#hpdm imagines
hpdm-sideblog · 3 months
Femme Drarry
So, I’ve seen a lot of Femme drarry stuff on my feed and from that arose 2 questions: how could this be plausible within the universe? and how do we name them without fucking everything up?
Plausibility: Harry
Harry’s story would remain the same. We have two routes for this: either make her cis, or make her transfemme. Either way, her story is relatively the same with the added factor of her gender.
Naming: Harry(incomplete, will update later)
With naming her, we still have lots of options. We could name her something similar and give her the nickname harry, or literally still name her Harry because maybe Lily and James were attached to the name. If she’s trans, the latter doesn’t quite work because yes she’d be born with that name, but we’d have to give her an alternate name. The other thing thats so so important to realize is that it’s okay if we give her a name thats not at all similar to the canon ones. Harriet is cute, but some people feel icky about it. So, giving names that have similar vibes to Harry. Looking into the origin and meaning of the name Harry is so hard because there’s always a lovely lovely call back to the series itself, but I will update this section with my research and findings. But basically, when I’m able, I’ll look into similar feminine names in both vibe and meaning, aswell as popularity. I’ll update this post later.
Plausibility: Draco
Draco is a pureblood, which means his family needs a male heir to carry on the blood line. So the way I see it, we really only have two options: 1)Draco is born female and we give her a little brother 2)transfemme Draco.
1) Giving her a little brother, possibly naming him Draco, would serve to keep the metaphorical Malfoy Bloodline alive. The issue with this is now we have to create a whole new character for our AU and we have to be careful to make him make sense within the story. Give him a purpose that changes the course of it. I do think, just to fuck with lucius it would be so funny if the younger brother turned out to be a transgirl because now Lucius Malfoy has no fucking heir that fits his idea lol.
2) TRANSFEMME DRACO MALFOY!!! I’m obsessed w/ this idea dude.
Naming: Draco
Give her star names??? Like any star name!
Or, name her draca /j
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faiell · 3 months
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daddiesdrarryy · 3 months
Ron: You’re writing with your left hand?
Draco: Yes. I’m ambidextrous
Ron: That’s so cool, mate, love who you love!
Ron: Harry, did you know Draco’s ambidextrous?
Harry: Really? You think I have a chance?
Hermione: …
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sacrificialter · 11 months
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Harry Yes
Also Draco gifted Harry the little chain for his glasses and Harry loves it you cannot convince me otherwise its definitely warded and charmed and when he moves it chimes softly just like Draco's magic.
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basiatlu · 7 months
For the pose meme, may I request D2 for drarry please? 💜
You may!!
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Here’s Draco’s first Christmas holiday at the Burrow
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fikefries · 2 months
warm; draco malfoy pt2
part one
its been around one week since that night in the common room. that night gave you a lot to think about. throughout the past week, your brain kept replaying the memories of that night. draco's lips on your forehead, and on your lips. his gentle touch. him looking so innocent cuddled up into you. the way he called you "love" and it seemed so natural.
this was way more intimate than what the both of you were used to. your relationship had been limited "friends with benefits" due to draco's strict family background- no labels. if his father found out- merlin, all hell would break loose.
something changed that night. a shift in both of you. it was more raw. tender. the way draco looked into your eyes so longingly . you know he felt it too. to be honest- it hurts, being restricted from dating the boy you wanted most. the boy you just wanted to hold and be next to every second of the day. the boy you loved.
love is a strong word. but it was the right word. you know draco felt it too. the way he looked at you from across the hallway as you laughed with pansy about something you saw on the squibbler. the way he calls you a pretty girl. the way he touches you so gently but holds you so tight like he doesnt want to loose you. the way he kisses you. the way his lips move against yours. plus he said he liked when you called him "baby". these are not things "friends with benefits" would do. you both just knew. its as if you were meant to be.
you layed on your bed in your shared dorm, staring at the ceiling deep in thought, listening to pansy's muffled snoring. you just couldnt fall asleep- couldnt get draco out of your head. you knew for a fact that draco was alone in his dorm- blaise had to end term early because of a family emergency. quietly, you slid out of your bed and left your dorm. you stand outside of draco's door, contemplating wether you should wake him or not.
your body moves faster than your mind and before you know it, two of your fingers are at draco's door knocking at it. immediately, you scrunch your nose in regret. "why did i wake him hes going to think im an idiot." you mumble under your breath.
just as you turn to leave, his door slides open, revealing a sleepy, messy haired draco, wearing just sweatpants.
oh my god
you couldnt help but chuckle at his sleepy state as he rubbed his eyes.
"y/n? what are you doing here, are you okay?" he murmered sleepily, squinting to get a better view of you in the dark hallway.
"im alright draco, i just..." you trailed off your words
"you just what love?" he replied
there it was, that nickname again
you couldnt hide it anymore
"i couldnt stop thinking about you draco i-" you stuttered
"i just needed to see you right now"
"missing me hm love?" he replied teasingly with a smirk
you tried your hardest not to stare at his bare, toned abs
he soflty tugged your hand as he pulled you inside his dorm, leading you to lay in bed with him.
you layed in silence with your head on dracos bare chest, and your legs entangled with each other, as he softly caressed your hair.
he smelt like green apples and vanilla, it was intoxicating.
you tilted your head upwards to face draco, only to see him already looking down at you with a lazy smile on his face.
flustered, you buried your head in the crook of his neck, while he wrapped his arms firmly around your waist.
"y/n" he murmered softly
you hummed in reply
"y/n look at me"
you shifted to face him, lips inches away from each other.
"ive been meaning to say this for a while but- i know this has been hard on us both, sneaking around and not being together."
you look up at him, wondering where he was going with this
"i just wanted to say that- um that even though my father may not approve i- i care for you more than you know i-" he took a breath and looked you in the eyes, his hand on the back of your head, while yours wrapped around his neck.
"i love you"
you were lost for words.
the draco malfoy. just told you that he loves you.
'i- i understand if you dont feel the same way y/n but please say someth-" he said anxiously
you cut him off by leaning forward and catching his lips in yours, tangling your hands in his silky blonde hair and pulling him closer. your lips moves in a rhythm as his hands moved from your head down to your waist, pulling you impossibly closer.
you broke the kiss and moved your hand to cup his face, tracing his jawline.
"draco, of course i love you, im all yours baby"
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Stubborn Sickness - D.Malfoy
Summary - Y/N is too stubborn to take a pepperup potion even though she is sick and madam Pomphrey has a bunch. The kind hearted slytherin in turn suffers through it in her boyfriend’s bed, snoring her days away. Thankfully Pansy is there to save the day and give her best friend the potion that will make her better. 
Word Count - 819
Warnings - Illness(common cold), swearing, use of y/n, female reader, Theo and Pansy are kinda comedic relief, (let me know If I missed any)
Author's Note- Day Six! Welcome! This is my first Draco fic but it really doesn't have a lot of Draco. I am still trying my damndest to keep up with the 25 days! I'm writing and scheduling my uploads ahead of time!
Harry Potter Masterlist
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25 days of fics masterlist
Feedback is welcomed and encouraged!
not my gif
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not my gif
Because of the winter, illnesses were inevitable, students at a constant rotation in the hospital wing for a pepperup potion. There were a few students however, that were particularly stubborn, one of them being Y/N Y/L/N. She knew how busy madam Pomphrey was during this time of year, so she wanted to lessen the load a little bit, even if it was just by one student. Her boyfriend, on the other hand, thought she was being an idiot for not going to get the potion. 
Draco, the ever dutiful boyfriend, was at his ill girlfriend’s every beck and call. She was staying in his dorm so his roommates also had to go through the pleasures of her acting like she was dying over a cold. She had been sleeping in Draco’s bed, covers pulled up over her shoulders, tissues scattered around her, snoring due to her clogged sinuses. 
She woke with a start due to a pillow smacking into her head. “What the fuck!?” She whined, her eyes still closed, her mouth completely dry. 
“You snore louder than a dragon! I’m trying to study here,” Theo complained right back.
“I can’t help it, I’m sick! I don’t usually snore, go study in the library if it bothers you that much.”
Draco walked into the room, a glass of water in his hand and his bag swung over his shoulder. “Don’t make fun of her snoring, she can’t help what she does while she sleeps. Darling, you snore all the time, it’s just louder than usual,” Draco chimed in, dropping his bag at the end of his bed and giving her the glass of water. He made sure she drank at least half before he went about pulling any homework out of his bag. 
“I snore all the time?” She questioned her boyfriend.
“Yes, but it’s cute! And you know I’d never lie to you.” He was in the process of starting his homework and handing Y/N hers. She pouted but started her homework with Draco. She was halfway through before she went into a sneezing fit, her boyfriend sighing because he had been pestering her to go see Pomphrey which she kept refusing. 
“At this point just ask Snape for the damn potion. I don’t want to get sick too,” Blaise added to the conversation. 
“I’m not gonna get you sick!” Before Blaise and Theo could go back at her, Pansy waltzed into the room like it was her own. In her hand she held a potion, more specifically the pepperup potion and it was enough for all of them just in case the boys got sick too. 
“I come bearing a gift! Not only is there enough for our dear Y/N, but there’s also enough for the rest of you if you get sick. Well, more like when you get sick,” Pansy sing-songed as she skipped to her sick friend. Y/N was more than thankful for her friend and roommate, willingly taking the bit of potion that Pansy had given her. 
She started to feel better after about an hour, her sinuses opening up, her headache disappearing, and the ache in her body leaving completely. She spent the rest of her night catching up on homework and cleaning up around the dorm since she had taken over for a few days. Draco insisted she stayed one more night with him before returning to her own room so of course she couldn’t say no. 
The next morning she was once again rudely woken up, this time it was the boys around her all whining. She had officially gotten all of them sick, including Draco who was still asleep but snoring like a freight train. Oh how the tables have turned, the boys choosing to give her a taste of her own medicine, having her bring them tissues and their homework as well as going into the kitchens to get them all food.
Later that day, after all of them agreed to take the potion, she felt relieved and exhausted. “I am never going to be stubborn about this bloody potion ever again, you guys are too much!” She ranted.
“Karma,” Pansy added in her two cents. 
“I wasn’t that bad, was I?”
“Not at all darling. We were just exaggerating,” Draco assured his girlfriend.
“No, you were worse,” Theo told her truthfully.
“What the fuck, Nott! I told you not to say anything!”
 “I can’t lie to her!  She’s one of my best friends, Malfoy! I need to tell her the truth about how whiney she actually was.”
Her face was hot with embarrassment, as she hid her head in Draco’s neck. She was slightly thankful for Theo’s honesty, she never realized how bad she actually was when she was sick. “Don’t worry, love, I’ll always take care of you when you’re sick, even if you’re too stubborn to take a pepperup potion.”
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alxstxrhazbin · 16 days
Lucifer Moodboard
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idk why i did this— i just had a sudden urge to make a moodboard for mr. duck king lol.
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I think Harry James Potter would have such a different approach to devotion and romantic love.
You’re telling me the Boy-Who-Lived, the Savior of the Wizarding World, defeater of the Dark Lord wouldn’t feel so relieved that he only has to love and protect one person instead of the whole world? What a huge weight off his shoulders.
But slowly, he’d slip back into the pattern of feeling just as deeply as he did during his childhood, just concentrated on his partner.
It takes a certain special type of person to withstand that much devotion and attention all aimed at you, constantly. Because Harry was nothing if not vigilant about people’s behavior and reactions after living with the Dursleys and surviving an active war.
Exploring intimacy is something new to Harry, on top of it all, so besides having the emotional gauge used to caring for everyone all the time forever, he doesn’t have any sort of sense for how much is too much.
He loves like James, who loved like the sun, but Harry doesn’t seem to realize that too much love too fast will burn. He is all in and almost omnipresent. You don’t just get to sunbathe in his love, you’re under a magnifying glass that brings all the intensity of an active star onto you, multiplied. His love burns, and it takes a special kind of person to even be able to bear it, let alone to gaze upon his love.
The average person would char under this emotional hurricane, it’s not a healthy level of intensity for a well-adjusted adult with emotional regulation skills and normal boundaries. It’s not normal for someone to love someone so fiercely and to change their personality from loving all people to loving one person without losing a huge quantity of emotional range. Harry Potter has never been normal, however.
Anyways this can be applied to any ship I just think it makes so much sense for Draco because he had that level of attentiveness directed at him from birth, and is vain enough to relish this insane level of devotion and honestly obsession from a partner. Of course he’s looked after so closely, he’s Draco Malfoy. And who wouldn’t adore all this attention, he’s got Harry Potter attending to his every whim. It’s decadence personified.
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iamnmbr3 · 3 months
harry definitely not heterosexual potter is the funniest thing to me because i literally cannot remember a single time in the book where he thinks “i should probably be nervous about draco trying to kill me because i am literally convinced that he is willingly working with voldemort.” no. he was like “oh draco? yeah he is definitely working for voldemort and he is so evil because did you see the way he is combing his hair now? probably switched shampoo. he would never change conditioner, that thing works wonders. what do you mean, this is common knowledge. anyway, he is so evil and definitely working for voldy. but of course he won’t kill me, are you crazy? who would he talk to across the great hall? like literally you don’t even understand.” and everyone just WENT WITH IT.
Hahahahaha I KNOW! Would he feel this safe around literally any other person who he suspected of being in league with Voldemort? I think tf not!
Even once Draco has Harry incapacitated and totally at his mercy on the train Harry at no point thinks that he's in danger. Even after Draco breaks his nose he doesn't think it. After that incident Harry still is all 'can't wait to break into the Room of Requirement BY MYSELF while Draco is in there so I can see what secret evil mission he's working on for Voldemort' and at no point does he worry that going in without backup could end badly. And HE'S RIGHT. When Draco has Harry at his mercy he never seriously harms him and risks everything multiple times in book 7 to protect him. This is NOT Harry seeing Draco with rose tinted glasses. This is Harry deeply and intimately understanding that Draco will not hurt him and feeling comfortable around him on an instinctual level despite every reason he has not to.
And let's not forget why Harry finally stops investigating Draco in 6th year. It's not because he decides he's wrong about his whole "Draco is a Death Eater on a mission from Voldemort" theory nor is it because he gets worried that since Draco is a Death Eater on a mission from Voldemort looking into this could get Harry or his friends hurt. No. He stops because his investigation leads to Draco getting hurt. And Harry is so horrified by this that he completely backs off and gives up trying to stop the super secret evil mission from Voldemort that Harry is sure Draco is on. Harry is like 'foiling an evil plot masterminded by Voldemort himself isn't worth it if it could lead to me hurting Draco.' He really said 'I can excuse putting myself in mortal danger on a regular basis to stop Voldemort's plots but I draw the line at Draco being upset.' In canon.
And yeah Harry cares about people in general but not to this extent. When Umbridge gets carried off by centaurs Harry doesn't even think of going after her. He's just like 'lmao bye bitch.' He straight up KILLS Quirrell in first year and when he finds out he's like 'well that sucks for him.' Tons of Death Eaters get hurt and maimed at the Department of Mysteries and Harry never even stops to check if they're ok. In second year he forces Lockhart to enter the Chamber of Secrets first in case there's a Basilisk waiting at the bottom of the chute.
But anytime he sees Draco in danger he does whatever he can to help without even thinking about it. From the time in first year in the Forbidden Forest when he immediately throws his arm out to stop Draco walking towards Voldemort to 7th year when he risks his own life and that of his friends to pull him out of the fiendfyre and reveals his presence while running through the battle so he can stun a Death Eater threatening Draco. And he does it automatically, without a second thought because Harry can't fathom a world where he wouldn't protect Draco.
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Master List!
Requests- As of right now I am accepting requests for Draco Malfoy, Theodore Nott, Mattheo Riddle, and Lorenzo Berkshire!
About me- I'm Luck, your author! I'm in Gryffindor, enpt, I love music and my user name is from a Modern Baseball song!
Draco Malfoy
Phase 0, Phase 1, Phase 2
Theodore Nott
Prettiest Witch at Hogwarts
It's A Date
Lorenzo Berkshire
none yet
Mattheo Riddle
none yet
Slytherin Boy Headcannons!
none yet
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satansapostle6 · 5 days
Lovers and Liars | Draco Malfoy
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Draco Malfoy and Theodore Nott, both determined and resourceful from reputable houses, find themselves at odds in the name of love.
Warning: Mature themes/language. Violence. Sexual content.
Chapter One: Who You Know
Theodore Nott sat perched above the courtyard of Hogwarts like a gargoyle, watching. Typically, he wasn’t selective about what he payed attention to; observation was information, and information was power. But on this particular day, he did have an intended focus. Theo’s eyes were locked on Lorelei Morrigan, another fourth year at Hogwarts.
Lorelei was one of the most popular girls at Hogwarts. She was a Slytherin just as he was. She was best friends with Pansy Parkinson and Daphne Greengrass, and the heiress to House Morrigan. Theo felt strongly that he and Lorelei together would be an unstoppable pairing that could one day become its own dynasty, but he knew that first, there were other external factors that stood in the way.
“I can’t wait ‘til they announce the Champions,” Pansy Parkinson remarked to her friends, referring to the ongoing Triwizard Tournament, an event that happened only once every hundred years. “I hope a Slytherin gets picked.”
Pansy Parkinson was the self-proclaimed most popular, beautiful, and powerful girl in Slytherin and the rest of Hogwarts for that matter, and she often treated and viewed her two best friends as her loyal handmaidens. Lorelei scoffed at her claim as she walked alongside Pansy and Daphne Greengrass.
“I doubt it,” she laughed emptily.
Pansy frowned, not accepting of her negative opinion even as a fellow Slytherin. “Why not?”
“Look at our House’s luck in the past ten centuries or so. The last great wizard we produced was Merlin,” Lorelei pointed out.
Pansy took offense. “What about The Dark Lord? Or Grindelwald?”
Lorelei saw herself out of the debate, recognizing it would get political.
“I hope the Hogwarts Champion’s a cute guy,” Daphne shared. “Or a cute girl. Those Beauxbatons girls make us look stupid.”
“Ugh, don’t get me started!” Pansy exclaimed in disgust. “They’re all Draco’s been looking at!”
Daphne and Lorelei exchanged glances, knowing that once Draco Malfoy’s been brought up, the topic remains relevant for the next fifteen minutes or so. Pansy, as the ‘most popular girl at Hogwarts’, insisted on having the ‘most popular boy at Hogwarts’, Draco Malfoy, the Slytherin from one of the wealthiest families in the Wizarding world.
Why she insisted on eventually marrying one of the richest boys when she was already one of the richest girls herself, Lorelei had no idea. Her family, of course, was admittedly just as wealthy as the Parkinsons, if not more, despite not being a part of the elite Sacred Twenty-Eight. But Lorelei wasn’t quite as obsessed with finding the perfect rich, Slytherin boy at Hogwarts to ultimately marry.
That night at dinner, all of the magical students currently housed at Hogwarts were reminded that the three Champions of the Triwizard Tournament were to be selected.
Lorelei, who was more ambitious than Pansy, at least in some areas, wished that it wasn’t only seventeen year-olds who could put their names into the Goblet of Fire for selection, always having had a genuine curiosity about how talented and strong she really was, although she never would’ve actually admitted it to anyone.
She never would have wanted to sound the way Draco Malfoy did when he went around boasting that, had he been able to enter his name, he would have won the Tournament. Why exactly Pansy insisted on him being the one for her, Lorelei had no idea. That night, she sat beside Daphne at the Slytherins’ table in the Great Hall as the students all waited for the names to be drawn.
She was silent as she listened to Pansy whispering to Daphne about her plot to get Draco to finally ask her out. This wouldn’t be her first scheme, of course. It was more like her sixteenth in the past couple of years or so. Lorelei thought she was pathetic and small-minded, but that was a thought that she was saving for Pansy’s inevitable betrayal.
Lorelei considered Pansy to be one of her best friends, due to the way they got along thanks to the way their minds both worked. Pansy was her non literal meal ticket, and her credibility, and her scapegoat, but she didn’t trust Pansy at all when it came to the social games that girls, particularly Slytherin girls, liked to play. That was why the only other friend she really had outside of Pansy’s group was Blaise Zabini, the loner that all the girls wanted.
But tonight, Lorelei found herself seated at dinner between Daphne Greengrass and Theodore Nott, who she had barely spoken to before. Seeing her boredom as Pansy was talking, Theodore lifted his head and paid closer attention to Lorelei, moving in closer as he spoke.
“Who do you think’s going to be Hogwarts Champion?” he asked.
Lorelei looked at him, and decided she was glad someone else decided to take interest in talking to her.
“I don’t know. But I hope it’s not a Gryffindor,” she remarked coolly, staring at the giant Goblet by the Headmaster’s podium.
Theo laughed, finding her coldness amusing. “You really buy into the rivalry, don’t you?”
“No,” she responded. “It’s just… they already have everything else.”
He nodded, finding her answer insightful. “I know what you mean. Our first year here, we were supposed to win the House Cup. But then, our esteemed Headmaster gave out just enough Gryffindor points to win them the Cup.”
“And all the other Houses hate us,” Lorelei thought. “Gryffindors. We make our own victories, and they take them.”
“I’m Theo,” he introduced himself.
“I know who you are,” Lorelei said.
Theo raised an eyebrow. “Really?”
No one ever paid him any attention. He clung to the shadows, and they clung to him.
“You’re Theodore Nott,” the ruby-haired girl recognized. “Your parents knew my parents.”
“They do, yeah,” he agreed.
“I think I’ve seen you… outside of school, I mean,” she thought. “At the parties.”
“You have a sharp memory,” Theo remarked.
“I never forget a face,” Lorelei told him.
Theo smiled, just as the Champions were announced by Professor Dumbledore. Fleur Delacour for Beauxbatons. Pansy had made a remark about how many of the boys had been talking about her. Viktor Krum for Durmstrang. Many all around seemed excited about this one. And finally, Cedric Diggory for Hogwarts. This was one of the few times Lorelei shared Pansy’s bitterness, as a popular Hufflepuff, of all people, was chosen as the Hogwarts Champion.
“This is somehow worse than a Gryffindor,” Lorelei made a face, as Theo just chuckled.
But then, unexpectedly, a fourth and final name was ejected from the Cup. Harry Potter, Hogwarts’ most famous student, and Gryffindor. Lorelei and Theo both looked at one another in surprise as the room immediately erupted into chaos. Almost everyone was yelling, including Pansy.
“Cheat!” Pansy yelled, which everyone seemed to agree with in an angry consensus. “Filthy Half-Blood!”
This one was a bit more controversial. She and Draco were having the time of their lives. Lorelei watched in silence as Harry Potter silently walked up to Professor Dumbledore to claim his name. Everyone was extremely tense. Lorelei leaned over to Theo, whispering quietly.
“Do you think he put it in?”
Theo scrutinized the entire situation closely, not yet forming a concrete opinion.
“It’s hard to say,” he murmured. “You’d think so… But I don’t think even he’s that stupid.”
“That’s true, I suppose,” Lorelei considered the possibility. “Remember second year, when everyone was convinced he killed Filch’s cat?”
Theo agreed. “He may be stupid, but he’s more of a circumstantial stupid.”
Lorelei looked at Theo critically, knowing that his parents had the exact same sort of ‘associations’ that hers did.
“Hmm?” he inquired.
Lorelei thought carefully, trying to phrase her question as delicately as possible for the stranger.
“You don’t think that… they had anything to do with this, did you?” she wondered.
She watched as the blank expression on Theo Nott’s face slowly curled into a mischievous smile.
“Smart girl,” he said, so that only the two of them could hear.
“Was your father at the World Cup too?” she asked him.
Discussing the Death Eaters’ march on the Quidditch World Cup over the summer was a very delicate conversation. It was a topic that Lorelei typically avoided with Pansy, due to the fact that Pansy’s beliefs were a bit too pro-Death Eater, even for her.
“He… was present,” Theo responded carefully.
Lorelei looked at him, appreciative of his honesty. He leaned in to whisper something to her, a humorous grin on his face.
“Tortured a bunch of people, too.”
Lorelei stared at him in surprise, giggling.
Chapter Two
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draco : Two brooooos! harry: Chillin' in a hot tub! draco : Five feet apart 'cause we're not gay! harry: draco : harry: tearing up draco : Babe, c'mon… harry: AND HERE YOU REALLY HAD ME THINKING WE HAD SOMETHING. draco : Babe…
extra bonus+++
draco : Two bros! draco : Chillin' in a hot tub! draco : Zero feet apart 'cause we're GAY AS FUCK!
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daddiesdrarryy · 5 months
Hermione: What’s the one thing we asked you not to do at the party, Harry?
Harry: Not kiss Malfoy
Ron: And what did you do?
Harry: I kissed Malfoy
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Please don't come after me, I'm not an artist, I know this is so bad, you really don't have to tell me otherwise.@its-not-alia
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missstratford · 7 months
Drabble 2 (part 2)
A/n: after a almost a hundred years, here I am with the part 2 of darbble 1. The reason I kept putting this off was because no idea of mine seemed like a decent conclusion to the first one... But this.. This made me go YUP. So I hope this is worth the wait!
Ps: sorry for the long note. Love you guys💞💞
Tags: @l0velyjellyfish @certified-lana-del-rey-lover
You sighed languidly as you heard Draco's gentle breath. After a night of extensive passion, you both had ended up intertwined peacefully and lay awake well into the night. A smile tugged on your lips as your head rested against his warm chest, his fingers playing with yours. You remembered distinctly how you two had met. "Divine" He'd called you, having sneaked into your dorm around the same time as now. A couple of months later, of course after being forgiven by you, he had proceeded to serenade you so much so that you couldn't help but adore him for it. These heated moments of your bodies expressing love to one another was not just fierce and all consuming, it felt like he was the gentle breeze that would lull you on a summer day, or like the sweet sway of a boat as it floated pleasently across a blessed sea. As your thoughts travelled, "I'm scared", you whispered into the darkness. " Of what my love? " You heard his soft voice next your ear. "Of the future. What it might hold for us." You nestled further in the crook of his neck. "Sweetheart, will you still love me when I'm angry? If I let envy chew through me or when I let pride best me into apologizing for an error on my part?” you felt your breath quicken. Draco's fingers stilled against yours. " Will you still love me when I'm being difficult? When my body will lay of exhaustion from child birth and I'll feel rather unattractive compared all the other woman around me?” you asked finally. "I will love you darling." He pressed a kiss to your temple. "I will love you more when you bless me with tiny sunshines that I'll get to call ours, I'll love you more when you are jealous because it spells how you much you love me. I will love you more when you are angry for its gives me a sense of being yours to get upset on. I'll love you most when you are difficult because you're mine to love and my love for you is abundant so I will give and give and give it all to you my sweet." With that he placed the most soft, almost shy, kiss to your lips that etched a sentence to your souls. I love you
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