#ghosts and bats because halloween is life
crvstybowlofcereal · 1 year
Tell me about your tattoos if you have them and or what tattoos you want
i have two tattoos, and i plan to get more!
i got the first one two days after my 18th birthday, i had been planning it forever. it's a memorial piece for my first dog Rocky. I got it on the outside of my thigh, very high up so most of it is covered when i wear shorts.
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i covered up the bit with his face because i dont like to share it very much, im terrified of the idea of someone finding a picture of it and getting the exact same tattoo because that's my dog and he meant the world to me. i know its a bit of an irrational fear, and i dont worry about it with my other designs, but i try not to share it online fully, but heres a different picture of him!
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the flowers underneath are red roses, lilies, and forget me nots, for their specific meanings
the next tattoo i got just a couple months ago for a 7 year friend-iversary
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its based on several layers of inside jokes
my long-term tattoo goal is to fill out my leg like a sleeve made of individual tattoos. i also intend to design all of my own tattoos.
some other ones i have in mind for my next ones are - a ghost (i always draw sheet ghosts the same way) - the mystery machine from scooby doo - the irken invader symbol from invader zim - a swarm of bats (probably on my inner thigh) - moon phases - lavender (and amethyst?)
more context for things in the tags
#we had to put rocky down in 2019 because he had a heart condition and he had torn both his ACLs#and both of those things together meant neither could be surgically dealt with#(his heart was not stable enough for him to go under for surgery#and he would have to exercise and lose weight for his heart to even have a chance of being more stable)#(this was all after his battle with cancer)#the red roses on the skull side are for mourning#the lilies in the middle are for a strong calming energy#and the forget me nots are self explanatory#i met my best friend in middle school and we always ended up sitting next to the trash cans so that became and inside joke#plus her favorite animal is a racoon and mine is a opossum#the tea part is kind of an inside joke i dont even know how to begin explaining#but also he's just spilling the tea#and shes the only person i do that with#ghosts and bats because halloween is life#scooby doo and invader zim are both shows that have been a big part of my life since childhood#moon phases because first theyre witchy#second because i like to celebrate the phases of life and how things and people change over time#third its a reminder to live by the seasons#and lavender because it is my favorite flower and i feel like it represents me#and amethyst is my favorite crystal as well as being my birthstone so i feel like it also represents me#i would probably get lavender and amethyst to fill out space between tattoos#tattoos#this ended up longer than i thought it would#the first one is a mirror pic btw#it is backwards kdjbhsg#tattoo
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kookygranger · 4 months
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Is This Desire?
Firefighter!Steve Harrington x Witch!Reader
Steve Harrington falls for you a little harder every time he meets you. Now you're free to live your life and he's ready to make a move on the girl he thinks about every day.
Warnings: 18+ minors dni, smut-ish (allusions to sex), secondary character death, witchcraft, reader is a town outcast, fem!reader, no upside down/no hawkins au
Word count: 2k
Author's note: This story is inspired by a trippy and vividly detailed dream I had, minus the lovechild because that's not my vibe but good for dream me I guess.
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Chapter One: When Under Ether
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The first time Steve Harrington saw you was on a brisk fall night. Brown leaves lifted in small whirlpools down the street as children’s laughter and sugar-induced screams permeated the air. It was Halloween.
Steve wanted to dress up as Robin Hood, his outfit complete with feathered cap and fox tail sitting on his navy-blue bedspread at home, but his friends thought trying was lame now – so he settled for a ripped shirt and a half-assed green face paint job. He wasn’t even sure if he was supposed to be a zombie or Frankenstein’s monster.
He’d done that a lot lately. Changed things about himself that others his age suddenly found uncool or only suitable behaviour for babies. He may not have known as much as the kids that sat up the front of class, but he knew one thing for sure, he didn’t want to be thought of as a baby.
Maybe that’s why he was stood in front of the rotting wooden gate that led up to the house at the end of Maple Street, so far away from the rest of the neighbours that it could only barely be counted. Unless it was to get its own street name entirely, which right now Steve felt like it could, as far away from safety as possible to his small legs.
See, the old Ravenwood house was only spoken about in whispers, its history revealed in rumours perpetuated by ghost story obsessed children for as long as anyone can even remember the house being occupied. And with its peeling paint, overgrown and weed-riddled front yard, and creaking front porch, it was a ripe opportunity for a young boy to prove that he was no scaredy cat on All Hallows’ Eve.
Steve walked up the sunken stone path with his two friends in tow. Tommy, the boy who’d suggested the dare earlier in the night brought up the rear of the small group, knobbly knees knocking together.
Steve was wiping his sweaty palms on his jeans when a flurry of bats, unnative to this part of the world, flew into their path, screeching only slightly higher than the two boys behind him who ran straight back through the front gate. His heart battered against his ribcage as he squeezed his eyes shut, taking a deep breath like his grandma had taught him to when he’d get mad or upset, and when he opened his eyes he saw you.
Watching curiously through the second-floor window, where you sat perched inside, a warm glow framing your small body. Steve thought you looked to be the same age as him, but he’d never seen you before. He smiled that charming Harrington grin he’d been told he possessed, then waved – you, more shyly returned the gesture. Then he’d heard his name called somewhere back beyond the threshold of this strange house, and he’d returned to his friends. Brushing off the ill attempt at machismo with talks of scoring candy.
When Steve’s head hit his pillow that night, veins pumping with sugar, he thought of you. He would never forget about the girl in the window. A beacon of light that dissolved his fears.
The second time Steve saw you everything faded away into the background.
He’d been swapping occupational war stories with Robin at the bar in town, the one that didn’t refuse service based on age but based on your likeability according to the bartender. He’d made his way up to the bar through the lively post-work week crowd to order another round when he saw you. Through the far from sober bodies, tucked away on a barstool up against the wall, your hands playing with a sodden beer mat as your eyes wandered, people watching, Steve Harrington swore he saw the face of an angel.
Although time had changed you both, bodies growing up and through awkward stages, arms and chests filling out to be hugged now by the scratchy material of Steve’s striped polo and the soft cotton of your dress, your legs strong enough to bring a grown man to his knees (as far as Steve was concerned), the glint of a thin silver chain on the wrist that supported his big hands enough to capture the attention of almost all the girls in town – Steve had still known. It was you. By looks alone, you may have been a far cry from the little girl in the window, but he knew.
Inexplicably, for he could not cite the hairs on his toned arms raising at the sight of your eyes gazing back at his, or the warm, tight feeling in his chest he’d only ever felt once before as proper methods of identification. But your shy smile and hitched breathing as he drew near only confirmed it for him.
And before he knew it, his lips oh so close to yours, shining after his tongue had poked out to wet them were asking if you wanted to get out of there.
Robin would later get more than her fair share of making up for his total abandonment of her without so much as a goodbye, but in that moment he couldn’t think of anything else but you.
How he could taste the bitterness of your perfume on your skin when he kissed your bare shoulder, how you sounded when he sucked on the skin under your ear and the vibrations you made together when he swallowed your moans, how you squeezed his hand that held yours beside your head laying on the pillow that wouldn’t be rid of your scent for a week after, and how you kissed him deeply after the seventh time he’d asked if you were still okay, if you still wanted this as much as he did.
When you left him, asleep with kissed lips parted in soft snores and hair mussed, the marks he’d left on your neck and thighs would serve you as a sweet reminder. The scent of sandalwood and vanilla followed you as you snuck back into your house through the back door, the quiet creak masked by the singing cicadas. Your uncle exactly where you'd left him, still sleeping off the extra spoonful of valerian extract and dried chamomile you’d steeped with his tea to buy yourself a little more time out there.
Where magic was forbidden. Where children threw cruel comments and the adults they’d overheard them from ushered them across the other side of the street. Out there where people would never be understanding of you, and boys who could trick you into giving up your power ran rampant.
You’d thought – hoped, dreamed – that maybe on your eighteenth birthday you could get a kiss. A moment of normalcy outside of your life stuck in this house but what you got was so much better.
What you got was imprinted on your skin with the lingering feeling of his lips.
The third time you meet Steve, you breathe in your first taste of free air.
Steve had volunteered to take a ride with the EMT to transport a body to the morgue, on an otherwise slow shift at the firehouse. The only other one in town had called in sick and the nearest hospital was a town over.
When the bus turned down Maple Street, Steve immediately felt off. A sense of dread washed over him and only increased when the car continued off the main street and down the dirt road that led to the Ravenwood house. As the vehicle kicked up stones and a cloud of dust in its wake he’d been hit with a sudden wave of déjà vu, remembering dreams that felt as real as memories of walking up this path only to find himself back at the start over and over again.
When the bus finally came to a stop in the driveway Steve barrelled out, running up to the front door in a panic, his raised fist ready to knock it down before it abruptly opened. Exhaling quickly at the site of you, the sinking feeling in his stomach alleviated as he took you in for the first time in years.
You’re dressed for mourning. A soft black dress and scuffed boots, hair pulled back to reveal a bare face that Steve had the sudden urge to kiss.
“H-Hi.” He managed to stammer out a greeting as his colleague finally caught up to him, walking up the creaking steps to your front porch.
“He’s in the bedroom.” You held open the front door, moving aside to let them in. Voice small, smelling of lemon, cedarwood and white musk and Steve had to physically keep himself moving as he brushed past you.
Your uncle laid stiff on a double bed, on top of the covers and dressed in a tattered corduroy suit as if ready for viewing, his body now an empty vessel left only for a ceremonial send-off. A white handkerchief covered his face, a small bundle of dried cypress and sweet cicely perched on his forehead. A breeze from the open window across the room swayed the hem of your skirt as you stared at him.
Steve pointed to the handkerchief, asking you if they could move it but stopped his movements right away when you tensed. His colleague tells you it’ll have to come off during the autopsy and you fold, asking if it can at least go back on afterwards.
“Once we drop him off he’s out of our hands ma’am.”
“I’ll make sure it does,” Steve placates you and you offer him a small nod in thanks. He barely remembers to breathe.
You followed the stretcher out to the bus, a rumbling of thunder catching the two men’s gaze up to the sky when the back doors thud shut. The view was clear when they entered the house, no forecast for rain on this mild summer’s day. Now fat drops began to hit the ground with the rolling in of grey clouds. Steve looked down and noticed a small smile on your face.
You took a deep breath in with eyes softly shut. “I think I’m gonna go for a walk.” You took off down the front path, stopping at the front gate when Steve called after you, asking if you were sure as the rain only intensified.
You just turn and smile at him, waving with a fixed mind. “It’s cleansing.” Only to disappear into the tall grass fields across from your house in a blur of black. Walking away, a free woman.
The front door creaked closed, making Steve’s companion jump.
After that day Steve hears of regular sightings of the girl who grew up in that house. Gossip of blooming, bright lavender and bluebells, buzzing bees – life where there once was nothing but rot and death. A fixed white picket fence and carefully laid stone-path that led up to a now bright and welcoming looking house at the end of Maple Street. But this was still a small town and generational rumours took more than a fresh coat of paint to cover up. The witch who lived at the old Ravenwood house was still feared among small minds.
The fourth time Steve Harrington saw you he was dropping Robin’s overdue books off at the library on his way to work. Navy blue t-shirt hugging his biceps, tucked neatly into his uniform pants, the stomp of his steel-capped boots muffled by the scratchy charcoal carpet.
Robin had sent him in the hopes that he could get her late fees waived. He’d spritzed an extra spray of his cologne on before leaving their shared apartment, Harrington charm plastered on his face as he prepared to win over an elderly lady who was reminded of her husband when they first met. Only, the person behind the counter wasn’t wearing a blouse with a frilly collar or sporting a purple rinse quaff.
The person who greeted Steve was wearing a well-loved PJ Harvey shirt, with long braids running down her back, flashing a timid smile that ripped through his chest.
“Hi, Steve.”
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End note: If you want dedicatedly researched, heart-wrenching witch core you should go read @storiesbyrhi's Eddie fic Burning Yarrow. I'd also recommend @rosewaterandivy's S.H. x witch!reader story, which is just blow me down gorgeous. Their words probably inspired the dream that inspired this story ✨
Thank you for reading! x
Steve edit by @/vasguett on pinterest
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Halloween prompts no. 19
Danny is flung into a new dimension by Skulker and they continue to fight above a strange city. Danny makes sure to end it quickly after that in case he attracts the attention of yet another person or group of people who want to hurt him for whatever reason..
He flies into a nearby building only to discover a freaky mad scientists lab and finds a clone of someone named "Robin". The clone was appearently a baby that they were planning on brainwashing and raising in a cult like setting to kill the "Bats"
"Jee, is the rodent problem that bad?!" Either way he decides to kidnap the baby and destroy everything in a blaze of glory. No child soldiers on his watch. No siree! He then portals his way home.
What he did not count on was him immediately running into his parents in his ghost form with a very alive baby in his arms. They stared eachother down in uncharacteristic silence, one afraid that they would hurt the baby with thier reckless firing and the others staring slack jawed cause why does he have a baby?!
The whole of Amity Park is also asking this question. Many assume its his, despite his age because teenages parents do exist, plus phantom kept calling it "his" baby so...
Others are worried that he might have just taken a baby from a dangerous environment and decided to keep it not realizing how much work a baby is. (Spot on) Both theories raise questions about how ghosts view families and how they reproduce. Upon asking Phantom he turned bright green, made a witty one liner and bolted.
Frostbite calls Danny in to give a check up to both him and the baby and uses this time to get a DNA sample from the child, and with a bit of ghostly magic he tracks down the parents and contacts them by straight up ringing thier doorbell. He and Alfred get along immediately.
Eventually Frosty tricks Phantom into coming back to Gotham and reveals the babies paternity in front of the batfam and the bird in question (whichever one) is freaking out a bit, "I'm too young to be a father!" style and Dannys like, "Cool. Cause I have no intention of sharing! Byeeee!" Before vanishing. Frostbite wants a nap.
Cue batfam following Phantom back to his dimension via Frostbite only to discover various people in Amity Park have also grouped together armed with ghost hunting gear to capture Phantom and get the baby away from him. Yeah, they know the kid has good intentions but hes only 14 and its not good for him or the baby. So they're effectively acting like undead CPS.
About time.
Anyway, Danny realizes he can't revert to his living form because his ecto signature would still ping on the equipment as Phantom and thats not something he wants to explain right now. Or possibly ever. With that being said he refuses to abandon his child. Hes only had them for two weeks and they're already his whole world.
Sam keeps telling him this was stupid and even Tuckers concerned. "How will you take care of a baby, dude? You can't even balance your hero life with you real life" Okay, fair. Jazz then started talking to him about talking to the babys father to at least get some help raising them and Danny finally agreed. For the baby's sake.
Bruce is so relieved when he finally gets to see his grandchild safe and sound.
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brokenstar28 · 8 months
Incorrect Bat-Family Quotes 2
Damian: I don’t hate you. I hate everyone.
Jason: The feeling is mutual.
Jason: Would you rather kill Tim, or—
Damian: Yes, kill him.
Jason: I didn’t say the other—
Damian: I don’t need to hear it.
Tim: …I’m feeling a little unsafe.
Dick: I've never encountered a problem that can't be solved by a spontaneous musical number.
Damian: Would you take a bullet for me?
Dick: ...yes?
*Tim angrily burst into the room*
Damian: *running away* Great, thanks!
*the TV is freaking out*
Jason: Don’t worry, you have to treat an electronic like you treat a patient on life support.
*unplugs the TV, then plugs it back in again. nothing changes*
Jason: Yeah, that didn’t work with my grandma either.
Tim: Do you ever feel like exploding? Have you experienced the urge to enter the process of combustion? Has your mind created a logical idea, known as thought, to suddenly disperse your body into thousands of particles?
Jason: It’s 3 am, please go back to sleep.
Damian: I swear to god I'm the only one here with a braincell.
Dick, Jason, Steph, and Tim: ALL HAIL the keeper of the sacred braincell! Hail! Hail
Tim: I’m totally useless.
Damian: You’re not totally useless.
Damian: You can be used as a bad example.
Bruce: I’m telling you, my team is competent.
Dick, rushing in: Bruce! Tim tried to make pasta in the coffee pot and now it's broken!
Bruce: In your opinion, what is the height of stupidity?
Damian, turning to Tim: How tall are you?
Tim: All I did was kill Damian, is that really such a crime?
Dick: ...
Dick: Yes?!
Jason: I just wanted to say that over the years, I have come to regard you as… people I met.
Dick: Get in the Halloween spirit and make a ghost!
Tim: That’s called murder and I heard somewhere that it was illegal.
Jason: Hey, Dick. These candies you gave me? They sucked.
Dick: But you ate them all.
Jason: I had to make sure they all sucked.
Tim: I have a problem.
Dick: If it's harder than 2+2, I can't help.
Damian: Could you guys at least try to see this from my perspective?
Tim: *crouches down*
Cass: *kneels down*
Dick: *sits on the floor*
Damian: ...
Damian: I hate all of you.
Dick: Is it still visible? Where Bruce slapped me?
Jason: Your face looks like a don't walk signal.
Duke: Your face looks like a photo negative for the hamburger helper box.
Damian: A palm reader could tell Bruce's future by looking at your face.
Tim: The phrase 'talk to the hand cause the face ain't listening' doesn't work for you, because the hand is your face.
Dick: ...A simple 'yes' would've sufficed.
Damian: I never understood why people cared so much about their dumb friends until I got a dumb friend myself.
Damian: *Picks up Jon*
Damian: I’ve only befriended Jon for a day and a half, but if anything happened to him I would kill everyone in this room and then my self.
Damian: And then burn the world.
Dick: Good morning!
Damian: Is it? Is it really?
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whiskey-bumblebee · 7 months
trick or treat aaron hotchner pls 🙏
treat! 🍬
A/N: gender neutral reader (Aaron slips up at one point but we correct him), Halloween-decoration-typical horror (just in case). Also the writing in this is super lazy because I am what? Lazy <3 Hope you enjoy! And keep the requests coming!
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Aaron loves that you love Halloween, but he can't stand the decorations. He's seen a lot of things in his life, and Spirit Halloween reminds him of the worst of them: dismembered limbs, blood, scary masks, references to weapons and poison, death all around. To him, it's a blessing that you have the stomach for the plastic version. It means he's doing his job, as an agent and a boyfriend. He's not bringing it home. He's keeping you safe from the horrors of the world.
So he gives you a list of boundaries, lovingly handwritten in his neatest print:
please no: -weapons -gore/blood -body parts/bones/tombstones -jumping things -masks -murder/crime scene paraphernalia
You take the list in hand and give him a look. "Honey, I respect this, but are there things you do want? That might be easier."
He considers it for a second. "Bats. Pumpkins. Spiders. Witches. Cats. Vampires. Frankenstein. Cute ghosts."
You smile and give him a kiss because you can't help it. "Cute ghosts."
"You know. Sheet ghosts."
"So you can watch scary movies but you can't have scary decorations?" You're only teasing, and he knows that, but he still pouts a little.
"Michael Myers on the television is different to Michael Myers in the living room."
You nod. "Okay, honey. I'll see what we can do."
So you head to the halloween store and do a little bit of damage with your credit card, and head home to set up. You don't get many trick or treaters, since you live in a small neighborhood, but it's just as fun to decorate for yourself, right?
You decide to go with plenty of fuzzy spiders, a jack o lantern for the porch, and a sheet ghost for the lawn.
Aaron gets home, and you're careful to meet him out in the driveway so you can check for his approval.
"Cute ghost," You point out, after giving him a quick kiss. He nods.
There are some comically large spiders climbing up the outside of the house, and he laughs.
Then the two pumpkins on the porch.
"I thought we'd carve them together another time."
He nods again. You know the lack of reaction is just his way of assessing a situation wholly before he makes an overall judgement.
You walk him through the door, where you've kept things much more minimal. Your home is your shared sanctuary after all, and the last thing you need is to give him a heart attack in the middle of the night.
The front door reads "Haus Frankenstein", with the silhouette of a castle underneath. In the kitchen, you've suspended a sign reading "it's electrifying!" with a picture of Frankenstein's monster in the lightning trap.
"I know this is kind of verging into corpse territory, but I thought it was cute, if you don't like it-"
Aaron shakes his head quickly. "No, it's cute. Thank you."
The guest bathroom has sticky green gels over the tile.
"Ectoplasm," You smile, and Hotch falls even more in love with you.
"Everything is temporary, it's peel and stick. If you don't like anything, I kept the receipts, so we can return it-"
"Everything is perfect, honey. Is that it?"
You nod. "That's it."
His face falls a little, although he's quick to shield it.
"What?" You ask quickly. "Do you want something else?"
"I was hoping you'd pick the costumes, I'm no good with that s-"
You beam. "I did. They're in the bedroom."
Aaron smiles at that. "You think of everything. I love you."
You lead him to the bedroom, and you're delighted to walk him through the costumes, a mixture of thrifted items, costume pieces, makeup, and a wig for you.
"Frankenstein and the Bride of Frankenstein?"
"Partner of Frankenstein," You correct him. "I thought since I kind of themed the house as the Haus Frankenstein, we could be the Frankensteins. And I was talking to my friend about it and we thought you looked kind of like Boris Karloff."
Aaron raises an eyebrow.
"In a good way!" You interject. "I think he's sexy."
He grins and pulls you in by the waist. "Good."
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Happy Undertale 8th Anniversary, I tried writing a oneshot but it wasn't working, so here, take this offering of incorrect quotes instead, and may it appease the beast for another year.
Frisk, at Alphy's window: I thought I'd find you here! Chara, corporeal: WE COULD HAVE USED THE DOOR!!!
Undyne, the night Papyrus came to her house at midnight: I hate you. Papyrus, holding up a surprisingly well-drawn picture: WELL, ACCORDING TO THIS PICTURE I DREW OF US HOLDING HANDS, THAT IS NOT TRUE!
Undyne: Alphys is off at an appointment, so while she's gone, I’m going to cut the sleeves off all of my shirts. Papyrus: Why? Undyne: She's like 90% of my impulse control.
Frisk: Undyne, when’s your birthday? Undyne: Why? So you can look up my natal chart? So you can figure out my weaknesses? So you can destroy me? Frisk: ...So I know when to wish you a happy birthday.
Fallen Human Perseverance: Don't joke about murder. I was murdered once and it offends me.
Asgore: I type how I think. Toriel: Odd that you type at all then.
Asriel: *is hugging Frisk* Chara: Hey! It's my turn to hug Frisk! Kris, kicking down the door: What do you mean, "yOuR tUrN"? We agreed now is my time slot! Asriel: No, It's still my turn! Frisk, suffocating: Guys, I love you, but just because I'm the smallest doesn't mean you can be hugging me constantly! Chara: But we need the moral support! Asriel: And you're small! Which is cute! Kris: If I don't hug you right now I think the depression will kick in and my body will stop functioning. Frisk: Well- I, I guess.
Sans: Last week, Papyrus tried to flush a live lobster down the toilet "because it worked for Nemo".
Frisk: Why are you like this?? Flowey: I used too much "No More Tears" shampoo as a kid and I haven't felt a single emotion since.
Alphys: I never tell people off the bat that I'm gay. I wait. I wait until they say something homophobic and then I laugh and am like "you know I'm gay right?" and watch the look of terror on their face. Mettaton: Mettaton: I like you.
Asriel: Can we go to a haunted house? Chara: What's wrong with the one we live in? Asriel: Wh-what? Chara: Good-night, Asriel.
Frisk: How’s practice going? Flowey: Terrible. I want to stab everybody there. Frisk: Okay, just don’t get any blood on your petals. Flowey: …you shouldn’t be condoning this. Frisk: Don’t tell me how to live my life.
Frisk: What if mayonnaise came in cans? Asriel: Well, that would suck because you can't microwave metal. Chara: Good morning to everyone except these two people.
Toriel: Yes, I'm adopting seven ghosts and you cowards can't tell me no!
Frisk: I don’t think the therapist is supposed to say ‘wow’ that many times during their first session with a client, but here we are.
Mettaton: I've never encountered a problem that can't be solved by an spontaneous musical number.
Frisk, to Toriel: If you see Chara, give them this message *makes a neutral face* They'll know what it means. *later* Toriel: Oh, and Frisk said to give you a message. *makes a neutral face* Chara: Oh no. The neutral face of displeasure.
Frisk: Sometimes I wonder if I’m hearing voices. Frisk: Then I remember that’s the last bit of sanity I have trying to get me to fall asleep at a reasonable time.
Napstablook: Why did you guys dress up as each other for Halloween? Mettaton: Maddy is the scariest thing I could think of! Mad Mew Mew: Mettaton told me I should pick the dumbest costume possible.
Toriel: What's worse than a heartbreak? Alphys: Stepping on a cat's tail and not being able to explain that you're sorry.
Muffet: Would you like something to drink? *Opens fridge* We have water, milk, juice, spiders, Dr. Pepper- Frisk: Spiders? Muffet: Spiders it is then. Frisk: No, that wasn’t- *But she was already pouring them a brimming glass of spiders…*
Papyrus: WHAT ARE YOUR ADJECTIVES??? Undyne: …You mean my pronouns? Papyrus: NO, I KNOW WHAT YOUR PRONOUNS ARE!!! WHAT ARE YOUR ADJECTIVES??? Undyne: …I dunno. What are yours? Papyrus: NOISY AND WORKAHOLIC!!! Undyne: I’ve never had something go from making no sense to making complete sense so quickly.
Monster Kid: I have one brain cell and it bounces around in my skull like a windows screen saver. Monster Kid: When it hits a corner perfect, I’m allowed one good idea.
Toriel: I'm cold. Sans: here, take my hoodie, pal. *meanwhile* Alphys: I'm cold. Undyne: *sets the whole city on fire*
Alphys: So, what's for dinner? Undyne, staring at the spaghetti, and the house, that she and Frisk burnt down: Regret.
Chara: Don’t trust everything you see on the internet. Frisk: Pfft. What possible nonsense could come from the internet? Oh. Did you know that the Earth is actually flat? Chara, taking away Frisk's phone: Yeah, that enough for you.
deltarune special: Noelle: Goshdarn it, the printer broke while printing out Rudy's birthday invitations. Carol: Well, what are they supposed to say? Noelle: "Rudy's birthday". Carol: So, what do they say instead? Noelle: "Rudy's bi". Carol: Carol: Works out either way.
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I was reading the Halloween event and noticed that, when Vil and Epel claim to be vampires, one of the Magicam Monsters says vampires don't exist. So fae and werewolves exist, but not vampires? Then what is Lilia? I know the game never confirms that Lilia is a vampire, but he does have the behaviors of one. What are your thoughts?
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I don’t believe that werewolves are a confirmed race in Twisted Wonderland. Humans, beastmen, merfolk, and various types of fairies are the main confirmed races.
Werewolves seem to be closely related to beastmen. In episode 1, part 9 of Terror is Trending, Jack remarks that they are “the monsters that wolf beastmen are said to turn into when they get possessed by the power of the full moon.” However, this appears to be popular folklore from the northern Shaftlands, something akin to scary stories that adults would tell children to get them to behave. (Jack himself says that, “Back home, they’d tell kids not to stay up too late or they’d turn into werewolves.”) It doesn’t necessarily confirm that werewolves are “real” or that wolf beastmen are actually capable of turning into them.
I think most of the costumes the dorms go with represent monsters that don’t actually exist or roam around in their world, from skeletal gravediggers, vengeful ghost pirates, and animated mummies to werewolves, vampires, and the Pumpkin Knight (except in movie form). It seems that only the longs (eastern dragons) exist in the real world (of Twisted Wonderland), as Malleus speaks of their differences and how they are not the same as western dragons or fairies when asked.
On the subject of Lilia, he’s NOT a vampire but a fairy; according to Malleus, there is a lot of variance among the fae, so one kind of fairy can be very different from another. The specific kind of fairy Lilia is (he’s called a “dark fairy” in the event Fairy Gala If) may lead into what is being perceived as traits of a vampire.
He has pointy ears, fangs, and a long lifespan, but those are key traits associated with his being a fairy, not a vampire. (Lilia even refers to his ear shape being different than Silver’s to break the news to him that Silver is adopted.) Lilia being friendly with bats. enjoying tomato juice, hanging upside down, and disliking prolonged time in the sun doesn’t inherently indicate that he’s a vampire. Given Lilia’s eccentric personality and long life, it’s believable that he acts in certain ways or leans heavily into some odd traits of his to get a rise out of other characters.
It’s possible that the TWST devs intentionally gave Lilia these traits because they drew inspiration from a certain subculture or motifs when designing him. Overall, these traits don’t confirm or imply anything to me other than maybe whatever kind of fairy Lilia is has vampiric traits while not necessarily making Lilia a full-fledged vampire.
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hinacu-arts · 10 months
Tags That Made Me Smile 2023 — Part 1 (Jan-June)
Ive collected so many of my "Tags That Made Me Smile List" that i wont be posting it annually this year, its going to be at least biannually (although a good portion of this list is actually random comments in the author notes/lines and not tags 🤣)
[2022's List] [2021's List]
Not Fandom Specific
if they seem ooc at times (to YOU) just ignore it... i know Them
“It’s impossible to figure out comic book timelines” - people who are not me and who I cannot relate to
im ace but i tried my damnest to emulate allo behaviour
canon is nothing more than the sandbox in which I choose to build my castle
Not canon, not fanon, but some other third thing (my love for extravagant world building)
fan fiction vs foe fiction
bro we are teens its ok to be vunerable in front of me #now we are kissing bro dont stop
They have my mind on fucking speed dial i stg
intentional miscommunication in the name of fuckery
Cheesy romance taken seriously
The universe frantically consults the rule book while fate runs off with their action figures
getting a toddler dumped on you by your ex’s ex
“I’m not dying without kissing you” #And then they don’t die #And It’s all quite awkward
"Now if you'll excuse me… Tonight's bad decision isn't going to make itself."
“What’s a ‘boyfriend’? And why am I yours?”
“It has come to my attention that you are, unfortunately, my favorite person on this planet.”
i’m staring at the ceiling fighting the urge to kick you -a love story
Accidental Soul-Bonding oops
Enemy to Caretaker
Wooing via Prank War
Allegedly Platonic Kissing
Fandom Specific
These are ordered by the chronological order of which fandom i was reading at the time
werewolves mate for life
The Gomezification of Wednesday Addams
Legend of Zelda
Hi my name is Link and Welcome to Jackass
Link and Sidon both get a little bit gay: The Chapter
Gerudo Vai Outfit shenanigans
DC x Danny Phantom
Danny is the Tom Bombadil of Superheroes
Jack Fenton’s ability to casually Cool-Aid-Man his way through walls is a symptom of ectoplasm exposure
Skulker, No Skulking!
Danger Twink!Danny Fenton
Red Hood: Civilian Edition
inception—magic school bus version
a guy on staff so adorable it triggers Jason’s fight or flight response
Jason gets diagnosed with "bro your ectoplasm is fucked up" disease
Inspired by Hallmark Christmas Movies #But make it Halloween #where Tim Drake finds out the true meaning of love and Halloween #a true Rom-Com that's just a lil spooky
keeps the Hallmark themes of anti-capitalism #Vlad is the capitalism
pit is gone #raging anger has been replaced with raging hormones
All the (pit) rage he felt at the Joker for killing him is now being redirected and funneled into admiration/gratitude for the guy who did kill Joker
What is a murderer, a maker of ghosts, to the king of ghosts, but a faithful servant?
“Hood, your boyfriend's haunted!”
batman looked at gotham and said "i can fix her" #gotham looked at batman and said "i can make him worse"
Various DC Media
DC stands for Disregard Canon
Pining batman? more like Down Badman
Fortress of Sulkitude
Hurricane Dick and smaller Tropical Storm Damian
Tim finds his missing spleen #:)
just two dudes chillin' in a sleeping bag zero feet apart because Bart stole the other one
Kon's jacket #(it's made from boyfriend material)
Batfam? Bat colony? #how exactly do you to refer to the fascinating taxon that is Tim's family
Breaking the laws of Nature with sheer fucking will and bullshit circumstance (Time and Dimension Travel)
"Ha! Ive been sleeping in his bed for years, i no longer register as a threat"
Let it not be said that Bruce Wayne is a coward. A fool, perhaps, but never a coward.
"This is not very slay of you Tim" Bruce said
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josnhoes · 2 years
ALTERNATE IDEA: mc uses their kid privileges to freak out everyone at every opportunity. start leaving around horrific monster scribbles around and claim its your friend you play with, switch from childlike to adult and say something really ominous out of nowhere and pretend you remember nothing and dont know what they're talking about
just be a chaotic gremlin and convince people ur either possessed by a demon or ARE the demon in question
i mean sure someone's gonna find out eventually and its a 50/50 bet whether they'll tattle or join you, but what is life without risk? may as well make the best (and most amusing) of your situation while everyone's still disoriented
i feel like diasomnia would be the first to get in on it, specifically malleus and lilia, the extent of their knowledge and involvement isnt something i have gotten to yet akrjsnf
Lilia is the one who gets in on it first. You know how a person possessed is supposed to know things they couldn't have known? Well Lilia shares info from his little bat friends with you in a everywhere day schedule for the whole month of Halloween. Mc isn't allowed to behave like that year round as fun as it would be because it would make too many people worry and they'd try and get mc fixed.
Though if you wanna stand at the edge of someone's bed at 3 am randomly through the year and say creepy shit it's easily written off as sleep walking but the fear the person woken up has is real. Cater, Sebek, Kalim, Azul, and if you find a way in Iida all scream in a very 'feminine' way. Though poor Jamil the first time you did it to Kalim thought someone was attacking him and almost hurt you.
Speaking of Jamil he is still haunted by the time you asked from the foot of his bed if he thought that crawling on your skin you randomly feel is the ghost of bugs you'd squashed in life. He had never been the same.
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emilou-keen-gear · 7 months
Halloween Story
Word Approx.: 2,900
Characters: Webby, Lena, Violet, May and June
Title: Three’s a Crowd Part 1
            “Halloween Slumber Party!” Webby shouted at the top of her lungs as she performed a perfect pile-drive onto a stack of pillows, sending them flying in all directions.
            Lena blocked a few with just a wave of her hand, magic sending the fluffy projectiles harmlessly away. Violet batted one away from her book without looking up. May swatted the pillows with an irritated frown but June took one full in the face, then laughed at herself.
            Webby was giddy with delight. Not only was this her first slumber party with her clone-sisters, but it also promised to be an extra delightful one with it being during the Halloween season. Which meant telling ghost stories into the night, playing scary games, and eating way too much candy.
            However, Webby’s plans for her slumber parties never turned out how she wanted them to go. Little did she know that she thought would be a fun night filled with harmless thrills and chills would turn into a slumber party she would soon regret.
            “I’m glad that you planned this slumber party,” Lena said, digging into her backpack.
            “Of course. All my slumber parties are totally excellent,” Webby said, trying to remain upbeat for May and June’s sake. After all, they had no knowledge of her previous slumber parties. That last thing she needed was for them to know about the money shark, jumping into the Shadow Realm, and the weird shared dream.
            “Because I really need to practice my necromancy and it’s not a good idea to do it alone,” Lena said, bringing out candles, chalk, and incense.
            “What?” Webby cried out before laughing. “Oh, Lena, you joker.” She nervously glanced at May and June. They didn’t seem to notice. “Lena, is this really a good time? Couldn’t we do it a different time?”
            “But it’s a full moon, and it’s only a week before Halloween. It’s prime spirit communication time,” Lena said. “I won’t have an opportunity like this until next year.”
            Webby bit her lower lip. Why couldn’t she, for once, have a nice, normal slumber party? Given, because of these weird episodes, she was able to get Lena back from the shadow realm, but still, it would be nice to have one night where the most exciting thing she did was play Truth or Dare.
            “Necromancy? Isn’t that, like, raising zombies and bringing the dead back to life?” May asked skeptically.
            June’s eyes widened.
            “Technically, Necromancy is magic dealing with the dead. From what I was able to read from Lena’s spell books, most of Necromancy is communication with spirits and sending them to the next world. Zombies is high level necromancy, and nobody can bring the dead back to life,” Violet said in her no-nonsense way. “Although there is a lot more to it than that.”
            “Oh, so we’re going to play that one game with the magnifying glass and letters and numbers on the board to talk to ghosts, right?” April asked. She didn’t seem concerned by the idea, nor did she sound interested. In fact, she sounded bored.
            But June looked worried. “Aren’t those things dangerous? Don’t they summon evil spirits?”
            Lena rolled her eyes. “What you’re describing is an Ouija board, and, yeah, I have one of those. We can try one out. And, no, we’re not going to summon an evil spirit, June. Scrooge has this mansion protected against evil spirits. Plus he has Duckworth, who would keep us safe. We’ll only communicate with good spirits. Besides, I can only summon weak ones at my level of necromancy.”
            April rolled her eyes. “You really are selling us on this party game.”
            “Party game?” Lena repeated.
            “Yeah. It’s just a game,” April said. “We’ll ask the board a bunch of questions, and one of you will move the magnifying glass around and pretend that a spirit has come to talk to us. Let’s skip it. We’re not that gullible.”
            June still looked nervous but nodded her head in agreement with her sister. “Yeah, it sounds…silly. Let’s do something else.”
            Webby jumped on that idea. “Yeah, because I have a whole bunch of activities we can do tonight. We don’t have to summon spirits. Right, Lena?” She looked at her friend hopefully.
            Lena sighed. “Fine. I’ll put all this stuff away. I wouldn’t want to scare anyone tonight anyway.”
            “Scare?” May demanded, knowing a challenge when she heard one. “This child’s game doesn’t scare us, right June?”
            June had found a blanket to wrap around herself with only her eyes peeking out. “Yeah. It doesn’t scare us.”
            Lena and May looked at those wide-eyes, not believing that lie.
            “Prove it,” Lena said, pulling out her Ouija board—a homemade one—and waggled it at May.
            “Fine,” May said, snatching the board and setting it on the floor.
            “Hey, I understand that you want to practice, Lena, but this is a slumber party and it’s obvious that not everyone wants to summon spirits,” Webby said. “Maybe we should do something that all of us will enjoy. How about we watch a movie?”
            “Or we could put it to a vote and let majority rule?” May said. “There’s two for summoning spirits—or at least pretending to summon spirits—“ She shot a smirk at Lena. “—and two for doing something else.”
            The four ducklings turned to the fifth member of their party who had remained quiet for the most part.
            Violet set her book down. “And it looks like it comes to me to be the tie-breaker. As much as I would like to stop the squabbling, perhaps I could propose a compromise so that there are no hard feelings throughout the night and spoil Webbigail’s slumber party.”
            Lena rolled her eyes at her adopted sister’s lengthy explanation.
            May looked intrigued.
            “I suggest we allow Lena to practice her necromancy for a limited time of fifteen minutes and fifteen minutes only, just to see if she can do it or not since there isn’t any guarantee that it will work,” Violet continued.
            Lena folded her arms. “Thanks for the vote of confidence, Vi.”
            “You’re welcome. I, for one, believe that you could if you have the concentration since we all know you’re powerful enough to do it,” Violet said. “I would love to be able to communicate with some historical figures once you have mastered this branch of magic. However, for the sake of certain members of the group who are uncomfortable with the subject matter, I suggest that some of us go downstairs and prepare snacks and the movie.”
            “Oh, I could do that,” June said, jumping out of her blanket. “I’ll just wait in the TV room until you’re done.”
            Webby was surprised with how quickly June had gone for the compromise. “Great, June. Thanks. Do you want any help?”
            “No, I got it. I’ll just ask Mrs. Beakley if I can’t find anything,” June said, going out the door.
            Webby turned to the others, having found Lena already drawing a protective circle large enough for the board and everyone to sit around it. Violet was getting her phone ready to time the séance so they didn’t go over the fifteen minute time period.
            “Okay, everyone, sit in the circle,” Lena said, putting down the last candle.
            “And let me guess, we all hold hands,” May said blithely.
            “Only if you get scared,” Lena said with a smirk. “I have to hold the crystal, so we won’t be able to hold hands, but I should only be summoning a low-level spirit, so the protective circle should be enough.”
            May frowned, looking uncertain. But she sat down on one side of the Ouija board, the others joining her until they formed a square facing the board.
            Lena held out a crystal on a chain over the board, the crystal dangling just a few inches over the letters and numbers on the board.
            “I thought we had that magnifying glass that we all touch,” May wondered.
            “Yeah, because that’s for a game,” Lena said. “This is the real thing. Do you honestly think that a ghost is going to visit a bunch of kids and try to wrestle a little plastic triangle just to write out a dumb message to scare them?”
            “Uh…no. Thus the sarcasm,” May pointed out.
            “Well, this is how a real spirit medium does it,” Lena said. “Now before I begin, everyone must expel all negative emotions. We must have positive emotions in the circle. Most spirits are neutral, and our positive energy will make them positive. If a negative spirit answers our summons, positive energy will deflect them. But it is unlikely that a negative spirit will come.”
            “Based on Webbigail’s record for slumber parties, I think that statement is false,” Violet said.
            Webby’s face fell, her worries showing through.
            “It was a joke,” Violet said, a smile showing through her deadpan demeanor. “I was trying to bring in some levity to help with the positive emotions.”
            Webby laughed. “Yeah, good one, Violet,” she said. The joke actually helped.
            “Okay, I think we’re ready,” Lena said with a smile and started a chant in a language nobody but Violet recognized. After a while, Lena asked, “Is there a spirit here that is willing to communicate?”
            Everyone looked to the crystal still dangling over the Ouija board. It didn’t move.
            “We’d like to talk to a spirit. If there are any nearby, use the crystal to speak to us,” Lena said, trying to concentrate on positive energy as well as clear thoughts for the spirit. Both of these things weren’t her strongest suits.
            She kept asking questions and inviting spirits to come talk to them, but still the crystal didn’t move except for a bit of trembling from Lena’s hand. It was hard to keep her hand still while holding it out.
            “We have two minutes left,” Violet announced, glancing at her phone.
            “Let me try one more time,” Lena said. “I think I sense something, but something is preventing it from communicating. Is everyone thinking positive thoughts?” She shot a glare at May.
            May shrugged. “Hey, I have been thinking positive thoughts. I’m positive that this won’t work.”
            Lena gave a frustrated sigh. “Come on, May.”
            “Okay, okay. Positive thoughts. Kittens and rainbow and marshmallows,” May said.
            Lena glared again.
            “Hey, those were positive,” May defended. “I like kittens and rainbows and marshmallows.” She was sincere.
            “I’m getting something,” Lena said, closing her eyes. “If you’re there, do you want to talk to us?”
            Suddenly, the crystal started to rotate in a circle slightly then it straightened, pointing to the “Yes” on the board.
            “Yes!” Lena cheered.
            May’s eyes widened. “Okay, I’m not going to insult you by asking how you’re doing that. I’m just going to swallow my pride. But I’m not scared.”
            Then the chain jerked to the “No”.
            “Whoa, what’s going on?” Violet asked.
            “I’m sensing there’s two spirits,” Lena said. “They seem to be fighting over the crystal.”
            “Are they both friendly? Maybe one of them is shy?” Webby asked, not liking how quickly the crystal went to “No” but she was always willing to give people the benefit of the doubt, even ghosts.
            “And are there only two of them?” May asked, looking around as if there were hordes of ghosts spying on her.
            The crystal moved to the number two and then it went to the one.
            “I guess one left,” May thought and she shivered. “Did it suddenly get cold in here?”
            “The temperature has dropped by twenty degrees ever since the crystal started moving,” Violet said. “I brought my equipment to test Lena’s experiment, and I’ve been getting some interesting data. I can’t wait to listen to the audio recording I made once I get it on my computer.”
            “Did the other ghost leave?” Lena asked.
            The crystal went to the “Yes.”
            “Where did the other ghost go?” Webby asked.
            The crystal jerked again, this time going to a letter, then another, spelling something out. The girls spoke each letter as the crystal pointed to it.
            “H. E. S. W. I. T. H. J. U. N. E.”
            “He’s with June?” May spoke the words once the crystal stopped moving. Her eyes widened. “June.”
            She raced out of the circle and downstairs, calling for her sister’s name. She didn’t know why, but she felt scared. She hadn’t felt scared all night, but she did then. She first checked the TV room, and finding it empty, went to the kitchen. She shoved the door open and shouted her sister’s name.
            June was standing by the back door that was wide open and was waving. “Bye, Auggie. Thanks for your help.” Turning around, she looked at May curiously. “Oh, are you guys done already? Wow, time sure flies.”
            “June, are you okay?” May asked, going to her sister.
            “I’m fine. It’s not that hard to make some brownies,” June said. “I just barely put them in, so they won’t be done for a while, but you can start the movie without me.”
            May looked to the open back door. “What were you doing? Who were you talking to?”
            “Just a boy. Auggie,” June said, confused. “He stopped by and helped me make some brownies. Why do you sound angry?”
            “I—I’m not. You just shouldn’t talk to strangers,” May said, closing the door.
            “He said he knew Scrooge McDuck,” June said. “I thought that Auggie was Huey, Dewey and Louie’s friend. He was so nice, and he knew his way around the kitchen, so he must know the house.”
            “It’s not your house. You shouldn’t invite strangers in,” May said before realizing how loud she was talking. The look on June’s face was enough to make her realize that she was yelling.
            “I’m sorry,” June said.
            Webby stepped forward. She, Lena and Violet had followed May but kept back until now. “There’s no harm done. Everything is fine.”
            June wiped at her eyes, clearing away any tears before they could be seen and nodded. “I’m sorry. He was just so nice, and I promise that nothing bad happened.”
            “It’s okay,” Webby said again. “It’s just…we contacted some spirits and…we think…”
            “We think that they were just trying to scare us, and I was afraid that one of them would try to scare you,” May jumped in. “But you’re fine, and the spirits are all gone, so everything is fine.”
            Webby was surprised by May’s lie, but she kept her beak shut.
            “Oh,” June said. “Then I’m glad Auggie was with me. He made it so I wasn’t scared. And I bet that if a ghost did appear, he would have protected me.” She then hummed a bit, happily.
            May cast a glance at Lena before saying, “We’re going to go get the movie ready. Violet, could you help June with the rest of the snacks.”
            “Sure,” Violet said.
            May then pushed Lena and Webby out of the kitchen.
            “If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you were being too bossy,” Lena quipped.
            “Are those ghosts gone?” May demanded of Lena.
            Lena shrugged. “I’m not sure. You left the circle so suddenly that I didn’t have time to end the ritual. But more than likely, the ghosts weren’t powerful enough to stay. The mansion’s protection should move them along. Not unless they have an emotional attachment to the area.”
            “But you could do something else to make sure they don’t come back, right?” May asked.
            Lena nodded. “Sure.”
            “Could you do it now, please?” May asked, her bossiness dropping. She looked more concern.
            “Yeah, I’ll get to it now,” Lena said. “Don’t worry. The ghost was just a kid. More than likely, he won’t do your sister any harm.”
            “Yeah, okay,” May said, folding her arms.
            After Lena left, Webby said, “I feel kind of sorry for Auggie.”
            “The ghost? You feel sorry for a ghost?” May asked.
            “Well, he’s just a kid, like us,” Webby said sadly. “He died so young. It doesn’t really seem fair.”
            May’s face slipped to sorry. “Yeah, that is kind of sad.”
            “And since he’s a ghost, there’s probably not a lot of ghosts his age around. He’s probably lonely,” Webby continued. “I bet he just wanted to spend time with June. She’s really nice and likes to make people happy.”
            May knew that June was a people pleaser. She always had. She always sought out approval to anyone around. To May. To Bradford. To Red Heron. And they had all demanded so much of June. Even May demanded things of June.
            At least they had Donald and Daisy and all these new friends. With the kindness and attention that they were giving the clone sisters, June might eventually learn that the only person she had to please was herself.
            “At least he seemed to be a friendly ghost,” Webby said. “Don’t worry about it.”
            But May did worry. But perhaps the boy wasn’t who she should worry about. What about the other ghost? And were there truly only two ghosts? Could there be more?
            Bad things come in threes.
            Could there be a third ghost?
            May felt a chill go down her spine which she shook away. She had been thinking too many dark thoughts. Lena was going to wiggle her fingers and say a few magic words, and all the ghosts would be gone.
            And that would be the end of that.
End of part 1
Hi, I was trying to write a bunch of short stories for the Halloween month, and this one kind of went a little longer than I wanted to. I thought I would break it up in sections. I have a few other stories I want to get to first, so the second part may take me a few days to get to.
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It's time to learn a little more about our lead characters!
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Araminta "Minty" Lam
Full Name: Araminta Joy Lam Nicknames: Minty, Mint, and the Spooky Girl Age: 25 Birthday: November 22 Pronouns: She/Her Gender: Female Orientation: Bisexual Height: 5’4” Nationality: Chinese and Filipino American Religion: Spiritual but not religious  Place of Birth: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Occupation: Supernatural Podcaster (The Night Owls of Philly) and Graphic Designer Face Model: Lydia Shum and Joyce Cheng Voice: Rachanee Lumayno
Minty is excitable and bubbly. She's a kind-hearted, friendly, and cheerful spooky goth girl. She can be one-track minded, especially when it comes to anything related to the supernatural. This can make Minty seem rude when she’s just bulldozing right past someone’s point or attempt at changing the topic. She’s a little too confident in her knowledge of the occult, believing she can handle whatever is thrown at her because she’s seen a lot of scary movies. She’d never be “stupid” like a horror movie character would be.
She’s a healthy skeptic. She doesn’t believe everything she hears and prefers to investigate before she buys into something. She knows there are a lot of scam artists out there that will take advantage of people who believe in the supernatural.
Minty desperately wants to find proof of ghosts and the afterlife. So far, she’s come up empty and that disappoints her.
She is very family oriented and gets along with most of her family. Her father passed away when she was young, and she currently lives with her mom and older sister.
Likes: Her friends and family, horror and sci-fi, romcoms, queer media, socks, laughing at Hallmark movies with her mom and sister, scary stories, podcasts, podcasting, autumn, rainstorms, MST3K, rock, death rock, goth rock, post punk, rockabilly, coffee shops, and video games
Dislikes: Humidity, feet, styrofoam, doing laundry, glue smell, cold fries, wearing pants, beer, fatphobia, and flies
Favorite Foods: Grilled Cheese and Pickle Sandwiches, Siopao Asado, Picarones, Hong Kong Egg Tarts, Egg and Banana Roti, Mooncakes, and Wawa Soft Pretzels
Favorite Drinks: Boba Milk Tea and Amaretto Sour
Favorite Animal: Bats
Favorite Color: Green
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Laura Bates
Full Name: Laura Marion Bates Nicknames: Laurie, Lulu, Lars, and Lala Age: 25 Birthday: March 4 Pronouns: She/Her Gender: Female Orientation: Lesbian Height: 5’6” Nationality: Black American Religion: Agnostic, but exploring Witchcraft Place of Birth: Somewhere in Pennsylvania (It'll be revealed later!) Occupation: Supernatural Podcaster (The Night Owls of Philly) and Accountant Face Models: Bern Nadette Stanis and Cicely Tyson Voice: Krystal Gem
While Laura’s love of all things supernatural and macabre could rival Minty’s, she’s a lot less excitable. She’s sarcastic with deadpan sense of humor without being cynical. Laura is blunt about her opinions, but she has some sense of tact. She can be just as dorky as Minty and she feels absolutely no shame about it. Life is too short to worry about what other people think.
Laura is a natural born leader. She’s talented and brilliant, but she doesn’t trust people easily. Minty and Ingrid are the only two people she truly trusts. She struggles with her self-worth and PTSD, preferring to fight her inner demons in private. Laura doesn’t reach out for help nearly as often as she should. She is a lot better at helping other people with their problems and she’s a humanitarian at heart.
Likes: The macabre, scary movies, Halloween, autumn, the countryside, small cottages and cabins, farms, theme parks (especally abandoned ones), sci-fi, the Star Battles franchise, terrible YA romance books and movies, murder mysteries, punk rock, reading, books, video games, dark academia, and cottagecore
Dislikes: Talking about her past, washing dishes by hand, heights, parking, this economy, balloons, and sports
Favorite Foods: Seafood, Croquettes, Chocoflan, Philly Cheesesteak, Sweet Potato Muffins, Pineapple Salsa, and Guava Pastries
Favorite Drinks: Strawberry Mint Tea and Long Island Iced Tea
Favorite Animal: Horses
Favorite Color: Orange
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Ingrid Sullenberger
Full Name: Ingrid Ellen Sullenberger Nicknames: Inga, Ingri, and Ing Age: 24 Birthday: February 22 Pronouns: She/Her Gender: Female Orientation: Pansexual Height: 5’3" Nationality: White American (German, Norwegian, and English) Religion: Pagan Place of Birth: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Occupation: Supernatural Podcaster (The Night Owls of Philly) and Tattoo Artist Face Models: Macha Méril and Lynn Lowry Voice: Kat Walker Shea
Ingrid is soft-spoken and timid. She can be shy, but once she feels comfortable, she loves to talk! She seems like she would be the polar opposite of Minty, but she’s just as into horror, spooky things, and alternative culture. She just also really likes cutesy things and romance movies.
Most of her tattoos are also very easy to hide with clothing, making her appear more conservative than she actually is. While she's gained respect in the tattoo community, she does still stick out like a sore thumb among her own.
She’s a pushover and she lacks assertiveness. While she’ll always come through in a clutch, she is the easiest to scare. She must overcome her intense fears to help Minty go toe-to-toe with O'Malley the Smiling Demon. She's the type of person who forces herself to power through her terror. Ingrid is incredibly kind and she has a strong sense of empathy.
She believes in the paranormal and she takes it deathly serious. She will often butt heads with Minty over not being cautious enough. She and Laura don't always agree on matters of the supernatural, but immensely respect each other.
Likes: Tattoos, tattoo artistry, drawing, paganism, witchcraft, scary movies, Halloween, Christmas, romance movies, cute accessories, stuffed spiders, sweets, animals, autumn, sweaters, musicals, cinema history, the beach, forests, and winter
Dislikes: Disrespecting the occult, standing up for herself, baking or cooking, animatronics, sand (it gets everywhere), and bitter foods
Favorite Foods: Strawberries, Hidden Rose Apple Toast, Pasta, Black Bean Burgers, Tacos de Papa, Potato Soup, and Russian Honey Cake
Favorite Drinks: Thai Iced Coffee and Mai Tai
Favorite Animal: Spiders
Favorite Color: Blue
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Rebecca "Bex" McQuoid
Full Name: Rebecca Elspeth McQuoid Nicknames: Bex, Beck, and Becka Age: 36 Birthday: October 5 Pronouns: She/Her Gender: Female Orientation: Pansexual Height: 5’6” Nationality: White American (Scottish, Irish, and German) Religion: Atheist  Place of Birth: Bonneville, Pennsylvania Occupation: Cook at Bonneville Podcasters' Retreat Face Models: Melanie Papalia Voice: Kat Walker Shea
Bex is a little weird. You have to be a little weird when you’re raised in a white trash family in the middle of nowhere. Bex is intelligent, but flippant. Not very many things upset her, but when they do anger her, she goes from 0 to 60 in the blink of an eye. She can typically diffuse tense situations simply by a lack of reaction or by telling a joke. She generally keeps a cool head, so much so it seems like she doesn’t care. In reality, she’s tired. She’s seen some shit and she is over it.
She's friendly yet apathetic to most people when she meets them at first. She doesn't hate a lot of people either. Someone would really have to press her buttons or give her a reason to hate them. She struggles to trust people on a deeper level, yet she continues to seek out connection with others. Under all her bluster, she has a good heart. She's just used to taking care of herself with little to no help from anybody else.
She’s blunt, but she’s never intentionally hurtful. Sometimes she just sucks at wording herself. She’s never been one to brush off someone else’s hurt feelings with “I’m just being honest” either.
Her life is mostly ruled by giving into the existential dread and some form of nihilism, which can make it difficult for her to form and maintain relationships with people.
Likes: Her dog and cat, animals, money, cooking, baking, discovering new recipes and foods, working out, being outside, collecting cookbooks, oat milk, and reading
Dislikes: Cops, debt collectors, working customer service, large crowds, amusement parks, almond milk, and being seen as “soft”
Favorite Foods: Homemade Bread, Macarons, Brownies, Kimchi Carbonara, Paella, Bobotie, and Pretzel Pot Pie
Favorite Drinks: Vanilla Lattes and Corpse Reviver
Favorite Animal: Cats and Dogs
Favorite Color: Pink
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im-some-lionheart · 11 months
#Destielmonth22 Day 7: Decorate
(oh, my! Time is a lie! aka: shhh pretend it's still November and I know how to finish projects like a neurotypical person)
There are certain things that will make a man stop in his tracks and wonder what random decision taken recklessly years ago might have changed forever the course of his life and brought him... Here.
Apparently, what does it for Dean is opening the door for the underground bunker he calls a home (after inheriting it from the secret society his grandfather was a part of) and finding himself face to face with the white cluster of a fake spider web.
“What the...?”
His green, sniper trained, eyes flicker from the fake bats on the roof to the cut-outs of smiling white ghost, and land over the plastic jack-o-lantern glowing from the center of the dinner table. And. Yeah. Those are definitely Halloween decorations all over the Men Of Letters' bunker.
"Saaam? Cas?" he yells, absent-mindedly walking into the kitchen to leave the grocery bags he's still carrying on top of the counter.
When a good 30 seconds pass without an answer, he heads to the library. The hallway (naturally) is also cluttered with Party City's tackiest mummy-witch-Frankenstein banners.
When he reaches the library, he's met with the sight of his brother, his partner, and their collective son (it's complicated), sitting around the table, with painted fake scars on their faces.
“Um, hello?” he asks from the doorway, louder than necessary, to get their attention as he widely waves both of his hands at the sides of his face.
“Hi!” Jack smiles at him openly, with fake fangs on his teeth.
Cas turns around to face him, and his smile is softer, but his eyes light with it the way they usually do when he looks at Dean.
His angel's voice is a deep rumble that does things to Dean's body when he says, “Hello, Dean.”
He's not used to it yet. Being on the receiving end of such devotion can be overwhelming and Dean still has to actively remind himself that he deserves this. He gets to have this, gets to have Cas, that he's worthy of Cas' love, that good things do happen to him. And sometimes –not often, but each day a little bit more– he manages to convince himself of it.
“Hey.” is all Sam says, not even looking up from where he's sticking a prosthetic wound to Jack's hand, “did you get the Greek yogurt I like?”
“Yeah. Uhh...” Dean walks towards the table where his weird-ass family sits, frown still on his face and confused as he'll ever be, “Care to explain the...?” he gestures vaguely with his left hand, the right one easily settling on Cas' shoulder in front of him.
“It's Halloween!” Jack answers, matter-of-factly.
“Yeah, no, I gathered that. But, um... Why?”
Sam shrugs, “Why not? We've never had a proper Halloween before.”
“Yeah, maybe because our whole lives are a Halloween special, like, all the time?”
“Come on, it's fun!”
“To turn the bunker into a haunted house?” he asks, eyebrows rising to meet his hairline.
“Dean.” Cas interjects, throwing his head back to look up at him, “We've been to haunted houses before, they look nothing like this.”
He rolls his eyes at Cas' Casness, and also at the fake wound and stitches on his left cheek.
“You look ridiculous, you know that? And don't encourage him!” he quips back, pointing a finger at Cas' face.
“Jack wanted to watch the Nightmare before Christmas tonight”, is what Cas says, instead of acknowledging Dean's words.
Slowly, he blinks up at Dean, toeing dangerously close to batting eyelashes territory, “I was thinking... ” he places a hand on top of Dean's where it rests on his shoulder and starts softly stroking at the knuckles, “We can make some popcorn and maybe bake a pumpkin pie later?”
And Dean snorts because he knows damn well that "we" actually means "you". But Cas is looking up at him with those impossibly deep eyes, and his eyebrows knit together and his lips slightly pursed. And. Yeah, that is definitely his puppy face. The bastard. He knows Dean can never say no to that face.
After a few seconds of holding onto that ocean blue stare, he sighs.
“Fine.” he says, dramatically rolling his eyes before bringing his head down to capture Cas' lips.
“Ugh. Get a room.”
And he can hear the smile in his brother's voice. But he still uses his free hand to throw Sam a middle finger, before bringing it to rest on Cas' jaw and deepening their Spiderman kiss.
“They have a room, though,” he hears Jack whisper, more to himself than anything.
But it's still enough to make Dean break the kiss and start laughing until his stomach hurts. Because. What the hell is his life. How did he end up on pie duty for a nephilim in an underground bunker covered in Halloween decorations.
He doesn't know. But Sam pats him on the back on his way to get the popcorn started, and Jack is thrilled about his cheap plastic fangs, and Cas' eyes crease at the corners when he smiles at him.
And all Dean can think is, whatever random decision he took on a whim years ago that brought him here... he sure as hell is thankful for it.
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Halloween prompts no 29
This one might hurt you btw
Project Bird was an attempt to create a weapon by generically engineering a child with the DNA of all three Robins in hopes he would have the best qualities of each of them.
Unfortunately the only subject they were able to produce was physically unstable due to the over-abundance of DNA and repeated tampering of his genetic code. The project was deemed a failure and all information and proof of it was to be terminated, including the child.
One guard offered to put the kid down himself but actually helped the kid fake his death. However once they were alone and outside for the first time in the childs life the kid bolted.
He lived on the streets for a few weeks, acting as the bane of candy stores and burger shops until someone nearly caught him and he fled the city. He snuck onto a greyhound bus by holding on the the end of a woman's coat while she was boarding, making the bus driver think he was hers.
Next thing he knew he was in a new city and he started all over again. This process repeated for a few months until he became interested in some weirdos in colorful outfits yelling about ghosts. He would have ignored them if not for the shiny weapons they were carrying about. Plus they seamed powerful...so of course he needed to steal them! That way he'd be able to protect himself better!
Long story short there was a portal and he left that place with the weapons, the disassembled parts to aforementioned portal, and with cool new superpowers. Yeah, he lost part of his life(?) but in his mind it was so worth it. He sets the portal up in Gotham because that place is strange enough that if something ghostly happened no one would bat an eye right? Plus his dads were here and he really wanted to meet them, even if they didn't know he was thier son.
Christmas eventually came but he wasn't cold. Not since he got used to his ice powers. He thought for a while there that he was going to go full Elsa but no, he just needed to let it out, not let it go. His own little batcave became nice and cozy. Just him. No crazy scientists, no cruel guards to mock and flick cigarette butts at him, no tubes or wires. Just the cold darkness he had always associated with safety.
Thats why the lights bothered him so much. In the labs, red and orange lights meant they were prepping the experiment rooms and that meant he was going to be in a lot of pain soon. It was no wonder he hated "Christmas lights". He also couldn't stand the smell of the pine trees people were dragging in, it reminded him of the cleaning agent they used on his cage and how it burned his skin if he touched it when it before it dried.
As much as he loved the safely of his newly dubbed "birdcage" he needed to go out and hunt for food. He Skulked through alleyways and picked pockets like a pro, the powers were so useful, even at the cost of him having to eat more. He made sure to memorize the patrol patterns of the bats and birds, which was why he was so surprised when Red Hood jumped down to him in the rich side of town while he was looking through the small army of wallets.
"I'm assuming those aren't yours."
The former experiment hissed at him, like actually hissed as he covered the goods with his body like an animal, "They are now! Go away!"
There was an embarrassingly short scuffle in which the kid lost. He didn't have the greatest control of his powers not that he would let Hood see him use them anyway, but he made sure to put dents in the mans leather jacket with his little teeth so he didn't win completely unscathed. Red Hood just seemed amused by this though and carried the kid curled up under his arm like a sack of potatoes.
Phantom (the name he chose for himself) really hoped they weren't heading for the police station. He kinda guessed those guys who made him never looked for him, but he couldn't help but to be paranoid. To avoid being taken to jail, and possibly killed, he asked the question that had been burning a hole in his head the past few weeks, "Were you a Robin?"
The way the man stiffened but didn't answer, but fortunately it became his means to escape.
Once he was back at the birdcage he began to review all his facts, he was 75% sure Nightwing was a one of his dads, 100% sure Red Robin was one and about 60% sure with Red Hood. He liked to analyze things, it calmed him down and helped him think he was more in control than he actually was. They never told him anything when he was in the labs. He loved learning new things and making friends and memories. His thought always circled back to his dads. Were they like him? Did they like learning and analyzing and talking to people? Would they want him if they knew about him?
Would they take him to a museum or teach him how to use a cell phone? Would he have to be a Robin? He didn't want to. It sounded scary and they had to fight a lot. He never admitted it out loud but he felt ashamed to be so afraid of combat seeing as that was his main purpose in life. Plus there was a new Robin who was very good at his job. Would he have to fight the new guy like a gang initiation? He hoped not, that sword reminded him too much of the scalpels. Never again.
His opinion changed a few months later. His body, the human half, was beginning to "degrade" whatever that meant. The clock ghost who gave him cookies didn't tell him what that really meant. Only that Phantom was dying. Phantom didn't want to die, he had only just begun to live! It hurt everywhere and it just wouldn't stop.
He made the decision to go to his dads. All he could tell them was that it hurt. It hurt so much he was crying. He never cried. Everything after that was spotty, like he was falling asleep and waking up over and over again but without ever leaving his dreams.
When he woke up again it was Spring and it didn't hurt anymore, but new challenges came soon after. His dads knew about him now and somehow knew about Project Bird too. None of them seemed happy, only sad and angry.
Were they angry he existed? Sad they had to deal with him? That must be it. Everytime he talks about the labs they look angry and he bolts off to hide under or behind something. Usually furniture.
Everytime he flinches from raised voices or sharp objects they look sad. Many times the Robin, Damian, would raise his katana almost as if suggesting something but Nightwing, Dick, would tell him no. Red Hood would argue about how they should "avenge thier son" or something. But Phantom was still alive? What was there to avenge?
One night his Grandpa was reading the newspaper while his Great Grandpa did something in the kitchen. Phantom sat there on the sofa staring at his reflection in the TV screen. He knew how to turn it on and stuff but he didn't understand how he was supposed to use it. Was he just supposed to...watch? And listen? Without interacting at all?
He only vaguely listened to two of his dads from where they were sitting in the nearby chairs bickering about what his name should be. He thought Phantom was a perfectly fine name for both his ghost and human halfs but apparently he was wrong.
His final dad, Tim came up behind him with a glass of water and asked, "What are you doing?"
Danny looked up from his own reflection towards his last dads and something clicked, "Oh, I have your eyes."
An wierd look his didn't understand crossed his fathers face and the sound of shattering glass sent him bolting up the stairs to safety. He hid under a guest rooms bed clutching some of the star shaped knives he had stolen from his uncle, because if Damian used them then they must be good.
Phantom never blamed Tim for his accidents. He was taking it way better than Dick, who was trying to be a brother instead of a father and tried to shove the father role onto Grandpa.
Jayson was the best of the three and was always willing to spend time with him. He was even teaching him how to read! He got him these cool light up shoes! He had never had shoes before! Dad even taught him how to color and was showing him how to aim a nerf gun and throw footballs and all sorts of stuff.
Tim was close behind showing him how to organize his thoughts and giving him life advise and answering all his questions. He even gave Phantom an old Wayne tech tablet of his to play on so long as he didn't mess with any of the settings.
Dick never liked being called Dad, or more specifically "one of" his dads. He overheard him talking on the phone with someone and appearently it wasn't that Phantom was his clone son that bothered him, it was the fact that he was a baby made between him and his brothers and it freaked him out. He knew he wasn't being fair and mentioned someone named Connor and how disappointed he would be if he knew.
Phantom just wishes he knew what to do to make everything better. But what can a six year old reasonably do in this situation?
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wishbonemotel · 1 year
Muse Aesthetics: Horror Edition
Thank you for the tag @bokatan ! Gonna put this over here instead of on the Fallout blog because the vibes fit my OC configs over here better. Going with Nadia, Connor, and Cres for this one
No pressure tags: @krokaxe @bluepriestess @thespiral and anyone who wants to say I tagged them
gaslights. corsets. ballrooms. candlelight. mist. starless nights. full moons. cobbled streets. horse-drawn carriages. mysterious strangers. bogs. moors. forests. mountains. castles. velvet. silver. brass. gold. jewels. domino masks. the opera. dangerous romances. tragic romances. violins. roses. lilies. empty graves. crosses. cemeteries. snow. ice. the gallows. crows. milk-white skin. ambiguous illness. fangs. pointed nails. something howling in the night. capes. gloves. top hats. straight razors. lightning. pipe organs. underground caverns. bats. mice. rats. ravens. cats. pearls. attics. talismans. axes. wood. isolation in a room full of people. vampires. werewolves. ghosts. coffins. western europe. eastern europe. bones. churches. catacombs. mausoleums. spiders. books.
black & white. powder puffs. red lipstick. winged eyeliner. white kitten heels. black lace lingerie. icy blue eyes. rain. abandoned cars. skeletons. acid. poison. voyeurism. switchblades. strangling. overcoats. looking over your shoulder. trans-atlantic accents. private detectives. dinner parties. haunted mansions. alcohol in glass decanters. cobwebs. perfect blonde curls. kitchen knives. shock. cellars. dust. dark alleys. empty streets. driving at night. horn-rimmed glasses. radiation. zombies. serial murder. paranoia. the city. witches. the devil. cannibalism. conspiracies. amulets. abject terror. the american south. the american northeast. england. analog cameras.
bloodbaths. massacres. wanton nudity. newspapers. leather jackets. letterman jackets. converse sneakers. obscured faces. social unrest. bonfires. lakes. babysitters. suburbia. high school. lockers. dead leaves in the fall. jack-o’-lanterns. outdated television sets. nightmares. psychiatrists. hospitals. unstoppable forces. gunfire. police. landline telephones. household objects turned into improvised weapons. halloween. secrets. revelations. character masks. scrunchies. queerness. wild curls. morbid humor. jeering children. parties. fire. swearing. revulsion. california. the american midwest. ambulances.
malevolent spirits. seances. spells. missing bodies. hidden graves. white noise. static. flickering lights. rings of salt. demons. poltergeists. dark histories. old buildings. cold air. mausoleums. wells. urban exploration. a dog barking at something you can’t see. black ooze. old photographs. faces you can swear you’ve seen before but can’t for the life of you figure out where. dark bodies of water. crucifixes. priests. possession. exorcisms. dolls. jump scares.
aliens. blinding light. dark woods. driving at night. claw-marks. bite-marks. men in black. memory loss. dismembered bodies. sewers. flashlights. cell phones. video cameras. cars with tinted windows. abandoned houses. unlabeled cassette tapes. bugs. big cities. urban crimes. clowns. something rustling outside your window. glowing light. unsolved mysteries. suburbia. mirrors. the american pacific northwest. the american midwest. the american east coast. hiking / backpacking.
daylight. fluorescent lighting. morgues. asylums. unwavering eye contact. tension. lit rooms with no one inside them. a dog digging in the newly-planted flower bed. steely gazes. paperwork. anagrams. codes. convicted killers. missing persons. law enforcement. federal agents. small towns. suspicion. paranoia. subdued terror. dimly-lit parking lots.
gaslights. corsets. ballrooms. candlelight. mist. starless nights. full moons. cobbled streets. horse-drawn carriages. mysterious strangers. bogs. moors. forests. mountains. castles. velvet. silver. brass. gold. jewels. domino masks. the opera. dangerous romances. tragic romances. violins. roses. lilies. empty graves. crosses. cemeteries. snow. ice. the gallows. crows. milk-white skin. ambiguous illness. fangs. pointed nails. something howling in the night. capes. gloves. top hats. straight razors. lightning. pipe organs. underground caverns. bats. mice. rats. ravens. cats. pearls. attics. talismans. axes. wood. isolation in a room full of people. vampires. werewolves. ghosts. coffins. western europe. eastern europe. bones. churches. catacombs. mausoleums. spiders. books.
black & white. powder puffs. red lipstick. winged eyeliner. white kitten heels. black lace lingerie. icy blue eyes. rain. abandoned cars. skeletons. acid. poison. voyeurism. switchblades. strangling. overcoats. looking over your shoulder. trans-atlantic accents. private detectives. dinner parties. haunted mansions. alcohol in glass decanters. cobwebs. perfect blonde curls. kitchen knives. shock. cellars. dust. dark alleys. empty streets. driving at night. horn-rimmed glasses. radiation. zombies. serial murder. paranoia. the city. witches. the devil. cannibalism. conspiracies. amulets. abject terror. the american south. the american northeast. england. analog cameras.
bloodbaths. massacres. wanton nudity. newspapers. leather jackets. letterman jackets. converse sneakers. obscured faces. social unrest. bonfires. lakes. babysitters. suburbia. high school. lockers. dead leaves in the fall. jack-o’-lanterns. outdated television sets. nightmares. psychiatrists. hospitals. unstoppable forces. gunfire. police. landline telephones. household objects turned into improvised weapons. halloween. secrets. revelations. character masks. scrunchies. queerness. wild curls. morbid humor. jeering children. parties. fire. swearing. revulsion. california. the american midwest. ambulances.
malevolent spirits. seances. spells. missing bodies. hidden graves. white noise. static. flickering lights. rings of salt. demons. poltergeists. dark histories. old buildings. cold air. mausoleums. wells. urban exploration. a dog barking at something you can’t see. black ooze. old photographs. faces you can swear you’ve seen before but can’t for the life of you figure out where. dark bodies of water. crucifixes. priests. possession. exorcisms. dolls. jump scares.
aliens. blinding light. dark woods. driving at night. claw-marks. bite-marks. men in black. memory loss. dismembered bodies. sewers. flashlights. cell phones. video cameras. cars with tinted windows. abandoned houses. unlabeled cassette tapes. bugs. big cities. urban crimes. clowns. something rustling outside your window. glowing light. unsolved mysteries. suburbia. mirrors. the american pacific northwest. the american midwest. the american east coast. hiking / backpacking.
daylight. fluorescent lighting. morgues. asylums. unwavering eye contact. tension. lit rooms with no one inside them. a dog digging in the newly-planted flower bed. steely gazes. paperwork. anagrams. codes. convicted killers. missing persons. law enforcement. federal agents. small towns. suspicion. paranoia. subdued terror. dimly-lit parking lots.
gaslights. corsets. ballrooms. candlelight. mist. starless nights. full moons. cobbled streets. horse-drawn carriages. mysterious strangers. bogs. moors. forests. mountains. castles. velvet. silver. brass. gold. jewels. domino masks. the opera. dangerous romances. tragic romances. violins. roses. lilies. empty graves. crosses. cemeteries. snow. ice. the gallows. crows. milk-white skin. ambiguous illness. fangs. pointed nails. something howling in the night. capes. gloves. top hats. straight razors. lightning. pipe organs. underground caverns. bats. mice. rats. ravens. cats. pearls. attics. talismans. axes. wood. isolation in a room full of people. vampires. werewolves. ghosts. coffins. western europe. eastern europe. bones. churches. catacombs. mausoleums. spiders. books.
black & white. powder puffs. red lipstick. winged eyeliner. white kitten heels. black lace lingerie. icy blue eyes. rain. abandoned cars. skeletons. acid. poison. voyeurism. switchblades. strangling. overcoats. looking over your shoulder. trans-atlantic accents. private detectives. dinner parties. haunted mansions. alcohol in glass decanters. cobwebs. perfect blonde curls. kitchen knives. shock. cellars. dust. dark alleys. empty streets. driving at night. horn-rimmed glasses. radiation. zombies. serial murder. paranoia. the city. witches. the devil. cannibalism. conspiracies. amulets. abject terror. the american south. the american northeast. england. analog cameras.
bloodbaths. massacres. wanton nudity. newspapers. leather jackets. letterman jackets. converse sneakers. obscured faces. social unrest. bonfires. lakes. babysitters. suburbia. high school. lockers. dead leaves in the fall. jack-o’-lanterns. outdated television sets. nightmares. psychiatrists. hospitals. unstoppable forces. gunfire. police. landline telephones. household objects turned into improvised weapons. halloween. secrets. revelations. character masks. scrunchies. queerness. wild curls. morbid humor. jeering children. parties. fire. swearing. revulsion. california. the american midwest. ambulances.
malevolent spirits. seances. spells. missing bodies. hidden graves. white noise. static. flickering lights. rings of salt. demons. poltergeists. dark histories. old buildings. cold air. mausoleums. wells. urban exploration. a dog barking at something you can’t see. black ooze. old photographs. faces you can swear you’ve seen before but can’t for the life of you figure out where. dark bodies of water. crucifixes. priests. possession. exorcisms. dolls. jump scares.
aliens. blinding light. dark woods. driving at night. claw-marks. bite-marks. men in black. memory loss. dismembered bodies. sewers. flashlights. cell phones. video cameras. cars with tinted windows. abandoned houses. unlabeled cassette tapes. bugs. big cities. urban crimes. clowns. something rustling outside your window. glowing light. unsolved mysteries. suburbia. mirrors. the american pacific northwest. the american midwest. the american east coast. hiking / backpacking.
daylight. fluorescent lighting. morgues. asylums. unwavering eye contact. tension. lit rooms with no one inside them. a dog digging in the newly-planted flower bed. steely gazes. paperwork. anagrams. codes. convicted killers. missing persons. law enforcement. federal agents. small towns. suspicion. paranoia. subdued terror. dimly-lit parking lots.
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noeysnowy · 2 years
Eddie headcanons with no basis in the show, I just think he’s like this (these are personal headcanons, if you don’t like them you can just ignore them)
He hates Fanta, no real reason, he just used to drink it all the time and now it disgusts him
Loves chili nuts and spicy things in general. I heard somewhere that if you like spicy things your more likely to like pain and bdsm sooo
We know he’s total metal head, but he secretly likes everybody wants to rule the world, he’ll never admit it though
Loves gorey horror movies and comics even if they used to give him nightmares
Completely believes in ghosts, used to find everything in the library about it and when will disappeared his singing caught onto eddies radio once and completely freaked him out
Helped Jonathan out in a fight because they shared freak status, even though they weren’t really friends
Doesn’t let people touch his hair because people used to make a game out of who could touch it without him noticing
This also made hate touch in general. Unless he trusts you fully (like Dustin) he’s not super into physical touch.
Erica is his favorite Sinclair, but don’t tell Lucas that
He loves his uncle to death and if anything happened to him he’d kill everyone in his Hawkins and then himself (j/ but he does love him to bits and trusts him with everything)
His uncle doesn’t care that he’s gay, he just wants to make sure he’s safe
Eddie originally got his bandana for a pirate costume but found out about hanky code and kept wearing it
Debated for weeks on whether he should cut his Dio tshirt for his battle vest because he loved it so much
Biting people is his love language and bit Steve the first time they made out
He likes metal because he feels like someone understands his frustration and he has community in it
One of his ears is pierced but he has so much hair you can’t see it
Robin and him talk about their crushes who both somehow still think they’re straight (Nancy and Steve are a little slow but it’s fine they’ll figure it out)
Robin and him have queers night (instead of girls night) where they watch rocky horror and other queer movies and paint their nail (eddie is horrible at it but he’s learning)
His favorite colour is pink, just because
He makes fun of Steve for liking Grease even though he likes it too
Steve dressed as Danny Zuko for a Halloween party and Eddie had to hold himself back from jumping him then and there
Huge anti-racist and will punch anyone who bullies Lucas or Erica (or any poc for that matter)
Does literally any dare you give him except for cutting his hair, once he had to wear a full face of makeup to school, he was bullied BUT he found out he looks fucking great in eyeliner
Mike has a little crush on him and grows his hair out to look like him
If he could make money from being DM it would be his job
When he cant sleep he spends all night preparing his next DnD session
He comes up with some of his weirder monsters while high, like an undead giant bat infested with a virus that gives it tentacles and sucks out your life force through said tentacles (when he was sober he decided not to use that monster, but he has used others)
Never learnt how to sew on a sewing machine (they can’t afford one), but can sew simple things, mend rips and put patch up ruined clothes
Making the hellfire shirts is kind of expensive, but he makes sure to sell some extra weed so every member can have one
He’s great at making someone feel comfortable when their nervous (like with Chrissy) and really does just want to help people
If Chrissy had survived they would have been great friends, he would have showed her Black Sabbath and she would have showed him Duran Duran.
I headcanon her as bisexual or lesbian who doesn’t know yet and came to Eddie partly because of rumors that he was gay (and the weed obviously)
He would have helped her with feeling less weird about being queer
When the party is being bullied in school he makes a giant fuss about it, being as dramatic as possible to get the attention on him instead, that’s how Mike, Lucas and Dustin first met him
He was ecstatic when he found out Will could draw and commissioned a piece of one of his DnD characters (he cried a little because will got the character just right and eddie hadn’t been able to draw him they way he wanted too)
Eddie doodles in class, has some skill in drawing but doesn’t really use it outside of that and making corroded coffins album cover (he’s thought about asking Will to help him with it)
He had a crush on Steve when he was still “king steve” (because look at him) and hated himself for it because Steve was an asshole
Steve got annoyed when he called him “king steve” so he calls him princess instead (he’s still a bit annoyed but thinks it’s funny)
Makes Steve listen to a lot of metal when they hang out, it’s not really his style but gets why Eddie likes it
Steve always woops the loudest when corroded coffin play and Eddie kisses him silly after
Absolutely loves liquorice and Steve always watches him with disgust when he eats it
Lowkey wants to bleach his hair, but cares about it too much to ruin it
Unless he’s cutting layers he’s never touching a pair of scissors to his hair
Literally just uses body wash as shampoo BUT uses a really nice conditioner he has to sell a little extra for
That battle vest is crunchy as hell and there is no way he’s ever washed it
Steve tries to wash some of the blood out before giving it back, but Eddie just thinks it’s metal as fuck. I mean Imagine have Steve Harringtons blood on your jacket (he is a little sad it bled through the Dio patch though)
Eddie tells him he looks hot in his vest so Steve buys a vest of his own (he doesn’t put patches on it but his arms look great)
He spends forever on writing a song about everything that’s happened and dedicates a whole verse to Steve and one in honor of Chrissy
He’s alive and happy and no one thinks he’s a cultist and a murderer
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chaoticgeminate · 2 years
Kinktober 2022 - Chapter Thirty One
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Pairing: Javi Gutierrez x f!Reader
Rating: Explicit (If that was not entirely clear)
Series Summary: You’re a fanfiction writer turned novelist, which was great since it was the path you wanted your writing to take you down in life. What you never thought would happen was meeting the Javier Gutierrez, who you actively write smutty fanfiction about from his film with Nic Cage, and you especially didn’t expect him to have a crush on you.
Fast forward several months of dating, with a good chunk of your relationship being distance due to his constant traveling and having to go home to Mallorca, when he surprises you with a prompt list and a vacation planned around exploring it.
You haven’t even worked up the nerve to tell him about what you write and post to Tumblr about him as a character yet.
Notes: Going to be using prompts from @the-purity-pen for my meta as hell indulgence! There are feelings in this (I have no idea how they got there) and I may end up removing some possible chapters here and there depending on how I’m feeling, I apologize in advance if that happens because my brain is super mean sometimes.
Possible Warnings: Squirting, toys (butt plug), fooling around between trick or treaters (not advised EVER under any real circumstances this is FICTION for a reason), unprotected PiV
Free Choice - Toys (1.5k)
Underestimating Javi’s ability to source things was something you still found yourself dressed as Sally while Javi adjusted his bat bowtie, you’d chosen to forgo the full make-up and instead used eye pencil to draw the stitch lines on your skin and put on the shockingly bright red wig that looked like it was made from thread rather than synthetic hair. Red lipstick completed your look and you turned to see study your fiancé again; he’d gone full white make-up with dark black rings around his eyes with the extended lines at his lips, and since so much of his blazer was open, he’d made sure to bring the white all the way down.
Javi left his hair alone, the shape of his facial hair standing out under the white make-up, but otherwise he’d done a good job with the coverage of it. Your apartment had been decked out in a last-minute explosion of decorations, red shiny garland with fake cobwebs strung between candy canes lined your entryway where the door was left open to allow people inside.
Using command hooks to attach them to the wall you had Christmas lights fixed in place but in the shape of spider webs, it had taken ages to get them to not only work but stay where you wanted them to, and everything of value was already stashed away while the television had a horror ambiance soundtrack playing and Javi finished putting up the last of the fake cobwebs.
With the lights off and the only lighting coming from the Christmas lights your apartment looked like a void zone of Halloween and Christmas, the mini projectors with the ghosts from Nightmare Before Christmas on the walls added to the last-minute décor and you loved all of it.
All night you got compliments from parents, awed remarks from kids, and between groups you and Javi teased each other or talked depending on what door In the building the next group of kids were at.
“Solecita it is hardly 4 are you sure the kids will be showing up?” “Yes, Javi, they’ve been starting the Trick or Treating earlier and earlier.”
“Did you see the Transformer costume? He was such a cool little Bumblebee!” “Perhaps next year we should aspire to go grandiose, mi amor, I could have fun planning a large event at the olive grove.”
“Fuck- Javi they’re next door.” “You were so close, Solecita, lo siento.” “Gloves on, Skeleton King.”
“Is someone upset?” “You are a wicked tease, when you said you wanted to see how good the lipstick looked on me I thought you meant-“ “Well you’re wearing white make up Javi, only choice to indulge would be to shade check in other places and there are children coming in and out.”
“I want one.” “Solecita-“ “She was so cute, Javi!” “I am allergic, but we could get a dog?” “Okay, that’s fair.”
When the last of the candy was gone -your custom modified Christmas chocolate mixed with Halloween treats proving to be a big hit- you and Javi put the sign up on the door saying you were out before deciding clean up would happen tomorrow. Heading right for your too small bathroom together, though Javi went to the sink first to get as much of the white makeup off as he could before he got under the water stream.
You were nearly done and getting out, since the shower was barely able to fit him comfortably on his own, and Javi caught your hand to pull you in for a searing kiss first.
Focusing more on drying than dressing, since there was little point, you felt a little tremor of excitement shoot through you at wondering how Javi would react to your surprise. It had been fun to slip away during set-up to get a plug in, how he hadn’t noticed when he’d slipped his hand up your dress between groups you would never know, but it meant more fun for you when he find it.
A rather fun idea made you giggle and lay back on the  so you were propped on the pillows, moaning softly when you began to let one hand glide down your body. The soft touch made you shiver as you imagined him hearing you and rushing through the rest of his shower, wondering if he would surrender control it take it.
Your next breathy sound was louder, loud enough that he definitely heard you since the water cut off.
“Solecita, what do you think you are you doing?”
His tone was sharp and deep, you looked up at him through hooded eyes as he stood in the doorway. You met his stare with a look of defiance and whimpered as you slipped your fingers down through your folds, earning a small sound not unlike a growl from him as he watched you part your lips for him. Letting him see how wet you were, see the shine of your arousal as it leaked down your slit.
His nostrils flared when your hips rolled up, as you circled your clit, and Javi crossed the room in maybe three strides to snatch your hand away from your body and roll you over onto your stomach. You felt him discover the plug, the way he gasped out a soft “bebita” before he was picking your hips up and pressing your upper body into the mattress, and since the last time you were in this position he had been driving into you with the intent to breed you… you clenched around nothing with a whine.
“Look at you. So wet already, but you seemed happy to take care of yourself. You even have something to fill you here.” He pressed against the base of the plug, making you try to rock back for more of the sensation.
“Wanted t’ surprise you-“
“Oh, I am surprised, bebita. But I don’t want to interrupt your fun, I just wanted a better view. Go ahead, make yourself cum.”
He grabbed your hand, the one he’d pulled away, and lifted it to cup your pussy, urging you to continue what you were doing; your desperate little whine and the way your hand slipped through your folds with a wet sound had your knees widening as you rocked down against the press of your fingers.
Javi watched you touch yourself, and you could feel how close he was to you by his breath on your skin, the soft kisses to the backs of your thighs and the breathy little curses he was breathing against your skin when you would dip your fingers into your body to make sure you showed him just how wet and ready you were for him.
It was only when you were so close to that peak, when your breathing was erratic and you could feel it right there, that he slid his cock home; the fullness you felt of him and the plug was so much and you felt the hot rush of your orgasm soak him and your legs and definitely the sheets below. Javi didn’t even last two full thrusts before he was filling you, just as overwhelmed as you were feeling, and the two of you were left panting hard as your body trembled from the sensations.
“Fuck, you were so tight and wet- I couldn’t stop myself if I tried. Bebita, can you handle more?”
“Always, mi prometido.”
He grinned when you looked over your shoulder at him and when he moved again, he did it in a way that let him close his left hand over yours, allowing you to see your rings beside each other and catching the low lighting of your bedside lamp, and Javi pressed a kiss to the corner of your mouth.
“Be careful, mi prometida, I am a greedy man.”
“Don’t make promises you can’t keep.”
He chuckled in your ear and ground himself inside of you, making you whimper.
“You can believe that I will keep all of my promises, Solecita, starting with the most important one of all. I promise to love you and be by your side from now until the end of eternity.”
He was such a fucking romantic, even buried in you like this, and you loved him so much for it.
“I promise to support you and love you and do anything in my power to make sure you have a reason to smile by my side, from now until eternity.”
Javi whimpered, a broken sound, and the tender way he rocked into you as he draped himself more onto your body was so all encompassing and perfect and you made sure he knew it.
“So good to me, Javi.” “Feels so amazing, the way you love me is always what I need.”
“You’re a good man cariño, I love you with all that I am.”
Javi’s choked off whimper in your shoulder, the feeling of his body going rigid and his balls drawing up, made you sure that for the rest of your lives and the rest of your eternity you would make sure he knew just how much you loved him and how glad you were that he had found you.
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All Fics Taglist: @hardc0rehaylz @wordsnwhiskey @pagannightwitch @radiowallet @musings-of-a-rose @amneris21 @trickstersp8 @practicalghost @rominaszh @alwaysdjarin @alexxavicry @all-the-way-down-here
Just Pedro Taglist: @maievdenoir @beecastle @littlemisspascal @writeforfandoms @AynsleyWalker @lovesbiggerthanpride @mswarriorbabe80
Alt Taglist: @imtryingmybeskar @fan-of-encouragement @grogusmum @sizzlingcloudmentality @deadhumourist @prostitute-robot-from-the-future
Kinktober Only: @nicolethered @katareyoudrilling
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