#fresh green vegetable
aarohij · 2 months
Nourish Your Gut with These 5 Must-Have Vegetables
Vegetables are required to maintain a healthy mind and body. They are a rich source of essential nutrients and should be consumed religiously to ensure long-term health benefits. While all vegetables are suggested for a healthy body, we aim to discuss some major vegetables that are rich in varied nutrients and thus be made staple to our diets. Also, the good news is that the availability of chopped vegetables delivery, makes the consumption of vegetables easier for you, making them more accessible and easier to cook. So, let’s dive right in.
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5 Must- Have Vegetables
The vegetable was popularized by the cartoon series- Popeye the Sailor Man among kids. On a serious note, spinach is rich in vitamins K, A, and C, magnesium, folate, iron, calcium, and antioxidants. Vitamin K is essential for strong bones and it also improves the absorption of calcium. Additionally, it also promotes normal blood clotting. Iron and magnesium are vital for energy healthy blood, and muscle and nerve function, respectively. The antioxidants in the vegetable reduce the chances of developing cancer. However, the consumption of dark greens should be checked by people on blood-thinning medications.
Kale is also rich in vitamins K, A, and C. It is especially beneficial for people with high cholesterol. The other nutrients offered by the vegetable include vitamin B6, potassium, calcium, and copper. When taken in combination with a meal that is rich in carbohydrates, it prevents blood sugar spikes. It is also helpful in reducing blood pressure.  It also contains antioxidants to fight against cancer.  
Broccoli contains vitamins A, K, and C. It also contains indoles and isothiocyanates that inhibit the development of cancer specifically in the bladder, breasts, liver, and stomach as well as protect the cells from DNA damage and have anti-inflammatory effects. It also offers folate, manganese, sulfur, and potassium. It also guards against chronic heart diseases. The presence of lutein, beta-carotene, and zeaxanthin in broccoli makes it essential to reduce the risk of age-related macular degeneration and support overall eye health.
Green Peas
Green peas provide fiber, protein, and vitamins A, C, B, and K. These support good bacteria in the gut ensuring regular bowel movements and a healthy digestive tract. The saponins present in them help protect against oxidative stress and cancer.
Sweet Potatoes
Sweet potatoes contain vitamins A, C, and B6, potassium, manganese, and beta-carotene. They are recommended for those suffering from diabetes, as they are rich in fiber and help regulate blood sugar levels. They are also good at regulating cholesterol levels. The presence of beta-carotene boosts skin, hair, and eye strength.  
Buy Chopped Vegetables Online Now
So now that you know the various benefits of the five must-have vegetables order fresh cut vegetables now. Greenchopper is one of the best platforms that offer cut vegetables online in Bangalore.  It is chopped in a variety of shapes and sizes. It is also known for providing healthy ozone-washed vegetable delivery in Bangalore. So, do not wait, and eat more salads, by ordering fresh fruits and vegetables with GreenChopper now.
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theereina · 8 months
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why is lettuce so fucking Good
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shelli-jay-says · 11 months
Hechos que debes saber sobre los pepinos
1. Cucumbers contain most of the vitamins you need every day, just one cucumber contains Vitamin B1, Vitamin B2, Vitamin B3, Vitamin B5, Vitamin B6, Folic Acid, Vitamin C, Calcium, Iron, Magnesium, Phosphorus, Potassium and Zinc.
1. Los pepinos contienen la mayoría de las vitaminas que necesitas todos los días, solo un pepino contiene vitamina B1, vitamina B2, vitamina B3, vitamina B5, vitamina B6, ácido fólico, vitamina C, calcio, hierro, magnesio, fósforo, potasio y zinc.
2. Feeling tired in the afternoon, put down the caffeinated soda and pick up a cucumber. Cucumbers are a good source of B vitamins and Carbohydrates that can provide that quick pick-me-up that can last for hours.
2. Si te sientes cansado por la tarde, deja el refresco con cafeína y toma un pepino. Los pepinos son una buena fuente de vitaminas B y carbohidratos que pueden proporcionar ese estímulo rápido que puede durar horas.
3. Tired of your bathroom mirror fogging up after a shower? Try rubbing a cucumber slice along the mirror, it will eliminate the fog and provide a soothing, spa-like fragrance.
3. ¿Cansado de que el espejo de tu baño se empañe después de la ducha? Intenta frotar una rodaja de pepino a lo largo del espejo, eliminará la niebla y proporcionará una fragancia relajante similar a la de un spa.
4. Are grubs and slugs ruining your planting beds? Place a few slices in a small pie tin and your garden will be free of pests all season long. The chemicals in the cucumber react with the aluminum to give off a scent undetectable to humans but drive garden pests crazy and make them flee the area.
4. ¿Las larvas y las babosas están arruinando tus lechos de siembra? Coloque algunas rebanadas en un molde pequeño para pastel y su jardín estará libre de plagas durante toda la temporada. Los químicos en el pepino reaccionan con el aluminio para emitir un olor indetectable para los humanos, pero enloquecen a las plagas del jardín y las hacen huir del área.
5. Looking for a fast and easy way to remove cellulite before going out or to the pool? Try rubbing a slice or two of cucumbers along your problem area for a few minutes, the phytochemicals in the cucumber cause the collagen in your skin to tighten, firming up the outer layer and reducing the visibility of cellulite. Works great on wrinkles too!!!
5. ¿Buscas una manera rápida y fácil de eliminar la celulitis antes de salir o ir a la piscina? Frote una o dos rodajas de pepino a lo largo de su área problemática durante unos minutos, los fitoquímicos del pepino hacen que el colágeno de la piel se tense, reafirmando la capa externa y reduciendo la visibilidad de la celulitis. Funciona muy bien en las arrugas también!!!
6. Want to avoid a hangover or terrible headache? Eat a few cucumber slices before going to bed and wake up refreshed and headache free. Cucumbers contain enough sugar, B vitamins and electrolytes to replenish essential nutrients the body lost, keeping everything in equilibrium, avoiding both a hangover and headache!!
6. ¿Quiere evitar una resaca o un terrible dolor de cabeza? Coma unas rodajas de pepino antes de acostarse y despiértese renovado y sin dolores de cabeza. Los pepinos contienen suficiente azúcar, vitaminas B y electrolitos para reponer los nutrientes esenciales que el cuerpo perdió, manteniendo todo en equilibrio, evitando tanto la resaca como el dolor de cabeza.
7. Looking to fight off that afternoon or evening snacking binge? Cucumbers have been used for centuries and often used by European trappers, traders and explores for quick meals to thwart off starvation.
7. ¿Buscas combatir ese atracón de bocadillos de la tarde o la noche? Los pepinos se han utilizado durante siglos y, a menudo, los cazadores, comerciantes y exploradores europeos los utilizan como comidas rápidas para evitar el hambre.
8. Have an important meeting or job interview and you realize that you don't have enough time to polish your shoes? Rub a freshly cut cucumber over the shoe, its chemicals will provide a quick and durable shine that not only looks great but also repels water.
8. ¿Tienes una reunión importante o una entrevista de trabajo y te das cuenta de que no tienes suficiente tiempo para lustrar tus zapatos? Frote un pepino recién cortado sobre el zapato, sus productos químicos proporcionarán un brillo rápido y duradero que no solo se ve muy bien sino que también repele el agua.
9. Out of WD 40 and need to fix a squeaky hinge? Take a cucumber slice and rub it along the problematic hinge, and voila, the squeak is gone!
9. ¿Está fuera de WD 40 y necesita arreglar una bisagra que chirría? Tome una rodaja de pepino y frótela a lo largo de la bisagra problemática, y listo, ¡el chirrido desaparece!
10. Stressed out and don't have time for massage, facial or visit to the spa? Cut up an entire cucumber and place it in a boiling pot of water, the chemicals and nutrients from the cucumber will react with the boiling water and be released in the steam, creating a soothing, relaxing aroma that has been shown the reduce stress in new mothers and college students during final exams.
10. ¿Estás estresado y no tienes tiempo para masajes, tratamientos faciales o visitas al spa? Corte un pepino entero y colóquelo en una olla con agua hirviendo, los químicos y nutrientes del pepino reaccionarán con el agua hirviendo y se liberarán en el vapor, creando un aroma calmante y relajante que se ha demostrado que reduce el estrés en las madres primerizas y los estudiantes universitarios durante los exámenes finales.
11. Just finish a business lunch and realize you don't have gum or mints? Take a slice of cucumber and press it to the roof of your mouth with your tongue for 30 seconds to eliminate bad breath, the phytochemicals will kill the bacteria in your mouth responsible for causing bad breath.
11. ¿Acabas de terminar un almuerzo de negocios y te das cuenta de que no tienes chicles ni mentas? Tome una rodaja de pepino y presiónela contra el paladar con la lengua durante 30 segundos para eliminar el mal aliento, los fitoquímicos matarán las bacterias en la boca responsables de causar el mal aliento.
12. Looking for a 'green' way to clean your taps, sinks or stainless steel? Take a slice of cucumber and rub it on the surface you want to clean, not only will it remove years of tarnish and bring back the shine, but is won't leave streaks and won't harm you fingers or fingernails while you clean.
12. ¿Está buscando una forma 'verde' de limpiar sus grifos, fregaderos o acero inoxidable? Tome una rodaja de pepino y frótela sobre la superficie que desea limpiar, no solo eliminará años de deslustre y devolverá el brillo, sino que no dejará rayas y no dañará sus dedos o uñas mientras limpia.
13. Using a pen and made a mistake? Take the outside of the cucumber and slowly use it to erase the pen writing, also works great on crayons and markers that the kids have used to decorate the walls!!
13. ¿Usaste un bolígrafo y cometiste un error? Tome el exterior del pepino y utilícelo lentamente para borrar la escritura del bolígrafo, ¡también funciona muy bien en crayones y marcadores que los niños han usado para decorar las paredes!
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karacahil · 2 years
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#Forest fruits// Orman Meyveleri
📠 Kaynak: Böğürtlenler
🎦 Fotoğraf: Redmi -9
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timmurleyart · 2 years
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At the farmers market. 🍁🍂🍑🍎🍏🥬🎃🌿
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ghettogardener · 1 year
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Spent 14$ at the dollar store and got all these seeds. Idk who needs to hear this, but dollarstore seeds grow almost better than the more pricey brands.
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askwhatsforlunch · 9 months
Mushroom and Summer Vegetable Lasagna (Vegetarian)
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On a rainy and chill Summer day, this Mushroom and Summer Vegetable Lasagna brings the heat and colour the weather is lacking to your plate! Happy Tuesday!
Ingredients (serves 2):
1 1/2 tablespoon olive oil
1 small Green Onion
1/3 red hot chili pepper
1/2 large aubergine, rinsed
1 courgette, rinsed
1/2 red bell pepper, rinsed
4 leaves fresh sage
1/4 teaspoon coarse sea salt
1/2 teaspoon freshly cracked black pepper
1 tablespoon Modena Balsamic Vinegar
2 large ripe tomatoes
1 heaped teaspoon caster sugar
1 tablespoon unsalted butter
1 tablespoon olive oil
6 to 8 cremini mushrooms
 4 leaves fresh sage
1 garlic clove, minced
1/4 teaspoon fleur de sel or sea salt flakes
1/2 teaspoon freshly cracked black pepper
1 /2 tablespoon plain flour
1 cup semi-skimmed milk
Parmesan cheese
olive oil
6 Homemade Pasta rectangles, cut to fit the tins
Heat olive oil in a large, deep, nonstick skillet over medium-high heat. 
Finely chop Green Onion, and stir into the skillet. Cook, 1 minute. 
Thinly slice chili pepper, and stir into the skillet. Cook. 1 minute.
Dice aubergine, and stir into the skillet. Fry, coating in oil, a couple of minutes.
Dice courgette, and stir into the skillet as well. Cook, another couple of minutes, until starting to brown.
Seed and finely chop bell pepper, and chop sage leaves. Stir both into the skillet. Cook, one minute more. Season with coarse sea salt, and black pepper, and cover with a lid, a couple of minutes until vegetables have just softened.
Remove lid, and deglaze with Balsamic Vinegar. Cook out, 1 minute.
Dice tomatoes, and stir them, along with all their juice, into the skillet.  Cook a few minutes, until slightly reduced. Stir in caster sugar until dissolved. 
Remove from the heat; set aside.
In a large, saucepan, melt butter with olive oil, over medium-high heat.
Dust cremini mushrooms, and cut them into thick slices. Add mushrooms to the saucepan, and sauté, a couple of minutes, until softened.
Finely chop sage, including the top part of the stalk, and stir into the mushrooms, along with minced garlic. Cook, 1 minute. 
Season with fleur de sel and black pepper. With a wooden spoon, stir in flour. Cook out, 1 minute. Reduce heat to medium. Then, very gradually stir in milk, waiting for the sauce to thicken as you add (you want it smooth and silky, but not too thin.) Remove from the heat and grate in about 1/3 cup Parmesan. Give a good stir; set aside.
Preheat oven to 200°/395°F.
To make the Lasagna, generously oil two individual gratin tins. Spoon a tablespoon mushroom sauce at the bottom of each. Lay one Pasta rectangle onto the mushroom cream into each tin. Top generously with Summer vegetables. Then, spoon a layer of mushroom sauce on top. Grate a little Parmesan over the mushrooms. Lay second Pasta rectangle on top, and repeat layers, saving a third of the mushroom sauce to top. Finally, lay third Pasta rectangle onto the mushrooms and cheese, and top with remaining mushroom sauce. Grate Parmesan on top.
Place Lasagna tins in the middle of the hot oven, and bake, at 200°/395°F, for 30 minutes. 
Serve Mushroom and Summer Vegetable Lasagna hot, with dressed lettuce.
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bluepoodle7 · 7 months
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#DelMonte #DelMonteFreshCutWholeNewPotatoes #CannedWholePotatoes#DelMonteFreshCutFrenchStyleGreenBeansWith50PercentLessSodium #LessSodiumCannedVegetables #CannedVegetablesReview
I tried the Del Monte Fresh Cut Whole New Potatoes mixed with the Del Monte Fresh Cut French Style Green Beans With 50% Less Sodium and it was pretty good.
These potatoes were firm but soft and had a light potato taste.
These potatoes tasted fresh for canned potatoes and were lightly salty.
These went well with the french green beans.
I would eat this again.
Got online.
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aarohij · 2 months
5 Healthy Vegetarian Breakfast Ideas to Get Your Day Started
Breakfast has been considered the most important meal of the whole day as it helps to set the tone for the rest of the day. Being a vegetarian comes with added benefits as you can include various fruits and veggies in your breakfast. This way you can create a bowl of health and taste by incorporating colorful and flavorful fruits and vegetables. In this blog, we have given you five breakfast recipes that you can add to your breakfast to kick-start your day. You can opt for fresh vegetable delivery in Bangalore to save time and money.
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5 Healthy Vegetarian Breakfast Ideas
1.      Green Smoothie Bowl
Just like the name suggested, the green smoothie bowl will need a handful of spinach, and kale, along with banana, mixed berries, chia seeds, and almond milk, and blend it in a mixer smoothly.
Pour the smoothie mix into a bowl and add sliced fruits like mango, strawberries, and kiwi. You can also add nuts, seeds, and granola for crunch and protein.
This vibrant, colorful, and textured bowl of smoothies is full of flavors, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants to provide you with energy for the whole day.
2.      Vegetable Chila with Avocado Toast
Vegetable chila is another option in which you can add freshly diced bell pepper, tomato, onion, spinach, and chilies in Chickpea flour. Cook the chila on a non-stick pan, add butter if needed. Fold it over and repeat the process.
You can serve it with mashed avocado seasoned with salt and black pepper on grain toast.
This way you can complete your need for fiber, and nutrients without compromising taste and texture making it the most satisfying breakfast meal. Order online vegetables in Bangalore from GreenChopper.
3.      Fruit and Yogurt Parfait
Greek yogurt layered with different fruits such as bananas, berries, mangoes, and pomegranates in a bowl can be the tastiest breakfast meal. You can add honey or maple syrup for added sweetness and crunchiness and texture, you can add granola or nuts on top.
This bowl of goodness does not only look good but also is full of protein, fiber, and vitamins to fuel your morning.
4.      Vegetable Breakfast Burrito
Breakfast burrito sounds delicious, right? All you need to do is sauté bell peppers, zucchini, onions, and cherry tomatoes together in a pan with olive oil and spices. To make it healthy, use whole-grain tortilla, fill the sauteed veggies with scrambled paneer, and add cheese if you like.
Fold the burrito and toast in a pan on all the sides. This way your morning will start with taste and be packed with protein, fiber, and a variety of vegetables to keep you full and satisfied until lunchtime. You can opt for online cut vegetable delivery in Bangalore.
5.      Mixed Fruit Salad with Cottage Cheese
Create a bowl of seasonal goodness of fruits such as apples, watermelon, oranges, pineapple, and grapes. Mix them in a bowl with rock salt and black pepper and add creamy cottage cheese on top.
You can lemon juice for tanginess and cinnamon for extra flavor if you like. This bowl will fulfill your need for vitamins, minerals, and protein.
Start Your Mornings with Healthy and Tasty Treats!
Now that you have got these 5 amazing and delicious recipes to cook without putting much effort into the kitchen, you are sorted for your breakfast worries. However, you must be thinking about all the chopping and peeling in the mornings, but don’t worry as we got you a solution for that as well. You can now order chopped vegetables delivery online in Bangalore.
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a-frog-pond-peace · 10 months
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so many beans at my garden
pls give me green bean eating suggestions/recipes
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denisefoodesigner · 1 year
🇮🇹 La verza, un ortaggio invernale dal caratteristico profumo, ha un sapore che io definirei leggermente amarognolo. Per mitigare questa sua proprietà, la si può abbinare ad altri ingredienti. Io, per esempio, ho scelto le patate e la carne di maiale. Inoltre non può mancare l'aceto di vino bianco o di mele durante la cottura. Che ne dite quindi di provare questi involtini? Serviteli con una salsa alla verza o al formaggio, sentirete che gusto!😋
🇬🇧 Savoy cabbage is a winter vegetable with a characteristic scent. It has got a taste that I would define "slightly bitter". To mitigate this property, it can be combined with other ingredients. For example, I've chosen potatoes and pork meat. The white wine vinegar or apple vinegar cannot be missing during the cooking. What about trying these roulades? Serve them with a cabbage or cheese sauce, you will taste a wonderfulflavour!😍😋👇
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lbngoc · 10 months
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daddymikeyway · 1 year
People who have moved out on their own, dumb question. Y’all lose weight when you moved out???? I think it’s because I hate grocery shopping so much, and really can’t figure it out lmao.
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chourzahi · 1 year
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Tomate cerise
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There’s was a lot going on with my kitchen counter. I cleared it away after realizing there’s no need to have every kitchen item and ingredient I own on display 24:7- it’s a place to cook food not sell it. I left room on the breakfast bar for this though.
This is 2 weeks of growth aka the main thing on my mind during my vacation in Jamaica as it got closer to ending. I started with paper towels seedlings and transplanted them into cones. A total of 1 month resulted in this. #hydroponic #hydroponicgarden #watergarden #amazontech #amazonreview
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