#demiromantic culture is
atertiary demiromantic allosexual culture is just KNOWING that allotertiary aros and aces will see you as "basically allo" because they think aspec just means aro and ace and they think whats basically similar to being atertiary (not caring much about family or friends etc.) is an "unfortunate allo trait", even if you're literally aspec in more ways than them due to being completely atertiary lol
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demiromo culture is not realising you have a connection with someone and subsequent romantic feeling for them until you wake up at 2am 6 months in with an 'oh damn...' moment
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aspec-culture · 1 month
Demi romantic culture is questioning whether you like someone platonicaly or romanticaly even after you get together because you've only liked two or three people and don't know what love feels like because no one explains what that is in a way that makes sense. But serously I don't know if I'm in a rom relationship or a QPR. help.
♡ ♥
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romo-aro-culture-is · 2 years
Demiromantic-in-a-happy-relationship romo culture is feeling completely alienated from aros and allos a getting rude comments from both sides
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demiromantic lesbian culture is falling for your best friend of 3 years and not realizing it until you see her again after months of not being together and noticing how much you'd been thinking of her and longing for her presence...
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demi-romantics · 4 months
I’ve told multiple of my friends about what a squish is over the last couple days and both of them were really excited to learn what it means. So this is your sign to tell an allo about aromantic terms!
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empyrangel · 1 year
People are always talking about how characters can’t just be friends anymore. That every pair of characters that act amicable towards each other gets labeled as lovers by the fandom and has their friendship completely disregarded. And all of that’s true. But I just want to say that it also applies to enemies to lovers.
Nobody can just be enemies either it seems. Every dynamic involving characters fighting or having a rivalry or otherwise unfriendly relationship gets reduced to “spicy sexual tension” and “hiding their true feelings behind a different kind of passion.” Hate, anger, fear, disgust, distrust, etc. are such interesting human emotions on their own. They don’t need romance to make them interesting. People can just hate each other sometimes.
I’m so sick of romance culture and it’s need to insert itself into everything to make things better, more interesting, or more complex. Maybe if you just stop and shut up for a second, you’d see that it’s already all that and more. People need to learn to appreciate emotions that aren’t love and lust, and types of passion that aren’t motivated by love or lust, and character dynamics that don’t revolve and love and lust.
And people actually think that enemies to lovers is rare and underrated? “I’m so quirky and edgy! I like enemies to lovers and real relationships that aren’t all unicorns and rainbows!” Yeah and so do the rest of the 8 billion people on this planet, you’re not special. Like yeah, ship what you want or whatever, but I’m just sick of this shit.
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llamagoddessofficial · 9 months
A completely sad/sappy (sadpy?) self indulgent piece I wrote last night while feeling several Feelings. consider this an author insert & death sans thing
“... tell me about you.”
She blinked, sitting up, no longer leaning against his soft black cloak, waking out of the stillness the tree's shade and the gentle rain had cast over both of them. His words had come completely out of nowhere.
Reaper looked down at her, his expression unreadable. “i can’t say i’ve met many other mortals who seek out the company of death.”
She gave him a look. “Don't be ridiculous. I know plenty who would seek your company.”
“they would seek my touch.” His gaze was low. Those eyelights saw more than normal eyes ever could. “they would seek... earthly desires. nothing wrong with that, i also seek those. but i’ve never had someone seek me out merely for my company.”
“I’m not that interesting.” She mused, softly, notably leaning back against the tree, and not him. “Besides. You’re great company.”
“tell me regardless.” He pressed. “consider it my just payment. for my great company.”
... She hummed. Despite her easygoing exterior, he could sense her resistance, her immediate discomfort. He had sensed it, from the beginning; her unwillingness to share about herself. Her quick deflections, her paradoxical fear of letting others know her, despite her clear desperation to be known.
He was patient. He would wait as long as it took for her to collect her words.
“... You’re the only one who gets it.” She said, eventually. Her voice lacked its usual quickness, its usual exact choice of word, the wittiness he liked so much.
That gave Sans pause. “... go on.”
“I don’t... love anyone. I don’t feel romance. I can’t help it.” She stared into the middle distance. “I’ve never been in love with anybody. Even when I really wanted to be.”
He watched her, quietly.
“... I let my guard down, y’know. Every now and then. I let myself get close to people. Then... sometimes they start to feel things that I can’t reciprocate. They want me to love, but I can’t. They see it as a fault with me, or worse themselves, and what we had in the first place falls apart.” She looked down at her hands. “I gave up getting close, because I’m tired of hurting people I care about with the way I am.”
“... hm.”
“... You’re the only one who... gets it, I think.” She couldn’t look at him. “Feeling like you’re separated from everyone else, through no fault of your own. But at the end of the day, that separation is the reality you’re in, and you have to live with it.”
“feeling as if everyone is part of something that you can’t even begin to be part of. and even if you suddenly joined one day, everyone else is so far ahead of you, you could never hope to catch up in time.”
She nodded. She did eventually look at him, a small smile forming on her face. “Yes.”
“you enjoy my company most, because you know i won’t grow to expect anything from you?”
“You’re mature. You’re... well. Death. I’m a human. I can trust you not to love me. And theoretically, even if you did, I think you’d have very different expectations about it. Expectations we could manage.”
“... is that why... your relationship with error is so fraught?”
She let out a short laugh. “Error and I are ‘on break’. Would you believe me if I told you I used to like him the most, because I thought he hated my guts too much to catch feelings?”
Sans grinned. “error is full of surprises. yet i think the fact that you grew to somehow like him surprises me the most.”
“He’s a giant manbaby. But he’s funny. And I liked having someone I could shamelessly argue with.” She tucked her knees up to her chin. “We’re not on speaking terms at the moment. He got upset I spend so much time with you, then tried to kiss me.”
“... ah. that’s why he’s been watching romantic aus.”
“... I write about worlds full of love. Worlds where, regardless of looks or faults, romantic love always prevails and conquers all. Worlds where a self-insert can feel all those feelings I hear about on the radio.” Her breathing was very controlled, very quiet. “But it’s wish fulfilment, isn’t it? Giving a version of me the things I’ll never have. Giving everyone else the stories I’ll never be part of. Even if one of my most perfect characters stepped right out of my pages, I’d never have that 'happy ending'. I couldn’t give them what they wanted from me. I couldn’t give them what I want to give.”
A pause. She didn’t seem to like how obviously upset she had become. She emotionally retreated, quickly fixing on a smile, lowering her legs back into their previous crossed position.
“... I sound full of myself, I know." She chuckled artificially. "Oh, woe is me, I can’t get close to anyone because everyone just falls in love with me all the time.”
“no, not at all.” Sans reached out, and laid his hand over hers. “it’s happened more than once. you can’t blame yourself for recognising a pattern.”
... She squeezed his hand.
“i can’t promise i won’t love you. that’s a dangerous promise to make.” He murmured. “but i can promise i won’t ever expect romance from you, nor let romantic feelings define our relationship. closeness and love does not require romance. i’ve had thousands of years to come to grips with much more upsetting subjects than a woman potentially not returning affection i develop.”
She shuffled up to him, and tucked herself back against his cloak, her cheek pressed to the soft fabric. He reciprocated, wrapping an arm around her.
“Thank you.” She said, quietly. 
"of course."
... They stayed like that, for a long time.
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zinzabee · 5 months
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Old art but its still funny and I forgot to post it here, so.
Based on real interactions between me and my husband (we are both on the aromantic spectrum, and so are these two)
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aro-culture-is · 6 months
Demiro culture is having crushes on characters/people and then realizing that the feeling youre feeling is gender envy
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Questioning aspec culture is reducing "sex-neutral asexual aromantic, demiromantic, biromantic, sex-positive graysexual blah blah blah" into "AROACE". I'm an aroace (sometimes sex/romance repulsed/positive/neutral, aego/cupio sexual, apothiromantic, probably demiromantic, sapiosexual and romantic, considerably straight, but probably bi romantic, I probably have much more to discover etc etc etc). Can't be bothered to introduce all this even to myself, so imma just make it short, aroace.
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demiromantic culture is not understanding what the big deal with romance is UNTIL you start falling for your close friend almost a year after meeting them and now it all makes sense. and it is both, a beautiful and scary feeling at once <33
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aspec-culture · 11 months
Aspec culture is being delusional ace but being confused about not being aro. Until you find out about demiromantic and realising, THAT explains a lot. It's such a relief to find out that I'm not weird, and that there's enough of us out there to even have a name for it. This is why I love the aspec community.
♡ ♥
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romo-aro-culture-is · 2 years
Romance favorable demiromantic culture is putting lots of effort into writing a romance between two demirose characters to comfort yourself and then worrying what the rest of the aro community will think
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Ok ok oK so
I think that people who experience alterous attraction Are really cool but also get the short end of the stick, because even if they can identify the feelings and work them out, they can’t DO anything about it with someone that doesn’t see alterous attraction as legit or value it in the same way!
It sucks for them, and I just want to show my solidarity for anyone who’s discovering these feelings!
Thank you for reading
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plato-repulsed demiromantic culture is not relating to the 'friends to lovers' trope because you don't want friends, and so friendship is not how you form the emotional connection that makes romantic attraction possible for you
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