#he hasn't had a hot bath from humans
amielot · 8 months
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Hot bath
Dream: is.. a cold hose... abnormal?
Hob: ... HOW cold?....
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Dream's been clean for awhile. But Hob just keeps pouring hot water because he can tell Dream likes it.
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roxygen22 · 4 months
"My Little Cocoa Bean" Series
Summary: Ben/Bean (age 2) and reader (mom) are sick. Willy takes care of you both.
C/W: Illness but nothing graphic
You hadn't experienced this level of exhaustion since Ben was a newborn. The poor dear had been down with a cold for three days now. His hacking cough and stuffy nose kept him from getting comfortable enough to rest well at night, causing him to be lethargic and clingy all day. Granted, you enjoyed the snuggles, but you would give anything to have your happy, energetic Ben back. Unfortunately, though, you caught his cold with the constant closeness.
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Willy was accustomed to coming home to happy noises of reading, playing, or cooking. But on the third day of illness in the Wonka household, there was nothing but silence to greet him upon entry except the occasional sniffles coming from the study. Willy came around the sofa with a pitiful pout on his face. You and Ben were just lounging on the sofa staring at the fire. You had a book in hand, but neither of you had the energy to look at it.
"Oh, [y/n]. You, too?" Willy took in the sight of your pale skin and dark circles under your eyes as he picked Ben up from your lap. Normally very excited to see his papa, the boy just nestled his head into the crook of Willy's neck and sucked his thumb. He could feel heat radiating from the little body. Willy then gently rested the back of his hand against your forehead. "Both of you are running a fever."
"I believe it," you responded weakly after clearing your throat. "My skin hurts. I'm hot and cold at the same time, and I can't breathe through my nose. Ben hasn't been able to get comfortable all day, either."
"I'm home now, so you should go rest."
"No, I need to get dinner started," you argued while trying (but failing) to sit up on the couch.
"Nonsense. You can't pour from an empty cup, my sweet," Willy chided as he helped you up with his spare hand. "Why don't you go take a hot steaming bath while I make my mamma's soup recipe? It's sure to help you feel better." You opened your mouth to speak before he held up a finger, "Before you say it, don't worry about Bean. I've got him. Let me take care of you, too."
You conceded. You knew arguing further with Willy once his mind was made up was an exercise in futility in your current state. Most of the time, your stubborness rivaled his, but not this day. Your fatigue outweighed the guilt of temporarily relinquishing your [self-imposed] role of caretaker.
You made your way to the bath, thankful for Willy's contraption that provided hot water on demand.* Once the tub was filled, you sank down into the water with a long sigh. Your muscles protested as you went about your normal ablutions, but the steam did wonders for your ability to breathe. You felt semi-human again as you stepped out and toweled off.
Willy was a bit slow-going on the soup since one arm was busy supporting the toddler on his hip. You couldn't help but smile at the sight of your boys. Their matching curly hair was in disarray thanks to the humidity from the soup. Ben looked up, alerting Willy to your presence in the kitchen with a quiet "mamma" as he reached for you. That was a rarity when Willy was home, preferring you only if he was tired or sick. Ben and his papa were as thick as thieves.
Willy turned around from the stove to look at you as he handed you the boy. "It's nice to see some color in your cheeks again, even if it's just from the warmth of the bath. Did it help?"
"A bit. I can actually breathe through my nose at the moment."
He chuckled and went back to stirring. "Good, good. Soup should be ready in a couple of minutes." You set Ben in his high chair and started to grab bowls and bread before Willy good-naturedly scolded you. "Nuh-uh. Sit." You pursed your lips and glared but complied nonetheless.
Willy set the table and dished out the soup. He scooted Ben's high chair closer to help him eat so you could focus on feeding yourself. The soup looked amazing, leaving you longing to actually be able to smell or taste it. Instead, you just enjoyed the warmth as it soothed your scratchy throat.
The family slowly ate their dinner in relative silence. Unable to smell or taste, Ben quickly lost interest and begged to be held. Willy obliged and set the boy in his lap. Having ate your fill, you pushed the bowl back and stood up to clear the table.
Willy tutted at you. "[Y/N]. I've. Got. This. Now. Go. To. Bed." Ben, however, was not ready to let you out of his sight. Reaching up to you from Willy's lap with grabby hands and pouty lip, he whimpered. Before you could react, Willy turned the boy around to face him instead. "Now Bean, Mamma takes good care of us all the time. It's our turn to take care of her. She is going to go night night a little early. You and I, little man, are going to read a story after we clean up the kitchen." Over Ben's head, you saw Willy mouth to you, "Go."
You smiled, blew a kiss, and quickly made your exit before Ben turned around. It felt deceitful, but if anyone could keep Ben distracted, it was Willy. You could faintly hear Willy bustling around the kitchen singing the clean-up song without further complaint from the boy.
Satisfied that Ben was in good hands and relatively happy, you readied yourself for bed. After two nights of interrupted sleep and a full day of fever, you were practically unconscious before your head even hit the pillow. You slept solidly for hours before you woke with a start. Why is it quiet? Where are the boys?
You tiptoed to Ben's room, avoiding the planks in the floor that tended to creak. You found Willy in the rocking chair, feet propped up and holding Ben upright on his chest so the boy could breathe freely. You picked up a blanket from Ben's bed and covered them both, taking in the sweet scene. "Rest well, my loves," you whispered before retreating back to bed.
*Remember, Willy is an inventor, so it's totally plausible that this fictional character invented the precursor to the modern water heater, lol.
Find more "My Little Cocoa Bean" shorts on my masterlist.
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apolloanddaphnis · 2 months
Sorry if it’s been asked already but, what would horror bimbo wear to a concert date with Eddie?
It hasn't been asked yet and even if it has been, I love this reply. I’ll make a moodboard, but horror!bimbo would look very Danzig girl, like a vampire nymphette. Black, white, or deep red velvet little dresses and tiny articles of clothing, lace ups, poetry blouses worn as dresses that hardly pass her ass, she will wear garters up her thigh, bdsm chokers and collars, dead girl eye makeup that makes her look dreamy and sleepy. She always goes for otherworldly slut,
She always spent the whole day of a concert preparing,
If it was a school day she would play hookey,
Eddie would hate it because he wouldnt get to see his sweet little moth, and would complain dramatically to her about it.
Hands splayed on her provocative hips before squeezing them possessively as he would bury his face in her sweet smelling neck that smelled of her lilac perfume and vanilla body powder, his mouth actually physically water. “You gonna leave me again until nighttime?” he complained.
She giggled and stroked his fluffy chocolate curls.
“Id invite you to stay, but I dont wanna bore you bear.” She always could call him that because to her he looked like a human teddy bear, a very sexy teddy bear.
He lifted his head from her neck, his doe eyes widened and pupils darkened. “Yeah? Youd let me watch you get dressed? Maybe help you wash that back…” he started kissing down the back of her neck causing her to shiver and preen against him. He was half hard thinking about it.
He spent the day getting ready with her. She ran a nice bubble bath with Vaseline vitamin e bath beads that turned the water teal, Crabtree & Evelyn rosewater bubble bath, and apricot kernel bath oil. She had to have Eddie join in her pre-concert ritual naturally, and no one was home but her. She lit lavender candles and played the Icon album Night of the Crime theyll be hearing tonight in Indianapolis.
She had Eddie joined her in the bath, she put an avocado masque on his face and hers and the Rave hair masque with a V05 hot oil treatment, She wanted him to feel pampered too, and they started kissing, he held her in his lap, she warmed his cock in the bath She felt so full like she ate a big meal, he is that big. She couldnt stop herself, felt too good, she started moving.
“Ooh fuck baby, if you dont stop that–”
“Youll what…daddy?” She put on her baby voice, the one that got small and sounded squishy and cute,
He stroked her back and she started to drool in anticipation. He took her face in his hand, turning her to face him and lick up her drool, his other hand squeezed her ample ass, “Fuck you have a perfect body for a whore.” He thrusted his hips up and she squeaked, feeling dizzy with pleasure. “Oh my fucking God!”
“Too bad youre just mine.” He laid a sloppy kiss on her shoulder and grabbed her waist before raising his hips and slamming up inside of her tight pussy, that gushed all over his cock. “Baby girl, making such a mess for daddy, what a messy baby.” He cooed.
After a steamy bath session, they got dressed. She used hot rollers for a sultry look, and slid on her french cut, black, lace panties, her puffy pussy sort of swallowed it a bit, and naturally Eddie had to have a quick taste.
She had a satin white garter with a pink rosette slid up her left thigh by his truly, her right leg adorn with a thigh high fishnet stocking, a revealing neo Victorian, lacey little slip with gaps terribly tied together by dainty bows, exposing her generous cleavage, the thin straps of her negligee falling down her shoulders, She slips into combat boots that contrast her attire, and one of Eddie’s leather jackets that was too big for her frame. She had black under eye to make her look like a haunted doll, and her lips were painted the same color as her nipples.
Her signature lilac perfume kissed her wrists, neck, and cleavage. Eddie realized the importance of getting ready for a concert.
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Unsolicited 4
Warnings: bad self-thought/talk, bullying, insults, low self-esteem, money problems, more dark elements to come.
Promise, Lloyd will pop up again soon.
Wouldn’t mind some feedback! Lloyd was driving me nuts so I had to do it. Thank you in advance 💜
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You don't say anything. Instead, you let it eat away at you. Your days end in tears, your few hours to yourself spent sleeping until your next shift. Hours worked for what? The watch is gone and Colin's lost in his new job. With his ex.
How do you say it? How can you put your suspicions into words without making them true? If you accuse him and he hasn't done anything, he'll only be angrier.
On your sole day off, you sleep all of two hours and drag yourself off the couch. It isn't even noon as you tidy the house, sweeping, mopping, vacuuming, dishes, toilet, floor to ceiling spotless.
The last hours of the afternoon are spent cooking in anticipation of Colin's return. To make up for the night more than a week ago that it all went rotten. An apology. An act to show him you're worth something. You can take care of him. You love him!
You change into clean clothes and check yourself in the mirror. You do your best to look human. You put on the necklace he gave you all those years ago.
You keep the chicken warm in the oven and set lids over the broccoli and creamy fettuccine on the burners. You pace the kitchen tiles and wait.
And wait.
And wait.
The chicken is dry, the noodles bland and limp, the beans overcooked.
You scrape it all into the bin and turn off the lights. You run a bath and cry as the tub fills and you strip away your clothes. You check your phone as you sink into the hot water. Nothing.
You put the phone on the flat edge of the tub and lay back, closing your eyes as you try to enjoy the soothing heat. You can't free yourself from the tension knotted in your overworked muscles. Another heave rises just as soon as the last subsides. You only stop as you hear the front door.
Your cell shows 9:17.
You don't bother getting out. The water's cold but you don't care. You hear him walking through the house. He goes into the bedroom. You've been on the couch for days and he's out late, doing what? With who?
Your lip trembles and you splash warm water over your face. You're done crying. You sit up and sigh.
A gentle tapping comes at the door. You don't answer, the water stirring around you as you pull the stopper and stand. As you reach for the towel, his voice comes through the door, "babe."
It stings to hear the pet name. After so long. He wants to act like nothing is wrong. After he didn't even send a message. After you tossed out a whole meal.
You step onto the bath mat and dry off. The door clicks and you quickly wrap yourself in the towel, hiding from him. You're not a skinny blonde with glowing pink cheeks.
"I'm in here," you say.
"Sorry, I… I gotta go," he cringes, "and also, wanted to say hello…"
He puckers up and you cross your arms, "I'm done. Excuse me."
You ignore his attempt at a kiss. He doesn't move and you stare past him. He stretches his arm across the doorframe.
"You okay?"
"Don't. Don't act like nothing happened."
"I'm trying to talk to you-"
"Go piss," you snarl.
"Look, I believe you. That dude, you wouldn't fuck him. I'm just… I was caught off guard, I didn't know what to think. Things have been so tough lately. The watch was nice. Really nice."
"Please, I'm tired. I have to work in the morning–"
"You can't just shut me out–"
"And what have you been doing for the last week? Colin, please."
"Please, I…"
"Where were you? I waited for you. I made dinner, I cleaned. It's nine at night."
His eyes shift to the wall, "work. This new job, it's a lot of extra hours. Like you. Picking up all those night shifts. I feel like we don't see each other."
"You haven't wanted to see me," you accuse.
"I thought– I was stupid, okay? I got scared. It's like I said, I don't deserve you."
You roll your eyes and hug the towel tighter, "whatever."
"Oh, don't do that," he grasps your arms gently, "you know I'm an idiot. Isn't that why you married me?" You try to shrug him off and he slides his hands up to cradle your face, "I love you, baby. I picked up the extra hours so we can take a trip. Book a weekend off and we'll head to the lake."
"Colin," you stare away from him.
"We'll get a room with a hot tub," he lets a hand descend and plays with the top of your towel, "skinny dip… get dinner. This time for real."
"Please," you beg weakly as he tugs on the cotton.
"You always liked to play hard to get," he teases, "let's take the watch back, get you a pair of earrings, huh?"
You gulp, "no, no, I…I don't need earrings." You catch his hands and look at him, "it's gone. I left it at the restaurant and someone snatched it. So… can't even do that right."
"Shit, really? Well, it's just a watch. We'll be okay."
"We will?"
"Oh, for sure, I'm getting a raise. Plus travel pay."
"Travel pay," you cant help but relax as he tickles you playfully.
"Conference out east. I'll be gone a week but when I get back we'll go to the lake."
"Conference? Away?"
"Yeah, I told you I'd have to travel for the job."
"Who else is going?"
"It's just you?"
"Well, no, my boss will be going and a few of the other account managers–"
"Your boss?"
"Yeah, why?"
"Nothing, nothing. Makes sense, she probably has to go right."
"Yeah, she–" he hesitates, "she would."
You nod and wait. Will he say it? Will he tell you?
"Is she nice?"
"Your boss? Is she a good boss?"
"Sure, I guess," he pulls away from you, "man, I'm starving. Smells good in here."
"Uh, yeah, well… I burnt the food so it's in the garbage."
"Damn," he backs out of the doorway, "well, I'm sure we can scrounge up something."
"Guess," you skirt around him and head down the hall. He follows, "what are you doing?"
"Just tryna get a peek of the goods," he kids.
"Don't even," you keep yourself covered as you enter the bedroom and search the dresser. "So, you didn't tell me about the job. You like it?"
He pauses, he knows you're changing the subject. He leans on the wall as you keep the towel around you and quickly pull the night shirt on, then step into the loose pants that go with it. You tug the towel from beneath and face him.
"It's a job. Pays better, more freedom, coworkers are nice."
"That's good."
"How's night shift going?" He rubs his neck.
"Lonely, dull," you answer flatly, "nothing special."
"Ah, maybe…"
He lets his voice trickle off as you near him, "maybe what?"
"Maybe you could look for something else? A desk job or maybe do some home cleaning. Lots of rich snobs out there will pay top dollar to not see their own messes."
"It's not that easy."
"You could try," he says.
"Yeah," you hold back the mean thought, I don't have an ex to get me a new gig, "I'll try."
"Mmm, how's mac and cheese? Think I can manage that."
"Mac and cheese?"
"For dinner," he explains brightly and winks, "then maybe you can think of something for dessert."
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unlucky-corvid · 3 months
Cayde-6 x reader NSFW Alphabet
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NSFW alphabet for cayde 6. This is my first time writing anything NSFW so it may be very rusty but I tried my best. this is written using AFAB wording and bodyparts. its also not proof read
warning: NSFW below the cut, nothing of a violent or gory nature but, as expected, lots of sex. 18+. any interactions without an 18+ age in their bio WILL be blocked.
A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
Cayde is the aftercare king. Hot bath? You got it. Glass of water and a snack? Baby, he had that ready and waiting. Turning you into a blanket burrito and dressing you in his hoodie/t-shirt? What else were you going to wear?
Once he's come down from the endorphin high, he's whispering soft words in your ear, how good you were for him, how well you took it, how pretty you looked as he cleans you up. He'll hold you for as long as you need, before moving to pull on some pants and get you the care you deserve.
However, it did take a while for him to learn this. Being the hunter vanguard didn't allow much time for... extracurricular activities. A few quickies here and there to blow off some steam with people whose faces he can't remember never mind their names. But with you, he had to learn. No. He WANTED to learn. He planned on having you stick around for a long LONG time.
B = Body part (Their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
His: his hands. Cayde is a hunter, that involves a lot of hands-on action. But by far his favourite thing they can do is make your body writhe and face twist in euphoria. They know just where to grab, where to tease, where to curl, where to stroke. He could use his hands and only his hands on you for hours and not tyre of the noises and face he can get from you.
When he opens you up slowly, when you take him all the way to the knuckle, and he curves his fingers inside you just at the right place to make you keen and whimper out his name. “Cayde” never sounded so sweet as it does on your lips. Seeing them disappear into your mouth when he's done, letting your tongue clean up your essence, sends a shiver down his back and he has to stop himself from starting all over again. He loves seeing his hand splayed over your abdomen. Feeling his cock through your skin as he thrusts, making you even tighter
Yours: thighs, hips, and stomach.
Cayde is a thigh man, and you can't convince me otherwise. Soft and plush, muscled, he doesn't care as long as they can be wrapped around his shoulders and keep his cheeks warm while he buries his face into you. Even when he isn't eating you out like a man starved, when you're out and about, sat in meetings, in his ship cockpit, that little ramen joint you both love, he can't resist reaching over and placing a hand on your thigh to give it a squeeze.
And thigh jobs? Don't get him started on them. Feeling your soft skin around his shaft, feeling it get slick with his pre, rubbing against the wetness of your cunt? Perfection.
Hips? What else is he going to hold? What else is he going to squeeze to keep your hips up as he pulls orgasm after torturous orgasm out of you as he pounds into you with seemingly endless energy? Your arms and legs gave out after your 2nd orgasm and he most definitely isn't done with you yet. You can still think and speak coherently, he obviously hasn't finished the job yet.
And similar to hips, your stomach. Particularly if you have a little extra padding. He loves it. So soft and squishy, so human. Don't get him wrong. He LOVES his own physique; more so how much you love his body but something about the softness gets him. He'll kiss it as he trails kisses down your body, grab it as he takes you from behind, pulling you up so your back meets his chest.
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically… I’m a disgusting person)
At first, Cayde loved to keep it messy, seeing you with his seed dripping from your lips, painting your cheeks, dribbling onto your tits. Marked by him. He might even take a picture for particularly long and arduous missions.
Once the two of you start getting serious...REALLY serious. Long-term commitment kinda serious. He's cumming inside you at every opportunity he has. Deep. He's grinding his hips into your making sure you take every last drop he has because you're his and he's going to make that abundantly clear. Of course, he's an exo, they have certain...benefits...humans don't. And one of those is a very short period between when he can fill you up, and paint your face with his cum.
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Cayde 100% will steal your panties. 100%. Do not let this exo near your laundry pile.
He will make some sort of excuse when visiting your apartment to "go to your bathroom" and detour via your laundry pile. He will swipe a pair and stuff them in his pocket for late. When later rolls around he can't wait. Barely locking his apartment door before his hand is unbuckling his pants and your panties are up to his face or wrapped around his cock. If you’re lucky he'll clean them and return them, if not you may begin to wonder why your underwear keeps disappearing. "Must be your washing machine, you know, they like to eat socks, why not panties too?" Cayde says nonchalantly... not eyeing up the cute thong on the top of the pile of washing.
He saw you in his cloak once and realised just how filthy his mind is when it comes to you. You were just messing around, nothing naughty, simply wrapping his cloak around your shoulders to keep warm while he stood at his post but seeing you in HIS clothes. HIS cloak. He was shamefully hard. He definitely saved that in his brain for later.
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
Caydes been around the block for a loooong time. Man definitely knows what he's doing. But he loves learning. Yeah, he knows how to use his fingers, but he will learn just where that sensitive spot is inside you is so he can abuse it for hours on end when to curl his fingers up into you, and what speed to tease your sensitive clit.
Yeah, he knows how to fuck, but he will spend hours and hours learning just what tempo you like, which angle has you creaming around his cock, and what force to put into slamming his hips into your ass to get you mewling his name.
He will spend night after night letting his hands wander you, purposely avoiding the dripping heat between your legs, to see if he can get you to cum without even touching you, to find the spots that make your eyes flutter and your head roll back into the pillows.
He knows how to pleasure but he puts extra effort into how to pleasure YOU.
F = Favourite Position (This goes without saying.)
Any. He doesn't care as long as it's you and him.
He has a particular fondness for missionary. He knows it's a little vanilla, but he doesn't care. Not when he can see the way your face twists in pleasure, not when he can reach every little sensitive spot on your body.
If you wrap your legs around his hips while he's doing this, he has to pace himself, so he doesn't finish before you.
It also means he can see the dull orange glow in your abdomen with each thrust. Why exos had lights down there he had no idea, but he loved the visual of seeing JUST how deep he was.
If he's feeling more on the submissive side, rare but not unheard, he likes to have you ride him, cowgirl. Have your hands splayed across his chest as you lift your hips up and down. If he's coherent enough he praises you. A voice full of static, lights flickering from the intense stimulus.
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc)
It depends. If he's been on a particularly frustrating mission, long hours at the war table, meeting after meeting, the second he sees you he's bending you over the nearest surface and getting his frustrations out. If he speaks its praises and dirty names. If. Most times it's just desperate grunts and panting.
If he's taking his time with you, worshipping you, treating you like a queen, his words are full of praise, Gentle, soft.
Normally though he'll crack a joke here and there. Tease you playfully.
On the occasions where he's pulling you into an alcove of the tower and shoving his hands into your pants, he's giggling like a lovesick teen, full of adrenaline.
H = Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
I mean.... he's a robot.... however, his cock does have a glow the same colour as his mouth, a golden orange that he loves to watch disappear into you.
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…)
At first maybe not much. Sex fuelled by a need to release. Release frustration, pent-up feelings, just being plain horny, unable to resist you.
As you grow closer, as the thought of leaving your apartment after each night of passion fills him with more and more longing, the sex becomes filled by something else. Love, passion. A need to please you, make you feel good. It became not just sex. But sex with YOU.
Pet names, sweetheart, sweetie, darling, little bird, his good girl, sugar, begin to become more and more common.
"Slut" becomes "MY slut" "sweet girl" becomes "MY sweet girl" as the thought of anyone else seeing you in such an intimate way is rejected by his brain, you were his. And his alone.
J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon)
Out of pure necessity. Sometimes, before meeting you, it was just easier. Sure, finding a bedfellow would have probably felt better but after being on countless missions, adrenaline wearing off, he just needed to cum.
Then he met you and all of a sudden, each quiet moment between missions that his body cried for release, all he could see was your face, imagining what he might see if he stripped away your armour, your clothes. Would you scream his name? Would you rake your nails down his back? Each though adding gas to a fire of desire he isn't sure he's strong enough to put out...and he's not sure he wants to.
After the pair of you are established, he's drowning in material to get off to. Off planet on a long mission? He just happens to have a pair of your panties with him.
If you give this man Polaroid nudes of yourself, he will simply perish....and will probably need new ones after a week because the others are...a little sticky.
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
Cayde knows how to tie a knot. As impatient as Cayde can be sometimes if he's going to tie you up, he's doing it properly (and safely). Maybe not the gorgeous and intricate knots he had stumbled across on some...questionable websites but he's tying you up either way. He just loves how pretty your plump, skin looks against the rope, your cute struggles, the intimacy of tying you up.
Likewise, he will weakly protest at the idea of you tying him up until one day he gives in. He lets you tie him to a chair with his arms behind his back, it takes a shamefully quick time to have him whimpering beneath you, pleading for you to just touch him properly after hours (it was 10 minutes) of you teasing his cock.
As someone who's seen as a pillar of strength and power in the guardian ranks, having that momentarily (and willingly) taken from him, at the mercy of your touch, has him cum in minutes, begging you not to stop despite being overestimated. He will never admit to liking this as much as he obviously does.
Maybe a slight power play/kink. He loves taking you while he's in his armour. The juxtaposition of you, naked beneath him on your knees, swallowing his cock as your eyes water while he's in his full armour makes him feel powerful and dominant. You called him sir or vanguard once as he fucked you against Zavala’s desk and he thrust into you so hard the table almost tipped over. (What big blue doesn't know won’t hurt him)
L = Location (Favourite places to do the do)
Anywhere safe you can get away with. Bedroom, every feasible surface in either of your apartments, his ship, your ship, quiet corners of the tower where people rarely look, Zavala’s desk, the bathroom. This exo is insatiable.
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
Fucking anything. If you look at him the wrong right way, he's hard. You're in his clothes? He's hard. You're bent over to do anything? Better get ready to feel his hands on your hips as he grinds his erection into you. Sees you fighting? Hard. Jealous? Hard. You wiggle your ass against him in your sleep? It's going between your thighs.
N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Hitting other than spanking, he can't bring himself to hit you, especially your face. He will happily make your ass cheeks red with his handprints but that's all.
Scat, piss are big nos and Anything that he can't get clear consent or safe words, he won't tie you up AND gag you. It's one or the other.
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
Fuck you exos have tongues and I won't be told otherwise.
Most of the time it goes unseen, exos have voice synthesisers and no use for a tongue past maybe eating but early exos had rejected their existence over less than no tongue.
Caydes is soft and flexible, light blue silicone and he knows how to use it. He will. Spend hours between your legs, swapping between lapping lazily at your clit like a cat with cream and pressing the appendage as deep as he can inside you. He's not quiet about it, he'll groan and moan and once you hear him growl as you tried to ease him away as he was overstimulating you. He’ll buck his hips, grinding against his pants or the mattress. Sometimes you're not sure who is enjoying it more, you or him, especially when he's cumming untouched. He won't admit sometimes he does it more for his pleasure, just the feeling of your wet pussy against his tongue, hot, warm, wet and slick and oh so tasty. He'd give up an alarming amount just to eat you out. He loves the little surprised squeak you make sometimes when the metal of his face is a touch cold and pressed against your inner thighs. He'll move your hand to his horn with a smug smirk "Show me what you need, sweet girl" and ravages you the second you pull his face into your heat with his horn.
As for receiving, obsessed. The first time you took his cock into your mouth he had his eyes shut, head rolled back and hand deep in your hair against your scalp. Expect unending praise as he thrusts into your mouth. And if you can deep-throat him? Even better. Just seeing the dulled glow of his cock through the skin of your throat sends him into euphoria.
P = Pace (Are they fats and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
Most of the time it's fast, rough. His face by your ear in the crook of your neck as he pants and gasps l, ramming his cock into you as deed as it with go, cursing, words falling out of his mouth in nonsensical strings. Brushes the shapes of his fingertips litter your hips.
But sometimes he takes his time. Sometimes you're stressed, you ache and all he wants is you Make you feel better. And if that is done by gently opening you up and fingering you until you're a begging incoherent mess, pleading for him to just fuck you, then he's a more than willing sacrifice.
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
He'd rather have plenty of time to explore you, albeit at a very fast pace, roughly with lots of panting.
But he does love a quickie. His favourite place is his ship. It's a little risky, especially during the day, parked in the bustling hangar. He's got you bent over the console, both your pants pulled down just enough as he jackhammers his hips into you stopping to grind every now and again. And he obviously cums inside you, you had nothing to clean up with, not that he minds in the slightest, the thought of you walking around the tower with his cum seeping out of you into your panties almost gets him easy for round 2.
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
He loves a good risk. Never with your safety though but the possibility of getting caught. It makes his blood hot....if he had any. The fabled hunter vanguard caught balls deep in a pretty little things like you in the shadows of the tower, Zavala's office, bent over his sparrow. Of course, he'd never let you both get caught but it didn't make it any less thrilling. Hand clamped over your mouth; voice modulator turned down as he prays the sounds of your slick wet cunt don't give either of you away.
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…)
The most Cayde has ever gone is 8 rounds it had been a long LONG time away from you. He won't forgive Zavala for giving you that mission, but he couldn't care at that time. He had started to have dry orgasms at 5 but couldn't stop, he needed you. Desperately. He only stopped when you began drifting in and out of consciousness and could barely string together words. He was a wreck himself. His internal fans running so hot due to working so hard that you swore you could smell smoke, see steam. His breath was hot. Very hot, even his body had heated up enough to almost be uncomfortable. He collapsed almost onto of you, chest heaving, face pressed into your neck. "Missed you" he mumbles tiredly.
T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
While he won't say no to using them, unless you explicitly ask, he won't go out of his way to buy any. Rope he will get but other than that, he likes to think he's more than enough. If you already have toys he'll try and fail not to seem jealous when he figures out, you had used it while he was away, but he soon gives you ample reasoning as to why he's so much better.
He's then a pouty baby for the night complaining about how you like a piece of silicone over him...the comment of his cock also being made of silicon doesn't improve the situation, but he allows you to convince him more with your mouth...and not using words.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
He loves it. When he's feeling particularly cruel hell spends the day creeping up behind you, uttering filthy promises of what he will do to you the second you're alone. Standing close behind you, pushing his hips forward to grind his erection between your ass cheeks. You pull him into a secluded hideaway pleading him to make good on his promises. To your dismay he simply smirks at you, hand sliding into your panties as he chuckles in your ear “So wet, little bird, such a needy little thing” he taunts. As quickly as his hand had slipped into your underwear, it was now in his mouth being licked clean by his tongue before he stepped out of your small hiding spot. “See ya later doll face” he winks and saunters off.
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
This man will not shut up. It's hard to get Cayde to shut up on a good day, you think having his face buried in your pussy will stop him? He's going to be praising you the whole time, how good your pussy tastes, how tight you are, how well you take him. The closer he gets to cumming the more talkative her gets however it's a lot less organised until he's just growling out single words. They escape his mouth between rapid panting and groaning. The only warning you get before he fills you is "close" or better yet "cumming" before he lets out a low wanton moan as he paints your insides.
W = Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)
Cayde will never admit it but sometimes he loves it when you take control. When you tease him for hours. Suggestive looks, touching him over his pants time he's panting and whispering, begging you to do anything just get him out of his clothes. He's so well-behaved for you, doing whatever you ask between whiny begging. If you grant him what he's asking for he's a mess, moaning, writhing, and gripping your hips as his hips buck into you with a life of their own. If you don’t give in to his begging hell grab at you needly, he sounds as if he's about to cry.
He is 100% using diffrebt forms of light on you.
He's imbuing solar heat into his fingertips as he massages your aching muscles, its almost too hot against your clit when he begins teasing you but its so unbelievably satisfyingly hot when he's knuckles deep in you.
He's using void to blind you. Darkness is all you can see. Not able to expect the touches, caresses, bites and kisses. All you can hear is the smug chuckling after every little twitch and jolt that goes through you.
If hes feeling particularly mean he's using arc to shock you, your nipples, sides of your waist, clit. He loves hearing the little squeakes that escape you after each one and especially loves how you tighten around his cock when you do.
He's using stasis to cool his finger tips, it may not be ice but the crystalline darkness is still cold enough to make goose bumps erupt on your skin when they come into contact with your neck, your nipples, your clit.
Strand, of course he's tying you up with strand. Making pretty shabari patterns on your body. He'll take his time with this, because he loves watching you become more and more desperate the longer he takes.
X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words)
Let's just say when Cayde was built he was rather favourably endowed. 8.5 inches when hard with a 4.8-inch girth. Firm blue and black silicone make up the smooth and slightly ribbed member. Along its sides, the silicon is clear and transparent the inner workings glowing with the same orange glow as the lights in his mouth.
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
It's rather high but he keeps it under control well…unless you're being a tease and by that, I mean just being around him. Even the simple sight of you making him coffee in the morning in nothing but one of his t-shirts and a pair of barely there panties is enough to earn you being bent over the kitchen counter, panties pushed aside. Then you get swiftly put in your place.
Z = ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
He always ensures you have had the aftercare you need but when that’s finished, he's like a purring kitten. Docile and sleepy, satiated. If there's one way to get this exo to sleep, it’s a long hard fuck. He’ll nuzzle is face into your neck, hands making shapes on your hip. If you try and speak to him, you’ll get murmured responses that soon stop, replaced by quiet breathing.
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gabessquishytum · 11 months
That mermaid ask made me feral and I had a thought.
Mermaid!Dream, who had a son who was killed by humans. He's trying to start a war with them, so he gets captured on purpose. He's expecting a captain like Burgess because surely his family will start a war to save him. He gets Hob instead, and also, no one comes to save him.
Captain Robert 'Hob' Gadling accidentally catches this ethereal creature with the prettiest icy blue eyes and black and silver scales he's ever seen in his life. His men want to kill it, but he refuses to allow them. The creature got injured in their net, and he's determined to nurse him back to health.
And maybe Hob is a little too affectionate. Maybe he touches Dream in places Dream hasn't been touched before (mermaids aren't usually affectionate with each other, sex is more just for breeding rather than pleasure).
Dream is confused by the amount of pure pleasure and bliss Hob makes him feel.
Hob is surprised Dream lets him touch him wherever he wants. And when he finds the two slits Dream has, one that hides his cock and the other more like a cunt, he definitely takes the time to explore both thoroughly.
- 🐺
Ooo another fun take on the mermaid concept! I love the idea of Dream setting out with murderous intent and ending up... like this.
Because its been a long time since anyone took care of him. The human's net did hurt him in several places, and it's admittedly nice to lie back in a bath full of seawater, being rubbed with salves and touched with careful hands.
Dream finds it nice, when Hob rubs his sore shoulders. He makes the strangest moaning sounds, unable to keep quiet, and it encourages Hob to go further. To rub Dream’s pale, skeletal belly. He finds the slits by accident because his fingers slide down towards Dream’s tail and catch against something wet and warm. Hob knows what a cunt feels like of course, and he pulls his hand away quickly... but Dream doesn't seem offended. So Hob touches again, and again, until he finds Dream’s cock too.
By this time, Dream is quite... domesticated? He can speak a few words of Hob’s language, and although his wounds are healed and he can swim alongside the ship now, he never strays far. During the day his cunt grows hot and achy from the lack of Hob’s touch and by the time they reunite in the evening his cock is hard and popping out of it's slit. He sits half in the salt water and half in Hob’s lap, teaching him the way that mermaids kiss each other.
No one comes to save Dream from his "captors", mostly because they see Dream and Hob bathing together in the moonlight and naturally assume that Dream has finally cracked up and taken a human lover. There's nothing they can do about it - so they swim back, shaking their heads sadly. Losing his son has obviously driven him to madness.
A madness that Dream is very much enjoying.
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kokusfluffyhair · 11 months
hi there! i stumbled on your blog and the kokushibo headcanons are cute lol. i was wondering what your thoughts are on a modern au? like his style, what his house/apartment would be like, what he’d do for work, that kinda thing. if you answered this before or if you’re not taking requests I’m so sorry, pls ignore! have a good rest of your day :)
Kokushibou Modern AU Headcanons
(I'm going to put him in his human form for this)
A little about him
+ His name is Tsugikuni Michikatsu, but Kokushibou is a nickname of his
+ He got the nickname from other members of a kendo club he participates in
+ Doing kendo is his main hobby and he sometimes enters competitions
+ He hasn't won a competition yet and has the habit of coming in second place
+ He grew up in a small town not far from Kyoto, but he lives in Tokyo now for work
+ He enjoys the options available in the city, but it can be too busy and crowded for him
+ He's a bit distanced from his family and doesn't visit them often
His job
+ He works as an editor for a publishing company
+ He doesn't mind his job and he makes pretty good money. But he does work overtime quite often
+ His least favourite part of his job is talking to people. He's glad that his job doesn't make him talk to the public (like he would if he worked at a shop or restaurant), but talking to clients or even his colleagues is exhausting and annoying to him
+ Once he reached a high enough position in the company, he stopped going to the 'mandatory' drinking sessions after work
+ His colleagues don't really like him for that, but now that he's in an editor position, there's not much they can do about it
+ His work is always very high quality
His apartment
+ He lives in a residential neighbourhood of Tokyo, just outside of the city centre
+ His apartment is a one-bedroom. It's in a modern building, but the design of the apartment is more traditional
+ He has a collection of calligraphy scrolls that he hangs on his walls
+ He has a single indoor plant by the main window
+ One of the things he invested in is his bathing area. It would look kind of like this, and he's very proud of it:
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(photo from japan-guide.com)
+ He can sit in there for hours. He might have fallen asleep in that bathtub once and is lucky his head stayed out of the water
+ He's kind of obsessed with his heated toilet seat, and if you don't use a bidet (or bidet function), he thinks you are a barbarian
+ He likes to play quiet music at home and hums along often
+ The music he plays is either traditional music or vkei
+ Liking vkei is his guilty pleasure
His style
+ He wears a typical black or dark grey suit to work. He ties up his long hair in a man-bun
+ When not at work, he usually wears his hair in a high ponytail. When it's hot out, he wears it in a man-bun regardless of where he is
+ However, he wears it down when he sleeps, without exception
+ His non-work wear is casual, but sleek-looking
+ He pulls off a nice t-shirt with jeans or trousers very well
+ Sometimes he wears well-made, high-quality sweatpants (like the kind that don't really look like sweatpants but they are)
+ He doesn't like shopping, so he probably buys all his normal clothes at Uniqlo. He did, however, invest in better-quality suits for work
+ He wears the same pair of Adidas trainers that he's had for years and somehow they're still in very good condition
+ In the colder months, he half-buries his face in a scarf when he's outside
+ He has an excessive amount of socks for some reason
+ He wears jinbei as pyjamas most of the time, but will wear some thermal sweats during the winter
+ No matter how hot it is, he will not go shirtless, even if he's alone at home
His hygiene
+ He bathes daily in the evening, and it's a ritual for him
+ He's really into hair care for the obvious reason
+ He uses the &honey shampoo/hair care line
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(picture from myjcos.com)
+ He also likes the smell of tea tree-scented soaps
+ His facial hair grows thicker on his chin and moustache area. He shaves every day, but there tends to be a bit of a shadow come the evening
+ For some reason, he has this obsession about grooming his eyebrows
+ He shaves his body hair
Other things about him
+ He doesn't like Apple products
+ He wears glasses for reading
+ He sneezes a lot (whether from allergies or from having a cold)
+ He likes to cook
+ Karaage is one of his favourite foods
+ He likes to play RPGs
+ He's not good with foreign languages
+ He's one of those people who needs to sleep with a blanket no matter how hot it is
+ He's a side-sleeper
+ He gets sweaty at the back of his neck and his forehead
+ He has some random freckles on his face that he covers with concealer
+ He's a loner, but wishes he had someone to spend his life with
+ He easily feels cold
+ He's depressed, but is in denial about it
+ He tends to fall asleep while a movie is playing
+ He loves to open his window on summer nights and watch the moon and stars
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symphonic-scream · 9 months
Here's some extra little info from the magic Persona 5 au
So this one does follow the plot of P5R! Except. Palace rulers are normal humans who gained portions of Morgana's magic when Yabadabadoo beat his ass and had him turned into a cat
It typically manifests as a sort of charm ability. To convince people of things they wouldn't normally believe or do. Other beings of magic have a resistance to this, such as our main cast. To regain Morgana's magic, they either have to have the perp give it up themselves, or. Kill them
And the kill route is taken. Once or twice.
Ann's dad is also a succubus, and her mom is an incubus! And the way their attraction powers work are they can like. Turn on and off the appeal factor. Except for direct touch. Luckily it only works when that person is attracted to that demon's like. Identity. So for example, Yusuke as a gay man can touch Ann just fine but Makoto, lesbian, can't touch her without being affected
Oh also. Every confidant is also magic or a monster in some way. Ahuh.
Oh but not Sae. She's. Got to go through some things. Mainly like, coming to terms with accepting that she hasn't been a great sister for Makoto since. The incident that turned her into a werewolf
And, and! Makoto always has a tail. She doesn't really accept the whole werewolf thing, for a while. She's been one since she was 13, and. It hasn't been a fun time. The repression and inwards hate kinda, glitched something along the way and she can summon her wolf ears and have them go away, but the tail? Permanent. So she wears the uniform pants, and at first uses a belt to keep her tail strapped to her leg to keep it from showing
Yusuke often forgets to blink. Cause he doesn't need to, he's a kitsune. The others often have to remind him to blink to keep up his human act
They have sleepovers all the time. Ann will cuddle up between Ryuji and Joker, her wings spread over both of them, Yusuke lying across their legs like a perfect plank. At first Makoto always takes the couch, but then when Futaba and Sophie join next to them, and Haru curls up between them in her cat form. Sumire ends up between Joker and Futaba
Strikers is in this au too! But right at the end of the school year, right after Haru and Makoto graduate, Haru and Ann pay for the whole group to go to a monster-friendly, mountain hot spring resort for a whole week. Where Sumire can run around with her lil horns and tail, and Yusuke doesn't have to blink, and Futaba can openly talk to her sister (Sophia) without being stared at or called crazy
Haru, who's cat form is. Very long haired and fluffy, ends up setting up grooming appointments for herself. She gets one of the others to drop her off, and enjoys her little kitty spa day. A little fur trim, nail trim, a nice bath? Plus, when she gets dropped off, she makes sure whoever does brings a bag of little shrimp as her preferred treat. So she also gets to enjoy shrimp while at it too
And she is a shrimp fiend. For years she had to attend parties with her dad, putting up with it for the chance to eat unlimited premium shrimp all night. She also loves a good salmon, but strangely she's not a fan of tuna
The first time Makoto has fancy brunch with Ann and Haru, she discovers steak tartare. And. Oh boy. Based on the price she doesn't get it often, but it's the perfect treat for when she's had to be a brave wolf that week
Ann gets jealous when she sees the other girls getting to cuddle up cause she'd love to join their cuddle pile but. Making her friend unwilling horny is. Not fun. Luckily, there's a way to cheat it. And she gets plenty of cuddles from wolfkoto and kitty Haru, as well as little deer Sumire. Futaba is also fine. She's ace so there was never any worry
Oh and Hifumi? She's a lot closer to the group as a whole. I can't help it. She's great
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stars-at-5pm · 1 year
Kiribaku x reader grief comfort
Univers : Mha
Pronoms : She/her
Type : Comfort
TW : villain attack, grief, depression, mention of death...
Context : The reader lost a close friend to a villain and is unmotivated to do anything due to grief but the boys comfort her
When you got the call, you didn’t believe it, you couldn’t. It was the parents of one of your best friend that called you, they told you that their child, got killed in a recent villain attack, and that you were invited to their funeral, in 2 month. After that they hang up, leaving you alone, with all the memories and the battles you went through together. You collapsed to your knees, in your kitchen, having a huge breakdown.
You never lost anyone before, and the first person that got taken away from you was your best fiend. That one friend that told you everything, the one you spend endless nights doing self care with, the one who helped you through your toughest battles, the one you thought would last forever. They were gone. And you couldn’t believe it.
When this happened, you were alone at home, kirishima and Bakugo were at work. You dealt with it all alone, in your kitchen, not understanding anything that was happening.
Why ? Why was this happening to you ? What did it have to be them ? Your mind couldn't stop questioning everything, every detail. It felt like you were about to explode, and you did, multiple times.
3 hours had passed since you got the news, leaving time for the sun to set and your boyfriends to get home. You were still in you kitchen, drenched in sweat and red from the all the crying, feeling like shit. It felt like you had lost touch with reality.
So when you heard your name, you didn't answer or move, because it didn't felt real. Until it did. It did when you met the bright red eyes of your boyfriend. " Y/n ? " he said, in a concerned voice. This time, hearing your name made you react, it made you move, it made you jump in your boyfriend's arms. " There there, I'm here baby, I'm here. " The thing is, you didn't notice which one of your boyfriend was talking to you. Not until you were in his arms. Not until you met with Kirishima's smell. He held you for maybe 20 minutes, but those twenty minutes helped you to come back to your senses.  " I'm sorry. I'm sorry. " you said, in a small and tired voice. " What ? Sweetie why are you apologizing ? " asked Kirishima. " I'm acting like a big baby. " you whispered. " Y/N look at me, you're not. You're reacting to something, that's not child-like, that's human-like. You don't have to apologize " " No but you have some explaining to do. " The sudden voice made you and kirishima jump. " Why the fuck are you both on the floor, and why is y/n crying ? " " I fond her like this when I got home, but she hasn't had the chance to tell me why she was crying like this. " Bakugo's face looked concerned, he didn't like seeing you like this, he never did. He hates seeing you cry. " well, let's change that. " replied Kirishima. He got up and took you in his strong arms. " Is this okay ? " he asked. You simply nodded, being too tired to say anything. " Kat? I'm going to run a bath for y/n, you go change and then you join us okay ? " " Yeah whatever "
After this interaction, kirishima ran you a bath and let you relax in it. Meanwhile Katsuki and him went to change, not wanting to spend their evening in their dirty hero costumes. Once you finished your bath, you met with your boyfriends in your living room, where they were waiting for you on the couch.
" Come here. " called Katsuki, indicating you to go sit on his lap. Which you did. " So, wanna tell us what's wrong? " asked kirishima in a calm voice . You took a deep breath, already feeling the tears forming. " So this morning, I got a phone call " talking about this was painfully hard. Your voice was shaky, your face felt hot and was red. " And, I learned about the death.." you took another deep breath, tears running softly on your cheeks " the death of my best friend. " And that was it, the last sentence you could say before breaking down again. You couldn't stop crying, you couldn't breath. It was way too much for you. You lost a part of yourself, and never got to say goodbye.
Seeing you in so much pain was also a lot for the boys. You're their world, and seeing you like this ? It broke them.
- - - - - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- -
Now it's been a week since your best friend died, and you're completely unable to do anything. You had to call off work and let them know about what happened, fortunately your boss was very understanding and told you to take your time. So you spend your days in bed, not getting up, barely eating or even showering.
Was being alive too hard ?
\\\ Saturday, 11 am \\\
Today, Kirishima and Bakugo didn't have work, not unless they were called for an emergency of course. Which meant that you had a day just for the three of you. Of course, the boys had the time to eat, work out, shower and get some groceries before you even woke up. With bakugo getting up at 6 every day, it's hard to keep up, I mean, you're barely awake before 12 pm and he has already done half of his to-do list. 
" Y/n !! We're home " kirishima called.
You were still in bed, you didn't even care that they were home, you just wanted peace. Your head was always heavy and was always hurting. You felt like complete shit. Plus it wasn't like you really had to live for anybody now. Your best friend was gone and you were still here, in your bed, being miserable. 
" Yo Y/n ! Can i come in ? " asked Bakugo. 
You just hummed in response. It's been days since you've made a complete sentence, talking was way too overwhelming.  Maybe it was overwhelming because you were scared of talking about it again, about their death. Maybe it would remind you about how you weren't there, how you didn't help. That's it, you're just scared, scared of yourself. 
" Hi. " Bakugo's voice was rough but sounded awake, " Are you plaining on getting up today or are you gonna stay here ? Eijiro wanted to go on a picnic date. "
" A date ? I can't even shower. "
" Oh wow, she talks ! "
" Babe ! Don't say it like that !! " insisted Kirishima, appearing out of nowhere. " It's okay if you don't want to darling. "
" ugh " you grunted, " I just which that I had the strength to do things!! I miss you guys.. " You mutter, tearing up.
" Princess, we're not mad at you, you know that. Right ? " said Bakugo, worried.
" And I don't think you having a hard time is uncommon. What you're going through is really tough, and you're handling it like a pro ! " exclaimed Kirishima.
" Im tired of being tired. I could be out the door, living my best life but here I am, in my bed, not doing anything. "
" Y/n, you lost your best friend a week ago, a WEEK. It's normal for you to feel down! You lost someone important, and that has an impact. "
" Some people don't give a shit, you do. That's good. " added Bakugo
" Am I annoying ? " you ask, tears rolling down on your pink cheek.
Kirishima looked at Bakugo, they were both very concerned. Kirishima walked to the bed and sat down next to you, bakugo did the same, on the other side. Bakugo wrapped his arms around you and kiri took both of your hands.
" Look, it's okay to not be okay. You're doing so so good! We're both so proud, we really are. We're not mad or bored, or even annoyed. We love you, and we're here. We're with you, and we will be forever, even if you're not feeling okay. "
" Yeah, red hair is right, just because you're feeling down, doesn't mean you're annoying. "
You sighed in relief, you were glad to have them, by your side.
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kevin-sedai · 2 years
Wheel of Time crew at the beach
Rand: Goes because he was convinced to by Min, Aviendha, and Elayne. Is wearing a bright red bathing suit that Moiraine gave him. Is the first to leave because he hates sand.
Egwene: Keeper of Sunscreen. Makes sure that everyone reapplys several times during the day. Is infuriated at Elayne because she keeps insisting that she doesn't need to wear any, even though she is clearly getting a sunburn.
Nynaeve: Brings a cooler full of water and snacks. Gets frustrated when people (Mat) asks her for drinks they know she didn't bring (whiskey). She lets out her frustration in a game of beach volleyball. Stops playing when she spikes the ball into another beach-goer's face.
Moghedien: Gets drilled in the face by a volleyball and has a bloody nose. Will get her revenge on Nynaeve one day though she kind of liked getting hit.
Elayne: Has Birgitte take pictures of her rolling around in waves and on the sand while pretending to laugh. Consults with Aviendha which is the best picture, and they decide Birgitte has to do them over, who is nowhere to be found. She isn't getting sunburn, and if she does, it'll tan. You'll see.
Aviendha: Has the best day at the beach. Took so many pictures, although they were all of the ocean. Except one of Elayne, which happens to be Aviendha's favorite.
Birgitte: Runs away when Elayne goes to look at the pictures with Aviendha. Spends the rest of the day with Mat.
Mat: Brought his own cooler that had alcohol. He and Birgitte spend most of the day together, though Elayne eventually finds them. Somehow, she's already drunk even though she didn't have anything to drink yet. Is being buried up to his neck in sand by Olver, who is lured away with the snacks Nynaeve has. No one goes to help him out because Nynaeve still has that volleyball.
Perrin: Looks forward to spending a nice day on the beach. Berelain is there, and by the Light her bathing suit is very revealing. Faile sees him glance at Berelain's general direction and yells at him before leaving him to spend time with Loial. All he was looking at was the dog someone else brought with them.
Loial: Spends all day under an umbrella writing about the day. The beach is fascinating to him, but he doesn't get why humans spend so much time there, given how hot it is.
Faile: Enjoys the time she spends with Loial after she got mad at Perrin. Is totally aware of the dog that Perrin was looking at but is on Amazon ordering a bathing suit similar to Berelain's.
Berelain: Takes as many selfies as she possibly can. Pretends her hat blows away in the wind and asks Galad to help her catch it. She just threw it.
Galad: Is glad to help Berelain get her hat back, though he's confused as to why she threw it at all. Tells Morgase that Elayne refused sunscreen which is why she's burnt to a crisp the next day.
Min: Happily reads under an umbrella she shares with Rand. Convinces him to put his feet in the water.
Tuon: Is either sitting in a chair that is on a towel or is on Selucia's shoulders. She will not set foot on sand; it is unseemly. Egwene accidentally brushes sand on her towel. It was just an accident, Tuon.
Lan: Is in a black t-shirt and black jeans. Doesn't try to help Mat out of the sand. He thinks it's funny that Nynaeve is keeping him there, though he hasn't smiled all day.
Thom: Drove everyone to the beach. Is playing music on his towel.
Moiraine: Bought everyone ice cream and didn't get a thank you from anyone except Thom and Egwene. Warns everyone that she saw jellyfish, but no one listens.
Gawyn: Goes to swim in the water and gets stung by a jellyfish. Egwene tells him he only has himself to blame, but he blames Rand for it. Rand left two hours before this even happens. Elayne says someone should just pee on him like in Friends.
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fruit-sy · 8 months
jjk s1 and s2 spoilers
caught up to the jjk anime this week and damn, hits hard
Animation is stellar, the characters are really fun, there's themes that really hit me hard and godamn the ending of jjk 0 actually made me cry, like tears were shed. I understood why my brother loved the movie lmao
but rn there's one man on my mind. Gojo fucking satoru
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Gojo Satoru is just, wow, what hasn't been said about him? He's certainly a showstopper alright, I know Itadori's the protagonist but my eyes were on Gojo the entire time, season 2 personally was even more exciting with that in mind.
I haven't really had the time to do a deep dive on him, but I do have some thoughts... First, yeah he's hot asf I'll give him that (those eyes of his are on my mind and they won't leave me alone, also props to the english dub for the absolutely feral lines)
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but the progression of him as a person is also really fun to see. I'm especially interested in him maturing from this arrogant and individualistic person at the beginning of season 2 to... well, still being that but also becoming a mentor to other people.
Like, that's such a huge step for me because contrary to what his pride tells him, he's come to realize he can't do it alone (I mean, he can at the moment but it's more realistic to try and personally raise these youth with potential so that they may bring about a powerful new generation)
The line about education really hit me and I kept thinking about it these last couple of days. He wants to bring change, but if he's the only one humanity has to rely on, he'll run himself ragged. And so, he takes the time and patience to grow these little seedlings, watch them get more powerful but also watch as they may fail along the journey. Even though he's become a teacher, he's not soft on them at all. It's a fact that if they're unable to keep up with him, they will get left behind. Whether that be in skill, or death.
Other than to raise more powerful sorcerers, I can't help but feel this also comes from a place of loneliness, because Geto left him.
I wonder, how much it will hurt to see his students fall? Because although they are improving at a fast rate, can they really keep up with The Gojo Satoru? Or will they against all odds, with his full support, be able to carry on when he's gone? Despite the uncertainty, he continues to teach.
Though the goal is daunting, seeing him wake up to his students and smiling brought such a warm feeling to my chest, it was so sweet.
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Also love how unhinged he can get, like characters who do the manic smile thing never ceases to make me giggle excitedly (Nobara and Fushiguro also knocked it out of the park in that aspect, extremely hyped when they went completely off the hinge and kicked ass).
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However, there's one scene that absolutely left me in awe. A beautiful mixture of music and imagery that sent shivers up my body every time I watch it. A scene in which he's shown being a mixture of unhinged, yet so at "peace". The juxtaposition is absolutely beautiful to see.
Fighting against toji, where he was high off his epiphany, he had an inner monologue so quiet, so relaxed and detached from how he usually is, coupled with the same piano tune that accompanied the scenes with him, Riko and Geto in the background. My breath was taken away, my eyes were glued to the screen in awe as the music crescendo-ed, and I couldn't help but think "he's beautiful" splattered in blood, bathed in sunlight and eyes glowing with the most vibrant blue.
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After the dust had settled, the three of them lost something that day. Riko lost her life, Gojo started to lose his best friend, and Geto started to lose his moral compass and ideals.
The piano music was called "一緒なら" or "If I am with you/together". I wonder why? Perhaps the first time, it was from Riko's POV, as she, Gojo, Geto and Kuroi were sightseeing for the very last time.
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The second time, although Gojo seemed detached from Riko's death, perhaps he genuinely cared for her, so much that he'd mourn in his own way.
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The arc started with Gojo carrying Riko in his arms
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The arc ended with Gojo holding Riko's dead body as the crowd celebrated her death.
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He started to lose it, even asking Geto if he should kill all of them. Funny how the tables have turned.
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queenquinzel715 · 1 year
Part 2 I know it's confusing but it is
I'm sorry it took so long, but I hope it was worth it
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Duke Demitri 18+
Wrd count 3,096
Sensitive reader warning
Part 3
Dimitri P.O.V
      It's been two days, and I haven't moved from my seat by her bed. I'm getting feral by the minute just looking at the linen wrapped around her neck. I can't believe she hasn't woken up yet. The maids have been helping her with liquids, and King Jule gave some help. She's just not waking up.
      I deeply sigh as I finally stand to pour a glass of blood from the heating pot. I hope she wakes up soon so I can get something fresh. The kingdom has multiple donors to help vampires. That's why I can't believe he would go after her.
     I growl as I drink my warmed blood. I look over at (y/n) as I set the glass down. Her chest looked like it was slowing down. I take a step closer, and I hear her heart skipping. I throw the chair I was sitting in out the way, it smashes against the wall. I grab her face softly.
"(Y/n)! (Y/n) please wake up!" I try moving her, trying to wake her.
"Demitri!" I hear behind me.
       I angrily push away the King as he tries to pull me away. I can't let her die like this I promised.
"Demitri, you have to change her now!" I hear King Jule yell from behind me.
"Love, I'm so sorry." I whisper against her forehead. "I hope you understand."
       I gently move her head to the side, growling as I untie her neck linen. I can't believe I'm doing this without her permission. I softly kiss her lips as I taste the venom coming from my extended fangs. I bite over her attack marks, hopefully it will cover the horrible thing that happened to her. I can't help but enjoy my mate's sweet, smooth blood. The more I drink and the more of my  venom she absorbs my body gets hit with the mate bond.
      I keep my hand cradling the back of her head as I finally pull back. Her once white sheets are now red. I lift my head to let out an earth shattering growl. I look down at my blood covered mate, and she looks so angelic. King Jule walks to my side with caution.
''Demitri let's wash her up while the maids change the bedding." He softly speaks to me.
      I pick (y/n) up in my arms as I follow behind him to her bathroom. He must have gotten it made. Jule leaves as I walk inside. Once I'm next to the tub I kneel, and start to take her gown off. I throw it into the fire next to us. Before I put her into the water I grab the rag from the small bucket that is next to the tub, and start to wipe off her blood. Once I finally got a good bit off I lower her into the tub. The water still turns a bit red. I lean her against my shoulder as I pour her bathing oil over her shoulders letting the scent of lavender to over take the room. I make sure to get every bit of blood off of her, but once I get to her face I have to stop to kiss her lips. My poor gorgeous mate, you will be so confused when you wake up. After I'm done I lift her up to wrap a soft linen around her. I lay her on her freshly made bed to dry her, and get her one of my button shirts she likes to wear while relaxing. She loves to tell me it's because the water is so hot she needs her body to breathe. I enjoy it for obvious reasons, it shows her body so much better than her dresses.
            Once I have her in her bed I change my shirt, but when I walk out of the closet I drop to my knees. I know she will wake up, but hearing your mate's heart stop is something that will always stay with you. See if she were to ask to be changed it would be easier. She'd be prepared, I would be prepared, and I was hoping to give her an amazing last day as a human. Now she has to be constantly reminded that she had no option but to change. Now she has to wake up scared, not excited about her new ability.
        I slowly get back into the new chair that is next to her bed. I will be right here for her when she wakes up, hopefully soon.
(Y/n) P.O.V
      Something felt different. I can't really explain it, but when I open my eyes I can actually see the dust particles moving in the air. I rub my hand over my face, but I stop at my mouth. What in the world? I snap up, rather quickly.
"(Y/n)." I hear next to me.
      I snap my head over to see Demitri sitting in a chair with a look filled with different emotions.
"Demitri what happened?" I can't feel my heartbeat. "I can't…"
"Love, I need you to just listen." He takes my hand, and it feels like my arm is covered in butterflies. "That is our mate bond you are feeling. It feels much stronger now, because while I was away you…" He sighs as my other hand goes to my neck. "I had to change you, because your heart was stopping. I.." he clears his throat. "I cleaned you up as the maids changed your bed. This happened last night." He looks to the floor instead of me. "I know you probably are upset you didn't get a chance to accept the idea of being changed…" He's stopped by my giggles. "You are laughing at this, why?" He was getting angry.
"Demitri…" I softly giggle as I try to stop. "I knew being a mate to a vampire that I was obviously going to be turned. Yes, I would've liked it to be my decision, but I can't leave you yet." I give him a smile.
       He just scoffs before pulling me to his lap, kissing me hard. I hold onto the back of his neck as his hands move along my side, and back. My throat starts to burn like I swallowed a fire ember. I pull back with a whine.
"My throat." I whine holding my throat.
"Alright time to teach you how to eat. Luckily for you you just have to go to the donor quarters." He lifts me up to stand, and wraps my robe around me.
       As we walk to the donor quarters Demitri explains that the donors are creatures and humans who gladly give their blood to the vampires. They get treated like royalty, without the politics, they get the glamor of it. We walk into the sitting area of donor quarters as many different creatures are walking around.
"Hi, would you like me to help you?" A petite satyr woman asks us.
"Yes please. (Y/n) is a newly made vampire, and she's hungry." Demitri smiles down at me.
"Oh (y/n) we've been waiting for you to arrive. We all were furious when we heard what happened. We don't appreciate force feeding." She gives me a reassuring smile. "I'll get you the list of who's in today. Now I don't know how much you know, but this list changes everyday." She hands me a scroll that has a list of names and what they are. "Mainly to make sure everyone is staying in top health, but some people just want to do their own thing." She giggles. "I would recommend a human so you know how it could vary to different creatures." She's so bubbly that I don't think she notices how fast she's talking.
"Also Love you don't have to bite only if you and your donor agree." Demitri says as he rubs my arms.
"Can you pick for me? I'm nervous." I timidly ask him.
"Of course, Love." He takes the paper from me.
"It'll get easier I promise." The satyr woman smiles at me.
      Demitri hands her the piece of paper back, and tells her a name that sounds like a woman's name. We followed the satyr woman down the hall to an area that had many different beings walking around and talking.
"She's around here somewhere. Oh there." She points to a woman who's sitting at a table with other women.
      She leaves as Demitri and I walk up to the table. The women look up to us with a smile.
"Excuse us ladies, but we need to talk to Charlotte for a moment." Demitri confidently talks to them.
"Yes Sir Demitri." They say as they get up from the table.
"What can I do for you?" Charlotte asks, looking between Demitri and I.
"(Y/n) is needing to be fed, and we saw your name on the donor list." He tells her.
"Oh okay. I'd love to help you." She smiles at me.
"Thank you. I really appreciate it." I nervously smile at her.
"Love, are you comfortable biting?" Demitri asks, I shake my head no. "Then we'll drain." He looks at Charlotte.
"No problem. Let's get you a cup, and me a softer chair."
       We laugh with her as we get up, and walk to her feeding room. As we walk they teach me how things work in the quarters. There are two fae healers for the donor quarters mainly for the donors that drain instead of getting bitten. They use their power to immediately close the wound so the donor doesn't get hurt. Also every donor gets a room that is their own, and with the money they are given for being a donor they can do as they wish with the area. Charlotte has a bright area with yellow bedding, yellow curtains, and white furniture. It is quite welcoming.
"It looks like heaven in here." I joke as we sit on her couch as Demitri gets my glass, and the knife that is needed.
"I know I love the color yellow, and it goes so well with white." Charlotte giggles. "I'm gonna get some purple fabric to get more color."
      We get to talking about different ways she can use the fabric while Demitri gets one of the fae healers. Arlad gave me a quick hello before giving Charlotte her numbing herbs. They help numb her body long enough so she doesn't feel the cut. Demitri looked to Arlad for confirmation he could cut. I watched Charlotte's head lean back against her chair as Demitri cut her arm, and drained her blood into the glass. As it fills the large glass my mouth becomes painful. I whine as I grab my mouth.
"Here, Love." Demitri hands me the glass as Arlad grabs Charlotte's arm. "Your fangs come out when you are about to feed it hurts the first couple times." He tells me as I drink down the glass.
         As I'm halfway done Charlotte is sitting up like nothing has happened. She gives me a smile as she grabs the bowl of fruit on the table. I sit the glass down with a deep sigh.
"Thank you." I tell her as I wipe my mouth with the handkerchief Demitri gave me.
"It's not a problem. If you want I can be your own personal donor until you get the hang of things." She offers.
"Are you sure?"
"Love, it's an honor to be a personal donor for a while, and it will help while you try to understand feeding." Demitri informs me.
"That'd be great Charlotte." I answer her, making her squeal excitedly.
        As Demitri and I leave I get excited about everything else I get to do. I can hear just about anything, which I already learned is not as exciting as you might think. I walk into my chambers talking about the different thinking I could do, and according to him how much more gorgeous I am now.
"Are you saying I was ugly before I was changed, Demitri?" I joke, but I try to be serious.
"Of course not, Love. Your skin is just much clearer like you're an actual doll." He softly holds my face in his hands.
          He looks at me like I'll disappear any second now. I then think of something that makes me angry at myself for just now thinking about it.
"Demitri? Are you okay?" I ask him, making him confused. "I mean with the whole changing me so soon." I put my hand over one of his.
"I can honestly tell you I wasn't ready for it, but I'll gladly do it again. I can't lose you completely. Yes your heart stopped, but you are here." He goes to keep talking, but I interrupt him.
"You heard my… oh Demitri." I tightly hug him.
"Love, everything became okay once your eyes opened." He kisses the top of my head as he rubs along my back.
       I relax against him as he rubs harder, and somehow is able to hold me to his chest. I grip his bicep as I let out a soft moan. He kisses my forehead, making me look up at him with a loving smile. He bends down to kiss me sweetly, but I grab the back of his neck to hold him. He groans into the kiss making it deeper as his hands move to the knott of my robe. My hand moves to his hair as he moves into my robe to my back. His hands send that prickly feeling along my back.
"Demitri." I moan against his lips.
"I know, Love." He says against my lips.
       His hands grip my waist as he lifts me up, my legs go around his waist as one of his hands goes under me as he carries me. I throw my robe in the room somewhere as we turn to the bed. I feel the softness of the bed hit my back letting Demitri lean over me. He reluctantly pulls back from kissing me to pull open the shirt I was wearing. I gasp at his strength, and from him kissing along my chest to my breast. He grabs one, playing with my nipple, and he lightly kisses my other nipple. His beard adds more to the sensation. It makes me actually moan out. I grip his hair in the back of his head. He begins to kiss down my stomach, to my mound he then kneels. My hips lift some when he lifts my thighs to his shoulders. When he starts to kiss around my thighs my body just relaxes to him, but he does something new.
"DEMITRI!" I scream out in pleasure from him biting my thigh.
      My body deeply arches, my head falls back letting my mouth open wide. He holds my hip down as he licks the blood off my legs to my opening. I just grip the blanket, ripping it, as he just moves his tongue as moves around, and as deep as he can get it. He starts growling like he's a starved animal. I can't control my moans as he takes every bit of me with his mouth. He finally let my thighs rest, so he could stand.
"I forgot one last thing." He starts unbuttoning his pants. "Now that you are changed we are fully mated, and…" He takes his shirt off letting it fall next to the bed. "We can finally do something you've been questioning me about." His hands slide up my sides to let the torn shirt fall off as he moves us up to the pillows.
       I let my hands feel along his body as he kisses mine, and kicks his pants off. I then figure it out.
"You mean?" I gasp.
"Yes." He gives me a quick kiss. "We can start that family." With that he slowly slides into me, my knees lock on his waist, and making mouth fall open with a silent gasp,
"Oh Demitri." My eyes close as I quietly moan.
"I swear I'll protect you all." He slowly moves his hands along my thigh to my hip as he slowly moves out to softly ram into me.
      I, finally, let sound out in the form of a big moan as I let his words take my mind over in a permanent oath. I needed him to be there. My body feels like it's going to explode. He is moving so fast, I can feel his fingers dig into my hips as he gently lifts me, and moves me with his thrusts.
"Love, I…" He groans out.
        My hips move on their own as he holds my hips, and I can't stop grinding against him. He let me do what I needed, but he stopped me by just ramming away. All I could do was grip the blanket, making it rip again, and rest my hand on his thigh.
"I will be filling you everyday until I give you your family, but you will beg me to stop." He leans back over me, caging me with his arms.
"Please Demitri." I moan before I grab his face to kiss him deeply.
        He growls as he starts hitting that spot deep inside. I call it his spot, because he only hits it when he's close to finishing. I just lock my ankles together as his thrusts start to lose rhythm, but with how fast he's going my stomach tightens. His arms go around me like he is holding me. Mine go around his shoulders with a hand holding onto his hair. We both moan loud as we finish together in the best, hardest orgasim I myself have ever had. He flips us to have me laying on top of him. He plays with the ends of my hair as we rest together.
      After a couple weeks with the help of Charlotte and Demitri I got the hang of my hunger. Charlotte became a close friend as well as a donor. She moved with me when I moved to Demitri's territory. I did keep her as my personal donor for her request and for emergencies when we learned I was with child. I had to get a fae donor, and another human donor because I was getting too hungry really quickly. Everyone has been so friendly, or helpful. I can't believe just a year ago I was locked in a dungeon, and I'm now a Duchess.
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doom-dreaming · 8 months
I stayed up too late last night thinking thoughts about this AU and turning the dialogue I'd written into an actual scene, so here you go.
********** "So…the illustrious Blue Team," Roland chuckles. "The brass must've liked what they saw on my CSV."
"Must've," the Chief echoes back.
Her eyes are still scouring him and he rocks back on his heels in the beat of silence that follows, searching for something else to say. "Class II, huh? Been in this outfit for a while."
She nods. "And you're a fresh one. Hot off the assembly line."
There's a hint of…something in her voice, but Roland can't pinpoint it. He takes his chances. "...feel like clarifying that, ma'am?"
Her eyes finally break from his and she turns back to the storage locker. "There are a lot more Spartans these days than there used to be. That's all."
The lull in conversation stretches just long enough to get awkward before she speaks again. "Have you ever been paired with an AI, Roland?"
"No, ma'am. Should I have been?"
"Not necessarily." She removes her helmet from the locker and turns to face him, once more staring him down with those eyes that were just a little too blue. "But you will be. A personal AI is one of Blue Team's many perks."
Roland swears he can see a ghost of a smile pulling at her lips. He whistles. "Prestigious."
"And expensive, so take it seriously. I'm not sure who you'll be paired with, but I've been working with mine," she slips an armored housing chip out of the back of her helmet, "for a while now."
Roland tries to keep his expression neutral, but the thought of having someone else, something else riding shotgun all the time… "And it's…" What was the word he was looking for? "...you like it?"
She answers with another brisk nod that leaves no room for misinterpretation. "He knows me better than anyone else. We're seamless together." She must've caught the look that crossed Roland's face against his best efforts, because hers softens. Barely. "I can introduce you, if you're curious."
Roland shrugs.
Taking that as enough of an answer, Cortana holds the chip out in her palm.
Less than a second passes before the two of them are bathed in a warm green glow. A small hologram of a human man hovers just a hair above the chip. He's wearing simple fatigues and boots, but his jacket is open to a tank top underneath. He's objectively handsome, Roland supposes, taking in the short-cropped hair, the strong features, the sharp, serious eyes. He even catches some freckles on the hologram's cheekbones.
Roland had seen a few Smart AIs in his time, not many, but the practical mundanity of this one catches him slightly off-guard. They could choose to look like anything and this one had chosen that? Nothing with a little more flair, a little more whimsy?
"Roland, meet John. John, Roland."
"...the new recruit?" The AI's voice is low and husky and he's not addressing Roland but he also hasn't stopped looking at Roland since he appeared. And Roland, caught under the scrutiny of two pairs of very intense eyes, is beginning to understand why this AI paired so well with the Chief. "He's young."
Cortana makes a noise in the back of her throat. "I didn't pick him. Apparently his service record speaks for itself, and I get the feeling he's more than capable of speaking enough for himself and everyone else."
The AI—John—snorts.
"...I'm right here," Roland mutters. But even through the prickling annoyance of being talked around rather than to, he can't help but realize that was the most he'd heard the Chief say since he'd met her.
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wiredaughter · 8 months
@tropetember #22: canon rewrite/everyone lives
Missed You
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supernatural ☆ adam milligan/michael ☆ ao3 ☆ fixit ☆ temporary presumption of a character death im sorry(? ☆ light angst
Adam liked the rain. He'd seen his memories, walking home after school in the drizzle, going out to the yard in a downpour, falling asleep to it on stormy nights. Now, Adam's gone, and it's just him getting rained on. He still does it, figures it's the least he can do now.
He doesn't really know what else to do, let alone how is he alive at all. Without Adam. He's got a working understanding of the new world order, where a nephilim has assumed control of heaven, but can't resolve the reason he's alive in this body, without its rightful owner. He tried to bring him back as soon as he was aware of him missing. And that was, truly, the first thing he registered before even parsing out his own return to life. Then he realised he wasn't able to raise the dead anymore. Being cut off from heaven was a new experience for him, but going back was out of the question. Heaven had taken so much from both him and Adam, there was no way.
So now, he lives like he thinks Adam would like to. He goes out for a walk when it rains, then makes sure to take a hot shower afterwards. A bath, if the hotel he's crashing has a bathtub. He still can't get sick, really, but it feels like taking care of his vessel. He sings up for a correspondence course with Adam's old email, gets a job in the post office. This seems adequate, being that he was a messenger of the divine, but it doesn't last. He leaves mid-shift on his second week, snaps away when he sees one of his coworkers mouthshrug just like Adam used to when he was unsure of something. Leaves town, zaps into a suite on the other side of the country. Everyone around him is alive, fragile like a human and yet alive.
He opts to apply for jobs online, but he can't bring himself to care. He sends a couple applications but forgets to follow up on them, and his course emails continue to clutter his inbox, unread. He changes towns again, stays close to the East Coast, knowing Adam had visited Maine on holiday a couple of times with his mother. It's not the same, it's not enough. It does nothing to quell the feeling of being dead where it matters. He finds himself praying one night, seeking revelation, and all he hears is a call to come home. Heaven keeps to itself. Right. The way he openly dissents is also new, but he cannot be arsed. It was heaven's machinations that got Adam killed, going back is out of he question.
He's alone with his grief, that much is evident. He'll need to work this out on his own, both for his sake and for his vessel. He settles down on Kittery, and actually gets a lease this time. He walks the beaches for nights on end, doesn't bother getting a job but starts volunteering at a local shelter. He thinks Adam would like that, and it doesn't require him to work close to anyone. There's a dinner two blocks away, and he eats there when he remembers to.
On Saturdays, he's supposed to man the counter for a couple of hours. He used to dread it, but has since started appreciating humans in a distant way. The man who walks in with his headphones playing loud enough for him to recognise the song as one Adam liked, the overexcited girl who's eyes are just the right shade of blue- the way they make the human's absence hurt in his chest hasn't changed, but it's not entirely unwelcome. He's not running from the memory, he reminds himself this Saturday as he walks to the building under a light drizzle bundled in an anorak in a shade of ochre he thinks would have looked good on Adam. It looked good in the mirror, and he'd forgone stopping for breakfast for an extra thirty minutes of staring into the eyes he loved as Adam's. It's a slow day, which lets him sit back after taking the mats out of the drier. He's focused on his book, a sequel from a saga Adam liked but was still unfinished when he went to hell, when he hears the door open.
'Welcome to Big Paws rescue...'
'You! Me? What...'
It's the voice more than the words that get him to look up from the pages at- 'Adam?'
He's on his feet before he realises, putting the desk behind him and stopping to take in his figure. He'd recognise his soul no matter what, but he's changed. He takes it all in in an instant, dyed black hair longer now, the glasses, the eyes that are unmistakably Adam. The human is frozen in place, but reaches out as Michael advances towards him. Any doubts he might have held disappear when his hand meets the archangel's. He's stumbling forward and holding him tight like he's trying to melt into him and Michael feels more than sees the lights flickering above them and he can't hear the dogs barking because it just now hits him the human's not even wearing the same aftershave he did last time they met. His power is pouring out of him like it hasn't since he came back, and even as the human huffs his awe into his shoulder he hears his thoughts rushing in, and how he's missed that. How are you alive? and You look just like I did, what are you doing here, were you really reading that? and I've missed you. Missed you so much. The door opens brusquely, the weekend manager stumbling into the room looking troubled.
'I've called an electrician!' He pants. 'Adam?'
They both turn at that, not breaking apart, to see him sigh between bewildered and relieved as the lights stop flashing on and off. They can hear distant car alarms and Adam nudges him discreetly to get him to turn them off. The older man looks between them until Michael steps back, his wrist still in Adam's firm grip. The manager throws a look around. 'I'm going to keep an eye out for any storm warning too.'
Michael clears is throat. 'Sure, I'll do the same.' He turns to Adam. 'This is Elijah, he's the manager. Elijah, this is my boyfriend-'
He tenses imperceptibly as soon as he says it. They never really talked about their relationship, never had a reason to. Adam, however, seems undeterred. 'Fiancee, actually.' He extends his free hand to shake Elijah and has the nerve to wink at Michael. 'I'm Michael.'
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hallasimss · 1 year
👃 : Does your OC smell good? Do they have a signature scent?
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this took me practically all day bc i am,,,,, slow af when it actually comes to putting thoughts on paper but. three different questions, three different OCs!!! we'll do Jalal, Nithya and Zuhr for this since i have been dying to talk about them <333
👃 : Does your OC smell good? Do they have a signature scent?
God. so this is entirely my fault and is all based on that time i walked through a local market and was literally glued to the stall that was selling little imported bottles of oud attar (which i did not buy bc they were too expensive *sobs*) but uh. if you had to ask me that is more or less exactly what Jalal smells like. very warm, very earthy, woody (other than the oud, ofc, sandalwood if you squint)—there's some floral there as well, jasmine and rose, the afterthought of dampness after a wash. (think of dirt after a light rain, not a complete soaking, but just enough that you can smell the petrichor. the best reference i can give that is hopefully close enough irl is this mitti attar, which i have resolved to save up to buy one day bc i will f*ck around to have the scent of rain in a bottle tyvm) if you're around him at the end of a long day (and he hasn't bathed yet) he smells faintly of smoke and spices, saffron maybe? anyway the point is he smells f*cking good and the threat of me biting him is real
💦 : Is your OC’s attractiveness based on looks or a more intangible aura?
the aura, hands down. Nithya is an absolutely f*cking gorgeous human being (i mean look at her) but i think the real appeal comes from the way she carries herself. she's been through a lot to get to where she is and still struggles with her mental health, so one of the most important things that she's done is work on her confidence—despite being soft spoken you can almost sense when she enters a room, now, that's how much the entire atmosphere changes.
💌 : How would they plan a romantic evening for a significant other?
both Zuhr and her fiancé prefer a quiet evening in rather than going out and being mobbed by the press—after all there isn't much of a way to get around without being seen when one of you (In-tae *cough*) is a world famous actor and the other is the literal leader of a GCC nation, so depending on their schedule she'll usually plan to have dinner together (rock paper scissors decides who cooks, if they cook at all) and watch a movie afterwards. (what movie that is hinges on whether Zuhr is in the mood to dig up one of In-tae's older releases and watch him squirm throughout the entire thing as he severely judges his past acting skills, sksksksk) it's more everyday domesticity than anything else, but considering the fact that they rarely see each other except for when one of them is visiting for whatever, i am going to give in and say it is the little things that count.
send me piping hot oc asks!
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arcxnumvitae · 1 year
P E A C H (Iomhar)
@lunarxdaydream || Sexy ABCs
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P ─ Public. Have they ever done it in public ?  Were they caught ?  Do they have a favourite public place to do it ?
Hoo boy, has he. Iomhar loves public sex, and the riskier, the better. Rather than whatever reaction it elicits in him (because there is no worry about him being caught) what makes it enjoyable for him is when his partner is the one worrying about getting caught. Their reactions, their slight panic, the way it turns them on regardless, he just soaks alllll of that in.
Sometimes he's engaged in things in a public place intentionally, and others it just occurred by happenstance. Considering how much he has sex and how many years he's been around, getting caught a time or two is pretty inevitable. Sometimes it ended with one or more party getting flustered (never him though) and the third person excusing themselves. Other times it's actually ended up with the newcomer joining things. Truly, to live a day in the life of Iomhar's wacky hijinks.
Maybe it's the fae in him but he likes doing it in nature, even if the danger isn't as present as more populated places. I don't know, he just thinks that the backdrop of the greenery and trees accentuates the beauty of the person he's with, triply so if it's in Seelie. Barring that, nothing like a good old fashioned nearby alleyway or bathroom if he's feeling especially impatient.
E ─ Experimenting. Are they willing to experiment new things ?  Is there something they’d like to try with their partner, but haven’t had the chance yet ?  Any experiments gone wrong ?
I've joked before and I've joked again, what isn't he willing to try? Iomhar mainly derives his pleasure from how good his partner is feeling, so if they want to try something that would really get him going, barring a few absolute no's, Iomhar's likely going to find it hot in the way it makes them react. At this point there is absolutely nothing he's been curious about that he hasn't managed to try out hahaha.
And of course things have gone wrong, be it someone moving past an established boundary or they themselves realizing the thing they were trying out wasn't working for them like they would have thought. Barring any actual malice or ill intent on the part of another though, Iomhar had always been pretty good with chalking the experiment as a no and moving on to the next thing.
A ─ After care. Do they take care of each other after sex ? How ?
Also another thing where whatever his partner wants, he'll provide. Iomhar himself has no particular needs when sleeping with casual flings. If they want to cuddle, he'll cuddle. They want a bath or a shower, he's up to run the water. They rather he head on out while they clean themselves up, sure he's already gone. He's the chameleon of sex I guess.
C ─ Condoms. Do they use them ?  Do they have a preference ( color, flavour, etc… ) ? Have they ever had an accident ?  Would they continue anyway, if they’ve forgotten/run out of them ?
Oh absolutely. Nothing panics Iomhar more than the thought of a surprise kid for reasons that are too detailed and slightly heavy to get into during this casual headcanon meme response. He always insists on using protection, and so to that end when he's with someone who could get pregnant then unprotected sex is not happening. There have been a few whoopsie moments, but thankfully, helped probably a huge part in his fae genes, nothing ever came from them.
As for different types of condoms, he find the variety a hilarious human innovation. It's just so funny to him, they made one taste like artificial strawberries! Just for the fun of it, he likes trying out different kinds if he ever comes across a new one.
H ─ Humour. Are they the kind to share a laugh during sex ?  Has something funny already happened to them ( breaking the bed, one of them falling off the couch, funny noises, etc… ) ?
Answered here!
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