#i actually wanted to draw dragon wings on her too but completely forgot
gremnda · 20 days
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[is incredibly late to the party] Pirates, you say?
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barbarab1707-blog · 3 years
About Dany the Dragon, chains, and how Jon sealed his fate at the Dragonpit meeting
Daenerys is a dragon. I think no one can argue with that. She calls herself the Mother of Dragons, people call her the Dragon Queen. 
She also sees herself as a dragon, as per this:
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And this:
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Olenna even tells her: “You’re a dragon, be a dragon” which is also the “counsel” Missandei gives her before her death, “Dracarys” (=be a dragon).
And at the end the showrunners show us this:
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Dany has finally completely embraced her inner dragon.
How does this tie in with the Dragonpit meeting? Well, this scene is full of foreshadowing of what is bound to happen in season 08, especially regarding Dany the Dragon and Jon’s fate.
Before the dragonpit meeting, we have this piece of dialogue: “Dragons don’t understand the difference between what’s theirs and what isn’t. Land, livestock, children. Letting them roam free around the city was a problem.”
So, dragons don’t make the distinction between what’s theirs and what isn’t. Dany being a dragon, she is the same. 
Which is shown by this (land):
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Dany not making the difference between which lands belong to her or not, could be further illustrated when Dany tells Jon this in s08: “what happens when they demand you press your claim and take what’s MINE.” She considers the 7 Kingdoms to be hers, when they are, by right, Jon’s.
This (livestock):
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And this (children):
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The second part of the sentence about letting dragons roam free is more important though. The Dragonpit was built in order to contain the dragons and control the damage they could do. 
In Dany’s case, what prevents her doing too great a damage, what controls her inner dragon and prevents it to “roam free” are her counsellors. They are her Dragonpit if one could say. Jorah, Barristan, Tyrion, all helped at one point or another to stop her unleashing her inner dragon, which manifests as anger. They also all failed at one point or another.
From the beginning of season 04, Dany herself started slowly slowly fearing her inner dragon, her own power and anger, which coincided with the moment where she started fearing her children’s power and wildness. This culminated with her locking and chaining Rhaegal and Viseryon in s04e10 and thus, trying to repress her nature.
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However, trying to repress her nature didn’t seem to work all that well for her.
Besides, while his brothers were in chains, Drogon was still “roaming free”, which could mean that, as much as Dany tried to repress her impulsive and prone to anger nature, she still couldn’t fight it completely. Something that is confirmed when she feeds Meereenese nobles to the still chained Rhaegal and Viseryon mid-season 05, after Barristan’s death which angered her. 
Moreover, at that point of time, she doesn’t have anyone to keep her in check anymore, as Jorah is in exile, and Barristan is dead. Instead, she has Daario and Missandei encouraging her to embrace her inner dragon. Dany starts reconciling with it when she escapes the fighting pits on Drogon’s back. She is free again to be who she is. She embraces again her inner dragon when she burns the khals and takes over the khalasar (something that isn’t hers to begin with but feels entitled to have).
She wants to go full on dragon when she makes that speech to Tyrion when she returns to Meereen:”I will crucify the masters, I will set their fleets afire, kill every last one of their soldiers and return their cities to the dirt. That, is my plan.” Tyrion, who has taken Jorah’s and Barristan’s vacant positions, manages however to temper her first impulse. 
But, it’s interesting to note that he was the one to set Rhaegal and Viseryon free from their chains which was 2 episodes prior to her unleashing her anger on the khals.
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Tyrion freeing them from their chains is interesting on a symbolic level and as foreshadowing as well, as in season 07, Tyrion’s bad decision making is what provokes Dany’s anger more and more, progressively awakening her inner dragon.
That’s when another comes in to help keep it in check once again: Jon.
From mid-season 07 until the end of s08e04, Jon is the one to act as Dany’s chains/Dragonpit.
However, s05 Dany, Jorah, Barristan, Tyrion, Varys and Jon all forgot something important:
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You are damn right, Jorah. No one can tame Dany’s inner dragon, not even herself. (Sorry about the typo in the picture, I got it elsewhere, I’m too lazy to make my own).
And they forgot this:
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Interesting we got reminded of that at the Dragonpit meeting. I think we heard that one before, didn’t we?
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Hey, look! Drogon is in chains…Kraznys is at the other end of the chains, thinking he is in charge. But Dany is actually the one holding the whip in that scene. She is the master, the one with power. And hey, Kraznys even calls Drogon “a beast”. Doesn’t that remind us of something?
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I’m not saying Jon is Kraznys, I’m just pointing the fact they both see dragons as beasts and both think dragons can be controlled, bound to their will, or in other words, chained to them. In Kraznys’ case, it was an actual dragon, in Jon’s case, it was Dany. Kraznys fell into Dany’s trap, failed in controlling Drogon and Dany unleashed her anger on Astapor. 
In s07e06, we also have this:
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Another dragon in chains! I’m starting to think now that this ridiculous scene had a symbolic purpose. The only one who could actually bind a dragon to his will is the Night King. And it makes sense, doesn’t it? After all, Dany bound her dragons to herself with blood magic and the NK bound Viseryon to himself with his magic. Only Dany’s Ice counterpart to her Fire could do it. No one else.
Let’s have a look at another moment at the Dragonpit. This is what Jon told Cersei when he refused her conditions:
“I am true to my word, or I try to be. That is why I cannot give you what you ask. I cannot serve two queens. And I have already pledged myself to Daenerys of House Targaryen.”
And this was his speech when Tyrion told him he should have lied: “I’m not gonna swear an oath I can’t uphold. Talk about my father if you want, tell me that’s the attitude that got him killed, but when enough people make false promises, words stop meaning anything. Then there are no more answers, only better and better lies, and lies won’t help us in this fight.”
What does that have to do with anything? will you ask in a Sansa fashion. Well, the interesting thing about Jon’s speech on promises and lies is the chain on the floor while he does it.
The chain looks like this after Jon kills the wight:
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Then, just before he starts his speech about oaths, promises and lies, it looks like this:
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The chain has been rearranged on the floor by the staff, as we can see that on the second picture it is further away from the wight’s remains than on the first picture. Also, its spiral shape looks better. It is supposed to mean something.
Jon steps inside the spiral shaped chain right before his speech about promises and lies. The photo below is taken after he’s finished though:
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What does it mean then?
The first meaning I spoke about was the obvious one, Jon is still chained/tied to his mission, as the wight’s remains at the end of the chain show us. Which leads him to:
Fall into a trap he creates for himself. 
When he “bent the knee, but” on the boat, he lied to Daenerys, or, as Tyrion put it so well in s07e03 (when he convinces Dany to let Jon mine the dragonglass), he gave her “something by giving her nothing”. However, at the Dragonpit, Cersei puts him on the spot, and he has to cover up for his previous lie and assure Dany of his loyalty to her. By pledging himself and the North to her in front of everyone, he is swearing an oath he cannot back out of. Even less after talking about upholding oaths and words meaning nothing when false promises are made. Those very words chain him to his public pledge to Dany. That’s what the chains are showing us, Jon, in season 08, feels he has no choice but to be true to his word, it is a matter of honour. This, in turn, leads him to:
engage himself in a spiral of lies and events (spiral shape) he won’t be able to get out of (chains). The only thing that finally frees him of this spiralling is her death.
He thought he could bind her to his will, control her. Instead, he got himself in chains, like the shot below shows:
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Jon is inside the spiral while Dany stands at the other end of the chain. Dany, like in the scene with Kraznys, is actually the master, the one in charge. Jon, through his decision to pledge himself to her, has made himself her prisoner. We can say that from the moment he stepped foot on Dragonstone until the moment he killed her, he never ceased being her prisoner. Sansa was right, by going to Dragonstone, Jon walked into a trap. Not only the one he created for himself at the Dragonpit, but also the one Tyrion had set up for him when he invited him to Dragonstone without mentioning he had to bend the knee. 
Anyway, he walked into a trap, then failed in controlling Dany’s inner dragon, and she unleashed her anger on King’s Landing. Just like in the scene with Kraznys really.  It’s worth pointing that Dany is standing in KL (a city she will destroy) when she repeats the same words she told Kraznys in Astapor (a city she destroyed). She freed the people of Astapor, and later on, she “freed” the people of KL (albeit in a tiny bit extreme way). It looks like a kind of echo to me.
For those who would like to say that Jon becomes the dragon in chains, I will say no no no. Jon’s personality has nothing to do with Targaryen mentality, he is a Stark through and through!
Well… except maybe for… falling for his sister? Alright, alright, maybe he is the chained dragon here, but just a little bit, okay? Let’s say he is a winged wolf in chains, yes?
Seriously though, I wonder if, by showing us the two scenes displaying chains in season 07, they weren’t trying to draw a parallel between Viseryon the dragon being bound to the Night King’s will (Ice), and Jon the dragon being bound to Dany’s will (Fire). Without Viseryon nor Jon having a real choice in it either. 
One other thing that I feel foreshadows Jon’s fate in season 08. Before the Dragonpit meeting, Tyrion says: “but in the beginning, when it was home to Balerion the Dread, it must have been the most dangerous place in the world”. Jon in season 08, acts as Dany’s illusory dragonpit/chains, he prevents her from doing damage as best as he can. But she sees him as a threat and he is afraid of her which is understandable, as being too close to a locked and/or chained dragon is still a dangerous position to be in:
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It’s interesting to see that the Dragonpit, which is the place where Jon sealed his fate, is a ruin. Jon, who is Dany’s last metaphorical Dragonpit, ends up broken. A dangerous position to be in indeed. 
Am I going too far here?
To conclude this thing, I’d like to mention another scene in that same episode that foreshadows as well Jon’s fate as a prisoner of Dany’s. It is the one with Theon. 
Theon mentions his time as a prisoner of Ramsay’s and how Yara, his sister, was the only one to try and save him. In season 08, Sansa is the only one who tries, in a desperate move, to save Jon, by telling Tyrion his secret. Most importantly, she goes to KL with an army to try and free him at the very end, while he is still a prisoner (but of Grey Worm’s now. Geeez, poor Jon…). The parallel can even go on, as Yara failed in freeing Theon and bringing him back home, and Sansa, although she manages to free Jon, fails in bringing him back home too. Jon is a broken man, Theon was a broken man. In season 08, Theon chooses love for the Starks and Sansa over duty to Yara, his Queen. Jon at the end chooses love for Sansa over duty to Daenerys, his Queen. 
Anyway, those were my latest messy ramblings and that’s all for now.
Thanks for reading!
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paintedkinzy-88 · 3 years
I just wanted to say hello and congratulate you on your new work! And I adored your comic sm!! >////< it could make me addicted !! djdjs
While reading the second chapter of Tipping the Scales, I couldn't help but feel a flash of nostalgia because dragons is something that I relate a lot to my childhood. I even ended up making a list hahaha.
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I was wondering if you have a favorite dragon too ...
greetings > w <
Thank you very much ;-;
…Oh you have opened a can of wORMS MY DUDE. Excuse me as I use this opportunity to doodle dragos and rant about how much I fuckin love them ahhhhh—
First off, How To Train Your Dragon. Not only the movie, the damn books are what started my obsession back in elementary school. I could go on and on about by favorite dragon breeds from that, but that’s a long ass list and no one cares so I’ll stick with the main bbs. (〜 ̄▽ ̄)〜
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He’s actually about the same size as her, but dammit do I love making him tiny fbjsfbns
Fuckin Pokemon omg so many dragos to pick from. But gotta admit, I agree. Charizard is so one of my favs.
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Got into a series called Wings of Fire a while ago as well. Never finished it, not even close (I will one day it’s too good to just drop), but hmmmm Glory, Tsunami, and Starflight, my absolute babies. How I love thee ;-;
Someone actually pointed out that Ink’s design resembled the Rainwings from that series and I… did not mean to do that istg. Completely forgot they spat acid and changed colors. Idk if that was a coincidence or my love for Glory shining through, but I have no complaints. XD
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I’m sure I got size comparisons wrong here but I don’t care—
Some honorable mentions:
Anne Stoke Dragons (I have so much of her work, and her art is such a huge inspiration to me. Has been for years and years)
Smaug (he was literally the only reason I watched those movies. Couldn’t tell you anything about the Hobbit or LOTR except that there was a dragon XD)
Game of Thrones bois (same as above ngl, except I never actually watched the show….)
Gringott’s Dragon (Harry Potter was other movie series I hardly paid attention to until there was dragons… starting to notice a trend here)
Peril (also from Wings of Fire, I just don’t know all that much about her yet—)
You got me so excited from a single ask. I legitimately dropped all my art plans tonight (er, yesterday, it’s far past midnight fbsjnd) cuz I’ve been overrun with nostalgia and a need to draw them fbjsnfjsn tHANK YOUUU AND GOOD NIGHT.
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edettethegreat · 3 years
Review of Romeo X Juliet (the anime adaption of Romeo and Juliet, VERY loosely based off of the original play)
Well I think it’s gonna be kinda long, so I’m gonna put a cut right here.
What it got right/ what was in there that was in the actual play:
Romeo and Juliet are from two opposing families (Montague and Capulet). They fall in love with each other. There are some other characters who also exist.  
What was in there that was NOT in the actual play:
Literally everything and anything else. This is not an exaggeration in the least bit. Juliet grows wings at some point. And maybe turns into an actual tree.
So. What’s Romeo X Juliet about?
The basic Premise:
Montague (not the whole family- just Romeo’s father) is the main antagonist. He kills out the entire Capulet family when Juliet is a child, but somehow Juliet is rescued. Juliet spends the next like 13-14 year of her life pretending to be a boy by the name of Odin to hide from Montague, and also does vigilante work, because life isn’t so good under Montague’s rule. Oh yeah, Montague’s like. The king or something. 
There are also characters from other Shakespeare plays there. And Shakespeare himself is a character. 
The Characters:
Characters who aren’t from Romeo and Juliet (but are from other Shakespeare plays):
Shakespeare himself- he’s literally just Shakespeare himself. Just chilling, watching the whole plot go down. 
Emilia- an actress in Shakespeare’s acting troupe
Regan- a servant girl working for Shakespeare’s mother’S family.
Cordelia- I think she’s like. A servant to the Capulet family? Who got away with Juliet when Montague killed them off? Anyway she’s Plot relevant. She marries Benvolio.
Ophelia- oh boy. Where do I even start. OK you know what? I’ll get to this when I get up to Escalus. Just. Scroll to where I talk about Escalus.
Petruchio- he’s pretty irrelevant- he only exists for one episode, and then he dies a tragic death
Hermione- the girl Romeo’s engaged to. 
Characters that are actually from Romeo and Juliet: 
(In the order of easiest to explain to hardest to explain)
Juliet- Ok. She’s the main character. She does vigilante work until she can’t anymore. 
Romeo- literally just Romeo. Exactly what you’d expect from Romeo. He doesn’t do anything mind blowing. I mean, he does try to kill Montague, but everyone tries to kill Montague because he’s basically a dictator.
Lady Montague- I think she went off to become a nun or something, because she didn’t like that her husband was basically a dictator who goes around murdering people. She’s nice. I liked her.
Benvolio- not the brightest guy. Really. He and his family gets exiled because his father disagreed with something Montague said. Ends up marrying Cordelia.
Mercutio- one of the antagonists, but literally the worst one. He decides to betray Romeo and join Team Antagonists because I think he wanted power or something? It wasn’t entirely clear. He then betrays his father to Montague, and Montague kills his father. Then Montague tells him that he’s totally better than Romeo and he could totally replace him as Montague’s son. So you’re probably thinking “hey that sounds a lot like that one part of Edmund’s arc”- BUT IT’S NOT- Mercutio is about 0% dedicated to any of this and is a huge coward. Then he tries to kill Romeo. That doesn’t work out. Then he kills Montague and goes mad. I don’t know why he does any of this. I don’t think he himself knows why he does any of this. Also he’s *really* annoying. (Literally just go watch it- you’ll see- he’s *so* annoying.)
Montague- OK SO. This fellow here has actually a tragic backstory that motivates his evilness. Listen to this wild ride of of a story: So. Capulet (not Juliet’s father- her grandfather or great grandfather or someone else related but not her father) had a affair with some lower class lady, and MONTAGUE WAS THE RESULT. YES. THAT’S RIGHT. I HAVE ANOTHER TRAGIC SAD LITERAL AND FIGURATIVE BASTARD TO ADD TO MY COLLECTION. Anyway. Montague just wanted to kill out the whole Capulet family as revenge. Sounds fair enough. So he gets adopted or something by the Montague family, kills out the people ahead of his until he’s the heir (I think?), and then goes on a killing spree with the Capulet family. Then he becomes. Like. An evil dictator. That lowers his coolness by a large percentage. He was pretty neat before, but I’m not so pro-evil dictators. 
Tybalt- HOLD ON. IF YOU THOUGHT MONTAGUE’S STORY WAS COMPLETELY UNNECESSARY BUT GREAT NONETHELESS, THEN BEHOLD THE STORY HERE.  Ok so. He’s introduced when he suddenly appears out of nowhere being super mysterious. Juliet was doing some vigilante work, and it looked like she was about to get caught, and he swoops in and saves the day. And Juliet’s all like “who on earth are you?” And he basically says “the name’s Tybalt- I’m loyal to the Capulet family- that’s all you gotta know”. (He might also tell her that he’s her cousin- idk). Anyway. He spends most of the time being mysterious and kinda emo, and hating Montague. Until his tragic backstory is revealed. BASICALLY. You know how I mentioned Montague was climbing the rankings in the Montague family? So at that time, the Montagues and Capulets weren’t really enemies or anything. So they hung out. And while climbing the ranks, he ended up courting a Capulet- Juliet’s mom’s sister. THAT’S RIGHT. TYBALT IS THE SON OF MONTAGUE AND A CAPULET. ANOTHER BOTH LITERAL AND FIGURATIVE BASTARD. I HAD NO IDEA THERE WOULD BE ONE, LET ALONE TWO. YOU ALL KNOW THAT’S MY FAVORITE TYPE OF CHARACTER. 
Me, when the Montague and Tybalt reveals happened:
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And onto the absolute craziest change made to any character ever-
Escalus- He’s. He’s a tree. A physical tree. I’m not even kidding. I wish I was. He’s a physical magical tree, that magically sustains the world. Ophelia (remeber I said I’ll explain her when I explain Escalus?) is the magical guardian of this magical tree. The tree is sustained by the women of the Capulet family occasionally sacrificing themselves to merge with the tree or something? Towards the end of the show the world starts literally collapsing around everyone, and Ophelia is like “hey Juliet the only way to save the world is for you to sacrifice yourself and come merge with the tree. If not the everyone will literally die.”
And Juliet’s like “yeah sounds fair”. But Romeo’s like “NO! I love you! You will not merge with a tree!” 
And Ophelia’s like “um. Literally everyone will die if she doesn’t.” And Romeo’s like “But at least we’ll die together!!”. So Ophelia and Romeo fight each other and they both kill each other. Then Juliet’s like “welp since romeo’s already dead, i may as well die too.” And (I think??) merges with the tree? Also she grows wings. Anyway. That’s that. That’s the show. Thank you for coming to my ted talk.
OTHER THINGS- Mainly about Tybalt because I love him (more specifically- I love emo vigilante Tybalt, but the play version of angry rich boy Tybalt)
-When Romeo finds out that Tybalt is kinda his brother, he’s like “oh cool! You’re my brother now!” And Tybalt is like “huh. Yeah, I guess you’re right”- and from there onward they are 100% committed to being brothers. 
-There’s this one scene where Tybalt, Romeo, and Juliet all simultaneously decide “yup Im gonna go kill Motague. I have the biggest right to kill him. He’s for me to kill”. So Tybalt gets there first and is like “PLOT TWIST I’M YOUR SON!” And draws his sword. Then Romeo enters and is like “YOUR REIGN OF TYRANNY IS OVER!” And draws his sword. And then Juliet comes in and is like “I AM JULIET OF THE HOUSE OF CAPULET!”. And then Juliet decides not to kill him, because Mercy (TM). And then Mercutio comes in and stabs him, because (here’s a bit of the plot I forgot to mention) Montague sent him to hold off the rebellion (The Capulet’s team+ most of the citizens), and Mercutio epically failed. So he was like “the citizens will kill me if I go to them. And Montague will kill me if I go to him. Welp. I guess I have to kill him.” Then Mercutio goes mad. Because why not.
-Benvolio and Mercutio have literally nothing to do with each other. I don’t think they ever even speak. What 
-everyone rides around on these dragons with wings called Dragon Steeds.
-Also instead of it taking place in Verona, it takes place in Neo-Verona. A floating city miles above ground. 
-I think that’s it
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thormanick · 4 years
RWBYxThe Dragon Prince Crossover!!! Part 7 (Scroll down for the designs pls, I had a very long intro)
So how should I start this one
Imagine wii music playing in the background. You did? Good, we'll need it. For this part.
*Clears throat* So once upon a time last year - (checks the calendar) no maybe winter 2020 - I started and finished the drawing of Qrow. It was an interesting design, considering I had some concerns about making him realistically a half-sunfire half-skywing elf while I really wanted him to be just skywing one (but it's not possible, bc he and Raven are siblings and bc Raven is sunfire bc Yang is sunfire bc-). HoWEveR I came up with possible reasonable solution to the problem which will be explained later. SO I made him a half-sunfire half-skywing elf, finished the design and then checked in with the plan on his design I made earlier and-
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Well let's just say I completely forgot that he was supposed to have WiNGs which made me really angry at myself, like cAN YOU FOR ONCE REFER TO YOUR OWN NOTES WHILE WORKING HOLLY MOLLY- 
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Oh, ok. Now that I'm done with this explanation, fell free to turn the wii music soundtrack off. Or not! Do what you please, but let me finally introduce you to Qrow Branwen, the skywing elf. 
He and Raven are twins, but, just as Yang and Ruby, they connect to different parts of their heritage more: Raven is a powerful sunfire warrior, while Qrow has a stronger connection with sky arcanum. Actually, he was the one to teach Ruby the runes and spell for turning the hands into wings (Tai was not fan of this at all. Not mostly due to security reasons, although they applied too, but because Ruby constantly tried to do it in the house and it was a source of a huge mess practically all the time...). He is a quite strong magician, and somehow he's not much around, constantly travelling across Xadia (What for? - the question Tai asks him a lot whenever Qrow decides to visit. Branwen says he has reasons, but does not explains them that well.)
He meets the group of our heroes on his way from the border, where he found human forces gathering their powers to attack Xadia (he just happened to travel around those places and was heading home). He is displeased with the fact that kids travel with the Silver Fox and try to help him, but for a while tried to conceal it - everyone was safe, so there was not that much to worry about. Although presence of a human knight from Del Bar did surprise him very much, but, since Weiss meant no harm and, apparently, became close friends with Ruby, there was, again, nothing that much to worry about. What worried Qrow, however, as the group later discovered, was the fact that humans had an enchanted mirror, taken from the Dragons. He knew that, because he kept an eye on the dark mage Cinder for a while, while turned into a bird ( -Did she notice you? - No, she was too invested into preparing some spells afterwards... - Uncle Qrow, you can turn into a bird? Like, real bird?! You never told us that!!*excited voices of Yang and Ruby*). The kids did not pay that much attention to this news at first, but Qrow and Ozpin knew there were lots of things to worry about if the mirror got involved. ( -I'm glad we're almost at Lux Aurea. If we can at least inform the Queen about what's coming, we will have a better chance at this fight. -That dark mage should not get her hands on the sceptre. We need to get to the mirror first, she will be weaker without Salem's guidance. -I do hope so... from your stories, it does take too much to stop a corrupted freed Startouch elf. Did you tell the kids? -... Partially.) 
Qrow's and Silver Fox's connection is a bit complicated, because Qrow tried to help Ozpin with lifting the curse and it almost went in a very wrong direction, which made Silver Fox kinda... disappear one day without any explanations. Previously, however, they worked together for quite some time, and Ozpin helped Qrow learn lots of new sky magic (turning into a bird, for example). About the curse and the reasons they split, however, none of them goes into great details. It became quite evident for the group that those two had some trust and other issues with each other. It was quite tough at first, but they seemed to come to terms eventually, working together in order to prevent Salem's return. Qrow is still not sure, however, if Oscar can lift the curse. After all, curses might be incredibly dangerous...
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So, here is the general design of Qrow as skywing elf. I used such elements as pauldrons and arm protection to make his design a little bit similar to Ruby's, since she looks up to him a lot in various things. He also has an earring with three feathers (also kind of the reason why Ruby has some feathers braided into/attached to her hair) of green, red and grey colours (photo below). They represent his connections with sunfire elves, skywing elves and one particular cursed creature.
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The embroidery on the jacket unites decorative elements from skywing and sunfire elves' cultures. 
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The tattoos of magic runes on arms allow Qrow turn them into wings.
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Though Qrow is a strong mage, just as Yang he has pieces of primal stones integrated into his clothing and arm protection. It allows him to strengthen his attacks and duration of the spells.
Finally, all gathered together, our group of heroes heads to Lux Aurea to protect Xadia and stop human invasion. However, Cinder, her apprentice Emerald and Jacques Schnee are also ready to make their first move in the upcoming war between elves and humankind.
Some notes from the author aka me (yep, I'm not done yet!):
1. I am revisiting certain aspects of this crossover so pls bear with me if any changes occur.
2. Will there be JNPR/Cinder/Salem/Emerald/etc. designs? So far I can only see Salem and Cinder, but not in close future. I ran out of necessary colours to finish the designs!
3. I'm sorry to sound like a parrot but there will be digital stuff coming.
4. I'm a multishipper. I am too much of a multishipper and I will throw hints at many ships so pls again bear with me, I'm a bit indecisive here.
*Oh this is a good one* Turnarounds from skywing mage Ibis from Season 3 of The Dragon Prince and screenshots of sunfire elven warriors were used, as well as turnarounds of Qrow Branwen from Volume 3(?) of RWBY 
If you came this far thank you so much for your attention, time and patience, thank you so, so much. Please stay healthy, safe and positive, and have some great relaxing time. Thanks for coming to this TEDx Talk  ✨❤️✨
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
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whichstiel · 5 years
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I made this art for the 2019 Dean/Cas Tropefest. (HUGE thanks to the mods, Jojo and Muse, for being amazing!) As soon as I read through the summaries, I knew I needed to try to grab the DRAGON STORY right away. I just...really love dragons, okay? This story is delightful and unexpected, with lovely world-building, rich side characters, and a beautiful romance between Dean and Cas. I really enjoyed reading it and working with zaphodsgirl! You can read Shadow & Storm by zaphodsgirl now! You’ll love it. <3
Here’s the summary:
One night, a mysterious visitor appears in young Prince Dean's bedroom, and he suddenly finds himself transported to an abandoned replica of his home in an unknown land. He learns quickly that the borders are finite, and none may leave without incurring the wrath of the guardian: a dragon the people call Storm.
Left with no choice, Dean adapts to life as the others have, tending to the animals and working the land to survive. As he grows up, the life he knew as a prince seems more and more distant, until a new person arrives that he remembers from his childhood. Shaken by this arrival, Dean’s desire to escape returns anew, and he discovers more than he wanted to know about the Shadowlands and its occupants -- especially about the mysterious guardian of the castle, Castiel.
Continue reading for some insight into the process and drafts behind the art.
Reading this story, I was struck by its lovely fairy tale vibe, which inspired me to make some kind of story-book art. I’ve always enjoyed pop-up books, so that seemed like a fun thing to try. My first step was to learn more about pop-ups. I turned to the internet for ideas, and found recommendations for: Pop-up design and paper mechanics, by Duncan Birmingham. This was a really useful book (I got it from the library - and you can too!) It gave me some basic structures and some general rules of thumb for how things fold and work when opened. I stuck with the simpler forms, given the short time period before posting.
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Tools & supplies:
Cardstock paper
Watercolor paper (for the folding pages/backdrops and some stand-ups)
Watercolors, colored pencil, sharpie markers
Glue (I really like this scrapbooker’s glue pen for paperwork. Dries FAST and mostly doesn’t warp.)
Scissors, precision knife, ruler, protractor
Bone folder for pressing seams
Once I had some broad ideas of some of the rules of pop-up creation, I started to sketch out some quick ideas. I always like to start with the cover image, since that’s the main image people see when they’re browsing a story list. I did a few basic sketches on paper, but I decided the easiest way to develop these pop-up pieces would be to do what Birmingham called “paper sketching.” With paper sketching, you just...eyeball the pieces, attach it to a folded piece of paper, and cut away whatever paper you don’t want. It’s sort of like working with negative space in that way. Paper sketching was invaluable for helping me figure out things like: how tall should the mountains be? How high are the wings? What can fold together to lay flat? (Because I wanted this to be a functional book.) How long can I make that flame spout? (Not long, as it turned out.)
Here are some paper sketches I made of the cover image. A few of these were before I re-read the story and realized that the castle was built INTO the mountain. Oops. Building drafts helped me to realize that the concept was possible. Once I had some general structures under my belt, I could start to do the finer work of cutting out the final pieces. Draft work was typically done with sketchbook paper or cheap cardstock from Walgreens.
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(Left: first draft; Right: Oh my god maybe this will actually work)
I wanted the cover to convey the full expanse of the lands surrounding the castle. I made my author draw me an actual map and diagram of all the agricultural lands. Thanks, zaphodsgirl! I chose black paper for the cover for REASONS you will discover when you read the story.
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(Left: background watercolor progress with marker details; Right: taping in a quick test sketch to see if it will fit with the dragon and to test the angle)
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Behind the scenes
For each design, I started by painting a watercolor backdrop, making note of the center where I’d need to fold the page. Watercolor paper was a pretty good choice because it’s thick and you can really crease the hell out of that middle joint - and the page stays strong. The cover is the most detailed. For the others, I went with more imprecise watercolor washes - mostly in the interest of time.
Finding a good backdrop is always a challenge when photographing art, and was a big issue for the cover since that dragon really gets lost if there’s too much in the background. I decided to go “Maria from Sound of Music” and pull down one of my curtains as a backdrop. That, plus desk lamps for light made a pretty good set.
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This piece features Castiel fading into the dragon. I suffered from proportion control for this project but chose to forge on ahead, anyway. Sometimes the dragon is huge, sometimes it’s small. Oooooh well, it’s a dragon, anyway. :D The little Dean torso is intended to be a manually-opened inset, more to show his reaction than anything else. The dragon is 5 pieces - tail, head and forepaw, wings, and body. Castiel is a single piece; his fold is attached to the dragon and there’s a little paper accordion behind his head to keep him upright.
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(Top left: I hate concept sketches; Top right: Cas coming together. I made him too tall! Oh well, I’m gonna roll with it)
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Behind the scenes
This next piece was actually the second one I did, because it was the most complex and I wanted to get it finished so I wouldn’t fret over it. The red light is from a bicycle tail-light that I’m holding in the air with one hand while taking a photo with the other. I just really liked that little shadow claw on the ground!
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This dragon was somewhat inspired by a Game of Thrones popup my author shared with me. My dragon isn’t as complex, but it still opens wide and closes flat, so I’m happy. It’s basically built as an upside down triangle, cut into a folded piece of paper. The fold is on the bottom. You can draw a line from the fold in its snout to a fold on its torso. The spines were cut out and glued on after the fact because I completely forgot to add them!!!
I was having some trouble with the wings attaching properly, so my test models had the dragon at various stages of height or angles from the ground. Too high and it would pop beyond the book pages. Too low and it might as well be sitting on the page completely. The dragon body has built-in tabs to which the wings are glued and the forest cutouts have this as well, for max strength. This is one of those cards where I went through enough drafts that I resorted to tape as a quick-hold option to figure out things like height and angle and how much dragon could fit in the folded pages. I ended up using an actual tool with (gasp) measurements to finally get the angle of the forest inserts right. Folding the test dragon into the card, I actually just sliced off the excess wing and tail that peeked out from the edges, then used that space when I was cutting out my final dragon.
For each of these, it’s best to get your pattern pieces as close as possible and then use that to cut your final pieces. The angles and length of everything needs to be fairly precise or what worked in your draft won’t fold well in the final version.
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(Top left: So many draft pieces, so little time; Top right: Use math, kids!; Bottom: Dragon open and closed)
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Behind the scenes
The last piece is modeled after a simple folding animal style. Its feet are glued symmetrically over the fold.
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It’s essentially a folded piece of cardstock with an animal cut out of it. The head is attached separately, as are the wings and Amara. I had a star hole punch, which made it easy to add some stars to Amara’s gown as well as on the page. I’d wanted to do a big fold-out window arch here, but realized that it wouldn’t fit over the dragon or the Dean/Cas fold. Ah well. Please imagine it, instead.
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(Top left: concept sketch; Top right: Paper sketching is a great reality check; Bottom: Amara astride Storm)
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Behind the scenes
The final step was to turn this into some kind of book. At first, I planned to stitch the pages together. I’d never bound a book before, and I was cursing myself for putting down all those layers of pop-up inserts if I was going to have to stitch through each page. Then I looked at some pop-up books and realized that often just the edges of the pages are glued, leaving the middle to float as necessary. This was good, because it was a way easier option! (Also the dragon in the forest came out a little tight, so the float was very helpful there.)
I glued the page edges and, since they were a little curly from the watercolor and popup designs pulling at them, I weighted them with books to dry for a while.
I found an old book cover that would work (from a very outdated technology textbook). I sliced out the original pages, recovered the book with black paper, and glued in my new book pages on the front and back. It was a perfect fit!
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I finished with time to spare, so I added a little watercolor and paper cut-out picture and frame to the front and back to add some flair. Please enjoy my terrible glue job. (I forgot to smooth the paper.)
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I used a hair tie cut in half to hold the pages down for photographs (or display). I clipped two wedge-shaped bag clips to the underside of each tie to weigh down each side, and hold the book open at a slight angle.
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This was a fun and challenging project to work on, and I’m so grateful to zaphodsgirl for all her effusive words and gifs of encouragement. You’re going to love this sweet story. Go read it now! Shadow & Storm on AO3.
(And if you feeling like tossing a comment my way, I’d love to hear from you here on Tumblr or on my art post on AO3.) 
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fanficimagery · 6 years
Imagine visiting Diagon Alley for the first time all because you wanted to see Weasley Wizard Wheezes in person. Some of their products ended up overseas and you were amazed by the creativity. But where you go, your newly acquired 'guard dragon' goes. How could you know that your pet would gain so much attention? Especially from the product makers themselves and their visiting brother who just so happens to be a Dragonologist. (Part 1 of 4)
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Charlie X Reader (Gen Fic)
After a long meeting with the Minister of Magic and the head of the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures to ensure you have complete control over your pet, you and your trusty companion Drago are finally permitted to explore the magical side of England. Walking through the Ministry with Drago perched on your shoulder garners a little more attention than you're comfortable with, so before leaving the building you make sure to don your cloak and wait until the little beast crawls into the hood to hide.
Flooing from the Ministry to a place called the Leaky Cauldron is an average trip, but you have to take a moment to soothe Drago who's trilling from the safety of your hood.
"There, there," you coo as you reach over your shoulder. Drago's little head rubs up against your finger before playfully nipping you. "I forgot to warn you. I'm sorry."
He seems to chirp in response, accepting your apology and then you make your way to the bartender who, after you've shown him your wizardry passport and approval stamp from the Ministry, lets you in through an alley wall which opens up to Diagon Alley. Diagon Alley is vastly different from any American magical shopping center you've been to, but it's a good different. Where America has opted to adapt to modern times, England seems a bit stuck in the traditional ways.
Having already exchanged your money with the MACUSA before port-keying out, you're allowed to browse the alley before making your way to Weasley Wizard Wheezes. WWW is an eyesore of a building, but it's fun. It's meant to draw attention and the animatronics of one of their creators helps even more.
You smile at the variety of products on display through the window and chuckle as you push your way inside. It's a bit chaotic with the excitement of all the patrons, as well as all the flying objects and the miniature exploding fireworks. It's more than a little crowded, but that just adds to the thrill of browsing.
Walking up to a box where at least the top foot of it is made of plexiglass, you smile down at the pink and purple little creatures that the box says are called Pygmy Puffs. What seem like tiny gerbils with a fur problem hop around, all of them trilling and thriving under the attention of the witches and wizards cooing over them.
"Those make great pets, love." The voice is right over your shoulder and you tense momentarily until the owner of said voice walks forward to stand by your side. "Noisy little buggers, but definitely worth it. Or so my sister says."
The red haired individual is wearing magenta robes and a name tag that that reads Fred. You grin at him before looking back at the puffs. "They're really cute, but I have my hands full at the moment. Can't really take on another pet."
"That's quite the accent? American?"
"Bingo." Giving Fred your attention once more, you say, "Some of your products made it into my brother's home, courtesy of his children who have pen pals over here, and I needed to see this place for myself. Made a vacation of it and everything."
"Really?" His eyes light up and his hand flies up to his heart in appreciation. "An entire trip across seas just to see what my twin and I made up? I like you."
"Ooh, so you're Weasley? Good job, man," you tell him while gesturing around his place. He beams in response. "Can you help me out then? I'm actually looking for a few things in particular."
"Anything for you, my lovely American." As he offers you his elbow, you hook your arm through his with a laugh. You feel Drago shift and his little claws pinch the back of your neck, and you know he's finally gotten curious enough to take in his surroundings. "Uh, love? Don't scream, but I think you have a stowaway in your hood."
Sheepishly chuckling, you release Fred and take a step back. "Oh. About that... are pets allowed in here? If not, I can go find a room somewhere and drop him off."
Fred's eyebrows raise. "You keep your pet in your hood?"
"Drago usually rides on my shoulder, but people at the Ministry were staring. I felt self-conscious so I told him to hop on in."
"Drago?" His brow furrows. "That sounds like something you'd name a-" He trails off, eyes widening over your shoulder. "Dragon," he gulps. "Merlin's beard, woman. You have a pet dragon?!"
"Yes? I-If he's not welcome, it's no problem. I can-"
"Wait! No, it's fine," Fred's quick to assure you. "Is he- can I-"
"Pet him?" You chuckle, your shoulders slumping in relief. "Yeah." Clicking you tongue then, you pull your hair to one side as Drago climbs up onto your shoulder. With his wings tucked back and head held up proudly, Drago trills a little tune.
"Hey, Freddie, have you seen- is that a bloody dragon?!"
Startled at the voice, Drago goes on the defense and hisses before blowing out a stream of smoke at the apparent twin of Fred who's gaping at your pet. You gasp and immediately lift your arm, you letting Drago climb towards your elbow. Then quickly scooping him up, you tuck him into the crook of your other elbow as if cradling a newborn baby. "There, there, Drago. I'm fine. No need to get mean."
By now there's a small crowd gathered around you, everyone whispering excitedly and pointing.
"He's perfectly legal," you say just loud enough for the eavesdroppers to hear. "I, uh, I have the papers to prove it. Things in America are different and your Minister signed off on me keeping him during my brief stay here."
"No, no. You're fine. Isn't she, Georgie?" Fred says. "Oi!" He then shouts at everyone crowding around. "Back to browsing or take your leave. There's nothing to see here!"
"You heard the less handsome twin," George shouts too. "Move it!"
Chuckling at their antics, you still feel a bit overwhelmed with the attention. Drago is starting to pick up on your anxiety and is becoming rather restless in your arms, so you direct him back under cover. "In the hood, Drago," you murmur near his head and let him nuzzle your nose. "Be a good boy and lay low. We'll be gone in a bit."
Chirping twice, Drago's claws dig into your cloak as he crawls his way up your chest and over your shoulder into the hood. But instead of completely being hidden from view, he rests his head on our shoulder and blinks his yellow eyes at the twins.
"Blimey," they sigh in unison, causing you to huff in amusement.
"Is he really your pet?" George asks.
"Yeah. Ever heard of guard dogs that no-majs keep? I think you call them muggles here?" They quickly nod. "Well witches and wizards in America have guard dragons," you tell them. "With a bit of no-maj science and our magic, they were able to genetically modify dragon eggs so the dragon inside wouldn't be as aggressive or wouldn't grow as large. When they hatch, they bond with the one who's intending to purchase them."
"What breed is he? And how large will he grow?" Fred asks in awe.
Smiling as you reach over your shoulder to run a finger over his head, you say, "Black Scale Red Tip. And he'll grow to be as large as a fully grown boar."
"Wicked," Fred then beams. "So listen, Georgie and I will help you with whatever it is you're looking for and as repayment, what say you drop by our flat for dinner?" At your widening eyes, he smirks but holds his hands up in mock surrender. "Nothing like that, love. Dinner between friends. I promise."
"Oh. Um, yeah. Okay."
"Great!" George claps his hands, eager to get started. "So what is it you're looking for exactly?"
"Well," you slowly grin as you reach into your pocket. "I actually have a list.
After purchasing a couple containers of bruise paste, several boxes of Weasley Wildfire Whiz-bangs, Patented Daydream Charms and Canary Creams, you make your way back to the Leaky where the barman Tom apparently also rented out rooms.
Just before seven you head back to WWW where they're cashing out the last remaining customers and closing up shop. The flat they live in is above the shop and with Drago tucked safely in your hood once more, you wait patiently by the stairs for them to finish up.
Then hanging out with the Weasley twins, while Drago happily pounces on the coffee table between the three of you, is as if you're hanging out with friends you've known for years. George fetches take-out from someplace they swear has the best food, and you feed Drago dragonette treats and little pieces of raw meat you had prepared since before you had left home.
After all the human food is consumed, the attention is once again all on Drago.
"Ignis." Drago rears his little head back before blowing a small stream of fire at his piece of meat and the twins sigh in awe. "The older he gets, the stronger our bond gets. He will also protect those he becomes familiar with."
"Shame you don't live 'round here," George muses. "I wouldn't mind this little menace flying around the shop."
Smiling, you watch as Fred reaches out to rub a finger up and down the side of Drago's neck. He trills happily and you snort, knowing full well that you're upcoming week in England is going to result in the little dragon being spoiled rotten.
Their floo suddenly activates, the green flames flaring brighter as yet another redhead is spilled from it's false warmth. "Boys, please tell me you got leftovers. Mum's driving me mental."
As the redhead pats off any soot, Drago chirps his confusion. The redhead freezes and glances up, his eyes widening upon sighting the dragon sitting on the coffee table.
"Bloody hell. What's going on here?!"
"Now, now, Charlie," Fred grins. "Y/N and her guard dragon Drago are our guests here. Watch the language, prat."
The stocky redhead with a few burns and scars littering his arms blinks owlishly. "I'm sorry, but did you say guard dragon?"
"Yep." George smirks. "Apparently the Americans are more barmy than we thought."
"Excuse me," you chuckle, taking mock offense. "Did you just call us crazy? I'd have gone with brilliant, thank you very much."
"Barmy is correct," the newcomer says. "This is a bloody dragon, not a house pet!"
"Relax, Charlie," Fred then says, trying to calm the situation down. "There's a bunch of muggle science and magic involved to prevent the dragon from being like their larger counterparts. Drago, here, will only grow to be the size of a boar."
That seems to knock some of the anger and fear from Charlie's sails, he sighing and moving further into the room. "So he's harmless then?"
"Eh," you shrug. "Right now, yes. But when he reaches his full maturity, he'll be a dragon to be reckoned with. I pity the idiot who tries to mess with me or invade my home when Drago is there."
"And owning him is actually legal?"
"One hundred percent." Charlie takes a seat on the floor and it looks as if he's itching to reach out and touch. "But to be fair, I'm making it sound like it's so easy to go out and purchase a dragon. It's really not. You can petition to purchase a dragon, but then there's a background check the government puts you through. And, if after hatching, the two of you don't bond then you can't take the dragon home. It'll go to someone else who can form a bond with him or her."
"Enough talking, you git. There's a bloody dragon in the middle of our flat," Fred sighs. "Play now, ask questions later."
George tosses another piece of meat onto the table. Drago hops up to it, his tiny talons clicking against the table as he impatiently waits for the command. "Ignis." George grins as the meat goes up in flames before the little creature gobbles it down.
"Are you familiar with dragons?" You ask Charlie since he can't take his eyes off yours.
He numbly nods before answering. "I work on the Dragon Reserve in Romania."
"Oh! So you're used to this then."
"Not really. Mother dragons are very protective. We can't take the chance to manhandle the dragonettes and getting our scent on them. We don't want the mum to sniff us out when we eventually have to get close to her again."
"That blows," you frown. "Place your hand, palm up, on the table and click your tongue."
"Just do it."
Charlie hesitantly does as he's told, he then clicking his tongue twice. Drago hops up to his hand, sniffing him curiously before tilting his head to the side as if sizing him up. Then sensing no ill will, he hops onto Charlie's hand and crawls up his arm until he's perched on the red head's shoulder with his tail wrapped behind his neck. "Uhhh.."
You laugh at his expression, torn between being wary and being in awe that he has a dragon on his shoulder. "It's his favorite place to be."
Charlie practically melts when Drago trills happily before rubbing his head against against the scruff on Charlie's cheek. "Marry me," he rumbles.
Fred and George erupt with laughter, and you roll your eyes. "I don't know about the women here, but my panties don't drop for a hot redhead snuggling my dragon, Mr. Weasley."
"Did you hear that, Georgie," Fred muses. "Our new friend thinks Charlie's hot."
"She's clearly mental," George huffs. "Everyone knows we're the most handsome Weasley's."
"And everyone knows you're also gits," Charlie says. "Bugger off."
"Oi! It's our flat and our friend," George grumbles. "You bugger off."
Rolling your eyes, you give a short shrill whistle. Drago perks up before taking flight, his miniature wings holding him up the short distance to your shoulders. "That's enough, boys. Fred, George, thank you for the company and dinner, but I really should be getting back to my room at the Leaky."
"Will we see you tomorrow?" Fred asks, he and his brothers immediately standing up as you do.
"I don't see why not," you answer honestly. "I've got a week's stay before I port-key out. I mainly came to see your shop, but if either of you are free and want to show me around.. I'll happily meet up with you."
"It's a date, love." Charlie smirks lazily and offers you his elbow. "Now come on. I'll walk you back to the Leaky. I reckon little Drago doesn't like apparition or the floo."
Fred and George watch as their brother and Y/N make their exit, the twins beaming all the while.
"What are the chances mum will give us all the credit for finally introducing Charlie to a decent bird?" Fred wonders.
"Chances are good.. unless Charlie runs off to America and confesses his undying love to the American and tries to buy his own dragon. Then she'll blame us and hex our bollocks off."
Fred looks to George and George looks to Fred. Slowly, but surely, their amusement vanishes.
"Merlin's balls, we're dead."
"So dead."
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sirius · 6 years
Chaos Theory Part 6
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Pairing: Cedric Diggory x Reader, Draco Malfoy x Reader, Harry Potter x Reader, others. 
Warnings: Swearing 
Word Count: 5641
A/N: I finished this in one! day! can you believe it?? Anyway, some things worth mentioning: a) after this chapter, things are going to start progressing quickly through the months. So far its sort of been day by day but this story has to span over three years so...yeah. I can’t drag it on for too long b) I’m going away for a week so I’m not sure when part seven will be released c) i have redesigned my masterlist! check it out in my description and, finally, d) shawn mendes will be my new cedric for my gif headers! not important but at the same time really important. Anyway, I’ll shut up now. Here. 
Chapter Six: 
Everyone has secrets to hide
The carriage ride up to Hogwarts is silent, tense and almost insufferable.
Ron’s barely spoken a word since his encounter with Draco, and though you weren’t present, you can only imagine how it went down. His mouth is twisted into a thin frown as he fixes a glare on the floor of the carriage, body rigid with frustration. A dark red flush singes the tips of his ears, a result of his sour mood that simmers beneath his skin.
Hermione keeps eying you with a calculating look, as though she’s dissecting your thoughts and body language and tagging each movement carefully. Her lips are pressed together in a thin line like she’s taming her words back into her throat and is silently forcing them into that spot beneath her sternum where all her other secrets lay hidden. She keeps fiddling with the hem of her robes, weaving the fabric between her fingers to stifle her nervous twitch.
Harry stares out the window, watching the rain and refusing to meet your eye in some sort of silent protest against you. He’s hard to read when he’s like this; silent and solemn and withdrawn into those deep, dark crevices in his mind. You think about reaching out and covering his hand with yours but think better of it.
Guilt plucks your ribs. You should never have left them.
It feels stupid, starting the school year like this. As a group, you’ve been through worse things. You’ve all faced bigger enemies and worse life-threatening circumstances. Why should a couple of secrets stand in the way of a friendship that has endured so much danger?
“So, what were you guys talking about before I arrived?” You ask, curiously glancing between Ron, Hermione and Harry. Harry bristles ever so slightly.
“We were just speculating about what Charlie and Bill were banging on about earlier,” Ron replies, hastily.
“Draco mentioned something too,” Harry snips, his voice clipped and cold.
“Something is supposed to be happening?” You ask, and Harry shrugs.
“I wish they’d just tell us already,” Ron whined, “I’ve had it with all this secrecy. Just spit it out already.”
“We’ll probably find out tonight,” Hermione deduces, and the carriage sinks into silence again.
Lightning forks across the sky, flooding the carriage with white light before evaporating in an instant. Raindrops feel like bullets pounding on the roof, trying to get inside.
“I can’t wait to eat,” you blurt, cradling your stomach, “The welcoming feast is all I’ve been thinking about...”
“Oh yes,” Hermione agrees, the beginning of a smile tickling her lips, “and I can’t wait to watch the Sorting Ceremony!”
“Welcoming the first years,” you smile fondly, “Merlin, remember our first year?”
“How could I forget?” Hermione sighs, “That was the year we first learned Wingardium Leviosa!”
“So you’re not going to mention the fact that our Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher was a fraud with You Know Who attached to his head like some sort of evil fungus?” Ron snaps, coldly.
Hermione narrows her eyes and speaks carefully, composedly, “Well, yes, I thought that was fairly obvious though-”
“Aw, remember Norbert?” you interject, hurriedly, “Remember watching him hatch?”
“Yeah,” Harry says, distantly, “Remember how hard it was to smuggle him out of Hogwarts?”
“Ooh and you impersonated the Bloody Baron to keep Peeves off our tracks? That was so clever...”
You catch a hint of a smile ghosting across Harry’s face, though it’s obscured by the low light, “We still got in trouble, though,”
“It was worth it,” you say, thinking back to Hagrid's concerned face, “I can’t imagine what sort of trouble Hagrid would have gotten into if he was discovered. And Norbert was such a cute, little baby...”
“That ‘cute little baby’ nearly killed me,” Ron snaps, fingers grazing the scar on his hand.
Hermione scoffs, “I think that’s a bit of an exaggeration.”
“Uh, no, not really,” Ron barks, indignantly, “Unless you forgot about the part where I was in the Hospital Wing for weeks after that thing poisoned me with its tiny, little devil fangs.”
“Ron, he bit you out of self-defence.”
“Well maybe if Hagrid were more strict-“
“-Don’t blame Hagrid for your own stupidity-“
“-Oh, so now I’m stupid?”
“-Well, only a fool would try to feed a dragon at night.”
“We’re nearly there!” You exclaim, deliberately raising your voice over Ron and Hermione’s argument. You point out of the window to the Hogwarts castle, using it as a distraction from the knot tugging in your stomach.
A heavy silence looms over the carriage again. Ron and Hermione have turned away from each other, both of them stubbornly staring out of the window. You glance at Harry who glances back at you uneasily, and though it’s only a brief exchange, a shimmer of hope bursts inside of you.
Harry looks away, unaware of your hovering fingers that draw closer to his hand, reluctant to touch the skin of his knuckles. Before you can make contact, the carriage rolls to a stop and, to your regret and dismay, the opportunity passes.
The carriage doors fly open, and Ron and Hermione slip out wordlessly. Harry gives you a side glance before climbing out himself. You follow his lead and quicken your pace to catch up with him and Ron. The four of you bow your heads to avoid the rain and climb up the flight of steps hastily. By the time you reach the great, oak doors, you are completely soaked and shivering against the cool air.
The doors swing open and you all pile into the entrance hall, dripping wet as you slip and slide across the floor. The doors close shut behind you as you crowd around the entrance hall, waiting for Professor McGonagall.
“Hey, (Y/N),” says a meek voice from behind you and Neville Longbottom’s shy, dimpled face comes into view, “How were your holidays?”
“Hi, Neville,” you beam, “They were...eventful. Thanks for asking. How were yours?”
Neville glances at his feet, “The opposite, actually. I had to help Nan with her bunions. They’re the size of golf balls and the only thing that helps shrink them is this cream made from mandrake puss and garden-knome salvia. Then I had to poke a hole in her bunions and–oh my god, why am I telling you this?”
Neville smacks his forehead with such a loud slap, it nearly startles you. He winces and rubs the red mark emerging right in the middle of his forehead, “You probably don’t want to hear that.”
You chuckle at his bashful expression and loop your arm through his, “It’s okay. But before I forget, I should thank you for sending me your Herbology book. It worked miracles.”
“Oh, it was nothing,” he murmurs, fumbling with his robes, “Just helping a friend in need.”
“Well it certainly helped me, big time,” you say, giving him an encouraging smile, “I’m absolutely rubbish at Herbology but that book really helped me with my essay. I have it in my trunk so when we get back to the castle, I’ll give it back to you.”
“Nah, you can have it,” Neville shrugs, not meeting your eye, “I mean, if you want it, that is..”
You consider him fondly in the low light, clamping your bottom lip between your teeth thoughtfully. Neville glances at his feet, ducking his chin to hide his blush.
“That’s very generous of you…thank you.”
Neville shrugs again, all sweet and bashful, an adorable, pink flush rising up his neck.
“So,” Neville starts, scratching the back of his neck, “How come you weren’t with Harry today, in the compartment? I missed you...”
“Oh, I was sitting with...another friend,” as you say it, a thought pops into your head and you perk up a little straighter, “Hey do you know anything about Noah Underwood?”
Neville’s brows furrow in thought, “Not really. He’s in Slytherin and he’s a muggle-born. Oh, and he hangs around the greenhouses a lot.”  
“He does?” You ask and Neville nods. You beam at him and wrap your arms around his shoulders, pulling him into a hug, “Thank you so much!”
Neville freezes at first, but his shock fades as he hugs you back, “No-No problem.”
“Hey! (Y/N)!” A familiar voice calls out to you from behind and you turn, finding Harper Shacklebolt charging toward you. The editor and chief of The Howler looks harried but determined and strikingly beautiful as she shoves a sixth-year Ravenclaw aside to reach you. Her braids are pulled back into a bun worthy of McGonagall’s praise, and she has the kind of fierce passion in her dark eyes that could strike fear in the hearts of all the boys around her.
“Hi Harper,” You smile, untangling yourself from around Neville’s shoulders “How were your holidays?”
Harper nods dismissively, “They were fine. Listen, we’re having a meeting this evening after the welcoming feast in the Newsroom. Be there at eight thirty. There will be a few announcements and new members joining us.”
You nod and wave as she charges off, slipping into a second-year Hufflepuff as she leaves.
Beside you, Ron and Harry are engaged in a whispered conversation. You try to lean into the conversation, easing yourself closer slowly, slowly, slowly...
And then you’re slipping.
Harry catches you before you can hit the ground, his hands flying to your waist and holding you close. You’re close enough to feel his heart hammering in his chest, sending shockwaves down your spine. Harry tears his hands away from you a second too late. Beside you, Ron snorts a laugh and reaches over to pat your head affectionately.
“Sorry, (Y/N),” Neville splutters, blushing furious shades of red, “I–er–I didn’t mean to bump into you– I’m such an idiot–”
“No it’s okay,” you breathe, voice trembling as the warmth from Harry’s touch ghosts over your waist, heating your skin beneath your clothes. Neville opens his mouth to apologise more but he doesn’t get the chance.
Professor McGonagall dashes our of the Great Hall, nearly colliding with a student. 
“Well hurry up you lot,” She snaps, ironing her hands down the front of her robes as she composes herself, “The Sorting Ceremony will begin in ten minutes time and we have a very important announcement to make!”
The Howler’s Newsroom is alive with excitement.
Seven loyal and dedicated members of the weekly newsletter crowd around, chatting animatedly about the exciting announcement. It’s wonderful being back and seeing all the friendly faces that you have known since you joined last year. You watch them all with mild interest.
Anthony ‘Ant’ Goldstein, comic artist for the newsletter, hovers near the door looking exasperated as he listens to an excitable Colin Creevey, a new member to the team.
Standing next to Harper is Daisy Tate, a Slytherin in Harper’s year and also Head Photographer. She seems to be staring down at something, her stoic expression as bland as ever.  
Next to Daisy stands Troy Hammond, the Head Artist, who always has acrylic paint under his nails and a paintbrush tucked behind his ear. Troy has always been a kind and gentle person, always willing to sit and listen if you ever have problems, and he often finds himself doing so a lot. He also happens to be one of Cedric’s best friends...
Go figure
The last two members of the team are actually sitting on either side of you; Padma Patil, a Writer like yourself, and Dean Thomas, an artist. As you and Padma murmur excitedly, Dean sketches a quick portrait of you and Padma, the tip of his tongue poking out from between his lips as he concentrates.
“So that’s what all the fuss was about,” Padma’s eyes shimmer as her smile grows, “A Triwizard Tournament! How exciting!”
“I know!” You grin, twirling your quill in your hand, “My mum always used to tell stories to Luke and I when we were kids. Never thought it would happen though it’s a shame about Quidditch.”
“Yes, terribly,” Padma muses, but her smile reappears, “We’re going to have so much to write about this year in the Howler!”
“Indeed,” Harper says, and everyone falls silent at the sound of her voice, “Which is precisely what this meeting will be about. Before I continue, though, we will be introducing some new members to our team.”
Harper strides toward the door and pulls it open, and Juniper Cross enters. The Hufflepuff head girl looks startlingly beautiful with yellow flowers pinned to her thick Afro and a radiant smile drawn across her face. You hear the whole room exhale a breath of admiration in her presence.
“She always looks so lovely,” Padma whispers, equal parts in awe and envy of Juniper, “I think she uses that special antioxidant cream every night.”
You bite your lip as Juniper grins, standing next to Harper.
“Ah I’m so excited to be joining the team,” Juniper cheers, voice kind and sweet as honey, “I can’t wait to get to work with you all!”
“Don’t you have Head Girl duties or something?” Anthony blurts, and Harper shoots him a glare.
Juniper smiles gracefully, “Yes. But my role in this team will not be as predominant as the rest of you. With both Professor McGonagall blessing, I will be Head of the Astrology section of the newsletter.”
“Astrology section?” Anthony’s brows furrow, “Isn’t that just staring into a tea cup and hoping for the best?”
To everyone’s surprise, Juniper actually laughs.
“Don’t worry, at first I had my doubts about Astrology but then I discovered that some people have the gift, while others...” she trails off,  looking pointedly at Ant, “...Don’t. I find that it’s those who don’t have the gift that are sceptical, possibly because they’ve come to the realisation that Astrology chooses you, you don’t choose it.”
Ant quietens at that, having taken Junipers point seriously.
“Since we are on the subject of those with the gift,” Harper pipes up, stepping forward, “We also have two astrologers who will be joining the team.”
You are surprised for a second time in five minutes as you watch Lavender Brown and Parvati Patil enter the room. Parvati meets your eyes and waves excitedly. You grin back at her and Padma gives her a thumbs up. As Lavender and Parvati introduce themselves, you lean into Padma.
“I didn’t know Parvati and Lavender were joining the team,” you whisper and Padma stifles a giggle.
“It was a secret,” Padma murmurs back, “Sorry I didn’t indulge you.”
“You’re forgiven.”
“Thank you Lavender, Parvati,” Harper nods to both of them and they flinch as though she had narrowed a wand at them, “Now, our final member of the team will be joining the Photography department, so please welcome –”
Your eyes travel from Harper to the figure standing in the doorway, and with a slight shock, you realise exactly who the newest member of the team is...
“– Noah Underwood.”
Anger you didn’t realise you had flares inside of you, prior feelings of pity vanishing completely. How could someone possibly encroach on your privacy and then throw you into a week of emotional turmoil by sending a strange letter to you? The past week of conflicting emotions is a direct result of him and his stupid camera. Your fingers curl into fists beneath the table.
“Noah Underwood?” Padma hisses, eying him shrewdly, “The loner from Slytherin? What is Harper thinking?”
“Apparently, he’s a good photographer,” you snip, thinking back to the picture sitting in your pocket, and you can’t even hide the frustration from your voice as you study him closely.
The first thing you notice about him is how confusingly, annoyingly attractive he is, despite being freakishly tall and gangly, which is perhaps the reason why he slouches. He’s still wearing that black beanie that he hasn’t taken off his head since he first came to Hogwarts, and peaking out from beneath it are thick curls of raven-black hair. He’s also not wearing his Slytherin robes, which you find odd, but Noah is odd anyway so you figure it fits. Over the top of a black v-neck, Noah is wearing a leather aviator jacket that is a size too big for him, and black jeans.
“Can’t argue with that logic,” Dean whispers, “I’m glad Colin won’t be the only photographer on the team. It’s bad enough having to share a common room with him.”
Padma giggles into her elbow, and Harper’s eyes snap straight to her, drilling her with a glare. Padma coils submissively.
“Introduce yourself, Noah,” Harper orders, and Noah shrugs.
“I’m Noah,” he says, apathetically, his hands jammed into his pockets, “And I like photography more than I like people.”
There is a beat of silence, everyone slightly stunned by Noah’s blunt remark. Harper thoughtfully fiddles with the gold locket hanging from her neck.
“Good,” Harper nods, approvingly, “We’re not here to be friends, we’re here to work so you should fit right in.”
“Except fitting in isn’t really his ‘thing’,” Padma murmurs, and Dean snorts beside you.
“Alright, everyone take a seat,” Harper barks, and everyone rushes to their seats, “Our meeting will now begin.”
Noah is out of the door before you even get a chance to talk to him.
You feel rude as you give hurried apologies to your friends and shoulder past them, rushing for the door. To your surprise, he’s riding a skateboard down the corridor. It looks..strange, like it shouldn’t belong here (It doesn’t, but thats not the point.) 
“Noah,” you call, and he skids to a stop, stepping off his skateboard and turning to face you as you approach him in long strides, “I’m (Y/N) And–”
“-I know who you are,” Noah interrupts, studying you intently.
“Right. Anyway, I need your help with something.”
Noah cocks an eyebrow in mild interest as you reach into your pockets and retrieve the photo, thrusting it into his grasp with slightly trembling hands.
“You took this photo, and I want to know why.”
Noah studies it, his face a mask of apathy, completely unreadable despite your best efforts. As his eyes move across the picture, you can’t help but notice how unnervingly dark they are. In fact, his eyes are so dark, you can’t tell where his irises end and his pupils begin. They’re the kind of dark that makes you wonder how many souls he’s absorbed, and the way they glint in the light suggests he’s probably lost count.
Finally, he sniffs and hands it back to you.
“I don’t know what this is,” Noah finally snips, his voice a lot deeper than you remember, “It’s not one of mine. I wasn’t at the Quidditch World Cup.”
“I don’t believe you,” you say, sternly, folding your arms across your chest.
“I don’t care if you believe me. I wasn’t there.”
You glare at him, fists clenching the inside of your robes. He is a blank slate, not even an inch of emotion flicking across his face despite the fact that you’re accusing him of something he may or may not have done. You try to even your emotions, trying to keeping your face a calm and composed canvas.
“If you weren’t there, then why was this photo identified as one of yours?” You ask, jutting your chin at the photo in his hands.
“Who identified it?” Noah queries, and you press your lips together tightly.
“A source.”
Noah scoffs, indignantly, “Well, whoever they are, they’re wrong,” Noah sighs, handing you the photo, “My muggle camera went missing and, like I already told you, I wasn’t at the Quidditch World Cup.”
“Well, where were you?”
“Is this an interrogation?”
“Does it matter?”
Noah gives a derisive snort, “Yes. It does. To me, the person you’re accusing of stalking. So if you don’t have any hard evidence, I’m going to go back to my common room.”
“Why? So you can retreat into your room and sulk?” You snap, hands resting on your hips.
There is a moment where it looks as though Noah is going to smile. Instead, he shakes his head.
“Yeah. That’s right. Because that’s what I do when people stereotype me as the weird, lonely photographer who obsesses over pretty girls...”
You exhale a shaky sigh as you realise that he’s right. It was wrong for you to allow your pent-up emotions to overwhelm you. You roll your shoulders, relaxing into your robes.
“Okay, fine. I’m sorry, that was wrong,” you murmur, glancing at your feet, “You said that your camera went missing. When did you first notice it was gone?”
“At the end of last year,” Noah answers, folding his arms over his chest, “Someone must have pinched it on the train back to Platform 9 3/4. I've printed out fliers and I’m on my way to Professor Snape right now to inform  him.”
You nod carefully, taking mental notes. It’s hard to tell if he’s lying, having such a perfectly trained expression.
“Okay. Thanks, I guess,” you murmur, folding the photo and slipping it into your pocket. Noah shrugs, dropping his skateboard, and you turn, starting back toward the Newsroom.
“Oh, and (Y/N),” Noah calls and you pause, “You wanted to know where I was on the day of the World Cup?” 
You spin around and face him, mildly interested as you nod. Moonlight pours through the glass-stained windows and soak him in a ghostly silhouette, like a dark angel standing in the corridor.  
“I was in London, visiting my sisters grave,” He murmurs, coldly, regret bleeding into his words like scarlet-red blood. 
He quickly turns away and rides off before you can say another word, leaving you speechless, guilt climbing into your gut and curling up there like a beast. 
“So, how was the meeting?”
Hermione sits crossed-legged on her bed, running her fingers through Crookshanks fur.
“Don’t tell anyone yet but we have a new Astrology section making its debut next week,” You say, as Nightshade curls up at your side. You smirk at Hermione’s exasperated scowl.
“I thought Harper Shacklebolt was more dignified and logical than that,” Hermione snips, agitated by the new discovery, “It doesn’t matter, I still admire her. Anything else?”
“Well, we also have new members,” you start, reaching into your bedside table and grabbing a small handful of cat treats for Nightshade, “One of them is Noah Underwood.”
Hermione gasps, “Really? Merlin. Did you-“
“-Already one step ahead of you,” you giggle as Nightshade begins to nibble her treats from your cupped palm. Her tongue is slightly serrated, and it tickles as she scrapes it along your soft skin, “Noah wasn’t even at the World Cup, he was visiting his sisters grave on the day which made me feel bloody terrible for drilling him as though he were a criminal. But he’s still a suspect.”
Hermione stands and pins his name to your pinboard, her brows knitted together in contemplation as she studies the board.
“So he has an alibi,” she sighs, as Crookshanks curls himself around her leg, “Did he say anything else?”
“Well, he told me that his muggle camera went missing on the way home from Hogwarts,” you recall, standing and meeting Hermione in front of the board. You scribble ‘Missing Camera’ onto a piece of paper and pin it beneath his name, “So either someone stole it or he’s lying.”
“Well, do you think he’s lying about his alibi?” Hermione asks, glancing at you thoughtfully.
You cock your head as you study each letter of his name, mulling Hermione’s words over, before murmuring, “I don’t trust him, but I don’t think he’s lying.”
Hermione nods, satisfied with your response. You both stare at the pin board for a moment longer, lost in your thoughts. The sound of girlish giggling sounds from behind your closed door, sweeping up the dormitory staircase like a sickly-sweet breeze, and you approach the board.
“A mouse does not trust a hungry snake,” you murmur in Latin,  pressing your wand to the board and watching as the pinboard vanished into the wall. Hermione glances at you, impressed.
“Nice charm work,” she smiles.
“Thanks,” you chirp, “Messrs Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot and Prongs gave me the idea.”
Hermione opens her mouth to comment further, but Lavender and Parvati burst in before she can.
“(Y/N),” Lavender manages through giggles, “You have a visitor.”
Parvati giggles and whispers something to Lavender, which provokes girlish laughter to bubble from Lavenders lips.
“Okay,” you sigh, and Hermione gives you a pleading look. You smile at her apologetically, “Thanks, Lavender.”
Your curiosity piqued, you give Nightshade a final pat and leave your room, descending the staircase and entering the common room. Neville and Ginny smile at you from their game of Wizard Chess as you pass, and you flash them a smile.
“Where are you off too so late at night?” Ginny asks, a single brow raised teasingly.
“Someone is waiting for me outside,” you reply, grinning at her expression as the portrait door swings open, “It’s probably just some weirdo-“
You stop mid-sentence, a burning blush creeping up your neck.  
“Hi, (Y/N).”
Cedric Diggory’s perfect smile beams at you, eyes shimmering, hands lazily wedged into his pockets.
“Oh, Cedric, H-hi,” You splutter, stupidly, feeling like a bitch for the second time tonight, “I didn’t mean what I - I mean - I don’t think you’re a-”
“- A weirdo?” Cedric mimics, his smile stretching into a grin, “I know. I probably am a weirdo for visiting so late in the evening but...I wanted to see you.”
“Me too,” you smile, your heart clumsy and foolish and swelling in your chest, “I mean, I wanted to see you as well...”
Cedric laughs, and the sound plucks every single heart string in your chest as though it were an instrument designed just for him.
“I’m glad,” he reaches over and tentatively takes your hand, “I want to show you something.”
You bite your lip, chewing your nerves away, fingers intertwining with his and soaking in the warmth of his skin.
“Well, go on girl,” the Fat Lady snaps from behind you, “Before I figure out a way to leave this painting and take off with such a charming, young man.”
A gentle, romantic shade of pink kisses Cedric’s cheek, “I appreciate the compliment, Ma’am, but I could never betray the trust of the beautiful girl I’ve come to like...” he gazes pointedly at you. You twirl a ribbon of hair around your finger, hoping your cheeks are not as red as they feel.
“Such a gentleman,” you hear the Fat Lady swoon from behind you as Cedric leads you into the night.
The Prefects Bathroom looks as though it’s been stolen from a romance novel and pinned in front of your eyes.
Floating candles hover in the air, scenting the bathroom with a subtle fragrance that changes the more you breathe in. It’s like Cedric’s bottled a cauldron of Amortentia and poured it into each, individual candle.
Rose petals have been sprinkled artistically across the floor, creating a trail that leads to a chocolate fondue machine and a large bowl of fruit and marshmallows. There is a bottle of what you can only assume is sparkling cherry-apple juice, a sweet delicacy enjoyed only by the richest of wizards and witches, and a personal favourite of yours (how did he know? Could he get any more perfect, the bastard).
Your eyes are drawn to the most touching feature in the room; An elegant bouquet of fire lilies. It’s a memento from your and Cedric’s past, a personal touch that has your heart swelling, overflowing the confines of your ribcage like a bubbling love potion inside the cauldron in your chest.
You bite your lip and inhale the sweet scents, releasing a sigh of satisfaction as you store the moment deep inside your lungs like a Polaroid picture.
“Wow” You finally sigh, reduced to moonstruck awe and admiration of Cedric’s dedication, “You really went all out didn’t you?”
Cedric regards you warmly, “I guess I’m just a hopeless romantic. Besides, I wanted to give you the best, that’s what you deserve.”
Cedric tugs his bottom lip between his teeth like he’s blurted too much, and your cheeks ache as your smile widens on its own accord.
“So...” you trail off, stepping closer to him and teasing him with a smirk, “Did you fancy a late night skinny dip?”
Cedric snorts a laugh, watching you with glittering eyes, “Not exactly.”
You grin wickedly at him, maintaining eye contact as you carefully peel back your robes, “Well I do.”
A rosy blush blossoms on Cedric’s cheeks, “Oh, I-I guess this is happening, then.”
You laugh as you whirl around, your back to his chest, “Do you mind unzipping my skirt?”
“Not at all,” he murmurs, voice warm and low in your ear, and a shiver drips languidly from each vertebra in your spine like long, amber strands of honey. He fiddles clumsily with the zip before finally triumphing and tugging on it gently. Once the zip is undone, he steps away and turns around, giving you privacy as you strip down to your underwear and climb into the large, golden bath.
You sigh and close your eyes as the warm water soaks into your skin, rejuvenating your muscles. The water shifts and ripples around you and you open your eyes, finding Cedric by your side. He’s close, though you can still make out the defined muscles of his torso, occasionally flexing in the water. He’s an amalgam of masculine strength and gentle softness, strong but unassuming, certain but meek and oddly vulnerable. It’s disarming, and it makes you feel like he’s giving you control, reassuring you that he’s willing to stay within any boundaries you have carefully constructed.
In short, he’s the handsome gentleman every teenage girl dreams of having.
“I hope this is okay,” Cedric murmurs, shyly.
“Okay?” You echo, smiling broadly, “This is perfect, Cedric. It’s exactly what I needed.”
Cedric smiles and pours you a glass of cherry-apple juice. For what feels like hours, the two of you sit and enjoy each other’s company, laughing and joking and indulging in the fondue treats. The outside world seems to melt away like you and Cedric have created a pocket of your own universe where everything is whimsically romantic and surreal and seeped in sepia and nothing like the corrupt reality outside of this bubble that is threatening to devour it.
For the first time in a week, you finally feel calm, like Cedric is a home not build from bricks or marble but a home built by teenage dreams.
“Thank you, again,” you sigh, savouring the taste of chocolate on your tongue, and Cedric flashes a warm, genuine smile.
“It was nothing. Seriously, all of this is nothing compared to–” Cedric stops, bites his lip and smooths it over with the tip of his tongue.
“Compared to?” You watch him as he sighs, conceding.
“Compared to how you make me feel.”
You blink at him, wondering with a feeling of dread whether this is all a dream, and you pinch yourself just in case. When you realise it’s not, you smile, the weight and length of it nearly splitting your face in half, your heart feeling like an overgrown pumpkin from Hagrid's patch, because this is real, and nothing really matters anymore, none of it, because he’s moving closer and so are you and he’s bending down and you’re reaching up, and he’s raising a hand to your cheek and you’re parting your lips, waiting, yearning for that earth-shattering moment when your lips will finally meet, and Merlin this is not a dream, not anymore–
A peel of gleeful laughter fills the air.
You and Cedric wrench apart, startled by the intruder, who floats over to you grinning for the first time in what you suspect has been many years.
“So the pretty girl has found someone who’s willing to kiss her,” Moaning Myrtle sneers. She narrows a glare on you when she recognises Cedric, “And it’s the handsome one, too.”
“Could we have some privacy, please Myrtle?” You snap, acutely aware of the flimsy pieces of underwear you’re currently wearing.
Myrtle’s bottom lip quivers, “I get awfully lonely here by myself, yet you have all the boys drooling over you like you’ve cast a spell on them. It’s simply not fair.”
“I’m-I’m sure you’ll find someone, Myrtle,” Cedric offers, expression kind and hopeful.
Myrtle heaves a sigh, “Someday, maybe,” her gloomy, transparent face suddenly lights up with glee, “But I’ll relish in telling the Boy who Lived that the girl he’d die for has found someone else to go on adventures with.”
You steel your spine and look her directly in the eye, speaking firmly, “Myrtle, please. I think it’s time you left.”
Myrtle sighs, defeated, her eyes welling up with tears, “Fine! I will! But, just so you know, I’ll be his shoulder to cry on...metaphorically speaking.”
And with that, Myrtle disappears into the pipes, her wails echoing through the bathroom.
Cedric drops you off with a goodbye kiss on the cheek that makes you feel like a burning sunset; warm and beautiful and seeped in daydreams.
You manage to float up the stairs to the girls' dormitory without tripping, creep into your bedroom, and change into your pyjamas without waking anyone, a skill you’ve practised since knowing Harry Potter.
The girls are already fast asleep, curtains drawn on the four-poster beds and curled beneath the sheets. Hermione is even muttering in her sleep.
Climbing into bed, you pull the sheets right up to your nose and grin goofily, thankful that no one can see you. Your churning anxiety doesn’t seem so overwhelming in this moment, Cedric washing away your fears like a river of holy water. And, though you’re life may be shrouded in mystery, at least Cedric can be your guiding light, the single truth you can cling to.
You fall asleep smiling, oblivious to what the next few weeks have in store.
tagging: @marauderskeeper @weaselby418  @acciorinn  @hervench @harrvjpotter @depressed-octopods-art @romanofftasha @moonpeachs @emi-loser @steph-fowlie @lilulo-12 @randomfangirl17 @asofslytherin @seunlight if i have forgotten to tag you, please tell me! sorry if i have. i love you. also if you want to be tagged, pls send me an ask :)) thanks for reading babes
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tiny-cloud-dragon · 5 years
Random Bits: FF7 03
I’m actually not sure I’ve already posted this here or not, so I’ going to post it (possibly again)
[Setting - Cloud finally finds out what gets under Zack’s skin.]
[Location - the streets of Midgar Edge - noon.]
A disembodied Angeal Head floated across the velvety black screen of Cloud's memory, bouncing slowly in random directions like the ghost of an old Windows Logo screensaver. 
"Go take a walk!" it commanded with each ricochet.
It was joined by a Zack Head, which also began bouncing randomly around and repeating "No, don't eat him!"
Cloud scowled to himself as the memory flickered unbidden across the backs of his eyelids.
1st Class SOLDIER Timothy Titsworth burst into the conference room with the force of an angry soccer mom who has just found out her little angel was allowed to watch a PG-13 movie. Known as "Tiddy" (because there was no joining an army without acquiring some kind of weird, cool, humorous, or downright embarrassing nickname that you either loved or hated), Timothy showed great promise as a SOLDIER, but he was overly ambitious, and more than a bit egotistical.  
"What the hell, Tiddy!" Angeal barked, rising from his seat at the conference table, where he had been discussing plans for the upcoming Games with Zack, Cloud, and President Rufus Shinra.
"What the hell, indeed, Sir!" Titsworth snarled, saluting as an afterthought. "I want to be assigned to a higher level training mission-!"
"No." Cloud said firmly as Angeal apologized to Rufus for the interruption. "I already told you that you aren't ready. Get out, now. I am in the middle of a meeting, and you are out of line, Private Tiddy." he continued, deliberately stressing Titsworth's rank as an unspoken reminder of who he was speaking to, and unintentionally making a pun that caused Zack to make a very un-General like snorting sound.
Titsworth looked at Zack like a miffed child hoping that Daddy might say 'yes', even though Mommy  had already said 'no'. 
"General Fair, I-!"
The room was suddenly full of angry dragon. Papers scattered, people made exclamations of surprise, chairs tipped, and someone laughed as Cloud Shifted into his ELIETE form and, with mouth gaping, lunged across the desk at Titsworth. 
Zack jumped on Cloud's long neck, landing just behind his head, and managed to grab the long, whisker/tendril/moustache/feeler thingies trailing from the sides of his snout and hauled on them like reins while shouting "No, don't eat him!"
Massive jaws with long fangs snapped shut inches from Titsworth's face and Cloud goose-honked in pained surprise, pulling his head up and back, twisting it from side to side while backing up as he tried to relieve the sharp pulling on his face feelers.  He Shifted back to his normal shape, leaving Zack sitting in mid-air for the length of an eye blink before gravity caught up with reality and he crashed to the floor.
Zack immediately bounced up and grabbed Cloud by the arm before he could lunge at Titsworth again.
"Go take a walk, "Angeal snapped at Cloud, who was all scowls and hisses. 
"But what about-!" Titsworth began from where he had fetched up against the wall. Like a terrier with a rat, he was not about to let the argument go, out of either a poor sense of self-preservation, or out-right stupidity.
"Shut up, before I tell General Fair to let him go, and we end up having to send your mother an 'In Sympathy for Your Loss' card!" Angeal snapped with that tight-lipped, angry-eyed expression that most teens didn't even have to see to know it was being made. It was an expression that had its own sound. 
Titsworth huffed, but closed his mouth. He remained on the floor, sitting very still as Cloud stormed out of the room. Dragons were like cats. They would go after anything that moved, so it was best not to draw their attention.
*woowoowooscenetransitionwoowoowoo* Cloud shook his head at the memory, causing the Heads to bounce violently around and collide with each other with a double "ouch!" before they faded away. He was only mildly annoyed by now, having walked several blocks, but he couldn't help but feel unjustly put-upon. It wasn't like he'd chosen his ELITE form, and he couldn't help that it would sometimes take over.  It wasn't his fault that dragons had a very simple idea of what constituted 'conflict resolution', and that it mostly involved eating whomever caused the conflict. 
Go take a walk...
Cloud would have rather gone out for a nice long flight. It was much more fun, and relaxing, but it did tend to stir up the city's inhabitants. There was just something about a black winged shadow passing overhead that would send people screaming in panic. Old instincts died hard, and deep in most the primitive part of their brains, people were still just small, soft-bodied squeaky creatures hiding under leaves and flinching at shadows.
He turned a corner and continued walking briskly along the shop lined street, noticing that other pedestrians were trying to avoid him without looking like they were avoiding him. It might have worked, if it had been one or two individuals. There is just nothing subtle about an entire crowd suddenly crossing to the other side of the street.  
Cloud found himself completely alone on the sidewalk. That was fine with him. At least he didn't have to feel like he was in the middle of a school of salmon during their running season. 
The ponderous growl of a heavy engine pulled Cloud from his musings. He paused and turned just in time to watch one of the army's humvees pull up to the curb beside him.
Zack, grinning from ear to ear, leaned toward the open passenger side window and said, in his best Creepy Witch Voice, "Need a ride little girl?"
Cloud hissed at him and resumed walking, forcing Zack to drive slowly along beside him.
"Come on, Spiky! I'm sorry I pulled your face feelers!"
Cloud pointedly ignored him.
"Don't be salty,"
Cloud kept walking.
"Don't be like that-!" Zack steered around a parked car and rolled back along side Cloud. "I'll let you work my stick-shift!"
The offer was met with an icy side eye and frigid silence.
"I'll pay you," Zack venture playfully, with a cheeky grin.
"You can't afford me." Cloud replied curtly.
Zack's grin froze, then shattered into an open mouthed gape as the comment hit him like a cast-iron lightning bolt. The hairs on the back of his neck rose at the feeling that a white-hot icicle had just been fired through his brain.
"I...did...did you...just...?" he stammered, the humvee stalling as he briefly forgot how to drive. Well, I'll be dipped in shit! Now I know how Dr. Hyansen felt! Zack thought after he recovered enough from the unexpected sarcasm that he was able to get the vehicle restarted.
"Okay, okay, I'm sorry!" Zack called as he caught up to Cloud and parked. "Just get in, okay? Look," he said, holding up a brown paper bag, "I brought shrimp yum yum sitcks!"
Cloud's eyes were instantly glued to the bag. The scent of shrimp and vegetables in a crispy wrapper covered in toasted sesame seeds hit him straight in the olfactory receptors. He struggled with himself, pushing for Caution, while the dragon part of him drooled all over Common Sense. 
It's obviously a bribe, Cloud warned the dragon.
Shrimp yum yum sticks!
No, he's using food to-!
Shrimp yum yum sticks!
But, listen, he-!
Cloud's stomach growled, and he gave in. As he climbed into the passenger's seat, he had to laugh at himself. Hey little boy, I've got some candy in my van, he thought with a wry snort.
"What are you laughing at?" Zack asked.
"Nothing." Cloud said slightly irritated at how he would do almost anything for those stupid sticks. It was a good thing Zack hadn't brought canned cat food... Cloud snatched the bag from Zack and took a big bite out of one of the sticks while the dragon part of him happily chanted Shrimp, shrimp, shrimp, shrimp, shrimp!
"You can still work my stick-shift if you want," Zack offered jokingly, patting the shift handle. He completely missed the slight tightening around Cloud's eyes, and the tiniest of upward curving at the corners of his mouth. 
"I'll pass," Cloud replied, the words coming out slightly distorted as he shoved another yum yum stick into his mouth. "Your knob is too small."
"Wha-!" Zack all but yelped, a full body cringe slamming down his spine as his body tried to physically force the word 'knob' back out through his ears. 
"The knob," Cloud repeated as Zack cringed again, "It's, too small so it makes your hand hurt on long drives."
Zack shot him a suspicious look, but it merely ricocheted harmlessly off the look of genuine sincerity and yum yum stick crumbs on Cloud's face.
"Maybe I should put in a request for bigger knobs..." Cloud suggested, "Bigger knobs would fit more comfortably in your hand and make them easier to manipulate for longer periods of time, right?"
Zack flinched and Cloud could almost see his brain shudder as it tried to use its own stem to tear out his eardrums.
"Stop it!" Zack snapped.
"Stop what?"
"What's wrong with the word 'knob'?" Cloud asked, his eyebrows pinching together in confusion while Zack cringed.
"You saying it. It's just...wrong,"
"I'm saying 'knob' wrong?"
"NO! Just stop saying it!"
"There's nothing wrong with knobs," Cloud chided. "Lot's of things have knobs," he continued while Zack cringed  and flinched along. 
"Like radios. Radios have knobs. And tv's have knobs. Dressers have knobs. Oh, and cabinets have knobs. Beds have knobs, and you can put a knob of butter on your toast. Trees have knobs too, and hands can get knobby, and even people have knobs! My mom had knobs and she said that when I annoyed her I was 'twisting her knobs'...or was that 'pushing her buttons? I forget-!"
"Stop saying 'knob'! Zack wailed, hands clamped protectively over his ears.
"Why are you getting so bent out of shape over the word 'knob'?
Zack bristled at the word, his hair lifting like the hackles of an angry wolf. It was then that he noticed the slight crinkling around Cloud's eyes.
"You dick!" Zack snarled, annoyed. "Play Backwater Dummy with me, will you?" He leaned in close, and with a malicious grin, started wiggling his eyebrows.
Cloud recoiled, Shifting into his half-form and hissing shrimp yum yum stick all over Zack's face as memories of a certain Inspector's rather mobile eyebrows rose up to haunt him like a greasy meal at 3am after six beers. 
Unperturbed by the macerated mist, Zack continued wiggling his eyebrows, laughing evilly, "How do you like that huh? Say 'knob' again, you little turd!" He reached out to playfully poke Cloud. 
Out of pure reflex Cloud bit the offending appendage.
Zack yelped more out of surprise than pain, and snatched his hand away, retreating back to the driver's seat to inspect the damage.
"Not cool, man, you gave me a noodle hand!" He said with a pout, illustrating his grievance by flapping his now numb hand around on the end of his wrist.
"I didn't mean to,"
Zack started using his left hand to rapidly and repetitively smack his right arm against his thigh. 
"You want a rag...or... something?"
Zack paused, eyeing Cloud suspiciously. Almost afraid of the answer, he risked asking "For what?"
"So you won't be walking around the rest of the day wearing that  shrimp facial."
"Oh. Yeah." Zack replied, realizing that the remnants of shrimp yum yum sticks were quietly getting crusty on his skin. He took the napkins Cloud fished out of the crumpled bag  on the floor boards and awkwardly used his left hand to wipe his face.
"How's your hand?" Cloud inquired, a note of guilt hovering in his voice.
"Hanging in there," Zack replied with a lopsided grin.
Cloud signed into his hands in mild irritation at Zack's penchant for making jokes out of everything.He felt Zack patting him on the shoulder. There was something awkward about the gesture that had nothing to do with the current atmosphere. 
Looking up, Cloud saw Zack using his left hand to hold his numb arm up by the elbow and slap the appendage down on his shoulder. He imagined that this was exactly how it felt to be patted by a zombie. Cloud snorted in reluctant amusement and shoved the dead arm off his shoulder. The limp limb bounced off the back of the seat and slithered down the armrest to swing loosely at Zack's side.
Both men stared at the arm mutely until it stopped swinging like a slowly winding down clock pendulum before looking at each other.
Zack arched an eyebrow and said, "What? You like the angle of the dangle?"
Cloud rolled his eyes so hard he almost became the first person to find out what the backs of his own eye sockets looked like.
Zack laughed and started the vehicle.
"What are you doing?" Cloud asked in alarm, "You can't drive like that!"
"Sure I can. I'll drive, and you can work my stick!"
"Move, I'm driving."
"Fine. Killjoy.Want me to shift your stick?" Zack asked as Cloud settled into the driver's seat.
"No thanks, I can do it myself."
"Riiiight!" Zack drawled, doing a single finger gun.
"Do you want two noodle arms? Because that's how you get two noodle arms."
"Okay, okay. It's gone, see?" Zack pretended to chuck the offensive appendage armament behind him. 
"You know, it's a good thing we aren't too far from Base." Cloud said as he pulled out into traffic. 
"My hand won't have time to cramp up because of the--!"
"Don't say it--!"
Zack's distressed cry of "Stop saying 'knob'!" rang in the air before dopplering into silence as they drove away.
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franeridart · 6 years
Do you care for any of the dekusquad?
I care for most if not all hero-related characters in bnha! But if with care you mean if any dekusquad member is between my favorite characters/if I care enough about any of them to draw them more than once every blue moon, then my Todoroki tag might tip you off, there lol
Anon said:Will you ever draw Bakukamikiri again? I rlly loved how you did them!!
Thank you!!! And I think I will, though I don’t have any project to do so in the near future, sorry!
Anon said:Soo KyouHaba day (6/16) is coming up and was wondering if you could do some seijoh next gen stuff. Yahaba is often forgot about a and Kyoutani isn’t really included in a lot of Aoba Johsai stuff. Feel free to not do anything just suggesting something
Aw sorry anon but I don’t have the time to do day-themed stuff right now! KyoHaba is currently the hq ship I’m most likely to draw for, though, since they’re the only ones I’m still reading fics for! So I don’t think any will come around 6/16, but I don’t exclude I might draw them anyway in the near future! :D
Anon said:Omg your taking part in a zine!! I’m so excited! And it’s a BakuSquad one too! Ik I’m definitely going to be buying it when pre-orders open up!
I’m taking part in TWO zines, actually!! Both the @takemyhandzine and the @sixthwheelzine !!!!! I’ll be making comics for both, and if you do decide to buy either I really hope you’ll like them!!!!
Anon said:whats a zine?
In general, a zine is an amatorially published magazine! Specifically tho here we’re talking about fanzines, so magazines put together and published by fans for other fans! The ones I’m taking part in are both about kiribaku, and will include both fanart (fancomics included) and fanfics! Depending on how much you wish to spend on it, you can also buy a bundle with fanmade merch too, and the Sixth Wheel zine is gonna have a pdf version too, in case you’d prefer to buy it like that! They’re super cool projects I’m insanely happy I got invited to take part in!!!!
Anon said:Your art style is so pretty and I love to see your amazing bnha drawing on my dash
There is literally no way I could ever stop being into d gray man ever and I’m also still following hq’s manga, yes! I dunno if and when I’ll draw for either fandom next, tho, sorry! ;^;
Anon said:Everytime you draw kiribaku I gain 1 life,,,,, tysm I love ur art SM ur such an inspiration,,,💖💖💖
Oh my g o d s thank you so much ;^;
Anon said:Your Kiridragon is the cutest, I love him and want Katsuki to protect him forever. Thank you for sharing that last story with us!!! (Ps. Can we expect more Kiridragon adventures in the future? *puppy eyes*)
Thank you for liking him!!!!!! And if you’re talking about the fantasy AU in general, I’ll 100% for sure draw more for it! If you’re talking about them as kids tho I can’t say for sure - I definitely want to, tho, right now!! ;^;
Anon said:As a suggestion, could you maybe do Kiri*Deku, whether it be romantic, platonic, or misinterpreted by Bakugou and he takes Kirishima because that’s his sunshine boy thank you very much, get your own
Aw anon sorry but krdk is…………. really not my thing, so I don’t take suggestions for it ;-; I might end up doodling them in the future anyway since I have in the past, but that’s only gonna be if I find an idea I really really really wanna draw, I’m sorry
Anon said:Just wanted to say that I love your art and I just went through a majority of your blog. But I noticed you used to draw erasermic but haven’t recently and I was wondering if you still ship it??? It’s okay if you don’t or if you just haven’t gotten the inspiration recently, I’m just curious. Anyways, keep doing what you do and being amazing
Thank youuuu!!!!! And I’ve actually always drawn erasermic super sporadically! They’re one of my main ships in the fandom honestly, but since they’re sorta hard to draw for me I rarely end up drawing them? I do still love them with all my heart tho! You can expect to see more of them in the future, for sure ;u;
Anon said:I came for my kiribaku fix (it HAD to be him I’m dying all over again) but. God ur art always blows me tf away ur so good and skilled and ur improvement in like… everything inspires me SO much so bless u and I hope u have a WONDERFUL day
I’m so glad I can inspire anyone, oh my g o o o o o o d ;O; thank you so so much!!!!
Anon said:Wow your dragon kiribaku art is so cute! Will there be a sequel!
Not for the immediately after, for now! Since Horikoshi is yet to give me the official design for Kiri’s mom //sob - but as I said up there I do want to draw more with them as kids in the fantasy AU, so maybe, yeah!!!
Anon said:I absolutely love EVERY SINGLE facial expression that Bakugou makes in your Fantasy Babies comic strip. He’s such an unapologetic little shit.
THANK YOU!!!!! I was mostly trying to convey the fact that he’s too young to think about the consequences of his actions before doing stuff like calling the rage of a dragon mom upon his city l m a o glad you liked him!!! :D
Anon said:The way you draw the baby bois has me weak 💖💕❤️💗💞💓💝 That baby dragon Kiri 💯💯💯💖💖💖😊😊😊
Thank you so muuuuuucccchhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anon said:EYYYYY! Love your art, the newest comic made me laugh so hard that I almost chocked to death :D (Jk, I just couldn’t breathe normally) God bless youuuuuuuuuu
I’m SUPER HAPPY it made you laugh!!!!!! heck!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;^;
Anon said:You content makes my heart go doki doki doki doki doki
THANK!!!! YOU!!!!! SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!
Anon said:the way you draw wings is so cool, i love it. your art is just amazing in ggeneral to be honest, like akjdjkhdlkdl
AAAAHHHHHHHH I’M HAPPY YOU LIKE THEM I have so much fun drawing them, honestly!!!
Anon said:I love the fact that mina and kiri are cannonically childhood friends (middle school counts as childhood right??) Like I love their friendship so much and they both deserve the world.
Real, they’re adorable and I wish Horikoshi would actually have them interact a bit more in the manga, since as for now their scenes together are pretty much non-existent aside from their backstory ;^;
Anon said:You with your beautiful beautiful art and Chonideno with her beautiful beautiful writing about Kiri and Bakugou makes my heart so happy and warm and just… Thank you for existing and love Kiribaku! I don’t know, your art makes me so happy
Ohhhhhhhhhhh boy what an honor to be put at the same level as mag ;^; I love her and her writing so much, honestly !!!!!! thank you so so much for the compliment, anon!!!!!!!!!!!
Anon said:Kirishima braiding his hair while he talks is both adorable and relatable. Thank you for that.
I’m!!!! mostly happy you caught it hahahaha thank you !!!!!!
Anon said:Hey. You seem insecure but your art is great. What kind of color scheme do you see for Hawks?
Hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm I honestly don’t like thinking about stuff I think Hori will give me in canon soon enough? But out of instincts I mostly imagined him in shades of brown, I think - typical birds of prey and/or aviator colors, you know!
Anon said:I love ur drawings but i also love reading ur tag. They re so funny sometimes
lmao that’s good too!! As long as I can make people enjoy a couple of moments of their time I don’t really mind how I do it hahaha
Anon said:your art is beautiful anfndfnd
AAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you so much!!!!!!!!!!!
Anon said:Hello fran, just wanted to say i’ve been here for a long long time (since the h/q times :‘o) and today i was thinking about some of your old art and if you remember, you had a soulmates au for b/n/h/a that was super good and i really loved so i wanted to tell you!! You as an artist have such an impact on me and that au is my fave of yours!! ;0; have the nicest day ever!! -soulmates anon (4 future ref!!!)
OH MAN I’m so happy to hear you still remember that one?? It was such a fun experiment to play around with, I’m glad you liked it this much!!!! Thank you for telling me omg !!!!! ;^;
Anon said:Hi, so where did you go to watch Haikyuu (I’m assuming probably Crunchyroll but ya never know) and where might I find the dubbed version?
Aw anon sorry I don’t watch the dubbed version! Since I’m Italian, I don’t really have much use for the English dubs haha I’m pretty sure you can find it on kissanime, tho!
Anon said:could you briefly go through the process of making and completing one of your comics? I wanted to start some short bnha comics but idk where to start, thank you!
Sorry this took me an age to answer - I have answered this question a while back, I think it might be in my art tips tag! But to go through it fast, my process is something like
find a line or an exchange I want to deliver, or a topic I want discussed (usually happens randomly as I’m doing other things)
spend a million years just staring at a wall or at my ceiling or anything else as I build a whole scene in my mind to have the lines or topic take the form of an actual comic (might take two minutes, might take a month)
draw a rough sketch of the whole comic - I do this with all panels (and pages, when I separate a comic in pages) on the same canvas, so that I can look at the whole scene all together and get a good sense of the general flow of the storytelling. This process includes cutting panels, moving panels around, reshaping panels, trying different poses and angles for the same panels to find the right one, writing and deleting and re-writing lines till I’m sure the wording is what I’m going for*
line the panels - I mean the actual panels, the straight lines delimitating the panel, I line them all first and put them on a separate layer
line the people!! All the characters in every panel are lined in this stage
line the backgrounds! In case there are backgrounds and the comic is meant to stay in black and white, if not then color the backgrounds! (I always start coloring from the backgrounds cause they’re the boring parts and if I leave them for last I never do them ever #rip)
in case of black and white comics, we fill in flat, gray-scale colors at this point (or, as I’ve lately started doing, I only put down shadows and leave it at that). If it’s in colors, we color the people!
Write down the dialogue!! *at this point we change a lot of the dialogue again because enough time has passed since I sketched it that I changed my mind on everything, don’t be like me
you’re done!
All of it is done on one single canvas, unless it’s a comic with separate paneled pages in which case they’re all done on their own canvas but still drawn all together. That’s about it, hope it was at least a little bit useful!
Anon said:Hi! I just wanted to thank you for your art, especially your KiriBaku. I was exactly in the same situation than Bakugou in the post tagged “bakugou being blunt about his feelings” (except we are 2 girls) , so I used it to confess to her. She said yes! X3
OH MY GOD I’m so super happy to hear that!!!!! Congrats on your gf, anon!!!!!! *throws hearts at u*
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reddhoodie · 7 years
The Robin Cave
It’s Batfam week! Here’s today’s fic, based on the prompt ‘family’!
Tagging: @speedypan @laundrymoney
(Let me know if you want to be added to the tag list for this week!)
    Damian sprints for the yard, the kitchen door slamming closed behind him, almost completely muffling Bruce's shouts for him to come back here this instant. Barefoot he runs through the soft green grass until he passes into the cool shade of the woods, acorns and gnarled roots jabbing at his feet.
    He isn't pursued, he knows, but he keeps running to escape the tight burning in his belly, the frustration at his father's asinine 'rules' sizzling like acid in his lungs. There's fire in his chest, like he's a dragon barely containing a flame behind his back teeth. He wants to scream and fight and kick as if he's trapped in a box, but lashing out at his family never ends well for anyone. And so, he runs.
    It's early afternoon, lunch is long past but dinner is far off. He has time for himself now, and he's going to use it. He can face his father at dinner, he tells himself.
    After what seems like forever, Damian allows himself to slow all the way down to a walk. The roaring in his ears is softer now, replaced by his heart pounding from his run. He takes his time picking his way along the vague paths through the trees and underbrush.
    It's peaceful in the woods, with birds singing, a soft breeze blowing in the treetops. It's warm, but the shade from the trees keeps it from getting unbearably hot here in the shade. Wildflowers blossom in the sunny patches between the trees. Chipmunks and squirrels dash through the tall grass and fallen leaves.
    He wanders down a path that seems a bit more worn, like it's actually been used in the past eight hundred years. Tries to take deep, calming breaths, tries to regain himself while his hands are still shaking and his muscles still tense.
    The path is mostly smooth dirt, easier on his bare feet than the rocks and twigs, but it's sheltered from the breeze, and he's sweating in a matter of moments.
    Wildflowers line this path almost as neatly as if they'd been planted there purposely. Bees buzz from side to side over the path, big fat bumblebees with loudly humming wings. He stays alert to make sure he doesn't step on any. One lands on his t-shirt anyway.
    “I'm not a flower.” He informs it gently, nudging it with one finger, feeling the soft fuzz of its body while it crawls thoughtfully along the light fabric.
    It seems to consider him for a moment, decides he's not as interesting as the forget-me-nots in the grass, and buzzes away.
    Damian watches it go, allows himself a small smile, and keeps walking.
    The path crests a hill and a clearing opens up before him. Near the center stands a massive oak tree, its branches full with leaves and spread wide to catch the sunlight. Nestled in the center of the branches, there's a small hut-like structure, secured to the tree.
    He pauses at the edge of the clearing and frowns.
    The structure is too crude for actual long-term inhabitance, but too permanent to be some kind of camp. The clearing is quiet except for birds and buzzing insects, which suggests that no one is inside. Still, he approaches it cautiously.
    Several boards are screwed sideways into the tree trunk to create a rough ladder. A rope also hangs from one side of the structure and is swinging gently. He ignores both and climbs up the tree itself, scraping his bare knees on the rough, dark tree bark on the way.
    He stands on a branch about level with the treehouse, trying to investigate from afar before he steps inside.
    It's small enough that an adult would be unable to stand straight inside, and square. There's a large, open window on two sides opposite each other, and a hatch in the bottom where one would enter from the ladder. Inside he can see a very old, very faded little rug, and some shelves.
    Convinced no one is inside, Damian steps onto the windowsill, waits to be sure the old wood will hold his weight, and then hops inside.
    He breaks a spiderweb on his way through the window, and grumbles to himself while he brushes sticky, invisible tendrils off of his skin.
    The inside of the treehouse is sparse. Besides the old rug on the floor, there's a small set of shelves with a few old toys, and a bunch of children's drawings tacked to the windowless walls. Leaves are piled and rotting in the corners, while spiders and various other insects crawl on the walls. There's a wood plank screwed to the wall over the drawings, words carefully painted onto it.
    The Robin (and Batgirl) Cave.
    Damian blinks.
    Most of the drawings on the wall are a bit faded, or water damaged, or torn from wind and age, but he can still see their original images.
    Silly pencil drawings of a boy and a girl running on rooftops. A boy throwing a batarang at an awkward and out of proportion version of the Riddler. Childish designs for impractical vehicles and gadgets and clothes.
    On the opposite windowless wall, a large sheet of poster board is cut and decorated to look like a smaller version of the batcomputer in the Cave. It's a detailed reproduction, clearly done by an older child. Far down in the right-hand corner, it's signed.
    The robin-computer, by JT
  He turns to look back at the drawings on the first wall. Some of those are signed. Drawings by 'Babs', 'D', and 'JT'. He spots a set of flourescant-colored post it notes in the corner, sporting a pen doodle comic of a stick-figure Robin winning a dance-off with Mr. Freeze. It's signed with a simple 'Tim, 2011'.
  'D + K' is drawn in a tiny heart near the floor in pen.
  A goofy doodle of batman, his eyes pointing different directions and his tongue sticking out, is drawn on the wall in a wider marker above that, boldly signed with 'JT' like a challenge. There are several similar drawings in other places on the wall, all signed.
  On the floor, in the corner, half covered by leaves, he finds an old faded photo, water damaged from rain and weather. A polaroid of all things.
  It features a little red-haired girl, hanging upside-down by her knees from a tree branch. She's holding the camera out at arm's length, while a boy about her age with dark hair and bright blue eyes hangs beside her, though only from one leg. Both are smiling like they're in the middle of laughing, sunlight streaming through the leaves and causing a bright lens flare right in the center that nearly hides them both.
  He sets the photo down on the dusty shelf, beside beat-up action figures, feeling like a black hole has just opened in his chest.
  This space, this 'robin cave', has apparently been shared by all the Robins. Why hadn't anyone told him about it?
  He's an outsider, again. An unwanted add-on to the family already established here. They hadn't told him about the treehouse because he didn't deserve it, he wasn't really one of them. He feels a little dizzy and tells himself it's the heat.
  When he turns to climb back out of the window, something decidedly more recent than the drawings catches his eye. It's an envelope, taped to the wall beside the window where it has the best chance of being hidden from the elements. Damian's name is written on the front in neat cursive.
  He frowns at it, tugs it gently off of the wall, and opens it. Inside is a letter, neatly written in Grayson's handwriting.
  Congratulations on finding THE ROBIN CAVE, Dami!
  Damian blinks, glances around, looks back at the letter.
  I'm sorry I coudn't just come out and tell you about this place, but it's kind of a tradition for the Robins to find it by themselves. I forgot about it once I grew out of it, and then Jason found it and made it his own. Then Tim found it himself and made it his, too. Now it's yours! I hope you have fun with it, I know we sure did.
  It's signed with a flourish, as if Grayson were signing some vital document. Damian rolls his eyes.
  P.S.- Welcome to the 'running away from Bruce' family, since I'm sure that's how you'll find it. It's how Jay did. :)
  Damian tucks the letter back into its envelope, looking around the treehouse again, with new eyes. It needed proper windows, he decided, and a light or two, for any possible nighttime use. Maybe he could get Jon to help him carry out the necessary equipment to make some improvements.
  The letter still gripped in his hands, he climbs out of the window and back to the tree branch, then down to the ground, and heads back towards the house with a new determination.
  He has some planning to do, after all.
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amandajoyce118 · 7 years
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The Defenders Easter Eggs and Comic Book References
Even though I’m not writing too many Easter Egg articles anymore, I can’t help but notice them when I watch comic book movies and shows, so I took a few notes when I binged The Defenders, and I figured I’d go ahead and write them up for anyone who is interested.
Disclaimer: There’s no way I found everything as I wasn’t actively looking for them this time around.
Also, spoilers if you haven’t yet watched the show!
S1E1 The H Word
Those colors. If you’ve been paying attention, you know that each of the Defenders’ previous shows have their own distinct color palettes - inspired by their comics. The series had to merge those colors together, but the credits and the introduction of each character still sticks to the red (Daredevil), purple (Jessica Jones), yellow (Luke Cage) and green (Iron Fist) or before.
Danny’s dream. His dream is prophetic, but that’s not what I mean. The robes worn by the monks in his dream are the closest the show has come to comic book accurate costumes from the Iron Fist stories.
New Harlem Renaissance. Mariah and Shades might not show up in the flesh, but the signs from their time in Harlem are all over the streets. You can catch them in the background.
S1E2 Mean Right Hook
The Incident. Everyone probably knows this references the Battle of New York in the Avengers by now since it’s been used in pretty much every Netflix series.
“I thought she’d be bigger.” Said about Jessica Jones, I’d like to think this is a nod to all the comic book fans who didn’t think Krysten Ritter could take on the role. Now, she’s the most popular of the MCU heroes.
85, 69, 41, 35, 24. All of the years that “Alexandra” became someone new and sold her business correspond to significant years in history. You have the US sending men to the moon in 1969, the bombing of Pearl Harbor in 1941, etc.
Foggy’s outsourcing. At first glance, this seems like he’s just throwing Matt a bone, but in reality, this is something real law firms do when they’re bogged down with cases - they throw the ones that won’t make them a ton of money to other lawyers. So, a real life Easter egg for you.
Matt as Jessica’s lawyer. Matt Murdock frequently defends superheroes in the comics, so, in addition to him being the only one of the Defenders who is a lawyer, and needing him to make a connection to Jessica, this is likely a nod to that. The only other lawyer who has likely defended more heroes than him in the comics is She-Hulk.
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S1E3 Worst Behavior
Elektra’s resurrection outfit. Though a lot of her outfits have drawn inspiration from the comics, the red wrapped and ribboned look she has when she’s resurrected by “the substance” is the closest you’ll get to her most famous comic book outfit.
Elektra’s weapons. In addition to the lingering looks she gives the sais here (foreshadowing that, not only does she remember something, but that those sais will be the sign that she’s not in the Hand’s control), Elektra ultimately picks a weapon that requires two hands instead of a simple sword or knife. Why? Because in the comics she believes that every part of her body is a weapon (she’s even used a broken tooth to choke someone) and no movement should be wasted. It makes sense that she’d want a weapon in each hand.
Stick cutting off his own hand. Marvel has a habit of giving an homage to Luke losing his hand in the Star Wars saga. Coulson’s lost one, Loki has (fake) lost one, robots have had hands cut off, etc.
Stan Lee cameo. He’s got a cameo in the same vein as all the other Netflix shows. You can spot him on a poster in the background of a shot. In the Netflix corner of the MCU, he’s apparently a retired cop.
Duncan and Dotter. It’s entirely possible that this is a coincidence, but the name Duncan sparked my memory, so I tried to find a Marvel connection. Tim Duncan named his daughter (dotter) after a Guardians of the Galaxy character back in March., so this could be a shout out, but more than likely, it’s just a funny coincidence.
Look, a hallway fight! It’s not a Marvel Netflix show until someone gets knocked out in a hallway fight.
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S1E4 Royal Dragon
The symbolic dragon. Remember that color palette? The restaurant’s dragon symbol is the first time all of the colors actually come together to create something new, providing a nod to the fact that this restaurant is where the Defenders will actually form.
The Venus painting. One of the paintings in Alexandra’s office/home is of Venus rising from the foam of the sea, just like her birth in myth. It’s a nice nod to the resurrection of Elektra.
The fingers. While the fingers don’t really exist in the comics in the same way they do in the show, it is still a nod to comic terminology. Colleen Wing actually came from a line of women who were part of the Nail, an offshoot of the Hand that was entirely female.
“I’m not looking for super friends.” Probably just a coincidence here too, but who hears the words super friends and doesn’t think of the DC cartoon?
S1E5 Take Shelter
Travel by sewer. Heroes escaping into the sewers with an older and mysterious mentor? Complete with the bad guys entering the alley just as the covering settles into place? That’s a nod to Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles if I ever saw one. Which is doubly cute because TMNT, the original comic, was written to satire Daredevil. That’s why the turtles are ninjas that battle the Foot.
S1E6 Ashes, Ashes
Matt roughs up people late on rent. It’s a joke from Matt, but in the comics, it’s actually something his father did to make money. Battlin Jack worked for the Fixer when his fighting career went down the drain and he was drenched in alcoholism. In addition to fixing fights and acting as a bookie, the Fixer also collected a protection fee from locals.
Matt “forgetting” the hole at Midland Circle. The crack about him not mentioning the giant hole, and his quip that he forgot about it, seem like a nice nod to critics from the writers since critics labeled it the literal plot hole at the center of Daredevil.
Greenwood Cemetery. The place where Elektra was buried is where the Punisher was arrested during Daredevil season two, if I’m not mistaken.
S1E7 Fish in the Jailhouse
Foggy bringing Matt the suit. It’s a nice nod to the many times Foggy has had to bail Matt out of trouble in the comics, sometimes by pretending to be Daredevil himself, sometimes by being Matt’s eyes when his radar sense was damaged.
Cut the head off the snake. And two more take its place? No? Cutting off heads being referenced in a Marvel movie or TV show is always going to be a callback to Hydra, even if it’s not intentional.
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S1E8 The Defenders
Madame Gao’s fighting stance. She takes on the crane pose before fighting, which is either just an aesthetic choice, or a nod to the fan theory that she represents the show’s version of the Crane Mother from the comics.
Misty loses her arm. In the comics, Iron Man provides her with a bionic one, so maybe it’ll be Danny’s company who does the honors. (I’m going to take Colleen being the one by her bedside as a nod to Daughters of the Dragon being on the way too.)
The names on Misty’s medical chart. L Carter, E Wirtham, and Tony Isabella are all visible on her chart. Linda Carter was the original Night Nurse, who Claire Temple seems to have become for the show. Elias Wirtham is the comic book villain Cardiac, a guy with tragic backstory who experiments on himself. Tony Isabella is a Marvel writer.
Iron Fist taking on Daredevil’s role. He strikes a pose on top of a building to protect the city, sure, but he’s also actually impersonated Daredevil in the comics in order to draw villains out in the past.
“Maybe we’ll grab a coffee sometime or something.” Jessica says this offhand to Luke, and Jessica-Luke shippers have a little hope. Getting coffee has become code for a hookup, so maybe there’s hope for these to comic book kids to get together yet. (Though Luke and Claire are great together too!)
“Get Maggie. Tell her he’s awake.” Maggie would likely be Sister Maggie, a nun who nurses Matt back to health a few times in the comics, and is later revealed to be the mother that abandoned him and his father when he was a baby! We’ll likely see the threads of that continue in Daredevil season three, but you can check out the Born Again comic book arc if you want hints.
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kimerarts · 7 years
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“Look Sam! I did it!” (children practicing magic in the swamp)
Guess who did a new AU!! I did! I call it the Naga!Danny AU cause I can’t think of another name rn
I’ll put all the details I got so far under the link (oh and also 3 extra images cause I was very exited and i draw more hehe)
Takes place in a world where magic is real and humans live in a medieval-victorian like era, mythos (mythological creatures) and some humans can wield magic, humans have more variety in what kind of magic they can use but mythos are more specialized and stronger in their kind of magic. Humans separated the mythos into two categories: Monsters (the dangerous ones or ones that are more likely to attack humans, like werewolves) and benigns (the ones that prefer to be left alone, like centaurs)
Maddie and Jack are monster hunters, this gained them some enemies, one of those enemies is a shadow, a monster without form that is known for their unbreakable curses. In one of their hunts they somehow anger the shadow and it wants revenge, seeing that it couldn't come close enough to the hunters it decides to curse one of the hunters offspring, they had been fool to drag their children to the hunt. the shadow attacked the closer to it but before it could activate the curse completely it was interrupted by the hunters, but it didn’t matter the curse would activate by itself in some time.
The 12 years old Danny Fenton was lucky the shadow didn't completed its curse, his parents were worried for weeks after the incident but at seeing that Danny hadn't changed at all they concluded that the shadow didn't make any curse and that it was only taunting them.
For 2 years Danny felt weird,sometimes he could swore that he had escams in his arms or that his teeth felt a little too sharp, but when he saw himself in the mirror he saw nothing in his reflex and continued with his life.
The Fentons lived in the town of Amity, the town was located near the lake Erie and the Ghoul swap (yes humans aren't very creative with names), the river that feed the lake came from the Frozen mountains in the Kre’k mountain range and continued towards the ocean with the swamp following it, More to the mountains side there was a thick forest where humans could hunt deers, rabbits and was abundant in fruit trees.
The Fenton’s house was separated from the town and was ubicated near the swamp, the volatile experiments of the adults made it clear to the townspeople that it was safest for everyone if their house was far away from the others (fires were a very dangerous thing and nobody would have let them live in the town for fear of one). Even if the Fentons were appreciated for their services they were way too extravagant to have too much respect in the town, not that the Fenton parents care for that.
Maddie and Jack were hunters and inventors, their house was oddly constructed, the main part of the house was constructed with the same bricks as all the houses in the town, though they later added another part in the roof and some other rooms at the sides, the rooms weren't the same size so that the house was very asymmetric and it gave it an odd look to the outsiders, even so Danny loved his house.
Danny, Sam and Tucker were best friends since very young, Tucker was an inventor, though he invented things to make his life easier, Sam was a magic user, she learns everything from her grandma, her favorite magic was the plant and healing kinds, though she knew a little of shadow and fire magic to use in self defense. Magic users were not well seen by the humans because of they could wield magic like the monsters (they conveniently forgot that benigns could do magic too… jerks), so if discovered magic users were treated lower than dirt and were usually enslaved.
Danny learned how to hunt from his parents but he is not interested in killing monsters, he is only willing to kill animal for food and really hates when the other hunters kill for sport (when they kill a deer just for the antlers and leave the body behind), though he is an excellent tracker, he can track any animal or human in land and even the turtles and crocodiles in the swamp, nobody knows how he does it but don't complain when they have turtle to eat. Sam doesn't like that innocent animals are killed but she understands it’s for food (if it was for her she would live of only plants and fruit, but it is not possible in that era)
When Danny reached his 14 bday he was alone in the swamp near his house with only Sam and Tucker as company, his parents had gone to a hunt and would be away for a few days, and his sister was in town teaching to read to the children. The three friends were in search for any fish in the traps that Tucker had built and when the sun was at its highest point danny felt a great pain and screamed, then he passed out.
When Danny woke up his face was in the mud and his legs felt funny, well his everything felt funny, Danny then tried to stand up but for some reason he couldn't and when he saw his “legs” he knew why, he had no legs anymore in its place there was a long muscled snake body covered with black escames, then Danny saw his hands and those were covered with white escames that went as far as his forearm and his fingernails were now small white claws.
Danny then saw his reflection in the dirty water, his hair changed from black to white and his ears were more pointy than before but the thing that was most shocking were his eyes, they were completely green with two vertical slits as pupils. Danny knew that he had transformed somehow into a naga for what his parents told him nagas were one of the most dangerous monsters, nobody knew what kind of magic they were stronger but everybody knew nagas were the most poisonous creatures, their bite was mortal and even their meat and blood wasn't safe to eat for any animal.
When Sam and Tucker called for his name Danny didn't knew what to do, they have seen his transformation and had waited until he woke up to ask him what just happened, Danny told them that he didn't knew and then they agreed to go to Danny's house because maybe his parents have some information in this. Sam and Tucker had to help danny (half dragging him) towards the house (danny doesn't know how to move his snake body yet)
That's how all starts, Danny is now a half monster and after Danny mastered his transformation from human to naga and vice Sam teaches danny some of her shadow magic (they were experimenting what kind of magic Danny can do) and Danny is very good at it, he uses shadows to hide himself, it works better in the night, (this AU version of invisibility) Danny doesn't tell his parents for fear that they will experiment in his naga form and then kill him.
After 2 weeks of Danny transformation monsters start to appear in the town and cause problems in there, Danny Sam and Tucker decided to stop the monsters from causing too much damage to their town and end up saving most of them from the Fenton parents, later Sam teaches Danny fire magic, then Danny can use green fire to attack the most violent monsters (version of ectoblasts)
They later decide that Danny’s naga form should have the name Serpent, it was way better that the name the humans started calling him after someone saw a shadow of him, they were calling him Snaeky (like snake and sneaky fused toegether), Danny hates that name
Because I didn’t want all ghost to be monsters in this AU I made a list (ok 2 lists)
-Trollbox: this au version of the box ghost, he is a small troll that likes to do a mess everywhere he goes, mostly for attention, very weak and annoying
-Ember: she is a siren (humanoid creature, only merpeople have fish tails) her blue hair moves from her head like underwater, tho is so bright blue that some humans think is fire, she likes the attention of people when she sings, tho it has a little lure in it that made humans want to approach her and forget what they were doing
-Wulf: lone werewolf, he didn't like his previous pack’s ideology of eating humans and other mythos so he left them, bad side is that he’s hunted by humans, he makes Danny and his friends his new pack and then lives in the forest near Amity
-Nocturne: octopi (half human half octopus… like ursula in the little mermaid), lives in the ocean but like the octopus he can go to land if he wishes, he spacializes in mind magic, visits Amity one night out of curiosity, is neutral with Danny after the encounter
-Frostbite: he and his tribe are yetis (oh wow… shocking -_-... anyway) they live in the frozen mountain and is thanks to their magic over ice and snowstorms that the river that feeds Amity exists, Danny learns ice magic with them
-Pandora: arachni (half human half spider, it made sense with her four arms ok!) she is the queen of the Akr’us empire, they live underground in most of the Kre’k mountain range (that why the name) like canon danny become allies with them at returning a treasure that boxy stole
-Aragon and Dorathea: they are actually dragons that can speak human language, they have a kingdom (more like Aragon ate the king and stayed there as the new king), it’s full of humans but little or almost none mythos, the kingdom is in an islad near the beach where the swamp ends
-Vlad Masters/Plasmius: Vlad kew Maddie and Jack when they were young and he joined in their monster hunts too, in a incident similar at the one Danny had Vlad was cursed to be a half monster too, but he is half vampire so there isn't much he can offer to Danny to leave his father, only safety more information of magic that he could use and acceptance, tho Danny doesn't like his manipulative attitude and refuse. Vampires feed of blood (human or animal, no mythos cause magic does weird thing to their bodies) they have wings that hide them as a cape (yes he’s still the rich manipulative bastard that we all love)
-Vortex: weather spirit, likes to cause electric storms, Danny has to stop him before he creates fires in the town, after confrontation he is convinced to do his storms away from Amity.
-Undergrowth: forest spirit, after a big deforestation he awakes and wants revenge towards the humans, after confrontation he is asured that humans will not desforest more than they need, he then goes back to the forest (he will be busy reforesting)
-Poindexter: weak ghost looking for revenge in his abusers, after misunderstanding becomes friends with Danny
-Amorpho: shapeshifter, likes to prank people, neutral with Danny
-Observants: weird eyeballs with long thin tentacles, they live under the ocean and almost never leave it
-Clockwork: naga,especialized in time magic, (TUE happens as in canon changing some details), becomes teacher of Danny (fuck u vlad!) and kinda father figure
-Dan: mix of naga Danny and vampire Vlad (with the snake half, the wings and Vlad greenish skin), for his thirst of blood he had drank of humans and mythos, the magic in mythos blood make him insane and homicidal- stopped by Danny and erased from the timeline for Clockwork
-Spectra: leech of people's emotions, humanoid with wrinkled skin and pointy teeths she’s very manipulative, enemie of Danny and friends.
-bertrand: shapeshifter, follows Spectra like a puppy
-Cujo: shuck (big black ghostly dog that roams near the coast), he is feared for humans tho he is just a curious creature, becomes friend with Danny roams the swamp near his house, for some reason the Fenton parents never see him
-Hotep ra: mummy that cames to Amity thanks to merchants, wants to rebuild his lost kingdom, manipules Tucker like a puppet, enemie of Danny
-Klemper: ice spirit that is always looking for friends, tho he tends to freeze everything in his path, after becoming friend with Danny he roams the Frozen mountain with his new yeti friends
-Sojourn: air elemental, explorer, can wield lighting like whips to attack or defend himself, good friend with Clockwork and visits him sometimes, becomes a uncle figure to Danny, has way to many stories to share
-Skulker: monster hunter, wants danny cuase is very rare to even see a naga (duh), is in good terms with Vlad (tho he doesnt know about the half monster thing)
-Technus: inventor of skulker weapons, besides his best friend, extravagant like the Fentons but not interested in hunting
-Johnny and Kitty: horse riders, rebels, after confrontation they are friends with Danny (they adopted him as a little brother, yes they know about the naga thing when Danny tried to stop them for causing too much chaos)
-Walker: runs a prison, tho is very far from Amity, wants to imprison humans and mythos that go against the rules (his rules)
-Freakshow: slaves mythos for his cirqus (monsters and beings), Danny has to be saved by his friends
-Pharia Dark: enemy king, tries to invade the kingdom in where danny lives, Amity is his starting point in conquest, he uses magical artifacts of power created by some mages in his kingdom
-Fright knight: loyal knight (not really) of Pharia Dark, mounts a dark alicorn and has a magic sword, changes his loyalty towards the kingdom that defeated his king
-Desiree: magician slaved by some comerciants, Danny and friends free her and she becomes an allie, she hides in the swamp in a old abandoned house, Danny and friends bring her food and company, she teaches Danny and Sam what she knows of magic
-Dairy king: he is the king of the kingdom in which Amity is, good king doesnt have much enemies, prefers peace and daily products
-Ghost writer: he's known as writer, he teach the kids in the school, his favourite recreation is writing and reading
-Youngblood: little orphan that lives in amity, is friends with Danny since before the incident, they always put pranks in grown ups (probably will get adopted by Desiree)
-Lunch lady: ( have to give her a name!) the best cook of Amity, she’s the head chef in all parties and wants to feed the children, tho she can be scary if they refuse her food
That’s all I have so far, if you guys have any ideas or question u are free to ask (u can also ask in my main blog)
ok now the 3 pictures!!
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Naga Danny hissing in anger
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Blep with his bifed tounge (also testing the air but still looking adorable)
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He grabbed and started to eat a rat like any teen would do with snacks (he still ate the rat, Sam was not pleased and Tucker foud it to funny)
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(Get ready!) 1. Any scars? 4. Kissed anyone? 5. Coke or Pepsi? 6. Someone you hate? 7. Best friends? 8. Have you ever done alcohol or drugs? 9. What’s your dream job? 13. Height? 18. Obsession? 19. If you had one wish, what would it be? 21. Kiss or hug? 22. Nicknames people call you? 23. Favorite song? 24. Favorite band? 26. Best thing that has ever happened to you? 27. Something you would change about yourself? 30. Watch the movie or read the book? 32. Favorite show?
(Same anon continued!) 35. Do you wish you could ever start over? 36. Any bad habits? 37. Ever had a near death experience? 38. Someone you can tell anything to? 41. Someone you hate/dislike? 42. Are you okay?
WOW… you’re certainly a…. enthusiastic anon eh? e.o *mind boggled* Let me… let me reply to all these. As brief as possible. E^E….Geesh. 24 different questions. Damn… My apologies to everyone. This is gonna be a LONG POST. e.o
Long post below! O.e
1. Any scars?
Um, I have two on my head, right behind my ears at different heights from my two different cochlear implant surgeries to install the internal parts into my head so the external processors will work. When my hair is short it looks like someone purposefully buzzed a line through my hair there, lol, but it’s natural from the surgery when I was 7 and 11 years old respectively.
And since I heal very well, my scars are real hard to see. I still have a faint one on my thumb, at the base of the last joint to the front of it, and one along the left side of my middle finger (both fingers on my right hand) that is still rough and keeps peeling a lot even now, years after the event.
Those I got from a random-ass exploding lightbulb that I was screwing in, had MADE SURE the lamp was off both at the wall and at the lamp itself (though I didn’t unplug it because I didn’t think I needed to…), but nope I had screwed it in one too many times, saw a BRIGHT FLASH OF LIGHT, and then it exploded, glass everywhere, and somehow only got hit on my index finger, middle finger, and thumb. ONLY there! Even to this day my engineer mother is completely baffled as to how that happened.
4. Kissed anyone?
Yes. My first ever kiss[es] was with an enthusiastic sloppy and awkward boy during a yearly dance when I was in highschool (I was unschooling and going to the Voyagers Homeschooling Co-op and they hosted yearly dances). Five French kisses are not my idea of a good first kiss ever!
My second ever person to kiss was … well. *blush and funny deadpan with crossed arms* He knows who he is. Since apparently I keep totally forgetting it somehow until he mentions it in a teasing fashion and yes we did date for a short while there before breaking up and remaining friends.
My third and remainder of kisses are thoroughly claimed by my handsome, hot boyfriend. -w-
5. Coke or Pepsi?
Coke. ALL. THE. WAY.
Blame my awesome grandmother (R.I.P.) who had 4 pm be coca cola time every day. :D She got me on coke early. …NOT COCAINE! Yeesh. Dirty minds. She also introduced me to my love of dragons and she was awesomely supportive and adoring of my artwork. :3 Since she was hard of hearing from old age and I was born hard of hearing, we got along well with having the TV on a comfortable loudness (for us). x3
…Damn just thinking about coca cola makes me think of her. :,) I even drank a whole 1 liter glass bottle of coke we got at a Mexican food store nearby for her funeral fiesta since she wanted a party for a funeral, not a sad dirge. :3 https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/ea/51/da/ea51da750fc136a655021c558b7c28c5.jpg Yes this one. XD I drank it all in under an hour in her honor and memory. I was so thirsty and so proud. XD I still have the empty bottle. x3
6. Someone you hate?
IDK… Hmm… I’m not one to really hate people. It’s such a strong emotion… I always thought of it as a “I want you to instantly die, right here and right now!” kind of emotion. So I don’t really hate people.
…I DO know of someone I would… honestly NOT be sad if she died. Considering she caused a hellava LOT of suffering and torment for my friend. I’d be sad because my friend would be sad, BUT I wouldn’t be sad because I actually missed her or regretted her death in any way.
7. Best friends?
Oh gosh. :3 Off the top of my head @destan-of-the-shadows and @faes-hiding-place :D my boyfriend counts too! Two RL friends I can meet with at times are more friends than “best” friends but I still count them as my friends because we’ve been friends since like 5th or 6th Grade in Middle School when we were all like 11 or 12 years old. :D I’m 22 now so see how long we’ve been friends. :D
8. Have you ever done alcohol or drugs?
NO drugs! The only thing that counts as alcohol is that couple sips of champagne at my cousin’s wedding when the servers mistakenly forgot to give us kids sparkling apple cider instead of champagne. Oops. XD We of course took great advantage of sipping as much as we could before they removed it. ;D It tasted HORRIBLE though. X_X What’s the appeal? IDK!
I drank some sips of other people’s drinks when I turned 21 but I absolutely HATE and CANNOT STAND the horribly bitter taste of alcohol (even in the sweetest mixed drinks it is strong and proud there when nobody else can taste it). Even if it’s burned off when used in a cheese fondue, that HORRIBLE bitterness remains. Bitter like the rotting corpse of a dying animal.
No thank you. I don’t ever want to drink again. X_X
9. What’s your dream job?
…. :,,,( I’ve not thought about this in ages… since I had to give up a lot of my “dream jobs” and “dream life” in order to make peace with the chronically ill life I have now. The grieving process was hard.
Goodbye my aspirations of being a geneticist, a psychologist, or even a therapist. Hello my life goals of being a professional artist and published author. :3
13. Height? 
5'10". 5 feet, 10 inches. -w- … I really wish I was taller than my dad though. *grumble* He’s 6 feet. At least I’m an inch taller than my MOM. -^-
18. Obsession? 
Oh dear. Which one? XD Take your pick. ;D I have: dragons, wings, flight, flying, cats/felines, biology, psychology, discussing the universe, astrology, culture, world-building, magic, art (as in drawing and coloring), writing, daydreaming, reading, listening to music, and cuddling with my boyfriend in a literal Netflix and chill. -w-
19. If you had one wish, what would it be?
…. *blinks and sighs* … It’d either be to be healthy again so I wouldn’t have this chronic illness (but would still keep my being deaf and hard of hearing because I LIKE THAT PART)… or to go back home, to my home world where my soul came from.
Yeah. XP
21. Kiss or hug? 
Hug. :3 Preferably cuddle. :D  
22. Nicknames people call you?
Indi-bindy-bo (You know who you are
23. Favorite song?
OH GEEZE. Hard to answer! XD … My favorite song of ALL time that I will ALWAYS love, have always loved, and might as well be my theme song for the sake of it? xD “Can’t Take Me (I’m Free!)” by Bryon Adams, from the Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron movie. xD
24. Favorite band?
My favorite singer is Michael Jackson. :3 He’s the only one I really know a lot about. All other bands and singers I just like some of their songs but know nothing about them as people, not even what they LOOK like a lot of times. -////- I prefer to respect their privacy. :)
26. Best thing that has ever happened to you?
Oh… Oh GOSH. IDK… XD … :3 Meeting my boyfriend, @destan-of-the-shadows and @faes-hiding-place :3
27. Something you would change about yourself?
See my wish above. -.- I’d LOVE to change that chronic illness of myself. … If I can’t then my persistent anxiety, or to somehow grow wings (like this third would be more likely than the other two? XD Hell, I can still ask! XD)
30. Watch the movie or read the book?
I’d rather read the book. :3 Unless the book is so horrible, that I wanna see why people think it’s so horrible, then I watch the movie because they usually try to tone things like that down. If the movie is horrible in many of the ways that I’ve heard criticism of the book itself… then I know never to touch that book. E^E 
32. Favorite show? 
Of all time? Avatar: The Last Airbender, Gargoyles, and Seconds from Disaster. >:D
Right now? XD Air Disasters. -w-
35. Do you wish you could ever start over?
Start what over? This life? Blegh. Don’t make me go through puberty TWICE!
… *looks at the side effects of taking testosterone HRT* Oh wait, I’m already doing that! -p-
… Make that don’t make me go through it a THIRD time. xD Even if that means I’d be able to be in a male body from day one, as opposed to having to be trans. XP
36. Any bad habits?
Which one do you wanna know? -x- Anxiety, hyper-focusing on a thing in my mind and then having the mind get stuck and not concentrate on anything else until I yank it off that… Staying quiet about things that affect me because I don’t want to hurt others or be a burden? Often opting to be quiet instead of confronting things that could make the relationship better in the long run? Being intensely private? Judging the strength of my relationships based on how much of my inner self I truly share? Doing subtle tests as I get to know someone to see which subject is “safe” to talk about and which I should just shut up about without them ever knowing? Over-thinking things a ton? Apparently my not needing to talk to others for a while is a weird-ass thing? … I can go on. -x-
Oh wait, were you asking about like little quirks like twirling hair or picking at the skin kinda bad habits? My apologies. -x-;;
37. Ever had a near death experience?
Yes. Waking up to being strangled by a spirit counts as that.
No, I’ve had an occasion of sleep paralysis before. I know what that feels like. You can’t move anything.
This was where I CAN move. I could move my hands and arms and everything else. It’s just something invisible and mostly intangible was strangling the life out my throat. Not from the inside choking, because I know what that feels like too. (My Life…) but from the outside suffocation and pressure and constriction on the outside of my neck.
Being strangled to near death in my spirit form by another spirit meant my physical body could feel that too, panicked the FUCK OUT at the feel of almost dying, and I literally felt my awareness fading away into a black nothingness with the faint but faltering heartbeats starting to skip and take longer and longer between each beat. Gasping and choking and then going still…
Thankfully helpful spirits got the negative one off and thoroughly destroyed it. They could heal my spirit form and with that healed, my body was able to come back too.
Never want to do that EVER. AGAIN. *shuddering* Those spirit attacks over the course of those three years were HELL on Earth. *holds self tight* 
38. Someone you can tell anything to?
My boyfriend. I’m still working on being more honest with my two close friends @destan-of-the-shadows and @faes-hiding-place but I’ve made a lot of progress over the years thankfully. :3
41. Someone you hate/dislike?
Try that woman I mentioned far above that I hate.
As for actively dislike? Trumperdink. Bigoted assholes. TRUSCUM, TERFS, SWERFS, rapists, rape-apologists, racists, ableist assholes, murderers, serial killers, homophobes, aphobes, transphobes, and all the rest of that shit. I really dislike and don’t trust the police force in this country. And the vast majority of politicians too.
My country is a dystopian nightmare the tyrannical capitalist US of A. x.= Save me.
42. Are you okay?
Umm…Today was a bit hellish. I survived though. *grins a bit too widely and eyetwtiches* My life is just…………. very…… VERY………. interesting. *twitch*
… I still stand by my previous opinion of laughing my ass off at the utter ridiculousness of how people try to portray those “superhero teenagers” as somehow balancing a “regular life” with “crime fighting on the side with a secret identity” and somehow NOT having the crime fighting life interfere with their regular life outside of those “special two episodes.”
Yeah the fuck right.
Obviously written by those who have NO idea what balancing two different lives are like. X_X In my case it’s nothing so noble as a superhero identity, but it’s the difference of my spirit life and physical life.
And above, in my near-death-experiences… you saw just ONE of the many manifestations of that clash. -x- …Not. ….Fun.
I high-key DO NOT RECOMMEND. -x-
Most days these days (since the spirit attacks ended WHOOT WHOOT!) I can have a normal calm life. Then SOMETHING comes up and I’m like “what the shit-fuck is my entire existence right now??”
Yeah. -x-
… Can I have a hug? ;;;n;;;
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fearofaherobrine · 7 years
Roleplay Server Log #142-143
“The derg, Steffan flirts with Flux, More Circus Repairs, Hyrule is Born”
[Sky] -In chat- I think the egg is hatching?? It's wiggling around and I've never seen a normal egg do that so..
[Deer] Fumbles around for a little bit before responding in chat- Doc's busy right now, but I can be there in a moment!- She rushes outside and heads for Mix's place
*Sky is standing infront of the egg in the pen with their horses. He'd been on his way home when the egg had started wiggling, so he'd stopped there. He looks unsure what to do about the egg, but very excited as Deer arrives
[Deer] - Sky, how long has it been moving?
[Sky] Not long, a bit before I sent that message, I think? I just sort of stopped the second it started.
[Deer] - CP says it normally only takes thema few minutes to actually hatch, so it should happen soon if he's correct...
[Sky] Yeah, but this one's been just sitting doing nothing for.. A long time, you know?
*Crckle. Crckle. The egg is gaining cracks
[Sky] I'm kinda nervous.
[Deer] Squees in excitement-
[Deer] - There's no need to be nervous Sky
[Sky] Yeah.. I.. I guess so.
*A large crack spreads over the egg and a snout pokes out of it, breaking some shell chunks off. The snout has two white stripes on top.
[Deer] - Awww, here, let me help you little one- She carefully starts pulling bits of shell off
*The dragon wiggles out with the assistance, kicking its little legs around while sliding from the shell.
[Sky] ... Huh.
[Deer] - Er...  It seems to be lacking wings...
[Sky] I think that's normal. A few didn't back home.. But this one reminds me of one... *He bends down and lets the baby dragon sniff his hand before licking it.
[Deer] - Reminds you of what Sky?
[Sky] We had another dragon like this but they had wings. Huge dragon, same little snout stripes.. *Sky picks the dragon up gently and pets it before offering it to Deer.
[Sky] You wanna pet them?
[Deer] - Sure- She reaches out and gently runs her hand down the baby's back- What will you name it?
[Sky] I.. Hm... Liz, I think. After the dragon they remind me of.
[Liz] ...Zzzzz..? *Tries to nibble on Deer's hand, despite it's complete lack of teeth.
[Deer] - Awwww, she's just the sweetest little thing
[Liz] Swwww...
[Sky] Smart, too.. Unless they're just... Copying sounds they like?
[Deer] - I don't know, I've only ever heard the other squeak
[Sky] Well, at home they were very smart, even this soon after birth.. So I wouldn't be too surprised...
*Liz tries to chomp down on Deer's hand, but it's a useless move without teeth.
[Deer] Laughs a little- Silly Lizz, people aren't for nomming, and that's very interesting Sky
[Liz] Ssssssskkk... *Mumbling around Deer's hand
[Sky] I was surprised when I found out it wasn't like that in other seeds and servers, y'know?
[Deer] - I'd bet, I think Endrea would be the closest to what you're used to
[Sky] Yeah, actually. She reminds me of the Elder, in a way. *Pets Liz and shakes his head a bit.
[Sky] Only barely though. So, what does Doc want us to do once they hatch? I'd like to keep Liz around though, after all I went through to try and get them to hatch before now.
[Deer] - I'm sure Doc will have no problem with that, and if you ever need something ender dragon related I'm sure Endrea will be more than willing to provide it
[Sky] Ah, I'm glad. *Smiles a bit while petting Liz
[Deer] - I'll leave you to it then.  I'm sure Mix will be eager to meet the new arrival as well
[Sky] ! Oh! That reminds me, when you see Doc, can you tell them Mix wants them to stop by? Something about wanting Doc to check something for her.
[Deer] - Absolutely, be safe Sky, and keep this little one safe too
*Sky waves before moving to the shore
[Sky] Will do.
[Flux] Is wandering Doc's house, looking at all the different paintings-
[Doc] Is bent over hir worktable. Xe's sorting out candy and rearranging pixels by hand. It's not nessesary to do it this way, but it's a zen activity.
[Flux] Spots Doc- Oh Doctor, hello
[Doc] Oh, hello Flux, doing a little exploring?
[Flux] - Yes, these things on the wall are so colorful
[Doc] Oh the paintings? Most of them are stock game items but there are a few done by people I know. The scribbly drawing on the wall over there was done by Endrea when she was little.
[Flux] - Endrea?
[Doc] She's, well she's kind of from Cp's seed? But it must be one that came later since you've never seen the End. She's a rather sweet big black dragon we raised from an egg.
[Flux] - The End, you mentioned it yesterday I believe.  But you are correct, I have never seen it
[Doc] You'll get to meet her and her kids eventually. Next time we go visit Cp and Stevie probably.
[Flux] A soft expression crosses Flux's face at the mention of her wards names-
[Doc] Watches her - I'm glad to see they have someone from their past who cares for them so. Cp would never say it, but the loss of his father cut him very, very deeply.
[Flux] - I could feel it, I only wish I could have gotten to him sooner...
[Doc] I think seeing how he was when he came here would have only broken your heart Flux. His brother was terrified of him too.
[Flux] - Oh I saw, after he was initially removed...
[Doc] Shakes hir head. -Those were hard days. I got hurt a lot, we both did. And poor Lie...
[Flux] - What about her?
[Doc] He was... very disrespecful to her, at the least, a frightening oppressor at the worst. I was skeptical about the solution we eventually came too, but it all worked out in the end. TLOT turned him into a cat. It was a lesson in humility he desperately needed.
[Flux] - I see, well I'm glad then that you found them, and I'm impressed that you were able to shift him
[Doc] Oh it wasn't me, it was TLOT. I can make a new body for someone as long as it's big enough for their player skin to fit inside of it. But he.... he can mold people like clay, more easily if they're willing. I'm glad he's a good person, it's a frighting ability.
[Flux] - He has a strong connection to the magic then
[Doc] I think it's all he has left. Before he had a mate he needed people's actual fear or want of his company to keep from losing energy and slipping back into the cage that was his Nether.
[Flux] - I see...- Her stomach growls a little- Oh, that's new...
[Doc] Ah, are you hungry? Do you want me to make you something, or would you rather go out?
[Flux] - Hungry?
[Doc] Your organs need food. Minecraft has a hunger mechanic now, you have to eat to stay alive.
[Flux] - Oh, and what is eating out?
[Doc] grins- Getting someone else to cook .
[Flux] - Would it let me see more of the outside?
[Doc] Of course.
[Flux] - Then let us do that
[Doc] Okay, - Xe makes a cursory examination and finds several empty rooms and the sounds of TLOT and Steve being rather... busy - Let's just go.
[Flux] - Lead the way Doctor
[Doc] Takes her outside and starts down the path to the bar-
-There are a few children playing at the spawn and Doc stops for a moment to watch them-
[Flux] Observes everything around her, asking things about the tree's and stuff-
[gem] -is playing pool in the bar while aven is siting at the table closest to it with ben-
[Doc] Answers all her questions and waves over Tang for a moment to say hi to her-
[BEN] Is scarfing down a burger-
-A little paper airplane sails overhead and sticks in the ground-
[Doc] Waves to Steffan in his garden as they go by-
[Flux] Picks the plane up and turns it over in her hands-
[Enderbro] VOOP! - Hey you found my plane! Wow, you're pretty.
[Flux] - Thank you...  What are you?
[Enderbro] Happy! - laugh snorts-
[Doc] That is true. Flux this is Enderbro. He's one of the Endermen I mentioned. Though much more chill then his bretheren.
[Enderbro] She's purple. My favorite color
[Flux] I see...- She looks back at the plane in her hands and pulses a little of her power into it, causing it to take off on it's own
[Enderbro] WOOOO! Cooking with redstone!
[Flux] - Redstone?
[Doc] It's an electrical rock, you can use it to make wries and power soruces for devices with moving parts.
[Enderbro] It also glows! - Is chasing the plane
[Flux] - How interesting...
[Doc] If you see any Endermen apart from him, don't look at their eyes. Okay?
[Flux] - I understand
[Enderbro] tps into the air to grab the plane and runs off to show Steffan
[Doc] It's okay, he's really too young to go to the bar.
[Flux] - Shall we continue?
[Doc] Sure, it's just that building there, it began as just a bar for brines, but everyone is welcome now, if they're old enough to drink, of course.
[Flux] - Old enough?
[Doc] You shouldn't give alcohol to little kids, it's really bad for them.
[Flux] - Alcohol?
[Doc] You'll see, come on in- holds the door for her-
[Flux] Enters the bar, taking in the interior-
[eddy and Edward] -run up to doc and flux and make little ender noises-
[Doc] Hello little ones!
[Flux] - And what are these?
[Doc] I forgot since they aren't natural Endermen these guys are safe to look at too. They were toys belonging to one of our brines. Some kind of magick brought them to life.
[Flux] - Magic?
[Doc] Yes, your specialty under a different name I think.
[aven] -sees doc- hello doc.
[Doc] Speaking of little ones, hello Aven! How are you feeling today?
[BEN] Belches-
[Doc] Indigestion BEN?
[BEN] - Nope, just good food
[Doc] Oh good, we need some of that. Sam, could you whip up something for our new friend Flux?
[Sam] Gives her a slow look, almost sensing what she is, before nodding in respect and vanishing into the kitchen.
[aven] I have been getting pains they seem to start and stop every few seconds.
[Flux] - That skeleton, obey's you?
[Doc] Do you think... it's time? why didn't you call me?
[Doc] What? Oh, just because I'm polite and he wants too. If I was rude he'd flip me off and ignore me entirely. He likes being the bartender apparently.
[BEN] - Wait what?!  Why didn't you tell me!?
[aven] is it time? I thought it was just something that happening everything has just been going so fast
[BEN] Is starting to freak out a little- SHIT FUCK REALLY!?  NOW!? WE ARE SO NOT PREPARED!
[Sam] Sets a plate down with a flourish for Flux, there's a steak, a potato with cheese and butter, some rolls with the same and several cooked carrots. He also clunks down a glass of iced tea.
[Flux] - Thank you- She pokes at the food a little
[Doc] Okay! Just relax! Lets not argue!
[Sam] Watches her confused and makes a motion of putting something in hir mouth and chewing it.
[gem] I knew I need to carry this -holds out a diaper and a blanket-
[Flux] Tries a bit of the potato and finds it enjoyable-
[Doc] First off, lets all just calm down. - Xe pulls out a bucket and washes hir gloves throughly.
[aven] the pain seems to be getting faster.
[Doc] Is copying the blanket and breaks out the table to make space in front of Aven before laying the blankets down and tucking them under her.
[Doc] Is a bit flustered. - typing- Lie! Can you come to the bar? Kinda quick-like?
[Lie] - Um...  Sure?
This message has been removed.
-With a brief moment Lie manages to teleport herself to Doc using admin commands-
[Lie] - What is going on here?
[Doc] From everything I've read you just kinda... catch when it comes out.
[Lie] - Wait, Aven you're giving birth now?
[gem] -is doing her best to keep aven comfortable-
[aven] yes
[BEN] - What the fuck what the fuck what the fuck
[Doc] You're good right there BEN, just... stay there.
[Doc] Looks like we're doing this Lie. Can I have some healing and calming blooms sprinkled around just in case?
[Lie] - Absolutely- She spawns them around the small group
[Doc] Is kneeling on the floor in front of Aven, - Quick breaths and then push with everything you have Aven!
[aven] -grabs bens hand and squeezes with all her might-
[Doc] Eeesh...
[Doc] Is watching Aven and ready to make a diving catch for anything that comes out- Push Aven!
[Doc] Maybe give BEN some of your healing flowers for that hand Lie!
-a baby they pops into aven's arms and her stomach shrinks showing it was hers-
[Doc] What the?! - practically falls back on the floor in relief.
[Lie] - Well...  That's new
[gem] woah!
[Sam] Eyesockets much larger then normal in utter shock.
[eddy and Edward] -are trying to get close see the baby-
[Doc] Mind of I just kinda, take a peek Aven?- Is crawling up on the seat next to her
[BEN] - Er, Aven?  Hand?
[aven] -lets go of ben's hand and looks at baby-
[Doc] Gives the baby a once-over, listening to it's breathing and feeling for it's hearts. - And....it's a boy!
[aven] Then his name will be Hyrule.
[BEN] - WHY!?
[aven] because it's a good name for him.
[BEN] Whines loudly-
[aven] you can wine all you want but his name is hyrule.
[BEN] - No!  I refuse!
[aven] why do you hate this name so much
[BEN] - Because
[aven] I need a better answer then because.
[BEN] Grumbles-
[aven] what?
[BEN] - Just because!  I don't like it!
[aven] -pouts- but I think it's a very fitting name.
[BEN] Groans-
[aven] -tries to make the cutest face to make it hard for ben to say no-
[BEN] Is doing his best to ignore it-
[aven] -keeps making it so every time he would look back to check if she stopped it would still be there-
[BEN] - Nggggggggh
[aven] -while still making the face- please ben it's it a good name.
[BEN] - But whyyyyyyyyyyyy!?
[aven] because I think it would fit being that we are from legend of Zelda game and he looks so much like us. -still making the face-
[BEN] - Stop that
[aven] not until I convince you -endless cute face-
[aven] no -cute face-
[BEN] - GAAAAaAH!  Fine.
[aven] -stops making the face- Yay baby Hyrule it is.
[BEN] Grumbles-
[TLOT and Steve] in chat- WOOOO! Congratulations!
[CP] In chat- Don't fucking care asshole!
[aven] -groans-
[Lie] In chat- Congrats!
[Gk] chat- More rugrats?!
[Splender] Teleports right over- OMG A BABY!
[Herabrine] chat- GO AVEN!
[Enderbro]- chat - BABY!
[Splender] Is bouncing around the bar now-
[Doc] Splender? Did Ej and Sally go home?
[aven] -makes sure Hyrule has his diaper on-
[Splender] Freezes- I FORGOT I'M LOOKING AFTER THEM!- Teleports back to his place
[Doc] Facepalm-
[Sam] Gives Aven a large cake and BEN a bottle of whiskey.
[BEN] Immediately opens and starts chugging-
[hyrule] -is making baby babbles-
[Doc] That's a tiny little human. Are their heads supposed to be that big?
[Flux] Is still eating-
[aven] -tries to get the whisky from ben she wants some-
[BEN] - Um...  I don't think that's a good idea Aven
[aven] -stops but pouts-
[Notch] in chat- Wait? What? The baby came? That's great! Sorry I had my hands full when you said it.
[CP] Is taking Stevie outside so he can practice with his sword-
[Flux] - Yes their heads are supposed to be that big Doctor
[Doc] Okay, just checking. Hey BEN? Before you get stupid drunk, I was wondering. Have any of the other pastas who have mates had offspring before?
[BEN] - Ummm, not that I'm aware of, although I think Bloody painter and his mate have been trying...
[Doc] What's their status? Are they both still alive? Or is it an incompatible anatomy issue, like one of them is inhuman?
[BEN] - Both are still alive, and both are human
-Player Notch fell from a high place-
[Doc] what the fuck?
[CP] Sniggers-
[Doc] types- Hey Notch, are you okay?
[Notch] typing back- Fuuuck. That hurt! I fell off the frigging roof. Thank goodness for respawn. I'm going to be hearing that bone crunch noise in my nightmares. - Is walking back out of the house since his last bed was the one in the workroom-
[Doc] That's odd BEN, is there some part of that equation I'm missing? What kind of pastas are they?
[eddy and Edward] -are playing with hyrule-
[BEN] - I dunno.  Bloody painter paints with blood and his mate is Judge Angels, she decapitates people she perceives as guilty
[hyrule] -is giggling-
[Sam] Comes back over to look at the baby and make heart eyes at them.
[gem] -is watching them play-
[Doc] Hmm. Well then. I suppose I'll have to meet everyone eventually. I'll keep it in mind.
[Flux] Has finished her food- Doctor?  What do I do now?
[Doc] Do? What do you mean? Apart from letting Sam clear the dishes away. I mean, you could tell hir thank you for the food. That would be nice.
[Flux] - Ah, well in that case, thank you
[Sam] Makes a rather plesant face for someone with just a skull and gives her an appreciative nod before clearing the counter.
[Doc] Checks on Aven. - Are you guys all set up at home already? Put the crib together and whatnot?
[BEN] - Er...
[Doc] Er? Is that a no?
[BEN] - Weeeeeeell
[Notch] Is already back to work and whistling merrily-
[gem] I already dealt with it I knew aven wouldn't feel up to it and ben would be to busy helping aven.
[BEN] Visibly relaxes a little-
[Doc] That was very nice of you Gem, I took a copy for emergencies and the directions on it looked difficult.
[Flux] Stretches and comes over to look at the baby a little-
[Doc] Hows your belly Flux? No more pain?
[Flux] - Much better Doctor, thank you
[aven] I am glad we have everything set then.
[Doc] You're welcome. You have to take care of yourself here. Eat at least twice a day, okay? The main part of my house is full of food if you need some in a pinch. Most of the ground and second floor rooms have food in the trunks.
[Flux] - I will keep that in mind
[Doc] Good Aven. I'm just glad the little bugger is healthy.
[Doc] I'm a little excited too since this might be the first baby between two creepypastas. I wonder if it was partially possible because you're both the same type. [Two Ben Drowneds]
[BEN] - Oh god, EJ's gonna tell Slender...
[Doc] Ej already knew remember? He sniffed out Aven's pregnancy the moment he saw her.
[BEN] - Yeah, but Slender still didn't know at that point!
[Doc] Just because the server can handle a Slender's emp field doen't mean I'm gonna let him come in. And she can't leave, so it's not that big of a deal. Is it?
[BEN] Is not listening and is freaking out-
[Doc] Grabs his shoulders- Just calm down. You're safe here, you know that!
[aven] I am still worried about hyrule i want him to stay safe.
[Doc] Of course Aven, you know the lengths I go to to protect this server and everyone in it.
[aven] ben calm down we are ok.
[Doc] Rips some of Lie's calming flowers from the floor and is trying to get BEN to hold them.
[BEN] - But...  But...  But...
[aven] -grabs bens arm- it's ok.
[Doc] Shhhh, it's okay. You'll be fine, I'm going to look after all three of you. Just like I have been.
[Lie] - Doc has never let us down
[Doc] Blushes- Thank you Lie. - Xe gives BEN a quick hug and immediatley regrets it because he smells bad.
[BEN] - Fuck, I don't know  what to think right now...
[Doc] Spawns several magma creams and slips them into BEN's inventory while he's distracted. - Be proud of Aven. And get used to the idea of being called dad.
[BEN] Still freaking out-
[aven] -tries the pull ben closer so she can help him calm down-
[BEN] Snuggles into Aven-
[Doc] There you go- takes a screenshot- one happy little family.
[Lie] Smiles as she watches-
[gem] -picks up eddy and Edward she is so happy she starts to give them lots of kisses and hug-
[Flux] Stands back from the rest-
[Doc] Something the matter Flux?
[Flux] - No, why do you ask?
[Doc] You keep yourself apart, you're used to just watching things happen from afar aren't you?
[Flux] Nods-
[Doc] Well tough titty then - Xe grabs her in a hug and swings her around before putting her down. - You're in thick of it here, enjoy it!
[Flux] Becomes flustered and doesn't know what to do-
[Sweet Alex] Throws open the door to the bar and rushes in, in the commotion it got dark outside-
[Doc] Chuckles and puts her down. - Hey maybe I'll find someone to hook you up with too. - winks-
[Flux] - Hook me up with?
[Lie] - Doc no
[Sweet Alex] Aven! Congratulations! I brought stuff! - Pulls out a bunch of jumpers, booties and little blankets-
[Doc] I'm just teasing! It wouldn't be hard though, you are a lovely woman, Flux. As graceful as the magick that made you.
[Flux] - Oh, uh, thank you...
[aven] thank you -takes them-
[Sweet Alex] Hyrule? What does it mean Aven?
-Doc tagged the baby when no one was looking-
[Doc] Jumps- It's just for respawn reasons!
[aven] Hyrule is the name of the kingdom from the legend of Zelda games me and ben are from.
[Sweet Alex] It's a beautiful name, he's adorable. I bet he takes after his daddy in looks. - giggles sweetly-
[BEN] Blushes a little-
-Muffled cursing from outside and then a small scream-
[Enderbro] rushes inside as well with Steffan under one arm-
[Steffan] is swearing because there's an arrow in his left butt cheek.
[Sam] reaches over and pulls out the arrow with a 'pook'
[Steffan] Cusses more-
[Lie] - There are healing flowers everywhere, go ahead and pick some
[eddy and Edward] -climb out of gem's arms and run to enderbro to greet him-
[Enderbro] Has already put Steffan down and is leaning over the booth in front of Aven with his mouth open and staring- tiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiny
[Steffan] Thanks Lie- He reaches down to pick the flowers and catches sight of Flux and freezes. - hellllo.
[Enderbro] Little bros! - Grabs Eddy and Edward and snuggles them-
[Flux] - Hello, I don't believe we've met yet
[eddy and Edward] -hugs enderbro back-
[Steffan] tries to wipe his hands on his jeans before taking hers in what he thinks is a chavlrous manner. - Steffan Mojang, and you are?
[Flux] - My name is Flux
[Steffan] What a lovely name.... - Is making a stupid smitten face and doesn't realize it.
[Flux] Glances over at Doc, unsure what to do next-
[Doc] Is trying not to giggle- She's a spirit of magick Steffan
[Steffan] Eyebrow wiggle- Well she's certainly enchanted me.
[Flux] - Thank...  You?
[Enderbro] Hyrule is so little, wiggles a finger at Eddy And Edward- Did you guys shrink him so he could play with you? Bad bros!
[eddy and Edward] -giggle and shake their head-
[Enderbro] Are you guys gonna be good and help Aven watch over the baby?
[Steffan] You're welcome, could I... get you a drink Ms. Flux?
[eddy and Edward] -shakes their heads yes-
[Flux] - A, drink?
[Steffan] To Sam - can I have a drink for the lovely lady and a beer for me please?
[Sam] Brings Flux a Lime daiquiri, and a beer
[Flux] - What...  What is this?
[Doc] It's alcohol, like I was telling you about. Makes your head fuzzy, all warm and relaxed.
[Flux] - Are you sure it's...  Safe?
[Doc] Sam will not spike your drink, I promise. The biggest risk is ending up with a headache from drinking too many. [The unspoken comment here is 'or wake up next to Steffan']
[Flux] Takes a sip and then makes a face- That...  Is certainly an, interesting taste...
[Steffan] Sooo, what kind of seed produces lovely ladies like yourself?
[Flux] - The original which spawned a brine, I believe all of you here call him CP
[Steffan] Falters for a second hearing the name. - Well! Um. He certainly is a... strong brine. Lion of a man. Indeed. Are you... related to him in some way?
[Doc] She's kinda his mom!
[Steffan] Goes really pale, and takes a large gulp of his beer.
[Flux] - I'm not sure that's accurate...  I was created for his NOTCH...
[Steffan] For a NOTCH... -is a bit scared- Pleasedon'tkickmyass
[Flux] - Why would I kick you?
[Steffan] I didn't know you had a husband, I'm very sorry. Let alone someone powerful enough to squish me like a silverfish.
[Flux] - I do not have a husband
[Steffan] But you said...?
[Flux] - My NOTCH recently died
[Steffan] Oh geeze.... I'm so sorry for your loss. Well this is still a good place to be in that case, surround yourself with nice people so you can have support and heal emotionally. I know what it's like to have your heart broken.
[Flux] - I had assumed he was dead long before now, I had not seen him in a very long time
[Steffan] Somehow that's worse- nursing his beer- not knowing, and then...
[Flux] - It confirmed my suspicions
[Lie] - Steffan, I noticed your garden has gotten a bit overgrown, do you need any help with it?
[aven] -is starting to fall a sleep leaning on ben-
[BEN] Carefully reaches over and takes Hyrule so Aven can sleep peacefully-
[aven] -has passed out fully and nuzzles ben in her sleep-
[Doc] Is just smiling at BEN and speaks quietly- did you ever think when you called Cp for help that you'd end up here, now, holding your newborn son only a little distance away from someone you once almost killed?
[Steffan] Please Lie, that would be very helpful!
[BEN] - Never...
[Lie] - When do you want me to come over then?
[Doc] For what it's worth, I'm proud of you.
[BEN] Grumbles- Whatever
[Steffan] Anytime would be great! My schedule is totally open!
[hyrule] -is griping ben's shirt-
[Lie] Well when it gets light out I can follow you back, okay?
[Steffan] That would be perfect. Lie? Did you help Herabrine with some trees, or did we get a new update? There's som eweird looking ones along the coast that seem to be growing out of the water from nuch deeper then the trees in the swamp usually are.
[Lie] - Yes, I did make some mangrove trees for her
[Steffan] I've been avoiding them, are they... dangerous?
[Lie] - No, not at all, perfectly safe.  In fact they're good to fish around, the fish like to hide under their roots
[Steffan] Oh, thank goodness. The fishings been great since you guys planted all that kelp stuff. Still not sure how I feel about the little pinchy guys I fish up now and again though.
[Lie] - Yeah blame my mate for those
[Smile] Goes and drops a dead rabbit on Liu-
[Doc] You know, since I'm right here. I'm going to go check on Lj, he's just on the next chunk. I'll be back shortly.
[Doc] Leaves the bar and skirts around the library, using the light to avoid the mobs. The moonlight shines on the dark wood of the gate and xe swallows a bit before creakign it open and venturing into the woods. Trusting Lj's promise that xe wouldn't be turned around or away.
-The deeper Doc goes the more music can be heard-
[Doc] Creepy, but I guess better then dead silence... - it's strange to be in the woods at night  and not hear the mobs groaning and clunking around.
-The front gates of the circus have been taken down and are laying on the ground just inside the premesis-
[Doc] Examines them for a moment and mutters softly, - well I guess if there are no gates, no one will feel trapped inside...
[LJ] Is on top of the ferris wheel replacing lights-
[Doc] Wanders around a bit to see whats been changed. -
-Some of the game stalls have been gutted and parts and pieces are scattered everywhere.  Some too rusted and damaged to be reused-
[Doc] Is suprised the dismantled bits haven't despawned.
[LJ] Stretches his arm to grab a tool he needs-
[Doc] Is listening for any noise besides the music.
[LJ] Accidentally drops a wrench-
[Doc] Hears the clunk and zeros in on it like a curious cat.
[LJ] Starts climbing down so he can grab the tool again-
[Doc] Picks up the tool from the ground and looks up, squinting in the half-light
[LJ] Spots Doc and extends his arm making a "give it here" motion with his hand-
[Doc] Shifts and steps up on the airblocks with the wrench on the tip of hir snout like a dog with a treat. - Here you go.
[LJ] Takes it and starts climbing back up-
[Doc] Follows curiously. - You've been busy.
[LJ] - No shit, there's over three thousand bulbs on this thing alone that need to be tested and replaced
[Doc] I will help you if you want. I know it's a big job to do alone.
[LJ] - No thank you
[Doc] Not even if I took out the trash? I could make you a small lava pool to get rid of all the rusted stuff.
[LJ] - Why?  I can just make it disapear
[Doc] Oh. - wilts a little- I didn't know that. Where does it go?
[LJ] - Hell if I know
[Doc] That in an of itself is interesting. Can you conjure anything?
[LJ] - No shit, where do you think all my candy comes from?
[Doc] Well I can spawn food too. But I'm limited to whats on the creative menu and whatever I've made on my own or copied from things I've seen.
[LJ] - There are other things, things mostly needed for restraining victims or are needed here in the circus
[Doc] Gulps- kinky. I have some nice news if you want to hear it.
[LJ] - What is it?
[Doc] Grins- BEN is now offically a daddy. Aven has named their little baby boy Hyrule.
[LJ] Bursts out laughing and can't stop-
[Doc] I thought you'd think that was funny. Aven says it's so when the baby cries in the night she can say 'BEN... Hyrule needs you!'
[LJ] Laughs even harder-
[Doc] Nice to know I can put some sparkle in your day. BEN was all eyeballs when I left.  I think he's still in shock.
[LJ] Is sill laughing and falls off-
[Doc] Shit! - Zooms around and thunks down beside him, - are you okay!?
[LJ] Stiiiiiiiiiiiill laughing-
[Doc] Smiles warmly - I'll let him know you were happy for him. And I'll leave you to your work. - tiptoes back out of the circus. The sound of Lj still laughing causing hir to laugh as well.
#143  Mix Shards, Stevie with a Sword
[liu] -looks at the rabbit- would you like me to cook this up smile?
[Smile] Barks loudly and wags his tail, his coat is getting blood stained again-
[liu] take the rabbit then lets go -starts to head out of Jeff's room-
[Smile] Happily follows-
[liu] -heads into the kitchen of the castle and places the rabbit in one of the furnaces to cook-
[Deer] Walks in from the direction of the shrine- Oh, hello Liu
[liu] -looks up from the furnace- oh hello deer.
[Smile] Barks-
[Deer] Giggles- Yes hello to you too Smile
[liu] -pets smile- so have I missed anything while I have been busy taking care of smile?
[Deer] - Well, we have more dragons on the seed now...  Oh, have you seen Doc?
[liu] no why?
[Deer] Mix wants to see them, but I currently can't find them
[liu] have you tried messaging though chat?
[Deer] - Oh...  I, may have forgotten about that...
[liu] -pulls the rabbit out of the furnace- don't worry it happens to the best of us.
[Smile] Barks and jumps at Liu-
[liu] -hold out the rabbit for smile-
[Smile] Grabs it from Liu's hand and starts running around with it-
[Deer] - You know, he looks like he could use a bath...
[liu] yea but he is a big dog there is no way I could keep him still to wash him.
[Deer] - Good point, you'll need help
[liu] I have an idea to at least get him a little clean.
[Deer] - Oh?
[liu] hey smile do you want to go for a swim boy?
[Smile] Cocks head curiously-
[liu] come on smile lets go out come on. -start to try and lead smile to the bay-
[Smile] Barks and runs ahead-
[liu] -runs into the bay-
[Smile] Stops at the edge barking and sniffing the water-
[liu] -leans back so he is floating on the water looking up at the clouds-
[Smile] Barks some more and then whines as he sits-
[liu] come on smile a little water wouldn't hurt I am having fun.
[Smile] Lays down-
[liu] then I will just swim myself.
[Smile] Starts rolling in the mud-
[liu] you really like to be messy don't you smile.
[Smile] Rolls back over and barks happily, his wagging tail spraying mud everywhere-
[liu] -laughs at his antics-
[Doc] Crests up into sky and is suprised to fly into the morning light. Xe heads back to the bar and touches lightly on the roof.
[Deer] In chat- Love, are you there?
[Doc] Automatically closes hir eyes in pleasure at hir lovers words- I'm here.
[Deer] - Mix needs to see you, it sounded urgent...
[Doc] I have Flux with me, should I bring her or leave her with Lie?
[Deer] - It's your choice love
[Doc] Taps on the glass to get Lie's attention inside.
[Lie] Perks and looks at the glass- What is it Doc?
[Doc] It looks like Mix urgently needs me for something. Can you take care of Flux for a bit? Show her around and walk her home if need be?
[Lie] - Absolutely
[Doc] I'm off then, have fun guys. - Takes a bit of a leap off the roof and gallops on the air down the coast- Deerheart? Where is Mix?
[Deer] - Her home, do you want me to come along?
[Doc] Sure! I'll scoop you up if wait for me outside.
[Deer] - I'll be waiting
[Doc] Sweeps across the spawn with a gust of wind and sends the skeleton horses into a frenzy of whinnying. Xe stoops like a hawk and catches Deerheart in hir paws before hugging her close and doing a graceful spin over the top of the shrine. The sand swirls under hir as the desert shoots by below and xe lands lightly at the shore by Mix's house.
[Deer] - Oh, and Sky's egg hatched as well love
[Doc] Really? Lets ask to see it when the commotion is done. - bellows- Sky? Mix? Firebird? Flowey? Is anyone here?
*Sky appears with a grunt, Liz is clinging to his back and peeking over his shoulder at them
[Sky] Yeah-- Are you here to see Mix?
[Doc] Aww cute baby dragon! Yes, Deerheart told me I was needed.
[Deer] Coos at Liz-
[Liz] Ix! *Snaps their toothless jaws at Deer playfully
[Sky] She keeps saying she feels something in her chest after what happened. She wanted you to take a look at it. I can take you down if you want? Or you can do that thing you did last time. *He offers his hand after a second, checking to make sure his gloves were on
[Doc] Sure. I'd prefer you tp us so we don't have to get all wet. - Xe shifts down, setting Deerheart lightly on the warm sand as xe shrinks. - Taking Sky's hand
[Deer] Takes Sky's hand-
[Deer] Boops Liz's nose real quick-
*Liz nips at Deer just before they teleport
*This time they end up in the library and Sky quickly pulls his hand from Deer. He makes sure they're all here before heading over and down the steps to the stone area just before the steps to the bedroom. Mix is sitting on the floor sorting Shards into piles and periodically touching her chest with a look of discomfort
[Doc] You needed me Mix? Do you need to be drained again?
[Deer] Follows Doc-
[Mix] Oh! No, I don't think so? But It.. I.. *She puffs her cheeks a bit and looks unsure how to put what she's feeling into Words
[Liz] Ix. *Bounces down from Sky to waddle over to Mix, plopping right into the collection of shards and messing the groupings up
[Deer] - Oh Liz....- Kneels down to start organizing the shards again
[Doc] Kneels down beside her, - Are you in pain? Or is is a mental thing? I get anxiety too, I'll understand.
[Mix] It's not pain.. Um... I can feel something like, stuck here. *She points at her chest, around where the light that had been inside winked out.
[Mix] It's been bugging me since that final surge. I wanted to make sure it's nothing serious, y-yknow?
[Doc] Do you think you have kind of shrapnel? Or something glitched into your player skin?
[Deer] Looks at Mix worriedly-
*Mix shrugs a bit and lowers her hand to her lap
[Mix] I don't know. I've never felt it before now. That spot usually doesn't have much sense to it.
*Liz gums a cold shard and looks up at Sky as he taps his foot a bit
[Deer] - Come on Liz, give that here- She gently tugs at the shard
[Doc] Do you mind if I have a look?
[Mix] Not really, just don't poke anything that doesn't need to be.
[Doc] Okay, I won't touch - Xe makes a bit of statick and opens it over Mix's chest to see what's inside.
*The usual things are inside, although where she pointed is an organ that glows dully. Although what is probably making her uncomfortable are what look like a chipped Diamond and shards of gold that are stuck to the organ in different spots
*Sky bends down to help Deer get the shard from Liz
[Doc] You have bits of gems stuck in a rather odd looking organ. Are you sure you don't want them removed?
[Mix] Um.. Just the.. Gems? I think. Pretty sure the organs normal. *Twiddles her thumbs nervously
[Doc] I can do that - Xe pulls out a pair of small tweezers and a soup bowl and reaches for the first shard with the tips.
*The only thing the shard does is, well,  nothing. But the diamond close to it sparks rather suddenly at the tweezers.
[Doc] watches the little sparks, - how interesting. Did that hurt at all?
[Mix] Did what hurt?
[Doc] I guess that answers my question. There's a little interference here- xe lets a shard drop into the bowl and reaches for another -
[Deer] Finally gets the ice shard out of Liz's mouth-
[Doc] Have you been near any explosions since this became a problem?
[Mix] No? I've mostly stayed home to rest, I think this is my third time out of bed?
*Again, it's the diamond that sparks while the shard does nothing.
[Doc] Goes after one of the diamond bits-
[Liz] Mmmm... *wiggles toward another shard to nom on
*Almost immediately it goes from small zaps to a full out electric shock at the tweezers. It seems almost.. angry? If an object ever could be.
[Deer] Starts gathering the shards- Now now, shards are not for nomming
[Doc] Oh, feisty. Well I'm not one to be deterred by a bit of electricity!- pulls on the bit-
*Mix lets out a startled, and somewhat pained noise
[Deer] - Mix?
*The diamond just keeps pumping out electricity.
[Doc] Is working the bit loose - just hold on Mix! - Hir hair is standing up a bit more then usual. - Just don't touch me!
[Mix] That hurts--
*The diamond pops loose, and an errant bit of electricity jumps from the organ before the absence is filled over
[Doc] I guess so, it really put up a fight. - Is examining the bit
*It's still leaking electricity, and it almost seems to form a shape around it. The diamond is missing a chunk in the corner, but is otherwise unremarkable.
[Doc] I wonder if... well I need the rest of the bits to see- Xe goes after the remaining stuck shards with determination.
*Without the diamond, the golden shards are easy to pluck out, as they do not put up the fight that it did
[Doc] Finishes up and tries to get a better feel for the extraneous organ.
*The diamond is slowly ceasing it's sparking
*The organ seems natural, for all intents and purposes. Without all the things stuck to it, it seems to be doing better, now glowing a soft green color that is racing up Mix's spine slowly where her glowing scar used to be.
[Mix] What are you doing?
[Doc] Just looking, I'm curious as to what this thing is connected too. It's glowing, but that's nearly normal for brine bits.
[Mix] It uh... It's like a.. Mmm... Magic organ, I guess? It's just sort of there. I can't for the life of me remember if.. I was ever told the real name.
[Doc] Smiles- Your pineal gland is in the wrong place Mix, but it's also much larger then most, so it's all good.
[Mix] Pineal.. Gland?
[Doc] Probably not literally, but on humans it's a tiny vestigial organ in the front part of their brains. It's associated with psychic activity.
[Doc] Xe closes up the hole and regards the bowl full of bits. - Now the question is, how did you end up with these in your chest?
*Mix leans forward to look at them, only to jerk back, both in shock, and as a tiny shock jumps from the diamond
[Mix] It... can't be...
[Doc] Puts a hand over the bowl so the spark dosen't get to her- What is it?
[Mix] I think... But it can't be...
*She is very unsure, tapping her hands together before reaching to the bowl
[Mix] Can I.. hold it?
[Mix] To check something.
[Doc] Sure, they are yours Mix - xe holds the bowl out to her-
[Deer] Is watching with interest, having completely forgotten about getting the shards away from Liz-
*Mix very gently scoops the diamond out of the bowl first, and it stops it's sparking immediately
[Mix] ... Huh.. *She turns it over in her hands and rubs her fingers along the broken, missing half thoughtfully
[Doc] Do you know someone else who can pixel pick? - reffering to the missing pixels from the diamond
[Mix] No.. But.. I know who's this was.. And.. I have a good idea who's those were.
*She sets it down and carefully gathers up the gold shards, looking at them with a surprisingly sad expression
[Mix] My Herobrine and Notch. But.. It doesn't explain why they were.. In me. Last I saw these they were where they were supposed to be.
[Doc] Did they have that kind of armor or something?
[Doc] If you wanted to keep at least the gold inside you I could fashion it into a heart and put it back.
[Mix] No it... These were in their chests. It's worked kind of as a focal point for their power, I guess. I don't know, I never asked. *She sets the shards down and arranges them into a crude bar, although it's clear there are a lot of pieces missing. Mix taps her chest, dead center over where the organ is beneath
[Mix] Right there. They said mine would.. uh.. grow in eventually. Whatever that means.
[Doc] Softly - I'm sorry Mix. Is there anything I can do? I'm not sure what they meant by that. But I can make the bits into anything small you might want.
[Mix] Well first.. I.. I want to check. The signature is familiar enough but.. Could you trace this? And find the rest? *She lifts the diamond back up and regards it a bit.
[Mix] I don't want to do anything unless I know the other parts can't be found. That way I'm not.. Jumping to conclusions.
[Doc] I can try, I mean... where would they be? Somewhere on this server? Or wherever you came from?
[Mix] I don't know. These pieces are here, but that's because they were.. in me.
*Mix looks at Sky after a few seconds, eyes narrowing a bit
*Sky looks kind of guilty
[Mix] I'd think they... would be where my seed was? Or uh... Neighboring it, I think. *Looks back at Doc
[Doc] I'll need to talk to Cp, he's much better at navigating out there then I am. Do you care if I take them? I'll keep them safe.
[Mix] Yes! I... *She hesitates a bit before nodding
[Mix] I'll come with, I don't want to let them out of my sight. Plus, I feel a lot better now.
[Doc] Okay. Maybe we can just tp to him. I'll call him - chat- Cp are you busy?
[CP] - A little, why?
[Doc] You know that program you wrote to find the dragon eggs? I need it altered a little bit to track a pair of player signatures. A NOTCH and a brine specifically.
[CP] - Are we killing the NOTCH?
[Doc] Probably not, they're Mix's missing relatives.
[Doc] Sighs - Give me strength...
[Mix] -in chat- If you hurt him I will end you.
[Sky] -Softly- The worst she'll do is like... Punch him, softly. Probably.
[CP] - Yeah....  Riiiiiiiight
[Flowey] -In chat- whatever happened, i had nothing to do with it, i swear
[Doc] Cp.... I'm coming to you out of respect for your abilities. Could you please just help without demanding a blood price?
[CP] - Again, I'm a little busy
[Doc] What are you doing?
[CP] - ...  None of your damn business
[Doc] Grins- You're playing with Stevie aren't you?
[CP] - No
[Doc] Liar....
[CP] - Not lying this time Doc
[Doc] Fiiine. I'll bother you later then. - Sorry Mix. Cp is up to his eyeballs in something.
[Mix] Alright, that's... Fine, I guess.
*Liz scuffles several shards under their body and curls up happily
[CP] Sighs as he turns his full attention back onto Stevie who's hitting the wooden sword in his hand with his own now unbreakable one- Remember Stevie, don't just swing wildly...
[Stevie] - Yes brother!
This message has been removed.
[Doc] I'll work on him tomorrow Mix and I'll get back to you once I've badgered him into agreeing. For now though I'm going to take Deerheart home.
[Notch] finishes the last bit of the little house and wanders back toward the front door. Some noises get his attention and he creeps around the side of the house to peek around the corner.
[CP] Is holding a wooden sword while giving Stevie some basic instructions-  Good, now try jabbing again
[Notch] Makes a little noise of suprise and smiles as he watches them
[Stevie] Is eagerly going at his brothers sword-
[Notch] Mumbles- Liar liar, Doc really does know you inside and out Cp. Heh.
[Stevie] Stumbles as he takes too big of a step forwards-
[CP] - Careful now, don't want to hurt yourself...
[Stevie] Spots Notch- Father!
[Notch] Waves sheepishly. - You two having fun?
[Stevie] - Uh huh!  Brother's going over how to fight again with me!
[CP] Grumbles-
[Notch] Well your brother is a good teacher, I'm pretty sure he's the strongest fighter on this seed.
[Stevie] - Really?
[Notch] Well yes. Of course. The only creepypasta here I don't think he's beaten down is Splender, and despite his powers I doubt he'd be much in a swordfight.
[Stevie] - Woooooooow
[CP] Coughs a little- I think that's enough for today Stevie...
[Stevie] - Noooooo!  I wanna keep going!
[Notch] I think you should trust your brother, you don't want to get tired and clumsy.
[Stevie] - But...  But...- Huffs and crosses his arms while puffing out his cheeks
[Notch] No buts. To make the best use of a good teacher, you have to be a good student as well.
[Stevie] Continues to pout and sit on the ground-
[Notch] I'll just pick you up and take you inside the house myself if you act like that.
[Stevie] - No!
[Notch] No what? You think I can't?
[Stevie] Whines-
[Notch] Eyebrow raise- I think it's nap time if you're going to complain like that
[CP] Is just watching to see what will happen-
[Stevie] - NO!  I'M NOT TIRED!
[Notch] But you're whining. That usually means tired with little kids.
[Stevie] - But I wanna continue practicing!
[Notch] Cp did you have something else to do? Or have you guys been at this for a while already?
[CP] Shrugs- I suppose we hadn't been at it too long...
[Notch] You know.... you could let him punch your bag for a bit. Kids love messy things.
[CP] Growls a little-
[Stevie] - Bag?
[Notch] Shrinks a little- what was that for?
[CP] - Just shut up- Starts walking away
[Notch] But Cp? - sighs sadly.
[Stevie] - Father?  What bag?
[Notch] It's a special punching bar that.... well it's ful of liquid and it splatters on you when you punch it.
[Stevie] - Cool!
[Notch] Tell you what. So we don't make your brother mad by getting in his space, we'll go over to Doc's castle and use theirs. Is that okay?
[Stevie] - Okay!- He quickly stands up and takes Notch's hand
[Notch] Starts off down the long path to the shrine with Stevie beside him.
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