#he is quite literally all I care about I'm so sorry I'm just focusing on him full stop
solarmorrigan · 6 months
omg I'm obsessed with your latest "don't fucking touch me" prompt. Would you continue it?
Hello! I know this is actually from earlier in the week than the one I answered a couple of days ago, but I was saving it because, while I don't exactly have a continuation, I do have a little stobin interlude I wanted to share
I'm still working on the "fix it" part of this idea, but at least in the meantime Steve gets a hug?
[Part 1]
It isn’t unusual for Steve to show up at Robin’s house well after any reasonable guest would come knocking. It isn’t unusual for him to do it by climbing the side of the house and knocking on her window (she hasn’t told him that her parents don’t really care anymore if he’s there in the middle of the night; she figures the physical activity counts as some kind of jock enrichment). Unfortunately, it isn’t even unusual for him to appear out of the dark because he’s upset.
What’s more unusual is the way he sits silently on her bed after she’s let him in, the way he’s almost folded in on himself, the way he won’t quite meet her eyes – as if there’s anything he can or even needs to hide from her.
What’s fucking unheard of is the way he starts crying when she pulls him into a hug, his face pressed to her shoulder and his arms wrapped around her waist like she might disappear if he doesn’t hold on.
Robin doesn’t even understand what’s happening at first; she can feel Steve shaking against her as she rubs a hand up and down his back, but when his shoulders start to heave like he’s having trouble drawing in breath, a cold bolt of uncertainty lances through her gut. She tries to pull him back to look at him, to see what’s wrong, but she only gets him far enough away to hear one very quiet sob before he’s hiding his face again and she realizes–
“Oh. Oh, shit– okay, this is happening. Okay.” Robin resolutely does not panic as Steve sobs into her shoulder, even though crying isn’t something Steve does (not that Robin’s ever seen, and she’s seen Steve through a lot); instead, she goes back to rubbing a hand up and down his back, bringing her other up to pet his hair, and tries her best to project literally any kind of comfort. “Okay, you’re okay – well, you’re obviously not okay, but I’ve got you. You can just let all this out and when you feel up to it you can tell me what’s wrong because you’re kind of freaking me out, but not until you’re ready, okay? I’ve got you.”
She feels maybe her success is mixed, but Steve doesn’t complain and he doesn’t seem to be made more upset, so she can’t be doing too badly.
All told, Steve’s breakdown is unsettlingly quiet. Robin tries not to think about why he can cry so silently, and instead focuses on finding the transition from actively sobbing to sniffling and trying to catch his breath. The next time she tries to pull him back, he lets her, still not quite meeting her eyes and automatically bringing a hand up to wipe at the tear tracks on his face.
Robin has seen Steve all manner of beaten and bloodied and bruised, but somehow, sitting here in her room, still half-curled into her space with his face blotchy and wet from crying, she thinks this might be the most upset she’s ever seen him. She can only imagine what’s happened to cause it – at least until she can get him to tell her.
“Get it all out?” Robin asks, as gently as she’s able (she’s never been great at gentle, but Steve’s used to her by now, she thinks he’ll get it).
Steve shrugs, but then gives a little nod.
“Okay, so here’s what we’re going to do: I’m going to give you some tissues so you can clean yourself up, because I love you, but I’m not going to wipe your nose.” This gets a congested laugh from Steve, and Robin allows herself an answering smile. “Then I’m going to go downstairs and get you something to drink, and then you’re going to tell me what’s wrong, because I am this close to being seriously alarmed.”
“Sorry,” Steve says gruffly, ducking his head, moving to pull away.
“Nope, we don’t do sorry here, nothing to be sorry for,” Robin insists, grabbing Steve by the shoulders and keeping him close. “I just want to know what’s wrong, okay? I want to help. So here.” She shoves the box of tissues from her bedside table into Steve’s lap and gets up with one last squeeze to his shoulders. “I’ll be right back.”
Robin slips out of her room and sneaks down to the kitchen (her parents don’t really care about Steve’s late night visits, but they will be grumpy if she wakes them up), poking around quietly for some kind of suitable post-breakdown sustenance. She ends up with a bottle of Gatorade from the fridge and a half-eaten package of Oreos from the pantry – the late night snack of champions, she decides.
Back up in her room, Steve has shucked his sneakers (no shoes on Robin’s bed, it’s a cardinal rule) and settled himself up against the pillows; his face is dry and his eyes aren’t as red, but the tiny smile he gives her when she passes over her spoils still makes him look just as sad as before. Still, Robin valiantly lets him get through half the bottle of Gatorade before she elbows him gently in the side, demanding answers.
“Right.” Steve caps the bottle and rolls it nervously between his hands, watching the highlighter fluid yellow slosh around inside. “So, uh. You know how I’ve been seeing Eddie?”
Robin’s heart sinks. “Oh, shit, did you two break up?”
“Actually, it turns out…” Steve clears his throat. “It turns out that there wasn’t anything to break up. Apparently, we’ve been friends with benefits this entire time and I’m just a delusional idiot who made up an entire relationship in my head. So there’s that.”
There is nothing Robin can think to say to that. There’s entirely too much to unpack, and none of it makes sense.
“What,” she finally manages, a little flat.
“Yeah, he said that, uh. I’m not the type of guy you have a relationship with, and that I’m hot, but I’m just a good friend, and we’re just having fun.” If Steve’s voice cracks on the last word, Robin doesn’t mention it.
In fact, she’s too busy being consumed by rage to really notice. “He said that to your face?” she demands.
Steve clears his throat. He won’t meet her eyes. “Not– not exactly.”
“The guys were over, and I went out to get some air, and that’s… what I heard Eddie saying to them when I came back in,” Steve says. “So now they know how pathetic I am, too, which is. Great. That’s fucking great.”
The world goes still. Suddenly, everything makes perfect sense. Robin reaches out and squeezes Steve’s wrist. “I’m going to have to leave for a few hours, okay?” she says. “I have to bike down to the trailer park and fucking kill Eddie.”
In a flash, Steve twists in Robin’s grip and grabs her by the wrist in turn. “Don’t leave,” he says quickly.
“No, he doesn’t– he doesn’t get away with this,” Robin hisses. “He doesn’t get to do this to you and not face consequences!”
“He wasn’t trying to– I mean– I was the one who–”
“Are you defending him right now?”
“No, I just– fuck.” Steve lets go of Robin and shoves both hands up into his hair, grabbing and pulling. “I already feel enough like some fucking – loser reject, okay? I don’t want to be alone right now. Please just… stay.”
The rage doesn’t abate (if anything, there’s probably more of it), but Robin’s priorities do rearrange, and she settles back on the bed next to Steve. “Fine,” she huffs. “Munson gets a stay of execution.”
She pushes the package of Oreos into Steve’s lap and orders him to finish the Gatorade. She doubts if he’s going to escape tonight without a migraine, but dehydration on top of stress will only make it worse.
They sit quietly for a while, munching on cookies, shoulder to shoulder on Robin’s bed, before Robin breaks into the silence.
“You’re not a loser, Steve. You’re my best friend, and you deserve to be loved, okay?” she says softly, reaching over to wrap her hand around his wrist again. “And one day it’s going to happen. I’m choosing to believe in love, too.”
For a long moment, Steve says nothing. When he finally does speak, his voice has gone a bit rough. “If you make me cry again, I’m dumping what’s left of the Gatorade over your head.”
Robin snorts, squeezing Steve’s wrist. “There’s that mean girl I know and love.”
Steve laughs, too, small but sincere, and Robin takes it as a win.
Part 3
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joeys-babe · 2 months
Joey B Blurbs: Hickey
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Summary: You prank Joe by using makeup to create a fake hickey on your neck.
Warnings: Fluff, slight sexual tension, unserious/funny, pranks!
Pairing: Joe Burrow x reader
Imagine Universe: Into The Mystic
A/N: Part 1 of Blurb Night! (Sneak Peak)
No particular date for this blurb!
Joe and I were currently cuddled up in bed. The twins were already asleep, and they had been for hours. I lay restless due to the baby doing somersaults in my stomach.
“Gah-lee!” - Joe
“Did you feel that?” - you
“Yes! She's not letting up at all, baby.” - Joe
“It’s your fault! You make me sit in the living room and watch UFC with you, she’s probably reenacting everything you commentate to my stomach!” - you
“Aye, let's not point fingers!” - Joe
I rolled my eyes, which Joe didn't like a bit.
“Don’t roll your eyes at me.” - Joe
“You’re not the boss of me.” - you
Joe leaned forward, his lips just barely hovering over mine but not quite touching them.
“I think you’re forgetting who’s in control here, mama. Need a reminder, maybe?” - Joe
His blue eyes flashed darkly as Joe trailed his hand down my arm, over to my belly, and down.
Just as his lips were about to meet mine, the baby kicked as hard as she had all night.
Joe groaned as he pulled away and flopped onto his back.
“You just got cockblocked.” - you laughed
“Probably for the better. Baby girl knew I needed to get ahold of myself since we aren't doing anything like that while you're pregnant.” - Joe
I rolled onto my side and placed my hand on his bare lower stomach, some of my hand covering the waistband of his boxers.
“I don't care to get you off, Joe. All you gotta do is ask.” - you
“You know I can’t do that. I can't just let you pleasure me, and you get nothing in return.” - Joe
My eyes were glued to Joe’s hand as he reached down and rearranged his forming hard-on. God, I wanted him so bad.
“I- I'm gonna splash some cold water on my face…” - you
Joe mumbled a ‘k’ as I quite literally rolled out of bed. I went into the bathroom and shut the door behind me.
After splashing some water on my face, I took a few deep breaths in an attempt to calm my raging hormones.
Why does Joe have to be so sexy without trying? I asked myself in a whisper.
I pulled my phone out to check my notifications because there's nothing less sexy than business emails.
That's when I got the idea to prank Joe. It'll be a way to calm us both down and kill some time since there's no way baby girl is settling down anytime soon.
After scrolling through my saved videos, I found the perfect one.
“You okay? You were in there for a while.” - Joe
“I’m fine. Just needed to cool down.” - you
“Sorry, guess that's my fault for getting worked up.” - Joe
I got into bed and rolled over into Joe’s chest, scratching my nails over his back.
“Don’t be sorry.” - you
Joe sighed out of contentment and began running his fingers through my hair. He knew I hated it when my hair touched my neck, so Joe began moving my hair away from my neck.
“I love you.” - you
The sentiment made him smile, his eyes still focused on his fingers running through my hair.
His mouth opened, about to say the statement back, but the only thing that squeaked out was a gasp.
“Joe?” - you
“Did you burn yourself curling your hair yesterday?“- Joe
“No… why?” - you
“There's a huge mark on your neck.” - Joe
“Oh.” - you
I reached up and pulled my hair to cover the mark back up. My heart fluttered at the realization that Joe didn't have the same reaction to the prank as most other partners have.
“What is that then? Did you hit your neck on something?” - Joe
Letting him stew over the options for a little bit, I couldn't help but bust out laughing after a few minutes of silence.
“Why are you laughing? That looks like that hurts, baby. Why didn't you tell me? Do you need ice… or ointment?” - Joe
“Joe…” - you laughed
“What?!” - Joe
“It's a prank! It’s supposed to be a hickey.” - you
He stared at me dumbfounded, confused more than anything.
“How is that a prank? I'm the only person giving you a hickey, so if you had one, I would know about it.” - Joe
“You were supposed to think another guy gave it to me, but I think it's sweet your mind didn't go there.” - you smiled
“Oh! No, I never would’ve guessed that. I know I'm the only guy you have eyes on.” - Joe
I rested my hand on Joe’s bare chest, and we lay face to face, just looking into each other’s eyes. It was a sweet moment, and just as Joe began leaning in to kiss me…
The baby kicked again. Joe jumped back and groaned out of annoyance, but I was laughing my head off.
“Damn it!” - Joe
Authors note: Can y’all tell that I'm ovulating 💀
This idea came from some TikToks I've seen!
Hope you enjoyed! 💕
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adventuringblind · 4 months
She's My Princess
Daniel Ricciardo x Reader
Genre: Smut
Summary: Daniel Spoils his girl... That's it. That's the plot.
Warnings: Soft dom Daniel, Daddy kink, BDSM, Voyeurism (if you squint), bondage, age-play (again, if you really look hard enough), choking
Notes: This is my happy place, right here. Mildly self-indulgent but all fanfiction is so I don't care. I hope the requester likes it!!
Masterlist // Request Form // My Website // buy me a Ko-Fi
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This side of Daniel is something she sees often. He's a soft person and treats her as such. Dotes on her like she's a porcelain doll.
He zips the back of her dress and ties her shoes. He carries her bag to the car and buckles her in. It makes her feel small, entirely to warm inside.
"I'm sorry we have to go out tonight." His plan had been to ravish her until she couldn't think. Until they got a surprise call from Max saying he's in town for a couple days and wants to get dinner.
It had been over a month since they saw Max last, and Daniel had only said yes after he talked with her about it.
Daniel, still very intent on keeping his promise, has been not letting her do anything for herself all day long. She's been spoiled far more than necessary, but every ounce of insecurity only made Daniel more intent.
"It'll be nice to see everyone!" She assures. "I could care less about what we do as long as you're there."
"How did I get so lucky?" She blushes under his gaze and tries to look away, but Daniel's fingers foil her. "If you're good for dinner, I'll make this whole thing up to you later. Sound good?"
"Yes daddy."
He pats her cheek. "That's my girl."
He holds her hand as they walk inside. He pulls her chair out for her at the table of drivers.
Daniel makes small talk with the guys and the WAGS that had come with. She tries, but her mind is focused on Daniels hand sneaking up her thigh.
She tries to ignore when he rubs a finger over the thin lace of her panties. She's mid-sentence and ends up stuttering, but she manages to pull herself together. Daniel teases her about the blush on her face.
He keeps up his antics until dessert when he slips a finger into her, obnoxiously wet cunt. She, not so gracefully, chokes on her water. She makes not a sound after. It's not like they've never done this before. Daniel's just not making this any easier with the way he keeps calling her a good girl in her ear.
It feels like an eternity until they can leave. When Daniel finally helps her out of her chair and guides her to the car.
The drive home takes an interesting turn when Daniel has her sucking him off while he's driving. He's skilled in multitasking. Specifically in the art of fucking her throat and keeping his eyes on the road.
Daniel paints her mouth white during a particularly long light. She gets satisfaction in knowing this is what she does to him. That he's desperate enough to fuck her mouth while he drives because he can't wait.
The Aussie hauls her into the house and throws her onto the bed like she weighs nothing. Which is quite the compliment in her eyes. Her body, in her opinion, should not be that easy to carry.
"You did so good tonight, Princess." He kisses her, open mouthed and dirty. He sucks on her tongue and makes a whimpering mess out of her.
Her literally rips her dress off. A whispered promise to buy her a new one is said against her chest. Right before he swirls his tongue around her nipple, alternating between each side. His hands press into her upper back, pulling her further into him.
"Daddy, please - need you."
Daniel moves lower and settles between her thighs. He makes a point to blow on her on her before flattening his tongue and licking upwards.
Her hands find his hair. An attempt to ground her thrashing body. It makes no difference. Daniel still has to pin her hard enough to leave bruises.
His teeth graze over her clit. He sucks on her in the way that drivers her insane. Until the only word she knows is his name.
"Daddy - need to - pleassseee-" Her eyes roll back into her head as Daniel double down on his efforts. The permission is non-verbal in the way he taps her thigh a few times, allowing no break.
She releases onto his tongue. It's wet and it's everywhere and Daniel cleans every bit of it with his mouth.
He launches upwards to kiss her. She can taste herself on his shiny lips. He doesn't give her a break. Three fingers are jammed into her and she wails.
"You're doing so good baby girl. Taking everything I give you." The sounds he's making with her pussy are obscene. His fingers curl upward, sending her body spiraling.
A hand puts pressure around her throat. She sucks in as much air as she can, but inevitable her vision starts to go dark. Daniel opens and closes his hand in perfectly timed intervals, keeping her right on the edge of coherency.
"Cum for me princess, you can do it. We've gone for more rounds than this before."
Daniel has to pin her with effort this time around. He doesn't stop talking, the roughness of his voice rings through her ears. "Such a good girl for me. Just gorgeous like this, a right fucking messy slut, aren't you."
Daniel moves off the bed to get the rest of his clothes off. She cries real tears at the loss. Still to disoriented to know where he is. "Oh baby, I'm still here. You feeling fuzzy? Needy for my cock?" Embarrassment and shame are nothing to her as her tongue rolls out of her mouth and her head nods yes.
Daniel ties a rope around her wrists and secures it to the headboard. He chuckles as she watches him with glassy eyes and no resistance, just dead weight as he tries to adjust her position.
It takes entirely to long for Daniel to get inside of her. For her to feel his body pressed against her. His hips rutting into her, desperate and dominating. She couldn't fight him if she tried.
The pace he sets is relentless. The free hand not holding him up is rubbing at her clit. His mouth close enough to to brush up against hers, but he's still talking to her. Keenly aware of what his voice does to her. She's not sure what he's even saying, aside from that she's a good girl; his princess.
His teeth latch onto her throat, biting and sucking away at it until she thinks she might actually be bleeding onto his tongue. "Mine, all mine. My perfect little girl."
His thrusts are getting sloppy. She's been pushed past the point of overstimulated and isn't sure she can come again. "Let go for me baby, I know you can. I wanna feel you tighten around me. Can you do that for daddy?"
She's crying again. She cums so hard that it hurts her muscles. The line between pain and pleasure is blurred once again as Daniel wraps his hand around her throat again, completely cutting off her air.
She's choking on her scream. Barely aware that Daniel is painting her insides for the second time tonight. There are no thoughts aside from him.
Calming down is harder than expected. She's still twitching when Daniel is untying her. His hands caress her sides and praise her until she's able to breathe again.
Daniel carries her to the bathroom and gets them cleaned up. She's entirely to out of it, still partially crying and refusing to let go of his hand.
"Feeling good still, princess?" She hums happily as Daniel tucks them into bed. "Go to sleep baby, I'll be here when you wake up."
She curls up on top of his chest. Daniels arms wrapped around her to keep her from falling off him. "I love you, my perfect princess."
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vodika-vibes · 1 month
“you’re mine“ for alpha 17 pretty please 😮‍💨🙏🏻
All Mine
Summary: Alpha-17 is a possessive man and everyone knows not to touch when he considers his. It’s unfortunate that the new trainer didn’t get that memo. Well. Unfortunate for him.
Pairing: Alpha-17 x F!Reader
Word Count: 1446
Warnings: Attempted SA. It isn't shown in detail, and it's more hinted around, but please be careful if you think it might trigger you.
Tagging: @trixie2023 @n0vqni @imabeautifulbutterfly
A/N: Alright. So this is, quite literally, the oldest ask in my inbox and I'm so so so sorry that it took me so long to get to it! Please forgive me!
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Alpha-17 stretches his legs out in front of him from where he’s sitting in “his” chair in her office on Kamino. His chair, in the sense that no one else sits in it. Partly because the only time people come to this particular office is when they need tech support.
Not that he minds. It means that he has plenty of time to be alone with his cyare.
And he can never have enough of that.
He watches her work for a moment, her gaze focused on the pile of datapads stacked on the desk in front of her. She mentioned, earlier, that these needed to be formatted for the up and coming cadets, and that she’d be working on it all day.
It is her way of informing him that she’s not going to be able to give him a lot of attention while she’s working. Her way of suggesting that he spend the day doing something more worthwhile than watching her work.
Alpha knows that she worries about him getting bored.
As if he could ever get bored when she’s in his line of sight. Even if she’s wearing the formless uniform that the Kaminoans require.
“You’re staring at me, Alpha.” Her voice is light, though she doesn’t look up from her work.
“You don’t want me to stare then you shouldn’t be looking so pretty.” Alpha counters.
She finally lifts her gaze and shoots him an amused look, “Alpha, I’m wearing a formless uniform, and my hair is pulled into a bun, and I’m not even wearing make-up.”
“And yet you’re still stunning, if you were wearing make-up and did your hair no one would ever get any work done around here.” Alpha teases with a crooked grin.
“You’re not getting any work done anyway,” She points out, with her own teasing smile.
“It won’t kill the cadets to wait a little bit before their training starts.”
“They’re not cadets, Alpha, they’re up and coming ARCs and you’re going to give them anxiety.”
“Good. It’ll keep them alive.”
He grins at her, “Don’t worry, cyare. I’ll get to them before they get into any trouble.” She looks doubtful, and his grin widens, “What? Don’t you trust me?”
“Of course I trust you, but I also know you, Alpha-17.”
He chuckles and pushes to his feet to cross the room in several long strides, before ducking his head to drop a kiss to her cheek, “I’ll see you this afternoon, cyare.”
She turns her head to favor him with a warm smile, “It’s a date.”
Alpha chuckles and takes her hand to press a kiss to her knuckles, before he releases her and saunters out the room, pausing only long enough to tug his helmet over his head.
Wouldn’t do for the little shits to see him in a good mood, after all. He does have a reputation to keep.
Several, very long, hours later—somehow the ARC Cadets seem to get more and more annoying by the day— Alpha keys in the door code to his cyare’s suite and stops just in the door to strip off his armor.
She might not mind having his armor pressed against her, but he doesn’t like the bruises that she gets from the hard ridges of his armor. Not to say that he minds bruising her, because nothing could be further from the truth, but he wants to do the bruising manually.
Does that make him an asshole? Yeah. Probably.
“Cyare, I’m back!”
She pokes her head around a corner, and flashes him a bright smile, “Welcome home, I’m making pasta for dinner.”
“How you manage to work all day and still have time to cook a homemade dinner is beyond me, cyar’ika.” Alpha says with a wry smile as he walks further into the suite and follows her into her “kitchen”, which is really more of a kitchenette, as he’s heard her complain on more than one occasion.
“I am a talented woman,”
“You’ll get no arguments from me,” Alpha agrees, as he bumps his hip against the counter to watch her work. She changed out of her work clothes, and is wearing leggings and one of his shirts, which is curious.
Normally she dons tank tops when she’s relaxing at home, or tee shirts. Never long sleeves.
“Hm...what’s this about?” Alpha asks as he lightly plucks the collar of the shirt, “Since when do you wear long sleeves when you’re relaxing?”
There’s a flicker of something on her face. Not fear, because she’s never been afraid of him in her life, but uncertainty maybe.
Alpha’s eyes narrow, “What happened?”
“Don’t lose your cool-”
“Cyare. What happened?”
She hesitates a moment longer, and then sighs and sets the wooden spoon down on a paper towel. “Before I tell you, I need you to know that I’m fine. Colt stopped...well. Colt helped.”
“Not. Helping.”
“Sorry, sorry.” She tugs up the sleeve of her shirt, revealing a series of bruises on her wrist and up her arm.
Bruises in the shape of hands.
Gently, Alpha takes her arm in his hands and he brushes his fingers over the bruises. They’re smaller than his hands, smaller than any of his brothers too. “What happened?”
“Well, you know how the Kaminoans reached out to a new Mandalorian trainer?”
Something unhappy slides across his face, “Yes.”
“Well...he thought...um...he felt-” She trails off, “Colt stopped him. That’s the important thing.”
Alpha doesn’t say anything for a long time.
“Are you mad?”
“I’m kriffing pissed,” Alpha finally replies, though, as his free hand comes up to caress her cheek, it’s so very gentle, “But not at you. Never at you.”
She presses her cheek into his hand, “I didn’t do anything to encourage-”
“I know, ad’ika. I know.” His voice is low and reassuring before he leans in and lightly brushes his lips against hers, “Why don’t you let me treat this, before we eat dinner, hm?”
She scans his face, “You’re not going to do anything...dramatic? Are you?”
His smile is soft and reassuring, “I will react in a very reasonable way.”
“Reasonable for me, or reasonable for you?” She asks.
Alpha hums thoughtfully, before he brushes his thumb across her cheek, “You’re mine.” There’s a hint of something quietly possessive in his voice, “Don’t worry, ad’ika. He won’t touch you again.”
“...you’re going to kill him, aren’t you?”
Alpha meets her gaze evenly, “Do you really want me to answer that?”
She’s quiet for a long time, and then she smiles softly, “Would you like garlic bread with dinner?”
“I would love some garlic bread with dinner.” Alpha replies, before he drops one more kiss against her lips.
Alpha treats her injuries with a gentle reverence that makes her look at him with adoring eyes, and he remains at her side while they eat dinner, and watch a holo.
In fact, he doesn’t slip out of her quarters until she’s fast asleep in bed, curled around his pillow.
Only then does he drop a feather light kiss to her temple, pull on his armor, and slip out of her suite to deal with the situation.
He runs into Colt first. The younger man straightens and stares at him for a moment, before he produces a blaster and offers it to Alpha, “This blaster vanished from inventory six weeks ago.”
Alpha chuckles as he takes the blaster, “And it’s going to vanish again after tonight?”
Colt shrugs, “It happens.” He steps around Alpha, and then pauses, “Also, there’s been a bug in security. Everything is down for the foreseeable future.”
“Good man.”
“We look after our own, vod.” Colt’s smirk is dark, “Eventually they’ll figure it out. Shoot me a comm when we finish. I’ll help you clean up.”
“Copy that.” The two men go in different direction, Alpha heading deeper into the Trainer’s wing, while Colt headed towards the Cadet Barracks.
The next day, it’s reported that the new trainer has run off, taking all of his belongings and a crate of weapons from storage. It’s also reported that he sabotaged security so no one would see him escape.
When Alpha hears the news, he’s sitting next to her on her bed dressed in his armor.
A smile, slow and dark, slides across his face, and then he’s pressing a gentle kiss against her lips, “Have a good day, Alpha.” She says, soft and sweet, as though she’s not aware that he murdered a man for her the night before.
“I intend to, ad’ika.” He presses one more kiss to her lips, and then he’s gone, it’s time that the ARC cadets learn what it means to be Vod’e.
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64sue · 6 months
𝐑𝐢𝐝𝐞 𝐢𝐭 𝐛𝐚𝐛𝐲 <𝟑 | 𝐋𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐨 𝐍𝐨𝐫𝐫𝐢𝐬
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pairing: Lando Norris × fem reader/girlfriend
summary: you and Lando were at party at local club at Monaco with other drivers. You were a little drunk and Lando suggested going home...
warnings!: +18, smut?, cute names (baby, love stuff), unprotected sex
author note: !eng is not my first language! so sorry for all mistakes, requests are open, hope you'll enjoy this, love u all 🤍
Lando brought more drinks to your table. He was the only one not drinking. You and Lando were at the local club in Monaco with other drivers: Max with Kelly, Carlos with Rebecca, Charles with Alexa, George with Carmen and Oscar with Lily.
It's been a week since the season ended. You wanted just to go to a lil party to celebrate successful 2023 season. Everyone was already kinda tipsy but Lando put on the table more colorful drinks - the only sober person things. You were on the first floor of the club in the VIP zone. You didn't want any confusion due the popularity, that's why you chose this place.
When you're drunk you are much touchy than normal, of course you always love your boyfriend's physical touch, but after alcohol well... it's something different... When Lando sat on his place on a big sofa, without asked you sat on his laps. Lando seemed lil surprised at first but quickly wrapped his arms around your waist and rested his chin on your shoulder to get a better view of the others.
"What did I do to deserve such surprises baby? Am I that good driver hmm?" - he whispered straight to your ear.
You blushed and giggled - "You deserve all the best baby" - you turned your head and gently touched the tip of his nose with your index finger.
He smirked - "I love you too baby" - whispered.
Everyone raised their drinks in the air - "for the best F1 season and next even better" - Oscar shouted.
"Your first season roookie" - Lando laughed - "I'm joking, you did really great job in this your rookie season" - added quickly.
Everyone tipped their glasses and drank to a great toast. Then, conversations about last season started.
"Does anyone remember this iconic George pose in official intro" - Charles shouted
"Eyyyy your weren't better Charles!" - George said
"Okey okey guys calm down" - Carlos started "I was the only one who won the race and isn't in RedBull!" - said it with proud. Max started to laugh loudly.
"Nooooo I was literally on your rear wing" - Lando shouted back.
"I'm not gonna comment this" - George said with calm in his voice. At this sentence everyone started laughing.
Everyone were talking and laughing when suddenly you turned around on Lando's laps so you were sitting sideways to him. You were already drunk.
You put your hands around his neck. With one hand you ran your fingers through his perfect brown curls. You knew how bad it turns him on. He smirked at you. Still with your hand in his curls you got closer to his neck and placed gentle kisses on it. You felt him jump inside from your touch.
"Baby please, not here" - he whispered into your ear when you rested your head on his shoulder.
"We can go if you want to... you know, we can finish it at home" - he smirked at you and gave you a soft kiss on your cheek. Your cheeks were already pink from too many drinking drinks.
You raised up your gaze to look at him. "Yeah baby if you say so, we can go now" - your eyes looked already tired because of alcohol but you don't really care. Now, all your thoughts were focused on Lando, how perfect he looks and what you can do to him when you finally get into your apartment.
You and Lan stood up, said goodbye to all and quickly left the club. The night was quite cold and was almost 2 am. Lando gave you his jacket to make sure you wouldn't get cold. You get into his McLaren 765LT spider and you went to your apartment. You and Lan didn't live in the center of Monaco, so it was a 20 min of drive. Lando put his hand on your thighs what really turned you on and he knew it.
You were driving for 10 minutes now on a very poorly lit road. Suddenly, you noticed something resembling a parking lot but without any lighting. You had an idea...
"Lando pull over here please baby, I have to tell you something and and it's reaaaally important pleaseeee" - you almost begged and made the cutest puppy eyes as you could do.
Lando drove off the road and stopped the car.
"So love, tell me what's so important that it can't wait until we get there?" - his voice sounded slightly worried. He looked straight into your eyes.
In one quick movements you jumped into his laps. "Okey right baby..." - you rolled your eyes - "that was nothing, I just want you now right theree" - the last part you whispered into his ear.
Lando put his hands on your hips - "Babe we ca..." - he didn't finish, you placed soft kisses on his neck.
"I don't care Lan, I want you here nowww" - you ran your fingers through his hair and continue to kiss his neck and you did a few hickeys on it. In the same time you gently moved your hips on his, you knew how badly he likes it. Lando can't help but pushed his chair back to give you more space between him and the steering wheel.
"If you say so baby" - he smirked at you with this his sassy gaze and with one smooth move he took off your top and immediately after that your bra with also ended up on the floor. You helped him to take off his shirt and you threw it back.
Lando closed gap between your lips and gave you gentle but dominate kiss. In the same time his hands found way to your boobies and he squeezed them both. He played with your nipples and you moaned into his mouth with pleasure. Your tongues were busy in fight for dominance. Finally you softly broke the kiss to catch your breath. Lando get closer to your neck kissed softly your skin and he placed a few hickeys on your neck too.
"B- baby I need you n..." - this time you didn't finished. You felt Lando slided off your underwear under your skirt. You didn't have time to say anything when you felt two strong fingers circled slowly in your clit and his other hand was on your waist - you moaned to him with pleasure and threw your head back. In the same time he started to suck your nipple and place gently kisses on your boobies in such a way that you cannot focus on his one activity.
"L- Laan" - you moaned so he immediately started to circle his fingers faster and harder. You felt that you get closer and closer to the edge.
"Landoo I- I'm so c- close, d- don't stop pleasee" - your words weren't coherent through your moans.
Lando slowed the pace a little - "So tell me baby, tell me how badly you want to come, tell me how badly you want to cum into my fingers" - your hands landed on the back of his neck.
"Baby I'm so needy, I need to cum in your fingers, please baby let me cumm" - you almost begged him. Lando put his fingers deeper and moved them faster and harder than before - you moaned louder with a big pleasure. He close the gap between your lips again.
"I'm a- almost t- there"- you moaned into his lips. A few seconds later you came into his fingers and moaned loudly into his lips. He took out his fingers from your completely wet pussy and broke the kiss to catch some air. As you sat on his lap again you felt how hard he is.
"If you want me so bad baby..." - he moved closer to your ear and whispered - "then ride it babyy" - he lifted his head and looked at you with his sassy smile. He didn't have to wait long for your answer. You started to unbutton his belt and then unbutton also his jeans. You helped him to slide off his jeans and boxers and then you finally saw how big and hard he is. Lando helped you to take off your underwear.
You lifted your hips and sat on his dick with your wet pussy. You moaned when he put him deeper and deeper into your clit. In the same time Lando squeezed your boobies with his both hands. It tasted god damn good... you again can't focus on one activity and Lan knew exactly how it turned you on. You rolled your eyes with pleasure and threw your head back.
Lando placed his hands on your hips and moved you slowly up and down which made you moan louder.
"Lan b-baby fa- faster" - you moaned. He moved your hips faster and put his dick deeper inside your clit. His chock perfectly fitted to your pussy, you felt more and more full.
"I'm c-close baby, please c-cum with me baby pleaseee" - you almost whispered this into his ear. You were so close, Lando placed gentle kiss on your half open mouth because of moans. Seconds later you came again but this time into his dick, you moaned loudly into his mouth and gripped your hands on his shoulders. Then he came too, filled all your clit with his warm cum. You lifted your head to catch some air but you still sat on his dick. Lando moved his arms to your back and your fingers run through his hair. You looked at each other and just enjoyed this moment.
Lando gave you a subtle neck kiss and lifted your hips and pulled out his dick from your clit.
"So baby, can we go back now hmm?" - he looked straight into your eyes. You placed gentle kiss in his soft pink lips.
You rolled your eyes - "Yeah we can now" - you smirked to him - "but tell me baby, is it worth it huh?" - you asked with this sassy gaze.
"Definitely worth it love" - he smiled and gave you quick kiss. You climbed back to the passenger seat. Lando gave you back your underwear and top and he pulled on his boxers and jeans. He reached for his shirt and gave you also his jacket to make sure you're not cold.
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plplsplspsl hobie x male reader!! something like idk maybe goth reader? vampire goth or romantic goth yesyes
Pairing: Hobie Brown (Spider-Punk) x male!vampire!reader
Requested: yes / no
Warnings: swear word, mention of blood
A/N: I don't know how well the goth part is potrayed here. I'm already deeply sorry my friend. Hope you can still enjoy it
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“Come on, sweetheart, just let me see them one time.” Hobie said, looking over your shoulder. 
You don’t answer, focusing on putting on your equipment. Usually you couldn’t care less about how good you were prepared but if it stopped Miguel to stop bitching about not being ‘prepared good enough’ then you would gladly make sure that you had everything two times.
“Come on.” He turns the chair around you’re sitting on so you end up looking up at him instead of the mirror. “Please?”
“I already said no.”
“But I said please this time.” you scoff quietly and turn back around to the mirror. 
“...why are you even visible in the mirror? I thought that was a vampire thing.”
“Do you believe everything people tell you?”
“No.”, he immediately answers. “So what else isn’t true? The garlic thing? Stake?”
“I’m pretty sure that everyone would die if you put a stake through their chest.” is the only answer he’s getting added by a “the garlic thing is bullshit though. Why? You’re planning to kill me?”
He grins slightly, putting his arms around you from behind. “I wouldn’t dream of messing with a handsome vampire.”
“Just because you flatter me doesn’t mean that I will show you my fangs.”
“Come on pleeaasee” you basically feel him pouting against your cheek. “It’s not that big. I see Miguel’s fangs all the time.”
“Well he’s no vampire.”
“Wait he’s not?”, your boyfriend seems to be actually caught by surprise by that.
“No?” you look back at him. “He’s very much alive. I think his fangs might be able to secrete something though.”
“They can?”
“You should really know your team members better” you say with a grin while finally getting up.
He immediately pulls you close by your hip, looking down at you with a small smirk. “Just a small peak.”
“You really are into weird stuff, Hobie Brown.”
That actually makes him laugh. “I’m into you, love, that’s all. My wonderful undead boyfriend.”
You let out an over dramatic sigh before finally giving in, raising head and opening your mouth before pulling out the sharp teeth that were quite literally made to kill people. Hobie didn’t seem to be frightened at all.
“That’s so cool” he reaches his hand out, trying to poke one of them when you take a step back. “Hey” he says, pouting once again.
“Sorry but I prefer for you to not bleed directly in my mouth.” you grin, stepping closer again. “I can barely keep myself under control around you already. We don’t want it to be worse.”
He just chuckles at that, leaning close to pull you into a kiss. “Well…that’s nice to hear.” you both look over when your communicators start blinking. “Seems like our dear non-vampire friend is getting impatient.”
You chuckle. “Well then let’s not keep him waiting.” you say while opening a portal for the two of you.
“I really thought he was a vampire” Hobie shakes his head before stepping through the portal.
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bloodynereid · 1 month
may i request jordan li taking caring of a very sick gn reader? bonus points if they have to get tests run and are terrified of needles!! (i might be projecting onto reader just a lil bit okay). anyways hope you’re doing okay and have a nice day/night!! - 🧚🏻
I'm With You
pairing: jordan li x gn! reader
tw: mentions of needles, sick people, doctors
description: jordan has never had to deal with sick people until their partner suddenly comes down with something.
a/n: this is from november??? i am literally so sorry. anyways i hope you enjoy this little drabble even though it took me ages to write haha. the reader is a human in this btw! i don't think supes can get sick?? so i just went with the safer bet. i kind of toned down the terrified of needles bit but i still hope this is okay. also i didn't edit this at all so if there's any glaring mistakes pls let me know.
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You feel a hand across your forehead, making an effort to open your eyes. You have to blink a few times until Jordan’s face comes into focus. They don’t look happy. She has a distracted look on their face and their eyes are flashing with panic.
“Jord-” You start to say, the individual sounds feeling like granite against your vocal cords.
“Shhh, sweetheart. Don’t talk. It’s okay, you’re going to be okay.” Jordan said the last bit with a hurried tone before the cool hand on your forehead is suddenly pulled away. You whimper slightly as you hear scuffling around the side of your head.
Everything hurt. It was like a weight had settled over your entire body, making you too weak to even lift your head. 
“Yeah? Hello? Marie I don’t know what to do, they’re not moving.” The sound of Jordan’s voice got muffled and a loud ringing echoed in your ears. A few moments later you drifted back off to sleep - unaware of Jordan’s growing panic.
It’s the next morning, or rather midday when you wake up. The feeling of horrible aches everywhere still persists but the world is less blurry.
“Hey. You’re awake.”
“Jordan.” You instantly cringe at the rasp of your voice, as you look up at your partner. They are carrying a mug of something which he puts down on the bedside table.
“Don’t try to talk okay? How do you feel about going to the doctors?” You obviously make a disgusted expression because Jordan’s face falls slightly.
“I just- You scared the hell out of me last night. I think we need to get you checked out. At least that’s what Marie recommended. Supes don’t really get sick so I have no idea what the protocol is like here. I can’t go through last night again.” 
You feel a pang of guilt as you look at Jordan’s distraught face so you nod slightly. It’s probably best you go to the doctor anyway, even if it was going to hurt like a bitch.
You were right but at least Jordan helped you out to the car and gave you quite a few painkillers which dulled the ache in your muscles. The feeling of the car ride lulled you right back to sleep as the low sound of Jordan’s favorite playlist played in the background. Half an hour later you found yourself getting helped out of the car by Jordan, who easily carried most of your weight through the practice doors.
“Hi, we have an appointment. My partner has…” You tuned out of the conversation as you settled into one of the chairs in the waiting room. The sounds of elevator music seemed dull to you, even the clean smell of the room was somehow off.
“Hey we’re going to go in, yeah?” You looked up at Jordan and offered them a strained smile as you pushed yourself up from your seat, before leaning on him once again.
The appointment seemed to last hours as you tried to focus on the woman in front of you and answer her questions but your mind kept drifting out of the room and to the bed you knew was waiting for you at home.
“Okay I’m going to have to take some blood now. This might be more serious than it seems so we just need to make sure.” That sentence quickly focused your attention back, as the doctor pulled out a needle which instantly made you cringe.
Jordan must have sensed your anxiety as they leaned over and grabbed your hand. Carefully stroking the back of it to try and calm you.
“You’ll just feel a little pinch okay?” You nodded slightly and squeezed Jordan’s hand as the doctor found your vein and inserted the needle. You felt a few moments of pain before the doctor pulled away and quickly covered the area with a cotton swab.
“Okay all done. You’ll get the-” With that moment over you drifted off to daydream land again, and you only really came back into yourself when Jordan helped you into your bed.
“Hey, are you okay?”
“Not really.” You whispered, making Jordan wince sympathetically before they eased themselves so he was lying next to you.
“It’s going to be okay. I’m right here with you and we’ll get through this together. Yeah?”
You nodded against their shoulder as you cuddled into him. Letting your muscles relax and finally letting your eyelids fall shut. You felt safe next to them and you knew you always would be when you were around Jordan.
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i’m not brave enough to actually verbally request this but this link explains 🫣
i'm thinking...very, very hard LOL
nsfw below the cut...
tasm!peter parker
he quite literally came from just the slightest graze over his heams when you two were having a very heated make out session.
his heightened senses are to blame tbh.
he tries to hide it at first, but you always know when he’s cum. 
his cheeks get red, and his eyes wander to try and avoid your gaze (i need him so bad it’s so not funny anymore)
joel miller–jackson era
this man hasn’t been touched in so long, let’s be honest.
now that he’s in jackson, he can finally let his guard down…especially with you.
he’s grinding into your warm core, you two are both fully clothed. the night just starting.
the friction sends him over the edge.
joel gets embarrassed, and he starts to apologize. you quickly cut him off, letting him know that it’s cute that he can’t help himself (which he doesn’t take lightly…aka he fucks the attitude out of you).
pattinson!bruce wayne
poor baby has been so stressed lately.
he needs you so bad, and you know this. letting him relax for the night.
he’s whining as you sink onto his cock.
you rock back into him for the second time as you feel it.
his cum is shooting into you, there’s no doubt about it. 
he’s also very apologetic, but you remind him that tonight is all about him and that he has nothing to be sorry about. 
matt murdock
matt is very similar to peter when it comes to heightened senses, except for the fact that matt’s is magnified by one hundred.
he’s eating you out when it happens because matt is a munch (duh).
just the taste of you has him cumming on the sheets.
he’s not even embarrassed (man whore).
he’s too focused on your upcoming orgasm to put his needs before yours.
din djarin
my man is extremely touch starved.
i think that it’s the little things that drive him crazy.
a little kiss on his neck, you finger trailing up and down his arm…things like that.
so when he gets to experience your touch fully, he can’t handle himself.
you’ve been pumping his cock for like a minute max, but as soon as your warm mouth sucks on his neck, his cum coats your hand. 
he’s bucking into your hand, needing more even though he just came.
din is breathless, he’s too dazed to care about anything. he just wants you. 
--author's note: oh this is...so good. I AM A SLUT OKAY?? I DONT CARE!!! i love my boyfriends!!!!! don't forget to like, comment, and reblog to support your writers. my asks/inbox is open!!! send me more things so i can be silly and feed into both of our delusions:))) ok, bye ily<3333
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taintandviolent · 15 days
if you're takin drabble requests...perhaps consider...flashing peter maximoff? showin him some bodacious tiddy? just a suggestion from a totally mysterious person ooooooooooo...
i love you so so so so so so so so SOOOOO much btw 🤍🤍🤍
sooooo mysterious!!! who could this be?!?! 🤔🤔🤔 I love you more than words can ever express!!!!!!!!
warnings: none, really. reader flashing Peter, mentions of arousal. also, this was written at work, sorry if it’s bad!!!
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With all of your responsibilities taken care of, you had little to do besides wander the hallways back to your room. Poised to open the door, you paused -- something quite literally glittered in your peripheral. You turned your head, locking eyes on someone. Someone special, and someone very, very silver. Peter Maximoff. God, he was so cute.
He was alone in the hallway, save for Beast, whose back was to you. Nice. You chewed the inside of your cheek, assessing; the conversation seemed casual enough. Peter was chuckling and doing that adorable grin that you saw so often. You had some tact, at least -- you weren't going to interrupt anything serious.
Recognition glimmered in Peter's eyes as they flitted to you. When they did, you raised your hand, wiggling your fingers at him. Wordlessly, you brought your finger to your mouth, shushing him and preventing him from saying or doing anything that would alert the other party to your existence.
You'd been teasing him for weeks at this point; coy little glances here, determined, heated touches there... You were pretty sure you had him wrapped around your finger and he was ready to bust. But just to make sure...
Your fingers gripped the hem of your shirt and yanked it up in one motion. Your breasts sprung free, your nipples hardening as soon as the cool air of the hallway hit them. Perfect and perky, all for Peter to gawk at. You gave a little wiggle of your torso, grinning. In hindsight, it was an absolutely stellar choice to go braless today.
Lips popping apart, his jaw hung slack. In a millisecond, Peter's eyes widened, focusing hard on your now-exposed tits. His train of thought was out the window. Gonezo. Completely derailed. The only thing he was focusing on -- the only thing he could think of was your tits. Bouncy, bouncy tits... and another thing - what they looked like bouncing in a more... horizontal position.
"Uhhhh.... I.."
He thought about motorboating them. "Uh..." Heat rushed to his groin, and he shifted uncomfortably. He had to pacify himself before things got out of hand, but how could he? How could he when you were...
You bounced up and down on your heels, letting off an inaudible giddy snicker as you felt your breasts move freely. Peter's dark pupils followed your nipples up and down, his throat going dry with the action.
"Yeah, y'know what, I'm... uh..."
"Peter, you're not making any sense."
"Whaaat? I am, too. I said that... y'know, I think I remembered something I had to do." His inky irises flicked back and forth, but the majority of the time was spent on you, fighting to control his facial expressions. If he had the freedom, his tongue would be lolling out like the Howlin' Wolf.
Now intrigued by whatever had captivated Peter's attention, Beast started to pivot his body, following Peter's gridlocked gaze. As soon as he had turned around, an inquisitive brow quirked, you were gone. Well, not really. You were still standing there, tits out, tongue pressed against the back of your teeth in a shit-eating grin. Invisibility had its perks. You pulled your shirt down over your ample breasts, withholding the laughter that threatened to bubble out over your lips.
Beast turned back around, now more curious than ever. Peter was a quirky kid, that much was obvious from the moment they met. Naturally, there were a few reasons that he could be acting strangely, and you sincerely hope that he hadn't figured out which one was causing it.
Safe, you rematerialized, now decent and waved goodbye to Peter. Had you really intended for the wave to look like you were beckoning him? Maybe. Maybe you had.
It was safe to say that you'd see him later.
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kitscutie · 9 months
nick nelson at a party realizes he likes yn after see she dances and enjoyful (english it’s not my first language sorry)
clear as day (nick nelson x fem!reader)
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𝗉𝖺𝗂𝗋𝗂𝗇𝗀: 𝗇𝗂𝖼𝗄 𝗇𝖾𝗅ꜱ𝗈𝗇 𝗑 𝖿𝖾𝗆!𝗋𝖾𝖺𝖽𝖾𝗋
𝗐𝖺𝗋𝗇𝗂𝗇𝗀ꜱ: 𝗇𝗈𝗇𝖾!
ꜱ𝗎𝗆𝗆𝖺𝗋𝗒: 𝗇𝗂𝖼𝗄 𝗁𝖺ꜱ ᖯ𝖾𝖾𝗇 ꜱ𝗍𝗋𝗎𝗀𝗀𝗅𝗂𝗇𝗀 𝗍𝗈 𝗎𝗇𝖽𝖾𝗋ꜱ𝗍𝖺𝗇𝖽 𝗁𝗂ꜱ ꜱ𝖾𝗑𝗎𝖺𝗅𝗂𝗍𝗒 𝖿𝗈𝗋 𝖺 𝗐𝗁𝗂𝗅𝖾, 𝗂𝗍 𝗐𝖺ꜱ 𝖺𝗅𝗅 𝗀𝗂𝗋𝗅ꜱ 𝖺𝗇𝖽 𝗍𝗁𝖾𝗇 𝗁𝖾 𝗁𝖺𝖽 𝖺 𝖼𝗋𝗎ꜱ𝗁 𝗈𝗇 𝖺 ᖯ𝗈𝗒, 𝗇𝗈𝗐 𝗁𝖾'ꜱ 𝗇𝗈𝗍 ꜱ𝗎𝗋𝖾 𝗂𝖿 𝗁𝖾 𝖾𝗏𝖾𝗋 𝖾𝗏𝖾𝗇 𝗅𝗂𝗄𝖾𝖽 𝗀𝗂𝗋𝗅ꜱ, 𝗒𝗈𝗎 𝖼𝗅𝖾𝖺𝗋 𝗍𝗁𝖺𝗍 𝗎𝗉 𝖿𝗈𝗋 𝗁𝗂𝗆.
𝖺/𝗇: 𝗐𝖺𝗇𝗍 𝗍𝗈 𝖼𝗅𝖾𝖺𝗋 𝗎𝗉 𝗋𝗂𝗀𝗁𝗍 𝗈𝖿𝖿 𝗍𝗁𝖾 ᖯ𝖺𝗍 𝗍𝗁𝖺𝗍 𝖨 𝖺𝗆 𝗇𝗈𝗍 𝗍𝗋𝗒𝗂𝗇𝗀 𝗍𝗈 𝖾𝗋𝖺ꜱ𝖾 𝗇𝗂𝖼𝗄'ꜱ ꜱ𝖾𝗑𝗎𝖺𝗅𝗂𝗍𝗒 𝖺ꜱ 𝗂𝗍 𝗂ꜱ 𝗏𝖾𝗋𝗒 𝖼𝗅𝖾𝖺𝗋 𝗂𝗇 ᖯ𝗈𝗍𝗁 𝗍𝗁𝖾 ᖯ𝗈𝗈𝗄ꜱ 𝖺𝗇𝖽 𝗍𝗁𝖾 ꜱ𝗁𝗈𝗐 𝗍𝗁𝖺𝗍 𝗁𝖾 𝗅𝗂𝗄𝖾ꜱ ᖯ𝗈𝗍𝗁 𝗀𝗂𝗋𝗅ꜱ 𝖺𝗇𝖽 ᖯ𝗈𝗒ꜱ 𝖺𝗇𝖽 𝗂ꜱ ᖯ𝗂ꜱ𝖾𝗑𝗎𝖺𝗅, 𝗁𝗈𝗐𝖾𝗏𝖾𝗋 , 𝖨 𝗐𝗈𝗎𝗅𝖽 𝗇𝗈𝗍 𝗐𝗋𝗂𝗍𝖾 𝖺ᖯ𝗈𝗎𝗍 𝖺 𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗋𝖺𝖼𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝗅𝗂𝗄𝖾 Ϲ𝗁𝖺𝗋𝗅𝗂𝖾 𝗅𝗂𝗄𝗂𝗇𝗀 𝖺 𝗀𝗂𝗋𝗅 𝖺ꜱ 𝗍𝗁𝖺𝗍 𝗐𝗈𝗎𝗅𝖽 ᖯ𝖾 ꜱ𝗍𝗋𝖺𝗇𝗀𝖾. 𝖺𝗇𝗒𝗐𝖺𝗒, 𝗉𝗅𝖾𝖺ꜱ𝖾 𝖾𝗇𝗃𝗈𝗒! 𝗋𝖾𝗊𝗎𝖾ꜱ𝗍ꜱ 𝖺𝗋𝖾 𝗈𝗉𝖾𝗇.
"Why do we even have to go to this party, you know how I feel about Harry!" You groaned as Imogen dragged you into the obnoxiously large hotel Harry had rented for his sixteenth birthday party.
The pair of you were waiting in dresses which were on dancing on the border of too short and a safe length, though you didn't care, too busy focusing on the fact that the cold and typically British air was encasing your bare legs.
"Just enjoy it, Y/N. We're lucky Nick even invited us! I heard only a quarter of the party is girls from Higgs." She exclaimed in excitement, squeezing your hand a bit tighter.
"I suppose." You shrugged, wrapping your arms around yourself as you joined the back of the queue, a small shiver running through your body.
Imogen sat in silence for a few moments before she seemingly couldn't keep her lips shut any longer. "So about Nick..." She blurted out, eyes looking at you widely in excitement.
"No." You cut her off, but the blush and smile on your cheeks and face gave away the fact that you couldn't be more infatuated with a boy if you tried.
Nick Nelson, where could you even start. The fact that he was an amazing person with a great personality meant a lot to begin with, but the fact that he remained such a good person while surrounded by so many not so good people made him stand out. Not to mention the fact that he looked like a literal god.
Every morning you and Imogen would stand by the Truham gates before leaving for Higgs and for those twenty five minutes, you admired him. The way the sun hit his hair and made it look sort of golden. Or the way his eyes resemble honey at a certain angle. Sure, it's all a bit cliché but you couldn't help it. He was perfect.
"Oh my god!" She squealed, jumping up and down. "You do like him, I knew it!" She added while you stood there hoping no one around you could hear.
"Don't get your hopes up Imogen, I'm quite confident he doesn't like me back." You smiled, though it was a sad one. Almost pitiful. Imogen frowned at you, perplexed.
"Why wouldn't he like you?" She asked.
"I just, I don't know. I don't exactly think I'm anyone's type. I'm awkward and hard to talk to according to Ben." You chuckled, avoiding her eyes as you saw them fill with sympathy.
"Ben's a complete and utter dick! I thought we knew this." She replied, hand once again grabbing your own. "Plus, Nick will be here tonight, flirt with him and test the waters." She added, eyebrows moving up and down with a smirk.
You didn't think you knew how to flirt, not really. Never tried and never thought you would. All the boys you knew were knobs, except Nick, he was different. But all the other girls would think the same and go for him too.
"Flirt? Have you ever met me?" You almost laughed. There was no chance you could flirt.
"Y/N. I know you might not feel it right this second, but you're one of the most beautiful girls I know and I couldn't be more serious when I say, if Nick doesn't see that it's a him problem, not a you one." She said, squeezing your hand once more before letting go in order to enter the party.
Coming from a girl like Imogen, that meant the world.
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"Let's dance!" Imogen yelled as soon as you walked through the door. There was at least eight hundred kids in the hotel, seven hundred and thirty nine of which you could confidently say you don't know. It was incredibly daunting.
The lights were bright and neon strobes which quite literally filled the whole room. Flashes of the whole rainbow, it was amazing. "I hate to say it but Harry actually pulled it off." You said, voice in disbelief.
"More like the planners his parents hired but yeah, it's good." She chuckled, pulling you over to the drinks table which was mostly covered with cans of coke and J20 but there were a few alcoholic drinks, probably snuck in.
"This should get you in the mood for dancing." She winked, handing over a cup of coke mixed with quite literally, a splash of vodka, not enough to do anything but Imogen was cute in thinking it would help.
"Thanks." You replied, taking a sip before moving over to the dance floor with her. You saw a few faces you recognised thankfully. Tara and Darcy, the cutest couple. Sai, Otis and Christian who always seemed to be together. And lastly, Nick.
He was stood by himself tucked away in a dark corner. He didn't look too happy, eyes darting around the room for anyone to talk to, though he looked disappointing as everyone was enthralled in their own conversations.
You sympathised, often feeling that way when Imogen left you to flirt with a boy at a party, though she didn't do it often.
You were knocked out of your zone when Imogen grabbed your wrists, beginning to jump up and down, a big smile adorning her face as music blasted from the speakers. "This is my favourite song!" She squealed and you laughed, finally loosening up into dancing with the girl.
She spun you around as you spun her, never once noticing the eyes on you from across the room.
He always knew you were special. Always felt that you looked at him as though he were the world, saw through his façade of the happy 'lads lad' that plays rugby and doesn't really know if Shakespeare was real or a character.
He wasn't like that, and you knew it.
His eyes softened as he watched you and Imogen jump around each other, feeling glad the two of you were friends so you always had someone to bring you out of your shell. He needed that, he thought.
You and him had never directly spoken which was weird seeing as he had invited not only Imogen but you as well to the party when asked. Maybe now was the time? He thought. Why did he even care?
Nicks eyes widened as he had a realisation. Did he like you? Not just like you in the way Harry Greene likes football but like you in the way Romeo likes Juliet.
He did. He definitely did.
He slowly felt all the small moments from the past couple of weeks add up to him. The blush on his cheeks when you and Imogen would arrive in the morning. The smile on his face whenever you were brough up in conversation. Or the incessant need to like an Instagram post if you were in it. It all made sense now.
He didn't know what was powering him but his feet began to move. Walking over sticky spilt drinks and tissues but never the less towards you.
The closer he got the more he admired the way you danced without a care in the world, hair flipping around, drink spilling over the edges but it all looked so perfect on you.
Just as he reached you the light shone down so perfectly, you in red and him in blue, it was purple. A purple spotlight as though your souls were already intertwined.
"Hi." He spoke breathlessly, nerves clear as day.
"Hi." You replied, the world going quiet behind you.
Nick Nelson was the one and it had never been so clear.
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tessimagines · 1 year
I AM HERE TO REQUESTTTT, ur writing is literally so good imma gobble it all up!! may i please request, 💥 harry potter w harry, draco and (young) sirius x reader where their lover stood them up on their date on valentines?? the boys know that their lover is literally the worst and despises them but once reader comes crying to them they comfort them?? (!! they have a crush on reader as well)
TY AND I LOVE U <33 take care of yourself! sorry if this was too much!
omg girl of course
A/N: @areislol i know you are asleep but here is something nice for you to wake up too :))
HP Preference: How they Comfort You After you are Stood Up on Valentines Day
Harry Potter
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Harry heard from Hermione first
As soon as she told him, he felt his heart drop
Nobody deserved to have that happen to them. And to him, the idea of it happening to you was even more maddening
His first instinct was to find you
When he did, you were sitting alone under a tree by the Great Lake, your eyes set out and focused on the glittering water in front of you
He sat down beside you, and for the first few moments, neither of you said a word
"I'm sorry," he said, "you didn't deserve that"
He wrapped an arm around you and you leaned your head on his shoulder
He could have stayed like that for hours
Harry made sure to mess with the guy who did it, using his invisibility cloak to make sure all of his belongings mysteriously went missing
Next Valentines day, Harry makes sure you have a Valentines Day you deserve
Draco Malfoy
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Draco found you sitting alone at a table in the Great Hall, a book open in front of you
He laughed as he sat down across from you
"I thought you were on your little Valentines date with that Hufflepuff boy"
He was furious when he found out
His immediate thought was to confront the guy who did it to you
It didn't take him long to find him and about half the school heard Draco cuss him out
You only heard through Cho Chang what he had said
When you confronted him about it, he said it was nothing. He told you that he had never liked the guy anyway and it gave him a reason to confront him
It was his eyes that gave his true intentions away
When you kissed him, he didn't quite know what to do with his hands, they were left floating randomly and awkwardly in the air
After a second however, they came to rest on your hips, bringing you closer and deepening the kiss
(Young) Sirius Black
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Sirius found out when you got back to the Gryffindor common room, a look on your face that was holding back tears
He immediately rushed up out of his spot on the lounge suite and grabbed your elbow to stop you from going up the stairs
When you told him what had happened, he pulled you into his arms
He promised to take you out then and there, giving you a Valentines Day that you deserved
When you told him that he was being ridiculous, that you were okay and just wanted to go up to your room, he shook you off
There was no way you were going to be sitting in your room alone
Sirius led you out the common room and took you over to Hogsmeade
As you two passed the guy you were supposed to be with, Sirius made sure he had his arm sitting around your shoulders
Sirius tried his best to make you laugh over butterbeers at the Three Broomsticks
He held your hand as you walked through the snowing village, feeling more and more proud of himself as the smile on your face grew bigger and bigger
You can make your own request for my Back-to-Writing Celebration or see my general requesting guidelines
Masterlist | Harry Potter Masterlist
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my-current-obsession · 2 months
I ask this as a Clerith fan myself - why are so many people up in arms about Tifa "lying" in her GS date? I'm not even sure what people are referring to when they say that. If it's when she denied talking to Aerith about Zack... Aerith literally lied about the EXACT same thing to Cloud and no one calls her out about it.
Obviously the context of Cloud bringing up the issue in the first place is quite different with both girls - with Aerith he's wanting to know where they stand and if he can pursue her or if he should give up. While with Tifa he's still focused on Aerith instead of the girl he's with, which makes this date and his extreme (frankly OOC) actions come across as a rebound because he feels like he has no chance with the girl he's really interested in. But that said, I interpret the lie itself as the same from both girls - they know Cloud's memory is unreliable and digging too much into the topic of Zack might make him MORE unstable, so they dodge the issue. Also maybe a secondary reason of lying to keep the mood light/romantic, instead of bogging it down with something heavy.
If it's in response to what she says after Cloud wonders about Aerith still having feelings for Zack... that's up to interpretation, I guess. PERSONALLY, I would take her responding "It's more complicated than that" as dodging the question at worst or even a soft, implied disagreement with Cloud at best. It would be incredibly easy and simple to just say, "Yes, she still likes him." That's NOT what Tifa says, even though to an extent it might be true (Aerith makes it obvious that she's fallen for Cloud by the end of the game, but she MIGHT still love Zack too. You can love more than one person at a time. It's just unclear if that's the case for her or not).
We know from the scene on the ship heading towards Costa del Sol that Tifa and Aerith wanted to talk about love and boys, but it was postponed. But it's also clear they're spending a LOT of time together trying to hash out what's going on with Cloud and generally opening up to each other as friends off-screen, so I think it's safe to say they DID have this conversation eventually. I believe by the chapter 12 date, both girls are fully aware that they EACH like Cloud romantically, but for the most part they care enough about each other as friends to put aside rivalry/jealousy.
Tifa's response of "It's more complicated than that" just feels like the honest truth to me. Does Aerith still have feelings for Zack? Yeah, maybe. But she also undeniably has feelings for Cloud. And Tifa, on a date with the man she ALSO loves, doesn't want to lie but also can't bring herself to say that whole truth (also it's not really her truth to say? Confessing for someone else is messed up in its own right NGL) when doing so would almost certainly kill her own chances with Cloud.
I honestly feel sorry for her in her date. I read the situation as her trying to be as honest as she can without quite literally triggering Cloud or spilling Aerith's secrets, while Cloud, AT BEST is acting out a role with her and being the suave hero who he thinks she wants (which is arguably true, but let's not get into whether Tifa wants the "real" Cloud here) instead of his true awkward self (thus no actual progress in their relationship is made, since everything was just an act on his part). And AT WORST is outright using her as a rebound.
Seriously, what are you all mad at HER for?
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beanghostprincess · 3 months
Sanji has arachnophobia but like. The type of arachnophobia that makes you have panic attacks even if you only see a little, tiny spider around you. And I just know Usopp would love to have a pet spider. They go to an island and Usopp finds a hurt spider and takes care of it because of course he would, and decides to keep it because of course he would.
So, uh, Sanji doesn't like his boyfriend's pet. It's not like he's going to tell him, because what would he say to him? Sanji hasn't told him his fear of spiders is that bad (he definitely knows, though). And he doesn't want to get in between Usopp's excitement of keeping her. So the spider stays and at least Usopp is aware that Sanji doesn't like her, so he doesn't let her go close to him (she's very polite so it's okay).
But Usopp loves having her around. On his shoulder, his head, his hands-- The guy brings her with him everywhere. And the little thing is smart and somehow seems to understand what Usopp says. They're happy. It's cute. Luffy absolutely loves her. Robin is literally thrilled to study her behavior. And Sanji can't even look at her because he will start hyperventilating the second he notices her.
He'd try to get over his fear of her because Usopp wants them to get along but he won't force it on Sanji. Sanji just knows he wants them to be friends. The spider lives in Usopp's terrarium, which he keeps in his workshop, and so Sanji goes there without telling his boyfriend.
And he tries. He really, really tries. He's shaking when he sees her there, even if she's inside the terrarium. He's barely able to breathe when he tries to get her out of there. Again and again repeating the words Usopp constantly tells him "She's more afraid of you than you are of her" (which is bullshit, in Sanji's opinion) and "She only wants to be your friend! She likes you because I like you" (something extremely romantic but Sanji's brain doesn't process it that way).
He's about to call it a day and try to calm himself down before he actually stops breathing for good. But. You know. The terrarium is on the edge of the table that's already full of Usopp's stuff and the tablecloth is long and- And the terrarium falls and breaks and the spider ends on Sanji's foot-
He doesn't want to do it and it happens in instinct and regrets it immediately, but he kicks the spider. He doesn't know where she lands and he doesn't react immediately to it because he's too focused on trying to learn how to breathe again. He sits on the floor around broken glass and dirt and doesn't realize what he's done until he starts looking for her again. It's not even because of Usopp anymore. She's just a spider. She hasn't done anything but... Existing. She shouldn't be blamed for that. Even if Sanji is afraid of her.
Sanji looks around for her without getting up and finds her alive and well and crawling around avoiding the glass, but also trying to stay away from Sanji as much as possible. That breaks his heart because he might not know what she thinks the way Usopp does, but he knows when someone is scared.
At least she's okay. She's alright. That's a relief.
"I'm sorry, I-" He feels a bit stupid talking to her like this, but he knows she gets it. He hopes she does. "It's not you. You're- He loves you, okay? You're a good girl. I just- I just can't."
He feels his chest tightening when she approaches him ever so slowly, but he knows she won't do anything. His heart doesn't share the same sentiment, but he quiets it down. She looks almost apologetically as if she was the one reassuring Sanji and not the other way around. "It must be tiring." He holds his legs close to his chest to make space for her to walk next to his feet. He feels like he's about to pass out, but she's respectful. And nice. And kind of cute, even. And she's Usopp's. Sanji thinks she tilts her little head confusedly. Thinks, because he isn't quite sure if they do that. "It sucks, right? People being afraid of you all the time. I- I can't say I'm not scared but- But you haven't done anything wrong, little one."
She stays there and doesn't move much for a few seconds, until she ends up crawling up and resting on top of Sanji's shoe. The same way she does when she spends her time on Usopp's shoulder. Sanji isn't that afraid anymore. He's overwhelmed and exhausted and really, really anxious, but he trusts her. Somehow.
Sanji looks around the room, his heart clenching with blame. "I'm sorry- For your home. I'll build you a new one. Well. Not- Not me. I don't know how to. Usopp will. Shit, he'll hate me after this..." But before he can start dwelling on it, the spider moves a little on his leg. And It isn't as bad as he thought. If she's going to murder him in his sleep it's a bit deserved after all. But she won't. He hopes she won't. "You know, you're kind of cute." She tries to crawl up to his knee, but it makes him jump a little. "Don't- Not really ready for, like, upper body touching. Please?" And somehow, she listens and goes back to her position. "Damn, you can understand what I say, can you? Smart girl."
And she doesn't say anything, but Sanji takes it as a yes. Both because he likes talking to her and also because he doesn't want to feel so damn stupid.
A few hours later, Usopp goes back to his workshop and finds Sanji asleep on the floor, lucky he didn't touch any shards of glass, and the spider rests on his foot happily. Or at least it looks like that for Usopp.
He'll ask what happened later, for now, it's time to clean the mess without waking up his boyfriend. He's been brave enough for a day.
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cherubshert · 8 months
a/n: this is just a work of fiction!! idk how to write arguments loll, i really wanted add some cuss words but i felt awkward
patience... patience... patience... you were quite literally running out of it. you stare down at your phone, still a tiny bit hopeful, he hadn't called or texted to cancel so he must still be coming.
you sigh, you've been waiting for hours, all dolled up, and dressed in an outfit you bought specifically for this night. it was going to be the best of your dates, the best you had in a while, the...
"sorry we are about to close." you stare blankly at the waiter, looking around finally to find the place empty. "oh! I'm sorry, I'm just waiting for someone..." the waiter gives you a pitiful smile, reinforcing the fact that the store would be closing soon.
you stare at your phone, before immediately standing up. "I'm sorry." you murmur as you gather your things, paying for your food, hurrying to your car
your car is cold, so cold it feels so lonely, your grip on your steering wheel tightens. you body shaking as tears slip from your eyes, you felt a bit disappointed, though you were used to it. but damn, you were a little hopeful it would've different this time.
you wipe your tears, starting your car. the ride to his dorm us short, but it still felt long, thoughts jumbled in your mind. you make your way to their door, breathing out the thoughts telling you to just let it go before knocking. niki is the one that answers, the rest of the boys noisily in the background. "y/n? are you ok?"
"heeseung, is he in?" "oh yea, he's in his room." you push past him, sadness, confusion and anger mixing in your veins. and when you stop at the door, you let out a shaky breath.
when the door opens, he's the main piece if the room, lounging in his bed, scrolling on his phone. "do you know what day today is?" he jumps at your voice, turning to you and raising a brow. "what?" "i asked if you knew what today was?" he pauses, staring at you in confusion before the realization hits.
"sorry i forgot." he looks away focusing back to his phone."you forgot? you keep forgetting, cause that's the third time this month." "can we talk about this later, y/n. I'm really tired."
"there's no later, I want to talk about it now." he stands up, waking to a study desk on the side of the room."are you ignoring me? can we please settle this." you reach out to him, turning his to face you. "i don't want to, your being such a cry baby about this, it's not a big deal." "not a big deal? did you here what i said earlier, you made the same empty promise 3 times in one month. that adds up! I've spent our entire relationship waiting on you. I'm tired of waiting !"
he pushes your hand away. "there is nothing stopping you from leaving, what the hell have you done for me?you are being so immature and angry because of a date, or few. especially since those dates I've made up for them." "how? through petty gifts? i am not and was never asking from those. i am just asking for your time your attention. what have I done for you? all the sacrifices I've made for you, nights i spent awake when you were miles away, just to keep you company over the phone, the times i took care of you when you were ill? i should be asking you the same question, what have you done for me? made empty promises, left me hanging for weeks and then only running back when you want something?"
he stays silent, he's face scrunched up in anger. "come on, answer me, tell me what you've done for me? ... tell me how you feel about me, please..." nothing... "wow... thanks for showing me how much i really mean, we're done."
a/n²: don't make fun of me, ik this is kinda cringe loll... again this is just fiction!!!!!
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Fireleaf (Part Seven)
Lucien Vanserra x Reader
A lot of @greeneyedivy and I gif swapping and having interesting discussions brought this chapter about! Hope you enjoy it 👀
So sorry if the writing is a bit iffy and there's some mistakes in this part...this day has been so busy and my eyes are BLEEDING (not literally. I'm fine. Just dramatic). But thank you for all your support thus far, I love this story so much!
Warnings: SMUT! 🌶️🌶️🌶️
Lucien was avoiding you, and that was fine.
You’d only been aware of his return to the estate two days later, when his horse reappeared in the stables. Where he’d been for those two days, you weren’t sure. And you didn’t let yourself think about it. He would keep out of your way, and you would keep out of his.
And you…you were avoiding Dion, somewhat.
You weren’t ready to talk to him yet — to face his disregard for the victims of the fire. It had jarred you, to see that side of the male you’d come to consider your…your friend. Never mind the fact that you were supposed to be marrying him. The fact that he had complied with Beron’s callousness was so at odds with the Dion you’d actually become quite fond of — and that hurt, more than you expected it to. So you weren’t ready to talk, and you put every effort you could muster into keeping yourself busy. Into avoiding being alone with him, no matter how many times he offered you a stroll around the garden or a private lunch on the veranda.
And thus began what was probably your loneliest week at the Vanserra Estate so far.
Your eyes stared, unseeing, out of the tearoom window, not really focusing on anything from the swaying blood-red trees to the gardeners milling around. You’d become prone to these long stretches of zoning out, of your innermost thoughts trying to coax you to them.
“It’s tradition, in our family, to have orange chrysanthemums at weddings,” The Lady of Autumn spoke gently beside you, a huge florilegium book open on the round table you sat at. “Such a beautiful colour, don’t you think?”
Even if she wasn’t the quiet, soft-spoken female you’d come to know her as, you doubted you would have heard her over the roaring in your head. The warring. Such a battle waged in your mind, it was a wonder she couldn’t hear it. But her words went through one ear and out the other as you stared, and stared and stared and stared, at that insignificant spot on the flawless lawn.
“Y/N?” A delicate hand touched your arm. “What do you think?”
You tore your gaze from the window, dropped it to the open page in front of you. You blinked a few times, clearing your throat. “Yes—sorry—beautiful.”
Your mother-in-law-to-be stared at you, those warm, brown eyes somehow softening even more. She shut the book and pushed it away from her, angling herself towards you.
“Don’t worry, love,” She reached out, cupping your cheek. “The High Lord isn’t angry anymore — not really.”
You blinked at her, not quite understanding her words. The direction her mind had gone in.
“I know he shouted, but…” Her eyes dipped to the table. “Well, we never had daughters, and he’s still getting himself used to having a young female like you to look out for. He was concerned, more than angry…he just struggles with how to channel it.”
Studying her, your already-splintered heart seemed to twist even more inside you. She was so kind, so gentle, that you didn’t have the heart to tell her that you didn’t give two honey-roasted fucks whether Beron was angry with you or not. Didn’t have the heart to ask if it was concern that had her husband so often spitting venomous words at her, or injuring her so badly that even her fae healing took a few days to rid of the bruises.
“I know what it’s like, to feel…stifled.” She admitted quietly. “But it will get easier. And Dion is a good male. I’m not just saying that as his mother, I assure you. He’ll take good care of you.”
She was trying — the Mother knew, she was trying so hard, in an environment where she so rarely got to speak her own words, to soothe you. Reassure you. And you weren’t ready to talk to Dion yet, to smooth things over, but you could at least honour the time that the Lady of Autumn spared you. At least show some interest in this wedding planning, even if you had to fake it.
So you forced your shoulders to relax. Forced yourself to smile. Dragged the book back towards you.
“Show me the chrysanthemums again,” You said.
Two days later, you still couldn’t bring yourself to face Dion.
Not that he was around much. Beron seemed to be running him ragged, and you’d received only a soft goodbye that morning before he’d taken off on his horse to attend to business. Whatever the hell that meant.
With no wedding planning arranged for that day, you spent it trying to busy yourself, to do anything but sink into your thoughts and face the fact that you were homesick. You missed your old life, the way things used to be; missed looking forward to your training sessions and workouts with Linden, to meeting Willow for picnics by the stream near your estate, to just living how you wanted to live. Without yours and Dion’s rapport to distract you, it was harder to face the reality. The changes.
It just…bothered you, a lot, that Dion hadn’t shown more concern for those in need – for people who were literally watching their livelihoods burn before their eyes. You knew it was a terse situation, that it wasn’t easy to go against his father’s word. But if Lucien had managed to do so…
You shook your head to yourself, curling up on the bench in the garden that you’d taken to sitting on the last few nights, watching the stars. Dion hadn’t yet returned from his day of work, and the estate was pressingly quiet. Too quiet. Your loneliness lurked on the outskirts of your mind, threatening to consume you.
You stared forward in deep thought, toying with the single little braid you always wore in your hair – something you’d started because of Linden. You’d always loved his braids, the way they swayed with his movement when they were down, or splayed randomly if he tied them back. It had been on a particularly bad day early-on in your training that you’d broken in front of him, told him you were scared of being weak, of being nothing. He’d sat with you and listened, and then – to your surprise – had taken a few strands of your hair between his fingers and braided them together.
“Whenever I feel weak, or scared, or like I am nothing,” He’d told you, “I imagine myself to be like one of my braids. The strands of hair are strength, and determination, and bravery, all weaved together in one pattern. And that is why I always wear my hair braided. Not just because it’s convenient,” He’d grinned at you then, “but because they remind me that having bad days doesn’t mean that the strength, the determination and the bravery are not still weaved into me. One or two bad days does not make the braid come undone. Does not mean you’re weak.”
Such a Linden thing to say, and yet it had hit its mark. You’d worn that braid in your hair every single day since, and had no longer seen the bad days as an undoing, as the hard work you’d put in being for nothing. You were strong, and determined, and brave.
And Gods above, did you miss Linden. You couldn’t help wondering, as you sat there, pinching your hair between your fingers, what he might be doing right then. Whether he missed you just as fiercely. You wished you could write to him, but…you had absolutely no clue where he was.
The bench suddenly creaked under the weight of a second person, and only then did you become aware of hot, salty tears rolling down your cheeks. You quickly wiped them away, glancing up to find that Eris had joined you.
His amber eyes met yours, and he angled his body towards you. Held out a small, rectangular object wrapped in paper packaging.
You frowned, slowly accepting it. “...What’s this?”
Eris tucked his legs beneath him, facing you properly. His short hair was tousled, the top buttons of his shirt undone. “Chocolate.”
You glanced down. Sure enough, you held a thick bar of chocolate in your hands – an expensive brand, you knew, from one of the artisan chocolatiers that sold their products in the high-end sweet shops all over Prythian.
You thumbed the paper packaging, your brow still furrowed. “Why are you giving me chocolate?”
“Because you’re sad.” Eris shrugged. “It’s from my secret stash. Not just anyone gets to have some, you know.”
You managed a watery smile. “And why do I get the honour?”
“Like I said – you’re sad. It’s been a rough week for you. And chocolate always makes me feel better. Just don’t tell any of the others. They’re not allowed any.”
That drew a genuine laugh from you – even if it was short-lived. You smiled down at the chocolate bar, peeling back the paper. Eris watched you.
“Do you want to talk about it?” He asked.
You’d never heard his voice so…gentle. Of your future brothers-in-law, Eris was certainly the one you’d developed the best rapport with. Even though he was quick-witted and swaggering and smirking most of the time, you’d found your sense of humour to be greatly similar to his. There was more to him, than just an eldest son waiting to be High Lord, and you sensed that a great many people underestimated what truly lay beneath the surface.
You tore into the foil around the chocolate, breaking a square off and popping it into your mouth. “Things with Dion are just…strained, right now.”
Eris tilted his head – and also nabbed a square of chocolate. He placed it on his tongue, sucking on it for a moment, before he surmised, “You didn’t agree with his decision not to help with the fire.”
“No,” You shook your head. “I didn’t. And I didn’t understand the decision, either. And don’t get me wrong…I know that you were given orders from the High Lord, but…”
“But Lucien happily went against those orders. Right?”
You begged your cheeks not to heat, begged your scent not to change, at the mere mention of his name. “Right.”
“And you went against them, too. You and Lucien.”
Your eyes flicked up, meeting Eris’s gaze. It was often hard, with him, to tell whether his words held double meaning. Whether he was merely making a solid statement, or insinuating something else within it. He stared back at you, eyes smouldering, and you…you could have sworn he was trying to clamp down on a smile.
“I considered it the right thing to do,” You quickly said – didn’t give him the chance to throw you a witty remark. “To help those people. I’d like to think that…that if I were in such a dire situation, there would be someone who wouldn’t hesitate to come for me.”
Were you in a dire situation? By sheer definition, you supposed not. You were living in the lap of luxury, had people waiting on you hand-and-foot. You were a lady, someone who would garner respect by default, whether you’d earned it or not, just because of who your soon-to-be husband was — and it would be that way for the rest of your life. That easy.
And yet none of it felt easy. None of it felt luxurious. It felt like…like drowning. And you didn’t know how much longer you could last before your lungs gave out entirely.
Eris seemed to read every one of those thoughts on your face. There was nothing of the smirking, cock-sure male as he studied you, his eyes softening.
“You have a kind heart, Y/N,” He said quietly. “…And I know this must be an adjustment. A difficult one.”
You nodded, eyes dipping down. “Very.”
“But just…just try…to go a bit easier on Dion. Because he also has a kind heart…and it wasn’t easy for him to sit back and do nothing while those people lost everything.”
“But Lucien—”
“Lucien defies our father on a weekly basis.” He reached down, breaking off another square of chocolate. “Everyone’s come to expect it of him, and nobody really cares — because Lucien has nothing to prove. But Dion?” He popped the chocolate into his mouth. Chewed. “Well, Dion is the spare, isn’t he?”
You frowned. “What do you mean?”
“As the eldest son, I’m expected to succeed my father as High Lord. And if anything were to happen to me, Dion, as the second-eldest, would be expected to take my place. Which is why he and I receive the same rigorous training as one another. Why he and I have more pressure on us than the other three. We don’t have the luxury or freedom to go gallivanting around fields and making daisy chains, or whatever it is that Lucien does in his spare time.”
You couldn’t help it — you snorted, fighting not to choke on the piece of chocolate you’d been swallowing. You didn’t think you’d be doing Lucien any favours by correcting Eris, telling him that he did, in actual fact, read poetry in the woods, leant against huge, mammoth trees.
And perhaps you liked the visual a little too much to destroy it — of Lucien’s intricate hands weaving daisies together. Tucking them into his red hair—
You cleared your throat, your smile fading — and jolted when Eris suddenly grabbed your chin.
“No,” He said seriously, eyes boring into yours. “No more looking sad. Your smile reminds me of sunrise. It’s too brilliant to be hidden.”
You balked at him — waited for a smirk, for some indication that he was being facetious. But his face was utterly serious and unflinching as he reached for another square of chocolate.
“Excuse me,” You pulled the bar out of his reach, swatting him, “did you bring the chocolate for me, or for yourself?”
He grinned, pulling his hands back. “I brought it for you, lady. But perhaps you could give me something in return.”
“I’m not sucking your cock.”
His hair rippled as he threw his head back and barked a laugh, so loud that it echoed through the night. You pressed your lips together, fighting a smile.
“Not what I was angling for, but thank you for making that clear,” He snorted. “What I was asking for was a promise — that you’ll smooth things over with Dion when he returns.”
Part of you wanted to scowl at the sensible suggestion, but…you could only study Eris, tilting your head. You hadn’t known, when you’d first come here, what to make of the eldest Vanserra brother. You’d heard things about him, of course — that he was cocky and flippant and brilliant at playing the part of a courtier. What you never would have anticipated was the…the tenderness. The clear concern for those around him, that he had no qualms about showing. That he longed for their happiness as much as his own.
And Dion was just the same. Just as kind. Just as tightly-bound with duty.
It was what had you giving a relenting nod. “Okay,” You agreed, “I promise.”
Something like pride seemed to shine in Eris’s eyes. It squeezed at your heart, made you feel…less alone. You’d never had a brother, but this — him — you imagined, was exactly what it would be like.
Especially as he quickly grabbed the chocolate bar from your hand, stole one more piece, and rose to his feet.
“Asshole,” You scowled, but you were smiling.
“That’s me,” He smirked, handing the bar back to you. “You can finish the rest.”
Any sarcastic retort got lodged in your throat as he leaned down, pressing a single kiss to the top of your head. And then without a word, he was turning on his feet, strolling back towards the glass doors.
“Eris,” You blurted, and he glanced over his shoulder. You swallowed your lump of emotion. “…You have a kind heart, too.”
And the words…they seemed to stun him, like nobody had ever said such a thing before. He blinked at you, his shoulders seeming to tense for a moment, before they relaxed once more.
“I can name a few people who would disagree with that declarative.” He said, his tone laced with something that made your heart pinch. “I’ve done many things I regret, Y/N. But I’m trying, now, to be better. To put things right. I only hope that I one day can.”
Once more, he turned, and he didn’t offer another word as he disappeared inside.
You could only stare after him, sit amongst the heaviness that his words had left behind. Clearly, Eris Vanserra had some demons of his own to work through.
But if he could try harder…try to be better…surely you could, too.
You bit down on another square of chocolate and stared up at the sky.
Tomorrow. You’d make things up with Dion tomorrow.
Dion didn’t return until the following evening.
You were reading in your room when you heard his voice float up from outside. It seemed strange, that such nerves stirred in the pit of your stomach, and yet you found yourself making excuses to put off your conversation for as long as possible. You remained in your quarters as he returned his horse to the stables, and whilst he took a late, solitary dinner in the dining room. You didn’t know where the best place was to even have such a conversation…to smooth things over without the risk of Beron overhearing…but when you finally mustered the courage to leave your room and go in search of him, fate had you quite literally running into him as you turned a corner on the upper hallway.
“Y/N.” Dion blinked, his eyes taking in the sight of you; your unbound hair and nightgown. “I—I didn’t expect you to be awake.”
“I heard you return,” You nervously twisted your hands. “I wanted to check you were alright…”
The hope that alighted his eyes made your heart pinch uncomfortably. Had you truly been so awful to him?
“I know it’s late,” You quickly cleared your throat. “But I was hoping we could talk.”
His gaze met yours, and whatever he read there had him giving a determined nod. “Perhaps in my room? We’ll have more privacy.”
So he sensed, at least, that it was a conversation you’d rather didn’t get back to Beron. You nodded, and followed as Dion brushed past you. You tried not to think too hard about how it may look as you filed through the bedroom door he held open for you. Late at night. In just your nightgown.
Only when the door was firmly shut did you round on him. It seemed both of you were wondering who would speak first.
“I know you must think me a total wretch.” He released a long, staggered breath. Like he’d been holding it since you’d last spoken to him.
And there — that pinch in your heart again. Because Dion Vanserra was the furthest thing from a wretch. That you’d judged him without considering the complexities of his situation had utter shame stinging you.
“Actually,” You glanced down, “I wanted to apologise.”
Dion blinked. “Why?”
Chewing your lip, you crossed the room, perching on the chair tucked into his desk. He watched you carefully, slowly taking a seat on the edge of the huge bed.
“I’m…ashamed…that I didn’t stop to consider how much pressure there is on your shoulders.” You admitted quietly. “I know that there’s more at stake for you. That you don’t have as much freedom as…some of the others. I should have considered that before judging you when you didn’t join me at the hamlet.”
Dion’s head dipped. “I cannot tell you how difficult it was to sit back and do nothing.”
“I understand that now. And I’m sorry…that I didn’t before, I just…” Slowly, you shook your head. “I didn’t think. I suppose I felt…hurt…that I’d come to you for help, and you didn’t seem willing. Because I think you may be my only true friend here…”
You stared at him. And he stared back. That word — friend — hung in the air between you. A subject that needed broaching; that neither of you could dance around any longer.
“Perhaps we should discuss that, as well…” Dion shifted. “I wasn’t sure if…I mean…this connection between us, is—”
“Platonic.” You finished. “I know. I agree.”
Dion’s shoulders seem to slump — in pure, unguarded relief. Clearly he’d been worrying, too…about trying to forge a connection. About trying so damn hard to turn it into something more than it was. But he couldn’t. And neither could you. You were friends and nothing more, and the fact that you were on the same page allowed you at least a little pinch of relief.
“I’ve been thinking it for a while, now.” You said. “But…I think that as hard as we’ve both tried…we’re friends. Nothing more.”
He nodded resolutely. “…you know, though, right? That it makes no difference…”
You did. Gods, you did. It had only kept you awake most nights, reminding you that however you and Dion felt was irrelevant. That the fact that you were on the same page was a small mercy — but it didn’t change anything.
“Regardless of what we feel…” Dion said, pursing his lips. “We’ll still be expected to marry. To consummate that marriage. To have children…”
You knew. And yet you still felt your shoulders tense. Still felt that familiar cold slithering through you. The thought of sharing those things with Dion…and without love…
“There’s truly no way around it?” You asked quietly.
He shook his head. “The only thing even my father wouldn’t have the power to overrule is a mating bond. Don’t suppose you have a secret mate lurking around here that I don’t know about?”
You snorted. “I’m afraid not.”
He nodded, such…such bleakness on his face. You’d been so wrapped up in your own turmoil since you’d arrived at the Vanserra Estate, you hadn’t stopped to think what this might be like for him. What he was giving up.
“Maybe…maybe this marriage doesn’t have to be the be all and end all.” You said, and he glanced up through worried eyes. “Even if we have no choice about the marriage itself…perhaps we can have our own choices within it. Discrete choices, just between you and I…that offer us both happiness.”
Those weary eyes of his studied your face, and you let him see your thoughts. Let him see some optimism, even if it was hard for you to drag it up from amongst the roiling darkness inside you.
“You mean…”
“I mean,” you said, “that as husband and wife, we can have an agreement between us. That we honour what’s expected of us, but…if you or I find connections elsewhere…that’s okay, too. We’ll support one another. And it’d be between us — no one needs to find out about it.”
It was a relief — to see a little glimmer of hope flicker in his eyes. That you were open-minded about this. About finding a way for both of you to be happy.
You smiled softly. “Are we agreed? That first and foremost, we’re friends. We’ll support whatever the other needs.”
“Agreed,” Dion sat up. “Gods, yes, agreed. You’ll always have a friend in me. I’ll support you however I can.”
And you knew he would. That he was completely serious. That he cared. Perhaps you didn’t understand the true weight of the little bit of freedom you’d just offered him. Perhaps he didn’t understand what it meant for you, either. But that was okay.
“You’ll always have a friend in me, too, Dion. We’ll find a way to make this work.”
He reached out, grabbing your hand and pressing a single kiss to it. And such gratitude shone in his eyes that you couldn’t help wondering, couldn’t help prying…
“…Even if you don’t have a mate…” You said quietly, “is there someone you’re interested in?”
The immediate dusting of pink that coloured his cheeks was all the confirmation you needed. He shifted, like…like he was embarrassed, or something. Pressed his lips together.
“There is.” You grinned. “That’s good.”
“It’s early days.” He quickly said. “…But I feel as strongly for her as she does for me. I should have told you sooner.”
You could hardly feel bitter about it…not with your antics, as of late. And you were happy for him. He was a good male — a male deserving of a connection that went beyond friendship.
“It wouldn’t exactly have been easy for you to bring it up, now would it?” You laughed softly.
He dipped his chin, a soft smile playing on his lips. “And…what of you? Is there…I mean…do you have a connection with anyone?”
The laughter faded from your face. A simple question, and yet…it did nothing but churn you up inside. You could hardly call the mess with Lucien a connection. There was just…a fine line between hate and lust. And that line had been temporarily blurred.
“No,” You shook your head. “I don’t—I have no one.”
Those words sounded aloud as pathetic as they felt inside. And yet so achingly true. It felt…vulnerable. Raw. Empty.
“…you have me.” Dion said softly. “Your friend.”
He squeezed your hand, and it took a surprising amount of effort not to succumb to the tears that threatened you. You cleared your throat, standing from the chair.
“I should…get back to my room…before anyone works out we’re in here together.” You forced a laugh. “We don’t need a scandal on our hands.”
Dion chuckled gently. “No, we certainly don’t.”
“Goodnight, then.”
With a smile, you turned, your eyes mindlessly grazing the room as you stepped towards the door.
And then stopped.
Turned back to his desk.
Dion watched you.
The parchment had been sat in front of you throughout the entire conversation, and yet…yet for some reason, the familiar handwriting had flown completely over your head.
Until then. Until it suddenly clicked — the looping scrawl, the whorls.
The way Willow dotted every “i” with a tiny little star.
You pulled the parchment towards you, and still Dion watched. He’d gone so stiff, so still, on the bed.
“…You’ve written to Willow?” You murmured. “I didn’t know…”
Just flitting briefly over the words, the content of the letter seemed much like the ones Willow wrote to you. Descriptions of books she was reading, a beautiful piece of music she’d heard, what she planned to do with her week—
Until you got to the bottom. Every part of you stiffened.
I think about you every minute of every day. Tell me I can see you soon. I’m sick from missing you. All my love. Willow.
“Y/N…” Dion murmured again. “Listen—”
“My sister?” You rounded on him. “My married sister?”
You didn’t know why your heart was thudding so erratically. Why you felt sick to your stomach. The hypocrisy wasn’t lost on you, after what you’d done, but—
But Willow was married. Your married little sister, who had been such a saving grace for you in your first couple of weeks at the estate, who had—
Who had sought out Dion at any chance she’d got. Who’d spoken to him for hours on end, laughed with him. Who had seen his kindness first-hand.
“Listen, Y/N,” Dion stood up quickly, striding over to you. “I didn’t plan for this to happen—”
“You kissed me at that fucking masquerade only a fortnight ago!”
His eyes shuttered. “I know.”
“And…what? You were pining after my sister the entire time? What am I, some kind of temporary replacement because you can’t have her?”
“No! Of course not!. Let’s just…talk about this—”
“No.” You gritted your teeth as you stepped aside — and so did he, “Move, Dion.”
He didn’t stop you, this time, when you pushed past him. Every part of you was trembling; from anger or from hurt or both…you didn’t even know. Nor did you know why you felt those things. Perhaps because Willow was one of your only friends, the sister you were closest to. Perhaps because you’d thought Dion felt just as lonely in this arrangement as you did…and he’d been secretly corresponding with your sister about their feelings for each other.
You heard him curse under his breath as you ripped the door open. And you didn’t care who might see as you stormed from his room, hurrying back to yours.
But you were far too incensed to sleep, or to read. If you laid and stared at the ceiling, you’d cry. Or scream.
Before you knew what you were doing, you ripped off your nightgown and blindly tore some clothes from your armoire, shucking them on. It was far too cold for just a tunic and a pair of breeches, but you didn’t fucking care.
You wanted to feel the fresh air on your skin, biting at it painfully. You wanted to breathe in the frost and chimney smoke. You needed to go somewhere. To do something.
You yanked your boots on. And you ran.
You walked for what felt like hours, just trawling the estate until your feet hurt. Wending through the trees and keeping yourself hidden, the air was brisk and cutting – a pleasant slicing against your exposed skin, but it did nothing to abate the wrenching roaring in your head.
You needed…something. Something to pour your frustration, your hurt, into. And you knew how hypocritical it made you to even feel such things, but…if this…thing…between Dion and Willow had started during the festival…it had begun long before that one night of fleeting passion with Lucien. And had been going on right under your nose, without him saying a single word.
You just…just wished one of them had at least had the decency to say something.
Across the estate, you heard the manor’s huge grandfather clock chiming two o’clock in the morning. It was silent all around, besides the whisper of wildlife. You knew you should go back – get some rest and face the situation with a cooler head.
But you found yourself storming over to the armoury.
You were far too wound up to care if anyone noticed the light on and came to investigate. The roiling in your brain and heart and veins needed an outlet, and this – this was the best way. The way Linden had taught you.
You felt like you were merely watching from outside of your body as you grabbed a training sword and went to work. Never had you sliced at the air so ferociously, your movements flowing like wind, cutting like ice. Every angered thought that arose in your mind became nothing but a manoeuvre, a strike. You were lithe, and fluid, and dangerous.
And hurt.
Before you knew you it, the cold in your bones had been replaced by the heat and sweat of your exertion. You needed to stop, before you lost it completely. Before you became so riled up that you smashed the armoury to pieces.
You threw the sword down, spinning on your feet to grip the edges of the nearby table. You’d barely taken a breath before something moved in your periphery, and your head snapped up fast as lightning.
Just like before, Lucien leaned against the doorframe, arms crossed over his chest. His expression was unreadable as he took in the sight of you, hunched over and panting, a fire no doubt still burning in your eyes. And you stared back at him. Didn’t say a word. Didn’t know what to say, considering the last time you’d looked at that face, he’d been deep inside you.
“I saw the light was on.” He said – seemingly his way of explaining his presence.
You stared at him, your breaths still heaving. “Right.”
With a terse nod, he glanced at the sword on the floor. Then back to you. “Bit of a weird time to be getting some training in.”
“Bit of a weird time to be watching me.”
Those russet eyes dipped, and he released a sigh. Like your attitude was puzzling to him. Like he hadn’t fucked you and taken off and avoided you ever since.
“Just to clarify,” You cut in sharply. “Are you talking to me now?”
He rolled his eyes. “I think it would be a good idea for us to talk, yes.”
“You’ve done a fine job of avoiding me this week. Why bother now?”
You didn’t miss the way a muscle in his jaw ticked – like he was trying so, so hard to bite down on a whole host of colourful retorts. Because this was what he’d been avoiding. This run-in with you.
Having to face the mistake he’d made.
“To clear things up after—”
“After you fucked me and left?”
“Look,” He gritted his teeth. “I’m sorry for ignoring you. But I think we can both agree that what happened absolutely shouldn’t have.”
So that was the game he was going to play.
And…fine. That was utterly fine. Because you were lonely and hurt and churned up and you wanted to go head-to-head with him. To bait him. It was about the only thing you had to cling onto right now.
So you narrowed your eyes. Cocked your head at him. “You know,” You barked a sharp laugh, “You’re acting mighty unaffected, for someone who moaned so desperately while being buried inside me.”
Not what he’d expected you to say – that much was obvious when he blinked. Straightened himself out. He seemed to quickly glance behind him, like he was looking for prying eyes and ears, before he slipped further into the armoury and pushed the door shut behind him.
And you…you approached him. You weren’t unlike a predator approaching its prey as you stepped towards him in slow, careful movements. He studied every single one of those movements like he was committing them to memory, his eyes scanning your sweat-slick skin, the slight curl of your unbound hair–
His gaze snagged on your braid, and he swallowed. He was stiff as a board as you stopped in front of him, a mere hair’s-breadth away. A shared breath would have your bodies brushing.
And when those deep, unending eyes of his moved from your braid, flickering to your lips – you knew. You had him exactly where you wanted him. You had to suppress the smirk that wanted to tug at your lips.
“One would think, Lucien,” You hummed, your breath fanning his face, “That you didn’t enjoy yourself that night.”
“I didn’t say that.” He blurted immediately, the words seeming to just fall from his mouth, out of his control. He seemed to frown at himself, to search for some way to retract the statement–
But those thoughts eddied straight from his mind as you hummed a quiet, pensive noise. And sunk to your knees before him.
“Tell me,” Your head fell into a tilt, your hands brushing up his legs, up and up to the laces of his breeches, “would you have preferred if it hadn’t happened?”
He merely blinked down at you. Like he didn’t know what you were saying, didn’t know that you’d even asked a question. His throat worked on a hard swallow, and his tongue dipped out to swipe over his bottom lip.
And as your fingers began to brush those laces on his breeches…to pull on them…the hardness that awaited you beneath was answer enough.
Your knuckles were a feather-light brush against his stomach, and you heard the slightest, tiniest intake of breath. You couldn’t help smiling triumphantly as you tugged and tugged, the laces loosening, the front flap of his breeches parting.
And when you pulled those breeches down, allowing his cock to spring free, it was pure, steeled determination not to melt into a puddle at the sight of it. To think of how it had been inside you, thrusting into you, giving you the most mouthwatering release–
Lucien just watched, his lips slightly parted, his pupils blown. And at the first brush of your hand over his cock, his eyes rolled into the back of his head.
You allowed the pads of your fingers to explore the long, hard length of him, and his breath hitched in his throat as you took your time with teasing brushes and touches, tracing over the throbbing vein, learning what he felt like as you wrapped your palm around him and moved your thumb up to brush over the head.
And then you leaned forward. Stared up at him. His head was tilted back, his teeth digging into his bottom lip.
You smiled. Took the head of his cock into your mouth. His hips immediately jerked.
His head fell forward once more, and he stared down at you, a noise akin to a whimper leaving his throat. But you didn’t move – didn’t slide your lips any further onto him. You held the head in your mouth, swirling your tongue around, noting every dip and indentation.
“...Holy Gods…” He gritted out, his voice deep and guttural. And then he was sliding a hand into your hair. His fingers immediately found your braid.
You gripped onto the backs of his sculpted legs as you brought more of him into your mouth, sliding down. And down. And down. A choked, wordless moan was all Lucien could manage as you went to work on his cock.
You wrapped a hand around the base, allowing your tongue to drag slowly, sensuously, over the velvety skin as you pulled him out of your mouth. You pumped him a couple of times, watching every minuscule expression pass across his face. The way his brow furrowed and his lips parted. The way he kept alternating between tipping his head back and wanting to watch you.
“It would seem to me,” You murmured, blowing on the head and causing his hips to jerk, “that you don’t wish it hadn’t happened.”
There was no chance for him to muster a response as you took him into your mouth again. Nothing but pure thrill charged through you as you bobbed your head, licking him, sucking him, the head of his cock damn near touching the back of your throat.
You wanted to feel every bit of it, even as your jaw ached, and you were breathing heavily through your nose. The burn was brilliant — satisfying. And better than anything else, it quieted the warring inside your head.
“Fuck.” Lucien gasped out. You could feel him tightening inside your mouth, feel him growing close. You wanted him spurting on your tongue.
His hands pulled on your hair to near-pain, and you smirked around him. Steadied yourself. Reached one hand up to cup his balls.
As you bobbed, and bobbed, and bobbed, licked and sucked and squeezed his balls and dug your fingernails into his leg, the low growls in his throat became guttural, feral. He wouldn’t last much longer, wouldn’t be able to resist—
He gripped your head, holding you still as his hips stuttered to a stop. And a deep, gasping groan escaped him as he came inside your mouth, spilling all over your tongue, down your throat.
And you swallowed every last drop. Embraced the taste of him, the warmth of him. Licked and pumped him through his release, until he was no more but a spent, whimpering mess.
You allowed him to come down from the high. Allowed him to catch his breath. But as soon as awareness returned to his eyes, replacing the glazed pleasure with a keen sense of knowing, you rose to your feet.
Lucien stared at you, his golden cheeks flushed. His chest still heaving slightly.
And you…you met his eyes. Smiled. Swiped a tongue over your lips and wiped the corners of your mouth with a single finger. His eyes tracked every single movement wordlessly.
“Thought so.” Was all you said, a smile tugging your lips. “Goodnight.”
You brushed past him, not even glancing back to see if he tucked himself back into his breeches, or just stood there, stunned.
Let him see how it felt to be walked away from. To be treated like a mistake.
You strode out of the armoury like the taste of him wasn’t still lingering on your tongue, and crossed the quiet estate, back into the manor.
And when you reached your bedroom and fell between the sheets, the turmoil in your head was easier to tune out.
And you slept.
You spent the following morning thinking. Reflecting. Nobody came to bother you.
You curled up on the windowsill, your head pressed against the glass as you watched the many staff and servants pass by on their errands. Saw the odd flash of red hair come and go.
It was one person you found yourself keeping an eye out for in particular. Dion.
It surprised you, to wake up and find that your overriding emotion was guilt.
Guilt over your reaction. Over how you’d dealt with it.
Because…because why shouldn’t Dion have feelings for Willow? It wasn’t as though the connection between the two of you was anything besides platonic. Betrothed you may be, but that was out of both of your control. You didn’t have feelings for him. He didn’t have feelings for you.
And Willow may have been married, but…hopefully not for much longer. Not to a beast like Isaac.
She’d be much better off with Dion, that was for sure.
Willow and Dion were both good. Both caring. And if they’d found a connection…who were you to be upset about that? Especially with your own antics…
You weren’t angry with them. Perhaps a little hurt that they’d not shared it with you, but…you realised, now, that you’d wildly overreacted. Kind of been an asshole.
You needed to apologise — again. If for no other reason than that you selfishly needed Dion’s friendship. And wanted it, too. You would be very lonely here, very miserable, without it.
You were just pushing to your feet when the knock fell on your door.
You dragged in a slow, deep breath, ignoring the ache of your muscles as you trudged to the door and inched it open.
Long red hair was the first thing you saw. And for a second, you thought maybe…maybe Lucien—
No. Dion stood there, looking terrible. Like he hadn’t slept. His skin was paler than usual, and dark smudges sat beneath his eyes.
He took in the sight of you, dragging a hand through his hair. “…please can we talk?”
Without any hesitation, you nodded, stepping aside. Dion’s footsteps were heavy, loaded, as he dragged his feet in and turned to face you.
“I’m sorry.” You blurted.
Dion went still, his shoulders tensing. “Wait—what?”
“I’m sorry,” You repeated, slumping onto the bed. “Like…really, really sorry. How I reacted last night…I had no right.” Never mind the fact that you’d then sucked his brother’s cock.
“Wait—before you say anything,” You twisted your hands anxiously in your lap. “I slept on it. And I’ve thought about it. And I’m…I’m not angry. I’d have preferred not to find out like that, but…as for you and Willow…”
Dion’s eyes dipped down. “We’d already discussed, before you saw that letter, that I should try and figure out my feelings with you, first…considering you’re to be my wife. I’m sorry that you had to find out that way.”
You studied him. Took in how utterly downtrodden he looked. And if you weren’t so worried that Lucien’s scent still lingered on you — even after bathing and brushing your teeth twice — you would have reached out and hugged him.
He’d done nothing but surprise you since you’d come to the estate. Impress you. With his kind nature, his thoughtfulness…the intricate workings of his brain. He’d become your friend for a reason. You wanted him to be happy. Willow, too.
“Having the title of your wife isn’t going to make you fall in love with me,” You said quietly. “And vice versa. We’re friends, Dion. And I haven’t worked out, yet, how we’re going to make this work, but…we both know there’s nothing between us. I would never expect you to be alone for the rest of your life because of me.”
“I know. And nor would I expect it of you, either,” he strode closer. “But Willow and I…it wasn’t intentional. I want you to know that.”
“Perhaps it wasn’t.” You shrugged. “But intentional or not…why shouldn’t you be each other’s happiness?”
He blinked, studying you. “I…are you saying…”
“I’m saying…we’ll figure this out somehow. Together. Because Willow is my sister, and you’re my friend. You both deserve to be happy. And Mother above, she needs out of that marriage with Isaac.”
The way Dion clenched his jaw told you everything you could possibly need to know about how he felt. That it was killing him, just as much as you, that Willow was where she was. With who she was with.
“I think if Willow were to have you, she’d be a very lucky person.” You said earnestly. “And if you wish to secretly court her while we figure things…you have my blessing. Hell, I’ll even help you. Especially to get her out of that damn marriage.”
Poor, poor Dion looked seconds from tears. And despite all your qualms about the…scent…that may still linger on you, you stood up. Wrapped your arms around him.
“I’ve never had a friend like you before.” He whispered, resting his chin atop of your head. “If there’s anyone that you are interested in–”
“There isn’t,” You cut in quickly, frowning to yourself, “But…thank you.”
He pulled back, studying you with eyes so soft, you couldn’t bear to meet them. “You’ll find someone, you know. Anyone would be lucky to have you.”
All you could manage was a smile in response. There was no way you were ready to delve into such a subject – not when you weren’t quite sure what you would blurt out.
So you thanked him. Hugged him again. Your husband-to-be and friend.
Smoothing things over hadn’t quite taken the edge off of the loneliness, though.
You weren’t sure anything could.
all acotar tags: @moonfawnx @writingsbychlo @moonlitcelestial @orangecreamsicle54 @saturnspoet0711 @andahugaroundtheneck @nightscourtt @mysticalcheesecakemiracle @luckypersonmentality @nobody00sthings @kristalhi @tencrushesperday @janzquu @we-were-beautiful @thewarriormoon @cirwin2013 @mrs-azriel @the-kwami-of-fandom-frustration @libraryofathousandstars @daily-dose-of-sass @pixiestix13 @basicbittywitty @simplefan-638 @highlady-ofillyria @false-desire-182 @fictionalcharacterlereasigim @theofficialmadman @kemillfreitas @sledgehammer21-1 @shannonsaid @jtargs @morelovemorepeacemoretattoo-blog @new-adventures-everyday @positivewitch @crushedcloudsx @cartoonnerdgirl @a-frog-with-a-laptop @ssmay123 @linduzmunna @ruler-of-hades @kennedy-brooke @peachyandmoon @ariaaira @topaz125 @blitz-fall @azrielsbbg @gracedarr @goldentournesol @localhopedealerr @swagfreakathletemonger @sfhsgrad-blog @lo0oserlex @ruleroftides @mayabennett03 @vera0124 @mich0731 @balam-sen @luciensbxtch @holywolfsstuff @chloesgoneposts @margssstuff
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cptnleviackerman · 6 months
nail colours they like on you
characters - jean, levi, eren, connie, armin, erwin
a/n - I was thinking about what colours would make jean drop to his knees and then suddenly I was thinking about everyone else too....
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jean - RED !!! He loves red nails on you so much, any dark shade of red will literally have him on his knees, he thinks it's so so hot. I have no idea why but I'm so obsessed with the idea of Jean asking you to get red nails the next time you get them done. And he does it weeks before your appointment too. He doesn't even wait for you to ask him what he thinks you should get, he tells you, completely unprompted, when the two of you are lying together on the couch, huddled up watching a movie. He has been completely checked out of the movie, too focused on trying to find the words to bring up your nail appointment and he just whispers in your ear out of the blue.
“babeeee, I know you're getting your nails done soon…I was just thinking that you'd look extra hot with red nails, maybe a maroon shade? or something similar to that? a dark shade, what do you think?”
levi - black. I'm sorry if you feel like this is a basic answer but I can't see levi caring too much about any particular colours, he will always compliment your nails no matter the colour, of course, but if you straight up ask him what he thinks you should get he will always say black. No matter if he's said in the past that a different colour looks amazing on you, or that a different colour suits you the best. He will say black. He thinks it's sexy, and it looks sleek and doesn't stand out too much and I think it's very him.
“tch—you know you don't need to spend your money on that shit. But if you insist on getting them done then at least let me pay—What colour do I think you should get? Black, obviously.”
eren - multi coloured. Eren loves when you get multiple different colours on your nails. His favourite is when you get a different colour on every finger, and he loves when your two hands match each other—the same coloured nails mirrored on each hand. He's never too bothered by the actual specific colours you choose, sometimes he'll suggest a particular colour palette or a specific colour and you'll get 5 different shades of one colour, but generally I think he just likes the variety.
“Yeah, baby? You're getting your nails done soon? Hmm… How about different shades of blue this time? Yk how much I love blue. You could start with a lighter shade on your pinky and then work towards a darker shade like midnight blue, or sapphire on your thumb?”
connie - yellow/gold. This one just makes sense to me and I have no idea why. I think that Connie latched onto this colour after you mentioned one night that you could match your nails to his eye colour, and he just hasn't let go ever since. It made him feel so cutesy and shy when you suggested that, and whenever he sees you in any shade of yellow/gold it makes him blush like crazy. Even though his eyes are more of a hazel colour, he's definitely been told his eyes are quite yellowy/gold before, and it used to make him feel embarrassed but ever since the first time you mentioned wanting to match your nails to his eyes he's been so happy and proud about the colour.
“baby you already know what I'm gonna sayyyy, just look right into my eyes and you'll see the perfect colour for your nails, trust me. And you know I think you look so sexy with your nails done, so if we matched I think I would just about die every time I looked at ya.”
armin - baby blue. It just screams Armin and I can't even explain why. He thinks it's the cutest thing ever, and he remembers when it was a trend online to ask your boyfriend what colour you should get your nails done and he remembers that the “correct” answer was baby blue. You asked him this when it was trending and he couldn't give you a straight answer, just saying that all colours looked pretty on you. He remembers when you teased him and explained that baby blue meant that you were taken/in a relationship and so that has always been his answer ever since. And it doesn't hurt that the colour looks so good on you as well…
“you're getting your nails done again soon, bubba? hmm… I think you'd look amazing with the baby blue nails—the ones you had on our anniversary this year, they were so cute!”
erwin - pink. Again, I have no explanation for this one, I just know it's true. He doesn't mind what shade of pink you choose, although his favourite is one of the brighter pinks—think Barbie or hot pink—he loves these types of shades during summer, or when you're getting your nails done for a party. But he'll never complain about any shade you choose, he just likes to point you towards pink as a general colour, he'll always let you choose the specific shade.
“How about pink, sweetheart? Would you like a more muted shade this time? I think that'd be lovely. A pastel, or maybe even a salmon shade, would look beautiful on you."
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