#fame is gross. but that might just be me
falled-over · 9 months
recently someone on tiktok said 'hey lets comment on random thirst traps and say 'you look just like a character from x movie!' (i forgot the name, the original one had one). like as a fun joke to invent a fake movie from the 80s.
i dont need to point out the obvious comparison here (it was far less organised because it was more about pranking people than pretending the movie was real), but it turned out to be a MARKETING STRATEGY for someones album.
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eddiesghxst · 8 months
ohhh the post about eddie masturbating in the bathroom was AMAZING AHHH!!
could i request something where nancy, robin, jonathan, eddie & reader are having a sleepover at steve’s & when everyone’s asleep eddie & reader get all handsy, so she jerks him & then rides him, trying to be quiet because they’re still in the same room as the others (robin sleeps with steve in his bed & jonathan, nancy & the two of you on the ground on mattresses) but at some point they move it to the bathroom just a few doors down.
in the end, steve gets woken up & catches them in the bathroom because they accidentally left the door open but they don’t notice so steve just goes back to bed traumatized for life💀😩
sorry it’s a bit long i just LOVE your writing!!
because i won't be able to get the next part of price of fame up this week, here is some spooky slut action to tithe <3
ALSO, im so sorry it took me forever to write this BUT THANK U STINK, i changed a few things around, i hope u don't mind, but here u gooo!
It’s wrong.
What you and Eddie are doing is so wrong.
It's gross and something you would probably scrunch your nose at and fake a gag if anyone ever told you they did it. But fuck, you’d be lying if you said it isn’t turning you on to no end— Eddie’s fingers working you towards your first orgasm as your nails dig into his thighs to keep you grounded as you try to remain quiet for your sleeping friends.
The older half of the gang decided to pull a spooky night at Steve’s place, ‘This is strictly rated-R, shitheads.’ Steve explained when the younger half tried to join in. You’d all settled into Steve’s comfy basement after a long week and ran through A Nightmare on Elm Street, Halloween, Carrie, and endless junk food and beers before everyone slowly began to tap out.
Jonathan was the first to fall asleep, and once Nancy noticed, she went ahead and moved them to the bigger couch, where she inevitably dozed off as well. Robin was next, claiming she could feel her arteries clogging up with the amount of sugar you’d all ingested and, ‘If I die, it better be in my sleep, not watching shitty horrors with you three idiots.”
And then it was just you, Eddie, and Steve.
One thing about Eddie is when the lights go down in a room, and he’s next to you, hands will roam. Fingers will grab and squeeze at skin, caress and provoke goosebumps across your arms, and eventually sneak into sensitive areas— and it doesn’t matter who else is in the room.
You already knew where things were going when you felt Eddie’s cool rings press into the warm skin of your thigh. You had just begun the fourth movie of the night, Ghostbusters, because you claimed you needed a break from the horror movies, and Eddie couldn’t wait any longer to get his hands on you. Luckily, Eddie’s wandering hands are hidden beneath the blanket you share, so Steve is clueless about the sinful actions happening across the room.
And you were able to hold off your moans and whimpers for the most part, but Eddie was getting mean with it. Two fingers dipping in and out of your wet cunt at a painfully slow and agonizing pace that had your legs quivering. He occasionally curves his fingers up to brush up against your spot, teeth digging into his lip to hide the groan of pain when your nails dig deeper into his skin— he’s sure you’ll leave a mark. And you were doing good. 
You were doing so good.
Until Eddie added a third finger, leaning down to whisper in your ear, “Fuck sweetheart, you get any wetter than this, and I might have to fuck you now,” with an added swirl of his thumb over your clit, and you were done for.
You moan unexpectedly loud and pathetic, and anybody with common sense would know what the two of you are doing. The sweaty palm of your hand slaps over your mouth as your eyes widen in surprise, gaze snapping over to where Steve is laid back in the La-Z-Boy recliner, and from this angle, with Steve’s chair turned towards the TV, you can only see his full head of fluffy brown hair. 
You don’t want to risk it, you think. So, you curl your fingers around Eddie’s wrist and pathetically tug, “Steve,” You whisper, alerting Eddie that maybe this isn’t a good idea.
But Eddie only nuzzles his face into your neck and quickens the pace of his fingers, reveling in the soft gasp you let out as he whispers in your ear, “He’s asleep.”
You look to where Steve is sitting again, wearily searching for any signs that he might still be awake, but to your favor, you find none— and maybe you ignored the small moment where Steve shifted, but between the overwhelming feeling of Eddie’s breath on your neck and the toe-curling sensations he’s bringing between your thighs, you can’t seem to care anymore.
“I’m close,” you rush through a whispered breath, hips tilting up to meet his skilled actions. “Yeah?” He nips at your ear, and you whimper, eyes shutting. “You gonna cum on my fingers? In front of our friends, honey? You’re dirtier than I thought,” He teasingly growls the last part, licking behind your ear before sucking the tip between his lips. You pant his name, this time loud enough to cause Eddie’s hand to slap over your mouth.
“As badly as I wanna hear those pretty moans of yours, sweetheart, you need to be a little more quiet,” He whispers. You nod as best as you can, drool smearing over Eddie’s palm as you roll your hips against his palm as quietly as you can.
“Come on, baby,” Eddie encourages, calloused fingers digging into your cheeks, “Want you to cum all over my fingers like the desperate little slut you are.”
Your legs quiver at that, eyes rolling back as you begin to teeter over the edge. “Gonna take you upstairs after this so I can fuck you real good. Split you open nice and wide on my cock; you want that?” He hums, slinking his hand down to squeeze at your jaw and turn your head to where his lips catch yours as he speaks. You nod desperately and pathetically, and Eddie smiles, licking across your lips once before your eyes squeeze shut, and the dam finally breaks.
Eddie presses his lips against yours to silence your noises, which go unheard with the help of the movie playing. Eddie can feel you squeezing and pulsing around his fingers, and his cock jumps at the thought of what’s to come after he drags you out of this fucking basement.
Eddie kisses you throughout your climax, fingers gently guiding you through the hurricane of pleasure until you push him away with a whisper, “S’too much.”
Eddie lets you have it, removing his fingers from you with a lewd squelch that reaches his ears, pulling his hand out to hold it up in front of you. His fingers glisten under the TV light with your slick coating his knuckles, some dripping down onto his rings. You watch with lust-hooded eyes as he brings the soaked digits to his lips, making a show of licking up the length of them and swallowing every drop. Your cunt throbs, and you shift as his eyes meet yours.
And you don’t have to say anything because you already know, and before you know it, you’re dragging Eddie up the basement stairs with a racing heart and an aching center.
But what neither of you knows is Steve has been awake the entire time.
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sturncrazy · 5 months
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High School Reunion🔥
Chris Sturniolo x y/n (fem)
warnings: SMUT!! nsfw 18+ (risky location, almost caught, unprotected, language)
authors note: time jump for this one (it takes place 2 years from now but roll w me here ok 🤝) also this one ended up a lil sweeter than i thought it would but hey it’s kinda cutesy
summary: you attend your 5 year high school reunion and end up having an unexpected run in with your old crush Chris Sturniolo 👀
word count: 2,618 w
You fussed with your name tag. it felt so stupid, it had only been 5 years since you’d all been classmates. could everyone have forgotten each other that quickly? the thought made you nauseous, because deep down you knew you’d be one of the people forgotten the fastest. you were quiet in high school and never partied. not to mention the fact that puberty decided to wait until college, at least that’s when boys decided to notice you. you adjusted your dress, took a breath, and mustered up the courage to walk into the decked out gymnasium.
The next few hours consisted of semi-awkward life updates, but it was painless. the music was loud and people had enough drinks that everyone was in a friendly festive mood. the main focus of attention was on Sturniolo triplets, who’d actually bothered to show up. Their rise to fame was the schools main bragging point and people were all whispers. but it made the night easy for someone like you. you decided to grab drink and headed for the makeshift bar area, when you slammed into someone.
“Oh i’m sorry” you said before looking up
“No you’re all good m’bad—“ your eyes locked with a pair of massive blue ones.
“hey” said Chris Sturniolo, smiling down at you. Chris was the only one of the triplets you’d ever had a class with. You took biology together and were lab partners once, although you did all the work. At the time you’d had a major crush on him, but so did every other girl in your school. even years later though, your heart still leaped into your throat at the sight of him.
“hi” you said back weakly. his smile grew slightly.
“it’s good to see you it—“
“CHRISTOPHER OWEN STURNIOLO! MY BOY” a voice shouted over you, cutting you off. a big beefy hand grasped Chris’s shoulder, undoubtedly one of his old lacrosse buddies, pulling his attention away from you. you instinctively hurried away.
the evening began to get boring, so you decided to explore your old haunts. you were about 5 minutes into your journey when you heard footsteps jogging behind you.
“hey wait up, y/n” you turned over your shoulder to see Chris coming up to meet you.
“you remember my name?” you blurted in shock
“course i do, y/n don’t be silly.” he said casually. “whatcha up to?”
“oh nothing really, just reliving”
“sounds fun” you continued to stroll on and he followed
“so why’d you leave the group?”
“guess i’d had enough of ‘em…and i wanted to actually say hi to you”
“oh yeah? how’d you know where to find me?” you tried to fight off a smile
“your old locker was over there” he said motioning “figured you might visit it”
“you remember where my locker was?” you said in disbelief
“good memory i guess” your heart jumped. had he noticed you back then too?
“plus nicks was a few over” he continued, immediately squashing the feeling. the two of you strode side by side in a comfortable silence down the empty halls before chris came to a halt. you paused to see what stopped him and he grinned at you pointing.
“‘member that room?” he asked , gesturing towards the old biology classroom
“yeah” you chuckled out “didn’t think you did though.” he threw a hand over his heart and dropped his jaw in fake insult
“hey, we spent quality time playing with frog guts in there”
“what a gross way to put it” you wrinkled your nose at him
“c’mon, betcha it’s unlocked” he said mischievously, reaching for the handle. sure enough the door swung open and chris crept into the dark classroom, holding it open for you. You were hit with the smell of pencil shavings and old memories as you heard the door click shut behind you.
“like we never left, huh?” chris said softly
“Can’t say I wish we hadn’t”
“you don’t ever miss it?”
“what, biology? no not exactly…why? do YOU?” you raised your eyebrows dramatically. he laughed
“well no not biology. No i dunno just life was simple then, you know?”
“yeah maybe for you” your words came out bitchier than you meant and chris looked almost hurt.
“what’s that supposed to mean?”
“Oh no nothing sorry I just— no high school just wasn’t easy for me like it was for you, you know? i wasn’t popular or anything. i mean i’m shocked you even remember me”
“you think so little of me?” he said faking hurt again, what a little drama queen. you laughed in spite of yourself, shaking your head.
“hey, believe me i’m honored to have made an impression on THE chris sturniolo.” you looked down at your feet muttering more to yourself “16 year old me would’ve been psyched”
chris smiled at you sweetly, taking you in with those big blue eyes.
“you made more than an impression on me” he said, sincerely. you stared at him, puzzled which must’ve been obvious because he snorted and continued
“oh cmon, y/n that’s real sweet of you, but it’s okay i know i wasn’t exactly subtle about my crush” your jaw dropped slightly. HIS crush? what was he talking about?
“really? you REALLY had no idea?” you shook your head violently. his faces flushed ever so slightly, the first time you’d seen him not look completely confident.
“oh well then that’s embarrassing that i just admitted that” he laughed, awkwardly. you were frozen in place trying to process. “well, i did”
“why didn’t you say anything”
“scared i wouldn’t stand a chance?”
“with ME? are you kidding?”
“okay i’m sensing a pattern here, y/n. are you unaware of how incredibly hot you are?”
“i sure wasn’t back then” you snickered, hoisting yourself up onto a table.
“i thought so” you paused again staring at his ernest expression
“god i would’ve killed to know that back then i mean i was obsessed with you”
“wait a minute you were?” you nodded vigorously. he crossed the room and leaned next to you against the table you were perched on.
“well no shit” you stayed in silence for a moment before an uncontrollable giggle began to bubbled out of you.
“you said i was hot” you snorted at the floor. you felt his eyes on you.
“i said you are hot” you stomach jolted. you turned to look at him. he was so close you could see the delicate freckles across the bridge of his nose. the tension was thick enough to choke on.
“chris sturniolo did you bring me into the biology lab to try to seduce me” you teased.
“why? is it working?” he leaned in closer to you. your noses bumped playfully, enjoying the slight torture of fighting off locking lips.
“mmm maybe”
“maybeee” chris mocked. you took an inhale to calm yourself before closing the rest of the space between you and pressing your lips against his. he froze, apparently caught off guard momentarily, before eagerly kissing you back. your mouths molded perfectly, finding a rhythm together. the kiss rapidly became hot and passionate, as your lips fought for dominance. Chris brought his hands to your waist, grasping you tightly. you parted your legs for him to come closer and wrapped a hand through his hair. he groaned into your mouth as you pulled at his locks, making you suddenly aware of a growing heat between your legs. he ran his hands up your thighs and pushed your dress around your waist making you sigh. he glanced down at your exposed lacey thong and smirked
“do you always wear stuff this sexy?”
“oh shut up chris” you said, slapping his chest playfully. he pressed his forehead to yours
“make me” he rasped out, lighting your lips with hot air. you wrapped one hand around his tie and yanked him back to you, harshly. he stumbled slightly, letting out a rocky breath into your mouth. you hooked your legs behind him, locking him into you. he took your motion as a signal to press himself fully against you. you dragged your hands down his torso, eliciting another groan as his grip traveled to your ass, squeezing at your flesh tightly. you whined and felt him smile against your lips in satisfaction at the sound you made for him.
“god you’re so fucking sexy” he growled out, sending tingles down your skin. your body reacted before your brain did, wanting more. you raised your hips and pushed up against his. he pulled away and smirked at you, raising his eyebrows
“easy there, tiger. this is school property”
“so?” you taunted. Chris’s pupils dilated. he licked his lips and dove back into you, hungrily. he dug his hands into your thighs and yanked you against him as close as he could, your torsos and groins completely flush. a moan tumbled out of your lips and you reached for the buttons of his shirt. he grabbed your wrists, stopping you.
“uh-uh, sweetheart. if we’re gonna do this we have to be careful” he chuckled
“mmm but chrisss i want you” you whined, kissing him again
“oh yeah? how much?” he whispered, leaning in to kiss your neck, sloppily. you enveloped your hand around one of his began to move it down between your bodies. chris pressed his forehead against yours, his eyes tracking your joined hands as you brought his fingertips to your thinly clothed heat. you whimpered at the contact.
“fuck” chris breathed out, his eyes meeting yours, not moving his head. you removed your hand from his and he began to drag his fingers up and down the soaking fabric.
“jesus, you’re so wet” he exhaled, observing you in a trance. you pushed your hips closer to him, trying to intensify his painfully delicate touch. he locked eyes with you again, as he hooked one finger around your thong and pushed it to the side before returning his focus to your now entirely exposed dripping folds.
“shit—stop teasing me, chris” you hissed.
“whatever you say, ma” he grunted as he began to push his index and pointer finger into your throbbing entrance. you moaned loudly, tossing your head back.
“shhhhhh” he sounded, placing his free thumb to your lips and bringing your head up to look at him again. you let out a stifled whine as he began to pump his digits in and out of your core at a mesmerizing pace. you felt your walls tighten as he curved his fingers exactly how you needed them. you gasped, fighting the urge to cry out.
“you look so pretty with my fingers in you like this”
“mmmm—chris” you moaned
“can only imagine how pretty you’d look with my dick inside you, baby” he groaned out. your legs stuttered at his words, begging for him.
“oh—god chris—please” you huffed out
“please what?” he said, continuing to fuck you with his fingers.
“fuck me chris please” you almost begged. his breathing shook at your request and he pulled his fingers back out of you, glancing over his shoulder towards the classroom door.
“think you can be a good girl for me and be quiet if i do?” you nodded your head vigorously
“promise?” he said, reaching to undo his belt. you felt your mouth grow dry.
“i promise, chris”
he kissed you while unzipping his pants.
“good. can’t promise i won’t make you wanna scream though” he said with a smirk against your lips as he lowered his pants just enough to free his hard length. you glanced down and felt your jaw drop and your mouth salivate at the sight of him. he was huge. fear and desire coursed through you, his pink tip glistening with precum. he pumped himself with his hand for a moment, before pushing your legs further apart and lining himself up with your entrance. he pushed his tip into you slowly, hissing. you began to bite your lip fighting the urge to scream by the time he was only half way into you, the stretch and deepness of him already overwhelming. he sunk the rest of the way inside your core, his head collapsing into your shoulder and neck as he bottomed out, groaning.
“fu—fuck—such a tight little pussy, ma” he stuttered, pulling back out of you.
“hhh—so big—chris-“ you gasped into his ear, clawing at the fabric of his shirt
“mmm yeah? you like my big cock, huh?” he growled
“oh god—yes—faster—“
“think you can handle it?” he taunted, still going slow enough to drive you crazy
“mmmhmmm please” you whined. you buried a scream into his taut shoulder as he slammed all the way into your pussy.
“shit—you feel so fucking good y/n” he rasped out, begging to pound into you relentlessly. the room echoed with the squeaks of the table and your stifled moans combine with chris’s heavy breaths as he rammed his long thick member inside you. every inch of him hitting your walls and g spot in the most perfect way imaginable. chris sucked at your neck harshly, undoubtedly leaving marks, never letting up on his steady thrusts. He brought one hand down from his steadying grip on your hips to your folds and began to draw circles against your clit, sending your pleasure to new highs. the sensation was too much and you let out a pornographically loud moan. Chris slapped a hand over your mouth and halted, still deep inside you. you became aware of a sound from out in the hallway and froze. had someone heard the two of you? Chris looked at you wide eyed and raised a finger to his lips, maintaining the other hands cover over your mouth. footsteps approached and you tensed, preparing to be caught, but the sound continued on down the hall. you exhaled against chris’s hand in relief and his shoulders relaxed as he gave you a smile.
“gotta keep that pretty mouth shut, baby” he whispered to you, starting his thrusts again
“can’t have anyone else knowing how perfect you look with my cock stuffed in you” he growled, restarting his rubs against your bundle of nerves. within moments you felt the overwhelming pressure in your stomach forming.
“fuck chris—i’m close—“
“you gonna cum for me, gorgeous?”
“yes-fuck—right there-oh god” your vision began to blur and electricity sparked through your body as you began to unravel
“you look so sexy cumming all over my dick” chris exhaled in encouragement as your walls began to flex uncontrollably around him. the added sensation made his jaw go slack and his eyes roll into the back of his head
“ohhh-oh fuck” he moaned out. his thrusts becoming unsteady and desperate, chasing his release. you moaned lightly, still coming down from your high
“shit—oh fuck, baby- i’m gonna cum hhh”
he slammed into you violently, his brow furrowed.
“OH FUCK” he wailed, pulling out just in time to shoot his hot white load of his release on your thigh. he collapsed his forehead against yours, the two of you desperately trying to regain your breath. he eventually looked up at you and smiled, blushing.
“that was amazing” Chris exhaled, giving you one more kiss before reaching behind to grab a nearby tissue. you took it and cleaned yourself up, then pushed yourself off the table and resituated your dress. Chris inhaled sharply, almost nervously while redoing his belt
“hey how long are you around boston for?”
“oh dunno, bout a week i guess?” you answered, fixing a heel
“well what would you say to dinner?”
“dinner?” you questioned, dumbfounded
“yeah…dinner…like a date?” his voice raised as he scratched the back of his head, scanning your face.
“I’d love that” you smiled
GUYS AH IM SUCH A CHRIS GIRL I NEED HIM SO BAD. also why was this giving sorta 2000s rom com vibes (minus the sex obvi)
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blueteller · 6 months
Cale Trying to Order Slacker Life in a Restaurant
[Part 2 "spoiler" warning]
Fate: Good evening, welcome to Power Restaurant, may I take your order? Kim Rok Soo: Yes, I'd like to order some Slacker Life, please Fate: Hm…. We might be out of that… Wait, did you by any chance order Death Vow Curse (Light)? Kim Rok Soo: …no? I literally just got here- Fate: Oops, there must have been a mistake somewhere. Let me talk to my manager Kim Rok Soo: … Kim Rok Soo: (looks at his watch; 36 minutes passed) God of Death: Hello, I'm the current manager. So we might have mixed up your order with the White Star's… Kim Rok Soo: Well then- God of Death: We might be able to fix it if you exchange seats with Cale Henituse Kim Rok Soo: There's really no need- God of Death: Right this way, sir! Cale: …Okay? I guess this seat isn't so bad- Deruth: This seat comes with exclusive Count Heir Rights, would you like some? Cale: I'm really- Deruth: Excellent! I'm sure Basen won't mind Basen: Not at all, I wasn't hungry for Heir Rights anyway Cale: I didn't order any- Alberu: The sit next table offers free Prime Minister tea, if you're interested Cale: No thanks. But I'm seriously getting hungry (looks at the Menu) I might as well order a couple of Elemental Power side dishes… an extra Vitality salad… oh, Scamming Aura on discount, nice…! Eruhaben: What's this, you ordered 4 Elementary Dishes on your plate? Cale: It just kind of happened- Eruhaben: This won't do, this isn't healthy at all. You have to take supplementary 5th Earth Power to balance out your plate. As for the mineral deficiency… You should also replace that Fire Suppressing Water drink with some real Sky Eating Water. Cale: This is getting a bit much- Alberu: You requested the extra large Commander Steak too, right? Cale: Yes but- Wait. I thought I only ordered Temporary Commander's Small Nuggets-? Alberu: Nope, I'm pretty sure you ordered the full Commander of Two Continents Steak Cale: …let me speak with the manager again- White Star: I see, so you're the one who ordered all those dishes! I'm impressed! Are you hungry for some Dragon Slayer Legacy as well? Cale: (grossed out) I'm dead certain I am NOT-! God of Death: You called? Cale: Yes, I'd like to register a complaint- God of Death: Oh, we also recommend Saint's Signature Dish for today! Cage: Don't listen to him! Saint's Dish is total trash! They're not even serving alcohol with that!! Cale: Is anyone even listening to me-?! Clopeh: Sir, I brought you some Legendary Fame lemon tea!! Cale: Get this disgusting thing away from me! Sealed God: …Would you like bitter Demonification Noodles sir? Last chance to sign up, we're out of stock after this! White Star: W-wait, I ordered those-! Earth 3: Oi, was someone ordering an extra Commander's Stake around here? Xiaolen: (begging) Would you like some Purifier's Exaltation dessert? It's on the house! Central Plains: (puppy eyes) A-and, some Nature Realm Level sushi, i-if you don't mind... Cale: ….what the f*** is even happening anymore God of Balance: (shows up out of nowhere) ...What's this about someone messing around with too many orders? God of Death: Oh s***. The Power Executive is here-! God of Balance: (leans over Cale's seat from behind, menacingly) You should just order the Full Course Godly Ascension Dinner. Or ALL of those other dishes will land on your bill Cale: I… I... I just wanted some Slacker Life… God of Hope: (pats his shoulder) Cale… They never servered Slacker Life here in the first place… Cale: ... Cale: (┛ಠ_ಠ)┛彡┻━┻
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l0t4n · 4 months
a/n I have many wips and I am struggling to finish any of them so you get this for now. Also keep in mind I never actually finished the show and I didn't like it anyways I just think the idea is funny. Posting as a buffer for everyone who did not follow for nsfw bc I'm posting it 2nite regardless watch out
Contains TW drugs, references to violence. What it says. Would they do the shit Walter White did in Breaking Bad? The brothers + dateables. Gn mc mentioned once
-He would do absolutely all of it step by step, word for word
-Maybe he would not be as mean as Walter is, but he would absolutely give that “I AM. The danger, Skylar” speech
-Just to MC instead
-And Mammon is Jesse
-I think in his head he would like to think he would/could
-Definitely fucking can't though
-Doesn't understand the chemistry even if someone guided him, would definitely fuck up really bad
-Would be in it for the money, would brag about how he'd make an excellent drug kingpin, is lying
-The moment he needs to shoot someone he's running away
-Not a chance bro
-The closest he would get would be filling in the role of Gale
-Even then, that's a stretch
-It's too scary :(( what if all the drug mules think he's cringe
-Yeah sure he did all those illegal things but the police probably wouldn't care so much if he was cooler
-Absolutely not suited for the meth-making lifestyle
-Wouldn't do it if it was his life on the line. Would only do it to get back at someone else
-Ruining Lucifer’s reputation by selling illicit substances out of the HoL
-Probably the most suitable for drug manufacturing. Not anything else though
-Would be the most likely to be despised by everyone else in the distribution chain
-It's a high-stress environment and he takes out his anger on all of them
-Personal protective equipment is ugly and the meth business is a thankless one. There is no possibility for him to gain fame and attention doing that unless he also wants to go to prison
-Probably finds it kind of gross and messy too
-There are a number of illegal activities that are far better suited for a demon like him and he knows it
-Eats the meth
-The end
-Perhaps unsurprisingly, would likely have both the intelligence and personality to make it work
-But the meth-making process takes forever, and there are so many points where you can accidentally die, so I think he knows better
-Would accidentally fall asleep and melt his skin off his body
-Also has virtually no reason to do it in the first place; isn't hurting for cash like Mammon and doesn't really care about his reputation like Lucifer
-Would have trouble grasping the severity of drug manufacturing and dealing
-Might only get into the scheme if coaxed by the promise of friendship
-I do not put it above him to realize that it is also illegal, however
-Albeit he has had his moments of considering himself above the law, which, if anyone is, it's him, so maybe not
-Will bail the moment someone yells at him or pulls a gun on him, whatever happens first
-His moral alignment and motivations are too vague. Either his moral compass is too strong or he would be the best drug kingpin the devildom has ever seen. Maybe both at the same time
-Would get suitably angry if anyone else got involved though
-Money laundering pro. If nothing else is true I know this is canon
-Oh good heavens
-Deary me
-Maybe with his skills in baking he would do well, but you'd need to lie to him about what you're making
-Shocked and appalled when he finds out
-Most everyone else is nice to him though
-Probably makes illicit substances for his funny evil wizard experiments
-Since it's a form of cooking though the batches always end up terrible
-Meth that makes all your bones turn to jelly and kills you in five days
-Since he is far removed from human matters of mortality and injury, he probably thinks it's funny
-Evil ass
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cringetownusa · 4 months
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The Warner Tax Rant.
Being “So far below the poverty line, they’re off the graph”, doesn’t seem to be a statement only true in the movie after all. This is almost 1k words. Sit tight.
OG RANT DATE: 3/22/2023 We know the Warners pay taxes. We know they pay income tax from the “We pay tons of income tax” line from the 90s intro. Tons is subjective, but we also know based on many instances of the Warners gaining some sort of monetary wealth(even to be immediately taken away) that money is something they care about(1). There’s been jokes(2) about how little they’re paid by the studio, one of which from a cut song about tiny things where the smallest thing of all was their paychecks. We know in the comics they also just. Don't have money to treat themselves to nice outings and so they have a separate thing they call “The Cute Fund”(3) where the Warners allow people to pay to pinch their cheeks, and they use that money for things like trips. Not only are the Warners like wicked underpaid and taken advantage of for being children, but since they were originally from the 30s, when they were released from the tower for the 90’s show they didn't know what the base wage was at the time. 
So even with all their fame in the 90s (on the level that would make it a cultural phenomenon, eg: clothes, games, theme park partnerships, school supplies) they were not fairly compensated for it.
But even with them being such a household name, if they had to talk over their own contracts, they were likely tricked into thinking they were getting a better wage just by holding it up to what they were paid for their very few paychecks for their 30s films, even if they’re smart kids, they’re just kids, and between desperation and relief of being released, their judgement may have been clouded on their own contracts. They were probably also just thankful to be getting the opportunity to get them at all because it meant that they would get time outside the tower for the first time in 60 years Anyway these thoughts brought me to thinking about Yakko having to calculate their paychecks and do taxes every year since they have an income.
But based on how little the three of them make together and how expensive California is, i assume tax season is pretty stressful for poor Yakko.
In the 90s when there wasn't a ton of tech going around it meant he'd have to do all their taxes by hand with a calculator and a bunch of notes and i am thinking of this poor boy pouring over then at like 12 in the morning after Wakko and dot have gone to bed under the guise of practicing his lines.
For assistance programs that exist for humans that the warners making so little money might qualify for, e.g. food stamps, would they even be approved?
Maybe toons get rejected for that since "they don't need to eat" regardless of toons like wakko who are designed differently to eat more and always be hungry and also hypoglycemic(4). (5)So in the 30s, minimum wage was .25 an hour, which translates to a little over $4 an hour now
In 1990, the minimum was was 4.75 ($9.19 as of 2024)
We can assume toon labor laws would be different since they didn't even have the right to vote until 2020 bc of Dot, and the way animals are paid for their “acting” in 2020s.
So for the sake of this exercise in taxing we’ll assume that they were convinced being paid $1 an hour for each of them was a really REALLY good deal because it was 4x the wage in the 30s.(during the great depression)
This next part was calculated with help from my friend allowing me to use his California pay stub. Thank you Mickael. &lt;3
Toons are probably paid less because they "have less necessities" and get rigorously overworked because their bodies “don't work like humans”. If we assume that they've been tricked in this way and calculate this off a 4 week paycheck, while also saying that they're pulling 40-60 hour work weeks due to overwork, with no overtime pay, that puts their GROSS pay for a MONTH at around ($480 for 40 hours) ($720 for 60 hours). 
Taking out California and Federal withholding, and healthcare on through the studio all together at around 12%, net take home would be ($422.40 at 40 hours) ($633.60 at 60) Now let’s assume the Warners get the tower as free room and board. That includes rent, electricity and running water ONLY, so we still have to calculate their wifi and phone bills (since we know for a fact that it’s relevant in the reboot. For the state of California, I used Mint unlimited at $60 a month since all three of them have phones. ($64.35 after tax) Internet needing to be somewhere around 100mbps for all their device’s wifi in the Burbank area, the least expensive option with wiggle room for Wakko(the Gamer) would be Starry Internet ($32.18 after tax). Yakko would be able to get a (LIFE) LA Metro tap card for low income, which would also give him a certain amount of free bus rides per month,after that each metro ride is $1.75 one way, and each bus ride is $1 one way. Let’s give all three Warners together a Budget of $50. This leaves them at ($275.87 for 40 hours of work) ($487.07 at 60) Much, if not all remainder would go to food or clothes depending on your headcanons for that. It’s no wonder they can’t afford expensive picture frames! ---
I'm sure there was more stuff I could have linked back to like the amounts and how I got them, and if people want more info they're welcome to dm me, but I've been impatiently wanting to share my thoughts lol.
Back in march of last year, I first spoke to my friend @help-the-lesbian in DM's about the warner's monetary situation. As I made more friends, I roped more of them into listening to me and now it's kind of an in-joke, but I just like thinking about Yakko getting stressed out about taxes and doing them because he cares about his siblings and he needs to take care of their family.
1[Animaniacs "Temporary Insanity" 1993] 2[Rob Paulson, “Animaniacs in Concert”, 2023] 3[Animaniacs Comic #2, 1995] 4[Wakko Warner Wiki] 5[Department of Industrial Relations, state of California] 6[California state tax is x1.0725]
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fatkish · 2 months
Hi, I wanted to request a little scenario where Shoji sees someone forcibly kissing reader and intervenes, comforting them afterwards please.
I had something happen years ago where a coworker did this, I was craning my head away but otherwise kinda froze up while he kissed all over my face to my mouth. It was in public out in the open and no one did anything so I just waited for it to stop naturally. I always wished I had done something to protect myself, but it would feel kind of cathartic to have a "do-over" with my current comfort character as well lol. Thanks for your time.
Thank you so much for your request. I hope you enjoy this and that it helps. Mezo is one of my personal favorites so I love getting requests for him. I hope you’re doing great. Thank you and enjoy
Mezo Shoji x Reader: Forced Kiss
(Trigger warning: this post contains mentions of one forcing themselves onto the reader past the cut, Please be advised, thank you)
You worked at a small restaurant that sold street food such as Takoyaki, Gyoza, Dango, Yakitori, etc.
Pro heroes often stopped by on their patrol for a quick snack since the owner had instated a first responder discount
This discount took 15% off of the total price of any order made by police, doctors, pro heroes, firefighters, EMTs, etc.
The food was good and the time it took from placing and order and receiving the order was good
Tentacole, or Mezo Shoji, often passed by this shop and ordered from it on his patrols
He might not have been the most popular hero, but he was very kind, polite and respectful. He was humble and never let the fame get to his head
You had often been the one to serve him and take his order whenever he stopped by
One day, you noticed a customer that frequented the shop and often flirted with you, kept eyeing you
After a bit, you grew kinda uncomfortable, so you told your boss
When you moved to take the trash out, that was when the creepy customer followed you out and around back
After you threw the trash in the dumpster you turned around and the guy was in your face
You tried to dismiss him and walk around him but her grabbed your wrist and pushed you up against a wall
Unknown to both of you, Mezo had heard the small scuffle and rounded the corner into the alley between the buildings where you were
Seeing a man trying to force himself on you, he decides to wait for the guy to close his eyes
At that moment Mezo grows a mouth on the end of one of his ‘tentacles’ and sneaks it in between you and the guy
“You really shouldn’t force someone to accept your affection especially if they don’t want it, that’s no way to treat anyone, let alone this kind young lady. Now I suggest you apologize and rethink your approach before you try this again on anyone else”
The man, grossed out as well as having been officially creeped out for having kissed the faceless mouth, quivered apologized before running off
“Are you alright? Do you need anything? Do you want me to walk you if or when your shift is over?”
Ever the gentleman, he told your boss what happened and he gave you the rest of the shift off
Mezo walked you home and if this was the start of a relationship, well, you wouldn’t be so opposed to that
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bbgem329 · 1 year
Things Are Never As They Seem… Chapter Nineteen
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Pairings—Sebastian Stan x Actress!Reader, Sebastian Stan x OFC (PR relationship)
You and Sebastian Stan have been dating privately for over two years. Everything is perfect until he is coerced into a PR relationship when he signed with a new agency to advance his career. Trouble ensues…
MINORS DNI!! 18++. Language. Angst. Dark side of Hollywood. PR relationships/stunts. Fluff. Long distance relationships.
Series Masterlist
March 7, 2021
“I’m really glad you could come with me, at least for a little bit.” You glanced back at Hope, your personal trainer, as you pushed open the door and stepped out onto the street, “No one motivates me like you do.”
Hope flashes you a big smile, looping her arm through yours, “You know I’m always down for a trip and,” She tips her head back, soaking up the sun shining down on the pair of you as you walk down the fairly quiet street, “the weather here is so much better than in New York right now.”
You had to admit she was right. You didn’t very much like Los Angeles. You found it stuffy, overpriced, and overhyped but the weather was nice. Especially in comparison to March in New York.
“I don’t know about you, but I could always use a little extra vitamin D.”
You snorted, “That’s the real reason I invited you to come along. I was worried you were going to shrivel up all pale and cold.” You paused, trying to fight back a smile. “I know how sensitive you ar-”
She gave you a little shove causing you to stumble away with a laugh but it all came to halt when you laid eyes on a few people standing across the street, cameras pointed directly at you.
“Fuck.” You slide one strap of your tote bag off your shoulder, furiously digging for your sunglasses. You did not need to be seen right now, all sweaty and gross after a really tough pilates class. Not to mention the bags under your eyes from your late flight last night.
You were not ready for a pap walk today.
And you knew exactly who was behind the tip off.
“Is that paps?” Hope asked, eyes squinting and straining in the sun as you got closer, “What the actual fuck are they doing here?”
“I don’t know.” You hissed, crossing your arms over your chest and keeping your head down as you picked up the pace, “Ella probably called them. She told me I needed to do a walk soon–to be seen, out and about. But I thought she’d at least warn me.”
“What’s up with her lately?” She made a face, sliding her own sunglasses down on over her honey eyes, “You mentioned she was acting off.”
You appreciated how casual Hope was about it and how she kept her voice down. She was a very well known trainer and did a lot of work with even bigger celebrities than you so she was more than used to this side of Hollywood–the fake, staged side.
Someone called your name, and you made the mistake of looking up.
“How was pilates?”
“What are you doing here in LA, preparing for your project with Pedro Pascal?”
“Are you seeing anyone?”
“Hope, is she your favorite client?”
You could barely think over all the questions, the shouting, and the clicks of the camera.
There was no doubt you were in for quite a scolding tonight from Ella. You never could get it right when it came to pap walks and she’s been on your ass even more lately. What for, you weren’t sure.
If she would have just told you about the tip off, then maybe you could have posed yourself better or acted accordingly.
Pap walks were always a hassle and even more uncomfortable.
If you smiled and waved, you were viewed as fame hungry and attention seeking.
If you looked away and tried to hide your face, people might think you were too cocky and that you definitely had a superior complex.
You could never win.
You didn’t even know why people bothered with pap walks these days, everyone damn well knew they had to be called. There were rules set in place to protect people from being harassed and stalked. It wasn’t like the olden days anymore. Celebrities are seen when they want to be seen.
Except for you apparently.
But not everyone had a manager like yours.
Hope being the genius she is, grabbed your wrist and dipped around the corner. You took off in a sprint, dipping into the nearest shop. Which just so happened to be some sort of smoothie cafe.
“Let's give it at least twenty minutes,” You let out a deep breath as you stepped up to the counter, “Order whatever, it’s on me.”
You both ordered large smoothie bowls and some sort of healthy juice. You weren’t sure what it was but it made Hope squeal a little so you thought you’d give it a try. Thankfully, the cafe was mostly empty, only a few stragglers sitting around with their noses buried in a book or a laptop. You picked a small booth tucked in the back corner and Hope slid in across from you with a content sigh.
“Have you talked to her?”
“Who?” You set your elbows on the table, leaning forward in your seat, “Ella?”
She laughed, “Who else?”
You shrugged, rolling your bottom lip between your teeth, “Not really. She seems busy. Always keeps our calls short and sweet. I think she’s just a little pissed off that I didn't pick up a project between the last one and the one I have coming up but,” You tossed your hands up, slouching back defeatedly in your seat, “Can you blame me? I mean, yes COVID sucked but I am in a great position with my career. I’m finally starting to choose roles and my image is great. I just wanted a month off to take my future mother-in-law on vacation. She’s been alone a lot lately and I wanted to do this for both her and Sebastian.”
“Here you go.” You smiled at the young waitress as she set your strawberry, mango smoothie bowl in front of you and some fancy looking green juice, “Everything look okay?”
“More than okay!” You beamed, “Thank you!”
You turned your attention back to Hope, scrunching your nose at her before shoveling a big scoop of banana, smoothie, and granola into your mouth.
“I don’t blame you for wanting a break.” Hope spoke up, hand over her mouth as she finished swallowing her own bite, “In fact, I don’t know what project she expected you to do. A month and a half isn’t enough time to make a movie, let alone a show.”
“I think she wanted me to do some modeling or something,” You made your face, shaking your head, “Which we all know I don’t particularly like doing.”
“Unless it’s for a good cause or with good reason.”
You snap your fingers and point at her, “Exactly.”
“Give it a little bit.” She suggested softly with a small shrug of her shoulders, “I’m sure once your next project starts she’ll come around.”
You forced a smile, “Hopefully.”
You fell into a comfortable silence, finishing up your bowls and drinking your drinks, making small conversation here and there. You both must’ve been hungry because you were done within minutes.
You let out a content sigh, collecting the dishes to make a neat pile for the bussers at the end of the booth, “I’m really, really glad you’re here with me. I hate coming to LA alone.”
“I’m happy to be here.” Hope beamed, reaching across the table to give your hands a squeeze, “Besides I really missed you. I feel like I haven’t seen you in forever.”
“I know.” You jutted your bottom lip out in a small pout, “Tell me everything. Anything new?”
“Not really.” She shrugged, slurping up the last bit of her juice, “Just work, you know how it is. You don’t know how bad I needed a get away, so thank you.” She bit her lip, pausing in obvious thought, “I might get another juice, do you want something?”
“Sure.” You chuckled, “I want to try the mango juice this time.”
“Be right back.”
While you waited for her return, you pulled out your phone to find a text from Seb.
From Smexy Seabass:
Missing you.
And we wish you were here with us <3
You smiled to yourself, opening the attached selfie of Daisy and him out to dinner. God, she was gorgeous, you couldn’t wait to meet her.
We just did our pap walk!! Fingers crossed she gets her win.
You almost forgot he agreed to do a few pap walks with Daisy for her Golden Globe Nomination. They had already done one this past weekend and they even had a few pictures of Sebastian dropping flowers off at her doorstep.
There wasn’t much she could do in Vancouver this time of year, especially while filming, for press and Sebastian was more than happy to help her out. It was sweet actually, you loved their relationship and he definitely had that protective big brother love for her.
To Smexy Seabass:
You’re both so hot.
Photoshoot go okay? Did she get anything good?
He had acquired her help as well.
Last week he was asked to do a cover with GQ but seeing as they couldn’t come to him and he couldn’t leave, they did a meeting over zoom and today they set aside time for Daisy to take some photos for him.
It was an unusual way of doing it but fun nonetheless.
COVID changed a lot of things, you hoped it wouldn’t be like this forever.
From Smexy Seabass:
It went great.
And the pap walk was off the photoshoot… So it was actually FUN.
Not even a second later, a bunch of pictures came though. Your smile grew as you scrolled through them.
“What’s got you smiling so big?”
For a second, you almost forgot where you were. You lifted your eyes just as Hope slid back into the booth, sliding a yellow, orange juice across the table too.
You smiled back down at your phone, “Sebastian had to do a photoshoot today with GQ today but it’s all virtual so Daisy had to take the picture of him. He just sent them to me.” You chuckled to yourself as you passed the phone to her, letting her look through them, “He’s such a dork.”
“He’s adorable.” She grinned, swiping through them, “You’re a lucky woman.”
“I know right.” You let out a dreamy sign, resting your chin in your hand, “He’s like a little puppy. I love him so much.”
“Speaking of puppies.” She giggled, handing you back your phone, “We should go get Bentley from the house and take a walk on the beach.”
“Oh my GOD.” You gasped, “He would love that. Let’s go now.”
To Smexy Seabass:
You look so fucking good.
I miss you so much.
ONLY a couple more weeks.
Going to take Bent to the beach. I’ll call you after.
From Smexy Seabass:
Have fun. Love you so much.
Take pics, I want to see my son on his first beach trip.
You locked your phone with a smile and slid out of the booth after Hope.
It was going to be a busy couple weeks for Sebastian with TATWS airing soon and Monday the movie coming out next month. There would be lots of pap walks and lots of press but at least soon he would be with you.
For the whole summer apparently.
All of it would be worth it when he returned to you again.
March 19, 2021
You were practically bouncing in your seat, wiggling from side to side as you waited for Sebastian to pick up the phone. You had just finished the first episode of The Falcon and The Winter Soldier and you couldn’t wait to share your thoughts with him.
It was great. No better than great—it was amazing.
Sebastian never ever failed to make you fall more in love with Bucky. Each appearance he made brought out more personality, more depth to the character than before. You’d been with him since the beginning and watching him grow through this has been a gift.
Watching Bucky get his redemption arc too.
He was a huge inspiration to you.
His acting, his talent, and the way he puts his whole heart into each and every role.
You admired him so much.
“Hey, sweetheart.”
God, your heart could hardly stand it. He looked so goddamn handsome all snuggled up in bed, shirtless, and cuddled up to a pillow.
You should be that pillow.
It wasn’t fair.
“I was just thinking about you.”
He sat up a little more, brows furrowing and frown tugging at the corner of his pink full lips, and you had to try so hard to fight back a smile. “What’s wrong?”
“Baby.” You breathed out, pressing a hand to your flushed cheek, “I watched the first episode.” You paused, smile growing, “It. Was. So. Good.”
“Fuck, baby.” He chuckled, scrubbing a hand down his face, “Don’t scare me like that. I thought you were gonna say you hated it.”
You scoffed playfully, “First of all, I would never ever tell you I hated something. Even if it was terrible, everything you do in my eyes is the best fucking things ever. “ You scrunched your nose at him, shaking your head, “Secondly, I could never hate anything that has to do with Bucky… God, I loved the growth he had and his relationships with Sam.” You flopped back on the couch with a dramatic sigh, “Like come on, why you do that to my heart? It was perfect.”
He called your name softly, “It’s only been one episode.” He laughed loudly, “What the hell do you mean? They beef the entire episode.”
“But I see where it’s going.” You huffed with a roll of your eyes, “I see the potential. The best bromance known to mankind is brewing.”
“Oh, really?”
“Yes.” You groaned, eyes wide as you made a face at him, “Yes. You’re all broody and there will be good banter. There were hints of it in Civil War, it’s obvious.”
“You got all that from one episode?”
Your cheeks hurt from how hard your smile grew at the sight of him laughing. With his head tossed back, his hair all ruffled, and a soft flush to his cheeks. Even though you loved when he had a beard, he could easily pull off clean shaven too.
God, you couldn’t wait to kiss him.
To sleep next to him.
To smell him.
To just be in his arms again.
His presence.
“You okay there?” Sebastian spoke softly, shaking you from your daze, “Got a little lost in your head there?”
“Yeah.” You smiled softly, pressing your face bashfully into the throw pillow beneath your head, “Just thinking about how excited I am to see you. I really hope you can make it before my birthday.”
He shot you that heartbreaking smile, moving the camera closer as he rolled onto his side, positioning his hand beneath his head, “Soon. And I wouldn’t miss your birthday for anything, baby. The big thirty, what are we doing this year?”
“Can it just be us?” You asked, voice softer than you intended it to be, “I just miss you and want you all to myself. Maybe we can have dinner and set up the karaoke machine.”
He laughed.
“Yeah, don't think I didn’t notice that.”
You were staying in the house he had rented in December. His agency had rented it for him and seeing as he would be staying there, you would be too. Unfortunately, this is where Catalina would stay part time when she eventually turned up too.
At least this time you’d be here with them you guessed.
You didn’t know if that would make things better or worse.
“You know I love my karaoke.”
You raised a brow, smirk tugging at the corner of your lips, “You know I do too. That’s why I suggested it.”
“Dinner. Karaoke. You got it?” He chuckled, “Anything else, baby? It’s your day, whatever you want you’ll get.”
“Sex.” You nodded, “Lots of sex. And maybe a massage and a bath.”
“Well but of course.” He paused, running his tongue along his bottom lip, “Nothing but orgasms for my girl on her birthday.”
You giggled, cheek heating, “Well,” You scrubbed a hand down your face, feeling shy, “Anything else new? You’ve been posting lots on social media for the past few days.”
“Oh, I have something funny to tell you.” Sebastian piped up, lifting himself up to sit with his back against the headboard, broad chest on display, “Remember how Marvel wanted Catalina to stay away?”
He laughed softly, easing the nerves in your belly.
“She was told not to post but you know her, always finding loopholes.” He paused, shaking his head, “She had one of her friends post a photo of his story of some live poster thing on the street advertising the show and he tagged her in it, and she turned around and reposted it on her story.”
Never have you rolled your eyes so hard, “You're kidding.”
“I’m not.” He shrugged, scratching the back of neck, “She’s beyond pissed about the Daisy press. Everyone was speculating it had ended because the articles painted it to be more than friendly between Daisy and I—Which I really can’t complain about,” He laughed, “She wanted her revenge and she took it.”
“And made it clear that you were still together.”
“Yup!” He rolled his eyes, “She can’t help herself.”
“I’m not ready for her to come here.” You sighed, “Let's hide it for a little. Just be hermits until we have to.”
“Deal.” Sebastian agreed, eyes softening, “You don’t even have to worry about that right now. It’ll just be me and you no matter what. She won’t be staying at the house that much.”
“Okay.” You jutted your bottom lip out in a pout, “I don’t like her but I promise to try and get along with her. I don't want to cause you stress.”
“I know.” He said softly, “And I appreciate that so much but you could never stress me out, sweetheart. You don’t have to be her friend. You don’t have to be her anything.”
“You’re right.” You sighed, “I love you. And I know it’s late there. I just wanted to let you know my thoughts on the first episode and say goodnight. I should let you go.”
“I appreciate that, baby.” He shifted, snuggling back down into bed, his pillow shoved beneath his arm and face, “As much as I would love to talk I have to be up in five hours and it’s a long day. We’re trying to wrap things up.”
“So you can come home to me.”
He smiled big, “So I can come home to you.”
“I love you.”
“I love you more.”
“Sleep good, Seb.” You smiled softly, “Text me when you wake up.”
“You too.”
You shared one last smile before hanging up.
Less than a week, you hoped.
Less than a week, and your heart would come home.
@justlovelifeblog @inlovewith3 @buckybarnesandmarvel @sleutherclaw @snugglingbucky @perlaluna @littlewhiterose
@idontwannagomrstarkk @abihaaa14 @eclecticpatrolroadlawyer @sebsgirl71479 @getofffmydick @eccentricnos @barnesml @aira1995 @sweetwritingfanficfriend
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whoiwanttoday · 10 months
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Well guys, here is Janhvi Kapoor because I was bound to post a Kapoor some day. Now, many of you might wonder why that's inevitable and I would tell you it's because if you are going to post Indian Actresses there's like a 50% she's a Kapoor at least by marriage. Which is a joke but for the uninitiated, which I assume is like 95% of my audience here, the Kapoor acting family is so big they have their own wikipedia entry. Go ahead, click and then count up how many names on that page have their own wiki page as well. If you are the sort of person who finds nepo babies frustrating in Hollywood your head is about to explode. Anyway, this is where it gets confusing, she is not part of that Kapoor family but a different Kapoor family (the originator of that Kapoor family was cousins with the originator of this Kapoor family) that still includes 11 people notable enough to have wiki entries because of their roles in the film industry. Also her mom was an actress who I saw on VHS tapes back in the 90's and for the record, also attractive. The attractive thing just comes up because it feels integral. I don't think you get far in Hollywood without looks, at least not as a star, and the same is true in India but maybe even more so. A lot of the biggest names were once Miss India. Anyway, Janhvi came up the other day cause her little sister is acting and I was talking about it and my friend jokingly said, "Well, she's not going to be successful looking like that". Which brought up their mom and also Janhvi who it was proclaimed, "Also won't be successful because she looks like a shriveled up old hag". Jokes aside, all of this lead to me going to see Rocky Aur Rani Kii Prem Kahaani (blink and you'll fucking miss her. Alia Bhatt is in it though, who I have almost posted before and IS married into the bigger Kapoor family) which I had to cut and paste the name of cause it was never happening otherwise. The movie is of note that it was the 10th highest grossing movie in the world two weeks ago even though I am assuming those of you reading this have never heard of it. India has the largest Desporia in the world so get used to this happening more and more. I am all for it. Not all Indian cinema is for me because… duh? Not all American cinema is either. But Indian cinema is vibrant and exciting and the world is richer for it. I have watched so much French Film over the years and some of it is a miss but it also produced movies I deeply love. Other countries getting their movies to us is only a good thing, I am really excited for more Indian cinema showing in our theaters. But I also wanted to point out here is an actress with a famous name, from a famous family, in one of the biggest movies in the world and you probably haven't heard of her. That's always fascinating to me with Indian stars because like a billion people know who they are but they could walk down the street unrecognized here. Fame can be weird like that. So I wanted to share here because it's all so interesting to me plus she's ridiculously beautiful and as a side note @kat-eleven needs to know about her. Assuming she reads this, she might be straight and married to a man in California now. Today I want to fuck Janhvi Kapoor.
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placeinthisworld · 4 months
I think swifties in a very weird and gross way want joe to have been an absolute ass and emotionally abusive because then they’ll feel that all of Taylor’s friends behaving like that and even Taylor behaving in a very petty and just overtly mean way right after the breakup announcement would be justified. They believe that Taylor isn’t truly fully petty like that so she can’t possibly be doing that just because there just has to be a huge reason for everybody’s behaviour at the time cuz otherwise it makes her look immature. I also think because Taylor presented this image of him being so perfect that now fans that formed a very evident attachment to him feel betrayed so he has to have been horrible and awful all along. I truly don’t understand the she became voiceless part because honestly I know we don’t know alot right now but the info before us makes me feel like sometimes she’s pissed that she was forced to slightly face her morals head on in part because of him. on a side note I honestly don’t believe he’s some poor victim and I know that he might’ve been crappy to her and she might’ve been an ass but right now I just find it weird and icky that so what you’re presenting to us is that he couldn’t handle your fame and after the breakup you’re choosing to literally name your album after a group chat he had so it’s like you’ve kind of sentenced him to being in the headlines perpetually whenever the name of your album is mentioned and it’s like this isn’t just her discussing her feelings in a song which I don’t know others might not feel this way and it’s perfectly fine but like the song stuff sure can make the situation difficult for the other person slightly but I feel like that’s alright ya know you knew she’s a songwriter when you started dating her but this is the actual name of her album. Like she might put a spin on it and now she’s made that title her own which is perfecting fine but you can’t convince that miss marketing queen wasn’t aware that this wouldn’t happen especially because the way she and her friends have acted after the break up really fuelled the feud narrative. This part isn’t a huge offence on her part and I understand isn’t a big deal but it’s just icky to me
yuuuup i agree!!! i feel like joe and taylor had their issues but fully intended to make things work. but life happens, people change. i feel like ive seen a shift in taylor’s personality over the past few years. the thing i liked about joe/ taylor were how private they were, like we didn’t hear every single thought or action they did like we are seeing now. it felt like taylor had her own life and i was so content with that. we obviously don’t know anything more than what *taylor* has written about them in her music. joe doesn’t really say shit about her (and yeah ik that article went around about how he was feeling slighted by the album announcement but like be so fr anyone could have made that statement up- i feel slighted FOR him for gods sake) and he’s been pretty respectful of her their entire relationship publicly at least. he’s always known she’s a storyteller and writer so im sure it wasn’t exactly shocking information to hear about her writing about him, but yeah i do have to say after being so close and private with someone for years and then having them release an entire album less than a year after the breakup, filled with vague LDR rip off song titles that reference you in the slightest bit, therefore triggering millions of Defensive swiffers to openly bully and harass you online for…..ending a relationship you probably were grieving over too- just so fucking petty.
like sure we’re used to hear how taylor feels about her exes/ past relationships, but this was when she was still vague about what songs were about who, and we had at least 2+ years between the. breakups to learn about it. it feels like she rushed to put together another album to just shit on joe specifically…..like it just feels so wrong. imo.
i was sent this reddit thread and it actually made me think A Lot about how taylor works
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marengogo · 1 year
QUICKIE - 3: Must Be Just Me …
Island - by Colde  [Love Part 2]
[Music is a very big part of my life and I’m MOSTLY INCAPABLE of writing without music, so I just thought I'd share what I am listening to while writing this]
🐺 — 🐺 — 🐺—
How’s everyone been? How are you enjoying Chapter 2? How is your Jikook-neck-of-the-woods fairing for you? Is it everything you were looking for? … *picks into some of the woods* … If so, I am happy for you but, NOT. GONNA. LIE. Some of y’all woods it feel like even just asking these simple questions might be potentially triggering 🤡.
I recall saying something akin to “live and let live” in my previous post → DEAR FUTURE BABY JIKOOKER, and I’d really love to do so, yet, I fear I must step on a toe, or two, because this “Jikook-Anxiousness” has reached my end-of-the-woods so, out of curiosity, I just had to know … I had to know if this quick thing I am about to talk about is all in my head, or if anyone out here has also the same perception as mine.
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Before I get into all of that tho, remember when in this post → ME, MYSELF & JIKOOK, which I uploaded on January 12, I felt like we were going to not get any, “relevant” Jikook content for like 1076 days more or less? Somewhere in this post I also wrote
Please let that sink in and understand what this means.
… Well, we are 125 days in, and for some Jikookers, it doesn’t seem like this has either sunk in, nor has it been understood, in fact, it appears as if shit has already either being lost or hitting the fan hard. 
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I can understand the anxiety out of lack of Jikook content, I can try and understand the anxiety out of lack of off-camera Jikook content, but the “I guess it was really fanservice / they must have broken up” in this CHAPTER-2-SOUTH-KOREA-LIVING-AND-BREATHING BTS economy is … I … 😩😩😩.
“They never meet”, “they don’t like each other anymore”, “He obviously doesn’t care / never cared” and all that shit … like, I’m not going to keep repeating myself but I am also very keen to understand how according to some of you a non confirmed, potentially gay couple, of great relevance, in a somewhat homophobic country should act?
That being said, let’s get back to what I quickly wanted to point out, which is the following. I quickly and roughly made this table concentrating on our boys activities in 2023 during chapter 2, with some exceptions:
Purple activity: Happened in 2022, but relevant to this person in their Chapter 2
Celebrity/Fame related: These are all names I tried to recall off the top of my head, most likely not accurate, but a gross approximation (so feel free to not take this part seriously at all)
Magenta activity: Is for those members who haven’t yet released anything for their chapter 2 … and then there is Namjoon who might be having a Chapter 2 pt.2?
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I started doing this throwing in as much stuff as I could remember. The places where I put a P are my predictions (dark purple background is non-activity). As you keep looking at this table you’ll see that I didn’t even finish it, the magazine section is completely empty for example and as you might have noticed, I colored JK’s participation in Letter and his unconventional promotion of JM in a different color because other members have promoted JM but in a much more “conventional way”. THIS we all have noticed, and though it standouts in itself, regardless of the intended audience of Letter or the purpose behind JK going on a 1 hour JM binge - What JK did is NOT YOUR EVERYDAY RUN OF THE MILL BANGTAN OCCURRENCE. FIGHT ME.
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The main thing that this table should sort of point out - DESPITE IT’S GROSS INACCURACY - is how it seems to be that for the most part, given that Jin was already gone before 2023, the tannies were sort of split in 2 groups of 3, like sort of subunits part of me feels like the way I’ve ordered them is the way they are going to go MS, I know, I put Joonie last … There is a method behind my madness, but it is worth pointing out that is indeed just MY madness, so for all we know Joonie could be the next to go:
Mind you, despite being the nonchalant kings we love them to be, they are still a force to be reckoned with and as such they have to do some serious planning of almost anything work related. By the looks of it, we are going to have a video from Jin for every important day of the year, or Disney Documentaries that will soon replace the memory of Disney Channel in our minds, etc, etc, etc … as I said: SOME SERIOUS FORWARD PLANNING.
Ironically enough the only thing that seems a bit off from the meticulous planning are all of JK’s lives, weverse post, and such and that ALSO should make you think a bit …🤡 . So all the, JM only mentioning Hobi and Yoongi as people he hangs out with the most, or JK hanging out with Tae a lot and Joon as really , AT THE VERY LEAST TO ME, is just so subunity, like … am I the only one, who, despite missing Jikook interactions, as I knew I would during this period, is not really worried at all? I really would love to know; really, just curious...
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Always respectfully yours,
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professorchaos · 1 year
🔥 kenny :)
send me a 🔥 (and a topic) for a hot take!
something i have been noticing more and more frequently lately and which i have therefore been thinking about more than usual is how annoying i find it how canonical stereotypes of poverty are reflected and worsened by the fandom.
what i mean by this is that i have seen more and more interpretations of kenny which highlight only his most stereotypical and arguably more "negative" traits, some of which are genuinely not even canon. for example, kenny being dirty and/or smelly; being scruffy and sloppily dressed; being completely broke and willing to do absolutely anything for money...
don't get me wrong. kenny's family are poor. kenny is willing to do most things for money, as emphasised most notably in "fat camp", where he performs numerous disgusting stunts for quick cash and fame, and "the city part of town", where he works a shitty underpaid job to buy a doll for his sister. but even in south park, this is all framed as exploitative - i think we only have to look so far as the joke about sexual exploitation in "fat camp" to explore how and why this is the case, and reflected in a realistic setting in fanworks it is utterly bizarre to see this exploitation played off as something characteristic of who he is as a person rather than a horrific circumstance of his upbringing, a circumstance of society and of capitalism.
kenny's family, like most families in poverty, are not struggling to a point where they can never afford nice things. he's the first of his friends to get a PSP. even in a very recent episode, we saw stuart taking his kids out for ice cream - a far cry from the shitty, poor-as-a-character-trait, always-abusive and always-drunk fanon interpretation of his character!
kenny also definitely cares about his appearance! unlike his siblings and parents, he is always shown as clean and unmarked. i would imagine that he goes to great efforts to keep his face and clothing clean and to protect himself from obvious injury. i think that he cares about his family's image, despite his differences with his parents - he doesn't want to be "the poor kid", a walking stereotype, a charity case. sure, he might play into it when it suits him, but that's different, isn't it? he makes elaborate, beautiful costumes every time there's an opportunity, and he chooses characters to play that do not scream "i want to be a rat boy look at me rolling around in the dirt" to me.
that is an aspect of his character, sure. kid gets high on cat pee and plays with wild possums. he likes jokes about sex and eats weird shit. he's a little gross. no more, though, i think, than his peers... than kyle, who talks to his own shit... to butters, who prods at cow pats... to eric, who thinks about blood and guts every time he closes his eyes and collects semen samples from his friends... kids being gross is just kids being gross. i mean, they're gross. so i don't think it's wrong to make kenny a gross kid, but i do think it's bizarre to make kenny a gross kid and kyle a cleanly little germaphobe (classism and antisemitism 2-in-1, yayyy)!
i dunno, i've just felt recently that... some of these interpretations of kenny that have been cropping up are really not based in canon at all? they feel like they came straight out of mid-2000s south park yaoi! which, you know. everyone do your own thing, i guess. but i really need people to be more aware of the classist tropes they are playing into, of what in the show the are watching is classist and also of how they are interpreting commentary on poverty and class.
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strangestcase · 1 year
i promised myself i wouldnt talk about the gothic lit fandom drama anymore but i will just say that, while i dont care for other people curating their fandom experience and blocking whomever they like, it is very telling that big name fans are systematically blocking people that speak up against the racism and ableism that go unchecked in the fandom, and rallying other fans into doing the same claiming it's bullying. it's not. it's criticism and it's not even particularly biting.
if you keep using "it's satire" to defend uncritical consumption of racist media (marghen), harrass those that ask for an antisemitism warning even if it is a redundant one (dathen), miss the picture and paint the fans of a character mistreated by the fandom as violent for speaking up (draculadailybracket), or double down when confronted with the fact your writing is ableist and that certain stereotypes shouldnt be met with praise in 2023 (see-arcane and company), people have a right to be uncomfortable. sorry not sorry but that sort of behavior IS criticism-worthy.
i do agree that callout/cancel culture is unhealthy, but that doesnt mean you are free from accountability. when someone walks up to you and says, "what you're doing is bigoted [accidentally or not]", or hell, even, "i don't agree with this creative choice because [reason]", you can either
consider if what they're saying really is worthwhile, and meditate on it; apologize if needed, dismiss if they're wrong.
double down without a second thought
and a lot of big name fans are, sadly, doing the second, and convincing otherwise decent people to block "bullies" that are genuinely just concerned fans. i don't know- maybe a small speck of tumblr fame got to their heads. they certainly did not behave like that during the dracula daily run of 2022, and while the gothic literature fandom -like any fandom- has always had rampant issues with racism and ableism (made even more blatant by the fact the source material IS openly racist and ableist more often than not!), this is the first time I've seen fans put people on a blocklist for the offense of calling it out.
the old gothic lit fandom blocklist wasn't great but they certainly treated ableism within the fandom seriously.
like. idk. i just find it rather disgusting that the new big name fans are seeing a handful of people look at their creations and go, hey, this is not cool, and here's why, now, can you stop?, and reacting by painting us as violent bullies.
i've been put on the blocklist for pointing out LXG fanworks -specially "fixit fic" ones- should keep Mina as the protagonist instead of having her share that position with her husband that wasn't even present in the comics/movie, for fuck's sake. i've had a blog block me for saying a fanfic that depicts a villain as an extremely ableist caricature of dissociative identity disorder was gross (because it was!). like... are you aware that it is you who are being assholes here, right? i might be being rude or pushy at times but it's honestly grotesque that so many people are hailing some Shyamalan's Split grade shit as good, innovative, and progressive writing and "the antidote to bad Hollywood adaptations".
do you hear yourselves?
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tobiasdrake · 7 months
So. Looks like that's the final truth.
And it sucks. I don't want to reap their souls. I already felt bad about reaping the Priest earlier because. Like. In a city this corrupt, murder is the only justice people can receive. I get that. I get why the Priest did it. And the one victim that had me going, "Wait, no, gross," wasn't his doing. So that left a sour taste in my mouth.
This is about ten times worse. What Waruna, Yoshiko, and Kurane did doesn't feel all that wrong. Karen killed their friend, stole her spotlight and her prestige, and the Peacekeepers shrugged their shoulders and went, "Meh."
She got away scot free, then got the big fancy lead position guaranteeing her a bright and prosperous future forevermore. There will be no justice. There will be no closure. This is a town where monsters prosper and victims can only be stepped on. This is Capitalism Town.
They turned to murder because there was no other recourse available to them, and they couldn't bear to let their bestie's killer live happily ever after on a mountain of money and fame for it. They did nothing wrong. This is what you have to do when you live in a place as despicable as Kanai Ward.
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I don't know if they would. These girls aren't evil. They're damaged. Driven to extremes by desperation and powerlessness in a city that hung them out to dry. This doesn't feel right.
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Oh, shut up. You're just a hungry predator. Your opinion has no value here.
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You shut up too. Citing the WDO creed isn't helping. Both because it's creepy, and also because you have no frame of reference for the context here. You don't know that we're talking about slaying these girls for seeking justice for a murdered friend.
This is a crime that should forever remain unsolved. The kind of situation where the Great Detective would go, "Mm, can't seem to find an answer to this one. Pity," then turn on his heel and walk out.
The only reason we can't do that is because Amaterasu wants to arrest Kurumi for it. The plot is literally holding a gun to Kurumi's head and saying, "Murder this trauma victims or the blorbo GETS IT!"
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Prove to who, Yuma? You might be slow on the uptake but it's pretty clear that justice is dead in Kanai Ward.
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Man, even Desuhiko gets it! This outcome sucks. We're not combatting Amaterasu; We're joining them in corruption and victimization. We're kicking Amaterasu's victims while they're down. Picking off the wounded that Amaterasu's cruelty leaves behind.
I think I hate this case. We're supposed to be combatting the evil corporation but instead we're doing their dirty work. Amaterasu destroys lives and ruins families, and then we swoop in to punish their victims for lashing out. This is a disgusting perversion of justice.
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orchideous-nox · 18 days
1, 9, 10, 11, 15, 18, 23, 26, 36, 52, 91 and 99 for the ask thingie < 3
yay good, this will keep me busy for a while
1 - do you carry around a bag when you're out and about? if so, what's usually in it?
I am a backpack bitch but in that backpack I keep a tote bag in case I need to be more gay. I also always have chewing gum, lip balm, an umbrella and every receipt from the last month just in case I need it.
9 - who is your biggest inspiration?
I don't think I really have someone who I could categorise as an inspiration for me. I get short bursts of inspiration from everyone around me I guess, from my friends, my family, people on the internet. That feels like such a non-answer 🙃 Alex inspires me a lot though < 3 (sorry to be gross but he's my best friend so it's allowed)
10 - any unusual fears?
Fun bit of Katie lore, I don't personally think this is unusual but I have megalophobia which is a fear of large objects. I get an physical reaction just thinking about those pictures where they use people as perspective for how big something is like the Statue of Liberty or the anchor chain on big ships, it makes me feel sick.
11 - favourite myth?
I am so glad you asked. I have Greek Mythology autism so this is difficult and I am deciding to do a top 3 because this is my blog and I can do what I want.
First is The Odyssey, I love Odysseus and his journey and the way he changes as a man on his way home. I am classing this as one myth but if I had to be even more specific I would go with Odysseus and Polyphemus. I studied the Odyssey at school when I was 14/15 and I would mark it as the start of my special interest in Greek Mythology. I would love to visit some of the places along his journey (not the Underworld though).
Second, Ariadne, Theseus and the Minotaur. I have always loved Ariadne and especially her links to Daedalus and Icarus who haven't made the list but were so close. It was an early introduction to mythology for me and I'll always love the stories surrounding these events.
Third is difficult but I think it is the Labours of Heracles (again, I am counting this as one but you're being picky the Cretan Bull). I could talk about him forever, about the people who came and went during this time, about the lasting effects of these labours. Heracles is such a fascinating character and Disney did not do him justice even if I love that film.
Special mentions to Apollo and Hyacinthus, Daedalus and Icarus, Medusa and Atalanta.
15 - favorite font?
I normally write in Calibri, however I am fond of a Garamond.
18 - what's your most controversial opinion?
I don't like the Prisoner of Azkaban film. I won't be elaborating.
23 - what's popular with the people around you that you can't seem to get behind?
Bridgerton. I've never watched it, I have no intention of watching it. I have a few bones to pick with the books from what I have heard about them and while the show might have got rid of them or has changed things, I'm just not vibing honestly.
26 - would you enjoy being famous?
Would I enjoy having more money? Yes. Being famous, however, absolutely the fuck not. There's so much pressure behind fame and public influence and the idea of people watching every move Imake and critiquing everything I do fills me with anxiety. I'm quiet happy being of little importance to the world.
36 - what's the most expensive thing you've ever spent money on?
I'm going to exclude holidays which would take the top two spots, and my rent doesn't count either. I guess my laptop but that's not any fun.....my film degree that I've done nothing with.
52 - what the best anon hate you've ever received?
I can't remember any of the specific wordings and it would take too long to scroll back and find them because tumblr is homophobic and isn't showing me any of them if I search jegulus on my blog but there's always anti-jegulus anons that are like "but jily is canon". The last time I got one, I just sent them a link of one of my jegulus fics and said it was a petition to have jegulus banned form the internet.
91 - what's a common misconception people have about you?
That I'm intimidating or that I am grumpy/pissed off/hate everyone. I just have that thousand-yard autism stare which on me kinda looks like rbf. Humble brag but I actually think I'm lovely.
99 - is there anything you would consider yourself an expert at?
Expert? No. But I would love to actually be an expert on Greek Mythology and there are probably people who do consider me an expert but I'm just an enthusiast.
Thank you for the endless list of asks my darling loser husband < 3
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happyinjection · 1 year
♠️♥️High Card Short Story 5 “Poison Phenomenon” (1/3)♦️♣️
Finn and Leo, who were constantly at odds, surprisingly shared one thing in common: a favorite band. However...
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Original: https://twitter.com/highcard_pj/status/1539443354550685697
Author: https://twitter.com/poipheno
Artist: https://twitter.com/ebimoji3
“Wrong. I understand what you’re saying. But it is surely their early days, ‘cause that’s when the riffs stood out.”
“No, it’s during their rise to fame. One can say that they peaked during the transitional period to the current era, where experimental fusion with other genres gets really ingrained in your ears.”
We were occupying the showroom of Pinochle Old Maid branch office. I had pulled a stool next to Leo’s desk and sat down with him. Leo kept his legs crossed while leaning against his backrest and armrest.
“That’s why, the true value of their frontman, Jeff, was only demonstrated through his raw songwriting during the early days of the band.”
“I don’t deny it. However, it was thanks to musical diversity backed by textbook proficiency that Poipheno has earned their reputation today.”
—Poison Phenomenon. Or Poipheno for short. It was an FK[*] rock band which I admired a lot. In the orphanage, I didn’t receive pocket money, so somehow I managed to scrape together a few, and I had been buying secondhand CDs and other goods little by little.
Just recently, through a chance encounter, I learned that Leo was actually a fellow fan of Poipheno. Ever since then, we would occasionally talk about Poipheno and one thing led to another, but perhaps because we were born and raised too differently, at its core our tastes didn’t exactly match.
“Leo, give it a listen one more time.”
I plugged my earphones into my smartphone and stuck one of the earpiece into Leo’s ear.
“Oi, don’t touch my body without permission.”
“Whatever, just listen.”
I put the other piece into my ear. As soon as I pressed play, what flowed through was a killer tune from their first album, “Get Me Out”.
As the norm for a band’s indie days, the recording quality wasn’t the best, but it was precisely why the charisma of their vocalist and bassist Bill stood out.
I moved my body along to the song instinctively. No matter how many times I’ve listened to it, it would still tug on my heartstrings.
“Huh, if it’s not you two. Acting like lovers like that, what’s gotten into you?”
Wendy, with a document in hand, was peering at us. Taking off her work glasses, she blinked several times in disbelief.
“We’re listening to Poipheno. Don’t you dare interrupt this sacred moment. Or else I’m gonna blast it off.”
In the showroom, originally some classical music or something along that line which I didn’t get at all was being played. Compared to that sort of sleep-inducing, classy stuff, Poipheno was ten thousand times better.
“Finn. Wendy is a bit artistically-challenged. Excuse her behavior.”
Wendy let out a small yelp, and the papers fell off her hands. Following that, she clamped over her mouth using both of her hands.
“Leo is standing up for Finn...... Gross......”
“Why do you think that. It’s wonderful to see that those two seems to be getting along well and spending time together, isn’t it.”
From his desk, Vijay remarked. 
“It’s the law of similarity, you see. Poipheno is what’s connecting them.”
While sipping chai from his glass mug, he stroked the leaf of a houseplant sitting on his desk using his fingertips.
“By the way, what’s Poipheno?”
It was Wendy asking. I got caught off guard by her question and fell off my chair.
“You’ve never heard of Poipheno before?”
“I guess not. Is there anything wrong with that?”
Leo, too, sprung to his feet with an accusing glare in his blue eyes.
“You! Do you seriously live in Fourland?!”
“That’s bad news, Wendy! Absolutely dreadful news!”
“Huh, wha, what did I do wrong?! Vijay, what are they talking about!”
Wendy might not be aware of it, but she had a gullible side, and as such was easily swept by the tide.
Vijay returned the look with eyes that did not falter in the slightest.
“Yes, I do. They’re a 4-piece band from Silphium. They’ve released a series of smash hits that have been highly praised by music critics. In their early days, they used to be a hard rock-oriented FK rock with dominant riffs, but since the all the members had graduated from music school, they have also incorporated jazz and fusion at some points. During the latter half of their discography, somehow they also incorporated a progressive feeling into groove, while still maintaining their pop sound. It is said that they’ve left a significant impact on the future of Fourland’s music scene. Classifying them into any particular genre is difficult, and they continue to release highly accomplished works, thus despite their short period of activity they are considered to be a legendary band.”
“No way..... You clearly know too much.”
Suddenly, Wendy knocked some sense back to Vijay, who had been rambling without a pause. In excitement, I blurted out.
“Vijay! Were you a secret fan too!?”
“That is not the case.”
“Well then, do tell me. What do you not know, instead?” I kept on cornering him.
At the same time, Leo jumped right in the middle of the showroom.
“We’re temporarily closing the shop. If there are any clients coming, I’m leaving it to Bernard.”
Wendy flailed her hands in the air.
“Huh!? No, no, you can’t possibly do that--”
“It’s Poipheno in the heart of the problem! Wendy, do you even understand how dire it is!?”
“Right, right!”
I took advantage of the enraged Leo.
“Damned if I do, damned if I don’t.....”
“Finn, blast it off.”
“Aye, aye, Manager Sir!”
“Good grief..... If only you’re always this obedient, our job would go so much more smoothly, wouldn’t it.”
Wendy commented with as much sarcasm as she could muster. Ignoring her jab, I turned the volume on my smartphone to maximum.
“Music start!”
TL notes: I’m in no way a professional translator so if you find any mistakes, please do not hesitate to inform me right away. [*] As Muno has clarified in his podcast, apparently “FK rock” means “Fourland Kingdom rock”! As you may have guessed already, it’s a direct parody to “UK rock”. That gives an impression of how Poipheno’s music would possibly sound like...
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