#don’t take this too seriously I just drew this for lols
jeweledstone · 2 years
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Drew some ocs of mine that I think would be the most likely to end up as “tumblr sexymen” if they had an actual show/book/whatever
Since we all seem to be talking a lot about sexymen today
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tariah23 · 5 days
sukugo for the ship bingo 🫡
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(The artist I mentioned in the tags… I love their stuff, it’s so fun ahh)
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colealexart · 7 months
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story time! i met the cr cast this past weekend at mcm london and they were the kindest people imaginable, but my interaction with laura and marisha was just. incomprehensibly sweet and the best thing to ever happen to me.
first up was laura. my friends izzy (@wvearp) and abby (@overnighttosunflowers) went before me in the queue and they got my art signed by her. when they did, she said “oh, best art” and they told her that they were here with the artist. she immediately was like “what?! where?!” and started looking around frantically. i was standing just to the side and i waved awkwardly and she was like “NO WAY! YOU!! i favourite this shit on twitter ALL THE TIME!” which i find hilarious because yeah, i freak out a little every time she does.
when it got to my turn, i said hello and asked her how she was doing. she did not answer my question and instead said “cole, are you kidding me? these are gorgeous” about the two prints i handed to her. (the one pictured and a different one i got signed.) she said she remembers seeing this after the episode aired and i was like “yeah, it airs at 3am here so i drew this in a frantic, sleep deprived stupor at 7am” and she said “you did it so fast, i remember! i sent it to marisha! people are SO QUICK with the fanart, you guys are insane.”
after she signed the print, she held onto it for a moment and just sat and admired it, before looking at me with the BIGGEST smile and saying “you are seriously the best. thank you.” and i don’t know how to handle sincerity so i handed her the dice i got for her. she was so excited about them and immediately rolled the d20 and got a 10 (edit: i misremembered, she got a 3 lol). i then asked if we could play rollies and she beat me. i got a 5 and laura got a 7. i said i’m sorry they’re not rolling well and she was like “it’s fine, they just need charging up!”
i also got a selfie too, but the guy helping her at the table took the photo for us instead of me trying to take it because i suck at taking selfies. she gave me a really tight side hug and when it was done, she thanked me again with the biggest smile.
i also didnt realize until afterwards but instead of writing a character quote, laura wrote “you are everything” on my autograph 😭
next was the group photo op. as we walked up i said hi again to laura and she immediately recognized me from before. she grabbed onto my shoulders and literally spun me around to marisha and was frantically saying “marisha marisha, this is the person that does the amazing imodna art!” but there was a lot going on and marisha was looking at me with the most bewildered expression, until she eventually understood what laura was saying but we had to rush to take the photo. laura held onto my arm and marisha leaned against me and i didn’t realize until afterwards but liam and tal also had their hands on my shoulders lol. it was A Lot. i told marisha i would probably be heading to her autograph queue next so i’d see her there and she was like “awesome, i cant wait!”
so after that, i met marisha. i was probably the most nervous to meet her because she’s just so cool and intimidating but in reality she is just so warm and has such a calming presence about her. she was like “cole, good to see you again!” and i handed her the same imodna print that i had laura sign. she said “ohh, aww this is amazing! this is what laura was talking about, i was so confused!”
then we talked a bit about the live show because her voice was hoarse and i asked her how she was feeling. she said it was just her voice that was gone, but we agreed that it was absolutely worth it because the live show was incredible. i also congratulated her on the how do you wanna do this, then gave her the dice i got for her and we played rollies too. we both got an 18 at first and when we rerolled, she beat me with another 18 to my 16. then she was like “oh these roll really well, i’m definitely gonna use these!”
we took our photo together and afterwards she said “thank you for your art and everything. seriously, you’re so talented” while rubbing my shoulder, and then i headed off to join ashley’s queue.
i’m probably gonna make a separate post about meeting ashley and sam. i just wanted to write this down mostly to immortalize on my blog. i expected them to be kind but i did NOT expect to feel so loved and appreciated. laura was about as excited as i was, and made me feel so special. (this is also a pretty small thing but i dont think i pass very well, so the fact that laura said ‘person’ and didn’t misgender me meant a hell of a lot too.)
i did bring extra prints to give to them as a gift but was overwhelmed and forgot lol
anyway, that’s it! for anyone wondering if the critical role cast are as kind in person as they seem online, they absolutely are and then some. i’ll never forget this past week.
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iwritefandomimagines · 2 months
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based on a request
pairing: jess mariano x reader
description: the playful banter was fun at first, but the line had blurred so long ago that you were starting to get sick of wondering how jess really felt. luckily for you, he’s been thinking the same thing.
warnings: angst into fluff, jess being annoying in a way that makes me love him more lol, swearing ofc,
author’s note: thank you so much for this request, i hope it does jess justice for you— i love writing him so much. i hope you enjoy — sorry it’s quite short i just wanted to keep it short n sweet
“Well that’s two hours of my life I’m never getting back, huh,” Jess took a final sip of the drink he’d been cradling for the whole film and threw it dramatically in the trash, his arm slung around your shoulder, “Think I aged like fifteen years in the time they took to wrap up that fuckin’ terrible plot.”
You rolled your eyes, pulling away from him and discarding your own empty cup as he stuffed his hands in his pockets and eyed you curiously, “What, don’t tell me you actually enjoyed that?”
“It wasn’t that bad,” you shrugged, “You’re just being pretentious.”
His brows furrowed at that — he hated when you of all people called him pretentious, and he knew you only ever did it to wind him up.
“Okay, what have I done?” Jess huffed, “You so didn’t enjoy that film, you’re just trying to piss me off. What did I do?”
You looked down at your feet with a grunt, “Nothing.”
“Despite my sweet baby face, I wasn’t born yesterday Y/N. It’s not nothing.”
The truth was that he had done something.
In fact, he was always doing the exact thing that had just tipped you over the edge.
“Fine, Jess,” you drew in a sharp breath, “I just— I don’t want to play this game anymore.”
“Have I missed something or was that movie just so dull that it corroded your brain?” Jess kicked a stone as he watched the frown on your face, “‘Cause I don’t remember playing any games. Not even footsie. What are you talking about?”
You scoffed, “That, Jess. Exactly that!”
“Woah, woah, c’mon Y/N. You’re going to have to give me more than just snapping at me. What the hell have I done?” Jess was growing increasingly frustrated now, but so were you.
You pressed a palm to your forehead, “I’m— What was that in there?”
“I was asking the same question,” Jess’ perplexed expression made your own angered one soften a little.
“What is this? Me and you?” you looked down at the floor as you posed this question, not wanting to argue any longer and too afraid wanting to see his reaction, “Because I’m sick of playing games and not knowing. You put your arm around me at the cinema, you share your popcorn with me when you’d like—literally snarl at anyone else if they asked, we kind of flirt like all of the time but we’re just friends.”
“Just friends, huh?”
You almost felt silly when you looked up at him and saw a smug smile on his face — almost.
But you were trying to open up to him and he was being just as irritating about your relationship as he always was.
He didn’t say anything for a moment, taking your hand and pulling you around the corner to a park bench where he tugged you to sit down beside him.
“Do you seriously think we’re just friends, Y/N?” he was so close to you that you were sure he could hear your heart palpitations and see the goosebumps springing up on your skin.
“Well we’re not enemies, we spent a fuck ton of time together, and we’re not dating. So yeah, I’d like to think we’re friends,” you huffed, still avoiding his gaze.
He shook his head, “Why the hell do you think I invited you to see a fuckin’ romcom I’d never want to watch? Why do you think I asked to share popcorn? I know I’m the intellectually superior one here,” he paused to nudge your side as if to ensure you understood he was teasing, “But I didn’t think you were dumb enough to miss that I was obviously trying to make this a date.”
You bit your lip, finally returning his eye contact as his soft eyes stared intently into yours.
You drew in another deep breath, “Sure. Jess Mariano, Mr. Always Speaks His Mind, failed to tell me it was apparently a date so I’m dumb for not reading his mind?”
Neither of you had noticed that he was still holding your hand until that moment, and so he pulled it to the corner of his mouth and gave the back of your hand a gentle kiss.
Despite the unfamiliarity of this small but romantic gesture, your heart swelled in your chest and it almost felt natural.
“Y/N, I’ve liked you for fuckin’ ages. Everyone knows that. We flirt and we act like there’s nothing going on when people ask, but I thought at the very least you knew how I really felt,” Jess shrugged, not releasing your hand and instead now rubbing his thumb over the back of it.
You didn’t retreat from his touch, but used your interlocked hands to shove his chest gently, “You’re an asshole, you know that right?”
The small smile tugging at your lips eased the anxiety that had begun to set in. He’d almost started to fear that you didn’t actually feel the same, but your unsteady breathing and the glint in your eye confirmed the opposite.
“I know, I know,” he rolled his eyes, “But that’s all just part of the elusive charm that made you fall madly in love with me, isn’t it?”
You shook your head, “Cocky, aren’t you?”
“Well in my defence, the prettiest girl in Stars Hollow has, like, totally got the hots for me,” your heart fluttered at the smirk still gracing his features, “Hard not to have an ego.”
You just chuckled softly in reply, your heartbeat still racing as he watched you carefully. His own gaze softened now, and he reached his free hand up to cup your cheek.
“Look, in all seriousness I’m sorry this has been so— well, just that I haven’t been more direct about this stuff. But you know me, you know I’m bad at—,”
You squeezed the hand that was still in yours, “I know, Jess. It’s alright. I really like you, and to be honest I’ve been happy enough with any excuse to be close to you.”
“Hmm,” he hummed, leaning forward a little, “Can I kiss you, then? Make up for a shitty first date?”
You blushed crimson at the fact he’d asked, your cheek growing hot beneath his touch, “Of course.”
His lips met yours gently, as though testing the waters. You met his kiss with the same softness at first, but quickly the kiss grew more urgent — as though making up for lost time.
When you finally pulled away, your face was still bright red, and you felt almost embarrassed by how overcome with emotions you were.
“So, uh, about the film?”
He laughed, the loud affectionate laugh he reserved only for you, warming your heart as he sent you a teasing grin and licked his lips.
“And here I was thinking I’d be the one to ruin the moment, huh?”
thanks sooo much for reading — i hope this was okay! sorry for the radio silence for a while, i’ve had a lot going on and a LOT of unfinished drafts.
if you wanna read more of my stuff — here’s my masterlist!
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erubescentz · 2 years
⊹ ☆ Childe x reader - ‘Pain’ ☆ ⊹
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Summery: after you accidentally kick Childe while sparring, things gets a little spicy
Cw: masochist!childe, dom!reader, sub!childe, slapping, nipple play, handjob, cock slapping
Word count: 1.5k
A/n: I did not proofread this lol
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The sparring sessions between you and Childe were not uncommon, as his desire to fight and your need for some sort of emotional release proved to make you two surprisingly good sparring partners, not to mention you and Childe were relatively evenly matched when it came to physical fighting. 
But something about today's match was different. Today you were especially angry, an ugly mix of some unresolved personal affairs and Childe’s witty mouth was beginning to chip away at your self-control. Not that either of you held back during your matches, but you and Childe had an unspoken rule to never actually seriously hurt each other. But as the match drew out, you were finding it increasingly more difficult to not just kick Childe full force into his stupid little face. And that's what you did. It took you a second to register that you had just round-house kicked Childe right in the face he adored so much, but when you did you went to make sure Childe was alright.
“Shit sorry man, I didn't think it would actually hit you” you apologise to the pouting Childe who is now crouched on the ground, rubbing his cheek. He quickly dropped the sulking kid act and bounced right up, ignoring the pain in his right cheek that would definitely lead to a bruise.
“Ehe it’s fine really, don’t worry, though I must say that was an impressive kick” he said, sounding too excited for someone who was just kicked in the face. 
You both quickly got back to the match, neither of you wanting to dwell on the injury, but as you continued to spar you couldn't help but notice something odd about Childe. For some reason, it seemed his reaction time had slowed, and his movements became more and more predictable. Normally you would just attribute the lack of focus to the fact you had just kicked him only a few minutes prior, but this was Childe, you had seen this man get stabbed and provide fight perfectly fine before.
Due to Childe's decline in attention, it didn't take long for you to swiftly pin him down to the floor, winning the match. You released his wrists from the tight hold you had on them, and as you were about to interrogate him about his strange behaviour, you felt something poking your ass. And of course, looking down to see what it was, you were greeted with Childe’s hard-on. 
“Well, I guess I lost” Childe said, obviously trying to quickly change the subject. But of course, you would not let that slide.
“Oh? What's this? I always knew you were some sort of messed up but I would have never guessed that you would be a masochist” you teased, and when he didn't respond to your comment, you continued. “So that's why you seemed distracted during the latter half of the fight, I was scared I had given you some sort of brain injury, turns out your just a whore” you said in a mocking tone. 
When he still didn't respond, instead looking off to the side while blushing, you harshly grabbed his jaw and jerked his head to look you in the eyes. “Come on, tell me the truth, do you like it when I hurt you?” you said, hoping to get a response from him, instead he just nodded his head while adverting his gaze once again.
“Use your words.” And at your command, he finally spoke. “S-shit, yeah I like it when you hurt me, s-so much” he groaned at the tight grip you had on his jaw. Finally gaining admission from him, you took it as permission to keep going. Letting go of his face you softly caress the spot where you had previously kicked him, and he subtly leaned his face in closer to your hand. As he relished in the soft and caring touch of your hand it suddenly disappeared, only to come back, not as a soft caress, but as a sharp slap across his cheek. Any guilt you may have had around slapping Childe quickly disappeared as you heard the high-pitched moan that left Childe’s mouth as you slapped him.
Grabbing his face once again you pull him into a harsh kiss. Shocked only for a second Childe began to kiss back desperately, trying to savour the feeling of your mouth against his. Amused by Childe’s desperate nature you begin to slowly rock your hips against his bulge, not only to see his reaction but to also soothe the growing ache between your legs. He begins to whine into your mouth causing a string of drool to escape the corner of his mouth, and you take it upon yourself to pull back from the kiss and strike him in the side of the face once more.
At the harsh slap, Childe’s soft whimpers erupt into a full-fledged moan, bucking his hips up into yours. As much as you love teasing Childe, you start to feel a bit impatient, you wanted to just ruin him already. Reaching down to the hem of his shirt, Childe eagerly raises his arms so you can rid of his shirt. Now that his shirt finally gone, you waste no time leaning down and capturing his nipple in your mouth, using your hand to play with his other one. He leans his chest into your mouth only to jerk back as you bit down and pinch his nipples but despite the way his body instinctively moves away from the pain he still moans out like a whore each time you harshly pinch and bite his nipples.
Moving away from his nipples you kiss down his torso until you reach his pants. Unbuckling his pants he lifts up his hips encouraging you to completely undress him, and so you slid down both his pants and underwear at once, his hard cock slapping onto his abdomen with a thud.
If you would've asked Childe if he would enjoy having his cock slapped only hours prior, he would've cringed at the mear thought of someone hitting such a sensitive place, but as you wrapped your hand around his length only to give it a harsh slap, Childe couldn't deny the mix of pleasure and pain felt incredibly good. After slapping it you wrapped your hand around his cock once again, but this time you showed some mercy as you finally began to jerk him off. And Childe began to lose his mind. Your hand felt so good and the after tingle of all the slaps and pinches was heightening the intense pleasure.
“A-ahh shit, that f-feels so good, don't stop” he practically whined as you pumped him at a hard but steady pace, enjoying the sounds he was making. As you continue to jerk him off he brings his hand to grip your forearm, squeezing it hard trying desperately to ground himself, but he made sure not to squeeze too hard to where you couldn't move the hand that was making him feel so good. It excited you to see tears forming at the corners of his eyes from the intense pleasure but you decided to break your silence to make sure he was doing ok.
“Mhh you're being such a good boy, you feeling good huh?, It's not too much, is it?” you coo, and he doesn't hesitate to reply.
“Yes! yesyes I'm feeling r-real good, not too much just -aah keep going im close” he moaned out, tears now freely flowing down the sides of his face. You keep going until feel his legs start to shake, and at just the last second before his orgasm, you pull your hand away. Feeling his orgasm be ripped away from him he practically sobs, but just as he opens his mouth to complain he nearly screams as you once again give a harsh slap to his cock. The slap sent him over the edge as he cums all over his stomach, hips bucking in the air as he practically sobs, he doesn't even think about how embarrassed he is going to be once he comes down from his high. And luckily he won't have to feel that embarrassment for now as he quickly falls asleep on the floor after coming down.
You can't help but laugh at the fact that the once cocky Childe was now asleep on the floor of the training room, completely naked and covered in his own cum. And a part of you wants to just leave him there for someone else to find, but luckily for him, you do have enough empathy to clean him and clothe him before you leave him passed out on the floor. 
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No One Else Can Have You: Nero x Male Reader
SUMMARY:      Jealousy is rather familiar to Nero. The burning glare he gives to anyone whom Nero deems is being “much too friendly with you” is that of a seething devil. However, upon seeing you with someone that he cannot treat with such malice, the white-haired man takes a much different approach to proving how far he’ll go for you.
BEGINNING NOTES: Power Bottom Jealous Pre-4 Nero x Submissive Top Male Reader The reader is in (The) Order’s choir alongside Kyrie Nero has his devil bringer Close to just mindless smut Nipple play; Nero receiving Semi-aggressive foreplay--skipped oral aspect of foreplay (sorry lmao) ⚡❄️⚡ ➟Not sure if it’s talked about (or seen) in DMC 4 but I imagine (The) Order to have a living space akin to a boarding school mixed with a monastery--but with swords! (Haven’t played 4 yet and I’ve only skimmed the cutscenes because for some reason it’s like hard for me to get through idk why) ➟Kyrie is a bit handsy with the reader; she knows about the two of you and is doing it to tease Nero (Kyrie seems innocent and oblivious but she’s very aware; opposite Nero who seems like he isn’t and is). ➟I do tone down how “edgy” Nero is compared to how he is in 4. Hopefully, he’s not too OOC. ➟For anyone who has a hard time remembering: Nero’s devil bringer is his RIGHT arm (I kept having to re-look at him to remember which side lol). ➟This is very VERY shortly before DMC 4; like I’m talking a month or two. Yes, before someone decides to throw a fit, I h/c Nero to be around the age of 19 when DMC 4 takes place--born 22nd September 1999. He is NOT underage.
     Winter had just hit Fortuna and there was a light layer of snow on the ground, steadily growing from the continuous flurries. Amidst the sea of white, two people could be seen walking side-by-side. Kyrie and you were returning after chamber choir rehearsal, mindlessly chatting about the newest material you’d been given. 
     The ginger smiled, grabbing your forearm gently, “Come on, please?”
     You rolled your eyes, “No way,” a small laugh left your frozen lips, “I’m not duet partner material.”
     Her smile widened and she rolled her eyes slightly, hand sliding down to yours, “Oh please, I wouldn’t have anyone else.”
     “I’m flattered, really,” your gaze flicked down to your intertwined hands, a small confused furrow adorning your brow, “but there’s a lot of other members who would go better with you.”
     “Maybe, but I don’t want to work with them; I want to be with you.”
     The two of you stopped outside of a hall’s entrance, still holding hands, “I…” you gave a flat smile and shook your head, sighing in defeat, “I’ll look at the piece, alright?” Her eyes held an excited glint as she grabbed your other hand, pulling the pair up with an enthused stranglehold, “Don’t take this as me agreeing; I just want to see what it is first.”
     Before she could respond, the door swung open, revealing two familiar faces; Credo and Nero. She addressed them both, talking with her brother, while her hold on your hands only tightened. As the conversation drew on, you weren’t listening, being too busy debating if your fingers were dislocated or not. 
     “Is he alright?” Credo raised a brow, staring at you.
     Kyrie’s attention returned to you and, upon seeing how your fingers were losing circulation, she let go of your hands.
     Immediately you shook your fingers and pursed your lips, holding back some painful exclamations--knowing that Credo would string you up by your earlobes and beat you like a piñata. Once more, you didn’t really pay much attention to the conversation but, when you looked back at everyone, Kyrie had entered the hall and was walking alongside her older brother, waving goodbye. 
     Leaving you and Nero alone.
     The young man moved his jaw in thought before using his human hand to grab one of yours, quickly re-cutting the feeling to your appendages. Although you weren’t sure what was going on, you could tell Nero was mad--no, he was pissed. He was practically dragging you behind him, not saying a word. You tried to keep up with his pace but were unable to and kept falling behind. 
     “Nero, what-!” While attempting to catch up, you slipped on some of the newly formed ice and fell.
     The white-haired man’s shoulder and arm were jerked downwards with you, which helped break your fall. However, you still hit the ground while Nero remained on his feet, just off balance. Wincing quietly, you stood up and he grabbed you around the waist, still not talking. He hoisted you into his arms and you wrapped your arms around his shoulders, confused as to what was going on. 
     Given, you did have a slight clue from past experiences. 
     The moment Nero stepped into his room, he threw you onto the bed, locked the door, and began to strip. You mimicked his actions, tossing your clothes into a pile on the other side of the room, until you were in your underwear--matching Nero’s look. 
     Admittedly, you still got an overwhelming nervousness when you saw his exposed skin. It was as beautiful as it was arousing. To see how flushed his pale skin became from the cold outdoors, the tasteful amounts of silvery body hair that led down to-
     Abruptly, Nero shoved you backward onto the mattress and straddled your middle. Typically, he tends to have a fun amount of force to his actions but today was different. Each one of Nero’s actions so far had been nearly contentious, giving you cause for concern. Perhaps he had a rough day with Credo and the others? Before you could question things too much, a desperate set of chapped lips met yours. 
     The white-haired young man pushed himself against you, his calves compressing your sides tight enough to leave bruises. His hands gripped the sides of your neck, forefinger, and thumb lining the hinge of your jaw on each side. Your hands grasped his thighs harshly, groping the muscles with fingertips just underneath the ends of his boxer briefs. 
     He slipped his tongue into your mouth. Slowly, his thumbs rubbed your cheeks and Nero took his time exploring. It was his first time doing something more than pecks and soft-biting lips, and it excited him. A small moan left your mouth at the feeling, in turn, Nero’s legs constricted further around you. 
     While exchanging wet French kisses, the white-haired man slid his hips back, his ass straddling your growing erection. Your hands slid to his back, running your hands along his shoulder blades. His hands drifted as well, one going up to the top of your head and the other to your side. Breaking off the heated exchange left both of you breathing heavily and with a hot overwhelming lust.
     Using the hand upon your head, he tilted you so he could have access to the crook of your shoulder and, without warning, bit down. 
     You arched against him, nails cutting into his skin, and let out a loud exclamation of a moan. 
     Against the new loving mark, he grumbled through gritted teeth, “Shut it.”
     Even though it sounded rude, you knew he was right. If the two of you got caught, who knows what would happen? Not only is it against the rules to have any sort of intercourse before marriage, but it is also taboo for men to share such delights. Plus, it was a sort of game between you two; who would break first and allow themselves to get loud--nine times out of ten it was Nero.
     Attempting to silence yourself, you bit your lip as Nero went back to working an even darker mark into your soft flesh. You worked your hands down his middle then back up, feeling him up slowly and meticulously. Despite seeing him nude many times, in both sexual and non-sexual ways, you still got an intense nervous sexual joy out of groping his body. Whether it was the heat, idea, or the actual texture, you weren’t sure; all you knew was that you wanted to touch him more. 
     Once your hands were on his chest, you squeezed his pecs before pinching at his nipples.
     “Fuck,” a grunt left his lips as he released his bite.
     Nero leaned up, allowing you more access to his chest, which you happily took advantage of. After a minute of debate--while you continued to futz with his tits--you leaned forwards, joining him in a seated position. Cautiously, you placed several kisses on his shoulders and collarbones. Your hands rested at the small of his back and you titled him away from you. Then, with the same vigor and force as he had against you, you bit down on his chest. 
     A stifled loud whine came from Nero’s nose as he used his devil bringer to cover his mouth, holding onto your back with his other hand. Encouraged by his noises, you bit down on a nipple and tugged slightly. Through his fingers, you heard him let out a muffled--but still loud, “Goddamnit,” he stared at the ceiling as he arched himself into you.
     It felt good-- really good. Nero hadn’t ever touched his chest while getting off before and he was starting to regret it. Feeling you let go, he adjusted himself so you had the other side in front of you. You raised a brow at him looking at him from the tops of your eyes.
     “Again--harder,” Nero’s face was bright red as he did his best to play confident, despite feeling weird for asking. 
     However, a sly smile from you and your compliance quickly washed those thoughts away. Nero placed his devil bringer against your back as well, holding you close to him. Against your gut, you could feel his cock twitching at your motions. With each tug and bite, each time you switched sides or bit down on his muscle instead; you felt him grind against you. 
     Nero wanted you. 
     You wanted Nero.
     It was as simple as that.
     Letting go for the final time, you coaxed him down into a kiss. It was intense, purposeful; Nero wanted to get across exactly what he intended to do with you. You bit at his lips lightly sucking and pulling on his bottom lip, making him let out a shaky breathy moan. 
     Nero leaned forward and whispered in your ear, “I need you,” he ran his tongue along the shell of your ear, “Right now,” with a loving forcefulness, he grabbed the lobe of your ear with a canine and pulled--puncturing your flesh slightly.
     “You sure-” 
     He cut you off with a kiss, hands grasping and kneading your sides. 
     Quietly, you mumbled against his lips, hand wandering all over his lower back, “Lube?”
     “Yeah,” Nero got up and walked over to a corner of his room, pulling up the floorboard that covered his hidden stash of “contraband” items.
     When he went to turn around, however, he was pinned against you; his back to your front. Placing kisses against the nape of his neck, you ran your hands down his stomach and his happy trail. Teasingly, you ran your fingers around everywhere beside his cock. You found his squirming to be amusing while it only frustrated the pent-up man. 
     The way your dick was placed against his ass, the light ghosting of your touch, hot exhales against the small love bites you were making; it all combined into a mixed drink that was making his head all fuzzy. 
     And Nero hates feeling fuzzy.
     Being the way that he is, he was easily able to overpower your grasp and pivoted to face you. Using his devil bringer, he slowly prompted you to back up to the bed and he picked you up, tossing you again. Then he grabbed your underwear, yanking them off--removing his right after.
     Once again, you found yourself pinned underneath Nero. Although he was staring down at you with piercing sea-green eyes, you couldn’t help but look at his dick which was proudly on display. Pre-cum was dribbling down his shaft and was dripping onto yours, which wasn’t fairing much better. With a slight raise to his brows, he smirked and opened the bottle, lubing two fingers. 
     “Two right away?” Your hands wandered to his thighs, thumbing over them softly.
     “Yeah, jackass,” Nero grunted, hunching forward with a slight shiver, “I said what I meant.”
     After squirting some lube into your hand, you leisurely moved to his dick, “And what would that be, sugar?” A smirk tugged at your lips at his reaction to the feeling of you frotting your cocks together, “What? Cat got your tongue?”
     Through breathy heavy exhales, he growled lightly, “Fuck- you-!”
     Smile widening, you ran a thumb between his tip and yours, “If that’s what you want-”
     “Shut-- up.”
     Staring him in the eyes, you brought your thumb to your lips and stuck it in your mouth cleaning it before humming in thought, “Mmn,” you reached up and tucked a strand of his hair behind his ear, “I love when you get all feisty,” with a hand on his neck, you met halfway to share a heated sloppy kiss.
     Grabbing the lube again, Nero slicked his finger again, adding a third, then, he tossed the bottle in a random direction, leaving it to deal with later. 
     His original plan was to have you stretch him as he sucked you off, however, he decided against it at the last minute. Although he would never admit it, he was beyond nervous. This wasn’t his first time playing with his ass, sure; but, it was his first time going this far with you. As he fingered himself, he found his mind wandering in a panic. 
     What if he messes things up? 
     What if you don’t like how he feels? 
     What if--
     “Nero?” You put a hand under his chin, a concerned furrow on your brow, “You sure you want to do this? If you aren’t ready-”
     “No!” He snapped, quickly adding, “I can do this,” then, for the first time since entering his room, he spoke in a softer tone, “I want to try with you,” he removed his fingers and looked down for a moment, embarrassed, “please.”
     Giving him a nod, you kissed the corner of his mouth, “I’ll take your lead.”
     “Damn right, you will.”
     You laughed at his return to a cocky attitude. 
     Watching intently, you watched him sit up on his knees, attempting to position himself correctly. Helping him by positioning yourself manually, you nodded at him, telling him he could sit back down. 
     A loud noise somewhere between a gasp, moan, shout, and grunt left his lips. His hands balled up into fists, nails picturing his palms. Tip inside and his mind much too worried, he tensed up at the foreign object.
     “Nero,” you hissed, “You need to relax, otherwise this won’t--” you grimaced slightly, “won’t work.”
     After a moment, you vetoed him and picked Nero up off of your hips. 
     “No-” He frowned and glared, “I can do this.”
     “No, don’t “Nero” me,” he was angry at, what he thought was, you calling him weak. Being the cocky assertive man he is, Nero spread his ass and re-penetrated his hole. 
     A small groan left your lips, however, that quickly turned louder as you watched Nero sink rapidly onto your cock. 
     Thunderous whiny moans left Nero’s lips as he stared upwards, feeling how your dick was stretching him. It was much different than the small toys he had hidden away. The heat of your body was enough in and of itself to make Nero’s body quiver. 
     Bit by bit, he fully relaxed. Admittedly, he could’ve cum just from this act alone but he wanted to do some actual fucking first before releasing. His eyes met with yours and, in response, you thrust your hips upward slightly. 
     “Ngh- What,” he leaned forwards, bracing himself with his hands on your chest, “Fuck...”
     Taking that as an okay, you repeated the action, gripping each side of his hips. A moan left your lips as you felt his body giving way to you, allowing you to see a little bit of his submissive side for the first time. Low groans left his lips between uneven breaths at each one of your upward movements. Wanting to up the ante, you picked his hips up and pulled them down to meet your upward motions. 
     “What are you-- try-- trying to--”
     His thoughts were a mess. He wanted to act tough, to resist how good you were making him feel, and to act as if he weren’t impressed but he couldn’t. With each thrust and slight increase of force, it only made him melt further. 
     The white-haired man leaned back, arching his upper body outwards, and slammed his hips down into yours, “Fuck.”
     “Nero, that--” You groaned and matched his fervor, “keep doing that.”
     “Tch, sure,” he meant to sound rude but just came off as compliant.
     With each slap of your skin against his, Nero felt an odd fiery feeling bubble inside him. It wasn’t the same feeling as when he was close--this was something new entirely. He felt like he wanted to crawl out of his skin with how good he felt.
     As his speed surpassed yours, he looked down at you and stopped which caused you to meet his gaze, “Sit up.”
     Doing as he asked, you found yourself face to face with his chest again. Although he didn’t ask, you bit down on his nipple as you returned to slamming against him. He wrapped himself around you, arms cradling your head into him. As he bounced against you, he felt his cock rub against your gut which caused him to speed up even further. 
     However, you weren’t one to be outdone. Without warning, you released your bite and stood up. 
     “Shit, what are you-! Ah~!” Nero wrapped his legs around your hips.
     You moved to the nearest wall--which happened to be right by the door to his room--and slammed his back against it. 
     “I…” With a breathy huff, you nuzzled your face into his neck, staying there, “I am…”
     “Fuckin’,” Nero wasn’t fairing any better, “Cum inside me.”
     “Huh-! Ner-”
     “Did- I- stutter?” He leaned forward and bit down on the shoulder before him.
     Not wanting to waste any time, you sped up and hit your top speed. With a few more uneven jabs, you spilled yourself inside him. 
     “Nero~!” You hissed at the feeling of his ass tightening and the warm feeling of his cum spraying against your stomach. 
     “Shit yeah,” he leaned back and let out a bellowing moan, “Fuck that’s good.”
     Carefully, you made your way back to the bed and laid him down, removing yourself. A shiver ran up Nero’s spine at the feeling, his body unsure of how to react. You grabbed a nearby towel from the floor--hopefully, it wasn’t too dirty--and wiped Nero off, then yourself. 
     “Hey,” Nero propped himself up on his elbows, “I…” he stopped, biting his tongue, “Nevermind.”
     Sweetly, you leaned over to his forehead and placed a kiss, “I love you, Nero,” you smiled, pulling back to see his semi-flustered wide-eyed stare, “Is that what this was all about? Wanting to hear me say that?”
     “I…” he pursed his lips and nodded shamefully, “Seeing you and…” he shook his head, “Just bothered me.”
     You swept his hair out of his eyes, cupping his face between your hands, staring him dead on, “I love you, so very much. My sweet cranky edge lord.”
     “Pfft,” he turned to one of your hands, closing his eyes for a moment, then spoke softly, “I love you, too; dickhead.”
     “Mn, ‘dickhead’, huh?” 
     “I’m sorry,” his tone returned to normal, “do you prefer ‘asshole’?”
     With a click of your tongue, you shook your head, leaning back with hands on your hips, “Well if you’re gonna be like that then I am not going to invite you to take a bath together.”
     A small light lit up in his head at your words, “Oh? As if I’d let you do that without me.”
     “What?” You raised your brows in a mixture of disbelief and sarcasm, “You’re already hankering for another round?”
     His eyes slowly went down and back up your body, “Yeah, but,” he stood up and yanked you close, whispering in your ear, “Why don’t you let me show you what I can do,” he nipped at your neck, “I want to fuckin’ tear you apart.”
ENDING NOTES: The Nero brain rot has been super SUPER bad and I'm not sure why lmao Couldn’t call him a “hunter” in this since he’s not a part of the DMC crew and couldn’t call him “(the) teal devil” because he hasn’t triggered before, so sorry if things get a bit repetitive. Yes, the paragraph that ends with “He felt like he wanted to crawl out of his skin with how good he felt.” has to do with him having the urge to trigger--even though he doesn’t know he can do that yet. ❄️⚡❄️ First time writing a top reader and bottom character; hopefully it’s not too bad. Ngl power bottom Nero has been eating at my mind for a while now and I’m not sure why. It might be TMI but I am not a top (or a switch) myself so writing the reader as a top is weird lmao (which is also why the reader is submissive, can’t change everything in one fic; can I? lmfao) The point is: that this isn't going to be something that becomes like commonplace (unless a request asks for it--which are still closed as of posting this chapter) and is just something I did for fun lol
If you like this please consider checking this on my AO3. There are extra chapters and my H/Cs over there, so please consider checking them out! Comments, Likes/Kudos, and shares are always appreciated! Thanks so much for reading!! :)))
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whoreforhorror · 2 years
hello good morning/night :)
I really love your writing it's the best thing I've ever read :* if it's not too much trouble could you write for Bo Sinclair, Rusty Nail, Asa Emory, Otis Driftwood with dating a s/o who is a femme fatale?
Thank you very much for your time :) <3
Sorry this took so long to get to! My schedule is kicking my ass lol. Also, the best thing you’ve ever read?! Woah! Thanks for the huge complement! Hope you like this!
(Also, this hasn’t been checked for grammar or spelling so sorry for any mistakes. I’m finishing this up right after I got off from work)
Bo Sinclair, Rusty Nail, Asa Emory, and Otis Driftwood with a femme fatale S/O
Bo Sinclair:
Bo. Is. Obsessed. 
He’d been having you hide away in the house while tourists were in town, despite your protest. He didn’t want you to get hurt, and tourists were hard to predict if you hadn’t been doing this for a long time. Plus, he didn’t want to scare you off with the brutality of it all, but he’d rather tuck you away than tone it down.
A victim had gotten past Bo and ran upstairs to you and Bo’s room, where you had camped out for the day. The guy had a wild look in his eyes, and was absolutely feral. He didn’t even consider that you could have been a victim before he started charging at you, pocket knife in hand. You sidestepped, grabbing a picture frame and smashing it across his face. He charged at you again, unarmed hand holding his eye where a piece of glass cut him, causing you to kick him in the chest and send him toppling over the bed. Taking the knife while he was disoriented, you stabbed him in the middle of his throat, throwing him to the ground face-first and stomping on his head, sending the knife all the way through his throat and out the other side.
You were panting by the end of the ordeal, processing the sudden adrenaline spike as you stood over the victim. Vincent was going to have a bit more of a challenge with this one. A laugh drew your attention back to the doorway to the hall were Bo was leaning on the frame. He couldn’t keep his hands off of you after that. Safe to say he was positively elated to see just how capable you were, and you bet he intends on showing you just how your little show makes him feel.
From now on, you’re joining him in the shop while he works. He’ll let you bait in victims and take care of a few of them yourself. He loves teaming up with you to toy with victims before one of you puts them out of their misery. He’s also going to teach you about cars, if you’ll let him. He probably already was, but now that you can be there more often, there’s plenty of time to learn. It would make him beyond happy to have you working on cars with him, side by side.
If there’s any gun you don’t know how to shoot, he’s going to teach you. It’s a requirement. One day, he’ll get you a gun or a knife, whichever you prefer, and gift it to you. Might even get something engraved on it that’ll remind you of him. Maybe his name or something that he calls you. You better appreciate it, because it’s the closest thing to a wedding band you’re going to get without it seriously being a wedding band. 
Rusty Nail:
You’d been along for a delivery with Rusty when things went south.  A group of people had been messing with him over the CB, and Rusty had new victims in sight. He hadn’t meant to get you involved but here you both were.
One of the victims attacked you while Rusty was busy, and you were more than happy to take care of them. You took a length of chain that was laying nearby, whipping them with it several times before closing in and wrapping it around their throat, stinging them up over a pipe and watching them struggle for breath.
Rusty had heard the struggle, and looked over as he finished with his victim. Safe to say he was caught off guard by how brutally you dealt with them. He knew you weren’t soft in any regard, but this?
To see you there, watching as they died slowly, was so hot interesting. He’d had his reservations about you fully joining him in his escapades, but all of those washed away as you turned back to look at him with a smile, asking if he was alright. 
You’re officially his ride-along babe. Every drive you can go on, you’re joining him. 
He already likes the idea of having you with him, but having you with him AND helping him with his victims?! Sign him up!
He’ll push a few victims your way and watch how you take care of them, possibly setting up the scene if he hopes to see you do something in particular. Be cautious though, because eventually he’ll try to push you past your limits. You have to either hold firm on your boundaries or become a whole lot less caring about almost everything. 
It’s also a major turn-on of his to see you work. Once all is taken care of, you can imagine where things will lead.
Asa Emory:
You had been one of his victims, at first. He was takin with your intelligence and ability to find work-arounds to his various traps. Inevitably, you slipped up and he took you to the hotel, but not after a long, drawn out struggle.
True to your character thus far, you’d proven difficult to contain in your room and even more difficult to keep track of. Several times, you almost escaped, and one time you did. Not for long, but you’d made your impression regardless. You were his favorite, no matter how disobedient. Soon after your arrival, his attention was solely on you.
He started experimenting with your reaction to different traps and things of the sort. If you ever get badly injured, he’ll let up a bit, but you’re in for quite a ride. If you want to stop with the traps, you’re really going to have to push your case, and it will probably end up in an argument. At this point, however, he cares about you too much to put you back in the box.
You’ll be helping him with future victims, and those who escape their rooms. You’re like his personal enforcement officer. He’ll show you where all of his traps are, in exchange for you making his life a bit easier. Still, he’s going to keep a very VERY close eye on you. He’s not letting you go.
Eventually, he’ll propose a challenge. If you can get out of the hotel, you can join him at his house. If not, you stay in the hotel. He needs to change his traps anyways, so this give him a good opportunity to do that. You won’t know where the traps are, and he’ll set the other victims against you. Your only real advantage is that you might know the layout by then. Still, best of luck because you’re going to need it. He might be fond of you, but that only makes him want to push you more. In other words, he’s not going easy on you.
He’ll have you help him design traps, if your up for it. He’s impressed with your ability to get around the traps he designed, and wants you to help design traps to have the least escapability possible. He also wants obvious traps to scare his victims, so he’ll ask which obvious traps got to you the most. First-hand experience is the best way to get better results after all.
Otis Driftwood:
Well hot damn. He underestimated you. It’s not often he’ll admit he was wrong, and he still won’t outright say it, but Otis definitely didn’t think you could stand up for yourself to that degree
A victim had slipped past Baby, and you were the first on they came across while cooking in the kitchen. They started swearing at you, calling you and the rest of the family “crazy sons of bitches” and things of the sort while looking around wildly for some sort of weapon. You didn’t give them the chance, throwing the butter knife in your hand and sticking the victim in the shoulder. They screamed in pain and you could hear Otis yelling, asking what all the commotion was food. Apparently, the victim had too because they whipped around as Otis stormed closer to the kitchen. Using the opportunity, you grabbed a larger, sharper knife and leapt over the counter. Effectively tackling the victim, you stabbed them in their other shoulder, the stomach, the face, the chest, and the throat. They were long dead before you finished, and you knew that somewhere in the back of your mind.
Otis had seen everything from the counter leap and on, and boy was he glad that he did. That had to be the single-handedly hottest thing he had ever witnessed. His darlin’ not only getting their hands dirty but killing as if they’d done it all their life? He’s elated, ecstatic, over the moon, and deeply in love with you. 
You’re joining in on the fun from now on. He hadn’t really been keeping you from joining in anyways, but now he’s practically begging you to join in on the fun with him. He’d love to see what twisted shit you come up with when you have the tools and the encouragement. If you were relatively normal before hand (lets face it, there’s no way you were completely normal if you decided to be his partner in the first place) than you most certainly are just as far from normal as the rest of the family now.
The rest of the family would accept you even more. You’re fucked up just like them. You are one of them. After that point, you’re not leaving. Not ever. You're in it for life.
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buckysgrace · 5 months
9. Butterflies
Part Nine to Every Little Thing! Also I may need to tweak a few things but this is currently taking place in 2018 for uh reasons lol will get to the canon part tho I promise!
CW: More unprotected p in v, some oral sex, mentions of murder/rape
“What the hell is that?” Gator looked at her curiously, one hand resting on her waist as he stood behind her. She made a face, fully prepared to defend herself as she turned to face him. She drew her eyes down to his exposed neck, grinning at the mark that was forming there. 
“It’s a filter,” She explained as she lightly dropped her phone, “Don’t tell me you don’t use Snapchat?” She asked him, feeling a grin forming on her lips as she began to tease him again. He really did not seem that accustomed to technology at all. 
“No,” He wrinkled his eyebrows together as he looked at her, “Why would I?” He asked her seriously, shaking his head a bit as he looked down at the puppy filter that she had pulled up. She thought it fit him nicely, especially his eyes. They were big and soft and he had a bad habit of pouting his lip out and begging in the same manner. 
“Mhm, figured you’d use it with all those Tinder dates you go on.” She told him seriously as she pressed her shoulder against his own, figuring that it was the safest way to send messages without getting caught. He cocked an eyebrow as he looked upon her. 
“Sounds like you’re jealous.” He said a second later. Something about his tone made her think that he wasn’t teasing her. She chewed on her bottom lip, hoping that her face wasn’t growing as red as it felt. 
“You wish,” She teased him right back, “Just shut up and smile.” She brushed him off, fully prepared in getting her picture as she held the phone back up towards the two of them again. He pressed his arm tighter around her, giving her waist a tight squeeze before he pressed his cheek near hers. 
She quickly took the picture, her heart suddenly hammering too hard in her chest from how close he was lingering to her. Which was silly, she could still feel him between her legs from only a bit earlier. She turned to face him, her nose nearly brushing against his warm skin from how tightly he had pulled her towards him.
“S’nice,” She spoke softly, trying to ignore the way her stomach was erupting into a thick wave of butterflies. She felt like she was sixteen again when she had first realized that she had been crushing on him after the longest time, “See, you have doggy ears.”
“Hm,” He hummed in response, “Very neat.” He replied softly as he turned to face her, his eyes warm as he looked towards her in appreciation. She pursed her lips together, trying to find the right way to respond to him before the waitress approached them. 
“Just for two?” She asked, looking for their confirmation as she picked up the menus and silverware. Daphne stalled, unable to look away from the curve of Gator’s face. She admired the way the lights bounced off of his eyes, giving them a golden shine. Her eyes drifted across his moles next, then across the freckles on his nose. 
“Yeah,” Gator grinned as he sent Daphne a mischievous look, “I’m treating my fiancée to a day out.” She blinked for a moment, instantly feeling the flush spreading across her cheeks from the game he was continuing to play. She glanced away, feeling almost shy as she pulled her fingers together. 
“Oh, how sweet,” The waitress grinned at them, “A booth alright?” Gator dragged his fingers across his pants, his eyes heavy as he waited for her to speak this time. His lips were curled up into a grin, as if she had been caught. 
“A booth is fine,” Daphne mumbled underneath her breath as she found the strength to look away from Gator, “Thank you.” She nodded her head quickly, taking a step forward to follow behind the waitress. Gator’s hand moved to her waist, pulling her close to him as they walked together.
She stifled her own giggle, her body erupting into electricity from the way his body was pressed against her own. He was warm, his fingertips sending a jolting sensation up her body as his hand slowly dipped lower and lower. She was ecstatic by the time they reached the booth, fearing that her knees may collapse from the butterflies that were soaring inside of her body.
She scooted in on one side first, plopping down a little too roughly as Gator slowly slid his long legs across from her. She shuffled her hands underneath her thighs, trying to keep her eyes on anything but him as they both ordered a pop. She thought about a sangria to calm her nerves, but slightly feared that she may end up sneaking him into her room once again.
“You already know what you want?” She goaded him, already knowing the answer to that question. She was excited for the breadsticks in particular. 
“Yeah, I usually get the same thing,” He shrugged his shoulders and she instantly knew it would be a rare steak with a side of fettuccine noodles, “What do you want?” He asked her, eyebrows raised as he observed the way she pulled the menu up again. 
“I don’t know,” She admitted as her eyes scanned the menu, “A lot of things sound good.” She hummed in response as she thought about the different items that she could have. It had been so long that she had eaten here that she couldn’t remember what her favorite item had been. 
“What sounds best ?” He drew out, grinning as he rested his elbows on the table. She knew that if they were at his house he would’ve been roughly kicked underneath the table until he dropped his arms to his sides. They used to get in trouble at the table a lot. Gator had a hard time sitting still and it always seemed to rub off on her. They were a rambunctious set. 
“A little of everything, I guess.” She said as she curled her nose up, trying to make her own decision as Gator began to tap his fingertips against the table. She flicked her eyes back over the options, feeling lost once again. 
“You’re hopeless,” He chuckled as he brushed his fingertips against the bottom of the menu, “You can always get another round.” He reminded her as he slowly trailed his fingertips up until they were brushing against her skin. She gulped softly, dropping the menu a second later. 
“Maybe I’ll have the meatballs with the alfredo sauce. Maybe the rigatoni,” She said thoughtfully, “What do you think?” She felt nervous as he tilted her palm up towards the ceiling and began to trace gentle shapes into her skin. He nodded his head in agreement, his eyes locking onto her as she struggled to breath suddenly. She felt like she was walking on a tightrope, nearly about to teeter off of the edge. 
“I think,” He drew out softly as his eyes fell down to her hands. He placed his palm against her own, beginning to twist their hands together under he had both of their elbows rested on the table and their fingers pressed against each other. Her heart was hammering roughly against her ribs, pounding harshly as she took in the size difference of their hands, “You think too much.” He said at last, like it was that simple. 
The waitress returned a second later, leaving Daphne without a chance to untangle the words from her tongue. She could still feel his flesh against her own as he pulled away, a lazy grin forming on his lips as he repeated his order back to the waitress.
Daphne was beginning to believe she had a staring problem. She watched the way his pink lips parted, how they moved as he spoke. She wondered if he knew just how often he moved his head as he spoke. 
“What?” She asked dumbly, her eyes wide as he turned to look at her. She flushed, trying to ignore his cocky gaze as she quickly turned back towards the waitress and repeated her order. She shuffled further in her seat, suddenly wishing she could hide away.
“Is there something on my face?” He knitted his eyebrows together softly, pulling a large hand up towards his face as he gestured towards himself. She huffed hard enough that she pushed the bangs off of her forehead, trying to hide her own embarrassment. 
“What’s that from?” She asked him instead, noticing a little scar that was to the side of his left wrist. She began to reach for his arm, only to stop when a bowl of salad and breadsticks were placed down between them. 
“Oh,” He turned his arm, looking at his skin as he spoke, “Some fucker tried to stab me last year, resisting arrest, ya know.” She paused her movements as she absorbed his words. She pushed forward, grabbing a hot breadstick from the stack. 
“Huh,” She mused to herself, “I didn’t think things got that dangerous here.” She told him truthfully, trying to think of any dangerous crimes that she had heard within the small town. Roy seemed to keep everything in a tight line. 
“It is.” Gator said a little sterner, the amusement from his features slowly disappearing. She chewed on her breadstick quickly, not meaning to have upset him. 
“Don’t get all upset, I’m just teasing,” She smiled towards him, “I mean, the worst thing that’s ever happened in town is when they tried to accuse that Brody fella of murdering his wife and kids.” She said at last, her eyes pointed up towards the ceiling as she recalled the event. 
“He did murder them.” Gator said at last, looking up at her curiously as he scooped out a bowl of salad for the both of them. She reached for it a little eagerly, then stopped as she absorbed his statement. 
“What?” Daphne looked up at him in surprise, covering her mouth as she chewed on an olive, “No. He was released. He was found innocent.” She reminded him as she stabbed the lettuce with her fork, then pointed at him so he could remember the facts. He cocked his eyebrow as he sat forward. 
“He was found innocent because your daddy’s good at his job,” Gator replied as he picked a pepper up from the salad bowl, “Which includes lying.” He added a second later as he took a bite from pepper. He chewed on it for a moment, shrugging his shoulders like it wasn’t a big deal. 
“I-,” Daphne shook her head, “No, I mean. That doesn’t make sense. He was found innocent.” She repeated a little sternly, sitting back in the booth as she was suddenly unsure of her own memories. Gator rolled the stem of the pepper between two fingers, his eyebrows slightly raised as he observed her. 
“It makes more sense that some John Doe broke in; brought a hammer down on the little boy and then raped and strangled the wife? Meanwhile Brody slept through all of that?” He asked her curiously, bringing forth the case in a way she hadn’t considered before. She felt stumped as she leaned back in her seat, her mouth suddenly dry. 
“My dad wouldn’t do a case like that.” She said at last, unsure of why that was the one thing to say. She fumbled her fork around in her bowl, trying to untangle her thoughts. 
“It’s the job, mama,” Gator shrugged his shoulders, then leaned forward to steal the pepper off of her plate, “I’m sure he didn’t like doing it.” He said casually as he started to munch on the pepper this time. She shifted, like she’d been pinched awake. 
“You’ve done things you didn’t like?” She asked suddenly, knowing that it was a stupid question as soon as it left her lips. She couldn’t help it, genuinely worried that he might have done something that he regretted. She knew it was silly. He had a tough job, there had to be things that he had regretted. 
“Are you really asking me that?” He asked her curiously as he knitted his eyebrows together, “Yeah.” He answered simply, drawing his eyes away from her and towards the window. She noticed a sudden shift in them and found the urge to question him a little harder. 
“Why?” She asked softly as she brought her salad up to her lips. She chewed on it, trying to act like it wasn’t that big of a deal. He glanced back towards her, like he didn’t quite understand her question either. 
“Like I said,” He chuckled, looking at her in disbelief, “It’s just a part of the job.” He shrugged his shoulders a second later, distracting himself as he went back to eating. She watched him, only briefly. 
She lingered in her own thoughts for a moment, not really considering the gruesome things that he might have had to do on his job. She could vividly recall when he’d first brought up wanting to join the force, how she had been skeptical of it at first. However, there was no changing his mind once his ways were set. She just hated to think that she was right, that he’d likely been through the ringer. 
“You’re an RN now, right?” Gator asked instead, drawing her attention back onto him. She blinked before nodding her head a second later. 
“Yeah,” Daphne drew out slowly, “France had a nice exchange program.” She told him truthfully, but still feared that she hadn’t really learned that much. He tilted his head, taking a look at her in a new interest. 
“Did you work at the hospital?” He asked her, reaching forward again to pick the croutons and olives from her bowl. She smacked her fork against the side of his finger, trying to shoo him away as she cradled her bowl closer to her chest. 
“For a while,” Daphne drew out slowly, rolling her eyes at the gleeful way he stole her toppings, “I was working at a bookstore.” She told him softly, grinning sheepishly before she took another bite from her salad. 
“A bookstore?” Gator looked at her in disbelief, “All that them towards a degree and you didn’t use it. Why?” He asked her seriously, shaking his head like her claim was ridiculous. She shifted in her seat again, reaching for her drink to try and drown her own embarrassment over the event. 
“You’re going to laugh.” She moaned, tapping her feet against the floor as she whined over not wanting to tell him. She hadn’t even been honest with her parents about it. She thought that her reaction had been fully acceptable. 
“No I’m not.” He told her seriously, looking like he meant it too. She watched him for a long moment, waiting to see any cracks that would come through. He had a way of reeling her in and then teasing her afterwards. 
“My first day at the hospital, first patient too-,” She paused for a moment, “They came in with a wound on their arm, already bandaged you know? So I started there, just so gently removing it and -, I’m not even kidding, this wound was filled with maggots. I couldn’t stop vomiting. I went home on my lunch break and never came back.” She rambled on for a moment, suddenly no longer interested in the food in front of her. 
“Are you serious?” Gator’s eyebrows were knitted together in amusement, the corner of his mouth twisting up into a smile as Daphne was sure he was fighting back a laugh. 
“I know,” She whined as she covered her hands with her face, “I just told my parents that they weren’t hiring anyone at my level yet. I couldn’t do it.” She admitted, still speaking into her hands as she grumbled underneath her breath. 
“Shame,” He grinned as he watched her slowly drop her hands, “You’ve always had a weak stomach.” He said with a small nod, the corner of his eyes crinkling in amusement. She felt something flip inside of her stomach and it had nothing to do with her memories of the event. 
“I don’t think you heard the maggot part.” She told him, slightly feeling bad as their waitress delivered their food. She shook her head, trying to stifle her own laugh as her ears savored the sound of his chuckle. 
“Oh, I heard you loud and clear.” He shook his head, looking unbothered as he began to cut into his steak. She did feel her nose scrunch as she watched him, not sure how he was able to eat something so red and bloody. 
“Well,” Daphne shook her head, “I don’t know if I could go back into nursing.” She told him truthfully as she began to cut her meatballs up into little pieces. What she really wanted to do was sing. It was a silly dream, just like the songs she had written down in her journals throughout the years. She was too old now. 
“I bet you could,” He said softly, “Just not the ER. There’s other things you could do.” He pointed out as his eyes softened again. She breathed in deeply before she nodded her head in agreement. 
“I guess,” She said softly as she stabbed at her noodles, “It might not be as extreme here. Might.” She replied a second later as she suddenly remembered what they had just discussed. 
“So does he know that you’re not a virgin or what?” Gator asked a few minutes later, once they had both settled into their plates. She nearly choked, her eyes growing wide as she looked up at Gator in disbelief. She debated her answer for a moment, before speaking truthfully. 
“No,” She mumbled underneath her breath, “That hasn’t come up.” She squeaked out softly as she fumbled with her fork. She shoved two mouthfuls into her cheeks, hoping to distract him from questioning her further. 
“What do you mean?” He asked as he wiped the back of his mouth with his palm, “You don’t talk about it when you’re blowing him?” She really did choke this time, bringing her hand up to cover her mouth as she roughly swallowed her food before she coughed on it. She brought her pop up to her lips, drinking roughly as she blinked rapidly.
“Gator-,” She exhaled deeply, feeling embarrassed once again. She did feel a little guilty that she still had yet to bring up her past with Gator to Hugh, but really that didn’t matter. At least she hoped it didn’t. 
“Oh shit,” He looked at her surprised, “He really doesn’t touch you at all? Nothing?” He shot off at her rapidly, leaning forward like he couldn’t really believe what he was hearing. She grumbled, stabbing at her food a little harder. 
“Why do you have to say it like that?” She grumbled, her cheeks hot, “We’re waiting.” She said casually, knowing that it was the right thing to do. At least that’s what she’d been told her whole life. 
“Like seriously?” He asked again like he needed her to specify it. She inhaled deeply through her nostrils, glancing away from the way he was clearly judging her. She knew how it sounded, but every time she went to speak to Hugh about it she got scared. 
“Yes. Seriously.”
“I have a feeling you’re gonna be disappointed when the real thing happens.” He smirked, looking like he was challenging her as he brought another bite up to his lips. She sighed softly, tilting her head as she tried to think of a defense. 
“Hugh is nice and-,”
“And he’s gonna blow his load too early.” Gator finished for her, snorting as he let his fork clang against the plate. She raised her eyes up towards him again, feeling her lips curling into a grin despite his tone. 
“Like you haven’t before.” She added slyly, wiggling her eyebrows as she brushed her shoe against his underneath the table. His cheeks burst into flames this time, his lips parting in surprise. 
“When I didn’t know what I was doing,” Gator defended himself, “You’re really gonna start all over?” He asked her seriously, leaning forward as he laced his fingers together. She looked at him slowly, her heart beginning to rattle inside of her chest again. 
“Who do you think I should be with?” She hummed in response, trying to stay as casual as she could. She did her best to remain stoic, acting like there wasn’t one specific answer that she wanted to hear from him. 
“What type of guy?” He asked her curiously, his eyebrow raised high as he watched her. She chewed on her bottom lip before she nodded her head in agreement.
“Sure.” She said simply, feeling like that was safer than asking for specifics. She had a feeling he would’ve cough up the answer even if she tried. They’d been dancing around this for too long for her to expect something different. 
He observed her for a moment, his lips parting as his warm eyes glanced over her features. She exhaled softly, trying not to give away how nervous she suddenly felt. She felt like she was glued to what his reaction would be, what he would say. She wished that he’d give her the answer she had long hoped for. 
“I think you should be with someone who makes you happy,” He said at last, after a long minute later, “Does he make you happy?” He asked a little softer, his gaze turning down towards the table. She felt her shoulders slump, disappointed in how the conversation had taken a turn in a direction she didn’t want to face. 
“Do you want any dessert?” 
The drive back seemed to go by quicker than the drive there. She sat a little closer to him, spoke a little easier as she felt like they were making up for lost time. She kept waiting, wondering if he would bring her miscarriage up again. He didn’t. She was thankful for that in a way, feeling like it would make things worse. 
“You’re not going to invite me in tonight?” He questioned, bearing a cocky grin as she turned to face him. She shuffled the long black bag over her lap, careful to hold it correctly so the dress wouldn’t develop any unnecessary wrinkles. 
“You didn’t get your fill today?” She teased him back, raising an eyebrow even though she knew how insatiable Gator could get. 
“I can’t ever get enough of you.” He replied a little huskier, his brown eyes gleaming with interest as he awaited her response. She brought her teeth down upon her bottom lip, knowing that her answer wasn’t the smart way to go. 
“It’s already pretty late,” She said as she glanced towards the clock, “Don’t you work in the morning?” She asked him curiously, hoping that he had the strength to keep them apart. She didn’t think she’d be able to dismiss him. Not today. 
“Yeah,” He looked at her like it was no big deal, “I’ll pack a bag, stay over like old times.” He grinned cheekily. She pressed her lips together to hide her smile, sighing deeply as she felt herself relenting. 
“You’re reckless.” She told him truthfully. It was one thing to sneak over when they were young, when they didn’t have any worries. But now she was to be with someone else. It would ruin both of them if it got out. She wondered if he even cared about that. 
“You liked that before.” He reminded her, leaning in closer as his lips slowly parted while he spoke. She stared at them for a moment, still wondering how they had such a nice shape to them. 
“Fine,” She said softly as she leaned forward, watching the way his mouth curled up in triumph, “But don’t get a big head about it. We might not do anything.” She told him seriously, holding a finger up so she could remind herself the same thing. 
“Uh huh,” He nodded his head, one eyebrow raised as the grin spread across his lips, “I’ll see you in ten.” He replied proudly, his eyes lit up in delight as she crawled out of his truck. She held her bag to her chest, hoping to hide the way her heart was beating against her skin. 
“Don’t be loud,” She warned him playfully as she walked around the front of his truck. She paused, turning towards where his window was rolled down, “I’ll see you soon.” She giggled a second later, hesitating before she pressed a brief kiss to his lips.
She twisted around quickly, grinning as she took long strides up to the house. She chewed on her bottom lip, glad to see that the lights were off as she walked inside. She kicked off her shoes first, neatly placing them aside before she strolled through the living room. 
“Where have you been?” Oliver looked at her curiously, rounding on her from the corner of the room. She jumped, holding a hand over her chest as she met his familiar blue eyes. She shook her head, trying to relax her pulse. 
“Getting my dress.” She said excitedly as she held the black bag out towards him. He couldn’t see the design or shape of it, but she figured she could put it on tomorrow when everyone wasn’t so busy. She didn’t think that they’d like to be woken up right now. 
“It took you this long?” He asked her curiously, his features relaxing like he had expected her to say something else. She had a feeling he was highly suspicious, even though he didn’t have a right to be. 
“I wanted to see my options,” She laughed softly, “Why?” She grew slightly panicked, wondering if she had missed something while she was away. It was her own fault, but her relationship with everyone was newly strained. She’d kept everyone at an arm's length away while she was gone. 
“Noelle didn’t go with you, I didn’t think you’d be gone that long.” He said a second later as he inquired about her evening. She nodded her head as she began to roll her tongue around in her mouth, wishing she had a better excuse.
“I had company.” She said slowly, knowing that she could use Daisy as an excuse if she had to. Daisy wouldn’t give her up, even if she didn’t know the full story. They’d covered for each other in that manner for a long time now. 
“Daph,” Oliver sighed deeply, “Gator is no good. He’s just going to hurt you again.” He spoke in irritation, like he had some idea over what had happened. She hadn’t told him anything, but he still ran with the idea that it was Gator’s fault. 
“He’s just a friend ,” She told Oliver quickly, “And you keep saying that but you don’t give me any reasons.” She reminded him as she pointed a finger towards him. She held her dress up towards her dress, smiling weakly as she glanced towards the clock on the wall. 
“Just look up the things he’s been accused of doing. He’s corrupt.” Oliver pointed out like it was obvious. Daphne lingered on the conversation she had with Gator for just a moment before she stopped herself. She wasn’t going to be snoopy. She wouldn’t involve herself where it wasn’t her business. 
“Are you saying that truthfully or because you don’t like him?” She asked him a second later, raising her eyebrows as she began to try and remember exactly why Oliver didn’t like him. She wondered if it had to do with Ruby splitting her attention to another child. 
“Daphne,” Oliver groaned as he pinched the bridge of his nose, “It’s nothing to do with that.” He shook his head, looking at her in irritation as his eyes met hers again. She shrugged her shoulders, not sure how else she was supposed to think of it. 
“You’ve never liked him,” She pointed out curiously, “Why?” She tilted her head as she gazed up towards him, hoping to get an honest answer this time around. He shook his head, rolling his eyes as he pressed his lips together in a tight line. She narrowed her eyes, wondering if a titty twister would loosen his lips. 
“He’s no good,” Oliver said at last, “Especially for you. You’re just going to get hurt. Look, I’m trying to look out for you. Hugh is nice, don’t mess it up with him.” He said, as if he really had to remind her about that fact. Hugh was nice, he was kind to her in his own way. She squeezed her dress a little closer, suddenly feeling a little sick over what had happened. 
“I’m not messing anything up,” Daphne defended herself hotly, “We’re just friends.” She said at last, even though the words didn’t feel right rolling off of her tongue. She was afraid that Gator was so much more than that. She was just too afraid to admit it. It scared her to think that he thought differently. She truly wondered if she was ruining her life again, burying herself in the same grave she had managed to dig herself out of. 
“Right,” Oliver snorted, “That’s what you’ve always said. You’re not very good at hiding your feelings.” He said seriously as he brushed her hair off of her collarbone. She froze, her heart stalling for a quick second as she glanced down at her skin. She was scared for a moment, fearing that there was some way that she had been marked from Gator’s touch. She breathed out softly, relieved to see that there wasn’t anything on her skin. 
“You’re silly,” She said at last, fearing that she may reveal something of herself as she turned towards the stairs, “Have a good night.” She added a second later, trying to make herself seem less obvious as she headed up the clean stairs. 
As if to make a point, she stopped by the guest room to visit with Hugh before she locked herself away in her room. She glanced over her shoulder, ensuring that Oliver was watching as she walked inside. 
“Still in the zone?” She questioned Hugh, noticing that he was still in the same spot as when she had left. She wondered if he had moved at all. She wouldn’t be surprised if he hadn’t. There were many times that she had to remind him to eat, to drink. A few times she swore that he stopped breathing in order to concentrate on his task at hand. 
“It’s gripping me tightly.” He chuckled as he turned to face her, a tight grin on his lips. She could tell by the bags underneath his eyes and the rough lines on his face that he was stressed. She nodded her head, knowing it was better to keep the conversation short. 
“Night.” She said at last, sending him a brief wave. She waited to see if he’d ask about the dress, if he’d ask about how her day went or why she was out so late. He turned away, their conversation already over. 
“See you in the morning.” He responded, his voice ringing out towards her as he stared down at his canvas. She didn’t think that anything had changed from this morning, but she shrugged it off. 
She rushed to get into her pajamas after she gently hung her dress up. She grabbed one of her cuter pairs of panties, just to be safe. She had a feeling Gator wasn’t going to stay over and just sleep, although she would take that too. She was extra cautious when she shut the door behind her, ensuring it was locked in case Oliver tried to snoop.
By the time she was done, Gator was knocking at the window to draw her attention over. She shifted Birdie up into her arms, drawing a loud protest from him before she wiggled the door open. Gator stumbled as he pushed his way through the window, his ass brushing against the handle of the window. 
“See,” He grinned proudly as he shuffled up onto his knees, “Ten minutes.” He said proudly before he stood up again, turning back just to shut the window behind him. Birdie wiggled in Daphne’s arms, protesting until she dropped him onto her bed. He quickly scrambled onto the floor, whining loudly as he scratched at her door. 
“It’s actually been eleven,” She teased back as she quickly pulled the door open just a crack. She let Birdie run free before she shut and locked the door after him, “I guess that means you’re sleeping on the floor.” She grinned as she turned to face him. 
“Funny,” He responded as he kicked his shoes off, “What’s everyone else doing?” He asked curiously as he plopped himself onto her bed. He crossed his arms behind his head, watching her closely as she walked back over towards him. 
“Hugh is painting, I’m assuming everyone else is getting ready for bed.” She grinned as she crawled onto the bed. She moved her way closer to him, resting her palm against his chest before she began to drag her nails across the material of his shirt. 
“A painter.” Gator repeated dryly as an unimpressed expression formed on his features. She rolled her eyes playfully, feeling like he was forgetting that they had already spoken about this on purpose. 
“You like art too,” She nudged him softly with her palm. She grinned, gripping the hem of his shirt and beginning to tug it over his head, “You just sound jealous.” She whispered softly, pausing as he sat forward to lift his shirt the rest of the way over his head. He leaned in closely to her, his eyes darkening as he examined her.
“I am,” He said at last, he parted his lips slowly as if he was stealing the air from her lungs, “I don’t like that he’s the one that gets you.” He replied softly, dragging his thumb across her cheek as he watched her. She could feel her heart hammering in her chest again as he slowly brought his thumb down across her lips. She breathed out slowly, her skin tickling as he traced the curve of her mouth. 
“It doesn’t have to be him,” She responded quietly as she puckered her lips against his thumb. She pressed her fingertips against his collarbone before she dipped further down towards his chest hair, “It could be someone else.” She responded slowly, taking in the tension that filled the room. 
“Who?” He asked a second later, his eyes challenging her like she might give her answer up. She felt like her skin was on fire as he pressed his fingertips against the strap of her pajama top. He slowly pushed it down, exposing her shoulder to the cool air. 
“Someone that makes me happy,” She mused softly as his hands fell down the curve of her shoulders. He traced his nails against her skin softly, drawing goosebumps onto her skin. She could feel her nipples hardening from the sudden sensation, poking roughly against the material of her shirt, “Do you have an idea of who that may be?” She asked him, almost hesitantly as she moved herself forward.
She could taste the bubblegum flavor that rolled off his tongue, that mixed with his gentle musk from the hot summer sun. He pressed his hands against her hips, moving forward until his nose was gently brushing against her own. She parted her lips at the same time he did, his lips brushing against hers slowly. 
She moaned into their kiss, savoring the way his lips brushed against her own as his nose brushed against her cheek. He gripped her hips, tugging her forward until she was straddling his lap. She pressed her fingers against his sharp jawline, holding onto him for support as his hands squeezed at her hips.
He kissed her slow and deep as he slowly began to drag his hands underneath the hem of her shirt. She sighed against his mouth, enjoying the way his tongue slowly flicked against the curve of her bottom lip. He pushed his warm fingers against her bare skin, his lips burning in a hot trail against hers before he tugged her shirt up over her head.
She grinned as their lips separated, still feeling the sensation of their mouths being connected as he drew his index finger across her gentle curves. She felt jittery as his eyes wandered slowly from her face, then down to her exposed boobs.
“S’nice,” He grinned cheekily as he brought his thumb against one of her hardened nipples, “You’re so pretty.” He hummed gently as he flickered his brown eyes back up towards her. She momentarily forgot to breathe, too consumed with wondering if his eyes were more brown or hazel. She wondered if he knew how pretty his eyes were. 
She pressed her lips against his again, kissing him hotly as she slowly began to grind her hips down against his lap. She moaned at the sensation, her body erupting into pleasure as she felt his hard bulge pressed against her inner thigh.
He pushed her back onto the mattress, earning a soft squeal from her as her head hit her soft lilac blankets. She held her hands above her head, her fingers twitching softly as he pressed his lips down the curve of her neck. He left a messy trail, peppering kisses between her boobs and then down her soft abdomen as he hooked his fingers between her pajama bottoms.
She lifted her hips as he began to roughly tug the clothing down her hips. She blushed as she was left exposed to him, his cavernous eyes tracing over her body. He pressed her legs apart, spreading her knees up to her chest as his tongue fell against her wet folds. She moaned softly, not caring this time if she ruined his hair as her fingertips fell through his thick locks.
His tongue was warm, moved languidly around her drenched cunt as he inhaled the scent of her. She squirmed underneath him, her clit throbbing at the way he was purposely gliding his tongue across the sensitive bud without giving her what she really wanted. 
“Gator,” She whined softly as she rolled her hips up against his mouth, enjoying the way he began to suck on her folds. She tugged on his hair softly, licking away the drool from her lips as his tongue slowly slid inside of her wet cunt, “Oh my God.” She squeaked softly, her hips jolting as he flicked his tongue across her sensitive clit.
“Fuck,” He groaned as he slowly pulled away. He paused again, spitting onto her already drenched cunt before he licked away her slick. Shocks of pleasure traced up her body, spreading down her legs and up her back as he slowly crawled over her, “You taste so good.” He mumbled as he pressed her lips apart slowly.
She watched him through hooded eyes, feeling a little hazy as the warmth from his thigh radiated against her wet pussy. She could feel her clit throbbing, her body urging her to grind up against his clothed thigh. She stayed still, fighting her own pleasure as he slowly puckered his lips and then spit into her mouth.
She moaned as she tasted his saliva against her tongue, rolling it around slowly before she swallowed it. She curled her tongue around her mouth, flicking it across her teeth before she held it out playfully to show that it was clean.
“You’re such a whore,” He chuckled softly, but his eyes were still dark with pleasure as he brushed his slick covered lips against hers again. She moaned at the name, moaned at the way his lips felt against hers as he sat up again, “You want my cock?” He mumbled, cocking an eyebrow as he quickly sat up and removed his pants and boxers with haste.
“Yeah,” She whimpered, looking up at him with hazy eyes as she pressed her fingertips into the soft flesh of his back as he settled back over her, “Give it to me.” She told him urgently as she knitted her eyebrows together, feeling a little desperate even though she had just had him. 
“What?” He mused cockily as he pulled her right leg up towards her chest. She pouted out her bottom lip, glancing down between her legs as she looked at the way his cock bobbed against his abdomen. She was drawn to the way it curved, how long and thick it was. She wiggled her left leg apart, needing to feel him stretching her walls.
“Your cock,” She whined as she lightly dug her nails into his warm skin, “Please. Please fuck me, Gator.” She pleaded with him, fluttering her eyelashes up towards him in lust. She nudged at his back, needing to feel him do something . 
“You have a dirty little mouth,” He spat back as he tilted her chin up towards him, “We’ll need to fix that.” He threatened, making a grin form on her lips as he tapped her chin. He could be as intimidating as he wanted, but he didn’t scare her. 
He twisted his hand around his cock, giving his tip a slight squeeze before he brought his cock against her wet folds. She moaned softly, her body jerking up against him as he slowly slid himself inside of her tight walls. 
She sighed in awe, her eyes momentarily rolling into the back of her head as her walls fluttered around his thick girth. She rolled her hips up slowly, moaning at the way the ridges of his cock pressed against her wet walls.
His forehead fell against hers, his lips parted and his nose brushing into her cheek as he pressed into her fully. A soft whine left his tongue, rolling off and molding with the moans that tumbled free from her lips. He was so long, so thick that she found it hard to concentrate on anything else.
“You’re such a slut,” He groaned softly, squeezing at the back of her thigh as he pressed her knee closer to her chest. He slowly pulled back slowly, dragging his cock against her fluttering walls before he slammed back into her fully, “Fuck.” He whined again, his own eyes shutting as he absorbed the similar feelings of pleasure.
She gripped a hold of him tighter, digging her fingertips in just a little further as he slowly began to rock her into the mattress. He pressed his cock deeper inside of her, his groans spurring on her pleasure as she stared up at the way his features were knitted together in pleasure. His lips were parted as blissful groans rolled off of his tongue. 
His lips fell against the crook of her neck again, kissing and nipping at her skin as he rocked her into the mattress. She whimpered as she rolled her hips up to meet his thrusts. She could feel herself drenching around him, coating his cock and balls with her slick as he pressed deeper and deeper inside of her.
She felt herself clawing at his back, clinging to him as the tip of his cock pressed against her bundle of nerves. She sighed loudly, feeling overwhelmed with the sensation of his cock rocking against her g-spot and his lips tickling over her sensitive skin. 
“Oh,” She moaned as she drifted her hand further up his spine, pressing her fingertips deeper into his flesh. She whined at the feeling of his sweaty skin mingling against her own, at the feeling of the sparks of pleasure that continued to travel further and further up her back, “Right there. Oh my God.” She spit out, gasping as he brought his lips back against hers.
He pressed his large hand over one of her boobs, squeezing roughly as he flicked his tongue against her own tongue. He kissed her sloppily, their spit mixing and teeth pressing lightly against each other as he explored her mouth with his tongue.
He whined a little louder into her mouth, the sound vibrating across her lips as he continued to grind his cock in and out of her wet heat. Pleasure began to twist and curl inside of her stomach, spreading down her legs as he repeatedly thrusted his cock deep against her bundle of nerves.
“Fuck,” He grumbled against her mouth, his breathing growing more intense as her moans began to grow louder, “Jesus, fuck.” He groaned again, his nose pressing into her forehead as she clung tightly to him.
She felt her own pleasure growing and growing until the coils in her stomach were bursting from the sensation. She bit down on his shoulder harshly, drooling into his skin as she tried to keep from crying out too loudly. The walls to her room were thick, but not nearly thick enough.
She felt her eyes roll back as she closed her eyes, her toes curling and her thighs twitching as she dug her nails into his skin. He groaned at the feeling, his thrusts becoming more shallow and deep as he pressed deep inside of her.
“Daphne,” He grunted, making her eyes snap open as his eyes shut at the same time. She froze, her lips parted in bliss as she stared at the lines of pleasure etched upon his features. She drank in the image of his knitted eyebrows, the way his pink lips parted, “Oh God.” He whined as his cock twitched inside of her clamped walls, painting them a thick white.
She breathed harshly, rubbing her fingers up and down his sweaty skin gently as he nearly toppled over on her. She kissed at the crook of his neck, licking the salt away from his skin as he rested on his elbows over top of her. 
His heart was hammering to the same rhythm hers was as he roughly inhaled. He pushed her bangs out of her face, her hair tickling against her skin before he gently kissed the top of her forehead. She giggled softly, enjoying the domestic feeling of it all as he slowly settled back onto his knees.
“Minx,” He spit out a second later, still breathing hard as he moved towards the edge of the bed. She stretched her long legs out, pushing her hair out of her face this time as a dopey grin settled over her lips. She jolted a second later, her sensitive clit buzzing at the feeling of cloth wiping the mess away from between her legs, “Sorry.” He mumbled, but looked a little triumphant after he cleaned his cum away with her panites.
“Uh huh,” She nodded her head slowly, feeling a giggle form as he picked her up and then flipped her head up towards the mattress, “That was nice.” She said truthfully, as she stared up at the ceiling. She began to make shapes from the images, feeling a sense of tiredness wash over her.
“Mhm,” He hummed in agreement as he rummaged to the side of the bed again. She looked at him curiously, not quite sure what he was doing until he settled back against the mattress, “Never thought I’d be fucking a married woman.” He replied, cocking his eyebrow as he took a hit from his vape. 
“You’re going to make my room stink.” She told him instead, ignoring the statement about sleeping with a married woman. She watched as he blew another puff of smoke out above their heads. She pulled her blankets up towards her chest, breathing in deeply as a cool chill settled over her sweaty skin. 
“Stink?” He turned towards her in disbelief, “This shit smells good.” He smirked, taking another puff and blowing it towards her face on purpose. She blinked her eyes, wrinkling her nose as the clouds tickled her nostril.
“It’s terrible for your lungs,” She told him truthfully, feeling her lips curl up as he scoffed at her words, “Seriously, I bet I still have notes from university about what it’ll do to your body.” She grinned, sure that she could find it somewhere in her laptop. He shook his head, rolling his eyes playfully as he turned to shut the lamp off to his side of the room. She kept her side on, for just a bit longer. 
“You’re cute,” He told her softly, “I think I’m more likely to go from a bullet to the back.” He mumbled as he rolled on his side, his cheek resting against the pillows as he faced her. She dragged her eyes across his dark eyebrows, then down his nose. She thought for a moment, unsure of what her favorite feature about him was. She wondered what he liked best about her. 
“That doesn’t sound very kind,” She replied softly as she blinked slowly at him, not enjoying how serious his tone had turned, “Good thing I can patch you up.” She grinned lightly as she brought her thumb up towards his cheek. She figured that they should sleep. He had a lot to do tomorrow, but she couldn’t stop herself. She knew that when she woke up he’d be gone. She wanted to enjoy his company for just a bit longer. 
“Didn’t you just say you walked out on your first job?” His lips curled up in amusement as he shifted again. He rested his hand underneath the pillow, sitting up just a bit as he watched the flush settle over her cheeks. 
“Hush,” She pushed at his shoulder softly, “You won’t be saying that when those little bed bugs nip at you.” She grinned playfully, thinking of how her mom used to talk her in with that saying every night. She rolled off, shutting the lamp off to flood the room into darkness. 
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zamazingz · 4 months
Just a crack ship, don’t take it too seriously I just wanted to drew more shotgun man cause he silly
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What a silly guy
My friend came up with their ship name, it’s poppingcandy lol
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ticklystuff · 1 year
Xiao’s (Not) Ticklish
A/N: Part 2 of my @squealing-santa gift for @ticklefits! Thank you to @hypahticklish for organizing the event! You can read part 1 here
Pairings used:
zhongli / childe*
xiao / aether
Prompts used:
i am literally always a sucker for wrestling / sparring turning into a tickle fight thanks 🙏🏾]
ler insisting that the lee isn’t ticklish at all and the lee has to prove to the ler that they very much are eheheh
I saw multiple prompts and pairings that I enjoyed and couldn’t pick just one! Although the stories take place in the same setting, I wouldn’t consider either a prequel/sequel to the other. I also tried to give enough context to each one, so that both could be read without having to read the other. Also, sorry, these aren’t Christmas themed lol
I thought the prompt for this was really unique, so I wanted to give it a shot, but it was also really challenging and I don’t think I followed it towards the end. Still, I hope it’s enjoyable!
Word Count: ~2.8k
Characters: lee!Xiao, ler!Aether
Summary: Xiao may or may not be ticklish.
"Whoo! C'mon, Childe!"
Xiao's stomach did a little flip as the redhead flashed a wink in response to Aether's cheers. There was nothing more he detested than arrogance and he couldn't help but roll his eyes, which just prompted cheeky giggles from Childe. "Do you actually think that Rex Lapis would lose to someone like him?" he scoffed. There was a genuine look of belief in Aether's expression and Xiao almost pitied his naïveté, but coming from Aether made it somewhat endearing. He was surprised when the blond made a bet that Childe would win and Xiao thought that he might be half-joking.
"I think he's a perfectly capable warrior and he adapts quickly," Aether said with a nod, "though, I've yet to personally face Zhongli in combat. Still, it seems like he's doing really well right now."
Those words had come a little too soon, however, as a sudden yelp drew Xiao and Aether's attention back to the field. Where Childe and Zhongli once stood as equals was now replaced with a different scene. Zhongli had somehow managed to knock Childe to the ground, before straddling his waist to keep him pinned, the redhead's sparring weapon off to the side out of reach.
"The match is over," Zhongli's raspy voice could be heard throughout the field. The tiniest smirk crept onto Xiao's face, content knowing that Zhongli would never fall to a Harbinger.
Aether stood up in response, balling his fists together as he continued to cheer. "C'mon, Childe! Get up! You can still do it!"
"Both of you seriously underestimated Rex Lapis of all people," Xiao said, shaking his head disapprovingly at Childe's repeated refusals to surrender. There was a slight sense of satisfaction listening to Childe grovel for another fight, his denial stripping him of what little respect Xiao already held for him.
"Gosh, I jinxed him, huh," Aether said disappointedly, sitting back down next to Xiao when it was inevitable that Childe would be unable to throw Zhongli off.
Xiao prepared another snide remark about how no amount of jinxing would have changed the results, but a sudden outburst of laughter caught the two off-guard. Childe's demands were now replaced with frantic laughter and when Xiao squinted to see what exactly was happening, his eyes widened when he realized-
"Zhongli's tickling him?!" Aether completed Xiao's thoughts, mouth open in disbelief. "That's cheating!"
"Beating one's opponent doesn't always require combat," Zhongli said over Childe's laughter, as if he were answering Aether's complaints. "There are many methods to success that a warrior should utilize for the appropriate situation. You opted not to surrender when I defeated you in combat, so I have to resort to other methods."
"C'mohohohon! Fight mehehEHEHEhehe!" Childed pleaded again and again, his limbs becoming a frenzied blur as Zhongli continued tickling him.
Unable to tune out of the scene unfolding in front of them, Xiao found himself trapped in Childe's growing laughter, absorbing the laughter that now began to fill his brain. It was loud, it was obnoxious, it was annoying, yet Xiao couldn't help but feel the slightest twinge of jealousy. He took a brief glance at Aether, watching his hands clench as he continued to cheer for Aether, wondering how it'd feel like to be in Childe's position under Aether's own hands. Tickling had always been something that had puzzled him; the ability to draw out laughter from simple touches was something he could not comprehend. This paired hand-in-hand with his curiosity and thus, Xiao often found himself yearning for something he himself did not understand. There was just one issue, though....
Xiao wasn't ticklish.
An unfortunate reality that he was constantly reminded of whenever the group had tickle fights, as if his own brain was mocking him. He wasn't sure if it was due to his status as a Yaksha, but any attempts at tickles or surprise tasers from Aether resulted in nothing, no tingly sensation that was described to him to run through his body. It got to the point where Aether noticeably gave up trying, instead opting to normal jump scares in an attempt to surprise him.
Xiao blinked in confusion, breaking out of his thoughts when he realized that the blond was staring at him with a perplexed expression. "Oh, yeah?"
"Oh, the fight is over," Aether chuckled. "Childe just gave in, but you didn't seem to be paying attention. We should go over to see how they're doing."
"Ah, right." Xiao nodded, standing up from his seat to follow the other to where the spar had occurred, pausing a bit when he realized that Childe was still being tickled just slightly.
"Stahahap! You sahahaid you'd stohohop!" Childe giggled uselessly, though Zhongli did finally stop once the two approached, removing himself from Childe to give the redhead a proper breather.
"Tickling?" Aether scoffed, shaking his head disappointedly. "A Fatui Harbinger lost to tickling of all things?"
Childe looked away, his cheeks becoming a slight tint of pink. "Why does it matter to you?" he huffed with exasperation.
"Xiao and I placed bets on who would win and I was rooting for you," Aether sighed. In truth, Xiao had completely forgotten about the bet. "Guess I owe him some almond tofu now."
"No need to shame him for it," Zhongli said to the group, walking over to Xiao and Aether. "I'm sure we're all similar in some way." Xiao's eyes widened when there was a sudden poke to his side. The lack of laughter proved, however, that he was indeed still not ticklish. His lack of reaction seemed to go unnoticed, though, as all attention was on Aether and the giggles that escaped his mouth in response.
"Well, at least we know the best way to deal with Childe now," Aether teased the redhead after recovering from his giggles, but that smile was soon wiped off his face when Childe immediately stood up, making a beeline for the blond, grabbing him by the waist before he could escape.
"Maybe I can't beat Zhongli now," Childe started as Aether howled in his grip, allowing his hands to freely tickle the exposed stomach, "but I can certainly prepare for a rematch by practicing everything I've learned from him. Hm, what do you say, comrade?"
There it was again; that sense of jealousy creeping back into his head as he listened to Childe tickle Aether senseless. His laughter was sweet, almost intoxicating, and Xiao couldn't help but wonder what would others think of his laughter if he were put in a similar situation. If it were possible, at least.
"Something's on your mind."
Xiao nearly jumped at the voice, whipping his head to see Zhongli standing beside him, looking at him with concern. "I-I'm just thinking about the tofu," he stammered, embarrassed that he was snuck up on so easily. He really had to stop giving tickling so much thought.
"If you say so," Zhongli said, but Xiao knew him well enough to know that he wasn't convinced.
"Congrats on your win, by the way," Xiao huffed exasperatedly. He gave Aether and Childe one last look, before turning and walking back to camp, Aether's laughter continuously ringing in his ears with each step.
"Gosh, where did I put the almonds?"
Xiao watched Aether dig through his belongings, murmuring to himself about the missing almonds. His back was facing Xiao as he searched through the scattered items, allowing time for Xiao to wallow in his thoughts by his corner of the shared tent, contemplating on whether to ask Aether to try tickling him. The earlier scenes of Childe and Aether's tickle fight replayed in his head on loop, constantly teasing himself with something he could never have, but maybe he might still be ticklish, maybe they just haven't tried everything yet, maybe--
"Xiao, is something bothering you?"
"Huh?" He hadn't even realized that Aether had turned to look at him.
"You're sighing a lot," Aether pointed out, "and I can hear you fidgeting."
"Ah," he paused before speaking again, formulating his thoughts. "I suppose I have a strange request."
Aether blinked, but only responded with a nod, affirming that he was all ears.
"Do you, uh, would you mind, I guess, tickling me?" Xiao spoke quickly, nearly tripping over his words as he realized how ridiculous he probably sounded, eyes darting around the tent to avoid eye contact, bracing himself for any embarrassing questions or comments from the blond.
"Hmmm, but I thought you weren't ticklish." Despite the brief moment of silence, Aether's question came out naturally, much to Xiao's surprise, as if this was a normal conversation between the two. "I've tried many times already and I think Zhongli even tickled you earlier."
"I'm aware," Xiao sighed, "but I'd like to try again, if that's alright."
Aether nodded with a smile, patting the empty space next to him. "Sure, I guess we can give it another shot."
Xiao did as he directed, crawling on all fours to sit cross-legged beside the traveler. "I'm sure you're wondering why I asked for this," he mumbled, staring down at the grass that his fingers played with, hoping to hide the blush that was starting to spread across his face.
"Oh, I definitely have some questions for you," Aether mused with a laugh, positioning himself behind Xiao, "but I'm sure you have your reasons as well." Xiao smiled and breathed a sigh of relief, happy to have someone that he could easily confide in.
Not a second was wasted as Aether began poking and prodding at Xiao's sides, each jab more punctuated than the last. His fingers moved one after the other, uncoordinated as they moved up and down, before moving along to his stomach. Xiao could feel each poke through the thin material of his shirt, but there were no tingles to accompany that feeling. He waited patiently, awkwardly staring around the tent as Aether did his best to produce some kind of laughter.
"Feel anything yet?"
Xiao shrugged in response. "Can't say I do."
"Huh," he could hear Aether drone on, before removing his hands. "Sorry Xiao, I'm not sure this is going to work."
"Wait, uh, maybe a different spot," Xiao spoke quickly, not wanting to give up just yet. He lifted his arms up in the air and turned his head to look at Aether. "Maybe try here?"
Aether attempted once more, allowing his fingers to staccato along the bare skin just at the edge of Xiao's sleeve, but the results were still the same. He only gave Aether a few more seconds, before bringing his arms back down. "Sorry for dragging you into this," Xiao sighed disappointedly, knowing deep down that this whole thing was ridiculous. He brought himself to his feet, but was surprised when he felt Aether's hand now at his shoulder.
"Wait, I might have an idea," Aether said, the light in his eye giving Xiao the slimmest glimmer of hope. "Give me your hand real quick."
"My hand?" Xiao eyed his hand with confusion, before looking back at Aether. "You think my hands are ticklish?"
"Possibly, but I want to test something," Aether explained, gently taking Xiao's wrist and undoing his glove. "Let me see your palm."
Xiao watched as Aether bunched his fingers together, bringing his fingertips down onto the center of his own palm. "I didn't know that people can have sensitive hands, but-" His eyes suddenly widened at the slightest of tingles that traveled through his hand, a feeling most foreign to him. Aether's fingers were just slowly spreading out across the surface of his palm, yet a sensation shot up his arm to his head from the subtle movement, one that his brain failed to comprehend.
"W-What is this?" Xiao managed, perplexed as he watched his fingers involuntarily twitch in Aether's grip.
"Do you feel something?" Xiao figured Aether already had his answer based off of his triumphant grin. "You're ticklish, Xiao."
"M-My hands?"
"Yeah, but I think there might be more to it," Aether said, gently releasing Xiao's wrist, before standing up and taking a seat behind Xiao, just like before. "Ready to see if I can get you to laugh?"
Aether's hands made themselves present at Xiao's sides once more, except this time, the pokes and prods from before were replaced by light touches, just barely noticeable through his shirt, and for the first time, Xiao could feel what felt like laughter beginning to well up from inside his chest. "How-?!"
"I told you, Xiao," Aether said, his fingertips applying just the slightest pressure as they spidered up his sides. "You're ticklish."
"I-I don't understahahand." His own giggles caught him off-guard, feeling each of Aether's fingers skim against his shirt. His reactions were a total one-eighty from just a few minutes ago. How was Aether doing this?
"You're just like my sister," Aether stated, spreading his fingers along Xiao's sides, before having them reconvene at a center point and then repeating the process. "She's not that responsive to rougher tickles, but ones like these are able to get her to laugh. I can't believe I didn't think of this sooner, though. We're going to have to make up for all the tickle fights you missed out on."
Xiao was barely able to comprehend what Aether was saying because he was already reduced to breathless giggles, squirming in Aether's grip as the blond's fingers began traversing to his stomach, gently gliding across every inch he could reach. "Ahahahaha! Aethehheher!"
"Ah, ah, ah," Aether tutted, using one arm to hold Xiao in place, while the other skittered softly around his stomach. "You're the one that asked for tickles."
"Hehehehahaha!" Xiao squealed, kicking his legs uselessly and sucking in his stomach in an attempt to dodge Aether's hand, but it was useless, feeling the way Aether's fingers would methodically drum against his abdomen repeatedly like raindrops.
The different sensations created a sense of conflict. On one hand, the feeling of helplessness nearly triggered his usual fight-or-flight response that would normally occur during a fight. However, the tingly sensations that washed over his brain overwhelmed those alarm bells that rang in his head, allowing Xiao to fully experience this new feeling of euphoria that he had been deprived of. He knew how silly he looked, but for just this moment, Xiao gave himself permission to enjoy it, leaning back into Aether's chest as the tent was filled with those lovely giggles.
"Having fun?" Although it was a genuine question, Xiao couldn't help but try to press his face into Aether's chest to hide the creeping blush.
"Ahahaha!" He squealed freely, but those giggles soon died down when Aether removed his hands, only to place them atop Xiao's shoulders. He craned his head to look at Aether expectantly, half-hoping it wasn't actually over.
"Lift your arms," Aether said, waiting for Xiao to react. "We can try tickling your underarms again."
Xiao blinked at him, taking a moment to react, but he did as he was told, squeezing his eyes shut with anticipation. It didn't take long for Aether's hands to crawl from the top of his shoulders and repeating those gentle motions to tickle him and Xiao yelped in response, bringing his arms down to clamp Aether's hands in place "I-I cahahant dohoho ihihihit!" he giggled, despite the lack of tickling.
"Yes, you can," Aether said with mock determination. "I can't tickle you if your arms are down like this."
Xiao whined, but reluctantly brought his arms back up when Aether didn't budge. The second he lifted his arms, those fingers were back at it again, scribbling away with feather light touches. He had to fight every urge to bring his arms back down, uselessly swaying in place as his laughter flowed nonstop. Aether was clearly amused by his reactions, based off of the way he giggled alongside him, but Xiao didn't mind. The experience was new, yet exciting, and Xiao found it more enjoyable that he was able to share it with someone that he could fully trust. 
"Gahahahahaha!" he laughed, using every ounce of effort to keep himself still, but eventually giving in, the tickling coming to a stop once he let his arms down. He sunk into Aether's chest, that feeling of exhilaration still with him as he looked up at the blond.
Aether laughed as Xiao continued to recover from the bout of tickling. "Alright, I'd say you're done here."
"Y-Yeah," Xiao breathed, still catching his breath with a smile.
"How was it?"
"It was," Xiao muttered, barely able to properly string his thoughts together for a coherent sentence. "I think it was fun. You're a good tickler."
Aether blushed and looked away with a laugh. "I'm not sure that's something to be proud of, but I'm glad you enjoyed yourself. I'd continue, but I have dinner to take care of tonight. Oh, and your almond tofu too!"
"Wait, Aether?"
Xiao took a moment to word his thoughts, already embarrassed for what he was going to say. "For winning the bet, instead of making almond tofu for me, do you think, uhm, we could try this again sometime?"
Aether smiled and scoffed. "Of course, Xiao. You never have to ask."
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herofics · 11 months
I’m hiding behind anon lol but yeah. I just wanted to say that I love your writing and was wo dering if you could maybe, if you want to, do a self harming post with dabi and/or hawks? Or kiri or sum. I’m not too picky lol
I’ve been really struggling lately and just need some comfort lol
It could be that they caught me(?) in the act or afterwards or even before.
I have loads of scars all over myself (very visible and big) and it’d seriously make my day if you included that for some reason haha.
Anyways, sorry for bothering you and hope you have a great day! 🤍🫶🏼🤍
Thank you for liking my writing, it means a lot to me. I’ve got this post, and this post for Dabi with an s/o who is dealing with self harm urges, but I surprisingly don’t have anything for Hawks with a self harming reader. I hope you feel better and that maybe this can help even a little bit. I started doing one for Dabi too, but I couldn’t come up with anything that I was happy with, so it’s just Hawks this time around
It’s not like he didn’t know, it was more that he didn’t want to connect the dots he was so clearly seeing. He didn’t want to think you could be doing that to yourself, but he couldn’t really deny it anymore.
He found blood stained tissues in the trash bin when he came over to your place one evening, but the first time he figured you’d just had a nose bleed. He asked you about it and you confirmed his suspicions. Now he knew that it had been a lie.
You hadn’t expected Hawks to come over, so you hadn’t really covered your tracks well. So when he asked you if you’d had a nose bleed, you just told him yes. You and Hawks had started dating a bit over a month ago, and you were taking things slow, so he had not seen your scars. You always made sure to wear long sleeves and pants, because you were terrified of people seeing your scars and cuts.
You were feeling like absolute shit. Nothing was going like you wanted it to and you felt like your life was spinning out of control once again. You were slipping back into those bad habits again, but you didn’t care, you just wanted some relief. You knew it wouldn’t last long, but at least it would be a few seconds of peace.
You took off your hoodie and pulled down the collar of your tank top. You pressed the blade to your chest and drew it across your skin a few centimeters. You exhaled deeply as you looked at the droplets of blood forming on the cut.
There it was, those few fleeting seconds of quiet in your head, and then it was gone. It never lasted, but the guilt always did. It didn’t come right away, it might even take a few hours before it hit you, but it always did. That never changed.
You’d basically covered your chest in cuts of different severity. There were old scars too, light and dark, big and small.
You cleaned yourself up and put your hoodie back on. It stung a bit when the fabric moved against your skin, but it wasn’t anything you weren’t used to.
You were sitting on the couch, stewing in that familiar guilty feeling, when your doorbell rang.
You went to check the peephole, and gulped as you saw Hawks standing there.
“Why now?” you muttered as you leaned your forehead against the door.
You took a deep breath and opened the door, greeting Hawks with: “Hi, I wasn’t expecting you tonight”
“Yeah, sorry, I just wanted to stop by” he said as you stepped aside to let him into the apartment.
“Something bothering you?” you asked as he pulled the door shut.
“Well… kind of? I guess” he shrugged, kicking his shoes off.
This was peculiar behavior from him. He wasn’t one to usually beat around the bush so much.
“You can tell me if there’s something wrong, I’m here to listen” you said.
Hawks followed you to the living room and you sat down on the couch. He didn’t know if he should bring it up. He wasn’t sure if you would get offended if he was wrong, or how defensive you would get if he was right. He had to know for sure though. He just wanted to help you.
Before he even realized, he asked: “Have you been cutting yourself?”
You were so shocked by his sudden question that you just froze. Hawks was looking at you with such a sad expression, and you knew he knew. Your reaction had given it away. If he wasn’t sure before he certainly was now.
You stayed quiet and just slowly started taking off your hoodie. You pulled it over your head and could hear Hawks audibly gasp as you revealed your arms and upper chest.
You were covered in scars, a lot of big and visible ones and even more small and light ones.
You just sat there with your hoodie on your lap, as you let him look at you. You couldn’t meet his eyes, but you knew he was looking you over. You were trying so hard to keep yourself from crying, and you were succeeding so far.
“Oh dove” he whispered.
“I understand if you don’t want to keep seeing me after seeing this” you said quietly, looking down and gesturing at yourself.
Hawks didn’t know what to say. He didn’t want to stop seeing you and he wanted to tell you that, but he also didn’t want to say anything that might make you feel like he was patronizing you.
“I don’t want to stop seeing you. I know I can’t promise I’ll be able to help you, but I’d like to be here for you” he said.
You raised your head to look him in the eyes. He was looking at you with such a serious and soft expression you couldn’t help but start crying. The tears started rolling down your cheeks as Hawks pulled you to his chest and embraced you while you held onto his shirt for dear life. He kissed the top of your head, telling you it was all going to be okay. That he was going to be there with you as long as you wanted him to. That he was never going to leave and that you were kind and a wonderful person, and that wouldn’t change.
For the first time in a long time, you felt like you were accepted and loved. Not because he ignored your flaws, but because he loved you, the whole you. He didn’t mind your scars, he loved you all the same.
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showtoonzfan · 2 years
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Looks like they revealed the “redesigns” of Vox, Velvet, and Val. The only one who changed is clearly Velvet, Vox and Val are exactly the same except they’re simplified. It is disappointing, I never liked Vox’s design, (he looks too much like Alastor and his design is very boring honestly) and Val isn’t bad but…he never looked much like a moth either, he could have looked better but these are just personal nitpicks of mine. The only positive thing I have to say is that I am glad they changed Velvet’s outfit. Before I didn’t like her design because she looked nothing like a “social media” character, more like a clown Melina Martinez (I know I spelled that wrong) rip off lol. This is certainly better than before in my opinion, but ugh, the stripes, Vivzie what is it with you and the stocking stripes?? Anyway, for those who have seen the Hazbin leaks, this is VERY similar to how Velvet looked in her picture, except she had her hair in a bun and now it’s different here. She’s still wearing the same blue scarf thing and skull, so this kinda leaves me to believe that those leaks are real, however don’t quote me on that, we’re not 100% sure of course. However, I will definitely review the leaks, later lol.
With that out of the way, again…would have been easier if they drew the characters STANDING UP, so we can see their full bodies. Like how hard is that??? But anyway, on the subject of the three V’s, I should say that I’m DEFINITELY worried for the villains of the show. I feel like I’m going to have trouble taking some of Vivzie’s villain characters seriously, because I have the feeling most of them will just be edgy swearing “middle school bully”- style villains, ESPECIALLY Vox, who I 100% believe his rivalry with Alastor will just be similar to Blitz and Fizz’s rivalry, where they’re just throwing petty childish insults at each-other lmao. When it comes to Val, I honestly have no interest in him because we all know what his character is ganna be, the abusive jackass controlling Pimp who says lines like “I own you” “you’re nothing without me”- basically every abusive pimp or boyfriend character that you’ve seen ever. He’s kinda just a tool so the writers can have something bad happen to Angel dust to make him look like a helpless baby, so yeah I’m not excited to see Val nor do I care about him. Don’t really care for Vox either, and as for Velvet, we don’t know anything about her, she’ll be lucky if Viv gives her focus and development since she’s a female amongst two popular male characters lol. I expect her to kinda just be a Harley Quinn/Nifty knockoff, but I dunno we’ll have to wait and see. That’s all I have to say for these designs, I will say that I wonder if Vox even appears in season 1, because Viv had mentioned in a livestream once that he doesn’t appear until “way later” in the show. I certainly hope that Viv doesn’t try to cram in a shitload of enemies and problems in the first season (since she DEFINITELY did that with Helluva and look how THAT turned out) but again, we’ll have to wait and see. I certainly wonder who’s next.
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practically-an-x-man · 5 months
“Shit. Shit, shit, shit, c’mere.” and/or “You did so good. Don’t worry, you-you did so good.” with Ophelia? :)
Oooh thank you! Ophelia's great for angst and injuries lol (though she's not the one getting injured this time)
____ Bloodstained
Word Count: 2.1k Content Warnings: graphic injuries, angst ____
Her actuators tangled with the beast, claws locked on tight as it thrashed in her grasp. She felt a little unbalanced, ready to topple - half from sheer exhaustion, half from the brace immobilizing her left knee. Normally, she'd keep one actuator at her side, to steady her. Now, she needed all the help she could get.
"Peter!" she shouted, swearing as the monster in her grasp tried to wrestle free, "I need webs! String him up!"
There was no response but a fierce snarl from the creature caught in her claws. Ophelia grit her teeth, and her actuators shifted their grasp in another effort to immobilize the beast.
"Seriously, Spidey, I need a hand here!" she tried again- and was very nearly whipped across the chest by the beast's great tail as it twisted around. The creature roared, writhing in her grip with renewed fervor. One paw slipped free, and talons drew sparks as they scraped across the metal of her actuator tentacles.
A burst of webbing hit it straight in the face, followed quickly by several more. Within moments, the monster had been immobilized in a sinuous cocoon, and Ophelia disentangled her actuators with a low sigh of relief.
"Sorry I'm late," Peter said from behind her, his voice as joking and familiar as always. Ophelia found herself smiling as she turned to face him.
And then she saw the blood. The way he swayed on his feet. The sharp spear of metal jutting out of his abdomen.
"Shit." she hissed, already launching herself towards him, "Shit, shit, shit, c'mere."
She caught him just as he began to sway. She didn't slow down for an instant. Her actuators clamped down on the ends of that bloody metal blade and cleanly snipped them off, leaving only the piece embedded in his stomach. She didn't dare remove that. If it had managed to nick his abdominal aorta, he could bleed out in less than a minute.
She eased him down to the ground and peeled off his mask, haphazardly tossing it on the ground beside him.
"No. I need to see your face." she insisted, her voice coming out sharp and clipped. Peter's eyes were dazed, foggy. More blood streamed down the side of his face, stemming from a cut on the side of his head. Ophelia swore. The amount of blood pooling on his abdomen only grew.
"Take it-" Peter stammered, trying to twist around and steal a glance at the wound on his abdomen, "Take it out."
"I can't. You'll bleed out." she muttered. It wasn't exactly encouraging, but that was the last thing on her mind. Her only focus was keeping him alive.
"Have to. Otherwise I'll just... heal around it."
Shit. He was right. If he started to heal with the spear still embedded, that only meant another, riskier surgery later to remove it.
Her head was spinning. She fought hard to keep her focus. There wasn't a hospital nearby, they were on the wrong side of the city. He wouldn't manage the ride across town - it would be too rough, too tumultuous, might make things worse. So what then?
Remove the spear. Cauterize the wound - not ideal, but better that than bleeding out. Pack the wound. Antibiotics and painkillers. Pray his healing factor held him steady until she could get him back to her lab- closer than the hospital, but still a bumpy ride.
Was that worth the risk?
There wasn't much of an alternative.
Peter's eyes had begun to slip closed, and Ophelia was snapped from her thoughts.
"No, no, Peter, stay awake." she said, cupping the back of his head as if she could physically pull him up to wakefulness again, "I need you to keep your eyes open. Look at me."
"Sleepy." he mumbled, brown eyes drifting lazily over her face. Ophelia swallowed hard.
"That's blood loss. You're not stupid. You know that's blood loss. Stay with me, alright?" she told him, having to force the words out of her throat. Her mouth was dry. "I'll tell you when it's okay to sleep, but not yet, okay?"
"Hm. Okay."
"What the hell happened?" she asked, spurring herself to move as she spoke. She reached around her back and found the handle of a knife, strapped to the backpack-like device that held her actuators. She cut his suit away from the wound in just a few strokes. Peter groaned in protest, but Ophelia paid it no mind. He could make another one.
"Had three arms." Peter muttered, "Didn't notice. Got me good."
"Yeah, he really did..."
With his clothing out of the way, the wound was harsh and ragged, drenched with blood. The spear had gone straight through his stomach, just under the base of his ribcage. It canted ever-so-slightly off to the right, missing his spine by a centimeter at best. Ophelia's hands were already slick with his blood.
"She. 'S a girl."
"Okay, then she got you good." Ophelia agreed, half-distracted as she used her knife to cut strips off the hem of her coat. She could always get another one. She pressed the makeshift bandages into the wound, hoping to clear away a little of the blood. She needed to see what she was working with. Her coat, dark blue, quickly blackened as it was soaked through with blood.
Again she reached around her back with bloodstained fingers, this time finding a vial of cloudy liquid. Her fingers fumbled for a second vial and found nothing but air.
"Shit." she hissed. Peter's eyes cleared, just for a moment, and his eyebrows knit together in concern.
"That bad?"
"I've got the nanobots but not the activator." she explained, quickly scanning the buildings around her. There- a bodega on the corner. They'd have something.
"Hey-" she called out, but stopped herself the moment later. There was nobody around. All the bystanders had fled during the battle. Blessedly silent to protect Peter's identity, but-
But she'd have to leave him. Just for a moment. Nobody else could get her what she needed.
She took hold of Peter's hands, guiding them down to the mess of blood and fabric on his stomach. His skin was cold. It made her wince, panic bubbling up from deep within.
"Press down." she instructed, voice sharp, "Hard. I don't care if it hurts. I'll be back in a second."
"Just do it, okay?" she insisted, forcing the tremor out of her voice.
"I love you."
"Don't you fucking start with that. You're gonna be fine. Just- just give me a minute."
She pressed his hands into the wound, enough to make him wince and hiss in pain.
"That hard. Push down hard." she said, "Don't be a wuss. It'll only be for a moment."
With that, she pushed herself up from the ground - grimacing at the sudden twinge of pain in her bad knee - and ran for the bodega. Her actuators launched her forward, moving so fast the world blurred in her vision. She crashed straight through the front window, generating a shriek from the woman behind the counter.
"Orange juice!" she blurted, scanning the coolers along the back of the shop, "Vinegar, lemonade- something acidic! Or a man is going to die!"
She was sure it made no sense to the woman running the shop. It didn't matter. One actuator claw slammed through the glass of a cooler and plucked out a single-serve bottle of orange juice. The cooler hissed as cold air escaped, and the shop's owner let out a chain of swears in a language Ophelia didn't understand.
"Denarii will pay the damages." she muttered, already ducking back out the window. Just as she turned to leave, a second claw snatched a cluster of rolled gauze bandages from a basket by the front counter.
Her actuators all but threw her back across the street, and she dropped to the ground at Peter's side once again. His eyes had fallen closed again, his hands resting limp and blood-drenched on his stomach.
"Peter- shit, c'mon, stay with me," Ophelia stammered, feeling a swell of relief when he stirred. He let out a low groan, eyelids fluttering wildly but not opening. Her fingers found the vial again, uncapping it in a single brisk motion.
"Hey, drink this." she instructed, drizzling the cloudy liquid into his mouth.
"Bitter." Peter mumbled, swallowing the liquid with a grimace.
"I know. This'll be better," she responded, twisting off the cap of the orange juice and pouring a generous swallow into his mouth. He almost choked on it, but managed to get it down. His abdomen spasmed, and fresh blood oozed from the wound.
Trusting that the nanobots would begin doing their work, Ophelia returned her attention to the spear still embedded in his body. She pushed the bloodstained fabric away from the wound, then turned to glance at her actuators drifting over her shoulders. By only a thought, one claw opened, and a thin metal rod extended from the center of it. It drifted nearer, a thin line of smoke drifting up from the metal as it continued to heat up.
"This is going to hurt like hell," she warned him, inwardly wincing at the thought. Peter managed a shallow nod, more acknowledgement that he'd heard her than anything else, and Ophelia placed her hands on what remained of the blade. She paused only long enough to take in a single deep breath, steadying her hands, then pulled the foreign body out of his abdomen.
Peter screamed in pain, muscles locking up all down his body. Blood immediately began to well in the wound, flowing concerningly fast. The actuator claw drifted in, pressing that heated rod delicately to the inside of the wound. Smoke rose, along with the nauseating scent of burnt flesh. Ophelia ripped open one of the gauze packs and pressed the bandages to the wound. The blood flow had slowed - hopefully enough.
The wound was long and deep but shockingly thin in diameter. If she peered closely, she could already see the nanobots beginning to do their work, stitching his flesh back together little by little. Peter's breathing had gone tight and shallow, his face covered with a sheen of sweat. Ophelia passed her hand over his forehead, brushing a bit of hair out of his face.
"You're gonna be alright." she assured him - though at this point, it was still more of a hope than a fact. Peter's hands, stained with his own blood, fumbled until he found a loose grip on her arm. Ophelia took his hand and squeezed it once, "Hang in there, babe."
"Hanging in there." he mumbled, a shadow of a smile crossing his face. Ophelia almost returned it, though she was forced to draw her hands back and reach for another roll of gauze. She wasn't finished yet.
She wrapped the wound as well as she could, though she winced at how much blood had already begun to soak through the bandages. But she'd done all she could manage. Everything else was left to Peter's tenacity and a good deal of luck. It was a terrible feeling, having the situation pulled from her hands.
She stayed there with him for a long time, waiting for the nanobots to do their work. She needed to make sure he was stable before she dared to move him to her lab. For a while, she wasn't sure they'd done much of anything. His hands were frigid, trembling, and his breathing was still so horribly shallow. He still hadn't opened his eyes, though the weak grip his fingers had on her was enough to tell her he wasn't fully unconscious.
"Peter," Ophelia whispered, frightened with the silence, "Hey, you still with me?"
"Mm. Still... yeah." he tried, struggling for words. At least it was something. His eyes finally drew open, though they were cloudy and unfocused. A faint grimace fell across his face - though Ophelia noticed that the cut on his temple had begun to clot. Peter shifted slightly, but his pained expression only deepened. "Hurts."
"I know, baby. I'm gonna take care of that too." she promised. She had painkillers back at her lab, as soon as he was stable enough to be moved. Peter managed another loose nod.
"Did I- did I do good?"
She could see him beginning to drift now, sinking back into unconsciousness. She ran her hand over his hair again and felt him lean faintly into the touch. His grip went slack on her arm. It left a bitter taste in her mouth, copper and blood.
"You did- yeah, Pete, you did so good." she stammered, though by now his eyes had fallen closed, "Don't worry, you- you did so good."
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mychemicalimagines · 2 years
The Non-Fan - Jensen Ackles - Part 2/2
Summary: Part 2 of 2. Your best friend Lexi talks you into going to a Supernatural convention despite never watching the show. While walking to your hotel room, you bump into a handsome green eyed man. What will come of it?
Warnings: Takes Place In 2006! Lots and Lots of Flirting! Fluff
Words: 4,539
Tag List: Reblogging
A/N:  This was supposed to be a series but we never finished. Since we got two chapters completed, I decided to edited it to be One Shots. I hope you enjoyed!!
To Be Tagged In All Our Supernatural Stuff or Our Supernatural Canon ReWrite: Submit An Ask, Comment, Message Me, Or Tag Yourself In My Bio!
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You wake up the next morning, opening your eyes when your alarm on my phone goes off. You groan and reach over toward your side table. You look at the time after snoozing the alarm. It’s 7:45 am. You sigh and roll over, closing your eyes again. You snuggle into the second pillow there. Your eyes snap open when the smell of Sandalwood fills your nose. 
Jensen stayed the night! 
His side of the bed is still warm, meaning he didn’t leave that long ago. You smile at the thought. You and he actually spent the night together, but didn’t do anything but sleep and watch movies. It was relaxing, and you know, by the scent still on the pillow that it wasn’t a dream. A thought crosses your mind, making you sigh and sit up. 
He left without…
Black marker on your wrist catches your eye, cutting the thought off, as you get distracted by what’s there. You look down and smile widely when you read what’s inked in there. A smiley face with a phone number. You squeal and quickly text the number after adding him to your contacts.
‘You drew a smiley face on me?!’ You text the number.
You take a deep breath before you get up out of the bed and walk toward the bathroom. Your phone dings a few seconds later.  You immediately turn around and jump back on the bed, landing on your stomach.
‘XD Good morning to you too! You explicitly said no mustaches or little dicks so I went with a smiley face instead.’ His text reads.
You smile widely before texting back.
‘I dunno if I wanna say good morning to a smartass...but….good morning. :)’
His reply comes a second later. ‘Lol. Thanks. But, I was just following your explicit instructions. And, once you told me not to do something, I just had to. ;P And, what better way for me to leave you my number. I had to make sure you’d see it. Didn’t want it getting lost and some random housekeeper finding it. XD’
You laugh hard as you shoot back your response. ‘Well thanks for that :D. When did you leave?’
You bite your lip softly waiting for his reply. A minute later your phone dings.
‘Maybe 15 minutes ago? Not very long. Why? Miss me already? :P’
You giggle and text.
‘Of course! Who else is gonna bug me while watching movies at midnight? :)’
‘I don’t know about you but I love bugging you at midnight :] I’ll see you at the panel later, smartass.’
‘I’ll see you then. :]’ You text before leaving your phone on the bed.
You quickly take a shower and change into a comfortable outfit which is just a pair of shorts and a Led Zeppelin shirt. As you slip on one of your shoes, someone knocks at your door. You quickly jump up and stumble over your other shoe, running over. You pull the door open quickly to see Lexi on the other side. The smile drops from your face like an atomic bomb from a fighter jet, but you quickly hide the frown. 
“You ready for this?” She says, pushing into your room. 
“Yeah. I just need to put on my other shoe and get my phone.” You answer, closing the door.
“Did you find a guy last night?” She asks, smirking at you.
“No.” You try to lie.
“I saw you leave with a tall man, Y/N. Don’t try and lie to me.” She crosses her arms.
You blush slightly as you slip on your other shoe.
“We just hung out. Nothing happened.” You tell her, honestly. 
“Seriously?” She rolls her eyes. “You need to get laid, Y/N/N. You can’t just…”
You cut her off. “Lexi, I don’t need to do anything. I do what I want, and it turns out that happened to be what I needed last night. We watched a couple movies and went to bed. I don’t need to fuck some random dude from a bar. If I wanted to, I might’ve.”
“What was his name?” 
I can’t tell her his name. Even though she’s my friend, she might try and steal him away. Wait...Why am I thinking this? I won’t see him again after this weekend so it doesn’t even matter. 
“His name is Jay.” You answer, snagging your phone from the bed, sliding it in the pocket of your shorts.
“Jay? What kind of fake name is that?” She rolls her eyes.
You shrug lazily. “Doesn’t matter. Let’s get downstairs.”
You grab your wallet and leave your room. The whole walk to the elevator, she keeps asking about this ‘Jay’ and what he does for a living. You don’t want to tell her that Jensen is a Soap Opera TV Star. She might try and get with him for the money. You don’t care what Jensen does for a living. He’s handsome, very, very sweet, and absolutely funny.
The elevator doors finally open up and she pulls you to the shorter line leading the way to the conference room of the hotel. Lexi hands you your Gold Pass that’s attached to a lanyard which you hang around your neck. You wait in line for a while which causes the line to get longer. The line extends to the elevator and even past that. 
The doors open a few minutes later and a man starts checking all the passes before letting people in. You hold up your passes before walking in. You glance around the room before walking toward the front. Sighing a little, You hide your disappointment at not seeing Jensen yet. Lexi looks for seats, and after a moment, squeals, and drags you to two empty ones in the front row.
You swallow deeply. “Lex...do...do we have to sit this close?”
She smirks as she sits down. “Duh! How else are we supposed to stare at the hot actors?!”
You sigh and then grunt a little as she tugs you down so you’re sitting on the chair next to her. Every so often, you look around the room, searching for your new friend. Lexi just assumes it’s your anxiety that’s making you look around the room.
“Relax, Y/N/N. It’ll be fun!” She giggles. “This is the best one of the day! We get to meet the main stars, the guys who play Sam and Dean!”
You sigh. “You’ll enjoy it.”
“You will too! And, maybe after this, I’ll finally be able to get you to watch Supernatural!”
You shrug. “Probably not. Don’t get your hopes up.”
She giggles and assures you she will, and looks down at her pass, taking a selfie with it in clear view. While she’s distracted with updating her MySpace profile, you glance around once more, and when you don’t see Jensen, you shoot him a quick text, hoping that he ain’t the kind of guy to say he’s going to do something and not follow through with it.
‘Hey! Where are you? I already got my seat at the panel! I don’t see you?’
Not even a minute later, you receive a text from him.
‘Don’t worry. You will. :) I’m about to walk up! See you in a sec!’
You glance over your shoulder once again looking for him, and grinning like a fool, excited about seeing your new friend again so soon. The announcer waits until the room is completely filled before speaking into his microphone. 
“How is everyone?” He asks, causing everyone but you to scream excitedly. “Our special guests are ready to come out. Introducing Dean Winchester himself, Jensen Ackles!”
You raise your eyebrows at the name as everyone starts screaming even louder than before. Is...Is this him? You jerk your head around and your eyes nearly pop out of your head when you see him jog up onstage, one hand raised in a still wave, and a huge smile on his face. You giggle a little yourself as you see the bags under his eyes, showing how tired he is. 
Your eyes widen a little as you realize why he’s tired.
HOLY FUCKING SHIT! I SLEPT WITH THIS MAN! I SLEPT WITH JENSEN ACKLES! I mean, all we did was joke around, watch movies, and then legitimately sleep together in each other’s arms. But! I STILL SLEPT WITH HIM! 
He makes his way to his chair, which you just now notice is directly in front of you. He flashes you that adorable smile you saw last night and a discreet wink. Lexi practically squeals next to you as she slaps you shoulder.
“HE JUST WINKED AT YOU!” She whispers, excitedly, in your ear.
You blush and shrug it off. “It wasn’t at me.”
But, even you know that’s a lie. That wink was definitely directed at you. You pull your phone out and shoot him a text. 
‘Didn’t tell me you were IN the panel, Mister. No more movies for you tonight. :P’
Sliding your phone back in my pocket, you sneak a glance at him, and see him still grinning, then watch as his brow raises and he sneaks a peek at his phone, making it look like he’s just placing it on the table in front of him. Since you're sitting in the front row, you hear his chuckle  and see him playfully pout as his eyes meet yours.
“Introducing the younger, but taller Winchester brother, Sam...here’s Jared Padalecki!” The announcer says, causing everyone to scream once again. 
Your eyes leave Jensen’s for a moment as he looks up at his friend and fellow co-star. Jared walks out from the same spot Jensen did a moment ago, his hand raised, like Jensen’s was, and takes his seat. Jensen leans over and whispers something to Jared, making the taller man’s gaze turn to you, a grin spreading across his face.
Keeping his eyes on me, Jared whispers something back to your new friend from last night. Jensen nods and flashes you another wink, making Lexi start squealing in your ear. You draw your shoulders up, blushing.
“They’re totally whispering about you, Y/N! What did you do?!” She squeals softly in your ear.
“Nothing! They’re not talking about me.” 
“Then...Are they talking about me?” She whispers, excitedly.
“I don’t know. What did you do?” You put emphasis on the question before, raising an eyebrow.
“Nothing. I was with some green haired man and a bleach blonde chick. Never seen them. It has to be you!” She shakes your arm.
You shake your head and look back up at Jensen and Jared. They’re whispering to each other, with Jensen sneaking glances at you every so often. That smile on his face grows every time he does. At one point, your phone vibrates after Jensen sets his back on the table. You give it a moment before you look at it.
‘Please don’t take my movies away! *Pouts* That was fun last night. Oh, and Jared says hi. He approves of my new friend. Wanted to know if you’d be up for getting a burger after this is all said and done? That is, if your friend hasn’t made you deaf from squealing in your ear every time I wink at you. ;P.’
You giggle and roll your eyes as you slip your phone back in your pocket without sending a reply. You look back at Jensen and give him a nod, saying that ‘I’m ok with that.’ He grins from ear to ear and leans over to Jared. Jared chuckles, stands, and throws his hands up in the air, excitedly. As he does, his shirt rises up, which gets a loud, screaming response from the crowd.
Jensen laughs and says, loud enough for his microphone to pick it up. “Put your arms down, man. You’re flashing everyone.”
Jared laughs. “And that’s a bad thing?”
The crowd members all shout at the same time. “NOOOO!” 
Jared chuckles and sits back down, tugging his shirt back into place. Jensen laughs and shakes his head. Lexi’s still cheering loudly from beside you at the sight of seeing Jared’s tummy. You tap your ear a couple times, and see Jensen smirk at you. His fingers dance across the table and a moment later your phone vibrates.
‘Sorry. Didn’t think Jared would do that. Your friend’s got quite the set of lungs. Want some earplugs?’
You laugh as you read it, shaking your head. Your phone buzzes again.
‘Why not? You might go deaf, and then who else will hear my cheesy, smartass jokes?’
You laugh again and look up at Jensen to see him smirking even more, his water bottle to his lips as he takes a sip. You roll your eyes and type out a reply.
‘Oh, please. I’m sure you’ll find someone else to tell your jokes to.’
‘What if I don’t want to tell them to someone else?’
You raise a brow, trying to keep your blush from becoming too visible. But, you can tell he still sees it because he chuckles and winks. You drop your head, looking at your phone, and text him.
‘Stop it. You’re not exactly being a Smooth Criminal here, Jay. XD I will go deaf when she finds out that I’m the one you’re flirting with and she squeals in my ear.’
When you hear his laugh, you know he’s read your response. 
“Jared, am I a Smooth Criminal?” Jensen asks, looking at his friend, but talking into his mic.
Jared laughs. “Uh, maybe? It depends. What would you be a Smooth Criminal in?”
Jared laughs harder. “If you’re a Smooth Criminal when it comes to flirting then I’m a 2 foot tall Leprechaun dressed in green with a pot of gold in my hand.”
Everyone cracks up laughing at Jared’s response. You smirk and text Jensen.
‘See?! Even Jared agrees.’
Jensen laughs. “Alright. Alright. Maybe I’m not a Smooth Criminal. Can’t blame a guy for trying, can you?”
Jared chuckles. “If it’s you? Uh, yeah. We can blame a guy for trying.”
“Well, you ain’t exactly helping matters, Jared.” Jensen teases.
“Ooooo. So, you’re flirting right now? I’m flattered, Jensen, but you’re not my type.”
Jensen laughs. “Not with you, you big Moose. But, yes. With someone else, right now, I am.”
The announcer grabs his microphone again. “Alright everyone, it’s time for questions. You will raise your hand and one of the guys with the microphone will come over to you. You will ask your question and the boys will answer before we go to another one. Sound good?”
The crowd screams in agreement before a couple of men with microphones start walking around. Lexi immediately throws her hand into the air. You try to grab her arm but she moves and keeps it higher. The guy with the microphone goes to a lady in the row behind us. You let out a huge breath of relief. The woman stands up and leans toward the man with the microphone.
“Hi! This is for Jensen! Who are you trying to flirt with? Is it someone here?” She asks, hoping she might be the lucky one to get Jensen’s attention.
My eyes snap up toward Jensen and you bite your lip slightly. The whole room gets quiet waiting for his answer.
You quickly send Jensen a text. ‘So help me, Jay. You say it’s me, and I won’t watch movies with you ever again.’
You watch as his eyes drift down to his phone and widen as he swallows deeply before he answers the lady.
“Hi! Thanks for the question. She is here, but that’s all I’m going to say. If I say anymore, she’s already threatened to take away my perfect date.” He says, flashing his smile with a shrug of his shoulders.
“I don’t think our lovely audience here will take that answer, Jay.” Jared smirks over at him. 
Lexi turns toward you with a huge smile. 
“It is him...You bitch.” She whispers with humor in her voice.
You blush and look away when the guy walks around with a microphone again. Lexi throws her hand up once again. The guy stops to the left of her. You can still see Jensen and Jared perfectly when the guy puts the microphone to Lexi’s mouth. 
“Hi! Once again, this is for Jensen.” She smirks, glancing at you. “Is the girl you're flirting with my friend right here?”
Jensen chuckles. “Well, now...I’d say we’re all friends here, correct?”
The crowd cheers and everyone nods fast.
Jensen grins. “So, by that, I’d say yes. It is one of your friends here in this room.”
“Well yeah. But is it my friend Y/N right here?” She points at you.
Jensen swallows deeply. “Well...I can’t confirm that...I don’t want to lose the perfect date.”
Jared grins, not making eye contact with you. “If you agreed to go get a burger with Jay and I later, please stand up!”
Everyone in the room looks around, clearly looking for the lucky person who’s getting food with Jensen and Jared. You sigh and drop your head, sending Jensen a text.
‘I’m gonna kill a Moose. XD’
Jensen snorts as he clearly reads your text and shows it to Jared, who laughs. 
“If you don’t stand up, I will come down there and scoop you up! A Moose can carry almost anything!” He says, looking around, trying to be discreet.
You jerk your head up and glare at him, hoping he won’t do it. Everyone in the room laughs and cheers, urging Jared to do that. He smirks and raises a brow.
“What’s it gonna be?” He teases.
You send Jensen another text. ‘I hope you weren’t too attached to your Moose.  He’s about to become stew if he comes and gets me!’
Jensen and Jared both laugh as Jensen shows him. 
“I’ll just have to risk becoming stew then!” He teases, standing.
You discreetly shake your head causing him to smile widely. He starts walking to the side of the stage where the stairs lead down toward the crowd. You look toward Lexi with a death glare. She smirks at you.
“This will prove if it’s you.” She whispers, watching Jared. 
The whole crowd watches Jared with curiosity, hoping he will be walking to someone near them. He turns toward the front row and starts walking toward you. With Jared being so tall, he’s gaining on you fast. You glance over at Jensen to see a small smirk on his lips and he shrugs slightly. My phone vibrates.
‘I’m sorry? Can we still have movies together?’
You go to respond, but before you can, you’re suddenly lifted 4 feet in the air into a pair of strong arms. You squeal and look up. Jared smirks as he looks at you. 
“Definitely worth the risk of being turned into Moose stew.” He teases.
He moves you so you’re now in his arms bridal style. Your arms quickly wrap around his neck since you’re terrified of being dropped, even though you know Jared would never do that. Or, at least you don’t think he would since you just met him. The whole room screams out in excitement since Jensen’s Flirt has now been revealed. Your face immediately gets warm as you blush.
Lexi squeals. “I KNEW IT! YOU SNEAKY GIRL!”
Everyone in the room laughs. You blush harder, and if you weren't so embarrassed at the moment, you’d give her the deadliest glare. Jensen walks down and over to you. 
“I’ll take it from here, Jared.” He says, grinning.
Jared laughs and sets you in Jensen’s arms. You gasp and quickly wrap your arms around his neck, holding onto him. He gives me a soft smile.
“Technically, I didn’t say it was you.” He whispers.
You giggle. “Smart ass. Maybe I’ll keep the movies to myself.”
“I’ll buy you 50 burgers and a dozen milkshakes if you share.”
You laugh, tilting your head back slightly. “Maybe. I’ll think about it.”
Jared laughs before bringing his microphone up. “They’re still flirting!”
The crowd cheers and you hear cameras go off as people take photos. You bury your face against Jensen’s neck. 
“If you don’t get me outta here, right now, no amount of burgers and milkshakes will get you movies.” You whisper so only he can hear.
He chuckles, and you feel the vibrations of it in his chest. A moment later, you feel his lips by your ear as he whispers.
“I still have another half hour, sweetheart. But, stick by my side, and I’ll make it up to you?” 
You playfully whine softly but nod against him. He’s really warm and, just like last night, you feel safe in his arms. You feel his lips turn up in a smile against the shell of your ear. You keep your face hidden against him, mainly since people are still taking photos, as he carries you up to his seat and settles down, still holding you in his arms. 
He whispers. “I didn’t quite expect to have you back in my arms so soon, but I’m definitely not complaining.”
You giggle against him. “Ok. Maybe you are a Smooth Criminal when it comes to flirting.”
He laughs, the movement gently shaking you a little as he holds you. 
“Is that gonna be our song now?” He teases softly.
You giggle and shrug. “Maybe. Maybe not.”
Jared comes back and sits in his seat, smirking. After a few minutes, you finally lift your head, bringing your face outta hiding but stay in Jensen’s arms as he and Jared continue answering the fans’ questions about the show, their friendship, and what can be expected in future episodes. The guys answer what they can, and make a few jokes in the process. To keep your nerves down, Jensen rubs your hip with his thumb. This makes you blush slightly.
Sure enough, after half an hour, the announcer comes back out and says there’s time for one last question before the panel ends. After it’s been asked, and answered by Jared, who happily took it over, one shy fan on the front row, a few seats down from mine, raises their hand.
You whisper to Jensen. “Let the poor girl ask her question. She’s shy, and I’m sure it took her the entire hour just to get the courage to ask.”
He smiles and nods before gesturing for the guy with the mic to hand it over to the young girl. She smiles a little as she takes it.
“Hi.” She says in a soft voice.
Jensen smiles. “Hi, sweetheart. You wanna ask us something?”
She nods fast. “I...um…this is for you, Mr. Ackles.”
Jensen smiles, his hand softly rubbing your lower back, hidden by the table. “You can just call me Jensen, ok?”
She smiles and nods. “O-o-okay, Mr. Ac-Jensen. Um...are...are you two dating?”
Jensen smiles. “That’s a very good question! While I would love to say yes, my response is only 50% true. Let’s see if it stays 50% or goes up to 100% true!”
You lift your head and glance at him as he turns his head to the side a little to look at you. 
“What do you say, sweetheart? Am I only 50% correct? Or 100%?” He grins.
You smirk. “Well...as of right now, only 50%...” 
The crowd gasps and his face falls a little bit.
“Only 50?” He asks.
You smirk. “Technically, you haven’t even asked me to be your girlfriend, Mister.”
Jensen chuckles while Jared laughs. You giggle and look at the young girl who asked if Jensen and you were dating.
“Until he asks me to be his girlfriend, he and I are just friends.” You say, smiling.
She giggles quietly into the microphone still in her hand. “That’s fair.”
The crowd starts chanting. “Ask her! Ask her!”
Jared starts chanting with them and starts smacking the arms of his chair. 
Jensen laughs and raises one hand. “Alright. Alright.”
The crowd cheers and goes silent. The girl hands the microphone back to the convention attendant. You look back at Jensen, grinning.
“You don’t have to if you don’t wanna. Don’t have to give into peer pressure and all that.” You say.
He smirks. “Sweetheart, they never warned me about this type of peer pressure in school. And, it’s good they didn’t. They would have failed, epicly, ‘cause I’d give into it in a heartbeat. So...what do you say? Will you be my girlfriend?”
The crowd stays silent as everyone waits on bated breath for my response. Jared watches you, grinning, waiting. Jensen sucks in a deep breath as his shiny white teeth dig into his bottom lip. You lean your head back and bite your lip, pretending to think. The smile that you can’t stop from spreading across your face gives him your answer before you can get the words out.
He grins. “Yeah?”
You giggle. “Yeah! But! You still owe me 50 burgers and a dozen milkshakes!”
He, along with everyone else in the room, starts laughing. His arms tighten around you a little and he holds you closer.
“Yes, ma’am!” He smiles. “I’ll get you all the burgers and milkshakes your heart desires.”
You giggle. “Good. Then, yes. I’ll be your girlfriend. And, continue watching movies with you at midnight, Smooth Criminal.”
He laughs. “Hell yeah!”
Everyone in the crowd starts screaming excitedly and Jared stands up from his chair. He starts clapping loudly.
“Yes!” He says with a huge smile on his face. “This was definitely worth the risk of being turned into Moose Stew!”
You laugh and shake your head. “You’ll still pay for this, Jared! You’re buying the first round of 50 burgers and a dozen milkshakes!”
He laughs. “Deal!”
Lexi yells out. “KISS!! KISS!”
Pretty soon, the entire room is chanting it with her. You blush and look at Jensen. 
“Are you ok with that? If not, we don’t have to-” He starts to say.
You cut him off by happily kissing him. You don’t know why you’re not nervous to do so, but you don’t complain. It just seems right. And, the moment you feel his lips against yours, and his words die off in the kiss, being replaced with a smile as he happily returns it, you know it was the right move to make. Oh, it was definitely right.
Everything in that moment just seems to slow down around you. Your eyes flutter close as your lips meet. The crowd’s cheers become almost silent. And, despite being in front of a large group of people with cameras flashing, suddenly, it’s like it’s only Jensen and you. Everything just falls into place. You never believed in kisses holding power like this...not until this moment.
 You smile against his lips and a moment later, amidst a still loudly cheering crowd, you slowly pull back.
“Does that answer your question?” You tease.
He chuckles and nods fast. “It does. Now, let’s get outta here and do that again.”
“Woah woah woah...Wait till I leave you two alone. I wanna get food first.” Jared says, into his microphone causing everyone to laugh.
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deci-doodles · 5 months
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Misc assortment of OC doodles from recently that I had no idea how to post individually so I’ll just compile them :p feat previously shown family members+Tiziri in some outfits besides her Eremite one, and also me attempting to design Itto’s parents coz why not
More info+rambling under the cut
Aight SO,
Tiziri’s the Eremite lady that Tesey’s head over heels for and can’t blame him, she’s very charming, very competent, and won’t hesitate to call him out lol. She’s also the current successor in place for the matriarch (Tizemt) of her adoptive tribe (the Ifri, named after the goddess not the demons lol). They don’t exist in lore since the other two main GoF worshipping tribes don’t really fit the area of influence I wanted to use and Tanit were also a definite no go so instead, the Ifri are a smaller tribe that had branched off from the Tanit but under their current matriarch, have been slowly trying to make themselves more self sufficient and independent, with Tiziri being taken in by them as a child. after they took down the raiding party which had targeted her original tribe and family.
As of current game events, Tesey had been trying to collaborate with the Ifri with textile trading since he believed their work could sell really well in a more international market, so Tiziri’s been assigned to keep an eye on him and also just get a grasp of what kind of a person he is before letting him into their territory and all that (luckily for him he’s long passed the vibe check but after Fontaine’s AQ he had to make an emergency trip back to Morepesok).
Anyways I thought it’d be fun to draw her in a modern Moroccan caftan, but also a Ukrainian folk outfit since she does eventually make a trip over to Morepesok to visit Tesey’s family when they get together. Anyways like Kirena, Tonia and their mother, Oksana (I’ll post their design eventually wsojcndwoc), I’ve based it off outfits from the Luhansk area (go check out these blogposts for references I used for the embroidery it’s such a life saver, but yeah their mum’s side would be from the Donbas irl, dad’s from Zaporizhzhia). Jewellery’s primarily based off Amazigh jewellery from southern Morocco, as well as some Tuareg ones and also a few strings of Ukrainian korali ehe (they’re a gift from Tesey later on as a sign of his intent to take things more seriously and his sincerity). I tried my best with the tattoos since I didn’t want to just trace someone else’s given how personal they are but if anyone has any sources on Moroccan Amazigh tattoos please let me know 🙇🏻‍♀️
Next bit is just me realising that a good chunk of my labelled OCs (most aren’t) happen to be aspec, which I find absolutely hilarious (fyi I’m ace myself so this isn’t malicious I just think it’s funny how it keeps happening). Kageharu and Mingli are probs also some flavour of aro but I haven’t figured it out yet so they just have their ace labels for now
And, finally, Arataki Natsuki (荒瀧凪月) and Arataki Takenosuke (荒瀧岳之輔). Apparently I felt like revisiting old ideas from 2021 again weciswnjdsq, but still was fun to do. I’m aware it’s more likely Itto’s mother was also an oni (judging by his troubles voiceline regarding Granny Oni) but I thought it’d be interesting to explore what it could be like for humans given how prevalent oni discrimination is, both towards them but also towards humans who are close to them (again: see the voiceline on Granny Oni), as well as people learning to look past assumptions and all that fun stuff. They could’ve lived out a nice cottagecore life with their son if it weren’t for those damned robberies they got blamed for smh
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Bonus concept portrait of Natsuki while I’m at it. Tbh one of my biggest pet peeves in designing related characters is making any character too similar to whichever canon character they’re related too and I just really wanted to show that yes, Itto does have quite a few of his mother’s features. It’d be more helpful if I actually drew him to compare ofc, but motivation do be funky like that and my brain wants me to draw Oksana next 😔
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frankcastlescumslut · 2 years
On the Sea - Chapter Three: Unsurfaced
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Your occasional absence poked and prodded at the dormant monster that lay buried beneath one of many fractured ribs; it was somewhat soothing to him, though. The uncomfortable gnawing at his heartstrings reminded him that he was alive and that, for some reason, he was allowed to try again.
Synopsis: Frank busies himself while you’re away and reflects on his experience with love. Meanwhile, your secrets become unsurfaced.
Warnings: ANGST LOL!!!! some fluff, mentions of grieving, angry/emotionally unwell Frank, brief mention of blood and violence
A/N: the next couple of chapters will be from Frank’s perspective!! just for clarification: FLASHBACKS are in italics!!
FEEEEDBACK/REBLOGS/COMMENTS/LIKES are so appreciated and welcomed. I’m seriously like a kid on christmas when I hear from you guys and your theories. thank you SO much for taking the time to interact and read. <3
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Outstretched arms blindly grasped for something they would not find. Pulling away at the cool sheets that covered your side of the bed, Frank inhaled deeply, eyes remaining shut, as he breathed in the remnants of your shampoo laced pillows. He drew them closer to his body with a sigh, relishing in the hints of your presence.
Rays of sunlight covered his broad body in a warm sheen as they streamed through the linen curtains, beckoning him to start his day. He rolls further into your pillows with a groan as the curtains flutter- the beaming light spotlighting his relaxed features. 
His eyes begrudgingly blink away the remnants of sleep as he sprawls out in the center of the bed, appreciating the extra space for only a fraction of a second. The alarm clock read 9:30, and he couldn't help the way his chest became heavy as he accepted your absence. 
It was silly; he knew that. You were only gone for a day- two, at most- and yet he felt like a lost puppy, wandering aimlessly in pursuit of something to fill his time. The feeling of boredom, and a little helplessness, frightened him at first. 
He was comfortable with the nomad lifestyle- the vigilante, rogue ex-Marine, Punisher lifestyle. It started off as vengeance; retribution for the merciless slaughtering of his family, and it would always point back to Maria, Lisa, and Frank Jr. He was grateful that you were empathetic and understood, somehow a little too completely, but the focus of his actions gradually and microscopically shifted to something else entirely: you.
His thoughts were pulled away from the mechanics of your relationship by the grumbling of his stomach. 
The tile floor was cold under his shuffling feet as he stumbled to the kitchen with a yawn. An aroma of coffee grounds and burnt flour? lingered through the open space. The coffee was still warm in the pot, a mug labeled ‘World’s Best Dad’ placed beside it.
The mug was a Christmas gift from you. Although you meant well, the misconstrued message took him by surprise, and he nearly passed out on the living room floor out of sheer shock. No! No! I’m not- no! It’s for you! For Frank and Lisa and- No! Not me! You both laugh about it now, having only been dating for five months, but he wouldn’t have minded if it were the other way around. He wouldn’t tell you that, but you could have guessed it by the brief sadness that dawned on his features, practically teasing the green dragon. Nonetheless, the gift meant everything to him.
Frank, I tried really hard to make heart-shaped pancakes; I swear.  Don’t look in the garbage. Graniteville on me. <3
Your handwritten note rested below the mug with a $20 bill sitting directly on top. 
He chuckled as he propped the garbage can lid open with a finger, noting the charred pancakes sitting close to the top. You may have been an excellent baker, but pancakes were not your strong suit. Realistically, though, he would accept anything from you- burnt food, ironic gifts, a welcome mat to the apartment, regularly packed lunches and handwritten notes- because that was the way you showed your love, especially towards him. He would never fault you for that, seeing as he also had a difficult time expressing his affections with words. You both tried in the beginning, but it felt forced- like you were actors trying to portray being in love, when really, all you needed was the comfortable silence, consistent actions, and finger taps. 
He was out the door within ten minutes of reading your note- the $20 still sat on the counter. 
Plates clattering against one another, the pouring of liquid into empty cups, and the hushed mumbling of multiple conversations filled the diner with a comfortable ambiance. Frank sat in his usual spot, drinking his usual black coffee, eating his usual order of three eggs over easy, bacon and sourdough bread. “Do you ever get anything else?” You asked, laughing into a bite of his sourdough bread. “Ever heard of the saying ‘if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it’?”
A copy of Moby Dick was opened to a random page, but he wasn’t comprehending what he was reading. 
“Anything catchin’ your eye?” you stood next to him, rearranging the books on the shelf. 
Yes, you. 
He couldn’t speak the first time he saw you. It was like he was a man possessed- overcome by a supernatural force that he’d rather not question- wondering what he did to be graced by your presence. 
“Moby Dick?” You were facing him, eyebrows raised in curiosity, a sly smirk resting against your lips as you waited for an answer.
It’s been a while since someone rendered him speechless. Sure, he’d come in contact with plenty of beautiful women before, but this was different- you prompted rusted wheels that hadn’t moved in nearly six years to turn. 
“Uh,” he cleared his hoarse throat. “Yeah. Yeah, Moby Dick.” He nodded and held up the copy, lips pressed thin together, desperately trying not to meet your eye. 
“You like the classics, then?” Books rubbed together as you pushed them into their correct positions. You noticed how stiff his posture was, tense and defensive, yet his eyes kept sneaking glances towards your profile. 
He responds with a sharp nod and somewhat of a grunt, and you hide a smile- it’s like you were looking into a mirror, except your reflection was a large, brooding man that you instantly recognized from years before. 
Call it fate, curiosity, or just plain stupidity, your feet had carried you to the bookshelf he studied without a plan in mind.You were going in blind, which was extremely unlike you and your calculated demeanor, yet there you stood, attempting to hold a conversation with the Punisher. 
“What about you?” His voice was softer than you expected, and you finally faced him, cheeks instantly burning under his direct gaze.
Damn it, he’s gorgeous.
God, she’s pretty.
“I uh,” it was your turn to clear your throat. “Yeah, you could say that.” You tried to hold your ground, you swear you did, but it was over when his lips curled into a genuine, bashful smile.
Get it together, man. He beat himself up over how difficult it was to form a coherent thought, especially when you looked up at him with gentle eyes and warm cheeks. 
“Readin’ anything good?” He attempted to lean against the shelf in a blase fashion, but the books fell into each other like dominoes, causing him to crawl in on himself and wish he were invisible.
Your laugh ricochets through the narrow aisle, earning a few reminders to be quiet, as you watch his face pale and his eyes bulge out of his head in embarrassment. 
“Shit- I’m sorry. Here, let me-'' large hands pressed the books upright, a few landing on the floor between your bodies. 
Laughs turned to snorts as you tried to contain yourself- whether it was his visible reaction or the way he seemed to make the cleaning efforts worse, you weren’t sure, but it was a welcomed distraction from your typical routine. 
“It’s okay, really” you lean over to retrieve the fallen books, stopping when a jolt of electricity coursed through your body.
Calloused fingertips rested against your knuckles, barely pressing into your hand, but it was enough for the air to get stuck in your throat. You wonder if he also felt the electricity, or if you were just imagining things. 
You pull away first, a twinge of disappointment? stinging in its place. 
“The Scarlet Letter.” He perks up at your statement. “What’s that?” His head cocked to the side as he racked his brain for pieces of the previous conversation. 
“You asked if I was reading anything good…” He watches the smile creep up to the corner of your mouth. “The Scarlet Letter. It’s one of my favorites.” 
“That’s, uh, the one with the evil baby?” His heart swells at the sound of your laughter, wishing he could listen to it forever. 
“Yeah! Yeah, that one.” You bear a full grin as your green dragon swirls around your head. 
He’s blinded by your smile, perfectly content if that was the last thing he ever laid his eyes on. It’s genuine, he notices, and it makes the corner of your eyes crinkle. There’s a certain twinkle that appears, reminiscent of joy, but fleeting- like life. 
God. He would do anything to make you smile like that again.
“Pete.” The moniker surprises you as he extends his hand.  
“Honey.” You lie, meeting his grasp. 
“Honey. Like the-” 
“Yes, like the byproduct of bees.” 
The grass was damp with remnants of the morning dew, collecting against the stretched laces and worn leather of combat boots. Frank could have walked to Central Park with his eyes closed and ears plugged. His stride was practically etched onto the concrete sidewalk that led to his destination. 
He would call it his home away from home if it hadn’t been where one of his lives ended abruptly. Yet, by some cosmic intervention or irony, it became the source of something else entirely for him. A new life- a second chance. 
Your occasional absence poked and prodded at the dormant monster that lay buried beneath one of his many fractured ribs. It was somewhat soothing to him, though. The uncomfortable gnawing at his heartstrings reminded him that he was alive and that, for some reason, he was allowed to try again. 
It hasn’t always been easy to return to the birthplace of the Punisher. The first time he paid his respects to his family, he returned to the tiny apartment with bloody knuckles and a busted lip. The first time he took you to his place of solace, he nearly collapsed at the splintering bones in his side- the guilt was overwhelming and the monster gnashed its teeth, but the discomfort became manageable as you interlaced your fingers with his. 
Grief, for that’s what it was, transformed into a shape that he welcomed. 
“Used to come here a lot, with my family.” The cold metal of the park bench holds him upright, coffee cup warming his hands. 
“Yeah?” You’re taken aback by the statement, but relax into the bench as you cross your legs, anticipating his next memory. 
“Yeah. Kids loved it. Loved the people, flying kites… the damn hot dogs.” His laugh is genuine, and you can’t help but laugh along, trying to ignore the green dragon that encroaches. 
“Maria made the best picnics.” The unfamiliar name pulled at your chest as he took a sip of the lukewarm coffee. 
“She, uh, she always had to have some kinda Italian shit. I thought it was weird at first, you know? Who brings pasta to a picnic?” He chuckles as he watches the pairs of families scattered throughout the park. 
“But she knew better- always did.” You’re quick to steal a glance at his face, hoping to find some indication of- what? sadness? You aren’t entirely sure, so you watch the people, swallowing your own hesitation as he swallows his drink.
“Andrew loved pasta.” You huff a small smile and hold your breath.
“He loved it all. Spaghetti, ravioli, fettuccine.” Your head nods automatically, as if an invisible puppeteer controlled it. 
“I, uh, got him a homemade pasta maker for his birthday one year.” The laugh that leaves your lips is genuine, and you feel Frank’s gaze, unable to meet his eye. 
“He died a couple years ago, like, 3 months before the wedding.” You say matter-of-factly. 
“That sucked.” The laugh was devoid of any emotion. 
“You know you don’t get refunds for wedding shit? Even if they’re murdered. Now that’s funny.” You still don’t look at him. 
“Honey.“ You cringe at the fake name and the green dragon laughs. 
“Frank.” His brows furrowed in disbelief as you address him by his real name, trying not to show too much shock. 
“I haven’t been honest with you, and I’m sorry for that.” Quickly wiping away a tear, you face him and your dragon. 
“Can I try again?“
You introduce yourself again, your real name rolling off your tongue easily.
The cold metal of the park bench holds him upright as he finishes the cheap cup of coffee, signaling the end of his scheduled reverence. 
 He floats through the crowds of people that swarm the park, practically invisible, without the white skull adorned to his chest. It’s a welcomed feeling, being able to exist without really living. He was so used to the shadows that he nearly burned underneath the warmth of your smile the first time he spotted you nearly a year ago. It’s amusing to think about how quickly he adjusted and tanned beneath your glow. 
Heavy leather boots trudged against the welcome mat outside of the apartment before he let himself in, the smell of burnt pancakes no longer wafting throughout the empty apartment. He exhales against the closed door at the familiarness of your shared space, eager to decompress and soothe the monster under his ribs.
The couch sinks beneath his weight as he flops against the cushions, allowing a worn leather journal to fall to the ground next to his feet. 
The air is heavy and stagnant as he makes sense of the sight below him. No way in hell, he thought to himself, fighting against the urge to bring your secrets to the surface. He knew your journal housed intimate details, ones that you would share when you were ready, some you already had. To invade your privacy would completely go against everything he believed in. It would delegitimize the very foundations of your relationship, and he knew there would be no justification in the world that would excuse his prying. 
And yet, the journal seemed to scream his name. 
He felt as if he were finally being punished for his crimes. Details regarding your life, regarding your family, regarding you, were inches away from his reach. He desperately wanted to know everything about you, yet you hid away in the ink stained pages. God damn it. God damn you. 
His heartbeat rings in his ears as he contemplates the consequences of learning more about you, weighing the cost of his reputation and the odds of your forgiveness. 
Footsteps echo throughout the apartment as Frank paces back and forth on a routine path. Arms curl behind his head and his breathing is heavy and uneven while he attempts to make sense of his luck. It landed there for a reason, right? Had to. She wouldn’t have just left it. Maybe she did this on purpose? Maybe she wanted me to find the journal! No, she wouldn’t. Fuck. 
The leather was cool against his sweaty palm. His thumb pressed into the spine as he turned the diary over, pages fluttering with the sudden movement. It takes every ounce of self restraint to not indulge in your openness, and he almost congratulates himself on his control, until he notices the dried, splatter-shaped stains that painted the page. 
From the moment I met you, I knew my life was complete. For the first time in my life, everything made sense, and it felt like I could breathe again. It breaks my heart to be away from you, C, and I hope one day you can understand why I can’t be with you and why I had to leave. My life only feels complete when you are with me. I know it probably doesn’t look that way, but it’s the truth, and it’s getting harder and harder to leave you each time. I miss you. With every fiber of my being.  You are the love of my life and that will never change, I promise. I love you forever, my baby you’ll be. 
The entry is dated from a few days ago. 
Pages upon pages hold similar, secret declarations of love, and the air leaves Frank’s lungs as his eyes wildly scan the confessions. His fingers threaten to rip your life from its hiding place as he attempts to comprehend what he is reading. The leather nearly folds in half underneath the weight of his grip as an unearthed and forgotten part of him recognizes your last stanza. 
Everything turns to red. 
Glass shatters from somewhere in the room as the journal leaves his hold. The wooden coffee table crashes against the hard floor, sending magazines and coasters flying throughout the living room. Windows catch the pillows that are hurled towards them, and a candle explodes as it hits the door. Frank roars with unidentified emotions; shoving, throwing, and kicking anything that stood in the path of his torment. 
It felt like a betrayal. It feels like betrayal. To have you enmeshed in his life, to become his life- all to hide it away in the pages of a book. Was anything real? Was anything you confessed to him actually real? 
The heel of his boot makes contact with the edge of the couch, sending it in an awkward direction as it thuds against the wrong wall and dents the stucco. He doesn’t process the skin breaking against his knuckles as he slams his fist into the wall, leaving splatters of blood in its wake. 
Had he imagined it all? Had he imagined the way you cried in Central Park as you introduced yourself all over again? Had he imagined the way you bit his sourdough toast in the shape of a heart, just to give it back to him? Had he imagined the way you told him you loved him for the first time, tripping over your words and under the downpour of rain, eager to beat him at the proclamation? Did you mean it when you told him you loved him with three small taps against his hand? 
Or were your three taps a secret plea to ‘set me free’?
The pile of glass that framed the beloved Central Park picture crunches under the weight of his knees. Droplets of blood emerge as shards slice against his skin as he dusts off the image, gingerly cradling it in his hold. 
You lean against him in the photo, completely unaware that he had decided he was going to marry you that day. He wasn’t sure what that would look like or if you would even consider that kind of commitment again, but he would face the embarrassment of rejection a million times if it meant there was a possibility that you would say yes to even one of those proposals.
Tears land against the picture as he recounts that day. 
The Universe must be a sadist. He isn’t sure if he’s facing some kind of karmic cycle or if he was just destined to suffer alone in this lifetime. His mind retraces every decision he has ever made, wondering what kind of life he would be living if his reputation hadn’t preceded him. Would he have found you if he never became the Punisher? Would he have found Maria if he had never joined the Marines? Would the universe allow him to be a father at all?
Your face flashes through his mind like a sick joke, causing him to curl in on himself as he sobs into his bloody hands. He was never one to play into his own fantasies, but maybe he had purposefully overlooked the way your face dropped whenever he mentioned the prospect of having children. Maybe he had turned a blind eye to the way your lip quivered when he complimented your natural, motherly tendencies. Perhaps it was wishful thinking when he unwrapped the mug addressed to him. Had he really trapped you? Would he ever hear the truth?
A shaky exhale leaves his lips as he gains his composure, wiping away the remnants of sadness from his cheeks. The picture folds in on itself as he shoves it in his pocket before standing to his feet, glass crunching beneath him as he steadies himself. 
The state of the apartment doesn’t bother him, but he knew you would worry if you found it in this condition- he knew you would worry about him. He cringes at the way he still cares for your feelings, the knot in his throat nearly choking him.
The couch slides into its original place and the coffee table thuds as it’s flipped to its correct position. Couch cushions huff against the large body that collapses against it. Frank leans against his knees, mind racing, yet blank at the same time. He feels hollow. 
He winces slightly as his injured hand reaches for the phone buried in his pocket, ashamed about what he was going to do. 
“Well, long time no see!” The man laughs at his own joke. “David.” Frank clears his throat to mask the emotions. “How are you and Honey? Sarah and I were just talking about you guys the other day.” He’s too cheerful, and the mention of you causes a wave of anger to surge through Frank’s body. “Good- yeah, we’re good.” “Clearly not if you’re calling me.” His grin is evident through the phone.  “Look-” a bloody hand wipes over his face in defeat. “Could you please just help me find her?” He’s embarrassed as the words leave his lips. The defeat is noticeable in his tone, and David opts to minimize the sarcasm. “Yeah. Yeah, man, just… Just gimme a sec.”
Frank had a tracking device installed in your car once you had told him about your previous work and his identity had been revealed, although he never told you about it. Just in case, he would tell himself. Just in case of circumstances where you may have been hunted or kidnapped, not away on your monthly family visit- if that‘s even a thing. The guilt that festers in his stomach turns to anger as he perseverates over your deceit. 
“What’s in Staten Island?” David’s voice shocks him. “Staten Island?” “Yeah. Specifically… Uh… St. Peter's Cemetery?” He sounds just as confused as Frank.
His brows furrow as he desperately tries to remember anything that could connect you to a cemetery- His head jolting up at the revelation.
“Thanks, David. Tell Sarah and the kids I say hello.” 
The phone call ends as the apartment door closes, hiding the evidence of a broken heart.
chapter four
A/N:AHHHHHH. How are we feeling? How are we holding up? Are we ready for dark and stalker!Frank?? EEEEE. ALSO- I literally wrote the library flashback WEEKS ago and just so happened to find a picture of Moby Dick AND The Scarlet Letter TOGETHER on Pinterest???? That app is possessed, I fear. Anyways. THANK YOU FOR READING. BRACE YOURSELVES.
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