk alongside Y/n with a content smile on his face after he removes his mask when entering base. “Good, because I can’t have your mother hunting me down if she finds out what happened.” Miles groans, forgetting about his mother.
It’s been three months since Miles’ mother found out about Miles and Miguel being Spider-Man, catching the two in the act. Miles couldn’t forget the amount of laughing that Y/n did when he was told about the accident. Miles was panicking and Miguel was not happy with his husbands reaction with all of this. I took some time for Miles’ mother to grow adjusted with the idea of her son being the cities hero. She had actually threatened Miguel to keep a close eye on Miles whenever they are out on missions.
Technically, Miles is suppose to be under Miguels watch. But, he wasn’t doing a very good job at it.
“Just tell your mom that you pulled a muscle.” Y/n shrugs his shoulders when entering Miguels lab. “She’s a nurse, she will notice how I really got it.” Miles shakes his head already knowing how clever his mother was. His mother, Rio, knew about his identity along with Miguels, but she still had no idea that Miles’ mentor was the cities greatest thief. The same thief that his dad spent days trying to capture not knowing that so called thief was the same man who was invited to his families dinners.
“If Rio finds out about you, she will not be too happy to know that her son hangs around a thief.” Miguels words catch the cats attention as he gasps dramatically, placing a hand over his heart. “You wound me.” Y/n gives off a small show of being dramatic only to laugh in the end. “She can be upset about me being a thief, but she will for sure kill us back when she finds out that you married a thief and knew about it the whole time.”
Miguel froze, knowing damn well that Y/n was right.
“Then we are a very small, but dysfunctional family.” Miguel mutters out as he focused on his work, making sure that everything was left as a report regarding the anomalies and who was involved in the fight. It was very rare for Miguel to accept his feelings about having a family again, after losing his daughter and gaining another kid from Y/n was still something new to him. He’s slowly getting used to Miles and the teen was still adjusting to Miguel too.
They had their moments together and the rare times that Miguel grew protective over Miles. Y/n remembers the first time he witnessed such actions, noticing Miguels body language change. It happened when one of the spiders had the audacity to pick on Miles for being an anomaly, blaming him for the doom of universe 42 since they didn’t have a spider to protect their world. Miguel usually showed no signs of the matter of caring, doing his own job, but when the spider took things too far. Miguel stepped in and he was not happy.
Y/n still remembers the fear that he struck on the spider, telling them to focus on their job on protecting their own world and minding their own business and threatening to send them back to where they came from and cutting off access to allowing them back on base for picking on his kid.
His kid.
Even though Miles wasn’t theirs by blood, their time together made them feel like a family.
Y/n sighs softly, snapping back to reality as he approached Miles. “Alright, go on. Mama bird is waiting for you. I’d suggest heading back home before she gets worries and starts calling Miguel about your late return back home.” He gives the teen a nudge on the shoulder and tussling his hair on the way over to Miguel.
Miles chuckles. “Alright, I’m going. I’ll see you both tonight!” The teen gives them a small wave before opening a portal back to his universe and heading back home for the day, leaving both Miguel and Y/n on there own.
Y/n walks over to Miguel, standing next to his side and leaning his head against his shoulder. “I think we make great parents.”
“I don’t think sending a kid to fight off four villains is considered good parenting.”
Y/n laughs. “You were there weren’t you? That means that you were keeping an eye on him and making sure that nothing happens to him.” He points out, chin on Miguels shoulder as he watched his husband closely who rolls his eyes at him. Not saying anything and taking his silence as a small victory.
“See, we make great parents!” Y/n says with a huge smile.
Miguel can only sign deeply. “Rio is going to kill us.”
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w1ldthoughts · 5 months
Dad and Mini’s Weekend
Anon Requested! One more little treat before I go back to school tomorrow😅
Disclaimer: this is a work of FICTION, the characters are fictionalized versions of real life situations and real people. It’s all based on my imagination.
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You were grateful to have a job that was flexible. Before you had Remi, you were in the office probably 3-4 days a week and could work from home the rest of the time which allowed you to travel to away games and support Justin as much as possible, while still having a career of your own. Now that you had a daughter to think about, things were different. You were different. But that doesn’t mean that the work doesn’t stop. So when you had to leave town for a weekend work conference in Chicago, you thanked your lucky stars that it was the offseason.
“Do you need help packing? You know I have a little experience with it.” Justin smiles, looking down at your suitcase. He really was an expert, packing all three of your bags whenever you went on vacation. It was the most efficient folding job you’d ever seen. The man grabbed all of your essentials, easily placing them in their rightful places and zipping it up without breaking a sweat. His tidiness and attention to detail had become even more attractive since you became parents, it really came in handy.
“Are you sure the two of you are gonna be okay? I mean I can call—”
He waves you off. “We’re gonna be fine! She already has a plan for everything we’re gonna do. I just need to follow it. She did say I could come up with stuff to do on Monday though so I have some fun things planned.”
“Trust me, I’ve heard all about these plans,” you sigh, looking at your suitcase. “Remi barely said goodbye to me this morning. She was so busy telling me about how fun this weekend is going to be. Giving me FOMO.”
He grabs your bags and heads downstairs with you to put them in the car. “Please, you’re going to work for a couple hours and sightsee the rest of the time. But seriously, go enjoy yourself. You deserve a little break, she’s cute but I’m convinced she’s got a battery pack attached to her. She’s never tired.”
“I know,” you pat him on the back and give him a kiss. “And hasn’t taken a nap in weeks, so good luck with that. I’ll see you on Monday afternoon. Love you.”
“Love you too baby. See you on Monday but we’ll probably call you tonight before bed, I’m sure she’ll be missing you already.” He closes your car door and gives you one last peck before heading inside.
“Daddy, can I have some choclate milk?” Remi asks, sitting in her chair at the kitchen counter.
“What’s the magic word?” He says, waiting for her to understand what he was getting at.
He nods and grabs her pink sippy cup, filling it up and handing it to her after she says “thank you.”
The duo sits on the couch in the living room to watch Cars, the first thing on Remi’s list. He figured she was tired after preschool because she not only skipped her nap when she got home but she also barely ate dinner. Usually she’d be up and running around while the movie played in the background but tonight she was focused, cuddled into his side with her eyes glued to the screen. Nova was sitting at her feet, fast asleep. After the movie was over, it was time for their bedtime routine. Remi took a bath, got to pick out her favorite pajamas and read three books. Before he could turn off the lights and sing the bedtime song, Remi asked him why he calls her “mini.”
He tells her to wait a second and that he’ll be right back. Justin comes back into her room with a mirror in his hands. Holding it up to her, he says, “look at us, you look just like me. You’re my mini me. My mini.” She grabs the mirror out of his hands and looks at the two of them side by side. “See? We have the same eyes, same nose and—smile? That little hole in your cheek? It’s called a dimple. I have one too. And when I was little my hair was blonde just like yours.”
“We match daddy. We’re the same!”
“We are the same,” he tucks her in, grabbing her favorite stuffed animal, a gray bear named ‘Muffin’ so she can hold onto him while she sleeps. He turns on the white noise machine and the night light before turning off the main lights and walking back towards the bed. Justin kisses his daughter on the forehead and both of her cheeks and she wraps her arms around his neck for a hug. “Nighty night mini, sleep tight. Don’t let the bed bugs bite. I love you.”
“No bugs can come in here silly. Nighty night daddy,” she yawns. “Love you.”
He had just barely closed his eyes when he heard her on the monitor and he rushed into her room to check on her. “What’s wrong baby?”
“I miss mama.” The tremble in her voice makes his chest hurt.
“Come here,” he sighs as she crawls into his lap. “How about you sleep in mama’s spot tonight? Would that make you feel better?”
She nods slowly, sleep still laced all over her features. He carries her into the room and places her in your usual spot and he can hear her giggle a bit.
“What’s so funny?”
“This pillow smells like mama. Like she’s right here.” She whispers in shock and he shakes his head in amusement, both of them drifting off to sleep with smiles on their faces.
The next day, Remi wanted to get into her costume. She’d been watching a lot of Spidey and his Amazing Friends and was convinced that she was Gwen Stacey aka Ghost Spider. So when her grandparents bought her a costume, she wore it pretty much daily. And her dad had to be Thor…for obvious reasons. The superheroes saved the city from the green goblin’s plan to turn everyone into hamsters and then they had to save Muffin from Doctor Octopus’ evil lair.
“We make a pretty good team, Spider Gwen.” Justin says, putting the Thor hammer on the couch.
“It’s Ghost Spider daddy.” She corrects him.
“Oh I'm sorry Ghost Spider. How about you take your costume off and we take a little snack break? Superheroes need food to keep up their energy.”
After enjoying her apple slices with peanut butter, Remi headed off to her playroom to draw while Justin cleaned up the kitchen so he wouldn’t have to scramble to find things while making dinner.
He finds her sitting at the table, peacefully scribbling on a piece of paper until she gestures for him to sit down in the tiny chair. Taking a look at the chair, Justin is about to tell her he won’t fit before she cuts in like she was reading his mind.
“You can fit daddy. You not too big for it.” The chair is surprisingly a lot stronger than he thought, but he doesn’t want to push it so he settles down on the floor next to her chair, giving her his undivided attention. He’d spent so many days growing up looking up to his dad and trying to put into place the lessons that he learned from him but never in his wildest dreams did he think about how rewarding it would be to have his own child. This little blonde perfect being was his and the love he had for her was out of this world. It really felt like a piece of his heart was just living outside of his body, sitting there mindlessly drawing pictures that would inevitably end up in his locker as a reminder of what really mattered.
For dinner he made her some salmon, sweet potato fries, broccoli and some mangoes. As he was cooking, he played some music and Remi suggested they have a dance party.
“What do you wanna listen to mini?” He asks, holding the phone.
She stands next to him with a serious look on her face, furrowing her eyebrows in deep thought. “The Cars song please!”
Remi starts jumping up and down as “Life is a Highway” plays on the speakers. She grabs his hand pulling him away from putting food on her plate so he can dance with her. Justin watches intently as she wiggles her arms and shakes her little body as she pleases and joins in, imitating her moves and singing along. If he could bottle up these tiny moments he would and he’d savor them just to be able to look back on them in the future because his mini was already growing up too fast.
His point was proven on Sunday afternoon when Remi suggested they make slime or “swime” because she learned how to do it in preschool last week and made you stop at the store to get all the necessary supplies. Although he was secretly looking forward to this little science project with her, it was just another reminder that she was much closer to kindergarten than she was to the newborn stage. He followed the detailed directions that Remi got from school and added glue and food coloring to a bowl and let her stir.
“Do you wanna add in the baking soda?” He hands her the spoon and she dumps it into the bowl.
“Uh oh daddy I spilled. I need a tissue.”
“It's okay, we can clean it up when we’re done. You can keep mixing, you’re doing so well.” Justin runs a hand down her ponytail, proud of himself for successfully getting it all, even if it took him three tries. In his defense, Remi had a lot of hair to work with. “Next, we need to add some of this saline solution and mix it with our hands. Are you ready?”
Remi rolls up her sleeves with her dad’s help and digs into the bowl, kneading the slime with so much joy in her face. The orange slime came out gooey and perfect and they played with it for a while, cleaning everything up together when they were done.
By the time they reached Monday, he was exhausted. But he was in charge of their big activity today and he really wanted to close out this daddy-daughter weekend on a good note. They got in the car and drove to a local marsh about 20 minutes away from the house. He helped her out of the car and they walked towards the hiking trail. “Okay mini, mama’s gonna be home in a few hours so I thought we could do a scavenger hunt. Do you know what a scavenger hunt is?”
She shakes her head no but looks very intrigued.
“I have this egg carton that you helped me paint the other day and we’re going to find things that match the color. So in the pink part we need to look around and find something pink. Think we can do that?”
Remi puts her fist up in the air and it really reminds him of himself, “yeah, let’s go!”
As they worked on completing the rainbow scavenger hunt, Justin went down memory lane for a bit. “A long long time ago, I used to go outside with uncle Mitch and uncle Patrick and we used to collect things. Sometimes we would even bring home little animals like tiny frogs and lizards.”
“Ew daddy! Those are swimey.” She exclaims, gasping when she spots a bright red flower to add to her collection. “I like this game.” Remi hugs one of his legs, holding out her hand so they could keep exploring. Along the path he would look up the flowers based on colors and tell her the names so she could try to repeat them to her best ability. He told her about how someday soon they’d have to go fishing together so he could show her how it’s done. She was just excited to be on the boat again.
Before he knew it, you were texting him to let him know you were picking up dinner on your way home and the two of them found their last items as fast as they could and walked back to the car. You were already in the house when they got home and Remi ran into your arms immediately, not wanting to let go.
“Oh hi sweet cookie, did you have fun with daddy?”
“Uh huh, daddy is the best! I love him,” she mumbles into your shoulder.
“I love him too, he’s pretty great isn’t he. You’re so lucky sugar, you have the best daddy in the whole world.” Justin walks up to you and wraps his arms around both of you, sandwiching Remi in the middle. He gives you a kiss on the cheek and kisses the top of the toddler’s head. “So…tell me everything. What did you and daddy do?”
She takes a deep breath and you know you’re in for a long story. You catch your husband’s eyes and he shoots you a tight lipped smile as he goes back outside to your car to get your bags inside. Remi doesn’t let you go as you walk her to the couch.
“It was sooooo fun…” she begins, telling you every single detail without missing a beat.
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nicorobinsimp333 · 1 year
Miya Atsumu - TRAITOR
Atsumu x GN reader
So I have this idea for a series in my head for each song off of Olivia Rodrigos album and I have had it for a while and I’m finally getting around to posting them. Let me know what you think I hope you enjoy 🥹
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* you and atsumu were endgame or well so you thought
* You had been family friends since before you two could walk. You were closer to him than Osumu so when he asked you out in your first year it was a no brainer
* Being with tsumi was definitely a roller coaster. He was kind and compassionate but he was also a flirty airhead.
* You and him had gone through so much. Always being there for one another loving one another at your worst
* It’s now been three+ years and nothing really has changed. Well you had, you grew tired of the lies and the secrets. And the gaslighting.
* You’d notice he’s been distant and you confront him about it. Asking if he even wanted to be with you anymore and if he wanted to be with someone else he should have just said so.
* You specifically asked about him and his manager but he quickly shut you down. Telling you they were just colleagues nothing more you had nothing to worry about. That it was just his training that was wearing him down
* But when you walked in the gym to give him a surprise bento and see him flirting with his manager. You still just pushed it off making excuses (they’re just colleagues)
* When he would come home late you would excuse it as late practices. You didn’t want to come off as insecure, since you trusted him. (Right)
* But you finally had enough when he forgot about your date. It wasn’t that he forgot just any date, he forgot on what would have been your 4 year anniversary.
* As you walked back to your shared apartment, you were trying to rationalize. Trying anything to keep you from making the hardest decision that you know deep down was ultimately the best one for you
* As you opened the door there he was fast asleep on the couch. You didn’t even bother waking him for an argument. You just went into your shared bedroom and started packing.
* Once you were done you gathered all your things at the door, took the keys off your keychain and went to wake Atsumu
* You were going to write a note but you figured he deserved at least a face to face break up.
“Tsumi” you said as you shook him to wake up. “Miya Atsumu, wake up I’m leaving.”
He reached out to grab your hand, while rubbing his eyes. “Where are you going” he said as he looked at his watch “it’s almost midnight?”
“ No. Atsumu, I’m leaving as in I’m leaving you. It’s over, we’re over.“
“Yer not funny babe, I’m tired can we just talk about this in the morning.” At this point you were sobbing, because yet again your voice wasn’t being heard. “Okay.” You said as you let go of his hand grabbed a paper and pen and wrote down what you wish you could’ve said to his face.
By the time it was morning you were long gone. You headed back to your childhood home since you didn’t really have any other choice. When you got there with all you bags your mother greeted you. She’s could see the pain and tiredness in your eyes and the first thing she said “I’m gonna kill him.” You wrapped your arms around her and asked her not to but to help you apartment hunt.
The day you returned home, Atsumu called your phone non-stop after he woke up and found you and all you belongings gone. When he read your letter he realized what he had done and he wanted no needed to find you and tell you he was sorry about everything and that he would be better. No more slacking off but every call and message never delivered and he had no idea where you’d go. He called your mutual friends and none of them knew where you were, then he called your mom. She said you mentioned going on a mini vacation but in reality you were crying in your childhood home, wondering were did it all go wrong. You didn’t want to see anyone and asked your boss for the week off. They loved you there so they told you to come back when you could. Your job was there when you return. After, 3 full days of crying, you woke up and started hunting. For a new place, new furniture and a new wardrobe. You cut your hair (wolf haircut or whatever you want to have), got new clothes and new perspective. Of course everything hurt but you couldn’t keep feeling sorry for yourself, not when you’ve come so far with a lot of other aspects in your life.
It’s been a couple of weeks since the break up and you’re in your new apartment. It was near your old one but it was the only available one and closest to your job. You haven’t seen Atsumu and haven’t spoken to him either. You were feeling better and you hadn’t really thought about Atsumu and your break-up. As you make it our your new apartment you decide to hit up your favorite market. You thought you’d be safe from any Atsumu interactions since he said he hated the run-down mini mart. Plus he was usually at practice so you were sure you’d be okay. That was until you walked down the snack isle and saw them. They’re dangling from his arms as he looks both happy and sad. He looks tired and you wanna rush to him and make sure he’s okay, but that isn’t your job anymore. Plus he’s with them, what would he need you for. And that’s when you make eye contact. You can see him stiffen and shove them off, but by the time he gets them off you’re already out the store trying to get yourself to breath evenly.
“Y/n, where have you been. I’ve been trying to call and make sure you were okay but you never answered. Your mom said you were out of town. Are you coming back home?” His face was sad and you can clearly see the bags under his eyes. But your head was filling with so many thoughts.
Was he sad because he got caught, was his eye bags due to sleepless nights of sadness or because they were keeping him company. But that’s when you felt a stray tear fall.
You stare at him through tear filled eyes. “Are you seriously asking me that after I just saw you with them. It hasn’t even been a month Atsumu. And don’t try to make me feel crazy, I know all about your little flirtations and even how you would go to dinner with them. I turned a blind eye to all of that because I loved you and wanted you to love me too. You told me I was paranoid and yet here we are. ”
“I know but those weren’t anything, nothing happened only business. They said they needed my help, what was I supposed to do leave them hanging? It was for volleyball, you have to understand that.”
“And you don’t think I needed your help too Tsumi.” You turn to face the other way as these words flow from your mouth. “ you didn’t cheat congraufuckinglations Atsumu, but you’re still a traitor, you chose your volleyball career and manager over me. You constantly made me feel like I wasn’t a priority and I understand,” you take a breath holding your tears in as best you can “volleyball is something important to you. You know I’ve always supported you and encouraged you to be the best you can. But I matter too and I didn’t deserve the past year but I let it happen. I allowed you to apologize and try to make it up but I knew deep down you didn’t really care. Maybe if I would have called it quits at the end of our second year. Maybe then I would still have you in my life. Maybe then I would be able to look at you. And you’ll probably never be sorry about what happened since I was so easily replaceable. I just really wish you would have thought all of this through before you allowed me to fall madly in love with you. You may have things to say but I’m begging, please just leave me alone. I don’t want you in my life anymore. I can’t, so this is goodbye Atsumu.”
With that you wiped your tears and turned on your heels and headed home. You felt a weight lift off your shoulders. You know most of what you said was in your note but saying it in person felt so good. It was bittersweet because you still love him. You probably always will but you know that you deserve better. You understand that life isn’t a fairytale and love doesn’t always prosper. But that’s okay, because you’ll pick yourself up and be the strong person you have always been. You’ll learn to love again. You will take what you’ve learned with you because, although this chapter of your life has now been closed, that doesn’t mean your book has finished.
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princessmisery666 · 2 years
Hate To Love You - Part 5 Under The Radar Mini* Series
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*I should probably stop calling it mini at this point🤣
Summary: Bradley was right. A kiss with an ex always means something. You just need to figure out what that means for your future, with or without Jake.
Warnings: sweet Rooster, fluff, slight angst, Jake being a handsome adorable asshole (see picture above), self-doubt, trust issues. 
W/C: 2.5k
Rating: M (mature)
Characters: Lieutenant Jake "Hangman" Seresin, Lieutenant Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw, fem!reader (You. Call sign: Huntress).
Pairing: Hangman x Fem!Reader, past Rooster x Fem!Reader mentioned.
Notes: no descriptions of reader body type or ethnicity. 
A/N: I wasn’t entirely happy with the end of part 4; I needed more closure. There’s also another A/N at the end of the chapter to avoid spoilers.
Betas: @deanwinchesterswitch // all mistakes are mine.
Graphics: title card made by me // dividers @writercole
Master Lists: Under The Radar // Main
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Hate To Love You
After the successful Dagger mission, Maverick demanded you all get some time off. Truth be told, it was needed and welcomed. It had been an intense few weeks, professionally and personally. You all needed time to process and refocus. However, you suspected that essentially it was what Mav required to decide what to do next. He’d been offered another teaching spot at Top Gun, but everyone seemed to realize it may well be that he was done. The three weeks were a breather, time to figure out what he wanted, and Penny also highly factored into his decision. 
You had gone home via the avoiding-Hangman-at-all-costs route. A transport had left the USS Theodore Roosevelt not long after they cleared away the stolen F14, and after getting permission from Maverick, you made sure you were on it.
The kiss with Hangman had clouded your mind. Not to mention the gentle smile Rooster had given you after.
Being home was precisely what you needed, allowing you time to figure stuff out. The trip home was a last-minute decision, so it was too short notice for your parents to get time off, but that was a blessing. Spending the days alone and evenings with your parents was just enough social interaction. 
The pool beckoned every morning, and before breakfast, you’d swim laps, then spend the day working on your tan until it was time to shower and prepare dinner.
The routine was similar to the last vacation, except Bradley had been with you then. Your parents loved him, and he slotted into the dynamic effortlessly. But after all that’s happened, looking back on those memories, they seem broken. The edges are frayed as if it happened to someone else. You love Bradley. You do. He’s easy to love. He’s the guy you bring home to meet your parents; he’s the guy you should want a future with. 
“It was good while it lasted, Y/N,” Bradley said when you had said goodbye on the ship. He wasn’t someone you wanted to avoid. “But we both know, in the long run, it wouldn’t have worked out.” he hugged you so tight it hurt, but you didn’t care. “Sometimes, who you think is the frog turns out to be your prince charming.”
You understood what he was saying; still, it didn’t make you any less conflicted. Jake or Bradley. Rooster or Hangman. What if the frog was just a frog? It seemed Bradley had already decided where you belonged, but you weren’t so sure. You try to replace Bradley with Jake in your memories of being home, helping your dad on the grill, making sure your mom doesn’t do all the cleaning up, and waking up beside him on a lazy Sunday. It works. It looks right. Yet your heart clenches, and you lose your breath when you think of having to explain to them that Jake broke your heart (again) when he doesn’t come home with you for a holiday. 
You’ve spoken to Rooster a few times, offering for him to come home with you, as he had a few times before. He declined, wanting to spend some time building bridges with Maverick, but he checked in every couple of days. 
So when the shrill ringtone of your phone disturbs the afternoon tanning session and Rooster’s face greets you on the screen, you’re happy for the interruption.
You accept the FaceTime, and it takes a few seconds for him not to be pixelated. “Hey, Huntress,” he says with a bright smile. 
“Hey Y/N,” you hear Mav call from somewhere in the distance.
“Hi, guys!” 
“How’s vacation going?”
“Good, quiet, relaxing. Yours?”
“Mav’s got me working on his plane,” he rolls his eyes, but his fond smile says he’s more than happy to do it. “I swear saving a man’s life obviously means nothing when you’re back on the ground. The man is like a drill Sergeant.” He laughs and dodges a rag that Maverick throws at him. “What’re you doing?”
“By the pool, deciding what pizza to order.”
His eyes light up with hope, and his voice raises an octave. “So you’re home?”
“Yes,” you answer cautiously, suspicious of his behavior. The viewing angle changes, and he’s plainly typing a message on his phone. “Wanna know what I’m wearing too?”
“I mean, this is a video call you could just show me,” he shrugs, flashing a cocky half-smile. 
The doorbell rings within the house, and you sigh, not wanting to move. “You need to get that?” Bradley asks. 
You shake your head. “It’s probably a delivery. They’ll leave it on the porch.” 
“You should answer it,” he says, and it’s apparent he knows something you don’t.
“What are you up to, Bradshaw?” You question, reluctantly slipping off the sun lounger.
You tiptoe across the hot tile floor, rushing to get to a shaded spot. When you straighten up again and look at the phone, Bradley earnestly says, “don’t be mad at me, okay?”
“Mad? Why would I…” your question is interrupted by the back gate opening, and Jake fills the gap. Not only does he have the audacity to have shown up unannounced, but he’s also let his beard grow in the few weeks since you’d last seen him. It looks good, and you can’t help but clench your thighs together at the thought of the burn it would cause. “Shit.”
“Hey, Hangman,” Bradley calls loudly.
“Bradshaw,” says Jake. He smiles shyly, looking down at his feet, and you're not sure if it's infuriating for the ambush or undeniably adorable that they’ve teamed up.
You drag your gaze away from Hangman and focus on your phone. “You know this whole not thinking, just doing, thing, really only applies in the air, Bradshaw,” you admonish. 
“Still love me, right?” he asks, but his grin tells you he knows the answer already. 
“Always. Just not sure I like you very much right now, though.”
He shrugs, unconcerned. “You’ll forgive me.”
He winks, “Give him hell,” before ending the call.
The bird song is the only sound. Jake stares you down, and you don’t know what to say or do. His eyes shimmer in the sunlight, and it’s quiet for so long you start to wonder if he’s just a mirage.
“I kissed you,” he states. 
“You did.”
“You kissed me back.” 
“I did,” you agree, nodding.
“Then you ran away.” 
“Technically, I flew.” 
“Now that I’m here, looking at you, I think that was probably a smart move. After everything I’ve done, you should run for the hills and never look back. And maybe if I weren’t a selfish man, I’d leave you alone.” He steps closer, not quite crowding your space but close enough to lift your free hand and interlock it with his own. “But I am a selfish man. I’m not strong enough to walk away from you. And I sure as hell don’t want you to be smart.”
“Well, I haven’t kicked you out yet,” you say and give him a glimmer of hope. “So maybe the glare off your perfect damn teeth and stupid fucking face has fried my last brain cell.”
He laughs, you're mad at him, and he deserves it. But the anger is simmering, not boiling like it used to, and he knows if he plays this right, he can melt that hard exterior. “Well, I’m gonna keep smiling and hope the glamour doesn’t wear off.”
Damn him. That smile should be a federal crime. “I’ll just close my eyes,” you say, and childishly you do it, squeezing them shut.
“I’m not the boogie man,” he chuckles, “the logic of if ‘I can’t see him, he can’t see me,’ doesn’t quite work.” You ignore him and squeeze your eyes tighter. “Besides, I know I’m as clear as day in your mind, probably have been since that kiss.”
You scoff and roll your closed eyes. “Please, it wasn’t that good of a kiss, Jake.” 
“Ah, it’s Jake now, but it was Seresin for so long before that ‘not that good of a kiss’.” You can hear his arrogant smirk, and you’ll be damned before you admit that it makes your stomach flutter when it appears in perfect HD in your mind. He steps closer, chests pressing together, and his hand caresses your cheek. Despite your best efforts to resist, you lean into it, and his breath ghosts over your lips, “I call bullshit.” before he presses his lips hesitantly against yours.
His fingers dance across your bare stomach and take hold of your hip. As his tongue prods your bottom lip, you put your palm flat against his chest and push him away.
“No, Jake,” you say, shaking your head and taking a step back.
“I’m ready, Y/N.” He sounds so confident, and he feels it. His expression is stern and determined. “I’m ready to be the man you need me to be, the one you deserve, someone worthy of you.”
“Bradshaw, give you some pointers?”
It’s a harsh comment to make but not undeserved, and he can see that a part of you hopes it stings. “Actually, yes,” he admits shamelessly. “I knew if I was going to come here to beg you for a chance, a real chance, I’d need all the help I can get.”
You growl under your breath and turn away from him, marching toward your sun lounger and the bottle of water you left there. “It’s not as easy as flashing me that stupidly-perfect-fucking smile, Bradley giving you a play-by-play on how to not be an asshole and grow facial hair, Hangman.” Somehow calling him by his callsign stings more than the previous comment. “I don’t trust you.” 
He follows a few steps behind. “I know I have to earn it.” 
“It’s not something that happens overnight.” You take a long pull on your water, watching him closely for any sign that he hasn’t thought this through. Jake doesn’t like to lose in any aspect of his life, so maybe you're just another challenge. A competition with himself to see if he can get you to back down.
“I know, and I’m willing to work on it, whatever it takes.”
“I don’t want to look like a fool again when I forgive you.”
His grin spreads impossibly wider, confusing you as to what the hell is going on in his head that he’s suddenly smiling like the villain in a b-rated movie.
“What?” you ask. 
He crowds your space, hands slipping around your waist. “You said when you forgive me, not if.”
“Urgh,” you groan and push against his shoulders, “you're insufferable.” 
He doesn’t budge a millimeter, “I know what it's like to lose you, it was too close a call, and I don’t want to go through it again. So you can call me whatever you want, give me shit, hate on me, break my nose again, hell, you can even compare me to Bradshaw. But I’m not giving up, and I’m not going anywhere.”
“It’s gonna take a hell of a long time to prove you mean all of that, Jake,” you tell him quietly. Unable to hold his gaze, you drop your eyes and step away from him to take a seat on the sun lounger. 
“I know. Believe me; I know how bad I screwed up,” he implores, rushing to sit opposite you. His knees cage your legs in, and he takes your hands in his. He waits a beat for you to look at him, but you don’t. It’s hard to think logically when he’s looking at you with such honesty and vulnerability. He uses the gentlest of touches under your chin to bring your eyes level with his. “I didn’t just come here on a whim. I’ve thought this through, Y/N, probably too much. I’ve driven myself a little insane. And maybe you’ll be insane if you decide to give me a chance. But nothing sounds crazier to me than standing on the sidelines and watching someone else make you happy.” 
“You talk a good game, Seresin, but that’s what you do. You say all the right words, make promises just so you can break them, it seems.”
“That’s not me anymore,” he promises.
“How do I know that? How do I know it’s not all just smoke in the air, and when I get too close, you’ll set off a missile and shoot me down. I can’t deal with that again.”  
“You won’t have to. I fucked up big time, and as little as you want to believe it, it was because I was scared. I didn’t want to fall for you. I didn’t want to fall for anyone. I never wanted to be that person who had someone waiting for them, someone they had to get back to. It clouds your judgment when you’re up there, and you know it. I didn’t want anything that could hold me back from missions or make me hesitate cause I’m afraid of leaving you alone. I was - am - terrified of losing you, whether it’s a mission or you making that smart move and running for the hills.” he pauses, looking deep into your eyes, and smiles softly. “But it’s worse knowing you’re right here,” he squeezes your knees, “and I’ve still lost you. I’m done being afraid. I want to take the risks with you. For you. For as long as you’ll put up with my shit. I love you.” 
Tears fill your eyes, and he takes it as a small victory. 
“You’re an asshole.”
“I know.”
“You’re going to mess this up.”
“No, I’m not.”
“I hate you.” 
“The only thing you hate is that you love me.” he cocks his brow, daring you to deny it.
“Just kiss me and shut up.”
There’s no hesitation this time. Confidence and determination give way to passion and yearning as the kiss intensifies. He’s right. You hate that you love him.
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A/N: This is not the end. At least not for me. I don’t believe in a nice speech, and all is forgiven. Trust is earned, not given. Therefore, there will be a few mostly fluffy off-shots of Huntress making Jake work for it. Though I am determined to keep them under 1k words, I have ideas for at least 4 so far. I don't have a timeline for these posting but happy to add you to the series tag list.
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Part 5.1 - Found That Lovin' Feelin'
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Thank you for getting this far 😍truly. Whether you've commented/liked/reblogged or simply just read it, thank you for taking the time out of your day to read my ramblings.
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rjmartin11 · 10 months
I'm Aaron
Chapter Twelve
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Pairing: Elvis & female!reader
Summary: You're a workaholic who decides to take a private mini vacation in Las Vegas. While there, you stumble into and befriend a handsome stranger at a bar. This handsome stranger is more than meets the eye. He wants to show you a great time... privately. It's an experience that you've never had before. You soon realize that you're in over your head, and your heart is falling fast.
Word Count: 5.1K
Warnings: The End... with some Smut!
Author's Notes: All great stories must come to an end, but at the end of things, there is a beginning of other things. To all you beautiful souls that have liked, followed, commented, and reposted my story. A big thanks to you! I appreciate you from the bottom of my heart. This is all for the love of E.P., that beautiful man with the gorgeous soul and amazing voice. I have one more story (Just One Kiss) to complete. After that... who knows. Thank y'all again!
A month has passed since you last saw Elvis. You miss him dearly, but you know in your heart that you had to make the trip to Florida to see your parents.
In that month's time, you worked to save money up for the trip to Jacksonville and to Memphis. You put a month's notice in at your job. You even helped train your replacement. The law firm would have paid you more if you stayed, but you wanted to seek more opportunity. At least that's what you told them. You sold a lot of your household things you didn't need. You put your home on the market along with your furniture.
You were living out of your little nook until a suitable buyer purchased it. The little things you couldn't get rid of like your books and clothes you put in storage until the time was suitable to leave.
You went to a record store and bought one of Elvis' albums and a record player. You played it constantly, just so it felt like he was around you. You want to memorize every song. One song in particular made your heart soar. You heard him sing it in Vegas, but you came up with a plan and surprise for him when you'd see him in Memphis.
You wrote him three times a week. Talking about how you missed him, but not informing him of your plans. You kept your letters romantic and always ended them with "I love you."
You stand on the beach, letting the waves kiss your feet as you walk up the shoreline of Jacksonville Beach. The sun is just right in the afternoon sky, and you indulge in the rays as they touch your skin. The sound of the waves crashing over the sand comfort you along with the scent of ocean breeze. It had been years since you saw the shore.
With your mother gone, there was not a reason to go to the beach. The beach was your place that you and your mother shared together. Your safe haven.
It's been years since you've stopped by your mother's grave, and you aren't ready to see it. But you know you must stop by to see her before you see her father.
You left the beach and held a cab to the resting place of your beloved mama. You bring a small boutique of tulips with you. Her favorite. As you approach her grave on foot, your heart starts to sink. You feel the tears collect in your eyes and burn as they leave the tear ducts.
There she is. Your mother's final resting place. Rain and humidity have tarnished her tombstone, but these pretty small daisy like flowers grew around her grave, making it look extra special. You fall to your knees and wept.
"Hey, Mama." You say, placing her flowers on your grave.
"We talk all the time, but to be here. To see your name on a tombstone is not my favorite thing. I like to imagine that you're somewhere else. Dancing with the angels or cooking in the kitchen. On the beach..."
You cover your mouth as you cry. Time doesn't truly heal all wounds. You just deal with it. You live life the best you can. You work and hustle and ignore the enjoyments of life, which is why Las Vegas opened your mind so much. Why Elvis means the world to you.
You think back to the day of your mother's funeral. You came in two days before the day of her burial. You decide to rent a hotel room for the time being because you couldn't be around your father. When you did show to your parent's house, you were surprised to see your father with his arms around another woman. That hypocrite. That sinning, two-faced, cheating bastard.
You didn't jump and scream like you wanted. Your mother's family embraced you with open arms. You stayed with your loving aunts and uncles and cousins. They gave you the love you needed at that time. The love of your mother's family was the love your mother gave you in your life.
You made eye contact with your father a handful of times, but the two of you didn't speak. The fear you once felt for him was dissolved into hate, and he felt it. Once the funeral concluded, you said your goodbyes, caught a cab, got your things, and got on your plane back to Atlanta. You had no plans to return to Florida. The one you loved the most in the world was gone.
"Mama..." You wipe your tears away and start to speak as if she was physically in front of you. "I came here to tell you about Elvis. The love of my life. I told you about him when I was in Vegas. That's where we met. He... Mama, he is so incredibly amazing and kind. Elvis is so much fun, and he asked me to move in with him. He hasn't asked me to be his wife, but I don't care. I just want to be with him and all it entails. I love him, Mama. I just wanted you to know. I'm happy and in love. I wish you could meet him. I'll never stop talking to you. Even if I don't come here. I will always speak to you."
You stand to your feet but not before you kiss your hand and place it on your mama's tombstone.
"I'm leaving now, Mama. I have one more person I have to see before I catch my flight. You were right. There's so much more to life."
You walk away without looking back and head to the road. You walk a little ways and spot a cab. You ask the cab driver to drive you to Della's Restaurant. You say a quick prayer as the car drives you to the restaurant.
Your cab driver pulled up to Della's, and a part of you froze.
"That'll be $15.00, Miss." The driver said.
You pass him the money, thank him, and get out of the cab, shutting the door behind you. You looked at the door of Della's. Should you really go in? You know you should. You take a deep breath and open the door.
You look around for him, but you don't see him. If he doesn't show up, you would be upset because he was never good for anything except letting you down. If he didn't show up, the sooner you could catch your plane and head to Memphis.
"Hi, ma'am." A hostess happily greeted you. "Welcome to Della's. Is it just you dining in with us?" She asked.
"I uhh..." You look down at your watch and consider the time frame. You can wait fifteen minutes. "It's... for two, ma'am." You finally tell her.
"Right this way." The hostess grabs two menus and two things of silverware. She guides you into the dining room. She sits you in a window booth where you can view the streets of busy Jacksonville.
"Your waitress will be with you soon, ma'am."
"Thank you." You say to the hostess as she walks away.
You make yourself comfortable and consider what to drink and eat before your waitress comes by. Everything on the menu looked delicious. A part of you was too nervous to eat. You remember a time when you couldn't eat this fancy. You laugh at yourself because it's funny how times change.
You glance out the window, thinking on the past. Something close to the Grapes of Wrath.
It was best of times. It was the worst of times.
For you, it was the best of times because of your mama. Your mama did everything to make life spectacular. It was the worst of times because of your father. He was the opposite. Cold and hard as ice. You wondered if he ever loved you. Try as you may, you can think of a good memory with him. You remember walking to him for love and attention, but he would walk away. Or he would pick you up and hand you to your mother.
The church preached on love, but it was as if your father lacked love. You mama was full of love and compassion and grace. She had a strength that you, yourself, prayed for. A strength you want to hone in and use for your own.
"Hi, ma'am. I'm Jenny, and I'll be your waitress for today. What can I get to drink?"
"Oh, I..." Your waitress, Jenny, snaps you back into reality. "May I have some water with lemon, please? And I'm ready to order."
"Yes, ma'am. A water with lemon and what else can I get you?" Jenny took out her pen and order pad.
"May I have a small grilled chicken sandwich with everything on it except for onions?"
"Yes, ma'am. I'll be back up with your drink in a moment."
Your waitress takes your menu and walks away. Two minutes later, she comes back with your water and lemon.
"Your order should be ready in ten minutes. Oh, did I miss your friend?" Jenny refers to the menu on the other side of your booth.
"He's not here yet. If he's not here by the time my food comes. You can take the menu." You state.
"Yes, ma'am." She says.
"Thank you, ma'am." You say, squeezing the freshly cut lemon into your drink.
Five minutes later, you hear the front door swing open, and there stands the Old Man. Your breath leaves you, but you can't look away from him. A part of you is shocked that even came. He approaches your table, and you don't stand to greet him. You just stare.
He's aged. A part of him looks torn down and weary. His clothes are worn, and his hair is more gray than when you saw him last.
He stops right in front of you, and for a moment, the look in eyes reads something dark. Like he wants to hit you, but you just look at him.
"Hello, Y/N." He finally speaks.
"Hello, sir." You answer back. "Please, sit down. Can I get you anything, sir?" You ask.
"Yeah. I could use a drink." He says, sitting across from you.
You stare at him again as he says this, and you think there lies the issue.
"Hi, sir. I'm Jenny. Can I get you anything to drink?" Your waitress pops over to help him out and passes you your grilled chicken sandwich.
"Yeah, a Coke." He says to Jenny.
"Yes, sir. Coming right up." Jenny says, never losing her sweetness.
"Thank you, Ms. Jenny." You say, viewing your sandwich and fries.
"Yes, ma'am. I'll be back with your drink, sir."
Jenny leaves you two alone for a moment. You wanna tell him how badly he looks, but that's not only disrespectful. It's not the reason you came here. You notice the wedding back on his finger. It's not the one he wore when your mama was alive. You know now that he remarried and moved on.
"How are you, sir?" You ask, breaking the ice.
"I'm making it." He says. "You look..." He pauses.
You raise your eyebrows. Is he really about to tell you how you look?
"You look grown. Like an adult." He finishes.
"Thank you."
Jenny places his Coke in front of him and takes out her order pad.
"Ready to order, sir?"
"Order whatever you want. I'll pay for it, sir." You tell him.
A look of shock plagues his face. Are you really going to pay for his meal? He looks back up at Jenny and orders a burger medium well loaded with everything and steak fries.
"Thank you for coming, sir." You say to him. "I won't hold you for too long. I just wanted to talk to you."
"For what? What do you want?" He speaks to you so harshly.
"I want your time. I came to tell you that I fell in love and I'm moving to Tennessee to be with him."
The Old Man puffs his lips at you and takes a sip from his Coke. He rolls his eyes and steals a fry off your plate.
"So what? You choosing to live in sin?" He says.
Your dear old dad. There he is. You were huff at his actions, wondering when he was going to speak out of term.
"Don't preach to me. I didn't come here to fight or argue. I came to let you know... I'm in love with a good guy. I don't need nor want your approval, but I do think you should know. Know that I'm okay. I'm great, in fact."
"Y/N, you can barely take care of yourself. How you gonna be with a man you barely know. Why are you telling me?"
"Because you're the only other man that I've loved in my life." You speak to him calmly but firmly.
You see something shift in his eyes.
"Sir, I don't call you daddy or dad because you've never ever felt like a dad. If I speak about you to others, I refer to you as my father because you are. Yet, I think I'm your shame. You tried to do right by me and my mother, but you didn't want the life we had."
A tear streams down your cheek. You quickly rip it away.
"I don't wanna think about the blatant disrespect you displayed at my mother's funeral. Parading your girlfriend around. Being such a holy, God-fearing man, and you..."
You stop yourself. You are verbally judging the Old Man and know your mother would never approve of that. You see the shame on his face, but you won't apologize for what you said. You got all your burdens off your chest. You feel completely liberated.
"Sir. A father is supposed to show a girl what a real man is, but we both know the truth. Don't we? I see you remarried, and you didn't bother calling me."
The Old Man looks down at his wedding band and slides his hand out of sight.
"Don't be ashamed. I hope she makes you happy. As happy as... Aaron has made me. You'll never hear from me again."
You dig in your purse, taking out $50.00 for your sandwich and your father's sandwich, plus his drink and then some. You never touched your food, but you leave it there. Maybe the Old Man was hungry. You get out of your seat and head for the door, but not before saying your final words to your father.
"Sir, I forgive you. I know you tried your best. The best you know. Live a beautiful life. Goodbye... dad."
You pat his shoulder and leave. Never ever looking back. You catch a cab for the last time in Jacksonville ever and head to Jacksonville International Airport.
You catch your flight to Memphis, and your heart is pounding with the thought of surprising Elvis.
"I'm coming to you, E. Please wait for me. I'm coming." You whisper to yourself.
Four hours later, you land at Memphis International Airport. You hail a cab to Graceland, and you're on your way.
Nine minutes later, you're at the gates of Graceland. It's more spectacular than you ever imagined. Elvis described it to you perfectly, but this is truly a little patch of heaven.
There are people all in front of the gate, and you fear there's no way of passage for you to enter. You move toward the security guard to see if you can get inside. You remember what Elvis told you to do if you received any hassle getting into the show.
"Excuse me, sir."
"Yeah, can I help you?" The guard says.
"Yes, is Joe Esposito around or Jerry Schilling? I'm a friend." You briefly explain. Still trying to surprise Elvis.
The guard is shocked that a friend is asking for Joe or Jerry. Or maybe he's confused about you being a friend and no car to drive up the hill. Either way. You wait patiently as he dials the phone.
"Hey, Ms. Nancy. Is Joe or Jerry around? I have a young lady here claiming to be a friend."
"Thank you, ma'am."
You look at the guard and wait. Anxiousness has taken over your body, and you bounce your leg a bit. You want to act crazy and do something unbelievable like jump over the fence. For fear, you'll never see Elvis again. You remain as calm as possible. The thought of seeing the inside of Graceland is overwhelming.
The guard starts to speak again.
"Hey Jerry, there a young lady who says she's your friend.
"No, sir. She hasn't given me her name."
You hold your hand out to take the phone from him.
"May I, sir?" You ask with you small smile on your face.
"She wants to speak to you."
"Here you go, sweetheart." The guard hands you the phone.
"Jerry, it's me. Y/N. If he's around, don't say anything."
"Well, hey stranger. Fancy catching you here. He's not around me, though. We're safe." Jerry says.
"I'll get someone to drive down to pick you up."
"Thank you, Jerry. You're the sweetest."
"Hand the phone to Mr. Paul."
You hand the phone back to the guard and wait to be picked up. Mr. Paul opens the gate to let you in.
The taxi cab drove through the crowd, and the gates of Graceland. You were in awe at the draping moss from the oak trees. The house. The house is breathtaking. It was just as Elvis described it. Four large pillars. Green shutters. Cobblestone. Triangle frame with a window. It's just magnificent. You pay the cab driver and get out of the car.
"Miss? You think I could get an autograph from the King?" He asked, excitement brimming through him.
"Maybe." You said.
Jerry came out of the house and down the stairs, a smile on his face.
"Hey, Y/N." Jerry said, giving you a hug.
"Hi, Jerry."
"The taxi driver need a fee?"
"No, he wants an autograph from Elvis."
"Oh, we can fix that. Do you have bags?"
"I do. In the trunk. Where is he?" You whisper to Jerry.
"He's upstairs. Just go in the front door and go up the stairs. His room is at the end."
An excitement fills your insides, and you feel as though you could float to Elvis. But you don't. You calmly walk up the steps as Jerry grabs your luggage.
You open the front door, and the house is simply magnificent. You look up and see the chandelier. Right where Elvis told you it would be. Front and center as you walk in the door. You look to the right and notice the living room and the little music room with the piano. You look to the left and notice the dining room.
You then walk upstairs to find Elvis. Jerry said at the end of the hall. You see the door. This is it. You take a breath and knock on his door.
"Yeah." You hear his deep Southern drawl behind the door, and you sing:
Wise men say, "Only fools rush in," but I can't help falling in love with you.
The door opens, and you see Elvis standing there in awe. His eyes are wide with surprise and delight at your presence. You sense a little shock, too. He smiles at you and places his hands on your arms.
"Please, don't stop. Keep singing."
You smile and sing some more.
Shall I stay? Would it be a sin? For I can't help falling in love with you.
As you continue to sing, he gently takes you into his arms, swaying you both slowly into his room.
Like a river flows surely to the sea Darling so it goes som things are meant to be.
Elvis holds you close, kissing your forehead as you continue to sway a little ways.
Take my hand take my whole life too, for I can't help falling in love with you.
You stop moving and look at one another for a moment.
"Hi, E." You say.
"Hey, Y/N/N. You're here. You're here."
"I'm here. I missed you. I didn't stop thinking about you once."
"You were always on my mind, Y/N/N. I received all your letters."
Elvis grabs your face, crashing his soft velvet lips into yours. They are so soft. Oh, how you missed this feeling. The heat at the pit of your tummy. The goosebumps raising on your skin.
"I missed this." You speak out of breath.
Elvis shuts the door to give you both more privacy.
"I missed you, Y/N/N. I missed you so much." Elvis says, walking you over to the bed.
Elvis sits you down and sits along with you. He continues to plant kisses on your lips. You wrap your arms around his neck. He plays in your curls as he starts to kiss your neck.
"Elvis?" You speak out of breath.
"Yeah, baby?"
"Is that offer still open?"
"What offer?" Elvis pulls away from you. A confused look graces the ethereal features of his face.
"To move in with you? Is it too late?" You ask him. Hope liters your voice. God, please don't let it be too late, you think.
"No... no, Y/N, it's not too late. Please move in and be my girlfriend. Love me. Share my life with me. Be a part of my crazy world. Please." Elvis says.
"Yes, E! Yes! A thousand times, yes!" You shout, placing your arms around his neck once again. You kiss him deeply, hoping it leads to something more.
Elvis kisses you back slowly. He's taking his time to show you just how much he missed you.
He wraps his index finger in the strap of your dress, and he slowly pulls the strap down your arm, exposing your shoulder. Elvis repeats this action with your other arm, allowing your dress to fall down.
He leaves your lips and moves down your neck. You close your eyes and indulge in the feelings that come over you. Those splendid feelings from Las Vegas. The goosebumps. The longing of love. The butterflies at the pit of your tummy. The moisture in your sacred cavern. Elvis just sets you all a glow. You're ready for him.
Elvis moves from your neck to your chest. He removes your strapless bra and tosses it to the floor, leaving you bare before him. The cool air of the bedroom has your nipples handen. Elvis pulls away to admire your body. You don't shy away. You know better. Elvis likes your confidence.
You unbutton Elvis' night shirt. This will be easier than the first night you both met, being he was fully dressed. This is like the times you slept over in his suite, but so much sweeter. You expose his chest to you, easing the shirt down his arms with your fore fingers.
"You're so beautiful, baby." Elvis says, catching your attention.
You look him in his eyes and smile.
"Thank you, E." You say. "It's only because I'm so in love with you."
"Is it? You were beautiful before you loved me, Y/N/N. The moment I saw you at the bar in Vegas."
"That night that started this story. Our story."
Elvis nods his head and smiles. He kisses you once more on the lips with vigor. Then, he pulls away from your lips and goes straight to your chest and licks your nipple on your left breast.
You moan as the thrill of his lips and tongue sends you railing. You wrap your hand on the back of his head and fall back on the mattress.
As Elvis works his way to your other breast, his hand is moving under your dress past your panties and to your clit. As his long fingers gaze your panties, you gasp with pleasure. He rapidly rubs circles clockwise on your clit. At least, it seems like he is winding you up for what's to come.
"Oh, Elvis! I missed you." You exclaim.
"I missed you too, Y/N/N. So much." Elvis says, kissing your chest in between speech. "Just wishing for the time I get to plunge my dick in that pussy of yours."
At the moment, Elvis leaves your clit and dips into your deliciously wet pussy. You moan in excitement. Your free hand slips into Elvis' pants, rubbing his firm ass and then slipping it near his hardened cock.
Elvis moans at your touch and pulls your dress, plus your panties all the way off. He slides himself down to the entrance of your sacred place and licks your vaginal lips. Then he French kisses your clit slowly bringing you closer and closer to the pinnacle of love.
You grind against his tongue, feeding your cravings you've longed for since you left him in Vegas. It's so much pleasure after a month of separation. You writhe under the sensation Elvis brings you. Obscene words and sounds passing vocally through your lips.
Elvis stops himself as you feel yourself coming undone. You try to catch your breath from the unwanted break. You look at him as he stares at you with love filled eyes.
Elvis then pulls off his trousers, and his dick bounces forward. He gives his dick a few tugs before he he climbs on top of you, kissing you. You both start to softly make out. You put your arms around his shoulders; wrapping your legs around his waist.
"You ready for me, baby?" Elvis whispers to you.
You nod your head.
"Y/N, no more shyness. There's no need. Use your words."
You take a breath and say,
"Yes. I'm ready, Elvis." You slide your hands up his back, putting your right hand gently through his hair.
Elvis nods his head in acknowledgment to your plee. You help line him up to penatrate your sweet spot. He softly enters inside of you, and you both breathe out in sexual bliss. You wrap your legs around him, bringing him closer to hit that spot deep inside you. Elvis hits that spot continuously. Again and again. His penis getting reacquainted with your vagina. Your walls forming and molding to his perfect hardened cock all over again.
You feel the ambers in the pit of your tummy set your blood a blaze as Elvis fucks you silly. You writhe under him once again. Yes, Elvis, yes. This is what you needed. To make love to the man you love.
Still sensitive from earlier when Elvis was tonguing your clit, you feel yourself cumming. You don't want to. You want Elvis to love you all night into the next day.
"I'm... AHHH! FUCK, ELVIS!" You shout to him, cumming all over him.
Elvis pushes himself quicker and deeper as your pussy begins milking the goodness from his cock.
"Holy... Fuck!!!" Elvis says, collapsing on top of you. His dick still buried deep within you.
As you both catch your breath, you feel him soften inside you. Just that sends a thrill within you. Elvis starts to kiss your arm. Then your shoulder. Then your neck. He works his way up to your lips. You both kiss one another. You both look at one another with admiration.
"You're staying right?" Elvis asks you.
"Yes, I am. If you'll have me."
"Good." Elvis says, planting another kiss in your lips. "Let's go for a walk. I wanna show you the meditation garden."
"The meditation garden?"
"Yes." Elvis says to you.
You both get out of bed and get dressed. Elvis takes your hand and leads you down another case of stairs. The staircase leads you to a different room than what you recall. It leads you outside to the back of the house. You see the pastures and the horses.
Elvis leads you by the pool, and you hear a fountain running. You turn to look, and you see a garden with small pillars and stained glass windows on a wall that shields the garden. The fountain in the middle has crystal blue water and three small fountains running in the middle of this pool. It's quite peaceful. Then, you notice the bushes of wildflowers that surround the fountain.
"Elvis, are these forget-me-nots?" You ask him, closely inspecting the flowers.
"Yes, they are. I thought I'd surprise you. I had these planted for you when you first told me about them in Vegas."
You look around at all the forget-me-nots brushes surrounding the garden. You're at a loss for words. Elvis sees the smile on your face and is pleased with his choice.
"Elvis, this whole garden is amazing. Those stained glass windows are beautiful."
"Thank you. I had the garden placed here a few years ago when I was on my mission of seeking God and why he put me here. Seeking answers to life."
"Have you found any, E?" You ask, holding his hand.
"Maybe. A few. Like you."
You look down at the forget-me-nots in front of you, trying your best not to blush at his words.
"Y/N/N?" Elvis places his index finger under your chin, looking you in the eyes.
"Yes, E?" You reply. Somehow, his touch softens you.
You place your hand on his and smile.
"Baby, y-you think. You might w-wanna get married? Someday?"
Your eyes widen, and your heart drops like you're on a rollercoaster.
"Yes, I would love to get married one day. To you."
Elvis smiles and plants a kiss on your lips.
"Good. I love you so much, Y/N." Elvis says, hugging you.
"I love you too, Elvis." You embrace him back. He feels so warm and smells so amazing. A thought floats through your mind about something once said to you, and you have to tell Elvis.
"Elvis, promise me something?" I say, removing your from his arm to look at his ethereal face.
"What is it, Y/N/N? I'll promise you anything." He says, moving your curl out of your eye.
"If you ever..." You pause and take a breath. "Ever fall out of love with me, please let me know."
Elvis is shocked, to say the least.
"Y/N, I..."
"Promise me." You boldly say.
"I promise, but I'll never ever stop loving you."
"Good." You say, grabbing his face and kissing his precious lips. He tastes so delicious. "What do we do now, E?"
"We live. We take care of each and travel. I'm going international, and I'm taking you with me, Y/N/N! London, Paris, Japan! The works!" You feel his excitement and join him.
"Everywhere, Elvis. I'd love to go! When do we leave?"
"In two months. I'm on vacation now with my girl!"
Elvis grabs you and kisses you. You put your hands around his neck and kiss him back.
Elvis takes your hand, and you both go back into the house. You're so excited to start this new life with Elvis, the love of your life.
Taglist: @missmaywemeetagain @beeandheroddobsessions @headfullofpresley @everythingpresley @epforeverohyes @plasticfantasticl0ver @pianginferno @powerofelvis @ab4eva @foreverdolly @searchingforgravity @thatbanditqueen @daffieapple @18lkpeters @dkayfixates @epsgirl @richardslady121 @literally-just-elvis-fics @thememphisflash1935-1977 @vintageshanny @iloveelvis
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schrijverr · 11 months
I Found Myself a Cheerleader 3
Chapter 3 out of 28
Bumped to the lowest step on the social ladder after his fight with Billy, Steve gets roped in with the cheer team. What starts as a favor to help them out when one member breaks her leg in turn for protection from the brunt of the bullying, sets the universe on a different path.
In this chapter, Eddie has gained a new interest in Steve, which culminates in a meeting in the woods. During their meeting, they connect in a way neither would have thought possible a few months before, though Steve doesn’t quite know what to do with Eddie’s attention. Meanwhile, his friendship with Chrissy and Lisa grows more.
On AO3.
Ships: eventual steddie & buckingham.
Warnings: child abuse, eating disorder, period typical homophobia, f-slur, period typical sexism
Chapter 3: The Meeting
It’s been three weeks since the competition and nothing much has changed since Steve officially became a cheerleader.
People are still dicks to him from time to time and all sorts of rumors fly around the halls, but it’s mostly old news. Anyone who doesn’t have a personal vendetta against him has said all they need to say about it to his face and have found new things to talk about.
His parents call that they are extending their business trip into a mini vacation to Paris. Steve honestly doesn’t care and is just relieved that they won’t hear about this yet. He’s been saving most of his allowance in cash in his car, which is in his name. Just in case.
When they call, he twists the truth a bit. His father asks if he is still being dramatic or if he has gotten over his little spat and rejoined basketball.
Steve thinks nearly getting beaten to death is more than a little spat, but he doesn’t tell his father that, instead he answers: “Last Thursday coach showed us what suicide laps were,” which is true and earns him a proud chuckle from his father.
The interaction makes him a little sick.
But training is fun. They’re working on new stunts with Steve’s strength, which he’s also been building in his own time. The smallest flyer is Chrissy, so they’ve been working together, which is a blast.
He has discovered she will accept fruits if offered, so he brings an extra apple to school to give to her. For his own peace of mind. He’s planning to talk about it at some point, but for now this is all he can do. She always looks so happy when they’re stunting, he doesn’t want to take that from her and they don’t hang out outside of school much. She has a strict mom.
It has also been getting warmer, so part of the cheer squad will sit outside. Steve mostly just checks where Chrissy and Lisa have decided to sit and joins them.
Steve is also fully part of all the conversations. They all have lost shame or pretenses around them when it became clear he wasn’t making a move on them. So, now Steve knows about all their crushes and period struggles as well as things about shaving and other maintenance. He doesn’t know how they keep it up.
After a bit, he is also asked about his crush. It’s asked by Heather, whose curiosity is immediately joined by others. Without his permission Eddie comes to mind.
Ever since Steve joined the cheerleaders, he has been noticing Eddie looking at him differently than before. It is no longer contempt or some way of looking down at him and what he stood for. Now Steve is studied like he is some sort of puzzle. Something Eddie wants to solve.
Steve quite likes being at the other end of that look.
However, Steve can’t tell any of the cheerleaders that. They’ve been pretty cool about him joining, which is already nice. But he can’t imagine them wanting him around if they knew. They know what others say about him, but always comfort him with the fact that they don’t believe those rumors, that they don’t think he’s gay.
So instead he shrugs: “I’m still a bit hung up on Nancy, but she dumped me, so that’s not going to happen.”
“You’re not going after her?” Chrissy asks, confused.
“I mean, no,” Steve replies, also confused. “She dumped me and left me for another. She was quite clear about her feelings on the matter. Why would I try and force myself back in her life?”
“It’s just-” Chrissy shrugs helplessly.
“Most guys don’t really let a no stop them,” Sofia says. “They keep asking you out anyway.”
Okay, another thing where Steve’s attempt to come across as a straight boy has failed. At this point it’s surprising that no one has caught on yet that he is indeed the faggot they make him out to be. He is terrible at faking.
“That sounds rude,” Steve says, because he can’t think of anything else to say.
“It is,” Lisa tells him. “But that doesn’t stop them.”
“You are such a gentleman,” Heather sighs dreamily. “I don’t know why my brain decided to like Charles of all people.”
“Because you have terrible taste,” Mary tells her, which earns a hard shove as some of the other girls shriek with laughter.
“Like you’re one to talk,” Heather exclaims. “You liked Brad!”
“And I saw the error of my ways,” Mary says as she tries to get away from the new attack that is inbound.
Steve laughs at them, before it dies down and he turns to Sofia. Sofia has been saving his ass in their shared study hall. Steve is sure that if it weren’t for her, he’d be failing his senior year right now. Maybe junior year if Nancy hadn’t carried him through that.
However, no matter how much Steve loves his friends and no matter how much it has all calmed down. Lunch period can still make him feel like a zoo exhibit. And he can’t deal with that every day.
So, he tells Chrissy, who is walking with him to lunch that he’s gonna find a quiet spot in the woods and to go ahead without him.
“Are you sure, Stevie?” she asks.
“Yeah, Chris,” he smiles. “Just not in the mood for people today.”
“I get that,” Chrissy nods. “Don’t do anything stupid,” she grins.
Faux-affronted, he says: “I never do anything stupid.”
“And don’t lie,” she yells as she skips away and Steve has to laugh at her antics. She’s a bit like the little sister he has always wanted.
With a shake of his head, he makes his way into the forest, away from most of the school population. He makes sure no one sees him slip away. The last thing he needs is getting cornered alone in the forest with guys, who have any ideas about him.
He finds an abandoned picnic table somewhere and sits down. It’s nice to be alone in nature for a bit, far better than being alone at home. This is more peaceful. He’s less scared something will come through the walls or from the pool to drag him away.
The forest reminds him of Dustin and their track through the woods looking for Dart. The little guy is a fucking idiot for ever taking it in, but Steve thinks it’s endearing anyway.
Steve is still thinking of Dustin and the rest of the little shits when he hears someone walking up to him from behind. He sighs, not wanting to deal with this and in a monotone voice he says: “No, I am not stealing your girlfriend and I’m not turning her gay either, that’s not even how that works,” without even bothering to turn around.
An unfamiliar chuckle makes him turn around and there Eddie is, amused eyes, as he asks: “Do people really think that?”
“Oh, uhm, yeah,” Steve tries to find his footing under the sparkling chocolate colored eyes. God, they’re so pretty. To distract from his crush, he says: “You’d be surprised, man.”
Man, that is a not gay thing to say right? Fuck, Steve hasn’t been trying for a while now. He has no clue how to act right now.
“I’m honestly not,” Eddie replies with a smile.
Holy fuck, he has dimples, this is so unfair. Eddie looks like he doesn’t even brush his hair, yet he is effortlessly handsome and Steve hasn’t felt like this around anyone in a while. All he manages to say is: “No?”
“Naahhh, man,” Eddie drawls as he plops down across from Steve. “I’ve heard stupider shit. Pretty sure some of the basketball team thinks I have secret powers or something. If I had powers, they’d all be frogs.”
Steve snorts at the image and asks: “Would you let frog Billy keep his mullet?”
Eddie looks shocked at the contribution, before he cracks up. His laugh is deep and hearty, Steve wants to listen to it forever. Eddie says: “Sure, Billy can keep his mullet. That’s hilarious.”
The compliment makes Steve glow with pride. He’s pretty sure he’s blushing and he just hopes that Eddie doesn’t notice as a comfortable silence falls over them. Steve uses it to study Eddie, who is fiddling with ringed hands, seemingly unable to sit still.
“So, what are you doing out there?” Eddie asks after a few moments. He seemingly isn’t the kind that deals with silence well.
A bit embarrassed, Steve shrugs and answers: “Kind of done with people today. Needed a second to myself, I guess.”
“Ah, sorry,” Eddie says with an apologetic wince. “With that first reaction to my, albeit quite lovely, presence, I should have guessed you wanted to be alone. I can go.”
He makes a move to leave and before he can think of it, Steve exclaims: “No!”
“No?” Eddie asks, looking up from behind those bangs in a way that should be illegal. Like how are those eyes real?
Steve blushes and looks away. “I mean, you can. I- I don’t really mind you being here. It’s not like you have a girl to accuse me of stealing.”
At that Eddie lets out another of those laughs Steve has come to adore in a short time. Eddie shakes his head as he grins: “That I do not.” Then he leans his chin on his hand and twirls a strand of hair as he asks: “And what about the other thing?”
“You’re also not afraid I’m here to beat you up for being gay? Or trying to turn me gay by being near you?” Eddie asks. “I mean, that’s what they’re saying.”
“Oh,” Steve says, before shrugging. “I guess you don’t seem to be the type to believe those things. Plus, no offense, dude, but I’m pretty sure I can beat you in a fight.”
The moment he says it, he wants to hit himself. Very smooth, Harrington, I’m sure he loved you reminding him how you can beat him up, you know, something that has happened to him with both Billy and Tommy, your former teammates.
However, Eddie keeps surprising him, he only quirks a brow, before grinning. “None taken, I suppose. It’s not like it’s a lie.”
“Sorry,” Steve says anyway.
“It’s alright, it’s not like I believe it,” Eddie tells him. “I’ve just been trying to figure you out, if I’m honest.”
“You have?” Steve asks, cursing himself for how breathless he sounds. But he can’t help it, it’s like he’s being pinned by those eyes, drawn in by those dimples and moving hands.
“Yeah,” Eddie says, meeting his eyes again. “I am just curious why you haven’t gotten angry about those rumors yet. You know, the ones about you being a queer?”
Steve can’t look away, even though he wants to. The word he slung at Jonathan once doesn’t hurt as much when Eddie says it. There is something comforting about him, that makes Steve open up. He knows it’s probably the pathetic crush he has on the guy, but he can’t help, but shrug: “I mean, it’s not like anyone is going to change their mind if I do. It doesn’t matter.”
“That is very much true,” Eddie agrees, opening his hands in an acquiescing manner. “But,” he goes on. “I would’ve thought your masculine jockiness wouldn't stand for such rumors going around. So, why aren’t you denying it? It’s not like those rumors are true.”
And Steve knows that Eddie is right. If such rumors about him went around a few years ago, he would have been on a war path, would have been denying them left and right, preferably as loudly as he could.
However, he hasn’t been able to bring himself. Just wants to hide away instead and hope they’ll blow over. He’s so tired of lying, of hiding, even if he knows he must. But a part of him hoped no one would notice it. That no one would question it.
Yet here Eddie is, questioning it and Steve is drawing a blank. He knows what he should say, but it’s not coming out and by now the moment has been dragging on for long enough that Eddie starts to put together why.
“Unless-” Eddie starts, eyes wide as if he can’t believe it. “Unless they are true.”
“Don’t tell anyone,” Steve whispers, preparing to run should Eddie make a move in his direction that he doesn’t like.
He can’t believe this is where his day has gone.
“Shit, man,” Eddie whistles. “Course not. I didn’t know you were family.”
It takes a moment, before the euphemism lands. Steve knows that Eddie has similar rumors following him, but the guy never confirmed them. A smart move. Yet here he is admitting it Steve, extending a hand of solidarity.
Steve allows a small smile to grace his face and he does some jazz hands. “Surprise.”
Eddie laughs at the action and agrees: “It’s certainly is. I never would have guessed. You’re good, man.”
“Not that good I’ve discovered,” Steve tells him.
“No?” Eddie asks.
“No, man, it’s crazy,” Steve says. “I’ve been told twice by the other girls that it’s nice that I look at their eyes instead of their tits and they’re surprised when I listened to Nancy’s no. I didn’t even know others did that.”
“Well, those others suck,” Eddie informs him with a snort. “Straight or not, they shouldn’t have been doing that either.”
“I know right, it’s so rude,” Steve exclaims, glad he can finally fully share this with someone.
“Yeah, Harrington, it is rude,” Eddie nods with amusement.
They fall into silence again, this one more comfortable. Steve feels giddy with feelings. Not only did he have a normal conversation with Eddie, his crush Eddie, who doesn’t hate him apparently. A huge win in Steve’s book. He also told someone he’s gay and the world didn’t end.
“You’re the first person I’ve ever told, you know,” Steve breaks the quiet after a minute or so of peaceful silence.
“Shitttt, dude,” Eddie says. “I kind of feel honored now.”
“Don’t get an ego, Munson,” Steve jokes.
“I won’t, I won’t,” Eddie grins.
Steve knows that Eddie isn’t that kind of person, but still he checks again: “You’re truly not going to tell anyone, right?”
“Of course not,” Eddie promises seriously. “I’m not an asshole, you know.”
“I do, sorry,” Steve says, anxiously. “Just had to make sure. I won’t either, by the way.”
“Good to know,” Eddie tells him, with a satisfied nod.
Eddie straightens his rings again, before fiddling with them. The movements are mesmerizing and Steve focuses on the way Eddie’s hands move. A few seconds later, Eddie drums on the table for a bit.
From their shared classes Steve knows that Eddie is a fidgety person, but he has never been so close to it. He thinks it’s endearing, but he won’t admit that ever.
“This is crazy,” Eddie breaks the silence again. “I mean, I came out here expecting you to get mad at me for all my questions before chasing me out the woods, but instead I find out that King Steve of all people is one of us.”
“Don’t call me that,” Steve snaps.
“King Steve. I hate that guy, don’t call me that,” he explains.
“Sure,” Eddie agrees easily. “Now that I met you properly, he doesn’t seem much like you anyways, Harrington.”
“Steve is fine too, you know,” Steve offers casually, ignoring how his heart is beating in his throat as he awaits Eddie’s reaction.
“Alright, Steve it is,” Eddie smiles, showing off those dimples. He chuckles to himself: “I can’t believe I’m on first name basis with the heartthrob of the school. Are you sure it’s not illegal for me to call you Steve?”
“No, man, go nuts,” Steve laughs. “Besides, it’s not like people will care. I don’t know if you noticed, but my social standing has kind of tanked these past few months.”
“Welcome to life on the flip side, so difficult for you,” Eddie replies with a mock bow, which is only half successful, since he’s seated.
“I kind of deserved that,” Steve gives in.
“Yeah, kind of,” Eddie agrees. Before he moves on: “But that’s in the past, we all have our ways of hiding. What I’m wondering is why you decided to give up that safety for cheerleading. Doesn’t seem smart.”
“What is this? Some sort of interrogation?” Steve asks. He only half means it. Eddie is easy to talk to and he’s nice enough, but a small paranoid part of his brain can’t help but wonder why Eddie would want to know. He must want something, they all do, he just can’t figure out what.
“Sorry, just curious, I guess,” Eddie replies with a shrug, like he truly couldn't care less about the answer. “My theory was trying to get in their pants, but that has clearly been proven false.”
“I just like it,” Steve shrugs, before moodily adding: “Apparently that is a crime now.”
“Ahw, don’t pull a pouty face, Stevie,” Eddie teases. “Us mortals can’t handle those sad eyes, you can’t pull out those weapons.”
Steve doesn’t really think his expression is anything special, but the words from Eddie’s mouth make him blush anyway. What should be illegal is the way Eddie lets words roll of his tongue, so smooth and deep. His Stevie is different from when Chrissy says it.
Eddie looks at him with an expression he can’t place. Under his eyes, the blush just increases and Steve starts to feel awkward. So, he gets up and says: “Good talk. See you around, Eddie.” Then he hurries away.
He doesn’t really want to go, quite the opposite in fact. He likes having Eddie’s attention on him, but he has already told Eddie too much. And Eddie was teasing him. He doesn’t know why Eddie would want to know him and until he knows why, it’s safer to stay away. So, he has to get out.
Lisa is waiting for him near the door, so they can walk to their next class together. She frowns when she sees him and asks: “You okay? Chrissy mentioned you wanting to be alone for a bit.”
“Yeah, I’m fine,” he answers, plastering on a reassuring smile. “Just thought I was going to be late, you know. Hard to hear the bell out there.
Steve is quite sure Lisa doesn’t believe him, but she doesn’t push either. He is very grateful for that as they make their way into the school.
At practice they’re working on having Chrissy stepping from a foot on each hand to leaning with one foot on two hands. They can already get her up there smoothly, but she still wobbles too much when she steps over as does Steve. They fail more often than they succeed.
Both of them are getting frustrated with the stunt. Chrissy is similar to Steve in that she is a perfectionist and will train until she has it. So when training ends, coach Miller has to personally tell them to stop.
They pull a similar face, but it’s Chrissy who vocalizes what both are thinking. “We’re so close to getting it. Give us half an hour. I’m sure we can do it.”
“No,” coach Miller says. “Look I appreciate the enthusiasm, but it has to be safe too. Everyone is tired, I won’t let you break your leg, because you’re stubborn. You two can try again Monday, you’ll get it then.”
Neither of them are happy to hear that, but they don’t protests further. Coach has last call, they know they should respect that.
Still, the moment coach Miller walks away, Steve complains: “This sucks. Those last three went so good too.”
“I know,” Chrissy huffs as she crosses her arms.
“What are you two on about now?” Lisa asks, sounding amused. They’ve become quite the trio and she recognizes the two stubborn faces of her friends.
“Coach Miller won’t let us practice the stunt more,” Chrissy pouts.
“It’s like all her speeches about winning are suddenly not important anymore,” Steve adds. “Just because she’s getting old doesn’t mean we’re already tired.”
Lisa sighs and says: “We’ve been training for two hours, I’m sure you guys are tired. Hell, I am tired. You can use the rest. Stop moping.”
Now that he has stopped, Steve does feel pretty tired, but he’s not admitting it to Lisa. Instead he throws his hands up as if it’s a hardship and says: “Whatever. I’ll stop. But by Monday we’ll have to start from scratch again and I will say that I told you so.”
“Exactly,” Chrissy agrees. She has come to the same conclusion as Steve and is equally unwilling to give in.
“God, you two can be so stubborn together,” Lisa laughs softly. “Why don’t we meet up tomorrow and you two can practice your stunt to your heart’s content. I’ll be back spotter, no problem.”
“That’s an amazing idea!” Chrissy exclaims, before for face falls. “But I don’t think my mom will let me meet up with a boy like that. She’s super protective over my virtue. And I’m terrible at lying to her. She always knows.”
The excitement that welled up in Steve immediately dies down again. If Chrissy isn’t allowed to come, they can kiss the plans goodbye.
“Then don’t lie,” Lisa shrugs.
“Didn’t you listen? She’ll say no,” Chrissy says.
“No, I mean, just tell her you’re going to practice with some people from the cheer squad,” Lisa elaborates. “That’s not a lie.”
“You’re a little snake, you know that, Lisa?” Steve laughs as a smirk creeps onto Chrissy’s face at the loophole.
“That can work!” Chrissy. “Where are we going to meet up?”
“I mean, I have a pretty big yard,” Steve offers. “Grass is good cushioning.”
“Sounds good to me,” Lisa says. “Pick you up at 10:00, Chrissy?”
“Yeah, I’ll call you if something comes up,” Chrissy smiles.
With that planned, they go off to their dressing room as Steve makes his way to his car. It has been a while since he had visitors. He should clean up a bit.
As he throws out the trash and does the dishes that have piled up, his mind drifts over to lunch period and the meeting he’s been trying to put out of his mind. It is strange that he and Eddie know something so intimate about each other now. That they share something.
He remembers those cute dimples and kind eyes, a blush appearing on his cheeks as he does. But he can’t forget the questions Eddie asked.
It was just a friendly conversation, but he kept revealing all sorts of things about himself. And he knows practically nothing about Eddie. He doesn’t know why the guy is suddenly interested in interrogating him, when before now he hasn’t show any interest in even being friendly with Steve (much to his dismay).
The whole thing is confusing.
Eddie must have some sort of agenda, but he looked pretty genuine when promising he wouldn't tell anyone. Fuck, Steve hopes he hasn’t misplaced his trust in Eddie. He doesn’t know what will happen to him if everyone knew the rumors are true. His life would be over.
Maybe Eddie was just curious, Steve thinks. He did mention wanting to figure Steve out. Maybe he’s just rumor hungry like all the others out there, wanting to know about why King Steve gave up his crown, started hanging around middle schoolers, quit the basketball team and became a cheerleader.
It was probably a dare from his friends to try and figure out what had made Steve sink all the way to the bottom. Eddie probably told them how pathetic Steve is and they all had a laugh at him. Steve knows he deserves it, but that doesn’t stop the hurt that is clogging up his chest.
He should have walked away when Eddie got there. He knows that there is nothing that will happen between them, he shouldn’t get close to the guy. It will only end in heartbreak. Better to snuff this crush out, before it can start to burn. He is not talking to Eddie again.
Despite his determination, a dull ache follows him all evening, hanging around him as he brushes his teeth and gets into bed.
That night is filled with nightmares. He gets up at 5:00 AM and decides to go for a jog. He has a standard route that goes by all the kids. Seeing everything peaceful and quiet helps him more than the running does.
He showers when he gets home and doesn’t attempt to crawl back into bed. Instead he drinks some coffee and promptly throws it up. He decides against breakfast and tries to distract himself with school work until 10:00 rolls around.
Fifteen minutes after ten, the bell rings. Steve has been waiting for this and is at the door in seconds, smiling at the two girls on his front step. “Hello, ladies,” he greets, a momentary flashback of Barb and Nancy goes through his mind and he blanches a bit, having to swallow against the bile that threatens to rise up.
“You okay?” Chrissy asks with a frown, picking up on the small shift in demeanor.
“Yeah, I’m fine,” Steve smiles, not wanting them to worry. Chrissy gives him a look, but then lets it go as she follows Lisa inside.
He offers them something to drink, which they gladly take. Now it’s Lisa’s time to frown and ask: “Are you not thirsty?”
Steve thinks of the coffee he threw up and shakes his head. “Feeling a little queasy, honestly. It’s fine, I’ll drink something later.”
“No, drink something now,” Lisa says. It isn’t often that she decides to speak up, so Steve knows she’s serious. “You need to stay hydrated, especially if you want to exercise.”
“Seriously, I’m fine, Lisa, I promise,” Steve protests. “Just not in the mood today.”
“Have you eaten breakfast yet?” Lisa asks sharply, ignoring what he has just said.
“I mean-” Steve fails to come up with an excuse.
“Eat something. Now. Or I’m bringing Chrissy home again,” Lisa orders. “I am not joking here, Steve. It’s literally about the safety of you and Chrissy. Everyone needs to be in top shape, so no one breaks their neck on accident.”
Steve catches Chrissy’s guilty look. With what he knows of her, the chance is that she hasn’t eaten yet either. He knows it’s unhealthy. He can force himself to eat something, if that means Chrissy eats something too.
So, he gives in, though he says: “Fine, but I hate eating alone, if I fix you two a bowl of yogurt will you eat with me?”
“Of course,” Lisa immediately agrees, glad that he’s giving in. “Right, Chris?”
“Yeah, sure,” Chrissy agrees too, but with a tight smile.
Steve feels a little bad about it and vows to talk to her about it, but he doesn’t want to pull attention to it with Lisa there. Not when they’re so close with the stunt that they’re both so excited about. It is just hard to start the talk. He doesn’t know how.
The three of them eat their yogurt. It’s a quiet affair and Steve has to struggle to get down ever bite, much like Chrissy is struggling. Both of them manage, however, under Lisa’s watchful eyes. Only when Steve’s bowl is empty do they go outside.
Despite the hiccup at the start, the day is quite fun. They practice for a few hours and manage to do the new stunt consistently after a while.
It’s a good day, very fun.
At around one o’clock four bikes and a skate board pull up to his house. They’re taking a short break on the front lawn, so Steve sees them coming. He waves at them as most of the kids let their bikes fall, before walking onto the lawn.
“What the hell, dude?” Dustin is calling out, without being close.
“Oi, language, you’re like ten,” Steve calls back, not really minding it, but also not wanting their parents to think he’s a bad influence.
“I’m thirteen,” Dustin protests indignantly.
“You didn’t answer the phone or radio,” Lucas explains when it becomes clear Dustin isn’t going to.
“We were worried,” Will adds softly.
“Sorry, man,” Steve says, before gesturing to Lisa and Chrissy. “I have visitors. We were outside. I must have not heard. I’m fine.”
“Told you,” Mike rolls his eyes, getting shut up by a slap from Max.
“You’re bailing on us for two girls,” Dustin pouts, before realizing how that sounds and saying: “No offense, I’m sure you’re very nice.” Then he turns to Steve and asks: “Isn’t that against the boy code or something?”
“I’m sure it isn’t like that,” Will tries defending Steve, though he also looks a little confused.
“It isn’t like that, no,” Steve agrees. “We’re practicing this new stunt. Coach forced us to stop yesterday, but we were so close. Besides, you never call the day before. This says more about your planning skills than my bro code, Henderson. Maybe work on that first. I’m not at your beck and call, dude.”
“But you always drive us around on the weekend,” Dustin pouts.
“You obviously lived,” Steve rolls his eyes, nodding towards the bikes. “Now stop being rude and introduce yourselves. This is Chrissy, that’s Lisa.”
The two girls wave and the boys seem to realize their own rudeness as they introduce themselves, eyes falling out their skulls when the two are friendly to them, instead of dismissing them like many older teens tend to do.
Even Max can’t fully hide her piqued interest under her usual aloof mask. She is also the one, who asks: “What kind of stunts were you guys doing?”
“Well, Steve lifts me in the air and then I stand on one foot,” Chrissy explains. “We’re still working on basics, but when we have this down, we can start working on flips down according to coach Miller. It’s pretty cool.”
“You’re a cheerleader,” Max realizes, her eyes flick to Steve and he can see the hatred Billy spat around her clicking in place. “Steve, you’re a cheerleader?”
“Really?” Lucas asks.
“Yeah,” Steve shrugs, trying to look like he doesn’t care what they think. “It’s quite fun.”
“But that’s for girls,” Mike says.
“It really isn’t, mini Wheeler,” Steve tells him. “Don’t let Nancy hear you say that, or you’ll get a lecture.”
“Ugh, I hate it when she does that,” Mike complains.
“Then don’t be a little shit,” Steve shoots back, placing his hands on his hips.
“Is it hard?” Lucas asks, changing the topic, much to Steve’s relief.
“Harder than it looks, but it’s also fun,” Steve tells Lucas. “It requires a lot of muscle and balance to pull of. I mean, I’m quite literally throwing Chris here in the air.”
“It’s very fun,” Chrissy adds on. “Stevie makes me fly.”
Steve sees Max word “fly” to herself, eyes a bit in awe. With her skateboard, Steve thinks she must like the idea of the riskiness that cheerleading brings. However, he pretends to not see, she will be embarrassed if he does.
“That’s very cool,” Dustin tells them excitedly.
“Yeah, yeah, it’s very cool,” Mike rolls his eyes. “Can we go now? Hopper said we were allowed to sleep over at the cabin. That’s way more fun that this.”
Steve can see Will wilt a little under the words, the quiet kid having kept to the background. He is sadly not a majority, since the others start to say goodbye to Steve and the girls, before going back to their bikes.
He gives him an encouraging smile, glad when Will manages to return it, before turning to follow his friends.
As they disappear out of sight again, Chrissy comments: “Cute kids.”
“Lies and slander,” Steve laughs. “They’re all the most annoying people I have ever met. The best kids, sure, but annoying nonetheless.”
“They could use some manners,” Lisa agrees, “but they’re quite funny.”
“You shouldn’t be mean to kids,” Chrissy informs them.
Lisa and Steve share a knowing look, before turning back to Chrissy again. Steve is the one that says what they both think. “Chris, you are still a kid. What opinion do you have.”
“You two are so rude,” she tells them, though she’s smiling anyway. “You’re only two years older than me.”
“Those two years feel like eons,” Lisa tells her. “You’ll understand when you’re our age, youngling.”
“Who is annoying now?” Chrissy says, before getting up. “Come one, lets get to practicing. You two are more bearable when you’re focusing on not collapsing under your old age.”
“Who’s rude now?” Steve chirps, but follows her anyway. He appreciates that neither of them take his bitchy comments seriously and that they give back just as well. It’s fun to toss insults back and forth.
Sadly they can’t stay forever. All of them have homework and Chrissy’s mom wants her home for dinner. So, they have to say goodbye at some point.
With both of them gone, the house feels more empty again. Neither of them had commented on Steve’s parents being gone, but no one ever did. Big house and no parents had been his tagline throughout junior year. It was kind of a known unspoken thing. He’s grateful for it too, he doesn’t mind not having to explain.
Still, that doesn’t make it any more fun to cook dinner for one and to eat it at the empty dinner table.
All alone thoughts he has been ignoring so well creep back in. Not only do the shadows start to morph into creatures that should have never existed, he is also haunted by the conversation he had with Eddie.
No matter how much he tries not to think about it, he can’t help but go over it with great care to try and figure out what it meant. To see if he can figure out what Eddie wanted from him. And to cringe at all the stupid shit he said.
Fuck, he’s just so screwed.
I love how this a Steddie fic, but Eddie’s first spoken line is like 14k words in
Spoiler, Eddie wants to know stuff about Steve, because he likes him, Steve is just a bit of an oblivious idiot <3
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lantur · 1 year
I can't believe I haven't written in almost two weeks. :// I really regret falling so behind with journaling on here. I want to get back to it, because it helps me process my thoughts. Long post underneath the read more.
notes on life,
I was thoroughly overwhelmed by my work trip two weeks ago, but I was delighted to get to see @thatisadamnfinecupofcoffee and @annespelledwithane again. Spending time with them (going out for ramen and to the prettiest tea house in the East Village, and then eating an entire buffet of desserts from two different bakeries, and staying up until 2 AM) was a mini-vacation I very much needed.
It took me a whole week to recover from being out of town for a few days. :// I truly don't bounce back from travel the way I used to a few years ago...
I've been in my new job for almost exactly one month now. The challenging transition phase is over. I'm still adjusting to being way busier than I used to be, putting a lot more mental effort in. It's tiring. Every day, I do roughly as much work as I used to do in one week at my old job, so I have to work faster and harder than I used to before. It makes the days go by super fast, which is disorienting. I feel like February just started, but actually the month started eight days ago.
I've been trying to keep on top of my personal goals despite all of that. I've been enjoying swimming and yoga. I cooked a new recipe, halal cart chicken and rice, and it turned out really good. I'm hoping to cook two more new recipes before the end of this month. I finished my audiobook of The Scorpio Races by Maggie Stiefvater, and it was so good that I kept thinking of the ending for days after I finished it. I started listening to My Best Friend's Exorcism by Grady Hendrix a few days ago as well.
I had my long-awaited psychiatrist appointment yesterday. I was nervous, but the psychiatrist was very kind and empathetic, and she is also another WOC. She has suggested starting a new medication to treat type 2 bipolar disorder. I'm nervous, but hopeful that this could help me.
I've been going through pelvic floor physical therapy as well for the past couple of weeks, which is quite a time and energy commitment - weekly appointments with the PT, and regular practice at home. It's tiring, on top of everything else going on with work, social life, home maintenance, exercise, etc., but I'm hopeful that this too will help me address longstanding issues with excessive pelvic floor tightness. I wish it could be fixed quickly, but I think it might take months to sort out.
I've been enjoying spending time with Derek playing board games, and cuddling my cat Westin and watching The Wire at night/in the evenings after work. The quiet time really helps me recover before the next work day.
I have been loving watching The Last of Us.
I had a wonderful time hanging out with my little nieces, five and almost three years old, on Saturday and playing hide and seek with them. <3
I had a dream that really hit me hard a couple of nights ago. I dreamed I got to see my brother again. We hung out, and I gave him a big hug. I was adopted, so we weren't raised together. We only saw each other once every few years, until our families became estranged. I haven't seen him in 10 years now, as we live in different countries. We're in touch occasionally over text. I wrote on here last fall that I thought I processed my grief over that separation, and found surrogate siblings in my brothers- and sisters-in-law via Derek's family. So this dream hit me hard. I wouldn't have normally done this, but I sent my brother a short text tonight, just saying I was thinking about him and I hope he and his wife are doing well. It hurts a lot. I always wonder if I'm ever going to see him again. I would love to give him and my sister-in-law a hug.
I'm looking forward to therapy on Friday. I haven't been able to have an appointment in about three weeks or so, and I'm excited to be able to process my thoughts and feelings with my therapist, and getting back to doing that on here by myself as well.
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blackhakumen · 5 months
Mini Fanfic #1167: Morning Bat Kisses (Sonic)
9:01 a.m. at Angel Island's Living Room...........
Knuckles: (Yawns While Stretching his Arms Up and Making his Way to the Living Room) That was the best sleep I had yet.....
Hat Kid/Omega: (Waves Hello to Knuckles) Good Morning!~/Morning Greetings.
Shadow: (Notices Knuckles Walk in While Sitting on the Sofa with Hat Kid Sitting on his Lap) Glad to finally be back at your own bed, Knuckles?
Knuckles: Yeeup. The city vacation was cool and all, but their hotels never have a bed as cozy as mines that's for sure. You excited to go back to work tomorrow in the first week of the new year?
Shadow: (Sighs While Rolling his Eyes) Not completely, but I'll prepare for the inevitable whether I want to or not. Speaking of which, does anyone in here has a resolution of some kind? I'm hoping to become a little more efficient in my line of work going forward.
Knuckles: (Grabs his Chin While Thinking) I uhhh.....('Sigh') I dunno.....Explore more?
Shadow: Haven't you already done that with the amount of times you've left this island as of late?
Knuckles: I haven't give these any thought until now, cut me some slack here.
Hat Kid: (Starts Whispering into Shadow's Ear)
Shadow: (Starts Nodding to Every Word His Little Sister Tells Him) Hm....I see....Is that's what you're aiming for? To be more talkative?
Hat Kid: (Happily Nodded) Mmhmm. (Turns Away a Bit Shyly) I'm....still nervous about it though.....
Shadow: (Gently Rubs the Top of Hat Girl's Hair) Take as much as you need to ready yourself. I'll always be here support and help you out the best way I can.
Hat Kid: (Heart Begins to Melt in Pure Happiness She Hugs Shadow Lovingly) Thank you!~
Omega: My resolution is to simply deliver a powerful, full blank punch towards Eggman's face.
Shadow: Omega, that was your resolution for last year.
Omega: You are partly correct. But this year, I plan on modifying my robotics hands, transforming and using them as rocket missile punches in full command.
Hat Kid: Oooh~ That sounds fun and crafty.
Knuckles: (Nodding a Bit in Agreement) Yeah, but who are you gonna have do that of all for you exactly?
Omega: I have a memory of Tails rebooting my systems once during Eggman's invasion in the past. Maybe him and the female bandicoot could be assistance.
Shadow: If that's really what you want to do for the new years, then I say go for it. Just try not to use them too carelessly, alright? I doubt Rouge would be happy to know that her paycheck would be use to pay any collateral damages....
Everyone in the room turns to see Rouge tirelessly making her way to the living room.
Knuckles: Speaking of which......
Rouge: Morning.........
Hat Kid: (Smiles Brightly at the Woman) Good Morning, Miss Rouge!~
Shadow: Rough night of sleep last night?
Rouge: (Groans while Rubbing the Side of her Forehead) In more ways than one.....I tried sleeping on the ceiling last night for the very first time considering I'm a bat and whatnot. Terrible experience all around, wouldn't recommend.
Knuckles: (Starts Snickering a Bit) Yeah, we wouldn't want any of you guys keep falling and bumping her head on the mattress every ten seconds like she did all night.
Hat Kid: (Giggles Softly)
Rouge: (Pouts at her Man) Don't even try to start with me right now, Knuckie. I'm never too tired to kick you out of orbit, you know?
Knuckles: (Starts Stretching his Arms Up One by One) You could try if you want. I think I'm in the mood for some quick relexes training this morning with a great amount of sleep I had last night.
Rouge: (Heard her Stomach Growling While Rolling her Eyes) Nevermind. I'm too hungry to help boost your ego up right now. I'm about to make breakfast.
Shadow: (Raises an Eyebrow) You know how to cook.
Rouge: Um yes. Vanilla's been teaching me the basic, I know what I'm doing. In the meantime.....(Gives Shadow a Kiss on the Forehead) You.(Kiss Omega on his Metal Cheek....) You. (....And Gives a Giggling Hat Kid Three Kisses on Top of her Head) And you be patient. (Turns to Knuckles) As for you.....(Walks Over to Knuckles)
Knuckles: ('Sigh') Look, I'm sorry for making fun of you this early in the morni-
Before Knuckles could finish his sentence, Rouge pulls him into a very passionate kiss on the lips for a few seconds before pulling away, leaving him surprised in the process.
Rouge: Behave yourself. (Walks Away Towards the Kitchen) Or you won't be getting any waffles.
Shadow: Well, what do you know. Rouge is actually doing some productive for once
Omega: Perhaps cooking is one of her resolutions this year?
Hat Kid: Do you think her they're test good.
Shadow: (Picks Hat Kid Up and Place Her on the Back of his Head) Depends on how much she've learned. Might as well brace ourselves at this point.
Knuckles: (Starts Blushing Bright Red While Standing There Stunned) .......................Holy shit.
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dizzygirlfriday · 2 months
notes of a restless girl.
Today is brought to you by the color yellow. It'll brighten your mood and help you let your inner sun shine.
My horoscope tells me to work on maintaining harmony in my workplace. It's hard when you have a toxic employee that zaps your energy, and every word that comes out of his mouth is a crock of shit. Retire already.
I'm about to go on a mini vacation, which I can't wait. Next week, I'll be gone for three days right in the middle of the week. I don't care, I'll take it.
I've been excessively busy, working on infrastructure projects. I have been back for 2 years since that ordeal happened, (not to bring it up again) but I have done so much to put everything back together. Not to pat myself on the back, but I am going to pat myself on the back. I just think the three years that he was here.... what did he do besides mess things up.
May be flying to D.C. soon. Yay!!! super excited.
Not sure if I've slept in the last year... so busy.
I'm also in budget season.
God his voice...
0 notes
treadmilltreats · 1 year
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The lessons I've learned in 2022
I live my life looking for the lessons in everything.
I know in every success, in every failure, in every heartbreak, and in every joy, there is a lesson to be learned.
This last year taught me a lot of lessons, some great, some heartbreaking but these were obviously lessons I needed to learn and so I looked at all of them this way...what did I need to learn? Why did this happen, and what's the lesson?
I learned that life is short and can change at any moment. The last three
years of the pandemic taught us this. We don't know when life will turn us upside down and take us for a ride, but like it or not, we must learn to adapt.
I learned that I love writing more than anything, even though I've been writing this blog for the last 9 years. I learned that even when I want to give up, when I feel that maybe I don't have anything more or relevant to say, I always get a sign that tells me that I need to go on as this is my purpose and my passion.
I learned that doing something you love pays off big time, as I have the most incredible clients in the world now. I love what I do by helping others, and owning my own business is such a gift from God.
I've learned that what you do for others will come back to you. This was especially true these last few years with my dear friends and all of us falling on hard times.
I learned that hard work pays off, that I could do this, and so many other things I never imagined I could. That I could teach my girls to be self-sufficient, and that has given me a satisfaction that money can never buy.
Another lesson was that you're never too old to learn something new, as I have been learning these last nine years as a single mom. I've learned to do more things for myself and to teach myself how to do things even when I have no idea how to do it.
A painful lesson I learned again this year was that sometimes friendships weren't made to last the test of time, even with family. I learned that words cut you like a knife and that I've had enough of that kind of treatment in my life. I refuse to let anyone speak to me with disrespect as I would never speak to others like that. Some people weren't meant for the whole ride even as much as that hurts.
A priceless lesson I learned, especially during the pandemic, is the time I got to spend with my girls. They are the most valuable thing I have and that I know that we will always be a team.
We have fun together, we laugh and there is no stress like years ago, they are my life. I realize I got this...
I am doing something good here and that even when I didn't think they were listening, they were.
Love taught me a huge lesson, as I had my heart broken yet again and had to take the time to really mend it. This relationship taught me one of the biggest lessons I needed to learn, and that was about my self-worth. I know what I will accept and will not accept the next time love comes around. He taught me that there are great men out here, and even though our lives are going in different directions, he will always hold that special place in my heart.
Life has come at me hard this year with many setbacks, a broken arm being laid up for weeks, depression and the loss of my dear church husband. Yet I've tried to see the lessons. I've been grateful for the good times and all the places I've gotten to go even through it all.
I realized that I am so very blessed ...this past year, I got to go home to see loved ones. I got to go on mini vacations with friends I love, and I got to spend quality time with my girls.
I've had some bad times, I've cried, I've lost people I loved and reconnected with others yet through it all I still had gratitude, I still believed in the good in people and better times.
I have made memories that lasted me a lifetime and am blessed with so many amazing people in my life. I take none of this for granted.
I am filled with gratitude and praise for God who allowed me all of this and even though at times my faith felt as tiny as a mustard seed, I held on to it with dear life and have gotten through it all.
All of this has made me tougher; it shook my faith in people, but it made my faith stronger in God, as I knew he would take care of me.
I didn't know how or when, but I knew he would, and he did.
Yes, through the storms, I still questioned him, wasn't this supposed to be my year...what is going on?
Everything was coming at me....bills, people, work was bad, I fell into a depression, my heart felt like it would never recover. Yes, you name it, and it was being thrown at me yet again.
Yes, as bad as it was all I could do was pray through the storm and be grateful for all I had, knowing that having my faith, as small as it was, that it would all be okay. I had been through the worst and survived and will do so again.
Big, big lesson! Never give up; never stop having faith, never stop believing.
I never doubted that God wouldn't come through for me, not for a second.
So as we start this new year of 2023, I will be remembering all the valuable lessons I have learned. I will give thanks that I am still here and that I have made it through.
I know this last year was just getting me ready for the incredible year that is coming. It has made me stronger; it taught me to keep the doors closed that are supposed to be closed; it taught me faith and love and, most importantly, forgiveness.
All of it has made me the better person I am today...and I am grateful.
So today my friends remember a new year is here, great things are yet to come but don't write off last year without learning the lessons... What were your lessons from last year? What were you supposed to learn?
It is only then you can move into this new year smarter, stronger, wiser.. ready for all this new year has to bring.
"Be the change you want to see"
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pbandjesse · 2 years
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I feel very tired. It's mostly because my allergies have been going crazy all day and which always knocks me off my feet. But it wasn't a bad day at all. I wish I made more art but it's fine. It will be okay.
I woke up this morning and felt alright. I slept in just a little bit. And that was good. I had about an hour and a half until I was supposed to go meet Jessica. So I got up and got dressed and did a little cleaning. I texted with James. They let me know a package came and it was a stuffed raccoon they got for me. Me yelling about being impervious to raccoons is even funnier to me now.
I tried very hard not to be weird about when it leave to meet her. The place is only 10 minutes away and I didn't want to be really early. And I would end up being five minutes early still. But that was fine.
The place ended up being closed anyway. For vacation. Ah well. The cafe next door was also closed on Sundays. So I texted her and suggested Pepe's restaurant because they have good omelettes. And would meet her there.
I ordered my food at the counter and waited for her. My food got there a few minutes after she arrived. And she ordered an omelette too. And it was a good chat. She works for the national guard doing child programing for the kids of the people who work there. And she wants to bring me in as a contractor essentially. So it would be four weekend classes. We talked about what classes could work, timelines, proposals, lessons plans and stuff. I will work on that this week but I'm excited for another little gig. Especially since I don't plan on doing the science center this year.
We would talk about wedding stuff, she's a good friend of James's so she is invited, and she just had her sister's wedding recently so it was just really nice to hear someone who recently helped plan a wedding. Felt a little more secure. And then we would say goodbye and headed out into the world.
I went to the closest pet store to look for another Betta. And it was only like 10 minutes away. It wasn't the newest store but it was fine.
They had some interesting Bettas but not many. Honestly their water looked pretty dirty. But the thing that got me was that three of them were huge?? Like at least three times larger then the other Bettas but in the same size cup. I was not thrilled with the store and wasn't going to get one but then I knew I wouldn't be able to stop thinking about it. I could only get one but I picked the most lively one. They reminded me of a bucking bronco. They were really flipping around. I have named them Bruce.
I also got 8 shrimp, 4 for each tank, and two snails. A rabbit snail and a blue mystery snail. The rabbit snail is super cool and seems really active. And the ghost shrimp I got were $1 each and are also pretty fun to see in the tank.
I went home after that and got everyone in their tanks. Bruce seems a little scared of the shrimp and has mostly been hiding behind the filter. But I'm sure he'll be okay. Everything else went great and I'm really excited.
I spent the rest of the afternoon chilling. I vacuumed and swiftered the floors. I trimmed my bangs. I chose an outfit for tomorrow. I watched videos and had some pie. It was a good day.
James would come home. My allergies had started to kick up again after calming down for a while. And James would hang out with me and it was so nice. We would try to work on our banner for a bit but I started feeling dizzy so I went and laid down. Where my allergies sent me into a bit of a tailspin. I couldn't sleep but I also couldn't breath right. I wasn't having fun.
Meds and a very good quesadilla helped a lot. We would work on planning our mini honeymoon trip for the Sunday to Tuesday after the wedding. We keep changing our minds. But I think we are going to go to DC. No driving, free musuems, just getting to have fun and be together. I'm looking forward to that.
I took a bath and now we are in bed. I am looking forward to sleep. I hope tomorrow is great.
It's the last week of camp. And I'm sad about that but it will be a good week. I can feel it. I hope you all have a great night tonight. Take care of yourself. Good night!!
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Merlin goes home for a little while, determined to enjoy a well-earned vacation;
Camelot immediately falls apart, with the sole exceptions of Guinevere and Gaius.
Merlin knows Arthur really well.
Which just means he knows exactly how to get him to let his servant go home for two weeks to visit his mother and relax a little:
“You just don’t want me to go because you know you can’t cope without me! Look, if you want to come with me, that’s fine, but you’ll struggle just as much there as you would here because I refuse to act as your servant in my own home.”
Arthur turns red, looking outraged as he loses the ability to speak. Merlin turns around before The King can see his satisfied smirk, tidying around the prat’s chambers with exaggerated annoyance as he just waits for the inevitable-
“Fine! Go! See if I even notice that you’re gone! Honestly, Merlin, the running of the Kingdom will probably end up going smoother without you here to mess things up, you bumbling idiot.”
Merlin grins to himself before schooling his face back into annoyance and turning around with a huff, crossing his arms petulantly:
The servant decides that he’d better leave, what with the way he was struggling to keep the victorious grin from his face, so without waiting for a response, he “storms” from the room, slamming the door behind him as dramatically as he’s able when he hears Arthur yell:
Merlin sets off at the beginning of the next week. Gaius had raised a disapproving eyebrow when his ward had told him how he’d gotten Arthur to agree to such a long vacation, but didn’t say anything. They both knew that the elderly physician thought it was funny.
Gwen and Morgana make sure to see him out of the castle gates with big hugs, and whilst all of the knights were meant to be training, it came as no surprise to anyone when Gwaine slacks off for half a candle-mark to say goodbye as well. Mordred shoots him a quick goodbye across their mental link as the servant walks away from the city, after promising Merlin that he would warn him if anyone was in any serious danger (”Serious danger only, Mordred, I mean it. If I get called home because Arthur is throwing some sort of tantrum, then I’ll act out your destiny for you.”).
Merlin’s journey goes smoothly. The world was hovering in the junction between Spring and Summer, but with a little magical manipulation, the Warlock had no trouble staying warm and keeping his feet beneath him on the uneven path. Unsurprisingly, the young man is a lot less clumsy when he doesn’t have to focus on keeping his magic locked away so tightly.
Two days after his departure from Camelot, his mother is greeting him outside her little house with a long hug and a wide grin, stroking a hand through his hair as she welcomes him home.
Coincidentally, that’s also about the time things started going to shit for everyone else.
It was just after noon when Elyan had to be carried to Gaius’ chambers, his whole body juddering as he struggles to draw breath, the lack of oxygen from his throat closing up mixed with the panic making his brain go fuzzy.
Percival holds him up from one side and Leon holds him from the other, the two of them bursting through the physician’s door just as Elyan’s eyes roll back in his head. Gaius looks up suddenly, obviously startled by the abrupt intrusion, but he swiftly focuses, eyes wide and assessing as he quickly points them to a patient pallet:
“What happened?”
The two knights lay him down as carefully as they can before standing out of the way as Leon forces out an answer, trying to catch his breath between words:
“I don’t know, servants brought lunch out whilst we were training so we stopped to eat and he just started... wheezing. We thought he was choking at first but he said he couldn’t breathe. Has... has he been poisoned? We stopped everyone from eating.”
Gaius had gathered a handful of odd looking dried leaves the moment Leon mentioned the food, recognising the symptoms of an allergic reaction and putting two and two together immediately. He crushes them in his hands quickly, knowing he didn’t have time for a proper mortar and pestle as he shoves the crumbs into Elyan’s mouth, following through with a vile of something green and gross-smelling
He massages the odd concoction down Elyan’s throat as best he can around the swelling, and lets out a relieved smile when the knight’s eyes blow wide open and he chokes slightly before swallowing it all, grimacing at the taste but breathing deeply as his airways open again.
Leon and Percival let out similar breathes of relief when Elyan begins breathing again, chuckling breathlessly at his disgusted groan. The door bursts open again before anyone can say anything, and Arthur strides in, his flushed cheeks and rumpled clothes implying he had sprinted across the castle in his panic.
He spots Elyan on the pallet, his deep breaths interspersed with the odd cough, and his eyes widen even further as he looks to Gaius for an explanation:
“A servant told me something was wrong, what happened?!”
The King loses a little of the tension in his shoulders when Elyan waves a thumbs-up in his vague direction, but still looks frantically between the two knights and the physician as he waits for an answer. Percival wordlessly moves to Elyan’s side, running a hand up and down the man’s arm as Leon looks to Gaius expectantly:
“He had an allergic reaction, likely to nuts in the food. He should be fine, but he needs a day or two of rest, and to come back to me immediately if his throat swells again.”
Arthur sags in relief, nodding his approval of Elyan’s needed bedrest, but Leon’s eyes go wide as he lets out a knowing noise:
“Of course! I forgot about his allergy, it hasn’t been an issue since we were kids.”
Gaius nods knowingly and begins reorganising the jars he had knocked over when the knights had startled him:
“Hmm. I imagine he watched what he ate carefully when he was travelling, but Merlin keeps an eye on all of your food now.”
Leon frowns slightly as he tilts his head in confusion, but Arthur beats him to the punch, asking incredulously:
“What do you mean, Merlin keeps an eye on our food?”
Gaius raises an eyebrow, holding in his smirk as he slowly replies:
“Well, Merlin is usually the one to bring food out to you when you train, is he not? And on days he can’t he always speaks with the kitchen staff to double check what food is going where. Sir Elyan is not the only one with an allergy, My Lord. Merlin always makes sure any food the seven of you are given is safe. He has a tendency to check the Lady Morgana’s meals as well, whenever he’s able.”
Arthur is too taken aback to reply, his mouth hanging open, but that is when Percival looks up from his place at Elyan’s side, a confused frown on his face:
Gaius doesn’t manage to hold his smile in at that, looking between the three knights, and Elyan, who has just about managed to regain his breath:
“To avoid situations like this, I imagine, and to check for poison. It’s not uncommon for assassins to try and lace the royal’s food with something or other.”
Arthur finally shuts his mouth, only to open it again, speaking slowly:
“So... Merlin checks all of our food?”
Gaius nods:
“Religiously, Sire.”
Leon and Percival just shrug, adding it to their list of Weird Things About Merlin That They Should Be Grateful For, and Elyan smiles goofily from his place on the bed (whether it was the lack of oxygen or something funky in the vial, the knight didn’t know, but he was definitely still feeling a little... odd), but Arthur just frowns deeper, muttering a distracted “Take it easy.” to Elyan before walking stiffly from the room.
The King makes quick work of the journey back to the council meeting, desperately trying to persuade himself that this was nothing to do with him not being able to cope without Merlin. Elyan was the one not coping, clearly. Merlin was still wrong and stupid and Arthur hadn’t even noticed that he was gone until Gaius brought him up (a lie, he missed him terribly, but shhh).
Leon and Percival look to Gaius in confusion when Arthur had almost stormed from the room, and the Physician simply smiles again, the amusement shining clearly in his eyes:
“Merlin persuaded Arthur to let him take a holiday by heavily implying that he couldn’t cope with Merlin’s absence.”
Percival snorts with laughter and Leon raises an eyebrow as he grins:
“Arthur took that as a challenge then, I suppose? Two days in and we’ve already got The King sprinting from meetings because a knight has collapsed from an allergic reaction... because Merlin wasn’t here...”
Gaius just nods, and Percival mutters an amused:
“This will be entertaining.”
Arthur steadfastly refuses to acknowledge that the next mini disaster, a few days later, was also down to Merlin’s absence.
Ok, so maybe it was because Merlin wasn’t here, but ultimately, it was Gwaine that messed up, not Arthur. So it didn’t count.
The knight came back from a night patrol that he’d taken with The King with an infected gash on his arm. Arthur grins teasingly as he describes to Gaius how the knight had tripped on a loose cobblestone and scratched his arm on the sharp edge of a stray cart at the beginning of the patrol, and Gaius hums disapprovingly as he unwraps the scrap of fabric Gwaine had used as a bandage:
“Did you not have any medical supplies in your pack? Or did you think it best to let it get infected so I had to wake an hour before dawn to deal with it?”
Gwaine swings his dangling legs back and forth from where he sits on Gaius’ table, pouting sheepishly as he admits:
“I looked, but there wasn’t anything helpful in there, usually the armoury-hands have them stocked up for the patrols, I guess they missed mine.”
Arthur rolls his eyes at Gwaine’s seeming ineptitude, but his scolding is interrupted before it even begins when Gaius shakes his head in disagreement:
“Hmm. The servants that work in the armoury only tend to check the packs every few weeks, and even then they only check if they need any repairs. Merlin is the one with easier access to patrol rotas, so he’s the one who stocks them up on a day to day basis.”
Gwaine just nods in understanding, as if he should’ve expected that, but Arthur’s smile drops as he unfolds his arms, getting over his annoyed speechlessness in a matter of seconds:
“You’re telling me that Merlin, my personal manservant, is responsible for all the knights’ patrol packs?”
Gaius finishes cleaning Gwaine’s wound, muttering a quiet apology when the knight hisses at the first poke of the needle, speaking slowly as he focuses on making sure the stitches were neat and uniform:
“No, Sire. Technically the knights are meant to take care of their own packs, but Merlin is a paranoid man, he likes to double check things to make sure everyone has what they need. I suppose some people got used to having it done for them.”
Gwaine winces abashedly, making a mental note to remind the others to check their packs before their next patrols, but Arthur rolls his eyes, crossing his arms again and immediately accepting that this little incident was therefore Gwaine’s fault, and not down to Merlin's absence.
The voice in his head sounded a little doubtful, but he ignores it, choosing instead to chide his rebellious:
“Do try to pay attention to your own responsibilities, Sir Gwaine, I’d hate to see something terrible happen to you because you’re unable to complete your own simple tasks.”
Gwaine just sticks his tongue out petulantly, looking away from The King before he can see the blonde’s rolled eyes. Arthur huffs at his childishness, turning around to cover his grin and speaking over his shoulder as he walks from the room:
“You will be on time for once, Gwaine, training starts in a few hours and I want to see you bright and early.”
Gwaine just smirks, waiting for the door to shut behind Arthur before moving his sly, curious eyes to the physician in front of him:
“He’s missing Merlin, then?”
Gaius just gives him a knowing glance before looking back down at the now stitched gash, gathering bandages:
“I’d imagine so, though he’d never admit it. Merlin implied that Arthur wouldn’t cope with his absence,-”
Gwaine interrupts him with a laugh:
“Hence his insistence that it was entirely my fault?”
Gaius nods wordlessly, and Gwaine snorts, shaking his head in amused disbelief.
Meanwhile, Arthur stalks back towards his chambers, eager to get out of his armour and get into bed; Gwaine had training in a few hours, but so did he, and he needed at least a little sleep. He purses his lips in annoyance as his gaze falls upon the clinical cleanliness of his room... George had been in then. 
Look... Arthur being used to a slightly messy room did NOT mean he depended on Merlin. And Gwaine not being used to having to actually organise himself ALSO didn’t mean that Merlin was... ok. Maybe Gwaine relies on Merlin a little.
So that’s Sir Elyan and Sir Gwaine, two of The King’s most trusted knights, who can’t cope without Merlin. But Arthur is doing just fine. It’s been half a week and he is just. Fine.
Just fine.
It was the next day that things began going wrong a little more... drastically.
George wakes Arthur up for training on time because of course he does. Arthur had found himself losing out on a lot of sleep without Merlin insisting he go to bed at a reasonable time, and waking him up late; Merlin had gotten into the habit of snatching Arthur’s paperwork away and holding it out of reach until The King agreed to go to sleep, and somehow manages to fit Arthur’s entire morning routine into half a candle-mark. George would never snatch away Arthur’s paperwork, and he takes so much longer in the mornings meaning Arthur has to wake up earlier.
Not that Arthur would ever admit to enjoying his and Merlin’s unorthodox routines. 
Eight more days to go, and he’s fine.
At least... that’s what he thought until a nameless guard approaches the training field, waving him over from his spar with Mordred. Arthur strides over quickly, annoyed at the interruption and nodding at the guard to speak as he drinks from his water-skin:
“My Lord, Lord Halbert and Lady Ethel have arrived. I believe they’re waiting for your presence in the courtyard.”
Arthur chokes, managing to turn his head to the side just in time before he spits a mouthful of water over the guards face. He quickly wipes his mouth and turns back to the pour armoured man with wide eyes:
“That’s today?!
The guard nods hesitatingly:
“Yes, Sire, would you like me-”
He’s interrupted when Arthur shouts a hurried:
“Fuck!” as he drops his water-skin and begins sprinting up the field towards the castle, desperately trying to calculate if he had enough time to wash and change before they got antsy with waiting. Probably not.
Seeing Arthur’s panic and hearing his loud curse, Leon hurriedly approaches the guard, putting a friendly hand on his shoulder as he speaks with a frown:
“Gavin? Is everything alright?”
The guard, Gavin, looks to Leon with a confused frown:
“It would appear that His Majesty... misremembered the date of Lord Halbert and Lady Ethel’s arrival.”
Leon’s eyes go wide and he glances quickly to the castle as he rushes out an exclamation identical to Arthur’s:
“That’s today?!”
Gavin just nods again, and Leon drops the hand from his shoulder, letting out a loud:
“Shit!” as he recreates Arthur’s sprint up to the castle, knowing that he was expected to be at The King’s side when welcoming guests. He doesn’t pause, even when he shouts:
“Lancelot’s in charge!” over his shoulder.
The knights all look to each other in amusement, but Lancelot quickly takes charge, running drills as if he had been doing it his entire life and trusting that, whatever it was, Arthur could get things sorted. And if Arthur couldn’t get things sorted, then Leon would get things sorted. And if Leon couldn’t get things sorted, then Merlin would... oh.
He glances worriedly to the castle just as Leon falls through the door, not bothering to shut it behind him in his panic. Oh.
Arthur lets out the deepest breath of relief he thinks he’s ever experienced when he sees George ahead of him in the corridor; he gestures him over hastily, making the servant jog to keep up with him as he continues his fast pace down the hall:
“I don’t care how many other servants you have to pull from their duties, but I need the castle prepped for Halbert and Ethel’s arrival right now.-”
Arthur barely pays attention to George’s faltering step of shock, just stops suddenly in front of the door that leads down to the courtyard, turning to the servant and putting both hands on his shoulder as he stares at him intensely, face flushed and breathing harsh:
“I need you to do this for me, George. Prepare guest chambers, send someone down to show them to the right rooms, and make sure the Kitchens know they’re feeding two extra nobles for three days, starting today. If you can organise all of that in the next two minutes, I’ll give you a raise and a Godamn hug, you hear me?!”
George gulps, his shoulders tense, his face pale, and his breath frozen in his lungs as he meets Arthur’s frantic gaze with wide eyes. He gives a shaky nod, instantly turning and sprinting down the corridor without a word when Arthur lets go. 
Leon skids around the corner, moving to stand next to Arthur with his hands on his knees as he attempts to catch his breath, speaking in a slight wheeze:
“I... I left Lance... in charge.”
Arthur nods in approval, pulling Leon to stand before holding his hands out to the side, presenting himself for inspection. Leon takes one last deep breath, smoothing the training tunic over Arthur’s shoulders, attempting to rub the dirt from his nose, and brushing a quick hand through his hair before stepping back and holding his own arms out. Arthur pulls a leaf from behind his ear, but is otherwise satisfied, and the two of them turn to the door, schooling their faces and stepping down into the courtyard.
Arthur has a calm, welcoming smile on his face, and Leon stands stiffly behind him, hand on the sword that he luckily had on his hip as he stares blankly ahead.
The nobles seem taken aback at The King's state of undress, but don’t say anything, covering their shock quickly. Arthur’s hoping that his friendly attitude will just give the impression that he’s...approachable and slightly laid back, as opposed to just an idiot who forgot they were coming because no one had reminded him.
Gods. Merlin can never know about this.
Thankfully, the next three days went smoothly, or at least as smoothly as possible after Arthur spent an hour rifling through his old mail to try and figure out the original reason for Lord Halbert and Lady Ethel’s visit (watching their eldest’s knighting ceremony, and discussing with Arthur the potential for their youngest to move to the city to become a squire).
He waves them off in a much more regal manner than he had welcomed them, and keeps his promise to George, upping his pay slightly; though he exchanges the hug for an awkward pat on the shoulder, which he thinks both of them were grateful for.
He’d successfully made it through nine days. Semi-successfully. He’d just about made it through nine days.
Five more to go. But Arthur was feeling fine about those five days. He’d double checked all his mail, and made sure to find out when his patrols were scheduled.
Which is... unknown to Arthur, where the next problem stems from. 
Arthur wasn’t the one to rota the patrols, he really didn’t have the time to sit down with a list of names and hours and times and maps and organise everything fairly, it was difficult and time-consuming, but he made sure that Leon knew exactly how many hours he could give up for patrol each week.
Apparently, the communication between Leon and the council was normally handled by Merlin, who wasn’t there. So whilst Arthur was enjoying a solo patrol along the city borders at noon, waving at citizens and making his horse do tricks for giggling children, the council were sitting around the table, waiting rather irately for his arrival.
Now normally, this could’ve been easily dealt with, but when the same guard from three days ago gallops over to inform him of the problem and take over his patrol, Arthur was reminded rather suddenly that Merlin was always the one that came up with sensible sounding excuses.
(He also makes a mental note to avoid that guard forever out of embarrassment.)
This was one of the very rare occasions when Arthur simply glares the council into submission. Normally he likes to work with them; he hates to feel like they're just doing what he wants because they were kissing his arse, but he has no excuse other than “I forgot.” and he felt like that was worse than just.. acting like a bit of a dick for five minutes.
So... yeah. Merlin wasn’t there to reorganise the council meeting around Arthur’s patrol, and then also wasn’t there to come up with an excuse for why it wasn’t reorganised.
Arthur makes it ten days before he admits to himself that perhaps he relies on his manservant just a little too much.
Four days later, Arthur had missed another council meeting (despite his best efforts), Lancelot and Mordred had accidentally insulted some visiting Lord (and had therefore been told not to leave their rooms until he had vacated the city), and Gwen was no longer speaking to him, on account of The King being a dick without realising because Merlin wasn’t there to rein in his ego and... well... dickishness. That, and his crown had somehow gone missing between yesterday morning and now.
(If that last one had happened even a week prior, Arthur would’ve been adamant that it had been stolen or something else equally not-his-fault, but with how quickly he’d been made aware of his apparent bad memory and social clumsiness, he had every faith that he’d just misplaced it, and Merlin would know exactly where to look.)
Arthur was sitting on the courtyard steps, tunic unlaced at the top and hair a mess when his servant finally, finally walks through the castle gates. The King perks up slightly, but refuses to give Merlin the satisfaction of being run to, so forces himself to remain in place. He was especially glad that he’d made that decision when he saw Guinevere spring over to greet him. He has a feeling she won’t be all that... welcoming, at least not yet.
Merlin wraps her in a tight hug and Arthur forces down the swell of jealousy in his lungs, especially when he laughs brightly and pulls back to clasp her shoulders. Arthur sees Gwen’s face fall at a question Merlin had asked and he gulps, biting his lip when Merlin frowns and raises an incredulous eyebrow at her response. She points in Arthur’s direction, and The King’s eyes go wide as he rapidly stands, failing miserably at looking as though he weren’t staring in their direction. Guinevere rolls her eyes before giving Merlin one last hug and walking very deliberately in the opposite direction to Arthur.
Merlin marches towards him, slight annoyance mixing with a secret eagerness to check on Arthur speeding up his normal pace significantly. Before the servant can say anything, Arthur grabs his wrist, pulling him up the steps and through the castle without a word, tugging harshly every time Merlin opens his mouth to demand an explanation for himself or an apology for Gwen.
When they finally reach his chambers, Arthur quickly locks the door behind him, whirling on an angry Merlin with flushed cheeks and a desperate look in his eyes:
“I swear Merlin, I will never doubt you again, but Elyan almost died, Gwaine got an infection, Leon and I forgot about Ethel and Halbert, Lancelot and Mordred are essentially under house arrest, I missed two council meetings, lost my crown, and now Gwen’s not talking to me. You’re never allowed to leave me again.”
Merlin freezes in place, staring at Arthur with wide eyes and an open mouth for a few moments before he bursts into laugher. Arthur huffs, crossing his arms as his blush deepens, but waits patiently instead of demanding that Merlin stop. Honestly? He may have been laughing at Arthur, but it was still the most beautiful sound The King had heard in two weeks, and he’d definitely missed it. Which is... something to think about at a later date.
Merlin finally relents, his dimples showing prominently as he holds in another round of giggles at Arthur’s red face. The servant drops his pack to the floor, stepping forward and not giving Arthur time to move away before he pulls him into a tight hug, sighing contentedly at the warm contact:
“I missed you too, you prat. You’ll just have to come with me next time and we can leave Gwen and Gaius in charge.”
Arthur huffs out a gentle laugh, finally wrapping his arms around Merlin’s middle tightly and burying his face in the slightly taller man’s hair:
“I did. Miss you, I mean. And I also mean it when I say you’re never going anywhere without me again, this has been a nightmare.”
Merlin snorts, tightening his grip on Arthur as if he were trying to squeeze all of the stress out of him:
“Co-dependency isn’t the healthiest thing in the world, you know.”
Arthur just huffs, refusing to let go as he petulantly responds:
“I don’t care. I’m The King, I can do what I want.”
Arthur can almost feel Merlin rolling his eyes, but the servant just laughs again and seems to nod in agreement:
“Hmm. That excuse is going to come back to haunt you one day. Heard you gave George a raise?”
The blonde tenses in embarrassment, now refusing to pull away so Merlin wouldn’t see his pink cheeks:
“Uh... yeah. He cleans too much and is shit at coming up with plausible excuses, but he did save my arse a few times.”
Arthur can feel Merlin’s laugh vibrate through his ribcage, and though the man was usually rather touch averse, he found he never wanted the feeling to stop. He found himself hoping that Merlin felt the same when The King chuckles at his response:
“Oh yeah? Does that mean I get a raise for being good at excuses and bad at cleaning?”
Literally wrote this in one day so... sorry if it’s bad😅
Had no clue how I was going to end it until I got there, my thought process essentially just went “Hugs? Yeah. Hugs hugs hugs hugs hugs.” :D
Same as always lads, you wanna write it out in full or remix it or whatever, go for it, just drop me a message and credit/tag me :)
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amazingphilza · 3 years
twitchcon :: cc!multiple x reader
fluff , platonic , gender neutral ! some mcyt headcanons if you were to attend twitchcon w them
cc’s included in order: tommyinnit , tubbo , ranboo , wilbur soot , philza , technoblade
cw: kinda lengthy for the minors (i think), not as much for the hags LMAO /hj
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this man is so excited to be at his first twitchcon & being able to hang out with all his best friends makes it a hundred times better
when he isn’t at a panel or doing meet & greets, he’s dragging you everywhere to see the whole convention center (clingyinnit)
he is just so at awe despite this not being his first convention to attend
you’d be surprised he gets tired pretty quickly & stops over to the partner lounge
you both rest for a bit against a wall in a pretty packed hallway despite it being an exclusive area to twitch partners
every time a famous streamer walks by he will yell it out and record it then vlog your reaction, even if they’re surrounded with bodyguards & trying to get to another place quickly
he’d zoom in his camera to their face at a horrible angle and be like
“oh my god it is THE ninja. ninja famous fortnite player, HELLO.”
but he gets completely ignored
then the camera pans out to you, still really zoomed in that the capture is blurry
tommy is so confused, forgetting the bit ninja did on his twitter where he renamed himself ‘ninjainnit’ for a split second
okay tommy isn’t that athletic but he will chase you and the rest of your group down a hallway if he had to
he’d probably find a toy gun from the artist alley/seller booths and shoot you and wilbur with it
but if tommy stumbles across any of the dream team, it’s about to be minecraft manhunt but irl
and he will def play his stream music while walking or smth when he’s bored (or trying to jump dream & sapnap)
oh my god,, now thinking about it he’s probably the one to open like random doors of empty rooms and steal stuff while you film him
like he will take a random empty glass, a bunch of pens, a freebie t-shirt, everything he sees he takes with him and you’re just panic
“tommy we’re literally not supposed to be here, and i’m stuck here filming you. it’s surely a felony in action”
“well, it’s their fault for leaving the doors open! plus this is great content. who’s the dirty crime boy now, HM?”
you’d tell wilbur about this and he’d scold tommy and threaten him with the same pen tommy stole
tommy probably would also drag you some weird event happening outside twitchcon along with tubbo and ranboo
“pokimane is giving out free pizza to everyone if we go to this one restaurant down the street!”
“we are literally gonna get bombarded. have you forgot you’re like three of twitch’s top streamers? i’d rather pay for all of our meals than try getting free pizza from pokimane against all her other fans”
“DEAL! let’s go to five guys then!”
you unfortunately end up paying for all 3 of their meals and picking on their food instead of buying your own
even with all of them making way more money than you, they still happen to be cheapskates
OR tommy will end up getting a burrito from a taco truck, immediately making a mess of himself, then proceed to complain how messy the food is to eat despite knowing what he was getting himself into before even ordering
“shit my clothes are all ruined now!”
“well that’s your fault you got a burrito, as if it’s your first time having one”
“i mean the food is good, i’m not complaining about that but i don’t think it’s that good that it’s worth costing my red and white shirt, im just saying”
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same with tommy, he is so excited
i don’t know why but i imagine him overpacking his suitcase and you making fun of him for it
anyway tubbo has his irl backpack on and streaming EVERYTHING
probably spends a lot of time at a bunch of different booths, checking out all the pointless gadgets he could buy for his stream
you’re the one to stop him from doing so
“okay theoretically speaking, how the hell are you going to even bring it home? which—let me remind you—is across the country for you and not to mention the giant ocean separating america and the uk”
“free ship-pang!!!”
“i hate to break it to you tubbo but there is no way you can get free shipping on a FIVE FOOT PC. it’s nearly as tall as you! what are you even gonna do on it, hack the government???”
the arguments are all lighthearted but eventually you give in and let him splurge over a thousand dollars in different devices he claimed he “needed”
i could honestly see him visiting the beaches in san diego and going for a swim or even renting out a boat to use for a bit :D
also he’d bring benson along with him and taking a bunch of scenic photos with it in them
i have a feeling he’s the type to schedule a spontaneous meet & greet because he was bored & gets in trouble for causing a mob in a certain part of the convention
he’s like “oh god, i did not expect this many of the bois to show up AHAHAH oops”
tubbo would def pull a lilypichu and bring his melodica or ukulele and play themes while following random people/cosplayers
at the end of the day, you’d find his bag just stuffed with crap he either got for free or bought in the convention
“how did you get all that stuff? i was with you all day??? and it’s only the first day of the convention, hello?? it looks like you’ve been collecting as if twitchcon has went on for a week already!”
“HA i have my ways, do not underestimate my powers”
lani would probably tag along for the vacation honestly
like whenever someone comes up to her giving her gifts/asking for pics, you and tubbo would tease her about how famous she is
and i dunno but something about tubbo just gives me this amusement park energy and going to legoland and spending the whole day there since it’s near by and because he can
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he is like a beacon in a sea of people, that’s it .
i honestly just see him causing as much chaos as the other two
ranboo would probably like take someone’s camera whether if they’re streaming or if it’s for the vlog, hold it up high, and point the camera directly above someone’s face
it did not matter how tall you were and if you had platform shoes on, ranboo was a skyscraper next to you
“HAHAH this is how i see you from this height, this is funny”
then he shows you the vid of the recording of him getting like an aerial view of your face
like you see your nose and all your pores and just overall a bad angle to be captured in
i dunno why but i feel like he’d jump scare every person that was cosplaying as his minecraft character from behind for some reason
“ranboo i’m not even remotely dressed as your skin—”
“don’t worry i’m practicing it’s fineee”
“you’re like the height of 2 people combined, i think you will be fine as is. you even intimidated the security at the front”
i feel like if he had his own panel he’d like pull up some undertale song in the middle of it and scare all the people in the crowd
“lore but in real life”
probably would get some matching keepsake with you from artist alley/the booths!
i could imagine like a cute keychain or smth :D
i feel like he’s the type to like randomly volunteer as a participant for those mini events in a booth thinking it would be funny but regrets it the moment he’s on stage
after introductions the presenter is like “okay ranboo, you will be given a random meme prompt above your head you won’t be able to see until after and you will have to make a random face to compliment it!”
and you can just tell by his facial expression he’s just thinking
oh god what have i gotten myself into
what is this game? who came up with this idea?
you’d laugh at him the whole time, even after he’s off the stage and finished with that small fiasco
“that was horrible. never again.”
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wilbur soot
honestly with wilbur it’s slightly more chill
he already experienced twitchcon before so he’s just glad to see his friends again after so long
insists that you explore the convention yourself rather than sticking with him the whole time but you do anyway!
wilbur would probably have like a mini concert and gets you front row seats with the rest of the group
but that doesn’t mean before it that you’re not helping him set up
“y/n please– my amp is so heavy, i can carry it”
“don’t worry! i’m strong” :D
and musically talented or not, he will probably bring you and the rest of his friends up to stage to just vibe and sing a bunch of random acoustic songs
it’s not like some big concert hall stage,, i imagine more like a casual thing w a slightly higher platform from the ground yk?
after spending a long day at the convention he’d also bring everyone across the city to la jolla or smth !
you’d all probably have dinner there and chill, watching the pretty sunset
“this place is really pretty but oh my god im gonna lose my breath hiking up this stupid hill, please slow down”
and wilbur is like ??? because he’s completely fine with his long legs and everything
“just walk faster”
“no, you walk slower”
AHAHAH and for context traversing through la jolla by walking around the town is a bit hard since it’s basically on a bunch of hills (walking up from the beach to a restaurant actually is actually sm work, trust me ive been there)
wilbur honestly doesn’t spend that much time in the actual convention center, he’s probably sightseeing a bit of san diego with you instead
but i could imagine him staying at the tabletop games area playing dnd or smth
“c’mon y/n, come join!”
“uhh i’m not sure, i’m not the best at roleplay and...”
“it’s fine don’t worry!”
he’d pull you in with him and end up enjoying yourself even if it was your first time
and if you’re of age, you’d be wilbur’s +1 at the twitch partner party and make sure mans doesn’t too drunk
if it’s not too late in the night, you two would chill at the beach after the party
it’s just a nice, calming moment after all the loud music mixed with hundreds of conversations at the party
also something about like taking polaroids pictures with wilbur just seems to go hand in hand for me
i’m not sure why but you will be taking lots of pics with wilbur for sure (not necessarily you both in the photo, but of sceneries as well while you’re together!)
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literally a dad on vacation with his children, it doesn’t matter how old you are
need sunscreen? surprisingly has it
want a snack? probably has a small granola bar somewhere in his bag
but same with wilbur, he’s more chill like this isn’t his first time at twitchcon
omg he’d def bring you to the artist alley and just buy a bunch of fanart and stuff tho
“oh wow look phil, someone made a giant poster of the dream smp and shit!”
“holy shit that’s so good what the fuck!”
and he’s like rushing to that artist’s stall to buy a poster or print
idk why but phil seems like the person to know where he’s going all over the convention center
he probably had a copy of the directory map but yk
you just have trouble reading it bc all the signs seem to be misleading to you
nothing really crazy screams out to me of what phil would do at twitchcon besides like go to a few events, spend a bunch of time w his friends, etc
HOWEVER i could see him wasting a lot of his time at the gaming area and testing new games that are currently on the works of being developed
like “woah y/n, this vr game is sick, you should try it out!”
ngl i feel like phil would plan a visit to disneyland for everyone, like he gets the tickets and everything but once you’re at the park it’s free reign, y’all go everywhere with not much of a plan
the minors would try to cheap out phil and pay less than the others even though everyone else fully paid phil back and everything LMAO
ok but if he’s feeling nice, phil will buy everyone cotton candy/pretzels :D
and if you’re not hungry, he’d at least get you a mickey balloon
just in general, best idea phil had for taking everyone to disneyland :D
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surprisingly techno is really calm despite this being like one of his first conventions
but when he finally settles in and gets comfortable, he’s showing the same energy
if you’re playfully yelling, he will yell back
however there’s still those awkward moments that are unavoidable
idk why but something about him makes me think that if you feel tired and want to go back to your hotel room, he’d go with you just to make sure you get there safe
he probably also needs a break from being around everyone else for a moment too LMAO
i could also see him searching far and wide in the artist alley for fanart of himself AHAHAH
walking around with him in the convention consists of someone yelling “BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD” every 5 minutes but you don’t really mind
something about him makes me think he’ll be forced into playing minecraft twitch rivals along with the rest of sbi or smth
and he’s like “oh god, i’m going to be on stage? and people will see my face while i play minecraft?”
“i’m sure it will be fun!”
“i mean i like being competitive and feeding my ego, but i’m not that desperate.. well”
do i imagine techno getting easily tired of being surrounded by a bunch of people and just going back to his hotel room with phil and watching some anime with him? yes
and will you watch even if you have no idea what’s going on? also yes
i feel like after a while of you guys hanging out in techno’s room, the rest of the gang will just slowly join you guys
like eventually everyone is there; you, techno, phil, wilbur, niki, tommy, tubbo, ranboo, etc
and techno is like “wha– where did you guys come from?” because his room is basically packed
and niki could be like “oh we can go if you want!”
then techno just insists that she’s fine “but who let the child get in?” clearly implying tommy’s presence
eventually techno gives in with the company and someone gets a bunch of board games to play from the front desk
lots of yelling and laughing for sure
when it becomes late at night, techno is like half conscious, you’re on your phone, wilbur is staring out the window & enjoying the night view, tommy is passed out on the couch from tiredness, tubbo & ranboo is still wide awake quietly talking, and phil & niki are helping clean up the giant mess
eventually everyone brings themselves to go back to their own room except tommy who won’t budge
you give techno a look and he immediately understands what you were thinking
he rushes to the bathroom to fill up two cups with ice cold water and handed one to you
“on three?”
“okay.. one”
then both of you pour the water on the poor child’s face
he jolts awake and saying a string of curses
“what the fuck techno? y/n too?”
“get out” is the only think techno says that before tommy rushes out with his stuff and you leave right after
a/n: i honestly can’t wait until conventions open up again though,, phil and ranboo were talking about vidcon earlier and omg.
also i kinda want to take in tommy requests but i’m not sure??? it would be both cc! and c! x gn!reader for sure tho. i love writing him to bits but who knows, maybe i’ll only stick to my ideas,, or not. send in a tommy x reader request, might do it, might not, but he’s my fav cc if you can’t tell so! :D (i dunno if i will keep it strictly platonic, but unrequited crushes and stuff are fun to write hehe,,)
edit: let’s hope i fixed all the grammar mistakes LMAO we love writing late at night :) /s /hj
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weewoounderoos · 2 years
3 soft, random headcanons for each rfa member + v & saeran
[i write purely for fun, these are just headcanons i have lol]
click here for part two !
jumin han
loves watching those horrible remakes of shakespearean movies/old classics; you keep saying they suck but he watches them based on the “accuracy“ of the plot/storyline
there‘s a floor at the penthouse where jumin redesigned it as a massive ballroom, and every year on your anniversary, you both get dressed up and waltz and dance the night away
he likes holding your hand behind his back- as well as kiss either your forehead or your hand before he leaves
hyun ryu (zen)
first vacation trip with you would probably be to paris to meet equally as beautiful people as himself
he would make it his mission to make sure you have a night together every week where it’s dedicated to self care- face masks, talk abt stressful things that bother you (if there’s any)
brings you to world/national tours of his new shows every time- either you go or his producer can kiss their next sequel goodbye
jaehee kang
karaoke nights on fridays after you’re both done with work is not a hobby, it’s an absolute must you cannot miss
coffee dates coffee dates coffee dates coffee dates- after you’re done enjoying your coffee inside the store, you both take a Polaroid photo together in front of the store or store sign and hang it up on the growing picture collage above your bed
you both love visiting your local bookstore in attempts to find a book the other hasn’t read before
yoosung kim
loves cuddling up against you when it snows by the fireplace under a warm blanket, mugs of hot cocoa sitting nearby on a coffee table
tries to make sure he wakes up first before you to make you breakfast but almost never does, he sees you still asleep and stays with you and admires you before deciding to fall back asleep
always wants to hold your hand in public- he’s proud to be your boyfriend and he’d have no hesitation in making that obvious (“would you like a receipt?” “yes i think my girlfriend here needs it”)
saeyoung choi (707)
definitely had a harry potter phase that involved watching and reading all the movies/books in order for two weeks
gives out those valentine meme cards as valentine’s day gifts to the rfa, but makes sure your valentines day is full of kisses, gifts, love and appreciation for being with him
you both have moments where you have spontaneous trips to wherever you’re feeling- wanna see the cherry blossoms? next flight to japan is yesterday. spain sounds lovely in three minutes
saeran choi
the dining room table almost always has flowers bundled beautifully in a vase that saeran himself organizes as a gift to you
always has matching clothes with you- what started out as several moments where you both ended up having matching outfits turned into planned days of what outfit to wear on what day
loves hugging you from behind whenever you cook and always insists on helping you cook dinner together by making dessert- more specifically, homemade strawberry ice cream
jihyun kim (v)
date nights w/ v include painting mini portraits, where you both write down random things as ideas to paint and place those in a hat and pick one out to help you both get out of the “no you choose the idea” paradox
succulents are placed on every window sill, each with their own respective names that v allowed you to name (“did billy get water?” ”that’s bobby v”)
he loves dancing with you- he plays records on a record player every night just to dance with you in the living room of your studio apartment
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