#headcanons/short stories
goosetheluce · 10 months
I loved your different Heather headcanons and so was wondering if you had any related to male reader being in a love triangle involving Heather and Bridgette or Gwen where the Reader is somewhat oblivious to the girls competing with each other over them? How do you think it would end?
ooo interesting concept. and yesss bridgette content i love her <3
M!Reader x Bridgette and Heather Headcanons (Love Triangle)
Bridgette, the certified laid-back sweetheart, would never say anything bad about anyone unless they deserve it. So you probably should have noticed when her face fell the second Heather's name left your throat.
"I didn't know you were friends with Heather," Bridge remarked casually in response to her name. Her eyes had left yours and instead trained across the lake. The water washed over your bare legs as you sat on the dock with her, socks and shoes tossed to the side.
"I guess you could say we are. Being on the same team and having similar goals is pretty much all it takes to be friendly. At least, I think so," you explained. You knew she was difficult, but something about her just made you curious. You hoped maybe you could see what was underneath her surface.
Bridgette laughed. "If that's what it takes to be friendly, then you and I are on a five-star date right now." She brought her spring-tinged eyes back to yours, wiggling her eyebrows sarcastically.
You laughed and felt your cheeks heat up. "You can take the bill, then," you smirked. "I mean, ladies first, right?"
Bridgette elbowed you playfully. "I'm in my own Great Depression with how broke I am, so, no can do." She pulled her legs out of the water and dried them off. "Anyway, I'm gonna go hang out with Geoff. Cya."
She gave you one last smile before walking off. Your heart sang.
Heather, the infamously cunning queen bee, would say anything bad about anyone, even if they don't deserve it. The complete opposite of the surfer girl. But it got a bit much for you when you waved at Bridge and her tirade began.
"Don't you know she's just going to slow you down? Look at her, she's too nice. She doesn't have what it takes to win. Don't you want to win, y/n?" Heather slid her hand on top of yours slyly, her chin raised up at you while smiling. She liked making moves on you.
You just stared at Heather, in shock of her attack. Your mouth suddenly tasted bitter as you swiftly pulled your hand out from under hers and jumped to your feet.
"Ever heard of friends, Heather? They might do you some good. Humble yourself."
Her lip curled with disgust and she looked away, still sitting there on the porch of the cabin. "Whatever. By the way, y/n, you shouldn't shave your face. It looks better with the shadow."
You sighed and went back to your cabin, rubbing your freshly shaved chin, suddenly wishing you could curl up and sleep for days.
You dreamt of kind green eyes and maroon croptops that night.
Bridgette isn't one to fight, but she'll stand up for herself, no doubt. At least, that's what you learned the next day when you heard the angered shrieks from Heather and Bridge in the woods.
"I found it first, bitch. Back off," Heather threatened. The rest of the campers had gathered nearby to see what was going on, you included. The challenge for that day was for your team to find some stupid prize and bring it back to camp.
"Heather, please," Bridgette rolled her eyes. "Get your hand off my wrist! You're so fucking dramatic!" The surfer yanked her hand out of Heather's grip. Bridge was bleeding where her acrylics dug into her skin. "Look what you did, jerk!"
Heather crossed her arms.
"Look at you, putting up a fight!" She sneered. She sent her glare over to where you were standing. "Is it 'cause your little crush is watching?" On the sidelines, Gwen scoffed and called out, "Do you have any goal except to embarrass people on live television?"
Your throat closed up. Was it true? Your heart began to pound in your chest. You wished it was.
Bridgette's face paled and she shot a quick look in your direction. The blood began dripping down the nail marks on her arm.
"I don't have time for this. I'm winning."
And with that, Bridgette made a full dash all the way back to camp, with Gwen close behind her making sure that Heather didn't pull a trick, despite not being on the same team as her.
All the other campers walked off, shooting scowls at Heather. Everyone except for you.
"What the fuck was that? You made her bleed, Heather."
She didn't look at you, still staring at the crowd leaving the forest. "You just don't get it, do you?"
"No, I guess I don't. Enlighten me then, convince me you're not a total nut," you retorted.
Heather whirled around at you, narrowing her eyes and pushing her finger to your chest.
"I do what it takes to survive. In anything. Not just this horrible show. I go back home with no money, and I'll be screwed. Everyone has left me. I only have myself," she hissed. Your heart softened for a moment. She didn't want to be alone.
But then she kissed you, pulled the collar of your shirt down and crashed her lips against yours, and it felt wrong. You pulled away, holding her shoulders at a far distance. You had realized you'd never really see what was under her surface, because she'd never show you.
"You want to have someone, but all you do is push everyone away," you whisper painfully. If you looked closely, you would see her eyes were wet. "So don't act like you'll do anything different with me." You released her, wiped your lips clean of her coconut lip balm, and made your way back to camp. You had to see Bridge.
You scanned the place for warm blonde hair and a blue hoodie, unsuccessful. You asked Geoff, and said she mentioned something about going to the lake.
She heard you behind her before you even sat down.
"Hey, you," she murmured. Her chin was resting on her knees, her eyes watching the choppy waves.
"Hey," you greeted. "Mind if I sit?"
She shook her head and turned back to look at you. Her face was salty with dried tears.
You felt guilty for ever having anything to do with Heather, staring down at her newly bandaged arm. You sat close to her.
"I'm sorry."
"It's alright, y/n. You didn't do anything wrong. But I have a question," she responded softly.
You nodded your head. She took a deep breath.
"I'm not going to lie and say Heather was wrong. I do like you. But will you promise me that you won't be, like...weirded out by that?"
You responded by wrapping your arm around her shoulders, pulling her in. Her hair smelled like citrus shampoo.
"That would be hypocritical of me to be weirded out," you teased. It was a confession, nonetheless. She looked up at you.
"You like me?"
You only responded with a soft kiss on her forehead, pulling her back into your arms.
"Once we get off of this show, I'll take you on a real five-star date," you said softly, rubbing circles into her arm.
She snuggled further into you.
"And you're still paying, y/n."
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yandere-writer-momo · 2 months
Yandere Short Stories:
Let Me In
Yandere Francis Mosses (Doppelgänger) x GN Reader
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Swish. Swish.
You leaned back as your foot steadily rocked the cushioned seat of your desk chair from side to side. It was yet another boring day of being the doorman for this apartment complex. Yet you couldn’t help the shudder run down your spine from time to time since you constantly felt under surveillance. Then again, perhaps you were going slightly insane from working such long hours in such a narrow space? There was no way someone would stalk you of all people… right?
You let out a low chuckle at your thoughts. You recently felt as if your days melt together. It was the same routine every single day. Stop the doppelgängers from entering the apartment complex. Check their IDs and entry requests. Call their room. You were tired of this consistent repetitive pattern! You wanted some excitement for once-
“Hello.” You jumped to attention when a handsome man stood before you. Your eyes nearly shot out of your head at the blood that stained his face. Was it macabre of you to find that attractive. “I just got off work and I’d like to call it a day in my apartment.”
“Y-you have a little.” Your breath hitched when he wiped the blood off with his thumb and gave you the faintest of smiles.
“Ah. I hadn’t realized I made a mess earlier. Thank you.” The man then handed you his ID and entry request. Francis Mosses was it? He was indeed a looker and his ID checked out… but he wasn’t on today’s list.
“I’m sorry, Francis. You’re not on the list today-“ you scream when he slammed his hands on the window. His half-lidded eyes now wide open and bloodshot. This man no longer looked like an angel, but rather a demon. A demon that would no doubt rip you apart and swallow you whole.
“I’m not on the list? I’m sure you could let me in.” You quickly push the emergency button but his large hands grab the metal doors before you can shut them completely. You gulp when you spot the veins bulging from his gray hands. “Haven’t you been bored lately? You always look so lonely at your desk… I’m sure I could show you a good time.”
Well, Francis wasn’t wrong- no! You can’t endanger the residents! You dialed the D.D.D’s number with haste which made the doppelgänger sigh.
“Fine! Have it your way.” Francis casted you one last look. “But I will be back. And you will let me in. Remember, I’m always watching.”
You deflated like a ballon and sunk back into your chair. Your body felt as if your bones had completely melted from how scared you were… you’ve never encountered such an aggressive doppelgänger before…
“You have contacted the D.D.D. A group of agents has been sent to your building.” The garbled voice on the other end of the line brought you back down to reality.
You sighed and leaned forward to put your face in your palms. What on earth did Francis mean that he would always be watching?
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colourstreakgryffin · 4 months
I was wondering if you can do Alastor x daughter! Reader? She’s manifested from his magic and because of that she has some of Alastor’s powers. However, she’s the complete and total opposite of him. She’s kind and sweet like Charlie, but is very shy. She never likes bringing out her true demon form for she is very terrifying. Alastor is very protective of her. Although, what if she sees Alastor get hurt by another overlord or Adam and he turns into her demon form to protect him and everyone is surprised by this and maybe even terrified of her.
OMFG. Yes! Second Alastor request in a rooowww! I love this man uncontrollably and he would be a good daddy. He’s a stag papa with his little fawn for reaaall! I love this idea, lots of loves and so much thanks for giving Hazbin Hotel more attention— or, I guess Alastor!
Father! Alastor- Hell’s Angel
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Okay… Alastor wasn’t suspecting to pop a kid out of thin air when he actually wanted to pop a kid out of thin air. His magic is very powerful, no doubt but he birthed a child from solely his own powers and about 100% of his own DNA so his daughter’s features are primarily matching his own but there are some personal key differences Alastor wanted you to have to seperate yourself from him
So, you’re not a carbon copy of your dad, the Radio Demon. More just have the same deer features and red colouring
Alastor also wasn’t suspecting to have born an angel of his own. Sweet, affectionate, cheery, always smiling but smiling in a more welcoming and natural manner than her papa. He doesn’t mind it, you’re his babygirl. He loves you dearly, even after he just shat you out from literally nothing. He’s just surprised!
Well, at least Charlie loves you because you’re like… exactly what she loves and Alastor gets jealous of how well Charlie bonds with his own daughter!
Alastor has never known how to handle his own powers so when you begin manifesting voodoo dolls and portals containing all kinds of demonic beasts, he has to figure out how to get around all of it without hurting you a single bit. He has a whole plan scheduled out for anytime your powers trigger at random
Alastor’s protective, loving, clingy and carries you around a lot. He loves being able to bond with you, he likes hearing your cute deer noises when you’re trying to talk to him. He never lets you leave his sight and whilst he reframes from murder, he may just kill Vox for insulting his little fawn
Alastor now has all the full right to tell awful Dad jokes, since he is a proper Dad now. Rest in peace once again, Angel Dust
Yes. Alastor is the type to spoil his daughter. Spoil rotten, he isn’t going to stop and he isn’t sorry. He loves his little princess and no matter what, he’ll give her what she wants. If anybody dares to take what she wants from her, he’ll send them to double hell then give his babygirl extra hugs and kisses as apologises
Alastor knows, like him, you have your own full demon form and for a harmless sweetheart like yourself(that only uses your powers to help the Hotel staff). Your full form is actually terrifying and you know that, which is why you avoid it. You don’t want to scare anybody, especially not your beloved dad so you always reframe from getting too mad
Just let Papa Alastor handle anything bad. He’ll protect and care for you in the most sweet, cuddly way possible
Alastor is a lunatic, barely sane, monstrous all under a passive-aggressive, well-mannered, dapper 1930s gentleman image but when it comes to you, you’re the most healthy thing he has and he feels genuine love, care and affection for his own offspring. He only views you as his daughter, nothing else or anything exploitative. After all, he acts more like the one serving you than anything. He’ll get you whatever you want, no questions asked
Alastor wants to keep you away from threats so when Adam attacks the Hazbin Hotel. He has no choice but to leave you with Charlie. However, this didn’t last long since you knew your father was struggling when you heard his voice’s radio effect cut out. That was immediately a sign that you, not even a ten-year-old, to jump in and it caused you to rampage against Adam when you used your powers to track down and make it over to Alastor
“PRINCESS! GET AWAY FROM HERE NOW!” Alastor, despite the giant thick cut across his chest, staining his red pinstriped coat, over the white trims of his dark red lapels, yells out as loud as he can to catch his child’s attention, to get her to back off. Struggling to rise up to his feet with his tall fluffy deer-like ears pinned back. A sign of his fear, not because of seeing his babygirl in her full demon form throwing everything she has at the angel, Adam but because you’re in so much danger attacking Adam
Adam isn’t a merciful being, despite being an Angel, and the risk to your life is extremely high. Your demon form is ten times more demonic than any sinner can manifest, due to being produced by raw demonic magic, you form into a pure demonic entity
Screeching out in a menacing echoey way, entirely black and clumpy, phasing in and out like mist, shaped like a mighty Wendigo deer with literally zero resemblance to your cute little form. To you, your father’s in danger and with his cane snapped in half, his powers limited and his radio voice effect gone
You can’t just sit around in Charlie’s arms and let Alastor get killed by this psycho angel!
You have to risk everything to let Alastor escape. However, he isn’t going anywhere without you and is frantically trying to think of a way to get you away from Adam as the said holy entity keeps throwing swings after swings with his holy sharpened guitar to break off all the attacks coming from your Wendigo-style full form, letting out many strings of hateful curses at both you and Alastor. It’s clear with all the shadowy spines and green electricity shocks that you’re desperately trying to fend off the much stronger Angel to try protect your father
But if the Radio Demon himself couldn’t take on Adam for any longer than a few minutes. Of course, you don’t stand a chance, lasting half the time Alastor did. Being beaten when Adam outspeed and charged down a devestating sharp swing on your full form’s form head after you attempt to attack again. Thinking rather fast, you used your magic to cushion the blow to avoid it actually killing you
Being thrown over on the opposite end to where Alastor is and fading back into your normal demon form, a nasty big cut all down your back to the end of your fluffy deer tail, sobbing and clenching fangs
The staff watching nearby were terrified yet impressed. Impressed a child of your age and confidence was able to get that many hits on Adam and manage to guard yourself from a attack from Adam himself, getting away with merely just one cut
The Radio Demon growls frustrated and outraged at being forced to watch his child being thrown around like some doll and get even more hurt, now cornered by Adam, since it’s clear he doesn’t care to attack Alastor anymore. Thinking just as fast and getting up properly with his snapped-into-two cane in one tightening fist
Alastor phases through into the shadows in an almost melting fashion, dragging you down with him in the same shadowy engulfing manner by a single black trail travelling over to where you laid, leaving the bloodthirsty human ancestor as the victor of this fight. Needless to say, Alastor was so pissed. Pissed he lost the fight when he had managed to get many hits on Adam at the first section of the fight and pissed that said Angel dared to put his hands on his angel
At least… you’re safe now. Bleeding, hurt, crying and tired from overworking yourself whilst laid in Alastor’s arms, but you’re alive and okay. In your father’s hold and safe. Away from the Hotel and protected by the Voodoo’s shadowy magic
“You’re okay, darling… you’re okay. Papa’s got you, he’s always got you”
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nerdpoe · 5 months
So like...Sam's Liminal. Definitely Liminal. She's also very pretty. Constantine's a little tipsy, but he's very, very sure he just accidentally sat next to a Fae at the bar.
Heavily influenced by certain lines in Inferno, buttttt
Sam's a very pretty young woman. Beautiful smile (with too sharp teeth), lovely eyes (but they're a little too wide, a little too bright), fantastic skin (unnaturally pale, suspiciously cold), and a very pretty face (perfectly symmetrical)-first glance anyone who leans towards women would get instant butterflies in the stomach.
But Constantine's been around danger enough to recognize those aren't butterflies.
That's fear.
There's a deep, instinctual fear that is telling him he has to run.
Just as he's about to leave, though, her hand rests itself on his arm.
"Leaving so soon, Hellblazer? And here I thought you'd want to take a look at this...interesting contract I found."
Ah. Shit.
He sits back down, next to the Unseelie Fae who, apparently, owns part of his soul.
Sam, for her part, just wants to scare the idiot straight so he'll stop making work for Danny. (Danny's days are almost nothing but fielding complaints about Constantine and he's so fucking close to hunting the man down himself).
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never change, man !
#phantom of the paradise#potp#swan potp#nightmaretheater#65 layers and about 24 hours . Eeeyyuppp#Look into my beautiful mind boy#Its a bit unusual to what i usually draw#but i had to push a specific look for this piece#hopefully you all are picking up on the corperate look . the advertisment look#Sneeze. Anyways my point is industry destroys creative people. This includes swan#I feel like phrases like these ; how he was put on a pedistal…. it lead him to be Like That#as awful as he is he desperately needed help#it might seem like vanity on the surface#but i think its… more than that#long story short: we need to destroy the beauty industry. the skincare industry. the anti-aging industry#It ruined his psyche forever and he cant let go of the ideal version of himself he will never truly be again#i dont think he can at this point. hes in too deep and hes suffering for it no matter how much he feels hes fixed his problems#he cant accept a version of himself that isnt that perfect young man. because he never confronted his problems. he just ran away#anyways . Hi swath *punches him**kicks him*#i dont care if nobody gets me lalalalla my truths and headcanons are awesome forever and i live in my own reality lallaallal#sorry i think im gonna be posting about swan alot for a few months hes making me sick#i wass gonna post this earlier but my internet was real bad#*lays down in my pile of pillows* eat up boys. haha#sidenote: drawing white blond people is horrifiying. Boy your skin and hair are the same color. Introduce some contrast to yourself. Please#adding on: its inportant to note this focuses on him looking st himself in the mirror alot on purpouse#to remind himself what he ‘’’’really’’’’ looks like#the 4 middle pannels all represent that too . u have to be in my brain ri get this#sorry for unleashijg another swan essay in my tags. will happen again lol
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worm-on-the-moss · 9 months
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Missing them! Very much!
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yannights · 20 days
The Caged Truth
Yandere male X winged reader
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A/n: Hi, it has been a while, sorry for being absent but I am back with a new story. You can imagine any male character for this story, feel free to choose your favourite.
"A caged bird isn't a real bird. A real bird can fly. Those that are trapped lose all that makes them a bird."
Your statement came as a surprise, so surprising that it caught the attention of your captor as he was reaching to open the bedroom door and leave. He stopped, all movements faltered, and a deafening silence created a sense of unease that could almost make you sick. But you refused to show such emotions and patiently awaited his response. A few seconds went by, and the air started to thicken, as if it was warning you. Had you made a mistake? Had you spilled the wrong words? But you had only spoken the most honest truth. Surely he would understand, given the situation.
He slightly turned his head to the side, showing he was thinking about the words he was going to say in response.
"A bird with one wing chopped off cannot fly as well. Does that not make it a bird then?" He asked.
Those words were definitely ones you were not expecting. A simple question that nearly contradicted your own words. You felt stress rise as you tried to find a way to answer without leaving another opening, hoping to make a better point. You realized that the bedroom had now become an arena, where one of you would come out as the victor, and the other as the loser. Your mind raced desperately. If you gave no answer soon, then he would win, and you would face pure humiliation.
"But at least it is still free. Regardless of its disability, it may not fly, but it is outside, living and not confined..."
"But vulnerable." He interrupted.
Your form moved slightly backward as your eyes widened in shock. He turned around, and by doing so, you could have sworn the room darkened. He faced you with a stoic expression that nevertheless had an apologetic tint to it, as if he understood where you were getting at but was still convinced by his own ideal. He adavnced slowly. You instinctively backed away. He watched you while you avoided his gaze.
This lasted until your wings made contact with the cold wall behind you, which signified that it was short-lived. He finally came to a grounding halt as his chest was millimeters away from your form. He leaned forward and slowly reached his hand out towards you. You flinched, not knowing what he was going to do. You closed your eyes tightly but reopened them as soon as you felt the rough hand caress your left wing.
"A one-winged bird can never survive in this cruel world. It would die as soon as it is born," he said as his other hand reached out to touch your other wing, leaving you completely trapped in his hold, too afraid to move.
"Even a bird in its integrity can fly, eat, sleep, but can also die so easily as it has many predators hungrily watching it, as it has many arrows pointing ready to shoot it down, as it has ways to fall and die."
His hand movements stopped, and he let go of your wings. He moved one to your face and tilted it upwards to look into his stone-cold eyes.
"That is the price of freedom, a price I will not allow you to pay. That is why cages were made, to keep it safe."
The word "it" really meant "you," and you could see the sincerity behind his words. His stern expression softened ever so slightly, but yours only grew sadder.
"But at what cost?" you whispered, your voice trembling. "A life without freedom isn't a life at all. Can't you see that?"
His grip on your face tightened momentarily before he let out a long, weary sigh. "I can see it, but I cannot risk losing you. The world out there is merciless and unforgiving. Here, in this cage, you are safe. With me, you are safe."
Tears welled up in your eyes as you searched his face for any sign of relenting, and in the end, they only spilt down your face. He kissed your forehead as soon as he saw your sadness but did not wipe your tears away. Because tears are a sign of realization...
A realization that you would never leave his cage...
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denndrawings · 1 year
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Poet & King
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chuluoyi · 1 month
LE gojo going "*sigh* my ears have been blessed." Whenever he hears reader laughing
PFFTT so happening🥹 and he’s not keeping that to himself, he’s telling it to the next person beside him… who happens to be nanami💁🏻‍♀️
“my ears have been blessed~” he sighs dreamily.
“she just laughed… nanamin, isn’t her voice just like angel’s? i still can’t believe it—i married her!”
“gojo-san… i don’t want to be rude but—”
“just agree with me, nanamin!”
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goosetheluce · 10 months
I saw that headcanon for Total Drama where Reader was an old childhood friend of Heather and thought it was absolutely adorable. Can we get one for Courtney and/or Gwen as well?
thanks for the request <3 i looove courtney but i feel like your backstory with her would be similar to heather's. also this was skimmed, sorry for any errors! here's the previous heather version for new readers :)
gwen x gn!reader: reunited childhood friends hc
gwen was never exactly NOT popular.
in fact, she was the one who pushed others away. she had seen enough movies (and the lives of her peers) too many times to fall victim to an oversized social circle.
treading carefully, she only kept a mere few in her school life. but of course, when you came along, gwen couldn't shut you out.
you just appeared in school one day, earning a few whispers here and there and falling naturally into the classroom environment. it seemed this wasn't the first (or last) time you transferred.
you were quiet, mostly, listening to class lectures and jotting down notes in your designated grade 7 chemistry notebook.
someone even called you a weirdo at the table gwen was sitting at.
gwen likes weirdos, even if they aren't really weirdos at all.
the thing about you that caught gwen's eye was your expressiveness. sure, you didn't talk much, but your face spoke for you.
like, when someone made a fool of themselves to impress the class, your lips curled with annoyance and your eyes rolled.
or maybe when the teacher fumbled her words and said something inappropriate, your shoulders relaxed a bit and you let a small grin stretch across your lips.
as gwen observed you across class, missing half of the presentations every day, she decided to make a move at lunch.
after cautious introductions that gradually shifted into music debates and ugly laughs, gwen let you in through the cracks of her stone walls.
her favorite part about the conversation was the way you didn't make a big deal about her appearance. her face was ghostly pale, and her deep bluish-green hair matched her black eyes wonderfully. any other person would have gawked, said she looked sick or like a ghost.
she began to think that if anything, you'd understand that was (part of) the point of her appearance in the first place.
as the school year sped along, you and gwen ended up merging your lives. she lived in the apartment complex across the road from your neighborhood, so she was only a bike ride away. stargazing was her favorite night activity, so you guys were constantly laying down in your background.
her place wasn't the greatest, considering her mom was newly single with two kids. her dad left and moved across the state, paying child support instead of actually visiting. but they made do.
she'd have problems with her family not accepting her, both her gothic nature and her eccentric personality and beliefs; but the love in the house was always there. gwen was bold and clear with what she wanted, and you liked that about her.
she was a breath of fresh air.of course, she could only think the same of you. you didn't stare at her, you gazed. you didn't hear her, you listened. you weren't nice to her, you were kind. you weren't snarky, you were clever.
a treasure like you can only mean friendship to her for so long.
friendly feelings only lasted a few weeks.
but she's gwen, so she didn't change anything after the afternoon she realized she loved you when she saw you in the clouds where her brother saw a tree.
she stayed that way, frozen in time while you packed your bags for the third year in a row to move. just like her dad.
so you left town, but you didn't really leave town because you still haunted gwen every night she stayed up until 2 in the morning, squinting her eyes shut as they stung with tears.
she'd lost the one person who knew everything she was going through.
but life goes on, and gwen is a friend of the dark, so she let the last bittersweet remnants of you ebb away from her mind and instead turned into her own thoughts once more.
high school was hard; not just the math but the people, too. she loved again, but never as hard as she loved you. sometimes she wondered if you were struggling the same way.
then suddenly, she didn't have to wonder anymore, because there you were on this stupid fucking show. she'd only auditioned to try to bring some money back home. she didn't sign up to see her first heartbreak, even if it wasn't your fault.
she wasn't going to ice you out, but she'd be lying if she said it wouldn't be awkward for her. she was wrong, though; the coldness melted instantly the second she heard your laugh.
it wasn't hard for you to recognize her. she had grown quite a bit taller and her face had sharpened with maturity, but her eyes were the same hypnotizing black depths. she had ditched her shoulder-length hair for a blunt bob. it suited her.
after the camp had settled down, you and gwen began to reconnect. her language was even fouler than you remembered; it was a relief to see her fundamentals hadn't changed. you even told her this, and for a second it looked like some color flushed her face. just for once.
the two of you discussed past relationships, and to your surprise she mentioned only two people. you suddenly regretted moving on and leaving the love you had for her to die.
yet you realized: your love had never been dead. just hibernating.
you wondered if you ever had a place in her heart the same way her exes had been.
"(y/n), remember when we used to stargaze in your backyard?" she asked one night after the marshmallow ceremony. you had narrowly avoided elimination this week. gwen thought this was as good a time as ever to make her move.
"yeah, how could i forget? you're such an astrology geek that you forced me to memorize constellations," you teased, looking up at the sky and remembering the cool grass beneath your thighs.
"shut up, you had fun."
"i did," you smiled at her, wondering if she was aware of the tangible atmosphere between you two. "why do you ask?"
"sometimes, before i came onto the show, i would watch the stars and wonder if you were doing the same," she whispered, stripping her gaze away to look at you.
your cheeks warmed hotter than the sticky night air as your eyes locked. "i did," you murmured back. "i never really got you out of my head, gwen."
she simply smiled, her deep blue lipstick darker than the inky clouds. your hands brushed, then intertwined.
she leaned on your shoulder, and internally you swore you'd never lose her again as both of your heads craned back upward at the cosmos.
you didn't even care to think what this made the two of you.
even the bears left you both alone that night.
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yandere-writer-momo · 24 days
Yandere Head Canons:
Double Trouble
Yandere twins x childhood friend gn reader
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Michael and Mica were polar opposites in personality despite their eerily similar appearance. Michael was soft spoken and kind while Mica was loud and boisterous. It wasn’t uncommon for Mica to be on your left and Michael to be on your right. They’ve always been your friends for as long as you could remember…
As the three of you got older, they became clingier. They were always at your house whether it was to walk to school with you or to complete homework, they were there. And it became much worse when you mentioned having a crush.
“I have a crush on Darren. I think he’s cute…” you had said on the first Tuesday of your senior year in college.
“Darren? The really quiet guy?” Mica furrowed his brow. “If you like quiet guys, don’t you think Michael is a better fit? Look at him?”
Mica squished Michael’s cheeks together and directed his face at you. A bright cherry blush on Michael’s face as he averted his gaze from you. “Isn’t Michael rather handsome too?”
You chuckled as you helped Michael out of Mica’s grips. “I never said Michael was ugly, you two have always been my friends… wouldn’t it be weird to only date one brother?” You brought up which made the twins become silent.
“Ah… I didn’t think about that.” Mica whispered, his eyes filled with stars. “So would you date both of us then?”
You quirked a brow. “Both of you?” Mica nodded his head while Michael blushed even more.
“Hmm… probably just one of you.”
Since you had said those words, you noticed a change in your friends. The twins were now always in a silent battle for your undivided attention on one of them.
They followed you to around to each of your college classes, both eager to be by your side. Mica babbled your ear off while Michael firmly held your hand. His cheeks aflame and his palms sweaty.
“You really think you could choose one of us? Isn’t two better than one?” Michael asked you with a smirk. “You wouldn’t want to break one of our hearts would you?”
It was so odd to be badgered by Michael every single day without fail. The blonde would constantly pick on you to pick one of them while Mica would hold onto you like a lifeline. The quiet male consistently reminded you of his presence as well.
It was at a college party filled with one too many cheap beers that you found yourself sprawled out with the two of them on either side of you. You were no doubt in their dorm room, whisked away in your tipsy state by Michael. Mica sat in front of you on his knees while Michael held your body from behind.
Mica’s lips were pressed firmly on the side of your neck while Michael’s hands slipped under your shirt. Your body felt as if it was burning from their fervent attention.
“How about we help you see things our way? We can make you feel good…” Michael chuckled at your dazed expression.
You sighed. It’s not like you really had an option at this point. These two weren’t going to leave you be until you accepted them both.
You helped Michael slip your shirt over your head as you grabbed Mica’s blonde curls to pull him into a kiss. If this was the way it was going to be, you might as well have your cake and eat it too.
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colourstreakgryffin · 4 months
Oh my gosh! HELLOO!
I had a request for Alastor with a reader who’s contract with Valentino just ended and Angel brings them to the hotel to help them get on their feet, they have lots of trauma from what the endured, maybe they stay close to Alastor because he’s very much a gentleman and never treats them like Val did?
Thank you!!
Oooh! I like this one a lot! We got a second Angel but unlike Angel, we’re probably better and less snarky and bitchy. Sorry, Angel. Anyway! Idk if it’s meant to be romantic or not so I am gonna guess—
Alastor- Redemption Path
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Alastor can’t help but feel sorry and feel pity for you. You’re just like Angel but you aren’t as bad as Angel. A ex-pornstar that has finally been free from the pimp Overlord, Valentino and your dear friend Angel Dust is so relieved that you’re safe from him, now, he’ll take even more measures to make sure you’ll do better than him
Bringing you to the Hazbin Hotel, Angel Dust introduced you to the Hotel Staff. Hoping they could help get you back into Hell more stably. Out of Charlie feeling immense sorry for your sexual abuse trauma, Vaggie considering to sign you up for counselling and Angel Dust barking at Husk to be nicer to you. Alastor is the one who is the most interested in you
Alastor is the one who escorted you around the Hotel. He is the only one who treated you so perfectly, he is a true sweet gentleman and he is doing much for you that it’s unbelievable. He doesn’t want anything from you? How is that possible
Throughout the days since you first checked in as a client, Alastor notices the way you follow him around and he finds it adorable. You’re such a lost lonely little puppy needing somewhere to feel safer and he doesn’t mind playing that little safety spot for you. It’s quite amusing
“Oh. My dear, is something bugging you?” Alastor asked curiously as he finally turns around to face the cute eager shorter sinner that has been clinging onto him and following him around ever since he was polite and ‘respectful’ to them. Treating them like a person and not like an object. Unlike the first and only Overlord they knew at the time, he doesn’t even notice their curvy attractive body or make creepy sexual remarks in the slightest
He just compliments the cozy colourful classy outfits they’d wear, calling each and every one ‘adorable’. He finds you adorable as a whole and he is entertained that you’re so enamoured by his kindness, that you act like a baby fawn following his mother around
The sinner that has been following him around all day, takes a few seconds to even blink. You’re shyer around Alastor since he actually gives you a voice and a say-so, something you’re unfamiliar with. Having that… you never did back with Valentino and it’s almost overwhelming that such a friendly treatment is addictive to have, the way he handles you with delicacy. He isn’t usually a man to sympathise with an awful situation but for some reason, he sympathised with you in his own special little way. You’re thankful that he is even more polite and caring than anybody you’ve ever met, even Angel!
“Oh. My, you’re shivering. Are you cold?” You didn’t actually answer Alastor with words but instead with actions, approaching him and shyly reaching out for a handhold but you didn’t actually touch him, reminding yourself of his no touching clause. You hoped he’d let you slide this once. You don’t really have anybody to talk to after you were jolted awake from night terrors over what that awful squeaking sex-obsessed freak of a moth did to you throughout your contract with him
Angel is there as a friend but he’s busy still suffering under Valentino’s maniac rule right now, you don’t want to bother any of the staff nor Charlie about your problems whilst they are busy. Sooooo
You figured your emotional support, the one who has been very patient and understanding with you. He hasn’t let you down once just of yet
Alastor willingly takes your hand when he recognises your reach out attempt and brings you up to his side in a lone but strong tug. Not minding the sweater you wore being your only coverage for your bottom half. Just a cute off-the-shoulder sweater and thigh highs. Whilst your style mirrored Angel’s in an odd way, you didn’t gross the Radio Demon out like the current top pornstar did. You’re more innocent, more sophisticated
You’re nothing like Angel, despite escaping from the same ugly world as that spider sinner is still trapped in. You’re a recovering traumatised, overexploited pornstar in need of help to gain a new life within Hell and Alastor actually likes the idea of playing that knight in shining armour you clearly view him as. He can’t tell why but he likes it
Leading you down the empty, slightly dark hallway with one arm around your body to keep you close, pressing your face against the side edge of his broad chest and the other slightly stylishly twirling his signature staff-like microphone cane, the Radio Host plans to take care of you in other ways then just hand you some blankets and set you out to your own Hotel room. He’d prefer to personally put you to sleep and the process would be begin with a picture show, a talk and a darker warmer room
You didn’t know why but your face was beet red, your heart was pounding in your chest and your eyes sparkled as you tilted your slightly fuzzy head up to look at Alastor. In, what felt like a blink, his crimson red eyes flashed a sense of genuine affection before returning to the usual half-emotionless bloody haze as the radio effect on his rather mighty voice kicks in with the overlap of both sincerely caring and classic semi-mocking Alastor style caring
It doesn’t help that you swear you can feel his heartbeat grow faster…
Is Alastor feeling the same you are?!
“Come now, darling. You’re clearly having bad sleeping patterns. How about me and you watch that picture show you’ve been holding off? Yes. Yes, I know. I don’t like your technology but I wouldn’t be a help provider if I didn’t provide you help, now would I?”
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wonbriiize · 3 months
hiii, i love so much your story "one step at a time", your writing is super good! i would like to request if possible a story based on the song "dress" by taylor swift 💘 idol!wonbin x idol!reader maybe? that would be sooo nice!! thank you so much
note; thank you so much !! <3 i tried my best with your request and hope you like it ‪♡ ྀིྀ, pairing; idol wonbin x idol reader, warnings; a little suggestive !
⊹₊˚✩ ₊˚⊹
symphony of passion
𝓪𝓼 you are backstage in your private room, nerves fluttering in your stomach like thousands of butterflies are trying to get out, you hear the familiar sound of footsteps approaching.
the door opens and you see wonbin walk in, his presence commanding the room as he flashes you a warm smile.
“hey,” he says softly, his voice a soothing melody amidst the chaos of preparations. “good luck out there. you’ve been dreaming of this show for so long, and i know you're going to kill it.”
his words wash over you like a wave of reassurance, and you offer him a grateful smile in return. "thanks, wonbin," you reply, sincerity laced in every syllable. “it means a lot to have your support.”
as you speak, your eyes meet, and for a moment, time seems to stand still. the air between you thickens with unspoken tension, the weight of your shared connection observable in the charged atmosphere.
since the blossoming of your friendship with wonbin, there have been countless moments where you wished for something more, yearning for a connection that transcends mere friendship.
and deep down, you know that wonbin feels the same way.
there was that one night, when he was drunk and confessed his love for you, his words echoing in your mind long after the alcohol wore off. but in the sober light of day, you brushed it off, convincing yourself that he wasn't in his right state of mind.
that moment has never truly left your mind, lingering in the recesses of your thoughts like an unspoken truth waiting to be acknowledged.
now, as you stand together in the quiet chaos of the backstage, the weight of that confession hangs heavy between you, a silent reminder of the feelings that have been brewing beneath the surface for so long.
there‘s a sense of urgency in the air, a feeling that this moment is different, that perhaps now is the time to finally take the first step towards something more.
as wonbins gaze lingers on you, you can see the echo of that same sentiment reflected in his eyes, sparking a flicker of hope within you that maybe, just maybe, this could be the beginning of something extraordinary.
suddenly, wonbins gaze drifts downwards, his eyes lingering on the elegant dress hugging your curves. “you look beautiful,” he murmurs.
a blush rises to your cheeks as you feel his gaze tracing every contour of your body. you’re acutely aware of the proximity between you, the magnetic pull drawing you closer with each passing second.
but as wonbin slowly approaches, a flicker of apprehension crosses your mind.
the staff could walk in at any moment, catching you in a compromising position.
but the desire burning within you outweighs any sense of caution.
wonbin seems to sense your hesitation, but he doesn't falter. with a gentle touch, he reaches out, his fingers grazing your skin with a feather-light caress.
and in that moment, you realize that you've been yearning for his touch, craving the warmth of his embrace.
as he leans in, his lips mere inches from yours, a mischievous smirk tugs at the corners of his mouth. “did you buy this dress just for me?” he teases, his voice husky with desire.
his fingers dance lightly over the delicate straps of your dress, sending shivers of anticipation coursing down your spine.
with each gentle tug, the fabric loosens, revealing glimpses of skin beneath.
the air between you crackles with electricity as his touch ignites a fire within you, fueling the desire that burns brightly in both of you.
you can't help but smile at his boldness. in one swift moment, you reach for the tie around his neck, pulling him closer until there’s barely any space between you.
“maybe,” you reply coyly, your voice a breathless whisper. “but if you want to take off a dress, you'll have to buy me one first.”
the tension between you crackles like electricity, the anticipation of what's to come hanging in the air like a promise.
and as you stand on the precipice of desire, you know that tonight will be a symphony of passion, with you and wonbin as the lead performers.
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sgt-cookie-2 · 2 months
If I were in charge of DC comics, I'd let Jim Gordon just straight up throw hands.
Just have Batman offhandedly mention a minor career as a fresh-out-of-school professional boxer. Something low key, but suitably impressive. Four professional bouts, all turn 1-2 victories by KO. That sort of thing.
Mention he still gets top rankings even in the unofficial police tourneys, only being beaten by other professional boxers-turned-cops. Have Batman give a curt laugh and mention that even he uses one or two of Gordon's "tricks".
And then just let Gordon show it off. Sure, he's an old man now, not really in the game. But some street punks? Nah, Gordie's got this one and just lays an absolute smackdown on them. Three guys? Three punches.
Of course, let him get overwhelmed, he's not Batman, but like. Gordon came to be the top dog in a police department so corrupt, it somehow overflowed into something resembling legitimate cops suddenly started manifesting (I.E, Harvey Bullock). How the hell do you think he got there without some young, paid-off asshole to trying to turn his skull into abstract art? Beating the little shitbag, before tossing him back out as a warning. Gordon may need guns, but he's always packing at least two, you know what I'm saying?
Have some villains actively keeping their distance against a pissed off, adrenaline-pumping post-middle age man who still has the muscle tone of a minor greek god and as got as close to becoming the bohdavista of boxing as there has ever been bastard of "I will fucking get you" that stands before them there and then.
And then the fight's over. And you remember that Gordon's well past his prime. Old aches, pains, injuries. Have him shake off his punches, massage his hands, complain about having to "take it easy". He's not defenseless, sure, but he's not as durable as he once was.
So yeah, let Gordon throw hands. Let him spar with Nightwing and get one off on him every time they do. Let him bond with his adult daughter in something they both enjoy. Let him have good days where one time in a few he tries, when sparring with Batsy himself, Gordon catches Batman off-guard.
In conclusion: Let Gordon throw hands.
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theanonymousninja247 · 3 months
Random Turtle HC: Raph & Anxiety
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*clears throat and approaches microphone before hitting whiteboard with a ruler* A-HEM! Behold my theories peasants!
As we see expresses in the VERY 1st episode of ROTTMNT, the turtles can recognize each others signature scents and can smell fear.
Raph especially is shown briefly through the brothers dialogue to be the most aware and self conscious about said scent to the point of becoming defensive about it.
This leads me to believe that due to both natural biological olfactory senses and increased abilities due to mutation, the turtle brothers (with an advanced ability tipping to Raph due to his size and sensitivity) can actually smell the hormone cortisol.
WebMD defines cortisol as, “Your body’s main stress hormone. It works with certain parts of your brain to control your mood, motivation, and fear.”
Simply put, the turtle boys can literally smell fear.
Now I know you’re asking yourself, “Okaaaaaay cool fun fact I guess, what does that have to do anything with me?”
*takes a step back and adjust glasses with a smirk*
My dear dear fellow tumblr, allow me to share the wonders of mixing fact, madness and media all in one! *sounds of maniacal cackling can be heard*
(I wrote this with the intent to be platonic but it could be romantic if you squint long enough)
•So we've established Raph can smell fear right?
•As a protective big brother who is quite literally in fact “BIG” he knows a thing or two about getting scared
• Especially when it comes to looking out for people he cares about
•Hes been fighting baddies for his family since he was a tot! From keeping away scary dreams at night, from crushed ancient metal zombies to terrifying alien virus monsters, there ain't much he hasn't seen
•So when you join the ranks of the Mad Dogz, you immediately also get a built in prtoector
•Raphs been looking out for the little guys his whole life, what's one more?
•Not to mention you're kinda cute, so he doesn't mind sticking around a little bit closer
•But you're different than most folks, Raph notices. I mean besides the fact that you WILLING want to be friends with 4 mutant turtles of all things.
•No besides your abnormal incredible bravery in looking beyond the status quo to reach out the hand of friendship to these reckless reptiles, Raph noticed that you just kind of…smelled
•Not in a bad way or anything just…you always seemed to have a lingering scent of fear on you
•And Raph would know. Hed recognize that scent anywhere. It's a scent that ghosts every hour of every day for him. Nighttime and being alone especially.
•Raph hates being scared. He's the biggest and the oldest. He's supposed to look after his peeps! And he can't do that if he's frozen with fear all the time!
•So what does he do? Raph faces the problem head on like he always do.
•You get scared a lot. That's understandable, but Raph decides to make it his business that you don't need to be scared when he's around.
•Raph’ll protect ya
•Be prepared to have this turtle subtly (orrer not to much so because although he's a ninja he ain't exactly tactful or subtle) watching you every time you and the gang get all together
•Its not hard. You've always caught his attention for some reason or another. So looking at you is something he does without even realizing it.
•He’s looking for triggers, anything that gets that heart rate of yours spiking and that scent start to waft.
•Fidgeting hands, bouncing knees, shutting down and slinking into your hoodie, nervous chewing, pulling or playing with your hair and pacing, he's got eyes on it all.
•Once a trigger has been spotted, Raph immediately tries to locate the source
•Too many people? Suddenly you find a 6ft something giant turtle behind you, letting you know with his massive presence alone that he got your back. Literally.
•He kinda likes this position because he can see everyone that comes close enough to interact with you and everybody can see him.
•All he's got to do is narrow his eyes a little a give em a flash of that all too familiar snaggle tooth of his if he thinks someone's being mean and he gets his unspoken threat across just fine
•Not to mention you're also close enough to grab if someone he doesn't deem fit for your attention gets a little too close for his liking. But he doesn't say that part out loud.
•Scared of talking? You suddenly feel the cool tip of his massive scaely alligator tail (anatomically correct alligator tail be darned, I'm going with the fandoms HCs for this one) gently wrapping around your ankle as a physical reminder that he's right there here to support you
•Overwhelmed and the world feels like it's closing in on you? Raphs massive size is a natural battering ram that allows him to pass through thick crowds with easy. He's not afraid to help heard you into a quiet little corner away from it all
•Years of practice with Donnie allows him the experience to ask you if you're good with touch.
•If yes, you know you're going to be instantly wrapped into his arms, pulled flushed up against the worn keratin of his plastron. Raph’s always been more of “hands-on experience” kinda of guy anyway.
•Raph gives good hugs. They're firm and tight, padded with the security of arms who have been holding the weight of the world for years.
•He will rest his chin on top of your head, gently guiding your head with the motion ever so slightly so you're somehow perfectly nestled right against his heart.
•It's a loud heart, especially when you're up so close. It's actually his strongest muscle and one he's most proud of. He cares about you, so he reckons he’ll allow you the privilege of getting close to it. In more ways than one.
•Raph doesn't talk much during these special security hugs. He's never really been much good with words anyways. Raph knows sometimes the noise can be too much, but he also knows that the silence can be defeaning. So being a turtle comes with some built in perks that make up a happy medium.
•Hes got a special churr saved for special situations just like this one. It's one of the lowest and deepest ones he's capable of making. More akin to a muted growl more than anything the way it vibrates his chest as you're pressed up against it. You can feel it more than hear it and it just takes a handful of minutes listening to this bad boy before Raph can sense your fear stink slowly dissipating and your natural sweet scent can return.
•Raph can smell fear, and there's something incredibly humbling for this Atlas of a turtle to have the sweet experience of watching that scent drift away whenever he gets the privilege of being close to you like this.
•”You don't need to be scared no more, Sweet Pea. Raph’s got ya. I'm gonna be right here until you're ready to face the world again. Until then, let me just hold ya.”
Dedicated to the one and only @anobodyinabog. Sorry this took so long,but I hope your day gets better Shortcake. Please know you're always looked out for and loved ok? 🧡❤️
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kinzis-writing · 8 months
Surprises | Josh Allen (Buffalo Bills)
Summary: Y/N ends up surprising Josh at one of his games, which leads to Josh knowing that he has to play his best to impress his woman.
Pairing/Fandom: Josh Allen x Wife! Reader (NFL)
Requested: Yes/No @thedoveesquire
Warning(s): none that I am aware of! Also the game is going to be a buffalo home game for the plot so!
*Not edited*
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Y/N's heart ached at the way her husband had left their house upset. Her husband was the quarterback of the Buffalo Bills, and they were playing the Miami Dolphins today. She had told her husband that she would not be able to make the game, because when she woke up, she had every intention of going to her friend's birthday party. That was until her best friend texted the group chat last minute saying she was sick and rescheduling her birthday celebration.
It wasn't that Y/N was putting her friend before her husband, it was the fact that the celebration was planned before the NFL couple knew Josh's NFL schedule this season. Now that her plans were cancelled, she was planning on surprising her husband at his game. She knew that he got anxiety before all of his games, no matter how many times he stated it was not anxiety. She was guaranteed a season pass in the VIP box, seeing as she was married to the quarterback.
After getting herself ready, she left their house and headed towards the bills stadium. Her custom jersey that had been made for her was what she had chosen to wear. This would have been one of the first games that she had missed, she tried her best to make as many games a season as she could. Y/N usually made all the home games but struggled with away games sometimes.
Getting to the stadium was hectic with the traffic, seeing as many people were trying to find parking spots and there were people walking to make it into the stadium. Once a parking spot was found, Y/N slipped her VIP ticket around her neck and headed towards the stadium. Once inside the stadium she was quickly escorted to the Bills VIP box and left to herself with other significant others and parents there as well.
"Y/N! I'm so happy you're here, Josh said you weren't going to be able to make it." LaVonne Allen spoke as she noticed her daughter-in-law. Unlike most people, Y/N had a great relationship with Josh's family the same way that he was loved by hers.
Y/N quickly pulled Josh's mother into a quick hug before backing away, "Plans changed last minute." she explained to the woman before grabbing a bottle of water and going to sit down next to her in-laws.
"I'm sure Josh will be happy to have you here." Joel stated upon seeing his daughter-in-law wearing his son's jersey number.
"My plan was to surprise him." She spoke standing next to her added family.
It was only a matter of time before the stadium was filled and the two teams were announced on the field. The national anthem was sung, and the game was kicked off with the bills having the ball first.
The game started off a bit slow, seeing that the bills had turned over the ball in the first couple minutes and that the dolphins were in the Bills territory. It made Y/N anxious to see how the bills were playing and she knew her husband better than anyone. He wasn't focused on the game the way that he should have been.
After Miami had kicked a field goal and missed, the Bills had the ball back and was running it down the field. Once the second quarter came, the bills were at 1st and 10, with Miami using a timeout. While timeout was happening, the NFL tv cam turned to the VIP box to capture Y/N, since many fans know of her and Josh being married.
On the field, during timeout Stefon lightly hit Josh getting his attention. "I thought you said Y/N wasn't coming?" He asked.
"she isn't." Josh muttered before turning his attention back to the huddle.
"She's here, man." Stefon told him before pointing up to the Bills VIP box. Stefon waved at Y/N before turning back to the huddle.
Josh wore a grin on his face as he noticed his wife standing next to his parents, in the place she always was for home games. Eventually, he tore his gaze and got back to his team. "We got this, let's go out here and win!"
Stefon gave him a pat on the back with a smirk before it was time to resume the game. He made a mental note to thank Y/N later.
After Josh had noticed his wife at the game, it had taken a big turn. The bills kept getting touchdowns every time they had the ball and they had even stopped Miami from getting far.
At half, the bills were up 35-0, which was rare for Miami to not score anything. It was just proof of how amazing the bills were doing and how they had stopped the dolphins before they could get anywhere or they had thrown interceptions and given the bills the ball.
"Josh is doing great." Y/N spoke to her mother-in-law as she took a sip from her plastic cup.
"Because his good luck charm showed up." Mrs. Allen told her new daughter, making sure the younger girl knew that she was her son's good luck charm.
Y/N blushed at the comment before taking another sip of her drink to hide her red cheeks. Josh had told her multiple timed that she was his good luck charm, even before they tied the knot. It made her feel warm on the inside to know he thought that, but she knew it was all in his head.
"Mrs. Allen." A deep voice spoke coming up behind the two women. Both turned towards the man, "Josh is requesting to talk to you for a moment." the security guard spoke to the younger woman. Y/N placed her drink down on the table beside her before following the security guard out of the VIP box.
She figured that she would be going to the locker room, just because halftime would be over soon and they would be going back on the field. The security guard led her exactly where she felt she was going to go. Y/N thanked him before walking inside the room slowly.
"Can I just say that you are the best for coming here." Stefon spoke as he blocked Y/N path to her husband. "We would've lost over him sulking about you." he added.
Y/N let out a laugh, "I'm glad I could help." she joked before going around him. She knew Josh would probably be towards the back seeing as he liked to do his "pre-game ritual." Which she knew was his anxiety, but she lets him call it what he wants.
"Did you need me, Mr. Allen?" Y/N asked softly, getting Josh's attention so he'd look at her.
Josh grinned seeing his wife in her jersey, "I always need you." He replied pulling her into a hug. Y/N gave him a squeeze before leaning back a bit. "What happened to Y/F/N's birthday?"
Y/N shrugged, "She's sick, so I decided to surprise my husband."
Josh nodded, his hands running up and down her sides. "Definitely surprised." He muttered before leaning closer trying to steal a kiss, only to be met with her finger.
"You know I try not to be rude, but your so called 'pre-game ritual' is gross and you're going to have to brush your teeth before I kiss you." Y/N explained pulling her finger away.
"Already did." he stated in a 'matter of fact' manner. "I know you, baby, we've been together long enough for me to learn you."
Y/N rolled her eyes before placing her lips on his for a moment before pulling back. "I'm going to go find my place, I will see you after the game." she spoke softly before placing one more kiss on his lips and leaving the locker room. The boys were outside waiting for Josh by the time she was returning to her seat.
After the game started back up, it felt like it went by fast. The bills ended up winning 41-0 and all the Bills fans were happy for the home team. Everyone was trying to leave the stadium, or they were lined up outside trying to get someone to sign something or meet one of the players. Y/N had decided to wait for her husband to get done with post-conference and then travel home together.
"There's josh's wife!", "I wish I was her.", "How'd she get so lucky to marry Josh Allen?" conversations were going on around Y/n as she walked herself with a security guard towards the locker room. It was no secret that she got some hate every now and then. That's why Josh always made sure that she was escorted by someone at all timed. She made sure to wave at the ones who were taking pictures or giving her smiles.
She always treated Josh's fans and supporters kindly. There was no reason not too and she loved being able to make someone's day just because she knows Josh.
"Thank you!" Y/N told the guard kindly when she stopped outside the locker room. She knocked on the door before pushing it open and peeking her head in with her eyes covered. "You guys decent?"
a course of "Yeah's" was heard before she uncovered her eyes and slipped into the locker room. Most of the guys were shirtless from just taking a shower but had the rest of their clothes on.
"Congratulations, you guys!" she spoke loudly as she made her way further into the locker room. The coach never truly liked her being in there, but he never said anything to her. It wasn't a very common occurrence, only for certain days. The men thanked her before going back to what they were doing. Making her turn back to her mission to find her husband before his post conference. "There you are! How did Josh Allen manage to pull a 41-0?" Y/N asked as Josh slipped a fresh shirt over his head.
"My good luck charm was here, and I knew I had to impress her." He shrugged as he walked closer to her.
"You already have me for the rest of our lives," She replied as she wrapped her arms around his neck. "You don't have to impress me anymore."
"I do." He assured. "All because you agreed to marry me doesn't mean I'm going to stop dating you babe." He mumbled before placing a soft kiss on Y/N's head.
"I love you so much." Y/N whispered, playing with his damp hair from his shower.
"I love you more and that's a promise." He replied back pressing his lips to hers.
*Not edited*
Author's Note: I hate the way I ended this, but I hope it was okay. I wish I could have written this a bit different, but it is what it is. I honestly love writing NFL request right now. There are so many guys that are worth writing for that I may have to update my list! My cousin has been bugging me to write for Aaron, but I am not sure about that yet.
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