#honestly i think time with the troupe brings it out more and more
deathfavor · 4 months
@yeonban said: "are you in trouble?" shalnark half-shouts with the most obnoxious grin he can manage, relaxing on top of a boulder and idly kicking his feet. it's a tease of a question rather than one asked in earnest, as he's been watching kalluto fight their newest foes with no help from him - or any of the others - for quite some time now.
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Fighting might be a bit of an overstatement. Kalluto knew how to kill quickly and efficiently. That was a key part of being an assassin of their types. They left slow poisonings to the unhappy spouses and vengeful friends. But a quick and clean kill was their art. Poison, blades, strangulation, anything and everything was forced to become an expertise from a young age. Certainly each Zoldyck had their preferences, their stylistic flairs, but there was nothing short of perfection allowed for any type of their training.
Kalluto had always held a bad habit towards torturing, like a cat playing with a bug whose wings it had ripped off. ( Except, in these cases, it was often limbs instead of wings - although there HAD been wings back with the Chimera ants. ) On the job he always was a professional. But off the job? Off the job, he liked to play.
Like now.
Kalluto turns to where Shalnark is perched with an irritating grin, annoyance concealed under a impassive expression, before he turns back towards the enemies. He supposes he HAS been playing long enough. Kalluto sighs once, letting a few more scraps of paper float into the air to surround the victims of his morbid entertainment. The pieces flutter until their pointed just under their jaw towards the carotid arteries, and then plunge into the skin in unison, sending a symphony of wails and blood spewing as the enemies all collapse at once. Kalluto knows well the death time it will take - only a matter of seconds with the severity of the wounds. Eight for the smallest, fifteen for the largest.
" Sorry. I got carried away. " Kalluto apologizes as he turns towards the others. His fan disappears back beneath the silk kimono. He does not linger on the thought of his enjoyment of his cat and bug game nor how that side has started to show up more. He also does not even think of how disappointed his family would be.
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tossawary · 6 months
One of my favorite Discworld books is actually one of the more obscure ones, "Moving Pictures", which is about the invention of films and the movie business in this fantasy world that has dwarves and trolls and wizards and so on. It has its rough patches like every early Discworld book, but Ginger's speech about people who were born in the wrong time or wrong place for their dreams really gets to me in a good way, and I love all of the references to classic films and commentary on fame and creativity. It also has classic characters like Gaspode the Talking Dog and C.M.O.T. Dibbler, and it introduces Detritus's romance with another troll named Ruby.
Perhaps most importantly to me is that this book introduces Ponder Stibbons, who is a wizard, and who goes on in later books to be one of the most important members of the Unseen University (he holds like twelve different positions), in that he's one of the few people who can competently manage a project and so ends up managing nearly everything. (Bear with me, it's been a while since I read any Discworld and my memory is a little rough.) In "Moving Pictures", Ponder is the classmate (roommate?) of a fellow named Victor Tugelbend, who is one of the main characters.
Victor begins the book as a career student, in that a wealthy relative left him a great deal of money exclusively for school; so as long as he STAYS in school, all of his living expenses are paid for. If Victor graduates, that's the end of the money. If Victor drops out, that's the end of the money. But if Victor manages to hit a specific mark range in the 80s every year, then he gets to stay on for another year and try again, and so Victor is perhaps the most dedicated and knowledgeable wizardry student in the university's history, because you have to know what the right answer is in order to intentionally get a certain number of the questions wrong, so that you can continue to coast along on your college fund.
Ponder's graduation is (accidentally) Victor's fault, because Victor runs away to get into the movie business. (I won't spoil what happens, but it's VERY funny.) Now, I like to imagine after the events of the book, after Ponder holds a faculty position in the university, Victor comes BACK to the university occasionally as a disgustingly well-paid external consultant, which drives Ponder UP THE FUCKING WALL. Like, people are so stingy all of the time but SOMEHOW the university budget has room to bring your offensively handsome dropout roommate back just to say, "Hmm, yes, that looks bad. Have you tried turning it off and on again?" I'd throw a fit, honestly. (As soon as Ponder has enough seniority, he probably puts his foot down to stop this if Victor isn't actually useful. Maybe he is, idk, but maybe not for THAT consulting fee.)
I also like to imagine that Victor Tugelbend and Theda "Ginger" Withel are still together, maybe even still acting (badly? mediocre-ly? decently?) together, in some dingy little theatre (Ginger is the director and runs their acting troupe like a tyrant) where the front seats are regularly filled with middle-aged folks who still sigh over the memories of moving pictures. (Moving pictures are now, presumably, VERY illegal in Ankh Morpork.) Victor and Ginger have only because even more attractive as they've gotten older, which is EVEN MORE OFFENSIVE to poor Ponder because his former movie star former roommate is married to another gorgeous former movie star?! I'd throw another fit.
Anyway, I think Ponder deserves to have an affair with a pair of aging former movie stars. I like to imagine this purely because I think it's funny. He seems kind of busy for marriage, so joining someone else's marriage part-time might be good for him. It probably makes most of the rest of the Unseen University faculty breathlessly envious and that really does it for him.
And I think that this affair would OF COURSE be covered by every newspaper and tabloid in the city, including The Times, and William de Worde and Sacharissa Cripslock don't fully understand why their entertainment reporter is so breathlessly excited about people who were famous over a decade ago? (Supermarket tabloids love to tell me about alleged affairs of people who were famous 20+ years ago.) The article on Victor Maraschino and Delores De Syn's failing marriage* is their bestselling newspaper in months and William puts his head down on his desk in despair. (He's fine. This happens on a weekly at least basis. He just needs a minute.)
*Victor and Ginger are very happy with this situation, actually. They're going to take Ponder to dinner to go on a double date with Ruby and Detritus soon. Victor and Ponder are going to get distracted arguing about some of the Inadvisably Applied Magic research projects, but that's fine, because Ginger wants to talk to Ruby about this one-troll-woman-show concept. (Detritus will proudly hand out tickets at the Watch station and accidentally intimidate all of his coworkers into accepting the invitation.)
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kimbap-r0ll · 9 months
Thought up another one!
this one is illumi,
illumi realizing he’s in love but there is internal conflict within himself not just due to his family but his own emotions and thought if he can even bring balances / if he was what you want. A lil Angst and comfort? You can change it around and everything if ya want I don’t mind. I just like givin prompts lol. And if you’ve done illumi for a similar request or exact same can you do meruem , shalnark or Franklin if you write any of them.
Ooh, I have no idea if I had a similar request because I wrote so much and forgot to update my masterlist haha! However, I'll just write some for all of the characters because why not. Thank you for the request!
Illumi, Shalnark, Franklin, Meruem — Internal Conflict about love
Unless you were arranged to marry him, he will be in a serious conflict with himself. Sure, the Zoldycks need a good heir, but Illumi knows himself that he's not meant for the title of Zoldyck head. Because of this, he probably has a bad thought that he shouldn't have interest in a love interest or *gasp* marriage. However, here he is wondering why his heart beats when you talk to him, why he can't see you getting hurt (unless it's training but :/)
I feel like, in a horrible sense, his first instinct is to try and kill you. If you're gone that means he won't have to go through the hurdles he has every night thinking about you. But he can't bring himself to do it. If it gets to the point he can't bear it, he might go through with it
He won't dare bring it up to his mother or father, but if his grandfather realize something's up he might have to talk to him. Zeno is definitely the more chill guy in the family, which means Illumi might be able to convince you to join the Zoldycks if you weren't invited already. The hardest obstacle would be Kikyo, but that's for later
Overall I feel like you would be able to see the internal conflict more than he would like to admit. He's staring at you for really long (concerningly long) times, he talks to you even harsher than before, etc. If you want to live, either cut ties with him or try to convince him love isn't a bad thing
I feel like he doesn't actually mind love that much, he just gets conflicted if you're a civilian or if you're someone he targeted originally. Think enemies to lovers
He would also try to murder you :/ but he might consult Chrollo first. Shalnark will never tell anyone about his crush, especially Feitan or Phinks. However, Chrollo is a mediator for the team and ultimately the only person in the troupe that probably knows what romance is (but it's only from books haha). This means you might be saved by Chrollo's recommendation to Shalnark that love isn't bad
Shalnark will be frank with you on his occupation as a world-renowned criminal. He doesn't want you to fall in love with someone who isn't him, and he wants to give you one more chance before he wants you to be his. If you leave, that means he'll just go on with his daily life. However, if you decide to stay, he might force you to move to Meteor City for "your safety"
You'll not be able to tell he's conflicted because of how he's just so good at hiding emotions. He's smiling, laughing as he usually does. However, something's off. You can tell he's watching you more intently than before while you're back is turned, almost like he's debating throwing a needle in your head.
He's honestly also super chill about love, like it's hard to find him conflicted. However, the only time he would be conflicted would be if he found out you're just a regular civilian who could be subject to unneeded visitors from the Hunter Association or the mafia. He doesn't want to see you get hurt
Won't resort to violence! He'll sit down and talk to himself before talking to Chrollo about the matter. Similar to Shalnark's logic, Chrollo's the counselor and leader of the team. He wants to know if he should tell you about his feelings or if it's better for your well-being to not say anything.
Franklin eventually tells you. He tells you in a secluded and quiet environment just what he really does. He tells you he understands if you disagree with him, if you want to run away and tell the police (though this means he might have to resort to violence), but in the end he wants you to be safe. If you leave, that'll be the end of you two's relationship. If you stay, he'll be grateful and tell you he'll always make sure you're safe.
You could probably tell he liked you and had this internal conflict. He started to blush more and he would be quiet around you more than he did before. If you ask him before his big reveal, he'll originally deny these feelings
Assuming you're Komugi, he goes through the entire Chimera Ant Arc and doesn't tell you until you two are literally dying :/
However! If you aren't the gungi genius then how this starts might've been similar. Meruem might've had you explain some human concepts to him or maybe he kept you around because it seemed like you had potential for something the ants would need. Nonetheless, his feelings were pure accident.
This leads to him having a conflict that all the rest of the royal guards can see. Pitou won't really mind the king's sudden interest in you, though Pitou might feel it's a little strange how such a weak person like you stayed alive for more than a few hours next to Meruem. Then there's Youpi, who could care less about who the king likes. This guy thinks as long as you aren't a threat to the king's power, no worries. The issue is Pouf. He'll try to convince Meruem you're worthless and whenever Meruem goes through the "should-I-kill-y/n" Pouf will advocate for your death :/. Meruem finds himself never following through this though, so at some point he just stops asking out loud
You will see the conflict in real time, also hear from him about his emotions. He doesn't actually tell you he loves you since he doesn't really know what "love" means. He'll tell you what he's feeling, and then tell you with no corners cut that sometimes he feels like he should kill you (seriously what is with these ants). Give him some time, he'll learn eventually that he's going through a crush and nothing that will kill him (until Netero happens but -_-)
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wandererbf · 3 months
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How they would note that they love you
(English is not my native language)
Characters: Chrollo and Feitan
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Chrollo Lucifer
• I think Chrollo would realize that he loves you when he saw with his own eyes that when you said you would die for him, you were serious
• You met when one day to another you arrived in Meteor City, even without telling him about where you came from he accepted you with open arms, so you were part of the Spiders from the beginning (you two meet at 14, if I’m correct is when he created the Spiders)
• Maybe the fact that you were already strong from a young age made him want to know more about you, maybe his curiosity may have led to his near death once or twice, but none as close as when your family found out where you were and went behind you
• Some years later, maybe when you two were 16, your older sister, Shinriu, came after you but as she was never a fan of physical aggression she preferred to threaten you first. She chased you for a while and saw you with Chrollo back and forth. well she has her target
• while Chrollo walked alone through the city, going to his usual meeting point. Shinriu captured him, then sending his butterflies in the direction he was going, knowing that you would get the message.
• As soon as you saw the red butterflies you knew what happened, running away and leaving the rest of the group without knowing what was happening, this may have been a mistake on your part but you were more worried about Chrollo than what could happen to you
• when the butterflies disappeared was when you could see your sister standing next to Lucifer's dead body, it made your blood run cold, but soon after it started to heat up like coal. You activated your nen, being an expert you could control blood if you drank some of the person you wanted to control. Without looking for a direct explanation, her eyes already told you what you needed to know
• Ultimately you managed to hurt your sister, not lethally but enough to make her angry. and god knows it's not good to irritate someone like her As you approached her, she sent her last attack that she would use here, sending a swell of carnivorous butterflies to the black-haired one on the ground, and honestly, your body moved without thinking.
• In seconds you jumped in front of the boy letting your skin be devoured, this would leave a scar but nothing that you wouldn't survive, but it certainly hurt. After that, your sister backed away, knowing that there was no point in trying to bring you back by force.
• Then you carried him to where the rest of the troupe was, and you should have seen their shock when they saw that situation. the only person really hurt was you since Chrollo had just been erased, but without any real injuries, you on the other hand...
• Even though you were hurt, you sat next to the bed where Chrollo was lying, and when he woke up you couldn't have been more scared than seeing his arms and neck bandaged.
• "Did you really fight your sister because of me?"
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Feitan Portor
• Honestly, I don't think he even imagined he could love someone like that😻
• At the time they met, the troupe had already existed for a few years, but Chrollo thought it would be more dynamic for him to have infiltrators in the places he wanted to rob/invade, and that's where you come in
• because of the place you lived in as a child, always full of aristocrats as your family was too, you always had the best contacts to get ahead in life, and of course your ability to manipulate and intelligence were always what helped you the most, but that doesn't matter now
• Chrollo had sent you and Feitan on a mission to investigate what all the items in Yorkshin's auction would be, and since you two seemed close he didn't see why not send you together
• everything was going well, you were sitting next to Feitan at a table with the biggest supporters of the auction, although you didn't like it, sometimes your last name helped you in your missions, and that's why you got a schedule there at the table, but it was also It's risky since even if they didn't know you were with the Troupe there's always the chance that one aristocrat could outsmart the other
• That's when you started arguing, maybe it was at that point that everything went downhill
• If you asked me the reason for the fight, I would say it would be because the aristocrats didn't want Feitan there with you
• Even though you said he was your bodyguard and that you didn't want to be without him by your side
• That impressed him a little since You knew how to handle yourself and it was obvious that you were only doing this to continue being in his presence, and he knows how you lead the troupe beyond your will, so to risk so much for something so simple was impressive
• Remember when I said I thought everything had gone wrong at that moment? I think I was wrong, as everything really went wrong when the man in front of you raised a gun at you as he thought you were planning a coup and the boy next to you had a camera, not that it was very wrong but I think the man went crazy
• you could feel Feitan's bloodlust almost physically, his eyes were glued to that weapon, even though he knew that a mere weapon couldn't kill you, he was still enraged, and he had NEVER been that way for any other person in the Troupe
• When you activated your nen Feitan had already ripped off everyone's head in the room, you looked at him a little curious since he could have merely tortured the guy, get the information and then kill him. Since he didn't do anything much, why Feitan killed him so quickly?
• On the end he rolled his eyes when he realized the reason for feeling all that anger
• "I don't think it's a problem to just take whatever comes up at the auction, and anyway he was boring as hell.." - he said red, but it was obvious that you couldn't see it since his mask covered most of his face
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i-heart-hxh · 5 months
This is a question that rarely gets asked, but do you think Kikyo Zoldyck has a hidden side to her? I don't necessarily mean a good or softer side, but a reason to explain why she is the way she is? One post I saw brings up the fact that she had grown up in Meteor City, a place where the residents have very warped ideas regarding your place in the world/relationships with loved ones (exhibit A: The Phantom troupe). I'm willing to bet she has a lot lot of generational trauma from growing up in that hellhole and then being whisked off to Kukuroo Mountain as a teen bride (considering she had Illumi when she was 18) in what must have been a very drastic and disorienting change in social standing. Hell, she probably didn't even have parents, or if she did, then they probably weren't really good ones; she literally has no idea what being a mother truly is, and if she had to claw her way up in the world to the point of being able to marry Silva, then no wonder she doesn't bat an eye at torturing her own children (after all, gritting her teeth through all the suffering and hardship worked out great for her in the end, didn't it?). In fact, I wager that is why she (and by extension Illumi) is so fixated on Killua being the heir. Why would her darling son ever give up a life of wealth, privilege, and security? Why won't he appreciate her sacrifices and all that she had to do to get this life? It also adds a lot of dimensions to why Illumi or Kalluto are the most devoted out of all the Zoldycks; since they spent the most time with her, they probably were exposed to her anxieties and fears the most.
Again, none of this is to excuse the abuse or trauma she inflicted on her own children, but it does add a lot of depth to her beyond being a nagging wife.
Thank you for the very thoughtful and fascinating ask!
Togashi tends to imbue his characters with a sense of humanity even when their appearances are brief, so it wouldn't surprise me at all if Kikyo has reasons like this for the person she became and the decisions she makes. Very few characters in HxH can be considered purely "good" or "evil" in any sense--above all, they're portrayed as being humans with their own individual interests and motivations (which are understandable to a degree even in cases where the actions they lead to clearly aren't excusable).
I do like that, even with her small role in the series, we're left with little tidbits of her that are intriguing and in themselves lead to a sense that we can connect a narrative to them--like the fact that she's from Meteor City, must have been young when she married Silva, and the mystery of her visor and why she wears it/what function it might serve exactly. It's entirely probable her background explains her emotional instability and attitude around Killua, though of course at this point we don't have enough info to say for certain what her full backstory might be.
The way you filled in the gaps would make a wonderful basis for a fanfic, honestly!
I'm not sure if we'll ever get more solid info on her in canon with how much remains unanswered and unfinished in the series as it is, but regardless it's amazing how even the small bits of info we're provided on her offer enough for you to put together this compelling writing on how she came to be the way she is and how it affects her children. I would love it if we get more info on her and the rest of the Zoldycks in the future of the series, but regardless this makes a great argument for the potential basis of her character, and it connects well with the facts we do have on her. Thank you for writing this up!
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promptthebear · 1 year
Hi, I would love if you could just tell me anything you think about Edmund Pevensie 🧺 literally could be anything I just want to hear your thoughts ❤️
💗Edmund Pevensie Fluff Alphabet💗
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A/N: Okay so I know I’ve been doing like all the alphabet templates lately but honestly they’re a lot of fun for me and people seem to enjoy them so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
CW: I don't think there is anything for this? It's fluff, so not much in terms of triggering content. The reader is female and referred to as Edmund's wife and queen.
A = Admiration (what do they absolutely adore about you?)
For Edmund, I think he’d admire someone who’s smart, has a strong moral compass but isn’t so rigid that they can’t see the grey areas, and a good sense of humour is a must.
Ultimately, I don’t think he’d set out intentionally looking for a partner to rule Narnia with him but he’d end up choosing someone with those qualities subconsciously. His sense of duty to Narnia is just too strong to avoid that.
It would start off in small ways, he’d tell you about some messy political issue he’s working out and want to know your hypothetical opinion on the matter. He’d also bring up lots of philosophical subjects casually, and maybe even ask if you’ve engaged with any Narnian legal texts.
You don’t have to have a highly educated background to impress Ed or keep his affections, but he would appreciate if you listened and tried to contribute. At the very least you can act as a sounding board for his ideas, even if you wouldn’t be comfortable ruling in your own right. Someone who’s going to brush his concerns aside and accuse him of bringing down the mood or interrupt the conversation to focus on more frivolous topics isn’t going to be a good fit. You need to do at least a little bit of thinking to keep up with Edmund, he’s going to want a stimulating conversation now and again.
However you also can’t be so stuffy that Ed can’t joke around with you. Our boy may not be the little shit he once was, but he needs a partner who can see the funny side to things especially when he’s dealing with anything heavy. Humour is his primary coping mechanism, and if you don’t understand that then it’s not going to work out.
B = Body (what is their favorite part of your body?)
Edmund’s not really a superficial kind of guy. I think he’s more concerned about what you’re like as a person that what you’re like physically. However, I can also see him being a sucker for someone who smiles a lot and has pretty eyes. We already know, he’s a jokester and if you look extra nice every time he makes your face light up, well that’s just an added bonus.
C = Cuddling (how do they like to cuddle?)
I can see him liking having his partner’s head on his chest while he’s got an arm around their waist or shoulder. He also likes being the big spoon, I have a personal head canon that he grew up lanky as fuck so it’s easier that way regardless.
Generally Edmund likes feeling as though he can protect and guard his partner, that’s what happens when you’ve been king since age 10. But, sometimes he’s tried and in those rare moments of vulnerability he’s going to want to put his head in your lap for awhile. When he gets like this I’d also advise rubbing his back or stroking his hair, he’ll melt in seconds.
D = Dates (what does their ideal date with you look like?)
To me, Edmund’s always been a bit more of an introvert and what he likes to do for dates reflects that. He’s not the type to throw a massive party or feast just so he can be your escort to it. He’s much more likely to arrange a private picnic somewhere on the grounds, or take you out for a ride with Phillip on a trail with nice scenery or to a play put on by a local performing troupe.
It’s not that he won’t take you to tournaments and things like that. He loves having you on his arm and showing you off to the public, but it’s exhausting being King Edmund all the time. If you want to really get to know him, take him up on those quiet, simple dates. He’ll be much more relaxed and you’ll have a lot more fun too.
E = Emotions (how do they express emotion around you?)
Oh goodness, I think this really depends on when and how Edmund meets you. If you’ve known him since childhood, you’re going to get the full range without a lot of filters. Ed would know that you know him too well to try and hide anything, and he’s always been the type to speak his mind even if he’s gotten more pragmatic about it.
If the two of you meet for the first time when you’re both grown and he’s been ruling for awhile, you’re going to get a lot of King Edmund at first. That includes all the performative bull crap that comes with the title.
He’s going to be all smiles and up for a friendly chat, but still somehow very aloof and every answer he gives is couched in pragmatism so you don’t really know what he’s thinking about certain topics. To the rest Narnia, he’s their grinning, boyish King. But if you’re close enough you can see, the smile doesn’t quite reach his eyes, they’re flat and empty or even a little sad sometimes.
If this is the scenario, Ed probably won’t really let you in until the two of you are married or officially courting. It’s just too much of a risk, he’s got his people to think of and they need to know they’re in the hands of a strong leader. There’s no place for insecurity or vulnerability on the throne.
F = Family (do they want one? If they do, when?)
Honestly, the answer to this is yes and as soon as possible. When the two of you are married, Edmund would want to start trying for a baby right away. Or, if a biological child isn’t possible, then looking into some options to foster or adopt.
Unfortunately for Edmund, being a dad is kind of a deal breaker. If you don’t want kids yourself I can’t really see him wanting to commit to you long term. And there’s a couple reasons for this.
The first is, personally, that he really wants to be a father. He’s wanted this ever since their first visit to Narnia after his own family got him back from Jadis. In that moment he understood the blessing of the love he’s been given and as he got a bit older, he wanted to share that love with a family of his own.
The second reason is the Prophecy from the first book. There was never an addendum about what would happen if there were no longer human rulers in Narnia, but I can see Edmund doing a lot of research about it anyway. In the end, he’d probably decide it was better safe than sorry for him and Peter to have a few children each to act as heirs.
Somewhere in Edmund’s heart, he’s always been a bit paranoid about Jadis coming back. Not because he’s worried about himself or being tempted by her again, but more so because of what she promised to do to Narnia and the people he cares about if she ever got the chance. Making sure there’s always going to be Pevensies on the throne is just added security against that.
G = Gifts (how do they feel about gift giving? What are their habits when it comes to this?)
So with Edmund, I feel like he’s the type to prefer a little, meaningful gift over a big, expensive sort of gesture and his own habits around gifts reflect that.
Yes, he’ll go out of his way for major occasions like birthdays, anniversaries and Christmas. But the rest of the year, you can expect little surprises from Edmund. The next book in the series you were reading just because, maybe a sachet of your favourite tea the next time he goes to market. He’s also not very artistic, but I can see him writing you love notes and giving those to you as gifts. He’d put lots of effort into those, with fancy paper and flourishing letters and coloured inks.
When it comes to getting presents from you, Edmund would just absolutely die from happiness if you made him something. It doesn’t have to be big or fancy or even well made. He’d accept a woven bookmark you cobbled together from scraps of ribbon or thread and treat it like it’s his most precious treasure. Just the idea that you cared enough to try and also made something that’s specially for him that nobody else has, it would make his heart soar. Also you can bet he’s going to be showing off whatever it is you made to anyone within earshot for ages afterwards.
H = Holding Hands (when/how do they like to hold hands?)
All the time lol.
With Edmund being King, the two of you don’t have a lot of privacy and PDA is generally frowned upon. Holding hands is the most acceptable way Edmund can show his love for you in front of everyone.
If the two of you are watching a tournament, he’ll reach for your hand and bring it over to rest on his leg with his own hand on top. If the two of you are rubbing elbows with courtiers at a ball or feast, he’s going to be holding your hand the entire time. If you’re sitting next to each other in the throne room and listening to appeals or the like, Edmund’s going to be holding your hand.
In part, it’s because he wants to show the two of you as a united front to the rest of the world. It’s also because he finds your touch soothing and it can ground him when things get out of control. If you find he’s getting a bit overwhelmed, maybe his shoulders start tensing or his jaw clenches, just give his hand a squeeze. You’ll see the anxiety leave him in seconds, and he’ll squeeze your hand back to let you know he understands what you’re trying to say. You’re here, you love him, and it’s going to be okay.
I = Injury (how would they act if you got hurt?)
Burn the whole world to the gr-
I’m kidding I promise. But if you get hurt, oh boy, everyone watch out.
With you, Edmund is going to be the gentlest, most anxious man. He’s going to want to take a look at the wound himself even with the best doctors available. He’ll be reading up on treatments both magical and mundane, herbal remedies, all of it. Anything he thinks may help or ease your pain.
Be prepared for lots of fussing, tea and massages if you’re sore. There’s also probably going to be times where you glance up and see Ed watching you with this puppy dog kind of look, and you know he’s worrying about you AGAIN even if you’re on the mend. Try to be patient and reassuring, he just loves you and doesn’t want to lose you.
When it comes to the person who hurt you, however? All bets are off. Edmund is THE definition of “looks like a cinnamon roll, could actually kill you”. Whoever hurt you better PRAY that you or Ed’s siblings are there to pull him off or they’re in for the beat down of their life. He’s been Peter’s second in fights for years and while he doesn’t usually start them, he knows plenty well how to finish them.
Expect at some point for Edmund to leave your sickbed, saying he has “something that needs his attention” only to come back to you with a split lip and bruised knuckles. If you press him for an explanation, he’ll play coy and act like he’s got no clue what you’re talking about. Whoever hurt you, IF they survive or aren’t run out of the kingdom on a rail, won’t so much as look in your direction ever again. You’re Edmund’s queen, and so long as you walk in Narnia you’ll be protected as such.
J = Jokes (do they like to joke around with or prank you? how?)
Oh my god have you MET this man???
Edmund is mischievous to a fault, he never quite grew out of that smart aleck streak of his and now it’s your problem.
You can expect everything from foolishness like swapping the salt and sugar for your tea to more elaborate schemes that he’ll drag his siblings into. There was probably more than one incident involving some minor spells that backfired and caused more chaos than they were worth. Ie. Edmund finds someone to cast a glamour that makes him have a crow’s head or something so he can jump out and scare you. It works a treat, but then he discovers that he still SOUNDS like a crow hours after the physical glamour wore off and he’s got to give an official speech to the council like WHOOPS.
He is also the KING of snark, sarcasm and inside jokes. The two of you are going to have a whole litany of nonsense that will send you into giggle fits but just confuse everyone else. Edmund also loves to make you laugh at moments that are maybe less than appropriate.
Peter has stopped letting the two of you sit together at any kind of serious event because you cannot behave. It’s not your fault though, Edmund keeps pulling faces and saying “Egg tart” which makes you think about that one time on that picnic with the centaurs and…okay Peter doesn’t get it but if he’d been there he’d understand why you’re giggling.
K = Kisses (how do they like to kiss you?)
So obviously Edmund likes giving you kisses on the mouth. He could do that for hours and never get bored. However, I can also see him enjoying giving you “courtly” kisses on the back of your hand or your knuckles. If the two of you met when you were grown ups, this is probably the first kind of kiss he ever gave you and even if it was just a social expectation, it’s still a memory Edmund cherishes. Nose kisses are also a big thing with him, but only because they make you giggle, which he loves.
L = Love (how do they show you they love you?)
I mean first and foremost, Edmund is going to tell you he loves you about a million times a day. He’d probably be a lot like Wesley in the Princess Bride novel, where he’d be having the most mundane conversation with you like “Yes it’s supposed to rain a lot over the next fortnight so Peter wants to gather some workers and help sandbag the farmlands to avoid flooding and also I love you.” He says it pretty much any time it pops into his head.
He’d also try to show you in lots of other ways. Spending quality time is a big one since he’s busy and has so many people needing his attention. He relishes the quiet moments the two of you have together, evenings spent reading or playing chess, peaceful mornings snuggled up in bed. These don’t happen as often as he’d like, so if you suggest wanting to “stay in” on the rare occasion he does have some time off, he’ll eat the opportunity right up.
Acts of service would be another one, he wants to try and help with whatever you need. If you write poetry and need someone as a test audience? He’s your guy. If you knit and need someone to hold your yarn while you spool it? Ed’s there. Any hobbies you have, he’s going to want to want to be an active participant and barring that, he’ll be as helpful as he can.
M = Memory (favorite memory together?)
Honestly this is so cheesy but probably your first kiss.
If the two of you met and had an organic relationship, that memory to Edmund reflects the moment you started to belong to each other. Before that, the two of you were just friends. Close friends, but Ed always secretly hoped for more. And then with that one little action, everything changed. The two of you went from friendship to all the possibilities a new romance brings in a matter of seconds.
He thinks about it all the time, the way his heart was in his throat, the warmth in his gut when your lips met his, the pretty flush on your cheeks afterwards. He’d replay every moment leading up to the kiss too, trying to sort out exactly when you may have decided to kiss him or let him kiss you. Sometimes he gets himself all flustered and silly just thinking about it, and then he has to go and find you just so he can recreate the experience all over again.
If the two of you were in a arranged marriage though and your first kiss happened at your wedding, Edmund still treasures that memory. You were little more than strangers, but he still felt his heart skip a beat when he lifted your veil and saw you looking back up at him with bright, sincere eyes. And when he felt you kiss him back, chaste and quick as the kiss was? It was in that moment Edmund started to fall for you. Neither of you had asked to be put in this situation, yet here you were giving him your trust and kindness anyway. How could he not love someone like that???
N = Nightmare (what is their worst fear?)
I’ve talked about this a little before, but honestly for Edmund it would and always will be Jadis coming back.
He knows in his heart that he’s safe, at least. He trusts Aslan enough to know that no matter what happens, Jadis isn’t ever getting hold of him ever again. But when it comes to his family, his romantic partner and any future children he may have? Well, that’s when things get a little dicey.
As he and his family got older, they’d see Aslan less and less. And while Edmund still has a lot of faith in him, he’s also only human. When you care about people, you worry about them, and worry can lead to doubt.
He’d try to ease his anxiety by gathering any and all knowledge available on Jadis and her history with Narnia. Obviously a lot of what’s available in print has either been suppressed or destroyed, so he’s relying mainly on oral resources or archival materials related to Jadis as a secondary topic ie. anything about the Deep Magic.
This wouldn’t be an easy way to get the information he’s looking for, a lot of it is contradictory or parts of it written in languages that are no longer used. Still, Edmund would do the best he could to try and glean SOMETHING from what’s available to him. As far as he’s concerned, when it comes to your safety and the safety of his family, he will go to the ends of Narnia itself to ensure it.
On Cloud Nine - What are they like when they are in love? Is it obvious for others? How do they express their feelings?
When Ed’s in love he’s…well, distracted. If he’s sparring with Peter, his brother may score a couple of easy hits Ed would normally block. Lucy might have to say his name a few times before he notices she’s trying to ask him something. Susan would find lots of abandoned teacups around the library, their contents half drunk and gone cold.
Of course, they all immediately know what’s going on and will tease him relentlessly. Or rather Peter and Lucy will do it openly, while Susan insists she wouldn’t stoop to such lows but really she’s just more subtle about it.
I imagine the conversation going a little something like this. Lucy would say Edmund’s name several times in succession but he’s staring out the window or into the fireplace at the fire, clearly off in his own world. Peter would go “Never mind, Lu, I’ll take care of it” followed by “Oh HELLO Y/N”
Edmund would immediately snap to attention, turning to face the doorway with bright and eager eyes. Peter and Lucy of course dissolve into giggles, which makes Edmund huff and cross his arms. Susan would try and scold them for picking on Edmund, but she’s smiling too so it doesn’t really have the desired effect.
This all comes from a place of love, of course, but Ed also knows he is NEVER going to live it down.
When it comes to you and realizing Ed has a crush on you depends on how well you can read people in general. If you’re perceptive enough, you might pick up on it. If not, he’s going to be the same Edmund as always. I can’t see him really being the type to flirt or try to seduce you, at most you’ll see him more often.
Like he’s suddenly just around a lot more and while you can’t place your finger on why, that doesn’t mean you aren’t happy to see him either. Despite you knowing how busy he is, he magically has all the time in the world where you’re concerned.
Planning to go to the market later? He’ll tag along. Want to take a trail ride? He’s there. Need something off a high shelf? Oh look here comes Ed just in time. He’s 100% blowing off royal duties and the like to be with you, but don’t worry too much about it. If Peter catches you two, Edmund’s the one who’s going to be in trouble anyway.
P = Pet Names (what do they like to call you?)
Probably just the typical stuff. Darling, sweetheart, dear, dearest, love. The only one I can kind of see being different for him is beloved if the two of you have been married for awhile, and probably only if you’re either very upset and need comfort or if the two of you have been…doing what married couples do lol.
Quirk - Some random ability they have that’s beneficial in a relationship
With Edmund, I feel like the most beneficial “quirk” he has is his ability to negotiate and work through arguments.
Is this more of a slowly acquired skill than a quirk? Yes, but you can’t deny it isn’t both incredibly helpful and also sometimes incredibly annoying.
If you’re the type who wants to argue to blow off steam, Ed is going to drive you up the wall. When you come at him, sassing off and ready to GO, he’s not going to match your energy. Instead, he’s going to be calm and reasonable which will probably just piss you off more but he’s going to keep being so rational which will in turn just amp you up but again he refuses to give you the reaction you want which just makes you angrier and...well, you get the idea.
You're probably going to want to take up some kind of athletic hobby if this is you, like sword fighting or something along those lines. Trust me, it'll be much easier to take out your frustrations on a training dummy then it would be to goad Ed into getting angry with you. Better yet, go rattle Peter's cage a bit. He's always down for a good ol' fashioned argument or snark off, plus there's the added entertainment value for Edmund.
If you aren't the confrontational sort though? Well, the two of you are going to be perfect together. Edmund is an excellent communicator, he won't ever raise his voice to you and is generally pretty good at keeping emotion out of the equation so he can consider every aspect of the problem. Whether this is an issue that involves the two of you directly, or a problem you're having with someone else, Edmund will help walk you through it.
Please go to him when you're all worked up, he loves nothing more than to help you and has mastered telling someone to go fuck themselves in a way that still sounds polite. With him on your side, you'll never lose an argument ever again...except maybe sometimes to him lol. But again, he states his point so well and so sensibly that you don't find yourself minding too much either.
R = Rhythm (what song reminds you of them?)
I almost wasn't going to do this one because CS Lewis never actually published any music that exists within the Narnia universe, unlike say GRR Martin or Tolkien. HOWEVER, I am also extremely stubborn, a former English major and a choir kid at heart. This means I have a weirdly expansive knowledge of English and Celtic folk songs, and I finally settled on this one.
Now, obviously this is a modern recording (from 1996) BUT this is an old af song, and it sounds like to me that it would be sung around Narnia as a folk ballad because why not?
I figure your connection to Edmund through this song is because the both of you have heard the other one humming it on some occasion. Then, one day, maybe before the two of you get together, Edmund drops a yellow apple into your lap.
You didn't ask him for it, and he didn't say anything about giving it to you. Suddenly, there it was sitting on the open pages of your book or atop your embroidery or something. And you look up at him, and he gives you that wry smile that makes him look like a boy again, and you just know. This is his overture, his way of telling you he loves you without actually saying outright lest you break his heart. And you take a bite of that yellow apple, and it's so sweet and crisp and perfect, and from then on, that's who Edmund was to you. Fresh apples, chaste kisses and ballads hummed softly on warm, sunny afternoons.
S = Secrets (how open are they with you?)
Give it time, and there won't be a lot Edmund hides from you. Lying and keeping secrets has gotten him in trouble before, and he's sworn he's never going back. He realizes now, that honesty is the best policy and needing help doesn't make him weak. Plus, if you've been together for long enough you'll be able to read him so well he won't have much luck hiding things from you anyway.
T = Time (how long did it take you to get together?)
I think it depends on the situation, really.
If the two of you grew up together, well, years in that case. The two of you were always very affectionate, but it didn't turn romantic until the two of you were in your late teens. In that particular situation, falling in love was just the natural next step. It's familiar, cozy, and nobody is surprised when Edmund announces he intends to court you officially. That courting period is also really just a formality, your family always knew you were going to end up with Edmund from the first time he came to visit.
If the two of you have an arranged marriage however? Well, that's going to change things. Did you want to get married? Do you actually like Edmund at first or did you get a poor first impression? Do you have an old love you're still holding a torch for? These are all going to influence how your relationship with Ed goes past the wedding. Depending on any of these factors, you could be looking at anything from six months to a few years.
Proximity would really be key in deciding how that relationship plays out. Edmund probably knows the chances of romantic love happening instantly in a romantic relationship are slim to none. But he hopes to be friends at least, you're stuck with each other so why not make the best of it? He isn't looking for anything else, but he's also such a charming, sweet man that in the end you probably couldn't help yourself.
After being around him for so much time, you'd eventually ease into loving him properly. From then on, the charade you have for the court as a married couple stops being a charade and becomes a little glimpse for everyone into what the relationship actually is behind closed doors. All it takes is the right spark for this to eventually blossom into a full blown romance.
If the two of you meet when you're grown and form a relationship without the pressure of impending matrimony, then that's what's going to have the shortest amount of time between when you first meet and when you become a couple. Edmund would make his intentions clear within a couple of months of knowing you, and from there a typical courting period would follow.
U = Upset (how do they act when you’re upset?)
Hugs. So many hugs. Anyone remember that scene in Zootopia where Judy walks over to Nick and bumps her head against his chest while she's crying? That's Edmund. You can work out the details later. At first, his main priority is going to be to hold you close and put himself between you and whatever's got you so worked up. He won't mind in the least if you want to cry on him either. If anything, that just makes him squeeze tighter with maybe a few "It's alright, love" or "I'm heres" murmured into your hair.
Once you've calmed down a bit, then he's ready to listen. Just pour your heart out to him, he won't miss a single detail and he'll be sure to help you work through any problem no matter how convoluted or insignificant it seems. He will also probably get someone to bring you some tea or make a cup himself while you're filling him in. What can I say? The English are like us Maritimers in that aspect, nothing can't be fixed with a good, warm cuppa.
V = Vaunt (what are they proud of? Do they like to show you off?)
Edmund's proud of a few things, even if he's a little more subtle about them. His family, for one. He loves his siblings so much and every accomplishment of theirs is worth celebrating no matter how small.
He's also very proud of his kingdom. Narnia is his home, his salvation and his joy. He wouldn't be who he is without it, and he wants you to try and understand that the best you can. Expect to go on lots of trips to little out of the way wonders you didn't even know about, and lots of scenic locations on dates. Admire each and every inch with Edmund, from local folk festivals to sunsets to fields of wildflowers. There's nothing about this country he doesn't love, and the only thing better than experiencing it on his own is with you.
Edmund would also love showing you off. Whether you dress up or are just going casual for the day, he wants everyone to see you. To admire your beauty the way he does. The only thing he loves more than Narnia is you, and damned if he's going to rest until the world realizes it. Expect him to take you to lots of council meetings, political events and the like.
They may not involve you in the slightest, in fact you may sit there the whole time knitting or writing or sketching and not paying much attention, but that's okay. Edmund just wants you there for moral support and also again, so everyone can have a look at you. Each subtle touch to his arm, each whisper in his ear or kiss on his cheek. He relishes those little moments because it shows everyone he belongs to the most amazing woman in the world.
Warrior (how do they feel about you fighting? Would they fight for you, beside you, etc?)
Edmund really, really doesn't want you fighting. He's seen the mess war makes, and wants you as far from that as possible. However, if you can hold your own in battle, then he'll at least concede once he witnesses it for himself. From then on, he's happy to fight alongside you, maybe even listing you as his second in tournaments, not that anyone can ever beat him lol.
If you're not the fighting type, however, then Edmund makes it his personal mission to be your knight in shining armour. Expect him to ask for your favour when he goes to fight or joust in tourneys or before going to battle. He may not want you anywhere near the bloodshed, but having those little reminders of what he's fighting for means he's all the more likely to come back to you in one piece.
X = X-Ray (how well are they able to read you?)
So very well. Good luck keeping secrets, because this man will be able to read you with a glance. This comes from Edmund's own pragmatic nature, as well as the fact that he needs to be able to read a room moments after entering. If you're even the least bit on edge, Ed will be pulling you aside for a quiet moment and won't rest until he gets to the bottom of things.
He'd also know you're pregnant the second you're sure of it yourself. All it would take is the slightest shift in your expression or the way you carry yourself, and boom, that's it. He'd be asking you about your health and baby names and won't leave well alone until you tell him. Like I said, good luck keeping secrets. He's clever and stubborn, not a winning combination for someone you're trying to hide things from.
Y = Yes (how would they propose to you?)
So with Edmund, I feel like there are two different proposals.
The first is going to be your private proposal. It may involve a ring, it may not. Case in point, Edmund is going to try and have quiet moment with you to ask before all the chaos that comes with a royal wedding beings.
He may take you to the spot where you had your first date, or arrange a special dinner or even just do it in the comfort of your own chambers. He'll probably either light some candles or get jars of fireflies or make use of some naturally bio-luminescent plants that grow around for mood lighting.
He'd probably also wrap a blindfold around your eyes or have you cover them before guiding you in. He's surprised you with things before, but you'd really have no idea what he's planning until you open your eyes or take the blindfold off and see him kneeling in front of you.
He wouldn't even be able to get the whole question out before you're down there with him, exclaiming "Yes, yes! Of course I will!" I between the many, many kisses you're giving him. If he gets a ring, it'll probably be a very simple silver band he had one of his dwarven friends make for you. You'll get a fancier, bejewelled ring later on when things are officially announced, but again Edmund still wants you to have something that's just for the two of you to share before the whole kingdom gets involved.
The formal proposal would come later, which would be a big ceremony with all the fanfare and everyone invited, royal, noble or otherwise. You'd be standing next to Edmund in front of the four thrones when he makes the announcement. A raucous cacophony of cheers would follow, the sound so loud you can feel it reverberating in the hollows of your collarbones.
This would be the one and only time anxiety would set in, because you'd realize that this means you aren't just going to be Edmund's wife, but a Queen of Narnia. However, before you can start to spiral Edmund would give your hand a squeeze, and your mind quiets. In spite of your doubts, he believes in you and your ability to rule alongside him. That and his love is more than enough to keep you going.
Z = Zen (what makes them feel calm?)
Spending time with you, his family, any children you may have together. Going for trail rides with you, or practising his swordplay.
It isn't often Edmund actually panics or gets stressed. He and Susan are the most clear headed of all their siblings. They're more likely to think or talk things through then they are to submit to blind emotion.
However, Edmund is only human, and sometimes the weight of the world literally gets to be too much. In those rare moments, he wants nothing more than to seek out the things that ground him and make him feel like a normal man.
If he suddenly gets very sooky and cuddly with you out of nowhere, or pulls you and the children away from what you're doing to go on a sudden day trip or you find him hacking away at a training dummy at odd hours? Check in with him. Odds are there's something bothering him, and he's trying to seek out support from you without worrying you directly.
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izumi-fanclub · 1 year
A3! Translation: Chikage Utsuki SSR Card “Dear My Moon” [ Twinkle Sign ]
Work pilled up for Chikage while he was busy for the 10th play. How will he handle this?
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Part 1
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*Phone buzzes*
… Understood. Will keep monitoring.
*Phone notification*
Tsk, this again… pushing everything on me.
(I’ve been putting both of my jobs on the backlog to focus on the show… it takes time to handle work when it piles up this much.)
(I wonder, is there a way to clear this all up——)
(Hands move faster when you’re actively thinking about it.)
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… Welcome back.
I’m home. You still on your shift?
We ran out of seasonings at the bar, so I came to the dorm to borrow some.
You’re taking your job more seriously than I expected.
… Work got you busy?
We don’t have enough manpower. It’s unreasonable but I can’t just disregard it.
… At least do it in the dorm, instead of that room. Everyone else gets worried when you’re not around.
Absolutely not. That’s too risky.
… Guess even Chikage can’t do it.
Chikage It’s not a matter of whether it were me or not.
Well, I’ll get this over with as soon as I can.
Part 2
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Ah! Almost there! Tsuzuru
I lost again!!
(It’s quite lively at this hour…)
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Once more!
Oh, welcome home!
I’m home. What’s going on?
A board game we got from a package from Zahra.
We were all playing it while waiting for you to come home.
It’s really fun! How about you join us, Chikage-san?
At this hour?
Huh!? What time is it?
I didn’t even notice the time.
Well, let’s draw the line at this hour.
You should. I’ve had some troubles at work, I’m just getting caught up on my backlog now.
You’re probably tired.
You’ve been coming home late recently.
You’ve been busy before, but not to this extent.
Let’s just play the board game on our next off days.
If we do not sweep soon, Azami will be on our trails!
Good night.
Night guys!
Did I look that tired?
Nope, if I didn’t say that, everyone would just stay up playing board games.
Alright then.
(But I think you just added an extra layer of worry.)
(... Guess I really got no other choice.)
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Huh!? Chikage-san isn’t going back to the dormitory for a while?
He’s got a lot of work to do. It’s more easy and efficient to binge work while isolated for a couple of days.
So that’s why…
He tried to lie at first, saying he was going on a business trip. But I’d find out about it anyway so he told the truth.
It’s unusual for senpai to have this much work to do. He’s at the top of his game at the company.
That’s quite something if it’s coming from you, Itaru-san.
Should we bring him some refreshments?
If he wants to concentrate by himself, don’t get in the way.
… Hey.
Part 3
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(That’ll be it for today. Now let’s get on with my other work——.)
Nice work.
… You too.
You heading to the conference room?
I am… but what are you grinning about? Itaru
You’re seeing things. Have a good one, see you.
… I’ll be going.
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… Quicker than I thought.
You, what are you——.
What’s this?
(Stars and the moon… is this a planetarium?)
… I told everyone in Spring troupe that your room looked bleaked and lonely.
So all this is…
… Then I’ll be going. The rest is up to you.
(A note?)
“Good luck with your work!”
“Let’s play the board game when you get home!”
“My brothers got tired of this pretty quickly, I hope this will soothe you.”
“Careful not to put your backbone too into. You’ll end up like Tsuzuru, that’s just a pain.”
“We await your return back home!”
… I'm guessing this is a drawing of Earth?
“Wanted: photo of senpai working in his fancy room.”
There’s no one to take that picture.
(I should rest for a while before work)
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(To think that this room would look like this one day.)
(Quite the drastic change compared to when it was cluttered with bags of marshmallows and cushions.)
(I’ve had my fair share of unfair workload in my life, but I’ve never wanted to get it over with this fast before.)
(I just clear it all up like a robot without thinking much about it.)
(Why am I so desperate now? … I think I can answer that.)
(Because I want to return to my home as soon as possible.)
… I see.
(I thought I’d prefer to be alone since it’ll be less of a hassle, and I’m more comfortable with less stuff.)
(But now, I wanted to return to the everyday hustle and bustle of MANKAI, filled to the brim with things, like this room filled with all sorts of lights.)
…Can’t help but laugh at myself.
*Text notification*
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[ Forgot to ask for marshmallows as a reward. Come back soon. ]
Chikage You don’t need to tell me. I’ll return home soon enough.
Story Clear!
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blazescompendium · 1 year
Shin Megami Tensei and social commentary
Twitter sure is a weird place
So, yesterday i was reading the tweets from Larrue, which is a great content creator if you don't know. And some fans, including me, engaged in a debate over the idea that, according to one specific person in that thead, Shin Megami Tensei ''isn't about politics'' and ''westerns have projected their frustration with politics into the series.'' I absolutely did not know that someone could think this way about a series that grounds itself in social commentary.
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I have played SMT Strange Journey during one of the worst times of my society. 2020-2021 we were being ravaged by the Covid-19 pandemics (Please note that more than 600 thousand Brazilians lost their lifes during this crisis, in part due to terrible management of the government.) and environmental destruction lead by a party of completely evil people.
I remember one particular weekend, where a pretty important and big national park caught fire. The way i found out about the forest fire was because, when i got out of my apartment to take out the trash (the only time i got out during pandemics, honestly) and i found a neighbor looking to the sky in chock, when i looked up as well what i saw was a rain of ashes, like someone just exploded a paper truck above us. The ashes were being scattered everywhere, and the air was heavy. When i got up and turned the news up, i just found out the worst forest fire in my city was taking place.
(Do not mistake this for the Amazon Rainforest fires of the late 2010s. My city is very far away from there, but i think the point is still the same and could absolutely be applied there as well.)
The media outlets were hard to watch during this time, because the continuously increasing Covid body count won't stop, while the big capital guys pushed us, the poor, to work at the streets and put our lives at risk. At the same time, the news of the destruction the fire caused were horrifying. Tons of wildlife was burning and the State and people in power did nothing to help. We could not help, because our own lives were in risk.
I recall seeing reports of firefighters claiming to be following the screams of wild animals being burned alive, while trying to save what they could, but in the end it was not enough. 80% of the forest went down that weekend, and with it almost everything that was alive there as well. The reason for this? Someone lit up a Lantern inside the park, which is illegal by the way. This was when it sank to me, the stupidity of the Human being to destroy something so precious, for this little. How can even someone sleep at night with such a burden in their consciousness?
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At the time i fell to a violent depressive episode because of all that was happening around me. And the reason for me to bring this all, is because i was actually playing Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey for the first time, during this event. I was exactly at the Horkos chapter, where the crew of our spaceship arrive inside a level of the mysterious Scharzwelt that looks like a Shopping Center. This level symbolized the greed and consumerism of the Human Race during the late stage capitalism. Its boss being Horkos, a demon that is hellbent in consuming everything, every time.
Horkos here is the greek counterpart of Orcus, the roman god of death. This particular deity is violent, and will consume enemy troups and cause havoc. (I can go deeper if i ever do a Compendium Entry of this one) It is also depicted during medieval times as the probable inspiration of the Orcs, which is the reason they both share similar designs in Megaten.
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This glutton evil god is born out of the Human nature to consume and spread without limit, destroying and ravaging the planet as they do so. This point is brought many times during the plot.
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The reason i am connecting this all together, is because when i was playing, i felt that the criticism got so close home, i contemplated stopping playing, thinking that i was not with the right mind to do so. I continued though.
Strange Journey does not stop right there. Each level of the Scharzwelt has one more criticism to Human society, it goes from war, to capitalism, to enviromental destruction, and its a great journey on what is about to be Human. So much so, that i felt it so close home, it made me feel kinda bad. I mean, it was hitting very close home, during that time. Every week the news made me feel like i was going a level deeper inside the Scharzwelt.
So, i am sure the game where a gluttonous evil god is born out of Humanity's late stage capitalism and we feel the rage of gods for destroying our planet has absolutely no social commentary whatsoever, and any politics in it was purely inserted by us, the players. Yeah, i am absolutely positive about that huh!?
In the end, it is indeed just a video game. It is as deep as it can be, but this don't stop the medium to convey such strong messages and criticism of Human Society. I am not even going into what Atlus staff say about the matter here (Which do back up this argument) , because i wanted to make this as personal as possible, so maybe when you think about this, you can insert yourself in the shoes as someone experiencing Human society in a personal view. Which, in truth is all what politics is about. See? Hah, got you Twitter anon.
Politics is not what the left want to discuss, and has nothing to do with projecting societal problems into neutral stuff. Politics is the science behind human behavior in society, and thus every work that touches this, ended up being political. I am sorry to be the one to bring this to you, anon from twitter.
To see people swearing SMT doesn't has a social commentary, it's just baffling to me because I felt it so strongly in this entry, that i almost stop playing it for a while because I was depressed on how much of it was true.
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Not entirely related, but very interesting quote in Nocturne
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ackermanbitch · 1 year
Teenage Dirtbag (Peter Parker x Fem!Reader) Part 6.5?
a/n: so this is honestly just filler (which is why it's so SHORT) before the part of the fic that takes place during the beginning of homecoming. i dont see the point in writing for the rest of civil war when realistically this is as far as reader would be involved. also not using (y/n) bc i dont like it anymore :D
warnings: arguing?? but it's kind of funny, reader being very much tony's daughter and repressing very real and important emotions
pt1, pt2, pt3, pt4, pt5
word count: 730 (augh its so short im sorry, next chapter will be the normal length dw )
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"Ross wants you in juvie, and honestly, I can't totally blame him! You were assisting war criminals. War. Criminals."
The teen groaned, pinching the bridge of her nose and trying to lean as far away from the boy sitting next to her, wondering why the hell he chose to sit right there when there was an entire private plane for him to roam. "Why didn't you have this conversation with me before I left?" She whispered angrily, adjusting the phone in her hand to speak directly into the microphone.
Regardless of where Peter sat, he would've heard Tony's yapping through the phone in response to being interrupted during a lecture.
"Oh I'm sorry my scolding doesn't line up with your schedule young lady, but this is the only time I could fit in to talk to you, what between all the meetings I'm having in an attempt to keep you out of jail!"
"Can't you, I don't know- tell them I happened to be going for a-... a nice stroll? Walked into the crossfire by mis-" She stumbled over her words, eyes darting to Peter who snorted at her idea before she even finished. He quickly cleared his throat, head turning away so quickly she thought he might've pulled something.
Tony brought his palm up to his forehead, some measly attempt to soothe his growing migraine, "This is not a joke, we're talking about you potentially doing prison time-"
"I've hardly done anything deserving a real charge Dad, they just think I'm going to do something and I obviously won't, seeing as my team of 'war criminals' are in fucking Alcatraz-"
"One, you need to watch your damn language and two, you think I don't know that? Of course I think these allegations are a load of bullshit, it doesn't make it any easier to shut them down." Tony sighed, checking the time on his phone before bringing it back to his ear. "Listen, I have to go, call me when you land and don't let Happy fall asleep. Can't have you two teenagers unsupervised on my private plane."
She glanced at Happy's snoring figure on the other side of the jet, "Yeah, sure, he's wide awake. Love you, bye." She deadpanned, hanging up before Tony could finish reciprocating the sentiment.
She may have forced a mask of indifference, even carelessness, when faced with the consequences but behind all that, her brain felt like a fucking circus. A circus with multiple tornado sirens going off, fires and mass hysteria. Oh, and every clown wore her face. Her stupid, 'rebel against dad' at any chance, war criminal assisting face. She'd rather end up in prison than have to face her dad again. What if he never forgives her for this, what if he never moves on, what if this isn't like every other time she's done something stupid, this could change the course of her li-
"You're not.. actually gonna go to jail, right?" Peter interrupted her raging thoughts, giving her quite the worried stare.
She sighed, fiddling with her phone, "No, he would never let that happen. Not with his troupe of lawyers. I'll get let off with a 'hefty warning'," She emphasized with air quotes, "AKA forty torturous minutes of Cap telling me how I need to make better choices. Though he's stuck in the clink right now so I don't know."
She tried to hide the slight shake to her voice, how it sounded more like she was convincing herself rather than explaining it like it was the most obvious thing in the world.
"Don't tell Mr. Stark I said this but uh- Y'know, he's Captain America, he'll probably break out of there in no time."
She slowly turned her head to look at him, slowly letting a smile break out across her face. "Yeah, maybe. He's pretty crazy. Suuuch a rebellious guy, very anti-government."
Peter shrugged with a hopeful smile, "I don't know, this whole thing started over him not wanting to sign a peace treaty, that seems extremely anti-government."
"I guess you're right Parker, as always." She grinned, ignoring his flushed cheeks at her compliment and letting her eyes drift to Happy.
"You got a marker?"
taglist: @preciousbabypeter @lily-sinclair-2006 @b-barnes04 @ink-stained-eyes
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mightbeorphanedidk · 2 months
Backstory rn i want details fandoms and all
Alright sit yourselves down kids
Dsmp phase, my first fic was a rewrite of the plot of the dsmp (self-insert ofc) with my own spin on things. I wrote it because quarantine and I didn't have much else to do, so I pulled up docs on my crappy windows 2010 model (it was so bad that upon starting it up, it would start overheating. Opening more than three tabs at a time caused it to crash) and began writing. Learned I loved to write, so I kept going with it.
2021 I had my hazbin hotel phase. Wrote a fucking like 400 page fanfic that was... (IM ASHAMED.) CHARLASTOR... I would say it wasnt them directly but it was, Alastor never stopped smiling and loved his mama, and "Charlotte" had her parents abandon her. The story was so shit. I tried to see if I could rewrite it, maybe change it a lot, but nope. So much shit happened that was so unnecessary I couldn't save it. I think the story was just me trying out different troupes and prompts.
HOWEVER, i did write shorter fanfics of the two (yeah i wrote a fanfic of my own fanfic fuck off okay leave me alone) that were somewhat OKAY. Like, they werent the best, but theh sure as hell had better structure than the first fic.
2022 i had a... actually what DID i have.. OH FJCK RIGHT
And then i lost it. It’s gone. Actually i might be able to find it give me a moment.. found it. 200 PAGES OF DIFFERENT FICS I WROTE. There are 6 different stories in here. Christ these were actually kinda good
In late 2022 and all of 2023 i got into detroit become human. Uhh let me think.. OVER 1000 FUCKING PAGES OF THESE ROBOTS. 1000 pages, like 90 different fics, but only 23 were released. May release more. THESE WERE ACTUALLY GOOD. I LIKED A GOOD MAJORITY OF THEM.
And that brings us to 2024. What started as "hey dr facilier reminds me of Alastor ill write a fic" turned into a revisitation of my 2021 phase. Get me the fuck out of here.
Now, you may be asking "bruh didn't you write ur own stories tf" I DID! titles were never my strong suit but ill list the ones I wrote anyways
Edit: realised listing the titles was a risk cus i shared them w my irl friend LMAOO
1. Dark Romance, WIP
2. Action and sci-fi, completed, 500 pages
3. Slice of Life, never completed, 60 pages
4. Musical Story Attempt: 40 pages, never complete
5. Action, Dark romance, never completed, 120 pages
Ones I DIDN'T SHARE with her:
Identical Opposites (again, titles were not my thing lol): Romance, never completed, 300 pages
Thats it lol. Yeah every villian had their backstory DSMP was mine LMAOOO i blame you quarantine
Eh, but honestly, if I didn't get into writing, idk where tf i would be. Probably dead 💀
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lcs-library · 3 months
Ommggg I love this game :') can I order a green tea or matcha tea (any one of those:3) for Itaru? 🌸🌸 btw I love ur writing T-T so happy the requests are back on even if they're only for a lil bit XD
UWAHHHHHH TYSM ;^; Hope you enjoy!!
Request rules
Request game
Matcha: How do they propose to their s/o?
🎮 Marriage is a huge commitment, and he wants to be sure he’s ready for it. No matter what the Spring Troupe has taught him, the idea of picking someone and sticking with them is still a scary concept. When it comes to you, though, I think he knew pretty early on that he was ready for forever this time.
🎮 He was pretty smart about bringing up the topic of marriage, and if you were ready and okay with it. Once he was really, really sure, he had to hype himself up to actually propose.
🎮 But how would he do it? Where? Did he want it to be really big, or something small but unexpected? Was he even ready? Would he ever be?
🎮 It took a lot of thought, but he finally managed to come up with a plan.
🎮 It was a surprise when Itaru asked you to go to the arcade with him that evening, though you took him up on the offer.
🎮 As promised, he picked you up after he finished his work for the day, and the two of you took off.
🎮 The evening was nice, and you spent it ragging on each other for your fighting game skills, despite every match being quite even.
🎮 Though, just before closing, Itaru suggested going to one of the claw machines to win you a cute plushie to remember the day by. You cheekily protested, noting that you already have too many… oh, but what’s one more?
🎮 He laughed, slipping the token into the slot. The way he moved the catcher was honestly impressive, with each movement being scarily precise, up until it hovered above a fluffy tanuki plush.
🎮 With a slam of the button, the catcher lowered, perfectly picking it up, and you could have sworn you saw him wipe away a bead of sweat. This usually wasn’t such a big deal to him…
🎮 The machine chimed, and Itaru took the plushie out of the door.
🎮 Once he did, he handed it to you with a chuckle.
🎮 “There ya go. But there’s one more prize I managed to catch,” he said with a smirk.
🎮 He knelt to reach into the prize area of the machine once more, but what he pulled out was unexpected.
🎮 You felt your breath catch as you squeezed the tanuki just a little closer, right as Itaru pulled out a small box. His expression softened as he began to properly kneel, unveiling the ring.
🎮 “Will you marry me?”
Green Tea: How do they comfort their s/o? 
🎮 Itaru’s main source of comfort is distraction and escapism, and, for him, that applies to you, too.
🎮 So when he sees you looking down in the dumps, his immediate response is to wrap you in a blanket, order some pizza, and turn on your favorite show or play a game you like with you.
🎮 Maybe you won’t talk to him just yet, but it doesn’t matter. He won’t force it. The goal right now is to calm you down, you can discuss it later.
🎮 He’ll offer simple decisions to get you out of your head, too, like picking between two sodas or what show to watch next.
🎮 He’s not really one for physical affection when it comes to comfort, though if an issue is starting to overwhelm you, he’ll take your hand and give it a good squeeze to let you know he’s still there, or to give you something else to think about.
🎮 Of course, once you’re back up to speed and feeling a bit better, he’ll congratulate you with a quick kiss to the top of your head and a pat on the back.
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difeisheng · 8 months
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alright! theory time, because i've chosen to overthink.
we already know that the design of this game is sketchy. its tasks and goals are unreasonable, and with little additional incentive or instructions to succeed given to its players. and that's without the fact that the team running the game initially dropped man'er into the ending where she got burned alive, then tried to backtrack like it was nothing.
since that beginning, the flow of the narrative and the turns it's taken have fallen into what feels like a normal, slice-of-life story, not events happening in a game. we have no sense of man'er clocking in and out of the sim or how many hours she's spent there, or that she remembers or thinks much about her actual life, aside from the modern references she drops into her speech sometimes. if not for man'er still being fixated on her one thousand gold taels, it's very easy to forget that this world and most of its people aren't real, actually. and if this is an unintentional move, then that's the writers not paying enough attention to their actual story premise. but maybe this drawing of both man'er and the viewer into the world of the sim is deliberate, and is going to be a future plot point.
which brings us to this moment with shen nuo and shisan. i'm pretty sure most of us already think that shen nuo is another player in the game, and honestly given the clues and his reactions to different things now i'd be surprised if he wasn't. with this exchange, i'm thinking shisan could be a player as well. this line about forgetting identity could refer to shisan's infiltration of the theatre troupe, but it's also ambiguous— where is "here"? combined with how this world in the game is depicted, shen nuo's line becomes far more serious of a warning if he's telling shisan not to lose himself in the fiction of the game itself. as if perhaps the game wants him to.
maybe the real goal of the game is to keep all its conscious players within its universe long enough that they forget everything else. maybe everyone else was a player, once.
i've been wondering for a few episodes now if this story will eventually culminate in man'er and shen nuo having to break out of the game, and fight the ones who created it, because they tried to trap them inside. i guess we'll see what happens, and how deliberate this show has chosen to be.
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luffyvace · 5 months
Do you mind if I ask your top 10 favorite characters (can be male or female) from all of the media that you loved (can be anime/manga, books, movies or tv series)? And why do you love them? Sorry if you've answered this question before.....Thanks...
No I don’t mind at all!! I’ve never been asked this question before and it’s really interesting so of course I’ll answer! <3
Btw this is anime only bc I only watch anime/read manga :)
1: Feitan
I love Feitan honestly bc he’s cool, hot, strong and just generally awesome. I love his personality and how fearless he is. He’s number one even though they’re were many before him because I’m crazy about him and he’s just generally my all time fav. He isn’t a “phase” I love him all the time think about him all the time..FOR YEARS.
2: Aizawa
I found out about him way before Feitan and was the original number one..BUT I don’t love him any less. He’s honestly just so cool and I thought he was as soon as I saw him. He has such a calm yet self assured and strong demeanor to him. I admire him in a sense, he has morals and sticks to them. He’s also once again, strong. He cares for his loved ones and manages to be cool and a green flag- not something all anime guys can do.
3: Izuku
Izuku is under Aizawa bc I literally started loving him directly after lol. I love him with all my heart. He’s just so determined and realistic/relatable in a sense. He strives for his goals and doesn’t give up. It’s admirable. He has such a kind heart and is a green flag. Tsu should honestly be up here bc she’s the first ever anime character I found out a about but I love izuku more- osusndkjnsjd-
4: Luffy
If I knew him for longer he would be higher. I got into one piece just recently but I still love him very much. He’s such a cool and silly guy he does no harm and is selfishly selfless. What an odd balance of getting what you want and bringing happiness. Essentially what he wants is for people (specifically his loved ones) to be happy and will stop at nothing to bring that to them. Truly only has good intent. Also who doesn’t like freedom and liberation?? This guy literally stands for that!! He stand for those who don’t have a voice and that’s so cool to me! I’m so proud of him in that sense. I also love his silly goofy vibe despite the worlds cruel ways. It’s refreshing and makes one piece a less depressing place since in a sense we’re pretty much seeing one piece from his prospective. If we saw things how zoro or law sees it, it may be a lot more realistic, a bit more drab and plain in sight. That’s my take on it anyway.
5: Katsuki
katsuki’s character development is top tier. (Spoiler) I’m not talking about him dying. I’m talking about how he went from telling Izuku to ky$ and mistreating him and others to viewing people as equals/something more than competition, apologizing and atoning for his mistakes. He did something even most grown men/women can’t do these days..smh. He even did it better than endeavor. 😂 I also like how strong he is and how much he believes in himself. It’s only a problem because of the way he expresses that but if he was simply confident I feel he’d have less haters.
6: Fyodor
honestly he just freakin cool dude! Like he’s a genius, he’s attractive and he’s got a cool/mysterious power. I like when anime characters are a different race in Japan, it just makes things more fun. I love him for his imperfections too. I saw someone talk about how (spoiler) Fyodor wouldn’t have died if he just trusted his friends/allies more. I like that about him too. It makes space for character development and realization if he lives.
7: Atsushi
I first started watch bsd a long time ago. I remember loving the first ep so much. I really like how atsushi met dazai- lol. It was all really unique and there was no overused troupes. New, fresh, stuff you wouldn’t expect. I mean unless it’s mc hating on themselves..but I didn’t dislike atsushi for it or anything. Idk why I just didn’t, I’ve loved him since he first appeared on screen. I’ve always thought he deserved better. He’s such a kind hearted character and his mental and physical strength developed well. He doesn’t have any love interests either! It makes me happy when it’s straight plot and no canon romance in anime. Honestly I just love how sincere and genuine Atsushi is.
8: Nikolai
At first I both liked and disliked him at the same time. But then again I kinda simped for him so I did research (fandom, and when he got animated) and now i love em. I really love silly characters with inner problems that they project onto different things (emotions; for Niko). It gives they’re character deeper meaning than just being a silly guy. Yeah that’s fun but it gives you more to think about this way. I think his design is very cute and fun! At first I did expect to have a higher pitched voice but as time went on I realized two things. One: his voice actually fit him and I only didn’t like it at first because it didn’t meet my imaginary standard. Two: he’s a grown man, and while it’s possible, especially with anime logic, it’s more realistic this way and I’m glad his voice isn’t high pitched now.
9: Portgas D Ace
now I absolutely love Ace and while I he’s my number 2 in one piece, over all anime’s he ranks a little lower but he’s def still up there. Again I’m still in the impel down arc so his backstory n stuff is coming up for me, so when I say he needs more screen time I mean besides that. He’s an attractive man who worked on himself from a young age to be polite and respectful, he’s very friendly as well. I love and respect all that about him. He’s another silly guy but in a different way. Idk I honestly just like him, idk how to explain it this time. He’s just cool!!
10: Saiki k
I didn’t know whether to put brook or tokito here. I would’ve gone with tokito because I’ve been watching kny longer but I feel I like him more? Saiki k is a really interesting anime. It’s a comedy anime in a regular and relatable setting but with a spin; superpowers. This gives the anime more chances for funny moments and comedy. With saiki’s attitude of wanting to be normal as well? Perfect! Saiki is honestly still relatable even with powers and is not a simp. Which I really like about him, He probably wouldn’t be on this list if he got with someone. In fact he avoids what could be love interests and that makes it even more funny. I’m glad he doesn’t give in and give us the traditional wife, babies and sunset ending. 🤦‍♀️
brook isn’t on the list but top 10 is NOT easy to choose..I also wanted to add tokito but again top ten is so limiting </3😔
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myunghology · 2 years
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summary ➺ random knights (enstar unit) lyrics describing your relationships with random genshin boys.
genre ➺ fluff, comfort..
au ➺ none?
proofread ➺ nope.
note ➺ i made this because knights songs make me cry every day. i am also a loner everyday so add my discord or follow my twitter, my discord is mihai #0241 and my twitter is @/miihaiya ps. i need friends and i am desperate, i cannot start conversations well... `` mentions of death
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“never being expressed, these words that are buried in my heart.” — silent oath
okay, i know the lyric sounds kinda sad, but think of it like this: xiao always pushes people away right? because he doesn't want to get attached to them, cause he thinks he'll lose them sooner or later, if he does, the only result he'll get is you dying a few years later, he never expresses himself properly— that's the problem. he loves you dearly but can't express it properly, his main coping mechanism is distancing himself away from you. so you finally had to confront him, 'why do you keep avoiding me? did i do something wrong?' you asked, "..it's not that." he turned his head, not wanting to answer properly. let's be honest, it's better to tell someone how you honestly feel about them before you die, but true, getting attached so easily means that it'll be harder to deal with your death if he does get attached to you, he doesn't want to push you away. he wants you to be with him forever. he thinks it's his fault for falling in love with a mortal. don't get me wrong, all ends well of course, since you've told him that the archons will lead you back to him if you die or not. a few, no, maybe a decade had past after your death, xiao was just a shell of a person now, still looking for you even though you had died, he has faith in you, you know? then he finally spotted you again, the love of his life that had died decades ago, near the terrace of wangshuu inn. he could feel his eyes tear up, biting his lip so no tears could fall out, he ran to you and gave you a tight hug. he didn't care how much you two had to seperate, even for a long time, he doesn't care. he just wants you to be lead back to him in the end. “i still look for you, sleepless nights, thinking about you, and you finally came back to me.”
“that's right, you just need to stay by my side and i won't leave you.” — silent oath
“so your just gonna dedicate this to them because of their trauma?” yeah. stay by his side and he won't leave you, as long as you don't leave him, he's perfectly fine. if you do leave him, by death or by choice, he's gonna become a shell of a person either way. he's already trembling, it's already more than he can take, first tomo, now you? he's clutching his chest, he's already been through so much. if you left by death: he's shaking, crying even. beidou can hear his sobs, he doesn't care anymore, he lost you. doesn't blame you, it's okay, he'll be with you soon, he believes... if by choice, he doesn't blame you as well. you've gotten sick of him, huh? it's okay, he understands. he's no stranger to that result. but.. if you don't leave him, all is well. he's a man of his word, he doesn't leave you if you dont leave him. he's.. glad he met you, a blessing from the archons, he calls you. of course, your happy you've met him as well.
“if you can be yourself without shame, it's alright.” — fight for judge
if you've read my 'types of troupes with them' and remember the aether one, im bringing it back, you can also read this one even if you haven't read it yet. as i was saying, aether wants you to be free, he doesn't want you to have trouble talking to other people, but of course, he considers your feelings as well. he understands why won't you talk to people, even for the most stupidest reasons ever. he won't push you to do it if you don't want to, he isn't that type of person, get it? buuuuuut, he helps you when you can't talk to other people, he gets used to your body language if you wanna say something or not, he talks for you as well! paimon does too.. you're happy that they do. what could you do without the both of them? aether is proud of you once you soften up to people, but sometimes, he just wants to see that sight from himself, you can't blame him though, you want him to yourself too, since he's always so busy doing quests, commissions and everything. at the end of the day, you guys always make it up for the lost time, and i mean always.
“that's right, if we can't understand each other, then we just need to display ourselves.” — fight for judge
don't get me wrong, fights with him are common, but it doesn't mean you guys won't resolve it easily.. even though most of your fights are caused by him, he's stubborn. well, you would already know. the harbingers find it kinda impossible how you two always make up after a intense fight, 'how'd you do that?' they would ask at least seven times a week. mostly, your fights are just because of misunderstandings, of course you both get mad at each other, the results are ignoring each other for the whole day, but if you ask me, don't tell him i told you this, but it's mostly him who comes back to you at the end of the day. how could you resist your bowl-cut hair boyfriend? more like, who are you to resist your bowl-cut haired boyfriend? he flicks your forehead sometimes if you ever try to bring it up, he's just in denial, don't worry. but he knows what your saying is true deep down inside him.
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galaxystar17 · 1 year
♡A3! Fave play character polls♡
Honestly I was curious, when it comes to our lovely actors in the troupes which character that they have played overall is people's favorite? Every role is different and brings something new to the table as well as shows diversity in the boys' acting skills. That is why I came up with this poll. Plus it's interesting to find out how people's tastes can differ.
I apologize in advance if anyone has done that before, but as far as I've seen there was nothing for fave play characters per actor.
Poll info/rules:
There will be 2 roles from a character per poll to decide which one goes further against the rest as it's easier to navigate. The roles will be shuffled and won't be going play after play in number, so there will be something to choose from (it's something similar to other polls and tournaments with brackets).
The time for each poll will be one day, so don't forget to vote for your favorite role of the two that will appear.
I thought of two categories as of now which are the favorite play character and favorite mixed play character for each actor, but if someone has any other ideas let me know, I might consider adding them as well (I also thought about making the fave mixed play character and the 'regular' fave play character to have a final match too or another option of having a fave troupe play character, for example fave spring troupe play character, and so on).
If you're not exactly caught up with every troupe or mixed play and its characters, it's okay - I, myself, am not 100% familiar with every play yet (I didn't fully catch up with all the events), so you can vote for the character by vibes, outfits etc. It's completely fine.
Any propaganda about your blorbo is welcomed, the more the merrier. Actually that can also help with getting to know the characters if some are unfamiliar/unknown to the others (like to me for example heh).
Please be kind to each other while doing any propaganda and such as everyone has different tastes which are valid. You may not like a certain character and that's okay, just don't be mean to the others that do like them.
Reblogs are much appreciated <3
Thank you so much for reading this far and I hope I got you at least a little bit interested in the poll. I think I'll start it in the order of seasons, so the first up would be Spring.
This poll is inspired by the other polls/tournaments done by @a3outfitstournament @a3songtournament @a3playshipbattleroyale @timeskip @weirdass-shiptournament and @winterswhite. Thank you guys for the amazing polls you do and the work you put in them. They're really fun to participate in.
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la-squadra1234 · 1 year
Hello, I was wondering if I could possibly get the spiders and how they’d comfort an gf that’s insecure about her profile specifically having a more pronounced Persian nose shape, and feels pressured to get a nose job in order to be seen as pretty? Sorry if this is too much! Feel free to decline if it’s uncomfortable and have a great day!!
It’s no problem at all. Honestly, I am happy to at least attempt to bring awareness to this because although it’s just somebody’s nose it fucking hurts If you make fun of somebody based on their facial features you’re fucked up. Aim for the personality if you’re gonna talk shit because otherwise you just look like a shitty person!!! Unless they talk shit about your looks then do as you please lol
Full credit to la-squadra1234
He would call you a idiot for being insecure he would definitely comfort you by saying that you are gorgeous and that he’s not only saying that because he’s your boyfriend, but he saying that because it’s true, and he would say something along the lines of you have no real reason to be insecure you are perfect in every way, shape and form
He would definitely be very sweet, but kind of passive aggressive lol
He would definitely hug you very tight and start comforting. You like crazy by giving you your favourite snacks watching a movie with you he would even take a day off from doing business with the phantom troupe just to comfort you all the way!
He would definitely drop everything that he’s doing and come to your rescue if none of the comforting things that he said worked, he would definitely ask the girls in the phantom troupe for advice on how to deal with it, and make them feel confident again!
This man would literally stare at you and then start blinking like crazy, and he would say excuse me Miss bitch, you are the prettiest woman on the entire planet trust me if there’s anything wrong with your nose I definitely would’ve mentioned it by now
We all know he would have because he just doesn’t care like that lol
He doesn’t really get why people feel insecure as he has cuts all over his face and body and some big ass ears but he still doesn’t feel insecure about anything. He honestly feels very confident. He says that it doesn’t matter about looks. It’s all in the personality, and either way, they are not ugly. He would definitely be very sweet with comforting his s/o
He would start cracking a bunch of jokes, saying that if you think that you are ugly, then you must think that he looks like a total rat that just came out of the sewer he would make some jokes like that and try his hardest to help you out as much as possible
“….Woman my nose is far more bigger than yours in every single picture that I have ever taken, and the highlight was my nose” he would definitely say that you have a normal size nose, especially compared to him, and he would tell you that you have no reason to be insecure as you are gorgeous!
Sorry, if this seems kind of half assed were lazy, it was kind of hard for me to think of things
I hope everybody enjoys. I really liked making this one because it wasn’t just a story to me it actually meant something and it’s always nice to have people with you when you are going through a rough time especially if you have a insecurity like that…
I will see everybody in the next Post bye now!
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