#hopefully putting it out there will ease them (it wont)
arachnerd-8-legs · 6 months
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"Always up for a good jog -- otherwise, would I still be *on* this case with *you*?" He smiles and raises his collar. It's windy.
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bellshazes · 10 months
bro why wont you touch those commas! nothing is sacred! no thing is more real than any other thing why are you choosing to make a world for yourself that is slightly more uncomfortable in an extremely solvable way
thank you Beau. here is my issue with commas:
commas are the quarter rest of punctuation, in that they indicate the most standard unit of pause and like all punctuation they regulate the breath. or: like all punctuation, they regulate the breath. like all punctuation - they regulate the breath; but each one indicates a different type of pause and implies different relationships between the sentence components they link.
it's pretty rare for commas as I agonize about them to drastically alter the meaning of a sentence. if they did that would make the decision easy, because I'd have two choices and one would be more accurate than the other. when I am agonizing over punctuation, it's because I care very much about the non-semantic implications.
do I want my reader to breathe easy? I care about your breathing very very much when I write, which is why my prose is often full of long clauses with intentional but not rigid alliteration and assurance, a lot to say between each rest but hopefully easy reading, reading that's smooth and comfortable. of course sometimes a scene means I want shorter breaths, a higher heart rate, a quick pulse, rapid thoughts - and then perhaps, maybe, easing out of that fever pitch into something that settles in. or maybe a steady rhythm, iambic meter. things that pulse, things that stop.
I think a gut check is healthy but also if I let myself agonize over commas endlessly I'd publish even less writing than I do now. Functionally, changing those things in DIA will make a difference to no one; it would not be noticed, and it won't change meanings. I think punctuation and spacing is how I, as a writer, pay attention to the body of my reader, how I stay mindful of the act of reading separate from the act of writing. And that has diminishing returns and an upper limit, especially because people do read differently and take punctuation in slightly different enough ways I can't control that completely.
so basically complaining about commas I wish I could change is my balance between continuing to care about it as a writer (I do!!! So much!!!!) but also recognizing that for me I need to put boundaries on what I finish so I can finish more things and let things be imperfect. I did also make myself a deal no edits until I finish the directors commentary tho so..... maybe I should do that. lol
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➖ Mature content, 18+ ➖ check the trigger tags each time ➖      
Chapter 30 - Old Messages, pt. 8. Episode 2.
Congo: As they found a booth to sit down in at the bistro, he looked at George a bit wondering So why exactly are we meeting here George? I know this isn't just the 'congratulations train'… or breakfast burritos…
George: He smiled friendly and nodded Correct. I do come with quite a lot of topics, but let's order first, and then I can start filling you in. You'll need some energy to digest all of this. He smiled softly Don't worry, there is mostly good news.,… and here I mean the really good kind.
Congo: Smiled softly That all sounds really welcome, however, I do hear the word mostly, so I wont relax too much until I have heard it all. He picked up a menu and pushed the other menu in Georges direction, quickly running his eyes over the letters so when the waitress joined them, he had already put his menu down, smiling at her politely I'll take a round of the sausages, bacon and eggs with two pieces of bread on the side, 2 blueberry pancakes and a slice of apple pie…. oh, and a big mug of coffee.
George: Nodded at Congo, then turned to the waitress And for me an omelet and a slice of apple pie….. aaand make that 2 big mugs of coffee, please. As the waitress left he padded Congo's hand gently Now listen… this is all a bit on the freakshow side, so if you have questions, or I lose you somewhere, feel free to pause me or ask questions. Gabriella filled me in during the night, so it's all very new for me as well. First and foremost I have to let you know, Gabriella is at Sparkle's house, she is waiting there to greed Andy, and will fill him in on the same things I'll be filing you in on. So when we are done here, you and Andy will know the exact same things, except one matter, which I'll share with you last. Are we okay so far?
Congo: Nodded agreeing and smiled politely at the waitress as she brought their coffee, quickly sipping the coffee a few times to wash his mouth from Andy, more or less against his will, but just to be on the safer side
George: Smiled friendly at Congo and sipped his coffee I'm afraid there's no way to ease you in, so prepare yourself for another roller coaster ride. But hopefully a better one than the previous ones. He took a big breath, and smiled softly You know that old saying, 'he, or she, is my soulmate'?
Congo: He nodded softly and sipped is coffee
George: Well, it's not quite like that… That's more the romanticized, version of it, although it's not far off. I'm sure you know that in many animal species, one or both of the animals picks a mate and stays with that one mate for the rest of their life? It's like that with humans too , but since we are further evolved than many other species, our mating system is also further evolved. Our mating system works as such; Our mates are pre-destined for us, depending on a lot of factors, like genes, smell, taste, good compatibility in DNA and so on. A mate is picked for us when we reach the age of 18, and do we happen to find this person, we will be able to feel a strong connection with them, stronger than with any other person we will ever meet. We will be able to feel a love we never thought existed, and do things we never thought possible for this one person. We only get one mate, so do we miss out on this mate, we will not get assigned another mate. That doesn't mean we are destined to run around living an empty life, we are more than capable of loving other people beside our mate. But do we pick to be with our mate, it's a bond that will rarely ever break again. Picking to be with our mate, and sealing that bond, is done by a marriage ceremony, it does not matter what kind of marriage, in what culture or what religion it is performed in. When two mates are married, almost nothing will be able to break their bond. Mates are as such not made for each other, we are all individually born, and as we grow up, and our personality evolves we will be paired with our mates. These mate-pairs can be detected only by people who practice the old form of art named Witchitatu, an old Navaho art form of magic. He sipped his coffee and smiled softly at the waitress as she brought their food Thank you very much. As she nods and walks off, he continues Gabriella and her family practices this art… And through that, Gabriella can over time receive information about her own mate, or even mates of other people close to her. This info shows up in the form of visions. Two days ago, when you and Andy declared your love for each other, Gabriella had such strong vision, it woke her up from heavy sleep and gave her nosebleed. She contacted her sister, and together they were able to piece the fragments of the vision together. He smiled softly and sipped his coffee It turns out, sometimes even mother nature screws up. On your 18th birthday, your mate was picked out. But your mate was but a baby when this happened. However, this is not the screw up, since even then as he was an infant, you already shared the bond of mates, which means, your bond is even stronger than regular bonds between mates. However, where the screw up happened was, when your mate grew up, on his 18th birthday, he was assigned not only the mate he already had, but also a second mate. He sighed softly turns out, you are Andy's mate, and therefor he's also your mate… but Andy's second mate… is A.
Congo: He stared at George a bit, letting the fork drop out of his mouth, then he took his napkin, spat out the food he had in his mouth in it. He got up, walking out of the bistro, crossing the road and disappeared between a few trees in the forest across the street
George: Signaled the waiter I'll pay now honey, but please don't take our food, we will be back in 5 minutes… but if we aren't back in 10 you can clear it out, okay? As she nodded George hurried after Congo, finding him sobbing with his forehead against a tree Congo… He placed a soft hand on Congo's upper back, gently stroking him I know it seems hopeless, but you have to…
Congo: Interrupted George I can't compete with him, the creature of the night…. so it's over.
George: Shook his head softly Not necessarily. Hear me out please… this thing, double mating someone, happens rarely, very rarely. But when it does, there's always a stronger connection with one of the mates.
Congo: Sobbed and interrupted again Yes, and I have seen those two together, plus I'm just a mere human… A is all magical and shiny to Andy…. plus he has that whole vampire magnetism… Andy sucks it right up!
George: He raised his voice, but kept it warm And yet your connection with Andy is stronger.
Congo: He turned and looked at George with red, teary, confused eyes What?
George: Nodded softly and padded his shoulder
Congo: Sniffled his nose But how? Are you even sure?
George: Positive. We didn't know until this night. Gabriella and her sister performed a spell to guide them to find Andy's strongest connection, and it lead her to you. That whole process is very hush, so she can't tell us the spell itself, we will have to trust her. But she knows what she's doing, and the spell is flawless. There is no doubt, that you are in fact the strongest connected male. If you think about it… why would Andy risk everything he has been fighting for with A, including a marriage and the possibility of becoming immortal, which he so desperately wants, just for the simple reason that he just, two days ago, learned that you are in love with him? Andy's world collapsed when you told him those words, but in the ruins of that, a tiny, but very strong flower grew, and if we protect that flower, it will grow big and impossible to destroy.
Congo: He started sobbing softly again
George: Wrapped his arms around him Come here…
Congo: He spoke between the sobbing So he's really truly mine?
George: Nodded firmly Without a doubt. Andy is yours. But since he's also technically A's, we have to work together, to get him out of that whole situation, so he can be united with his strongest mate. And that's the tricky part, but we will not give up till we succeed. I have tried to make both Gaby and her sister look into the future, but everything is very very vague at the moment and constantly shifting, due to Andy being at a crossroad. The first step, is for him to finally choose which mate he wants to be with, and not only choose with his heart. His soul and brain has to be in it as well. When he makes that choice he will step out on one of the two roads, and he will be able to marry either you or A, sealing the mate bond forever. Of course we want him to choose you, for obvious reasons…
Congo: Sighed deeply George, I just want him to be happy… even if that means he will choose A…
George: Smiled softly I know, but Andy will be truly most happy with his strongest connected mate. It's destined Congo. It's meant to be. He sighed softly It wont come easy, and it will most likely be a long and at times dangerous process, and if Andy… when Andy's heart, soul and mind comes together and definitive picks you, we will have to do the marriage ceremony as quickly as possible, so your bond will be impossible to break. That doesn't mean you or any one of the people involved will be immune to whatever A or any other of his kind may want to do to you. So we have to fade Andy out of A's life. Making a clear break will cause too much suspicion, and it won't take him long to figure what is happening, and Gabriella's family, is not doubting he will raise hell. So we have to fade Andy out, make sure a break will look like it comes from A's side, and not Andy's, but still keeping Andy safe. It's tricky, its complicated, but it can be done. If you trust us, and if you stay patient.
Congo: Sighed deeply I can't George. I can't put his life in danger.
George: His life is already in danger! We will do our best to protect him, and to strategically plan everything step by step. I promise you, they are very capable people, and they believe in themselves. They have educated themselves on A's family, since they learned about Andy and A's engagement. They are not going into this blindfolded.
Congo: Shook his head and sighed deeply It's still too risky. I will risk anything for him, including my own life. But I wont risk his.
George: I can't guarantee, of course, since I can't predict the future, and the future is constantly changing anyway, depending on what happens in the now… but, I can honestly say, I don't believe it will ever come that far as long as Gabriella's clan and family is involved. If we get Andy through a marriage ceremony with you, Gabriella's family and clan will be willing to adopt you guys. It doesn't change you much, unless you want to. They do not make immortals though, but few minor powers can be passed on for protection, and they can later be taken back, if one would wish. However, in the adoption process, there will be put a code on both of you, Andy already received one when A adopted him. It's a line of numbers or letters on your skin. Us humans can't see them, but immortals can. However, this special form of code Gaby's clan will make on you guys are always kept invisible, unless one of the clan members calls on it to be shown. In a case like that, it will be shown for a minute or two, a small time period, but long enough for the viewer to read that you guys are off limit.
Congo: Frowned deep and groaned I don't like the idea of being owned… I'm not a calf… or horse…
George: Gaby's clan will of course sign a binding paper, that no one is to use you guys in any way. That you are your own persons, and that this adoption has no effect on you besides protection. But of course we understand if you need a few days to think about it, but decisions has to be made soon. Maybe it wouldn't be bad to ask Andy what he thinks? Unfortunately he can't just speak out, saying he picks you, the soul, heart and mind has to fall together in the decision, which can take a while, since he's already engaged to A and furthermore loves him deeply. Your love, and the love he has for you, has to triumph the love he shares with A. Again, it's far from impossible… and as the girls look into the future, they can sense a mortal marriage ceremony… but that's how things looked last night after your engagement, that future can already have changed due to your words here… We do understand if you need some time to catch up with everything… but in order to succeed, we need to start soon. You need to show Andy, how life with you would be, vs the chaotic life with A, he deep down inside knows its no good for him. He loves you Congo, an undeniable love even A is already detecting… if he figures out for sure, you can be sure none of us will ever see Andy again.
Congo: His eyes started flickering and his legs started shaking I know George! But don't put this on me! Don't make me put his life in danger! Don't make me risk his life, risking my own is enough! Being married to Andy, being his mate and him being mine, all of that, sounds like the most beautiful thing I could ever imagine… but the possible bad outcomes are too much to risk. I'm sorry, but I can't! He ran out from between the trees, and as he stood in the middle of the road, thinking about where to run, a big truck came roaring around a corner
George: Yelled at the top of his lungs CONGO! WATCH OUT!!
Congo: *As he turned, and in almost slow motion watches the truck roar towards him, his life flashed before his eyes, and all he saw was Andy smiling, a single tear runnng down his cheek, his eyes closing, and all sound drained from his ears, all he saw and heard was Andy smiling and laughing, telling Congo he loves him.
Andy: He padded Congo's cheek firmly Congo? Sniffled his nose Congo? Are you okay?… please open your eyes… please… I beg you…
Congo: Slowly opened his eyes, blinking a few times as he saw Andy laying on top of him, with tears streaming down his cheeks. After blinking a few times, he can see Gabriella and George standing bent over him as well… and as he started gaining back full conscience he can hear a few people talking around them. He lifted his arms from the ground and wrapped them around Andy, pulling him tight against his chest, speaking in a hoarse voice I'm okay…sssh sssh… I'm okay..
Andy: He gasped and looked at Congo, then started sobbing silently, pressing his face against Congo's chest
Congo: Gently stroked his back and hushed him a few more times, then looked a bit confused at Gabriella and George What happened?
Gabriella: Sparkle insisted I as soon as Andy showed up at her house, would throw him in my car and drive him back up here, she feared you were gonna freak out and take off. So it was better for everyone to fill Andy in on the car ride up here. And luckily we had just parked my car as that truck came roaring, if it wasn't for your crazy fiance, you would have been nothing but a pancake! He flung himself in front of that truck and pushed both of you to safety, just in the last split second before you had both been dust.
Congo: He looked down at Andy with tears in his eyes You idiot… you could have gotten killed! He kissed Andy's hair gently
Andy: He coughed a bit from the sobbing So could you! I already told you, I don't wanna lose you! I cant live without you! So don't make me!
Congo: Hugged him even tighter I'm sorry…
Andy: Sobbed loudly I don't know what's worse? -That you almost got killed or almost left me?! He got up and slapped Congo hard, crawling few meters away, and curled up on the ground, sobbing loudly as his body started shaking
Congo: He sat up straight Andy… I… I don't want to risk your life… that does not mean I don't love you… I love you more than anyone else! He quickly got on his feet and walked to Andy, squatting down next to him, softly stroking his back
Andy: Wiggled his shoulders Don't touch me!
Congo: Sighed softly Andy, please listen to me… you heard the whole story, right?… can't you see it's insane? we will never win… we will only lose! And your life is too much to gamble on an already lost game.
Andy: You don't know how I feel about you! He got up fast you don't know shit! But it's so easy always doubting me! And what we might be able to get if we were together! I'll gladly sacrifice it all, including my life, even if I have never had more will to live than I have now!… cause a life without you… is just something I can't face! And I won't! I didn't even think before throwing myself in front of that truck, I saw you, I saw the truck, and then I flew through the air! I have never felt anything so strong before… EVER! Not even with A! NEVER!
Congo: But Andy… as soon as he tries to leave you, you almost die in the process…
Andy: He shouted between his tears That's because I knew nothing about our love!!! Now I know, and it literally grows stronger and stronger for each second! How can you stand here and deny me only hours after you proposed to me?! I know a lot of things has changed, I know we just got buried under possible the biggest pile of shit we will ever be buried under… but Congo… for fuck sake… George believes I'm strong enough for this… he believes my strength lies in you! Sure I won't stop loving A today, tomorrow and maybe not even a year from now, maybe I'll always love him because of the bond… but I know I love you more… I don't know how that's possible, or how I even know… but I know… I feel it running through my whole body! I feel it right here he pressed a hand against his chest and groaned loudly, as he fell to his knees
Congo: Gasped and grabbed his shoulders What's happening?
Gabriella: Looked confused and scared I don't know… I looked worried at George
George: Andy… he placed a firm hand on his back Try to breathe, I think you are having a panic attack… try to relax….
Andy: Groaned from pain and grabbed on to Congo's shirt, grinding his teeth as he spoke You… are breaking… my heart! He gasped for air you are breaking…. my heart!
Congo: Looked at Gabriella with despair in his eyes Please do something!
Gabriella: Shook her head, tears streaming down her cheeks I have never seen anything like this… I can't help! Only you can help!
Congo: Started sobbing loudly Try to calm down Andy… I'm right here… I won't leave… tell me what to do! Please!
Andy: Sobbed loudly Just love me… just love me forever… just never leave me… I want you… and only you… I don't care at what cost!!!… you are my mate… my true mate… I love you with all of me… don't ever walk away!! Please! It kills me! It kills me inside! I wanna marry you and be yours only! He sobbed loudly why can't you believe in us?
Congo: He fell to his knees, sobbingly leaning his forehead against Andy's Tell me how to fix this! I beg you! I can't stand seeing you like this!
Andy: Sobbed uncontrollably and fell to the ground as he fainted
Congo: Leaned over him and picked up his head from the ground Nononononono don't leave me! Don't leave me! I love you so much, Andy! Come back to me! Please come back! He checked Andy's pulse with shaky hands Please, I can't stand going through this again! I'll do anything if you come back! I'll do this with you! I'll marry you! Just come back and choose me! Please choose me over him! Please! I beg you! I beg you with all my heart! I beg you with my life!
Andy: His skin sorta started glowing, and for a few seconds, he levitated a few cm's over ground, making George look around nervously, but to his relief all of the bystanders had long gone left the scene when nothing seemed to be exiting enough to look at. Andy's face gained a pink glow, and as he opened his eyes they too seem to almost glow. Then he fell back into Congo's arms and sighed deeply, speaking in a calm soothing almost singing voice Congo… I choose you.
Gabriella: Nodded at Congo as he looked up at her, squealing as she wraps her arms around George's throat
Congo: Looked back down at Andy Did all of you choose me?
Andy: Nodded softly Yes… all of me. I feel so calm inside. Like every worry and tension is gone, like I'm floating on air. Kiss me…
Congo: Sobbed happily as he pressed his lips against Andy's, drawing him closer to himself
George: Looked at Gabriella as tears starts running down his cheeks, smiling softly Did he really choose?
Gabriella: Smiled bright Yes, yes he did. I feel the energy all around us.
Congo: Sobbed softly as he chuckled happily Did you pick me? Am I really so lucky? I can't even wrap my head around all of this, but I'm so fucking happy! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
Andy: Chuckled happily through his own tears Don't thank me… I'm so fucking happy you are my mate! It's perfect! It's beyond perfect! I wouldn't want it any other way!
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urlocalhomework · 2 years
A blessing
Authors note: the pictures with the text will be available on patreon. This is just to show that i really am new to this and working hard on writing and drawing.
Hopefully tumblr wont take it down, the “worse” stuff will be on patreon so i wont get banned and its harder for minors to access.
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A blessing is what they called Toji Zenin. The Zenin Clan was a wealthy and mighty family, but they weren’t referring to them. It was a blessing that someone was willing to take me out of their hands, like it wasn’t arranged and planned the moment they found out. Who would‘ve thought that the Zenins also had a black sheep if you could call him that. Toji Zenin wouldn’t have been my first choice in that matter, their youngest Naoya on the other hand…
The door bursts open and he stalks in blood drenched and out of breath. A quick glance at me and his eyes fall a little, then he stomps to the bathroom. I have to clean up the dirt of the floor and the blood possibly. A gulp to rid the fear and i was on my feet.
Fresh blood was far too easy to scrub of the floor, his clothes probably aren‘t.
I emptied the bloody bucket, dried my hands and walked back to our bedroom.
The door opened the second I had sat down, the heat and the steam rushed out and so did my husband,
toothbrush between his teeth and a tight jaw.
„How has your day been?“ i spoke as confident as possible and his eyes sprung to me at the sudden noise. With a scarred hand he gestured to his mouth with a hint of annoyance. Of to a great start. I averted my eyes, undeniably glancing at his body that was still wet. My eyes then focused on the bathroom door, in which he then disappeared in.
I crossed my legs again until I felt stupid just sitting here and waiting for him to address the situation, knowing he made it clear that it was not to be discussed any further. I doubt he has any emotional issues with this situation, he just seemed annoyed and irritated by all of this. After all both of us met on the day we signed the papers, since neither of us were „worthy“ of a public pompous wedding.
As I was about to storm down and sleep on the couch to get at least some rest, the door creaked open again.
My husband came out now a little more at ease as I could feel in the air.
„Watcha looking at?“ how long had I been staring at his body this time. I felt like a joke, the heat rising to my neck and face.
Under normal circumstances this could have been easier, maybe even romantic.
But he didn’t look like a romantic man at all.
The longer I was thinking about the tense moment, the less my vision caught the nearing chest.
In a second my body hit a wall and my gaze found the light again, starring up at my husband who was leaning over me with his arms above my head.
„What the fuck do you think you‘re doing“ i spat at him, clearly he was not a respected nor respectful man, but if he thought he cou-
„i‘m looking at my wife“ he snarled back, cutting me off.
I snorted loudly, making his smirk deepen and eyebrows rise.
„I am hardly your wife“
„you want to see the papers?“
„you know the ones, you and I signed just-„
„Shut up“
Now he snorted and started chuckling under his breath.
„You know the wedding night usually goes a lot different“ his eyes stared deeply in mine, looking for god knows what until In the lower corner of my eye I could see that his towe-
„your towel“ i said quickly, breaking eye contact again and looking up to his wet dark hair.
„its on the floor“
„I am aware“
The red tint of my cheeks and probably the rest of my body couldn‘t grow deeper.
His hand suddenly landed on the robe I had put on after my bath. He tugged on the hem of it and then let his hand slither down to the strings keeping it together.
„toji“ i murmured, maybe this could make us bond somehow.
„i want you to know that I wanted this marriage just as much as you“
„Not at all?“
With a grin and closed eyes he tugged the strings open and pushed the fabric off, before taking the sight in with hooded eyes.
„Yup“ his hands found my breast quickly massaging them in his rough hot hands.
My hands pushed at his shoulders, slipping along them with the remaining water, until my body was hoisted up in the air and pushed back harshly against the wall.
„Ow“ / „Oops“
Yeah hardly a romantic.
His lips attached to my neck like a magnet and I was left to stare at his hair and muscular back filled with deep scars and recent scratches.
He kissed and smothered the place behind my ear until he bit it just below, leaving a mark probably.
„toji“ the answer was a muffled response.
One hand left my thigh to sink between my legs, almost letting me fall until I squeezed him tighter into me with my legs around his waist.
He suddenly stopped in an instant, one hand resting on my breast, the other above my cunt.
„what?“ he huffed out of breath from leaving marks and bites all over my neck and collarbone.
„I“ my eyes searched for my question around our bodies, both heaving in anticipation and tensing at the cold air that rushed through the window.
His eyebrows still in the crease of his forehead until i shot forward and sealed our lips for the first time.
We had seen each other naked on our first night of meeting, we‘re making out like some teenagers in highschool, but didn’t know a single thing about the other.
I broke from our clashing of teeth and tongue „I forgot what I wanted to say“ he just nodded quick and out of breath before pushing forward again to reconnect.
My head hit the wall again, but this time it didn’t hurt as much. Maybe this isn’t real, and I am sleeping on the couch, or i couldnt bear to see the blo-
A moan escaped my lips unhindered when I felt a finger circling my clit suddenly.
„There you are“
He grinned like a mad man, and let his finger slide down to the opening before dipping his finger in slowly.
„ah“ the gasping from my lips was becoming pathetic, so i tried holding them in only for them to come out louder and more desperate.
„Fuck fuck“ he grunted and i felt his finger leaving me until a warm tip pushed at my entrance.
„toji fuc-„
„You got this“ he lowered my body with a hand on my ass, gripping it to let the tip enter me.
„it won‘t-„ the moan slipped past again and I cursed myself for letting him know what he was doing to me without even trying.
The head pushed slowly in and i digged my nails into his shoulder blades and neck, making him wince almost inaudibly.
„So tight, princess“ his voice tuned out completly as all i could feel and focus on was his dick fighting his way inside of me.
The final stretch went in way more smooth and hurt much less. I sighed in contempt, this felt good and save.
„This isn’t the best way to bond“
He laughed quietly and laid his head on my collarbone, huffing into it and I ran my hands through his hair. I couldn’t contain the tiny smile that formed on my face.
His thumb brushed my clit again, waking me up from my thoughts. He started sucking another mark on whatever place hasn’t been covered before.
His hips pulled back and I felt the drag curse through my lower body, i sucked in a breath and our eyes crossed as I nodded. He pushed in and Toji closed his eyes, dwelling in the moment.
“Move” i slapped his shoulders softly and he immediately pulled back and pushed back in, catching me off guard completly.
The sound of his balls slapping against my ass and our mix of moans and groans ran through the room. My arms pushed his head into mine, our foreheads touching as our lips inched closer to each other.
My eyes found his again and my thoughts for a second almost could paint him as a lover, a kind romantic man that i could’ve fallen for. Until his eyes seemed to darken and before my confusion caught up to my expression he turned us until we fell onto the bed with a loud crack. The skin clapping only intensified and his pace went feral.
The tip kept rapidly hitting a spongy part inside of me, giving me almost enough stimulation to cum but my brain was too unfocused to catch up. I felt my legs fall from his waist, his finger stretching my lower lips before settling on my clit and continuing his assault on it like before. I held my mouth shut to prevent a scream from escaping my throat.
“toji” a whisper he clearly didn’t catch himself as he focused on sucking on the roughened skin of my tit. The fast drive of his hips, making the bed squeak and the pillows fall off. The slight tongue he dragged across my nipple in combination with the neverending pressure on my clit made my breath quicked and my cunt tighten around him, losing all focus and feeling myself cum around him and falling back onto the bed.
His hips on the other end didnt even stutter, if anything they went harsher and rougher any second, my limp body couldn’t keep up with his actions and i tried gripping the sheets for comfort but god it started hurting. I felt myself tighten again and he groaned loudly as he suddenly fell into me and rested his head in my neck.
His breathing started becoming regular and my vision became clear again. Now our sweaty bodies were more apparent to me. God everything is sticky and dis- wait when did he stand up. I was about to get up to clean myself of his cum until a wet towel hit my chest and a tired body fell next to me.
“Clean yourself up”
Yes definitely no romantic.
Critics always allowed just be nice and respectful. I will post a teaser every Wednesday here and the “hardcore” stuff on patreon.
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tearstoshed4ever · 4 months
and the good news is i now have a surrgate mother to
"your mother's right, you know? We all will meet again in heaven." Lydia said softly.
(sorry didn't see that last one.)
yes she is
" you do? Who is she?" Henry be asked curiously.
but hopefully u wont get there for a long time lyds
emily bit her lip not knowing how to expin
"Well...you see...she's a spider. Her name is Widow." Emily began. She didn't know anything else to say but the truth
she bared herself for his reacton
"oh. A um...spider. how extraordinary," Henry said, wondering if his daughter had gone mad. But Lydia knew better. "So, you can talk to talk to animals now, Emmy? Because you're um.." "Dead, yes. I can talk to all creatures now. It's one of the perks I guess, hehe." Emily laughed nervously
she knew lyda would understand
and my father is a maggot who lives in my head
she said awardly
"outrageous! Tell him to get out!" Henry gasped, not liking the thought of a maggot living in his daughter. "No, it's okay Papa. I like him there. I know he's always with me." Emily explained
in fact i love him as much as u
theyve both helped me so much
"I'm so glad, Emily. You must thank them for me. Tell them to keep up the good work." Henry smiled
i will she smiled back
she wished he could meet them but knew it would be a bad idea
Jul 16, 2021 6:27 PM
Maggot would ruin whatever confidence her father had in her care. She had to give Henry some sort of relief
widow would be far more resopvite
but a taking spider might break his brain
So, she left meeting her guardians out of it, hoping that talking about them in a good light would ease her father's mind
as well as hoping there feelings wouldnt be hurt again when they found out
Yes, balancing her guardians was always difficult
she still felt guitly about earler
and still found herself missing her mother
Jul 16, 2021 11:51 PM
"Soon," she told herself. "One day soon we'll all be together."
and as she thought this she felt soft lips press down on the crown of her head
"Mother..." Emily smiled, feeling warmth for the first time in a year
Yes darling id never miss your bday
came emilys gentle vocie
Jul 17, 2021 9:00 PM
Jul 18, 2021 11:27 PM
(hi. Sorry I was very busy yesterday) "Oh, mother. I'm so glad you're here." Emily beamed, trying not to cry
Jul 19, 2021 11:56 AM
emily appered and drew her daugt into her arms
just let it out sweetheart
she cronned stroking her hair
"Emily? Emily what's wrong? What's happening? Have you left us?" Henry asked, struck that his daughter no longer spoke with them but he could hear her crying
its momma shes here emily sobbed
E-Emily? My Emily!?" Henry stammered. "Where? Please, my love! show yourself! I've missed you so!"
plz momma go to him hes sufferd so much he cant see me cause im all blue and rotting but u still look normel
emily begged
Jul 19, 2021 9:45 PM
"He'll see us both. In spirit, you are still yourself, Emily. Young and beautiful." Her mother said and Emily felt a warm floating feeling as her spirit lifted from her body and out of the grave. She appeared with her mother, shining specters in front of Henry and Lydia.
she hoped agaist hope that she could still toch and feel in this from
She would soon find out. Before she knew it, Henry rushed towards them. "My...my Emily! My darling girls!" Henry sobbed, embracing them. Luckily his arms didn't go straight through them. They were cold and not exactly solid, but still it was a hug.
emily burst into tears and clug to him like a baby
oh daddy i never thought id see u again
she sobbed
for a moment she was actally gratful that she wasnt in her body cause she was sure all her tears would mak her eye pop out
but on the other hand she felt guitly for hiding behind another mask
shed already been wearing one for a year
while shed been self couse at first she now wanted him to see and embrace the real her
daddy this isnt what i look like anymore
she sniffled
i want u to see the real me
momma put me back in my body
Jul 20, 2021 12:41 AM
hi! Sorry I was working on some of my own writing.
"If that's what you want, my darling." Her mother said. with a thought, the magic was gone, placing Emily's soul back into her body and showing Henry and Lydia what she truly looked like. They both gasped at the sight, but they were not afraid.
this is what that bastred did to me
"Oh Emily..." Seeing it all made Henry sick with anger and sadness. " My poor girl!"
she rn back into his arms again
this time the hug was toally solid
though still cold
She couldn't feel him either, now that her mother's blessing was removed
she began to to cry in frutern and willed herself to feel him
plz i realy need this im never gonna see him again after this till i cross over
she whimpered
Just then, she could almost feel it, the feeling coming in weakly
encournred she forsced
"I...I can feel you. Daddy! I can really hug you now!" Emily beamed, feeling warmth surrounding her.
she hugged him as hard as she and buried her face in his shoulder weeping with joy
"Wonderful, my dear. I'm so glad. How I've longed to comfort you," Henry sobbed, holding his little girl in his arms again.
momma lyds get over here
emily saied holding out her other arm
Lydia and Emily's mother rushed over, joining the group hug
neastled in the warm cirle of her familys arms for the final time
It was the best birthday present he could ever ask for
the end
0 notes
fwkei · 3 years
Excited for what's to come
Tumblr media
Rindou Haitani x fem!reader (fluffly, slightly angst, light mention of nfsw)
yass my 2nd request 🥳🥳ik that i can respond to the questions directly but it wont let me put a tittle if i do so i'm just gna do my requests like this, hopefully the person sees it, AND I HOPE U ENJOY! I had kinda a tough time with this ngl also sorry for any mistakes
CW/TW: Mentions of harassment, mentions of drugs
WC: 7.2k
Your mouth parted in shock as anger filled you looking at his grinning face. You never thought you’d ever see this man’s face again. And you almost didn’t recognize him. But the second he spoke...you knew it was him...and he knew it was you.
“You’ve got to be kidding me.” you said under your breath, bringing your hand to your head as he walked over, hands in his pockets smiling.
“Been a while, huh?” he said tilting his head at you
The familiar sight of his cocky smile sent you back, way back to when it all started between you two. Way back to when you were only 15.
You were walking home after finishing a day of school and club activities. It was mid year, finals just finished up and spring break was coming along. You felt relieved that you could finally have 2 weeks of rest, and not worry about your underclassmen and schoolwork. Since tomorrow was the last day of school, you decided you’d make a stop at the corner store. To just grab some snacks, maybe even dinner…
You held your book bag close to your body, as you opened the doors of the store. It was cold inside, you tucked your arms under each other to create some friction for warmth, as you walked around a bit you saw a group of 4 boys who all had matching uniforms, but not school uniforms. Just delinquent uniforms. You quickly glanced to see the sign of their gang, after a bit of looking, you didn’t recognize it, and decided to brush them off.
They looked around the same age as you, maybe a year older. They stood crowded in front of the cooler section laughing and talking pretty loud which already annoyed you a bit since you wanted to get a cold drink. You saw them fill their baskets with different types of beers and candy. You sorta cringed. After grabbing a few snacks and microwavable dinner you walked over to the cooler section, avoiding their presence completely, not interested or bothered by delinquents.
It was common for delinquents to be around where you lived. You often didn’t really like them, since most of them just trashed the streets and caused trouble for others, but you liked the ones that consisted of kids who just wanted to have fun and didn’t cause any harm. But definitely not groups like this, who are always waiting to just ruin someone's day.
“Excuse me-” you said avoiding eye contact, but not in a shy way
“Oh?” said one smiling
“What do you need, pretty?” he asked as his friends slightly moved out of the way, and you looked at him
“..just a drink.” you said smiling, trying to hide your irritated face while pointing to the door they were blocking
“Ahh, my bad.” he said moving out of the way, opening to door for you smiling foolishly
“Thank you.” you said giving a closed eyed smile before lowering your self slightly to grab your favorite drink
After grabbing it, you placed it in your basket and squeezed your way through the boys to get to the cashier. You smiled at the old man behind the counter as he scanned and bagged your items.
“Having dinner all by yourself? C'monn, let me accompany you, huh sweet?” said the leader walking over to you with that same smile on his face while licking his lips making you cringe
“Not interested.” you said not looking at him and grabbing your stuff, turning to walk out
“Aw c'mon..” he said following behind you as his friends dropped their stuff on the floor to follow their boss
You couldn't help but to feel a little bit worried for your own well being. When hearing them call out for you, as you so desperately tried to ignore it and go home. Still by the store's vicinity and still walking you heard him come closer and stand in front you, inching closer and closer to you making you back up with confused and worried eyes
“Don’t ignore me~” he said bringing his hand to twirl your hair
“I said I’m not interested.” you said bringing your hand to push you hair down so that he could no longer touch it
“You think that matters?” he asked as his smile faded into a smaller one but more devious
Suddenly you felt his finger tips touch your waist, and before it could escalate any further your fight or flight kicked in, you quickly raised your hand and slapped the male in front of you, and hard. Causing his head to turn a bit and arms drop from your body. You furrowed your eyebrows in anger as his hand traveled to his red cheek.
“Were you never taught that when a girl says no it means no?” you asked
You saw rage fill the man's eyes, as he brought his hand up to hit you back, both your heads turned to hear another person's voice.
“Really?” is all he said with one hand in his pocket, and the other taking out the lollipop in his mouth as he walked over with a blank expression
“The hell are you?” asked the male in front of you putting his hand down
“You’re gonna beat down on a girl for saying she doesn’t want you? Huh, ugly?” he said smiling as your eyes widened in shock at his insult to the man
Is he stupid? There's 4 guys here and he just insulted their friend. 4 v 1? The odds don’t play in his favor, and there wasn’t much you could do to help him other than call for help. But you couldn’t help but smile a little at his remark, You turnt your head to the side trying to contain your laugh.
“You laughing?” asked the male in front of you turning his rage filled gaze to you
“Yeah she’s laughing, isn't he an ugly guy?” asked the boy with blonde hair and blue highlights with glasses, grinning
“..yeah.” you said holding back your laugh and looking over at the boy, as he looked into your eyes with a look letting you it would all be okay
The male in front of you grunted as he raised his arm to hit you again, but the boy next to you blocked it with ease, signing. He held his arm steady blocking the arm from touching you. He placed his lollipop back in his mouth with one hand, then took off his glasses, turning his gaze to you. You felt your face get hot. He was just so...cool?
He softly smiled and handed you his glasses.
“Hold these for me?” he asked as you nodded your head ‘yes’ looking at him in complete awe
“I’m right here!” yelled the male coming in with another hit, you quickly moved out of the way to let him have the floor.
You held the boy's glasses in your hands as you watched him swiftly and easily doge the males attacks, and then it was all over. A single punch from the boy knocked the leader out, as he fell to the floor. Your eyebrows raised, excited.
“Isn’t he your leader? You guys are just gonna stand there?” asked the boy using his foot to turn over the body on the floor as his follower simply just ran away from the scene. The boy walked over to you, twirling the lollipop in his mouth. He took it out, throwing it into the trashcan near you before tilting his head giving you a slightly cocky smile...that you actually liked.
“Thank you.” you said bowing your head slightly at him
“No worries.” he said as you brought your head back up, still looking at him in awe
He noticed. He could tell you were stuck in awe, it was obvious by the look in your eyes. He’s never seen himself make a girl look at him like that, and honestly it made him prideful. But also fuzzy inside since he was able to make you nervous. He watched you earlier, noticing you had more of a calm personality, but the way you were now was different. He could practically feel the heat that radiated from your face. It really made him...happy? Usually all the girls he met fawn over his older brother...and it was nice having some attention for once.
He just kept looking into your eyes for a solid minute, you tried your very best to keep eye contact but it seemed as though he was lost in thought, so you looked off to the side and held out your hand with his glasses in it.
“I- uh..here by the way..” you said still looking off the side hoping he wouldn't notice your flushed face
“Thanks.” he said smiling, taking them from your hand and putting them, blinking his eyes a few times to adjust to it.
“Do you live around here? I can walk you home.” he said putting his hands into his pockets
“Yeah, just up the street. But you don't have to, really! I wouldn’t want to burden you.” you said bringing your hands up frantically at the nice gesture
“I don’t mind, honest. Here...just come with me, I gotta buy a few things first..” he said as his eyes traced your face
“Sure.” you said smiling as you both started to walk to the store
You only followed him around like a lost puppy, as he picked up a few drinks and snacks. Once he finally finished and paid, you both walked out, and started walking to your home.
“What’s your name?” you asked looking at him
“Rindou, or Rin is fine.” he said turning his gaze to you
Every. Single. Time. He looked in your eyes, it was like you were lost in trance. Although it was dark out, you could still so clearly see his eyes, they were so perfect to you. But what you didn’t know at the time was he felt the same way. He finally had someone's eyes on him, for him and no one else. He would feel fuzzy every time you looked him deep in the eye. And you both could tell there was a lot of tension, but not in a bad way.
“Yours?” he asked
“Y/n.” you said looking back in front of you
“Pretty name.” he said making you smile scrunch your eyebrows in confusion as you looked over at him
“Thanks...that’s a compliment I've never heard before from someone.” you said smiling
“Is it the type of compliment you'll remember?” he asked smiling
“Yeah, I don’t think i’ll ever forget it.” you said
“Good.” he said
“Oh- my place is just up the stairs so..thank you for walking me.” you said stopping in your tracks and pointing, smiling
“Yeah, no problem..” he said as you waved and started to walk up the stairs
“Hey-! Before you go-” he said making his way to where you were on the stairs, stopping on the stair below you, making him look up at you
You saw that his face was slightly red, and it made you smile softly as you waited for him to finish his thoughts,
“Would this be a bad time to ask you out or-?” he asked laughing, leaving you surprised
“Yes but I like you..so no.” you said
“..cool.. Then i’ll see you tomorrow.” he said said grinning and turning around to walk
“..tomorrow?” you said under your breath smiling as he made his own way home
After the most cliche moment of your life just happened, you went on to do your regular routine of going to bed. And you couldn’t help but feel so excited for what's to come.
‘What does he mean by seeing me tomorrow..he didn’t even ask if i'd be free, or tell me where we should meet….He’s so different..’
You though tot yourself as you were trying to fall asleep
The next morning, you woke, got ready, and went to school. Everything went as usual. Till one of your underclassmen from your club came barging into the club room, sweating and frantically trying to catch his breath.
“Y/N!” he yelled
“Are you alright?” you asked placing down the pen you were using to help correct a paper, while walking over to him to help him sit down
He only let out heavy breaths, and so you went over to your book bag, taking out a new water bottle and napkin. You handed him the water as he aggressively went to open it and drink it. You kneeled next to the kid and wiped the sweat that was dripping from his forehead, waiting for him to calm down.
“What happened? You look scared.” you said with concerned eyes
“Y/n! There's a man outside in front of the school asking for you!” he said
“..did he threaten you or something?” you asked thinking it was the guy from yesterday who harassed you
“No! But! But!-” he said not being able to speak his mind
“Hey! Hey! It’s alright just relax, grab your stuff and go home, okay? Club is done for today.” you said getting up and patting his head
“Sure but!”
“Don’t worry! Everything is fine-” you said walking over to grab your sweater and bag
“Do you mind locking up the classroom on your way out?” you asked to one of the club members
“Sure!” she said as you handed her the key
“Thanks so much, leave the key at the front office on your way out-!” you said walking out of the club room
You walked down the stairs of your school, walking to the front you carefully looked around, seeing no threat in sight you continued on your way, walking to the front. As you turned to start walking on the sidewalk, your face grew shocked at seeing-
“Rindou?” you asked
“Hey there, took you long enough.” he said looking up from his phone
“Sorry..? How would I know that you would be here?” you asked smiling as you walked over to him
“I thought I sent some random kid to get you.” he said
“You also scared the shit out of him.” you said as Rindou started smiling cheekily
“I swear I didn’t mean any harm-” he said bringing his arm up in defense
“Well sit down, let's go already. It's hot.” he said handing you a helmet
“Where’re we going?” you asked taking it and strapping it on
“You’ll see, come- and I’ll hold your bag for you. he said pushing himself up so that you could sit behind him
You didn't respond and only did as he said, sitting behind him, you pulled your skirt down. You felt nervous at how close you two were right now, but he seemed so calm...it was almost frustrating.
“This your first time on a bike?” he asked slightly turning his head
“Yeah, you’re not gonna wear a helmet?” you replied
“Nope, don't need it, and you should probably hold onto me though.” he said, bringing his hands up to start the motor making your heart jump at the loud sound, and before you could even do anything, he started zooming out of his parking space.
Your eyes widened and you quickly brought your arms, wrapping them around his waist, pressing your cheek against his upper back and cringing your eyes shut. Sacred for your life. You heard him laughing a bit at your reaction, and you couldn't help but to smile at it since it was so cute.
“Slow down!” you yelled trying to make yourself known over the loud engine
“You’re gonna be fine! Just trust me!” he yelled back smiling as you brought your head up slightly feeling the wind against your skin..and it felt so good. Was this what living a carefree life was like?
You couldn't help but smile so big at the feeling you were feeling right now.. It was different from any other feeling you’ve felt. It was happy mixed with...anxiousness? It left you with butterflies in your stomach. That never went away and it just made you feel so good.
‘Is this love?’
you thought to yourself holding Rindou tighter to you as he turned the bike
Rindou felt his heart flutter with your every touch, the fact that you would hold onto him tighter and tighter every time he did something new with his bike just made him smile like a fool. He found it so cute that despite the fact that you were scared, knew nothing about him, and had no idea where you were going and just trusted him because he said so made him feel...light? Like fuzzy and warm. He liked it. No, he loved it. You made him feel happy and jittery even though he knew nothing about you, but he knew how to keep a level head...but that was getting harder and harder for him to do
‘Am I in love?’
He thought to himself
He was snapped out of his thoughts when seeing the spot come into view. He slowed down his bike, turning into a dirt road with lots of trees and bushes, the sun piercing through them making it a beautiful sight. There was also a fence that was about 4 feet tall that also had a sign which said “no trespassing, private property.” which made you raise an eyebrow.
“Are we going on a hike or something?” you asked taking your arms off him and resting them on your thighs, making Rindou feel a little disappointed that your warmth was gone
“Sorta, it’s a short one.” he said, parking the bike and getting off to help you out.
“Hm.” you said smiling taking off your helmet and placing it on the handle of the cycle
You got off the cycle and walked over to where Rindou was, seeing he was making his way over the fence
“Are you sure this is okay?” you asked stopping at the fence seeing he was on the other side
“I promise. Trust me.” he said, pushing up his glasses smiling, you smiled at him and placed your foot through the openings so that you could bring your leg up to the other side.
“Alright, I will.” you said smiling as you sat on the fence, ready to jump off
Rindou held his hand out for you to grab. You placed your hand on his feeling your face get hot, again, as he wrapped his fingers around it. You put some of your weight on him as you slightly jumped off. You let go of your hand and fixed your skirt.
“Ready?” he asked holding out his hand again for you to grab
“Ready.” you said finally letting him see you blush as you held his hand making his eyes soften at you. You felt excited.
After a bit of walking through some nature, you two stopped. You held one of your hands over your eyes since the sun was shining directly at you. But your other hand never let go of his. You tilted your head in confusion seeing that you both were stopped at a lake. It wasn't too big or small. The water was clear and you could see the bottom of the body of water because of the sun's bright rays.
“..hm?” you said seeing that Rindou let go of your hand and started to take off his school shirt and jacket, you quickly turned your gaze from him
“What are you doing?” you asked avoiding looking at him
“We. We are going swimming.” he said walking in front of you smiling foolishly
“I don’t have a swimsuit.” you said smiling slightly seeing he was only left in plaid boxers
“And? C’mon it's spring break, isn’t it? Let loose a bit.” he said taking off his glasses
“Is this your cheap shot at trying to get in my pants?” you asked jokingly
“It can if you want it to be, but don’t worry that time will come eventually-” he said smiling cocky and patting your head, making your face become hot
“Smooth.” you said taking off your shoes as Rindou sat on a rock watching you
“Really?” you said after taking off your socks and skirt leaving you in your undershorts and school shirt
“What?” he said playing dumb
“Fold your clothes, don't just leave it on the floor.” you said grabbing his shirt, balling it up and throwing it at him as he brought his arms to grab it before it could hit him
“Oh? I see what you’re doing.” he said smiling and getting up, doing as you told him
“I’m sure.” you said unbuttoning your shirt, folding it and placing everything on a rock turning around to not see Rindou anywhere, you made a confused look but then you felt yourself being picked up and thrown into the water, but he stayed with you, letting you both hit the water together
You weren’t even angry, you just felt happy.
It all went in slow motion in his eyes, seeing your shocked face turn into a happy one as you splashed into the water. It honestly shocked him, the way you two so easily warmed up to each other.
After about 2 hours of just swimming, talking, fighting, and flirting. You both floated in the water watching the sun go down.
“Wanna be a thing, Y/n?” he asked looking off to the side as you let out a small laugh
“You would like a middle school boy asking out his crush-” you laughed making his face turn to yours flustered
“How else can I say it then?” he asked
“I never said it was bad, it’s cute and sure, let’s ‘be a thing’” you said making his mouth slightly part
“I like hanging out with you, relationships are just friendships but more intimate right? It’ll be fun...I like how I feel when I’m around you so it’s an easy yes.” you said resting your arms on the big pile of rocks in the water looking up at his surprised face
“See, I was gonna say all that but I didn't wanna creep you out-” he said shrugging lightly and slightly swimming over to you
You simply smiled and looked at him as he made his way closer to you.
He was completely lost in your eyes, he didn’t even feel nervous about asking you out. He just felt so comfortable, and he knew you’d say yes. He watched as you got up from the water and ringing out your hair. His eyes grazed your damp skin, and you noticed it. But you didn’t feel nervous anymore. You liked it.
“We should get out, right? The sun is almost down. I don’t want either of us to get sick-” you said making your way out of the water
“worried about me? How sweet.” he teased following you out
“Shut it-” you said smiling as you started to put on your school shirt and socks and Rindou put on his shirt and pants.
“Shit. Quick-” he said grabbing your hand
“My clothes?!” you said in a louder tone as you two started to run to a bush
“We’ll come back, keep quiet it’s the cops.” he said pulling you in front of him so that you could hide behind the bush first
“The cops?! How do you know??” you asked whisper yelling
“Shhh..” he said bringing his hand to cover your mouth as he carefully watched the two cops encounter the clothes on the floor
You brought your hand up to pull down Rindous hand, as you both watched and listened carefully. Your heart was thumping hard, you could feel it all over your body. You watched as the cops picked up the skirt you left on the ground.
“Well jeez-” laughed the cop seeing all the clothes
“Is it those damn skinny dippers again?” said one cop signing
“Probably, just pick it up and throw it away. There's no one here like always, these calls are always a waste of time.” said the cop tossing your skirt into a trash bag
“Kids are too horny these days!” yelled the cop picking up the clothes and throwing it in the trash bag
Your eyes turned to Rindou who just let out a loud laugh. You brought your hand to cover his mouth quickly, but the damage was already done.
“Who’s there?!” yelled the cop walking over
“Shit, cmon!” yelled Rindou grabbing your hand as he started to run quickly, still laughing
“You DUMBASS-” you yelled as you two ran fast as Rindou was now laughing hysterically
“Stop it right there!” yelled the cops chasing after you both
“Shit!” you yelled after turning your head seeing the cops were catching up to you two
“Are they close?!” yelled rindou as you both started running faster
“Yes!” you yelled back
“Okay as soon as you see the bike just get on it, okay?!” he yelled looking back at you, grinning making your mouth part in awe
‘He’s so cool.’
You thought to yourself
The fence came into view, Rindou used his hand to hold himself up as he jumped over it quickly, and you did the same. You got onto the bike, putting on your helmet as you watched Rindou pull a pocket knife out of his pants pocket.
“What the-'' you said before being interrupted by the sound of a deflating tire, Rindou placed the knife back into his pocket as he ran over to you, sitting down and starting the cycle. Not leaving yet
“What the hell are you doing?! Drive!” you said anxiously seeing the cops come into view
“Just as second…” he said waiting for the cops to become more clear
“Now. See ya!” he yelled laughing after seeing the panting cops finally catch up to you two, teasing them into thinking they caught you both.
You started to laugh as Rindou drove away quickly with a big smile on his face.
That was probably the funniest night of your life. And that's how all your dates went with Rindou. They were all action packed, filled with adrenaline and excitement. He always showed up unannounced at your place honking, or would text you to come over to his place. It was something new everyday with him..from exploring abandoned buildings, to dining and ditching at expensive restaurants, to staying late at each other's houses just talking, to him laying his head on your lap as you treated his wounds, to almost nothing at all.
It had been 3 years of dating Rindou Haitani… The best and worst years of your life. You two fell so stupidly in love with one another. All you guys did was stupid things at first. The love was young, new, and immature. You both were exploring unknown feelings.
Rindou was your first love, and as much as you hate to admit that, you could never forget the day when you realized how you fell for him. And he for you.
After you both passed your high school years, things started to not go so great. Although you loved Rindou with all your heart, some of the stupid things he did were not cute. You were now both 18, and your mother expected you to start helping her out financially, and you completely understood that since you weren’t very wealthy. You started to take up jobs, any that you could find, basically throwing away your high school diploma, using your knowledge for no good. You didn’t mind it, but it did make you feel upset. You hoped that Rindou would notice and ask you about it but it was always the same thing over and over again with him now. Except he just became more and more aggressive with it.
He started getting into a lot of trouble by himself, and not with the help of his older brother, surprisingly. To the point where you would get calls from the police station from him asking you to come and bail him out. At first you didn’t mind, and dug into your savings to do so, but his crimes just became more expensive. You’ve bailed him out 3 times in just 1 month, and it costed you thousands of yen. And he’d only smile at you and say ‘thank you’ nothing more. It infuriated you, but you kept it inside. You’ve asked him multiple times if everything was alright, and if there was a reason for his sudden outbursts of violence. You even went as far as asking Ran, to which you got no answer from both.
Rindou was never ever considerate of your time. At first it was alright, because you two were just kids and had time to waste. But now it was obvious that it wasn't the same anymore. The love you both had, matured greatly and became way more intimate, you both understood that and the risks with it. But as it matured, you both were growing anxious. Anxious at that maybe things would never be the way they used to be. Just being stupid and in love. Like those cliche romance mangas.
You looked down at your phone after serving your last table of the knight. You were exhausted and just wanted to go home, seeing it was 11.
You received a text from Rindou saying “come over?” and it made you angry. So angry. You bit your inner cheek sighing seeing that yet again, he isn't considerate of your time. You had enough, and immediately started walking to his house trying to calm down as you took off your apron.
After walking about 30 minutes, you successfully calmed yourself down. You walked to the door, and knocked, holding all your things in your hands.
“Y/n, hi.” said Ran opening the door smiling
“Hi, is Rin in his room?” you asked smiling
“Yes,” he said, moving to the side. Ran could tell you were upset about something.
You walked over to the door of Rindous room. You knocked before entering the room, seeing he was sitting on his bed with a remote in his hand playing some sort of video game. You took a small breath to try and control yourself. And Ran stood beside the door, he couldn't help but eavesdrop at what was to happen, but you couldn’t see that.
“Hold on I’m almost done-” he said toying with the remote
“...” you sat there patiently waiting, and after a couple minutes-
“Alright I’m done...What’s wrong?” he said furrowing his eyebrows slightly
“The hell do you mean ‘what’s wrong’?”
“You’re upset.”
“Of course I’m upset, you texted me, telling me to come over for what? For me to just sit here and watch you play video games? Like every other time?”
“What are you talking about? I always take you out? What made you so mad today?”
“Rindou stop acting stupid.”
“What? How am I acting stupid Y/n?” he asked with an annoyed tone
“...Rindou I’ve told you already, I don't have time like I did before, I can't just drop everything and come and hang out with you.”
“I know that, that’s why I texted you after work.”
“Yeah you texted me after my 9 hour shift, and you’ve been doing that for the past week when you see that i’m clearly tired. I have to walk 30 minutes to get here? You don’t even offer to pick me up.”
“I told you my bike is broken.”
“And?! I told you I would pay for it to get fixed but you didn’t accept my money.”
“Because I don’t want you to waste your money on something stupid like that? Maybe think Y/n.”
“You don’t seem to have a problem with me using my money to bail you out of jail, that’s just as stupid.”
“I’m stupid now?”
“I’m not saying that! The things you do are stupid!”
“I told you I’m sorry, I haven't gotten in trouble at all this week for you, okay?”
“For me? I lectured you for your own good.”
“I don’t need to hear a lecture from you right now.”
“Rindou I don’t know what’s going on with you right now, but if something is bothering you and making you act differently just tell me and I’ll help you.”
“Nothing’s wrong, you’re just so sensitive now.”
“I’m always the one planning things between us, and you’re getting mad at me for continuing to do that?” he said
“Planning what? You never tell me anything until the last minute, and you just expect me to follow you.”
“And that's why I text you after work.” he said choppy breaking down the words
“Don’t do that.”
“Do what?”
“Mock me, asshole.”
“I’m fucking tired after work, okay? And seeing how we’re becoming distant just makes me so upset and exhausted. I’m trying to fix things here.”
“There’s nothing to fix, if you don’t like how it is, then just leave me. It’s that easy.” he said
“Are you serious?” you asked biting your inner cheek to hold in your tears
“Yeah, I’m serious.” he said with a straight face
“So you’re okay with me just ending things right here?” you said fisting your hands out of frustration
“If that means you’ll stop complaining then yeah.” he said
You felt your heart ache, you were so unbelievably angry and sad. You got up, not looking at him as you turned to leave
“Fucking dick.” you said under your breath before making your way out of the house, passing by Ran who had wide eyes and raised eyebrows.
“Really Rindou?” said Ran to Rindou while standing at his door smiling
“What? I wasn’t the one who ended things.” he said
“Sure, but you were the one who enticed it.” he said bringing up his pointer finger
“And?” he said
“Nothing...just surprised you're not upset, she was crying as she left.” said Ran signing
“She was..?”
“Obviously.” replied Ran smiling
“It’s a shame really, I liked you two together. She was good to you, I hope you won't take a person like her for granted again, Rin.” said Ran signing before making his way to his room
Ran was always a tease to Rindou, especially about girls and you. Rindou could tell though. He could tell that Ran was trying to tease but also get an important message across to him. Ran could tell Rindou wasn't in the right headspace. He’s been out of it, and honestly Ran envys you for being able to put up with it, and also his normal crazy demeanor at the same time. There really isn't any other person other than you and Ran that have had such an impact on Rindou.
After you left, Rindou just sat there with a blank expression. He got a notification on his phone, lighting it up, forcing him to see his screen saver which was a picture of you two. Your laughing face at the bottom of the screen, as his hands were messily in your hair, spreading hair dye all over with a smile on his face looking down at you with such awe.
He looked away from his phone and brought his hands to his hair, grasping it in frustration. It was what RIndou wanted. In your eyes, you saw Rindou losing interest, in his eyes, he saw someone too good for him. He held you back, right?
“You’ve got to be kidding me.”
“Been a while, huh?”
“You two...know each other?” asked Kakucho who was showing you around the building
Complete silence as you both just looked into each others eyes, you slightly angry, and him smiling.
“Yeah-” you both said at the same time looking over at Kakucho
“Oh! How so?” he said giving a surprised smile
You both looked back at each other, you switched your gaze to look off to the side
“Old...uh..friends.” you said smiling at Kakucho as he nodded his head
“Friends?” said Rindou furrowing his eyebrows playfully, making you feel anxious.
“Yes, friends.” you said
“Should I give you 2 some time alone-?” asked Kakucho sweat dropping
“After the meeting.” you and Rindou said at the same time, again.
“...Well alright then, let’s go to the table?” said Kakucho trying to ease the tension between you two
“Sure.” you said smiling at him
“Right this way-” he said walking in front of you as you followed, feeling Rindous presence behind you making you nervous.
As the table came into view, you saw a few other men sitting down and discussing things. You smiled and waved as they turned their attention to greet you.
“Y/n?” asked Ran smiling, clearly very surprised standing up a bit to reach your hand
“Hello! Good to see you again,” you said smiling and shaking his hand
“...Interesting.” he said sitting back down smiling over at his younger brother who looked annoyed
“Ran, you’ve met Y/n?” asked Kokonoi
“Y/n was friends with Rindou and Ran-” said Kakucho smiling trying to avoid another tension filled conversion
“I see, then Sanzu will be right over. But Y/n is going to be our financial guide/supervisor. Today’s meeting is about the recent drop in our drug sales.” said Kokonoi passing around packets
You pulled one towards you and sat down between Kakucho and Rindou, reviewing over the packet immediately noticing some major details.
“Alright!!” you heard a man yelled as he walked into the room throwing himself onto his chair
“Oh, new girl that Koko haired right? Y/n is it?” he asked looking over at you
“Yeah-” you said smiling
“Pleasure~” he said smiling leaning over the table to shake your hand
“Likewise.” you said letting go and sitting back down fixing your dress
After a bit of bickering between the men for about 10 minutes, you finally finished your analysis.
“What you should do is drop oxy shipments, sales go down every month by 2%, Within 6 months you’ll be losing more money than you will make with drugs. Also the place you’re getting your oxy shipments from recently is just faux opioids. I get you switched to a new provider since you weren't making money but they’re not even a type of opioid. They were recently in a feud with another gang just a week ago for selling synthetic drugs. They make business by buying cheap things and selling it for 10x it’s price. So the reason you’re losing money is simple, your clients aren’t getting their desired high. Opioids are too expensive to buy in big shipments so I recommend switching to another drug. Adderall is becoming popular among students and soon with others. Taking it gives you a rush of energy and good feelings all around, switch to selling adderall instead of faux opioids, and you’ll be making a lot more money.” you said showing your paper to the men
“How are you so sure?” asked Rindou looking over your notes
“It’s right in front of you.” you said not looking at his direction causing Ran to put his head down to contain his laugh and Rindou smiles at you remark
“I’m all for it.” said Sanzu smiling
“I also brought samples if any would like to try.” you said
“Oh how nice!” said Sanzu smiling at you as you placed the small container in his hand as he opened it and swallowed one happily
“When will we start to see an increase?” asked Kokonoi
“Oh right so here I made-”
You went on to explain your reasoning to Ran, Koko, and others. Within an hour they all seemed satisfied and impressed with your work, while Sanzu was just in a mind of his own enjoying himself
“Alright then I'll start making calls.” said Koko giving you a soft smile
“Sure, let me know if you need any help.” you replied back as the other men started to pack their papers
“Y/n, would you like to finish the tour?” asked Kakucho
“Maybe next time?” you said smiling trying to cover your annoyed face at feeling Rindou tap your shoulder
“Ah understood- no worries.” he said smiling
You turned to look up at Rindou
“My office alright with you?” he asked placing his hands into his pockets
“Yeah.” you said bringing your hand to your necklace, playing with it
You felt nervous as you followed Rindou into his office, anxious, like that first time he walked you home. You haven't seen him in years, it was so overwhelming. You were surprised at yourself for not getting more angry today.
He opened the door of his office for you, you walked in and sat on one of the chairs, as Rindou closed the door, walking over, leaning himself against the table as he just looked down at you. You looked to the side to cover the flushed face you very much did not want him to see.
“Stop looking at me like that.” you said looking him in the eye
“Like what? You look good.”
“...Just say what you want to say so that I can go home.” you said looking off to the side trying to ignore the fact that butterflies just filled your stomach
“How’ve you been?” he asked smiling noticing how his words took affect on you
“Fine. Went to university like I wanted..” you said
“I’m glad, Y/n.” he said
“What are you getting at here?” you asked getting frustrated
“Nothing, I just miss you.” he said
“Don’t say things like that. It’s not fair.”
“No, don’t say anything anymore-”
“I’m sorry.” he said making your mouth part then close quickly as you looked to the side trying to control the overwhelming emotions taking over you right now
“I don’t know what you want me to say to that.” you said getting up from your seat, walking to the door, stopping in your tracks when you felt his hand grab your wrist gently
“Just say what you feel like saying.” he said, getting up from leaning on his desk to stand in front of you, making your eyes widen in shock at the sudden intimacy
“I-” you said, getting lost in his eyes again like it was your very first time looking in them. Your eyes traced his face, appreciating every little detail, finally looking at his lips seeing them smirk slightly
“Fucking dick.” you said under your breath before bringing your hand to his jaw, pressing your lips onto his. You felt his arms hold your waist as his mouth moved in sync with yours, his mouth was so warm and hungry for yours. You missed being this intimate with him. He moved you against the wall of his office before breaking the kiss, breathing heavily and looking you deep in the eye
“are you...seeing anyone?” he asked 
“..No.” you replied
“Then..Wanna be a thing, Y/n?” he asked smiling after seeing you smile at the familiar words
“Sure, let’s be a thing’”
You said, excited for what's to come.
Bonus lmao
“You guys are done, great-” said Kakucho as his smile faded as he realized what just happened in Rindous office.
“Yeah. We’re done.” you said patting down your hair and fixing the strap of your dress
“We made up.” said Rindou smiling while fixing his tie and wiping under his lip
“...” Kakucho was left with wide eyes and a flustered face, as Rindou and you nonchalantly walked back to the meeting table to grab your stuff and leave.
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momoshin · 3 years
BESTIEEEE hopefully i'm not too late but can you please write poly!jinlia with brat!lia convincing a very obedient sub reader to go down on her even though ryujin specifically said not to and they both get punished 🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️
this got a little long, im sorry!
ryujin pecked your lips (yours only) before getting off the bed and into the bathroom. she wouldn’t kiss lia as a part of her whole punishment. which included you not giving in to her no matter what she said or promised. you knew the rules, and ryujin made sure to remind you them before going in the bathroom. you felt bad for her, of course, no matter how much of a brat she was or how mean she was, even with you, you always felt the need to please her, specially when she’s been painfully edged by your girlfriend the previous night.
you tried to keep yourself occupied, and for the first two minutes, lia just sat there, hands intertwined on her lap, over her pretty sundress as she stares at them with her lips pursed in a pout. she’s thinking about it, how to go on about asking you to break the rules for her again. when she turns her head to you hesitantly, you already know what’s going to come out of her lips.
“babe” you’re trying. really trying not to answer, but the petname... and it’s lia... how can you say no to lia...“babyyyy” she turns around now, on her side with her hand laying on her waist "are you mad at me too?"
"im not mad" you finally look at her, smiling when your eyes connect.
“don’t sit so far” she pouts again, scooting closer to you. “hey”
“hi” you chuckle, putting an arm over her shoulders and letting her rest her head on your shoulder. “what’s up?” you regret asking, because she immediately gives you her famous puppy eyes, and you already know what she wants “she said no”
“and you're going to listen to her?" she snorts, earning a glare from you "pup.." she whispers
"she's in the bathroom"
"it'll be so quick, she won't even notice" she's on her knees now, hands wrapped around one of yours when she sees you look down, hiding your tongue behind one of your cheeks as you think about it "won't you help mommy out? please"
"i'll do it for you when she won't" she proposes
lia notices the way your eyes change when you look up at her, and her own orbs lighten up in excitement and somewhat relief as she climbs up the bed until she's got one leg at each sides of your face without needing to tell you what she wanted, because you're already looking at her cunt like it's some forbidden fruit.. and when she lifts her skirt and flashes you a glance of her bare pussy, you remember ryujin told her she wasn't allowed to wear underwear as part of her punishment.
you can still hear the water running when you drag your tongue up her folds the first time, glaring at her when she gasps loudly, only receiving a mouthed 'sorry' from her and her placing her hands one on her mouth to prevent any louder noises, and the other behind your head to encourage you to taste her again 'hurry' she whispers, adding a please quickly after
all that you hear are her whispers and choked moans, all that you see are the curves and crevices of her body, and all that you taste are her juices that have you fooled and rope you in every time. it doesn't take long for her to move her hips, whispering lots of yes and 'right there puppy' and so much telling that she's so close, and part of you wishes you weren't so focused on hearing her moan but more on the shower shutting off before you were done.
"you don't waste any time do you?" she immediately climbs off your face and shuts her legs closed. you on the other hand have nowhere to escape "whatever she promised you is not true"
"i only said i'd help her when you punished her. because you're fucking mean" lia spits, glaring at ryujin that was fixing her ponytail after coming out of the shower.
"i'm mean? i'll be mean to you, don't worry" she struts quickly, grabbing lia by the hair and dragging her down the bed until she was on the floor, on her knees. but of course, she wouldn't let the blonde do what she wanted with her, she dug her nails into her wrist and tried her hardest to be heavy for her to move, but she's still tiny, so ryujin dragged her with ease. "you're making it worse"
"fuck you"
"maybe if you earned it" she shrugs and undoing the knot of her towel and letting go of her hair to walk towards the dresser and take out one of her favorite straps. ryujin puts it on glaring at you, and stands in front of lia again. she knows what to do, but she wont, she wants to spit on her face and cum while she watches, making a joke of her authority. but the last thing the blonde will do is beg, so instead she calls you over with her hand, watching you crawl quickly to kneel beside the smaller girl. "why don't you show unnie what she's supposed to do?"
you nod, all that is running through your head is pleasing both girls next to you, so you wrap your lips around the head of the toy, looking up at her through your lashes before slowly making your way down. your girlfriend approves from above, putting her hand at the back of your head to control you if necessary. she let's you go at your own pace though, up, down, sucking, until you gag, she stares in adoration and mumbles an "awe, poor baby" feigning worry as she pulls you off her dick, and wipes whatever drool spilled around your mouth.
"that's nice baby, that was really nice. but you still disobeyed me." ryujin pushes you up and on the bed, only your upper body, leaving your legs to support you as she steps behind you "you know what happens now right?" she whispers in your ear but loud enough for lia to hear a couple of feet away. you nod, thinking she's going to fuck you until you're so close you can taste your orgasm and then rip it all right away.
however, she first turns to lia, also manhandling until she was on the bed and quickly after retrieving a bullet vibrator from your toy drawer. "suck" she orders, and her, who is much calmer than before, does as told, still a little bitchy towards the blonde in general. as soon as ryujin pulls out the toy with a pop, she stuffs it deep in her cunt, but not without first turning it on in it's lowest setting "slow and torturous while you watch"
lia gasps as soon as she feels it, immediately whimpering at the lack of stimulation and the sight of ryujin pushing into you slowly, making your lips form an 'o' shape and your fingers immediately fist the sheets. "no one's going to cum, understood?"
"yes daddy"
"understood??" she asks again, mainly to lia that hadn't responded before. the brunette rolls her eyes and nods quickly "say it"
"i understand, daddy" the name spills out her lips like venom, she's too proud to say it, but she knows only bad things come from disobeying when she's this mad. and ryujin is mad at you too, but not as much as she is lia, so she treats you a lot better, kissing your temple and pressing her nose against your skin
mumbling things like "you like that? i bet you want to cum so bad"
"i wanna cum, i wanna cum please." you look up at her raising your head, moaning when she thrusts deeper and presses a kiss against your lips. she only has to squeeze your jaw slightly for you to understand she wants you to open your mouth, spitting on your tongue afterwards
“swallow” you obey her order, moaning at a specific thrust she gives. “im watching you” she’s not speaking to you, but to lia, who pouts and pulls the hand away of her clit
“im not doing anything” she raises her hands in innocence
“spread your legs, i want to see” ryujin’s breath is ragged as her thighs slap against your ass, she hasn’t stopped fucking you even when ordering lia around, and she does as asked, way more compliant than earlier but still not sending her any more than glares.
“ohh-“ you don’t even realize your orgasm came that fast, washing over you silently before ryujin notices you shaking under her, she was too focused on lia this whole time she forgot you were being punished too.
“did you just cum?” she wraps her hand around your throat, roughly pulling you back so you’d look up at her. “did. you. just. cum.”
“and you’re lying too? that’s it.” she pulls out, quickly throwing you on to the bed next to lia, spread just like her and snatching the nearest wand before placing it on your clit, not caring of the way you shake and gasp at the overstimulation. “you want to cum? you’ll cum. in fact that’s the only thing you’ll do tonight. and you will watch. until you’re both begging for forgiveness”
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prof-peach · 3 years
Hello, Professor. Honestly, I'm really worried. My darling little Whimsicott, Wilby, likes to float around our little town, but he's a bit of a troublemaker. Last week he plucked all the berries from a neighbor's tree, which upset the neighbor but everything seemed fine. Everyone in town knows he's not doing anything maliciously! Yesterday, though, Wilby was out for longer than normal, and the neighbor brought him home like....shaved!!
He's completely bald!!! I'm so furious, and I've already had a row with the neighbor, but Wilby's so upset that he won't eat or go out at all now...He's lost some cotton before, but never all of it... Will his cotton ever grow back? Do you have any advice for what can I do for him if it doesn't, or, if it does what can I do in the meantime to help him feel better???
hm, questionable pokemon handling from whoever shaved them, neighbour or not.
The good news is all the cotton will grow back, usually very quickly within a month or so of hanging about, eating well, and taking in a lot of sun. 
I see a lot of people allowing pokemon to just wander around freely, and i have to say its concerning behaviour. Pokemon though sometimes intelligent can cause a lot of trouble, get them selves hurt, scared, cause accidents, you name it i’ve heard or seen it. You really should set up some boundaries for them, or just go out with them to take walks and play about. A responsibility that comes with pokemon ownership is to prepare them for our human world, or be with them if they're up to no good, to help stop behaviours that are problematic. Your neighbour is one issue, close to home that you know of, and though a lot of folks are real chill with pokemon taking what they like, if everyone allowed it, lives would be worsened for it. A great example, pokemon try to eat the berries i grow in special locations on the island. I have put guards in to stop this. If we lose those berries, we have limited medicine, and not enough food for patients who need certain things to nourish their healing bodies post surgery or during difficult times. Maybe your neighbour worked really hard to grow those fruits, and its heartbreaking to find them all gone after months of care, even years in some cases. A lot of berries also help ailments humans have, ground up as pastes and salves to ease joint pains, soothe upset stomachs, help with headaches and general pain, even helping with heart conditions and things like MS. You may not know what those things are for, only that your pokemon took them without permission.
Letting our partners do whatever they want is easy sure, but its not always fair or for the best. Teaching your partner boundaries, responsibility and rules to protect them, and others around you is part of your job as a trainer. If they cannot learn these things you have to walk them, accompanied, so you can make sure they’re not up to no good. this will not only make your area happier with less trouble being made by your partners, but your pokemon will be safer, which at the end of the day is the most important outcome here.
When an individual is smart enough to know road safety, consideration of other peoples feelings, and how to not get themselves into trouble, THEN they can go out unsupervised. It takes work and training, but its the job you take on when you gain a partner pokemon.
I don’t condone the neighbours behaviours, but I also don’t condone yours. You can both do better, and hopefully work together to come to a mutual agreement, perhaps you should look at WHY your pokemon is taking those berries specifically? It can suggest a deficit of certain nutrients if they're eating them, and if they're just taking them and leaving them uneaten, thats quite unfair to anyone who’s worked hard on growing their own foods, and is something you need to help train out of their behaviour. A free to roam pokemon should be considerate of others, for the wellbeing of the neighbourhood. 
NOW, to help your buddy feel better, you can purchase very cute little jumpers, in a wide assortment of colours and patterns, made of Wooloo or Whimsicott fluff, spun into yarns. I don’t know if you’d want to, considering its only one month’s wait, but thats up to you, they enjoy them in winter regardless, so it may be a nice accessory for them in the mean time. Some individuals feel safer with a hat, but at 2 weeks, they’ll have short fuzz again, and wont be as exposed. 
Its up to you what you choose to do, but it really wont be a long wait if you don’t want to splash cash on something temporary.
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technowoah · 3 years
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THESEUS - a dsmp story ( DreamSMP x Queen!Reader)
Chapter Summary: Wilbur makes a proposition, Tommy finally gets his fight, warning shots are fired and the bomb that was planted finally went off.
pairing: c!wilbur x queen!reader
an// tbh im not that happy with this one, I hope yall like it! but hopefully Ill like chapter 6 lol
⚠︎ swearing, dsmp spoliers(?), angst, fighting, minor blood mention, not proofread. Y/N/N = your nickname
word count: 5.1k
"Are you sure you want to do this because Tommy is a good fighter!"
"He's also good at being annoying, so you'll die either way."
Currently Tommy and You were by a small lake in L'Manburg facing each other with swords and guns. Fundy and Tubbo were belittling Tommy on the sidelines. Tubbo was trying to convince the both of them not to do this so they wouldn't get hurt badly before the actual war begins. Wilbur was standing in between the two and Eret nervously standing off to the side with Tubbo and Fundy.
When You arrived you explained to the three people who were there, Tubbo, Fundy, and Wilbur, that Tommy and you were going to fight that day. Tubbo and Fundy were not for that idea at all, but Wilbur approved it. After a while of thinking and conversation of course he agreed. 
Eret and Tommy arrived at L'Manburg as well and apparently Tommy already told Eret that he was fighting his wife.
"You know what Eret? I'm gonna fight your wife today! Yeah it'll be a good fight, don't worry I wont hurt her that badly."
Of course Eret did not want this duel to happen and tried to convince Wilbur to not let the two do this to one another. He was concerned about the task and hand yes, but You getting hurt or even worse, killed was not a thing he wanted not needed. Tommy was a loose cannon, he worked on impulse. You were basically fighting a bull while wearing all red.
Wilbur had pulled You aside for the second time this week and started to have a conversation with you again. It was a needed conversation so when Wilbur grabbed her arm.and pulled her away you didn't hesitate this time. As the two talked in the distance you heard Fundy yelling at Tommy about the dangers of fighting You at a time like this. Your mind was all over the place at this point.
"You know how this works?" Wilbur looked at You and Tommy.
"Yes I do"
You knew what was going to happen. They both had 6 bullets in their gun, if they use all of their bullets they can use their swords instead. You were in your head at this moment. Wilbur was explaining how this duel would work to Tubbo, while You contemplated whether to waste youshot by shooting in the sky or aiming at Tommy's foot. you didn't want to hurt him at all, they had a war coming soon so hurting Tommy would not help L'Manburg. Then again, when was helping L'Manburg a part of your mission?
You snapped out of your mind and saw Tommy glaring daggers at her. He looked harmless.
"I am going to beat you." Tommy said in a voice that can be only compared to a robot.
"You wish!" You scoffed and smiled, smiled which made Tommy scoff and look away.
Wilbur spoke over the two, "ALRIGHT! You two will be back to back facing away from each other, then take ten paces. When I say "fire" you two will fire and shoot and fight until one is damaged and cannot battle anymore or until I call a draw. Understand?"
"Yes Wilbur!" Tommy exclaimed.
"Of course." You calmly said.
"Alright" Wilbur agreed and motioned for the two to turn away from each other. 
They had both touched backs and You had taken a huge deep breath. 
The dilemma in your head was still spinning. Whether to shoot him or to shoot into the air. you would be a coward wouldn't you?
"You scared?" Tommy taunted you.
"No. Just getting ready to beat your ass."
"HA! That's not gonna happen. You're all talk." 
"We'll see about that." Wilbur spoke, inserting himself into their conversation.
Wilbur had stepped back towards the group of men who sat and were watching the whole duel. There was tension in the air, they all could feel it. They all thought this was a bad idea, You thought this was a bad idea. What if this tore the whole plan apart will they ever get to-
They both took a step.
Aim to the sky or aim towards Tommy?
Where would you aim?
What would happen if Tommy ended up dead?
Would Dream be happy?
If you aim towards the sky. Tommy might shoot. you would be an open target.
It would be over right? If you aim at the sky?
Up in the air.
How can this end?
The sky? Tommy? Where does the bullet go?
Where do you go?
Tommy's eyes widened and You stood my ground.
"She shot her pistol towards the sky?!" Tubbo shouted.
Wilbur stood there with a smirk and Eret let out a sigh of relief and immediately relaxed. Tommy didn't shoot his gun at all; he looked like a deer caught in the headlights. This was the right way.
"I want you to shoot into the sky." Wilbur had taken you to an uninhabited part of the wall to talk.
Wilbur had sighed and looked over to where Tommy was gloating to Eret about dueling his wife.
He pinched the bridge of his nose, "Tommy is rather impulsive. He does things without thinking or with any concern for consequence. He says things without thinking too, as you've seen firsthand."
You nodded and laughed before Wilbur kept talking.
"I want him to hesitate. I want him to think for once. I know he wants to fight right now, he's riled up because of the battle. I expect him to shoot, but I hope that he won't. He won't." Wilbur seemed to be convincing himself this was a good idea.
"That's reassuring." You replied sarcastically.  
Wilbur rolled his eyes, "I believe he won't kill you nor harm you. At least that's the plan. I care for him. He's a good fighter and he should be able to see his opponent before going all ape shit." 
"I get it. I want to do this, but you said he works on impulse. What if he shoots?" You continued to worry.
"I'm here. And uh- Fundy is great at healing. We have healing potions in the van as well. You will not die on my watch. We need you for the war."
You nodded and continued to stare into Wilbur's brown eyes waiting for another comment from his mouth.
"Do this for me please? For us?"
You opened your mouth to speak, but Wilbur sighed before continuing his statement, 
"You don't have to do this. I should've said that first. I understand that death is scary, believe me I don't want to die either. So I can figure out another way to get to Tommy if you are uncomfortable with this."
This time it wasn't a forced situation. He was literally giving you a huge way out, an open path, but you already agreed to fight before. It wasn't like you were put into this without paths to take. you had options. Now that potions were involved and there are spectators that can act as doctors eased your nerves just slightly. you can do this.
"Or were you planning on shooting Tommy anyways?" 
You looked towards Wilbur and smiled warmly at him and he returned your same smile.
 "I didn't even call it a draw yet Tommy. You can still fight-" 
"It's clear that my opponent doesn't want this. If I did, I would be more of a bad guy than I already am now." Tommy dropped his gun to the green grass underneath his feet. 
You followed suit, dropping your gun onto the grass below you. You walked towards Tommy trying to find the right words at this moment. He had his head hung low looking at the gun that laid in the lush grass in front of him. You had walked towards him and put a hand on his shoulder and he began to tense up at the friendly gesture.
"Tommy, you're not a bad guy. You did the right thing at that moment. You're neutral really, if you would've shot me then yeah you would be considered "the bad guy". But in reality, there is no such thing as good or bad, there are just people with different morals." You whispered that last part and Tommy seemed to reluctantly understand, still sticking to his main idea of him being a bad guy. 
He was really stubborn, which made it harder for you to make him feel better.
"This is what I wanted Tommy! I wanted you to hesitate before you shot her." Wilbur tried to pick his spirits up by revealing his plan.
"you would've been fine. Plus you weren't going to brutally damage or kill Y/N right?"
Tommy stuttered a little bit before speaking, explaining himself.
"No I wasn't! My goal was at least to scare her, or graze you with my bullet." Tommy rushed.
"What if you slipped up and hit Y/N instead?" Tubbo came into the conversation leading Fundy and Eret with him.
"Then I would feel incredibly horrible that I hurt an ally." Tommy said while hanging his head. "I understand, Wilbur, I understand what today's duel was for." Tommy continued.
"To be honest, this was a last minute decision! I talked to Y/N before and we both decided it was a good idea for you. Especially when a war is coming up."
"Mhm. I am okay now. I've learned, and I just hope that I can transfer this into the war." Tommy seemed relieved, but also not wanting to learn his lesson. It was bad to assume, but it sounded like he wanted to get this lecture over with.
Wilbur humed while turning away satisfied with what happened today. He walked towards the HTO van with Fundy following suit leaving Tommy and you standing next to each other still recovering from what just happened. Eret and Tubbo were standing a few feet away from them making small glances to the two making sure they are okay.
"I still hate you." Tommy grumbled.
The five citizens were sitting in the meeting room making potions with the brewing machines or doing their own thing at the moment. Wilbur didn't have anything planned for today except for making many potions for battle. You were helping with potions as well. you were more skilled at potion making than battle. you can hold yourself down and maybe kill someone, but you don't recommend for herself to do that.
"Wow Y/N/N you're making potions so much faster than I am. Teach me your secrets!" Tubbo exclaimed.
"What did you call me?" You asked The boy softly.
"What do you mean? I called you Y/N/N." Tubbo said, confused.
Has Dream ever called you Y/N/N before because it seems like you've never been called that before. Tubbo was still looking quizzically at you waiting for an answer.
"I don't think I've been called Y/N/N before." You answered.
"Y/N might be uncomfortable with that." Wilbur joined into their conversation.
"Oh! I'm sorry! If that made you-"
"I'm okay! You can call me Y/N/N'' You said while waving your hands to dismiss the situation.
"Good! I thought I was being a creep or something." Tubbo laughed.
"Y/N/N HELP ME OUT WITH THESE POTIONS WILL YA?" Tommy shouted from across the room.
"Okay you don't get to call me Y/N/N." 
Tommy huffed, "If my best friend can call you Y/N/N I will too!"
"Okay children settle down." Eret said while looking up from the book he was writing.
There was another pause until Fundy had spoken.
"Today seemed like a good day huh? Even though it isn't over so far, so good eh?" Fundy tried making conversation after writing whatever enchantments in his book.
"Yes it was so far! Very surprising today." Tubbo agreed with Fundy.
"Tommy and You gave me a heart attack today. I wouldn't consider this a good day so far." Eret exhaled jokingly. He seemed in good spirits today.
"I'm sorry I gave my husband a heart attack." You taunted.
"But seriously that scared me. Thank goodness nothing happened to the both of you. I wouldn't know what I would do." Eret continued.
"You would live." You said bluntly, staring at him. 
Eret nodded at you, sending a small smile your way.
"You would've been a good fighter. Have you fought before?" Fundy inquired.
"I have fought before! I've been trained as well, I'm more into the sneaky side of things, and making potions like I am now." You cheerfully explained.
"Sneaky things?" Wilbur asked.
Your eyes widened slightly before maintaining your composure. you forgot that Wilbur was still on youtail. He thinks that You is still suspicious, so of course when you said that he would jump on the opportunity to interrogate her.
"You could be a spy for us! Maybe spy on Dream and George!" Tubbo exclaimed.
Oh the irony.
Wilbur hummed, "Maybe, that would be interesting. We could get information and they wouldn't turn her down."
"It would be too late anyways if they've seen you here so it would be a major red flag if you showed up there trying to join their team." Eret spoke up, still concentrating on writing enchantments with Fundy.
Thank God that Eret was here, You would be stumbling for the right words and then eventually blowing their cover. you had this happen too many times. They are almost to the end you have to pull back.
"True. You're right!" Wilbur agreed. "Plus we've been more productive since you two came back."
Eret and you both nodded in agreement and went back to doing their tasks.
Tubbo and You were standing together on one side of the room making potions and talking to one another until Tubbo made a quiet gasp. 
You looked at him and followed his line of gaze until you saw them again. It was Sapnap and Dream on the top of the new, enlarged L'Manburg walls. Dream pulled back his hand and whipped something toward the van. It looked metal and shiny as it bounced harshly in the grass. 
Sapnap then pulled out a bow and arrow and Dream had set it on fire. Sapnap launched the arrow into the walls and it landed by the machine that Dream had thrown. The grass around the arrow caught on fire as well, not making a huge fire but enough to scare the two.
"WILBUR! You have a gift!" Tubbo said as he rushed out of the van and You watched carefully through the window so the two wouldn't do anything to the boy.
"Where did he go?!" Wilbur yelled.
"He went outside to grab the metal thing Dream and Sapnap threw." You said keeping an eye on Tubbo as he came back into the van.
Wilbur rushed towards the window where Aryia was stationed and looked towards the top of the wall where Dream and Sapnap were. Dream took one last final glance at the two in the window then turned away to jump down the wall with Sapnap following suit.
"Guys you might want to take a look at this." Tubbo said while placing the metal thing, which was an old answering machine, on the table.
Wilbur sighed, clearly exhausted with everything that had been going on. He sat down on the edge of the table. Tubbo pressed play on the machine and the recording started.
"Tommy, and Wilbur, and the rest of L'Man-child-burg. We are at war. There is no mercy. We have burned down Tubbo's house, we have planted TNT cannons around your land, we have cobblestone walled the outside, we have shot one warning shot inside your walls. WE HAVE NO MERCY, NO MERCY FOR YOU! We will burn down your houses! We will kill everything inside your walls and we will take back the land that is rightfully ours. If you do not surrender I WANT TO SEE WHITE FLAGS! WHITE FLAGS OUTSIDE YOUR BASE BY TOMORROW AT DAWN, OR YOU ARE DEAD!"
There was a long beep until Tubbo shut off the recorded message. Everyone was silent looking at each other for the next move. Everyone either had a face of anger or one of concern. Eventually everyone turned to Wilbur who had his head down, his hair slightly covering his eyes in a thinking pose. We were waiting for a response from the leader, but it didn't seem like anyone had a response to this situation.
"Hey lets just-"
"Grab me a book and a pen" Wilbur spoke.
It's been about an hour since we last received the message. The sun has gone down and they are all still sitting around the meeting table. 
"What do we get? What's the report?" Wilbur asked.
Tommy started, "Okay so here's the situation, the ‘Dream boys' they're on the roof, they've already killed me and Tubbo once, they feel like they got their power. Their egos are up-" 
"They've taken it all." Tubbo added.
"I don't know man, what do you think we've got to do now? Ultimately you're the leader here." Tommy asked the older man.
Wilbur paused before speaking, "I think, the element of surprise is needed. We can't go in just guns blazing."
"My son, how are you doing?" Wilbur asked Fundy.
Fundy stuttered before speaking, "I could've been better."
Wilbur smiled then opened the book he had been writing in for the past hour.
"Before we go into battle though-
"WORDS OVER WEAPONS MY FRIEND!" Tommy interrupted Wilbur
"My gents and m'lady, may I read you the Declaration of Independence?" 
Wilbur had started to read through the Declaration complementing the writers who wrote lines in the book. He began reading the main parts of the book.
"When in the course of human events it becomes necessary for-"
"Wilbur" Tommy interrupted Wilbur again
"Yes what, what?" Wilbur asked annoyed
"They're surrounding us, Wilbur." 
Tommy stood up looking out of the window at the many fiery arrows making their way towards the van and making the grass around the van catch on small fires.
From inside the van it looked like rain from hell. All the fears you once had came flooding back into your mind. you put herself right in front of the greatest fighters, and assassins in the kingdom and you might not make it out alive. 
Wilbur started to head out of the door trying to face his opponents. They all were putting themselves out there exiting the van as fast as they could like a huge target. Speaking of target, an arrow shot by Sapnap landed too close for comfort next  to Wilbur. He seemed un phased at this.  
"They're not the best shot." Wilbur turned his back on the archers and stood in the doorway to the group inside.
Wilbur began to yell at the archers, "Gentlemen how are you!?" 
"Good!" Dream replied bluntly.
Surprisingly they could hear both of each other. 
"Do you like the view of our nation!?" Wilbur asked as he smirked.
"Oh God!" Tubbo exclaimed, worried because of the taunting Wilbur was doing.
"We might be a little out gunned here gentlemen." Eret said softly to the others while placing a hand on your shoulder in a comforting way.
"I thought this was a trailer park!" Dream shouted back. 
"Very funny, listen. It seems like you've gained the upper hand in people! We will meet you in the field, but on our own terms!" Wilbur concluded.
"YEAH!" Tommy shouted at the archers hyping Wilbur up.
The rest laughed at Tommy's antics trying to keep it together.
"Please stop making things worse!" Tubbo laughed.
Another arrow was shot at Wilbur's feet. He was clearly stunned by this, turning to the rest of the L'Manburgians he spoke to them.
"We armor up gents." Wilbur said, walking away.
Just as he walked away Tommy followed Wilbur outside of the van and then an arrow was shot into Tommy's bicep by George. Tommy yelled in anger and in pain, and the rest followed suit yelling in shock. Tommy clutched the arm that the arrow had found its way into, he tried to keep it together as he fell to his knees. You rushed to Tommy's side trying to take the arrow out carefully and heal him. He kept on shielding his arm away from you and kept babbling incoherent nonsense about “leaving him alone” too.
"It's okay! I'm fine! I'm fine! Don't worry!" Tommy kept shouting.
"You're not fine Tommy, let me help!" You yelled and he finally succumbed to you.
You slowly pulled out the arrow and used bandages that Eret had rushed to give you to wrap around his arm carefully. Throughout this whole process Tommy had a face of discomfort and pain until you had successfully bandaged his upper arm so no blood would seep through. Later on you would have to tend to his wounds more delicately.
"Just stay inside!" Fundy yelled in a hurried tone and was angry at the fact someone had already gotten hurt.
This would've been the outcome of the duel if you hadn't followed Wilbur's orders. Either way he would've been injured. Of course they would go for Tommy. Wilbur's right hand man. It was bound to happen. 
You and the rest of the men were clad in netherite or diamond armor and they surrounded Wilbur waiting for another order.
"Tommy I'm putting you in charge of this army." Wilbur said.
Your eyes widened. Didn't Wilbur just say he acted on impulse. This was a bad idea. you were going to die at the hands of the people who gave this opportunity to you.
Wilbur continued, "No matter what happens during this war, no matter who wins and who loses. Just remember that we're on the right side of history."
You have heard that before. What side of history was you on? They have rubbed off on you of course, but with different morals coming from both sides, whose morals do you fit with? If you die, will you be painted in the wrong manner? Are you on the right side as you stand with Eret and Fundy in L'Manburg? Is there even a right side?
"Up the walls we go!" Tommy exclaimed as the group climbed the ladder over the walls.
Your heart was pounding as Tommy led the way towards their next destination. This was going to be very interesting.
Tommy led us to the destination where the other warriors were on top of a small tower looking down on the L'Manburgians.
"God- whatever we do, don't go up the tower." Tubbo exhaled. 
"We have to get them down to our level. We have to get them to come down on their own accord." Wilbur commanded.
"Those bastards." Tommy said as an arrow made of fire was shot precisely onto the ground.
The floor began to rumble as the ground cracked and smoke began to rise beneath you revealing the red, fiery TNT that blew up from beneath them breaking the very ground and dirt they stood on making everyone lose their balance. Everyone started screaming, scrambling to get away from the constant chain of TNT slipping and falling on the debris, and the crevices that formed. You had started to run faster,and faster, sometimes you fell to your knees because of the ground shaking and breaking underneath you. You couldn’t look back but you heard screaming and you could only hope and pray no one fell into the big canyon the TNT made behind you. Your mind was not catching up your feet as you blindly followed Tommy into his own home, cutting around the whole kingdom. The rest followed close behind making their way into the house. 
Their clothes were tattered and dirty, singes from the fire were on their war uniforms and armor. As they scrambled for safety the arrows kept coming, hitting the house and the ground outside of it. You felt like this was it for you, your first friends, your enemies shooting arrows of fire at you through your so-called enemies house. You had to stay alive though, keep up the act, but right now you didn't really have to keep an act up because you were actually scared for your life.
The grass in front of Tommy's house was burning while the men gave Tommy all of their arrows. Wilbur commanded them to hail them with arrows. Arrows began burning through the walls breaking into their safe haven. To escape this situation Wibur had told all of them to scatter and make it harder for the archers to shoot them. They all did just that, playing on the defensive dodging the arrows that were hurled towards their way. 
Eventually the archers jumped off of the tower retreating towards a nearby river. The L'Manburgians currently had the high ground and You started shooting with arrows purposefully missing so you wouldn't hurt them.
"They are heading to Ponk's tower!" Tommy shouted.
You looked up to one of the highest towers in the kingdom. Damn.
"In that case we need to start heading towards Ponk's tower!" Tubbo yelled, ceasing his arrows trying to get the rest of them to follow his lead.
The men followed Tommy through his shortcuts to get to the base of Ponk's tower faster. Fundy went forward shooting at the others at the base of the tower. You, Eret, Tommy and Tubbo followed Fundy and started shooting and dodging as well. 
For now they have retreated towards the walls of L'Manburg hiding slightly below the top. Wilbur was there at first then the rest of the groups followed. The arrows couldn't reach them and the boys cheerfully pointed that fact out. Soon they had started slowly retreating as the sun went down in the distance. You sighed and cheered with the rest of the men that they finally stopped fire. Your heart still beating fast you looked behind you towards Eret sending each other a knowing glance.
The rest were cheering and complimenting each other until Eret spoke up.
"Gentlemen, I think we need to go back to our home." Eret said.
"I think you're right, Eret." Tommy agreed happily.
They made their way back to L'Manburg into the night with Tommy leading them for the last time tonight. Tommy and Wilbur were playfully bickering through the whole walk back to L'Manburg. It was a fun time filled with laughter and it was much needed after that whole war. Even though they all were beaten and tattered with burn marks and scratches, they kept smiling. It's crazy to think about.
The fun ended for you as they reached their destination. The extended walls of L'Manburg were in their sights and your heart rate picked up even more than it had before. This is the end. 
"Gentlemen in L'Manburg I have a secret weapon." Eret says, sparking a new conversation.
"What is it?" You asked playing dumb. 
"What is it?" Wilbur asked asked as well
"A secret weapon!?" Tubbo exclaimed.
"I feel like Eret is just going to pull out a giant missile." Fundy joked around and your breath hitched. If only they knew.
"But seriously, what do you mean you got a secret weapon?" Tommy spoke fast.
"I've been grinding for equipment, I've been grinding materials." Eret said not to give it away.
"Show us please!" Tommy exclaimed as they all entered L'Manburg once more today.
You joined in as well, "I haven't seen any of this show us Eret!"
You hated lying to them.
"This is the final control room for you too!" Dream yelled with excitement showing the beautiful dark room. 
The chests were empty, there was a button on top of a podium, and there was a secret room where Dream and the rest would be hiding after the war. The plan was simple enough on paper. The two countries would fight until sun down and then Eret would lead the L'Manburgians to the final control room where he would press the button and then The citizens of L'Manburg would be killed and a life would be taken from them.
Dream has taught You about the life limit. Everyone in the kingdom had three lives and if all three lives were taken, there is no coming back. you felt weary taking away someone's life.
"This is where the battle will end." Dream said calmly
Currently it was just Eret and You with Dream. Dream kept explaining the mechanics of the room while they both listened. You kept slipping in and out of your mind at the moment.
This would be the end, he said. It will all come to an end and you will finally find your place in the huge kingdom. you can finally have closure. It will all come to an end.
"You two are on the right side of history, don't worry. Cause if you do this you'll be doing the kingdom a huge favor."
"This way." Eret led the group into the final control room.
The men were astonished about the huge tunnel entrance to the room. They continue to rush down the tunnel to catch up to Eret.
"I'm excited to show you!" Eret cheerfully said as he walked. "They will never suspect a thing!" 
They all ended up in the final control room. You made sure to stand next to Eret making sure that they stayed together. you knew where to leave and when the button was pressed but you had a few minutes to play it off.
"This is so cool!"
"What is this place?!"
"There's nothing in the chests." Wilbur said bluntly, as he turned to us still crouching because he opened the chests.
"Eret?" Tubbo asked.
Eret pressed the button and then the wall behind Wilbur opened and revealed Dream, Sapnap, George and Punz. The men started to scream in shock. They were getting attacked. Blood was being spilled and fire was burning down the whole final control room. Eret grabbed your hand pulling you to a secret wall, opening it to reveal stairs that led out of the final control room trying to protect you from getting hurt.
The L'Manburgians fought anyone they saw, but the others knew who specifically to kill. As the L'Manburgians fought for their lives you heard Wilbur yell out over all of the chaos.
Were you a traitor? Yes you were. They died. The fire around their bodies began to calm as their murders stood over their bodies breathing heavily. There was an orange and purple tint to the room. It looked unreal. This was it. Their bodies began to glow a light blue color and disintegrate showing that one of their lives was taken that day. This was the closure you wanted, but why did it feel like an unfinished symphony? Like it reached the climax of the song then ended.
It's over
Eret saluted to their disintegrating bodies and you followed suit.
"Down with the revolution boys! It was never meant to be."
Wilbur's POV
"Eret how could you?" We sat on the burnt grass of L'Manburg waiting for one another to show up from being killed. 
This was what I suspected from the beginning. Sadly this is what I suspected from the beginning.
"Hey where's Y/N?!" Tubbo whipped his head frantically looking for her.
"They were a traitor as well." Fundy said sadly.
Tommy and Eret were facing each other. Tommy in L'Manburg's walls and Eret standing a few feet outside of them. It was a beautiful picture at this moment, very symbolic. 
Tubbo was talking to Eret in a distraught voice before Tommy had interrupted him. "Eret listen to me! And I mean this in the nicest way possible. You fucked up." Tommy said harshly to Eret.
Eret only smirked at this like the madman he is and spoke around him, "farewell gentlemen." And he left us in our ruins.
I had such high hopes for the two of them. Especially Y/N. I knew they were trying to find their home, their place in this huge world. Maybe they'll find it with Dream. That's not what I would've wanted, but they might want to stay there. they'll be back, they'll find their home soon.
"We'll meet again. I know you."
taglist: @hi-imuwu​
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ginjointsintheworld · 3 years
Sooo Leyla will stay but we will see less of her. I am happy that they wont write her off. Hopefully this chaos will be resolved at the end of season 4
first of all i'm SCREAMING at jocko basically nullifying half the suspense in the midseason finale in that interview but frankly 'is half of a wlw ship going to get written off' isn't the kind of suspense that should be held over our heads so GO OFF KING 🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️
i'm glad they're having leyla reach out to floyd during this period and fingers crossed we'll get to see leyla confide her feelings about everything and get insight there. but also let floyd give lauren the "be patient and give her space, she'll come around eventually" speech 2k21. i need to see lauren actually getting some advice from her friends and talk about her feelings instead of the one way street we've been on this season with the exception of iggy.
after going through the literal hellfire gauntlet that is watching one half of your ship get written off a show, having 90% confidence that leyla is staying put makes me feel so much more at ease lol. i'll wait into season 5 for them to find their way back to each other idc as long as both of them stay on screen.
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bakugohoex · 3 years
Hiii I saw your requests are open so can I request kenma and his newlywed wife accidentally eating a bunch of aphrodisiacs they got from kuroo as a prank wedding gift 👀and yk they have a longggg ahead of them (also lmao they didn’t know it was aphrodisiacs until they actually looked at the packaging dummies thought it were just candies)
“kuroo that is not a wedding present, it’s a death wish”
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pairing: kenma kozume x female reader
cw: aged up, nsfw (female recieving oral, choking, fingering, hickies, fucking (obvs) and nipple play) , fluff, aprodisiacs and wedding night
word count: 2300+
a/n: hi guys, happy holidays to you all, hope you enjoy this fic, i probably wont be as active and once mid january hits ill be on hiatus because of exams, but hopefully i can put out a ton of fics so you all don’t go hungry 
summary:  in which kuroo offers you some sweets, not realising what it was, you and kenma eat them all with a long night ahead of the both of you, once kuroo calls and reveals the truth you realise how idiotic your husbands best friend is 
↞ back to haikyu!! masterlist 
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The lights blared through the venue, the drinks in people’s hands as they tried to keep it afloat whilst dancing. One word to describe this wedding. Chaotic.
The wedding had been perfect, everything had worked out and you’d say that it was everything you and Kenma had dreamed of. With the wedding in full swing and the reception occurring where everybody let loose, you stood beside Kuroo talking about Kenma, who for the entire day hadn’t touched any sort of game. You were shocked and even told him if he didn’t like the dancing and partying, he could head up early and play a game.
He quickly refused and you assumed Kuroo had told him off if he dared even breath an air about any of his games. The wedding had had everything you had wanted, it was every brides dream to have such an over-the-top wedding. It was all down to the money that both you and Kenma had saved and especially Kenma’s because who wouldn’t want their future wife to have the fairy-tale wedding they wanted.
You sat at the bar, Kuroo talking as you saw Hinata and Kenma talking on the other side. Kuroo passed you a drink trying to not spill it on your reception dress, it was a lot more moveable and freeing than your ceremony dress. Kenma loved seeing you in it, his mouth in awe as you walked towards him and all he could see was his future.
You had of course cried but kept it undercover to not ruin your make up, all in all everything had worked out and seeing most of the drunk guests had made it all the better.
“Here, I got you some sweets.” Kuroo passed a packet of what looked like jellied sweets. “I know you haven’t eaten that much.”
He passed you the packet you shrugged taking a couple, “mmm these are nice, I’m going to give some to Kenma.”
He nods a smirk on his face which you ignore easily, you make your way through the guests, some congratulations which made you stop and eat even more sweets whilst conversing with them. You finally go to Kenma, a smile on his face with his long hair creeping down his suit, he had taken the tie off and unbuttoned the top buttons to show his collar.
It looked ever so pretty, so kissable, you giggled walking towards him, he raises an eyebrow just as you stop in front of him, “kitten, is everything all right?”
“Kuroo got me some sweets, have some?” You pushed the packet to his face, he shook his head before taking the bag putting it to his mouth, as he chewed the rest of them. “Hey, they were my sweets.”
You pouted but as soon as you touched his arm you felt a lust wash over you, he looked at you with kindness in his face before grabbing a hold of your jaw, bringing his mouth to your ear. “I never told you how beautiful you looked today.”
You laugh leaning against his body, “Baby, you’ve told me multiple times today.”
He gives a hefty laugh before taking your hand, “let’s get out of here.”
“You want to leave our own wedding early.”
He makes your jaw move to his neck; you comply kissing his neck occasionally. “It’s not leaving early, we’ll be back.”
You roll your eyes, letting him lead the way, you left the venue as quickly as you could, glad that the hotel was just opposite, it was fancy and way to flashy for anything small, but for your wedding night it was perfect.
The chilly air had hit your exposed arms, Kenma putting his suit jacket around. His smell lingered around you as you snuggled in the jacket, he took his key card from the pocket, his hands lingering on your waist. He smiled taking your hand to the elevator, standing behind you as he face went to your neck. In an instant, his lips lingered along your collar, moving up towards your jaw, your head arched to his shoulder, wanting more of his lips.
The door quickly opened, and he almost dragged you to the hotel room, it was perfect and big, and the bed looked comfortable enough for what was about to happen. He held your waist softly, before kissing you. His lips leaving the lingering taste of those sweets Kuroo had gotten you, he put you on the bed, taking the jacket off before slowly unbuttoning his shirt.
You giggled feeling intoxicated even without being drunk, a rush filled through you, you leant against your arms, watching his strip his shirt off, his chest on show for you. He didn’t say anything, going to the floor before moving your dress up and finding his face at your thighs.
“Ken…” You were about to speak but felt his hands attach to his inner thighs, encased in the fabric you couldn’t see his action, but the movement of your underwear was all you needed before you felt his tongue brush in the insides of your walls.
The slick already coming from your cunt, “already wet for me.” He murmurs before devouring you, you couldn’t speak, heavy moans flowing out for your mouth. “Kitten, moan for me.”
He continues to use his tongue inside of you, you wanted to grab onto his hair but used the next best thing, your legs twitching, crushing his head between your thighs. His movement was quick, and he kept his mouth on you, sucking your insides like some sort of drink. He kept on going at it, the lewd moans erupting from your mouth, before you felt the slick becoming heavier and heavier, knowing that you were about to cum.
“I’m…I’m going to c…cum.”
He sucks and eats you one more time before the cum fell out from your cunt, the way you felt his mouth try and capture the orgasm from your cunt, it gushed out and you felt some dribble down your thigh. He came out from under your dress, his face freshly wet. He smirked seeing your faint look already from only cumming once. “How many times should I make you cum tonight, kitten, lets make it a game.”
He kissed you again, you could taste your cum before he quickly helped you take the dress off. It fell easily, Kenma watching how your body looked and felt against his own. He began to speak as you were left in your bra, he slowly un did it, his fingers moving up and down your back. “If I make you cum three more times then I win.”
“Yes master.” You spoke with ease, the words falling out of your mouth. He wanted to make you feel everything tonight not just as his newlywed wife but as his future.
He grinned from ear to ear, he enjoyed the word it made him feel like a game master making the decisions and he was definitely making the shots tonight. He pushed you against the headboard, your body on show as he un did his trousers that had gotten tighter, the bulge prominent.
You took a deep breath watching as he encased his hands in a cage around your body. You felt ever so small against his frame, but he didn’t care he kissed you with pace again, his hands moving to your breasts, massaging and softly flicking his fingers against your hard nipples. “You’re going to be a good little kitten for me.”
“Yes.” You moaned, it was heaven in his ears, he wanted to keep hearing you moan, especially his name.
He quickly removed his boxers, a lack of warning as he pushed his cock between your thighs, “my little kitten.” You felt his body press against your own, the way his cock jolted inside of your cunt.
“Kenma.” You moaned as his thick cock filled your entire cunt, you felt suffocated but loved it, his lips pressing to your neck and chest, your own hands moving to his soft long hair. You grabbed at it tugging as he began to thrust, it was quicker and faster almost needy like the first time you had ever had sex.
His thrusts going deeper and deeper each time, your legs almost wrapping behind his own. You just wanted to encase him, make him go deeper, you moaned his name continuously, “come on kitten, being a g…good girl.” He moaned out himself, his continuous blabbering as his pace quickened even more.
“I want more.” You whisper in his ear, the three words making his thrust deeper inside of you. You could feel him hit you, almost see the indent in your stomach, even after the continuous moans his pace remained consistent. He normally would be able to go for at least two rounds, but the amount of energy he was exerting made him believe he was able to go for twenty if you wanted too.
You kissed his neck, sucking at his pale skin, you loved how easily it was to mark his skin and under the soft candles that surrounded the room. You felt in heaven, he moved one of his fingers to your clit, playing with it before feeling the slick, he brought it in his fingers before shoving it in your mouth, his thrusts quickening as he knew you were ready to cum.
You sucked on his fingers, feeling filthy and dirty but enjoying it all. He loved the way your tongue would swirl around his fingers, sucking at it, the knot in your stomach was beginning to untie and quickly you heard Kenma speak, “cumming so quickly, kitten, let’s make you cum another time.”
He mutters, having not cummed at all, just wanting to bring you pleasure, his thrusts began to become sloppier as he felt all the cum from you gush out of your sweet cunt. It dripped down your thighs, but he kept on going. “You’re going to cum with me next time.” You nod not being able to speak, his pace quickening again.
He grabbed a hold of your throat, his fingers moving away from your mouth, going to your hair. He brushed it to the side, admiring you whilst thrusting back and forth. His hand on your throat tightened as you felt more entrapped in his body. You moaned whilst he admired your body, your face, how pretty his wife was.
“You’re going to make your husband cum, aren’t you.” He was almost taunting you whilst up in your ear, he bit your ear lobe, another moan engraving the air.
The continuous moans crept out from your mouth, the growls and grunts from his own, he wanted to win, and he would do anything to do so. But the quick pace he had, the furious way you could almost imagine the marks around your throat and how his hand moved to play with your nipples.
You felt bruised and fucked to the core…literally. His thrusts became sloppier your first two times cumming already making it easier for his cock to stretch you out even more. He moved his mouth to your ear, you could feel his heavy breath against you, feel him moan your name. “You’re gonna make me cum, good girl.”
The praise made your insides warm up, but you could feel yourself cum again. “I need to cum.” You seethe out, he smirks looking at you directly, his hand grabbing your jaw to face you.
“Cum with me.” He whispers as you both cum together, the feeling of the slick falling down your thighs, the way your insides felt filled with the white liquid. “My perfect wife.”
You felt giddy but tired, “I win.” He praises himself.
“You win.” You murmur, he had collapsed beside you, his arm wrapping around your naked body, sweat and cum filling the air as your head laid on his chest.
You felt the sound of his phone go off, he muttered some profanities, moving his hand to where his jacket had been chucked on the bed. Taking his phone, he saw Kuroo’s name pop up. “I don’t want to go back.” You spoke tiredly.
You closed your eyes as Kenma answered the call, putting it on speaker. “Oi, did you two have some fun.”
You smirked knowing Kuroo was teasing the gamer boy. “Fuck off Kuroo.”
“Wow, it must have been amazing, is Y/n sore.” You laughed wanting to speak but unable to, Kenma’s hands moved to your hair playing with the few sweaty strands against your forehead.
“Kuroo I real…”
Kuroo quickly interrupted you could almost feel his smirk on the other line, “did you two eat all those sweets?”
“Yeah, so?” You speak wastefully.
He laughs before passing the phone to Bokuto, “Oi, Bokuto, they ate all the sweets, idiots.”
You and Kenma were both confused, he went to grab his jacket trying to find the packet which he had shoved down his pocket. He looked at the label pissed off, “surprise it’s a wedding present.”
Kuroo laughed as Bokuto was in hysterics, “what is it?” You questioned confused but content with your husband.
“We got you them, we thought you wouldn’t eat them all duh.” Kuroo laughed out, Kenma passed the packet and shock was ridden on your face.
“Kuroo that is not a wedding present, it’s a death wish.” You scolded out even though the night was the best wedding sex you’d ever had.
“I’m going to kill you.” Kenma seethed out.
“No you’re not, now go have some more fun.” Kuroo hanged up the call, Kenma chucking his phone before rubbing his face, he looked down at how perfect his wife was, and he didn’t care that Kuroo had gotten aphrodisiacs sweets for the two of you.
“Round two?” He smirked out.
You laughed, moving your body up, to reach his face. “You want to beat 3 times.”
“Yeah, I haven to become the ultimate games master.” You laughed encasing his lips in a soft kiss, it wasn’t filled with lust or need, it was your future and you both knew the rest of your lives had started. Together.
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 i’d really appreciate if you guys could leave a like, reblog or comment, thanks x
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sing to me
soulmate au where you can hear the songs stuck in your soulmate’s head. the closer you are to them the quieter the music becomes, before the voice changes altogether.
word count: 2,440
a.n.: helo i have a few of these typed up and a few others in progress explicitly for soulmate aus. it’s the least angsty one so far so here you go friends.
(psst here’s dabi’s)
(psst here’s sero’s)
(psst here’s bakugou’s)
listen while you read 👉👈
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Shinso Hitoshi did not sing, and isn’t the type to give even so much as a hum. But when he did—of his own volition, mind you—he never did so in front of people.
Which is how he knew this soulmate bullshit might not actually be all that contrived.
Sometimes he’d catch himself embarrassingly humming or whistling in public—usually to the absolute amusement of his friends and family—stuck with songs in his head he hadn’t even ever heard of. And it was in times like that he’d begin singing something ridiculous back, as his own petty way to clearly say ’stop’.
When the music would disappear, he’d chuckle lightly to himself and continue about his day.
Only to fall asleep that night to you whispering sweet, sweet literal nothings from the far side of his mind. Barbie Girl was a slap and a half, but if he had to check out with it rolling around in his head at two a.m. for the third night in a row, he’d dedicate his waking hours to annoying the hell out of you.
See how you liked it being startled awake—hopefully, he wasn’t 100% on the time difference—by Caramelldansen.
There were even a few times where you’d try to push music into each other at the same time. Like hijacking a radio frequency, you’d change channels on each other all day and all night until it was a warbled cacophony of noise, bordering on a headache big enough for a small city. Rarely would either of you concede, but if and/or when you did, you’d make sure the song was something you both liked.
At any other rate, Shinso had to give you credit for your taste in music; even if he didn’t recognize a fair few, he’d remember the lyrics and scour the internet later looking for them like his life depended on it. He already had a building playlist of the songs you’d sing to him—separate ones for the songs he knew, the songs he didn’t know, and his personal favorites. He kept those to himself like trade secrets, deflecting questions about what he was listening to or what kind of music he had on his phone.
Oftentimes, it was easy to guess how you were probably feeling if he just listened. There were queues of songs that made him feel relaxed and incredibly focused—which he assumed did the same for you—and others that just set him on fire.
Then there were days he felt like he was walking around with water in his shoes and a storm cloud lamenting with taut strings and frail keys. It was days like those that he liked to physically, consciously hum meme audios—or if the sadness was particularly dour, he’d find a quiet place, and sing songs that meant the world to him. Shinso wouldn’t hear anything back, and assume you were singing too.
The music said a lot about you, which was a considerable feat as he had never met you before, and he wanted to be selfish. He didn’t want to spoil what was special to you and him before he even got to see you.
You definitely worked your way around that, the maddening anonymity—using song titles to give away bits of information about one another as generously as you could. Favorite colors, films, seasons; all objective small talk suddenly turned scripture. He amassed everything in a small journal like priceless treasures—carrying around the value of another life in his pocket as casually as a to-do list. He had the music, but something tangible like this put his mind and heart at ease. You were really out there, and Shinso could meet you someday.
It wasn’t a known secret to anyone that subject posed one of his greatest fears. One day finding someone to spend the rest of ever with, with someone else’s song playing in his head.
In more than a few ways, you helped him remain largely optimistic. As long as he could hear you, he could find you, and as he got older and he acquired more freedoms and was just a little surer of himself, there was a chance.
That hope suddenly burned like ice on one derisively beautiful day.
Shinso dragged himself up the flights of stairs leading to his apartment, sliding around the stacks of moving boxes cluttering up the only way home. He tottered down the hall, and stepped through the threshold inattentively humming a new tune he’d heard that day that he thought you might like.
If there was one thing he could ever count on, it was your consistency.
Ever since you were kids, he grew up with annoying, made up nursery rhymes he still had memorized, as though he’d written them himself. They quickly turned into fun jingles, which then morphed into some of the most beautiful melodies he’d ever heard. Those didn’t usually have lyrics though, so it wasn’t like he could look them up to be sure—and yet he somehow knew they were original to you.
It was then that he realized, he had never gone a single day of his life without music.
So, when he sat back after a long night of work and readied himself for at least a few hours’ sleep, he froze. Shinso hadn’t heard a beat of song all day. Not anything besides what might have been jumping around him as he went out for errands or to the agency. 
With a harsh shake of his damp hair, he swiped a towel over his stony expression. His clenched jaw was starting to drive an ache into his skull.
You probably slept all day, he reasoned.
Even though he was sure you’d sent songs to him in sleep more than a few times in your life…
No. Absolutely not.
He shook himself free of worries, refusing to end the day with fear in his heart where the music should be.
Instead, he closed his eyes and slipped into a tune he’d fallen asleep to before—one that he was sure you created. It rained over his restless consciousness like sun-drops and star-dew, pulling steady, even breaths out of him and pushing a gentle weightlessness in.
The next morning, however, brought even more questions Shinso was just slightly afraid to have answered. Still no sign of the little voice that sounded like him, but was not his own. He absently picked up on a lilting murmur somewhere from upstairs, and anchored to it the more the weightlessness slowly began disappearing.
Shinso shrugged off his nerves, whistling light and roses into the bathroom mirror through his teeth. He splashed cold water into his face and closed off the tap with a huff, sending a final apprehensive glance to his reflection before heading out the door.
He doesn’t know why he’s suddenly ineffably compelled to turn into the shop on the corner after a quick run to the market—but he is. Maybe it’s the incoherent and yet still familiar ringing in his ears, clear as a bell ushering him along his spontaneity.
Shinso’s morning started jittery and threatened to boil over in anarchical agitation. Strolling down the street with the absence of his wonted metronome, hands in his pockets tapping to the beat of an abandoned drum, he felt he stuck out like a loose screw. He was mindless in his trips to each store as he blindly reached for things he was vaguely sure he needed.
It was when he had stepped out onto the corner that something inexplicable snapped into place.
Shinso jogged across the street and through the inviting doors of a building whose name he hadn’t even bothered to read. He found himself surrounded by chrysanthemums and dahlias before he realized he’s in a floral parlor.
The redolence of fresh soil and ingratiatory verdure engulfed his wearied demeanour; the petals brushed his cheeks, and if he didn’t know any better, he’d suggest that the bouquets were reaching for him. The salvia and larkspur waved from the other end of the aisle, and he followed their purple buds to the other side of the shop.
He stopped to admire the camellias and daffodils, lightly taking them between the pads of his thumb and forefinger.
Hitoshi’s eyes widened with a start, his posture straightening like he’d been struck with lightning.
They fill my guts when I look in your eyes.
He pivoted back and forth on his heels, desperately looking to the flowers for an explanation. A voice filled his head for the first time in nearly two days.
A heart that’s young is filled with sweet surprise.
This time though, the voice isn’t his. It’s clear and ringing and it doesn’t belong to him. The usual warmth he felt basking in the sound of music you whisper in his voice does nothing to compare with the exhilaration frothing in his chest now. Shinso ran a hand through his already disheveled hair, sliding it down his neck and over his shoulder.
It’s really not his, he inwardly surmised. It’s like listening to someone from inside a bubble, though; it’s a round and full sound, but he just knew if it were only slightly louder, the barrier would pop and he’d be free.
Only the innocent can sympathize.
It’s yours.
He brushed past the water lilies, clearing row after row as casually as he could in a futile attempt so as to not appear deranged.
I don’t care
The voice bled into his mind clearer, like watching the gentle shift of river to ocean water through facile currents. He turned the last corner with a breath of anticipation. In a final bit of direction, the lilac, heather, and baby’s breath spilled out of an ornate frame, unquestionably pointing to a figure facing away from him.
“About the funny way you wear your hair,” you crooned. You turned to tenderly repot the rosy begonia cupped in your palms, tucking it in place with the most serene gleam Shinso Hitoshi had ever seen. He sighed, releasing a breath he hadn’t realized he’d been holding for years.
“Someday you’ll let me put my comb up there.”
“’Till then you’re beautiful and I just stare,” Hitoshi finished softly.
You almost dropped your armful of forget-me-nots. Your strangled breath caught in your throat, hooked solely on the man standing there waiting. He gazed at you with an amused smile and crinkled, bruised eyes. It’s reminiscent of a sleepy kitten and if you hadn’t been so shocked, you’d have melted in your shoes.
“I missed your voice yesterday,” he drawled almost lazily, crossing his arms over his chest. You cleared your throat, rolling upright with a swing of your hands as they lock together at your back.
“I was going to say the exact same thing.”
His movements reminded you of a large jungle cat, stalking forward with a controlled lethargy tensed in anything but. As eager as you were, you matched him beat for beat, dragging your quivering legs in delicate strides down the aisle.
“So, is this supposed to mean we met sometime yesterday then?”
He stood right in front of you, finally close enough to recognize as the nameless and faceless childhood friend you’d been listening to since you could think on your own. You stepped into him, coming to a stop just before the tips of your shoes met his.
“It’s likely.”
“No way,” he said with a resolute shake of his head. “I’d remember you if that were the case.”
“You sound so sure of yourself.”
He stared you down with a focus you wouldn’t expect from eyes as exhausted looking as his.
“I’ve never been more certain about anything in my life.” You bashfully tugged at the fabric of your clothes, the warmth in your chest spreading upwards to beam across your face. Flattening your palm against the expanse of his collar bone, you idly swung your hands over the surface like a pendulum.
“Maybe we just missed each other then—crossed paths without finishing them,” you suggested, twirling a lock of purple around your finger.
“You wouldn’t happen to be moving in somewhere, would you?”
Your head jerked with a small start to twist at him quizzically. How could he possibly know that?
“In a complex a few blocks away from here, yes. Why?”
Shinso’s smile broke into parts amusement and incredulity.
“Looks like I’m your new neighbor,” he grinned. My neighbor? You lit up, eyes twinkling with excitement.
“That means—!”
“You’re stuck with me, yeah.”
“That can’t be such a bad thing,” you started, dropping your voice to push into him more, “—after all, I’m a little new to the area.” You blinked, letting a coquettish simper slide across your features.
“I could do with some sort of guide if I’m going to survive out here, you know.”
“I think I know a guy,” he murmured, a strained husk in his volume.
“Oh, you do, do you?” you whispered under fragile breaths.
“Yeah,” he said, leaning down to angle his face with yours. Just as you reached in to touch his lips, he pulled back suddenly, tapping his finger to his chin in thought. “Tall, blond, black streak of lightning across his bangs—hard to miss. I’ll introduce you; probably just your type.”
You rolled your eyes and punched his shoulder, gripping the fabric of his shirt in an iron fist.
“How could you possibly know my type?”
You pulled his stupid happy face to yours and kissed the mischief out of him, and he dissolved into a tender mess under your fingertips. All of this was new and unexpected, but he imagined seeing, meeting, and eventually kissing you going much different. Shinso hadn’t expected colliding like old, familiar friends; Shinso hadn’t expected missing the way you pressed into him, as though you’d done it a thousand times before. This was a first kiss between two people, but not the first time you’d ever touched.
“Be careful,” he sighed, voice richly warm, “if I didn’t know any better, I’d think you were flirting with me.”
You languidly pressed your lips to the corner of his mouth, tracing time signatures into his jawline.
“Have been since we were kids, thanks for noticing.”
“You mean to tell me Mr. Snuffles Is My Best Friend was actually for me? I’m flattered.”
“Oh yeah, definitely. Absolutely not about one of my favorite stuffed animals.”
“That’s good to know. And here I was thinking I would have to challenge a teddy bear for your hand.” You laughed heartily, pressing your forehead into his chest.
“Can I walk you home?”
You fingered the fabric of his shirt, leaning in to feel the rhythm of his heart. It was the prettiest song you had ever heard.
“I’m already there.”
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12timetraveler · 3 years
I’m so sorry about your pupper, I really hope the pain she is in eases soon. To hopefully distract you from that though can I get some cuddle head cannons from the men and women in the camp. :)
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I left these in my queue for later so these have been there since like... October? November?
Simbrah is doing better. Well... shes losing a lot of hair still. But she seems to be feeling a lot better so I’m hoping we’re on the upward trend
Anyway, cuddle HCs
~ Arthur, sweet, touch starved man that he is, absolutely LOVES cuddles. 
~ I mean LOVES them. 
~ Any time you’re alone together, he’s pulling you close and cuddling with you. 
~ Sometimes you think you’d need a crowbar to pry yourself from this man’s grasp. 
~ Fortunately, since you love snuggles just as much, you aren’t that desperate to escape his embrace.
~ On the subject of cuddles in private, you and Arthur are in agreement. 
~ Its when you get to PDA that things differ a little bit. 
~ some of the gang tease Arthur when they see the two of you cuddling next to the camp fire. 
~ Suddenly Arthur is bashful, and doesn’t seem to even want to hold your hand. 
~ you slowly try to bring him around, get him to touch you when in public. 
~ it’s only when Micah tells him how disgusting it is that the two of you cuddle in public that he seems to snap out of it. 
~ now he won’t let you go in public either, if only to irritate the hell out of Micah. 
~ sometimes when you’re having a rough go you just walk up to him and hold him, maybe even sit on his lap.
~ he immediately puts down what he was doing and just holds you
doesn’t matter what he’s doing. if you need cuddles badly, you’ll get them
~ I Hc that Charles’ love language is touch
~ So I think he’s just as cuddly as you are
~ Any time you’re near each other, hes grabbing your hand
~ resting his hand in your back pocket (If you wear trousers)
~ forehead kisses
~ random hugs
~ in the evening, when you’re both winding down for the night, his arms are around you
~ he’ll pull you into his lap and hold you close
~ Just hold you. 
~ if he gets too cuddly and you need him to stop, he will of course respect your boundaries. 
~ but honestly you’re just as cuddly, and so it doesn’t happen often. 
~ Charles is a big, beefy guy. 
~ he loves falling asleep with you fully on top of him, pinning him securely between you and the dirt. 
~ he holds you close, makes sure the blanket is securely around you so you stay warm
~ but he will be out like a light the moment you settle in on top of him. 
~ Javier is the king of random cuddles. 
~ I’m not sure touch would be his love language, but when he finds out its yours, and that you need lots of cuddles
~ the man will not go a single day without holding you at least once. 
~ you’ll be chopping vegetables for Pearson, and Javier’s arms will snake around your waist from behind. 
~ he sees you drinking coffee in the morning, he comes and stands alongside you and rests his hand on your waist. 
~ he’s always happy to hold you close
~ he’s not ashamed of pda, but he does try to keep it a little more minimal. 
~ He’s not shy about embarrassing you though, and if he can see you’re feeling down, he’ll have you in his arms, nipping at your neck and blowing raspberries on your skin until you’re laughing and leaning into his embrace. 
~ Sometimes, when you’ve had a bad day and need cuddles, but Javier is on guard duty, you’ll go stand with him. 
~ You don’t have to say anything, just come up alongside him and rest your head on his shoulder. 
~ His arm will be around you in an instant, holding you firmly against him while he keeps guard. 
~ The two of you can stand like that for hours if need be. He’s still doing his job, still keeping an eye out for intruders, but keeping you close. 
~ John is definitely more flustered by your need for cuddles. 
~ he’s not really sure what to make of it at first. 
~ he’ll always give you a hug, pat your back
~ but he’s a little too shy to really snuggle with you.
~ he just ain’t used to it. 
~ give him some time though. He’ll figure it out
~ Definitely not comfortable with pda though. 
~ he’ll hold you in his arms in his tent all day and night if you need
~ but he gets super shy if you ask for cuddles in camp. 
~ He will sit next to you at the campfire. 
~ put an arm around your shoulders
~ quick pecks on the cheek or forehead. 
~ but he’ll never be the type to pull you into his lap and hold you tightly if others are around. 
~ But the man is touch starved all the same
~ so he adores those private moments in your tent
~ loves pulling your body tight against his
~ nuzzles his head against your chest
~ nearly cries when you caress his cheek. 
~ you could not pry that boy off of you if you tried. 
~ only the threat of Mrs. Grimshaw barging into your tent looking for you forces him to let you go each morning. 
~ John swears he’s never slept better than he does in your arms. 
~ Hosea certainly appreciates the need for a good cuddle. 
~ he’s maybe not as clingy as you are
~ and his love language is probably words of affirmation
~ but he’s more than happy to wrap an arm around you while he reads his paper. 
~ Let you sit on his lap while he’s grinding herbs 
~ rest your head on his shoulder while he’s writing in his journal. 
~ After he and Dutch get into an argument is when he needs a cuddle back. 
~ something about holding you is so soothing
~ so when he’s ready to toss Dutch into the lake, he’ll find you and pull you close. 
~ he’s not going to waste his time being embarrassed by your cuddly affections. 
~ Life is too damn short to spend time worry about what others will think
~ especially when it comes to your loved ones
~ he’ll spend every moment he can with you.
~ Definitely loves holding you in his sleep
~ He’s more of a back sleeper, and his lungs are too weak to let you spend the whole night with his chest as a pillow
~ but he’s more than happy to let you nuzzle into his side and rest your head on his arm.
~ or sometimes he’ll spoon you, burying his face in your neck as you sleep. 
~ Hosea doesn’t have a private tent, so pda is really his only option. 
~ but any time anyone tries giving him any shit about being cuddly.
~ he’ll just bluntly ask which of them is in a relationship, and actually has a woman to hold and love. 
~ shuts them up pretty good. 
~ Dutch is not the cuddliest man in the world. 
~ he’s too stressed out, too busy. 
~ begging for his attention isn’t going to get you anywhere. 
~ what will work is listening to him. 
~ the man has the weight of 20 lives on his shoulders. Of course he needs to talk things out now and then. 
~ it’s not even about getting your advice or opinions. He just needs to talk outloud. 
~ If you can sit and listen to him, let him talk things over outloud without feeling foolish, then he’ll be more prepared to give you all the cuddles you need. 
~ not in public of course. 
~ Aside from an arm around your waist, the occasional quick kiss, he can’t be seen participating in pda
~ he has to keep up an appearance. 
~ but at night, behind closed curtains, he’s all yours. 
~ he does love feeling needed like this, something easy he can do for you that doesn’t involve energy or planning or grand words. 
~ he finds it very relaxing to cuddle up with you in the evenings
~ It helps his mind unwind and he falls asleep faster when you’re holding him and he’s holding you. 
~ he especially enjoys when your arms drape around his neck and your fingers idly play with the curls on his neck as you cuddle. 
~ or when he subtly slips down to rest his head against your chest as he drifts off to sleep. 
~ Listen the boy is so touch starved and so in need of snuggles that he wont even know what to do with himself. 
~ The first time you even hug him he freezes. 
~ Kieran.exe is broken. 
~ the first time you fall asleep snuggled against him he actually cries
~ like oh my god you are so cute and soft and warm and what are you doing with him?
~ honestly, you’re going to have to initiate most of the cuddling. 
~ he’s too damn scared. 
~ worried he’s being clingy. 
~ but if you start coming up behind him while hes working and giving him hugs, he wil melt. 
~ he’s not afraid of pda when you initiate. 
~ “They already mock me. May as well be over something good,” 
~ If you’re having a bad day and really need some cuddles, he’ll drop everything. 
~ walk over to the scout fire where he’s cleaning tack and gently push the tack. 
~ he’ll set it aside, looking up at you questioningly. 
~ if you straddle his lap and bury your face in his neck, just needing to be held
~ Kieran will hold you close and never let go. 
~ seriously, he will sleep in the dirt with you on top of him that night. He’s not letting you go. 
~ Okay but Bill might actually be needier than you are when it comes to cuddles.
~ he’s prickly on the outside, but once you’ve broken through that outer shell
~ the man is a cuddle bug. 
~ touch starved as hell. 
~ Now he will never be okay with pda. 
~ he gets way too flustered. 
~ and he’s too scared of the others teasing him
~ he’s okay with a soft kiss and a quick hug when he’s about to leave for a job. But that’s it. 
~ but once you’re curling up to go to sleep, oh the man will not be letting you go any time soon. 
~ now the two of you don’t really have a tent.
~ so maybe this technically counts as pda
~ but if anyone says anything, he’ll just say you got cold during the night, or some other bs like that. 
~ but he’s the one who pulled you close. 
~ if you’re having a bad day and need some cuddles, he’ll step out of camp with you and hold you close
~ sneak up behind him and hug him while he’s busy on guard duty. He will become putty in your arms.
~ Micah definitely isn’t one for pda
~ and he always has a comment when you randomly come up to him and cuddle up against him. 
~ But in the end, if thats what you need, he’ll be there. 
~ he’s surprisingly warm
~ and his shoulder is actually quite soft. 
~ while he’s not the king of cuddling, there’s nothing that’ll calm his temper faster.
~ if he and Arthur just got into a big thing
~ or if a job went wrong
~ or he just woke up on the wrong side of the bed
~ feeling your arms slide around his middle and your face press against his back is a surefire way to make him smile
~ it’s the only time he won’t have anything to say
~ no sarcastic remarks. 
~ he’ll just lean back against you and let you hold him.
~ everyone knows you like cuddles, so Micah can save face if anyone says anything by saying you just wanted some cuddles. 
~ But you both know you were really doing it for him that time to calm him down.
~ will only initiate the cuddles if you’re having a bad day.
~ if she catches you outside of camp crying
~ or sees you sitting by yourself
~ you’re going to be cuddled to death. 
~ but the rest of the time, she’s not the one to initiate
~ you have to nuzzle up to her
~ rest your head in her lap
~ hug her arm while she’s on guard duty.
~ but any time you do she’ll just smile at you
~ kiss your forehead
~ and hold you back.
~ Very soft
~ She’s not overly affectionate
~ if you get too clingy she’s likely gonna shake you off.
~ but she doesn’t hate cuddles
~ and if you need some cuddles, Karens are Q U A L I T Y
~ big boobs = comfy pillow
~ she’ll pull you close and let you rest your head on her chest
~ stroke your hair
~ maybe hum you a song. 
Albert Mason
~ Okay Albert
~ fucking
~ He’s not nearly as touch starved as our outlaw boys
~ I mean, he’s still touch starved, but not quite so severely. 
~ he does get flustered easily, so use your pda sparingly
~ you don’t want to set off his anxiety. 
~ but once you get into bed with him, the man will NOT let you go
~ he’s gonna hold you forever
~ seriously I hope you don’t need to pee in the night or anything
~ you ain't getting out of his grip any time soon
~ surprisingly strong 
~ loves sitting out on top of a cliff with you and just holding you while you watch nature
~ take him out to see a sunrise or a sunset
~ Find a valley with lots of deer
~ take him there and just sit with him and watch nature
~ if you’re having a bad day
~ be prepared for A BILLION kisses
~ like all over
~ he’s going to hold you close and smother your in affection
~ make sure you know just how much you’re loved
~ The cuddliest man in the world ngl
~ very touch starved
~ just contact starved in general
~ just know, if you let him hold you
~ he ain’t ever letting you go
~ he’ll make some excuse about needing to keep you warm
~ it’s bullshit. 
~ come back from a job and immediately sit down on his lap and wrap your arms around him if you want to see his brain malfunction. 
~ he’s practically squeeing at your adorableness. 
~ honestly Flaco is the perfect match for a cuddler. 
~ he ain’t afraid of pda either
~ you’re practically always on his arm, pressed up against him.
~ honestly it just feeds his ego
~ makes him feel powerful
~ he’s seen too much to let pride overshadow love
~ he just wants you close
~ spends a lot less time sharpening wood into a spike
~ a lot more time just holding you
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bots-basket · 3 years
Safety in numbers #2
{ oho we got some spicy fighting in this chapter~ } " That brat's gotta be hiding around here somewhere! keep looking!" The intruders inside the main hall were practically tearing the place apart as they searched for the girl they were chasing earlier. It was always such a pain whenever she was involved in their bosses business, and even more annoying when she got away. But it's best not to complain about it less they receive their boss's wrath instead of her... ugh. Hopefully they'll be able to find her quickly and return to the base without much hassle. Unfortunately for them, A certain maestro wasn't going to be letting that happen anytime soon. Balan had been watching them for a few minutes as they made quite the mess of his theater. it was obvious he didn't particularly care for the sort of negative aura they were giving off as a look of distaste found it's way onto his face.. Especially when they referred to the child as 'That Brat'. It was probably about time for him to make himself known to these 'unexpected visitors' as he revealed himself in his usual showy manner, practically spooking them immediately as he loomed over them. " Loose something gentlemen?"
" WHAT THE HECK-!? ITS A GHOST!!" ~ the first goon screeched as he and 3 more men clumped together and backed up from the tall dapper maestro. Yo nobody said this was some sorta haunted mansion!
The fourth man however wasn't too deterred by the sudden appearance of Balan. " it's not a ghost, just the dumb mascot of the theatre! And if he know's what good for him, he'll mind his own darn business and run along before he gets himself hurt." The man gruffly said as he pulled a switchblade from his pocket. the other men were quick to catch onto their other's plan and pulled out a few poles from their backpacks. " Ah, You might say that. But what happens in my theater does happen to be my business~"
Balan hummed however as he didn't look to intimated by them. infact- a glint of mischievousness flashed in his golden yellow eyes. Ah. so they're Those kind of men, eh? well simply wont do. "Now I'm going to have to politely ask you to put away those weapons, as they're against theatre policy. We Wouldn't want you to hurt yourselves after all~" ~ He smiled as there was another flash in his eyes, but it wasn't one of his usual playful manner.. but more of a warning glance. It would be ill advised of them to attempt such a dangerous stunt- since they obviously aren't trained professionals like Balan is after all.
Sadly some people just can't take a hint. "oh, So we're dealing with a smart alec eh? Common boys, Lets teach this bogus Actor some manners!" The man commanded as he charged Balan and got ready to slash at the tall figure. Balan just simply shrugged with a quiet huff as he flipped over the man with ease, letting him crash into the boxes behind him. The other quick to follow after the first's lead as they swung their poles at the maestro. Balan hummed in amusement as he dodged their attacks in a playful and flamboyant manner. With every swing that missed him the men began to grow hot with this fancy man's antics. How could he move so quickly and fluidly!? Just what was this guy!? As Soon as they weren't paying attention to what they were doing, Balan took hold of their poles and spun them around, until the force of the momentum made them let go and sent them flying into a strategically placed couch; The mere force of them lading into it caused the whole couch to topple over onto it's side. The last man still standing tried to catch Balan off guard with a sneak attack- only to end up being caught off guard himself when Balan slipped into his hat form and swirled around him- knocking the weapon out of the man's hand before popping out once again to his full height. With his usual grin and eyes full of mischief, he leaned in close to the now wide eyed intruder. "Boo~" The man let out a shriek as he and the rest of the goons scrambled to get away from Balan. Surprisingly enough they found their way out of the theatre Quickly without much problems... Almost as if they knew they weren't welcomed there. As they caught their breath, one of the goons looked up and saw someone silently approaching them. He gasped and dropped to his knees as the figure of a man stood in front of him. The man's hand gently fingered his own crimson Red locks that lazily laid before his orange eyes. Removing his other hand from the pocket of his brown trench-coat, He gently picked up the chin of the goon with a dull gaze in his eyes. " Did you find her?" "Y..Yes sir. She's inside that theatre-! we tried to get her back! h-honest- But uh- that theatre is as haunted as the stories say! we even saw the creature that lives inside it!! It's Tough as nails- We barely made it out ALIVE!" the goon stuttered under the mans grip.. before he was released finally as the man slowly approached the opening of the theatre. A small yet Sickening smirk was laced on his face as he pulled a little purple capsule from out of his pocket. "...So the Local Cryptic Creatures wish to play? Alright then. Let's see how well they fair in a Game against me. Winner takes all~" ------- Rosie Felt a Shivver trickle down her spine.. something deep down told her things were only going to get worse on from here out.. Welp. At least wherever she is now there's plenty of places to hide. She walked down the sunny pathways gently holding onto those four mindcores orbs in her hoodie pocket- completely unaware of the other inhabitants in this place... and how a certain Dark Cryptic creature had just laid his eyes upon her..
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Ocean Eyes - Part 7
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When we finally arrived at Sue's house Chris walked with me to the front door... i nearly tripped at one point but luckily he managed to grab my arm and keep me upright! I had whispered a quiet 'thanks' before knocking lightly on her front door. Sue opened the door ushering us inside and leading the way to the living room where i saw Mason curled up on the sofa. He was asleep but he looked white and sweaty, there was a bowl on the floor beside his head incase he was sick again.
"He hasn't been asleep long, i think he wore himself out crying"
"Chris can you get Mason please? I can't carry him like this...."
"Yeah sure, i got him" he quickly moved forward and scooped Mason up into him arms.
"Mama...." Mason moaned looking around for me.
"Im right here baby, your dads gonna carry you out to the car".
"God you weren't kidding bout that fever" Chris added looking down at Mason in concern.
"Im gonna get him home, thanks for watching him Sue"
"Sure thing hon, hope he feels better soon. Here, take the bowl incase he gets sick on the drive home" she smiled passing me the plastic bowl that had been next to Mason.
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The drive home i had Mason cradled against me as he slept, the seat belt going around the both of us being as we had no car seat in Chris's car!!
God i felt like a crappy mom tonight!
When we got home i sat with Mason on the sofa and stripped him down to his underwear to try and cool him down.
"Chris could you get me a cold washcloth please, there should be some in the pile of laundry on the table"
"Sure" he rushed off to grab the cloth, Mason was just laying against my chest, whimpering slightly.
"Here you go" Chris passed me the cloth and sat beside us "i got him some water too, he should be drinking plenty of fluids"
"Thanks" i smiled before folding the cloth and laying it over Mason's forehead. He moaned at the coldness but soon settled again clinging onto me, it didn't take long until he was asleep. I sighed in relief and carefully moved forward in my seat so i could lay him down.... i was desperate for the bathroom!! Mason stirred and held on tighter, for such a little thing he had a grip on him.
"Can you try taking him i really need to pee!" I looked at Chris with desperate eyes. He chuckled and managed to pry Mason off of me and into his arms.
While i was in the bathroom i wiped off my make up and tied my hair up before getting changed into my pyjama's.... it was gonna be a long night. Once i was done i headed to the kitchen and made coffee, hopefully it would help sober me up a bit more.
"Ah fuck!" I cursed as i sloshed the coffee onto the floor while making my way back to the living room "i made coffee, you might still have some left if you're lucky"
"Thanks" Chris looked up and smiled, i didn't miss the way he looked me up and down either.
"Does he still feel hot? If his temperature doesn't start to go down soon we'll have to try a lukewarm bath maybe give him some Tylenol...."
"Yeah his still hot, but it doesn't seem to be getting worse"
"This is so unlike him, Mason never gets sick. I can literally count on one hand the amount of times his been sick" i shook my head "i'm so close to freaking out right now you have no idea...."
"Calm down sweetheart, he'll be fine"
"Thank you for staying with us, i probably would've been calling my mom in hysterics if you hadn't been here"
"There's no where else id rather be" he said looking down at Mason lovingly.
"Right.... i should probably text Scott let him know we're home" i got up to grab my phone from my purse and started a text to Scott. We had dropped him at his place on the way to collect Mason.
There was a message from Derek on my phone too which i quickly skimmed, he was saying how much he enjoyed meeting me and wanted to know if i wanted to get dinner with him sometime!! I decided i'd reply to him in the morning and put my phone on the table, Mason was the only thing i could deal with right now.
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I applied a fresh cloth to Masons forehead and checked his temperature, slowly but surely it was going down. I sat beside him and Chris on the sofa and sighed in relief.
"Looks like his fever is easing off finally" i said yawning and letting my head fall back against the sofa, we'd been up for hours now keeping watch on Mason.
"Yeah, thank god" Chris mumbled as he carefully tried to move Mason in his arms.
"You want me to take him?"
"No no, i'm good, my arm has fallen asleep is all" he smiled.
"You sure? i don't mind...."
"We're all good".
We sat in silence with the TV on low for some background noise and i couldn't help but look at Chris and how natural he was at being a dad.
"You should get some sleep, you look exhausted" Chris suddenly said interrupting my internal thoughts!
"You trying to tell me i look like shit Chris?" I asked raising my eyebrows at him.
"What?? No!! I didn't mean that..."
"Im fucking with you relax" i chuckled shaking my head.
"You looked beautiful tonight" i heard him say quietly, maybe i wasn't supposed to hear him but i did.
"Its amazing what you can do with some make up and clothes that aren't sweats and t-shirts"
"You look beautiful without make up even wearing your sweats and a t-shirt, i just meant that you looked good. I personally prefer this version of you"
"Haha, now i know your just trying to make me feel better....i'm a mess!"
"Prettiest girl i know" he said giving me that smirk of his.... my god damn weakness!!
"Are you just saying this because you think i'm drunk and wont remember?? Because i'll have you know i have mostly sobered up by this point"
"Im well aware, i just..... never mind. You should try and get some sleep".
I nodded agreeing with him, the conversation was about to turn awkward and i wasn't ready for that!
"Wake me up if Mason needs me...?"
"Of course".
When i woke up again i had somehow ended up cuddled up against Chris! He had his arm around me, my head resting on his chest, Mason still sleeping on his other side. To anyone who saw us and didn't know better we looked like the perfect little family. I felt myself start to panic..... i shouldn't have let myself get this close to him! It was too easy to fall back into that comfortable routine we always had..... but we didn't have that anymore, at least i didn't think we did. I carefully eased away from him making sure he was still sleeping and made a quick exit to the kitchen, he didn't need to know about this!
As i started making some coffee and toast i heard the soft voice of my baby boy. As i stuck my head round the door i saw he was sitting up talking with Chris, he looked so much better this morning thank god.
"Where's mom?" I heard him ask and i stepped into the living room giving him a smile.
"Im right here bud, how you feeling?" I asked as i sat in front of them on the coffee table, i reached over to hold the back of my hand against his forehead "looks like your fever is almost gone"
"Im hungry"
"I bet! But its dry toast for you buddy. You've gotta go easy for a little while.... are you still feeling sick?"
"No, not anymore"
"Okay thats good!".
"Dad are you staying for breakfast?" Mason asked.
"Pleaseeee" Mason begged looking at him with those eyes that were exactly like his dads, Chris looked at me waiting for my say so.
"Its fine with me, if you have time..."
"I do! Yeah of course!" He said quickly nodding his head with a huge smile.
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After we had all eaten Chris took Mason for his bath after Mason insisted he go with his dad. While they were gone i sent a text to Scott with an update and saw a missed call from Hannah, i sat at the kitchen table and quickly called her back.
"Hey! Hows Mace?? My mom said you had to come get him last night"
"Yeah it was eventful, he had a fever and was being sick" i sighed "Chris stayed to help out with Mason... i had had so much to drink Han"
"You let him stay..."
"To help with Mason yeah"
"Hmmm of you say so" she laughed
"Shut up, what happened to you last night, huh?? You disappeared with Troy"
"I know, im sorry but did you see him?? I knew you were okay with Scott. So what about you and Derek?? He seemed very interested"
"He was nice" i nodded "he texted me last night but i haven't had a chance to reply yet"
"But your gonna right??"
"Y/N text him back!! That man was gorgeous!!"
"I will"
"Don't make me come round there"
"Oh god Han, your so pushy" i laughed.
"Only because i love you"
"I love you too, i gotta go though i'll speak to you later".
When i walked into the living room Mason was sat on the sofa watching cartoons and Chris was gathering his things.
"Your leaving already?"
"Yeah i've got a meeting at 11:00am..."
"Okay, well thanks for last night"
"Sure, anytime" he smiled "hey, i was wondering if next weekend i could take Mason to meet my mom? She's been asking when she can meet him...."
"Um.... yeah sure"
"You can come too if you want? I know my mom would be happy to see you" he said with a smile.
"Okay" i nodded "it'll just be us though right? I don't want Mason getting overwhelmed with too many new people"
"Yeah of course, maybe Scott too if he finds out you know what his like"
"Thats fine" i nodded with a smile knowing exactly what Scott was like.
"Thank you, i should go.... can i come by later though? Id like to check in on Mason"
"Sure, i'm sure he'd like that"
"I'll see you later then" he smiled before heading over to Mason "bye buddy i gotta go to work for a bit but i'll come see you later"
"Okay, bye dad".
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Everything taglist: @jesseswartzwelder @dumblani @barnesandrogersworld @patzammit @rynabarnesrogers-reading @rainbowkisses31 @rororo06 @supernaturalwintersoldier
Ocean eyes: @supraveng @michelehansel @melissaglenn5 @denisemarieangelina @mrsjeffwittek @mery-be @marvelfansworld @cmalass @capstopavenger @fallenoutofrose @kelbabyblue @biebsmylife95 @loser-alert @traceyaudette @w3lissax @jennmurawski13 @ford66steal @saiyanprincessswanie @christocrave
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ohdeersthings · 3 years
(Spanish) A place where one's strength is drawn, where one feels at home; The place where you are your most authentic self.
Soo first time writing in a long time (Like since 2013? 2014? My poor tween self). Open to critiques. Just wanna do some angst and a little fluff because ya know. We love crying 🥰
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° You could still remember the day perfectly as if it was yesterday. The day everything had shifted, turning your world upside down as you could barely wrap your head around the new surroundings and emotions that flew by as you gazed up at the new school. Well, one could only feel so much at the ripe age of eight.
"Are you ready to venture inside?" Your mother, (M/N) asked with a smile, squating down beside you as your small hands clenched at your (F/C) skirt, not able to maintain eye contact. "(Y/N)? It'll be okay, you'll get to make new friends and learn more interesting facts about your favorite subjects," (M/N) tried to put you at ease but there was only so much you can do for a child whose natural, shy nature made it difficult for new transitions and surroundings.
You tried to relax your hands but failed as you gazed up your mother, (E/C) eyes a shade darker than yours staring back warmly, "But won't the other kids make fun of me? My quirks not very show worthy..Maybe we can try again next year?" You had pleaded hopefully, not wanting to leave the comfort of your home without your Mother. (M/N) could only sigh, running a hand softly through your (H/C) tresses, "I'm sorry my sweet girl, Mommy can't homeschool you anymore, I know it'll be strange since it's half way through the first of the year but you'll see," she smiled wide at you, and you couldn't help but smile back too, gaining confidence from her that made your heart warm so much that the flowers of purple and blue next to you sprung to life and bloomed. "Even the flowers agree too," (M/N) laughed as your face turned a soft pink from embarrassment, still not having full control over your quirk. Grabbing your hand softly, your mother stood up tall and gently led you inside, the new adventure waiting for you beyond the doors.
"Alright! Everyone settle down we have a new student joining us, come on in" The teacher announced, glancing toward the doorway where you stood frozen, heart racing at the thought of having to introduce yourself now an overwhelming feeling. 'Maybe if I run I can catch Mom?' You thought, but thinking back to her warm eyes and smile, you swallowed and walked in, looking down and trying to ignore the dozens of eyes staring at you. "Introduce yourself my dear," The teacher smiled at you, hoping to ease your anxiousness.
Finally gaining the confidence to look up, you looked around warily at the new faces. Some looking interested, others bored, a few who seemed a mixture of both depending on your introduction. "H-Hello there..My name is (L/N) (F/N), I hope we get along," you'd manage to squeak out, hands tense at your side as you bowed, looking back up as some people gushed over your now pink face. "How cute~!" "She's so flustered!" "Her hair is so pretty~! "Wonder what her quirk is?" Were a few you heard right away, making you smile nervously as your hands found your skirt again. "Calm down everyone, (L/N) you may take your seat in front of Mirio, Mirio raise your hand," a boy with bright blonde hair, stunning blue eyes and a warm smile greeted you as you made your way to your seat.
Nodding your head in thanks, you sat down and got out your flower covered notebook and sunflower pencil, beginning to take notes as the lesson began. A warm feeling creeping over your back, turning slightly to see the boy, Mirio, smiling at you with an inquiry gaze, head in his hands as he leaned in close. Flustering again, you quickly turned around hoping to have not been caught, but the same couldn't be said for the boy behind you, whose interest in you seemed to just grow more.
Outside break time seemed to come so fast yet so slow as you walked around, finding shade beneath a tree as you breathed in the fresh air, your body seeming to glow around you as the plants nearby leaned toward you, almost as if you were the sun itself. It was so peaceful and relaxing, true harmony as you let a smile grace your features. If only it could stay like this-
"HEY THERE!" A sudden voice cut through the air as you jumped, screaming in shock and falling backwards into the tree. "Oh gosh I'm sorry. I really didn't mean to frighten you, honest!" Opening your eyes, you glanced up to see Mirio, the boy from class in front of your with a smile still gracing his features. "(L/N) right? I'm Mirio Togata! Nice to meet you," he kept his smile up, holding a hand out to you to help you up. Accepting his hand, you stood up, trying to look around anywhere but him as your nerves came back again for the thousandth time.
"Uh, you alright there? Didn't knock any screws loose I hope?" He laughed, leaning in closer to you. The warmth that glowed from him seemed to rival the sun, and you couldn't ignore it any longer as you looked up at him, a small smile now reaching your face too. "He-Hello, it's nice to meet you too," your smile glowed back at him, just as radiant as his is.
"Hey I got a question for ya. Do you like Heros?" Mirio asked straightforward, wanting to get to know you better right of the bat. The question took you by surprise because, yes, you didn't just like Heros, you loved them. You simply nodded, nerves relaxing a little as a breeze blowed by. "Awesome! Say, you've gotta come meet my friends, we can talk about Heros until we go back inside! Oh, maybe we can even continue at lunch! If you wanna sit with us that is, maybe even after school. Wait you might be busy," he rambled off, suddenly excited it appeared to have a new friend.
You couldn't help the laugh that escaped you, your hand coming up to block your mouth to stop yourself since you didn't wanna come off as rude. "Sorry, got carried away a bit huh?" Mirio laughed, rubbing the back of his neck as his non wavering smile kept to his face. "It's okay, I don't mind," you answered back, (E/C) eyes meeting Mirios blue ones as you stared, perhaps longer than you should've.
The bell from the school filled the air, causing you to jump, the grass beneath your feet suddenly growing and towering over you and Mirio. "WOAH!" Mirio exclaimed, surprised at the sudden growth spurt of the grass. He looked at you with wide eyes, wondering if this was your quirks doing. It only made sense, seeing as how it was just you two around.
You blushed, hands to your skirt again as you looked down embarrassed. "Sorry, my quirk goes off if I have a sudden spike of emotion sometimes," you explained, glancing up at Mirio who could only grin at you wide eyed, "THATS SO COOL! Can you only manipulate grass? Or is it all nature? Just plants? You've gotta tell me more," he gushed, his hands clenched into fists, excitement pouring out of him.
You'd never seen someone so intrigued by your quirk before outside of your family. It caused a warm feeling in your stomach and chest, slowly pouring out into the rest of your body as you and Mirio exited the tall grass, now able to see the school yard and other kids who were walking inside to resume lessons.
"So what is your quirk? If you don't mind me asking," Mirio inquired, hands on hips and his warm smile on display as always. "I don't mind, uh to put it simply it's just a nature quirk, I-I can control any of plants around me, especially flowers. I really like flowers," you gushed back towards the end, a bright light in your eyes and a beautiful smile dawning your lips as you looked over to Mirio who could only gleam back too. "Thats so cool! You could definitely become an amazing Hero with that!" "Really?" "Definitely, come on let's go, you gotta meet my friend Tamaki Amajiki, he'll be so excited to meet you!" Mirio grabbed your hand and ran off back to the school, you dragging behind him and noticing how the sun bounced off him as if he were the sun itself. A smile rested upon your face as the warmth continued to spread across your body. In a way, it almost felt, Homey.
"Hey Mirio?"
"Yeah (Y/N) what's up?"
"Can you promise me that we'll work together as Heros? I don't know what I'd do without you, Tamaki or Nejire,"
Mirio couldn't help but laugh at you, your young, first year of high school face becoming pink as you gazed upon your long time friend and crush. "Of course we'll work together! I couldn't think of anyone more fitting to be my Hero Partner," he posed, a big grin plastered on his face as he looked at you, both of you standing just outside the U.A gates.
"S-So you promise? Anything we do, we do together right? As a team?" You gushed, leaning in towards Mirio who nodded, "Always (Y/N) now come on, the guys won't wait for much longer. We gotta go.." he trailed off, leaning towards you to finish his call out. "Plus Ultra?" You laughed, "No! We gotta go fast! Seriously we gotta go, the train is due to to leave in ten minutes!" He realized, grabbing your hand and rushing off, the same warmth erupting through you again as your hands meet. You sighed contently, nothing could ruin this moment.
Until, we return to the present that is...
You could barely breathe as you stared at Mirio, his costume torn, his cape draped over Eri who couldn't even move she was so terrified. The blood from Mirio caused your heart to clench at the mere thought of him in pain.
"I WONT LEAVE YOU," You shouted back, leaping from the ledge and landing next to Eri who had tears flowing down her cheeks as she could only stare in fear and uncertainty to both of those who had hurt her and came to help her.
"Oh? A new player has come to join hm?" Chisaki Kai muttered, eyes roaming over your body as you shielded Eri from gaze, Mirio a few feet ahead and breathing heavily. "Ya know I would say if you weren't diseased you'd be very attractive, possibly worth studying with that quirk of yours, Antheia, but you must be cleansed," Chisaki muttered, hands on the ground again as he disassembled and reassembled at a mass rate, you grabbing Eri and dodging as Mirio tried his best to handle Chisaki, his quirk now gone unknown to you.
"Mirio! I'll fight, you take care of Eri," you cried out, nearing Mirio who both dodged and protected you and Eri. "As long as he threatens you, I'll fight," Mirio gritted his teeth, fed up with Chisaki and his twisted ways. Reaching into your pouch, you pulled out a few lavender seeds, throwing them out and activating your quirk, allowing the seeds to grow and blossom, their scent extra powerful to make those around fall asleep. Hoping to get it to Chisaki, you grabbed Mirio at the last second, hand sinched around his hand as you pulled him back a few feet, away from Chisaki who could only chuckle, "nice try, but not good enough," as he assembled a spike behind you, Mirio noticing last second and throwing his body weight to the side, causing your still clasped hands to swing you around, dodging it with Eri still wrapped in your arms, shaking.
Mirio could barely stand, nearly collapsing against you but tried to stay strong. 'I can't back down, not yet. Not until this disgusting man is down and out. I have to protect them,' Mirio thought, adrenaline running high as he glanced at you.
You were a warm becon that filled his life, he's never felt more real, more natural around anyone else but you. You make him want to be better, you make him want to push himself to be himself and no one else. The best he can be. Yet you're standing here, wanting to stand beside him like you've always done, but how can he let you do that knowing you can cost your life too. He wants to be selfish, hide you away from everyone so you won't get hurt. He knows what you're capable of, the power you hide from everyone not wanting to draw attention. Power you've only shown around him through trust and respect outside of school and training. Nows the time to show it to the world.
"(Y/N)" Mirio mumbled next to you, making you glance at him yet still wary of Chisaki. "Deku and Sir should be here soon, lets show Chisaki what we're made of until they get here," he grinned, the stupid grin of his that made tears well up your (E/C) eyes as you nodded, gently placing Eri down behind you, sending her a sweet and strong smile of your own.
What seemed to drag on for hours was only mere minutes of you and Mirio throwing blow after blow and receiving blow after blow from Chisaki. As long as he didn't get Eri you'd be fine. Even as blood dripped down your temple from where you were slammed down and your vision blurred, your only goal was to keep Eri and Mirio safe. Just as Mirios was to keep you and Eri safe.
The next few minutes seemed to blur, between Midoriya and Sir showing up. Your body trying to give out into Sirs hug, the last real hug you never knew you'd ever get from him. The memories blurring as you and Mirio trudged out with Eri in tow. Before you could register what happened, your body dropped to the ground, Eri and Mirios faces of concern being the last you see before darkness consumes.
Images blur together as you come out of unconsciousness. The strong scent of disinfectant spray and rubbing alcohol makes its way to you, the smell both welcoming and alarming. Opening your eyes you notice Aizawa-Sensei by the door, you slowing attempting to sit up as he walks in, "Aizawa- Sensei! What's going on? Where's Mirio? Eri? Is everyone alright," you gushed out, head suddenly pounding, causing you to groan and grab your head. "Take it easy (L/N), it's alright. You're safe, everyone's safe now," he calmed you down, your head still pounding as you nodded with the new information. "So then, Midoriya, Sir Nighteye, they got Chisaki? Are they recovering from their wounds too?" You asked, looking up at him with (E/C) eyes showing hope that everything can now return to normal once everyone's healed. Yet, as Aizawa looks else where you can't help but ask, "What's wrong? Everyone is okay right?" The words that come out of his mouth next has you up, IVs ripped out as you ran out the room, Aizawa chasing after you.
Heart pounding in your head, you turn a corner, tripping over your feet sending you tumbling to the ground. Yet you got back up and kept running, catching a green haired boy, also known as Izumi Midoriya, by surprise as you ran up. "Midoriya! Please tell me its not true," you cry, tears welling up as you clench his hands.
He could only stare back at you, his own tears glimmering into his lash line too. "I'm so sorry (L/N)-Senpai, but..S-Sir Nighteye is...is," he couldn't finish the sentence, choking back a sob as your tears run down your face. Letting go of his hands you bring yours to your face, hoping to cover up your pitiful sobs that seem to echo the now quiet hallway. "W-Wheres Mirio?" You choked out, Aizawa now caught up with you. His hand softly grabs your shoulder, curling his arm and bringing you into his chest. He may not be a very affectionate man, but you were one of his more favorite students. Seeing you like this broke his heart. "Lets go this way (L/N). It'll be okay," he mumbled into your hair as he gave your shoulder a squeeze, leading you down the hallway away from Midoriya who was now joined by All Might.
Midoriya and All Might could only stare in sadness as they watched one of the Top 4 students of UA break down. First Mirio as he witnessed Sir Nighteyes passing in person, and now you as you woke up too late to say goodbye and having to realize that you'll never get the chance like they did.
Aizawa knocked on the hospital door, a silence followed for a few seconds before a soft "Come in," was heard from inside. Opening the door Aizawa saw Mirio sitting on his hospital bed, a smile plastered to his face. "Whats up Eraserhead?" He questioned, almost as if his whole life didn't go up in flames merely 12 hours ago. "Mirio, are you up for a visitor? This person could really use your help right now," Aizawa inquired, hoping that you two could heal eachother like you always seemed to do.
"Sure, who is it?" Mirio asked, head tilt. Aizawa didn't answer, merely turning his head to the doorway where you stood, hospital gown and all. Your eyes red from tears that had slowed down but still hadn't stopped yet.
Mirios face grew concerned, he stood up the best he could and hobbled over to you. Resching his hands out he pulled you into his chest. Your heart breaking all over again as you sobbed into his chest, Mirio tightening his arms around you. Aizawa simply nodded and left, shutting the door behind him.
"It'll be alright, (Y/N). We'll be okay, I promise," Mirio whispered in your ear, your sobs into his chest becoming quiet as he soothed you. "Sir Njghteye deserved so much more," you whimpered out, looking up at Mirio with glossy eyes that pulled at his heart strings. "I know, but we'll get better from here on out," he smiled, his voice soft instead of its usual loud and booming self. "Why are you holding it in Mirio?" You questioned, seeing right through his facade as he tensed. "I've cried my tears, you can let yours out with me it's alright," he promised, yet you could see the guilt, remorse, hurt and pain swirling inside.
You guided him over to the bed, sitting down with him as you took his hands into yours. "You may have cried but that doesn't mean you healed that quick, Mirio," you softly spoke, hand reaching up to graze his cheek softly and cup it. He could only watch mesmerized by your beauty as the morning sun beamed through the window, giving you an even more Homely glow than before. "You can fool them Mirio, but not me,"
His eyes suddenly had a pressure upon them and he couldn't help but clench his fists and eyes in anger and distrsught as he yelled out suddenly in a sob. The grief of not being strong enough to save Sir hitting him at once. The pain of knowing he lost his quirk surrounding his body, becoming heavy. The sudden empty feeling of knowing all those years were sudden lost in a sea and he was drowning.
Your hand caught him by surprise as he looked up, your smile soft and glowing, yet also full of sadness. "Don't hold it up inside. We can face it together," You spoke, his body suddenly tackling you down onto the bed as you gasped, cheeks a soft pink. As he shook, quiet tears pouring down his face he whimpered to you, "(Y/N)..Thank you...Thank you for letting me show my true feelings with you,"
You smiled, hands running through his hair. A soft kiss was placed upon his forehead as he looked up shocked, yet you could only giggle at his pink face. "I know it's not the time, but maybe in a while you'll let me voice my true self too?" You questioned, knowing that the boy healing could maybe have something to be the light at the end of his tunnel. His smile, warm and Homey filled the room again, this time authentic through and through. "Only if you let me voice mine too,"
Okay sooo. What did yall think? Yes, no? Maybe so? It's been years since I've written anything to please be nice with the critiques 😭🥰 Also can I just say that Mirio is Daddy-O? Like oh my gooddnneesssssss. Also Antheia is Greek for Flower or Blossom so that was your hero name.
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