#i feel so relaxed and happy after months... probably one of the unis will accept me
jiminrings · 3 years
Can I request a drabble, hobi is kinda like a band singer and Y/N is like his old time friend and they like had a falling out bc he got super successful but years after they're like together again? IS IT TOO SPECIFIC UHM :")
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pairing: hoseok x y/n
wordcount: 4k
glimpse: hobi’s kind of an asshole and is vERY much emotionally repressed, y/n’s serotonin is dependent on wearing bridesmaid gowns, the dwindling one-sided pining anD the everlasting question of where the fuck was hoseok when you needed him :D // gif is from pinterest!
notes: this drabble really hits close to home and tysm for the request babe!! even if i’m a month late yeesh :O
you can’t believe yourself either when you say it
but holy shit — weddings are definitely your thing!
there’s something about the union of marriage that gets your head into overdrive but in a gOOD way
there’s just something so pulling about last-minute changes and family drama and awkward trips to the restroom that make your mind mHMMMM THIS IS IT CHIEF
yea granted that not every wedding you go and participate in isn’t exactly straight out of a rom-com
lmao sometimes it’s so obvious that the bride doesn’T love the groom but hey!!! who’s keeping tabs :D
you love wedding environments so much that here you are, two years out of uni and a couple of gigs later — couples are LITERALLY fighting over you
heh not to brag but uh
you weren’t recognized as best wedding planner for two years in a row and have your face in multiple covers of bridal magazines and such
time magazine recognized you as one of the most influential people in the scene last year but hey !!!!! no big deal lads
“i am asking you for just one minute, y/n!! stop being a wedding planner and start being my maid of honor!!”
nayeon exasperates and tugs you by your sleeve, having already noticed your second nature of taking charge the moment you entered the hall
after all, this is just cake tasting! that’s why she’s brought her maid of honor to help her out, nOT immediately go fishing for a clipboard
“well if the planner you hired wasn’t so sloppy-...” it’s a fact! he relies too much on his tablet and doesn’t even have any paper with him, and even if he’s already using a tablet, he doesn’t even use different colors to mark out!
apparently nayeon can’t handle the truth because she’s stamping her hand to your mouth that’s already a frown, about to suffocate you if only you didn’t bite it
y/n - 1 | jisoo’s hand - 0
you’re just a lil bit cranky alright
the last wedding you’ve catered to was just three days ago, and well you’re thankful for your job!!! really!!! bc not everyone is as booked as you nor sought-for
but there’s something about her wedding that puts you off :((
she’s very kindly yet firmly told you that no, you would absolutely not be her wedding planner and coordinator
“b-but i-“
“i want you to relax! and it’s-...”
“we said-“
“we said when we were kids that we’d plan each other’s wedding, but we didn’t swear on it! and i want you to-...”
“y-you told-“
“i told you that we didn’t have a wedding planner yet so you’d intentionally clear your schedule for me! and here we are-...”
“i’ll cry-“
“aww you big baby, save it for the wedding! i told you, just relax, m’kay? let yoongi handle the planning, and you do the unwinding.”
goddamn yoongi
yoongi who’s a wedding planner in his sPARE time could fuck right off
you don’t care if he’s very persuasive and firm and happened to book nayeon’s wedding even it was peak season :((
you don’t wanna admit it, but being a wedding planner has basically been your personality trait for the past years and it’s hard to cope when your job is to not.... plan and worry
anyways besides that
you’re a little iffy because nayeon’s wedding is your wake-up call
you’ve been planning weddings.... but uh when the FUCK is yours
u are so tempted to put a sock over your head and just yell gIVE ME A RING!!! PUT IT IN THE BAG
unfortunately, you don’t even have someone in your life to readily propose to you
you would have had someone, actually —
if only hoseok didn’t wake up one day and decide to remove you from his life
if only your childhood friend didn’t suddenly decide that you’re not worthy of his attention and time!!!
god he thinks he’s a bigshot
and well yea ok he IS a bigshot
who doesn’t know jung hoseok at this point :((
you’ve always figured that he’d be successful at whatever path he chooses and for a moment, you feel sorry for him that he’s stuck in such a state of mundaneness
he’s stuck between home and school and since he has no choice — you
your each other’s day one!!! the moment your mom went home from the hospital, her first instinct was to knock on hoseok’s mom’s door and then iMMEDIATELY present you to her
the two of them are absolute best friends and why not make our babies the same way ya know????
the two of you were apparently so close as babies that when one was crying, the other would comfort
and you weren’t even a year old then????
you’ve shared cribs and milk bottles and clothes and everything in between with hobi
so why is it that when you’re just almost at the peak of your life with graduation, he just suddenly decides to drop you?
he’s suddenly too cool for you as if he hasn’t spent countless nights crying on your shoulder for any inconveniece that gets brought up
he can’t even meet your eyes :(((
that’s why graduation is the blandest and emptiest day you could recall
hoseok is over there with his bandmates looking the absolute hAPPIEST and you’re there by the corner.,.,. alone by yourself feeling like your cap has the words dropped by jung hoseok :D all over it
he’s at his peak and at the top of his life performing and touring, whenever and wherever
he’s happy
but without you in it :(
the irrational (and probably rational) part in your head is beyond infuriated at him because atleast offer an explanation!!! if you did wrong at one point, then he should tell you!!!
not suddenly pretend that you were nEVER in his life
even his mom feels guilty and ashamed over his son’s actions so she orders flowers from the shop signed underneath your company, then send it back to you
for awhile she tried to pretend that it was hoseok but no :((( that man will physically convulse if he doesn’t add (atleast) three hearts after his name
you hate him so much that you still religiously visit his instagram and wonder if he could see your likes despite a couple other million liking the same posts
you hate him so much that he’s number one on every single thing in your spotify wrapped 
you hate him sO much that you wonder who’s behind the songs his band plays and how you’d wish that you’d be the one he’s writing about
“is the cake that... perfect?”
nayeon gently places a hand on your shoulder to which you flinch and she backs off because christ i’m nOT taking the cake away from you!!!
oh my god why are you tearing up
“yeah, yeah! it’s so good. you should try it nayeon!” you’re scrambling to scrape up your plate, almost shoving the fork into her mouth as she squeals with the sudden attack
yoongi has ???? hovering around his head but this is nOT about you my man
he sneaks a look to the bride’s plate and uh-huh... yup..... she has the same moist chocolate fudge cake with coffee ganache on her alright
the topic of hoseok that you bring up to yourself, one that no one knows (not even nayeon!!!), is just something that never seems to vacate your mind fully
it’s been two years and you’re still so touchy and you dON’T KNOW WHY
he probably doesn’t even think about you when he’s drunk and bored
“this champagne must be so... nice?”
nayeon thinks out loud as you’re once again crying into doing your maid of honor duties
she’s a lil worried if she’s being honest but you always whisk her away when she’s about to ask
like right now :D
“are you-...”
“i just can’t believe you’re getting married!! wow, you’re so cool. with the love of your life. then the two of you could be cool together after the wedding. you aren’t gonna forget me once you’re married, are you? nayeon do you think that i would ever be married-...”
you should just accept it now :((
you’re a little bit of a mess and a half underneath your pantsuits and walkie-talkies and the special pride you’d carry whenever the couple mentions you in their wedding speeches
absolutely WHY in the hell do you think about hoseok when it comes to weddings???
it’s almost a pavlovian response when you instruct the people to open the doors and the bride to start walking and your mind would iNSTANTLY think about him
it’s sometimes awkward when the couple would ask ah !!!! ms. y/n u are such a world-renowned wedding planner !!!! your own wedding must’ve been magnificent :D
aha actually about dat.,.,
you get tons of gifts of gratitude from just a single client alone and you don’t have hoseok and his stupidly powerful arms to help carry boxes back to your car
you don’t have him to give untouched and left-over flowers to
you don’t have him to remind you when you’re getting a little ahead of yourself over just talking to sponsors and trying to squeeze in as much as you could for an initial budge
you don’t have hoseok, in all his glory, to put his hand on the small of your back when you’re talking to how you need the fireworks to start the moment the band starts playing ice ice baby and the vendor does nOT need to know why it’s the song chosen by the couple
it’s what he’d do when you’re trying to fit two semesters’ worth of notes into a pricey A3 notebook that you’ve bought 
and just how many weddings do you plan and coordinate, even within just a span of two week?
a lot.
you think about hoseok a lot. often. oftenly a lot.
but aha nOT TODAY!!!
today’s nayeon’s wedding and you’re not gonna ruin it for her by projecting your yearning into your best friend’s wedding that clearly isn’t yours
10/10 she’d probably stop reciting her vows to ask you why you’re sniffling
your only source of distraction is your gown!!!
your maid of honor is the absolute pRETTIEST and you’d be lying if you said you didn’t feel gorgeous in it
it’s floor-length silk!!! fLOOR-LENGTH !! SILK !! GOWN
it’s in a deep mauve with an off-shoulder situation and a little risqué bit of cleavage!!! cinches right at the top of your waist and poofs a little and oh my god mayhaps you aRE pretty
god hoseok may have not written you a song, but sean kingston dEFINITELY did
nayeon knew you’d be catching everyone’s attention as much as her wedding dress would and she’s absolutely happy and fine with it!! 
in fact she’s strategically practiced her throws for her bouquet so you’d catch it and your gown would nOt go to waste
having a wedding happen right where you are, but being in it as a guest instead of a planner, is just so much... calmer
you’re not fixing the chaos but you’re just watching it!!! if you feel a little more bubbly then you’re gonna partake in it hee-hee
yoongi’s actually not so bad
he could just be a little too lax which ends up with him being lost and distraught 
you could see so much of you in him when you were just starting out and it’s endearing actually
(( nayeon’s told you in passing that she once told yoongi that you were her best friend and he looked both intimidated and awed at the same time ))
the only thing you help yoongi with is sending him a thumbs-up every now and then and he perks uP because that’s the signal that he’s doing a good job and not fucking up
nayeon looks so beautiful and you’re already tearing up fixing her veil :((
you know how wedding photographers and videographers LOVE people crying???? they r probably eating your shit up so quick that you won’t be surprised if you take up atleast half of the same-day edit of their wedding film
there’s something so serene about the hecticness everyone’s indulged themselves in
you’re grinning when you walk down the aisle because you realize that omg you haven’t doNE this in a long time!!! 
the last time you did was testing out the aisle for a client that wanted it ala crazy rich asians and you had to walk back and forth cOLD-ASS water with damp rolled-up pant cuffs before they got the temperature and the levels right
nah you should definitely know how it’d be because after all :D you aRE the consultant for that scene in crazy rich asians :D no biggie :D
it’s such a serene blast to see everyone happy and in their element
you’re sitting the reception out bc yoongi very kindly pleaded to please give him notes and promising that he’d never tell it to anyone else
the whole planning process for nayeon and not oNCE did he bring a notebook..,., but he just hAPPENS to have one when you’re telling him how to say no to your client
“listen, you have to tell them in the sincerest way possible, that you tried everything. it gets them going when you tell them that you even pleaded with the vendors, but don’t go too low on your knees, alright? and then after that, you say a strict no. no, because their choice of flowers is absolutely sHIT for their tie-dye theme they’re so adamant about!”
yoongi has never listened so intently
not even when his roommate lists out their grocery checklist
“mhmm. and if they still push, should i give them an ultimatum? or tell them about a wedding that totally happened that did exactly what they were planning, and how much the guests hated it?”
okay nOW he’s talking
“what you do is...”
the buzz of the reception never really dies down because it’s barely even starting!! the couple’s still finishing up on their pictorial which gives everyone time to get to the venue and freshen up or get last-minute gifts lmao
you know that it’s starting when the band or the dj starts doing polished mic checks
mic check! one, two, three! sKRRRRRRRRRRRRRRA
no, no 
there’s something definitely wrong
the rolling and the lull of routine words just seem so familiar
mic check! J-A-Y! H-O-P-E! J-HOPE! jung-...
that’s hoseok.
that is most dEFINITELY hoseok
you turn your back to see the stage set-up and god...... fuck
it’s someone you haven’t seen in the flesh for two years yet spent the years of your life with before that 
he looks sickening in his black mandarin-collared suit with thick white lining on it wITH his hair styled up and parted to the site
it’s even more sickening for you because you don’t actually know if you can mANAGE to be here
you’re standing up abruptly and yoongi squawks at that because he is the furthesT thing from being finished about asking how to make the guests arrive on time without holding a field trip assembly-like type of line with the megaphone
the fastest way out was dashing through the front part and you must have forgotten that hoseok has a knack for catching things with his perfectly good eyesight
ok what now
he mumbles your name to the mic, his eyebrows furrowing as his eyes trail the speed-walking speck of mauve from in front of him 
his little question to himself must have gotten people more than curious
they’re already mORE than curious because it’s his goddamn band that’s playing!!!! and the fees are not cheap and it’s practically impossible to book them!!!
but jungkook, their drummer, was a close friend of the groom’s and alright.,.,. okay maybe we CAN play at weddings now
ok hoseok’s mind is probably just playing tricks on him and he should finish setting up before the lights dim again for what they insist is the 𝓼𝓱𝓸𝓬𝓴 𝓯𝓪𝓬𝓽𝓸𝓻
but then he can’t help but look oNE last time
then he sees the watch he’s gifted you on his wrist — one that he was supposed to give you at graduation but later made his mom give it to you instead and not say that it was from him
whew he might need his inhaler for this one and he doesn’t even hAVE asthma
oh my god what the hELL is hoseok doing here????
you haven’t seen him for two years, and the moment you do, it’s in your best friend’s wedding with no date present??
you’re clearly panicking and the only form of caffeine you’ve gotten is the pre-game of getting a few bites from the coffee ganache in nayeon’s wedding cake that she was munching on while getting her makeup done
you know what!! it’s fine
it’s totally fine :D
hoseok is just hoseok and you’re not gonna be intimated by the man you’ve been loving in the sidelines from practically your whole life :D
it’s not a big deal!
besides, people are looking for you bc you’re supposed to give the opening toast to welcome nayeon and her groom in
you’re walking, you’re talking, aaaaaaaand-
yeah this is not nOT a big deal
you’re crumbling from the inside out because seeing hoseok is just too painful after two years of wondering where you could’ve went wrong and what could’ve happened if the two of you didn’t fall out
you feel especially bitter when hoseok starts singing their famous song about love and everything in between
everyone’s sWOONING and on their feet and you’re literally just there vibrating with how furious you are
you keep downing the good champagne as iF it’s gonna get you drunk
yoongi has a clue that the server must be a little dizzy having to go and back forth to your table so he just offers his portion to you
you’re so goddamn busy and absorbed with loathing him that you don’t even turn your back to notice that his eyes keep flickering to you
even at the cheesiest lyric, hobi expects that you’d atleast LOOK at him for that one but nOOOO your champagne flute and the blondie beside you is just much more interesting
you’re buzzing with anger that you aren’t enjoying this reception At All
you fail to even recognize that nayeon’s intentionally had your favorite food to be served!!! and you have an extra portion delivered to your table!!!
you just want your suffering to eND wow absolutely how much longer could this go
you’re so busy with cussing the whole ordeal in your head that you didn’t even notice how the band isn’t playing anymore and instead everyone’s swooning over the cake
it’s lost in you that hoseok’s shooed yoongi from his chair, sitting right beside you and even scooting closer until his knees bump to your own
and that’s when it sinks in
hobi doesn’t even have time to tell you how beautiful you look because you’ve gone straight to seething him
“for the record, i want you to know that i hate you.”
okay hoseok didn’t expect that
for all he knows, the two of you even vOWED to never say the h word even if it’s meant jokingly!!
it’s a lethal word and the two of you collectively agreed to never play with it in regards to saying to one another
but well here you are
you’re saying it as if you’ve never been more sure of anything in your whole life
you feel actually relieved to say it to him right to his face, a miniscule weight lifted from your shoulders while your arms are crossed just by looking at him
hoseok does you one better with a timid chuckle, looking down on his rings that he’s fiddling with nervously
“yeah. i hate me too.”
.... oh
you’re perplexed at his reply so much so that you’re speechless
you’ve been keeping to yourself what you should say to him the moment you see him for two years and now that he agrees to what you’ve just said.,.,.,
oh fuck that
“i hate you so much, hoseok! i don’t even know what i did wrong and i asked even your own mother what’s wrong with me! did you know that you are, without a doubt, so fucking selfish???”
you exclaim as quietly as you could but that doesn’t stop people from glancing because the two most-known people in the room, besides the bride and groom, are having what seems to be an... intimate conversation with how close the two of you are??
“did you even try once to consider how painful it was for me to wonder why i just am the way that i am? or is that even too big of an inconveniece for you to think about because you’re so busy?”
“did you suddenly get too big for me, huh?” you ask straightly without malice, not even thinking about the double meaning because clearly, you’re too PRESSED lightly jabbing your finger to his chest
right he deserves that
hoseok’s fucked up big-time, that much he knows
his eyes are actually stinging right now and he would ask you for your handkerchief that you used to always carry for him but uH he thinks he doesn’t deserve any of that
“why couldn’t you just tell me what was in your mind? you know that nothing would change whatever it was that-”
“i love you, okay?”
hoseok interrupts you with his mumble before he sets his eyes down once again on your watch
you’re speechless for long this time
“..... w-what?”
okay maybe he fucked up even more
“listen i-...”
“if you love me, a single text wouldn’t have hurt, hobi!!”
your chest doesn’t hurt anymore but it iS constricting with the amount of emotions and scenarios you’re trying to process
he’s kinda lost because oh my god you aren’t mAD anymore!!
and you don’t look fazed that he just declared his love for you
“i dropped you because i-i — i don’t want the people i love seeing me fuck up, y’know? i finished uni for the sake of it, and i didn’t even know if the band thing would work out!!”
“but baby it dID work out!!!!”
jesus christ hoseok may be a fucking iDIOT
you’re shaking him by the shoulders and he actually has to stand up so he wouldn’t fall by your ministrations
you feel so happy because your processing was just about to be finished, equal parts relieved and happy and maybe a tiny bit confused still
“it did work out because look at you now!! hobi, you could’ve just called me and i would’ve accepted the call before it even rings!!” you’re happily frustrated with him that you push him until the two of you are in the dance floor, his mouth curving up both in disbelief and giddiness
“i didn’t because i thought-...”
he’s interrupted by a swift and tight hug to his middle, his arms moving on their own to envelope you in his warmth
the top of your head still smells the same :D
his purpose is lost before he gathers his bearings once again, freezing in his stance before weakly attempting to push you off
“... you were married.”
the harsh sQUINT of your eyes you’re giving him prompt him to explain
why is he so nervous
“i-i go to your instagram? and well you uh, you posted this pic of you in the middle of the aisle???? you had your back turned and your silhouette’s seen then you were holding a bouquet!!! then after that, i-i never opened your account. jesus christ, is your husband here with you, y/n? what am i supposed to-...”
the realization’s starting to sink into hoseok because it’s something he’s shoved to the back of his head and now he’s seeing it straight-on
you’re throwing your head back laughing at him :D
now he’s both heartbroken AND a fool
there’s a gentle kiss on his cheek, one he didn’t expect and one he doesn’t hate
“i’m a wedding planner.”
god now this is just so fucking funny
the two of you fell out and remained distanced because of just a series of unprecedented miscommunications!!! 
the whole thing is so ridiculous that it actually feels light and relieving to talk about
“you’re.... a wedding planner,” he mumbles once again for confirmation, his loose arms around your waist now tightening
oh my god
hoseok starts chuckling to himself out of delight, turning to full-on cackles with you at how much the two of you have just been beside each other like parallel lines
“i need to make up the past two years to you.”
he declares seriously as a promise, pressing a tender wet kiss to your cheek that gets you giggling
“only if you write me a song,” you do him one better, kissing him on the corner of his mouth 
“don’t you know that most of them are about you? anyways, you should plan our wedding once it happens,” he’s forward with his words, having waited long enough that he nuzzles his nose to yours
you’re gonna do him one even better
you’re gonna go right for the kill, the truth spilling out of you before you kiss him longingly, for the first time that it feels that it’s been something you’ve always yearned for
“don’t you know that you’re in my mind for every single one?”
165 notes · View notes
shuahoonie · 4 years
you [tom holland] - eight.
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PAIRING: tom holland x female!celebrity!reader
SUMMARY: ah, to be young and in love. it sounds great if only you and tom were actually dating out of pure love and not for the sheer reputation of your careers. it also should be great if you two actually got along, but life isn’t that easy.
WARNINGS: mostly swearing! some fluff here, some angst there. it’s haters to lovers / fake dating au so take that information as you wish! also, their relationship is improving yall 🤧
SONG INSPO: mxmtoon - used to you
A/N: surprise! I actually updated after five/six months??? a lot of things have happened during the time that I was gone. most of it revolved around my mental health and uni. not a great time to have a career crisis whilst living in the middle of a pandemic lmao. 
the last time i updated, i gave you guys the gift of fluff. maybe i should tone down a bit? or maybe not? i’m also sorry if this took ages. had an awful writer’s block. oooh, also i wrote an interview excerpt for this chapter. i added a link if you wanted to read it but no pressure! it’s just a lil’ sumn sumn :) anyway, enjoy reading!
hope you guys are safe & healthy! keep practicing social distancing and please wear your masks! sending all my love ♡
gif credits: @tommybabyholland​
vanessa’s masterlist | preview | one | two | three | four | five | six | seven | eight.5 [interview] | 
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Your friends have told you countless times to bite the bullet, however, you’ve seemed to swallow it instead. Here you were, lying in the same bed with Tom Holland, mere inches against each other. 
If anyone told you that you would be lying on the same bed as the guy you swore you hated a few months ago, you’d probably laugh at their face. 
You were definitely considering that maybe this whole fake dating thing wasn’t such a horrid idea after all. 
The room was dimmed to almost pitch black now. You could see a small streak of light peering from the curtains, probably from all of the street lights outside, allowing you to at least see something. You were exhausted but somehow you couldn’t sleep at the same time. 
The only reasonable thing that you could put your blame into was your heart, which was beating quite rapidly, by the way. You didn’t even know why you felt this nervous around him, it’s not like he’s a complete stranger. 
You’ve known Tom for a good two months—two and a half if you want to be specific. You picked up on his little quirks: his eyes crinkle when he laughs genuinely, he doesn’t like that much sugar in his tea. He likes his dog, Tessa, very much which you were already a goner for. He also hums when he’s happy which surprised you one day, not knowing what to do with that information. 
You also found out that his hands were always cold, which always startles you as your hands were extremely warm. Like right now, you could feel his fingertips grazing upon yours. As if your heart can handle even more of your emotions right now. 
You were confused as to why you were extremely nervous around him all of a sudden. Is it because this is the first time your sharing a bed with your pretend boyfriend? Is it because the last time you shared a bed with someone who you had no relation to is with your ex-boyfriend? 
It was driving you insane and you really had to get it together. You were both lying on your backs so all you could stare at was the empty ceiling. You took a quick look at Tom, who was already sleeping. 
Ah, so he snores. You made a mental note to yourself, wondering how you can use that information and pester him with it. He didn’t have loud snores, just soft ones but still loud for you to hear.  
You turned your body and lain on your side, choosing to face Tom. He really looked peaceful sleeping and the sight of him be at peace was enough to calm you down. 
With that, you found your eyes slowly start to droop down. The image of Tom sleeping soundly was the last thing you saw before you drifted off to sleep.
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You noticed three things as soon as you woke up. You still had your eyes shut, only because you refuse to accept that it was already a new day.
The first thing you noticed was the annoying alarm tone that kept ringing on the bedside table. One of these days, I’ll end up throwing and smashing my phone. 
The second thing was how hot warm you felt. You felt the heat radiating beside you and you weren’t exactly used to it. You like the feeling of sleeping in a cold room while also burying yourself with blankets. 
The third thing you noticed was the pair of arms wrapped around you. As you slowly opened your eyes, you were greeted by the extremely close proximity that you shared with Tom. 
You found yourself cuddling Tom. Your head was resting in between his chest and his arm—the same arm that was wrapped around you. In the meanwhile, Tom’s other hand was resting on the side of your face, building the illusion that he may have caressed the side of your face.
You, on the other hand, had your left arm resting on top of his chest while the other was tucked underneath the pillow. 
You wondered how the hell you ended up in this position, but knowing how you move a lot in your sleep, you probably initiated this in the first place. You also wondered how Tom can sleep through this annoying alarm, especially since it kept ringing every ten minutes. 
Tilting your head up a bit, your eyes met the sight of his lips. However, from this angle, you could also clearly see the freckles speckled on his face. With the beaming sun and its fight to fill the room with light against the corners of the curtains, it only made things worse for you. Tom, with his body outlined by the light, absolutely looked angelic—as if the universe only favoured him and him alone. 
You slowly reached for his hand and removed it from the corner of your neck, carefully resting it on top of his stomach. After successfully doing so, comes the real challenge. You slowly released yourself from the grip of his arm and tried your best to get out of the bed without waking Tom up. 
Your logic? It would be rude to wake someone up from their sleep—especially when they can’t be bothered to be woken up by the alarm anyway. You also wanted this moment for yourself. You thought that it was best if Tom had no recollection of waking up to you two cuddling, acting as a true couple when there are no cameras around you. 
You walked to the bathroom to get yourself ready. You had a whole day of photoshoots and you also had to squeeze in a couple of interviews after. You didn’t want to miss your best friend’s wedding so you had to do whatever you can in order to balance your social life and work.
You already knew that you were going to be exhausted for today and you love your job, you really do, but sometimes you wished that you could catch a break without losing sleep for the next couple of days.
After taking a long hot shower and doing your essential skin routine—knowing that this is the only form of relaxation you’re going to get for the next couple of days— you slipped into a pair of mom jeans and a loose shirt. You packed this much because you knew you wouldn’t get the chance to drive home anyway. 
Just as you stepped out of the bathroom, your phone buzzed in your hand and saw a text from your manager. 
Zoë: On my way to the hotel! I will be there in 20 mins or so. Be sure that you’re ready so we can get going. 
“Oh, you’re already good to go?” You looked up from your phone and saw Tom yawning and rubbing his eyes. He was still wearing your sweatpants and he was still shirtless. 
You nodded. “Zoë’s picking me up.” You replied as you tidied the bed. It took you a couple of minutes before the words you said just sunk in. “Oh god, Zoë’s picking me up.” You repeated with wide eyes. 
“Yeah?” Tom chuckled, seemingly lost as to what you were trying to point out. 
“She doesn't really know that you slept with me.” You said but as soon as you realized what you just said, you knew you fucked up. You saw Tom smirking at you which only prompted you to hit him with the pillow. “I didn’t mean it like that, you weirdo.” 
“Oh, sure.” He teased as he put on his shirt. “I mean I’m pretty sure that I’m not the one who practically clung to a person while sleeping.” 
“Shut up, Holland. You know I move a lot when I sleep.” You muttered as a pathetic excuse to hopefully shut him up. 
“To be quite fair, I didn’t know that you do that whenever you sleep, but it’s nice to know that now.” He grinned. 
“Oh god,” You groaned. “Let’s just go so I can check out now. Zoë’s going to be here soon and I want you gone asap.” You said as you glanced around the room just so you know you didn’t leave anything behind. 
“Wait, what about your sweatpants?” 
“Just give it to me the next time you see me.” You said as you pulled him out of the room and made your way to the front desk. 
It turns out Zoë had no concept of time. As soon as you finished checking out, you saw your manager already waiting in the lobby. Oh, you recognized her big blonde hair from anywhere. She was sitting in one of the plush sofas, dressed in a white romper and even had her cat-eye sunglasses on. She looked like she’s about to catch her husband having an affair. 
“Ah, Y/N,” She said with a huge smile. “Thanks but you should know if that ever were to happen, I would pick something more flashy.” 
Oh, I said that out loud?! You practically yelled at yourself.
“We should get going, honey, we’ll grab you some breakfast on the way.” Zoë fixed the stray strands of your hair. You couldn’t be bothered to do your hair knowing that the stylists are going to give it hell anyway, so you just tied it in a low ponytail. 
“Um,” You didn’t even know how to say it. Where you even going to bring Tom up? If so, what were you going to say anyway? That you spent a night with your pretend boyfriend? Which shouldn’t be a huge deal but you were sure that your stunt doesn’t involve actually falling for each other.
“Tom,” Zoë’s pitch went a bit higher, surprised to see Tom standing behind you. “What’re you doing here, hon?” She asked quietly. 
“Oh, I-” 
“He spent the night with me. Tom was exhausted and it wasn’t safe for him to drive last night, so I asked him to stay.” You explained, cutting Tom off. You just wanted to get it over with and you were bound to face the storm sooner or later anyway. 
Zoë stared at the two of you for a moment, an undistinguishable look painted all over her face. You took a quick look at Tom who was also observing your manager’s reaction. 
However, she chose to drop it. “Alright, c’mon, honey. You have a long day today.” Your manager said after she flashed Tom a smile and turned around, leaving you both relieved. 
As you watched your manager leave and walk towards her vehicle, you turned to Tom and said, “I guess I’ll see you soon?” 
Tom smiled and nodded, “I’ll see you soon, my darling.” He said softly.
You felt your cheeks start to burn again so you did what you always do whenever you don’t know how to respond or when you’re just plain embarrassed—walk away and practically scream inside your head. 
You were walking—sprinting, more like— towards the vehicle and when you got in, you were greeted with a big smile by Zoë. It terrified you. 
“Y/N, hon,” She initiated with a soft voice. “You know sooner or later this stunt will all come to an end right?” 
“Yeah, I know.” You answered, slightly confused as to why this was brought up all of a sudden. 
“Okay, good, good...” Zoë trailed off. “I just—I see how things may escalate and I don’t want to see you hurt, Y/N.” 
“Yeah, I know.” You acknowledged, though this time you said it in a whisper. It was day 78 that you came clean to yourself and realized maybe you were developing a tiny crush on Tom. 
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The people from the magazine were doing a feature story on you. Not only that you were going to be on the cover of the magazine, but you were also going to get a ten-page spread that included an interview. The whole theme of the issue was individuality so your spread had to be rooted from your style, so the outfits, the makeup, and hair had to base off of you as a concept while still adding an editorial element to it. 
You were already wearing the third outfit, wearing a pink frilly floral dress and it had hand-stitched and delicately placed flowers for the details—in which the outfit was inspired by your character in your tv series.
You were waiting for your hair and makeup to be done at the same time. The set was going to be in a pool so you also had to have your manicure and pedicure done. Basically, you had no control over your body.  
“How are you doing, hon?” Zoë asked as she passed by your chair. 
“’m still okay,” You mumbled. “Can I take a sip from my coffee though?” 
Maria’s, the nail tech for this shoot, eyes went wide. “Your nails aren’t dry yet,” She pointed out. 
“Please, Maria?” You pouted. You were literally about to pass out from exhaustion and you still had a full day ahead.
Maria rolled her eyes and gave in. “Fine, I’ll hold the cup.” She said before she grabbed your coffee from your manager. 
As you happily indulged the coffee, you heard Ruby, the makeup artist, let out a sigh behind you.“Y/N, I just did your makeup.” 
“Nothing bad happened! I just need to reapply the lipstick, it’s okay.” You quickly defended. 
“Child, you are going to be the death of me,” Ruby mumbled loud enough for the two of you. “You’re lucky I like you because if my other clients did this I would’ve grabbed their coffee and then they would’ve gone full diva on me.” 
You just gave her a huge smile before she reapplied your lipstick. The hairstylist just finished doing your hair, pinning tiny flowers all over your hair and having them scattered all over. You couldn’t believe that you had flowers all over your hair again—which only reminded you of Tom and what happened last night. 
Last night felt so surreal. It was the first time you two didn’t have knives on each other’s necks. It was the first time you felt comfortable around him and the experience was very intimate, it almost drove you mad. 
However, your manager’s words echoed back at you. It’s all a stunt and it will come to an end. 
“Are you ready, Y/N?” The photographer asked, breaking up your thoughts. Am I?
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From pink frilly dresses to big tan sherpa coats, you were finally done with the photo shoot. The shoot went on for hours and all you wanted to do was to get rid of everything that your skin and hair had to endure. However, it doesn’t end there. You still had to do a short interview for the magazine. 
You were still wearing one of the outfits you had for the shoot—a black tube-top jumpsuit that clung into your body like second skin, along with tall pencil-heeled black pumps. This was definitely far from comfortable nor is it something that you’d wear, but you did like how it looked on you. “I look like the cold-hearted editor-in-chief in a magazine from a Hallmark movie” was all you said when you looked in the mirror. 
You had to excuse yourself from the young journalist who patiently waited for you as your photoshoot ran a bit late. She was drinking the coffee that you had given her—a small token of an apology for the time she probably wasted waiting. 
She gladly understood and went on with the interview. You were glad to do so anyway since you’re embarrassed for making her wait. You were asked about Amelia, the character that you play in the show Alchemist. 
As Y/N eased into the interview, still wearing one of her outfits from the photoshoot, she was asked about her resonation with her character. “I see only tiny bits of myself as her—that being hard-headed and using self-deprecating jokes as a coping mechanism,” she answered with a small laugh. 
You were also asked about your personal struggle between dropping out of school—potentially ruining your future— and your unstable acting career. 
She thought she possibly made a huge mistake of ruining her future. Luckily, Y/N received a casting call for the show Alchemist. “I still believe it’s pure luck. I’m lucky that I got the part and the show helped me shape my career, however, I can’t deny that I was really close to giving up.” 
Of course, the current state of your love life had to be included. 
“Yeah, I am seeing someone.” Y/N admits with a soft smile. “People know who he is and frankly, I don’t think I have to explicitly say his name as who I date shouldn’t be anyone’s business.” Her cheeks were flushed red as soon as the words came out of her mouth. Y/N was kind enough to explain that she didn’t mean it to sound so harsh, but she still stands firm with her words. 
You quickly and kindly expressed to the journalist that you mean well. You had no intention of being rude or for it to sound rude, but you still hold true to your words. The journalist was kind enough to understand your sentiments regarding this.  
The interview ended in a breeze and you were absolutely longing for the time when you can take a nice long bath. You quickly thanked the journalist as she bid her way goodbye. 
You can only hope that this cover issue finds you well. 
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Time went by slowly and yet very quickly at the same time. You haven’t seen any of your friends for a couple of weeks as you’ve been occupied by filming, doing interviews, and photoshoots. 
You haven’t seen Tom in quite a while too—which you didn’t mind. You actually used this time to reevaluate your uncertain feelings for him. People at set didn’t seem to notice that he rarely showed up at your shoots—at least if they did, they would just assume that he’s busy since he did have an endless list of projects. 
As you were still uncertain about where your feelings lie with Tom, you chose this time to at least try and forget about him. Admittedly, it was difficult since people would always bring him up at some point or he would just be everywhere on social media. 
This time apart from Tom did give you a sense of peace. You weren’t in the constant state of practically having a heart attack around him, no matter how cliché it sounds. You hated that he had this effect on you but you had to act like everything’s fine—hoping that you’re doing a damn well job because acting is how you put food on the table. 
However, just like the opening lyrics of One Direction’s most gut-wrenching song, Love You Goodbye, mentioned: “It’s inevitable, everything that’s good comes to an end.” 
And boy, did it end alright. 
Ronnie: pls tell me it’s actually ur day off bc I really plan on having dinner with u.  🥺
You were about to have a long, relaxing bath (infused with epsom salts of course) when you read the text from your best friend. You were longing for this heaven-like bath and there’s no way you’re going to pass it up.
You: technically yes. the shoot ran till morning but all i’ve done since then was sleep. I'm about to take a bath tho & not planning to get out until i turn into a human prune lmao 
Ronnie: ok! I'll buy us dinner, any suggestions? 
You: really craving for some hearty Korean food rn 🤧
Ronnie: gotcha! I'll get u ur usual, do u want me to buy drinks too? 
You were still debating whether to go drinking tonight when your phone pinged, indicating a text. 
Ronnie: babes you’re taking too long. I'm getting us drinks. 
You: guess there’s no way out then lmao 
Ronnie: oh u bet. I'll be there in an hour-ish, maybe earlier. 
You: might still be in the bath when u arrive. 😬 
Ronnie: nah you’re ok haha. I have keys anyway and I'll make myself at home but u already knew that. 😌
You rolled your eyes but still had a smile on your face. You eventually gave Veronica some duplicates as she was constantly popping by anyway. It didn’t make sense for both of you to keep Ronnie out, waiting for you to come home when you could easily just give her some keys. At some point, you even asked her to move in. She is dancing around the idea though. 
Turning your phone off, you stepped into your epsom-salt-bubble bath—ready to shut off from the world and embrace the relaxation. 
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After strategically propping your laptop at the bathroom counter, you’ve managed to finish two episodes of New Girl whilst you were in the tub. You could’ve used the bathtub tray that Olivia got you for your birthday, but you couldn’t trust yourself with that type of risk—no matter how careful you were. 
It wasn’t long when you heard a small commotion coming from the living room. You had your eyebrows furrowed, surely it was just Ronnie who’s dropping by today. Unless she invited Olivia too? 
Stepping out of the tub, you wrapped a towel around your body. You shut off your laptop and grabbed your phone before you left the bathroom. 
“Ronnie?” You called out above the chatter from the living room. “Ronnie, is that you?” 
“Yeah, right here, babes!” You heard her yell back. Upon reaching the living room, you saw Ronnie setting the food down on the table with Harrison putting the drinks down. “Oh, hey! I got us bibimbap and tteokbokki from Kim’s Kitchen. I also asked for extra kimchi because that is to die for.” Veronica exclaimed with a huge smile. “Oh and Mrs. Kim says hi.” 
You forced a huge smile in response, turning to your best friend and subtly motioning at Harrison who was standing beside her. 
“Oh! oh! Y/N, I hope you don’t mind that I invited them. They called me the same time as I texted you and I figured you wouldn’t mind because we’re all friends here, right?” Veronica smiled nervously. 
“A head’s up would’ve been nice, because...” You motioned to yourself, pointing out that you were still in your towel. “I mean it is my home and I should dress however I want but obviously you got your boyfriend here. The least I could do is look presentable.” 
Harrison turned red and so did Veronica. “Y/N, Harrison is not my boy—”
“Yeah, yeah. Whatever. I’ll go get changed.” You rolled your eyes and dismissed the entire thing. What can you do, kick them out? Wait—
“Wait, did you say “them” earlier? Is anyone else coming?” You asked. 
“Uh...” Veronica was looking for the right words to say until her eyes met someone else’s and looked right past you. 
You turned around and saw Tom standing in the middle of the room, holding plates and cutlery from your kitchen. Pinching the bridge of your nose to prevent the emerging migraine you’re about to endure and closed your eyes, you took a deep breath. 
“Uh—Hi, Y/N” Tom waved shyly. That’s all it took. All of those repressed feelings that you were trying to fight off were coming back. With your heart beating furiously, you knew you were a goner and you hated that. 
“Hi Tom,” you muttered. You two haven’t spoken to each other in a while since the morning after the wedding. God, this is awkward.  
You caught his eyes flickered to your body and put his head down, walking towards Harrison and Veronica, avoiding eye contact. You realized you were still in your towel, turning red. “Uh, I’ll go get changed.” You muttered, practically running towards your room to change. 
You were changing into an oversized shirt and into some leggings when you heard a knock from the door. “I’m decent!” You yelled. 
The door slowly opened, Tom peering from the other side. 
“Oh, hey.” You greeted him as he slowly went inside your room. He was looking around, observing your room. Your bedroom wasn’t special but it’s your favourite place. The walls were painted white—which is why when the sun beams through your windows, it bounces off through the walls and illuminates your entire room. Your room consisted of white furniture and bedding, but you made up for it by putting numerous plants all over your room and using earthy tones such as blankets and decorative pillows as accents. 
“Hey,” Tom stepped a bit closer “Sorry about earlier. If I knew you’d feel uncomfortable, I wouldn’t have come.” He apologized. 
“No, you’re good. I guess I was just caught by surprise.” You quickly dismissed. 
There was an odd silence. Is this what happens when you don’t talk for quite a while? 
“Oh, I also wanted to give you this,” Tom said, handing you the sweatpants that he borrowed a while ago. The cursed night that brought you closer to each other, literally. Grabbing the neatly folded pants, your fingers gently grazed upon his—the first time you had physical contact ever since that night.  “Don’t worry, I washed it.” He added. 
“Eh, I think I’ll wash it again just to make sure.” You joked, trying to diffuse the awkwardness. 
Tom let out a small laugh, scratching the back of his head. “I’m sorry.” You heard him say as you put your hair into a loose ponytail.
“For what?” You asked, brows furrowed. 
“I wasn’t exactly the finest “boyfriend” in the world.” He explained, putting air quotes on the word ‘boyfriend’. “I’d say I was busy but I should’ve made time.” 
You gave him a small smile. “It’s okay, Tom.” You turned around to place the pants inside the drawer. “It’s not like you’re my actual boyfriend anyway.” You laughed awkwardly.
For some reason, that last sentence left an unpleasant feeling on you. Why are you longing for Tom anyway? Are you that deprived? 
Tom let out an awkward chuckle and mumbled a quiet “yeah,” 
There it is again. That awkward silence. Will this last for the entire night because this is going to be exhausting? 
All of a sudden, Tom looked at you with a smile. “Why are we being weird?” Tom asked, laughing. 
“Yeah, I don’t even know either,” You couldn't help but laugh as well. “I’m definitely not used to you being this quiet.” 
“Are you saying that you missed it then?” He asked with a smirk. “Better yet are you saying that you missed me?” 
You rolled your eyes. There’s the Tom that you knew. “I wouldn’t go that far, Tom.” You replied, fighting off a smile. 
“’m just teasing, darling,” He laughed softly. “So, should we just forget everything and just be friends?” He asked, offering his hand.
You were about to reply when you heard a loud knock from the other side of the door. “Oi, are you two making out in there?” You heard Veronica yell obnoxiously from the other side. 
“Veronica!” You shrieked out of pure embarrassment. You felt your face turning red, as if like you’re a preteen caught with her crush.  
You pulled the door open and dragged Tom outside out of pure embarrassment, only to meet Veronica and Harrison who were leisurely sitting by the couch, trying to fight off their smirks. 
“Food’s getting cold,” Harrison said innocently as you glared at the both of them. 
“I see that you two are getting close,” Veronica commented eyeing both of your hands that were still clasped. 
“I—uh,” You’re at a loss for words. You forgot the calm feeling of how Tom’s hands felt against yours. 
You were about to let go when Tom raised both of your hands to show Haz and Ronnie. “I like holding her hand, it’s always so warm,” Tom commented with a soft smile. “One of the perks of fake dating, Y/N.” 
Veronica took a good look at you while you were busy staring at Tom. Ronnie knows that stare of yours and if she’s being honest, she doesn’t know whether to feel happy or anxious for you. 
“Yeah, that is until your hands get damp.” You teased, rolling your eyes. “Let’s just eat.” You said as you grabbed a cushion and sat on the floor. 
“Okay, so what are we having?” Tom asked as he stared at the table full of Korean dishes. 
“Well, I ordered each of us a bowl of bibimbap because I have no clue what you two like to eat” Ronnie said, pertaining to Tom and Harrison. She handed them each a bowl. “They’re all beef, by the way—oh except for Y/N’s, she has chicken.” 
“Have you had bibimbap before?” You asked Tom who was behind you, sitting on the couch. 
He shook his head in response, grabbing a cushion and opted to sit on the floor, right next to you. “I’ve had Korean BBQ before, does that count?” 
“Not quite,” You laughed. “Here, I’ll add some chilli paste.” 
“Darling, don’t add too much—” Tom argued while trying to grab the chilli paste from your hands. He ended just holding onto your hand instead.
“C’mon, it’s better when it’s spicy!” You defended, trying to squeeze more into his bowl.
“Are you sure you’re not adding that much because you hate me?” You could feel the close proximity of his face against yours. 
“Oh, please,” You turned to face him “I could never hate you, Tommy.” You blinking innocently, trying to hide the fact that he’s literally inches away from you. 
While you and Tom are practically exploring this whole new territory of closeness, Veronica was quietly watching it unfold in front of her eyes. 
“They seem to be getting along quite well,” Harrison commented before shoving a spoon into his mouth. 
“Yeah, maybe too well.�� Veronica murmured, still staring at the couple in front of her. 
“And that’s a bad thing?” Haz asked with a raised eyebrow. Curious. 
Veronica couldn’t answer. Is it really a bad thing or was she just being overprotective? She should be happy for her friend! Heck, she should be happy that you and Tom were finally getting along for once.
Veronica chose to just look past it and accept the situation for what it is for now: a miracle. 
“I guess not,” Veronica answered, smiling softly at Harrison who gladly smiled in return. 
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“Dinner was spectacular,” Tom commented with a smile “Well done, Ronnie.” 
“Oh—psh!” Ronnie waved her hand nonchalantly, “That was nothing.” 
“Yeah, because Mrs. Kim prepared all of it” You argued jokingly. “Besides, I suggested that we should have Korean cuisine tonight.” 
“Then I guess I should thank you, Y/N,” Tom grabbed the sides of your face and squished your cheeks. “Thanks, darling.” He grinned. 
You scrunched your face and took his hand away. “You’re annoying,” You told Tom while gathering the plates, starting to clear the table. 
“I’ll get that, Y/N,” Harrison said while grabbing the plates from you. “I’ll do the dishes, you lot just stay put here.” 
“Ooh, I’ll help!” Veronica stood up to help Harrison. 
“No, it’s fine. Just stay there, Ronnie. It’s okay.” Harrison replied, his tone of voice suddenly warm towards Veronica. 
“You’re so sweet,” Veronica said in awe. “But that won’t work for me, babe. I’ll help you, it’s totally okay.” She insisted, clearing the rest of the table and following Harrison towards the kitchen. 
You were about to head into the spare bedroom when you felt Tom wrap his hands around yours. “Where are you going?” He asked. 
“I’m just going to grab something,” You replied, “Even if I try to get away from you, I couldn’t. Trust me.” You teased. 
Tom nodded understandably, letting go of your hand. 
As you were on your way to the spare room, you couldn’t help but mumble “Why’s he being so clingy all of a sudden? Is this what he’s like to his friends?” You chose to shake off your thoughts against your better judgment. 
“What’s that?” Tom asked as soon as you entered the living room. 
“A bean bag chair,” You answered, dropping it in front of him. “So you can stop hogging my place on the sofa.” 
“Aw, you got a bean bag chair just for me?” He asked with a huge grin on his face. 
You rolled your eyes, “I didn’t buy it just for you, dumb ass.”
“Whatever you say, Y/N.” He grinned. “Whatever you say.” Tom then sat on the bean bag chair, except he sat at the very upper part of it and tried to keep his balance whilst doing so. 
This is the most boyish thing you’ve seen Tom do—no fancy clothing, no assistants around him, no cameras, none of it. He looked like an average guy, doing silly and harmless things, who’s just trying to have fun. 
With that in mind, you couldn’t help but pull your phone out and film him doing so. Eventually, he caught on and saw that you had your phone out, giving a smile. 
Laughing, you said, “That’s not how you sit on it!”
“I’ll sit on it however I want,” He teased. You quit filming and decided to upload the clip on your Instagram story. It was cute, pure, and authentic. Three words that you swore you wouldn’t use when pertaining to you and Tom. 
This fake dating thing is getting harder and harder. Seeing that you and Tom finally decided to act friendly around each other, it’s definitely going to provoke the feelings you were trying to suppress from him. 
“Okay, so I got bottles of soju.” Veronica announced while wiping her hands with the kitchen towel. “Anyone up for a Paranoia drinking game?” She asked with a smirk. 
“Why must we play a game while drinking?” You asked, pinching the bridge of your nose. 
“I think it’ll be fun, Y/N.” Tom commented. “This is the right moment to build a tight bond with each other.” 
“Yeah, because nothing says bonding like alcohol and using repressed feelings.” You mumbled. 
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groovybaybee · 4 years
In The Club - 1
cw: bit of smut, alcohol consumption, think that’s all, terrible writing but that’s a given
(8.8k i’m so sorry, the other chapters won’t be this long i promise)
Fucking your friend is never as problem-free as you convince yourself it will be. Sure, it starts out simply enough; two horny people agreeing to a moment of need-driven desperation. If you are lucky, the sex is terrible and forms the basis of just another inside joke between you. However, if you are truly unfortunate, the sex is fantastic and addictive and so convenient that you convince yourself it is an ideal situation.
“Fuck me,” I groan blissfully as the cool night air smacks against my exposed flesh.
 Despite still not falling into the habit, the smoking area of any club quickly becomes my sanctuary on any given night out. Something about the space feels sacred and sinful at once, a free zone of communal naughtiness.
 Its more than that. The haze-filled space offers a welcome reprieve, whether that be from thumping beats, one drink too many, or lecherous advances. Standing outside in my sanctuary, breathing in a mixture of second-hand smoke and crisp, late August air; I feel at peace. My eyelids flutter closed and my head rolls back until my chin is parallel with the night sky.
 Its cold.  We knew it would be before we came out, the idea of a summer in London feeling like some sick joke as we rallied around each other to avoid bringing jackets to avoid wasting time in a queue for the cloakroom. The evening’s chill does not bother me, instead, I appreciate the way it sinks into my skin, chilling the heat being pumped through my veins. The beads of sweat in my hairline begin to dissipate as the soft breeze caresses every piece of bare skin.
 “You alright there, babe?” I hear Harry ask, promptly reminding me that I am not alone despite being in my own little world.
 A smile pulls across my face, but I take a second to breathe one final inhale of tranquillity before meeting his gaze. He is grinning at me, clearly finding amusement in my cooling down process. If his use of the name ‘babe’ had fallen on deaf ears, the toothy grin and glazed look in his eyes would quickly clear up any confusion as to his state of intoxication.
 The sweet boy is pissed.
 As he has every right to be. Tonight marks the first night in months he has accepted an invitation to come out. Do not get me wrong, Harry is an inspiration for his dedication to his work and it is obvious that creating music is his path in life, his primary passion, but man have I missed him. The past month has been the worst, almost every offer to spend time together being met with a consolatory ‘Have to work sorry :(‘ text message. Despite knowing that this was the truth, and would only last a little while longer until his newest album was fully wrapped, it still stung not being able to relax after a long week with a bottle of wine, some horrendous film, and one of my best friends. But the album is done, fully mastered and now just awaited final approval before being birthed to the world. Now, I have my boy back.
 “I’m so happy you came,” I tell him, wrapping my arms clumsily around his neck.
 I feel a breath of laughter against my hair as he pulls me into a tight hug. The two of us sway enthusiastically together, likely encouraged by a mixture of spirits but happy, nonetheless.
 Pulling away from him I press a quick kiss to his lips, hands on his cheeks squeezing his face gleefully. This is not the first time I have kissed Harry during our two-year long friendship. The two of us even went through a brief period of kissing each other hello, up until just over a year ago. So, it is little shock to the rest of our friendship group when we share a few giggle-fuelled smooches.
 “Get a room,” Deb laughs, stubbing out the butt of her cigarette with an amused eyeroll.
 “Some people would pay good money to see this sweet action.” Harry teases, a hand gripping my hip and pulling my body flush against his to prove his point.
 I would be lying to myself if I said his body did not feel good against mine, that his lips don’t spread warmth through my chest, but so does gin.
 “Tanya’s having afters at her’s, anyone fancy it?” Bri asks, wobbling on weakened ankles as she walks over to us, arms wrapped tightly around her petite frame to fight the cold.
 The question is indirectly aimed at Deb, something only Harry and I seem to notice, a smirk shared between the two of us at this realisation. It is the same pattern every time we go out and the night starts to draw to a close. The potential for an end to the evening is too much for them, not wanting to say goodbye to each other, but not having enough courage to specifically ask the other to spend time together. So, the roll of cupid falls on my shoulders once again.
 The moment I hear Deb agree to go with Bri, I speak up, “No way am I staying up until five with you two chain-smokers. I’m going home.”
 “So boring,” Bri teases, a grateful look in her eyes. I send her a quick wink when Deb is distracted, asking Harry if he will join.
 “Nah, think I’ll skip it as well. Make sure this one gets home alright.” He responds, a gentle squeeze to the flesh of my hips.
 “Sure,” Deb smirks before turning to Bri.
 The two women look at each other for a moment, a soft haze of smoke and stifled attraction surrounding them.
 “Have a good time,” I interrupt, snapping them out of their unintentional staring contest. Each gives me a hug, desperate to hide their pinkened cheeks from the other. “Be safe, I love you both.”
 “You too!” Bri hollers as they begin to walk away.
 “Use protection!” Deb shouts across the crowded area, eliciting embarrassed giggles from Harry and myself as we hide our faces in the other’s neck.
 “You staying at mine tonight?” I query as I lift my head from the crook of his neck. “Missed having you round.”
 “I’d love that,” Harry says, pressing a kiss to my forehead, “Want to go now?”
 I nod and smile as he finishes the last of his drink in one gulp, Adam’s apple bobbing harshly. A large drop spills from the corner of his mouth and he clumsily wipes it away with the pad of his thumb. His hand slips into mine as we cut through the crowd in the same direction as Deb and Bri
 A smirk graces my lips as I picture the pair sat in a car together, completely oblivious to their mutual attraction. Since the moment they were introduced at my birthday party a few years back, they have tiptoed around each other, both deeply infatuated but too scared to make the first move. Sometimes I worry that they are too similar for their own good, that they will dance around the subject forever.
 “Who do you think will make the first move?” I ask Harry as we walk to find a nearby takeaway, my body on autopilot as Harry leads me through quiet London backstreets.
 “Probably me.” Harry says absentmindedly, focussing the majority of his attention on checking the road is clear before we cross.
 “Deb or Bri, idiot.” I chuckle, my legs working overtime as I try to keep instep with his long strides.
 “Oh, Deb, guaranteed.” Harry posits, holding the door to the almost empty chip shop open for me to step inside.
 “I’m not so sure,” I say as we join the queue, the group of girls in front of us swaying, most holding their high heels as they discuss condiments. “At uni, Deb was always too shy to go up to girls, so I had to do it for her, but Bri’s a model you know, confidence kind of comes with the territory.”
 “Not necessarily. Bet you a tenner it’s Deb.” He smirks, hand already outstretched to shake mine.
 “You’re on,” I shake his hand firmly, the mischievous twinkle in his eye charming me more than I would like to admit. “Want to split some chips?”
 * * *
 By the time we pile into my flat, the food is almost cold, the two of us quickly chowing down as we collapse on to the sofa. We work like a well-oiled machine, falling into our habits of pouring water, kicking our shoes off, and switching on some late-night television.
 “I know I’ve said this a hundred times,” I start softly as my wild eyes attempt to focus on him under the dim light, “But it’s so good to see you. I’ve missed you, man.”
 “C’mere,” Harry grins, pulling me into a tight squeeze before we settle side by side into the cushions. “Been meaning to tell you, you look great tonight.” Harry smiles cheekily.
 “You going to try and snog me again?” I tease through a mouthful of chips.
 “You do look irresistible right now.” Harry chimes, wiping a smudge of ketchup from the corner of my mouth before popping his finger in his mouth to clean it.
 There is a brief pause, a second or so of silence before Harry speaks again, picking through the box of chips for the perfect one.
 “I liked kissing you.”
 “Do it again then.” I tease, wondering if he will take the bait or laugh it off.
 Turning in his seat until he is facing me, a curious smirk plays at the corners of his mouth. For a second, his lips pucker in thought.
 It is all I can do not to let out a little breath of laughter. The situation is bizarre, undoubtedly. Yet, there is a distinct sensation of calm filtering through my body, as though no matter the outcome, I would be satisfied.
 “I shouldn’t… Haven’t had sex in months, scared it might stir up something in me.” With that, he turns his attention to the TV, slouching down into the sofa cushions.
 “Harry,” I utter softly.
 “Hmm?” he asks, my gaze fixed on his jaw as he clenches and releases it absentmindedly.
 “Kiss me.”
 Turning to face me yet again, this time with an incredibly serious look on his face, his eyes dark and stern. While he observes me, I take a sip of my water. His eyes follow me intensely, watching my lips part before lowering the glass and swallowing, his throat bobbing with mine.
 “Are you sure?”
 “Beyond sure.” I tell him with enough confidence for the both of us.
 Our lips meet somewhere between us, lazily melting together as we sink into the sofa cushions. We move in a blur, arms around each other, hands caressing faces.
 Our clothes tangle as we hastily undress ourselves, giggling as the garments collide on their way to the living room floor.
 “This is stupid, isn’t it?” Harry grins before connecting our lips over and over.
 “Completely.” I smirk between tequila-flavoured kisses.
 “Condom?” he asks, voice slightly muffled by the flesh of my shoulder.
 “Implant.” I tell him breathlessly, mentally reminding myself of my appointment to get it replaced next week.
 Harry just nods into the crook of my neck, a hand reaching down to position himself. The giggles fade away as we become fully connected, slipping naturally into a symbiotic amalgamation of limbs and lips. It is hasty and sweaty, each of our movements oozing with lust. Our bodies work quickly with one another, only personal need driving us until we pull our clothes back on.
 “Nice.” I tease, reaching my hand out for a high-five.
 “Loser.” Harry laughs, pulling me into his side. A quick kiss is pressed to my temple and we turn back to the television as if nothing had happened.
 * * *
 The morning after, us having sex has already turned into a private joke. The two of us teasing one another relentlessly as we nurse our hangovers with a fry up.
 “Never going to be able to look at you the same way, not after seeing your face when I made you—”
 “Made me? I don’t think you could make me do anything.” I interrupt, bumping Harry’s hip with my own as I plate up our late breakfast.
 “That so?” he replies, a smirk strongly evident in his voice.
 I am about to reply when his hands slip around my waist from behind, gently raising until they cup the underneath of my breasts.
 “Do you want to eat or not?” I laugh, motioning to the pan of eggs in one of my hands and the spatula in the other.
 “Fine.” He grins, giving my boobs a quick, soft squeeze before moving away.
 We sit down on the barstool by the island and I instantly dig in, desperate to eat away the throbbing in my head.
 “Bri’s sad because she didn’t make a move on Deb.” Harry tells me as he types a response quickly on his phone.
 “Telling her about last night to cheer her up?” I joke. Harry pauses, locking his phone and placing it down on the cool granite surface.
 “God, can you imagine how much shit they’d give us if they found out?”
 “I won’t tell if you don’t.” I offer a hand for him to shake.
 “Deal.” He says quickly, stretching out his own hand to meet mine.
 * * *
 It isn’t until a few weeks later that I get to see Harry again. Work consumes us both as always. Harry finalises a promotion timeline for his new album while I travel across Sicily, working with temperamental models in the baking summer sun. I spend the first day back at home, lazing on the sofa and doing laundry. Almost immediately upon exiting the plane, I miss the heat. Late summer in London provides to be drizzle-filled and grey for the majority of the time. The only time sunshine rears its head is the day of Harry’s party. Typical, really. That man even has mother nature on his side.
 After a sluggish and jetlagged day spent doing laundry and replying to emails, I drink as much caffeine as possible before heading over to Harry’s place. He had wanted tonight to be as intimate as possible. Only family, friends and a few members of the production team received the invitation to his house to hear his new album before the public get their hands on it. The select few of us, after checking our names with the security team at the gatehouse, make our way through the enclosed community, walking right in through his unlocked front door.
 Once inside, I cannot help the smirk that tugs at my lips as I imagine Harry organising this party. The house is covered in pink and blue like a fancy gender reveal and all I can picture is a roll of tape between Harry’s teeth as he insisted on hanging streamers himself.
 Quickly, I am distracted by the décor when a table filled with flutes of champagne catches my eye. With one in my hand, I turn a corner and see him immediately. He stands in the centre of the lounge while those around him sit dotted around the space, watching as he speaks animatedly. His hands move about wildly as he talks, eliciting laughter from the room as he continues to tell a story I already recognise. Just as he reaches the climax of the tale, his gaze floats towards me. Joy seems to settle around us as everyone cracks up at the punchline of the anecdote, the two of us simply sharing soft smiles by way of a greeting. I raise my glass slightly and he understands, continuing to entertain the room effortlessly as I join the masses, simply observing and enjoying him.
 “Alright?” I hear a familiar voice utter groggily. I turn to see Bri clutching an espresso martini tightly, majority already drunk. “Knackered, mate.” She confirms as she presses herself against me in lieu of a hug.
 “Know the feeling,” I sympathise, feeling the formidable aches of travelling.
 Bri and I swap stories about where we have recently flown in from as we settle amongst the group, finding a small loveseat brought in to accommodate the increased number of occupants.
 Collectively, the room falls silent. Harry, charmingly humble as always, utters a few words of thanks to us all for our support during the writing, recording, and production processes, before we relax into the evening as the first track begins to play. Thankfully, Harry has already witnessed my initial reactions to each and every song, including a few which did not make the cut, so I need not worry about emotional outbursts in front of some of his nearest and dearest. Each track reminds me of the nights he would sneak me demos or voice memos of certain lyrics and riffs he was particularly proud of at that moment. Hearing the album again now brings back a serious swell of pride that fills my heart right to its capacity, emotion beginning to fill my eyes as we listen to the stories of his heart. Each sorrowful ballad and upbeat tune breaks and reforms my heart repeatedly and I am once again, completely enamoured with him and his talent.
 * * *
 “My girl,” Harry calls out happily, slinging an arm around my shoulders. “What did you think of the album?”
 “I’ve already heard it.” I laugh, absentmindedly leaning into his warmth, grateful for it in the slight chill of his back garden.
 “You weren’t supposed to though.” He whispers, lowering his head as he colludes with me, “This was meant to be the first time anyone outside of production heard it so… shh.”
 Impossible to hold back my grin at his ridiculously over the top nature, I just give him a toothy nod before placing my left index finger against my lips.
 “I won’t tell if you don’t.” I say softly.
 “Where have I heard that before?” he grins, tapping a finger against his chin as he pretends to search his memory. His gaze trickles over my body, eyebrows pulling together when he notices the giant purple bruise spread across my upper left arm. “How did you do that?”
 Gently, he takes my arm in his hand, lifting it softly to take a better look at the yellowish edges.
 “Was time to get my implant removed, back to condoms for a few weeks.” I tell him casually, not realising the suggestive nature of my words until he replies.
 “Going to miss the way you feel for a few weeks then.” His tone is so casual that it stuns me for a moment, completely unable to think of a witty retort.
 I had assumed that our drunken fling was just that. Never had the thought crossed my mind that he might want to do it again. Okay, that’s a lie. I have thought of little else at night than the thought of Harry on top of me again, his hand replacing my own as I bring myself to climax.
 However, watching the way he observes my reaction sparks a disgusting greed within me.
 “Hang out when everyone leaves?” he asks, seeing the fire behind my eyes and matching it with his own.
 It is all I can do to nod and not pull him aside and let my body mould to his.
 The evening passes quicker than I had expected, perhaps my slight exhaustion seems to warp my internal clock, making hours feel like minutes. Regardless, before I know it, Harry and I find ourselves on his bed, lips and limbs entangled.
 “I’m really proud of you.” I manage to mumble against his lips in a brief interlude in which they are parted from my own.
 “That means a lot.” Harry utters back, equally hindered by my lips against his. Neither of us mind though. If anything, these small and restrained interactions seem to encourage us, raising the heat in the room as hands grasp and grip the other. Our bodies flush together, desperately meeting in any way possible as if trying to verbalise what we do not dare talk about.
 We move much slower than the last time, savouring each and every touch as we take turns removing the other’s clothes. Contrary from our previous experience, there is nothing greedy about our movements. Instead, a different type of need drives our bodies to intertwine.
 I manage to pull myself away from him for long enough to mutter, “Condom?”
 Harry stills above me, eyes averted as he thinks deeply before speaking, “Think there’s some in the bathroom, sorry, I’ll be right back.” With a swift kiss to my forehead, he dashes from the room into his en suite.
 “Cute bum.” I call after him, enjoying the way his hips wiggle with his quick pace.
 “Cheers!” he hollers back, shortly followed by the sound of skin on skin.
 The idea of him slapping his own backside leaves a smile on my face which lasts until he returns with a single condom, declaring it to be the last one and making some teasing comment about how lucky I am. His words fall on deaf ears, however, as I feel the energy in the room shift. My eyes glue to his body as he sits beside me, taking both of my hands in his and pulling me to sit up straight. The muscles of his body grow taut under his skin as he moves me to sit between his open legs. My feet lock around his back, his hands mirroring the same position around my waist as our lips meet yet again.
 Into each other we sink deeper, chest meeting chest, rising and falling together. A gentle hand lifts to tuck away a lock of my hair before settling against my cheek, softly grazing his fingertips across the tender flesh of my neck. His lips are like runny honey against my body as they trail across my jaw and trickle down the column of my throat, catching my breath between them. The tip of a thumb under my chin keeps my head high as his lips work lower and lower. My own lips are parted as I melt beneath him.
 “Harry,” I gasp, unintentionally making him stop dead in his tracks. Panic instantly flooding through my veins, I cast my gaze downwards to check on him. He looks up at me with soft but needy eyes. “What is it?” I ask cautiously, my hand subconsciously clearing the rogue tendrils of hair away from his forehead.
 “I like the way you say my name.” he utters lowly, so quiet it almost seems as though he is afraid of my reaction.
 Unsure of what words could quell whatever doubts he is battling with; I replace them with a soft kiss to his lips. One side of his face cupped in my hand, I feel him lean into me, eyelids fluttering shut just long enough to savour the feeling but not so long as to make it obvious that it was his aim.
 “Harry,” I whisper, just loud enough to catch his attention and bring his eyes back to mine, “I want you to…”
 I falter, unsure of the right word to use here. None seem to fit just right, either feeling too blunt and devoid of emotion or too far the other way.
 Regardless of semantics, Harry understands and slips his hips away slightly. I watch as his steady hands tear the wrapper open and roll the condom down his shaft. Without another moment’s hesitation, his hands are back on my body, grasping at the flesh at my sides as he pulls me into his lap. With every move he makes, his lips provide accompaniment. Kisses spread across my face and neck, down to my collarbone and breasts, celebrating each and every part they come into contact with.
 Desperate to feel every part of him, I raise my hips. Upon realising my intentions, Harry meets my gaze, watching me with awe-filled eyes as I slip our bodies together. I feel him gasp against the bare skin of my chest. For a moment, our actions are slow, adjusting to the overwhelming feeling of one another. Our hips rock gently into each other, soft moans and sharp inhalations fill the otherwise quiet bedroom, bouncing off the walls I have begged him countless times to add more colour to. His hands grip the flesh of my hips, reaching down sporadically to grope at my cheeks. With each squeeze and scratch, I move faster against him, head thrown back in pleasure as we repeatedly hit every delicious spot.
 His hands caress every part of me, truly making love to my body as heated gasps slip past my lips. Our bodies work as a chemical reaction of lust and care, eyes locked as we move quicker and more urgently. Everything we need to say we say with a kiss of the neck, a scratch of bare skin, and a bliss-filled moan.
 Two hands slip behind me, swiftly but securely lowering me into the pillows of the bed before returning to my hips and waist. His hands grip me tighter as this new position allows him to sink deeper into me, his body slowing temporarily against mine to savour the feeling of being fully complete. His eyes never leave mine, pupils contracting and dilating, telling me everything I need to know.
 My gaze flicks down to the point where our bodies meet, watching in lust-filled awe as we connect. I feel Harry do the same as his forehead rests against mine, hands slipping to grasp at my thighs, squeezing and moulding the flesh in his hands. A groan leaves my lips at the sensation of his adoration. At the sound, his hips snap harshly against my own, eliciting louder, wilder moans. Encouraged beyond belief, Harry chases my pleasure, speeding up the movement of his body against my own. His head drops down to my neck, suckling and licking at the skin growing tender under his control.
 Lifting his upper body from mine, he pushes gently against one of my legs until it is perpendicular to my body. Instantly, I melt beneath him, this new angle driving me into a state of madness as he hits harder and deeper, watching with animalistic pride as I clutch around desperately for something to cling to. My fingertips tangle in the bedsheets, eager to anchor myself as a hand slips between my legs. His fingers spin soft circles, their contrast to the speed and force of his hips sending me over the edge, body shuddering violently as he eases me back down. Harry utters soft words, gentle coos that bring me back to him and allow my eyes to unscrunch themselves. When I see him, laying atop me, face just inches from mine, the fire is burning brighter than I have ever seen it, something about watching the pleasure he brings me arousing every sense.
 “Fuck me,” I beg, my voice cracking from my raw throat but I don’t care. I need him.
 He gives me everything in him, using my body to feel good, knowing as well as I do that nothing could compare to the two of us. Even when his face contorts, jaw slack and breathing halted, I feel the care he has for me. His fingertips caress the softness of my skin, gently roaming the expanse of my body as I tether him to the Earth. Collapsing into me, he buries himself in the crook of my neck. My hands come up to encircle him, grazing up and down his back soothingly as he catches his breath.
 “You’re unreal.” Harry eventually mumbles against my skin, producing a breathy giggle from deep within my chest. He pulls away, rolling off me and quickly discarding the condom before laying beside me. Propping his head up with his hand, his body follows the contours of my side in order for us to constantly be touching. “I mean it.”
 I turn to him, tucking one knee between his and trying not to groan at the ache in my body.
 “I dig you too.” I say with a gentle, slightly exhausted smile.
 “Never said that,” he teases, earning a half-hearted frown which just makes him grin even harder. Slowly, his face falls serious, his brows pulling together as he contemplates the thought swimming around in his mind.
 “Tell me.” I whisper, a hand coming up to rest on the side of his face, thumb automatically caressing the stubble across his cheek.
 “Sometimes I think we’ll end up together.” He tells me quietly. My actions still, eyes flitting to his eyes to search for the tell-tale sign that he is just being mischievous. But there is only a hint of worry in those bright eyes.
 “Yeah?” I ask, quickly licking my lips to distract myself from the break in my voice, convincing myself that it is simply because my throat is still sore from moments ago.
 We lay for a while like this, no words spoken, or action taken. I don’t think either of us would know what to do if we wanted to anyway. Instead we lay. His hand comes up to rest on top of mine, keeping me with him until the rise and fall of our chests sync and my eyelids grow heavy.
 “Little, still a bit jetlagged.” I mumble, already half-asleep despite my intentions to stay awake and look at him all night long.
 “Go to sleep.” He says softly before pressing a tender kiss to my hand. His lips work as an immediate sleep aid, relaxing every aching muscle and eradicating every stressful thought.
 * * *
 Three weeks pass by quickly, work overwhelms me yet again and I spend my days and nights at shoots, silently praying that each director I work with will be less of a diva than the last. Unfortunately, my prayers go unanswered. The increased workload begins to drain every last drop of lifeforce from me. My limbs ache with exhaustion, stomach never fully settled due to lack of sufficient sustenance.
 “I’m knackered, think I might be getting the flu.” I explain sleepily to Harry over FaceTime, my body slumping back into the heap of pillows in my unmade bed. His camera flips around from the beautifully clear blue sky above him to a concerned, slightly bearded Harry. “Have you shaved since you left?” I ask with a smirk.
 “This is my LA stache.” He grins, smudging and finger and thumb across the width of the hair above his top lip.
 “I miss you.” I whisper, not meaning the words to leave my subconscious.
 “I miss you too,” Harry smiles, his eyes softening as an excited shade of light pink flushes his cheeks. “Hang out when I’m back?”
 I nod and agree to dinner next week before yawning and saying goodbye. Wrapping myself up in the cold duvet, the thought of seeing Harry soon stops me from slipping into sleep. My mind relives our last night together, each kiss and caress playing like a film. We should have talked about it before he left but, as per usual, our work-lives consumed us. What would he say about that night? Did he feel the difference in the way we moved? Is he just as freaked out by it?
 The next day, all doubts and fears are drained from my body, a care package waiting on my doorstep as I arrive home. Carrying the box inside, my eyes glance around the box in search of some sign to indicate the sender’s identity. I knew he had been the one responsible for it, but the contents just confirmed it. Tins of soup, orange juice, cold and flu medicine, a box of cherry bakewells (my absolute favourite comfort food), and an unbelievably soft pair of fluffy socks.
 Snapping a quick picture of the assortment, I send it to Harry with a string of appreciative words, tearing up due to his sweetness and my sickness.
 It does not matter what either of us thinks of feels about that night together, because at the end of the day, it is always going to be him and I, whatever form our relationship takes.
  * * *
 “You look like shit.” Deb greets as she presses a kiss to my cheek before allowing me to sit across from her and Bri. I fight the urge to roll my eyes and glance down at the menu laid across my plate. The majority of the options made my stomach churn, the thought of pushing eggs down my throat enough to make me gag.
 “Can’t shake this bug.” I grumble, sipping at my water as our waitress arrives.
 “Three mimosas please.” Bri smiles sweetly at her.
 “Oh, no, just two.” I correct, starting to break into a slight sweat. The waitress nods and excuses herself to fetch the girls their drinks, leaving them both to look at me with wide eyes and mouths agape. “My stomach has been in bits for weeks, no way I’m drinking and making myself puke again.”
 “Never thought this day would come... I mean its brunch, what else are we going to do?” Bri gasps in a dramatically solemn tone.
 “Yeah, can’t remember the last time you didn’t drink with us.” Deb frowns, clearly slightly upset at losing one of her drinking buddies. “Except that one time at uni.”
 A smirk ghosts over my lips at the memory. Deb and I, still in our first year, sat in the pub with two pints on the table, both untouched as we watched the pregnancy test stashed in my bag slowly reveal just one line.
 Slowly, the smile begins to fall from my face, Deb mirroring me as the penny slowly drops for the both of us.
 “When was the last time you got your period?” she asks quietly.
 “What?” Bri asks in utter confusion, excluded from our moment of telepathy.
 “I can’t remember,” I admit in a whisper.
 “Jesus Christ.” Deb sighs, the colour draining from her face as her hand comes up to rub at her forehead nervously.
 “I had my implant taken out, the doctor said my hormones would be unpredictable so I haven’t really thought about it.” I rush, desperately trying to defend myself for not noticing the absence.
 “Oh,” Deb says, instantly perking back up as if nothing had even happened. “To be fair, when was the last time you had sex anyway?”
 She speaks as if the question were simple a throwaway comment, a small joke to lighten the mood. Of course, she would think that, the last time I spoke to the girls about my sex life, it was to complain about its lack of existence. I haven’t quite found the right way to tell them that Harry and I are doing whatever it is we are doing.
 “About a month ago.” I admit quietly, unlocking my phone to flick through my calendar, mainly to avoid the harsh gaze of two of my best friends.
 “What? Who with?” Bri asks giddily, however her excitement is drastically overshadowed by Deb’s probing.
 “You used protection though?”
 “Of course we did, I’m not an idiot.” I say, feeling myself getting wound up as the blood seems to drain from my body.
 There is no way I am. We were safe. There’s no way.
 When I look up to meet their gaze, however, both girls look at me with such sympathetic gazes that it takes everything in me not to burst into tears.
 “Want to get a test to be sure?” Bri asks gently, somehow instantly caught up and fully aware of the sheer internal panic I am feeling.
 I nod and we immediately leave the table. Bri takes my hand and waits with me as Deb quickly pays for the drinks that did not even arrive.
 “It’ll be okay,” Bri whispers to me, her thumb soft against the back of my hand.
 “Yeah,” I nod, trying to shake of the severe sensation of dread smothering me. Swallowing hard, I manage to meet her eye. “Probably just a scare, right? We’ll laugh about it in an hour.”
 She does not reply. No one speaks as we walk to the closest shop, thankfully Deb lives close by and is able to source a test and usher us home before I can overthink too much.
 I won’t be. What are the odds? Condoms are 98% effective, I checked in the health aisle as Bri went to pay. 98% is far too high to be stressing out over a few potential symptoms.
 The girls sit on the edge of Deb’s bathtub, watching me pee and trying to crack jokes to lighten the mood as I place the test on the side and wash my hands, looking anywhere but the stick.
 “These situations make me so glad to be gay.” Deb utters to Bri with a ghost of a smirk.
 “Totally.” Bri says with a small giggle.
 “Not helping.” I groan, pacing back and forth in the small bathroom, my stomach squeezing tighter and tighter into a knot.
 We sit in silence for the remaining few minutes. Until Bri finally breaks the tension in the room.
 “Do you want one of us to look?”
 “No.” I say quickly, undoubtedly wide-eyed.
 With a long inhale and slow exhale, trying to draw out these last few seconds of naivety, I give a small nod before approaching the countertop.
 Two lines.
 “Maybe its faulty, do another one.” Deb reasons.
 “You okay?” Bri asks me gently as our friend digs wildly through the box for the second test stick.
 “It’s positive.” I whisper, eyes glazing over slightly as I stare down at the white plastic. “I’m pregnant.”
 * * *
 “Have you told the dad yet?” Deb asks, her voice crackling through the phoneline as I walk into the hospital’s multi-storey car park.
 “No,” I sigh, ready to defend my decision to her for the fourth time since the three of us stood in her bathroom, two positive tests laying across the countertop. “I told you, I wanted to know my options before I tell him. Gather some research, you know?”
 “How was it?” she asks as I unlock my car door and slump into the driver’s seat.
 I give her a quick run through of my appointment, from taking yet another test, it coming back positive yet again, to discussing the three main paths from here. Abortion, adoption, or parenthood. Repeating all the information the doctor had given me makes me want to be sick, all of the statistics and medical jargon feeling foul in my mouth. This was not supposed to be my life. I was not meant to get knocked up by my friend who, oh yeah, just so happens to be internationally acclaimed musician Harry Styles. Blocking the image of telling him from my mind, I focus back in on Deb’s voice.
 “You know I’ll be here through whatever you choose, don’t you? I know you’re scared, and I know this isn’t exactly ideal but you’ll make the right choice and me and Bri will do whatever you need. We’ll hold your hand if the dad won’t.” she tells me, unintentionally causing my eyes to fill with tears.
 “Love you Deborah.” I mutter.
 “Love you loser.” She grumbles back, eliciting a teary chuckle from my lips.
 As the call ends, my head lolls back against the headrest, eyes closing momentarily as I allow myself a few seconds of calm to be grateful for my angelic friends. Both had offered to come with me today, or drive me at the very least, but I had insisted on doing this alone. I could not have dealt with any more eyes on me as I was told ways in which I could deal with my situation. An absentminded guilty hand stretches across my stomach at the thought of my ‘situation’.
 Adoption just would not be an option. Unless I somehow managed to avoid Harry for nine months and give birth in secret. Even then I would probably just have to remove myself from his life forever, unable to take the pain of looking at his beautifully unaware face and being stricken with the loathing of giving up the only thing that would ever be just ours. No, that is not an option.
 So, my choices become drastically limited. Both life-changing in their own ways. Automatically, my brain begins to form lists of pros and cons as I drive out of the city.
 I do want children someday, and people always say that there is no perfect time.
 No fucking kidding.
 Things would be so much simpler if I was not pregnant. I could live my life and Harry could live his. Surely, he will not want the burden of a family at such a young age. I know all about his hopes and dreams. I know how much music means to him, how incredible he feels after each and every performance. How could I take that away from him?
 The thought of not telling him circles around my mind as I sit in the familiar traffic of the route. I could make both of our lives so much simpler if I just made the decision for the both of us. But that is just it, I cannot take that from him. He has to know at the very least.
 Anyway, who is to say that he will even want to be involved? Perhaps this has happened before. I have heard the stories of tour. What if he already has an illegitimate child out there and simply does not care? Maybe I have been something to pass the time and the reality of our situation will come crashing down around us and make him want nothing to do with me. Would I keep the baby then?
 The possibility of Harry wanting nothing to do with his child leaves my mind almost as quickly as it enters it. This is Harry. He has wanted a family for as long as I have known him, he loves kids. Am I depriving him of a potential future with his partner and legitimate children? Would I be in the background of family photos, not even Harry’s ex, just some woman he got pregnant and has to watch him live happily for the sake of her child’s relationship with their father?
 Anger bubbles up inside my ribcage as I pull into the garage attached to the house. With a frustrated sigh, I turn the engine off and step out of the car. How could I let myself be so stupid? No one in their right mind thinks that sleeping with their friend is going to be problem free. Clearly this is a sign, a punishment for being stupid enough to open myself up to the potential of a--
 “HEY!” I hear him shout from his front door, quickly dashing out barefoot to come and greet me.
 For a split-second when I look at him, I forget why I am here. When he wraps his arms around me and pulls me so tightly against him that I worry I might suffocate, all I feel is his warmth and excitement at seeing my best friend home at last. Until he lets me go, and my stomach sinks to my feet.
 “Lets go inside.” My voice is hushed, barely above a whisper when he lets go of me. I pull a smile across my face until he nods and walks bouncily into the house, a half-step ahead of me.
  “I’m glad you came over, I wanted to talk to you about something.” Harry says, failing terribly at hiding a grin as we move to his kitchen.
 I sit myself on one of his bar stools, gesturing for him to put down the kettle in his hand and sit next to me.
 “Me first.” I tell him, my face so solemn and opposite to his that were the circumstances different I may have found it comedic.
 “It’s kind of a biggie though.” Harry’s smile is completely unaffected by my tone, so wrapped up in getting out what he wants to say that panic starts to bubble up into my throat at the thought of not being brave enough to just tell him what I need to. “You know that night before I left…”
 He looks to me with the most hopeful and kind eyes, making me dig my fingernails into the palms of my hands as the realisation sets in that I am probably about to break his heart and have him hate me.
 “I’m pregnant.” I force out, voice cracking halfway.
 My heart does not thump in my chest like I had expected it to, nor does my stomach churn as I watch him try to process the weight of my words in the slightest. Inside, I feel a sick sense of calm, potentially relieved, potentially too numb to feel the world disintegrating around me.
 “You’re… Sorry, say that again.” His eyes search mine desperately for some sign that this is just a cruel joke. Now the pain resurges, wrapping itself tightly around my lungs and squeezing hard.
 “I’m pregnant,” I whisper guiltily.
 I wait for Harry to speak again, but he doesn’t. He just stares into mid-air, chest heaving up and down as he attempts to make the slightest amount of sense out of this situation.
 “About four weeks,” I explain softly, secretly trying to coax him back to me, selfishly desperate to see my friend’s kind eyes. “I saw a doctor today, talked about my options…whether to keep it.”
 “Our options.” he whispers, I think mainly to himself before his eyes free themselves from their visual tether and meet my gaze. They are glassy and it takes all I have not to reach out and take his hand and promise him that it will all be okay, because I honestly do not know that it will and I can’t lie to him.
 “Our options.” I repeat quietly, ignoring the slight leap of my heart at his sentiment and quickly reminding myself that he has not committed to anything. “I know it’s a lot to process, and you don’t have to say or do anything… but do you have any… strong preferences?”
 “Yeah,” he says lowly, “but it’s your decision, isn’t it?”
 My heart sinks and throat dries, all moisture heading towards my eyes. With a large, pained swallow, I sit up straight, avoiding his eye.
 “Yeah, sorry, I just thought I should tell you.” My voice is quiet, afraid of its own weakness. I stand from the stool, running a hand through my hair out of nervousness.
 “What are you doing?” Harry asks quickly, eyes panic-stricken as he stands up in front of me, catching one of my hands in his.
 “Going, I didn’t mean to bother you.” I admit, trying my hardest but failing to hide my heart breaking.
 “No, no you—I don’t want that.” He says, only now do I notice the texture in his voice, “We don’t leave each other.”
 His eyes are every bit as tear-filled as my own, the sight enough to encourage the water in my eyes to slip gently down my face. Standing in Deb’s bathroom, she and Bri had wrapped me in a gentle hug as violent sobs wracked through my body. Now, however, as Harry and I pull each other into an embrace tight enough to keep up anchored to the world, we cry softly.
 “We’ll figure it out.” He whispers, resting his chin on top of my head. “Promise.”
 * * *
 For hours Harry and I sit at his kitchen island, debating our next move. With frustrated sighs and tearful moments, conversation delves into the logistics of each and every possibility at our disposal.
 As predicted, Harry is not keen on the prospect of adoption. The notion that his child might discover their father’s identity and potentially make it public, could destroy his image, his career, everything he has worked so hard for. I tell him I understand, that I had thought this would be his fear, and that our options were narrowed down to two.
 There is quiet when the topic is first brought up, the eight-letter word stunning him silence.
 “It’s your body.” He manages to whisper.
 The groan that passes my lips is unavoidable, having heard those exact words from Deb, Bri, the doctor, and now Harry.
 “I wish someone could just tell me the right thing to do.” I sigh, holding my head up on the counter, fingers pressing lightly into my eyes to try and relieve the stress headache that has been lingering for the past few days.
 “I’m sorry.” Harry utters quietly beside me.
 He sits with his hands in his lap, anxiously picking at his cuticles as he watches me with a frown.
 “I didn’t mean for…” he doesn’t finish the sentiment, but I understand.
 “Me neither,” I admit, softening my gaze and taking one of his hands in mine to stop him from ruining his nailbeds.
 He gazes at my hand on his for a moment, afraid of moving and losing the contact. It twists into mine until our palms are touching, squeezing the width of all my fingers with one gentle contraction of his muscles.
 Before I let myself get too caught up in the tender comfort of his skin against mine, I speak up, “Fuck it, pros and cons list.”
 I stand up from the stool and find a notepad in one of his messier kitchen drawers.
 “No judgment.” I tell him, handing him a pen before making a table with my own.
 We pause for a moment, and I list something in the negative column.
 Everything will change
 Harry follows suit and leaves a few words beneath my handwriting.
 I cannot help but nod my head before we continue to add to the paper, reasoning for and against our little situation.
 The process takes longer than I had expected, Harry arguing with some of my cons and suggesting that they are easily fixable or are, in fact, pros.
 “Okay, so cons,” I start once we both lay our pens down. “Everything will change, impact on careers, would we be good parents?, don’t want Y/N to have to deal with media, no privacy, custody, would have to co-parent, impact of pregnancy on day to day, this is all a bit mental.”
 Harry nods, urging for me to continue to the counterarguments.
 “Pros… We both want kids someday and a friendship relationship could create a good support system for the kid… Think the list is pretty clear then.” Looking at him, we both understand logically what we should do.
 “Yeah.” Harry says quietly, eyes burrowing deeply into my own before picking up his pen one more time and adding into the left-hand column:
 His eyes seem to take forever to meet mine, flicking down to where my bottom lip is caught tightly between my teeth.
 I pick up my own pen and leave my final note, sealing the decision for us.
 Its our baby.
 Silence fizzes around us, its intensity growing as our eyes meet and have a conversation that we cannot quite pass to our mouths. He looks to me nervously, chewing at his cheek, his eyes holding back the hope building inside him. I want to tell him that I am still scared, that everything about the future is so uncertain. I cannot do it. I cannot deprive him of the joy he is feeling, however shrouded in terror it is.
 “So…” he eventually manages to push out, a slight smile creeping on to his lips.
 My mouth mirrors him, the muscles in my cheeks aching slightly from the sensation after not being used for the past few days.
 “Yeah.” I let out in a shaky breath, eyes watering yet again but this time I welcome it.
 “Should we celebrate?” Harry asks quietly, his voice suddenly apprehensive.
 “As long as it includes takeaway and a film.” I say, too exhausted to go anywhere or deal with the consequences that come along with being next to Harry in the outside world. Pushing the nagging dread at the thought of people finding out and commenting on us, I pull up Deliveroo on my phone and we settle on the sofa in his living room.
 “What to Expect When You’re Expecting?” Harry teases as he flicks through Netflix.
 “Too soon.” I reply, smirking down at my phone.
 “Sorry,” he says, not at all sorry for getting a positive reaction from me as if our lives would just slip back to how they used to be.
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artificialqueens · 4 years
The kind of love you don't believe in (Jan x Jackie) - Pinkgrapefruit
[7337 words]
Jackie takes a deep breath and slams her empty glass on the table triumphantly.
“I’m going to make you believe in love.” She says with such conviction it’s impossible not to believe her. Her eyes twinkle. Jan wonders if this might be easier than either of them think.
[ divorce lawyer/wedding planner au ]
A/N - i love this fic so much that i’ve tried to prolong it several times to no avail. it’s based off a Tumblr prompt me and jazz saw and ran with and honestly i’d make her a coauthor but she wouldn’t be impressed so instead it’s dedicated to her in the hopes that she’ll actually accept that for all her hard work and amazing comments while writing this. couldn’t have done it without her. i hope you fall as in love with it as i am.
Jan picks at the edges of her french-tipped manicure. It’s peeling. She stares at it for a second, examining the way the shiny polish reflects the sunlight filtering through the half-closed blinds. If she’s got her timings right, Bob will barrel through her office door in a minute or two and tell her to go home. Or to eat something. Or to do both which is the most probable outcome and Jan’s always been good at finding the most probable outcomes.
She’s a lawyer. It’s her job.
She’d started in family court and it was fun. There was a joy to bringing a child back home to their parents or filing adoptions and the kids’ faces would make Jan light up. She’d appealed for name changes and gender assignments and she was good, no one questioned that. One corner of her office had a neon rainbow sign and a comfy armchair and some books and some toys and it was usually occupied by a little kid who shouldn’t have to spend their afternoon in a lawyers office. But if she could look up from some paperwork to see a calm little kid - she could be calm and happy.
Then she started taking divorce claims.
And she’s a little less vibrant.
(The world feels a little less magical when your job is to help people split their lives in two.)
The problem is, she’s good. She’s really good. She hasn’t lost a divorce case and she gets a name for them. She gets recommended divorce cases until she only has a couple of gay kids and adoptions and custody agreements a month. Trixie takes the rest - nice, warm, motherly Trixie who makes everyone a cup of tea and asks them about their day and wears pastel pinks and yellows. Jan’s not bitter, she’s just jaded. She turns up to work in her charcoal pantsuits and her red heels, makes her coffee in her matte black mug, spends the day in her office with the door closed and leaves in silence. She’s happy, she’s just not what she used to be.
She tried to explain as much in the kitchenette the firm shares. There are only four of them; herself, Katya, Trixie and Bob - the boss lady. Bob does corporate, Katya does criminal, Trixie does the pro bono work and most of the kids’ stuff and Jan slogs away on divorces.
“I want to do something that feels meaningful,” she whined, pulling her turtleneck over her mouth as Bob pointed at the crossword question she couldn’t answer.
“Accumulation,” Katya said with a mouthful of apple that she crunched next to Jan’s ear, taking pleasure in the way the blonde scrunched her face up.
“Doesn’t fit the clue. It says impatience.” Bob reminded her, underlining it with her finger just to make a point.
“Anticipation,” Trixie yelled from the counter where she’d perched with her tea. “Jan use it in a sentence!”
“I anticipate going home.” Jan moaned to a cackle from the pink-clad woman. She stood, checking her turtleneck in the microwave door before leaving the kitchenette with a sigh.
So she’s waiting for Bob to come in and tell her to go home. It’s the middle of summer but it’s nearing seven and it’s a Friday. She’s got the weekend off for a wedding. She’d rather be in small claims court if she’s honest.
The idea of love becomes infinitely less appealing when you are surrounded by its decay at every turn. She’d rather just go home to her cat who she knows will always love her and cannot file a legal document saying it’s got irreconcilable differences and wants the house but none of the furniture.
No, Marceline would never.
Jackie opens the shop at six a.m. because she likes the feeling of the streets in the early morning. The sun is already up because it’s the middle of summer but the city still feels barren. It’s so quiet, she can hear her own heart among the calls of the birds. She enters ‘End Of The Aisle Weddings’ with a peppy smile and relaxed confidence and zero caffeine - saving that for her two p.m. pick me up when she and Rock can discuss their clientele over leftover wedding cake and hot drinks served in novelty mugs. It’s her favourite time of the day after opening.
She checks her planner almost immediately, plays her seventeen-ish voicemails while crossing things off the list and tacking on extra items that brides have found in a frenzy. She has one wedding coming up that should be fantastic but is also draining her more than usual with the number of requests the bride has. She gets about three calls a day making amendments and she’s more than happy to agree to them because most of the time she’s just a little drunk on the idea of being in love.
She calls the florist, the caterers and the photographer before Rock will be out of bed, skidding around the backroom’s slick floors in just her socks as she rearranges goodie bags and vases and table decorations organised by date.
Sometimes, she leans on the sage-green wooden table they use for meetings and looks through engagement photoshoots, planning her own. She imagines her hair in pin curls as her fiance dips her - probably in a field.
With their cat.
And some fairy lights.
She’s spent a lot of time hoping and dreaming and praying for her future wife to just walk through the door like they do in the romcoms she’s been born and raised on. She wants her ‘You’ve got Mail’ moment - a book with a rose in it and a woman she thought she hated but also loved. She wants someone to convince her to fall in love. She wants big moments and small gestures and the sweet warmth she sees in so many couples but she’s alone. It’s a cruel irony.
She hadn’t planned to be a wedding planner. She studies interior design and marketing at uni - interning at a wedding planner and never really leaving. She thought she’d do corporate, or events. Turns out, she’s pretty happy where she ended up.
Just a little lonely. Ever so slightly. Sometimes.
She brews another cup of chai and inhales the scent of cardamom pods, watching the business people on their ways to work through the big glass front windows - rain spattering on them like tiny droplets of light.
Jackie plans good weddings. She knows it’s not particularly objective but she knows she’s good at her job. By this point in the planning, she’s known the couple for close to a year so she’s pretty comfortable just to chill at the reception. She puts out fires where she’s needed in her white shirt and tailored black trousers - it’s typical attire for her - a black blazer hung on a hook somewhere, waiting for her exit. She’s comfortable, mobile and most importantly, she has pockets.
She knows she plans a good wedding which is why she’s just a little surprised to see (an objectively gorgeous) blonde woman sat at the bar, holding a tumbler of scotch. She’s in an off-the-shoulder yellow dress but somehow the summery look feels a little off-kilter when faced with her expression. It’s like it doesn’t fit her even though it fits her perfectly (objectively of course).
She scowls at the scotch before taking another sip and Jackie decides to approach as even though she’s terminally delightful she is not someone who enjoys the conga and it’s coming dangerously close.
She sidles up to the blonde girl, ordering a ‘sex on the beach’ with a smile to the bartender who she’s known for years. Jaida just winks, sliding over the drink and walking as far away as she can.
Jackie just sips her drink and watches for a minute or so until the girl flips her curls over her shoulder and stares her dead in the eyes. Her eyes are blue. A soul-piercing blue. But they look lost.
“Jan,” she announces, nonchalantly and Jackie has to blink a few times before she realises that the girl - Jan - is saying her name. She gives a frankly stupid little wave before she replies, voice full of amusement at her own stupidity.
“I’m Jackie. It’s lovely to meet you Jan,” she smiles, sipping her drink through the tiny straw Jaida always gives her after she spilt a particularly colourful cosmo down her old favourite shirt.
Jan nods towards her drink, “ Sex on the beach? All I’m getting from this wedding is a handshake in the garden.” She almost manages to maintain her slightly stormy demeanour but she cracks at the last second, blinding white teeth sparkling as Jackie has to hold onto the bar to stop herself falling off her chair in laughter.
“Not a wedding person?” Jackie asks, once she’s settled herself again and Jan tilts her head like she’s wondering why Jackie is bothering.
“I’m alone drinking expensive scotch at a bar,” Jan responds dryly. “I’m a divorce lawyer, I’m not exactly primed for this sort of thing. There is too much hope in this gazebo.”
Jackie feels the twinge of a smile at her cheeks and forces herself to look down for a second. “Fair enough, how do you know Rose and Nicky?”
Jan waves Jaida down and slips a tenner across the counter in exchange for another tumbler. She takes a long sniff and then a sip before she responds. “Rose - Rosé as we’ve called her ever since she chugged a bottle in uni - she was in my Law program - or at least the social work modules.” Jackie hums in approval and also a sort of understanding. She’s very good at putting the pieces together.
“You never planned to do divorces huh?” She asks but this time Jan’s the one to avert her gaze, staring ahead at the bottles of alcohol as Jackie rolls up the sleeves of her shirt  - it’s a warm day and the gazebo holding the bar and the dancefloor isn’t particularly well vented, she’ll bring it up with the company when she gets back to the office.
“Damn Sherlock.” Jan chuckles when she finally comes up with her response, tugging her dress back off the shoulders from where it’s risen up to. “No, I’m trained for family court - name changes, adoptions, custody - the sort of thing with happy children and good, fulfilling life changes. I’m just naturally good at homewrecking.”
“It’s not homewrecking if they ask for it,” Jackie points out, tilting her glass in a way that makes her look a little bit drunker than she is but then again she’s been on the champagne since ten when Rose forced a glass into her hand and the caterers are so well trained they just top you up.
She stands up, wobbling a bit on her heels and the uneven grass. “Wait,” she mutters, Jan placing a guiding hand on her lower back for stability. “You don’t believe in love do you?” It makes Jan snort in a very unladylike way but Jackie is deadly serious. “I’m a wedding planner. I love love. But you don’t.”
“It’s not that I don’t believe in it,” Jan sighs dejectedly, helping Jackie back onto her stool and ordering her another drink, handing out tenners like they’re coins. “I just think it’s underwhelming and disappointing and never ends well. Women will disappoint me. My cat won’t.”
“You’ve never sounded gayer.” Jackie deadpans.
They look at each other inquisitively. Eyes drifting, searching.
“Only one of us wore a suit to a wedding.” Jan points out and they both burst into raucous laughter that makes the conga line (somehow still going) look at them a little strangely.
Jackie takes a deep breath and slams her empty glass on the table triumphantly.
“I’m going to make you believe in love.” She says with such conviction it’s impossible not to believe her. Her eyes twinkle. Jan wonders if this might be easier than either of them think.
Janet are you busy?
I’m taking you to Karaoke.
Jan is pleasantly surprised to see Jackie in a mini dress but she’s also not mad about it. The dress is emerald green, hits just above her mid-thigh and is dangerously strappy and the heels Jackie paired with it make her legs look impossibly long. Jan also dressed up - but her purple mini dress feels more normal - less of a statement.
“Janet!” Jackie shouts from the entrance, clearly already tipsy even though it’s barely gone half-nine. She’s waving rather frantically and it takes willpower for Jan to move towards it instead of away but she reaches the girl who is warm and happy and she feels the stress in her shoulders melt away.
“Hi Jackie,” she sighs begrudgingly, holding the door for the brunette who practically skips into the bar that isn’t that empty. It’s a friday night. She should have expected it.
Jackie spins on her heels when they get inside and she gives Jan a once over with her eyes. “You’re not allowed whisky,” she decides after a little thought and Jan just stands there a little shellshocked as Jackie orders their drinks, winking at the bartender to get them quicker.
When she comes back to the high table Jan picked for them, she’s holding a glass of red wine and something that smells fruity which she sets in front of the blonde. Jan looks at it in disgust.
“What is that?” She asks, hoping she will like the answer.
“Pomegranate Mojito,” Jackie responds, looking smug and not at all phased by Jan’s death glare. “Drink up,” She says in a faux high-pitched tone and Jan mocks her as she sips the unnervingly pink drink.
She makes a face which makes Jackie almost spit out the wine she’d been drinking.
After about half an hour of watching drunk girls from the city university sing Taylor Swift off-key, Jackie decides they’re going to go up.
“I’m picking the song.” She demands and Jan raises an eyebrow, bemused.
“Okay Princess,” she responds because her drink is full again and it clearly had more alcohol than she’d been expecting. She’s a little disappointed that her whisky tolerance didn’t carry over into her weird cocktail tolerance - standing and immediately wishing she’d been sat down again.
Jackie once again leaves and returns smug, pushing the mojito towards Jan in a motion for the woman to down it which she does so dutifully - feeling it slide down immediately - smoother than the vodka shots she’d do in law school but still not quite her favourite scotch.
Bring it fucking on.
The first notes of ‘Nobody But You’ by Blake Shelton and Gwen Stefani play and all Jan feels is regret.
She should never have let Jackie on her Spotify. That was a secret.
She is, however, pleasantly surprised to hear Jackie nail Blake Shelton.
Janet, I need to make name cards are you busy?
Fuck no.
Wait sorry, frick no.
Jannnnnnnn pleaseeeeee
I can leave at 5. Meet at yours?
You know where the key is if you beat me there
Jan does not beat her there - it would be impossible - she’s a lawyer who hasn’t left the office before six since she was twenty-two and Jackie owns a wedding planning business that despite having a very cute shop - half resides in her living room anyway. They may both be twenty-eight but they are very different.
Jackie does, however, open the door with a mug of coffee already brewed and a dot of ink on her otherwise bare cheek. It’s all Jan can do not to lick her finger and wipe it away, finding it endearing how the girl’s organised behaviour could turn chaotic on a moment’s notice.
She enters the apartment and relishes in how homey it feels. Her own isn’t as lived in as it should be after five years but Jackie’s is warm and painted in a sage green tone that highlights the light wood floors. She sees the brunette little set up on the rug and feels glad that she keeps a change of clothes in her office as she’s much better equipped to sit cross-legged on the floor in a sweater and some leggings rather than her usual pantsuit.
The coffee is just how she likes it, warm and sweeter than anyone should know about.
Her hair is still in a low bun so she removes one of the hair ties and lets it fall down her back in a wavy low pony, pulling the bits by her ears out so she feels less like she just came from an office and more like she belongs. The apartment always makes her feel this urge to become comfortable and she spends so much of her time uncomfortable she refuses to fight it.
Jackie just smiles as she watches the blonde adjust - it’s like watching a snake shed its skin and even now she looks a little less like the corporate robot she sometimes meets for coffee and a little more like the woman who fell asleep on the couch during ‘Ten Things I Hate About You’ with her mouth open. It’s cute.
They get to work on the cards pretty quickly or at least they try to. Jackie makes her write on a piece of notepaper before she lets her near the nice pens but they both realise rather quickly that her handwriting is chicken scratch.
“I do a lot of paperwork and I have to write fast to keep up with all the yelling,” she whines as she is relegated to writing little notes for the kids at this particular wedding. “How do you even know how to do this?” She asks, gesturing to the fountain pen and the fancy hand-lettered place cards scattered across the patterned rug.
Jackie sighs as some ink blobs at the end of an otherwise perfectly good name card and throws it into the discard pile with a huff. “My calligrapher fell through one time so I figured I could make extra money by doing them myself.” She admits. “Plus it is fun to use colourful pens.” Jan quirks an eyebrow at the mention of the colourful pens, scanning the rug indiscreetly for anything that isn’t black ink.
Jackie chuckles at her indiscretion and stands up, going to the cupboard by the kettle and, instead of pulling out tea or biscuits like one would usually keep next to a kettle, puls out a caddy of brightly coloured pens. She points vaguely to one. “That one’s purple and glittery.
“Purple and glittery?” Jan repeats back with childlike awe that makes Jackie snort indecently with laughter. Jan scowls. “I’m a lawyer, Jaqueline. My special occasion pen is a red biro,” she rebukes with a huff.
“Gimme that,” Jackie makes a grabby hand towards the pen Jan is now clutching and the woman mocks pulling it closer before handing it over. Jackie scribbles it on one of the discarded cards to check it still works and then takes a fresh new one and writes ‘Janet the Boss-Ass Lawyer’ on it in curly handwriting that makes Jan blush. She then fills the edges with hearts and hands it to Jan with a soft smile.
Jan holds it close to her heart before looking at it with tenderness. She examines it in the light of the industrial lamps Jackie has but she decides that’s not enough so she skitters into Jackie’s west-facing bedroom and lets the glitter sparkle in the golden hour sunshine. Jackie’s always three steps ahead of her so she follows slowly and patiently, listening to the soft mutters of the happy blonde who hugs her ferociously once they’re both looking at the sunset.
“Thank you,” she whispers, half holding her breath and Jackie smiles.
“You deserve to always be as happy as you are with that pen.” She tells her, dead serious and Jan nods slowly.
Jackie did not mean for her to take the pen.
Janet do you have my purple pen?
I know it’s your lunch break Jan.
I’m just concerned for the safety of the glitter pen.
“Even her handwriting is romantic, that fucking bitch,” Jan laments as she fills out the crossword.
“Ire,” Katya mutters, pointing to three boxes going downwards and Jan puts her hand out for a high five, pleased when Katya agrees. The word is neatly put in in purple, glittery ink and it brings a little something to her day - one could venture to call it joy but Jan’s never been that sort of person.
Katya’s only just come out of the storage cupboard she entered seven minutes ago and if Jan is right with her timings, Trixie will exit in a few minutes looking dishevelled and still with a hint of red lipstick on the outer corner of her mouth. She will eat an apple while sitting on the counter and be absolutely no use to Jan’s crossword.
Jan decides she is done with them for the day and leaves them to their own devices as she slinks back to her office. She places the pen down carefully in the holder full of only back biros because she likes to know where it is and pulls the notecard out of her briefcase just to look at it. Again. She would hesitate to call this emotion joy.
The notecard grounds her mind enough to sort herself out for the last adoption case of the month and Jan lets her mouth twitch into a smile when she thinks of the kid she’ll be fighting for. He is small, sweet and tenacious and reminds her of Jackie in a way she did not expect.
When he runs into her office, he makes a beeline for her desk and she ruffles his hair in a form of greeting. He has been there a few times before so he is comfortable and he collects the puzzle book from her magazine rack and peruses her pens to fill it in before retreating to the armchair in the back. He picks the purple one and she cannot blame him. She would too.
She settles the papers rather quickly getting everything ready for the court date set in a week and a half. All they need is for a judge to stamp them and the boy can go home secure. She relishes in the opportunity to provide that for him and she texts Jackie about how hopeful she is. Jackie responds with a pen emoji and Jan chuckles at her through the phone.
The pen is safe Jacqueline.
That’s all I wanted to know Janet.
Is this our first fight?
Are you already planning the divorce?
That was low.
I’m not sorry. Get back to work pen thief.
Are you using the mug?
It’s an abomination.
You didn’t answer my question
Jackie makes mugs for all her clients. It’s a personal hobby, decorating them with ‘Mrs and Mrs’ or whatever titles. Sometimes it’s a wedding hashtag. Sometimes it’s for a stubborn lawyer who needs a little more sunshine in her life.
She thinks of it as a joke and it is… to begin with. Then she’s on her iPad making mockups on procreate and it just sort of happens.
It’s a big mug - one of those that carry more coffee than you need with room for whipped cream (there should always be room for whipped cream, says the lactose intolerant wedding planner). It’s a white base with small, bright rainbows that says ‘Girl, you’re testi-fine’ in a graphic nineties font and it makes Jackie want to screech every time she sees it (she keeps it on display for this exact reason because nothing brings more joy than catching it in the corner of her eye during a dull moment).
She wraps it up pretty in silver paper and places it into a nondescript cardboard box for delivery. They meet at a coffee shop one morning when Jan is bored and Jackie has a lull in weddings and she hands it over with a devilish grin that makes Jan squint at her to read between the lines. The lines are not obvious.
Jan does not screech. She stares for a very very long time and then, she lets out a very slow controlled breath. And then she loses it. She cackles loudly and the patrons of the cafe look at the two lesbians in the corner with bemused faces and Jackie doesn’t care because this mug is one of the greatest decisions she’s ever made.
Jan takes it back to the office and fills it with hot coffee - three sugars and almond milk and just sits with it for a second. She almost wants people to see it but it’s so awful she will never admit to it. When Katya walks in, however, she is not angry. The blonde takes one look at the garish print and cheerful message and has to cling to the countertop for support - the mug staring at her until she can breathe again.
“That is the best mug I have ever seen and I demand one.” Katya decides and Jan texts Jackie under the table who immediately responds with a selfie of herself with a plain mug and the caption ‘I am plotting.’
Jackie plots exquisitely and makes three more lawyer-y mugs.
Jan is oddly proud.
Are you busy?
I want you to meet my cat.
“That is the single gayest message I have ever received,” Jackie announces, stepping into the house from the rain and shaking her umbrella out of the door decisively. Jan is already there with a novelty mug with the slogan ‘gay and can do maths’ printed across it, filled with hot chocolate and too much whipped cream and Jackie takes it readily - soaking up the heat of the house to replace some the early winter climate stole from her.
She sinks onto Jan’s expensive but still plush couch and pulls a blanket over herself like this is a usual occurrence. For all the times Jan has been at hers, Jackie has never ventured into the lawyer’s place and yet despite the blondes complaints about how barren it is - Jackie feels at home.
The walls are a little bare, the colours a little dark and the floor is cold even with the fire lit but she still feels cosy under her blanket, mug held just below her chin. Jan sets her own mug of green tea on the sideboard before she exits the open-plan kitchen-living room, on a mission to find her cat. When she returns she is holding a perfectly happy beige and coffee coloured long-haired cat who snuggles into the blonde’s chest with a purr. She nuzzles her nose into it, a blush spreading across her cheek as she notices Jackie stare.
“Jaqueline, this is Marceline,” she says as she carefully holds out the cat who is perfectly happy to be held. Jackie cradles her carefully.
“Hi Marceline,” she coos and Jan smiles softly as she brushes the light cat hairs off her flannel.
Jackie holds the ragdoll cat with one hand and boops her nose with the other, giggling as she pulls her face back, mewling slightly.
“Oh, what’s Jackie doing to you,” Jan coos in a voice Jackie would usually reserve for babies. “What’s the matter, baby girl?” Jackie just watches as the cat is removed from her arms and burrows back into Jan’s chest as she slides back into the sofa with her. Jackie rests her chin on Jan’s shoulder, peering at the clearly attention-spoiled cat.
“You’re a helicopter parent,” she jibes sweetly and Jan very carefully elbows her.
“You would be the worst helicopter parent,” Jan rebukes but instead of laughing, Jackie gulps and leans back a little bit. Jan puts Marceline down so she can face the brunette. “Hey, what did I say?” She asks, confused.
“Sorry,” Jackie mutters under her breath, “I’ve just always hoped I wouldn’t be my mum if I became a parent.” Jan gets it. Well, she doesn’t really get it but she places her warm, fur-covered hand on Jackie’s bare forearm and leans towards her slightly.
“You would be a fantastic parent Jackie.” She tells her sincerely. “I swear.”
Jackie smiles again and Jan thinks she would do anything for that smile.
Jackie I think I’m sick.
Fucking hot.
I can’t trust you at home by yourself can I?
Screw it I’m coming to pick you up. Wear clothes.
Jackie looks at the girl asleep in her passenger seat with a soft but worried smile. She doesn’t look awful - pale and a bit peaky but it’s probably just a fever she tells herself as they drive to the shop. She’s planning to set her up in the back corner on a pile of cushions and blankets scavenged from both of their apartments. Ideally, she’d stay at home with her but winter weddings are just as popular as summer weddings so she’s got a fair few to work on today and she can’t do it from home. Or Jan’s.
She has to wake Jan up when they get there and it pains her a little bit to do so, head lolled against the condensated window - it can’t be comfortable. She rubs a gloved hand up and down Jan’s arm to try and rouse her and she comes around easily but looking sleepy.
“I feel like shit,” she mutters and it makes Jackie laugh because of course, Jan doesn’t become sweeter when she’s sick.
They eventually get her situated with a half-gallon water bottle and a hefty amount of blankets and Jackie will admit it’s adorable to see her cocooned as Jackie sits at the work table with flower arrangements splayed out around her.
It’s just past eleven when Jan rouses from her nap and she squints until her eyes adjust to the relatively bright shop lights.
“What are you doing?” She questions, straining her neck to see what Jackie’s working on. Jackie raises an eyebrow and takes the portfolio over to her, pulling one of the many blankets over her legs and placing a hand on Jan’s forehead as a gauge of illness.
“So,” Jackie starts, flicking open the leather portfolio to the relevant page. “Someone wants a coastal wedding in winter.” She winces in disagreement and Jan lets her head fall onto Jackie’s shoulder.
“Well, love is a beach,” She quips and Jackie rolls her eyes.
“You’re lucky I wouldn’t hit a sick person,” she retorts.
“How do you do this job?” Jan whines after watching Jackie highlight things for ten minutes straight. Admittedly Jan also highlights things but it’s usually in an ugly neon yellow and not pastel blue.
“What do you mean? It’s plan-tastic,” Jackie jokes and Jan looks like she would stab her if she could move her body. “Do you want soup?” She asks trying to change the subject before Jan actually murders her.
“Yes,” Jan harrumphs but she does smile.
While Jackie is making the soup (or warming it up out of the can) Jan flicks through one of the albums Jackie keeps at the back of the shop and finds herself smiling at some of the pictures. She finds the album from Nicky and Rose’s wedding and comes across a picture of her and Jackie at the bar. She’s smiling - they both are. It’s cute.
“She has a heart!” Jackie exclaims when she comes back to the blonde looking at wedding photos and Jan scowls like a petulant child, only taking the soup when Jackie tells her she’ll take it back to the kitchenette and Jan realises she’s not sure she can use her legs at the moment. It’s good soup. It’s good company.
Jackie drives her home at the end of the day, tucking her into bed with a cold compress and when Jan wakes up the next morning she finds the brunette on the couch under ‘her’ blanket with an empty mug of hot chocolate on the sideboard and Marceline curled up by her cheek.
She presses a kiss to her temple and curls up on the other end of the couch with a glass of water, flicking through the channels on the TV until she finds a rerun of Sleepless in Seattle which she watches with the volume on low and subtitles on to let Jackie sleep a little longer.
Are you free tomorrow?
It’s a saturday?
Like 6-12
Should I ask?
City LGBT Gala
It’ll be nice I swear
It’s just Trixie’s bringing a date
Are you asking me on a date Janet?
Would you say yes?
Jan picks Jackie up at six. She stands under the porch of Jackie’s apartment building pressing the buzzer and wondering why you host an LGBT Gala in the middle of January. She leans on the dry wall and watches the spitting rain hit the pavement, grateful for the long black umbrella she’s brought.
She’s in a black blazer with fitted black trousers that end just above the ankles making her short legs look much longer. Under the blazer is a silk camisole in a champagne colour and she’s wearing nude Louboutins to tie it all together. Her long blonde hair is down and she examines herself in the glass door just to reaffirm she looks good. She feels good - better than ever really and as she waits for Jackie she’s pretty sure she knows why.
The Persian is in a floor-length gold dress that fits her just right, her brown hair curled and tumbling down her back.  It all just works and Jan feels like a lucky, lucky woman to be escorting her - she tells her as much.
“God Jackie,” she tells her, eyes wide and honest. “You look… damn.”
Jackie smiles shyly, blushing like she doesn’t believe a word she’s being told. “You don’t scrub up too bad yourself,” She quips back, making a motion for Jan to twirl which the blonde does immediately. “Those trousers are good for your ass.” She doesn’t mean to say it (she does). “Are you sure this isn’t too much?” She gestures to herself this time and Jan shakes her head.
“God no Jacks, you’re gorgeous,” she tells her emphatically and Jackie touches her chin gently in a joking manner to close her gaping mouth. Jan puts up the umbrella and thanks the height of the heels because she’s the almost the same height as Jackie in heels. There’s usually only an inch or two difference but now there’s less than half an inch and she feels powerful.
She helps Jackie into the car and then runs around to clamber in herself - grateful for the taxi.
“So what are we doing?” Jackie asks, nervousness hinting in her voice. She’s playing with the edge of her skirt and Jan takes the hand firmly.
“It should be fun,” she tells her, playing with the ring on Jackie’s thumb. “Me and Trixie are there for our work with trans kids - she’s bringing Katya, you’ll like her. She’s insane but she also does criminal law so it’s to be expected. There’ll be dinner, some activists will do speeches, there’s a queer prom aspect too so we’ll greet some kids and have a chat - you’ll love that. Then we dance and drink heavily.” She takes a deep breath mostly for comedy because Jackie still seems tense and the brunette cracks a smile.
“It sounds fun Janet,” she says, calmer now, intertwining their fingers properly and squeezing.
Jan has to let go of Jackie’s hand to put the umbrella up and they link arms again as they walk into the foyer of the grand looking hotel hosting the gala. They meet Trixie and Katya in the glamorous round-room, Trixie dressed in a rose-pink gown and Katya in a burgundy suit similar to Jans. Jan was right, Katya is insane but she is wonderful and Jackie ends up seated between herself and Jan at the dinner (Jan offered to sit next to the flamboyant charity manager so that Jackie would feel more comfortable and she’s very happy she took the offer).
The first course is Flank steak flatbread with roasted tomato, cilantro, roasted garlic and black cumin mayo. It’s decadent and stupidly delicious and Jackie asks Jan if she can get her the number of the catering company which Jan gladly agrees to, hand on Jackie’s lower back through the opening in the chair. It’s meant as comfort but Katya winks at them both several times and Jackie just blushes until Trixie calls her down. The other people on the table talk to Trixie about her work with LGBT youth and Jackie has to place a hand on Jan’s arm until Trixie points out it’s Jan’s work too and the blonde calms the fuck down. Cocktails are delivered to the table and Jan does not scoff at the fruity beverage. Jackie calls it progress.
For the main, Jan chooses a roasted lamb leg with thyme sauce, ratatouille vegetables and sauté potatoes while Jackie goes for the mixed grill with oriental rice and seasonal vegetables. At some point, Jackie ends up with all Jan’s veg and Jan ends up with half of Jackie’s rice but neither can distinguish when it happened. Nothing much interesting happens in the main course. So far no one has asked why Jackie is here which is a relief to her and no one has openly insulted Jan or said anything particularly incendiary so she feels safe in her peace of mind.
Dessert is cheesecake with berries and it is precisely when Jackie decides she needs to be brought to all future gala events. She whispers this into Jan’s ear and the blonde snorts into a raspberry. Katya watches them both and it makes the brunette feel like she’s done something wrong even when she and Trixie have a perfectly lovely and definitely hypothetical conversation about wedding flowers for people who like pink and red. Jackie assures them that she could do it easily and makes sure to hand over a business card she’s been keeping in the back of her phone for years. As a wedding planner specialising in queer events, she’d figured this could be a good chance for promotion. The whole table ends up discussing Jackie’s business by the coffee and truffles portion of the dinner and Jan just leans back with a proud smile as Jackie hands another business card to the over-eager charity director who wants a ceremony for himself and his longtime boyfriend.
The speeches are good but dull and she drinks her cocktail and then part of Katya’s in waiting for it to be over.
The meeting of the little gay kids in their suits and their dresses and their pronoun pins though is everything Jackie had hoped it would be and more and it makes her heart so happy to watch a teenage non-binary couple slow-dance to Billie Holiday.
Jan hits it off with a six-year-old called Milo who asks her if Jackie is a princess to which Jan replies “yes, she’s the princess of Persia,” and Jackie wants to cry. She takes a photo on her phone of them hugging and texts it straight to Jan because it’s precious.
Somehow, in all the madness, they end up slow-dancing. It’s not really the right song for it and Jackie doesn’t want to get makeup on Jan’s blazer no matter how many times Jan says it’s okay but it’s warm and comfortable and Jackie wonders why she’s spent the better part of eight months not being in Jan’s arms.
They end up on the very edge of the dancefloor because Jackie decides she needs to take her shoes off (she doesn’t) and suddenly it feels more real because Jan is towering above her and she feels like she’s in the rom-com she’s always wanted.
“Jan,” she whispers because the moment feels too important to speak aloud in, “do you believe in love?” She sounds so innocent and she’s looking up at Jan with her brown eyes so fragile that Jan pulls her even closer - the hand on her lower back warm and firm.
“I think we all have a capacity for love,” she muses as they sway out of time with the music. “It’s very human of us. But yes, I believe in love.” Jackie nods slowly, processing what’s being said.
She places her head on Jan’s chest and feels the woman’s shallow breaths in the rise and fall of her chest. She removes her head and looks into the blonde’s ocean blue eyes with a sigh, dropping the hand she’s been holding and wrapping both arms loosely around Jan’s neck.
“Do you know why I believe in love?” Jan asks suddenly. But it’s not sudden, not really, it’s built on layers and layers of coffee dates and mugs and purple glitter pens. Her eyes flick from Jackie’s brown ones down to her lips and back up a couple of times before she answers herself, watching the way Jackie looks completely at ease in her arms.
“You,” she mumbles.
And then they’re kissing and it’s soft but it’s passionate and it tells Jackie everything she needs to know about the way she makes Jan feel. It doesn’t last long, Jackie pulling away before they can scar any small children, but the look in Jan’s eyes is as pure and loving as Jackie has ever seen.
“You did it, Jaqueline,” Jan mutters into her ear, pulling her closer still until they are essentially hugging while moving in a slow circle. “You fucking did it.”
Jackie giggles and presses a kiss to Jan’s nose, having to rise up on her toes to do so, “you planning the divorce yet?” She jokes and Jan rolls her eyes playfully.
“Not a fucking chance.”
What wine did you want again baby?
Just pick up that red we always get
If you’re late for our own damn engagement party Janet I’m divorcing you.
I’m on my way babe. I have the wine. Calm down.
They’re calling it an engagement party but really it’s their closest friends sitting in their living room petting Marceline and drinking wine. They’re celebrating something everyone knew was coming and eating tortilla chips while they do it.
“Welcome to the engage-Jan-t party!” Jan announces to Jackie, Nicky, Rose and Bob as she walks through the door only five minutes early. They’re very lucky most of the group is usually late and Jackie only reminds her of that by raising both eyebrows at the pun and swiftly opening the wine to try and pretend she’s not stressed.
“What have we got?” Jan asks softly, pressing a chaste kiss to her fiance’s cheek as she peruses the alcohol selection. Nicky turns around on the sofa and winks.
“I’ve brought some rosé,” she jokes and Rose hits her before asking for a glass of wine to take the edge of her wife’s stupidity. Bob calls them all dykes before heading to the bathroom to ask her partner when they’ll get here.
Katya and (a very pregnant) Trixie are the last to show up, Rock and Bob’s partner Jinkx turning up only a few minutes earlier.
“Rosé?” Nicky offers Jinkx and they smirk before shaking their head.
“If it’s your wife, no thank you,” they joke and Jan high fives them with a grin.
They end up spending the evening on Jan’s extortionately large couch eating nachos and questioning how Jackie managed to get Jan to fall in love with her.
Jackie smiles coyly and tilts her head, bumping Jan’s shoulder with her own.
“It all started at a wedding…”
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rami-hoe · 4 years
Confessions (Part five)
Pairing: Josh x reader 
Word Count: 2.3K 
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Graduation was just around the corner, and as much as I wanted to pretend like I was cool about it, I was freaking the fuck out. After the prom everything became far too real for my liking. This was it. On June 25th, I would officially be a high school graduate with the diploma and the hat and everything. University, something that up until this point had seemed like some kind of mythical creature, was now only a few months away. I was finally starting to understand what people meant when they said “the end of an era.” People I’d known for years would disappear from my life. Most of them would never return to it. It’s not like we were all joined at the hip, but the idea of never seeing the people I’d spent six hours a day, five days a week with for the last 13 years again was a lot more frightening than I cared to admit. 
I suppose I was one of the lucky ones, though. I wasn’t going through my graduation freakout alone. Josh was right there, every step of the way. He already had his college plans lined up. He knew exactly where he wanted to go and who he wanted to be. I, on the other hand, wasn’t so sure. The idea that I had to decide what I wanted to do for the rest of my life right now was terrifying- I didn’t know how Josh did it. Truth be told, I envied him. I would give anything to be half as certain as he was. There was no apprehension with him, no doubt. He told me he’d known what he wanted to do with his life since the fourth grade. For him, graduation wasn’t a giant leap into the dark abyss that was the rest of your life- it was just another step forward on a path he was already sure of. 
I tried to avoid talking about graduation as much as possible, but it wasn’t exactly easy when Josh was so excited about it. It seemed like every time I saw him, he had something new to tell me about the grad party he was planning, or the program he was planning on taking in the fall. It was a film studies BA and he couldn’t be more thrilled about it. It was at a pretty great university too, and he hadn’t really expected to get in. When he got his letter of acceptance, he was over the moon. I wanted to be supportive and happy for him and all that, but whenever he talked about where he was going, I was reminded of the fact that I was standing still. Thankfully, Josh didn’t seem to notice. He was too wrapped up in his plans, and I was grateful for it. I didn’t really feel like discussing my complete and utter lack of direction with someone who had his plan written in stone by the time he was thirteen.
When the bell rang at the end of last period, I grabbed my stuff from my locker and hurried out into the parking lot. This week had been entirely too long, and I was looking forward to finally getting some time to relax. When I got to Josh’s car, I leaned against the passenger’s door and pulled out my phone. Beth and Hannah showed up just a few minutes later. “Where’s Josh?” Beth asked. I shrugged. “Probably just got caught up with Mike or something.” We were waiting there for about ten minutes before Josh stalked out of the building. 
“Took you long enough,” Hannah said. She was just teasing, but Josh shot her a glare anyway. 
“You don’t like waiting, you can walk,” he said. He unlocked the car and got in the driver’s seat. 
“Jeez. I was joking, take it easy,” Hannah mumbled as she and Beth scooted into the backseat. 
“You okay?” I asked quietly as I pulled my door shut. 
“Fine,” he replied. He wasn’t, that much was obvious. I’d learned to read him pretty well over the past decade or so, and on the Josh scale of pissed off, he was at a seven. Not good. But if he didn’t want to talk about it in front of his sisters, I wasn’t going to push it. If it were at a four or five, maybe, but not a seven. “Am I dropping you at home or what?” Josh asked, breaking the… Well, I don’t think you could call it uncomfortable silence since the radio was playing, but it was tense and no one was talking. 
“Nah, I’ll come back with you guys,” I said. When we got back to the Washington’s place, I followed my brooding boyfriend down to the basement. He grabbed two cokes from the mini fridge and plopped down on the couch. 
“You gonna tell me what’s bothering you now?” I asked as I sat next to him and claimed the second coke. 
“It’s nothing,” he said as he leaned forward to grab the remote. I snatched it out of his hand before he had a chance to turn on the TV. “Y/N!” 
“You’ve been in a bad mood since we left the school,” I said. “What happened?” 
“I just had a bad day, okay?” His jaw tensed as he spoke. Shit, we were moving into eight territory. 
“You were fine this morning, and you were fine at lunch,” I said softly. I didn’t want to fight him. If I got too pushy, he would just get more dismissive. “I just want to help. Talk to me.” 
Josh sighed and put his can down on the table. He didn’t use a coaster, but that table already had too many water rings to count. I was pretty sure his parents bought it knowing Josh would have it looking like shit in no time- it was the only cheap thing they owned. “It’s nothing,” he repeated. “It’s stupid. It’s just…” I didn’t say anything. It seemed best to let him get there on his own. “Ms. Larson stopped me after class today,” he started. Ms. Larson was his English teacher, and one he was none too fond of. “Said she was ‘concerned about me’ and wanted to know what my plans were for after graduation.” He scoffed. “So I told her what I was doing and she just looked so… Shocked. Like she couldn’t believe I actually had a plan.” 
I scooted closer to him. “She doesn’t know the first thing about you,” I said. 
“But she’s not the only one,” he argued. “Everyone- my guidance counselor gave me a pamphlet on exploratory studies before he even asked what I wanted to do. Jess is always making those bullshit jokes about how I’m gonna ‘drink my way through college. My fucking Aunt Lisa called to tell me how surprised and excited she and Uncle Bill were that I was going. Everyone thinks I’m just some stupid slacker who’s gonna mooch off his parents until they die.” 
“Then fuck everyone,” I said. “If any of them really knew you, they’d know there’s nothing to be surprised about.” 
“Isn’t there?” He laughed humorlessly. “I’m just some party boy screw up, right? People are probably laying down bets on how long it takes me to flunk out.” 
I grimaced at the harshness in his voice. Josh was always his biggest critic, and as aloof as he may seem, he took people’s opinions of him to heart. “Don’t talk like that, Josh,” I said. “Take it from someone who does know you- you’re a lot smarter than people gave you credit for. You know what you want out of life, you just aren’t afraid of having some fun while you work towards it. That’s not a screw up.” 
Josh tucked one leg under himself and turned to face me fully. “But what if they’re right.”
“They’re not-” 
“They could be! What if I get there and I can’t do it. I’m not like you, Y/N; I don’t have the kind of options you do.” 
I furrowed my brow. “What?” “I mean, you could do anything, and whatever you decide to do, you’re gonna be great at. You literally can’t choose a program because you have so many options. But all I have is this one thing I think I’m good at, and if I’m not… Then I’m just gonna be exactly what they all think I am: a loser.” 
It took me a minute to process what he’d just said. Was that really what it looked like from the outside? Like I just had too many options? I shook my head. “Josh, I can’t choose a program because I have no fucking clue what I want to do with my life. I don’t know what I love yet; you do. And that’s exactly why you’re not gonna fail,” I said. “You’ve had this passion in your life for so long; you’re not gonna give up on it until you’ve reached your goal.”
The faintest of smiles twitched onto Josh’s lips. “Is that what you really think or are you just saying that to make me feel better?” 
“I don’t know anyone more willing to put in the work to make their dreams a reality than you,” I said. “You’re gonna kick this program’s ass.” 
Josh leaned in and kissed me softly. “Thank you,” he whispered against my lips. 
I chuckled. “You’re welcome,” I said. “And if anybody else tries to tell you you’re not cut out for this, you send them my way.” 
“You gonna beat them up for me?” 
“What kind of girlfriend would I be if I didn’t?” He laughed, and I surrendered the remote I was still holding hostage and cuddled up to him. 
He turned the remote over in his hands a few times, but didn’t turn the TV on. “You know there’s nothing wrong with taking a gap year, right?” 
“I thought we were talking about your college problems,” I said. 
“We were,” he said. “But I didn’t realize you had college problems to talk about. And relationships are supposed to be, uh.. What’s that word? It’s like mutual but- oh- reciprocal!” He grinned proudly. “So we talked about my problem, now we can talk about yours.”  
I sat up. “It’s not really a problem,” I said. “I’m just feeling like I should have my shit together more than I do.” 
“I mean, how many people honestly have their shit together at eighteen?” he asked. “I don’t think it’s very many.” 
“It seems like everybody from where I’m standing,” I said with a sigh. 
“Nah,” Josh said. “It’s just a lot of people pretending to know what the hell they’re doing in life so the rest of the world doesn’t find out they’re scared shitless. Myself included. At least you have the balls to admit you need some time to figure it out. Plenty of people go to uni right out of high school just because they’re worried about what people will think if they don’t.” 
“I didn’t realize being aimless in life was such a courageous act,” I said sarcastically. 
“You’re not aimless,” Josh protested. “You want to figure out what you want to do- that’s an aim.” 
I snorted. “I don’t think that counts,” I said. 
“Of course it counts!” He argued. “What bigger goal is there than figuring out what you want to do for the rest of your life? It’s not a given. Some people never get there. You’re not taking a year to fuck off and do nothing- you’re taking a year to make a massive decision you haven’t had time to really think about yet. There is nothing wrong with that.” 
My gaze fell to the rings on the coffee table. “I hate it when you make sense,” I said. “It’s a lot easier for me to stay angsty when you aren’t being all sweet and encouraging.” 
Josh chuckled and kissed the side of my head. “Too bad. I don’t plan on stopping any time soon.” 
I smiled up at him. “I love you.” 
He ran the back of his fingers down my cheek. “I love you too.” 
“Can we watch something stupid now? I need to wash off all this coming of age shit,” I said with a grin. 
Josh laughed and turned on the TV. The sci-fi network came on; it was playing a marathon of the original Star Trek series. It took about five seconds to recognize the episode and gasp. “Oh my god, it’s Spock’s Brain,” he said. He turned his head towards me with this huge, open-mouthed smile. “If you want something stupid, this is the goddamn motherload.” He grabbed the remote, paused the show, and leapt up from the couch. “Hold on, I need to get some snacks. This is a masterpiece of the small screen- we need the full experience.” He ran up the stairs and into the kitchen. I wasn’t done laughing by the time he came back with a bag of Doritos in one hand and a bag of chocolate chips in the other. “We didn’t have any movie candy,” he said. “But these’ll be fine.” He sat back down, grabbed the remote, and looked at me. “Are you ready for the worst thing you;ve ever seen in your life?” 
“Hell yeah,” I said, and he pressed play. In that moment, watching Josh eat a handful of chocolate chips while this god awful episode played, it didn’t matter that I wasn’t sure what I wanted to do with my life. I knew who I wanted to spend it with. And that was enough. 
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winryofresembool · 4 years
Things We Lost in the Fire, ch 10
aka Caleo uni au
Fic summary: Calypso starts studying at a new university, but to her annoyance her new flatmate is a loud mouthed mechanic who also likes to sneak his dog in whenever. But as she learns to know him better, she realizes they might have more in common than what she first thought. Eventually, even the darkest secrets come out…
Chapter summary:  Calypso meets Leo's family members.
A/N: Not much to say this time. I hope you guys enjoy this chapter! There are a couple of very fluffy Caleo centered chapters coming up after this but then we'll finally get to see some drama too.
Don't forget that I love to read even the shortest of comments!!
Characters in this ch: Calypso, Leo, Jo, Georgina
Words: 2058
Genre: romance & hurt/comfort
Warnings: none
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Calypso was in the middle of doing research for a university group project when the doorbell rang, startling her. The only people who used it were some fellow students living in the same building who tried to invite them to some event (Calypso usually politely declined. In her opinion there were better ways to make friends than loud parties where you couldn’t hear the others and they wouldn’t even be remembering you the next day). In that moment she wasn’t expecting any guests and Leo would naturally be using his own keys when he’d be back from wherever he was. For one, paranoid moment Calypso considered the option that her father had somehow found out about this flat, but then she decided to go see who it was because maybe Leo had simply forgotten his keys and someone had let him in, or something.
She sighed of relief when she saw an elderly dark skinned, short haired woman with a young, tall girl next to her. She was wearing denim overalls and a white shirt and the smile on her face somehow reminded Calypso of Leo even though the two of them weren’t biologically related. In her hands she was holding a leash that belonged to a huge German shepherd. They must have been Leo’s family members.
“Hello,” she greeted when opening the door for the newcomers.
“Oh, hello,” the woman answered, apparently slightly surprised to see Calypso. “Isn’t Leo home?” She tilted her head towards his room as if trying to hear the usual clanking of tools from there. “I’m afraid not, miss. He had to run some errands or something,” Calypso replied, adjusting the cuffs of her white shirt nervously.
“That’s quite unlike him,” the woman noted. “He’s never late when it comes to Festus. Anyway, I’m sorry, I didn’t introduce myself. I’m Josephine, but you can call me Jo. I assume you’re Leo’s new flatmate?” she asked in the same breath.
Calypso extended her arm for Jo, hoping she wouldn’t notice her nervousness.
“Yes, I’m Calypso. It’s nice to meet you, Jo! Leo has talked a lot about you. And you’re probably Georgina?” she asked the girl.
“That’s me,” she nodded happily. “And we have Festus with us!”
“I can see that.” Calypso smiled back at the girl, letting the dog sniff her.
“I hope you don’t mind,” Jo interrupted. “I’m sure you’re not too happy with him after what happened the last time he was here. Leo told us all about it.”
“It’s… it’s OK,” Calypso managed to say. “If I’m honest, I was more annoyed at Leo than Festus back then. He was responsible for him, after all.” Then she realized the guests were still standing in the hallway. “Sorry, please come in. I’m sure Leo will be here soon if you told him you’re coming.”
Calypso showed the duo where they could leave their coats and then led them to the living room sofas where they could chat more comfortably.
“I hope you have talked things out, though?” Jo asked once they sat down, eyeing Calypso mildly worriedly. “He’s a good kid, just very enthusiastic about mechanics and good at getting distracted.”
“Hmm, yes, we’ve had a couple of good talks,” Calypso replied, but decided it was better to leave the other day’s brief handholding out of this conversation. After all, she herself wasn’t sure what to think of it. “I do also have to give him some credit for fixing the desk.”
“Sounds like our boy has done something right,” Jo said approvingly. “He’s… very different from what he used to be when we adopted him.”
“Really?” Calypso asked, curiosity getting the better of her. “What do you mean with that?”
“Well…” Jo started carefully. “I’m sure you know he’s still pretty restless, always going places, but back then he quite literally didn’t know what to do with himself. He had no plans and he was acting borderline suicidal, trying to drown his feelings in wrong ways instead of dealing with them."
“I didn't know…” Calypso started, but Jo stopped her.
“Before you judge him too hard, though, know that he did that because he had been through a lot and was screaming for help. Somehow we managed to give him that, and after a couple of months of living with us he was already doing a bit better and kept progressing all the time. We would trust our lives with him. He also refound his love for tinkering – her real mother was a mechanic too and he had learned a lot from her in his childhood – and decided that he wanted to follow both her and my footsteps. I know he’s embarrassed when I say this out loud but we really are proud of him.”
“That’s… that’s great,” Calypso said, a bit overwhelmed by this load of information. Not knowing what else to say, she decided to focus on Festus and scratch behind the dog’s ear. He seemed to accept her surprisingly fast.
“Look, mom, Festus lets her pet him!” Georgina pointed out to Jo. “Every time I bring friends home we have to tie him because he’s always a bit too enthusiastic with new people…”
“That’s right, looks like he really likes you, Calypso.” Jo nodded. “He isn’t usually this calm with strangers.”
“Maybe he doesn’t consider me a stranger anymore now that he’s already broken my desk,” Calypso attempted to joke.
“Hah, maybe,” Georgina chuckled. Calypso was finally starting to relax a bit among the new people when the group heard key sounds from behind the door and only a moment later Leo fumbled in with a lot of bags in his hands.
"Hola, Jo! I mi hermanita!" he said instantly when he noticed the newcomers. “Sorry I’m late, the traffic was murder. I swear, people are getting more and more idiotic with their cars every day…” He shook his head at no one really.
“No worries, Calypso has kept us company meanwhile,” Georgina said and let Festus run to his owner.
“Hi boy, have you been good?” he cooed as Festus ran and jumped around him excitedly. “Has Georgie remembered to feed you?”
“I so have, why would you even question that?” Georgina retorted back. “And I’m not yourhermanita, I will be taller than you when I’m older!”
“Georgie always likes to put me back to earth,” Leo addressed Calypso who had been following the situation with amusement. “You may be right but that doesn't mean it doesn’t hurt.” He said to Georgina then, clutching his heart dramatically.
“Drama queen,” the girl stuck her tongue out at him, only getting a chuckle and a head pat as a response.
“Would you like something to eat or drink?” Calypso asked the guests, interrupting the playful banter. “I imagine Leo rarely offers anything but I have some juice and tea and even some pie in the freezer.” Leo gave her a side eye but Georgina was immediately tempted.
“Yay! Mom, can we please stay?” she asked, making some impressive puppy eyes.
“We need to go back home soon because I still have some chores to do, but sure, I guess we can stay for one cup,” Jo agreed and got an approving smile from her daughter. Before Calypso had time to go and prepare the snack for the guests, though, Leo pulled her to the side and asked:
“Uh, hey, are you OK with this? Festus staying here? I mean, I should have asked you first before letting them bring him here…”
“Yes, I want to kick them all out right now, as you can see,” Calypso answered sarcastically. “No, Leo, it’s fine. I appreciate your concern. Just keep him out of my room when I’m trying to do my assignments and we are good.” She even managed to give him a small smile.
“Okay. Thanks. I’ll try to do that,” Leo grinned back and let Calypso go back to getting her pie from the freezer.
“Wow Calypso, you’re good at baking!” Georgina announced after taking a few bites from the strawberry pie. “My moms have tried to teach me but I don’t think I’m very good at it… I always forget some ingredient or leave it in the oven for too long or something…”
“She’s her brother’s sister, I’ve always had a hard time following recipes too,” Leo noted. “But don’t worry, Georgie, I’m better at it now so I’m sure you can do it too.”
“Yeah,onii-chan, because if you can do it, anyone can.”
“Who has taught you to be so mean, miss Weeaboo?” Leo asked, but didn’t seem to actually mind his adopted sister’s words.
“Hmm, I wonder who,” Calypso interrupted, then turning Georgina. “If you want to, I can try to help you some time. If that’s fine with your mothers, of course.”
“We don’t have any problem with that!” Jo said reassuringly. “As long as it’s not too much work for you.”
“Oh, no, it’s not,” Calypso promised. “I haven’t found a new job yet so I do have some time after I’ve finished my university work.”
“In that case I’ll allow it,” Jo nodded. “Maybe Leo can take you with him some time when he comes home.”
Calypso had to consider that idea for a moment. She and Leo may have been flatmates but there was still plenty they didn’t know about each other and visiting the other’s childhood home (even if he had moved there only after turning 15) felt like taking the ‘next step’. And she had just met these people. But she had been the one to suggest baking in the first place, and when Georgina kept looking at her expectantly, she couldn’t deny the girl the opportunity.
“Yeah, maybe,” she replied, and Georgina’s grateful smile widened.
After that the group moved to other topics. Calypso told Leo’s family what she studied and Jo explained what she and Emmie did at the Waystation. They had a small farm and a mechanic business in the same space and they also fostered animals and even allowed travelers to stay a night in one of the wings of the big building. It sounded like a safe haven for those in need of a place like that and Calypso found herself more and more interested in seeing it with her own eyes.
Soon Jo and Georgina had to leave, though, leaving the flatmates alone.
“What do you think?” Leo asked curiously when Calypso started collecting the dishes.
“I think they’re great people,” Calypso answered a bit absent-mindedly. “You’re lucky to have found someone like them.”
She turned to see Leo’s reaction and to her surprise she saw a bit of hurt in his eyes.
“Yeah… Lucky…” he said, thinking about something Calypso no idea of. “But it was quite a hell-ish road there…”
Calypso remembered what Jo had told about his state before they had managed to intervene and also some bits and pieces she had gotten from her earlier conversations with Leo and his friends. He had been through a lot and she shouldn’t feel jealousy about his new family just because he had found some stability in the past few years. He understood what it felt like to have a broken family probably even better than she did…
Leo seemed to have picked on Calypso’s mood shift so he hurried to add: “But you know what they say? Mi familia es tu familia. You heard them; you’re welcome to come with me any time you’d like.” Calypso was still a bit hesitant about the thought of her going to Leo’s family home but after talking with Jo and Georgina, she had started thinking maybe it wouldn’t be that bad an idea.
“I’ll consider that offer,” Calypso said, smiling shyly. “After all, it would be a shame to disappoint Georgina!”
“Her… or me too?” Leo asked twinkle in his eye, which, to Calypso’s annoyance, worked better than it should have.
“Only her, of course,” she answered coolly. “Why on earth would I disappoint you? And a better question, why would I care?”
“No reason,” Leo grinned, probably sensing the hidden undertones in her answer. “Just asking.”
When the two of them split to continue their own chores, Calypso wondered in her mind if she had really promised that just for Georgina… or maybe a bit (just a little) for Leo too.
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the-twinventors · 5 years
Ice Cream Shop AU
I told you guys this would be a thing! Full details and arts under the cut~ ^^
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The Twins
- Jayce and Stella are 24-year-old twins who own an ice cream shop.
- Born to a mother who didn’t want them, they were stuffed into a duffle bag and abandoned in a junkyard. They were consequentially found and adopted by a snow leopard named Frost and a rabbit named Mallow, who were furious with how callous their mother was. They raised the twins like their own, and the twins accepted them as their ‘real’ parents, equally disgusted with their birth mother’s actions.
- As they grew older, their birth mother decided she wanted them back, solely for the purpose of flaunting them around, and began the fight for custody. Every time she visited with lawyers or social workers, the twins would evade her by going into town and seeking refuge in an ice cream shop. The staff did their best to make them feel welcome and safe, assuring them that they could always count on them for help.
- Right before the twins began high school, they won the case against their birth mother, resulting in her being imprisoned. They were glad that their battle was over, but now they began to consider. They often thought of the ice cream shop that provided a safe refuge for them, and how there could be kids in another town who didn’t have a safe space like that. So they vowed to provide one... by opening their own ice cream shop.
- After graduating high school, they went to university to earn the necessary qualifications to reach their goal. However, along the way, some ‘uni life shenanigans’ happened, resulting in both twins becoming single parents. However, their determination and the support from their adoptive parents helped them see it through, and they were able to graduate with all the qualifications they needed.
- They moved to a new town, and after a month or two of struggling, they were finally able to open their shop, which they named ‘A Scoop of Hope’. Not only was it a pun on their surname, but they also wanted to give a message - that this shop was a safe place for anyone who came from a troubled home, children and teenagers alike.
- Today, their shop is thriving, both with those who just want the ice cream, and those troubled kids who want a place to just relax and not have to worry about the chaos of their home lives. The twins will do their best to help any kid who needs it, even if all they can offer is a listening ear.
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The Kids
- Galaxy is Stella’s 4-year-old daughter who is a jackal-dog hybrid, and Zephyr is Jayce’s 3-year-old son who is a coydog hybrid.
- During the twins’ freshman year, Stella met a jackal named Kyron, who was her boss at the job she accepted for the year. The pair had a rather strange relationship, with him being an intimidating yet attractive presence to her, and before long, things escalated in the late spring.
- A month later, Stella discovered that she was pregnant. Not knowing what to do, she kept it quiet, and when the year was over and her work contract was over, she ghosted Kyron without telling him about the pregnancy. To this day, he has no idea that he’s a father.
- Galaxy was born the following winter, in the middle of the twins’ sophomore year. She was a calm baby, and rarely cried, which really put Stella’s maternal instincts to the test. As she reached toddlerhood, though, she was able to prove that she could mess with people to incite a laugh.
- During Stella’s pregnancy, Jayce met a coyote named Sylvie, a fellow student who was a bit... mentally unsound. He had no intention of dating her (being gay and all), and tried to avoid her, but she wanted something out of him for one reason or another. Through some questionable means, she tricked him into spending a night with her, and a month later, announced she was pregnant.
- Jayce was annoyed that she’d manipulated him, but supported Sylvie’s decision to keep the child, and did his best to ensure that the pregnancy was smooth. After all, it was his child - he had to make sure it was a healthy child, since the woman carrying it wasn’t quite right in the head.
- Zephyr was born that summer. The university granted Sylvie a large parental support grant, like they’d done with Stella. However, the coyote took that grant, abandoned Zephyr in the hospital that same day, dropped out, and used the money to move to Adabat with a boyfriend.
- Jayce was furious, the abandonment striking a chord with him. After a paternity test confirmed that the child was indeed his, he accepted responsibility. Zephyr was more vocal and distressed than his cousin, probably due to being unable to bond with his mother, but Jayce did everything he could for him.
- Today, Galaxy is a happy, healthy 4-year-old, playful, pleasant and polite, but also possessing her mother’s sass and teasing nature. Zephyr is an equally happy, healthy 3-year-old, much shyer and often hiding behind his family, but is a giggly ball of sunshine once he warms up.
- Stella will call Galaxy ‘little bean’, and Jayce will call Zephyr ‘banana’, both being affectionate nicknames - Galaxy’s being in reference to her first ultrasound photo, and Zephyr’s being about his silly, cheerful personality.
- Yes, Kyron is an Infinite. Yes, Galaxy is an Infinite baby. But I’ve had her for over a year now and I love her too much to not use her.
That’s it for now! Hopefully there’ll be more later as I think of them, so watch this space!
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whatzappening · 5 years
The Zappadydoodah
Hello! I’m Jenny – I am 38, married to a beautiful (in all the ways) lady for five years. We have a son who is nearly two and another baby on the way. I’m writing this down because I’m in a transformative time of life, with deliberate hope for change occurring around some treatment for my Stuff. I’m feeling super overwhelmed, massively restless and thought it might be a) handy to channel it all into a writing area, and b) useful for anyone else in a similar sitch.
The Stuff
So here’s my stuff. Fibromyalgia since 2005, Chronic Fatigue diagnosed since 2011, Depression and Anxiety diagnosed since 2012 but probably always. Definitely always.
Here is a list of some of the things I have done to try to manage/fix/deal with my stuff:
Herbal supplements
Protein shakes
Exercise Therapy
All of the Elimination Diets
Alexander Technique
A thousand doctors
Graded Exercise Therapy
Narrative Therapy
All the other stuff I can’t remember
Short of fish slapping that’s all I can remember right now (I did not try fish slapping). I want to be clear that a lot of these things have been extremely helpful in managing my life and keeping me as upright and mobile as possible. The ones who promised me that they could fix me, did the opposite and caused catastrophic setbacks, in every single case. I don’t feel like me listing which ones are which is helpful because every human reacts differently to different options depending on who they are and what their experiences have been.
I will say, however, that my current team members around my health are counselor, physiotherapist, massage therapist, acupuncturist/TCM practitioner.
So that is my stuff. Read on if you fancy!
What’s happening now, and how and why?
So a couple of months ago we were taking our kid for an outing on a Sunday morning. We thought we’d head to a local market about half an hour’s drive and visit our friends who were selling food there to raise money for the local wildlife shelter. Cute! Fun Sunday outing! He fell asleep five minutes from our destination so we kept going, because sleep is golden and we had no place we had to be, and ended up driving past my sister’s place.
We hadn’t seen them for a little while (she lives there with her daughters who are 19 and 20, both at uni this year so sometimes not there) and pulled up in the driveway, waking them up because they don’t live with a toddler and get to sleep in. I have no bitterness about this, it’s just something worth mentioning.
Her youngest daughter, my niece has had severe fibromyalgia for several years now. The list of things she’s tried are varied and include things like hospital stays, ketamine infusions, morphine – and they didn’t help. Morphine didn’t touch the sides of her pain. I won’t go into too much detail but her quality of life was non existent and she was cut down at her best and brightest. It’s horrific and unfair and all the other things. I have not seen colour in that kid’s face other than green for a number of years.
When we rocked up, she was pink cheeked and was about to go out for brunch with a friend.
Let me pause there – every part of that sentence was not possible for years. So after mouthing OMG at my sister when my niece wasn’t looking, we sat down at my sister’s dining table after her she went out with her friend and my sister took my hand. She teared up and said will you please, please think about trying this thing. It works. Look at her.
And then my heart skipped a beat. It had literally not occurred to me that anything could work. That was certainly not my lived experience. I knew they were trying a thing, and I was ready to support them as much as I could (and knowing that sometimes I need to keep a stronger boundary, to protect my sense of self and eschew self pity) when it inevitably didn’t work and their desperation in scrambling for something, some relief, would continue.
“things don’t work for people like me”
That was the sentence that was ringing in my head, loud and clear as a bell. I had believed one too many times when someone had promised me they could make it all better, and then as time went on the prices would increase and the narrowing field of ways I could be pressed in on me and the possibilities vanished when things that weren’t actually physically possible for me to do (and no, I couldn’t push through or engage in mind over matter, get fucked if you think that’s a thing that can happen in this situation, frankly) and I was a bad, naughty client who wasn’t complying so their promise no longer applied. By then they had all of the money and my sense of self was at rock bottom. Snake oil merchants for the win.
Four or so years ago I had a massive breakthrough with a fabulous narrative therapist I was working on my health management with. One day she asked me how it would be if I could just accept my limitations and not place pressure on myself to be capable of anything more than I could do. That I have a serious illness that impacts every single area of my life, and the more I ignore it the louder it gets. How would it feel to accept that?
Because I was ready to hear it, and because I trusted her, and because I knew everything I knew by that stage, I took it in and really imagined how it would feel. And my shoulders dropped about fifty metres and I felt relaxed and calm.
That year I had my first winter since my diagnosis where I didn’t have a severe depressive episode. I rested more, I kept myself warm, I didn’t push myself to not be such a big whiny baby. I cared for myself. I didn’t pretend I wasn’t unwell. I acknowledged it and acted accordingly. Bloody hell – it was absolutely life altering. I will always be grateful to that therapist for that revelation. Then she went and decided to help the refugees on Manus Island with their myriad of psychological issues resulting from trauma and abuse, which I understood but felt a bit miffed about in a selfish way.
So that huge shift had informed the way I went about caring for myself. What a relief to not feel the pressure of turning every stone over just in case. Wearing myself out going to All The Appointments. Never stopping because if I did that meant giving up.
Stopping is brilliant and should be compulsory for all people in all situations.
So now I have my team around me. Every member is crucial and I’m pretty happy most of the time. I’m a great parent and wife and friend and relative, I think.
The thought of messing with that? Oof. SO risky. Terrifying. But my sister held my hand and asked me to think about it. So I did.
I don’t mean to vaguebook atcha. The thing is called TMS and is usually provided to people who have severe depression. The kind where no medication works and everything is hopeless. It’s non invasive, and uses magnetic thingamebobs to retrain the pathways in your brain that have died off due to illness. So for people with fibro, the pathways of normal sensation are often replaced with pain pathways. Recently when I was extremely distressed about a work situation and I could not deal with what was happening, my brain told me that whenever I took a step I was at risk of my ankle shattering. My ankle was not at risk of shattering, but the pain felt extremely real and terrifying. And so on and so forth. So the TMS thingo (and to be honest it’s a little bit tinfoil hat to avoid the government reading your thoughts) is a metal cap that goes over your hair on the place where the specific neural pathways are, then magnetic waves are sent through the thing which stimulate your brains. It’s habit forming, so doing it once a week isn’t going to do squat. But 3-5 zaps a week (each zap is 30-60 mins) will be highly likely to have an impact. 5 will work faster, 3 will still work the same amount but will take a little longer.
They recommend about 30 sessions and then you can taper off and see how you respond. Here’s the kick. I live 90 mins from Melbourne CBD and it’s the closest place I can go for treatment. A three hour round trip a day isn’t possible for me (both in terms of fatigue and available free time).
My work is quite seasonal so I had planned to close off my books from May for a few months, and we were all going to go as a family to rent a house for a few months and just smash it. But then we both realised my wife’s pregnancy wasn’t getting easier and sooner would be better than later. So the compromise is as follows:
Kicking off this month with a week together as a family for calibration and a couple of treatments, and then I’ll head to Melbourne Tuesday morning til Thursday middle of the day allowing me three zaps (Tues – Wed – Thurs) and on the way home I get acupuncture so I can decompress a bit before arriving for family time at home and don’t just dump all my emotions all over them. I’ll have had time to process and chat a bit. Fridays the kidlet is in daycare, Saturdays and Sundays as per usual, Monday with the wee fella. Tuesdays drop him off at daycare late on my way in to town. We’re getting some help with kid wrangling on Wednesdays from daycare pickup to bedtime so my beautiful pregnant wife won’t have to be too exhausted after working all day. There’s a lot going on. Did I mention we’re married but not legally so we’re going to do that in a few weeks as well? It’s a big time.
I turned it all over and over and over in my head, spoke with some key people and most helpfully talked with my love. You don’t owe us anything, she said, and meant it. You try it, you don’t try it, we love you. Your body and health changes, or doesn’t, we love you. If you try it and it doesn’t work and it creates massive turmoil for you then we cross that bridge. You’ve dealt with worse.
So forward we go. 
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adventurouskiwi · 6 years
Live a Simple Life
Anyone who knows me would have heard me bring up the word minimalist at least once in the last few months, I’m sure for some I’ve been a bit like a broken record. I watched the documentary ‘Minimalism: A documentary about the important things,’ last year and it really hit me. We are wired and told to always want ‘more’ and we never learn to really be happy with what we have. We always want the next best thing or the latest trend but the satisfaction of having it is usually only very short lived. It’s like we are searching to buy the thing that will change our lives forever and make us truly happy, but in reality, we end up with just a house full of junk, a pretty unsatisfied feeling and an empty wallet. When you think about having less and de-cluttering, it is a lot easier on your mind and it just makes sense.
When I was younger I always thought ‘if I am going to spend my money I want it to be on something that will last.’ I wanted to buy a piece of clothing or a toy that I can have for a long time and I certainly didn’t want to spend my money on food that was just eaten or a movie ticket that took up 2 hours of my life. But how my perspective has changed. I have realised that the things I treasure most are moments in life and experiences with people. When I think of the past I remember great times, travels, food and different activities I’ve done with people. I don’t think of a phone I had or a favourite dress. So now I am happy to spend a bit of money on a movie ticket, or going out to dinner with friends or doing an overpriced touristy activity, because they are moments I will remember, they are what make up life. I have found that I have so much money saved by not buying more junk that it’s there to spend on these memories. I have also become less tight and am now someone who will say yes to doing things with people.
See I have enough ‘things’ in my life, I’m certainly not going to die if I don’t buy more clothes or the latest phone.  When I looked around my room I realised how many things I had that I never used, how many clothes I hardly ever wore; things that just took up space. I went through my stuff and asked myself 1. If I used it often? 2. If it was really special to me? and 3. If I could happily live without it? And mostly the answer was yes, I could. So, I threw a lot of things out and gave a lot of clothes away. I de-cluttered. I also now find I hardly ever buy materialistic things, I ask myself if I really need that item I want and the answer is hardly ever yes. Sometimes I find myself going into a store with a list of items I have convinced myself I need. I walk around the store putting things in my basket, trying clothes on and by the time I get to the counter I realise I really don’t need them and put them all back. Obviously, it’s a waste of time, but it saves money and it’s good to have those realisations. I now practice this technique where if I really want something I write it down, I research about it and then I wait at least a week and if I can still justify having it I will buy it, otherwise I won’t, which is majority of the time. I find now I don’t shop and I save so much money so easily. I also really don’t feel like I’m missing anything because I’ve realised the little importance or value most ‘things’ had on my life and when I spend my money it’s always on something that is very important to me.
I had a realisation a couple of years ago when my family was out to dinner at a restaurant we had never been to and the menu was more expensive than we expected. I asked my dad after if that made him angry and he said ‘no, we came out tonight to have a dinner together, to have a good night and to eat some great food and that is exactly what we did. I was going to spend money tonight anyway so if it’s a little more than I expected, why would I let that effect the great time we have all had’. It was such a good point. There have been many times where I have ended up spending more money than I would like or on something that I didn’t think should be that expensive but there is no point on dwelling on it or letting it effect your mood. If you are out making experiences with people you may as well have the best time and not let the price of things effect you. Now if I go out to lunch or I share gas money with someone I don’t mind paying a bit more. I figure it’s always best to be a little generous then to be that one annoying tight person that never shouts a round of drinks.
But the concept of living a simpler life goes far beyond this. So many people have filled their days to the brim with tasks; work, gym, sports, cooking, cleaning. They become so fixed on where they have to be next that they never really get a chance to breath, to live in the present, to be happy. Our society encourages a very fast paced life, we always have to be doing something or going somewhere. ‘Living’… but is that really living?
The people that fill their day with activities and things to do are probably the most stressed of all, running around with time frames, always watching the clock. I’ve been there and I know I was stressed, I got sick often, I couldn’t sleep. I’m not saying change it so you are sitting on your couch all day doing nothing, just simplify things. I believe there is a strong correlation to the amount of things we have, the amount of things we do and the amount of stress we endure. When you have less items of clothing, you stress less about what to wear because there is little choice. When you don’t always have to be somewhere else you actually get to enjoy being where you are and living in the present.
When you travel you live very minimally; you have just the things you can carry and nothing else and I think it’s pretty cool seeing how life can be with just one bag of stuff. I even found when I finished traveling that I could have had even less stuff. I met people who had travelled for months with just a carry on bag of items, 7kg of materialistic things was all they had to live… how cool is that? When I came home and I still had clothes in all my draws the first thing I did was got rid of most of them, their importance had suddenly diminished and I realised I hadn’t missed them at all. But the other thing I have experienced is a much calmer, simpler life. When I was at uni I was stressed all the time, there was always assignments due, lectures to attend and I had my horses, basketball and the gym to fill the gaps in my day that I wasn’t at uni. I was stressed, I was often sick and I wasn’t very happy. When I left uni I started a job working only 30 hours a week in Australia and I learnt the importance of happiness and the more relaxed your life becomes when it is less cluttered and busy. I tried meditating for the first time which I highly recommend; but most of all I lived and I found happiness. My life was far from cluttered, I would come home after my morning shift and if I felt like it I would go sit on the beach for a few hours reading a book. Living so simply meant I had time to do anything and everything that made me happy and I could discover new things I enjoyed doing.
I really think that some people think that it is normal to be stressed all the time, they just accept it. People run themselves down making money, to just spend it on trying to become healthy again. It seems like such a pointless cycle. I know for me, since I’ve realised I can slow down and lead any life I want, and since having less stuff, I have been so much happier and more relaxed. I am so content with everything and I don’t get overwhelmed when a curveball gets thrown my way. I just go with it. It’s been a big learning curve realising the unimportance of most things and the true importance of moments but it has been so valuable. I suggest taking a look at the materialistic things you own and asking yourself if they are really that important to you. Or, at the very least go take some time out of your busy life to sit on the couch, put your feet up, chomp on some popcorn and watch the minimalist documentary. It’s a must.
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bolbianddolanhouse · 4 years
BNHA self insert AU [Book 2]
Beginning of Book 2 Read here to catch up!
Chapter 13: Did Y’all Try The Chicken?
Time flies when you’re in love~ but how do I even begin? Right before the end of summer break, I got all my memories back! The first thing I did that day was hang Toei off the ceiling fan in the commons room by his underwear, then switching that bitch on. Hoshi and I kept our relationship lowkey but then we got caught giving each other a good luck kiss right before the physical final. Luckily everyone was approving of us but they were upset that we didn’t say anything about it for months. The school board approved extracurriculars in hero schools! So our circle can do our thing in a safer environment! We went to the school dance this time around in matching attire that I made myself. Toei got sent to general ED because he failed the exams to stay in the hero program. But we got 3 students from their program in exchange and they’re pretty cool. I attended graduation to see Maru and Elise graduate, I’m very proud of them making their childhood dreams come true. They’re still together too! That makes me very excited to graduate alongside my love too.
Right now, it’s our 3rd year at UA, Mid February. My mom’s birthday passed and it was celebrated with all of us going to this Dim Sum place. Love is in the air but my mind is on post-UA plans...
“Hey what are you up too?” I asked Hoshi, who was scribbling away on some documents.
“I’m applying to some accredited programs” He responded “I talked to Loud Man and he gave me the proper paperwork to start applying for a teaching credential.”
“Oh! You’re going along with your first choice?” I was surprised, we talked about career pathways before the end of 2nd year and Teaching/Coaching was one of his top 3 choices.
“Yup, because full offense to Mineta sensei, I’d want a hero with a degree to teach the next generation of heroes” Hoshi shaded “But what about you?”
“Well, I have a guaranteed spot at my uncle’s agency” I sighed “I could go to college, Waseda would gladly take me in. But I don’t know! My heart is telling me to go back to performing.” I pouted as I rested my chin on his shoulder “I imagined myself going to the dance academy in Shibuya or play with the big leagues in Amsterdam!”
“Doesn’t hurt to apply” He encouraged “What’s the real loss if they reject you? You have two other things to fall back on.”
And that started my application journey, any time I had was spent on researching and applying. I didn’t tell my parents this though, I want to show them that I am worthy to the academies before they discourage me from going far to study. They never told me why growing up, guess they always saw me as their little girl that couldn’t go on her own. But I’ll show them!
Nothing notable happened all of 3rd year. Which was pretty wack because the first 2 years nearly killed me and Hoshi! Big time skip to one month before graduation...
“Hey Lili, do you think your mom can drop me off at my dad’s house the weekend of graduation?” asked Hoshi as I was doing a fitting of his graduation clothes “I got word that he’s not coming.”
“What? Not coming to your graduation?!” I gasped “After all this time, he still can’t just at least show up to say congratulations? What a coward!”
“But that’s what my dad’s friend told me and I’m not surprised” he looked at the garment in the mirror “He’s not doing that well since my other brother finally slipped away to my older brother’s place. So I’m going to pay him a visit.”
“How are your brothers anyways?” 
“They’re great! They can’t wait to see you” he laughed “Be warned that the oldest is going to be calling you ‘sister-in-law’ from now on.”
“Sister-in-law? I guess I’ll try to adjust to that” I said as I hugged them from behind “I can’t wait to finally move out of this cramped room and back to my parent’s house. Then we’d visit each other when we have free time and figure out ourselves from there I guess.”
“My brothers already have my room ready when I move out of here” he puts his hands over mine “But I’m excited to see how life is going to be with you. Oh, almost forgot to ask! What happened to the dance academy stuff?”
“I’m still waiting on two of them to get back to me” I responded “From Shibuya and Versailles.”
“Yea, isn’t that crazy that they considered me?”
Hoshi paused to think “What’s going to happen if you do go to France?”
“I’m- not sure yet” that threw me for a loop “All I know is that I’ll never stop loving you and I’ll miss you like crazy. And I’m going to shower you with kisses every-time we meet to make up for lost time not kissing.”
“I guess we’ll figure it out when we get there” he turned to give me a kiss “I love you.”
And a week later...I got my last two responses. Long story, short: I got accepted to Versailles on full ride only because of my double quirks. Which means that come graduation, my parents can’t say no because I made it big this time. Hoshi was the first person I told and they were happy that I’m that much closer to making my dreams come true. Hoshi got accepted to a fellowship at Meiji University for Hero Education on multiple scholarships. I was so proud of my love pursuing higher education but a little sad that we will have to part in a few months.
-Graduation Day, school auditorium-
“Oop! I see my family” I said as I peered around the crowd “See anyone you know?”
“I saw my two family friends, my brothers and I think I saw the Wild Pussycats?” responded Hoshi “Can you believe Toei-kun is graduating with us?!”
“I want to say I’m proud but I’m still salty” I crossed my arms and huffed “It’s a miracle he’s here!”
The graduation ceremony started and I’m not one to sit through things like this, so I dissociated while holding Hoshi’s hand. Afterwards, we met up with everyone for pictures.
“Hey Iida-san” the class rep got my attention “I just wanted to say it was an honor to be your classmate and I hope we could stay in touch! I want to know what schemes you get into.”
“We don’t have to be so formal Hashima-kun!” I chuckled “Aren’t we friends? I will keep in touch.”
A smile spread on his face “You- you said my name!”
“Uh yea” I pointed to his clothes “Your family name is embroidered on your Hakama, and I must say! It’s very clean needlework and colors are impeccable.”
“Oh uh, thank you!” he got embarrassed as I got closer to see the needlework “I think this is the most attention you’ve ever given me, hehe.”
“Probably, watch me forget your name again in an hour” I chuckled “But you have my number and Hoshi’s, keep in touch with us! We’d like to hang out on free time or just check in on each other.”
“I would love too!” He smiled and turned away “Until next time, bye!”
I waved him off and continued the celebrations with my family and Hoshi’s group that came to see him. Tigre and Pixie Bob came to see Hoshi to tell him that they were the ones that continued to pay for his hero tuition after he got kicked out of his dad’s. Tigre gave him the gift of binders and cash towards his top surgery. Hoshi was in tears to know that they did that even though they met briefly. He told everyone that he’s going to study at Meiji Uni and I told them I’m going to The Versailles Institute of the Arts on full ride in the Dance Program. My parents were torn about it, but they decided that maybe it was time to let me go and be who I’ve always wanted to be. Nobody was expecting it but I was in tears and hugged them tight. Everything was falling into place....well, almost everything.
-Saturday after Graduation, Togata House-
“Are you sure it’s alright to leave you here?” my mom asked worriedly.
“I’m sure, I’ll call if anything” Hoshi said as he unbuckled his seatbelt “Thank you for driving me.”
“Be careful love” I cautioned “I don’t want to hear that you got hurt.”
“Relax, he wouldn’t” He got out of the car “See you later! I love you.”
Hoshi’s plan was to spend the afternoon at his dad’s house to talk things over, then go to his brother’s place a few blocks away. He knocks on the door and stands there for a full minute.
“Maybe he’s busy” he said to himself “Oh who am I kidding, he saw the van pull up and doesn’t want to open the door.” He sat on the porch step and sulked “What can I even do now? I just want to talk.”
On the other side of the door, Mirio was having a hard time bringing himself to open the door. Watching his child sit on the porch step like they did when they were little, wondering where their mother was. It hurt to relive those memories but he also wanted to talk, he had a lot to come clean on. After what seemed an eternity, Mirio opened the door.
“Hey champ” Mirio said once their eyes met.
“Hi Dad” Hoshi stands up “How have you been?”
“I’ve just been here” Mirio didn’t want to say that he’s been depressed “but why don’t you come in?” He waits for Hoshi to walk in “Would you like some tea?”
“I would actually, being around the Iida family got me hooked on coffee” he said as he sat at the table “Rarely do they drink tea, or as Mrs Iida says ‘hot leaf juice’!”
“She said the same thing when we were in high school!” Mirio laughed as he put the kettle on “Oh you graduated huh? Sorry I couldn’t go, I couldn’t get off work and-”
“You don’t have to lie to me dad” Hoshi interrupted “I know you couldn’t bring yourself to come out of guilt.”
“Hado told you huh” Mirio sighed “Well, it’s true. I feel awful for not coming and I didn’t want to make a scene on your day.”
“That’s why I came here” Hoshi responded “I want to air out our troubles and tell you everything. Because I’m an adult now and I feel like I can talk to you about what happened.”
“I’m listening” Mirio said as he sat in the seat in front of Hoshi.
Hoshi tells him about what he’s overcome, his strong suits, about Lili, and his plans to study hero education.
“...I have to thank you for all those years of training. They prepared me for everything I’ve come across with” Hoshi’s tone changed “So thank you Dad, it may have been hard to raise me but you did that right for me.”
Mirio broke down in tears “How can you say nice things to me when I’ve done nothing but hurt you!” he slammed his fists on the table “I don’t deserve your praise, I know I hurt you and denied your identity. Surely you carry hatred for me!”
“I don’t, not anymore” Hoshi took a deep breath “You’re my dad and we’re all that we have left of each other. You lashed out because you didn’t want anything to change, I’ve come to understand that you just wanted things to stay the same. It was hard for all of us when mom died, but I never stopped to consider you the villain. I’d feel hopeless and want control if I was single father of three with a hero job, I’ve forgiven you” he put his hand on his dad’s fist “You don’t have to accept me, because I love myself and found people I consider family. But if you change your mind and accept me, I welcome it.”
“I do accept you, I’ve regretted kicking you out of the house when I did” Mirio forced himself to look at Hoshi “But how was supposed to cope? It’s like you made yourself disappear and I was scared that I did something wrong to make you like this. But your brother told me that this makes you comfortable, you feel more yourself. I realized I was trying to preserve your mother’s wish and image, but what’s the point of that! You’re not a doll on display, you’re a person and you can do whatever you want.”
“Mom’s wish?”
“That’s another thing I wanted to come clean about” Mirio wiped his tears “Your mother and I were never married. She was trying to escape her parents from forcing her into a quirk marriage, so she lied to me for a few months of dating and confessed that she just needed to get pregnant and leave town to start a new life. I got her pregnant and I said I’d house her and raise the child because I didn’t want her to go off on her own with nothing. She stayed and her parents disowned her, and we grew our family. But that was the least of her problems, she was dying due to her quirk and her only wish was to have a family with at least one daughter.” Mirio smiled “The look on her face when you were born was only something a mother could do. She was so happy that she didn’t care if she was dying, she had her wish and loved you with everything in her being. All those tight hugs before she left for ‘work trips’, those were her hugging you good bye in case she dies while she was away for medical treatment. She knew she wouldn’t live long enough to see you graduate, she wanted you to have this actually...” Mirio goes to his room and came back with a wooden box.
“Her music box? I remember this thing” Hoshi said as the box was placed in front of him “She wanted me to have this?”
“Open it” Mirio handed him a key “She said to wind it before opening it.”
Hoshi did and the gentle music played along with the spinning figure of a dancer. Inside was a note and nothing else. Hoshi picked up the note and read it aloud. 
To my darling Hime,
You’ve made all my wishes come true when you entered my life. And though I won’t be there for all the happy times or the days when you need a hug, know that I’ll always love you and I’ll be looking over you. If you ever feel lost or scared, you can find me among the stars. I can’t wait to see the person you’ll become and the people you’ll share your love with. I’m proud of you.
Love you from the stars and back,
(P.S. Pull on the ribbon)
“Mom’s name was Tsuki” Hoshi’s tears flowed “She was the moon! Dad this is so sad, I didn’t remember my mom’s name when I renamed myself. I chose Hoshi for a different reason!” He put the note down “She said to pull this ribbon, I wonder why.” He pulled on it to have the bottom of the music box pop off and show a hidden compartment “WHOA! WHAT THE McFUCK?!”
“I don’t believe it! It’s wads of large bills!” Mirio said in shock “I don’t know where all this money came from, your mom didn’t work.”
Hoshi took out all the neatly packed rolls of cash “There’s at least a small fortune in here! Well into the hundred thousands!” a thought ran through his head “Wait, dad. Did mom come from a wealthy family?”
“Yes she did actually, why do you ask?”
“What exactly happened when she left her family?”
“Well...first she confessed about her plans” Mirio thought hard to recall that long ago “Then her grandmother died of old age, her family got into a fight over the will and I didn’t see her for a few weeks, I got her pregnant and 2 months later she left her family to live with me.”
Hoshi’s jaw dropped “Dad, this is her inheritance money! She knew she was on the will and left with the money” Hoshi was in disbelief “Mom was clever, this was her way out and she could’ve done it by herself. She wasn’t completely helpless like you thought.”
“Huh?! I wondered why we had separate bank accounts, she paid everything with cash and paid for all her medical expenses” Mirio finally put it all together “Damn, and I was going to propose to her too.”
“You were?”
“Yup, I even kept the ring” Mirio led Hoshi to the family closet and got a ring box from the top self “I loved her, I’ve grown to love her but I guess waited too long.” He opened the ring box to show a pearl ring in hyper-shine platinum “Your mom liked shiny things and polished surfaces, so I got this ring custom made for her. I was planing to ask her when she came back from the last treatment, but...you know.” He closed the box and gave it to Hoshi “You’ll need this more than I will.”
“Huh? When will I-”
“Aren’t you going to marry Lili?” smiled Mirio “Just don’t wait too long, I lucked out and her dad almost did too...Don’t let go of her, she’s the one.”
“You approve of us?”
“Of course! She makes you very happy and is protective of you” Mirio put his hand on Hoshi’s arm “Plus I know her family. You struck it well son.”
“You called me son” Hoshi perked up.
“You are my son aren’t you?” He brought Hoshi in for a hug “It feels so good get everything off my chest, I want to have a good standing with my sons.”
Hoshi put his arms around his dad “Me too, I’m so happy I came over.”
“Okay, theres one more thing I wanted to say” Mirio said, breaking the hug “Now don’t act shocked, but I’m in a relationship with Tamaki.”
“Oh...okay” Hoshi was unfazed “So you’re gay? Demi-sexual?”
“Why are you so causal about this?” Mirio was confused.
“Dad, I’m a transgender male that’s attracted to girls” Hoshi explained “Of course I know about these things. Also, you and Mr Amajiki have been super close for years that I thought he was going to be replacing mom. And I was okay with it because I approve of him! It’s cool if you fell in love with someone else, everyone deserves love.”
“I imagined things going differently” Mirio chuckled “I’m happy that you accept me and Tamaki.”
“Now comes the awkward part, how are you going to tell Kenki and Moegi?”
“You know, I didn’t think about that” Mirio scratched his head “Guess I have to come up with a boys night at the house or something.”
And so ends Hoshi’s visit to his dad’s house. He got his closure and then some. Things were made right and he doesn’t have to worry about food or rent for a long while. Now comes the sad part...the day Lili has to leave.
-Iida Household, Thursday afternoon-
“Have you decided on a school Iwee?” I asked as all four of us were having quality sibling time in my room.
“Yeah, I’m also going to UA” He sighed “in the agent department.”
“Eww seriously? Another UA student in the house?” I gagged “You’re going to give mom and dad a heart attack!”
“Shut up! Just because we use guns and shit doesn’t mean I’m going to be the idiot that gets hurt!” Iwa huffed “Mom has been training me for weeks to prevent that.”
“Whatever you say” I shifted my attention to the twins “And you two? Where are mom and dad booting you to?”
“We’re going to that school with the beige uniforms” Rosa complained “It’s disgusting!”
“She means we’re going to the distinguished middle school in Taito” Oro clarified “I’m getting in because of my grades, Hanaka is going because of her behavior.”
“Oye what’s that supposed to mean?!” growled Rosa “You calling me a pendeja?!”
“I’m calling you a hot-headed, potty mouthed latina” Oro gave her the side eye “You and your friends!”
“How are your friends anyways?” I asked “I don’t see them coming around the house anymore.”
“They’re mall rats” Oro blurted, Rosa punched his arm “Ow! Why are you hitting me, I’m right!”
“We like the term, mall girls” Rosa said with attitude “Our daddies gave us their cards for spend on whatever we want!”
“Kinda wish he didn’t” Oro and Iwa sighed.
“F in the chat for Dad’s credit card” I bowed my head.
“F” Oro, Iwa and I said in unison.
“Yeah yeah! Say F all you want!” Rosa whips out the credit card “I bought myself the entire Gothic Chic make up line from Etude House. I’m going to live my lolita goth fantasy entering middle school.”
“That’s like $500 USD worth of makeup!” I gasped “You don’t even have a vanity to display the vanity pieces in that collection! You know what, you can take my vanity because I’d hate for you to do that thing where you just throw everything in a storage box and not care.”
“Ninos! Come down stairs!” called out mom from the living room “Your abuelitos want to talk to you!”
We ran downstairs at top speed. We love our abuelitos from America but it’s a shame they can’t visit whenever they can. They seemed very proud of me with my decision to go to a dance academy. After the video call, I thought about my mom’s post UA pathway and how she did it.
“Mom? How did you achieve everything you wanted?” I asked my mom once everyone left the living room “Like, how hard was it after high school?”
My mom gave me a melancholy look and sighed “To tell you the truth Lili, I don’t have everything I wanted. It felt like my entire life, my plans, all of it was falling apart at the beginning. But that was because I didn’t know I was on the wrong path” She explained “I didn’t have somebody to tell me that I should leave my toxic relationship or to rethink my life choices. All I did was pick myself back up and kept running forward, because that’s all I could do being by myself. Everything I have now is a blessing and proof that I got lucky at just the right time.”
“Oh...does that mean you’re not happy?”
“I didn’t say that, I am happy! I have steady income, married, had children and have incredible friends that have my back. But those are my blessings” She smiled “I don’t deserve them, but they’re here to stay. What I really wanted was to live my life in America with my family, go to college and be a quirk doctor or a writer! And maybe have a few kids before I die. My life was laid out for me before the incident that changed everything. What my life is now, is nothing that I’d ever imagined myself having! It’s beyond my wildest dreams, all because I decided to take a life-threatening chance.”
“What did you do?” I was curious, she’s never told me this story.
“I was 15 when I made this decision...” she told the story of the incident “...it was one of my most valiant feats but one that costed me my freedom. I wanted to come back a perfect daughter, one that can protect my family and provide for them. I left behind all my dreams, family and my soul mate so I could protect them. And everyday, I pray that today will be the day I can go back and be with them again.” She looks into my eyes “Do you understand why I was so overprotective of you?”
“Yes, I get it now” I croaked as I wiped my tears “You didn’t want me to repeat your suffering. But why did you let me go this time?”
“Because you’re following your dreams” she chuckled and ruffled my hair “You’ve faced your own trials and lived through them all. And all children have to leave their parents at some point, so it’s your turn to start a journey into your own future. But this time, you have us to help you and have a home to return to.”
“Mom, I’ll come back being the perfect daughter then!” I said, fighting the tears “Someone to be proud of!”
“Silly girl, you are the perfect daughter” she wiped my tears “and I’m very proud of you. I want you to come back feeling accomplished, okay?”
“Okay mom” I pounced on her to hug her “thank you, for everything you’ve done.”
“No Lili, thank you for being you and blessing me” She responded as she squeezed tighter “I’m so happy to be your mother.”
I didn’t know I needed this conversation with my mom. But I’m glad I did! There’s this, I wanna say...closure? That I didn’t know was needed. Everything makes sense...the heavily protected housing, the gap from her graduation from UA to when she had me, to the friendships she’s made, to why she doesn’t want to talk about going back home. Maybe she does see herself in me, the passionate fighter and dreamer. Thats who we are. I’m going to make all my dreams come true, for her and myself! She’s my inspiration going into this next part of my journey...oh shit, it’s 10pm! I should sleep!
-Chapter 13, End-
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simplyshelbs16xoxo · 7 years
‘The Beauty of a Lost Art’ Chapter 41: Ours
thanks to @sebastianshoe for the idea of Molly calling Sherlock her bumblebee! 
William, my love,
                I gladly accept your family’s adoption of me; I love them to pieces. I think it would be a lovely idea to have your parents and brother accompany you on your next visit with Eurus. I am positive they would love to see the progress she’s made. You’re a wonderful big brother to her.
                I am happy to know that this is truly what you want with me. I couldn’t help but laugh at your references to the times you unnecessarily commented on my love life. You did it so often, it did have me wondering if jealousy had anything to do with it. I had dismissed it, but apparently, I was right. Honestly, it’s quite hilarious thinking back on it now. I am surprised at how long you’ve known that you wanted children. I did not realize Rosie had such an effect on you. Nor did I even know that you wanted a family with me at the time. I’m very excited over that aspect of our future. I’ve always wanted to be a mum.
                I don’t find it illogical to miss one another so much, even after just a short period of time. You’ll be home tomorrow and I’ve got something special planned just for us. You’ll love it, I’m sure. And don’t worry, I haven’t gone overboard with work whilst you’ve been away. You’re right about how I shouldn’t work myself so hard. I only do it when I’m missing you but it’s not the best habit to have. Most people have told me that it’s probably ‘exhausting’ to ‘put up’ with you and that I should take the time you’re away to just relax, but I disagree with them about the former. If you ever hear anyone say those things, do not think anything of it, my love. I do not ‘put up with you.’ There is nothing to put up with. I love being around you, and so the time we spend together is my relaxation time. Being with you does not exhaust me. Quite frankly, I’m sick of hearing people like Sally and Kitty Riley saying these things. Just like the lyrics in one of my favourite songs says: ‘Don’t you worry your pretty little mind, people throw rocks at things that shine and life makes love look hard…this love is ours.’ And it is ours alone.
                Okay, so maybe I’m starting to actually let them get to me, but I’m just tired of hearing the same things over and over again. We’ve been together for almost a year and we’re engaged. You would think that they’d just let it go and leave us alone by now. I wish you were here. You’d know exactly what to say to make me feel better. At least Redbeard is good at comforting me when you’re away. I think he misses you too.
                I did find the photo album. I was so touched to see photos of us throughout the years with our friends who have become our family. There are some from last month’s Christmas celebration with your parents that I didn’t even know existed. You had your father capture the moment I realized you were proposing to me and the moment after I accepted. I love our silly pictures with Rosie that must have been taken from our mobiles. I added a couple of my own; one with Rosie and one from my own mobile of you and me. I like seeing the memories we’ve made together even during the darkest of times. I have this other photo I took years ago from when you spent that week in my flat after your faked fall. You were playing the old violin I had from my uni days that I offered to you. I was never really good at it. It was a dark time for you, but there was beauty in that photo. You stood in my sitting room, playing the most heartbreaking melody whilst your eyes were focused on the few pictures I had displayed of me and my family when I was younger. I love you, Sherlock. I can’t wait to see you.
 With all my love,
                Your honeybee xxx
p.s. if I’m your honeybee, then you’re my bumblebee :p      
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girlwsoftsound · 7 years
Unspoken Promise || Matty Healy Oneshot
Word Count: 2,520 Summary: “Matty and the reader have known each other since high school and have been friends with benefits. They’ve never been in a real relationship with each other and they aren't good for each other (so like drugs and alcohol). Then later the reader becomes pregnant (not Matty’s tho) and all the boys are basically fathers to this kid and one day her child goes missing?? Author’s Note: Have you ever written something that you love so much that afterwards you just sit there and think about it for a while because you love it so much? That’s me with this fic. I hope you feel the same. Be sure to throw in a like or comment if you liked it! I love seeing feedback from you all. Please feel free to read my other work here! Enjoy!
You met him when you were fifteen.
A scrawny lad with too much hair and too much time, he should not have been as attractive as he was to you. He was loud, his friends were loud, he had a carefree attitude at times when it was the opposite of what was needed, he favored music more than his grades - he should’ve been appalling. However, something about the boy with blackish-brown hair drew you to him. Something made you want to ditch class, find him in the nearest hall and push him up against the lockers just to taste the sweet and harsh taste of his lips. When he took up smoking the year after, you wanted nothing more than to catch him on ‘smoke breaks’ of his and do the same. Two months into his habit, he obliged.
It never grew more than simple fooling around. Sure, Matty loved the feel of your skin against his and, over time, grew to love the way you gave head and made him laugh. Sure, you thought Matty was the closest thing to God that you would experience on Earth and wanted to never forget the way his hands traced up and down your body. But you never pushed it past that. Matty never asked you to go steady, and you never hinted to him for him to do so. Perhaps it was the drugs he fell into, or the fact that his alcohol consumption seemed to rub off on you to the point where it became trouble. You both agreed that you would be bad for each other as anything more than friends with benefits. And that’s where things stood, all the way until the end of school.
There was something sad about saying goodbye to Matty on the last day of school. You, smart as ever, were off to an amazing university with the world practically waiting for the moment it could whisk you away to a wonderful job and a beneficial life. Matty, on the other hand, was ready to get out of school and go with his friends, his band, on a quest to get signed and become famous. Your paths were going in two very opposite, very uncertain directions. You doubted you would ever see each other again. After one last secret moment together, Matty told you he would always love and be there for you. It was not meant to be romantic love, but rather a friendly love you could trust, one that you had a feeling in the pit of your stomach would last forever and never waver through the years. Teary eyed, you told him the same back. He smiled.
Contact fizzled out in the years to come. You went through Uni, getting high marks and eventually finding yourself in the middle of your dream job, living life to the fullest and making a name for yourself in your field. You found a great guy by the name of Keith, and ended up moving into a shared apartment with him in the middle of the city. Meanwhile, Matty struggled with his band, pushing through small gigs and begging to find someone who would pick them up. They took silly gigs, gigs that barely made sense for them, just to keep the dream alive. You remembered passing by a really grimey pub on your way to a work assignment and seeing their name, The 1975, plastered on the bottom of a list of performers for the night. All the while, his bad habits continued. For whatever reason, he couldn’t catch a break. His band couldn’t catch a break. His dream was beginning to seem hopeless.
The universe has a funny way of tricking people, though.
The changes came suddenly. Walking in, tired from a busy day, wishing to fall on your bed and not waking until fully rested. Finding instead the shape of another next to Keith. A meltdown. Panicked calls to anyone, someone, who you knew could give you refuge. A pay cut in your job, because the sting of losing one consistency wasn’t enough. Tears, turning your eyes red. Overnight, the little piece of heaven you had created fell apart into shambles.
Overnight, Matty became a star.
A connection to a man name Jamie, getting signed to his label, getting played over radio stations. Suddenly, the small venues grew too small. Matty Healy, the crazed boy with bad habits and a lack of responsibility, no longer unknown to the world. Money came in faster than he could count it. Sure, drugs were easier to get and alcohol no longer took a dip in his paycheck, but he was becoming happier. They were less of a necessity. His dream was finally becoming a reality. His time to shine, realized.
He did not expect to hear your voice again.
Desperate, pleading through tears for a place to stay, crying over some boyfriend who had cheated and left you to dry, homeless, hurting. He never heard you that way, not even after failed exams and family quarrels hit you. He accepted you back into his life without question. You took up a guest bedroom, and he made sure to send any extra money he could to make sure that you were well taken care of. That’s what friends were for, after all. That’s what he had promised to do, implied he would always be there to do, all those years ago before Uni.
It’s what he continued to do when you found out on a cold winter night two months later that you were pregnant.
No questions were asked. He did not have to ask the baby’s father, nor did he want to given your shattered state on the bathroom floor, the test proving your circumstance thrown across it and hiding behind the pepto-bismol-pink bathroom sink. He held you close, kissing your forehead, rubbing your shoulders, promising you would be alright. It would be alright. He would ensure you would be alright.
You lost your job two weeks later.
Matty held you then again, promising the same.
He held those promises.
On tours, people would approach Matty with questions about you, the girl that seemed to follow them on the bus yet never could be found doing much other than watching the shows from the sidelines and grow bigger by the day. Most probably thought you a groupie Matty had impregnated and felt too bad to discard to the side. You let them think that. Matty would correct them when he could, but you did not bother with it much. You were just happy to have somewhere to go, some place to exist. Did you feel bad about living off the boys and not having a way to give back? Surely so. But Matty refused to let you do anything else. Love, after all, made people do crazy things.
When your water broke, the band thankfully was in the middle of a break, a day gap between performances. You did not expect your child to be born in America, yet there you were, whisked away to some American hospital with the boys at your side, encouraging you through the pain and the agony. Jamie, considering you part of the family after all these months of knowing you, pushed the tour date the next day back a day. It would make them have to rush to the next city, but it would give you a day to adjust, and the boys a day to watch over you. The fans would understand. They would have to. Matty wouldn’t have performed even if the concert didn’t move, because even though he had no blood relation to this baby and no reason to stick along with it, he was the closest thing to a father figure it would ever have. He’d be damned if he missed its birth.
Your daughter, Elise Grace, was born in the wee early hours of the day.
Matty was the second person to hold her.
You both were smitten.
When the concert finally was performed, Matty walked out and, on the first chance he had, gushed to the crowd about the newborn that had caused the delay in their festivities.
“She’s not mine,” he assured the crowd, “but she’s gorgeous.”
The cool thing about your circumstances, living life on the road with the boys, was the fact that they got to be there with you for all of Elise’s firsts. Her first laugh came courtesy of George, who had been playing with a toy dog a fan had thrown up on stage for Matty and, in the process of shaking it around, amused her enough to emit a small giggle. You were the first he ran to, Matty the second. The look of pride on the man’s face was a sight you never would forget.
Her first steps came at the arms of Matty. As soon as she could stand, he had her holding his hands to try to walk every second off he had. She took her first steps backstage in Prague. Matty nearly cried, he was so happy. He paraded her around for everyone soon after. You felt your heart soar at the sight. It was the happiest you were until Adam and Ross collectively got her to say her first word. You were chuffed to know they had taught her ‘Mama’.
The first concert she fully went to without having to be brought back to the tour bus to sleep, Matty brought her out on stage and gushed about her to the crowd. She had curls now, big ol’ brown ones that framed her face and made her green eyes stand out that much more. Fans were smitten with her by then as much as Matty had been the first day he spoke about her to them. The Tour Baby, she was called. Everyone loved her. They loved her even more when, feeling like doing something special, Matty sang Old MacDonald for her on stage. The amount of cameras recording the moment ensured that her first concert experience was a day that never would be forgotten.
It was as if life had finally decided to relax.
Of course, that wouldn’t do.
A hot summer day. Some town in the U.K. on some random tour date. You were walking the town with Matty, simply looking for something to do before the concert later that day, little two and a half year old Elise walking alongside you. There was a clothing shop, and you just had to explore it. The three of you dove inside. Matty went to the men’s section, and you brought Elise to the women’s. He dabbled a bit in the women’s clothing before the both of you met to pay at the register. The door was open to let out the heat. You thought Matty had hold of her. Matty thought you had hold of her. When all was paid, you realized neither of you had her. Upon searching with the store owner, everyone realized your fears had been brought to life.
Elise was lost.
Someone had her.
That was what your mind immediately thought of as you scanned the streets outside the place. A two year old could not be hard to miss walking alone in the streets, could it? Matty’s voice was frantic on the phone, calling for police and then afterwards for the band to come help look. Alerts were issued calling all in the area to look for your little girl, brown curls, her father’s nose, your kind heart, your smile. The show was cancelled, to possibly be rescheduled at a later date. No one knew for sure. Jamie said he would care about that once the little girl was back home safe. George stayed out all night looking for her, having to be brought back home by Jamie so that he didn’t harm himself from not eating, drinking, or sleeping. Ross and Adam went on separate road trips to find her in adjacent cities. You stayed at home with Matty, returning to his flat in Manchester and sitting, waiting, even praying for a phone call, a sighting, anything. His arms wrapped around you and let you sob for hours. He couldn’t stop replaying the last moment he saw her in his mind, the guilt eating him alive. Holding you was all he could do to make him not feel so shitty about the situation. His arms around you was all that was keeping you from doing the same.
You went twenty-four hours without a single call.
Twenty-four heartbreaking, paralyzing hours, full of pleads through social media and rewards being issued for her safe return. Anything to get her home.
Then, the phone rang.
You answered in seconds.
She’s okay.
Found somewhere just outside of the greater Manchester area, her hair wet from rain, but safe. You did not know if she had been dropped off there by an abductor, too scared to face the crime but also not wishing to keep her hostage from her family, or if she had somehow managed to walk there herself. You did not care. Neither did Matty. Neither did the band. All any of you cared about was that she was going to come home, she was safe, and the nightmare was going to have a happy ending.
The five of you, plus Jamie, showed up to the station to pick her up. Other than her hair being damp and her clothes a bit tattered, she looked fine. Holding her again brought some kind of elation you never imagined existed. George pet her head, Adam and Ross kissed her softly on top of her curls, and Jamie reached to squeeze her little hand. Matty stole her from your arms to hug her close to his chest the moment you were able to stop crying so hard. He let his own array of tears fall.
You had never seen him cry like that, but you supposed it was fitting. Even though he had no connection to this little girl, nothing binding him to her other than the fact he shagged you a few times back before Uni and fell for your smile and the feel of you against him, he had been there for her every step of the way. He had loved her like his own, cared for her like his own, adored her like his own. He was more of a father to her than you were certain her true father could have been had things not fallen sour between the two of you. He had every right to cry his eyes out over finding her, because though he had made his spoken promise to love you all those years ago, that promise had unspokenly carried over to apply to her as well.
It always would apply to her.
That night, Matty fell asleep with her at his side on the bus.
Upon drifting off to sleep, you briefly heard him promise to never let her fear again.
Upon drifting off to sleep, you knew he would do his best to keep that promise.
You slept well.
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auroraphilealis · 7 years
The Summer Epilogue Part One (32/33)
The Summer (32/33) | Dan Howell has spent the last three summers at Camp Bergamot, but it’s never been quite like this before. This year, he faces a summer full of new friends, a new relationship, and an entirely new view on his own sexuality. Perhaps Camp Bergamot should be renamed camp self discovery for all the changes Dan has gone through, but one thing’s for sure - despite all the hiccups and the drama, he just might have found the love of his life. | Phan | Mature | Smut, Misunderstandings, Insecurity, Panic Attacks, Bullying, Minor Violence, Physical Fight | 300,000+ Words
Disclaimer: In no way do I claim that this is real or cast aspersions on Dan or Phil.
This Part: 27,072 Words
For reference, @botanistlester is Dan, @snowbunnylester is Phil.
(Previous) (AO3) (Masterlist)
Warnings: angst, misunderstandings, paranoia, fingering, barebacking, bdsm, sensory deprivation, light airplay, praise!kink, handcuffs, blindfolds
Chapter Thirty-Two: Epilogue Part One
Two years later
This was it. Tomorrow was the day. Two years to the date since Dan Howell and Phil Lester had first started dating that fateful day back during summer camp, and Phil was nervous as fuck.
He hadn't seen his boyfriend in a few weeks due to summer school and the ridiculously fast paced semesters at Dan’s prestigious art school he'd been invited too, but Dan had managed to set some time aside for tomorrow, their anniversary, and Phil was - well, Phil was excited, but he was also nervous as fuck, because tomorrow... tomorrow, Phil was planning to propose.
It had been two years since they'd gotten together, and to be fair, not only was it rather soon, but they had been spending a lot of time apart since they'd started college last fall, but, well, distance made the heart grow fonder, and Phil had never been so sure in his life that he wanted Dan and only Dan. He'd been thinking about this for months now, been talking to Mariah and Kim, and his mum, of course, and he was ready. He was certain.
He'd been saving money for this since last summer, before he was sure, and had managed to scrape up just enough to afford a more than half decent ring for Dan, and now he had it packed away in his pocket for the morning of their anniversary while he stared blankly at his phone and prayed that Dan would soon call for their nightly routine just as excited as Phil for tomorrow.
More than anything in the world, Phil just wanted to see Dan. He was on a scholarship with a lot of conditions that included him attending summer school, unlike Phil, who'd come home for the summer, and it had been kind of hard on Phil. This was the first summer since he'd met Dan that he'd had to spend apart from him, and it had been a bit of struggle, but it was worth it for Dan to get his degree in something he loved.
Phil, meanwhile, had gone into astronomy and was working on becoming a teacher in a high school one day, but he wasn't on a scholarship, nor was his school as expensive as Dan's, so he'd been able to take the pace a bit more slow. He felt lucky in that, especially when Dan made the trip down to visit him on weekends during the school year and Phil was able to see just how tired he was.
They skyped a lot as well, but it wasn't the same as being with Dan, because sometimes the stress would get to Dan and Dan would cry and Phil would feel horrible that he couldn't hold him and make him feel better.
Things had been okay though. They were getting by, and Phil was sure; Phil was sure that Dan was the love of his life, was sure that he was the love of Dan's life, and while he had some new uni friends who liked to talk shit about Dan probably having some bit on the side for when Phil wasn't around, he'd never once listened.
Phil was certain that, like him, Dan was unable to even look at other people like that, and he'd long since been secure in their relationship - well, kind of.
The truth was, Phil was every bit as insecure as he'd ever been. Dan had just spent a lot of his time proving himself to Phil, and while they still had problems, Phil was certain that this was what he wanted - to marry Dan, and have him always, no matter what happened. He'd been learning to trust, been learning to accept commitment without fear, and he thought he was ready now.
Now, all Phil needed was for Dan to come home so Phil could take him out on a proper date, and propose to him.
Dan was practically vibrating with excitement. After weeks of not seeing Phil due to conflicting uni schedules and distance, Dan was finally able to make some time for him, and it wasn't just any day, no. It was their fucking two year anniversary.
Two years of being in the best relationship that Dan had ever had, of sappy love and hour long skype calls that ended with Dan falling asleep. Of Phil supporting him through everything, even when Dan got accepted to Herron School of Art that meant he'd be hours away from Phil even during the summers. Call Dan a sap, but this was a pretty big day for him.
Except, he couldn't figure out how to surprise Phil. He wanted to do something for him, something big, something that would make him forever grateful that Dan had done that thing for him. He was at a loss, though, and his flatmate, Colby, wasn't helping in the slightest.
"Dude just fuckin' buy lingerie and show up on his doorstep," Colby told Dan, making Dan glare at him.
"Fuck you," Dan seethed. He had finished packing for Phil's house hours ago and was now pacing the room.
"Oh!" Colby exclaimed suddenly. Dan turned his attention on him, hard glare on his face. "Tell him you can't make it up there tomorrow and then you show up anyways! It's the best surprise!"
Dan hesitated, biting his lip. "Isn't that, I dunno, a bit harsh? It'd crush him."
Colby shook his head. "Dude no. Phil's the most understanding guy in the world. Just tell him you have a big art project due this week that you forgot about and that you can't come for another few days. Then show up with flowers and a list of reasons why you love him or some sappy shit like that."
Dan sighed. It was better than any of his other ideas, at least. But did that make him a bad boyfriend to lie like that? He just wanted their anniversary to be the best it could be.
"Fine," Dan muttered and picked up his phone. He gnawed on his lip as he tapped on the familiar number, holding his breath as the phone rang. When Phil answered, Dan let out his breath and opened his mouth to blatantly lie to his boyfriend. He reminded himself that it was for Phil's best interest - hell, maybe he would show up in a maid outfit or something.
Just as Phil was growing anxious that Dan wasn't going to call for the night, his phone began to ring, and he smiled at the sight of Dan's name showing up on his phone screen. They called each other before bed every night, and Phil knew that Dan had been planning on sleeping early so he could leave early and spend as much of their anniversary with Phil as possible. It helped that Phil was home for the weekend, Dan's school being that little bit closer to their hometown than it was to Phil's uni. It had been getting kinda late now, though, or late for Dan to claim going to bed "early" at least, so it had surprised Phil when it had taken Dan so long to call him. He picked up eagerly now, with a chirpy "Hey baby." The smile on his face would not leave, now that Dan was here, and his fingers clenched around the ring box he'd been clinging too all night. His mum had told him he should put it away, somewhere safe so he wouldn't lose it, but Phil was clinging to it with all his might. "How are you? Doing okay over there? I can't wait to see you," he said, voice going soft and sappy already.
Dan was immediately relaxing at the sound of Phil's voice, grinning like the lovesick fool he was. Colby rolled his eyes and muttered something about how Dan was disgusting, to which Dan shushed him. "Hi Phil," Dan murmured warmly. He couldn't even try to hide the affection in his voice. Two years. He couldn’t believe it'd already been so long. "I'm okay. Good. I can't wait to see you either." Dan swallowed and braced himself. "Er- about tomorrow," he started. He felt so awful about lying that he could barely get it out. "I don't know if I'll be able to come up?" Colby was glaring at him and Dan glared right back. "Make it believable at least," Colby hissed quietly. Dan waved him away. "I got assigned a huge art project that I have to work on. Is it okay if i come up in a couple of days instead? I'm really sorry."
The sound of Dan's voice over the line was the loveliest sound Phil had ever heard, and he found himself relaxing against the bed just to listen to Dan. He could listen to Dan for ages - they'd already established that. It was hard being apart for day's on end like they were, but they managed, and if their friends made fun of them for staying up all night to talk to each other, oh well. It was what made them the most happy anyway. Besides, Dan was coming up tomorrow, and then no one could make fun of them for being all over each other, and - "What?" Phil asked, dumbstruck as the weight of Dan's words hit him at full force. HIs stomach clenched tightly, the ring box in his fingers slipped out and onto his mattress, and he sat up so abruptly, his head spun, but he didn't' care because his mind was still reeling with what Dan had just said. "I - I thought you said you got everything all sorted, you know, so you could - so you could come up..." Phil's heart was steadily breaking, because he'd been looking forward to Dan's visit for days, and he had a ring, for him and now - now... "Are you sure you can't - work something out?" he asked, desperate.
It took Phil a moment to respond, but when he did, Dan's heart fell to his feet and he had to bite his tongue to stop himself from blurting out his plan. Phil just sounded so heartbroken, and Dan didn't want that at all. He wanted Phil to be happy, wanted him to know that Dan was going to try and surprise him and show up with a cute present that could top anything Phil could have possibly gotten him. (Just because he didn't know what to get yet didn't necessarily mean anything). "I thought I did have everything sorted out," Dan murmured quietly, staring at his shoes. His stomach was clenching with guilt and making him sick. "But my professor gave us an assignment today and it's absolutely huge... I really don't think I can make it up there tomorrow and have my project done in time. But- but I'll still come up and see you! It'll just have to be in a few days!" Dan clenched the phone tightly in his hand. "I'm sorry, I'm the worst. But I love you so, so much."
Phil's heart was absolutely shattered, and he didn't even know why. Maybe it was the fact that Dan had promised him something and broken that promise, or maybe it was the fact that Phil was afraid it wouldn't mean as much if he didn't propose on the day of their anniversary, but whatever the problem was, it was killing him right now. He almost wanted to snap at Dan, to tell him fuck the assignment, fuck the project, wasn't Phil more important? But he didn't, because he knew that would be cruel, and he didn't mean a word of it. He understood completely were Dan was coming from, understood how important his education was, and Phil would never, ever get in the way of that. So he sighed, and he flopped back onto his bed, and he rolled over with his phone still pressed to his ear, and he said, "I love you too, Dan. It's okay. I understand." And he did... so why did it feel like a lie?
Phil went to bed that night with a lump in his throat. He'd cut his conversation with Dan short not all that long after Dan had called him, claiming to just be a little upset and not wanting to take it out on Dan. It wasn't a stretch from the truth, but the reality of it was Phil had been able to hear Dan joking with his roommate again, and that always bothered Phil.
Dan's roommate was kind of an asshole, and Dan didn't actually like him all that much, but he also always said that Colby had his good traits too. That wasn't all that was bothering Phil, though. A few times during their call, he'd heard Colby hiss something at Dan that had made Dan giggle, and the sound of it had grated on Phil's nerves more than it should have. He knew better than to think that it meant anything, knew better than to be offended that just because he was heartbroken Dan wasn't going to get to come and visit tomorrow, it didn't mean Dan couldn't have fun stuck back in the dorms with Colby.
The fact of the matter was, though, that Phil was bothered by the fact that Dan could have fun right now, when Phil was outright devastated. It just made no sense that Dan hadn't even seemed upset that he couldn't see Phil anymore, and it didn't really add up that he had a project either.
The more Phil thought about it, in fact, the more he felt like something was wrong, and a pit opened up in his stomach. Hadn't Dan just been showing him his syllabus and how the teacher had written out every single due date already, because he wouldn't have time in the summer classes to add dany more homework? And hadn't Dan said he'd done all of his projects in advance just for an excuse to see Phil? So he wouldn't have to worry, or panic on their anniversary? So why... why all of a sudden had that changed?
Terror filled Phil as some of his uni friends words came back to him.
Long distance never works out, mate. He's just gonna find someone closer he can fuck and hang you out to dry. It's better not to put yourself through that. Just break up with him already.
Had Dan found...someone else? Phil couldn't bear to think about it, even as Dan and Colby's laughter echoed in his ears.
The phone conversation was finished far before Dan wanted it to be over. But maybe that was a good thing, seeing as Dan couldn't lie to Phil quite as well as he thought he'd be able to. It was especially hard with Colby whispering nonsense to him about how Dan was a terrible liar and Phil must be head over heels for him if he believed that act.
So when Phil excused himself to sleep, Dan sighed and fell back on his bed. He looked over at the bags he'd packed today, telling himself that it wasn't for long that he'd have to keep this lie up. He'd see Phil tomorrow and then everything would be okay again.
"You alright, mate?" Colby asked, nudging Dan's foot with his own.
Dan scoffed. "I just lied to my boyfriend and broke his heart, but yeah I'm totally fine!" Dan said sarcastically. He shook his head.
"Listen. Just help me figure out a good present for him tomorrow and I'll forgive you for making me do that."
Colby muttered something about how Dan had done that of his own free will, but Dan ignored him. He just wanted to see Phil already.
Phil woke up the next morning feeling nearly as bad as he had when he'd gone to bed, except come morning he'd gone mostly numb.
It was hard to think past the heartbreak and the lump in his throat, and it really wasn't helping that he'd had dreams about Dan getting into bed with someone that wasn't him.
It was hard to think about.
Phil had spent every day of the last year thinking of Dan, even as he'd made new friends and seen his fair few classmates who were objectively attractive. Never once had Phil even considered being with anyone but Dan, not even on his loneliest of nights when Dan was too busy to even call him, let alone skype him, so to think that Dan might have - that Dan might have grown tired of waiting... that was enough to break him.
Was Phil not good enough?
When he climbed out of bed, his foot kicked something soft and velvety, and he had to stop and look down at his sheets to find the ring box he'd left there for Dan. Inside was Phil's heart, really, and before he could stop himself, he was crying, sobbing into his hands, and shoving the ring off of his bed and onto the floor into the mess of his room.
If he never found it again, he wouldn't even care just then, because Dan hadn't even said when he was coming.
The next morning was an early one for Dan.
His train left at noon, so he had to make sure to go shopping for Phil before he had to leave. He'd already gotten a few things, of course, but nothing that he felt really screamed two year anniversary to him. And of course, he had to have somebody to brainstorm with, so he decided to bring Colby along for his (most likely useless) two cents.
They were looking around the shopping centre, sneaking peeks into shops and trying to figure out just what to get Phil that would show just what Dan truly felt for Phil, how Phil lit his heart on fire and made him feel alive. He was texting Phil all the while, sending a long ass message about how much he loved Phil and how their two year anniversary meant more to Dan than Phil would ever know. He even sent Phil a picture of himself with another sappy caption, hoping it would make Phil feel slightly better.
"Oh, stop moping," Colby muttered as they made their way through the shops. "You act like you're actually not seeing him today."
Dan rolled his eyes and poked his head into another store, looking over the various knickknacks.
"Shush. I just hate making him sad for no reason." And that's when his eyes fell on the most perfect gift Dan could have ever have thought to buy.
Slowly, a smile made its way onto his face, and he nearly ran to the item, snatching it up.
"It's perfect," Dan gasped, marveling at the beautiful object. There was a lady at the counter, grinning at him, and Dan couldn't help it when he blurted out, "Can I get this engraved and how long would that take?"
It took a long time for Phil to calm down, and by the time he did, it felt like his heart had been wrung out, and he had no more tears to shed. His eyes were sore and red, his parents thankfully away for the week, and he was alone. So, so alone, with no boyfriend to look forward to coming home for their anniversary, and not even a text - his phone chimed, and Phil sat up instantly, searching blindly for the offending object as he had yet to stick his glasses on yet today.
His heart was in his throat, and there was hope thrumming in his veins by the time that he found his phone - hope that Dan was coming after all.
Instead, there was a long heartfelt message from Dan wishing Phil a happy anniversary, full of sappy confessions of love and affection, and even though it wasn't a promise for Dan to come and visit him after all, it was a message, and it meant the world to Phil. For the first time since last night, he suddenly felt quite silly for being so ridiculous.
Of course Dan wasn't cheating on him, of course Dan hadn't found someone better, or got tired of waiting. Of course he wasn't just looking for an excuse to avoid Phil.
His phone buzzed in his hand again. Phil glanced down, giggled at the sight of Dan, reaching to reply, only - was that… was that Colby behind him? And where were they, because that sure as hell didn't look like their dorm room...
Dan was... Dan was doing his art project, right? Maybe... maybe he was just at an art store, picking up supplies? The project had been a last minute addition, something Dan had not been expecting, right? But... that didn't' look like an art supply store, and that didn't look like Dan's dorm, and... and Phil didn't know what to think anymore, so he dropped his phone and decided that there was just no point in replying right now when all he could feel was devastation and rejection and absolute heartbreak.
"Engraving will take approximately an hour, sir," the shop attendant informed Dan, the grin not leaving her face once. Dan looked at the time on his phone, hesitating slightly. It was currently 10:30. If he decided to go through with his master plan, the present would be finished thirty minutes before the train left. Could Dan still make the train?
He shook those thoughts out of his mind. Of course he could. He'd just have to go and grab all of his bags from his house, get dressed, and then grab the present on his way to the train station.
"Deal," Dan said, handing the beautiful heart-shaped locket to the woman. It was silver and decorated with beautiful black and light blue jewels. At home, he would also have to print off a picture small enough of he and Phil to put inside the locket, but he would be able to insert it on the train.
"I'd like to get 'I Love You Always' engraved on the back, please." Dan handed the money to the girl and she told him to come back for it in an hour. He thanked her profusely before leaving the store.
"God, you're cheesier than I thought," Colby told him matter-of-factly. Dan shoved him.
"It's meant to be cheesy. Hence why I'm getting him a bouquet of roses as well." Colby just groaned, but he followed nonetheless as Dan dragged him to another store. Phil still hadn't replied, which made Dan frown, but he tried not to think too much of it. Phil was probably just asleep still.
It had been just over an hour since Dan had texted Phil.
Phil hadn't responded, and if he was honest with himself, the more time that passed since Dan's message, the more crushed Phil felt inside, because Dan didn't even bother attempting to send anymore. It was like he hadn't even noticed that Phil hadn't replied, and Phil wondered how long it would take him to realize.
Whatever he was doing with Colby must be a pretty good distraction, because it never took Dan long to bug Phil if he didn't respond fast enough for him, especially not to a sappy message like that. Still, despite the pain and the anger at Dan, the terror that Dan was lying to him and something nefarious was going on, he found himself picking up his phone more often than not to look the message over; it was just as sappy as anything they did, full of heartfelt admonishes and little Dan-ism's that never seized to make Phil laugh, even now. It had their inside jokes, and memories that Phil never wanted to let go of, and even a cheeky mention of something more private in nature that Dan fully planned to do the next time he saw Phil. It was just... what if he didn't mean any of it?
Phil couldn't help the fear broiling inside of him, and as time wore on, he found himself scrolling through old pictures on his phone of Dan and thinking about all the ways he must have gone wrong to lose the best person who had ever been in his life.
The first thing Dan did when he and Colby got back to the flat was put on the fanciest clothes he owned. He wasn't just about to show up at his boyfriend's house unannounced in just trackies and a jumper. Oh no, Dan had to go all out.
He put on a nice white button down shirt and even put on a red tie to accent it, and his signature black skinny jeans that were more skin than jeans. Then he bid farewell to Colby because he definitely wasn't going to see him for a few days, grabbed his bags, and headed back to the shops to grab the locket he'd gotten for Phil.
He was probably a sight dressed in fancy clothes, carrying a bouquet of roses and a suitcase, but he didn't care. Phil was worth it.
When he picked up the necklace, it was better than he'd originally thought it was going to be, the engraving in the back making Dan feel all giddy inside. The picture of Dan and Phil that he had cut out at his flat was going to fit inside wonderfully.
Phil still hadn't texted back when Dan got himself situated on the train, which made Dan's eyebrows crease. It was noon already, was Phil really still asleep? He decided to text him again just to make sure, worry making his stomach clench.
You still asleep love? Dan texted before getting to work on placing the picture in the locket while the train finished loading passengers.
Phil had just run downstairs for a late breakfast when his phone went off in his pocket, and he felt himself freeze. He wanted to hope that it was Dan, wanted to hope again that it was Dan telling him he'd been lying the whole damn time, wanted to hope that Dan still loved him, but it was hard when Phil couldn't' even calm himself down enough to think straight.
He knew, without a doubt, that he was overreacting right now, and if he just gave himself some time to relax, he'd feel better and not be so scared about Dan cheating on him. After all, he trusted his boyfriend, he did, it was just hard when he was feeling so rejected right now, when so many people had been telling him for so long that he couldn't just trust that a long distance relationship like his and Dan's was going to work out when they were both so young, in the prime of their lives, and had rarely experienced anyone but each other.
It was hard when Phil's mind and insecurities were playing up, when he'd been so, so ready to propose to Dan, certain that,despite going off to uni, not together, and seeing so many other people in the world, they'd only cemented the fact home that they wanted no one but each other.
It was hard when Dan wouldn't even text him back.
Fumbling in his pocket, Phil finally pulled his phone free, and felt his lips tug to see a message from Dan. When he opened it, he felt his heart crack a little, because Dan was worried about him, and Phil should have known better.
Slowly, he forced himself to text Dan back, and hoped his boyfriend would forgive him for being such an asshole that he couldn't' even be bothered to reply to his anniversary text. After all.. Phil was feeling rather shit just then.
Yeah, sry.
For a moment, Dan didn't think Phil was going to text back again.
He frowned, staring at the dead phone on his lap like it was a poisonous snake trying to bite him. Was Phil angry with him? Sure, he'd 'canceled' on their plans, but he'd done so before and Phil was usually pretty understanding about it. He couldn't help the nagging feeling that Phil was upset with him, and it distracted him from putting the picture in the locket.
His finger slipped and he ended up giving himself a paper cut, hissing at the sting and lifting the cut to his mouth to lick off the blood.
At that moment, Dan's phone went off, and he scrambled for it, nearly dropping the locket in the process. His eyebrows furrowed even more, however, at Phil's distant message. Just a yes and a sorry? Even after Dan's long message wishing Phil a happy anniversary? Even when Phil was a sleepy grump, he usually had the decency to at least respond to Dan's lovey-dovey messages. What had Dan done wrong? What if Phil... what if Phil didn't want to see him today anymore?
He tried to tell himself that he was being ridiculous. Talking about his feelings with Phil was the only way he would get his emotions sorted out and he knew this.
Are you mad at me?:-( i rly wish i could be there with you rn
Phil sighed after he sent the message, feeling pretty cruddy about it despite everything, because it made him feel like he was being a dick. Dan had just been trying to be sweet, after all, trying to make up for the fact that he couldn't come to visit Phil like they'd planned, it was just. Well, even if Phil convinced himself that he was just overreacting, that didn't still his mind from coming up with more and more insane ideas of what could possibly be going on right now.
Dan had clearly been out somewhere with Colby, and he'd canceled really last minute under some really shady excuse, and it had taken him a good hour to realize that Phil hadn't text him back after his "heartfelt" message and the awkward picture he'd sent Phil... it wasn't Phil's fault his mind was going crazy on him.
He'd promised Dan to try and get a hold on these feelings, though, to try and talk to Dan when he was feeling insecure, it was just... Phil was feeling pretty raw right now, what with Dan not coming to visit and it being their anniversary, so when his phone went off again, he didn't answer this time. Instead, he just settled himself down with a bowl of cereal, and tried not to cry anymore.
The ring, the proposal, it was all forgotten now, because Phil didn't think he could ever do it, anymore.
Dan spent about thirty minutes of the train ride trying to wrestle the little pictures into the locket, cursing at them and trying not to bend them too much. It had to be perfect because Phil deserved the best of the best, so there was no way he could get some bent picture in a locket.
Dan's hands were shaking pretty badly and he kept casting glances to the roses and his phone sitting in the seat beside him. The phone had stayed completely silent. Phil hadn't texted back once in the past thirty minutes, despite Dan's upset message.
He didn't want to piss Phil off even more (even if he didn't know why Phil was ignoring him), so he tried to refrain from double texting, but it was getting increasingly hard to do so.
When he finished up the locket and put it in the black box it had come in, Dan finally allowed himself to dive for his phone again, texting Phil a bunch of question marks that were probably more annoying than anything else.
When Phil's phone went off again, he couldn't' help himself. He reached for it almost instinctively, something in him soothed by the action of Dan double texting him like he normally would, and unlocked the screen to check his messages.
For a moment, all he saw was some spam email from his email app, and he nearly tossed his phone away in mortification and heartbreak, but then he saw the little notification, delayed, from Dan, and his heart instantly calmed. He really, really needed to get himself under control.
Of course, Dan's message then ripped into Phil like no other, and he felt his eyes start to prick with tears all over again, because how could he be such a dick? Dan was upset, of course Dan was upset - Phil hadn't said anything about their anniversary, and he was being a right dick right now by ignoring him.
It was just, Phil was an insecure jerk, and he didn't know how to fix it, so he picked up his phone and did the best he could.
no bby, course im not mad at u. i kno u wanna b here, and i wish u were, i just need some time. love you <3
Just another hour until Dan would be at Phil's house. Just another hour and Dan would be able to hold his boyfriend in his arms and kiss away all of his worries. He couldn't fucking wait for this hour to pass, and it felt like a fucking eternity to him.
His phone vibrated and his heart melted at the message Phil had sent him, sounding much more like the boyfriend that he knew and loved. At the same time, it also made him worry more. Phil had said he needed time. Did Dan seriously mess up that much that Phil couldn't even talk to him on their anniversary because he needed time? Maybe this wasn't a good idea after all.
Dan shouldn't have listened to Colby. He should have known Colby was a dumbass who never had any good ideas. Hopefully, he could fix it in an hour though.
Okay <3 im thinking of you. Cant wait til i can see your face again xoxo.
If only Phil knew how soon that would be.
The next time Phil's phone went off, he picked it up because he was itching too, because he wanted to know if Dan would apologize for canceling on him, or make any more excuses, or worse yet, break up with him because Phil was just far too needy. What he got instead was Dan as he always ways, understanding despite his possible own pain, and a lot of hugs and kisses at the end of his message.
Phil sighed and put his phone down. He was being such a dick. He was just disappointed and paranoid and now he felt like he was ruining everything with Dan, but he couldn't make himself stop. He'd meant it when he'd said he just needed some time. He just wanted to calm down, to think straight, to stop being so terrified and letting other people get into his head again.
He’d spent far too much of his life already letting other people dictate how he felt about himself; he shouldn't be letting other people dictate how he felt about Dan, or how Dan felt. They'd been together for two years, the last one long distance, but so far, it had worked out, so what was Phil so afraid of? Depressed as he was, Phil sulked into the living room and crashed on the sofa, turning on the TV that he wasn't even going to watch. It was pushing one pm, and yesterday, Phil had anticipated that he would be seeing Dan by now, get to take him out of a picnic lunch, propose, and then take him back home for some celebrations, but now, he was left with nothing.
As it seemed like Phil was going to take a long time to respond again, Dan decided not to bother him. He'd said he needed some time, and Dan would respect that. Pushing Phil into talking to him would only make matters worse, and that was the exact opposite of what Dan wanted to do today.
He leaned his head back, shoved his headphones in, and closed his eyes, thinking about what his plan was for the day. Obviously Phil was going to be surprised. He probably wouldn't have anything planned for them, so maybe Dan could take them out to dinner and woo him with the necklace, that way Phil wouldn't be so upset that Dan had hidden such a large thing from him. Maybe afterwards they could go back to Phil's flat and fuck around and Dan could show Phil just how much he loved him once again...
He ended up falling asleep to those thoughts, a smile on his face. When he awoke, it was to the overhead speakers calling that they were approaching the station in five minutes.
The afternoon bore on slowly, and if Phil was being honest, rather boringly as well. He missed Dan, like a lot, and he was working on not doing that because thinking of Dan hurt a lot as well. He didn't want to believe that it was possible Dan could possibly be cheating on him, but the signs weren't exactly the most positive ones in Dan's favor, not to mention the fact that he'd seemed to have given up on texting Phil at all, on their anniversary.
The more time that passed, the more Phil was offended at the fact that Dan hadn't even bothered to call him, choosing instead to send a sappy text that suddenly meant nothing. Phil just... Phil just wished Dan hadn't canceled on him, and while he knew under any normal circumstances he would have been much more understanding, all the little signs pointing to something terrible going on where really just far too overwhelming for Phil just then.
He napped, on and off, suddenly grateful his parents weren't home, and dreamt of Dan with his roommate Colby, and all the terrible things they could be getting up to just then.
As soon as the train came to a stop at the correct station, Dan was shooting out of his seat. He slung his luggage over his shoulder, shoved the locket in his pocket, and grabbed the roses. With his other hand, he checked his phone.
Phil still hadn't responded to him, which hurt Dan immensely, but he probably deserved it for the stunt he pulled last night. He knew it would all be okay though. After everything Dan and Phil had been through, this situation was the least of Dan's worries. Once Phil saw him, Dan had no doubt it would make Phil turn to mush.
And vice versa, considering Dan was Phil trash number one. He sped walked in the direction of Phil's house, breathing heavily and even breaking a sweat. Honestly, it probably wasn't smart to wear a long sleeved shirt and jeans on a hot summer day, but Dan wanted to look his best. Phil would just have to deal with a slightly damp Dan and curly hair.
By the time Phil's house came into view, Dan was seriously regretting his clothing choices and in need of some water. It felt like he'd been walking through the fucking desert. It didn't matter though. Nothing mattered anymore, because he was here and Phil was only meters away, and then Dan was knocking on the door - knock, knock, knock - and the entire world fell silent.
Phil was awoken by the sound of a knock on the door, a sound that startled and confused him enough to wonder if he wasn't just having a dream just then. He sat up quickly, though, distressed enough by it to stare around the room, disoriented and confused. Who was knocking on his door and why? He wasn't expecting any visitors except for - Dan. But Dan had said that he wasn't coming, and Phil was almost certain he was spending the day with Colby considering that picture Dan had sent him, and... and... but what if it was Dan? Trying desperately not to get his hopes up, Phil got up and rubbed the sleep from his eyes, heading to the front door at a sluggish, disappointed pace. That's why, when he did throw open the door, he was still taken by surprise to find Dan standing before him, dressed to the nines and looked downright exhausted with a bouquet of flowers in his hands and a huge smile on his face. "Surprise!" Dan shouted, to which Phil couldn't help himself - he slammed the door in his boyfriends face.
It took longer than expected for Phil to answer the door, and when he did, Dan noticed how disoriented and tired he seemed. He was dressed in his pyjamas still, his hair all ruffled and mussed from sleep, and he was wearing his glasses. Dan tried not to let himself feel guilty at the sight, grinning brightly and shouting, "Surprise!" like his life depended on it. What Dan didn't expect was for Phil to slam the door in his face. He didn't expect the flash of anger on his boyfriend's face, and he didn't expect to suddenly be an inch away from a closed door. Dan flinched and the smile fell from his face, tears burning in his eyes. "Phil?" Well. Okay then. Dan probably deserved that. He was suddenly terrified, terrified that he'd come all this way for nothing, terrified that Phil didn't want to see him anymore. But... it was their anniversary. He had to try. So he knocked again, to no avail, and rubbed angrily at his watery eyes. Dont cry, dont cry, he repeated to himself as he sat on the steps of Phil's house, putting the flowers beside him and his head in his hands.
Phil's head was spinning, and he could feel himself getting irrationally angry as he stood on the other side of the closed door and just glared at the wood. His eyes were wet, his brow furrowed, and he could hear Dan calling for him, knocking again, but he was just so angry. His hands were shaking and he knew, if he let himself, he'd be crying in an instant. It was just - it was just - why had Dan broken his heart like that? Why had Dan let him believe, even for a second, that he wasn't going to come? Why had Dan let him think that he was cheating on him, when he knew already how insecure Phil could be. Phil, more often than not, didn't even believe that anyone could love him, and here was Dan, on the other side of the door, the love of his life, who'd gone and let Phil believe that Dan didn’t love him either. Gritting his teeth, Phil reached for the doorknob and twisted it back open, practically throwing it in his urgency to get back to Dan. "You're an asshole!" he claimed, even as he felt his own heart break at the sight of Dan sat on his doorstep with his face in his hands.
It seemed like it took hours for Phil to finally open the door, but in reality it was probably only a few minutes. Dan perked up immediately, but he stayed frozen, trying not to let Phil see him crying like the pathetic loser he was. He didn't even know why he was so upset; he should have seen this coming. And when Phil's first words to him were that he was an asshole, Dan couldn't even argue because it was true. "I deserve that," Dan told his boyfriend, and his voice cracked when he did so. Taking a deep breath, Dan stood and turned around to look Phil in the eyes, holding the flowers out with uncertainty. "I wanted to surprise you, but I guess I did that in the worst way possible. I'm sorry, I understand if you don't want to see me right now."
Dan's face was red, particularly his nose, and Phil could hear him sniffling as he turned to look at Phil, eyes wide and a little bit sad. At the very least, he seemed to understand that he'd fucked up, and on their anniversary of all days, because he wasn't trying to defend himself, and he was still offering Phil the flowers he'd got for him. Phil kind of sagged into himself, some of the anger draining away as he took in the fact that not only was Dan actually here, he more than likely was not cheating on him. Reaching out, Phil took the flowers a little bit too aggressively, threw them on the floor behind him, and reached out to drag Dan into his arms for a hug. "You're an asshole," he reiterated, and pressed his face in close to Dan's neck, desperate not to start crying again. "I thought - you're such a bad fucking liar, you made me think you were - you were -" Phil couldn't' even say the words as he clung to Dan, held him close. He couldn't even laugh, because this wasn't funny in the least bit, like he was sure Dan had thought it would be, and while the tension had released in him and he was honestly relieved more than anything, he was still feeling rather crushed. "I hate you," he groaned, and shoved his face harder into Dan's neck.
Phil took the flowers angrily and Dan watched with wide eyes as Phil threw them on the ground. He thought this was it, Phil's had enough of me and doesn't want to see me, but then Phil was dragging him into a tight hug, speaking thickly into his neck, and Dan couldn't help but to feel relieved. He was a piece of shit and they both knew it. The only thing he could do now was let Phil take out all his anger through hissed words. Dan almost wished he'd scream at him, but Phil didn't. Dan thought he deserved it anyways. "You thought I was cheating on you?" Dan finished for Phil gently. He pulled his boyfriend at arms length and held his face gently but firmly in his hands. Phil's eyes were red rimmed and his eyebrows were furrowed, but the anger seemed to be slightly dissipating. "Phil," Dan said. "I would never. I love you. More than anything. Distance isn't going to change that for me. I wasn't lying when I said I wanted to marry you one day, you know," Dan promised softly and with all the love he was feeling.
Phil wasn't exactly happy about it when Dan dragged them apart to instead bracket Phil's face with his hands. He'd much rather be hiding in his neck right now, and it didn't help that the way Dan so gently finished Phil's sentence really hurt him. They'd talked about their friends making fun of their long distance relationship before, had talked about how people liked to tell them that their partner was statistically likely to find someone new and cheat on them while they were away, and they'd talked about how that was never going to be them, so to have Dan so quickly figure out that Phil had still been plagued by fears nevertheless was enough to nearly break him. He felt like a piece of shit for ever having thought so badly of Dan, so having Dan look him in the eye and promise him that he would never do something like that hurt far too much. Of course, then Dan had to go and remind Phil of the friggin engagement ring he had up in his bedroom somewhere, and he felt his heart breaking all over again as the tears started to drip down his cheeks. "Dan," he mumbled, and closed his eyes. "Fuck, I'm sorry, I just - you had told me about your syllabus, and that you were done with everything, and then you sent me a picture this morning and I could see you were with Colby and it didn't look like you were in an art store and I just - I just thought - I thought maybe I wasn't enough anymore," he said, his entire body shaking with the pain of it all. Phil hated that he was always such an insecure mess, the one Dan always had to put back together again. Why couldn't he just - trust?
"Phil," Dan whispered, shaking his head. He wiped the tears from Phil's face with his thumbs, smearing wetness over his pale cheeks. It broke Dan’s heart to see Phil cry like this, all because of him. He never should have taken Colby's advice. He should have done something else to surprise Phil, not one that could have hurt him so so badly. "You'll always be enough for me. I just- I wanted to surprise you for our anniversary and I went about it in a completely different way than I should have." He couldn't believe he'd caused something like this on their anniversary. Why did Phil still want to be with a piece of shit like him? "Colby and I ran to the shops today and he helped me pick out some stuff for you. Or, he tried to help. He's useless, really. But I can see how you thought I'd- I'd have done something like that. I really am a bad liar." Dan looked around sheepishly, noting they were still outside and not wanting anybody else with prying eyes to see their fight. "Why don't we go inside? We can talk more and I can explain better why I'm the worst boyfriend in the world and why you deserve the best of the best."
Phil sniffled a bit. He hated crying so much, hated looking like a mess and being a dick to his boyfriend. Dan had brought him flowers, had tried to surprise him on their anniversary by showing up despite having said that he would not, and while it still hurt and he was still pretty angry that Dan would allow him to think such horrible things by lying to him, he did think it was as pretty amazing gift, in a way. "You asshole," he said again, chuckling this time. "You're not the worst, and I don't want anyone better. I just want you, I thought that was clear," Phil murmured, though he did take Dan's advice to go inside, picking up the flowers Dan had brought him while he was at it and carrying them inside. It was Dan who closed and locked the door behind him, a relief to Phil who headed straight to the kitchen to get a vase for his bouquet. It smelled heavenly, and was really quite a nice thought. Phil's heart ached. He couldn't' believe he'd thought so badly of Dan. He was just turning around to take the flowers back into the lounge when he realized Dan had followed him, looking a bit miserable, and he jumped. "You scared me!" he claimed, putting a hand over his heart. "Don't do that," he berated, and tried for a soft smile.
Dan wanted to tell Phil that he was wrong, that Dan was the worst, because he'd allowed their anniversary turn to shit just because he wanted to 'surprise' Phil. He didn't even have a really good excuse. He was just a dick and that was that. Dan didn't say so out loud though. Instead, he followed Phil into the house, watching as Phil picked up the flowers. He didn't let his eyes wander from his boyfriend, even as he locked the door behind them. Phil had all of his attention, just like he had ever since they first met. He was relieved when Phil pulled out a vase, filling it with water and plopping the flowers into it. Dan was relieved. At least he wasn't throwing them away. He chuckled as Phil jumped when he saw Dan had followed him, but the smile didn't really reach his eyes. Guilt was truly tearing him apart and he didn't quite know what to do with himself. Hell, he hadn't seen Phil in weeks and they still hadn't shared a kiss. Dan was craving that. "Hey, I wanted to make sure you took care of the flowers. Those were expensive you know," he joked weakly.
It was such a weak joke, but it spoke volumes to Phil. He knew exactly what Dan was getting at from the sound of his voice, and the guilt was so real that Phil found himself sighing, turning around, saying fuck it, and leaving the vase on the kitchen counter. "Dan," he said, as he turned back to face him again. Suddenly, Phil felt exhausted. "Dan, stop beating yourself up, okay? I... I freaked out for no reason, I'm sorry. There was no reason for me to think so badly of you, I just... I really wanted to see you. I miss you when you're gone," he explained lamely, staring down at his feet as he stood glumly in front of Dan. "You know how it is. Everyone's always telling me about how we're not going to work out, that you're going to find someone else while you're at uni because I'm not around to keep your attention on me, so when you lied to me I just thought... it's been two years, you've finally had enough of me." Phil sniffled again, and shook his head. "But I should know better. I just - I wish you'd thought of a better surprise than pretending you couldn't come and see me like you promised. I had so many plans -" Phil stopped, then, remembering again the ring up in his bedroom. He wondered after everything had been ruined, if it would be stupid to propose now.
"I know," Dan said honestly. He glanced around the room, trying not to look at Phil. He didn't want phil to feel guilty for Dan's actions. He hadn’t done anything wrong. It was Dan who did this. "I'm not upset with you for thinking that. I know how it is and I get that from my peers a lot too. But I swear, Phil, I'm not going to leave you. Ever. You're kind of stuck with me whether you like it or not." Dan chuckled and found a spot on the wall to stare intensely at. "Colby's just an idiot and I'm an even bigger idiot for taking his suggestion of a surprise." His head snapped up when Phil mentioned he had a lot of plans and he smiled sheepishly. "Well, why can't we do those plans still? I may or may not have a couple more surprises up my sleeve, hopefully ones that are better than my other shitty idea." Dan grinned brightly, waiting a few suspenseful moments before telling Phil his plans. "I managed to talk to my professors, and since I've done all of the work for the next week, they agreed to let me have the rest of this week's classes off." It was currently a Saturday. "So you have me until Sunday morning, unless you'd like to ship me back before then."
Phil's heart was in his throat, and his eyes were wide, because wow, now that was quite the surprise. His mouth quite literally fell open to hear what Dan's plan had been all along, and then, because he couldn't' help himself, he rushed forward and slapped Dan on the shoulder. "You're so stupid!" he groaned, throwing himself at Dan. "God, you absolute idiot, why didn't you just surprise me with that! I thought you were going to have to catch the train tonight, damnit, Dan," he complained, and shoved his face into his neck again. Why was his boyfriend so dumb? He could have just started with that, or, you know, not pretended that Phil couldn't see Dan at all. He groaned and squeezed his eyes shut, though he couldn't seem to keep himself from smiling. "I hate you so much, Dan, God," he complained. He couldn't believe that he was going to have Dan all to himself for practically a week. Even though it really wasn’t much, it felt like everything because more often than not, Dan and Phil got about eight hours maximum with each other a week, and that was on a good week. Nothing could have been better than Dan planning a few days with him, despite school, and Phil just wanted to curl up and hold him tight. If nothing else could have proved to Phil just how much Dan loved him, that had. Slowly, he pulled himself out of Dan's arms with a wide grin, and said "You're not messing with me again, right? LIke, you really can stay, and you sorted it all out before you left?" he asked, just to make sure. Screw his plans, they could talk about those later.
At first, Dan thought Phil was mad again. He nearly had a heart attack when Phil launched himself at him, smacking his shoulder and berating him, and then Phil was just complaining that Dan hadn’t led with this, and Dan knew it was a good surprise. He grinned and laughed, burying his face into Phil's neck and kissing the skin there lightly. "Sorry, sorry! You know I have to be overdramatic. You should have figured I'd make a dumbass out of myself at one point or another today," Dan giggled. He tightened his arms around Phil, basking in the feeling of holding him. "You secretly love me, I know you do." He frowned as Phil asked if Dan was sure, a pang going through his chest at that, but he knew Phil had the right to be cautious now. Dan probably would be too at this point. "I promise. You have me all to yourself for an actual week. No if, ands, or buts. Just me and my sprawling ass taking up more than half of your bed."
Phil relaxed immediately at Dan's reassurances, and sighed, letting himself melt into Dan's embrace and just hold him back. This was the longest they'd ever gone at first seeing each other again without kissing, and Phil was starting to miss it now. Holding Dan was just as amazing, though, and he wasn't ready to give it up just yet, so he didn't, choosing instead to just hold onto Dan for a little bit longer. He should have known; Dan was right, he was always way too over dramatic. "Well, my plans for the day are ruined now. I literally have no time left to prepare..." he trailed off. "I swear to God, Dan, if you ever let Colby or anyone else convince you to do something so dumb ever again, I think I’m going to kill you," he said, and finally pulled back from Dan's neck to smile up at him. Dan had gotten taller again. Dan was getting taller than him by quite a bit, now, enough that Phil could tell at least. That reminder for some reason made him grin, and he leaned up to peck Dan on the chin. "You idiot... did you know you're the only person I can even think of when I'm at school? I don't have eyes for anyone else," he said, sappy as fuck.
Dan didn't have any complaints about holding Phil. He could probably hold him forever, if he was being honest. They were way past due for an embrace, and Dan didn't think he wanted to let go anytime soon. The only reason he would possibly want to move away was if Phil were to kiss him, but he didn't think that was something Phil wanted to do just yet. "Well good thing I have some plans," Dan murmured, nuzzling his face into Phil's hair and breathing in deeply. "I promise I won't do something like that again. I'll make it up to you one way or another." Phil pulled away, looking up at him with a smile that took Dan's breath away. It was strange how short Phil was now, how he could press his lips to Dan's chin without having to bend down anymore. Dan didn't mind, he kind of liked it. "I can only think about you as well. I've only got eyes for you, honestly, and everything I do is for you. I have so much artwork of your face hanging up in my room that it's on the verge of stalkerish, if I'm being honest."
Honestly, Phil was more happy than he could say that Dan had so many pictures of him. Phil had seen it, actually, and Dan often asked Phil to pose for him during skype calls because he apparently needed constant reminders of Phil in his dorm room. It was hard, when he had Danh directly in front of him, to remember why he'd ever thought Dan would cheat on him. Phil sighed. "I'm sorry I'm so insecure. I should know better by now. It's just. This is a huge day," Phil said, and he didn't just mean because it was their two year anniversary. Phil had been planning to propose. He still was, if he could just find that ring... "How bout this," Phil decided suddenly. "Let's make the next eight days all about our anniversary. Then we can celebrate both our plans, and I don't have to feel so bad about mine getting messed up," he declared.
Dan hummed and tightened his arms around Phil's waist. He set his chin on Phil's head and tried to resist the urge to just kiss all of his worries away. He wouldn't kiss Phil unless Phil wanted him to, he didn't want to overstep his boundaries right now. "It's hard to be reminded of that stuff when I'm not with you all the time. Besides, I have stuff to work on too, just like everyone else. I'm too overdramatic and make horrible decisions. It's just something we need to work on together." Dan lightly kissed Phil's hair, swaying them back and forth. It was almost like they were dancing. "I like that idea a lot. We'll start all bright and early tomorrow so we can do your plans, sound good? We have all the time in the world."
Dan was way too wonderful. Phil still had no idea how he had ever gotten so lucky as to get Dan to be his boyfriend. Always understanding, and despite how over dramatic he could be, the most gentle person Phil had ever known. He sighed pressed his face into Dan's neck where Dan had pulled him close, and kissed lightly there. "I love you a lot, you know?" he said gently. "Happy anniversary, since I haven't said it yet. You're... honestly the best thing that has ever happened to me. I don't know what I would do with you," he added, and finally, because he'd been thinking of it for hours now, he pulled away from Dan and leaned up to kiss him, soft and sweet. The feeling of their lips being pressed together again after so, so long of not seeing each other was actually heaven, just as it always was. Phil would never get over how it felt to kiss Dan, and he sighed as their mouths came together, opening himself up to Dan, and just wanting to let Dan have all of him. After a day like today, Phil just wanted to be close to his boyfriend.
"I love you more than you'll ever know," Dan sighed. Phil's words made him smile, made him think that perhaps he didn't fuck up this day nearly as much as he'd thought he had. He was so grateful to have someone like Phil in his life. Someone who loved him and made him feel like he could achieve anything. Someone who loved him despite his bad decisions and overdramatized personality. Even after two years, it was refreshing. Dan would never get tired of being with Phil. "Happy anniversary, love. I can't imagine a future without you and you make me the happiest man alive." Phil leaned up then, a soft smile on his face, and Dan had a moment where he lost his breath just as Phil leaned in to kiss him. Dan melted, putty in Phil's hands. That's what he'd been waiting for all this time, and it was absolutely much needed. Their lips fit together just as they always did, perfectly and in sync. Phil was as soft as ever, holding Dan like he was the most delicate thing in the world, and Dan found that his eyes were wet with emotion. "God, I've missed this," Dan murmured when they pulled back, nuzzling his nose against Phil's.
Phil was reluctant to pull away, as he always was, if he was honest, but he did so because he didn't want to make this kiss about lust. He just wanted to have a moment with his boyfriend, sappy as that was, and sink into him for forever. Dan was Phil's whole world, and he'd missed him so much these past few months. Sighing as their lips parted, Phil's eyes opened slowly, and he frowned to find Dan's eyes wet with tears. "I missed this, too," Phil whispered, reaching up to wipe his fingers under Dan's eyes, towards his nose to catch the few tears that had slipped off there as well. "Hey, shh... don't cry. Aw, Dan... one day soon, we'll be done with school, and then we won't have to be apart anymore," he said, suddenly feeling his own heart break. He hated seeing Dan cry, hated when it was something that Phil couldn't fix for him. "Come here," he whispered, and drew Dan back in for a tight hug. "Don't think about it, okay? Let's just enjoy the next eight days we've got off together. My parents won't be home for another week, we have the house to ourselves... and no one's gonna come around and interrupt us this time. We can have these days completely to ourselves," Phil promised him.
"I'm just sappy and I love you and I want to live together already," Dan whined, pouting. But he let Phil wipe away his tears, let him draw him closer and whisper sweet things into his ear that made Dan feel warm inside. He melted into Phil's embrace and just let him hold him. Today was emotional, more so than Dan thought it would be, but then again he was always sappy as fuck around Phil. "I'll take you up on that, then. I'm glad I could come when your parents are away. I want you all to myself."
Phil could hardly blame Dan for wanting to live together already when Phil wanted nothing but the same. In fact, Phil wanted so much more... he wanted to marry Dan, and even if it did seem early to others, even if it did seem strange to get married but not able to live together just yet... Phil wanted this. Phil wanted to tether himself to Dan already, wanted to feel like this was real, and permanent, and that they were secure. He thought, maybe, it might even make being apart easier, knowing that in the end, their hearts belonged to each other. Yeah... yeah, Phil was still going to propose this weekend, whether it was tonight, or the final night, he didn't care. Grabbing hard around Dan's waist, Phil pulled him in close. "You've got me," he insisted, and leaned in for a more than brief kiss, sighing as their lips came together again. Dan really did look nice today, all dressed up just for Phil. It was really too bad that all Phil wanted was to get him out of those clothes now - or better yet, get Dan to do something with him while they were still on.
"I know I've got you," Dan murmured, and he sighed appreciatively as Phil leaned back in for another kiss. It was different than the last one, not quite as soft but just that little bit more intense. Dan opened himself up to Phil, letting Phil do what he wanted with him. He knew that no matter what, Phil would make him feel good and wanted. He'd missed Phil so much that he would pretty much jump him right here and now if he had the chance. But they were still in the kitchen, and Dan didn't think that was very sanitary. So instead he bit down on Phil's bottom lip before sucking on it, soothing it over with his tongue. Phil made a small noise into the kiss and Dan used this to his advantage to slide his tongue past his lips. He explored Phil's mouth in just the way he knew Phil liked, running his hands down his sides and just feeling.
It wasn't fair. It was never fair how Dan could make him feel. A jolt of arousal surged through Phil at the feeling of Dan biting his lip only to lick into his mouth immediately after, hands rubbing down Phil's sides. Phils stomach clenched, and he reached for Dan, grabbing at his hips and pulling him closer still. It was so hard being away from Dan so often, so hard having to feel his absence. They used to go at it pretty often as well, holding a healthy sex life, and while they still sometimes had skype sex, Phil missed this, being able to feel Dan under his hands. Before he could stop himself, he was running his hands up under Dan"s shirt, just to touch him. "You had plans," he gasped, pulling back from Dan's gorgeous mouth the tiniest bit. "If you don't want to wait, I suggest you stop before I shove you onto this kitchen counter and get you back for lying to me."
Even though they'd been together for two years now, kissing Phil was always a new experience. Sure, he knew the things that Phil liked, knew what got Phil to tick, but he learned something new about Phil every day. He would never, ever get tired of this. Phil pulled away far too soon, his lips cherry red and his pupils blown wide with arousal. Dan was there too. He hadn't been touched like this in weeks, so even just kissing was enough to make Dan sport a semi. He felt like he was sixteen again, getting aroused at every moment possible. "My plans definitely include getting into your trousers one way or another, so I wouldn't have any objections if you shoved me onto the counter now," Dan teased lightly, kissing the tip of Phil's nose when he pouted. "But you're right. I have a few tricks down my sleeve. I did want to give you something first, though, to celebrate our anniversary." He stepped out of Phil's arms and turned to where he'd laid his backpack on the ground, digging through it until he found it. When he did, he handed it to Phil, grinning. "Happy two years! This is a scrapbook thing I made for you. Except I took pictures we had of ourselves and recreated them in drawings and painting, so it was a bit more special." He watched as Phil opened the first page, pointing at the first picture. It was a painting he'd replicated of the picture his parents had taken before their first date together. "There's a bunch of them in there. I really hope you like it."
Phil shuddered and closed his eyes at that, disappointed when Dan pulled away, but also really excited for whatever Dan had planned for him. Of course, when Dan turned to pull something out of the bag Phil hadn't even realized he had, he wasn't expecting the scrap book handed to him. His eyes had gone wide before he had even opened the first page. But the second that he did, his jaw dropped open and he nearly started crying all over again. Somehow, with all the work that Dan had been doing for school, he'd somehow also managed to do all this, as we, paintings and drawings of all the special moments of their lives, with the first one being that of their first date. "Dan," Phil said, voice choked up with emotion. "How...?" he asked
Dan knew that Phil liked it by the way his voice got all choked up, how his eyes were wide and he seemed as if he was going to burst into tears at any given moment. A burst of pride rushed through Dan at that. He was happier than he could ever explain that Phil liked this present, and he was excited to give Phil his other presents too. But not yet. Those could wait until later. "I stayed up late a lot of nights and started working on my projects as soon as I got them. If I had an hour between classes, I would skip lunch and go straight to the studio to work on that. Took me about two months and I nearly didn't get it finished in time, but I'm glad I did." Dan smiled down at Phil. "Like it?" he asked, even though he already knew the answer.
Phil didn't know whether to thank Dan again, or smack him for putting himself through that for Phil. He was too busy staring at his scrap book as he slowly flipped through to do much of anything though, the tears quite suddenly overflowing and cascading down his cheeks. Finally, about three pages into the scrap book, flipping past a photo of their first weekend together ever outside of camp, Phil slowly looked back up at Dan. "You promised you were looking after yourself. That isn't looking after yourself," he complained, sniffling. "Of course I like it, you idiot. It's amazing," he whispered, and turned his attention back down to the art sat open in his palms. If he could, he would stroke his fingers over it, but he was struggling to hold it enough as it was. His hands were shaking. His present suddenly didn't seem to add ip to this at all, despite the price. This was - "Priceless. This is priceless, Dan, I can't -" Phil closed the book carefully, placing it down on the table, and threw himself back into Dan's arms again. "Thank you so much."
Phil had started to cry - actually cry, tears of joy - and it made Dan's heart swell in his chest. He reached for Phil, but Phil was still looking through the scrapbook and he didn't want to interrupt him. So instead he let his hand just reach out and stroke Phil's cheek, gathering the wetness there. "I was taking care of myself. Besides, I think you're more important than a few less hours of sleep each night. It was worth it, and I’d do it a hundred times over again if it would make you happy." The words were so fucking cheesy, but Dan didn't care. It was their anniversary. He was allowed to be cheesy, dammit. Phil was back in his arms then, and Dan let him snuggle into his chest. He would gladly throw away all of his plans just for this, if he was honest. "I'm glad you like it so much. Can we - can we just go lay down and cuddle for a bit?" Dan asked, squeezing Phil tightly. "I just want to be with you like this for a bit. My small plans can wait for a bit longer. I just wanna hold you."
There was nothing Phil could want more than to have Dan holding him, and he found himself smiling and nodding into Dan's hold in no time. He still couldn't get over just how much taller Dan suddenly was, and sighed into his embrace. "Yes, please," he agreed softly. "I'd really like that," he added, any sense of arousal temporarily gone from the inordinately sweet anniversary present Dan had gotten for him. Phil didn't know how he was going to explain he'd spent all of his spare money on an engagement ring and was therefore unable to offer Dan any other presents. "God, I love you," he said, before finally pulling away and taking Dan's hand in his. The scrap book could wait. Phil had more important concerns right now, and that included taking Dan up to his bedroom for a cuddle; so he did just that, dragging Dan along with him upstairs before collapsing onto his bed in Dan's arms. "I think you're forgiven with a present like that," he said. "As long as you promise nothing is ever gonna happen with your stupid roommate," Phil added, half teasing.
"I love you too," Dan replied easily and with feeling, allowing himself to be dragged to Phil's room. When they got there, he raised his eyebrows at the mess that was Phil's room. It looked like he'd literally pulled all of his things out of his drawers and just left them on the floor. "Damn, you really let yourself get out of hand, Phil," Dan sighed dramatically, giggling but allowing Phil to tug him into his bed. This was all he wanted, truly, and he sunk into Phil's arms easily. With his new height, it was a bit harder and stranger to lay his head on Phil's chest, but he still managed, listening to Phil's heartbeat thrumming calmly. "I won't. Colby's an even bigger idiot than I am so you don't have anything to worry about." Dan leaned his head up and kissed Phil's chin. "I'm all yours, Prince Charming."
Phil's heart nearly stopped when he remembered the fact that his room was a mess, and that he'd tossed the soft, velvet box of his engagement ring onto the floor last night, where Dan could potentially find it if worse came to worse, and stilled in his arms on the bed, hoping and praying that despite the fact that his room was a mess, it would be for the best, so Dan wouldn't find Phil's present early. He was determined to have his romantic picnic date before he popped the question, determined to wait until the sex was out of their systems a bit more so they could just focus on the romance of being together, and so when Dan leaned up and kissed his chin, calling him Prince Charming, Phil felt himself relax. "Is that who I am to you?" he murmured, kissing the top of Dan's head. He'd always enjoyed being the one to curl around Dan, and Dan was making it so he could, despite his new height. "I think I could get used to being your Prince Charming if you'll be mine."
"You've always been my Prince Charming," Dan said conversationally. He grinned into Phil's chest as Phil kissed his head, making his heart do that weird flutter that it always did whenever Phil did something exceptionally sweet. Phil really was his Prince Charming, considering the way they'd met and Dan had fallen head over heels for him. "Think about it. I was straight until you came along - the prettiest boy I've ever seen - and you swept me right off my feet. You definitely have the charm of a prince as well." Dan laughed, shaking his head as Phil told him that Dan had to be his Prince Charming as well. "I think I'm more of a damsel in distress, considering half the time we talk on the phone I'm always crying about my art homework."
Phil should have been expecting this to get sappy fast, considering it was their anniversary, and yet, when Dan started complimenting him, he couldn't help feeling himself blush and want to hide, something warm and sudden curling in his belly. His heart was doing those crazy little flips it always did when Dan talked about just how much he loved Phil, and he found himself squirming a little bit under Dan. "Stop," he whined, the sound soft and breathy and full of adoration despite it all. "I did not sweep you off your feet," he denied, even though it very much so felt like he had. "I love you, so much," he added for good measure, and kissed Dan once more on the head. His lips quirked down to have Dan say he was a damsel in distress, though, and he squeezed his arms more tightly around Dan. "That's not true. Even Prince Charming's have to cry sometimes. Besides, school is hard. You can't blame yourself for having a rough time sometimes. You work so hard, Dan," Phil murmured to him, the way he always did, only for once, he could actually hold Dan like he normally wanted to but couldn't. It was a reaffirming feeling. Phil was happy for it. "You're the strongest person I know."
Dan giggled as Phil grew embarrassed by his compliments, beginning to squirm under Dan like he always did when he got slightly overwhelmed by Dan's utter cheesiness. Dan just couldn't help it, though, if he was being honest. Phil was easy to compliment, and Dan was just so utterly in love with him that it made compliments very easy to provide. "You did sweep me off my feet though!" Dan exclaimed, laughing. "And I love you too." Phil kissed Dan's head once more and Dan felt warmth in his entire body again. He just couldn't believe how far they'd gotten, if he was being honest. From when they first met at the young age of sixteen to being in university, Dan wanted nothing more than to celebrate what they had between them. It was a good thing, despite all of the hiccups, and it was definitely worth the long distance. Dan groaned though, when Phil brought up school. "Art is hard considering I'm going to probably be a starving artist," Dan muttered, shaking his head. He was smiling nonetheless though, because Phil was here and Phil made him feel good. He tilted his head up to look at Phil, smirking. "When I'm out of a job and have to stay at home with the kids, I fully expect you to provide for our family," Dan teased, laughing loudly as Phil smacked him lightly on the back to hush him.
Phil smacked at Dan, scoffing at him and nuzzling at him all at the same time, uncaring that Dan seemed to think he wasn't going to get anywhere with his art. Phil knew better; Dan was a truly stunning artist, and even if it did take a little while for Dan to get his feet off the ground, Phil knew he'd manage it. Still. "I promise to keep you on your feet with my teacher's salary when we get there, but only if you promise to let me retire early once you start making millions." Phil laughed, knowing that he'd never want to give up teaching if he got to talk about astronomy and the stars and space all day, but the teasing was well meaning regardless. He knew Dan's concerns were sincere, despite Phil not expecting them to ever be a problem. There were so many ways Dan could make a living with his art, and Phil believed in him completely.
"I'll be the new age Van Gogh," Dan joked. "Except hopefully I start making money before I die." He sighed, nuzzling his face into Phil's chest. He honestly didn't like to think about his future with art too much, just because he didn't know what he wanted to do with it yet. He did have somewhat of an idea, thinking that perhaps he would like to work with an animation company at some point, but most of the major companies like Adult Swim and Disney were in the United States. He didn't know if Phil would be down to moving all the way across the planet just so Dan could pursue a career with one of those companies. Instead of voicing his concerns right now, he just leaned up and pressed his lips to Phil's, sighing as their lips moulded together once more. Kissing Phil was his favourite thing in the entire world.
Phil didn't really get a chance to reply to Dan before Dan was leaning up and kissing him once more, and really, who was Phil to deny him that? It seemed like a natural, necessary end to their conversation regardless, something they both needed right then so they could get back to their happy anniversary rather than stressing about their futures. They did enough of that already, so Phil shifted so Dan could move to straddle him, lay on top of him, and threaded his own fingers through the back of Dan's chestnut hair, just to tug him close and because he liked the feeling of his fingers buried there. He'd missed touching Dan like this so much.
Always giving Dan what he wanted, Phil adjusted him so he was no longer buried into Phil's chest, but rather straddling him. Dan's legs were on either side of Phil's thighs and he was leaning down so his arms were braced around Phil's head, kissing him softly. Dan let out a pleased sigh when Phil threaded his fingers through his hair, loving the way he just ran his fingers through his hair, how it made Dan relax and completely melt. "Missed you so much," Dan mumbled against Phil's lips before attaching his lips back to Phil's without giving him a chance to speak. He didn't want Phil to be speaking right now. He just wanted to be kissed until he couldn't breathe, damn it.
Phil didn't get a chance to reply to Dan before Dan was kissing him all over, sighing against Phil's mouth and situating himself a little more comfortably on top of Phil. So far gone for his boyfriend, Phil didn't even mind, and found himself returning the kiss a bit more passionately than Dan might have actually wanted right then. To be fair, though, Dan and Phil had a tendency to fall into making out intently on whatever surface was available when they were finally able to see each other again. Phil let one hand stay in Dan's hair as they kissed, licking into Dan's mouth with intent, while he let the other trail down over his back until he found the hem. He rucked that up with his hand, wanting to touch Dan properly, and stroked over the soft, tanned skin he found there lightly, nails scratching because Dan liked that, and because Phil wanted to mark Dan up as all his all over again. He was panting into the kiss before long, moaning as he turned his head to get in deeper, caressing Dan's tongue with his own and mouthing against him aggressively, fingers twisting in his hair and pulling him even closer still. Dan had a semi - Phil could feel it pressing into his stomach, and he used his touch on Dan's back to press him down harder, press him in deeper against Phil's body, rolling his own upwards so that Dan could feel his own semi pressing into his thigh.
The kiss went from zero to a hundred really quick, and Dan didn't mind in the slightest. He always liked to kiss Phil, always liked anything that Phil wanted to do with him, so he wasn't going to complain when Phil suddenly seemed to want just that little bit more. Because truth be told, Dan wanted that too. He wanted to finally feel Phil against him, to get their naked skin touching, to feel Phil pushing into him once again. It had been far too long since Dan had had sex, and it was obvious. As soon as Phil was running his hands against the skin of his back, sliding his tongue past Dan's lips to explore his mouth, Dan knew he was a goner. He was breathing heavily, panting, and whining each time Phil scraped his nails down his back. Dan knew what Phil was doing. He was marking him up, just in the way they both liked, that way Dan would have long red lines down his back. Phil pushed his hand down on Dan's lower back, forcing his hips down so Dan was grinding his growing hard on into Phil's, and it made a shock go up Dan's spine. He groaned rather loudly at the feeling of Phil's own erection pressing up against his own. He needed this, more than he had originally thought. "I want you," Dan whispered hotly, trailing kisses down Phil's jawline and sucking a mark into the sensitive skin of his neck.
Phil wasn't particularly happy about Dan removing their mouths from each other, but if the exchange was Dan mouthing along his throat instead, he was hardly one to complain. Not to mention Dan was asking him for more, very clearly and obviously desperate for Phil's body pressed to his. Groaning a bit at the way Dan scrabbled against him, readjusting and grinding their hips together all over again, Phil tightened his hold on Dan and arched his own neck. "You have me," he growled, "So do with me what you will." At that, Dan bit down into Phil's neck, marking him up, and Phil used his fingers in Dan's hair to pull his head back, both of their eyes half lidded as they stared at each other. Dan was panting, the sound harsh in the quiet of Phil's room, desperate, and enough to almost make Phil want to really get him undone. There were so many things that Phil wanted to do to Dan, so many filthy things, and before he knew it, he found himself rolling them both over until he had Dan pinned underneath him, his wrists in a hold over his head, and Phil's hand rucking up his shirt past his nipples, but not bothering to take it off. "Have me," Phil whispered to him, before leaning in to press his own lips over Dan's naked chest, biting and sucking at the skin there to leave his mark.
Dan growled low in his throat and bit down hard on the skin of Phil's neck. He liked the way Phil told him that he had him, that he could do what he wanted with him, and he did just that, biting and sucking until Phil grabbed his hair to pull him away. He knew he looked wrecked, just as Phil did too. They were both thriving on lust at this point, on the lust that they couldn't release just by masturbation alone. It was then that Phil was flipping him over, pinning him down. His hands were soft but demanding when they lifted up his shirt, and Dan just wanted to scream at him, to tell him to do something, anything, but Phil was just staring at him, telling Dan that he could have him. Finally, Phil was lowering his mouth, giving Dan the same treatment on his chest as Dan gave to Phil's neck. He whimpered loudly, his hips bucking erratically, and he tried to lace his fingers through Phil's hair, except Phil was suddenly pushing him down, holding his wrists in place and making it so he couldn't move anything but his hips. "Phil," Dan groaned, his eyes fluttering shut.
The way Dan said Phil's name would always make arousal shoot through him unlike ever before, and he made a low whining sound in the back of his throat as he continued his ministrations on Dan's naked upper body. All this skin, unblemished, unmarked, all laid out before him for Phil to claim all over again. The lust was purely taking over now. All he wanted was to have Dan, as he nipped and sucked, scraped his teeth down Dan's skin, moved to his bellybutton to suck at the hole he always abused. He mouthed over Dan, sucked at him, dipped his tongue into that small little spot, his hands releasing Dan's wrists so he could reach down and push Dan's hips into the bed. Dan's hands tangled into his hair, but Phil didn't mind, nipping at Dan all over again before pulling away, staring up at his boyfriend with lust tinged eyes, his pupils blown. "I fucking missed you," he managed to growl, his dick twitching in his pants, fully hard now. All he wanted was Dan, he just didn't know in what way, this time. Making love would have to come at another time - all of a sudden, Phil was far too swept up in the passion to take this slow, and he dug his fingers into Dan's jeans, his boxers, and yanked them both down, the button popping on its own and the zipper coming down too.
Over the years, Phil had gotten way too good with his mouth. He knew exactly how to make Dan moan and writhe under him, knew all of the soft spots to suck to make Dan keen. It was wonderful. Phil was wonderful. And Dan just wanted nothing more but to have Phil right here and right now. "I missed you too," Dan managed to gasp out, and then his trousers were gone, his dick springing free as Phil tugged his boxers down as well. He was naked from his waist beneath Phil, staring up at his boyfriend hungrily as he struggled a bit with his own clothes. Dan was still wearing his shirt, but he didn't mind. He always liked to give Phil the power to choose what he did with him. Even when Dan was the one fucking Phil, topping on those rare occasions, he usually liked for Phil to call the shots, just because it made him so happy to have Phil do what he wanted. That alone turned him on more than anything else in the world. "Hurry up," Dan whined, noting Phil's hesitation as he raked his eyes down his body. "I'm not gonna fuck myself you know, Phil."
Phil groaned. He'd been doing his best to get his clothes off now that he'd gotten Dan as stripped as he'd wanted him, but he’d hesitated because he'd been unsure how they were going to do this. Apparently, Dan was all for getting fucked tonight, so Phil groaned, and climbed over Dan for his bedside drawer. "You sure?" he asked. "I could - anything you want, Dan," he insisted, even as he pulled out the lube and a condom, unsure what exactly Dan wanted but wanting to be prepared with everything.
Phil seemed unsure of his actions, which made Dan roll his eyes playfully. Usually, Phil was so sure of what he wanted, so positive, telling Dan how he wanted him, when he wanted him, and who was getting fucked that night. But apparently, Dan was going to have to take his own initiative and say what he was thinking. Dan shook his head as Phil pulled out the condom, plucking it out of his hands. "No," he said simply, tossing it to the side and looking at Phil with a half question in his eyes, as if asking is this okay? "I want to feel you. All of you." And then Dan thought, he wanted to try something new, something for the special occasion. Then he had an idea and his eyes lit up. "Phil. Do you have that blindfold and the handcuffs we bought a while ago and never used?"
The condom was gone, ripped from Phil's hands, before he could even think to rip it open, and he stared nearly astonished as he looked at Dan. They'd only barebacked a few times now, and it was usually really messy. While Phil liked it well enough, something that ignited the desperate, possessive urges deep inside of him, he'd never been sure if Dan liked it that much, so to have Dan being the one to suggest they do it bare this time was completely new. To be fair, Phil had kind of left the decision making to Dan for once. Of course, nothing could top the way Dan asked for the blindfold and the handcuffs they had bought and never used before, and Phil felt a surge of arousal so hot rush through him then that he groaned as he scrambled from the bed and onto his hands and knees to find the items he'd tossed under his bed so long ago. "One - second," he gasped, bare bum high in the air as he searched.
It made Dan laugh slightly at how surprised Phil was when he took the condom away and demanded they have sex without it. It wasn't like they'd not done it bareback before so it wasn't like Dan was asking something particularly strange, but that was just it. Dan was usually not the one to initiate things, and Phil was insecure about how Dan felt having cum in his ass, so Dan understood. Truth be told, he liked it a lot. Loved it, even. He liked the feel of Phil sliding into him with no barrier between them, liked the warmth that spread through him when Phil came inside of him. Fuck, he was leaking just thinking about it. And then Phil was bending over, putting his bare ass in the air, and Dan's mind went blank. He just stared. Phil's ass was the definition of perfection, round and plump and pale, and Dan loved to grab it, to smack it, to make it turn a bright red colour. He couldn't hold himself back when he stood up, coming to stand behind Phil, and slapped his boyfriend's ass. And just because he could, he grinded his hard cock on the soft skin, groaning deep in his throat. "So fucking pretty, Phil," Dan murmured, bending over so he could press a kiss to Phil's spine. "When you bend over like that, you're the one practically begging to be fucked."
Oh. Phil's eyes were wide, and he actually shot up, narrowly avoiding hitting his head on the bottom of his bed as he came out with the blindfold and the handcuffs he and Dan had bought, surprised by how much he'd just liked the feeling of Dan spanking him, grinding into him with his cock all hard and leaking already, and suddenly, he was throbbing for exactly that, the way it felt to have Dan pressed all deep inside of him, making him feel so, so fucking good. Everything Phil did with Dan was good, but he rarely bottomed, though when he did, it was always amazing. Despite Dan's earlier obvious desire to get fucked, Phil suddenly wanted nothing more than to have Dan in him instead, all bare so he could mark his territory coming inside of Phil. Phil shuddered at the idea of it, at the idea of using Dan like that, all tied up for him while Phil fucked himself on his boyfriends cock. "Fuck," he muttered, tossing the items onto his bed in front of him, and stood to turn and grab Dan's hips. "Fuck me, then," Phil growled, slamming their mouths together roughly. "Let me use you, Dan, all tied up for me," he groaned into the kiss, and bit down on Dan's lip, grinding his dick up and into Dan's body, head turned awkwardly as Dan reached to hold him back.
The moment where everything clicked into place and Phil realised what Dan was insinuating was both torturous and hilarious. Dan was slightly unsure of himself, if Phil even wanted to be fucked, but the way that Phil's eyes bugged out was way too cute. And then Phil snapped, cursing under his breath as he threw the items on the bed. Dan nearly wasn't ready when Phil crushed their lips together in a heated kiss, one that left Dan gasping for air and wanting more. Phil was nipping at his lips, grinding into him and speaking dirty words that made Dan feel like he was going to cum right then and there. He didn't though, instead grabbing Phil's hips and grinding roughly into him, moaning as their bare cocks pressed tight together. He was still wearing his shirt, which was strange, but that didn't seem to matter now. "Tie me up, Phil. Use my cock like one of those vibrators you have when I can't be here to fuck you." Phil was pushing Dan back onto the bed, and even though he was topping tonight, Dan still felt like Phil was somehow still the one in charge. "Let me fill you up and feel how tight you are around me."
God, God, Dan's mouth was going to be the death of him. Phil could feel his skin growing hotter and hotter with every word, his body aching to have Dan pressed deep inside of him, and all he could do was moan as he managed to maneuver the two of them until Dan had fallen back flat on his bed. He could still remember the night's he'd ached for Dan, buying a vibrator off the internet to be delivered to him discreetly so he could fuck himself on camera for Dan, loving the way Dan's mouth fell open to see Phil straddling the black silicone deftly. The colour had reminded Phil of Dan, and while he sometimes used it to press against his own dick, the vibration settings enough for him to pretend he was rutting against Dan, he did actually use it to fuck himself from time to time as well. Having Dan remind him of that made Phil's hole clench in desperate desire, and as he climbed on top of Dan to straddle him, he grabbed the blindfold as well. "Fuck, Dan. Wanna use you so bad. Gonna let me?" he asked, desperate and horny. They'd never done this before; never had Dan been at Phil's complete mercy until now, and he felt like he was going to burst with it.
"I can't wait to have you using my cock to get off," Dan agreed, watching with bright eyes as Phil grabbed the blindfold. Before he allowed Phil to put it on, he dragged him into another kiss, slipping his tongue past Phil's lips to taste him. His hands explored the rest of Phil's body, so warm and soft on top of him, and he pressed his fingertips all over Phil's sides and hips because he knew that he wouldn't be able to do so later on. He was excited, his body practically vibrating as he thought about Phil's body sucking him up, allowing Dan to mark him as his own. He groaned and fell back, panting, watching as Phil raised the blindfold once again. "Do you want me to finger you first?" Dan asked, seriously. The last thing he wanted was to have Phil hurting because they didn't properly prepare him first. "Or are you going to finger fuck yourself for me?"
The kiss was heated, and everything that Phil had not realized he'd needed. He could feel his dick pulsing already with want, with a desperate need to get off, aching where it rested on Dan's belly, and his mouth was open and willing with the way Dan kissed him, but he wanted more too, and as Dan pulled away, stopping Phil before he could put the blindfold on him, Phil realized one crucial defect to his plan. He was not going to let himself be fucked before he'd been properly prepared - but how did he want it? If he finger fucked himself for Dan, it wouldn't be worth it if Dan was wearing a blindfold already and couldn't see him, nor could Dan finger fuck him for him if he was blind to the world, so Phil dropped said blindfold onto Dan's chest and grabbed for the bottle of lube, shoving it into Dan's waiting hands and leaning back in to kiss him. "Get me ready for you. Want to stuff myself with your cock."
The words that came out of Phil's mouth were filthy, and the thoughts that flooded Dan's mind afterwards were even filthier. Dan grabbed the lube eagerly, his mind focused on Phil's pretty ass and how he'd be able to bury himself in it. Better yet, he'd be completely in Phil's control, unable to do anything as Phil used him to get off. It was perfect, and so so sexy. Dan couldn't fucking wait. But he also couldn't speed this up, knowing that he'd have to take the proper time to stretch Phil because he wasn't used to it like Dan was. "Gonna make you feel so filled up," Dan purred mindlessly, squirting some of the lube omto his fingers and warming it up. Then he pressed Phil closer to him by the small of his back with his clean hand, a lubed finger prodding at Phil's waiting hole. "Ready?" Dan asked gently.
It was always one of the best feelings in the world to have Dan pressing Phil’s body down on top of him, until their chest and stomachs were pressed together, Phil's cock trapped between them, Dan's nearly pressed aligned with his. It was even better to feel Dan's fingers pressing to his desperate rim, and when Dan asked him if he was ready, all gentle and kind the way he always was, Phil groaned and shoved himself backwards, crying out softly when Dan's' finger pressed inside of him surprisingly deep. "Fuck, fuck," Phil whined, the stretch burning, and not in the best way. He knew it was his own damn fault, but he couldn't' help burying his face into Dan's neck and biting down lightly to keep himself from crying. "Keep - keep going," he insisted despite it all, "Please."
Dan gasped as Phil pressed back without any warning, Dan's finger completely disappearing inside of him, sucked in by Phil's body. Almost immediately, Phil was clenching around him so tightly that Dan knew it had to hurt, and he pressed light peppered kissed around the bare skin of Phil's shoulders. "Phil," Dan reprimanded, shaking his head softly. He could tell that Phil was in pain and he wasn't going to just finger Phil through it. He needed his boyfriend to enjoy this too. "I need you to relax for me, babe. I'll keep going when you're not in pain, okay? I don't want to hurt you." He soothed one hand over Phil's back, guiding it towards Phil's hair to brush his fingers through it. All the while, he mouthed along Phil's collarbones, trying his damnedest to distract Phil enough to keep going like they both wanted.
Phil should have known better. Dan always refused to do anything that might possibly hurt Phil, just the same as Phil always refused to do the same to Dan, and so when Dan shook his head against Phil's, whispering soft, sweet words to him, Phil could do nothing but try and listen to him. The feeling of Dan's mouth on his collarbones, his hand brushing up Phil's back and into his hair. was helping with the tenseness immensely, and, after a short while, once the initial surprise and shock at the pain of Dan penetrating him so quickly had faded, Phil managed to relax himself, unclench so that Dan could prepare him properly. "Okay," he exhaled softly, moaning against Dan's skin when he started to move his fingers slowly, carefully. Phil eagerly went to match his movements, but Dan wasn't not having any of it, his hand in Phil's hair moving swiftly down his body to still his hips with a hand on his lower back. Phil whimpered, but stopped moving nonetheless. If he wanted to get fucked senseless by Dan, wanted to use his boyfriend, he needed to be good right now.
It took a while for Phil to relax around Dan's finger, but that was okay. Dan didn't mind at all. He wanted Phil to enjoy this and have just as much fun as Dan was about to have. He didn't want to rush and hurt Phil just because he was too excited to get Phil on his cock. So Dan waited, kissing all over Phil's skin and petting him with his free hand. Eventually, Phil relaxed, beginning to push his hips back onto Dan's finger, but Dan wasn't having it. He wanted Phil to be at his command, just for a little bit. So with his free arm, he wrapped it around Phil's hips, stilling him firmly in place. "Patience, Phil," Dan murmured, Phil's answering whimper sending a shock of arousal to his cock. He shivered as he started to work his finger in and out of Phil's hole, the tightness of Phil's body driving Dan insane. When Phil had seemed to relax enough, Dan then added his middle finger to slide in alongside his index. He groaned as Phil clenched tighter around him, moving slowly so he could get past that tight ring of muscles and start making Phil feel really good.
The moment that Dan entered the second finger, Phil felt his entire body go taut with desire again, and he knew that was wrong. He needed to relax if he wanted to enjoy this, if he wanted Dan to continue to finger him open, if he wanted to use Dan's cock and get himself off with Dan all tied up for him, but it was hard. It felt so good, and at the same time, it hurt because he couldn't unclench, and he just wanted to get to the good part already. So he huffed, and he panted, and he tried to relax his body on top of Dan's, and he stilled until he could feel himself opening up to Dan. Dan took that as his cue to start pressing in deeper, his fingers searching, and crooking, looking for that spot inside that Phil loved so much, and - there, there it was. Phil moaned, loud in Dan's ear, and bit down at his shoulder as Dan started to abuse that spot with his fingers, making Phil's legs spasm with pleasure and his cock twitch with desire against Dan's belly. "Please," he whined, squeezing his eyes shut and rocking his hips.
"Relax," Dan whispered, though he knew it probably wouldn't help very much just to speak to Phil. Still, he murmured calming words in Phil's ear despite that. He could tell that Phil was turned on, leaking precum onto Dan's belly, and Dan could feel his thighs shaking with the effort not to push down onto Dan's fingers. Dan just held him down with his arm, making sure that Phil couldn't move and hurt himself anymore. He, more than anyone, knew how hard it could be to control yourself when you were so overcome with arousal. Finally, Phil opened up to him once more and Dan let out a little huff of triumph. He started to work his fingers in deeper, crooking his fingers and scissoring them open until he found that spot inside of Phil that made Phil moan loudly and bite down on his shoulder. It kind of hurt, but it was more of a turn on than anything, knowing that Phil was so overcome with pleasure that he resorted to such an animalistic action. He started to rub his fingers repeatedly over Phil's prostate, abusing it, making sure that Phil was open enough that he would be able to fit a third finger inside of him. "I can't wait to get my cock in your pretty little hole," Dan growled in Phil's ear, scissoring his fingers just that much more. Phil was rocking his hips despite Dan's hold on him, and Dan let him because it made Phil's cock brush against Dan's deliciously, and he needed the friction more than anything. "You're so tight, Phil, you're going to feel so good around me."
It wasn't rare for Dan to dirty talk to Phil, no, that was rather common, even. Dan liked to talk just as much as Phil did, but it was rare for Dan to be quite so dominant, rare for Dan to be praising Phil and calling him pretty and suggesting that he was going to feel so good sitting on Dan's cock. It was rare because even when Dan was being dominant in anyway, he was being a bossy bottom, very much so unlike how he was acting now - but now was just as much of a turn on as anything else ever was, and Phil sunk into Dan, licking at his neck and sucking the skin there as he turned his head because he needed some way to show just how good Dan was making him feel, and his vocal chords were currently all tied up with his uneven breathing, making it impossible for him to speak. He started to fuck Dan's fingers in earnest, then, desperate for more, mind spinning with just how overwhelmingly good it felt to have Dan touching him like this, and spread his legs a little as his dick started to rub against Dan's, his body trying to prepare itself for what was coming - his boyfriends really quite beautiful dick. "'Nother," he managed to gasp against Dan's skin where he was still mouthing against him.
For once, Dan decided to listen to Phil. He hummed appreciatively as Phil's hole sucked his fingers in deeper before trying to press a third one inside. As usual, there was some resistance, but Phil seemed to be so overwhelmed with pleasure that Dan didn't have nearly as much trouble this time. The anticipation was killing Dan, making his dick throb, and he rocked his hips to stimulate both of them. His free hand trailed down and grabbed Phil's ass, spreading his cheek so he could press his fingers just a little bit deeper. "Feel good?" Dan hummed, drawing Phil in for another heated kiss.
Did it feel good? Didn't Dan know? Of course he knew, he'd been in the exact same situation as Phi a million times over, now. He should know just how amazing Phil felt right now, and it wasn't' helped by Dan spreading his ass cheeks further apart to get his fingers more properly inside of Phil. Phil couldn't help the way he whined against Dan's mouth, unable to focus on the kiss other than to lick at Dan distractedly. Was there three fingers inside of him now? Phil wasn't sure, but Dan was scissoring him, pressing in deep,stroking along his prostate every chance that he got, stimulating Phil until Phil could feel his cock leaking with the need to come. His dick twitched on Dan's, he could feel Dan leaking in return, twitching and pulsing underneath him, and then, rather suddenly, the coil of tight heat in Phil's stomach burst to release, and Phil dragged himself from Dan with a terrified groan. "Stop, stop, stop," he mumbled, getting Dan's fingers out of him and scrambling off of him with one hand fisted tightly over his cock. He groaned at the stimulation, squeezed, made it hurt, fought off the incoming orgasm, and hated himself for how close he'd come. "Fuck," he said. They hadn't been together in so long... "Sorry, sorry, didn't want to - to come yet. Want you inside of me first."
Dan was being brutal with Phil, and he knew it, but he didn't want to let up. He liked making Phil a right mess on top of him, liked to show Phil just how good he made Dan feel all the time. So when Phil pulled off, his face flushed red, his cock twitching as he squeezed the base, Dan wasn't surprised. He sat up, shaking his head lightly and smiling. "Don't apologize, love. We haven't seen each other in forever." Dan was careful not to touch Phil in any way other than to press his lips to Phil's cheek sweetly. "Do you think you're stretched enough? You can tie me up while you calm yourself down a bit, that way you can take a break."
Phil was definitely stretched enough. Even now, he could feel it, this strange sense of openness, strange sense of emptiness that always came after Dan had been with Phil this way. He was huffing as he tried to agree with Dan, though, still clutching his cock roughly in his hands to keep himself from coming. "Yeah. Yeah, yeah wanna... wanna do that," Phil finally managed to say, and stood to grab the handcuffs and the blindfold. He was shaking from his near orgasm, but he still managed to get the handcuffs out and undone, taking Dans hands in his gently and asking to make sure nothing was too tight as he tied Dan up. They played with the give, made sure Dan would not get hurt, and then Phil reached for the blindfold as well. "Ready?" he asked, knowing any kind of sensory deprivation could be terrifying.
"I'm ready," Dan managed to get out. He watched with hungry eyes as Phil shakily grabbed the blindfold and handcuffs, seeming to still be trying to get himself out of his near-orgasm. He held still as Phil cuffed his hands to the headboard of the bed, making sure that they were tight enough that Dan couldn't get loose, but not tight enough that it would hurt him. A thrill went through Dan at this, and he nodded once more as Phil held up the blindfold. Once he had those on, he would have next to no idea what was going on, would only be able to hear Phil and feel him on top of him. It was going to be such a new experience for the both of them, one that Dan was excited to try with Phil. "Safe-word is cats," Dan told Phil, a word they used only on rare occasions when their kinky sex got a bit too much. Dan grinned lazily at Phil, trying to reach out to grab him, but the handcuffs held him back. Dan loved it. "Blindfold me. I want to feel you."
Relieved when Dan had the presence of mind to remind them both of their rarely used safeword, Phil swallowed thickly at him and started to get the blindfold ready, feeling a thrill go through him at both Dan’s words and the way he reached for Phil, held back by the handcuffs already around his wrists. Phil leant forward for one final kiss, feeling his cock twitch between his legs, and when he pulled back, he pushed the blindfold over Dan's eyes to instantly blind him. His heart was racing as he encouraged Dan to lean his head forward so Phil could tie it, and he found himself going breathless at the sight laid out before him; Dan, completely at his mercy. When he was done, he pulled away and found himself moaning softly, leaning in to pepper Dan's face with kisses. "Fuck. You look so good like this," he insisted, pushing himself backwards so he could get into position, grabbing Dan's dick in his hand and aligning him at his entrance. "Can't wait to have you inside me. Can't wait to use you for my own pleasure. Look so pretty like this, Daniel. Gonna take all of you," he breathed, and because he knew Dan wouldn’t see it coming, he slammed Dan's cock home inside of himself.
Putting on the blindfold was... strange, to say the least. Dan had thought he was prepared for it, thought that he knew what to expect, but that wasn't the case at all. As soon as Phil put the blindfold on him, a whole new world opened up for Dan. He couldn't see, couldn't move, and his skin prickled with the anticipation. He didn't know what Phil was planning on doing, or how he was looking at him. All he could feel was Phil's thighs on either sides of his hips, just sort of holding himself up, and then there were small kisses being pressed to Dan's face, brushing against his skin and making his cheeks tingle. Phil's words went straight to his dick, every touch electrified a thousand times over. Dan could hardly breathe. "Please," Dan begged, and it was strange how easily he fell back into his routine of being submissive during sex, even though Phil was the one who was going to have a cock in his ass this time. "Please fuck yourself on me. Need to feel you, want to fuck you so b- oh!" Dan let out a sudden gasp, his entire body spasming as Phil quickly and very suddenly sunk down on Dan's cock. He was so warm, and Dan could feel his body just sucking him in, so tight around him. "F-fuck. So good, feels so fucking good," Dan moaned, apparently not able to think of anything other than Phil at that moment.
The sound of Dan's voice crying out for Phil like that, even when Phil was the one taking Dan for once, it was - it was ecstasy. Knowing just how much Dan wanted him, knowing just how good his boyfriend was for him... Phil groaned, steadying himself with hands pressed to Dan's chest when the pleasure of sinking down onto Dan like that struck him hard enough to knock the breath from his lungs. Phil hadn't anticipated that. He never did; he wasn't used to how good it felt to be impaled by Dan's dick, and he found his mouth falling open, his eyes falling shut, as he waited for his body to adjust. The stretch burned, but the pleasure outweighed the pain, Dan's dick pressing right up against him in all the right ways. Phil's chest was heaving, his eyes pricking with tears, his cock twitching with desperation. He could feel himself dripping, quickly losing control, and it was all because of Dan. Phil whined on top of him, scrabbling for a hold, and when he pulled his eyes open, it was to find Dan trembling below him with his own mouth dropped open, hands shaking under the cuffs Phil had around his wrists. "Dan," he gasped. "The way you look right now. So... so tempting," he whispered, hardly able to keep his eyes open with how good he felt right now. "I just want to eat you all up. You're shaking for me, all for me... even when it's your dick inside of me, you're such a good boy for me." Phil huffed as he shifted his hips, felt his mouth fall open again at the unfamiliar but amazing feeling. Dan's tight heat around him was just as amazing when Phil fucked Dan, but this was so rare and so good when it did happen that all he wanted right now was to be filled up by Dan forever. "So good for me. So good, Dan. Look at you," he cooed, and shifted his hips all over again, moving them up the slightest bit, before dropping straight back down, sudden and abrupt enough for both of them to moan. Dan, helpless underneath him... Dan, tied up, blindfolded... the trust in that. "I love you so fucking much," Phil said, and pulled himself up off of Dan's cock, whimpering as he lost him, and dropped right back down again with a breathy moan.
It seemed to take both of them by surprise. Even Phil, who Dan couldn't see, was breathing heavily, his hips stuttering as he adjusted to the size of Dan's cock inside of him. His hole was fluttering around Dan in the most delicious way, drawing whimper after whimper from Dan's mouth, even though Phil wasn't moving too much. It was just so different to what Dan was used to. Sure, they'd done this before, but it was always such a new experience. Dan was usually the one begging for Phil to fuck him, feeling Phil inside of him, and to be the one actually fucking Phil for once, to have his cock wrapped in such a tight heat, was fucking erotic. He was shaking, trembling beneath Phil, and even though it was he who had his cock inside of Phil, he still felt like he was the one getting fucked. Phil was moaning over him, the sound music to Dan's ears, and he was speaking through stuttered moans and gasps, telling Dan how good he was being, how amazing it felt to be fucked by Dan, and Dan... Dan could hardly stand it. He bucked his hips, trying to- to do something. What, he didn't know, but he knew that Phil felt so good and he wanted nothing more than to hold onto Phil's hips and cant his hips into him, to make Phil absolutely speechless. Instead, it was Dan who was the speechless one. Dan whimpered, tugging on his cuffs, and his mouth was gaping open. "Fuck me, Phil," Dan begged, shivering as Phil raised himself up before slamming back down on Dan's cock. "Fuck yourself on me. Make me scream for you." He swallowed, tried to think around the fog in his mind, but it was so hard when there were so many feelings fluttering through him. "You can do whatever you want to me, so fucking use me." And then, because they had to throw a little bit of romance into their kinky lives, he gasped out, "I love you too."
With an offer like that, how could Phil refuse? His cock was hard and leaking, desperate for him to just finish already, the heat starting to become almost unbearable. He could feel it weighing hot and heavy between his legs, could feel himself starting to tremble with the effort of keeping himself aloft on top of Dan, and, because he could, he leaned in and pressed his mouth onto Dan's, kissing him despite the constant, heavy huffing noises he was making as he started to really move his body. "Gonna - gonna use you," Phil managed to get out, nails digging into Dan's chest. This was so much different to when he'd rut into Dan, chasing his high. Now, now, his cock was getting no stimulation at all as he ground himself downward. It was so hot, though, so incredibly hot, and Phil wanted nothing more than to force Dan to fill him all up. The fact that there was no condom involved either... Phil shuddered with it, lifting his hips further still, shifting back down, groaning with the motion of it. He was feeling all of Dan, bare and open to him, his cock pulsing inside of Phil. Phil didn't want it to end - and then, the head of Dan's cock shifted, and suddenly, he was rubbing right alongside Phil's prostate, and Phil practically screamed the pleasure was so amazing. His hips stuttered, and he lost his rhythm, stuttering up and down, pulling himself off of Dan further, taking him in more, trying and striving to take all of Dan that he could, all while he continued to kiss him, their mouths pressed hot and tight together, saliva getting everywhere. "Dan," Phil gasped, tears dripping down his cheeks. He was so overwhelmed and he wasn't even the one blindfolded right now.
All of a sudden, Phil's mouth was pressing against Dan's, warm and urgent and messy. It seemed as if it had come out of nowhere. Dan could only feel where their lips were touching and where their bodies were connected, the slick friction against his cock as Phil slid down on him. It was amazing, one of Dan's new favourite kinks. He wanted Phil to try this sometime, that way he could make Phil feel as good as Dan was feeling right then. Phil's nails were digging into his chest, hurting slightly, but it was more stimulating than anything. His hips were raising off the bed, trying to stuff his cock further into Phil's hole, trying to angle himself to make Phil lose control. Then it finally happened, and Phil was letting out a moan that was so loud, Dan could barely hear his own rivaling whimper. His cock pulsed at the noise and he struggled a bit against the restraints, gasping as Phil suddenly started to ride him in a less controlled manner, capturing his lips in yet another sloppy kiss. Dan just let it happen. He just let Phil use him, bucking into Phil lightly just to stimulate himself and his boyfriend just that little bit more. He felt like he was about to fucking explode. It was all too much. He could feel how Phil was sliding over him, hear the way Phil rasped out his name, could feel the cuffs digging into his skin. Dan couldn't seem to stop himself when he let out a loud sob and a few curse words. "Phil!" Dan answered, shaking under his boyfriend's hold. His toes curled and his groin was clenching, but he didn't want to cum yet. He wanted to stay wrapped up in Phil's tight heat forever. "Please, please, please," Dan begged, even though he didn't know what he was begging for. His head lolled to the side and his mouth dropped open once again as he let the sensations overcome him.
Their mouths slipped apart as Dan tossed his head to the side, moaning and crying out pleading words. Phil had no idea what Dan wanted, all he knew was that he needed more, and he found himself shifting on Dan's body to push himself up, until quite suddenly, he was sitting properly, reaching behind himself to hold himself up on Dan's thighs, fucking himself up and down on Dan's cock, riding him in earnest now. He still had no control over himself, over the rhythm of his movements, no forethought to force Dan's hips into submission so he'd stop fucking up into Phil when it felt so good, but it didn't matter. His thighs were shaking, his body felt warm and oversensitive, a familiar sensation burning in his groin, boiling in his belly. He knew he wasn't going to last that much longer, but he wanted too, so Phil tried to make himself move slower, tried to keep himself from reaching for his cock, and let his body pulse up and down on top of Dan just as heady as before. Dan was gasping below him, his hips surging up for more, but the angle was difficult now. Phil could feel Dan's dick pressing into him, could practically imagine Dan's cock pressing into his belly from the inside, distending him. The idea of it was too much, and Phil lost his breath all together, gasping and throwing his head back as his hips stuttered and stilled. He was growing exhausted, unused to riding Dan like this, and took to rocking himself on Dan's dick instead, just trying to keep the stimulation going but needing a second to catch his breathe. "Beautiful, like this. Watching you fight against your restraints like that, seeing you try so hard to reach for me - you can't. You're completely under my control, and it's intoxicating Dan. Unlike anything I've ever felt before," he said, and shifted himself forwards again, letting go of Dan's trembling thighs to sit astride Dan's dick like it was easy. Dan's hips shifted, he grunted, and Phil stopped moving to pant. "Wanna just keep you like this forever."
"Holy shit," Dan hissed out as he felt Phil move, bracing his hands on Dan’s thighs behind him and beginning to ride him like his life depended on it. Dan couldn't seem to do much else than to spout expletives, trying to fuck into Phil despite the odd angle. It just felt so good. Phil was bouncing on his cock so well, bringing Dan closer and closer to what felt like an oncoming orgasm. While he didn't want to cum just yet, he also knew that he couldn't do anything to stop it. He was letting Phil use him, was letting Phil do with him what he wanted, and he would try to stave off his orgasm as long as he could, just so this feeling could continue. Dan groaned low in his throat at Phil's words. He’d stopped bouncing on his cock and was now rocking back and forth in a way that made Dan believe his thighs were probably hurting from so much strain. Dan wished he could help, but he was literally helpless. "It- it feels amazing," Dan panted out, grunting as Phil stilled his hips and stopped moving. It made Dan's balls clench with the need to cum, but he held himself back. He could feel Phil clenching around him, could feel every part of Phil's walls around him, and that was always Dan's favourite part about not using a condom. "I can't focus on anything but you. Can't feel or hear anything but you. So many sensations," Dan moaned. He moved his hips again, pushing himself just a little bit deeper inside of Phil so he was completely sheathed in Phil's body, his balls against Phil's ass. "Wish I could just stay in you forever. I love it when you use me like this."
It was rare enough for Phil to be filled up by Dan, but he'd never really tried to ride Dan like this before. Sure, they'd tried a few positions the few times they'd done this, and Phil had sat astride Dan like this before, but never before had he taken his time with Dan, never before had he taken full control like this, never before had he found himself so completely full, stuffed with Dan's cock until with one, tiny movement of Dan's hips, he was fully sheathed inside of him, his balls straining against Phil's ass. The sensation knocked the breath out of him, and he found himself reaching for anything to hold onto, crying out when the shift nearly dislodged Dan from being so deep, and forced himself back ramrod straight. "Dan," he gasped, the sound broken and half a cry as he held himself as still as he could, trembling on top of Dan. All he could focus on was how Dan must be feeling right now, the sheer control Phil had, and how Dan was still able to make him feel like it was so much more than just him in control right now. His eyes slipped closed, and he reached for his cock before he could stop himself, fingers shaking, hand stuttering against the soft skin of himself. He could feel how hot and heavy he was in his palm, and he stroked over it once, twice, feeling himself tense. "Want you," he gasped, "to milk me for all I'm worth," he finished, and forced his legs to work, forced them to propel him up and off of Dan's dick before falling back down again. Dan's cock pressed flush to his prostate, and Phil cried out, did it again, and again, and again, slow and steady, legs shaking with the effort, his fingers braced around his cock.
The response Dan got when he shifted his hips just that little bit more almost made Dan cum right then and there. Phil tightened around him and Dan could feel every inch of himself wrapped up tight in Phil's body. He keened, kept his hips in that position, and could only imagine what Phil looked like right then. He probably looked so pretty, completely fucked out with lusty blue eyes and kissed swollen red lips. Maybe he would be stroking himself, working himself off to the feeling of Dan completely filling him. Dan moaned loudly at the thought, drew his hips back slightly before slamming himself back into Phil just as deep as before, his balls taught to Phil's ass. "I want you to cum so hard from my cock filling you up," Dan growled, and his whole body was warm, his head spinning, thighs quivering from trying to stave off his orgasm. His words seemed to shock Phil into movement because he was then raising himself back up and down slowly, taking inch by inch of Dan's cock like he was trying to savour the moment by also making it more intense. Dan could feel each bit of his cock sliding up into Phil, and he could feel himself spurting precum inside of Phil as well, making everything so wet and smooth. "God, Phil. You take me so well. Can't wait to see you all filled up with my cum and claimed by me. You'll look so pretty like that."
Oh. Oh God, oh fuck, oh shit, was this happening right now? Phil's mind was gone, his body working off of pure adrenaline and his chest heaving with sobs, desperate sobs of pleasure, Dan’s voice echoing in his ears. He felt so powerless then, Dan suddenly shifting his own hips up and down to fuck Phil too, and all Phil wanted was for Dan to claim him. He could feel the heat curling through him, felt it when he fell forward, unable to hold himself up any longer, mortified when Dan was unable to hold him. Phil didn't stop himself, then - he reached up with blind fingers, breathing hectic and uneven, desperate, and fought with the hook of the plastic handcuffs, desperate to unchain Dan so he could just - so he could just - "Hold me," Phil whined as he felt the handcuffs come undone, shifting his hips back on Dan's cock, sensitive all over, shivering with it - and then Dan's hands were there, on his hips, holding him, tight, taking control, fucking up into Phil because Phil couldn't do it anymore. "Make me yours," he gasped, sobbing with the pleasure of it all, nearly hyperventilating with how bad he needed, how bad he wanted. "Dan!"
Dan could feel it when Phil fell forward, crashing into Dan's chest like he couldn't even hold himself up by himself anymore. Dan wanted to reach out, to take Phil into his arms and hold him down while he fucked him, but he couldn't get free of the cuffs no matter how hard he tried. So he did what was second best and braced his feet on the bed, trying to fuck into Phil without being able to hold him in place. Then Phil was scrabbling forward, undoing the cuffs, whining for Dan to hold him, and- well, Dan did. He braced his hands on Phil's hips, squeezing gently at the bare skin there, and then held onto him tight. He held him in place and roughly fucked up into him, just how he'd been wanting to do moments ago. Phil was letting out sobs and Dan still had the blindfold on, but he didn't try to reach up and take it off. There was something amazing about not being able to see what he was doing, and it made Dan so much more sensitive to every touch. "Fuck," Dan groaned, and then he was flipping them over, taking control for once, and Phil just let him. With the new angle, he was able to fuck Phil so much deeper, slamming into him so hard that the bed was creaking and his balls were slapping harshly against Phil's ass. He could feel Phil's body clenching around his cock, and Dan was aching, throbbing with the need to cum, and so he leaned forward and latched onto the first bit of skin he could find. He didn't know what part of Phil he was biting into, but by the sound of Phil's answering moan, it seemed to feel good at least. One thing he did know, however, was that he refused to cum until Phil did. He wanted to be good for Phil, wanted to wait until Phil was pleased to chase his own orgasm.
It felt like his lungs were shrinking. Phil couldn't get enough air, but he didn't care. He was so, so fucking overwhelmed with Dan and the way he fucked up into Phil, taking complete control over him until, finally, and surprisingly, he was pushing them both over on the bed, completely blind, and just managing to avoid making them both tumble to the floor. Phil didn't have it in him to care. He threw his head back, exposing his throat, overly turned on by the fact that Dan was still blind, that Dan was taking control, one of the rarest events their sex life ever enjoyed, and he arched his hips into Dan's touch as he started to really fuck Phil in earnest. When Dan got going like this, Phil never wanted it to end, and he opened his eyes to find that Dan had gone red all the way down his chest, was straining as he fucked into Phil, the sound of his balls slapping against Phil's' skin echoing in the room. Phil moaned, the sound more a sob than anything else, and closed his eyes, only for Dan to quite suddenly lean in and bite into the skin of his throat - right at the jugular. The feeling was unlike anything Phil had ever felt before. He could hardly breathe, his head was swimming with it, and holy fuck Phil liked that. Dan wasn't even trying to take his breath away, but Phil was light headed with it anyway, massively turned on by the sensation of Dan biting him like that, threatening while Phil's lung seemed unable to take in anymore air. He arched his hips, reached for Dan, scratched his nails down Dan's back and cried out as he managed to inhale sharply, and then he was coming undone right then and there, hips stuttering and pulsing, a long, drawn out whine ripping from his throat, the feeling of his orgasm uncurling hot and hard in his stomach. He felt his cock twitch, felt himself choke on another sob, and his vision went black when he tried to open his eyes, as if he were the blindfolded one here. He couldn't breathe, and he didn't want to, and he was floating, floating, gone.
It was good and rough and hot, and Dan was pretty sure he was going to explode. His thighs were quivering with strain, his teeth unrelenting on Phil's skin, and the way he was fucking into Phil was so raw, so desperate. The fact that he wasn't used to sensations like this made it a hundred times better. He was fucking so deep, hitting Phil's prostate each time, and he still couldn't see anything so he could feel it everywhere. Phil was sobbing below him, squirming, and Dan grabbed onto his thighs, lifting them up so he could try to get himself deeper- and then Phil was coming. He could tell by the way Phil went rigid underneath him, wetness splashing onto Dan's chest, Phil's hole clenching around him, sucking him in. Dan groaned at the tightness, his cock throbbing, his groin tightening, and then he was coming too. He let himself go, spurting hot cum all over Phil's insides, and he moaned at the feeling of coming undone connected to Phil like that. There was a wetness between them, he could feel himself pushing the cum deeper with each thrust, and he was gasping, hardly able to breathe. "Phil," Dan gasped, finally releasing Phil's skin from his teeth, and instead buried his face in what felt like a neck. He could feel his orgasm thrumming everywhere in his body, his hips ceasing movement, until he was just pressed deep inside of Phil, keeping his cum inside of Phil and loving the warmth it provided him.
Holy fuck. Phil could have come again from that alone; the sensation of Dan fucking his own cum into Phil's body, pressing the warm substance deeper and deeper. It felt so good, and the sound it made - Phil was a complete goner for it, for the knowledge that Dan had orgasmed and hadn't just filled Phil up, but had also forced his cum to stay inside of Phil by fucking it into him. There was a dribble of it, near constant as it dripped out of him, but most of it stayed pressed up inside of Phil's body, and if he could made a sound, he would have groaned at the feel of it. Dan was holding Phil's legs up, his chest was heaving, and that was quite possibly the best coming home sex they'd had in awhile. Phil's head was spinning. He was still dizzy from the lack of oxygen, was certain that his neck must look a right mess, mottled red from Dan's teeth biting into him. He didn't' care. He just wanted to float, right here, and try not to come again just from the feeling of Dan pressing his cum so deep inside of Phil. Dan was on top of him, that much was clear. Phil's thighs were up, Dan was pressed in between them, and Dan's head was pushed into the curve of his neck. Nothing could have been more wonderful in that moment than that.
Dan didn't try to move, didn't trust himself not to collapse as soon as he pulled away. He liked being pressed inside of Phil so much, understood why Phil sometimes took so long to move away. Phil was just so warm, and he liked being connected like this. There was a certain closeness that came along with not wearing a condom, one that made Dan feel every bit of Phil around him. He could feel some of his cum leaking out of Phil's hole, but it mostly staying pushed inside with his cock. He didn't want to pull away, didn't want to lose this feeling just yet. So he just stayed there, pressing light kisses to Phil's neck, until he got enough energy to pull off the blindfold. He was greeted to a beautiful and sweaty Phil, who's eyes were slightly watery, cheeks flushed a gorgeous red, fringe pushed back into a quiff. There was a mottled red mark on his neck that looking suspiciously like teeth marks, which Dan brushed his thumb against, wincing. "Sorry, did I hurt you?" he whispered, kissing the mark lightly.
Phil moaned a bit as Dan started to shift on top of him, refusing to pull out of Phil just yet, but shuffling around on top of his spent body. Phil assumed Dan was trying to get the blindfold off of his eyes, but he was too tired to open his own eyes and check, let alone help, so he just kind of lay there, attempting to catch his breath, and enjoying the way the pleasure continued to course through his veins. Dan's fingers pressed lightly over his throat, right where Dan had bit down, and then Dan was kissing it as well, seeming worried that he'd hurt Phil. Phil shook his head, dizzy with it. "Opposite. Dan," Phil gasped, too boneless and weak to reach for him, instead laying kind of star fished on the bed. How did he even go about telling Dan he'd gotten off on the idea of Dan closing his airways off, gotten off on the fact that he'd been so exhausted and spent that his own wheezing and inability to breathe had given him one of the best orgasms of his life? Dan didn't generally even like to dominate... Phil didn't want to freak him out with just how much he liked the idea of Dan... well... choking him, almost. Dan hadn't even been choking him, it was just like... Phil would really like to try that again, or something similar... Maybe the next time he rimmed Dan, he could shove his nose closer so he couldn't' breathe, or something. "Good," he said, and decided he'd figure out a way to explain later.
Dan furrowed his eyebrows as Phil told him that he liked the pain Dan had caused, in very little words. He seemed so out of it, like he could barely speak or think, so Dan didn't try to force his boyfriend to speak. He would talk to him about it later, ask him if he'd like Dan to be that rough with him more. Dan wouldn't exactly be opposed to that, especially if Phil liked that sort of thing. He would probably do anything his boyfriend asked, even if he asked him to do some kink Dan'd never thought of trying. Dan hummed and snuggled back into Phil's chest. He was going soft inside of Phil, and it was getting a bit overstimulating, so Dan shifted his hips slightly, accidentally pushing further inside of Phil for a moment, before slowly pulling out. He moaned, feeling each and every inch as he pulled out of Phil. It was slippery with his own cum, so warm and wet, and Dan nearly pushed himself back in, but he knew they were both overstimulated, so he forced himself to keep pulling away until he was collapsing back on Phil, kissing his jaw over and over again. "Love you. Love you so much."
Dan didn't reply, but he did finally start to shift like he wanted to pull out of Phil. He ended up pushing deeper instead, which made a low sound punch out of Phil's stomach that he was unsure came from pleasure or pain, and then Dan was slowly pulling himself all the way out. The sensation was always the strangest of sensations to Phil, and he winced, screwing his face up in disgust, as Dan pulled out. He could feel Dan's cum dribbling out with him, something he disliked more for the fact that he kind of didn't want it to leave his body, but also because it felt strange and uncomfortable. If Phil had had any more energy, he might have squirmed from the strange sensations, but he didn't. He was far too broken at this point, all of his limbs burning and shaking. Once Dan was free, he collapsed on top of Phil again, knocking the breath from him once more, and started to pepper kisses all over his jaw and chin. "Mm," Phil hummed, managing to pry his eyes open and turning his head to look at Dan. "Love you," he replied, and leaned in to kiss at whatever bit of Dan he could reach, eyes falling shut once again. His neck hurt, and his lungs ached, but there was such a pleasant buzz from it all that Phil couldn't even bring himself to care.
They stayed like that for a while, and Dan was on the verge of falling asleep, the pleasant buzz inside of him making his entire body thrum with pleasure and sleepiness. Plus, he had Phil, who was the most comfortable pillow in the entire world. Eventually, he could feel Phil's cum drying on their chests and making it uncomfortable. With regret, he dragged himself away from Phil and groaned as his bones cracked. Phil made a noise beside him, like he didn't want him to get up, and Dan gave him a warm smile. "Gotta clean us up," he said. "I'll be right back to cuddle the hell out of you." With that, he got a rag and wet it as quickly as he could before returning to Phil's side. He gently started to clean Phil up, wiping the dried cum from his chest before realizing with slight disgust he’d never taken his own shirt off, and yanking it over his head now. He’d have to find something else to wear later. "You're amazing," Dan hummed.
Phil didn't know how long they laid like that, but eventually, Dan was pulling away and climbing off of the bed. Phil made a noise of protest, unwilling to open his eyes, but reaching up to make grabby hands at Dan, who merely laughed at him and told him he needed to clean them both up. The last thing Phil cared about was getting cleaned up right then, but if Dan wanted too... Phil must have drifted off, because the next moment, something cold was being pressed to his bare chest, and he gasped, eyes fluttering open to find Dan cleaning them both up. The sight made Phil's heart flutter, and he grinned, because Dan always took care of them. "No, that's you," Phil disagreed softly, reaching for Dan again the second that he was done cleaning them up. Dan smiled and indulged him, placing the wet rag he'd retrieved on Phil's bedside table before climbing into Phil's arms. Phil sighed as Dan settled his weight back onto Phil, this time shirtless, and closed his eyes. "I uh - really, really liked that," Phil admitted, then, starting to wake up and recover his energy a little bit.
Being in Phil's arms post-sex was probably Dan's favorite past time. He was just so warm and lovely, especially after sex. He clung to Dan like he never wanted to let him go, and Dan always loved to curl into him like he was smaller than him. Dan wanted to stay in Phil's arms forever. "I liked it too," Dan told him honestly. And it was true. He never really topped much, and when he did, he was never that dominant. So this was an entirely new experience for the both of them. Dan didn't know where his dominant side had even come from. It was like a new part of him that he never knew had existed had emerged and taken over him. "Sorry for biting you so hard, though," Dan said earnestly. "It just felt so good and I couldn't help myself."
Phil felt something warm start to curl through him again, a nervous energy thrumming through him as Dan apologized for biting him so hard again. Phil couldn't' stop thinking about how it had felt, where Dan had bit him, and the primal spike of fear and adrenaline that had rushed through him in reaction. Dan hadn't affected his breathing by biting him, not in the same sense of choking him would have, but he had made Phil feel vulnerable to him, open to him, and he'd already been struggling to breathe, so to have Dan bite him there, like an animal... fuck, fuck. Phil moaned, his eyes fluttering, and curled himself tighter around Dan. "Liked it a lot," Phil disagreed. "Being... vulnerable to you... couldn't breathe. The way it felt, Dan," Phil tried to articulate himself, but he was scared, and embarrassed, tortured at the idea of Dan thinking he was a freak because Phil had gotten off on the head rush of not being able to breathe.
Dan's eyes widened at what Phil was insinuating. His boyfriend seemed embarrassed about it, about how he'd potentially gotten off to the feeling of Dan essentially not letting him breathe. Dan didn't think this was embarrassing. They'd been together for two years, learned things about each other that they never would have told anyone else, and this just added to the list of things to spice up their sex life. "You liked it when I made it hard for you to breathe?" Dan asked, making sure. Phil's arms were tight around him like he was scared Dan was going to leave, so he stroked his skin soothingly. Admittedly, he didn't want to hurt Phil. He worried constantly about it, but if Phil was into something like that... "I can... I can do that for you again sometime if you want?" Dan squeaked out. He was already thinking of the ways he could make Phil feel like that again. Maybe next time he could make Phil choke on his dick, or tighten his hands around Phil's neck the next time Dan was riding him. Dan shivered thinking about it.
Phil should have known better than to ever be afraid that Dan would be against something he was interested in. He should have known better than to ever think Dan would think he was a freak, or make fun of him, or be disgusted by him. He should have seen it coming when Dan offered to do it again sometime for him, when he asked, just to make sure, if what Phil had liked was the idea of breath play. Breath play of all things. Phil's dick twitched feebly with desire, but he was far too gone to go again. Slowly, Phil nodded against Dan,and pressed his face into Dan's neck, nuzzling at Dan's skin with his nose and reaching up with tired hands to card his fingers through Dan's hair. Dan wasn't usually comfortable being in charge, wasn't comfortable being the rough, dominant one. Phil hated himself for asking Dan to give him something along those lines. "Please," he said anyway. "I liked it a lot," he agreed. This had been meant to about Dan, and the handcuffs, and the blindfold, but something primal had taken over both of them. The second Phil had let Dan free from his binds, he'd pushed Phil over in the most aggressive action Dan had ever committed towards Phil. It had been hot, so fucking good, and Phil just hoped that Dan had liked it, too.
Dan hummed, loving the feeling of Phil nuzzling into his neck, his fingers brushing through Dan's hair in the way he knew he liked. His eyes fluttered shut and he shuffled closer to Phil, just trying to feel close to him, the warmth radiating off of Phil's skin extremely relaxing. "Don't be embarrassed," Dan murmured because he could feel that Phil was embarrassed even asking him to do something like that again. But again, he would do anything for Phil, so he truly didn't mind in the slightest. Phil always let Dan act out his kinks, so why wouldn't Dan do the same for him? "It's nothing to be ashamed of, you know. I'll always take care of you and make you feel good. I'd do anything for you, y'know." He tilted his head to the side and kissed Phil's eyebrow, smiling. He really loved Phil, more than anything, and he was glad that they could figure out something that made Phil tick like this.
It was just.... embarrassing. Dan had hit the nail on the head while reassuring Phil that he didn't need to be. Phil didn't even really talk about his kinks. Dan knew what he liked, what they both liked, and it was rare that they did something that triggered Phil like this in a positive way. "Okay," Phil eventually ended up agreeing, because it was clear Dan wanted to make him feel comfortable. "I uhm. How was the - the other stuff, for you?" he asked, clearing his throat and pulling back a bit so Dan could speak. "The blindfold and the uh, the handcuffs?" Phil asked. He hoped Dan had enjoyed that. He hadn’t safe worded, at least.
Dan smiled. Phil seemed so awkward talking about this, but it was endearing. He seemed so legitimately worried about how Dan had liked the sex this time, if he'd liked the roughness and the dominance, and Dan was just so happy that Phil seemed to be so concerned. "I loved it," Dan told him earnestly. "10/10 would try again." Phil snorted and shoved him, telling him to be serious, and Dan finally decided to tell him how much he really loved it. "It was new. I liked that I couldn't feel or hear anything but you. It made everything more intense. It kinda made me lose myself, if you could tell or not." Dan could certainly tell, at least. Considering he'd flipped them over and taken initiative for once, fucking Phil into the mattress. Yeah, that was... that was nice.
Phil shivered at Dan's sudden insistence that it had been good, being able to lose himself. If there was one thing Phil had learned, it was that Dan always had a hard time actually losing himself to his desires. That was why Phil was always in charge. Having Dan lose control in an entirely different way to what they were used to, though; that was intoxicating even now. Phil let his eyes flutter closed again. "You've never fucked me like that," Phil agreed, going breathless again. "Not that it isn't good what you usually do, but you were like - an animal," Phil admitted. That was what he'd liked. Phil reached for Dan's face, cupped his cheeks and drew him up for a kiss. Their lips came together sloppily, but it was good, lazy, soft. "I liked it. I'd like to try it again sometime... see what I can make you do," Phil admitted. He would be happy to just do what they normally did, but a change of pace sometimes could be good as well. "I hope i didnt ruin your plans by dragging you up here, by the way," Phil added, half dreaming. "If it helps, just having you here is the best anniversary gift I ever could have asked for."
Dan agreed with Phil quietly. He hadn’t ever fucked Phil like that, that much was true. He'd always stuck to being submissive, never really had any desire to dominate Phil in such a way. Maybe it was because he was self conscious and really just didn't like taking control, but the way he'd lost himself just now... it really was like he was an animal. The primal instincts had somehow slipped in, making him fuck and take and bite in a way he'd never done before. "Maybe the blindfold made me lose myself to the sensations," Dan said thoughtfully. Phil kissed him, sloppily and lazily, in a way that Dan melted into him. "I would be down to try that again if you are. Might need to build up the stamina first though, before we try anything." Dan nuzzled his nose against Phil's. "But then again, we have all week. And don't even say you ruined my plans. This was better than anything I could have ever wanted and it's been far too long since we've been together like this. We were due for a good fuck," Dan teased.
Phil found himself smiling, giggling, at Dan's comments, nuzzling him back and thinking exactly the same thing. Phil had most definitely not had the stamina for what they'd just done, if the fact that he'd lost his ability to ride Dan quite early on was any indication. He could deal with waiting until they'd perhaps had a little more practice to try something like that again. Still, he couldn't help teasing, "Did I tire you out?" He wore a shit eating grin as he managed to pry his eyes open again, his heart rate and breathing finally having settled down some. He shifted against Dan, rolled them over so he was holding himself up over his boyfriend, legs tangled together, pelvis hovering near each other. His fringe fell into his eyes as he stared into warm, brown eyes. "Or are you up for another round?" Phil wasn't even sure if he had it in him, but when Dan nodded his head and pushed himself up with dilated pupils to kiss Phil, Phil thought he could find it in himself somewhere.
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Pregnant Uni! Harry Louis is absolutely amazing, Harry's decided. Honestly it's a trait Harry's always known about Louis ever since they met in their ninth grade English class. Harry thought he was an amazing writer then. And when the two got to talking, he thought he was an amazing speaker. Then an amazing friend when Harry told him he had a crush on someone in the class. Then an amazing boyfriend when Louis found out who exactly the crush was on. And from the moment they first made love junior year of high school, he's known he's a fantastic lover. Now the two boys are seniors in college and Harry's found out a multitude of other things Louis is amazing at. Like knocking people up. Because Harry is nine months pregnant. He was terrified when he found out, just weeks after projectile vomiting in front of his entire ethics class, but Louis (being the amazing man that he is) calmed him down and even got him a bit excited for their tiny child's arrival. Since then, Louis has become many things. An amazing back massager, for instance, because Harry's belly has really popped out and his back is paying for it. He also must be some type of a baby whisperer because every time their soon to be son Lennon (yes..both boys are Beatles fans), begins kicking up a storm when Harry is JUST about to nap..Louis is there to coo at him until he's settled back down nestled snuggle in Harry's right rib. And Harry really must have the most shit luck of anyone because he's nearly ready to pop at the most overwhelming and busy season of his life. He's got three projects due, one test, and before he got pregnant he was honored to accept the invitation to prepare a gala for the big wigs at their university. He already told the chancellor he would be unable to attend since he SHOULD be popping his baby boy out at the time of the actual gala but he still has to make all the preparations for it. Which is why Louis is over now at nine in the morning sitting on the bed with a VERY grumpy Harry by his side. "Ughhhh my head is killing me, Louis! I don't want to do this right now!" Harry whines, pressing his fingers into his temples as it pounds steadily. Louis sighs. "Babe...your project is due tonight at midnight. I know you don't want to stay up that late now do you?" Harry huffs. "No...." "Ok. Then lets get it done now." Louis hums, rubbing Harry's rounded belly with his thumb. Harry pulls his laptop on his tummy and whimpers. "What's wrong now lovely?" "T's hot on my tummy.." Louis smiles and takes the laptop off Harry's belly and places it on his lifted knees. Harry smiles in thanks and bends awkwardly over his tummy and begins typing away. Thirty minutes later, the project is finished but Harry is pouting from an intense back ache from his awful positioning. "It huuuuurts." Harry cries, fat tears rolling down his cheeks. Louis bites his lip hard, feeling terrible for his bloated lover. He presses his thumbs deeply into Harry's lower back and massages the tightened bundle of muscles at the base of his spine. He rolls up his top, cooing when Harry's rounded belly is exposed. He gives his sides a quick rub, making Harry shiver from his cold hands, and goes back to massaging his aching back. Soon Harry is struggling to keep his eyes open. Louis feels awful doing it but the poor boy has about a trillion things to do today so he doesn't really have much time to nap. "Lovely? Hazzzzzza? Open up those pretty green eyes for me." Harry groans and cuddles into Louis' chest. "Up you get, love. We've got gala shopping to do." "I don't want to, m'tired, Lou.." "I know you are, love. But you made a commitment. I know you'll regret breaking it if you do." Harry sniffles and nods, sitting back up with a wince. Louis feels awful but he knows Harry will be more upset if he doesn't do his best work. Harry stands and sniffles again, pressing his hands to his hips. "Lets go." He mumbles groggily. Louis smiles because Harry is in lazy clothes that he finds adorable but he knows that Harry would be mortified at his attire if he weren't so uncomfortable. Louis helps him out the door and up into his car. Harry presses his head onto his hand and rubs the side and front of his belly with the pads of his fingers. "Feeling ok love?" "I just have too much on my plate, I think. Babes is moving around like mad. Think he can feel my anxiety." "Babe. Don't be anxious. We'll get everything done." "I just wish I felt better so I could be more help." Louis tuts. "H, you're almost to your due date. Of course you're feeling shit. I'm so proud of you for all you're doing." Harry smiles lightly and grabs onto Louis' hand tightly. Louis pulls into the square and helps Harry out of the car. It takes forever to get all Harry needs for the gala and Louis can tell the poor boy is fading fast. He keeps grabbing onto anything solid near him to lean on and his hand hasn't left his back since stepping out of the car. His breath hitches every few minutes and Louis can always tell if his breath has been taken away by Lennon's rough kicks or a Braxton hick. In short, the poor boy is exhausted and Louis realizes with horror that he hasn't had the slightest bit to drink today. "You thirsty, H?" He asks Harry when the boy pinches his nose. Dehydration causes headaches. Harry nods, licking his lips. Louis dashes off to the closest drink machine and quickly pays for three bottles of water just for his favorite curly haired lad. Harry smiles graciously when he spots him and it grows when Louis slowly helps him ease down into a chair to rest for a bit. Louis sees Lennon's rough kicks through Harry's shirts and smiles, placing a flattened hand over his belly, rubbing in soft circles. "Hi little L. How about settling down for a bit so daddy can relax?" Louis hums. Harry smiles from behind his water bottle and darts his eyes down to Louis. "Wooo..he's going mad in there. Think he's preparing, you know?" Louis beams. "I hope so." Harry shrugs. The shopping last for four more hours and by the time the pair drops off what they've bought by the meeting hall, Harry's fading fast. His eyes droop heavily and his head keeps falling onto Louis' shoulder. "Lets get you two to bed, hm?" Harry nods sleepily, blinking slowly. "M'really tired.." Harry slurs, rubbing a fist to his eye. Louis helps him to the car and his head falls straight back to the seat. He smiles and reclines the seat so Harry can be a bit more comfortable and gets into the driver's side. Louis' phone blares through the silent vehicle and he curses loudly. "Hello?" He seethes, even though the caller has no idea he's nearly burst Harry's delicate ears beside him. "Oi what's with the sass mate?" Louis' friend, Niall says with a laugh. "You nearly woke Haz." Niall curses. "Sorry. How's he doing? Has he popped yet?" "No. He's alright, really uncomfortable..you know." "Thankfully I don't. Anyway was wondering if you wanted to go out with me and the lads tomorrow night to celebrate Stan's birthday." Louis bites his lip. "Go." Harry murmurs from beside him, making him jump. "Are you sure, Haz? I don't like the thought of you being alone when you're so far along." "I'll be fine. Want a relaxing night anyway. You deserve it." "Yeah mate. You deserve it!" Niall coos jokingly. Louis rolls his eyes. "Alright mate. I'll come out. But only to beat your ass in beer pong." "You're on. See you then." - "You promise you'll call me if you feel anything? Anything at all?" "Louuuuu. M'fine. Leave me alone, was napping." Harry mumbles, pushing his overprotective boyfriend towards the door. He's been majorly exhausted today, nearly sleeping the entire day away which naturally puts Louis on edge. He really doesn't have a good feeling about leaving Harry especially when the boy woke up nauseated and threw up. But Harry keeps insisting that he's fine and keeps pushing Louis to go. Louis has a sneaking suspicion that the poor lad feels guilty for keeping him hauled him in the house even though Louis could care less. He loves being around Harry. But if going out and allowing Harry to have a nice, relaxing night in will make him happy..then Louis will do it. Still. He'll probably call the boy every hour or so. "Ok. Call me, ok?" "Fine." Harry murmurs groggily. Louis smiles, kissing his fingers and placing them to Harry's belly and then peppering kisses all down his hair. Harry giggles sleepily and Louis walks out the door satisfied. - Harry wakes up from his nap feeling incredibly nauseous again. He groans, sitting up and bending slightly, gripping onto the side of the bed as he swallows thickly. He pushes his hand beneath his shirt and groans again as his tummy rumbles about queasily. He burps sickly and presses a fist to his mouth before stumbling off to the toilet. Vomiting is quite hard now as his belly gets in the way of him and the toilet. He dry heaves hard and spits into the toilet with a queasy moan. He rolls his shirt up and fans his belly, feeling intensely overheated. He's finally able to bring up a bit of vomit and is left gagging dryly once it leaves his stomach. He sniffles and buries his clammy face into his arms over the toilet. He hisses and his brow furrows when he feels a cramping twinge deep within his belly. He sits up and presses both hands to his sides. "Ugh...." He groans, under his breath, "Wooo...woo...." He rubs the pads of his fingers over his belly in lines, grimacing when the cramp grips tighter. The pain lets up and Harry grips onto the bathtub, turning onto his knees and standing up from the floor shakily. He wipes a hand down his face miserably and sniffles, eyeing the tub. Maybe a relaxing bath will help settle his stomach a bit. He starts the water and takes a few deep breaths, letting them out slowly. He waddles to his linens closet and grabs a towel and a washcloth. He wets the cloth and sets it on the side of the tub, stripping out of his clothes as fast as he can with a heavy, solid belly around his waist. He lies back into the water and sighs in relaxation, closing his eyes. He pats around for the wash cloth and places it over his forehead. He takes more deep breaths and sets a hand down on his belly. It feels firm and solid beneath his hand and he can feel Lennon's every little wiggle inside. He lies his head down on the inflated pillow on the back of the tub that Louis bought on a whim after the second time Harry fell asleep in the tub. His brow furrows and he inhales sharply as his belly tightens in his hand again. A wave of pain crashes over his tight abdominal muscles and he cringes, rubbing a hand up and down his belly. "Wooo...wooo....mmmgh...mmmgh..." He moans silently but breathily, deep exhales flaring from his nostrils as the pain grows more intense. He rubs the bottom of his bloated belly and huffs before the pain slowly leaves his body. His phone blares from the toilet seat and he moans, not feeling up to getting up from his spot and see who's calling. Of course it's Louis. He knows that. He doesn't even have to look to know that. "Llo?" He mumbles, pinching his nose. "Hiiiiiiiiii lovey dovey." Harry smiles softly at Louis' drunken words. "Hi." "I'm just checking on you. Missing you like craaazy." "M'ok. You having fun?" Harry asks, rubbing a finger up and down his protruding belly button. "Loads babe. LOADS. Thank you so much for letting me come out." Harry smiles. He might feel rough but he can't take this night away from Louis. He's worked far too hard for it. Harry grimaces when he feels the familiar clenching in his belly. He presses his head back into the pillow and places both hands beneath his belly. "Ugh....." He breathes out uncomfortably. Luckily it doesn't seem to phase Louis who continues to mumble on. "I've got to go, Lou." Harry chokes out. Before Louis can answer he hangs up, tossing his phone away from the tub. "Ugh..." Harry presses his face into his fisted hand, rubbing the top of his belly. The pain ends and he whimpers. He stays in the tub as the water lapsing over his aching tummy relaxes him a fraction. Soon enough though, the dull cramps crank it up a notch and lying back in the tub becomes too unbearably uncomfortable. He gets on his knees to get out of the tub when he feels another clenching pain in his belly. He shutters and presses his face into his fist, spreading his legs a bit so his belly can fall into the warmth of the water. "Mmmgh..." He groans through gritted teeth lightly from the back of his throat, "Mmmgh...mmmgh....." He lifts his head back and takes a deep inhale in. "Woooo....woooooo....ughhhhhhhhh..." He rubs a hand down his side and bites his lip. The pain disappears and he shakes his head, standing up on shaky legs. He slips into a pair of pajama pants and a tight t shirt. His belly button protrudes out of the front of the shirt but he could care less right now. He waddles miserably into his living room and sits down on his couch, curling up and crossing his arms over his belly. He picks the remote up and turns the tv on a random channel to try and relax a bit. His face scrunches and he presses both hands to the top of his rock hard belly. "Hohhh...hohh.." He sucks in a breath and pushes his belly outward. The pain ends and he whines, sitting all the way back up again with a grumble. He waddles to the kitchen and pours himself a big glass of water and sips on it as he sways from side to side, attempting to calm the baby inside his belly. Instead of helping, the water sloshes uncomfortably in his tightening belly and he soon finds himself heaving into the sink again. When he feels well enough to leave the sink, he turns to go back to his burrowed spot on the couch. His belly seizes up painfully again and he gasps, gripping onto the counter. He exhales sharply from his nose and closes his eyes, rubbing the top of his belly as he rocks side to side. And uh oh. His belly hurts. And it's not just small cramps or dull aches anymore. It's full on gripping pains that make him stop in his tracks. And that can only mean one thing. It's time. And. He's alone. He sucks in a breath once the contraction ends and picks up his phone, taking a deep, calming breath. He dials Louis' number carefully and paces the kitchen, massaging the top of his belly as he walks. Louis doesn't answer. Harry takes a deep breath, exhaling slowly to remove the annoyance flaring in his chest. He was the one who told him to go after all. He waddles back to the living room and plops down on the couch. He sucks in a sharp breath when he feels a contraction roll his belly forward. He grips onto the side of the couch and leans over slightly, rubbing his belly side to side and in circles. "Ow...ow..." He mumbles, scrunching his face, "Ughh......ughhhhhhhhh..." Harry gives Louis a few more minutes to call before dialing back again. He grips onto his phone as another contraction clenches in his belly. "Mmmmmgh come on Lou..." Harry mumbles, rubbing his side in lines and circles, "Mmmmgh..." Louis doesn't answer again and Harry whimpers. He stands, feeling far too uncomfortable to sit any longer. He rolls his top back up as a hot flash rushes through his body. He throws his head back and rubs his sides as his belly heaves forward. His contractions are close and they're painful. He doesn't want to be alone anymore. He's hurting and he doesn't know when Lennon will make his arrival but all he can do is PRAY it's AFTER Louis gets home. "Ughhhhhhhh....ughhhhhhhhhh......wooo...woo.." He paces for a while but the pain soon overcomes him and he's left leaning over the couch, belly hanging freely below him. "Hohhhhhhhhhgh....uuuuuuughh...ugh....." He moans, rocking his hips slowly. He rubs his eyes and sniffles, dialing Louis once more. He feels like breaking down in tears when it just goes straight to voicemail. Fuck Louis for not hearing his phone. Fuck Louis for not charging his phone. He thought he cared. He thought he was AMAZING. But he's not even here when he needs him the MOST. Harry lies down miserably on his side down on the couch and pulls the throw that was on the couch over his legs as he shutters from the pain. He pulls his phone out shakily and googles how long labor might take. He's both horrified and relieved when he sees how long labor might actually take. Louis SHOULD be able to make it before Harry's pushing and that, at least, gives him a bit of relief. Harry sits up uncomfortably when the urge to see becomes overwhelming. He grips the couch and tucks his chin to his chest as his belly tenses up again painfully. "Ughhhhhh...ow..ow...." He presses the heels of his palms to his sides and presses them into his rock hard belly as it twinges and heaves. He waddles to the bathroom and sits heavily onto the toilet, puffing out exhales of air as his belly continues to contract and tense up, lapsing the baby within him further down his body. He feels hot and cold and nauseous and sick. He grips the side of the toilet and throws his head back. "Ohhh...ohhhh...woooooooo...woooooo....uuuugh..." He feels a large pop and his eyes widen. His water just broke. And Louis is still not home. He whimpers and stands up, hand pressed to the bottom of his belly as he grips onto the counter. "Ughhhhhhhhh....mmmmmmmgh...mmmmgh.." He wiggles out of his bottoms and waddles to his bedroom when his tummy muscles relax. He scrunches his nose when he feels himself still leaking. He pulls on some dry boxers and places a plastic puppy pad (thankfully their puppy, Pongo, never needed them) beneath him so he won't leak onto the bed. "Hohhhhughhhh....ughhhhhhhhh....ohhhhhh..." He kicks about uncomfortably and squeezes his eyes shut tightly. "Wooo..wooo...wooo..." He breathes, rubbing the bottom of his bloated belly. - Louis stumbles into the house and looks around in confusion at all the lights still on in the house. It's late and he doesn't hear or see any signs that Harry is still up except for the lights. Harry never leaves the lights on. "Harry?!" He calls, stumbling into the living room. He doesn't see anyone and his heart begins to hammer against his chest. He rushes up the stairs and bursts into their bedroom and frowns immediately upon seeing his poor boyfriend. His body is turned toward Louis while his head is smashed into a pillow. He hears loud whimpers and moans leaving the boy's lips as he presses both hands to his belly. He attempts to rush into the room but falls when his legs get tangled. Harry groans again as his belly clenches tightly with another contraction. He can feel lapses and waves inside his belly pushing Lennon towards freedom. It hurts and the pain is making him incredibly nauseous, dry heaving over the bed every few seconds when a new pain rolls over his belly. He feels a hand on his shoulder and jumps. "Ughhhhh....ughhhhhhh..." Harry whimpers, rubbing a flat hand against his tight skin. Louis places a hand to his belly and gasps at how rock hard it feels. He rubs his hand in large circles as Harry kicks his feet around in discomfort. Harry sniffles once the pain ends and turns to Louis. He sits up shakily and buries his head into Louis' chest. "Oh love...don't cry baby...what's happened?" Harry groans and grips Louis' hand, placing it on his throbbing belly. Louis rubs without instruction and soon feels like the biggest ass hole in the world. Harry's in labor. "Shhhh....shhh contractions, yeah?" Harry nods through his moans. "A while now?" "Ughhhhhhh..." Harry lurches forward, Louis gripping his hips so he doesn't fall face down. "W-water broke." Louis' eyes bulge. "Fuck...." He scrubs his face as Harry wiggles in discomfort. Louis helps him stand and Harry leans against him, head lying to his shoulder. "Hhhhuuuuuugh...hhhhuuuuuugh..." Harry moans, swaying with his husband. Louis coo's and rubs his fingertips up and down Harry's heaving belly. "Oooooooohhh....ohhhhhh..." Harry falls forward, pressing his hands to his bed. Louis shushes him and rubs up and down his sides to comfort him. "Hhhuhghhhhhhhhhhhh....mmmmmmmgh...mmmgh...mmmmmmmgh.....c-can't s-s-stand." Louis quickly nods and helps him back on the bed, leaning up against the headboard, allowing Harry to lie against his chest. Harry brings his knees up toward his belly and presses his face into Louis' shoulder. Louis rubs his belly in large circles, shushing him. "I'm so sorry babe. I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have left. Please don't be mad, please." Harry swallows Buckley and shakes his head. "M'not......huuuurts..." "I know baby..I know, just take a few breaths. Do you think we should head to the hospital?" "D-don't have time...hhhohhhhhhghhh...." Louis nods, although he feels terribly sick to his stomach because that means HE has to deliver this baby himself. And that's terrifying. "Hhhowwwwwwwwwwwww Louuuuuiiiis!" Harry groans, gripping at his knee. "What is it love?!" "P-push." "Wha-oh. OH. Um...ok...ok...we can do this. We can do this, ok? Lets just..lets slip your pants off." Louis shimmies Harry out of his boxers as the boy continues to groan. Harry gets up on his knees and grips at his thighs as he spreads his legs and bends down to the bed. "Nnnnnghhhh....wooooo....wooo...." Louis scoots behind him and rubs his sides up and down. "Shhh...shhh...." "Hhhhhughhhhhhhhh....mmmmmmghhh...." Louis' massages Harry's lower back as the boy grunts and groans deeply. It's nearly an hour of sweating, painful groans, tears, and intense contractions before Louis sees the slightest bit of progress. A tiny quiff of brown hair peaks out from Harry's opening and Louis' beams. "Ughhhhhhhhh I can't.i can't it HURTS." "No babe! No! No! You can. You ARE, Harry. He's RIGHT there babe. Just a bit longer." Harry grunts and bears down again. Louis squeals as his son's head fully emerges. He only has to push three more times before Lennon is falling into Louis' arms with a loud cry. Louis is a blubbering mess but somehow manages to cut his son's cord with his shoelace. He hands Lennon off to Harry and quickly dials emergency services. Louis soon hears the sirens and relaxes for the first time since arriving home. He feels Harry's hand grip his arm and he jumps, turning toward him. "You're amazing." Harry says, tears rolling heavily down his cheeks. Louis smiles. "No Haz..." He kisses his curls and ruffles his son's sticky wet hair, "You are."
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Fandom: Haikyuu!!
Pair: KuroKen
Genre: An angsty road towards a cheesy fluffy summit.
N/A:  Hey Hey Hey! This is my first official work in English, so feel free to point out the mistakes (I’ve a long way to go) I warn you that from a clinical point of view this story is probably impossible, but damn! It’s a fanfiction! So I did anyway u.u Hope you enjoy it ~
Summary: He and Kenma should have started their life together as university’s students, after a difficult year of distance-relationship. They waited for those days. They planned them. They wanted them.
And now they were gone, like dust in the wind. Like a childish dream.
“Don’t leave me."
  Kuroo has always said to Kenma to stop playing games when walking down the streets. He repeated it so many, many times. He repeated it even if Kenma annoyingly answered that he seemed a nagging mother instead of his boyfriend. He repeated it million times.
So why did it happen?
Kuroo could only look at Kenma’s body laying on the asphalt. Eyes wide open, incapable of processing it.
It was his fault. It was only his fault.
Kuroo was the one who hadn’t looked properly, too busy picking on his annoyed boyfriend few steps behind him. He had crossed the street laughing like a wild monkey because, damn, he hadn’t seen him for three weeks. He was so happy, so giddy. He could only think about their lovely afternoon in Kenma’s room, relaxing in each other’s arms.
So Kuroo hadn’t seen the car.
But Kenma had. Always focused on his game, always living in his own world Kenma had.
In a moment Kenma’s hands were on his back and he pushed away Kuroo before it was too late.
Now he was lying there, people screaming and calling ambulances…Kuroo couldn’t move an inch of his body. It was impossible. It was impossible.
Then something broke down inside him. He called his name trying to get up, trying to reach him.
Trying to save him.
  Kuroo walked in the white room with his usual grin.
“Hey Kitten! Your number one is finally here!” he chirped leaving his coat on a chair, “I finally brought you the repaired console and even some pudding, in case you were hungry! How are you doing today?” asked sinking on the mattress of the white, white bed.
No answer.
“You know?” he continued to speak unfazed, “You were right! They really called me! I still can’t believe it! I’m going to play in the Japan Youth Volleyball Team. Man, I’m gonna be with Ushiwaka, Oikawa, Bokuto…our team is gonna be as crazy as unbeatable.” Laughed softly stretching his long limbs like a cat.
No answer.
Kuroo sighed, his eyes lovingly caressing Kenma who was sleeping in the hospital bed with a peaceful expression. The same he had when he fell asleep in Kuroo’s embrace. However, he’d slept for four months now without waking up once. Nothing is wrong, they said; we have to wait, they added. And he was waiting, feeling in his bones every second he spent without him.
“Today would have been your first day in university…” he murmured while his voice lost the forced happiness, “You would have loved our new apartment. I bought an enormous Tv with an HD screen to play your games: I’m the best boyfriend ever, am I?” asked tracing the line of his cheekbone with a finger, “Bokuto already begged me to use it, but don’t worry Kitten: you’re going to be the first. Even because Akaashi to calm him down has already promised to buy him one too. Thinking about it, we’re going to have to fix some rules: I don’t want you to stop studying completely or to neglect me in favor of the console. We both know sometimes you’re like a drug addicted.”
Still silent.
If Kuroo focused, he could hear Kenma’ slight breath escaping the thin lips.
“But if I have to be honest,” continued trying to smirk while squeezing his boyfriend’s little hand between his, “The apartment’s too big for one person and I’m definitely too lazy to keep it tidy when you’re not around. I feel lonely walking around the rooms without hearing you pushing the buttons of your console. When are you going to come back? I really, really miss you.” his voice crumbled down on the last words. Kuroo brought one hand to cover his watery eyes.
“Sorry Kitten, you know I’m emotional…” tried to say, but his throat was closed.
He and Kenma should have started their life together as university’s students, after a difficult year of distance-relationship. They should have been happily living in their new apartment: Kuroo showing him the ropes and introducing him to this new experience, Kenma faking that he found the boy annoying and impossible to bear. They waited for those days. They planned them. They wanted them.
And now they were gone, like dust in the wind. Like a childish dream.
“I’m sorry…I’m sorry…” Kuroo started to repeat, biting his bottom lip to stop crying. But it was too late: no matter how many times he said it, how many times he called him or he hugged him, Kenma wasn’t going to wake up.
  “Hey Kitten, this year it seems we could win gold. It would be such an event! Everybody is making such a fuss! It would be the first time in ages!” Kuroo was seated in his usual spot, wearing his team’s read and white uniform. “Oikawa is hella scary about it; if it wasn’t for Iwaizumi I doubt he would sleep more than an hour per week. Ushiwaka doesn’t even think we could lose, that innocent boy. Bokuto obviously is so excited and noisy that if you were with us you would probably hit him to make him shut up. But don’t worry, Akaashi is already doing it.”
He stayed in silence for a few seconds, moving the chair nearer the bed.
“Me?” replied to a nonexistent question, “I’m perfect as always, you know. I’m excited and I want that gold. We’re gonna take it. Hey, I see you rolling your eyes: if you had seen us playing, you would believe it too. But okay, you’re right. Maybe, just maybe, I’m freaking out a bit.” He admitted taking Kenma’s hand in his own and drawing circles on the back, “When you said you would probably stop playing volleyball at uni, I wasn’t mad. I know I pouted for days, but I wasn’t really angry, because I thought you were gonna to be there with me either way. Cheering with Akaashi for Bokuto and me. Okay, maybe you wouldn’t have cheered, but you would have watched me. At every match. And I would have known it, playing at my best just for you. I would have been invincible.” His grip tightened, air escaping in his lungs.
“So why you aren’t here?” asked feeling the overwhelming fear and loneliness finally swamping him; desperate black eyes rised to Kenma’s unexpressive face searching for an answer, “Why you aren’t coming back to me? Are you tired of me? Are you mad because I was stupid and I let you get in danger instead of me, after nagging so much?” the questions rolled down his lips, more and more rapidly. He slouched toward him, resting his forehead on Kenma’s abdomen. Kuroo was surrendering. He was beginning to believe that Kenma wasn’t going to return.
“You don’t want to come back anymore? Are you really this lazy? I know you’re not, I know you better than anyone…” cried angrily, “Have you decided is too bothersome to return? Even if everything is crumbling down. Even if I am falling into pieces. You always knew I was bothersome from the start and yet you followed with me. So why? I can’t accept this! I can’t accept that you’re leaving me behind. Didn’t you say you loved me? Did you say it just because it was too troublesome otherwise?”
For a moment, he hoped Kenma was going to open his eyes and snap at him for being so stupid. That, blushing, he would mumble in a soft breath that he loved him and wasn’t leaving him for being an idiot. Without looking him in the eyes as always, but tugging one of his sleeves or with a hand in his bedhead hair.
Nothing happened.
Kuroo looked at the big, inexorable ticking clock. Then he slowly stood up letting go of his hand.
“This is gonna be my last championship, Kitten. Even volleyball is not the same without you.” He whispered clenching his fists until the knuckles became white.
He searched inside himself for some strength, for some hope to go on. But it was a struggle he fought for too many days for a too long time.
His cellphone buzzed and he sighed: they needed him for the first match.
“Don’t leave me for real Kenma.” He prayed bending to kiss him lightly on the lips; then he walked out the room, without looking back.
  Kenma was laying down on his bed, the head resting on Kuroo’s belly. He was playing a difficult level on his console, while the boy brushed his hair with long and gentle fingers.
“Let’s go to play volleyball.” Said at some point Kuroo with purring voice.
“No.” replied quietly Kenma, but as always his answer went unheard. His best friend stood, pushing his head away, and then jumped on the floor snatching away his console. Kenma glared at him.
“You’re going to ruin your eyes.” Kuroo said grinning and rising the game outside his reach.
“Stop nagging Kuro.” He huffed standing up slowly.
Kuroo’ smile grew wider and he took him by the wrist, dragging him down the stairs and outside the house.
“Why volleyball?” asked annoyed Kenma, following him a few steps behind without resistance. Kuroo’s hand soon slipped down into his, intertwining their fingers.
They repeated this scene so many times it was incredible to any other viewer that they weren’t still tired of it.
But that wasn’t going to happen, Kenma knew it.
“Because I love volleyball.” Kuroo answered, “And I love you too.” Added, turning to give him a crooked grin, “I’m greedy and I want to have what I love at the same time Kitten.”
Kenma rolled his eyes.
“Cheesy.” pouted, “Why now?” inquired again.
“Because soon we will stop playing together.” Now something sounded off.
“Then I’m gonna come to your matches.” Kenma replied before realizing it, unnerved by Kuroo’s answer.
“Maybe you won’t.”
“Why not?” Kenma became strangely nervous and desired that Kuroo would turn to meet his eyes.
“Because you won’t be able.” He said before stopping and showing him a sad smile upon the shoulder, “Because you’re going to leave me.”
Kenma’s eyes widened but, before he could reply anything, Kuroo released his hold for the first time ever.
“Aren’t you?” asked again before disappearing.
  “…The second-year setter Oikawa Tooru sets again to his wing spiker, but the rival middle blocker saves the point again. The teams aren’t going to surrender, but the winner is uncertain…”
A slightly metallic voice ringed in Kenma’s ears.
An annoying buzzing was calling him from the darkness.
Twitching his lips, he tried to lift his heavy eyelids; light blinded him for a second, but in the end he could see a white ceiling over his head. Definitely not his room.
He moved his dry eyes around until he found a screen in that unknown room: a volleyball’s match. Japan Youth Team was playing in his red and white uniforms. Oikawa’s smirk flashed to the camera while he was setting, before it shifted on Bokuto spiking down the ball. He made a point and the team screamed with joy, hugging each other. He recognized the bedhead haired boy that haunted his childhood: Kuro was playing too.
Surprised he tried to stand, his body heavy and uncooperative.
Why he was playing?
He heard an astonished exclamation and his mother entered his field of view, with tears in her eyes.
“Kozume! Kozume!” was calling and hugging him tightly, but the boy couldn’t stop looking at the screen.
“…Kuro is playing.” Observed confused, his throat burning as if he hadn’t talked in ages.
“Kozume!” him mother ignored him, taking his face in her hands to make him look at her, “Can you recognize me? Do you know where you are?” asked worriedly, streams of tears down his cheeks.
Kenma nodded at the first question, then frowned. What happened?
“Kuro…” began bringing a hand to his forehead, “Kuro and I had a date…” he mumbled while pieces of his memory glued together. “He wasn’t looking while crossing the street, that idiot…I…I pushed him. I was hit.” He recollected. She nodded hugging him again.
“You were in coma for seven months.” She cried with relief, “We had lost hope…”
Seven months.
Kenma paralyzed.
Seven months.
“Because you’re going to leave me.”
His golden eyes ran to the screen. Kuro blocked the spiker with his usual shit-eating grin.
His mother followed his stare and smiled.
“He comes here every week, even with exams and practices. He prayed the nurses to let the TV on when he was playing and since all of them love him…” explained sweetly, caressing his hair.
Kenma felt his heart clutching.
Seven months. He left Kuroo for seven months.
“Against who is playing?” asked with his feeble voice still rough.
“This is my last championship.”
“It’s the final. They could win gold and…” began to answer tenderly the woman, but Kenma wasn’t listening anymore.
With every muscle aching, he crawled out of the bed.
“Even volleyball is not the same without you.”
“Where are my clothes?” asked impatiently looking around.
“What are you doing Kenma?” his mother tried to stop him, but he moved away from her arms. A nurse came in and seeing him awake called screaming his colleagues, which hurriedly flooded in the room.
“I have to go.” He answered, shaky on his feet. This hurt so much he wanted to pass out.
“Are you crazy? You were in coma! In coma! It’s already a miracle you’re awake!”
“Kozume-san, please return to your bed.”
“Kozume-san, you shouldn’t moving.”
“I have to go.” he repeated firmly, looking at the screen.
“Don’t be absurd!” they tried to push him in the bed, but he rebelled with his weak and crying body.
They were saying he couldn’t leave the hospital. He had to wait. He had to undergo some exams. He was weak and pained. He was confused.
Everyone silenced, startled.
Kenma was panting hard, but steady now while fire burnt in his usually mild eyes.
“I have to go now. I’ll return immediately after the match and I’ll undergo all of your exams; I’ll stay here for all you want. But not now.”
His mother looked at him amazed, incapable to speak. Kenma didn’t scream often. He didn’t scream, period. She couldn’t even remember a time he did, and she was his mother. When Kenma was in pain, he stopped moving and closed out the world, whining like a kitten. Kenma was lazy. Kenma hated arguing. Kenma didn’t fight. Kenma always let others drag him, moving with the flood.
The woman followed his eyes and gave a glance to Kuro spiking on the screen; then she returned to look at his own son.
“Kozume-san we can’t…” a nurse tried to reason with him, but his mother lift a hand to catch their attention.
“We’re going to return soon and I’ll take all the responsibilities.” She said to the astonished hospital’ staff, “Kozume let’s go. You are going to change in the car.”
Kenma was surprised as well, but rapidly nodded and scrambled near her.
Before anyone could say anything, she grabbed his son’s hand and began running towards the exit.
Kenma feet was aching, he couldn’t coordinate as always and was already dead tired, but his mind was focusing on Kuro’s desperate prayer.
“Don’t leave me.”
  Kenma, if it was any other day, would have been terrified by his mother’s driving; now was too busy wearing his jeans in the small seat.
His mother tightened the grip around the steering wheel.
“This is crazy.” Mumbled to herself, while Kenma finally seated properly dressed.
He nodded.
“Thank you.” Said quietly with his eyes on the street.
“For the first time in your life I’ve just seen you desperate. I waited nineteen years to see you wanting to fight for something, not caring about the price. As a mother I couldn’t waste it.” She explained with trembling lips.
“Kuro is worth it.” He answered simply and showing a tiny smile.
She started silently crying.
“When…When you had the accident,” she confessed with cracked voice, “I…I told him it was his fault. I told him it was his fault. I was so unjust to Kuroo. I never retreated those words and he always apologized to me when we met and…”
“It’s okay mom,” Kenma interrupted her reassuringly, “Kuro is not mad and I’m not either. This is already enough.”
“From the start you two were just…so in synch, so capable of understanding each other.” She remembered, still amazed after all those years, “Even if it was unexpected at first, I should have known it would have ended this way.”
“It wasn’t easy.” Kenma chuckled softly to her surprise, “It wasn’t easy at all.”
From being best friends to lovers? It was hell, a bothersome hell. Kenma was unable to express freely his emotions or wishes, being always to shy; Kuroo was too pushy and at the same time too careful. They had to find the right balance, in their own complicated way.
“But Kuro,” he continued feeling his heart clenching, “Kuro always gave me his hand even when I didn’t want it or I hadn’t done nothing worth it. And I always followed him, trusting him even if he didn’t’ trust himself. That’s why I have to go. This is the first time he had ever left my hand. I believe it’s my time to go and take his, because he’s foolishly thinking I abandoned him. Stupid black cat.”
It was the longest speech his mother had ever heard from his mouth.
Screeching, the car stopped half on the path and Kenma bonked his head against the window. They were there, at the gym.
“GO!” she shouted.
Kenma wobbling got off the car and began running. His heart was throbbing so painfully for the effort that he feared could break his chest. But he couldn’t slow down. He needed his body to work just for a little more.
He heard his mother following him, the car abandoned. He saw in front of them some guards coming to block his way and felt the panic rising, but his mom started shouting.
Maybe the guards understood, maybe they were just too shocked to block him, but Kenma passed between them and entered the building. It echoed with loud cheering and applauses. He didn’t bother searching the way up, he went straight to door he knew opened on the court.
His breath was caught up in his lungs and his muscles was burning so hard he had tears in his eyes. However, he couldn’t stop. Not now. With both his hands he slammed open the heavy doors and tumbled inside. The lights blinded him and the noises hit his ears with the force of a hammer. He stood up with his body trembling.
Kenma’s eyes found him immediately. Black bedhead hair. Slender catlike body.
Kuro was running towards the net.
It was the last point.
Oikawa frowned focusing, sweats running down his face while he followed the ball coming his way.
Kenma recognized the movement, recognized the position Kuro always assumed for him the past. Curled like a panther with arms like wings.
He jumped.
“SPIKE!” Kenma cried aloud as he never had.
Kuroo’s hand slammed down the ball neatly.
The referee whistled.
The gym exploded in shouts, cries and cheers.
All his teammates jumped on Kuroo, screaming and crying for the happiness; they hugged him as if they wanted to suffocate him. Oikawa was crying so much that he didn’t even notice Ushijima’s arm around his shoulders. Bokuto, who should have been dead tired, was bouncing up and down launching some of his teammates in the air. Probably it was Nishinoya, the libero.
Only Kuroo wasn’t moving. Frozen on his feet.
Kenma watched him slowly turning his head until their gaze intertwined. His coal eyes widened in astonishment: it couldn’t be true.
The others noticed his strangeness and followed his stare. Everyone paralyzed.
Kenma showed him his faint, blushing smile.
Finally Kuroo moved, ran unsteady towards him. He launched himself on Kenma, arms wrapping around his fragile boyfriend.
All the strength that supported the younger left him and he fell in his embrace. They both crumbled down to the floor.
Kuroo was warmth and reassuring as Kenma remembered.
“You,” he tried to stay but his voice broke, “You…it can’t be true…you woke up.” He cried tightening the grip around him; he hid his face in the crook of his neck.
Tears of relief ran down Kenma’s cheek, while he grabbed his shirt in a familiar gesture.
“If I hadn’t come to your most important victory, you would have pouted forever.” Answered with his usual monotone, low voice.
Kuroo separated from him a little, just to cup his face with the hands. He looked at Kenma as he had never seen him before, admiring every inch of him as if he were a miracle. Golden catlike eyes. Pudding hair. Thin lips.
“I thought you had left me…” whispered with red and watery eyes; his fingers were shaky.
Kenma tried to shot him an angry glare, but there was only sweetness in him.
“I know. That’s why I came.”
Kuro kissed him, gently and hesitantly as their first time. He kissed him because between the two of them word weren’t needed. He kissed him softly to savor his presence. Because he was bursting with happiness.
The entire gym was confused; the referee was nagging at the team to bring order, but Oikawa barked him to shut the hell up, with tears of commotion stinging his eyes.
When they separates to breath, Kuroo hugged him again.
“I missed you. I was so scared that you weren’t going to return. The apartment is cold and lonely. I’m surrounded by hyperactive idiots or lovey-dovey couples. University’s courses are boring. Dining alone is the worst thing ever. I didn’t have my personal cheerleader. The bed was cold. I lost all the matches I played online gaming. My hair went crazy. I couldn’t sleep anymore. Everything, everything sucked without you. I missed you. And I’m…”
“If you say you’re sorry I’m going to punch you.” Blocked him Kenma, resting his head against Kuro’s chest to hear the calming sound of his heart.
“Shut up Kuro.”
He shut up.
“Now everything is gonna be okay.”
“I know.”
“Before…you heard me.” Kenma observed a bit surprised and embarrassed, nuzzling against him.
Kuroo chuckled and tilted his chin up so he looked at him.
“I always hear you Kitten.” Chirped with his usual grin.
Kenma rolled his eyes.
“So cheesy.”
“You love it tough.” Laughed the other and Kenma smiled too.
That was the moment when Bokuto’s patience ran out and he crashed onto them.
“KENMA!” called loudly strangling them in his arms and weeping tears of joy. Kenma faked an annoyed sigh but let him lull them.
“Hey Bokuto.” Greeted him with a hinted smile, causing another wet hug.
“Koutaro, you’re choking him.”
Kenma turned slightly and with relief saw behind him Akashi, out of breath and trying to find his composure again. When he had seen Kenma, he had run down as fast as he could.
“Akaaaashiiii!” called his boyfriend before grabbing his wrist and pulling him down, “You too!” cried including him in the hug.
“Sorry Kenma.” Said politely the owl’s former setter, but he was smiling fondly.
“I’m so happy. The happiest day of my life…” was repeating Bokuto.
“I know bro, I know.” Agreed Kuroo, moved by his emotional best friend.
They stayed like that for some minutes. Then someone coughed to have their attention; rising their eyes, they found an embarrassed Oikawa standing near them with puffy eyes. He seemed unsure of what to say.
“Oh Tooru-chan! Are you moved too?” insinuated Kuroo with a smirk but the other guy pouted, with red blush flaring on his cheeks.
“I’m crying for our victory Kuro-chan.” Replied, but it was too late. Bokuto already caught him.
“Captain you too!” shouted dragging him down.
“What…wait!” tried to protest while being absorbed in the group hug.
“I hate you all.” He whined, but at the same time getting comfortable near them, “Well not Kenma. Nor Akaashi. Just you two.” Specified with a satisfied sigh.
That was the signal and in few minutes the entire team was hugging them.
“This is embarrassing.” Huffed Kenma quietly and Kuroo laughed as a hysterical monkey.
“Kuro-chan don’t burst my eardrums please!”
“I know you love it Kenma! Deeeeep down!”
“Koutaro. Stop please.”
“I don’t want to ruin the moment,” interrupted them Ushijima somewhere near them, “But hadn’t we a gold medal to take?”
They all looked at each other panicking.
“Oh my gosh!” cried trying to disentangle themselves.
They got all up in a mess, discovering the coach and the annoyed referee waiting for them. Together with the entire gym and all the judges prepared for the ceremony.
Kenma wanted to die.
The team gulped and faked composure while reaching them to the podium.
Kuroo was reluctant to leave his boyfriend, who was barely standing, but Akaashi smiled at him reassuringly; in the end that, and Kenma’s, glare made him move. During the entire ceremony the two former setter, seated on the bench, stared proudly at their boyfriends, gold twinkling on their chest.
When everything was finally finished, Kuroo literally materialized at Kenma’ side.
“This is for you Kitten.” Kuroo said proudly putting the golden medal around his neck. Kenma wanted to refuse, but his boyfriend was watching him as the best thing he’d ever seen, so he accepted it with a small smile.
“You earned it.” Congratulated him calmly and Kuroo fondly pulled him into his chest by the waist.
“I know I’m amazing.”
“I didn’t say that.”
“We should celebrate!” interrupted them an excited Bokuto picking up a done Akaashi in his arms and swinging him round and round.
Ushijima nodded silently, but Oikawa looked at Kenma perplexed.
“Kenma shouldn’t you return to…” tried to stay, but his eyes caught a familiar figure walking towards him with an overly proud smile, “…IWA-CHAN!” He literally jumped in the arms of his boyfriend, making them both collapse to the ground.
“Shittykawa!” roared Iwaizumi, but didn’t’ move and hold him tightly, hands ruffling his hair.
“Some things never change.” Thought Kenma quietly, his hand in Kuroo’s.
“I’m sorry but I promised to return to the hospital.” He then apologized unemotionally to his friends, looking at the ground.
Kuroo stared at him horrified.
“Oh my god Kenma! Why are you outside the hospital?” asked finally realizing the absurdity of the event.
“To see you?” he answered exasperated, but his boyfriend wasn’t listening to him anymore. He rapidly took him by the waist and lifted him on his shoulder.
“You were in fucking coma for seven months. You shouldn’t wander around like this!” he reprimanded Kenma before he walked toward the exit, “Sorry guys we’re going to celebrate when Kenma is okay!” he waved a hand to his amused teammates, who were already planning an illegal party at the hospital.
“I’m fine. Put me down.” Lied blankly Kenma.
“You’re not fine. You haven’t moved for an eternity and you can barely walk.” Replied worriedly Kuroo, “You’re definitely not fine, Kitten.”
“Stop nagging Kuro.”
“Don’t act spoiled now. I promise I’m staying with you at the hospital.”
“I know.”
“I have so many things to tell you.”
“I know.”
“And I recorded all of our matches, so we can watch it together if you want.”
“I want.”
“Aren’t you happy Kitten?” asked finally, electricity running through his body.
The perfect day of his life.
Kenma blushed, clinging to his jersey.
“I am.” He murmured honestly.
“Me too, me too.” Replied Kuroo bubbling with happiness.
“Have you my console?”
“I have it, I have it.” Sighed his boyfriend, a smile on his lips.
Ah, Kenma came back. Everything was right again.
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anneedmonsonus · 5 years
The Hilton Fibro Cottage Renovation
I love this house. This is the former home of our friends Tim and Caity Phillips, it’s a cool renovation and a house that I like because it suits its owners down to a tee. You guys may already know Tim’s name from some of my earlier posts; he and his TJP Carpentry team put up the cladding as part of our Scyon Walls makeover, and they also recently completed our new deck. It was actually through House Nerd that I met Tim and Caity; I got Tim’s name from a House Nerd reader who recommended him as a carpenter years ago, and completely by chance we were looking for a carpenter that week – and it randomly turned out Caity already followed my blog! Now we’re lucky to call Tim and Caity friends. Little Nerd in particular worships them with the kind of awed reverence Mr Nerd and I only dream of attaining.
The first time I visited Tim and Caity’s house was when they opened up their backyard for a gig as part of Parlour Gigs, an initiative where people can host musicians to play in their homes. With their huge oak tree and deck, it was an awesome setting for live music and I fell in love with the house as a whole. I could 100 percent see why they were sad to sell it (and yes they sold it not long after we did our shoot – more on that later!)
GREEN ENVY: Plants at every corner pay homage to the home’s roots – the house was rumoured to have once been used as a plant nursery. Photos by Heather Robbins.
I feel like I have to pop in a disclaimer here, because we all know I am a terrible blogger but this is particularly embarrassing. Heather (Robbins) and I shot this home AGES ago, just before Tim and Caity put it on the market… at the end of 2017, I believe. WHAT THE. Insert monkey emoji covering his eyes. In my defense, we had a limited amount of time to shoot the house quickly before Caity and Tim styled it to sell, because I just knew a house like theirs would be snatched up quickly (and it was – it spent only two weeks on the market before the Phillips accepted an offer).
Shortly after Heather and I visited, I got pregnant and spent the next ten months throwing up as fun, unsponsored posts like this one took a backseat for a while, as pretty much all my energy went towards doing the bare minimum of sponsored posts to get me through. Obviously I have no qualms about doing sponsored content, but home tours like these (and personal ramblings) are still the stories I love to share the most. That said, they’re also the ones I tend to put the most into. Whenever a house like this crosses my path, I feel this funny sense to ‘do it justice’ and to write it as best as I can. And when the owners are my friends, or when I meet them and they turn out to be people I really like (which, if I’m honest, tends to be pretty much all of them) then I feel this even greater need to put together something I hope they’ll be proud of.
I can’t even say this is just a House Nerd thing; I was this obsessive back when I just used to write features for the paper and magazines. I’d spend WAY more time and energy on the stories of the houses I loved (and the home owners I liked) than the ones that I was indifferent to, which I could dash off and shoot through to my editor in half an hour. The downfall of the overcommitted, procrastinating perfectionist, people. Sometimes it feels like a fault; like everything I do must be my full effort or I feel dissatisfied. I don’t even think it’s about trying to do something ‘perfectly’, it is just about effort. I can’t do anything half-arsed. I must put full arse into everything. That sounded wrong and will probably bring me some unsavoury SEO. (2019 New Year’s Resolution – stop being weird. Finish what I have in my folders before enthusiastically committing myself to more and more and more like I’m still a-20-something-uni-student-with-no-kids).
Anyway – back to the story. Tim and Caity met years ago through mutual friends – Caity was best friends with the drummer of Tim’s band (“We had a real love-hate relationship in the beginning,” says Caity, but the thought seems laughable now; they are one of the best-suited couples we know) and were living in a share house in Attadale. They had just returned from four months travelling through Europe when they decided to start looking for a place of their own, feeling like it was time to have their own space. Initially they were looking to rent before realising it would actually be cheaper to buy. “We’d originally been looking at renting,” says Tim. “But it was peak time on the rental market and we were really struggling to find anything that we liked without paying a huge amount every week- so much so that we realised it would just about be cheaper for us to buy our own place and pay a mortgage. We had a broad area we liked but kind of fell in love with Hilton and honed the search in here.” They bought their house in May 2014.
Hilton was designed under the state government’s post World War II ‘garden suburbs’ initiative, with single homes on larger blocks and wide verges, and the suburb has no shortage of timber and timber-framed cottages; one of its attractions for Tim and Caity. “As Tim is a carpenter, we loved the idea of a timber frame house that we could easily work on, along with plenty of trees and room for a dog,” says Caity.
AFTER.“Our favourite paint colour is Dulux Lexicon,” says Caity of the white they chose for both inside and outside. “We’ve used it on practically everything and love how bright and calming it is. We made a bold choice in choosing gloss black for our architraves but think it really paid off. The architraves and black door handles become such a great focus point now.” Photos by Heather Robbins.
AFTER. “The house is really small at just 120sqm but it’s on a 640sqm block so we have a lot of external living space,” says Caity. Photos by Heather Robbins.
The home they ended up buying was a 1950s fibro cottage with jarrah floorboards. A previous owner had clad the fibro exterior in cedar weatherboards, and although the house was looking worn, Tim and Caity knew it could come up a treat. Inside, every room was a different colour. “There was avocado green, lemon yellow, pink, purple and maroon,” Caity remembers. “We never really loved the look of the house but we fell in love with the feeling we got from it. After we moved in we wondered what we had got ourselves into.”
Over the next three years they painstakingly worked on and off on every room, with the older house throwing up some fun curveballs. “From the get go we had to repair things we weren’t expecting,” says Caity. “We had to gut the entire master bedroom, because the false ceiling was falling down, and then found the original ceiling above it was falling down too. We also found quite a few roof leaks in our first winter. We remember coming home one day to practically find a waterfall in our spare bedroom.”
SCYON CLADDING: A previous owner had overclad the original fibro cottage with cedar weatherboards. Tim and Caity restored some of these and painted them white, but at the front of the house they replaced the whole front with Scyon Linea cladding. Photos by Heather Robbins.
The shabby external cedar weatherboards were restored and painted white, and Tim and Caity replaced the whole front of the house with new Scyon Linea boards. The old original veranda had at one stage been turned into additional space and a bedroom, so Tim and Caity extended the front to create a new veranda with timber decking and a paneled ceiling, where Tim added skylights. For the garden they called in the help of friends, Moloney Gardens, who put in lawns and reticulation, while other friends Fozlek Electrical helped out too.
Quaint is a good way to describe this house, where walls are wonky and the old jarrah floor in the front bedroom (originally a veranda, see below) isn’t quite level. “We’re pretty sure there isn’t a single straight wall in the house!” laughs Caity. But somehow things like this just add to the home’s charm.
“Our records are currently stored in a vintage buffet unit that my dad picked up at Vinnies for $5,” says Caity. “He’s since passed away, so even though it’s practically falling apart, we can’t bring ourselves to get rid of it. He also made the shell lamp that is in our lounge room. When he passed, it was the one thing of his that I really, really wanted to have.” Photos by Heather Robbins.
Tim says the part of the renovation they were most happy with would be the kitchen. “It was an IKEA kitchen put in by the previous owners. Cream cupboards and a tiny round sink. We swapped the door fronts to gloss white, made up some matte black panels, a cupboard over the fridge and put on black handles and a bigger black sink. It completely changed the feel of the house in one weekend and at a minimal cost too.” Photos by Heather Robbins.
Being just five minutes from the beach, where they take their kelpies, Mabel and Tiger, each morning, Tim and Caity wanted to give the house a coastal-inspired ambience. “We love the beach, so we wanted that sort of carefree vibe, but still keeping it basic with a monochrome palette,” says Caity. “We used a lot of jarrah and greenery to add colour.” Another thing I love about Tim and Caity’s style is their confident use of black. I am a big believer in the adage that every interior needs a touch of black, and they’ve used it in unexpected ways like with black gloss on the doorframes, making them a feature with new doors in a VJ style.
Both work long hours (they say that recently making the decision to get a cleaner in on Fridays was the best idea they’ve had in a long time!) Caity works for MRL, Tim plays football on top of running TJP Carpentry, and Caity used to own a shop and coffee hub in Fremantle, Calypso Warehouse. So home is about relaxing (or trying to, in between demolition work and renovations). “We are both pretty busy people, so when we come home we want to be able to relax and feel like we’re on holiday,” says Caity. “We find that our house is often influenced by our travels. A trip to New York led us to select more industrial, warehouse kind of furniture while a trip to Bali led us to choose more soft furnishings and tropical plants. We pick up a lot of our little bits and pieces from vintage shops. We don’t specifically seek out these things; we just stumble upon them and feel like they fit.”
They share a similar design aesthetic (although one difference is that Tim is tidy, Caity is not!) “Our styles are pretty much the same,” says Tim. “The only real compromise we’ve had to make is that I wanted a custom-built kitchen and Caity was happy to just replace the fronts on the IKEA kitchen that was already there. We compromised by keeping the layout, using IKEA drawer and cupboard fronts and then I built some custom cabinets and put in custom-made side panels.” “It actually worked out really well!” says Caity. “We couldn’t have been happier with the result.”
Tim’s carpentry work is at every corner – he made the plumbing part shelving in the study corner and the drawer unit in the kitchen, one of the first things he built in the house. “He’d already designed the overall look so my contribution was the white leather tab handles,” says Caity. “We then copied that exact style for our floating TV unit which completely opened up the lounge room space. There’s a hall table in the spare bedroom that Tim made as well. We always try to use recycled jarrah and other woods to minimise on costs and waste.”
She and Tim are two of the most social people I know, and entertained here often. “Entertaining is our favourite thing to do,” says Caity. “We’ve had countless parties and even hosted a live music gig. We love being surrounded by our family and friends.”
The gig they mention was the night they hosted under the Parlour Gigs banner, the first time I visited their house – and I remember then thinking their house had such a warm feel to it. They rushed through another stage of renovations for the gig, adding a small deck beneath the oak tree which worked as a stage and also an external powder room (in the space of a week!)
HILTON LOVE: “We love this area – being so close to the beach and the cafes in South Freo,” says Caity. “We spend most of our Sunday nights at the Local Hotel and love café-hopping for breakfasts on a Sunday morning. Hilton is so full of trees so it almost has a bush kind of vibe to it.” Photos by Heather Robbins.
FAVOURITE ROOM: Overlooking the spectacular oak tree, the back deck is their favourite part of the house. “Our oak tree covers almost the whole backyard so it’s really nice and cool in summer and then allows the back deck to be flooded with sun in the winter,” says Caity. “Our lounge room is so beautiful and cosy in winter too.” Photos by Heather Robbins.
And then… right as they finished renovations (and as so often happens) Tim and Caity decided to sell! They were sad at the thought of leaving as they love this house, but had gotten some good advice from a friend on the real estate market and decided to take the plunge and put it on the market. They accepted an offer within just two weeks. Then they went on a big trip to the States and South America and eloped in a hot air balloon in Vegas, as you do.
When they got home they threw a wedding party and promptly jumped into renovating their next buy – this one a quaint 1960s brick cottage. “It was owned by a little Italian nonna and papa I imagine,” says Caity. “The shower curtain rail comes up to my chin!” Suffice to say, it needs a lot of modernising. Their plan is to renovate this cottage and subdivide the big block and build on the back of it. You can follow along their progress at Caity’s Instagram @what.caity.did.next I’m sure I’ll do a shoot of this house in 2020, and probably write about it in 2028. Stay tuned. Maya x
Tim and Caity Phillips and their two dogs, black and tan kelpie Tiger and red cloud kelpie Mabel
A fully renovated 1950s fibro cottage, since clad in weatherboards and Scyon
Hilton, Western Australia
Tim and Caity designed the interiors and did all the work themselves. Tim runs his own carpentry business, TJP Carpentry
Main suite with parents retreat, two minor bedrooms, open-plan kitchen, living and dining, study, workshop, bathroom, external powder room
TJP Carpentry (Tim’s business) Scyon Walls Dulux Fozlek Electrical Moloney Gardens for reticulation and lawn
Heather Robbins of Heather Robbins Photography
The post The Hilton Fibro Cottage Renovation appeared first on House Nerd.
from Home Improvement https://house-nerd.com/2019/01/03/hilton-fibro-cottage/
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