#i hate you so much (irrevocably affectionate)
prince-simon · 2 years
i've been fighting tooth and nail but 14 chapters later and you will be getting a 40k chapter whoops
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bau-drabbles · 1 year
goodnight n go
a/n: drunk reader and oblivious/love struck aaron, enjoy :)) a little nsfw at the end but nothing too explicit 🤍 ooc and v rushed but i kinda like it 😮‍💨🫶
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everyone was in their pj's, sat around the roaring fire in rossi's home. they all had a drink in their hand, amicably chatting away with each other. catching on gossip, talking about their days. but there was a certain set of eyes on you, sipping his whiskey ever so slowly as he observed your every move.
hotchner wanted to take you straight to bed, but not to romance. though that thought seemed to occupy his head more often than not.
no, he wanted to take you to your room so he could finally tell you what he'd been trying to say for the last couple days. that he was completely, irrevocably, wholeheartedly in love with you
you both had a thing going on, a private relationship if you will. it had been months but hotchner refused to say anything about it and you grew impatient, just wanting to know whether he was embarrassed of you which is why he decided to keep you private. why couldn't the accept his feelings?? in some way you had understood due to the losses and tradegies of his life but it was so hard to constantly keep up with his mood swings. whether or not that day he chose to be extra affectionate or shut you out like a total stranger
so tonight you drank your sorrows away, not wanting to even look at him. and rossi's sleep over provided the perfect front for it.
which.... is what led to your predicament currently
normally you were able to take your alcohol well but tonight mixed with sadness and yearning, you were a mess. a cute mess, though. aaron couldn't help but smile inwardly at your drunken state, so full of passion and love and light. you practically sparkled around everyone.
you and morgan sat on the chairs, you telling jokes and him laughing his ass off. jj and emily sat on the other side of you, giggling as you spoke more and more of your life story. nothing too personal but just enough that would bring you some teases the next day. but the more you tried to stop, the more words would spill from your lips.
your secret lover watched you, every part of him wanting to take you away from his team and keep you to himself. he was selfish for even thinking this, that voice in his head criticised him over and over.
"i think i like.... love him" you sighed, an arm around morgan's shoulders. aaron froze, dread pouring in every crevice of his body. his heartbeat was erratic as he stared at you, hoping it wasn't true.
you had found another man already?
hotch tried but failed to stop the rising jealousy in his body. he had no right, there wasn't a claim over you. he had time to tell you how he truly felt and yet he didn't make a move. you were beautiful, you could have any young man you desired. why would you have him?
his heart had felt like it slipped through his body, on the floor for everyone to walk upon. why did he feel so saddened at that fact that you weren't his anymore? why did it feel like you were the air he breathed, his soul, his happiness, his love, his life? everything he needed was everything you were.
and now that crashing down because you weren't his to have.
"aw c'mon pretty, he must love you too" morgan nudged you softly but you shook your head glaring at the fire. he chuckled as he tried to steady you, much to hotch's displeasure. he hated how derek's hands were on your hips, even though he had pure intentions. it should have been aaron there by your side.
"actually he's a bastard. he doesn't care about anyone but him" with your inhibitions lowered, all the built up anger began pouring out of your lips. and it didn't help that derek, emily and penelope were egging you on to find out more about the mystery man
"i-i don't know. i mean, personally, i don't think i'm that bad to be kept a secret you know...." you chuckled softly but the hurt was clearly evident in your voice. it tugged on aaron's heart strings, he wanted nothing more than to reach to you. oh god, of course you weren't
you were his biggest strength and his greatest love. he would always be counting down the seconds until you'd be in his embrace again, until he could touch you again.
after haley's death, this time he wanted to take things slow. he wanted you to know that his life was rocky, nothing happened as it was planned. with him came emotional baggage, he wasn't perfect. but did you want to handle that?
but now, sitting here he berated himself over and over. he was a silly fool for ever letting you doubt yourself in his presence. god, he wanted to envelope you in a big hug and just hold you tight. this secret man of yours was doing the same thing he did and he wanted nothing more than the ground to swallow him whole, he deserved punishment truly.
morgan shook his head firmly, holding you against his well-built arms. he looked into yourself eyes and they shone under the fire so beautifully, like diamonds in glittering in a river.
"never, kid. you are worth finding. worth knowing. worth loving. always. and if he can't see that, then that's a problem with him. not you, never you" morgan spoke sincerely, not a trace of amusement in his eyes and you heard agreement from the others.
"aww derek, ya big softie...." you giggle, leaning your head against his temple. he makes a joke and you nudge him away, the smile on your face growing by the second.
"you tell us who this man is and we'll set him straight, buttercup" garcia promised and you laughed, reaching over to give her a hug to which she happily reciprocated.
"okay okay his name is aar-"
"okay guys, rooms are made up. but four of you are going to have to bunk together. the space is limited" rossi yawns, gently rubbing his aching back from doing the absolute most for his guest. he eyes aaron and gives a smirk, as if this team could ever successfully hide anything from him. always a great host, an even better spy.
"whaddya say chocolate thunder? it'll be like old times" garcia winked, poking morgan's head.
"you got it baby girl" morgan teased and in the commotion of finding rooms, you hear someone else come up from behind you.
"i'll take you to your room, y/n" suddenly you feel a pair of warm strong hands pulling you up and away from morgan's arms. you glare at the intrusion but soon melt when you realise who it is. you breathed in his scent, he smelled like leather, sea salt and that comforting cologne which smelt heavenly.
the rest of the team don't even realise that you both made your escape but even if they did, you don't care.
hotch holds you steady as you walk to your room in darkness and it takes every ounce in you not to tackle him into a hug here and now. but he doesn't like you, he made that obvious already
hotch pulls the covers, making sure you were okay before he tucked you in. sort of how he was with jack and if you weren't so angry, you'd be a little tease.
"you okay?" he asks and you nod, turning away from him. hotch gently sighs, standing up. he deserves that, he knows
"just so you know, any man would be lucky to have you. you deserve so much more than your.... boyfriend" god, saying that word pained him more than he cared to admit but you were right. he was selfish and now that you had a proper chance at happiness, he wasn't going to stand in the way of it. even if that meant wishing and hoping he could do all those things with you, he would keep them locked in his mind. you deserved so much more than he could ever give you.
he turns to go out but you scoff, beginning to sober up a little. perhaps it was your rage or your desperation but your mind was a little less cloudy as you glared at him.
"are you serious right now?" you sat up, looking at him through the darkness. his eyebrow raised, turning around to meet your face. he truly didn't know, did he? if you weren't so frustrated, you would've laughed at his innocence.
"it was you who i was talking about. i'm just tired of being in the dark aaron. if you don't like me, just tell me-" getting cut off by another pair of lips on you was a shock but one you welcomed entirely as you submit yourself to him. he didn't know what overcame him either, relief? or a chance that he could be yours? whatever it was, he found himself before you kissing you as though his life had depended upon it. his hands come up to cradle your face in-between his warm palms, you hold him tight in fear you fall. he didn't anticipate for the kiss to be this intense but there's so many built up emotions between the both of you poured out.
"i-i'm sorry i-" he pulls away but you grab his collar and resume kissing him. you had waited so long for a crumb of affection, you were going to cherish every little second. he chuckles as he holds you closer again, deepening the kiss. his tongue swipes against your bottom lip, asking for permission to which you gives eagerly. your tongues are caught in a slow erotic dance, depraved and desperate to feel more of each other.
you feel the familiar ache ebb deep within your body and you need more, grabbing his shirt and beginning to unbutton the first half. hotch groans, not wanting the stop but he had to. he couldn't make love like this.
"n-not yet y/n.... not here, sweetheart..." he breaks apart when every part of him wants to keep going. he rests his forehead against your own. his arms circle your waist, bringing you in and for a few moments it feels so perfect
"what, why?" you whine, clutching his shirt with your hands. he chuckles and kisses them, holding them in his own.
"believe me i want to. but... not here. not like this, i want you to remember it. i want you to know how sorry i am, i want you to know how much you mean to me..." he looks at you, he can see the exhaustion on your face and it makes him chuckle fondly. he places you back again in your sheets, cradling your face so softly.
"besides... you, my beautiful little firecracker, are beyond the pale of sobriety. it's time for bed" the nickname makes you swoon as you rest your head against his chest, both of you tucked together in your blanket. your eyes close, his big hands gently stroking your back before you hear something.
"i love you, y/n. i'm so sorry i couldn't say it before" he whispers, kissing your forehead and you snuggle in closer. he never expected to ever say that out loud but it felt so right, like a burden had been relieved from his shoulders. finally being able to breathe properly for the first time in a long time.
"s'ok... i love you too" your little yawn makes hotch laugh gently, wrapping you tight inbetween the blanket and his body. when you properly sobered up, you were in for a bit of a shock but right here and right now, there wasn't a place you'd rather be.
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saint-jussy · 1 year
I know I've been in your asks before but I need a lecture on the ship "Saintspierre". I don't know the historical context behind it and why they get villanized so much. I'm a newbie when it comes to history. Thank you! :)
Hello again! So Saintspierre is the ship between Robespierre & Saint-Just of the French Revolution, who are often depicted as queer-coded villains in adaptations of the Revolution to serve as a counterpart to the Straight and Manly ™️ Danton. This happens because reactionaries are eager to push the narrative of 1789 being "the Good Revolution" and 1792 as "the Bad Revolution." Danton represents the Good Revolutionary, who advocates for change but is against offending too many moderates, while Robespierre is the Bad Revolutionary who brought on the Reign of Terror. They make Danton out to be a tragic victim who heroically tried to stop the Terror (even though he had a major hand in starting it and was corrupt af) and Robespierre out to be a gay psychopath who killed him out of jealousy. You can see this in La Revolution Francais (1989), Danton (1983), the BBC documentary, and many other adaptations.
For example, LRF goes out of its way to depict Danton as a loving family man, with a frankly excessive number of scenes of him making out with his two wives, while ignoring how he was a creep who sexually harassed women and that his second wife was 16. His close ally Camille is also depicted as very loving with his wife Lucile. Meanwhile, Robespierre is never shown being affectionate toward any women. The only person he has multiple close interactions with, besides his childhood friend Camille, is Saint-Just, who struts into his attention in part 2 and ruthlessly replaces Camille at Robespierre's side. Literally, Saint-Just's only character traits in this movie are being pretty and zealously urging Robespierre to kill Camille specifically. They even made up a scene where Saint-Just sends thugs to beat Camille up while making Camille think it was Robespierre who did it, so he can cause an irrevocable break between them. They give him no backstory, no explanation for his motivations, and completely erase his military accomplishments. He's just an homme fatale who lures Robespierre to the dark side with his pretty hair. This is a common tactic in works that struggle to reconcile the fact that Robespierre was on record being a pacifist who opposed the death penalty, opposed the war, and fought for the rights of the poor, with the propaganda that he was a monster responsible for the Terror. They blame his fall on Saint-Just.
Another tactic they use to villainize Robespierre is exaggerating his vanity. There is ALWAYS a scene where Robespierre gets his wig pampered. I mean, yeah, he DID care a lot about his appearance and never stepped out of the house looking like shit...but Danton wore a wig too. 99% of Danton's historical portraits have him in a wig, yet these works have him conveniently ditching it in most scenes to rock his Messy & Manly Natural Hair, and you will NEVER catch them showing Danton caring for his wig. No, only fops like Robespierre do that...even though it was just the norm at the time for lawyers to wear wigs. They put shady emphasis on Robespierre following 18th century fashion norms that have now become feminized, like wigs, lace cuffs, and stockings, to further queer-code him.
THOUGH, it's true that even historically, Robespierre was seen as a strange man in many ways. There are many contemporary accounts that rail on him for repeating things, being socially awkward, being blunt and callous, hating physical contact, having no emotions, being incapable of love--when from a modern lens, it's clear to me that he was just autistic. Like omg, leave the man alone. But when people want to villainize someone, they latch onto the traits that make them seem odd, that stray from typical societal expectations. When it comes to Robespierre, his villainization thus becomes very gendered, homophobic, and ableist, because he was 36 and unmarried and didn't abuse his power to sexually harass women and cared about his appearance and had a large female following and was most likely autistic. Meanwhile, Saint-Just gets exaggerated as a breathtakingly handsome twink who wore an earring and has a fancy bathroom that Camille roasted him for. Like omg, how dare a man have running water in his bathroom and not look like shit in the 18th century!!
Personally, I ship Robespierre & Saint-Just as a form of rebellion against this villainization. If they were gay, so WHAT? It would be cute. Fuck the homophobes. They did have a very touching relationship with each other. They shared many similar ideas and complemented each other's personalities and Saint-Just chose to defend Robespierre to the end even though he could've easily saved himself on the basis of his military merits by staying out of the drama. The fact that he was prevented from finishing his last speech, in which he defended Robespierre, is one of the saddest things in the whole goddamn Revolution.
Is there historical basis for their relationship being explicitly romantic? Most of their correspondences have been burnt, so we don't have much, but I ship it regardless in a historical fiction, What If? kind of way. Robespierre and Eleonore aren't romantically confirmed either, but nobody bats an eye when mainstream media or even historians treat them as "canon." I think that is very heteronormative, so I am ride or die for Saintspierre as protest. Some historians have pointed out that we have no records of any warm interactions between them, but I think they understood each other in a way that didn't require pleasantries, and that's what makes them so compelling to me. There's Charlotte Robespierre's infamous casual revelation that Saint-Just was Maximilien's 2nd favorite revolutionary, just after his own brother and OVER Camille. Then the Duplay testimony that Saint-Just would go up to Robespierre's room without saying hi to anyone else. It's these little things!!
Anyway, I'm leaving out a lot of details about precisely what Robespierre & Saint-Just were and weren't responsible for in history, but just know that they were two of the only clean, honest political leaders of the time. Never took a bribe, never embezzled, meant everything they said, were genuinely committed to the ideals they spouted. It's incredibly unfair that they, along with the other leftist paragon Marat, ended up with the worst reputations.
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luckydicekirby · 1 year
erin hasn’t read jade legacy yet and i have 700 pages worth of Opinions about it and you can’t put stuff under a cut in tweets so i am finally returning to “posting on tumblr”
this book did not fully work for me! and i am really chewing on why. I enjoyed reading it, and it made me cry several times, but it felt structurally disconnected and didn’t really come together for me like, Thematically. the ending was just kind of eh. points for ending on bero and the twice lucky, because i’m a simple woman i love a good bookend, but it feels really weird that the end was basically like “well, we won bc our family likes each other and the mountain all hates each other” guys your family is a nightmare!!!!!!!! 
on some level I think I had expectations the book ultimately wasn’t interested in fulfilling so I’m not a super fair judge--my called shot for this book was that niko was going to kill hilo for murdering his mom, or that at least that was going to be a major point of contention between them. at a certain point it became obvious this was not the direction we were going in, which is fine, but eyni’s murder was SUCH a great momentous “oh shit” moment in jade war and I feel like we never fully followed up on it--it makes perfect sense that hilo would see it as necessary and like it was the right thing to do, because he’s a freak and he sucks (affectionate), but we barely get to see niko react to it as an adult. like I really thought we were going to get a moment in jade legacy that was like, hey hilo, turns out you cannot just kill your nephew’s mom and kidnap him as a toddler without consequences, but I guess......you can? i feel like we missed out on sooo much meaty crunchy stuff in this vein.
also this should have been at least two or three books. I was excited about the time skips, because I wanted to see the kids as adults, but a lot of specific moments had to get skimmed over to fit everything in, and the kids kind of got the shaft as far as characterization--we get the most interesting character stuff with niko, and he barely has any POV! I liked what we got of Ru (and his death made me cry like a baby), but jaya was cool but completely flat. my mind palace ideal structure is like. one book still centered on the adults while the kids are growing up, and then one book centered on the adult kids where we actually get to dig deep into their character stuff/their relationships with each other. 
anyway, stray thoughts:
making anden and lott narrative foils but then not having them get together honestly kind of a power move. i kind of respect it. my read is that lott is gay but decided he would never be able to be out and be the horn, and stuck to that. which WOULD sure make him feel real weird about anden!
shae/ayt mada real and no one can convince me otherwise. they both tried to kill each other they both saved each other’s lives that is romance baybee
i did really enjoy the continuing bero throughline/his ultimate insignificance, and inability to even MAKE himself significant by confessing to lan’s murder to niko. that scene was so good. 
it feels like all the interesting thematic stuff in this book was coming together in the wake of Ru’s death, and then it all had to get dropped bc we were once again at like, “uh oh mountain’s gonna take over”. like no go back i want to talk more about senseless death and about how vital it is to die for a cause as a green bone but ultimately lan’s death was also a senseless accident and hilo HAS ALWAYS KNOWN THAT AND ALWAYS LIED ABOUT IT AND THAT’S THE ROOT CAUSE OF THE WAR!!! CAN WE TALK ABOUT THAT!!
2 black 2 green made me lose it. 
anyway i AM staring at my hands like is it just that i’m a slut for tragedy and wanted a worse ending to this book where like five major characters died....am EYE the problem for wanting this family to be irrevocably broken...am i too successionpilled.....
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wintcrstcrfall · 10 months
closed starter full of pain for @pristinaluna
It had been weeks since the end of their disastrous vacation. A part of Matthias still knew that he was the main reason why it had all fallen so irrevocably to pieces, that now no one could put back them together, even if they had the talent. And the man didn't. But no matter how much he'd wanted to try and just continue with his life, it was close to impossible. Every time his eyes closed, the only thing he could see was her tears, streaming down that beautiful face of hers. And he hated himself a little more with every single day. Until he decided that this was it, something needed to be done. So here he was. "I tried fixing this. I tried to put it all back together, but... it's never going to be like it was before. Is it?" His hand brushed affectionately over hers. "You love me too much. I know how that sounds but-... You shouldn’t care that much about someone like me. I’m not gonna pretend anymore. I’m still fucked up from everything that happened all those years ago and I don’t know when it'll get better. If it'll ever get better. Because I have a problem, Spencer. I-... I'm an alcoholic."
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rcksmith · 3 years
• Five Hargreeves
                     This list will be updated daily. Good reading💖
🌹 > smut
✨ > fluff
🍃 > angst
All versions of you:  🍃 ✨ 🌹
Resume Request:  Years on The Commission made Five Hargreeves commit horrible atrocities, massacring his humanity and robbing his chances to belong to somewhere. Somewhere stable. But all the torture they put on his soul every day, was all worth when he found in that agency the one thing he knew he would love irrevocably until the end of time: You. But all that love hadn't been able to stop the separation when he returned to his family, when the breakup was inevitable and took the last spark of happiness from him. Forever. Surviving the end of the 1960s world, and finally accepting that a reality where the Sparrow Academy existed was better than messing up the timeline all over again, Five was prepared to find everything in that chaotic place, except the one thing that could bring him to his knees: You.
And like Ben Hargreeves, you didn't remember any Five.
Venom :  🌹  ✨  🍃
Resume Request:  Five and the Reader have hated each other for many years and nothing has ever changed that, but since Five has been spending so much time with Laila, the Reader are is extremely jealous. She always tries to ruin every time the two meet, but after a while, Five comes to understand where this anger that is bigger than usual comes from. And as much as the Reader is proud and would rather die than admit something, Five knows put she in her place. 
Last night of the world:  ✨ 
Resume Request : Luther's wedding was an ironic joke for Five Hargreeves, especially with the apocalypse knocking at the door. But, that night, when Five looked at you and his breath escaped his lungs, he understood his brother. Beause he would marry you too on the last night of the world if he could.
Untouchable:  🌹  ✨  🍃
Resume Request : The villain falls in love with the girl.
Resume Request: Five is struggling with accepting the Reader trying to be like romantic or affectionate with him.
Baby :✨part.2 part.3
Resume Request: Are Reader afraid to tell Five that her are pregnant.
I want to do bad things with you : 🌹
Resume Request : Five want being domineering with Reader, but he asks if her really want this, because he can end up really hurting her.
Resume request: Reader and Five break up, and after he sees her kissing another guy in a nightclub, he'll show her who really makes she feel good.
Resume Request: Five is focused on his equations for hours, but Reader have a plan B to distract him.
Resume Request: Five finds that his powers are stronger near Reader.
Nobody can’t touch you :✨
Resume: Five never let anyone hurt Reader, and when The Handler kidnaps she to manipulate Five, he feels a hate he never felt in his life. (Little, really little, soft smut)
Geniuses: ✨
Resume Request: Reader are as smart as Five and he is not used to it.
I need you: 🍃✨
Resume request: Reader and five have been fighting a lot lately, and when he appears with the smell of The Handler perfume on his shirt, it was the fuse. (But it has a happy ending, I promise).
Heaven: 🌹✨
Resume Request: Five is an emotionless Assassin from the commission and does his job without remorse or mercy until he meets you. He will do anything to make you his. And will kill anyone who gets in his way between him and you.
Resume Request: Five just fluff whit his wife.
Not you: 🍃✨
Resume Request: Five and You are both hit by one of Hazel and Cha-Cha’s bullets. Five wants you treated as soon as possible. after they’re fine, the siblings start to question them on Five’s protectiveness over You.
Secret 🌹
Resume Request: Five and you have to be silent because his siblings don't know about you two.
Resume Request: The Handler wants to you join the commission, but you is jealous/mad with the way the Handler flirts with Five.
Nobody else: ✨🌹
Resume Request: You is a super skilled fighter, and the other Hargreeves siblings can’t get over how amazing you are, but that causes Five to become a little jealous.
Be good: 🌹
Resume Request: The Reader are so cute and Five want take her so badly.
So good whit you:🌹
Resume request: Reader and Five hate, but something happens to him when see her almost naked.
Distracted :🌹
Resume request: Five shows who's really in control.
The sin you make me commit: 🌹
Resume Request: You're Diego's best friend, but Five desires you to much.
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boytouya · 2 years
a/n: HAPPY BIRTHDAY DABI!!!!!!!!!! he would be capricorn man. explains so much. anyway, this birthday oneshot is dedicated to @snwuffz, who shares the same birthday so…happy birthday. bitch. thanks for sticking with me and basically beta reading all my fics. please forgive me if this is bad, i rushed bc i wanted to get it out on his day. no warnings for this one. gender neutral reader.
wc: 1k
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The pitter-patter of rain sliding off the train windowsill slowly lulls Dabi to sleep, his old and broken mp3 player gracing tunes into his right ear more than the left. Even then, the music swims through his brain as his eyelids, heavy and irrevocably dry, struggle to stay open. Occasionally, at each stop, the train doors open, throwing bone-chilling air in his vicinity without mercy.
It’s hours late into his birthday, and he’s thinking about you, how he can feel your presence in the littlest of things. A smiley face etched into underground maps, bubbling laughter that erupts from the mouths of young children, bubbling laughter shared between you both at the loneliest hours of the night..he almost wishes he could hate you. Guilt flutters through his chest, overwhelmingly so, because he wants to give you what you deserve..but he isn’t it. He doesn’t know what it is.
With a bloodcurdling screech, the train comes to a blunt halt after approaching its destination. He can’t sleep on the cold, yet velvety, seats of the cart— not anymore, countless conductors have threatened to call the police for his trend in ‘trespassing,’ so he lifts himself up with shaky, fatigued legs. Walking out in the winter air without a coat is a form of self-punishment in itself, and Dabi can feel his cold staples dig into his sickly skin.
Walking up the station steps, he registers the dark sky taunting his existence entirely. The streets are dark, save for the dimly lit streetlights and passing headlights.
Walking up the station steps, he registers the dark sky taunting his existence entirely. The streets are dark, save for the dimly lit streetlights and passing headlights. Dabi scratches the healthy skin at the apple of his cheeks, tapping his long finger against his mp3 player with anticipation reaching for his throat. He had all night to think about this decision, all night to simulate the consequences of seeing you tonight.
For once in his life, he lays still. The velvety confines of a mattress are too soft for his skin, his staples, and the chronic pain that comes with untreated and severe burns, but he lays beside you anyway. His eyes remain closed, with labored breathing that confuses the untrained eye— he sleeps like he’s dying. In some sense of the word, he is. Still, he fights flesh and bone— tooth and nail, to have you overwhelming his senses.
“Happy birthday, starboy.” You whisper, fingers curling into his silver tufts of hair gingerly. An affectionate smile pulls apart your lips, and you find yourself pushing back the dampened baby hair that collects at his sweaty forehead. His response isn’t expected, instead you turn your attention to his old T.V.. It crackles with static, and an old, cheesy horror movie illuminates the room with hues of scarlet and carmine. Screams are slightly muffled beneath the white noise emitting from the T.V., but neither of you complain.
He lifts his head, stapled skin glowing beneath harmful rays. It seems he gets prettier every day, speckles of white bombarding his dark, straight eyelashes. You miss the sight of his oceanic blue eyes, usually dull and exhausted but oh, so bright when he’s staring at you. His skin, disfigured and mutilated, relaxes under the gentle touch of your thumbs— you want to kiss him.
A sharp sound effect blares from the tv as the cinematic serial killer rewards himself with another victim.
Dabi grunts, his nose scrunching up painfully as he moves himself away from your inviting palms. You’re profusely close, warm embrace searing his skin with flames brighter than his own. It’s almost pathetic, the way he’s falling in love with you despite never being taught how. But somehow, as if life wasn’t cruel enough, it’s all he’s ever wanted.
“What’s wrong?” You ask, though you already know the answer. Horribly edited fake blood splatters across the television screen, transitioning into a nail biting scene that showcases a couple hurriedly kissing in the front seats of an old car.
The scarred man shakes his head, spiraling silently as he shifts to sit upward. He wonders what he did to deserve this. Your presence, his inability to love— to be loved. You’re unapologetically in love with him of all people. It’s mind boggling, he just can’t seem to wrap his head around it. He wonders if you feel the same. He musters the sharpest intake of breath he can before turning to meet your concerned gaze.
“Why haven’t you kissed me yet?”
There’s an unnecessarily long shot of cherry-wine red lips on a pair of stained ones, just before the camera zooms in and out of focus. The hazy camera is now engrossed in a silver blade, one that shines bright enough to light up the dingy room that carries Touya’s belongings. This room is basically his own, albeit being yours.
Your smile returns, heart leaping in your chest as you scramble to cup his cheeks and pepper kisses across his face. Overly enthusiastic, you stumble on the bed, sprawling across the sheets as Dabi’s cloudy eyes study your expression with everything he has. If he could, he’d hold this memory of you in his pocket. Your gaze is so soft, it makes his insides burst with sunlight, and if it were possible, sunshine would leak through his staples.
Your lips are dangerously soft, placed atop his like the last piece of an elaborate puzzle. You taste like love— down to your very tongue. You taste like home, warm and feathery light. You taste like him, smokey and painstakingly his.
He hopes he tastes like you.
“There’s one more thing,” You whisper, pulling away stubbornly. Touya instinctually leans forward, desperate to feel your lips again. Reaching beneath the bed, he hears a box slide into your soft hands. Whipping your head to the side, you smile as you hand him the unidentifiable gift. “I know you burned your last one, so..”
He eyes the box, flipping it open with a quirked eyebrow. A black trench coat— white stitching along the sides that look awfully similar to his staples. It’s reminiscent of the jacket he was able to afford after Tomura took down the Meta Liberation Army. His clammy fingers trace the pattern, and upon closer inspection, he notices the handmade touch it has.
“Happy birthday!” You exclaim, smiling wider than the actual birthday boy. There’s a distance chime as the credits roll, a ghastly font showcasing the title of the movie.
“Yeah,” Dabi whispers to himself, making his way to your apartment. “Happy birthday to me.”
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@ryoukuna @indigowren21 @cannedfoodisbestfood @junkwhoore @dilfchoso @sandersidesangsttrash @i-d0g @kaito-asmr @mhasimp666 @princejasno @onehellofasimp @corporeal-terrestrial @double-homiecide @angelaturservice @katsvgous @trailsnix @luckduckanon @oddball215 @shadows-of-nightmares @toodeepintofandoms @playb0ysuna @uwiuwi @encrypta @yuzuneki @devilgirlcrybabiey @merucry
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jiminrings · 3 years
OKAY LISTEN idk if someone or you already planned sth like this but how about y/n finally decides to confess/tell jk but someone else claims to be her before she could do it so * cue to the angst bc y/n sees the whole thing/she hears from her friends * and ofc koo eventually finds out bc that b*tch doesn't even have the fucking lunchboxes 😑
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cold senior!y/n x stem major!koo masterlist :D
stem koo's the three-peat king for having the best research papers, but he's the worst when it comes to believing the right person
"i think i'm gonna tell him."
you say it to no one in particular, really, but you hear yoongi rISING from his nap on the couch
it wasn't meant to wake him at all
it was just an epiphany of sorts that popped into your head
physically felt as if your head would just bursT if you didn't say it out loud to affirm your own thoughts lmao
"for real???" he's rubbing the sleep out of his eyes, very evident that he wouldn't wake up to finish his thirteen pending assignments but he 10/10 would wake up to hear your epiphany
yoongi is awake for the action!!!! lmao does professor roux from calculus think that he wakes up at the morning and doing shapes (or whatever they teach at calc) is the fIRST thing in his mind????
"interesting," he nods solemnly when you nod your head, reaching out for a fist bump before he plops to your shoulder, "i suggest dressing like a virgin wearing H&M when you confess. it would hit close to home."
yoongi's the touchy affectionate one between the two of you but you'll forgive him bc he's still sleepy
jungkook doesn't look like a virgin wearing H&M :((((
his clothes aren't from there lol
"say that you're a top verified contributor both in quora and brainly."
"nice idea," you snort as yoongs genuinely thinks that it'd get jungkook to propose on the spot, "but no cigar."
"pretend to love big bang theory."
"you're getting onto something here."
"your hobby is fact-checking rick and morty."
"yoongi wow you are on fIRE today-"
"your guilty pleasure is not wearing protective gear during experiments."
"where is this coming from??"
"OH!!!! i'll pretend to mug him or something and you can attack me!!!"
yeah yoongi's train of thought just crashed
you were pretty sure he was going on a science theme there wHY DID IT DERAIL
yoongi looks confused because you look confused, as if he didn't just give you the mindblowing idea,, free of charge
lol but no he really didn't
"i'm not doing any of that shit, yoongs."
"oh yeah???" he squints at you and hollows his cheeks, taunting you entertainingly while he worms his way to your lap to nap again
"what are you planning to do?"
holy sHIT this is nerve-wracking
she feels like she's gonna pass out the whole time that she's been rehearsing this in her head
she's been waiting outside the classroom for twenty minutes now and the bell finally rang and she can't believe it!!!! omg is it game-time now
everyone's filing out of the room and she could just feel that jungkook would come out of the room last-
you could do this!!!!
everyone's filing out of the room and you know in your heart that jungkook would stay behind, his routine being to politely chat with the professor before he leaves
you're a lil nervous alright
you're scanning the room and there's only a few people left and your eyes instinctively go to the mini desk next to the door and-
goddamn it
yesterday was when coach jeong was mad because someone from your team just hAD to bring beer!!! and not even have the common sense to put it on a discreet thermos or sth and you know!!!! to not drink it in public or in front of the coach!!!!
doing laps on the oval field will now make you hurl on command just by thinking about it
you physically did not have the cognizance to go and fetch the lunchbox to wash it,,,, or like even move at all
how are you gonna swipe the lunchbox now? now when the professor's packing up, jungkook's loitering around the classroom, and there's this girl who's-
who's this girl??
fuck it!!! here goes nothing
she's stepping completely into the room and making sure her block heels generate enough clacking,, hands already moving in practiced moments as she attempts in making it seem like she's rushedly putting the lunchbox bag into her tote — as if it's from there, and she's always done this
jungkook hears noises coming from the back of the room, eyes widening before he comes up the stairs in record time
"no. get your own."
he grips the girl's wrist, about to pry off her hands from his lunchbox
he hears her giggle sweetly, the melody being something he's heard before
"i did. after all, i did get you these."
hyeji's a pretty girl!!! a nice girl in jungkook's year that wears fit dresses and cartier bangles :D
she stands out really, sometimes literally because she appears in the school's flyers and advertisements
"hyeji," jungkook breathlessly connects the dots including the fact that she looks caught in the act; holding his lunchbox, her tote bag open, and a peek of another completely different lunchbox in her other hand, "i-it's been you this whole time?"
hyeji blushes, sheepishly tucking her perfectly shiny and neat hair behind her ears, "you caught me then."
kook laughs both in nervousness and giddiness, pushing his glasses up and suddenly conscious that he should've worn contacts, "b-but how? we don't share this class."
hyeji bursts into a giggle, blushed cheeks staining further than the five minutes she tried getting the perfect amount
"r-right! kinda amazing what depths you'd go for a person you like, hm?"
jungkook is about to pass out
a situation that he likes and is too giddy to find a reply for
he apparently doesn't need a reply, because a chair scrapes harshly against the floor and it brings him down to reality immediately
you cannot fucking believe what you just witnessed
you stand abruptly from the seat you've been frozen in with a great deal of urgency because you cAN'T stand to be in this room any longer
they actually forgot that the two of them aren't alone
that you're still here
little miss hyeji's just as shocked
you feel stupid and even more stupid that you're still holding a stupid notebook you even decorated
it has a doodle in the front and all the remaining pages are of the copies you've replicated on jungkook's sticky notes — the same ones you've been trying to make perfect just for him
"y/n!" he sputters when your backpack accidentally leans too much to your side and hits him on the way out
you’re feeling everything but fine and god you just hated that you always willed yourself to move oN
you’re beyond mad when you put on your jersey!!!
you’re irrevocably dejected when you put on your cleats!!!!
you feel cheated on when you zip up your duffel and walk all the way to the field!!!
it’s a combination of the type of frustration that makes you want to move plus the type that paralyzes you, the whole thing unlike anything you’ve ever felt before
you’re clearly in your head and frankly, you’re just too good
too good that there's no game at all because the only thing happening is you scoring
there's no passing going on or the sort
everyone is just :O looking at their captain to be in the most furiously determined state that they’ve ever seen you in
you don’t even realize that you’re the oNLY one moving in the whole field
“alright, alright — jesus christ! go to the bench and sort your head out, captain,” coach jeong literally has to JOG over to your spot to jolt you
oh there he is again
jaehyun just had to bench you didn’t he
sometimes it’s lost on you that jaehyun, just like seokjin, used to be your senior
he hated juniors with a burning passion and you’re the ONLY one he’s taken a tolerance for
((you lent him your umbrella and it coincidentially had to be a bad day for him tHEN that made him like you))
you’re having none of it though because this time, you’re the one who has the bad day and the captain title does nothing to appease you
“sure, coach.”
you mumble just as lively and walk to completely the fURTHEST side of the bleachers, being so far out that you could barely see your team
what are you supposed to do? simmer in the thoughts you so badly didn’t want to have in silence??????
the voice you least expected to hear perks up right next to you
what the hell is jungkook doing here now??
he looks lost, two hands clinging onto his backpack straps before tentatively looking at you again
“did i do anything to upset you?”
so he wants to ask that?
you snort automatically, suddenly wishing that you didn’t walk this far because you can’t make an excuse that jaehyun’s calling for you
"because my bag accidentally hit you on the way out? no, jungkook."
jungkook knits his brows in question, seemingly take offense to what you’ve just said to hom
"we're not exactly associated for me to be mad at you, are we?" you emphasize even further, not caring the least bit that your words have an edge to them
he deadpans, pursing his lips before sarcastically smiling at you
".... so you're upset at me?"
jungkook takes your silence for him to delve further, not paying attention to how your eye is begging to twitch at him
"i asked if i did anything to upset you, and you said no. but that doesn't necessarily mean you aren't. you could be upset at me even if i didn't do anything to you."
you sound like a real fucking nerd jungkook
"do you have any idea how condescending you sound right now?"
kook barely has a solid inch on you yet the nagging feeling that he’s belittling you makes you grip your fists tight, posture wavering
"so you do admit that you're upset at me?"
he’s not the most patient person either but something about you and the situation right now just makes him tick a little faster
your eyes narrow at what he’s aiming to get at, your hand on your hip feeling heavy at this point
"what does it matter to you if i'm upset or not? we are not-"
"i am associated to you!!! even to a degree!!! you walked me home!"
jungkook is the one who breaks first and he doesn’t look fazed to have opposed you so loudly, still standing by himself
"i would walk anyone home."
"no you wouldn't-"
"i would walk anyone who was as vulnerable and as anxious as you were, jungkook!!"
it is true
you’d walk anyone home within reason regardless if they were jungkook or not!!!
the guy in question only looks at you straightly, brows not stubborn but still just as unrelaxed
"good to know. then you're not upset at me, and i didn't do anything to upset you."
you only say just to spite him, about to turn your back and leave him completely to go back to your practice game
jungkook surprises you again and flips a switch just as quick as your mini argument of sorts escalated
"anyways!! i'm sorry for being a little off when i interviewed you that day. i got a 100 on that assignment, by the way :))"
what’s he still doing here?
he’s talking about his grades and whatnot to you as if literally twenty seconds ago did nOT happen!!
"why are you still-"
"and the one who's been giving me my lunchboxes confessed to me today!! for hyeji to be the girl giving me them, it makes perfect sense."
you shrug away the weirdness that jungkook’s moved on from the argument as fast as this, trying a take two for a peaceful conversation
this time, you’re the one who unknowingly flips a switch at her name — something so foreign and sudden yet something you quickly grew to hate
"i wouldn't be so trusting if i were you."
that seems to hit a nerve on him again, making him scoff in reply
"good thing you aren't me then."
what is ON with him????
"watch it. i'm your senior, kid."
you’re more irritated than the first and second time around that you’ve been agitated this day
"why? are you normally this self-absorbed that you wouldn't trust a girl who's confessed??"
you aren’t the most selfless person ever but god do you know for a fact that you’re not vain as jungkook’s insisting you to be
you hate him.
you hate this version of him that isn’t the same jungkook you’ve known to like ever since the start of the semester
"same thing as polygraphs not being a hundred percent reliable. anyone could tell the truth as long as you ask the wrong questions," you detail on further because jungkook loves details, right? might as well give him several
"or did you even ask?"
jungkook scowls as if you’ve insulted his mother and his entire lineage, face contorting into everything but warm
"what does it matter to you? didn't you just tell me that we aren't associated? why are you projecting all your moaning on hyeji?"
"you know what? maybe i am associated to you. i think i'd also tell this to everyone i'd walk home — maybe you shouldn't be too trusting, huh? maybe you shouldn't just let anyone walk you home."
the tears this time are more insistent to come out this time but you’d rather dIE than for jungkook to stain your pride like this
"no one should walk me home, besides you? is that what you're trying to say?"
for fuck's sake you aren't even finished with your point!!
before you could continue, jungkook shakes his head at you — the most disappointing shake of his head that it curses you soft
"what am i even doing? you wouldn't understand."
he closes the distance that’s been alarmingly shorter throughout the whole time, jungkook being the one to break it
"because no one gives you lunchboxes. no one exerts effort in making you cheerful — no one wants to go the extra mile for you, and no one wants to walk you home."
he's insulting you right to your face and that’s when your dam breaks, lips quivering impossibly as you stare him down with a genuinely pained gaze you didn’t know you carried
"you wouldn't know what i feel, because no one likes you."
jungkook gets the last word in.
he leaves you in the same field he's first approached you in nervousness.
today, he leaves it differently.
sweat isn't the only thing on your face but instead it’s the frustrating hot tears you haven’t had in awhile
your fists are balled but there's no power to the anger behind it
you’re almost always alone outside the company of the closest friends you’ve ever had — but this is the only time that you truly felt that you are alone.
today's a good day to give up on jungkook.
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ackerfics · 3 years
hange and their best friend (reader) "platonically" flirt with one another, they use pet names for each other, making others think they're together unintentionally. until reader finds an s/o, not knowing hange actually likes them
she — hange zoe
— hange zoe x female reader (modern au)
— warnings: angst ??? the stinging feeling you get when you see someone you love, love someone else
— summary: hange's best friend found love in the form of autumn while hange associates her with all of the seasons.
— word count: 2.5k
— notes: i love hange but i hate myself for writing something that hurts them :<<< they're my first love in aot and it pains me to imagine them hurting in any sort of way (which is probably the reason why i bawled my heart out in chap 132). this little fic hit too close at home for me bc it's exactly what i felt one time during high school. it's fucking traumatizing and istg, i don't want to relive falling in love with a friend again, it's like the most satisfying way to hurt, too. happy reading tho :<<<
reblogs are greatly appreciated!!
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She embodies everything positive in Hange’s eyes.
She is spring — the bursting of blossoms under the tendrils of sunlight seeping between the spaces of the trees in the woods. Every time Hange closes their eyes, they are reminded of how she signifies every single flower they ever know. She makes them feel everything at once — see every color at once in a single frame. There is no space for artistic abilities in Hange’s calloused, mismatched hands but when it comes to her, they can create a myriad of paintings encapsulating her beauty at every stroke of a brush. Her laughs, her flowery perfume that doesn’t hurt their nose, her smiles that are as radiant as the early morning Sun — are ingrained in their brain. She brings forth the butterflies that Hange carefully imprisoned in their ribs, the monarchs’ wings already seeping through the cracks at every joke she makes, reaching to their heart until every beat swayed to the sound of her giggles.
“Hange, the love of my life, there you are!”
Hange turned around with a huge smile on their lips. Their conversation with Levi came to an abrupt stop, with the shorter man mumbling along the lines of ‘here we go again’. The small smile on his face spoke otherwise while watching two of his closest friends hug each other as if they didn’t live together in an apartment right outside of campus. It was such a mystery that Hange could be so comfortable around someone to the point of playfully kissing their neck in public, followed by their best friend’s melodious laughs soon after. However, Levi couldn’t be fooled. He knew the glint in the brown-haired person’s eyes. The downturn of their eyebrows when their best friend wasn’t looking. The longing was apparent when she was talking to someone across the room.
The idiot going by the name Hange Zoe was irrevocably in love with their best friend, [Name] [Last Name].
“What is it, baby?” Hange asked vibrantly, glasses reflecting the equally excited girl in their arms. “Didn’t know your class dismissed this early. What happened?”
“Nothing. Our professor announced that we should visit a museum for our finals.” She then mimicked the haughty tone of her Art History professor, straightening her back to make herself appear taller. “Choose a painting or a sculpture and trace down its history and attach your critique in the final output. If I see anyone half-assing this paper, I will not hesitate to give a failing grade that will make you retake this class. I know you lot don’t want to see me again for another semester and I don’t want to see you again, too. So, prove to me you’re worth your standing in this course.” She cleared her throat. “What he said.”
Hange whistled. “Dang, I’m happy that I didn’t follow you to the Arts Department. Your professor sounds like a complete asshole.” They chortled the next second. “Sounds like my mom, to be honest.”
“At least your mom makes a bomb bento box.”
“Yeah, I guess, you’re right.” Hange then nuzzled their face in her hair. “But your bento boxes taste much more delicious — I could eat them all day. Can I be your partner so that you’ll cook for me every day?”
“I’ve already taken the position of your wife the moment I agreed to be your roommate in university, sweetheart. And I cook for you every single day so you don’t have to ask to be my partner because you already are.”
Hange looked smug at her reply, the heat in their cheeks traveling to their ears. “That was a rhetorical question but hearing those words come out of your mouth, it’s making me feel things.”
“Oh? What are those things?”
The brown-haired person snickered under their breath, glancing at Levi who was now looking at the two of them in that lazy way of his that might come off as him being annoyed again. In reality, he was only waiting for the two to finally stop flirting to recognize he was there. His daily job of being a third-wheel should’ve started fifteen minutes ago but Hange wouldn’t let [Name] go. Hange turned back to the expectant girl. “I don’t want Levi to hear what I’m about to say. Just expect something back at the apartment,” they joked, a cheeky smile tugging at their lips.
[Name] laughed heartily. “I’m looking forward to that, gorgeous.”
“I’m still here, you know?” Levi dryly made himself known. He huffed and turned around in the direction of the university restaurant. “Come on, lovebirds, let’s have lunch. Oh, and [Name]?” When he heard her little hum of acknowledgment, Levi slightly turned around to meet his friend’s eyes with his jaded ones. “It’s your turn to buy me a drink. Make it a venti today.” She only blinked at him, giving him no choice but to resort to that dumb thing she always asked. “Please can I have a venti this time? I got you and Hange a venti last time so this makes us even.”
“Ooh, make mine a venti, too, baby!” Hange squeezed their best friend’s waist.
“Anything for my sweetheart.”
“Again, I’m right here, you know.”
Just the thought of that little scenario hurts Hange.
But as much as the pain comes in the package, she is still summer in their eyes.
The Sun can’t compare to the brilliance of her smile. Kind smiles and gentle touches under the warm rays of the summer heat. Her scent is yellow to Hange — so bright and warm that they don’t care how long they bask in her presence, never caring if they get burned because it feels so right to be within her orbit. She urges them to feel so loved and so special, tender caresses of her warmth cascading down every vein until it reaches their heart. The cerulean waters of the sea hold nothing against the beauty of her grins, brown eyes searching for her every time of the day no matter how ethereal the world painted itself to be. Viewing the sights with rose-colored glasses is what they may call it but for Hange, it’s simply her. Someone once said that summer brings forth a paradise where blue covers everything in its wake, the cry of the seagulls reverberating in the distance, and the scent of ice cream flickers in the breeze. For Hange, summer is in the form of pretty close-lipped smiles, of late-night movie marathons on a worn-out couch, of bento boxes filled with their favorites, of a scent so saccharine, and a loyal friend.
A friend.
Of course. No matter where Hange goes, that word haunts them. Hidden beneath their smiles, their jokes, their longing, and admiring stares. It’s a reminder of where they stand in this limbo they created. At one point, they thought that line had been crossed only for it to be established again in permanent ink. And before they know it, Hange is tumbling down in a spiral, along with a change of seasons.
Fall is where everything started.
The orange glow of the leaves created the perfect view as she sipped on her tall cup of warm coffee. The blissful sigh that came soon after warmed up Hange, even though they were seated in front of each other in the outside tables of the small cozy café where Levi was working at. The chill brought by the autumn wind caused both of them to shiver in their layered clothing. The way she nuzzled more into her scarf made Hange coo, reaching out to pinch her cheek affectionately. Autumn was both their favorite season, how it made them resort to the comfort and warmth their sweaters bring, or how they cuddle in each other’s beds with the air conditioner blasting despite the cold. It was also a season where Hange could admire her in their hoodie, a piece of clothing that swallows her whole because she’s so small compared to their lanky figure.
Hange remembered being called out here because she wanted to talk about something. Now that they thought about it, her cheeks appear to be glowing more than usual and she kept glancing inside the café where Levi was busy telling his coworker how to make the new drink. Hange even went as far as following her gaze but they didn’t find anything out of the ordinary other than Levi sighing in that stressful way of his that always made them snicker. They turned back to their Sun, who was once again in a daze while staring at the clear windows of the café. “So,” they prolonged the syllable, “how’s life going, darling? I know we’re living in the same apartment but I just can’t help but ask you this because it seems like you’re always in a daze these days.”
A pause made the breeze’s call known.
“Hey, Hange, have you ever been in love?”
That spread the chill even more inside Hange’s chest. She called them by their name. Not sweetheart nor big spoon. The reality washed over Hange like a pail of freezing water.
“W-What?” Damn, they couldn’t keep the stutter off their words.
She turned her head to them, eyes so soft and smile so beautiful that made Hange breathless for one second. The butterflies dwindled, losing their iridescent wings when they realized that look wasn’t reserved for them anymore. “I thought about it,” she murmured, rubbing her numbing fingertips on the warm cup. “I have never fallen in love with anyone before. Sure, I love you and all our friends but I’ve never stopped and thought about how someone can look like starlight in front of me. But recently,” again, that pretty smile that pierced Hange’s chest, “I never knew that it could hit me that unexpectedly.”
Hange grinned despite the pounding of her chest. “So, who’s the lucky person?”
She chuckled, going back to staring at the interior of the café. “I told Levi to lay off on scolding her but he never listens, says she’ll never grow a backbone if he’s being considerate on her.”
Now, they’re confused because the only people manning the counter as she spoke was Levi (and she would never fall in love with Levi, seeing as they grew up together like siblings rather than the childhood friends that they are) and a strawberry blonde who looked like Levi’s become their worst nightmare. It took Hange a full minute to process that the person she’s been staring at was never their mutual friend, but the strawberry blonde who looked up towards their direction and waved with a pretty blush on their cheeks. She waved back with the same shyness, leaving Hange dumbfounded. “Wait, the person you’re in love with is—”
“Yeah, it’s her.”
Suddenly, Hange understands why she’s starting to like autumn.
It reminds her of the girl’s hair, which she gushes about smelling like coconut. It reminds her of the girl’s preferred perfume, how it smells so much like cinnamon, something that she sometimes puts in her autumn drinks because in her words, ‘it’s the perfect season rather than winter’. It reminds her of the girl’s hugs, the way both of them fit with each other like lost puzzle pieces.
But as the seasons change, feelings of long-term pining will always be constant.
“Are you okay, though?” Erwin asked them, blue eyes reflecting their pathetic faux smile. He pushed the plate of pasta to them since Erwin had an idea that Hange wasn’t eating that much now. It also worried [Name].
“Yeah, four-eyes, I know you’re not doing that great and I’m saying this in the friendliest way possible because we’re worried now,” Levi reminded them, sipping on his tea with slightly narrowed eyes. “You always decline whenever we want to bring you to somewhere, to the point of leaving Nanaba on voicemail. You always answer at the first ring. Look here, shitty four-eyes,” the way Levi enunciated the nickname made Hange slowly turn their head to him, face void of the smile they were known for, “shouldn’t you be happy for her? [Name] gained the courage to confess and you’re here moping when you should’ve been supportive—”
“And what of my feelings, Levi?”
That made Levi blink and feel like an asshole.
Then, the dam broke.
“I’ve been with her all this time, you’ve seen that. You witnessed how this shy girl opened up to an extroverted idiot and became one of her best friends during high school. It feels like I can’t fucking breathe because I always thought we were meant to be. When she was lonely, I was there to comfort her. When she got a bad grade on an exam, I was the one who knows what flavors of ice cream she wants or how she eats them together like a fucking milkshake. Every day, I never expected her to look my way like she looks at her girlfriend right now. It fucking hurts. It feels so empty to know that I’m not the one she fell in love with. What did I lack? Should I be sweeter and gentler like that girl? Or dainty whenever I eat like she is? Be girly and dress up like a doll? Fuck, I can’t even bring myself to hate her girlfriend. She’s so nice and kind and sweet, anything I’m not.” Hange buried their hands in their hair, making it messier than it was.
“I just want [Name] to love me and make things wonderful. Why isn’t Fate on my side this time?
“Why didn’t she choose me?”
Tears were now drifting down like snowflakes.
“Hange,” Erwin murmured.
“Look, sunshine, it’s snowing!”
A voice catches their attention. A strawberry blonde cheers the words with glee painted in her eyes. Beside her is the subject of the trio’s conversation, the subject of a brown-haired person’s affections. Her eyes are taking in the beauty that is her girlfriend. She looks so pretty in love — how her eyes crinkled at the corners and how snow clung on her eyelashes as if she is a fairy straight from a fairy tale Hange loves when she was a kid. Her girlfriend takes her hand and pulls her to the restaurant where the trio is watching from the windows. Gray and blue irises slide over a somber bespectacled person, gauging their reaction though their face never gives anything away.
“I’m right behind you, Petra. I just took the time to admire you because you’re so pretty under the snow.”
“Stop it! You’re prettier!”
“Did you know that seeing the first snow of the year together with the person you love, your relationship will rival that of eternity?”
“Then, I’m happy I get to see this first snow with you, sunshine.”
“Me, too, angel.”
Hange smiles under a steady stream of tears. “I’m happy for her. I’m happy she found happiness even if it’s not with me.”
The chill blows inside the warm walls of the restaurant the moment the door opens, [Name]’s joyous greetings for her best friends bringing smiles to two of them. Her eyes drift to brown ones before turning to Petra to ask for a pack of tissues since Hange’s tears are still visible. Hange watches the commotion with a small smile, the chill spreading through them like a snowstorm.
Winter is here.
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anayaahwrites · 3 years
KOT ficlet #6 (Kudou Chika/Houzuki Satowa)
(Events based after the most recent update that had me screaming into oblivion.)
Needle in a thread
His first thought is, not them.
He recalls his horror when they took away the one person who had loved him, the one that lit fireworks in his darkness.
But before he had time to mourn, the torch had been passed—like some sort of metaphorical relay race—into fresh, affectionate, and welcoming hands. They cared, nurtured, and gave purpose to his existence.
The child hated by a parent, the child of calamity.
Of disaster.
And now that he’s built a home, a hideaway to rush back to whenever things seemed too rough, like hell he’d let the demons of his past have it their way.
He drops down carefully, one knee after another, placing folded hands in front of the head tucked in between his legs.
Because Chika is desperate and he has no pride to protect to begin with, so pleading before them to let him just live outweighed any sense of shame he’d feel.
But he’s naive to think Uzuki cares.
There was something bizzare about the boy since he’d met him, how he changed based on what the situation called for—like a snake shedding layers of its skin.
The light at the end of the tunnel vanishes, but Chika pushes on, pouring the deepest parts of his soul in front of the people that ruined him once before.
Because Chika refused to let his torch dim, the flame protected by so many, he couldn’t be any more grateful.
Uzuki snickers, instructing Abiko and taking a blow to the face.
“I’ll tell everyone you did this to me.” He smiles.
Chika’s light is bright.
But his darkness is all-consuming. It wraps him like a blanket of thorns, clawing to tear chunks of his soul away. In the end, who could he save?
Who could save him?
“I’m tired of all of this!”
He snaps his head, facing the voice, breathing life into his own.
Houzuki stands with her back to him, confronting the men with such ferocity, they stutter for a second.
“To hell with your ‘ruin his life’ nonsense,” she huffs, swinging her hair like a whip. “I’m taking him home!”
He had so many questions.
Houzuki grumbles under her breath all the way out, twisting and turning from one street to the other, tugging him behind her like a four-year-old.
Why was she here to begin with?
Usually, he’d shrug her away. He’d tease the ever loving crap out of her and watch Houzuki turn a brighter shade of crimson every time while subtly keeping his distance from the intense urge to hold her close.
But today, when he looks at her, Chika sees more than just Satowa.
He sees a woman with the will of a stallion, dulling her blade in front of no one, however intimidating they might be.
He sees the hand of a woman he could not help but admire.
Couldn’t help but love.
He stops walking, looking at the fingers wrapped delicately around his wrist as if Chika realised for the first time that he was holding the hand of the woman he fell in love with a long time ago.
“Are you tired?” comes her tender voice filled with concern, as she looks around, “Do you want to sit for a while?”
He looks into her worried eyes and quickly drops his gaze, to the hand she wouldn’t leave. On any normal day, by now Satowa would let go, a shade of bright pink spreading down her arm to her toes.
Today she holds his hand, firm and gentle, both at once, neither shaking nor blushing at the contact that was progressively setting his nerves on fire.
And admitting his feelings was easy. It was easy for him to look at every minute he’d spent with her—in sorrow, in joy—that Chika was irrevocably in love with her.
He’d give the Sun if she demanded it, the moon adorned as an elegant crescent ring around her finger. He’s so in love that he forgets his past, that he could endanger Houzuki and her entire family.
But it looms around him like a constant-present shadow. So he sharpens his facade to protect her.
“You shouldn’t follow me to places like this,” he swallows, maintaining his composure as best as he can. “It’s dangerous. Are you stupid? Don't pull a stunt like this again.”
He steals a glimpse at her, pushing strands of loose hair behind her ear with not an ounce of regret or fear of her actions.
“If anything, you’re the stupid one,” she replies, ebony eyes staring straight into his as he raises an eyebrow in question.
“For thinking you’d need to face this alone.”
He stills, feeling her thumb stroke his bruised knuckles, eyes steadily turning a shade lighter.
“I understand,” she says, “I understand you’ve been fighting your battles by yourself all these years. You feel responsible for everything—like you deserve divine punishment for sins you didn’t commit to begin with,”
“But for once, point the blame to those that deserve it.” her grip tightens. “Tell them to,” she sucks in a sharp breath.
“Eat shit for all I care.”
Her gaze softens as he peers into her eyes; for solace, for the comfort he’s never had. That he’s never asked for.
“You’re only human, Kudou, and humans make mistakes. We all do. Does that mean we need to be crucified for it?”
He shakes his head from one side to another in an unspoken response.
“The past won’t change, no matter how hard we try. But the future.....” she grimaces, “Our circumstances are different now. No one helped you then—no one stood for you,”
Satowa’s smile is melancholy, like rain and snow at once, as she cups his cheek with her free hand.
“But you have me now,” she whispers, lacing her fingers into the groove between his. He peers into those abysmal eyes and sees a promise.
“The only day I’ll let go of this hand will be the day I die.”
In a flash, Chika breaks.
He shatters like smashed glass, scattering across the ground in shards of built up agony. He feels the tears forming in his eyes as he looks into hers, chin wobbling uncontrollably. His heart squeezes in his chest as everything sinks in—Dad, Mom, Grandpa, everyone he’s loved and lost.
And she stays there throughout, rubbing warm circles into his much bigger palm, a distant sorrow in her eyes.
This woman, this beautiful, wonderful woman, had saved him on more occasions than he could count.
She was the white to his black, yin to his yang painting his life with every colour in the spectrum between them.
The Sun sets not far behind, fiery orange encircling her like a golden halo. And that’s all it takes—the gleaming sky behind her, the tears in her eyes, the ones in his.
He pulls her forward gently, letting Satowa fall against him as every type of warmth rushes through his veins.
She stills for a moment, leaning against him, not a hair on her head moving. Chika gives her time, space enough to let go if this isn’t what she wants. God knows he doesn’t want to force her.
When she leaves his hand, Chika thinks it’s all over. And that’s okay.
He’s okay with that.
Instead, Satowa throws her arms around his neck, face sinking into the groove of his chest, nuzzling the space where his heart beats erratically.
He takes a moment to register, but when realisation sets in, Chika pulls her tighter to himself, fingers working through the strands of her hair, chin resting comfortably above her head.
In those small arms, Chika feels the affection she holds radiating with every fibre of her being. She stands on her toes, reaching higher to lay her head on his shoulder. He draws her up by the waist, anchoring her safely to his chest.
“You’re not alone,” she whispers into his collarbone, the touch of her lips, a second of pure bliss for him. He shivers at the contact, holding his breath to stop his thoughts from escalating.
“You’re not alone,” Satowa repeats, chin resting against his chest as she stares into his eyes, lowering one hand to trace his jaw in short, quiet strokes.
“You have me forever.”
When Chika kisses Satowa, he feels everything all at once. The rustling of the leaves dull, his heartbeat overpowering every sound in existence.
When she kisses him back, realisation sinks in that this woman, this beautiful wonderful woman, would give him the world too.
Chika stands in the centre of their universe, two supernovae colliding against the speed of the world, her breath against his skin like warm sunlight streaming in through a window.
When Chika looks into her eyes, he sees himself in them, trapped in a circle of warm ebony. He watches her smile brighten when she raises herself just enough to wipe the tears he doesn’t remember crying.
Today, when he looks at Satowa, Chika sees salvation. He sees his world.
“Forever,” he sighs as they walk back side by side, fingers intertwined, like needle and thread. She gazes at him, instinctively moving closer.
For once, Chika would let himself be protected. Because Satowa was a force to reckon with. She’s fierce and brave and he’s safe in her arms.
Chika really smiles then, one so wide his eyes crinkle and vision narrows to the one person who matters more than any other.
The world has to allow him this one moment of greed.
“Forever isn’t long enough.”
Yay! I wanted to write something for so long! This idea came to me after randomly listening to "Safe and Sound" by Taylor Swift.
Thank you for reading, and being patient with me. I love y'all so much <<3
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azucanela · 4 years
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SUMMARY: Tsukishima makes the mistake of getting drunk at a party that Y/N happens to be attending. Being the kind soul she is, Y/N makes it her mission to get him home alive. Now, she expected mild resistance seeing as he was drunk, she didn’t expect a confession of his undying love for her. 
WARNINGS: alcohol, don’t drink irresponsibly kids, drunk tsukishima[best tsukishima]
A/N: i am so excited to write for tsukki again aslkdhaksdhk also this reminds me of Wish You Were Sober by Conan Gray lol
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Meeting Kuroo Tetsuro and Bokuto Koutarou was a mistake, befriending them was an even bigger mistake, but there was no doubt in Tsukishima’s mind that agreeing to hang out with them had by far been his biggest mistake. Getting drunk with them? Even worse. Now, thinking back to the reason he agreed, Tsukishima wondered if it was worth it.
He’d been adamant, declining every single one of their attempts to get him to attend to stupid party they’d been nagging him about for the past week. Apparently one of their mutual college friends was throwing the party and all were welcome, not that Tsukishima wanted to be welcome. He’d found parties, especially college parties, almost childlike. It hadn’t been the first time they’d tried to get him to go to a party, and he knew it wouldn’t be the last, but he despised parties. Mostly because of the ridiculous mess that would accumulate over time in the area. 
If there was one thing he hated, it was a mess. Now, Tsukishima never thought that he’d be the one making the mess, as he was fairly sure he’d spilt alcohol onto the couch, but then again nothing ever goes how he expects. Nothing ever goes his way. But sitting on the couch of the stranger’s home, music blasting, lights flashing, and bodies moving, Tsukishima finds himself reflecting as to why, how he ended up here. And of course, his eyes end up on Y/N L/N. Which he found ironic as he allowed a laugh to escape him, confusing and likely concerning those nearby him. 
All it had taken was the mention of her name and he was sold. 
They’d known each other since his first year, they’d been placed in the same class and if Tsukishima was honest, Y/N had been the only competent one there. And whenever he was absent, someone had to ensure he got notes and homework on whatever he missed. Now, he easily could’ve asked Yamaguchi to do it, and yet, he found his way over to the desk of Y/N L/N and asked her. 
Maybe it had been an excuse to speak with the pretty girl in his class, maybe not. It didn’t matter in Tsukishima’s eyes. Of course, communication only when absent suddenly turned into texts about daily homework, to texts about things other than homework, to calls going on til 5AM, to going out to study together at the café Y/N liked so much. 
Then she became the new manager of the Volleyball Club and things got worse. Suddenly he was seeing her in school, after school, and during a concerning amount of his free time. Y/N was a constant in his life, something Tsukishima could not escape no matter how hard he tried.
Not that he wanted to.
Scoffing to himself as he tears his eyes away from Y/N’s figure, who was dancing to the rapid beat of the music alongside a guy— one that Tsukishima had already decided he disliked— Tsukishima’s eyes bore straight into the red solo cup in hand. As though the cup would give him an answer to his current predicament, the fact that he was irrevocably in love with Y/N L/N and there was absolutely nothing he could do about it. And nothing he would do about it.
Normally it was easy to block out thoughts like this one. Of course, normally, he was sober. Right now, he was definitely not sober, he was incredibly drunk if he was honest. Something he blamed Kuroo and Bokuto for, something he would continue to blame them for when he woke up with a pounding head and immense nausea the following morning. Unlike them, he was capable of hiding the fact that he was drunk.
Ceasing his glare at the red solo cup, Tsukishima brought it back up to his lips to take another sip of the alcoholic beverage, only to realize he’d emptied it out. Inhaling deeply, Tsukishima took one last look at Y/N, who’s eyes met his, causing them to light up in recognition. She waved enthusiastically at him, beaming from beside the random guy she’d taken to. 
Despite the sudden urge to puke— the urge that might’ve been alcohol and might’ve been the sight of Y/N beside the guy— Tsukishima offered her a small smile before inhaling deeply and coming to a stand. His lanky frame swayed slightly, a weightless feeling overcoming him as blood rushed to his head and he became dizzy. Tsukishima couldn’t help but bring a hand to his head as he began to tip over, the hand with the drink extending outwards in hopes of steadying himself on a non existent wall.
He probably would’ve fallen had Y/N not been there, of course, Tsukishima sincerely doubted she wanted his cup to collide with her shirt, along with the rest of him. 
Y/N simply grimaced she felt the small drops of whatever alcohol was left splatter around them, though she didn’t know if the smell was from the drink itself or the wasted boy before her. His eyes were squeezed shut as he regained focus, blinking once, twice before seeing her face and saying, “oh.” His eyes trail down her figure, noticing that what was left of the liquid had landed on her shirt, his eyes flick over to the now empty cup, allowing him to connect the dots. “Sorry.”
A small laugh escapes her as she brings a hand behind him, and Tsukishima doesnt know why she laughed, an as he laughed along, he saw the irony in the situation once more. Because he wouldn’t have apologized if it had been anyone else. He’s distracted from this thought as the hand behind him begins coming up to his back to support him, the other throwing his arm around her shoulder as she spoke, “let’s get you upstairs okay?”
He pushed up his glasses with one of his hands, nose scrunching as they lay crookedly across his face, “you’re not going to take advantage of me, are you L/N?”
It’s a tease, a way to salvage some of his reputation, to maintain a small part of the facade he tries to play around her, the one she sees through most of the time. Of course, Y/N had yet to see through the facade of ‘friend that isn’t in love with you’ so that was good. But, Tsukishima can’t deny the feeling of embarrassment that floods him because she’s seeing his like this, a mess. Nonetheless Y/N’s cheeks warm as she guides him through the crowd and up the stairs, “I would never do that, Tsukishima.”
He can’t help but scoff because he knows that, she was far too good to do such a thing. Just another reason she would never feel the same way he did. And yet, he simply responds, “didn’t I tell you to call me Kei?”
Her nose scrunches up and she tilts her head up at him in confusion, “no. You never told me to call you by your first name Tsuki-”
“Kei.” He corrects as Y/N knocks a few times on the door, a look of disgust washing over her face momentarily before guiding his further down the hallway to an empty room. 
Y/N’s eyes scan the room, before she seats him on the bed and shuts the door behind her, “did Kuroo and Bokuto just leave you all by yourself?”
Tsukishima didn’t necessarily remember how he’d gotten alone, but he was fairly sure it had involved a bet between Kuroo and Bokuto over who had the better cannonball. Last he checked, Bokuto had been on the roof and Akaashi had been... panicked to say the least, all while Kuroo cheered him on. Tsukishima was fairly sure that he saw himself out after that.
“Kinda.” His arm extends outwards to grab her hand and pull her closer to him, suddenly overwhelmed by the need for human contact that he normally foregoes.
Y/N’s mouth gapes open at the sudden action, though she makes no comment on it, full well knowing he’d cease all contact if she did due to embarrassment. And if Y/N was honest, she liked the apparently affectionate Tsukishima. So she simply looked down at him as she removed his crooked glasses from his face before turning around and placing them on the dresser behind her. Slipping her phone out of her pocket, Y/N is about to call an Uber for her drunken friend when his arms pull her back against him. 
Once Y/N is secured in her arms, Tsukishima falls backwards onto the bed, eliciting a squeal from Y/N who falls alongside him. Tsukishima finds himself unable to contain the laughter than escapes him at the sight of the baffled look on Y/N’s face, her brows drawn together in confusion as she sat herself back up, only for Tsukishima to throw his arm over her to keep her down.
He shifts, laying his head on her stomach, and Y/N grows quiet at the intimate gesture, but says nothing as she returns her attention to the calling an Uber. Tsukishima had never been affectionate, sure he’d offer the occasional pat on the head, maybe a hug if she was upset, but he’d never been so...
“You look cute when you’re confused, Y/N.” His chin is resting on her stomach as he stares up at her, and Y/N just gives him a look that says she doesn’t believe him, which Tsukishima deems as a requirement to affirm his statement, “I mean it.” 
A small laugh escapes her, and Tsukishima finds himself burying his face into her abdomen as she ruffles his hair, “sure, Kei.” Her hand moves to withdraw from his head, only for him to grab it, holding it there. Y/N raises a brow at this action, but seems to get the message as she begins to run her fingers through his hair. And Tsukishima shuts his eyes contentedly, inhaling deeply.
Was it weird to think she smelt nice? Had she always smelt this nice? Was the alcohol making his think these weird thoughts? Tsukishima could’ve sworn that her laugh had never sounded so.. pretty. Like one of the songs on his playlist. “You have a nice laugh.” His words are quiet, almost as though he’s saying it to himself, and Y/N almost doesn’t hear him. “And you smell nice.” 
Y/N falters, her movements pausing as she looks down at him. She’s never seen him like this, and she probably never would again, Y/N had a feeling he’d threaten her once he was sober. Then again, he hadn’t threatened her for a while, which was odd for him, though she’d discounted it as him being in a good mood the first time around, it didn’t make sense for Tsukishima Kei to be in a good mood this long. 
She dismisses these thoughts, clearing her throat when Tsukishima looks up at her with a curious look, a hint of annoyance evident in his face as he waits expectantly for her hand to resume its movements. “You’re a very affectionate drunk, Kei.” Is all Y/N mumbles as she continues to run her hand through his hair. 
“Only because it’s you.” 
Reminding herself that he had far too much to drink, Y/N rolls her eyes at his words, returning her attention to her phone, only for Tsukishima to frown, snatching the phone from her grasp and throwing it behind him. “Tsukishima what the-” From the pointed look he gave her, Y/N huffed, glaring at him as she continued, “Kei what do you think you’re doing?”
He practically pouted as he replied grumpily, “getting your attention.” Okay maybe she was right, he was an affectionate drunk, but that was only because Tsukishima was fairly sure he was on the verge of confessing his apparent love for her. Something he’d sworn to himself he’d never do for the sake of their friendship, and himself.
“Well I’m trying to get you an Uber— and no it isn’t a RideShare I know you hate those.” Y/N grumbled, moving to sit up, she gently placed Tsukishima’s head back onto the bed as he laid there in shock, watching Y/N pick the phone up off the floor.
“Uber is expensive.” His brows furrowed as he pushed himself up on his elbows, Tsukishima was shocked she’d even remembered he disliked the Ride Share option. They’d only ridden in an Uber once together, and he’d complained afterwards about having to share a space with the strange guy in the car with them. If Tsukishima was honest, his main issue was the way the guy looked at Y/N but... she didn’t need to know that. 
Y/N looked up from her phone momentarily to meet his eyes as she agreed, “yes, it is.” She was still tapping away at her phone, “but I don’t have my car.”
“Use my phone.” Tsukishima offered, he had the Uber app which would allow him to pay for his own ride. His hand fell to his pocket, only to realize that his phone wasn’t there. Impulsively, he began to pat his other pockets in search of the device.
One hand moves into her pocket, though this doesn’t stop her from continuing to type one handed. “It’s fine.” Y/N mumbles in response, her free hand raised with his phone in hand before she slips it back into her pocket.
“I’ll pay you back.” Though Tsukishima quickly realizes he didn’t feel his wallet in any of his pockets either, hands returning to pat them down once more, only for Y/N to gesture at him with his wallet now in hand. 
Slipping the wallet into her other back pocket, Y/N internally curses clothing designers for failing to make women more suitable pockets as she responds, “you don’t have to Kei.”
If Tsukishima was honest, Y/N was always like this. She was always taking care of others, even him. Though he rarely needed it, and was far to prideful to ask for assistance at times, she always seemed to be there when he needed her. And even when he didn’t need her, they were together. 
Maybe it was the alcohol, maybe it was because Bokuto and Kuroo had been teasing him about a crush he hadn’t even told them about, one so obvious that they knew the mention of Y/N’s name would convince him to come. Maybe it was because they suggested he confess that night, maybe it was because it finally hit him that Y/N L/N was one of the beautiful people he knew inside and out, and even if she didn’t love him back she deserved to know she was loved. 
“I think I’m in love with you.” His voice is distant, almost as if he isn’t there, eyes glassed over as he stares at Y/N in awe. 
Maybe it was a mistake. 
Y/N nodded along to his words absentmindedly as she responded, “didn’t I say it was fine—" She paused her movements entirely, phone nearly falling to the ground when it slipped out of her fingers had it not been for Tsukishima’s arm reaching out to catch it. Y/N looked up at him, mouth gaped open as she stared at him in shock. 
And then she laughed. 
“God, Tsukki you are so drunk.”
The reminders that the boy was drunk were coming in at full force now. Because in no world would Tsukishima Kei have feelings for her, and in no time or space would he admit to it. They were just close friends, they’d known each other since the start of high school and Tsukishima wasn’t stupid enough to seek a relationship full well knowing they could end up at different college when they graduated. And Tsukishima would never ask her to call him by his first name, especially since all he did was tease her and pester her in his free time.
It wasn’t like he was visibly kinder to her, and it wasn’t like Kiyoko had pointed out about half a dozen times that he clearly had feelings for her. It also wasn’t like Y/N brought home two very drunk boys known as Kuroo and Bokuto who had offhandedly mentioned the blond’s feelings for her. No, it wasn’t like Tsukishima had threatened the guy who wouldn’t stop hitting on her at the start of the party, or took class notes for her even though she never asked him to. No, it wasn’t like they facetimed until 5AM having deep conversations, or like every time they studied together, no matter how stupid the question he’d answer it, even if he’d normally bully someone for asking something like that.
It wasn’t like that at all. 
Tsukishima is staring at her, gauging her reaction, even if he is drunk he still has the same analytical look in his eyes as he speaks, “you’re not stupid, Y/N.” He looks away and Y/N swears she can see his cheeks tinting red as her own begin to warm. His eyes zero in on the half empty bottle of vodka on the desk, and he wonders if getting even more drunk would be the solution to his problems. At least then he wouldn’t have to remember this in the morning. “You’re a lot of things, but you aren’t stupid.”
He wishes he didn’t see her bring a hand to her mouth, which had gaped open once more, and he wishes that he didn’t say anything at all. He wishes that he didn’t come to this stupid party, or walk over to her stupid desk that day in their first year. He wishes he didn’t fall in love.
No, that’s not true. Tsukishima knows thats not true because he can’t deny that the way he feels around her is something ethereal. She made him feel a way that he never thought he’d be capable of feeling, and yet there he was. 
Inhaling deeply, he finds himself slipping off the edge of the bed, trying to ignore the way Y/N struggles to find words to reply as he moves over to the desk to grab the bottle of Vodka off the table because he did not want to remember this at all. The thoughts he normally blocks out while sober are flooding his mind once more, and Tsukishima can’t help but frown. Who would wanna remember losing one of the most important people in their lives, and being the reason it happened? Not him, that’s for sure.
A smaller hand stops him, coming to his wrist, and Tsukishima simply sighs, turning to look at her with an apathetic look on his face. Y/N pulls him closer to her, and when he stands in front of her, she simply brings his glasses to his face wordlessly. Tsukishima’s eyes squeeze shut as she does, and when he opens them he can clearly see Y/N beaming up at him as she ruffles his hair. “I love you too, Kei.” 
His eyes pierce into hers, and he leans forward slightly, “I want to kiss you.”
Y/N is silent for a moment, eyes meeting his before she bursts out laughing, “Kei, when I said I wasn’t taking advantage of you, I meant it.” She taps his nose with her finger, “you’re drunk. And don’t even try to deny it, you may seem kinda sober, but you wouldn’t have confessed if you were.” Her phone vibrates in her pocket, and she takes his hand, “now let’s go, your Uber is here.”
“Right.” He mumbles, pushing his glasses up on the bridge of his nose, “but you owe me a kiss.” 
Bringing a hand to her temple, Y/N exhales deeply, “god you are so forward while drunk.” She can feel her cheeks warm as she evades his stare, pulling him out of the room. 
“You love it.” Tsukishima replies with a smirk, reveling in the fact that she’s becoming flustered, even as he stumbles slightly, still struggling to walk properly. 
Rolling her eyes, Y/N brings her hands to steady him, “well you owe me a shirt.”
“You have my wallet.” Comes his response, shrugging. 
Y/N likely would’ve replied had Bokuto and Kuroo not come up the stairs, soaked in water, Akaashi close behind the pair with their things in hand as he guided them down the hall. This didn’t stop them from yelling, “TSUKISHIMA YOU DID IT!” 
He’s smiling in a way he likely never would’ve sober, a broad laugh escaping him because he didn’t expect this. But hey, it’s a nice surprise. Turns out the girl he’s in love with is also in love with him. He supposed Bokuto and Kuroo surviving their dive off the roof was a bonus. And so was the flustered look Y/N dawned as they passed the two boys and their designated driver. 
It was a nice night. Even if the following morning would probably suck when he woke up with a killer hangover. 
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A/N: this is quite possibly my favorite thing that i have ever written uhhhh also writing this made me wanna cry i- why am i so l o n e l y 
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HAIKYUU!!: @therainroguefanfiction​  @shawkneecaps​
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sevlgi · 4 years
TWICE REACTION | they find their s/o in bed with another member
requested: yes
group: twice
genre: angst
warnings: cheating
Nayeon was always pretty in tune with the way you and her members acted, so she grew suspicious when you were suddenly so much closer with Sana. She didn’t confront you, but she watched you decently closely.
Despite almost expecting it, Nayeon was absolutely betrayed when she found you with Sana; she broke up with you immediately, not willing to hear a single thing you or Sana said. 
She was angry with herself for waiting so long to confront you, but she was absolutely furious with you for betraying her, and with Sana, who knew just how much Nayeon loved you. 
“I won’t hear it, Y/N, you’ve betrayed me.”
Jeongyeon did notice some of the signs that something wasn’t right, but she tried to avoid them. She just hoped that it wasn’t true, that you weren’t cheating on her with one of her members.
Needless to say, Jeongyeon was completely heartbroken when she found you in bed with Jihyo. She was shocked, too, that her leader would hurt her so, and that you really were so unsatisfied with your relationship.
She couldn’t really leave you just yet; Jeongyeon wanted to stay loyal to you even when you weren’t loyal to her, but she also couldn’t stay with you in good conscience. 
“I hoped it wasn’t true...”
Momo honestly didn’t really notice any signs. She was actually happy that you were growing closer with Mina, thinking that your newfound closeness was just platonic. She encouraged the two of you to become friends, after all.
All of her trust in you just made it more shattering to find the two of you together. Momo couldn’t believe that she hadn’t seen any of the signs, but she still couldn’t blame you or Mina because she loved the both of you too much.
She immediately left, not wanting to argue with you, but Momo wasn’t willing to see either of you. She needed to sort out her emotions on her own, and to gather up the strength to do what needed to be done.
“How could you do this?”
Sana noticed something was wrong when you started to avoid her affectionate ways, but she didn’t connect it with your relationship with Dahyun at first. She questioned herself before she questioned you.
Finding the two of you together just made Sana angry that she hadn’t seen it earlier. She hated that both of you, people she loved, could hurt her like this, but she was also too loyal to just let you go.
She was willing to give the both of you another chance, but you broke her trust, so Sana was very watchful with the both of you. Your relationship honestly might never recover, even with the second chance.
“You have one more chance, then we’re over.”
Jihyo, as the leader, was very good at noticing when something was off with you and her members. She noticed you and Chaeyoung acting strange, and she had her suspicions, but she wanted to trust that you’d never.
She wasn’t completely shocked when she found out, but she was completely crushed. Jihyo couldn’t have expected at all that you were going to do something like this, nor that her own member would help you.
Still, despite her own feelings, Jihyo was conflicted about what to do. She couldn’t exactly break up with Chaeyoung, but she didn’t know which option to take with you either. Despite everything, she couldn’t let go.
“I... I don’t know what to do, I still love you.”
Mina did suspect that something was going on, but she didn’t want to confront her suspicions. Instead, she grew apart from both you and Tzuyu slowly, unable to do anything but watch as her relationships fell apart.
When she discovered the two of you together, Mina could only try not to cry. She already had enough trust issues, and you only added on to it with what you had done.
She didn’t want to argue with you about it at all, so she just broke up with you on the spot. Mina did cry for days afterward, and she couldn’t bring herself to talk to Tzuyu either.
“I don’t want to talk about it, we’re done.”
Dahyun did notice that you and Nayeon were acting strange, and she confronted the both of you. When you reassured her, she did her best to put her worries aside, choosing to trust her girlfriend and her oldest member.
She was still shocked when she found the two of you in bed. Honestly, Dahyun started arguing with you right then and there. She knew that despite her lingering feelings for you, it wasn’t right to just ignore your actions.
Breaking up with you was one of the hardest things she had ever done, but Dahyun was also focused on her member’s betrayal. Both of you had hurt her, and she was going to deal with it no matter how much it pained her.
“How can I stay with you when you cheated on me?”
Chaeyoung felt guilty to be thinking that you cheated on her. She went to you for reassurance, and after that, the signs disappeared, but Chaeyoung couldn’t help but think that you were just being more careful after learning of her suspicions.
When she discovered the two of you, Chaeyoung was unnervingly quiet and mature about the whole situation. She didn’t want to blow up at you, so she had to ask Jihyo to be the mediator.
She wanted to stay with you, but there was no way for Chaeyoung to trust you or Jeongyeon anymore. What the two of you had done was irrevocable, and you had broken your relationship with her forever.
“There’s no trust here, Y/N.”
Tzuyu’s mind went to the worst scenario when she noticed you pulling away from her and reaching for Momo. She still didn’t want to confront you, simply hoping that it wasn’t true and she was overthinking it.
It hit hard for her to find out that her own member helped you, her girlfriend, to break her heart. Tzuyu practically shut down and ran out, just trying to hide how much pain she was feeling.
She made someone else break up with you, not having the heart to even see you. She was so incredibly hurt, but Tzuyu still didn’t want you to feel guilty for breaking her. After all, she still loved you.
“Don’t talk to me ever again, please.”
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kanmom51 · 3 years
Jm is getting huge amount of hate today and guess who the hate were from aside from tkkrs? Yup, Jk stans 😐 really cant wrap my head around this. Why do they have so much hate for someone who is so close to their bias. They hv no problem with jin or jhope and especially tae being affectionate with jk but the moment its jm all kinds of names comes out. Sexual harasser, attention seeker, a faggot, queerbaiter etc etc
I tell you why:
Because these assholes want JK for themselves. They just cannot wrap their minds around the fact that maybe, just maybe, JK is not all that straight and that maybe, just maybe, he is totally utterly irrevocably in love with JM.
Which means, oops, he's off the market, as if they would have a chance with him anyway.
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writing-fool · 4 years
mlqc | think of you somehow
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I recently thought to start incorporating Shaw too. So, here is his debut on my page! I’m currently working on a fantasy!au for Kiro, a harrypotter!au for Victor and a couple of other things. Unfortunately, those will have to wait a little, since I have an entrance exam coming up next week. I have another thing queued up for the day after this, so stay tuned!
Someone in the discord group had to help me for Gavin; I didn’t have too much inspiration for that one...
As always, enjoy!
Warning(s): profanity, kinda. slight suggestive content
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we all know Victor’s a huge tsundere who never learnt how to express his feelings in a normal way that doesn’t give you a headache.
i swear, why do i love him so much 
he never gets needy, or so he says he sulks when you don’t give him his goodbye kiss after handing over a report at LFG
aaaand he needs a morning kiss before leaving for work anyways Victor doesn’t get needy
you’re his little recharge mechanism though, his little charging pod i’m currently imagining a roomba pfft
even he, a magical, genius CEO, gets exhausted sometimes
it’s not always fun. sure, he’s a total capitalistic tool, but business meetings with old men who think they can earn investments while ‘subtly’ looking down on him for his age aren’t a doozy.
don’t get me wrong, Victor never loses his composure, and due to being an extrovert (he’s not loud, but he’s not a person who gets energy from being alone perse, imo. besides, he’s a good leader, so extrovert seems likely, although he has a lot of introvert traits too.) he’s genuinely good at socialising
doesn’t mean he always likes it.
you often notice when he’s tired 
when he gets home, you’ll usually be there already because your work just ends sooner on most days. he’ll set down his suitcase, hang his coat in the little closet by the door, take his shoes off, and prepare dinner
you’re probably kind of just there, chatting with him about his day while he cooks
he doesn’t allow you to work with knives at home because he’s overprotective you hurt yourself once
you might help a little, or get some work done by the table. Victor also had a piano put in the living area of the open complex penthouse, so you’ll play a tune sometimes. seems like he likes classical the most
Victor’s at-home appearance is a little different from his usual one. he still looks pretty clean and put-together, but he sheds his blazer (and vest) and socks. you two have matching slippers, so Victor wears his grey slippers with little cat faces on them (you have little beige slippers with dog faces on them)
when cooking, Victor rolls up his sleeves or switches to a v-neck sweater (during winter). his hair’s a bit fluffier than it usually is. all in all, a relaxed look.
after dinner, he’ll disappear for a little bit, doing some work before he it gets too late because he wants to spend time with you
usually, you’re lounging on the couch, reading or watching tv unless there’s a deadline then you’re a total mess working until late at night AND VIC HATES IT
he’ll come back into the living room from his home office, come up behind the sofa and just hug you while leaning down
“Hey handsome, you tired?” you ask. You reach your hand up, scratching the soft hairs at the nape of Victor’s neck while a relieved sigh passes through his lips.
Victor moves to the couch with you, and you know he’s Done with work for the day. he doesn’t even say anything, just relishes in your presence
he gets a bit touch-starved on occasions like these, so he’ll sit on the sofa and just pick you up and plop you on his lap. 
but like, in a koala way. that makes very little sense, huh. you’ll be straddling him, pressing your chest up against his and put your chin on his shoulder. your hands are around his neck and his are somewhere around your waist. 
you just sit there, maybe kissing a little, most likely pressing little kisses on each other’s collarbones/neck no hickies because you guys are pretty important people with quite the image well, can’t say it never happened before though, can you~
Victor’s totally in his safe spot here, so if he does say something in this moment, it’s not some guarded/sarcastic comment. he’s vulnerable and honest, so “I love you”s are not rare at all here. 
he might purr if you scratch his head. maaybe. don’t ask whether author Ré sees Victor Li as a cat...
10/10 Victor will carry you to bed like this. brush your teeth before because there’s no way this man is letting you go. 
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uhh to this day, i don’t think anyone really knows the extent of Lucien’s thoughts
like, in a sense, he’s a lot more guarded than, say, Victor, but they do say the best lies are ones shrouded in truth so the feelings he shows outwardly may actually resemble his actual ones atm
so...i wouldn’t say he gets very needy at all. not according to the standard definition, anyways
if he wants a kiss, he steals one from you. if he wants a hug, he’ll fluster you by backhugging you. if he wants to make out, he’ll push you against the nearest surface and steal your breath away. if he wants something more, he’ll make sure to rile you up until you’re in the mood for ehem. my fingers must’ve slipped...
Lucien’s modus operandi is definitely ‘take what i want when i want it’ in your relationship WITH CONSENT. HE’S NOT AN ASS.
he comes on strong, he’s smooth and he’s devilishly handsome. as a result, he’s often initiating any affection you guys have. 
so, while he’s not necessarily needy, he can’t shake the idea that maybe you don’t want him like he wants you. Lucien get that thought out of your head you two are domestic goals. he was stuck in a period of unrequited love for a while, sort of, so he thinks that he could handle being the one in the relationship that loves the other more. 
but the thought of you not loving him as uncontrollably, frighteningly, irrevocably as he loves you scares him to the very core of his being. because he’s in deep. 
there’s also the factor of him knowing that he doesn’t deserve you after all he’s done. but yet, you’re here with him.
so...Lucien knows it’s childish when he drops his head onto your lap while you’re reading on the couch Lucien: *sees your lap* it’s free real estate
he pretends it’s because he wants to take a nap. but actually he wants to see whether you’re affectionate when he’s not the one instigating it. 
either you’re just too embarrassed to do so when he’s taking initiative, or you’re not all that into him. i wrote about Luci’s love language being touch, so he probably sees you not touching him as a sign that you don’t love him
i’m not saying it’s a dealbreaker if you don’t like physical affection, but it’d take longer for him to open up to someone who’s not comfortable with his touch
anyways, almost immediately after he closes his eyes, you thread your fingers through his soft hair, raking them lightly over his scalp.
“You must be truly tired, falling asleep like this. Poor Lucien.Take care of yourself, my foolish professor.” and his heart shatters in Soft™
slowly, you shift to bend down, and Lucien feels your soft lips kissing his forehead, his nose, his cheek and finally landing on his lips. he smiles in that last one.
it’s not a sensual kiss, just an innocent, loving one. and Luci realises that yeah, you’re just as gone for him as he is for you. Maybe, you’re not the caged butterfly in this relationship...
he actually dozes off to the feeling of your hands in his hair, sometimes moving to gently brush a thumb over his cheek, sometimes pulling away to flip a page in your book. 
when he wakes up, there’s a blanket covering him and a soft pillow under his head
the hazy, irrational part of him makes him jump up, thinking you’ve gone after all. maybe it was all just a dream. one too good to be true.
but the melodic humming in the kitchen and the mugs filled with piping hot tea on the coffee table tell him you’re real, and you’re here with him
afterwards, Lucien naps on your lap more often. they’re his favourite treat
sometimes, you read to him, lulling him to sleep with your voice
honestly, domestic moments like this almost make Lucien want to cry out in joy because he never thought this was something he’d ever have.
well, they did say to treasure the little things in life...
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i’d say Gav’s a good 6.83 on the needy scale
he could be a 7.91 to be honest, so he has needy potential, but this man’s too shy to be needy
i mean, if you ever kiss him or hold his hand in public, his ears turn red and he’s an incoherent mess for like 10 minutes.
proceed with caution. or not. muahahaha
i think in a way, he grew up with the notion that he was a nuisance too yes, yes, we all want to deck Gavin’s dad in the face so he’s afraid to be vulnerable and needy with you.
MC: *pats Gavin’s hair.* this bad boy can fit so many daddy issues in it
ANYWAYS, the most this baby does is call you when he misses you
“I-I just wanted to hear your voice, okay?”
doesn’t really initiate a ton of affection either. 
again, he could...but he holds back. also he’s just so respectful of your boundaries and would rather have you indicate what you like in the relationship.
honestly he loves it when you snuggle up to him anyways soooooo...
but there are times when even Birdcop completely breaks and just needs you to be there for him
Gav does value communication, so he will actually ask for cuddles if he’s THAT needy such a healthy relationship dynamic
doesn’t happen a lot, but when it does...
you’ll be at home when he comes home from a mission. he’s had a pretty intense day, and now he just wants to unwind with you
this darling sheepishly walks up to you.
and as you turn around to greet him, he’ll ask 
“Can...I hold you?”
you drop EVERYTHING you’re doing because the moment he asks for hugs, it’s serious.
cuddles with Gavin are a 100% engagement kind of thing. you can’t do anything else, you’re stuck in his arms for a while
you guys usually move to the rug in the living room. not the sofa, which seems weird, but Gavin’s a tall gangly boy, measuring at 181 cm or 5′11″ I’m using the imperial system for you guys *grumble*
the sofa is just not big enough to fit his long legs comfortably when he’s laying down, and his neck hurts 
also, it’s not optimal for big bear hugs
Why not use the bed? i hear you ask. BECAUSE IT’S NOT RIGHT.
anyways, on extra effort days, you’ll make a pillow fort, but usually he just takes a pillow, a blanket and flops on the floor
cuddle hours are spent talking. no phones, maybe some music, but all-in-all they’re just times to open up, which is kind of rare for someone so rough around the edges
he turns to absolute putty when you start rubbing his stomach under his shirt this is canon don’t @ me
“Mmm...don’t do that,” he whines groans.
“You seem to be enjoying it, though?”
“Mm...no.” you liar.
honestly in like a realistic, domestic setting, a relationship with Gavin would be one of the healthiest ones within the five boys. 
he cherishes you so much, and definitely tries his best to be open with you, even though he’s experienced things that make trusting others difficult.
because if there’s one person in the whole wide world he would trust, it’d be you. 
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needy? you mean, Kiro all day, every day?
this boy loves you with all he has and the day he doesn’t show you how loved you are and how much he literally worships the ground you walk on is the day hell freezes over.
kissing, hugging, being cutesy, gifts, matching clothing, fun outings, food. ANYTHING
to be honest, he likes being with you in general, and would probably never leave your side if he didn’t have to
Kiro trusts you enough to share his entire world with you, fully knowing that he’s taking the risk of exposing himself like this. he knows that if this doesn’t work out, he’ll never be able to enjoy his world again because you’re so ingrained in it.
but the thought of not committing to you with his entire being doesn’t even cross his mind obviously, y’all are endgame so don’t even try to break up with this pupper
he tries to make up for your busy schedules with extra affection most of the time too
but actually, Kiro doesn’t just resort to hugging you in his arms, peppering kisses all over your face and not letting you go for hours when he’s lonely although he does do this. it’s just not something he does when he reaaally missed you. 
when he’s having a bad day and needs you the most, he’ll drag you out for some hotpot at night
it sounds silly, doesn’t it? but over a steaming pot of broth with various dishes, he sees your face and he feels at home. i mean, he loves food, he loves you. what’s better than a combination of both?
you laugh, chat and be as loud as you want. Kiro doesn’t have to disguise himself in the little shop at 2 am
the restaurant owner loves you guys, and gives you free beef on many occasions
he thinks you guys remind him of him and his wife when they were younger, although he jokes that Kiro’s a just a tad more handsome than he used to be~
Kiro likes feeding you and loves how you used to be so embarrassed about it. nowadays, you laugh and accept the food like you’re used to it, and somehow, that makes his heart soar
you take the long way home, walking back to your large shared flat under the night sky
Loveland City’s never fully quiet, but at least the people at that time don’t bother him. they’re either too drunk, or too stuck in their own thoughts. let’s face it, people who have their life together don’t wander around sober and alone at 3 am.
Kiro sometimes misses being invisible, but he also knows that he’s doing good by being who he is in this life. being a celebrity is tough, but intimate moments like these do kind of make it bearable
he holds you by the waist, enjoying the view with a serene smile and a full stomach by the view, he means you for the most part
“Hmm...Miss Chips, do you know how beautiful you look right now?”
your lipstick’s worn off, sweat’s cooling down on your face and your makeup’s smudged, but in that moment, Kiro thinks you’re the most ethereal being in the whole universe.
because you’re the only one who he would want to do this with. you’re the only one who would enjoy the night with him, stranded in this strange, thick atmosphere of melancholy and happiness.
one time, maybe a few months ago, it rained when you two exited the hotpot joint
instead of buying umbrellas at a nearby convenience store, you ran down the streets, jumping in puddles and laughing your asses off
Kiro swears he fell in love with you all over again that day.
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yah...i never really know what to call Shaw’s personality
he’s kind of a tsundere, but not in the way Victor is? he teases the shit out of you when he has feelings for you, but he’s also kind of a douche about it
and he’ll probably never admit how precious you are to him also he probably thinks he doesn’t deserve you
i love this little bastard but i get SO fed up with him
this boy doesn’t even actually take you on proper dates
like, it’s either university café, impromptu graffiti trips which to be honest might be an actual date or going to a club which could be a date but when you’re in a relationship with Shaw it kind of isn’t bcs he’s there 7/7
anyways, he doesn’t do the whole ‘love’ thing very well. he’s fine with PDA, so he’ll full on snog you in the club or reach over the table to lick whipped cream off of your face last time you’re ordering a frappuccino with whipped cream 
but he does it mostly to get a reaction
it’s not insincere, but he also doesn’t view PDA as a loving gesture perse
will not be honest with his words. don’t expect it. he’s built a shield around himself and therefore literally doesn’t know how to talk to someone kindly.
but...he tries.
Shaw’s most vulnerable and needy moment is the early morning
it’s not at night, cos he spends nights out partying or having a one-night stand what? he’s a healthy, viral boy!
his one-night stands never saw him in the morning because he’s honestly the type to hit and run i’m sorry how was i supposed to say this or alternatively to kick his partner out at 4 am
but you’re his first actual love, and even he knows you don’t kick your lover out if you give a damn about the relationship 
it was a big step for him to feel comfortable with you...but he doesn’t regret it one bit he probably won’t tell you that though
anyways, Shaw’s groggy morning voice makes you delirious BUT that’s a little besides the point
you wake up in each other’s arms
if you wake up first, you’ll probably stare at his face for a while until he does and inevitably says “What? Am I that handsome, huh?” secretly thrives off of your compliments 
if he wakes up first, he’ll probably wake you up by tickling you or touching you in some way ehem innocently Minor made me clarify it
any way it happens, you guys participate in some good morning spoonage
Shaw loves burying his head in your neck to press kisses and love bites there, smell your scent and hide the blushing face that is so very rare
finally one thing the brothers have in common
he’s aware he’s being a little too sappy for his own liking, but it feels wrong to ruin the morning mood with a snarky comment when you look so soft under the beams of sunlight flooding his bedroom
so he says nothing, and keeps you wrapped in his arms
in a moment of serene bliss, you hum and say “I love you.” 
as a response, this boy squeezes you a little tighter, buries his head a tad deeper in the crook of your neck
“Shut up.”
you know him well enough to know he’s feeling embarrassed, so you wriggle out of his grasp and turn around
Shaw whines a little when he’s forced to loosen his grasp
you look straight at his face, finding him even cuter when his mischievous smirk is replaced by a pouty scowl
“I love you, I love you, I love you I love you I love you love you loveyouloveyou,” you repeat, watching his face grow redder and redder
he groans audibly. “Shut up!” but he can’t help but smile at your gleeful giggles
“What? I do! I love you so much, Shaw.”
he kisses you to shut you up, but it’s not one of those fast, rough, wild kisses
he cradles you in his arms, trying to convey how he feels through a kiss
“‘Love you,” he mutters against your lips.
“What was that?” you tease him.
“Aw, come on! One more time?” 
“Nope.” yup, he tries. 
I’ve been doing a lot of picture editing for all of my posts...but I think these will be the official ‘character separators’ since I don’t have the energy or will to make new ones for every fanfic...post banners are still a thing for every post though.
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ajokeformur-ray · 4 years
Hiiii! I'm very sorry for bothering you with this but may I send a selfship with Joker and Arthur? You're the only one who could understand, I need to share my love for the character ^^ Um, I'm a 27 years old hetero girl. 158 cm, long dark brown hair, black eyes, a bit chubby - and I don't like my looks at all. I'm a PhD student in Media Discourse, I also led seminars in Journalistic Genres last semester and there's a high chance that I'll be doing it again in a several months, I love every
aspect, if I’m being honest. I dream of having an academic career and becoming a professor one day. I’m good with books and studying but a failure when it comes to intimate things, I’m truly clueless in these and am oblivious to flirting and advances. I also would never admit my feelings to anyone, I prefer acting as there’s nothing. I’m an extremely kind and friendly person though I’m still a bit shy so prefer for other people to make the first step. I’m very loyal, gentle and caring and love
helping my friends. I still need my personal time though. Huge perfectionist. I love books, movies, metal and rock music, long walks. I have a huge phobia of snakes, I couldn’t even look at a picture of one. I also hate crowds and ignorant people. Ironically, I’m a Slytherin (but am very proud of my house). Nerd. Could be a bit clumsy. I usually act as the toughest girl around but get scared easily. Tomboy-ish, I don’t like wearing dresses, heels and makeup. Thank you! 💖
Hello!!! You’re no bother at all skskskk I got’chu!!! I just wanted to take a minute real quick to thank you personally for sticking by me with all the blog changes that I made. You’re one of my longest-standing followers and it truly means the world to me, so thank you so very much. I wish you all the very best and I hope you like this @rafaelina-casillas
Arthur // wc: 780.
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There is an age gap between you which Arthur finds intimidating, so he would be incredibly hesitant to even start talking to you, let alone get into anything with you. He would also be intimidated by your intellect and your academic achievements. Why would you want to spend your time with him or even acknowledge him? He doesn’t understand your attraction to him, but he’s not about to question it too much. He really does love you, he finds you beautiful inside and out, and you think and feel much the same for him. He only got a little of the way through tenth grade and he was never given a choice about that or any other academic path, so he’s ridiculously proud of you for going all the way through to a PhD, and he tells you every chance he gets (for more on this, refer to your headcanon set here - I don’t want to repeat myself skskksk).  He just really is so, so proud of you, always, and he would help you to practice or prepare for seminars in any way you asked him to, even though he barely understands the material you’re required to cover.
You want to become a professor one day, and again, Arthur is super proud of you. He’s almost always bragging about you to his therapist, the chemist at Helms’, his boss and co-workers (though they bully him about it and on his worst days he comes home doubting your existence, but with patience and persistence and maybe one or two angry phone calls to Hoyt do you manage to stop this)… anyone who will listen to him about you. You’re super good at academics and anything which comes out of a textbook, but you’re not so hot with intimate aspects, and that’s the same for Arthur. The two of you are painfully oblivious to the others’ attention, and I really can’t see either of you even coming together without a third party to help you out. Picture this: Gary walks into the changing room at Ha-Ha’s and asks Arthur if he’s managed to ask you out yet. “No,” Arthur hums, “She doesn’t see me that way.” Gary would sigh, genuinely confused as to how two people so emotionally intelligent can be so stupid, and he’d pat Arthur’s hand as he says, “Just try it out, mate, you never know.” Gary does know, though, and a few weeks after that when Arthur comes in to work blushing, he’s only proven right. You prefer to act as if there’s nothing there, but Arthur would slowly start to realise thanks to Gary’s careful prodding that there is something there, and he would have to somehow overcome his own insecurities and doubts. Otherwise, you two will just dance around the large elephant in the room forever.
I feel like, inevitably, Arthur would get so anxious but also so annoyed that he loves you and he knows you love him, he knows, that he’d go along with you on a walk when the grey sky darkens and bleeds out into purple and blue hues, to add some atmospheric intimacy to an emotional conversation, and he’d shyly reach out and take your hand in his, his palm sweating slightly and his throat convulsing and jumping in nerves. You look at him, shocked but also slightly relieved that he had been the one to make the first move, and you squeeze his fingers. Arthur gasps lightly, almost inaudibly, and he slides his fingers more securely into yours, and you both understand that the decision has been made. You’re together now and in the end, no words were needed. You both just… knew. 
You love films but you’re super scared of snakes, and sweet, sweet Arthur would make sure to watch films which are coming out before you watch them, just to make sure that there are no snakes or anything else which scares you. He is incredibly protective, and if there was anything even slightly snake like in a film, like an eel or a water dragon or something, he’d tell you not to watch it. You hate crowds so when you go out for walks together or when either of you collects the other from work or university, Arthur would keep his hand securely in yours while you duck into back alleys, short cuts… He keeps you out of the crowds. You hate ignorant people so living in Gotham, you’re constantly irritated and on edge, but coming home to Arthur really calms you down and keeps you sane. He loves you, all of you, and come rain or shine, you’re all he needs, wants and lives for.
Joker // wc: 780 (what are the chances that these are the same word count, accidentally? skskskskk)
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You had Arthur’s heart before you even really met, so immediately taken was he with you, and you stayed with him through it all until bent and broken was he forced to stand tall, or he’d die continuing as he was. As Joker, therefore, he is incredibly loyal to you. You’re literally his entire life. Without you, he really would have nothing left to lose. So no pressure, but you are the only thing, the only person, who keeps him sane and safe even from himself. He is still incredibly proud of you, super supportive and he does anything and everything that he can to let you know that no matter who he is or what he does, he still loves you so, so much. He’s completely and entirely devoted to you. It’s not unusual for him to let himself in to sit on your seminars, cheering loudly from the crowd and causing a bit of a disturbance; he’d stand up and tug on the sides of his crimson red blazer proudly as he waves at you; causing you some embarrassment. He really is just so proud of you and sometimes he literally shouts it from the rooftop, climbing out onto the fire escape and screeching out his feelings for you, laughing all the while. He wants everyone in Gotham to know that he’s “Not such a loser now, am I?”, and he’d definitely want for you to do the same, though he’d understand if you don’t. So long as he knows you love him, it’s all good.
Joker gets quite tense whenever you start talking about and making plans for your future, as stated in the headcanon set I did for you forever ago, but he would largely understand that you can be together as a couple while you lead very different separate lives. He’s still so supportive but he’s also not above using his fame, his connections with his followers, to help you to forward your career. And if an assignment doesn’t get the target grade? You might find a typo riddled email from your lecturer the day, saying that there was some kind of mistake and please don’t kill me, please. You understand immediately what happened and though you scold Joker, you find yourself unable to really tell him off because he’s shifting his weight around, his hands clasped in front of him, looking for all the world like a little boy getting told off. He just wants to help you in the best way he can. He never had any choice or chance in the life he was forced to lead, but he wants you to have all the choices available to you, no matter what. He loves you dearly. At this point in your relationship, you’ve learned how to read each other’s love languages, so you know when Joker is being affectionate with you, but if anyone else tried to do the same, you’d be completely oblivious, though Joker’s clenching jaw and savage comments will soon clue you in.
Arthur was attracted to you initially because of how kind you are, and though you’re shy, you’re also friendly so people just gravitate towards you. In a city as cruel and as shitty as Gotham, kindness is a treat so rare that people don’t even recognise it for what it is when they experience it, so the fact that you’re so kind makes Joker practically stick to you like glue. He loves you so much and he’d do anything for you; you’re endlessly loyal to each other, irrevocably in love with the other, and what you have carefully cultivated and built together is a treasure that you both cherish and protect with all that you are. You both respect each other’s privacy but you make sure to have allotted time each day which is only yours; Joker may wreak havoc all over the city but dear, sweet Arthur is never recognised in the streets; people’s eyes pass over him, so you can still go for long walks together if you want to.
You scare easily and Joker is Arthur x 1000000 so he’s even more protective of you now than he used to be, because he feels safer to be himself now. He’s almost always touching you, especially when you’re both out on the streets together, because you hate crowds and he’s very quick on his feet, so he can get you away from them effortlessly. Overall, it’s a wild ride to be in love with and to be loved by Arthur Fleck, but it’s a ride which pays off again and again and again, and once you’re together, that’s it. Ride or die, sweetheart, remember?
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neirawrites · 4 years
I was a Twihard in high school. Then I was a Twilight hater. In  2018, I decided to reread the first book, to see for myself on which side I belonged. I wrote my thoughts as I read, in multiple parts, but on my main blog, so I thought I might share them on my writeblr too, because I kinda had fun with it. 
Enjoy my many, many notes
Pages 0-50
I’m actually kinda into it. Yeah, there are a many issues every article on editing tells you to fix (filter words, -ing verbs and things like that), but i feel it. I don’t know what it is, but it’s there.
Bella isn’t that bad of a protagonist. Nothing too spectacular, but she’s fine. She is depressed, self sacrificing and hides her feelings, but also a lot more self aware than i though she would be(like when she notices mike, my son, likes her). She’s a typical teenage girl, the introverted type, way into reading. there’s nothing wrong with that.
I don’t know why i remember Edward being a draco in leather pants,but he’s also fine for now. mysterious and handsome and a bit weird. The first real conversation they have, he’s polite and nice and charming. I expected him to be a dick for like 150 pages at least.
Pages 50-100
I’m still really into it.
Yeah,Edward kinda ghosts her/gaslights her after the whole van incident, but with the benefit of hindsight,i kinda get it. It’s a wonder he didn’t pick up his entire family and moved to Alaska again. I also get her mood during that time and I've been there so i feel ya,Bella,it’s not your fault.
And yeah, Bella gets invited to the dance by three different guys and it’s all kinds of fan fic-y, but the fact she turns them down furthers my belief she’s wake up married to Edward in like a few years and realize she would rather be with Rosalie (a solid choice, might i add).
Edward’s really pushy, especially when it comes to the scene after she faints. like, let her go, you jerk, she can drive herself, but he’s more weird than he’s a jerk and i think that was intentional.
A big surprise was the line “what if i’m not the hero, what if i’m the bad guy?” which isn’t this super cheesy, extra dramatic sentence but a jokey joke told with a laugh. actually, that whole conversation in the cafeteria where she tries to guess what he is is gold and don’t try to tell me otherwise.
I’m reading her interests in him as less of a romantic thing, and more of frustration at his behavior,like she would still be fascinated by him if he wasn’t so hot because he’s just so weird (but being hot is definitely a plus).
Plot? What plot?
Still, while the flaws are there, i’m still enjoying it very much.
Pages 100-150
Is Stephanie Meyer into anime? Cuz she wrote a harem light novel,that’s what she did and that’s how i’ll read it from now on and have more fun doing it. (Might make a post elaborating on this further).
All this to say that we got to Jacob. Not gonna lie, I kinda forgot about him.  He seems like a nice kid and i’m glad Bella has some positive interaction. Team jacoj 4 life (jk,man,i was team jasper in high school which is in retrospect very weird of me). I know he becomes a friend-zoned dudebro later, but for now, he’s fine.
Meyer, lady, you’re winning me over as a half hearted defender of your work, but why are the girls so bitchy? Yeah,i know, bitchy girls exist in real life, especially in high schools,but girls are our friends and we need more positive female on female interactions. Just my personal preference, I guess.
Things are getting interesting. Bella’s dreaming weird dreams (just fyi, not a big fan of dream scenes in general), she’s googling like crazy  and we’re going to Port Angeles.
I never felt she has any sort of affection for Angela or Jessica who seem really nice and have done nothing wrong. Like loosen up Bella, give them a chance. I know, depression makes you into a bitch sometimes, but it would warm me up to her character if she was a little more affectionate with people around her.
That whole scene where she almost gets at best beaten up and mugged and at worst raped and killed is… not my favorite part of the whole thing. I get what Meyer needed to do, to have her be saved by Edward, but there must have been a better way to go about it. What do I know? I’m the queen of forced plot contrivances. I do like their conversation at the restaurant (again, why do we hate the female waitress, Steph?). I don’t know why, I expected Edward to be mad at Bella for what happened to her and he seems genuinely concerned and his anger feels… human. Some of his actions, however, do not.
He stalked her which is weird and creepy and I hate it. Don’t stalk people, Edward. most of us don’t like it. you’re lucky Bella’s a weirdo.
I kinda love how ok she’s with the whole vampire thing. she’s just “well, this kid i barely know told me a scary story, so i guess the guy from school is a vampire. it be like that sometimes.” my first assumption would be it’s all an elaborate prank to make fun of me (i have some deep seeded trust issues origins of which remain unknown). and he’s waaay to quick to confirm her suspicions. I think there’s an explanation in the part of midnight sun that got leaked, but that was like a century ago.
I would criticize her for being ride or die with Edward so fast, falling in love with him so quickly, but i exchanged like 5 sentences with a cute girl last night and a part of is ready to propose based on the artiness of her instagam, so who the eff am i to judge?
and i get why he’s fascinated with her. she’s the only one he can’t read.
why? i don’t think that question ever gets a good enough answer, but it’s a fictional story about a girl falling in love with a sparky vampire. i’m not here for complex science or detailed explanations.
he seems waaay too protective of her. She’s a big girl, Ed, she can take care of herself. It’s actually kinda annoying. i dislike how he treats like a child a lot of the time. he seems pretty condescending. also, if he broke her car, i’m taking back everything nice i said about him.
ok, let me finally address bella’s biggest character flaw, her clumsiness. i mean, i get why she has it but Meyer goes a bit too hard on it. i’m clumsy, i really am, full of bruises, always bumping into things, but Bella can’t walk 20 meters without tripping. i guess i’m just glad she becomes a vampire in the book four, otherwise the book five would have been about her struggles when she’s diagnosed with a stage four inoperable brain tumor that’s been mesing with her sense of balance and the whole things turns into a weird version of the fault in our starts.
if i were writing it i would focus on her trust issues and being unable to form real bonds with other people as her main flaw, maybe even use it to try and justify the whole thing with the mind Edward can’t read. Like, she’s too different in a way that makes her unable to connect even on a basic level, like that one Blue whale that sings at a different frequency than all the others. Idk,i write pulpy sci fi. but it’s easy to be a general after the battle.
we got to the two infamous lines:
how are you? 17. how long have you been 17?  is another line that’s more jokey than i though it would be, but also the most realistic piece of dialogue in this book. i would so ask the same thing.
About three things I was absolutely positive. First, this paragraph has been memed to death. Second, there was a part of me-and I didn’t know how potent that part might be-that would know every word of it till the day i died. And third, I was unconditionally and irrevocably in like with it.
Not gonna lie, the whole part where he goes around asking her questions he is legitimately interested in knowing the answers to is at the same time my kinkiest fantasy and my deepest fear. like, yaaas, daddy, get to know me on the personal level and don’t be turn off by the fact i’m a tabula rasa.
We got to the infamous meadow scene and Bella is sooo horny on main for that vampire stake it’s actually kinda funny. She gets so effing into it she faints. I fucking love this girl. Go get that adonis dick, Bella, you deserve it.
I don’t mind vampires sparkle.i mean,it’s lame and fanfic-y but in Bosnia we have the lampires so vampires are creatures with a high dose of plasticity. i don’t know why that was like the worst thing anyone has ever done to the vampires. They are kinda too strong and could use a real weakness tho.  
So the lion fell in love with the lamb is kind of another joke. Also, this is the skin of a killer is sadly just in the movie.
I do have the feeling he likes the project that he sees in Bella more than the real girl,but ok. Also stop nagging her. He watches her sleep. What a creep. I don’t know why, but the fact that he’s a vampire who doesn’t have to sleep makes it kinda less creepy for me. I don’t know why.
But “if i could dream at all i would be about you,” is the kind of ultracheese i can get behind. they are both such teenagers and i kinda looooove it.
Also non of the boys were her type is such a lesbian excuse. I feel ya Bella, i feel ya. I hope you discover your gayness after the end of breaking dawn.
We meet the cullens and every single one of them has a backstory like 528 times more interesting than Edward. i need novels about them, all of them ffs. it would be so cool. but, one of my favorite oc’s Errien Lark gets like 30 lines in the whole book so i can only be as harsh on Meyer as on myself (which is to say a lot. neither of us deserve these characters, honestly)
This book would have been more interesting if Bella fell in love in any other cullen. Like, Bella and Alice, Bella and jasper (Bella and Jasper and Alice. Sorry, i’m into solving love triangles with ot3s).Bella and Rosalie, Calilise, Esme, even Emmett, who i remember  as mike of the vampires, but it’s been a decade.
300 pages in and plot is yet to happen, but it’s ok. we have the vampire baseball next.
the last part.
get your hot takes! hot takes right here
I kinda like billy. He seems like a nice guy. Also billy/charlie as my new otp.
“The beautiful one,the godlike one.” Bella, you are such a teen.
The less fucks she has about him being an all powerful ancient creature of the night who can murder her in a heartbeat, the funnier it is. She is just soo casual about it. Comedy gold, i tell ya. i mean, this is actually part of the narrative, Edward comments on it, meyer knows what she wrote.
Ed,maybe is you stopped saying she smells good, you would be better at not thinking about her as food. Mind over matter. Just a thought. Maybe i misjudged his virgin ass. Maybe ed the incel actually fell in love with her. Or at least what he thinks is love since they’ve been dating for like two days (look who’s talking?the girl who reads any sign of affection as a statement of love and then gets disappointed).
“Emmett could never be compared to a gazelle”. That’s sexist steph. Emmett, honey, you are as gracious as you want to be.
Also a big yaaaas on the whole concept of vampire baseball. we needed more of it.
Plot! Plot! Plot! Plot! Plot!
We have encountered plot. Only 320 pages in. three bad vampires came into town.
Story time: when i was in high school, all like 20 of us in out class were really, really into twilight (dudes included). we quoted it all the time but the height of comedy happened when someone brought their friend from another school to out class and someone else was like “you brought a snack” and a meme was born to be quoted endlessly for months. it was actually kinda fun. and probably very annoying for anyone who wasn’t into twilight.
Also, any development? Backstory? Motivations other than for the hell of it for out boi James and his ginger girlfriend? come on, it wouldn’t even be that hard. Also, some foreshadowing? There was like one line before. This is a legitimate criticism. it’s kinda shitty writing and a wasted opportunity.
Edward is being a dick again. I get he’s scared but her dad could die. Or maybe they’ll trun him into a vampire too (charlie/Edward? Think about it). But they all call him out on it which is nice. Bella’s plan isn’t bad, but “let me go charlie” is the straight up coldest thing i have read in a long time. it’s supposed to be, this isn’t criticism, just stating the obvious. But she showed like an inclining of love for her dad who has been nothing but nice all this time. Yeeey, she’s not a robot.
“It was the best idea. Of course it was mine” . Yaas, queen, you’re not that much of a doormat;  take that credit.
i would do something to foreshadow the ballet studio thing in the first half of the book. at least, have Bella or Charlie looking at pictures from her recital, just to intricate it to the plot a bit more.
Ok, now i remember why i was team jasper. He is so effing nice. And he would be awesome for my depression. Neira/Alice/jasper, i ship it.
i’m kinda digging the explanations of how vampires work and the whole venom thing. They are still op af and need to be nerfed, but i wanna be one.
Of course, he used the mom. She’s like the only person bella actually cares about. She falls for it. i would probably fall too, but i’m dumb.
the fact that james hunted Alice is a nice and a very much needed twist. it did catch me of guard. i would be more mad he’s a bad guy monologing, but i can only introduce stones to my own glass houses.
Bella’s now more into the idea of being a vampire than into Edward and i’m living for it. she’s going to use him for his venom and a baby and run off with rosalie.
“and how many times did she fall our of a window?” (yes, that is a Sherlock reference in the year 2018 of our lord. maybe i should do that for my next project. should i wait a few more years?)
her mom is not worried enough, honestly. my mom would be freaking out. but my mom has anxiety issues, so idk… (i couldn’t get her smooth hairless legs, or her blue eyes but i got that gene. thanks, i guess) .
“And i have a couple of girlfriends” now that’s a novel i want to read but i guess i’ll have to write the lesbian twilight myself.
“I want to be superman too”. yeeees, finally, kristen steward in the role of superman casting of the century. you would all watch it and love it, and you know it.
Charlie doesn’t deserve this shit. when will he retire with his husband billy in their cabin where they can fish all day.
“Do you want me to bolt the door so you can massacre the unsuspecting townsfolk?“ Are we sure she hasn’t been a vampire from day one?
Jacob is a sweetie (for now) just putting that out there.
Edward is kinda being unreasonable. being a vampire in your universe isn’t that bad.
Aaaaw, and that’s a wrap.
i actually kinda digged it. it’s nothing special, but i read these last 150 pages in one sitting. my main issues are writing oriented. very little foreshadowing, many filter words and things like that, but i guess if you aren’t that into writing, you might not even notice more of that.
it’s not the death of literature, it’s not the worst love story ever told. it’s just a silly and mostly harmless wish fulfillment novel.
edward can be a controlling and condescending prick but he gets called out on it very often. it’s not like meyer is completely oblivious to what she’s writing. and even tho he’s 100, i guess they are all mostly stuck mentally at the age when they were turned. or at least that’s how it seems to me. bella is kind of a bitch to everyone who’s not a vampire and she’s never called out on it, there’s a glimpse of change in the epilogue, but i don’t think meyer really considered it a character flaw. which is a shame, as it could have made for an interesting character. all the vampires have stories i would rather read about, as i said before, but what can ya do? that’s what’s fanfics are for.
i may write more of cohesive thought on it when it settles in my brain, but first, i need to watch the movie. i have a hypothesis i need to test.
but i don’t regret doing this. it was kinda fun and now i’m no longer ashamed of my twihard phrase. i could have done worse, as far as teen phases go.
Someone should like write a fanfic, but Edward is not a vampire, but a rich guy. And he’s into some hard core spanky business. And they should take all the problematic elements and just crank them up to 11. And add a looot of sex. I bet they could make millions.
Tho, honestly, how can you read twilight and not make bella the kinky dom? you fundamentally misunderstood the story. for shame
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