#i crave human presence lol
heavierthanlaila · 9 months
the solidarity stage of my life's game is super boring i can't wait to get to the next level.
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sucker4colby · 6 months
Warm hands
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Anonymous Request : Hi! I was wondering if you could make an imagine with Colby and his s/o is 6-7 months pregnant. And what he would do with your baby bump, how he would take care of you, and what it would be like? I hope that makes sense.. lol thank you!
Warning: fluff! fluff! fluff! Pregnancy.
Word count :725
“Here babe let me help you” I heard Colby from behind the couch before I saw him. Letting out a sigh of relief I nodded accepting his help with putting my shoes on as I threw my head back against the back of the couch trying to catch my breath. My eyes screwed shut as air filled my lungs again relief settling over me as Colby helped me slip my sneakers on. “ I’m out of shape” I tried to joke opening my eyes to look at him kneeling in front of the couch. He snorted giving me an unamused look before going back to tying my laces.
“Yeah cause it’s not the whole human you’re carrying inside of you.” He sassed patting my knee as he finished helping me and joining me on the couch. The heat from his body sending shivers up my spine making me want to stay in and steal his body heat as we snuggle but we had promised Sam we’d help him run errands so that was out of the question. I smiled rubbing my 7 month baby bump that laid under my grey hoodie. “ he’s only 3 pounds right now.” I retorted giving in and snuggling into his side as he replaced my hands with his on my tummy.
There was not a moment when Colby wasn’t jumping at the opportunity to touch my bump ever since he found out we were expecting. The moment he found out, he was rubbing over my then flat belly cooing about how he was excited to meet our baby. It was crazy that I had kept it from him scared that he wouldn’t want to be apart of our lives but he had proven me completely wrong with how hands on he has been and how clingy he had gotten but I loved every ounce of attention.
My heart sped up as Colby’s warm hands crawled under the sweatshirt caressing my bare skin causing me to blush. To this day I still found myself acting like a school girl with her crush as if I wasn’t carrying his child three years into our relationship, it’s just the effect Colby Brock had always had on me from the moment we met. But I wasn’t the only one excited by his touch, the baby shifted as he felt Colby’s familiar presence. I giggled in excitement my head snapping up to look at the man beside me who was in a fit of laughter at the sensation.
The baby had only just began kicking a week prior catching us by surprise. With this being our first pregnancy I never anticipated what the baby kicking would feel like but the fluttering had scared me half to death ( Colby along with me) as I wailed about something being wrong. It was only when his mom reassured us over the phone that the baby was simply kicking that we knew what was going on happy tears replacing the ones of worry.
“ I can’t get over him kicking.” He mumbled shifting his body so he could lean down towards my stomach. I shivered as he rolled the material up under my breast the cold air causing goosebumps on my skin. He noticed right away rubbing his warm hands up and down my stomach placing kisses all over. I had no idea how he did it but it was coming in handy that his hands always were warm.
“You’re getting to heavy for mom in there huh big guy.” He cooed causing more kicks. I scrunched my face at the weird sensation still getting used to the alien like feeling. He moved his hands to grip mine worry etched on his face thinking I was in discomfort. I quickly reassured him I was ok knowing he would panic instantly.
Colby had been nothing but perfect always making sure we were both ok and comfortable, making midnight runs for snacks to settle my cravings, offering massages when I’m feeling sore, and putting up with my mood swings. I knew I was utterly blessed with the man in front of me and he never failed to spoil me. All my nerves and worries about our future always melted away knowing Colby was there to carry the weight of parenthood with. We were far from perfect but this life was perfect for us.
Hi guys it’s been a while !
My tablet has been getting fixed and most of my stories are saved on there and I just didn’t have the energy to try to recreate everything 😅
I will be trying to post more during these holidays and I’ll be revisiting old stories and editing so feel free to requested!
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whole-circus · 11 months
Hihi I recently started reading your works and stchnvdhnifbmb I'm obsessed now lol
I must ask how the creeps would react to someone who was there for them before they became the way they are now? I'm quite curious (⁠´⁠-⁠﹏⁠-⁠`⁠;)
Take care and hydrate <333
Creepypastas with reader that had knew them before tragic eventes
➥ with Jeff the Killer, Homicidal Liu, "Ticci" Toby, Eyeless Jack, Ben Drowned
Ahh you waited so long for this Im so sorry!T^T
Also you guys have no idea how sweet that is! Im glad that someone likes to read my scribble! <3 Lots of love and also remember to hydrate! I choose couple of pastas, but feel free to inform me if you would like someone else!
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☆ Jeff the Killer
During one of this normal days, or maybe during calm night? You finally saw him..You were looking at eachothers, not sure what to do - sure, he may be a killer now..but this killer was once your friend? Does he even recognize you? But to your suprise, he just started laughing. It wasn't his casual maniac laughter..this one were more friendly, just like the laugh of him you remembered. The laugh of your best friend. He remembered you..and even if he is way diffrent now, then the part of him is still your best friend. You are finally something good in his miserable life, and he almost felt normal once again. Its funny how you make a man like him smile and sigh in relief, just by your presence. And he doesn't care what he did do somehow deserved you again - all he could do is being grateful for that.
☆ Homicidal Liu
You manage to meet Liu on one, ordinary night. Even if he looked, oh so diffrent, then inside you could still recognize his past self. When it comes to Liu, he couldnt believe his luck in that moment. He craves for sense of normalcy like nothing else, its his only true wish..but now you are here again? He start to remember all this nice moments from his childhood..you were in all of them! Even if he didnt recognize you at first, he felt so many strong emotions and could find something familiar..and like that after a quick chat you finally were in eachothers arms once again. There you were..his only hope and only love, you have no idea how long he had waited for you - and when he finally got you, he wont let you go again.
☆ "Ticci" Toby
After everything he had done, Toby really became all this names they used to call him in school - he was a monster, a freak in fact. Could you even look at him in the same, sweet way you used to as a kid? He was scared, constantly scared..so he didnt made a first move. Until that day. When he finally saw you again, he finally felt at peace. The feeling when you were again in his arms felt like coming home from a long journey. He was able to feel the same thing, the same love and care from you. And he already felt much better, just from seeing your smile again.
☆ Eyeless Jack
He was sure you wouldn't recognize him..now he was a monster after all, a inhuman being, a demon straight from poeple nightmares. But he wished, he dreamed that you would look at him in the same way - they way you used to when everything was normal. Meeting you again made him so incredible happy..he almost feel human again! All he could do was just hug you, and sob quietly.. you had so much to talk about, but you have time for that..the only thing that matter is you right now.
☆ Ben Drowned
Ben wasnt the same person you used to cherish and care for..shit, he wasnt even a person, a human anymore. So was he still worth of your friendship? Your sweet words and hugs? Was he even worth looking at you? But he finally decide to meet you once more, he had all eternity and he needs you to make it worth exisitng. So when he showed up at your doors? He had it all planned, the things he will do and say..but just seeing you made him tear up and look in guilt to the ground. His always cool and smug persona, was replaced with the seriousness and culpability. And when you took him into your warm embrace? When you started to shush him ,a dcomfort him? He felt at peace once again, almost like nothing else matters but you both. You already made him the happiest and nothing can compare to you, nothing else in this world.
.•┈••✦ 🖤 ✦••┈•.
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gojos-thot-patrol · 10 months
HII!!! and happy birthday to you ♡♡ i love ur works sm, for ur special birthday event, could i request — ryomen sukuna, mean, " i love you, and you don't deserve that " ?? AGAIN, HAPPY BIRTHDAY AND HAVE THE BEST YEAR!! (。>﹏<。) feel free to change it up! you're the birthday author afterall<3
AHH these are late, but in my defense I got very drunk then had to work off the hang over lol.
that being said, thank you so much Nonny!! This is so sweet and I feel kinda bad because this one got pretty dark. Trigger warnings for Domestic abuse, non con/dub con implied, emotional abuse and manipulation, and yandere themes. you have been warned, Dead Dove, Do Not Eat.
Now Presenting...
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Starring: An cold complicated Ryomen Sukuna, taking it out on a Reader that doesn't deserve it.
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There were few things on this earth Sukuna found more vile than humans. Maggots, maybe, but at least maggots served a purpose- they were important to the nutrient cycling of many ecosystems. But what the fuck did human do? They destroyed with reckless abandon, conquered without a second thought, and bread like roaches to continue the destruction long after they were gone. They were creatures of hate. And maybe that’s why Sukuna couldn’t stand them. They were just a little too much like him.
That was all with one exception. Y/n was a human that challenged every thought he had about humans. She was kind and generous, but still not afraid to get her hands dirty for what she believed. She proved that much when she ran out to stop him from destroying some elders home of all fucking things. He didn’t know what was funnier, that she thought she could challenge him, with her meek frame and zero battle experience, or the look on her face when he threw her over his shoulder. 
He had planned to throw her to his hoard of underling curses and let them tear her limb from limb. A fitting punishment he thought, she wasn’t really worth his effort. When he got to the throne room, he looked down at the writhing mass of curses below the tall platform his throne sat upon. He watched them all move as one, entangled together in a breathing wet sea of shit and hunger. They needed to eat.
And then he looked at her. The way she clung to his arm, the genuine terror in her eyes. She didn’t look like she had before on the battlefield, so willing to give her life to save another. Now she looked as if her entire being was made of ice and terror, as if she’d shatter if the breeze blew the wrong way. He felt a tightness in his chest, like some otherworldly being was pulling the sinew that laid there apart, cord by cord. And he threw her into his sleeping quarters instead. 
And ever since that day all those months ago, Sukuna had been complicated. A fucking human complicated him, it was almost comical. He caught himself being vulnerable around her, and he coludn’t fucking stand it. For every quiet sweet moment they had, he had to double down with two or more acts of brutality to make himself feel better. Except, it never made him feel any fucking better, in fact it made him feel actively fucking worse. The betrayal and hurt behind your eyes always made him feel minuscule, and it only made his hate of you burn even brighter. 
It was moments like these that made his skin crawl. When your head was resting on his chest, arms wrapped around your body as best as they could be, legs still trembling in the aftermath of your shared sin. When he realized his heart was calm, and his claws didn’t crave blood in your presence. His reaction to comfort was always visceral anger. 
“Get off of me wench.” He growled, jerking his shoulder up and launching you out of your near sleep state. You looked so hurt.
“Oh, this again?” You muttered.
“And what the fuck is that supposed to mean, Whore?” Sukuna scoffed, unable to believe you felt comfortable enough to talk to him with such a tongue.
“Nothing.” You sighed, shaking your head and trying to turn away from him. You didn’t get very far before his talons were digging into your shoulder, forcing you to face him again.
“No no, If you’re going to say something, say it. Don’t try to take the cowardly way out now.” He warned. You shook your head, knowing better than to make eye contact right now.
“I just don’t want to fight-”
“Oh, you think this is a fight?” He laughed, “that would almost be cute if it wasn’t so pathetic.We don't fight Y/n. You forget your place, and I remind you of it. Fighting implies you to be my equal, which you never will be.” he said, his voice dripping in condescension and laced with contempt. His poison shot straight into your heart, coursing through your blood and to your tongue. You were so tired of his bull shit. 
“Oh, really?! Is that what happens?!” You laughed back to keep from crying, “Because from my view, You realize you have a heart and get so scared of it, you have to hurt someone smaller than you to feel like a man aga-!” Yea, you weren’t shocked when he struck you. You held your face, knowing there would be a bruise you could take fingerprints off of forming. You’d long since become used to his treatment. He grabbed you by your hair, yanking you to look at him. You could feel individual follicles being pulled from their roots as he raised you off the bed, as he drank in your scream as if it was the finest of wine. 
“Listen here Brat,” Ryomen always had a way of making even the most mundane words cut into your soul, “You’d do well to remember who the fuck you are talking to when you speak to me. I am not your friend, I am not your lover, you are fucking nothing to me. You’re less than nothing to me. Wrong me a-fucking-gain and your villiage won’t stop finding pieces of your body.” He snarled, throwing you off the bed. 
You braced for impact, but that still didn���t stop the collision from sending sharp waves of anguish through your already bruised ribs. You took in a sharp breath and tried to keep the tears swelling in your eyes from spilling over. He wanted you to cry. You wouldn't give him that satisfaction. You got to your hands and knees as quickly as your body would let you, then sat up as best as you could.
“Do you know what your problem is Sukuna?” You mumbled from the floor. He raised an eyebrow at you, genuinely shocked you had more to say after that. Normally, physical violence shut you up pretty quick. 
“And what is that Y/n?” He asked. You took an edge breath in.
“Your problem is that you don’t want to keep being a warlord. You’re tired of it, it bores you, you want to do something else. You found something that only makes that feeling stronger. And you can’t stand it! Because you don’t know who you are. You have no idea who Ryomen Sukuna is without the power and the blood thirst, and that fucking terrifies you.” Sukuna didn’t even argue, and he wasn’t surprised you read him so clearly. You had always seen through him as if he was nothing more than a fragile bubble. 
“And do you know what my problem is?” You growled. You waited all of 3 seconds before responding to his silence, “My problem is that I love you. And you don’t deserve that.” A chuckle left Sukuna, but it was humorless. His eyes didn’t hold any anger or angst, he looked as if he was made of stone. He finally got up from the bed, and moved to you. He crouched down to be at your level. 
“Things are only going to get worse for you from here on out. I hope you're prepared.” he said, zero emotion making its way to his voice or eyes. He pushed you onto your back before standing up again and leaving the room. Once he was back in his own sleeping quarters, he punched a hole in his wall.
How fucking dare you tell him you loved him! Who the fuck did you think you were?! And why the fuck would you confess that after he threw you to the fucking ground? As if you were nothing more than a used cum rag! He roared as he ripped some random piece of art off the wall and smashed it against the floor, splintering the wooden frame. Your words kept echoing in his head, phantoms that wouldn’t let him rest. I love you, and you don’t deserve it.It made him sick. Because he didn’t deserve it. And because he loved you too, and you truly didn’t deserve that.
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savnofilter · 7 months
Your Scent Is Sweeter | e. kirishima
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       Werewolf!Eijiro Kirishima x Virgin![FEM]Reader
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CONTENT WARNING(S): sexual content, one shot, loss of virginity, kirishima likes how you smell, dry humping, hints of jealousy, spit (1), knot inflation, pull out method, mutual pining, friends -> lovers (?), established friendship.
COUNT: 3.4k words [13 mins.]
READ MORE: masterlist + [student masterlist]
A/N: ehhh i dont think i'll ever do this like an animal horny hybrid shit after the last few fics i have queued up. 😭 even if i do i'll def cringe it later probably anyways- ignore my hating… also this is a continuation from a draft over a year ago?? including the next two bakugo fics im going to post and the other dragon!kirishima fic so bare with me. this isnt even that bad LOL. thank you, anon!
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How you and Kirishima first met was simple:
Two different hands reached out for the last skewer that sat on the hot grill, both stopping in hesitation at the presence of someone else. You both stopped and looked at each other, an awkward laugh coming from you as an equally shy smile graced his lips. 
“Lady’s first!” He grinned at you, his sharp teeth showing as he blushed softly, stepping back. “Go ahead, I’ll just swing back later.”
“Thank you.” You smiled at him, feeling butterflies in your chest as the cute male allowed you to grab it. 
As much as you wanted to say something else, your brain short-circuited on coming up with anything. Part of you wanted to tease him and say he could take it, but you never pass up on an opportunity for food. Nevertheless, even if it was for a random cute guy. Plus you had spent the last few hours dancing and working up a sweat, you were sure you needed it more than him. As he stood to the side, you were able to pay and take your leave, waving to him as you disappeared into the crowd. One last glance was exchanged with him as you left him at the stand.
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Typically, you wouldn't go to many events if it weren't for the festivals or known shows; but this one faithful New Year's festival when you were fresh into adulthood had proven you made the great decision to attend the celebration. Events between humans and werewolves were often rampant during popular holidays, the New Year being one of them. 
There were many people around with many great food booths to compare. It was only a mere coincidence that you two seemed to be craving the same savory treat, kabobs.
After the first time you two had met, you started bumping into him more at cultural events. You hadn’t told anyone that you had met with this boy. At least you were sure he was around your age, young twenties or so, but there was no mistaking he had a few on you though not too much. The more you saw him at these gatherings, the connection between you two grew naturally, and it soon evolved into a friendship. No one knew about this friendship and to your friends he was merely regarded as something akin to a hallway crush. What they didn't know was that you two had been seeing each other for about two years now, doing various things together as a private friendship. It was no surprise the once innocent feelings you had for him slowly turned into a crush each time you two met. Luckily enough for you, today was one of the days when you two could catch up and you were more than ready to see him again. 
You bit your lip as you sat on the cut-down tree stump, one of the many things that made him complain. Something about humans defiling the woods by making modifications that didn’t need to be made. Oftentimes when you met him, he ranted about different things, all things to be exact. Even with his rambling nature, he had other sides to him. You saw him chill, you saw him happy, you’ve seen him angry and you’ve seen him annoyed. But the ‘mood’ he approached you with today was something different. It was… feral. In a way, you couldn’t explain it.
“E-Evening, Kirishima.” You smile up at him as he walks up to you, holding up the basket you brought for him. “I made your favorite, they’re still hot just how you like them!” You open the basket to show him the goodies, scooching over on the big seat to give him room to sit down. He was quiet today, stiff too. You tried not to show your concern as he picked up the bag and sniffed it. It was times like these when you could pay close attention to the way his face looked, admiring the roundness of his cheeks that complimented his sharp jaw. 
Kirishima only grunts as he sits away from you, his quiet and fidgety demeanor worrying you a bit. Your eyes observed his statue that had a light sheen of sweat layering his tanned skin that was visible to the eyes, his brows scrunched angrily. His facial expression was one of heavy frustration even with how much he tried to hide it. Whatever he was trying to find using his snout appeared to not have been found, and he was once again on the hunt to find the source.
Kirishima proceeds to start sniffing again, this time pulling away to smell somewhere else. You couldn’t help but stare as his behavior was odd, flinching a bit when his nose led to sniffing around you. You tried to stay calm as he got closer, shifting awkwardly as you contemplated the right moment to ask about his demeanor. His breathing seemed a bit ragged too, his chest rising and falling as he avoided contact with you, even visually. 
“You’re… in heat.” 
If he couldn’t see the blush on your face you could certainly feel it.
“I can smell it, you’re aroused...” Eijiro responds simply. "And you smell really good."
He was still standing as he towered over you. He rested the basket next to you and didn’t move, his eyes dark with a glint you haven’t seen before. His hand comes up cup your jaw, his palm hot against your skin. You play with your sleeves as you grow flustered, laughing nervously as the thought of being in a lewd situation with the black-haired male starts to run through your head.
“Eijiro…” You start, looking up at him as he makes you look up at him by tilting your head up. You felt as though you were caught stealing from a cookie jar, hands covered in crumbs as you tried to hide the emotions stirring inside you that he could very obviously sense. 
His lips spare you the process of trying to come up with something to say as he presses his mouth against yours. You felt something spark as he did, your hands that were once clenched at your chest held his shoulders, stabilizing yourself when he forces you to lay down on the large tree stump you sat on. You tried to keep up with his kisses, opening up your mouth to let him in, fearing the pain of accidentally poking something if you chose to let your tongue wander in his. You moaned as his tongue poked and prodded in your hot cavern, his hands moving to grip your thighs to spread them apart as he got between them.
You hadn't noticed how big his body was, being so exposed to it so many times in such a friendly setting compared to this one. You daydreamed about this moment but never did you think it would happen so soon. Your heart hammers in your chest upon feeling his lips move so softly against yours, caring even. You could tell that he was the skilled one between you two and his kind way of gentleness showed with his fervent kisses. Unfortunately for him though, you didn't nearly have as much lung capacity as him to continue this unbroken kiss. 
One of your hands on his shoulders taps him as an indicator for a breather, the doting male taking the message. Your labored breaths mix with his as your eyes can't help but be glued to his in desperation. A timid mewl is ripped from your lips when his hands that once respectfully rested on the sides of your hips swoop down to grip the back of your thighs and reach behind you to squeeze your bum. Kirishima growls as the scent of your arousal heightens, his gaze darkening as he prepares himself to fuck you. 
"I-I didn't want to pounce on you like this but you smell so good." Kirishima rambles as his hands start to grope at your clothed skin. You couldn't do anything but just lay there and take it, watching up at him with curious eyes.
His strong and calloused hands trail up your body to grope your chest through your clothes, the heavy weight of his hands bringing a rush of excitement straight to your core. Whilst he fondles you he successfully manages to slide closer to you between your legs, your thighs resting on his as he gets comfortable. You bite your lip feeling his hard length now pressing against your core, a taunting sensation between the layers of clothes that restricts you. While your hands never left his shoulders his hands happily roamed your body. 
From when he was fondling you, he was able to unbutton some of your blouse, the top of your cleavage now exposed to him, and the beautiful light of the moon from atop the sky. You feel tightening in your chest as oxygen starts to run out from kissing for so long, your hands lightly pushing him away. He pulls away with a light growl that marks his excitement. Kirishima hadn't slept with humans often but had to remind himself that he had to be gentle…. at first. 
"Do you want this, Y/N?" Eijiro holds your chin to have you look up at him. You lightly gulp in excitement at the feeling of his rough hands on your jawline, a more than ready nod coming from you. 
"I want to, Eiji." You're not even sure how you managed to maintain eye contact after relaying that. Until now, you had only kissed other people but other than that it never went further. There wasn't much left to ponder about his experience in these activities, though. "Just be gentle, this is my first time, okay?"
He visibly portrays his shock at the revelation with a dropped jaw but quickly recovers by nodding his head in understanding. If anything, this is one of the best news he's heard in a while. Now it wasn't often that Kirishima thought about your sex life. When he did think about you having sex, other partners were never in the equation. Just purely you and him. Though on his part he was assuming your experience—it was just Ludacris to him that no one has gotten that far with you yet considering he could tell the way most of the males around you acted. 
Those festivals where he'd watch you from afar and get a jealous flutter in his chest fell testament to this, later his anger fueling into pure neediness in the comfort of his bedroom. He'd be straight-up lying if he said he wasn't crushing on you hard. You were as sweet as ever, pretty with a physique that suited you nicely, a smile that he fell in love with on the first day, and god you always smelled so good. Even in times when he'd playfully chase you down and you'd try and push him away in embarrassment of odor, it was that exact husk that drew him in closer. The pull that made him want to pin you down and fuck you raw.
Kirishima grips your hand and kisses the back of it as he stares deeply into your eyes. "Of course, anything for you."
You softly sucked in a breath feeling his hot hand slip down to palm your sex, the sensation so very foreign to you. Undoubtedly he could certainly sense the wetness through your clothes, another animalistic growl coming from him. He palms you in preparation for his eventual fucking, skilled hands rubbing at your labia and then playing with your clit. Your body jolts at the pleasure you receive from that certain area, a pained whimper in desperation slipping from your lips as you clawed at him. 
His deft fingers easily rubbed against your clothed core, determined to get you hot and ready for him. His eyes watch down in a predatory gaze as he watches your expressions for any behavior change, his pupils dilating in hunger as he watches your body open more and more for him. Once he's done pawing at you he presses his crouch right against yours, the heat and weight of his confined cock stirring a whimper from within you. You tilt your head back, hands still stuck on him as you pull him closer to your body instinctively. Kirishima wordlessly leans in to press more animalistic kisses to your neck, now utilizing his sharp teeth to nip and bite at your skin. He groans against your sweet skin as you start to grind against him as well, a revelation now settling in that you were impossibly sensitive in all areas of your neck. 
Usually by now, Kirishima would've fucked whoever was underneath him into oblivion already, but he was purposely taking it slower. He needed to tease and punish you for not being his any sooner. To make him wait so long to get between your luscious and squeezable thighs. 
"Eijiro," A louder moan encourages him when he roughly nips at the conjuncture of where your neck and collarbone meet, the sensation sending a hot shiver down your spine. Mixed with the friction of his heavy hips against yours you're shaking under him, eyes prickling with tears as an unfamiliar feeling starts to wash over you. "W-Wait—!" You try to tap his shoulder, the act has him unmoving as he himself already knew what you were experiencing. 
Kirishima leans up to witness the pleasurable experience wash over you, greedily taking in the fact it was him to accomplish it without even having to do anything. In seconds he's gripping your jaw and having you look at him as he places another searing kiss against your lips. You're sloppily meeting him halfway there with no doubt that his tongue has all the right to overpower yours. Your hands are lost in his hair whilst his are impatiently ripping off your clothes ready to take you under the moonlight. 
A line of saliva connects you two when he pulls away, the small connection popping when he licks his lips. Your mouth and skin tasted so sweet, that he'd have to remind himself to eat you out next time, preferably somewhere more romantic and private.
The male on top of you grunts as the cool air of the night hits his now exposed schlong, the naked member twitching at the sensation. It was a reminder that he needed it in somewhere warm and his solution was right in front of him. He groans once the scent of your fresh arousal hits his nose, it now being stronger than ever with your hot cunny in line of sight for him. You were a sight to behold, truly. Skin littered with his bite marks, a light sheen of sweat coating your skin and your pussy dripping in need for him. 
"Do you want it?" Kirishima asks with a growl in his voice. You had just come down from an orgasm and he didn't want to rush you.
"Give it to me, Eiji." 
He doesn't have the balls to play with you anymore and gets straight to it. He presses his bulbous head against your opening, rubbing it up and down your pussy lips as he tries to loosen you up. "Relax."
You bite your bottom lip and try to do as told, eyes glued to his raging hard cock. You hadn't seen a cock before now but you were a hundred percent sure this was the prettiest you have and will ever see. You shiver when he pokes his tip at your clit, the sensitivity from before making you squirm. Your eyes flicker up as you watch him spit on his cock for more lubrication, mixing the substance with your arousal and his precum to make it easier for you to take. 
"I'm going in--fuck." Kirishima breathes out as he inserts his dick into your gummy walls, the squeezing around him has him reeling in pleasure. With no remorse, he grips the back of your thighs and presses them against your body in a mating press, a deep groan rumbling in his chest as your cunt swallows his cock in this position. He tilts his head back as he slowly and surely rocks the rest of his length into your awaiting cunt, the ecstasy he was experiencing had never been felt before. It was almost reminiscent of the first time he had lost his virginity except this felt exponentially better. 
His hands nearly rip your shirt open to show your breasts to him, the restriction of your clothes around your breasts making them perk up for him. He licks his lips as your nipples harden even more at the attention. Your tits bounce with each thrust as he slowly tries to ease himself in, his excitement making it hard for him to stay patient. 
Your breathy moans are the only thing he can hear and focus on, totally zoning out on anything around him. Everything about you felt too good. The way you wrapped around his cock, how your hands gripped at him, the desperation in your voice, and the way that you felt under his hands was intoxicating. Kirishima had been waiting for this for so long and he could finally have it, have you. With patience, he was able to start rocking his hips faster and deeper into your cunt. The lewd noise of your pussy squelching with every thrust encouraged him to do more, to fuck you more passionately. 
His lips were busy marking up your skin not caring about the complaining you might have for later. Earlier when he was eagerly trying to take off your clothes he tried his best not to rip your clothes off but there was no guarantee his (kind) gesture came to fruition. That minuscule dilemma will be something to deal with when you both get there. 
His hand dips down to mindlessly play with your sensitive bean, humming in satisfaction when it elicits a sharper moan from you. You're grinding your hips against his with vigor, body shameless in the pleasure it receives from him. Your eyes could barely focus on anything specific as the male you once considered a friend completely obliterates your cunt. Tears prickle at your eyes as you start to feel an intense sensation that washed over your body not too long ago.
"E-Eiji," You pant out, head lifting lightly from the wood. 
Kirishima's head immediately lifts from your skin and looks up at you, you two millimeters apart from each other's faces. "You close, babe?" 
You nod frantically and wrap your legs around his waist, locking him in closer. He groans at how well you're able to take him, the new position allowing you to take in his cock fully. He softly coos as you try to stick it out, a pained but pleasured expression adorning your features. 
"Cum on my cock, baby."
The buzzing in your system doesn't die down, everywhere in your body feels as though it's on fire. You're engulfed in everything he gives you and refuse to let this moment go. Your body is raging with white-hot arousal as you come undone with the help of a few thrusts and his fondling. You groan happily as he grips your thighs and presses them against your body again, an unfamiliar swelling at the base of his cock forming at the base of his cock and slamming against your pussy with each thrust. You peek down to see the inflation, a bit of worry rushing into your system. 
Kirishima cusses as he lets go of one of your legs and pulls out, his spunk immediately spilling onto your pubic area and pussy, successfully covering you in his load. You whimper at how much there is, some getting on your clothes and the already defiled tree trunk from the spillage. You felt yucky with all the sweat and fluids and felt like it was prime time to go to sleep. 
You shyly make eye contact with him and let out a nervous giggle, happily welcoming an approaching kiss as he leans in to take your lips against his. You two gradually come down from your high, your body now slumped against the flat surface of the massive cut-down tree. 
You two will figure out what you are later. 
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    all rights reserved © do NOT steal, alter or copy this work.
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malleusfucker · 2 years
The First Taste
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warnings: smut/nsfw, malleus being inexperienced lol, two dicks, unprotected sex, malleus gets a lil bit weird towards the end, reader is afab but no gender or pronouns are explicitly specified
summary: you and Malleus have liked each other for a while now even though you haven’t done anything intimate with each other. Malleus is pretty clueless about relationships and intimacy so goes to you to help him get a better understanding where things end up getting heated.
words: 2.8k
you lay there with your head resting on Malleus’ chest, his body stiff and rigid and always quivering if you made the slightest movement. it’s only recently since you and Malleus both confessed your liking for each other and yet, even knowing that he’s still nervous around you - hands that tremble ever so slightly when you hold them, and words that he can never seem to find when he’s with you.
but it’s only you that makes him feel like this. 
you never minded not doing anything intimate with him as his presence alone would be enough to fill the gap; feeling his warmth against your skin soon became something you craved, something better than any act of intimacy.
unfortunately, Malleus felt quite the opposite. he hated how things were with you. he felt helpless and confused, always wanting to touch you but never knowing how to.
hearing from Lilia that humans love to give affection and that the main part of romance is being intimate with your partner and yet, Malleus can’t seem to form a coherent sentence when he’s with you. as much as he wishes to know how to make you feel good, it’s almost as if he’s been wired not to.
he desperately wanted to change. 
no one’s ever made him feel like this, so why not give in to the feeling?
“child of man.” 
Malleus cautiously lay his hand on the top of your head, the sudden combination of his touch and voice jolted you awake from what was feeling to be a peaceful slumber.
“hm? what is it?” you raised your head carefully, only to be met by empty green eyes that seemed dejected. Malleus was in no mood to wait. whatever was plaguing his mind felt like an itch he could never scratch. he firmly took both your hands in his, squeezing tightly, and suddenly that nervous, hesitant touch was gone. “i’m tired of this.” the change in the air was quick, your eyes widening as you looked back at him in confusion. “i’m tired of not being any use to you.” 
you laughed nervously, it wasn’t like you and Malleus were that deep into your relationship, which only made the quiet moments you had alone with him feel even more peaceful. but he seemed to be feeling differently about the situation, his grip tightening on your hands as he looked straight into your eyes, making you uneasy. “i want to make you feel good. you don’t know how long i’ve tried to figure it out, how i’ve longed to touch you." you felt heat slowly creep up on your face and tinted your cheeks, hearing these words come from Malleus felt like it was expected, but you couldn’t help but be shocked at what was being said. 
“kissing. touching. i want you to teach me all of it.” 
you gulped, afraid Malleus would notice your trembling hands beneath his, your face becoming a darker shade of red every second. it all came out of the blue. or at least it seemed that way to you. you didn’t even know where to begin, your heart feeling as if it was about to burst out your chest with Malleus looking at you in a way that he'd never done before.
Malleus silenced your words by leaning in and kissing you; he delicately placed his lips against yours for a few seconds before drawing away and slowly stroking your hand with his thumb. even though it was only a few seconds, the way his soft lips felt against yours - how gentle it was - felt like a lifetime. how strangely soothing it was to feel a warmth that you’ve never felt before, making you want to never forget the sensation ever again. your brain practically froze, not knowing what to do with yourself but to just sit there in awe and shock over what happened. 
you paused to gather your thoughts before continuing. returning your gaze to Malleus, you could see his serious demeanour, but you could also tell he wasn't pressuring you to do anything you didn't want to do. despite this, it felt at that very moment that Malleus could do whatever he wanted with you, and you would be happy regardless of the outcome.
“is that all?”
his gaze softened, smiling so sweetly at you as he slowly leaned in and kissed you again. it seemed to last even longer this time. he cupped his hand around your face, not wanting to be too demanding but wanting to show that he was taking this seriously - as childish as it may have seemed. he took his lips away from yours for a second, still keeping his face close to yours, “am i…doing this right?” 
you wanted to scream.
how can someone so terrifying be this sweet and gentle? 
you went in again and as seconds turned to minutes, the kiss seemed to get more intense and deep. you parted your lips, allowing for his tongue to slide in and intertwine with yours. kissing him shouldn’t feel this good and especially with his lack of experience, you couldn’t help but notice how amazing he was at this.
your hand reached up to his head and you intertwined your fingers in his gorgeous dark locks. leaning in more and more, Malleus made you both fall onto the bed - your lips still making contact as his body pressed into yours. the kiss started to make you feel breathless, excitement starting to peer through in your actions. Malleus was allowing you to kiss him like this, yet you couldn’t help but feel guilty at how much you were enjoying it. all you wanted was more and frankly, you were beginning to feel restless with just kissing him. you pulled him away from you, embarrassed at the sight of your saliva stringing from his mouth and placed your hand down by his side, “don’t you…want me to show you anything else…?” 
Malleus moved his face closer to yours, the look in his eyes seemed to be anything but innocent now. staring lustfully into your eyes he took his hand and cautiously slipped it in between your legs making you gasp. “i hear… humans like to be pleasured down here, don’t they?” with his other hand, he took yours down between your legs to guide him, “i want to know how good they can feel.”
you wished he would stop talking and looking at you like that, the last thing you wanted was for him to find out just how turned on you were getting from all this, your arousal pooling right under where both his and your hands were. but for the first time in your life, at that moment, it felt like you didn’t care about anything at all. “aah, let me…take my underwear off.” you wanted to take this slow with him but your selfishness didn’t allow you to. quickly fumbling with your trousers, you pulled them down, revealing the small stain of your excitement on your underwear. Malleus didn’t waste any time and quickly hooked his fingers around the hem, looking at you for permission before eagerly pulling them off of you. 
it wasn’t until then, that he truly saw how wet you had become, the slits in his eyes instantly thinning. Malleus could already sense, much to your ignorance, that you were getting turned on, but watching all of the liquid pool and drip onto the bed got him even more excited than he already was. 
yet again, Malleus’ slender fingers slipped in between your legs and slowly started to stroke the inside of your thigh, “tell me. tell me how i can make you feel good.” he seemed so determined to please you, which only made you lose your head even more - you couldn’t even feel embarrassed anymore because at this point you honestly just wanted Malleus to do a lot more than just touch you. “just please…please, hah, touch me there.” you were practically moaning your words without Malleus even having touched you yet and inched your face closer to his for another kiss as his fingers slowly rubbed against your crotch. 
your lips collided against each others, each kiss feeling more intense and heated than the last, Malleus’ finger slowly easing its way into you which made you moan and whimper into his mouth.
the sensation of his finger going inside made you wince at first but, like many things, Malleus soon caught on to what he was supposed to do. in a matter of minutes, you were clutching the bedsheets under you from how good you felt, moaning into his ear as he started to trail soft, wet kisses down your jaw and neck. you started to grind and thrust your hips into his hand as you felt another finger slowly slide in, the fire at the bottom of your stomach starting to grow hot and more intense. “let me touch you.. please it’s the least i can do..” you reached down to unbuckle his belt but were instantly stopped as he grabbed hold of your hand, “no. this is about you. i only wish for you to feel good.” you furrowed your brows at his response. you wished that Malleus wasn’t so serious and methodical all the time, it’s not fair that he’s doing all this for you to only sit back and take it - he should get something too. 
after what seemed like an eternity of him pleasuring you, shaking and cumming multiple times on his hand just from how skilled he had gotten, you had enough and finally pulled his hand away - your slick and cum were trickling from his fingertips, forming trails on the bed sheets below.
“haah, you know…pleasure for humans isn’t always about receiving it. you need to get rewarded too…” Malleus tilted his head in confusion - he really was naive. he couldn’t comprehend the idea that you would want to pleasure him despite having secretly been turned on immensely by your moans the entire time. 
your trembling hand reached out to his belt buckle for a second time with him finally allowing you to relieve him of the ache he was desperately trying to hide. Malleus knew what he was getting into yet still felt surprised at what he was feeling. you palmed his crotch through his boxers, feeling that he had gotten hard just made you even more horny and restless.
you couldn’t take it. everything that had been going on just made you extremely careless and you got to the point that all you wanted was for Malleus to fuck you badly. “put it in. please…i can’t take it anymore.” to say Malleus wasn’t a bit shocked at how bold you were being with him would be a lie, he leaned in closer to you - his body practically swallowing you, “put what in? i need you to be more precise.”
you couldn’t tell if he was teasing you or genuinely asking you a question, but you couldn’t care. you were feeling way too impatient for him to start having his way with you. 
you quickly wrapped your arms around his head and drew him closer to you, your foreheads touching, “i want you to fuck me. please…” 
at that moment, the penny dropped. without thought, Malleus pounced on you, baring his fangs before sinking his teeth into your neck. you had both tried so hard to restrain yourselves and take it slow but one thing you had unknowingly agreed on was how much you secretly wanted this to happen. you moaned out, experiencing the strange sting of pain for the first time before being washed away by pleasure. Malleus groaned and tugged his boxers down, revealing two thick, firm cocks twitching and throbbing with pre-cum glistening and dripping at the tip. though lacking experience, you wouldn’t have guessed it with the way he was that eager to have you, pumping one of his cocks in his hand while continuing to lick and suck on your neck. 
the sight alone made you drool, your arms gripping him tightly as you frantically thrust your hips upwards to show just how restless you were becoming. you felt him line up against your entrance, the tip of one of his cocks brushing against your slit, making you whimper - this was all new to Malleus, but his mind was elsewhere. all he wanted was to be inside you, to pleasure you in a way you'd never felt before.
“...are you okay with this?” he leaned in closer to your face, his breath fanning over you. despite showing a side of desire, he remained gentle to his core, making sure you were comfortable and alright with what he was going to do.
and you were more than okay, your mind being lost as you frantically nodded and wrapped your legs around his body so that you could be closer to him. 
that familiar sting of pain soon returned as Malleus slowly slid one of his cocks inside of you, causing you to cry out as tears formed in the corners of your eyes. he wasn't even halfway in and yet you already felt so full. your toes curled as he hesitantly forced himself inside of you, and groaned as the foreign sensation of ecstasy flooded over him. 
once he felt it, he became addicted. feeling you tighten and grip around him as he began to thrust his hips into yours made him feel guilt like he'd never known before, an act so unfamiliar and alien to him that feeling this good for the first time only made him greedy.
Malleus snaked his arms around your back while his pace started uncontrollably increasing, feeling his breathing get heavy and laboured. “it feels..so good.” all his words were mumbled and slurred, a stark contrast to yours which you were screaming and moaning out as the knot in your stomach was beginning to form. as Malleus's second cock brushed and rubbed against your clit, his relentless kissing and thrusting into you left you feeling dizzy and wishing it would never end. “mal..leus, fuck.. don’t stop.” your trembling fingers found their way to the base of his horns, wrapping your hand around them as you buried your face into the crook of his neck. 
Malleus gasped at the bizarre sensation of you rubbing and sliding your hands down his horns; unbeknownst to you, his horns are incredibly sensitive, and the way you stroked them while struggling to writhe your hips against his just fed the fire that was on the verge of bursting. your legs jerked violently as you felt the knot that was rapidly forming burst free, causing you to cum all over Malleus' cock. “malleus..! c-cum-” you could feel the liquid dripping and seeping out of you before being slammed back in by Malleus, who showed no signs of slowing down, leaving you no time to rest as he thrusted even harder into you. 
after what seemed like hours of cumming on his cock so intensely that it made your body limp and weak, you saw the way both of his dicks twitched and throbbed as he was trying so desperately to chase his high. his eyes shot open and he sank his teeth into your lips, driving his tongue down your throat so fast you almost choked. he was close, and even he couldn't maintain his composure with the way your body seemed to swallow him. “i..! aah..something is coming ou-” Malleus moaned and whined into your mouth making you forcefully grip your legs tighter around him as you felt ropes of hot cum burst and spill inside of you. 
he finally let you catch your breath, allowing you to lie and rest your body on the bed. he brought his face closer to yours, peppering your mouth with a slew of gentle and tender kisses, “did you…feel good, little one?”
it would be an understatement to say that you just felt good, ​​as shown by your trembling and convulsing from the number of orgasms that wracked your body. you slowly nodded, feeling your eyes start to grow tired and weary.
as Malleus groaned and exhaled a small cloud of green smoke out of his lips, he gently eased his cock out of you before witnessing the sight of you completely filled with his seed. 
something within him appeared to change. 
his demeanour shifted, and you could sense his aura becoming much more menacing. 
seeing how his cum was oozing out of you, the way your skin was raw and bruised from where his teeth were, further enhanced the strange sensation. you felt his fingers creep up your trembling thighs, wrapping his large hands around them as he slowly drew your fragile body closer to him. 
“just once more.” 
you wriggled beneath him, opening your eyes slightly to see the dark, unnerving hunger on his face. 
now that he had tasted what it felt like to be inside of you, he didn’t want to stop. you were oblivious to what he was thinking as he wasn’t only going to do it once more, but would do it again and again until he was certain that you had fully lost your mind.
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changbunnies · 5 months
Crave, Part 1 (18+)
♡ Pairing: Romantic Demon!Hyunjin x Human Fem!Reader
♡ Genre: supernatural au, demon au, age gap relationship typical in monster fucker fics, intended to be porn with plot but atm there is more plot than porn lol
♡ Word Count: 3.6k
♡ Summary: "The more a thing is perfect, the more it feels pleasure and pain." - Dante Alighieri, The Divine Comedy. In which Hyunjin, a demon from the nine circles of hell, finds himself impossibly infatuated with the very human he once set upon himself to destroy.
♡ Warnings: don’t read if you’ll be uncomfortable over talks about religion from the perspective of a demon!, themes of sexual purity in the context of religion, a lot of immoral behavior and thoughts + ideas from hyunjin, supernatural abilities, themes of possesiveness, the seven deadly sins are brought up multiple times, hyun is thousands of years old so take that as you will lol, hell's structure is based off dante alighieri's depiction of it in the divine comedy but knowledge of it isn't necessary to enjoy this fic!
♡ Smut Warnings (contains spoilers): there isn't really any overt smut in this first part it's more like referenced sexual activity, masturbation, voyeurism (hyun is watching reader while they're unaware he is there), porn watching
♡ Notes: after receiving feedback, i'll now be posting my long fics in multiple parts as i finish them like i do on ao3 instead of waiting until it's finished to post here! i'm taking a break from my royal au series to finally write out this fic i've had rattling in my brain since last september but never got around to writing until this past month :') idk how long this will be in the end but i'm planning at least 3 parts! i hope you stick around till the end <3
♡ Disclaimer: please read responsibly, and remember that this work is fiction and meant strictly for imaginative fun. the idols used in fics are more accurately faceclaims and personality outlines for imaginary characters, and should not be interpreted as factual representations of existing people.
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There are many things in this world, the world of humans, that even a monster such as Hyunjin was born to desire. A primal want, weaved into the very fabric of his being, designed to be etched into his soul- if he had one, that is. That is what initially brought him here; the heart of one of the world's most populated cities, his territory an otherwise unoccupied luxury suite in one of the many skyrises that line the bustling streets.
It was an ideal place to be; there wasn't much in the way of furniture, given that it's a new development with no human occupants, but the amenities it held were sleek and pristine. High windows that overlooked the entirety of the city rife with sin from what was nearly the top floor, marble countertops that screamed sophistication and elegance, and well equipped with security of both the physical and digital kind to keep out those who may want to chase the thrill of wandering where they do not belong. Hyunjin, who could simply float about wherever he wished, had no need for human things like beds or sofas.
In this space, he already had everything he needed- an ideal vantage point, isolation from the world until he himself chose to interact with it, and easy access to the myriad of damned soul that walked the streets beneath him. It was perfect, and it was his- until you showed up.
Hyunjin was no stranger to dealing with potential renters overtaking his territory- it was only natural for those with wealth to be ready to spend a fortune on the newest availble luxury apartment that catches their eye. While Hyunjin had never once been seen; he was certainly known; rumors abound of an evil presence in suite 13, that left even non-believers fleeing in terror, leaving as quickly as they came. "Evil" felt a bit extreme of a description from Hyunjin's perspective, but what would humans truly understand of him? 
He always felt as if his actions were completely justified; after all, why should a being with immense power such as him bend to the will of a measely human whose life was akin to a grain of sand in the desert of immortality that was his own lifespan? Regardless of his justifications and thoughts on what is evil and what isn't, he welcomed the fear humans have towards him- it made his life easier if they feared him and stayed far from his domain. 
And yet here you were, seemingly ignorant of the fearful reputation this apartment held (not that he expected that the building's landlord would have informed you of it, of course- their only goal is money, at the end of the day.) Hyunjin didn't care for the rules of humans- whether or not you'd supplied the necessary money to purchase your way here or were deserving of it made no difference to him. It was his until he decided otherwise, and you were trespassing on his territory by being here.
When he'd first arrived back after a long outing back in his home within the second circle of the nine hells, only to see you filling his space with your things, walking about the apartment as if you owned it, blissfully unaware of his presence- it was infuriating. He had half a mind to scare you out right then, forever scar you by showing you his true form, send you running as he'd done to countless before you who tried to be here. But no, that wouldn't be enough. It would be letting you off too easily for his liking; this was different than scaring off someone who might intrude on his home- you already had.
What he wanted was more than his territory back- he wanted to make you suffer the most egregious torment one could ever endure for intruding on it, something far worse and much harsher than whatever a demon below his stature could muster. You deserved worse than that of mild terror, or to be able to flee from his space without repercussions for your transgression. No, he would only take back what was his after he'd turned your mind into a den of paranoia and hysteria. You needed to know true terror, true loss, true suffering, by his hand.
So he settled for observing you- it would be a longer process, one that could easily take months to reach true fruition, but the reward would be well worth his patience. He watched carefully, intently, his presence always concealed but unmistakably there. You would feel it sometimes, unbeknownst to yourself. A sudden chill up your spine, the subtle feeling of being watched making you turn your head, only to be met with nothing unusual in your line of sight. Funny, how humans were so attuned to the supernatural while simultaneously being so oblivious to their reality.
Your routines became committed to his memory, your every step and every action becoming increasingly familiar to him. Boring at times, but necessary if he wanted to learn the ins and outs of what makes you you, taking in every detail and memorizing them fully, so that when the day comes for him to turn your life into a miserable tragedy, forming you into a shell of who you once were, you'd have to beg him for forgiveness, for his mercy.
What were your fears? He'd easily make them reality. What did you hate? He'd make sure you suffered it. What broke your heart? He'd subject you to that pain over and over, until your heart was left shattered into a million, microscopic pieces. And it was only then, when you were mentally destroyed, the lowest you could ever possibly be and unrecognizable in your despair, that he'd appear before you, triumphant as he made you apologize for ever having stepped foot in his domain.
But as he observed you, he came to realize something strange- something he had never once found himself thinking about a human before. You were so... good, the closest to perfection a human could ever possibly be. And not perfect by the bullshit puritan standards set by the "heavenly creator," because you were as touched by sin as any human is, but perfect to him specifically.
Your sins were few and far between, with only one making a substantial impact on your purity; but it was the most important, most delicious sin of them all, the one that made Hyunjin's body seethe with delectable desire. You weren't envious, nor greedy or gluttonous; you lived in a luxurious penthouse suite, that was true, but greed to have the best of everything isn't what brought you here. The pride you felt for your accomplishments didn't go anywhere near sinful levels- you were proud of yourself, but not in such a way that you looked down on others while you sat atop your high horse.
You weren't slothful, brought to your current position by your own hard work and tireless efforts, and you weren't wrathful either, your emotions toward your fellow man always sweet, compassionate, and gracious. That only left one sin- just one that impacted your soul, that barred you from reaching true, godly purity.
It wasn't an unhealthy amount of lust by any means, but any at all is enough to damn an unmarried woman's soul if she gives in to the temptation- an unfair ruling that has cost many their rightful place in paradise. And you certainly did give in to your temptation, and that is what made you perfect to him. You had none of the avarice of other humans, none of the undesirable qualities that made them foolish and arrogant and insufferable to deal with, instead held closely by one desire, the most important desire.
Was it a coincidence, he wondered? That he, a demon born of lust himself, found one such human that seemed to adhere perfectly to what he enjoys most? Hyunjin often felt himself above that of the sins his brothers were born to pursue. Violence did not suit him, emotions such as greed, pride, and jealousy often went beyond his comprehension. And not because he was some lowly, ignorant creature who was only capable of thinking with his dick, but because those feelings simply never came to him to begin with.
What was there to be jealous of? If he wanted something, he could have it, he could take it, as simple as that. Was he prideful? Sure, one could say he was, say that he had an ego, but he would argue that there was a clear difference between the arrogance that often comes with pride, and simply having confidence in one's own abilities and joy in their accomplishments.
He knew he could feel other emotions, indulge in other sins, if his brothers' conquests and actions were any tell, but he simply.. didn't. Lust was all he knew, was all that he enjoyed, but at the same time, he wasn't some low level demon who was consumed by lust. No, he could control it quite easily if he wished, was more than capable of waiting for the most ideal moment to finally savor in the addictive dance two bodies can share. (Or more than two bodies, should one prefer that.)
Lust was all he ever knew, but unlike the sex-starved beasts he ruled over and observed in his circle within hell, he was very much in control of himself. Make no mistake, it never went away, he always felt the gnawing craving for more and more and more- but it never addled his mind. That was the perk of being a demon with a higher consciousness than that of say.. an imp. He had complete control of his compulsions and desires. 
It was this control over himself that led to Hyunjin savoring the lust that poured from human souls in only the most ideal conditions. There were many different kinds of lust, each with their own "taste" so to speak, and while Hyunjin found them all enjoyable to at least some degree, there was one in particular that was the most intoxicating to him, one that never failed to light a fire within him, the one that was always, always, worth waiting for.
The lust between two lovers, whose care for eachother was true, and good, and special- such as you would see from couples sleeping together for the first time, full to the brim with nervous excitement. Or maybe from long-time lovers reigniting their spark with a romantic night spent together after a warm, candlelit date. Especially delectable was the sweet consummation after making an eternal promise under God to be together forever, in sickness and in health, 'til death do you part. Those are just a few examples of the sort of lust that gave Hyunjin the best, sweetest taste.
The irony of being an immoral entity who gained the most enjoyment out of love and romance wasn't lost on him, but his preferences weren't built on some misconceived notion that he could aspire to feel those things himself. Yes, Hyunjin knew he would never feel the human emotion that was love, but he could understand, at least on a superficial level, why it tasted so sweet, and why humans seemed to fight for that feeling above all else.
Perhaps he existed to be a hypocrite, sowing seeds of chaos and turmoil while valuing true love, contradicting that which humans believed they knew about demons of lust such as himself. After all, was it not the very nature of a demon to confuse, contradict, and twist the human condition? And was it not utterly against his being to indulge in a feeling that was considered sacred by God? It didn't matter either way; if there was one thing that Hyunjin knew for certain, it was that sweet tastes were the best, and it didn't matter where it originated from or how- he just knew he liked it.
And oh, how his proverbial heart jolted when he sensed it on you the first time he saw you touching yourself. It was a surprise when, after a long day of unpacking and arranging furniture, you let your hand travel sinfully between your legs with a heady sigh- and far be it from Hyunjin to deny himself the opportunity to feed on a human's lust when it's practically being delivered to him on a silver platter. You hadn't been touching yourself for long, barely got your panties down your legs when he tasted it- subtle, but familiar enough to Hyunjin that he could recognize it anywhere.
It was hard to explain the sweet taste in human terms- there were really no words that could come close to describing it, as the "flavor" itself didn't exist within human understanding. Suffice it to say, it was something entirely unique to his kind, and something any demon would be able to distinguish with ease should they be in close enough proximity. It was unmistakable- you loved someone. That was information that could serve him well, something that he should be delighted to know he could ruin you with. And yet, for the first time in all his thousands of years, the feeling of lustful love left a bitter taste on his tongue.
You were in love.. And you envisioned that person while your fingers were buried between your legs, as you bit your lip and made your eyes roll to the back of your skull. Who was it? Why did you love them? Were they even deserving of someone as perfect as you? Did they deserve to touch you? To feel you? Hyunjin grit his teeth, fists clenching into tight balls as an unfamiliar feeling began to permeate through the entirety of his being.
Is this.. what envy feels like? A rage beyond comprehension at the thought of someone else having you when it should be him? He should be the one you desired to have touching you, the one you imagined marking your unmarred skin, the one who made you cry out and tremble with even the simplest of touches. Would they even indulge in the sweet taste you radiate like he would? Would they even understand what perfection it is you offer simply by being? His, you should be his, only his, his, his.
The realization hit Hyunjin like cold water over hot skin- he wants you. And not just for one night, not superficially, not with needing to part ways afterwards. He wants you to love him, wants the feeling of love-drenched lust that radiates off you to be because of him, wants you to belong to him and him alone. You don't know him yet, but you will. And he'll make sure you're left wanting him, and only him, by any means necessary. Because it's what he wants, and he always gets what he wants.
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Hyunjin wants to say it's simple curiosity that leads him to carefully stealing your phone off your nightstand once you've fallen asleep, or that's acting with the desire to know how to ruin the target of his ire more succinctly, but that simply isn't true. No, he is scrounging through your phone not with the intent to learn your greatest fears and hates, nor does he scour your messages to discover your darkest secrets.
It's a different purpose that has led him here, an unfamiliar ache that drives him to search your phone for something more. In hindsight, going through your phone to learn about you is a simple, easy act he could've, should've, done already, but he's a bit of a traditionalist in that regard. (Or maybe he just doesn't want to admit how much he's liked watching you these past few weeks.)
Who is that you love? And why? It would've been easier for him to find out had you truly let yourself go, allowed yourself to be loud and moan their name to your heart's content, but you hadn't. And maybe that was a good thing, as hearing someone else's name leave your lips in such a moment would've definitely sent him into a dangerous hate spiral, but that also meant he was left with nothing to go on as a clue.
He was much too stunned, and then seething with anger and jealousy, to read your thoughts in the moment, and if he tried to do so now, while you were sleeping, all he would do is catch a glimpse of your dreams- not helpful in the slightest, unless you happen to be dreaming of the object of your desire. (Which you weren't. He already looked.)
Unlocking your phone is easy, as he's seen you put in your password several times over at this point. Unfortunately for him however, (and fortunate for the one undeserving of Hyunjin's wrath,) he finds nothing that makes the object of your affection explicitly obvious. Your texts with friends all use the same tone, you talk about mundane things like what movies are coming out or how you wish you could go on a vacation for a while.
Your photo gallery is relatively small, filled mostly by screenshots of things you wish to remember or keep for a laugh, and the occasional selfie. There's nothing that screams "this is the person i'm in love with!" no matter where in your phone he looks, and if it wasn't for how intensely he felt the emotion radiating from you as your fingers sped up and release built, he'd think he must have imagined it.
What interesting this he does find, however, are the differen't porn links littered through your incognito tabs, all that paint a very vivid picture of what you find most appealing, or in more vulgar terms, what gets your pussy really fucking wet. He skims through your collection of favorites and private bookmarks, and quickly comes to realize they all hold a similar theme- love, romance, and doms who are soft even when being rough with the sub's body or speaking condescending words.
Various videos and audio files, with titles such as "roommate gets railed after confessing her secret feelings," "pov: boy next door accidentally confesses and then fucks you passionately," and "soft dom makes his good girl cum hard: boyfriend asmr." There's even an entire erotic movie, much to Hyunjin's surprise, with a 2 hour run time and dedicated plot in your recent bookmarks.
He decides to watch it, for research purposes of course- what better way to get to know the object of his desire than by watching the porn she consumes for himself? It's rather generic as far as ideas go- childhood best friends confessing their love before going away to college, with sweet, sensual but desperate fucking and a promise they'll be in love no matter the distance put between them. A cliché plot, by human media standards. 
However, he has to give it due props- it's obviously not an amateur production. It's acted well, has better cinematography than one might expect for a film produced by a porn studio, and the dialogue never crosses into cringe, overtly fake territory. Despite it all, something about it feels real, as if he'd taken a genuine glimpse into the lives of two young people in love, rather than a manufactured video meant to make the people who watch it unbearably horny.
Hyunjin continued through your collection after that, eager to see what other gems lied in your favorites, waiting to be watched by him. They're all the same fundamentally speaking, your preferences and biases easily shining through with each video watched and audio listened to. Emotionally charged, romantic confessions, sweet "i love you"s, soft, caring doms who take good care of the submissive one, making them feel desired, beautiful, and secure.
The person you're in love with, the one who lingers in your mind when you watch these videos and your hand travels between your legs- this is what you want them to do. You want them to love you passionately, to make you fall apart in the sweetest of ways, to take care of you so well that your thoughts can linger on nothing but the way they make you feel. You want them to sweetly tell you they love you while they fuck you, to speak filthy words in your ears in a soft, saccharine voice as they make you cum. To fuck you dumb, to ruin you, and then expertly put you back together with a tender touch. 
Carefully, he puts your phone back in its place, looking at you once he's done, still sound asleep in your bed and without a clue in the world that there's a demon standing before you, close enough to touch. You've lived with Hyunjin for weeks now, but you don't know who he is, don't know that he's there, don't know that you have unexpectedly become the reason for a demon's strange and new complex emotions. Isn't it funny? How a demon as powerful as him has become infatuated with you despite you not even knowing he exists.
It's illogical to desire you, truly. Humans are fickle, subject to corruption and irrationality, their lives impossibly short. What one man works his entire life to obtain, Hyunjin can have in mere moments with a fraction of the effort. To a being that has lived thousands of years, the life of a human happens in a mere blink. You grow old, you get sick, you die, your accomplishments fade to nothing, forgotten as the next wave of humans walk the earth in your stead. You're beneath him, he's better than you, and yet..
Why does he still crave you so? Maybe he's no better than the humans he's looked down upon, considering them lesser for their innate hypocrisies and irrational actions- because Hyunjin is about to do just the same. His feelings for you are hypocritical, irrational, foolish, but also the most real thing he's ever felt. And if it's romance you want, that will make you fall head over heels for him, then he'll be the most romantic demon the nine hells have ever known.
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neoarchipelago · 1 year
Switching it up from the last ask, what if the 141 were gods and the reader was human?
Greek gods: Price: Zeus, Ghost: Hades/Ares, Soap: Posiden, Gaz: Hermes, Konig: Hephaestus, etc
Norse Gods: Price: Odin, Ghost: Thor, Soap: Loki of course lol, Gaz: Meili, Konig: Jotunn, etc
If you don't know a ton about these Gods it's okay, you don't have to do this one lol
This was such a good idea!!! (I chose the Greek gods even though I still suck at it, the thought of Ghost being Hades won me over.) Also I feel like i completely got carried away with the NSFW part... I hope you like this my love
Task 141!Greek gods x F!Reader
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The gods themselves. The pantheon. It has been a long while they had decided to walk down from their pearly little castle. They had decided to mingle amongst the humans, now free from having to look after them. Unfortunately, chaos and wars are something they were used to so of course taking part of military activities seemed to be the best thing to do.
Squad 141 had quickly become one of the best squads there could be. Of course, how could it not when gods themselves were part of it? Of course, they enjoyed themselves, being able to fulfill their cravings while living the normal 'human' life.
Until you arrived. It was unexpected. Not the first time of course, they had already added some humans to the squad for short periods of time but you. Oh sweet you. They had been confused by your sweet cheerfulness. The way you skipped through the dorms. Poseidon... Hum... Soap, above all, had found someone he enjoyed playing around the base with. Gaz himself enjoyed your company, and even Hades ... Usually so gloomy found himself almost smiling in your presence.
Of course, Price kept reminding everyone that this... This should not be happening. Not at all. Bringing you on missions with gods was an absolute awful idea. They had to cut ties and quick. They'd find something to complain about on the first mission, making sure you get removed from the force.
Unfortunately, nothing had gone as planned. You had found yourself in an extremely dangerous situation, to protect them. Fury had taken the gods, as blood and wails were the only things on the battlefield as they carried you to safety.
From that point onward, you never left their side again. They decided that you'd be their little pet, little adorable human they'd keep close to them.
Price enjoyed above all discussing with you. You were such a witty and smart person that he simply enjoyed siting with a cup of tea or coffee and talk with you about anything.
Soap had found a partner in crime to play pranks around the base, showing you his explosives.
Gaz him, often took you out to shop with him, you had become gossip and shopping buddies. Which you obviously enjoyed, merely to spend time with him.
Ghost... Ghost was a silent man. But he enjoyed listening to your read, even if you were completely unaware of it. He was the most protective of the group, always keeping an eye on you, keeping recruits or other high ranks away from you.
Konig always found a way to bring you little gifts. Little jewelry he made or even knifes. You beamed everytime, blushing and he enjoyed it. You always praised him on his amazing handcrafting, making proud.
Things changed a bit on one of the many missions. You were fighting off a soldier who had ran behind you, cornering you. It was a sticky situation and Ghost had found you pretty quickly. Unfortunately, a knife thrown your way had let it slip. A glimpse of his true self, your wide eyed stare only comforting him in the idea that yes, you did saw it.
The way home was silent, and he tried to avoid you. You didn't seem scared but mostly confused. It took a few days for the boys to sit you down and tell you the truth. You had been very curious much everyone's relief. You had felt like the safest human on earth.
NSFW poly!141 x f!Reader
It had started in a Blur. A pretty dress as you had announced you had a date to attend. The room had turned colder than it seemed. Rainy clouds in the sky. You had sighed, scolding the boys for being so over protective.
You had skipped your way out the door under the tension of the gods's gazes. Price and Ghost had remained home with Konig while soap and gaz walked ou to get some air. In reality they had followed you around, keeping a close eye on you and making sure to stop any attempt the recruit had towards you.
They wouldn't say it out loud. Any of them. But the thought of some random idiot having the privilege to own you... To kiss and lick that pretty little cunt was unbearable to them.
When you had walked back home, annoyed and irritated by the boy you had met, the gods could barely hide their happy moods.
During one of your movie nights, when you had cuddle a bit too close to price, head resting on his chest as you dozed off, short a bit too short on your thighs. Wandering eyes and huffed breaths. You had seemed to drift into some kind of curious dream, little moans and whines escaping you parted lips. Your body reacting to slight touches Price gave you, little trails of his fingers along your arms or your back, soft squeezes of your delicious thighs making you whimper.
They wouldn't dare to go further. Not without your consent. The gods looked at each other, way too aware of the reaction you were causing to them.
"We have to play nice. No wars my brothers." Price had reminded.
"There's no need for wars. We all want the same thing. Same goal." Gaz had answered.
"To take care of her." Konig added.
"Make her. Ours." Soap grinned.
After that night, you had felt them change around you. You could sometimes feel their hungry gaze but you weren't sure. Little touches and featherlight kisses on the cheek. You weren't sure of what you were feeling. The affection you had for them was obvious but the more they acted like this towards you the more your feelings grew into something twisted. Could it be love? It was surely lust...
A little booze had given that little push the group needed. A poker night, game night with gods. The burning liquor in your throat gave you too much determination. It untied tongues, held back too long. Soap was the first. The blush on your cheeks too irresistible. Of course always under the supervised gaze of the rest of the task force. He had carressed your cheek as you leaned into his touch, feeling the heat rise.
"So cute darling. You look hot" he had grinned, proud of his pun.
You had giggled, now their hungry looks were perfectly visible. Of course you were blushing. The room itself was too warm. You had discovered a new voice to yourself, as you had teased them.
"You all look like you want to pounce on me..."
The silence after that was deafening. Only their eyes burned into you.
"you... Do?" You questioned, bewildered.
Curses were heard under mumbled and hissed breaths.
"listen darling." Price had started getting closer to you. "We do not want to scare you. We mean no harm at all."
"we simply feel... Very... Attracted to you." Gaz whispered close to your ear. How did he get so close...?
"we... Want to worship you my dear..." Konig's lips on your ankle made you shiver.
"but only. If you wish for us to do so." A firm hand wrapped around your neck from behind, a strong chest pressing again your back the familiar scent of hades.
"me..? For... All of you? Isn't that... Odd?" You had questionned, the obvious wetness in between your legs betraying you.
"if one thing is sure, you are worth sharing. As we share mutual feelings towards you." Price explained.
"we want to make you ours, protect you, make you feel... Adored." Soap grinned against the skin of your shoulder.
"say no... And we'll stop..." Konig warned, teeth grazing at the soft skin of your leg.
"say stop. And we'll walk away and never try to have you again. It won't change a thing to us" Gaz explained, kissing your knuckles softly.
"Or give in. Be ours for eternity. And we'll make you burn for us..." Ghost whispered into the back of your neck.
You closed your eyes, their breaths and hands were overwhelming but oh so good. Did you? Would you? You wanted to.
One nod and it was all it took. All it took to lead to this situation. As you sat in Soap's lap, his cock buried inside you as the men watched closely, listening to your every moan. He had laid you down, as you felt the strong chest of Konig behind you, his arms wrapping around your waist, softly caressing their way to your chest.
Lips and kisses made the room feel like some secret sinful place. Each had marked a different place on your body, you'd be covered in hickeys by morning. They were sweet, careful.
"You alright little dove? Tell me, can you handle more?" Gaz whispered in your ear as the men stood to attention, waiting to hear your answered. You a mewled a little yes, the men thrilled to please you more. Price and Ghost had been the limit for you. Your first time with them had been crushed by the intensity of your orgasm as price pumped himself in and out, feeling you clench around him as sweet nothings pooled from his lips.
You had needed a second to breath, and the men gladly did so, kissing you softly one by one before kissing your body. Ghost did not seem annoyed or angry to see tired and probably not able to take more, he was willing to leave it at that, seeing you fucked out and hazed making him way too happy. He'd have you another time for sure.
But you had wanted to. You had given him puppy eyes, kissing him deeply, straddling his lap. He was big. Not as big as Konig, but he was thick. His cock might split you open. He had tangled his fingers in your hair making you look at him.
"We don't have to. You're exhausted. I can feel your nervousness darling... Do not force yourself."
"I'm not... I want this... I do... Will you walk me through it... Gently?" You had asked in a little whine.
He had cursed under his breath, helping you sink slowly unto his cock, the feeling bringing out a glimpse of something darker, belonging in the underworld.you had felt the boys step closer, praises and kisses to your back.
"You're taking him so well" Soap whispered.
"you're doing so good my love" Gaz cooed.
"Such a good girl" Price praised against your ear.
You bounced up and down on his lap, the overstimulation and sensitiveness making you loose focus and your ability to speak. Only your moans and whines filled the room alongside their words.
They had started storming themselves again, the sight of you, completely fucked out and dumbified by their cocks and the several orgasm you had gone through making it simply impossible not to get hard again.
You his your face in Ghost neck, tears filling your eyes, falling down your cheeks as you felt yourself completely crumble. He hushed you, helping you bounce faster on his length, feeling you clench around him.
"f-fuck..." He groaned.
You were so close, tipping off the edge when he kissed you, tongue battling to muffle something almost pornographic. You only separated when he felt you shiver, that tightness on your pretty pussy around him making aware of how close your were.
"go on my love. Cum for me... Cum again for us..." He praised, hitting a sweet post deep inside you.
You came, vision blurry, fading to black as your hearing left you as well, the sound of stranded moans and grunts, only telling you that they had found their own release.
The next morning your awoke in the middle of soft pillows and blankets, the men sleeping all around you as you blushed heavily at the memory of last night. But you felt happy and proud and God... Were you lucky.
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omenics · 8 months
I hope requesting something is still okay! Also, I really wanted to let you know how beautiful your writing is. Your musings with Carmilla in mind remind me a lot of the actual novella. They're my favourite to read :)
Now onto my request! I wondered if you could write about Carmilla with a reader who is staying at her castle, but they both haven't confessed to each other yet. Some good old-fashioned gothic vampire pining lol
Hope you have a wonderful day and thank you in advance :)
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Your glances are noticeable. Even when your gaze turns another way, darting anywhere but her when she caught you, it was noticeable. Terribly so. Perhaps she would be revolted with such gazes, disgusted when someone like you so much as breathed around her. But no. You were different. You set off a beat in her heart that she was unfamiliar with, one that she did not know.
Her plans to discard your corpse dwindled with each passing day, and a strange fondness came in its place. She was a lonely woman. Even as a creature of the night, she got lonely. She craved your presence at night, alone in her bed she craved it. She could hear your soft heartbeats echo in the castle walls, reverberating a sound she forgot so long ago, unaccustomed to a beating heart for hers ceased.
Carmilla thought to puncture her fangs into your pretty neck, to make you eternally hers. But that would be cruel, and perhaps you would think her selfish. But love is always selfish; the more ardent the more selfish. But alas, she was so terribly whipped.
Often times she longed to feel your fingers run over her cold skin, to feel your breath amidst her lips, to feel them touch her own.
So day by day she admired you in solace, the little things that kept her mind trailing back to you. She thought you a sorcerer, a witch that entranced her undead heart; but you were not. You were a mortal, a mere human who wedged your way into her mind. So for now, she would admire from afar, watching over you in secrecy, relishing in the warmth you brought her soul. She had all the time in the world, but you did not. Years passed like seconds to her, vampirism halting her lifespan, but around you time slowed down. Time slowed down to a point where she could breathe, admire the world around even if it was utter shit.
She wanted to be yours, you hers. She wanted to spend eons at your side, to hold your hands, to kiss your supple flesh. But now, she would be patient, she would wait. But her feelings did not-would not waver. Never, for she has loved no one and never shall, unless it would be with you.
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dreamii-yume · 7 months
There is something appealing about the classic Stalker-type of Yanderes.
I know people would say that aren’t all Yanderes a stalker at some point of their yandere career lol? And yeah, I agree—But I’m talking specifically about those that you don’t even know existed. Like you don’t have any relation with them, or maybe you do but you’ve never talked to each other, and yet they still know you…somehow.
Be it a classmate, but they’re all the way on the other class so you never interacted with each other. A neighbor that you waved to maybe once in a blue moon during a morning walk. A co-worker who works the same 9-5 as you do in the same company, but is always assigned to a different task than you. They could even just be some random dude off the streets ☠️ They don’t have to be someone important. They’re just a normal citizen who lives in the same community as you, but they’re always…Lurking wherever you’re around. That’s the power of the classic no-named Yandere.
They’re extremely delusional too—They have the tendency to think that you owe them something for having to spend majority of their lives watching, observing, and studying you. They know everything about you that they are practically convinced that the two of you are already dating in their mind and you just don’t know it yet. I’m sure you’re aware of their presence too in some degree, it’s very difficult for humans to ignore that unsettling feeling of being watched after all. But since they’re so good with blending in with the shadows, you can never find solid evidence to prove that they were there and so it would leave you no choice but to accept it as nothing more than a mixture of paranoia and imagination.
They know about your schedule like the back of their hands, and sometimes, if they’re feeling courageous, they would create opportunities to bump into you on purpose. A few notes from a teacher on the other class? Food that they made too much for them to eat alone? A problem in your office computer that only they could fix? Excuses, excuses…All of them were nothing but excuses to scout you better.
After days, weeks, months, and even years of playing this stalker game, they would eventually reach the breaking point—The point where the craving for you is too much that they’re willing to step out of the shadows for the first time. They may be patient, but they can’t just settle for your imaginary touch forever. You need to be aware of who they are, and the thought of rejection did not even crossed their minds once. They are absolutely convinced, darlings.
They make sure your meeting with them this time is very special, one that you will never forget, one that they deem as “romantic” because they are sure that you are just as thrilled as they are. You were probably waiting for this day to come too, they thought. They carry package in their hands—A fake one, but looks official enough that you could confuse them with the package you were expecting all these days. They wore a delivering company’s uniform so as to not alert the nearby people who may recognize them, they’re even nervous about you recognizing them too, knowing damn well that you probably won’t. But they rang your doorbell anyway, patiently waiting as the scurrying footsteps from inside gets closer, making their already racing heart beat even faster due to excitement.
The moment you opened the door without so much as checking through the peep hole on who it is, they knew your fate was sealed. They greet you like how a delivery person employee would and eventually asked for your signature, and you blindly trust them—Taking the pen. But just as you did, you were unexpectedly pushed roughly inside your own home and down to the floor with this random person casually coming in and locking the door behind them. As you looked up and saw this person smiled down at you, you knew you’ve fucked up.
Yanderes typically do not respond well with anyone who contradicts their chosen delusions, but you don’t know that because you don’t know them. You don’t know what this person’s deal is, and you’re just plagued with fear of whatever would happen to you from this point on. So, when they started confessing to all the years of love and adoration they’ve gained for you over the long, long time that they’ve been stalking observing you, your first reaction is naturally to be freaked out. Who is this person? What do they want? Questions like that fills your brain as you couldn’t even comprehend a person this deranged was actually in front of you right now. They’re crazy, they must be…!
…So, you reject them.
It doesn’t matter if you said it in a sharp and serious voice, or a nice and pleasing way—They react negatively either ways. Before you know it, you’re trapped in your own bed with their hands tightly wrapped around your neck. They start denying your “mean” accusations, starts telling you everything they’ve done for you, and even insult you a bit on the side with dilated eyes. Your mind is screaming at you, fearing that this might be the day where you die so tears was inevitable. Luckily, they loved you too much to actually kill you, so they settle for the next best conclusion : You’re the one who’s wrong.
It’s not true, you like them just as much as he does—Or at least, you will soon in a matter of time. You’re just scared of how the world around you would react, you’re just scared of the commitment, you love them too. Suddenly, they’re the ones pitying you, they stroke your head like a pet as you coughed away the uncomfortable feeling of your neck almost getting squeezed out. You couldn’t do anything but watch as this unknown person laughs maniacally, talking to you like you’re back to five years old.
They tell you not to worry…They will help you see your true feelings about them soon and they will not stop until you said the same words back at him. After all, now that he’s here, you don’t have to worry about everything else in your life, so you have all the time in the world. They definitely know how take care of you, since they know everything about you. All these knowledge wasn’t such a waste of effort after all.
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danger-bird · 2 months
Touchstarved Astrology Headcanons🌠
Mostly based on my own irl observations over the years, as well as my bookworm era a few years ago . Also taking into account my own impressions & feelings for the LIs, so sufficiently biased and I'm not sorry. In the words of Danny DeVito: "I'm right, you're wrong, and there's nothing you can do about it!" /lovingly❤️
Venus in Virgo. Period. I'm dying on this hill. Fight me. No but fr, first he's a diehard animal lover and will jump into a dog fight to save a puppy. Second, he's giving "mother hen" behavior - says "watch your step", then grabs you when you trip and scolds you "told you to watch your step"(Virgo 101); sends you off with an ESCORT, jumps in fists first when the roughneck tries fighting you then hides you from the purple gang later and escorts you back himself - need I say more? Not to mention he VERY likely helped Kuras save us (his scent lingers in the clinic when MC wakes up), and helps in the clinic regularly (so a part-time nurse, most likely helped save Mhin too). Also, he was definitely watching over us even before the Seaspring (the scarred woman knew our name from somewhere, also the Unnamed can feel Ocudeus' presence outside the clinic). He craves taking care of someone - people, animals, soulless, poor unfortunate souls - you name it. And it's not for show - that's just how he is. That's how he shows love - by being attentive. All my favorite people have this placement, they're all like him in this regard - best Venus placement imo (yes, I'm a biased Venus in Taurus, BUT I'm also right, lol)
Scorpio Ascendant I mean... come on. Come on. He's LITERALLY a gang leader! Not that anybody needs convincing, but aside from the sharp, intense eyes and the fact he oozes sex appeal, this would place his Sun in 10th House- he is known publicly as a leader, his presence demands respect and attracts attention. BDE for sure. Also he's very smart, intuitive and observant. Very aware of his surroundings, can pick up on people's moods & intentions like it's nothing. I'm convinced he can literally read our mind. A smart, sexy and caring bastard, lord help me...
Virgo Signature sign Kuras is very service-oriented, focused on helping the community and always looking for ways to assist others. Very mindful of people’s problems and what they’re in need of - and ready to provide it, no matter what it may cost him. He’s also very polite, but comes off rigid, like he’s read “Social Etiquette for Humans 101” and is following it to the letter lol. Also kinda nerdy – has his special interests, and if you let him he’ll talk about reductions and concoctions all day, every day. I don't think it's a specific placement that influences this behavior, it's the whole picture, thus - a signature sign!
Saturn Dominant This man is a Capricorn already, sure, but there’s a difference. Capricorn placements have an inner spark, a fire about them – they’re ambitious and driven while being practical and disciplined. Saturn, however, is a dry and dark, malefic - almost apocalyptic planet. It’s the last visible planet – the gatekeeper of the divine knowledge (depicted by the outer planets). It represents time, boundaries, a sense of duty and responsibility, guilt and the consequences of one's actions. A symbol of Kronos and the Devil, it represents the falling of God, the grotesque expression of divinity. Kuras has a curious mind, fascinated by science and humanity, and in light of the Kuras character lore (and his not-too-subtle mischievousness) he def has strong Uranus & Jupiter influence as well. But the Saturnian themes in particular parallel the themes and main conflict in his story most strongly.
Mercury Retrograde I had to. The way he's so precise and eloquent, but roundabout when he talks? How he's so tight-lipped and takes his sweet time before answering a question? Mercury retrograde, 100 percent. I don't make the rules.
Moon in 1st House. How do I know? I have it. The color of printer paper (the sun hates us), emotions written all over their entire existence and impossible to hide, as well as rather intense emotional outbursts? Yes, yes and yes. Big-time tsundere? Yes. Big softy, too? Yes. We could be twins, honestly. I stg they have a crush on Ais, but unlike with Kuras they're not happy about it. I dunno, call it twin telepathy. The Christmas photo doesn't help either.
Water moon, most likely in Cancer. Not Scorpio, because their emotions fluctuate rapidly, and are overtly moody. The difference between big waves and a rip current, for example. But more so, this makes for a Sun-Moon square - the dissonance and lack of harmony between their outer persona and their inner needs and desires is clear. They have difficulty expressing their emotions, not difficulty as in showing them, but in a way where they come off wrong and get interpreted the wrong way. Very protective, like a smol soft crabbie shielding themselves with their shell. Pushes people away consciously, but hoping for someone to have enough of a "spine" to handle them and protect them, giving them a safe space to finally relax. Most of all they need love, reassurance and acceptance (my poor little meow meow💙)
Mars square Mercury That Mercury is in Aries, you can't tell me otherwise. The extra 'angry' coming from Mars in Capricorn is helping, too. But not only that, it also makes a square to their Sun AND an opposition to their Moon - a T-square, a highly difficult & stressful configuration. The Mars is in Capricorn because they like a partner with authority and attitude (Cap in 7th), and it makes for good synastry with Kuras (my cutie patooties). Also for how small they are, they're very agile and skilled with knifes (ruled by Mars).
Venus conjunct Pluto. Sexy. Magnetic. He pulls you in with the gravitational force of his tits. These people are the definition of an intense lover. Obsessive and hungry for love - and pain, equally, very big on extreme and overwhelming sensations. You have a terrible curse? Oooh, danger - gimme! You can never give them too much attention - they want it all, and they're not sharing. Possessive, wants to draw you into their little world and keep you for themselves.
Leo Ascendant, for a few reasons. I was initially thinking Libra, but after looking at everything, I decided on Leo. He has a noble presence - not surprising considering his upbringing. He's a very charismatic talker, well-spoken, lovely voice, can charm anyone into trusting him (Libra in 3rd coming through). To his credit, he takes his work seriously and comes off as a reliable boss (Cap in 6th, also Taurus in 10th). He wants to take care of people... or rather, wants to be seen as a savior. I really see him as a Gemini-Cancer cusp, but technically he's a Cancer so his sun will be in 12th house. It’s a house of self-undoing, the afterlife, illusions - ego and reality go to disintegrate here. All that connects into the life-and-death theme surrounding him and his design. The sun here becomes a fantasy, a goal rather than reality – a dream of being a leader, a hero, someone who people look up to for help and answers. He’s really giving Jesus-wannabe, with the resurrection and savior complex he has going on, as well as the over-the-top generosity. A big red crab, with a big red flag... and the tits to match (Cancer rules the booba).
Venus conjunct Midheaven, Midheaven being in Scorpio. With Sun in Scorpio. Lots of Scorpio. He’s so pretty! Pretty in an elegant, sensual, effortless yet manicured to perfection way. Apparently, the BBC (Big Bulky Collar) on him does not signal “DANGER!” to the rascals who take him for an easy target, because all they see is the approachable, delicate face and inviting voice. He knows the effect he has on people, and he’s using it to his advantage – to get a free drink, or to make people trust him juuust enough to get what he wants. He is attracted to power, powerful people, and wants power for himself – and he’s ruthless about achieving his goals, too (Scorpio in 10th); there’s a lot of gossip surrounding this man’s public image, his reputation. Venus conjunct Midheaven places a focus on art – he is an artist, appreciates art as well as creating it himself. He IS the art, or that’s the perception of him anyway.
Venus in Scorpio As Venusian as he appears, Venus is in detriment here – there’s conflicting emotions regarding his looks, and the perception of him – or rather, the expectations placed on him because of it. He'll break rules on purpose, act outrageous, play coy, use his beaty for all its worth – he’ll purposefully play the ‘bad guy’ as a form of rebellion, a defense mechanism. He can’t find comfort in a traditional relationship dynamic and has a hard time liking someone who likes them back - he’s afraid of commitment. I believe his confidence is a façade; there’s an underlying fear of betrayal and rejection, and a paranoia that any good thing that comes his way is a trick, a trap, or a lie. That he doesn’t deserve love or care, really. Buuut… if you’re like Ais and see him for all his ‘ugly’, and accept him anyway… then you’re really something💜.
1525 words. Yikes. I tried keeping the word count down.
Unsuccessful. Obviously.
If you’ve read this far, go have some water, a snack, a stretch – you deserve it! Doctor’s orders!!!
P.S. : Ais' side profile sprite is giving me "ex-punk mom wearing a cozy cardigan", is it just me? Anyone? Are you seeing it? Am I crazy? Do I need help?...
...I'll see myself out.
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yanderes-galore · 11 months
I absolutely love ratchet so may I request yandere ratchet with a human prompt 53
I love Ratchet too :) I'd love to give you a small story about him and a human! I assumed you meant my prompts.
You gave no specific Ratchet so I just did his Prime appearance.
Note: I've been doing a lot of late night writing so I apologize if this is unorganized. This is essentially me being half asleep and indulging in my favorite character. It's content purely from the heart I guess, lol. I tried to keep up the plot so I hope it came out... coherent :)
Yandere! TFP! Ratchet Prompt 53
"I left you a few voice mails, why didn't you pick up?"
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Paranoia, Overprotective behavior, Cybertronian/Human pair, Manipulation, Implied kidnapping, Dubious relationship, Deception.
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Ratchet didn't used to like humans at first. He was already having to deal with three kids causing trouble in the base. When he met you, a young adult human, he wasn't sure what to think.
Turns out... you were tolerable. You genuinely wished to help out and keep the kids in line. Although even they seemed to be a handful for you.
Ratchet was still a bot who was hard to get along with at first due to his stubborn behavior. Despite this... Ratchet had begun to soften towards you over time. He began not to dislike humans all that much with time.
Honestly, it was you and the kids who helped him change his outlook.
When it came to you and Ratchet, you two could be considered partners. While Bulkhead had Miko, Bumblebee had Raf, and Arcee had Jack... Ratchet had you. Ratchet didn't think he'd ever have a human companion, he didn't even think he'd be attached...
Then he found you.
Ratchet had grown close to you because you provided companionship for him at the base. While the others were on a mission and he was meant to prepare Ground Bridges, you sat by his desk. You didn't talk unless he talked first when you were still getting to know each other.
Yet, soon Ratchet began looking forward to hearing your voice and seeing your small organic form. You just... provided him a sense of comfort. Your presence only ever proved useful when Ratchet began to stress himself out over the others.
A comment that was often tossed around was you being his emotional support. When Optimus wasn't around, Ratchet had you. You could say Ratchet cared for you at the very least.
Your companionship was different from the others. While when it came to the kids their respective Autobots acted like guardians... you and Ratchet were different. Your connection was beyond that of a guardian.
Sure, Ratchet was always protective, but it seemed like it was for different reasons. You never really knew how deep his attachment to you went yet it always felt different. You always seemed to ease him when you were around.
It wasn't hard to theorize what Ratchet really felt towards you. His softness around you felt intimate despite the differences between your species. It's some form of love, even if Ratchet never admits it.
This explanation felt the most plausible. It explained why Ratchet felt a yearning to connect with you more. Although such a feat only managed to frustrate him at times...
Your biological/biomechanical differences make it hard for him to display affection. He can only ever do small things. He can hold you, take you on drives, call you, talk to you, and he loves it but...
Intimacy, the thing he craves, is what upsets him at times when he looks at you.
Normally the thought might have repulsed him. The thought of hugging you or showing affection in the more romantic sense towards a human should be seen as foreign. Yet he wants it with you.
Such feelings are what's made Ratchet become more attached to you than a guardian. Based on how you act so positively around him, even when he picks you up... part of him hopes you feel the same. Surely... you won't mind being in a relationship with an old Cybertronian like him, would you?
He promises to himself he'll find a way to make an avatar to communicate with you with in the future.
The issue is, these feelings can also be seen as a weakness. Ratchet often grows distressed when you are away from him for too long. Yes, humans have their own lives to attend to...
He just wishes you'd spend more of your time at the base?
Ratchet didn't often talk about his problems, yet with you he felt it was important to voice his concerns. As a result you had given him a way to contact you when you're in your home. A phone number... one he often contacted.
He really didn't need the childish teasing, Primus he could hear it now. 'Ratchet's got a crush on a human'. He rolls his optics just thinking about it.
Yes, he loves you...yet it's normal. It has to be. He hasn't had a partner in a long time, if at all. Maybe he... wants to try something like that with you.
For now, Ratchet tried to focus on your safety. When he can find a way he'll share his romantic feelings with you. When he can properly convey them....
Gaining a way to talk to you made Ratchet relax a bit more. It gave him comfort whenever you texted him or gave him a call. Some say you can see Ratchet's mood change when you were on the phone. He physically relaxes his stance at the thought of you being safe and sound.
Optimus notices this change in his friend and his thought is he's happy for Ratchet. His friend has managed to find solace in a human like the others. Even if it's in a different way.
Being able to contact you is a double edged sword with Ratchet. While he's calmer with hearing your voice or seeing your texts, he appears snappy if he hasn't heard from you. Ratchet is never far from a way to contact you.
It's obsessive.
Ratchet would look distant when you don't respond right away, often looking at the screen with a frown. He hated being away from you at times. But you're busy with your own life and he is busy with his.
You'd soon learn not picking up when Ratchet calls is a mistake. Take a nap or go to work and Ratchet gets anxious. He expects you to pick up.
It would be so much easier if you were just right next to him...
He hopes he can do that some day once he perfects his hologram avatar technology.
"I left you a few voice mails, why didn't you pick up?"
Ratchet's gruff voice echoes through your phone. You had been away from your phone for a few hours and came back to voice mails of worried Ratchet. You originally thought it funny that he never wanted to be away from you for long, now it was concerning.
"I was busy, Ratchet..."
"Busy, huh? You're supposed to have your phone on you."
"What did I even miss? You know I have to have my own life here, right?"
Ratchet's silent on the phone, most likely grumbling to himself.
"Yeah yeah, I know. I have reasons to worry, however."
"Yes. I don't know what I'd do if they got their hands on you."
"Nothing's going to happen, Ratchet!"
"You don't KNOW that...."
There's silence on the phone again before Ratchet speaks again. You swore you heard him sigh deeply.
"I want you back at the base."
"Security reasons. Decepticons in the area."
Something about his voice sounds off. His response is curt, almost rehearsed. You push it aside, thinking he's just irritated.
"Really? Alright...."
"Don't worry too much, I'd never let them touch you. I'm picking you up. Wait there, okay?"
"Ratchet, You never usually leave the base that often. Shouldn't you send one of the oth-"
"They're busy. I'd prefer it if... I brought you here, is that okay with you?"
"Sure, Ratchet. Be careful."
Ratchet says nothing, but your words affected him greatly. He appreciated the fact you cared for him like he cared for you. He hangs up on you and you cautiously wait for him. Decepticons in the area?
Were you really in that much danger?
It felt wrong to lie to you about a Decepticon threat. Yet Ratchet reassured himself that it could happen at any point in time. Just calling you wasn't enough.
As Ratchet drove back to the base with you in the front seat, he thought deeply about what he was doing. How long could he lie before he told you how he really felt? How long until you realize there's no real threat at this time.
Like a Decepticon, Ratchet had lied to you to get what he wants.
It felt dirty. Despite this, Ratchet could only think about you in his front seat. He could tell you were concerned.
He hoped you could forgive him for this. At the base you provide him such comfort. No one else could make him feel such a way. If he kept you there... he wouldn't have to worry. He could think about himself just this time, yeah?
Hopefully his little project would be done soon and he could convince you to stay. He could make you your own little area in the base and interact with you with a little avatar. In his eyes, you'd be a much happier human with his care.
He had his reasons and ways to have you understand him. You can't fully blame him when you learn the truth, could you? Decepticons were a threat, even if they weren't right at this tick.
This was the best way to care for you. He loves you... this would be beneficial to the both of you. You'll be safe and he'll have you.
While it may feel wrong to betray your trust now, it would yield results in the future. Ratchet stops once he rolls into the base and lets you out. After he transforms, Ratchet picks you up in his hands.
He can't hide the grin on his face when he looks at you.
You may not know it yet, but he knows you'll be so much happier beside him rather than alone.
"I'll make sure the Decepticons don't harm a hair on your head... you can relax, I'm here now."
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sylenth-l · 2 months
It’s been a minute since we’ve seen it but the way you draw Felwinter’s signature longcoat gives him such a presence it’s almost a character in its own right (right there with his pants?! Ajshdkdf) … but I noticed recently that the Winter’s Guile exotic looks like it’s built around hand-knit arm warmers and it got me wondering… is it really all just a flare for the dramatic Fel’s got and it’s all for the LOOK, or perchance does he have a secret craving to be extra ⋆。°✩COZY✩°。⋆ whether he needs it or not? (Bc I think Sagira had the right idea with that incredible fur collar… same, gurl… SAME😏)
Yeah, apparently I've been drawing too much skinny jeans akljshdfkjsh that's so embarrassing... Considering he barely ever shows up anywhere outside of his study without his ~3 layers of coats, and the number of people who see him (un)dressed so casually on a regular basis can be counted on one hand... I'm feeling like I'm ruining his super dramatic image!!! 😭😂 We definitely need more coats in the future, lol.
Anyway, to your question! I think Felwinter has a whole wardrobe of coats, both with and without fur. Would be weird to walk around wearing a thick fur coat in summer, after all. He undoubtedly has a tendency to be dramatic and stylish, but apart from that… I think you're right in some sense about the coziness, that's actually something I was considering. Especially about the gloves.
The metal of his hands is hard, sharp and cold, something entirely opposite of the soft and warm human skin. Unpleasant upon a sudden contact. I don't think it's something that bothers him too much or something he thinks about a lot, but it is the fact he's aware of and considers. Especially when it comes to people he cares about. So he might logically assume that making contact through a softer fabric, more pleasant to the touch, is actually better than his bare plating.
And, well, for the majority of people he would be right to think so. Saying as someone who has seen and heard a lot of ewws to the idea of shipping people with Exos 🤪
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beevean · 5 months
We finally watched Nocturne.
... what? No, no endless post this time :P not only because it's just one season. It's just as I expected: it's not as infuriating as its big sibling. (unless you're familiar with the French Revolution coughcough@the-crow-binary)
We only watched the first four episodes so far, and I have already said a lot, so let's go.
The thing I complained the most about, I noticed, was the worldbuilding, mostly how vampires work. The original show "elfified" vampires, only keeping the basic traits "need blood, don't like sunlight or running water, can turn into things like bats and mist". They were portrayed as this ancient rage, one with its own culture (much superior than the dumb humans who forget everything because church bad): they sleep normally, they can eat food if they so wish, apparently they can have sex with zero issues lol, and infamously child vampires are treated as, well, innocent children and not as poor human kids suffering a terrible fate. Trevor even kindly tells us that the reason vampires hate crosses regardless of their faith is because their eyesight is so advanced that they freak out at the sight of geometrical shapes. The only monstruous trait they have is that apparently they have a tendency to go insane and crave power. Honestly, they kind of remind me of Twilight.
And somehow Nocturne manages to get it worse.
Now, yes, vampires in Nocturne bite far more often than in the OG show. I think in that other show we see them doing that... twice? And Carmilla and Lenore lick Hector's blood; then they just drink from their stock of blood à la Drac from SoTN. Anyway, Nocturne is more willing to show them as beasts, so good job. Hell, Sun Thundercat even turns a human!
But in this setting, vampires seem to not even have those few weaknesses they had in the OG show. For a story centered on how Sun Thundercat will bring eternal night to the world because sun is the number 1 obstacle to vampires, it's baffling how easily they can just walk around in plain daylight. Olrox looks out of the window with his face illuminated by the sun. Drolta can literally walk just fine, even without a parasol. @spinningbuster98 kept asking "why don't peasants or slaves just destroy the windows of the places where they know vampires live?" - well clearly they'd be fine!
And special shoutout to Drolta who openly mocks the concept of her being hurt by being in a church. At least in S1, Blue Fangs explained its presence in the Bishop's church by blaming his heinous actions for pushing God away.
Vampires are also shockingly well integrated into society. These extremely pale people, with visible pointy ears and long fangs, can chill around in a nice palace or stroll into a theatre, and no one bats an eye. How? In the OG show, vampires could be in a position of power (see the council of Styria), but they mostly worked from the shadows. Did humans just... accept the presence of these monsters?
(the cross weakness becomes way funnier now. Vampires are weak to the religion they used to believe in, so Annette can ask the help of the Christian God to harm previously Christian vampires. I actually like this. But then this makes that OG "vampires have super freaky eyesight" scene even stupider than it used to be)
Another point for the clumsy worldbuilding. Hey, remember how I complained that N!Hector wearing Hector's CoD outfit makes no sense? Because that's what he could cobble up from his old Devil Forgemaster uniform and it's basically the best he can wear for running through the country and fighting, while N!Hector 1) is still in Drac's service in S2 so you'd expect a more professional uniform from him, like the one worn by N!Isaac, and 2) he very much does not fight, making details like the arm guard and the single glove look redudant. We have a similar issue here: Maria, whose design was taken straight out of DXC, complains in the first episode that her mother is too poor to pay taxes. You can tell that she doesn't look that poor. To make things even worse, in the second episode, Tera is able to offer bread to Annette and Edouard: the French Revolution started, among other reasons, because even bread got ridiculously expensive for common people! So which is it? Is Maria one of the common people, or a well-off young woman who really has no business leading the revolution?
And this... is tied to other problems.
The French Revolution is nothing more than a shallow backdrop for the main plot being the Vampire Messiah being hyped up as the greatest evil to ever evil. You can tell the writers did not care when they cast Vaublanc, a real person who fought against slavery, as a vampire slaveowner. I think. I think you shouldn't do that.
The point is, it becomes increasingly jarring when you see that the main protagonists, the ones who spout the most generic "liberty, equality, fraternity"... are not even French. Maria has Russian origins, and as I've shown she seems to be doing well. Richter is a Romanian who grew up in the US. Annette, who gets to make a super epic speech about freedom, is a runaway from Saint-Domingue. Edouard is a rich opera singer, also from Saint-Domingue.
Oh, Annette.
You know, I want to say something. I'd have much more patience for her abrasive, ungrateful, condescending behavior, I'd justify it as a result of her trauma, if it weren't for how mean-spirited she is and for how no one seems to even react to her.
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You did that, huh. Richter has been nothing but kind and supportive to you, relating to the loss of your friend and of your mother - this isn't a Trevor situation where you can fall for what the story tells you and believe he's actually rude, no, Richter is on-screen a very nice guy! And you say that? To his face? After he revealed to you that the Belmonts used to do magic but he can't because he lost his mom? Something you should know how devastating it feels? And you THROW THAT TO HIS FACE??
Richter is the one who gasps, by the way. Maria and Tera over there? Nah they're just eating popcorn as this stranger is deliberately hitting Richter where it hurts the most. Thanks girls.
Oh but she's not done!
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I know what this is. Look at her, the Stronk former slave who suffered Hardships which inherently makes her more Mature and World Wise, looking down on the two white French people who obviously had it so easy in their lives.
Hey, Ms. Adult. Who's the one who lost control of her powers, leading to Edouard becoming a Night Creature? Richter is too nice to throw that in your face. I'm not :)
Hey, Ms. I Suffered More Than You. Who's the one who only managed to save herself from the plantation only due to magical god-inherited powers? Which is also incredibly insensitive to the real-life slaves who managed to escape with nothing more but human skills and intellect?
Hey, Ms. I'm More Mature Than You Whiteys. Who's the one who needed the help of a rich half-white man to be protected? Not that you even know the concept of being grateful.
Uh, and Tera? You mind chiming in? You mind defending your daughter and your adopted son from this stranger who keeps being rude and disrespectful? No? Okay. She just suggests how to save Edouard, but lets Annette's words slide. You and Lisa can compete for the title of Mom of the Year.
Oh, but this is not a sexism or racism issue. This is literally the same thing as Alucard in S2 being the biggest hypercunt to Trevor, making fun of his traumatic childhood, cruelly mocking his family and his legacy, and treating him like he's nothing more than a failure of a drunkard when the dude has been nothing but a help in fights and gave them access to the vast Belmont Hold... and Sypha always rushed in Alucard's defense because boohoo his depression is an icy well of sadness, he Suffered More Than You!
This is just the writers shitting on the Belmonts, and I am sick of it. Trevor did not deserve this, and Richter doesn't deserve this.
Anyway, characters. I have little to say. Richter is the best one, being reasonably cocky as you would expect from him; not to an insufferable degree, just yeah he comes off as an immature young man who needs to grow up. I like him. Maria is a parody of teens on Twitter talking about seizing the means of production, and I kind of forget she's there. Annette, yeah :) Edouard got retroactively characterized after his death, but I still don't know how to describe his personality beyond "helpful" and "source of infodumps". Tera exists. The abbot is profoundly stupid for allying himself with vampires for the sake of crushing the "Godless" Revolution (there's an N!Hector joke to make here but it's not worth it). Drolta is basically Isaac who slapped a pair of tits on himself and just like that she's a beloved slay queen icon. Templar Agent Stone Mizrak is mere bara bait so far. Olrox... well, so far he's mildly intriguing for being outside of the hero/villain dichotomy. Kind of a tryhard, though, and I still don't know why he didn't just kill Richter.
My last complaint is that it's really boring how they hype up Sun Thundercat as this harbinger of DEATH AND SUFFERING AND PAIN AND TERROR way before we even see her. It reminds me of Alucard exposing how a world without humans would be: just this empty, edgy narration with nothing to show for it. But at least by then we had a taste of Dracula's anger and powers, so this is even worse. You need to try harder to build up an antagonist.
and finally, have the best moment in the whole franchise
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entomolog-t · 4 months
Probably too many for one ask but I didn't want to miss anyone out lol
🌙 - What’s their sleep schedule like? For Aedes
💤 - What do they absolutely need to have to fall asleep? For June
🖌️ - Do they have any hobbies? For Sal
🍽️ - What’s their favorite food? For Betty
🤡 - What’s something dumb they’re embarrassed about? For Mark
💝 - What gestures do they really appreciate? How do you get on their good side? For Bram
🍪 - How well can they bake? For Dawn
🤔 - What’s something they’ll never understand? For Tamius
🌱 - Do they have a green thumb or are they a plant killer? For Rose
What’s Aedes' sleep schedule like?
Aedes is nocturnal by nature- It's easiest to prey on humans among other things in the dark/while they're sleeping. Sunlight tends to make him feel open and exposed, where as darkness acts almost as a security blanket for him. Though his sleeping habits are notably impacted by the presence of June...
What does June absolutely need to have to fall asleep?
As hinted at in the first chapter of Bite Me, June sleeps with an open window- she needs a room cold and preferably having fresh air.
Does Sal have any hobbies?
ABSOLUTELY - That lil gremlin is always looking for new things to do/try. He loves working with his hands, crafting tools, wood working, even sewing (specifically accessories for his 8 legged ladies). A lot of his hobbies are born out of necessity for his life style (foraging, climbing, hunting, etc..) but if we're talking specifically for fun/to pass time he loves to take things apart. Lil man loves to figure out how things work and will disassemble and attempt to reassemble things he's interested in. Do not leave him unattended with valuables.
What’s Betty's favorite food?
Betty is SPOILED! She particularly likes crickets as they're more fun to hunt, but taste wise she has a bit of a sweet tooth fang and and Sal absolutely spoils her with strawberries from time to time. You know those videos of pet owners putting together those very extra meals for their pets? That is 100% Sal with Betty. He insists she prefers Rosey Maple Moths, and will pair it with a nectar source to make it "extra special/pretty" for his precious girl. He's even taken to cooking isopods/potato bugs for her as an occasional treat.
What’s something dumb Mark's embarrassed about?
Ironically enough- his height. Mark is around 5ft3 is fairly self conscious about it.
What gestures does Bram really appreciate? How do you get on their good side?
Value wise Bram deeply respects courage, specifically being able to make sacrifices for others. He's not fond of people pleasing niceties and much prefers direct and blunt communication.
Tangible gestures?
He likes food.
Feed him and it goes straight to his heart (Homeboy craves to be nurtured).
How well can Dawn bake?
Dawn is quite the baker, and cook in general. She's close with a few Mennonites (who also happen to run a local bakery) and learned a lot of her baking techniques though them. She doesn't bake sweets too often, usually making them for Holidays/special occasions, though she does make her own bread!
What’s something Tamius will never understand?
Tamius doesn't see the appeal of sports, more specifically high intensity/contact sports. He understands the joys of competition, as well as being physically active, and being able to defend oneself is important- yet the thought of doing it for some self imposed sense of duty? Fun? Not out of preparation/ self preservation, but to put your body through undue strain and harm for what? the amusement of others? Baffling.
Does Rose have a green thumb or are they a plant killer?
Rose is a plant hoarder. Her entire home is just filled with greenery (Which Tamius quite appreciated in terms of quick/easy hiding spots).
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prettybambifemme · 1 month
The "femcels" and "female manipulator" people are completely insane to me. Babe, it is not a flex to proudly admit that you're abusive and manipulative lol
I often find too that "femcel" is synonymous with "terf"
Funny how that works huh.
I may be a lesbian, but I don't *hate* men. I actually have quite a few male friends. Hell, even a few straight ones alongside bisexual ones. I genuinely enjoy the presence of my male friends and I'm not on the constant thought that they're going to assault me at any minute, nor do I even think for a second that they have a crush on me secretly. Even the single ones.
By the way, dismissing sexual assault or rape by saying "Eugh, it's just men being pigs like always!" just makes it completely impossible for that individual man to take responsibility for his actions, cause it's apparently just "the norm" and therefore should just be disregarded as "boys being boys" and not "this man is a rapist"
Sure, I understand being a woman or just general feminine person that fears men because statistics show that man on woman rape is more common, but this doesn't automatically render *every* man a rapist, nor does it make them responsible for another man's predatory actions. It also frustrates me how much women raping men gets invalidated and disregarded because "he probably wanted it" because she is a woman. This is not fucking true. Just because he's a man, doesn't mean that he necessarily craves the attention of women every second of his life. This goes the same for women abusing men; whether it be emotionally, mentally, or even physically. They're called "girlbosses" when they're really just being an abusive piece of shit for no good reason.
The way that women breeching their boyfriends privacy is such a normalized thing is honestly disgusting, too. If a man simply doesn't wish for his girlfriend to check his phone and go through his messages, it's automatically assumed that he's cheating or having an affair. If it was the opposite way around and a man did this to his girlfriend, he'd be shamed and called a red flag. BOTH are red flags. If you're so insecure that you feel the need to violate your partners privacy because you're so worried about them cheating on you, then that just goes to show that you do not trust your partner and therefore don't love them that much. Relationships require TRUST, and if you cannot trust your partner; you should never be in a relationship.
I don't allow my girlfriend to go through my phone without permission. She doesn't allow me to, either. No, it's not because we have anything to hide or we're cheating; we just have boundaries and respect for each other's privacy. I personally have extreme trauma with my privacy being violated as a child in the name of "protecting" me and "monitoring" me. Now I don't feel safe to leave my phone or any devices on in the same room as someone because it makes me stressed out to think that they may look through my photos, messages, etc and see things that weren't meant for them. I.e private conversations between friends where they may be venting or spilling private information that they intended for only you to see.
My partners are both completely understanding of this and don't look at nor go through my devices without explicit permission from me.
Anti-man rhetoric is so highschooler-core and I wish it'd stop. Grow the fuck up. You're not cute for being an abusive, manipulative dickhead. The women who say "all men are rapists and and abusers" I just wanna ask, how come all of my straight, single male friends haven't raped, abused or assaulted me? 🤔 How come they're very normal human beings whose only thoughts aren't constantly about having sex? How come some of them are asexual? 🤔 Gee, really makes you think...maybe you should just try having male friends who aren't abusers. Problem solved.
Misandry is just as disgusting as misogyny. Both are equally bad. Period. Fuck femcels.
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