#i am going to be paranoid about ANY food i get at this rate
katyspersonal · 1 year
(TMI physical health)
I officially had the WORST food poisoning I can recall in my life yet... Woke up at 3 AM and since then kept throwing up nonstop until 1 PM, including any water and meds I tried to eat. I swear I've lost way too much acid and bile, and it was painful..
Now, thankfully, it stopped, but I still feel absolutely weak and destroyed. I actually started to be nervous that I'd perish from dehydration, because, again, absolutely nothing would stay in my stomach. So yeah, sorry, I'm gonna be half-dead for a bit..
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evolutionsvoid · 1 year
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There is the thought that dryads want everything green, all the time. Other species think we want nothing more than to blanket the entire landscape with greenery. The more plants the better, right? Well, I am sure in many cases that would be fine. There is also no denying that we dryads like our plants and having lots of them, but everything needs moderation. Not every ecosystem is filled to bursting with plant life, and doing so would actually be detrimental! It is why we are careful with what we plant and how much space we take up with it. If we let our gardens run rampant, the natural environment would be impacted by it, including the native flora and fauna. Just because it is green doesn't mean it is good. The subject brings to mind a particular species, one that would create a lush land of green that dryads would be terrified of. When other species spot an outbreak of this plant, they tend to think we are the culprits. They see a patch of forest or a chunk of land blanketed in vines and assume the dryads had been at work. The more paranoid would claim this was our attempt at an invasion, trying to bury their towns and homes in leaves. Let me tell you, dryads did not plant these seeds and they have no love for what has grown there. Take one look at an infestation of this vine, and you will understand why it is called the Smotherer. In small patches, it is just a tangle of vines and leaves, nothing too strange or fascinating. In this shape, people would hardly recognize it, thinking it is another part of the scenery. The problem, you see, is that this particular plant grows quite fast and it is not kind to its neighbors. The vine spreads at an astonishing rate, crawling and growing over the other species around it. The thick leaves that sprout from this vine create an impenetrable blanket that steals the sunlight and buries the other plants in darkness. What's worse is its invasive tendrils that constrict those trapped within it, draining them of nutrients until they wither into nothing. It is an extremely invasive plant, one capable of covering an entire field in a few weeks. Its growth rate is so fast that you could actually watch it spread before your very eyes, seeing its vines slowly slither and devour everything before it. Though I try to make this sound scary, many non-dryads aren't bothered. All they think is "it's only a plant. Just chop it up and be done with it." Well, it isn't so simple and it isn't just any plant. To go with its incredible growth rate is its sheer determination and hardiness. You could take a scythe to an entire field's worth and turn it to mulch, but you wouldn't have bothered it in the slightest. Small fragments and bundles of this vine can survive cutting, able to regrow its parts and continue its spread. In many cases, chopping the vine up actually makes things worse, as the wind blows these fragments about, further seeding the landscape with them. Some folk have taken carts of shredded vine and hauled it to their farms to feed their livestock, unknowingly spreading the vine further when bits and pieces fall out. It is a nasty species, but it only gets worse when infestations reach a critical level. Smotherers look to cover and feed off of other plants, and unfortunately they have found some enticing hosts. Most other plants can only stay rooted in place and watch as the infestation buries them alive, but us dryads are a bit more mobile. That means we can flee from this vine, but it also means that we offer something unique to this ravenous parasite. They can crawl and slither, but what if they could walk? What if there was a way to speed up their infestation and cover more ground? This species doesn't have to wonder anymore, because the answer can be found by devouring dryads. The thick tangling sheet of growth will engulf a dryad victim and its many tendrils will hold them fast. In short time, they will bore into their rind and begin to feed off its prey. Food is good, but the vines dig in deeper for something more. They burrow through the body and limbs in order to hijack them, essentially puppeteering the dryad from within. The outer coating of vines also assist in moving the body, working in tandem to make the arms and legs function. The victim will perish from the choking mass and constant leeching, but this end doesn't come quickly. They often are still alive for a few days, in an emaciated, delirious state. They are too weak to fight off the vines, and can only wait for death to come to their starved body. Though they may pass, the corpse is still useful to the Smotherer. The limbs can still be worked and the marching can continue without pause.
The end result of such parasitism is a dryad covered in a shawl of smothering leaves and groping vines. The growth is so thick, that usually you only see the roots and the occasional arm emerging from the green. Their movements are slow and awkward, as if they were sleepwalking. All the while, the vines covering them reach and claw at anything around them, seeking more nourishment and more chances to spread. Seeds will be dispersed as the corpse shambles about, but it also seeks for more victims to join its puppet show. An infested dryad will seek out other dryads, looking to consume them and add them to the mass. To do this, the Smotherer grows special vines that are longer and thicker than usual. Grasping leaves tip these appendages, and they move like snakes seeking prey. When movement is detected, they lash out with blinding speed. The "hands" grab hold and the rest of the vine moves to tangle the victim and constrict them. All it needs to do is slow them down and keep them from fleeing, buying enough time for the other vines to coil its prey. Once held fast, the rest of its mass will swallow them, and the tendrils will go it work. Eventually, they will become another husk for the vine, creating an ever growing mound of corpses to carry this ravenous vine across the land. A Smotherer with just one dryad is young and new, the older ones start to amass more. It has been said that there are rare old infestations that have over a dozen buried beneath its vines, a crawling graveyard of green. It should be noted that dryads aren't the only victims to this plant, as it strikes any living thing that moves. Meaty prey will still be smothered and invaded by the tendrils, but the squishy flesh doesn't last as long. Once drained dry and time takes its course, the fleshy body tends to fall apart, making it a poor puppet. This doesn't stop the Smotherer from feeding on meat, it just means that the bodies won't be preserved and used for moving. Tear off the leaves from one of these shambling mounds and you will find quite the collection of bones scattered amongst the tendrils. As you can imagine, this is a horrific fate. To be crushed beneath a writhing pile of vines and your body invaded in such a vile way. Then left to slowly be bled dry as your limbs move without you, knowing your inevitable corpse will be used to hunt others. Ugh! It chills me just to think about it! Obviously, the Smotherer is an enemy of dryads and one we wish to eradicate. So wretched is this plant, that it is said to be one of the evils unleashed with the death of the World Tree, forever tormenting dryadkind. As it seeks to eat us, we seek to be rid of it. Infestations near our settlements will be dealt with quickly and thoroughly, as we know what will happen if it is left unchecked. The wandering mounds should be reported to others whenever spotted, so a trained team can track it down and eradicate it. However, killing Smotherers is not so easy. As I said, shredding them with blades doesn't work, and only spreads its kind further. Poison can work, but the amount needed to thoroughly kill a large infestation is both hard to get and dangerous for the rest of the environment. It does us no good if slaying the vine also leaves the land around it barren. So what usually has to happen is the careful cutting of vine masses and the followup application of poison. Essentially breaking it down into manageable bits, then thoroughly infecting the wounds with a special concoction that will burn through the small patch of vines. If the mass is too big, the poison is heavily diluted and is spread so thin it only weakens. It is slow and tedious work, but its our best weapon. I know already that there is someone reading this yelling "Fire! Use fire! Fire will solve your problem real fast!" To them I say: your suggestion has been noted and promptly thrown in the trash. Indeed, fire will certainly burn the patch of vines into nothingness, but that also includes anything trapped within and probably everything else around it. You want to set a whole coated forest on fire? You got any idea how to keep those flames in check and make sure it doesn't take the rest of the land with it? And I also went into great detail to say that there are probably dryads under there, either dead or dying. You wish to turn them to ash? Condemn their spirit and leave their loved ones with nothing to bury? Unacceptable, foolish and outright cruel! You see someone suffer a horrible fate and decide to make it worse for them? That isn't how we do things here! There is a chance a dryad beneath all that might still be alive and could be saved from its clutches. Yes, they may be greatly weakened and wounded, with no guarantee of their recovery, but that is something we cannot ignore. Even if it is just an infested pile of corpses, we need to recover the bodies, that way they may be laid to rest. Once freed from the mass, the body can be thoroughly cleansed and blessed to remove the lingering seeds, then properly buried so that they can move on. It is a peace the victims deserve and needed closure for the grieving families. This is why burning Smotherers is not an option in a dryad's book and also why humans who set a torch to these infestations will find their dryad neighbor turning on them in an instant. Unfortunately, I believe that is why some folk think we created and spread this plant, as they hear about a farming community trying to burn down a smothering patch to only be attacked by "crazed" dryads. Listen, if you want to help, either follow our techniques or notify one of us so we can come and take care of it. If you don't got the time, try a potent spray of briny water to weaken the vines and then let your livestock eat to their hearts content. It is a slow method, but it can stave off the spread pretty well. And thankfully cows aren't so good at eating a full dryad corpse, so there will be something left to bury at the end of it. Families don't care too much if the body is a little chewed, as long as they have remains to return to the earth.     Chlora Myron
Dryad Natural Historian
We got dryad vampires, werewolves and zombies, now for something Blob-like! The inspiration behind this one should be pretty obvious. Kudzu is its own beast in our own world as is!
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thetravelerwrites · 3 years
Bashir (Troll) Lemon
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Rating: Explicit Relationships: Female Human/Male Troll (World of Warcraft Design) Additional Tags: Exophilia, Monster Boyfriend, Troll, Fake Dating, Hired Boyfriend, Fake Boyfriend Content Warnings: Stalker Ex-Boyfriend, Stalking, Mention of Guns, Brief Violence Series: OkCryptid Words: 6365
A commission for @floral-and-fine​​! A woman getting out of a bad relationship has moved across her home state to get away from her controlling ex-boyfriend, only for him to show up at her job. Scared, she goes on OkCryptid to recruit a "boyfriend" in hopes of frightening him off. Please reblog and leave feedback!
The Traveler's Masterlist
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>Hi. I know we don’t know each other and this is pretty sudden, but I have a proposition for you, and it isn’t what you think.
Vague, yes, but it would catch his attention quickly enough, you thought. You were desperate and didn’t know what else to do.
>Oh, He messaged not long after. >What would that be?
>I want to pay you to go out with me for a while.
>I’m not a prostitute. Lol
>That’s not what I mean, You replied, rolling your eyes. >I know this sounds weird, and if I had more money I’d probably just hire a bodyguard, but I don’t.
>Why would you need a bodyguard?
You sighed. >I have a stalker ex-boyfriend. I dated him for about five months, but he was really possessive and crazy so I broke it off, and now he won’t leave me alone. I moved here last month from across the state and he followed me. He showed up at my work today.
>Ah, I see. So you want me to rip his arms off?
>No, I just want him to see me with someone who is big enough to rip his arms off. Maybe it’ll scare him away. You’re the biggest guy I could find on here. Well, I did find a cyclops that was pretty big, but she wasn’t interested.
>Have you gone to the police about this?
>Yeah, but they said unless I get proof he has intent to do harm, there’s nothing I can do. I can’t even get a restraining order unless he hurts me or causes property damage. It’s like he has to beat me up before they’ll do anything, and I’d rather not let it get that far.
>Gotcha. Why don’t we don’t meet for coffee tomorrow and talk it over?
>That sounds great. I’m free at lunch.
>Me too. I’ll meet you at Leo’s Diner, you know that one?
>No, but I can Google it. See you tomorrow at 11.
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Bashir arrived right on time at eleven the next morning. He was a large troll, dark blue in color, with large, off-white tusks jutting out from the sides of his mouth and his long red hair braided in several placed and pulled back at the nape of his neck. He was muscular, thick in the waist, and around nine feet tall. He wore a suit, which was finely tailored to his body. You raised your eyebrows: his profile was sparse, so you didn’t know what kind of job he did; you’d only chosen him because of his picture. But dressed like that, you were surprised he even agreed to take this “job.”
“Hi, you’re the one I’m supposed to meet today, right?” He said, extending his hand.
“Yes,” You replied, standing and shaking his hand. Your hand was dwarfed in his. “Thanks for agreeing.”
“It’s no trouble,” He said, gesturing for you to sit back down as he took a seat opposite you. “So tell me about this boyfriend of yours.”
“Ex-boyfriend,” You said. “His name is Jake. I met him at work; we worked in the same department. He seemed nice, so when he asked me out, I didn’t think anything of saying yes. The first two months was fine, and were got along really well. As soon as we decided to be exclusive, he got really clingy really quickly. Every time I’d try to pull away, he’d clutch at me tighter. He started pressuring me to put distance between me and my friends, he wanted to know where I was all the time, he was constantly texting and calling and got mad when I didn’t respond right away. I got sick of it and broke up with him.”
“When did the stalking start?”
“Almost immediately. It didn’t help that we still worked in the same department, so I had to see him every day. He’d show up at my house after work and on the weekend. He’d either be super angry and demand that I let him in, or he’d be there with flowers and candy and cry and tell me that I was the best thing that ever happened to him, that he was sorry and he’d do better. He kicked my door in a couple of times and I had to call the police. I finally managed to get a restraining order against him, but it didn’t really help. He couldn’t come within five hundred feet, so he would stand on the curb exactly five hundred feet from my house and just watch the house. I was scared for my life. So I quit my job and moved across the state with just my savings. I found a job and I started last week. And yesterday, they said I had a new client, and it was him.”
“What did you do?”
“I freaked out and called security, telling them I had a restraining order against him. He mistakenly thinks the restraining order is void because I moved, but I called and that’s not the case at all.” You sighed in aggravation. “I really hope this asshole doesn’t get me fired.”
“Hmm,” He said. “So what’s your offer?”
“Hmm?” You asked.
“You said you’d pay. What’s your offer?”
“Oh,” You said, surprised. “Uh, fifty bucks per date, plus the date expenses. I can’t really afford more than that.”
“That sounds fair. Okay,” He said. “I’ll do it. You just tell me when and where and I’ll be there.”
“Really?” You replied. “You’ll take the job?”
“Sure,” He said. “I’ve got some free time, and the extra money will be nice. I could buy a new suit in a month.” He grinned and plucked at his own, no doubt worth several months of dates.
“That’s great, thank you,” You said, sighing in relief. “So, Friday night? Around six o’clock? Would that work?”
“Absolutely,” He said, pulling out his phone. “Give me your phone number. I’ll add it to my contacts. That way, if you see him, you can call or text and I can head over and do the arm ripping thing.”
You laughed and took out your phone.
After exchanging information, the two of you had lunch and discussed the finer points of the job. PDAs were acceptable, but you’d prefer if he didn’t kiss you. He had a nine-to-five job, just like you, but his position was flexible and let him leave the office for errands, as long as he didn’t abuse the privilege. You left the lunch feeling a little safer.
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Friday night, you met him at a nice Greek restaurant, and he wore another nice bespoke suit. He offered to pick you up at your home, but you didn’t really want him to know where you lived. You were still pretty paranoid about Jake finding out.
“I’m surprised you chose this place, considering you’re footing the bill and everything,” Bashir said, looking around. “It’s pretty fancy.”
“It has to look believable,” You reasoned. “And I do like Greek food. If you like, you can pick the place next time.”
He chuckled. “Have you ever had Mediterranean troll food?”
“No, I haven’t,” You said, interested. “What’s it like?”
“It’s very similar, except there’s no bread of any kind.”
“So what do you eat the hummus on?”
“You drink it like sauce.”
“You’re not supposed to drink sauce!” You protested.
He snickered.
“I feel like you’re making this up.”
“Maybe, but you’ve never met any Mediterranean trolls, so you don’t know.”
“Are you a Mediterranean troll?”
“I am, actually,” He said. “My parents came over from Morocco when I was a tot. I don’t remember much about Morocco, but I’ve always dreamed of going on a trip there, I’ve just never had the chance.” He gave a cursory look over the menu. “Maybe that’s what I’ll use this money for.”
“Sounds nice to me,” You said. “If we both get something good out of this, then that’s a plus.”
“What do you get out of this, other than getting rid of a bothersome ex?”
“Security and peace of mind,” You said, picking up your own menu. “That’s worth the price.”
He looked at you seriously. “This guy really shook you up, didn’t he?”
You set the menu back down and sighed. “He’s never hit me or threatened me verbally. The most he’s ever done is break my door, but…” You looked out of the window. “I feel like… it wouldn’t be hard, you know? It wouldn’t be that much of a leap from breaking my door in to doing something worse. If he gets mad enough, if he gets obsessed enough, who knows what he could do. All I know is that I don’t want to find out.”
“I understand,” He said. “I’ve never had to deal with something like that, because… well, look at me…” He gestured at his massive body. “But I do know people who have, and it sounds terrifying. I’m glad I can help, even if I am getting paid to do it.”
You smiled. “Well, it helps that you’re good company.”
“You don’t have to flirt with me, you know,” He teased. “That’s not part of the deal.”
“I will throat-punch you,” You said with a grin, and he laughed.
The next date was the following Saturday, and he chose to go to a concert. He wore a black v-neck shirt and a pair of black slacks, which was as dressed down as you’d seen him, but still very business-casual. It was a showcase of up-and-coming local bands, and they were all pretty good. You didn’t know that he liked Djent and progressive metal, too, but you were happy to have a common interest.
In truth, Bashir was pleasant to be around, and you were relieved that this entire thing wasn’t as awkward as it could have been. It definitely helped make this “dating” business look real from an outsider perspective. He held up his end of the bargain really well over the next dozen dates, holding your hand and putting an arm around you as if it was perfectly normal to do so. Thankfully, it didn’t make you feel uncomfortable when he did it, as he was very warm and the height difference meant he couldn’t be too cuddly naturally. You hoped that if Jake was watching, he believed you’d moved on and had no thoughts for him.
Unfortunately, if he was watching, he didn’t take the hint.
One night, as you were turning off lights and getting ready for bed, you looked out of your bedroom window and there he was, standing on the curb across the street, Jake stood in the shadow of a tree, vaping, and looking toward your house.
Panicked, you didn’t your best to stay calm while you were at the window, not wanting him to know you had seen him, but as soon as you walked away, you turned off the bedroom lights, snatched up your phone, dashed downstairs, and frantically checked the windows and doors, making sure they were all locked.
You meant to call the police, but instead, you dialed Bashir’s number. He answered immediately.
“What’s up?” He asked, sounding caught off guard. You weren’t surprised, you never called or texted him unless it was about the next “date.”
“Jake’s outside,” You whispered. “He’s across the street, I’m looking at him right now from my living room window.”
“Are you sure it’s him?”
“I’d recognize that stupid snakeskin vape box anywhere,” You said.
“Okay,” He said. “I’m heading over. Stay on the phone with me until I get there. Do you have a landline?”
“Yeah,” You replied.
“Get it and call the police. Don’t tell them he’s stalking you because, well frankly, they won’t care. Say you’re a concerned member of the neighborhood and there’s a suspicious man hanging around outside and you’re worried about a break in.”
It wouldn’t have been a lie. “Okay,” You said, picking up your cordless phone.
After calling the police, you waited with your heart in your throat, listening to Bashir get into his car and drive. He’d heard you tell the operator your address. He arrived before the police did, his vehicle a nondescript SUV, and he got out wearing sweat pants and a tank top and pulled a duffel bag from his passenger seat. He didn’t acknowledge Jake at all, simply walked up to your door and knocked. You went to open the door for him.
“Hug me and kiss my cheek,” He said in a low undertone. Gulping, you did as he said with him turning so that your display of affection was clearly visible to anyone watching from the street. You let him in and closed the door behind him, locking it.
“What now?”
“Let’s turn on the lights and make some coffee while we wait for the police,” He said.
“Okay,” You said, your voice shaking. You went to go into the kitchen but he stopped you by taking your hand.
“Hey,” He said gently. “You’re going to be okay. I’m here, and the police are coming. You’re safe.”
Tears came to your eyes and you nodded, wiping them. He released you and you went to the kitchen, putting a pot of coffee on.
The police arrived. You and Bashir watched covertly from the breakfast nook. Eventually, Jake walked to a car and got in it, driving away. The police followed him.
“They let him go?” You asked, worried.
“Well, they may not have know he has a restraining order, and even if they did, he looked plenty far away enough to not have violated it. He wasn’t breaking any laws other than loitering, so they couldn’t arrest him. At least they made sure he left.”
You held your head in your hands. “God, I don’t want to have to do all this over again.”
“It’s okay,” He said. “I’ll stay the night to make sure he doesn’t come back tonight.”
“What about tomorrow? Or the next day? You can’t be here all the time,” You said, your voice shaking.
He sighed heavily. “Do you know how to use a gun?”
You scoffed in disgust. “I don’t want a fucking gun.”
“Okay,” He said. “Then, I’ll put up a security system. I brought one with me; it’s in my bag. I’ll set it up tonight while he’s not here.”
“It’s late,” You said weakly.
“Do you want to sleep or do you want peace of mind?” He asked you levelly.
You scrubbed your face, took a deep breath, drained your coffee cup, and stood up. “Okay. Let’s do it, then.”
It took a few hours, but he managed to get several security cameras fixed to the building, focused on entryways and the front and back yards. You helped him by holding the equipment and tools for him as he worked, handing up what he needed as he needed it. By the time the two of you were done, it was three a.m. and you both had to be at work in mere hours.
The two of you fell into an exhausted sleep on your bed. You didn’t even have the energy to be affronted by the fact that you were sharing a bed with him. The next morning, before he left to go home and get ready for work, he downloaded the security camera app onto your phone and showed you how to use it.
You went to work, checking your phone surreptitiously to see if Jake was outside of your house. So far, he hadn’t reappeared.
>Today’s Friday, You texted him. >I know you’re probably tired after last night, but do you want to have a date today?
>What about a home date at my house? He replied. >I’ll cook dinner and everything. I don’t want you to be at your house at the moment.
>I can’t argue with that, You said in return. >Sounds good to me. What are you cooking?
>I was thinking a kefta meatball tagine with couscous on the side, and a snake pastry for dessert.
>That sounds amazing. Thanks for putting me up. I know this all is a huge inconvenience, and I really appreciate it.
>It’s no problem,” He said. >It’s what I’m getting paid for, right?
You sighed. Well, this wasn’t exactly what he was getting paid for. How much would an overnight stay cost you?
He sent you a message with his address and you went home after work to shower and pack a small overnight bag. You snickered, pulling out your pretty underwear and a sexy negligee, wondering if you should pack this, too, before putting it away and just throwing some pajamas in your bag.
Checking the cameras before stepping outside, you left the house and hurried to your car, heading to Bashir’s house. His place was a two-story, bungalow style house with a dark brown cliffstone brick pattern and a detached garage. It was charming, and a lot cuter than your tiny yellow ranch-style house. The yard was well kept and three were full flowerbeds next to the wide porch. You wouldn’t have imagined he lived in a place like this.
You knocked on the door and he answered it quickly, wearing a comfortable t-shirt and pair of tight jeans. You tried not to stare, but it was difficult. His clothes left very little to the imagination. His hair was also down and cascaded down his back and shoulders.
“Come in, come in,” He said, taking your bag for you.
“Thanks,” You said. “Your house is really pretty.”
“Oh, thanks!” He said. “It was actually condemned when I bought it. I basically had to rebuild it from the ground up. I’m not quite finished with it yet, but I’m happy with the progress.”
“You should be, it’s amazing,” You said. “I’d never have guessed it was a fixer-upper.”
He grinned at you, showing off his sharp teeth. “Come on, dinner will be ready soon.”
“It smells great,” You said, inhaling the savory smell of lamb and vegetables.
“All my mom’s recipes,” He replied, heading into the kitchen. “She owns a restaurant three towns over.”
“I’ll have to go and visit it sometime,” You said.
“Maybe I’ll take you myself one day,” He said, smiling as he stirred the couscous. Your heart fluttered a little.
How long were you going to have to keep this up? “Dating” Bashir was fun, but it wasn’t going to last forever. Either Jake would give up or get arrested, so either way, it would be over. Maybe you could stay friends. He was nice enough, and you enjoyed hanging out with him. But still… why was he talking about things that might happen in the future if there was no future for the two of you?
Dinner was delicious, and so was dessert, and afterward the two of you went to the living room to watch a movie. He even put his arm around you, since the window was uncovered and anyone could look in, he said, and you felt comfortable enough to relax into his side. It almost did feel like a real home date.
After the movie, though, you both decided to sleep, since you were still tired from the night before. You decided that you were both adults and could share a bed without it being awkward, and besides, his bed was huge and could fit five of you easily. You both fell asleep almost immediately.
Sometime during the night, you got a ping from the motion detector on your phone, but when you checked the security system, it was just a raccoon in your trashcan. You sighed and put your phone down, rolling over.
Bashir was on his back, asleep, with his face turned toward you. He was breathing deeply and relaxed with one hand on his chest and the other on his stomach.
You couldn’t help but stare. He really was an attractive guy, and if circumstances had been different, you might have dated him for real. But… until Jake left you alone, you didn’t want to drag anyone else into it. Bashir didn’t have any emotional connection to you, so Jake couldn’t affect whatever “relationship” you had.
But maybe things could be different after? You weren’t sure. He hadn’t expressed any interest in you other than what he had to to make the job believable. He hadn’t been flirty or more affectionate than he needed to be. You couldn’t afford to develop feelings for Bashir, not right now.
Even still, you brushed your fingers gently against the skin of his arm, feeling the hairs that covered it, and followed the curve up to his hand, allowing yours to rest on top of his for a moment or two before retracting it and trying to fall asleep again, sighing heavily.
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The next morning, Bashir recommended that the two of you spend the day together, to keep up the weekend stay appearance.
“How much is this ‘weekend getaway’ going to cost me?” You asked dubiously.
He laughed. “Don’t worry, today’s a freebie, since I suggested it. You still have to pay for last night, though. The normal fifty bucks is fine.”
“Mm-hmm,” You hummed flatly, fishing the money out of your wallet and handing it to him. “Well, what do you want to do?”
“Ah, it’s a freebie day, right? You get to choose this time.”
You smiled. “Well, let’s start with breakfast. I’ll cook it. I can cook breakfast blindfolded.”
“If you like,” He said, sitting at the bar in the kitchen and watching you putter around, looking for cooking tools.
After breakfast, you decided you wanted to go to the local botanical garden, which you hadn’t been to in some time.
“Your flowerbeds outside reminded me of this place,” You told him, walking slowly through the rows of Japanese maples. There was a beautiful and an extremely rare Chinese Red Maple behind a gate at the end of the row, the centerpiece of the garden. “Did you plant them yourself?”
“Yep,” He said with a smile. “I helped my dad do a lot of gardening when he was still alive. He had a landscaping business, but he was really passionate about it. I actually inherited the business. Gardening helps me keep his memory alive.”
“That’s really sweet,” You said, smiling softly. “Is that what you do for a living, the landscaping job? I’ve never actually asked what you do for work.”
“No, actually. I mean, I own the company, but I don’t work for it. My actual job is something else entirely.”
“What is it?”
He laughed. “Honestly, I don’t think you’d believe me.” Before you could ask, he took you by the hand and said, “Let’s take a break and get a coffee. I have to use the bathroom.”
“Okay,” You said, letting the subject drop. For now.
You got to the food court outside of the botanical gardens and sat down at the outdoor cafe.
“I’m going to the bathroom,” He said, putting some money down on the table. “Can you order me a large black coffee?”
“Yeah, sure,” You said. He smiled and headed off. You got up and put in your order, then sat back down at the table and opened the security app, looking through the cameras and checked to see if anything was out of place.
The chair opposite to you was pulled out and he sat back down while you were still looking at your phone.
“The coffee should be out soon,” You said.
“I didn’t order coffee,” A voice said. It wasn’t Bashir.
You jerked your head up and saw Jake sitting across from you. You stood up so fast that you knocked the chair over.
“Get away from me, Jake,” You said.
“Look, just talk to me,” He said, standing up and advancing on you. “Why won’t you just talk to me?”
“Get away from me!” You shouted. “Bashir!”
“Are you calling for that monster?” He sneered. “You could do so much better than him. Besides, you’re not even really dating him, you’re just paying him to keep you company, you slut. You think I wouldn’t figure that out?”
“Fuck you!” You back up. “Bashir!”
Jake was snatched back and slammed down onto the cafe table. Bashir had him pinned down with a single hand. It wasn’t hard to do: Bashir was almost twice the size of Jake in height and weight.
“Let me go!” Jake said, struggling against Bashir’s iron grip. “I’ll have you arrested! My brother’s a cop!”
“Ah, that explains how you got her address so quick,” Bashir said. “I don’t really care if your brother’s a cop. Actually, I think I do, I think an internal affairs investigation is warranted. Regardless, you’ve just violated a restraining order.”
“What does it matter to you?”
Bashir snorted. “I’m FBI, dickless.”
You gaped at him.
“Bullshit!” Jake said. “I’ll fucking sue you! I’ll ruin your fucking life!”
“Whatever you want, you’re still under arrest,” Bashir said, pulling out a set of handcuffs from an inside pocket of his jacket.
“You’re kidding,” You said slowly, staring at Bashir.
“I told you you probably wouldn’t believe me,” He said, grinning at you sheepishly. He jerked his head at his jacket. “My ID is in my pocket.”
You reached in and fished it out, opening the leather fold to reveal a… rather official looking ID and badge.
You laughed in disbelief. “You’re right, I wouldn’t have.”
The police arrived to detain Jake and took him to the station. Bashir drove you to the station, as well, so that you could make a statement.
Later, Bashir drove you back to your house.
“I’ll bring your bag over later,” He said. “He’ll probably get ninety days in jail for violating the restraining order, and hopefully you won’t have to deal with him anymore. Although, if you hear from him again once he gets out, let me know, and I’ll be here.”
“Thanks,” You said. “Really, thank you for everything.”
He reached into his pocket and pulled out an envelope. “Here,” He said, handing it to you. Inside was all the money you had given him for the dates, plus some. There had to have been almost two thousand dollars in there.
“But this is…”
He laughed. “I’m a federal official, you know. I can’t take bribes. I’d get fired.”
“This wasn’t…” You started, but stopped yourself. This could absolutely be seen as a bribe. “What do I do with all this?”
He shrugged. “Whatever you like. Go on a trip. Buy something nice. It’s your money, after all.”
You sighed a little sadly. “I guess this is it, then.”
He sighed, too. “Yeah, I guess so.” He leaned forward, bent down, and kissed you on the cheek. “Take care of yourself.”
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Jake did end up getting three months in jail, which made you feel a lot better. You were worried that he would come after you, but the three months passed and when he was released, he moved clear across the country and you never heard from him again.
Finally free of him, you thought you might try actually dating again, but you could only think of Bashir. You and he had only spoken a few times, mostly him checking on you, but you hadn’t seen each other since Jake’s arrest. You missed him, but you couldn’t tell him that. He didn’t have any feelings for you, anyway. If he did, wouldn’t he have asked you out after Jake was out of the picture?
Even still, you wanted to see him again. So once Jake was gone, you texted Bashir.
>I have something for you, You told him.
>Oh? What’s that?
>I want to give it to you in person. Would it be okay to come over this weekend?
>I’m free now. Why don’t you stop by?
>Okay. I’ll be there soon.
Before leaving, you hesitated and decided to throw on your best, sexiest underwear. Just in case.
You arrived at his house to find him out in the front yard. He was digging a hole in the yard with a sapling sitting in a bucket, ready for planting. There were also stones and gravel he was going to use for a decorative barrier. He stood up and waved as you drove up into the driveway.
“Hey!” He said, pulling you into a hug. Well, as well as he could, being so tall. “It’s good to see you!”
“You too!” You said. “What kind of tree is that?”
“A Chinese Maple,” He said. “I got inspired when we went to the botanical gardens that time. It cost a pretty penny and I had to wait for the cutting to grow, but it’s finally ready to plant.”
“That’s so cool,” You said. “Can I help?”
“Really?” He said, grinning. “Yeah, sure! There’s a pair of gloves over there on the porch. They might be a little big, but it’s better than blisters.”
You ran to retrieve them, and picked up a trowel. “Why did you decide on the maple?”
“Cause it reminds me of you,” He said, digging. “When I look out my window every day and see it, I’ll think of you.”
Your heart beat faster, but you couldn’t look at him.
It only took about an hour to dig out the hole, plant the sapling, fill the hole with soil, lay the stones, and spread the gravel. Thankfully it was a cool day and you didn’t sweat too much. The two of you caught up on what had happened in the three months since you’d seen each other. You wanted to ask if he had started dating, but you couldn’t bring yourself to do it.
“It looks great,” He said, standing back and grinning. “Thanks for your help! We got it done in record time. Let’s get cleaned up and have a drink.”
“Okay,” You said. “Let me grab my purse from the car.”
“Oh, right, you had something to give me, right?”
“Yep,” You told him, grabbing your bag.
He laughed. “Sorry I side-tracked you.”
“It’s fine, I had a good time,” You said. He opened the door for you and let you go into the house before him.
You went to the bathroom to freshen up and when you looked down, you realized your toothbrush was in the holder, the one you had forgotten when you’d stayed over. You had bought a new one and figured he’d just throw it away when he found it. Why had he kept it? Why was it in the holder with his?
You went back out into the kitchen and found him shirtless, water beading down the muscles of his back, and you stopped in the doorway, staring.
“Oh, sorry,” He said, laughing and throwing on a clean shirt. “Needed a quick wash. I felt a little grimy after the yardwork.”
“It’s okay,” You said, your heart still hammering in your chest.
“Iced tea?”
“Yeah, sure,” You replied, sitting at the bar. He poured you a drink and sat at the bar opposite you.
“So, what was the thing you had for me.”
You swallowed your tea a bit too hard and reached into your purse, handing him an envelope.
“This isn’t the money, is it?” He asked, smiling.
“No, it’s not money,” You said. “Open it.”
He grinned playfully at you, but it slipped from his face when he looked inside the envelope, pulling out two plane tickets.
“Morocco?” He asked, looking up at you in surprise.
You nodded. “Those are good for a year, so make sure you get some vacation time soon,” You said, anxious.
He stared at them. “There are two.”
“Yes,” You replied. “In case you wanted to take your mom. Or maybe a girlfriend or boyfriend or something.”
You kept your face as neutral as possible, but he was staring at you.
“The extra ticket is for you, isn’t it?” He asked softly.
You looked down and away. “If you don’t want me to go, that’s okay. You can take whoever you like. I just wanted you to have the trip you always dreamed of.”
He got up out of his chair, came around, and got down on his knees, so that he was face to face with you. He leaned forward and kissed you. It was firm and testing, and you responded, throwing your arms around his neck. He wrapped his arms around you as well.
“I missed you,” He murmured against your lips.
“Why didn’t you ask me out?” You asked him, pulling back to look at his face.
“I thought you weren’t interested in a real relationship,” He said, pulling you against him. “If I had any inclination you did, I would have asked you out on the spot.”
“I thought the same thing,” You said. “I never expected you’d actually like me.”
“I do,” He said, kissing you again and standing up. “I like you very, very much.”
He walked you into his room and lay you down on his bed, stripping your clothes off your body.
“Pretty,” He said with a grin as he came across your lacy black underwear. “Did you wear this for me?”
You bit your lip and nodded.
“Well, it would be a shame to take it off so soon, then, wouldn’t it?” He said, palming your breasts over the fabric of your bra. He touched your slit over your underwear, and you gasped. You lifted your leg and rubbed him through his pants, and he grunted. You felt him harden under your touch. He was… uh… large.
You pulled off his shirt and ran your nails down his chest. He moved his hand away and pressed himself against you, still clothed, grinding himself into your clit, and you moaned. You reached for his belt and unbuckled it, unbuttoning it, and pushed his pants down with your toes. Because of his long tusks, he couldn’t bend down to kiss you in this position, so he picked you up as if you were a doll, kissing your body. You were always a little self conscious about your weight, being a big girl, but he seemed not to notice.
He lifted you all the way up to his face, kneeling down so that you weren’t so high up, and licked the cloth covering your slit, putting your legs over his shoulders and his tusks under your body. Using just his tongue, he moved your underwear out of the way and teased your clit. His tongue was long and thick. You whimpered and rocked your hips against his tongue. He pushed it in side of you and thrust it back and forth, and you writhed in his grip.
Carefully, he pulled you down and eased you into his lap, pressing himself against your entrance. You pressed your hands against his stomach and watched him disappear slowly inside you. He couldn’t go all the way in, but once he reached the back and knew where the limit was, he pulled back out slowly and thrust in again slowly, easing you into it. He must have had a similar size problem in the past and had learned how to overcome it in these situations. You were glad for it.
He lay you on the edge of the bed and pressed your knees back, thrusting a little faster, and you reached down and touched yourself, rubbing quickly as he sped up. He pulled the cups of your bra down so that he could grasp your breasts, squeezing gently, and grunted. You held his hand there with your own, pulling up your head and sucking on his pointer finger, looking up at him through your lashes. His breathing was erratic and he watched you hungrily, his sharp teeth biting into his lower lip and pricking the skin.
“I’m so close,” You moaned. “I’m going to cum.”
He nodded as if in agreement, squeezing his eyes shut. He grimaced as if in pain, but then shouted, roaring, and released inside of you. It was a torrent, spraying out of you. Another few hip thrusts and circles around your clit, you came too, your head thrown back against the bed, crying out.
He pulled out and turned his head, resting it against your stomach as his arms gripped your sides, breathing hard. After a moment, you both sat up, and you realized that his legs were covered with his own release.
“Wanna get cleaned up?” You asked him.
“Yeah,” He said dreamily, standing up and leading you into the bathroom. You took a shower together, helping him clean himself. He did the same for you, kneeling down and washing your body. The way he knelt in front of you combine with the way he looked at you, it almost felt like he was worshiping you. Honestly, you didn’t mind that at all.
Your underwear would have to be washed, but he said you could borrow one of his shirts, if you wanted to. Honestly, you were happy to lounge in his bed naked. He seemed happy with that, too.
“When would you like to go?” You asked him, laying on his chest and playing with his chest hair. “To Morocco, I mean?”
“Soon,” He said, entwining his fingers in your hair. “I’ll put in for vacation time as soon as I get back to the office. I don’t really take vacations, so I’m sure my colleagues will be surprised.”
You smiled and kissed his skin. “I’ll have to put in for time off, too,” You said. “Although, I only just started working there six months ago, so they may not approve it.”
“Let me know when they do and I’ll schedule for the same time,” He said.
“Sounds good to me,” He said, sitting up and crossing his legs, looking down at you. You posed a little for him and he grinned, running his hands up and down the soft skin of your torso and belly. “You know what I’d like to do right now, though?”
“What’s that?” You asked.
“I want to take you on a date,” He said, smiling softly. “A real one. I'll pay and everything. And I want to be able to kiss you.”
You smiled back at him. “Deal.”
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My Masterlist
The Exophilia Creator’s Masterlist
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fuck-customers · 3 years
Hi hello. I am the Mouse Entertainment Anon.
I have submitted a few asks, and honestly this is just to scream into the void and not lose my job
But I have only been working at Mouse Entertainment for a few months and already I want to quit.
They normally have me working opening on weekends and closings on weekdays.
Fine and whatever except on weekdays is when all of the drug addicts in my area come out. And they have me in the front at Child Check In. This means that I am the first and last experience people have when they come in. And we have an open door policy. I am not allowed to refuse service to anyone.
So it was pretty late at night, and I’m up at child check in welcoming in parties and all that jazz, my coworker (B) is also at the front at Cash. We’re talking because it’s died down and she points out that there’s a man outside, he’s homeless and something about him is off. Other than the fact that he’s staring at two young women and waving at us.
It was bad. We look away and he just fuckin disappeared. I get paranoid. I didn’t take my meds at all.
So things go about as normal and I check people in. I check people out. EZ. Then as I’m checking out this family, the guy comes in. The family hurried out of the door as I turn to face him. The worst smell of my life filled my fucking nose. The smell of fucking drugs and the dumpster out back. He just walks in and I can’t bring myself to say anything. I’m literally trying not to throw up.
After a minute, I compose myself and a very nice father tells me that he went into the bathroom. This is important because the homeless people around here are known for coming into businesses and just fucking trashing the bathrooms.
I get a coworker (A) and let her know that a creepy guy walked into the men’s bathroom. At the time I didn’t know that it was the same guy but I found out later when he was leaving.
We get the only guy (M) working that night to go into the bathroom and check what he’s doing. Just eating. Whatever. Then the guy goes into the showroom. A huge no.
There are families and little kids there and honestly it’s not safe. The manager says that it’s enough and she tells him that he needs to leave. He started making a fuss and getting violent. M walks behind manager to make sure the guy doesn’t try anything. Manager gets him out of the building but he’s cussing everyone out the whole time. Saying that we better watch our backs and that he’ll kill us and just wait until we leave.
Safe to say that it was not great. Manager gets chewed out by Main Manager because I wasn’t supposed to be at Child Check In alone at night. Specifically for this reason. M and A checked in a lot, manager’s kids who were both adults stayed at the front with me. And eventually B suggested calling my parents and having them wait inside until I got off.
honestly I don’t like working at Child Check In. A and B still say “just don’t let any men in. This is a women’s establishment now” as a joke. But I just can’t wait to be trained as a server. Main Manager thought about getting someone more intimidating for Child Check In because well- I’m tiny and chunky and far from intimidating. Plus, Main Manager knows that when I get scared or paranoid I start freezing up.
I put this here because technically “Everyone who walks through those doors is a customer” but also fuck manager for that shit. I wasn’t even supposed to be up front when it got dark. I was supposed to be prepping food in the back.
Also it’s very important that I specify that my town is not safe for women/girls when it gets dark. It’s really shit here because of how high the rate of assaults and murders are.
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the-bau-quinjet · 3 years
Memories, Pt. III
Summary: You were captured by Hydra. What did they do to your memories?
Warnings: mentions of violence, panic attacks, torture
Word Count: 1968
a/n: Part 3!! Honestly, I feel like this series could've been a one shot, but I wasn't feeling inspired to write the whole thing at once and I knew I would finish it if I posted part of it because I would stress about people wanting the next part 🙃
Series Masterlist
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3 Years Ago
Bucky could only be described as a ball of nerves when you walked into the room. It felt like his brain shut off.
He had spent the last thirty minutes practicing what he was going to say to you when you arrived for your weekly movie night. Basically, it boiled down to six simple words: I'm falling in love with you.
Despite Steve, and a slightly out of character Sam, ensuring him that you felt the same, he was still skeptical. Why would you choose him when you could get any guy, or girl for that matter?
As he nervously stared at you, he could see your lips moving, but no sound could be registered above his own internal panic.
He didn't fully comprehend you had even said anything until he registered the panic on your face. Suddenly, his own thoughts disappeared.
"Oh no. No, no, no. I'm so sorry. You obviously don't feel the same. I'm just gonna go! I'll, uh, I'll see you later." You tried running out of the room, but Bucky was too quick.
"Huh? I don't feel what?" He was completely stunned that he had gotten so worked up in his own nerves that he missed what you said. He was supposed to be trained in observing people. He should be able to multitask, especially when one task is completely within his own mind.
"Bucky, really it's okay. I'll be fine. We'll be fine! I just, I need a minute... or a few to-"
"Y/N, doll, I'm so sorry." He sputtered as tears pooled in your eyes. What the hell did he miss? "I didn't hear a word you said."
"You... what? Why not?" The tears continued to pool as you did your best to hold them back for when you were alone in your room.
Bucky took a deep breath before he began talking faster than you'd ever heard him speak before.
"I'm falling in love with you." You honestly stopped breathing for a minute. "I was trying to think of how to tell you. That's why I didn't hear you. Steve convinced me that I should tell you. Sam a little bit too honestly. They kept saying it wasn't healthy to keep it all bottled up. And, I mean, I just-"
You cut him off, pressing your lips to his eagerly. The kiss was all teeth and tongue, soft smiles growing into wholeheartedly happy grins.
"You're an idiot." You chuckled, pressing your forehead to his. "That's what I said when you so graciously ignored me."
"I- You what?" Bucky's jaw dropped.
"I'm falling in love with you too."
Waking up in Bucky's arms felt right. There was no other way to put it. His presence had a soothing effect unparalleled by anything you had ever felt before.
His face was relaxed, a slight smile pulling on his lips. You brushed his hair out of his face, slowly rubbing your thumb along his cheek and down his jaw.
A familiar ball of guilt grew in your stomach as you cuddled closer to his body. It may have only been two days since you woke up, but this group of heroes quickly found a place in your heart, almost like they'd been there all along. Lying to them about your past was gnawing on your heart, slowly breaking down your resolve.
You carefully removed yourself from his embrace, softly closing the door to your bedroom as you left. You knew he would want to talk about last night, and you just weren't ready for that. Not yet.
You wandered the halls until, three dead ends later, you eventually made it to the kitchen. Much to your relief, the common area was empty. You had just enough time to calm your internal panic about what food you could eat when Natasha walked in.
"I'm about to make a smoothie, want one?" She offered, much to your delight.
"Yeah, that'd be great. Thank you." The level of sincerity of your words caught her mildly off guard, not that you or anyone would have been able to tell.
"So, how are you feeling?" She questioned lightly, hiding her skepticism at your odd behavior. Call her a pessimist, but 3 months with Hydra and you're relatively fine? It doesn't quite add up.
"Oh, um, okay I guess. I feel like my brain is all jumbled." You settled for half truths again, knowing she would easily spot a total lie.
"Right, well that's to be expected after a few months with Hydra. You said they kept you in that room the whole time?" She kept her tone light, trying to empathize with everything you went through.
"Um, yeah... I-" You grabbed your head as memories flashed through your mind. You were in a room, it looked like a lab but it was dark and grimy. People surrounded you, but you couldn't understand what they were saying.
They poked and prodded at you, forcing you to lay down as they strapped you into a metal chair.
"Y/N? Are you okay?" She rushed to you, smoothie forgotten in the blender as you screamed, remembering the pain you felt in that chair. You didn't even realize you were muttering under your breath.
Her voice drew you back to the present. You abruptly stood up, backing into a corner as you glanced around the room.
Slowly, the past two days came back to you. Flashes of memories, old and new mixed together in your head, all out of order.
You were in the Avengers compound.
Your were buried in rubble, people screaming and crying surrounded you.
They thought you were one of them.
You were being arrested, locked in the room where Bucky found you.
They didn't know the truth.
"Y/N?" Nat questioned again, slowly moving toward you.
"I'm fine. I, uh, I'm okay." You took deep breaths, slowly calming all your nerves.
"What happened?" She pulled you out of the corner, leading you back to the island for your smoothie.
"I, um, I was back there." You stuttered, trying to make sense of the image. "But, it was different. A different room." You were too shaken to think about what could happen from sharing this new development.
"A different room? What did it look like?" Nat was eager to hear more. If you didn't remember everything from your three months there, maybe they did something to you, and that's why you've been acting weird.
"It looked, it looked like a basement. It was dark and grimy." You left out the part about the lab equipment. "I, um, I think I'm gonna go on a walk. Just to clear my head a little bit."
You left before she could respond, smoothie untouched on the counter.
When you returned from the walk, you could hear Nat talking to Steve and Wanda in the kitchen.
"I'm telling you, they must have done something to her. She's not acting right." Nat was firm, steadfast in her belief that Hydra wouldn't have kept you there without trying something.
You're heart rate spiked at her words, nervousness overcoming your body. They were going to figure it out.
"Nat, she just came back from three months of torture. Of course she's gonna act a bit different. She needs time to adjust back to her regular life." Wanda replied, figuring Nat was just a little too paranoid.
"You didn't see her in the kitchen! Wan, she freaked out. She looked terrified. She was muttering something about experiments. What if they messed with her head?" Nat rebuked, still trying to convince them.
"I mean, I guess it's possible?" Steve stated, clearly unconvinced but open to the idea. "She hasn't been acting that off though, not when you take into account what Wanda said."
"Steve, she hasn't told Bucky she loves him. That would've been the first thing out of her mouth if she was herself." Nat settled him with a glare, knowing her point was made.
You panicked. If they figured out you weren't who they thought you were, what would they do to you? Before you registered your own movements, you were running.
You made a break for the elevator, twisting and turning through the halls in what you hoped was the right direction.
Just as you turned the last corner, you ran right into something- no someone.
"Where's the fi-" Tony started to joke, but after taking in your expression stopped mid-sentence. "Whoa, what's wrong?"
"Nothing!" You replied far too quickly, trying to squeeze past him.
"Y/N, wait." He grabbed your arm, preventing you from getting away. "Talk to me, kid. What's going on up there?" He gestured to your head.
"Really, it's nothing." You wiped a tear from your face, knowing it wasn't helping your case. "I have to go."
"Nope. I'm not gonna let you bottle this all up. You're not going anywhere until you tell me what's wrong. Come on." He pulled you into the elevator, leading you to the lab.
Once he had you sat on the window seat in the back, he asked again. "Tell me what's got you this upset. You know we're all here for you, right?"
You couldn't take it anymore. They were all being so nice, and you were lying right to their faces.
"I'm not who you think I am." You barely whispered the words, overcome with a mixture of guilt and self pity. "I don't belong here." You refused to make eye contact until Tony lifted your head to meet his eye.
"Y/N, you probably belong here more than anyone else, except maybe Steve, but he doesn't count." He tried to lighten the mood, earning an attempt at a small smile from you.
"I really don't. I'm not a hero. I'm a murderer." You cried as you finally admitted the truth. The relief you felt was instantly weighed down by fear at what would happen next.
"What are you talking about?" Tony was clearly confused by your admission. "Y/N, your not a murderer."
"I'm not an Avenger." You moved your hands to cover your face, knowing you weren't strong enough to admit this to his face. "I wasn't in that room for three months, it was three years!" You missed the way his brow furrowed deeper in confusion as you continued to rant. "i don't know why you all think I'm some hero. Nobody was supposed to rescue me. I was in prison. I'm a killer."
You took a shaky breath, as you kept going. "I was in that room because I made a bomb that killed 38 people. I- It was accident, I swear! I didn't mean to hurt anyone... I- I think?" You started questioning yourself as memories flickered through your head.
"It's all fuzzy." You desperately shook your head, trying to make everything clear.
"It wasn't supposed to blow up! It was supposed to absorb energy and convert it into power, but it didn't work." You were nearly sobbing, picturing the people you injured and killed. "It exploded and people died! It was all my fault."
Your breathing quickened again, anxiety at admitting what you had done mixed with the guilt of lying to the only people who have ever shown you kindness causing the panic to set in again.
"Hey, hey! Look at me. You're okay. We're gonna fix this. You're not a killer, Y/N." Tony held your face in his hands, speaking firmly but not without compassion.
"Yes, I am!" You shouted at him, causing him to stumble backwards. "I don't know why you all think I'm someone I'm not, but it's true. I don't-" Your breath caught in your throat as you tried to get the words out.
You managed a mumbled, "I don't belong here." Before you passed out.
Permanent taglist:
@averyhotchner @jesuswasnotawhiteman
Memories tagist:
@otherglowcloud @dontxfearxthereaper
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wornoutmouse · 4 years
Warnings: angst and close call pregnancy
Y'all with all the trama Shiggy got, you know damn well he aint gon be a good daddy right off the bat
Baby daddy shigaraki
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You looked at the small pink stick in your hands shaking in fear. "I'm..pregnant." you whimper as the faint lines began to blur from your tears. If it were anyone, absolutely anyone else, then the leader of The Legue of Villains, you would have been fine with taking care of the child on your own. But there would not be a chance of that if he ever found out.
You stand up and run to your kitchen, tossing the pregnancy test into the trash sweating profusely as you glanced into the room your new baby daddy rested in. Different thoughts swirled in your mind about how you could hide this from him. The first few months would be fine but how were you to hide it afterward? Your hands trailed down to your now flat stomach. "I got this." you mutter as you walk to your kitchen pouring you a cup of tea.
An hour later, Shigaraki trails out of the bedroom groggily, hair hanging creepily in his face as he looked at you with piercing red eyes. "Why the hell are you looking at me like that?" he asks making your heart rate pick up ever so slightly. "N-No reason just didn't think you'd be up so early, that's all." Tomura comes behind you and wraps his hands around being careful of his fingers. Even that didn't stop you from feeling faint at how close his hands were to your stomach. 
The first month was easy, you showed little to no symptoms and your stomach remained a normal size. However, that didn't stop you from being paranoid whenever a diaper commercial came on screen. A few weeks after you took the test, you went to the doctors to confirm your fears. "Yes ma'am, it looks to me that you are indeed with child." the doctor said, signing off on a few papers glancing at you, briefly acknowledging your shaken state. "If you're anything to go by, I'd say, either the father doesn't know, or you don't want it." You shook your head, "He doesn't and I don't plan on letting him know." 
The doctor put the clipboard down, "Is this your way of telling me you want an abortion? If that is the route you want to go, I won't judge but this isn't a spur of the moment thing and I want you to be positive you won't be in any danger if someone finds out." You sigh sliding your hands over your scarf-covered hair. "N-No, I think I'll keep the baby, b-but, I don't know what to do." The doctor smiles at you patting your back. "You look like you have a strong head on your shoulders, I'm sure you'll figure it out."
The third month was harder as your bump was finally showing so you could no longer wear your normally form-fitting shirts. Shigaraki had luckily stopped coming around as often due to villain things, something you were grateful for since you could finally give in to your cravings. That plan was soon compromised when Komugiri suddenly materialized on your rather 'indulgent' days. And by indulgent you mean you were propped up on the couch, shirt up, with some ice cream, toast, and two large boxes of french fries. 
"I may have lost most of my human necessities, but I'm sure this amount of eating isn't necessary for normal human consumption." You jump at the sound of his voice, quickly looking around if Komogiri brought someone else with him. "You can't tell him please!" Komugiri looked at you, misty smoke unwavering before a deep sigh erupted from him. "I know not the reason you are keeping this from Tomura, but for now I shall indulge you." You sag slightly relieved. "However." You glared at the misty man. "Now that I know you're carrying the offspring of a sought after villain, I will be checking in on you a lot more. I shall also implement a healthy diet for you and the child."
You groaned at the downright disrespectful amount of joy showing through Komugiri's voice. 
The next 2 months were a game of cat and mouse as you were forced to sneak past Komugiri's watchful eyes to give in to your cravings. "Please! You don't understand, I need a cheese dipped pretzel!" you whined as you were dragged from the pretzel stan by a goon Komugiri had brought along to do the labor for your shopping trip. "Get ahold of yourself young lady, you're causing a scene!" Komugiri reprimanded, truly sounding like a disappointed mother scolding her child. For the rest of the day you pouted, "How the hell are you even sneaking away so much, shouldn't Tomura be suspicious?" 
You would later have to admit that the meals Komugiri prepared, did make up for the food he wrongfully withheld from you. Another good thing that came from the whole ordeal was the doctor visits Komugiri took with you. Although it was rather embarrassing as he stood over the doctor, arms cross watching his every move. "Komugiri, the doctor is washing his hands, I think it's okay." you sigh flipping through a magazine for couches. Komugiri huffed and left the doctor alone, of course after he checked the temperature of the water.
Late in month 8, you were so obviously pregnant that you had developed a large waddle. Something your mother exploited. "Hah! See that's what yo ass get for making fun of me when I was pregnant with your brother!" you'd roll your eyes as you looked at your mother who had now become red in the face with laughter. "That's not fair, this is my first time being pregnant you cant make fun of me!" Your mom scoffed leaning back in her chair, "Girl please. Anyways when am I gon meet yo baby daddy? What was his name? Ziggaraki or whatever?" 
You were quiet for a moment before bursting into tears. "Mommy!!" Your mom looked thoughtfully startled at the outburst. "Girl what the hell wrong with you!" You hiccup and wipe your face, whines increasing. "He doesn't know I'm pregnant, I'm too scared to tell him!" Your mother cooed consoling your the best she could through the screen. "Aw sweety, he does know your pregnant." You wipe your eyes humming in question. "What are you talking about?" 
Behind you, something heavy hit the floor making you quickly swivel around in your chair. There in all his glory stood the man in question staring at you with concealed rage. His eyes stayed at your face before trailing down your body, irises shaking at the sight of your perfectly round belly protruding from the tight confines of your shirt. You swivel back around in your chair cringing at the fear evidently showing on your face. You shiver at the questioning look your mother was giving you but before she could say anything you turn off the video call. 
You shook in your seat refusing to turn around as you heard heavy steps walking towards you. "Turn around." You shook your head squeezing your eyes closed wishing Komugiri was here to help you. You feel the back of the chair bending at the weight being put on it. "Turn the fuck back around Y/N your I will dust this chair." He growls lowly trying to keep some sort of self-control. You refused to move making Shigaraki sigh and do it himself. 
You couldn't bring yourself to look at him so you kept your head-trained down on the floor. 'You're pregnant." Shigaraki wheezed finally letting the realization overtake him. He drops down low to his knees becoming eye level with your belly. "And I wasn't even here for most of it?" Shigaraki became angry making you stiffen and reflexively place a hand over your stomach. Shigaraki doesn't miss this and get's even angrier. "Y-You, hide this from m-me and now you're insulting me b-by acti-ng like I'd actually h-hurt you?!" he screamed at you making your hormones fluctuate from anger to sadness as tears well up in your eyes. 
"This is why Tomura! I didn't know how you'd react! You're not mature enough to handle a baby!" You scream back equally as fears flinching at a strike of pain traveling up your spin at the strain. Tomura chuckled darkly taking a step back throwing his head back in laughter. Giggling as he cards his hands through his stringy white hair and looks at you with a sharp glare. You swallow shallowly, you knew for a fact that a Tomura with a crazed smile was better than a stone-faced Tomura. 
Shigaraki swayed towards you hunched as he took in your fearful features. "Since you're so scared, why don't I make your fears a reality?" The sight of Tomura's hand coming up to your stomach sent you into fight or flight mode. You stand up and grab his wrist, "Look here Lil nigga, I don't care who you are, of how you feel, you not touching my baby." At the moment, you felt on top of the world, until you didn't as you felt something slowly drip down your leg.
Looking down, there was a thick trail of red leaving your genital area. You wail loudly at the sight, legs buckling. Shigaraki stepped away and at that moment, Komugiri materialized next to you. "Y/N!" Shigaraki stumbled, as Komugiri makes a portal and carries your body through it. 'This must be what shock is." you thought to yourself were you layed in Komugiri's arms unable to move as you heard the world pass by you.
There were sounds of frantic yelling and bright lights erupting your vision as you travel from one white room to the next. You were settled on a rather uncomfortable bed as you hear the frantic movement and an incessant beeping noise coming from your right. "Move quickly you bastards or I'll kill you all!" You internally smiled starting to become loopy likely from sedatives. 'Just Tomura being Tomura.' You frowned, 'I hope my baby won't inherit murderous intent.'
'My baby'
You jerk in the bed finally getting a clear head, "MY baby!" you yelled trying to take the needles out of your arms. "Hold her down!" came a feminine voice and you felt a series of hands push down on your shoulders forcing you to lie down. Tears rolled down your face, "My baby!" Shigaraki came near your face, "Y/N it-it'll be fine just....just...just laydown." You had never heard Shigaraki sound unsure of himself and that just angered you more as you gripped the front of your shirt. "You better keep my baby safe your I will ream hell fire on you!" you growled making your quirk startup. "Sedate her!" is all that you hear before your grip was loosened.
The darkness enveloped you and you could only see the worse ahead of you.
You shiver awake breathing heavily before trying to raise yourself off the bed. You were halted by Komugiri's hand. "W-What?" you start off but Komugiri raised a smug finger to his lips before pointing over to the left side of the room. Turning your head you gape at the sight before you. 
Shiagarki, in all his villainous glory, was sleeping in a chair shirtless with a tiny bundle of a blanket over him. "Is that?" You ask looking at Komugiri who nods standing up and walking over to Tomura, carefully removing the bundle of blankets from his arms walking back to you. 
You hear small gurgles and your heart beats faster as Komugiri sets the small weight into your arms. Looking down at the small face of your child, all your problems went away. "Hi there little one." you cooed softly at the child in your arms. The baby had the same dark skin as you but its hair was light blue like its father. "Come on, let mommy see you." you whisper booping your nose against the baby's smaller one making its face scrunch up. 
"Look, Komu, I made this!" you said still sounding slightly loopy. Komugiri chuckled, "You and Tomura are so much alike I see now."
From the other side of the room, Shigaraki jerks in his place standing up and looking franticly around the room effectively disintegrating the armrest. When he makes eye contact with you, he instantly relaxes. Komugiri excuses himself from the room leaving the two of you to awkwardly stare at each other. "So, what happened." you started off not exactly wanting to talk but you knew you had to.
Shigaraki raised his hand to his neck but didn't scratch for some reason. "Preeclampsia, a reaction to stress making your blood pressure go up." You hummed looking down at your infant. "It's so cute." you mumble, "He... it's a boy." Shigaraki chimes in as he gazes at the baby with wide eyes. You smile feeling the waterworks return. "My baby boy."
Shigaraki shuffles awkwardly as he watched you cry silently. "You want..a tissue?" You glare at him nodding. "Can we name him Daku?" Shigaraki hesitantly asks as he brings a box of tissue. "Doesn't that mean Dark in Japanese?" you ask quirking your eyebrow. Shigaraki shrugged, "I mean look at him, he is dark." You look at Shagaraki for a painstakingly long time. "Keep playing with me and I'll name him Komugriri." Shigaraki frowns at that.
"The bastard didn't even tell me and he knew the whole time!" you rolled your eyes at your partner's grumbling. "If you want to call him dark so bad how about...Yami." Shigaraki shook his head, "That's too close to All Might's real name." "I'm not even going to ask how you know that."
You two sit in silence as you gaze at your new unnamed baby. "We can't ignore the elephant in the room Y/N." Shigaraki states putting a hesitant hand on your shoulder. "Ignore what Tomura? about how you caused me to go into labor early. Like threatening to kill both me and our child?!" you said voice raising a bit. Shigaraki looked at you, gears turning. 
There was nothing he could actually say to that for no matter how you could look at, nothing he did was okay. "I...I was scared." You sighed placing your head back on your pillow looking at the tiles above you, wishing that this never happened. "Well, you scared me Tomura." The silence was deafening as Tomura silently gasped, "You know that I would never-" you groan, "No I don't Tomura! I don't know what you would do! Why do you think I hid this from you in the first place!" 
There was no response just as you expected and for some strange reason, that broke you more than getting something half-assed. Small noises bubbled from your arms drawing both your attention to it. "Hey.." Shigaraki mumbled as you slowly watch small slanted eyes open, looking up at you. "His eyes are two different colors Shig." you respond shocked as a perfect little set of brown and red eyes looked up at you. "Cool...c-can I hold him." You playfully glared at Shigaraki, "You had him all while I was sleeping!" 
You name your new baby boy Daiki, Daiki Shigaraki. You of course picked the name since it seemed that all Tomura wanted was a child with a name that represents the darkness inside him, his words not yours. 
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onthesandsofdreams · 4 years
Begin Anew
Fandom: Netflix’s Castlevania Pairing: Alucard x Reader  Rating: T Summary: And so, it began a routine. You and Alucard would share your meals, then go your separate ways. It was rare that you spent more time together, he’d been very clear on some rules: you’d always had to make some noise when approaching, or call out to him before. He never told you were he slept, he’d given you a room, but his was a mystery to you. But even with all that, you could see traces of the man Trevor and Sypha had spoken. Quiet, educated, well mannered and mostly polite – he had hissed at you once, after you took him by surprise one day in the kitchen. And he was oh so handsome. His eyes were like amber, hair like spun gold and his elegant features made him all the more appealing in your eyes. He was tall too, strong and brave. And you fell in love with him. Words: 1527 Notes: Written for Fictober-Event, prompts #26. “how about you trust me for once?” & 31.“I trust you”
Read @ AO3
The past months had been hell. Almost literally.
First, you had joined Trevor Belmont and Sypha Belnades in their quest to kill monsters. You had an advantage that was very welcomed, you were a witch. Which meant that you and Sypha would spend some time debating the difference between you both. But in the end, you didn’t want to continue the fight, it wasn’t because you couldn’t, but simply because you didn’t had the temperament for it. You wanted to heal, not kill.
And so it was, that you made your way to where Trevor said was his old homestead. Sypha had written a letter and both of them had signed it, a way, they said, to make sure that Alucard would know that they had sent you. And that had been that.
Alucard, of course, had not been happy. His reception of you had been chilly. Near paranoid and you knew better than to ask about the two corpses at the front door. Being half a vampire, you’d expect that it would come with enemies and people actively trying to kill him. So, you let it go, as much as it made you uncomfortable, you knew that you shouldn’t be pushing for answers. Not yet, at least.
It was Alucard who did the hunting and made food and then, he’d disappeared into the castle. It was rare that he spent time with you. Most of your conversations occurred over food.
“And what exactly,” he’d asked, “is that you want to do.”
“Heal.” You said without hesitation. “I already have some training, I studied healing with plants. But Trevor said that your father kept a library that could be useful for me.”
Alucard had given you an odd look. One that you did your best not to flinch from, it was, as if he were trying to look deep into your mind and soul. He nodded once, lifted his fork and said, “That is true, I will take you there, so you know where it is.” And then, he spoke no more.
“Thank you. I’ll appreciate that.”
The rest of the meal transpired in silence. You didn’t mind, it had given you the opportunity to study Alucard. He seemed so… different from what Trevor and Sypha had spoken. The man in front of you was near paranoid. He was cold, far more detached than what you had expected. You sighed and finished your meal.
True to his word, Alucard had show you the library and then left. You thanked him, even if he was already far away enough that he wouldn’t be able to hear it. And then, you did what you wanted to do, dive right in into the books.
And so, it began a routine. You and Alucard would share your meals, then go your separate ways. It was rare that you spent more time together, he’d been very clear on some rules: you’d always had to make some noise when approaching, or call out to him before. He never told you were he slept, he’d given you a room, but his was a mystery to you.
But even with all that, you could see traces of the man Trevor and Sypha had spoken. Quiet, educated, well mannered and mostly polite – he had hissed at you once, after you took him by surprise one day in the kitchen. And he was oh so handsome. His eyes were like amber, hair like spun gold and his elegant features made him all the more appealing in your eyes. He was tall too, strong and brave.
And you fell in love with him.
Unfortunately, you knew that you had an uphill battle. It had been several months in, when you finally managed to get him to spend some time with him. You’d sit in one of the rooms, fire roaring and playing chess (he’d agreed to teach you), drinking wine and sometimes, talking.
It took him four months after that to speak of his near death. Of that betrayal that had left a deep scar on him. You had done your best to control your reactions, truth be told, you wanted to vomit. It’s one thing to face an enemy upfront, but wait until one of his most vulnerable moments to strike? You couldn’t wrap your mind around that. You were pretty sure the horror at the actions of those two were shown in your face. Alucard had looked away, ended the chess match and left without giving you a chance to speak.
It took you a while to get your bearings, but when you did, Alucard was gone and there was no trace of him. With a deep sense of defeat, you headed back to your room to try and make sense of everything. No wonder Alucard didn’t trust you. No wonder he’d asked you to announce yourself and more importantly, never telling you were his room was. You couldn’t blame him at all. And your heart ached for him. It’s been very clear for you that he was lonely, that he missed company, that he missed Trevor and Sypha.
You slumped in your bed, trying to think of something to do to help him. To make him see that you were not like them. But were completely unsure of how to proceed. That night, you fell into a dreamless sleep.
Alucard avoided you for a week after that. The only trace of his presence was in the food and dirty dishes. And you were at your wits end. It would not do, so you decided to do the only thing that came to mind, stalk the kitchen.
You didn’t beat him for breakfast, but you did for the meal. There was some left over rabbit stew that you decided to reheat, and opted to make bread with herbs to go with it. Your concentration was broken by footsteps and Alucard’s voice saying, “What are you doing?”
“Making bread.” As if that weren’t obvious enough.
“I can see that, but I told you. I take care of the food.” Alucard walked into the kitchen, still keeping a safe distance between the two of you.
Your hands shook at his tone, and you couldn’t help the bitterness that tainted your voice when you said, “How about you trust me for once?”
You took a deep breath, trying not to cry. You were in love with that man, and he didn’t trust you. Perhaps he never would, all because of them. You cursed them, and while you weren’t a vindictive person, you hope they were in the darkest pits of hell.
“I am not going to poison the food,��� you managed to get out, your voice breaking. “I’m going to eat it too.”
A sigh. “I know. And for what’s worth, I trust you.”
Your head snapped up, tears blurring your vision. “Then why…?”
“Because I am afraid.”
Well now, that made terrible sense. It gnawed at you, you had not given him any reason. “I – I have not given you any reason to be afraid of me.” You choked out. “I don’t want to kill you. I’m not a killer, that’s why I didn’t follow Trevor and Sypha. Even those creatures, killing didn’t appeal to me. I am a healer, Alucard. I’m not one who wants to take life. I want to cure it, make it better.” You hated that you were crying now.
Alucard said nothing for what it felt the longest time. Then he bowed his head and sighed, “Because you remind me of my mother.” His voice was quiet, barely above a whisper. “She came here, looking for knowledge, wanting to heal and… she died because of it. You are an actual witch, a healer yes, but a witch, can you see how that would give me pause of repeating the past?”
You hated that he was making sense, Trevor had warned you about the fate of Alucard’s mother. “I am not her and you are not your father.” You managed to get out, then dried your tears and wiped at your eyes, bread forgotten momentarily. “I – well, I care for you.” I love you, you didn’t say, even if you wanted to. It was not the time. “And it hurts that you keep such a distance.”
“For your safety.”
“I can take care of myself, thank you very much.”
Alucard smiled, “I know. But still.”
“Can we at least, try and be better friends?”
Alucard blinked, then, the corners of his mouth quirked up. “Friends? Yes, I suppose I could use of of those.”
You could use several, you though. “Me too, it’s been lonely. Can’t we try again, from the beginning?”
Alucard approached you then. Set what he’d brought into the table, then, extended his hands. “Well miss, I am Adrian Tepes, nice to meet you.”
You smiled softly. “Hello Adrian, it’s very lovely to meet you, I am Y/n. Thank you for letting me live here, I’m making herb bread. Sounds good?”
“You’re welcome, and yes, the bread does sound good.”
It may not be what you were hoping for, but it was a start. After all, hope springs eternal.
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the-slasher-files · 3 years
Clearly I cannot get this man out of my head.. like ever! Honestly I’ve been in a big big writing lull lately and I only want to write for Andrei, so I happy to share these hcs with you!.. hope you enjoy 🔪💕
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Andrei’s code names in the army were ‘The Wolf’ or 'North’
He has O negative blood type, meaning he is a universal donor. Andrei always (when he is wearing his vest) has IV tubing and needles, just in case.
On that topic, Andrei is very knowledgeable with medical information, he has saved many of his brothers in the army from death. He can save you, but the issue is if he cares to.
Yes he is a very hot bloodied man, but under pressure he is calm and cool, especially with his s/o. Feral rage can turn instantly off if he sees someone he loves really hurt, calmly giving orders and helping you.
Andrei never went to school after his mother died, at age 12. He may not be super educated in math or sciences but this man is smart. Never underestimate him. He can fix a truck, be your handy man around the house, and has amazing people skills.
He is a history buff.. Yup, you heard me. Andrei loves history, specifically war history. After his uncle died he was free to explore more education and he found a deep love in history, learning it all himself through reading, documentaries and listening to people around him. (Me and @horrorslashergirl have a weird AU where he is in college and works in a museum, in a suit with glasses 👀)
Andrei is trained in many things but one I don’t talk about often is bombs and specifically land mines. This guy loves to blow stuff up for fun and has a few land mines in specific places on his land, and abandoned town.
His favorite drinks are a deep earl grey (a Russian blend of course) and Vodka on the rocks.
He loves bath time.. yup a hot bath, even with bubbles he doesn’t care, he loves it.
One of my favorite things about Andrei is when he needs to think or stop his active mind, he goes into his field (usually shirtless) and just stands out there, closes his eyes, enjoying the peace and quiet.
Andrei HATES condescending and controlling people, it brings him back to when he was a kid or in the army. Now that may seem hypocritical but honestly it is not. Degradation is for sexy time and teasing only, and Andrei is only controlling with his playthings but even then he lets them decide and have a good amount of freedom.
Man is a furnace and doesn't feel cold what so ever
He loves action movies, even though he will comment on how unrealistic they are. Also he loves documentaries.
Andrei listens to all kind of music. Mainly rock or metal but he loves Russian new wave and some rap. He also had a HUGE punk phase so that occasionally comes on.
He will do any dare or bet, not even kidding. His army buddies stopped daring him to do stuff because he would just do it. Andrei is a big thrill seeker and will do so much stupid stuff.
He used to have a wolfdog, a brother to Amaria’s wolfdog Dyn. Unfortunately it had too high of a concentration of wolf in it and he had to let it go, but he does still see him every once and a while. He even named him Alexei, meaning “great defender” in Russian. Andrei always leaves one of the outbuildings open for him just incase the weather gets too cold or dangerous. Also he may or may not use him to get rid of bodies, if he sees him wandering around.
Andrei drives a 1995 Range Rover all black with giant snow tires, or his black old Russian truck.
He can ice skate and used to play hockey with his buddies
He is secretly loaded. Yes he has money in his walls and all over the town. Andrei knows what he is worth and his rates aren’t cheap, plus it’s all in cash so there is no paper trail. He is never one to flaunt his wealth, you probably won’t even know until you see him coming home from a mission with a duffle bag of cash, throwing it in under the floor boards.
Andrei had a secret male s/o in the army, it was his first male relationship but they had to hide it from everyone. In a dangerous feral state the wolf had killed him, that was his last undercover mission.
This guy can read people like no tomorrow, every tiny subtle thing you do he notices. Could be the way you bite your cheek if you’re nervous or the way you rub your hands together when excited. He knows.
Also Andrei is very good at manipulation but doesn’t use it often.
He is a terrible sleeper. Andrei wakes at every noise in the house and only gets about 5 hours a night but only 1 hour is actually deep sleep. Sometimes he gets so exhausted that his body gives out and he will sleep for 12 hours fully clothed, in his cargo pants, vest and jacket. However he is much better with an s/o to sleep with, it’s still bad though.
I say this a lot but Andrei has an incredibly active mind, and it’s hard for him to relax or ease up. He uses drinking and smoking as a way to calm down, also just walking into the field for peace.
His favorite food is a nice hardy warm stew with rabbit meat.
Andrei adores just holding his s/o in his arms as on the couch or in bed.
He is honestly kind of paranoid, not so much by himself but if he has a s/o. You can come with him to the nearest town, but never ever draw attention to yourself or him, for your safety. He has people after him.
The wolfs signature is ripping off someone’s jaw or ripping out their spine by gutting them and reaching in.
If you mess with him but he dubs you as not a worthy hunt or not a good kill, you might see a bear trap in your home the next morning.
His tattoo on his left palm 'NO GODS’ is something he got to remind himself that he has control of his life and take his fate into his own hands, not his paranoid controlling uncle. It also holds him accountable for his actions, there are no gods to blame, he did it. The tattoo connects to Amaria as well. She is a lil crazy and does kills for 'the gods’, but Andrei sees that as foolish, he does his kills for himself, nothing else.
The 'grateful for the hunt’ thing I often write in Andrei’s stories is what his uncle would always say to him, with people or animals. It’s burned into his brain and it will never leave him. The words remind him to breathe and take in every deadly detail, that Andrei loves so so much.
Alright time to get.. a little odd lol… me and some friends have an interesting thing going where Andrei has a 'wolf pack’.. Dallas (@slashersins oc) is his husband, not legally, but Dallas wears a wolf ring for him. Xaviera (@horrorslashergirl oc) is Andrei’s soul mate and girlfriend. Xaviera’s cousin Akshay is Andrei’s best friend, they fight constantly but have so so much fun.. plus they fuck when they’re drunk lol. I am Akshay’s 'snow queen’ aka girlfriend. Andrei also has 2 'playthings’ Bianca (@horrorslashergirl) and Sights (@thesightstoshowyou)… the house is too full and Andrei may or may not regret having all these people lol.
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haloud · 3 years
things we could burn in one go (eminence) - chapter 7
also on ao3
Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Isabel Evans & Max Evans & Michael Guerin, Michael Guerin/Alex Manes, Forrest Long/Alex Manes Additional Tags: post-s2, Canon Compliant, Angst, Canon-Typical Violence, Hurt/Comfort, starts forlex ends malex, other characters may appear - Freeform, tags subject to update
Chapter Summary: Alive but weak, Michael wanders Alex’s house as he tries to come to terms with the past few days.
 At night, Alex slept in his bed, and Michael slept in the guest room, but the sheets were Alex’s, the pillows were Alex’s, the walls and floor were built to hold him, he picked out the curtains. Alex was inescapable. And now, neither could Michael escape knowing that he still slept in old band shirts worn soft and peeling, that he composed music with his eyes closed and hid his written notations in books around his house, that he kept all his condiments room temperature and screwed up his nose at the thought of cold sauce on hot food. All these domestic details he’d lived and loved without, stuffed inside the empty spaces in his skull after only a few days.
 What was he supposed to do, knowing this? The little details made up friendships, too, for certainly Michael knew plenty of his siblings’ idiosyncrasies, even kept shelves in his heart for lovely little scraps old one or two-night lovers had left him as parting gifts.
 But things would never, ever be so simple and nostalgic and normal with Alex. Too many years had passed for Michael to even attempt to fool himself. His ribs sung like a tuning fork struck pure, and Michael longed, with the oldest, basest longing, to be anything so useful for Alex to set the music of his life to. And here he was, sharing Alex’s house with Alex and Alex’s boyfriend’s dog and Alex’s boyfriend’s toothbrush on the sink and Alex’s boyfriend’s clothes in the laundry.
 So he’d live with it.
 Michael’s water glass flew to his hand but bumped the edge of the table and skidded the last few feet, spilling water across its surface. Still cursing, Michael shoved his chair back and got to his feet to clean shit up the old-fashioned way, on weak and shaky legs, with weaker and shakier lungs.
 Max kept healing him, checking for any possible little injury, but it seemed that Michael was just weakened by the enormous strain Jones’s “teaching” had put on his body, and he’d have to build back his strength.
 So there it was. All his fears about not being to protect anyone, all the needy clamor in his head, all of them led him here, by nothing but his own recklessness and desperation. Weak as a kitten. More a burden on Alex, quite literally, in his life, taking up his space, invading his home, leaning on him to get from point A to point B.
 He was, at least, too tired to wallow in much, in between long jags of ragged sleep, torn apart by vivid dreams of light and letters and scraps of knowledge just out of reach. But despite the awful aftertaste of near-death those dreams represented, they were almost better than his waking hours, hovered over by a furious Isobel and a Max worried half to death, Valenti inspecting him head to toe the normal way, Maria trying to cheer him up, and      Alex    .
 They hadn’t spoken much since Michael awoke. Alex had to work, and when he didn’t, they, well. Cohabitating was a lot to get used to. But no matter how awkward things got, he offered a perfect porcelain protection, and Michael studied him obsessively for flaw, for the true Alex underneath the façade brought on by Michael’s own foolishness.
 “Everything going okay?” Max asked, emerging from the guest bedroom, Buffy at his heels. She’d become his shadow in the days since Michael’s near-death; it was almost endearing enough to keep Michael from snapping at him, but only almost.
 “Fine,” he snarled, but far from driving Max off, his tone brought Max forward, to sit across the table from him and fold his arms.
 If snapping wasn’t gonna keep people away, why had he been working so hard to not be a total asshole for the past few days, through every well-meaning coddle and condescension from any one of their friends, from everyone but Isobel, who wasn’t talking to him.
 Max sighed and rubbed his hands over his face, and a twinge of guilt disturbed Michael’s surly mood.
 “Go ahead,” he said a little too loudly, before those thoughts could get to him. “Tell me what a hypocrite I am. One of you has to, and it might as well be you. I was fucking stupid after getting on your case constantly, and it almost killed me. Go ahead!”
 “You seem to have gotten a head start, so I don’t see the need,” Max said wryly.
 Michael scoffed.
 Picking up Michael’s abandoned glass, Max ran his finger around the rim as he spoke. “You know, I know what it’s like to lose this. When my heart was still so weak…I pushed myself too hard and almost…well. You know. So I understand. Give yourself time. Let your system settle and see where you are.”
 The words were too kind and too logical for Michael to bear, so he let out another bratty huff and didn’t respond.
 Max just sighed again. “Well. Anyway. Kyle’s going to be here soon. I know you hate him, but he’s—”
 “I don’t.”
 “Hate him. Kinda hard to hate the guy after what he did for you. I don’t like the doctor shit, but…”
 That brought out a small smile on Max’s face, and the knot in Michael’s stomach unclenched. “That’s good,” he said.
 A knock on the door saved Michael from having to find a dignified answer, and he stood hastily to answer it—a little too hastily, it turned out, because the world tipped and took Michael with it.
 “How ‘bout you let me,” Max said as Michael dropped heavy back into his chair before falling. He clapped him on the shoulder as he passed. “Alex’d kill me anyway if it was trouble and I let you answer it.”
     Alex.    The too-casual reminder that he might have some kind of stake in Michael’s well-being sent him reeling. What was he supposed to do with that information, that perspective? How did he earn it, how was he worthy of it, and how did he keep it from flying away? All questions that were too much to answer—questions he’d asked his ceiling and his eyelids and his stars every night for a decade and was farther than ever from answers even now that he was coming to accept the core truth of the problem’s existence.
 Of course, there was no trouble at the door; it was just Kyle, as expected, and he pet Buffy with one hand while waving at Michael with the other.
 “Hey, Guerin. How’s it going?”
 Michael marshalled himself to answer.
 “How do you think it’s going, Doc? A newborn deer’s got fancier footwork than me right now. But I’m alive, so…”
 “Can’t complain,” Kyle finished the sentence with an amused shake of his head. “That’s one way to look at it.”
 His exam was quick and efficient, something Michael was grateful enough for that he’d die before he ever let Valenti see it, and when he was done he took a seat across from Michael.
 “It’s not exactly a clean bill of health, but your condition seems stable and improving. The condition of your body, at least. It’s hard for me to give any diagnosis about what might be impacting the use of your powers.”
 “Yeah, yeah, wouldn’t expect you to. I’ll figure it out. You’ve done enough,” Michael said, scratching idly at his temple where Max’s handprint lay, thankfully hidden by his hair. “Tell me this, Doc.” He glanced around to make sure Max wasn’t in earshot, and when he spied him through a window throwing a ball for Buffy, he continued, “Have you had a chance to check out Max yet? The healing he did, with his heart—”
 Kyle smiled, and Michael glanced away from his knowing face, shifting in his seat.
 “I did, and you have nothing to worry about. He’s fine. It was a significant strain, but considering the alternative, the outcome could have been much worse.”
 “But what about his condition otherwise?” Michael powered through. “He’s been dealing with depression and exhaustion for months since—"
 The back door swung open and Buffy bounded in for her water bowl, Max following. “How’s it going?” he asked them both, but mostly Kyle, voice full of false cheer.
 “All good,” Kyle said easily, getting to his feet. “It’s going to be fine,” he tacked on the firm reassurance to Michael. “I should get going so I can get ready for work. Catch you later, Max.”
 “Thanks again, man.”
 “Free drinks at the Pony for life, you know my price.”
 As little as Michael cared to socialize with Valenti even now, awkward silence descended when he was gone and it was just the brothers again. What did you say to the guy who saved your life—again—when you had nothing but your own stupidity to blame?
 It didn’t help that Max’s ability to make Michael feel small and stupid and guilty as hell without even trying was still unparalleled, or that he was still too weak to pace it out, or that he was hyperaware of how everyone would perceive him if he sampled some of Alex’s liquor cabinet to take the edge off.
 “I’m going out to the back to get some light exercise,” he said eventually.
 “Okay,” Max said, not arguing or inviting himself along.
 “Thanks,” Michael replied, not elaborating on what for as he passed him at the fastest shuffle he could manage.
 Outside, under the sun, Michael’s head was no clearer, his muscles no stronger. Alex’s backyard was featureless, incomplete, clearly not somewhere he spent much time, unlike the front patio, which at least had some furniture, some lived-in rested energy. And, Michael thought, of course: Alex would spend his leisure somewhere he could anticipate most attempts to accost him.
 Letting out a heavy sigh, Michael ambled from one end of the fence to the other. As he went, Alex’s cameras followed him, and Michael tried not to feel weird about that, weirdly paranoid despite it being      Alex,    weirdly comforted to know Alex could watch him. The whole thing was weird. Living in Alex’s home was…weird.
 At night, Alex slept in his bed, and Michael slept in the guest room, but the sheets were Alex’s, the pillows were Alex’s, the walls and floor were built to hold him, he picked out the curtains. Alex was inescapable. And now, neither could Michael escape knowing that he still slept in old band shirts worn soft and peeling, that he composed music with his eyes closed and hid his written notations in books around his house, that he kept all his condiments room temperature and screwed up his nose at the thought of cold sauce on hot food. All these domestic details he’d lived and loved without, stuffed inside the empty spaces in his skull after only a few days.
 What was he supposed to do, knowing this? The little details made up friendships, too, for certainly Michael knew plenty of his siblings’ idiosyncrasies, even kept shelves in his heart for lovely little scraps old one or two-night lovers had left him as parting gifts.
 But things would never, ever be so simple and nostalgic and normal with Alex. Too many years had passed for Michael to even attempt to fool himself. His ribs sung like a tuning fork struck pure, and Michael longed, with the oldest, basest longing, to be anything so useful for Alex to set the music of his life to. And here he was, sharing Alex’s house with Alex and Alex’s boyfriend’s dog and Alex’s boyfriend’s toothbrush on the sink and Alex’s boyfriend’s clothes in the laundry.
 So he’d live with it.
 His pocket buzzed frantically, and he swore loudly, startled, before he realized it was just his phone ringing.
 “Fuckin’ spam calls,” he muttered as he fished it out. “Why the hell does anyone carry this shit around all the—”
 But it wasn’t a spam call at all.        Ortecho    sat dead center on the screen, and, not knowing what ring it was on, Michael answered immediately.
 “Mikey!” Liz’s breathless voice shouted before he could say a word.
 “Well it’s about damn—”
 “Thank god, are you okay, why am I hearing from Maria that you almost      died,    what the hell?”
 “Glad to know that’s what it takes to get a hold of you,” Michael snarked back.
 “Listen, I—”
 Michael just sighed. “I know. I get it. But we’ve been calling you a damn lot, Ortecho.”
 “…I know.”
 Despite what he said, he didn’t understand. He’d never understand the running, not as someone so stuck in the ground he’d been planted in that he’d die if he tried to rip himself away. But he couldn’t love Alex after ten years without accepting what he’d never understand and knowing how to survive it.
 He hadn’t thought, until now, that maybe he and Max could talk about this shit. But maybe it’d be worth a try. If there was one thing that Michael      did    know, it was that Liz and Alex wouldn’t talk about how the situations made them similar until they’d exhausted all possible escapes from that conversation.
 “Well…” Michael said into the silence. “How’s California been? How’s the Genoryx lab; they better be letting you do all the mad science shit, or else what good’s a shady government drug company…”
 “Don’t change the subject! You haven’t even answered me.      Are you okay?    ”
 What was the harm in being honest? Liz wasn’t even here, wasn’t even talking to anyone who wasn’t dying, so who would she tell? Maybe Maria, but Maria could read it from him like an open book.
 “Gotta tell you, I’ve been better,” he admitted.
 Liz let out a soft, sympathetic noise. “What happened? You can…you can talk to me, if you want. I know I haven’t been the most reliable, but we’re friends. We are. Okay?”
 Shaking his head, Michael paced the length of the fence again, one hand on it to steady himself.  He reached the house and kept walking to the front, leaving the barren back garden behind.
 “There’s not that much to say. Maria probably told you already. I made a bad gamble on Hyde, and Jekyll had to haul my ass out of the fire. That’s it.”
 That version of the story left out the part Isobel played, but Michael didn’t have the words to describe walking his own head as it melted around him, images flying past bright enough to sear his eyes, snatches of conversation, aphasia in every sense, and how empty and cavernous and      bereft    he felt now, knowing what Jones had stuffed inside him—the knowledge of his entire people—knowing he wasn’t      enough    to contain it, weak, corrupted, and now he might never get it back. And knowing Jones did that to him on purpose, gave him more than his body and mind could handle to make him feel this way, didn’t make the feeling it any damn easier.
 Liz went silent on the other end. There was a question she wasn’t asking, but Michael let it ride, gave her the space.
 But finally, he answered it for her. “Max is okay. His heart held up, and so did the pacemaker. And I’ve got a handprint six inches from my nose, so I can call him on it if he tries to bullshit me.”
 “I—okay. Thank you, Mikey.”
 “Don’t thank me. Seriously, don’t. I, uh, said a lot of shit I probably shouldn’t have in your voicemail, about Max. But it’s up to you if you want him in your life at all, so, uh. Yeah.”
 “No, no, it’s fine.”
 There was a thunk on the other line like she’d dropped or hit something.
 “Look, I should go,” she said.
 “Okay,” Michael replied.
 “I’m—really glad you’re okay.”
 “And, uh, it was nice to hear from you.”
 “Okay.” Her final reply was soft and hesitant and awkward as Michael felt making an earnest overture a friend might make. “Bye, Mikey.”
 “Don’t be a stranger.”
 She hung up.
 Michael dropped his arm and let his phone dangle at his side for a little while. His legs shook a little, so he held onto the back of one of the patio chairs to steady himself, but he wasn’t ready to sit just yet.
 Friends or not, clearly he and Liz had plenty to work on if they were that fucking awkward without a project between them.
 Still, this was something. Something unexpected. Michael was too tired to sort through feelings right now.
 But he should have—
 Before he could second guess himself, he pulled his phone back up and dashed a text off to her.
     We all get together on Thursday nights. Open invitation. -G  
 Then he dropped his phone face-down on the seat and sat down several feet away so he wouldn’t be tempted to look at it if she texted him back.
 All the chairs on Alex’s patio were tilted subtly to watch different angles of the approach to the house, so Michael settled in the one that was shadiest. It was too fucking hot to be relaxing outdoors without water or sunscreen, but the air indoors with Max hovering and Alex…everywhere…was just as stifling.
 Max hadn’t asked him why, yet, even though the question itched at Michael’s head, even through the careful distance they were keeping from the handprint bond between them. Which was good, because, in the sunlight, on the other side of the storm, his arms wrapped around his own stomach, holding himself, Michael couldn’t have answered it himself.
 Eventually, though, people would ask. And what would he tell them—should he admit he thought that the pollen would be enough to keep himself from harm, should he confess that he’d been willing—or thought he was willing—to accept the risks if it meant no one would have to take a blow for him?
 The street stretched long and quiet as far as Michael could see. Every now and then, a car would pass from one point on the line to the next, disappearing down some other driveway or just continuing until the heat haze swallowed it whole. The sun hurt his tired eyes, so he blinked slow, and let minutes trickle past, waiting for something to happen.
 Maybe his phone would ring again; maybe Max would come looking for him. Maybe Flint Manes would leap out of the bushes and shoot him. Maybe Alex would come home from work and smile when he saw him. Maybe Forrest would come home early and try and fight him for shacking up while he was gone. Maybe Jones did something to him that was lying in wait and would detonate his heart any second.
 Thinking of possibilities was an endless sort of entertainment for a man who never knew what to do with having a future and who just nearly lost his lease on it.
 As Michael watched the road, a truck appeared on one side of the horizon, moving faster than most would on a residential street like this. It whipped up dust as it went, and Michael rolled his eyes and slouched deeper into the chair. Fucking assholes in their screaming steel overcompensators almost universally considered themselves above getting work done in a junkyard, and that didn’t exactly give Michael a better opinion of them.
 And this piece of shit in particular, Michael recognized. What the hell was Wyatt fuckin’ Long doing on this side of town? Michael tensed as he roared by, just waiting for him to slow or stop—did he drive by often, harassing Alex for dating his cousin? Or looking for his cousin to harass somewhere off the farm where a real adult might stop him?
 He didn’t do either, though, and in seconds he was gone, cowgirl mudflaps dangling behind him.
 What time was it anyway? Narrowing his eyes, Michael focused on his phone where he dropped it in the other chair and, slowly, tried to pull it toward him. It took seconds and enough strain his head hurt before it moved, but move it did, wobbling slowly towards him. Halfway there, it changed velocity and came shooting toward him, and he only barely managed to catch it before it overshot and slammed against the wall behind him.
 Still, progress.
 It was later than he thought. Shouldn’t Alex be home from work by now? Should he be worried?
 He was just hovering his thumb over Alex’s contact, deciding whether or not to call, when another car hissed along the drive and slowed. This one, though, turned into Alex’s driveway, and Michael relaxed.
 Alex pulled the car to a stop, and Michael stood up to greet him, stretching as he did. Unexpectedly, Maria was also in the front seat, but her presence answered the question of why Alex was late. If he wasn’t talking to Michael, at least he was talking to someone.
 “Hey,” Michael greeted them.
 “Hey, Guerin,” Maria replied.
 “Is everything alright?” Alex demanded.
 “Yeah, it’s fine. Kyle was by earlier. Seems like I’m still on the mend.”
 “That’s good to hear,” Maria said, as Alex said nothing.
 Michael gave her a smile. “Yeah, it is. So…are you staying for dinner? Maybe I can cook something…”
 Side-eying Alex, who stood as stiff and stoic as Michael had ever seen him, shoulders and back soldier-straight, Maria returned Michael’s smile and said, “Oh, Alex just asked me to take Buffy out for her walk for the next few days, so I’m here to see her.”
 “I didn’t want to impose on you for that,” Alex added.
 Michael rocked on his heels, hands shoved in his pockets, chewing on his tongue to hold back any indication of how desperate he was to be imposed upon. The weakness in his legs kept him from making a real argument; despite her age, Buffy was a hell of a walker.
 Was that the reason Alex was asking Maria to step in? Was his leg okay? Michael rocked forward again, swaying toward Alex and tugging himself back, an old, familiar dance.
 “You could’ve. You’re puttin’ me up, I oughtta work for room and board,” Michael joked.
 It didn’t exactly land. If possible, Alex shut down harder, face cold and hard, though his voice was soft.
 “You don’t have to work for me to take care of you when you’re in need,” he said, every syllable clipped and careful.
 Michael should have known something was up then and there, seen it, seen Maria’s downcast eyes and crossed arms, the way she hovered close between them and kept to herself; he should have expected it, Alex to pull some kind of bullshit, but his head didn’t go there. Not yet.
 “So…you going somewhere?” he asked, licking his lips. The thought might have sent a bolt of panic through him, but now that Alex had a life here, a house and a job and roots, the threat was less immediate.
     That didn’t stop Liz,    his mind whispered, but he shook it off.
 Alex wasn’t answering, so Michael continued, “You heading out to meet Forrest in DC? You should have gone with him in the first place, man, take some time off.”
 Maria shot Alex a loaded look, but Alex’s face just hardened.
 “And been across the country when you almost died on my doorstep?” he demanded so fervently Michael took a step back, and Alex closed his eyes, chest rising and falling with a deep breath. “Sorry. Sorry.”
 “No, uh, it’s fine. You’re right. I’m glad you were here.”
 Somewhere deep in his heart, Michael thought that it wouldn’t have mattered where in the universe Alex was when he lifted his foot and stepped across space to get to his door. His thoughts were inside out, tripled and rearranged with pieces missing, he couldn’t have said what he did or the powers he used or how he could do it again, but he could say this: for a brief moment, he’d possessed the ability to reorder the universe to put himself at Alex’s side, and no technicalities of time or distance would have stopped him.
 He didn’t have that power anymore, though, and neither did he have the ability to read Alex’s mind.
 “Seriously, though,      are    you going somewhere?” he asked again.
 “…I should get inside. My phone’s dead, I need to charge it,” Alex said.
 “      Alex,    ” Maria said in a scalded voice.
 Michael, though, was cold. Frozen. It barely registered when Maria reached out and squeezed his wrist to reassure him; he wasn’t reassured, though he was pathetically grateful to her for trying. She was a good friend—better now than she was or he was when they were two isolated points on a severed line, ten years as two stars on an unintelligible constellation, half its lights gone out.
 But that friendship, as cherished as it was—could it hold him up if the new foundation he’d built for his life was ripped away again? Again, he’d built it up around Alex without expectation or intention. It was reflexive, habitual, migratory. He followed a pattern etched into his bones. He didn’t know any other way to build.
 “Alex, I told you,” Maria said.
 “I know. But—”
 “No! No buts. If you can’t even be honest about what you’re doing, you shouldn’t be doing it.”
 “It’s fine,” Michael said. His voice was distant inside his own skull. “I get it. You don’t have to tell—you don’t owe me anything.”
 For some reason, Alex turned back around to face them, then, his face so openly wracked with pain and indecision that Michael had to close his eyes.
 Even less than he could stand to watch Alex walk away again, he couldn’t stand to watch it hurt so bad and him choose it all the same.
 “I’m      not    leaving you, Guerin. Michael. I’m—not. I’m not!”
 He said it again and again, like he was arguing with someone who wasn’t Michael or Maria, both of whom were silent. Maria pressed closer to Michael, leaning her weight against him, wordless but telling him:      I’m here.  
 “I’m not leaving,” Alex said again.
 Michael forced himself to open his eyes. A few feet in front of him, Alex took up the same amount of space he always did, posture helplessly perfect, hands helplessly flat at his sides.
 Through a tight throat, Michael said, “Okay. Then why…”
 Alex struggled for the words. At his side, Michael felt Maria breathe in and release a heavy sigh.
 “Talk to us, Alex. Please,” she said.
 Dropping his eyes, Alex replied, “I’m just going to be busy and out of the house a lot for the next few days and won’t have time to give Buffy the attention she deserves.”
 “Really? That’s it?” her voice was close to tears, and Michael unlocked himself to wrap his arm around her. She continued, “I asked you to      talk to us,    not just repeat what you told me before. What business, Alex? You’re scaring me.”
 “What am I supposed to do?” Alex cried, spreading his arms wide. Then he dropped his arms just as suddenly, head snapping back and forth looking for anyone who might have heard the outburst, then he dragged a hand over his face. He continued, quieter, flatter, “I get so wound up about one threat, and another one starts swinging from my blind side. I’m not waiting for Fields to come calling while Michael is here. And Jones—” That awful blankness crossed his face again. “—What am I supposed to do, let what he did to you go without doing something about it? Wait until he tries again? Absolutely not.”
 Every word stung Michael’s senses; he had no response, mouth parted but silent, eyes wide.
 Maria let out a frustrated growl. “And would you have told anyone these plans if I hadn’t forced you? Oh my god, of course not, you both suck so bad! What part of this one,” she jerked her thumb at Michael, “getting his gray matter pureed forty-eight hours ago makes you think now is the time to run off with some lone wolf Rambo act? What’s the point of being able to see the future if no one ever asks or listens?”
 “Did you? See something?” Michael asked.
 “Well. No. But I might have,” Maria replied.
 “Wait, nothing at all? It’s been how long now?”
 “Too long,” she admitted. “It’s not nothing, I just keep seeing our bearded friend standing in a field. I can’t even tell if it’s now or if it’s from before or even if it’s from the home planet. He doesn’t look at me, just…stands there.” She shivered.
 Alex’s eyebrows drew down. “Can he…block your sight? Is that possible?”
 Shrugging helplessly, Maria said, “I don’t know. But I’m pretty sure we can’t just ask him. What are we going to do?”
     We.    Part of Michael wanted to protest, in the face of the danger that alliance would pose to two of the people he loved most in the entire world. Standing alone already almost got him killed, left him weaker than he’d ever been, but still part of him would try again, and again, until he was out of second chances, if it meant sparing Alex and Maria anything.
 But that wasn’t in question, was it. They’d made their choice. It was time for Michael to learn to live with it.
 “Thursday’s coming up,” he said. Maria and Alex turned to look at him, and he lifted and dropped his shoulders, curling in on himself. “If you guys are still available. We can talk about a game plan.”
 “      Guerin,    ” Maria sighed. But she smiled when she reached out and gave his hand a squeeze. “Of course we’re available.”
 Alex didn’t reply. Silence fell between the three of them, until Maria sighed again and headed toward the front door.
 “I already came all this way, I might as well spend a little time with Buffy. Since I won’t be walking her after all.”
 As she passed Alex, he made a soft noise, and whatever it was, she understood perfectly, because she turned to meet Alex’s raising arms, and the two of them hugged tightly.
 “I’m sorry,” he said softly. “You were right. I’m sorry I didn’t--I shouldn’t have made you--”
 “Stop with the ‘shouldn’ts’,” Maria replied. “Just...don’t make us watch you destroy yourself alone when we’re here for you, okay?”
 Michael flinched. Neither of them looked at him, but her words hit home anyway. He was part of that grief, too.
 Alex nodded against her shoulder. “I won’t.”
 Then she gave him one last squeeze, he let her go, and she went inside, leaving Michael and Alex alone.
 And alone, what was there to say? They hadn’t found it so far.
 Michael’s heart still beat uncomfortably fast in his chest, a frantic effort to keep him standing and sane while his brain and body figured out that Alex wasn’t going to disappear from before his eyes, and it only pulsed harder when—he blinked to clear his eyes and—Alex got closer, closing the space between them in a few long, uneven strides.
 On instinct, Michael took a step back, but Alex stopped six inches away, just staring at him with his dark eyes. They scanned from his feet to his hair, taking in every minute tremble of his damaged muscles.
 Jittery, Michael licked his lips and said, “Take a picture, it’ll last longer--”
 Alex took Michael’s shirt in his fist and pulled him in. They hit, chest to chest, Alex’s arm trapped between them until he pulled it away, down and out, clamped it around Michael’s back and held on, held on for dear life. He didn’t need to hold on so tight; Michael froze with the shock of Alex around him and couldn’t have budged for love or money, not until his mind caught up with his body and he slumped in Alex’s safe arms.
 “I’m so mad at you,” Alex said in his ear, close enough that his hitching breaths stirred Michael’s ear.
 “I know. I know,” Michael spoke back, lips moving against his shoulder. He let his eyes fall shut again. Like this, he didn’t need them, dropped every sense that wasn’t touch, anything that didn’t tell him the only thing he needed to know. Alex was here. Michael was here. They were alive. They were together.
 “How could you? What did I do wrong?” His breathing hitched harder, enough for Michael to feel it in Alex’s entire body.
 Gripping him tighter, one arm around his lower back, one arm around his broad shoulders, Michael murmured, “Nothing, God, nothing. I was stupid. I just wanted—I just had to—”
 “I wanted to protect you. That’s all I wanted—did I push too hard?” Hot, wet heat hit Michael’s neck. “I’m so shit at this, Michael, every time I try, I just make everything worse!”
 “No! No, hey, hey.”
 They were too tightly entwined for Michael to do much, but he maneuvered them enough to press their foreheads together.
 “I just wanted to protect      you,    ” Michael rasped. If he looked at Alex this second, this close, he wouldn’t be able to stand it, so he squeezed his eyes shut. “I don’t know how to—be protected. You making that sacrifice for me, I don’t know how to be worth it. It’s not your fault.”
 “You don’t have to do anything. Ever. I’m so fucking—sorry, for all the times I made you feel like you had to—earn...”
 They swayed slightly back and forth, half because Michael had pushed himself too far on his weak legs, half because it was an old self-soothing motion one or both of them fell back on, completely alone in the universe as children. They did it together, now.
 “We’ll figure it out,” Michael swore, clasping Alex’s sweaty hand in his own sweaty hand, in the nonspace between their chests, knuckle to sternum, palm to palm, sternum to knuckle. The words tasted like hope on his tongue.
 They opened their eyes, Alex first, then Michael, and they stood like that for a long time. Alex’s eyes were red from crying, but beautiful. Always beautiful.
     We’ll figure it out.    Neither of them believed it fully, but if both of them held a half, maybe they’d manage to make it work.
 “We should get back inside,” Michael said eventually, dropping Alex’s hand, stiffening his own to keep the shape of it held to his side as they parted.
 “Actually, could we, um.” Alex cleared his throat and rubbed the back of his neck. “Maybe we could sit out here a while longer. It’s a nice sunset? And maybe we could catch up on normal stuff.”
 Michael looked over his shoulder at the sky. It really was stunning, broad beyond comprehension, all alien with pinks and purples and golds.
 “Normal stuff sounds great,” he said. “Let’s do it.”
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Lukanette June 2021 Day 26 - Do Not Disturb
Another for @lukanettejune
Thank you lovebug community for your support. Because of you lovely lovebugs I was encouraged to post this...I just hope it doesn’t suck too much I edited it a few times and it’s late...I just wanna post.
I think the alternate title for this fanfic is “The Laws of the ‘Do Not Disturb’ Sign,”
Also this may just be my first Alya salt...Then again a majority of my Miraculous fanfics are alternate universe where Alya is a much better friend.
But this fanfic still contains Alya being Alya. And if you can’t handle Alya being Alya (like I can’t!) then you may want to advert your eyes!
Also as you lovebugs may have suspected from my preview...There is a few instances of sexual innuendo...Nothing big enough for me to slap on the mature rating though...
So without further ado...
"What are Marinette and Luka doing?" Alya asked.
Marinette and Luka and all their friends were all vacationing at a resort. Alya and Nino decided to meet up with Marinette and Luka at their hotel room.
Although it is 9:30 in the morning, their hotel room door already has a "do not disturb" sign hanging on the doorknob.
Alya and Nino were absolutely bewildered.
"I know Luka and Marinette have a sickenly sweet romance, but this is ridiculous!" Nino said.
Alya was ready to disregard the sign and knock on the door, but Nino took her hand before she could knock.
"We should respect the rules of the sign," Nino said. He was a bit disturbed thinking about what Luka and Marinette could possibly be doing at this time of the day.
Alya was also ready to text them, but Nino encouraged her not to.
"They don't want to be disturbed Alya, I think that includes phones!" Nino said.
Alya ignored her and tried to call Marinette, but a revelation hit her like unexpected rainfall.
"Her phone is on 'do not disturb' too!" Alya cried.
"Must be serious," Nino said.
Alya sighed, and she and her boyfriend decided to leave, but she stopped for one moment to look back at the door.
"Well, we came to the resort to vacation, so they better not ditch us for the sake of wrecking a hotel room!" Alya cried, not caring if hotel guests passing by gave her slight side-eyes.
Nino placed his hand on his girlfriend's shoulder. "It could be anything, Alya."
But after two hours, their other friends started to wonder when Alya single-handedly told everyone. Marinette and Luka were still nowhere to be seen.
Adrien and Kagami started to stop by next, and the two of them stared at the door for a good 3 minutes, wondering just what on earth the two were up to.
"We should respect the law of the 'do not disturb' sign," Adrien said.
Kagami pouted slightly. "All of us are about to eat lunch. It would be strange if Marinette and Luka weren't present."
Adrien gave his girlfriend a worried look.
"A simple knock shouldn't hurt," Kagami said.
Adrien didn't feel like arguing because he did agree with her. He and the guys were already causing lots of fun mischief at the pool, and it wasn't the same without his best friend, Luka. And now Luka and Marinette were skipping out on lunch.
Kagami made a gentle but firm knock. 5 agonizing minutes passed as if nobody was inside.
"Nothing!" Kagami cried, slightly irked now.
But the sound of that knock was blocked out by the sound of Marinette's sewing machine. She was sewing many sun hats for some clients while her boyfriend Luka was helping whichever way he could.
Marinette wiped the sweat off her forehead, frustrated that she was given projects to work on the first day of the vacation but determined to finish the projects anyway.
Marinette smiled as her blue-haired boyfriend gave her some ice tea and a towel like a guardian angel.
"Pace yourself Marinette, you can always finish this tomorrow," Luka said. "I am sure our friends will understand…."
Marinette went to work making giant butterfly hair clips. "Luka, the reason I suggested putting 'do not disturb' on the door and on our phones was that I knew our friends would bug us."
"I know they love us, but this is an important matter, and I need to be away from everything right now and give my 110%..."
Marinette stood up and gave Luka a quick kiss on the cheek before returning to super gluing model butterflies on hair clips. "Except for you, of course."  
Luka blushed.
"You have been amazing, absolute perfection, and I know I will finish these art projects by evening," Marinette said.
Luka smiled at her and sat on the bed, but Marinette took a moment to rub her stomach.
"Ok, I wish I was eating at the buffet with the others," Marinette grumbled.
Luka stood up. "I'll get you food, Marinette, and I will make sure to not catch anyone's attention."
Marinette smirked. "You would do that for me?"
Luka pulled his hood over his head. "You need food, or else you will faint. I'll get you whatever you want. Chinese food, pizza, sandwiches, anything!"
Before Luka got out the door, Marinette raised her hand.
"Wait! Take one of the wigs and one of the outfits before you go!" Marinette said.
Luka understood and took the long blonde wig and the purple tuxedo with sparkles on it. He figured none of his friends would recognize him in this attire.
Marinette took a moment to giggle before heading back to her work. "Perfect!"
Luka went into the bathroom, changed into the tuxedo, covered his blue hair with the blonde wig, and covered his blue eyes with black sunglasses.
Marinette had her eyes glued to her projects, but she heard her boyfriend's voice and was stunned to see he looked like a completely different person.
"Don't worry, Marinette, I'll bring back food as quickly as possible."
Back at the resort pool Luka and Marinette's friends sat at a table eating lunch and were totally bewildered as to why Marinette and Luka weren't present. But they still had fun and knew they shouldn't stop having fun regardless of some people who would rather spend all their time in hotel rooms/
Kim looked like he desperately wanted to say something, but he held his tongue.
Adrien and Kagami ate snow cones but glanced at Kim for a moment.
Max used his high IQ to try to read him.
"You ok, bro?" Nino asked.
"Oh yes! I am doing great at a resort!" Kim said as he brought his drink glass to his face.
Juleka sighed as she ate her food. "Let's just leave them be, you guys! It is the law of the 'do not disturb' sign. Besides, my brother is in love! Give him a break!"
"You use that excuse every time Jule," Alya said.
"Yeah, Luka and Marinette must be having some serious fun in that hotel room," Kim blurted out.
Such a remark lead to multiple spit takes from his friends.
"Kim, why?!" Max cried.
Alix, on the other hand, smirked at the thought as she continued eating her parfait nonchalantly. "I'm not surprised. Good on the adorable couple!
Rose, Max, Nino, and Alya all did a spit take at once, and Kagami gave Kim a disgusted look while Adrien was just speechless.
"Sorry!" Kim cried, gritting his teeth.
Kim then frantically got out of his chair. "Y'know, I am just gonna go for another swim!"
Kim ran for the pool, but Nino stood up.
"Yeah, I hope you enjoy a water fight, Kim!" Nino cried as he ran after him.
Max stood up, "Wait for me!" He cried as he followed the boys.
Alya got out of her seat. "Kim, you will regret saying that!" She cried as she ran after the boys and dived into the pool.
The friends that still sat at the table went back to eating their food in silence. But now, Juleka was starting to become curious about the whereabouts of her brother and his girlfriend.
"They have to come out any moment now," Rose said as she sipped what was left of her strawberry smoothie.
Juleka placed her elbow on the table and rested her face on her hand. "Maybe they ran off somewhere by now."
Adrien was busy shifting in his seat, and Kagami looked to see what her boyfriend was staring at.
"Hey, look at that guy! He's got a nice tuxedo," Adrien said.
It was a bit strange for them to see a guy with much longer luscious blonde hair than Adrien and wearing a purple tuxedo with sparkles at a resort. His eyes were covered in sunglasses, and he was carrying multiple take-out bags.
"Hey, brother!" Adrien cried as he waved his hand.
That man in the tuxedo seemed a bit startled as Adrien called to him. Luka was afraid that Adrien saw right through his over-the-top disguise.
"Great tuxedo, brother! And you gotta teach me how you get your hair so shiny!" Adrien said.
Luka merely waved back and then walked away to avoid further interrogation.
After that, all of Adrien's friends turned to him.
"What? I admire a guy who could make his hair look good at the pool," Adrien said.
Kagami grabbed her boyfriend's arm and rested her head on his shoulder. "You're fine, dear! That man's hair looked like a doll's hair."
Everyone managed to laugh a little except Juleka, who couldn't shake this feeling.
When the sun started to set, everyone was at their wit's end.
Alya was practically stomping to Luka and Marinette's room, and Kagami tried to calm her down, even if Kagami was a bit upset herself.
All of Marinette and Luka's friends stood in front of the door.
"So should we all knock," Alya asked.
Adrien and Nino were starting to regret being a part of this.
"Guys! The laws of the 'do not disturb' sign!" Nino cried.
"Yeah, maybe this is a bad idea," Adrien said sheepishly.
"But what if something bad happened?!" Alya cried, almost breaking the being quiet in the hallway rule.
Juleka bit her lip. "Maybe Alya is right.
Rose grabbed Juleka's arm. "Juleka, just because you watched a bunch of murder mysteries that happened in hotel rooms doesn't mean anything is wrong."
Regardless Juleka pulled a room key out of her bag. "I got an extra key."
Kim towered over everyone else. "Well, let's get Marinette and Luka out of there!"
Juleka walked in front of the door while everyone else waited in anticipation. She was starting to think maybe this wasn't such a good idea, but she was also paranoid that something terrible happened. So she quickly swiped the room key and gently pushed the door open to see a pile of Marinette-made crafts.
Juleka was the first to quietly step through the door, and then everyone heard what they thought was a moan.
"Now you did it, Juleka!" Max cried softly.
Guilt filled Juleka, but Alya walked in apologetically. Juleka tried to run after Alya as they passed the living area filled with hats and butterflies made by Marinette. 
Alya was about to peek through the sleeping area.
"Alya, no!" Juleka cried softly.
But Alya ignored Juleka and lingered in the doorway.
"Aww!" Alya cried.
Juleka froze for a moment before shamefully peaked through the doorway as well. Luka and Marinette slept soundly on the hotel bed. Nothing suggestive at all. They were just napping.
Juleka admitted this was cute, but she tried to tug Alya's arm so they could leave, shut the door, and prevent any drama.
But in their smiling sleeping states, Marinette and Luka were starting to open their eyes.
Juleka and Alya both gritted their teeth as Marinette screamed.
"What are you two doing here?!" Marinette cried.
Alya and Juleka shared in their humiliation.
Luka managed to calm everyone down and call everyone to the hotel room like a council meeting.
Marinette paced around the room, rubbing her temple, visibly annoyed.
"I just wanted to get my projects done today, so I can spend the rest of the vacation without stressing out!" Marinette cried.
All her friends were mortified. They were all visibly regretful but felt any apologies would be moot after getting on Marinette's bad side.
"We wouldn't have bothered you, Marinette!" Alya cried.
Marinette gave Alya a sour look. "I don't believe you, Alya! I would be distracted even by text messages!"
After moments of remorse, Kim threw his hands up. "Well, at least everything is alright! No murder and no…." Kim paused. "Fun stuff!"
Alix and Rose couldn't help but cover their laughs with their hands.
Marinette rubbed her forehead again and threw her hands up. "Well, I am done now! But I think I need to spend the rest of the night with Luka because he stayed here and helped me the entire time, and breaking the laws of the 'do not disturb' sign are not easily forgiven!"
Everyone gave soft agreements. Luka smiled and wrapped his arm around Marinette. "Let's go out to dinner," Luka said, and through Marinette's aggravation, she managed to smile.
Juleka walked up to the couple. "I'm really sorry, you two. I used the extra key Luka gave me. I was just worried!" She handed the card key back to Luka. Although he pushed the card key back to her.
"Keep it. I left it with you for a reason, Jule," Luka said.
Juleka still felt guilty about this whole thing and clenched the door key in her hand, almost attempting to crush it to get back in Marinette's good graces. But Marinette didn't argue with her boyfriend's decision and seemed to calm down after letting her feelings out. Juleka felt it would hopefully be water under the bridge by tomorrow.
Kagami and Adrien walked up next.
"Just so you know, I had no part in this tomfoolery, and I wish you and Luka a pleasant evening, Marinette. But I hope you two will at least join us for lunch tomorrow," Kagami said.
Marinette smiled. "I will." And Marinette and Kagami gave each other a quick hug.
Adrien placed his hand behind his neck. "I understand you two were busy, and it's great you got those projects done. You two certainly missed out on a lot of fun, though."
"Heck! I tried to befriend a guy with long blonde hair and a tuxedo. I wonder if he was a Vegas performer or something."
Luka blushed in embarrassment, and Marinette giggled. The blue-haired man had to explain to Adrien that it was all just a disguise so he could get take-out and avoid distraction.
Adrien ended up having a good laugh which caused their other friends who witnessed Luka's disguise to laugh as well. Kagami looked like her sides were hurting as she leaned to her boyfriend's side, and Adrien placed his hand on her shoulder to keep her stable.
"Looks like you found your next concert outfit, big brother!" Juleka teased.
Luka sighed.
Adrien took a moment to place his hand on Luka's shoulder and smile.
"Maybe you should try dyeing your hair blonde one day, Luka." Adrien winked at his best friend. "Then you'll really be my brother."
Marinette threw her arms up again. "Alright, everyone! I love you all! Even you, Alya! But everyone, get out of the hotel room and let me eat dinner with my boyfriend!"
Everyone mutually agreed and said their goodbyes.
Luka then took Marinette's hand and smiled down at her. "Alright, now the vacation can officially begin." Marinette smiled back at her amazing boyfriend.
When Marinette and Luka got back to their hotel room after dinner, Marinette let out some last vents while she took off her earrings and her coat.
"I swear, what did they think we were doing in the hotel room this entire time?!"
Luka didn't mind listening to his girlfriend vent. He laid on his side on the bed as she continued.
"I mean, we came here as a friend group! Of course, we wouldn't ignore everyone to spend all this time in a hotel room…."
Marinette paused for a moment and placed her fingers over her lips.
Luka smirked as a selfish part of him wanted a little fun in the hotel room. It was a long day, and he could use a recharge too. 
But this was a time for friends.
Luka got off the bed and placed his hands on Marinette's shoulders while bringing his lips to her ear.
"We can also plan another vacation in the future, just the two of us," he whispered.
Marinette blushed hard, and she could have sworn she almost bled from her nose at the thought.
"Well, um…" Marinette said.
"Hmm?" Luka said as he nuzzled her from behind.
"We told our friends this night was just for us," Marinette suggested as she gently pushed her index fingers together.
Luka lifted his head. "You mean…"
Marinette let go and headed for the bathroom. When she came out holding a bath bomb in hand, Luka smiled at her.
"I made this galaxy bath bomb, and I…." She paused, rolling the sparkling sapphire orb in her hands. "I would love to try it with you."
Marinette saw Luka's smile of approval, and she didn't waste time running back to the bathroom to run water in the tub. Humming one of Luka's romantic tunes.
Luka ran to the nightstand and quickly grabbed the "do not disturb" sign and excitedly placed it on the doorknob of their hotel room.
Thankfully none of their friends were asinine enough to disturb them that night.
Author’s Note: God...I was actually tempted to continue that. Marinette and Luka bathing in a tub of galaxy bath bomb...
But again I doubt I can write anything that intimate!
Anyways, I hope you lovebugs enjoyed this and...Jeez! We are approaching the last days of Lukanette June 2021 and I am getting really sad! :( This was my first theme month!
*sigh* Anyway, this is Emiko Gale and....Goodnight sleep tight! My beloved lovebugs!
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evermorehaikyuu · 3 years
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Brute Force Attack
In which Tsukishima Kei finds out the real danger lurking behind the screens.
Word Count: 1383 words
Taglist: @our-tall-slytherin-queen @gg9183 @airybby @wheeshllumi
Note: White Hats are hackers with good ethics. Black Hats are the complete opposite of that. Gray Hats remain neutral. I actually liked writing this one, it took me a while to do so, but I liked it.
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There was never a moment of sleep for him. Maybe he could've taken a break, it was just a hacking job after all. His own brother was caught, he'd be a fool if he let himself be next as well.
Tsukishima pressed a finger to his temple, a gentle sigh resting on his lips. His best friend was a sniper and someone he knew was a mechanic. Both of them worked for the same side.
What side?, he asked himself. There wasn't a side. He was a Gray Hat, only neutral, not joining anyone. He knew he had great potential as a hacker, working under a good influence or a bad one. This was too much to think about.
Standing up from his desk and unplugging all of the computers, he plucked a USB drive from nowhere and triple locked his door. He wasn't exactly paranoid but after what happened to his brother, he couldn't risk it. It felt like it was just yesterday that he recalled what had happened. 
Akiteru was smart, that much Tsukishima agreed with. But he had lied completely and said that he didn’t have any agents at his back, he was one of the best hackers in the industry. However, when Tsukishima was going to go back to his house, it became clear that Akiteru had tricked Tsukishima into thinking he was safe. 
It doesn’t matter anymore, he thought to himself as he walked along the shady streets heading to his favorite person’s place. He’d never openly admit it, but just from his actions it was clear how he felt towards her.
Y/N had been the person to get him out of his slump by force and taught him so much that he used in his everyday life, also helping him earn a job that he’d get paid for. With time, she was the one to help him move on from the feeling of betrayal he had gone through with his brother. It didn’t help either that every time he saw her, something inside of his chest twisted and his heart raced faster. 
Knocking on the door and waiting patiently, once he saw her through the crack of the door, he had to suppress a smile. 
Y/N, on the other hand, grinned widely as she opened the door fully. “Well, if it isn’t my favorite person in the world.”
“You say that to every person that brings you food, Y/N.” Tsukishima rolled his eyes as she laughed and followed her inside. 
“What brings you here, Tsukishima?”
“What, I can’t visit you?” He questioned, sitting down on one of her armchairs. “You make it seem like I always want something from you, maybe I just want your company.”
“Tsundere.” Y/N shook her head playfully and set a slice of strawberry shortcake and a water bottle in front of him. She started making herself busy in the kitchen and Tsukishima got a good glimpse of everything around him.
It wasn’t a clean room, it was the typical hacker’s room. Full of computers, wires, knick-knacks, heavy hardcover books the sizes of textbooks, a swivel chair in front of all of the screens, but there was one thing that did catch his eye from all of this. On one of the walls, there was a collage of black and white pictures, red string connecting them to a large map in the center and sheets of paper tacked to the wall. He didn’t think he should go and look at it, it’d be an invasion of privacy. Maybe she was becoming a Red Hat. She had taught him to be a Gray Hat, he didn’t expect her to stay in that position. She couldn’t be held down to one thing only. He took the water bottle in his hand, but didn’t open it.
Sitting in the chair across from him, she squinted at him and smiled. “You’re worried about something or someone. Let me take a lucky guess here and say you’re thinking about Akiteru.”
Damn it, he thought. Y/N was exceedingly good at reading emotions and it wasn’t like he wore his heart on his sleeve either. It was a miracle she hadn’t deduced his actual feelings towards her. “I don’t know how he was caught. He lied to me and said he wasn’t being traced but he was. He put himself in so much danger and didn’t say anything.” The object in his hand was dangerously closed to combusting from his grip.
Y/N placed her hand on his and plucked it out of his hold. “You know our job, Tsukishima. It doesn’t matter when or where or how, sometimes even the best people get caught.” Taking his hands in hers, she stared up at him with meaning behind her eyes. “Look at me.”
“I am.” Tsukishima insisted, but he could only look at her hands, his heart rate going faster than the adrenaline he always felt during a job. 
“Mm, no you’re not. Let me ask you this, why do you think the best people and the good people get caught? Because their morals make them choose incorrectly and they end up behind bars. How many Black Hats do you think have been caught in the past years? The ratio is immense.” 
Something was off. There was a shimmer in her eyes. Why was she talking about the Black Hats like they were her savior? They were Gray Hats, they were supposed to stay absolutely neutral. But Tsukishima knew that if he had to choose, he’d choose the White Hats for the sole fact that if he choose the Black Hats, he’d be going against what Akiteru worked for. 
The gleam in her eyes disappeared as quickly as it came, making him think he was imagining things. She pulled her hands away gently as she heard a timer go off in the kitchen. “We’re Gray Hats, yes. However...don’t you think it’s time to choose?” She left him alone in his thoughts as she entered the kitchen.
That was the statement that got to him. There was definitely something suspicious going on with her. Looking at the wall full of paper and back at the place where Y/N had entered, he had a choice. Either live not knowing or see what was behind her motives of her words. Obviously, he chose the latter.
However, as he studied everything, the sheets of paper were written in a language he didn’t recognize, yet the pictures gave him everything he needed to know. These were the cases he had studied with Y/N when she was his mentor in the field. They were cases caused by Black Hats. They studied all of these cases together and tried to solve them before moving on. It wasn’t him that chose to move on, it was her. 
Tsukishima couldn’t tear his eyes away from everything, all of the pieces finally coming together. That’s when he noticed something. He took a picture of Akiteru away from the wall and then saw a sticky note applied to it that said “concluded”. No. It couldn’t be possible, he was wrong, everything his rational mind was saying was incorrect. She couldn’t possibly have been working with the Black Hats and caused his brother to be sentenced. Not the girl he had fallen so hard for. Not the girl who had taught him everything. 
Not the girl that was there for him through it all.
“So your curiosity got the better of you, huh?” Y/N said, leaning against the kitchen doorframe with her arms crossed. 
He looked at her and squinted, not wanting to believe what his mind chanted as the truth. "You're one of them, aren't you?"
Y/N grinned at him, yet it wasn't the sweet smile he'd come to love. Malice resonated behind it, truly making him fear her for the first time in his life. "I'm not you. You only run away from both sides. I chose the side that will prevail. You have five minutes before they come for you too. Oh and tell Akiteru I said hello."
With those words, Tsukishima took off running, not daring to look behind from fear of only seeing dark pools of tar in her eyes.
Betrayal was a sweet and unexpected poison.
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seasonsofeverlark · 4 years
Curiosity Killed the Kat
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Author: @mellarkablegirl​
Prompt: Everlark going to a haunted house (or other haunted tour event, e.g., zombie paintball, haunted farm, etc) Everlark can be friends or together. One of them is scared, and the other is fearless. You choose which! The emergence of fluff and/or romance is a bonus! [submitted by @mandelion82​]
Rating: T
Author’s Note: This is part 1 of 3. The other two parts will be posted on my blog. Thank you!
“Ugh! Peeta Mellark is the biggest thorn in my side,” she all but yelled into the emptiness of her apartment.
Katniss Everdeen, or as the gossip rags liked to call her, Miss Uptight Restaurant Heiress, was a perfectionist. She ran a tight ship. The three restaurants she owned on the upper east side of Panem were her babies, and if there was one thing she hated more than mistakes, it was a wrench in her carefully calculated plans. The head chef of one of her most celebrated outlets was just that, a giant wrench in her plans. Not that she could blame him really, but where did he get off with his jovial, always ready for a laugh, all-around chaotic personality? She still remembered the day she was forced (yes forced, there was no way she did it willingly) to hire the culinary genius, as the restaurant world called him.
She’d been having the week from hell. No scratch that. The whole month was doomed. She just couldn’t manage to keep up with all three of her restaurants. The fourth one had been in the pipeline for a while, waiting to be scrapped. Her mother had called up again, from whatever part of the world she was currently holidaying in with her latest husband, only to berate her on her lack of social life (read significant other).
And to top it all off her next-door neighbor just wouldn’t stop playing Metallica at the loudest possible decibel at ungodly hours.
So yes, she was a mess when her uncle Mitch walked into her office on that fateful Thursday morning. The first thing out of his mouth was,“ Sweetheart, you need a break and a drink, or six.” But his usual smirk was replaced with a look of concern. “I spent the weekend going over your plans for the new bistro, but I’ll be honest with you Kit, it makes the most sense to leave it untouched for now and revisit it later.” He’d called her Kit, and that’s how she knew just how serious this was. “However,” he said, “I do think I’ve found a solution for your other problem and have managed to set up a meeting with him too.”
“Him? What are you going on about Mitch? I have no other problems, it’s just been a bad week. And I hope to god you haven’t gone and set me up with that nephew of Effie’s!” she all but yelled at him.
He let out a belly laugh, a real one this time. “Oh no, I’d never do such a thing. I was talking about how you’ve been feeling so overwhelmed lately. I think what you need is to delegate your work to more people, and I think I’ve found the perfect candidate to fit that role.” She raised her eyebrow for him to continue, not wanting to interrupt what he had to say. “Kit you can’t keep going around handling all aspects of all three restaurants. You already handle the finances, curating the menu, and the whole running of the places. And if I’m being honest with you the menu’s been looking dull for a bit.”
A brief flash of anger (or was that offense?), followed by hurt, spread across her face before she settled on a serenely calm façade. “So what is it that you’re suggesting Mitch?” she asked, fighting to keep her voice void of any emotion.
“Hire a new creative head. A head chef, if you may? Try and spice up the menu and add a little more life to this place. It’s starting to get a tad boring if I’m honest with you.”
“Hire?” she asked incredulously. Then she sighed. “Hm, Mitch, I don’t I have the finances to hire a big shot chef right now. We are struggling as it is.”
“Oh sweetheart, you just need to go see him once. I’m sure the financials will fall into place. He’s an all-around nice guy. I’m pretty sure he’ll be flexible for us.”
Great, nice guys were easy to handle, right? Wrong. Because, for as nice of a guy Peeta Mellark was, he pushed all of her last buttons.
Two hours later, she found herself standing in the mall district, searching and failing to find an appropriate meeting location anywhere on the entire street. The place was drowned in various fall and Halloween paraphernalia, although the weird mishmash seemed to bring a smile onto her face.
Katniss stuck out like a sore thumb standing in a blazer and dress pants with a few files under her arm. Why would anyone invite your prospective employer to the middle of a busy shopping area on Halloween?
Her internal musing (and admitted grumbling) was interrupted by a tap on her shoulder. She turned around to the most brilliant flash of white teeth, blue eyes, and floppy blonde curls. Who was this golden retriever?
“Peeta Mellark. Nice to meet you,” he said extending his arm to introduce himself.
Her eyes widened, and the look she saw on his face was a mix of extreme joy and mischief. She took his hand and shook it vigorously, avoiding making eye contact, because if she did, she was sure to burst out laughing. She took in his outfit, regarded his chef coat, and what she could only describe as a pair of bottoms from a Marvel-themed pajama set. Was this the man Haymitch thought would be the best creative head of her restaurants?
No thank you.
“So shall we?” he asked, motioning towards the mall entrance. Her face scrunched up in a look of confusion.
“You’ve invited me to a mall? For what could be a business meeting?” she asked.
“Oh, we’re not going to the mall. We’re going there,” and he pointed in the vague direction of the building attached to the mall. Her eyes almost bugged out of her head.
“The Horror House?” she coughed and sputtered. “I’m sorry, Mr. Mellark. I think that’s highly inappropriate for the meeting. This is not a date; this is essentially an interview. ”
“Oh, Miss Everdeen, I think the Horror House is the perfect place to showcase my skills. You could always eat the food I cook at one of the restaurants. I’m sure you’ve gone through my resume before you came here,” he said, ending it with an infuriating smirk.
Where did this man get off? She admitted he was beautiful in a boy-next-door kind of way. He seemed very very confident about himself (a tad too much), and really what did he think of himself and her? Was this some kind of elaborate joke Mitch was trying to pull on her? He kept saying she needed to lighten up.
He piped up as if reading her thoughts came second nature to Peeta Mellark. “I’m sure the respected Katniss Everdeen isn’t scared of haunted houses?” But she was.
Was he egging her on? Because now he’d gone too far to insinuate that she was afraid, and if there was one thing Katniss was, it was a hot-headed, stubborn woman.
She put on her bravest expression and turned to Peeta. “Alright, Mr. Mellark, I’m curious to see how exactly you turn this experience into a prospective employment opportunity for yourself, but let’s get some things straight. I’m not your friend. Do not egg me on about being scared, and if you aren’t able to convince me in eighteen minutes on just how much I need you, I will walk myself to the car, and that will be the end of this conversation. I hope we’re clear?”
“Crystal,” he said with a shit-eating grin on his face.
Oh, the man was already getting on her nerves. How was she supposed to work with him? Yet, to be honest, she had read his resume and was impressed enough to hire him on the spot. Hell, Mitch had threatened to use his veto as the financier behind her projects to hire him if she didn’t herself.
But curiosity killed the Kat.
And as absolutely unprofessional and infuriating as Peeta Mellark was, his chaotic attitude seemed to intrigue her. She was curious to see how he’d manage to turn a haunted house trip into a successful employment opportunity. What she did not expect, however, was having a full-blown panic attack five minutes into the ordeal.
She’d always hated graveyards and spooky places (haunted mansions and abandoned buildings), but her true trigger was collapsing walls. Ever since she’d lost her Pa at the age of thirteen from a building collapse, she was extremely paranoid about being stuck in similar situations. Although, the first five minutes of the ride were comparatively normal, the usual jump scares caused her to latch onto Peeta’s hand.
It was at the entrance to the second room when a simulation caused the walls to start collapsing on them. Some part of her brain told her it was mechanized. Still, fear gripped her like a vise and wouldn’t let go.
As her senses shut down, she had the distinct feeling of being lifted off the ground. Was it an actual building collapse? Would she die in there? Maybe she’d see Pa now.
Her therapy conditioned brain made her automatically start reciting her mantra. “I’m Katniss Everdeen. I’m 26 years old. I run three restaurants: Iris, Luna, and Hestia on the Upper east side. I love the feeling of freshly fallen snow and marshmallows in hot chocolate. My favorite color is green. My dog Willow is an adorable puppy. I am going to be okay. Everything is going to be okay. ”
She came to under the harsh fluorescent lights of the lobby. Comfortable earth engulfed her, and she felt someone rubbing her back as they muttered assurances in her ear. She lifted her head to look into the eyes of her tether, immediately getting lost in the bright pools of blue. The color was as clear as the sea off the Maldivian coast. He had tiny flecks of gold and green in them too.
She’d never seen a prettier pair of eyes before.
“Well thank you, Miss Everdeen,” came the deep reverberations of his voice, which she felt through her body. Then she realized she was cradled in his lap.
She leaped up like she’d been burned, a blush spreading across her face. The feel of his arm around her did things to her that she’d never expected. “I’m sorry, Mr. Mellark, I didn’t mean for that to happen.”
She blinked. “Excuse me?”
“I believe if we’re going to be working closely together over the next few years, it only seems right that we get comfortable addressing each other by our first names.”
“Well, in that case, Peeta,” she said, testing how it felt to say his name out loud. “It’s Katniss from today forward.” His smile could have lit up the entire dreary dark Horror House with its brightness. “I’ll see you on Monday at Hestia. We start team meetings at eleven in the morning,” she said in a way of farewell, before turning to walk towards her car parked on the curb.
As she threw a backward glance over her shoulder, she saw him standing where she left him, smiling even brighter than before if that was possible.
He was infuriating.
Infuriatingly adorable, and she was going to have a hard time maintaining a strictly professional relationship with him. Never had anyone been able to break down her walls quicker, and she was curious to see just how well they worked together. After all, curiosity killed the Kat, but she had a good feeling about this.
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Nov 16 Stream Timestamps
Timestamps from Technoblade’s “THE REVOLUTION (dream SMP)”
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Link to my youtube comment with all of the timestamps x
Timestamps with hyperlinks below
02:13  “This is a surprise tool which will help us later” / thumbnail isn’t foreshadowing / video thumbnails have to be big / stream thumbnails can be detailed 05:17  “The traitor is actually Jschlatt” / firework crafting 09:50  “The ratio is impeccable” 13:23  “Dream’s in the game! My audience retention rate” / vc with Tubbo & Quackity / traitor Jschlatt theory / “Are you high?” “A little” 14:47  “You’re a bit of a wildcard” “I am the most consistent character on the entire server” / “What’s this about getting into power” / “We’ll burn this bridge when we get to it” 15:54  “You really are such an English major” / “You’re an idiom” / malaphor / “I’m actually speaking twice as much English as you guys” 18:07  “I think Thunder is overcompensating in the chat” / “Where can you see me” “In my heart” (Karl & Quackity) / Karl not leaving vc 20:33  vc with Niki / “Did Tubbo just leave me? I spaced out for 2 seconds” / “You can’t call everyone the traitor” “I can & will” 22:45  “You know it’s an event when Skeppy’s here” / “You know it’s a big deal when Georgenotfound wakes up” / “Everyone leaves me” 23:31  explaining the traitor thing to Niki / “Maybe I’m a sleeper agent” / had to kill Tubbo 25:03  nothing happened with that creeper / Fundy interrogating Niki / “Why did I train her for MCC” 25:54  “Even YOU’RE leaving me” / sad music / “I’m sitting here with 203k viewers & it’s not enough for any of these streamers to bear talking to me for more than 60 seconds” / Skeppy joins vc to immediately leave 28:50  Karl has a gift for Techno / Karl is just here for the animatic 32:21  “At least the chat won’t leave me” / pays for his music 35:01  “I’m going to destroy the government so bad” / “I hate all of the farming updates on skyblock” 37:45  joining a vc / “I just got stood up in like 4...conversations in rapid succession” / “My new years resolution was to make friends & it’s november & I’ve made zero headway” / Eret switches sides 41:53  Ender chest setup / worried about hotbar management / potions > shields   43:13  vc with allies / “Karl you are literally the biggest third wheel I have ever seen” 45:03  angering the dogs / trident combo 47:13  “D!ck with one ball” (Tubbo) 50:25  “Let’s hope Wil overslept like [George]” 53:09  recruiting Eret / “If you fight on our side we’ll make you the King of Burger King” / “He’ll be an executive citizen” / “I’m surrounded by idiots” 54:58  putting Schlatt on the allies list / “Schlatt is an alcoholic high on protein power” (Fundy) 56:47  can’t trust Eret / “I hate it when you’re right” (Tubbo) / Wilbur joins vc 59:50  having a moment with Hubert / “Not even the mobs like me” / sad music / “I just gained 8k subscribers the sadness is gone” / cow pit exp farm 1:02:57  vc with Niki / “I’m going to join the other vc AHHHHH” 1:05:02  “Once everyone meets up...I have something prepared” / “Technoblade when are you not ready?” “When I joined the server” 1:09:38  “Who do you take me for? Of course I’ve read the Art of War. It’s written by Mozart” / battle planning 1:12:18  “This is the betrayal...happening very slowly” 1:13:35  Pan1 / “This revolution is so doomed” 1:15:29  Dream attack / Quackity dies 1:18:07  “Agree Retweet” / “Violence is the only universal language” / “i have a supply” / “Why do you talk in upwards inflections constantly?” 1:19:57  Techno not getting to talk / “He took it all by force didn’t he” / “Fear into Ear” 1:23:50  Techno telling everyone he has a stash twice / distributing blue / mushroom the fox 1:26:49  Tommy talking over Techno again / “Stop going off on your tangents” “We have food at home” 1:29:30  vault reveal / Tubbo stealing emeralds / secret chest 1:32:40  “Shut up bro you are green as shit” (Tommy) / “Everyone give me back my stuff you don’t deserve it” 1:34:41  no netherite swords / “Who’s the traitor” “Promise we won’t be mad” 1:36:31  battle / Technoblade trident maneuvering / giving rocket launchers to Tubbo & Tommy 1:40:27  killing Karl / Dream bringing out the end crystals / fighting invis Dream / purpled switches sides 1:43:57  Dream wants to talk / 309k / group photos 1:46:08  vc with Dream / “But only if my enemy insists” / in the van with Schlatt / “What are you doing in my drug van? It better not be drugs” / Tommy preparing to shoot Schlatt 1:54:42  “We won” / “We killed an old man with heart problems! It only took 20 of us!” / President Innit / subscribe to Technoblade sign 1:55:57  Dream & Techno talk in chat / Tommy speech / “It was meant to be” / “I don’t think anyone is bowing to Tommyinnit” / “Karl don’t be weird” / Skeppy has a disc 1:59:06  Techno being apprehensive on mute / Tommy makes Wilbur President / “I’ll be the president” “I’m gonna veto that” / “Techno...you’ve taught me that government is not the way to go” / Wilbur makes Tubbo president 2:03:20  “I’m not sure I like where this is going x2” / “I’m not sure this is a good ending” / “Team chaos” “Perhaps” 2:06:20  Techno shoots Tubbo / Philza joins / “You think Schlatt was the cause of your problems? No. It was government” / speech gets interrupted / “The government ends here, I’ll kill it myself!” 2:09:23  Phil kills Wilbur / techno yelling for silence / “Tommy you just did a coup...& instilled yourself as president” 2:12:11  “If you want to be a hero THAN DIE LIKE ONE” / wither spawning / killing his former allies 2:15:09  post fight talks / “There will be no new government today. It will be over my dead body” / “Techno was not the traitor” 2:18:50  “I need to increase the crater that is L’Manberg so that no country can rise in its place” / “Mom says it’s my turn on the flame bow” 2:23:51  “What I’m doing right now is small scale. This is the work of an individual. This is nothing compared to the cruelty governments all around the world [inflict]...systematically” / “Llamas are the primary victims of war” / “I just wanna be apart of the explosion” (George) 2:27:06  Techno joins vc / connor joins the server / “I hope you’re proud of yourself Techno” “I kinda am” / Jack Manifold (Thunder) being broke / netherite armor 2:32:30  “Beach episode” / Techno accidentally joins the L’Manberg vc 2:35:16  the base is compromised / “There’s no way Technoblade would put a clock there if it didn’t mean anything” / got robbed 2:37:37  “If you’re going to ask me how I got all these emerald & arrows that’s a story for another day” / explaining the bedrock / “I can give everyone stuff & it’ll be such a flex” 2:40:24  Greek mythology 2:41:45  The Golden Apple / “They didn’t use discord back then they used skype, so can’t invite Eris” / “Zeus the god of feminism” 2:46:02  Eret recruiting Techno to kill George / joining vc / “Let’s stop him before he gets land” / Awesamdude proposing a fight 2:49:08  “No one can kill me I’m invincible” (logs out) / Dream literally names the turtle potions Sam thinks he hasn’t heard of / “I’m at soup” / “It’s not smack talk he just has that many items” 2:53:06  “Stab him Dream, I’ll shout encouraging words” / Techno fighting Bad & Ant 2:56:23  Dream wins / “I think there was this Dream guy attacking you with some sort of weapon” 3:00:11  turtle potions / Dream hyping up Techno about fighting BBH / Badlands negotiating with George 3:04:34  vc with Philza 3:07:00  spider farm afk’ing / lagging Quackity’s computer 3:09:06  smp earth / Phil only logged on to back Techno up 3:10:32  killing George / “I’m gonna drop his armor off don’t jump me” / not fighting Dream 3:13:00  vc with Karl & Phil / Karl definitely not starting a government / “Chat that was the boring part, don’t leave” / 320k / “Why do we keep scheduling these on Monday?” 3:16:18  “I don’t even want to think about how famous Tommy will be in the future” / “I get a tad bitter” / covid is good for youtubers but obviously bad / “I’m so good at socially distancing” 3:19:51  “Aren’t you tired of being nice Philza? Don’t you just wanna go crazy” / “You should be wary of the old in a profession where people die young” / vc with Eret 3:21:47  “What if you built a slightly larger throne next to it?” /  “How are they paranoid of a mole but the guy with a track record of being a traitor gets no questions asked” 3:25:47  “I’m gonna place a block at the bottom & kill you instantly” / reverse mlg /  emerald rich even with Tubbo’s theft 3:27:57  “I’ll allow it” / upstairs chests robbed / Eret disconnects with the book 3:32:04  armor sabotage bc he thought it’d be 1v5 / crystals are mutually assured destruction / Wilbur afraid of tnt getting blown up early 3:34:11  the diary was actually Eret’s / “He’s gonna tell everyone who I have a crush on. Nooo” / reading the 100 page book / “Can I not win here?” “No” 3:40:14  “This stream has released more serotonin in my brain than the last 6 months combined” / revolution was overcrowded / could improve the crater 2:43:09  “Awkward ten minute period where I’m just sitting there watching them set up a new government but I can’t kill them yet” / Carl is missing 3:44:34  “The one time Technoblade is gonna roleplay & they talk over him” / “CARL” / “As long as Sapnap isn’t the one that took him there’ll still be hope” 3:46:10  “Once you start using end crystals it’s the only pvp that matters & end crystal pvp is so lame” / Webtoons 3:49:10  “What’s going to happen to you & WIlbur now?” “I don’t know, I think I’m chill with Wilbur” / “The only thing that changed is my voice. Zero personal growth” / lines from the first speech that got interrupted / “King George is trending booo” 3:52:00  1 million twitter followers / “O god it’s been four hours...I am not built for this” / did a 13 hour stream once / sub growth goals 3:56:30  “What the heck is Phil watching”
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loveisnotadagger · 3 years
Love Is Healing - Chapter Six
Chapter 6/?
Rating T
Arianna's life went on undisturbed by the fact that Loki was in it. She still took trips to hospitals to heal the wounded, and she didn't hate the fact that she was living in the same building as Natasha. Tash was her best friend, but they didn't usually get to spend a lot of time together because they weren't usually called on the same missions. The Manhattan fiasco had been an exception. They usually weren't called to do anything so large scale as that had been.
Aside from Natasha, the other Avengers were good company as well. Steve kept to himself mostly, but he was nice and polite when he did talk with Arianna. He sometimes treated her like a kid, but she chalked that up to the time jump he'd had to deal with after being frozen for seventy years. Bruce spent most of his time with Tony in the lab in the basement. Natasha and Clint spent their time together with Arianna unless she was with Loki, though they remained nearby when Arianna was with the Asgardian.
On this particular morning Arianna was in the kitchen making herself some toast and a fruit salad to go with it. She was making enough fruit salad for everyone, actually. She'd been the first one up and had made a pot of coffee. The aroma had pulled Tash out of bed as well as Steve. Arianna almost grinned at the mess that was Tash's red hair. She hadn't even taken the time to brush it.
Steve's hair wasn't in place either, but it didn't matter. It was so unfair that people with short hair looked okay even if their hair was a mess.
"Jarvis, can you tell Tony and Bruce that there's coffee if they want some?"
"Yes, Miss Grace."
Arianna smiled, remembering the first time Tony had spoken to Jarvis in front of her. She hadn't known what to think when Jarvis had responded. She'd basically praised Tony's genius after he'd explained what Jarvis was exactly.
Over the few weeks that she had been there, Tony had taken to treating Arianna as if she were a kid sister, which basically meant that he teased her constantly but was also protective. In fact, he was protective to the point of being almost paranoid. It didn't really bother Arianna at all, so she let him get away with it. If knowing she was safe gave Tony Stark a small amount of security in his mind, she would allow him to do what he deemed necessary.
"Is Clint still asleep, Jarvis?"
"He hasn't left his room, Miss Grace."
"Okay. Thank you."
"You know he likes to sleep in when he can," Natasha said.
Once the fruit salad was prepared Arianna took some of it and her toast to the living room where she sat on the couch and began to eat. After she was done, she took a medium sized bowl of fruit to Loki's room. He had yet to come out and socialize with the others, though he did leave the room at night when most of the others were sleeping.
He barely talked to anyone who wasn't Arianna. She didn't know what to make of that, but it probably had something to do with the fact that Loki seemed not to trust anyone else but her – if trust was the right word for what he felt for her.
She knew that he at least enjoyed her company. ----------
Loki was reading when Arianna brought him his breakfast. The Man of Iron had bought him a set of books that would help Loki learn more about Earth. He had to admit that Midgardians were adept enough, considering they didn't know magic existed. From how many wars he'd already read about, it was probably a good things humans couldn't do what Loki could – or what he'd been able to do before he'd been made mortal.
It seemed Midgardian leaders would fight over anything. It reminded him of the time Thor had raced off to Jotunheim to declare war on them. It would've caused war against all of Asgard had Thor's antics worked. Loki had played his own part in getting Thor to go, but he had hoped he'd be able to talk his way out of a fight. Thor had been impulsive then and quick to anger, quick to fight, and words were said that Thor had reacted badly to. That was when the battle had begun.
He looked up from his book when Arianna came in. She gave him a small smile and came over to the bed to sit on the edge. She offered him a bowl of fruit, which he accepted and began to pick at. Some of the fruit he recognized because they were also grown in Asgard, but others he had to ask about as he came across them.
For instance, he had no clue what a banana was.
"We're going to have to get you acquainted with the kitchen so you can learn to make what you want and not just what I make."
"I like the food you make."
Arianna never made any complicated meals, but they always satisfied. Besides, as a prince, Loki had no knowledge of cooking.
"Be that as it may, you still need to know. And it's okay to come out of your room when the others are awake. It isn't meant to be a prison cell."
"I'm under constant watch," he reminder her. "And I am still not at my best."
"Well, no one's going to attack you," she said gently. Then with humor, she said, "I think everyone is afraid of what your mother would do if something were to happen to you here."
Loki shook his head. "It would depend on whose fault it was."
Arianna stayed long enough to let Loki finish eating and then she immediately stood up. Before leaving she said, "In all seriousness, you should come out. We could watch a movie or something."
Loki had read about movies – moving pictures – but hadn't yet watched one. Maybe he could try just once. If he didn't like it, he would just say so and he wouldn't have to watch another one.
Loki carefully got off the bed and went to his closet to pick an outfit. Arianna had ordered him clothes the first day he'd agreed to stay with the Avengers. He had to admit that Midgardian attire was easier to get into, but it left Loki feeling vulnerable and exposed. How did Midgardians feel safe without armor on at all times? On Asgard, the only time Loki's armor came off was at night when he was sleeping or when he was bathing and, even then, he took precautions to ensure his safety.
He decided on a dark blue sweater and a pair of black jeans, which he had to admit he looked good in. He went without shoes and found the sensation not unpleasant. He'd seen Arianna go around barefoot at all times of the day; many times she had visited fully clothed aside from her lack of shoes.
She'd definitely made herself home in Stark's Tower. ---------- Arianna had just put a movie in the DVD player when Loki came into what would be the living room in a normal home. The room had since been fixed from when it had been destroyed by the war that had been brought to Manhattan.
Tony had taught her how to use the TV because he had a remote that controlled all the electronics in the room – even the lights. Arianna didn't know why Tony couldn't have just invested in some light switches. When she'd voiced her opinion, he'd given her a sarcastic grin and had called her cute.
"You said I could join you," Loki said as he appeared out of the hallway.
She nodded, not surprised by his sudden appearance as she could feel his presence when he was close by. Side effect of being connected to him for so long even though it had been almost a month now.
The movie she'd chosen was the first Harry Potter movie. She'd chosen it in the hopes of Loki coming out of his room to watch it with her. She hoped he'd like it because of the magic in it, even if it wasn't the type of magic he was used to.
"The type you're accustomed to then?" Loki assumed when she tried to describe the movie without giving too much away. It was about a boy who found out he was a wizard and was allowed to go to a school for magic.
"I can do some of the things in the movie."
"So you can make things float?" Tony asked, suddenly appearing in the room. Bruce was with him. They had just come from the lab.
"Depends on what I'm trying to make float. And I've never actually done it, but theoretically, I know how."
Arianna wasn't surprised that Tony had known what she and Loki had been talking about. There were cameras everywhere in Stark Tower and Tony could pull up the video feed from pretty much anywhere.
"Would you mind testing that theory while you're living here?" Tony asked. "I just wanna know why you can do what you can do."
Arianna knew Tony was coming from a place of genuine curiosity and that he didn't want to use her for anything. She also knew he was asking her respectfully. If she'd been anyone else, he probably would've mentioned that he was letting her live there for free while also having her every need met with his money, but he hadn't said a word.
"I don't mind furthering your research," she said. "Better you than Fury and the science team at SHIELD."
"And Banner? He'll want to take your pulse and check brains waves and such."
Bruce looked uncomfortable for a slight moment. He'd obviously known nothing about Tony's request until just now. It was kind of cute and ironic that the guy that could turn into the Hulk was so bashful when he wasn't green and smashing things.
"It's fine," Arianna said. "I have a few conditions, though, because I've heard about how excited you get when you start a new project. You act like a kind with a new toy."
Tony looked as if he agreed with that statement, so Arianna felt confident enough to continue.
"I am not a toy and I'm not a machine. I have limits, so . . . I guess these are my conditions. One, I want to know what we do before we do it, and two, no pushing if I say no."
Tony agreed almost immediately and then said, "What exactly do you think I want to force you into? I gave up my dreams of world domination years ago."
Arianna rolled her eyes at Tony's joke and responded with, "Just covering my bases." ---------- After Arianna and Tony came to an agreement, which didn't take too long. Arianna was finally able to play the movie. Natasha watched the movie with them, even though Arianna knew Natasha wasn't much into movies – especially ones like Harry Potter. She didn't know why Natasha was being so protective when Loki really wasn't a threat at the moment. If he'd had his powers, Arianna would've completely understood, but as it was . . . even Arianna could beat Loki, and she couldn't fight to save her life.
By the time the movie ended, Arianna had decided to get Loki the Harry Potter series for him to read. She knew he liked to read because he had responded well to the encyclopedias she'd gotten him already – or that Tony had gotten him, at her suggestion.
After having been inside Loki's head, she'd found out more than he'd probably be comfortable with, but she couldn't help that. It had helped her decide how to approach Loki. Helping him understand the world he now lived in would make him feel less helpless.
He could learn their culture and try to fit in if he so desired. She could introduce him to other movies, her favorite ones and ones she thought he would like. She could bring him music, see if he liked it. She didn't even know if Asgard had music, but she knew music helped her relax. It could settle her when she felt anxious or it could help her have fun if she felt like dancing around. She'd even hopped around to Tony's music a few times when she'd stumbled upon him jamming out.
That night before Arianna went to bed, Natasha stopped her and asked to come into her room.
"Sure, Tash. What's up?"
"What about him?"
The two women sat down on the bed and Arianna gave Natasha her undivided attention.
"Loki is better now, right?" the red head asked. "I mean, there's nothing more you can do for him. He has to build up strength himself."
"Yeah. I mean, I could share energy with him, but there's no need. He's awake and able to eat and drink. It would sort of be a waste of time."
Natasha smiled slightly. "Yes. It would be."
"What's this about?"
If Natasha was taking the time to have this conversation, it meant she had something to say. Tash wasn't one for idle chitchat.
"Aries, you are good. Loki is not. He killed eighty people in two days. He didn't blink; he didn't flinch. That's not counting the people that were hurt during the battle."
"You mean the battle where the people we worked for were going to bomb the city? That would've killed a lot more than eighty people. And correct me if I'm wrong, but weren't those eighty people that died the ones that were buried beneath the rubble that Fury himself decided to bring down?"
"To try and keep Loki from getting away."
"I know that. The point I'm trying to make is that we're responsible for some of the blood that was spilled."
Natasha didn't say anything to that, but she looked as if she'd had the same thoughts go through her head at least once.
"Besides, it's not like I like him or anything."
She didn't trust many people enough to get close to them and Loki was no different. Arianna had known Natasha for a long time. It had taken Arianna two years to get close enough to consider her a friend and not just a co-worker.
"All I'm saying is . . . don't coddle him. He's not a pet."
"I'm not coddling him."
"You bought him books. You're watching movies with him."
"I didn't buy him anything. Tony did. Besides, Fury said I needed to help Loki acclimate to life here. He needs to know things about this world."
Natasha sighed and her body deflated from losing its purpose for being in the room.
"All I'm saying is be careful, okay? I've been alone with him. He can get in your head."
Arianna smiled. She knew her friend was coming from a place of love and that Natasha was only looking out for her.
"Tash, I think you're forgetting the fact that I can get inside his head too." ---------- Over the next few days, Arianna and Loki spent time going over things he would need for everyday life
He had learned about the shower within the first few days he'd been strong enough to stand on his own. Loki preferred baths, and until arriving on Midgard he'd never taken a shower. No such thing existed on Asgard. Loki had always had servants to draw his bath for him. On Midgard there was plumbing and they had knobs that controlled the temperature of the water.
It was practical and convenient. It beat having to boil water to pour into a tub and then having to wait so one wouldn't scorch oneself.
Loki had also been introduced to an invisible person named Jarvis – or at least he'd assumed the voice had belonged to a person until Arianna had explained what exactly Jarvis was. It was brilliant. Loki didn't like the fact that Tony Stark could pull up an image or video from anywhere in the Tower, but he did appreciate the genius behind it.
This particular day, Arianna was showing Loki around the kitchen. Mostly she was just letting him know where everything was, so if he needed something, he would know where it was located. That was easy enough to remember.
On Asgard there wasn't anything remotely like an oven, a microwave, or a refrigerator, but they were all brilliant inventions. Loki was used to a pit of fire for cooking – not that he knew how to cook, but he knew what was needed – so the oven was a nice touch. One was able to control the heat by setting the degree one needed for a specific dish.
The refrigerator was practical and kept things from spoiling when left over. Asgard should invest in such things in the future.
He wasn't sure about the microwave. It was brilliant, of course, but it didn't seem healthy. He didn't understand how it worked, so he didn't trust it.
As it was, Arianna had shown him how to use the toaster and they were both slathering butter and jam over the toasted bread.
"Is there anything you want to do today?" Arianna asked. "Maybe watch another movie or something. I have to go down to the lab, but I can set you up before I go. I can show you how to use the DVD player and the TV. Or I can show you how to use the computer."
Loki didn't really want to do any of those things. He didn't mind movies or TV, though he thought people needed to be careful in choosing what to watch. Some of the things he'd seen could only be called moronic and probably lowered the intelligence level of the people who regularly watched them.
He didn't mind reading, but it seemed to him that the only thing he'd been doing was reading.
"Do you mind if I come with you? I'm interested in what Midgardians consider science. Maybe you could teach me the computer later."
Arianna smiled softly. Loki's gaze fixed on her face when he noticed that when she was genuinely happy her green eyes would dance with light.
He didn't know why she was still being so nice to him. He'd heard her arguing with her red-headed friend. He knew Agent Romanoff didn't agree with Arianna treating him as kindly as she was, but Arianna hadn't changed despite knowing how her friend felt.
Loki didn't know what he would've done had Arianna begun to show hatred or indifference towards him. She was the only thing making his stay on Midgard bearable. He didn't really miss Asgard, but it was his home; it was what was familiar to him. His mother was there, and he did miss her.
Arianna was what was familiar here. She was what he clung to so that he would not be completely alone.
"I'll teach you the computer. Will you teach me about you and your people? I mean, you're from a different realm."
Loki could see the obvious curiosity Arianna was expressing. She was sincerely interested in learning for the sake of learning.
"How about you let me come with you and I'll tell you more about Asgard."
"I don't mind you coming with me. You probably should explore the building a bit. Although the lab is usually off limits when Tony is working."
Loki did want to explore, but he wasn't up to his usual strength yet. He didn't know what his usual strength was anymore. He would no longer have the strength of a god. He would have only human strength. He wasn't sure what that meant. He knew he would probably be one of the weakest ones there.
The patriotic one had the power of science making him strong; Dr. Banner became a green beast when angry enough; Agent Barton was an excellent archer and a fair fighter; Agent Romanoff knew how to fight and could probably wield any weapon one put in her hands; Stark had his suit of metal that he could call on in an instant; Arianna had her powers even if she didn't know how to use them to her advantage.
Loki could fight, but he'd always had his strength and magic to rely on. He'd told Arianna once that he'd preferred magic to fighting, and he hadn't been lying. Most of the men on Asgard were big and burly like Thor. They had their build to work with, whereas Loki was tall and lean.
He was brought back to himself by hearing the cling of dishes being put in the sink. Arianna was done with her breakfast and she was waiting for him now.
Without a thought, he took a large bite of his toast. It wasn't polite to keep a lady waiting. ---------- The first thing Tony did when Arianna and Loki got to the lab was attach her to a heart monitor. He was also going to scan her brain waves so he could record activity while she did whatever it was she could do.
Tony explained what everything was before getting started. That had been one of the conditions of their arrangement, and he didn't mind upholding his end.
The first thing he said was, "Why's Reindeer Games here?"
Arianna mock-glared at him. "He wanted to come see the lab, and that's not his name."
"Right. Loki. My bad."
Loki didn't seem offended in the least. Tony was sure Loki didn't care what anyone thought of him, let alone what Tony thought. In fact, Loki seemed uninterested in anyone that wasn't Arianna Grace.
"I am here to speak with you, Man of Iron," Loki said. "If you had directed your question to me, I would have more than happily answered."
Tony was shocked, to say the least. Loki had barely spoken to anyone aside from Arianna, and now he was requesting a conversation with Tony.
"It can wait until you are through with this . . . session of experimentation."
"Research," Tony corrected. "Not experimentation."
None of it would be documented. Tony was just curious. Plus he didn't want to risk SHIELD hacking into his database and stealing information on their littlest Avenger. He wouldn't endanger her that way.
The elevator doors opened to reveal Dr. Branner, who was in a lab coat. He stepped forward and quietly greeted everyone, even Loki.
"Is it all right if Bruce takes a blood sample?"
"Sure, but I can already tell you I'm A positive."
"That's good to know if you're ever bleeding to death," Tony quipped. "That's not why I want a sample, though."
Tony gestured for Bruce to begin. All in all, Arianna was only in the lab for about thirty minutes. Tony was only testing her normal responses at the moment. He wanted to know what her heart rate and brain activity were when she was relaxed. Only then could he compare it to results he hoped to get at a later date.
"You're all set," he said.
"That's it?" Arianna asked, a cute and confused look on her face.
"Yup. We can do other tests later."
She hopped off the hospital bed she'd been sitting on, looked at Loki, and raised her eyebrows a bit.
"You don't have to wait for me," Loki said. "I'll find my own way back."
She nodded and sent them all a quick smile before heading to the elevator. Tony found the bond between Loki and Arianna interesting – troubling, but interesting nonetheless. Arianna hadn't given voice to her question, but Loki had understood her facial expression. He'd known her a few short weeks and whether Arianna would admit it or not, she'd formed an attachment to the former god of mischief.
Tony didn't know what that meant.
"I mean her no harm," Loki said. Apparently Loki was just good at reading people.
"Good. Because if you hurt her, the kid gloves will come off and you'll be given to Fury so fast you won't know what hit you. And you're not immortal anymore."
Loki nodded soberly. "That's why I wished to speak to you."
Tony looked at Bruce, who was pointedly pretending to study a drop of Arianna's blood that he'd placed on a slide and onto the plate holder of a microscope.
"Go on," Tony said.
"I am mortal now. I don't know what that entails. I don't understand myself in this form."
Loki stepped forward.
"I'd like to learn. I'll need your help. I need to know my strengths and weaknesses, my limitations." A small grin graced Loki's lips. "Research, Mr. Stark."
Because Tony Stark was ever the curious genius-playboy-philanthropist, he gave in.
@smallangryandpink, @purplekitten30
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hains-mae · 4 years
Flowers - Pt. 2
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5 (end)
(Damian x Reader) Soulmate AU
Rating: T
Ages: Damian and you are 16, everyone’s ages follow after.
Summary: Soulmate AU where the wounds on your soulmate turns into a flower tattoo on your skin, if it heals with no scars the tattoo goes away, if it heals with a scar then the tattoo stays. You know who your soulmate is. It’s Robin. The vigilante. The crime-fighter and protector of Gotham who runs along side the Dark Knight himself – Batman. And you’re still you. This couldn’t possibly work, could it?
Notes: I did not expect my last fic to gain as much popularity as it had, and I am so thankful. @grincheveryday said there had to be a part 2, and although I wasn’t planning on it – I relented. And now here we are, with part 2.
Anyway, thank you again so much for the lovely comments. I hope you guys enjoy it.
Disclaimer: I do not own DC. If I did, I wouldn’t make it as confusing as it is now.
Metropolis. The convention was to be held in Metropolis. The city of Superman! I was more than excited when the school informed us, and it turned out that Lex Corp. was sponsoring our transport and accommodations.
Gotham Academy instructed us to pack a week’s worth. The actual event was going to run for a total of one week. 3 days to try and impress during the showcase. After that they scheduled a meeting for students and companies who were interested in internships and mentoring, which would last another 2 days. On the last day Wayne Ent. promised a gala to finish off with a bang.
“Oh, my baby is growing up.” Mom said as she helped me pack.
“It’ll only be a week, mom. You’re not getting rid of me that easy.” I laughed.
It was a decent trip going to the big city of Metropolis. What I noticed first were the clean streets and bright colours. The sun was actually out of the clouds (something that only happened a handful of times during the year back at Gotham). There was a lot of excited chatter on the bus as soon as we entered.
“Alright children, you know the rules. Keep close and stay in sight.” Our science professor spoke up over the murmurs.
“Ah, Gotham Academy I’m presuming!” A boisterous voice caught our attention and successfully made us all quiet.
It was Mr. Lex Luthor.
“Mr. Luthor, it’s an honour. May I just say on behalf of our school we’d like to thank you for the generous hospitality.”
“The honour is mine.” He replied to our guide and professor as he shook her hand. “With such young and brilliant minds, how can I refuse?”
It felt surreal to be there. To be meeting with one of the most famous inventors and businessmen on the planet. I thought about pinching myself but if this was a dream, I didn’t want it to end.
We were ushered into the building that we were going to be staying at for the next week. It looked amazing on the inside just as it did on the outside. The receptionist smiled warmly at us when we entered. As the adults talked about where to place us, my schoolmates and I were left in a waiting area with large, soft sofas. I sighed in delight thinking this day couldn’t get any better.
The briefing was short, and we were sent to our rooms to freshen up before dinner. If I thought the lounge was awesome, the bedrooms were 5 times more. The walls were cream in colour, and the furniture’s light tan tint complimented the aesthetic. Two queen sized beds since were to stay in pairs. Bright yellow flowers on beautifully painted vases stood on each of our bedside tables.
I took the bed closest to the window, and placed my bags on the floor. My roommate didn’t mind as she unzipped her suitcase and began to make herself at home. As we shuffled around placing our belongings in their respective areas, I couldn’t help but wonder if Robin would be here. It was a million to one chance since many schools from Gotham were involved, but still, I hoped.
You don’t even who he is, or even how he looks like under that mask — my inner muse said pointedly. I sighed, knowing it was right.
That evening I opted to go to the dining hall a little earlier than expected. I didn’t have any friends around, since it was limited to one student per section. So I found myself alone sitting on a table with my name printed all fancy on a card. I sighed, pulling out my phone and going over the slides of my presentation for the invention.
“Good evening.” A presence alerted me and I fumbled as my phone slipped from my hands.
They caught it in one swoop.
I looked up and found myself face to face with a pair of clear forest green eyes.
“Apologies, I didn’t mean to startle you. My name is Damian Wayne.” His tone was clipped as he handed me my phone, like he wanted to be anywhere else but here.
I swallowed thickly, I’m sure I looked flustered, he seemed like he was in a bad mood. Quickly clearing my throat I took my phone from him and introduced myself as quickly as I could.
“Pleasure to make your acquaintance.” He said stiffly and sat down beside me.
There must’ve been a mistake on the placement of the name cards. Usually they would assign our seats in accordance to our sections. Mine should be at the last... and oh my god his name is next to mine?!  How did I not notice this???
“The - the pleasure is mine.” I said nervously and tucked my phone back in my pocket.
I may not be part of any of his (or his brothers’) fan club, but I wasn’t living under a rock. Damian Wayne. Son of Bruce Wayne; the one who organised this entire endeavour. The son of a multi-billionaire business man. The prince of Gotham! What in the world was he doing here — next to me?!
There was a painfully thick awkward silence between us, or maybe it's just me — I bit my lip and looked everywhere else in the room but the boy who was sitting beside me.
Taking deep breaths to calm myself down, I noticed a pleasant aroma in the air. I must’ve missed it after our surprising introductions, but his perfume smelled good. It wasn’t a scent I would normally smell nowadays, but I immediately recognised it.
“Arabian oud.” I said out loud. Unintentionally mind you, to which I mentally facepalmed.
I quickly covered my mouth and apologised. Great, now he’ll think you’re a creep, way to go.
“Yeah.” Damian cocked a brow at me and narrowed his eyes. “It is, not many people know.”
“My dad. He liked those kinds of scents. Came a cross it one time during a case he was working on. I guess it grew on me too.”
Talking about my dad to a complete stranger, it was nerve wrecking but at the same time the memory calmed me, and the scent dancing between us only lulled me further into memory lane.
“It sticks better than regular perfume.” He said nonchalantly.
I had to giggle at that. “Well you get what you pay for.” He scoffed, and I reminded myself that this guy was probably rolling in money every day.
There was silence again, but this time a little less awkward. I still hoped everyone would be here soon though.
My wish was granted. Not five minutes later, the room started to get filled. Everyone took their respective places and made quick chatter. Damian and I stayed quiet though. Perhaps his friends weren’t able to come either, well we had that in common.
Damian was introduced to us before the waiters served our food. Apparently he wasn’t part of the convention but because Wayne Ent. was the one sponsoring, Mr. Wayne deemed it necessary for him to make an appearance.
I sighed to myself and looked around, this really was nothing like I expected it to be.
Dinner was delicious. Everyone was happily stuffed and ready for bed. Everyone but me. I couldn’t relax after sitting next to Damian the whole night. I felt his stares multiple times but every time I try to catch him I fail.
As soon as we were done an old man wearing formal attire came to pick him up. Didn’t know where to, but I heard “father” and “penthouse”. Rich kids...
Maybe it was just me who was getting a little paranoid. Maybe it was because of all the rumours I heard of how fan clubs treat other girls who even dared to talk to him other than a polite hi or wave. I shuddered at the thought. Our professor was droning on about the rules (again) and the importance of the buddy system. I briefly wondered if I could sneak out for a small walk around the block or something to release some energy.
And that was exactly where I found myself later that evening. I managed to pass the receptionist and walk a couple of minutes around the area. Not too far, the hotel was still in view. There were people around minding their own business, which was new for me since around this time in Gotham, everyone would be at home. The crisp air felt good, and I was finally able to relax. It was too stuffy being next to him. His smell, it reminded me too much of dad. The memory made a lump form in my throat.
I looked up at the starless sky and blinked back tears. Mom said he’d be proud, I wanted to believe it was true.
“Aw little girl. Why so upset?”
I whirled around and saw a man all dressed in baggy black clothes inch closer at me. “How about you come with me and I can make you feel all better.”
I took a step back as my heart started to race. This was probably not the best idea, even though this was Superman’s City, it didn’t mean crime didn’t exist.
A heavy hand gripped tightly at my shoulder and I realised with utter dread that I was surrounded. Only one way to run and it was through the alley. Every instinct in me shouted that it would be a really bad idea, first off I didn’t know the place, and if I just ran I could very well get lost.
But the grip on my shoulder was worse than anything I could’ve imagined at the moment.
“You’re a pretty little thing aren’t ya.” Another man came in and slid his hands across my cheek before covering my mouth.
His breath smelled of alcohol and smoke. It made me gag.
“I’ve got some great ideas on what I can do with you.” He snickered and dropped his other hand lower onto my chest. I gasped in fear.
No, this isn’t happening.
They pushed me further into the alley, away from prying eyes, and into to the shadows. The man started to grope my waist and hips.
This isn’t happening!
I wanted to fight back, wanted to bite his hand and shout, but my body was frozen. I was in shock. My inner voice was yelling at me to do something, to do anything! But fear clasped me tight and hard.
Then he forced his dirt calloused hand under my shirt and touched my breast.
That snapped me out of it.
With a sense of need to survive I dug my elbow into the man who was holding me and shoved the one in front with as much force as I could muster, exactly how dad taught me. They grunted in pain, and their hold on me lifted. I bolted down the dimly lit passage as soon as I was free.
But they didn’t stop. They called after me, swearing and cursing slurs as they ran. Their footsteps echoed along the tight alley. How many of them were there? 4?
They chanted along what they were planning on doing with me once they catch me. It was horrible. My throat tightening in disgust. I couldn’t even begin to comprehend how their minds worked. The tears were beginning to fall as every turn I took only lead deeper into the maze.
I kept running, taking quick sharp turns in the hopes to loose them. I refused to go like this. But my heart plummeted as soon as I faced a dead end.
They were all laughing at my demise, taking their time to get to me so the fear really soaked in. They strolled and taunted. Taking out their ropes and knives from their coat pockets.
“This was a really stupid idea...” I whimpered to myself, wiping my wet cheeks furiously as I did.
“No shit.” I instantly recognised the voice. “We really need to stop meeting like this.”
A figure dropped in front of me, clad in familiar colours. I felt my knees go weak and a new wave of tears started to fall. I sobbed in relief.
Robin pulled out his katana and growled at the men.
“Do not touch her.” He spat at them.
“Robin? But isn’t he supposed to be with the Bat?” One of them questioned, but he was outright ignored.
Their leader, the one who groped me, laughed. A loud barking sort of laughter.
“Don’t touch her?” He mimicked. “But I already have. Must say, she’s quite soft.” He leered at me, I could feel him undressing me with his eyes and I instantly clutched my jacket tighter.
“Bastard!” Robin shouted and threw himself into battle.
They didn’t look worried though.
“You’re just a boy!” They yelled at him as they aimed to kill.
It didn’t phase him as he attacked with the same precision as he did before. Their bullets were evaded with his quick movements. I protected my head with my arms and dashed behind a corner full of crates.
“Excuse me.”
I turned to the person next to me.
He offered a smile, and I noticed his feet weren’t touching the ground. He was hovering over the air.
“Quit stalling Superboy!” Robin grunted. “Take her someplace safe!”
“You heard him.” He told me, and carried me bridal style before flying away.
I clutched on to him as the ground became further and further away.
“Wait — what about Robin?” My voice sounded weak but I didn’t want to just leave him behind.
Superboy looked at me and grinned. “He’ll be okay.”
He set me down on the roof of a building just above the fight.
“Can you wait here a moment? We’ll be right back.”
He looked a few years older, dressed in his father’s colors and symbol proudly plastered on the middle of his chest.
I managed a small nod before he zipped back down and joined the fight. With a bit more courage I peered down and watched as they bravely fought the men. Superboy withheld from using his lasers too much, I suppose since they were in such an enclosed space. Robin on the other hand looked like he was putting everything he had out there.
It ended quite fast, with the men tied up in a rope. Robin seemed to be talking to Superboy, the metahuman nodded once and pointed up where I was standing. I quickly looked away and walked back.
A grappling hook shot up before hooking itself to the side of the building. Robin swung forward and landed gracefully in front of me. He looked angry.
I tried not to look at him straight in the eye, hoping to make myself smaller.
“Did they hurt you?” He asked, his voice filled with concern but still laced with a little venom.
I bit my bottom lip to keep it from quivering, I felt so ashamed, and so used. I felt dirty.
“He touched me...” I chocked out, trying to keep the tears at bay and failing.
Robin clenched his fists.
“What were you doing outside at this hour?”
“I - I just wanted to take a walk. I didn’t - it wasn’t -“ I was shaking. All I wanted to do was go back home and hide under my covers.
He sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. I heard him walk up to me and hold my chin, turning it towards him as he wiped the tears.
“Stop crying.” He said. “You’re safe now.”
Not being able to help it, I threw my arms around him and hugged him tight. I wasn’t an overly physical type of person but I needed something solid, something safe, to clutch on to after what just happened. I wished my mom was here, but then I also didn’t since all this would do would only worry her more. I dreaded the fact that I needed to tell her what happened. But for now I just breathed in and out, trying to calm myself. Robins arms slowly encircled me, and he patted my shoulder awkwardly.
Wait — this smell…
Arabian oud.
I tensed, and pushed back. Robin looked a little confused at the suddenly change but loosened the hug.
My heart started to race as I looked up at his face. No way, there has to be hundreds with the same perfume, right? I couldn’t, or rather didn’t want to believe it. Was it really him under this mask? I wish I could give myself an answer but I was terrified of what I would find if I looked. I was both mad yet relieved that I didn’t look too closely at his face during dinner or else it might be too easy to pick apart his features. The mask only hid so much. I must’ve been eyeing him for too long because Robin gave me a questioning look.
“I -“ I quickly put a slight distance between us and cleared my throat, hoping the heat on my cheeks would cool down, and my head to stop spinning. “Sorry, and thank you! I... probably should get back.” I finished lamely.
The time it took us to get from where we were to the hotel was filled with silence. I made sure not to make eye contact for too long and when I had to I made sure to ignore everything else. I still wasn’t sure if I wanted to piece the puzzle together... It felt risky. I thanked him again, and asked him to thank Superboy.
Sneaking back into my room was a lot more difficult that sneaking out. Thankfully my roommate and I had separate keys so going in was a breeze. She was already asleep when I got there much to my relief. I headed straight to the shower, eager to scrub off the mans filthy hold on me. I grimaced as I caught my reflection in the mirror, my skin was bright red from all the scrubbing and my eyes were puffy. I sniffed and looked away.
I didn’t sleep that night, not well anyway, but that was to be expected.
... to be continued ...
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badfey · 4 years
is there anything u wish u had known pre-top surgery? I’m trying to schedule mine next yr and I’m worried I rushed into picking my surgeon even tho I looked at a Lot. I’ve got a list of questions to ask but curious if there’s anything you can think of! Thanks, if u get a chance to reply 🥺
firstly congrats and good luck with your top surgery, i hope the wait goes quickly!!
There were a lot of things i wasn’t expecting about top surgery - not necessarily that i wish i’d known in advance, just that i didn’t anticipate. I wrote a document of them not long after surgery which ill post soon and link back to here :) right now ill go through the main stuff i wish i had known, and any questions i had (under a cut because it got long)
Stuff I Wish I’d Known
Some of this depends on how your surgeon does things. I had 6 days before my post-op appointment w chest reveal. 
That first week is tough. Ymmv, but for me it was really hard. I knew that post-op depression was a thing, i didn’t realise what it would feel like. For me it was a lot of being tired and not being able to sleep because of not being able to get comfortable (having to sleep elevated for a few days & pain), so getting more tired and bored but too fatigued to do anything in that classic frustrating cycle. Once i slept decently for the first time i felt human again (nytol is a lifesaver). It’s also tough bc ur sweaty n uncomfortable and u haven’t showered or taken off the post-op binder for a week, and with the dressings and swelling it doesn’t feel like its really happened yet? After chest reveal thats a lot easier
Sometimes moving around you’ll feel something like pull or pop and you get so so paranoid about pulling a stitch i seriously thought id pulled a stitch but its usually like the dressings adhesion or something, you don’t need to freak out. My best friend here was this uk trans fb group because i could search and find years of posts with ppl having the same problems, or ask and ppl would give advice and calm me down, so it’s good to join a community like that ready for if you inevitably get stressed about something (also good for post-op boredom)
You cant use your arms to move. Sounds obvious but like i never realised how much i reflexively rely on using arms to move sitting positions on a bed, and how you need to pay attention to override that impulse. 
Peeing after anesthetic is weirdly hard. It really helps if you practise consciously releasing the specific muscles to pee beforehand 
I was so hungry. I got fed sure (great food too) but i wish i had taken snacks. 
Questions to ask
Im gonna list some stuff that you may already know/have on your list but it might help fill any gaps :) 
When are your post-ops? Are they included in the surgery price? Mine were at 6 days (chest reveal) and 8 weeks (normally 6 weeks but my surgeon was on holiday lol) and both included in the price of surgery (which is standard for here i think). Its good to have rough timeframes in advance so you can plan around it.
Ask about revisions - are they included in the price, what is the timeframe you can get revisions for, how you would start the revision process if you need it? Hopefully you won’t need it but its important to know just in case & so you don’t need to worry about it. I think my surgeon got a bit touchy when I brought up revisions but i was just clear that if I’m getting this surgery and paying a lot of money for it i need to know this stuff in advance which as a professional he should be fine with.
Can you have a say in scar shape and/or nipple size? Usually you can, and this is often at the pre-op when they draw all over your chest before surgery. Don’t feel like you can't weigh in - this is your chest. Also even at consultation they might be able to give you an idea of what your scar/s will look like. 
If you’re getting nipple grafts, ask about their graft success rate!! I was super stressed about my nipples falling off, but my surgeon said that even though stats say about 10% of nipple grafts r unsuccessful, in practise he sees a much smaller percentage than that, and even ones that do reject often grow back (lmk if u wanna know more what i mean) or can just be easily touched up with tattooing. Also if theres anything they recommend for graft success.
Does your surgeon recommend using arnica? Arnica is a homeopathic remedy for bruising, swelling, and wound healing. There’s differing views on whether it actually works, but in my case i took arnica tablets 1 week before and 2 weeks post-op and i think it really helped. They also tasted nice. Some people use arnica gel to aid healing once you can start massaging. 
Where will you be for overnight recovery? Will you be on a ward or in a room? Do you have access to a TV? Do you have access to a plug socket or charging point? Do you get wifi? Chances are you’ll be bored at some point over the time you’re in there, especially if you struggle sleeping. It’s good to know whats available in advance so you can come with things to keep you entertained. 
Does your surgeon use drains? You probably already know/have an idea of this bc its something a lot of ppl consider when choosing surgeons, buts its good to know if you don’t. Also, it can change - I chose my surgeon partially because he only uses overnight drains so you don’t have to deal with them in recovery. When i was there i found out he has stopped using drains altogether for smaller guys so i never actually had them (pleasant surprise). 
Does your surgeon want you to wear a post-op binder? Do they supply the binder? Post-op binders r a good idea they stop swelling soo much, so even if your surgeon doesn’t recommend it i’d definitely ask if it’d be safe for you to wear one. You can't wear regular binders. If you’re sourcing your own, again trans groups r great bc they can give local recs and lots of people sell/pass on their old ones. I am happy to give anyone recs, but they’re all uk based. 
How will you communicate with nurses post-op? Most people don’t live too near their top surgeon, so you’ll probably check-up remotely. I just sent nurses emails of my nips and incisions and anything i was worried about the healing of and they’d let me know if it looked okay. 
If you have any conditions/disabilities/illnesses, ask if they’ve ever operated on someone with them/similar before. I have fibro + hypermobility and tbh it was reassuring to hear him talk about experiences other patients with chronic pain had had before and how they coped.
Okay sorry that was really long, but its pretty much everything i could think of question wise! I hope it helps! Let me know if there’s any other questions you have at all :)
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