#goshiki tsutomu x reader angst
chimielie · 1 year
there are many benefits to being a marine biologist
summary: Goshiki x F!Reader. Ponyo!AU. one part fairytale, one part growing up, one part love language exploration. you fall in love with a human boy and then move mountains to find him again.
word count: 8.7k
cw: nothing. gets better as it progresses imo
a/n: i started writing this maybe two years ago for a contest held by two users who are now both inactive i think? the outline for this planned for like two more acts, but i thought it should stop rotting in the drafts and i like it as is now. i do have quite a lot of worldbuilding not in the fic (mostly regarding goshiki's family, who i named after the original ponyo characters lol) so please, if you happen to read this and have questions about this little story that's been living in my head, feel free to ask :)
The day before he finds you, it storms like the world is going to end.
Seawater washes into the road as the sea swells in thick knots, rising and never quite falling as far as it should. Blooms of white—foam and algae and debris, and drowned souls if folklore was to be believed—swirl on the surface, which waits to break against the cliffs until the wave inflates to grotesque proportions, as though it’s a fist hammering against a wall. The wind tries to match the hysteric sea’s beat, and comes screaming in from the horizon, wrapping around whatever it finds in its path if it cannot blow through it and squeezing like a python. With it blows in the fog, until the atmosphere brings a river of milk, writhing over the pine islands so they become black spikes against which the ocean hammers.
Tsutomu stands against the back door of his home on the cliff, hands pressed to the glass, careful not to let his breath obscure his vision any further than the mist already was. Even inside the house—where the air is still warm, where the wind can’t creep in—he can hear the crash of waves and the shriek of the typhoon, even if they’re reduced to a low-crooning song punctuated by the steady rhythm of his mother’s voice.
“Transmitting from JA4LL. JA4LL. Come in, Koichi. This is Risa and Tsutomu.”
She’s been speaking steadily into the microphone for a few minutes already, and Tsutomu pads over to press his cheek into her side, fists his hands into her shirt while she pats him on the head. When the headset crackles to life, he jumps and she doesn’t. His parents’ voices wash over him warmly, and he relaxes, hoping the weather will calm soon so they can all go to Tashirojima together.
Sound asleep in a bubble deep beneath the sea, you don’t even know that there’s a storm on the surface.
“Wake up, girls.” You wake when your father speaks to you, swim eagerly to the border of filmy water and press your nose to it in a sort of nuzzling good morning kiss. “I—yes, good morning, hello—I said I’d take you all to work with me today, if you’d like—stop pressing on the bubble, you’ll pop it!”
You do happy flips when you’re let out of the little aquarium, linger at the back of the school of your sisters as your father quickly becomes engrossed in his work. He’s often distracted and always scatterbrained, but centuries of experience have made him an expert at marine wizardry. There’s little he loves more than his work, except perhaps your family, but he’s unfamiliar with the care and keeping of young goldfish and your mother is away right now.
This is how you slip away: with discretion from your sisters, distraction from your father, and a rush of excitement you’ve felt almost never in your entire life. It’s not that you don’t love your family, that you want to run away; it’s just that your sisters are all still babies, freshly hatched, and you get bored in the little bubble, always having to watch your father work and never getting to do anything. There’s no room for anxiety in your fish-body as you swim towards the surface, wriggling your fins frantically and buoying yourself with upward currents whenever possible. 
The first sight of sunlight streaming through the aqua is mesmerizing, and you kick doubly hard for the remainder of the journey. 
The surface is the most incredible thing you’ve ever seen. Exhausted from the swim, you flop onto your back on top of a passing jellyfish and stare in wonder at the coastline. There’s a road, and little metal vehicles crossing it, and houses tucked into every crevice in the hills. There are jagged cliffs that look like they were hewn in half by some godly hand (one of your uncles, maybe). And on top of the tallest cliff, there’s a little house, so small you can hardly see it, yellow and red and white, and you find yourself fascinated by it.
When he wakes, Tsutomu finds himself in bed, his eyes stuck together with leftover sleep. He remembers, just barely, being carried by his mother’s strong arms to his room, the press of her lips to his forehead. It’s not an unusual occurrence, so he starts his day as usual. Breakfast is leftovers from the fridge, his mother is still half-asleep sipping coffee at the breakfast table (she’s always groggier after a late night up speaking to his father), and he walks down the path to the beach, carefully balancing his favorite toy—a beach ball light enough for him to carry and shaped like a volleyball—in his arms. 
It’s clear today, almost like there was never a storm at all. The sky is a cheerful blue dotted with puffy white clouds, the temperature warm enough to only require a t-shirt, not cold enough to make him uncomfortable. The sun shines down on the beach with a smile, the morning light nearly shining a spotlight on the red lump just above the waterline.
“Eh?” Tsutomu says to himself, walking closer and struggling to peer past the bulge of his volleyball. He sets it down carefully, stopping it from rolling away with his foot, and bends at the waist to look closely at you.
You stare, eyes bulging, back up at him. A little boy, the likes of which you’ve never seen before, fringe falling into his face, is the most magical thing you’ve ever seen.
“A goldfish!” He declares triumphantly as he identifies you. “Hello, Miss Goldfish.”
You flap a fin at him as best you can. He giggles and scoops you up in both hands, wading into the water and holding you just beneath the surface so you won’t dry out. You spin in his hands, and nuzzle his chubby palm. 
“Tsutomu!” Someone calls from above. “Time to go!”
“That’s my mom,” Tsutomu says to you. “We’re going to work at the senior center. Well, she’s going to work, and I get to go to school right next to there, ‘cause I’m five years old.” He adopts a wise expression. Five is the oldest he’s ever been, and it feels very big. You splash. Me too! Me too! “It was nice to meet you, Miss Fish. My name is Tsutomu. I hope I see you again. Bye bye!”
He lets go of you gently, and turns to find that his ball has rolled into the water, a little too deep for him to reach without soaking his clothes. You, still watching the curious human boy, see the frown on his face, the tremble of his lips and watery eyes, and dart off quickly. When he looks down, you’re gone. He stands on the sand in front of the ball, watching it float further away, listening to his mother’s increasingly aggravated shouting for him to come up from the beach, and feels stuck with the tide of unhappiness rising in him. He reaches up with one fist to wipe at his watering eyes.
Shock overwhelms him when a stream of water hits the ball, pushing it against the current, intermittent splash carrying it all the way back to shore. His eyes stop watering from the pure amazement of it all as he watches a little red spark flash with every spurt of water, and he has to shake himself before wading back in to grab it.
“Thank you, Miss Goldfish,” he cheers when he finally lifts the ball clear of the surf. “You’re amazing!”
There’s nothing but pure childish admiration in the words, which makes you as happy as he is. You like this boy! He thinks you’re amazing!
You flip in the air, coming down with a splash that sends droplets of saltwater all the way to Tsutomu, who shields his face and twists his whole torso away with shrieking laughter. 
“Tsutomu!” You say happily. He untwists to look at you, bobbing in the water. 
“You said my name! You really are amazing!”
“Tsutomu!” You cheer, and then again for good measure.
“Tsutomu!” His mother roars, coming into view on the beach, and her ferocious tone hardly seems to dent his mood. 
“I have to go now. Thank you a lot, Miss Goldfish,” he waves at you and begins walking back to his mother, who’s standing with her hands on her hips and her lips set in a scowl.
“Tsutomu!” You say in farewell, and begin the swim back home.
“Mom, I made a friend! I saw a goldfish, and she talks, too. She said my name! Isn’t that so cool?” Tsutomu bounces up to his mother with his fists clenched and raised in the air, as though he’s declaring victory, and her irritation dissipates almost immediately. She laughs and swings him up onto her shoulders.
“That is cool, but we’re going to be late. Think I can drive over before they open the drawbridge?”
You’re lucky your father doesn’t notice and you know it. For the rest of the month, you listen attentively as he explains, half-mumbled and face pressed up against a blackboard, the things he believes children ought to know: potionmaking, mostly, the way that those potions affect the environment, and the filthiness of humans. You try your best to be good, but you file as much information about magic away as you can and know in the deepest depths of your heart that it’s so you can see Tsutomu again.
You sneak away again, maybe every month, and rarely have to wait longer than a few hours for Tsutomu to come rushing down the path from his house, huge smile on his face, shedding his backpack and shoes. During low tide, he can reach what becomes a tide pool, and often he shows you things from his day-to-day life. You love hearing him talk, sometimes practicing human speech by following along with his words. He gives you a name, better than the one your father calls you, you think, shaping it in your mouth. While you watch with great interest, you never bring him anything.
You are a fish, after all.
As the years pass, your visits to the surface become more infrequent. You worry about your human-hating father catching you, and your education has intensified as you age. Your little sisters are starting to grow up and, though they’re still captivated by stories of your Tsutomu, you worry about fostering jealousy of the dry world in them. One daughter your father may not notice missing for a day, but where one of your sisters go, almost all the rest will follow. 
“What does Y/N mean?” You ask innocently one day, when the two of you are eight years old. You bob in the water, and he sits on a rock, the surf spraying up around him but never reaching high enough to soak him.
“Mm,” he says, looking down and kicking at a pebble. “Beloved.”
“I don’t know,” his grin is childish, and the effect is only lightly diminished by the way he’s clearly struggling to maintain eye contact with you. You splash him, and he shrieks and falls into the water. Both of you come up giggling. Whatever the true meaning of his name for you, you know that whenever he says it, that’s what he means; and that is all that matters.
Although he waits patiently for you for many years, Tsutomu tells you one day with a serious face that he’s going to be going to school further away, in Sendai, and will have less time to spend watching out for you. You have a year left before this happens, he says, so your visits resume a near monthly routine. Sometimes, you simply spend hours after he’s left staring at the house on the cliff and imagining living there with Tsutomu and loving him the way he tells you his mom and dad love each other.
When he leaves for school, crying a little while you blink up at him, you absorb yourself in your studies. When you really, really miss him, you swim up to the surface and remind yourself that someday, you’ll be old and strong enough to live up there with Tsutomu. The next time he sees you, he’s twelve years old. People call him Goshiki-kun, not Tsutomu-chan, and his voice cracks when he speaks. On the train ride home from school, he worries that you’ll laugh at him, like his peers do, that the way he’ll surely tear up upon seeing you is unmanly.
It’s July, the month of salt-making rituals, and this becomes the marker of your visits to Tsutomu. To his immense relief, you still call him by his first name, you don’t laugh when his voice breaks, you throw your whole body at him to smack his cheek like you’re trying to hug him with your fins. You missed him as much as he missed you, he can tell, and the both of you spend hours catching up.  You get two more years before disaster strikes.
The day you’re due to visit the surface, it storms again. You know what lightning is, now, know the acrid scent of sky-fire splitting the air, the brutal strength of riptides and currents. When you break into the air, you find that a gray mist lingers over the bay and the mood of the few people you see appears dismal. When you look up to Tsutomu’s house and see that it shines as cheerfully yellow as always, that yellow and red seems to creep into your bones until you feel sure that everything is alright. This is a kind of magic your father has not yet taught you.
This has always been your secret, safe harbor. You don’t expect anything to go wrong here—not when you’re accustomed to submarine chemical vents and shining anglerfish in the deep blue depths. Here it has always seemed safe, calm, kind.
You learn today why your father despises his former kin so much.
There’s silt in the water, probably stirred up by the storm that took away the cheeriness of the sky. One fish swims by you, its eyes bulging frantically. Then another, and another. It’s only when an entire school passes in the same direction that you hear the ship coming closer and realize that you should probably be heading that way yourself.
You’re too late, and so are the rest of them—something huge, bigger than the mouth of a whale, you think it must be, traps you, pressing you together with sifting mud and other scales and glass, like your father’s bottles. You try to move your tail and push yourself out, but you’re packed so tightly in with a million others doing the same that the action is impossible. 
You’re starting to panic.
Then, the boat attached to the net you’re in swings around, taking you and everyone else with it, and you find yourself face to face with a glass jar. Worse, you find yourself slowly being pushed into it by the sheer unluckiness of your position and the crush of animals trying to escape the churning mud and human garbage.
You push more frantically than before, thrashing your entire body violently.
“No, no, no, no!” You wail, the words bubbling in the water. Then you fall through a gap in the net.
Unable to right yourself in time, you find yourself stuck halfway into the jar, and your wriggling only makes it worse.
You can’t—you can’t breathe. This was a mistake. You’re so scared.
You have to take the last resort. You send up a prayer to your mother—please, don’t let him be too angry—and send out a spell with the last bit of energy you have. A signal that will ripple all the way to your father.
You run out of oxygen, and everything goes black.
Tsutomu has been waiting a long time by the beach. He got up early to watch the sunrise, carrying a thermos of hot tea with him as he sat by the water and wondered what your life was like through the months you don’t see him. As he wakes more fully and the air starts to warm (though not by much) he walks alongside the waterline, testing how far he could go in without getting the hem of his pants wet, how long his toes could stand immersion in the cold seawater. He ponders why you keep visiting him, year after year, bringing him good luck and sunny skies.
You’re more to him than a symbol, though; you’re amazing.
As he settles himself, he starts to walk back to the tidepools, hoping you’ll be there. He knows it’s a little early for your visit, but you’re unpredictable; besides, he’s sure you care about your weird human friend as much as he cares about his fishy one.
Near the stairs, something rolls on the sand, flashing gold. Tsutomu squints at it, then picks up his pace. Shit, shit, is that—
It is. He picks up the jar, lips pressing into a pout when he sees that you’re unmoving. He runs up the steps to his home, taking them two at a time, all the while talking to you like you can hear him through the glass barrier.
He collects a bucket and stands next to the garden hose, trying to shake you out of your jar. He thinks that it would require too much force than would be safe to get you out, but you’re clearly suffocating in there. He squats on his heels, turning the jar over in his hands and wracking his brain for a solution.
“Tsutomu, you’re gonna be late for practice!” His mom rounds the corner, startling him, and he drops you. “Tsutomu—what was that?”
You’re out of the jar, but now you’re lying in pieces of shattered glass. Eyes round in distress, Tsutomu snatches you up and plops you into the full bucket of water.
“Nothing,” he says, voice suspiciously shaky.
“Okay, well, we’ve gotta go, so get in the car now.” She jerks her thumb towards the vehicle. He nods and peeks into your bucket. You stare up at him, as alert as ever, and he breathes a sigh of relief. 
In the car, you swim happily in circles, raising your head out of the bucket to peer out the window.
“What’s in the bucket?” His mom says with interest, and he presses a hand over the opening of the bucket, trying not to giggle as you nuzzle his palm. 
“It’s for a group science project—Mom, watch out, you’re gonna make it spill!” She side-eyes him, knowing her son has never been so conscientious of a school project or of his own messes before, but lets it slide. There’s no point in prying when there are only so many options to be found on the beach. The worst that can happen is that he lightly traumatizes some sea creature, and she doubts that Tsutomu’s conscience and childhood obsession with marine life could let him do that. Besides, she smiles to herself. The sea is basically in his blood.
Tsutomu rushes out of the car, managing only a “Thanks-Mom-love-you-goodbye!” before he’s dashing to the gym, gaze bouncing between your bucket and the ground to avoid tripping so fast watching his eyes makes you dizzy.
He sets you down on the bench closest to the court.
“Are you sure you’re okay?” He whispers, picking you up to make sure there’s no glass embedded in your skin. 
“I’m okay!” You beam up at him. “Tsutomu rescued me!” 
He smiles at that, blushing faintly, pretty eyes squinting, and you pop out of the water to splash him lightly.
“Hey, I have to practice in this,” he frowns.
“Sorry,” you say, abashed, but he shoots you a small smile and you know it’s alright.
Listening to Tsutomu explain volleyball is entirely different from watching him play it. You didn’t really understand it when he spoke, before, but now you understand the difference between a fishing net and a volleyball one, as well as other crucial aspects of the game. There’s a lot of yelling, and squeaking, and it’s a little hard to see from inside your bucket, but you don’t mind. You bob up every so often, trying to find Tsutomu on the court, though it’s hard when he moves around so much.
At one point, he jumps up and slams down the ball in what’s clearly a perfect line even to the untrained eye. Around him, his teammates burst into cheers (“Nice going, bowlcut!) and you get so excited you mimic them, whooping and doing a flip in the air.
“Eh? What was that?” Someone you can’t see says, and then Tsutomu is there, grinning widely at you from above, eyes watering slightly.
“Oi, Goshiki,” a boy with hair as red as your scales slides an arm around him. “What’s this you’ve got?”
Tsutomu opens his mouth, but you beat him to it, using the name he gave you without a second thought.
“Huh? Wow, you have a smart goldfish! Reon, come check out Goshiki’s goldfish!”
Reon simply looks at you and says, “Cool.”
“Be nicer!” The redhead says, smacking him lightly on the shoulder. “She can talk!”
“I can talk!” You echo. Reon repeats cool, unfazed.
“What are we looking at, Tendō?” A boy whose shirt reads Yamagata slows his jogging to a stop, one hand running through his hair as he looks at the red bucket.
“This is Y/N,” Tsutomu says. “I found her on the beach.”
“Are you going to eat that?” A voice deeper than the others makes you poke your head further out of the water than before. It’s a boy like the others, with greenish hair and a huge stature. He reminds you, oddly, of your mother. Big and bea-uti-ful!
“No!” Tsutomu yelps. “No, we won’t! Ushijima-senpai, sir,” he adds, voice calming to a lower pitch as he does.
“Are you sure?” Asks Tendō, a sly expression crossing his face. Tsutomu pushes him away hastily and steps protectively in front of you. 
“Yes! I mean no! I mean—”
“Alright,” Ushijima-senpai says slowly. “Welcome to our practice, then. I hope you enjoy watching volleyball.”
“Enjoy!” You do another flip. “Watching Ushijima-senpai!”
“Okay—” Tsutomu says, picking up your bucket, looking around as he tries to find his way out of the circle of boys.
“What’s wrong with your fish?” A boy with long bangs and pointy features grabs the bucket and peers at you. You don’t like this pointy human. “Why is it talking?”
You say nothing, hollowing your cheeks in preparation to spit at him.
“Give her back,” Tsutomu narrows his eyes. “Careful, Shirabu.”
“Is no one else concerned about the talking goldfish?” Shirabu looks around at his upperclassmen. “What the fuck, Goshiki?”
“He’s right,” Ushijima says thoughtfully. “The fish could be a spy. For Karasuno, perhaps.”
“What?” Shirabu’s outraged yell is shortly cut off by Tsutomu’s fearful-yet-determined denial that you would ever do such a thing to him or to Shiratorizawa.
A deep sigh, sounding somewhat like it’s exhaling the speaker’s entire soul, interrupts them both.
“Can we please stop staring at Goshiki’s pet and get back to practice?” A boy with ash blond hair says, and immediately, a few of the others nod and disperse.
“She’s not a pet,” Ushijima says, while Tsutomu splutters incoherently. “Or sushi. She’s a friend of Goshiki. But you’re right, we should be practicing.”
“T-thank you, Ushijima,” Tsutomu says haltingly, eyes shining in admiration. “I really appreciate it!” The captain only needs to look back at him, his face unsmiling but not at all unfriendly, for him to continue. “And I apologize for distracting everyone, I’ll get back to work now! Thank you!”
The rest of practice goes smoothly, although you get a few lingering stares and an odd few minutes of interrogation from Shirabu while they’re on their break. He tries to explain that you can talk, and this is bad, and it’s a demon, to an old man with white hair, who merely hums when he looks at you and tells him to do an extra fifteen laps as a punishment for talking nonsense about magical goldfish.
Once the games have all finished and Goshiki’s changed into street clothing, though, something horrible happens. He’s picking you up, ready to transport you to his mother’s workplace so you can drive home, but then someone taps him on the shoulder. He startles, water sloshing over the sides of the bucket, and lifts up the bucket to his chest to prevent any further instability.
“Goshiki-kun,” a girl human says. “Could I speak to you outside?”
“Ouuuu,” you hear Tendō’s voice from across the gym. “Little bowl cut is receiving a confession?”
“Uh, um, yes, you can,” he says, and when you turn his cheeks are scarlet. “Let me just pack up the rest of my things, and I’ll m-meet you out there.”
“Sounds good!” She says, and you don’t like the cheery note of her voice or the way she brushes her hand against his bicep. You make a face up at Tsutomu, but he doesn’t seem to notice, lost in his own head.
You swim all the way to the bottom of the bucket, only to feel him poking you not a minute later.
“Don’t be grumpy,” he says. “Please? It’ll be just a second.”
You flap a fin at him and make an enthusiastic noise.
It is not, in fact, a second. You wait for an eternity (and you know about eternities) for the girl to stop stuttering her way through telling Tsutomu that she thinks he’s really smart, and she likes his bowl cut, and you can just see the word amazing forming on her lips before she says it. Her hand is stretching out, dropping something shiny into his hand, and you hate it, you hate it, you hate it.
You act before you think. Your cheeks puff up and you take a big breath in and then there’s water, all over her pretty pink cardigan. She shrieks and then starts to cry a little, and you stick out your tongue and blow a raspberry at her before diving back down, flipping your tail with sass as you go.
“I’m really sorry,” Tsutomu says frantically, offering her a wrinkled handkerchief. “It was an accident, I swear. I-I really appreciate your confession and, um, I’m glad you were comfortable enough soo that you could come to me, but, oh! My mom’s here, I have to go! Bye!”
You swivel and watch as he picks you up and bolts away; her tears seem to have dried a bit as she stares after him in bewilderment. Not for the first time, you wish you had two legs and hands to hold onto Tsutomu. You wish that you could stay on shore with him, and keep away all the girls like her forever.
You know it’s childish, but you don’t care. Does it matter that it’s an immature thought when it’s completely impossible?
In the car, Tsutomu is quiet. Even his mother seems to notice his pensive aura, and frames her questions about his day carefully to avoid sounding like she’s prying.
“What’s that?” She asks, and he unclenches his hand, looking as mystified by the object in his palm as you feel. It’s a pin, gold and pink and shaped like a heart. “Oh, my gosh, is that from your girlfriend, Tsutomu?”
“No,” he says immediately. “Maybe. I don’t know.”
You frown, bumping the red walls of the bucket, and he trails his fingers through the water. Something coppery floods your senses, and you dart over to nuzzle his hand instinctively. In his palm, there’s an angry red mark, oozing little droplets of blood. When you poke it, he winces. 
It tastes weird when you lick it.
“Hey!” He jerks his hand out of the water. “Whoa.”
Where Tsutomu knew he had been pricked by the pin a few minutes ago, there’s no sign of injury, even though the water surrounding you still has a faint tint in places. You watch him with round eyes, and he offers you a smile and a pat on the head. Amazing.
“What did you think, Y/N?” You stick out your tongue.
“Girlfriends suck,” is your opinion. “Pbbbt.”
The wind blows the longer strands of Tsutomu’s straight hair to the side as he stands next to the garden hose, refilling your bucket with fresh water. Above you, the sky is a weak blue, it’s brighter shades concealed by layers of white mist. A lush, slightly overgrown garden is what hides behind the picket fence you can see from the seashore, full of plants that look so familiar to the kelp forests you’re used to, yet so different. The upper lands are so strange. You’re glad Tsutomu’s mom doesn’t keep her garden dry and cut into shrubbery, like some of the houses you saw on the way to his school.
“Who are you?” Tsutomu’s voice is stiff, like his form as he drops you into the now-full bucket of fresh water while you crane your neck to see past his legs.
“Where is she?” Booms a voice you know all too well. It cuts off when he sees you, lips pursed while you try to look as inconspicuous as possible. “Captured by a human boy? Bad, that’s very bad. Give her here—“
“No!” Your friend yelps. “You want to take her? Y/N, I’ll protect you.”
“Protection?” Your father sneers, his hair puffing up threateningly. “I felt her signal for help—very good, by the way, your spellwork is coming along nicely. Give her here, now, I’ll be drying out soon.”
“I don’t care! Y/N wouldn’t do that, we’re friends,” Tsutomu says, casting a glance down at you. You nod, your tongue feeling stuck.
“My daughter would not befriend a human—“
“Y/N loves Tsutomu!” You cry. A light blazes in his eyes at the words, and his posture straightens.
“And I love her!”
“Eh?” Your father looks between the two of you. “That’s nonsense, Brunhilda, you know what humans are like, and what’s a Y/N, anyway?”
“It’s me!” You flip in the air, surging with defiant energy. “It’s my name.”
You choke midsentence as a hand closes around you; the world goes up in bubbles, and all you can hear is Tsutomu screaming your name, over and over.
And over.
And over.

“Again!” You sigh and twitch your fins lazily, watching with hooded eyes as lines only you can see race across the model mountain, glowing faintly before they settle into the material. The warding spell is clean and simple, requiring no complicated incantations or strange ingredients. However, it needs time to sink in, and when a hermit crab scuttles over the map and right onto your now-invisible lines, the whole thing goes up in a puff of smoke.
“Y/N,” your father says sternly, having given up on Brunhilda some time ago, when you refused to answer to it. “This is meant to be a demonstration for your sisters. These spells require layering, you know, one spell to ward and a secondary spell to, in a way, ward that ward. This creates an effect…”
You say nothing, merely letting a current of water roll you onto your side, your eyes rolling up to stare at the ceiling. You can feel the sympathetic gaze of your father—you know that he didn’t intend for this to happen. He only wanted to save you; he couldn’t have known that Tsutomu wasn’t the threat. You know he worries about you when he thinks you can’t hear him. You hear his every prayer for your mother to come back, to make things right, to help you see things his way. It’s only on the third point that he loses you. You didn’t want things to be this way either.
When you lost Tsutomu, something inside you boiled up and nearly steamed over. You can only remember wanting to go back, to go home to him, desperately trying to rejoin him on land. You love your father, and you only want his understanding. He left behind his humanity for your mother; why can’t you gain it yourself for Tsutomu?
The lid had clamped down on that furiously bubbling emotion, and in response it had gone to sleep, simmering but never fully boiling away. At first, you had been unmotivated even to eat or wake when your sisters did. Four years later, you still miss him: you go about your day to day life just fine, but you lack your childhood verve.
Even now, you can feel yourself slipping into slumber, exhausted by just a few minutes of magic. Your father’s voice and the clamor of your sisters meld into a comforting hum, lulling you further. You barely register the feeling of your father carrying you to your aquarium, the whisper of his goodnight lost on your drowsing mind.
When he was fourteen, Tsutomu’s mother found him in the garden. There was a wet trail leading right off the bluffs, a red bucket lying on its side, and her son, sitting with his knees under his chin and crying his heart out. The garden hose was still on.
She didn’t ask what happened, just turned off the hose and crouched next to him, arm over his shoulders, until he looked up at her with puffy eyes and wordlessly followed her into the house.
Risa had always known that she could be a little sharp with her words, and so she used food to express herself more often when she wanted it to be soft and soothing. She mixed her son some tea, the way she had every time he’d gotten sick when he was little, slid two slices of bread into the toaster, and hoped that the warmth of what she gave him would travel into his heart and help it heal a bit. Tsutomu cried into the toast a little, once it had been lavished with butter and honey, but it was just sniffling and not silent sobs, so she didn’t mind much. Then they sat on the couch and she rubbed his back while old tapes of his very first volleyball games played on the TV.
Tsutomu never told her what had happened that day. He could tell that she was curious, but unwilling to pressure him, and he wasn’t sure how to explain it. She’d always spoken about you in the same manner most adults used to describe the imaginary friends of children, and correcting that assumption seemed beyond the dignity of the man he wanted her to see him as. He knew that she guessed that he’d knocked over the bucket and sent his fish back down into the sea, and it wasn’t an unreasonable explanation. Fourteen year old boys weren’t the most rational creatures, and he could very easily have been sent into a similar kind of spiral had the fish just been a regular goldfish. It wasn’t, though, and he’d never cried so hard over any girl since.
He misses you. Though it doesn’t ache as sharply as it did when the fear of facing off against your father was fresh in his mind, he still thinks of you with a pang of sadness. There had been a sense of belonging with you he knows was more than a fleeting feeling. He hopes you’re happy in the ocean, learning new magic and spending time with your sisters, and once you’re queen of the sea, maybe you’ll come visit him. He’ll show you his cross spike.
“Again!” Shirabu barks, and Tsutomu has no trouble complying. He empties himself of every concern outside of the game and slams down a serve, just outside of the zone he wants it to land in. Without prompting, he picks up another ball and does it again.
Over and over and over.
Electricity was already crackling in the air when he woke up.
Everything felt uncomfortable, like the pressure in the atmosphere would pop and the sky would fall down in flaming pieces around them. It’s gray, like it was the day you went home. You’ve been lingering even longer on his mind than usual, and he just hopes that the knot in his throat will go away if he hits enough perfect shots. It would probably help if his partner for the day weren’t allergic to acknowledging when he does something right.
“Alright, that’s enough,” Shirabu says. Tsutomu makes a face at him and serves one more ball, the sound of it hitting the ground echoing obnoxiously. These days, he and Shirabu are good friends, though they’re still hiding behind the thin veneer of antagonism they’d held for each other in their first years. Being teammates at Shiratorizawa means being bonded for life, after all. There’s no sense in fighting it. The powers that be (also known as Coach Washijō) are as inexorable as fate, after all.
During the school year, Tsutomu lived in the dorms, like most other academy students, but living a mere half hour ride away meant he often visited the school over summers, too. It’s a little bittersweet now to know that each day spent practicing in this gym could be his last; though he has some time before university begins, he’s not sure when graduates are supposed to lose access.
“I drove with my mom,” Tsutomu says, “so I’ll be meeting her at the senior center. You’re coming over to watch the Rockets game later, right?”
“Sure,” Shirabu says, slinging on his backpack. “I have to bring some homework, though, I have too much preliminary coursework already.”
“You asked for it, smartass,” teases his friend.
“That’s gonna be Doctor smartass to you.”
Despite the short walk between the academy and the senior center, Tsutomu is soaked by the time he walks inside. He’s careful when taking off his raincoat and shaking out his umbrella, placing it into the designated stand, stamping his boots on the absorbent mat a few times to be safe. Just past the welcome desk, he can see his mother, pushing rambunctious Mrs. Suzuki down the hall, probably to her daily bingo game, where she’ll fleece the other players just like she’s done every day for years. Mrs. Fukuyo is sitting near the terrace doors, gazing out of the big window at the wet world outside.
“Hello, Tsutomu-chan,” she says, beckoning him to sit down, taking his hand in both of hers. “Or should I say Goshiki? You’re an adult, now, aren’t you?”
“Basically,” he says, lifting his chin. “One more week.”
“Oh, yes, you’re very grown up,” she says. “I remember when you were just starting secondary school. You were a bit skinnier then, and you wouldn’t eat fish.”
Tsutomu flushes.
“A lot can happen in a week,” says Miss Itoh, who often plays Mrs. Suzuki’s partner in crime when she deigns to attend bingo, as she passes by. “You be careful, Tsutomu, with all this weather. It’s bad luck.”
“There’s always weather,” sniffs Mrs. Fukuyo. “And we need the rain.”
“I’ll take care, don’t worry,” Tsutomu says politely. “You do the same, please.”
“Good, good,” Miss Itoh sounds distracted. “Happy birthday. Keep out of the rain, you’ll get sick. And don’t go sailing.”
“Yes, ma’am,” he stands to bow as she leaves the room.
“She’s crazy,” Mrs. Fukuyo sighs, half-joking. “But even a broken clock is right twice a day. You’re a good kid.”
“Thank you,” he says, stiff and awkward, cheeks glowing red.
“Tsutomu, there you are. Sorry to keep you waiting, I’m done now,” his mother lands a hand lightly on his shoulder. “Hello there, Mrs. Fukuyo. Doing well?”
“I am, thank you,” says the elderly woman. “Just telling your son what a strong man he’s grown up to be. He’ll take good care of his mother.”
“I will,” Tsutomu says with conviction. His mother’s pride beams down on him like the sun splitting the clouds.
“Thank you,” his mother says. “The storm rages on; we should probably go.”
“The roads aren’t safe,” says the the woman at the check-in desk as they prepare their rain gear to leave. “You should stay here for the night, Risa.”
Her jaw tightens. “I need to be there if Koichi radios in. We’ll make it just fine, don't you worry.”
On a nondescript day in August, you wake up.
Something tastes different on the current, and you feel almost like you’re regarding the world with new eyes again. You remember, with fierce and reckless abandon, what it is to love.
“Good morning,” you greet your sisters cheerily.
“Good morning!” They echo back, beaming at you. They feel it too, you can tell.
You eat your breakfast with gusto, examine your scales and scrub each until they shine. You kiss every sister you see on top of her red-gold head.
“I want to see Goshiki,” you tell your father, watching as his hair stands on end at the name, bracing yourself so the surprised jolt of power he emits doesn’t knock you down.
“No,” is all he can muster for a moment. “The human world isn’t safe. Look at what happened to you the last time you went up there.”
“I would have been fine because of Tsutomu,” you say, “And I’m even more powerful now than I was.”
“It doesn’t matter,” he snaps back. “They taint everything they touch. You’d have to-to literally, actually become a human to return to the surface. I don’t want them taking you. I don’t want you to get hurt.” You take a deep breath.
“Fine,” you say. “Then I’ll do it myself.”
You exhale with controlled force, closing your eyes and concentrating on the slow beat of cold blood in your veins.
“What are you doing?” Starts your father, nervously, but you don’t hear as you focus intently on the warmth spreading through you.
You open your eyes, magic still swirling around you, and beam.
“Feet!” You chirp. “I have feet!” A little more pushing, and—
“Are those legs?” Your father shrieks. “Stop this right now!”
“No,” you say fiercely, and release an explosion of power so potent it rocks you backward. Seconds later, you realize that you’ve blasted a hole in the wall and the barrier ward; seawater rich with plankton rushes through, followed by barracuda with bulging eyes and squirming eels. You have hands, now, and something odd is happening to your scalp. You use one of the new extremities to reach tentatively up and pat your head.
“Hair!” Your sisters, freed from their own bubbles by the commotion, float around you. A shock of hair has sprouted from your scalp like a crop of coral. It tickles your forehead.
“I did it,” you say quietly, breathless. “I’m human.”
You look around for your father, but only see the tail end of him dashing into one of his back rooms, his nervous muttering echoing around the room.
Perhaps if you were human from the beginning, your mother would have taken you to the sea, held your hand as you beheld the glittering waves for the first time, and warned you never to turn your back on the ocean. Alas, you weren’t and she didn’t, so you fall with no resistance forward when a rush of water slams into your back, grinding your face into the floor and sweeping you away while you flail your little hands helplessly.
You’ve only felt so powerless in the water once before. Scrabbling for purchase as you freewheel through the halls of your home, you catch your fingers—there’s still a little rush of joy from it, you made them, you have fingers—on the spokes of a great wheel and cling for dear life. It creaks and turns, and you yelp, your words turning to bubbles that rise and pop against the ceiling, against which the water now reaches. The wheel turns again, and you try to hold your breath (something you’ve never done before) as something in the door clicks. There’s a moment where you think it’ll hold, and then you rock forward a little more, and it swings open. The ocean, eager to fill everything and make it its own, changes its course, and you tumble into the room, eyes widening when you see the enormous cauldron filled with something richly luminous and golden. Even submerged, the scent of the potion is strong, reminiscent of plant rot and blooming flowers, the same perfume that your mother exudes. For a moment, you gain breath, lungs and gills morphed and confused, and then you’re pulled back beneath the surface and pushed right into the pot.
You shut your eyes, the golden glow permeating even through your eyelids, and oddly enough, you can breathe like it’s pure oxygen. You can feel your spell being taken away from you, your limbs becoming fins, and you open your eyes.
I want to be human, you cry. I want to see my love.
The cauldron erupts, pushing you out of it on the top of a geyser. You hear popping noises and try to stand, looking down to see several of your sisters caught up in the fount of bubbling-over magic, thrashing joyfully as they try to wave at you with suddenly huge fins. 
You wave back, and gasp involuntarily when you see your own hand. Five fingers, covered with soft skin, veins carrying warm blood and strong bones beneath it. Your sisters may have grown far more in the span of the last few seconds, but you’ve reached an entirely unfamiliar size and shape yourself. You stretch your legs, examining your toes, the way your dress—the same color as your scales and a little iridescent, just like they were—flows around you, and beam at your sisters.
Thank you, Mother. You bow your head quickly in short prayer.
“Let’s go see Tsutomu!” You call out, and your sisters leap in answer. The surface world is so different through the eyes of a human. Your head is turned constantly to the shore as you race on the bubbling foam towards the highest hill you can see, a speck of yellow and red on top of it growing closer with every step. Lights turn on and off in the windows of homes, a thousand little fireflies glowing smaller in the distance. Trees, shivering and shaking in the wind, make up the landscape, shaping it into something that looks almost soft from so far above.
The broad panorama isn’t without more minor detail, though: with some fascination, you see two glowing eyes staring at you from along the road. Their owner steps out of the shadows—a furry creature with pointy ears and a tail and a sleek white coat of fur. Another cat follows him into the light, this one black and her eyes shiny green, unlike the first’s calm blue. The white cat rubs his cheek along the other’s, winding around her while she stands stock-still. Quick as a minnow, the black cat swipes at him, but the white cat darts away, checking over its shoulder to see if she’ll follow. You beam broadly and speed up, eager to situate yourself in this strange and exciting new world Tsutomu comes from.
Tsutomu can’t remember a time his mother’s spent the night away from home. Every night, without fail, if she knows that his dad will be in the harbor, she sits at home and waits for him, beaming their signal in start-stop patterns, having whole conversations with him in flashes when the radio reception isn’t to be used. It’s not often he’s away from home, either; it makes him uneasy to be away from the open sea. A closed horizon is a strange sight to him, like being a bug trapped in a bowl.
His parents’ commitment to each other has shaped him, something he’s always known. In sickness and in health, they swore to each other, and they kept it. For better or for worse.
His mother certainly seems intent on plowing through the worst to get to his father, now, the rain hitting their windshield in sheets and the water sloshing around their tires. Tsutomu doesn’t protest at all, just hangs on to the grab handle and stares out at the behemoth waves.
A flash of red shines in the corner of his eye. He sucks in a sharp breath, twisting fully around. He squints, trying to make out shapes through the rain.
“Get back in your seat,” his mother blindly swats at him with one hand, eyes focused on the road. “You’re throwing off the weight distribution.”
Tsutomu ignores her, white knuckling the cushions of the car as he watches you, dancing in the rain, running with the waves. You duck and weave, your dress red against the cold, gray sea.
“There’s a girl in the water!”
“What? Where?”
His mouth lies, but his heart knows the truth, knew it as soon as he saw you.
“There,” he points, but you pull ahead of them, and then there’s nothing but lightning flashing in the distance. “Never mind. Never mind. We just—we just need to go home, sorry.”
“Right you are,” his mother says, and drives the gas pedal into the floor.
Tsutomu is a shipwreck. Tossed around on the waves of his thoughts, he finds himself cresting and falling, one emotion followed immediately by another. It can’t be you. It is you. Tsutomu doesn’t care what you are, just that he can see you again. He wonders if this is what drowning feels like.
Their wipers battle to slough off the buckets pouring from the sky, and Tsutomu’s heart drops to his soles when a smudge of red reveals itself just to be his old bucket, hanging off the fence. His mom parks and he tries to regulate his breathing, unbuckling his seatbelt and getting out of the car on shaky legs.
“Is that…” His mother says, trailing off, and his head snaps up, the car blocking him from whatever she sees.
He walks around, trying desperately not to break into a run, trying not to get his hopes up.
Barely audible over the sound of storming, the pat-pat-pat of rapid footsteps is his only warning before—
You crash into Tsutomu, both faces scrunching up from the impact, both losing your footing on the wet pavement and falling further into each other. He knows it’s you even with his eyes closed. He would know you in every world and the next; he would know you from the beat of your heart and the touch of your skin and the way he loves you, loves you, loves you.
For a moment, before you hit the ground, you feel like you’re flying with him.
You spill together onto the driveway like an egg cracked into a pan, still holding each other in a bone-crushing embrace. You inhale his scent deeply and nuzzle into his wet-rain-jacket shoulder, and he cracks his eyes open, afraid you’ll disappear when he comes back to reality.
Tsutomu says your name quietly, on tenterhooks, almost all the breath in his body taken out of him.
You lift your head and say his louder, eyes wide and bright and wet. He can’t stop his tears from welling up, but he can blame them on the rain.
You kiss his cheeks where the salt might dry, one then the other, soft as the breeze. Tsutomu can still feel your smile, unfading. The sky turns gold around you.
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mellowmin · 11 months
Some Tsukki Angst? I guess? It's kinda bad lol
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Thinking about Tsukishima who desperately wants to be more than friends.
Tsukishima who starts getting hope after a few years of friendship and comes this 🤏 close to confessing
But he doesn't, because he comes to the nauseating realization that he's simply not your type. And he can't even be mad about it.
You're so embedded into his heart that he can't tell you that you're delusional for wanting a guy that will praise you and shower you with love and affection, all for the world to see; because he knows deep down that you deserve that. You deserve the sweet and affectionate guy that you want, but maybe he thinks that way because you mean the world to him.
Tsukishima can't force himself to shame you for wanting something just because he can't give it to you.
And he tries to be that for you, oh how he tries. But that's just not who he is.
He struggles with expressing his emotions, so he can't wear his heart on his sleeve. He expresses love through banter and sarcasm, his tongue gets tied at the taste of praise and sweet words turn sour when he says them.
Tsukishima just can't force himself to become your type, because it means rewiring his brain and his heart and how he feels love (he knows you wouldn't want him to do that)
Tsukishima is not your type and it becomes all the more obvious when He comes into the picture.
He's all starry eyed, unabashedly showcasing his feelings for you like he's not ashamed, not afraid to seem desperate or to make a fool of himself.
He lays his heart out for you, takes every chance he can get to be close to you. His honesty and the genuine love he harbors for you is evident. He's everything Kei tried to force himself to be, effortlessly. The blonde hates how clearly you're falling for him.
Tsukishima hates that he can't resent him for being everything you want, everything you deserve.
He hates that he knows you love him, deep in your heart, but not in the way he so desires.
And he hates that he has no right to feel the way he does. That there's nothing anyone can do about it.
He's just not your type
Him: Bokuto Kotarou, Goshiki Tsutomu, Hinata Shoyo, Nishinoya Yuu, Tanaka Ryuunosuke, Haiba Lev, Yamamoto Taketora,
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Bleeeeeh this sucks lmao
I hate this one but eh
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shirabaee · 7 months
Tsutomu Goshiki did his best, is it even worth anything?
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It's loud. And it's irritating. The voices of comparison and neglect repeat over and over and it's plaguing in his thoughts. He wishes he could ignore them, just as he's been able to before. But no matter how much he lies to himself, the truth just comes so obvious. He was solely bearing and not ignoring. And he could only bear so much until he no longer can.
He's done this multiple times yet how many more are needed for him to be recognized? Hasn't he proved himself the day he was qualified for Shiratorizawa's starting lineup? He felt so much praise that day, and he thought they would last.
Just as tomorrow comes, he's done his best, yet there was just no room for someone like him in this prestigious team's spotlight. As he thought. _________________________________________________
Another harsh day of training, the coach's yell still rings in his ears, he's exhausted yet he still craves the improvement that everyone's been nagging him about.
Just when will he reach that point? How much longer does he have to practice and train just for his serves to be consistent? How many more hours does he need to give up for improvement? How much further does he need to exhaust himself? Neglect everything, chase his breath over and over, make more and more muscles sore, till his own body won't cooperate anymore.
Once again, his sight, all vague and dark, huffing and huffing for air, he's drenched in sweat, and he can't bring himself to move for a while. Then, the pressuring thoughts would come flooding his restless mind.
"Can't I just give up for a while?" he exhales. hands covering up his face. He was obviously tired, physically and mentally. But don't mind, this wasn't unusual for athletes. After all, this was all needed for improvement.
The whistle blows, it was quiet then it was loud. That moment was shocking and unexpected.
Despite giving it his all in everyday training, he finds himself frozen in place. His eyes widened, he was breathless and he couldn't accept. The loud cheer that filled the gymnasium couldn't be heard. He couldn't even hear his teammates' encouragement and comfort. They've lost, he had lost.
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this has been rotting in my drafts and my burnout brain could not finish it properly 😪 help
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midoriima · 2 years
how could you be so cruel?
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characters: ushijima, tendou, semi, reon, yamagata, kawanishi, shirabu, goshiki
you're sick sick. you're always in and out, mostly out, of school hence why you're close to friendless. actually, your very few friends had likely forgotten about you due to your condition but you don't mind.
you see [him] in your ward but there's only you two. it goes as being and feeling awkward being in the vicinity of each other until you reach out, "so, what are you here for?"
"oh, physical therapy cos of volleyball and stuff..."
you're not in need of physical therapy but you accompany him and stay with him in the room to keep him company. and before you knew it, you two started becoming friends. you get closer by the minute you keep talking and you're practically hospitalized buddies now.
it isn't until you start falling for him but you remember that your time in this world is nearly up. that said, you shouldn't even be friends with him because if he got attached, you would hurt him. it got a little bit awkward after the realization hit you but it got better when you started to forget.
...until you start liking him even more and you're sure it turned into loving him. the feeling of being attached to another being in this world when you'd rid yourself of these, hurt. you stripped yourself from family and even friends now so that it would hurt less for them and especially for you about leaving them, but now you love someone.
it takes a few days and nights, but then again, you're just human. it's impossible to strip yourself of attachments to this world. even the nurses that care for you, you get attached. even if it's not because they care about you personally and it's their job, people get attached anyway.
it takes a few days to come to terms with the fact that you love him but you'll also be leaving him a little after the time he leaves the hospital and finish physical therapy.
i only have months to live, can't i be a little selfish just once more?
things go back to the way they were with him and the days in this hellhole seem even brighter than the previous. hell, you two even look forward to everyday in the hospital.
it feels like things between you two, whatever that may be, is progressing. even if it's just your friendship for him, you're glad you're getting close. at least there can be someone to make your last few months worthwhile in the hospital.
it's cliche, but up in the rooftop of the hospital is where you can see everything so clearly. it's not as suffocating as it is inside the rooms and it's not devoid of colour. the cold air, too, is actually real and not coming from an air conditioner, it's also much more comforting when the wind blows and messes up your hairs and hit like thin, icy walls against your skin.
you could also look at him beside you and it's actually very romantic. you may just be for comfort and a friend to him, but he was something else to you.
you wish you could turn back time and meet him a little more sooner. but, if he had gotten his injury a little more sooner as well, then that'd mean you'd be alone in the rooftops by now.
days, weeks, and then months pass. here comes the marching of time that lead to your inevitable death. your final month to live in this very precious world.
his condition gets better, yours worsens by the hour you do anything stamina consuming.
on the note of your awful bind, you haven't told him what you were here for. but you don't plan on telling him anyway, and there's no point. if only the love you give could buy you time, you'd sure as hell be on the way to living an eternity by now. but that's not how it works.
with the sudden increase in his performance, he only gets a few days left before he can go. he'll be discharged early... meaning you'll be left alone and lonely earlier than it was initially.
"say, you haven't told me what you're here for so i'll ask if that's alright, what are you here for?"
ah, that question.
"hm, not answering that! it's a bit... embarrassing." will lying like this make the heavens change your mind about you and throw you to the fiery depths of hell?
"okay, okay, i won't ask since it's apparently embarrassing." he chuckled and oh my heavens, it's the most beautiful thing you have ever heard. it's more than enough to be considered as music to your ears and- okay, maybe you're exaggerating a bit, but it's true! something about his chuckles and laughs were so... words can't even describe.
"then, how about i ask when you'll get discharged?"
"by the second week this month, maybe by nightfall."
the smile that doesn't reach your eyes sends a chill down his spine. something wasn't going to happen to you, right? ...right?
the day of his leave from the hospital comes. you stare from the hallway as he speaks ever so brightly at the receptionists about his time with you and that he'll come visit you the day before and the day of your leave as well to return the favor of you helping him out and keeping him company.
he has a small and beautiful pot of tiger lilies, with a chocolate stuck to the soil since he didn't know what kinds of candies you liked. he makes a mental note to ask you right when he enters your ward.
he writes his name under the list of visitors and starts looking for the ward you both stayed in. he feels quite guilty for having been released early and not together with you, and it also sucks cos you were probably alone again.
but then again, you're getting discharged this evening so he can stay until you actually get discharged, and also, he can help you out while he's at it.
he finally gets on the floor and hallway to the ward. it's just at the end of the hall, but why are there nurses cleaning up all the beds? there's basically almost nobody there.
his heartbeat picked up its pace, had he missed it? did you actually get discharged earlier than what you thought?
until he sees there's still one more curtain that was left unopened. he breathes out of relief and begins to run towards your bed despite the warnings of refraining from running in the slippery floors. and with a bright smile on his face, he turns to your bed, almost slipping in the process. he'd been very picky with the flowers and chose the ones he had as a symbol of yours and his friendship but...
the bed is empty, lacking a you or your belongings.
a nurse comes in, opening the curtain and starts changing the sheets.
did he really miss his chance at wishing you well from this point on?
"uh, nurse, where's y/n? did they get discharged already?"
"i don't– oh..."
"oh?" why was their reaction like that? something bad didn't happen, right?
"they passed last night."
he arrives back home.
his parents welcomed him home and inquired about the pot of flowers but he hadn't answered, just put them down on a clear table before walking to his room with disbelief and shock as an evident expression on his face.
you passed? last night?
there was a heavy tug on his heart, his chest was tight and his shoulders were heavy. he didn't feel the need for anything and his mind was still trying to process everything.
you passed... last night...
the last he'd seen you was a week before. he couldn't visit you everyday like he was planning to because of the amount of schoolwork thrown at his face that he had to make up due to his absence.
it started with a heavy heart and shoulders.
then, he feels all the sorrow and grief as he mourns your death. his knees drop down to the concrete floor, earning a thud but the pain he felt in his chest was much greater than a simple knee to the concrete.
tears streaming his face as fast as they could, like they were rushing to go somewhere. they just kept coming so he didn't bother to wipe them away as he wailed on his bedroom floor.
he screamed and cried, wanting nothing more than this to be a joke.
"you said..."
you probably did lie to him. you weren't going to just leave the hospital, no, you were going to leave this world as well. to leave him.
"please... this has to be a joke."
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Shiratorizawa Masterlist
Hello Everyone, This is the Masterlist of my planned post and the link to the post of the scenarios. You also can see some of the symbols below.
🌹: Smut
🥀: Angst
🍭: Fluff
😂: Comedy
🧐: Random
🧸: Domestic
😐: Non-Specified
🗡️: Gore/Yandere
❤️: Romantic
Also, If you want a commission for a one-shot or a series, you can click this link:
Hello Everyone. I’m starting a commission. If you want a request, you can message me in here, Wattpad and Quotev.  I'm going to make a com
Ushijima Wakatoshi - Captain
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When their S/O in their Period (Part one) 🍭🧐
Semi Eita - Pinch Server
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When Their S/O in their Period (Part Two)🍭🧐
When Their S/O dresses and acts like their Grandparents😂🍭
S/O Surprising them with Pets🧸❤️🍭
Tendou Satori - Middle Blocker
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Goshiki Tsutomu - Wing Spiker
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Shirabu Kenjirou - Setter
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When Their S/O in their Period (Part Two)🍭🧐
Kawanishi Taichi - Middle Blocker
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Yamagata Hayato - Libero
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mackjlee9 · 2 years
Akaashi Keiji x Flirty!Male!Reader  
Omega!Sugawara Koushi x Alpha!Male!Reader  
Sawamura Daichi x Male!Reader
Streamer!Kenma Kozume x Streamer!Male!Reader 
Azumane Asahi x Scary!Male!Reader
Goshiki Tsutomu x Male!Reader
Bokuto Koutaro x Male!Reader
Suna Rintaro x Male!Reader
Oikawa Tooru x Top!Male!Reader
Kita Shinsuke x Top!Male!Reader
Tendo Satori x Top!Male!Reader
Tsukishima Kei x Top!Male!Reader
Nishinoya Yuu x Top!Male!Reader
Timeskip!Haiba Lev x Top!Male!Reader
Kageyama Tobio x Top!Male!Reader
Kuroo Tetsuro x Top!Male!Reader
Bokuto Koutaro x Top!Male!Reader
Iwaizumi Hajime x Top!Male!Reader
Omega!Sakusa Kiyoomi x Alpha!Male!Reader
Miya Twins x Top!Male!Reader
Suna Rintaro x Top!Male!Reader
Azumane Asahi x Top!Male!Reader
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jirolcvr · 1 year
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what i’ll write ~
boku no hero academia [m.list]
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• pro heroes (shouta aizawa, hizashi yamada, toshinori yagi, enji todoroki, keigo takami, etc)
• class 1A (izuku midoryia, shoto todoroki, katsuki bakugou, mina ashido, ochako uraraka, etc)
• class 1B (neito monoma, tetsutetsu tetsutetsu, itsuka kendo, yosetsu awase, etc)
• third years (mirio togata, nejire hado, tamaki amajiki)
• villains (dabi/touya todoroki, tomura shigaraki, himiko toga, etc)
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sk8 the infinity ~ [m.list]
high school skaters (reki kyan, langa hasagawa, etc)
adult skaters (hiromi higa/shadow, kaoru sakurayashiki/cherry, kojiro nanjo/joe, ainosuke shindo/adam, etc)
younger skaters/additional (miya chinen, shokichi oka, tadashi kikuchi, etc)
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haikyuu ~ [m.list]
karasuno (shoyo hinata, tobio kageyama, kei tsukishima, tadashi yamaguchi, etc)
nekoma (tetsuro kuroo, kozume kenma, yaku morisuke, haiba lev, etc)
aoba johsai (toru oikawa, issei matsukawa, hajime iwaizumi, kentarō kyōtani, etc)
fukurodani (kōtarō bokuto, keiji akaashi, etc)
shiratorizawa (wakatoshi ushijima, eita semi, satori tendō, tsutomu goshiki, etc)
inarzaki (shinsuke kita, atsumu miya, osaka miya, rintarō suna, etc)
additional (sakusa kiyoomi, keishin ukai, yuji terushima, etc)
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jojo’s bizarre adventure ~ [m.list]
jojo’s (jonathan joestar, joseph joestar, jotaro kujo, josuke higashigata, giorno giovanna, jolyne kujo)
joe-bro’s (caesar zepelli, noriaki kakyoin, okuyasu nijimura, guido mista, ermes costello, etc)
villains (dio brando, pillar men, DIO, yoshikage kira, diavolo, vinegar doppio, etc)
additional fandoms ~
yuri on ice
assassination classroom
attack on titan
tokyo ghoul
ouran high school host club
black butler
demon slayer
general rules ~
requests must include the character(s) you want, along with a small plot/idea of the oneshot you want.
i’m in high school and have other things going on other than writing, so please don’t send me asks asking if your request is done.
i’m not obligated to write every single request i receive. if it makes me uncomfortable or i just can’t write it, i won’t.
platonic (family, friends, etc)
dark content
poly relationships
any gender reader
any race reader
ships (no x reader)
romanticizing mental health issues (ex. everything gets solved by the readers partner)
heavy gore
pedophilia, zoophilia, homophobia, transphobia, racism, xenophobia, body-shaming, etc within the pairing
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ao3feed-iwaoi · 1 year
Happy Days
Read this masterpiece on AO3 at https://ift.tt/e8R09Dg
by noliferr
In the bustling city of Tokyo, the mafia rules the underworld. Lurking in the shadows, they fight each other and many other forces... One day, the sister of Oikawa Tooru, Ren finds herself in the middle of the dangerous business. On the other hand, her brother's girlfriend Kuzuryu Inma seems to be working on something on the background... So I wrote this for my best friend! I decided to upload it to here. The real protagonist is Ren, but this is as much about the other cheracters as about her. Kind of. The two self-inserts (Ren- my friend, Inma - me) can be read from the readers perspective, so you have some "options" if you want to read it as an x reader. If you don't enjoy x readers, self inserts, I tried to write about the boys too. I hope you enjoy it!
Words: 18447, Chapters: 9/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Haikyuu!!
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, No Archive Warnings Apply, Rape/Non-Con, Underage
Categories: F/M, M/M
Characters: Iwaizumi Hajime, Oikawa Tooru, Oikawa Tooru's Family, Oikawa Tooru's Sister, Miya Atsumu, Miya Osamu, Sakusa Kiyoomi, Suna Rintarou, Kita Shinsuke, Kuroo Tetsurou, Kozume Kenma, Haiba Lev, Yaku Morisuke, Tsukishima Kei, Tsukishima Akiteru, Kyoutani Kentarou, Tanaka Ryuunosuke, Tanaka Saeko, Shimizu Kiyoko, Tendou Satori, Ushijima Wakatoshi, Azumane Asahi, Terushima Yuuji, Akaashi Keiji, Sugawara Koushi, Sawamura Daichi, Yachi Hitoka, Hinata Natsu, Semi Eita, Goshiki Tsutomu
Relationships: Iwaizumi Hajime/Oikawa Tooru, Iwaizumi Hajime & Oikawa Tooru, Sawamura Daichi/Sugawara Koushi, Akaashi Keiji/Bokuto Koutarou, Miya Atsumu/Sakusa Kiyoomi, Miya Osamu/Suna Rintarou, Kuroo Tetsurou/Reader, Oikawa Tooru/Reader, Ushijima Wakatoshi/Reader
Additional Tags: Self-Insert, Organized Crime, Murder, Haikyuu!! Time Skip, Onigiri Miya Shop (Haikyuu!!), Angst, Fluff and Angst, Smut, Help, For a Friend, Funny, What Have I Done, What Was I Thinking?, Gun Violence, Rape/Non-con Elements, Blood and Violence, Sexual Violence, Past Child Abuse, Bad Jokes, Song Lyrics, Triggers, Blood, Brutal Murder, Suicide Attempt, Suicide Notes, Implied/Referenced Suicide, Self-Harm, Drug Use, Drugs, Drug Addiction, Rehabilitation, Psychologists & Psychiatrists, psychiatric hospital, Break Up, Suicidal Thoughts
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/e8R09Dg
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therealpussybangs · 3 years
When you find out the Haikyuu boys cheated.. Pt. 2
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Starring:    Timeskip!Aone, Goshiki, Kita, Lev                                                          
A/N- Tw: Cheating, crying, yelling, fighting, mentions of sexual-    intercourse, swearing, please let me know if i missed anything!!  
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                Today was supposed to be your 4th year anniversary with your amazing boyfriend Aone. However, that date idea had quickly turned to shit when you see your boyfriend at a booth with some other chick.
You didn’t want to jump to conclusions, because you were exceptionally early to this date, so you walk over, hoping it was a sister or some other relative. 
But when you finally made it over to the table, your boyfriend looked like he had seen a ghost. Pale, scared, and he looked sick. The thing that hurt the most was the guilt swimming in his eyes. Eyes that were once only for you. Eyes that were always warm and welcoming, the eyes that felt like home. His once beautiful and bright eyes were now dulled, guilty and scared.
Aone felt like he couldn’t move. He was stuck in his chair when he saw you. 
‘Our date isn’t for another 20 minutes... how could this happen...?’ He thinks to himself. Then he remembers what you had said earlier about being early for the special today. He curses under his breath and opens his mouth to make excuses, but that’s when he hears a sniffle.
He reluctantly looks up to see you crying, and swiping at your eyes wildly. His heart shatters and sinks to the floor and he immediately knows he shouldn’t lie, it’ll only make it worse.
“Baby i’m so sorry....” He looks down, not ready to hear your reply.                     “Was i not good enough..? What should I have done differently..?” You say in a small, hurt voice.
“No! I-” He was cut off by the other girl sitting in front of him.
“Bubs who’s this ugly little girl? She a friend of yours? Or what..she kinda smells a little..” She says in a squeaky, bratty voice.
“Oh, haha; i’m actually his soon to be ex-girlfriend! So nice to meet you!! And so nice to leave you ‘bubs’!” You say with a fake smile, and filled with sarcasm. 
“Babe- do-” Aone started quietly, he always was so quiet and reserved. But he seemed so talkative with this new girl....
“By Aone! Bye bitch I don’t know!” You say oh so confidently, until you go to itch your eyes. ‘oh... tears..’ You began to cry harder as you realize you just left the one thing you loved most.
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 You and Tsutomu had been pretty distant after a fight you two had, and you wanted to go over and apologize to him because you realized you were in the wrong. 
However, what you did not expect was to see another car parked outside of your shared home.
This fight you both had was because of some silly coworker jokingly hitting on you. You had known this person since you were little, so it was nothing new. They were also fully aware of the fact that you were in a committed relationship with Tsutomu. 
So, who could be at his house? Was he really hurt enough to call a friend or relative for help/advice? Now you felt really bad, so you quickly make your way up the steps to your shared home and push past the door. 
What you did not expect to hear, were muffled whimpers and Goshiki’s smooth, calming voice. ‘Wh-what?’ You think maybe it was something else, maybe it was Goshiki whimpering and sniffling and someone else sweet talking him. But once you walk into your bedroom....you shut down.
“B..baby,,?” You ask, voice small. You were shaking and trying your best to keep your cool and hold back the tears threatening to spill. “Whats going on..?”
Goshiki immediately whips his head around from where it was buried between someone elses thighs. But when he sees your hurt eyes and sad features guilt pools at the bottom of his stomach. He was with someone else, on your shared bed, in your shared home. This realization suddenly hit him like a brick, and he immediately shot straight up. “I-I can explain!!” 
“Explain what? The fact you were pleasuring some random whore on our bed?? What else is there to explain Tsut- Goshiki?” You yell back, the tears from before finally breaking the barrier and streaming down your face.
Goshiki just stood there, shaken up and regretful, not daring to say a word, knowing it will make things worse. But you persisted and asked him again why he did it and he started to get annoyed with your yelling. “I was angry with your stupid fucking co-worker for flirting with you and smacking your ass and always eating lunch with you!! I wanted you to know how it felt!!” He yelled back, without thinking. Bad idea.
You were speechless to say the least. He did not just compare cheating to harmless banter between friends...did he? He didn’t just call your absolute bestfriend stupid...did he?
“Get out. Both of you.” You say, your tone stone cold.
“What..” Your ex says, his voice small and shaky, almost as if it was any louder it would shatter you.
“GET OUT!! NOW!!” You say, now yelling as warm, fat tears stream down your face. You were furious, deflated, tired, and so, so done. You thought you were going to be sick. You had trusted him, and here he was, with a beautiful woman, probably 10x better than you. And to think you were going to apologize to him.
“Baby... we can fix this! right? Move forward!” He says, not so confident or angry this time.
“What, so you can go off with some other bitch as soon as the going gets tough again? No. We’re over. Goodbye Goshiki, please don’t try to contact me, i’ll have someone come get my stuff.”
And with that, you slammed the door and walked out of the place you one called home. 
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Kita was a simple man. He wanted 2 things in life: A family with you, and his rice fields to do well.
However he did not take it very well when you said you were not ready for a family, and he stormed out on you. That night you cried yourself to sleep, thinking about how you could be better.
The past month and a half, you and Kita have been pretty distant, and you have been preparing yourself for a family in any way you can. For example: Finishing the last of your extra studies, learning how to make extra delicious meals, even though Kita wasn’t ever there to try them, and you even started looking into parenting books. You just wanted to be the perfect wife for him.
So one day you waited for him to come home, ready to tell him the big news; you were ready to start a family. So when he finally got back, you told him!
“Babe! I think i’m ready for a family! With you!” You said happily and confidently. But when you saw his eyes widen in surprise, you didn’t expect them to also be oh so regretful.
“Y-you are..?” He asks, suddenly shaking. His stomach drops to the floor while his heart breaks simultaneously. You... you prepared yourself all on your own, just for him. And he knows he fucked up, getting some other girl pregnant, but he was so angry and sad he just.... it just... happened.
Just then, he gets a call, from the one person he really did not want to talk to. The other woman he got pregnant. He was so scared to pick up the phone, so you did. He froze. ‘No..! You cant pick that up...it will ruin us..’
“Hey! Shin! The baby just kicked! I hope its a girl.... Shin..?” The girl says on the other end, happy and excited.
“wh..what?” You say, confused. “Who are you..?”
“I’m his girlfriend! Who are you silly?” She says, still bubbly.
“I-” You start, and then hang up. It could not be. He did not get another woman pregnant, he was your baby, no one else...right? You slowly look over to Kita, hoping you didn’t just hear what you think you did.
He looks down, guilt and shame washing over his built figure.
“I’m so sorry... it wasn’t supposed to happen, but it did and I can’t just leave her by herself..” He says, voice gradually getting louder.
“So.. you couldn’t just wait a little longer huh...it’s okay, I hope you two will be happy.” You walked away after that, and just then was when Kita realized he was loosing you. He panicked, and reached out for your hand, but you were already gone, into the bedroom you both shared, presumably packing.
But it’s when he sees you walk out the door, tears streaming down your face, and sobs wracking you body, that reality finally shifted. You were leaving, and he was now responsible for a child that wasn’t yours. He was mortified to say  the least.
“Bye Shin, i’ll always love you y’know.. I hope your child is as beautiful as you.”
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Today was your birthday! And you were so excited to spend it with your beanpole boyfriend! But he hadn’t answered your texts yet, and your calls either. You understood he had a photo-shoot, but it was over hours ago, even his manager didn’t know where he was. So you decided to check his snapmap because you were genuinely worried??
But when you saw his bitmoji at an unrecognized address, you freaked out and drove there immediately.
When you got there, his car was parked in the driveway, and the lights were on inside. You could also hear the faint hum of soft music. 
Lev was always so gentle with you, and he never raised hid voice or got angry with you. You loved that about him, how soft he was. When you guys first met, he was willing to take things slow, and wait until you were both comfortable with eachother. 
He was always so patient, or so you thought. You weren’t ready for anything intimate other than kissing, and he said he was okay with that. But horny men will be horny men. 
But you at least thought he could wait a little longer for you, his girlfriend of 11 months. At least those were the thoughts that flew through your head as you walked into the mystery house.
It was Lev, laid out on a bed with silk sheets, rose petals scattered everywhere, and Champaign on the nightstand next to him. 
Well, more like next to the other woman in bed with him, dressed in red lacy lingerie and pretty makeup. The candle-light makes them both look so majestic, well they would if they both didn’t have shocked/guilty expressions on their faces. 
Lev got up immediately and tried to grab your arm, but you shrugged him off.
“I trusted you, and I loved you, I still love you! But here you are, with another woman, on my birthday. Happy fucking birthday to me i guess.”
He stood there dumbfounded as you walked out, your confident facade breaking as tears slip down your rosy cheeks. Then, you drive away, knowing things will never be the same...
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Annnnnd it’s finally out! Not proofread i’m sorry </3 Kita’s hurt the most smh
ALSOOOO don’t forget you are fucking gorgeous and ilysm pls take care of your gorgeous self!
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bubbabooo · 3 years
hi i need help finding a fic again :p
so it was a goshiki x reader and reader and goshiki did not like each other. it was an enemies to lovers. reader was the manager for shiratorizawa vb team, to spite goshiki but was also a good manager. and they always fought until one day coach washijou forced them to get along and basically insinuated that they were dating. so they fake dated and they actually fell in love. then at the end they went to his office to thank him for unintentionally setting them up.
help is always appreciated <3
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tsumucore · 4 years
may i request headcanons where shiratorizawa's manager is absolutely afraid of getting hit by balls? thank you so much!
of course you may
As the volleyball team’s manager for one of the biggest powerhouse schools in the prefecture, you had quite a bit of responsibilities when it came to your title.
Some of your duties included, but weren’t limited to, washing the team’s uniforms, supplying water, helping set up the nets, and keeping score during practice.
While this kind of environment grew to be increasingly familiar as you spent more time in it, you could never quite shake the fear that one of the flying balls would someday ram straight into your face.
Shiratorizawa wasn’t ranked among the top 8 in Japan for nothing; each method of contact with the ball was deliberate and powerful - especially when it was Ushijima delivering the blow.
Although your usual place was sitting on the sidelines with the coaches, balls would sometimes fly near you as the result of missed serves or fluke receives.
Each time, you would flinch involuntarily and close your eyes, preparing for the smack that never came.
At least your chances of getting struck by one of the “flying spheres of death,” as you had dubbed them in your mind, were decreased because of the ball boys. You were grateful for their presence; if it weren’t for them, you would be the one fated to step out on the battlefield and chase after stray balls.
However, the ball boys weren’t always there as impromptu practices were entirely possible.
On one occasion, you had to chase after balls as the team practiced their serves which may as well have been a death sentence.
You shook slightly as you carefully eyed each ball. However, there was one outlier that flew right past you. It was so close that you felt the air rush by with a woosh as it slammed into the back wall.
Typically, you would flinch reflexively at just the sight of a ball in the air. However, this time you were frozen. Your limbs were immobile, your eyes were wide, your breathing had stopped.
As you slowly came back to your senses, you were vaguely aware of a few members of the team - Tendou, Goshiki, and Semi - jogging up to you in concern.
Goshiki and Semi were furiously asking if you were alright while Tendou chastised Ushijima - the culprit.
To your surprise, Ushijima walked over and apologized with a solemn tone and a bow.
You stammered out that it was alright before picking up the ball and taking your leave.
From then on, one of the first years would volunteer to pick up balls if a ball boy wasn’t around - much to your relief.
.°•  rules  ₊˚•.  masterlist  ₊˚•.  buy me a coffee? ♡  .°•
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kumzume · 3 years
SLAP! ft. goshiki tsutomu
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wc. 1.7k :D
warnings. SMUT (duh), impact play, slight angst???, a lil fluff, cumming untouched, hard-ish dom!reader, sub!goshiki, established relationship, dom drop (???), shit ending but what’s new lmao
an. i realized i was neglecting this blog while Trying™ to work on desperate pt 2 &&& i was missing my baby goshiki so :p
“i’m sorry, you want me to what?”
you could feel the disbelief written all over your face, the absurdity of the situation ticking up the corners of your lips into an incredulous smile.
goshiki—bless his heart—sat fidgeting in front of you, his face painted in a bright pink shade while he played with his lithe fingers in his lap.
you just couldn’t believe your ears. your goshiki—the one who nearly fainted when he asked you out, the one who threw up twice before meeting your parents and the one who sobbed so hard through your vows he was impossible to understand—that same goshiki was asking you to do what??
“i-i asked if y-you would hit me,” he mumbled, eyes downcast as though to avoid rejection, “y’know, during sex.”
okay, so you weren’t having an early stroke when you heard him earlier.
he actually wanted you to hit him—pretty badly it appeared if the bulge pressing against the zipper of his jeans was anything to go by.
you took a deep breath in order to ground yourself and collect your thoughts. you knew your husband’s mind was probably going a mile a minute while he awaited your inevitable dismissal of the subject but you needed a moment to just think.
were you seriously opposed to this? i mean, throughout your entire relationship goshiki had always made accommodations for you, from little things like buying more pillows for his bed when you moved in with him to big things like scheduling time off for you when you got too stressed to take you on a vacation.
he’d always been there for you so why couldn’t you do this little thing for him? it was only sex and your relationship was so, so much more than that. giving him this was honestly the least you could do to repay him for all that he’d done for you.
with your mind made up and your resolve successfully steeled, you made your way over to your husband who looked about ready to keel over. you felt your heart clench in your chest, feeling rather bad about leaving him in silence for a good 5 minutes.
it took you a few short strides before you finally stood in front of goshiki, observing the shuddering of his shoulders and his pointed avoidance of eye contact.
you breathed out a soft sigh before bringing your left hand, adorned with your glittering wedding ring, up to his cheek, caressing the warm skin gently. despite his refusal to look you in the face, goshiki leaned into your touch, turning his face so that his petal soft lips were flush with your palm.
carefully, you lifted his face up so that he was finally looking at you. you weren’t at all surprised to see the tears growing in the corners of his eyes, threatening to fall over his lashline—he’d always been somewhat of a crybaby.
goshiki stared at you with such adoration and love that you couldn’t help the sharp exhale that escaped from your nose. his eyes fluttered shut as he moved just enough to take your thumb into his mouth, swirling his tongue around it and sucking serenely.
the sensation was nearly enough to knock you entirely off track but you quickly regained control of the situation. you slipped your thumb out goshiki’s mouth, your hand roaming to his jaw before gripping him tightly, his eyes shooting open and welling up with tears.
“‘tomu,” you began harshly, “tell me what you said before, hm? what do you want me to do?”
“yn pleas—“ your hand held him tighter causing a choked whimper to slip past his parted lips.
“ah ah ah ‘tomu, you know better than that.” from your place above him, you could see his eyes beginning to glaze over as he sunk into the comfort of your control. the sight never failed to get you, a warm smile almost overtaking your face but you swiftly stomped it out.
the grip on his face tightened once again as you leaned down to whisper in his ear. “what do you call me to get what you want ‘tomu?” the warm breath tickling goshiki’s ear sent a shudder crawling down his spine to rest hard and heavy in his pelvis.
“i supposhed to call you mish,” he finally responded, his words muffled by your fingers digging into his cheeks. you let the smile breach your face this time, letting go of his face before turning on your heel to make your way towards the bedroom.
you don’t turn around but you can hear goshiki knock over his chair in his haste to follow behind you. you grinned before schooling your face into an unimpressed mask.
the cool air of your bedroom hit your shoulders causing tiny goosebumps to arise but you ignored the discomfort to focus on goshiki. he had entered the room a while ago, his big bright eyes trained on the ground while he awaited your instruction.
he was so good. that’s what made what you were about to do just that much more fun.
“‘tomu,” you began, your tone harsh and unforgiving. “come here.”
your husband obliged, shuffling over to you until he was only a foot away. despite his naturally submissive nature, he towered above you, his body built from his years of volleyball and working out.
you allowed your eyes to trail down the dips and curves of his body, just barely hidden by his tight t-shirt, leaving little to the imagination.
now that just wouldn’t do. you needed to see all of him.
“take off your clothes.” he was quick to do exactly as you asked, his clothes growing in a pile on your floor until he was clad in only his tight black boxers that did little to hide his hard and leaking cock.
you grinned at the wet patch on the front of his briefs signaling that he was more excited than he let on. the more you stood there observing him, the bigger the wet patch grew and the more he began to squirm.
breathing out a faux-disappointed sigh, you reached out and weaved your hands into his purple strands before yanking him down to the floor, his knees crashing against the hardwood painfully.
the sound he released was so guttural that you nearly stopped the scene right then and there but the way he moaned your name and rutted his hips in the air at the pain had you hesitating.
you agreed to this, yes, but could you really go through with it? you mentally shook your head at the sentiment. no, you were going to hurt him and he was going to like it.
with a new outlook, your stare grew harsher and your words became more pointed. “what a little pain slut, getting off on this,” you sneered, enjoying how goshiki’s eyes filled with tears.
“miss i—“ SLAP! the sound rang throughout the room, echoing off the plaster walls. goshiki’s head was whipped all the way to the side, a bright red imprint beginning to form on his cheek. your hand stung at the severeness of the hit so you could hardly imagine how much pain your husband was in.
you were horrified at how hard you had hit him, your mind too embalmed in the dominant persona to think before you hit.
“oh fucking hell, baby i am so sorry,” your current whimpering voice a far cry from the bitter tone you had held only minutes ago. you immediately dropped to your knees before very carefully taking his heated face in your hands.
when one of your palms touched the affected area, goshiki flinched away from you and the pain. you felt your heart break in your chest at the gesture, his eyes remaining downcast and away from you.
“tsutomu, you have to believe me, i didn’t mean to hurt you,” you rambled while tears filled your eyes. you were repelled by what you had done, your mouth pouring out apology after apology.
“i just thought it was what you wanted but i shouldn’t have taken it that far and—“
“yn,” goshiki interrupted, one of his calloused hands coming to lift your chin so that your eyes met his. “it’s okay.”
he looked at you with such kindness and love but you just couldn’t accept it. “tsutomu, i hurt you,” you pleaded, your vision becoming blurry with yet another wave of tears.
through the liquid in your eyes, you managed to see goshiki shake his head before taking your hand in his and leading it down to the front of his boxers. your breath caught in your throat as your fingertips met with the wet—soaking—cotton fabric that engulfed his dick.
you looked back up at him with wide eyes which he met with a blinding smile. “i came,” he said nonchalantly, “you made me come.”
he came... from your slap?
if that wasn’t the hottest thing in the world, you had no idea what was.
“tsutomu, i...” you couldn’t finish your sentence due to goshiki’s slightly chapped pink lips being pressed to yours in a passionate kiss.
your eyes fluttered shut as you gave into him, your arms coming to rest in his silky purple strands while your tongue pressed itself into the warm cavern of his mouth.
goshiki pulled away first, resting his forehead against yours as he tried to catch his breath. your eyes remained closed for a moment while you tried to still your own rapidly beating heart but when they opened, you were met with his wide-eyed stare of adoration.
“i love you yn,” he muttered before kissing you on the nose and standing, not allowing you to respond. he pulled you up with him (you always forget how strong he is) before burying his face in your neck.
you giggled at his childish behavior, one of your hands coming up to stroke through his hair. “what do you need ‘tomu?” you asked, placing gentle kisses around his ear.
“need to shower. ‘m all sticky.” you both laughed at that before pulling apart and leading him to the bathroom.
“okay but if i have to clean off your dick, i expect at least two orgasms from you, mr. ace.”
“yes ma’am!”
“god, i love you.”
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catspluscrows · 4 years
hello!! can i have oikawa, suga, and goshiki seeing their gf crying in front of the mirror? like they had a date but she couldnt find anything she felt right in? thanks!!
Character: Oikawa, Sugawara, Goshiki (separate) x Female Reader 
Warnings: Angst, insecurity 
Note(s): I want you all to know you’re beautiful! I know it’s corny and you may not believe me, but you are! 
* * * * * 
ᴛ. ᴏɪᴋᴀᴡᴀ
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Oikawa found it weird you were still in the bathroom. Usually it only took you a couple minutes to get changed and then you’ll be ready for a date. 
So he goes to check on you since he’s worried. 
Though Oikawa only gets more worried when he hears you hiccuping and crying. 
He’d open the door and immediately make sure you haven’t hurt yourself. Instead he sees you crying in front of the mirror and it breaks his heart. 
Oikawa doesn’t even care that you’ll be late for the date, he just wants to make sure you’re okay. 
“Babe, you’ve been in there for an hour. We’re going to miss dinner if you stay in there any longer. Do you need any-” 
Oikawa pushes on the bathroom door to reveal your figure in front of the mirror. With your head hanging between your knees and articles of clothing thrown around the bathroom, concern overtakes Oikawa. 
“Are you okay? What happened?” He’s immediately at your side, waiting for your answer. One hand is on your shoulder while the other is gathering the shirts tossed onto the ground. 
“I’m ugly and I hate it.” You begin with a hiccup. Before Oikawa can disagree with that, you're speaking again. “I can’t find anything good to wear today. And I can’t go out wearing something like this, it’ll destroy your reputation!” To make a point you gesture to your attire: one of Oikawa’s shirts and a pair of sweatpants. 
Oikawa stops moving to pull you into his body. Wrapping you into his arms, he just holds you for a minute before saying, “I don’t care what you wear Y/n. I love you and what you wear won’t change that.” Pulling away so he’s looking straight into your eyes, Oikawa continues. “You’re so much more important than my reputation.” 
His words make you feel much better and Oikawa helps you to your feet. Grabbing the clothing you had left in the bathroom, you turn to Oikawa with a smile. “I think I will wear this then.” 
Smirking, Oikawa wraps an arm around your shoulder. “I wouldn’t want you in anything else.” 
ᴋ. ꜱᴜɢᴀᴡᴀʀᴀ
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Sugawara gets a little impatient when it comes to getting ready. 
Don’t get me wrong though, Sugawara takes more time getting ready than you do most days. That’s why he’s worried when you’ve been in the bathroom for a good hour. 
He knows he shouldn’t barge in there but he’s so concerned about you. It’s not normal for you to be in there for so long. 
Sugawara is probably the most aggressive in his way to comfort you? He won’t yell at you to make you feel bad, he’s just confused how you could possibly not feel good about yourself since he loves you so much. 
It’s his goal to never let you feel that bad again. 
Hearing a knock on the bathroom door makes you scurry from your seat in front of the mirror. Grabbing your phone you check the time, seeing that it’s been an entire hour. Have you really just spent an hour glaring at your reflection? 
“Sweetie I’m coming in now.” Sugawara pushes open the door to see you doing what you’ve been doing for the past hour: glaring at yourself. There’s a couple of dresses laying at your feet and various coverups on the floor. “What happened?” 
His questions about why the bathroom is so messy go away when he sees you covering your eyes with your hands. Sugawara moves to you as quickly as he can, totally forgetting about the clothing littered on the floor. 
“Nothing looks good on me anymore Suga,” You admit while trying to keep your voice even. “I don’t want to go out today. Can we stay home? I’m sorry.” 
Sugawara doesn’t respond. He only gives you a hug and begins rubbing shapes into your back to hopefully calm you down. “It’s okay love, I didn’t want to go out today anyway. Besides,” Sugawara goes from hugging you to picking you up bridal style. Before you can complain about it he’s carrying you out of the bathroom. “I need to show you how much I love you!”
ᴛ. ɢᴏꜱʜɪᴋɪ
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Goshiki is nervous. He’s nervous about the actual date (doesn’t matter how many times you’ve gone out, he’s still a mess) and the fact you’re still in the bathroom. 
He’ll wait as long as he can. He doesn’t want to rush you but he’s also growing so impatient. 
Eventually Goshiki just knocks on the door, not expecting to hear a whimper when he does. 
That worries him even more so he just opens the door. He doesn’t expect to see you curled into a ball and crying into your shirt but doesn’t dwell on it.
 He’s too scared that you’re hurt to even remember why he was getting ready in the first place. 
“Y/n!” You don’t respond when he calls your name, only fueling Goshiki’s nerves. He’s rushing to your side, too worried about you to care about the clothes on the ground. “Are you hurt? What happened?” 
“I’m not hurt,” You say with your shirt covering your face. With your head hidden behind the fabric and tilted down, Goshiki wonders what is wrong then. “I’m ugly and nothing fits right.” 
Goshiki stares at you for a moment. You don’t move, only staring at the floor in shame. Maybe you should’ve lied and said you tripped on something. Then Goshiki wouldn’t be looking at you like a deer in headlights. 
“But you’re beautiful. What do you mean?” His voice drags you out of that dark place in your head. It sounds so sincere that it shocks you for a moment. Only staring at your boyfriend, you listen when he continues. “I think you look good in everything. I think you’re beautiful Y/n, and you should too.” 
Getting up. Goshiki extends his hand to help you up. As you both gather the clothes you left on the floor Goshiki tells you to just put them in the wash. With a chuckle Goshiki says, “Let’s stay inside today. I don’t want anyone else seeing how beautiful my girlfriend is.”
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midoriima · 2 years
PURCHASING AN OMIKUJI ft. goshiki, semi, kawanishi
WARNINGS — spoilers for timeskip goshiki at the very end, slight angst, just headcanons of them purchasing an omikuji and stories kinda relating to the quotes at the end?, quotes from buddha, ooc, incorrect info ?, supposed to be published exactly on new years (12am) but i couldn't finish it on time, kawanishi's part is so short i'm so sorry he has like 0.007% screentime & not many talk abt him which is absolutely cruel
Starting from the "general" fortune telling statement before the detailed ones that I'm going to make up because I've never purchased an omikuji ever in my life but I've seen a lot. It doesn't always have to be about volleyball but I'll just make it seem like so
omikujis are not exactly like these 👇
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- Goshiki got a sue-kichi, which is a future blessing. And the fortune is about love? Not really to someone he may bear romantic feelings for but to himself, if that makes sense.
Because he is so caught up in trying to surpass or stand at the same level of strength as Ushijima, he forgets to take care of himself, both physically and mentally. He admires Ushijima to a great extent and want to be like him, but he forgets that not everyone can be like everyone.
Goshiki begins to hate himself because he just can't reach Ushijima's level in volleyball. He pushes himself too far even when he was warned too many times that it's already starting to become concerning.
So, when he purchased his omikuji, it lifted his spirits and the heavy weight in his heart. Seeing the words, "future blessing" made him really happy and hopeful for the future that when he kept the paper, he neatly folded it before straightening it and clipping it onto the wall back home.
"You can search throughout the entire universe for someone who is more deserving of your love and affection than you are yourself, and that person is not to be found anywhere. You, yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection."
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- Semi stopped getting his fortune told after his first year of high school. Semi was passionate about volleyball, he liked playing it and the intensive training it came with, much more when a spiker so strong came to the team.
That was until the very last time he went to get his fortune told. He got a shou-kyou which is a small curse. He was so disappointed and wanted to cry real bad but he didn't since he didn't want to embarrass himself in front of so many people. But... he was so focused on how he got a small curse that he forgot to tie it on the bars provided for the strips that contain bad luck.
So, he went home with the crumpled strip of paper in his hands. He actually forgot about it too.
When his second year came up, new players started signing up and one setter caught his eye. Shirabu Kenjiro, he's smart and knew and performed almost immediately the kind of sets the spikers liked, contrary to Semi when he first entered the club though, his sets were just as great.
He thought nothing of the first year until the coach announced that the regular setter, Semi, him, would be replaced with Shirabu.
He cried so hard when he came back home that he wanted to just retire from the team to join the music club instead.
"In the end, only three things matter: how much you loved, how gently you lived, and how graceful you let go of things not meant for you."
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- Kawanishi got a kichi, meaning blessing. Of course, Kawanishi likes volleyball, however, he's not crazy about it unlike everyone else. Simply joined the club because it's mandatory then learned to like the sport and decided to stay.
In one point of his life, he was quite obsessed with the sport, the thought of playing regular in a powerhouse team. That was until he did get to play as a regular in a powerhouse team. He wasn't that excited but he was happy, really happy that he managed to reach younger him's goals.
"Be vigilant; guard your mind against negative thoughts."
He didn't quite understand the message on the strip, but he's glad he, at least, didn't get bad luck.
literally THE WAY my dumbass forgot to add an explanation for goshiki's part- "future blessing" actually refers to his job in the timeskip :)
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maadorii · 3 years
I Don’t Wanna Be Up No More— t. goshiki x gn! reader
max.note’s: one weird about me is that i like to come up with the idea first and then match it to a character that fits, so, goshiki it is. plus he needs more love. ngl, i’m kinda mad that his debut on my blog is angst cause he DESERVES the world!!! also, i’d like to apologize in advance... you’ll see why ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
synopsis: Where Goshiki is mad at himself (and the world) that he keeps staying up at night thinking about what could’ve been
warnings/tags: angst, post break-up, descriptions of suffocation, goshiki needs a hug desperately
w. count— 630
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goshiki couldn’t breathe. 
it felt as if someone was plunging his head further and further and further down a barrel of water; their hand gripping the inky strands of his hair like a vice, making it harder for him to push or pull away. 
the choked sob that left his throat echoed in the paper-thin silence of his dormitory. the way his breath stuttered as he tried to bring in as much air as possible, but the feeling of water inside his lungs made him cough and hacked, his body hunched over the side of his bed. 
he couldn’t see anything either, the waterfall of tears that never seemed slow down blurring the world around him into a kaleidoscope of mesh grays and black. and when he finally calmed down enough to take in one full breath and exhaling it without much trouble did it dawn upon him. the anger entering his bloodstream.
it’s already been two–– almost three weeks since then, he should’ve been over it by now. he has better things to do and worry about than let his thoughts linger on... you. 
your smile that always brightens up his world when he said something dumb or funny. the way your hand would gently caress his when you studied together on saturday nights, the relaxing beats of lo-fi playing in the background. the warmth surrounding you that melted away the bitter cold that surrounded him––
and there he goes... again. 
he let his mind wander off into things it shouldn’t be thinking, but the dull warmth that made his heart pitter-patter brought him a sense of empty, hollowed happiness. it felt good now, but later, he’ll regret it.
“fuck!” goshiki bellowed into the woeful emptiness, slamming his fist into the wall next to him. the frustration, the sadness, the rage–– the raw, unfiltered rage that was at a low simmer was now bubbling over. 
and it was hot. too hot.
he couldn’t stop himself when he leaped across the room; he couldn’t stop himself when his arm slashed down across his desk, knocking every paper, pen, pencil, and book onto the floor; he couldn’t stop himself from the deafening shout that escaped his mouth, tearing his throat in two. 
and when he came too, the entirety of his dorm was trashed, as if a tornado just blew by. his breaths short and ragged as his body shook from the last of strung-high adrenaline dissipating from his tense body. 
the door opened revealing a shock tendou, semi, and surprisingly ushijima, all wide-eyed and mouth gape. they said nothing as they slowly entered the room, taking in the sight of torn books and turned over furniture. they were greeted by a slumped shoulder goshiki who was on the verge of tears–– on the verge of breaking. to a point where there’s no possible return. 
in his hands, a simple, black picture frame, but tendou knew exactly what was in that frame. 
a picture of them, a picture of you.
“goshiki-kun... what happened––” tendou started, but was interrupted. 
“it won’t stop! it just keeps playing over, over and over again in my head, i can’t eat or sleep! i just want it to end tendou-senpai, why won’t it end?!” goshiki cried, blobs of salty tears dribbling down his round cheeks to meet at the dip of chin before splashing to the ground below, his petal-like lips quivering. 
the redhead didn’t say anything but extend his arms out to his kouhai, who all but fell into them, hanging limply onto his shoulders as his own shivering body convulsed with uncontrollable sobs. 
the sheer pain in his cries, even made someone like ushijima turn his head away, to at least spare the younger with some dignity. 
...just... how bad did you hurt him?
copyright © 2020 maadorii. all rights reserved.
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rintoya · 3 years
I thought I was your sunshine
 Hinata Shoyo X Fem reader X Goshiki Tsutomu
‘Where is he?’ a girl with h/c hair running down the halls of the venue looking for her crush Hinata Shoyo. She went out side and found him with his friends Koji and Izumi, the two boys told him that you were there. Koji and Izumi knew of your crush on their friend, so they wanted to give you a push a told Hinata they will wait at the gate for him. Hinata gave them a confused look until he heard y/n’s footsteps behind him. Turning around he saw Y/n which made him feel upset. ‘She saw us get defeated by that king...’ He looked at y/n with an undefined face, making the girl confused. Giving the orange hair boy a smile she spoke. “ Hey Sho-kun!! You did amazing out!! I’m glad you finally got an opportunity to play volleyball this year.” Giving her a small nod that she barely noticed, Hinata thanked her, the feeling of defeated and sadness taking over. Y/n knew what the next few thing she’ll is gonna say next either might ruin her friendship or it will change. ‘I guess it’s time to tell him. I don’t have much time.’ Y/n decided it was time to tell Hinata her feelings and that her family is moving, so she has to transfer schools. Looking at him she gave him a shy look,some of her hair falling in front of her face. “S-Sho-kun, there is something I want to tell you.” Not noticing Hinata getting anxious and wanting to leave, Y/n continued. “Sho-Kun...I-I like you, more then a friend. I have for a while and-” “Yeah yeah, that’s good Y/n. I want to go so I can get better at volleyball!! BYE!!” Hinata ran away from Y/n past the gates where his friends saw the encounter. Giving you pitiful smiles, Y/n waved them off giving them a final goodbye and went home. With her heartbroken.
Monday arrived and Hinata looked for Y/n around the school, while looking for her Hinata ran into F/n. “HEY F/N!!” Turning to where she heard the voice she gave Hinata a cold look. F/n is Y/n’s best friend and she was the first person Y/n called after what happened at the game. “Yes, do you need something?” Hinata being oblivious to F/n’s hostility asked her where Y/n is. “If you didn’t interrupt her on Saturday after your game you would know.” “What do you mean??” “She moved!! She tried telling you but you left her there breaking her heart!!” After she said those words Hinata remembered what Y/n said. ‘ S-Sho-kun....I-I like you’  Hinata remembered her flush face, how the sunset reflected and made her glow that day. F/n scoffed “You just realized she confessed, it doesn’t matter now She is attending Hitariniikawa.” F/n walked away, leaving the boy to drown in his thoughts. ‘She’s gone...I had a chance and I blew it. Will I ever see her again?’
“Sho-Kun has anyone told you were the sunshine of everyone’s life?’”
‘’‘Sho-Kun do you mind if I practice with you’’ said Y/n with her hair in her face hiding her blush face.
‘ “Shoyo!!” Do you want to go a cafe after school? A hopeful Y/n asked Hinata. “I would but we finally got a team and I wanna practice with them Bye”
‘ Hinata walking with his friends down the hallway passing Y/n with her group of friends. Her friends giving her knowing looks giggling making her Blush. Her looking directly at Hinata before giving her friends a shy look.’
Y/n looked at herself in her mirror in her new room. Today was the first day Y/n will start at Hitoriniikawa junior high in the Miyagi prefecture. Getting her school bag, she left her home to go to her school. While she was walking down the road she heard fast footsteps behind her. She turned around to see a boy with black hair with a bowl cut in the boys version of her school uniform running her way. The two teenagers eyes locked, then all of a sudden the boy tripped over his footing and fell against the ground. Y/n ran to him, worry shown on her face. “Are you ok?? Does anything hurt?” The boy lift his head and stared at the girl in front of him. The morning sun shining and reflecting against her eyes making them brighter. ‘She looks like an angel, so beautiful’ Snapping out of thoughts he grew flustered. “Y-yeah I’m fine. U-uh.” Y/n gave the unknown boy a sweet smile and helped him stand up. “Thank you..” “No problem” Extending her hand to introduce herself to him. Shaking hands they introduced themselves to each other. “Hi I’m L/n Y/n.” “Nice to meet you. I’m G-G-Goshiki T-Tsutomu” “i’m guessing based on your uniform you attend Hitoriniikawa? Right Goshiki-san?” “Y-yeah I-I do, you attend Hitoriniikawa as well?” “Today is my first day, I’m spending the rest of my third year at Junior high there.” “I-I’m also a third year there. How about y-you and I walk together?” “yeah I would like that.” The two teenagers talking all the way to the school they found out they’ll be in the same class, and that Goshiki is apart of the volleyball team. ‘I guess, I have a thing for volleyball guys.’
Over the next few months of the school year, Goshiki and Y/n have gotten close. They hung out during and out of school, overtime the feelings between the two teenagers became romantic. Laughing at each other when they do something humiliating, many picture of the two in each others room. To going the dance for the third years together, now the two teens are on break before the beginning of First year in high school. Currently the two teens were sitting in the living room in y/n’s house looking at the photo album of the two of them. Looking at the recent picture added to it of the two on their last day at Hitoriniikawa, Goshiki thought of something. ‘What if we go to different high schools, will our friendship still be strong?’ “Hey N/n what High school are you planning to attend?” “ I actually plan to attend Shiratorizawa, I know you are also planning to attend-AHHH T-TOMU.” Goshiki tackled Y/n to ground in a big hug, the two laughing with red cheeks. “You have no idea how happy I am too hear that.” “Will you be joining the volleyball team Tomu?” “I definitely am!! You will come and watch if I make the team?” Said Goshiki wish hopeful eyes, Y/n leaned there foreheads together and gave him a smile. “Tomu, you mean when you make the team.” 
‘I think I’m in love with him/her’ Thought the two teens.
Couple months later....
It was time for spring preliminaries to see who was gonna win nationals. The Karasuno boys team was waiting for them to receive the signal to head into the gym to warm up. Hinata decided he would go to the bathroom before the game against Shiratorizwa, when he was on his way back he saw a familiar silhouette near the water fountains, his words got the best of him. “Y/n?......” Turning at the sound of her name to see a face she never thought she see again. “Hello Hinata-san, it’s been awhile hasn’t it.” Hinata’s heart stung when Y/n called him by his last name. “It has been, you look great.” Hinata realized what he just said and grew embarrassed, “N-Not like you didn’t look great in junior high!! You still look b-b-beautiful” Chuckling from the boys stuttering y/n spoke, “Thank you Hinata. You really haven’t changed, still as preppy as ever.” A gentle smile was replaced with a confused look. “y/n what are you doing here?” A big smile grew on the girls face when he asked that question. “I’m here to see the match between Shira-” “Your here to see my school defeat ushiwaka right?!?!” Hinata interrupted Y/n with star’s in his eyes. Him thinking she is here for him and not a boy she is in love with. “Actually the reason i’m here is-’’ “n/n? There you are, I was getting worried.” The Hinata looked in the direction of the voice to see a guy in the Shiratorizwa boys volleyball uniform with an 8 on it , a few inches taller then him, and black hair in a bowl cut hairstyle. “I just finished filling the water bottles...I could use some help.” Hinata was oblivious the the flushed red cheeks the Two teens in front of him, the two giving each other a love sick look. Goshiki and Y/n gathered all the water bottles and left with y/n giving Hinata a short “Goodbye” with this ‘Tomu guy’. Hinata returning to his teammate looking a little down, Tanaka and Noya saw that HInata was not is usual cheerful self. “Hey pipsqueak whats wrong? Aren’t you pumped up? We are this close to defeating Ushiwaka!!” Hinata replied in a dazed “Huh? oh yeah...” Daichi and Suga share a worried look so they decide to confront the first year. “Is everything alright Hinata?” Shrugging his shoulders “I don’t know...” Tanaka trying to lift the mood said “Is it a girl??” “Yeah...” All the boys were shocked they weren’t expecting that answer. “WHAT!?!?!” All the boys crowded near Hinata asking different questions like “Is she your girlfriend?” “Who is she?” “Do we know her?” Then Kageyama decided to speak with a nonchalant answer, “Was it that girl who attended that volleyball we played against each other? She had short H/c hair?” Hinata slowly nodded at that question “Yeah, it’s her...” “Do you mind telling us about her Shoyo?” Said Noya. “From what I remember she had short h/c hair with big e/c eyes...she was caring, shy, pretty...I thought I wasn’t going to see her again until today...” “SHE”S HERE?!?!?!?” “Yeah, she is.” Hinata’s smile faded when he remembered the last encounter they had before today. Suga noticed how Hinata’s face darkened and how his mood became worse, so he tried to cheer Hinata up. “You said she was here, so why not try to impress her during the match today.” Eyes brightening once Suga said that his mood improved. “YEAH I’LL DO THAT!!” Coach Ukai came in to take the boy’s to the court they will play in. Looking around Hinata saw that guy he saw with Y/n earlier on the other side of the court. Looking up he saw Y/n sitting in the stands with some other girls who assumed were Y/n’s friends, it was when he realized what Y/n was wearing. She was wearing the school uniform for Shiratorizawa, she wasn’t here for him. She was there for that guy she was with earlier. ‘Who is that guy and how does he know Y/n?’ A whistle blew signifying that the game will start, both teams lining up 
“THANK YOU FOR THE GAME!!’’ The match has officially begun.
Shiratorizawa was in the lead but Karasuno was getting it together and both teams so far won a set each. So many emotion were running through Hinata’s veins excitement, nervousness and heartbreak. Hinata found out that number 8 is Goshiki, and Hinata’s heart stung whenever Y/n cheered specifically for Goshiki. Then when the whole cheer section from Shiratorizawa sang the schools anthem Hinata was hoping Y/n wasn’t singing but when he quickly looked up, he was wrong. By the end Karasuno managed to win the match, the team was celebrating on there victory and headed in the hallway. HInata separated from the team to go look for Y/n. Heading down an empty he heard a familiar voice down an empty hall along with the sound of sniffles from a runny nose. “You did amazing Tomu, i’m so proud you made it this far.” “Y/n we lost...how can I be so stupid and say I’m the next ace.” “Don’t say that, Tsutomu. Look at me.” Goshiki looks into Y/n’s eyes when all of a sudden he was pulled down by his jersey. Shocked that Y/n L/n the girl he had feelings for since they first met was kissing him. Pulling away Y/n gave Goshiki a half lidded look,”Your more then enough Goshiki, I’ve been wanting to tell you this for a while....Your the sunshine of my life. Tomu I’m in love you.” Pressing his forehead against hers Goshiki was happy “I’m in love you too N/n” Goshiki leaning in for another kiss arms wrapped around her waist while hers looped around his neck. The two teens finally together surrounded in nothing but the love they feel for one another. Not noticing the middle blocker watching the scene from around the corner. ‘I should’ve known, I broke her heart. Of course she would move on.’ 
Turning around leaving the love birds be with each other, walking down the hall remembering the words Y/n said a long time ago to now.
“Your the sunshine of everyone’s life”
“Tomu your the sunshine of my life.”
Hinata walked back to his team with his heart broken, ‘I deserved it, 
‘I thought I was your sunshine’
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