#i even have a perfume for armin
arminsumi · 8 months
perfume is so important to me. i have so many. they all remind me of particular times in my life. i can smell the ones i wore at 16 and feel sad and then smell the ones i wore last year and smile abt last october's memories
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f4irycafe · 2 years
𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐚𝐥 𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥 - 𝒂𝒐𝒕 𝒃𝒐𝒚𝒔
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⤷ summary: aot boys wth high maintenance girlfriends.
⤷ characters: jean, armin, connie, eren,
⤷ content warnings: suggestive themes, fluff, black!coded reader, college!au.
⤷ notes: my MEN.
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baby boy is obsessed with you. like the biggest simp outta all of them fs.
jean isn't rich, but he's worked hard for all the $$ he has.
and he def doesn't mine spending all that shit on you okayyyyyyyyy.
he knew you liked to keep up w yourself, new nails and lashes every few weeks, new wig/braids/locs every few months.
he was just soo in awe of your presence for a while he didn't even consider how much that stuff costs.
"baby how much does your hair cost?" he asks you one day as ur just chilling on the couch in your dorm.
"couple hundred, why?" atp he knows all abt your hair care n stuff so this isn't no invasive ass question.
eyes = dropped out of his head.
he tries to play it cool like, "oh alright," but inside he's like, i've been letting her pay hundreds for her hair ALONE this entire time.
now whenever you mention you wanna go get ur lashes refilled, or ask him to pick a color, his first question is,
"how much is it?"
i feel like there is one or two services he chooses to pay for consistently, like braids and nails. he got money, but not that much so he can't be wildin out for you.
you get the biggest heart eyes when he does tho. sometimes you don't even have to ask and you get a veno notif on your phone.
"$250 from jean" - get the white tips i like.
cause yuk know, he likes to watch em when you ... yeh yeh u get it.
supportive, love to spoil you, but will act so nonchalant abt it.
rich boy armin? rich boy armin.
he lives a high maintnence lifestyle as it is, tailed clothes, designer book bags, shoes, glasses, family homes in europe. your typical trust fund baby.
honestly, that was the first thing he noticed about you. the nice but still lowkey car, the sleek bags, the perfect professional looking wigs and braids, even the smells you wore just exuded an air of confidence.
he loved it.
being a boy tho, he didn't realize just how much money went into upkeep with your look per week.
he was shocked, sure, but your finances barely made a dent in his pockets.
the type boyfriend to just hand you an asswad of cash at the beginning of the week and say "go crazy,"
at first you wanted to test just how much you could get out of him. a new white tie dress for some elite school event, the new apple watch that just dropped, wigs that cost upwards of $500 for you to only wear them for a week.
when you finally realized that this boy would do any and everything for you, you toned it down a bit.
but now, he pays for all your shit. eyelashes, hair, nails, perfume.
you still be paying for your phone, car, rent etc, but all that personal shit, yeah its his.
hehehe. y'all know this is my husband quit playingggggg
while armin goes after the pretty rich girls, eren goes after the ones that do this shit just cause they can.
you be working for every inch of hair on your head trust and BELEIVEEEEEEE.
thats one of the things he admires about you, how hard you work for the stuff you want. even if that shit seems superficial to others, you can fr do anything you put your mind to.
another trust fund baby. (i hc grisha as a world class surgeon and carla as a lowkey fashion designer)
he just thinks ur so pretty. like jean, worships the ground you work on.
one night you're trying to set up an appointment for these fancy ass locs that almost touch the floor but you're stressin tryna figure out when you can fit another shift in at work between studying, classes and your extracurriculars while on ft w him.
he's quiet and contemplative on the phone, not really giving answers outside of "i'm sorry bae :("
in the morning you wake up to a venmo notif.
"stink-a-link paud you $600 - hair app. get those nails you've been wanting too."
at first you kinda freak out cause 600??? aint no one treated you like this before.
he just smiles when you try to call him, asking him to take it back.
"i got money to spend, and ik how much this style means to you. if you're happy i'm happy pretty girl."
the sweetest.
plus he gets bragging rights. cause who tf elses girl is looking this damn fine? right , no ones.
if you've been here for a while you know its rich drug dealer connie or nothin.
yall probably got together cause he was ur plug and gave u a lil too much free weed lmaooooo.
but he been payin for your shit from the start.
the only catch - u gotta get what he wants.
its never wack or emberassing, our boy got taste and an eye for fashion, trust he does u right.
he be putting the description in the venmo tag LMAO
"buss down 30in. honey brown beach wave ..."
sometimes he'll just give you like a color for the nails and hair. he don't be knowin much about lashes tho, but he likes the cat eye ones the most.
everyone is always thirsting after you fr.
makes him so proud. maybe a lil too proud HAHA
but he'll drive u to all ur appointments. he doesn't care how long they are he'll wait. or go home and bring u food if its a long hair day.
hypes u up so much when u get in the car talkin bout "you so pretty babe".
can't stop looking at you.
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elles rambles: i - love them so much. biased w eren as always. but i want these boys to spoil me. specially connie :))))))0
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giuliettagaltieri · 1 year
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Sparkly Pink Skirt
Pairing: College student! Eren Jaeger x College student! reader
Synopsis: When you are head over heels for Eren since high school, he finds it difficult to take in when you start to avoid him.
Word Count: 2586 
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You are a riddle Eren has long given up on solving.
He closes his eyes to refrain from rolling them when your hand untangles from his arm and shoots up into the air to answer a question, your charm bracelet jingling loudly. He knows that it would be so unnecessarily intricate, he might as well take a quick nap.
It has always been like that since he met you in high school.  Teachers were always so fond of you due to the efforts you gave in your academics.
Eren spreads his thighs to lean more on his chair. You are still talking. He drums a finger on his desk and glances at you. You don't even realize that you are driving everyone to snoozeville. Except your biology professor, of course. She seemed just as giddy as you.
With a deep breath, you then smoothed out your frilly pink skirt and sat back down beside Eren and wrapped your arm around his again as you giggle at nothing in particular. "Ren, I was just thinking. We should get milkshakes later."
Eren sighs. "Can't."
She's not his girl, he feels no obligation to indulge her.
Her smile drops before it returns once more. "What about tomorrow?"
"Shut up. She mentioned a quiz or something." Eren nodded to the professor.
It was a lame excuse to get you off him but you did not buy it for one second and even pouted at him. "No, the professor was just talking about thermoregulation. Were you not listening?"
Eren's eyes flitted to you before staring into the empty space of the white board once more, not having enough energy to deal with you at the moment.
At lunch, you always invite yourself to sit next to him.
His peers nod at you as you place your pink Sanrio lunchbox on the table.  Eren scrunches his nose at your strong strawberry perfume that you no doubt just sprayed on yourself before coming.
“Hey Jean, Armin, and Connie!”  You say with the brightest smile as you scooch closer to Eren, who was taking a chug at his energy drink, before you steal it away from him.
A moment of silence falls on your table but you don’t waver and instead you glare at him.
“I told you a million times!  These are harmful for-”
Eren clicks his tongue and your shoulders drop.
“Ren, I just don’t want you getting sick.  You drink like a hundred cans per day.”
He scoffs at your exaggeration.
You tap your chunky shoes, your expression falling.
“I’m sorry. Here.”  You pull out a tumbler from your bag.  “I made you cucumber lemonade this morning.”  Apologetically, you smile at the others on your table who were looking almost too busy with their forks and ketchup.  “I brought fruit sandwiches for all of us.”
Connie cheers while Jean and Armin thanks you like how a normal person would.  
Eren takes the strawberry one which you offered him.  His taste buds feel weird from all the flavors, having been used to artificial snacks that he often got from convenience stores.
“Does it taste good?”  You ask him eagerly, eyes all bright as your hands fiddle with your hair.
You already know that he finds it tolerable, Eren had it countless of times.  He doesn’t know why you bother asking him every time you feed him the food you make.
“It’s gonna give me diabetes.”  He comments.
“You ungrateful fu-”  
You cut off Jean’s accusation with a soft smile before you turn to Eren once more, already used to his quips.  Your smile widens when he takes another bite anyway.
“I mixed the cream myself.  I added less sugar, it’s not going to give you diabetes.”  You giggle as you grab a tissue and playfully smack Eren’s mouth with it and the tissue sticks to the whipped cream in the corner of his lips.
Jean coughs.  “You guys coming to the party later?”
Connie responds with a ‘yes’ without hesitation.
“Today’s Thursday.”  You point out.  But Connie just shrugs like a party on a weekday is totally fine, making you sigh.
“I don’t know, I have to study for midterms.  Are you going to come, Ren?”  You turn to him.
He shrugs. “There’s free booze.  Why not?”
You roll your eyes and look at Armin.  “Are you coming too, Armin?”
Armin smiles excitedly.  “Yes! Mikasa’s here to represent their school in an event.  She told us that she’ll be attending.”
Eren chuckles, making you look at him.  “It’s been quite a while, hasn’t it?”
The three of them were inseparable ever since you met them.  You tagged along most of the time but their friendship goes way back.  Mikasa, however, she had to study in her mother’s hometown for high school senior year and even now, in college.
You took a bite off your kiwi sandwich as you consider attending.
Eren knocks your thigh with his, making it jiggle softly.  “I’ll pick you up at seven.”
Well, you do have a lot of time to study before the exams, one party will not be that big of a deal.
You smile at Eren.  “Okay!”
Seven rolled around rather quickly and you find yourself seated in Eren’s dodge challenger.  He buckles you in as you are too busy pulling your thigh highs up.
You resist the urge to fan yourself despite the blasting ac.  
Eren just had to be so unfairly handsome, doesn’t he?
His black shirt was illegally stretched across his chest, his pecs shamefully bulging out, his arms immorally straining on the sleeves of his shirt.  His jeans too immorally taut against his muscular thighs. You look away, not wanting to objectify the person beside you any more than you already have.
Oh, but his man bun and piercings are just so sinfully attractive!
The party was already starting when you arrive, you can tell by the blasting music which you heard a block away.  The two floored house had its windows flashing in neon lights.  The outside was pretty empty, aside from the cars haphazardly parked by irresponsible teenagers.
You scurry next to Eren the moment you got out and you whine, trying to keep up with his long strides.  He opens the door and heads inside, leaving you to push the door yourself and you almost lose him in the crowd but you managed to grab a fistful of his shirt.  
He leads you inside and you struggled to avoid being pushed around by sweaty party animals.
Soon enough, you find yourself seated with the gang in the terrace.  You take the deepest breath, after trying to hold it while passing the crowd earlier.
“You okay?” Mikasa smiles and offers you a drink.
“Hey, Mika! Yes, I’m fine.”  You thank her for the drink, sniffing it to see if there’s alcohol in it and gulping it down when you see that it’s just plain juice.
Eren leans to give Mikasa a one arm hug and you see how flustered Mikasa has become despite how dim the terrace was.
Everybody was having fun, catching up and you enjoyed it too.  Only, you can’t help but feel a little out of place when they began talking about their youth.  The rest of the gang knew each other back in grade school, and you only joined when you were in high school.
Reiner and Bertholdt went downstairs to dance, so did Ymir and Historia.  Sasha raided the kitchen with Connie.  The rest stayed to chat and you just sat there with them, listening to them laugh as they recall their shenanigans.
You were feeling kind of hungry and you grab Eren’s sleeve to have him accompany you downstairs.  
“Ren, I’m hungry.”
He clicks his tongue.  “Go eat.”
“Come with me?”  
Eren’s eyebrows twitched as he spoke in a hushed voice.  “Can you stop being annoying just for tonight?  My plans don’t include babysitting you.”
You immediately let go of his sleeve, your hand fall to your thigh and you look away from him as you feel your nose sting, knowing that tears will come any moment now.
“Okay.” You whisper, head hanging low.
Eren resumes his conversation with Armin and Mikasa and in the brief moment you look up, you see him smiling at her.
You bite your lip the entire time, not wanting to cry in front of them.
Eren already thinks you’re annoying.
Of course, perhaps you do go a bit too far in showing your affection for him.
You wait for a couple of minutes more before you slip downstairs.
The party was still as alive as the moment you arrived.  Sasha and Connie were in the kitchen, trying to stuff their mouth with marshmallows.  You grab a pocky and head out without disturbing their intense competition.
You were knocked around more times than once but you did manage to get out of that suffocating house.  The night breeze bit your skin but you preferred it anyway.  It was unbelievably convenient when you see a beanbag in the porch and you collapse into it, bringing your heavy wedged shoes up to pull your knees to your chest, an attempt to make yourself more invisible.
The strawberry pocky was your only company and you wanted to smack your own head for not bringing any juice.
“The party a little too much for you?”
You gasp, startled.
Jean was leaning on the wall behind you, his arms crossed as he remained staring at the empty street.
“Uh yeah. Wanted to cool down a bit.  I’ll be back shortly.”  You say meekly.
He heaves a sigh and pushes himself off the wall.  “Wanna go drive around town?”
You look at your shoes and then to Jean.  
“Yeah, that does sound a lot better than just sitting here.”
He offers a hand and you take it.  His Range Rover comes to view and he opens the door for you.  Making you chuckle.
“What?” He smiles.
You shake your head.  “You’re so chivalrous, Jean.”
He grins. “Nah, it’s a bare minimum. ‘S not that big of a deal.”
Smiling, you say, “But I appreciate it.  Thank you.”
Jean drove you around and even got you a slushy in a store that was open 24/7.
But on the way back to the party, you asked him if he could drive you home instead, already exhausted.
You thank Jean after he drops you off in your dorm and doesn’t leave until you got inside.  You quickly sent him another quick thank you.
The moment you’re inside your dorm room, you peel off your clothes and took a quick shower.  You are about to go to bed when you hear a ping.
“Where are you?”  Eren texted.
“Who drove you home?”
“You should’ve told me you wanted to leave.”
“I didn’t wanna bother you.”  
“You can’t just leave without telling me.”
Perhaps you were a little too tired and emotionally exhausted after what happened in the party but your fingers punched letter by letter and hit ‘send’ before you can process what you just said.
“Yes, I can.  You’re not my boyfriend.”
But it was done.  You sent it. And he read it.
Three dots appeared on his end before it vanished.  You bite your lip when it appears again.  The cycle kept repeating and you just decided to go offline.  
You have no classes with him tomorrow, thankfully. You would not want to face him anytime soon.
To say that Eren was confused when he does not see you in his usual parking space was an understatement.  You must have woken up late.  He’s sure your attitude from last night was already gone.  You just slept though your alarm.
He nods at Connie and Armin when he gets to his first period.
“I didn’t see Y/N.”  Connie says, still looking at the door, half expecting to see you there, waving at them.
“Late perhaps.”  Eren mutters.
“I wonder about that.”  Jean quips as he seats himself next to Eren.
“What do you mean by that, Jean?”  Armin asks, concerned.
But Jean only smiles at them.  “Nothing.”
Eren did not appreciate being kept in the dark, it has been happening since last night and it’s starting to piss him off.
“You drove her home, didn’t you?”  Eren asks Jean, almost accusingly.
“What if I did?”  Jean gave a coy smile.
Eren clicks his tongue to dismiss Jean.
Armin glances at Eren but it was difficult to read him, when Eren’s eyes are as dead as always.  But in a millisecond, he thought he saw Eren’s brow twitch.
You were still nowhere to be found by lunch.
It started to bother them all when Eren looks like he’s just about to snap.  His leg was bouncing without pause and he kept clenching and unclenching his hand.
“Maybe she’s sick and didn’t come to school?” Connie suggests just to ease the tension for a moment.
Jean shakes his head and pops a fry on his mouth. “Saw her this morning on my way to second period.”  He glances at how uneasy Eren was and pretended to let the information slip. “Y/N said that she wanted to try that dessert café a few blocks away from the campus for lunch.”
Eren’s foot shifted but he remained seated.
“Armin, I need to review for basic cal.  Help me out a bit.”  Jean sighs as he stands to leave.
Armin quickly catches on and nods.  “Of course.”
Connie was about to protest but Eren’s sharp stare got him to stand as well.  “Right! I also need to study.”  Jean elbows him harder than intended.  “No one would believe that coming from you.”
He’s not stupid.  He knew what they were doing and he wanted to smack them for it but he doesn’t feel the need to stop them either.
The tray on your hand looks like what dreams are made of, you concluded.
A rainbow crepe, crème brûlée, lemon cake, tiramisu, oh you can’t wait to try more.  You sat down quickly and your hand hovered over them, not knowing which one you should try first.  Deciding on the tiramisu, you snatched the fork and took your first bite.
You cup your cheeks as you chew the tiramisu, eyes closing in pure happiness.  The mascarpone and coffee soaked lady fingers were so rich it ruined every dessert that you had.
“Enjoying yourself?”
It was cute how you squeaked in surprise.
Eren taps a finger on surface of the table.
“What are you doing here?”  You mumble, eyes now on your lap, fingers tracing the glitters on your rose-colored skirt.
“Am I not allowed to come here?”  The corner of his lips twitch to a smirk.
You look at him for a moment before you avoid eye contact again.  
Well, he certainly looks out of placed. Especially with his black attire and piercings, the kids from two tables behind him were stealing glances at you.
“I’m guessing you’re not here for the cakes served in sparkly pink plates.”
Eren flashes you an amused smile.  “No but I did come for the girl in sparkly pink skirt.”
Your eyes rounded, your face heating up.  You did have a feeling he was here to talk to you but it did not stop you from feeling all shy.
The next Thursday, your biology teacher hears the familiar click clack of your shoes and looks up with a smile.
But instead of seeing you clinging on Eren’s arm, he had it wrapped around your waist.
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iicloudyiiddyy · 8 months
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CLINGY- Most likely of them all to become a stalker, too emotionally attached, it’s a must to have you in their life. They just can’t do it without you! I need hugs and I need kisses and I need you to look at me! Tsk. Tsk. Such Needy little things. 
“Where you going? In town near the shore? Oooo! Let me come!”
Ready to create shrines (already did) about you. Wants you. Needs you. Craves you. Your attention on  is more of a life source than food and water for them. Has videos & pictures of you. (They touch themselves to it) anything to remind them that you are with them, not with that bitch. Always trying to take you away from. Someone should teach her a lesson. They will throw a fit if you tell them that you can’t hang out with them today or that you are to busy and it’s because they will cling on to anything that tells them that you choose them, that you hang out with them because you like it, because you love it, I mean what could be more important than them?
-> Hange , Sasha , Krista (AOT) Hinata , Nishinoya , Yachi, Atsumu (HAIKYUU) Hinata , Ten-Ten , Konan (NARUTO) Gon , Pakunoda (HUNTER X HUNTER) Tanjiro , Mitsuri , Rengoku (DEMON SLAYER) Izuku , Kirishima , Twice (MY HERO ACADEMIA)
————— OBSESSIVE - They are nothing but a slave to their own obsession. They revolve around you. How you sleep, what you eat, and what you say can drive them in a tizzy! Even the smallest of things can make them stay up at night and fantasize. Everything about you is in and on their mind. Your smell. Your eyes. Your body. Your touch. Must know about you. You’re their passion, and the root of their curiosity. They steal your worn-out clothes, your perfume, your panties & your pens. Anything to get a glimpse into who you are, to aid there dirty fantasies. 
-> Jean , Falco , Erwin(ATTACK ON TITAN) Tanaka , Kenma (HAIKYUU) Kiba , (NARUTO) Nobunaga (HUNTER X HUNTER) Akaza , Muichiro (DEMON SLAYER) Sero (MY HERO ACADEMIA) Sal Fisher, (SALLY FACE)
POSSESSIVE- Yours. Hers. His. Theirs. Mine. They get off so bad with these words, rubbing their thighs together at just the mere thought of it. They must dictate and decide everything for you, you are theirs after all. You can eat this and this, don’t even think about trying that though and stay away from your Aunt Susan. Why? Cause I said so now do it. They want to direct the things you do. Make the things you do because of them. Power and ownership is what makes them choke you , watching as you sputter and struggle and only when they think that you’ve learned your lesson in disobedience that they stop. Just give it up, the sooner you stop fighting them and their decisions the better. 
“ Good girl, now who do you belong to? That’s right. That means when I say for you to take my cock you fucking do it.”
-> Levi , Ymir (ATTACK ON TITAN) Kageyama , Tsukishima (HAIKYUU) Madara , Sasuke, Neji , (NARUTO) Chrollo , Machi , Kurapika , (HUNTER X HUNTER) Obanai , Sanemi , Muzan , Kokoshibu (DEMON SLAYER) Shigaraki , Aizawa (MY HERO ACADEMIA)
SUBMISSIVE -  You need a dog? I can bark. You need a shoe cleaner? I have a mouth. They are by your feet within seconds of you uttering their name. They love serving you, being needed by you. I mean as long as your there they are fine with literally anything. Willing to do anything. Would give you everything if you so much as asked.     
“Please! Please, tell me you want me! Tell me you love me!”
Will give up their dignity, pride and humanity for you. All you have to do is ask. Their worst nightmare is you throwing them out. Deciding that you are better off without them. Your aren’t and they will prove it to you. 
-> Armin , Floch , Gabi (ATTACK ON TITAN) YACHI, Terushima, (HAIKYUU) Sakura , Minato (NARUTO) Leorio, (HUNTER X HUNTER) MITSURI , Enmu (DEMON SLAYER)
MANIPULATIVE - Gaslight, gate-keep, girl boss, blackmail. Will use every single tactic and ploy in the book to get you to stay.
“How could you! You did this to me! Made me so weak and useless without you! I can’t breathe when you aren’t around! I’ll fall apart without you! It would be all your fault!”
They know what they are doing, know that you are too sweet to leave in fear of what would happen to them. So you stay and let them rule and command your life, you would be falling apart of the amount of emotional torture and manipulation that they put you through and they would be all shits and giggles. You aren’t leaving. You’re going to stay here with them through heaven and hell. 
-> Eren, Connie , (ATTACK ON TITAN) Kuroo, Oikawa (HAIKYUU) Naruto, Shikamaru, Itachi (NARUTO) Phinks (HUNTER X HUNTER) Uzui, Shinobu , Daki ( DEMON SLAYER) HAWKS , toga (MY HERO ACADEMIA)
SADISTIC-  You thought possessive YAN! was bad? Oh…sweetheart here they come…the minute they set their eyes on you you were theirs, and to ensure that they spread lies and cause rumors. Anything to get you alone,by yourself and hurt. Come crawling to them. Stay with them. Never leave them, you have no one else anyways. They will play nice with you, let you think that they are here to protect you that you are safe when you are the farthest thing from it. They will coo at you saying how cute you are, all small and fragile with only them by your side before smashing their fist on your head, they shudder at your pain.Not cause it grosses them out. No! No! Quite the opposite. They are drooling for your despair. Seeing you like this on your knees, tears streaming down your face as you sob in pain. God. How could they not want you? 
They don’t dilute themself into thinking that this is for you or your safety. No, this is for them. They not only blush at the thought of you in pain but also for the fact that it’s because of them. They get off seeing you beg and babble. Gasp and scream for them to stop as you collapse on their cock. They giggle at your fruitless efforts, silly thing, you should know by now that your crying only makes them want to do it more. The power goes to their head, intoxicated at seeing you whimper in fear of them. They love you so much . They want to see you so helpless and out of power. To have your pleasure, pain and thoughts in their hands is nothing but a dream for them.
-> Levi, Zeke (ATTACK ON TITAN) MADARA (NARUTO) FEITAN (HUNTER X HUNTER) Sakusa kiyoomi?? (HAIKYUU) MUZAN (DEMON SLAYER) Dabi, Keigo (MY HERO ACADEMIA) ( ᴡʜʏ ᴅᴏ I ғɪɴᴅ ᴛʜᴇsᴇ ʏᴀɴ sᴏ ʜᴏᴛ)
DELUSIONAL - Anything and everything is the problem but them. It must by the color of his shirt that’s making you look at him with such disgust. Green isn’t his color.. everyone knows that... You love them though. It’s the only explanation for how you act, running away when seeing them, you should be more forward with your feelings! They feel the same way! You’re just playing shy when you were dodging their kisses. 
When you were yelling on how much you don’t want this. Tut, tut. Playing hard to get? We love each other. We’re made for each other. I love you and you love me. Now stop beating around the bush and come here.
“I only hurt you because of my love. My feelings. You feel the same way. You should understand. I’ll make you understand.”
-> Marco, EREN ( ATTACK ON TITAN) Sugawara , Yaku (HAIKYUU) ALSO SAKURA , Lee , Gaara (NARUTO) Shizuku , Cheetu ( I’m sobbing I dont know why I find that cheetah ant so hot)(HUNTER X HUNTER) Tomioka (DEMON SLAYER)
SAFE GUARD-   Extremely overbearing. Must know where you are at all times, has to not only be aware but also have an opinion in what you are doing. 
“You want to go where? Why? Here with me is perfect. Fine. Stop crying you can go, but I’m coming with you.”
Just accept it. You aren’t shaking them off. They watch, study & perceive, if not for you then for them, for their peace of mind . They love being your knight in shining armor (even though you didn’t need one) your protecter.
They keep you ‘safe’, and that fact alone is their pride and joy. I mean, what would you do without them? You need them. They don’t need you.( that’s what they tell themselves) you should be more grateful.
-> Mikasa , LEVI (ATTACK ON TITAN) Daichi , (HAIKYUU) Itachi , kakashi (NARUTO) Machi , Uvogin, killua, illumi (HUNTER X HUNTER) Akaza , Gyomei (DEMON SLAYER)
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( ᴄʀᴇᴅɪᴛs ᴛᴏ @cafekitsune ♡︎) ᴘʟᴇᴀsᴇ ɪғ ᴜ ʜᴀᴠᴇ ᴛʜᴇ ᴛɪᴍᴇ ᴛᴏ sᴜᴘᴘᴏʀᴛ ᴍɪɴᴇ ᴏʀ ʜᴇʀ ʙʟᴏɢs ʙʏ ʟɪᴋɪɴɢ, ʀᴇʙʟᴏɢɢɪɴɢ ᴏʀ ᴄᴏᴍᴍᴇɴᴛɪɴɢ ᴛʜᴀᴛ ᴡᴏᴜʟᴅ ʙᴇ ᴀᴍᴀᴢɪɴɢ! I ᴡᴏᴜʟᴅ ʟᴏᴠᴇ ᴛᴏ ᴋɴᴏᴡ ʜᴏᴡ ᴅɪᴅ ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴛʜɪs ᴏɴᴇ! Dᴏɴᴛ ʙᴇ ᴀғʀᴀɪᴅ ᴛᴏ sᴇɴᴅ ᴀ ʀᴇǫ!
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jeankirsteinsgrlfrnd · 4 months
What would the aot boys be allergic to? (Food allergies or like hayfever wise?)
if they all had to be allergic to one thing…
eren jaeger - tomatoes. man can’t even enjoy spaghetti.
armin arlert- typical pollen allergy, certain flowers make it worse.
mikasa ackerman- also a pollen allergy, maybe pine. it’s tolerable, though.
jean kirstein- very mild allergy to strawberries. which sucks because he really likes them. he can have a few but he has to be careful.
connie springer- my boy’s got a peanut allergy. also the type to eat a resees and immediately stab himself with an epi-pen.
sasha braus- allergic to cats, which is really upsetting to her. she deals with it. itchy eyes, runny nose, sneezing but she doesn’t care, she’s petting that little baby.
reiner braun- he’s allergic to bees!!! he’s deathly afraid of them for a good reason.
bertholdt hoover- he has bad reactions to mosquito bites. they swell A LOT.
levi ackerman- dust and mold. obviously.
erwin smith- he’s also allergic to cats but it doesn’t bother him because he’s not the biggest fan of them.
hange zoe- another cat allergy, i fear. she doesn’t understand why ‘cats hate her.’
porco galliard- idiots allergic to eggs.
pieck finger- allergic to hay.
ymir- latex. no further comment.
historia reiss- strawberry allergy. it’s just fitting.
annie leonhardt- i’m not sure if this is an allergy technically but like candles and really strong perfumes bother her. gives her sinus headaches.
zeke jaeger- shellfish when he was younger but he managed to grow out of it.
marco bodt- carrots.
my jean fic
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ambassadorarlert · 9 months
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a compilation of some of my personal armin head canons. lmk if i should do another. this is kinda long, sorry not sorry. <33 NSFW 18+ ONLY MDNI
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scorpio sun, virgo moon, capricorn rising.
- sun in scorpio: emotional and compassionate / intense and mysterious
- moon in virgo: service minded and shy / analytical and judgmental
- rising in capricorn: loyal and ambitious / unfulfillment and drudgerous
armin is the sweetest person to exist ever
- treats you the way he wants to be treated and more than you ever thought you could ever deserve.
- would rather die first than to hurt your feelings
- and when he does it’s never on purpose and it’s always sorry for it and will try to make up anyway he can
- always goes out of his way to make things easier for you
- his love languages are acts of service, physical touch, and quality time
- if your space is kinda messy he’ll do his best to reorganize and clean up for you
- needs to live in your skin. hugs often. holds your hand any chance he can. plays with your hair. lays in your lap. touchy touchy touchy
- date nights ever weekend, or every other weekend. tries to go somewhere nice and do something grand once in a while.
- he’s too embarrassed for full fledged PDA, but chaste kissing and holding hands is okay.
- might be on the spectrum. you kinda gotta squint.
- has some kind of sleep disorder like insomnia or parasomnia.
- prone to nightmares
- also has depression, ptsd, anxiety
- does not take medication, like an antidepressant, even though he should
- he tries not to lay around too much when he’s around you or staying at your place, but when he’s alone in his own home he can stay in bed for literal days.
- his grandfather is getting older and his parents died when he was young so he has looming anxiety of death and losing people he loves.
- also has separation anxiety. he’s like one of those howling cats when their owner leaves for work.
- is kind of a picky eater. goes out and orders either alfredo pasta or chicken tenders.
- will stay up rlly rlly late until he can’t stand it
- drools in his sleep so if he’s laying on you, there’s a little wet spot lmao gross
anxious attachment style
- you remind him every single day that you love him, that he’s the only one for you, and that you’re happy in your relationship
- but he just can’t help not feeling adequate and good enough so sometimes his insecurities bleed out into other things.
- it gives him peace of mind that your location is on and he can see where you are.
- he goes through your following almost every day to see if anything has changed.
- will sometimes ask “do you know this guy?” when he sees you’ve gotten a new follower or if someone leaves a comment on one of your pics.
- super cyber stalker. if somebody leaves a nasty comment he can find their full name, place of employment, where they went to school, and their grandma’s facebook.
- he definitely screenshots the ugly stuff and sends it to their family. and says “this is how your offspring talks to people online” and that he “doesn’t appreciate you being treated this way.”
- other ppl would think he’s doing too much and sometimes it is but you know and understand him better than most people ever would.
- goes through your stuff when you’re not there
- he’s not looking for anything in particular, he just likes looking through things and seeing what you have
- smells everything. lotions and body washes. perfumes and hair products. reads the ingredients in your skin care. doesn’t know what any of it does.
- wears your house robe when you’re not there either. walks through the halls like a student at hogwarts.
cares for your animals when you’re gone or need help
- befriends whatever pet you have.
- your aloof and distant cat adores him and crawls in his lap.
- your dog follows him in every room and waits for him outside the bathroom. he cannot escape.
- if the litter box needs to be cleaned, he’ll do it.
- he’ll walk your dog and pick up your yard. might try to teach your dog a few new things.
- he’ll feed whatever you got in your cages or tank and refills all bowls and water
- gives them extra treats and snacks just because
passionate and sensual
- sex isn’t just sex for him. it’s like another way to connect emotionally with one another and be completely vulnerable and experiment with things.
- always has his mind in the gutter and is always down to jump your bones. or have you jump his bones.
- is a switch, equally enjoys being dominant and submissive.
- when he’s being dominant he wants to consume every piece of you. he kisses you everywhere, touches you everywhere, reminds you that you’re his and no one else’s.
- whispers to you about how good you feel around him. how tight you are. he loves the way you sound. he wants to stuff you full of his cock. likes to bend you over and watch how wet you get and watches his cum dripping out of you.
- wants to breed you so bad but alas. birth control.
- tries to convince you to get off of it. that you don’t need it and whatever happens, happens, and that he can support you.
- when he’s submissive, he whines and mews. he’s begging for more, harder, faster, uses his manners and says please and thank you like a good boy <33
- he turns you down most of the time when you wanna suck his dick, but he can never get enough of eating you out.
- his favorite positions are prone bone, doggy, missionary ofc, and when you ride him
- once he’s in sub-space there’s no coming out of it until he cums.
- his bookmarks on twitter is literally all porn, and he likes some weird stuff.
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2023. do not copy or repost any work by arlertwitch on any other platform. violators will be prosecuted.
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wing-ed-thing · 9 months
Armin Relationship Headcanons
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Tags: No Reader Pronouns
𓆃 Well hello anxious attachment style!
𓆃 Armin would make a wonderful first partner, which of course would absolutely wreck your standards for any future partner if it doesn't work out.
𓆃 He's insanely thoughtful. You'll never have to beg for flowers or recognition in the style that makes you feel most loved, because he's never forgetting birthdays, anniversaries, or holidays.
𓆃 Armin always knows what works best for you because he's always listening. That thing you mentioned would be useful last week? He got it shipped right away.
𓆃 And he's not letting any "Oh, you didn't have to do that" or "Please, baby, I didn't mean I needed it right now" paired with kisses to his cheek slide either.
𓆃 "Well, you said it would make your life easier," he'd say with a puzzled look of concern and a cute little pout.
𓆃 He's all for practical gifts, but he'll bring you anything your heart desires. Perfumes, colognes, your favorite chips from the corner market, or even if it's just your favorite take-away home. You name it, he's already bringing it to you.
𓆃 There are few occasions Armin wouldn't drop what he was doing if you needed him. Even if you didn't need him, he's always down to spend meaningful time with you.
𓆃 He loves anything puzzle-like or activities that allow him to geek out. Escape rooms, museums, building you that complex piece of furniture that you've always wanted.
𓆃 Even things that he doesn't already possess knowledge of, if you need help, he's on it.
𓆃 Shower head leaking? He's got it fixed. Something minor wrong with your car? He's become a mechanic overnight and returning it to you with a full tank and air in your tires.
𓆃 Armin is an acts of service sort of partner, but can sometimes get a bit self-conscious about what he can do for you, so gift-giving is where he feels "safe."
𓆃 It's his way of making sure you're always happy with him, and his constant worrying about being enough for you is something that needs and deserves to be reassured.
𓆃 Armin will sometimes assert that he's "not the toughest" in moments of vulnerability, and worries that he needs to compensate. He genuinely doesn't see his loving actions to you as all that special.
𓆃 He's not afraid to express himself in this way but doesn't like to dwell on things, even if he's clearly distressed by his own thoughts.
𓆃 Armin also isn't the worst when it comes to social cues, but he's prone to things flying over his head.
𓆃 This mostly comes up when he's got you stuck talking to people for way longer than should be possible. He talks to everyone.
𓆃 Random people approaching you for money on the street, creepy people with creepy energy, the electrician you have over, people you run into from ten years ago.
𓆃 It's literally the worst, because he's got these people talking about their life stories and pouring their hearts out, and you just want to leave!
𓆃 He had such a low threshold for danger when it comes to those instances because he's nervous about going over the speed limit, but then he's humoring someone whose vibe you could feel was negative from a mile away.
𓆃 Armin will give the shirt off his back (derogatory).
𓆃 He's actually a really great partner, all things considered, and would make an excellent first boyfriend. Just treat him right because he's sensitive, okay?
Thank you to all who liked, reblogged, followed, and supported. Your support means so much and is greatly appreciated.
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kanekisfavoritegf · 1 year
@nymphoheretic - Poppin’ Cherries Collab
warnings: degradidation, virginity loss(obviously), mentions of bullying, fingering, mean girl!reader, nerd!Armin, Perv!Armin, public sex
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Armin was fed up with you and your sweet smiles laced with venom. The verbal venom you’d spit out at him while keeping such a sweet smile on your face. You were considered to be one of the golden girls of your campus, smart, beautiful, and kind.
It was all bullshit.
Armin saw the way you used your pretty smiles as a mask for your rotten personality.
And he hated it. Hated how you never called him by his name. Only ever referring to him as a “virgin loser”.
So today, after your usual late-night tutor session at the always empty library, Armin stood up and announced that this would be his last time tutoring you.
“What?” you exclaimed to him.
“I didn't think it was this hard to understand. I'm done dealing with you.” Though Armin tried to make his voice rougher than usual, it wavered a little as you stood upright to his face. The sudden attitude had thrown you for a loop, making you raise your eyebrow at the boy as you stood in his face.
“What, am I a bad student? Do I not retain the information well enough for you?” You scoffed at him.
“No, it's not that.” He said, rolling his eyes a little.
“Then what is it? God, I wish you could get straight to the point. Wasting my time like the virgin you are. Probably want me to stick around longer so you can stare at my tits again.
“See, that's why. I'm done with the names and the assumptions. I can't teach someone who doesn't respect me. You don't even call me by my name.”
“You aren’t a very respectable person, Armin.” You said his name smoothly as if you had said it a thousand times before. Armin let out a small gasp-like whine, hearing you finally call his name. “You don’t think I can’t see you staring like you want to fuck me every time you tutor me. You think, what?That I can't see you fix your pants whenever I lean into you. I call you a virgin loser 'cause you are one.”
Your hands, now, grasped onto Armin's collar shirt, pulling him in closer. Your lips were inches from touching, you watched as Armin’s eyes drifted from yours to your gloss-covered lips.
The proximity was driving him wild. The scent of your perfume mixed with your coco butter lotion filled his nose and made him step back. You were dangerous. He hated how you got him so worked up with your words. Causing you to smirk, and Armin cursed at himself. Proving everything you said right.
Well almost everything…
“I'm not a virgin.” The blond boy spat out. Ears and cheeks becoming a little bit red from anger. If you weren't so pissed off, you'd find him a little cute.
“Sure you're not, Min.” You spoke back in a mocking tone. “The hard on you're getting from me calling you a loser is great proof.”
Instead of stepping away, against Armin’s better judgment, he closed the distance between the two of you. Pressing his weight into you and trapping your body in between his and the desk covered in your books.
“Armin, what are you doing?” You let out a gasp as you felt his semi-hard dick press against your thigh.
“What? Nervous?” Armin’s head was bent into your neck. Mouth hovering right next to your ear. His words were quiet. But still held a mocking tone. He sounded much different from the timid Armin that never once tried to speak out before.
“Of you? Never.” You chuckled, trying to mask your nervousness. Armin’s eyebrow raised in surprise.
“Don’t tell me. You're a virgin.”
“N-no. I'm not. Shut up, Amrin.”He let out a small chuckle. The irony of it all.
Armin's hands were now at your thighs, grazing up and down your skin. His mouth latched onto your neck, giving it a bite before pulling away.
“You talk big shit, but you’re still a virgin.” He scoffed while ripping your panties. This action caused you to let out a loud pornographic moan. “Pathetic. You are pathetic.”
His finger now rubbed at your cunt up and down, slipping into your hole “accidentally” every so now and then. Each time he did, you found yourself becoming better and wetter.
“Min, please.” You whimpered out.
“Please what? Use your words.” He smirked down at you.
You hated how much he was enjoying this. His power over you. He knew you didn’t have a clue what to do, and he was taking advantage of that. Making you beg him to do something, anything.
“Make me cum.” His usually sweet smile looked so much more intimidating now that he held all the cards.
You gasped a little at the intrusion of Armin's long and delicate finger pushing its way into your untouched cunt.
“Oh fuck, you are so tight.” Armin groaned at how you clamped down on his singular digit. He felt himself harden even more, thinking about how you’d squeeze down on his dick.
All you could do was moan out in response as he added another, stretching and plunging into you deeper and deeper.
“I think I’m going to cum Armin.” You panted out into his ear. But before you could hit your climax, you felt it dissipate into nothing as Armin pulled his finger away from you. Making you whine in frustration.
“Don’t be a brat.” Armin spat at you while undoing his belt and pants buttons.
“I thought you liked me being a brat?” You giggled a little as his ears flared red again. “You are blushing like a high schooler.” You said, laughing at his rushed way of pulling his pants down. Your laughs would be cut short, a result of Armin ramming into your pussy without a single care for you.
“You make my life hell, calling me a virgin and a loser, but you’ve never even been fucked.” His eyes rolled back as he degraded you. Keeping his thrusts erratic and hard as if he was just using you as a vessel for his cum.
“You’ll make the prettiest cum dump, won’t you?” He asked tauntingly, but when you didn’t respond, it caused him to slap at your clit, making your whole body convulse.
“Mhm, Armin. The prettiest” You slurred out, choking on your moans and salvia. You were slipping in and out of consciousness as you gave in to the feeling of your incoming climax. You saw white as your orgasm hit. Your nails clawed at Armin's shirt as he bit your neck, muffling the moans he released as he came shortly after you.
You tried to wrap your mind around the fact that you had just lost your virginity.
In a library….
To Armin…
Once he had pulled out, he held you in place. Watching as his cum seeped out of you. Before you could get up and fix yourself, Armin turned your body around, bending you over the desk.“What? Did you think we were done?”
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flwrbo · 7 months
armin wasn’t exactly trying to hide you. he just wasn’t sure how to bring you up to his friends.
the small social group of his already knew of you, for sure, they couldn’t miss you; not when you’re the one who always asks questions in lecture that make the whole class groan. not when you always pass by them in the food court area with the sweetest smelling perfume and the shortest skirt ever known to man.
you had asked armin to tutor you awhile ago, and armin had mentioned it in passing, to which eren and jean snickered out jokes about “payment” (that totally made armin go red beneath his collar.)
he didn’t know that would actually come to fruition. it was like they basically manifested it for him. he should be thanking them if anything, and he’s reminded of that every time you come up for air from between his thighs.
he can’t exactly hide the happy flush that begins to take over his body, or more notably the marks that begin to take over his skin here and there when you aren’t careful. “you try to take your cock like that and leave no nail marks! it’s hard, ‘min,” was your only response when he’d half heartedly chastised you about them.
well. he can’t argue with that. so his group begins to pester him, asking questions he doesn’t feel like answering. it’s not like he’s ashamed of you, far from it. it would just open a can of worms he wasn’t quite ready for.
all of that goes down the drain, however, when eren barges his way into armin’s apartment with a spare key he gave him for emergencies. “armin! i need to borrow your study guide for the test today, i am so fucked if i don’t have it.”
armin can only imagine he looks he’d just seen a ghost at his friend’s sudden appearance at his doorstep and oh god why is he here, armin hasn’t even had a chance to wipe his face off-
“oh, did i catch you at a bad time?” eren can only smirk at the sight of his friend, clearly disheveled.
“no, no-“
“good morning!” your bright voice carries into the foyer as you stretch your arms above your head. “oh, hi, ren!” your giggles are like goddamn music to eren’s ears as he takes note of the post sex flush on your skin and the marks on your hips before your (armin’s) shirt falls back into place. “i didn’t hear you come in. i’m just gonna steal some water,” you sneak between the two men, running a hand along armin’s chest as you breeze by.
“yeah, i’m sure she must be thirsty,” eren smirks, chuckling to himself. “shit, armin, i didn’t know you had it in you.”
armin hisses out a “shut up, eren” before grabbing his study guide from his bag, shoving it into eren’s chest. he pushes the taller man out of the door without a second glance. “and call next time!”
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erasedqa · 1 year
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armin confronts you about where you've been going late at night.
desc: arminxfemreader, kinda erenxfemreader, mordern au, toxic reader, 18+, mdni, armin lowkey mean, ass slapping, dom armin, black coded reader. (I only proofread this once, I'm sorry I'm tired asf lmao.)
Everything about your relationship with Armin is toxic. The fights, the secrets, the leaving around 3 in the morning to god knows where. I mean, that part was mostly you. After you and Armins fights and apology sex, you'd always find yourself in the shower by 1, putting on a sexy outfit, fixing up your hair into a sleek bun, putting on your makeup and following with tons of perfume, you'd finally turn off your location so Armin didn't know where you could be going.
But Armin wasn't dumb, he knew what you'd been up to. It took him a while to figure it all out. When you'd come home one day smelling like weed and cologne, thinking that Armin was sleep but he'd been wide awake that whole morning. Since then, every morning, he would listen to the patter of the shower, the clanking of your makeup and makeup brushes, and the soft sounds of you putting on your perfume and walking out the apartment you shared.
How it angered him, disgusted him. He knew that you and him were going through a rough patch, but it hurt him that you'd even think about sleeping with his best friend, Eren.
He thought about doing the same to you. To make you worry like you made him worry. To make you wonder, why? But no. Armin was smarter than that, he was going to have to confront you.
That same night you did your routine, shower, dress up, make up, and perfume. But before you could even make your way out the bathroom, there stood Armin.
He may not have been that tall, but he was tall enough to intimidate you. His blue eyes luminated in the dark and a sharp frown was placed on his face. In a cold tone, he questioned you.
"Where you goin' ma?"
You froze in your tracks, eye's looking anywhere but Armin's because you knew your stupid ass would break down and cry. You'd been caught and that made it so hard to speak.
"I-I need to make a few runs. Can you move?"
You say to him. You try to shove him out the way, but he won't budge. He clears his throat and with a sterner look at you, he questions you again.
"Y/n. where. you. goin'?"
He gets closer to you, and you frown.
"'Min, oh my god I already told you. Move the fuck out the way."
You whisper yell at him. He sighed and rubbed his head, clearly frustrated.
"Aight, since you can't tell me where you goin', Imma make you mama."
With that, Armin slammed the bathroom door shut and shoved you to the bathroom counter. You gasped.
"'Armin! What the f-"
He gripped your waist. Hard enough to make veins pop out of his hands. Armin kissed, sucked, and bit your neck repeatedly. You moaned in response, trying to push him off of you but it felt so good. So, you slowly made your way towards his pants, rubbing him through his boxers.
You moaned. He chuckled and that made your heart drop. He licked and kissed his way up to your ear, only inches away he whispered.
"Bet he don't make you moan like dis' ma."
Your heart started to beat faster in your chest. He knows? How could he know? He got up to look at your face in pure shock. He grinned.
"You thought I wasn't gonna' find out ma?"
"'Min, please I'm sorry."
"Nah mama, you only sorry cause I found out. But it's okay, imma make you real sorry."
Suddenly, he grabs your waist and flips you around. Face down, ass up. He pulled down the stretchy grey leggings you were wearing and made a quick slap to your ass. You moan.
"'Min, please.."
He smacks it harder.
You cry out.
"Take this shit ma, this what you get."
You start to cry. He was teasing you cause he knew this what made you feel good. The pain mixed with pleasure made it all worth it, but you wanted him and needed him. Craved him. Not Eren, Armin. You needed Armin.
"Minny, please I'm sorry. I won't hurt you no mo' baby please. I need you, only you. I only want you"
You look up at him through the bathroom mirror. There, was a satisfied smirk from Armin. He rubbed your ass as he leaned to whisper in your ear once again.
"You such a good girl mama, I'll make sure to make you feel real special."
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saenity · 2 months
lego garden — a. arlert
prompt: taking care of plants is not meant for you.
warnings: heavy fluff, afab reader, kisses, this made me crave spaghetti, grammatical errors, occ armin!
note: wrote this last yr as my very first fic but never had the guts of uploading it. pls enjoy!
being a student who is fueled by academic validation and high grades for sure doesn't have any time for taking care of something else besides yourself. your face is always buried in books from morning 'till noon leaving your plants dehydrated most of the time. you like those pretty pinterest worthy balcony gardens with small potted plants to keep your apartment not to look dull and boring. 
you do have the balcony and the plants but you don't have the time and effort to keep things consistent outside of school work. that is why you ended up ranting to your perfect boyfriend about your problem. 
you : bb Ó⁠╭⁠╮⁠Ò
minminie : hello my dearest (⁠灬^‿^灬⁠)⁠♡
armin stopped organizing his transes when his phone went off showing your name in his lockscreen. 
you : my other plant died ˚‧º·(˚ ˃̣̣̥᷄⌓˂̣̣̥᷅ )‧º·˚
you : AGAIN ! 
you : this is the third time it happened i'm so upset of myself
minminie : oh no :( my condolences dearest :( 
minminie : do you want me to go there? i'll cook something to cheer you up baby
you : i would love to bb (⁠づ⁠。⁠◕⁠‿⁠‿⁠◕⁠。⁠)⁠づ
you : travel safe oki !
minminie : ofc dearest !
armin knew how you really wanted to have a small balcony garden if you weren't careless and forgetful abt your plants. that's why he ordered something he hopes you would like and that will last long even if you forget to water it for weeks. but first, he's gonna prepare the ingredients for the food tonight.
30 minutes passed and you hear your doorbell ring making you get up from your bed to greet your lover. as you open your apartment's door, you are greeted with the sight of your boyfriend in a beige oversize sweater over a white collared shirt and slacks to finish off the fit. 
the get up compliments armin as it highlights his soft features and brings out his expressive cerulean eyes. he also has his infamous soft smile accompanied by a tinge of red on his cheeks. you can't help but smile at how beautiful your man is and how lucky you are for having such beaute.
"hello pretty" you greet your lover and you swear you saw his cheeks went to a darker shade.
"hello my dearest" he smiles as he wrap his arm around you as soon he placed the paper bag filled with the needs for the night. you bury your face into his neck, inhaling his perfume and feeling more tranquil after the depressing event that occured earlier. you drew apart from each other but not enough to put distance from one another as you lean up to meet armin's lips for a kiss. it was long, sweet and comforting. something you definitely needed.
armin ended the kiss with few a pecks before completely detaching himself from you. your cheeks burned with how endearingly your boyfriend treats you.
"i hope you're not hungry at the moment, i'm gonna go cook our dinner now. go and relax yourself in the comfort of your bed, do you want me to tuck you in?" your eyes brightened at his suggestion.
"please do the honors, love!" you're practically jumping on your toes as you hop going to your bedroom. armin enters a very familiar room and sees you, his beloved already laying on the bed with your phone ready to be tucked by him. he giggles seeing how comfortable you are letting him see you in your unguarded form. your lover sits down on the bed and pulled the devut until its over your neck. he raises your head to pull your hair away under you to keep you comfortable and he then continues tucking you completely in the duvet for maximum comfort.
with a light kiss on your forehead, armin smiles at you and your relaxed figure, happy that he made his darling happy in small gestures. 
"okay, love. i'll be on the kitchen to cook our dinner! if you need anything just call out for me okay?" 
you nod at his statement and he leaves as soon you finished setting up a show to watch on your show.
armin placed everything he needed for the night's meal on the counter recalling if he got everything here. he turned on the stove  to heat up the water for the pasta noodles. also heated up another pan for the sauce of the pasta. he cooked everything nice and swift within an hour so he is only left with preparing the table for something romantic. he pulls out a tablecloth from the paperbag and placed it on table to add up a sense of restaurant vibe. armin placed your hello kitty inspired utensils on your side of the table because it's your favorite. if only your hello kitty plate didn't shatter when a classmate of yours dropped it, everything would be perfect tonight. going back, armin now lit up a new batch of your favorite scented candles he bought that day since you mentioned earlier this week yours is on its last threads. 
armin let's out a proud huff as he checks how the table turns out. the food is perfectly placed in the plate, he made sure to add extra cheese and cream on the spaghetti sauce to make it creamier just how you like it. wine glasses reflecting the candle's flames  sitted next to the plates with a bucket full of ice to ensure the wine remains cold as the night progress. 
with a sigh of relief, armin excitedly walks towards your room to start the night with you.
"baby? dinner's ready, let' get up" your boyfriend's saccharine voice caught your attention away from the show you're watching. with an excited jump, you went out of your bed and grab on your boyfriend's inviting hand and both of you walk hand on hand towards the beautifully setted up table.
a big smile forms on your face followed by giggles and burning of your cheeks. glancing at armin, he has his eyes on you happy with your reaction.
"armin! this is... woah..."
"do you like it?"
"of course! everything looks perfect, thank you love." you tiptoed to give armin a kiss on his cheeks to show how grateful you are for making your night special.
armin blushes at your action and can't help himself but to think how he would do anything to keep the bright smile stay on your face. 
"come on come on, let's eat, love! i made the spaghetti extra special just for you." armin ushers you sit on the chair he pulled out for you. 
you and armin filled the night with ease and joyous storytelling. the meal was scrumptious, the candles making the artmosphere calm and relaxing, and just being with the man who planned everything made you a lot better.
"thank you so much for the night, love. i didn't expect a romantic dinner would be your way of comforting me." you joked at the end.
armin looks at you with a glint of nervousness on his cerulean eyes. 
"well actually, there's something more i prepared for us actually." he glimpse at you as he pulls out 3 small boxes from under the table.
your eyes went wide with curiousity not noticing the boxes earlier. armin placed the boxes in front of both of you and you let out a soft gasp to see what are the boxes are.
on the front of the boxes form an image of potted flowers made out of legos. armin smiles at you as you take a closer look of one of the boxes.
"i bought this lego flowers to make you feel better. i know it's not as good as the real plants but i hope it's something that would be as special as the latter. with these, they won't witter even if you forget about watering it a few days." he scratches his neck as he explained the boxes. 
what armin didn't expect was you leaping out of the chair to hug him and giving him a big kiss.gasping for air, armin looks baffled at the brazen actions and looks at you with big eyes.
"armin! these are adorable and perfect, just look at them!" you hold all of the boxes with enthusiasm. 
"let go build them, baby? we will create our own lego garden here." he starts off as he opens a box for you.
you nodded with eyes glimming at him. maybe creating a lego garden is more special and memorable when it's created with someone you love.
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loyal2tray · 1 year
aot fluff HC's
part 1 of 3
includes male and female characters +hange
warnings: nothing
-defo clingy.
-has your shirt on one of his pillows as a pillowcase
-smells the everloving heck out of his shirtpillow
-will spray your perfume or cologne on him or his hoodie
-has a stuffed animal named after you
-will flaunt the stuffed animal
-very protective
-willing to do anything for you no matter how absurd (cough cough chapter 112)
-steals your pillows when you're gone
-gets jealous and a little insecure
-but will just cuddle you for reassurance that you're his and his only
-cried during alladin and thought that jasmine was attractive but not as attractive as you
-doesnt know how to act whn you cry so he awkwardly pats your back or just stares at you because he doesnt know how to help
-eardrum blowing sneezes. (same bro)

-protective af
-loves small acts of pda but  is a little confused when she has to do it back
-ex: butterfly kisses, hand holding, head leaning, quick kisses on the mouth
-will randomly appear after small inconvience
-you tripped? shes there. you bit your cheek? shes there. you have a hangnail? shes there.
-if youve seen the AOT special then you know shes gonna blush when you do, and she'll blush hard(maybe)
-shes the person who will wear socks 24/7 and so if you get you and her matching socks she will literally explode of happiness
-has a soft spot for u armin and eren only
-cried during mulan
-kitten sneeze
(not a lot for her because even though i love her i dont have many hcs about her!!)

-#1 hand holder
-ive said it before and i'll say it again, he tells dad jokes to you on the daily and if you don't laugh he will just laugh to himself (you better laugh or i will find you)
-lightsleeper n light snorer
-loves when yo play with his hair fs
-when he takes you on study dates to the library, he will be reading you every book he likes just to see if you like any
-will read books to you
-if you're the type to put random accessories on him, he will be very embarrassed but then allow the buffoonery to begin.
-whispers kind nothings to you to get u to go back to sleep when he accidentally wakes you up while tryng to get up and go do smth
-cried during moana.
-was crying during moana going rogue because he was scared for her also cried when Maui left moana
-average sneeze

(my love!!)

-loves showing you their experiments
-hugs from behind.
-ask them about titans. they'll explode of happiness and start literally talking about them at the speed of an auctioneer.
-also loves when you help them with experiments, but makes sure you're covered in safety gear.
-forehead kisses
-cried during meet the robinsons and big hero 6
-loves gogos costume
-loves honey lemons purse
-loves blankets. like it'll be 110 deg. outside and they'll be wearing a blanket
-another eardum blowing sneezer


-i know damn well she will jumpscare you or just hide in the corner of a dark room to scare you.
-cuddles? shes little spoon
-hugs? she melts into your touch
-food? she praises you if you can cook
-hotel? trivago.
-she sleepwalks and sleep talks so dont be surpised if you wake up to her standing in the kitchen talking to a piece of meat about how she loves you, all while still sleeping.
-she throws potatoes at you from  across the room and then tells you to throw them back.
-if she's feeling generous she'll share a little bit of her food
-she cried during lyle lyle fucking crocodile. i know this isnt disney but i know she would watch it.
-starts saying la la la la la at random parts of the day.
-the windup sneeze
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titan-desuu · 3 months
The AoT characters and their bath and skincare routine 🫧
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Eren: He wouldn't admit it but he uses 3in1 products but keeps telling others that he doesn't. He brushes his teeth in the shower. Eren is always in a hurry, so he might not use skincare as often as he'd like.
Mikasa: Mikasa loves to take quick shower but her products - Lord heavens! She knows how to take care of her body. She mainly uses products to be more in touch with her origins.
Armin: Armin knows his products! He cares about cruelty-free and environmentally friendly products. He takes his time with his bath. After his shower, he takes the time to moisturise with Vanilia Coconut Body Lotion. His skincare routine always includes moisturiser and sunscreen, depending on the time of day.
Jean: Oh Jean might be not very familiar with products, he would buy overpriced products and wondering why they don't work or give him a rash. He invests nowadays more time in his routines since the girls keep saying how attractive guys can be if they do skin care! (He clips his toenails in the shower)
Connie: Connie would do his skincare before going to shower. Sometimes he doesn't do skin care but somehow his skin is flawless - Connie tell us your secret! He loves to use a loafer to scratch his back better.
Sasha: Sasha loves bathing more than showering because she can eat snacks and wash her hair. Her products wouldn't have a particular smell: as long as they keep her body moisturised, it's all good! But after the shower, she loves to do her hair while she to dances in the bathroom.
Levi: Our lovely Captain is known for being a clean freak! His work is always meticulous - even when he takes a shower! He takes his time to clean every inch of his body. He is a big fan of using soaps instead of liquid shampoo. Did you know that he even massages his scalp to relax after a hard day's work as a captain? Somehow his bathroom smells like lavender.
Erwin: He works while taking a bath. I mean it. He is always looking at his documents, planning the next expedition or approving Hange's experiments. Nobody really respects his privacy as he's the commander and has to be alert all the time…poor Erwin.
Hange: ah Hange may not shower often, but when they do - oh oh. They don't really care what products they use - don't wonder why they have dish soap in their bathroom… Hange love to mix their products to create new ones. They have special plants to mix in their bathroom - but I don't know how they get the rose petals and aloe vera to smell so bad… Their face is sometimes very dry, but they refuse to moisturise their face - "our bodies produce oil!" - Yes of course Hange…
Moblit: Moblit is very romantic when it comes to showering: classical music, a good-smelling bathroom and quiet music in the background. He knows that good natural products smell good. As he likes to spend more time in the shower, Hange always interrupts him, so his shower lasts max. 10 minutes.
Mike: I don't know how this man knows which product to use but he knows them damn well!. He knows the best oils for his hair and his beard. Sometimes he uses Hanges rose petals to keep the mood up.
Ymir: Ymir loves a quick shower! Thanks to Historia for using her products. Even though Historia tells her not to brush her wet hair, she still does.
Historia: Let's be honest: Historia is the reason why the girls use skincare! She always recommends the best products individually. (She is better than skincare TikTok). She loves the 7 steps of skin care. She knows how to clean herself and smell good! She is the IT girl!
Reiner: Reiner is always asking Historia about good smelling products and what would suit him. He takes a shower twice a day because he can get so sweaty sometimes.
Bertholdt: Bertholdt loves to play in the bath. He has probably over 50 rubber ducks and hides them after showering (his favourite is the pirate one). He uses perfume in the hope of getting compliments from Reiner (and Annie).
Annie: Bath time is perhaps the only time when no one disturbs Annie. She always locks her bathroom and listens to music on her headphones. She uses Hitch's products all the time.
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abbyslev · 1 year
A/N: hi babies!! its my birthday, i’m 19!! so scared to be 19, like i feel so old and ugh turning 19 is such an accomplishment for me. thank you all for everything!! i hope y’all enjoy this bday special angels!! ily all!!
WARNINGS: suggestive in yelenas!
literally plans everything out weeks before
has every gift you have ever wanted 
remember that shirt you literally eyed at the store three years ago? YEAH IT'S YOURS NOW
bakes you a cake the night before and fails
its okay because levi and erwin dropped off a cake before you woke up and saved hange’s ass
you wake up to kisses and cuddles <3
they can’t hold the excitement in
shoves a bunch of gifts in your arms and watches you open them while rushing you 
“babe this one next!!! no, it has to be this one specifically!!” 
takes the day off and calls off for you <3
already has breakfast set up and you guys share a slice of cake 
you guys take a walk by the lake and hange buys you two a giant cookie to share
you guys watch some ducks swim for a while they go on a rant about tonight
“i'm throwing you a mini party!” 
hange sets up while you get ready because it’s your day to relax and take your time!! 
when you come out of the room hange’s mouth drops 
all the guest arrive and hange inspects the gifts before setting them on the table (they’re very nosy smh) 
erwin and levi bake the cake pt. 2
lots of wine and food! 
connie starts a karaoke and sasha joined 
birthday sex in the bathroom (oops)
once the party is over hange gets you dressed for bed while peppering your whole body with kisses
they even take off your makeup for you <3 :(
birthday cuddles
the next morning hange helps you open even more gifts and helps you clean up :) 
has this shit planned since she was born 
treats you like a princess the night before 
bath, candles, skincare, a fancy dinner, everything 
wakes you up softly and hands you a velvet box 
the prettiest fucking necklace you have ever seen 
there’s also a basket on the foot of the bed with everything you could ever imagine 
she sits there smiling so hard bc she just loves you sm
makes you crepes and she made some strawberry cake 
takes you shopping around town, just wants to spend the day with you <3 
small picnic
okokokok she helps you get ready for your dinner party!! 
she made a reservation with all your friends at your favorite restaurant!
the dinner was amazing and she made a whole toast and everything 
and the end SHE GETS ON ONE KNEE
armin’s in the corner ab to piss himself like you and mika getting mARRIED??? YES???
ofc you burst into tears mika has given you the whole world how could you not say yes to her
best birthday ever UGH PLS SHE SO BABY STOP
she’s so sweet
probably gets you some simple gifts
she’s a simple girl OKAY
makes you a nice little breakfast in bed and you guys cuddle, eat and watch your favorite show 
she gets ready with you as always 
she got you this cute, flowy dress !! 
little walk downtown, takes to you to brunch 
as always, she pays <3
spend the day setting up for your bday dinner!!
she makes sure you enjoy your night with all your friends 
pieck made you a cake 
connie’s hand slowly creeped towards your head to push it against the cake 
annie gave him those eyes 
connie preferred to keep his arms so he didn’t push your head <3
at the end of the night annie helps you get into bed
she's complimenting you and kissing your ear softly like SOFT ANNIE IS SO
sleeps with her hand in yours <3
has connie bring y’all the best breakfast in town
breakfast in bed 
she gifts you a lot of perfumes, sweaters, basically everything you had ever wanted
she gets you this really pretty dress too!! 
takes you over to connie’s to get a tattoo you’ve been wanting for a while <3 
connie gives you a gift w a smirk 
“I spent years looking for this gift!” “Sasha picked it out, didn’t she?” “What? NO!” 
you guys have lunch together <3 
she’s so sweet the whole day 
posting you on her story 5 billion times
yes, she posted the embarrassing pictures too 
connie and jean also post very embarrassing pictures of you but shhhhh that’s ok 
you guys have a small party!! connie offered to host <3
sasha’s by your side the whole time excited because it’s YOUR special day !! 
can’t stop staring at you and smiling fr
she baked a cake and everyone else brought something to eat!!
her cake was 10/10
chocolate w strawberries in the middle <3
you two go to bed so happy that night like sasha so overwhelmed and you just love her sm LIKE UGH
she forgets tbh 
until someone posts you on their story 
she’s like OH?
lucky she had a gift for you anyway, she had a feeling she needed it for something 
it was a dainty, pretty gold bracelet 
“good morning, birthday princess.” 
tbh no celebrating just birthday sex all day
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arminsumi · 1 year
˗ˏˋ꒰ 🍒 ꒱ MEAN
░ 🐬 toxic!mean!Armin ♪
⚠️Cws; alcohol, partying, jealousy, angst, kissing
Notes; gn!reader, college au
⚠️🚨ATTENTION! no fluff here
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He never misses a party, he's always the center of attention in the room; everyone seems to follow him like he's their leader, they flock to him, and roar with laughter at his witty jokes.
Every girl you know has twinkling eyes when they talk about Armin. Yes, he's just so great, isn't he?
You hate how much people like him. You hate his jokes. You hate his cute smile and how he pulls off braces better than you ever could. You hate following him around like a groupie.
And you hate how damn mean he can be. He gets away with it, because he's like a criminal everyone is willing to see the good in.
"Lighten up, will you? I swear, you can't take a joke, it's sad. How do your friends put up with you, or are they as boring as you?" Armin looks down at you.
You start to regret not having shots with your friends earlier. There's no way you can handle him sober. You're gonna cry at this rate.
"What? Did I strike a nerve?" He smirks, happy to have you riled up.
You have angry tears welling in your eyes.
"Are you seriously gonna fucking cry at a party?" Armin laughs, "Come on, that's pathetic."
He leaves to go join his friends in some stupid kissing game. You watch from the kitchen with jealousy and anger and confusion radiating from your body as the girls who you thought were your 'friends' happily plant their lips on the boy they know you like.
It's complicated, it makes your head spin. Why like the boy who bites you? He doesn't just bite you, he sinks his fangs in, and pours venom into your mind. He's a damn snake.
"Hey, come on, you need a drink." Eren nudged you.
"Yeah, no shit I do." You respond bitterly.
"Damn, what'd I do? You should be retorting like this at Armin."
You glare at the shots he's pouring, "You're not any fucking better... so don't act like it."
Eren shrugs, "I guess you're right."
You sink down shots with him.
Armin stares with furrowed brows from across the living room at you and him, feeling a confusing jealousy bubble up inside his chest.
The lights are turned off, and you immediately grimace; it's that stupid game again. 'Turn the lights off and kiss whoever you grab' and then the lights turn on, and you either laugh or blush or pull a disgusted expression.
You duck and grope your way out of the kitchen before Eren takes this opportunity to plant a cheeky kiss on you like last time, and find your way to someone.
Though you have no idea who it is, they know exactly who you are by your perfume.
Hands find your face and cup your cheeks, it feels pleasantly cool on your flushed cheeks.
Hot lips press hard against yours. It's such a passionate kiss that you feel disoriented for a second; they're full of sensuality, it reminds you of someone...
The lights turn on, and you find yourself to be plastered against Armin's firm chest. He pulls himself off of you like you're a meal that he's been told to stop eating even though he's starved.
You look at him unsurely. For a moment you see tenderness in his eyes, but it's replaced almost instantly by a familiar meanness.
He tilts his head condescendingly, "You're not a bad kisser." he says.
"Fuck you!" You shout, and stomp into the hallway while his group snickers.
Armin licks his lips and looks after you for a moment before going back to being the center of attention.
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pisspope · 1 year
just got the order from my boss that i have to fill 600 bottles of olive oil in the next couple of weeks so here are some aot shitty job hcs
- Sasha works at Claire's and does those awful ear piercings with surgical precision. She's the only one working most days and she has one of those concealed carry purses just in case shit goes down
- Connie works at the Jimmy John's next door and he always reeks of garlic and yeast. He and Sasha became friends because she thinks he smells good. Sometimes he comes over after his shift and gives her literal bread crumbs and pieces of lettuce.
- Levi works at the DMV and Hange works at the library and they sit in the back and talk smack during government meetings
- Reiner works at Hooter's Reiner works at a big box store doing inverntory. he's home late most nights and his schedule is absolutely fucked. luckily he starts late enough where he can catch gabis softball games and falcos choir concerts. he's started smoking incense because the heady aroma helps him sleep during the day
- Marco works at a mall build-a-bear but he's so good at his job that his boss overworks him. tbh he's thinking about quitting to work with Jean at the starbucks in the mall cafeteria. but he enjoys the birthday parties and the smiles on the kids faces too much and just resolves to make the most of it
- Jean is the Token Man who works at starbucks and he's got regulars who come just because they have little crushes on him. he writes hearts next to their names on their cups and watches with glee as they slip more money in the tip jar
- Bertholdt works at one of those kids gymnasiums with the trampoline floors and the weird blocks you can drown in. No one knows how he got the job because he's clumsy as hell and visibly cringes when a kid starts crying
- Mikasa is in an MLM selling baby clothes or perfumes or something. She knows it's shitty but it pays the bills. If anyone asks what she does for a living she says she's a mma fighter and will give them a demonstration if they ask again
- Annie works at Spencer's and makes it everybody's problem. basically squidward at the krusty krab. "Buying some weed socks? Daring today, aren't we."
- Porco works at one of those vapor and e-cig stores. he loves to flaunt his knowledge about different cartridges and even experiments with his own mixes. he's ended up in the hospital from accidental nicotine poisoning at least three times
- Armin is the young guy at factories that they pay to crawl into the machines and pull out pieces of rubber and other hardware refuse. he's got a stack of random tools in the back of his car and he doesn't know what any of them do
- Eren works at the gas station and sells drugs by the back door. He likes to sit and watch the security cameras and pretend he's god. he goes home to his apartment with a basket of gas station chicken and he, armin, and mikasa just hang out. when the three of them are together, there's nowhere he'd rather be
- Pieck works at Ulta. she doesn't wear makeup, rarely brushes her hair all the way through, and her perfume is from the dollar store. she is by far the stores most popular employee. she's as baffled as everybody else
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