#dya's prompt challenge
kenfetti-week · 19 days
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Kenfetti Week 2024 Prompt Reveal!
the mods totally didn't get distracted with aurora chasing, no sir
Below are the prompts and descriptions:
Day 1: The Softer Side
All of the softer things in our Galaxy Far Far Away, from domesticity, to kid-fic, to caretaking after an injury.
Day 2: The Living Side
What if they lived? How would the galaxy be different? Is it a softer, kinder place? Or even more brutal than before? Today we challenge you to pick a pivotal character, whether that be Jaster Mereel, or Qui-Gon Jinn, Sifo-Dyas or Jango himself and tell a tale where they lived.
Day 3: The Last Side
Survival is key in the galaxy,  and these two are very, very good at it.
A distress beacon, a call for help, are they alone on a barren moon or being hunted in a dense jungle, they must learn to survive together or die apart.
Day 4: The Line Between
Hero and Villain, Hunter and Hunted, Winning Side and Losing Side.
 The lines that separate are never as impassable as they seem; Jango and Obi-Wan are enemies, ensnared in a conflict larger than themselves. Will love triumph over hate? What lengths are they willing to go to to be together?
Day 5: The Deep Blue
Blue like the depths, whether they be hiding pirates,or mermaids, or something darker lurking in the deep...
Center the story around something from the water, show where the waves take them, show us what lurks below!
Day 6: The Hidden Side
Mystery and Intrigue abound.  A cirque, a masquerade Masks conceal, whether they be literal or not.  Something is hidden and when it is found out, well, you’ll have to read it to know.
Day 7: The Dark Side
There is no succor here. You will find no peace.  Sharp edged danger awaits,  sharp teeth, and sharp edges abound.  Fangs, rituals, blood, and fear.  Revel in the darker side and add a bit of spice to this day.
Go Sith or go dark, just remember, enemies don't have to end by being lovers.
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bubblebuckys · 4 years
warnings: angst; murder; slight gore; nightmares; unedited and shitty
words to include: killer whale, depraved, janitor, bargain, dye, fool, heap, kick, praise, quilt
a/n: first part of my ‘write the story’ prompt list! i couldn’t find an organic way to include the word janitor lol off to a good start
❝A good reason to be afraid of the dark❞ (1/41)
word count: 849
prompts masterlist —— main masterlist
reblogs are encouraged. reposting is illegal
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Bucky Barnes is afraid of the dark.
He has the serum and all sharper senses that comes with it. He can see in the dark better than other people. It’s always after a nightmare, disoriented and confused and convinced he’s still in the cell Hydra had him locked in.
But this time, after he’s kicked so much he wakes himself up and he’s overcome the feeling of having the weight of a killer whale on his chest, a suspicious stump in the corner of his eye has him reaching for the combat knife he keeps behind the headboard. The stump however, only turns out to be the heap of books on the desk.
The nightmares haven’t been so bad as of late. Those exercises his therapist has him do somehow help him wake up before the dream can get too bad.
But this one. Bucky shivers although his body runs hot all the time and he hasn’t been cold in decades.
He closes his eyes, clenches his fists, tries not to think about how he had been back under the depraved control of Hydra. His back to the wall of a familiar apartment, staring at the back of a woman as she placed a jacket on the arm of the couch, unaware of the figure hiding in the corner shielded in the shadows, the man with a gun clutched in his hand, a muzzle obscuring their face. His face. 
The next second the woman’s on her knees before the Soldier’s feet, gun to her head.
Fool, he thought. A fool to have ever thought he’d have more. A life the organization that produced machines. A killer. That’s what he was, and always will be. He killed before Hydra, for Hydra, and after.
He struggled, tried to get up. It didn’t work. He tried to make a bargain, his life for hers. Please. But no sound left his mouth, the soldier stood stoic, gun held to the woman’s forehead. The woman who seemed to be at the end of the thread tugging at his memory.
It’s his fault. He knows it. Maybe if he had just stayed with Hydra, this woman who seemed to be so important to him wouldn’t be staring down the barrel of a gun. He thought he had escaped, but they always came back. Cloaked in the dark and silent as a mouse and fingers pulling your strings before you can scream.
Bucky knew what would come next. The soldier would  end it, complete the mission. And Bucky wasn’t sure he would ever find happiness knowing the last face his victims saw was his own.
Finally, Bucky was able to get his legs working, kicking and grunting and crying. But it wasn’t enough, not in time. The Soldier pulled the trigger and the woman slumped over, the sound a bang in Bucky’s chest, another unimportant thump to the Soldier’s ear.
The assassin disappeared, and the horrible, accented voice of Dr. Zola echoed around in his head. “Excellent work, Soldat,” he’d praise. Same words after every mission. His therapist says reacting to receiving compliments is something he needs to improve on. But time and time again, he’d hear Zola’s words, voice every time anyone complimented him.
The Soldier gone, Bucky was released from whatever clutches had been holding him down. He rushed over, picked the girl up, hoping somehow she was still conscious.
Her face and clothes drenched in a horrible red dye, covering her face. Hands scrambled to wipe her face of blood, brush debris away. “Please,” he whispered.
But when the blood cleared, features revealed, his heart climbed into his throat and he wanted to throw up.
It can’t be. No. Not her. Not—
Movement to his left breaks him from reliving the terror. It doesn’t set him off, his heartbeat doesn’t go haywire. Nothing’s wrong. It’s only you, tugging the vibrant quilt closer to your body. Cuddling closer to him, eyelashes fluttering to reveal eyes that aren’t lifeless.
You smile sleepily, face scrunching up in a yawn, clean of the blood his hands swiped through a second ago.
A sniff, and he holds back any breaths of relief to know you’re breathing.
Your hand reaches, threads through his hair, then smooths the wrinkles of his forehead he didn’t even know were there. You’re still smiling, he doesn’t think you notice.
“Just a bad dream,” you tell him. Hands shake as they make their way to you, he’s not sure where they land, he doesn’t care. He needs to be sure you’re here or he won’t stop thinking of your face spilling blood until he feels the weight of you in his arms, your scent not overrun metallic in his nose.
You let him and then he nods. “Just a bad dream,” he repeats.
The words bounce around in his head until his breathing settles and he’s halfway to sleep once again. The weight in his arms sweet and alive and grounding.
Bucky Barnes is afraid of the dark. Not for fear of what he can’t see. But for fear of what he can’t stop.
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cronchyradish · 5 years
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*pounding fists on table* MER MAY MER MAY MER M
(Please click for better quality)
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starbuckie · 3 years
𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐰𝐨 𝐲𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐬
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challenge: 1k writing challenge by @bubblebuckys
prompts: “wanna fuck?” “i don’t want to ruin our friendship.” “i won’t.” “i will.” and the situation of your car breaking down on the way to your best friend’s wedding but luckily, they offer up their asshole sibling to take you the rest of the way of the very long road trip.
pairing: college!bestfriend’sbrother!bucky barnes x reader
words: 5.2k words
warnings: SMUT 18+ (car sex, protected sex, spanking, choking), angst, fluff, bucky is a grumpy lil nerd, reader is gonna be annoying the fuck out of him
summary: y/n is going to stab becca barnes for ever introducing her older brother to her. also for sending him to pick her broken down car from a musty side of the highway. but she can’t help but thank whoever got bucky barnes to dirty talk like it was his job in the two years since she slept with him last.
a/n: happy 1k dya!! i’m so happy for you and so happy that i could help you celebrate your big milestone with this fic. i absolutely adore college bucky and this was just so fun to write. this is not beta-read and any and all mistakes are mine. just a reminder to reblog and leave comments, it really helps a lot with motivation so i can create more content without wondering if people actually enjoy it. so without further ado, please enjoy<3
main masterlist || sebastian stan characters masterlist
Just ten minutes ago, Y/N had been speeding down some highway under the burning afternoon sun, sunglasses perched on the tip of her nose like some old Hollywood type starlet. Her heart had been lighter, her smile had been wider, and her foot had hurt a hell of a lot less because she wasn’t kicking the shit out of the car’s now-flat tire.
“Fuck!” Sweat beaded at her forehead on the side of the highway as the cars speeding behind her took no sympathy to her situation. A rock sat behind the car, such a small item that obstructed the road, but she hadn’t noticed it until it punctured her front left rubber and sent her slowing down. The old car rumbled to a stop and since then she’d managed to push the stupid piece of junk to the weed covered side pavement, bringing the rock with her so no other hopeless bastard would get stuck in her predicament.
Clive- actually, was it Clive? Yes, yes it was Clive, Utah that she was stuck in. Clive was pretty far from California. As Rebecca Barnes’ best friend, she was obligated to carry out her maid of honor duties. Which she did, pretty damn well if she said so herself. The eighteen year-old girl and her boyfriend had made a snap decision in the spring of their freshman year of college to get hitched, and with that quick decision came the quick planning. A rustic July wedding in Tahoe, quite aways from Brooklyn, but the couple had insisted, wanting to be closer to the schools they’d be transferring to that coming fall. Every other event, the bachelorette party, the dress fittings, the excessive amount of partying on the other hand had all taken place on the Upper East Side in Manhattan.
Y/N had fulfilled every wish, from helping to send out invitations and picking out decorations and setting up guest tables in between her classes as a sophomore in college. It still boggled her mind how her younger best friend had grown up so quickly, and how the time seemed to only pass quicker as the wedding approached. Planning took place during sophomore finals, and June was dedicated to the quaintest details. She’d taken two weeks of vacation from her job at the small deli corner in Queens to road trip her ass across the country, and though Y/N herself was normally extremely unorganized she had to give props to herself for pulling her shit together for her best friend’s wedding.
But the last step, the most important step, was actually being there for the wedding, and now she was fucking up all of her hard work. Of course, the event was two days away, but Tahoe was also sixteen hours away and there was no service within twenty miles that would be able to fix up her car quick enough to get back on the road in time.
For once in a near perfect five months, Y/N was completely and utterly fucked.
With a loud groan, she lifted her arms from leaning on the hood of the car and opened the driver’s door. She landed in the seat and dug through her Kate Spade purse for her phone. Becca’s name came up as her first emergency contact as it had been since wedding planning began, and she clicked on it immediately.
Y/N held the phone up to her ear, listening to the drawled-out noise of the call, biting her lip in anticipation. The bride was probably busy preparing for the rehearsal dinner the night after or at the spa, but regardless, the ringing stopped and the light, chirpy voice of Rebecca soon-to-be Carmichael-Barnes came through the speaker.
“Hey, Y/N, what’s up? There anything wrong?” Y/N was a little offended that her best friend immediately assumed the worst, but maybe it’d make the delivery of her news easier.
“Kinda? A stupid rock blew out my front tire, so I’m kinda stranded in Utah.” It was dead silent on the other end of the phone, and she could feel disappointment radiating from her best friend. Becca had taken a big risk with Y/N- she wasn’t known for being the most reliable, because she was carefree and a trademarked wild child, but she had done everything perfectly up until she got stuck on the side of the road. A heavy feeling of guilt sat at the bottom of her chest and she fought off tears as she spoke. “I’m so sorry, Becca, this is supposed to be your big event, and I just fucked up being the maid of honor while you should be relaxing.”
“It’s fine, Y/N, we’ll think of something, please don’t worry. There’s gonna be a simple solution-” The pitch of her voice went up an octave as an idea popped into her head. Y/N could just see the smile that took over her best friend’s face, and she fought the urge to hang up because Barnes’ ideas were not known for being brilliant. “Oh, babe, I’ve got the perfect solution! I literally just got off the phone with Bucky, he’s half an hour behind you. Still don’t understand why you two refused to come together because you're coming from the same city and…”
Truthfully, she did not give a damn as to the rest of what her best friend was saying. Becca probably was rambling on and on about the reasoning as to why the two wouldn’t carpool, but Y/N could only try to imagine what being in a car with Bucky Barnes for seven hours or more would be like.
“Alright, I’ve just texted him now! He’s getting gas but will be there soon.”
“Becca, no, he really doesn’t have to do this, I can call the company and wait here-” Anything besides being in a car with your asshole brother.
“Don’t talk nonsense, Y/N, it’s fine. I need my maid of honor here by tomorrow to celebrate my last days as an unmarried woman.” Without leaving room for Y/N to speak, she sped up her words, finger hovering over the button to hand up. “Bye! I love you! Bucky will be there in thirty minutes!”
The call went dead, and Y/N had half an hour to prepare for Bucky’s arrival.
She started by calling the nearest towing company, negotiating to bring it to the motel at the border of Utah and Nevada. It was about three or four hours west, but she figured that she could survive that long in a car with Bucky.
Her next order of business was to repeatedly smack her head onto her wheel, waiting for death to take her before Bucky did.
And that was exactly how he found her, slumped over like she’d been shot dead. Bucky honked twice, gaining her attention as she shot up with a glare. She turned around, seeing a man wave at her through the front window of his car. Barnes.
Reluctantly, she pulled herself from the hot car, stepping out into the equally hot air as Bucky did the same, and-
Oh Lord. Only two years since she had seen him last, and James Buchanan Barnes looked good.
He was taller, at least four inches taller than she had last seen him, and his once-long hair had been cut into a fluffy, shorter style, matching his stubble way too well in a messy, but cute way. And his muscles- his arms were bigger. So. Much. Bigger.
He donned a ratty Star Wars tee and a pair of black jeans, a pair of dirty combat boots at his feet. But he looked good in it. Fuck him.
“Buck.” Y/N sniffed, trying her best to keep a neutral expression.
The boy- no, the man responded with a similar face, offering nothing but a tight-lipped smile as he slammed the door shut. “L/N.”
There it was.
She snorted at the snark he shot at her, grabbing her luggage out of the back of her car and loading it into his. “We can leave the car here, I called the towing people and they’re gonna bring it up to the next motel.”
That seemed to surprise Bucky and it showed. His face was caught with pinched eyebrows and parted lips. “You called before?”
“Yeah…” Y/N answered slowly, “why do you sound so surprised?”
“That’s just not your thing.” His answer just stewed with sass and it pissed her off more than ever. She swore there was smoke coming out of her ears.
He pried her duffel bag from her clenched hands harshly, nearly smirking out how irked she visibly looked. With a childish pout she dropped the rest of her bags to the dusty ground (probably more hurtful to her than to him, though she’d never admit it) and stomped to the passenger seat.
He followed soon after, plopping in behind the wheel with a heavy sigh and grabbing his sunglasses off the dash with his prosthetic hand. She watched him, how he acted so normal when their situation was everything but, and failed to keep herself from speaking her mind.
“Those glasses make you look like a douchebag, Bucky.”
He stuck the key in the ignition, keeping his eyes on his movements intently and choosing to actively ignore her taunting. The car took off after a few sputters, and they were back on the road.
The first three hours, playing Bucky’s favorite Utah radio station (“Why do you have a favorite Utah station?”) as they ignored each other in bliss. The sun had begun to set, pinks and orange swirling in the sky to give off golden light across the barren land.
Y/N snapped photo after photo- it was so pretty that she had to- but that’s when she started admiring Bucky again. This time she didn’t even try to be subtle.
“Why’re you lookin’ at me like that?” Bucky questioned quietly.
“Just wondering how you kept your looks up so well.” Y/N scoffed, brushing off his question. “Only two years into college and I look like I haven’t slept since I was ten. I mean, look at these fuckin’ eye bags…”
She inspected her face in the mirror, prodding and poking at the skin. “I think you look just as pretty as you did in highschool, sweetheart.” Bucky commented.
His words woke dusty butterflies up from their slumber, their delicate wings wildly flapping around in Y/N’s stomach. It took all of her willpower to not deflect his compliment, and she mumbled a thanks under her breath.
They didn’t speak for an hour after that.
It was only once the sun had gone down and the moon came out to play did Siri warn them that the motel was coming up. Bucky’s hands hadn’t left the wheel either, keeping to a stoic expression and nearly still posture as he drove the two of them. Y/N was yawning, fiddling with her phone without a thought in her bored head, up until a song she hated came into the station they were listening to.
She leaned forward to switch it, but it turned classical and she had to groan. Her fingers tapped different parts of the screen, just begging to find something pleasing to listen to. His selection was shit.
He hit her hand away from the console, his disgruntled face concrete. “Stop touching that, it’s not a damn video game.”
“Not my fault you enjoy shitty old music.” She grumbled and hit her head against the back of her seat, turning slightly to admire Bucky’s concentrated face. Not much had changed since high school. A bit more scruff and darker circles under his eyes, but Bucky Barnes was still attractive as hell. Out of the corner of her eye she saw the motel sign in view, about fifty feet up. “Wanna fuck?”
She watched as his eyes widened and his hands fumbled with the wheel, skewing out of the lane. Cars behind him honked angrily at his mistake. Bucky’s face had turned an adorable shade of crimson, the blush rising to his forehead and down his neck barely visible in the night. Once he’d regained control of the car, he trained his eyes back on the road with a sharp glare. “I don’t want to ruin our… friendship,” he grunted.
Y/N snorted, throwing her arms behind her head and yawning. “I wouldn't call four hours of not killing each other in a car friendship, Bucky.” She didn’t catch his small frown, how his shoulders slumped as he finally pulled over into the small motel parking lot. “I won’t, if that’s what you’re really worried about.”
“I will.”
“Just wanted to get some fucking dick, but leave it up to you to ruin something simple as that.” Y/N spat back.
It was nearly cinematic, the way the music died down and the tension rose. The car came to a full stop, Bucky suddenly too aware of the angry glare aimed at the side of his head. “What the hell are you talking-“
“Oh, don’t act stupid, Bucky. Who was it who upped and left that morning, Bucky? ‘Cause I certainly know I was the one sitting and crying on the half-empty bed.”
And just like that, she was thrown back into the full rage and sadness that the summer before college brought her.
They had both been seniors, both not quite popular and most definitely excited to get out of New York. He was an MIT-bound nerd, early admittance and everything, but she was slowly breaking down and falling behind in AP physics. They’d met each other before, with ten years of friendship with Becca there was no way that they couldn’t have run into each other. But it was only when Winnie Barnes suggested that he tutored her did they become close.
Y/N had been mortified of getting a tutor at age eighteen, she should’ve been going out and enjoying what little bit of highschool she had left, but both her mother and Bucky’s had insisted. So it began with the library after school, fingers tracing sentences on a textbook and Bucky whispering formulas across the table.
She didn’t know when or how she started actually listening to those whispers, or when they started to make heat rise to her face or her heart beat a little faster. He didn’t know when the loud, energetic girl with attention issues started to grow on him either.
Over the last remaining months of school, her grades progressed as did their friendship, which was bordering on something… else. He’d come over to her house, she’d go to his and no longer did he tutor her. They’d watch Netflix, hell, Y/N even got Bucky to knit with her, and no one else batted so much as an eye. Graduation passed, and summer just brought on more time for the two of them to spend together.
It was the night at the drive in. Both of them had never spoken of it, but the way that they stared into each other’s eyes for just a second too long as Summer Nights blasted through the car radio spoke what they had wanted to say for so long. Soon enough they were driving home at an alarming speed, holding hands and giggling like idiots through the halls of Y/N’s empty house.
The night was made of shaky hands and fumbling around. Slow movements and sweet whispers of reassurance, getting caught in a night-long romance that neither of them knew would end so abruptly the next morning.
“I was just trying to protect you, sweetheart.”
Y/N scoffed, “From what exactly, Bucky? You broke my heart instead, so great fuckin’ job with that.” She tried to hide her tears with ill-fated words, but he knew she didn’t mean them.
“Hey,” he grew defensive, finally unbuckling his seatbelt so he could sit up in his seat to face her. It was only then did she realize how much Bucky towered over her still in the small car, his head nearly hitting the roof at full height. “It wasn’t easy for me either, you can’t blame that shit on me, Y/N.”
“Well as far as I can remember, you were the only one not willing to take a chance on us, asshole.”
“Don’t fucking call me that, you’re not being fair.” Bucky spat.
“It’s cute that you wanna talk about this now like adults finally, two years after it happened. You had so much time to call me about it, but you just had to save yourself from your consequences, right?” His silence answered her instantly. She rolled her eyes in annoyance, trying to stop the ache in her chest with any anger she could grasp. “Typical. I’m Bucky Barnes, I kiss peoples asses and I can’t confront anything I fuck up-“
She barely had time to process Bucky’s hands lifting her over the seat, but she had just enough mind to feel his chapped lips against hers. It was after he opened his mouth against hers, his tongue delving between her lips, did she notice the sensation of two hands on her skin, one cold, one warm. His touch lit her skin up, nerves rattling at his touch as she reciprocated the kiss with ferocity. Her hands flew to his cheeks, massaging the stubble scratching at her palms until he pulled away. Though his heart was nearly beating out of his damn chest, he couldn’t help the fond chuckle that came upon seeing Y/N’s swollen lips and lust-filled eyes. “You never just shut the fuck up, do you?”
His words took a moment to register with her, and he could tell the moment it clicked in. Eyebrows furrowed adorably, she opened her mouth to spout some more shit about how he had no right to kiss her after everything that had happened (they both knew she would pretend to have hated it), but all he could focus on was the stupid button on her jean shorts.
He cupped her cunt through the rough material, and her train of words stopped at the contact.
She was fucked.
Her hips bucked into the heel of his palm, her lips finding home on his once again. Fingers worked diligently to unbutton her shorts, both of them shoving her bottoms just low enough to straddle his thighs. She dove for his zipper, biting Bucky’s lower lip when he laughed at her struggle.
“I can smell you, sweet girl,” he smirked against her lips, “you’re really worked up, ain’t ya?”
“Shut up,” she retorted, slapping his cheek. Oh, no one had ever done that before. He liked it. “When did you learn to talk like that anyways? You weren’t nearly this good last time.”
“We were fuckin’ virgins, Y/N, I’ve learned since then. Turns out that girls in college hump anything that breathes, got quite the experience in a few years.” Her hands paused in smoothing over the burn of his cheek and his grin grew even wider when he realized she was going green. “You jealous, sweetheart? Got no reason to be, only ever thought of you.”
He lifted his hips to drag his jeans down his thighs, and good God, she did not remember them being that muscular and her pussy was just dripping for them. For him, because then he took off his shirt- fuck, he had to have lifted in the last two years. There was no other explanation for the thick, corded abs that took over his torso. Definitely not there before.
Her hands slid down his chest, finding rest against the burning hot flesh that had been revealed to her. She let her fingers dip into the scars that littered his left shoulder, those she remembered as bright as day. Their beauty, how she kissed them and told Bucky how gorgeous he was with everything he hated about himself.
She pulled away from his mouth, just for a minute, and let her lips trace that same path down the angry red lines. His eyes fluttered shut at the light contact, basking in the peace her presence brought his guilt and being.
But as soon as the moment was over, her eyes met his again, only to fly shut as she slammed their mouths together again. Teeth clattered against each other as she palmed over his erection, caged inside his boxers. Oh, he was straining. A wet patch formed on the fabric, showing him to be just as needy as she was.
Without another second to waste, she slipped her cold fingers under the elastic, feeling Bucky jolt when she wrapped her hand around him. He was hot and leaking in her hand and when she finally pulled him out of his boxers, well, she had to keep from her jaw dropping open.
His head painted an angry shade of red, precome smeared all over and she couldn’t fight the urge to tease him. Gripping him in a loose fist, she twirled her thumb around his tip, eliciting a loud groan from Bucky. She jerked him slowly, making sure to apply pressure to the prominent veins that ran up his shaft.
Pulling a condom out of the cup holder- she’d ask him about it later- she ripped it with her teeth and inspected it for just a second to make sure it didn’t tear. Bucky had to chuckle at her cute little pout as she put it up to the light of the night, her elegant features just illuminated in the moon. When she was satisfied with the quality of the condom, she rolled it on him, slowly and tortuously, so he could feel the drag of it in full sensitivity.
Her face lowered to his- with his sweat-beaded forehead, reddened cheeks, and mouth puffing out quick little breaths- and he let her think she had him. Lips taunting his with the little smirk he knew all too well, she believed that she had him under her control.
Then, before she could even catch his movement, his metal hand moved to her throat, fingers pressing at the sides, and the tides flipped. He was the one smirking then- grinning like a hyena when he saw Y/N’s eyes roll back. Her chest was heaving, hips mindlessly rutting down onto his, just begging to have him inside her, and he had her right where he wanted her.
Bucky took her silence, that very rare occasion she wasn’t mouthing off, to line up his cock to her entrance with her free hand. His warm hand sliding up the inside her thighs, he snaked it around her hip, and with one movement, guided her hips down his length. Both of them let out a moan at the intrusion.
It felt so good and natural. Maybe Bucky was lying about the other girls, he probably just watched too much porn in his dorm room to learn that type of dirty talk. He didn’t know really where the dominance came from, but what he did know was that it was doing both him and Y/N wonders by the way her cunt was clamping down on his dick.
She made herself comfortable on his cock at first- after all it had been since that summer two years before that she’d been with someone: him- but after the delicious burn of him went away, she was bouncing up and down on his cock like a desperate whore. Bucky readjusted his prosthetic hand around her throat, pressing harder on the junctures and praying to God that they’d bruise later on. Her gurgles, her body instinctively begging for breath, made him grin, and he smacked her ass harshly one, two, three times, just to make sure she got the message that he was in charge. It may have been two long years without each other, but he was dead set on proving to her that he wasn’t planning on leaving her- never again.
“C’mon, darling, I know you can move better than that, go a little faster.” Bucky groaned.
He dragged her lips down to his by the hand wrapped around her throat, letting their tongues entwine as he slammed her hips down onto his cock. She let out a high whine into his mouth, finding it in her to bite down on his lip as her eyes met his hungrily.
Bucky continued to bring his hand onto her ass one after another, his slapping falling in tandem with that of their skin clapping together. “Bucky, oh- James,” she groaned after he hit her again, “you feel so good.”
Her knees hurt, digging into the edges of the cramped car seat, but she made no move to adjust them. Both of them were too caught up in each other to pay the space they were in any attention. Bucky’s hand trailed down her throat, moving under her shirt to feel up the soft skin of her stomach and sliding the fabric up. She whined at the coolness of his hand on her collarbone, feeling the warm air of the car peak her nipples into little buds.
The more her sweat slick torso that was revealed to him made his mind reel, and he was forced to pull away from the intoxication of her lips to taste her skin too. “Honey, you’re so, so fucking gorgeous,” he groaned against her sternum. He bit, licked and nipped, sucking to make sure dark bruises would show up, biting lightly on her nipples and marking her in every right. “Taste so good too, no one’s ever as good as you.”
Even though her mind and body were on a high of ecstasy and pleasure, his words gave her a sense of renewal, grounding her to that moment in the car with him. Her hips were losing rhythm- she was close and her lower stomach was bundling up inside, just begging to find release.
He could feel her desperation to let go too- he needed to just as bad. Bringing his right hand down to her clit with a harsh smack, he let two fingers rub her wetness around the sensitive bud, teasing the swollen flesh over the edge.
His hips snapped up into hers when her knees began to fail her, heaving with slow breaths as he staved off his orgasm for hers. “You can let go, darling, I’ll take care of you just fine.”
The feel of his calloused fingers against her clit sent her over the edge. Her hand grasped at the closest thing, slamming against the window with its freezing condensation under her palm. Her cunt clamped on Bucky’s cock with wild ferocity and her head fell back, leaving her neck exposed for him to bite down on as he chased his own release.
She continued to ride him, sensually and slowly, and soon enough he was coming into the condom, groaning praises about how she felt wrapped around his dick. He kissed her delicate skin, soothing his marks with chapped lips and pink cheeks. “You look so pretty when you come, sweetheart. ‘M so glad you were so good for me, like you were made to take my cock. God, I love you so much.”
When her cunt finished milking his cock, the soreness kicked in. Bucky lifted her off of his cock from her armpits, letting her slump forwards tiredly on his chest. She was nearly asleep, even with her sweaty hair and come leaking out of her swollen pussy, her eyes drooping heavily. Bucky wanted to clean her up, to care for her and talk with her about how much he missed her, but he could tell she needed to sleep.
Moving his lips to hair, he whispered quietly. “Hey, darling?” She hummed in response, and he could feel her eyelashes flutter lightly against his bare chest. “You wanna get cleaned up? You can get some rest in the backseat, I’ll watch out for your car.”
She sat up, rubbing her eyes blearily with pouty lips. Bucky didn’t know where they stood; he wanted to kiss her so bad in the moonlight, but he stood against it. He helped her pull her panties back up her legs, the jean shorts following behind. He wrapped up the used condom, sneaking out of the car to toss it in the trash without anyone to see him in the parking lot.
By the time he came back, Y/N was wrapped in one of his sweatshirts, curled in a fetal position in the backseat. He took a minute to look at her, longing to lay by her again.
Y/N sensed his eyes on him. His stare was never exactly subtle. “Come over here, James,” she yawned, “you make a comfy pillow.”
She sat up and before she could even fully understand what was going on, he tackled her into the seat, pressing her body against his as she squealed. “You’re squishin’ me, Buck, can we move around?”
His face flushed, and once again he was reduced to being a blushing, stuttering mess around her. “Oh God, yeah, m’ sorry.”
He laid back on the seat with his head crooked against the cold window, gesturing for her to lay on top of him. She complied happily, resting her head right under his chin, her ear right above his comforting heartbeat. Neither of them really felt sleepy anymore, the full force of what their sex was to them hitting them so suddenly. “Honey?” Nothing in response. “Can I tell you something?”
“Buck, can we talk about this tomorrow-”
“I can’t wait to talk about this tomorrow.” He recoiled at the desperation in his voice. Clearing his throat, he tried to start over again. “‘M sorry about that. I just wanted to tell you, before we fucked, like when we were driving but I was being an ass and still now, I guess-” he huffed out a sigh, lost for words as he encompassed the feeling of having her body pressed against his. It had been two years after all. “God, I’m just fucking this up, aren’t I?” Y/N nodded and he chuckled at her blatant honesty.
“I’m not good at emotions. I guess that’s why I left that night, but it’s just because I’m a huge fuckin’ coward. Was scared how big my feelings for you were and that we were goin’ to different colleges, but that doesn’t seem so scary anymore. It’s easy to say this now, ‘cuz I love you and nothing is keeping me back from saying it anymore.”
Those words. She’d been waiting to hear those words in her fantasies for two haunting years, and now that she had- it just made her the happiest girl on the planet. But she couldn’t let him get away with what he did so easily. Y/N grinned against his chest, lifting her head up to kiss his scruffy jaw. “You said that already, Buck.”
“Told me you loved me already.” She shrugged.
“When did I- oh.”
You look so pretty when you come, sweetheart. ‘M so glad you were so good for me, like you were made to take my cock. God, I love you so much.
His cheeks reddened again, embarrassed that he had gotten caught before his big planned speech, but Y/N grabbed his hand and kissed it before resting it over her chest.
“But for the record, I love you too. It’s been a long to years without you, Buck.” She smiles. closing her eyes and burrowing herself farther into his chest. “Now get some shut-eye, we’ve got some shit to talk about tomorrow.”
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imgoldielikehawn · 7 years
Tough Love Pt 11
Hello my loves!!!! whoo hooooo here part 11 Enjoy .. I know I did writing it ;)
Warning: Bound to put you in the feels  @sparklemichele @readsalot73 @ariwolff14 @jaihardy @pathybo
Hair inspo:
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When I woke up I was alone. Just as I expected. Looking around the room I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror. I looked awful. I slung myself back down in the bed and tossed the covers over my entire body.  The only thing I wanted to do was sleep the day away. I needed a break from real life. I had just fallen back to sleep when I heard the bathroom door open. I didn’t move and through a tiny opening in the covers I watched Eric come out of the bathroom in his towel. I took everything in about him. I was drinking him into my soul. When his towel dropped I couldn’t help myself and I gasped biting my lip.
“You know, you really do have an amazing backside” I said pulling off the covers.  He looked over his shoulder and smirked. “So I’ve been told”.   “Ugh nothing but a common whore I see” I wiggled my eyebrows.  He turned around and I was rewarded with a full frontal view, which was ruined when he put his hands on his hips.  “Oh god, stop” I laughed.  He walked over to the dresser and put on some clothes. “Come on Dya, we’re going to be late” he said turning back around as he zipped up his pants.  “I’m not going” I declared, throwing the covers back over my head. “You can get up on your own or I can make you” I heard him say from under the covers. “My body hurts and I’m exhausted. Tell my father I’ve fallen ill.” I mumbled. Eric snatched the covers off the bed. “Sorry Sir, I Tongue-fucked your daughters pussy so hard she can hardly walk so she won’t be joining us” He smirked. “On second thought, I’m awake” I said jumping out of bed. I watched Eric laugh while I rushed around the room to find something to wear. When I got dressed Eric frowned. “You look like a bum with white hair” he walked up to me and grabbed my face. “Beautiful” he stared at me but I felt like he was staring inside my soul. “That’s it I’m changing” I squirmed in his hand. “We don’t have time for you to change lets go” he pulled me out of the bedroom and out of the front door.
On the way to my father’s office I pulled my long hair into a ponytail. He stopped me outside the door and planted a long and deep kiss on my stunned lips. When the doors slid open. He stepped forward and I followed behind him.  “Eric, it’s good to see you” My father smiled and Eric nodded his head.
 “Aadya. You look well” he addressed me. “Father” I frowned. I was still cross with him from our last meeting. I had been perfectly fine with only seeing him once a month and now I’d seen him twice in one week. “Why have you called us here?” I pressed, eager to get this conversation over with.  “I wish to invite you both to mine and Madalia’s engagement dinner” he said. I blanched at his statement “I have to work” I said plainly. “I haven’t even told you when it will be!” My father said. “We would be honored to attend” Eric said in a stern voice. I looked up at him my eyes aflame. “You might be honored but I have prior engagements no matter what day it is. I have no desire to attend your frivolous attempt to replace my mother” I turned on my heels. “Aadya.. I would never try to replace your mother” he said in a soft voice. “You already have” I said closing the door behind me.  
I could hear Eric’s footsteps behind me. “Aadya STOP!” he called, catching up to me he snatched my arm and spun me around. “Don’t!” I snatched my arm out of his grip. “You’re behaving like a young girl!” He yelled.  “NO, you don’t get a say in my behavior when it comes to my father! He just met that woman and now they’re engaged! I will not be a part of it, I WONT!” I was so worked up that my face felt hot. “This isn’t about you or me; it’s about the happiness of your father! How can you be so selfish?” I turned away from him and stormed down the hallway. “Yeah run the fuck off!  THAT’S WHAT YOUR GOOD AT!” I stopped and turned around. Running at Eric I smashed my fist into his stomach. “IM GOOD AT A LOT OF THINGS!” he was on me in one second. Rushing me I ended up on my ass. When his fist came down I rolled out of the way quickly but I was stuck in between his legs. “I Fucking Hate You” I huffed.  He stood up and pulled me up with him. “We are going to your father’s dinner! You will stop being a Bitch!” he said pointing a finger at me. “Get your damn finger out of my face!” I warned him. Nothing bothered me more than being pointed at in an argument. “Or what!” he challenged.  I grabbed Eric’s finger and yanked it down so hard I heard it pop out of place. I watched him drop to his knees as I held on to his finger. As he screamed I stood over him “I told you to get your finger out of my face” I yanked on his finger one more time and then dropped his hand.
He took a deep breath and popped his finger back into place and I watched his hand go from tan to purple. When he stood up he looked furious and I took a step back. He stepped up to me and flexed his fingers.  “No woman has ever brought me to my knees” he reached under my ass and lifted me in his arms. My shirt was over my head along with his before we even reached the elevator. Eric pressed the stop button and looked at me “There’s cameras in here are you scared?”  I looked up at the corner of the elevator and then back at Eric shaking my head no.  He backed me up in to the cold elevator wall. From the moment he shoved his cock into me, his eyes never left mine. It was the most intense thing I had ever experienced, a challenge if you will. I wrapped my arms around him and my black polished finger slipped into his mouth as he used one arm to brace us against the wall. “Fuck me harder Eric” I begged. A sinister glint appeared in his eyes as he slowed down and thrust with so much force I was forced to break the connection. I leaned my head back up against the wall. I could feel myself coming with no warning. The wave started from the tip of my toes and made every hair on my skin stand. I felt Eric come shortly after I started to. Pulling me back from the elevator wall he set me on my feet and he caught me right as my legs gave out. After he fixed himself he turned to press the go button and up into his arms I went Bridal style.
Eric had to attend to the initiates so we both went our separate ways when the doors opened.  I was grinning to myself when I thought about the show security surveying team just got and I was sure it would be saved. I decided to take a trip to the infirmary. I needed to get another shot for my Birth control. When I walked in they saw me straight away. “Hello Aadya, what can we do for you today” a perky young dauntless asked. “I just need my monthly shot for Birth control” I said sternly. “Right this way” she pulled back a curtain. “I just need to draw some blood” she pulled out a syringe and drew blood from my right arm. Slipping away she placed the blood into the analyzer. A machine on the left started humming and then a slip of blue paper slipped out a slot on the front. She pulled the slip and her eyes got big and then she smiled.
“It looks like we will have to put a hold on your Birth Control shots Aadya” she came close.  “Is everything alright?” I asked calmly “Everything is fine. You’re in perfect health as always” she paused. ‘But…” I prompted. “You are pregnant” she said and I swear her words echoed around that small room.  My world stopped. I felt like I was under a thousand pounds of bricks. I placed my hand to my chest and the nurse was by my side in an instant. “Is it too late to terminate?” I asked. “No. If you are sure I can present you with a pill that will terminate the cell right away” Her eyes were kind but sad. “I want it and I don’t want anyone to know” I said barely above a whisper.  After I left the infirmary I felt like I was walking in slow motion. The pregnancy was terminated almost instantly. I had her run my blood work to check. The selfish part of my brain wanted to keep this all to myself but I knew if I didn’t tell Eric it would drive me crazy. I despised lying so much that growing up my father swore I should have been in Candor.  When I got to the apartment Eric was waiting for me.
“I brought you something” He said holding out a black small box. “You may want to hold on to that” I frowned. I was pretty sure that he wouldn’t want to give me anything except a concussion when he found out what I had done today.  “What’s wrong?” his eyes searched mine.  “We need to be careful when it comes to intimacy” I said in a stern voice. I knew that I had to maintain my composure during this entire conversation because of the sensitivity of the subject.  He made it very clear about his future plans for us. “Meaning? You are on Birth control right?” he frowned.  “I am but, the gaps between the shots were too long and we conceived a child Eric” I paused as the shock crossed his face. “And then I had it terminated” the word rang out into the air like the first war cry in a battle.  “WHY? AND WHY DIDN’T YOU CONSULT WITH ME FIRST?” his voice was deep and sent chills down my spine.  “Why on earth would I. we are not in any union and it is my body” I said plainly. “GOD DAMNIT YOU ARE THE MOST SELFISH PERSON I KNOW! HOW COULD THINK I DID NOT HAVE A FUCKING SAY AADYA!?” Eric’s face was red and his hands were balled tightly by his side.  “What would you have had me do? Certainly you did not expect me to have a child born out of wedlock. I have a faction to run I don’t have time for children!” I shouted. “Listen to what you’re saying! Every sentence starts with “I” instead of WE and I am fucking tired of it!” he yelled. “THEN LEAVE!” I shouted back.
 Eric stomped up to me in two strides and grabbed me by my shoulders. I winced from the pain.  “When are you going to get it through your brain that you belong to me” he snatched my chin like always. “I did not want to treat you this way but now I have to” Eric released me and reached into his pocket pulling out the black box from before, he placed it in my hand. “Open it. Now” not wanting to anger him even more I did as he demanded.  Inside the box was a beautiful black pendant. It sparkled like a thousand suns and I gasped. “It’s beautiful” Eric stepped forward and motioned for me to turn around. I lifted my ponytail so he could put it on.  After he finished he lifted his hand to my neck roughly. “You will go to your room. From this moment forward we are not equal. You will obey me.  You status as Faction Leader will not be compromised in public. Am I in any way unclear?” he asked and I nodded my head no.  He released me again and I went straight to the bedroom. He closed the door behind me.  I walked over to my bed and lay down.  Looking up at the ceiling I started to think about everything I had done to get where I was today, but where was I? I was locked in my own room by a man whom wanted more than anything to be my companion. Or was I trapped here by my own resistance to let my guard down? Had I lost my will to fight? Was I even still me? How long would I let this last? Rolling on to my stomach, I realized that everything Eric had said about me was true. I had always been selfish, even when I was a young child. Four and I would fight every single day over my refusal to share anything. I felt very confused. Pulling the covers over my head while fully dressed I could feel the former parts of myself slip away. Everyone wanted different things from me. I have never felt more alone in my life..
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bubblebuckys · 4 years
𝑾𝒓𝒊𝒕𝒆 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝑺𝒕𝒐𝒓𝒚 𝑷𝒓𝒐𝒎𝒑𝒕𝒔
Hey guys!
Last year, I bought a book of writing prompts, dog-eared pages that looked interesting, then never gave the book another glance. Recently while cleaning my book shelf, I read through it again, and wrote down the prompts that I thought I would like to write for. I thought it’d be fun to make a list, write stories based on these prompts, and post them here as I go.
Things To Know
I got these prompts from a book, published by Piccadilly (USA) Inc., called Write the Story. They are not of my own creation. Use a prompt if you want! Feel free to tag me because I’d love to read it Words to use included under the prompts I’ll write drabbles or one-shots, but if I like a prompt it may turn full length I’ll most likely be posting out of order
current count: 2/41
Prompts below the cut!
A lunch date gone wrong
words to use: eruption, salad, fire, career, assume, roller skate, draw, promise, full moon, sweet
A journalist crosses the line
words to use: defamation, stroke, reporter, truck, weasel, supermarket, encyclopedia, contemplate, classify, clutch
Two best friends are baristas
words to use: coffee, mole hill, insulation, sneakers, inspire, pencil, embroidery, justify, loveless, pane
A romantic scene in an unromantic place
words to use: blacksmith, tongue, woman, spark, musical, blind, Bible, barbeque, elbow, bundle
The gala event of the season
words to use: cater waiter, suspicious, yawn, architecture, money, switch, imagine, blot, lilac, program
The love of each other’s lives
words to use: piano, fish, store, ceiling fan, bah ave, breathe, describe, irritating, enthusiastically, righteous
A babysitter snoops and finds something unexpected (✓)
words to use: newspaper, cardinal, cotton, document, tiramisu, blackened, prediction, borderline, freedom, female
Circus performers are people, too
words to use: confrontation, clap, coach, zoom, tumbler, clumsy, digestion, letter, giant, whip
A bartender’s best night ever
words to use: airport, appreciate, curve, grumpy, ruthless, record, nerve, acoustics, alarm, expert
A fortune cookie comes true
words to use: numerology, hilarious, dictionary, recycled, brick, ocean, meaningful, garbage, star, origin
Having the boss over for dinner
words to use: cerulean, chair, joyous, meatloaf, pallid, brioche, monthly, thirteen, forehead, video
A camping trip in which no one has ever been camping before
words to use: constellation, ketchup, royal, gear, atmosphere, expand, livid, example, luminous, moonlight
A strange proposition from a stranger
words to use: sequin, luncheon, designer, toolbox, measurement, force, dented, cellular, banish, lock
Fired from a long term job
words to use: guitar, military, aversion, mouse, vertical, crumple, runaway, creation, alphabetize, tablet
Anonymous gifts start arriving at the doorstep
words to use: teenager, camouflage, birch, harmony, rifle, screen door, wrinkle, dive, pick-up, sticker
Something bad is about to happen, but nobody believes the main character
words to use: Andromeda, stop sign, dandelion, iceberg, spectacle, poet, candle lit, keyboard, bumble, robotic
A writer with a noisy neighbor
words to use: dentist, rainbow, explosion, horizon, cactus, palm, Saturday, latte, beets, sample
An alien in disguise among humans
words to use: Aurora Borealis, paint brush, corn field, cluster, lineup, overlook, suspect, bridge, dome, dash
A story that takes place in one room
words to use: petting zoo, handsome, unbound, annoy, weekend, invest, immortal, piglet, cocktail, camp
The main character witnesses a crime
words to use: Christmas, almond, paisley, lion, pipe, scream, fade, French horn, inflate, maple
Tumultuous soulmates are on opposing sides of a conflict
words to use: apothecary, bow tie, ladylike, sprocket, mushroom, scrounge, frenzy, match, oust, prisoner
The best night the main character won’t remember
words to use: Mardi Gras, puzzle, scorpion, shout, ward, cooler, shake, tiger, exhausted, stumble
A child’s dream literally comes true
words to use: high school, captive, portfolio, argyle, witness, fertile, eyebrow, pentagram, thirsty, guidance
Stranded in a foreign city
words to use: baptist, assets, cupcake, showcase, neurology, workaday, pine, cushion, assistant, firmament
A spy on the job
words to use: apostle, kitty, myriad, investment, republic, crimson, flint, postern, original, field
In the middle of a long cold winter
words to use: opera, redeem, razor, lungs, grace, futuristic, tread, vest, milkshake, powder
A famous fictional character in the wrong story
words to use: stock market, serial, tangy, panda, ensemble, salute, average, Venus, boss, knee
The phone rings at 3 A.M.
words to use: guerilla, emerald, careless, traffic, liberate, adolescence, punch, wave, environment, oval
Two people who hate each other have to co-operate
words to use: kidnap, pinstripe, quagmire, lofty, Adirondack, pinky, aftermath, kernel, legacy, fail
The story begins at a funeral
words to use: poker, paramount, earlobe, marrow, epic, upgrade, offshoot, chihuahua, episode, icon
A deal with the devil
words to use: regime, album, torch, lodge, highway, sandy, rune, contract, taken, suit
A blind date
words to use: park bench, manager, beastie, honeydew, justice, manmade, placement, fabric, prevention, basket
A hermit is forced to go to a crowded place
words to use: typewriter, water bottle, lenient, clerk, render, runner, soil, sewn, chauffeur, waterway
A nasty rumor
words to use: Antarctica, candy bar, sympathetic, minister, patrol, commonality, auction, bandage, crush, dive
A lifelong bachelor visiting married friends
words to use: tick tock, factory, zoology, arrest, gaze, broadcast, comb, divorce, flap, harness
A good reason to be afraid of the dark (✓)
words to use: killer whale, depressed, janitor, dye, bargain, fool, heap, kick, praise, quit
Alone on a deserted island
words to use: book review, organism, mermaid, bother, decrease, echo, grimace, inch, march, pump
A divorced couple is stuck together
words to use: twister, specialist, grate, swivel, elk, arise, assertive, torment, zest, solvent
Keeping a promise
words to use: abolitionist, coyote, forbid, gloomy, keen, lesson, genetics, variable, retort, mass
Starting over in a new place
words to use: Dubai, fedora, sienna, befriended, grate, listen, heiress, twinge, mute, charcoal
A hostage situation
words to use: Hawaiian, growl, kazoo, pledge, licorice, karate, lapel, plug, terracotta, trickle
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bubblebuckys · 3 years
hiiii dya, hope you have a good day 💞🌼😚 i'm working on the fic for ya challenge and i had a few questions! is it ok if i make it into a mini series (4-5 parts, max 6)? and is it ok if i don't put the prompt in the note? bc i gotta create some mystery 😂 but i will put it in the note when it actually appears in that part! i hope that's ok?
manu! all of that is fine as long as you have fun writing (and technically none of that is against the rules!) i seriously can’t wait to see what you have especially now that i know there’s some mystery behind it!
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bubblebuckys · 3 years
dya i'm trying to remember the prompt for your writing challenge but i can't find that ask you answered and i forgot my own prompt asdfghskg if you can pls direct me to that post i'm a grade a dumbass 😭
alshdhs thank god i didn’t trust tumblr and had a list in my notes app. you have dialogue 12 “have you ever been arrested?” “not under this name.”
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