#ghost cps
Halloween prompts no. 19
Danny is flung into a new dimension by Skulker and they continue to fight above a strange city. Danny makes sure to end it quickly after that in case he attracts the attention of yet another person or group of people who want to hurt him for whatever reason..
He flies into a nearby building only to discover a freaky mad scientists lab and finds a clone of someone named "Robin". The clone was appearently a baby that they were planning on brainwashing and raising in a cult like setting to kill the "Bats"
"Jee, is the rodent problem that bad?!" Either way he decides to kidnap the baby and destroy everything in a blaze of glory. No child soldiers on his watch. No siree! He then portals his way home.
What he did not count on was him immediately running into his parents in his ghost form with a very alive baby in his arms. They stared eachother down in uncharacteristic silence, one afraid that they would hurt the baby with thier reckless firing and the others staring slack jawed cause why does he have a baby?!
The whole of Amity Park is also asking this question. Many assume its his, despite his age because teenages parents do exist, plus phantom kept calling it "his" baby so...
Others are worried that he might have just taken a baby from a dangerous environment and decided to keep it not realizing how much work a baby is. (Spot on) Both theories raise questions about how ghosts view families and how they reproduce. Upon asking Phantom he turned bright green, made a witty one liner and bolted.
Frostbite calls Danny in to give a check up to both him and the baby and uses this time to get a DNA sample from the child, and with a bit of ghostly magic he tracks down the parents and contacts them by straight up ringing thier doorbell. He and Alfred get along immediately.
Eventually Frosty tricks Phantom into coming back to Gotham and reveals the babies paternity in front of the batfam and the bird in question (whichever one) is freaking out a bit, "I'm too young to be a father!" style and Dannys like, "Cool. Cause I have no intention of sharing! Byeeee!" Before vanishing. Frostbite wants a nap.
Cue batfam following Phantom back to his dimension via Frostbite only to discover various people in Amity Park have also grouped together armed with ghost hunting gear to capture Phantom and get the baby away from him. Yeah, they know the kid has good intentions but hes only 14 and its not good for him or the baby. So they're effectively acting like undead CPS.
About time.
Anyway, Danny realizes he can't revert to his living form because his ecto signature would still ping on the equipment as Phantom and thats not something he wants to explain right now. Or possibly ever. With that being said he refuses to abandon his child. Hes only had them for two weeks and they're already his whole world.
Sam keeps telling him this was stupid and even Tuckers concerned. "How will you take care of a baby, dude? You can't even balance your hero life with you real life" Okay, fair. Jazz then started talking to him about talking to the babys father to at least get some help raising them and Danny finally agreed. For the baby's sake.
Bruce is so relieved when he finally gets to see his grandchild safe and sound.
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azraelcreates · 12 days
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My Sona With Many Wally Plushies!!! 🍎✨
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punkeropercyjackson · 1 month
Hard fact:Regardless of what age he is,Hobie would beat y'all's asses to a pulp for all those hook up jokes about him and Gwen
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summerbummin · 1 year
Scene from Ch13 of my ghost au in meme format
Constantine: where are your parents
Tim: in Bolivia on a dig
Constantine: a dig?
Tim: yeah they’re archeologists
Constantine, internally:
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cluelesspigeons · 1 year
This is written for the song “Spillways” by Ghost from @drarrymicrofic
Word count: 150
Drarry microfic: calm down
“Hey, look at me.”
Draco took Harry’s head between both of his hands, forcing Harry to look at him. His once green eyes were now glowing golden. A dangerous snarl escaped Harry’s lips.
“You’ll be okay,” Draco whispered. He rested his forehead against Harry’s, closing his eyes. “You’ll be okay. We will be okay. But I need you to calm down.”
He could feel Harry calming down almost immediately. It was only when he felt Harry wrap his arms around his waist and pull him closer that he opened his eyes again.
Harry’s familiar green eyes looked back at him. “I’m sorry,” he said, his voice hoarse. “I should have known better. But… but sometimes it’s so hard to control, I—”
Draco shook his head, caressing Harry’s cheek. “It’s okay, my love. I understand.” One corner of his mouth lifted up into a half smile. “We’ll get them next time.”
Prompt from March 17th
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do you ever think about right after v kisses kerry how he says w dazed disbelief he wants this gorgeous moment to last forever to a dying man and johnny’s remark about ‘kerry never did get it. only one thing worse than unfulfilled dreams— dreams that come true’ and how quietly gutted he sounds and then you think about how how kerry’s always wanted to get with johnny and how kerry only romances male v because it unconsciously or not fits into that fifty year old want for johnny or do you do yo u… do you
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anjanahalo · 1 year
Working on the outline of my ghost story which, so far, feels like two fics of the two time periods I’m hoping to release in parallel, and I found the key way to write Heartbroken Kid Danny right is the same reason Damian, of all the batfam, connects with him fastest:
Treat the kid like a formally socialized cat that’s gone feral.
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livingwithhorrors · 7 months
Do you think the people killed at the pizzeria all turn into ghosts or just ones that ended up in the torture chair or suits?
I imagine depending on how much emotion was present at the death affects the outcome either way.
In the movie Crimson Peak, the more emotional strength related during or at the death of a person affects if they are a ghost and how strong of one to create visual presence, affect surrounding objects and lingering after death.
The stronger the emotion felt by the person upon their death strengthens their ghost form.
If they feel their business is done, they move on.
If they seek revenge, to protect or warn, they linger until that business is seen finished.
If they die with no real business to finish, but a great enough emotion, they’re tied to the place of their death and affect their visible appearance.
Many times they take upon the appearance of their death, but other times they take on the appearance of the state of their body after death over time or how they see themselves.
Other things being you maybe gifted to see ghosts or you maybe a person that can not see them unless technology is used or the right moment where they become visible when you usually are unable to see them.
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That brings up a thought as well, is the electrical problem at Freddy’s related to the ghosts using the energy to manifest?
Is it due to Afton’s projects?
Or is it just really shitty electrical?
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i-imade-a-thing · 2 months
i've been listening to old Club Penguin musics lately and lots of its songs are such a banger??????
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marymekpop · 1 year
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⟢ highlight of the hour: our blooming youth [9/20] ⟣
It’s a miracle for two people to meet, rely on, and trust each other.
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I finished my re-listen of Cabin Pressure, and now I am sad :(
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allerdalexhall · 4 months
((Submission)) Theory(idk if someone said it or it’s a fact but)
Why was Thomas’s ghost white at the final scenes of the movie? Well as we know all other ghosts and spirits have been portrayed as black, whispy, disturbing entities, like Edith’s mother, or they are broken, horrifying creatures made out of the red clay underneath the house. But in the final scenes of the film we see that Thomas ghost is actually white, unlike any we’ve seen so far. So why is this? Well I think it’s because Thomas has no attachment to anything or anyone. The other ghost/spirits all have a reason to haunt over the house and the people living there, Thomas and Lucilles mother; she was brutally killed by Lucile, Thomas’s past wives; also met the same end ergo Lucile and Thomas.
But when Thomas dies , he has no attachment. He told Edith that he did truly love her, he confronted Lucile and he was ready to leave his past behind.
Thomas had no reason to be a revenge seeking ghost. And that’s why he was a white ghost in the ending
Tell me what you think, just a theory (again idk if it has been said but I just thought it was cool)  -End of Submitted post- -Blog Holders Response-
Sorry for the late reply to this submission. Holidays make things so busy. I actually posted a theory similar, no idea if it was one you may have come across or not. I looked for the said post and it was actually a reblog that I commented on {X} The original response I made to a gif of Edith being embraced by her mother’s ghost 7 years ago in that link was as follows:
~ All she wanted was a hug and to love and cherish her little Edith and keep her safe. It takes so much to come back just to warn her and hold her. We don’t know how strong a ghost has to be to be solid enough to be seen and interact with things. It has to take so much will power and emotions to do it. Others just appear faintly in photos. But the strongest of emotions makes them solid and seen. Her love was what was so strong to bring her back to her daughter and warn her. Not just once, but twice! Not even her father pulled that off. We never saw him again. It’s the raw pure emotion that brings her to her daughter. The same with Lucille. Her love and hate and rage all together has her formed in Allerdale Hall. Two woman with two different forms of Love bringing them back from death. All the wives were full of fear and sorrow. Want to for freedom and stained as the clay of which they were surrounded by. Sorrow took over they’re after lives, forming them and giving them shape. Thomas was peace, happiness, and pure love. Each forming a different color to show what it meant. It appears Black is a strong emotional love and want, if not a rage with it. The person dying and having that emotion giving them strength to the point of returning. For Edith’s mother being taken so soon from her daughter and unable to hold and see her before her death. Lucille her rage and love fueling her beyond the grave. Red, sorrow and pain, along with the very color of the clay around them if not stained by it and the blood they shed in death upon their murders. The wives and baby buried in the clay of the mines and Lady Sharpe her own bloody bath, if not tainted with the red clay upon filling. White, a happy, pure love and acceptance if not peace. Some still lost don’t even appear. Just stay as shadows, unseen but in the shadows of a form. Or only in images, if not shadows in that as well. ~
It has been a theory of mine that the wives are Red greatly due to the clay they were buried in. Their ghosts appearing to change with the decay of their bodies hidden away. We don’t see this with Lady Sharpe though (Thomas and Lucille’s Mother). She is red, but only appears with the wounds inflicted upon her death by her daughter’s hands. It’s never said or shown where her body is laid after her death either. But we do know it was discovered by the police through the newspaper article that is shown. That gave me thoughts and theories to a connection to colors and emotions and manners of their deaths.  The wives were not a peace, they as well as Lady Sharpe are most likely full of rage, but the wives not as much. The appear to know they’re bodies are decaying away and what they look like. Hoping perhaps in passing one of the siblings will see them and instill fear or show what they have done. Perhaps also using the form as a warning to Edith of what cruel things Lucille has done. Thomas ever appears close to seeing the ghosts himself.  The way he speaks to Edith of ghosts through out the movie, in the book and the deleted scene where he appears to feel them around him. Even in the book he seems to feel them or glance them faintly.  Some ghosts take on more of their living selves as likely how they see themselves or wish to be seen. Some it is likely they have not the strength, skill, or both to appear and keep a form that is pleasing. I believe I have tweeted at the director in the past, but never got a reply in what the colors of the ghosts mean sadly. Something I would love to hear the story behind.
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jadenoryuu · 1 year
Chapters: 2/3 Fandom: Danny Phantom Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Danny Fenton & Frostbite Characters: Danny Fenton, Frostbite (Danny Phantom), Penelope Spectra, Sam Manson, Tucker Foley, Jazz Fenton, Jack Fenton, Maddie Fenton, Dash Baxter, Valerie Gray, Undergrowth (Danny Phantom) Additional Tags: Emotional Ghost Hunger, Empathy, Empath Danny, Fluff and Hurt/Comfort, Hurt Danny, Starvation, Frostdad, Adoption, Foster Parent Frostbite, Fenton's B- parenting, they're trying tho, Jack Fenton has ADHD, Identity Reveal, no beta we die like danny, Phic Phight (Danny Phantom), Phic Phight: Team Ghost (Danny Phantom), Phic Phight 2023
Chapter Title: A Call from the Other Side
Chaper 2 @phicphight ! I almost made it! ヽ(。◕o◕。)ノ
@astatia-ghast for this chapter we're adding one of @majorastudios's prompt, hopefully they'll like it!
Now I'm off trying to write down chapter 3 in three hours, wish me strenght!
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xxzapvanityxx · 1 year
dude i miss communications. i was so talking to one of my guys about it bc i was super into ghost and pals during like my middle school yrs, like. 2016-18 area? maybe even 2015 honestly. and i was on quotev mainly as my social media and my friends and i would roleplay the communications characters and i was always henry with the one time exception of playing nancy i think. and my friend jamie was behind one of the biggest if not second biggest communications confessions blogs on here at one point. and goddamn.. we all made like fan ocs to roleplay too... it was so fun. and then the jelf the elf joke, my ex boyfriend and i made like a jelf the elf takeover over on quotev for it and it was pretty sizable. and then the fuckin youtube comment on ghostie-p's album upload on spotify thats like "thanks to you..." was a comment my old friend juice's little brother left on one of their songs because juice always listened to it and annoyed their brother with it! shit is fucking crazy honestly its so weird to think about... i literally dont talk to any of these people except for one of them anymore and hes like a little brother to me. life is genuinely so crazy. the world is a small and crazy place
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trans-xianxian · 5 months
today was sooo long never working a day off camp again I've been awake either traveling or working for 12 hours and it's not even 6pm. we had a bit of a Handful of a group and everyone kept being like omg we promise it's not usually like this and I had to be like. I have experienced Far worse this doesn't even make the list it's fine
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kerry eurodyne “ophelia” vs johnny silverhand “the death of marat”. do u get me?
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