#don’t take this too seriously and start fights in the notes please <3
supergirlpolls · 1 year
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zriasstuff · 4 months
Final blow- Mattheo Riddle x reader
Mattheo Riddle oneshot; including a classic wizarding duel, tension filled atmosphere, and a cute ending <3 (SFW)
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“For our next duel, I’m asking Mattheo Riddle and Miss Y/n to please step up onto the platform”
The words from professor Snape echoed through the duelling practice room, and as of right now everyone was staring at you two. It didn’t come as a shock to you when you were picked. Both of you were pretty much on the same level, with the exception of course that you had way less of an ego than Mattheo.
Defense against the dark arts was your favorite subject, especially when it came to doing hands on things. Duelling just happened to be one of your favorite things to practice. The tougher the opponent, the sweeter the victory, you believed. With Mattheo, you had to make sure that you would fight till the last moment, and to not go down without a proper fight.
“C’mon, go up!”, your friends encourage you, “You got this!”. They all believed in you, and told you that your chances were good, making you feel more secure in your skills. Through all the encouragement you got, you start moving towards where the showdown would take place.
As you go up, you look at Mattheo, who seemed confident to say the least. He knows he’s good and everyone else knows it too. Moreover, all the quidditch training certainly gave him a strong and muscular body to work with.
Before the duel begins, you scan the crowd one more time for looks and chants of support. “MAKE US RAVENCLAWS PROUD!”, you hear someone yelling amidst all the people. That you were extremely thankful for, since you could really use all the positive reassurance you could get. You quickly say thank you back to the crowd.
At the same time, the Slytherins must’ve seen this as another competition and started yelling all sorts of things in support of their representative too. Together, they sure looked like a mean bunch.
“YOU GOT THIS MATTHEO!”, his friend Blaise hollers loudly. Draco, right after, shouts out “YEAHH, DESTROY HER!”.
What a gentleman you mutter to yourself, and Mattheo must’ve heard it because you hear a slight chuckle escaping his mouth.
“Nervous”, he quietly asks you.
“Not at all”, you respond in the most self assured manner that you can muster.
He himself didn’t look nervous at all, but rather excited to have a “play partner”. Frankly you weren’t either, but you also knew that going up against him wouldn’t be easy.
Mattheo keeps looking you in the eye with a slight grin, so to match his energy, you hold eye contact with him too and make sure that your posture is straight. If you don’t look capable from the beginning, you are never going to make it to the end.
To commence this duel at last, Snape retells the rules of combat and announces that “only magical acts can be used as a form of offense or defense. You may disarm or harm your opponent, but must not seriously injure them.” Otherwise Madam Pomfrey would surely throw another fit at you “immature rascals”.
You were counting on disarming Mattheo to be your tactic. His fatal flaw was, noting from your past observations, being too aggressive, and not fully protecting himself. Besides that, he was flawless.
All eyes on you guys now, you start off by bowing to each other to pay your respects. “Good luck”, he whispers to you while you’re on eye level. “Same to you”, you reply, to make him know that you weren’t scared.
As Snape was counting down from three, you calmed yourself down once again, telling yourself that it would be fine. When Snape reaches the final number three, Mattheo immediately goes into the offense and casts several stunning spells, which you block with your shielding spell. You had practiced that one so often, that you could confidently utilize it at any given time. Mattheo keeps trying to push you back further. One after another, his attacking spells are blasted at you. And one after another you block them. It was a back and forth dance between you two, neither one of you budging yet.
He came alarmingly close though. One of his spells had caught your shoulder, sending an electrifying shock through your body. Another one had hit your torso straight like a bullet. That one had caused you the most pain. You grunted and held your hand over the wounded area, but it was still bearable. You just had to fight through the pain.
Both of you kept going, at this point recognizing that victory wouldn’t come easily to either one of you. Mattheo, looking forward to making things a little more playful, cheekily calls out “holding up pretty well for someone like you”. You knew he was trying to get you off of your game by sounding condescending. He was well aware of your capabilities. Therefore you clap back by saying “that shouldn’t come as a surprise, and you’re not as good as you think you are”.
Having said that, you hear a few murmurs amongst the students. Snape takes the time to remind you to keep the personal bashing to yourselfs until the duel is resolved. Mattheo seems to take it quite personally though, now casting out especially aggressive spells.
Even by then you are able to hold up, but there was still no opportunity to really harm him. The back and forth kept going to the point where neither of you saw an end to this.
After a while, having been so concentrated on defending yourself and managing your pain, you hadn’t even looked at Mattheo anymore to see how he was doing. You just saw his spells shooting at you. So, when you finally did look, you noticed that Mattheo was getting a little riled up himself and losing his edge. He always tries to keep his cool, to not show any signs of weakness. Yet, there you were, taking hit after hit, and not backing down. It made him frustrated to see his efforts not meeting his expectations.
After more exchanges of non sufficient spells, you are getting way too tired, and you decide it’s time to put this exhausting duel to an end. You just had to wait for the perfect moment.
In Mattheo’s mind, he was also just waiting for the perfect moment, hoping for you to retreat.
When you glance at the audience again for just a second, you see the gawking mouths of some of the Slytherins. Instantly, it boosts your confidence. If even they were stunned by you, then all was going right, and you knew you got this. If you could really defeat Mattheo, his ego was probably going to be bruised for a good several days at least.
Between further dodging spells, and shielding yourself, it was really difficult to find the perfect moment, though you had a feeling it would come soon enough. Mattheo was getting even more frustrated. His spells weren’t as accurate anymore. His arm was losing strength and going a little limp. And most important of all, his confidence became tainted.
While trying to catch his breath for a second, Mattheo simultaneously lowers his arm. During that one scarce moment, you decide to deliver the final blow.
“EXPELLIARMUS!”, you call out. Everyone’s eyes were wide open, seeing exactly as the spell hit Mattheo, causing his wand to fly across the platform, all the way into your hand. You catch it with precision, and watch his look of disbelief. You couldn’t even fully believe it yourself. He was done for.
“Wanna wave the white flag now?”, you cheekily ask him now, as he’s still trying to catch his breath. It was a little mean, but he could handle it.
Mattheo still can’t believe what just happened based on the look on his face. You see him scrunching his eyebrows, and mouth hanging wide open.
Although he knows he’s got nothing left, he still replies with “never”.
“As you wish”, you say with a wide grin, because in the next second, your final spell sent him flying across the room. Mattheo falls off of the duelling platform at the end, all the way onto the ground.
As his body hit the hard floor, all students from every house, except the Slytherins of course, started cheering for you. You felt as if you were on cloud nine hearing all their chants. Your heart was still beating rapidly, as if it was going to explode any second. A little part of you can’t believe that you just sent Mattheo flying across the platform, but the bigger part was gloating with pride.
You watch Mattheo prop himself up and walk back onto the platform to go up to you. He warmly, to your surprise, meets your gaze and brings out his hand to shake yours.
“Looks like you didn’t need luck after all”, he congratulates you. You’re taken aback for a second because this behavior of him wasn’t what you expected at all. He clearly notices and goes on to say “I rarely lose, but when I do I try not to be a sore loser”.
When he goes to his friends, he turns back and winks at you with a smirk plastered on his face. Winning was already quite the event, but Mattheo being a perfect gentleman weirdly made your insides churn.
You wait for everyone to leave the room after enough duelling was done for the morning. The reason was because you saw, from the corner of your eye, that Mattheo was also taking his time. You didn’t even know exactly why you were waiting for him.
Not that it was your planned intention, but you decide to go up to him and tell him that it was a great, although stressful, duel. Perhaps that would fuel some kind of conversation.
“No need to gloat”, he throws back at you. He didn’t sound all too happy, and maybe he did take the loss stronger than he showed at first. Your mind starts to spin and look for kind words. You definitely didn’t mean to insult him, so you quickly stutter out
“No- that’s not what I-”
Before you could finish that jumbled sentence though, he chuckles out loud, his eyes giving you a look of sympathy. His entire demeanor has changed now, the upset look from before just having been a facade.
“Chill, I was just kidding”, he cheerfully says. Seconds later he adds “You won fair and square, I’m actually really impressed with you”. It sounded like he meant it genuinely.
That compliment wasn’t something you expected. Relieved at his relaxed attitude, you choose to go along with his joking manner and respond with “I’m definitely going to hold that over your head forever”.
That earned you yet another precious chuckle from him. His laugh was truly contagious because shortly after you start laughing too. You had actually never expected that talking with Mattheo could feel so carefree and fun.
“Y’know I actually thought you were a lot more arrogant”, you honestly admitted to him during your talk. As far as the truth went, this was it. You could see that it had certainly been a little presumptuous of you to assume that about him.
“Well that’s because you don’t really know me and make pointless assumptions, but I don’t blame you”, he boldly calls you out on your prejudices too.
Perhaps he wasn’t as bad as you imagined, but definitely still cocky.
Suddenly he puts his hand on your shoulder, which makes you jerk back at first. The sudden contact just came as a surprise. He also takes notice, but when he sees that you don’t mind after the initial shock, he just kept it there. “So, wanna get out of here?”, he suggested. “We could talk and you could get to know me better”, Mattheo proposes, obviously referring to your previous statement.
“Well, how can I say no to that”, you comply while flashing him a gentle smile.
And with that, both of you leave the room, with Mattheo’s hand still wrapped around your shoulders.
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munson-blurbs · 1 year
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Single Dad!Eddie x Fem!ReaderSeries
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9
Summary: It's finally time for your coffee date with Eddie, leading the two of you to fall even harder for each other.
Warnings: brief mention of drug dealing, Reader's grandma has dementia, character death
WC: 6.5k
Chapter 9/20
Divider credit to @saradika
The lime green numbers of the microwave clock reads 11:57, which means that Eddie will be here any minute. You drag your palms on the thighs of your boot-cut jeans, triple-checking that your perspiration hasn’t left a visible stain on the light-wash fabric.
“Okay, her lunch is in the fridge. And the number of the coffee shop is on the counter,” you tell Jess, pointing to the scrap of notebook paper in front of her. “If you need something, just call, and I’ll come home.”
Jess waves away your concern with a kind smile. She’d been pleading with you to get out there and date for ages now, and she was just glad you’d finally taken her advice. Though, you note wryly, she would not be happy if she knew who that date was.
“We’ll be fine,” she reassures you, bracing a hand on your shoulder. “If anything, we’ll need to check on you. Who is this mystery date, anyway?” 
“Just a guy,” you say, trying to remain light and casual while simultaneously fighting down the barrage of nerves in your stomach.
Jess takes a step back, wrinkling her nose and crossing her arms over her chest. “Oh, God, it’s not one of those creeps from a dating hotline, is it? Because I’ve never heard of one of those that didn’t end up on 48 Hours.”
“No, no, don’t worry,” you shake your head, spotting a piece of lint on your cable knit sweater and plucking it off carefully. You flick it off of your finger, silently berating yourself when you remember that you’ll have to vacuum it later. “It’s a guy from around here.”
Your friend wipes imaginary sweat from her brow as the buzzer rings. You race to the intercom to let him in before he can say anything, but your reflexes are too slow.
“Hey, it’s me.” The sound of his voice has your body pulsing, an eager grin tugging at your lips despite your intentions to keep calm. His slight rasp has you craving the sting of tobacco just to flatten your nerves.
You clear your throat before speaking. “Okay, I’ll be right down.” Grabbing your jacket from where you’ve haphazardly thrown it over the back of the couch, you’ve almost made it to the door, when—
“No. No.” You cringe at the way Jess’s words bite into your excitement. “Please tell me that your date is not Eddie Munson.” You can only offer her a sheepish grin, and she rolls her eyes. “Seriously?!”
You huff out a sigh, both impatient to go on the date and flustered at being caught. “Look, he’s changed. A lot.”
“Oh, you mean he stopped calling you a bitch and making shitty comments about your grandma?” Jess snorts. “How chivalrous.”
There’s no time to explain everything that’s happened, so you simply say, “I’ll be back in two hours,” before closing the door behind you, making sure that it latches before you start down the hallway. 
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Eddie is waiting in the tiny lobby. He’s leaned up against the double doors, tapping one Reebok-clad foot and examining his fingernails anxiously. A memory crashes over you; one where his nails are painted jet black, though there hasn’t been any polish on them in some time. 
He smiles as soon as he spots you, standing up straighter and walking to meet you before you can get to the door. “Hey,” he says softly, letting his hand brush yours as he kisses your cheek. 
“Hey, yourself.” You want to kiss him back, but not on his cheek. Your lips yearn to crash against his once more; this time, anchored in belonging rather than lust. Instead, you manage a compliment. “You clean up nice.”
It’s the truth. His gray jeans are free of any holes, sometimes intentional but often the result of overwearing. The sleeves of his red sweater are pushed up slightly, exposing the litany of tattoos on his arms, and it occurs to you that you want to know each of their origins. 
“Can’t lie, Harris helped pick out my clothes today,” he admits. “He caught me trying to figure out what to wear and we finally agreed on this.” He sweeps a hand down his side to emphasize his point. 
“Was the ponytail his idea, too?” His curls are pulled back and rest at the nape of his neck. 
Eddie shakes his head with a laugh as his cheeks tinge pink. “Nah, that was all me.” He pauses, gaze briefly landing on your mouth before his eyes are drawn back to yours. “You’re…you’re beautiful.”
You try to shrug off the compliment, still caught off-guard by his kindness. You wonder when—or if—that unease will dissipate. “I think you’re just used to seeing me with Play-Doh stuck to my shirt,” you tease, but he doesn’t break his trance. 
“You’re always beautiful.” The sincerity of his statement clings to a silence that should be awkward, but is somehow comforting. After a few seconds, he clears his throat, lifting the fog of budding romance that clouds the lobby. “Let’s go get some coffee, yeah?”
Eddie takes your hand in his when you nod, leading you to his car and opening the passenger door for you. He sweeps his hand in the direction of the seat, and you giggle.
“Such a gentleman.”
He doesn’t divulge that Wayne reminded him to open doors for you when he’d come over to the apartment for dinner last night, or that the older man had slipped him a crumpled ten dollar bill and whispered, “get her something to eat, too,” punctuating his statement with a wink.
His left leg bounces as he starts the engine and he grates his teeth over his lower lip. He doesn’t even realize that he’s doing either of these things until you timidly rest a hand on his right knee and ask, “You okay?”
“Mhm,” he mumbles, gliding the gear shift from ‘park’ to ‘reverse’ as he backs out of his spot. “Just, uh, been a long time since I’ve gone on a date.” And never with someone so goddamn perfect, he wants to add, but he’s stopped by the fear of coming on too strong.
You graze your thumb over the gray denim and smile at him. “Well, you’re doing great so far.”
“Yeah?” Eddie grins at your reassurance, the soft dimples at the corners of his mouth deepening. 
He turns on the radio with a slight snap of his wrist, shifting the skull ring that wraps around his middle finger. A metal song comes on that you don’t recognize, drumbeats thumping through the old speakers. Eddie winces, nudging the volume down so he can hear himself speak over the impending guitar solo. “You can change it to something you like better.”
“Nah, this is fine,” you shake your head. “Kinda warming up to heavier music since someone gave me a Guns ‘N Roses tape.”
Eddie’s eyebrows brush the edge of his tousled bangs in surprise. “You really listen to it?”
“All the time,” you confirm truthfully. It’s quickly become one of your favorites; each time you play it, you’re reminded of Harris dressed as a miniature Axl Rose, drawing a picture of you and Eddie holding hands. Not to mention the way that Eddie adoringly gazed at you while you calmed his son down, quickly throwing together an art project and saving the day.
“How’s Grandma?” he asks now, pressing on the brake as he approaches a stop sign.
“Same as always. Her aid had to take her to the hospital the other day because she fell, and she’s been losing more language.” You try to play it off like it doesn’t bother you, but your heart pangs as you speak. When she was initially diagnosed, you’d known that she’d forget who people were, but you hadn’t realized that she would eventually forget how to talk. “Good news is, she hasn’t lost her appetite for Oreos. I have to keep the package you brought over hidden away so she doesn’t eat them all.”
Eddie laughs at this. “Told you; there’s nothing Oreos can’t fix.” He pulls into the cafe parking lot and snags the first available spot he sees. “I really am sorry that you have to see that, though. It can’t be easy.”
You keep your eyes trained on the dashboard, knowing that you’ll tear up if you catch a glance of his sympathetic expression. “‘S just par for the course with dementia, I guess.”
Eddie doesn’t say anything else–he isn’t sure what to say–as he kills the engine. He clicks off his seatbelt to scramble to your door, but it gets snagged in the crook of his elbow, yanking him back.
“Jesus, shit,” he grumbles, untangling himself from the trap he’d inadvertently created. “Don’t move; I’m not done being a gentleman.”
You put your hands up in surrender, watching as he walks to your side and opens the door. “Wow, that was such a surprising gesture,” you mock him, letting out a breathless scoff when he flips you the bird. “Giving me the middle finger kinda negates the whole ‘gentleman’ thing, dontcha think?”
Eddie pretends to consider this, crossing his arms over his chest while shifting his weight to one leg, bringing his hand to his freshly-shaved chin. “Mm, nope.” He helps you out of the seat, still not letting go of your hand once you’re standing next to his car. He holds it tighter, so you can feel every etch of the lifelines across his palm.
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The mouth-watering scent of warm pastries and freshly brewed coffee swirls throughout the cafe, wafting to your nose as soon as you open the door. Or, more precisely, as soon as Eddie opens the door for you. You assume he’ll slip his fingers back through yours after you’re both inside, but he hesitates before letting his palm hover on the small of your back. You can barely feel the pads of his fingertips through your thick sweater, but as soon as you give him a smile, he allows himself to hold you a bit closer.
A chipper, twenty-something barista whose name tag reads Stephanie greets you as you approach the counter. “Hi! What can I get you folks?” 
Eddie nudges you to place your order, which you give with a polite smile. “Just a coffee with room for milk,” you tell her. 
You turn to Eddie so he can give his order, but he says softly, “Get something to eat, too.” He points to the display of baked goods before you, and you peer into the case. The prices are listed next to each item, and you furrow your brow at the $2 brownie. 
“Oh, s’okay,” you murmur, trying to play it off. The last thing you need is for Eddie to think you’re pitying him, which, okay, maybe you are. He just doesn’t have to know that. “You can get something, though.”
He shakes his head with a grin. “I’m not falling for that trick, Sweetheart.” It’s odd to hear the nickname without the prefix Ms. in front of it, or without a sneer in his voice. It’s kind, comforting, dare you even venture…a term of endearment? “You tell me you don’t want anything, and then you end up eating half of what I pick. Nope, you’re getting your own.”
“Fine, fine,” you roll your eyes playfully, eventually settling on a blueberry muffin. Eddie’s coffee order is the same as yours, but he gets a chocolate chunk cookie with his. He digs into his back pocket for his wallet, worn and frayed around the edges, and pulls out a ten-dollar bill, leaving a remaining dollar in the colorful jar marked ‘Tips’.
You grab the plated pastries and Eddie shuffles behind with the coffee mugs, gently placing them on the counter next to the silver thermoses and baskets of sugar packets. You pour a bit of milk into yours, watching in amusement as Eddie dumps some of the coffee into the trashcan, filling the mug with half & half and tearing open three Domino packets. 
“You want some coffee with that sugar bomb?” you gently tease, and he flicks your shoulder with a dramatic pout on his lips. 
“I’d rather this than whatever bitter concoction you’re drinking,” he retorts, taking an exaggerated sip from his mug and punctuating it with an aaaahhh. 
You roll your eyes. “You really should be grateful that I like bitter things. If I didn’t, then I wouldn’t like you.” Your response earns you another flick to the shoulder before Eddie brings the drinks to a table tucked away in the corner. 
You set the cookie in front of him and the muffin at your spot across from him, pulling a crumb from the side and popping it in your mouth. The sweetness of the pastry with the slightly sour berry is heaven on your tongue. 
“‘S good?” Eddie asks, smiling brightly when you nod your head. “Wanna try a bite of mine?” He breaks off a piece, and a smattering of crumbs fall to the table. You expect him to place the piece in your hand; instead, he leans over and brings it to your lips. His fingertips brush against them, parting them ever-so-slightly. An electric buzz hums down your spine, and you wonder if he feels it, too. 
You’re careful not to let your tongue graze his fingers as you take the chocolate-flecked dessert into your mouth. Eddie, however, is in no rush. He lingers, slowly moving the rough pads of his fingers across your soft lips. In doing so, he wipes away rogue remnants of the cookie he just fed you, though you strongly doubt that that was his intention. 
“Here, try mine.” You pinch off a piece of the muffin, a bit bigger than the piece you took for yourself, and bring it to him. His lips close around the very tips of your thumb and forefinger where you’re holding the bite of muffin. You feel the brief flicker of his tongue, gone before you can even process it, taking the muffin piece with it. 
“Not bad,” Eddie says with a grin. “I don’t usually like fruit in my dessert, but I’d make an exception for that. Could definitely use some more chocolate, though.” As if to illustrate his sentiment, he takes a comically large bite of his cookie. 
“One of these days, I’ll get you to eat a vegetable.” You mean it as a joke, a ribbing towards his poor eating habits, but it implies that you’ll stick around. That you care about him. You’re unclear about how he interpreted your statement, so you quickly change the subject before he can think about it. “I do have a question for you. Completely unrelated to the lack of nutrients in your diet.”
Eddie ignores the teasing jab and takes another bite of cookie. “Shoot.”
“The, uh, lock-picking kit,” you start, biting the inside of your cheek to keep your nerves calm. “Do you just keep them laying around?” You hate the idea of him using it to commit break-ins. If that was the truth, would he even admit it to you?
But Eddie just laughs, sipping his barely-coffee with a knowing smirk. “When Harris was about two, Wayne was watching him. He left for a second to grab the mail and the little stinker locked him out.”
“Out of the trailer?!” you ask incredulously, jaw dropping in shock.
“Out of the trailer,” Eddie confirms, shaking his head as though he still can’t believe it himself. “So, yeah. Ever since that happened, I’ve kept a lock-picking kit in my car.” He takes a deep breath, looking into your eyes with a gaze that makes your heart skip a beat. He drums his fingertips on the table as he says, “Tell me about you.”
“Yeah, you,” Eddie accentuates his request with a quick poke of your hand before returning his grip to the mug handle. “Like, how did you end up being the one schlepping out to Hawkins to take care of Grandma?”
You shrug and bring the hot cup to your lips, letting the steam tickle your nose before you drink. “She and I were always really close, and teaching is a job that’s everywhere. It was just easier for me to pick up and move, I guess.”
Eddie pauses, nodding as he considers his next question. He rubs his palm back and forth on the side of his mug; there’s an air of nervousness around him. “Tell me about her. Grandma, I mean. Like, how she was before she got sick.”
“Where do I start?” It’s strange, you think, the way memories work. Sometimes it seems like the more Grandma forgets, the more you remember. You’ll just be lesson planning, or hurriedly making photocopies at work, or heating up leftovers in the microwave, and a memory will crash over you. Suddenly, you’re plucked from reality and transported to Benny’s Diner where you and she used to split a giant stack of pancakes. Or to the shoe store where she’d buy you a new pair of sneakers every August before the start of the new school year. “She just loved taking care of people. Cooking for them or cheering them up. She wasn’t the type of person to tell you to stop crying when you’d get upset, y’know? She’d sit there with you, rub your back, and let you get all the tears out.” You muster a wistful smile in a paltry attempt to hide the shame blooming in your chest. “It’s all so fucked, the way I talk about her like she’s gone when she’s still here.”
 “No.” Eddie’s voice is soft yet adamant. “I don’t think it’s fucked at all. Because, I dunno, it’s like she’s not here, in a way. Physically, yeah; but almost like…” He stops himself to avoid speaking out of turn and making a fool of himself.
“Like she’s a shell of who she used to be,” you finish for him, and relief floods his body when you understand the point he’s trying to make.
He nods. “Exactly.” He smooths his ponytail reflexively. “I think you’re a lot like her. How she was, anyway. The way you’re always looking out for people, like…let’s say…a bitter wannabe rockstar and his adorable yet mischievous son?”
“That’s the best compliment I’ve gotten in a long time.” It’s all you want, really–to spread joy and kindness to others, filling in gaps that have remained empty for so long that they seemingly go unnoticed. “Maybe ever, actually.”
Good, Eddie wants to say. He wants to whisper sweet nothings into your ear, each one kinder than the last, until you’re utterly flustered. Instead, he abruptly changes the subject and asks, “What made you wanna be a teacher?”
This is a much easier question for you to answer. “I just love seeing kids learn,” you beam. “Being able to do things they couldn’t do before; things they never thought they’d be able to do.”
He returns your smile easily; something about hearing you speak about your profession with such gratification has him buzzing.“Speaking of which,” he says, sneaking a mouthful of cookie between words, “I took Harris to the supermarket yesterday. And when we passed by the seafood section, he points to a sign, sounds out cuh-ahh-d, and goes, ‘that says cod!’”
“That’s incredible! Look at our little reader go!” You could jump out of your seat with excitement, held back only by the desire to not go overboard in your display of enthusiasm.
Eddie nods in agreement. “I was so proud, I damn near bought all of the candy in the store.” He cocks his head, amusement tugging the corners of his lips upwards. “Any idea where he learned how to read like that?”
“Not a clue.” You try to force a deadpan expression to reinforce the sarcasm in your remark, but your happiness betrays you in the form of a giggle. You clap a hand over your mouth, but he reaches out to pull it down, keeping your fingers clasped with his.
He strokes his thumb over your knuckles, watching the digit sweep back and forth for a moment. “You really are pretty, y’know.” The admission feels like a weight has been both removed from and added to his shoulders. Now you know how he feels, but now you know how he feels.
You, meanwhile, are far less fixated on his vulnerability and focus instead on his phrasing. The opportunity has presented itself so perfectly, and you have to seize it.
“Like a princess?” Your eyes gleam with playfulness.
“Wha–oh, Christ.” Eddie’s features shift from confusion to embarrassment over the span of a second. “What did that kid tell you?”
“Not a lot,” you say nonchalantly, taking an innocent swig of coffee. It’s cooled down considerably, but you’ve never been one to let a drop of caffeine go to waste. “Just that you think I’m ‘pretty like a princess.’”
Eddie uses his free hand to rub his eyes, swiping his thumb and forefinger across the lids. “What a little snitch.”
“It’s true, then?” You perch your chin in your hand, batting your eyelashes and reveling in his awkwardness. His cheeks flush red and a nervous chuckle splices the silence between you.
“To be fair,” he finally counters, trying to gather his thoughts before they scatter again, “I was asked if I thought you were pretty like a princess. I didn’t, like, come up with that on my own.”
You purse your lips into a pout, feigning disappointment. “So you don’t think I’m pretty like a princess?”
“N-No, you are!” He takes a deep breath and composes himself as he notices you trying to hold in your laughter. “All right, which would you prefer? We talking trading your fins for legs or losing your glass slipper at a ball?”
“Neither,” you chide, scratching at the base of your neck absentmindedly. “More like…bookworm who rescues people in need no matter what the personal cost and captures the heart of the town outcast.” You hope that he doesn’t take offense to that last part, as true as it might be.
“So…Belle?” Eddie chuckles when you raise your eyebrows at him. “What? I have a little ankle biter, I know Disney movies.”
“Harris would never bite your ankles,” you scoff, grinning at the mere thought of the littlest Munson gnawing at the bottom of his dad’s legs mid-tantrum. “He’d just lock you out of the house until he gets what he wants.”
Eddie lifts his half-drank cup of coffee. “I’ll drink to that,” he agrees, and you gently knock your mug into his. The porcelain rims make a slight clink as they touch, echoes muffled by the chipped edges.
“So,” you start, allowing yourself to swim in his deep brown eyes for a beautiful moment before you pivot the conversation. “Why did you move to Chicago? Why not, like, LA or New York?”
He shrugs, wiping the residue of a coffee mustache from his upper lip. “Guess I wanted to stay kinda close to home. In case something happened to Wayne, or the music thing didn’t work out, or,” he smiles wryly, “if I knocked up a groupie and needed help raising a newborn.” 
You press your lips together to stifle a giggle of your own, careful not to smudge whatever’s left of the lipstick you meticulously applied earlier. “So you moved back after Harris was born?”
“Yeah, when he was about…” Eddie silently does the math in his head, “a month old? Six weeks, maybe? When I realized that the whole ‘parenting’ thing is a hell of a lot harder than I thought. Especially doing it alone.” He drops his voice to a whisper as though he’s about to divulge a great secret. “Did you know that babies wake up, like, every half hour?”
“You don’t say?” Sarcasm is thickly woven into your tone. “Tell me more, Dr. Spock.”
Eddie snatches the muffin from your plate and takes an unprompted bite in retaliation. He chews like a cow on cud, slow and deliberate, relishing in his baked good thievery. You watch, unblinking, as a smirk crosses his face. “All right, smartass,” he snorts once he finally swallows, “not all of us specialize in taking care of kids.” He breaks off a hunk of his cookie and leaves it on your plate, a delicious peace offering that you gladly accept. “Anyway, Wayne let us stay with him until I found a place. Took a while to build up some funds, but I finally managed.”
“Where were you working?”
His face blanches at your question, and he finds himself inclined to bunch the paper napkin into a ball and shove it in his mouth to avoid answering. “Wh-What?”
“You said you had to build up some funds,” you explain, as though it were a convoluted construct. “Were you at the music store back then?”
“Oh, um. No.” Quicksand. Volcano eruption. A piano falling from the sky like in a classic Roadrunner and Wile E. Coyote showdown. Eddie would’ve taken any of these options over giving you an answer. “I went back to my old high school gig of, uh, dealing.” His cheeks are beet red, the heat radiating from them is the only distraction from the shame curdling in his lungs. 
He keeps his eyes on the floor; to his surprise, your feet remain planted on the ground. You’re not leaving. “Oh.” Your voice draws him back to reality. “But you don’t…”
“Nope.” Eddie shakes his head. “I’m totally done with that scene. It’s just minimum wage, on-the-books bullshit for me now. I even pay taxes.” He laughs when you roll your eyes. “Although…the manager is transferring to another store soon.”
You slam your hands on the table in excitement, eyes alight with joy at this new opportunity for him. “Eddie, you have to apply!” Your eagerness fades when you notice the frown on his face. Shit, did he think you were telling him what to do? “I’m sorry if–”
“Nah, you’re good.” He bites his thumbnail without thinking, withdrawing it from between his front teeth when he sees you watching him. “‘S not like I haven’t considered it. Just feels like…if I do that, I’m officially giving up on the whole rockstar dream. Like I’m closing that chapter of my life.”
This time, you’re the one who holds onto him. His palm is pressed flat on the Formica table, and you bring your fingers underneath it to scoop his hand into yours. You give it a quick squeeze, watching a delicate smile develop across his lips. “Is that necessarily a bad thing, though? You’re not giving up on anything; you’re just shifting your priorities to make sure that Harris is always number one.” He nods halfheartedly, but you continue. “And you can always get back into music, find another band, or…maybe even make up with the Corroded Coffin guys?”
Eddie sighs, taking a strand of hair that’s fallen from its rubber band enclosure and tucking it behind his right ear. “Yeah. Maybe.” He doesn’t quite believe it; not after the terrible things he said to Jeff. Not after Gareth said he doesn’t look up to him anymore. A Corroded Coffin reunion seems about as likely as Wayne becoming a Radio City Rockette. He clears his throat and shifts his gaze back to you. “This is, uh, not first date conversation.”
You laugh at this, nodding in agreement. “No, it most certainly isn’t.” You use your free hand to take a final swig of coffee, now on the cooler side of lukewarm. “But I don’t think you and I have done anything conventionally, so it seems to be par for the course.”
Eddie shifts in his seat to lean in closer. He’s heard your response, but he’s not accepting it. Just because things began backwards didn’t mean they had to continue that way. “Tell me about you,” he says. “What do you like to do for fun? Like, hobbies and stuff.”
Your mind goes blank, as though you’ve never enjoyed any activity in your life. “Hmm,” you ponder, trying to remember a moment that wasn’t spent lesson planning or breaking up big arguments between small humans or taking care of an elderly woman who couldn’t stand you half the time. “I really love to cook,” you finally manage, thinking of the hours when you and Grandma stood in her kitchen, preparing meals or snacks or baked goods to munch on.
“No shit!” Eddie blurts out, eyes widening. “I really love to eat.”
“I’ll have to cook for you sometime,” you tell him. Surprisingly, you’re not shy when you say it. The image of you standing before the stove, stirring a pot on a burner or taking a tray of roasted vegetables from the oven while Eddie and Harris set the kitchen table, warms you from the inside out. You express your love by making meals for others, just like Grandma does. Did. “Your favorite food is olives, right?”
Eddie rolls his eyes playfully, crossing his arms over his chest and sitting back in his seat. He opens his legs slightly as he bites the inside of his lower lip to hide his smile. “I hate you sometimes, y’know that?”
“Yeah, I hate you, too.”
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As soon as you and Eddie step out of the little cafe hand in hand, the bitter slap of winter is all-consuming. Snow flurries flutter to the ground, melting as soon as they touch the faded green grass. The coldness of the flakes stings the tip of your nose, and you wiggle it to try to ward off the impending numbness.
Eddie breaks the connection to dig out a crumpled pack of cigarettes from one pocket and his lighter from the other. He flicks the switch a few times before it finally catches as he shields the flame from the harsh winds. As soon as it does, he tucks the lighter away and immediately re-laces his left fingers with your right, taking a long drag and offering it out to you with a grin.
“Since you’re just a social smoker and don’t keep any on you,” he says with a twinkle in his eyes. You wonder how he could possibly know this until memories of that fateful night at the Hideout come roaring back to you. You and Eddie standing outside, making painfully awkward small talk while you figured out how to initiate a sexual encounter.
You inhale, letting the tobacco mingle with the taste of coffee and muffin already saturating your tongue, and pass the cigarette back to him. It’s a slow walk to his car; the two of you take your time as you breathe in smoke and each other’s closeness. Eddie lets you kill out the cigarette, eyes never leaving your body as you stub it into a nearby ashtray.
“I have a little confession to make,” he begins, quickly amending his statement when he catches the horrified expression on your face. “No, nothing bad; I swear!” He laughs lightly when you exhale, pressing your hand to your heart in relief. “Okay, the reason I took you out for coffee is because, well, I figured if things went well, I’d know your coffee order and could bring it to you at work or something? Like when I drop Harris off in the morning.”
The early December chill dissipates at his offer. Just the thought of Eddie memorizing your coffee order, handing you the styrofoam cup with a chaste kiss to your cheek so that none of your students or co-workers can catch you, fills you with a buzzing warmth. “I’d really like that.”
“Good,” Eddie nods, stopping at his parked car. You spot Harris’s carseat in the back, reminding you of the night Eddie drove you to his place after his show. The way he tried to hide the existence of his son from you, as though it would deter you from pursuing anything further. You can’t help but wonder how many women had turned him down after learning that he’s a dad. It has to be a decent amount, a pattern that developed, for him to become so jaded and guarded over it.
His calloused thumb ghosts over your cheek, though you can hardly feel it after being exposed to the stinging air. His gaze meets yours and he holds it, chocolate orbs fueling the fire within you.
“Feels weird asking to kiss you after we’ve already…” he trails off with a chuckle, tone laced with ambivalence. The last time he’d pressed his lips to yours, he didn’t want to stop, which scared the living shit out of him. And that was under the pretense of casual sex, not intended to go any farther than a one-night stand. But now? Now he was about to kiss you after a date, after telling you that you look pretty, after admitting that planned to get you coffee in the mornings.
If he kisses you now, there’s no going back.He’s sealing the deal, opening himself up to heartbreak, the potential to be crushed when the relationship comes to a screeching halt.
But, he reminds himself silently, it also means someone to watch movies with. Someone to buy flowers–or coffee–for. Someone to hold, to touch. Someone to share stories with, from the mundane tasks of the day to big, exciting news. Someone who I could love, who could love me and my boy.
“Eddie?” Your voice breaks into his mind, overrun with racing thoughts about the good, the bad, and the ugly of falling in–
You bring your lips to his, effectively silencing his inner monologue. His right hand stays on your face as his left grips your waist to return the kiss, deepening it with a gentle prod of his tongue. It’s wanting, but not hungry, like he’s savoring every last bite of a long-time craving. He wants this, he wants you, forever. He swears he’d never let you go if he didn’t have an oversugared, overtired four-year-old to attend to.
“You are…” he murmurs, nudging his nose with yours, but he has no idea how to end the sentence. Perfect? Mine? The one for me? “...the best.” It feels like a cop-out, but he doesn’t want to come on too strong. The irony is not lost on him that he had no problem spewing insults at you, but hesitates when it comes to affection.
“The best coffee date?” you tease, resting your hands on his chest. The sweater’s scratchy wool itches your palms, and you can’t imagine he’ll make it ten steps through the door before changing into one of his signature band tees.
“Yes. No. Yes.” He kisses your nose, an electric spark flying between you. “But also just…the best.” His fingers clasp around the door handle as he begrudgingly opens your door, not wanting the date to end. “Shall I take you home?”
No, you think, biting back your protest. No, take me to your place. Kiss me more, kiss me deeper, kiss me where the curve of my hips meets the plush of my thighs. Let me help you with your sweater; you’ll be so much more comfortable without it, Eddie.
“Okay,” you manage, sliding into your seat. He closes the door once you’re inside, jogging around to his side with a breathy chuckle.
“Gotta keep warm,” he says, turning the key in the ignition. The car rumbles to life, and as soon as he’s out of his parking spot, he takes your hand once again. Your intertwined fingers rest atop the gearshift for the entire drive to your building.
He turns off the car and faces you. “Let me walk you in.” Five simple words that ordinarily would preface sex; Eddie doesn’t think he’s ever uttered them in that order without at least the anticipation of getting laid. But there’s none of that now. He just wants to spend as much time with you as he can, before the spell is broken and he turns back into a pumpkin. Could the prince turn back into the Beast? he wonders wryly.
You cock your brow. “You sure about that? What if Grandma’s gotten herself into more trouble?”
“I’m willing to take that risk.” And he is. He’d risk everything, and for the first time in a long while, he’s not running from that feeling.
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Luckily, there’s no crisis when you and Eddie arrive on your doorstep. You trade a few more giggle-laced kisses before you finally part.
The stars align on Monday morning, with Harris actually cooperating and getting ready with enough time for Eddie to stop off at the cafe to get your coffee. Okay, letting him have a Pop-Tart for breakfast instead of cereal definitely helped the situation, but it was a special occasion! And it’s not like he could tell Harris that he needed to pick up coffee for Ms. Sweetheart; the kid would be hiring caterers for a wedding if he knew. 
Eddie had wanted to call you on Sunday, maybe see if you wanted to go to the playground with him and Harris and get some ice cream afterwards, but he’d ultimately decided against it. Give it some time; don’t be too eager. 
It occurs to him that bringing you coffee is something that a boyfriend would do, and he hasn’t actually asked you to be his girlfriend yet. Do adults do that? Or is it just kinda implied? Shit, maybe I can take her out again this weekend and ask, just to be sure.
He gives Harris a hug and a kiss goodbye, careful not to spill any of the hot beverage as he crouches down to his height. Jitters course through his veins as he approaches your classroom, but he knows that the joy on your face–either from his kind gesture or the prospect of caffeine–will make it all worth it.
When he gets there, he only sees Will. He can’t stick around long; he doubts his boss will accept trying to impress my maybe-girlfriend as a valid excuse for tardiness.
“Hey, Byers,” Eddie calls out with a wave, pointing to the cup. “I’m just gonna leave this on her desk, if that’s cool.” He spots a black Sharpie and is about to use it to write Date night on Friday? when he catches Will’s expression. It’s a combination of confusion and sadness, with his brows pinching together as he walks over to Eddie. 
Will shoves his hands in his pants pockets. “Um, she’s not coming in today. Probably not for the rest of the week.”
“Is she okay?” Worry mars Eddie’s confidence, and the sense of dread only worsens when Will quietly ushers him to the corner of the room away from the kids. “Is she sick or something?” he adds once the students are out of earshot. Will looks up at Eddie, though the height gap has decreased considerably since he was a freshman and Eddie was working through his third senior year. His eyes are shiny with tears, and he blinks them back and clears his throat. “Eddie…” he says softly, “her grandma died last night.”
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mellywritesstuff · 5 months
hey melly!! hope you’re doing well, can I request the male harbingers (expect that one dude 😭 and seperate) w a really weak reader (like she can’t fight for shi..) and they are always worried about her and are quite protective ..
hope this is ok .. feel free not to do this request if you’re uncomfortable!!
~mari :)
(Male) Fatui Harbingers x (weak)Fem!reader
Character(s): Pantalone, Dottore, Tartaglia/Childe, Scaramouche
A/N: didn’t know if you wanted scara or not so I included him anyway! I haven’t written in awhile, note to however has sent a request: I’m so SRRY I’ve haven’t written them yet they’re all in my drafts just been busy!!
Warnings: not proofread, 1 suggestive section, Cussing.
Genre(s): crack, fluff
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Questions life decisions. He’s constantly stressed whenever you step outside (grass is overrated) insists on going with you everywhere. For protection.
If you won’t let him go with you he’ll either force you to take a fatui agent (as a bodyguard) or just suffer in silence while you’re gone.
He’s constantly worried.
“What if she comes back hurt?”
“What if she gets kidnapped?”
Wishes he could just lock you in his basement
He worries even more since he’s a fatui harbinger. People are out to get him, and especially you. Would NEVER let you near his fellow harbingers (Dottore) for fear that they might take advantage of your weakness and snap you in half.
And they’re hot
Starts to panics when he can’t find you when in reality you’ve been 2 ft away from him, hiding. To mess with him.
He loves you and all, but can you do anything else but to put yourself in danger? Please? (He’s so tired)
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For the love of god, stop moving, just stay with him in his lab, it only slightly reeks of death and chemicals.
An average day will just go by like:
“Dottore! Dottore! Look what I found”
“What the? Y/N put that down! It’s dangerous (it’s a rock)”
So once he dodges your rock, and you disappear he starts to panic.
“What the? Where’d you go?”
He’ll start frantically searching for you, you were right behind him.
EXTREMELY protective of you. Won’t hesitate to add another skeleton to his collection to anyone he deems a threat.
Luckily he’ll (force) a fatui agent to go with you everywhere. Or he’ll spy on you from a bush because he trusts no one, and really loves you.
Why would you want to go outside anyway? Wouldn’t you rather get railed by Dottore?
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Literally goes “L bozo” and tackles you.
In all seriousness he’ll teach to fight if you want! Probably not a good idea since he’ll forget your fighting skills are the equivalent of a sheet of paper, then break every bone in your body
He trusts you enough. But since he’s constantly away on missions he worries you’ll get hurt and can’t stand to be away from you.
Will purposefully challenge you to arm wrestle just to throw you off the table.
Sees you as a tiny little duck, and protects you at all costs while simultaneously bullying you.
Will go, “hey wanna go Inazuma with me? Oh wait you can’t fight….later bozo” (he’s so mean)
One day you’ll beat his ass up for all that teasing.
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Another one that goes ‘L bozo’ in you form of “Skill issue”
Constantly on your back for getting yourself in dangerous situations when you follow him around.
“Are you an idiot?”
“Don’t do anything stupid…”
You’ve heard it too much, he may be a little emo boy but he just wants to keep you safe.
Wishes he could go everywhere with you, in a panicked state when you’re god (he doesn’t show it though)
Won’t teach you to fight, thinks you’re an unworthy opponent (ouch)
Sometimes he wants to cuddle and protect you and sometimes he wants to throw you off a cliff in frustration.
Hope you enjoyed! Melly out <3
396 notes · View notes
shade-e-e-es · 9 months
Hours later, Doc is still fuming as he thinks of all the ways he should give it to that stinky mutt. To cool off he decides to go on a walk.
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He quickly finds out it does not help. As is his nature as a creeper, he walks silently, ears perked for any sign of sound.
He picks up his pace as he hears the dull thud of someone chopping a tree. It’s either Etho or Beef making a project in the middle of the night.
Or it’s an intruder.
He’s hoping it’s an intruder because then he can attack something, as messed up as that sounds.
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And oh the joy he feels (and fury) when he sees the red shirt and brown tail of Ren Dog.
The bushes rustle as Doc moves to step out. He only pauses for a second as Rens ears perk and he starts to growl, his swing stopping as he adjusts his hold on the axe. A battle stance.
Fine. A fight.
… maybe he should try and. Talk a little before he blows this guy up.
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He expects Ren to rush him. To growl and attack even if it’s just with words. It’s how he acts during the day, after all.
He did not expect the smile, the tail wagging, and the excitement.
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“Doc! My dude!! Jeez man you scared me!! I thought you were a freakin skeleton or something!! Sorry, didn’t mean to growl at you like that!!”
Doc stares blankly. What. Why is he.. so excited. And before he can even open his mouth to hiss out something about taxes or his tree, Ren continues.
“I’m really genuinely sorry about the tree. I’d have come and asked if I knew you were awake. I can never tell what your guys’s sleep schedules are! Besides Bdubs. Always know when he’s passed out!!”
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“Seriously like that dude will pass out the moment the sun goes over the hills even if we’re trying to talk to him! It’s a bit funny though so it’s fine on our end. Guys gotta sleep! Oh- right. I can pay you back and stuff for the tree. I tried to pick a smaller one far away from your projects so I don’t mess any landscapes up. I’m also going to replant the sapling and all that!!” Ren shifts from foot to foot, a smile on his face, a wag in his tail. His eyes almost sparkle as he stares at Doc.
And it.
This doesn’t make sense to Doc. Why does.. Ren doesn’t act like this! He’s! Quiet. He’s grumpy. He acts like he hates every single member of the nHo and yet here he is raving about Bdubs in a joking way to Doc of all people.
“What.” Doc says.
“Oh. Uh.” Ren chuckles a little. “Sorry. I am. Nervous, NOT ABOUT YOU!! I just don’t want to be away from Iskall for too long. See I’m here to get wood to make a fire over in our camp. Iskall has a fever and we both agreed that staying at the resistance base would be better than going to our houses. Too much movement. But I.. suck at taking care of sick people. So I’m doing what I know best! Chopping trees, making fire, cooking soup!! (If you happen to have any notes on making soup please let me know. I lied about knowing best on it.)” Ren leans in, whispering the last bit.
He’s so animated. He can’t stand still. Doc is.. flabbergasted!!
It doesn’t compute. It just.
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“Why are you. Being. Nice???”
PT 1 | PT 3
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trippinsorrows · 10 days
with me + part seven
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authors note: i take some creative liberties with medical (mostly hipaa) stuff in this one, so please disregard. also, thank you everyone for (still!!!) being so interested in this story. you guys are making me wanna flesh it out even more like seriously 😭 i wanted to not make it past 10 (3 to 4 initially) parts but the support has been so humbling, and ya'll seem to like/want more sooooo 😭
song inspo: with me by destiny's child
status: in progress // masterlist
warnings: angst, language, suggestive themes
words: 7k
taglist: @pixiedust4000 @southerngirl41 @yolobloggers @msbigredmachine @wanderingreigns
Absolutely every rule of the road is broken in getting Callie to the hospital.
You couldn’t give two shits. 
You just continue to try to reassure your crying child that she's going to be okay while fighting your own pending panic attack.
Speeding through the lanes, uncaring if the light is yellow and you should slow down, you’ll take whatever ticket. The only rule you abide by is not going through a red light, understanding how stupid and dangerous that is. However, while the hospital is about a 15 to 20 minute drive from you, you make it there in a solid eight minutes.
And even that is too much.
The emergency room is, expectedly, pretty empty save a couple of people. Emergencies are rare and infrequent in your town. It’s truly a stroke of bad, cruel luck that your sweet little girl is victim to one of the few. 
Rushing to the front desk, Callie cradled against you, you blurt to the receptionist, “something’s wrong with her stomach.”
The woman appears uninterested until her eyes land on Calista who’s still crying into your chest, hand on her stomach. She calls out to the back, and you see the double doors open. A few minutes later, if that, a set of doctor and nurses emerge. 
“What happened?” The doctor immediately asks, starting to assess Callie, first checking for a fever and then shining a light in both her eyes. 
Speaking is suddenly difficult, but you manage, “I–I don’t know. She said her stomach was hurting right before she went to bed, so I gave her some Children’s Tylenol, then she woke up in the middle of the night screaming in pain, and I–I rushed her over here.”
He nods, gently going to press on her stomach as she shouts in pain again. Your own stomach clenches, hating to see her hurt like this. 
Something appears to flash in his vision, but whatever it is, he keeps it to himself. “We need to admit her.” He reaches for Callie who suddenly clings tighter to you.
“No!” There’s pure fear and panic in her voice, as she starts to cry harder. “I wanna stay with my mommy!” 
Her words kill you, because you also don’t want to let her go, but you know it’s what needs to happen. “Baby, it’s okay, they’re gonna help you, and I’m right here, alright?” You try to reassure her, gently stroking her hair. “I’m not going anywhere. I promise.”
She’s clearly still uncomfortable but allows the doctor to carry her, as he instructs one of the nurses, “page peds.” Her eyes never leave you as he moves quickly to carry her into one of the rooms, carefully placing her down on the bed. You’re immediately by her side, needing her to know you’re right here with her and not going anywhere. 
While the doctor gives a variety of commands to some of the nurses, you somehow have the wherewithal to catch the attention of one of the nurses, informing, “her dad is on his way. Can you make sure they let him back? His name is Joe.”
She nods. “Of course.” 
“And—” this is both relevant and irrelevant, but as it’s at the forefront of your mind, so you tell her, “I also need a release form. For him. He’s….he’s not on the birth certificate.”
If she’s judging you for this piece of information, you’ll never know because her expression remains unchanged. “I’ll have one brought to you.”
“Thank you.” It hasn’t really crossed your mind until this terrifying moment that Joe has no legal right or say into any medical or legal situations regarding Calista. This scares you in a different way, her own father having no say in decisions that could be life or death. It’s shoved into the back of your mind, but when this is all said and done, you know this it’s something you need to discuss with him. 
You need to look into whatever the state requires to have a father’s name added to a birth certificate. But, of course, all of this is secondary to what’s happening before you, your focus returning to Callie who’s still holding onto your arm. 
“Alright, what do we have here?” 
A new voice enters the room, and you look up, momentarily surprised to see another doctor, but it’s not the fact that it’s a doctor that surprises you. It’s who the doctor is. 
You give him a double take, almost not trusting your judgment in this moment. But when he approaches Callie’s side and offers a gentle smile, you see it, the cleft in his chin. 
He lifts his eyes to you, offering a small nod, returning his focus to assessing Callie. And then he looks up again. Like he gave you the standard acknowledgement only to also realize who you are.
Yup. Hearing his voice again, you’re certain this is most definitely Kai Sawyer. 
Kai Sawyer, former classmate, once friend, brief lover when you were in high school. He was always sweet, almost too sweet for the toxic teenager you were who was too stuck on Amir to realize Kai was a much better option. 
Granted, it was never serious. You never had any sort of feelings for him that left you stumped.
Nothing like with Joe. 
“It’s good to see you.” He seems just as surprised to see you as you are to see him. The last you heard was that he left for school, pursuing a medical career and planned to move out of state. Kai motions to Callie. “This is your daughter?” Nodding with a small, forced smile, you watch him carefully lean down to be closer to Callie’s eye level. “Hi there, sweetie. I’m Dr. Sawyer. Can you tell me your name?”
She sniffles, seemingly holding you tighter. “Callie.”
“Callie,” he says, precisely, pronouncing each syllable. “What a very pretty name. Well, Callie, is it okay if I feel your belly so we can see what’s going on and help you feel better?”
She doesn’t look at you for approval, instead nodding as Kai starts to evaluate her. Once again, she cries out in pain as he feels the same area you’d unintentionally put too much pressure on. 
“It hurts,” she whimpers, and you kiss her forehead. Seeing her in pain is a form of torture you absolutely cannot tolerate. 
“I’m sorry, honey,” he apologies, standing upright again. “We’re gonna make you all better though, okay?” 
She says nothing, instead tugging you closer to her as she lays her head against your shoulder.
Kai speaks to the nurses in a low voice, where you can only make out intermittent parts. Something about an IV drip and pain meds. Once he’s done, he looks over at you and continues with that low voice, “can I talk to you outside?”
His question doesn’t help with the anxiety you’re already having an extremely difficult time controlling, but Callie’s heightened cries and tightened grasp on you captures your attention the most.
“No, mommy, don’t leave me!" 
It’s an impossible decision, even if logically, you know what you have to do. Whatever Kai wants to discuss with you clearly doesn’t need to be in front of Callie, but you also know she’s hurting and just wants her mom. 
“You said your name is Callie? That’s such a cute name.” One of the nurses comes over and offers a warm smile. “I have a little girl who’s just about your age too. She likes barbies and playing dress up. What do you like?”
Sniffling, still holding onto you, Callie meets the nurse’s eye contact and answers after a second. “Disney.”
The nurse gasps, “so does my little girl.” She sits on the side of the bed as the other nurse finishes inserting Callie’s IV. “Is it okay if I sit with you and we talk about Disney while mama talks to Dr. Sawyer?”
You’re so thankful for this act of kindness and assure Callie, “I’ll be right back. I’m just outside the door, okay?”
She’s still unsure and highly uncomfortable, but a small nod precedes her releasing her grip on you. You start to climb out of the hospital bed when she grabs you again. 
You expect another form of protest, of unease about you leaving her. Instead, in a small, innocent voice, she states, “I want Joe.”
The ball in the back of your throat grows exponentially. You’re already emotional, for obvious reasons, but there’s something about her request, so simple yet so powerfully telling, that brings a new set of tears to your eyes. 
“He’s on his way, baby, okay?” As the hospital is in the same direction as his hotel, you expect his arrival in a matter of minutes, hopefully. 
She seems comforted by this piece of information, and you’re able to break away to follow Kai outside the room. Once out of a proximity where she could overhear, you ask, urgently, “what’s wrong with her?”
Kai sighs, crossing his arms over his body with a sympathetic expression. “Well, I—”
The sound of heavy, urgent footsteps capture your attention, and you look to your side to see a nurse escorting Joe. His eyes land on you with a curious expression before he asks, “where is she?”
His voice is calm, but you know him well. Too well. Enough to know that he’s worried out of his mind, too. 
You gesture to the door a few inches away from you. “With the nurse.” Gesturing to Kai, you inform, “this is the doctor.”
There’s something about Joe’s presence that instantly calms you, allows your emotions to regulate just a little better. 
“Holy shit,” Kai breathes, and you look over to see he’s staring at Joe with bewilderment. “You’re–uh—is this her dad?” The question is posed to you, and you run your hand over your face, nodding. Kai clearly recognizes Joe, err, Roman, and is in a brief state of celebrity panic. Any other time, you’d understand it, but right now, you’re on the doorsteps of a nervous breakdown, and the medical professional in charge of Callie’s care being starstruck isn’t the least bit helpful.
“Yes,” Joe answers, his voice not unkind but not friendly either. “What’s wrong with my daughter?”
Kai clears his throat, snapping back into his professional shoes. “It seems like early stages of appendicitis. We call it acute appendicitis, meaning her appendix hasn’t ruptured yet, which is good.” He gazes at you, grateful. “You got her here just in time.”
His words do little to comfort you, because you’re still stuck on the first part. 
“Appendicitis?” You repeat, confused . “But–but she’s only four. How—”
“It’s not as uncommon in children as people think. Did you by any chance have one when you were younger?”
You have to think for a second, recognition then dawning. You’d completely forgotten about that borderline traumatic experience that was eerily similar to this. Waking your mom up because you were in a tremendous amount of pain and her calling 911 to rush you to the hospital. God, how could you not remember that until now? “Yes, yes, but I was—I was like 10.”
“So still a kid,” he confirms. Kai turns to Joe. “What about dad?”
“Yeah, I was twelve.” 
“Wait a minute.” You don’t know about Joe, but you certainly remember the outcome of your experience. “You—you don’t have to operate on her, right?” Scoffing, your words become difficult to express. “Kai, she’s—she’s too little for that. There’s—there’s another way, right?”
“Surgery is the best treatment—”
“No!” You cut him off, not wanting to hear this shit. “You’re not cutting her open, Kai. I–I won’t—-I won’t allow it.”
Joe finally addresses you, hand on the small of your back as he tries to get you to look at him. “Y/N….”
You jerk away, “I said no!” Turning back to Kai, you plead, eyes starting to burn again, “isn’t there—isn’t there something else you can do? Like medicine or—”
“Her appendix needs to be removed, Y/N. There’s no way around that.” Kai’s tone is full-on professional, borderline pleading, needing you to actually heed to his medical opinion. “The procedure is standard, should take about an hour, and it presents minimal risk. It’s really the best and safest option. If we don’t operate, inflammation could increase and eventually cause her appendix to rupture. Once that happens, because of her age, she becomes at an increasingly high risk for infection. And that could become fatal.” 
The word fatal sounds out everything else as you fall back against the wall, covering your mouth, unable to hold back the tears. “Oh my god.”
Joe looks at Kai, directring firmly. “Do it. Do it now.”
“I’ll book an OR.” Kai nods and you hear him say something else, but it’s all so distant and blurry. Fatal and Callie should never be in the same sentence, but right now it’s a reality that you can’t fathom. Your chest hurts, your stomach hollow, and head all over the place.
“I—it’s my fault,” you murmur to yourself or maybe Joe. You’re not entirely sure. “She—she told me her stomach was upset, but I—I didn’t listen. I just—I just gave her medicine and made her go to sleep.” You inhale sharply, eyes burning with salty tears. “She was in pain, and I didn’t listen to her. I didn’t—”
“Baby, look at me.” Before you realize it, Joe is in front of you, cupping your face and forcing your blurry gaze on him. “You did nothing wrong. There was no way for you to know what was happening.”
“I’m her mother, Joe—" you protest, sniffling, hands on his chest. “I’m supposed to know when something’s wrong. I’m–I’m supposed to protect her.”
“And you did,” he assures, pushing back some of your hair. “You heard the doctor. You got her here just in time. It could have been a lot worse.” He wipes away your tears, hating to see you so upset, so hard on yourself over a situation outside of your control. “You’re an amazing mother. Do you know why she’s such a great and happy kid? Because of you. Because you take such good care of her. You’ve raised her on your own, and look at how amazing she is. That’s all you. Why else do you think she’s so attached to you? Because you’re just as much her world as she is yours.” He pulls you into his chest, continuing to gently comfort you, “she’s gonna be fine, okay?” 
Being held in that moment, being held by Joe is exactly what you need. It centers you as much as one can be centered in this kind of situation. You find yourself holding onto him, embracing the comfort and support. 
Eyes shut, you murmur into his chest, “thank you for being here.”
You feel his hand move gently down your back, his mouth pressed to the top of your head. “Always.”
After a few minutes, maybe more, maybe less, you separate and wipe at your eyes. “Okay.” It’s trying to gather yourself before going back in the room, not wanting to scare her or make anything worse for her than it already is. “We–we need to tell her.”
“You want me to tell her?” He offers, and you’re thankful. He clearly sees how upsetting all of this is and is eager to support you anyway he can.  
“No,” you finally answer. “We’ll do it together.” 
Joe takes your hand and rubs his thumb across your knuckles, a kind, comforting gesture. Appreciated. You appreciate him so fucking much in this moment that it’s almost impossible to explain. Your calm in this storm, a voice of sound reason. Much needed advocate for your daughter as you fall victim to your emotions. 
He looks at you once more, assessing your readiness. A simple nod gives him the answer he needs, as he heads for the door, holding it open so you can enter first. 
The same nurse who so kindly recognized a need lifts her head with that same warm smile. Your eyes immediately land on Calista, who looks less pale than she was when you brought her in. She’s also no longer crying. That relieves you the most. A mother seeing her child cry is a kind of pain no one should ever have to experience. 
The pain meds must be kicking in. You’re immensely grateful.
But as quick as her eyes were on you, they bounce almost instantly to Joe, a larger smile growing. 
“Joe!” Even her voice is stronger, not as weak or weighed down with pain. 
“There’s my girl,” Joe greets, instantly at her side, kissing the top of her head. “How are you feeling, sweetheart?”
“A little better, but my tummy still hurts.”
Allowing them their moment, you turn to the nurse who’s subtly backed away, also recognizing this is a moment that shouldn’t be intruded upon. She also subtly reaches you the clipboard with the ROI that you quickly fill out and hand back to her. “Thank you,” you whisper, hoping your eyes reveal just how much you appreciate her thoughtfulness.
“Of course,” she replies, giving a final look to Callie. “I’ll leave you all alone.” 
Once the door is shut and it’s just the three of you, you move to the other side of the hospital bed, seeing there’s a possible space to jump in and gently break the news to her. A shared glance with Joe followed by a nod is the answer you need as you take a deep breath.
“Calista….” As soon as she gazes at you, you recognize she knows something is up. You hardly ever use her full first name. “Baby, Joe and I talked to the doctor about what he needs to do to make you all better, and—and he said you’ve gotta have surgery to take the bad stuff out your stomach.”
Her brows cave together, confused. “What’s surgery?”
Joe jumps in, recognizing your initial difficulty with how to explain such a concept to a young child. “It’s when doctors give you medicine to make you go to sleep while they take the bad stuff out of you.”
She looks at him, a little more understanding, still obviously and understandably unsure. “Does it hurt?”
You answer, trying your best to keep your tone as calm as possible. “When you wake up, it may hurt a little but that’s cause it’s gotta heal.” 
Joe shares, and you’re so grateful for his partnership at this moment. For his ability to assist and tag team. “You wanna know something? Your mom and I had the same surgery when we were kids.”
She seems intrigued by this. “Really?” Nodding, you study her facial expressions, knowing her well enough to know that she’s struggling with her emotions. She’s not alone. 
Finally, after a minute of contemplation, she whispers, “I’m scared.” 
“It’s okay to be scared, Callie,” Joe assures. He's so damn good with her, gentle and patient. “Everyone gets scared.”
She looks over at him, asking innocently, “even you?”
“Of course,” he answers, vulnerably sharing, “I was scared when your mom called me and said she was taking you to the hospital.” The both of you were. That’s no call any parent wants to ever receive. 
She looks between the two of you. “Can you guys come with me?”
“We can’t go back with you, but we’ll be waiting right here for you as soon as you wake up.” Joe answers for you, thumb brushing over her forehead.
“You promise?”
 Lips pressed against her forehead, you vow, “we promise.”
As soon as Callie is taken back to the OR and the two of you are left alone in the waiting area, Joe begins to lift his hoodie over his head, suddenly reaching it to you. “Put this on.” 
You look at him, confused. “What?”
His eyes briefly trail your body, head to toe. “Do you realize what you're wearing?”
Brows furrowed, you look down and gasp. In the midst of adrenaline and flight or flight, your appearance never dawned on you. Your pajama set is short, skimpy, and shows off a slice of your stomach, not that you care too much about that. It’s more the fact that you’re not wearing a bra, and this waiting room is cold as fuck. 
You also realize your bonnet is still on your head. 
In short, you look a hot ass mess, more like someone waiting for admission to the psych ward instead of an anxious parent awaiting her daughter to get out of surgery. 
“Fuck.” The first thing you do is rip your bonnet off, deciding to keep your pineapple. Next is accepting Joe’s hoodie, sliding it over your frame. It’s understandably baggy, grazing just above your knees. “Thank you.” 
The two of you move over to the seating area as you sigh loudly, suddenly asking. “What time is it?”
He checks the watch on his wrist. “3:15.” 
You scoff, rubbing your eyes but not saying anything, leaning back into the seat, trying to not get too much into your head. It’s a difficult feat when your four-year-old child is under the knife for emergency surgery.
“The doctor…..” Joe starts, and you turn to look at him. “You called him by his first name.”
He doesn’t need to elaborate for you to understand his question. “We went to high school together.” If your intention was to keep your answer as casual and general as possible, you fail miserably because Joe 100% picks up on the unspoken words. 
Shrugging, you explain, “we didn’t date per se, but we hooked up.” Looking back, you recognize how Kai was absolutely a rebound in between Amir and all his bullshit. And you do regret that, because Kai was always a genuinely nice guy. He didn't deserve to be caught up in your Joker-Harley Quinn ‘love’ story. 
“Fucking hell.” Joe looks away, genuinely annoyed, and for some reason, it makes you smile. The first of the night, err, morning. And you’re weirdly thankful for this conversation, for this distraction you wonder if he's intentionally providing you. “Do all your ex’s still live here? Why does nobody ever leave this town?”
You laugh, actually laugh, and it feels nice. A contrast from all of the heaviness you’ve experienced over the past few hours. 
Sucking your teeth, you respond, sassily. “I’m tired of you roasting my tiny little no name town.”
He eyes you curiously, clearly surprised by your reference. “You watch?”
“Occasionally,” you answer with a shrug. You don’t want to tell him you’ve found yourself increasingly watching Bloodline clips during the kids' lunchtime at school. Or at night when you don’t know what else to watch. Not when before his return, it was rare and in between you’d find yourself consuming anything WWE related, let alone with Roman Reigns. “Not a lot. Just enough to see how you’re doing exactly what I always knew you could do.” 
Joe stares, appreciatively, gently adding, “you always believed in me.” 
“Of course, I did.” It’s always been so visible and obvious. From the very beginning, you recognized his potential and knew he would excel once they finally released him from his shackles. You find yourself leaning against his body and grab onto his arm. “I could never have a bum for a baby daddy.”
You don’t have to be looking at him to know he’s rolling his eyes, that expression of his that’s a mixture of a scowl and smile. 
He doesn’t say anything after that, not immediately, and that’s okay, because just sitting here, with him, not alone and in your head is a great comfort.
“She has my last name.”
You look up at him, surprised and confused as to why he’s saying this like he didn’t already know it. But it’s in that looking at him, you see it’s because he clearly didn’t already know this.
He was unaware. 
Sitting up, you ask, “you didn't know?”
He shakes his head, explaining, “when I got here, I said I was here for Calista, and she said Calista Anoa’i.” That’s it. How he found out. How his daughter, who he hadn’t even known about up until not even two months ago, shared the same last name as him. All of these major life reveals being dropped on him like it’s nothing.
You feel terrible again, just for different reasons. 
“I never wanted to erase you from her life. I just—” It’s hard to explain something you’re starting to not even fully understand. In such a short timespan, Joe has done a tremendous job stepping into the role of dad. So much so that it has you deeply regretting depriving him of the almost first five years of her life.
Depriving yourself of having a partner to raise Callie with.
“I just went about it all wrong,” is the best you can land on to describe what you’re thinking and feeling. “And I'm sorry you found out like this. I guess, I just thought it would have come up by now.”
“It’s fine.” It’s not. He’s just trying to be mindful of where you are emotionally right now. Always considerate, despite his own feelings. 
Grabbing a hold of his arm, you lean into him again, eventually murmuring, “no, it’s not.” You’re starting to feel more and more like there was never a good enough reason to rob him of this, to have a child walking around this earth with his last name, his blood, and him be in the dark. Him being married was a factor, but it wasn’t a firm reason. “I’m sorry.” 
“You don’t ha—”
“Yes, I do,” you interrupt him, already knowing he’s going to try to pacify you, to try to convince you that it wasn’t that bad. Bullshit. “You missed out on so much, because of me, and I’m truly sorry, Joe. My own shit got i—”
“Excuse me?”
You sit upright, attention automatically redirected to the Caucasian woman in front of you with a bad bleach job, crows feet that probably contrast her actual age, and a clipboard. It’s the damn clipboard that kills your thought that maybe Callie is out her surgery and you guys can see her. 
Wishful thinking.
“Bill it,” is your short, curt reply as you lay back down against Joe’s arm. His eyes are on you, curious. 
The woman gives a small, fake laugh. “Excuse me?”
“You’re here to discuss insurance shit, right?” Her silence is the answer you need. “Well, I’m telling you to bill my insurance and then send me a bill.” 
She extends a more authentic smile to Joe, and you almost could swear you see the faintest hint of blush on her pale face. “Well, aren’t you three steps ahead?” When you don’t say anything, she awkwardly clears her throat and continues. “I actually wanted to know if you’d like to take advantage of this really great option we have where we give you an estimated cost and accept payment now so that—”
“Lady, my daughter is in surgery right now. I don’t give a scathing fuck about your great option. Bill it, and get the hell away from us.” Your words are blunt, coarse, and very much to the point. You couldn’t give two shits about anything she has to say if it’s not regarding Callie being out, up, and all better.
Joe chuckles above you, still saying nothing, just watching her walk away with her tail between her legs. “You had some restraint. I’m proud of you.”
“Shut up,” you mutter, eyes closing as you try to allow yourself to bask in the comfort he provides. It’s such a different experience. The last time you had to rush Callie to the ER, she was two, your mom was out of town on a women’s retreat, and Mariah was off on her honeymoon. It was just you, by yourself, waiting to find out what the hell was wrong with your toddler. 
Having someone with you in this moment, having him with you, means more to you than he could ever imagine.
“How’d you come up with her name?” He asks after a few moments of silence.
This brings a smile to your face, a genuine one that you actually feel in your body. “A book.” 
“Like a baby name book?” You should have known better. Joe is many things, a man of specificity being pretty high up there. 
You hesitate to respond. “Not exactly.”
He glances down, assessing your expression before tilting his head back. “You didn’t.”
“Hear me out.” 
“Did you seriously name our daughter after some character from one of your freaky ass sex books?” You’re grateful for the little laughter this conversation provides you, and it makes you realize how much this man must have missed you to remember that. To remember your guilty pleasure for smutty kindle books. Not so much as you’ve gotten older and just genuinely don’t have the time to read them.
Resting your chin against his massive arm, you defend, “first of all, rude. Secondly, it wasn’t even that freaky. Unfortunately.” He rolls his eyes and you continue, “the character was actually really interesting and not awful. And I’d never heard the name Calista before, so when I looked it up and saw it meant most beautiful….it just fit.” Toward the end of your pregnancy was when you fully allowed yourself to embrace being a mother, regardless of the circumstances. It was a blessing and beautiful experience, and you found yourself counting down the days until your due date. “Her middle name is Manaia.” 
He chuckles, softly. “That’s Samoan.”
Chewing on your bottom lip, you rest your cheek against him again. “I know…I told you, she’s just as much you as she is me.” 
Joe approaches the front desk, seeing a brunette woman scrolling on her phone with a bored expression. Understandable, given the room is empty sans a janitor making the rounds. It’s probably the first and last empty emergency room he’ll ever come across.
“Excuse me.”
She looks up, and her mouth parts, an instant smile growing. One he’s used to but wholeheartedly couldn’t care less about. 
“Hi.” Her tone is much more breathy than what’s necessary, some attempt at coming off flirtatious would be his guess. Zero shits are still given.
Joe doesn’t waste any time, already wanting to get back to you, even if he knows you went to go call your mom and let her know what happened. Still, he needs to, at the very least, get back before he has to feed you some bullshit excuse about where he was. “I need to add a new card on file for Calista Anoa’i.”
She leans forward, chin in her hand, uneven, needle thin eyebrows wiggling. “Are you dad?”
Obviously. “Yes.”
“Lucky kid.” He’d take a good guess that she doesn’t recognize him, which for that, he’s grateful. She just finds him attractive, which is still irritating and unprofessional as hell. Have an attraction, but don’t be so vocal and desperate. “Mom too.”
Ignoring her comment, he grabs his wallet, pulling out his card and sliding it over.
“Change it to the default payment,” he instructs, not in the mood for whatever else she wants to try. It’s all in vain. He has eyes for one woman only, and it certainly isn’t her. “Is there any way you can set it up for autopay?”
She gives Joe a strange expression, like she questions his ability to consent. Because no one in their right mind would authorize a hospital to have such power with their money. “Umm, we can, but it’s really not recommended because you can never guarantee just how much insurance will and won’t cover. So, if they deny the claim in its entirety, then they’ll charge the entire balance—”
“That’s fine,” he cuts her off. “Just do it, and make sure any future charges go to that card only.” He thinks about it, asking, “matter of fact, can you take mom’s card off file altogether?” Joe knows you’re gonna bite his head off for this, and he doesn’t care. He knows medical bills can get costly, and you’re not making bank on a teacher’s salary. The least he can do is take care of his daughter’s medical costs.
“Uhh, sure, as long as you understand—”
“Money isn’t an issue. At all. Do it.”
She shakes her head but types away eventually reaching Joe his card. “All done. You can call and change it at any—”
“I won’t.” And that’s a fact. “Thank you.” 
Joe doesn’t give her a chance to respond or try anything else, turning to head back to the waiting area and is relieved when you return only minutes after he’s sat down. 
“Well, as expected, she’s upset I didn’t call her but calmed down a little bit when I told her you’ve been here with me,” you catch him up, sitting down next to him again. “And she’s on her way. She wants us to go back to my place to get some sleep.” 
Immediately, he protests. “We can’t leave Callie.”
You open your mouth to mostly agree with him when you hear footsteps and feel your stomach flutter seeing Kai heading in your direction.
He gets straight to the point. “Surgery was successful. She’s gonna be fine.” There are no words to properly describe your relief. The past hour felt like the longest period of your life and to know that it wasn’t in vain is so utterly comforting. 
“Thank God,” you breathe, also standing up with Joe. “Thank you, Kai.” You briefly close your eyes, shaking your head and correcting yourself. “I’m sorry, uhh. Dr. Sawyer.” 
“Come on, Y/N. I’ll always just be Kai to you.” It’s said so innocently, and it’s also then you notice the wedding band on his left hand. But, Joe must be giving him a look, because he’s suddenly awkwardly clearing his throat. “Because she’s so young, I'd like to keep her a couple more days to monitor her.”
“Of course,” you agree. There’s no protest at your daughter having medical personnel surrounding her at all times following a surgical procedure. 
He nods and starts to walk away when you remember something, catching him and moving away from Joe to speak privately. 
“Ummm…..” you haven't a clue how to approach nor explain this but try your best. “Joe…..he’s just now in her life. She—she doesn’t even know he’s her dad. It’s….a long, complicated story, but we’re trying to keep everything private—”
He says your name, interrupting you, “ever heard of HIPAA? None of what happened tonight leaves this emergency room.” You nod, slightly assured. “And if it makes you feel any better, I’ll remind the nurses of that too.’
That gives you all of the relief. The last thing you want or need is this becoming fodder for the media. One of the many reasons you love your town is how off the grid it is with a lot of things. Most of them probably wouldn’t even recognize Joe, and the few who do would never dare speak of it outside of this same town, respecting that he’s still a human being. 
“Thank you, Kai. Seriously.” 
He offers you such a genuine smile and adds, “I’m glad I got to see you, Y/N. The circumstances weren’t the best, but I’m pleased to see you ended up happy.” He starts to walk backwards, adding with a slight smirk. “About time you moved on from the likes of Amir and Mariah.”
That throws you for a loop. You understand the part about Amir, but Mariah?
What did he mean by that?
You don’t really have time to think about it, because Joe is at your side, holding your hand and reminding you that you two need to get back in the room for Callie. That’s enough to put the confusion about what just occurred to the back burner. 
Thankfully, when they roll Callie back into her room, she’s still slightly out of it from the anesthesia. But when she comes to, she’s thrilled to see the both of you and announces in a small, proud voice, “I did it.”
It gives you another genuine laugh, and the two of you enjoy her, your brave, sweet little girl. 
As you expected, your mom enters the room, immediately going and comforting Callie. She gives you a little slap on your arm for not calling her, still upset about that. 
That’s also expected.
What isn’t entirely expected is your mom talking to Callie about why you and Joe need to go home for a little bit to rest because you’re tired too. She’s not entirely wrong, Now that you’re out of the flight of it all, you’re crashing and crashing hard. Even Joe looks tired. 
Surprisingly, your mom is able to get Callie to agree with this. It takes more convincing for Joe, but he also eventually relents. And instead of driving all the way to your place, you suggest you two just go to his hotel room which is closer to the hospital.
That’s an easy sell for him. 
Reaching the hotel, you convince Joe to shower first, as you have something you need to take care of. It takes some convincing, but he eventually agrees. Once you hear the shower running, you pull out your phone, surprised to see it hasn’t died and has enough, hopefully, for you to shoot out one more message. 
One you’ve been putting off, but desperately need, especially as of the last 24 to 48 hours. 
Hi. I know it’s been a couple of weeks since my last email, and I’m sorry. I would text you, but I have no idea where in the world you are right now or if you have reception. So, email it is. A lot….a lot has happened. Joe is back in the picture, and he knows about Callie. But, interestingly enough, that’s not an issue at all. He’s so good with her, and she already clearly loves him so much. We haven’t told her he’s her dad, but he plans to do it for Christmas. Callie also had to have emergency surgery last night. Her appendix. That was….a lot. She’s good now, made it out of surgery fine. Thank God. Also, Joe’s divorced. And he more or less told me he wants us to be together, and I don’t know how to feel about that. Sorry, this is all over the place. Joe and I have been up all night with Callie at the hospital, so my brain isn’t working. I just needed to send this now, because I keep forgetting, and I miss you and could really use some advice right now. I need my long distance best friend. 
Your favorite college roomie
You should probably reread your email before sending it, but that requires energy, and you’re literally operating on fumes. When Joe steps out of the bathroom, shirtless, you don’t even bat an eye, which is unlike you. You’ve always been insanely attracted to him, for obvious reasons. 
You just accept the shirt he offers, close the bathroom door, strip naked and step into the shower. So exhausted, you don’t even realize until halfway through you forgot to use the shower cap but thankfully only a little bit of your hair gets wet.
Not that it matters. Even washing yourself is such a task. 
You’re out of the shower as soon as you feel adequately clean, rid of hospital germs. You don’t even care that the shirt is the only thing covering your otherwise nude body, breast stretching against the cotton. 
It is what it is. 
Stepping out of the bathroom with your clothes tucked under your side, you settle on placing them on a nearby chair. Or maybe it’s a table. You’re not too sure nor do you care all that much. You just need to sleep. 
But, it’s also when you see he’s moving toward the sofa, you know you need something else. 
He turns around, and you move over to him, reaching for his hand. The tug is slight but enough to have him follow your guidance toward the bed where you switch positions so he falls on his back. Moving to the side of the mattress, you climb into the bed and turn on your side, back toward him. You don’t need to ask, because his strong arm is suddenly around you, pulling you into his hard chest.
Sighing in content, you allow his mouth to graze your temple as he pulls the blankets over the both of you.
Hand on his thick forearm that’s keeping you close against him, you murmur, “Callie comes first. We get her straight, make sure she’s okay.” You roll on your back, meeting his telling gaze. “Then we figure out us.”
Joe is staring down at you with an affection you hadn’t realized you missed so deeply until this moment. He doesn’t say anything, just nods in acknowledgment and caresses your cheek. Grateful and tired of so much thinking, you push your body against his, shifting with him as moves onto his back and keeps you close against him.
He doesn’t say anything, and neither do you, because none of that matters in that moment. You don’t need to think about anything, don’t want to think about anything, just want to be close to him, just be with the man you’re almost certain now that you never stopped loving. 
And also now wonder if he once felt the same, still feels the same. 
If he’s always felt the same way. 
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faithst · 10 months
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pairing zb1 x gn!reader
genre fluff, tiny tiny angst warnings mentions of food
notes hii anon~ thank you for requesting and i hope you enjoy this 💗
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— kim jiwoong
arguments rarely happen with him
he’s a goofy guy that treats you right 🙏
if an argument does happen, he makes sure to not escalate it
omg healthy relationship ftw !!!
he sits down with you, gently grabs your hands and lets you talk first
he won’t say a word or move an inch, he just listens to you talk while caressing your hand with his thumb
he nods while you talk to make sure you know that he’s listening 💗
“i’m so sorry, love. how do i make it up to you?”
— zhang hao
arguments w hao almost never happen
cause you can never take him seriously 😭
but in a case where it does happen; he needs time to think
maybe for a few days cause he’s trying to piece up the right words to say
he’ll ask the other members for advice
during this ‘thinking’ time, he’d still send you texts and funny pictures of himself as if nothing happened
because hao literally cannot go a day without talking to you in any form. so when fights happen; he texts you
eventually he pulls up to your house with his violin and starts knocking on your door 💥
“hey there my lovely partner!! i’m so sorry and i miss you alot. please do not say anything until i finish my song!”
— sung hanbin
another absolute sweetheart
hanbin is a really open minded person so arguments rarely happen
but if it does, he stops it right away before it can actually happen
both of you were a bit sensitive today, nothing was going like expected
this caused a small argument between you two
as the tension increased, hanbin almost raised his voice at you
but he stopped and realised what he was doing and immediately went up to hug you ☹️
“i hate this.. let’s not fight anymore.”
— seok matthew
he’s a bit stubborn when it comes to arguments
yeah, sure he’s salty but he won’t ever let the argument drag for days
after an argument, matt needs some time to recollect his thoughts
but if you ever think that he isn’t gonna make it up to you the same day; you’re wrong ❌
you were about to head to bed, obviously annoyed at him
and he’s like ‘no, stop. we don’t do that.’
“do what..?” you ask, really wanting to escape the tension by drifting to sleep
“we don’t go to bed angry with eachother. let’s sort this out, okay? i’m sorry..”
— kim taerae
he’s absolutely terrifying when it comes to arguments
no, he doesn’t raise his voice or says mean things
he’s quiet, too quiet
taerae needs time to think but it won’t take longer than 1-2 hours
after he recollects his thoughts and emotions, he comes searching for you
and he sees you on the floor beside the bed, hugging your knees
he sits down beside you and intertwines your fingers
there was a brief moment of silence before he speaks up
“i’m sorry, darling. let’s fix this okay?”
— shen ricky
contrary to popular belief he will buy his way out of the fight, he sticks little notes and gives you love letters instead !
you had a fight one day and ricky was thinking of a way to get you to talk to him 💭
so he placed sticky notes everywhere !
you arrived to your shared apartment and there was one on the table infront of the door that read ‘1) hey! welcome home’
there was another on the fridge as you walked into the kitchen ‘2) there’s strawberries in here!’
ontop of the strawberry box, there was another ‘3) i also made you some coffee!’
you closed the fridge, turned around and there was a cup of coffee with a sticky note plastered onto the cup ‘4) you should probably take a shower now, you’re stinky !!’
you walk into your shared bedroom and there was ricky, waiting for you as he handed you a letter that read;
‘5) i’m sorry for the other day.. will you forgive me?’
— kim gyuvin
if its a small argument, he might be extra salty towards you
however, if it’s a big argument; he needs time for himself to think
the ‘time’ he takes ranges from a few hours or sometimes even days
but he’s real clingy, so when he doesn’t get to cling to you; he folds easily 👋
after a few hours, he’s sitting across the room from you
doing literally anything to spark a reaction from you; a joke, a dumb remark, sending you pictures of eumppappa
eventually, he just sits next to you and hesitantly holds your hand
“i’m sorry.. can we not fight anymore?”
— park gunwook
arguments with him are never on serious topics
it’s mostly a debate; apple vs orange juice type thing 🍎🍊
and oh boy, does gunwook have alot of opinions
he starts bringing out logic and safe to say it becomes a bit annoying
so you’re both there, ignoring eachother
gunwook wants to be able to ignore you for days on end but he literally can’t
usually it’ll only take a few hours cause guilt consumes him easily
awkwardly shifts over to you and pokes your cheek 😞
“i’m sorry.. do you think you can forgive me..?”
— han yujin
stubborn 💯
will not be the one apologising
until his friends are tired hearing him complain about you so they just push him to apologise first
also won’t admit he misses talking to you
but he can’t take the loneliness anymore so he takes his chances when he sees you sitting alone
yujin sits next to you, making you quirk an eyebrow 🤨
“i thought you were ignoring me.” you say “i just thought you were lonely.” he responds
you let out a small laugh “uhuh, and?”
“and… actuallyi’mtheonethatsreallylonelyandi’mreallysorry!” he says with one singular breath, making you laugh “okay, yujin. i’m sorry too.”
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© keiwook | 2023
tag @bruhiamistake @trashydez @chxrrymxxnlight @haesunflower @big-uwu-stan @gnwookie @yjhcloud @kpoprhia @channiesprincess @blaycke @watamotee33 @hazyskyline @doobinnies @haechan-nahceah @chanlixed
here to join the taglist !
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Hey! Love your work and was wondering if you could do one where the reader is a really good cook/baker!
A/N: Hey there! I'm so glad you like my work :D I really hope you enjoy this one too!
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He swore he couldn’t love you any more than he already did but then you went and started cooking for the boys and Darry found out just how wrong he was
It’s so nice to have someone else who can cook and who Darry can trust alone in the kitchen, he knows you’re not gonna start a fire or something
You’re the one cooking dinner now most of the time, simply because the boys like eating your cooking the best
Darry will cook for you sometimes! Especially if you’ve had a bad week or it’s a big milestone in your relationship, blah blah blah, Darry has a thing for taking care of his partners, and that comes out in the form of food
King of hyping up your cooking, especially your chocolate cakes! You’re the only one that can bake a chocolate cake and get Darry to admit that yours tastes better than his cake does 
Also also also, he asks you to pack him lunches sometimes so that he can take it to work with him and just kind of have a little part of you there with him <3 I highly suggest dropping a little handwritten note into his lunchbox, but y’know, that’s just me talking
Don’t tell Darry, but he likes when you cook or bake for him more than when his brother does, Sodapop thinks it just tastes better
*Insert a joke about how Sodapop likes to claim it’s because you make your stuff with love and Darry doesn’t but we all know that’s nonsense*
I kid you not, Sodapop is a bottomless pit and not a picky eater by any stretch of the imagination, so if you need a taste-tester for some dish you’re trying out, look no further than your pretty boy
Show up to the DX with a packed lunch for the two of you, flirt and giggle before giving it to him, stay with him and eat together in the garage on the hood of some ridiculously Soc car that Steve was supposed to fix later in the day
Nothing says I love you more than sitting on a car and laughing during his lunch break, doing nothing but sitting there and just being together
Plus! Steve will get sort of grumpy and pouty because he wanted to have Sodapop with him for his lunch break but you got there before him and he can’t really be mad because you guys are just too cute but he’ll be funny to watch  
You’re into cooking? Baking? That’s cool, Ponyboy has no problem eating whatever you’re working on and loves to be in the kitchen with him
He’s a menace and likes to sit on the countertops or eat the food before it’s cooked, so maybe it’s not always the best idea to have him there with you, but, y’know, he’s cute so it’s way okay!
The two of you have definitely made a mess of Darry’s kitchen at some point, cookies gone wrong or a mini-flour food fight, so there’s a high chance that you’ve gotten Ponyboy banned from the kitchen
If you bring anything treat-wise for him to school, expect the boys to try and steal some of it, especially Two-Bit, that boy will literally steal anything he can
Hype Man pt. 2, Pony talks about your cooking so much that Darry has probably asked you to just come over and cook dinner one day so that Pony will stop telling him about how you’d cook everything differently
Also, strong opinion that he only knows how to cook very simple meals, scrambled eggs and grilled cheeses and things, and is seriously impressed by when you make things that are like even a fraction of a bit of something better than those
If your folks are out and you’re planning on cooking? Please oh please, call up Dally and let him in so he can eat whatever you’re making
He’s not helpful, he eats your food and then doesn’t help with the dishes, I wouldn’t recommend him as a sous chef at all
But! He’s honest and will tell you exactly how he feels about what you’re cooking, which can be a blessing and a curse, just as things usually are with our dear Mr. Winston
If Dally doesn’t like something, he’s gonna bitch about it, but if he likes it, god he’s gonna compliment you and compliment you and compliment you and kiss you so many times as a thank you
No one else is allowed to touch anything you make for him, he threatens to and has bitten and snapped at people who get too close to his plates before, I’m not even lying to you
Also, don’t let him cook because Dally’ll probably end up burning something, solid headcanon that he can barely cook, and he’ll probably end up blaming you for whatever he’s messed up!  
Hard one, I don’t know exactly how I feel about Johnny with an S/O who’d bake or cook all the time, but I know he’d like it!
You’d probably make an extra lunch for him every so often (every other day or so because you know you love him) and the two of you would eat your lunches together at school
Johnny likes everything you make, he’ll tell you how great everything is and shower you with praise and compliments as he shovels food like he’s some sort of chipmunk
I don’t think he’s picky either? Like, I don’t think he cares very much about picking and choosing when it comes to food, he’d rather just put it in his mouth and go on with his life
But I think Johnny has a favorite thing that you make, I don’t know what exactly, but it’s gonna be something sweet, maybe cookies or brownies
He’s a horrendous cook, okay? Recipe or not, he absolutely sucks and it’s terrible having him in the kitchen with you but he likes to stand with you so I think you should just let him hang out as long as he promises not to touch anything- 
You’re helping him babysit his sister? And you’re making dinner? For both of them? And you’re having the time of your life in the kitchen?
Two-Bit thought he was in love with you already, jeez louise, he’s so gone for you and is about to have a meltdown because you’re just standing in his kitchen making dinner for everyone 
He tries to kiss you and almost burns himself on the stove because he’s too busy staring at you he doesn’t realize where he placed his hand and then you’ve got to take a break from cooking to take care of him
Two really does like what you cook though! He’s not picky and he’s open to whatever you want to feed him, I promise! 
Come up to him with a spoonful of mystery and tell him to open his mouth and swallow, Two-Bit will do it immediately, no questions asked whatsoever
He’s a good guy, alright, and he’s got simple thoughts, he just really likes seeing you when you’re cooking, when you’re in your element and I think he’d be a really great pal to have in the grocery store 
Have I mentioned? That Steve? Is a cheerleader? And likes to hype you up? Because that’s running around and around in my mind
For the love of everything, you better have a chocolate cake recipe memorized because that’s what Steve’s always going to ask you to make, he can’t get enough of your chocolate cakes
You’re gonna have to persuade him to eat anything else, honestly, he’s just so in love with you and the cake, it’s gonna be a challenge 
If you don’t let him in the kitchen with you, Steve’s just gonna whine and pout until you eventually cave and let him in from where he’s been throwing a fit in the doorway
He’s good though, he knows when to keep his hands off, especially when he’s coming from work and covered in grease, he honestly really doesn’t want to help with the cooking anyway
Steve would much rather just watch you and talk, laughing about your days and just be there with you while you cook and bake your little heart out  
He’s picky with food I have a feeling? Like Tim likes what he likes and that’s what he’s gonna eat, y’know?
Bowl of cereal in the morning, a burger when he goes out to the diner, Tim’s not really into the whole trying-new-things but I have a feeling, if you tried hard enough, you could convince him to try something a little new
Present it to him and smile, bat your eyelashes, say your pretty pleases and beg just a little bit and there’s nothing Tim can do but say yes <3
He’s a good person to cook with! I think he knows what he’s doing enough and likes to cook, so I think it could totally be a bonding thing for you!
The moment you cook dinner for Angela and Curly, Tim knows he’s not gonna let you go anywhere because if you love him to care for his siblings as well, Tim knows you’re definitely a keeper
He likes to come up behind you when you’re cooking and hug you, murmuring into your ear as you throw things together, some compliments and some teasing remarks, but they’re all said with such love it makes things totally cool-
This little shit, Curly is head over heels even before you tell him that you like to cook/bake, he’s gonna be long gone when he learns about that
He thinks it’s great, absolutely loves it and absolutely loves you, and wants to hear about everything you’ve ever made
You need a taste tester? Someone to go grocery shopping with you? Someone to talk with while you cook?
Don’t you even worry, baby, Curly is more than happy to spend all day in the kitchen with you while he does no cooking whatsoever, just hangs with you
And, so uh, y’know how cookies and brownies and stuff have that sort of window where you just sort of put them in the oven and wait? Yeah, Curly likes to take advantage of that time period and kiss you senseless
Tell me I’m wrong, you can’t because you know that this boy will take any chance he can get to make out with you, regardless if he runs the risk of burning those cookies to a crisp or not-
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justmeinadaze · 1 year
I Have Nothing (If I Don't Have You) Part 2 (Steddie X You)
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Warnings with some notes: Soft Dom Steddie and Singer Reader, Smut and angst, reader has flashbacks of her fight with Simon from the last chapter (Domestic violence trigger!), her need to numb with alcohol and drugs is touched on briefly, Eddie alludes to his past with his dad.
This chapter does deal with some darker themes of Y/N feeling like she's nothing because toxic people have made her believe that. Please never forget that you matter and your feelings ARE valid <3.
Word Count: 4305
Your eyes snapped open to darkness as the images from your nightmare were slowly beginning to fade away. Nightmares weren’t new for you but this one involving Simon trying to hurt you was. It took you moment as you sat up to catch your breath to remember you weren’t alone in your guest bedroom tonight. 
Ever the gentlemen, even though you asked them to sleep in bed with you, both men had fallen asleep as close to the edge that they could and on top of your covers. Eddie was facing you, his arms folded against his chest as he slept. Steve’s chest gently rose and fell as his head remained angled towards the bedroom door. 
Without jostling the bed too much, you crawled out from under your blanket and headed for the kitchen to grab a glass of water. You stared at the whiskey bottle on the counter, frozen in place as the night’s events played through your mind. 
Simon was already irritable when you came back from having lunch with the guys but after telling him where you were he had gotten extremely jealous. 
“They are security, not your fucking friends. Why are you having lunch with them?!”
“Oh, I don’t know. Maybe cause they earned it. They did protect your girlfriend from a mob last night.”
“A mob? Seriously? You’re so fucking dramatic.”
“You wouldn’t know because you weren’t fucking there even though you said you would be!”
“Are you fucking them?”
“I’m not even going to entertain that with an answer.”, you scoff.
Simon’s arm shoots out, gripping your biceps tightly as you whine in pain. “You will fucking entertain it. Tell me now or I swear to God, Y/N…”
“Let. Me. Go.”
“Answer me.”
“Yes, Simon. Oh my god. You caught me.”, you respond sarcastically as you widen your eyes in jest. “I just met them last week and I swear…I couldn’t get them inside me fast enough. Even though I’ve been planning an album, tour, and singing at the concert I had, I still had enough time to just blow their minds. It only takes 2 minutes, right, baby? ‘In and out’ At least that’s how I refer to our sex life.”
His palm collided with your cheek hard, knocking your back into the adjacent wall.
“I have never once heard you or any other fucking woman complain. You think you’re so smart and perfect. Let me tell you, sweetie, you’re not. You’re just like every other fucking small-town whore who comes to the city to become ‘something’. There is absolutely nothing special about you, babe, and deep down you know that. That’s why you ply yourself with drugs and fucking liters of vodka. You. Are. Nothing.”
A tear escapes down your eye and you scold yourself internally for letting him see how much his words were hurting you. Abruptly, you lift you knee, hitting his stomach, and running to your bedroom as he howls in pain.
“Jesus!” You jump as the glass in your hand falls to the ground.
“Hey. Sorry! Sorry! I didn’t mean to startle you. Are you alright?”, Eddie asked, hands held up in surrender as he slowly moves towards you.
“Yeah, I…shit. I didn’t hear you come in.” As you start to step forward, his hand reaches out to lightly grab your forearm. 
“No. Don’t move. You aren’t wearing any shoes or slippers. Let me clean this up for you.”
You couldn’t help but softly giggle as he bent down to get the big pieces of glass with his hands. “Neither are you.”
“True but my feet aren’t as pretty as yours. I mean with the…”, he gestures towards your pedicured toes. 
“Are you…security guarding my feet, Mr. Munson?”
A small smirk slides across his face as he rises and throws the pieces into the trash before reaching into a nearby closet to grab a broom.
“You could say that. They are a part of you and I’m supposed to protect you so… plus I like the pastel purple color thing you got going on there.”
“It’s my favorite color. Usually my nails have to match the outfit but depending on my shoes I can have that be any color really so I always choose purple.” Eddie’s grin grows as he nods his head, finishing his task and putting everything away. “Thank you…again…for tonight.”
“Of course. Probably a silly question but how are you feeling?”
“I’m fine.”, you lie. 
He nods again, his fingers tracing your arm where Simon had grabbed you. You tried not to flinch but it hurt too much. The metalhead opens your freezer and takes the first frozen, bagged item he sees before waving you to follow him as he heads for your couch. 
Carefully, he places the cold object on your bruises making you wince. 
“Growing up, when I had bruises like these, my mom would put peas or steak on my wound and tell me that it had healing powers. For a while I believed her because the next day the cuts and bruises didn’t hurt as bad.”
“Were you just a rough and tumble kid? Why did you get hurt so much?”
“My father would probably tell you it’s because I deserved it.” His beautiful brown eyes met yours, telling a story that he couldn’t just yet. 
“Is everyone ok?” Steve sleepily sauntered into the living room and tossed himself onto one of your comfy chairs. 
“Took you long enough, Stevie. She’s been up for…”, Eddie glances at his watch. “…15 minutes. Give or take.” He chuckles at your shocked expression. “You were mumbling in your sleep and then kind of groaned when you woke up. That fully woke me up. I thought you were getting something to drink and then coming back. When you didn’t, I went searching till I found you staring into the void of the kitchen counter.”
“Yeah. I kind of got lost in thought for a moment.”
“Can we ask what you were thinking about?”
You turned towards the other boy, unsure if you should be honest. 
“I was going over the fight Simon and I had.”
“Do you want to talk about it?”
“Not really. I’d rather talk about you guys.”
“I have an idea. Why don’t we make some breakfast, get some coffee, and then you can ask us anything you want to.”
“Ok. I don’t have many foods in here but…” Your eyes follow Steve as he stands up and heads for your kitchen. 
“Hm. I see eggs and bacon.” He starts pulling ingredients out and placing them on the counter, pausing to look at you. “Are you going to come help me or not?”
You giggle as you head his way, not noticing when Eddie smiles after you before getting up himself and disappearing down the hallway. 
“I have zero idea how to cook anything.”
“Well, thankfully, eggs are one of the easiest things to make.” Your eyes focus as you watch him work, listening to every tip he gives you. “Here, take this and I’m going to start the coffee.”
Panicking internally, you take the spatula from his hand, coping everything you had seen him do. After a couple of minutes, you felt his palm tenderly press against your lower back. 
“There you go. Pfft Miss I have no idea how to cook.” Steve grins down at you as your eyes light up at his compliment, proud that you were able to do something with the added bonus of making him happy. “Alright, let me plate this here. Ed! Food!”
Your eyes swing around the room, not realizing he had left it at all. 
“I’m comin’! Geez. I cleaned up the mess on your bedroom floor, Y/N. Later today, we’ll see about getting your door hooked back up, okay?”
“I…thank you. I could have helped you.”
Eddie takes a seat at your table as you plop down beside him and begin digging into your food. Steve brings you a cup filled to the brim with caffeine and sits across from his friend. 
“It’s no problem. He did more damage to the door and you…” You glance down at your plate as you take another small bite. Ringed fingers slide into your peripherals and tap your hand. “What did you want to ask us?”
“Are you from California?”
“Indiana actually.”, Steve answers. “Small town hidden away.”
“You said you were good at protecting people. Did you do that in Indiana?”
“At the bar in town, yeah. I used to play there with my band and on the weekends it would get a bit…rough. Steve saved my ass when some big, muscle-bound guy tried to punch me because he thought I was flirting with his girlfriend while we were playing.”
“He was but that’s beside the point.”, the other boy jokingly whispers making you laugh. 
“We also had some kids we grew up with that were bullied a lot so we protected them.”, Eddie smiled. “About two years ago, Harrington suggested we move out here to get more clients and make more money. For a while we were with this indie band but then they broke up.”
“Oof. I don’t have a band so no worries about that here. So, what’s your end goal? Do you want your own security company or…?”
“I mean technically we do have our own security company. Eddie and I are freelance so we don’t answer to anyone.” You nod your head at his answer as you take a sip from your cup. “What about you? Where are you from?”
“Haven’t goggled me yet, I see.”
“No fun in that especially when I’m sure whatever we would read would have some glaring plot holes.”
“True. I’m from a city down south. Definitely not a small town up bringing but very much a hardheaded one. My family always wanted me to be ‘something’ like a doctor or a teacher. I knew that wasn’t for me.”
“They don’t like that you sing?”
“My parents don’t get it. They see ‘real music’ as something like Johnny Cash or Dolly Parton. Since I’m not on that level I haven’t officially made it to them. I’m just fucking around on stage with a microphone.”, you roll your eyes. 
“I know Johnny Cash. I don’t think I’ve ever listened to Dolly Parton.” Your jaw drops open as you stare at Steve. 
“He’s a bit sheltered, sweetheart.”, Eddie teases. 
Quickly getting to your feet, you run to the bedroom to grab your phone, scrolling through it as you sit back down. “9 to 5” by Dolly Parton begins to play through the little speaker as you hold It out towards him. 
“On Saturday mornings, I remember waking up to my mom blaring this song with the windows open as she cleaned. The sun always seemed to shine through the windows perfectly and she seemed so happy. We would sing together while I helped her.” You smiled as your got lost in the memory. 
“I like it.”, Steve grinned as he bobbed his head. The music cut off as a phone call came through and you sighed, recognizing the ID. “Who is it this early?”
“Simon. He’s calling from the police station for me to bail him out.”
“Is that something you normally do?”, Eddie asked, huffing under his breath when you nod your head. “Y/N, he’s never going to stop taking advantage of you if you keep letting him and bailing him out.”
Anger suddenly flooded your expression as you turned on him. “Look, you don’t get it. I’m really sick and fucking tired of you two constantly pointing out how ‘weak’ I am by letting people ‘take advantage’ of me!”
“Did we say she was weak?” The metalhead turned towards his friend who promptly shook his head in response. 
“She’s definitely not weak. Scared maybe.”
“Pfft, please! What do I have to be scared of?!”
“Being alone, I imagine. Going back to being that southern little girl who was nothing.”, Steve shrugs as he leans back in his chair.
“I’m not nothing! Why do people keep saying that!?” You rise from your chair and stomp towards the kitchen, reaching for the bottle of vodka, popping the top, and chugging some of it back. 
You yelp as the bottle is yanked from your grasp and you watch as Eddie pours the liquid down the drain. “We didn’t say you were nothing. He’s saying YOU feel that way. Why is that, Y/N? Does Simon keep telling you that? Because if anyone here is nothing it’s that asshole.”
“You are not my father. You can’t just throw out my stuff like that!”
“Stop acting like a child and we’ll stop treating you like one.”
In defiance, you reach in your cabinet to grab another bottle of the hard liquor but Steve blind sides you as he comes up from behind and takes it from your hands. You stomp your feet as Eddie pours its contents down the sink as well. 
As you bend down to grab another, he blocks the area with his body.
“Move, Steve.”
He matches your glare with one of his one. “Make me. Hell, I’ll even make you deal. If you can move me, you can have what’s inside and we won’t stop you.”
Growling, you try and shove at his body with your small frame but it’s no use, he’s too strong.
“Stop it, Steve! Move!”
“Oh, come on, little girl. You’re giving up that easy?” 
You continue to throw a tantrum as you fold your arms over your chest. For moment you pause as you become slightly aware that you are being more of a brat than normal. Is it because they were pushing you? As your eyes shifted between theirs you noticed that dominate air return that you had only seen in them. 
They see it to within your demeanor as you partially descended into the headspace. They knew this was a professional boundary they shouldn’t cross but it was hard to be levelheaded when your big, beautiful eyes continued to penetrate theirs with need. A need to be protected and feel loved; to feel safe.
“You don’t need alcohol to make you feel better, honey.”
“Yeah? And what do I need, Steve?”
He took one confident step forward, backing you into the island behind you. “Personally, I think you need to be reminded how important you are and how much you matter. You need to be shown how fucking gorgeous you are and deserve to be treated right.”
Eddie’s lower belly grazed your hand as he came to your side. “You deserve to be up on a pedestal, Y/N.” Your eyes flutter shut as his lips graze the shell of your ear. “That way we can pull you off of it and make you cum till you’re begging us to stop.”
Your fingers tangle in the fabric of his shirt as you pull his lips to yours. Fuck he tastes so good…
You’re both panting once you’re finally able to pull away. 
“Th-this is…we shouldn’t be doing this.”, you whisper.
“No, we shouldn’t.” Steve’s palms grip your thighs as he lifts you onto the counter, kissing you passionately as you cling to his neck. 
You growl as your phone rings again but pause when their phones ping from different places in the house. Taking your device from Eddie’s grasp, you thank him as he hands it over to you. Resting your forehead against the man’s chest, you whine as you answer. 
“Hello Sarah.”
“You need to come down here now. We need to talk about the incident last night.”
“Can we do it tomorrow?”
“No, we can’t do it tomorrow! The morning news is already talking about this and we need to get ahead of it as much as possible. Get over here now, please.”, she commanded before disconnecting. 
“Hm. Well that would be my publicist, Sarah. I should go shower.” You flash them a soft smile as you slide down from the counter. “I’m sure you noticed but I have a shower in the guest room if you guys want to freshen up or anything.”
“Yeah, looks like your agent wants us there to.”, Eddie sighs as he shows Steve the text. 
“Our morning just got very exciting, gentlemen.”
“Ok, let me ask this out right because depending on how you answer is where we go from here. Are you going to bail him out?”
Your eyes shifted towards the boys as they leaned against the wall to the side of you. You did every single time something happened with Simon. No matter what it was, you were always there to bail him out but after what happened and what the guys told you about deserving better…
“Um, no. Not this time.”
Sarah makes an amused face as she nods her head. “Good for you, Y/N. Fuck him. Are you considering that your way of dumping his ass?”
“I, um, yes. I think so… I’m sorry. Its just last night was a lot and I haven’t even really had time to process it.”
“I understand, Y/N. Now I have to ask just so I can be prepared for anything he might say… What exactly happened?”
“I came home and he was angry--”
“About what?”
Her question quickly followed your statement throwing you off guard. “Um, I had lunch with some…some friends and he got jealous.” You didn’t need to look their way again to know their eyes were penetrating your body. “He thought I was cheating on him.”
“Insecure fucker always thinks that with you. Ok, and then what?”
“I told him to fuck off and he hit me.”
“And then you called these two?” 
Eddie clears his throat when you nod. “She said she needed help so we sped down there and handled the situation.”
“Ok. Ok, ok, ok.”, Sarah exhales as she leans against her desk. “I’m going to write a formal statement and give it to the press. Something along the lines of you’re safe and will no longer tolerate this kind of behavior. You…pray for him to heal and wish him all the best?”
“Yeah, sure, whatever. “, you sigh as you nonchalantly wave your hand. “I feel like we could have done this over the phone.”
“We could have but we didn’t.”
“You didn’t say the fight you two had was about us.”
“You’re right, Mr. Harrington. I didn’t.” He and Eddie exchanged a look as the metalhead continued to drive back towards your house. “To be fair…he thinks I’m fucking everybody so…”
“Are you?”
“Excuse me?”, you ask angrily.
“We wouldn’t blame you, sweetheart. You put on that little display for us when you and Simon were fucking before you snuck out to the bar. You were in there for a while and I don’t think we heard you cum once.”
“Like men can tell when a woman climaxes.”
“We can…but that could just be because our girls are always screaming our names and begging for more.”, Steve chuckles as Eddie grins.
“Oh my god. So fucking cocky. Simon has made me cum.”
As they hit a hit a red light, Steve quickly gets out and switches to the backseat so he can be beside you. 
“He has? I don’t believe it.”
Your breath catches in your throat as he throws his arm behind your head against the seat, allowing his body to scoot closer to yours. 
“I mean… believe whatever you want…”
His fingers behind your head play with your hair as he moves it away from your face, his other palm coming to graze your thigh. 
“You seem like the kinda girl that makes a lot of noise when you cum.”
“Especially with a beautiful voice like hers.”, Eddie adds. 
Your eyes flutter closed as his nose glides along your cheek, the hand on your thigh gradually moving up your pant covered leg. You desperately wanted him to touch you more but refused to ask or even beg for it. Instead, you chose to ground yourself, placing your own hand on his knee as you clung to the fabric of his shorts. 
Steve’s lips delicately traced along your neck as his palm finally found its way between your legs. “Your so warm already. I wonder how wet you are. Can I find out?” Licking your lips, you aggressively nod your head. “Say it, honey. Use your words.”, he whispers in your ear. 
“You…you can touch me.”
His head tilts as he looks down at your body, moving your shirt to the side a bit so he can slide his massive hand under the waistband of your leggings and panties. 
“Fuck me, Y/N. You are just dripping.”
You moan as his fingers glide through your sex as he plays with your pussy, your hand on his knee rising higher. 
“Do you want to touch my cock, baby? You can.”, Steve murmurs against your skin, groaning when he feels your cunt flutter against the pads of digits. 
He shuffles closer to you as you lift your leg and place it over his own allowing him more access as one of his fingers breaches your entrance. His lips find yours, humming against them as your palm rubs his groin. 
“Jesus… Ed, she’s…she’s so fucking tight.” As he turns to talk to his friend, your mouth places feathery light kisses along his jawline to his neck. Your hooded eyes open when you feel his throat vibrate against you as he laughs. “You ok, man?”
“Yeah…f-fuck… we’re-we’re almost at her house. I need jerk off so fucking bad. Her moans are so fucking sexy.”
“You’re—mmm—you’re not gonna fuck me?”
Steve turns his attention back to you, his eyes meeting yours as he slips a second finger into your sex.
“No, pretty girl. Not today.”
Eddie parks the car in your shaded driveway, hastily unbuckling his seatbelt before turning around to face you both. You watched him with lust driven eyes as he unbuttoned his pants before licking his hand and stroking his length. 
“You…you don’t want me?” You barely even recognize the voice that just left you, sounding like a little girl who was denied dessert. What was it about these men that had you behaving that way?
A heavy sigh escaped Steve at the sound and you felt his cock twitch against your hand as you made a mental note of his reaction.
“We do, honey. Fuck do we ever… you just went through a lot last night. Your body and mind need to rest.”
As his fingers thrust faster into you, your hand tries to match his pace. “Can…can I?”
He nods, lifting his hips as you pull his shorts down just enough to free his dick from its confinement. Leaning over his lap, you spit onto his tip, and he mewls as your tiny hand wraps around him. Steve curls his fingers inside of you as his elbow locks, straightening out his arm.
“Fuck, Steve. Please.”
“Steve…tell me more—mmm—about how she feels.”
The man tried to focus to do what his friend asked but it was hard with your hand alone bringing him close to the edge. 
“Fuck, Eddie…so fucking tight. Her pussy is just gripping my fingers, man…feels…feels so good. I don’t know…how—fuck, baby. Faster—I don’t know how our…our cocks are going to fit.”
His filthy words shot straight to your core, clenching around Steve’s fingers as you came. Your free hand flew down to grab his wrist, trying to get him to stop as he continued to pump his digits inside of you. When your head collapsed on his shoulder, he held you tighter to him as his spend shot out and on his thigh.
Eddie panted as he soon followed after, throwing his head back as he cursed under his breath. 
Steve carefully slid his hand out of your pants, bringing his fingers to his mouth as he tasted you. 
“You taste so sweet, Y/N. Are you ok?”
You lazily nod your head as you tug yourself closer to his chest. This was new for you. Usually after anything sexual, you wanted to be left alone. Even with Simon, you would always recoil away when he would try to cuddle you after. Maybe it’s because you always felt like trash after he finished. Most of your sexual experience were done under an intoxicated haze or with a selfish lover who just wanted to use you to get off. 
As you listened to this man’s heartbeat, you suddenly felt extremely clingy, fearful that as soon as you let him go he would be gone forever. Eddie was already too far for your liking and you could tell he saw the panic in your eyes as his own gorgeous orbs scanned your face. 
“Hey.”, he cooed. “I’m right here, okay? We’re not going anywhere unless you want us to.”
At his friend’s words, Steve quickly craned his neck so he could look at you to. “Come on, honey. Let’s get you inside and back in bed. Do you think you can walk?”
What kind of question was that? Of course you could walk. The thing was…you didn’t want to. You wanted them to help you. You needed them to.
“Can Eddie carry me?”
The metalhead chuckles as he buttons his pants before getting out of the car and coming around to your side. “Whatever you need, princess.”
As he lifted you into his arms, you encircled your own limbs around his neck as you nuzzled his skin. After carefully placing you onto your mattress, he removed your shoes, socks, and pants so you could be more comfortable. You turned onto your side; eyes fully closed as you snuggled into your pillow. 
“Please don’t leave me here alone.”, you mumbled. 
“Don’t worry, sweetheart. We aren’t going anywhere.”
@rckstrbee @melodymishahiddlestan @alienthingstwo
@siriuslysmoking @micheledawn1975 @cositaslua
@unfocused81 @paleidiot @steddieloverrr @aol19
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saw444kowo · 7 months
on the verge of dying falling
🦕miguel x reader
author's note 2: i pet a dog today. life? completed.
author's note 3: does that mean my mental health is better? probably not. but we up 🗣‼️
author's note 4: i physically hurt myself while writing this. also dedicated to @unabashedcroissanttreefan (ly pookie wifey)
synopsis: he's on the verge of dying. you're the hq nurse who healed him. you saved him,but it seems he wants something more from you.
content: miguel x gender neutral reader (though fem reader was in mind), reader is hq's nurse, mention of dying, hospital talk, ooc miguel? injury and angst
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“Lyla, do you have any tips for migraines?” asked Miguel,
- I don’t, she replies with a smile, but I have to remind you you have to go to the nursery for your weekly check-up.
-Do I really have to go? Asked Miguel with a pout. You know they scare me and -
-Seriously? You’re fighting anomalies all year long and you’re scared of a little check-up? (she laughs) you’re really strange.
- I know but-
-No buts! I booked you an appointment at 2:30pm!
-It’s no fair (he does the same pout as he did before) why don’t you have to go?
- That’s the perk of having no physical body! (she winks) plus I heard they’re super nice!”
While Lyla and Miguel waited for their appointment, you were doing some stuff in your office. Once 2:30pm arrived, you head a gentle knock on your door.
“-Hello! Is this your first time there? You ask with a smile. I don’t remember seeing you there. Lyla told me you’d come but she didn’t tell me your name. You are?
- I’m hum, I’m Miguel O'Hara. He stutters, uncertain.
-Nice to meet you then! (you smile as you wave his hand, check your files and notice he never came to the supposedly mandatory weekly check-ups.) No wonder why I never saw you there! You exclaim on a light-hearted tone. So-
-No need to worry about that! He hurries. I just came there because of my migraines, they’re pretty frequent and-
-Oh! You cut him off. It’s simple, you just have to take this! (you hand him a little box of painkillers.) But if I were you, I’d be careful as frequent migraines can be a sign of early stage brain cancer. So I’d recommend you to do a full body check up, so that we could notice (déceler) some tumors. But if you want to go, I’m not forcing you to stay!
The desperate look Miguel gave you made you understand he was willing to stay.
-Do we really have to do this? He uncertainly asked as you got him laying down on a dentist chair.
-Yes! You say as you put on a surgeon mask. A full body check-up isn’t a full body one if I don’t check your teeth too! Now open wide!
A few moments go by as you inspect his teeth, when all of a sudden you feel a sharp jolt of pain go through your hand.
-I’m sorry! Miguel hurried, I didn’t mean to do that!
- It’s fine don’t worry! You reassure him as you put a bandage on your hand where he bit you. At least I found the issue! If your head hurt so much it was simply because your teeth are moving.
- So the whole brain cancer thing was a lie?
-Partly, but I told you this because weekly check-ups are important! You say as you pout lightly. I was starting to think you never came because you hated me… Anyway, can you please fill in this? It’s a medical about me sheet! The more honest and accurate you will be, the better I will be able to heal you! I know I may look scary, but I mean no harm really! Just see me as a friend, okay?
“A friend?” Miguel thought to himself, and a strange warmth invaded his heart. He has been a loner most of his life, but it sure felt nice to know he could reach out to someone whenever he needed to.
- You WHAT? Lyla exclaimed as you were away to get some medicine.
-I bit them. Miguel admitted shamefully.
- Now they’re the one who’s going to be scared of you! Lyla chuckled between laughter.
- I like you a whole bunch but if you don’t shut up right now I’ll turn the WiFi off.
- Say what you want, I saw how hard you blushed when they got you sitting down!
- Aight that’s it I’m turning you off-
- You better not-
A few moments later, you came back in the room with some syringes and a plaster mold.
-Uhh, what is all that for? Miguel asked, unsure.
- It’s because you need braces! You say as you hand him the plaster mold. Instead of biting my hand, bite this instead please!
-I need… braces?
- Mhm! It’s because of your fangs! For some reason, when they grew they pushed back your other teeth and that’s where all your migraines came from! If you came more often, you would’ve not needed these!
///…A few moments later…///
-There we go! Don’t hesitate to come again if they’re too tight, but normally the painkillers should be enough!
Once Miguel was gone, you treated your other patients until the end of your day, and decided to check Miguel’s file.
- Yes?
- Can you tell me more about Miguel’s past? I noticed a weird mark on his shoulder and he didn’t mention anything similar in his file.
-I love you a whole bunch sunshine, but you know I can’t do this.
-Please? I need to know if I want to heal him more efficiently!
-Fine, Lyla sighed. Before the whole spiderverse protection thing, he worked at Alchemax and found out some bad stuff happened, his boss found out he knew so he forced him to take some shitty drugs which turned him into an addict.
-But why didn’t he tell me?
Lyla raised an eyebrow and smiled.
- Well sunshine, you know how he is! She chuckled, Always grumpy and never wanting to admit his weaknesses! And probably because he wanted you to have a good first impression of him!
-Ohhh. You think out loud. That makes much more sense now.
-One last thing sunshine! (you turn your head towards her) You didn’t hear this from me,
okay? Don’t mention any of this unless he speaks about it first!
-Mkay! Thanks, you’re the best Lyla!
A few weeks later, you kept on meeting and healing random patients, but you had no sign of Miguel.
-Is there anything new today? You ask Lyla, feeling like boredom getting the best of you.
-Nope, still nothing sunshine. Are you okay? She asked with a hint of worry in her voice.
-I’m fine, you sigh as you laid back on your chair, it’s just… Not being a spiderperson is boring.
- You know, by healing all those heroes, it’s as if you save people as well!
- I mean, if you put it that way… You chuckled. Thank you Lyla, you truly know how to cheer up people! (someone knocked on the door) Miguel? What are you doing here?
- I came here uh… Because I ran out of medicine.
-Oh! Of course! There you go!
-Thank you, he mumbles. I also got you this by the way, he stutters, handing you a wildflowers bouquet. As an apology for uh… Your hand.
-Oh! Thank you, but you really didn’t need to! You thank him with a genuine smile. Did you need anything else from me?
-I’ll be fine thank you!
-You’re the one who gave him the idea right?
- You wouldn’t believe me if I told you I didn’t, right?
-Not in the slightest, you chuckled, but it’s still cute though!
A few weeks pass as you find yourself daydreaming again while Miguel and the others were on a mission.
- What do you think of Miguel? Lyla asked you on a soft innocent tone.
-What do you mean by that? You ask her back, intrigued.
- Well, he got you your favorites flowers, and ever since that day he seems like to get injured pretty often, even if it’s just small cuts…
- I see the point you’re trying to make and – don’t you give me that look, you say as you notice Lyla smirking, he’s my boss, OK? He’s probably acting like this because I’m the only person bringing him some comfort and-
-That’s the exact reason he would fall in love with someone! Think about it! I see how he is with you, it’s as if he’d trust you enough to talk to you about his daughter!
- Really? You ask in disbelief.
-Yes! Even though he sucks at showing so, I can assure you he cares about you! I’ve known him for years now, and he acts with you like he acts with nobody and-
At this exact moment, Miguel abruptly came in the room, badly injured? He had a lot of cuts all over his body and was losing so much blood he was on the verge of passing out.
- Please… Need… Healing… he murmured.
- Lyla, scan his vital lifeline and tell me which ones need healing first! You hurried, trying your best to keep your calm.
- There’s a serious wound near his heart! Be quick, he’s losing a lot of blood!
- Lyla… Miguel said, barely whispering. Am I going to die?
- Of course! But not today! You say as you kept on pressing on his wounds, making a fortune bandage out of random fabric you found. Lyla, call Pablo and tell her to come here and put Miguel in intensive care.
-Lyla… Miguel whispered, his eyes closed, tell y/n I love them, OK? Thank you… For every… thing… Think I’m going… to sleep … a little now…
He then put his head on your lap, waiting for the robot to arrive, while you cupped his face, crying silently.
- It’s not your fault, sunshine, you did your best, Lyla tried to reassure you as you both waited in front of Miguel’s hospital room.
- Apparently, it wasn’t enough… you sigh, defeated. Be honest, do you think he’ll survive?
- I don’t know sunshine, I don’t know…
A few hours passed as you both nervously waited for any doctor to give you news of Miguel, but every person you asked didn’t know or simply ignored you. You then started to fall asleep on your chair, the exhaustion getting the best of you, when a doctor gently patted your shoulder to wake you up.
-Y/N? I have news for you. You brought Miguel… (he checks his files) Miguel O'Hara, right? (you nod as you feel your heart miss a beat). He got seriously injured and he lost a lot of blood, so we had to put him in an artificial coma. We don’t know if he’ll make it, but I’m sure he would appreciate some company. Would you mind following me please?
The doctor then led you to Miguel’s room before softly closing the door behind you.
- Hi, uh, I hope you’re doing OK wherever you are. The doctors said you would like some company, so I’m staying here for a while. I don’t know if you can hear me, but if you can, well, I’m sorry. I really did try my best to save you. And… if I failed… (a knot starts forming in your throat) if you joined your daughter, well, I hope you’re happy with her. And I hope what you told Lyla earlier, the ‘tell Y/N I love them, was true. Because, even though bringing a smile to your face is the hardest thing to do – you know I always like a challenge! You chuckle with a faint smile, I still want to see that grumpy, but lovely, face of yours. Anyway, I’ll stop talking for a while, but I’ll stay here until I have news from the doctors. Please don’t leave us. The multiverse needs you. I need you.
You then kept on telling him random details of your day, as a way to convince yourself he was still alive. You kept on doing so for so much time you ended up falling asleep with your head on his chest, listening to his slow and steady heartbeat.
- Y/N? Softly murmured Miguel after what seemed to you an eternity. He looked a bit taken aback seeing you like this, slowly waking up from your head on his chest.
- Miguel!! you happily exclaimed as you hugged him, wiping away your tears. I thought you were – you know- I thought you didn’t make it and it would be all my fault and-
- Hey hey, he reassured you, softly patting your back, secretly surprised someone cared about him enough to visit him in his hospital room. I’m alive see? I’m a big boy! (he coughs) can you please go ask the doctors for more painkillers please?
A few moments passed as the doctors gave Miguel more medicine. You and Lyla were now talking with the doctors to see when Miguel could go out of the hospital. By a shared agreement, it has been decided that Miguel could leave the hospital only if he lived with a near caregiver.
- There is my apartment! You say as both reached your doorstep. It’s not that big but it’ll -
-Thank you. You truly saved my life.
- That’s my job, silly! You replied with a bright and relieved smile. At least, by living with me, I’ll be able to heal you right away! However, I have a bad news: now, check-ups won’t be weekly anymore but daily!
- But -
- No but! Now get your ass on the couch and relax before I force you to, and r e l a x! You've been through hell today and you need some rest!
You then headed to the kitchen to make something to eat for the both of you, but to your surprise, when you came back, you found him asleep on your couch, it was truly an endearing view.
///…The next morning… ///
-Time to change those bandages, you say to yourself, as a way to give yourself courage.
You then got on top of him, putting your legs on both sides of his hips. You started to take off the bandages on his face, taking endless precautions to not hurt him.
You didn’t notice Miguel was awake until you felt his hands on your waist.
-You’re cute when you’re on top of me, he chuckled with a sly smirk, we should do this more often.
You firmly push him back on the couch before adding:
- Not now big boy, making me flustered won’t make this faster for both of us, now stay still, will you?
You then lightly push his hair back to not hurt him while taking off his bandages. You tried your best to stay focused, but the thing is he still had his hands around your waist, and you would be lying if you told yourself he didn’t look cute underneath you…
After a few moments, Miguel finally broke the silence:
- I didn’t tell you, but you look very cute, carinõ
You rolled your eyes, but your blushing cheeks betrayed you.
Once you were done healing him, you headed to the kitchen to make breakfast for both of you.
Your thoughts were racing like crazy. What if Lyla was right? What if Miguel did see you as more than a friend? Even worse, what if you reciprocated these hypothetical feelings?
A few more days passed as Miguel could now take care of himself on his own.
- Well, there you go… you sigh, your heart aching a bit from seeing him leave. I’m glad you’ve fully recovered now, don’t hesitate to come agai-
He interrupted you by kissing you, having you slightly pinned against the wall of your apartment’s doorstep. It felt like a relief to both of you, as if none of you dared to do it, yet it was like the physical contact was a life threatening need for the both of you.
The kiss was fierce and passionate, yet there was something – you couldn’t quite put your finger on it – you couldn’t help but find cute.
You both stayed in this position for what seemed eternity, but what is an eternity when you are in love?
On the verge of dying falling
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penissirius · 1 year
Seo Changbin VS Feelings
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Seo Changbin x male reader
SUMMARY: Changbin isn't the best at feelings and emotions. Misunderstandings happen because he's stupid lol.
ALTERNATIVE TITLE: 3 aussies and a devil bunny fight dwaeki over golden retriever child
SPECIAL THANKS TO: @ldrei Thank you for encouraging me to finish this! This is dedicated to you!💕
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: AJ is my OC and he's used as the M/n of this story! Miyeon is my partners OC, she is AJ's sister, and is dating Felix. I actually have 2 full stories one a AO3 chapter story and the other a non-idol social media AU that ill post here. If you'd be interested, please let me know so i know at least someone is looking forward to those stories T-T
AUTHORS NOTE: So, I wrote the beginning of this for my English essay and it was the only essay I've gotten an 100% and a good comment on so I went to Tumblr and my partner asking if I should finish it and publish it because I liked it and my teacher loved it (her Not knowing it was a Stray kids fanfic I wrote just for the essay lol) after some convincing I finished it and now here it is. I would like to apologize because this was finished in December, and I promised I would post it after it was done and never did. I hit a really big depression block in my life, and I didn't want to do anything but now I'm back! Just a heads up I wrote this for my Victorian Drama Essay so don't hope too hard for a so happy ending lol. Have fun reading!
WARNINGS: Arguing, Angstish Ig, Insecure thoughts, breakdowns, panic attacks, yelling, violence, bAd WoRdS
AJ was on his way to the JYP Entertainment building to meet up with his boyfriend? Close friend? Friend with romantic benefits? AJ didn’t know but Changbin had said he had something seriously important to talk to him about, AJ had hoped this was when Changbin would finally ask him out for real. Oh, boy was it the opposite of that. AJ texted his best friend and sister, Miyeon, that he was on his way to JYPE and that if she needed a ride home then he could give her one. When he was done texting her he speeded off eager to see the man he loves, he also had serious but good information to share with him. 
    Meanwhile, at JYPE, Changbin is pacing back and forth in his studio panicking and talking to the one person he could for love help, Hyunjin, which honestly wasn’t that good of an idea but he was better than the rest of their friends. “God Hyunjin do something! Give me advice or something idiot!” Changbin says finally standing in one spot facing his group member while tugging on his own hair. Hyunjin stood pushing Changbin into the seat behind him, “First of all sit-down and get your hands out of your hair. You’re stressing yourself out and the stylist will be pissed if you pull any of your hair out.” Changbin took a deep breath and put his hands on his lap. “Now I can’t really help you seeing as this is your own very stupid plan. Everyone in the group is dating someone in some way or another. Why are you purposely putting yourself through this? Even Chan has someone. Chan has more game than you!”
    Changbin sat in silence for a few seconds before looking at his tall dramatic member. “I don’t want to take any chances, what if it’s not what he expects and leaves me? What if we date and get found out? He’s not an idol. He’d get way more hate and things like that! I couldn’t do that to him.” Hyunjin just shakes his head. “So instead of letting him make that decision, you decided to break his heart and make the decision for him? Well-”, Hyunjin started walking to the door, “You do that but don’t expect me to help protect you when the three Aussies and Lee know find out what you did. Even tho I think your stupid for giving up a guy who does so much, some that you don't even know, for you. I kinda understand why you're doing it. You better not hurt him, he’s the sweetest when it comes to his friends. So don’t make it worse than it has to be.” That's all Hyunjin said before walking out. 
    The shorter man is left sitting in an empty studio by himself, left with thoughts, “Dammit! I didn’t even think about the AJ protection Squad™️ that would be after me! If AJ doesn’t kill me himself they sure will.” Just then his inner voice said ‘Remember you used to be one of them, but now you’re about to shatter his heart just because fans and other companies believe it's wrong for you to date.’ Changbin shakes his head arguing back, “It’s more than that. Us being together could damage the careers we both worked so hard for! If people were to find out he’d get non-stop hate! I’m just protecting him!” He would definitely sound crazy if anyone else was around to hear him argue with his self-consciousness. He shut up quickly when he heard his phone ding with a message from AJ saying he was on his way up to the studio. 
    When AJ got inside the studio he hugged the shorter man happily before sitting in the armchair that Hyunjin was previously sitting in, looking towards Changbin with a bright smile. “Hi, Hi Baby Binnie!” Changbin swore that AJ’s beautiful smile would be the death of him one day. Changbin gave a nervous smile back, “Hey AJ” “So what serious thing did you want to talk to me about?”AJ tilted his head confused, still smiling. The idol was starting to panic not knowing how to talk about it without hurting AJ’s feelings. “Didn't you say you had good news? You should go first!” AJ laughed, smiling less than before, “Well whatever you wanted to talk about seems to be making you stressed and upset so maybe you should go first and I'll tell you the good news when you're feeling better!” Changbin sighed, AJ was right it's better to rip the bandaid off now rather than give himself more time to think it over and panic. 
    “Alright, please promise that you won't take this personally and you won't get mad at me.” That brought a small nervous giggle from AJ, “I've never gotten mad at you before, I'm sure it's not that bad!” Changbin took a deep breath and finally said, “I don't think we can be a thing anymore- we should just stay friends…” It was silent for a minute before Changbin looked up at AJ and saw that he no longer had a smile on his face. AJ paused, it was like his whole world stopped when he heard Changbin say those words. Changbin had never seen AJ speechless or that upset in the year that he's known him. AJ sat paused and baffled, Changbin didn't want to be with him anymore let alone be officially together. “AJ?-” Changbin was cut off when the taller one turned to him blank-faced and asked, “Why?” The idol was confused and because of all the panic earlier his brain was no longer working. 
    “Why what?” Changbin asked stupidly. AJ scoffed, still looking at him with the same blank face that Changbin had never seen before, likely none of his friends other than his sister had seen him with a blank emotionless face, that just wasn't him. “Why all of a sudden do you not want to be with me? How long have you been waiting to tell me? You let me believe this whole time that you actually liked me and there was a possibility that we could be together. So WHY is my question?” Changbin took a moment to gather his thoughts before replying. “Us being together would be a risk. It’s not that I don't like you, because I do! It's just that our careers could be ruined if anyone were to find out. I know that being an artist and dancer is very important to you. I don't wanna be the reason that all falls plus if I get any scandals I might damage everyone in Stray Kids' careers as well.” 
AJ stood angry but still pretty much blank. “Alright, guess it’s my fault for thinking that you were different and didn't care about what everyone else thought. I'm sorry for thinking that maybe we would be able to be together and happy like my sister and Felix. And more importantly, I'm sorry that I went through all this trouble for you. I stepped out of my comfort zone and went through so many panic attacks for you. Turns out it’s not enough. Guess I'll see you around Changbin.” AJ slammed a piece of paper down on the desk in front of Changbin before storming out to go find his sister and then go home. Changbin, saddened and confused, tried to call after AJ but he was already gone down the hall and into a different part of the building. Changbin got up and looked at the paper that AJ left, it was crumbed and there was a corner torn off at the bottom. It was a printed-out picture from JYPs staff to AJ saying that he passed all the auditions and was officially a JYP trainee. Changbin stared at the paper in shock, feeling more like an asshole than he originally did.
AJ walked from Changbin’s studio downstairs to the practice room that he knew his sister and Felix would be in and slammed the door open, way harder than he meant to, and looked at his sister. “Oh, hey AJ- What's wrong? Who did it? WHO hurt you? Whose ass do I have to beat?” Miyeon immediately noticed the difference in her brother's face despite his trying to act like his normal self. “Nothings wrong, I'm just ready to go home.” AJ said, walking over to them. “Nope, something is clearly wrong, sit. Sit your ass down. Family Circle.” Miyeon said, looking up at him from where she and Felix were sitting on the ground. “Since when did we still do Family Circle? And how is it Family Circle if it’s just me, you, and Felix?” AJ said, sitting in the half circle they formed. “Shut up now tell me who hurt you, imma beat their ass!” Miyeon said. “We beating ass? Should I call Chan?” Felix said, pulling out his phone. 
“There is no reason to call Chan. Don’t call him, I said I was okay!” AJ said trying to reason with the two Aussies but trying to do that is like talking to a wall. “Call him!” “I’m calling him!” Miyeon and Felix said after staring at AJ for a sec. AJ groaned defeated, leaning back on the floor still sitting with his legs crossed. After a couple of rings, Chan picked up the call. He put the call on speakerphone.  “Felix? What’s up dude, I thought you and Miyeon were practicing, what’s up?” “You need to come to the Micheal Jackson dance room!” Miyeon said over the owner of the phone's shoulder. “Why did something go wrong?” Chan said and you can hear shuffling on his side of the phone he gets up grabbing some stuff. “Nothings wrong Hyung, they're just being dramatic!” AJ yelled from his spot laying on the floor. “Someone hurt AJ. We’re trying to find out who so we can beat their ass.” Felix said into his phone. 
“Really? Why didn’t you start with that! I’m on my fucking way. Should I get Lee Know? I’m gonna get Lee Know.” You hear Chan set his phone on his desk and open his door screaming down the hallway in the dorms. “MINHO! LET'S GO WE GOT A CODE GAY DOWN!” AJ turns to them shocked “You guys have codes for this shit?” Felix looked back at him, “Yes. We are the AJ Protection Squad and we take our job very seriously.” They heard stomping before they could hear Minho’s voice clearly. “A code gay down? Whose ass am I beating? Where’s my child?” “At the Company let’s go.” You hear them both shuffle around before Chan turns to his phone. “We’ll be there in 5.” Chan says before hanging up. “The dorms are 15 minutes away!” AJ said, still confused about everything going on. “As Felix said we in the AJPS take our job very seriously.” Miyeon said looking at her brother, still bothered by the fact that someone made him upset. 
AJ decided to no longer ask questions and stared at the ceiling sadly still thinking back to what Changbin had said. Miyeon and Felix just looked at each other and at him knowing that something was wrong and they were determined to get to the bottom of it. In 5 minutes exactly there comes a worried and already angry Chan and Lee Know burst through the door. ‘If they are already pissed before knowing what happened, how will they be after?’ AJ thought, still staring at the ceiling, not moving. Lee Know and Chan move to join the makeshift ‘Family Circle’ before they all turn to AJ. “Alright now what’s wrong and who did it? And no bullshit answers AJ or I swear to god.” Lee Know says. They all looked more calm and worried rather than angry so AJ just decided to tell them, also because they probably would never leave him alone until he told them and it would feel better to talk to them about it. 
AJ took a deep breath before sitting up and looking at all of them suddenly feeling shy when he realized that they were all staring at him. “Well, this morning Changbin texted me saying that he wanted to talk and that it was something serious so we agreed to meet at the studio. And I don’t know why but a small part of me was hoping that this was when he’d finally ask me out or something, after all the mixed signals he was giving about whether we were in a relationship or not. But I should’ve known that wouldn’t have happened.” AJ looked down at his lap holding back tears, now that he was saying it all out loud the sadness and rejection is hitting him in waves. “I was gonna tell him the good news after he said what he needed to say but when he said what he did I was no longer in a happy mood. It felt like my whole world shattered-” By the time he got that out he had already started crying letting the tears fall into his lap. 
“He had said that he doesn’t think we should be a thing anymore and that we should just stay friends. And that hurt! It hurt so much but I still hadn’t processed how much it hurt until now, all I felt was anger. All I could think of was to ask why. Why did he let me believe that there could ever be something between us? Why did he let me get my hopes up just to crush them? Why had I been stupid enough to believe that he would like me back and wanna be with me? And he spouted some bullshit answer about how he actually did like me but us dating was a risk and that because I wasn’t an idol if our relationship was found I’d get so much more hate and shit. That it could ruin the careers we both worked so hard for. That he didn’t wanna be the reason I couldn’t be an artist or dancer anymore. And that if he got any dating scandals he could possibly ruin Stray Kids' career as well.” 
At this point, AJ was ugly sobbing and barely getting his sentences out correctly. Lee Know moved until he was directly behind AJ pulling the younger into his lap and wrapping his arms around him, setting his chin on the crying boy's shoulder. Felix and Chan moved to each side of him, Felix grabbing one of AJ’s hands and Chan setting his arm on his thigh. Miyeon moved to sit in front of her brother holding his other hand. The only thing on all four of their minds was comforting their youngest yet tallest friend and beating the shit out of Changbin later. AJ, although a pain in their ass some days, was their baby, the maknae of the friend group, and the only one who could get Minho to be this soft and cuddly by will. Not even Jisung had that pleasure. Hell even I.N. loved the younger and gave him affection. He was always happy and had something stupid or sassy to say, always there to make them smile on their worst days, and to see him crying aggressively over something one their friends did really pissed them off. 
AJ took some shuddery breaths trying to calm down to no avail before speaking again. “All I could think of in the back of my head was that I wasn’t good enough. That I’m still not good enough. That he was just trying to protect my feelings by not telling me that he didn’t like me that way. I'm not an idol so I’m not good enough. That I was stupid to think that just because all my friends got their happy ever after that I could get mine! I’ve tried so hard! I did so many things and it still wasn’t good enough! The amount of panic I’ve gone through during this whole audition process, the way I’ve unhealthily thrown myself into school and practice so I could get a better shot of getting accepted. The stupid strict diet I let that staff member put me on cause they thought it would make me look better. Because I wanted to be better! For him! I wanted to look better, dance better, rap better, be better. All for him. Just to find out my efforts were for nothing. That I’ll never be good enough!” 
At this point, AJ was working himself into a panic attack and Felix and Miyeon were thankful they grabbed his hands earlier because they know how bad his attacks can be on himself. They were all shocked none of them knew about the things he said. Miyeon knew about the school and practice thing and would try to pull him away whenever she could but that’s because she was used to him being a workaholic and thought that it was because of the constant auditions, not Changbin. Felix knew about the panic attacks because he’s helped him calm down from a few but none of them knew about the diet. He already has a bad relationship with food so the diet might have made it worse. AJ started falling deeper into panic and Lee Know pulled him closer whispering calming words in the boy he saw as his little brother's ear. They all huddled closer hugging the younger, letting him cry, and doing little things they knew calmed him down. 
Eventually, AJ calmed down and his cries turned into small hiccups and tears. He was so thankful they made him talk about this rather than him bottling it up and telling no one until he exploded and had a much worse breakdown. When AJ finally felt calm enough he lifted his head and everyone pulled away. Although he was squeezing Felix and Miyeon’s hands, leaning onto Chan’s shoulder, and refusing to get out of Lee Know’s lap, he was a lot calmer than before. He was very tired from so many emotions and crying. He was half asleep in Lee Know’s lap and leaning on Chan still. There was a long moment of silence before Miyeon spoke up. “You know I’m gonna beat his ass right?” The other 3 hummed in agreement. “Please don’t do that. I know I can’t stop you from talking to him but don’t do anything irrational. That’ll just make it worse.” AJ said in his broken sore and half-sleepy voice. “Can’t make any promises little Bro” Miyeon said, already standing up. 
“Just don’t do anything to have to go to jail, I don’t have bail money” AJ said before falling asleep fully. Miyeon leaned down and kissed her brother's forehead whispering, “later we will talk about that diet stuff.” She stood and turned to the other boys “Alright I have a Pig to slaughter and it won’t be the first time. Who’s coming with?” Lee know whipped his head to her, “you’ve done what?” “You heard me” was all she replied. “We all want to come but I don’t think it’s right to leave AJ alone so 2 of us should stay and the other 2 go.” Chan said, looking at AJ sleeping on his shoulder. “Alright, we’ll who’s coming with me?” Miyeon said. “I’ll stay with AJ, I will take him back to the dorms so he can rest and make sure he doesn’t try to do any work when he wakes. I also don’t think I’d be able to stop myself from fighting Changbin.” Chan said. Minho looked at the sleeping curly-haired boy and up at Miyeon. “I’ll go.” Lee Know reluctantly handed over the sleeping boy, putting him in Chan’s lap. “I’ll go to the dorm with Chris and make AJ’s favorite food and dessert.” Felix said from his spot on the ground. Chan handed Lee Know the car keys since they rode together and he and Miyeon would need to get back to the dorms. 
“We’ll drive AJ’s car to the dorm since I’m the only one other than Miyeon he lets drive it. And He was Felix and Miyeon’s ride home anyways.” They all nodded before Miyeon and Lee Know left the room storming up to the studios. Felix gathered his and AJs stuff while Chan picked AJ himself up. When they had everything they walked down to the parking lot and looked for AJs car. It wasn’t that hard to find with the obnoxious bright light blue color of it. Felix sat both of their bags on the floor in the backseat and got in on the right side. Chan set AJ on the left so he was leaning on Felix while sleeping. Chan got in the driver's side and started the car checking on the two younger ones in the back before driving off towards the Stray Kids dorm. 
Back at the company, Changbin is panicking. He feels so many emotions at once, he feels like an asshole, he’s upset about having to break AJs heart like that and overall he’s scared. He’s terrified because he knows that it’s only a matter of time before Miyeon or someone else shows up to beat his ass. He paces back and forth like earlier when Hyunjin was with him. “Fuck man what am I gonna do? I mean if I leave now there’s a possibility I can start running before they catch me- but where would I go? If I run, they're gonna be expecting me at the dorms and attack me then! I’m better off just staying here-“ As he finished saying that there were loud stomps and banging on the studio door, Changbin was glad he locked the door earlier. “COME OUT CHANGBIN YOU CAN'T STAY IN THERE FOREVER!” While Miyeon was shouting at him through the door, Lee Know looked through the keys Chan gave him and was happy to find a key to the studio amongst them. 
He pushed Miyeon slightly over and proceeded to unlock the door. Changbin visually panicked now, it was all happening so fast! He quickly ran to the other side of the couch and sat between it and the wall, knowing damn well his muscled ass was not gonna be able to hide fully back there. The two angry friends stormed in and Lee Know walked over to Changbin not knowing whether to laugh that he thought would work or just stare at him before he grabbed him by his arm and pulled him up to face Miyeon. The rapper looked at the angry sister in fear, the two scariest members of their friend group were currently mad and it was directed at him. Changbin should’ve said bye to his family when he had the chance. He opened his mouth to say something that would spare his life but before he could Miyeon delivered a hefty right hook to his face. ‘Damn that hurt like shit’ Changbin thought, grabbing his cheek. For a 5 foot girl, she sure does pack a punch but that’s to be expected from her seeing as she and AJ got into fights in high school. 
Lee Know gawked at how hard she hit him, not that he didn’t deserve it but goddamn he could feel that punch and he was behind Changbin still holding his arm. “You have exactly 5 minutes to explain why you did and said what you did to my brother and if it’s not a good reason I’m gonna punch you again!” Changbin quickly replied with pretty much the same thing he told AJ and Hyunjin, he was honestly terrified and looked everywhere but at her. When he was done Miyeon took a deep breath before punching him again in the face. Poor Changbin is gonna end up with bruises on his cheek and eye. “It’s a good thing we’re on a break right now. If we weren’t idols I’d leave more bruises than she did.” Lee know said smacking Changbin hard on the back of his head. 
“Listen I don’t care if you thought you did what was best or anything. You broke my brother. I’ve never seen him cry so hard he sent himself into a panic attack over someone. He loved you. He did everything for you. Originally I was supposed to be the only one auditioning and when I tried to talk him into it I stopped because I knew it would be too much pressure for him. But he did, why? Because he wanted to be closer to you.” Miyeon was raising her voice as she talked, her accent getting stronger, and the fact that the studio is soundproof definitely helped. “Do you know what I found out in the last hour? No? Then let me enlighten you. My brother worked himself into the ground with school, dance, and practice for you. He thinks that he’s not good enough. He let one of the staff members put him on some stupidly strict diet because she said it would help him look better! Why? Because he wanted to look better for you!”
Miyeon looked at him disgusted, “I trusted you with my brother's feelings and you broke him more than anyone had in the past. If you like him so goddamn much why didn’t you just date him! Instead, you lead him on. You’ve been all lovey with him, cuddling with him, taking him on dates just to outright turn him down and make him feel like he’s not good enough for you! Felix and I are dating and there’s no problem! Hell half of JYPE is in a relationship! Why are you the only one who is thinking so hard about your career and not the man right in front of you who would and has done literally anything for you! AJ is perfect and if you can’t see that then I don’t know what the hell to tell you. If this is how you're gonna treat anyone who has any interest in you your whole life. Then have fun being single and friendless because clearly, your career is more important.” 
Lee Know moved to stand next to Miyeon, rubbing her shoulder before saying, “We’re giving you one shot to make this better. If you fuck up even more so help me god Seo Changbin, Miyeon and I will not be the thing you need to be afraid of. You’ll have his parents and Chan after you at that point. You better make this up, but at this point, I’d be surprised if he even talks to you again let alone still loves you. If I were him I sure as hell wouldn’t.” Changbin looked at the ground in shock, sadness, and pain because damn those punches hurt. “I will make it better, I really do love him and I hadn’t realized how much pain I’ve put him through. Or how I was only really thinking about myself and my feelings and not his.” Changbin said, nodding. “Good, you have a week, and if he decides he never wants to speak to you again or doesn’t want to be with you. You can’t get mad because you fucked that up for yourself.” Lee Know said, looking at him. 
“I know and I take full responsibility. I definitely deserved the punches because I was stupid. And I wouldn’t blame him if he no longer wanted to be with me” Changbin looked up at them. “Not just stupid. You were a dumbass and full-on idiot. Now I’m gonna go back to the dorms and check on my brother. You are not allowed to even look at him until you’ve decided how you’re gonna fix your huge fuck up. Do you understand me?” Miyeon glared at the short rapper. “Yes ma’am” Changbin nodded firmly. “Good now sit and think about your mistakes” was all Miyeon said before storming out of the room to the car. “You really did fuck up and it’s hard to understand whatever stupid logic you thought you had but hopefully you make this right because he seems happiest when he’s with you and that’s all we want for him” Lee Know said looking towards the chair Changbin sat in. “MINHO!” Miyeon yelled down the hall. “That’s my cue to go. Don’t fuck up Seo Changbin” He said before he left the room. And so there Changbin sat left with his thoughts of how much of an idiot he is and how he’s going to fix it. 
I really hope you like it! If you did leave likes and comments! reblogs help as well! If you wanna read more of my shitty works you can follow me on AO3 @/penissirius ! If you’d like to see more of AJ and Miyeon and their Interesting Adventures in life in Korea and Becoming JYP trainees well you’re just in luck because the whole story of them is being written and made. Tho I will not post it until I have the whole thing finished which will be a while but I have a few chapters now! So be on the lookout for that! I will be posting a Social Media AU that is completely unrelated to that story so let me know if you wanna be on the tag list for it! Byeeeeee~
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madnessreruns · 1 year
Ok so Gotham Jervis again with Fem!Reader
He pretends to be someone else in the text to his Ex because he needs information from her and is just too proud to admit it/doesn't want to see her. But she finds out and decides to fuck with him by writing "Being honest with you I'm not exactly great at the whole loyal thing. I slept with my last boyfriend's best friend while we were still dating." (She didn't do that)
So yeah, Jervis just getting paranoid about it. If he confronts her it would probably lead from fight to fuck.
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I’m so sorry..
Gotham! Jervis Tetch x Fem! Reader
Note: I didn’t make them fuck. Im very very sorry but with how it ended it wouldn’t make sense for them to do that. I’ll make a part 2 where they get it on I prommy <3
Warnings: ANGST, fighting, crying lots of crying, there is so much crying, reader forgives Jervis even thought she probably shouldn’t.
Requests: Closed
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You sat there, staring at your phone.
It was very, very very very and I mean VERY fucking obvious that it was Jervis trying to pretend to be someone else. You date someone for so long and you slowly start to realize what their speech patterns are. Sometimes it’s hard to figure out, but when it’s obvious fucking rhyming.
When you sent that text message you weren’t expecting him to take it seriously, but oh god he did. I mean who would you even fuck? His clearly gay clown buddy? His creepy non-verbal bag-headed pal? Who???
But oh god he didn’t pick up on that. If only you could have seen his face. Anger practically fuming out of his ears, his body shaking in fury.
He asked literally everybody he knew. “Did you have an affair with my previous girlfriend when we were dating?”
Ever answer he got as a no, he even hypno-d some of them to see if they were lying, of course they weren’t lying!
When he confronted you, you were so confused. He took that side comment seriously?
“Excuse my my dear, I believe I have a bone to pick with you..” his voice was low, angry.
“Jervis?” You almost laughed, he tried to be intimidating it he was practically a grumpy little kitty cat who got left out in the rain.
“Don’t laugh, this is a serious matter,” his eyebrows were scrunched, beautiful lips in a sorrow frown as he approached you. You sat down your bag, hoisting yourself up on your kitchen counter, raising an eyebrow as he stood in front of you, in all his pathetic glory.
“What’s up? What can I do for you?” You asked, leaning, forward, kicking your legs back and forth as you waited
“I would like you to explain something. Something serious,” he crossed his arms, posture tall and demanding, but you couldn’t take him seriously.
“Yeah yeah, I get it! It’s a serious matter, yadda yadda yadda just get to the point babe,” you said, getting tired of his stalling.
“Might you explain this?” He showed you a text, it read.
"Being honest with you I'm not exactly great at the whole loyal thing. I slept with my last boyfriend's best friend while we were still dating."
You snorted when you realized what this was about, giving a few chuckles and chortles.
“How’d you even get that?” You asked, gesturing to the message. He shook his head,
“Nevermind that!” He practically snapped, his face going red. “Please explain,” he practically demanded.
“Dude calm down, it was a joke. I was fucking with you,” you laughed, rolling your eyes at his inability to realize when you were joking when you found out his facade.
“I highly doubt that, why would you lie to man you don’t know, who didn’t even know we were dating,” he asked, as if he had caught you in a fib, which technically he did, but not in the way he thought he did.
“Cause I knew it was you dumbass. I was fucking with YOU,” you we’re done laughing, kinda just tired.
“How- how did you know it was me, sending you those messages?” He said, slightly bewildered.
“No one else rhymes in texts dumbass,” you rolled your eyes, “Plus why does it bother you anyways? You broke up with ME! Remember?” You didn’t wanna think about it, about that day when he broke the heartbreaking news to you, watching you fall to your knees in grief with no sympathy.
He paused, completely forgetting about that part. You rolled your eyes at him being so self-obsessed that he forgot about the anger he had brought you, the sadness, the sorrow.
Silence filled the room, he didn’t say anything, he just looked down. You couldn’t tell if he felt guilty or not, probably didn’t, it’s not like he gave a fuck about you in the first place.
“You know it blows my mind, that you can be so,” you paused, looking for the word, “Narcissistic,” you finished, flat out, making eye contact with him as you did.
“You break up with me, leave me alone, break my heart, and then the MOMENT, you think I did anything to wrong you, you come back, to taunt and to tease me, like I was the problem in that relationship,” you rose your voice as you go angrier.
“Well-,” he started, but you cut him off.
“DONT FUCKING EVEN!” You yelled, stopping him from saying anything else, he shut down, backing away slightly. “You have the audacity, to break into my home, demand I tell you this shit, and then make it ALL about you and how your the victim here!”
“I gave you EVERYTHING that I could! I gave it my all, I looked past all the FUCKED UP SHIT YOU DID IN THR PAST!” You jump off the counter, walking towards him, he backed up. He was no longer in control, he was up to your mercy. You knew he wasn’t gonna hypnotize you, he knew he was at fault here.
“What did I do that made you want to leave me? Was it another woman? A better woman? A mor perfect woman? I fucking TRIED to be the best I could,” tears flooded down your cheeks, tears of guilt filled his, he back up.
“AND YOU KNOW WHAT THE WORST PART OF IT IS?” You asked, giving him a chance to answer this time.
“I- I was the one in the- in the wrong?” His voice was meek, scared, guilty, broken. He knew he left you, he didn’t know why though, it was out of impulse. He still loved you, but he could t bring him self to admit it, that’s why he came here, cause he still loved you and you seemingly moved on.
“No..” you said, your voice had gotten softer, more gentle.
“I still love you, and I hate myself for that. Everytime I see your stupid face on tv I feel bad, I feel envious for whoever your with, because your hanging out with them and not me. I tried my hardest to pleade you, to make you happy, but NO…” your voice got soft, gentle, teary. He snapped his eyes up to yours as he listened to you speak, it felt like his heart was being beaten, and crushed in front of him. When your voice rose he flinched, pulling his arms up to block the blow he thought you were going to send. But you didn’t.
“I still love you, and it hurts cause I know you don’t love me too. Im stuck on you, while you’ve moved on,” you stopped moving, he was pressed up against the wall, you were a few feet away from him, arms by your side, tears running down your face. “I love you,”
That soft whisper, broke something in him, he didn’t know why. He threw himself on you, pulling you into a deep, tight hug, pressing his own tears into your neck.
You rested your head on his shoulder, wrapping your arms around his chest. You missed this, missed this hugs, how passionate and loving thru always were. You missed his love.
“God angel,” he cooed in your ear between sniffles and sobs, “I still love you two, please I’m so sorry, I know,” he let out a loud, broken cry, you hugged him tighter, you know you should, you should kick him out, never let him back in, but you just couldn’t. His cries broke your heart.
“I know I don’t deserve your- your forgiveness but,” he was practically shaking, “I’m so sorry…” he was broken. You were broken.
Two broken pieces of people could be put together, and create a whole one again.
“It’s, it’s alright Jervis, it’s- it’s alright..” you softly pulled back from the hug, not knowing why you were doing this. But you cupped his wet, warm cheeks into your hands, and pressed your forehead against his.
“Hey, hey baby, shhh,..” you whispered, bringing your thumbs up to wipe his tears away. “It’s alright, hey don’t cry, okay? Im here now, im right here with you, okay?”
He nodded, barely being able to breathe. All the grief of doing what he did finally hit him all at once, along with the guilt of what he did to you.
“It’s okay baby, it’s okay, I forgive you, I still love you,” you reassured him through your own tears. You leaned forward, bringing him into a soft kiss, the wet tear on his cheeks mixed with the tears in yours. His lips were quivering and his hands were shaking.
He pressed into you, pulling you into him, his entire body was shaking, he softly hiccuped into the kiss.
When you pulled away he was still shaking, but his tears slowed, you grabbed his hands, leading him into your bedroom.
“Hey, hey why don’t you stay the night, I don’t think it’s good for you to spend the light alone,” you smiled softly as he excitedly nodded. “Here, I think I still have some pajamas you left at my house once that I kinda stole,” you chuckled as you went thoughts nearby drawer, fetching out a tank-top of his and a pair of shorts.
He gave them to him, he changed right here, in front of you. Just as comfortable as he was when you two were dating.
You just removed your bra and pants, leaving you in a flowery shirt and your underwear.
When he was done he climbed into bed after you, snuggling himself under the covers. Happily smiling as he pressed his face into your soft warm chest.
“Does this mean you forgive me?” He asked softly, closing his eyes as he stared into nothing.
“Of course baby, sorry about earlier I was just, i was really angry and, I don’t know I got a bit carried away,” you apologized.
“No- not it’s fine, I deserved that..” he replied, turning his face to rest his chin on your chest, making eyes contact with you. “But- does this mean, since you still love me and I love you…” he paused, worried to ask this, “Can we try to give it another go? Like, as a couple?” He asked, shyly.
“I would love that,” you smiled, pressing a kiss to the top of his forehead, he cheekily giggled, laying his head down to the side as he closed his eyes.
“I love you, my sweet. Goodnight..” he cooed, barely above a whisper.
“I love you too baby..” you responded. You closed your eyes.
Immediately you fell into a deep, relaxing sleep. The feeling of him cuddling with you was something you needed, something you had missed so dearly.
⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯ ⋆✦⋆ ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯
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Thoughts During RWBY V9x10 Of Solitude and Self
AHHHHHH! Man can’t believe it’s already here! Let’s get started!
ITS 26 MINUTES!??!?!
More Summer!  And wow that’s such a pretty illustration!
Oh wow, we’re actually getting a lot more.... I feel a gut punch coming.
RAVEN!!!! OH MY GOD WORST MOM HOW ARE YOU!??!? I’VE MISSED YOU!!!! Finally some hint into their dynamic! So Raven knew what Summer was doing?
And Ruby is seeing all of this.... Ruby baby....
Oh hey! Alyx gets a voice! It’s a hallucination created by Herb seemingly but still this is cool. Sounds a little like Anairis...
Oh! Neo’s free!
There went Jaune’s aura!
OOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! The reaction my body just had to hearing the first notes of Red Like Roses! Chills and excitement just rushed through me in one fell swoop!
Ok...well... Does it still count if it’s Neo’s illusion of a Jabberwalker that does it?
So... Are we leaving her here or taking her with us? Let’s see how they play this... I mean... Neo just did some seriously messed up stuff. I don’t see redemption on the table but....
Okay... I can live with this. Neo working on her own metamorphosis... And maybe she’ll be able to come back to Remnant on her own terms. And ... maybe do a out of nowhere save to help and kick Cinder’s butt when she does. Who knows.
Hello again Blacksmith!
Oh wow. I wasn’t expecting actually extended Brothers lore.
So the Cat and Jabberwalker came about because the Brothers were too lazy to do their own jobs. Wow, what assholes.
“One small kindness, in one small moment, led to such a marvelous transformation.” I’M NOT CRYING! ......(cries for the second time)
Oh.... so he turns back.... Huh. Yeah... not sure how I feel about that. It’s still a 30 something year old mind in there....
And just like that.... we’re in Vacuo.... Oh and look! There’s Amity! Pietro and Maria made it! Lots of ships milling about too...
It’s just the credits WHY AM I CRYING AGAIN!!?!? I’m gonna let them play while I gather myself. Good grief.
Inside. Chatterbox. Trapdoor. Guide My Way (Red Like Roses pt 3), Checkmate, Worthy (BMBLB pt 2), Quiet, The Edge. Phenomenal job Casey! Martin! The whole music team should be so proud! Everything sounded amazing!
Alright, no after credits scene, just an ad for the RWBY x JL stuff. Ok then.
Man guys.... What a good volume. I just.... This was such a needed volume, good god. There’s so much I want to say about it but for now I’m just going to stick with Thank You CRWBY! All of you! You guys worked really hard on this and it shows! You probably won’t see this but thank you for always giving us your best and I can’t wait to see what’s in store next time! See ya’ll for V10.
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meenatranslates · 2 years
InsteLive 3 - Harugumi Etude (Text version)
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Live version here
InsteLive 1 - InsteLive 2 - InsteLive 3
Translation and notes under the cut!
Harugumi Etude - Insider Story of Idols
Sakuya: Hello, everyone! We’re Harugumi from MANKAI Company!
Comment: Hello~
Tsuzuru: Thank you for voting in the Etude Survey.
Chikage: I’m glad there were many votes in it.
Comment: I did the survey~
Comment: I wonder which one got chosen
Sakuya: Well then, let’s announce it immediately. The theme for Harugumi’s Etude is...
...“Insider Story of Idols”!
Itaru: Wow, interesting.
Citron: Idol sounds fun~!
Masumi: Hmm.
Sakuya: The casting will be decided through lottery, so please pull one of this.
Citron: I’ll take one~!
Comment: What kind of role is it?
Comment: Tell us please!
Itaru: It’s always fun to see which role we get before we do Etude.
Tsuzuru: Everyone seems to be curious, so I guess we should start soon.
Sakuya: Okay, the “Insider Story of Idols” Etude, starts now!
Citron: "Good work~! Today’s Mankai Music TV was fun!"
Sakuya: "I-It was so fun, YO! My rap rhyming’s also great Yeah!"
Itaru: "As always, you’re still not rhyming well."
Chikage: "But the fans were enjoying themselves, so isn’t it fine?"
Tsuzuru: "Don’t be so soft! You should start by apprenticing Japanese." (1)
Masumi: "Practising, you mean. How many years have you been in Japan already..."
Itaru: "By the way, Citron. You made a mistake at the chorus dance today."
Citron: "No, I didn’t! You’re one to talk, that choreography back then was—"
Chikage: "Now now, both of you calm down."
Itaru: "This guy just won’t admit his mistake!"
Citron: "I didn’t make a mistake! You’re the one who’s giving us trouble ‘cause you’re so slow at learning the choreography."
Itaru: "Hah? Now’s not the time to bring that up. You’re always like this—"
Sakuya: "They’re at it again, YO!"
Tsuzuru: "Seems like it~. They’re like a monkey and a dog." (2)
Chikage: "Both of you are always on bad terms."
"I’ll go practise taking off jacket over there, so tell me when the fight is over." (3)
Tsuzuru: "I’m gonna practise my Japanese then. Sumomo mo momo mo, Momotaro-san~" (4)
Sakuya: "Hey, YO! That tongue twister’s wrong, man!"
Masumi: "....."
"You guys need to stop fighting and think about our situation more!"
"Chikage and the others, too. Don’t just go your own way."
"With such disorganized group, even our current fans would throw us away!"
Itaru: "Urk..."
Citron: "S-sorry..."
Masumi: "You know, we’re the only one who’s this unsteady at the office."
"People have been saying that we’ll disband soon, but..."
"If we continue like this, we’ll disband for real, you know!"
Sakuya: "That’s a problem YO..."
Itaru: "Disbanding’s not a good thing...!"
Chikage: "I’m okay even if I go solo because I still have my modelling job."
"I’ll think of another way to make our fans happy."
Tsuzuru: "Well, I wanted to try going solo, so it’s no program." (5)
Masumi: "Y-you guys...! I’m not saying that you should think about going solo—"
"Think about your future, like marriage or so. You can’t just do it like that, you know!"
Everyone: "....."
Tsuzuru: "Marriage...?"
Itaru: "Wait, leader. Are you thinking about getting married?"
Chikage: "Since when?"
Sakuya: "Hey, man! I didn’t know YO!"
Citron: "How much should I prepare for your congratulations gift?!"
Masumi: "W-wait, you guys...! Marriage is just a what-if!"
"But since we don’t know what’ll happen in the future, we have to shape up—"
"Hm? It’s from our manager. Hello?"
"Yes, yes... Ehh?! Is that true?!"
"Everyone! It’s been decided that we’ll get a concert live at the Mankai Dome!" (6)
Itaru: "Seriously?!"
Citron: "Really?!"
Sakuya: "M-Mankai Dome, the one we’ve been longing for..."
Chikage: "Disbanding’s out of the topic now, huh. Gotta show my prince smile at the dome."
Tsuzuru: "I gotta report this to my Daddy and Mommy!"
Masumi: "Alright, let’s keep doing our best!"
Itaru & Citron: "Yeah!!"
Sakuya: And that concludes our Etude! Thank you for watching!
Now then, each of us will announce what role they were given!
Itaru: You can go first, Sakuya.
Sakuya: Okay! I got the role of “A rapper who did their best at rhyming” but...
Did I do it well?
Comment: It was good YO!
Comment: I laughed a lot lol
Sakuya: I’m glad you think so! Next is Masumi-kun...
Masumi: ..... “Hard-working leader”.
Comment: Is Masumi-kun tired?
Comment: The part where Leader got angry was cool!
Masumi: I don’t want to be the leader of that group anymore...
Tsuzuru: He did have a strong personality. I was “A returnee studying Japanese”.
Comment: I had a laughing fit
Comment: lmao you're too great Tsuzuru-kun
Tsuzuru: I’m glad if you enjoyed it, but it’s kinda tough to do it again...
Citron: You seemed like you had fun, Tsuzuru!
Itaru: Next, Citron and I were “The two centers who are on bad terms”.
Citron: I wanted us to fight more~
Itaru: Same. I wanted to show more of our not getting along fights.
Comment: It was kinda refreshing to see both of you on bad terms!
Comment: The pair was cute
Chikage: Lastly, my role is “Classic prince character”. I wonder if my acting then was good enough.
Itaru: It was interesting to see Senpai that’s completely different from the usual him.
Comment: Chikage-san was so cool!
Sakuya: Well then, that’s all for Harugumi’s InsteLive.
Thank you for joining us today! Let’s meet again at the theatre!
Original JP: 年収 (nenshū / annual income) → 練習 (renshū / practice)
My version: apprenticing → practicing
I think he's supposed to say cat and dog. 😅
Okay, so Chikage actually said ジャケットプレイ (jacket play), where male idols slightly take off their jacket to show their chest during the dance, which is shown in the pic below 😳
Tsuzuru said the wrong tongue twister. The correct should be "Sumomo mo momo mo momo no uchi". There IS a short novel about what he said though.
no program → no problem
Masumi said 単独ライブ (tandoku raibu), and apparently this term is mostly used for comedians to perform. 🤔
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cedrictheprettyboy · 1 year
One Winter Day (One-Shot)
Summary: Harry comforts Ginny after her breakup with Michael Corner. (Kinda OOC Harry, Ginny, and Michael but nothing crazy!)
Notes: Characters are kind of OCC sorry in advanced, but I don't think it's too bad! This takes place in Harry's 5th year, it doesn't exactly follow the events of the books or the movies. Also, this is a one-shot, it's not very long and it's full of fluff! :)
Characters: Harry Potter, Ginny Weasley, and Michael Corner.
Warning(s): Little bit of angst but quickly turns into fluff and two kisses nothing crazy tho!
Rating: K+ and Teen audiences
Hope you all enjoy <3
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Ginny’s POV
Michael asked me to come with him out by the black lake, I cannot believe how naive I was. Anyways, I was distracted by the glittering snow at the time, admiring the beauty of it. Looking around smiling as the snow fell elegantly, I suddenly had a childish thought, why not stick out my tongue wouldn’t that be fun? While I was smiling, Michael frowned. He must have been deep in thought, but he was thinking of something very different, not so much happy things. At least in my case, you’ll see. 
“I think we should break up.” Michael said, looking up at me.
“What? I look over at my boyfriend, Ex-Boyfriend apparently, heartbroken and confused but not for long.
“I’m not feeling it.” Michael replied.
“You're not feeling it? Oh that's just rubbish, that's the most lame excuse I know you're still angry over the fact that Gryffindor beat Ravenclaw. I could feel my temper flare, how dare he? First of what lame excuse, second off is seriously breaking up with me over quidditch? 
“I have three words for you, In Your Dreams Weasley. I’m just bored.” Michael smirked and walked off. I just stood there motionless, numb. We had initially stopped at the large oak tree, I fell back towards the tree sinking to the hard cold ground, tears streaming down my face sobbing quietly. 
Harry’s POV
I honestly thought Ron and Hermione’s fights had come to a halt or even a stop. But they haven't, they've resumed again, I hate seeing them fighting but there’s not much I can do. Why can’t they realize they like each other? Uhhhhh they are so oblivious, well I’m one to talk. I know I’ve been pretty oblivious to girls, especially to a certain redhead. But that's besides the point, I thought, shaking my head trying to push that thought a way.  After a few minutes I start walking towards the oak tree by the black lake. I heard something that was inaudible at first, but then I realized it was crying. I slowly walked closer and realized it wasn’t just anyone, it was Ginny. Huh, ironic karma’s a funny thing isn’t it? But that’s not what’s important, what’s important is if Ginny’s okay. 
“Ginny?” I called softly bending down. “What’s wrong?”
“Yeah, it’s me.” I said, slowly moving beside her. “What happened?”
“Michael broke up with me over quidditch or the fact he’s bored.” I looked down, deep in thought. “His loss, you're an amazing person and anyone would be lucky to call you their girlfriend. Michael is just a jerk and clearly a sore loser. And he definitely doesn’t deserve you. And you're way stronger and a way better person. I softly brushed away her tears, she looked at my hand and blushed a soft deep red and then I pulled her in for a hug. She was surprised but gladly hugged me back. She started to cry again “Just let it out, it’s okay.” I said, rubbing her back. After a few minutes she pulled away slowly her face was red from crying, it hurt seeing her so heartbroken. 
“Ginny, this is the worst possible time but please listen I understand if you don’t feel this way but I like you and I mean I really like and it hurts knowing he hurt you and how I was oblivious I was for so long and how I missed my chance, I just needed to tell you this. I know this is the worst possible time, but forgive me.” For the first time in a while she finally smiled, so bright and warm, she then blushed looking down.
“I’ve waited so long for you to say that.” Ginny said, looking into my green eyes. I smiled, mischievously as I placed my hand on her cheek and leaned in to kiss her smiling the whole time. I then placed my other hand on her waist, while she placed her hands on my cheek and in my messy black hair. It felt so right, we melted into each other, it was like two missing pieces finally finding each other. The kiss lasted for a minute, but it was so sweet and soft, perfection. I don’t understand Michael Corner. Ginny Weasley is amazing in every way, her personality, her looks, everythings perfect about her. After a minute I pulled away smiling softly and vice versa. “So, Ginny, will you be my Girlfriend?” She smiled brightly and said “Yes, of course I’ll be your girlfriend!” And then this time she leaned in for a kiss, wrapping her arm around my neck. 
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sukirichi · 3 years
— out of reach | gojo x reader
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request: Girllllll I just read your jealous gojo fic and my heart went 📈📈📈📈💥💥💥 youre now one of my fav writers 🙏🧎‍♀️And the spicy parts 😫😫😫 💖 If your asks are still open, could I please request a fic where GOJO has a size kink 🥺🥺🥺 my 5’1 ass is obsessed with that shizzzz 
pov: you’re gojo’s childhood friend and roommate – which leads to utter chaos – or perhaps utter bliss?
warnings: size kink, lots of teasing, lots of cursing, dirty talk, choking (probably not in the way you think), body worship, lots of size difference scenes, slight manhandling, overstimulation, thigh fucking, vaginal sex, unprotected sex (don’t do this irl guys) + unedited fic :D
notes: idk what happened here LMAOOO but i loved writing this one because i’m short as hell too lol. thanks for this request anon, i hope you like it! <3
word count: 10.5k
masterlist ! 
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If you’re going to be honest, having Gojo as a roommate is something completely unexpected.
Not only are you two from entirely different worlds – him as a jujutsu sorcerer and you as an average human who can’t see curses – but he’s also just someone who is entirely out of your league. He’s respected and looked up to in his field of work, while half of your co-workers don’t even know your name, much less notice you in function parties where you mostly just nibble on sushi before calling it a day and turning back home.
You and Gojo met in elementary school. You could tell from the way he’s surrounded by servants and stern looking adults, firm hands on his small shoulders, that he was different from everyone else.
Apparently, he comes from one of the three big clans in the jujutsu world or whatever. You honestly don’t care about any of that, because Gojo refuses to act maturely about his role in the clan. You still remember how quiet he was on the first day of school, never smiling and keeping to himself despite your persuasion to eat lunch with him or play with him after school in the courtyard.
You miss that Gojo Satoru – the quiet, serious kid who was far too gentle in his actions yet firm in his words and beliefs. When you were still a little girl, you admired how he seemed older than his age, a wistful look in those azure blue eyes of his that you’ve always loved.
To you, Gojo Satoru was your hero. You’ve always been one of the shortest kids in class, and it didn’t help that you really loved pigtails all the way until middle school that made you an easy target from immature people who’s being hit way too fast by puberty and growing each passing day. You never minded your short stature because really, it’s just height, but you couldn’t ignore how your confidence dwindled each day when they called you several array of nicknames.
Too shy to fight back, you’d laugh it off or force a smile.
Gojo wasn’t having any of it. He’d break his silence and immediately pull you to his side (which only made things worse because Gojo was one of the tallest kids in class, further emphasizing how small you are right next to him) before threatening to smack the kids right in the face.
The threat should be enough to land him detention, but because he’s Gojo Satoru, the golden kid everyone loved, they took his word seriously.
At the age of eleven, you started seeing your best friend as your knight in shining armour. Gojo basked in this, growing protective and always glaring at whoever snickered when you walked past them. Sometimes he even bared his teeth to hiss at them, which was honestly so ridiculous now that you think about, though the message – the threat – always came across loud and clear.
So yeah, you love Gojo, you still do.
Years flew by and the two of you grew apart due to work and also as a part of growing up. You still kept in contact, messaging each other once a month to ask the other how they’re doing. His work kept him extremely busy though, and Gojo didn’t want you involved in the dangers of what he’s doing, so he makes sure to keep a safe distance.
Until six months ago, you hear a banging on your door. You’re just about ready to throw hands because your former roommate moved out to live with her stoner boyfriend, leaving you to shoulder all the bills and responsibilities of maintaining a two man apartment.
A sneer forms on your lips as you swing the door open, a scowl already on your face. You assumed it was your roommate who returned to get the pair of lace panties they left in their room, but instead, your childhood friend stands before you, taller (seriously, how has he not stopped growing?) and definitely a lot hotter than the last time you saw him.
One thing leads to another, and now it feels like there was never such distance between the two of you with how easily you both fell back into a comfortable – yet chaotic – rhythm and routine of being each other’s roommate.
Not that you mind, of course. Gojo’s definitely changed a lot from when you were kids. He’s no longer that stiff or sensitive when it comes to others. In fact, it seems like he loosens up a lot more with age, because you can barely recognize the man living under the same roof with you now.
For one thing, Gojo is loud. Like really talkative, won’t shut the fuck up and speaks like he’s in a screaming contest with someone. It doesn’t matter if you’re taking an important phone call or sleepwalking at three in the morning to pee, Gojo is always creating some sort of ruckus.
You’d never admit it out loud, but you loved it. You love him.
He’s definitely a lot more enthusiastic and fun to be with now that both of you have grown up, or in Gojo’s case, simply aged. His maturity reversed backwards because it feels like you’re taking care of a little kid.
Not only does his body clock is practically non-existent, he’s also horrible when it comes to taking care of himself and being punctual with work.
Fortunately for him, you love him, and you both leave for work at the same time. You always wake up earlier to prepare breakfast so you’d both have energy to start the day – although you highly doubt there’s really anything that depletes his endless source of one.
Sleepily walking through the kitchen with your fist rubbing at your eyes, you rummage through the refrigerator for some eggs when you realize there’s none.
Huh, you think to yourself, scratching your scalp. You’re sure that Gojo went grocery shopping last week since it’s his chore to do the outside stuff like buying groceries and throwing thrash, so where did it go?
You open shelf by shelf, checking each corner and shoving cans aside to look for the tray. With a glare, you stand on your tiptoes to pull the pantry open, only to have your mouth fall aghast because it’s all there – right at the back where you can’t reach it!
Fucking Satoru, you grit your teeth while heaving your body up onto the counter. It’s a struggle because not only are your muscles still half asleep, but because the shelf is right in your face, and if you’re not careful enough, you could hit it right with your face and fall over. Of fucking course you know Satoru did this to make fun of you – and now you retract your statement over your best friend.
It’s all a lie.
He’s a pain in the ass. Why do you even bother cooking for him and letting him live literally just a room away when you know he won’t stop pulling shit like this?
Because, the nagging voice in your head tries to mock, he’s your best friend and you can’t really say no to him. This makes you huff as you carefully pull the tray towards you, hooking two fingers at the edge while your other palm grips at the end of the counter for support. No thanks to your short limbs, you’re practically hogging the shelf by now in an attempt to reach it. You look ridiculous, that’s for sure, and you make a mental note to keep Satoru’s windows open tonight so he freezes to death –
“Aw, cupcake,” a sing-song voice emerges from the other side of the room. “You look so adorable. You should’ve woke me up if you need my help.”
“Fuck off, Satoru,” you flip him off. The man only laughs, the rambunctious sound echoing off the walls. It’s way too early in the morning and he’s already so damn loud; something builds up at the back of your head out of frustration already. His grin only gets wider when you finally got the eggs and clutch it your chest, setting it down on the counter while wiping your sweat away from your face. “Freeloader,” you mutter under your breath, ignoring him when he happily skips over to you.
“Ouch,” he places a palm over his chest, although you both know he’s never really affected by anything. “So what’s for breakfast today? You?”
“You know, I can kick you out anytime I want. I’m being extremely nice even going as far to cook you breakfast before you leave for work, so don’t test my patience.”
“Exactly, my best friend is so kind,” Satoru grows the audacity to rest his arm on your head. This triggers a reflexive response from you; shoulders tensing up and hands curling into fists beside you. “I would totally date her if she wasn’t such a temperamental little devil,” you nearly stab him with a fork with his statement, which he thinks he’s being so sly for but you heard it, and you’re most definitely not pleased with it. “Okay, I’m kidding! I’m going to go shower now!”
You roll your eyes at him and heat the pan over with some oil, muttering under your breath that you’re really going to kick him out soon. As if things couldn’t get worse – as if Satoru couldn’t get any worse – he smacks your backside in the process before darting to the showers.
“Gojo Satoru!”
“Morning, best friend, love ya!”
You were right. He is a pain in the ass.
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“You don’t always have to walk me to work.”
“I know.”
“So why’re you still here? I’m not a little kid anymore,” Contrary to your words, you stick closer to Satoru when the morning rush of workers and students begin to crowd the streets. Your best friend notices this with a small smile, his hand resting on the small of your back. “Don’t even try, Satoru.”
“I wasn’t saying anything.”
“I know that look on your face,” you fiddle with the buttons of your uniform, sighing when Satoru follows you inside the bus after tapping your phone for two seats. It’s not a surprise to you anymore that most of your expenses are spent by him, for him, and he lazily sprawls his long limbs across the seat before you pulling you down right next to him.
As much as you hate this man, especially because he smirks at the attention he’s receiving from women – even men – in the bus, you have to admit he’s warm and smells damn good. You bite the inside of your cheeks, looking around in slight self-consciousness before inching a little closer, just to feel his warmth. He’s comforting – irrationally so – so you set your bag between the both of you to keep your sanity. “If you keep doing this, Principal Yaga might fire your ass because you’re never on time.”
“Trust me, cupcake, he won’t. I’m too valuable for that.”
How you saw that coming – you can’t tell anymore. The bus ride is relatively quiet and eventless, with you dozing off every now and then because you’re never a morning person. Thankfully, Satoru is more respectful this time around, lolling your head until it drops to his shoulder. After that, he snakes his arm around your waist before resting it on your thigh as a way to say you don’t have to head bang every damn second and just sleep.
On any other occasion, you would’ve hated it. You always look so small whenever you’re in Satoru’s presence. It doesn’t help that he’s long and lanky, either, his slender fingers effortlessly caressing your thigh while almost your entire body is flushed next to him. But right now, he’s too warm, too soft, and you’re too tired that for just a little bit, you allow yourself to relax.
A beeping wakes you up a moment later. Opening your eyes, you push yourself off Satoru when you see an old lady reaching for the handles. No one gave up their seats for her even as the bus driver asked her to find a seat lest she’d fall.
“Grandma, here, take my seat—” You’re about to stand up and offer it to her when Satoru tugs you by the wrist. Because of your small, wobbly composure, pulling you to him takes little to no effort. You end up on his lap, sitting on him as if you’re nothing but a small, dainty schoolbag. Satoru is clearly enjoying this because you feel him breathily laugh on the back of your neck, charming – annoyingly so – as he gestures to the now empty spot beside him.
“It’s no worries, Grandma. She’ll be fine,” he gestures to you, patting your head like you’re some puppy. “Please, take a seat. The bus is already moving.”
“Satoru, get off me,” You wriggle yourself from his hold, which only ends up in wasted effort because this big oaf doesn’t even budge. He even bounces you on one of his thighs, and you dig your nails into his arms as a silent plead for him to stop. He ignores this, ignores your small whines and the apparent embarrassment that has you debating whether to punch him or hide yourself in the safety of his uniform.
“She’s a feisty little one, isn’t she?”
The old lady watches the two of you banter, giggling behind her wrinkled hands. “You’re an adorable couple.”
“I think so too!”
“You’re so going to pay for this, Satoru,” you grumble, face planted onto your palms. This is it – the worst day of your life. It’s even worse because despite your protests, you have to admit his lap is actually comfortable. You’ve already known this before after countless times of cuddling with Satoru during movie nights, but its different when you’re both out in public. It feels...oddly intimate and maybe even romantic when he rubs soothing circles at your back, almost as if apologizing for this event. Most of all, you just hate the way something pools beneath your stomach at having him so close to you like this. “This is so embarrassing. I’m practically crushing you with my weight.”
“Please, cupcake, you barely weigh anything. I could easily lift you off with just my finger,” when you elbow him in the chest, Satoru only laughs, raising both hands up in surrender. “Okay, okay, I’m sorry, I’ll stop teasing.”
You give up. No one seems to be paying much attention to any of you anyway, so you sigh, letting yourself hide in the crook of his neck as you watch the city pass through the windows. Your body moves as his chest rises and falls from his breathing, the movement oddly comforting. It’s embarrassing – it really is – but at least the grandma was comfortable until Satoru drops you off near your building.
“You don’t have to walk me all the way there.”
“Why not? You don’t want people to see us together or something?”
“No,” you stare at him from the corner of your eye. It’s no secret Satoru is attractive. This bastard knows it too, judging from the way he confidently and arrogantly swaggers next to you, hands shoved deep in his pockets as he walked with no care in the world. “My co-workers keep asking me for your number every time I tell them we’re not dating. It’s getting annoying at this point how they go Satoru this and Satoru that.”
“Am I hearing it right? Is cupcake jealous?”
“I’m not jealous, I’m disgusted,” you correct, “They don’t know how much of a pain you are to have around. They’re so focused with your looks that they completely overlook the fact you can’t even wash your dirty underwear!”
Satoru frowns at this, pointing his finger to you as if you’ve accused him of a huge crime. “Hey, I wash my underwear.”
“Yeah and last time you did, you mixed it with whites! My work uniform turned a stupid shade of blue! Now I can’t picture the colour of your boxers out of my head and it’s giving me a headache!”
“Wow, Y/N,” the smirk on his face and the sudden drop of nicknames lets you know you’ve said something wrong. Even behind his blindfold, you could tell his eyes are just sparkling with amusement. He’s enjoying this way too much. “I never thought you’d ever picture my boxers. I mean, I don’t mind showing it to you if you ask nicely—”
“Ugh, you’re so hopeless. I’m going to work.”
Gojo laughs when you jog away from him. He catches up with you in a matter of seconds, only having to take a few steps forward before he’s right beside you again. You’re unsure if you should be annoyed it’s so easy for him to always be right next to you, and how he almost always is right next to you while you prefer running away. It muddles with your heart and mind so much you pinch the bridge of your nose, trying not to be swayed by the sickeningly sweet sound of his laughter. “I can’t pick you up later, okay? I might work overtime!” (that’s a lie since Gojo prefers shopping and sightseeing)
Both of you know that’s a lie. Gojo never works overtime. He’s going to work for a few hours and so and call playing around with his students as “on-hand learning” before he goes shopping for stupid souvenirs and wild-flavoured mochis, then end his day by sightseeing and coming back home.
“Wasn’t expecting you to,” you mumble, waving goodbye to him as the office doors close. Slowly, Satoru’s grin and enthusiastic farewell fades into view until nothing but the pale, silver walls of your office greets you.
Funny how you claim to hate this man so much, yet the moment he’s out of sight, everything becomes dull and pointless.
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It’s an absolutely shitty day. Your equally shitty boss blames you for something you didn’t even do, all because his incompetent secretary – who you’re sure he’s sleeping with – lost this month’s report and claimed she handed it to you last week when you’re not involved in that kind of work. Logic doesn’t come by them because your boss publicly humiliates and scolds you, calling you all kinds of names until tears are streaming down your face.
You slam the door shut the moment you get home, kicking your shoes off as you head straight to your room. You don’t bother taking your makeup off anymore as you change into a loose shirt and floral cotton shirts, padding to the kitchen after seeing Satoru is well nestled into the couch.
At least someone’s had a good day.
Seeing as the sink is empty, he probably hasn’t eaten dinner. This makes you sigh, because when will he ever learn to look after himself? He’s literally like a child.
Satoru pauses whatever he’s watching before he hovers over you, head tilted to the side as he gazes at you with curiosity. You ignore him and begin to set down some bowls and chopsticks for dinner, all the while Satoru is studying every inch of your tightly pulled face. “Bad day?” he concludes.
“Bad day it is then,” he nods to himself. “I can cook dinner, if you want.”
“And have you burn my apartment? No thanks,” you scoff, pushing him aside to retrieve the pans when you see that he’s placed them above again, even after you’ve reminded countless times to just leave it near the holders in the sink. “Ugh, why do you keep putting the pans in this shelf? You know I can’t reach this. I’ve had enough with you pulling pranks on me, and don’t think I’ve forgotten you placed my shampoo above the shower head today, you idiot,” you snarl and hop over the counter again to get the pans, trying your best to fight back the tears that are threatening to fall. “You’re really bothersome, you know that?”
“Then why don’t you kick me out?” he challenges, completely oblivious to how you’re struggling – both physically and emotionally. “You always complain about me being a nuisance here, but you’re not really doing anything to keep me out.”
“Because where else would you go?”
“Technically, I have a room back at the Institute.”
“Yeah, but because you’re so stupid and reckless that you got kicked out of your own home,” you spat out, and you watch as Satoru raises a brow at your statement. Banter is common between the both of you, but something about the intensity of your gaze lets him know you’re serious this time around. “I don’t even know how Yuuji puts up with you. That poor Megumi is right when he says you’re insufferable. You’re good for nothing!”
Satoru scoffs, “Fine, if you hate me that much, why didn’t you just say so earlier? I could easily pack my bags and go since I’m just making everything harder—” Satoru doesn’t get to finish what he’s saying when your hand over the counter that acts as support slips under you, and you fall, legs bent awkwardly while you scream, preparing yourself for the impact. The pan is long forgotten, your only thought was oh my god, so this is how I die.
But it never came, and you keep your eyes shut tight even as warm hands cup your ass. Satoru is breathing hard under you. Finally gaining the courage to crack an eye open, your breath halts when you see that he’s sitting on the floor, with you safely nestled between him.
Satoru has always had pretty eyes, but it’s rare he takes off his blindfold off even when he’s home. This is one of those rare occurrences that he seems like a normal human, dressed in a gray sweatshirt that hands low from his collarbones and magnetic blue eyes staring right back at you. His touch is gentle, almost as if he’s afraid to hurt you, and his voice that is usually loud and teasing comes out breathy and hesitant.
“Are you okay?”
Your gaze drops down to his lips. He’s close, so close, that if you just lean a little closer you could – you snap out of your daze. “Get off me.”
“Cupcake, you’re the one who’s on top of me,” his voice falls an octave lower, eyes flitting down to your clothing – or rather the lack of it – before Satoru takes a deep breath. “Did you really have to wear that?”
“I have the right to wear whatever I want in the comfort of my own home.”
“I wasn’t complaining,” he raised a brow, this time completely in control of himself as he gazes back up at you with a burning gaze. You see nothing but the way one corner of his lips tilt up, almost teasing, and he looks so much like a shit-eater that you feel heat crawl down your spine.
You push yourself off him but your bent foot behind you slips, and you fall forward with your hands clutching his strong shoulders. Satoru catches your leg behind you, drags it forward until your knee is pressed in between one of your warmth, very much still enjoying the way you wriggle away from his hold. He knows his effect on you – but you deny this wholeheartedly.
“Careful, cupcake. This isn’t a slip and slide.”
“I hate you so much,” you bare your teeth at him, slapping his chest until he finally lets go of you. Turning your back to him, you pick up the pan and begin preparing your dinner, muttering curses under your breath as you heat up the stove. “I’m kicking you out tomorrow.”
“Why not now?”
“Eat your damn dinner first.”
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Dinner after that is awkward. Although Gojo is someone who can wolf down his meal in three seconds, he takes his time in eating to start conversation with you. Sometimes he asks decent questions like how your day was or he’d talk about something stupid, but he’s quiet the whole time. He even volunteers to do the dishes before retreating to his room, coating the house in silence.
It almost feels like you’re all alone over again.
You’ve gotten so used to him being an utter mess everywhere that when he’s not trying to piss you off and actually giving you the much needed peace, you begin to hate it. Memories of the rude things you’ve said to him a while ago play and in your head, and you bang your head against the wall repeatedly.
How are you supposed to apologize to Satoru now?
The answer doesn’t come until you stare at your walls, wide awake at midnight. The house is still eerily silent and you don’t stop shuffling around your bed in discomfort. Many times, you wished that Satoru would shut up and leave you alone, but now that he’s actually done that, it feels weird. Uncomfortable. It feels wrong.
With a grunt, you kick off the sheets and carefully tread to his room, knocking lightly in case he’s already sleeping. “Satoru?” you call out, fidgeting with the hem of your shirt. “Are you awake?”
You’ve seen Satoru angry as kids before, but what would he be like now? Would he still want to be your friend? Would he still annoy you by hiding your things somewhere you can’t reach? Or would he be the who is now out of reach? If he leaves...who’s going to walk you to work? Who’s going to complain he doesn’t want to do groceries but buys you things you don’t ask for but want anyway? Who’s going to keep teasing the living daylights out of you if not him?
All these thoughts claw at the back of your mind until your bottom lip trembles. You hate how weak you feel; how you’re never careful with your words.
You never meant it when you said all that.
Your train of thought is cut off when the door swings open, revealing an equally tired-looking Satoru. At the sight of you peering up at him with glossy eyes, he pushes the door wider and steps closer to you, his large hands cupping your face as he leans down in worry. “Cupcake,” his brows pinch together, “Did something happen? Is something wrong?”
“I just wanted to apologize for everything I said,” you blurt out, “I was just tired from work and my boss was being shitty, so I wasn’t totally myself that time and I’m really sorry I took my anger out on you. I didn’t mean it when I said you’re insufferable and that I’m kicking you out so – yeah,” you breathe out, trailing your gaze downwards to stare at your feet instead. It’s difficult to look him in the eye right now. When you finally gain courage to speak again, it barely comes out as a whimper, your hands delicately tugging at his shirt. “Please stay. I like having my best friend around here.”
Satoru doesn’t answer.
You’re about to look up at him just in case you’ve said something wrong, or worse, he refuses to forgive you, but then – “Yeah, I know you wouldn’t kick me out. You’re too much of a darling to say no to me.”
Sigh. Satoru laughs when he sees your shoulders deflate, absolutely shattered in exhaustion. Hiding your smile to now show him you’re relieved, you punch his chest that really feels like a fly had accidentally flew into him. “Way to ruin the mood, Satoru. And here I thought I could have a serious conversation with you for once.”
“Apology accepted,” he beams, tilting your chin upwards so you could look at him. Even in the darkness of his room, his eyes glow, leaving you hypnotized in its beauty. “Plus, I think I’m the one who should apologize. You’re right; I haven’t been the best roommate and I am a freeloader,” he scratches the side of his head in thought. “But I do buy you food all the time though.”
“Yeah, with my money,” you counter, but you don’t really care anymore at this point. You’re beyond elated you’re both fine now, and you shyly gesture to his big, warm bed that suddenly looks so comfortable. “Can I stay here for tonight?”
“You want Satoru’s bear hug?”
“Yes, I do.” There’s no hesitation in your words and you don’t complain anymore when he easily picks you up like a ragdoll using only one arm. He’s surprisingly gentle when he places you both down on the bed, sheets warm and soft as it blankets over you.
It would be perfect – except it’s so damn awkward.
Gojo’s long limbs are everywhere. Your face is pressed into his chest, both your legs tangled together. His arm is sprawled over the curve of your hip, his hand nearly grazing your ass that’s barely covered by the thin material of your shorts, but if he shifts, he’ll end up cupping the back of your thighs which is equally uncomfortable.
He seems to be stuck in the same position because you’re so small, and your knees are grazing his groin. Had he known you’re going to sleep with him, he would’ve worn underwear or even boxers under his sweatpants.
He’s never told you before, but he prefers to sleep in the nude. Satoru only picked up the nearest pair of pants when he heard you knock, and even then, he didn’t have the time to wear a shirt.
Your breath is hot on his skin and he’s so sensitive and aware of all your movements. Satoru clears his throat awkwardly, shifting until his arm lightly holds your back instead, but then he pulls away as if he’s touched fire when he’d unknowingly fiddled with your bra clasp instead. It’s so painfully awkward that Satoru chuckles above you, while you scrunch your nose, silently praying to the heavens above that he won’t hear how loud your heart is beating right now.
“Why is it so hot in your own room?”
“Maybe it’s time you get me an AC.”
“You wish, Satoru,” you mumble beneath him, making yourself as comfortable as you can with your cheek resting on his bicep. It’s not the softest pillow considering he’s pretty muscular, but he’s warm and smells like mint spice nevertheless. “You’re really not going to put on a shirt?”
Satoru sighs, a long and loud one that is extended for dramatic purposes. Suddenly, he pushes your knee off of him, grimacing and thanking the darkness that you can’t see how much he’s struggling right now. “Cupcake, this is hard for me as much as it is for you. You’re barely wearing anything.”
“Since when have you cared about what I wear?”
“I’m a man, Y/N,” is what he reasons with, “You’re lucky it’s me. Had it been someone else and you crawled into their bed wearing these—” Satoru pinches the waistband of your shorts, and you squeal in protest, only making him laugh afterwards before he lets it go and the material snaps back at your skin, “—poor excuse of what you call shorts, I can’t guarantee they’ll give you a peaceful night.”
You know exactly what he’s trying to hint at. Still, it’s hard to believe that Satoru is capable of seeing you that way.
It’s not that you feel you’re unattractive. You know you’re pretty and have been out on many dates, but it’s easy to feel that you’re not sexy when you have the height of a thirteen year old and you’ve been constantly chastised about it.
Satoru’s not-compliment compliment has your heart skipping a beat, and you scoff in response. “Shut up,” you warn lamely, “I want to sleep.”
“Then let’s sleep, cupcake.” You don’t know if it’s because you’re utterly exhausted that you doze off seconds later or if Satoru’s words just held power in them, but soon all thoughts of anything unwanted drifts out the window, his arms keeping you close, completely safe and sound until the worst nightmares couldn’t even come close.
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Hot. It’s extremely hot.
You crack an eye open to try and find the source of this uncomfortable heat, but you freeze when you realize you can’t feel your muscles from the chin down. Panic rises in your throat once you see the current predicament you’re in, and a scream rips through your throat so loud that the birds outside scurry away in a flurry.
You’re wrapped in Satoru’s blanket and comforter, rendering you unable to move because of how he’d treated you like a burrito wrap. Even your toes are captured inside this hell, and only your head is able to wriggle side to side.
The culprit comes out of the shower a split second later, his hair dripping wet and only a towel hanging low from his lips. If you weren’t so hell-bent on killing him, you would’ve been speechless at the way water drips from his hair down to the curves of his abs, going down down down into a place only your darkest imaginations could take you.
Satoru bends over in laughter as he whips out his phone, jumping from angle to angle and side to side to take photos of you. “Fuck,” he howls, slapping his thigh while you snarl in an attempt to break free. “You’re a lot cuter than I thought you’d be.”
“Satoru! Get me out of here!”
“No, this is way too gold. I’m sending these to my students.”
“Satoru, I’m serious!” The devil incarnate himself falls deaf to your please.
Maybe it’s because the violent intent has coursed through your veins so strongly that a surge of energy and strength overcomes you, and soon, you’ve rolled out of the blanket. The fresh air nipping at your heated skin is most welcomed, but right now, you had a mission to fulfil: obliterate Gojo Satoru.
The platinum haired man is still laughing to himself, too distracted in scrolling through the best photos to send to his students that he doesn’t notice you escaping and zooming straight right at him.
The momentum is enough to catch him off guard until you end up on top of him, short arms clawing your way through to snatch his phone. Satoru yelps when his phone lands out into the living room and your hands come down to choke him. You don’t have plans to kill him, but you want to hurt him enough to remind him you’re not someone he can fuck with.
You’ve just about had enough of this man and you’re so sick of him!
Satoru yells out a “Hey!” when you let out a battle cry, using your legs to kick him back when he tries to sit up. Your plan backfires when your hands slip down his wet skin and you fall face forwards, hands barely touching the ground for support when your lips come crashing down on his.
He stills underneath you. It takes a moment for you to realize that holy shit, you’re kissing him and his lips are so soft that has you scrambling back, but Satoru doesn’t let you.
His large hand comes up at the back of your neck to pull you forward. The sudden movement makes you gasp, and Satoru slips his tongue inside when you do so. You no longer remember how you got here or try to make sense of what’s going on, because he feels so good, tastes so good that you bury your nails in his hair while he ravishes your mouth.
You’re so tiny that his hand cups your entire buttcheek almost possessively, a low growl emanating deep in his throat when your tongue eagerly intertwines with his. Satoru tastes like heaven and everything about the kiss is sloppy – tongue clashing with one another and teeth nibbling at the other’s lips. It’s clear both of you can’t get enough of one another as you moan in his mouth, shamelessly grinding on his crotch, suddenly thankful that you’re always wearing thin clothes when you feel him harden underneath you.
“Fuck, baby,” he pulls away to breathe, a string of saliva connecting the both of you. “Yeah, just like that,” There’s something empowering about the way he pants at your ministrations, especially when you roll your hips faster across his erection. “Keep going, baby, you’re doing – fuck – so well.”
You smirk at his praises, latching your teeth on his neck to suck marks on them. Satoru groans at the same time you muffle your moans through his skin, his hands sliding under your shirt to tug the cups of your bra down. You nearly lose it when he pinches your nipple, bolts of electricity running down your spine at the contact. A moan breaks through your lips just as you come right there and then, the wetness of your sudden orgasm barely hidden in your flimsy underwear.
“Feel good?” he teases and drags your shirt down to the other side, but the post-nut clarity hits. And when it does, it hits hard.
Fuck. You just came from Satoru’s simple touches, and he’s so unsatisfied, still painfully hard underneath you but nothing but panic and regret washes over you like a strong tidal wave. Suddenly, you grow lightheaded as you push yourself off him, fixing your bra while ignoring the confused and hurt look on his face.
“I gotta go to work,” you run out the room, feeling your body tremble as Satoru runs after you. “Make yourself breakfast. I’ll eat on the way out.”
“Y/N, wait!”
You know you’ve just ruined everything – that nothing will ever be the same after that – but you’re scared, utterly and remorsefully so, that you slam the door right in his face as if you don’t have any idea how much you broke him.
You’ll never forget the way Satoru’s face fell when you left.
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Just as you thought, nothing is the same after that. The tension is so thick around the apartment you make an effort and go out of your way just to avoid him and the apartment completely.
It’s cowardly – you know this much – but do you ever try to fix the friendship you cherish but shattered completely? You don’t. You don’t because it only crashes down onto you now that maybe your feelings for him aren’t just platonic, after all. It’s even worse because you touch yourself at the thought of him filling you up when he’s asleep, all because you want him so bad and the mere presence of him has your brain malfunctioning.
It isn’t entirely sexual either. Yes, you want to fuck him badly, but it scares you down to the core even more because you want so much more than that.
Now you understand why you always say he’s a bother but never asked him to leave. It’s because you like him, actually romantically interested in him. It makes sense now why you always felt so annoyed whenever your co-workers asked for his number, or how you’re immediately pissed off when Satoru talks about this hot woman he saw at work. You always chalk it up to an excuse you just hate how he can’t keep in his pants, but it isn’t true at all.
It’s because you actually like him – and you’re at a loss on what to do or how to deal with it.
The next few days feels like hell. Satoru isn’t stupid; he knows you’re avoiding him. He stops teasing you eventually and even buys takeout all the time when you lock yourself up in your room right after work, refusing to cook dinner or even eat all so you’d be spared the torture of looking at him.
He’d knock at your door and ask you to eat, but other than that, he’s respected your distance.
You feel like the most terrible person on earth. You don’t miss the way dark circles line under his eyes or how he’s lost his spark, barely even speaking to you when you’ve come or about to leave for work.
You’re alone the whole ride, as well, and it only dawns on you how lonely you are when Satoru isn’t always annoying you all the time.
But it doesn’t make sense. Why is he so bothered by it? Didn’t he regret it? It’s painfully clear you’re not Satoru’s type. You’ve seen the women he dated before, and you’re not close to them so why does he seem like he’s struggling with this as well? Or maybe...he’s just sad that his friend is avoiding him.
Yeah, that has to be it.
Satoru is a man. He was probably turned on at that time, but after giving some thought about it, he probably wants to keep his distance too. He’d be insane if he ever actually wants to date you – his best friend out of all people – because he’s Gojo Satoru and he could literally have everyone else.
You don’t care that you’re a coward.
You don’t care that Satoru is sad to see you this way.
You don’t care because you know he’ll reject you, you know he’ll be weirded if you admit your feelings for him. To him, you’re like his little sister. There’s just no way you two would work out. For now, you have to get comfortable with the uncomfortable. You just need some time to get over your feelings for him, and when you’re confident you won’t fall for him again, you’ll mend your friendship.
You just need time.
“So, Y/N, you still don’t want to give us your friend’s number?”
“Yeah, Y/N, you should share it,” your co-worker encourages by jabbing her shoulder to yours. It’s a lazy Friday night and the staff went out for dinner. You don’t usually come to these hangouts since dinner with Satoru is always much more fun, but he’s the last person you want to think about now, so you happily join them. Now, though, you’re starting to regret ever coming here. “If he’s really single like you said, then it shouldn’t be a big deal to ask for it.”
“Well, since you want it so badly, why don’t you ask him directly for it instead?” you snap, feeling anger begin to trickle. All you wanted was just one day where you don’t have to think of him, but of course they had to bring him up. It’s also annoying how they can never seem to get the message across that you don’t want them dating him. “Why do I have to be the messenger?”
“We haven’t seen him much. Doesn’t he always walk you to work?”
“He’s been busy with his job, that’s all.” And also because I’m avoiding him – so now he’s avoiding me too.
“He’s a teacher, right?”
“Oh, come on, guys, don’t be so dense,” your senpai chugged her drink rather loudly, catching the attention of your nosy co-workers who wouldn’t stop pestering you for his number. “Look at how uncomfortable she looks. It’s obvious she doesn’t want you guys to be involved with her friend for a reason. Think of how weird it is for her too if ever her co-worker and best friend dated. She’s going to feel like a third wheel.”
“I’m not—”
“That makes sense,” your co-worker nodded beside you, “Are you sure you just don’t like him though?”
“Ew, why would I?” the food began to taste bitter through your lies, “He may be tall and attractive, but as his roommate, I’ve seen his ugly side. Satoru is a complete slob and can’t even cook to save his life.”
“I don’t mind cooking for him all the time if I were to be his little housewife.”
“That’s never gonna happen,” your words came out harsher than it was, and you laugh it off with a wave of your hand when your co-workers’ eyes widened. “I’ve been living with him for six months and he’s never brought anyone home or told me he’s going on a date. I told you already, he’s a no strings attached kind of guy. He’s nothing but a one night stand.”
“You have to admit he’s still sexy though.”
Right. You hide your groan through another shot because there’s no way of convincing them otherwise. As much as you hate to admit, you’re actually jealous on how freely they could talk about him like that, but then again, it’s not like you and Satoru were dating – or would ever date, for that matter.
They start to leave one by one when it starts to get late, leaving only you who’s still desperate to avoid Satoru. Nothing prepares you for when the sky darkens and a storm comes pouring just as you’ve left the closing shop, the rain drenching and soaking your clothes through and through. Running under the nearest tree for shelter, you shiver. It’s cold – way too cold – and curse yourself for not bringing a darned umbrella.
The nearest bus stop is like what, fifteen to twenty minutes away? Your teeth are chattering and your legs are shaking, and you fumble through your phone as you dial a number you know by heart before you even realize what you’re doing. “S-Satoru?”
“Y/N,” the surprise is unmasked in his voice, something shuffling in the background before it falls silent. “Is everything okay?”
“Uhm, are you busy right now? It’s fine if you are, I’m just—”
“I’m training with Yuuji, but what is it?”
“Listen, I,” you inhale sharply when coldness bursts through your body, making you shiver and press yourself closer to tree to get away from the rain. Above you, thunder crackles before the rain grows heavier and angrier. “I forgot to bring an umbrella and I’m absolutely soaked right now. The nearest bus stop is fifteen minutes away and all the buildings here look so shady—”
“I’ll be on my way. Text me where you are,” You nod and thank him, too cold and numb to realize you’ve just broken days of silence. You lose track of time under there, hugging yourself until your lips turn blue. It doesn’t take long before Satoru shows up minutes later, his hair equally drenched and sticking flat to his eyes free from his blindfold while he pants, hand on his knees. “Thank goodness you’re safe. I rushed here so fast I forgot to bring an umbrella.”
After seeing Satoru drenched like that, something snaps within you. He doesn’t seem bothered by the fact the rain is unforgiving as it slaps the pavement, and your heart breaks when you see that he’s more concerned for you – even after you’ve given him the silent treatment. “You idiot! Now you’re soaking wet too, you’re going to get sick!”
“Highly unlikely,” he shrugs. “Come on, let’s get you home.”
“But what about—” Satoru suddenly carries you before draping his coat over your head, running until he found a cab to hail. He immediately asks the driver to turn up the heater while you tremble on top of him, not caring anymore that you’re sticking so close to him for heat.
Satoru doesn’t let you go all the way inside the apartment. He sets you down on the couch where you take off your wet clothes in haste, too cold with teeth chattering that you silently take the hoodie and boxers Satoru offers you, making sure to keep his gaze averted the whole time. Once fully dressed, you snuggle back into the sofa’s comfort, stiffening when the couch dips beside you.
Not a moment later, Satoru towel-dries your hair, leaving your mouth and throat dry with guilt. Even after you’ve unnecessarily been a bitch to him, he’s still so kind with you.
“Thank you for coming.”
“Don’t mention it.”
“Satoru...” you twiddle with your thumbs just as he starts to ruffle the towel in your hair, making sure to squeeze water out of the strands as he dries it. “About what happened the other day—”
“It didn’t happen if you don’t want it to,” his voice is cold’ monotonous and so emotionless you’re rendered speechless. “You can forget about it.”
“You regret it, right?” he’s done with drying your hair, and he stands up to place the wet towels in the sink as you watch him stride all the way there. He’s changed his clothes too; looking comfortable in a plain white shirt and some grey sweatpants, looking every bit the domestic boyfriend you’ve always wanted but can never have. “It’s fine. We can forget about it and go back to normal,” to emphasize his point, Satoru winks at you, though it does nothing but make your heart sink.
“What if I don’t want to forget it?” your voice is small; hesitant and wavering with fear. “What if...the only reason I pulled away is because I wanted more of you?”
Satoru’s back freezes as he sets the towel aside. At this point, your heart is pulsing on your tongue, and you dig your nails onto your thighs when Satoru sits down next to you, right next to you. He’s silent the whole time; eyes calculatedly piercing through yours. Your breath hitches when his hands that are burning hot against your cold skin cups your jaw before his thumb runs across your lips, his eyes turning dark at your reactions.
“And what if I said I felt the same way?”
“I,” you gasp, closing your eyes because it all feels so surreal. “I like you, Satoru. I like you a lot and I—” he doesn’t let you finish. Soon, you find yourself in his lap with his hands cupping your cheeks while he smashes his lips onto yours.
Satoru is absolutely feral. He’s breathing hard and almost angry, even, with the way his teeth are biting down to nibble on your lips. You moan when he drags you closer, your clothed centre rubbing on his thigh with delicious friction. “You have no idea,” he rasps down on your lips, “how much I’ve fucking liked you ever since we were kids,” Satoru pushes his hoodie aside, revealing your sweet neck to him, and he doesn’t waste his time in sucking and abusing the poor flesh so he can mark you as his. “I’ve always wanted you, Y/N, it’s always you, always you.”
You fist his hoodie when Satoru sinks his teeth down into the juncture of your neck, his hands curious and exploring every inch of your body. He knows you’re naked underneath his clothes, but it’s a different thing when he actually feels your breasts right on his palm. Satoru tweaks the hardened bud in his fingers, growling when you moan at the contact and use his thigh to get off.
“You—” you gasp as you expose your neck to him, wild and needy as you keep rubbing your heat over his thigh. “—talk way too fucking much,” you scold, finally pushing his lips away from your neck. Satoru chuckles at your eagerness but you silence him by flinging his boxers off of your body and somewhere far away, exposing your heat slick with arousal right in front of him. His pupils blow in excitement, hands coming up to grab at your hips, but his attention is taken away when you nibble on his ear to whisper, “Shut up and fuck me.”
The simple command is enough to make his patience snap. In a flash, you’re pinned underneath him, whining and moaning when his finger meets no resistance as he slips it inside. “You’re that needy, huh?” he laughs even louder when you lose it, humping yourself on his finger because it’s not enough.
“Satoru,” you beg, clutching his bicep when he adds another finger in. “More.”
His fingers are so long, hitting places that your small ones could never reach. He begins to scissor his way in, his fingers deliciously rubbing against your velvety walls while pumping them inside and out in a speed that causes you to squelch around him.
It’s absolutely lewd how you’re eagerly spread out before him, but your head is clouded with lust, no longer hindered by shyness out of your need to cum. Your chest is rising heavily, his thumb now rubbing against your clit as he coaxes you to cum. “Tell me what you want, baby,” he kisses your cheeks, eyelids, nose, anywhere but your lips, his voice so gentle and innocent as if he’s not knuckle deep inside you. “Tell me how you want me.”
“Inside,” you whine, gasping when he brushes against a really sensitive spot that has you clamping down on him. “‘Toru, fuck, just fuck me.”
“Beg for it,” he smiles against your skin, relentless and harsh as he keeps pushing inside you. You feel him everywhere and nowhere at the same time. Another finger adds in until you’re dripping enough on his palm and staining the couch, but neither of you care. “I said, beg for it.”
“No,” you hold back, nearly crying out when he pulls your fingers out of you. That sudden emptiness is back again, but you don’t want to beg. You’ve never begged another man before, and this won’t be the first time you’ll be doing so either. You refuse to let him have the upper hand despite the crystal clear fact you’re already soaking wet for him, but because you’re stubborn, you only fumble with his sweatpants to spring his cock free.
He’s already dripping with pre-cum from the slit, his cock hard and angry. Despite his arousal, Satoru stops you from going further, using only one hand to trap both your wrists. “Beg for it,” he demands again, his other fist already pumping down on his shaft.
You nearly cry at the sight. Both of you are aware that Satoru is capable of pleasuring himself, but it’s not that easy for you. Your small, dainty fingers will never be parallel to the pleasure his long cock could give you. All you had to do was beg for it. He’s right there, within reach, if only you’d just –
Impatient for your answer, Satoru takes you by the hips and discards your hoodie in the process, sinking you down his cock, inch by delicious inch. You don’t hold back from the sensual and high-pitched moan that leaves your lips. He’s long, and the tip of his cock just about brushes your cervix when he bottoms out. He feels so good, so warm and huge and filling you up right where you want him to be. Your head falls down on his shoulder as you begin to roll your hips, but Satoru has had enough.
“Fuck, look at you,” he presses on the bulge of his cock visible through your abdomen. “You’re so fucking small – how do you take me so well? I could ruin you. Do you want that? Do you want me to ruin you?”
“Yes, yes, fuck.”
“You think you can just leave me hanging like that, huh?” he slaps your ass, eliciting another moan from you and making you clench around his cock. Satoru falters for a moment. Before you can react, he stands up, your legs wrapped around his waist with nothing but his tip hitting inside you. “You’ve been so fucking mean – leaving me wanting you like that and ignoring me for days. Do you think you deserve this, huh?” Satoru kicks his door open at the same time he loosens his hold around your ass, making you slide down his length the next second.
“Oh, fuck,” you cry out just as Satoru begins to bounce you, your breasts following the motion of him fucking deep into you. “Fuck, Toru, that’s too—”
He’s so eager to fuck you, to make a mess out of you and have you losing your mind over his cock that he doesn’t even wait until you’re both on the bed. You no longer register when your back hits the pillow, or how your arms are frozen when he pins it above your head.
“You’re so beautiful,” he praises as he watches you clench around him. You’re so small and his eyes zero in on the way your abdomen bulges then flattens again every time he pounds into you, rolling his hips in a way that has you screaming and thighs quaking. “Beautiful, beautiful, perfect,” the moment his hands grip at your hips to pin you down, you know he’s not going to stop. And you don’t want him to.
Satoru latches his lips around your right breast, gently grazing his teeth over it while his other hand pinches and rolls the pebbled nipple between his fingers. He feels so good – and you’re crying already by the time you wrap your legs around him to pull him closer.
The room is filled with the smell of sex, the sound of skin slapping against skin combined with his breathy grunts and your moans like heaven on his ears. Satoru wants you to feel how much he loves you – how much he adores you – and the pace he sets is torturous. He snaps his hips against yours and presses down on the bulge of his cock through your belly, chuckling when you tighten more around him.
Your head lols to the side, tears falling down your pretty face because of how rough he’s being. But you don’t complain, not when he’s filling you in so deep and he’s kissing you everywhere, touching you everywhere, making you feel nothing else and nobody else but him.
“You’re amazing,” he rasps, watching the way your tight cunt sucks him in greedily as if you don’t want him to go anywhere else. “You take me in so well – you really want me to destroy you, huh?”
“Satoru, please,” you finally plead, “I-I’m cumming, I want you, I need you, oh,” you squeal when he finally lets your arms free. You look so precious, so innocent, and he doesn’t let up his pace. He plants his feet into the ground and his strokes begin to grow sloppy, your tight walls encouraging him to go faster, go deeper.
If possible, Satoru is only even more fuelled with the way you look so precious and innocent in that moment. His touch is gentle in comparison to the way he’s mercilessly plowing into you, using his thumb to wipe away the tears streaming down your cheeks. He knows he’s too big for you, that much is obvious from how much you’re already overstimulated just by his size, but your nails sink down on the flesh of his ass as a silent plead for more.
“Fuuuuck, I’m so close!”
“Yeah?” He fondled your clit, loving the sight of your small body creaming down on his cock. “Come for me, sweet girl. I want to feel you coming on my cock. Come on, tell me you’re mine. You’re made me for aren’t you?”
“Yes, Satoru, fuck,” you squeal, throwing your head back for a second when he keeps hitting your g-spot that has you seeing stars. Your toes curl and your hands fist the sheets behind you as he keeps impaling you with his cock right then and there.
You looked perfect; so perfect to him that he’s basically using you for his own pleasure at this moment. Your orgasm hits you like a tidal wave, back arching and nipples brushing against his chest.
In that moment, you grow needy to have him even closer, tilting up to blindly search for his lips. Satoru complies; leaning down and leaving open mouthed breathy kisses that’s a mix of you moaning and crying around him, while he struggles to do so when he’s cursing at the feeling of you coating his cock with your juices. Satoru looks down at your tiny frame trapped in his arms, his voice husky as he groans once he saw both of your arousal absolutely leaking out of your wet cunt.
He’s so close but you’re already over the edge, scratching at his back at the overstimulation. You’re still so sensitive from when you came and Satoru doesn’t slow one down one bit. He loses his rhythm as his thrusts go sloppy, and Satoru buries his face in your neck as his cock twitches inside you until he bursts with his cum leaking out of your hole.
Satoru’s arms give out beneath you, his chest colliding with yours but not enough that he’s crushing you with his weight. You’re both breathing hard and panting, his dick softening inside you.
He pulls back a moment later to slide out his sensitive cock, wincing while he watches pools of cum gather in your pussy before it drips out. It isn’t until he’s witnessing the mess he’s made he realizes how you’ve been so good for him; taking him all the way in despite your quivering frame. It dawns on him now just how tiny you are when he pulls you close to him; you’re practically hanging off his chest with how small your body is.
He wonders how you’re able to fit all of him, but he’s grateful nevertheless. Satoru shows his appreciation by peppering kisses all over your face, his hand snaking down to caress your inner thighs.
“Hmm,” you moan into the kiss, jolting when his knuckles brush against your sensitive clit. “Satoru, no,” you whine while pushing his hand away, and he shushes you with another kiss. “’M too sensitive, please...”
“It’s fine, cupcake, it’s fine,” his nickname for you is back again, and you lean closer to him just as he begins to massage your sore legs. “You did so well for me, cupcake, you know that? You’re such a good girl for me,” too fucked out to have a comprehensive answer, you only nod in response, spreading your legs open again and ignoring the warm stickiness between your thighs as Satoru kneads your abused flesh. You feel him kiss your temple before he leaves to get a towel and cleans you up. Meanwhile, you’re so tired you’re about to doze out in his bed.
“Hey,” he soothes, bundling you up in his arms until you’re tucked in the safety of his body. So small, he coos inside his head, watching as you fold yourself even smaller while your eyes flutter. “Are you okay?”
“I’m fine,” you sigh into his shoulder, “I feel good. Thank you.”
Satoru doesn’t really know what you’re thanking him for. He feels like he’s the one who’s mostly indebted to you after everything you’ve done for him. You’ve already fallen asleep before he gets the chance to tell you how he feels, so Satoru only covers you both under his blanket, making sure there’s no more space between you out of fear you’ll distance yourself from him again.
But he doesn’t have to worry about that because you’re right next to him, and you’re never out of reach.
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