demi-romantics 12 hours
My demiaro/ace ass looks at this gif set and my favorite part which makes me most exited is where I can see the exact frame of the manga represented in the anime.
Meanwhile the chest reveal? Eh 馃し
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studio trigger understood the assignment. i would let her wreck me.
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demi-romantics 15 hours
Every time someone talks about how it's our "purpose" or how we're "meant to" to reproduce, I want to tear my reproductive organs out and slam them down on the table.
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demi-romantics 16 hours
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I am fashion 馃挌馃挏
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demi-romantics 1 day
not romantic, not platonic, but a secret third thing (idk what it is, it's a secret)
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demi-romantics 1 day
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Yeah, I know "not all aro/aces" and all, but please don't use "not all aro/aces" as an excuse to not explore anything exclusively aro/ace ever. Otherwise any trace of aro/aceness might end up effectively lost to fandom osmosis.
To sum up... If you wouldn't be homophobic that way, please don't be aphobic that way.
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demi-romantics 2 days
There's no such things as more or less aro, everyone on the aro spectrum is equally aro.
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demi-romantics 2 days
Joining the war on aros on the side of the aros
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demi-romantics 2 days
A lot of the time when I see people talk about aromanticism they bring up the way a lot of us tend to think that romance is just exaggerated in fiction and are surprised that people feel that way in real life and not just in the movies and that's honestly kind of funny, imagine just going about your life and one day finding out that most people's high school years were actually like disney channel and you're the exception
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demi-romantics 2 days
I鈥檓 honestly not sure what hot is, like I know what I think is aesthetically attractive, and I can recognise conventionally attractive people but what is hot? Like what classes as hot? Muscles? Makeup? Is there like a list?
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demi-romantics 2 days
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Some of the principle actors of the stonewall rebellion
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demi-romantics 2 days
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This gig is doing wonders for my self-esteem related to my age tbh
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demi-romantics 3 days
Being asexual doesn't make you a child or child-like. If you are an adult you deserve to be treated like an adult.
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demi-romantics 3 days
Rest in peace to the touch starved arospec and/or aspecs. You deserve more hugs.
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demi-romantics 3 days
i made some evil aromantic flags
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demi-romantics 3 days
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demi-romantics 3 days
My sexual, romantic, and gender identities could all be honestly summarised as "absolutely not, but maybe, in this very extremely specific way that barely makes sense to anyone"
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demi-romantics 3 days
aromantic dread is when you think someone is flirting with you and you just get the ick and you don't know how to turn them down
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