#hmmm the way his eyes kinda glow
httpiastri · 4 months
sweet 20 – pa17
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genre: hmmm kinda fluffy a lil suggestive, idk
pairing: reader x paul aron
warnings: mentions of alcohol.... idk anything else
word count: 1.3k
author's note: hmmmm idk about this one 😭 writer's block has been so bad recently and when i pressure myself to write, it all just gets so bad. idk. also ive had such a long day and i just wanna get this out before the day is over..... and it's only been proofread once 😕 anyway, hbd again paul <3
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"where did the birthday boy go?" dino's loud voice meets your ears over the blasting music and you turn to the side, seeing the swede making his way to you. "i almost mistook the two of you for siamese twins, seeing how close you've been all night."
he is right – paul has been pretty much attached to your hip for most of the evening. his hands have been on you at all times, fingers constantly dancing across your skin or along the fabric of your dress. even in a club filled with his friends, with people who would love to spend some time with the birthday boy, he still wouldn't let go of you.
"he needed to use the bathroom," you tell him with a chuckle. "i just barely managed to pry his fingers off me so he could leave me here, i didn't really feel like being pulled along."
dino laughs. "good call. the bathrooms here are pretty nasty..."
"yeah, i've seen the women's bathrooms, so i can imagine what the men's is like." he gives you an acknowledging nod. silence falls over the two of you for a moment as he just sips his drink, but then you speak up. "hey, good job at planning this all. paul was really surprised-"
"what was i surprised about?" paul's voice echoes from behind you, and just as you're about to turn to look at him, you feel two strong arms wrap around you, keeping you in place. "hm?"
"this surprise party," you tell him. "you really had no idea, did you?"
"no idea." he rests his chin on top of your shoulder, leaning his head on yours slightly. his voice grows quieter. "i missed you, you know."
"you missed me? when, now?" paul nods against your shoulder, and you look to dino with a grimace. he answers with a shake of his head, rolling his eyes at his best friend. "you left to go to the bathroom about two minutes ago."
paul hums. "but i still missed you."
you've almost never seen him this clingy. it's only when he gets a couple of drinks down that he's like this – and tonight, he's definitely had more than his share of the open bar. the strong smell oozing from him signals that the hangover will be bad. hopefully, it's worth it.
"i'm going to go find gabriele," dino says to excuse himself, disappearing in just a second.
you turn around in paul's arms, a smile creeping onto your lips when you see the very hazy expression on his face. "hi there," you say, pressing a quick kiss to his nose.
"hi there."
you pause for a second, but then you get an idea. you move your hands to wrap around his forearms. "i want to dance."
he shakes his head instantly. "you've seen me dance before, no way am i embarrassing myself in front of all these people."
"come on," you groan, pulling yourself out of his embrace to take his hands in yours. "it's your birthday, so you have to dance." he's about to interject, so you cut him off, beginning to back towards the dance floor. "i'm not taking no for an answer."
his mouth opens as if he has something to say back, but then he closes it, thinking better of it. he allows you to pull you with him, and the music envelops you the moment you step onto the dance floor. you can feel the bass inside your bones, and the lights overhead flash in an array of colors, casting a vibrant glow over the crowd. paul follows you reluctantly, his expression a mix of hesitance and amusement. after all, a gorgeous woman is dragging him with her to dance with him. how can he not be at least a little intrigued?
the atmosphere out there is contagious, and you can't help but caught up in the energy. moving with the flow of the crowd underneath the lights feels so natural to you – but paul isn't the same. he loves partying, sure, but the dancing itself...
he doesn't even notice his own lack of energy before you reach up to give his face a playful slap. "hey, ease up."
his eyebrows rise. "lead me, then..."
you can't help but let out a giggle at the request; underneath this tough, firm exterior hides a soft, sweet guy who's so insecure about his dancing that he freezes like this. of course, you help him out – it's your duty as his girlfriend, you think – and you place your hands on his shoulders. "grab my hips," you tell him. "and relax a little. this can't be any worse than driving your racing cars."
"it sure feels like it."
you shake your head. "now, just... move."
and that's what he does. you're not sure if it's because of the alcohol, or because his favorite the weeknd song is blasting from the speakers, but he's moving much more smoothly than he usually is.
or maybe it's your sweet smile that's encouraging him to keep on going.
as the song progresses, and then melts into another, paul seems to let go more and more. he actually dances surprisingly well – at one point, he even spins you, and you can't help but laugh at the unexpected skill.
the way that his hands move up and down your sides, sometimes slipping behind you to give your butt a quick squeeze, combined with the intoxicating scent of his cologne, makes your heart flutter even further. it seems to have an effect on paul too, because he pulls you closer to him. your eyes meet his, and for a moment, it feels like the world slows down. the desire in his gaze is unmistakable, and the intensity of the connection between the two of you is easily noticeable to anyone within a mile's radius.
he leans forward, lips grazing your ear as he whispers to you. "let's get out of here."
you lean back with a frown on your face, looking at him like he's crazy. "this is your party. all of your friends are here-"
"fuck my friends, i don't care about them." you slap his shoulder playfully, a gasp passing through your lips. "all i want is you."
"you're insatiable, you know that?"
he shrugs. "what can i say? you're irresistible."
you shake your head. now it's your turn to lean forward and whisper into his ear. "later," you start, giving his cheek a little kiss. "patience, my dear."
he groans. "i can't be patient. i think you know that by now."
"too bad. you haven't even had any cake yet." you grin. "or opened your presents."
"i only know of one gift that i want to unwrap..." he says, fingers reaching traveling lower on your dress and eventually reaching the hem, giving it a slight tug.
yet another giggle slips past your lips, but then you catch a glimpse of something behind him – and your gaze is different when you look back at him. you lean in closer, pressing your body up against his as your arms wrap around his neck, pulling his face closer to yours. your lips brush against him once, ever so slightly, and his breath hitches in his throat. is she actually about to give in?
"sorry to disappoint, but..."
timing has never really been on paul's side; he's always been unlucky in that way. even on his own birthday, things don't seem to work out for him – because just as he thinks he's getting somewhere, you suddenly pull away. his confusion only grows when the music is shut off and replaced with the sound of the entire club singing the birthday song. you point behind him, and he turns around to see a few of his friends carrying a big birthday cake, twenty lit candles perched on top of it.
"happy birthday," you whisper, and he shakes his head when he looks back at the teasing grin stretched across your lips.
"you're killing me. you know that, right?"
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funtheysaid · 21 days
IWTV 2x02 Initial Thoughts (Stream Of Consciousness)
- ooh the title card changed! I’ve been wanting to see the Eiffel Tower as a “fang” since season two was announced. WE IN PARIS BABY!
- ayooo three-way (interview) incoming
- Daniel’s “Paris sucks” aka “Paris is where my ex-bf is from and he sucks (dick), but not mine anymore, and no, I’m not bitter abt that, his city just fucking stinks (literally)”
- not two minutes in and Devil’s Minion is already flirting bickering
- ALICE MENTION alice!armand truthers are gon love that shit i just know
- “I’ll tell you what a woman is” That’s my sapphic-coded queen!!! 🕯️ pls S2 give me claudeleine 🕯️
- “Gauche” well, yes.
- Loumand: 🥰🥰 Daniel: 🙄 he‘s so second-hand embarrassed for them I can’t
- Louis would be that faux-intellectual hipster who has his own darkroom full of overexposed and blurry, unfocused photos that are his “art” bc he took them on film (affectionate)
- Not claudia calling him out on it in the next scene “let me think I’m deeper than I am” okay honey you do you
- “She’s miserable but she doesn’t want to fuck with your too delusional left bank dilettante vibes” ahh the narrative foils are foiling, I see
- The show: Alice was pregnant, My dumb ass: OMEGAVERSE DEVILS MINION !?!?
- “joyfully joyless” MOOD.
- Claudia looking at Madeleine like “I don’t know if I want to be her or be with her” Dw babe it’s a rite of passage for all of us you’ll figure it out
- “Your French is ugly” 🥹👉👈 weally?
- “the dress for my body” LOOK I know what she meant, but I can’t help it that my mind is perverted
- okay why Loumand playing with my heart “I will never harm you. And I never have” wtf wtf wtf
-Oh no the ole business card trick! we all know that’s Louis’ kryptonite he loves a man with credentials
- i like girls, but why is santiago kinda…
- Woah the Annika scene was really hard to watch which I think was the point but goddamn idk if I’ll be able to rewatch that part
- Estelle is my self-insert. I’m claiming her.
- “You both fucked Lestat!?!” HOW DID THEY KNOW WE WANTED HIM TO SAY THAT!?
- “He tasted of vermouth and annihilation” We both know you have no earthly idea what that man tastes like, Armand. Be so fucking fr right now.
- Did Armand just casually drop that he had a threesome with a father and son? I’m sorry, sir????
- “Now I know what two blood fat cocks slapping hands feel like” When I tell you my spirit left my body
- oh shit here we go. I’m a caged animal and it’s time for my weekly enrichment. give me my loustat.
- there’s a letter !?!? Wait wait I wasn’t ready for something like this wait stop stop please
- “all my love belongs to you. you are its keeper” just take me out back and shoot me at this point
- “it is a thin veil” fucking fuck why was that so romantic??
- the blood tears welling up in Lestat’s eyes I’m-
- “Rebound of my life” and in that moment, he spoke for the people
- WHAT IS HAPPENING???? Jesus Christ, they were talking about Alice and then it cuts to FUCKING ARMAND!?! This is not a drill. Everyone to your stations, this is not a drill.
- “You sold your Dad’s playboy magazines at recess” Hmmm? You’re telling me a “straight” teenage boy sold porno mags instead of keeping them for himself??? Yeah, I call gay on that one
- “she wanted to say yes” you motherfuckers.
- Oh shit Louis is pissy tonight rawr kitty got claws
- Devils minion girlies are thriving, skin glowing, hair silky, breath minty, pillow cold, stomach full, dreams sweet, and by Jove, we fucking deserve it !!!!
- daniel’s shaky “um- gulp” …….guys this is gonna sound crazy but i think there might actually be a god
- ooh the camera/photography being like a divide or barrier between Louis and his present situation. Like he wants to capture the moments, but only as if an onlooker and not a participant… interesting!
- “Who?” will never not be funny
- “Mon ami” in the same episode as “Mon Cher” FUCK ME GENTLY WITH A CHAINSAW
- “Armand for you” nah nah nah i changed my mind, you can do like Leatherface and shove that chainsaw in rough and hard
- Close up on Louis’ conflicted face, fire blazing behind him…. That’s not foreboding in any way. I’m sure they’ll all live happily ever after from now on :D
What a ride! Until next week! 🧛‍♂️🩸
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jamdoughnutmagician · 11 months
Baby Fever (18+)
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Steve Rogers x Female Reader
Word Count:1,733
Summary:Coming back from a long, tiring and lonely mission Steve wastes no time in putting his plan into action.
Warnings:Some small bit of fluff, otherwise smut. Kissing/Making Out, Teasing, Nipple play, Oral Sex (F Rec) , Breeding Kink
Authour's Note:This was another fic that I pulled up from my Ao3 page, but I edited just a little to make it flow a bit better. Kinda serves a part two to this
Steve was on his way home back after a long mission, and being away from you, he longed to hold you close to him, and wrap his arms around you in the tightest hug, to remind you of just how much you mean to him.
The words of what you two had spoken about on the phone that day that he'd called you during his mission were playing heavily on his mind. He really did want a family with you. He couldn't imagine having a little family of his own with anyone else.
Getting to the door of your shared apartment, he unlocked it with his keys as quietly as he could, thinking that maybe you might be asleep, it was late after all.
Walking to the apartment he quietly closed the door behind him. Just as he expected you were asleep. Although, you were not curled up in the warm comfort of the bed, but instead asleep on the couch with the glow of the tv illuminating your features, quietly playing some long forgotten show. He muses you must have fallen asleep whilst waiting for him to get back. He remembers you telling how much you worry about him whilst he's away. His heart sinks a little at the thought of you staying up late sick with worry as to whether or not he was going to make it back home.
Steve grabs the remote sitting on the table and turns off the tv and quietly pads towards your sleeping form to pick you up and take you to bed.
scooping up your body in his strong arms, he begins walking to your shared bedroom.
You stirred awake in his arms. Rubbing your eyes lightly you look up to see the face of the man you love. Beautiful, bright blue eyes looking down at you with a smile.
"Stevie! You’re home! When did you get back? Are you okay?" you asked, always so concerned about him, in a way it was cute with how much you cared about him.
"Hey hey...I'm okay, baby, Don't worry about me. I just want to spend my night asleep with my best girl in my arms" he assured you.
with that you settled back into the strong warmth of his hold as he carried you to your shared bedroom.
Carefully dropping your body into the bed and then getting in behind you, Steve pulled you close to his chest, your back resting against him as he pulled the duvet over the both of you. Soon the both of you fell deep asleep, snuggled up to each other in comfortable silence.
It was early, that much Steve could tell, the morning sunlight peeking through the curtains. His beautiful girlfriend was snuggled close to him in his arms, but you moved around a lot in her sleep, you particularly moved your hips quite restlessly in your sleep. Whether or not you knew what you were doing, all your wriggling and moving of your hips against Steve had made him very hard indeed. It had been a while since he'd felt the soft skin of his best girl, the scent of your shampoo and the press of your body against his. It had been weeks of missing your touch, wishing it was your hands on him, instead of him being alone in a motel room with only his own hands and the thought of you to satisfy him.
But now you were here, and judging by your soft moans you were slowly waking up and the only thing that was on Steve's mind was the image of you all round and swollen with his kids.
Ghosting his lips over your shoulders and kissing his way up to the shell of your ear, he whispered lowly, his voice raspy with sleep.
"Good Morning, Darlin'"
"Hmmm good morning to you too, Stevie. Is that a banana in your pocket, or are you just happy to see me.." you chuckled.
"I'm definitely happy to see you, Darlin'" he said, pressing his erection further into the swell of your ass.
"Have you thought about that little conversation we had while I was away on that mission? Because I haven't stopped thinking about it, baby" he rasped out continuing to grind his hips up into your backside.
"I've been thinking about it a lot too, Stevie, and I really want that. I could only ever want a family with you."
"Well then, how about we start now?" Steve said as he rolled you two over until he was hovering above your body, his weight resting on his forearms, his brilliant blue eyes looking into yours.
Steve started slowly, kissing you on the lips, letting his tongue tangle with your own in a deep and passionate kiss. He then began trailing his kisses down your body, kissing down your neck and over your collarbones and then kissing his lips over your breasts. Sucking one of your nipples into his mouth, and his skillful fingers plucking and pinching the other he couldn't help but let his mind wonder.
"Y'know, as much as I love your boobs, Darling...I can't wait till they're bigger..maybe they'll be even more sensitive when you're pregnant." he said, pinching your nipple with a particularly hard tweak that had a spike of arousal flaring in the pit of your stomach.
Continuing his quest, he kept kissing his way down your body as he worked his way closer to your pussy.
Settling between your spread open thighs, his face level with your pussy. Steve took one long lick up from the bottom of your wet slit right up to the very top, using his tongue to stimulate your clit as he flicked over it. Wrapping his lips around your clit, he began to work one of his thick fingers inside you, fucking you with determination.
"C'mon babygirl, you're close, I can feel it..." he mumbled against you, his fingers continuing to press against that sweet spot deep inside you.
You could feel the pressure of your orgasm building, the knot in the pit of your stomach threatening to snap.
With a few more passes of his tongue over your clit, you felt your orgasm rush over you. Looking down at him from between your legs, you could see how his beard was soaked with the evidence of your orgasm.
"Fuck …babygirl," he says, his tongue darting out to savour the taste of you on his lips. "I'm going to make it my mission to make you squirt from now on," he chuckles breathily. "Tastes so fuckin’ sweet."
You couldn't stop the blush that rose up across your cheeks. Whenever Steve would talk dirty, it would always make you blush, even though it turned you on to no end. Steve was the perfect symbol of how a gentleman should be to the outside world, his role as Captain America came with the public image of "America's Golden Boy". You knew the real Steve, the Steve that nobody else saw, and sure, he was still nothing short of a gentleman when he was with you, but he wasn't afraid to really let his guard down. In your eyes, Steve was the perfect example of a gentleman in the streets, but a freak in the sheets.
Rising up on his knees, whilst still between your legs he looked expectantly into your eyes.
"Are you sure you want this, babygirl?" his voice taking on a serious tone.
"I'm positive, Stevie..I want your baby." you said, carding your fingers through his soft golden hair.
Steve felt himself get harder at your admission.
"Okay then, what my babygirl wants, she gets." he said, wrapping his big strong hand over his hard cock and giving himself a few teasing tugs, sliding his fist over the head and smearing the bead of pre-cum that had gathered at his tip.
Positioning his hard length at the opening of your pussy, he began to slowly slide himself inch by inch inside your warm wet cunt.
Once he was fully seated inside you, he paused to give you a moment to adjust. No matter how many times you and Steve would have sex, it would always take you a moment to adjust to Steve's cock. It filled and reached inside you in the best way. He looked down at you, placing his big strong hands on your lower stomach he could feel the bulge of his cock where he was nestled deep inside you.
"Please Steve.. I need you to move.." you whined, wrapping and hooking your legs behind him trying to encourage his movements.
Steve wasted no time in beginning to thrust inside you, revelling in the feeling of being inside your wet heat. Picking up speed with his thrusts, he brought his hand down to your pussy to rub tight quick circles around your clit. His cock reached deep, hitting your g-spot every time.
Your eyes were rolling back as Steve rutted into you. You were close. Your breath coming out in ragged breaths.
"Fuck.." Steve moaned lowly in your ear "you're squeezing me so tightly, baby. You're gonna cum, huh?" he said, continuing to thrust his hips into you. Steve was close too, you could tell, his thrusts were getting quicker as he chased his end.
With a few more passes of his fingers over your clit you were coming all over his cock, feeling your orgasm rush over you.
The feeling of your pussy squeezing over him so tightly was all that Steve needed before he was burying his face in the crook of your neck kissing just below your ear, moaning against your skin as he filled you up with ropes of his seed.
Holding you close, Steve slowly pulled his softening cock out of you. Rolling off you to lie next to you, you felt Steve's strong hand rub over your stomach gently.
"Do you think we did it, baby?" he said looking at you expectantly.
"Well if not, I certainly wouldn't mind trying again until it takes" you smiled.
Kissing you deeply, Steve's tongue sweeping over your lips, making its way into your mouth for a kiss that was full of passion.
"Thank you for this, baby, I love you so much" he mumbled between kisses.
"I love you too, Stevie" you said, placing a final peck against his rosy, kiss bitten lips.
@itsfreakingbats @sidepartskinnyjeans
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itsscromp · 7 months
Hello! Since you asked for a Rocket Raccoon request im here to deliver!
I'm wondering but since it's getting chilly and the winter season is starting I'd love to see how Rocket would interact with the chilly weather? That and perhaps if he'd be a fan of hot chocolate and snuggly warm fires?
Much thanks!(⁠ ⁠ꈍ⁠ᴗ⁠ꈍ⁠)
Winter time
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Awww, this is super cute. I would love to think rocket loves the winter time. Word count:693
Christmas rolled around again on terra and your dad had invited you and the guardians to spend christmas with him. You were super excited to see you dad again after many months. Rocket couldn't help but chuckle seeing your enthusiasm.
"Bit excited are we pal ??" He folded his arms and smirked.
"Yeah, God it's been forever since i last saw him, and it's christmas too so it'll make it even more exciting. You guys get to celebrate it, run around in the snow, snuggle up by the fire, drink hot cocoa..."
"Woah up, woah up. Now you know me y/n I ain't accustomed to some Terran scut, but what the flark is snow ??" He asked as he walked beside you.
"So... Imagine rain yeah ?? But it's like really thin and frozen so it falls gently" You explained in the best sense possible.
"Hmmm... I think I get it." He said as he then sat down in the cockpit of the Milano.
"You'll see when we get their" You smiled as the other guardians set course for Terra.
You told your dad you were on your way and told him to meet at a rural part of town so the ship could dock and be hidden safely, Hyper jumping to terra and entering the atmosphere, the temperature of the ship dropped slightly on the inside.
"Flark how did it get so cold !!??" Rocket shivered and rubbed his arms trying to warm up.
"Because it's cold outside rocket, It's winter in this time of year." Landing on the ground, you could see your dad waving as he saw you.
Rushing out of the ship, you ran into his arms with excitement. "Dad !!!" You smiled, hugging him tightly.
"Oh hey, kiddo !!" He hugged you even tighter and gently kissed your forehead.
"You remember the others ??" You turned, pointing to the others.
"I do, It's nice to see all of you again" He smiled at all of them. "How you doing Mr l/n" Rocket waved at him.
"Come on, I got rooms set up for you all."
After much struggle to keep the guardians hidden, you all arrived at the house with minimal detection and were in the nice warmth of inside.
"Ahh, it's much better than out their" Rocket was relieved that it was nice and warm inside.
"I am Groot" (But you have fur, shouldn't you be warm ??) Groot spoke up.
"Look I don't know ok. I just get colder"
"Well your inside now buddy, so yeah" You smiled, taking off your jacket.
Rocket then saw the fire place, His eyes were glowing from looking at it, it looked very inviting.
"Careful not to burn yourself" You giggled.
"I ain't that stupid" He snarked playfully.
Settling in, Rocket stayed close to the fire, feeling all snug and warm. his thoughts were broken by the feeling of being wrapped into a blanket and someone sitting next to him.
"Hey pal" he smiled softly up at you.
"Hot cocoa ??'" You offered him his cup, He gently sniffed it before hesitantly taking a sip, You could see a sparkle in his eyes when the taste hit his mouth as he took another sip. "We need to get a good supply of this stuff before were head back"
"I think I can arrange something." You chuckled.
"The fire is nice... It's kinda cozy." He said as he looked back at the fire.
"Yeah... It's one of my favourite things to do with dad during Christmas or just winter in general. Snuggle up by the fire and drink hot cocoa." You smiled as you took a sip of your drink.
Rocket softly smiled and then scooted closer to your side, snuggling up to you, You responded by wrapping your arm around his side and held him close.
"Maybe tomorrow I'll teach you how to build a snow man ??" You looked at him.
"Wait you can build people out of snow ??" He looked up at you confused. Making you laugh.
This was going to be the best Christmas ever, spending it with your best friend in the whole damn galaxy.
A/N: this is definitely getting a part 2
@callofdudes @fun-k-board
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*whispers into mic* Penultimate chapter time. Also second TOTM Wednesday.
This one is a doozy. Easily the longest - and most emotionally intense/possibly darkest - chapter in this fic! No, seriously, this is gonna be heavy. There’s a moment in here you probably shouldn’t read if you’re squeamish.
It’s pretty much the climax of this fic, I’d say, and I am ecstatic to share it w/ you all!
Tide of Tide Minds
Chapter 5: Cosmically Opposed
Summary: The Titan Trappers finally make their way to what they call the carcass kingdom. Chaos ensues.
Chapter Word Count: 2,350
Trigger Warnings: Kidnapping (seriously there’s one scene that’s. kinda creepy when I reread it), character injury, character death, graphic (a bit)
The army drifts steadily across the Boiling Sea. An army with a single destination, a single goal, in mind.
They’re going to the carcass kingdom, to finish what they started.
A roiling breeze strokes the brine around them in the opposite direction - almost as if some force is trying to deter them, get them to turn back. But the army paddles forward, driven by solemn determination, a flame burning within each of them.
Before long, a series of barely audible thuds punctuate the night as each boat is gently jostled to a stop. A small, scruffy figure clambers out of one of the vessels, briefly scanning his surroundings, before motioning to the others to step out onto land. As the army gathers their weapons and makes their way onto the shoreline, the small figure gives a toothy grin.
Soon, their prey will be within reach.
“…aaaand that’s everything!”
The Collector waves their hands with a gleeful flourish, stepping away from the large mat, pot, and colorful winks they’d created per King’s instructions.
“Now we just need to set it all up!” the cosmic being declares.
King nods, rolling some stray winks back onto the mat. “Got someplace in mind?”
“Hmmm…” the Collector muses. His eyes shift over to a gulf a little ways from their current spot near the lower knee. “How abooouuut… there?”
King blinks, baffled. “The- you wanna play tiddlywinks- down there? I mean… do you want the shock rays to give us their complaints?”
“Maybe I do; you don’t know everything about me,” the Collector retorts light-heartedly.
King stifles a laugh. “Hey, just an idea - maybe we could… both look for a spot? Together?” King suggests, hoping to delay the notion of gulf-tiddlywinks as long as possible.
The Collector gives a drawn-out shrug. “Mm’kay.” They scoop up King and rise into the evening air, far enough so that they both have a full view of the Isles.
As King’s eyes drift across his father’s landmass form, he spots something that makes his heart skip a beat.
After a moment, he shakes his head irritably. Great - the sunlight’s playing tricks on me.
But he could swear he’d seen…
He looks in that direction again, more tentatively.
And there they are.
No, not them.
How? How are they here??
The Collector seems to notice King’s stunned silence and frowns in a bit of concern, waving a hand in front of his face. “King? You there?”
King doesn’t respond. After a long moment, they follow his gaze, eyes glowing as he uses his powers to zoom in their vision. As soon as he does, the Collector gives a start, eyes widening. “Whoa- I know those guys!” Then their eyes narrow as he adds, “They’re weird.”
A shudder runs down King’s spine, making his fur stand on end. “We have to go back. Back to the Archives.”
“What? Why?” The Collector asks, baffled. “We haven’t even started the game yet!”
“If they find me…” King chooses his words carefully, trying to find some way to phrase them in a way that’ll help the Collector understand the urgency of the situation.
“They’ll take me away from you. Permanently.”
During the afternoon, Bill had sent out three search parties of four Trappers each. Their orders: search the kingdom for their quarry, making sure to lie low. As soon as the Titan child was reported found, they would all return, taking it to their rudimentary base in order to complete the ritual sacrifice.
Bill himself had taken three Trappers along for a fourth group, and they’re trudging along the ribcage toward the head. The youngest one of the group holds the task of clambering up each rib they come across and using that vantage point to scout for any sign of the Titan’s son.
Navigating the Isles has proven more difficult than they bargained for, as the entire place is glitter-ized with a cosmic pastel aesthetic, part of which being massive, floating blue star structures with menacing red eyes that turn anyone they zap into dolled-up, vacant-eyed versions of themselves. To top it all off, there’s some sort of structure balancing on the tip of the Isles’s horn, one shaped like a massive crown.
It’s well into the night before they finally spot what they’re looking for.
The young Trapper is peering through his sin-oculars when he lets out a shout from his perch. When the others approach, he says, “I saw something - some sort of… flat star? But the Titan child was definitely on there.”
Bill gives a start of surprise. “Wha-? Let me see!” he orders, snatching up the sin-oculars and using them himself. Zooming in, he sees the star the young Trapper described, and following it, he realizes it’s heading for the crown-like structure on the tip of the Titan’s horn. He grins.
That’s where we’re going.
Through some trial and error, the group is able to enter the structure. Bill commands them to split up and search every nook and cranny of this place until their prey is found.
Soon enough, he reaches a hole leading to a floating bedroom in the shape of a small moon.
From the bed on the right comes the unmistakable glint of horns.
There he is.
Bill feels almost lightheaded with delight.
Ducking his head out of the hole, he scrambles several paces back, then pulls out a contact crow. “Get everyone back to the base,” he whispers gruffly. “I found it.”
He returns to the bedroom almost at a run, aiming for the moon - overshooting and promptly crashing into it. Shaking his head, Bill clambers up the right side until the bed is in view.
Slowly, carefully, he creeps up to the bed to peer at his soundly sleeping quarry. After a moment, King flinches in his sleep, as if sensing something looming over him - then sits bolt upright in bed, leveling a startled look at Bill.
He opens his mouth, presumably either to call for help or blast the Titan Trapper away with one of his raucous shrieks.
Oh, no you don’t.
Quick as lightning, Bill lashes a hand forward to clamp the young Titan’s mouth shut. His now-muffled cries won’t be heard by anyone. Bill scoops him up.
“No one’ll be around to help you this time,” he growls, narrowing his eyes.
The Collector had been sleeping nice and cozy, until shadows had come and poisoned his dreams, turning them sour.
Pictures that they instinctively knew came from King - the small Titan being dragged off by a short, scruffy guy wearing a Titan-like skull thing, looking terrified. A whole room of what looked like Titan skulls that came with a vague but intense feeling of horror and finality. The whole thing was punctuated by King’s throat-gripping fear and despair.
It’s these that jerk the Collector rudely awake, panic prickling along their spine. Part of them hopes it had been a dream, though he knows that’s not likely.
That hope goes out the window when they glance over at King’s bed and find it empty.
Their core leaps into their throat.
He doesn’t completely understand everything he’d seen, or what they’re supposed to imply, or the feelings around them - he just knows it’s bad, and that King is in more danger than even they could know.
He suddenly remembers, too, that King had warned them something like this would happen. What had his friend said…?
“If they find me, they’ll take me away from you. Permanently.”
The line is punctuated in the Collector’s mind with another flash of the room full of Titan skulls - ones that are all close to the same size as King’s - and the overwhelming sense of foreboding that had come with it.
No. No.
They vault off their bed and through the hole to the rest of the Archives.
I have to find King right now.
The Collector searches the building, his panic growing by the second, but finds nothing. When they finally blast out of the building, they decide they need to narrow down the search and tap into his powers.
As he looks around with zoomed-in sight, it isn’t long before something catches their eye.
A group of people.
When the Collector looks at the Titan skulls - ones that are close to the size of King’s - the group are wearing, that sends many unwelcome thoughts his way.
They’ve been acting weird lately, talking about something bigger and better they could do against Titans.
They took King away.
They might have done something awful (permanent) to him.
They may have done something awful (permanent) to a lot of the little Titans I used to know.
Something finally snaps.
The Collector screeches, a pained cry of rage, and falls upon the Titan Trappers like a storm.
They barely notice the roar of the earth quaking and splitting around them, barely make out the words in the Trappers’ cries to one another. All he can process is a chaotic din of overlapping noise and a mass of swirling figures wearing (King-sized) Titan skulls.
He’s consumed and driven by a single, primal need, a need that burns in every fiber of their being, to blast, tear, hurt something, hurt anything, take all the pain they felt from King and all the pain they themselves feel and let it all out on something, make them feel it all tenfold. He needs to shake the figures around him to their core, cause them all such fear as to make sure they get and stay as far away from everyone he holds dear as possible.
He’s able to focus through the haze around his mind just enough to pin down a Titan Trapper at random, just enough to form his agonized screams into three words.
King doesn’t know how long it takes Bill to reach the Titan Trappers’ base on the Isles - not that he wants to know. Every second that ticks by is torture when he knows it’s a second closer to his own execution. He’s beyond the point of panic; his most overpowering emotion right now is sickening despair.
Suddenly, they both hear something - something faint but unmistakably chaotic. Bill hears it too; he stops and raises a clawed hand to where his ear is underneath the skull he wears. “What the …?” he mutters, starting forward again with more measured steps.
It doesn’t take them much longer to reach a close view of the base. Bill stops again, and King tilts his head forward to have a clear view himself.
The sounds almost aren’t enough to prepare King for the sight.
The base is in complete shambles, the earth cracked and jutting all around it as if a massive fist had collided with it. The Titan Trappers themselves are sprawled and scattered all over, some running away. At the center of it all, floating in the sky, is a familiar figure, intense and moving wildly.
Bill buckles forward upon seeing them. “He’s… free.” His voice is hushed with awe.
King feels the grip on him suddenly jerk tight as Bill rushes down to his camp, the Titan Trapper leader practically radiating manic jubilation. A few of the Trappers see Bill on his way down and their eyes light up, but he pays them no mind as he dashes to the top of the tallest piece of jutting land.
“At last!” He cries out, exulting. “Fortunate smiles upon me, for the day of reckoning has finally come!”
King sees the Collector turn in the air at Bill’s shout, their face blank for a brief second - before it twists into all-consuming rage, his teeth bared and gritted, his eyes blazing. With a shrill, wordless shout, they rocket down toward the Titan Trapper.
Bill looks up at the star child arrowing in his direction; he must be too wrapped up in his euphoria to notice their anger, because he tosses King roughly to the ground and raises his arms to the sky in glee, as if waiting for some sort of reward.
He gets one, but not the one he expects.
The moment the Collector collides with Bill, a sickening crack blasts King’s eardrums.
Several moments pass. If there’s not much noise, or if he just can’t hear it over the fading ringing in his ears, King can’t tell.
When he finally opens his eyes, the Titan Trappers are retreating - hurrying back to get their boats together and leave, making sure their wounded are set securely onto the vessels. Tarak in particular carefully takes Bill with him. King only flicks one glance at him and immediately wishes he hadn’t, as the scruffy Trapper’s head is at an angle it definitely shouldn’t be. They seem to be in some sort of daze, not completely knowing what to do with themselves without their leader, but clearly intent on getting out of the Isles as fast as they can - which is just fine with King.
He glances over at the Collector. There are stains of red on their right hand, as well as a few flecks on their face. They’re curled into themselves, shaking - King can’t say if it’s more from shock or their dissipating rage.
Upon realizing that he’d instinctively sent the cosmic child a mental cry for help, King didn’t know what to expect. He certainly didn’t expect to hear them rain calamity down on the Trappers the moment he got close to the base. He’d had a sense that the Collector may genuinely care about him, and what happened to him, but it would appear he’d underestimated just how much.
Tentatively, King approaches his friend and sits by him, wrapping his tail around his hind limbs and resting his chin on his knees. He feels a slight weight as the Collector leans onto him a bit, and looking up, sees their face crinkled with an internal knot of emotion.
Two godlike children sit silently over a shore. One looks at nothing, the other carefully observes everything.
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undergrounddweller89 · 10 months
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Bendy and the ink machine oc Lost one
Sits by the projectionist who stares before shining a light on the wall projecting words on to it.
The lost one squints a moment as they read it
"You wanna know my name?"
The projectionist nods, after all it's not often the residents of the studio so casually sit beside him.
"Hmmm SIGMA Freud....I don't think it's my name, but I can't remember it and I kinda just like the way the words mash together so guess that's what it is now."
They returned cheerfully as their tail snaked it's way around the projectionists waist, only to receive a slap to it that was the embodiment of
'stop that, behave.'
Sigma just chuckled and shrugged
"Kay, I'll be good....so what's your name?"
The projectionists light dimmed a moment as he turned his head down , he was trying to recall it...No...man......ah yes
He turned back to the wall and there in glowing letters across the decrepit planks of wood the name Norman could be seen clearly.
"Huh, Norman, cool."
Sigma answered casually as their tail tried to make another pass at the projectionist only to get a playful bonk on the head.
They pouted but were obviously still smiling behind it.
"Fiiiiiine I'll be good...for now."
Norman, you could tell just from the way he moved his head internally rolled his eyes at them, but at the same time it wasn't so bad having the company.
Sigma Freud was a pretty fucking dumb name, but eh...it was theirs...sometimes idiot company was better than none at all ... however...his inky black heart may have just skipped a beat as Sigma looked at him with a genuine smile and told him it was nice to finally have a friend.
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boyakishantriage · 1 year
"I will stab you. Fuck off."
The alien wisely fucked off. My first time ever on a ship and aliens already assuming that humans are all the same. An adage of crew, Christ is is gonna be a long two years.
"... The new humans are different."
"Eh? Oh. Yeah. Ellie's a bit. It takes a while before she's. Y'know. Plus she uh. Lost a few people recently so she's been a little."
"bit of a bitch."
"I was gonna say prickly, but that works too."
It took a week before it wore off. Dan and Sarah both managing to not freak out the rest of the crew when I say on top of the ship. Not wearing a space suit.
"Oh. Right. Um."
"See, the uh. Funny thing-"
"... Where's her space suit?"
A tall ass lanky mother fucker tapped my shoulder, small jelly fish glowing animals floating around me as he sat beside me.
"Y'know, I've seen a lot of things in my life."
"But humans are the strangest thing-"
"Drop the pretentious shit."
"has anyone every told you you sound like an old man?"
"I- I do??"
"Seen a lot of things in my life. Sounds like my fucking old ass friends. How old are you?"
"489 earth years."
"You species. How old are ya?"
"Sorry, I didn't hear that."
"24 and you talk with the same pretentious fuckery as a 120 year old who wants to fuck with the youth. I'm fucking 34 and I have less obviousness than you."
She flicked the keys to the ship between her hands. The jelly fish like animals floating away as they lost interest in her.
" Oh right. How are you-"
"Y'know what mana is?"
"Basic idea. Everything connected, even void. Matter. Energy. Whatever you call it's the thing that connects all shit is called mana. Magic is wielding that mana to do shit. Augment strength, harden skin, shields. Protection. Blah blah blah. Long story..."
She trailed off, looking over at the asteroid field as it passed.
"did you see that?"
"... What?"
"thought I saw a ship."
"Out here?"
"Hmmm. Yeah I'm gonna go inside."
She walked past the captain, walking along the steel as her feet glowed. Placing hand on the controller, it glowing with blue light before the door opened. Without the key into the ship.
"You coming?"
A crowd of aliens rushed forward, asking questions and increasing my headache. I grumbled, before pushing mana out. Same motion as moving your arms out to push people away, a circle formed around me as the captain walked in.
Ignoring the increased questions, as aliens stood in shock. I then lifted the crew up.
"Someone go check the monitors before I lose my patience. Saw something out there. I can explain how I'm doing this when we're not-"
The ship's gravity suddenly shifted, people falling backwards as I held my ground. Something clamped onto the back end of the ship, magnets of some sort near the botanical ball.
"Nine pirates. I know. DAN. SWORDS!"
He tossed me my swords.
"Ok. So captain. I can either go kill them all, or I can let you do whatever you think we should do."
Tall, lanky grey ish purple and with a purple supernova in his eyes, he thought carefully. Dan already had herded the crew back, Sarah no doubt already had stolen a gun and was hiding in ambush somewhere.
The man shrugged. Turning to the panicking crew. So not no. Not yes. And I had no idea what U was gonna fight so...
I charged down the hall, sword in hand as I slid my way down halls. Technically I had some idea, but the ship was kinda big. Like a container ship big, the lower deck had a lot of crates and shit, only way in is the hangar which is locked and stuff and you can't cut that open or something.
I soon bumped into my first group of pirates. Chicken men, scars lining body. Hmm. Kinda like that Ben ten race-
The human ducked under the flames, blade catching the heat as she swung the weapon forward. My brother caught the blade, before he was thrown into me.
Momentum, basic idea is I just swirl around and I can redirect inertia towards an object, using this, I can turn a kick into a swivel and a stumble into a toss.
Ice forced the two against the wall, unable to move their legs what heat they produced barely even melted the pair. Sword in hand, the woman. Raced down the hall.
"ATTACK!!" The buffalo like alien had time to turn, drop the captive as then get a sword stuck in his chest.
The human rose up, the big guy's back turning to face them as she threw the body over herself, sword embedded in his chest throwing the line of pirates into the shit as she drew a second blade.
Plasma blades were drawn, the insect like thing swinging the glaive quickly as he scraped the floor, long sword twirling, catching the sword, I kicked the insects leg out. Pulling a striking claw away, before slicing the insect with its own glaive stabbing it into the ground as it tried to regenerate or something.
The human began using the glaive with panicked ease, parry and slicing legs, U til.it was taken off her in which she headbutted the alien hard enough it staggered. Growling, claws grew from her hands. Her body glowing as she dropped to her fours and charged into the ship.
She drove the ship into the hanger, claw marks covering the pirates' crew, tied up in the smaller more mobile ship.
The crew stared at the woman, then the tied up crew.
"Getting the feeling, some of y'all have never seen a human special forces person before." She stated, pulling the sword out the quarsian's chest, flame cauterizing the wound.
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@dragon-tailz 🌷 a time my muse said they loved yours. 
Do tell, won't you? (¬ᴗ¬)
Wyverlyn seemed convinced that Bede sorely needed her help to have fun. At least, when he told her he’d never participated in a sleepover before (something he’d never felt any sorrow over “missing out on”), she’d jumped at the nearest chance to rectify that. It was as if she thought his life teetered over some chasm of mundanity, and required a heroine to thrust it out of reach of the murky depths. Hm. 
That was how the two ended up lazing about Opal’s living room. Bede sat up against the dark colored sofa, wearing magenta pajamas patterned with spiral psychic type symbols and holding his Stuff-a-Stufful plush in the crook of his arm. Wyverlyn, in contrast, lay sprawled out on the carpet, head resting on a purple ottoman. She wore a soft cotton Charmander t-shirt mismatched with Alolan Exeggutor pajama bottoms. Some of their pokemon, too, were out and about: Mawile had stretched herself over Bede’s lap, Pickle the Dreepy floated lazily near the ceiling, Budew drowsed on the windowsill, and Odette the Altaria perched on the arm of one of the large chairs, humming idly. The world outside the window was dark and sleepy, save for the soft glow of fungi in the distance. The same could be said for the trainers’ eyes- obviously, they were attempting to stay awake as long as they possibly could. 
Bede brought a hand to his mouth and yawned. “You realize I’m going to be a less than ideal host, don’t you? I’ve never done this before, and I’d say I’ve already run out of ideas as to what we should do.”
Wyverlyn sat up, causing Pickle to turn his head with interest. “Well, that’s okay! I knew what I was signing up for! Let me show you a good time. It’s my turn to pick what we do, anyway.” She thoughtfully tapped her chin with her finger in just the same way Bede tended to. At first, he was convinced she was mocking him by doing it, but now he wasn’t so sure. Perhaps she was just the sort of person to pick up habits from those around her. “Well, there’s always the classic- truth or dare!”
Bede clicked his tongue with disdain. "And I suppose we're ten years old, now?" 
"Don't knock it til you try it! Here, I'll go first. Ask me."
"...Truth or dare?" Bede mumbled with a sigh. 
"Hmmm… truth." A playful twinkle danced in Wyverlyn’s eyes as she made her choice. Bede raised an eyebrow at her. "What? Did you think I’d choose dare? Why would I do that when I don’t have anything to hide? I’m actually excited for you to learn something about me, silly.”
“Hmph.” Bede eyed her with puzzlement, his violet eyes betraying his exasperation. He couldn’t fathom what it must be like to lead one’s life like that. Feeling vaguely put on the spot, he glanced around the room as he searched for a question. Finally, he raised a hand and pointed, thumb out and palm facing the sky, at the Altaria across the room. “Fine. Just how was it that you met that one? If my memory serves, Altaria can’t be found on mainland Galar.”
“Oh, that one’s easy!” Wyverlyn smiled brightly and sat up, scooting forward on her knees to give Odette a scratch under the chin. The flying type pokemon reacted with a pleasantly surprised soprano trill and leaned into her trainer’s hand. “I got her during my family vacation in Paldea. I was on a hike with my parents in the South Province… we were on our way to Mesagoza, I think. The area we were in was pretty mountainous, so we were kinda sidling our way over to the city to grab some food and fill our bellies after such a rough walk. Oh, but Bede, it was so absolutely worth it for the view! And the pokemon, of course.” She gave a sly look at Odette as she said that last part, who chirped with satisfaction. “Anyway, Odette was a Swablu back then, hopping around among the rocks. I remember seeing her and just, I don’t know… something clicked, okay? And since she was all alone, with no flock in sight, my parents were fine with me catching her. Which I’m so glad about! She’s such a great friend!” Wyverlyn’s gaze hovered nostalgically on Odette for a moment as she stroked the pokemon’s neck, until suddenly her head whipped around to look at Bede with mischievous intent. “Alright! Your turn! Truth or dare, my friend~?”
Bede’s eyes widened ever so slightly, despite his attempts to hide his surprise. He cleared his throat, taking a moment to collect himself. “Truth, I suppose. I’ll follow your lead,” He said with an attempt at a nonchalant wave of his hand. Wyverlyn’s smile gave him the feeling that he’d made the wrong choice.
“Truth, huh?” she said, shifting her body toward Bede and cradling her chin in her hands. “Well… You know I tell you I love you all the time, but you’re a liiittle harder to read from my perspective… so my question is, what exactly do you think of little old me?” Wyverlyn wheedled with a knowing smile. 
Bede stiffened, sitting up straight as a board. Mawile had to readjust herself on his lap. “I take it back. Dare.”
“I dare you to tell me you love me.”
“...You had both of those prepared, didn’t you?”
Bede watched her with a sense of irritability, then suddenly looked away to stare at nothing in particular. His pale eyebrows were furrowed, and he ran a hand over Mawile’s iron jaws in a subtly fidgety manner. 
The clock on the wall ticked. Ticked. The stale air hung thickly around them. After a moment or two, Wyverlyn’s expression shifted into one of concern. “You know, Bede, you don’t actually have to say anything you don’t want to. It’s just a game, y’know? I can just-”
“I love you.”
It was so quick and quiet, one could have blamed it upon the wind rustling through Ballonlea’s trees. A smile stretched across Wyverlyn’s face from ear to ear. “Awwww, Bede, really?”
He turned back to face her, conflicted expression already plastered over by his usual smug one. “Obviously, I had to say it. Else you’d go around telling everyone Ballonlea’s gym leader Torchiced out of a trifling little dare. Be grateful I have a reputation to uphold.”
“Bede, you know I wouldn’t-”
“Tsk!” He interrupted her with a sharp hiss between his teeth. After that, the two sat for a moment in contented silence…
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kaaytea · 2 years
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Hinata Shoyo x reader
Warnings: gn reader, timeskip Hinata, kinda shitty writing
Summary: Hinata starts his birthday in the best way possible
A/n: HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY MF BABY!! Also first post since February !!!
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As gently as you could, you flipped onto your side to face your fiancé. Hinata shifted in his sleep at your slight movements, involuntarily wrapping his arm around your waist and pulling you closer to his chest. From there you could admire the way the light filtered through the window and illuminated his face; the warm glow highlighted the golden strands mixed into his fiery hair, as well as the faint freckles splattered across his sun-kissed cheeks and bare chest—a result from long hours playing beach volleyball in the sun.
He looked so peaceful, you almost didn't want to wake him. It wasn't often that he slept in—the man was usually up at sunrise to go on a jog or get a work out in before dashing off to practice with the rest of the Jackals—but you had very sneakily switched off his alarms the second you learned he didn't have practice.
He worked so hard all the time; he deserved a quiet morning on his special day.
You snuggled further into his intoxicating warmth, pressing your lips to the side of his face and running your fingers along his jaw.
"Shoyo," you whispered between the lazy kisses being placed on his cheek. The man stirred, a low whine rumbling in his chest as he buried his face in your neck to try and fall back asleep.
You pressed a kiss to the top of his head, reveling in the comforting scent of his shampoo and his soft curls caressing your face. You felt lips brush your collarbone in response to your onslaught of affections.
"Good morning, birthday boy," you whispered, running your fingers down the nape of his neck and back ever so gently—his muscles twitched at the featherlight touch.
"Hmmm . . . Morning," his sleepy voice echoed back. He pulled his face away from his hiding spot in your neck and blinked up at you with a tired smile. You laughed, brushing his mess of curls from his face before cupping his cheeks and softly caressing the delicate skin below his eyes.
He melted into your touch with a content sigh, letting his, still sleep filled, eyes fall shut. The arm thrown over your waist moved to your hip where he gave the skin a comforting squeeze.
"Birthday kiss?" He mumbled aloud.
You complied with his wish immediately. Hinata hummed happily when you pressed your mouth to his, enjoying the slow, loving drag of your lips against his own.
"Happy birthday, Sho," you said after breaking apart. A radiant smile split his features before he whispered a 'thank you' and pulled you to lay on his chest—the sheets pooled around you like a veil, making you look angelic in the morning light.
"Wanna go to that cafe you love for breakfast?"
Hinata hummed in thought. He watched you silently trace invisible patterns from his chest to his shoulders; your engagement ring would catch the light every so often, reflecting glittery spots across your face like stardust.
"I want another kiss," he stated.
You obliged, your short laugh getting swallowed by your fiancé's plush lips as he tilted his head up to yours. Hinata's hands sat comfortably on your lower back, keeping you securely against him; your hands drifted up to hold his face and deepen the kiss. You broke apart a few seconds later, your lips continued to ghost over his as you ran your hand through his hair—you could feel his mouth tug into a smile against your own.
"You and your birthday kisses," you teased, placing a peck to the corner of his mouth.
"They're special!" He protested, pulling away so you could see the pout on his face. "I only get them once a year!"
"Then I'll just have to give you a year's worth," you said, pushing yourself up to hover above him and press quick pecks all over his face. Joyous laughs rang from Shoyo as you kissed across his cheeks and nose. With a final exaggerated smooch to his forehead, you pulled away and smiled at the man beneath you—his face flushed from laughter and ginger locks spread perfectly around him.
"I love you, Hinata Shoyo."
"I love you too."
Hinata reached up and cupped your face with his hand. He traced his thumb over your cheekbone before you turned your head and kissed his palm.
Shoyo was just about to pull you down for another kiss when he was interrupted by a loud growl from his stomach. You snorted in laughter at the ruined moment.
"Maybe we should go to that cafe after all," he said between his own embarrassed chuckles.
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ashcoveredtraveler · 27 days
I am speechless. I'm excited to see that this fic is going to be a very long one.
On another topic, what are details in Hollow Knight that are very odd to you?
Here are some for me.
The Traitor Lord's Defeat with Cloth. (Rather than exploding he completely collapses as if he's unconscious.)
The Failed Tramway's destination. (Why the hell is there a tramway going to the queen's gardens in the first place?)
Hornet and the Nightmare King's odd connections. (Hornet is shown to have a back step that is very similar to Grimm's backstep when you get too close to him. Not to mention Hornet is associated with fire and glowing red eyes in one of the promo arts of her. Grimm, Hornet, and The Knight are the only characters to have T-shirts associated with them. Am I looking too deeply into this? Probably.)
Lifeblood. (If it wasn't for the fact that this stuff is specifically said to be taboo and associated with it's own dream catchers. Clearly there is something connected to dreams here.)
Godseeker's odd body similarities to the gods of the land of storms. (It would make sense if she was the daughter of the two higher beings. This would be why she is so devastated and mourning of the gods dying. On another note, Godseeker is sort of a reflection of the hollow knight in a way. She is a vessel for the Lord of Shades, they are a vessel for the Radiance.)
Ya, the fic is going to be extremely long, I can't wait to write the scenes and ideas I have.
Hmmm, I think a few of the details that are odd to me are the placements of Marmu and Markoth's boss fight.
Markoth is behind a shade gate that was probably constructed by the king as you can see the crown imagery on the edge of the gate. This shows that the king wanted to hide or protect something in Kingdoms Edge as we see in Queens Garden to guard the Queen. However, this gate is just blocking the Markoth fight. Was something there and Markoth bypassed the gate and got stuck there, or did PK place him there, murder his ass, and block his corpse? There is also Thistlewinds: "Another braved the edges of this world, hoping to uncover a truth long forgotten," referring to Markoth. So he was probably looking for something that PK hid. But what did he hide?
Marmu's grave is also strange to me. I kinda have a headcanon that WL murdered Marmu as she had connections to the Radiance, but I don't know why she would be buried there.
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scarlett-vixen · 2 years
hiiii hello kinda late but congrats on 200+ ^^ can i request f for the event with satan (hmmm fluff theme) if it's not taken yet? ty have a nice day-
Hiiii <3 you sure can! I hope you have a beautiful day and enjoy this!! I know Satan is one of your favs so I really hope this meets your expectations ❤️
Prompt: F - Favorite
Pairing: Satan x Gn!reader
Genre: Fluff
Satan was the Avatar of Wrath, but watching the way Mammon interacted with you made him feel like the Avatar of Envy.
The two of you had such a playful connection it seemed, constantly joking with each other, the way Mammon made you smile made Satan’s eye twitch. He felt childish for being jealous over his brother’s friendship with you, it wasn’t hurting anyone and it made you happy.
The fourth born hated to admit it but he honestly wished he could be that carefree, he wanted to be the one making you laugh so hard you had tears in your eyes, the one throwing a couch pillow at you from across the room. Those things just didn’t come to him as easily as they did for his brother.
More than anything, Satan knew the reason watching his older brother mess with you rubbed him the wrong way was because he had feelings for you. That was something he had been battling for a while, he respected your boundaries, and felt that trying to get close to you while feeling this way would be pushing them.
“See ya later human, gotta get to work!” Mammon’s voice cut through Satan’s thoughts. He watched his brother leave and quickly turned his attention back to the book in his hands as you made your way across the room towards him.
You plopped down in a chair across from him, still laughing at the dumb joke Mammon told you prior to leaving, you noticed how tense Satan seemed.
“Is your book that intense?” You prodded.
Satan suddenly realized how stiff he was. He had picked up the closest book to him, pretending to read it when the two of you entered the room earlier, wanting something to distract him from your laughter. He was now floundering for a response as “Ten Potions to Help Your Skin Glow” didn’t seem like an intense read unless you were Asmodeus.
“I think your skin glows a normal amount.” You teased as he took too long to respond.
“Yes, well, maybe if my skin glowed more you would would like me as much as you do Mammon.” Satan felt like dying instantly, what kind of response was that? Now he just sounded like a creep.
“Hang on,” you started to laugh “what does Mammon have to do with this? Are you…jealous of him?”
Satan slammed the book shut and shoved it onto the table beside him. You became cautious of his attitude, not wanting to cause destruction in the library.
“I’m not jealous of him,” the fourth born sighed and crossed his arms “I’m jealous of your friendship with him.”
You felt bad for laughing, friendships and relationships in general were a sore subject for the Avatar of Wrath, he had vented that to you before. They were difficult for him to form due to his label and his temper, even when he tried his best people would avoid him or exclude him from events in fear of his rage.
“Well don’t be! You’re my friend too after all!” You offered him a comforting smile.
“Yes I know, but I’ll never have the type of friendship with you that Mammon does.” Satan felt far too vulnerable in this situation, normally he would never admit his honest feelings like this, but with you it came naturally.
“Well yeah, no two friendships are alike, that’s what makes them so special!” You had hoped he would perk up but he still seemed far too glum for his normal self.
“If I’m being completely honest?,” you started off “I adore Mammon but sometimes his energy is just too much for me. I would much rather spend my time staying home relaxing or having a genuine conversation than go out running around town or to another party…”
Satan did perk up a bit at that, knowing very well he was one of the only demons you could do that with.
“That’s why you’re my favorite! I can sit and have a quiet evening with you and still have loads of fun!” You watched Satan’s eyes go wide and a soft pink dust his cheeks.
Favorite? Had he heard you correctly? Surely that was a joke, there was no way he could be your favorite. He gave a nervous chuckle.
“You jest I assume?”
“Only jesters jest and I’m not a King’s fool…now Mammon on the other hand would make a great jester!” You laughed at the thought of Mammon wearing one of those silly hats with the bells on the ends.
“But… I spend far less time with you than some of my brothers, it would only make sense for one of them to be your favorite!” Satan was still trying to process the word ‘favorite’ in his mind. Hearing you say it made him feel a new type of warmth, not the usual one he felt when someone pissed him off.
You sat for a minute trying to find a way to describe what you meant, it was true that you often spent your time with one of the more outgoing brothers, but time spent with Satan always made you feel at peace.
“You know why you’re my favorite? Why I enjoy our conversations more than anything?” Satan shook his head slightly, waiting for your explanation. “Because you’re the most human out of your brothers. You struggle with your emotions, you question things that others don’t, you feel out of place most days. Those are all things that humans do on a daily basis!”
Your time down here had been rough, in the beginning you knew no one and felt like a complete outsider (because you were), you only started to feel more relaxed when you became close with Mammon.
“I act that way with Mammon because I’ve ‘known’ him longer than the rest of you, we made our pact first and spent a lot of time together, really he was the first friend I made down here.”
“That’s understandable, I do regret being so stubborn over forming a pact with you for so long. I only wish I had done it sooner, perhaps then we would be closer than we are now.” Satan gave you a soft smile, he was much happier hearing how you viewed your relationship with him.
“Don’t worry about it too much, being first isn’t that important to me. What matters to me is our connection and how well we get along, as far as I’m concerned our connection is stronger than others because we share similar beginnings in the Devildom!” You watched as the pink on his cheeks darkened slightly while he turned away from you. Satan let out a small laugh before responding.
“I suppose you’re right. It was foolish of me to be bothered by your friendship when I have my own to continue building.” He didn’t really care about not being your first, especially when he now knew he was your favorite.
“Exactly!,” you smirked, a devious thought crawling into your mind. “Besides, Mammon isn’t my first at everything, and there’s plenty of ways for us to get closer.”
A dangerous game to play, especially with the Avatar of Wrath, but you loved to tease Satan. Watching his face turn a deep red, visibly frustrated and giving you a look that could kill, you knew you were pushing your luck but he just looked too cute in red. Maybe one day he’d actually be honest with you about his feelings, but for now you’d continue spending peaceful evenings with your favorite demon.
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helenaheissner · 1 month
Love During Robot Fighting Time: Chapter 21
“Okay, so, how is this gonna work?” Kate asked, swirling her straw inside her tall glass of skim milk. 
The three of us sat in a booth inside a twenty-four hour diner in West Hollywood, atop brown leather seats jammed into the back corner of the main dining room. Overhead lights buzzed above us, casting their hot glow downwards on our intrepid trio. The blues stylings of Blind Blake hummed from the speaker, while the aromas of potatoes frying and meat grilling and pastries baking all filled the air. We all split a plate of onion rings while we waited for our entrees to arrive, taking turns dipping them in a small bowl of ketchup. I sipped my orange juice and Zeke skimmed his finger over the rim on his glass of sprite. “How do you mean?” I asked after swallowing a mouthful of OJ. 
“I mean… Well, I guess I just mean I’ve never been in a real relationship before, let alone one where there’s three people total. Zeke and I have only been a couple for a short while so far and now we’re adding you and I guess I just don’t really know what all this entails.”
“She raises a good point,” Zeke said. He sat next to her while I faced the two of them, putting his arm around her. I tried to ignore the green sparks shooting through my chest, tried to make sure they didn’t ignite a verdant blaze of hideous jealousy. I had no reason to be jealous- I’d literally kissed both of them less than a half hour ago. 
“Yeah, she does,” I said. “Still, does it have to be that different from how things are right now? Zeke, you and I have been best friends for a while anyway, and a couple is basically just a pair of best friends who have a romantic and/or sexual component to that dynamic.”
“That’s true,” Zeke said, idly scratching at the beard stubble sprouting on his chin. 
“And she does have the most relationship experience between the three of us,” Kate said. 
“That’s a scary prospect,” I said. 
“That doesn’t fill us with confidence, babe,” Zeke said. 
He called me… 
He called me babe.
I squirmed in my seat, putting my hands under my chin as I wiggled back and forth and smiled. “Heeheehee,” I giggled. 
“I think she likes that, babe,” Kate said.
“I’m inclined to agree, babe,” Zeke said. 
“This is getting a little confusing though, babe,” Kate said, smirking. “It’s kinda what I’m talking about- if all three of us are occupying the same space and we’re all calling each other babe, which babe is the babe to whom we’re referring.”
“That could get a little confusing, yeah,” I said. Then I winked at her. “Babe.”
Those big blue doe eyes went wide as she blushed and smiled. “I mean… That certainly helps.”
Zeke snort-laughed. “Okay, back on topic: I can kinda see a broader issue happening here with one of us feeling like a third-wheel if two of us spend more time one-on-one then with all three of us. And since Faith and I live together, that feels like it will probably happen at some point.”
“The last thing I want is for Kate to feel neglected,” I said. 
“I mean hey, that’s not something I want either,” Kate said wryly before chomping down on another onion ring.
The waiter, a short and stocky black man with braids tied back into a man-bun and a nametag that read ‘Jerome’, came over with our meals: a stack of banana chocolate chip pancakes with a side of ham and cooked golden apples for Kate, a pastrami reuben on rye with a side of potato salad for Zeke, and an avocado melt on whole wheat with a side of coleslaw for me. “Here y’all are. Anything else I can get for you?”
“We’re good for now, though we might want some milkshakes by the end of the night,” Zeke said. 
“Or just one, with three straws,” Kate said, wiggling her eyebrows suggestively.
I cocked (heh) a smile. “I like the way you think, Katie.”
“Hmmm. I like it when you call me that,” she replied. 
Jerome left us to our food, and we all got so busy chowing down we let the conversation go silent for a few minutes. After we’d sated our initial hunger and let ourselves slow down, however, I said what was really on my mind: “it does raise the question, though: we’re gonna have to find ways for all three of us to be together a lot if we want to avoid any of us feeling jealous or neglected. Like, I’m not gonna lie, I wish I was sitting on that side of the booth with one of you instead of being here on my own.”
“Then come over and sit with us,” Kate shrugged. 
“Kate, she’s not gonna fit,” Zeke said. 
“Exactly, and I’m worried about that becoming a metaphor for this throuple-”
“Oh God, that is what we are, aren’t we?” Kate said. 
“I prefer ‘polycule’ personally,” Zeke said. “If we’re serious about this.”
“I am if y’all are,” Kate said. 
I nodded in agreement. “We should set up some ground rules: for every one-on-one date that a permutation of the three of us goes on, we have to go on a three-person date.”
“I like that,” Kate said, cutting up her ham and mixing it in with the syrupy pancakes before taking a large bite. 
“I do too, but what exactly constitutes a date?” Zeke said. “Again, Faith and I live together and we hang out watching TV basically every night unless I’m going on a date with Kate. Does that count?”
“I don’t really think so, no,” I said. 
“Okay, but Kate, be honest, would you get jealous about that? Me and Faith watching movies without you?”
Kate shook her head while chewing her food. She swallowed, then said, “No, that’s just hanging at home.”
“Okay, but what if Faith and I started banging?” Zeke said. 
I had the misfortune of swallowing a bite of my own sandwich when he said that, and nearly started choking before forcing the food down. “Getting a little ahead of ourselves, aren’t we, Underhill?”
He rubbed the back of his head. “... Fair enough, but like… It’s been on my mind. And I know you well enough to know that it’s been on yours as well. Kate and I have already talked about how we’re not quite ready for that yet-”
Kate put her palm flat across Zeke’s face. “Babe. Babe, we’re in public.”
“... Right, sorry. Forgot that.”
“Thank God this place is almost empty,” I said with a nervous chuckle, looking around to make sure none of the three old couples scattered throughout the diner were gawking at us degenerate youngins. Blind Blake gave way to Dolly Parton, ironically begging Jolene not to steal her man. Heh, I was pretty sure I’d figured out the work around to that particular conundrum. “But, uh, yeah, I’ll admit, there is that aspect to this particular equation. You and I have known each other a while, and I’ve been on HRT long enough that I’ve gotten a lot more comfortable with my body. And since we live together, we certainly have ease of access-”
“Yeah you do,” Kate said, brows raised and grin downright shit-eating. 
I started laughing in spite of myself. “Damn, Katie, you’re BAD.”
“You’re surprised?” Zeke deadpanned. 
“I really shouldn’t be,” I admitted. 
“Okay, seriously tho- you two are further along in all this stuff then I am,” Kate said.
“Are we? You and Zeke have been together longer,” I said.
“You and Zeke have known each other longer,” Kate retorted. 
“And you two have been the most desperate to bang each other the longest,” Zeke said. 
“What?!” Kate and I said in tandem. 
“Oh, c’mon, don’t deny it,” Zeke said. “We’re already here, in a polycule, don’t act like this is new or anything.”
“It is new,” Kate said. She looked at me. “Right?”
“I…,” I began, quickly trailing off. Then I thought back, to all the times Calloway had annoyed me over the past year, and wondered if there was anything more to that than poor social skills. “Actually, he might be onto something.”
“I don’t understand you sometimes,” Kate said. 
“It’s okay, we can work on that,” I said, squeezing her hand.
She blushed. “Sounds good. Also, for what it’s worth, I don’t mind if you two want to start getting intimate with each other. I’m not ready for it yet, but I hopefully will be soon. And there’s no reason for me not to let you two get a head start.”
So many images clouded my mind at that moment. SOOOO MANY. “I… Okay. Zeke, what do you think?”
“I think… I’m open to it. But, circling back a little, how about this,” Zeke said. “A date counts as such if it involves two or more of us going out and doing something together. This can include going to hang out with Katie at her place, and her at our place, but not us two at our own place. Does that sound good?”
“I’m cool with it,” Kate said. 
“Me too,” I nodded. 
“And we’re agreed that for every two-person date there needs to be a three-of-us date that week?” I asked, finishing off my sandwich. 
“Absolutely,” Zeke said, inhaling his last bite of potato salad. 
“We should also have a group chat,” Kate said, swallowing a large quantity of pancake. 
“Oh, good idea,” I said, whipping out my phone and cobbling one together. I dubbed it ‘Faith’s favorite people.’
“Awww,” Kate said. 
“Very cute,” Zeke said. “Relatedly: one last question.”
“Yes?” Kate and I both asked. 
“Does this count as one of our ‘all three of us’ dates?” Zeke asked. 
“I think so,” I said with a wide smile. 
“So do I,” Kate said. 
“In that case, a toast,” Zeke said, raising his glass. “To us. And to new beginnings.”
“Cheers!” I said, clinking my glass.
“Cheers!” Kate said. 
Jerome came back, with a chocolate malt and three straws on a tray. He set it on our table. “Figured this was where the evening was headed. Did I assume correctly?”
“You did indeed, my good man, you did indeed,” I said. 
I reached over to the center and sucked on the straw, the two faces of the people I cared about more than anything came very, very close to me while they did the same thing. We all drank together, not stopping until all three of us were wincing from brain freeze and laughing together through the pain. Kate’s laughter came in time with the final notes of ‘Jolene’, and Zeke held both of our hands as we reveled in each other’s company. 
I could get used to this. 
Later that night, after we’d dropped Kate off at home, Zeke and I made our way back to our place and walked up to our apartment, hand in hand. He smelled so damn good, musky and virile, and his massive hands felt amazing wrapped around my small, calloused ones. He was so much bigger than me, and I’d always been short, but around him, I felt… Delicate. Around him, I felt like me, and I wanted to savor that feeling as much as possible. I wanted to make each second I spent with him count, to make up for the wasted years I’d spent trying to avoid taking responsibility for my feelings. I wanted that with Kate, too, but I’d wanted it with Zeke for longer, and I wanted him to know how much I cared about him. 
Besides, I wasn’t tired yet- locking down a relationship with two hotties tends to give you an adrenaline rush, as it turns out. 
“Nightcap?” I asked him as he closed and locked the door. 
“I… Think I meant it, when I said I don’t wanna drink anymore,” Zeke said with a nervous laugh. “My mom is… Very clearly an alcoholic, and I don’t wanna go down that road.”
“Zeke, hey, you’re nothing like her,” I said, my heart sawing itself in half at his words and his downcast expression. He couldn’t possibly still think he was like his parents. He had to know how amazing he was. 
“I know, I just… The risk seems high to me, still,” he said. “I wanna be better than her. And him. Both for myself… And for you and Kate.”
The smile crept onto my face in spite of the sorrow behind the situation. I went to him, cupped his cheeks in my hands. His stubble had already grown thicker- by morning, the beginnings of a beard would already be manifesting. He was so rough and hairy and hard; I was used to girls, soft and smooth and elegant. This was different: this was a man, built differently than me, wired differently than me. It had taken me a few months to really accept that I liked the differences, liked the way he towered over me, liked the way he leapt to my aid without hesitation, liked the way he wanted to be my knight in shining armor. But now that I had, and I knew that I could have it both ways… It was as if I’d unlocked some hidden part of myself, long neglected and shoved into a corner in the back of my mind. I was a woman, yes; but moreover, at that moment, I knew I was one of HIS women. And I loved being that. 
Guess it was up to me to show him how much I loved it. Challenge accepted. 
“Hey,” I said, standing up on my tip-toes, leaning against his chest, stroking his cheek. “You’re already more than enough for both of us. So don’t ever compare yourself to your idiot parents, yeah?”
“You really mean that?” he said, his nose touching mine, our foreheads pressing together, his heartbeat thundering as I leaned on him. 
“I really, really do,” I said, my mouth getting closer to his. 
Our lips met, and it was different from our first kiss- that had been exploratory, tentative, nervous. We’d both been shaking when it happened, terrified of the idea that the aftermath might not be as good as the anticipation. 
Now we knew we didn’t have that problem. His stubble tickled my face, making me giggle as my tongue entered his mouth and explored the inside. My hands dug into his hair and rubbed his scalp as he pushed forward and pinned me against the wall, hands running down my shoulders and settling on my hips. My knee popped and I pushed back, kissing his neck and his cheek, my hands running over his hard, muscular chest. 
He gripped my hips tightly and lifted me up, and I settled into his arms as my forehead pressed against his and my tongue once again found its way down his throat. “Bedroom?” I said in a hungry whisper. 
“Are you sure?” he said, kissing me up and down my arm. 
“Only if you are,” I purred. 
“That… That would be a nightcap more up my alley,” he said. “We’ll have to tell Katie about this, though.”
“That’s fine with me,” I said, pulling off his shirt and witnessing the glory of his six pack abs and toned pectorals, digging my hands into his modest garden of dark chest hair, nibbling his shoulder lightly. Arousal burned like a wildfire through every inch of me, desperate to consume everything. “And she said she was fine with it.”
“Okay,” he said, a downright wicked smile on his face, mischief in his eyes. He bridal-carried me into his room.
“Throw me onto the bed,” I pleaded. I was small and delicate, and I was in his massive hands and strong arms. I wanted to be reminded of just how much he could do to me. 
“Throw you?!” he said, aghast. 
I giggled. Oh, Zeke. Ever the gentleman. “Okay, toss me lightly. Is that better?”
He laughed, and carefully tossed me onto his mattress. Then he jumped on as well, kicking off his shoes and pinning me down by my wrists. He loomed above me, a massive tower of masculine desire and intention. “I’ve dreamt of this moment. Literally dreamt of it.”
“Honestly, same,” I said, looking up into him, desperate to relinquish all control and give myself over to him, mind and body- ESPECIALLY body. “Guess dreams really do come true.”
“Evidently, yes,” he said, tugging the dress down from my shoulders and carefully folding it before placing it on the floor. It was honestly the sweetest little thing he could have done, and it very definitely DID SOMETHING for me. “Now then: shall we begin, oh captain my captain?”
“Yes please,” I said as I unzipped his jeans and pulled them down. 
A very long, very involved, very sweaty night proceeded from there.
Hello, lovelies! Hope y'all are doing well :)
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tiredfoxtf · 2 months
Do you have any headcanons that are true for most/all of your fanworks even if it’s not always noticeable?
Hmmm. It got me really thinking to be honest. I am not Exactly sure what you mean (forgive me stoopid brain), but there are some things that come to mind.
So in my design Tango is a Fire Elemental, not a blaze, right? And across a lot of my works, it's kinda not obvious, but his own fire actively hurts him. Specifically it hurts his more human shell. Under it there's another layer to him that is more true to his nature of an elemental being. And very strong emotions that go out of control (in his specific case it's anger) cause damage to his skin. Basically it's kinda starts cracking and the element just sips through those cracks. Which are mostly in his hands. And this is why he is wearing gloves. They kinda protect him from outside fire and protect others from his fire. He basically a candle and at any moment he can melt if the fire gets too strong.
Another interesting headcanon I have for Tango specifically is more of an observation. He has that weird connection with chance and luck. Specifically he has that connection in regard that he suffers from bad luck, while someone else wins the chance. He is kinda a magnet for bad luck while being a good luck charm for others. A really funny thing.
I draw Life Indicators as those collar thingies right. Basically in my headcanon they are like physically enforce the rules. More specifically when someone goes red they inject something you can think of as emotion stimuli. They basically boost violent impulses and as a side effect all emotions are feel more vibrant. Like joy can turn into hysteria, anger and annoyance turn to blind rage, etc. And it also causes some veins be visible in those bright red colour. It's visible on some of my arts.
I really waited for someone to point out a heart locker my Joel design has, but no one did in the end. Originally there was only a photo of Lizzie in there, but during Double like he put Etho's photo in there too as joke. But then never took it out.
My Lizzie design has two cute tails under her dress and I am so sad no one talks about them. She is a fairy. With two tails, just like the one on her dress!
And like, speaking of wings. I don't draw them very often, but Jimmy, Lizzie, Grian and Skizz have them. However they often hidden in a way that is basically just magic - they retract into a tattoo on their spine and whenever they needed they appear Through clothes. Magic.
Grian is a special guy tho and has far more feathers to him than any other bird-like person even with wings hidden. Most of them are covered with clothes. Not much he can do about the ones on his neck, cheeks and head.
Pearl's eyes glow in the dark. Well, more like they reflect light. Like two moons. And the bells on her corset were added in double life as a joke that she was too stealthy and someone should put a bells on her. Well, she did it herself and still able to move so quietly no one notices she's behind them.
Etho's heterochromia no matter what in always caused by damage done to his eye, do with that what you will, tee hee.
That's all I could think of at the moment!
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tsimvkas · 9 months
Hiii, I love friends to lovers and having 15k words to read about it is a present for me🤍
“Everything with you is unforgettable” you pouted, resting your chin on his chest, and Mason ran his thumb across your lower lip, staring at you. “I don’t want you to leave” AND HERE SHE IS JUST SHOWING PURE LOVE TO HIM
“Liar” you rolled your eyes, and he laughed. “Your contract says 2028. Five fucking years” “Language, Y/N. Manchester isn’t that far, and you’ll always be welcome at Old Trafford. At least I’m still playing in the Prem” THAT PART WAS HILARIOUS
The truth is that Mason felt happiness spreading throughout his body when he realised the way you fear being away from him. WHO KNOWS WHY
“I can deal with that” he winked. “I know you really like your favourite pyjamas but would you mind wearing one of my t-shirts tonight? Its’s just- I want to take something with you scent ya know? But you don’t need to- I’ll order our food” he closed his bedroom door before you could answer, his rose cheeks making you giggle. OOOOO🥹🥹🥹
“Five Guys” he smirked. To be honest, you already knew the answer, once your boy is addicted to it. YOUR BOY
“Don’t think like that. I’m just trying to have a cosy weekend with you, yeah? But we’ll see each other often. I promise” OH, THAT HUTS CAUSE HE IS AWARE THIS WON'T PROBABLY HAPPEN
“I’m sure girls in Manchester loves smooth faces” PFF, HE JUST CARES ABOUT A LONDON GIRL
You didn’t know why you were saying that. You just wanted him to reassure you that he won’t need any other friend, that he’d prefer to do skincare alone than with someone that isn’t you. NOT HER BEING ALREADY JEALOUS
“Ugh, don’t do this. I’m almost changing my mind” you sighed. If he could ask for something, then it would be this. For you to change your mind. HE'LL BE VERY HAPPY
“Once I’m left there will be a lot of predators around you, I need to find a way to prevent it” HE IS ALREADY JEALOUS TOO
Mason smiled, leaning to you and brushing his lips against your neck. He kissed the spot before starting sucking your skin. MASON MOUNT?
“There it is” he faced it proudly. “Now I have about two weeks of good sleep before it fades and I need to do it again” HE IS CRAZYYYY
You didn’t know what to say, so you kept quiet. Best friends don’t mark each other like that, right? But you can’t think about it now. Mason is leaving London. And you are staying. NO THEY USUALLY DON'T, FWB DO🤣
“I’ll take you to him as often as we can, Y/N” he smiled at you. BEN IS OUR SHIP CAPTAIN ISN'T HIM?
“Don’t find another best friend” you sobbed loudly. “I’ll drive to Manchester whenever I can to watch your games so we can make skincare together and we can FaceTime when you miss me but please Mount, don’t find another girl” I'M NOT FEELING GOOD
“That’s impossible” he kissed you again, on your forehead this time, holding you against him for a few minutes. “See you soon, uhm? I swear” I KINDA HOPE THEY WON'T SEE EACH OTHER SOON AND THAT WE'LL HAVE SOME ANGST 🤣
You tried to stay happy while living in London, for Ben. You really tried. But the dark hole in your chest wouldn’t let you. WHO CAN GUESS WHY?
“He is glowing” you pouted. HE IS
Your blood ran to your cheeks, and you made a mental note to kick Ben’s ass later. What a traitor! GIRL HE JUST WANTS YOI TWO TO WAKE UP AND CONFESS YOUR FEELINGS TO EACH OTHER
“Hmmm, alright. The story begins with a boy, a tall one, and a tiny girl. They met one day, when the tall boy hit the girl with a ball straight in her head…” MMMM WHO ARE THOSE TWO PEOPLE?🫣😌
Two weeks passed since you and Mason slept on a call together, and you were feeling like something was off. He’d still answer your texts and send you good morning or good night with cute emojis, but he was avoiding your phone calls and you didn’t spend the day texting. ANGST? YOU'RE GIVING ME THIS GIFT TOOO??
“I know that, bug” he smiled. “But I mean, like… we don’t know what you’re facing there. I don’t want you driving back after some misunderstandment or something like that” MMM, WHAT DO YOU KNOW BENNN
“Language, bug. Don’t need to overreact, you don’t know what happened yet. Just… prepare yourself for anything, alright?” OH
“I wouldn’t say dating, but maybe seeing someone? He hasn't said anything like that to me” Ben tried to tranquillise you. “But it was my first thought, since one of the first things a man does when he starts dating is to push their female friends away a little bit, you know… so their girl don’t feel insecure or something like this” MM, I THINK HE IS JUST AVOIDING HER TO MAKE HER DISTANCE FROM HIM AND SUFFER LESS CAUSE OF THE DISTANCE
“Call me if you need anything” he murmured, kissing the top of your head. “And call me if you decide to spend the night, please” NOT ME THINKING BEN ORGANISED SOMETHING TO HELP THIS TWO
You stared at him and the silence that came after was awkward. You turned your eyes to the floor and that’s when you saw the ring. GIRL DON'T JUMP TO CONCLUSIONS, IT CANT BE THAT SERIOUS IN THIS LITTLE PERIOD OF TIME
“I’m sorry” he kissed your forehead, hugging your waist. “It was a hell of a week and I missed you so much that I thought- that maybe if we didn’t talk that much It could get easier. Sounds dumb when I say it out loud” EHEHHEHE, I KNEW THATTT
“It’s Cartier” he said after a few seconds of silence, pushing you away to cup your face. “It’s just a ring” AHHAHAHAHA, CAN I HAVE ONE?
“You were jealous?” he raised an eyebrow at your nod. “You don’t have to. Everybody around me knows I’m yours” I THINK I STOPPED BREATHING FOR A SECOND
You felt like your heart would stop when he started to play with your panties strap. WOOOO WHAT'S GOING TO HAPPENNNN
When it was time for you to go back to London, Mount turned into a big baby, pouting every time you looked at him. I CAN IMAGINE HIS FACE
“If you want to do it then do it properly” you rolled your eyes playfully. You never said anything like that to him, but the fact that he’s in another city now seemed to make you brave enough. You won’t need to face him if he dumps you. WHAT????
When both of you ran out of air, Mason pulled away. Smirking at you, he gave your lips a peck and ran to his car without saying anything. AHHAHAHAH HE'S A BABY
“We’re a bit late so I’m not opening the door for you, sorry bug” you rolled your eyes playfully, sitting in his passenger’s seat. “You look really really beautiful. Buddy’s having a heart attack for sure” HE IS HERE
“If anyone could hear you know they would think we are a throuple” DEFINITELY
“Want to spend the night with me?” You asked Mason and you didn’t need to ask twice as he quickly jumped out of Ben’s car. OH
“Jesus, don’t call me babe in a moment like that” Mason groaned, making you laugh. “I’m sorry I made you uncomfortable” AHHAHAHAHAH, GO ON MOUNT ITS YOUR MOMENT
“I got hard cause I was thinking about it” he whispered against your neck. “I shouldn’t want this to happen, right?” OPS🤭
“You’re my best friend, Y/N. Probably my favourite person in the world. I don’t want to fuck up our friendship” he squeezed your waist, inhaling your scent. “But God, I want to fuck you so bad” LANGUAGE MOUNT
“Call me babe one more time and I’ll cum in my boxer” he breathed and you closed your eyes, fighting the urge to help him. “Y/N…” Mason whispered. HE'S WILD
“Oh yeah, you’re definitely something. He’s so in love with you, makes me sick of my stomach” HE'S OUR SHIP CAPTAIN AND WE LOVE HIM FOR THAT
Mason was holding a girl on his lap. His face was resting on her shoulder, practically laying on her boobs. FUCK
“Friday, after our game… I went to the club with some of the boys, we had a lot of drinks” he started, feeling ashamed. “And we played truth or dare. I’m sorry, bug. One of the guys thought it was a good idea to dare Enzo to send Mason a message about you” ARE YOU SERIOUS? WHAT ARE YOU STUPID TEENAGERS?
“That you spent a night with him or something like that. They all know how close both of you are and they were sure this would make Mason lost his shit cause apparently he’s the only one that still doesn’t know how fucking in love he is” Ben said it all in just one breath. “But this is not an excuse, he should’ve asked you instead of believing Enzo. I just think that he felt threatened, insecure that you saw another man even after what you guys had” MEN ARE SO STUPID
Monday morning, Ben’s doorbell rang like crazy, waking you up. You looked at your phone to check the hour, discovering it was only half past eight. OPS
You ran down the stairs in his t-shirt, rubbing your sleepy eyes and still yawning. It wasn’t the best night of sleep you ever had, to be honest. OPS
“But we need to. You’re using Ben’s t-shirt?” he frowned, forcing his weight against the door until you gave up. AHHAHAHA I KNEW HE WAS GOING TO SAY THAT
“No, we’re not” he sighed, your words hurting him a little bit. “But I’ve always wanted us to be” FINALLY
“I haven’t. You’re the only one I had sex with the last four months” he chewed his lower lip. “I went to the club so Rashy could record me because I knew you’d see it and then you’d feel what I felt when Enzo texted me” HE'S A CHILD, STUPID CHILD
“Of course I’m mad at you. Another girl was messing around with what is mine” you felt a boost of confidence knowing he wants you both to be more than best friends. OH🤭🤭🤭
“You didn't think it would be that easy, right? No kisses before my dinner” you shrugged. I LOVE HER
With that in mind, he knocked at your door hours later, his shaky legs annoying him and your favourite flowers on his hand. OHHH HE'S NERVOUS
“Alright, I think you should be my girlfriend then. The last week just proved that we want each other and not being sincere about our feelings will only leave space for us to get hurt. I don’t want us to get hurt” FINALYYYY
“I’m moving” you tried to tell him yourself, even though he already saw this on your face. “I’ll go to Manchester, Chilly” 🥹🥹🥹
OH MY JESUS this made me so happy I can totally understand why Sid loves these so much I COULDNT HELP BUT GIGGLE DURING THE HOLE THING
so so happy you enjoyed 🥹 and read your thoughts about specific parts it’s a wildly joy, thank you for sm for sharing them with me 😭
i feel like a newborn entering this whole new world but i’m so glad i did bc i already love around here ❤️ and i have a lot of upcoming stories so i hope you guys will like having me here 😫
and once again thank you ill def sleep really happy tn
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4ugury · 10 months
MULTIMUSE ROULETTE ! send  🎲  and i’ll place our muses into this generator and post the resulting muse combinations and a few ideas on how to make it work!
" 🎲  " ft, @blighteds
WES BALFOUR & CONNOR ANGEL, well this one could be so freaking easy it's not even funny– the superhuman child, " demon ", of two vampires, and a cult created werewolf? i think that just explains itself. hm, where to begin here— going off of connor's lore alone, which to be fair its been a long time since i've watched angel as a whole, we could easily slip in the fact that cults are involved with both connor and wes! connor was sought after by a vampire cult if i remember right when his mother darla was pregnant with him. we could maybe tie those cults together? make it not a "vampire cult", but just a general cult; idk make some au where they're raised together in a cult ! that or we could have a general meet n greet thread, and they could end up being unusual friends and allies especially when connor needs one that isn't his abductor and "father" : holtz.
BARRET & MIKHAIL, i'd place this straight in FF7, make mik some kid of sector seven's bottom side who's dad was part of an avalanche sect, same with his much older brother, and was given up to keep him safe and was raised by uhhh marle maybe?. ironically he doesn't end up "safe" though in sector seven, and ends up as a little delivery boy for the avalanche members passing along messages, materia, and other goods. but we can also put barrett in TLOU, make avalanche it's own thing in that universe with similar goals only likely aiming to free the people of FEDRA, but mik still being a little delivery boy for them. either way mikhail would love barret.
ARTHUR MORGAN & NICK GRIMES, i've only ever played about twenty minutes of RDR2, but i know it's about cowboys and crimes, !!!! we could easily fit nick in there somewhere, possibly follow my canon for him in his usual canon and have him looking for his missing father after they were separated due to unfortunate circumstances. nick'd range anywhere from 12 - 18 for this i think? keeping him a " kid ", cause i like the idea of him being " the kid ". maybe arthur could help with reuniting them? alternatively we could put arthur in the walking dead, which is probably also pretty easy ! hm, cowboy in a modern apocalypse? oh man, have him find and take in a kid nick grimes after he gets separated from his dad? yeah that'd be some good shit, arthur could teach him how to shoot if he'd be down, since nick when he's young doesn't know how to shoot a gun, and usually just wanders around with a bat.
PETER PARKER & ELI HALE, this would be a weirder one considering eli's a freaking werewolf !!! but uhhhh lmao, idgaf it popped up and personally their personalities would mesh pretty well if i do say so myself. could easily just say: fuck it, he has a werewolf mutation!!! and that it's genetic and runs thru the hale family. anyways, first thought is eli's moved to the big city after his dad's death and he almost gets mugged? and mister spiderman comes 2 the rescue but a little too late, cause we got wolfed out eli picking up his backpack and putting away his glowing eyes and fangs at the last second. my second thought is hmmm, they could meet via FEAST? honestly eli might be in a tough spot after his dad died, and refusing to take help from those around him and just ditch the west coast for the east, ends up on hard times? he could be at the FEAST shelter occasionally for food and a place to crash!!! and since he's kinda young, maybe pete could take an interest? either way!!!! i think either of those works well.
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scoups4lyfe · 2 years
Hi scoups, how r u doing today?
Heyyyyyyy :D
I would’ve live-blogged tonight but a migraine took me out for a few hours and then I was distracted with something else LOL.
To —visually— sum up the last few days (including today):
I’m still in the middle of a manic state as of rn .
I’d rate it at like…an 8.9/10
The only way I can describe it is
Literally just been feeling really really good, to the point that two days ago I had this weird craving to lick the pages of books or to chew on them. (I didn’t do it <33, but I would’ve if I had a book in my vicinity.)
(Plus) Never stated this before — because I didn’t find it important 🦆 — but these last two weeks I’ve been having some minor hallucinations
(….just seeing something out of the corner of my eye, but once I fully turn to look it’s nothing. That kind of stuff.)
Might not seem like it cause I’m not posting a lot but I’ve been a fvcking whirlwind of productivity everywhere else.
I’ve done hours of gesture drawing
I’ve listened — every day — to three different language learning podcasts, also for hours
I’ve written a sh*t ton —fiction wise — and also my daily journaling sh*t. Like it’s only been 8 days into October and I already have 37 pages typed out.
37. Pages.
Idk if it’s the mood stabilizers that are wiping me out rn (as it’s like 2:58 AM rn so I’m just tired as sh*t LOL); or if my mania is coming on the down swing,,,
(Guess we’ll find out 👀⚡️)
Yeah and other than the euphoria, again — I have just been not as lucid as I probably should be. Hmmm very ‘inebriated’ kind of silly-happy. Plus, every now and again sh*t gets so bright it’s like everything’s glowing and everything looks kinda too intense for me to think straight.
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