#honestly I'm super happy with that choice
paintsplash1712 · 5 months
If the rumors of Nintendo actually making a Legend of Zelda Movie is true I really hope they look to the manga adaptions to see how they added so much detail to the world of Hyrule.
The manga series is underrated! It needs more love!
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notscarsafe · 3 months
OKAY SO what with the TWO new Hermits implied by the updated banner I will say that, though the Skizz truthers have me convinced, I now have room to do my own crazy red string monologue and throw my hat in for my choice
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1) Mythical J. Sausage (the J is silent) is a multitalented S-tier builder that absolutely deserves to be shoulder to shoulder with the Hermits. The man does buildings, interiors, terraforming, custom trees, and he does them SO WELL.
2) The production values!!! Beautiful replay mod sequences with shifting camera perspectives, shaders, music that sets the tone for each segment that's different from series to series. He already has more than a million followers on YouTube and for good reason!!
3) He has been SO consistent lately. He started a hardcore world about three months ago (about the time you might expect the Hermits to finalize their s10 choices maybe...???) and already has 15 episodes and hasn't gotten involved in any other big content. (He did just start playing a little of the BCG server but from what I understand that's super casual /copium copium copium).
4) That hardcore world is conveniently about to reach a good "pause" point. He started his world on a cherry blossom biome island that he's filled with a medieval village and starter farms, he's said it's almost full and what's left is the castle. I'm guessing the new season will start the first week of February, so if Sausage puts out a video this week building out that Castle and finishing that island it will be MIGHTY CONVENIENT TIMING.
5) This man can GRIND. His Hardcore world hasn't even been going half a year and he's built... So much??? Magnificent! And when he was on the Hermitcraft server he did the Razorcrest for scar AND the player head baby yoda/stormtrooper merch AND the noteblock themesong AND still built in the xmas village and other "diamond of peace" and so many other shenanigans. Did the man even sleep? He can grind with the best of them.
6) He can do redstone, too! Maybe not unique designs, I honestly don't know, but he builds farms for build materials no problem.
7) The DRAMA this man loves his improv and his backstory and trauma lore! For every series he does! Can you imagine if he gets to interact with Ren for an extended period of time, what that would do to them, to us?? Give Martyn a run for his money!!
8) Which brings me to my next point, which is that Sausage is already One of The Gang, because he's been in series with so many of the Hermits already! Empires and the crossover, obviously, but also Pirates with Cleo and Origins with Scar, and he's even done MCC! Joel is the only other player with the same depth of different series but there are other people truthing him already.
9) The EPIC BROMANCE with Pearl. My god the devotion of this man to his sunflower goddess bestie. I would try to do ot justice but y'all have seen floweroflaurelins work, you already know.
10) He's already a PG streamer but with HILARIOUSLY PG-13 tendencies. Imagine him and Cleo cracking each other up at an HHH stream, *grips your shoulders* IMAGINE IT.
11) Sausage comes with his own mascot in the form of interdimensional dog extraordinaire Bubbles, but he's also just an animal lover on general. Mans drinks his "I love Jellie" juice and had her in his world even before the sad news of her loss.
12) Diversity win! No one should be hired just for their gender, race, sexuality etc etc unless it's truly necessary to the job, but we were all happy when more women got added to the server in s8 and I know a lot of people would be happy to see some ethnic diversity added, too.
... That bulletin board had a lot more pins in it than I thought it did but anyway MYTHICALSAUSAGE TRUTHERS/ALL OTHER TRUTHERS RISE UP SPEAK YOUR TRUTH! we'll only get to wildly speculate for a few weeks so we might as well make it everyone else's problem ENJOY IT TO THE FULLEST!!
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inkskinned · 1 year
being single in your late 20s & 30s is so fucking wild bc on one hand it's fun and flirty and you skip a lot of the bullshit because you know what you're looking for and you know how to spot a red flag from a mile away and you've learned to set boundaries and communicate your own and be upfront about your needs and most of the time they've learned it too - and if they haven't, you can tell after the second date that they haven't been to therapy
and every time you feel lonely and dried up and an ugly husk there's a whole community of other single people out there who are just as unhinged and want to hang out with you because they just need a plus-one like you do and you get introduced to like. people in their 60's and 70's and 80's who are all like - nope, single life is my choice and i love it and you feel warm and seen and like okay, it's not the end of the world if i'm not seeing anybody. and yeah it's hard and sometimes exhausting but part of getting better is that you do make like so many friends and do so much wild shit because you made a promise to yourself that you'll actually get out there and try shit and actually work on your hobbies and skills and friendships because to be honest in relationships you wouldn't push yourself this hard and it's actually been super rewarding because it came from you and from what you wanted
and yes of course the apps such and dating in general can suck but after one of the bad dates you go back to your apartment and call up those friends you made and make jokes about what the other person said and it rolls right off your back and you have plans for self-care in the morning. you prioritize yourself and your happiness and you really actually don't mind it, a lot of the time, unless it's like at a wedding and they're doing one of those couples-related things. most of the time it's not even a problem except when you can tell people pity you for it and you're like - i'm actually fine, babe, even without a partner i am still, like a person and yes of course it would be nice to have a partner but you have established yourself as a person and as an adult in a way that feels really hard-won and well-earned and you're protective of that and of the life you're living and honestly you're pretty happy, all things considered
and at the same time you do have to tell your father that you are single on purpose right now and that, yes, believe it or not, they're letting women be single past the age of 30 these days without burning us at the stake (can you imagine!) and you have to kind of sit pretty while people make jokes about how you're losing your marriageability and you're like, a little too old for the bars and the clubs and whatever but you do still want to go out dancing and it's like. the other day you went to a board game party and had the time of your life and then your mom calls you and says she's worried because what if you never find the one, shouldn't you be spending more time looking? and you're like - trying to balance this place where you're actually, like, perfectly okay? except you hear this thing over and over and over - oh no. that's so sad. i hope you find your lover. and you weren't really upset about it until someone suggested that you're running out of time and until someone said that it's so miserable that you live without someone to kiss and you're like why can't anyone believe that i'm genuinely happy. like. joy. like. bliss.
and then they look at you and they look at their partner and the look passes between them that says - poor thing. you're just lying to yourself about this.
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Chapter 105.5 Thoughts: Control, Manipulation and Partnership
Or, how Chuuya is actually the most qualified character to land a victory over Dostoevsky.
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I just want to preface this with: I think Chuuya has woken from the brainwashing. We can't see his eyes, he's holding his hat again, and look at the progression of his face and expression from the last few chapters with him (these are in order btw from left to right).
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I'm not completely sure how he did this, but I chalk a lot of it up to sheer stubborn determination on Chuuya's part, mostly because it's funny and he was clearly fighting back before Dazai's speech. However, I find it likely the speech did contain some kind of code - others have pointed out how "Goodbye!" might be a reference to the original author's last unfinished book and we know skk's codenames for things generally are based off their real counterparts' works so, maybe he'd already broken out of it, maybe there was something in there that gave him the final push - who knows at this point honestly? Either way, it means Chuuya had the capacity to break out of the vampire curse on his own and that's incredibly funny to me for many reasons but mostly:
Fyodor: "Bold of you to assume Chuuya's ability can't overcome flooding."
Dazai: "Bold of you to assume Chuuya's personality can't overcome brainwashing."
But really, this highlights something interesting here, both in what Chuuya's role is ultimately intended to be in this arc, and in the way Fyodor and Dazai manipulate and value others in very different ways.
I've said it before but it bears repeating: we already know that Fyodor is an excellent long-term planner, while Dazai is effectively able to counter him because Dazai shifts into thinking like his opponent. They're foil characters for a reason; they're both highly intelligent, manipulative, and willing to play the long game for the sake of winning against their opponent.
Thing is, I also stand by the idea that personality-wise, they're not similar at all - and that has serious implications for the people they are connected with. The build-up to the prison escape arc really highlights this. Some examples:
Chapter 46: Fyodor believes that all people are sinful and foolish and that his goal is to remove sin. Dazai believes that all people are sinful and foolish but asks what's so wrong with that.
Chapter 64: They decide to have a "super-happy chit-chat" about their problems. Dazai's solution to Fyodor's issue with his lazy subordinates is to get them to think lazing around is a bad thing so they will put in effort of their own. Fyodor's solution to Dazai being unable to woo the waitress is to isolate her from her job, house and family so that she can only rely on Dazai.
Chapter 77: Fyodor believes god is perfection and harmony, and thus that the people capable of change are the superior ones with most control. Dazai believes god is the accidental and illogical and believes it is the ordinary people who fight and live in that uncertainty who create the greatest change.
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So, what's happening here? Fyodor's manipulation is shown to be very exacting and direct. He leaves no room for error and regards people on a hierarchy - God above all, himself as a servant of God's will, and the sinful and foolish humans he has little regard for. Dazai's manipulation involves manipulation of the situation, and is often indirect. It involves people coming to the conclusion he intends for them to on their own. And from his later dialogue with Sigma, we see he doesn't regard the world in that same kind of hierarchy.
Now, look at the way Fyodor picks an item and Dazai picks a person when starting the game. Look at the way Fyodor refers to Chuuya respectfully but brainwashes him entirely and mocks Dazai for not being worthy of "using" his ability. Look at the way Dazai is a complete ass to Chuuya but ultimately lets him make his own choices (begging people to take note of that moment in Stormbringer where Dazai cuts himself off to correct his referring to Corruption as Arahabaki's true power to Chuuya's true power).
So, the actual strength Dazai has over Dostoevsky then, is not really his strength at all, it's the strength of others and their choice and willpower to act in the way they believe is best. It's the only means of getting a leg up on Dostoevsky, otherwise they will continue to go around and around in circles forever.
And Chuuya is the best candidate for finally throwing Fyodor off his game.
Firstly, let's just establish something: no matter how mad he is at Dazai, he's not going to side with Fyodor, not willingly. Fyodor threatened the Mafia in the Cannibalism arc by attacking Mori, first of all. I doubt he's forgiven him for that. Secondly, Fyodor embodies everything Chuuya can't stand about Dazai, at the very least, younger Dazai - the manipulation, the lack of consideration and connection with others, the callousness and lack of regard for life.
Well, perhaps he's not quite as irritating. +1 point for Dostoevsky I guess?
But lastly, it is more advantageous for Chuuya at this point to help fight against Fyodor, especially since most of the Mafia has been vampirized by his organization. Helping the Agency stop the terrorist plot will help the Mafia by extension by undoing that. And we know from Stormbringer that no matter how much Chuuya is personally hurt, he considers taking out the threat to his people a higher priority. Always.
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(You could make the argument that he was told whatever Teruko told Atsushi and decided to join, but not only do I find this wildly out of character, but if that was the case then there would've been no reason to brainwash him.)
That said, I don't think this was preemptive "Dazai's master plan #3057", and in fact, I stand by the idea that Dazai had no idea Chuuya was going to be in the prison. It is very, very important to me that for the rest of this arc, no matter what Chuuya does, that his actions are his own. Not Fyodor's, not Dazai's, but his. And not just because I hate that he's being controlled right now and that freedom of choice has always been important for Chuuya.
But because it makes narrative sense.
The vampires are a bit silly, yes, but they represent the way Fyodor and Fukuchi think - humanity will commit atrocities. They cannot be trusted to make their own decisions. They want to make a world that is free by... mind-controlling people so their plans work without a hitch. In short, they choose, on behalf of others, to sacrifice human autonomy for peace. So, if we are going to turn this arc around, we need to have characters breaking out of that control and thinking for themselves, in spite of the uncertainty of the outcome.
We already see this with Atsushi in the last chapter! He finally takes initiative and makes that choice to leave the room when he doesn't exactly know what the right thing to do is. And this is also why I don't think Teruko is wholly convinced by the DoA either - she lets him go. She gives him the freedom to choose what he does with that information.
Another one of the focus characters here is Sigma. Sigma is a guy who has no past, whose humanity is questioned, who keeps being used by organizations for his valuable ability, who has no home but desperately wants one... oh wait. Remind you of anyone's younger self? This could go one of two ways: Chuuya fails to assert his autonomy, leaving Sigma to learn from that failure, or, Chuuya succeeds in asserting his autonomy, leaving Sigma to learn from his success.
I think it, by necessity, has to be the latter. Sigma's at a tipping point right now, and I think seeing someone try to assert their freedom only to fail would damage him greatly. And I think it's a waste of Chuuya's character honestly.
Chuuya needs to assert his autonomy in this arc. Not just for thematic reasons but because I can think of no one else who can effectively break the "super-genius stalemate".
I keep hearing "Dazai knows Chuuya" in response to Fyodor calling their bond shallow, and that is absolutely true! But Chuuya also knows Dazai. Incredibly well. Odasaku knew Dazai's soul, but Chuuya knows Dazai's mind, knows his strategies and ways of thinking without even needing words. What's more, Chuuya has thrown off Dazai before and done what he didn't expect him to.
Which is nifty, because Dazai and Fyodor think a lot alike. Chuuya is in a unique position to thwart Dostoevsky because he may actually be able to predict him to a degree. Chuuya can absolutely land a victory against him, and it's excellent because it would be completely unexpected to Fyodor, who apparently thinks Chuuya's strength lies only in what his ability has to offer and not much else.
But listen. This also can't be skk's plan. I need Chuuya to sideline both of them. Both for the sweet, sweet catharsis of putting those two idiot geniuses in their places and also because I need Dazai to have screwed up. He wasn't wrong about people making their own choices in uncertainty. People need to assert their autonomy to create change. Dazai can't be wrong in this regard.
But with going ahead with the trap to drown Fyodor despite also having to drown Chuuya when he promised not to let him get killed... this needs to have been a mistake, otherwise the value of Dazai's emotional speech to him is diminished.
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I want Dazai to try to laugh it off. I want him to say he always knew Chuuya would escape and then for Chuuya to deck him because "no, the fuck you didn't".
I really think Dazai hoped Chuuya would make it. Do remember that Chuuya was one of the first reasons young Dazai decided to try giving life a chance. The fact that he flashbacked to all his key memories with Chuuya says a lot. But his survival was no guarantee and it seemed very unlikely.
So, Chuuya is faced with the fact that Dazai nearly sacrificed him to kill Dostoevsky and save his new Agency friends.
And I hope he finally gets mad. I hope he finally expresses hurt on his own behalf for once. I hope they are forced to break their status quo that they have carefully maintained by not talking about anything ever. I hope they are pushed to uncomfortable places and that it is Chuuya who finally spurs this development.
Let Chuuya break the stalemate between Dazai and Dostoevsky. Let him shatter the status quo that him and Dazai have kept going for year after year.
Autonomous action in the face of uncertainty is necessary for change.
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batbabydamian · 4 months
Hey, I started reading Robin son of Batman because of your recommendation (I literally have a print of your post on my phone to not forget lol). Honestly? One of the best things I ever read!!!
Thank you for opening my eyes! Damian has been one of my favorite characters for over a year, but I didn't read/watch much of him because of school, life (and probably an executive dysfunction in the mix).
Maya is incredible. I loved her.
I haven't finished all the issues yet, but do you have any other recommendations?
WAH this makes me so happy, i'm glad you still gave it a shot even with how busy life is!! ;v;
i’d love to give reccs, and i’ll try to go a beginner friendly route! tbh you can pick up whatever here, but since you've read R:SOB i’d immediately follow up with Batman and Robin (2011) #1-8! this first arc is what’s referred to in Maya’s introduction, and it's just. so good.
Main Books
Batman and Robin (2009)
Dick as Batman with Damian as his Robin!
#20-22 Tree of Blood: Dark Knight vs White Knight arc is done by Tomasi and Gleason, the team for the next Batman and Robin series
*Batman and Robin (2011)
Bruce and Damian figuring out their relationship as both Batman & Robin and father & son
imo you can enjoy the ride and read straight through this but i’ll add context to avoid as much confusion as possible since there’s the occasional tie-in or offscreen events, like Damian’s death nbd
Batman Incorporated (2012) #1-10
events leading to Damian's death - affects Batman and Robin (2011) from issue #18
kind of a tough read especially with how Talia's written, but a lot of iconic bits like Batcow, Damian's vegetarian declaration, Alfred the cat, "We Were the Best, Richard."
Robin (2021)
another self-discovery adventure, particularly after Alfred’s death and a fallout with Bruce (and questionable writing choices from his last Teen Titans run)
Batman and Robin (2023)
currently ongoing! after a number of events, Bruce and Damian are back as a duo
Damian Dynamics!
Batman: Streets of Gotham (2009) #7, 10-12
arc where Damian meets one of his first Gotham friends, Colin Wilkes
Batgirl (2009) #5-7, #17
Steph and Damian dynamic! "the bad cop, worse cop" dysfunctional duo
Red Robin (2009) #13-14
early Tim and Damian dynamic that of course includes fighting haha. funny enough, accidentally my first intro to Damian LOL
Teen Titans (2003) #89-92
Dick!Batman has Damian join the Teen Titans. Start of Damian and Rose Wilson dynamic that’s extended in Robin (2021)
Batman: Gates of Gotham (2011)
Damian meets Cass and has a brief team up
Gotham Academy (2015) #7
Damian meets Maps Mizoguchi! they have a few other meetings, but outside of that the series itself is a great read!
Robin War Event (2015)
Robin War (2015) #1, Grayson (2014) #15, Detective Comics (2011) #47, We Are Robin (2015) #7, Robin: Son of Batman (2015) #7, Robin War (2015) #2
Duke and Damian dynamic! not exactly beginner friendly but these are the main issues in order for the event! you can also read the TPB version for everything including Tie-Ins
Nightwing (2016) #16-20, #42, #43
#16-20 Nightwing and Robin arc!
#42 Dick on a mission to save Damian! the one appearance of "Wiggles" the dragon
#43 Dick, Roy, and Damian team-up
New Talent Showcase 2018 "Catwoman: Pedigree"
Selina, Damian, and Alfred the cat
Batman: Prelude to the Wedding - Robin vs. Ra's Al Ghul (2018)
Selina, Damian, and Cheese Viking - Damian's fav game shown in Nightwing: Rebirth (2016)
Monkey Prince (2022) #1-4
Marcus Sun Shugel-Shen's main comic, but Damian features as a fun dynamic here before they're in more serious circumstances in Batman VS Robin (2022)/Lazarus Planet event
Superman (2016) #10 - 11
the beginning of the Super Sons! featuring Maya!
Super Sons (2017)
solitary arcs but there’s a few event tie-in issues later
Adventures of the Super Sons (2018)
literally more Super Sons adventures lol galactic shenanigans yeehaw
Challenge of the Super Sons (2020) 
Super Sons time shenanigans feat. the Justice League
Robin 80th Anniversary (2020)
"Boy Wonders" - brief Damian feature as Tim considers his next step in life
"My Best Friend" - Jon's thoughts on Damian and their dynamic
"Bat and Mouse" - refers to Damian's unfortunate Teen Titans (2016) run at the time of release which follows up with Teen Titans Annual #2 where Damian briefly gives up Robin
Extra Comics!
Superman/Batman (2003) #77
Kara and Damian in a Halloween team-up! also the appearance of "Li'l Matches" lol
DCU Halloween Special '09 "Cavity Search"
Damian out on a solo mission for Halloween night. Immediately after is Tim's Red Robin story "Then and Now: Our Father's Sins" which is more somber in contrast but also a good read!
DCU Halloween Special 2010 "Robin the Vampire Slayer"
a Dick!Batman and Robin story featuring the vampire Andrew Bennett
Cursed Comics Cavalcade (2018) "The Devil You Know"
Halloween themed comic with a sweet short story of Damian alongside Solomon Grundy
DC's Terrors Through Time (2022)
"Trick or Treat" a Super Sons Halloween story
"The Haunting of Wayne Manor" Damian and Deadman story - in the end, Boston kinda refers to Nezha's possession of Damian in Batman VS Robin (2022) which was happening at the time of this release
Batman: Li'l Gotham (2013)
lighthearted series that instantly makes me smile with the silliness and Dustin Nguyen’s art i love this dearly
Secret Origins (2014) #4 "A Boy's Life"
a retelling of Damian's origin story
Detective Comics (2016) #1001-1005
Batman and Robin vs the Arkham Knight (unrelated to the game)
Truth & Justice (2021) #6/#16 - 18 Digital First version
cute story of Damian’s birthday! Juni Ba’s art is so fun!!
DC Festival of Heroes: The Asian Superhero Celebration (2021) “Special Delivery”
short story about Damian! and poisoned pizzas. completely forgot the artist Sami Basri drew Rebirth Damian here before catboy Damian lol Cass’s story “Sounds” is also cute! Marcus makes his first appearance in "The Monkey Prince Hates Superheroes"
DC VS Vampires (2021)
Damian makes appearances throughout this elseworlds book, but the one-shot DC VS Vampires: Hunters (2022) is vampire Damian-centric!
Batman: Black and White (2021) #5
“Father & Son Outing” short story written and drawn by Jorge Jimenez!
Batman: Urban Legends (2021) #20-23
#20 “My Son” Talia and Bruce focus
#20 - 23 “The Murder Club” 4 Parts
Tiny Titans (2008) #33, #39, #45, #47
a few appearances but SO CUTE, LOOK AT HIM
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*Batman and Robin (2011) reading guide
i'm mostly trying to avoid the "what did i just walk in on?" kinda feeling when i first started reading comics LOL i'll list the comics where events take place, but you don't necessarily have to read them to go through this book since things are usually explained as quickly as possible in the first page or so
#0 Someday Never Comes
Talia and baby Damian before he grows up to meet Bruce
#1-8 Born to Kill
just an incredibly solid arc for Bruce and Damian!
#9 Court of Owls Tie-In Issue
Damian VS a Court of Owls Talon. While Bruce is occupied with a home invasion of Talons, Alfred makes a call for allies to protect targeted Gotham public figures from Talons. During Batman (2011) #1-11
#10-12 Terminus
Damian challenges the previous Robins sans Steph
Batman Incorporated (2012) is occurring at this time where Talia has placed a bounty on Damian and there's small mentions of that
#13-14 Eclipsed/Devoured
mostly solitary arc! end of it leads into the Death of the Family event
#15-16 Death of the Family Tie-In Issues
Damian and Joker face-off... Alfred's been kidnapped by the Joker, and Damian goes looking for him. During Batman (2011) #13-17
#17 Life is but a Dream - Death of the Family Epilogue
a sort of subconscious check-in through the dreams of Damian, Alfred, and Bruce. Nightwing (2011) #17 features Damian encouraging Dick after Death of the Family events
#18 Undone "Requiem"
Bruce dealing with Damian's death from Batman Incorporated #8
other reactions to Damian's death: Dick in Nightwing (2011) #18, Tim in Teen Titans (2011) #18
#19-23 Denial, Rage, The Bargain, Despair, Acceptance
Bruce through the stages of grief with some batfam appearances in each. also introduces Carrie Kelley into continuity as Damian's acting tutor.
Batman (2011) #19-20 also addresses Bruce's loss
these could be skipped - villain stories, also related to Forever Evil event.
#24-28 The Big Burn
optional Batman and Two-Face/Harvey Dent arc, #23.1 is part of this story!
Damian's resurrection and return
#29-32 The Hunt for Robin
Ras took Talia and Damian's bodies from their graves, and Bruce goes after him.
-> Robin Rises: Omega
continues events from #32. if you don't want to jump to this, basically, Glorious Godfrey and a bunch of parademons from Apokolips are here for a chaos shard which Ra's put in Damian's sarcophagus. at some point, Bruce gets a hold of the shard where he sees a vision that leads him to believe Damian can be resurrected. Godfrey ends up taking the shard, along with Damian's body since it was emitting the same energy.
#33-37 Robin Rises
Bruce hellbent on retrieving Damian from Apokolips and reviving him
-> Robin Rises: Alpha
necessary to read and continues events from #37! Damian's back with a bang lol
#38-40 Superpower
Damian adjusting to having superpowers and being alive again
Annual #1 2013 Batman Impossible
sweet (and funny) one-shot of Damian sending Bruce on a meaningful scavenger hunt around the world while Damian gets to be the cutest Batman for a bit
Annual #2 2014 Batman and Robin: Week One
one-shot takes place during Damian's absence. after Bruce and Alfred find a mystery gift left for Dick, Dick recounts a story he had told Damian from his Robin days.
Annual #3 2015 Moonshot
one-shot Batman and Robin adventure on the moon!
...and of course after Batman and Robin (2011), Damian's story continues in his first solo Robin: Son of Batman (2015)!
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AITA for getting my childhood best friend a new friendship bracelet even though he has a girlfriend?
Basically my mom and her best friend got pregnant within a year of each other. As a result me and Dylan were raised as siblings. Our families are super close, spend holidays together, we've gone on vacations together, and Dylan and I have always called each other brother and sister.
Dylan's been dating Maya for the better part of a year. Maya is nice, but clearly has some feelings on me and Dylan being as close as we are. We've both explicitly stated there have never been romantic or sexual vibes between us, and I have made the hard choice to pull away from Dylan quite a bit to give Maya more room.
(For example I stopped our weekly hang outs, only really hang out with Dylan in a group setting, we don't hang out on FT anymore, ect.)
Maya is generally polite, but there's been tension and a few pointed remarks over the months. I know the girl best friend is pretty much a pariah in boy/girl friendships, so I've tried to just be as unobtrusive and respectful as I can.
Onto the current problem: Dylan and I have always had friendship bracelets and a few matching items. For example we have matching photos and photo frames from the holiday to Greece when we were little, we both have matching hoodies from a concert we went to, and one or two other bits. Its not a lot, but I guess it would all fill a small box if you put it together.
Dylan's friendship bracelet broke last month and couldn't be fixed. He put it away in a keepsake box but was pretty bummed about no longer being able to wear it. It took the whole month of scouring secondhand sites and ebay but last week I actually found one and was able to get it for him as a replacement. I gave it to him when our families met for dinner on Tuesday and he was super happy. He put it on immediately and hasn't taken it off.
We all met as a group to hang out today and Maya seemed a little...Vaguely annoyed toward me? When you can just tell someone's got an issue with you, even if they're not outwardly acting any different.
But she came with me when I went to the bathroom (as girls do) and as we were washing our hands she told me she was really 'surprised' I got Dylan another bracelet. I wasn't really sure if she meant in general or that I was able to find the exact same one, so I asked what she meant and she said she didn't want to be 'that girlfriend' but when the bracelet broke she was internally relieved, because she thinks its kind of inappropriate that we wear matching bracelets and have a 'claim' over each other like that.
She said she's been thinking about the future a lot more recently and she doesn't want anything 'held back' or 'obstructed' by my obsession with Dylan and the 'premade family' we have.
I'll admit I got annoyed by that, and immediately asked if she'd have an issue with me if I was a guy. She said I know that's different, and then one of the other girls from the group came in to look for us because we'd been gone so long and we kind of had to put it on a shelf for the rest of the day.
She text me a bit ago saying 'think about what I said.' Internally, I want to tell her to get a grip on herself, but I also know that I'm the girl best friend, and pretty much anything I do from here on out is critical and could make me the asshole. I also didn't want to hurt her or cause problems for Dylan, I was just trying to replace part of our friendship that's always been there.
AITA for replacing it? I can't exactly stop wearing mine (he'll ask why) or tell him to stop wearing his (again, he'll ask why) but honestly I'm also unsure of what to do now. Maya's the only one who thinks us being best friends is a problem, even our families know we've always had a sibling relationship and not one that might change to romantic.
What are these acronyms?
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ithinkabouttzu · 4 months
Hi!! I recently read your works, they're soooo good!! I loved the ateez ones!!!
Also idk if you're taking requests rn or not but like omg, the tiktok dance trend for Fantasize, yk that? Damn my feed has been filled with that and that only 😭😭and I wanna do it soooo bad and like surprise someone with it but like I'm single af so I can only rely on an ateez reaction 😭😭 so here I am, requesting you to do an ateez reaction when their s/o dances to fantasize Infront of them :')
Ateez’ reaction to their s/o dancing in front of them.
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genre! Romance; fluff
warnings! None (i don’t think)
description! The members of Ateez reaction to you (their s/o) dancing in front of them for the first time
a/n: I’m so sorry this was so late, it was cute!! Since it was so late I just made it “dancing in front of their s/o” but it could be with any dance of your choice, no specifics!
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Hongjoong: He is surprised but also proud? He thinks you look amazing as you’re dancing and can’t show any other reaction other then his jaw completely dropped to the floor. “Where did you learn this dance? Can you teach me now?”
Seonghwa: He immediately blushes when you start to dance. He’s stuck in a trance honestly. You look so good and he can’t take his eyes off you even if he wanted to. He’ll probs just stare at you like he’s seen a ghost until he finally tells you how amazing your dance was.
Yunho: The biggest smile appears on his face. As a dancing machine himself- he’s so freakin proud to see his pretty s/o dancing so nicely. Let’s not forget how attractive he thinks it is too. Like he’s drooling at your dance, almost. He’ll give you a big ole kiss afterwards.
Yeosang: Gives you the prettiest smile a guy can give. He really thinks you super cool and sexy. The way your body moves so easily is honestly breathtaking. Afterwards he’ll ask you to do the dance with him but he’s just saying that so he can see you dance again.
San: He probably knows the dance tbh and might just start dancing with you LOL. For real though, he would think you look so sexy doing that dance. You make him want to kiss you all over until you know how good of a dancer you are. It’s honestly just super cute to him.
Wooyoung: He stares at you like a weirdo, watching your body move in all different ways. He can’t help but feel some type of way. He gets the biggest butterflies at then end, when you finish. When you ask him how it was all he can say was, “Do the dance for me again please prince/princess”
Mingi: He randomly gets really shy x. Like it just makes him realize that his s/o is perfect. To him at least. I mean, You can dance, and you’ve gotta perfect personality. What more can he ask for. He gets really happy and excited and his reaction makes your heart flutter for sure.
Jongho: He feels very content watching you dance. You really wanted to show him this dance so he makes sure to watch very attentively, but he just feels so good. I can definitely see him looking like a proud mother while watching you lol 😭 Def proud but he also thinks you’re so prettyyyyy
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Hope you enjoyed! If you liked this, make sure to like or reblog!
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kimbap-r0ll · 8 months
Hello, i have a request for phantom troop(you dont have to do them all) finding out that one of the only reasons the reader joined was because they have a younger sibling to look after, and needed the money. This can be platonic or romantic (i leave this in your hands) feel free to ignore me. Have a nice day/night.
Ooh, this is interesting, thank you for the ask! I think I'll just pick and choose the characters, I'll go with Pakunoda, Chrollo, Uvogin, Machi, Feitan for this one! Also the relationship will be romantic for this too ^^
Pakunoda, Chrollo, Uvogin, Machi, Feitan with an s/o that joined the troupe to support their younger sibling
At first she was a little surprised since it wasn't like most of the troupe cared about money. However, I feel like out of the troupe she's the one that will understand you the most because she also tends to be someone that cares for others almost like a mother
She won't judge you at all, and if other members of the troupe have something to say about your situation she won't hesitate to talk back to them. She won't throw insults, but she'll definitely give them a stern reminder that the troupe is meant to be open to anyone and everyone that can make it
If you ever happen to show her your younger sibling, Pakunoda will probably be your sibling's favorite person in no time. She tends to be super caring and chill at the same time, so I doubt kids will hate her haha
Overall she doesn't mind your reason for joining since joining the troupe alone makes you above average in skills and it means you were more or less accepted by Chrollo's standards. If you happen to be looking for a place to stay however, she'll definitely say you should move to Meteor City where she's from
He won't judge you, he's extremely open-minded and has no issue with you wanting to look after your younger sibling. He might have some questions as to why exactly the troupe was your choice though since it's such a dangerous team
I doubt other members of the troupe will talk badly about you in front of him, but in the rare case it happens he doesn't stop them with words but rather gives them a cold stare. It's enough to shut them up before Chrollo talks to them about it in private
If you need a helping hand, I feel like he would be super happy to help! Though they don't look like it, I feel like all members of the troupe have a soft spot for kids. Chrollo's super chill around your sibling too, they might ask when you two are getting married haha
Similar to Pakunoda, he may offer you and your sibling to come back to Meteor City if you two aren't already living there.
He might ask you why you then decided the troupe would be where you wanted to stay when you could've been doing something else like a job in regular society or a hunter, since you clearly have the skills to become one. However, after you give your explanation, he'll be like "yeah I'm actually really happy you're part of the team, means I get to see you more often!"
He's the type to throw fists when other members of the troupe look at you disapprovingly. Most troupe members won't care tbh, but in the case that they say anything he'll have no trouble jumping on them :/
The cool uncle that your younger sibling always wanted! He was probably the one that asked if you wanted him to help you out at home. If you really need any extra help outside of troupe antics, he'll be there!
He doesn't really care about money but at the same time he does understand that you need to help out your sibling. He'll do what he can to support you, but most importantly he won't judge you for your reasons of joining the troupe
She honestly didn't really mind when you revealed your reason for joining the troupe. "As long as you aren't some crazy clown trying to fight Chrollo you're good," she might say, giving you a friendly punch on the shoulder
She isn't really like a mom-friend, but there have been times where she felt like an elder sister to some of the troupe. Because of this, she's actually just as protective of you and of your sibling as well. She's super caring, it's honestly really nice!
Machi won't fight against other troupe members calling you out or looking at you disapprovingly, but she will definitely give them a stare and maybe throw a mean insult in their direction. The only person she won't do that to would be Chrollo, but honestly the leader probably doesn't mind your situation at all
She asked if you wanted to move to Meteor City if you weren't already there right after you said you needed to take care of your younger sibling. I feel like she thinks it's the safest place since she grew up there, but in the end she's open to anything that you want and will be there to help you out
Out of these troupe members he was probably the only one that thought it was a little weird at first. You were scared he would tell you it wasn't right for you to join the troupe, but he was more confused rather than upset at your situation.
However, he hides that he thinks it's admirable you're throwing your life at risk for family. It's sort of like what he saw in Meteor City, and perhaps what the troupe is doing to support the children back where he's from. He has a soft spot for kids, he won't show it though
He probably said he didn't want to help you out when you were with your younger sibling, but when he showed up at your door you knew he was probably lying about hating kids. He turns out to be really chill, sometimes even cute in your eyes. If you tease him about it he might get a little upset though haha
He stands up for you in the case any troupe member thinks what you're doing is wrong. They likely won't, but if it happens he has no issue pulling out a weapon and throwing it in their direction. He cares a lot about you, and now that he knows there's someone you want to protect, he'll do his best to help you out
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bonefall · 4 months
did you already start planning squirrelstar's leader ceremony and if so who's giving her the 9 lives?
I'm still a bit concerned that the writers will pull something with her 9 lives, but I've got so many good choices for BB!Squilf that it's not an issue to start considering who's gonna turn up for her.
Plus, honestly, NOT totally interested in abiding by canon if they commit the dumbshit we're suspecting they might. Pre-emptively biting and killing it.
Here's the list of candidates so far. Everyone with a * is a definite yes;
Goldenflower Her mentor in BB, replacing Dustpelt! After everything Squilf has gone through with Bramblestar, and after Golfy took her son's side after the big reveal, it feels good for her to show up with a life for Judgement. To decide when to listen to her heart, but also, when to realize when it is leading her astray.
Sandstorm Mother choice is a solid one, though I'm leaning towards giving this life to Ferncloud for variety. Squilf's got 5 immediate relatives here to give her a life.
Hollylark* Her grandkit, and Sparkpelt's mate who sacrificed xeir life to take her illness away. Xey'd give her a life for Interdependence, for all of the connections that bind a Clan together. Love, friendship, convenience, family. Squilf is familiar with sacrifice in service of it... but it's more than that. To love is to BE loved-- she must accept reciprocity. And... xey'd make some kind of loaded comment about Nightheart, knowing that neither one of them want to talk badly about him. I might end up changing xeir life to something like "letting go," as foreshadowing for how I'm absolutely planning for Nightheart to NOT return to ThunderClan after his road trip with Frostpaw. BUT I don't decide arcs until they're done so we'll have to seeeeee
Firestar* Basically required. Squirrelstar is his daughter, the successor of his ideology, and the follow-up to a leader that Firestar considers a mistake. His chats at these sorts of ceremonies often get wistful, so I feel like they'd talk about second chances, wanting people to be better than they are, how to fix things that are broken and when they aren't worth the effort. He says it explicitly, "You're just like me. A spark of my flames, burning bright, long after I've become starlight..." His life would be for Progress. To continue to evolve and grow, to never be so stuck in the past that she can't see the future, to know when things can be fixed and when they must be broken.
Rosepetal I want to save her on one hand, but on the other, having her go out in a blaze of glory at some point in ASC or TBC is a good reason why Squilf didn't make her deputy. Rose was her first apprentice and has always been a dedicated, passionate warrior who would deeply want that spot. If she's here for the 9 lives ceremony, she'd give Squilf a life for Ferocity. "Give them twice the Hell you always do, so that it's like I'm right there next to you."
Shrewface* (Shrewpaw in life.) Her guardian angel. He helped her hide the secret of Leafpool's pregnancy, and has always stood over her, providing help secretly. Now he can finally stand before her and give her a life. He would actually stumble and chuckle, because he's wanted to do it for so long he's blanking on the life he wants to give her. On one paw, Squilf is a little annoyed. It's a super serious leader ceremony, holy moment in her life, but on the other... Shrewface is so HAPPY! His joy is infectious. He's standing before her as the adult he would have been, but under that, she sees the funny teenage best friend that she lost so long ago. It feels almost like being a kid again. So she picks her own life by saying, "How about one for Joy?" And he says, "Hey that's a great idea!"
Rainwhisker A ThunderClan cat who died in the WindClan Civil War, and someone she remembers fondly. The life he gives is a life for Collateral. He has no shame in how he died, and he believes Firestar's call was the right one. But he needs to remind Squirrelflight that beliefs are backed with blood. Every time she brings her Clan into war, there is a chance that someone will die because of her choice. He restates that he believes his death was noble; but his life will remind her of the cost that someone else might pay.
Sootfur If it's not Rainwhisker, I'd like his brother Soot to be here. I think his death was haunting, with how Squilf couldn't save him, watching him tumble down a rockface because of his broken leg and being brutally murdered by what-is-now a boar. She's carried guilt from how she couldn't save him her whole life, so in contrast to Rainwhisker, his life is for Acceptance. To remember that not everything is her fault, and she could NEVER be so perfect as to avoid all of life's misfortunes. Even if others pin blame onto her for something she couldn't control; no leader is powerful enough to save everyone. Thinking about it though, I might really try to slot BOTH of these guys in. I think the contrast of the two back to back is powerful; that actions have consequences, but not every tragedy is a consequence.
Ferncloud She just died very recently, taking both Graystripe's super edition AND his sacrifice in the Dark Forest. Graystripe is still alive, living at the tribe with his son Stormfur. She confronted Ashfur for Squilf, so it feels right that she also comes to support her here. Ferncloud, for the first time in so many years, looks at peace. She isn't gray and grizzled anymore, but sleek and vibrant. Her family surrounds her, Dustpelt, Elderberry, Brindleface, her many lost kits. So, the life that she gives Squilf is for Faith. In StarClan that she will always have Clanmates in the skies to watch out for her, in her Clan that there will always be future angels fighting by her side.
Longtail Her uncle, and Jayfeather's mentor who trained him into the full angel-punching cat he became. During the big trial she has in Squirrelflight's Horror, Longtail was one of her loudest supporters, and eventually nudged her backwards so her son could grab her ankle and drag her back down to the mortal plane. He's always been her wonderful uncle, so, he might end up taking that life for Faith from Ferncloud. Just depending.
Feathertail* I want her to show up in the ceremonies of every patrol cat who achieves power, as a given. If we get Crowstar, I also want her to be there. I just think it's nice that if Crow, Bramble, and Squilf ever did end up able to chat about this together, in spite of the TANGIBLE awkwardness of the three of them being in the same room, they'd be able to make a joke about Feathertail Gives You A Life and it would land a little TOO hard, be a little TOO funny, because they were hoping that SOMETHING would lighten the air and it did. But anyway, this incredibly specific desire aside, Feathertail Gives You A doobie life for Tranquility. That the once-impulsive Squirrelstar will be able to slow down and consider every action, to take a deep breath in stressful times and think about what she's about to do. That as leader she will be under immense pressure, yeah, but also immense power. She can always afford to take a moment before making a big decision.
Leafpool* MANDATORY. There's NO reality where I do not end off this ceremony with Leafpool. When she steps up, they can't look at each other without crying. It overwhelms them, to the point where Squilf can't even choke out her sister's name. Leafpool, meanwhile, has gotten used to controlling her body while her heart breaks into billions of little pieces. She'd done it for her whole life, and now, she does it again in death. "this life is for love," she touches her night-cold nose to Squirrelstar's, and the new leader's vision begins to fade into black, "you know why." From the darkness, memories burst forth. Of them as kits, their silly games and dreams, how they planned to one day be the cleric and leader of ThunderClan together. The terrible loneliness of being separated while Squirrelpaw was on the Sundrown Patrol. The ache in Leafpool's heart whenever she saw her sister mistreated; how she gave up on relationships with Crowfeather and, to some extent, with Mothwing as well so she could serve her Clan and stay with her family. The three kits, the anxiety as Squirrelflight took them, the way it felt like Leafpool was being flayed to give them up. Parenting, loyalty, betrayal as Hollyleaf snapped and revealed the secret Squirrelflight desperately didn't want to keep, the guilt that Leafpool felt watching her suffer for helping her. The way they always felt like, on some level, it was them against the world.
And then she wakes up, back on the shore of the Moonpool, with her Clerics beside her. Leafpool is gone. StarClan is, once again, very far away, and she's left with nothing but the cold feeling on her nose and the looming specter of war ahead of her.
12 candidates in total, but only 9 can take the spot. So I'll trim it down once we get there!
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diagonal-queen · 1 year
sorry for coming again but i’m the one that asked you abt the dazai ranpo and chuuya make s/o one! if writing abt a male s/o is difficult you can do gn reader who wears tang tops if that’s alright!!
hi again! no need to apologise- i love having folks in my inbox! i got a little worried when i saw the male reader lol. i'm so sorry my love but unfortunately i don't write male readers simply because i do not know what it is like to be a boy/masc-aligned. i would hate to write something that makes male readers uncomfortable or dysphoric.
Reader who sleeps with a tank top
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♡ pairings: Dazai Osamu, Ranpo Edogawa, Chuuya Nakahara x gn!Reader
♡ synopsis: How do these boys react to reader who sleeps in a tank top?
♡ cw: Fluff with a bit of suggestive (damnit Dazai), ~intimate touching~
note: Never had one of these types of requests before so I was excited to start writing this one! Apologies for errors, hope you enjoy x
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Dazai is highkey a pervert. He's the kinda guy to sneakily grope his partners in public and is generally pretty handsy. This doesn't stop in the bedroom! In fact it ramps up by a billion
He was veeeery excited to learn that you shed most of your clothes when you sleep.
He claims that he can't sleep unless he's cuddling you, which itself is kinda sweet, but in Dazai's head cuddling just means fondling lmao
If you have boobs he's ABSOLUTELY copping a feel. If you don't have boobs he's still copping a feel. It really doesn't matter what gender you are or how large your chest is he is obsessed and always holding it tbh
Even if it's super cold he'll insist that there is just no need for you to wear any more because he'll keep you warm! Subtle 👍
Nah he's not gonna stop you if you do decide to put on a long-sleeve shirt or something, but his hands are still gonna find their way under the shirt. Man just needs his physical contact and that's okay!
He WILL use this opportunity to kiss your neck/shoulders and give you hickeys. I mean it's RIGHT there
He probably uses this method to try and instigate sex with you (whether or not it works is entirely up to you. If it were me though-)
Ranpo likes clinging to your arms, skin-to-skin contact, and just generally clambering on top of you and holding you like a koala. Safe to say, he's very happy about your choice of jammies
When he first slept in the same bed as you and you wore a tank top he probably didn't even notice. The most important thing in his brain was 'must cling to Y/N', which he did!
But it felt nice having another person to cuddle with :) especially because it wouldn't get too hot when you did cuddle, as opposed to if you were wearing like flannel pyjamas or something
Ranpo honestly doesn't really care too much about what you wear when you sleep (he is going to hug you either way) but he's not complaining.
Ranpo probably doesn't wear many clothes to sleep either (autistic things <3) so he doesn't really see it as a sexual thing as much as Dazai does. In his head nobody really wears thick pyjamas to sleep so to him it's totally normal
He likes to nuzzle his head into the crook of your neck and inhale your scent, because he finds it comforting.
Also probably nibbles/bites your neck lol
Would he start wearing a tank top as well? ...maybe
Chuuya isn't a pervert like Dazai (at least not as blatantly, anyway). But he's not at all gonna object to you wearing a tank top because it highlights your chest and torso and that is his favourite place to put his hands when y'all sleep
He's one of those guys who puts his hands under your top and like rubs your stomach/hips (in a comforting way ofc)
The first time he slept with you he was probably a little red faced at the amount of exposed skin, but he eventually got used to it and now he loves it
Chuuya is certainly a cuddler but if it were summer and you were dressed in a tank top he might not touch you as much because he'd understand that you might get a bit too warm.
Chuuya is so polite- he always asks if you're alright with him holding you, and doesn't really let his hands wander too much
Chuuya is not a man who has received very much physical affection, like ever. Like Ranpo he probably really cherishes the fact that you're comfortable and willing to let him be close to you
Traces little patterns on your shoulders :')
Always compliments you on how soft your skin is and how nice it feels to caress. If you have freckles on your arms/shoulders he thinks they're adorable too <3
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btw i'm cool with writing suggestive stuff like this- just not like EXPLICIT smut. not only do i feel awkward writing it but i'm also just so bad at it lmao. ya girl loves a bit of sensual cuddling/making out every now and then
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nicksolemnlyswears · 6 months
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pairing: opla!buggy the clown x reader
word count: 2.8k
warnings: 18+, cursing, oral (male receiving), p in v, honestly this one is pretty tame but it's cute <3
a/n: hi hi hi! im back with my bullshit! no but this one is really fucking sweet (maybe a tad cheesy at the end). i had the idea for a while so i was really happy to see that he people of tumblr voted for this choice on the poll.
i started this being super naughty with sanji and zoro and now look at me being a doll with buggy and mihawk (which is strange cause they can easily be the kinkiest mfs).
so i think im gonna write another oneshot for buggy in the near future. maybe one for nami and then i'm gonna go back and write the third part for the sanji x reader x zoro. that's gonna be real fucking interesting. it'll be my first time writing a threesome so wish me luck!
thank you guys for reading and putting up with my wild imagination!!
(as always my psa that this is solely based on the live action)
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Buggy the Clown stomps into the Jolly Roger angrily. His crew is nowhere to be found on the empty deck. He expected them to be awake, running around, making plans to get their Captain back. Instead, they are snoozing in the rooms of his ship, shielding themselves from the cold ocean breeze.
Buggy mutters insults towards his freaks under his breath. The lot of them should freeze for all he cares. The fishmen kidnapped him, and all they're doing is getting their fucking beauty sleep. He's starting to believe he wasn't missed.
He beelines to the Captain's quarters, where he finds a pretty sight welcoming him. You're on his side of the bed, peacefully asleep. Buggy intentionally slams the door behind him, rudely waking you up from your slumber.
You jump at the bang and sit up, looking alarmed at the intrusion. "Buggy!" You gasp, relieved to see him, "You're back!"
You and the freaks have been working nonstop on keeping the ship afloat and searching for its Captain. You've barely rested in weeks, tracking down Arlong and his crew.
Today, you finally found the location of Arlong Park and set sail. You stopped an island away to let the freaks rest before marching into battle. They will need it to beat the fishmen or at least make enough damage to get Buggy out.
"No thanks to you and my useless crew," Buggy bites, throwing his coat to the side dramatically. At least his theatrics were not hurt while he was away.
You stand from the bed and approach him softly. He's like a wounded animal that might bolt at any second.
"That's not fair. You know we were on our way," you softly say, feeling bad about his harsh tone. Buggy loves to tease you and push your buttons, but it's not often he's genuinely angry at you.
"Taking your sweet ass time, it seems," he cries out, gesturing at the door as if referring to his sleeping crew.
You let it go and decide not to continue arguing. He's physically and emotionally wounded. Not to mention his ego. You stand centimeters away and grab his gloved hand, "Let me make it up to you, Bugs."
Being this close, you can assess his appearance closely. His makeup is smeared more than usual; it's faded on some parts as his blue stubble breaks through the white face paint, and his eyes look defeated.
"Yeah, make it up to me. Let's see what you come up with," he says sarcastically, letting your hand fall from his grasp. His words might drip with sarcasm, but they are a plea for help in disguise. So you pay him no mind, knowing that by the end of the night, you'll have him like putty in your hands. Only to rebuild him back into the Buggy the Clown you know and love and the Marines fear.
"I'll be right back." You tell him, leaving the room momentarily. You return minutes later with a freak who pushes a wooden tub behind you with steaming water. The freak barely spares a glance at Buggy, scared that the clown might lash out at him.
Closing the door once he leaves, you prepare the water with oils and fragrances. Buggy watches from afar, sitting on the wooden chair he has in his room. He's used to hunching on it for hours, examining his maps, and executing master plans for the next big adventure. He likes looking over his shoulder to watch you sleep peacefully as insomnia grabs hold of him. It brings him peace.
"Come 'ere, Bugs," you say, grabbing his hand to help him up. Buggy grumbles in protest despite looking forward to the bath. "Let me take care of you," you whisper, looking up at him. You place your hand on his chest in comfort.
"I don't need you to take care of me. I'm a grown ass man," Buggy gruffs out, avoiding your gaze. It's not like he's felt like a man in the past few weeks as he's been carried around in a sac as a mere head while his body was beaten constantly by the fishmen. It was degrading and made him feel extremely weak.
You roll your eyes at him but play along, "You're right. You are a grown, strong man. Will you indulge me, though? It'll make me feel better seeing you're okay."
Buggy finally meets your eyes and nods, "For you."
There's no reason for him to say no. You're the person that knows him best in this world. You probably know what he's feeling without him telling you in the first place. Still, he acts difficult because he's bratty like that and because sometimes he has a hard time understanding you're there for him no matter what, with no ulterior motive.
You softly smile at him and pat his chest. Your hands trail up to the scarf tied around his neck, and your fingers swiftly undo the knot. You throw it on the bed as you continue down his chest, reaching the buttons of his vest.
Buggy watches you closely as you concentrate on undoing the buttons. Your touch never lifts from his skin for more than a second, granting him the pleasure of feeling your soothing touch after many weeks.
The vest falls on the floor as you push it back over his shoulders. Fingertips tickle his arm as you reach his hand to take off one of his gloves. Your eyes timidly meet his as you plant a small kiss on his palm.
Before he met you, he never thought such a minuscule action could mean so much. Now, he craves it often. It's your way of saying 'I love you,' seeing as Buggy is not good with words. You give him options to show his love, and that's priceless to him.
Your curious eyes have already taken in all his bruises and minor cuts. There's no doubt Arlong's men had been beating him up. You don't bring them up, knowing Buggy will close up again. He'll talk when he's ready.
You kneel on the floor, helping him off his boots, and quickly after, you get rid of his pants, too. You guide a butt-naked Buggy to the tub, ordering him to get in.
"Ohh," Buggy bites back a moan as the warm water soothes his aching muscles. The smell of eucalyptus wafts up to his nose. It's his favorite scent because it's the one you used when you met.
"Would you like me to wash your hair?" You ask him, untying the knot on his head scarf.
"You said you were gonna take care of me. Do whatever you want, sweet cheeks," he knows you've already made your decision, as his hair is already down before he can respond. You beam at the nickname, knowing your Buggy is softening up.
His bright blue hair falls down his back and into the water. Grabbing a jug, you fill it with water and softly tell Buggy to tilt his head back. The water cascades down his head, wetting his hair and turning it a beautiful deep teal.
Buggy opens his eyes and sees your calm expression as you concentrate on not getting any water on his face. A small fraction of his anger chips away, seeing how much you care for him. Only you'd know he hates the feeling of water pouring down his face.
You grab oils from your selection and brush them through his hair, ridding him of any sand and grime stuck in it. Buggy involuntarily closes his eyes as you massage his scalp with the tip of your fingers. A mixture of a sigh and moan falls from his lips.
When his hair is clean and untangled, you grab the bar of soap and a sponge to clean his body. Your eyes are attentive to any bruise or cut, careful not to hurt him any more than he is.
You notice his neck is quite stiff as you spread the soap suds across his back, so you spend some time massaging the area. You dig your thumbs into the tension knots, causing Buggy to become more vocal, groaning and moaning whenever you hit a spot that needs extra care.
Moving to kneel beside the tub, you wash his chest and stomach. Buggy simply stares as you focus on getting every speck of dirt off of him. Any other day, he'd be making you laugh and throwing inappropriate jokes, but the time didn't seem right to him. So, he kept quiet and observed how you tried to hide your grimaces whenever you encountered a nasty bruise.
You massage his knees when you get to his legs because you know they hurt. Buggy might not complain about any pain, but you know the chop chop fruit makes his joints ache when he uses his abilities.
As the dirt is washed away from his body, so does his anger. He's sure that by the end of the bath, he won't be any better than a harmless puppy, and that's all you wanted. Buggy needs to let go of the anger he harbors inside so he can come back stronger than ever and lead the crew to its next adventure, whatever that may be.
You leave his face for last. You're the only person on earth who has the honor and pleasure of cleaning his face free of its makeup. Carefully, you wipe away with a rag the grease paint covering his handsome face. There's layer upon layer of paint staining his skin. A splash of blue over his eyes, red on the corner of his lips, white on his hairline. You wipe away each layer until you're able to see your Buggy. Not Buggy the Clown.
"There you are," you smile, cupping his face. Buggy's hand comes up to encase yours to simply kiss your palm. Beautiful blue eyes stare back at you shyly. Without all the makeup, he tends to feel more self-conscious about his nose.
"You know I was coming for you, right?" You ask him to make it clear you never intended to abandon him.
"I know, Princess," he says, leaning further into your touch. Your thumb brushes over his stubble before you pull back your hand. A soft protest leaves him.
"Let's get you out," you murmur, helping him out of the bath. You tell him to stay where he is as you fetch the towel.
Once you start something, you have to finish it. With the same love and care, you dry Buggy's body, kissing his bruises as you go along. You get on your knees to dry his legs as well.
It's a very intimate position you're in. Buggy's manhood is right in front of your face. He's looking down with hooded eyes, waiting for your next move. He'll go as far as you want to go tonight.
Having him away for so long, you can't resist kissing around his pubic bone. You avoid touching his cock for now as you tease him, looking up at him innocently.
His length begins to harden as you keep brushing your lips all around his thighs and pubic area, but not where he needs to feel you most. You notice his fists clenching as he holds back from grabbing your head and placing it exactly where he wants.
Finally, your lips kiss his length, all the way from the base to the tip. That alone gets all of his blood to surge down to his cock. You continue this torturous pace for too long, teasing the tip of his cock with your tongue.
"Fuck, Princess," Buggy groans, looking into your eyes.
He's tired. He's been away for weeks. Despite wanting to fall on his bed and die for the next ten hours, his need to have you wins out. So, with the energy boost you gave him with the bath, he grabs your arm and pulls you up.
There will be time for you to suck his cock another time. Now, he needs to feel you as close as humanly possible. Buggy grabs your face and presses his lips against yours.
He kisses you deeply and sloppily, tasting your minty lip balm. He hunches over you as you lean back, overwhelmed by the sudden display of affection. Kissing him back just as fiercely as your arms wrap around his sides, pulling yourself closer.
His hand leaves your cheek to tug on the strings of your night dress and push it off your shoulders. The falling fabric tickles your skin as you're left just as exposed as he is.
Buggy grips your breasts, your sides, your thighs, and your ass. All to feel you so fucking close to him. He doesn't care if he's suffocated by you. After weeks of being tortured, all he wants is to feel your soft, caring touch.
You push Buggy back into the bed, and you tumble down with him as his hold on you is unrelenting. You won't be leaving his side tonight. Buggy sits in the center of the bed with you on his lap, grinding against his length.
"Fucking adore you," Buggy breathes, digging his head on your shoulder to leave kisses there, "and the way you take care of me."
"I'll always take care of you, Buggy," you tell him, cupping his jaw so you can look into his eyes, "You're mine. I gotta take care of what's mine, okay?"
A whine comes out of him as he nods at your words. He kisses your palm again, telling you everything you need to know. Buggy leans his forehead against yours. Something he had to get used to at the beginning due to the fact your noses also touch, but right now, it's the farthest thing on his mind. Having you close is his number one priority.
You line his cock with your entrance and slowly sink into it. You watch Buggy's face contort into one of pleasure as his mouth slightly gapes and his eyebrows furrow. You start bouncing softly, being mindful to be gentle with his aching body. Meanwhile, he grabs into your hips, helping you along, his fingers digging into you, afraid this is all a dream, and you'll go away.
There's no way this is a dream. You feel too warm and tight around him for it not to be real.
Buggy's arms encase your body as he pulls you flush against him. Chest to chest. Stomach to stomach. It doesn't matter that it makes it harder for you to move on top of him. Buggy drags his short nails down your back, relishing the heat of your skin. It's not with the intent to hurt but to feel you close.
You keep your fingers tangled in his hair, pulling at the roots just how he likes it. You've resorted to grinding on his lap, as that's how much movement he allows you. His eyes bore into yours, depicting so many emotions he can't begin to comprehend, much less talk about. But it's enough for the two of you.
You peck his lips and ask, "You doing okay?"
Buggy nods and whispers, "I'm doing fucking perfect." He steals a kiss and another and another. Each kiss you let him steal gets progressively longer until he has his tongue in your mouth, tasting you.
The grind of your hips is enough to bring him to the edge. With a warning to your lips, Buggy spills inside of you. He revels in the level of closeness that brings. You play with his hair as he rests his head on your chest, catching his breath.
You need not say anything. It's a moment of vulnerability, and you let him have it. Buggy is resetting and pulling himself together back to the person he usually is.
That night, you sleep naked with Buggy basically on top of you. His head rests on your chest as he falls asleep listening to your heartbeat, and you hold him all throughout the night.
Except, when you wake up, he's gone. As your senses fully wake up, you notice the boat rocking. You've already set sail. Quickly, you get ready and go out onto the deck.
"About time you woke up, Sweet Cheeks!" Buggy yells from the helm, standing by the ship's wheel. The sun beams on Buggy's face, the familiar makeup freshly painted on his face. "It's time to get to work. I have some pirates to deal with."
"Yes, Captain!" You say, which earns you a sneaky wink from Buggy. With a soft laugh, you shake your head and walk through the ship to help the freaks with whatever they might need.
With you by his side, there is nothing Buggy can't overcome.
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dotster001 · 1 year
May I request Savanaclaw and Octotrio in Twisted Earth?
I can request a part of Twisted Earth but with the octotrio (u know Octavinelle dorm)? Please. I really love your work!! 😩
Twisted Earth Part Three
Summary: Octavinelle/Savannaclaw x gn!reader. They're real, you're the game.
A/N:The people have spoken! I'm so happy you guys like these 🥺 I got these two requests, plus one other that included Savannaclaw all within the course of three hours of eachother. Also! Thank you guys for 800 followers!
Part One Part Two Part Four Part Five Part Six
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He downloaded the game after it started to gain popularity. He was doing research, because as it was making its rounds around NRC, he realized he could have a themed night in the lounge, and make the big bucks.
He plays it between clients in the VIP room. Once the room is empty, he'll subtly pull out his phone under his desk. If Jade or Floyd come back in unexpectedly, he'll be like, "What?!? I'm not doing anything!" And throw his phone. ( The twins do it on purpose now, they think it's hysterical)
He corners the market on merch. The devs don't really release their own merch, so he's making the big money! But it's all under the table. No one but the twins know that Octavinelle is the leading producer of Twisted Earth Merch. (They have Tshirt making parties when stock is low. It's so wholesome)
He likes you a lot. He likes that you're a flawed character. You're not perfect. And because of this, he thinks you'd help heal his broken parts. For now, he'll live vicariously through the game…but if a certain horned fae were to request a contract that would help bring you to life, he'd be hard pressed to refuse.
He has terrible luck. He has put real money in the game and still never gotten any of your cards. It's infuriating. 
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He downloaded it because it looked fun. But he gets bored quickly, so he only plays every couple of months. (This is usually when he over hears someone talking about how they love you, and he gets angry that someone would try to steal his shrimpy, so he rage plays for a week)
Has incredible luck. He'll do a single pull, and get the card he wants. Then he won't even take care of it. It just sits in his collection. Again, infuriating.
Has a t-shirt of you, but it's literally just a meme about you that someone put on a Tshirt. It's so cursed, but he loves it.
You look so squishy! And he bets you'd be so short compared to him if you were real! And if not, he could climb you like a bean pole! He wants to squeeze you so bad! You'd let him if you were real, right? And you wouldn't let anyone else squeeze you? Cause that would be very mean. 
Destroyed his phone when that one character admitted they were in love with you…. He's only allowed to play under supervision now.
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He's a scientist, first and foremost. If all the school is interested in something, it's his job to play it, and find out why. Honestly, he's probably the one who suggested a themed night to Azul.
He finds you fascinating. If you were real, he'd probably just watch you. He doesn't need to interact, he just wants to see what you're doing. Rewards you for good choices with a custom made terrarium.
He named one of his mushrooms after you, which is the highest honor he can bestow. (You can't tell me he doesn't name his mushrooms) One time, Floyd was ready to throw all the terrariums out in a rage, but finding out one was named after you (but not being told which one) he left them alone.
He has decent luck. But he doesn't have to focus super hard on his collection, since he can just use Floyd's.
(He believes he'd just watch you if you were real, but after that character admitted they loved you, he went on a six hour rage hike.)
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He got tired of getting ads for it, so he downloaded it to make fun of it. Then his eyes met yours and…..well, you get it.
He won't ever admit how much light the game brings to him. But sometimes when Ruggie wakes him up, and he logs into the game, he can make out the softest smile on Leona's face when you greet him.
He very heavily debated getting a body pillow. He knew he'd use it too, because of how often he cuddles his pillows at nap time. But he could never pull the trigger. He thought it would be too far.
He likes to think that you would care about him, not his title or his magic, him. And in turn, he would spoil you like you deserve to be. You'd want for nothing, just be his cuddle buddy for a few minutes longer.
He has the SSR basic card for every character except you. He has all your regular cards, sure. But no matter how many hundreds and thousands of pulls he does, you just won't come home. Not that he cares. Gacha is a stupid system anyway.
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He rarely has the time to play. Honestly, he doesn't even really play at all. It sits on his phone, and is never opened. But he makes up for it by watching videos online, checking out fan forums, and reading fan fictions and theories.
He didn't even get to meet your character in the game before he got too busy to play. But he read a fanfic called y/n x workaholic reader, where you helped the reader with their work, and then pampered them afterwards. He loved you ever since.
He doesn't think merch is a good use of his hard earned money. But should he ever strike gold, there is one plushie he has his eyes on that he would love to just squish all day.
At this point, he's read so many fanfics, that he's pretty sure he wouldn't actually enjoy the canon story. But he'll leave it on his phone for now. He can't bring himself to delete it.
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Downloaded it when he heard all the Savannahlaw guys going on and on about their favorite characters. He wanted to see what all the fuss was about. Surely, every character couldn't possibly be…oh. Oh yeah every one of them is very pretty.
But he finds you the prettiest. He isn't sure why. Maybe it's that glint in your eyes, or the way your hair sits just the way he likes it, or the jacket your character wears. He doesn't know what it is. But you're the prettiest to him.
He won't spend money on this. He thinks it would be a waste. So he's lucky that he has two of your SSR cards. And both of them have stories where you persevere and show everyone you are stronger than you look, physically and emotionally. It just proves that he was right to pick you.
For some reason, he always imagines how things would be if you were real. He'd want to have soft domestic moments with you. Maybe you'd both brush each other's hair. Maybe you'd cook together. Maybe you'd do chores in the same room. He imagines you two could say very little, and be happy that you are both just in each other's company. 
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depravitymoon · 7 months
My favorite Yandere Types
Author's note: I will spare you the sob story and just say that my uncle needed my help right after he got out the hospital. It wrecked my scheduling and I already promised that I would do better with posting more frequently, so I did another ramble post. These classifications aren't polished in any way. I just spouted whatever comes to mind. Enjoy!
Note #2: Sorry if the pic for Laidback Yan is blurry. I'll figure out how to do memes better next time. Also, all the yanderes listed are male yandere because that's my personal favorite.
Sugar Daddies
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Kind of a "money comes at a price" thing I always love. 
Pro: Spoils you. 
Con: Thinks he owns your life.
Personally, I'm not a fan of the 'I'll isolate you' types. In fact, I think it'll be cooler to see a yandere use darling's loved ones to his advantage, such as "How desperate are you to get your sister into that art school?" and "It would be a shame if your brother doesn't have that dream job. I'm sure you'd do ANYTHING to make that happen if you could, right?"
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He wakes up and chooses violence. Just an absolute menace to society. You'd have to make bad choices in your life to have him obsessed with you. I love this one, because writers can be very creative on how they act towards darling and towards the world. Typically their MO is "I wont hesitate to beat and shoot people. Not even you, darling! You just get it less."
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My love for this is clearly inspired by Narancia (JJBA) and Bachira (Blue Lock). It's a guy who's naive, hyper, sweet, just so adorable that he'll have you thinking he's non-threatening. Then, the yanderu comes out and shows you just how dangerous and manipulative he can be. Also, he will get aggressive when you try slipping from him. I imagine this type always using overt guilt tripping.
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Emo boy kidnaps a ball of sunshine to cure his lonely depression, such as Hades taking Persephone. There's not much else to say since this shipping dynamic (brooding x happy-go-lucky) is very popular. 
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The laidback yandere that dont seem Yandere at all. He's super chill, actually gives you freedoms, and seems alright letting you socialize with people. What's the issue? Seems like a normal boyfriend! That's why I love them! So where does the Yanderu part comes in? In many different ways! Usually, in the form of a blackmailer or a tracker. It's easy to let you do what you want when you're never really that far from him or he has you fearing the consequence enough to trust you'll come back to him willingly. Honestly, I might do my own post on laidback yanderes.
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tswhiisftteedr · 4 months
Sleepover with a Queen! ☆ One Shot (Part 2 of ‘Hair Prank!’)
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☆Dorm Leader!Vil Schoenheit x Choatic!Pomfiore Student!Female!Reader:
It has been 3 weeks since the kiss Vil’s room, the both of you had grown closer in that time, so he had proposed a sleepover to spend some more quality time together. And let’s just say you grew way closer by the end of the night…
Warnings: Mention of groin but in a non-sexual context, suggestive tones but nothing happens. Kissing, 1 or 2 swear words. Not proofread.
Ask: yahoo~ could I request the second chapter of the oneshot with vil? reader and he are having sleepover in his room? fluff and a lot silly reader's behaviour! pillow fight is an essential thing! she brings energy drinks and a lot of junk food🤭
Note: I didn’t think I would get asked for a part 2 honestly, but I’m very grateful for the detailed setting that I could draw inspiration from! This one shot is a bit more on the sentimental side. Also handrail is just when you slide/grind your skateboard downa stair rail.
| Part 1 | Part 2 |
☆ More under the cut. ☆
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Tonight's the night of the sleepover, you could not wait to see what Vil has in plan for the both of you. It seems that the two of you have formed a strange relationship, yet it feels oddly nice. As you walk through the halls to reach your first period class, you can't help thinking about how you would spend the night in the same room you and Vil had shared a passion kiss 3 weeks ago. You have no idea just how much he has prepared for tonight.
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You arrive with the junk food and energy drinks, and you see that Vil is still waiting for you.
His expression is one of anticipation, it seems like he's been looking forward to this as much as you did. He leans against the doorframe, playing with a strand of his hair as he gazes at you. Once he is faced to face with you, he smiles warmly, his tone taking on a flirty and playful tone. "Ah, there you are! How kind of you to bring the essentials. No party is complete without food and drinks, right?" He tells you.
“Yeah I couldn’t agree more! I also brought more ‘healthy’ option for energy drinks, so not to mess up your ‘super star’ diet too much.” You tease.
"Well, I wouldn't put it past you to try and sabotage my diet. I'm glad that you took the time to consider my health in the choices you made for our little party. Although, I must say that I'm more than happy to indulge myself in a few unhealthy snacks here and there, so don't worry about having to force your healthy options upon me." He comments sweetly.
“Than I’m glad, I won’t be the only one snacking away at the treats I brought after all!
Anyways you got anything particular for us to do tonight, you did say to leave all the planning to you?” You question excitedly.
"Hmmm, I did indeed say that I would take charge of the activities for this evening. And let me tell you, I have come up with quite the itinerary for us. We're going to have so much fun tonight that I have a feeling we may not even make it to bed by the end of the night." He says, with that suave voice of his, almost bewitching you. You honestly consider if ‘he did put a spell on me or is it just my imagination?’
Getting back on track with your playful persona, “Oh but isn’t that going to ruin your beauty sleep my Queen?” you ask mischievously to the beautiful man standing right before your eyes.
Vil stares at you with a smirk and raises an eyebrow. His expression is teasing and playful, his tone is full of humor. "Don't worry, I have no problem with missing a bit of my beauty sleep for one night, if it’s to have some fun with you. Besides, I'm more than confident that I'll look just as lovely in the morning. So, don't you concern your adorable self about it anymore."
“Alright whatever you say ‘dear’.” You say accentuating your last word to tease, as you pass by him, stepping into his room.
Vil's face full of amusement when he hears you emphasize the word "dear", he seems to enjoy it too much to say otherwise. He chuckles softly and follows you into his bedroom, the cheerful smile still plastered on his face.
He shuts the door behind himself, the sound of locks clicking fills the air. He seats on his big lavish bed, tapping against the cover gently signalling for you to take a seat beside him. His hands clasps in-front him to bring attention and a look of excitement on his face. "Well, in the first activity I have planned for us tonight, how about a little game... a classic really, Truth or dare?"
“Truth or dare, only at two people? Never done that before, but why not!” You did question it at first but you quickly came around the idea with your second sentence.
"Perfect! You go first. I'll be the one asking the questions. Would you prefer a truth or a dare?" Vil inquires from you.
“Then truth it is, I don’t want to be the first dare.” You tell him.
"Alright, truth. Let's start with something simple, just to warm up. What's the stupidest thing you have ever done in your life?" He asks, ready for a handful of a story from someone as chaotic and careless as you.
“Oh damn, um, probably was when I handrail 15 steps, even though I knew my board was in bad shape, like the type that is going to break soon. That did not end well, more precisely my board broke in half about three quarters down the rail.” You inform him, a bit bashful at telling about one of your mistake yourself instead of him figuring it out on his own.
Vil laughs quietly at your answer, a smirk forming on his lips. His tone is playful and teasing. “That's quite idiotic indeed. I'm sure that hurt like hell. Did you get injured?"
“Oh talk to me about it, the pain I got when my groin hit that stair rail could not be compair to any of scrapes I got my limbs that day.” You admit,
Vil's eyes widen slightly, though he still has the same tone of humor. His expression is surprised, but he can't help laughing a bit. "Goodness, that is really horrible. I assume you learned your lesson though, huh? Or are you still so reckless when skateboarding?"
“Well I sure as hell won’t go ever handrail with an almost broken board anymore. Never again.” You say a bit strongly the pain resurface from your memories, ‘Yeah never that again’.
Vil smirks when you say that, it seems like that little mishap that caused you so much pain was enough to teach you a lesson. He nods in approval, that was good to hear.
"Good to know you can grow up a little and learned your lesson. Now it's time for you to ask the next question."
“Okay then, truth or dare my grace?” You ask, almost getting used to calling him revering words, instead of just doing so to tease.
"Hmm... I choose dare darling" Vil answers, following your lead.
Vil's tone is calm and firm, as if he has his mind set on being able to handle whatever kind of dare you would dish at him. He leans against his bed frame, taking one of the sugary snacks you had brought along, his gaze is locked with yours as he munch on the treat. His mouth is curved into a devilish little grin as he watched pounder for a good challenge.
“Then.. I dare you to do your make up and post on your magicam story, but, you have to leave it unblended.” You dare him.
Vil's face is initially filled with a look of disbelief. He couldn't believe that you had the guts to ask him to do something like that, but he also had to hide his amusement. Vil's tone is still calm, but it's also laced with humor. "What? You want me to make myself look like a fool on social media, just for your own entertainment? What kind of a dare is that?"
“Well are you to scared to do it~” you playfully egg him on.
Vil's mouth curls up in a smug little grin, he seems amused to be called out. His tone is flirty, his expression mocking. "Is that so? You may believe that I'm too scared, but I'll gladly do this dare of yours and take my revenge on you later. I wonder if I'll get more embarrassing comments or compliments though..."
“Okay then, get on with it pretty boy!” you tell him.
Vil's grin only grows bigger as he moves over to where his desk is. He grabs his makeup set and starts pulling out the necessary materials. His tone is playful and mocking, though he still seems a tad bit hesitant. "Fine, if it means that I'm going to get back at you later for making me do this, I'm all for it. Just keep in mind that you're the one who asked for this in the first place. So no complaints."
“Don’t worry, I won’t~” you reply.
Vil snickers, he's getting excited to see the reaction of everyone when they see the outcome. But he wants to give you a good show. Vil goes over to the mirror to start applying his makeup, he doesn't even try very hard to make this look good. He does the bare minimum to apply the foundation, eyeshadow, blush, lip-stick and mascara. Though the end result is still sloppy and the blending is not present per your request, it is horrendous, Vil still has a playful grin on his face.
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A couple minutes after posting…
Vil's fame has given the result he had expected from this dare, and now multiple people are commenting on his social media. The comments are filled with mockery and insults for Vil's sloppily done makeup. While Vil isn't offended by the insults, he can't help but find them humorous and is almost tempted to respond with some snarky retorts to make his audience laugh even more.
“Damn people are mean, didn’t expect to be that bad.” you say as you look at his phone over his shoulder.
Vil chuckles, he's glad to see that you're concerned for him, but he's not taking any of the insults seriously. One thing he's learned about fame and popularity is that there will always be people who want to tear you down or criticize your every move. Vil's tone remains flirty and smug, he still has a playful and teasing look on his face. "Relax, I'm not bothered by their comments. I'm used to it. Besides... I kind of invited it. I did look pretty foolish after all."
“Yeah but I still don’t like it, anyways your turn to ask me something. I pick truth by the way.” You tell him, grimacing at some of the nastier comments.
Vil nods his head in understanding, it's nice to see that you care so much. He smiles warmly at you and decides to ask you a question. His tone is still very flirty, the playfulness hasn't left his voice yet. "Okay, truth. I had a feeling I knew what you were going to pick already, and looks like I was correct. So, hat is your biggest weakness?"
“Your pretty face~” you tell the man beside you, but you quickly reflect and speak out a more profond answer. “Just kidding, honestly I would have to say the fact that I get into trouble too easily, sure it’s fun at first but sometimes I can really hurt others with my antics, I really don’t like it.” You tell Vil with a tone full of sincerity.
Vil grins mischievously, he can't help but find your first answer humorous as well. But when you deliver your second comment, Vil's expression softens slightly as he's surprised by your honesty. He nods his head in acknowledgment and smiles warmly. His tone is still playful as he chuckles, though now it's mixed with a little bit of flirtation. "Ahh, I see, I suppose that could be quite troublesome in some situations. So, you must get into trouble on a normal basis then?"
“I’m not the smartest, but I’m not dumb enough to admit something you don’t already know about dorm leader.” you tell him, like ‘hey I’m not on the same academic level as the housewardens, but I’m not stupid enough to tell you things so you can punish me.’
Vil giggles at your response, it seems like you're not the type to admit your past shenanigans that easily. Of course, he is your dorm leader and he has probably seen some of your antics. Vil's tone shifts slightly where it now has a flirtacious quality to it in addition to the friendly teasing. "That's fair enough. But I have to say, despite your mischief, you are still quite a charming person. So I'm sure you can just charm your way out of any trouble that you get yourself into, right?"
“Oh shush, the sugar from the snacks are making you delirious. Anywho truth or dare?” You play off his compliment, trying not to think about too hard.
Vil's eyebrows raise in amusement as he laughs a bit at your response. The flirtatious tone still lingers in his voice. "Oh, so you think it must be the sugar from the snacks? Hmm, guess we'll find out how correct your assessment of the situation is. You’ll be the one asking now. And I choose truth again."
You wanted to keep things playful, truly. But ever since the kissed that took place in this very same room… you couldn’t help but see Vil in a new light, feeling a bit insecure about his opinion of you.
“Do you actually like spending time with me? Like are you just doing it for the sake of our friendship, to keep things between us amical so I don’t cause you more trouble?” You ask softly, avoiding eye contact after such a vulnerable question.
Vil's gaze narrows slightly upon hearing your question, he's not sure how you want him to answer. But after a moment of hesitation, Vil shakes his head. There's no way he would let you doubt his intentions. "Of course I enjoy spending time with you. I think you're quite an amusing person, and I always look forward to having conversations about anything and everything with you. I believe that our friendship is quite genuine, and of course I'd never want you to just cause me more trouble. So relax... there's no need to doubt me."
“Oh alright, thanks… anyways I pick truth again.” You tell him, hopping the fact you were flustered at the sweet and honest reply, didn’t show in your voice.
After a moment of thought, the corners of his mouth curl up in a playful grin. “Hmm, truth, huh? What a predictable outcome," He teases.
“Alright then, my sweet y/n are you interested in me, as in ‘is the kiss from last time a one time thing or did it mean more to you?” He asks you leaning forward, barely closing the distance.
Obviously you deny as a first instinct, fight or flight type of thing.
Vil chuckles again, he finds this rather amusing. Your attempts to hide your feelings are quite easy to see through. The truth is clear, you are obviously attracted to him, at least to some extent. Vil stares at you for a moment, letting the tension build before letting out a teasing groan and leaning back against the bed frame once more. There’s no need for you to say that you’re attracted to him bluntly, when you are so obvious about it. A slight grin plays on his lips as he teases you further. "Oh come on, you know you are into me.."
“Your so vain my Queen, but.. I mean our kiss, it’s not something I would mind doing again” you begin,
“Is that so?” The actor inquires.
“Yeah, um- so truth or dare?” You ask, trying to change the subject.
“Are you truly attracted to me, or was the kissed we share last time just a thing of the moment?” You ask, basically reworking his his question, like you would do with a thesis statement when writing a conclusion.
“Wasn’t that my question?”
“Well we never agree not to repeat questions,” you point out.
“Alright then. To answer your question, yes I am truly attracted to the chaotic, annoying, and wonderful person sitting in front of me.” He admits to you, with a now sweet smile plastered on his face.
Did Vil start crushing on you about the same time you started crushing on him, yes. Was he going to tell if you didn’t ask him even though he asked you, also yes. If you want an answer out of a Queen like Vil Schoenheit, you had to work for it. Or at least be brave enough to ask in your case.
“Oh, that’s good to hear.” You say shortly.
“Is that all?” he teases.
“Yes, Truth or dare?” You were persistent on not underlining the fact you liked him too much.
“And I thought we were getting sentimental in here, boo hoo, crossing you out Y/N.” He said with a crossing motion from his right hand following it. “Anyways dare.”
“Well since we’ll since you’re into me, and gracious am I.” ‘fuck, I’m starting to sound like Crowley.’ “ I therefore dare you to kiss me.. please.”
Vil looks at you, a mischievous smile playing on his lips. He leans in closer, his voice low and seductive. "Well, since you asked so nicely, how could I refuse?" He closes the distance between you, capturing your lips in a passionate kiss.
This kiss felt different from your first shared one, this one felt romantic not just a way to blow some steam.
Once you part lips, you stay slightly dazed, that is until you feel one of Vil’s silk cover pillows hit you square in the face.
The room soon fills with the sound of a pillow hitting the wall as the two of you engage in a playful and energetic pillow fight. Some of the horrible make-up Vil was wearing stained the pillow covers of the ones that actually managed to hit him. Laughter in the air as you both enjoy the silly and lighthearted moment together. And creating memories that will last a lifetime.
As the pillow fight comes to an end, you find yourself lying on Vil's bed together, catching your breath and enjoying the moment.
“What next?” You ask.
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The night continued, you had moved on to the next activity which was a couple rounds of ‘Last one’ which was this world’s version of uno and a game that was similar to monopoly.
Than you moved on to movies, Vil had picked out quite a couple that you both enjoyed. But you had insisted on watching one more movie, one he starred in, due to the lack of his appearance in the previous ones.
And honestly, you knew he was famous, but damn, his acting was wonderful, you almost cried at the simple romcom which in he was the male lead.
After watching it, you were both too tired to keep going. So after finishing your skincare routines, with the mandatory silly face selfies with the moisturizing masks on, you layed done on Vil’s Alaskan King bed.
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“Do to think you would be interested in going out with me?” you ask, turning to your side to fully look at him.
His gaze meets yours, and there's a spark of something way past friendship in his eyes. He takes a moment to gather his thoughts before speaking.
"Actually, I've been wanting to ask you the same thing. I've enjoyed every moment we've spent together, and I can't help but feel a strong connection between us. So, yes, I would love to go out with you." His voice is filled with sincerity and a hint of nervousness, waiting for your response.
“Well I can assure you I feel the same.” You tell him now looking up at the ceiling.
He then grabs your face softly and placed a peck on your lips. “That’s marvellous.”
Then you both giggle…
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Come the next day,
You had woken up later then Vil, he was probably already at breakfast. Meanwhile the disturbance that brought back from dreamland to the real world was still persisting.
So you stood up from your spot on the large bed, and a grab of your phone only to see the flooding of teasing text from your friends on magicam, multiple had linked a singular post. Of course you clicked on it, and lo and behold. It was a picture of you, with lipstick very much so overly lined, in addition both of your eyelids were covered in a mush of purple and black eyeshadow.
You opened your camera app for a second, only to see that the distasteful make up was still on.
You quickly checked who was the poster behind that atrocity, and as expected it was Vil. Mister Vil Schoenheit had posted a picture of you in a horrendous state to his magicam, one followed by over a million of people.
‘But hey, at least the caption was sweet.’ At the bottom of the photo you could see ‘My girlfriend’ written, followed by a couple of heart emojis.
Well he did say he would get his revenge…
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Thanks @bananaseq for requesting!
©tswhiisfttedr. dn translate, or plagiarize.
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Reblogs help!!! (Request Are Open)
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genshin-obsessed · 10 months
May I request Kaveh, Ayato, Goro, and Al-Haitham with a witch s/o?
✧ Ooh this one seems creative ^w^ I liked writing it, thank you for requesting it <3 I'm not super happy with it, but I think that's just my creativity nose-diving again
✧ Characters: Kaveh, Ayato, Gorou, Alhaitham
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○ Ayato ○
He was definitely shocked to find out- witches were real? He always thought they were myths or scary bedtime stories.
He was convinced you had a (element) vision but you showed him that it was actually just magic.
You like to show him your book of spells and he's fascinated by all of them. He even asked you to demonstrate a few of them.
The potion-making is the most fun for him! He loves to see the process and if he can, you let him help you.
You've definitely used your magic to help him. A little boost here, a tiny hex here, a little fire over there- I mean you're like karma at this point.
He not only supports you but he really wants to learn! So if you can teach him, he's definitely making time in his day to practice!
○ Alhaitham ○
He's read things and you can believe he asks as many questions as he can to figure out what's a myth or misconception. He eagerly listens to everything, bringing up any confusion- kinda like a student would.
Alhaitham will take you out with him, knowing that your abilities would come in handy at work. But it's your choice if you wanna go or not.
Have you turned someone into a frog before? No. Is there a possibility? Maybe and Alhaitham would never let himself live it down if he missed it.
He loves to watch you work, like whether it's working on your spellbook or making a potion. He loves it all. He'll even help you find new spellbooks or will even help you with spellcasting or potion making.
Alhaitham is like... your personal bodyguard when it comes to anyone who insults you. Yeah, you're the witch but he'll be the one kicking ass if someone insults you.
○ Gorou ○
Gorou didn't realize that your fighting abilities came from being a witch. He always wondered where your vision was and finally decided to ask one day.
You explained that you didn't have a vision and you only stick to (element) attacks because that's what you're most proficient in as a witch.
Gorou has questions.
The more you explained, the more interest he gained. Honestly, that was so cool! He didn't even know witches were real. You explained that it needed to stay a secret and you didn't just tell anyone.
Gorou really likes the potion making. He loves the little potion bottles, likes to make the small labels, and even helps gather igredients.
Tell him what you need and he'll have as many of them as he can within the two hours that he has. Although, you enjoy going with him, using the time to bond with him as well.
○ Kaveh ○
Kaveh is a huge fan. Honestly, he loves the idea of spells, potions, hexes, and the big fancy cauldron. You did find it cute and explained that a large cauldron wasn't necessary and you could actually just make your potion in a cooking pot.
Kaveh likes reading the spellbook, but you've had to warn him to not read it out loud. He did that once and it scared the hell out of you when plants in your home started to attack you!
He was shocked and asked what the hell happened and you explained that anyone can use that specific spellbook because simply touching it allows you to cast spells.
He never made that mistake again.
Kaveh enjoys helping you gather ingredients and will even help make potions. He's like your lil apprentice. He's a happy apprentice.
He works really hard. He loves the idea of magic and if he can wield it, imagine all the buildings he could build and how easily!
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sforzieplaysgames · 5 months
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So I finished my Ascended Astarion/Halsin romance playthrough (for science). What I've learned is that the big powerful vampire ascendant is more than happy to just leave the city and start a peaceful life with Halsin. If you play the Origin story, at least.
The ending scene still doesn't seem to give you a choice to go with Halsin, but the new epilogue shows that you do in fact join him. For the Astarion/Halsin part of the epilogue it makes no real reference to the fact that he's ascended. Bit weird, since others will mention it.
But it's still super cute and I'm honestly happy with this outcome!
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