furiousgoldfish · 2 years
People who are starved out of conversation will approach it as if it was sacred, people who are starved out of touch experience any touch given to them as the highest form of intimacy, people starved out of gentleness will react to it as if it’s an invasion, an attempt to break them down, and people starved out of a community will approach it as if it was a minefield.
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coulsonlives · 10 months
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So ummm, yeah, this person might have made some good posts in the past, but this is NOT okay.
They've also revealed themselves to be a TERF/radfem (their alt blog is balkanradfem).
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The account we used to get positivity for our trauma has...really upset us. Furiousgoldfish was accused of being a terf and stuff so we asked if those rumors were true. What do we get? BLOCKED. And they accused us of trying to hurt them...we did nothing! Just asked a question...dude...what the fuck.
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hauntedselves · 1 year
furiousgoldfish is a terf and also extremely ableist towards people with NPD
i'm aware. however their blog is a great resource for trauma & abuse and i think people can reblog extremely helpful resources from someone they're ideologically opposed to without agreeing with their worldviews.
i disagree with terfs and i support people with NPD and i'm against the idea of "narcissistic abuse". that doesn't mean furiousgoldfish's resources are any less useful.
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many-but-one · 2 years
hey there! furiousgoldfish is a terf and has advocated for literally sterilizing people with personality disorders. she hides the evidence so its totally understandable you may not have seen this, but if you just search her username youll find the callout posts. stay safe!
Hi anon, I was aware that she was pretty against people with NPD which is why I avoided her ableist posts about NPD because I myself have NPD. I've found that some of her resources that don't talk about NPD specifically are pretty good, and some of the things she posts are relatable to myself. The only callout post I found about her was her reblogging something onto a TERF sideblog. Of course, I'm also trans so this is not something I support.
Have not seen anything about the sterilizing people with personality disorders thing that you mentioned. If you'd like to provide receipts rather than just say "she hides the evidence, so that's probably why you haven't seen it." I searched her username and haven't seen it but perhaps I'm missing it entirely. Brain is pretty soupy today. (definitely a clinical DID term haha. /j)
That being said, I will work on deleting the posts I've reblogged by FG because while I did find the non-NPD posts helpful in some degree (FG's posts were actually what made me realize I had repressed CSA memories and mentioned it to my trauma specialist, and many years later I got the DID diagnosis that I'd been needing my entire life) I definitely feel like the combo of ableism toward NPD and TERF behavior is indeed a deal-breaker for me.
I appreciate you letting me know. This does sadden me. Her non-NPD related posts are often very good and informative and relatable, which is why I was willing to turn away from the icky stuff and only reblog the things that were rooted in the trauma experience rather than spewing hatred about people with NPD. While I understand my doing that could be considered anti-NPD since I'm reblogging something from someone who is anti-NPD, I want to assure followers that is not that case, as I mentioned, I have NPD myself and am very anti "narc abuse." I believe my most popular post on this blog is in support of people who are cluster B.
I apologize to folks who may have been upset by me reblogging FG's posts regardless, and I will cease to do so moving forward. I realize that my actions, despite not aiming to hurt people with NPD, actually were, as I was lifting the platform of someone who is severely anti-NPD and while not spreading their posts about NPD, I was still giving her a voice where people could look at her ableist narc abuse posts and therefore spreading the hatred. This will be discontinued now, and I will work on pruning her posts out of my feed, though this may take time and I please ask for patience, as I'm having personal life/mental health issues currently. I haven't been on Tumblr making my normal content very often lately for this reason.
Thank you again, anon. Have a splendid day.
-Blurry gang
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screaming-static · 2 years
I have recently been made aware of the fact that furiousgoldfish is a terf and ableist by a lovely person who reached out to me, evidence of this will be listed below by other accounts who took the time to gather screenshots and deleted posts. I will however be keeping my pinned post up as i do believe its a helpful resource although i no longer support her.
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mischiefmanifold · 2 years
SOBS i just remembered that i used to follow furiousgoldfish </3
thankfully after a little while i realized all the bullshit they spit, and i unfollowed them
that's what we call character growth /J
don’t worry anon, we used to follow them too
that was before we found out we have NPD and before we found out about any of their bullshit
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rohanrider3 · 2 years
Art Poll/Ask for rohanrider3 Ao3
Hey there everyone! So, I have a question for y’all. Some of you might know me already, but for those who don’t--hello there! LONG story short, I’m a writer strugging to come back from about a five year slump (thank you ongoing chronic illnesses, blegh). I’m trying to get back into making art--especially writing--but I ALSO want to try my hand at drawing more. Like, a LOT more. Because here’s the thing--I love writing partly because I have these vivid, intense scenes in my mind, and I love love LOVE putting them into words and weaving them into stories. Buuuuut when...say, due to chronic illness, the “words” part of my brain doesn’t work...and I’m frozen with all these ideas/images but no way to share them...it gets hard to make art, then. Really hard. Like freeze-despair-lose-steam-for-years-hard.
BUT. I’ve found that making art in other ways--e.g. DRAWING, design, etc.--has helped jump start the writing again as well! Which is great! BUT ALSO. I have so MANY scenes and stories I’ve already written. (points and whispers, “Hey look, it’s an Ao3 profile with loads of hurt/comfort stories from multiple fandoms!” and then clumsily runs away in a terrible attempt at a graceful exit)
(pops back into frame, sweating slightly at seeing word counts again) So. many. scenes...ohgoditssomuch whydididothistomyself whatwaspastmethinking
THIS is where all you come in! I thought I’d post this hope of mine--namely, to hear which of your favorite scenes visually stand out to you in your mind(s)--here on Tumblr.
If you would, kindly drop me a line or a comment and let me know what some of your favorite moments are, or scenes, or lines--you get the idea!
ALSO. If you haven’t read some/most/any of my fics, feel free to give them a try! Past readers have left lovely, excited reviews--and I know I enjoyed writing the fics as well, so there’s a lot to enjoy if you want to try it out. And if you comment (saaaaaay, with your favorite moment, scene, look, visualization) I can add it to my list of artistic drawing attempts! And you’ll have put a happy smile on my face, which is also great!) :) 
Housekeeping stuff: My spoons are still extremely limited, as are my Tumblr skills, so if you leave a comment or a message somewhere on my Ao3 profile, it has a better chance of being seen by yours truly there. 
Share Art With Me Encouragement: By the way, if you’ve been inspired by any of my stories, I’d LOVE to see/hear/be told how that played out. Let me say that again: I WOULD LOVE TO HEAR ABOUT IT. I WOULD LOVE IT. Enthusiastically sharing joy is so much fun, and frankly, our world can use as much enjoyment and positive reinforcing as we can get at the moment.
FOR EXAMPLE, my lovely friend @eringeosphere did a PODFIC of my first ever Peter Quill fic (her gift of which continues to make my day, every day <3 <3 )
The world’s a rough place, and the last few years have really kicked a lot of people in the teeth. (*raises hand and spits out a few spare molars* I’m bight dere wib yew, bal.) However, I want to leave this world better than I found it. And despite my own personal struggles, I have found LOTS of joy--more than I ever thought was possible--in making art and sharing it, and enjoying it, with others. Thanks for reading this, and I’m so excited to see what happens! 
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cathedralofmemories · 2 years
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furiousgoldfish · 2 years
I wish adults would be quick to point out when children are being kind, understanding, smart, polite, sweet and lovely, with the same eagerness they criticize when a child does anything they don’t like.
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traumatizeddfox · 2 years
I'm so tired of seeing that furiousgoldfish terf ass ableist bitch everywhere i wish she'd just die
honestly same i had to block her so i wouldn’t see her stupid ass shit
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cccat-in-a-meat-sack · 3 months
A list of narc abuse believers for all my lovely pwNPD to block <333
@wilwheaton (hasn't been on for a few months but oh well)
@lostmf (I believe)
@anscathmarcach (they blocked me boo hoo)
@internum--urbes (also hasn't been on for a while)
@narcissistic-abuse-blog (wow they have their own blog :0 they hate borderlines too just so y'all know)
@webanglikethat (not 100% sure????)
@soberscientistlife (doesn't really believe in narc abuse per se, but still is very anti-NPD)
@narcsurvior (either the above two blocked me or their blogs don't exist anymore)
@actuallydiagnosedtraumagenic (says that's it's okay to say you can be a narcissist without having NPD)
To find these people I used the following tags: #narcissistic abuse #narcissistic abuse is real #raised by narcissists #surviving narcissism
This is not an argument post. If you want to argue, shoot me an ask. This is a blocklist so that pwNPD can feel safe. You don't like, block me or send an ask. I am not here to care about your feelings. This list is also not complete/definitive. If you have other people to add, again, send an ask or comment. I love you NPD's <333
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patchesjam · 2 months
https://www.tumblr.com/furiousgoldfish/662951769311248384/furiousgoldfish-how-to-spot-a-smear-campaign?source=share I saw this earlier and it's literally how ppl convinced themselves about Dream and spread shit around based on the flimsiest evidence. Vs Wilbur where there is a victim directly speaking out and who is clearly talking about him, even if they can't name him for legal reasons.
it makes me feel slightly ill how dream and the way he is/was treated meets every single one of those criteria/signs
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freakthingg · 6 months
if you support @/furiousgoldfish get the fuck off my blog btw. i'm one of the aspd having freaks she calls in her own exact words an "inhuman monster". she's a shitty fucking person who's ragingly, violently ableist and thinks those with npd and aspd (or any disorder she can't romanticize) deserve to be MEDICALLY STERILIZED 😭 not to mention the massive massive massive amount of armchair diagnosing she does all day long
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many-but-one · 2 years
hiya! just wanted to LYK that furiousgoldfish supports the idea of narcissistic abuse
Hello, this is Jules speaking.
I was not aware of that. I think it's important to note that every abuse survivor has different ways of coping. If their parent(s)/abuser(s) really were narcissists (or had qualities of NPD), I can see why they would have a very negative views of narcissists. Of course I do not share that view because I was not abused by a narcissist and I know several people with NPD who are kind and caring people. Like any PD, therapy and inner work makes a big difference. I was abused by Christian men. I despise pretty much any Christian man, even if they have shown me they can be good people. It's hard to wrap your head around the fact that they really could be good people when people like that have hurt you in horrific and torturous ways that have changed you forever. A very good friend of mine is a Christian man, but I still would never want to be in a room alone with him, even though he has shown me time and time again that he is trustworthy and safe to be around. I have DID, so it's not necessarily "me" that feels this way, but many trauma holding alters that cannot allow themselves to trust most people, but especially not Christian men.
I'm not saying it's totally fine and dandy to preach about narc abuse, I definitely don't condone that because it is a marginalized group of people that are often put into those "evil abuser" categories against their will. I just think it is a very nuanced subject to tackle delicately, rather than to completely block someone or blacklist them because of their opinions. furiousgoldfish also has DID, which can cause a lot of anger and resentment toward abusers and people like abusers. (complicated feelings in general--oftentimes many alters will hate abusers/people similar to abusers, other alters will seek them out and want them around, or even want the abuse to continue because that is all they've known.)
So while I don't agree with that opinion, I did not share a post that was supporting narc abuse because that is against my own opinions. furiousgoldfish shares a lot of extremely educational and worthwhile things about what it is like living with and recovering from abuse in your formative years. Like I said before, these things are incredibly delicate subjects, especially amongst trauma survivors.
I have family members with NPD and an alter with ASPD-leaning traits. Do I think they should have a blanket statement over them that they are evil abusers? No. Anyone can be an abuser, even a seemingly well-meaning Christian man. There can be good people with NPD and great Christians. But it can also be the other way around, and sometimes someone who has been through severe trauma at the hands of people with those traits can have a poor view of them. A lot of people would argue that there are good Christian men, even if I can't see that. Just like I would argue that there are good people with NPD that people who have been abused by people with NPD-like qualities that they wouldn't see. We are all human with toxic qualities. I would be the first to admit I can be very toxic at times, and I'm sure many other people who have grown up in unstable environments can say the same. Everyone has a healing journey, and things like forgiveness or sympathy for people who are similar to those who have hurt you can be difficult. I am not in support of the idea of narc abuse, but I can still understand why traumatized people might have that view.
I am in support of folks with any sort of mental illness, including the cluster B folks, and I believe that even if you have toxic behavior you can improve (whether you are cluster B or not. I am not, but I can definitely say I have toxic qualities. Everyone does to a degree--nobody is perfect.)
I still support furiousgoldfish because they are a trauma survivor that deserves love and support, even if I don't agree with all of their views. I would ask the same of anyone here that doesn't like me bashing on Christian men/religion in general. Everyone has ideas that we don't agree with--nobody is perfect and to expect someone, ESPECIALLY a trauma survivor, to have perfect behavior is just ridiculous. I don't agree with everything my parents believe, I don't agree with everything my best friends believe, I don't even agree with everything my wife believes. Everyone has ideologies that are shaped by what they've been through or how they've grown up. The point is that people can grow and change and learn, and that is a part of healing. I am on my healing journey and am unlearning crappy views (not just religion/men, many other things too.) Hell, if you look at my views just a decade ago they've changed significantly. I used to be a homophobic, transphobic, hyper-religious, anti-medicine person with some really bad biases. Like, for reaI. I lost a lot of friends because of it. I've grown exponentially since then, especially since starting therapy and understanding some of the roots of my anger and biases. I was projecting a lot--I was a queer, trans, mentally ill kid with a lot of internalized hate because of the way I was raised. When I realized how hateful I was I grew from it.
Whether furiousgoldfish keeps their views on narc abuse the same forever or not is not up to me. I don't know them personally and I don't know what they've been through. All I know is that I'm not going to judge people on their views just because they don't line up with mine. Everyone deserves love and support, period.
That's all I've got to say on the matter.
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impunkster-syndrome · 10 months
Also fucking wild the organizer of it has been told of furiousgoldfish's eugenics stuff before and basically responded with "Eh but they have some good trauma stuff" on the hauntedselves blog. Yeah, I don't fucking trust a movement that will cut off disabled people's communication with each other from someone who can excuse a eugenicist TERF by just ignoring that content from them as if believing a specific type of trauma symptoms is deserving of forced sterilization is not going to poison all of furiousgoldfish's takes on trauma because of the belief of there being "acceptable" symptoms of trauma that make people inherently good or "unacceptable" ones that make people inherently evil.
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