#gonna be digesting everything for a long time
midnight-els · 4 months
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For All Mankind | 4x10 "Perestroika"
Wrenn Schmidt as Margo Madison Coral Peña as Aleida Rosales
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lettucedloophole · 9 months
hi apologies if youve alr made a post abt this (if u have, then maybe u can add a link to that specific post?) but i just wanted to ask for ur perspective bc this is smth i keep getting hung up on and i rlly only trust u to answer:
why would abolishing gender be harmful to trans ppl if transphobia stems from emphasis on traditional gender roles, and the abolishment would further their focus on relieving dysphoria thru physical sex change instead of relieving it by having to conform to sociological femininity and masculinity as a means to adapt in this patriarchal society?
thank you for taking the time to read and answer this <3
no worries! i haven't made a post about this before since no one's asked, but i'll answer it right here for you.
the answer is, it wouldn't be harmful. abolishing gender would ultimately be the best for everyone, but especially lgbt people & women. however... the contextualization of this point is what makes or breaks it. let me explain--
trans people have a negative reaction when people discuss abolishing gender not only for the same reason cis people might (a kneejerk reaction to protect the status quo), but also for the very valid reason of wanting to defend transness in a transphobic society. it's the same reason why some gay people will react negatively to the fact that homosexuality is a social construct, and therefore cannot be innate; most people use this argument to justify homophobia & patriarchy.
the thing is, to abolish gender, sex must also be abolished as it's the primary method of naturalizing gender. sex is a social construct-- it's not natural. however, terfs and any garden variety conservative will reify gender through the naturalization of sex. they'll say, "cis women and men are natural, but trans people aren't. therefore, they must be eliminated." similarly, "heterosexual people are natural, but gay and bi people aren't. therefore, they must be eliminated." eliminated can mean killed or, forcibly dissolved into the "natural" categories via bullshit self-loathing propaganda.
a really easy way to understand why this is so upsetting to trans people is just comparing their situation to gay people or women's, really, as they are so similar. if you walked up being like "wow i cant wait for gays to be abolished<3" ofc people will assume you mean it in a homophobic sense rather than a complicated, radical feminist sense, and if you're focusing on the abolition of minority groups in particular, it does likely stem from bigotry. not saying that you've said anything like that lol, but those examples are the best way i can illustrate the point.
also, everyone on the internet hates radical feminism, so regardless of how eloquently you explain your point & how sensible it is, if you associate it with radical feminism people will ignore what you say, misinterpret you so severely that it seems deliberate but could very well be internet stupidity, and also throw tomatos at you. 😭 radfems, matfems & a handful of marxist, anarchist, intersectional fems + womanists are the only ones i trust to not be covert antifeminists.
last p.s.: we don't know what a society outside of patriarchy looks like. assuming people will continue getting sex changes assumes the existence of a natural sex binary, though it's possible people may change "sex" characteristics as they please. trans people's issue is not only being forced into gender roles, but a hatred of transness which puts them into a catch-22 regarding survival under patriarchy-- they're "reifying patriarchy" if they transition, but plagued with dysphoria, martyrs to a post-patriarchal world centuries away from us if they don't. perhaps, a similar scenario would be if you told a gay or straight person to simply see people as gender/sexless and to experience attraction, to give affection as though we lived in a post-patriarchal society-- it just wouldn't be possible, and for the gay person who is particularly vulnerable under patriarchy, it would more likely be traumatizing. dworkin put it so succintly in woman hating...
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i hope that wasn't too repetitive or long, i just wanted to be thorough. admittedly, this is kind of a loaded answer if you aren't familiar with sex as a social construct, so if you have anymore questions, feel free to ask!
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cripplecryptid · 1 year
I am absolutely losing it. LOSING it
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susiephone · 1 year
wtf is dracula daily?
i’ve seen a couple people ask this question on my posts about it, so i thought i’d go ahead and clear it up here!
ok so, the classic horror novel “dracula” is an epistolary novel - that means it’s told via letters, diary entries, ship logs, and news articles. (technically the term “epistolary novel” refers to works told solely through letters or emails, but many have expanded it to mean any work that is told via in-universe documents, hence why diaries and logs often get included as well. “frankenstein” is another classic example; the whole framing device is robert walton is recounting the story he heard from victor to his sister via letter. a modern example would be “several people are typing,” which is told via slack messages, or “the perks of being a wallflower,” which is told via letters from charlie to his anonymous pen pal, which is functionally more like you’re reading his diary.)
because of the nature of the narrative, we actually know the exact day nearly everything in dracula happens - the letters, news articles, diary entries, etc. are all dated.
“dracula daily” is a substack project where the novel is broken up into parts, with people who are subscribed to the project getting emails every day something in dracula happens - for example, the novel opens with jonathan harker’s journal entry on may 3, so on may 3, subscribers are emailed that entry. the action of dracula takes place from may 3 - november 6, plus an epilogue set some years later. the project started in 2021 (i think), but fucking BLEW UP in 2022, and they’re doing it again this year! lots of us are very excited - especially people like me who fell behind last time.
why not just read the book?
valid! due to some parts of dracula being told out of chronological order, dracula daily does reorder some things. for example, the first section of dracula is told entirely from jonathan harker’s pov, then the second section switches the pov to mina murray. their sections have some overlap in the timeline, so dracula daily jumps back and forth between their perspectives.
if you want to read the book as bram stoker intended, dracula daily may not be for you. but for a lot of people (myself included!), it breaks up a very long text into easily digestible chunks (....mostly. there is one entry that is 10k words), and the fact that it’s a big project means there are a lot of people reading along with you.
i think there’s also something valuable about experience the slow revelation of wtf is going on along with the characters. the book which you might otherwise get through in a few days is stretched out into months of suspense and agony as you wait for the other shoe to drop, and it’s great.
plus, the whiplash between “jonathan harker’s neverending horror” vs “lucy is basically on the bachelorette” that you get in dracula daily is very very funny.
how do i sign up?
right here! and if you sign up and fall behind in the emails, no worries - the dracula daily website posts past entries so you can catch up.
what if i prefer audiobooks?
have i got great news for you!
like i mentioned before, i couldn’t keep up with the emails last year. part of it is that it is much easier for me to focus on an audiobook or keep up with a podcast than it is for me to sit down and read, especially with longer entries.
this year, there is going to be a podcast titled “re: dracula” that was inspired by dracula daily. every episode will be a dracula daily entry, with a full voice cast! (seriously, if you listen to british podcasts, you will recognize some of these names. the magnus archives and wooden overcoats girlies are WINNING.) you can find that here.
there is also a podcast called “cryptic canticles” that has an already-completed audiodrama of dracula that i’m told is also extremely good, and was also broken up by date. you can find that here.
why do i keep hearing about paprika/the boyfriend squad/lizard fashion/cowboys?
you’ll see.
oh god am i gonna hear about this nerd shit for the rest of the year
yes. sorry.
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slashmagpie · 6 months
Pearl and Gem glance at each other. Then, as one, they glance back at Tango, who is, evidently, not Tango.
“Do we have an amnesiacold on our hands?” Gem asks. 
“Maybe,” says Pearl, glancing back at Tango again. “Tango, buddy, you feeling alright?”
“I—” Tango opens his mouth. Closes it again. “I mean, I’m a little under the weather, to tell you the truth—I ate a South African sausage and it disagreed with me.”
Pearl hums. “And it’s messed with your memory a bit, right?”
“Yes! I mean, no—I mean, how did you—?”
“Would you say that you have a bit of an amnesiacold, Tango?” asks Gem.
“You know. Amnesiacold!” Gem says. “When you get sick and forget everything and feel like somebody else?” 
“Ah.” Tango pulls himself to shore. Frowns. “It’s more of an amnesia-food-poisoning, if I’m honest.”
Pearl winces. “Your poor digestive system.”
“It’s not very nice Pearl, I’ll tell you that much,” Tango says, voice low, one hand pressed against his stomach as he pulls a face.
“Okay, that’s enough, I don’t need to hear about your gut issues,” Gem interrupts. “But—you have an amnesiacold! You know, I was an amnesiacold last season.”
“You mean, you had an amnesiacold?”
“No, I was one.” Gem winks. “Like—Tango has an amnesiacold. But you? You’re the amnesiacold. You know?”
Tango’s shoulders hike up with discomfort. “I don’t know what you’re talking about. I’m Tango. And I think you guys should—should skadoodle somewhere else. Should bother-someone-else-ificate. Begone.” 
“I had an amnesiacold last season, you know,” Pearl says. “Gem was one. You can tell us, buddy, we’re not gonna tell anyone.”
“Promise,” Gem says with a nod. “This is a safe space! You don’t have to pretend to be someone you’re not with us.”
Tango stares at them for a long, long moment, then sags, face falling. He looks exhausted, suddenly, and Pearl feels a rush of sympathy. It can’t be easy, being thrown into the game halfway through, with no context for anything.
“It’s been rough, dudes,” Tango says, voice cracking. “It’s been really really rough. I forgot how hard it was to get anything done on this server! There’s so much chaos, and—”
Not-Tango grins. “In the flesh,” he says with a bow of his head. “Or… not my flesh, exactly.” 
“Ren?” Gem asks, tilting her head in confusion.
“Oh, that’s right, you’ve never met…”
Gem and Ren peer at each other for a moment. “You do look familiar,” Ren says eventually.
“Yeah,” Gem agrees. “I mean, obviously you look familiar—you look like Tango!—but… yeah.” 
They stare at each other for a moment more.
“Maybe we met in a dream?” Ren says at last.
Gem nods. “Sure. Makes as much sense as anything else.”
Pearl glances between them, rocking awkwardly back on her heels. She clears her throat, drawing their attentions back to her. “Welcome back, buddy,” she says to Ren. “Good to see you again.”
“I wish that I could say the same,” Ren says morosely. “I thought I was—I was done, Pearl.” Now that she knows it's Ren, she can hear his cadence in Tango’s voice, voice dropping rough and low with drama as he bows his head. “I was done. No more games, not for the ol’ diggity dog. And now… Here I am!” He laughs a little, stretching out his arms to indicate the server at large. “In a body that’s not mine, in a world I’ve never seen, in a game I do not understand.”
“Oh, Ren…” Pearl frowns. She doesn’t know what to say. 
Gem jumps in. “Hey, it’s okay! It’s just one session, you know? You can do one session!”
“I suppose I must.” Ren looks up at them, jaw tightening. “If I am here—I suppose I must.”
“I’d never been in any of these games before I was Cleo for a bit last season,” Gem says. “So you have an advantage there! And, hey—maybe you can come back next season, and we can meet for real?”
Ren shifts uncomfortably. There’s something heavy hanging about him, something Pearl can’t quite understand. She remembers the last time she’d seen him, skull caved in from the dripstone spike dropped on his head. She remembers her own amnesiacold, the exhaustion that had dragged at her before it had settled in, the memories that had plagued her and just wouldn’t go away. And she wonders—
Just how exhausted would you have to be that your body would have to leave as well as the rest of your self?
Just how sick would you have to be before you didn’t want to come back?
Still, Ren steadies himself. Quirks Tango’s mouth into a smile. “Maybe,” he says, meeting Gem’s gaze. “That would be nice, to meet for real.”
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dreamgrlarchive · 1 year
Dear dream girl, I really want to be my dream girl but I don’t know where to start. I feel unmotivated most of the time and I only get a burst of motivation at like 3 am. I just what to glow and radiate good energy for myself and find/do what I like
Oh, So You Wanna Be a Dream Girl? 🎀
starting your dream girl journey
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Congrats on choosing yourself and your tiara; I am so proud. Prepare to not be liked, to be judged, and to stand out. It’s lonely at the top.
*this guide is for starting the process, not reaching the end result because my version of my own dream girl is inevitably different than yours. bare in mind i’m not holding your hand. i’m nudging you in a good direction.
what is a dream girl?
a dream girl is a girl that has finally fallen in love with who she sees in the mirror. she’s the girl that she can depend on. she has her desired look and she’s on the path to self actualization actively. she’s aware of her branding. she holds herself to the standards she holds other to; and they are HIGH. her self worth isn’t contingent upon a love interest, amount of money, or social status. she’s simply that girl.
do some healing.
yes, i said it. healing. like i’ve said before, you cannot put glitter on literal garbage. that’s not even the slightest bit appealing. you’re gonna journal about your childhood, your biggest influences in life, your biggest fears and how you feel life has treated you. this calls for shadow work. shadow working really helped me figure out some of my toxic traits and how some of the things that were considered normal to me as a child have affected me in the long run. you’re also gonna write hypothetical letters to your loved (and not-so-loved) ones, including yourself. let it all out. say everything you want that person to know. around you or not, dead or alive. prepare to clam up, cry, get angry, feel anxious. good. you should. you feel clammy, hot and sometimes pain when your body is fighting off and healing from a physical sickness. now you’re dealing with the developmental, mental, and emotional parts. you’re doing yourself a disservice choosing to stay the same toxic, nasty, mean, or victimized person you’ve always been.
what do you want?
before you can start to even do the smallest improvements, you have to have a clear goal. or else you’ll just be running around in circles (heh) over grandiose blurry wishful thinking. ultimately resulting in you giving up and choosing to be basic bc it’s easier. what do you want out of life? how do you want to be treated? what do you want to do? what makes you happy? and most importantly, how do you want to feel? see, it’s more than just the frills and glitter. you have to know what you’re trying to get to, internally and externally.
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grab a diary, adorn it with pretty little details and commit to it. pair it with your fav writing utensil. outline all of your goals. every single last one of them. you can categorize them, scale them from short to long term, easy to hard. it doesn’t matter. do absolutely what you want to do to make a concrete record of your goals that’s digestible for you.
what are you going to do?
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*fabulosity by kimora lee simmons*
compare your dream reality to the one you’re currently experiencing. what is she doing that you aren’t? that’s it. do that. anyone can read blogs about the process and other people success stories but those posts aren’t gonna change your life unless you get up and go for what you want. i don’t know what exactly you desire out of life. you do. so you have the instructions for this journey. the first part was easy, this is simple but not nearly as effortless. it’s up to you and not anyone else. you teach others how to treat you. improvements you can make include better: hygiene, self talk/treatment, outward energy, work ethic, discipline, health, consumed content, relationships, looks, habits.
the work
it’s time to apply yourself. get up everyday and actively work towards your goal. be kind to yourself. take yourself to the doctors. get active. eat right. find your passion. DO THE HEALING.
everyone’s journey is SO different so i’m just going to do a quick rundown of the importance of each of the ten facets of your dream girl journey (that build upon each other. ie; looks do not benefit you when your hygiene is insufficient):
*these facets are loosely based on maslow’s hierarchy of needs
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health - are you taking care of yourself? please treat yourself how you would your loved ones. you’ll be surprised how physical issues manifest mentally, and vice versa. get adequate sleep. take baby steps if need be. some of these adjustments may be huge to you. be gracious with your journey.
consumed content - everything you engage in is your diet. the company you keep, food you eat, music you enjoy. you get the idea. do you feel light and ready to take on the day? or do you feel drained and sick more often than not. make some adjustments wherever you see necessary.
hygiene - extremely important. stick to a routine for your hygienic needs. you should have rituals you engage in everyday. don’t forget that your health and hygiene go hand in hand. oral and feminine hygiene is so crazily important. please don’t neglect yourself. i talk about my routines in detail here.
habits - daily habits are so crucial to your lifestyle. adjust these and consciously break your bad habits by supplementing your life with equal and opposite habits.
self talk/treatment - simple. be kind to yourself. hold yourself accountable for flaws and mistakes while loving yourself enough to be patient with the journey of improving.
outward energy - be very aware of the vibes you’re permeating. again this is so a huge determination of how you will be treated and how you will live your life.
work ethic/discipline - it’s gonna take serious accountability to escape the desire to stay comfortable. you have to tell yourself that you deserve *your desired end result* so you will *make specific change/adjustment.* it’s that simple (again simple doesn’t mean easy).
relationships - if you don’t like the way you’re treated by those in your life, those relationships need to be reevaluated. you can make some trims on your circle, have some honest conversations, or adjust your behaviors (because sometimes, YOU are the problem).
passion and career - in order to feel fulfilled in life, we all need a purpose. discover yours. incorporate your passion into your daily life.
looks - develop your signature and hone in on it. looks are very important to your perception (self and public). check out this guide to help with this part. however you wanna feel is how you should display yourself.
be a dream girl!
you’ve discovered all the facets of creating your dream self and reality. now it’s time to apply what you’ve learned. start showing up in life in the fashion you want to be seen in.
that’s it! the rest is up to you!
- xoxo, dreamgrlarchive 🎀
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freds-one-piece-fics · 8 months
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Easy to digest (yandere! Strawhats x reader)
It’s Sanji time 🎉🎊🥳
Sanji is an observant man.
Being observant is an important trait when it comes to being a chef besides knowing how to cook. You have to make sure the food is prepared as it should be, otherwise it becomes inedible.
Sanji’s great observation skills weren’t being used on food this time…
It is you who has his attention, and he can’t help but notice how little you consume from your plate… if at all.
He may be caught up with the moss head’s rude remarks towards him, but he never missed how you nibble on whatever was on your plate before placing your fork down.
He also didn’t miss the scrunched up look on your face, showing poorly veiled disgust.
At first, he thought the worst.
He thought it was his cooking.
It had to be! Someone as perfect as you couldn’t handle his unworthy plate of sludge!
But then you made yourself a sandwich the following day despite Sanji insisting on making it for you, and your face contorted go that same disgusted expression.
As you left the barely eaten sandwich to go to the bathroom, he thought to himself.
…Was there something wrong with the food supply? Perhaps something spoiled and it wasn’t necessarily his cooking?
A small flicker of hope was visible in the blonde chef’s eyes as the thought of your disgust wasn’t a result of him.
So with that, he checked the food, the dates, the portions and cleanliness, but he found nothing out of the ordinary.
Perhaps the dishes weren’t cleaned well and it got old food residue in his cooking? He already cleans everything top to bottom… but he’ll be more thorough if it means you finally finish a plate he makes.
Present day…
Tonight’s dinner was simple but flavorful.
Sanji cooked to the right amount of time and at the right temperature. The seasoning was reasonable but gave the food enough flavor to satisfy everyone’s taste buds.
Everyone dug in immediately, never disappointed with the food that is made by Sanji, while you stared at your plate, noting the contents as you moved some food away with a fork to view the insides.
Finally, you grabbed your knife and cut a slice out of the juicy chicken before bringing it to your lips.
You nibbled some of the juicy chicken and roasted carrots before offering the rest of your food to Luffy, who smiled broadly at you.
“Is something wrong with the food, (y/n)-chwan?”
You looked away from Luffy to stare at Sanji, who sat across from you. Everyone at the table piped down a little to listen not so subtly, adding to the pit in your stomach.
“No, Sanji. The food is great.” You stated matter of factly.
“That’s a relief! Are you gonna finish?” He tilted his head while smiling enthusiastically.
“I’m not that hungry. I ate.” You said dismissively.
“Don’t shit in our mouths and call it chocolate cake, you didn’t eat anything this morning.” Zoro snorted.
Sanji scowled at the greenette before he grabbed his polished shoe off his foot and chucked it at Zoro, nailing him in the forehead. While Zoro fell over, grabbing his head in pain, Sanji turned and smiled warmly at your stunned face.
“Zoro is right, you haven’t eaten today, (Y/n)-chwan-“
“-The FUCK!?” Zoro hissed out, but Sanji ignored him.
“-you should put some food in that tummy of yours.” Sanji finished in a lovey dovey tone before snapping his head towards Luffy.
Luffy paused midway, almost touching the tip of the chicken on your plate with his finger before retracting his arm in disappointment.
You looked between Luffy and Sanji before gulping and picking up your fork.
“…I’ll try to eat.”
Nami and Chopper glanced at you worriedly, Chopper being more so nervous as you took a bite.
Despite you finally eating his food, Sanji couldn’t help but find your reluctance a bit off putting. You clearly weren’t telling him something, and it bothered him…
Everyone continued on eating and fighting off Luffy while Sanji stared at you intently. He wouldn’t be able to watch you for long though, as Zoro didn’t forget the shoe that was thrown at his head…
Nobody seen you come out of the lounge for an hour.
While Luffy, Chopper, and Usopp tried playing a game without you involved, they were visibly becoming bored and restless without you there.
Everyone was up to their own business, trying to find something distracting on this lazy day. Everyone… except Sanji.
He was in the lounge with you, cleaning the dishes while you helped him silently.
Although the rushing of water from the sink prevented most tiny sounds from being heard, it didn’t hide the strange gurgling coming from your stomach.
At first, Sanji assumed that maybe you were still hungry. But the moment he entertained the idea of preparing a second plate, you shut him down with a horrified “no!”, which was followed by you correcting your tone.
This once again made Sanji think that his food was the problem, and it didn’t help that your face turning an unhealthy color…
Oh shit.
Sanji quickly turned to study your face more closely. While you were focused on scrubbing the food off the plate, your hands were shivering violently as your (s/c) flesh gained an unhealthy hue.
“(Y/n), are you ok?” Sanji asked despite knowing the obvious.
You opened your mouth to speak before your body wrenched forward. Your bandaged hand quickly covered your mouth as you turned to the trash can before gripping the edges and vomiting into it.
Sanji was quick to rush to your side as you shook violently. You were spitting, gagging, and vomiting until there was nothing left, leaving your stomach empty and twisted.
The entire time, Sanji rubbed your back and comforted you. He was naturally grossed out by the vomit, but his worry and guilt overpowered that instinctual disgust tenfold.
‘I forced them to eat that sludge I dare called lunch…’ he thought to himself.
Something must be wrong with the food! The way he cooks! Everything!
As carefully as he could, he led you to a chair to settle in while he poured you a glass of cold water.
Sweat was forming on your face as your leg bounced. Sanji immediately approached you and leaned over to swipe the hair out of your face, completely unbothered by the sweat sticking to his hand.
“…I’m sorry, Sanji…”
Sanji’s heart melted more than it already did as he gently placed the glass on the table.
“Oh (Y/n), it was my fault for feeding you that garbage. I clearly didn’t make any of my food even close to being edible, so don’t be sorry for my own ignorance.” Sanji said sweetly.
“Your food is amazing, Sanji. I just can’t handle food in general.” You sighed.
You were feeling relief as the stomach upset passed slowly, but it left a sickly pit in your stomach… one that needed to be filled with food.
“What do you mean by that?” Sanji asked.
“I… I have what you’d call a sensitive stomach.” You smiled sheepishly, rubbing the back of your head.
“I basically can’t handle any heavy foods, greasy food, milk, bread… super salty food…” you covered your face with your hand.
“Your food is delicious… but some of it has stuff I can’t keep down…” you finished.
Sanji blinked once. Twice. Three times.
…that’s it?
A sensitive tummy?
That’s why you couldn’t keep your food down?
“With all due respect, (Y/n)-chwan… Why didn’t you tell me this? I could’ve made you a dish specifically for your dietary needs.” He asked gently, trying not to guilt you.
“You already work so hard to provide amazing food and you have a ship full of people to feed, I couldn’t stack strict requirements on that.” You muttered.
Sanji’s heart swelled at that.
“Oh (Y/n)-chwan, you’re so thoughtful and generous! I’m happy you keep my well-being in mind~” he swooned.
“…but that won’t stop me from making you a dish fit for your needs. What kind of chef would I be if I can’t serve suitable meals for all walks of life?” He frowned a little before replacing it with his usual smile.
“Now! Sit right there, drink that glass of water, and relax! I’ll whip you something up fit for your belly!”
“Wait, Sanji. You don’t have-“
“(Y/n)… you must eat.” Sanji said with a hint of something in his voice that you couldn’t quite decipher.
“Now tell me… what it is you can digest.”
I’m so sorry for the long wait. Truly.
No excuse other than procrastination.
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glorified-red · 1 year
I'm seeing all the hate The Sun & The Star is getting on this hellsite and its so obvious that people aren't reading this book for what it is.
It's literally a children's novel written for children. The book is supposed to be easily digestible and stupid and explicitly written because kids books are supposed to be completely laid out.
Rick has always written dorky things in his books but he has also prioritized writing about real world issues and struggles. He's written about trauma, abuse, PTSD, depression, anxiety, etc. For years.
So here he is writing about deep rooted insecurities and self-doubt and learning to accept all those dark parts of yourself as well as others, AND tackling internalized homophobia and queer struggles, and we're upset the book is too focused on the relationship?
The entire point of this book is to teach the audience how to navigate a rocky relationship with compassion and understanding. It's showing that relationships aren't perfect, you can be upset with your partner and your partner can be upset with you but the point is that you talk about it and you try to do better.
Is it such a bad thing for young teens to be learning this?
Is it such a bad thing for them to see that love is effort? And can and will be flawed and that's okay??
This is the first time we've seen this topic discussed by Rick and I've never seen a book tackle this topic because we always see the Hollywood depiction of love---yet that's unrealistic.
This is showing that love can be flawed but still be oh so beautiful. That you can be traumatized and still worthy of love.
And I am so proud of Rick and Mark for not only showing a healthy attempt at a relationship but also showing countless times that those lessons apply to any relationship. They put significant stress on platonic and familial relationships and how that love is also effort, compassion, and understanding.
Yes, it focused on Solangelo a lot.
Yes, it had soooo many flaws that even I cringed and got disappointed at times.
But the fact that we got a book that finally lets two characters talk about their feelings is incredible, and the fact that this new generation gets this book??
If I had a book like this when I was young, showing me how to navigate conflict and that relationships CAN be hard?? My god, the healing that lesson could have done.
Perspective is everything for this book. Hell, perspective was everything in HoO. It showed that how characters are perceived is very different from how they perceive themselves.
Leo was literally always shown as comedic relief and nothing more until we saw how incredibly lonely and sad that kid was from his point of view.
Percy was always said to be intimidating and powerful, but in his perspective, he's a kid who has no clue what he's doing.
So yea, in this book, it may seem like these characters have shifted, but once again, Rick is relying so heavily on perspective.
Nico was edgy and depressed for as long as we knew him, even in BoO when we first got his POV. But now that he's accepted, loved, and healing, why are we getting mad that he's a dork again---how he was before all the trauma? Why are we mad that Nico is growing and healing and becoming himself again because he feels safe enough to do so.
Ofc he's gonna feel different than how he was written a canon year ago.
And this is the first time we've had Wills perspective. He's always been seen as this sunshine happy character but we FINALLY get some acknowledgement that he's deeply terrified. He's shown as a leader and camp counselor but he's got anxiety written in his bones.
He felt like a burden this book because he's a healer. He's absolutely terrified to be a fighter and yet we got to see him become one in his own way. He was out of his element but he was trying.
Because he's so goddamn afraid of losing someone else.
Call Will an asshole all you want, but Nico had been to Tartarus and the Underworld more times than he could count.
Will is literally walking into a place he's never been to before and is the complete opposite of anything he's ever known---for Nico. The comments he makes about plants and lack of sunshine? It wasn't him being a dick, he was him being genuinely confused because hes only ever known earth logic.
If I saw flowers blooming in a pitch black room I'd be a little confused too. He says the Underworld is depressing because it's literally draining his energy.
You yell at Will for not being open-minded yet won't comment on the fact that Nico hardly made an attempt either. Nico could have been more understanding about the fact that Will, a guy who's exploring this place that's slowly killing him, might not like the place at first because he doesn't understand it.
Because Will wanted to understand.
And the second Will finally began to understand the beauty of the Underworld, he was nothing but supportive.
You get mad at Will for making mistakes yet refuse to acknowledge that he learned from them.
The Sun & The Star tackled a hard topic that doesn't get talked about often. It portrayed a queer relationship and it emphasized characters who learned and grew. It's different from other Rick books because that was the point. (And it wasn't just Rick writing it)
This book was about accepting change within yourself and "daring to be different."
And the fact that you can't even accept a book that does the same just shows that the lessons this book taught went straight over your head.
I've never been more disappointed in this fandom. We begged for this book. We begged for queer representation. Yet here we are criticizing every little thing about it as if we aren't lucky to be getting this book in the first place---a book about two side characters.
This book had soooo many flaws but it wasn't a bad book.
Isn't that the point of it all? To love something even though it's flawed? That flaws dont necessarily mean it's broken and bad forever?
It's okay to hate a book.
That doesn't mean it's a bad book.
It just wasn't for you.
There are dozens of other books in this fandom to love and cherish, but don't hate this book just because it's different from what we're used to.
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tasteleeknow · 1 year
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pairing: minho x fem!reader genre: smut, fluff. content: 18+ only. warnings below cut. word count: 2k
summary: you go on a camping trip with your boyfriend. he cooks for you the whole trip and you show him how grateful you are. praise, hands—everything you’d expect. don’t look at me.
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afab!reader. profanity. unprotected intercourse. hand kink. finger sucking. praise kink. consensual somnophilia.
The flames dance in front of you, pulling you into a trance only Minho’s voice breaks you out of. “Are you hungry?” he says, reaching forward to poke at the burning logs with a stick. 
“Hm? Oh, a bit.” 
He stands, draping his jacket over your shoulders. “I’ll start dinner,” he says, pressing a kiss to the top of your head. You look back to the flames, zoning out again as your boyfriend shuffles around you. 
Fires had a similar effect on you as trains. Much like when you stared out the window on a long journey, the orange flames would pull you deep into your thoughts—contemplating your life, fantasising about what you’d like it to be. You’d been on a train the day you met your boyfriend, staring at the rolling fields as you imagined a life where you weren’t completely alone. He’d dropped into the seat across from you with no warning, no big announcement—as if he was just another stranger and not the person you’d come to love more than anyone else in the world. 
He’d sat there reading a book, totally oblivious to your inner turmoil. Talk to the cute boy, you’d repeated to yourself, over and over and over. It wasn’t until he looked up suddenly from his book—trapping you in direct eye contact—that you’d been forced to act. He was gracious as you stuttered out a poor attempt at friendly conversation, politely answering your questions about his book, about where he was going. You’re grateful everyday for the length of that trip, giving you more than enough time to settle your nerves and get to know him properly.
“You solving world hunger?” he says now, snapping you out of your trance again. He waves a hand in front of your face, a fond half smile pulling the corner of his mouth up. He hands you a bowl of spaghetti. 
“Thank you.” 
“Are you? Thankful,” he teases, taking a seat in his own camping chair next to you. You look up from your bowl, giving him a questioning look. “How are you going to show me your gratitude?” he continues, leaning towards you. 
“Thank you SO much.” 
“You’ll have to do better than that if you want breakfast.” 
You suck in a breath, putting on a shocked expression. “You’d keep breakfast from me?” 
“Don’t test me.” 
You lean back in your chair, pulling your legs up so you can eat comfortably. “Let me think about it.” 
He leans back, nodding in satisfaction as he digs into his own food. “Good,” he mumbles around a mouthful. You smile to yourself, amused by his obvious desire for praise making a reappearance. It didn’t matter how many times you teased him for it, he couldn’t help himself. 
You sit around the fire as you both digest, discussing everything from your plans for tomorrow to the concept of gravity. When he stretches his arms above his head, a yawn following his low groan, you take it as a sign it’s time for bed. He showers as you clean up. That was your routine. He cooked, you cleaned. 
By the time you’ve showered as well he’s comfortable in bed, reading a book. He looks up from the pages, catching you staring at him. “What?” he asks, dropping the paperback into his lap. 
“You were reading when we met.” 
He laughs. “C’mere,” he says, pulling the blankets back so you can crawl in beside him. You attach to his side, arms wrapped around him. “You gonna reminisce everytime I open a book?” 
“Only if we’ve been in close proximity to a fire or a train,” you mutter. He doesn’t question you, shuffling you both down the bed and pulling the covers over you. You reach out to flick the bedside light off before pressing back into his body, his arms holding you tightly against him. 
You’re both quiet for a moment, taking in the stillness. “Can you hear that?” you whisper, the sounds of nature surrounding your tent. His arms tighten around you. 
“You scared?” 
“What if a bug gets in?” 
You lift his hand to fiddle with his fingers and then begin tracing your finger over his prominent veins. “I might get a bit scared,” you confess. 
“Mm? I’ll protect you.” 
“So brave,” you say, smiling at the memory of him yelping as a beetle crawled across his shoe a few hours earlier. 
“Have you thought about how you’re gonna thank me?” he mumbles, lips pressed to your skin. The warmth from his body spreads through you to your heart, beating steadily in your chest. His requests for praise always filled you with a soft fondness, weakening you until you gave in. Always. You press your hips back against him. 
“You can wake me,” you whisper. 
“Hm? Wake you?” 
You’re quiet, waiting for him to catch on. One of his palms moves up to your chin, turning your head so he can see your face. “Like on my birthday?” he asks, the almost childish hopefulness in his tone pulling a smile onto your face. 
“Yeah,” you confirm, “like your birthday.” He presses his lips to yours roughly, a groan accompanying his kiss. You turn towards him, pressing your chest to his so you can wrap yourself around him properly. 
“I’ll cook every night,” he mutters into your mouth, hand reaching down to grip your ass—pulling you against him more. You giggle, pressing your hands to his chest so you can detach from him. He resists at first, then relents. 
“Don’t get too excited,” you say, tracing his plush lips with your finger. “I have to sleep first.” 
“Are you tired?” 
You press one last kiss to his lips then turn around so he can wrap himself around you again. “Goodnight,” you whisper, lifting his hand from your waist to kiss his knuckles. He hums in response, burying his face in your hair. 
You wake to a hand stroking your hair from your face, lips pressed to the skin behind your ear. Why those are the sensations you're first conscious of and not the heavy cock sliding between your legs, you don’t know. “‘Got you all slippery, baby. You slept through it…massaged it all over your pretty little pussy for you,” he mumbles into your skin. You feel it, the wetness between your legs, the inside of your thighs. The bottle of lube sits unassuming on the bedside table. 
He turns your face towards him, your eyes still bleary from sleep—blinking slowly as you attempt to wake properly. “What time is it?” you whisper against his lips. 
“S’only been an hour… couldn’t wait,” he mutters, pressing messy kisses across your lips. “Too pretty…and soft…and warm.” 
He rocks his hips back and forth against you, his hot cock sliding against your cunt easily. You turn your head from his, pressing your face into the pillow to muffle your whine. 
“Shhhhh, gotta stay quiet,” he says, one of his hands moving to wrap around your neck. You lift your face from the pillow, concentrating on staying quiet as he rocks against you. You don’t last long, small sounds slipping from your throat as the throbbing builds between your legs. His hand moves to cover your mouth, his warm skin against your lips. 
“Someone might hear, baby. Might hear those pretty little noises, hm? Getting woken up by cock. I know it’s a lot, yeah? So good for me.” 
You roll your hips, helping him move against you. His hand over your mouth doesn’t do much to muffle the noises you can’t hold back. He gives up, hand moving to your hips to help guide you as he finally sinks into you—the filthy stretch drawing out sounds from you both. 
You grab one of his hands, pulling his fingers to your mouth and wrapping your lips around him. He bottoms out, holding still as you both savour the feeling. He pulls his finger from your mouth, hand moving down to grasp one breast—wet finger flicking over your nipple. You attempt to grab his hand and pull it back to your mouth. He resists. 
“You want my fingers, baby?” 
“Lo-love them.” 
“Yeah?” he breathes, hips beginning little movements against you—drawing his cock in and out slightly. 
“So much,” you whisper. “So pretty…distracting…want them in my mouth all the time.” 
He trails his finger up your throat, pulling his cock almost completely out of your cunt as he goes. The tip of his finger presses between your lips, then he sinks in—both his cock and finger pressing inside you simultaneously. “Like this?” he mutters. You feel like the breath is knocked from your lungs, needing a moment to gather your thoughts enough to respond. 
Then, you nod, moaning around his finger as he begins fucking you slowly. “You suck me in so well, mm?” he mutters and you wonder if he’s talking about his finger or his cock. Both? You close your eyes, wanting to focus entirely on the feeling of him. “Can feel your hot little tongue… so wet,” he continues, breath hitching when you clench against him. “Fuck.” 
You pull your lips from his finger, turning your head so you can attach your lips to his again. “Love you,” you mumble, “so much.” 
He smiles against your lips then rolls you over, pressing your chest into the mattress as he covers you with his body. His finger finds your lips again, asking for entrance. You kiss the tip then welcome him in, humming around him as he fucks you deep. 
“Gotta keep you quiet…” His breath tickles your neck as he mutters into your shoulder. “...keep sucking my finger while I fill you, hm?” You hum around him. “Good girl…my good girl.” 
Your  focus slips the longer he fucks into you, your mouth eventually falling slack. He slips a second finger between your lips and begins pressing them in and out slowly. “Min,” you mumble around his fingers, struggling to stop your mind slipping away completely. 
“Mm? What is it, baby?” 
You gasp as he pulls back and fucks hard and deep once more, his skin slapping against yours. Then he stills, waiting for your response—his wet fingers tracing over your lips. “Th-thank you,” you manage to get out between shallow breaths. 
“For what?” he asks, his own breath shallow from exertion. 
“For…for taking care of me…” 
He hums, encouraging you to continue. 
“...for fucking me…” 
His fingers press into your mouth again before retreating. 
“...loving me,” you finish. 
He presses his lips to the skin behind your ear. “Don’t need to thank me for that…” he mutters, “just love me back.” 
“Lo-Love you…do…I do.” 
“I know,” he says, pressing one last kiss to your neck before his hips move again—much faster now. His fingers move back to your mouth, not moving anymore—his focus elsewhere. He works himself up, both of you nonverbal now—focused on the feeling of each other. 
When he suddenly pulls back, body lifting off you—a second of panic ripples through your chest at the loss of him. Then his arms wrap around you, pulling you back with him. He fucks you on his lap, wet fingers relocating from your mouth to circle your clit. When you reach your high he pushes you back down onto the bed, fucking into you fast and hard until he joins you. His final moan is high and drawn out, much too loud for where you were and the time of night. You don’t care, a fucked out smile spreading across your face as he collapses beside you. 
When your panting breaths return to normal, and the sounds of nature are the dominant sounds again, you push yourself up on your elbows so you can lean over and kiss his lips gently. “Good?” he asks. 
“Good,” you answer. 
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please reblog and share your thoughts. caption, tags, replies, or ask box, i read it all. feedback is what motivates me to write more!
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cerise-on-top · 6 months
Playing Stardew Valley
One of my favorite games of all time. More headcanons, this time on what it's like to play SDV with the majority of the main cast. I think these can be read as platonic or romantic too. The only real mention of a romantic relationship is in Gaz' section, but even then it's just a "if you're in this scenario then that happens". SFW and gender neutral, obviously. The characters are the ones I usually write about, so no Makarov, for example.
Price: To no one’s surprise he’s not actually much of a gamer, at all. If the choice was up to him then the two of you would likely be spending your days somewhere outside. However, it’s not too hard to convince him to play with you on stormy days. The game is relaxing, it’s nice, he won’t have to worry about gunshots for once. Despite maybe having heard of it before and nothing else, he’d come to like it after some time. Most of his time is spent on the farm and in town, it takes him some time to find the mines. Loves getting to pat the animals, watering the crops and making the farm look nice. He makes sure that everything is going well so you can go hunt monsters in the mines or mine ore there. He doesn’t go overboard with the money either, so as long as you don’t constantly buy expensive things you’ll always have a good chunk of money.
Gaz: His name is Kyle, it’s in his blood to be a gamer. But Stardew Valley isn’t what he usually goes for in his spare time. However, as long as you’re playing it together you can be sure he’s gonna say yes. Despite being pretty good with money normally, he loses count of how much he has in game and sometimes wants to buy things he can’t afford anymore. But he always promises you that you’re gonna get it back. Gaz is also the kind to bring you all sorts of gifts, regardless of whether you asked him to or not. If you’re dating he’ll call it him “trying to gain relationship points”. His end goal is to marry you, in that case. Despite being resourceful he sometimes forgets to water your crops and pat the animals when he’s in a hurry with a quest. If you don’t take care of it, then you can be sure your crops will wither from time to time. Doesn’t mean for that to happen and will buy new seeds. It’s a vicious cycle. 
Ghost: Rolls his eyes and asks you why when you bring up the idea of playing with him. He’s got better things to do, actually, but he can be convinced to play if you annoy him enough. Afterwards he’ll come to enjoy the game, it is a great source of escapism, after all. Unlike Gaz, he will never forget about your crops or your animals and will always take care of them. Even money-wise it will be you who spends most of it. His favorite activity would be foraging. He knows quite a bit about survival and, if you ask him about it, he’s more than happy to divulge some information and give you some tips if it ever came down to it. Every time he sees your character running up to him with some gift he’ll roll his eyes, but appreciate it nevertheless. It wasn’t often that he got presents when he was younger, so now as an adult he’s quite happy, even if it’s just within a silly game.
Soap: Will probably laugh a little when you bring up the game, but is willing to play it with you. It’s not the most exciting game to play to him, but he gets to chat with you over something easy to digest that doesn’t require him to make a million decisions per minute. However, please let him name the animals, he loves doing so. Yes, they will end up with silly names, but he just tries to get you to laugh. Soap does get attached to them, though. Loves being in the mines and slaying the monsters there, he gets to feel powerful as he cuts through slime and mine some ore. Every once in a while he’ll fall unconscious, though, because he forgets about the stamina bar. During those few seconds of loading screens he loves to annoy you. Or when he’s already in bed for once and waiting for you to do the same. Poking you, throwing popcorn at you or something else, he can be a nincompoop in the most loving way possible.
Alejandro: Because he has such a high rank, there’s a chance you won’t get to see him that often. And during those few and short times you do get to see each other? He’s more than happy to indulge you in anything you like. You wanna play a funny farming sim? Of course you can! He loves it because of the setting. A pretty rounded guy, he does just about anything, except maybe fishing. He’s not a big fan of that minigame at all. Everything else is fair game. Once you have the kitchen unlocked he’s more than happy to make you a home-cooked meal every morning so you won’t run out of stamina on your adventures. The game makes him very happy, so much even that he’ll make the suggestion you play together eventually. It’s his mission to pet the animals every day. Please let him discover giant crops, he’ll love it and try to get as many as possible. Gets very into the game and its domesticity, but he’ll leave the decoration of the farm and the house to you.
Rodolfo: He’s a bit skeptical at first since he isn’t much of a gamer and the game sounds somewhat boring to him. The first few days actually are to him, but once he’s gotten the hang of it, he loves the game. Every day, he hopes you’ll ask him to play it with you. Heck, if he has the time, chances are he’ll invite Alejandro to play it with you two as well. Another all-rounder, he does everything he is asked to do, except he loves the fishing minigame. He’s also insanely good at it, the legendary fish got nothing on him. While he does simply follow you around for the most part, especially if you’re in the mines together, he has a good time doing so. Plenty of gifts from either of you for the other, you try to make sure the other feels appreciated. For the most part, he forgets that you can eat to replenish your stamina and will sometimes complain about it running out so quickly, until he discovers he can simply lie down in bed. His favorite activity is fishing with you while you’re talking about anything and everything. Loves playing into the night with you if neither of you have anywhere to be.
Valeria: Scoffs at you when you bring it up. However, once you’ve bought her the game she’ll at the very least give it a try. It’s surprisingly nice to her. Valeria can be a bit competitive, however, so don’t be surprised if she mentions how much money you suddenly have. On those few days she actually has some downtime for once, she’s willing to play it with you. Be warned, though: She has looked up guides on how to be successful in the game and make lots and lots of money. She may be a businesswoman, but she does try to purchase all the upgrades she can for you. Yes, she calls you out on using a lot of money, yes, she’ll also wring out every piece of gold she can find to get you that lovely little couch you want. Go ahead and make her some food every once in a while. It may just be a game, but she’ll remember that gesture. Do that regularly enough and she’ll just take you out to eat at a fancy restaurant, with her paying, of course. If she finds out about giant crops on her own without guides, she’ll simply stare at the cauliflower for a good two minutes before laughing a bit. For some reason, she finds it funny.
Graves: Has heard about the game, refuses to play it because he deems it childish and boring. Tries to dislike it and complain about it while playing with you, but once he sees how much you enjoy it and how much heart and soul has actually been poured into it, he’ll seem neutral, but likes it in secrecy. Like Valeria, he tries to make as much money as possible to show off how competent and good he is at the farming game. While he tries his best to get as much iridium ore as possible, the thought of cleaning up his farm doesn’t cross his mind even once. The animals get to roam freely, the crops will usually be fine, though. He loves having lots of silos, coops and barns because it seems home-y to him. He’s from the south, he grew up with animals and thus loves them, which is why he also enjoys having as many cows as possible. The fact that they look cute is just an added bonus. While playing, his cocky demeanor disappears a bit and he becomes more smiley as well. Point it out to him and he’ll outright deny it. He likes the game, but he’d rather be put in the electric chair than say that out loud.
Alex: The game seems fine to him, a lovely little break from having to worry about getting shot at any moment. He’s more than happy to play it with you and needs no convincing whatsoever, you just need to tell him what the game is about. He immediately falls in love with it and the very first thing he does is try to get a chicken coop. He saw them and knew he needed ten. The joy he felt when he found out he could name his chicken things like “Sweetie” or “Honey” was something else. He gets creative with those cute names too, especially if you like them as well. He’s a bit lost on what to do at first since he usually carries out orders others give him, but if you tell him to explore the map he’ll report back on his finds with excitement. He’s also fairly keen on befriending the townsfolk and tells you about all the events. Another thing he’s rather attentive to is the soundtrack. Once he’s heard the fall themes he’ll listen to the OST when doing the dishes or cleaning. Unlike Graves, Alex will outright tell you how happy he is that he gets to play the game with you. He loves it and he’s glad he gets to spend this time with you, doing simple farming chores.
Farah: For the sake of this we’ll pretend she’ll actually have the time to play the game with you every once in a while. It’s calming, it’s distracting, it’s escapism in its purest form. Farah needs fairly little convincing to play the game, especially if you bought it for her. It’s worth a try in her eyes, if she doesn’t enjoy it she can just tell you. It’s a bit weird to her at first, she’s so used to there being death and destruction all around her pretty much all the time, she’s just waiting for something to happen. But when you assure her that the worst thing in the game is the dragon enemy, she relaxes. Even while playing she tries to be efficient. Someone needs to tend to the crops, the animals and the townsfolk while the other goes foraging, fighting monsters and mining. I think she would enjoy the forest farm the most. Urzikstan doesn’t have the most flora, so it’s a nice change of scenery for her. The more she plays, the more she relaxes, but she does give you orders from time to time. As mentioned before, she likes spending time with the townsfolk and helping them out when they need it. The community center is finished within the first year as quickly as possible and the following cutscene warms her heart. Needless to say, she likes the game and likes playing it with you.
Laswell: Some convincing is needed in her case, but once you tell her about how it’s your favorite game, regardless of whether it’s true or not, she’ll cave in. While she has heard about the game every once in a while, she didn’t think she’d ever play it. Despite knowing nothing about it other than its premise, she’s actually pretty good at it from the get go. She always keeps an eye on her stamina, she always takes some food with her, and she gains money fairly quickly as well. Other than that she’s also fairly lucky, finding diamonds and prismatic shards comparatively easily. Despite getting the hang of the game quickly, she cannot do the fishing minigame to save her life and will openly complain about it. While you’re working on the community center she’ll leave all the fishing up to you. But other than that she loves the soundtrack as well. She won’t listen to it outside of the game, but if she ever hears any of the songs she’s immediately reminded of your small gaming sessions together and smiles. Laswell also found the giant Junimo plushie in the bushes on accident in spring of her first year without consulting any guide and to this day you don’t know how.
Nikolai: He knows about the game, plenty of people he knows play it, but it was never something he was interested in. Then you came and asked him to play it with you, and who was he to deny you such an innocent request? He may not be a gamer, but he’s confident enough in his abilities to suggest you two choose the monster farm. A lot of his time is spent slaying enough monsters to get all the rewards, that’s his goal. While he doesn’t do a lot of farming, he barely even buys any seeds unless he has to or you ask him to, he’s always somewhere on the map, exploring and foraging. His pockets are usually filled to the brim with stones, ores, gems and monster loot. His favorite challenge is getting to floor 100 in the Skull Cavern. He knows about the staircases, but he doesn’t use more than 10 of them. He can be a show off, he wants you to know that, despite not being the youngest anymore, he’s still very capable. Your animals bear Russian names. No Cyrillic used, just the way the words are spelt in Latin letters. If you don’t know any Russian, then he won’t tell you what the names mean. If you do know Russian then you’ll find that the chicken is simply named “chicken”.
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whalesforhands · 7 months
digest your feelings pt.11 (finale) (satosugu x reader)
previous masterlist END
warnings: none, just fluff. and a sign off from a whale at the end
“Why… Do you even like me?” The night breeze gently brushes your face, your eyes staring up at the night sky above you.
A sight you haven’t seen in so long. Despite being out of the prison of your mind, you still shackle yourself to it.
“Like I said,” The botamochi that had initially been pressed against your lips leaves. “Liking you doesn’t need a reason.” Satoru is frowning as he leans down closer to you, arms folding over your torso as he wraps himself around you from behind, your front pressed against the railing of the balcony.
“You sure you don’t want a piece? The kids are gonna finish it off before you can even blink.”
(And you need to eat more.)
A strangely serene night despite everything that had happened today. The kids asleep within their parents’ master bedroom, yourself sneaking off soon after you ensured all of them were meant to be fast asleep, passed out.
(You didn’t account for how the men would be monitoring your every move. That’s how you’re here— Satoru right by your side as Suguru prepares some tea inside.)
Your newly acquired scar doesn’t burn, doesn’t hurt. Doesn’t feel like much. Not compared to what you feel inside.
You ignore his question, resolve growing inside you as you grit your teeth and spit out your vile thoughts.
“I— I have no idea what to do in this life.” You’re unsure, unable to make decisions. You don’t deserve to be standing here with them. You think your revival was a mistake.
He keeps quiet, but his arms are tightening up, his body pressing itself closer to you as you feel his chin rest upon your head. He’s listening.
The railing never looked more interesting compared to the cloudless night sky.
“I don’t have any direction other than being a jujutsu sorcerer. I know I have to save— Others. Because I can. Because I’m one of the ones capable of doing that—“
But you can’t even do that well.
You’re so lost. You don’t know where to go, what to do. Who are you, even? Is that all you are? A jujutsu sorcerer.
Exactly what are you getting at, spouting all this nonsense? What is compelling you to speak so freely, so nonsensically?
“What if you find me… boring? What if after—“ You pause to suck in a breath as your voice dies into a whisper, realization dripping into your tone as you listen to yourself. “What if after a while you get tired of me and want to get rid of me…? I-I’m not—“ Suguru. Not Satoru. You’re neither of them. Neither of these perfect pieces of a whole.
He opens his mouth to reply, but you shut him out, cut him off.
“What if you don’t like who I really am?”
Ahh— Rattling off about your insecurities, those creeping little thoughts about yourself in efforts to make yourself less attractive. Less appealing to him. What were you aiming for? Satoru kicking you out and asking you to leave? Him saying he never really liked you? Him admitting that he’s only doing this out of pity? Maybe you really were better off dead.
You hear a huff of exasperation from above you, feel his body dropping even more of his weight onto you as you blank out silently, letting him simply hold you.
Maybe this will be the last time. Maybe he finally realizes you aren’t what he imagined you to be. You were gone for— How long? Nevertheless, it should be long enough for them to conjure an image of ‘you’.
Meeting expectations were never your strongpoint.
There’s a hum from him, his fingers tapping against the fabric of the shirt Suguru had gotten out of the closet for you to wear. One of theirs.
“You think too much.”
He’s thankful, really. That you’re starting to talk. To start speaking your mind more. But what exactly can he do to make you realise what he has been learning, knowing for years?
There’s a beat. Before he whirls you around to face him, to face those blue eyes that you’ve been denied of seeing. His forehead is pressed against yours in intimate proximity, soft skin against your own as the shadows of your surroundings highlighted the crystalline jewels meeting yours.
“I wish you could see yourself the way I do, you know? You’re so dumb sometimes.”
…is he insulting you? You can’t tell, not when the shine of his lips catch your attention, the pull, lull of his intrinsic charm that your heart jumps up at.
He’s cute. And he notices your charmed gaze.
(Too soon. He doesn’t want to scare you away again.)
“By the way!” His arm is holding you close just as he wills himself to pull away from you, separating yourselves before he unforgivingly escalates the situation. Your eyes meet with your own reflection staring back at you from… A cellphone lacking the usual buttons you were used to.
“Gonna show Utahime your pretty face!” His cheek is squished against yours as you blink up at the modern item.
…where’s the honourifics? Where is the ‘senpai’ at the end…?
“She’s soooo gonna freak when she finds out you came back to life after 6 years.”
You nearly choke on the air you just breathed in, in time with the sliding of the balcony door, Shoko dressed down in casual clothing and carrying a large bag with her.
“Hi.” It’s almost excited, the undertone of giddy happiness masked by her cool exterior, a hand on her hip as she watches Gojo snap more and more shots of yourself and him. Together. “Suguru let me in. I wanted to see you— Again.”
Her smile is radiant. Her eyebags a little lighter. “I brought you undergarments. And a few necessities. I don’t trust them.” Her face reveals her excitement, her relaxed posture, hee brimming gait. You just don’t understand how long it has been since she could confidently pick up an item and think of you you you.
(You’d be blushing up a storm if she had seen the sheer amount of clothing presented to you after you had stepped out the bath.)
“Huhhhhh?” Gojo’s leaning against you, pulling you closer to him as his hands spider across your upper back protectively, his smugness radiating off of him in waves. “You haven’t seen the collection Suguru and I bought then! It’s wayyyy better than whatever you have—!”
“Satoru… Be a gentleman.” Suguru appears, a tray of tea held within his hands as he appears, blankets tucked onto his arm as Shoko politely takes a cup of tea.
(Anyone would need it after having to stand within 2 metres of Gojo Satoru.)
“Suguru…” You can hear him intake a sharp breath at the mention of his name from your lips. The tray clanking down onto the nearby glass surface of a miniature table, Gojo gently pushing you forward and near the warmth of Geto, ensuring to not expose your skin to the night before he departs to sip at the sugary abomination created by his beloved. (Specially made just to cater to his tastes.)
“It’s wonderful that you’re— Saying my name.” The flutters in his heart refuse to still. “Though, I’d appreciate it if it weren’t with such dejection.”He stares into your eyes, adjusting the blanket as it flutters around you to keep you warm, the quiet banter between Shoko and Satoru filling your ears as his gaze holds you, slowly, patiently watching you try to find every word that you want.
“I’m just…” Your eyes blank out as your fingers start to dig themselves into your palms, the chill of insecurity, alarm and hopelessness about your own self coming to haunt you.
(The cold night already feels warm in all three of their presence… And yet—)
But you can be honest, right? They’d want you to be.
“In a hurry to be a bit more useful.” You whisper it, unsure and cracked, like you were going to cry, going to break.
“It’s okay,” His hand is upon your cheek, caressing and nurturing. He’s happy to see the colour, feel the sheer life once again. It almost feels like he’s still dreaming as he touches warm skin, tastes the energy that radiates from your body, hears your heart pumping vitality into what was once a mere corpse.
It’s an ephemeral feeling, overridden by the affection and love his soul held, reflected in his his soft eyes and softer tone. “You don’t have to rush back into being part of that—“ His mind flashes to the civilia— No, monkeys that surrounded your corpse, the higher-ups that failed you, failed him. Failed this family of his.
This family that he and Satoru clawed and massacred through to keep.
“World.” The words are said with an edge to them, a bit of malice, hatred and calmed anger.
You don’t need to go back at all, honestly. Just stay here— Forever.
“But I—“ Feel like you’re useless. Feel like you’re imposing. Feel like you’re worthless.
“How about this?” Gojo’s hugging himself around all of you, dragging Shoko along with him as he takes the spotlight, Shoko layering on her own provided blanket onto you as you feel the lanky deathgrip clasping, dragging all three of you into him.
“Stay home for a while and get used to life!”
“Satoru.” Suguru’s voice is soft, the way the man’s name melts off of his tongue so sweet it makes even you gush. “I have to make breakfast. Let go.”
Their sofa is surprisingly soft, comfortable and very pleasant to sleep on. Shoko making herself at home by taking up the entirety of the armchair nearby as she stays fast asleep, much alike the snoring Gojo holding onto both yourself and Geto, his arms stretching both under and over your bodies respectively as you stayed stuck in the middle between them.
“Nghh— Mm…” He’s ineligible in his slumber, unrelenting and letting his head bury impossibly deeper into the crook of your neck and feeling your skin with his own, a chuckling Suguru right by your ear as he feels the tightening of the honoured one’s arm around his waist.
He’s the first to notice that you’re awake, smiling at you as he continued to lay on his side. “Good morning. Did you sleep well?”
You don’t have the heart to tell him that it was a bit suffocating to have both of them clinging onto you for the entirety of the night.
“Good morning… It was comfortable.” You try not to shift— Stutter in your words as you feel lips mumbling incoherent sentences into the sensitive skin of your neck, Suguru’s hand stroking your hair back as you remain still.
“I’m glad to hear it.” The smile in his eyes is absolutely gorgeous to see, the shine of purple in the morning glow, akin to the beautiful glows of an evening dusk that begets the stuttering of your heartbeat.
“Hah! I knew they’d be here!” It’s not long before you feel weights basically pounce onto the trio of you huddled together, Suguru absorbing most of the blow due to basically having his body draped over you, Satoru finally stirring as he feels the pounding at his navel.
“Wake up, wake up!” Nanako’s voice is loud, hee energy rampant as she jumps up and down on Suguru, stirring everyone awake as Mimiko cuddles up to you, crawling underneath your blanket and onto you with her stuffed animal. Megumi isn’t far behind, choosing to sit down at the foot of the couch and stare as Tsumiki is vigorously shaking Satoru awake.
“It’s morning!!!”
(“Good god… 5 minutes more…” Shoko is hiding herself underneath her own blanket as Megumi stares at her.
“Didn’t you tell us that monsters will come get us if we don’t wake up on time?”
She has no heart to tell them that the ‘monsters’ was just Suguru’s calm anger if he ever found out she let the kids be late for school.)
You stare proudly at the perfectly cut out, perfectly browned and perfectly spread slices of cute toasts shaped into adorable little bears.
“Wooooahh…!” Tsumiki is the one whose beside you, ever the responsible one to help out for breakfast as she eyes the cute creations.
“You’re so amazing, Mama!” Her eyes shine with excitement as her brown hair draped and swung about around her face. Excited jumping in place as she continued to admire your work.
(You’ve always wanted to try this back when Shoko showed you some in a food magazine back then. And Tsumiki staring at pictures of it whilst concentrating hard on the bread pushed you to help.)
Despite the lack of a toaster, you managed to make the perfect slices with a skillet. The proud surge of pride fills yourself momentarily. Though, the crackling of the burnt slices not far away from the little experimenting make it hard to revel in your accomplishment.
“Now what do we do with the bad ones, Mama?” She’s caught your gaze, staring at them, poking the pieces she had unfortunately burnt in efforts to make the perfect breakfast for her family. “I’m sorry for messing up so much…”
Oh. You’re definitely not going to let her think that. The little faces of the cartoonish, almost burnt to black, bears sear your hand lightly as you pick up a slice.
“Don’t worry— I like my bread with a little… Crisp.” You’re still smiling, holding a slice in your hand as your hand is upon her head, stroking comfortingly.
Carcinogenic or not, it is a small price to pay to see her happy.
“Are you sure?” She’s looking worried, guilty even as she looks up at you.
“I’m sure.” Without a moment’s more of hesitation, you bite down.
You chew the burnt crusts, the crunch of the toast and crumbling of the ash feels bitter, hot on your tongue as you fight back a grimace. It leaves with a lingering burn as you swallow, tottering down your throat in incinerated lumps.
“See? I like it…!” You’re still smiling, patting her on the head. “I think that for your first try, you did very well, darling.”
Edible, but definitely not the most palatable. It’d be a waste to let it all go to the trash though, since it was her hard work. Your eyes narrow, squinting at the aftertaste of the creation as you turn around to reach for the jam to trick your tastebuds to intake the burnt mess of a breakfast.
“I’ll polish it off in no time with a little jam, so don’t worry and—“
Only for your front to be face to face with a sturdy chest that even you were too stunned to react to the sheer sight of.
“Satoru, that isn’t sweet…!” Your hands are dragging him down by the shoulders, voice tuckered into a whisper as you try to snatch it away before his reaction could possibly blow out of proportion. Yet, his broad form, despite easily allowing you to drag him down closer to you to reach for the burnt bread crusts, his hand holds it up high in the air as he continues to chew, completely dodging your attempts.
He doesn’t even respond, a hand going around your waist to keep your front pressed against his as he continues to stuff his face with the failed creations, slowly but surely packing it into his cheeks and having the gall to even contentedly hum as you struggle and fight against him, flashing a grin towards the confused Tsumiki with your hand on one of his shoulders as you press down, trying your best before you give in, stopping entirely.
You lose, of course. He’s the great Gojo Satoru. “Mmm… Could use a little jam, sweethearts.”
Tsumiki’s eyes are lighting up. “Is it really good? I wanna try too!”
The plate is confiscated by your own hands before she could try. “I-I think you should go help Papa get the others ready for school, and make sure they have breakfast on time, okay??” You’re trying to hide your panic, break free of Gojo’s embrace as you try to keep her from her creation.
“Well—“ She thinks momentarily. “Okay then!” She’s skipping off. “Papa, Gumi, Nana, Mimi! Breakfast is ready! Mama and I made the best breakfast ever!”
You let out a sigh of relief, placing down the plate and practically going limp in his hold as your face is planted onto his pecs out of sheer ease from the situation, not even registering the fact that you’re pressed up against his half-naked form.
“You did good, ya know?” He’s smiling down at you. “Don’t think I would’ve done that well.”
You’d make a great mother.
“You’re good at anything you try, Satoru.” Your hands come up to cup his face, gently thumbing off the tiny remnants of the crusts near his lips.
“Now let me go so I can plate the eggs.”
“Nope!” He’s popping the ‘p’, tightening his grip. “Not until I get my fill of you!”
(“Auntie Shoko… Don’t you hate sweet things?” Nanako is staring up at the lady as she chews on one of the cute toasts with strawberry jam spread.
“I do.” Shoko mumbles with a mouthful of toast in her mouth as a light smile encompasses her expression. “But I think they’re growing on me again.”)
“Are those new?” He nods, eyes fully concentrated on the strings of his shoelaces, his small fingers holding onto the aglets and doing his best to knot the fabric.
He’s 9, for god’s sake. And about to be extremely embarrassed if he can’t tie them in front of you.
(Nanako and Mimiko still use velcro, but you can’t blame him for how he thought Tsumiki was cool for being the only one with the tie-up ones. Like a grown-up.)
You watch him as he slowly tied the laces, failing and retrying. You want to commend him for not giving up… Yet, want to help.
You sit right next to him, taking a pair of sneakers that seemingly belong to Satoru… Maybe Suguru? No matter. You put them on, slowly doing the laces with careful precision, doing each motion as a slow example.
Megumi watches intently.
“I thought you weren’t going out.”
“No. Stay home and rest. I’ll be back after dropping them off, okay?”
“You can come with us tomorrow.”
Seriously. Nothing can escape this child.
“I’m—“ You sigh. “I’m not. I just wanted to help you out without— You thinking I’m annoying.”
He remains quiet after listening to your words. “…they never taught me how. So I— Don’t know. And I don’t want to bother my sister.” It’s his whispered admittance, gaze avoidant and shy. Still trying so hard to be independent, trying to show that he’s strong.
You’re both left alone as the kids totter about Suguru and Satoru in the kitchen, who are trying to pack their lunches.
“I can teach you.”
“See you all later then.” You lean down, pressing a kiss against Nanako’s forehead, the girl squealing as she hugs you back as a response.
Mimiko’s next, tucking into herself as she feels the peck on her forehead, a happy flush across her cheeks as she hugs her plush close. “And for her too!” She’s holding it up to your face as you giggle and give one to her friend too.
Tsumiki takes her time, letting you fuss over her a little and tuck her bangs in. “I like having them hang over like this though!” Okay, okay. You relent, letting her have it as you kiss her cheek. “Thank you, Mama!” She’s giggling. She thinks she won’t ever be too old to receive affection like this.
Megumi’s eyes are shifting all around, his steps nervous and almost embarrassed as he’s last in line. “I didn’t expect you to want one.” The blush on his face is furious and almost angry. “Just… Hurry up with it…!” He looks like he wants to burst, to explode where he stood. You relent and press a kiss to his nose, patting your hands onto the soft fluff of his hair when you’re done.
(He runs out the door soon after. So cute.)
You blink.
“Satoru…? What are you doing?” He’s right before you, squatting down and holding his knees, making himself seem small as he comes face to face with you.
He’s humming, eyes hidden behind his sunglasses as those endless black reflect your face onto them. “Waiting for my kiss?” It’s said with a tone of expectancy, almost as if it was common sense.
“…what?” You’re stunned as you stare back at him. A moment passes, and another beat.
He’s being serious. Well— Okay, you suppose. You lean forwards but stop yourself. You do love him… And legally married so… You press a chaste kiss to the corner of his lips, the surprise that overtakes him is more than welcome when you pull away to see a stark red Satoru that falls over backwards, a hand over his mouth, sunglasses flying off his face to reveal lovesick, puppylike blue.
Suguru appears almost instantaneously.
“My turn?”
You want to die of embarrassment.
“And then and then—!” Mimiko’s splaying herself out on your lap as she stares up at you. “Gumi took back my doll from the boy! And punched him straight in the face like Daddy does to the bad guys!”
Tsumiki’s right next to you, staring down a kneeling Megumi and Nanako before you as they bowed their heads in shame.
They both got into a fight at school with a group of boys after they tried to snatch Mimiko’s plush toy away.
(The surprising thing is that they won. You can’t help but feel a little proud about that. At the same time, you can’t believe you have to resolve this whilst Suguru and Satoru are having a parent conference with the whole group’s parents.)
“You both had good intentions— And I’m proud of you for defending your sister… But,” You harden your expression slightly. “You shouldn’t beat up a whole group of kids that badly.”
“…that it?” Megumi’s indignant, looking up at you from his kneeled position on the floor, bruises and bandages applied by you on his skin as Nanako stares up at you with guilty puppy eyes.
(Nanako has close to 0 injuries on her. Megumi made sure to take most of the blows.)
“Yea. But— No fighting anyone if—“ You look over at Tsumiki. “If you get injured like this. Don’t get into fights, stop them. Okay?”
They two guilty parties nod their heads.
“But if that doesn’t work still… You can beat them up.”
previous masterlist END
KOFI epilogue
Megumi sometimes wake up in the middle of the night. To aid with this problem of his, he totters along to the master bedroom, clambering over either Gojo or Geto to reach you. He sits on your chest, shaking you awake until you stir.
Then, he proceeds to climb off, grabbing your hand on his way down to the foot of the bed as he leads a groggy you to his bedroom, where you should sleep with him instead.
Sometimes it doesn’t work because either or both of the men are entangling you inbetween their stupidly heavy, muscly and long arms and legs. That, or the twins or maybe even Tsumiki herself have already made themselves apparent, sleeping atop or close to your form beside their father figures. (Megumi admits defeat in these cases and joins the large pile.)
nvy’s aftertalk:
did i scare u when i said sign off? haha, first iPhone came out in 2007 btw
nvy, what’s in the works now that dyf is done?
well ig i’m gg to finish writing the epilogue first, then all the other drafts i have. some are dyf related, some are not. if i take a particular liking to specific aus, they’re turning into my next series haha (dw, most are satosugu focused)
thank you for reading all the way here. i appreciate it. it’s been a long journey for myself and for my writing, and i’m surprised at ppl actually liking my work. thank you, and catch u next time!!
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tshortik · 3 months
My random comic Recs #1
I've been reading more comics lately, so I wanted to share my love for them in the hopes that someone might give this medium a chance!
Note: I am not a fan of superhero comics, because I simply don't like that genre, so don't expect superheroes below. Gonna make these posts every now and then and they will always include 4 recs. 1.) The Many Deaths of Laila Starr
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Death got demoted and sent to earth as a mortal! Some boy is going to figure out how to cheat death in the future, and our girl Death really doesn't appreciate that. The entire graphic novel is only 5 issues long, so it's VERY digestible and easy to get through.There is something so light and playful about the art style, and the vibrant colors really sell it.
For people that are completely new to comics as a medium, I imagine that this is actually an A+ book to start with for the reasons I just mentioned. The way paneling and the flow of time is done in here, is a great example as to why comics are so unique as a medium and why they should be looked at as its own art from, separate from movies or books.
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2) Mécanique Céleste (Or "Mechanica Calaestium" in the German translation, or "Aster Of Pan" in the English translation)
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An absolutely breathtaking French comic. Aster lives in Pan, a post-apocalyptic France where she scavenges for wreckage with her friend Wallis. After their people come under a threat by the Federation of Fortuna, they are given a choice —submit to Fortuna’s rule or beat them in a weird Hunger Games-esque version of Dodge, called “Celestial Mechanics”.
The detailed art pieces in each panel, the careful line work, the lively way the characters move and the stunning watercolors captivated me from the first page. This graphic novel (now 2 volumes) is one of a kind and truly unique!
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3) Something Is Killing the Children
Note: Comic contains a lot of gore and violence!
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Children are starting to disappear in Archer's Peak. The ones that come back tell impossible stories that no one seems to believe. Only one stranger trusts these tales - a mysterious girl named Erica Slaughter who seems to be able to see these creatures too. And she's here for business.
I loooove Something is Killing the Children. I haven't finished reading the ongoing volumes yet, but I am super fascinated at how well the pacing goes in this story. The rough art style with Erica's freaky large eyes is SO fun, and you start appreciating it even more the longer you read.
4) Mon Ami Pierrot ("Mein Freund Pierrot" in German, "My friend Pierrot" in English)
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Another fabulous French comic! Cléa is to marry soon - a young man name of Berthier. Right before the wedding she meets the fascinating magician Pierrot though, who completely changes the course of her life. Entranced by his whimsical nature that makes her feel "free" for the first time in her life, she follows him and leaves her previous life behind. During her stay with Pierrot, questions arise, though. Who is he really? All the while her betrothed sets out to find her again.
The Ghibli influence both art- and storywise is easy to make out, and I personally really enjoyed that. I particularly love the colors and the facial expressions the characters are drawn with. Everything feels very whimsical and playful and I had a good time going through this chonker of a graphic novel!
No spoilers, but I expected toothrottingly-sweet wholesome stuff, and ended up surprised on several occasions. I think the colours and art style really help give those moments wham, because you don't expect it.
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gay4abby · 6 months
A Significant Crack in Time !!
or in which jordan has an important decision to make & fears of making the wrong choice.
warnings, fluff, angst, possible character death, au, slowish burn for Jordan n reader. pairings, Jordan Li x reaper!nameless oc x Marie Moreau. gif creds to ayoedebiris. idk how long this is, plus idk where this was going didn’t know how to end it, im not proud of it either but !
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Jordan couldn’t imagine being in this current predicament. It was hazy, the memory they’re trying to remember, but there all the same. It was like trying to recall a word that’s at the tip of your tongue. A dull pain flashes through their skull, rendering them to keep in the same position they’re in since they’ve gained consciousness. The surface they were laying on was just right, it didn’t make them feel too cold or too hot. A significant temperature that almost seemed impossible to attain. Their eyes were slowly opening, blinking every 5 seconds to adjust to sudden bleak haze that managed to obscure her vision. For a second they thought they’ve lost their sight with how many times they’ve had to blink just to focus their eyes.
They took in their surroundings wondering just where they are and why it was so damn foggy. “What the fuck?” they whispered. Quickly feeling uneasy, Jordan switched to their masculine form, extending their hands out in defence in case anything jumped out to attack. “Hello?” their soft yet hoarse voice rang out into the empty open space. It almost looked like…God U almost, except it’s vacant and dismal. Something out of silent hill almost. He let their guard down, defensive hands lowering with a steady pace. As if something might go wrong if he made any sudden movements. No reply was given as they began to relax, big brown eyes scanning the place. Slow steps were being taken as Jordan’s cautiousness simmered, but only for a bit.
“Fuck me, fuck where the hell am I.” he breathed out, seeing the fog of his breath as they walked further on to campus. It wasn’t cold, but still seeing that made it all the more suspicious. Jordan couldn’t decipher where they were, just that a nagging memory was chipping away at a cement wall that was threatening to crack. His doe eyes laid upon the café of the university that many of the students frequent to. But, it wasn’t as warm looking as the original, Jordan denounced. They once again seamlessly switched back to her feminine form, feeling no immediate threat. Like they were safe here.
Carefully, Jordan made their up towards the entrance, seeing a few figures lingering by inside. She was just as confused as she was when they first appeared in this place. They stayed outside, hand slightly hovering over the door handle that seemed to be frozen over. And yet, they still weren’t cold. As she peered inside, the people (if you can consider them that?) seemed as though they had no care in the world. Most were drinking coffee and reading the newspaper, others were devouring pastries that even made Jordan’s stomach turn. She couldn’t fathom digesting something so confectionery.
“You planning on going inside or are you just gonna stand there?” Jordan swore they jumped 20 feet into the air at the sudden voice behind them. It was a vehement sound, sending chills through Jordan as she quickly turned around and shifted to their male form. “Who the hell are you?” He spoke, taking in the strangers appearance. For a minute there was a moment of familiarity, but Jordan has never seen you in his entire life before. So why did they feel so familiar? “I don’t think that’s really important now. You going in or what?”
Jordan didn’t know whether to defend themselves or walk into the café like nothing’s wrong. When everything is wrong because he doesn’t know where the fuck he is! “Where the hell am I?” He spat at her which didn’t seem to affect them at all. The stranger looked serene, as if they weren’t in a universe that held absolutely no one besides the few who look lost inside the café. “Well, that’s for you to decide. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have customers to attend to.” Moving out of Jordan’s way, you made your way inside leaving them more befuddled than when they came in. He turned around and followed your movements as you disappeared behind the counter.
Harbouring the feeling that there’s no immediate threat, Jordan shifts back to their female form, bracing themselves before walking inside of the rather vacant establishment. Jordan looked around at everyone she saw and concluded on one thing, they all looked content where they currently were. Which confused her to no end, how come no one was talking about how off everything is? But that also most of the people here were other Supes who she hasn’t seen since sophomore year. Supes she thought left and never returned.
“Would you like to order something while you wait?” The same voice rang through the otherwise desolate café. Jordan turned around with a bewildered expression on their face. Wait for what? “What do you mean?” Your hands settled on the counter. “You ask a lot of questions.”
“Well, yes! That tends to happen when you have no idea where you fucking are.”
You chuckled, turning around to grab a mug and begin brewing a concoction Jordan didn’t seem to keen on trying. It only took a few moments before she turned around again with a steaming cup of cappuccino. You pushed the cup towards Jordan, cocking your head to the side to show them where to sit. “I’ll be with you in a moment,” you summarised before turning your attention to someone standing behind Jordan. They turned around to see someone they never expected to lay eyes on again.
“Hey, man. Long time no see.”
“Last time I saw you were burned to bits! How the fuck are you here?” Jordan followed his movements, moving to the side as he took ahold of the mug that was freshly brewed right after Jordan’s drink. How the fuck did you do that so fast? “Dude, I got sent here because I died. Seems like you’re in the same boat. Or close to it anyway.” He walked off, taking a seat near the window to look at god knows what considering there’s shit out there. Jordan looked back at the mug patiently waiting to be picked up and devoured. Then it hit them. “I’m fucking dead?” She whispered. “Yeah…you are.”
Jordan looked up, tears welling up in their eyes as they began to shake their head. “No, no, no, no. You’re lying. I didn’t fucking die. I’m alive. What the fuck. You’re fucking lying. Stop lying to me! Stop it! Stop fucking lying to me!” They yelled, immediately pushing forth energy blasts that would have knocked over the woman, but you were still standing, unmoving in her place behind the counter. Was that the memory that was trying to break through? Of them dying? How could they not know they were dead?
“Are you done?”
“What the fuck!”
“Take a seat, Jordan, drink this. And I’ll explain everything.” You said calmly. The way you spoke to them made the twisting and turning in their chest settle just a bit. How the fuck did she do that? Jordan picked up the cup, eyeing it with uncertainty. She took a deep breath, bringing the cup to her pink lips; one sip was all it took before they downed the entire thing. Jordan slammed the cup on the counter, sending the woman a scowl before making their way to the seat on the other side of the café next to the window.
You followed, sighing quietly. You always got people like this pass through, not ever knowing what happened to them or why they’re even there in the first place. It’s not unusual to see someone have a mental breakdown about finding out they’re in fucking limbo. “Tell me what the fuck is going on.” Jordan was angry and you can tell from the firmness of their voice to the furrowed eyebrows wrinkling up their delicate forehead. “Are you calm?”
“I will not explain anything unless you calm down.” Jordan took a deep breath before slouching back into the booth seat. “Thank you. Now, it’s a good thing you know someone here or else this probably would’ve went a completely different way.” You laughed, quickly coming to a halt at the sight of their face. “Right, so. You’re Jordan Li. Indestructible. Invincible. And yet, here you are in limbo.”
“You died, Jordan. It’s as simple as that. Well, you’re actually on the brink of death. No pun intended. Sorry about your mentor.”
“Thanks…I guess. Wait, what do you mean brink of death? I’m not dead yet?” Jordan couldn’t get a grasp on what was going on. All she knew was that she needed to get the hell out of there knowing she’s not fully dead yet. “Yes. Precisely. You have the opportunity to go back, to stay here or to just let it all go.”
“To go back?” You could tell Jordan was getting even more confused than they were before. “I–where,” Jordan could not form a proper sentence to respond to this new found information. “Do you know how I died?” You shake your head no. Jordan sighs, running their small hands over their face. “That answer doesn’t usually come to me, it’s more so of what your status is in regards to you know.”
“No, I don’t.”
“You’re not very good at explaining these things. And what the fuck even are you? Who are you?”
“People who usually end up in limbo have a choice to make. I gave you your options, now choose.” Jordan was at an impasse. Finding out you died was one thing, but finding out you have the choice to stay dead and move on or to go back was another. Jordan couldn’t even believe they were…would you call it dead? It didn’t seem real at all considering they’re indestructible. In their male form. Could they have been in their female form when their injuries turned worse for wear? Fuck, they got to get their memories back. It wasn’t like her at all to feel this way.
Jordan looked at you sitting in front of them, an emotionless expression on your soft features. She never got your name, they assumed it had to be something like the Ghastly Rider of the Lost Souls. Which brought her back to their original question, “What are you?” You just smiled at Jordan, folding your hands neatly on the table. “I’m someone you’ve seen, but never care to register. But if we’re being technical, I’m the bridge between your plane of existence and everything else after.”
You leaned forward, “What do you want, Jordan?” It was barely audible, but Jordan heard it all the same. The question seemed to hit a nerve that they never knew was there. What did they want? Why was this happening to them that brought her to this situation of deciding to leave those they love in despair or to live to fight another day? Or to stay in the in between of everything and find peace knowing they’ll watch others come and go. Why did it feel like the answer was right there but they could barely reach it yet? And what the fuck happened to have them end up here?
“Come. I want to show you something.” You extended out your hand as you rose from the seat, awaiting Jordan’s acceptance. And they knew now to not even fight it. She grabbed on to your hand and before they knew it they were before a pensive, unable to describe the rest of her surroundings. “Where–” Jordan began but stopped immediately after you let go of their hand. “If I hear you ask again where you are, I’ll make the decision for you, got it?” Your smile was sickeningly sweet, but daunting at the same time. Jordan decided not to speak unless spoken to.
The pensieve floated gracefully up until it reached just below their collarbones. Jordan was fascinated by the contraption, not knowing how to react to it. They’ve never seen anything like it and wondered exactly what it was the woman wanted to show them. It was glimmering light, the shine captivating that Jordan felt themselves leaning towards it involuntarily; the sudden pull coming from nowhere. Before they could get any further, a sharp push collided against their chest, causing them to shift to their male form.
“What is that?” Jordan’s breathing became hoarse, staring at the object floating in front of them. “I don’t usually do this with those who pass through here. For some reason, it’s hard to get a reading on you. That doesn’t happen often, s’why I brought you here.” You raised your finger to tap the very centre of the pensieve, ripples of water wafting back at the both of you. “Since I don’t know what the fuck happened to you, I’m gonna allow Sabine to tell us both.”
“Sabine?” Jordan looked at you with furrowed eyebrows.
“It’s what I named her when I first got her. She’s nice, she won’t bite.” You smirked at him before grabbing ahold of their neck and plunging them into the water.
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Another dreading morning means another early class Jordan regrets enrolling for. It wasn’t by choice either rather their only option and if it wasn’t a requirement, god he would’ve said fuck all. Leading a day after a treacherous event as if nothing’s wrong was one of the hardest things the Supe had to do. Losing a close friend was on a whole other level of trauma; witnessing people pretending to be upset about it was absolutely jarring. They weren’t actually feeling the pain that comes with loss. That empty, aching feeling in your chest that seemed to grow deeper with each passing day. The feeling of not knowing when it’s going to be okay again. Or if it gets easier to bear.
Grief looked different on everyone, so when they showed up to class that morning not seeing Cate in her usual seat it was understandable that the blonde wanted to take some time off. Jordan didn’t blame her.
They sat through class zoning in and out so much so that they didn’t even realise class was over. Everyone was packing up to leave when he suddenly got a text from Cate saying to meet her in her dorm. Jordan all but hauled ass to straight to her quarter on campus, not stopping for anyone along the way. With haste, he was at her door quickly switching to their female form as Cate swung the door open. Her eyes were bloodshot and she was heaving, but one thing that felt off besides those was that her smile. It was crazed almost.
Her pupils were blown wide, she grabbed ahold of Jordan’s arm and yanked her inside. “I’m so glad you’re here! You got here quick,” she breathed out, walking to stand in the middle of her dorm room, Jordan slowly approaching. “I mean…yeah. You said to come and with everything…”
“Yeah I know, but that’s not why I called you here.” Jordan was beginning to really notice Cate. She was dishevelled, clothes looked pulled at almost as if she was doing hard labour. Eyes erratic, breathing slightly heavy but it seemed to be calming down. “Is everything alright, Cate?” Jordan whispered as she stepped closer. She put her hands on Cate’s arms, gently stroking them as she looked at her with a sympathetic expression. It annoyed Cate to no end that she was being looked at like that, but there was no time to react to that right now.
“Yes, I’m fine. More than fine, actually…I need to tell you something,” she leaned closer to Jordan, grabbing ahold of their arms too squeezing gently. Jordan didn’t like how this was beginning to make her feel. She can’t remember the last time Cate almost fell off her hinges, but it for sure definitely happened. Luke was there to console her after they got caught up with something for Brink, but was immediately there after the fact. She can’t help but worry if Luke’s death was sending her through another spiral again.
“You have to promise me you can’t get mad.” That made Jordan’s heart drop. “What the fuck, Cate…”
“Promise me!”
Jordan hesitated before slowly nodding, “Yeah. I promise. Fuck.” Cate smiled once more and it made Jordan even more uneasy than they already were. She left go of Jordan, turning back in a hurry to grab her phone. She frantically typing away on the screen when she turned around, her breathing becoming erratic again. “Luke’s death was no accident. I’ve been trying to figure out exactly what could’ve made him do that, you know? It didn’t seem like him. To…to just kill himself. Not my Luke, you know?”
“Yes, I know.”
“Right. So, I did some digging and I found out that Brink’s death and Luke’s are connected. In fact, there’s even a witness. Fucking Marie Moreau. That freshman we hung out with, can you believe that?
“Anyway. Turns out his brother’s alive and they’ve kept Luke in the dark about it. He killed Brink because of this. Because they were torturing his brother…underneath this fucking school. He wasn’t the only one either. And Shetty’s…she’s behind all of this. Look, I got her to tell me everything,” she pulled up a video of Shetty confessing exactly everything she just told Jordan, they watching with horror, “She’s been experimenting on fucking Supes to figure out a way to kill us all, Jordan.
“But she’s not going to do that because I’m going to kill her and everyone else apart of this.” Cate put her phone away looking at Jordan as her eyes grew wider than they can possibly go. The blood around her cornea spread further, waiting expectantly for Jordan to agree with her so they can get this going. She was at a standstill, though. On one hand, she couldn’t let Cate commit mass murder but Shetty’s confession made them crossed of wanting to make them pay. But Jordan knew they couldn’t do that, especially risking the lives of innocents who could be caught in the crossfire.
Jordan shook her head, “No, Cate. I won’t let you do that. Are you fucking insane? Do you hear yourself, kill Shetty? We’d be no better than them.” Cate was not expecting that answer and the annoyance she felt from earlier slowly seeped back turning into anger. Her breathing became heavy again and she found herself reaching out to touch Jordan, but before she even had the chance an energy blast sent her flying hitting the window behind her and falling against the floor with a loud thud.
She groaned, making her way up from the ground, “Do not make me fight you, Cate.”
“I’m not making you do anything, I just want you to see reason! Why we need to stop them before they stop us!” She charged towards Jordan again before she shifted to his male form knocking her on the side of her head with his fist which sent her to the ground. Blood seeped from where the blow was met, but still she got up. All the commotion had the door bursting open, Marie on the other side. It caused Jordan to turn around giving Cate the distraction she desperately needed.
“Marie! She’s trying to–” Jordan couldn’t finish his sentence before he collapsed to the ground. The last thing he heard was a loud scream, from which girl they did know.
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Jordan was thrown back from the pensieve, switching to their female form immediately. Their breathing was staggered, tears filling up their sockets as she looked over at you. “Did, what– what happened?” She spoke softly, the tears escaping as she shook their head. “I don’t…I don’t remember any of that. What Luke’s brother never died, what? What the fuck did you show me!”
“I only showed you what you refused to remember.”
“You fucking planted that in my head, you psycho–” Before Jordan could even finish their sentence, their mouths were sealed shut by you an evident frown slowly making its way on to your features. “You keep denying what’s right in front of you is only going to delay your decision, which will then be made for you.” You lowered your fingers which caused her mouth to unseal, small hands balling up into fists as Jordan steadied their breathing.
“So, what now? What does it mean?” You studied Jordan for a moment finally seeing and realising how vulnerable they are. You waved your hand nonchalantly, casting away the pensieve before you grabbed their hand again and within a blink of an eye, you both were back at the café. Dusty was gone Jordan noticed and it made her wonder did he move on? “It means you have a decision to make. Like I said, you either stay, let it go or move on.”
“What if I don’t know what to do?” Jordan said it so timidly it made your heart crack just a little. You never really got emotional over passers, most just being an afterthought, but Jordan…with Jordan it was different. You felt the need to hold their hand every step of the way.
“When you were conscious, on any general day, what did you feel like?”
It took a moment for Jordan to answer because she felt a lot of things. There was always a battle going on in their heads about anything and nothing. Jordan suffered from severe anxiety, but was able to mask it so well it became second nature. The question kept replaying in Jordan’s head, “I felt like I was going. Like auto pilot, prioritising things like rankings, engagement, and follows. Just overall exposure. To show that I’m the best.”
“To show you’re good enough?”
You sighed, pulling Jordan to the seat you both preoccupied before this time sitting next to each other rather than across. Jordan was confused but let you manoeuvre them however way you wanted to. Sitting this close to you made Jordan realise that you carry a halo of comfort around you, no matter how snarky and pensive you can get. Always thinking but she assumed that was part of the job.
But, up close and personal it felt like a whole other reality. “I think your reason is because if you decide to go back, you’re not sure if you can come back from such a takedown as the one Cate gave you. And that’s understandable, I don’t think anyone can truly heal from that sort of trauma.
“You’re what, 180 when you’re a guy? Or does the weight just stay the same…” You extended your arms out to question with your shoulders raised slightly, head turned to a 40 degree angle with your eyes still on them. Jordan gave you a bored look with a slight head tilt.
“It stays the same!” You put your hands up in defence. “I understand.” Jordan shook her head, leaning back against the booth seat. She began looking worse for wear, the reality that they might never even come back is daunting on them slowly. And considering the idea of not returning was something on their mind, it scared them a little at just how much they actually loved life. You watched them with curious eyes as she remained silent. Like they were assessing everything over in their heads.
Jordan really want to think about this, but they felt like she didn’t have much time. “What if I go back and I can’t do anything about what’s happening? What if I can’t realise that there’s more taxing and important things going on besides whatever battle I created for myself in my head?”
“Jordan, you coming to the realisation alone should be enough of a push to be the person you actually want to be.” You placed your hand over theirs that was laid on top of the table. To you, Jordan felt warm and to Jordan, you felt cold, a comforting cold that helps you fall asleep easier in a dark room. She didn’t know how to feel about this, but she knew it wasn’t anything malicious or negative, but it was still strange. They didn’t move their hand away. “But what if it’s not enough? What if I’m too stubborn to realise that this isn’t something I want and I can do something–” Before Jordan could even finish the last sentence, you sealed their mouth shut once more.
Jordan sighed through their nose, irritated at being silenced again. But in this case, they understood after realising what they were saying. The constant what if’s is exactly why Jordan always felt the need to second guess themselves. No matter how sure of themselves they are, there was always a small voice in the deepest corner of their psyche, telling her the most obscene things. These are things that they began to believe over time. She never told anyone either. She always felt like they were alone.
Their mouth suddenly opened, you leaning back after looking at Jordan expectantly. “I get it now.” You let out a relief sigh, “I just…don’t want to do this alone. I don’t know what it’s going to be like if I do this alone.”
“You don’t have to do it alone if you don’t want to. You’ll have help. You’ll have someone there every step of the way. I know this.”
“How do you know?” Jordan looked at you, eyebrows raised in question. You sat unmoving, just blinking. It began to grow dark around the both of you, everything just fading away slowly. It brought Jordan unease, big brown eyes flittering around, heartbeat picking up. “What the fuck is happening?” She couldn’t see you clearly anymore, a silhouette in replacement of where your physical body used to be. Jordan began hyperventilating when they couldn’t see a thing anymore. “Hello! Fuck, can anyone hear me? Hello!”
The EKG began beeping rapidly, Marie already on high alert as she sat next to the bed that held a distraught Jordan. Their eyes were still closed but she could see their eyes moving vigorously underneath the lids. She leaned over, gently placing her hand on their arm, “Jordan…Jordan, hey. I’m here. It’s okay, I’m here,” she almost whispered, her hand stroking their arm. Jordan’s eyes opened frantically, jumping up from the laying position he was in turning every which way.
“Hey, you’re okay. You’re here. Thank god, you’re awake!” Marie exclaimed, practically jumping into Jordan’s arms. The door burst open and in came the doctor that was assigned to Jordan. “You’re awake!”
“He’s awake,” Marie couldn’t stop herself from smiling. “What…what happened?” The doctor walked over to the other side of Jordan’s bed, examining his vitals as he began to explain. “You were in a coma for three weeks, Mr Li. We weren’t sure how long it’ll be before you awoke again.” The length of time shocked Jordan to their very core. How has it been three weeks? All that transpired three weeks ago and it felt like it happened in a matter of seconds. Jordan was in disbelief, he couldn’t fathom this from any point in time. His eyes flittered to Marie’s wide ones, her hand grasping theirs as she squeezed it gently. He squeezed it back. “We’ll have to keep for the next two days to monitor your progress, but everything here looks good. Just remember to stay hydrated after you’re discharged.”
Jordan nodded at the words, but didn’t bother taking any of it in. Three weeks? Three fucking weeks and it felt like you and them were just together for mere minutes. It all came flooding back to him in no time and he looked at Marie again, mouth open but nothing coming out. “It’s okay. You don’t have to say anything what you went through was tough. Cate’s…she’s under surveillance. If you could even call it that. But she’s not coming around any time soon.”
“What happened while I was out?” Marie sighed at the question. She didn’t exactly know how to explain it. Cate didn’t receive any sort of repercussions. After she terrorised the school, she went after Supes who didn’t agree with her and that’s when they began taking everything seriously. Andre was killed (by his own power no less), Sam was captured alongside Cate but were sent to different correctional facilities as to prevent any tyranny. Government involvement meant there were restrictions cracked down on Supes who were and weren’t apart of the sudden uprising.
There was so much more and Marie didn’t even know where to start. “It’s a lot, Jordan.”
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Jordan was released two days later, Marie at her side as they walked towards the car waiting for the both of them. They were healed, physically, but mentally…Jordan just wondered what got them back here in the first place. She doesn’t exactly remember making a decision and it wasn’t something she was willing to discuss with Marie just yet. Marie eyed Jordan with worry, she knew something was off by their body language but didn’t want to intrude. It was killing her not to say anything, but knowing Jordan she’ll come around eventually.
“Finally! The comatose vegetable is ripe!”
“Emma, what?”
“I don’t know. I just missed you, Jordy,” the smaller girl’s voice pitched up a bit as she wrapped her arms around Jordan’s torso, squeezing with all her might to convey the amount of yearning Emma had for her presence. The two grew closer from their first meeting to now and Jordan couldn’t help but feel their heart grow in size at Emma’s affection. “I missed you too, Little Cricket.” The hug was cut after she had said that. If looks could kill, Jordan would be dead…again?
They were all about to pile in the car, a conversation being had between Marie and Emma as she hopped into the drivers seat. Jordan turned their head up becoming immediately frigid at the sight in front of her. She didn’t even know you were fucking real, let alone existed on this plane of reality? Is that what you call it? Their name was faintly being called but that was a mile away, she didn’t even feel her feet move until she stood in front of you.
“It’s you. It’s fucking you,” they started before continuing. “What the fuck are you doing here?” You shut the car door, the locking sound engaging. “I’m visiting my grandmot–”
“No, I mean here. This plane of existence. In my world. I thought you were a fucking bridge or something.” Jordan was intimidated by your demeanour, the lean against the car, the foot over the other and you looked calm as ever. Just like limbo and it pissed Jordan off to no end. “I also said I was someone you don’t even pay attention to.” The softened expression on Jordan’s face matched how they felt. They completely mistook what was said at your first meeting and it didn’t even occur to Jordan that you meant face to face. In real time. In reality.
“Who the fuck are they talking to?”
“Beats me.”
“They don’t look a little familiar to you?” Marie shook her head, tilting it a bit before she carried herself over to them. Not that it mattered. Jordan could talk to anyone they wanted, right? They weren’t exclusive or anything. “That’s your Supe power? That’s what Compound V fucking gave you?” Jordan sounded incredulous at your confession just as Marie joined the two of you. As soon as your eyes landed on Marie, your throat felt tight along with your chest. Were you not breathing? “Hey…what’s going on here?”
“I’ll explain later…” Jordan trailed off just as you spoke up and introduced yourself. Marie nodded her head, the usually perplexed expression on her soft features. You couldn’t take your eyes off her, but you didn’t want to make it noticeable. She’ll probably think you’re a loser. “Nice to meet you, I’m Marie,” it grew silent after she answered. And Jordan couldn’t clenched their fist trying to figure out how to get out of this. “I don’t wanna keep you, we should go. I have to rest anyway, you know being in a coma for three weeks can drain the fuck out of you.”
Jordan’s incisiveness threw Marie for a loop and she was confused on the fact on how Jordan knew you. Her arm was being pulled away as Jordan was in front of her before stopping abruptly. “You go on ahead, actually, I think they have something of mine I’m just gonna, yeah,”
“How do you know them, Jordan?”
“I’ll be with you in a sec!” She exclaimed, shoving Marie forward, her expression apologetic. Once Marie was out earshot, Jordan turned back around to you still standing there, eyebrows raised in question. “When you said I wasn’t going to be alone…did you mean…”
“You have a support system, Jordan. And if your friends allow it, I can definitely be apart of that.” Although it was going to be a tough road and it’s going to take some getting used to, everything being different for Supes, Jordan knew it was going to be trial and error. But as long as they had you and the others, they knew they’d be fine. It’s just going to take a bit of convincing for Emma and Marie to warm up to you, especially Marie. You lot had a lot of work cut out for you, but Jordan knew there wasn’t failure for them in the future.
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ilanarose7 · 5 days
Bells Hells Episode 95 Morning After Thoughts
SPOILERS BELOW!!! (This has become a weekly thing for me to help digest the episodes and I'm probably gonna keep doing it. really helps with my episode memory as well)
New favorite Campaign 3 episode unlocked!!!! The title of this episode has been released on Beacon (I won't spoil that), but I will personally be referring to it as "Shopping and Shipping" in my own head. It just had the perfect amount of everything and felt so incredibly cathartic (then stressful in the best way) after everything that's happened in recent episodes.
Let's break it down:
The Essek v Astrid verbal showdown!!! Essek appears to hold all the grudges that Caleb doesn't (or at least didn't really at the end of M9). When Astrid dropped the "Ludinus has an itch in the back of his neck" lore I was thinking back to when they first learned more about the harness and someone (I think it was either Marisha or Laura) wrote in their notes "We cut off Ludinus's head!!!" that was later read aloud. After that convo, that action seems like a decent play. That or maybe the Cadeuces-style Dispell Magic to the back of the neck. (side note: of course Fearne bought the Vasselheim version of the Kama Sutra 😂)
NEW CLOTHES FOR EVERYONE!!! We know there's new Dorian art waiting to be released since he rejoined the party, but everyone is getting an Aeor-ready makeover! It makes perfect sense, but I was still thrown off by the level of outfit upgrades and am so excited for the art!
Pumat is BACK! Well, his Simulacrum are at least. I don't care, just hearing that voice made me so happy. And also Dorian giving all his money to Orym so he can buy the armor? So what if I was squealing?
Downtime at the Cabaret ❤️ The Imodna kiss as Laudna went back upstairs. The Callowmoore flirting leads to Ashton, for the first time in a LONG time, successfully pick-pocketing Fearne. Dorian and Chetney banter back in full swing. Fearne leaving the EXU group hug to give Dorym a moment together. going back slightly but Iva Deshin made Bells Hells clock that YES, YOU ALL DO GIVE OFF POLYAMOROUS VIBES! So many character moments that have been needed in such a plot-heavy story
Ashton shows their head off to Essek! I have been waiting for this for sooooo long!!! Allura had given some answers, but talking more about how Dunamancy and the Assembly's manipulation of Dunamis has played a role in everything going on. While the cast know this info out of character, its good that they finally can do so in character as well
Laudna, Delilah, and the Sword-Shaped Elephant in the Room. Well, damn. First off, the acting in this last hour or so was AMAZING!! Also incredibly demonstrative of the level of trust at the table. Now to talk about the moment itself. The line between Laudna and Delilah has been getting blurrier and last night I don't think Marisha even knew fully where Laudna ended and Delilah began. The cast and many insightful Critters have been comparing Laudna to an addict and last night is an incredible example. The way Laudna handled it was wrong, this could have been a conversation rather than an initial attack. But was Laudna or Delilah the one making those choices? Or being manipulated into them? In the moment, the calm approach the group tried to take was the right one, but honestly, Laudna needs a harsher talking-to like what Chetney did with Ashton post-shard incident. Taliesin on 4SD said that's what saved Ashton from leaving the group. It might be something that, other than Imogen's love, may be enough of a wake-up call to help her break away from her Delilah-induced magic addiction
TLDR: The whole episode was full of amazing moments that were cathartic, informative, tense, and heartwarming. THE PERFECT BELLS HELLS EPISODE! again, that's just my opinion. I'd love to hear what everyone else thought too!
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mindfulstudyquest · 2 months
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❥﹒♡﹒☕﹒ 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗽𝗲𝗿𝗳𝗲𝗰𝘁 𝗻𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘁 𝗿𝗼𝘂𝘁𝗶𝗻𝗲: easy tips to form healthy habits ( based on this alessya farrugia video )
if you don't have a solid night routine, you may as well throw away your whole morning routine, because the decisions you make at night are gonna to directly affect you in the morning and how you go about your day. if you binge watch netflix 'til 1am calling it your "rest time" only for you to wake up in the morning feeling tired and frustrated, it's time for you to build a night routine and stick to it.
pro tip do not try to improve everything all at once, you're gonna fail. just try to incorporate something small in your routine to start forming healthy habits. it might take months, but one year from now it will all be worthy.
𝟭. prepare for the next day ( 📒 )
write down your to-do list for the next day. when i don't plan out my day i just end up doing nothing, because i don't even know where to start. but if you know what you have to do you don't end up procrastinating and start getting things done. also, do not overload yourself with too much things to do, you're just not going to accomplish them all, so keep it realistic.
bonus put the most important tasks on the top of your list so you're gonna accomplish them as soon as possible.
𝟮. clean you room ( 🫧 )
it really depends on when you are the most active – for example i'm a night owl and i can't even imagine cleaning my room in the morning – but yes, removing all the mess you made during the day will help you leaving it all behind and starting fresh new the next day. put your clothes away, remove books, notebooks, make-up products, trash all around and i guarantee you that you're gonna feel so much better.
𝟯. take care of your body ( 🌷 )
take a warm shower that can help you relax, do your skincare, change in your comfy clothes, basically wash away the stress and negativity of the day. last semester i would literally stay at uni for 10h straight and coming back home at 8pm after the gym, i used to take a warm shower straight after that so i could let all the negativity of the outside world slide off me.
𝟰. drink hot tea ( 🍵 )
avoid theine but treat yourself to a hot drink that helps you relax and restore your calm, also take your vitamins and give yourself those ten minutes in your personal space.
𝟱. self love and affirmations ( 💖 )
reflect on your day, write down in your diary all the things that happened, pray, meditate, do your affirmations, leave everything in the past, do not let today's disappointments, stress and frustration affect your tomorrow. the only way in which you can truly move forward is by facing the things that happened today to leave them in the past, tomorrow is a new day.
𝟲. get off your phone ( 📱 )
definitely the hardest part for me. i don't even want to explain why it's so dangerous for you to stay awake scrolling through your phone at night – blue light and whatever – so just be strong and try to get off your phone at least 1h before going to bed, use eye-protection mode after sunset and use blue glasses if you can.
bonus use only red light at night, blue light are gonna inhibit your melatonin production ( which is what makes you sleep at night ).
𝟳. go to bed on time ( 🛏️ )
do not delay your bed time in order to get more dopamine scrolling through social media or binge watching netflix. do not sacrifice your sleep in order to do more work/study ( i did it in the past and it's definitely not worthy ), prioritizing your sleep is going to reward you in the long run. trust and believe.
𝟴. 321 rule for better sleep ( 💤 )
3 hours before bed –> stop eating. it gives you enough time to digest your food so you're not going to waste energy during your sleep to digest and you're gonna wake up less tired.
2 hours before bed –> stop studying/working. you need to drag your brain out of your "fight or flight" mode in order to get deep rest at night.
1 hour before bed –> stop screen time. allow your body to produce the melatonin that it needs in order to fall asleep properly.
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goodday-goodmorn · 4 months
Little blurb that’s been sitting in my Docs for while based on @auspicioustidings idea from a while ago now i think— But yeah! I’be got like zero motivation to continue this- butttttt i liked the scene a lot so it shall be seen now! (Plus it’s Mhari’s Birthday!!! Happy Birthday Mhari! :> Even though i’m a few hours late into the day Hope you’re having a wonderful birth celebration!)
Based on a a scene i cooked up where reader finally gets caught by none other than the Ghost himself:
The weight of a gun in your hand is familiar.
So is the quiet sounds of a break in. You point at the door, watching, waiting. Like clockwork it creaks open, and there he is.
“Don’t move.”
You say sharply. Making the gun in your hand well known to the intruder.
Silence. He stares at you, you stare back. How many times have you done this dance? Tense words and a dashing messy escape. (The poorly wrapped bandages around your abdomen throb answering you question for you. Too many then.)
You sigh, and lower the gun.
He doesn’t even look suprised.
With a soft, Thump! ,you plop backwards onto the bed, arms outstretched. The gun is still in your hand but it’s dead weight. (Just like you.)
“…You’re not gonna ever stop are you?”
It’s said up at the shitty hotel ceiling. Hushed in the darkness of the room.
He says it so simply.
You hum, pulling your knees and legs up onto the bed and rolling over. Back facing him, on your side. You snag a plushie on the way, hugging it close to your chest and settling your chin atop its head.
“Well shit. Turn all my red flags to white then, i give up.”
Defeated. Hushed. Tired. It sounds so unlike your normal voice. “But you already knew that didn’t you?”
There’s a dip in the bed, true to his namesake- he was silent as he walked to sit. You haven’t even heard him.
“…Who did your bandages?” Gruff bastard with his gruff voice. Sounding way too passive for talking with you, an enemy, his target actually. He should be barking orders and threats to you, you’ve heard the way he speaks on a mission before, all bite and harsh. But he shows none of that tension now. Not a lick of hostility.
“Who do you think?” You snort out, tucking your face into the head of the plushie and vehemently ignoring him.
“Kid, you need help. You can’t survive on your own.” Straight to business it seems.
Without even turning to look at him, you halfheartedly raise your middle finger.
He sighs.
Silence. Blissful, damning, silence. You’ve no more fight left to give and he knows it. Months on the run, months of constant near death escapes, months of being hunted like a dog. You’re tired. So tired.
“Ya know, Torture isn’t an effective way of getting info outta someone: statistically speaking.”
“We’re not gonna torture you.”
“But you do want that info don’t you?”
More silence.
You hum knowingly.
“And what happens after you get your precious information? You’ll kill me? Maim me like all the other fuckers who end up in your shit list?”
“No. Never.”
He says it with such ferocity it almost takes you by surprise for a second. If you were to be facing him, you would see the hardness of his eyes. The pure conviction swarming in his gaze.
“Not you. Never you.”
Finally you turn to him, feeling far too much like a young little kid on the playground who just can’t understand-
Something in his gaze softness. He wants to tell you this because he cares. The team cares. All of them- that they saw you, a prickly, panicked little bird in over their head and flying blind- but he knows it an answer you won’t accept. One you won’t understand. Not at this stage. Not yet. You don’t believe in words, you’ve been lied too far too many times for that.
So he says something you will believe. A watered down version of the truth that feels like such a disservice to everything that makes up your very being.
“You’re interesting.”
You seem to digest his words. Turning them over and thinking in that little head of yours.
‘How long is that interest gonna last?’
That's what you want to say. You want to scream at the top of your lungs that he doesn’t want you. No one does. He’ll get sick of your brashness eventually- he’ll learn and grow used to your tricks. And when your spontaneity grows old, you know what’ll happen.
But you don’t.
You say nothing except—
“…Can I at least pack my bags? …please?”
He knows you don’t have much to pack. He also knows you’re one tricky, flighty little bird. However, he heard your small plea, sees the defeated look in your eyes, the way your hand is so lax around the gun.
Gently, oh so gently, he takes the gun from your hand. You don’t even try and fight him.
“Sorry little bird. Can’t trust you to pack.”
The sad look on your face nearly makes him reconsider. But he can’t risk you getting away again. Not when you’re so easy to catch right now. So vulnerable.
“Can’t you restrain me and then i’ll tell you what to pack?”
That, he can do.
Commands come so naturally to him. You’re almost jealous at how easily they fall from his lips.
Like the old defeated dog you are, you listen, sitting up and presenting your hands to him to restrain. You don’t meet his eyes.
He takes no chances, you are securely bound with a pair of handcuffs. He tugs on them, standing you up and nudging you to the common area of your hotel room. It’s a sizable room, a nice hotel, though truthfully you hadn't really been thinking when you booked it. Brain to frazzled and exhausted to think about anything beyond a clean bed and a hot shower.
The lights are flicked on by his gloved hands, flooding your vision. You hiss blinking and adjusting while he nudges you to the center of the room, down into your knees.
“What am I looking for here, bird?”
Your gaze flicks to him, then to the corner of the room, a vent right by a little corner desk with a lamp.
He follows your gaze and then, (with one last hard look towards you that screams ‘stay’), he walks over. Inside the vent is a crumpled up backpack, old and raggedy. It looks out of place amongst the clean cream colors of the hotel amenities.
He prods at the thing, trained caution. (You don’t blame him after your last stunt with explosives.)
Unceremoniously he opens up the bag and dumps all its contents on the floor. You wince, watching your whole life be scattered on the ground.
A journal, a thermal blanket, a lighter, cash, USB sticks, Your laptop in its thick padded casing (thank god), stolen hotel amenities, nicotine patches, several pill bottles, a half empty water bottle, a pocket knife, bullets…
Your own personal little horde of trinkets.
“Was that necessary…?” You mutter, as he stuffs some stuff back into the bag.
“Can’t blame me for bein’ cautious.”
“Well- i could.”
He turns to look at you. Just… stares at you, all you can see is his eyes at that dreadful mask, boring into yours. He doesn’t need to say anything. You both know you could but you never. Been through too much to really blame him.
You’ve saved his life before, even though he was hunting you. You both know you would never blame him for doing his job. Not at this point.
(Just as he would never blame you for running.)
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