#guess there’s no running from you lot no matter where I went smh
cherriiramen · 8 months
Shipping Thor and Loki does, in fact, make you an incestuous creep, because they're SIBLINGS. Not a headcanon, they are ACTUAL SIBLINGS
Are they? Because last time I remembered, Loki is not even blood related to Thor and is in fact a Frost Giant born from Laufey. (And yes it hasn’t been long since I watched the Thor 2011 so I know I’m not going crazy.)
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makeste · 3 years
BnHA 326: What’s up Kids, It’s Me, Your Old Pal Stain
Previously on BnHA: Ochako shamed the U.A. Clown Mob into letting Deku go back inside his own fucking school by giving them an hour-long speech about how not to be humongous dickheads. Kouta and Gigantic Fox Lady saved the manga by being the only ones brave enough to give Deku a hug. Shouto was all “man, all this togetherness sure does remind me of that promise you made that we would handle Touya together which you immediately bailed on, doesn’t it, Dad.” Aizawa was all, “for the one and a half people out there who thought that my losing an eye and a leg might actually make me less sexy, I’m very happy to prove you wrong.” All Might was all, “[standing outside the U.A. fortress alone in the rain talking to someone or something??].” Like seriously, what was up with that though.
Today on BnHA: All Might is all “here I am in Kamino having a belated mid-life crisis because Deku abandoned me and I’m a terrible mentor and everything sucks and I hate myself.” Stain is all, “don’t make me come over there and give you a ten page speech about why you’re still the goat while menacingly holding you at swordpoint the entire time” because idk if you knew this guys, but Stain is pretty crazy actually. Anyway so he does that, and then All Might gets all emotional, and then the lady from chapter 92 shows up and gives All Might’s statue an encouraging pep talk, and then Horikoshi is all “and it even stopped raining lol can you believe this shit I’m not even a little bit subtle,” and he really isn’t. But I still got emotional anyway, because seeing people reassure All Might that everything he’s struggled for his entire life hasn’t been in vain just got to me okay. Horikoshi knows I am weak to the All Might feels and he just goes for the jugular every time, that bastard.
lmao. “in the neverending downpour, All Might is...” yeah, thank you, glad we’re getting right to that then
“All Might is driving 95 mph in his busted ass car in the pouring rain, is what he’s doing.” huh
so basically a day or two after his adopted child refused to accept the handmade bento that he packed with love, my man is out here acting like he’s got nothing to live for anymore. this sure bodes well for certain prophecies on which the clock is still ominously ticking down
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his fucking face though omg. is it weird that I’m kind of hoping more people ambush him just because I think it’d be funny to see them get their asses kicked like the last bunch
(ETA: or maybe he will just stand there openly not giving a fuck and basically daring them to stab him!! get it together please All Might.)
side note, “anti-hero supporters” is such a strange way of saying “people who hate heroes”, which I’m assuming is what they actually wanted to say?? this makes it sound like it’s a group that really loves antiheroes. “these Hannibal stans have been a real menace lately. time to go deal with them”
ha ha ha, fucking ouch
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are you really gonna do it Horikoshi you bastard. are you really going to let that be the final encounter between the two characters whose relationship you once described as the vertical axis of the entire fucking story. are you really gonna?? huh??
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you’re telling me you were driving 112 mph and you still didn’t get there in time. you’re losing your touch old man. lol Todo’s ice is almost fully melted already, how late were you
(ETA: so apparently this is taking place after the end of chapter 325, meaning he went to U.A., hung out for a bit, saw the kids come back with his bedraggled half-dead protégé in tow, watched as they shamed the civilians into some long-overdue character development, and then was all “welp, time to go argue with the hero-hating faction or something because I’m feeling useless.” and Edge just let him go, just like that. though to be fair I have to imagine it’s pretty hard to say no to All Fucking Might.)
also belated lol at the fact that the kids were all “yeahhhhhhh we are definitely not gonna touch that thing, let’s just leave it here, he doesn’t need it anyway.” probably the right call to make since they couldn’t get a hazmat team on such short notice
fuck. ha ha ha fucking ouch part two
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All Might please put that thing down before you get gangrene. also yeah, you dropped the ball, good for you to acknowledge it. nobody’s perfect and you did your best. but yeah you could have handled a lot of things completely differently. but I still love you
is Horikoshi really putting this flashback here. are you serious. what kind of fucking sadist
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look, I swear I’m not one of those people that runs up and down the street shouting “DEATH FLAG!!” at every third panel lol. but this shit screamed Death Flag when we originally got it, and it’s screaming DEATH FLAG!!! even more now. like with the capital letters and exclamation marks and all. and that’s just a fact. I don’t like it but that’s how it is
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“DID YOU READ THE SIGN??!” Horikoshi asks while zooming in maniacally because he thinks we’re blind or something. lol what
-- though actually, it only just occurred to me that this sign is actually written in English. I never really paid attention up until now and had been assuming it was written in Japanese and translated by the scanlators, but the writing here is clearly part of the original image. anyway so maybe that’s why he’s zooming in?? just to make sure everybody pays attention lol
okay fuck this
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see, this is the whole problem right here. once again All Might is all on his own. Deku’s self-destructive angst spiral was fortunately brought to a grinding halt because he actually has support from his friends and family and teachers and classmates. but All Might never had that same kind of support, and it’s made all the difference between the two of them, and not in a good way. Katsuki wasn’t wrong when he said All Might and Deku were both cut from the same cloth. but now when it’s All Might’s turn to go all “I WALK A LONELY ROAD~~” once again, there’s nobody in sight
just, after forty plus years of him carrying this torch, I just wish someone would finally come along to let him know he doesn’t have to. all those things that he wanted to say to Deku are also things that he needs and deserves to hear himself. Aizawa was making a little progress there, but now he’s got his sad zombie cloud boyfriend situation to deal with, and we can’t expect him and his perfect hair to solve all our problems. someone else has gotta step up
oh my god
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“you rang?” never mind I take it all back sob
omg why am I laughing. shit
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this man truly has the best PR game in the series. we were truly convinced he was gonna suddenly become a good guy and defend All Might against the other villains or some nonsense. as if this wasn’t the same man who decided on a whim that Iida Tensei deserved to be paralyzed, and that his fifteen-year-old brother deserved to die for daring to be upset about it
lol even All Might is all “I genuinely never saw this coming” lmao
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just want to say, for the record, I have always harbored a very sensible hatred toward Stain. feeling very vindicated right now. good job Past Me
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ffffwefjslkg. ghsdlkg. dsfkkkslkjldwkjrg
STAIN: heard you talking shit old man
ME: smh that’s what I thought you’d say you dumb fucking Stain
STAIN: how dare you talk about All Might that way
ME: gljfljgk
(ETA: in hindsight I have no idea how I didn’t clue in sooner that he didn’t recognize him -- or, well, ~didn’t recognize~ him, to be more accurate lol. I think it was the whole “is that a slight against the heroes?” thing that threw me. Viz’s translation makes it much clearer that he’s offended on behalf of All Might specifically, not heroes in general. anyways.)
sob. so All Might is all “yeah I don’t blame you for not recognizing me in this sweet leather jacket”
good thing he still knows how to do this party trick
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A+ reflexes on Stain’s part presumably pulling the sword back a few inches to keep this dumbass from impaling himself with his whole pufferfish routine. can you imagine if that was the gruesome death Nighteye foresaw. and he was just too embarrassed to say anything
lol anyways guess I was wrong about Stain everyone
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way to fucking go, Past Me. you really biffed this one
oh wait
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Stain sure is one wacky rollercoaster ride
oh fuck me lol I forgot how much I did not miss this
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(ETA: “this here is the sacred ground where All Might gave up the last of his power and turned into a shriveled old man!! please ignore the part where I admit to knowing all about that, and yet pretend not to recognize said man when he’s standing two feet in front of me.”)
Past Me, I know we’ve had our ups and downs these past ninety seconds, but I’m really starting to think you were on to something. this dude has always been kind of insufferable. always acting like his high horse is a fucking giraffe when it’s actually a Shetland pony
dammit now he’s got All Might going off on a depressed monologue
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oh my god my heart
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why the fuck does that hit so hard. he became a hero because he couldn’t bear to just sit back and let bad things happen to people who didn’t deserve it. I mean that’s basically the same as every hero ever, right? so why does it still hit so fucking hard every single time though. what is it about seeing someone so determined to stand up for other people and fight on their behalf. it just never loses its impact no matter how many times I see that determination mirrored in so many of my favorite characters
“I wanted to make the world a better place.” omg. but you did, though. like seriously, I feel like people are always dogging on him for not being 100% perfect, and fandom really doesn’t give him enough credit for everything he still managed to accomplish. this man came of age at a time when Japan was by all accounts a total shitshow, and singlehandedly managed to bring about an era of peace that lasted for four fucking decades. can you imagine having peace for that long?? that’s longer than I’ve been alive. shit
and he gave people hope. he inspired them and protected them and made them feel safe. and no, he couldn’t save everyone, because he’s only one fucking dude (and also because the whole time AFO was also out there desperately working to undermine him so that he could keep preaching his narrative of “heroes are bad actually”). but you know what he did do, is inspire multiple new generations of heroes who, if they can all manage to work together, will finally be able to accomplish everything he never could
so yeah. forty years of peace, and inspired the “that’s how we all became the greatest heroes” generation -- that’s a fucking win in my book. talk about having a net positive impact on the world. lol anyways now I’m all fired up and ready to fight anyone who tries to talk any shit about you, All Might
“but what if I talk shit about myself” okay listen up All Might I’m gonna need you to try just a little bit harder to work with me here okay. please calm down and stop blaming yourself for every single bad thing that’s ever happened in the world. do you remember that time Bakugou was blaming himself for Kamino, and you gave him a hug and told him it wasn’t his fault, and that he was only a boy, and that even though he was strong, even strong people can struggle with the burdens they place on themselves, and that you were sorry for not seeing that earlier? do you remember all of that? that’s what I want someone to tell you too, dammit. anyway please stop breaking my heart please and thanks
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are you dead All Might
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I don’t even have the slightest idea what’s happening lol
oh snap did he grab him so they could hide??
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hold the fucking phone. don’t tell me this person in the background with the umbrella is here to actually do something decent??
oh my godddd
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and here come the feels. oh boy. okay don’t mind me, I’m just gonna sit here sobbing over this fictional lady and her simple act of kindness in this weekly shounen manga that I care about way too much
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holy shit. I was not even remotely prepared. you can’t just do that to me. you can’t just leave all these death flags on my lawn and then suddenly shift gears to show me the best of humanity in a chapter where I was expecting the worst. that fucks a person up lol
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my heart. you see that, All Might. your legacy is so much more powerful and meaningful than you think
...has. has Stain actually been giving All Might a pep talk this entire time
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I give up lol. this dude is a fucking enigma
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it may just be a metaphor panel, but I’ll take it lol. I missed them. nice to see the traffic light trio front and off-center. I know the whole “this is the story of how we all became the greatest heroes” thing had left some questioning whether certain characters would continue to play a central role in the narrative, and hopefully this will help to ease those concerns just a bit
anyway, so idk if it’s getting a bit chilly down there in hell, but damned if Stain didn’t just give an actual decent fucking speech
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I have to say, earlier when I was whining about All Might not having a support squad, I really was not expecting Stain to be the one to come over and pat his head and reassure him that he made the world a better place
-- okay LISTEN
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holy fucking shit
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“I’m just gonna pretend like I haven’t been stalking him for two days and didn’t see the entire Deku bentogate thing go down, and then I’ll give him the whole big speech that I rehearsed, and then I’ll turn around and be all ‘BUT IF YOU’RE A TRUE HERO’, and then I’ll toss him the super-secret AFO wifi password that I stole from Tartarus. god I’m such a badass. fucking give myself chills”
so basically what you’re telling me is that this whole time my “what’s up kids” characterization of Stain from this shitpost has actually been 100% accurate. just want to make sure I’m understanding this right. okay then
“and then I’ll dramatically spin around and be all NOW COME KILL ME BITCH”
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it must be so much fun to write Stain. drawing this coked-out maniac who talks like a chatbot that was trained to speak by reading Alan Moore monologues. that must be a trip
anyway so All Might is still crying, the awesome lady from chapter 92 is admiring her handiwork totally oblivious to the batshit insanity going on fifty meters to her right, and it’s finally stopped raining lol
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“THE RAIN WAS A METAPHOR YOU SEE” yes, yes, we got it lol. thanks for that Horikoshi. don’t think we needed any help putting the pieces together on that one but I appreciate the effort
so that’s the end! and as I mentioned in another post, I had the count off by one chapter, but next week should be cliffhanger week! so break out your U.A. Traitor bingo cards, friends and fiends. either that or something else happens that I’m completely not expecting at all. which, based on my success rate with Stain predictions, I’d say is more than likely lol
mmm but anyway, so now that the Hug Deku 2021 campaign has finally come to an end, what’s it gonna take to get a hug for my struggling bento-preparing jacket-rocking world-weary death-flag-waving husband who is the worthiest man to ever live and deserves the fucking world, goddammit
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gaybarbiegirl · 3 years
My Top 5 Gay Barbie ships
As an avid Barbie fan and a lesbian, I feel like it was only a matter of time until I made this. I think we can all agree that the Barbie movies blessed us with some of the best lesbian relationships gal pals of our childhoods, and I guess this is just my way of paying homage to my favorites. A little disclaimer, this is all just my opinion, so I'm sorry if your favorite ship isn't here.
5. Kristyn and Hailey - Barbie and the Pink Shoes
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Starting out with a painfully underrated ship from a painfully underrated movie, we've got Kristyn and Hailey. In my opinion, Barbie and the Pink Shoes is the funniest Barbie movie, and these two are a big part of the reason why. They bounce off of each other really well, they have a great and believable daydreamer/down to earth dynamic, and their relationship is really sweet. I mean, it's hard to watch two people navigating an unknwon world together with no one to count on but each other and not end up shipping them. Plus, the scene where Hailey gets captured by the snow queen and Kristyn runs crying through the frozen road always breaks my heart.
4. Mariposa and Catania - Barbie Mariposa and the fairy princess
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I'm gonna be honest, the way the pairings went in the Mariposa franchise actually makes me kinda bitter. And that's because they had these two characters who I think are perfect for each other, but they totally disregard their relationship for the sake of pairing Mariposa with Prince Carlos (who is honestly just a male version of her).
I mean, seriously - Mariposa and Catania have this Romeo and Juliet type of story, being from rival fairy kingdoms and all, and it would definetely have ended in romance if this was a het ship. Catania is the only one who's kind to Mariposa from the start, she bothers to learn about her culture and to make her feel welcome in her kingdom, and she trusts her blindly even when everyone around her tells her she shouldn't. In return, Mariposa listens to Catania about her struggles, and does everything in her power to help her overcome them. They have a lot in common and a lot to teach each other, their relationship development feels very natural, and their bond is what saves the day in the end. But nooo, Barbie has to end up with the prince. Smh.
3. Barbie and Sal-Lee - Barbie Starlight Adventure
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These two probably have the most down to earth relationship in this list, ironically. They have no big dramatic bonding moment, no speech about believing in each other, and their love isn't what saves the universe. It's all very simple and low key, and that's kind of what I like about it.
I love how nervous Barbie is to meet Sal-Lee in the beggining, how it takes a little while for them to get used to each other, and how even in the end there's still a bit of healthy competition between them. You can tell both of them weren't what the other one was expecting, but once they get to know each other, they realize they're something even better, and I think that's really great. I also love how Sal-Lee gets all protective of Barbie, always looking out for her in the end. Overall, their relationship is just very wholesome and comforting. 10/10.
2. Merliah and Kylie - Barbie in a Mermaid Tale 2
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Rivals to lovers, anyone? Truly one of the best relationship tropes out there, and it was executed beautifully in this movie.
Merliah's and Kylie's flirty rivalry in the beggining is everything, and I like how it's not one sided. Like, Merliah isn't the nice "let's all be friends" girl who's being cornered by mean girl Kylie, they're both mutually competitive, which is pretty unique for a Barbie movie. And, of course, as their relationship develops, all of their scenes are just the cutest and the gayest.
Kylie saying "since when does the queen of the waves give up?" when she's pulling Merliah out of that whirpool? Amazing.
The two of them holding hands while swimming together? Beautiful.
Merliah swooning over everything Kylie says, from her plans to her bad jokes? Lovely.
And the whole ending sequence to that movie lives in my head rent free. Merliah is all upset over being a mermaid forever because, in her own words, this means she can't surf with Kylie anymore. Then she turns human again and gets to compete with her one more time, but with love instead of animosity. And finally, the two of them thank each other for everything they got to learn together and agree to share the 1st place trophy. Incredible. Lesbian excellency. Love it with my whole heart.
1. Liana and Alexa - Barbie and the Diamond Castle
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Surprising no one, Alexa and Liana get the 1st place, and for a good reason. To this day, they're the biggest wlw icons from any Barbie movie ever. Everyone has seen the posts talking about how the colours of their dresses are the colours of the lesbian flag and the bi flag, or about how they're the og cottagecore lesbians, or about how there's a scene in the movie where the two of them literally float away from their "love interests" on a rainbow, and they're all 100% right.
But while the sheer amount of gayness these two have is great, I still think this isn't the best part of their relationship. The best part, I think, is just how devoted they are to each other.
Like, we know they regularly write songs about how happy they are together, and both of them consider their relationship to be the best part of their lives. They take care of each other in a way that is so casual but still so meaningful, and you can tell it comes from a place of real love. When they get the chance to make a wish, they don't even have to think before wishing to be together forever. And throughout the movie, we see them risk their lives and rethink their values for the sake of keeping the other one happy and safe.
They're not just my favorite barbie ship, they're one of my favorite ships of all time, and they totally deserve all of the praise they get.
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aalbedo · 3 years
tartaglia x injured!reader
request: Hello! How about scenario where character offers help to injured!gn!reader, who is very mistrustful of and reluctant to accept it? I smh love the dynamic "no I don't want your help or anything to do with you but I don't really have a choice". And yeah, I feel like Tartaglia fits it well though you may choose whoever you feel like T v T
format: two-parter (part two here)
ship: tartaglia x reader
tags: reader is the traveler-ish (a completely separate character from aether and lumine, but still the traveler, does that make sense?)
warnings: blood, mildly graphic depiction of injury, stitches and needles
words: 1951
notes: this request awoke something in me, i feel like i could’ve written an entire 70k words fic on this if i had the energy. im sorry anon but i kinda went off the rails with this one hfjdkhfd i hope you still enjoy it. also yeah the header is mildly fucked up because i don’t have the energy to find a better png ok.
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You fell to the ground, placing your hands right in a small puddle of your own blood, while a ruin hunter laid on the ground, defeated. Your legs had given in, as a sharp pain hit you through your entire left thigh. There was a large cut on your pants, through which you could see a long, bloody, wound on your skin left by the mechanical monstrosity. It wasn’t too deep, but damn if it hurt.
You squeezed your eyes closed, and let out a loud groan. Reaching a hand into your bag, you pulled out the antiseptic solution you always brought with you, and found out that the bottle was empty. You rummaged more through the bag, looking for a numbing cream, an analgesic potion, even just a remnant of a bandage, anything that could help. Nothing.
Panic started settling in your chest, you were completely alone, in the middle of Lisha, where Hilichurls could attack you at any moment, and you were injured just enough that you wouldn’t be able to walk, let alone run away or even fight. You laid down with your back to the ground and covered your face with your hands, as your palms suffocated another loud groan.
You would have to crawl all the way back to the city, or until you found someone willing to help you before fainting from the slow, but consistent, loss of blood. Or worse, dying from shock.
Suddenly, you heard a voice in the distance yell “hey!” Then a second time, with a clearly worried tone in their voice. The pain in your leg made it almost impossible for you to focus on recognizing who that voice belonged to, but it didn’t matter - you were about to finally get some help. You kept your eyes closed as you raised a hand and waved it, showing whoever your savior was where you were.
As you didn’t move from the ground, you heard steps, quickly getting closer to you, until you could feel the presence of someone right above you.
“Oh thank the Archons, I’m completely out of-” you opened your eyes and were met with two bright blue irises staring into yours, and all of the sudden you recognized the voice from before.
“Did that ruin hunter hit you?” Tartaglia was perched right next to your injured leg, already starting to open a backpack that you didn’t recognize as his. He moved his eyes to your thigh and reached out a hand towards it. You swiftly moved the leg away from him, forgetting that it would make it hurt even more, and whimpered when the pain grew.
“I don’t want help from a Harbinger, least of all you” you spat out as you slowly sat up and used your hands to back away from him.
“Stop moving, or you’ll make it worse,” he said plainly as he stood up and followed you, while you kept backing away ignoring the pain through your leg.
“I’ll lose a leg before I let the fatui help me.”
“Alright then, I guess I’ll just watch you crawl all the way back to the Harbor.” He crossed his arms. Oh, he thought he was being funny?
You kept backing away with your arms, until you felt something hard hit your back. A rather large rock was blocking your way, and you would have to crawl around it, and the young man laughed, slowly walking towards you as he took his gloves off and put them in a pocket. You tried moving sideways, but he was quick to crouch down and grab you by the ankle, the one on the injured side, right when you moved.
You inhaled and closed your eyes as a sharp pain shot through your leg. “Are you out of your mind? That hurt!”
He kept your ankle pinned to the ground. “Don’t move,” he ordered. He used his free hand to carefully move the ripped fabric of your clothes out of the way, and get a better look of your wound. You started to feel lightheaded as you saw him tear the fabric further.
You felt some sort of damp cloth on your skin,figuring it was being used to clean the blood off your injury. Tartaglia was being so careful that you could barely feel it, it seemed like he had done this a million times before. You closed your eyes, placing a hand over them, and tilted your head forward, suddenly feeling overcome with dizziness.
“You’re losing a lot of blood. If you hadn’t moved, it would not be this bad right n-” he interrupted himself and he called your name. “You still with me?”
“Mh- huh-uh” you started feeling uneasy. You opened your eyes slightly and caught a glimpse of the wound and immediately looked away. So much blood.
“Stay awake, don’t close your eyes again.” You heard a ruffling of fabric, the damp cloth wasn’t on your skin anymore. “Tell me about the Archons.”
“Tell me all of the Archons’ names and their elements,” he repeated. You couldn’t figure out why he wanted you to tell him, but you followed his order, keeping your eyes away from your wound, and instead fixating on the grass beneath you. You were feeling too dizzy to protest, your only choice was to trust him, despite all of your instincts yelling at you to get away from him.
“Okay, there’s... Barbatos, god of Anemo.” You heard more fabric rustling coming from him, but you refused to look at what he was doing.
“Yes, then?”
The dizziness was still overwhelming, but you managed to keep talking, “Morax, god of Geo.” Clinking of glass, probably bottles. “Tsaritsa, goddess of Cryo.”
“Mh-mh.” He sounded… focused. What was he doing?
“Baal, goddess of- Fuck!” The skin around the wound started burning, and so did the wound itself. You bit your lip hard and groaned as the burning kept going on and on, your skin was itching and for a split second it was almost unbearable. “What the fuck are you doing?”
“Antiseptic potion,” he replied plainly. “I had to find a way to distract you or you wouldn’t have let me use it.”
“Bastard.” Your skin kept burning, but you slowly got used to the pain as you watched the clear potion sizzling over your still open wound.
He barked a laugh, “I’m trying to help you over here, you’re very welcome.”
You looked at his hands as he skillfully kept cleaning your wound, now there was way less blood coming out and you were starting to feel slightly more at easy. He lifted his head and looked right into your eyes.
“It’s not too deep, but it would probably be better if I stitched it.”
“You sound like you’ve done this before.”
“Of course I have, you think these healed themselves?” he asked, pointing at the seemingly long scar that started from the base of his neck and went down under his shirt. “At some point you have to learn how to stitch them up yourself.”
You exhaled deeply, still keeping your eyes on his. You realized that his irises resembled the starconches you had seen laid in the sand of Yaoguang Shoal’s beaches.
“Do you have an anaesthetic something to make the stitching hurt less, at least?”
He looked into the bag, moving things around, as if he had no idea what was actually inside the backpack. So it definitely wasn’t his.
He shook his head, pursing his lips slightly. “No, sorry.”
“It’s…” you pondered over it. You would probably have to go all the way to Bubu pharmacy to get an anaesthetic, and on the way there you might lose even more blood. “It’s okay.”
From his backpack, that you hadn’t realized was laid on the ground by your feet, he pulled out a small tin box, and from the box he took out an interestingly shaped needle, recurved like a crescent moon, then a pair of tweezers and a thread so thin you could barely see it.
Just by looking at the needle, you felt uneasy again. “Are you sure we can’t go to the Harbour and get help there?”
“We can do that, if that’s what you prefer, but I would have to carry you - I doubt you could walk at all right now.”
Somehow, the embarrassment of other people seeing you being carried, bridal style, by Tartaglia was stronger than any pain you might have to go through to get these stitches done.
“Fuck it, do it. But be quick.”
“I will try my best,” he said, and his tone sounded genuine to you. You still couldn’t believe you were trusting him like this, after everything he had done to you. “Try to think about something else, focus on anything but the stitches, it’ll hurt less.” He passed the thread through the needle’s hole with surprising skill.
“Okay, uh-” you watched him hover the needle over your skin, probably thinking about the fastest and least painful way to do the job. You moved your gaze from the open would to look at his face, and his expression seemed calm enough to put you somewhat at ease.
His lips were slightly parted and you noticed that he was biting his own tongue, the amount of focus he was putting into helping you was so intriguing to you, you could have never had imagined that he would be so… caring. At least not to you.
You suddenly felt the needle prick through your skin and you whimpered slightly. “Sorry,” he quickly said, before using the tweezers to make the needle pass through your skin and grab it again on the other end.
He repeated the process a few times, slowly pulling the thread every now and then to make the stitch tighter. You observed him the entire time, his eyes quickly darting from one spot to the other, his nose and mouth breathing at a steady pace. You saw him scrunch up his nose a few times, probably to release tension.
Each stitch hurt, you could feel the entire needle pass through your skin and come out again every single time, but you didn’t protest at all, and instead focused on counting the freckles on Tartaglia’s nose bridge, watching the muscles under his skin move every time he swallowed, and carding your fingers through the grass, accidentally ripping some every now and then.
“Done,” you heard him say in an unexpectedly cheerful tone. “I have some bandages, but I don’t think they’re enough for this large of a cut. Though, now that it’s stitched up, it’s probably safe for you to move, and I can help you get to the Harbor where you can buy some numbing potion and bandages.”
You looked down at the wound, and to your relief the stitches looked like they would hold together pretty well. “Sure, I think I can hop for a while, if you hold me.”
He picked up both his and your bag, putting them over his shoulder, then reached out a hand towards you and you realized just how bloody his hands were, as well as his clothes. You grabbed it with your own bloody hand and slowly stood up, placing your weight on the healthy leg. He placed your arm around his shoulders and put his own behind your back, holding you up.
“Ready to go?”
“Mh-mh.” You started walking in the direction of the Harbor, hopping on one leg while Tartaglia held you up.
“Whose backpack is that?” you tried asking.
“Honestly? No idea.”
“What were you doing here in Lisha, anyway?”
“Just some Fatui business, don’t worry about it,” he quickly dismissed your question.
“Always so secretive.”
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mxtcha-tea · 3 years
useless love letter with oikawa & kuroo?
Useless Love Letter.2
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✎desc; when he receives a love letter from someone else and you’re unphased by it.
✎pairing[s]; kuroo x gn!reader (let me know if i miss any)
✎genre; angst, unrequited love (not proofread)
✎language[s]; english
✎chef note; I ran out of ideas so I can't do Oikawa's part (my motivation istg smh)
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It’s always been you, Kuroo and Yaku. You three all became friends a lot more quicker than anyone could’ve expected. And the friendship started the same way, from Kuroo annoying you two and becoming enemies when you first met.
Kuroo’s the one who bands you all together into this lump of mess and y’know, he’s glad that he did. High school couldn’t be even more exciting with both of you by his side.
But the more time passed, the more his feelings for you took a slight turn. It was the end of summer when Kuroo started realizing it. You came to his house because you forgot to do the homeworks they’ve given before summer starts.
Sure, it was a pain in the ass having to deal with your complaints and groan echoing every corner of his room. He thought about kicking your out right that instant but something in him told himself to just let you stay there longer.
Watching you from the corner of his eyes, freezing like a statue while squinting your eyes at your exercise book, a pen between your upper lips and nose. It’s not the prettiest image, he had to admit, but you look the most beautiful when you’re doing the most random poses.
Then, his mind drifted to every key memory of you, the way his cheeks would turn into a rosy color when your skin met or when his mind malfunctioned when you held eye contact with him. You drive him insane and Kuroo has no idea if it’s a good thing or not.
But it sure gave him butterflies and made him feel at home. So, maybe it is a good thing. He’ll always have sleepless nights where he can’t think of anything else other than you. He hates it when it happens because it made him feel like a creep.
Kuroo wondered if you felt the same. When he blushes, would you react the same? When he stuttered out, would you do the same? He wasn’t entirely sure, so he tried his best to be as close to you than he’ll ever be.
Even if it may take forever to let those 3 words out from his vocal chords, it’ll be worth it, he knows it.
The bell rang, signalling end of the 3rd period. Yaku sighed, cracking his knuckles before walking towards your desk. Kuroo can be seen sitting in front of you, probably annoying you yet again, “Hey, [y/n], have you written any notes during class?”
Yaku asked, reaching for the nearest chair and sitting on it, leaning his arms onto your desk, “A little,” “Only a little? I honestly thought that you’re not going to write anything,” You tch’ed, holding out your middle finger at Kuroo while the bedhead just snickered,
“It’s none of your business, Mount Fuji hair,” But at that, Kuroo snapped. Yaku tried to hold in his laughs and hitting the desk a little, “Oi, stop coming up with new nicknames for me,” “No, I think that nickname suits you the most, Mount Fuji hair, Mount Fuji hair,”
Now it’s your turn to snicker at him while mockingly pointing at his hair. Yaku finally releases his laugh while holding you for support. For some reasons, that action pissed him a lot more.
Who did he think he is to just touch you like that? But he managed to calm himself as he points at you, trying to figure out a better remark to counter your insult,
“How ironic hearing it from-” “UM, SORRY,” He got cut off as he looked to his left, finding a girl, probably from a different class standing next to him with a nervous face.
Both you and Yaku stopped laughing and also took your attention on the girl. With shaky hands, she holds out a letter to Kuroo. All three of you went wide eyes at that as the same exact words run across your minds,
“Please accept this!” He slowly takes the letter from the girl’s hand, nodding, “Oh, um, okay,” And with that, the girl ran out from the classroom, face visibly red from being nervous and probably embarrassment.
It was silence before all of you looks at the letter in Kuroo’s hand, you look up at his face, who’s also looking at you and the same thing with Yaku,
“HAH! Look at who’s Mr. Popular right now,” Kuroo stated, pointing at you with a smirk plastered on his face, “Ugh, you’re so annoying, and so what? It’s only a letter and not tons of them,”
And after that very statement of yours, you hold Yaku’s face in between your hand like a sandwich with a small smile on your face, “But honestly, Yaku can get more love letters than you, I mean look at him, isn’t he handsome?”
Yaku blushed at that, slowly gripping your wrist and pushing your hands away from his face, “Hey, don’t do that, it hurts,” “Oops, sorry Mr. Handsome,” “Seriously, what’s with you and giving random nicknames?” “But that’s not random? I genuinely think you’re handsome, Mori,”
His blush deepened as he lightly hit your head, “J-just shut up,” “Ow! Fine fine, yeesh,”
Kuroo just stays quiet, staring at you two acting...oddly lovely with each other from his seat. He wanted to punch Yaku so bad but he can’t, he knows he can’t. But it doesn’t matter, cause you like him right? He’s sure of that, it’s just like a frenemies to lover trope.
He coughed, taking back both of your attention, “But I don't really see him receiving any, didn’t he? Then, I guess I’ll just keep being Mr. Popular, or even Mr. Handsome,” Yaku cringed while you snorted,
“You? Who in the world would even think that? You’re ugly, ugly baby, maybe that girl’s delusional or something,” “As if you’re anywhere pretty, and who’s even getting a love letter right now? I bet you’re jealous that you got none,”
You sighed, resting your head onto the palm of your hand, “Sadly, I guess no one noticed my beauty, “ Kuroo chuckled, “But serious talk here,”
That caught both Kuroo and Yaku attention as you continue, eyes looking down on your finger hitting the desk, “I don’t really mind getting a love letter from someone, whether it’s a prank or whatever, I think it’s neat,”
You look up at both of them, a small smile decorating your face, “ It makes me feel special,”
Kuroo could feel his heart beating faster, cheeks burning up at nothing but those simple words. It’s funny how the love letter in his hand doesn’t give him any reactions at all, but your mere words does,
“Stop saying it in that tone, you’re making me feel bad,” “Pfft, I don’t need your pity,” “Oh really~? Maybe I’ll write a letter for you to make you feel better then,” “Ugh, no thanks, Mount Fuji hair,” “Yeah, I- OI! SERIOUSLY, STOP WITH THE NICKNAME,”
You and Kuroo kept on arguing with each other, spitting profanities and so on. Yaku can just sigh, shaking his head and watching you two with a small smile.
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“I’m going home now!”
Grabbing his bag, Yaku waved his hand as he walked towards the gym door, “Okay, stay safe!” Kai said, waving back at him, Kuroo joined his side, “I hope you don’t get chased again by those dogs,” “SHUT UP MOUNT FUJI HAIR!”
And with one last glare at the ravenette, Yaku stormed out from the gym after accidentally being reminded by that horrible and embarrassing memory,
“Mount Fuji hair?” Kai looked at Kuroo with a confused look, “Ah, It’s a new nickname [y/n] gave me, it’s stupid to be honestly,”
Kuroo explained, scratching the back of his head as he followed Kai to grab a broom and clean the gym.
Behind them are the 2nd years helping to clean the gym. Kenma sitting on the floor while rejecting Yamamoto’s request to put down the net with him and Fukunaga’s just watching them from a distance, sweeping the floor while snickering to himself,
“Kuroo, I hope you’re planning on confessing to [y/n], because you’re delaying a lot of time,” Kuroo pursed his lips, sweeping the floor a few meters away from Kai, “Nah, I think after a few more days then I can confess to them,”
And from that, Kai stopped sweeping as it caught Kuroo’s attention. Kuroo looks at him, his eyes show nothing but urgency. And somehow pity,
“I’m serious right now, Kuroo. You’ve what? Said that 3 times already and you still haven’t done anything. And…”
He stopped, sighing quietly before continuing, “...If you don’t take actions right this instant, [y/n]’s gonna be sweeped away by someone else,” Kuroo’s eyes went wide at that, “You...you don’t mean,”
“[y/n]’s going to be confessed by someone else today, at this time. I’ve heard it from a friend of mine,”
The broom in his hand falls down, echoing through the now empty gym and catching the attention of the 2nd years, looking at Kuroo with confusion. The male isn’t doing any better, he’s visibly shaking but he can’t move or do anything.
But then, his instincts started kicking in as his legs made the first move. He slammed open the gym door and started running towards the place he would think you would be at. Kai watching him with pity lacing his expression, taking the broom from the ground,
“I’m so sorry, Kuroo,”
‘I’m going to confess to [y/n] today and give them a letter because you know that I can’t tell everything inside my mind when they’re in front of me, they’re too pretty and it makes me nervous y’know. Oh, and also, keep this a secret from Kuroo, okay?’
His mind is going everywhere, his thighs burning from the amount of running he did from the gym all the way to the hallway of the first class. Kuroo has no idea where he’s heading to whatsoever but at the same time, he knows where it is.
The world around him started spinning as a pain shot to his head but he paid it no mind as he huffed, beads of sweat falling from his face and covering his cheeks.
And suddenly he stopped.
Kuroo watches from a distance, chest rising up and down. He can’t feel anything right now, he can’t hear anything. But the pain is still visibly there when he watches Yaku handing you a letter.
Your eyes went wide as you bowed to Yaku and took the letter from him. He can’t hear what they’re talking about, but whatever it’s about really makes you happy huh? And before he could process anything after that, you two kissed.
It was just a few seconds but it felt like an eternity to Kuroo. The way your lips touch Yaku’s, and not his. God, he dreamed of feeling it against him but now, he doesn't even have the chance to taste it.
Now, he’s thinking back to what Kai had said. Why did he wait to confess to you? The answer is quite simple,
Because he’s afraid. He’s afraid of rejection, he’s afraid that it’ll ruin the relationship you have with him now, he’s afraid of showing his vulnerability to you. It’s a simple task but a hard execution, and now Kuroo can’t do it anymore. Not now, not then.
Yes, he regretted not doing it earlier but it’s even more painful that he has to watch both of his friends fall in love with each other without him noticing. Actually, no, he did notice it.
Kuroo did notice how Yaku look at you, it’s also the way Kuroo looks at you too. But he didn't mind it because he can’t face the reality. That you like Yaku better than him.
So, he had to live in a fantasy world where you fall in love with him instead. How funny. A part of him wanted to stop it, just stop the painful visual that he had to watch, maybe that’ll be an interesting twist to the story.
But he didn’t, because he’s still scared.
And before Kuroo even knew it, you two are gone now. Probably going on a quick date or something. He weakly leaned against the wall, slowly falling down to his knees as he covered his face with his hands.
A few sniffles came out from him as he choked on his tears, each droplet falling down to the ground and soaking his sweaty hands. And now, he knows why Yaku asked to go home early today,
Kuroo hiccupped, a small smile appearing on his face as he laughed quietly to himself, “It’s okay, they’re a cute couple anyway. You’re strong, and you can find...better,”
It’s always been you, Kuroo and Yaku. And now, it’s only Kuroo left.
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curly-bangtan · 4 years
Heatwave Drabble #5: for the birthday boy (M)
[Heatwave // Godless // Heatwave Drabbles]
Pairing: Taehyung x reader
Summary: For Taehyung’s birthday, you’ve planned a special surprise-filled evening just for him as his best friend by day, fuck buddy by night. But especially after a few drinks, he finds it difficult keeping his hands off you, which isn’t a good thing in front of all your friends.
Genre: drabble, smut, fwb au, roommate au, f2l
Warnings: teacher/student roleplay (if you’re not into that, just skip to the next scene, it’s meant to be slightly sarcastic anyway), brief lap dance, oral (m&f), overstimulation (m&f), unprotected sex (your girl finally invested in the pill yay), cum dumpster, facial, cum play and consumption, squirting, basically filth, light BDSM like spanking, handcuffs, choking, the usual, daddy kink (you know HW!Tae)
Word count: 11.3k yikes
A/N: Happy early birthday to the best boy! Why do I call these drabbles when it’s basically a series at this point smh -_- Enjoy this filthy monster~
“Surprise! Happy Birthday!”
Taehyung jumps beside you as you switch on the lights to your flat, illuminating the room full of people leap out from their hiding place at his arrival. The last syllable of their celebratory chant hangs in the air for an awkward moment as he takes in everything you put together for his birthday surprise.
Shiny party streamers decorating the walls, black and gold balloons bobbing against the ceiling, printed photos of your best memories together hanging from shelf to shelf, all his and your closest friends gathered to greet him. And of course, the impeccable two-layered strawberry chocolate sponge cake sitting on a platter that you know would excite him the most.
A smile spreads his mouth wide and square as he turns to you, his cheeks bundling up like rising bread in sheer elation.
“No you didn’t, Y/N.”
Then you’re being suffocated in a bone-crushing hug, your ribs almost cracking under his snake-like squeeze. His chest rumbles in the most boyish giggle.
“Hap-pee-burf-day-” You manage to utter as you move your arms between two to create some space for you to breathe.
Seeing Taehyung this happy, especially knowing you’re the cause of it, is truly a feeling matched by no other. You don’t have a massive squadron of friends, you are more the type to carefully select those you actually like and get along with. To put it badly, you’re picky, judgy and quite a bitch when it comes to making friends. But the few you actually care about, you love ferociously and passionately, willing to cut off your own limb for them. And Taehyung is at the top of that list.
“You’re actually the best, I love you.” When he finally lets you go from his painful but appreciated embrace, his hands rest on your waist, lingering.
You had just treated him to a birthday dinner at his favourite steakhouse, roommate to roommate, in order to enable this surprise party. A few pints might have been downed for the occasion, which explains his excessive touching. Taehyung has never been able to hold his liquor, always a lightweight. The number of times you’ve had to half-carry half-drag him out of a club and stick your fingers down his throat in a dark alley is truly embarrassing for him.
“I am the best. You’re lucky I love you too, dork.” With his nostrils flaring from excitement, you can’t help but pinch his nose before turning to the guests and properly starting the party.
To be honest, you wouldn’t have been able to pull it off without the help of anyone else. His parents have come to town to visit him during the day, so off he went to show them around the food market, the park and his favourite vintage stores. Which gave you plenty of time to set up the house, prepare the refreshments, and buy the birthday cake. But keeping him from returning home was a feat that you had to enlist his parents’ aid in, and ever the obedient son, Taehyung of course did not argue when his folks disagreed with his suggestion to go back to the apartment. Then, it was a matter of taking him to dinner, deftly urging him to meet you there rather than going together from the flat so not to miss your reservation. The rounds of alcohol and your tiny bladder slyly masked the many bathroom runs you took in order to text Lotta to gather everyone to your place. And when everything was set, you headed back with the clueless Taehyung, giddy with a belly full of Michelin star food.
It was purely out of your headstrong resistance that you two didn’t stumble into the apartment making out, exposing your on-going debauchery to all your unaware friends. He had begun to feel you up on the way home, grabbing your ass one too many times for it to be merely playful. Honestly, it’s never easy rejecting his advances, not with your nymphomaniac track record anyway. But tonight was especially difficult, knowing what you have planned for him after the party…
From the corner of your eye you see Taehyung chattering away with friends from his class, and from the way he’s waving his hands around, you can tell it’s about the latest Christmas horror story of the two of you trying to stuff a turkey.
The memory of you yelling at each other to grab-this-grab-that warms your chest more than the white wine you’re sipping on. It’s always these stupid anecdotes that mean the most.
“Looks like he’s enjoying himself.”
Lotta’s voice startles you from your thoughts. Hands held behind her shyly, she smiles at the sight of the outburst of laughter from the guests at his story.
Aside from Taehyung, you would say she’s your best friend, having gone to the same highschool together and now the same university. You knew you would be close the moment she told you her star sign - there isn’t a more iconic duo than an Aries and a Leo. She puts up with a lot of your shit but also isn’t afraid to scream some sense into you whenever you pull something rogue, which you guess is very often.
“Yep. He should probably stop drinking though.” You say as you watch him tip the contents of his glass down his throat. “I swear to god if he throws up on the couch, I’ll chop his dick off.” Of course you wouldn’t, how could you ever bring yourself to hurt that godsent meatstick that fuck tears out of you? You both giggle nonetheless.
“You’re funny with him.” Lotta is wearing a smug expression that you distinctly dislike.
“What do you mean?”
“You act like he’s some annoying brother who you hate, but then you go and take him to this boujee-ass steakhouse, throw him a surprise party and splash out on his birthday gift. You beat him up when he uses your shampoo, kick him when he accidentally scrunches up your notes, and threaten to emasculate him if he spills alcohol on your favourite couch that you treat like your newborn child. But you secretly care so much about him that I know you’d give him your kidney if he needed one.”
You blink at her.
Not quite sure what to say.
“Well, yeah, of course I care about him. Like you said, he’s a brother to me.” Okay, but do you let someone who’s just a brother to you cum on your face? “You don’t live with him so you don’t know what a useless brat he is. He burns pasta, Lotta. Pasta. Seriously, he’s such a dipshit, but of course I care about him. What’s funny about that?” Lying straight through your teeth is a Y/N specialty. As long as you say it with enough confidence, you can sell any bullshit.
But maybe you’re sounding a little defensive.
Lotta is clever, it is why you’re friends. Where this observation of hers is headed, you’re unsure of. She could turn this into a lecture about your abrasive personality, or suspect that something else is going on between you and Taehyung other than sharing rent.
“Nothing, I just said it was funny. The way you are.” Her smile tells you that it’s probably the former of the two possibilities.
“What can I say, I’m a funny person.” Not entirely buying it though, you shrug and play along.
Another bout of laughter breaks out from Taehyung and his friends, catching both your attentions. He thrives in social situations like these, good at entertaining people with his odd humour. You watch the flash of his teeth, the crinkle of his amused eyes, tongue flicking out to wet his lips every other sentence.
“You know, he actually is really hot.” Now, that you didn’t expect at all. Your head whips to face your best friend, whose eyes fixes back on yours but not before you catch her checking him out.
“Um, what?”
“I’m just saying. You can’t deny that he’s gorgeous, charming too.” Brows raised, Lotta lifts both hands up in defense when she see the arrows your glare is shooting at her. “Definitely the best looking guy I’ve ever seen.”
“You’re drunk. Since when did you admit that Taehyung is ‘hot’?” In complete ridicule, you scoff at her. Though, her point is completely 100% valid and true.
“Do you see me with a drink? I’m sober tonight, got an early shift tomorrow.”
“Why are you suddenly saying this? Weren’t you the one who wouldn’t shut up when I went to Mykonos with him because you thought I was too blinded by his looks to even know if he’s a serial killer?” Never has Lotta expressed the slightest, most remote of interest in Taehyung, not once properly acknowledging his attractiveness.
“I’m just saying. It’s a shame that you can’t see him that way anymore after spending so much time together.” It’s her turn to shrug, again with the annoying cocky expression.
Yes, after spending so much time sleeping together, more like.
“Yeah, no. That’s gross. You won’t get it because you don’t have a guy best friend. But trust me, no way would I ever go there with him.” Go ahead and call you a pathological liar, you don’t care. You’d never hear the end of it if Lotta finds out you and your ‘guy best friend’ have been knocking boots for over half a year.
You catch Taehyung glancing over to you, eyes twinkling with amusement, signalling for you to come over and join his crowd. Telepathy is one of your secret talents nowadays, you just know each other so well that spoken words are not a necessity for communication.
Taehyung watches you manoeuvre past those chattering bodies from across the room, making your way towards him with Lotta trailing behind. He knows he is definitely drunk, so it might just be the alcohol getting to his head but something looks a little different about you tonight. By that, he doesn’t mean your curled hair, or that new red dress you’re wearing that introduces your cleavage to the entire world. You’re kind of… glowing. There is a permanent smile on your face, even while resting the corners of your lips are turned up. And when you’re in a good mood, you are so transparent about it that you basically radiate like a disco ball in the room.
His chest feels warm. Maybe it’s the wine.
“Fuck, she’s so fit.”
For a second, Taehyung is worried that he thought out loud, but then realised that the voice belonged to Seojoon. He turns to his friend to find him ogling at your figure.
He doesn’t know what to say. It’s weird if he agrees. But he also doesn’t trust his inebriated state to execute a flat out lie that convincingly.
“You don’t know how lucky you are to have Y/N as your roommate, man. If it were me, I would’ve tapped that on the first night.” Seojoon continues, taking a swig of his beer.
“As if you could.” Taehyung snorts, unable to help himself. “She’s out of your league, ass.”
“Fair point. I heard she is a freak in bed, too. Do you ever hear, like, sex noises?” A freak indeed.
“Sometimes…” It’s true, even now. Occasionally he will stumble home with a girl he picked up at the bar only to hear the bed creaking furiously or breathy moans sounding from your room. Walls are thin. Sometimes it turned him on, other times it pissed him off.
“Bet you wank to it, eh? Taehyungie?” Seojoon ruffles his hair just as you and Lotta come within earshot. Liquor-brazen, he is suddenly overcome with an urge to announce to the whole room: Y/N and I are fucking. Yeah, that’s right. She’s my fuck buddy, so you can stop trying to hit on her right now because I’m gonna be the one she’s riding tonight. Seojoon, fucking suck on that. I don’t need to wank to her sex noises when I’m the one coaxing them from her.
However, a small sober part of his conscience tells him that he really shouldn’t do that; if he does, he probably won’t get any riding tonight. So he clamps his mouth shut.
You arrive amidst them in that sinful dress that reduces Taehyung to a teenage boy, and you take your turn giving them brief hugs as formalities, your best friend beside you mirroring your action. When you reach Taehyung, he pulls you in roughly by the waist, wine sloshing in his hand. From his careless force and lazy grin, you can tell he is almost completely gone. Taehyung is a wine-killer, but wine is also a Taehyung-killer.
Highly conscious of the presence of all your mates while he clearly isn’t, you pretend to roll your eyes and pry his hand off the small of your back. It doesn’t budge. So, awkwardly, with your midriff locked in Taehyung’s arm, you lean over to hug his last friend Woosik who gives you a shy pat on your shoulder.
The conversation resumes, morphing into Lotta telling everyone the most embarrassing stories of you during high school - back when you had braces and had the biggest crush on the captain of the football team. You don’t even try to deny it, laughing along at your pathetic 14 year old self. Though, you’re only half paying attention, the other half is keenly aware of the way Taehyung’s thumb is rubbing gentle circles on your pelvic bone. When you peek up at him, you find him already staring at you with eyes you know too well.
The ‘I’m gonna eat you out until you squirt’ eyes.
Then you notice Lotta’s sharp eyes on Taehyung’s hand gripping your waist. The ‘hold up, what could be happening over here?’ eyes.
Double fuck.
Tipping your toes, you whisper into your roommate’s clueless ear. “Let go, people are watching.” You almost allow your lips to graze his skin because you know how much it turns him on, but you remember to behave. But this close, his warm familiar scent tingles your nose in a way that makes you want to hug him.
Taehyung pulls away to look at your face, clearly displeased, then regards everyone in the circle. When he notices Lotta’s focus on the two of you, he slowly withdraws his paw, but not without purposely brushing past your ass.
“Strawberry-flavoured lube?”
Taehyung audibly gasps in disbelief as he tears open his poorly wrapped present.
“Yeah, you like strawberries right?” Seojoon chuckles and claps his back so violently that he falls forwards. On the other side of him, you haul him back up onto the sofa.
Everyone is gathered around the pile of birthday gifts on the coffee table, but not before witnessing you scold Woosik for not leaving his drink on the kitchen island from which the couch is a safe distance to prevent any spillage. Lotta just laughed at your fixation.
So far, the array of presents Taehyung has received ranges from Amazon vouchers, to expensive whiskey, to a funky tie. Yours sit furthest away from him, which he practically leapt in excitement when he saw the size of, only to be forced to open it last because you insist it’s going to be the best one.
“You’re insufferable, Seojoon.” Taehyung rolls his eyes yet fails to suppress his grin. Oh, you’re definitely trying out the lube at some point.
After ripping into a couple more, he finally arrives at your present for him. It spans an entire arm’s length; you know every guest must be wondering to themselves what it could possibly be. Taehyung drops onto his knees before it and carefully peels away the tape this time, knowing it probably took you awhile to wrap it up this neatly. You watch his long cautious fingers reveal the gift you had spent weeks raking your head for.
“Stop…” His eyes light up at the polished cedar easel that he caresses over as gentle as he would your skin. But as he continues to unwrap the present, a box of oil paints, a wooden palette and a set of 16 expensive natural fibre brushes are unveiled. “Oh my god, there’s more?”
Ceasing in action, he looks up at you, jaw so slack you bet you can throw a pea into his mouth even with your bad aim. The surprise on his face, almost a replica of his expression when everyone jumped out at him and yelled ‘Happy Birthday’ an hour ago. Except this time there is something more tender about how his wide pupils bore into yours. It makes you squirm.
Then without warning, he dives onto you, crushing you in the most fatal of embraces; you swear something in your spine cracked as you fall back onto the cushions, suffocated. People let out a sound of amusement at your struggle, but with his warm breath fanning your neck, you don’t even hear them.
After allowing this sweet painful moment for a few seconds more, you shove Taehyung’s heavy body off you, harder than you need so he slumps onto Seojoon.
“You’re actually the best, I love you.��� He squeals like a boy on Christmas day before examining the paintbrushes with the utmost careful touch, as if afraid he would bend the bristles the wrong way.
What is he so cute for?
You kind of really want to pat his head and kiss his cheek right now. But there’s an audience obstructing.
Looking up, you lock eyes with Lotta. She is smiling, endeared by the purity of his reaction as well. See, not even she is immune his stupid cuteness. How are you supposed to?
Taehyung’s heart is constricting as he strokes the fine wooden edge of the giant disassembled easel. Of course, you know him better than any of his other friends. He has recently expressed an interest in painting, though his love for art and sophistication has been harbouring for a while now. He has only ever made subtle comments about wanting to properly get into it but not having the proper equipment to and not knowing the best brand to purchase. Yet you had picked up on it nevertheless. Everything combined must have costed you a significant portion of your allowance. Even he would not have splashed out this much on himself.
He turns back to you again from where he kneels in front of the coffee table. You are observing him with a thing he wishes to be adoration, a glimmer in your smile that wears more beautiful than any dress on you. For a second, there’s a flutter in his stomach and it confuses him because it feels an awful lot like butterflies.
But then you kick his back with the heel of your foot to get him to stand and Taehyung remembers that you are best friends. He’s not supposed to be thinking like that.
After cutting the cake, with food being a major satisfaction factor of any party, everyone sort of just hovers, huddled in their little groups with their plate of dessert in one hand, while they resume their conversation. The music is turned up loud so they all have to half-yell; some don’t even bother talking as they dig in, you included.
Being a quiet eater that you are, you stand by the island counter, sipping your wine in between bites of that chocolate decadence. Taehyung approaches you with his already empty plate; you haven’t even made it through half your slice yet. Judging by the lethargy in his step and that icing-slathered grin he has worn the entire night, you can tell he was the one who finished the second bottle of wine you opened.
“Hey.” Your fingers do a weird little wave that is so completely uncharacteristic, but tipsy-Y/N is sort of that friendly and laid back.
“Hey, pretty.” His hand trails around the corner of the counter surface and traps you between it and his body as he comes up behind you. Immediately you stiffen, looking around to see if anyone, especially Lotta, is looking. But when you find everyone preoccupied either with each other or the cake, your shoulders relax.
“What’s up? You having a good time?” Twisting to face him, you edge back until the counter digs into your back. Taehyung’s face is a dangerous proximity to yours.
The anticipation for the night you have planned for him in your bedroom thrums in your core. Patience has never been one of your strengths, and right now it is testing your very limit. You could kick everyone out right now if you really wanted to. But you won’t. You’ll wait.
You wipe the chocolate off the corner of his mouth with a swipe, the gesture you can’t tell if motherly or romantic. And just because Taehyung is peering down at you so longingly, you flick your tongue out and suck the sweetness on your thumb.
His breath hitches.
“Uh- I…” For a second, all thought is scattered in his brain, and you almost laugh aloud at how susceptible he is to your attacks. “Yeah, of course. I’m having the best time.”
“Am I the best roommate ever or what?” You watch his eyes trained on your mouth. From his alcohol scent, you don’t trust him to have enough restraint not to kiss you right now so you turn your back to him and rest your elbows upon the island top, leaning over to finish your cake.
In your peripheral vision, you spy his hands crawling towards your sides to cinch around your waist, his front pressing into you as he holds you from behind. The warmth of his body seeps into your back, and you swear you can feel the beating of his chest against your shoulder blades. A tingle shoots straight down your spine when he plants a soft, brief kiss on the shell of your ear.
Good thing you turned around then, your intuition was right. Taehyung has never been able to suppress his overt affection after a few drinks, and certainly not after this many. And no matter how much you want to just turn around and pull him into your lips, you fight it.
“Babe...” He groans into your ear and though it was barely audible even to you, you quickly glance up to see if anyone has heard. Of course, no one heard, they are all stood far enough that even without the music, they’d have to strain their ears to hear his whisper. Paranoia is eating your head away.
“Don’t ‘babe’ me, Taehyung.” Your heart is racing, which is weird because you swear you used to be completely immune to his charms. “You’re being too obvious, babe.”
“You don’t ‘babe’ me. I can’t control myself when you call me that.” The warmth of his breath fans all over the back of your neck, sending a convulsion of shivers down your spine.
One of his hands stretches for your wine glass, but knowing him well enough to predict it, you draw it away from his reach. “Stop drinking, you’re literally about to pass out.”
“No, you’re about to pass out. On my-” hiccup, “dick.” You keep your eyes locked on the crowd, ready to shove Taehyung away if anyone looks your way. But still, you can’t help but lean back into him.
“That made no sense.” You chuckle, fingers brushing over the smooth thin skin of this hand.
“Just one sip.”
“Taehyung. Stop. Drinking.” You grab his hand that tries to make a run for the wine again.
“But, Y/N…” He whines and slumps onto you, knowing that whining has gotten him what he wanted before.
You turn around, grab his face and pull him towards you until your mouth is brushing his earlobe. “Be a good boy and stop drinking if you want the best birthday sex of your life after this party. You better not get whiskey dick because a have a lot planned for you.”
At that, Taehyung stops breathing, stops resisting. Against your shoulder, you feel his chest jump. “Oh. Um. Okay, yup, no more drinking. Got it, ma’am.”
He sighs, completely at your disposal, as your touch trails from the sensitive side of his neck down to his torso. “Good.” After looking around again to check that no one is looking, you press your alcohol-infused lips onto his hastily, savouring his softness for no longer than a few seconds before pulling away. God, is it difficult to pull away. You’re aching for him. “Go entertain the guests while you sober up.”
Satisfied grin from the kiss stretched across his face, he nods obediently and scampers over to his friends.
“Are you ready yet?” Taehyung calls, impatient and giddy, the music that you’ve put on playing softly in the background.
“Give me one more second.” You reply from the bathroom, doing up your last button and regarding yourself in the mirror. Hm, not bad. You’re pleased with how this turned out, if you do say so yourself. Taehyung is going to lose his mind.
Sheer black stockings stretched thin over your legs, you strut into his room where he is seated on a chair in nothing but his boxers, wrists shackled to the back. When his eyes land on you, a strangled noise emits from his throat.
“Holy. Fuck. Holy fuck. Holyfuckholyfuckholyfuck.” He chokes out.
The checkered material of your school skirt flies up at your every step teasingly, not high enough for him to peek your panties, but enough for your thighs to be flaunted.The clip of your stockings sit cool and beguiling on your quads. First two buttons of your white blouse undone, the matching red tartan tie hangs loosely around your neck between your exposed, pushed up cleavage. Your hair is tied into two school-girl braids, decorated in ribbons.
You’re Taehyung’s walking talking fantasy.
Innocent, chaste, ready for him to defile.
“Sir.” You address him, committing to your character, as you bow your head in courtesy.
Taehyung doesn’t appear capable of words, Adam’s apple wobbling in awe. So you continue your approach, making sure to regard him with large, demure eyes. As you sink down onto your knees between his widespread trembling legs, you notice a prominence already erecting in his boxers. You try not to smirk.
“What can I do for you, sir?” You put on your sweetest, most virgin of voices and bat your lashes once at him.
Chest rising quickly, Taehyung gulps as he realises that he’s most definitely going about to have the best sex of his life. “Um. Uh. Um.”
Smiling at his malfunctioning cognition, no thanks to you, you decide to help him out a little. “I’ve been sent to you for being a bad girl, sir.”
Do you find this slightly humiliating and degrading? Yes, you’re a woman of pride and a feminist. But does Taehyung’s birthday outweigh your morals? Yes, if only just for this night.
“What… What did you do, baby girl?” Voice dangerously deep, Taehyung watches you from his handcuffed posture, watches you twirl your braids in your fingers before they move sensual down your front, curving over your breasts and travelling to your core.
“It’s embarrassing to say but…” You look down in feign shame. “I touched myself.”
His whole frame tenses, arms straining to be freed from the cuffs so he can throw you onto the bed and fuck you mercilessly. His lips are parted, breath unsteady, cheeks still slightly stained from the alcohol but you made sure that he’s mostly sober by now. “Why did you touch yourself?”
“I was thinking about you, sir, and I just couldn’t help myself. Something started tickling down there and it felt so good to touch it.” Biting your lip, your fingers reach your clit over your skirt and start rubbing. The other hand traces swirls slowly up his thighs, higher and higher, until he’s buckling his hips.
“Wait, pause.” He says, your touch ceasing at his command. “Fuck, Y/N, I’m not going to last if you do this to me. I might even cum my pants.”
Usual smugness returning as you smirk up at him, your teeth digs deeper into your lower lip, refusing to break character. “Well, it’s a good thing we have all night then, sir. A water hose doesn’t just fire once does it?”
“Fuck.” Shutting his eyes, his head falls back to reveal his gulping jugular. Already so malleable? Yeah, he’s definitely not going to last. The first round. “Okay, okay. Resume.”
Your fingers reach the hem of his boxers, skimming through his tan, lustrous inner thighs. He jerks, his hard member jabbing out the soft cotton, begging to be freed. “So I was wondering if there is any way I could get out of this punishment, sir. My parents can’t find out that I’ve been a bad girl. I’ll do anything you want me to do, sir.”
“I see, Miss Y/L/N… How about, you warm up my lap for me first? I’m feeling slightly cold.” He wets his lips and bounces on his toes, his hard length jolting along with his legs.
“Oh, of course, sir.” When you stand up, you make sure to do it slowly, curving your body towards him to give him a good look at your breasts. He doesn’t miss the chance to devour them with his eyes.
Your hips begin to sway in the rhythm of the slow sensual music while you turn until your back faces him. You feel his glare immediate follow your ass, skirt sloshing side to side to reveal your plush cheeks. But rather than falling onto his lap as he wants, you stride over his leg, hand trailing across his chest as you begin to walk around him.
Massaging up his bicep, your hand arrives at his collar as you lick a thin strip up his neck. Taehyung shudders, struggling against his handcuffs again, cursing. “I can do anything you want me to, sir.” He shivers as you whisper into his ear, teeth grazing his skin. Your own heart is racing from excitement. Maybe you should do this more often. It’s selfish of you to do so since it’s meant to be his birthday sex after all, but you enjoy having him helt under you, seconds away from whimpering, gone be his natural preference for dominance.
As you walk around him, his head turns with you, not wishing for his sight to miss a second of this private show. Patience isn’t something he’s born with, he is a man who’s used to ceasing everything he wants. You know what must be going through his head right now, the anticipation, the hunger. So finally, when you’ve done a full circle around, hands not once missing the opportunity to feather his chest, you decide to ease him a little.
Deliberately unrushed, you sit inch by inch down onto his lap until his dick is burrowed between your warm cheeks underneath your skirt.
“Baby…” Taehyung immediately sits up, mouth arriving at the back of your neck, exhaling his hot fervour. The feeling of his skin pressed on the strip of yours between your skirt and cropped blouse has you craving for him to pound into you right now. Nothing can describe the flash of desire you get when you feel the touch of his naked body.
Then you begin to roll your hips, drawing loops of infinity with your ass to the beat of the song. The groan you elicit makes your cunt pulse. Taehyung’s stiff length jerks between your wiggling ass. His head falls onto your shoulder in a huff, metallic sound of his chains ringing as his arms clench.
“Sir, is that warm enough?” Your hips are merciless, rock back and forth, providing him with the friction he so craves. Hell, maybe you should start doing this for a living.
“Y… Yeah.” There is defeat in his voice, a croak that tells you that you’re the only woman to ever put him in his place like this. The only he’d ever submit to.
Slowly, you peel yourself off his lap, delighting in the small stained spot on his boxers, evidence of his drooling dick. You sink onto your knees before him again, fingers crawling playfully up his thighs. “You seem a little stiff, sir. Do you want me to ease some tension in your muscles for you?”
“Please be a dear.” The fervour in his eyes as he gazes down at you is pure, undiluted. It stirs something beastly inside you.
You’ve sucked Taehyung off a hundred times before, but something about the fact that he’s handcuffed to a chair on his birthday, almost cumming his pants, makes you especially eager this time.
A string of precum greets you as you take his lividly throbbing cock out of its restraints. You spare it a few pumps before you enclose the warm wet cave of your mouth around it. It’s perhaps evil of you, but you cut to the chase and go straight to deep-throating. He lets out a yelp of surprise when his tip slides smoothly through and hits the back of your throat. He’s going to cum soon, might as well give him your all, right?
Your mouth has gotten used to resisting the gag reflexes by now, engulfing him like a strawberry ice lolly during the summer heat. The occasional scrape of your teeth, just the way he loves, has him shiver beneath you. If he likes it rough, he should be able to take it rough. And when your tongue begins its inexorable attack at the pinch of skin where his tip ties to his shaft, Taehyung lets out a throaty cry. Not even a moan, a cry.
“Fuck, I’m losing my mind. Y/N, oh my god, keep going.” Through your curled lashes, you gaze up at him. His brows furrowed, guzzling up his favourite view in the world, maybe second to you riding him. Jaw unscrewed, he heaves at your large feign-innocent eyes, wrists dying to be freed so he could fuck your mouth.
Two throbs at the base of his cock, and he’s cumming right down your throat. It’s a larger load that either of you’d expected, telling of his obscene concupiscence. There’s so much cum that you can’t swallow, so you have no choice but to let it flow down his cock. With you still staring at him, he watches his white hot fluid dribble out your mouth and onto him, his features screwed tight in pleasure.
“Lick it off, baby.” Taehyung rasps, half his mind completely gone, dilapidated.
You hum as you spread his liquid around his tip and along his shaft, lips now glossy, before you slowly lap it all up. You know he is particularly sensitive after cumming, so you wallow in teasing his head a bit more, watching him writhe on his seat, whining your name. “Sir, how was that?”
Taehyung’s head is tossed back, eyes shut to recover from that post-orgasm intensity. He doesn’t speak at first, still trying to piece back together his mind. “I… That was… You deserve a worse punishment for doing that to me.”
Your core twists in excitement.
Briskly, you fish out the key to his handcuffs and unlock him, thrumming from the molten fury in his eyes. “What did I do wrong, sir?”
As soon as his wrists are free from their shackles, Taehyung stands and throws you over his shoulders. Smack. He hits your ass, your skirt doing little to soften the blow. You never knew yourself to be a masochist until it comes to Taehyung; his are the only hands you’d allow to spank you.
Then he tosses you onto the bed, your skirt flying up to reveal your peachy ass as you land on your front. “You just love it when I’m under your control, don’t you? Even this innocent school-girl roleplay is just a disguise to get me to beg for you, isn’t it?”
Twisting your head back, a smirk plays at your lips as you regard his frustrated yet immensely pleased expression. His fingers glide up your silky stockings enticingly, sending shivers coursing up your legs. “Sir, I have no idea what you mean.”
“Look at your fucking ass in this skirt, holy fuck.” He begins to knead the supple flesh of your behind, pushing up the skirt until it sit on your lower back.
Another smack.
He’s such an ass man through and through.
“Do you like my uniform, sir?” You moan between his smacks. Nothing really is compelling you to continue with this roleplay, but something tells you that Taehyung is bursting from it.
“I fucking love it, baby girl.” Smack. You can practically hear him grinning in satisfaction. His palm massages the redness he inflicted like smearing paint, touch growing closer and closer to your core.
Then with one push at your inner thighs, he spreads your legs wide open.
“Fucking hell. Crotchless? You’re really spoiling me tonight.” Like a little boy on Christmas Day, he marvels at your glistening slit, gaping at him in anticipation. Another small surprise for him.
“Of course- ahh!” You break into a moan when he runs two fingers down your folds, all the way to your bulging clit. “For the birthday boy.”
“Okay, now you definitely deserve the best head.” He lies on his front and grips onto your thighs to pull himself up to face level with your cunt.
You won’t tell him to prevent further ego inflation but every head he gives is the best head.
“Wait, Taehyung, it’s your birthday. Just let me-” You squirm in his clutch, trying to flip around, but he holds you still.
“Exactly. My birthday. I get to eat you out if I want to. It’s what my baby girl deserves.” For some reason, you blush. Who are you to resist head, especially from Taehyung?
Heat of his breath tickling your entrance, you plant your face onto the pillow and clamp down on your lip, preparing for that mind-twisting sensation that has a way of robbing you of sanity. His mouth finds your thighs first, kissing, sucking, blooming roses of his affection. You let him mark you - you are completely his tonight. Then his breath arrives at the sensitive crevice where your folds begin, a slow seduction towards your tingling bud. When he finally latches onto your clit, your eyes roll to the back of your empty head, a whimper ensuing.
His tongue is a predatory serpent, ceaselessly rolling your bud in his mouth. He’s rough, generous with the waves of pleasure he sends. You wish you aren’t lying on your front right now, just so you can look down at his concentrated face and pull on his wavy mop of hair.
With every flick of his tongue, you swim closer to your orgasm. His fingers are digging to your thighs, his breath quickening with his face buried in you. When he adds his long slender digits, you know your demise is round the corner.
“Fuck, daddy.” You yell into the pillow, that name coming so naturally to you that it requires zero brain processing to leave you.
Taehyung hums in response, those baritone vibrations shaking into your core until your leg involuntarily kicks back. Gripping onto the sheets, a string of profanities expel from you as that euphoric current comes crashing onto you, drowning your surroundings so that all you feel is his face, his tongue, his teeth, still mercilessly going despite your state.
“Fuck!” A tear slips from the violent stimulation at your clit continuing past your orgasm. You guess it’s payback.
Not one minute later, a second climax hits you, this time stronger than the last as it rides on the residual pleasure. The orgasm disperses into tension down your thighs, dying for more friction to relieve your cunt of the blissful ache. Warm tears stain the pillowcase your face is buried in, your cries muffled.
His pace gradually decelerates into soft kisses on your flower, fingers withdrawing to massage your folds. You are motionless, completely depleted after the dopaminergic release. Delicately, his lips travel up to your ass, where he sucks more colours as he awaits your recovery.
“How was that, baby girl?” Taehyung slowly turns you over onto your back, a lazy grin on his glistening mouth, your wetness slathered all over his nose. It views in your eyes as a display of your possession. You don’t miss the triumph in his gaze; you wonder if he likes making you cum more than cumming himself.
“Your mouth is fucking incredible.” You bask in the post-orgasm high, pulling him atop you, hand locking in his curls. You taste yourself as you kiss him, slowly and lethargically, your energy ebbing back to you.
“Yeah?” He smiles against your lips. “You know what’s incredible? You in this fucking uniform.” Pulling away, he scans your body top to bottom. And as you follow his gaze, you notice his hardened cock, once again ready for another round. You surprise yourself with how ready you are to take him, exhaustion not yet settled in from his overstimulation.
“You like it that much?” You press your lips together, and as used to Taehyung’s constant flattery as you should be, you still feel proud.
Taehyung nestles his face onto your neck. “If we went to high school together, I would 100% have been your bitch. Not a single doubt. Whipped.”
Your heart squeezes. Whipped.
You kiss his hair, resisting the urge to make a comment about what he said. “Haha. I would not have noticed you, I was obsessed with the captain of the football team.”
Taehyung lifts his head up, frowning at you with a playful annoyance. “Are you sure you want to mention another man in front of me right now?” For emphasis of his possessive mood, he grinds his member into your thigh. You can’t help but push back to feel him digging into you. Possessive Taehyung toys with your strings.
“Yeah, what are you going to do about it?” You taunt further, pulling on his locks. Taehyung’s competitiveness is an easy target for manipulation; everytime he starts to go soft and sappy on you, all you have to do is tug on his jealousy and the bull will come charging back full force.
Surely enough, he growls into your ear. “Don’t forget who you’re speaking to, miss. You wouldn’t want your parents knowing the naughty things you’ve been up to, would you?” So he does love the roleplay. His tone slightly sarcastic, but also not really. But before you can hiss a witty response, he silences you with his teeth on your neck. As he sucks on your tender skin, your nails rake across his back in pleasure. He’s growing bolder with his territory.
“More hickeys?” You purr, not exactly in the complaining tone you’d wished it would come out in.
“Yeah, what are you going to do about it?” He mocks, leaving a wet purple trail across your throat.
You allow it for the sole reason that it’s his birthday. Otherwise, you’d be kicking off.
You’ve never liked the idea of hickeys, the notion that someone feels entitled to mark your skin as theirs. You don’t belong to anyone. This is your own skin, and no one else’s. Yet - right now, as Taehyung nips at your neck, hand yanking on your uniform’s tie to pull you closer to him, you feel like you do belong…
You don’t finish that thought.
Reaching down, you begin stroking his patiently awaiting cock. “You’re brave for someone who’s dick is in my hands.”
Taehyung breaks away from your neck and reviews his work of art. The wolfish grin an indication of his pride. “You’re going to kill me tomorrow.” He says without the fear that should come with such statement.
Yes, you’re definitely going to.
“Then fuck me until I forgive you.” You challenge, unbuttoning the first button of your shirt while your stroking quickens.
He doesn’t need to be told twice. Fingers scrambling to undo the rest of your shirt, his mouth finds yours again, sucking on your bottom lip until it’s sure to swell later. Your bra falls loose with a dexterous flick, a gesture he can do in his sleep. Yet, he makes no move to remove your checkered tie at all.
When you try to loosen it yourself, he grabs your hand and pins it against the pillow. “That stays on tonight, along with the skirt and the stockings.” Voice laced with carnality, there’s a feral glint in his glare.
“Yes, sir.” Smile unstifled, you fall back into obedience.
Taehyung dares to plant more bitemarks down your chest before taking your nipple in his mouth, tormenting the sensitive bud relentlessly. Patience wearing thin, you line his tip with your slit, dallying it around to coat it with your dampness.
“Wait, grab a condom.” He mutters.
“Don’t need one.”
He looks up, confused. “What? Why?”
“I started taking the pill. Surprise.”
The look of pure shock and delight that usurps his face, for the third? fourth? time tonight, sows a seed of joy in your core.
“Wait, seriously?” You swear you feel his cock twitch happily in your hand. That stupid boxy grin that makes him look like a kid again… You want to kiss him dizzy.
“Yes, seriously.” You would never admit that you started taking contraception solely for Taehyung, because that would be weird, you absolutely did not do it for Taehyung. You’d always wanted to start contraception anyway. This was your own decision, influenced by no one else.
Certainly. No one else. Of course.
“Holy fucking shit. Y/N, you’re amazing.” Taehyung cannot contain his glee despite its juxtaposition with his pulsating cock about to enter you any moment now. “All this for me?” He asks, still in disbelief, as if the answer isn’t already written in big bold black letters.
“For the birthday boy, and the birthday boy only.” Your nose grazes his. These are the very words you’d be embarrassed to be caught saying to any guy, yet you’re currently too fuelled by the desire to please him to berate yourself.
Without another second gone to waste, Taehyung pushes his girthy member into your heat. Though it glides in with ease, your walls are stretched so wide that your inside stir, a sore pressure squeezing around him with each thrust. You always seem to forget how well he fits into you, and so each time comes as an eye-rolling surprise - the way he fills you so completely and entirely with his hefty cock.
“Oh fuck, you feel so-” He doesn’t manage to finish his sentence, too caught up in the raw unobstructed sensation of your slick walls.
Lifting your leg over his shoulder, the cavernous angle allows him to jolt deeper into you, his tip violently punching through you. While one hand remains on your ankle, the other twists your tie around his wrist and pulls as if it were a leash. “Sir…” You choke out at the constriction around your throat.
“Are you going to bad girl again?” He grunts, sweat beading on his forehead while he continues to ram his hips.
“No, sir. I won’t touch myself again,” you moan under him, “unless you are watching.”
“Fuck, Y/N.” One eye shut, Taehyung sticks his thumb into your mouth to suckle on. Your tongue swirls around his finger, biting down every time you need to shriek in pleasure.
After a while, he flips your bodies over so that you are riding him, watching, mesmerised, as your breasts bounce freely each time you spring on his dick. Your body falls back at the rippling coil inside you, hands braced on the mattress to keep you upright.
Taehyung could watch you ride him for the rest of his life. Hell, if he has a heart attack and dies this very moment, he would die the happiest man.
Sometimes, while you’re fucking, Taehyung gets a sudden rush of jealousy. Jealous that he wasn’t the one to ruin your innocence. Jealous that someone else other than him got to, or still gets to, fuck you like this.
He pulls on your tie so that you fall over him, lips colliding to remind himself that he’s the one fucking you right now, the rest shouldn’t matter. The way you moan into him reassures that no one has ever, or can ever, fuck you the way he does.
Then a messy whimper leaves you like a symphony, and for the third time tonight, you come undone, unravelled.
“Fu-u-u-uckkk.” You cry, arms looping around Taehyung’s neck, holding on as if he’s your lifeline because you yourself are unsure how much of this you can take before you drown.
“Baby, you’re so good, cumming for me again.” He sings, knowing that words like these thrums something in your core. You lap up his praise, smiling against his teeth despite yourself. It’s honestly a miracle how your usual brusque controlling self is suddenly transformed into his docile little girl, especially after a round of orgasms. “I’m going to cum again too.”
“Daddy, fuck, please. Cum inside me.” You pant, hips bouncing as fast as your aching muscles allow. Truth be told, no one has ever finished inside you before. And you are dying to find out how it feels.
Taehyung seems to know this. He grabs onto your waist, holding you in place, and plunges unforgivingly into you, penetrating your walls so ardently that you are shoved near the brink of yet another orgasm.
A grumble rippling through the room, finally, you feel a hot jet shoot into you, squirt after squirt of his thick cum filling you up. He frowns, a hoarse cry from the immense pleasure arriving at his cock, taking over him. Fucking hell, this is hot.
And kind of really intimate.
However, you notice that his pace has yet to slacken.
“I’m not done with you yet.” His eyes open to reveal pupils glowing with vehemence. Your clit throbs.
Still inside you, he turns you over so that you are both on your sides spooning, one of your legs hoisted up by his rough grip. The slap of your skin rings crisp and clear as he continues to fuck you. You lean back into him, ignoring the sticky coat of sweat coalescing your skins. His cum lubricates each thrust as you feel some spill out of you. His fingers start to stimulate your clit to help you reach your ultimate climax, viciously rubbing your sensitive swollen bud so much that you begin to see stars.
For him to keep fucking you even after cumming despite his tremendous sensitivity… Taehyung is going wild tonight.
“Are you going to cum one last time for me, baby girl?” He pants heavily in your ear.
“Yes, daddy.” Your own cunt is leaking profusely its tears of joy; you don’t think you’ve ever been this wet before.
In a few more thrusts, Taehyung is cumming inside you again, this time naturally less than the last, yet from his loud coarse groan, you deduce is much more intense. He pounds slowly yet robustly, milking every last drop into you. Due to the sheer oversensitivity, he has no choice but to pull out of you immediately after, leaving a spurt of his cum surging out of you.
“Oh my god.” He moans into your neck, both your heads spinning from the vigour of your intercourse.
But he knows you’re still a minute away from your orgasm. And never one to disappoint, he quickly sits up and spreads your legs open.
“Holy fuck.” Taehyung freezes at the sight of his cum slowly trickling out of you. To him, it’s a sign of possession, ownership. Apart from his ex, he has never fucked without protection, certainly not those random one night stands. To him, it’s a sign of intimacy.
Catching his white liquid in two fingers, he inserts it into your already gaping mouth, smearing it all over your tongue. In your cute little braids, you swallow it willingly, and Taehyung swears that he could fuck you again right then and there.
“You like that?” He asks, sticky fingers entering your core, feeling how clenched you are due to the pent up pressure.
“Mhmm.” You nod, hips lifting off the bed so that he can reach deeper. His thumb massages your clit, long digits moving in a come hither motion, stretching your walls in cusps that his cock did not have the ductility to reach. “Ahh, shit.”
Determination worn on his face despite his tiring limbs, Taehyung fucks you with his finger as you thrash beneath him. Your clit is already exploding with sensitivity from the previous rounds, and on top of that, with his thick knuckles push into you again and again, you are clawing at him while your whole body convulses.
The coil within your finally snaps. The ecstatic sensation exploding within you, flooding your every fibre until tears spring out your eyes. A clear liquid shoots out of you to both your surprises, and sprays its droplets towards Taehyung. His eyes widen, marvelling at your beauty as you cum not only on his fingers but all over him.
“Jesus Christ!” Chuffed with himself evidently, he leans in to kiss you, deep and desperate, while his fingers slow their steady thrusts to let you ride out the remainder of your high. His mouth is warm, a familiar taste as you regain your sense of self and surrounding that you tend to lose during sex.
As your brain begins to function again, the first thought you register is how much you don’t want to stop kissing Taehyung, how much you don’t want to let go of him.
“Taehyung…” You whine, bottom lip in the possession of his teeth.
“Feeling good?” He lets go of his bite, but lips remain dearly magnetised to yours. Dragging out his fingers, the wet noises of your clenched walls ring. Taehyung sucks on his dripping digits as you push his sweat-dampened fringe out of his face to survey his eyes. Full of yearning. And the way he is sucking… appears almost as a last display of submission after completely ruining you. A last shred of I’m yours.
“So.” You peck him. “Fucking.” Another. “Good.” Peck. Your bodies naked, your skirt creased and skin claggy, you refuse to release each other from your embrace. “But Taehyung…”
“What it is, my baby?” From on top of you, he is looking down at you as if you’re some delicate little buttercup in a barren field, a ray of joy radiating from his smile.
You tense. My baby.
You two might be kind of screwed...
But you’ll think about that another time. Right now, you just want to be held and kissed and looked after.
“It’s not fair. This was meant for you, but you made it about me.” You don’t know what’s taken over you but you pout at him, the same way he would do to you when he wanted something. But why, of course, it’s just like Taehyung to make you come four times despite it being his birthday sex. You don’t even know what to expect for your own birthday.
His own hair dishevelled, he tucks your loose braids behind your ears, a gesture of affection. “Nothing gets me off more than making you feel good. This was about me. This was everything I wanted. Best sex I’ve ever had. But in what world would my best sex not include making you squirt?”
Your don’t know why but you feel incredibly vulnerable right now, your hard edges softening. It’s the after-sex glow that you’re seeing everything in. You feel warm, bubbly, tender.
And now your chest feels weird, like something itching to rupture out of your ribcage. You want it to stop, yet also don’t.
“Taehyung…” You whine his name again. “No fair… You can’t be like this.” Your brain offers no explanation as to why you’ve adopted his usual saccharine manner, other than the fact that he has fucked you completely senseless.
“Like what?” He asks, egging the rare words of sweetness out of you.
“Like… You know… So giving and nice and perf…” Your voice trails off when you notice his excited smirk. God, what the fuck are you saying? You flush in embarrassment.
“Perf…? His smug grin only grows at your shyness.
“Stop. You know what I mean.”
“No, I don’t.”
“Stop teasing me.” Taehyung chuckles at your frustration, taking the chance to kiss the tip of your nose before you try to squirm out of his arms like a cat.
“No, go on. You need to be better with your words. Tell me how you feel.”
Your entire face is heated.
“I… You’re just… You treat me so well. How am I supposed to sleep with anyone else anymore?” You immediately wish you didn’t say it out loud. Because your phrasing implies that you want monogamy, commitment. It’s not what you meant at all, you don’t think. You just meant… You don’t know what you just meant.
You search his eyes frantically, in fear that he’s thinking the same, only to find them calm, content. “I mean, I guess I’m pretty fucking awesome. Thanks.”
Rolling your eyes, you’re grateful for his childish humour obstructing any serious consideration of your words.
“Don’t make me take it back, moron.” You scoff, pinching his round cheek between your knuckles.
“Too bad, it’s my birthday, everything I say is the law.” Still hovering over you, he presses gentle kisses all over your face, delighting in the way you pretend to hate it even though you can’t suppress the smile. When he stops, his face is sincere, the playfulness gone. “Y/N.”
“Thank you so much, honestly, from the bottom of my heart. This was… the best birthday I’ve ever had. Not just the sex, but the whole time with you, the dinner, the party, everything.” Your heartbeat quickens, unable to hold his gaze so you focus on the curve of his collarbone instead. “Even better than the pirate-themed birthday party my parents threw me when I turned eight.”
You laugh, shaking your head. “Honoured. It was my pleasure.”
“Seriously, I lov-”
Taehyung catches himself before he could finish that sentence. Those unspoken words hang over your heads like a puppet.
Because for some reason, although you’ve said ‘I love you’ to each other a plethora of times in the past, this time feels like a different connotation is implicated. The line between platonic love and romantic love feels blurred. And neither of you know which love is meant.
Taehyung is a sentimental guy, you tell yourself. Of course he means he loves you as his best friend. And that’s surely what you mean too when your eyes are pleading him to keep kissing you.
There’s a moment of silence, for you both to gather your scattered thoughts, staring at each other, unsure what to say.
You clear your throat, dispelling the tension in the air.
“Lets go clean up.”
“Yeah.” Taehyung rolls off you, avoiding your eye as much as you are avoiding his.
The clean up is wordless, both pretending to be too preoccupied to spare the unspoken words any thought.
Except they’re all that’s playing at your mind.
Taehyung didn’t mean it like that. Taehyung doesn’t love you like that. You’re just overthinking. And he’s overthinking about you overthinking. You two are fine, you’re normal.
Examining the purple clouds he had imprinted on you, a stream down your neck, a cluster around your breasts, then the large ones between your thighs, you’re surprised to find not one drip of annoyance. A scary thought dawns on you. What if you like them? What if you like being marked by Taehyung?
What the fuck is happening?
You wait for him to crack a joke to ease up the awkwardness, glancing up at him in the mirror as you dry your hands on the towel by the sink. He doesn’t. Instead, he’s perched on the edge of the bath tube. Zoned out.
Have you finally taken it too far? Finally overstepped that hazy nebulous line that you perhaps should have set more clear?
“Hey, Taehyung.” His head snaps up at you, eyes large with uncertainty. “You okay?”
You want to reach out to touch him, brush his cheek, kiss his forehead. But you hold back. Not wanting to fuel the fire of confusion. But then he tugs you towards him by the hem of your skirt, corner of his lips turning up, imbuing you with a gust of relief.
“Just thinking.” His fingers crawl up your legs, holding onto your hips like his hands belong to nowhere else. “Come here.”
Chest pounding, you walk towards him, let him sit you down on his lap. Though you wish not to look at him with his face so close to yours, your eyes cannot pull away from his striking beauty. They say the eyes are the windows to the soul, but Taehyung’s feel more like the front door to your home. When you look into them, no matter how you’re feeling, whether you’d been fighting or kissing, you just feel embraced in a cloud of clarity, security.
You don’t want to think about the complication between you two at the moment. You just want to be looking at him, touching him, holding him.
You watch him glance at your lips, hesitancy playing at his mind. You know he’s thinking the same.
“We’re okay, right?” Throat tight, you ask, rather pointlessly.
“Of course. We’re great, same old us.” His arm around your waist feels warm and safe, and when your mirror his growing smile, you almost believe him.
But when your lips gently press against his, you know it’s a lie.
You’re not the same old you.
Taehyung feels different. Skin smoother, tastes sweeter, mouth softer. The roughness of his usual kisses is gone, replaced by an inexplicable tenderness that makes you feel things in your gut. You swat those feelings away.
Something is changing. And as much as you don’t want to acknowledge it, you don’t think you can ignore its booming presence.
You don’t dare make a sound as he carries you back to his room. You don’t protest when he throws one of his t-shirts over your head. Nor when he holds you into his chest, lips tracing your forehead with a soft sleepy smile.
Noting that you’re being uncharacteristically quiet, he pokes the nub of your nose. “Who stole your tongue?”
Act normal. Just be your loud annoying self.
“Uh… You.” You murmur, unable to meet his eye even with strenuous effort
Well, fuck.
“Okay, let me give it back to you.” Before you can protest, he is kissing you again. And you want to push him away because you feel your heart lurching to your throat, and you don’t think it is healthy. But your feeble hand that was meant to shove him off lands weakly on his pec, and somehow with a mind of its own, snakes up to his neck and pulls him in. His tongue unfurls onto yours, gently sweeping away any logic.
When his lips finally leave yours, you’re out of breath.
You don’t know what’s happened to you. Since when did you react like this to Taehyung?
Forcing your usual smirk, you try to wear a convincing facade that you feel nothing out of the ordinary. “I’m expecting great things for my birthday, though to be honest this is going to be hard to beat.” The underlying dishonesty tastes sour. You’ve never had to put on a front with Taehyung, and doing so now feels… alien.
“I’ll start planning it tomorrow, don’t you worry, your highness.” Taehyung pretends to roll his eyes at your demand, though the circles he’s rubbing down your back is telling of his genuinity. He isn’t an classically romantic guy, not one for flowers and chocolate, but more a sentimental gift that leaves a deep meaning. You know you’ll love whatever he plans. It worries you that you’ll perhaps love it too much. “But seriously, thank you for everything. The easel? How much did that cost you? I’ve looked at that brand before and there’s no way it was cheap.”
“It doesn’t matter how much it costed.” Warmth is creeping up on your cheeks again. You try to excuse it as Taehyung’s radiant body heat. “Let’s just say I had to resort to prostitution to pay for it, okay?”
Bodies shuddering in laughter, some tension in the air is thankfully alleviated by your humour, filling you with hope that things should and will return to normal in no time. You just need to stop overthinking.
“Hey, can you sleep here tonight?”
You freeze at his request. Because despite your constant fucking around with each other, one clear boundary has been that you don’t physically sleep with each other after sex. If you do sleep over, it is always just a completely platonic gesture. No kissing or fondling. Something about falling asleep in each other’s naked bodies is too mushy and couple-like. The type of thing that make you puke.
“Why?” You frown defiantly at him. “It’s not even your birthday anymore, it’s past midnight. So technically, I don’t have to treat you like royalty anymore.”
“Why not?” Taehyung rebuts, that cocky expression making you want to nipple-cripple him. This difficult son of a bitch, does he not know that the line is going hazy between you two?
“It’s weird, we just had sex.”
“So? What do you have against sleeping together after sex? Scared that you’ll fall in love with me?”
Your chest sinks to your stomach. You swear to god, Kim Taehyung is going to be the fucking death of you, stupid shit. How could he even say something like that so casually?
“In your fucking dreams, prick. If anything, you’d be the one to fall in love with me first, I just made you cum three times.” Taehyung chuckles at the flash of fury in your eyes, amused by how easy it is to strike a nerve in you.
“Do you want me to fall in love with you?” Though his tone is playful, and the wiggle of his brows suggests his mockery, you don’t know if he is completely joking anymore. And suddenly, everywhere that you’re touching - your entangled legs, his hands on the small of your back, your chests pressed on each other - everywhere starts to burn.
“Shut up, I’ll fucking sleep here, okay?”
And so this night, for the first time in the seven months you’ve been on-and-off fornicating alongside your unwavering friendship, you rest in Taehyung’s bed, your frame tucked snugly in his, his arm reposed on your waist. And despite your fatigue, it takes too long for sleep to find you as you watch his shoulders rise and fall in the dark, lips slightly parted, beckoning you to kiss them.
© Copyright 2019
@taexxxiiaa @shookpreme @taetaeobsessed @tangledsparkles @nonexistentfucks @evilkookie @nbiased95 @taehyungmakesmeoof @itscalledgayhoney @tahaing @deliciouslydisturbed365 @expensive-bangtan-girl @jwlmnbt @herakimkim @dnyad @kaepjjang365 @expensive-bangtan-girl@gingerpeachtae @spring2787 @askingtheimportantthingshere @casualminiaturetimemachine @xblackclover13x @vasysauce @deadinsidebitch2412 @emiyooa @i-dont-even-know-fck @chimycthulhu @gixanjos @hisunshiine @xtaeyi @softjellyjimin @bluemooncnblue @malfeitofeitto @bangtanfancamp @keopitae @out-of-jams
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air temples
Written for Day 5 of @aangweek! Read here on AO3.
5. air temples - i finally realized, all of this time / it was in me / all along, it was in me
Faded. That was the word. Everything about the Northern Air Temple was… faded.
The murals had grown softer, paint peeling and splintered with jagged cracks. The walls were crumbling in many rooms, the insertion of metal pipes drastically changing the infrastructure. Spaces that had once been full of people, full of life, were abandoned. Desolate. Empty.
Aang’s memories were so - so vibrant in his mind. And now, the present simply… paled in comparison.
Faded. Everything had faded.
His chest was tight.
“Aang? Can I come in?”
Aang blinked upon hearing his name, turning around to see that Teo had wheeled up behind him. His new friend had come to a stop beneath a fractured wooden doorframe. “Uh… sure?” he finally answered. “I don’t think you need my permission, though.”
Teo shrugged as he rolled inside. “You seemed lost in thought. I didn’t want to startle you.”
Aang flushed. He’d definitely been caught up in the past. Or maybe he’d been agonizing over the present. Was there a difference? “Oh.”
Teo laughed. “Nothing wrong with being easy to read. My father tells me I’m the same.”
Aang smiled. “I guess it’s not too bad, then. Having anything in common with you is a plus.”
It was Teo’s turn for his face to redden. “Wow. Me, having something in common with the Avatar?” He shook his head, feigning awe. “That’s incredible. I’ve never felt so cool.”
Aang rolled his eyes, grinning. “As if you didn’t almost out-glide me all of a few hours ago.”
“‘Almost’?” Teo repeated, eyes twinkling with mischief. “I seem to recall that I did out-glide you, Avatar.”
Aang laughed, tilting his head to the side. “Then I guess we’ll just have to organize an official rematch, won’t we?”
“I’ll pencil it into my schedule. Hope you’re ready to lose again.”
“Ooh, fighting words.” Aang winked at him. “Don’t count your pickens before they hatch.” A beat passed, and he shook his head, realizing Teo had probably not tracked him down for small talk. “Sorry. I kind of took us on a tangent there. Was there a specific reason you were looking for me?”
Teo blinked. “Yes. Right.” He jutted his thumb behind them. “There’s something I want to show you in my room. I think it might… mean something to you.”
Aang frowned. “Should we get Katara and Sokka?”
Teo shook his head. “No. It won’t matter to them.” He hesitated, amending, “I mean, we can get them if you want, of course. It’s just -” Teo huffed. “Sorry. I didn’t think…” He met Aang’s eyes, and his next words made Aang’s entire body tense. “I found something from your people. The airbenders. I thought you might want to see it… in private.”
Aang swallowed hard, blinking back tears he both did and didn’t understand. “Thank you,” he whispered after a pause. He cleared his throat. “I really appreciate that.” He gestured to the door. “Lead the way?”
Teo nodded, and when he steered himself out the room, Aang followed.
“I found it recently,” Teo explained as he directed Aang through the temple. “Completely on accident, too. I had to get up super early one morning to help my dad with some work, so I wasn’t even half-awake when I got into my chair. I was pulling my hair up, but apparently I’d forgotten to lock the brakes, because gravity rolled me backwards with a little extra force into the corner of my room.”
Aang’s eyes widened. “Wait, are you -”
“Oh, I’m fine,” Teo reassured him with a dismissive wave of his hand. “I took way harder hits than that when I was first learning how to land with my glider.”
Aang laughed. “Yeah, landing is a lot easier when you can use airbending as a cushion.”
Teo sighed dramatically. “If only! I have to rely on favorable air currents and precise mathematical angles.”
Aang winked at him. “Which goes to show how brilliant you are, since you now land so effortlessly.”
Teo snorted. “Trial and error, Aang. Trial and error.” He gave him a crooked smile. “And all the math, too.” He paused, rolling to a stop. “Okay. We’re here.”
The room wasn’t too different from how Aang remembered the sleeping quarters of the Northern Air Temple to be. Minimalistic, yet comforting. Aang noticed there were a few mechanical gadgets scattered about the place that hadn’t been there a century ago, as well as a wooden desk with smudged blueprints resting atop it.
Teo must have realized what he was looking at, as his face went scarlet and he immediately flipped the sketches over. “Sorry. They’re nowhere near as good as my dad’s yet.”
Aang wanted to protest that Teo’s designs were fine and he didn’t want to compare them to his father’s anyway, but his voice vanished as Teo pointed to an open corner of his bedroom. A small space to the left of his friend’s sleeping arrangements.
“My chair knocked a brick loose that morning,” Teo explained, continuing the story he’d started in the hall. “At first, I thought it was just because the temple is old.” He wheeled over to the corner, running his hand over a stone slightly lighter than the rest. Indiscernible to someone not looking for it. “But when I tried to fix it…” Teo slid the brick out of the wall. In the space left open behind it were…
“I found these,” Teo finished, pulling out three sheets of rolled-up parchment with his other hand and offering them to Aang. “I think they were made by the airbenders who used to live here.” He paused. “Your people, I mean.”
Aang accepted the scrolls with shaking hands. The edges of the papers had yellowed with time, age making them thin and fragile, but overall the pages were well-preserved.
Aang carefully unrolled each sheet, smoothing them out flat atop Teo’s desk. They were… Pictures.
Two were drawn by young boys, Aang presumed, based on the inexperience and bright hues of the art style. One was of a grinning sky bison, and the other was a color-coded collage of the symbols for the four elements. Both images radiated childlike glee.
The third was much neater, painted by the hand of someone gifted with a brush. It depicted the Air Nomads’ tattooing ceremony, Aang realized, where an unidentified airbender was being given their arrows and granted the title of an airbending master. Everything about the picture was - was vibrant, from the sky blue arrows to the warm tones of the monks’ orange robes, each detail bursting with memories of a peaceful time long since passed.
Aang hadn’t realized he was crying until Teo began to frantically ask if he was okay.
“I’m fine,” Aang reassured his friend, voice steadier than he expected it to be. He wiped his eyes, but tears continued to silently fall. “I just…” He glanced down at the three artworks a second time before turning around to crush Teo in a hug. The young mechanic seemed shocked, but soon returned the embrace.
“Thank you,” Aang whispered, his face nestled in Teo’s shoulder. “For keeping them alive.”
Teo squeezed Aang tighter. “I owe them everything. We wouldn’t have survived without this temple.”
The Northern Air Temple. Full of secrets and surprises. A painful past, a painful present, yet nonetheless possessing a hopeful future.
Faded, Aang had called it.
No. No, it wasn’t faded. He’d been wrong. The temple was vibrant. Bursting with colors contained behind gray stone walls. The temple was scarred, maybe. Aang couldn’t deny that. Bruised, even. Beaten and broken and blistered.
But not faded.
no i don't have a teoaang agenda why do you ask?? i hope to see you tomorrow for day 6 - grief. (also can y'all believe aang week is almost finished?? i need a whole aang year smh.) thank you for reading!
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milkybunbuns · 3 years
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ii. battles → perfection masterlist → next → previous
w/c: 1.9 K
warnings: spoilers for season 1 episodes 6 and 7
a/n: I moved the basic hero training part to morning because I realised half way through it happened in the afternoon and I was too lazy to change everything 😅
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A brand new day, which meant a brand new day of school. You wouldn’t even be surprised if today there would be another test and just unluckily for you, Hawks was nowhere to be seen in the morning, leaving you with no food (the fridge was empty) and there was no time to go shopping considering you were running late. Home school was kinda nicer, you could wake up whenever you want, learn whenever you want and train whenever you want, but sometimes it did get a little bit boring.
Sliding the door open quietly, you slid through the smallest opening possible and settled down in your seat, All Might completely oblivious to the fact that you had just walked in, 7 minutes late, however, it clearly didn’t go unnoticed by Iida. You watched as he raised his arm, panicking internally and waving your hands crazily at him, trying to signal him, no. Yet he paid no mind to you. Grrr, Iida!! Way to blow my sneaky entrance smh.
“Yes young Iida?”
“I’m sorry for disrupting the class, but I would like to point out that L/n-san has entered the classroom late and being part of UA, it is expected that all students should be on time”, he pointed at you, exposing you as everyone turned their heads towards you.
You heard whispers of ‘huhh, who’s that?’, ‘I didn’t see her’, ‘Is she new?’, which brought a lot of embarrassment upon yourself.
“It’s not very nice to whisper about someone in front of them kero”, Tsuyu, spoke up, which stopped all the whispers.
Iida stood up and bowed an almost perfect bow to All Might, “I’m sorry All Might for the discrepancy, please continue.”
“Right!”, the no.1 hero sweat dropped, “Please put on your costumes and meet me at Ground B”, he pressed a button on a remote, the wall somehow magically producing cases which held individual costumes based on requests. You grabbed your case, which was labelled no.9, looking around for Tsuyu so you thank her properly for standing up for you. Her green hair was pretty easy to spot, as you rushed to her.
“Oh hi L/n-san!”, she waved at you with her free hand, still keeping a fast pace.
“Hi Asui-san, thank you so much for standing up for me, I would’ve been a gonner without you.”
“It’s no problem at all and call me Tsuyu.”
“Alright Tsuyu, I was wondering if you’d like to be friends with me?”
“Of course! It’d be my pleasure kero”, okay phew it would’ve been so embarassing if she said no sjoakpa.
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Everyone met outside, after changing into various hero costumes. Some looked out right ridiculous, Mineta’s was a great example for sure, while some looked really good and you couldn’t help but be in awe at Ochaco’s costume. It had a really nice colour palette consisting of pink, white and black and fitted her quirk really well.
“Ochaco!”, you waved her over, from where she was standing with Deku, quickly examining his hero costume, you noticed that the teeth looked a bit strange and he kinda looked like a bunny though it was clearly meant to be All Might style.
“Hi Y/n!!”, Ochaco smiled bouncing up and down excitedly, “This is so exciting! Our first hero training class!!”
“Yeah, I guess it is. Your costume is really cutee~”
She scratched the back of her neck sheepishly, “Thanks, but I honestly didn’t expect this to be skin-tight.”
“It’s good for your quirk and easier to manoeuvre around with a tight suit rather than a loose suit. We don’t want you accidentally making yourself float in a battle.”
“Oh yeah, of course, that would be pretty bad. But I love your costume, it’s really bright though, wouldn’t that be bad for stealth?”
“That’s why I’ve already figured out what I want to be. If or when I become a hero, I’m going to be a daylight hero.” Your costume was almost all white, but it also had bits of f/c with it. It consisted of white combat boots lined with stars in f/c near the soles, as well as 3/4 length leggings and a skin-tight top which was able to help cool you off. In terms of gadgets, you had heatproof f/c gloves, a utility belt which contained ice cubes in a small thermos, bandages, a small bottle of water. Other than those, you had a heatproof visor on your face. (Feel free to imagine up your own costume)
“Wait, you’ve already thought so far ahead, we still have 3 years here tho!”
“Well, maybe I’ll change my thoughts along the way, but lets listen to All Might before we get called out.”
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It turned out you were put in team I, along with an invisible girl, who had introduced herself as Hagakure and a tail boy who was called Ojiro.
“Okay, Hagakure, you should go scout for them and me and Ojiro will protect the bomb.”
“On it!”, and she was soon out of the room, discarding her clothes in one of the many rooms to become completely invisible. The extra time for the villains was over and before you could begin anything, ice quickly made it’s way to your feet, trapping both you and Ojiro in the ice.
Ojiro pressed a finger to his ear pierce, “Hagakure! Where are you what’s the situation?”
“The Todoroki guy has frozen the whole building and he’s coming to the room right now!”
“Okay, I’ll get us out of this”, you activated your quirk, hands quickly heating up as you let them hover over your feet, the temperature enough to melt it off. Thanks to Todoroki, the whole room was cold, so you could freely use your quirk without overheating, but the negative to this was you could only use up any stored energy from before, since it was almost pitch-black in this room. The door slammed over before you could free Ojiro, revealing Todoroki, who seemed slightly surprised that you were free. He still had no clue how your quirk operated and what it did exactly.
“So,Todoroki-kun? You after this?”, you grabbed the bomb which was still coated in a thick layer of ice and ripped it right out of the ground, allowing a pair of wings to form on your back. He raised his right foot, slamming it down to create a large scale ice attack which you avoided easily, flying out of the window and onto the rooftop where your quirk could operate freely and without end, until your body temperature gets too hot.
Todoroki followed the particles of light out, creating his own path of ice, but by the time he arrived, you already had the bomb safely sitting on the other side of the roof, now instead of being coated with ice, being coated with light energy, which was hot to the touch and melted the ice. Wordlessly, he sent an ice attack towards you, hoping to knock you out to remove the barrier around the bomb. Well he knew it’d know you out, he knew his ice side was powerful. So when you rushed from behind the glacier, sending a ball of light towards him, he was shocked to say the least, but still dodged it.
“If you haven’t figured out by now, your ice only helps me. Using ice attacks is useless, to defeat me, you’ve gotta use your fire side.”
Todoroki frowned, “I can defeat you with just ice, no matter how powerful you are.”
“Hm?”, you arched an eyebrow then shrugged, “Alright, sure.” You created a few more light balls just enough so they were surrounding you, “Say bye then”, you sent them all at once, controlling them to follow Todoroki like guiding missiles. He quickly created a cube like shape of ice around himself, the ice shattering into pieces leaving him unscathed except for a few scratched form the shards which pierced him.
A glacier, larger than the others before raced towards you, and you thought quickly, covering the space around you with light energy which melted all the ice.
“Your quirk relies on light doesn’t it, so what if you run out of it”, Todoroki pointed out, now the rooftop was encased with a thick layer of ice all the way around which was too much for you to melt through without wasting all the energy you had saved. “And even though ice helps keep your body cold, how much of it can you handle before your body starts to get frostbite. My body was made to be able to withstand these temperatures, but yours is made to withstand heat.”
 He could already see that you were shivering, your costume didn’t provide much warmth at all, since you simply assumed you would always be too hot rather than cold.
“No way am I letting you win”, you said through clenched teeth, if there was one thing you hated, it was losing. In your palms you held bits of light energy to keep you warm, but you knew you couldn’t keep this up forever, you had to think and act quickly. Your eyes darted around the ice room, all that was there was you, Todoroki and the bomb. Of course! The bomb! The bomb was still covered with light energy. You grabbed onto the bomb, burning your hands in the process, but still managing to throw it at the ice, the heat melting through the ice to create a hole out. At that moment, you realised you had been baited. Todoroki knew you could withstand the heat of your own light energy better than he could and made it so you had no choice but to use the energy form there which got rid of the layer so he could get the bomb. You watched in horror as he reached towards the bomb and in panic, you sent one towards his hand which was badly aimed and went over his arm instead and into the ice walls.
You lunched forwards, even though you knew there was no way you could make it to him in time, as he touched the bomb, signalling the heroes win. Placing his left hand on the floor, everything was melted off. You were shivering from the cold, frost forming along your body. He took notice and felt just a bit bad, and got permission from all might to take you to the nurse’s office. After all, a hero’s role was to save.
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You got on the bed, rubbing your arms to try and get warmth, recovery girl’s quirk couldn’t help you warm up since it wasn’t really an injury.
“Here, I’ll warm you up”, Todoroki stated bluntly holding out his left hand.
“R-right thanks”, you chattered, trying to fit both of your hands in his, which were extremely warm, but not too hot. After a few moments of awkward silence, with him staring at you, you let go. “Thanks for the help, but I think I can warm up myself from here on.”
“Alright L/n-san, but I have proven that I can defeat you with only my right side. I will not need my left side to defeat you.”
His words left you thinking for a while, he only required half his strength to take you out, which meant you still had miles to improve. When you got third in the quirk apprehension test, you thought you were pretty good, but you never noticed the difference in power between you and Todoroki till now. Training was definitely needed.
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tagged: @dyna-m1ght​
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More Majid Stuff
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I post once in a blue moon b/c I work in random bursts and get tired easily, but here are some rambles about Majid that I’ve saved in my Notes app and probably haven’t mentioned before!
There are some rumors circulating around Majid regarding his wealth
More specifically: how he got his wealth
All these rumors range from him being a secret son of a noble family to taking shady underground jobs that paid ridiculously well
His name had been searched up more than once, but the only thing that pops up is a bakery business w/ a small branch located in the Land of Hot Sands... not too far from where Majid grew up...
Majid’s a quick learner; he just lacks the motivation lol 
Tends to overthink too often, tho, coming up with detailed plans to get out of doing the most mundane stuff
Funny to watch but a pain in the ass to comprehend 😔
Although Majid tries to get out of doing most stuff, there are some things he can’t let slide
He can get picky over how some tasks are done; honestly??? this might be a good tactic on getting him to work (“Hey, Majid. Can you help set up the decorations for tonight’s party?” “No.” “Aaaa, okay, guess we’ll just have Mark do it-“ “Mark? You want to leave decorating to him? Do you want the lounge looking like a highlighter projectile vomited over the walls and ceiling? Give me those streamers. I’ll do it myself-“)
Definitely a quality over quantity kind of person; his room may be a mess of different things, but, rest assured, it’s only the best of the best of stuff that stay for long like lava lamps
I want to say that Majid is picky about a lot of things in general, but he does have his exceptions; for example: food, napping locations, job opportunities, ummm (・_・;) That’s most of what I can think of right now, dang
This pickiness is kiiind of 👉👈 referencing a trait that the Cave of Wonders has; like the whole “only a diamond in the rough shall enter here“ business that was going on idk I’m trying my best
As you can see, I went ham when it came to the “Who disturbs my slumber” line the tiger head had lol 😅(sorry that had become your defining trait, m’boi)
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And the mass of riches he’s accumulated over the years was another obvious reference to the inside of the cave as well; can also act as a loose metaphor of what’s stopping him from getting the help he needs; as the treasures in the cave were put there w/ the intent of distracting a person from the ultimate goal of the magic lamp, so does his own treasures serve as a temporary distraction from moving forward in his life
But if that’s too much of a stretch, then plz slap the inner English teacher in me and then myself
Majid’s good at looking through people’s facades and judging a person’s true character, but it’s not like he does much w/ this info
Unless they try confronting him or something, he just avoids/shuts down people he gets bad vibes from
Doesn’t make tactless comments; figured out that dealing with pissed off people was more work than it’s worth
Boi tends to ask a lot of questions when speaking to other people; partly b/c of trust issues; partly b/c he might be lowkey judging you (can’t use his unique magic all the time after all :/)
He’s the type of person who acts like he knows everything, but he really doesn’t; just hates getting looked down upon in general; will bluff his way through situations by being as vague as possible
He leans towards how his mother used to speak; that is: beating around the bush
He won’t lie to you, but it might take some time until he’ll give you the whole truth; and when I say it’ll take some time, IT REALLY WILL TAKE SOME TIME B/C THIS BOY IS UNBELIEVABLY STUBBORN 
Is casual to whoever he speaks to, no matter the age; if he gets extremely annoyed with someone, especially if they’re older than him, he’ll use this over exaggerated polite tone that makes it real obvious he’s fed up with them
Gets ticked off whenever anyone advises him to do anything, but he’ll still take that advice to heart
Majid’s probably tired all the time b/c of all the jewelry he’s carrying around smh
Majid sounds/looks like he’s angry all the time, but that’s just his resting face 😔; I mean, he’s always a little irritated, but it’s mostly b/c he’s stuck in that state of being forced awake from a deep afternoon nap (b/c... that’s usually what happens to him)
Plus, have you met his upperclassmen? Have you seen what was going on in Scarabia during Chapter 4?????? Have you met the headmaster of this school????????  (; ω ; )
He doesn’t like people touching stuff that’s his; same thing goes for people touching stuff in general that aren’t theirs; doesn’t like thieves (he’s stolen stuff when he was younger, but he justifies that he only did so to survive; and he’s not entirely wrong)
Ironic b/c his mom was a thief 🤭 
He’s also a pretty obedient student save for the whole “trying to sleep in class w/o getting caught” thing that he’s still trying to accomplish; doesn’t like it when the professors get strict with him but will grit his teeth and bear with it
Prefers magic carpets to magic broomsticks; there’s just a lot more surface area when it comes to carpets plus he’s more familiar with the former
Spends a lot of his time in the Scarabia storage room b/c it reminds him of his bedroom back home; probably became buddies w/ Kalim’s magic carpet while he was there too
But if we’re talking about the type of people Majid could tolerate befriending uummm... maybe those with good hearts?? Idk, like those who are genuinely trying to be a good person no matter what kind of obstacles they run into (referencing how the cave of wonders only let a diamond in the rough enter)
They don’t have to be all nice or sweet, but as long as Majid can tell they have kind intentions, he won’t immediately leave them
Has a “haaah... these guys are hopeless... might as well keep an eye on them so they don’t screw up any more than they already have” attitude towards these people
Other type of person Majid would unintentionally befriend are those who are also annoyed of being told what to do by upperclassmen/authority figures; ☺️🙏  vent out your frustrations together wooo
Has some squabbles with Leona when it comes to napping locations
It’s actually pretty funny to watch b/c they both don’t want to give up their spot but also they don’t want to bother getting up 
Leona wins most of the time, tho
Majid may have had a lot of energy when he was younger but now he’s a g e d
I rarely mention Majid’s lava illusion magic thing, but yeah that’s a thing; he probably won’t be able to use it to its full extent until his last year of high school and maybe a little bit later; it takes up a ton of energy; I keep on imagining him using it and joking that “aaaa the floor is lava lol”, but then I remember the psychological effects this ability has on the victim and 😬 yikes scratch that
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Majid has a loud clear voice when he speaks; often startles whoever’s walking by when he naps in the shadows
 As a result of spending most of his time w/o a stable support system and no one static to guide his beliefs, Majid doesn’t follow any particular religion; he does have coworkers back at the curio/appraisal/pawn shop who do, tho, and while he doesn’t entirely understand it, he respects them as much as he can
I’ve said before that Majid selfishly keeps all his wealth to himself for fear of losing his self worth, but there are some exceptions (such as to anyone he passes who’s begging in the streets, a coworker who’s struggling to make ends meet, etc.)
He’s fine with giving away some money, but not in huge amounts 
 And if he’s giving money to anyone, it’s done in a round about way; usually w/ a dismissive excuse 
If this boi had a route, depending on how the MC acts around him, the majority of it will be spent breaking down those walls and befriending him; generally going like this: shovel all trust issues into incinerator one by one —>Get him to tolerate you —> Get him to trust you —> Befriend (?) Him —> Deal w/ his other deep seated issues —-> Romance (if we’re going for that otome game kinda thing i guess???))
I can just imagine Majid temporarily visiting the Land of Hot Sands w/ MC after befriending him and finding out the truth about his parents through his boss at the curio shop; MC encourages him to travel north to pay a visit at some facility b/c it’s rumored that at least his father is still alive 
(No idea what happened to Lara; probably suffered worse consequences due to making several prison breaks; had decently powerful magical abilities, so that would probably explain the whole forced amnesia thing that happened after their disappearance) 
Majid is torn b/w wanting to go alone b/c this is a personal matter (And he wants MC to be safe) and being scared of losing MC if something horrible happens to him on his journey north; he knows what it’s like to be suddenly abandoned, and he doesn’t want that for anybody, especially for someone he cares about 
He doesn’t want to repeat his father’s mistakes, regardless if it was accidental or not 
Majid decides to go on his own; probably had some touching parting w/ MC; maybe we’ll go full otome and have a hugging CG where he swears that he will be back for MC
And MC is just like “Aight;;; cool;;; good luck;;”; something sentimental like that 
Couple of days passed; we’re worried about him 
He returns with a worried look on his face before breaking into a relieved smile when he sees MC; power walks to hug them even tighter than before
Majid thanks them for all they’ve done; he then spends the rest of the day and well into the night describing all he’s experienced and his visit with his dad
 They go back to NRC and Majid is less bratty than before, much to the surprise of Jamil and to the delight of Kalim; actually starts to make an effort to not push people away at every opportunity (b/c he originally felt like they all had their own hidden agenda and were just using him for their own gain, y’know)
Boi becomes even more clingy towards MC; by that, I don’t mean he’s overly attached to them (he’s afraid of making the same mistake he did in the past), but rather he shows it through light casual touches here and there (a brush of the fingers when exchanging papers, patting MC’s head when they do something well, gently tugging at their sleeve when he needs their attention) and constantly checking up on them to see how they’re doing
Awkward levels in Majid increase as he constantly wonders if he’s crossing a line when it comes to him showing any kind of affection; he doesn’t want to come off as creepy and make MC hate him
Might also resist being given love and affection at first; but once he gets used to it, he absolutely m e l t s
Cuddles are 👌; might give teary eyes if MC tries to leave early during a cuddling session, but he won’t pressure them to stay; a touch starved boi
Doesn’t think much of PDA, giving or receiving; full on making out and anything further is kind of a no-go, tho;  hugging is nice and so are short and sweet kisses; will glare at anybody who says anything about it
If his s/o was clingier than he is, he might get a little embarrassed; same thing goes if his s/o was really cute
Definitely the type of boyfriend to buy random gifts for his s/o b/c these things reminded him of them
Younger Majid was in full on puppy mode all the time, or at least when he was around people he liked; also a huge people pleaser too, since he was afraid of them leaving him 
He was probably reckless too in order to entertain his friends
Was really polite, especially when it came to adults; always calling them Mister and Miss(us)
He was also just loud 
Future Majid (if he came to terms with most of his problems) would be more mellow than his teenage self; still anti-social but he’s less angry at the world now; would go on to own the curio shop after the previous owner passed on; reverted it into both a jewelry/appraisal shop in order to honor his father plus respect the previous owner’s memory as well
Sells and repairs jewelry and appraises supposedly rare items that come through his store; still does odd jobs for the people in the neighborhood but his prices aren’t as outrageously high as he made them when he was younger
He names the new store after his mother, at the request of his father (plus I only recently heard the song “House of Gold” by Twenty One Pilots and hnnnmmg it fits well with this golden boy)
Majid is interested in most things related to jewelry, probably subconsciously influenced by his father; this includes repairing bits of jewelry; he moves delicately when it comes to these kinds of tasks
He’s a night owl; it’s much quieter at night
Has bad posture from sleeping in different weird places
His body is prone to heating up easily; the fact that he lives in the Land of Hot Sands and was also sorted into Scarabia is just unfortunate luck
Sneaks off to cooler areas on campus in his free time to chill; one of his favorite spots is the Octavinelle lounge since it’s air conditioned and dark, and he can get away with taking a nap before going over his time limit and getting kicked out
The library is nice too (´∀`)
Would like to go to Ignihyde too, but he’s put off by the feeling of being underground (gotta have that bit of irony like Jamil being afraid of bugs 👌)
He tolerates Kalim better than Jamil; probably b/c the latter scolds him for slacking off
Actually went to Kalim for tutoring advice once before realizing part of the way that his senior had no idea what he was doing; Jamil has earned his respect when it comes to academics
Kinda jealous of the duo’s stamina; Majid’s usually heaving for air after long marches or if he’s ever chosen as a backup dancer for one of Scarabia’s many parties; he’s the ( ・∇・) least athletic of my OCs...
No, he can’t dance, but he can feign the movements well enough to not get caught
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derivativealigner · 3 years
I rewatched the second season of South Park and took so many notes that I had to split them into two parts. Like seriously, I took so. many. notes. And pictures this time. I started rewatching just in case I’d find some cool little facts to sprinkle into my fanfic but I went way too far and now there’s a million facts under this cut (including gay stan, a domestic violence psa, and craig fucking dying)
Stan doesn’t like hospitals, he finds them gross and he gets sick 🤮. Also the hospital in South Park is called Hell’s Pass hospital. Early seasons have the name as Hells Pass but it gets fixed later
Cartman has to sing all of Come Sailing Away by Styx if he hears a part of it. After he says this, Kyle sings the first part and Cartman has to sing the rest. Kyle does it again later, which is kinda mean
Cartman’s mom tries to abort Cartman, who is an eight-year-old child and thus cannot be legally aborted. Later, after she slept with Bill Clinton to change the law and make 40th trimester abortions legal, it turns out she meant adoption
Kenny sacrifices himself to turn on the generator to the hospital and save Dr. Mephesto’s life along with others. He says “I’ll fucking do it” then does it and dies, absolute legend
Cartman gets way too into his deputy role. He goes undercover, pretends to be a prostitute, says “Respect my authoritah!” a lot and beats people up with his police stick
Kenny’s brother first appears when Cartman responds to a call about a disturbance at Kenny’s house. Apparently there are like 10 adult family members in the house at that time. Kenny’s dad has a black eye because Kenny’s mom punched him. She says he can’t hold a job
Token sits in the classroom in season 2
Cartman starts hating hippies in this season, like a lot
Chef tells the boys that the right time to do drugs is in college
Ike’s name is Ike Moisha Broflovski and he was born in 1996, making him 2 years old in 1998 when this season aired
This is probably obvious but yeah Kyle and Ike are circumcised
Kyle says family isn’t just blood, it’s who you care about, and he says “That’s why you guys are more than just friends, you’re my family. Except for Cartman.”
Craig’s finally sitting in the classroom in S02E04
None of the boys like dodgeball
Clyde gets a dodgeball to the face and he cries :( and he’s the only one who cries by the way
Pip throws a dodgeball in Kyle’s face and breaks Kyle’s nose
When Kyle’s mom tells the boys about conjoined twin myslexia (which isn’t a real term) and says anyone might’ve absorbed their dead twin in the womb, Stan and Cartman run away screaming but Kenny and Kyle stay to listen. Kenny even leans in to look at the book “Freaks A-Z!” that Mrs. Broflovski is reading from, and when she leaves, Kyle grimaces and Kenny laughs
Stan’s mom (Sharon) calls Kyle’s mom (Sheila) when Stan is all freaked out and trying to put an icepick through his brain, and Sharon tells Sheila to get run over by a truck. Sharon is pretty mean in these early episodes
Mr. Broflovski doesn’t really listen to what Mrs. Broflovski is saying, bad husband >:(
South Park’s team is always called South Park Cows no matter the sport
The school nurse, Nurse Gollum, went to Colorado State University
I just realized Butters exists. I think he appeared before S02E05 but I didn’t notice but yeah he’s there with the dodgeball team, injured
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Here’s a picture to make up for my disgusting anti-Butters bias
Kenny’s dodgeball uniform number is 69 obviously. Kyle is 7, Stan is 4, Cartman is 325
Sheila smacks Gerald in the face so hard he falls off his chair, lots of violence perpetrated by women in this show. Remember, don’t do domestic violence no matter your gender, it’s not cool
I realized after this whole Butters thing that I should’ve made more notes about Pip, so I’ll make a note about his anger issues now. When people call him French, he gets angry and throws dodgeballs at them
The boys launch a jelly roll at Ms. Crabtree and make her crash the bus. They do it just for fun
The kids somehow go to China in the school bus
Cartman references Moby Dick, but he probably doesn’t know what he’s talking about
Kevin Stoley gets named in S02E05 and has his first speaking role when he says he has Chinese parents and after Cartman hears it he immediately says something racist. smh cartman, what a problematic fave
Cartman says “I love you guys 😊” but Stan and Kyle just stare at him and he goes 😐 “Eh, screw you guys 😠”
If Jimbo and Ned really fought in Vietnam, they youngest they could’ve been in 1998 is early forties, which means in the latest seasons they would be early sixties. Btw they met in Vietman
Jesus and Pals is a recurring TV show in seasons 1 and 2. Jesus just kind of lives in South Park
I just remembered that Terrance and Phillip are really old in canon, it’s so weird, like how can South Park canon still be changing, it’s been 20 years
Also the early seasons are casually racist who knew
Kenny flashes his ass on a tape the boys send to Jimbo and Ned’s TV show, which airs and at least 12 people see Kenny’s bare naked ass
Cartman really doesn’t like hippies in these early seasons. He throws a chair at Ned and yells, “Take that, hippie!” (Ned is in a catatonic state and did nothing to provoke this)
Jimbo and Ned live together I guess. Jimbo’s gonna take Ned home and show him some hardcore porn to snap him out of his catatonic state, good husband unlike Gerald Broflovski
Saddam Hussein is in hell and has a Canadian accent and is Satan’s lover in S02E06, I guess he died in Canada in the first episode this season but I wasn’t paying much attention since that’s the Terrance and Phillip episode that pissed a bunch of people off in 1998 because the audience wanted to know who Cartman’s dad is instead. It was kind of a boring episode so I understand why everyone was pissed, but it is funny that Matt and Trey did that so I’m not mad about it
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Aww look at them!!! We’ve got background Style, the vaguest inkling of Crenny, and Cartman/Cake
I’d take more screenshots but it’s a pain since I’m watching legally and stupid legal websites block screenshots so I have to find youtube videos instead ughhhh piracy is the answer kids
Apparently there’s a huge waterfall and canyon somewhere close to South Park, maybe? At least in Stan’s dream
Mary Kay Bergman was an incredible voice actor. How the hell did she voice all the moms, Wendy, Shelly, principle Victoria, the mayor, Nurse Gollum, and fucking Ms. Crabtree??? Holy shit what a queen
Kenny has some feelings about death. He reimagines the episode where death boops him to death and in his version, he beats death the fuck up, then has ice cream and is happy 😊 But again, this is in Stan’s dream
S02E07 kind of establishes that nobody remembers Kenny dying because when Cartman tells a story where Kenny dies, Kyle questions how Kenny could’ve died then when he also died just a few hours ago when a giant monster took him
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rip craig, he falls out the bus and into a canyon
But it’s okay because it was all Stan’s dream so everything in the episode is questionable. Everything after this is no longer a dream
Pip’s parents are dead and he has to go to summer school while everyone else is having a nice summer break
Officer Barbrady and the mayor are having sexual relations, I’m sure this is the most interesting note I’ve made so far. Idk I’m just writing everything down, this is how I enjoy things, I have no off switch
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Ew summer bus stop, cursed
Kyle casually sings little tunes every once in a while, how cute
This is pretty obvious but Kenny likes dirty jokes, he laughs when Cartman innocently says he loves Chef’s salty chocolate balls (which are chocolate candy). Nobody else laughs
Cartman says “Screw you guys, I’m going home” or variations of it a lot in this season
So Stan throws up when he likes someone, right? Well, he’s watching an indie movie about two gay cowboys who start making out and he throws up, which is either a terrible homophobic joke or confirmation that Stan’s a little gay. I know which one I prefer
Kyle says Mr. Hankey is his best friend after Stan. Like I know it’s definitely canon that Stan and Kyle are best friends but it’s still nice to see confirmation, it’s very precious. Also Kyle is best friends with literal shit, so cute 😊
Kenny deaths:
S02E02 Kenny sacrifices himself by connecting a generator wire, which electrocutes him but brings power back to a hospital
S02E03 A tree falls on Kenny and crushes him
S02E04 Kenny falls in a grave and the gravestone falls on him
S02E05 The Chinese dodgeball team throws a ball at Kenny and he gets splattered against a wall
S02E06 Two guys pull on Kenny and tear him in half, as in one has the head and one has the legs
S02E07 A big scary monster plucks Kenny out of the school bus and carries him away. Also in Cartman’s fake memory of Fonzi jumping over cars, the motorcycle hits Kenny and crushes him against a brick wall. Kenny gets smashed against walls a lot, doesn’t he?
S02E08 Flashback: Baby Kenny has a firecracker and it explodes, sprinkling little baby Kenny parts everywhere. Later in the episode, current day Kenny dies when a giant firework snake bumps him off a stage and under a fence, which then crushes him.
S02E09 Kenny is playing with a yoyo outside a movie theatre when a bunch of people come outside and trample him to death. They say “Oh my God, I found a penny!” and “You bastard!”
I’ll post part 2 of season 2 in a couple days. I’m having way more fun writing these stupid notes than I thought I would (also gnomes is coming up soon and i am fucking ready for tweek)
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omniswords · 4 years
Chronicles of a Parisian Dumbass 8
now that La Joconde is over, i can give a lot more attention back to Chronicles. i know we’ve been wicked overdue for an update, so thank you so so so much for being patient with me as i’ve been working through it. i really hope you like today’s update, and that you can give it a reblog if you enjoyed it so other people can too 💙🎶💖
boy i sure hope these orders didn’t have one of those “send your cutest delivery boy” requests
i mean, on the one hand, i’m flattered and my boss is absolutely right
but the things you do for Bread, smh.
It was bound to happen, Luka keeps telling himself as he loads up his bike, and as he straps on his helmet, and as he rides over bridges and through busy streets to get his work done. His stomach’s been turning ever since he checked the delivery tickets, and every anxious feeling’s been flitting under his skin, and it was only a matter of time before he’d have to make a delivery to Marinette Dupain-Cheng’s literal, actual, entire house.
(Well. It didn’t actually have one of those “send your cutest delivery boy” requests. But it did ask for him by name. And he’s barely been able to keep still, with his name in her voice buzzing in his head, ever since.)
The other households don’t do much to ease his mind. At best, the rides and the thirty-second interactions numb him, but only for a short moment. Every time he mounts his bike again and pedals away, he’s reminded that he’s one step closer to her place.
It shouldn’t even get to him as much as it does. He’s been doing this job for ages now, in spite of what little upward mobility there is. It gets the bills paid, and he’s good enough at what he does that the place gives him steady hours, and admittedly, it’s nice to peek into the lives of strangers for all thirty of those seconds. The birthday party he’s accidentally interrupted, where he’s suddenly hailed as a hero because he’s got pizza. The post-breakup night in, where a guy he’s never even met sounds like the screeching drag of a bow across a violin bridge. The family who’s too tired to cook because the mother has cancer and the father’s tired of barley soup and pasta and the daughter, who’s still living with her parents in her late twenties because she has to, only just got home from a bit of overtime.
(Most of these are just fancies, of course. He’ll be the first to admit he lets his imagination run away with him sometimes. But he’ll also be the first to say that someone in the world must be living like that. To someone in the world, that has to be real.)
Besides. He’s been to the bakery plenty of times before, knows well enough that the Dupain-Cheng family lives just above it, which is just about as fanciful as he’d expected. He’s spoken to Marinette a handful of times. He’s been on the business end of her witty words, wherever she got them from. Hell, he even gave her the note.
It’s just that… that’s the bakery. Not her house.
He’s never peeked into her story. Never even thought beyond what she’s allowed him to have. And he knows that whatever he sees will be real.
Luka’s mostly running on auto-pilot by the time he makes it to Tom and Sabine’s, and part of him has to wonder if it’s because he’s been at this job for too long, or if he’s been to the bakery too many times for his own good. (Honestly, he’d wager it’s a bit of both.) The bakery is closed for now, so he texts the number on the ticket—maybe Mr. Dupain’s, maybe Marinette’s.
He’s never texted her before. He doesn’t even have her number.
Should he ask for her number?
Would she even want his? Or would she feel like the creep because he’s the one on the clock?
Before he can ask himself any more questions, the light to the bakery turns on, and the front door opens, and the tinkling of the bell grabs his attention. And there’s Marinette, in a camisole and heart-patterned sleep shorts and slippers. And there’s black, and there’s a little lace right on the neckline, and—
And he’s staring.
And she’s starting to blush.
He tries his best to cock his brow, and holds up the delivery box. “You rang?”
God, he wishes that could have come out smoother.
At least Marinette laughs. Even if it might have just been a pity laugh. “Papa,” she says, trading the box and the paper bag for a few bills. “I guess he knew you worked there or something. He, uh… suggested. Very… very firmly. That we order from this place, once he found out we were considering it.”
A whistle interrupts them, soft and low and sounding halfway impressed. Luka catches the glint of glasses and a flash of reddish hair as Marinette whips around and hisses, “Would you go upstairs? You’re supposed to be picking a movie!”
“Are you kidding? This is the movie!” The redhead, whoever they are, calls out, but the sound of footsteps receding tells him it isn’t long before they’re in the clear again. Just the two of them, caught in an interaction that probably should have already ended. And he’s stuck wondering if she doesn’t want it to end, either—because maybe they’re not quite in the clear, or at least, she isn’t yet. She’s got a whole best friend upstairs, probably waiting to grill her on every little detail.
(Every little detail of what? It’s just him…)
Marinette rolls her eyes and shakes her head as she turns back to him. “Sorry. Best friends, right?”
Luka manages a shrug and a weak laugh of his own. He doesn’t much feel like talking about how his best friends are his literal blood and the thing almost constantly strapped to his back. And that most of the people who approximate friendship are on the other side of a screen and will probably never see him in real life, whatever that is. “How long have you known her?”
“Long time. Since she moved here from Martinique. We were basically attached at the hip in like, middle school.” She shifts her weight from foot to foot; to Luka, it doesn’t go unnoticed. “It’s hard for us to meet up anymore—travel journalism, studying abroad, all that stuff. We only really get to FaceTime these days. Other than that… it has its hiccups here and there, but I love her. You know? And sometimes she can be a little, uh… overzealous? In what she does?”
“I heard that!” a voice comes from the stairwell.
Marinette doesn’t even have to turn and glare for the rest of the footsteps to fall away. “Sorry,” she mumbles again. “You didn’t exactly come here to hear chunks of my life story, did you.”
“I don’t mind your life story,” he says, thumbing through the bills to count them. “With a job like this, I get to carry a little bit of everybody with me, and hearing about your best friend beats the eightieth guy trying to tell me about his divorce and how women are just trying to suck us dry.” Then his brow furrows, in spite of his own sarcasm, and he looks up. “You gave me extra. Like, way extra.”
“Oh, uh…” Marinette laughs nervously. “Yeah, I guess that’s a habit I picked up. Tipping is a thing in the States. People think you’re a jerk if you don’t do it, so my brain sort of… went on autopilot.” She rubs the back of her neck, maybe out of modesty, and Luka can’t tell if it’s because of the amount of money she gave him, or because of the experiences she’s had.
“Well…” He counts out the extra bills. “Here, you should take these back, then—”
“No, no.” She shakes her head, gestures as if to push the money back towards him. “Don’t worry about it. Keep it.”
“As what? A souvenir from New York?”
Marinette grins. It’s slow, and lazy, and it might make his heart thud in his chest at a hundred kilometers an hour, and he’s definitely thinking, don’t look at the lace, do NOT look at the lace. “Think of it as me making up for all the times I could’ve let you have a napoleon on the house, but didn’t.”
Luka blinks at her a couple of times. More than a couple of times. Too many words are bubbling in his throat and behind his teeth, desperate to get out, but his brain can’t catch up with any of them, and he doesn’t even know what order to put them in besides. Part of him wants to figure out something smooth to say, part of him wants to laugh like an idiot and thank her, and part of him wants to take the worst leap possible and ask what she’s doing on Saturday. But before he can prioritize any of them and put his dignity even more at risk, a holler comes from upstairs—”Marinette!”—and he jolts back in attention. He crumples the money in his fists and swallows his heart back down into his chest, and if he looks closely, Marinette’s cheeks are turning bright red, and her teeth are sinking into her lip as if… holding something back.
“I better go,” she says, nodding toward the stairs and taking a step back. She’s standing on the sides of her feet, and it’s honestly adorable. “Keep the change. I mean it, okay?”
Luka wants to protest—wants to say something about how his mother always told him never to take a single euro he didn’t honestly work for. Instead, he crumples the money in his fist, nods dumbly, and pockets it. “Hey,” he says, just as he senses she’s about to turn on her heel and speedwalk back up the stairs.
Marinette looks at him, and in the moment he gets that bubbling-word feeling in the back of his throat again. At least the mortifying thought of asking her out has died down, but it’s been replaced with something worse: the reminder that, for some reason, she and his sister know each other. Is it weird? he wants to ask. Are you sure it’s not weird seeing me? Is there something going on? Did Jules do something to you? Did you do something to her? Are you mad that I didn’t say anything? Are you okay?
Are you okay, Marinette?
Instead, he clears the words out of his throat, and shakes his head, and he hopes Marinette isn’t running a million worst-case scenarios in her head the way he does when someone looks or sounds even mildly displeased. He hopes she isn’t blaming herself the way he does when someone looks like they have something to tell him and then… don’t. “Next time I swing by,” he says, “will that napoleon be on the house?”
Her expression doesn’t take very long to go soft, even though her grip on the delivery box tightens. “Who knows?” she murmurs, and it’s… strange, how the tongue-in-cheek traces in her voice comfort him more than they put him on edge. “Guess you’ll just have to come back and find out.”
Then she turns on her heel, nearly bumps into the counter on her way to the stairs, and—and she really does spare him one more glance, the kind that says she’d wave good night if her hands weren’t full. Without much thinking, he does the waving for both of them, with a smile he knows is nervous and crooked spreading across his face. And then he’s the one to bump backwards into the door, the bell above giggling and announcing his clumsiness, before he stumbles to his bike and speeds away. He knows better than to text and bike, even if he could brag that sometimes he’s halfway decent at it, but at least he waits until he gets to the Canal Saint-Martin so he can have that silent-screaming moment alone.
so not only did I get that bread today, i got a whole fuckin sandwich. if we’re going by that whole metaphor i mean.
speaking of figurative language, you know, that thing i never thought i’d use once i graduated from high school… dear CBG: when i told you i hope you found all that money on the ground, i didn’t mean GIVE IT TO ME.
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waveypedia · 4 years
complete and utter chaos [ducktales group chat fic] - Chapter 3
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Ao3 Chapter 4
let kids be kids
6:04 am
TheWebbedWonder: hey guess what
adefinitelyrealboy: Isn’t it before the approved technology time set by Mr. Uncle Donald?
TheWebbedWonder: brilliance waits for no rule, Boyd!
adefinitelyrealboy: Okay!!
Junior-Woodchuck74: you’re corrupting him, webs.
Lou: eh let her
TheWebbedWonder: whatever
TheWebbedWonder: it’s been a while since we had a sleepover…
lenaonme: oh yeah!!!
ICanDeweyIt: and Boyd’s never been to one!!
adefinitelyrealboy: you’re right!! 
adefinitelyrealboy: what does one do at a sleepover?
TheWebbedWonder: They’re super fun!!!
TheWebbedWonder: we watch movies and have pillow fights and discover family mysteries and summon supernatural creatures and fight said supernatural creatures and eat lots of junk food!!!!!
adefinitelyrealboy: Sounds fun!!!
Lou: lmao i love our family
ICanDeweyIt: @Violet-Sabrewing you up? Important convos happening here
Violet-Sabrewing: I am now
lenaonme: vi you’re not fooling anyone
lenaonme: we all know you get up at sunrise
Lou: yeah she’s crazy
Violet-Sabrewing: True, but I was reading.
Junior-Woodchuck74: fair!
lenaonme: omg nerds
TheWebbedWonder: Ok so are we on??
TheWebbedWonder: what about Friday night?
ICanDeweyIt: what’s happening on Friday night?
TheWebbedWonder: it’s the two thousandth anniversary of the Magical Battle of Demogogorna!!!!
Lou: ok hear me out
Lou: can we PLEASE have a sleepover that doesn’t consist of crazy dangerous magical shenanigans for once
Lou: I just wanna sit on the couch and watch scary movies
Junior-Woodchuck74: you do that every day anyways
Lou: yeah but I watch other stuff like Ottoman Empire
Lou: there’s a difference, hubert!!
Junior-Woodchuck74: whatever
Violet-Sabrewing: Thursday night works for Lena and I, but we should check with the adults.
TheWebbedWonder: yeah I’ll ask them when it’s okay for us to be texting
Lou: lmao what a rebel
Family Group Chat!!!!
7:00 am
TheWebbedWonder: good morning everyone!!
mutant-krill!!!!: good morning Little Della!!
Blathering-Blatherskite: gm!!!
TheWebbedWonder: exciting things are happening
Adventure-Pilot: ooh like adventure exciting?
Adventure-Pilot: are you planning an adventure?
TheWebbedWonder: no but I am now!!!
green-sharpie: oh boy
TheWebbedWonder: @Tea Time @aw-phooey @Adventure-Pilot @Scrooge-McDuck @Indy_Sabrewing @purpleisforthegays @dr. mad scientist CAN WE HAVE A SLEEPOVER???????????
Tea Time: At McDuck Manor, I presume?
TheWebbedWonder: yes!
Adventure-Pilot: fine by me!
Scrooge-McDuck: aye, as long as you don’t trash my house again.
Tea Time: It’s not like you were the one cleaning up, sir.
green-sharpie: It wasn’t us!! The ghost Webby, Lena, and Violet summoned had no sense of hygiene.
dr. mad scientist: why did you tag me
TheWebbedWonder: Boyd!!
dr. mad scientist: blathering blatherskite
adefinitelyrealboy: <3
aw-phooey: Webster.
TheWebbedWonder: yes, Uncle Donald?
aw-phooey: it’s 7 am.
TheWebbedWonder: actually, it’s 7:03 am now!
aw-phooey: Webby, you and the kids can’t have planned a sleepover in three minutes
aw-phooey: I told you guys no phones before 7 am!!
green-sharpie: you couldn’t have waited ten minutes webs?
TheWebbedWonder: brilliance waits for no rule!!
aw-phooey: but it does wait for parental punishments
TheWebbedWonder: Oh I almost forgot
TheWebbedWonder added DosCaballero and blackmagica
aw-phooey: !!!
aw-phooey: THE BOYS
green-sharpie: …
aw-phooey: but Webs you’re still in trouble you can’t distract me with my boys
ICanDeweyIt: i thought we were your boys
aw-phooey: you are
aw-phooey: you’re all my boys
Junior-Woodchuck74: 💖💖
Scrooge-McDuck: @blackmagica NO MAGIC IN MY HOUSE
TheWebbedWonder: …
Violet-Sabrewing: …
lenaonme: …
Scrooge-McDuck: okay point taken
lenaonme: Aww im your niece?
Scrooge-McDuck: yes lass
lenaonme: sldfkdskla;sdlfkhdksl;asldkfhgbfkdl;s
moonlander-general: you worry me.
lenaonme: awww penny you charmer you!!!
moonlander-general: …
Scrooge-McDuck: @blackmagica change. your. name.
green-sharpie: good job using internet speak Uncle Scrooge!!
Scrooge-McDuck: I still only vaguely only know what that means.
Scrooge-McDuck: But I picked up many various languages adventuring. I’m a polyglot!! What’s one more?
TheCrashiestCrash: Good for you Mr. McDee!! Glad you finally found the courage to come out. Love who you love!!!!
Adventure-Pilot: wh
TheCrashiestCrash: okay!!
Scrooge-McDuck: ah, his heart’s in the right place.
Scrooge-McDuck: wait, finally???
green-sharpie: yeah i think webby infested launchpad with the scrooge theory bug
TheWebbedWonder: you make it sound like it’s a bad thing
Scrooge-McDuck: oh curse me kilts
Scrooge-McDuck: I’ve never really felt the need you young people need to label things…
TheWebbedWonder: thanks uncle scrooge!!
Scrooge-McDuck: ah you’re welcome lass?
Lucky-Gander: haha same Uncle McDunkle!!
Scrooge-McDuck: tattle me tartan, I’m like you!!
Lucky-Gander: lucky you! The Gladstone life is pretty sweet if I do say so myself
green-sharpie: eh he’s not wrong
Scrooge-McDuck: I cannot believe a member of my own family would say something so heartless!!
aw-phooey: oh shoot did i miss the scrooge roasting session
Scrooge-McDuck: Please. I can handle a little heckling!!
Adventure-Pilot: where were you Don?
aw-phooey: in PMs with Zé and Chito.
TheWebbedWonder: those nicknames are so cute omg 🥺
DosCaballero: I am very cute, thank you!!
mutant-krill!!!!: Why don’t Donnie’s and José’s nicknames correlate with yours?
green-sharpie: yeah that’s kinda mean Uncle Donald
green-sharpie: abandoning your friends’ beautifully compatible nicknames
lenaonme: huh cold
lenaonme: i didn’t know you had it in you. I’m impressed uncle d
aw-phooey: oh kids
DosCaballero: Do not worry! Donald didn’t abandon us!
aw-phooey: mine used to but I changed it when the band broke up. too dangerous to keep it ngl
aw-phooey: (you should really change your name, chito)
blackmagica: And I had… other activities that required my attention.
Scrooge-McDuck: You lose more and more of my favor by the minute.
aw-phooey: my friend had your favor?? You’ve gone soft, old man.
blackmagica: Well I have a brilliant idea to appease everyone!!
blackmagica changed their name to TrêsCaballero
aw-phooey changed their name to UnoCaballero
UnoCaballero: how’s that?
DosCaballero: !!!!!! <3
TrêsCaballero: We love you too.
Junior-Woodchuck74: awww!!!
dr. mad scientist: spare me.
Blathering-Blatherskite: Gyro play nice
Adventure-Pilot: yeah Gyro!!!
dr. mad scientist: oh my god shut up.
TrêsCaballero: I did not mean to offend you, Dr. Mad Scientist!!
green-sharpie: he really said duckscord user dr. mad scientist
moonlander-general: But we’re not using duckscord?
ICanDeweyIt: it’s a joke Penny
ICanDeweyIt: wait do you have duckscord???
moonlander-general: Della made me set it up
green-sharpie: we know
ihaveahead!!!: we know
lenaonme: we know
Junior-Woodchuck74: we know
Tea Time: we know
ICanDeweyIt: fine :( be like that
TheWebbedWonder: It’s because we love you 💖
ICanDeweyIt: sldkfghdks Webs how dare
ICanDeweyIt: ily2
Blathering-Blatherskite: ...what???
Scrooge-McDuck: leave it, he’s being dramatic
let kids be kids
10:02 am
 ICanDeweyIt: >:(
Junior-Woodchuck74: dewey are you done moping
ICanDeweyIt: give me one minute
Junior-Woodchuck74: ...fine.
10:03 am
ICanDeweyIt: okay i’m back
Lou: smh
TheWebbedWonder: what snacks do we want? Granny’s gonna do a grocery run soon
ICanDeweyIt: cheeto puffs
ICanDeweyIt: because SOMEONE ate them all
Lou: hey, don’t look at me! The rats love fake cheese dust!!
ICanDeweyIt: Beakley did her weekly rat clean the day before they went missing
Lou: ugh okay fine they’re good okay????
Lou: shut up
Junior-Woodchuck: also, HEALTHY snacks!
lenaonme: lame
Lou: seconded
ICanDeweyIt: thirded
Junior-Woodchuck74: Viiiii back me up here
Violet-Sabrewing: I look forward to eating an ungodly amount of junk food and having an impressive sugar crash with the rest of you.
Junior-Woodchuck74: dangit
Junior-Woodchuck74: webby?
Junior-Woodchuck74: Beakley never let you near anything sugary so fair enough
Lou: I mean that was for good reason
Lou: she’s almost as bad as you hue
Junior-Woodchuck74: oh boy
Junior-Woodchuck74: Boyd?
adefinitelyrealboy: Getting ice cream with you in Tokyolk was fun, Huey! Let’s do it again at the sleepover!
Junior-Woodchuck74: dangit i’m soft
Junior-Woodchuck74: please put some healthy snacks down there anyway Webby. At least for me.
TheWebbedWonder: already done!!
Junior-Woodchuck74: <3
lenaonme: do Vi and I need to bring anything over aside from the usual?
TheWebbedWonder: idk yet
adefinitelyrealboy: what’s the usual?
Junior-Woodchuck74: we have sleeping bags and pillows but if you want your own you can bring it. Same with plushies and stuffed animals. Toothbrush and hairbrush and that kind of toiletries, but I don’t know how much you use. Your phone, obviously, and anything else you’ll want for the night. But we have a lot of supplies.
adefinitelyrealboy: okay!
adefinitelyrealboy: I don’t have a lot of personal items like that. Most of what I have at the Drakes is just hand-me-downs from Doofus
lenaonme: get in loser we’re going shopping
lenaonme: for personal trinkets for you
ICanDeweyIt: omg <3
ICanDeweyIt: lena you’re my new favorite person
lenaonme: as I should be
adefinitelyrealboy: That’s sweet! Dr. Gearloose and Lil’ Bulb I have been doing that periodically, though. Sometimes Mr. Manny the Headless Manhorse and Dr. Crackshell-Cabrera come along too!!
Lou: I really want to know what’s up with Fenton’s invalid doctorate ngl
Violet-Sabrewing: Me too
Junior-Woodchuck74: 👀 good to know
lenaonme: don’t overanalyze anything hue
TheWebbedWonder: but overanalyzing is the BEST!!
lenaonme: okay you’re the only valid overanalyzer Webs
TheWebbedWonder: 💖💖💖
TheWebbedWonder: Lena and Violet can you come over on Tuesday to help me set up the magical activities?
Lou: oh boy
Violet-Sabrewing: I’ll ask
lenaonme: do you need us to smuggle in anything again?
TheWebbedWonder: no that’s okay! I still have all the books you brought last time, and I think I can get any herbs we need for spells without suspicion as long as it’s not too close to the sleepover date
lenaonme: 👍
Lou: well I staunchly refuse to participate in any more magical adventures than I need to. Tuesday I have a date with some Pep and Ottoman Empire!!
Junior-Woodchuck74: ugh.
TheWebbedWonder: You don’t have to! This is a strictly Team Magic adventure!!
ICanDeweyIt: aw man :(
TheWebbedWonder: uhh that’s okay Dewey you can come if you want!!
ICanDeweyIt: eh it’s all right I just want validation
lenaonme: understandable. see you tuesday!
ICanDeweyIt: 💙💙
Team Uncle McDunkle (les parentals)
10:43 am
Indy_Sabrewing: Violet just asked if she and Lena can go over to McDuck Manor on Tuesday to prepare for the sleepover with Webby
purpleisforthegays: fine w/ me
acepilot: us too
22: so we’re all good with the sleepover at large, correct?
Dadnald: Aside from the fact that the kids were obviously planning it in their own group chat before the agreed tech time minimum
Moneybags: ah let them
Moneybags: they’re just excited
Dadnald: Unca it’s the first day of that rule
22: I agree with Donald. It’s good to lay down a solid foundation for rules. Let the children know we will enforce them.
acepilot: okay but I vote we still let them have their sleepover. It is Boyd’s first sleepover. Excuse me, important life milestones happening here!!
Dadnald: okay fair
Dadnald: It’s been approximately two weeks since we all met Boyd and Della’s already imprinting on him
acepilot: like you’re not
Dadnald: shhhhh
Dadnald: you’re right about the sleepover. I don’t want to take that away, and they all seem so excited.
Dadnald: let me figure out something else though, at least for my kids
Indy_Sabrewing: we’ll do it together
purpleisforthegays: Any adventures between now and the sleepover, Mr. McDuck?
Moneybags: just a small day trip to the Sands of Time on Wednesday. should be an easy one.
Dadnald: I think we should just assign them extra chores until then
22: fine by me.
acepilot: hahah same
Moneybags: Gyro?
worldsgreatestinventor: I don’t think I have that kind of relationship with Boyd yet, to be completely honest.
worldsgreatestinventor: but it’s fine he’s a good kid
acepilot: oh I know
Dadnald: I’m picking up Huey and Boyd from their Junior Woodchuck meeting tomorrow; I can talk to the Drakes then
Moneybags: good thinking Donald!
Moneybags: you’ll get there, Gyro
PM between Junior-Woodchuck74 and TotallyNotGizmoduck
11:47 am
Junior-Woodchuck74: Boyd says you’ve been shopping with him and Dr. Gearloose!!
TotallyNotGizmoduck: yeah!! It was an infallible excuse to get Gyro out of the lab
TotallyNotGizmoduck: He really cares for Boyd.
Junior-Woodchuck74: And Boyd really cares for him!
TotallyNotGizmoduck: I can see that! Boyd is a sweet kid.
TotallyNotGizmoduck: I just wish Gyro would realize that. For a genius, he can be surprisingly dense.
Junior-Woodchuck74: he’s not the only one
TotallyNotGizmoduck: Oh cease whatever scheme you’re planning and help me figure out how to make Gyro overcome his anxieties about parenthood!!
Junior-Woodchuck74: oh I’m down
Junior-Woodchuck74: I’m not dropping this, but I’m down
TotallyNotGizmoduck: I expected nothing less. Now, any brilliant ideas? Come on brain, think!
Junior-Woodchuck74: I think Boyd would be overjoyed to receive parental affection from Gyro. He doesn’t need any meddling; it’s just Gyro
TotallyNotGizmoduck: True
TotallyNotGizmoduck: I believe Gyro’s mostly scared, but he’ll never admit it. Least of all to himself.
TotallyNotGizmoduck: Also, the Drakes are two experienced parents with a stable, large home and income. They have an unending amount of time to spend with their children, and they easily fit society’s heteronormative mold of the perfect nuclear family. 
TotallyNotGizmoduck: they’re everything Gyro is not, and that intimidates him.
Junior-Woodchuck74: The Drakes spent the majority of their parenthood enslaved in their own home and terrified of their son. They’re not exactly the pinnacle of perfect parenthood.
TotallyNotGizmoduck: ha, nice alliteration.
Junior-Woodchuck74: thanks!
TotallyNotGizmoduck: However, I’m not the one you need to convince here. You’re preaching to the choir.
Junior-Woodchuck74: Fair.
Junior-Woodchuck74: Let me ask Webby; she probably has some convoluted scheme to get Dr. Gearloose and Boyd to be a family.
TotallyNotGizmoduck: That makes sense
TotallyNotGizmoduck: I don’t know her very well, but she’s a sweet kid.
Junior-Woodchuck74: she scares you, doesn’t she.
TotallyNotGizmoduck: Oh she totally scares me
Family Group Chat!!!!
2:03 pm
UnoCaballero: @DosCaballero @TrêsCaballero you know what time it is
UnoCaballero: We’re three caballeros
DosCaballero: Three gay caballeros
TrêsCaballero: They say we are birds of a feather!!
UnoCaballero: We’re happy amigos
DosCaballero: No matter where he goes
TrêsCaballero: The one
UnoCaballero: Two
DosCaballero: And three
TrêsCaballero: goes, we’re always together
UnoCaballero: We’re
DosCaballero: Three
TrêsCaballero: Caballeros
ICanDeweyIt: I can’t believe the adults did a songchain before we did
lenaonme: oh shoot we gotta do one now
TheWebbedWonder: what song should we do?
green-sharpie: CREEPER
ICanDeweyIt: aww man
Junior-Woodchuck74: aww man
Junior-Woodchuck74: darn it
lenaonme: so we back in the mine
Violet-Sabrewing: swinging our pickaxe from side to side
green-sharpie: side side to side
lenaonme: This task a grueling one,
ICanDeweyIt: Hope to find some diamonds tonight, night, night
TheWebbedWonder: diamonds tonight
Blathering-Blatherskite: Heads up, you hear a sound,
Junior-Woodchuck74: FENTON
lenaonme: omg another meme child rises
green-sharpie: not exactly a child skdfhdksla
dr. mad scientist: are we done fangirling yet
Junior-Woodchuck74: not all of us are girls, Dr. Gearloose.
Junior-Woodchuck74: That only perpetuates the ingrained societal mindset that liking something is cringey, and girls are cringey and inferior because they’re tied to that negative connotation
lenaonme: go off
TheWebbedWonder: ^^^^
wreathedingold: Well said!!
Junior-Woodchuck74: Dang I think that’s the first thing Aunt Goldie’s ever said to me 😳
wreathedingold: I’m not your aunt kid
TheWebbedWonder: just you wait
wreathedingold: well that’s ominous
wreathedingold: time for me to bounce then
TheWebbedWonder: Noooo Aunt Goldie come back!!!
ICanDeweyIt: Don’t worry Webs, we’ll get her soon enough.
Scrooge-McDuck: Should I be worried or…?
TheWebbedWonder: nah everything’ll be just fine Uncle Scrooge!!
dr. mad scientist: RED NEPHEW.
dr. mad scientist: STOP SPAMMING MY PMS.
dr. mad scientist: one more message and I block you, capishe?
UnoCaballero: You can’t block Huey for emergency purposes
Junior-Woodchuck74: I’m just making sure you get the message Dr. Gearloose
dr. mad scientist: okay okay
dr. mad scientist: it was more of a drag against Fenton anyway
Blathering-Blatherskite: hey!!
TheCrashiestCrash: nooo, we love you fenton!!
Junior-Woodchuck74: yesss Fenton positivity hours!!
Ihaveahead!!!: Fenton positivity hours!!
mutant-krill!!!!: Fenton positivity hours!!
TheCrashiestCrash: Fenton positivity hours!!
TheWebbedWonder: Fenton positivity hours!!
UnoCaballero: Fenton positivity hours!!
moonlander-general: well that’s creepy.
ghostbutler: it’s best not to question their antics.
Tea Time: Oh dear, Duckworth is making logical sense! He’s been replaced by a fake!
ghostbutler: You wish.
lenaonme: Fenton positivity hours!!
DosCaballero: Fenton positivity hours!!
Violet-Sabrewing: Fenton positivity hours!!
Lucky-Gander: Fenton positivity hours!!
purpleisforthegays: Fenton positivity hours!!
adefinitelyrealboy: Fenton positivity hours!!
Lil’ Bulb: Fenton positivity hours!!
Blathering-Blatherskite: <3 <3
dr. mad scientist: betrayed by my own inventions… 
Lil’ Bulb: ily2
dr. mad scientist: which one of you kids taught him that
Junior-Woodchuck74: dewey
lenaonme: dewey
green-sharpie: dewey
ICanDeweyIt: oh shut up
ICanDeweyIt: I’m not sorry
Violet-Sabrewing: as you should be
ICanDeweyIt: and I would’ve gotten away with it if not for you meddling kids!!!
Lucky-Gander: haha
Adventure-Pilot: lol
UnoCaballero: sdfghgfds
lenaonme: dewey getting that Adult Validation
ICanDeweyIt: it do be like that 😌
ICanDeweyIt: anyway back to the song chain!!
ICanDeweyIt: yall adults are welcome to join us just don’t mess it up
Lucky-Gander: wouldn’t dream of it
lenaonme: creeper
ICanDeweyIt: aww man
Junior-Woodchuck74: that’s not where we were in the song
ICanDeweyIt: AWW MAN
Violet-Sabrewing: So we back in the mine
TheWebbedWonder: rocking our pickaxe from side to side
UnoCaballero: side side to side
green-sharpie: This task a grueling one
TheCrashiestCrash: Hoping to find some diamonds tonight
DosCaballero: night night
Blathering-Blatherskite: Diamonds tonight
Violet-Sabrewing: heads up
purpleisforthegays: you hear a sound
lenaonme: turn around and look up
Lil’ Bulb: total shock fills your body
TheWebbedWonder: Oh no it’s you again
Junior-Woodchuck74: I could never forget those eyes, eyes
TrêsCaballero: eyes eyes eyes
ihaveahead!!!: cause baby tonight
green-sharpie: The creeper's trying to steal all our stuff again,
Junior-Woodchuck74: dewey i hate you
ICanDeweyIt: can’t help it i’m a wild child
Junior-Woodchuck74: last week you cried because the supermarket was all out of blue rock candy
lenaonme: ok shut up nerds hash it out later we’re going back to singing
green-sharpie: whatever did we do
dr. mad scientist: is this the hecking mlp song
Adventure-Pilot: hah hecking
dr. mad scientist: DONALD EDITS MY TEXTS
UnoCaballero: as i should 
UnoCaballero: don’t swear around my kids
TheWebbedWonder: Discord, are we your prey alone
TrêsCaballero: or are we just a stepping stone to taking back the throne
Blathering-Blatherskite: Discord
Violet-Sabrewing: We won’t take it anymore
DosCaballero: So take your tyranny away!
purpleisforthegays: discoooooooooord…
Junior-Woodchuck74: discoooooooooord…
green-sharpie: discoooooooooord…
moonlander-general: wha
ICanDeweyIt: shh penny we’re singing
adefinitelyrealboy: this is quite an interesting phenomenon!!
mutant-krill!!!!: agreed, it is quite fascinating!!
lenaonme: 😔😔👊
TheWebbedWonder: I’m adding it to the sleepover agenda now!!
Violet-Sabrewing: Della and Penumbra should join us, since they don’t know either
Junior-Woodchuck74: good idea! but what about Uncle Indy and Uncle Scrooge? And Dr. Gearloose?
Blathering-Blatherskite: Gyro knows meme songs he’s just not participating out of spite
dr. mad scientist: shut up fenton
Violet-Sabrewing: there’s no hope for them
wreathedingold: HAH
TheWebbedWonder: oh Aunt Goldie!! I thought you left!!
wreathedingold: shush pink niece
TheWebbedWonder: omg she knows who i am 🥺💚❤️🥰
green-sharpie: uhh not quite webs
Scrooge-McDuck: Excuse me!
Scrooge-McDuck: we had this conversation earlier today. I am a polyglot.
TheCrashiestCrash: And I told you Mr. McDee!! Love who you love!!
Scrooge-McDuck: Oh tatter me tartan.
wreathedingold: quite the enthusiastic brood you have there, Scroogey!
Scrooge-McDuck: I can’t believe this.
Indy_Sabrewing: That’s it Violet; no reading for fun.
Violet-Sabrewing: No!
lenaonme: 😔👊
TheWebbedWonder: Oh no!!!
Junior-Woodchuck74: We should invite Uncle Fethry too, if he can make it
mutant-krill!!!!: my schedule is full of traveling the seas with Mitzy and cataloguing our scientific findings and experiences!!
mutant-krill!!!!: But I will check.
adefinitelyrealboy: I can hardly wait!!
Tea Time: And when is this?
ICanDeweyIt: Well we were planning on showing Boyd at the sleepover, but it seems my dear class has grown… 
Junior-Woodchuck74: @Tea Time Wednesday will work.
Tea Time: Wonderful. I’ll mark it in the family calendar. 
lenaonme: mrs beakley ily
Tea Time: Thank you, Lena.
ICanDeweyIt: P R O F E S S O R   D E W F O R D
green-sharpie: oh boy
Junior-Woodchuck74: you don’t have a Ph.D idiot
ICanDeweyIt: Neither does Fenton but do you see that stopping him?
Blathering-Blatherskite: why must you keep bringing up my lack of a doctorate?
lenaonme: it’s funny
green-sharpie: yeah pretty much
green-sharpie: you know we’re only going to bring it up more now right?
Blathering-Blatherskite: oh blathering blatherskite
Blathering-Blatherskite: What has my life come to? I’m being mercilessly mocked by a bunch of children.
dr. mad scientist: HAH
Tea Time: That’s just what children are like.
lenaonme: mrs beakley says this as if she doesn’t tease everyone mercilessly too
Tea Time: That goes without saying.
Lil’ Bulb: it do be like that 😔👊
dr. mad scientist: OH COME ON
Lucky-Gander: dude you literally just had this conversation
dr. mad scientist: I’LL KILL YOU KIDS
UnoCaballero: NO
Adventure-Pilot: I’LL KILL YOU FIRST
ihaveahead!!!: i dont doubt that
dr. mad scientist: WHOSE SIDE ARE YOU ON MANNY
ihaveahead!!!: della’s
dr. mad scientist: typical.
lenaonme: nearlythrewhandswitha13yearold.png
Violet-Sabrewing: yes pretty much
TheWebbedWonder: sldkfhdskl;a
Blathering-Blatherskite: oh how the tables have turned
dr. mad scientist: i hate you all
Adventure-Pilot: we love you too mwah <3 <3
dr. mad scientist: ewww
TheWebbedWonder: commence operation: SMOTHER DR. GEARLOOSE IN LOVE AND AFFECTION
Adventure-Pilot: HECK YEAH
Blathering-Blatherskite: Sounds like an interesting scheme with a potentially volatile reaction from the subject, but with likely a desired outcome!!!
TheWebbedWonder: aw thanks Fenton <3
Blathering-Blatherskite: anytime!!
lenaonme: lol get him
dr. mad scientist: I TRUSTED YOU WEBBIGAIL
dr. mad scientist: no
TheCrashiestCrash: I’ll drive!!
dr. mad scientist: NO
dr. mad scientist: FENTON STOP THEM
Blathering-Blatherskite: :3
dr. mad scientist: YOU WILL DIE PAINFULLY
TrêsCaballero: This chat is… interesting
ICanDeweyIt: Get used to it Uncle José!!!
TrêsCaballero: I am… Uncle José?
TrêsCaballero: What an honor!!
ICanDeweyIt: sure you are!! you’re close enough to uncle donald
TheWebbedWonder: and we love you!!!
ICanDeweyIt: yeah and that
UnoCaballero: awww kids
TrêsCaballero: you must meet my biological nephews, Zico and Zeca!!
TheWebbedWonder: NEW FRIENDS!!!
Junior-Woodchuck74: Uncle Scrooge
Scrooge-McDuck: Yes Huey?
Junior-Woodchuck74: On an unrelated note, can we take an adventure in Brazil?
TrêsCaballero: 🥰🥰
Scrooge-McDuck: ugh 
Scrooge-McDuck: I’ll look into it
TheWebbedWonder: I’ll help you Uncle Scrooge!!
Indy_Sabrewing: Is this the adventure you promised Della?
TheWebbedWonder: Nope!! My lips are sealed on that one
lenaonme: huh you’re actually doing that
TheWebbedWonder: Yep!! And it’s gonna be amazing!!
Adventure-Pilot: I bet!!
TheWebbedWonder: 💕💕💕
TheWebbedWonder: I love you!!!
Adventure-Pilot: aww I love you too honey!!
DosCaballero: Not to interrupt this adorable declaration of love but
green-sharpie: you’re an uncle too
DosCaballero: !!!!!
UnoCaballero: I’m proud of you guys
purpleisforthegays: are you talking to your friends or to the kids?
UnoCaballero: up for interpretation
PM between Junior-Woodchuck74 and TotallyNotGizmoduck
4:35 pm
TotallyNotGizmoduck: Huey
Junior-Woodchuck74: Yes Fenton?
TotallyNotGizmoduck: I scrolled up in the major group chat and your uncle said something odd about his nickname
Junior-Woodchuck74: Wait, why were you scrolling up in chat?
TotallyNotGizmoduck: Manny and Lil’ Bulb roped me into taking out of context screenshots.
Junior-Woodchuck74: Oh hey Dewey and Lena do that too!!
Junior-Woodchuck74: What did you find?
TotallyNotGizmoduck: screenshot-2020-08-06-4.24-PM
[aw-phooey: mine used to but I changed it when the band broke up. too dangerous to keep it ngl]
TotallyNotGizmoduck: Why would it be too dangerous for him to keep his Three Caballeros nickname?
Junior-Woodchuck74: Yeah that’s definitely weird
Junior-Woodchuck74: Especially since Uncle Donald’s account is private
TotallyNotGizmoduck: this chat service only has basic security. It is easily hacked if someone has the means.
Junior-Woodchuck74: That means they’d have to want to find Uncle Donald
Junior-Woodchuck74: Fenton I’m scared for Uncle Donald now
TotallyNotGizmoduck: I’m sure he’s okay! He knows how to protect himself, if nothing else.
Junior-Woodchuck74: true
TotallyNotGizmoduck: Besides, you have me, a literal superhero, on your side if anything goes wrong!!
TotallyNotGizmoduck: and your family is exceptionally good at fighting off threats. You’ll be okay, Huey.
Junior-Woodchuck74: i’m not worried for me
Junior-Woodchuck74: but thanks, Fenton
Junior-Woodchuck74: i think i’m gonna sleep on this and then do some DuckDuckGo searches on the Three Caballeros tomorrow, okay?
TotallyNotGizmoduck: Of course, Huey
Junior-Woodchuck74: talk tomorrow?
TotallyNotGizmoduck: wouldn’t miss it!!
Junior-Woodchuck74: and you should really change your name
TotallyNotGizmoduck: I will
PM between TheWebbedWonder and TotallyNotGizmoduck
7:43 pm
TheWebbedWonder: Hi Fenton!!
TotallyNotGizmoduck: Hello Webby!!
TheWebbedWonder: I realized I never added your mother to our group chatTheWebbedWonder: Can I have her username?
TotallyNotGizmoduck: Of course! I figured something was up
TotallyNotGizmoduck: Not that you can’t contact me casually!!
TheWebbedWonder: I’ll keep that in mind! 💖
TheWebbedWonder: Your mom is really nice but I don’t know her that well
TotallyNotGizmoduck: Oh you two will definitely get along
TotallyNotGizmoduck: There is a 93% chance of it
TotallyNotGizmoduck: The 7% is if she catches wind of the illegal activities Lena drags you into
TheWebbedWonder: It was ONE time and that guy deserved it!! It was justice!!!
TotallyNotGizmoduck: Webby, you set a citizen’s apartment ablaze!!!
TheWebbedWonder: He was being a jerk
TheWebbedWonder: He purposefully misgendered Dewey and Violet
TheWebbedWonder: and he made some really gross comments about Lena
TotallyNotGizmoduck: Webby, I understand that
TotallyNotGizmoduck: M’ma and I have to deal with our fair share of jerks
TotallyNotGizmoduck: And in all honesty, she would probably respect the karma of your actions. I definitely do.
TheWebbedWonder: yeah I get it
TotallyNotGizmoduck: I became a superhero to help people
TotallyNotGizmoduck: And that person deserved what came to them, but sometimes there are better ways to help people
TheWebbedWonder: sure okay
TheWebbedWonder: I mean you should probably give Lena the lecture
TotallyNotGizmoduck: I’ll keep that in mind
TotallyNotGizmoduck: but you’re a good kid webby
TheWebbedWonder: awww thanks 💖💖
TotallyNotGizmoduck: You and M’ma will get along
TotallyNotGizmoduck: You’re both kind, powerful, passionate women who scare me
TheWebbedWonder: Aww, I scare you? That’s so sweet!!! Thank you!!!
TotallyNotGizmoduck: Uhhh you’re welcome?
TheWebbedWonder: 🥰🥰
let kids be kids
8:03 pm
TheWebbedWonder: Fenton is lecturing me about when we set that guy’s house on fire
lenaonme: hah that was awesome
Lou: ew lectures
Junior-Woodchuck74: I told you that was a bad idea
Violet-Sabrewing: It worked out, though
TheWebbedWonder: he’s so nice but also I want to set all bigots’ houses on fire
ICanDeweyIt: as you should
Violet-Sabrewing: *as WE should
ICanDeweyIt: you’re right vi!!!
lenaonme: *cracks knuckles* aight i got this
TheWebbedWonder: wait no lena don’t be mean
lenaonme: shhh it’s just a little bit of good-natured teasing
TheWebbedWonder: Lena
Junior-Woodchuck74: Lena
Violet-Sabrewing: Lena
adefinitelyrealboy: Don’t be mean to Dr. Crackshell-Cabrera!! He has to deal with a lot of their comments anyway. And he’s a superhero!! He knows what he’s doing!!!
Violet-Sabrewing: Fenton is a superhero?
lenaonme: khdskalksdf HE’S gizmoduck????
Junior-Woodchuck74: oh no
Violet-Sabrewing: I did think of this hypothesis a couple months ago
adefinitelyrealboy: Oh no!! I didn’t mean to reveal Dr. Crackshell-Cabrera’s secret identity!!
ICanDeweyIt: not much of a secret tbh. he has a whole journal entry for people who know he’s Gizmoduck
TheWebbedWonder: Guess he has two more names to add to that list
Lou: to be fair, his username is TotallyNotGizmoduck. That’s pretty sus
Junior-Woodchuck74: he really needs to change that.
ICanDeweyIt: yeah
PM between lenaonme and TotallyNotGizmoduck
8:24 pm
lenaonme: ay yo
TotallyNotGizmoduck: Hi, Lena!
lenaonme: be gay do crime
TotallyNotGizmoduck: Lena no
lenaonme: lena yes
TotallyNotGizmoduck: I suppose Webby talked to you?
lenaonme: yes
lenaonme: also vi and i know your secret identity now
TotallyNotGizmoduck: darn it
lenaonme: seriously change your name that’s kind of pathetic ngl
TotallyNotGizmoduck: I understand you like fitting the image of “rebellious teenager” and all, but are the insults completely necessary?
lenaonme: oh thank webby she convinced me to only lightly tease you
lenaonme: it’s with love~ 💖
TotallyNotGizmoduck: Not quite sure if I buy that
TotallyNotGizmoduck: I don’t want to have to apprehend you if you commit crimes, Lena
TotallyNotGizmoduck: and my M’ma wouldn’t either
lenaonme: i don’t even know her
TotallyNotGizmoduck: You will tomorrow!!
lenaonme: i can’t decide if that’s ominous or just overly preppy
TotallyNotGizmoduck: I’m just a little excited
lenaonme: lmao lame
TotallyNotGizmoduck: :(
TotallyNotGizmoduck: I hate teenagers
lenaonme: blanket statement huh
TotallyNotGizmoduck: sorry
TotallyNotGizmoduck: I wouldn't be forced into negative feelings if you weren't mean to me!
lenaonme: it's because i love you
TotallyNotGizmoduck: you keep saying that, but I'm not so sure I believe it...
Science Gays
8:48 pm
fentonium: why are kids like this
worldsgreatestinventor: agreed, very negative feelings indeed
adefinitelyrealboy: :(
worldsgreatestinventor: except for you Boyd
Junior-Woodchuck74: It’s because we love you
adefinitelyrealboy: what about Huey?
worldsgreatestinventor: ehhhhhhh
Junior-Woodchuck74: disappointed but not surprised
Junior-Woodchuck74: let me guess you talked to Lena?
fentonium: yes
worldsgreatestinvention: she’s cool
worldsgreatestinvention: she taught me memes
worldsgreatestinventor: WHAT
worldsgreatestinventor: red nephew!! your lot told me that was dewey!!
worldsgreatestinvention: just for those specific memes
worldsgreatestinvention: it was a group effort
Headless-Mannyhorse: good for them
worldsgreatestinventor: they will rue the day!!
fentonium: oookaay
fentonium: you know what I prefer Lena to this
Junior-Woodchuck74: she knows
fentonium: oh no
Junior-Woodchuck74: that’s one of the reasons she likes it so much
fentonium:  oh no
Family Group Chat!!!!
4:55 am
lenaonme: b͈̻̙͕̲̭ͦͦ̾͛l͉͒a̱̳̠̳͈͎̖̓ͪc̆͒k͎͖͈͓̎̌͒p̝͈̌ͫͥͦi̩͙͙͕ͫ̋͛ň̦̌k̟͐̾ ̟̼̥͎ͣͫ͛̂i̞͓̰̜͇̜̪ͧ͑͌̓s̙ͤ͛ͩ ̩̞̖͖̺̐̈͋͆́̈́ͅt̙̥̄ͨͭ͐h̩͇̮̙̬̉͂ͫe͕͚̳̩̞͚̜ ̞͕̰̇͛̏̍ͨ̄r͉̹̱̬͑̄̾͐ḛ͖̘̇̆v̺̱̇̽͒o̤̮̤l̞̯̪̳͕̿͆͌ͭͅu̮̼̝̤̅̑ͬ̾͑͂̍t͇̲̺̘̀i̘ͦ̿͗o̪ͣ͐̓̇ͦ̎ͬn͙̱͔̩͙͒́̋̽̎̎~
dr. mad scientist: oh my god shut up
Huey: Junior-Woodchuck74 Dewey: ICanDeweyIt Louie: Lou / green-sharpie* Webby: TheWebbedWonder / Ultimate_Scrooge_Fangirl* Donald: aw-phooey* / Dadnald / UnoCaballero Scrooge: Scrooge-McDuck* / Moneybags Della: worldsgreatestadventurer* / Adventure-Pilot / universesgreatestadventurer /acepilot Beakley: 22 / Tea Time Launchpad: TheCrashiestCrash Lena: lenaonme Violet: Violet-Sabrewing Duckworth: ghostbutler Gyro: worldsgreatestinventor* / dr mad scientist / wildlymisunderstood Fenton: TotallyNotGizmoduck* / Blathering-Blatherskite Manny: ihaveahead!!! Lil' Bulb: worldsgreatestinvention* / Lil' Bulb Gladstone: Lucky-Gander Fethry: mutant-krill!!!! Indy: Indy_Sabrewing Ty: purpleisforthegays Goldie: Wine-Aunt* / wreathedingold Penny: moonlander-general Boyd: adefinitelyrealboy Panchito: DosCaballero José: blackmagica* / TrêsCaballero
i listened to a bunch of various blackpink while making this (on if it's your last rn) so that's why that ending moment is there lmao. it's just a glimpse into my life i guess. it's also a fitting reference since i wrote a bunch of this during a writing sprint with friends (and i lost :( ) and they introduced me to almost all of the blackpink songs i know!
there's a moment in which dewey called himself a "wild child" which is inspired by another friend calling me a wild child the other day. it just be like that i guess. (tragically, neither this friend nor the blackpink friends are into ducktales so they won't read this. but moon, silv, viper, rose, if you're out there... ily)
peep some sexuality headcanons!! I tried not to make them too overwhelming since I know a lot of people have different hcs, but they slipped in. It didn't make it in, but I hc that in addition to the no-label thing for genders, Scrooge is also demisexual and demiromantic!! I'm aroace so that means something to me. Also re: the bigot Webby and Fenton were talking about, I hc Violet is trans and Dewey is nb (thank the duckfalls server for that one). and lena is gay. but all headcanons are cool n valid and i'd love to hear some of yours!!
i unexpectedly got a really good response to this fic last week and i just want to say thank you!! it means so much to me that people like this fic and that people like my writing in general. i love all of you <3 i haven't responded to comments from last week yet cause energy but i promise i will i just need energy. but i read all of them and they were so sweet!! so thank you!!
in a similar vein, no penny pokemon plot this week cause the week slipped by and i forgot to message ppl about pokemon but i definitely will do that. it'll probably be back for next time. thank you so much to everyone who offered!! i'll probably take you guys up on that.
also thanks to the people on tumblr who gave me scrooge phrases. @just-sinag sent me an amazing video of all of scrooge's catchphrases from dt87 (which i didn't get to use this time unfortunately but definitely next time) which was really helpful, but everyone who replied to my post is really awesome and i appreciate it!!
in other news, my cat just meowed at the door while i'm writing this author's note and then jumped very cartoonishly when the door bumped against the wall. she's a little freaked out right now, poor baby. but i love her.
Chapter 4
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gaybarbiegirl · 3 years
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I posted 741 times in 2021
197 posts created (27%)
544 posts reblogged (73%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 2.8 posts.
I added 762 tags in 2021
#violetta - 234 posts
#barbie - 148 posts
#barbie movies - 139 posts
#soy luna - 124 posts
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#barbie liveblogs - 12 posts
#soy luna 3 - 10 posts
#yes - 8 posts
#accurate - 7 posts
Longest Tag: 138 characters
#and yet the show spent all of s1 trashing the fab&chic and calling delfi and jazmin dumb and shallow because... fashion is bad i guess...?
My Top Posts in 2021
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196 notes • Posted 2021-08-28 13:55:00 GMT
My Top 5 Gay Barbie ships
As an avid Barbie fan and a lesbian, I feel like it was only a matter of time until I made this. I think we can all agree that the Barbie movies blessed us with some of the best lesbian relationships gal pals of our childhoods, and I guess this is just my way of paying homage to my favorites. A little disclaimer, this is all just my opinion, so I'm sorry if your favorite ship isn't here.
5. Kristyn and Hailey - Barbie and the Pink Shoes
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Starting out with a painfully underrated ship from a painfully underrated movie, we've got Kristyn and Hailey. In my opinion, Barbie and the Pink Shoes is the funniest Barbie movie, and these two are a big part of the reason why. They bounce off of each other really well, they have a great and believable daydreamer/down to earth dynamic, and their relationship is really sweet. I mean, it's hard to watch two people navigating an unknwon world together with no one to count on but each other and not end up shipping them. Plus, the scene where Hailey gets captured by the snow queen and Kristyn runs crying through the frozen road always breaks my heart.
4. Mariposa and Catania - Barbie Mariposa and the fairy princess
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I'm gonna be honest, the way the pairings went in the Mariposa franchise actually makes me kinda bitter. And that's because they had these two characters who I think are perfect for each other, but they totally disregard their relationship for the sake of pairing Mariposa with Prince Carlos (who is honestly just a male version of her).
I mean, seriously - Mariposa and Catania have this Romeo and Juliet type of story, being from rival fairy kingdoms and all, and it would definetely have ended in romance if this was a het ship. Catania is the only one who's kind to Mariposa from the start, she bothers to learn about her culture and to make her feel welcome in her kingdom, and she trusts her blindly even when everyone around her tells her she shouldn't. In return, Mariposa listens to Catania about her struggles, and does everything in her power to help her overcome them. They have a lot in common and a lot to teach each other, their relationship development feels very natural, and their bond is what saves the day in the end. But nooo, Barbie has to end up with the prince. Smh.
3. Barbie and Sal-Lee - Barbie Starlight Adventure
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These two probably have the most down to earth relationship in this list, ironically. They have no big dramatic bonding moment, no speech about believing in each other, and their love isn't what saves the universe. It's all very simple and low key, and that's kind of what I like about it.
I love how nervous Barbie is to meet Sal-Lee in the beggining, how it takes a little while for them to get used to each other, and how even in the end there's still a bit of healthy competition between them. You can tell both of them weren't what the other one was expecting, but once they get to know each other, they realize they're something even better, and I think that's really great. I also love how Sal-Lee gets all protective of Barbie, always looking out for her in the end. Overall, their relationship is just very wholesome and comforting. 10/10.
2. Merliah and Kylie - Barbie in a Mermaid Tale 2
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Rivals to lovers, anyone? Truly one of the best relationship tropes out there, and it was executed beautifully in this movie.
Merliah's and Kylie's flirty rivalry in the beggining is everything, and I like how it's not one sided. Like, Merliah isn't the nice "let's all be friends" girl who's being cornered by mean girl Kylie, they're both mutually competitive, which is pretty unique for a Barbie movie. And, of course, as their relationship develops, all of their scenes are just the cutest and the gayest.
Kylie saying "since when does the queen of the waves give up?" when she's pulling Merliah out of that whirpool? Amazing.
The two of them holding hands while swimming together? Beautiful.
Merliah swooning over everything Kylie says, from her plans to her bad jokes? Lovely.
And the whole ending sequence to that movie lives in my head rent free. Merliah is all upset over being a mermaid forever because, in her own words, this means she can't surf with Kylie anymore. Then she turns human again and gets to compete with her one more time, but with love instead of animosity. And finally, the two of them thank each other for everything they got to learn together and agree to share the 1st place trophy. Incredible. Lesbian excellency. Love it with my whole heart.
1. Liana and Alexa - Barbie and the Diamond Castle
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Surprising no one, Alexa and Liana get the 1st place, and for a good reason. To this day, they're the biggest wlw icons from any Barbie movie ever. Everyone has seen the posts talking about how the colours of their dresses are the colours of the lesbian flag and the bi flag, or about how they're the og cottagecore lesbians, or about how there's a scene in the movie where the two of them literally float away from their "love interests" on a rainbow, and they're all 100% right.
But while the sheer amount of gayness these two have is great, I still think this isn't the best part of their relationship. The best part, I think, is just how devoted they are to each other.
Like, we know they regularly write songs about how happy they are together, and both of them consider their relationship to be the best part of their lives. They take care of each other in a way that is so casual but still so meaningful, and you can tell it comes from a place of real love. When they get the chance to make a wish, they don't even have to think before wishing to be together forever. And throughout the movie, we see them risk their lives and rethink their values for the sake of keeping the other one happy and safe.
They're not just my favorite barbie ship, they're one of my favorite ships of all time, and they totally deserve all of the praise they get.
320 notes • Posted 2021-03-27 16:10:18 GMT
Unapologetically girly cartoons that aim for girl power but land at gay are actually the height of animation
345 notes • Posted 2021-12-04 00:33:36 GMT
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And I will not elaborate
516 notes • Posted 2021-08-05 21:55:28 GMT
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543 notes • Posted 2021-04-15 21:54:47 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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taejeonie · 4 years
i’ll be there to catch you fall
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— when things get to rough for taehee, she can’t help but crumble down
they just got home from promotions and they were tired as hell
doyoung was in the living room watching tv
taeyong was in his room playing games
johnny’s in his room
hyuck’s in the dorm on the upper floor hanging out with mark and taeil
taehee decided to go down and stay in doyoung’s room bc she figured it would be more quiet in the downstairs dorm
she went through twitter and searched up her name
she was actually interested in what the fans had to say about her
the members told her that she’s one of the members that changed the most this cb so
she’s wondering if the fans thought the same
but then twitter at that time was
a meanie :((
so she saw the hate tweets
all of it
she saw some good ones but....
seeing the hate ate her mind like crazy
she knows what she’s getting herself into by debuting as the only girl in the group
and that getting hate is normal for idols
but she doesn’t get it now
they’re telling her to leave
to leave their boys alone
that she wasn’t needed in the group and nothing wouldn’t change if she left
she felt so hurt
she worked very hard for this cb, just as much as all the other cb’s they had before
she stayed up late at night trying to find out what could be missing in the song
or if she was doing a move right in their choreography
it wasn’t this bad during her debut
but now they started calling her names
names she tried to avoid
she knew she did well, she’s sure of it
the other members assured her too
but why would they say things like this
she’s a good person, isn’t she?
she didn’t do anything wrong
she sees some of her fans defend her
but then the anti’s just bully them and it hurts knowing that her fans are getting hurt bc of her
but #taeheeprotectionsquad is strong ᕦ(ò_óˇ)ᕤ
she was thankful that they were defending her but she didn’t want them to get into fights
taehee was crying waterfalls by now
then she started thinking about how doyoung would have to change his pillows since she cried on them
so she cries more
and if her day couldn’t get any better
a s*esang messaged her
but it wasn’t her sae*ang
it was one of the boys’
they keep telling her to back off and kept calling her names
but they’re on the same team??? so how >:((
smh she gave her all into the team and people are acting like this
taehee felt like leaving the group countless of times before
but the support of her member’s kept her going
but now she doesn’t know what to do
she feels her breaths becoming shorter
and it gets harder to breathe
she feels like falling and her chest starts to hurt
she’s having a panic attack
it takes her a while to get herself together
and focus on calming her breaths
her mini-episode was over but the tears. won’t. stop. flowing.
so she lays there and continues to cry and let it out
just like taeyong told her to
she screamed into the pillow. hit the pillow. cried into the pillow. and screamed some more, her cries muffled out by doyoung’s pillow
she’s still crying but she’s calmer now
you gotta do what you gotta do to let it all out ://
“and after you calm yourself down, drink a glass of water. then go to your room and turn the ac on so you won’t feel too hot,” she remembers taeyong saying
so taehee gets up slowly
as she walked to the kitchen she feels her eyelids get hot and her legs wobble
but her throat is dry so she needs to take a drink
she decided that she would nap and hope everything will be better the next day
but then she remembers all the comments again and the tears flow harder
she was shaking so much she dropped the glass
her legs give out soon after
so when she feels the glass pierce her hand and leg, she let out a painful cry
the sound startled doyoung so he immediately runs to the kitchen
when he gets there his heart breaks
taehee’s hair is messy and her eyes are so swollen
her cheeks are red from crying and she’s sitting on glass
so doyoung quickly rushes to her and pushes the glass away with his slipper
taehee couldn’t breathe again as she choked out sobs
“i’m sorry. i’m so sorry,” she said
doyoung thought she was referring to the glass falling so he was like “it’s fine, okay? it’s not your fault.”
and then he was telling her to breathe
she had episodes before, predebut
and he and taeyong would always be there to help her
they both didn’t notice taeyong and johnny were there until the former appeared in front of taehee
“taehee?,” taeyong called softly, “i want you to breathe, okay? count with me, ready?”
they counted all the way up to ten until taehee calmed down
“can you stand up?,” doyoung asked her and she nodded
“okay....i’m gonna clean your wounds up, okay?”
“okay,” she whimpered
so doyoung led taehee to his room and closed the door
meanwhile taeyong called the manager
and johnny cleaned up the glass
“it’s happening again, isn’t it?,” johnny asked him.
“yeah....but this time we have to get it out of her. if she doesn’t tell us what’s wrong then we can’t help her,” :(((
okay taeyong mom
back inside the room
doyoung’s wrapping bandages around her leg and arms
“do you....do you want to tell me what’s wrong?”
“maybe....later,” taehee answers him
so he nods at that and rubs her arms comfortingly
“i’ll get you water. get some sleep,,,and tell taeyong, okay?”
he didn’t wait for her to answer and walked out the door
so taehee tried to sleep
but she couldn’t
she can’t help but think about what they said about her earlier
so for the whole two hours doyoung left her alone to sleep
she didn’t sleep
she felt like crying more
so she got up and left the dorm
taeyong and doyoung were talking in the living room and they saw taehee walk out their door
and they were unsure whether to follow her or not
bc it looked like she wanted to be alone
but then they wanted to help her :(((
so they settled with texting the other members upstairs if she got there
when taehee got back to the upstairs dorm
they were all in the living room taeil, jungwoo, hyuck, and mark
they stopped talking as soon as they heard someone enter the dorm
and they looked at taehee
and they got worried
when taehee entered her room, mark got a text from taeyong asking if she was there
he replied and asked what happened
so taeyong told him she had an episode downstairs and mark immediately felt bad
taeil and hyuck told him to go to her
so he did
and when he entered the room he heard her crying :(((
so he turned the ac on
put up some soft music in the bg
and he kneels down beside her bed and hugs her from behind
“do you want to talk about it?,” he asks quietly
“...maybe tomorrow,” so mark nods and rubs her arm until she falls asleep
the next day they had to perform kick it again
everyone knew by now what happened to taehee
so while the members were getting their makeup and outfits done
taehee was asleep on the couch since she didn’t get any proper sleep last night :((
when their performance aired
the fans noticed the bandages
and the times taehee was out of it
so it blew up on social media again
other were calling her lazy
others were calling her an attention seeker
and taehee was it again
so she was back to crying but this time it was in her room
mark laid down on his own bed listening to taehee
and whenever he felt like her breaths were getting shorter
he helped her calm down
and when it’s okay he comes back to his bed
the following day the manager told her to do a vlive and tell everyone your okay
“bc sm’s got a lot of problems right now and we don’t need you to add to them. so act like you’re fine so they could stop” - bad manager
so before she went on vlive she tried to sleep
but she couldn’t
taeyong texted mark he was coming over so he left to go to the living room
and they talked for a few hours when they thought she was sleeping
so taeyong quietly got in the room, thinking she was awake now
but he only saw more tear streaks on taehee’s face, telling him he didn’t sleep
so he goes to sit behind her and rest his head on the headboard
“whenever your ready,,,” he whispers
“we’re ready to help you, okay? you’re not....you’re not a burden”
so he waits
three minutes pass and taeyong thinks she’s fallen asleep
but slowly, she sits up and sits beside him
she fiddles with her fingers while taeyong brushes her hair out of her face
“they,,,,they want me to leave....”
“i mean they told me that during debut but i thought i was doing so well-“ she sniffs
“it’s getting harder,,,,to ignore all these things. the fans do so much for us but i guess i saw it at a bad time.”
taeyong knew what she was talking about
“oppa,” she said as she turned to him
“did you know.......did you know i wanted to quit before?”
taeyong was shocked
bc he didn’t know even if he was the leader
all of them didn’t know except the manager
but how? you looked fine back then
you were doing fine,,he knew that
“i saw that a lot of people said that you guys would be better off without a girl in your group,,”
“but then we went out to celebrate for ‘regular’ so i thought,,,it wouldn’t be so bad.”
“you guys are strong, you know? i want to be like you.”
“but then i’m acting like i’m the only one having problems when you guys should be resting”
it was silent for a moment before she laid her head down on taeyong’s shoulder
so he thought it was his time to speak
“you know as idols, we couldn’t avoid it right? sometimes they’re ridiculous, but there are times where it gets out of hand too,,,”
“it’s okay that you feel that way,,,,maybe this is your way to cope for all this....”
“you’re not a problem to us. we don’t regret debuting with you no matter what the others say. you work just as hard as all of us, please remember that....”
“the members and i will be here to support you always, okay? that’s what a family is. no matter what they say, you always have us. and that won’t change.”
“we love you, taehee. so much.”
taeyong gave her a proper hug from her side and rubbed her back comfortingly
“thank you,” he hears her whisper
and taeyong’s a but relieved bc she’s opening up more bit by bit
“do you still have to do that vlive?”
“okay, rest up then. mark will wake you up when it’s time.”
so he leaves after a few moments
and ever since yesterday, she was able to sleep well even just for a few hours
then mark woke her up so she’s like
fight mode: on
so she turns on the vlive
and she sees those people again
but this time she ignores them
and tried to focus on the good people :>>>
she talked with the czennies
telling her about her day
sharing her music recs
and movies she wanted to watch
until it got silent
since all the comments now were about protecting her from the hate
her manager was there in the room with her but she didn’t care
she wanted to say this first and get it off her chest
“you guys say i’m good....because you’re a czennie,,,,”
“everyone,,please don’t think like that. the way you see me,,,is different from how the world sees me.”
“and i’ve accepted that now.”
you smile at them before continuing to talk with those in the commments
ignoring the disappointed looks on your manager
but after the live
i guess u could say everything went back to normal
taehee was her happy self again
but she’s stronger now
she was greatful for opening up to taeyong
she’s learning to do that with the rest little by little
so the members are silently greatful for that
she learned that her members would always be there for her no matter what <3
ping!! text from
doyoungie <3: we’ll always be here for you. i love you
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madzilla84 · 4 years
Did anyone ask for one? No. Does anyone want it? Probably not … I guess there’s still some small part of me that misses having a Livejournal.
In general, things have been - better. I started going outside a bit more from late-ish July, but honestly I don’t know if I started feeling better because I started going out, or if I started going out because I was feeling better…? A mystery. But mood tracking app - surely a reliable source of mental health info lmao - seems to agree:
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(woohoo, only ‘significant burden’! i think that’s about the best you could hope for in 2020. and this was a few weeks ago, and I feel better now than I did then, so.)
I’ve been off work for the last 3 weeks - nothing wrong, just 2 weeks of scheduled annual leave, which I needed very much (I think part of why I was feeling bad was because I hadn’t had a break since February), and last week I had a week of jury duty. The break was much needed and I can feel the difference.
I started exercising again in July, and ugggggggh ok fine I admit I do feel better because of it. I’m never gonna be a gym bunny, I’ll probably never *love* it but I can’t deny the benefits. I go 3 times a week which is enough for me. (Though I only went twice last week and this week - last week I was pretty wrecked after court each day and this week I am focussing on being lazy.) Going outside again was strange at first, like the previous 4 months hadn’t happened, but it didn’t take long to feel (mostly) normal again.
I’ve also had a couple of social things, which has been nice - one lunch out at an outdoor restaurant, and one bbq at a friend’s house. (She moved in recently at the end of my street; while I was sitting in her living room I could look out of the window at my own flat. Weird!) I’ve been thinking a lot about Dan’s tweet about who he realised he wants in his life after lockdown, and it’s just. Interesting.
I’m DELIGHTED it’s September and the start of the best months, the -embers and -obers; it’s still pretty warm and mostly sunny here but it’s really nice, the bite’s gone out of the warmth. Not long now until it Gs the FO entirely. \o/ I’m still playing Animal Crossing every day, (unlike some people, smh poor abandoned Pickle). 
Jury duty last week was fascinating. I didn’t even know if I’d get picked - they call more than twice as many people as they need in case anyone can’t do it for whatever reason (if one of the lawyers is a family friend or something), but I did end up being chosen. (No. 12!!) We were the first post-covid jury, and the first socially distanced one. 
I *can* talk about the case now it’s over, but I don’t think I will, because the subject matter could be pretty triggering, but it was often a tough week given the nature of it. Having said that, something about it was very satisfying. It was fascinating to see how the courts and lawyers worked, and the whole process, and it was good to work with the other jurors. (Days on end of talking to actual humans was actually pretty good, for the most part.) We were all just thrown together, and we had differences of opinion of course, but it was still a good experience to work with them. It felt good to be part of something like that, something that mattered, and to feel like a part of the community in such a real way. I can be quite good at putting aside emotion to look at the letter of the law, which in a case like this can be very challenging; some of the other jurors struggled with it a great deal. (This isn’t to blow my own trumpet or anything; many would argue it was *me* who had the problem, in much the same way they often say lawyers are heartless, which isn’t true most of the time)
The case ended up being dismissed as the jury couldn’t reach a consensus - we got slated on social media (which of course I didn’t look at during the case, I caught up after), but we all stuck to our convictions and I know it was right; there’s a lot the public didn’t know or understand. As tough a case as it was, I’m glad I got to do it, it was a privilege in many ways. (But, I wouldn’t mind if it was a long time until I had to do it again, you know? lol.)
We had our phones taken from 9-5 while we were working - it’s the law - and I thought it was gonna be the worst after being glued to it constantly, but it was actually quite nice lmao. Not that I didn’t end up glued to it again once the case was over.
Fandom-wise, I have - finally - ended up taking a step back from the phandom a little bit in the last month or two. I want to talk about that a bit because it’s a complicated topic, and I see a lot of concerning posts - mainly on Twitter - that if you don’t maintain a certain level of dedication, if you join another fandom or get into something else or aren’t sufficiently devoted and supportive you - aren’t a true fan? Or something? Lots of posts along the lines of, ‘all these people getting into kpop/tv show/whatever, smh, don’t think we won’t remember when dan’s project drops and you all come running back’. It’s just a bit - weird? Like, it’s *perfectly normal* if people get into other stuff while dnp are cooking whatever they’re cooking (or not cooking, or whatever)? Or just move on, but still enjoy D&P? 
I’m not, like, dramatically leaving the fandom or anything. Hell, I haven’t *left* the fandom at all, I’m still here every day, it’s - more of a mental shift. Because prior to July/August-ish this year I really wasn’t in a good place with it. I wrote a thing earlier this year about struggling with writing, and belonging while not being a content creator, and other things … the issue is that, as I tend to do with my fandoms, I get too overinvested. And sometimes, that’s okay - whatever gets you through the night and all that - but in this case, I wasn’t enjoying it any more. Some parts I was - I’ve made the best friends I’ve ever had in a fandom here, and I really like seeing everyone on here - but in general, I was spending a lot of my time feeling anxious, resentful, worried, angry and frustrated. I spent a lot of last year and almost all of this one waiting for Godot; hating the “new normal” and desperately waiting for - something that’s never going to come. I just couldn’t deal with it; probably for reasons bigger than just D&P but that’s how it manifested. I got more and more frustrated by the content we were getting because it wasn’t what I’d hoped, and I hated feeling like that. It took up way too much of my thoughts and every day was just waiting, and wondering, and worrying. And I got so, so sick of it.
So, where am I now? Well, it was inevitable really, but I just started to - let go, a bit. I didn’t throw my hands up and go, ’bah, screw these guys!’, my mental focus just shifted (for my own good), and I started focussing on other things. Other fandoms. Games and hobbies I can distract myself with. I’ll admit it wouldn’t necessarily have been my *choice*, you know? But reality is what it is and I’m - relieved, really, that I’m not unnecessarily tormenting myself about it any more. It took me a long time to reach this place - too long, really - and, for now at least, it’s kind of nice. I can just enjoy things if/when they pop up without the accompanying sadness and anger about how everything is changed, about what has ended and what I’ve “lost”. (And it’s not 100%, by the way; it’s still there, just - quiet, now.) I can look at, I dunno, someone’s gifs of Dan or whatever, and just smile about it rather than feeling that grief. (Or, feel it, but not to the exclusion of everything else.) It’s - nicer.
And it isn’t at *all* that I don’t care any more, I still love them, of course I do, and will continue to follow them and watch everything they do. I’m not going anywhere. I still have notifs on, though they don’t quite send my heart into my throat like they did. ;) In a way it’s helping me love them more, because now when I watch them I enjoy it more, appreciating the fun and the bants without laser-focussing on my own anger and sadness. I’m still attending our little daily phannie watch-alongs, where we watch a couple of eps of DAPG and an anime. I’m still on phandom tumblr/twitter on the daily. It just - has a slightly smaller portion of my brain and mental energy now.
It was a step I needed to take, but also one I’m not sure I could have *chosen* to take, not without deliberately leaving and cutting it all off completely? And I didn’t want to do that. I’d hoped I’d get to this place earlier than this - some 20 months after the fact - but better late than never, I suppose.
(Also, disclaimer - fandom and the human heart are funny things, and I fully accept I can and probably will be sucked completely back in at any time.)
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mariisseething · 5 years
Analyzing Hero Costumes: Girls of Class 1-A
My obsession has spiraled out of control. Let me roast analyze these babes. I’m dumb. I’m tired. I’m gay. Let’s do this.
Warning: I’m a cynical, lazy-ass critic with no consistent taste. Don’t expect a fair analysis.
(This is just for fun, please don’t get mad at me for being an undereducated weeb! I went into writing this with only the knowledge I’ve obtained through watching the show and reading the manga. I don’t know everything about the costumes, and I don’t want to either)!
Ashido Mina (Pinky)
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Babe, imma be frank here.
I love her, but—
that shit ugly.
Funcionality: Mina’s quirk (Acid) comes from her hands and feet. If I remember correctly, she has passages in her shoes that her...foot..acid.....can pass through, and her hands are fully exposed. So her costume is “practical”, and works with her quirk.
Design: As I said before, that shit ugly. The body suit has the worst pattern and color combination I’ve ever seen. (Like if Sully from Monster’s Inc. was turned into a cow and hated it). Her tiddies should be popping out any second now, which isn’t great. Her weird armpit vest with it’s stupid fluffy collar is quite reminiscent of Hawks’ jacket, which leads me to believe that their costumes were made by the same designer. (Many of the designers in the BNHA universe put calling-cards in their costumes). Her white mask is pointless, but at least it matches the fluff on her collar. Her boots, though they have a purpose, are ugly as sin. The pale yellow doesn’t match any other piece in the ensemble, and the Dabi-scar colored purple makes me sad. Hate that.
Total Score: 2/10
Her costume does almost nothing to enhance her quirk, and it’s hideous. The only reason it got two points was because of the shoe holes, and the possibility that it’s connected to my boy Hawks.
Seriously, this is some Seasame Street lookin-ass bullshit.
No hate on Mina, she’s lovely, but her taste is atrocious. (see: her bedroom).
Asui Tsuyu (Froppy)
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Okay, okay bitch I see you.
I’m here for this.
Funcionality: Tsu’s quirk (Frog) requires a decent amount of flexibility from clothing. Spandex works for that I guess. Normally, I would automatically fail this costume for having goddamn toe “socks”, but for Tsuyu they’re nessecary. Having her individual toes chiseled out helps her grip onto shit when she’s kicking ass. It looks like her gloves are attached to her body suit, which is rad, but I’m not sure what the purpose of that waist belt-thing is. If anything, the chunky pieces of her costume would make it harder for her to swim. I also have no fucking clue what that head piece is. I once thought they were like binoculars or something, but she’s never put them on her face so...they wouldn’t fit....on her face..huh.....I’m so stupid bro.
Design: Lets start with a positive, the color scheme slaps. Everything goes together, and the dark green even matches her hair. The bodysuit has a cool structure, and I can definitely appreciate the slight turtleneck and boot-esq feature; however, the chunky wrist pieces, belt, neck/chest-thing, and head piece confuse me. I guess they’re there for fashion, gutter fashion. Shitty crap face fashion. Ugly butthole fashion. FILTH! I need to calm down holy shit—
Total Score: 6/10
The look honestly only lost points for the random ass statement pieces. Water terrains are Tsuyu’s specialty, and a clunky outfit would certainly slow her down underwater.
The toe shit, turtleneck, thigh-high “boots”, and color scheme are pretty dope though.
(Also, she only has three toes but frogs have four).
(My Hero Academia: Cancelled).
Hagakure Toru (Invisible Girl)
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So, here’s the real question.
Is she naked?
Short answer: I dunno.
Funcionality: So she’s invisible, right? A good costume would emphasize that. I can only assume she wears the boots and gloves for comfort and so her allies can see where she is. If she wants to go full invisible, she just has to take them off. At one point, it was confirmed that she was topless during the sports festival, but we’ve had no further updates on her costume. A few people have theorized that her costume is made of her hair (assuming she has hair). We know that this is possible, as Mirio’s costume is made of his hair so he can remain clothed while his quirk is activated. The only issue would be making an outfit out of something you can’t see. If I were Toru, I would choose to fight nude because, I-uh...hmm, I-I can do what I want SHUT UP!
Design: There’s not much to critique here. The shade of blue on her gloves is cute, and the pink stripes don’t make much of an impact. The shoes are just about the most boring thing I’ve ever seen, like why are they beige??? What are they supposed to match? I just—ugh, beige??? What the fuck Horikoshi...smh.
Total Score: 5/10
Since we don’t know if the “hair-costume” thing is canon, I can’t rate it any higher. If that is true, it would be an 7/10. The outfit does its job, but I’m bored and beige sucks.
(Btw I don’t trust her...)
(Sketchy chick right here).
(Sketchy chick with some ugly-ass beige shoes).
Jirou Kyouka (Earphone Jack)
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She’s cute!
Look at her little face, d’awwwweeeeee!
Funcionality: The lovely Kyouka’s quirk (Earphone Jack), makes absolutely no sense to me. Like, I get that she can hear better and can eavesdrop really well, but how does she...make loud noises??? With the speakers??? Plugging earbuds into a speaker doesn’t make............noise, and the speakers aren’t part of her body. Whatever, back to the analysis. The speakers on her hands and calves amplify sound somehow, and her earlobes are exposed. It’s works.
Design: The speaker boots are basic, but acceptable. She’s got some comfy looking black pants, and a trendy salmon-colored top. Her jacket is iconic, and she’s wearing a choker. (+1,000,000 points for that). The white gloves don’t match shit, but they’re fingerless so I’ll let it slide. Her headphones almost match....meh. I don’t care. (+10 for the face paint).
Total Score: 8/10
Listen, I’d give her a 10 but this costume just isn’t....gimmicky, enough for me? She’s a superhero for fucksake! Now’s the time to dress your goddamn best! The look is practical, and seems to be her taste, I just disagree with her choices. Sue me. I’d either wanna fight in the wackiest most dangerous getup you’ve ever seen, or completely naked. Either way, I’m getting arrested. Jirou needs to get on my fucking level.
Uraraka Ochaco (Uravity)
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I don’t know boys,
it seems like she might be...
Fuck sharp angles!
Funcionality: Ochaco’s quirk (Zero Gravity) only requires her hands to work. More specifically, her fingertips. Uh, yeah those are some nude fingertips. *Ahem* moving on. Actually wait, since she often uses her quirk on herself it would be helpful for her to eliminate as much extra weight as possible, so I’m hoping that all of the accessories are hollow. They better be, or I’m gonna start throwing hands with Kohei Horikoshi.
Design: When Ochaco first got her hero costume she was surprised by how tight it was, even saying that it wasn’t supposed to be that tight. Bitch, how could it have been loose? I don’t...fuck it. I like the colors, I like the boots a lot actually, but who cares about that, I wanna talk about her fucking chastity belt. Who she keepin out? (Jesus Christ she’s a child, tone it down Mari). Do you think it’s comfortable to walk around with a chunk of plastic on your crotch?! I don’t know, seriously, is it? Maybe she’s trying to hide something...a hip dip perhaps?! Jk hip dips are stupid, that’s how bones work, don’t be ashamed. Her wrist...spheres... have handles on them, no comment, and whereas I usually LOVE chokers—that one is stupid and I hate it. Curvy little shit.
Total Score: 8/10
I like it overall, but some things are just too strange to overlook. (i.e. the chastity belt, wrist cuff handles, and the ugly choker). This costume doesn’t really scream Uraraka to me either. It’s a bit unoriginal to me.
I just don’t love it.
(Why are her fists clenched? Is she trying to fight? I could snap her like the twig she is and steal her girlfriend).
(Assuming she has one).
Yaoyorozu Momo (Creati)
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hoooooo mAN do I have some WORDS for this one!
Funcionality: Momo’s quirk (Creation) does require quite a bit of skin to be exposed, but I’m not sure why that skin HAS to be her boobs. She’s got thighs, a stomach, a back, an upper chest, and arms. Why do her Russian nesting dolls have to come out of her tiddies??? Okay, actually, she doesn’t make that many things with her tits. So....why’re they out? This costume definitely lets her quirk run wild, maybe too much.
Design: The red is pretty, and I can tolerate the sandy yellow. Her shoes are unimportant, so let’s just gloss over those. Now, WHAT is that thing? A makeshift, tan colored, plastic tube mini...skirt? I know she has a shelf on her ass that she carries books on, but doesn’t she have a cellphone? Google? Can’t she just remember the molecular make-up of a cannon? (Because she only makes cannons now for some reason). Have we ever even seen her reading those books? Can she read? A large portion of her midsection/chest is exposed up to another one of those weird chest pieces and a neck jacket. Maybe she should cut the neck coat off and glue it to her tiddies.
Total Score: 1/10
Listen, Horikoshi clearly understands what Momo’s costume needs, but he has no idea how to make that. This outfit IS inappropriate, no matter how you look at it. She’s a minor, and I don’t like the idea that she’s running around 75% naked. The only part of this that I like is the shade of red. That’s not good.
I really like Momo, she’s a good character, it’s unfortunate that we have to sexualize her so much. Can’t girls just be smart without also being eye candy for creepy 30 year old weebs?
That’s it for this analysis. I plan on posting more stuff like this since I enjoy writing it so much! You should totally follow me so you don’t miss my future ramblings! 💖
Unless you hated it.
I wouldn’t blame you.
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