#as awful as he is he desperately needed help
hoonslutt · 2 days
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Bf!Jay Ramble
You feel good it always seems to amaze you how sexy your boyfriend can be. Too good your hearing goes out and you don't hear anything, just focusing on hitting your high face hot and sweaty arms tired in pain from how turned on you are you're so wet that your fingers slip in way too easily and it's harder for you to hit your sweet spot... 'Baby?' You pause because you hear the soft voice of your sweet boyfriend 'Oh jongie need help' his face slowly goes from surprised to sinister in 2 seconds flat. He instantly rushed to you trying to desperately cling onto him whining, 'Aw is my angel okay? What got you like this?' You hear a soft chuckle and look at him "You did jongie.. you're so sexy it makes me so wet...see" you lean back to open your cunt to him feeling some wetness fall out of you at this point Jay is hard he almost pounces on you but before he could do that you sit back up and reach your hands to his belt unbuckling it. Jay doesn't stop you, nope instead he leans back and helps you he is so hard and you look so pretty how can he resist? As soon as you get Jay's member out of his boxers you instantly feel your mouth drooling at the sight.. he just looks so delicious you want..no NEED to taste him so that's what you do.. you start picking his tip hearing him hiss from the sudden feeling, you look up and see his head falling back eyes closing in pleasure as your tongue starts to lick all over his cock.. you try to take all of him into your mouth but you can't without gagging. He's so thick your eyes start watering 'Goodness angel you look so fucking pretty like that, mouth all full too bad you can't take all of me.. want some help?" You nod his hard member still in your mouth. His hands go to your face at first just caressing your cheek until his hand goes to the back of your head and helps you push your head down more until your nose is touching his pelvis.. your tears are blurring your vision when you come back up. You start sucking his tip and jerking him off all while looking at him and you can tell he's gonna cum.. 'I'm so close angel faster please' and so you do trying to help him cum after a little more sucking you instantly taste the familiar taste that you may or may not love. Jay helps you get up and puts you on his lap, you're still so wet and jay can feel it all over him..that immediately makes him hard again and before you know it your sinking down onto his thick cock moaning because he's filling you up just the way you want it's really just making you all fuzzy headed. Jay notices and he stops you look up at him pouting 'why did you stop?' 'You look sleepy angel' 'well im not I just want you to fuck me so bad will you jongie?' And he thinks.. who is he to deny you 'Just relax then angel let me take care of you' he says sweetly as he lifts you up and down gently 'faster jongie' he hears so that's what he does holding you up while fucking up into you so hard and it's what you needed you are reaching your climax so quick with the way he is thrusting in you, squeezing his biceps as hard as you can as you feel you tipping over the edge and your way too gone moaning so much way instantly following behind you and your too weak to move. You and Jay stay like that for a while until he lifts you up and takes you to the bathroom where he sits you on the ledge while he turns on the bath. 'Let's get cleaned up and sleep my angel'
Hey guys its been a while, I missed all of you beautiful people! 🥹🫶 I hope I can be more active on here I want to get back into writing again.. with that being said I am very much into my Jay hours someone help me 😩😩 As always feedback is welcome and greatly appreciated! 🫶💕💕
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unicornpopcorn14 · 3 days
13 for the ship prompt! :D
Ship Prompts 13- Write about your ship celebrating one of the members birthdays. Ship chosen: Queerplatonic Skk I got carried away with this (3.5k words aaaaa) 😭😭 Hope you enjoy it, Darcy!! :D
“You’re aware what day of the year it is, right?”
Dazai’s eyes widen, fork still in his mouth as the chatter of the restaurant fades in his ears. It’s been four– almost five years, surely Chuuya isn’t alluding to that. The moment he meets the other’s peeved face, however, his mouth gapes, with the fork still inside it, and whispers in horror,
Chuuya cuts him off with an exasperated sigh, “I enjoyed those 51 days of me being a year older, but alas. The time has come for me-”
“Do not-”
“-to be nice to you for the whole day…”
“NOOOOO!!!” He grabs his hair as he lurches back, other customers turning to their table, “Chuuya, if you’re a sadist, I’d much rather find out in better ways!” He bangs on the table with flat hands, to which Chuuya’s veins bulge at, “Would you quit with that awful annual torture-?!”
“Come on, you do this every goddamn year!” Chuuya bickers back, “Indulge a little in what I put myself through for your ungrateful ass.”
“You do it because I don’t like it!”
“Well, true.” Chuuya shrugs, leaning back with folded arms, “But don’t you get at least a little tired from doing this shit constantly? I’d say this is a much needed change of pace-”
“First of all, how dare you suggest that this ‘shit’ is but a front. Maybe you can’t help but pretend to hate me– and I get it, after all, who could resist my charm? But I truly hate you-!”
“Uh huh.”
“-Second of all, I’d rather stay alive than ever go through that quote-un-quote: ‘needed change of pace’ for the third time in my miserable life!”
“That so?” The smirk that Chuuya wears sends Dazai’s long-have-been-numb nerves prickling in foreign agitation that he hasn’t felt in a long time-
“Oh my.” Chuuya’s tone and eyes instantly soften, and Dazai recoils back before he can help it, “Miserable life, Osamu? I’m so sorry to hear that. We can talk about it, you know-”
Dazai clasps his ears shut, “Shut uuuup!!!”
“As you wish,” Dazai grimaces even further because Chuuya just listened to him, “but do know I am always here to talk, yeah?” Chuuya unsheathes one of his gloves to take Dazai’s hand into his own, expression so uncanny as he genuinely smiles at Dazai. The brunette feels sick-
“I’ll avoid you for the whole day if you keep this up!” He threatens crackly, can’t bring himself to take his hand away, “The Agency is definitely pummeling without me helping with the paperwork.”
Chuuya normally would tell him that he slacks on the job anyway, but now he just simply closes his eyes, that same damn smile on his face, “Just say the word, and I’ll give you all the space you need. Never doubt that, mackerel.”
The pet name doesn’t grant him the normalcy he’s desperate for when Chuuya says it in that tone of voice, “No- You’re not supposed to-!” Dazai can sense that his lack of acutely predicting Chuuya’s responses might drive him crazy very soon, so he attempts to try to calm himself, “Aren’t there mafia business for you to attend, Mr. Executive? Does Mori even know you’re here?”
“Don’t worry, Osamu, I freed the whole day just for you.”
“Stop calling me that-”
“Anything you want-”
“Raaaaaghhh!!!” Now he takes his hand back, clutching it on his chest as if he’s been burned, “You’ll crack. You’ll definitely crack. There is no chance you’re keeping this up forever. Your tiny brain won’t handle it!”
But he knows that isn’t the case, because Chuuya’s tiny brain had handled it for the whole day during his seventeenth and eighteenth birthday, and now at 23, his tolerance to Dazai’s insults have significantly heightened, to the brunette’s sheer disdain.
Chuuya tilts his head a little, hair swaying, completing his sickeningly sweet demeanor, “I’d do anything for the most precious person in the world.”
“Eugh- I think I threw up in my mouth a little.” He gags with a fist on his mouth, voice groggy-
The waiter comes up to them, telling them that the other customers have complained about Dazai’s occasional shrieks. Chuuya, still so freaking sweetly, informs her that they were leaving already, pays the restaurant without complaining once about Dazai never pulling his own weight, and they take off.
“This is a nightmare.” Dazai says after a long moment of silence between them, something that never happens, “My feisty dog is suddenly nice, he’s definitely transpiring something wicked against me!”
Chuuya- Chuuya laughs, “You know you’re ridiculous with that…” He doesn’t say it meanly, wiping a tear, which Dazai’s brain haywires at-
“Really, now? Laughing at calling you my dog?” The smallest of frowns dares crease his forehead, “This is too much, even for you.”
“What? You’re funny.” Dazai’s face pales- greens even, “So, where do you want to go, birthday boy?”
Dazai bristles at the nickname, then inhales to calm himself, an idea springing up, “Fine. You asked for it, Slug!” He knows just the perfect way to break him, “We’re going to the arcade.”
He sees the flash in Chuuya’s eyes, and deems himself victorious. Chuuya would never maintain this bullshit at the arcade given his ridiculously competitive nature. He’ll definitely scream at Dazai once or twice out of habit more than anything-
Clearly Chuuya’s willpower has also improved through the years, because there isn’t a single aggressive shout, there isn’t any accusations of Dazai tampering with the machines (he had), and though Chuuya laughs and enjoys the rounds, what he utters after his loss is the straw that breaks the camel’s back,
“Aw shucks. Good match, that was fun.”
Dazai leaps from his seat and turns around the machines to reach the redhead, grabbing his cheeks with panicked eyes, “Chuuya, Chuuya are you in there?! I think you’ve been possessed!” He speaks to the eyes, sensing their amused confusion, “Do something to tell me you’re in there! Any sign!”
Chuuya smiles.
“Ahh!” Dazai lets him go instantly, “Begone, demon!!”
“Come on, now.” The not-Chuuya says fondly- eughhh, “Up for another round?”
“No!” This didn’t work. Dazai needs to think of other ways, make up a plan. Operation: exorcising this cloying demon out of his partner begins in-
“How about we go to my apartment? I have a surprise for you.”
Dazai’s eyes dart as his mind runs in terrifying speeds, addressing the other without looking, “I don’t trust you with surprises right now. You may be small, but you’re no less terrifying.”
Chuuya chuckles, “You’ll love it, trust me-”
Dazai gets into a fighting stance, gasping, “Do not speak of trust with that tone of voice, not-Chuuya!”
Chuuya chuckles again, and his silky tone coaxes him to follow him to his apartment, nevertheless. Dazai can’t believe he’ll have to endure seven more hours of this, planning to break a thing or two of Chuuya’s belongings out of spite if nothing else.
“Don’t think your façade is fooling me, I can see right through you!” He announces impatiently from the couch, leg bouncing up and down as Chuuya pours drinks from the kitchen, “You gagged at least twice through this, didn’t you? Admit it.”
Chuuya laughs again, a record in Dazai’s book. This is so ridiculous. “Stop cracking me up, I can’t pour the drinks.”
Dazai sulks, sinking into the couch, “Shut up…” But it’s weak, replaced by flusterment he can’t ebb down. He feels suddenly helpless with the lack of the reactions, and wonders if he’s losing his touch. The antique vase looks like it wants to crash into the floor in full speed so much right now.
“You’re a little red.” Not-Chuuya is suddenly in front of him, sitting down as he gapes up at him in amusement, “Cute.” He attempts to give Daza his drink.
Dazai, with crossed arms, huffs and turns away, “I’m not talking to you.”
“Why? Did I do anything wrong?” Chuuya asks gently with a smile, placing the glass on the table. Dazai turns even further in order to hide the other from his peripheral.
No, you didn’t. And that’s the problem.
“Your hair looks soft. Fluffy.” Dazai suddenly feels fingers running through the back of his head. His noddle whips so fast his neck feels like it cracked,
“Ew, ew! Don’t touch me, cheap-Chibi-replica!!” He doesn’t exactly flinch away, fuming, “The real Chuuya calls my hair a dirty mop all the time! Do better!”
Not-Chuuya brushes his bangs this time, fixated on them as he speaks, “Maybe he never told you those things because…” He pauses, eyes down-casting a little. Dazai begged him to say ‘you’re a pain in the ass’. It’s what he expects, it’s what makes perfect sense, it’s what aligns with the Chuuya he knows like the back of his hand, pleasepleaseplease-
“…he never really thought he deserved you enough to do so.”
Dazai rigids, “WHAT?!”
“He’s afraid of things he’ll lose.” Chuuya, to Dazai’s absolute disdain, explains, “So he tries his best to push everyone away. Everyone he’s sure will be too precious to him, everyone he’ll latch onto just a little too much, he tries his best to maintain his distance from th-”
“Chuuya, I have never been more serious with you in my life: Please stop.” Dazai numbly says, suddenly so, so exhausted.
The redhead’s mouth clasps, as per request, but he clarifies that it still isn’t over, “Only six more hours and I will.”
“Why?” Dazai stresses, uncomfortable, “You can end it here. Nothing obligates you to-”
“You never asked for your surprise.” Chuuya cuts him off.
Dazai blinks, turning to him, “If I see it, will you stop?”
“Only if you want to.”
“Of course I will.” Dazai rolls his eyes, “Now, on with it. If it gets the real Chuuya out, then the sooner the better.”
Chuuya smiles, but there is something solemn regarding it. He gets up, with Dazai observing his every move, and scurries through a drawer big and wide enough to accommodate stacks of files and documents. Dazai’s eyes narrow, never taking interest to rummage through this particular drawer for how boring its contents appear to be, but now his interest in piqued, as Chuuya finds what he’s looking for with a small: “Aha.”
Dazai thinks he sees an envelope in Chuuya’s hand as he ambles closer, but that can’t be right-
“Your surprise is a letter?” Dazai truly hasn’t been more confused in his life. He hates that he can’t see where this is going, inspecting the brown envelope as he speaks, “Chuuya, I don’t think there is anything you can’t verbally say to me now, do you? This is usele-”
His eyes widen, breath catching in his throat as he reads the name embedded on the paper.
From: Odasaku
Time seems to stop while Dazai reads the nickname once, twice. It’s in English cursive that can never be Chuuya’s handwriting, and his hands tremble ever so slightly the moment he registers the credibility of what he’s holding. This is real.
“You- wh-” He looks back and forth between the envelope and Chuuya’s gentle eyes, gaze never seeming to want to leave either.
Chuuya sits on the couch, voice subdued, “Your Executive desk was cleared by me after your defection, as per my own request. I was admittedly selfish– looking for anything you might have left for me before you left. Something to explain, anything-”
“Hey, let me finish, will you?” Chuuya sends him a soft smile in reassurance, “I found this instead, read the first two paragraphs before I closed it again. It explained everything I needed to know, Dazai.” He leans back, drinking out of the wine glass, “You can read it privately if you want.”
But Dazai doesn’t get up, scrambling to take the paper out with shaky fingers. His heart wildly throbs once a long wall of text meets his widened eyes,
This is but my latest prose as a person worthy of being a writer, a person who is not tainted with blood. Dazai, if I die before seeing you one last time, I do not wish to end things between us on such terms. There is a lot I wish to tell you before I leave…
Dazai reads every word, eyes welling against his will, making the letters blur and scramble as one. Oda speaks of their time together, his fondest memories, his ideals- tells him he would’ve left a letter for Ango hadn’t it been for the circumstances. Tells him the name of his adopted children, the characteristics each of them had.
I, truly, have considered you one of them.
Oda informs him of how much he resembled a burnt black cat the first time they met, how he doesn’t seem as burnt now. Dazai chuckles wetly as Odasaku says that he’s happy he’d known him, even for a short while, even in their circumstances.
Whatever path you’ll choose after what occurs, please remember this:
The brunette suddenly hiccups, an ugly sound seldom forced out of him. He covers his mouth, finds his lips too shaky to form words, heart feeling more than all it had felt in almost half a decade-
“He said he’s proud of me, even before knowing I’d defect.” He isn’t sure why he’s whispering this to his partner, “He-” His cheeks feel wetter than before, to which he looks at his hand. Droplets of salt continue to fall on them so assertively, he thinks they might cause them to bleed,
“What is this- what have you done to me…?” Dazai knows he’s crying, he just doesn’t know why he can’t will himself to feel numb again. Everything is hazy and sloppy and wet, and he keeps the precious paper away, afraid it will get caught up in that uncontrollable mess…
“Do you hate it?” Chuuya asks faintly, with some regret in it. Dazai shakes his head, leaving the letter on the table-
“No, I don’t but- these monstrous things won’t stop.” He croaks as he wipes with both hands on his face, and to his horror the tears double, the sobs get even more violent, “I think I’ve been possessed, too…”
“Hey, come here…” Chuuya guides him through his fit, which Dazai blindly follows, till he finds himself with a weight on his laps and both arms and legs embracing him. Dazai latches back so tightly, trembling as he puts all of his force into the fists that both hit Chuuya lightly and grab the back of his shirt with. He doesn’t have to wipe the tears when Chuuya’s garment acts as a napkin, soaking every single thing he wishes to hide.
“He said he’s proud…” Dazai repeats, squeaks, burying his nose into the warmth of his partner.
“That he did.” Chuuya’s ungloved fingers caress his hair, and don’t stop until the persistent tears finally stop flowing. Dazai stays huddled in the warmth for more seconds despite himself, selfishly wishing to steal it all, before shifting to indicate his desire to draw away, and Chuuya instantly gets off of him.
He can’t bring himself to look at the azure pupils no matter how hard he tries, eyes shifting away to the table and the carpet and the hands on his lap.
It has been long since he’s felt this bare, much less over a gift. He had received many birthday presents in the last two years especially: Ranpo would give him all the sweets he could offer, Kenji crops from his field, Kyouka pretty daggers, Atsushi hugs and flowers, the Tanizaki siblings a cake of their making, Yosano fancy wine bottles, Kunikida would treat him to a meal, and Fukuzawa would orchestrate the whole party…
While it would all be appreciated, he never really felt any joy over being one year older. Most times he regrets ever living this long, so he doesn’t regard the gifts or parties done in his honor with as much gratefulness as he feels he’s supposed to.
But this? This one letter lying opened on the table?
It might be the best birthday gift he’d… ever received.
And he wants to let Chuuya know that.
“Uh.” What was he supposed to say again? What did normal people say in situations like this? Thank you? Sorry? “You’re… appreciable, slug.”
That was neither- what the fuck, brain??
Chuuya would have pointed his terrible attempt at being grateful out at any other day, but now he simply smiles relievedly,
“I’m glad you like it.”
This version of his partner is starting to prove that he isn’t so bad, after all.
Dazai frowns, still avoiding eye-contact, “No, um, what I mean is… mmmm….” He sinks so far in the couch, till only his head is reclining by the back of the seat. He crosses his arms and averts his face, physically forcing himself to say it, “tnks…” he whispers.
It’s a beat, then Dazai roughly flops his head on Chuuya’s lap, because he can’t articulate his appreciation with words, and thus wants to show it by doing something Chuuya likes, which is having to look down to see Dazai instead of the other way around. He feels the other tense for a second before his hand reluctantly cups his brown hair in question.
“Thanks.” Dazai grits into Chuuya’s pants, then rolls on his back, finally meeting the amused blues, “Don’t get the wrong idea, demon, you won’t catch me saying this to the real Chuuya at all. But you get a pass. Only this once.”
“Might as well feel honored, huh?” Chuuya chuckles, and it’s truly genuine.
A small smile cracks Dazai’s face for a mere second. Wannabe-Chuuya is really more acquainted to handle these moments than regular Chuuya. It’s definitely why he waited for Dazai’s birthday to hand the letter to him– an excuse to show his raw and real care that Dazai undeservedly bathes himself in.
“So, do you want him back, now?”
Dazai doesn’t, but can't ever shed light on contradicting himself, so he dramatically says instead, “I’ll think about it.”
The redhead’s brow ridges, though not with his typical ‘I’m done with your bullshit’ frown. It’s with a smile.
He wonders when Chuuya ever learned to be this good of an actor.
Dazai feigns a long sigh, “Fine, you can stay a little longer…” then pauses, blinking upwards, “Wait- am I betraying real-Chuuya that way?”
“I’m sure he doesn’t mind.” Chuuya says as he strokes Dazai’s unkempt bangs away from his face.
Dazai’s mouth curls in displeasure because he likes it, “I hate you.”
“He hates you too, buddy.” It’s better to hear it in third person, like this part of Chuuya forever believes he is worth not being hated, “Wanna spend the rest of the day here or go somewhere else?”
“Energy’s gone, not-my-Chibi.” He twirls the long end of the fiery hair in a finger, “Outdoor activities will be a chore…”
Chuuya shakes his head and rolls his eyes in fondness, “This might be the lamest birthday setting ever.”
“That’s exactly right.” Dazai sneers, “But when were we ever conventional with the way we do things?”
“Touche. At least I got a cake and a candle.”
“Ugh, no. You know I hate formalities.”
They carry it out anyway, with Dazai ruining Chuuya’s attempts to sing properly, and Chuuya being patient through and through.  
His partner must have expected Dazai to want to stay home after receiving his gift, because they spend the next six hours doing everything Dazai likes– They play videogames, they cook and Dazai makes the kitchen an unsalvageable mess, they wildly dance together and stumble on their feet, they watch murder mysteries and brain rotting soap operas in a pillow fort, they play with cards and Chuuya loses every single time.
It's until there is fifteen minutes left till midnight, with Dazai getting his hair braided, that he finds himself glancing back with a devious idea in mind. Testing Chuuya’s willpower one last time wouldn’t hurt, would it…?
“Ah, so. I hate to admit it– who am I kidding, no I don't,” He gives an exaggerated winces as he glances back, “but I maybe, sorta bleached all your coats while you were in the restroom when I was mad at you.”
Chuuya pauses his braiding, staring at Dazai for a long while… then all of the veins on his body pop-
He gets yanked backwards by the hair, “Ow, OW!” Dazai laughs because finally, “My, Chuuya, you’re back sooner than expected!”
Chuuya grabs him in a chokehold, which Dazai tries to escape from, “I can’t fucking take it anymore,” He growls, and Dazai laughs even harder, “My coats? MY COATS, DAZAI?!”
“It’s tie-dye season! Never heard of tie-dye season?!” Dazai slips downwards, successfully scrambling away as Chuuya attempts to grab him but he isn’t fast enough-
Dazai's half-done braids bounce as he sprints, “Bring nice-Chuuya back first!!”
“What?! Noooo, call me Osamu one last time!”
They pause the chase when Dazai’s behind the kitchen counter and Chuuya’s outside, if only to catch their breaths, “You know, if it weren’t for the fact that me being nice isn’t as effective on you, I’d have made it a staple on your birthday as well!”
Dazai grins evilly, as Chuuya pales.
“How would that go, again?” Dazai taps his chin, “Oh, Nakahara-Sama, You’re so smart and cool.” Chuuya’s face turns green, the piled urge to vomit since he’d started his act finally getting to him, “You are definitely not a dog and you’re actually the perfect height, goes nicely with your figure and strong build-“
“No, fuck! Euuugh!!!” Chuuya actively empties his stomach in a conveniently placed bucket, Dazai claps in victory,
“Aha! Maximum damage!!!” He points at him, “What comes around goes around, Slug!!”
“You’ll fucking pay for that!”
Chuuya breaks the door of the kitchen down, adding to the unhopeful mess Dazai’d made. Their wild goose chase keeps going till three in the morning.
And Dazai? Keeps laughing till all his heart’s content…
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izzyspussy · 1 day
When Ed is just standing around in every raid during the Kraken Era, we the audience know it's because he wants to get killed, but nobody else does. And Ed also thinks everyone hates him and either hasn't been pushed far enough yet or is just too scared to do something about it, but we the audience know it's because they care about him or at least sympathize with him despite it all and they're all still hoping he'll get better.
So during raids when he's just standing there, and somebody comes up and is maybe going to get him (like he wants), one of the crew will take them out before they can land a blow or take a shot. Because they noticed he's not fighting and he's not paying attention, but they don't know why, and if they did honestly that would probably just make them even more likely to look out for him even though of course they're all trying so desperately to look out for each other too.
And for anyone other than Blackbeard (TM), for anyone even slightly less lucky, this would surely damage his reputation. For anyone else, word would spread that he's not actually all that, he relies completely on his crew. It would cast doubt on all his incredible deeds. A one-man legend is impressive, but if it's the crew? Well, that's just competence isn't it.
But it isn't anyone other than Blackbeard (TM). It isn't anyone less lucky. It's Ed. So instead, it helps his reputation. Somehow it manages to make him even more larger-than-life. Even more worthy of the type of fear and awe usually only felt for Gods.
No, because it's Blackbeard (TM), the rumor that spreads is that his crew are extensions of him. They start out just like anyone else, but then he takes control of them. He can see through their eyes, he can hear through their ears, he can speak through their mouths. And he uses them to fight for him, not the way other Captains use their men, no. You can creep up behind his back and think yourself unseen, but you don't just have to go unseen by Blackbeard himself, but by every single one of his men.
If they see you, he sees you. And he won't even bother to turn around and look you in the eye - he'll just kill you with a knife thrown from the other end of the ship, or slit your throat with a pair of claws from behind, or shoot you right between the eyes without ever needing to so much as draw his gun.
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beensbaee · 2 days
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"No way!" Lo'ak exclaimed in awe, examining the powerful gun in Y/n's hand with a laugh
"Yea. I know." She said proudly, marveling at the dangerous weapon that was held a little too nonchalantly in her hands
"I've seen a warrior use this, it took down a gunship in a single shot! This will for sure help the war party." She said grinning as she and Lo'ak continued examining the clouds for the sky people's presence
"If Neteyam found out we had one of these..." He said, letting out a breath of nervousness as Y/n shook her head, steering her Ikran further away from the line of sight of the other spotters who flew alongside them in the sky
"That is exactly why we need to stay out of sight Lo'ak! That boy would shoot me in the head with this exact gun if he knew-" 
The name was hollered from behind her with such an intensity that she winced at the sound. There was no need to even need to turn around to know exactly who it belonged to
"Ay, come on Amay!" She yelled, letting out a victory war cry as her Ikran expertly managed to fly past Neteyam's in an instant
At first he whipped his head around with a scowl to see what she was flying towards. Unfortunately, he was met with the horrifying sight of her grinning figure as she put what easily could've passed as a bomb over her shoulders and aimed the thing at an incoming warship
"Great Mother she's going to get herself killed!" Neteyam screamed as he tried flying after her, Lo'ak quickly moving to block his path with his own Ikran, his eyes wide with a frantic expression on his face
"Let her hit them bro! You know she can, that thing in her hands can knock their ship out the skies!" He said, desperate not to let his brother mess up Y/n's clear shot
"No! She's not following orders - what if she messes up? Lo'ak, it will knock her out of the skies!" He yelled angrily
Lo'ak's face flashed with momentary fear at his words - and that second of distraction on his face was all Neteyam needed to fly past him and towards Y/n
He could hear Lo'ak yelling from behind him, but he ignored him, knowing the severity of the situation Y/n had gotten herself into that she and Lo'ak simply didn't understand
"Y/n! I swear, If you launch that bomb - ! "
But his own voice was cut off with the menacing sound of the gun being fired
He watched it hit the gunship right in the center, truly knocking it out of the skies.
Then, he watched the horrible gun recoil from the pressure accumulated from the shot and hit Y/n square in the chest
It was like he was watching her in slow motion. The way the gun slipped from her hands, the way she tried to find her grip on Amay, her faithful Ikran, as she was pushed back with a force so strong she could've never stopped it from knocking the wind out of her
And then, he watched her fall.
In an instant, he let out a yell as his Ikran, crying out too from Neteyam's overflowing emotions, flew after her in seconds.
But the debris from the war ship was flying everywhere. Black smoke clouded his vision so immensely he could only yell out in frustration and panic as he lost her falling figure
He knew Lo'ak had flown after her the second she fell too, but he could not be sure he didn't lose sight of her as well
He yelled out his name, then hers, and was only met with the war cries of the na'vi
Landing his Ikran, he jumped off in an instant and began searching for them on the ground
Yelling for them both on his ear pierce was no use as he was met with complete silence from their end
Before he could even make another move, an airstrike, one aimed at the na'vi war party this time, hit the ground and exploded so violently that it launched Neteyam straight into the air.
"Boys! Y/n - " Jake yelled, but stopped as his eyes landed on Lo'ak, who was looking around, his eyes wide in what seemed like shock
"Lo'ak! Lo'ak, are you ok boy? What happened? What the hell are you doing here!" He yelled, taking hold of his shoulders once he examined him and saw no threatening injuries
"Y/n fell from her Ikran. Dad, she was really high up - I - no one caught her!" He cried, feeling his fear seize his chest so violently that Jake could only shake his head as he pushed Lo'ak towards his Ikran
"Go boy, get out of here! Tell me where she fell, quick." Jake said, unable to hide his own terror as Lo'ak pointed in the direction he saw her last
Y/n was known for being a little... reckless. Just like her father, Tsu'tey. The man he'd sworn to that he'd protect his daughter for as long as he lived. And he certainly wasn't about to lose her like this.
"Neteyam too dad. I don't know where he is, but - " Lo'ak started but was quickly cut off by Jake
"Leave Lo'ak! Go, I will find them. GO!" He yelled over his shoulder as he ran swiftly through the numerous bodies and falling debris
His eyes searched desperately for the two, his feet moving fast and his eyes moving faster
Finally, his eyes latched onto the familiar figure of his son, who was struggling to crawl to the body that laid a few meters from him, his hand outstretched towards it
She groaned, rolling onto her side
Jake's heart dropped as he finally saw the gash in her stomach, so deep it bled all over and around her
"Oh man." He whispered, quickly moving to check Neteyam as he was the closest one in his path. Surprisingly, he pushed his father off of him
"Fine, Dad I'm fine. Help her." He said, struggling to speak as his eyes remained on Y/n
Jake turned from him to the stubborn girl who was actually trying to stand, waving her hand as if to insist she was all good
"I'm fine too - " She barely managed to say as Jake quickly picked her up, being careful not to aggravate her wounds anymore as he held her tightly to his chest. Somehow, he managed to use his other free arm to throw Neteyam over his shoulder as well. Too weak to protest, Neteyam only groaned as his father held tightly onto both children
"Fine my ass." He mumbled angrily
"Now tell me, what the hell were you thinking boy!"
Y/n watched Neteyam flinch at his father's voice. Y/n stood, wobbly but firmly from the ground she'd been resting on in protest
"It was me Jake! He is the last person you should blame - " She started but was quickly cut off by him
" He is the oldest, and you - you are a spotter!  Why were you on the ground right when someone attacked the warship? What if you were near the attack huh? And do you wanna explain how the hell you managed to fall off of your Ikran?" He snapped, eyes alight in a way that could've set fire
Silence. All three teenagers suddenly looked at each other as if they were communicating in a language Jake couldn't understand
Just as Jake was about to say something to them, she tore her gaze away from the boys as she turned to him
"You can give me whatever punishment you want, but promise me you won't say anything to them?" She said, eyes downcast as Neteyam quickly moved forward as if to say something in her defense
Jake only put his hand up as a way to tell him not to speak, and she hated the defeated look on Neteyam's face as he realized he couldn't save Y/n from this punishment. Simply because she wouldn't let him.
"Promise. Right now." She said determined as Jake nodded slowly, his mouth set into a deep frown from the pure fury he felt in the heat of the moment
She paused for a moment as Neytiri approached them and let out a yelp at Y/n's appearance, immediately going to hold the girl
"Oh ma'Y/n, look at you." She said wincing, tilting the girls head back and forth to check for any other injuries. Her hands then moved to gently tighten the blooded bandaged wrapped around Y/n's abdomen. 
"Ay, I am fine." She said embarrassed as Neytiri only looked at her strictly before going to asses Neteyam and Lo'ak injuries
Jake turned back to her, head cocked as he awaited her response
"I... may or may have not been the one who attacked the warship?" She said, already shrinking back as Jake and Neytiri both froze, Neteyam and Lo'ak's own figures watching Y/n in disbelief at her rare display of honesty that would manage to keep Neteyam out of trouble
"You did what?"
Y/n's punishments had been postponed until her injuries were healed
Obviously, she wasn't allowed to fly her Ikran. She made a show of being disappointed when Jake told her she was to report to the medical tent and assist any warriors in need there
He didn't miss the glint in her eyes as she sat down next to Mo'at with a small smile. He knew she would be happy as long as she was helping the clan
When he'd come to the tent with wounds and blood running all over him after yet another successful raid, he requested that she treated him so that he could talk to her
"Having fun?" He asked, laying on the cot in front of her as she carefully grabbed Mo'at's usual ointments to carefully clean up the blood on his skin and disinfect his wounds
"No, not at all." She said
"Good. You shouldn't be having any fun after that stunt you pulled. " He grumbled as he closed his eyes. After a few seconds, he looked at her through his lashes and caught a glimpse of her lips pulled into a sneaky smile as she believed Jake didn't see right through her
He smiled softly to himself before closing his eyes, letting himself relax for just a few moments as she worked quietly on his wounds. The distant sounds of the warriors and the healers conversing in the medical tent and Y/n's gentle hands lulling him to sleep.
Y/n had been avoiding Neteyam for a while now. 
She would look away quickly when he tried to catch her eye in a crowd and make up excuses to leave whenever he got within a ten feet radius of her, expertly managing to hide herself in the cleverest spots she could find in the moment and watch him look around with furrowed brows, confused as to where she so quickly disappeared.
She'd laugh behind her hand before skipping away.
But this time, he'd manage to surprise her instead.
She was walking quietly, her steps moving slowly as she tip toed around the peacefully sleeping na'vi
It was dark, and Pandora's moon shined darkly from above
When she passed Lo'ak, she tickled him lightly and watched him actually laugh lightly in his sleep, making her let out a quiet snort as she continued her walk
What she didn't know was that there was a na'vi who had been awake long before her, his gaze watching her carefully as he copied her cunning maneuvers and followed her footsteps
She let out a small sound of victory as she made it through the maze of sleeping bodies and began to run towards her destination, Neteyam only feet behind as he silently lept after her
Finally, when her footsteps slowed, she let out a satisfied sound while lowering herself onto the patch of grass and rocks beneath her. She stretched her arms and legs as she curled in on herself, arms wrapping around her body for warmth as the wind blew soundly
Neteyam could see the moonlight shining on her figure, and for once, he could see her face clearly.
He was so used to seeing her face pulled into a scowl or having her fangs bared at him - he didn't even realize how much he'd miss to see her face at peace. Or how her shoulders lost their tension and relaxed, how she spread her legs comfortably in front of her.
The Sky People's appearance had made her more on guard then ever, and he understood why.
The day Y/n and Neteyam got into their first fight had been something that would haunt Neteyam for as long as he'd live
He remembered they'd been merely eight cycles old, fighting over something stupid - a small and insignificant little wooden toy she'd accidentally broken
He was upset - his mother had carved it for him and he'd been waiting to play with it all day before she'd taken it without permission and proceeded to break it
It was an accident of course, but his anger took hold of him in a way like never before, and words that sounded nothing like him at all left his lips with hatred
"Go annoy your own family instead of me Y/n!"
He remembered the way her eyes shook with tears of confusion, as she tried prying the broken toy out of his hands to fix it
"I- the clan is my family! - let me fix the toy Neteyam I am sorry!" She cried, tears running down her face from embarrassment and confusion as he felt his anger snap again
"No! Go away!"
He was a child, and he was upset. He remembered the way he felt his heart break at the sight of his mother's broken toy in her small hands
But it was nothing compared to the look on her face when he'd yelled at her. The way she flinched as her ears fell flat, how she looked down at her feet as she finally began to understand what Neteyam had said before
Go annoy your own family instead of me.
Jake had come running in, asking what was wrong when he saw both children with puffy cheeks and tears running down them
Y/n took one look at Neteyam, eyes welled with tears, before ducking under Jake's long legs and running straight into the forest
Neteyam remembers after when he'd kissed her hands, holding them tightly as he apologized profusely. His father watching with concerned eyes as Y/n said she was fine, pushing him off and saying she wanted to be alone
He had whipped around to his father, desperate eyes as he pleaded to help him fix their friendship.
Jake let out a breath as he shook his head
"What you said was not ok, Neteyam. Give her time, alright?"
That night, he'd been tossing and turning in his hammock for almost an hour before getting up to speak to his parents about Y/n once again. His shame was rooted so far in his chest he felt it suffocating him and his ability to sleep
After seeing his parents hammock's completely empty, he heard their voices conversing quietly, away from where the children were sleeping
Y/n laid in front of them. Neytiri was cradling the girls head while she wept quietly, Jake's hands  holding her tenderly as he spoke to her quietly
It would take years for Neteyam to understand that they were explaining to Y/n what had really  happened to her family.
A mistake was what he made, his eyes too fixed on her resting figure to see the small branch in his path as his foot stepped on it, the sound a deafening snap in the silence
Her knife was out in a instant, the sharp blue thing pointed right at him as she aimed it at the sound
Her eyes were drowsy, he could see the way she had to blink a couple of times before she recognized him.
She rolled her eyes before laying back dow, her back visibly more tense then before as she kept her back towards him
"Creep. Don't sneak up on me like that Neteyam." She said as he sat beside her, fingers running over the object in his hand
"You woke me up with all that stomping." He said, a small grin on his face as she looked back at him, unamused.
"Did you want something?" She sighed as she tried to get comfortable again, shifting as he laid his head down next to hers
"Yes, I..." He started, but found himself struggling to find the right words
"Yes- I-" She mocked him, letting out a quiet laugh as he huffed, trying to make sure she didn't hear even a hint of embarrassment in his voice 
"I needed to give you something. It is very, very important. Very." He emphasized as he sat up, Y/n sat up too as she looked at him confused now
"If it is anything besides food-"
"Y/n." He said again as she turned her body to face him, crossing her legs as she leaned towards him and stuck her tongue out
"Stop that" He said laughing, gently pushing her shoulders back as she clapped her hands together excitedly
"Well I wanna see now!" She said excitedly as Neteyam shook his head
"Close your eyes." He said softly. She complied in seconds, her hands covering her face as she begun to rock back and forth patiently
He placed the wooden piece in front of her before gently removing her hands from her face
The first place her eyes darted was to his face, but then, they moved down
She blinked a few times, her eyes taking in what exactly was in front of her
Neteyam watched her, carefully taking her hands in his once again as he looked at her with a passion that had been ignited ever since he'd first laid his eyes on her
"I - well, firstly, I wanted to thank you for taking the blame for me. For protecting me, even when I could not protect you." He said, Y/n's eyes moved to his as she heard his voice break at the mention of her injuries, at the fact he wasn't able to reach her in time
"And...I want to thank you for, well, being you." He said, looking into her eyes with an intensity she had grown to familiarize herself with when it came to him
"You are selfless and brave and truly a gift Y/n. I... am sorry that I am the worst friend ever - I am sorry I have so many flaws that I cannot conceal around you, but I hope you know that you are the only one in this world I hold so close to my heart. The only one who knows me like nobody else" He whispered, moving her hand over his heart as it beat lively under her palm
They sat there like that for a few moments, staring into each others eyes before Y/n moved to pick up the small thing that laid between them
It was her.
She was on her Ikran, Amay's wings spread beautifully as Y/n sat atop her with the biggest smile possible on her face
"It was a project I started years ago, I begged mother to teach me how to carve wood for this exact purpose. But, I stopped because I couldn't get you to look at me with a smile. You've been avoiding me these past few days, but I've known exactly where you were every moment. I caught moments you believed I wasn't there, where you were smiling freely and laughing, and Y/n - it was the most beautiful thing I have ever been able to see." He breathed out
Y/n was sure her heart was going to burst through her chest and land right into his hands.
"I was finally able to catch that picture of you smiling, engrave it into my mind so it'll never leave. And that's how I made this." He said holding up the carved piece with pride
"Do you like it? Or are Amay's wings too small- " He began jokingly but also nervously as she watched him silently, before she cut him off by tackling him with so much force he let out a yelp of surprise
"Like it? Do I like it?" She asked, laughing as she pinned him to the ground. She hovered over him with the exact same smile he'd spent hours carving. He let her hold complete control over him as he blinked a couple times before a smile broke onto his face at the sight
"Well, it is pretty good, right?" He asked, nudging her with a silly grin that had her break out into laughter
She hugged him tightly, and Neteyam was surprised at her rare show of affection
It was a feeling he'd only dreamt about, a thing he'd been chasing.
Smiling softly, he wrapped his arms around her and nuzzled his face into her hair, breathing in her familiar scent as her hands moved to hold his
They spent the next day making faces at each other when no one was looking, gently poking each other when close enough, and looking at each other whenever Lo'ak did something stupid they wanted to laugh it 
It wouldn't take long for everyone else to figure out the love blooming right in front of their eyes - a love that was growing beautifully.
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never change, man !
#phantom of the paradise#potp#swan potp#nightmaretheater#65 layers and about 24 hours . Eeeyyuppp#Look into my beautiful mind boy#Its a bit unusual to what i usually draw#but i had to push a specific look for this piece#hopefully you all are picking up on the corperate look . the advertisment look#Sneeze. Anyways my point is industry destroys creative people. This includes swan#I feel like phrases like these ; how he was put on a pedistal…. it lead him to be Like That#as awful as he is he desperately needed help#it might seem like vanity on the surface#but i think its… more than that#long story short: we need to destroy the beauty industry. the skincare industry. the anti-aging industry#It ruined his psyche forever and he cant let go of the ideal version of himself he will never truly be again#i dont think he can at this point. hes in too deep and hes suffering for it no matter how much he feels hes fixed his problems#he cant accept a version of himself that isnt that perfect young man. because he never confronted his problems. he just ran away#anyways . Hi swath *punches him**kicks him*#i dont care if nobody gets me lalalalla my truths and headcanons are awesome forever and i live in my own reality lallaallal#sorry i think im gonna be posting about swan alot for a few months hes making me sick#i wass gonna post this earlier but my internet was real bad#*lays down in my pile of pillows* eat up boys. haha#sidenote: drawing white blond people is horrifiying. Boy your skin and hair are the same color. Introduce some contrast to yourself. Please#adding on: its inportant to note this focuses on him looking st himself in the mirror alot on purpouse#to remind himself what he ‘’’’really’’’’ looks like#the 4 middle pannels all represent that too . u have to be in my brain ri get this#sorry for unleashijg another swan essay in my tags. will happen again lol
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dnangelic · 2 months
what ghost haunts you?
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the ghost of devotion .
your body was crafted to be loved and to be adored. you write with the touch of a poet, the fingertips of a lover. if you are not loved, you are not whole. you are made to be sculpted by the hands of another into something perfect. without their love, you feel as though you may crumble without the support of purpose their touch provides. when ernest hemingway wrote “it was too good to last.” when ocean vuong wrote, “i miss you more than i remember you.” when david foster wallace wrote, “everything i’ve ever let go of has claw marks on it.”
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the ghost of the damned .
you rot with the need for something more than what you have. the ghost is built up of the feeling of stagnation. you find it staring at the ceiling with sleep - blurred vision ; this is the third night you have met its eyes in the early hours of the morning. you tear yourself apart looking for comfort, for validation, for acceptance. but it never feels quite enough. you ruin everything you touch, despite every attempt to be more than what you have always been. you would sculpt yourself as something perfect for those around you, but you are no artist. when albert camus wrote, “be silent, heart; there is no hope!” when lucille clifton wrote, “maybe i should’ve wanted less. maybe i should’ve ignored the bowl in me, begging to be filled.” when taylor swift said, “i’m still on that tightrope, i’m still trying everything to get you looking at me.”
tagged by @primordyalsoul ty sumin!!!!
#TAGMEME.#iiiiiIIINTERESTING.....#dark's is fine as is but dai#his relationship with independence/dependence can get a little complicated#his desire is to be independent and he's stubborn about it- hence his rejecting dark's concerns or help sometimes#(that's where the 'what took you so long to call me?' comes from in tandem with constantly reminding daisuke#that they're one and the same; that dark -is- on daisuke's side and very much so. wholly loves and accepts him)#dark's longing is also a reflection of daisuke's longing; to be accepted and loved even within himself for his own flaws and faults#the reality for daisuke too is that so many people around him help and try very hard to care for him from his parents to his friends#the same way everybody remarks he's always trying to do his best for others- which is partly a symptom of dai wanting to be reliable#rather than solely relying on others all of the time... it goes in a big circle#smth smth coexistence and daisuke's simultaneous fear of being ostracized/persecuted for being dark#smth smth dante's inferno and the circle of thieves stealing each other's bodies but the way dark and daisuke learn to share#smth smth you were born to be a phantom thief but it's love that transforms you#dark's longing and loneliness is simultaneously daisuke's longing and loneliness always and forever BUT dark's stagnancy#his supposed state of perfection his immutability that makes him unearthly unhuman - he quietly loathes#dark relies on daisuke to change him too; to be kinder. warmer. the boy's his heart#the same way he's daisuke's supporting dream and aspiration!!!#aw man tag essay. embarrassing. point is dai's very devoted was born for it was destined for it#his family's love gets to the point it's overbearing sometimes but it's so so so genuine and so is his own once he gets to a state of it#but one cannot dismiss ...... the stubborn 'i can do it myself i don't need you' attitude(tm) dai has at dark sometimes#(even though dark is sooooo pathetic n desperate to be relied on)
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cynicallyscorned · 8 months
the thing is
he's been hurting for a change for so long now
but he doesn't know what that change needs to be. he could get better or he could just get worse
no matter what the outcome is, he won't turn back
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wilyzombie · 8 months
head story in the works
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bibberbang · 10 months
i don't talk much personal stuff on here anymore but alas. my dad has hit rock bottom and is finally going to be talked into going to rehab for his alcoholism. after all these years. im ready for things to change. i just hope it's good for him
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paeonie-s · 2 years
im still freaking out abt denji that was such a good fucking chapter
#abt to go insane be warned college orientation is soul draining and awful csm is the only salvation !!#ASA. OH MY GOD HER BACKSTORY. the guilt and responsibility she feels bc someone chose to take care of her over themselves .. so so real#esp relating to parents looking back on how much my parents sacrificed for me i cant help but think that ive caused so many of their current#issues just by existing. bc they chose to turn down opportunities or stay in jobs theyve hated or sacrifice their health all for my sake#and so its so intensely difficult for me to entrust any of my issues to others or like. take up any of their space. living w roommates is#awful i was half asleep last night and my roommates came in and saw me sleeping and turned off the light. and stayed quiet while they walked#around the room. and it pissed me off for some reason bc i assume ppl are being polite/courteous out of some obligation they feel#and i dont like it when ppl assume what i want from them bc i assume itll breed negative feelings towards me#i understand logically ppl are good to others just bc but its not my gut reaction asa was so real istg#HER FRIENDSHIP W YUKO .. SO EMOTIONAL I CANT BELIEVE HOW GOOD THE ART WAS THE PURE DESPERATION. JUST TRYING SO HARD#TO DISREGARD THE FACT YUKO WOULD LIKELY WANT HER TO SAVE HERSELF BC SHE JUST WANTS TO BE THE KIND OF PERSON TO HELP OTHERS ... NOT FUNNY#DIDNT LAUGH. and denji ofc oh my god his intro. well worth it he is so iconic#the cat. need i say more#THE FACT HE TOOK DOWN BAT DEVIL THIS TIME AS FUCKING. COLLATERAL TO A MASSIVE FUCKING COCKROACH DEMON. THE GROWTH I MISSED HIM SM#anyways. read csm i need to find csm fans at college bc ik theyre here and i need to. Know Them. they get it#csm#🌸.txt
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mrfoox · 6 months
I've said it many times before but not going through hrny phases in my teen is hindering me so much now
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toruslvt · 1 month
ft. Sukuna, Toji, Satoru
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𓂃 ࣪˖ ִֶָ𐀔 cw. f!reader, praising, nipple play, hand jobs ( s.g ), unprotected sex ( t.f ), reader is pregnant, mentions of breeding.
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“who could have thought the brat growing inside you came with perks” is what Sukuna mumbles, a lazy smile spreading through his lips as he leans down once again, fervently suckling on your swollen nipples and greedily swallowing the milk that’s supposedly for your unborn baby.
the first time Sukuna noticed the damp spot in your shirt, he didn’t even give you a moment to think before he’s carrying and dropping you in bed, hands eagerly ripping open the fabric, “what is that?”
you sigh, rubbing your forehead, “i’m lactating, Sukuna”
and he is not a stupid man in the slightest, but he never expected the sight of your pretty nipples, all swollen and dribbling white-ish, creamy drops of milk could have his cock twitching so fast.
he’s not giving you a break after that, “tell your pretty tits to stop being so shy” Sukuna murmurs hoarsely, pinching on your nipples for the flow of milk to continue. you’re probably sucked dry at this point, his tongue lazily wrapping around the bud before sucking again, cozily laying between your thighs. the pink haired is so greedy, wishing to have you all for himself, “mmm, that’s perfect, good girl” his voice comes as a groan once the sweetness of your milk comes to coat his taste buds.
“we’re having more babies after this one.” he promises with hooded eyes that barely flick up to meet yours before diving in again.
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“too heavy, babydoll?” Toji almost purrs, weighing your soft and swollen tits on the palm of his hand, he knows it hurts, stretching every couple days to get plump and full of milk, but your lover is more than ready to provide the relief you so desperately crave.
you can only whimper and nod, making Toji’s smirk widen “aw, I know, baby, I know, i got you” he coos now, gently massaging your sore tits, pressing the calloused tip of his thumb under the soft skin and sliding up, easing the tension before leaning down to suckle on the bud, a loud groan rumbling on your skin at the taste, his hips unconscious bucking down into your heat, “you look so gorgeous, all full of milk and my cock”
your sore body is just too sensitive you can’t help and continuously cream Toji’s cock, the prominent, pulsing vein rubbing against your g-spot mixed with the sensation of his lips on your nipples and hands caressing the swollen flesh drives you mad, “don’t s-stop” you barely croak, thighs shaking and laying flat with your lover’s body towering above yours.
he groans, “no need to tell me twice” and he’s sucking and lapping again, much similar to what he’d do with your clit, drinking in your taste and creamy milk on his tongue, each suck forcing his hips to move faster, pistoning into your cunt, you turn him on so much it’s kinda embarrassing how quick Toji desperately needs to cum and breed you a bit more, “fuck, baby...” a murmur laced with a groan, “need to keep you full for the rest of your life”
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how’s my baby?
and you know he’s not speaking about the baby, but you.
sore :(
you text back, and that’s all he needs to flee from his job, because to Satoru there is not a better way to end his day then laying in the soft, plush and warm mattress of your shared bed. the window is slightly open, letting in a gentle breeze that swirls the curtain around, you’re sitting on his lap, his hands on your tits, mouth on your nipples and your hand stroking his cock.
Satoru is too eager, almost as if he’s making out with your nipples, cupping both tits in his large hands and switching between them, sucking on one while the other gets pinched by his fingers, “why do you taste so fuckin’ good?” it’s not really a question, or at least he doesn’t care, every single second away from your sweet milk is like torture, “can’t get enough of these gorgeous tits of yours, fuck...! it’s so sweet” he constantly rambles, barely audible through the sound of his slurping and the squelch of your hand on his cock, drooling so much precum it feels like he’ll cum on the spot.
and you’re gushing too much slick too, lazily humping on Satoru’s thigh, but don’t worry, he’ll fuck you nice and good, perhaps you can ride his cock and make your tits jiggle right on his face.
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screamingay · 9 months
god that was an awful shift i hate how corporate let us hire more people and then as soon as we put them on the schedule they decided having one more minimum wage server per day (for first shift only!!!) was too much for The Budget. i had to bargain to get someone else to come in today and help me out and it was STILL hell.. rant incoming in the tags
#we're back to 2 ppl on first shift but the new guy cant actually handle floor or dishes on his own so it's basically 1 person#plus someone following behind them to help a bit#apparently they used to have disabled workers as 'interns' just gettimg unpaid experience which is awful but at least#it meant they could actually schedule 2 other people. but i guess they got shit for not paying disabled workers#which i get. but since this new guy makes minimum wage too it means they wont let us schedule another person for first shift#which we desperately need when it's just like. me and him. in an ideal world he would be paid and getting work experience and there would#still be enough people to do the job fully#also all morning i was so scared the safety inspector would pop in bc i was told he would be. so i double checked all the possible hazards#before we opened and he literally stepped into the dining room. took a picture of it on a digital camera. then left#he didnt even come in the kitchen!! christ#but i was still stressed after that and all through lunch bc now residents' families can come in and eat like they used to before covid#and we had 2 of them today and if we fuck it up for them they can complain to corporate and im not used to running a real restaurant!!#we have to act like it's a real restaurant even tho we arent given the same resources or allowances and it's so frustrating#tbh today wouldve been 10 times easier with any other cook bc we had the fucking worst one here today. she gets frustrated when anyone asks#her for anything and she goes on rants about how bad all the other cooks are and she puts WAY too much strain on the dishwasher#using unnecessary dishes and making them wash things she could just rinse herself in the back. AND she's always telling me how to do by job#my job#and what i should do differently! it's distracting!! and makes everything harder bc she will fr just make up rules and treat u like shit if#u ignore her and do it the easier or better way#her home life sucks and she takes it out on all of us all the time. get a divorce and move to the city like you really want#it'll make everyone so much happier#(including you)#i need a new job so bad i get paid nothing to do like 4 jobs at once and im always on a time crunch and it's been absolutely killing my bac#and shoulders and feet#and joie de vivre lmao#if i get a new reliable car soon i could probably make more driving for fucking grubhub#i didnt even eat at work today. almost 8 hours straight of running my ass around the kitchen in my Shoes For Crews black sneakers#and i ate literally One piece of french toast at the very beginning#plus i came in already sick of everything bc the stupid parking garage app i have to use now malfunctioned and wouldnt let me out#bc it didnt have my entrance to the garage last night logged for some reason
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screampied · 2 months
can you please please write manhandling & squirting w gojo :(
❤︎ ໋𓈒 telling your best friend satoru that you can’t make yourself squirt
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warnings. fem! reader, manhandling, praise, fingering, talking you through it, rev cowgirl, dirty talk, squírting, mdni.
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legs sprawled, toes all curled up, you were desperately trying to make yourself squirt. it’s never happened to you and you wanted to experience what it was like—you read through various erotic stories of how it feels way different than just your everyday ordinary orgasm. with your teeth softly digging against your bottom lip, your fingers gently rummage throughout and against your clit. after a while though, you end up sighing—on the verge of giving up before as if on literal cue, your best friend gojo opens the door.
“hey, is it any more . . oh! uh,” he’d murmur, walking in on you with your legs sprawled all open. gojo suppresses a giggle that was about to escape from his lips before he utters. “. . . should i come back another time? you seem busy.”
there was smugness dripping underneath his tone and you were far too aroused to feel embarrassed. “no,” you puff. “i need help, satoru.”
“yeahh you seem like it,” he snickers. running a hand through his hair, he hums to himself before his eyes avert towards your lazily slid to the side panties. “is that what you call fingering yourself?”
“. . . shut up,” you chastise, and his sly smirk only widens. gojo stares at you for a long while before inching closer towards you—plopping down beside you. the mattress jolts a bit from his weight and he cocks his head to the left in pure amusement. “i need help. i can’t … i can’t squirt.”
gojo sneers. “oh, you sure can. you just don’t know what the fuck you’re doing, angel, heh.”
he had such a smart mouth, the dramatically frustrated sigh that deserts past your lips was too adorable—in his eyes at least.
the way you were so dedicated to making yourself have a proper finish was so cute . . but you couldn’t, you needed his help—you wanted his help.
“hm but okay,” he shrugs with a cheeky grin, getting right beside you. gojo lightly grabs your wrist, peering at how you’d already soak two of your digits with sloppy amounts of slick before he titters. “aw, poor thing. these useless fingers just can’t do shit, huh?”
“just fucking help me.” you grouse at him, a pouty scowl ceasing against your lips firmly.
“fine, girl fine,” he rolls his eyes. “i’ll take it from here.”
and he does because once he starts to ‘help’ you, it’s in a way that has you merely speechless.
with your neck slightly whirling towards the left, you’re mindlessly bouncing up at down on his thick cock. you’re faced the opposite way, your back leans up against his chest. gojo holds you up with no problem, a brief squeeze on your thighs and you start to whimper at how close his fat tip thwacks against a particularly sensitive spot.
“f— fuckk, ‘toru,” you’d whimper out, feeling him reach the deep components inside of you.
so deliciously good, you felt a few droplets of your own saliva trickle past your lips as you slump back against him. “so deep, stuffin’ me f— full, ‘toru.”
“. . . hah,” he pants heavily, tensed abs flexing each time he drags you up and down. he’s treating you like a rag doll. you didn’t expect him to do all this, having you all up and down. although, who were you to complain—he was reaching every spot without an ounce of trouble. “guess i can reach better than those fingers ever could, hm angel?”
“y—yes, yesss,” you stammer, your voice all shaky, trembling on each syllable that you spat out. “satoru, harder. fuck me, f—fuckkk me.”
you repeat the same words out your spit-glossed lips. with such a firm grip, he’s making your hips slam up and down—such a rigorous rhythm…
you try to grind a bit against him but you only end up slouching against his bare chest. it was simply no secret, gojo was known to be lengthy, longer than thick when it came to his cock. every orifice, he makes sure to locate every spot inside of your gummy walls with the crown of his shaft.
gush after gush, you’re spasming on him and you make a cute attempt at grabbing his wrist, clammy hands piercing into his skin. “s-so good, more ‘toru. right there, pleaseee . . !”
“i got ya.” he huffs, warm breaths waft right up against your earlobe. he’s holding you in place, each time he bounces you up again and again.
your eyes do that cute thing where it rolls all the way back into your cranium. it’s cute, lewd . . but cute.
with your pretty pupils dilated, all you see is nothing but pure splotches of white. his cock’s buried so deep that you’re stuck in a trance, a trance you never wanted to escape from.
“. . . awww,” he purrs against your ear, a big hand softly cupping your chin. he feels some of your translucent spit pour down the sides of your lips before smearing it over your mouth with his thumb. “such a messy baby. you feel it comin’ don’t you?” he teases, nipping a kiss near your neck once you squeeze his wrist a tad bit tighter. “oh. you want me to hold your hand, is that it?”
“sato—ru,” you whine, a cute trembly voice making a special appearance.
but oh, the stretch…
it was so good simply divine.
each second is spent with gojo’s dick delving into your clenched walls. a syrupy ear ringing whimper snatches right out of your throat before you speak once more, “satoru, ‘toru, s—satoru.”
“hey, that’s me,” he grunts with a coy grin, feeling how well you clamp down on him—of course, he’d make a joke out of nearly anything. you’re like a bobbling doll, feeling your cunt squeeze him tight before within seconds, your thighs began to quaver.
with your legs quavering, it was as if a volcano was preparing to erupt. violently, your legs start to tense and you’re steadily pulsing and pulsing. something’s coming and it’s coming fast…
it had to be exactly what you were thinking. it felt a bit different though. pressure presses down against you and you feel gojo’s fingers intertwine with yours. “heh, you’re kinda dramatic, huh?” he teases—and right before he can give you another snarky reply, he brings your hips to an abrupt halt. teeth chomping down together, your jaw insignificantly tightens and you feel a certain sharp twinge for at least three and a half seconds.
“i- i’m about to s-squirt, ‘toru,” you warn him, and he nips another chaste kiss near the crook of your neck.
“nuh uh. you’re going to squirt, trust me. give it to me, yeah. grind against me ‘n just listen to my voice, mhm.”
his voice.. just the way he spoke to you in such a playfully deep tone was enough to make you finish on the spot.
gojo holds you still. he’s still buried deep inside. stuffing you fill of hefty inches before he brings a hand towards your swollen puffy entrance. “damn, she really is so fuckin’ sloppy,” he grunts, starting to maneuver slow circles against your pussy. he makes haste with it though, and your lips part before moaning once you even hear the evidence yourself.
squelch, squelch, squelch..
it’s loud, it rings throughout your ears—each time, it’s louder than the next. he’s so sloppy with it too, no shame whatsoever. gojo then drags a soft thumb down your slit that was just sopping. everything felt so fervent - the way he’d strum his fingers against your cunt, only to then give it a concise spank.
“s-satoru, fuckkk.” you’d gasp, leaning way back with your legs still sprawled, “i—”
“now—don’t be rude, angel. she’s tryna speak to me, let her do her thing, baby,” and he clearly referring to your dripping wet pussy. he continues, rubbing against your clit at a much more rapid speed now. your legs could barely hold themselves open. mouth twitching, you feel a rupture on the very brink of rippling out of you before his spanks against your pussy come again, and again, and again…
“sloppy girl with a sloppy … fuckin’ … cunt.”
his words get more raspy and degrading and he’s way too into it to pause. with a thumb slowly tickling against your spasming nub, he watches at you moan a shrieking whine before not even seconds later, it happens. you gush out, and it’s a lot to where you even dampen gojo’s lap. thankfully he was prepared, keeping a towel underneath you just in case you were a bit too much of a soaked.
and soaked you were, it felt so good that you didn’t even know what to say… more like, you didn’t know what to think.
your mind was blank, equivalent to an empty canvas. he’s so mean, whispering such filthy murmurs into your ear before he lets you ride out your orgasm.
wet, you felt that entire word right between your legs. gojo’s still playing with you, cock stuffing your pussy full to the very brim before he feels you bare around him.
“. . seeeee,” he pants, humming in a soft tune.
he squeezes your folds tighter just to hear that honeyed mewl rip from your sweet lips. he gradually pulls out and now you’re just laying back against his chest with the dumbest expression. “told ya you didn’t know what the fuck you were doing,” he chaffs before making you turn your neck, dragging you into a deep kiss.
it catches you by surprise, you connect your lips against his and that’s when he makes you fall back. you watch with glossy eyes before he then grabs ahold of chin with one hand, brushing it tenderly against your skin. “say ah, open that pretty mouth for me ‘n taste what a messy girl you are.”
you felt your heartbeat go straight between your legs. once you loll out your tongue for him, staring right into his bright cerulean irises, he stuffs your mouth with two fingers. the same fingers that were covered in nothing but your sweet wet arousal. “yeah, run that tongue around my fingers ‘n taste it all, baby.”
you moan, swirling your tongue alongside his digits before you briefly end up gagging at the tips of his fingers massaging against the very back part of your throat.
“good girl,” he whispers—pulling his fingers out real slowly, he does this purposeful. a sheeny trail of your glistening saliva follows out from your lips before he gives you another long kiss before departing. “now, let’s do it again. but this time,” he utters, making you lie back against your back. “i’ll make you squirt just from my tongue, angel. let’s make that cute squirt velocity a little stronger, hm?”
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monstersflashlight · 29 days
Helping neighbors
A/N: I don’t know if you all think sex-pollen is dub-con or not, but be aware that the reader is out of it when they are fucking. She’s enjoying herself plenty, but the consent induced by sex-pollen can be a bit dubious. Be warned of that.
Minotaur x Orc x fem!reader || sex-pollen, spit-roast, sharing is caring, breeding
When you are walking down the woods and suddenly get cursed by a weird lady, you start to feel like your life is not going the way it should.
You stepped on a few flowers, you didn’t think it was too bad, but then the witch appeared out of thin air and blew some kind of purple powder on your face. She disappeared again, but not before she said something as cryptic as “You will suffer until you surrender to your desires.” Her laughter lingered in the air for a few more seconds.
At first, it was fine, you tried to convince yourself that it was some kind of hallucination, you didn’t see a crazy lady in the woods. It was just a dream or something. Nothing major. Nothing was going to happen to you. You were sure of it.
But then the heat started.
It was a low song inside your veins, running up and down and making your skin itch in a weird way, you felt like everything was too much over it. Your clothes felt like needles on your skin, nothing could cool you off enough to feel comfortable. And then your pussy got wet, you soaked through so many panties you decided going naked around the house was the only option. And even then, your pussy kept constricting over nothing, so sensitive you could cry every time your thighs rubbed together.
You tried to jerk off frantically, you got yourself at the edge over and over but it didn’t work. It wasn’t happening. Nothing was happening. With each roll of your clit, you felt more and more on edge, but the climax wasn’t arriving. You couldn’t come. And it was driving you crazy.
You tried porn, you tried erotic books, you tried all the dildos you had… Even the dark fantasies starring your two hot neighbors across the hall. You thought it was pervy to think of them that way. But that didn’t stop you from picturing every one of those fantasies over and over. You elaborated them to the point you could see the images so clearly in your mind that it felt like a porno made specially for you. You on your knees swallowing around the big minotaur cock, you on all fours being pounded from behind by a big green orc… You thought of every position and every option. It was so vivid you could almost feel it happening. You even pictured how could you ask them to fuck you dumb. But that didn’t work either.
That awful heat inside your skin, that curse, went on for a whole day before you started to feel so desperate and so on edge that you felt like you could come with just air touching your skin. But it didn’t happen. You still couldn’t come and your mind was empty from any thoughts apart from the need to cum. You worked yourself into a frenzy of horniness that made your knees weak and your clit tingle. You were worked up to a point where the idea of coming was the only thing you could process in your head.
On the second day, you had enough.
You put on the less offensive clothes you had, the only thing you felt like wasn’t going to feel like sandpaper against your skin, nothing underneath, just a simple summer dress. You crossed the hallway, knocking on your neighbors’ door rapidly and praying to whoever was listening for them to be home. Please, let them be home.
“Hey, little human. What can I do for you?” His flirty tone made you shudder. You whined at the sound of his voice. “Are you okay?” He looked worried as your knees gave up under you and your body fell to the ground. You felt feverish. But you didn’t get to hit the floor before his strong arms were around your middle, supporting your weight and making you moan like a whore at the skin to skin contact. You didn’t care about being proper anymore.
“Help… Please.” You whispered, another wave of heat hitting you. “It hurts.” You wanted to taste his skin, but you knew he couldn’t do that if you didn’t explain first. But it hurt so bad. Your whole brain could only focus on looking for pleasure, for release.
“What hurts? What happened?” The minotaur asked, picking you up and taking you to the sofa. You cried out when he tried to put you down. He sat down with you on his lap, caressing your hair softly, his eyes worried.
“A lady… A lady in the woods. Purple powder… It hurts.” You choked out. Apparently that was enough for him, a frown forming as you told him. He seemed to know what was happening to you. Thank the universe for that, because you didn’t know if you could articulate more words. Your skin felt too tight, too hot. “Please…” You pleaded again, wrapping your body over him like a blanket, trying to make every cell of your body touch his.
“It’s okay. You are going to be okay, little human.” He kept mumbling comforting words as he caressed your back, his hands hot against your feverish skin. You pressed your pussy against his clothed leg, probably leaving a wet patch. He didn’t stop you. “Let me call my boyfriend, we can take care of you. You’d like that, honey?” You whimpered, nodding as images of both of them fucking you crossed your mind.
You knew they were a couple, you saw them making out against the door one memorable night you came home a bit later than usual. That image burned in your brain and fueled most of your jerk off sessions that month. A big minotaur and a big orc, two towers of masculinity grinding against each other as you passed them, your face flushed and your pussy wet. They were so fucking hot. And the outline of a bulge you could see in their pants made your mouth water. Both of them were so big. In more ways than one. You wondered how would it feel to have them inside of you, filling you to the brim.
But they also shared, you knew they did, the pipes in their bathroom made the perfect channel of sound to your own bathroom. At first it was fun to listen as one of them sang in the shower, as they talked through hushed voices at night, when you were sure they brushed their teeth at the same time. But one magnificent day, you heard a woman’s voice, a woman’s cries of pleasure and two distinct monster voices telling her how good of a good girl she was. They were fucking her in the shower, and you had to make yourself cum while listening, like the pervy girl you were. And that fueled your fantasies beyond belief. How would it be to be shared by them? How would it feel to be their good girl?
And now, months later, you were panting on the minotaur’s lap as he called his orc boyfriend. His manly smell was enough to get you on edge, grinding yourself against his leg, mounting his leg like a horny dog. You felt embarrassed, you felt like your face was burning, but the need to come was too big to stop.
“Get home, now. Something is happening to her.” You couldn’t listen to what the orc said. Your brain was so focused on the feeling of his jeans under your bare pussy that you barely heard anything at all. You lost part of the conversation, but the minotaur’s voice was final when he said: “She’s grinding on my lap like she’s going to set herself on fire if she doesn’t cum soon. Get. Home. Now.” He punctuated each word, tone harsh as he talked to the orc. You didn’t know what he answered, but the minotatur hung up on him and focused his attention back on you again. “It’s okay, little human, we’ll take care of you.” You whined, a tear escaping your eye. He sweetly wiped it away.
You didn’t know how much time it passed between the call and the sound of the door opening, you kept grinding on the minotarur’s jeans as he whispered sweet words to you, caressing every part of your body he could reach, making you even more desperate to cum.
“What did the witch say?” The orc asked as soon as he saw us. Witch? What witch? The minotaur grunted at his boyfriend, calling him rude without words.
“Honey, what did the lady in the forest say to you?” The minotaur asked you softly, tilting your head up so you were looking at his face.
“I don’t know.” You said, frustrated and tired, you wanted to cry. “Something… something about my deepest desire?” You asked, rhetorically. You didn’t remember much from the past days, you just knew you needed to cum or you were going to die.
“Little human, you need to tell us what’s that. What’s your deepest desire?” The orc asked, sitting next to you two, his hand caressing your back along his boyfriend’s. You whimpered.
“You. You two.” You confessed, far too gone to be embarrassed about it.
“You want us?” The orc questioned, he was tense, and his tone sounded almost careful, like he was scared to talk too loud and scare you away. As if… “The two of us?” He repeated. You nodded eagerly.
They looked at each other, a silent conversation happening while you sat there, looking at them and marveling at how handsome they were. Not in a human way, but in a monstrous, almost scary way. They were so big, you felt so tiny between the two of them. And you loved it. You loved to feel tiny against their giant bodies, you’d be so full with cock if they fucked you at the same time. You whined again at the thought.
“It’s okay, honey. We got you.” The minotaur said, picking you up from his lap as you groaned. He threw you over his shoulder as he walked you to another room. You looked up from his fantastic ass to see the orc following closely, shredding his clothes as he followed. You moaned at the sight of his bared torso. The minotaur laughed. “Yeah, he looks fine as hell.” He agreed with your barely coherent sounds.
“Lay her down, take off her clothes.” The orc instructed, the minotaur did just what he asked.
“He’s a bit bossy, but don’t worry, honey. He’s going to make us feel so good.” The minotaur whispered as he leaned down and took your dress off.
There you were, naked on the bed, two big monsters looking down at you. You moaned. You felt like a human sacrifice. Ready to be devoured by beasts. Your hands instantly went to touch your body, one to pinch your nipple, the other right to your clit. But you didn’t get to do anything before the big orc was making a sound that made you stop on your tracks.
“You don’t touch yourself if I don’t tell you to. You are under my command now, little human.” You shivered, his voice harsh and hot. You nodded, beyond words. “Get undressed, join her in the bed.” He instructed the minotaur.
The first look at the minotaur’s cock made your insides twitch. He was so fucking big, you weren’t sure he was going to fit inside of you, but dang if you didn’t want to try either way. He smirked at you, his steps calculated, as he laid down next to you, his hand mockingly pinching your nipple. He got a disapproving grunt from the orc at that, you felt like giggling.
“You are going to fuck her first so she’s ready for my cock. And then, you are going to take her mouth, making her choke on your big cock until her eyes are watery and your cum is down her throat. Is that right?” You both nodded. “We are going to spit roast this pretty little human, just like if she were a toy for us to use. You like that, little human? You want to be our human toy? You want to be a good little human for us?” You whimpered, nodding so fast you felt dizzy.
The orc helped you to sit over the minotaur, each inch of his cock filling you and stretching you beyond what you thought possible. You were about to cry out and say it was too much, you couldn’t take him, but the soft words the orc was whispering in your ear were helping. They weren’t rushing you, you wanted to be a good little human and take all of him. All of them.
The minotaur cursed all the way in, making you blush. “Her pussy… Oh lord she’s so thigh. I’m not gonna last, she’s clenching on me like a vice.” He chanted to the orc as he bottomed out, like you weren’t even there.
“Ride him, little human. Ride the bull like a wild little whore.” The orc said against your back, his cock pressing on your lower back as he held your hips, helping you ride his boyfriend.
The minotaur under you cursed and said: “I always forget how good your dirty talk is.” You could feel the orc smirk against the back of your neck where he’s pressing a line of kisses. His tusks soft and dangerous against your skin.
“I bet you don’t have a gag reflex at all, being a pretty little human like yourself, so ready to take us both. Do you?” He asked, you shook your head. You didn’t, you practiced over and over with your biggest toy. You didn’t want to admit that you did it so you could take one of them someday. “Of course you don’t. You would take me so well, deep down your throat until you are stuffed full of cock. Or maybe I take your pussy, cum inside of you until your stomach is bloated because of it. Cum dripping out of your well used hole. Would you like that, little human? Would you like to be bred?” You whimpered, nodding frantically as you keep riding the minotaur. The filthy words the orc whispered against your ear were making you wetter, which you thought it was impossible at that point. “Keep going, little whore, make him come inside you so I can take my turn, too.”
“I’m close.” The minotaur interrupted, his fur wet with sweat as you kept bouncing on his cock.
“Come on, cum inside the prettiest little human. Breed her.” He ordered. As soon as the words left his mouth, the minotaur bulked under you, almost throwing you off balance. The orc held your hips steady as he helped you ride him until you felt his cum shooting inside your tight channel. You felt every spurt of his cum inside your pussy, so much of it you felt stuffed, just like he promised.
He pulled out and laid you down on your stomach. You felt fucked out but still desperate, you hadn’t come and the need inside of you was growing stronger with each passing second. “Good lord.” The minotaur whispered, joining his orc boyfriend at the feet of the bed, both of them looking intently at your gaping pussy. “Look at that, she’s so pink and soft. Her hole is still twitching, so eager to take your cock…” The minotaur said, not to anyone in particular, just admiring his cum oozing out of your pussy as he pushed the tip of his finger back inside, pushing in some of the cum leaking out. Both of them groaned behind you as you pushed your ass up, as eager as he said to take the orc’s cock.
You still hadn’t come, feeling deep inside your soul that you needed both of them to accomplish that. “Please…” You begged, wriggling your ass side to side, presenting yourself like a bitch in heat. They groaned.
“Get on the bed, fill her mouth so we don’t bother the other neighbors as she falls apart on our cocks.” The orc ordered, making you groan again.
They helped you into a position that could make both of their cocks be at the right angle for them to destroy you. You were so ready you felt insane with desire. The orc behind you kneaded your ass, parting your cheeks to look closely at your leaking pussy. You felt so exposed your whole body reacted. You tried to push back, making him slap your ass playfully. “Don’t try me, little human, today is not the day for my hand to make your ass so red you can’t walk tomorrow. That’s a task for my cock.” He proclaimed. Filthy images of him spanking you until you came made your brain foggy.
You were so focused on the orc behind you that you didn’t realize the minotaur’s cock was right in front of you until he told you: “Open up, honey.” You opened your mouth instantly, the tip of his dick so big it filled your whole mouth. You moaned around him and pushed forward, taking him deeper.
His hands were in your hair, pulling softly and instantly apologizing, but not letting go. You smiled around him, but it was lost as soon as you felt the orc’s cock entering you from behind. This angle made it feel bigger, so much bigger. He pushed forward without stopping, not allowing you to accommodate him until he was inside of you fully.
“Fuck her already, her mouth is as hot as her pussy, I won’t last long.” The minotaur pleaded his boyfriend as he started fucking your throat with deep thrusts.
You felt the first thrust of the orc in every cell of your body, he pulled in and out slowly a couple times before he started fucking you properly. His thrusts were so powerful and so harsh that with each one he pushed you onto the minotaur’s cock, making you take him deeper. Both of them fucked you in tandem, in perfect sync.
Your brain felt broken, like they fucked each one of your neurons into their off-state. No logical thought inside your brain but cock. Their cocks. Filling your holes to the brim. You didn’t know how much time passed, maybe a couple minutes, maybe hours. You stood there as they took your mouth and your pussy, just a toy between two monsters.
The minotaur’s warning grunt came at the same time as the orc proclaimed that he was going to breed you until you popped from the amount of cum inside you. You shuddered. When the first tremors of their orgasms appeared, your pussy constricted around the orc’s cock. A static noise on your ears, the world around you blurring as they kept fucking their cum back inside of you.
You came so hard you saw stars. The whole milky way behind your closed eyes as you cried out around the dick in your mouth. Both of them were coming inside of you, making a mess of your holes as they filled you. You came, and came… The climax so harsh and so big you could feel everything and anything all at once. Your brain short-circuited completely. Your brain was far, far away as they cursed and talked and said whatever.
You laid there, on all fours, your holes filled with cum and two monsters spit roasting you.
You passed out.
As per popular request, theres a part 2 and part 3
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0rph1x · 1 year
i could talk about this frame for the rest of my life
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#HE JUSTKFHDKFJDLF#AGH#'i dont wanna end up like my father peter please' DO U WANT ME DEAD#harry is so desperate and helpless its awful#amd he tries so hard to keep up the mean angry ceo act but he just. he cant with peter.#something abt being with peter is different. he cant be mean to him here. he tries to! he tries! he snaps at him!#and u could say that hes purposefully playing into peters morality and need to help ppl to get what he wants but i dont think so#i think harry is a scared kid. hes only 20 and he has to tell his best friend that hes dying.#harry is horrified of ending up dying and alone like his father. and for the first time in almost 10 years he has someone to go to.#so he goes to peter. his closest friend. only for peter to tell him that he might not be able to help him. and it destroys harry.#hes heartbroken and desperate and angry with him for not being able to do what he needs him to#WHICH MAKES SENSE#in this hug. if u watch it. harrys shaking.#hes shaking and breathing heavily and his eyes are shut tight and he cant. seem to let go.#AND U WANNA KNOW WHAT PETER DOES.#peter just stands there!!!! doesnt do anything!!!!!!!#i mean yeah hes just realized his best friend is dying and wants spidermans blood to see if itll heal him but damn.#hug the man pete like holy fuck#even in this frame u can see how sick harry looks. hes thinning and his eyes have dark circles and he just seems weaker#he gets worse as the movie goes on until he turns into green goblin and then he just looks alien-ified#BUT YEAH. THIS SCENE DESTROYS ME. this scene is the one that changes their dynamic for the rest of the film#theyre no longer carefree best friends who just got reunited after nearly ten years. theres something in the way of that now.#AGH. THIS MOVIES ALMOST TEN YEARS OLD. DO U THINK THEY INTENDED FOR SOME GUY TO BE ANALYZING IT THIS DEEP TEN YEARS INTO THE FUTURE.#peter parker#harry osborn#the amazing spider man 2#tasm2#parksborn
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