#i am on the ace spectrum
transmasc-wizard · 2 years
Aroaces deserve respect.
Aroaces deserve respect whether or not we want partners.
Aroaces deserve respect whether or not we feel alterous attraction.
Loveless, lovequeer, and voidpunk aroaces deserve respect.
Oriented aroaces and angled aroaces deserve respect.
Aro-spec ace aroaces, ace-spec aro aces, and aro-spec ace-spec aroaces deserve respect.
Questioning aroaces deserve respect.
Aroaces deserve respect regardless of how long ago we figured out our identities.
Closeted aroaces, out aroaces, and aroaces who can just say "it's complicated" in that area deserve respect.
Aroaces deserve respect.
[aphobes DNI, non-aroace aspecs please do not derail with aroallo and aceallo things. you are important as well, but this post is not about you.]
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asexualone · 3 years
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Yeah I think I left my sexuality in my mother's womb
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thefrogginbullfish · 3 years
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Found these ship memes from last year that were almost done so I thought I might as well finish em up real quick :>
Didn't have the energy to draw portraits tho so I just used some old picrews of my ocs and whipped up some of their partners hdfjkdg
template || picrew
incoherent ramblings under the cut cos i cannot and will not shut up <3
Liam & Fenris
both parties are so overprotective it's not even funny. guys your separation anxiety is showing
Fenris: *insert bugs bunny meme* our wardrobe
idk i just think they are saps and like saying each others each others' names over pet names
Liam isn't shy about PDA per se, he will absolutely hold hands or be otherwise sappy in public (Addie is suffering constantly), but he is very private about anything that goes farther (this is about them and for them and not for anybody else). Considering how Fenris throws himself at Hawke before the last battle tho I assume he is not quite as reserved lol
Lilan & Isbela
Bela doesn't fit in all of Lilian's stuff but generally they swap clothes whenever they feel like it
probably should've put Bela's awkwardness level lower but w/e. Lilian however absolutely is an awkward mess in the beginning lol. Girl has no idea how to deal with These Weird New Emotions
No the low jealousy does not mean they don't care, it means that I imagine they're just.. very secure about their devotion to one anther. They're both flirty and both liberal with their sexuality and they know that none of that threatens what they have.
Also smh i feel like they wouldn't be too huge on PDA? Like they're not averse to it but not super keen on it either. Which is funny cos I don't think they would mind with other people at all, only when it's the two of them
They are at their core just as sappy as fen and liam you can fight me on this
Kala & Alistair
Tbh most of their awkwardness comes from neither of them having any experience (plus their upbringings in general) and both of them having to figure everything out. It's nice figuring it out together tho :)
Yes Kala is a Dwarf yes she is a big spoon.
I can totally imagine Ali exaggerating screaming about bugs bc he thinks it's fun to be over dramatic (and to have kala come to the rescue)
I wasn't really sure where to put them on the protectiveness scale cos I imagine they are very chill most of the time, because they both know they can handle themselves just fine, but at the same time they have "don't you dare look at my partner wrong" kinda vibes
June & Cullen
not a romantic ship but I'd say that the.. *gestures vaguely* whatever they have still counts lol. They live together, in any case, so,,,,
FR why does June even buy clothes she just steals everyone else's anyway
Should've put June further towards the "affection through words" side cos she is very vocal about her feelings in general and on the other had struggles to show her love through actions properly
Can June drive a car? Questionable. Will she do it anyway? Take a lucky guess
I think it is very funny to think that they are both horny mfers, but June is very blunt about it while Cullen still has that chantry boy attitude about it lol
maybe should've raised cullen's jealousy meter p: the more i think about it the more he strikes me as the type to get jealous xd
Ari & Josie
They're so fun. I love them. I really don't talk about them enough
Took a while for Ari to start using pet names, and Josie does it a lot more, but it's turned into something like a game between them
They love cooking!! And they're mighty good at it too. Beware tho if you try their food, they like it hot and spicy
Josie may seem coy and proper but I think the would totally be up for PDA. Get people talking, cause a bit of a scandal, yknow? She doesn't cos Ari isn't fond of it, but she would.
Ari doesn't get super jealous, but he can't help being at lest a little surly when some snob gets overly flatter-y and honey-tongued with Josie.
i feel like they're both protective but in a passive way, if that makes sense? Like they know they are both well equipped to navigate the kinds of dangers they deal with, but they'll still take precautionary measures in the background to make extra sure nothing happens. And they're not in-your-face about it, but they know and appreciate it anyway
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kiveruu · 3 years
u dont have to be sex repulsed to be asexual! the general stereotype of ace ppl is that we are all sex repulsed and think anything sexual is gross (which also leads to us being treated like ignorant naive kids sometimes) so shoutout to my sex indifferent aces and sex positive aces!! i see u!! yall are so valid and u are still ace despite ur feelings on sex and ily
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strangeauthor · 2 years
white ppl seeing a post about police brutality : ah yes this is the perfect time to Derail it and make it about me
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searihart · 3 years
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I am proudly graysexual and i love miku, so here we go
No matter where you are in the spectrum, you are valid
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bluemoose86 · 2 years
Yk what I thought the whole “two lesbians complaining to each other that they want a gf and then nothing happening” thing was just a meme until this happened to me the other day:
Me: Yeah I don’t think straight people exist anymore, I’ve had three people who I thought were 100% straight come out to me this year and one of them is even a demi lesbian like me
My friend, who I have complained to about being single and how hard it is to date as a demi many times: Wait is she pretty??
Me: Uhhhh yeah?
My friend: Ok. Date her.
Me: Haha yeah right
*Later* (the / represents separate messages bc there’s no punctuation)
Me, texting my demi lesbian friend: Oh btw one of my friends thinks we should date lol
Her: Tea???
Me: Yeah bc I said dating as a demi lesbian is hard and I mentioned you were one too so she said we should date lol
Her: Omg/I love that/Bc yes it’s that easy/That’s so funny
Me: Lmao ikr
*And then nothing happened*
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finaltennessee · 2 years
I have been on the verge of tears for the past 4 days because of our flag means death and I am totally okay with that
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heesulovebot · 2 years
porsche really got me here reblogging every single thirst trap like
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actuallynunk · 2 years
so in honour of pride month i did some soul searching.
who was going to tell me that being sexually attracted to someone means you actually want to have sex with them???
what the fuck i have never felt this way towards anyone, i thought it was just "omg this person is so hot hhsjfjdjfj" but apparently not :')
ace people help me out here please
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asexualone · 3 years
I don't know about you, but I personally need a shirt that says "If you catch me staring at you, it means you're aesthetically pleasing. I don't want you, I promise."
The more brutally honest, the better
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juliaanoia · 2 years
funfact: German satire show ZDF Magazin Royale made an episode about internet porn and they made the very first öffentlich rechtlich (that is public broadcasted, funded by taxes) porno film in history.  I am mentioning this since this show keeps rewriting tv history with groundbreaking, incredible concepts and material and they are incredibly thoughtfuly and cool, so if you are interested in a more thoughtful, feminist type of porn this might me interesting for you? https://lustery.com/pov/ffmm-straight-queer-doggy-bj-oral-orgasm-squirting-royale
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kingrove-sci · 2 years
cannot believe I missed international asexuality day omg hfbdjhdh but HAPPY BELATED ACE DAY!!!
Friendly reminder that ace people are part of the LGBTQ+ community! No ifs ands or buts, they just are! (I will not argue about this.)
Just wanted to tell all people on the ace spectrum that you're valid and you shouldn't be made to feel bad about yourself, just in case no one told you recently! ♡
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if you think you might be ace-spec
here’s some things that I think might be helpful if you are questioning:
not all asexuals are sex repulsed
sometimes you can be okay with the idea of sex but not the reality
asexuals can fantasize about sex
asexuals can get sexual humor
finding someone “hot” but not wanting to have sex with them is aesthetic attraction
wanting to make out with or touch someone but not have sex with them is sensual attraction
Your relationship with sexual attraction can be fluid
Feeling sexual attraction and having a sex drive are two different things
Some asexuals have a sex drive
It’s okay to try out labels. If asexual is how you feel today but not tomorrow, that’s okay!
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Aego aroace culture is having to "like" a ship enough before reading smut
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