#do it for the lgbt and the fanfic writers and the fanfic readers who are clearly pining for a little bit of buddie in their lives
shitfacedalways · 2 years
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r6shippingdelivery · 2 years
There’s been a lot of talk about AO3 and censorship lately, due to one of the candidates to the OTW board. And I realised I have very strong Opinions:tm: about censorship and the freedom AO3 stands for.
Censorship is not a solution. It doesn’t work and it’s not even easily agreed upon where the line should be drawn. What some people might deem as immoral or reprehensible is not the same others will consider so. For example, you and me can agree that sexual stories about minors turn our stomach, yet other people would also include LGBT+ content there, even the sfw ones, and others might decide that any sexual content at all is immoral. So, how do we agree about what to ban, when nothing of it is even illegal?
because let’s be honest, it’s all fiction. As in, not real. Things like incest, rape and pedophilia are illegal irl, but not in fiction. Cause they’re not harming anyone. Really. You can find it disgusting, I certainly do, but I also recognize no person, no actual human, is harmed in the making of those stories. Because they’re made up and about made up characters. I won’t seek it out, and if I see someone making that kind of content I will most probably avoid them/block them (without harassing them), but they have the right to create any kind of fiction they want.
It always baffles me how readily understood that is when it comes to murder and violence in fiction. Nobody thinks that someone who writers murder mysteries or procedural shows really wants to go out and kill people. However, as soon as it’s about sex, people are up in arms ready to believe that those make believe scenarios are an indicative of someone’s real desires. Why is that? And since we’re on the topic of double standards: why are people clutching their pearls about fanfic, but literature gets a free pass, more or less? You go into a library and you’ll find lots of books with shocking and distasteful topics, including those that contain pedophilic content (like Lolita, to put a famous example), incest (Game of Thrones, among many others), rape, murder, etc. But they want me to believe that fanfic, the medium with severely impaired social acceptance and magnitudes smaller reach, is the actual problem that will “normalize” those ideas? Nah fam, I smell a moral panic, and people finding fanfic writers easier to bully into submission. Because this is all about controlling what forms of creative expression are deemed acceptable. Fanfic IS a form of art, popular art if you will, but still art. And by virtue of how AO3 is designed, it’s ridiculously easy to never see the kind of stories that you find objectionable.
Tags are a wonderful thing. I can specify what I want and what I don’t want in my story results when searching! Tags are the author being responsible and giving due warning. Especially the “dead dove: do not eat” tag, it lets you know that the content of the story will have questionable content, proceed at your own risk or keep scrolling. Same as the “chose to not use archive warnings” that one is a warning in itself that the story might contain triggering/upsetting content, and it’s the prerogative of each reader to decide whether they’re comfortable continuing reading or not. Ultimately, it’s all about taking responsibility for one’s decisions. People who are in favor of censorship in AO3 either don’t know how to control and curate what materials they access, or feel entitled to everyone else taking their morals into account instead of taking responsibility for their own experience in the archive.
None of the stories on AO3 is illegal. Fictional stories are not illegal, not even those dealing with unsavory topics. The archive makes people agree to continue reading whenever you click on a story with a certain rating (or without any rating at all, just in case!), so the reader is giving their consent to continue reading, they’re making an informed choice. Same as with the tags. They’re there, they’re a warning. If someone reads the tags, finds them displeasing and still continues reading, that’s on them. If I find a story with tags about rape/non-con, for example, I keep scrolling. Cause I know I will find the story displeasing and upsetting. The people clutching their pearls and going “but think of the children!” are, mostly, people who refuse that responsibility and ask the world to accommodate them and their morality. And then throw around words like pedohilia and accusations of “kiddie porn” careleslly, watering down the seriousness of such accusations. No, an explicit fanfic of twin, underage siblings going at it is not CSA. Cause there’s no real children involved in it. It might be disgusting for a lot of people (me included), understandably, but you can 100% avoid reading it and interacting with the people who write those. 
Finally, let’s not forget the recent history of fandom spaces, shall we? LiveJournal and Fanfiction.net both had purges of content, after some campaigns for censorship gained traction and popularity. So now everything relating to certain topics is eliminated! Well, except that also includes communities of support for survivors of sexual abuse (it happened in LJ). Well, except that the people pressuring for censorship weren’t happy with the gay smut either, so a lot of LGBT related stuff is now also gone! (happened both in LJ and ff.net). Except, in some countries anything sexual at all, is frowned upon, so why not ban that too? Censorship supporters will always move the goalposts, forever shifting their aim whenever they accomplish something. Because it’s easier and more comfortable to make others conform to their standards than accepting some artistic expressions will be uncomfortable to some people. And trust me, none of them will care if the dark fic in question was written by a survivor of similar experiences trying to cope with their trauma or raise awareness, or if it was done simply for titillation or to safely explore different scenarios in fiction. And the topics that were banned in those websites didn’t disappear at all, they just weren’t properly warned for/detailed in the summaries, so anyone could stumblre upon them by accident. The complete opposite of what happens in AO3.
AO3 was created by people who lived through those censorship events in different fandom spaces, as a response to it. To seeing whole communities and swathes of fan content being unceremoniously deleted overnight. AO3 is an archive and an online library, not a social media platform. It’s a safe haven for anyone to host their fan creations, but that doesn’t mean it’s a safe space as people understand the term in other platforms. In AO3 you make your safe space by using the tags. Because that is the only real way we can have a safe haven for EVERYONE. 
The thing about freedom of speech is that sometimes, you have to defend things you dislike (that, I repeat, are legal in this case), because experience has shown time and time again that as soon as you give an inch to the censors, they take more and more. And today they’re up in arms about “pedophilic fanfics”, but once that is done? It might be all nsfw content, it might be trans related content, it might be something else. But it will happen. 
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mywitchcultblr · 2 years
I'm done with your purity
I'm fucking done with all of you westerners fucks who take your freedom for granted. AO3 was banned in china because pissy fans reporting RPF TO THE GOVERNMENT UNDER FALSE REPORT OF PEDO OR WHATEVER thus making life a living hell for Chinese writers and fans. ALSO LET ME TELL YOU that fanfic and AO3 is a safe space for many oppressed LGBT people outside of the west
I can't fucking say that I'm trans and bi without having people beating the shit out of me, but I can fuckin' write that I'm gay as fuck in fanfic or writing gay shit about my fave with fanfic
Imagine some people defending state wide censorship over fanfic, because they don't like icky fanfic, that's a sign that either you are brainwashed or fucking privileged and taking your freedom for granted. You know why Asian and other non western USA-European are more chill with fanfic and fandom?
Why we are less prone to make some stupid callout over fanworks?
Because most of us doesn't have the same information and expression privilege like the west, we take any freedom that we can have
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That's in 2017... There's probably more than one million websites being censored rn. I cannot even buy pride pin here because NO ONE outside of internet selling it! The censorship always begin from "banning information to protect children and moral from nsfw" down to censoring Spongebob Squarepants
You don't like something? Just don't fucking read it, it wouldn't stop the author to write and when they do stop writing usually after they are harassed so bad to the point of mental break down or suicide. What the actual fuck...
Defending and supporting state wide censorship because you want to feel superior on the internet is beyond stupid and it showing your privilege... Also yah fuck you who defend china aggressive state wide censorship because adult x adult RPF icky or whatever, I like reading Tom Hiddleston x Reader, because I'm lonely and it's fun. Don't lie that you never thinking of marrying your favorite celebrities or dreaming about dating Gerard Way.
What the fuck you gonna do about it? Crucify my ass? So long you are not shoving it to the person's face, who give a fuck? It's not a justifiable ground to cheer for government mandated national wide censorship. A lot of westerners are so privileged and terminally online to the point their mind revolve around online discourse 24/7 I'm not saying discourse has no damn merits but you get what I said...
Some people particularly white westerners are so privileged they have the chance to goes back 180° and agreeing with conservative mindset they claim to hate so much... Also your kink critical bullshit and your bullshit crusading over dark stories? Yeah. Heavily influenced by TERF and conservatism. Newsflash...
I'm not a person who agree with all ship or stories, i don't claim any moral high ground. I was so scared of getting cancelled due to the hostile neo puritan fandom culture, but seeing people defending China great firewall and aggressive censorship finally broke something inside of me and I cannot stay quiet
I don't give a fuck about your fanfic discourse, If i don't like something i just wouldn't fucking engage with it and wouldn't read...
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I'm done, I'm tired. Fucking tagging this shit as anti vs pro because i need to get the message out there and LET THE CHAOS begin
( When you want to escape your country censorship to the internet but then you see the supposed liberated westerners people wanting censorship because they want to feel moral. Yes there are even westerners who don't want to see anything even remotely 'problematic' example: they will attack Zutara or fuckin' Reylo shipper whatever. See? You are terminally online and so privileged... Congratulations... Here's your fucking medal and gold star)
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yonemurishiroku · 9 months
Do you think that the solangelo contains more of a forceful representation, and if so, what is your advice to authors who are trying to make lgbtq+ representation seem more a part of the story/flow with the story then the opposing option?
May 22nd. I'm so sorry, my mind has been going off track for a while. I'm really sorry for the delay. 😭😭
So, regarding Solangelo as a representation, well this is gonna be hard to say lol. This has been circling the fandom since the day of its emergence, and this is certainly not a good time but eh penny for my thought ig.
Now. I suppose I have a very varying definition of representation, but let's not dwell on that. As for now, I can say that I do consider Solangelo somewhat forcefully developed. As in, the term of writing, plot-wise, etc...
It's quite difficult to say. I have no problem with Solangelo as a couple - or their dynamic - per se. Rather, it's the pacing that throws me off. This has been addressed in many posts - Solangelo has a quite... abrupt (?) takeoff. I just felt like Rick did not mean to make them a thing but just a spur of a moment - something small and... promising that you left hanging at the end of the series for reader's interpretation, for whatever reason (This actually lines up with Boo's time of releash I think? The LGBTQ+ literature being unpopular I mean).
In fact, Solangelo's whole developing process happened behind the curtains - as in, we're told, not shown. Imagine. In BOO, their friendship just barely sprouts, and the next time we see them again in TOA, they're already a couple. For the longest time possible, it was left to the reader/fanfic writers to deduce wth happen for them to become a couple in like idk 6 months? (A pretty fast process for someone like Nico imo. but that's just me).
Something like that is bound to raise some doubts.
The full picture itself is only revealed - partly, and through second reminiscence, mind you - in TSATS. It's also the reason TSATS feels kinda off to me, ig - the fact that some parts actually misalign with the established canon events, or appear like a patch to cover a hole in the piece of fabric. And some others just straight up fall into the what-the-f-was-in-your-mind-rick category. I doubt it was even Rick's initial plan to come up with TSATS in the first place.
However, it's also worth acknowledging that, whilst it would certainly help, Rick hardly has the capacity to fully-build another 5-book romance for Solangelo. That's as far as it can go (I usually think this to placate myself at the thought of the ship being undeveloped). Nico is not the franchise's protagonist (more like deuteragonist I guess), no matter how far this story goes and how widely loved he is, let alone Will.
On to the advice part.
Please keep in mind that I am, in no way, a professional or good writer, nor do I study sexual orientation and/or identity theory (I barely know the flags). I've also grown up and received education in an Estern (somewhat conserative?) country, so please take whatever I say with a grant of salt.
Now. When it comes to "make it seem more a part of the story", I... actually don't know how to say this...
Just look at the all the BL mangas (Japanese comics) and danmeis (Chinese BL literature) and BL manhwas (Korean comics). I have been reading BoyLove longggg before I even came to PJO, you know? The Eastern fandoms have surprisingly extensive LGBT content for a conservative culture, anw they have been telling and/or drawing stotries upon stories about same-sex couples since the dawn of internet. They don't even need to try. They have the image of a love, a story in their mind and just... go along with it.
You don't make it a part of the story. The story is either about it (much or little), or just nothing at all.
I'm saying making a story about it - rather than trying to incorporate it into the story. Give it background and enough development, it'd progress itself. You don't give it anything, of course it'd feel flat. This goes with any type of romance, not just LGBTQ+.
The problem with Solangelo itself, imo, is not the nature of their relationship (tho I do admit somtimes Rick makes me go wtf), but rather how they're portrayed. And furthermore, said portray in proportion to people's expectation. Solangelo, by all means, is a side-story at best (unless Rick manages to come up with a trilogy about their journey from start to finish idk 🤷‍♀️). People like it, so they tend to expect more from it, but the author's just a human.
I think this is everything... My thoughts are kinda in a jumble as I'm writing this, so feel free to ask if something doesn't make sense... This is also just my personal view lol don't take it too seriously if it differs from yours too much.
Lastly, I know my advice would probably not do much, however I hope for you to find your way to tell your stories the best you can!
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sotwk · 4 months
Hi there! I love all the detail you’ve put into your OCs, so much so that I sometimes forget that Thranduil’s sons aren’t all canon 😂
I’ve been wondering if any of them (or any other elf OCs you’ve written) are anywhere on the LGBT+ spectrum. It’s no big deal if they aren’t! But I always headcanoned some (maybe even most?) elves to be relatively asexual, and maybe to blur gender lines here and there as well.
I’d love to hear any headcanons or thoughts you have about it!
sometimes forget that Thranduil’s sons aren’t all canon 😂
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That is high praise my friend, thank you for saying so! <3 Thank you for dreaming with me!
Regarding the Thranduilions' places on the LGBT+ spectrum, I don't have hardset headcanons about 4 out of the 5 brothers! (Mirion is the exception--he's straight, and I gave him a SotWK-canon family.) That may sound strange since I go pretty deep about the other aspects of the Princes' characters, but I purposely keep their romantic interests/inclinations/preferences open for interpretation--both mine and readers of my fics.
What I have personally found in fandom is that we enjoy having at least some characters who are not canonically, specifically paired with a love interest, because it allows us the freedom to imagine different possibilities for relationships. Yes, fanfic writers can always defy canon (just as I do with Éomer), but it's just different when you don't have to. (That might make better sense to Type A sticklers like myself.) Examples of such "unattached" Tolkien canons, to name just a few, are Legolas, Boromir, Glorfindel, Bilbo, Thorin, and most of the Dwarves!
So yeah, I want fans of the Thranduilion Brothers (they have fans at this point, hopefully?) to have the freedom to play around and imagine the different ships they favor for them. I want that flexibility for myself too, although I stick to M/F pairings, since that's my specialty. My general rule is to write themes/ships/experiences/characters I am well-versed at, so I can deliver my best to the fandom.
Now regarding Elves, asexuality, and blurred gender roles, I actually think we share similar opinions on that! I'm definitely no expert on asexuality, but Elves do seem to hold less interest in sex compared to mortals. This is why I personally don't write Thranduil as a very sexual character compared to other writers, to a point where he may probably be considered asexual (see more of my HCs about that here). I tend to hold Elrond in this same view, based on his love for and relationship with Celebrian.
I hope that sufficiently answers your question! Thank you again so much for your interest and the Ask! <3
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creepling · 7 months
-- no racists, anti-LGBT+, TERFs, xenophobes, fatphobic and misogynistic people. or just anyone who has hate in their heart. my blog is a safe place so, politely, fuck off.
-- any minors/ageless blogs DNI. i am an adult that writes adult content, and i do not feel comfortable with minors interacting with me. it is for your own safety. if your age/age estimate is visible on your blog and you are over eighteen, i have no problem interacting with you.
-- blank blogs also DNI. this cess-pit of a site is full of bots and i'm not taking my chances. plus, it is restrictive interacting with blogless accounts and i like to do that with my followers.
-- if your account involves proana, ed, self-harm, TERF, right-wing politics, or loli/shota, DNI.
-- my fanfics will consist of dark content, smut and kinks. i tag my fanfics accordingly so DO NOT READ if you are uncomfortable with those subjects. please curate your own online experience, and you are free to block me to avoid my content; i won't take it personally.
-- fiction does not equal reality. i may write about certain things, but that does not mean i condone it irl. take that into consideration when reading my fanfics.
-- also have to drop the "i have a life outside fanfiction" type thing, but we all do. i may fall into inactivity from time to time, and that is okay. please do not demand me of my writing for your own consumption. remember i am a real person and deserve to be treated with respect.
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-- i am a majoritly x reader fanfic writer, but i do ships and oc x canon characters for commissions ONLY.
-- when writing reader i keep fem/gn in mind depending on the work. if you request male reader i'll try my hand at it, but full warning i haven't written male reader before.
-- my inbox is always open, but does not necessarily mean requests are open. for the time being requests are open most of the time, but i am always patient with my works and each request i accept might take a while to complete.
-- if you send a request, please state what you want in the piece. most notably the scenario and fem/gn/male/gen reader. the work will depend on how much i can write and what inspires me, so it can either be a one-shot, drabble or headcanon. i will state at the beginning which one it ends up being.
-- i also have the right to decline requests i do not want to write. whether that be because i do not think i can do it justice or it goes against my rules. if i decline your ask, it is never personal.
-- please refrain from duplicating asks, i always feel bad when i write a request that another writer is also working on. it makes things awkward.
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age gaps (all 18+), breeding, breath play, cuckholding, corruption, dubcon, dacryphilia, drug use, degradation, femdom, fear play, gun play, knife play, kidnapping, mask kink, masturbation, monsterfucking, noncon, overstimulation, pegging, power dynamics, praising, s*x pollen, stepcest, spitting, somnophilia, voyeurism.
age play, bestiality, eating disorders, foot fetish, furry, gender dysphoria, race play, smut involving anything with high schools/minor's spaces, suicide, self-harm, scat, water-sports, vomit, vore (no hate to these categories btw, it's just not my thing).
(reminder these are only for smut and dead dove fanfics, all fluff/angst categories i am fine with)
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THE BATMAN - batman/bruce wayne, edward nashton/the riddler, selina kyle/catwoman.
BALDUR'S GATE III - astarion, gale, shadowheart, karlach, haslin, wyll.
DANONATION (PAUL DANO CHARACTERS) - dwayne hoover, eli sunday, edward nashton, jay (okja), pierre bezukhov, calvin weir-fields, klitz.
HORROR SLASHERS - michael myers, jason vorhees, bubba sawyer, ghostface, tommy slater, candyman, brahms heelshire, bo sinclair, vincent sinclair, lester sinclair.
THE LAST OF US - joel miller, ellie willians, abby anderson.
MIDNIGHT MASS - paul hill, sheriff hassan, riley flynn, erin greene.
RESIDENT EVIL - leon s. kennedy, claire redfield, ada wong, jill valentine, carlos oliveira, ashley graham, luis serra navarro, alcina dimitrescu, karl heisenberg.
SUPERNATURAL - sam winchester, dean winchester, azazel, bobby singer, ava wilson
THE TEXAS CHAINSAW MASSACRE GAME - johnny slaughter, sissy slaughter, danny gaines, leland mckinney, sonny williams, julie crawford, connie taylor, ana flores.
(all subject to change!!)
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Hi! I have a question regarding writing race & ethnicity, as a WOC who growing up consumed white media and saw characters that were displayed a certain way that was white I ended up writing fanfic and my characters were always white. As I’m growing up it’s becoming very frustrating for me, especially as my general knowledge and awareness of systemic racism, the patriarchy, etc. are brought to the forefront of my life and experiences. (& I just want to clarify, I’ve always known they existed but being a young girl I only cared about art and didn’t see how me being a queer WOC would be inspiring for me to write about) But now I am trying to write a story, in which the majority of my characters are black/POC and I’m finding it difficult to incorporate my own experiences into ‘fanfiction material’. Any advice?
I'm keeping this one intact because it's a question I'm sure many writers can relate to. ♥
When it comes to incorporating aspects of yourself into fiction, whether that's being Black, Cherokee, gay, ace, trans, having a disability, having mental illness, being overweight, being a trauma survivor, being neurodiverse--or anything else--being a writer doesn't make you obligated to explore the experiences you've had. You are not letting anyone down by not incorporating your personal experiences with being Black, or gay, or deaf, or autistic into your stories. If you are comfortable doing it, yes, you should absolutely do it, because there are readers out there who need your take on these experiences. But if you don't feel comfortable doing it, you shouldn't force yourself to. Because what's equally important to exploring these experiences is representing the people who have them, and showing that these experiences don't make up their entire identity. In other words, yes, it can be very helpful for a Chinese-American reader to read about someone else's experience growing up as a first generation American child in a Chinese household, but sometimes that reader just wants to read a haunted house mystery where the protagonist happens to be Chinese-American. And yes, you may choose to pepper little bits of your experience as a Chinese-American into this character--in fact you should--but it doesn't have to be a deep dive into microaggressions and racism, cultural conflict, struggling to belong, etc. It can just be incorporating cultural tidbits like food, parent/child relationships, holidays, etc. Because some reader out there is going to read this story and say IT'S ME!!!! And they're going to love that it's not a story about the trials and tribulations of being Chinese-American, but rather about being a Chinese-American teenager who goes off on a wild haunted house adventure with their three best friends.
That's my take, anyway. Incorporate your own experiences into these characters in whatever way feels comfortable, but don't feel like you have to do a scholarly exploration of what it's like to be you.
Also, you may want to take a spin through the following blogs as they may have answered similar questions:
Writing with Color Your Book Could Be Gayer Writing with Diversity Rainbow Writing Script LGBT
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neuroprincess · 1 year
Just a rant here...
I was just talking about a subjetc that triggered many memories of when I was a teenager, WHY THE FUCK DO WE NOT TALK MORE ABOUT SEXUAL PREDATORY WOMEN? As a teenager I fell into the trap of "you look too mature for your age" or "you're so smart, so this and that, etc", not phrases spoken by men but women, I was just a 14/15 year old girl finding out about my sexuality and thinking I was in love with a 24 year old woman because she was the only one who "validated" me. So I ended up in tears feeling like shit when she got tired of me, then along came 24, 28 and even 33 women who used the same clichéd phrases, giving me some attention and I really felt special about it (mostly because I was a child prodigy and thought no one my age understood me, yes, I was a teen shit), they reinforced. At 16 I deprived myself of several things of being a teenager because according to the woman I was with "this is not mature", are psychological reinforcements for the shit that I already faced from the teenage crisis. Male teen predators suck as hell, but I think female predators have more emotional manipulation over teenagers, easily.
I also largely blame the fanfic media tsc tsc especially wattpad tsc tsc, teenagers read this, fanfics that basically romanticize female teachers with much younger students, mature women sleeping with girls. I wasn't the only one who find such a story while researching lgbt+ history, was I? In 2016 it was the theme that had the most in this niche, the stories are still there and have new ones. And unfortunately there are still stories, fanfics and the like that normalize this. And it's all very beautiful, romanticized... Protective, for being with a woman. When not so. It becomes a relationship about power when there is a big difference in age and one is an adult and other not. I'm going to have to use myself as an example again, sorry, but I was 16 and I was with someone aged 24 (almost 25) who always used her age in her favor, like "I know I'm doing it and telling you to do it because you're just a teenager and I'm an adult, don't do shit" and acted as "boss" in the relationship in every way because she was the "mature" one. It was about her being able and I not, about her knowing I wasn't, it was about how she attacked my self-esteem with small and big things, and I know a lot of girls go through something similar. I am very afraid of those who use their gender to get away with this type of psychological abuse (and other types of abuse) in same-sex relationships with teenagers. It's not talked about enough, about women looking for teenagers who don't know what they're doing or are in fragile moments for their own pleasure (and sense of power). Making it clear that I am talking about the age difference between ADULTS AND TEENAGERS, age difference between adult people is totally okay when are healthy and don't have this question of power. It pisses me off that there are still female writers who normalize this shit, I think I've seen three or four one shots with Wanda or Natasha with teenage readers, girl, TOTALLY NOT. And even though it has some dark tags, it can still be considered fucking pedophilia, it's a 16 teenager being coerced by adults to have sex. Dude, it's ok to write dark (I respect those who do, I'm not judging, everyone has their own tastes), but at least don't put teenagers in it. And damn, this content is so accessible to minors on multiple platforms, I bet there's a 1Xs year old reading this and thinking "Oh, an adult can be interested in me like this? Okay, sounds... Interesting?", sometimes they just get into things like that and don't experience anything healthy until adulthood. I have a friend 3 years younger and at 17 she was with someone almost 30, she read these fanfics/stories, idealized a mature and experienced woman as in what she read, at the end of the relationship that bitch stalked and used her until I had to intervene. Now she's having to recover from all the shitty emotional abuse.
Idk, I'm just rambling, but in conclusion I condemn anyone who puts and fetishizes teenagers and children (I love and hate AO3 at the same time), who normalizes relationship between women and underage girls as if it's something beautiful, just tell the truth, they are sexual predators as well as older men who prey on teenagers. Internet is a trap, there is no control, we just have to guide and protect these kids. Sorry for the rant, but I just got mad when I realized it still happens and hardly anyone talks about this shit. If you're a fucking teenager, don't think that's normal, they are adults wanting to take advantage of you just like men. If you have a teen sibling or relative or friend watch out for female predators too, not just males. They are still not fully formed people and need protection, especially lgbt+, we don't know their reality, how they see themselves or see the world, in the end they can be really fragile prey for these women.
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viridescent-din · 1 year
I’m going to be honest here, as a follower of your blog.. these anons are right. Tess wasn’t even included as a character in your most recent fic so there was no need to use her tags at all.
Yes other writers do it too. One of the anons even said that in their message. That the Tess tags are filled with Joel content because a lot of Joel writers are using Tess tags unnecessarily and unfairly.
As a tumblr oldie that reads a lot of fanfics and follows a lot of writing blogs, it’s always been common courtesy here to not use unnecessary tags for characters/fandoms that are not a featured in a post.
Sadly, more and more writers, yourself included, have started unduly tagging posts with characters/ships/fandoms that aren’t featured at all, and it is ruining tags for fans because character tags are being filled with content that isn’t involving that specific character.
The problem is that when politely asked not to do this, a lot of writers are being selfish and saying no, and giving the excuse of, “Well other writers do it too” - not realising that other writers only do it because they also see other writers doing it. Nothing will change and things will only get worse for everyone if nobody is willing to stop unfairly tagging their content.
Right now you don’t care because Joel is a popular character with a large following, so the original anons issue has no impact on you and your enjoyment. The Tess fandom is small, and majority made up of queer women, and yet her tags are overflowing with Joel x reader smut content. It’s unfair to them to have to pick through masses of unrelated content to find posts about the actual character the tag is meant for.
this is weird y’all.
i’m not saying the anons are not right. i’m also not saying i am. i think they have valid reasons to be upset, and i think i have valid reasons to continue to use the tagging system as i prefer to. i tagged tess because on my previous four imagine blogs (the first of which dates back to 2015. i’ve been here awhile), i was asked each and every time to tag characters that made an appearance or were mentioned because a lot of folks reading x readers are only looking for that character and the reader insert. every single new imagines blog i created. it’s what i’ve found works for my followers and i. it really is that simple. i’ve said now twice. i never used the excuse that other people are doing it so it’s fine for me to - if you’re going to have a discourse with me, that’s fine. but we can’t have a conversation if you’re going to put words in my mouth.
i find it necessary to say that i don’t really appreciate the implications of the last portion of your message. i’m a queer woman myself - my attraction to men is holding on by the thread that is pedro pascal. i feel like you’re telling me that as a straight content creator, i’m impeding on queer folks. do not assume my identity. i’m a queer woman who lives deep in hick town. queer identities are not something to weaponize. perhaps i’m misinterpreting the reason you feel the need to bring that up, just like you misinterpreted the anon who came to my defense’s words of “other writers are doing it” as my own. i hope that is the case. the lgbt community is suffering because of in-fighting.
this is such a chronically online debate. just block me. it doesn’t solve your issues with the other authors using the tag, but that is between you and them. with me, the button is right there. click it. it’ll take you much less time to do that than it will to send yet another message.
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elfwreck · 2 years
Honestly the only things I’d change about AO3 would just be a better block feature —- good for filtering out authors who write fics with a million tags you don’t care about but end up cluttering the search screen—-as well as good for “this author has fetishistic/demeaning writing qualities I find untasteful if not offensive” as well as a flagging(?)/“user recommended tags” feature that could be turned on or off by the reader. Tags should ultimately be the decision of the writer—-sometimes some things deserve to be kept private/as twists, sometimes the author favors the aesthetics of a shorter (but accurate) tag list—-but readers should still be allowed to determine if they want to risk reading something where they don’t know “if the dog dies”.
That way it would also be harder for trolls to spam LGBT/POC content because readers would always have the original tags to fall back on as well as the ability to turn off user suggested tags from their view. Most people favor fanfiction about characters and fandoms they know well so a “anti white” or “groomer” tag suggestion on something like a M “Our flag means death” or G “Steven universe” fanfiction looks fake from a million miles away , but a “car crash tw” suggestion would obviously be a more useful or “real” suggestion since “car crash tw” is easily something an author could overlook including and isn’t a tag that too many people would try to avoid (many might find it useful in helping them avoid their triggers but it’s also not going to yank an author or their fic so it would be a weird/bad way to try and troll someone with)
Also maybe an account-wide tag block? So you don’t have to fill out the “tags to exclude” for triggering content every single time.
They're working on better block & mute features. There are some workarounds right now with custom site skins:
Right now, if users want to suggest tags, they can make bookmarks, and they can make a collection to put those bookmarks in. Unfortunately, collections are clunky and bookmark features are limited - they'd need to promote the collection offsite. But they could go through their fandom of choice, bookmark everything and attach the appropriate tags to the bookmarks if they're not in the original.
There is never going to be a "suggest these tags to the author/other readers" feature more direct than that, because there is no way that doesn't turn into a mud-slinging toxic wankfest. People who are worried about "does the dog die?" will need to ask friends to check the works in advance, or talk with the author if they have a public presence somewhere. (Some authors won't answer anyway.)
The problems are not people adding "racist fic" or "groomer Rose Quartz" to fanfics. (I mean, those are potential problems, but those are not the real problem.) The real problem is: Someone decides X author is a Bad Person, and tags all of their works with pedophile, nazi, child abuser, rapist, illiterate grade-school dropout, ugly and fat, only sluts read this, and a swarm of other slurs based on whatever's trendy to hate this year.
The first thing to consider with any new potential feature is: How could someone with absolutely no goodwill use this to try to hurt people?
And what measures would need to be taken to mitigate that?
Right now, someone could add all of that to bookmarks. But bookmarks don't show up on a toggle-switch next to the work's author-made tags. You have to look for them. If they got really bad, the Abuse Team might force the bookmarks to be set to Private (I have no idea if they can do that); they don't have to remove them or argue about the accuracy of the tags in order to keep them from harassing the author or other readers.
A whole new category of tags, visible at the top of the work, would be a new special nightmare.
...But they're working on better block features, and mute features, and I'm hoping there'll someday be "save my search settings" so I don't have to keep excluding A/B/O fics every time I go looking for a new pairing.
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centuriantalevevo · 2 years
Where tf is my Ike Eveland x Nonbinary! Reader fanfics they dON'T FUCKING EXIST-
So many fanfic writers in the LGBT and y'all haven't done shit for us tF? I'm especially looking at the ones who use she/they, he/they, or they/them pronouns how could you fail my like this?! (/lh)
I gotta do eVERYTHING around 😭
First I had to be the first person to write of Draco x Nonbinary! Reader, then I had to be the first to write about fucking monsterfucker Shxtou...??? Damn... and I get no recognition for that either, I bet-
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paremiologistonair · 1 year
Dear @catlady1986, as promised, here's some more appreciation and one more expression of gratitude for your fic "Hello Neighbor". :) I’m making a separate post here because I noticed that what I want to say actually doesn’t fit into the Ask box. xD
Thank you so much for writing this wonderful story! The past two years haven't always been easy for me since there's a lot going on in my life right now (many things are actually very positive, but there have been severe setbacks as well). Reading your fic was one of the highlights of my week and also helped me to stick to a (somewhat) healthy schedule because I always read it on Friday night and stopped working afterwards.
I genuinely admire your worldbuilding and character development skills. The characters that you presented were all so multilayered and relatable and their development was incredibly thought through. I found every character you introduced as well as their backstory extremely interesting. Additionally, (I think I never mentioned this in the comments) I love how inclusive you were with respect to the depiction of LGBT+ characters in the story and that there were many more besides the main ship. What I kept mentioning though, and what I’m gladly mentioning again, is your skillful introduction of so many RE characters to the story. As someone who seriously sucks as plot and worldbuilding, I truly admire your work here. Same goes for the many, many subplots besides the main plot. The world that you created felt so real in a way through this.
As a German speaker, I also love that you included so much German in the fic and that you put so much work into finding the correct expressions for everything and so on. I totally understand why authors decide to not include other languages in the end, but as a multilingual person, I appreciate it whenver this happens because switching between languages is simply real. xD
Finally, I think that the ending that you decided to choose now in the end is beautiful! Since a big part of what I do for a living is centered around writing, I can just tell you what you probably already know: Writing is rewriting. There are many famous authors who are known for rewriting entire novels. I admire you and every other fanfic writer for posting work in progress regularly since this requires a whole lot of courage. Another big part of what I do is sharing work in progress with others, and I think it’s super hard to show something to the world that isn’t all planned out. The point I’m trying to make here is that I think that changing parts of a story is just normal, and what’s important is that you are happy with the final work. We, your readers, love your work because of the decisions that you make with respect to it, because this is what makes this your work, and this is what we enjoy. :)
Anyways, I don’t know how many hours you put into this fic, but it must have been uncountably many, so I decided to take some of my time and put down my thoughts here. Hope you enjoy them! And I also hope that things get better for you! Whatever you get up to in the future, I wish you all the best, and if you end up writing more in the RE fandom, I’ll definitely be around and read it. Actually, I don’t comment on fics that often and it doesn’t happen that much that someone’s writing style clicks with me so that I decide to comment regularly (doesn’t mean that things I don’t comment on aren’t good works or anything, but still), and I’m generally rather shy on the internet. So there’s something really special about your writing, at least to me. :)
I probably forgot half of what I actually wanted to say, so it could be that I’ll have to make additions to this post. :D
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fer3112 · 2 years
I've been thinking a lot about the recent controversies in the publishing industry so I'm just going to rant about it for a little bit and share a theory I have.
I have a bachelor's and a master's degree in Literature and Creative writing and the number 1 rule all of my teachers gave me (besides write as much as you can) was: read, read, read... read everything you can and think critically about it, think about it as a writer would so you can improve your writing by just reading a book. Read everything: classics, genre fiction, non-fiction and even terrible books so you learn what works and what doesn't work so you can apply it to your own writing. And I mention this to say that I think a big issue with this new writers (who get in controversies for not knowing how to write by themselves and come from ao3, wattpad, etc.) is that they are not reading anything but fanfic and maybe the occasional YA or adult romance and don't get me wrong, that would be great if they were a regular reader not a traditionally published author. You can tell these writers don't read, nor they do their research on the genre they are writing and that's why they all end up sounding alike with the same style, syntax, metaphors, tropes and bland characters. You can tell this writers never wrote original stories or read outside their fandom before publishing. The worst part is that this has been happening for a while, specifically since the twilight craze when publishers suddenly started buying every twilight fanfic they could get their hands on and it only has gotten worse since. Call me dramatic but I think the tiktokification of the publishing industry is ruining genre literature and it's only making already stigmatized genres (fantasy, romance, sci-fi, etc.) look worse.
All of this just makes me sad as a writer who has done the job and probably won't ever be published because my country doesn't publish my genre and censors lgbt stories (but that's a story for another time) and it's basically impossible to publish in the U.S if you don't live there. Anyway I'm just mad that this inexperienced cishet white authors get given every opportunity while marginalized good writers keep getting rejected.
PS. Please don't bully me if I made a grammatical error while being a little bit pretentious, english is not my first language.
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llycaons · 2 months
Hinton got mad when people viewed her characters as gay, so I don't think she writes fic. She says she supports LGBT rights, she's just against people interpreting characters the wrong way. Definitely not a fic writer.
'the wrong way' lmao. um I can definitely see her not wanting her characters to be read as gay or writing slash fic herself, but keep in mind not all fanfic IS slash fic. there's general and non-romantic stuff too, and that includes a lot of the examples the other published authors gave. like slash is the expectation especially for a woman writing spn fic, but it's not necessarily a given. but she does read and write fic, and she does love supernatural. this article on fanlore has an excerpt sourced from a vulture article that I'm going to say it's probably real
I’ve written three or four stories for Supernatural, which is my favorite TV show. And a few years ago I wrote three Outsiders stories to see what kind of a response I would get. I use a different name, naturally. People would say, “Wow, you really got the characters down right!” And I’d be like, Glad to hear it. The feedback from fanfic readers tends to be really simple. Along the lines of, “Oh my God, I love this! Keep going!” Nothing specific, like what you’d get from an editor. But it is immediate, and there’s something to be said for that.
that's kind of fun actually. the fact that she got the characters right, not that she's an spn fan. not rly surprised though. midwestern vaguely conservative older people love stories about...family? or something
Two of the best stories I’ve ever read in my life, published or not, were fanfiction. One was actually an Outsiders story. The writing was gorgeous. Really beautiful — the way the writer conveyed the characters. So I wrote to her. She was European, and it took her a while to believe that it was really me. I said, “I think you’ve really got a future in writing, so keep it up.” Fanfiction can make me cry as easily as any other story.
wow....BUT ALSO. according to fanlore, she was in a twitter dispute about spn fanfic:
"One thing that really gets on my nerves: People who think they can write a better #SPN than the writers do. Try it. Just fucking try it." - S.E. Hinton
well I think we've all learned some rich lore today about midwestern ya authors, the terrible shows they somehow enjoy, and the pathetically impotent yet almost charmingly passionate response of the supernatural fanned fiction community
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onehawtwriter-blog · 1 year
My 1st hello
I guess I could introduce myself – not an easy feat for someone who is not the biggest fan of being perceived. It is far easier to lurk here and reblog things that resonate while never actually penetrating the veil between observer and possibly observed (I say possibly, because I do not find myself interesting enough to garner many views and that is okay, honestly).
I had a tumblr once before, years ago, but I do not know what happened to it. I started this one maybe 6-ish years ago, but never did anything with it. I preferred Twitter (but it is a hellscape there now and maybe always was) and no where has quite the same presence. Certainly, lacks the mass fandoms and art one finds here. Inane little detail, but I do love certain fandoms. I found some of my longest lasted and closest friends because I was a Buffy fan. Some of the smartest fans I’ve seen belong to the Warrior Nun fandom – I thought I was intelligent, I really did, but dayum y’all. I don’t know how to say “I want to be friends because your brain makes me happy” and not sound insanely weird. So, I lurk and sometimes comment. The art here also blows my mind. I would trade just about anything I have to be able to do half of what I see some of these artists capable of.
I am a reader and a writer. I took a hiatus from writing for a good ten years, both as a result of crippling imposter syndrome and because I was pursuing a higher education (part of the imposter syndrome believe it or not) and that shit puts a damper on the creativity. I worried that I’d lost my ability to tell stories because I could no longer see or hear them in my head. Then, towards the end of my internship for my Masters in Clinical Mental Health, the voices returned. Started as a Skyrim fanfic (yes, I am just nerd enough) and then kind of developed a life of its own. Now, though it has some easter eggs related to the original inspiration, it is its own little world filled with monsters, magic, elves, vampires, seriously pissed off gods, and a love story akin to Orpheus and Eurydice (or, for the Warrior Nun fans out there: Ava and Beatrice) between a DL Disney Princess (my sunshine girl) and her gloriously grumpy, morally dark grey vampire girlfriend – I don’t write everyone LGBT, but I do always have a bi lead and a feral little demi LI. The one little fanfiction turned into a trilogy, with a prequel, and a planned collection of short stories filled with the lore, mythology, and legends of the world I created.
I call it (atm) The Overhaven Trilogy.
Book One will be In Pursuit of Lost Echoes (working title).
If my AuDHD (and the imposter syndrome that tells me it isn’t interesting/important) will allow me to remember to make regular updates I might post things here. Artwork I’ve commissioned of the characters. Notes on things I’ve picked up or researched (there’s a LOT). My writing method. Short stories or snippets I want to share. If anyone is interested, they’re also, always, welcome to ask questions, because I never know exactly what to talk about. Asking makes it easier for me.
So… maybe some of my character art next? A bit of an introduction to the characters that have overtaken my brain for over a year now – and the one that has existed there since I was 17 years old.
I’ll try to include a link to the artist (check to see if they have tumblr first. If not than to their twitter, which is where I found them).
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friendlystarfruit · 2 years
would you ship yourself or your own oc with a canon character that is already in a relationship with another canon character?
That is the great thing about fanfiction you can ship whoever you want as long as the characters are consenting adults .
It is isn't something I have done but I would do it if I wanted to too or I felt comfortable and somebody else wanted me to .
Like if somebody wanted a f/o x reader fic killing off or breaking up a relationship could make a powerfully emotional way to set up reader , like imagine f/o spouse dies and reader is there to help them through things and help them find love again and not feel guilty about it. *awwwwwwwwwwwwww I bet a writer as done that so cute*****
Breaking up relationships and can even be a way for fanfic writers to repair toxic or problematic relationships in media or let lgbt folks have a chance in a fictional world they feel left out of.
Because it is fiction there is no moral issue with breaking up or killing characters for your own personal fictional drama whether you own those characters or not fanfiction is the art of the people.
It can be creepy doing it with real life couples though and if you write about somebody's person ocs without permission or any reason to find them (like say they post their oc on their personal facebook and find fanfics and they are like cus they will be like who are you o.o ........whereas if it is established fiction it isnt stalkery.)
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