#currently writing 3 smutty fics at the same time and realized what i was writing
weemssapphic · 1 year
will i ever write a larissa fic that doesn't heavily feature praise kink? probably not
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an-abyss-of-stars · 1 year
It's Visceral And It's Cruel: Possible Moment
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Summary: Rhaena kissed Aemond earlier in the day, and this horny boy just can't stop thinking about it. Laying in bed replaying the moment, wishing he'd done more...a LOT more.
Warnings: Smut, just smutty smut for the point of smut!
Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Ao3 |
P.S: This scene was just an idea i had floating around in my head for the actual fic I'm currently writing, which shares the same name "It's Visceral And It's Cruel". So consider this is a possible canon moment that MAY happen in that fic eventually!
Aemond had been lying awake in bed for nearly two hours now. His mind drowning in a whirlwind of emotions. Rhaena Targaryen plaguing him like no other ever had. It was torture, pure unadulterated torture. For, now, he knew exactly what he'd been missing. 
It was infuriating in a way, all those waking hours spent fantasizing about how her lips would feel. And now that he'd experienced the real thing. 
To be fair had kissed her before, two brief but heated moments nonetheless. She’d made them chaste affairs as if she felt guilty about her burgeoning feelings for him. But this most recent encounter. He was unwilling to let her escape him so easily, he had kept her locked against his hard body. He'd tasted her warm pliable mouth, his tongue lapping with hers in possessive heat. It hadn't lasted nearly long enough
And even after she’d left him panting and wanting for her, he still couldn’t help but realize his imagination had severely underestimated her. With just how incredibly plush her lips were, the way her soft body had slotted against his perfectly. That intoxicating lavender scent that followed her everywhere had become imprinted in his memory…and his clothes. Oh, how he still ached at the thought of her.
But now after the fact here he was mentally kicking himself for not doing more. For not groping her while he'd had the chance. 
In all honesty, he'd squandered the perfect opportunity.
Gripping his sheets with a violent fury, wishing he had lifted her up against him and felt every inch of her. He should've carried her over to the chaise where he could undo the confines of her dress and reveal more of her silky smooth tawny skin. For he was so desperate to see her bared to him, to feel her writhe against him. 
Groaning through his gritted teeth, he could see it so clearly. Tearing off her skirts so he could delve between thighs, draw her to the edge of insanity. Force her perfect court persona to fracture and tear as she screamed in pleasure for him and only him. He wanted to hear his name on her tongue as she moaned wantonly for him in the throws of passion. 
He’d do more than simply fuck her, he could show her passion. Fucking was an art and he was certain he'd never felt more passionate then when he thought about fucking her. 
He wanted to possess her, claim her, take her for his own. It was beyond unbearable now. 
With gritted teeth, Aemond didn't need to glance down to know he felt impossibly hard. His cock tenting the black silk sheets that surrounded him. He might've tried to will his brain to stop thinking of her, eliminate the images and rest for once.
But somewhere over time, over the several moons she and her family had stayed here at the Keep…this had grown to become an impossible feat. His mind would never silence with it’s insistent thoughts of her. 
A groan escaped him as he leaned his head back against the warmth of his pillow, his body was burning, sweat beading on his forehead. He hadn’t lifted a finger but he was on fire.
Aemond no longer wished to relieve himself in another poor excuse for a substitute, having dragged himself, annoyingly so, to the Street Of Silk on one too many occasions. Only to spill himself upon the back of some whore, someone he could imagine was the woman he craved. To then leave the experience disheartened and only half quenched and still wholly unsatisfied. And he was certainly tired of relieving himself with his own hand. For it no longer seemed to quiet his want or need for her.
Another groan ripped through his throat. 
She should be the one to relieve him. 
She was the obvious balm to his burning desires. 
Rhaena Targaryen.
Just at the thought of her name, all he could picture was her beautiful face. Her lovely warm mouth lowering over his thick needy cock, taking him in full. An image that shifted to her sitting above him, her heavenly curvy body bare to him as she sunk herself down, her dripping wanting cunt taking in the large throbbing length of him. Slowly but surely she'd take him, all of him, he'd make sure of it.
Oh, how he'd shivered with want just at the thought. 
Aemond wanted all of her, every inch of her, his to claim and take. He wanted to spill his seed within her and see her swollen with his child inside of her. He no longer cared who approved of their coupling, he just wanted Rhaena all to himself. He wanted to be able to refer to her as his, he wanted her to be his woman, his wife, his...all his. He never wanted to have to share her again. 
Oh the Seven were cruel, how he could feel her so vividly in his mind, see her, hear her...only to face the reality that she was not here with him. 
His groaning had paved way to an annoyed growl. His cock was weeping the more he thought of her and with that he knew he couldn't wait any longer. 
Aemond was a man of action. He was a dragon. And if his uncle's words were to be believed, dragons take what they want. 
He wanted Rhaena, so he would have her.
Smut is not my forte but i hope to get better at it. If anyone liked this, I have more! This is only the first quarter of the VERY LONG scene I wrote. I might post some more of it in between my actual updates to my main fic!
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chaesonghwas · 1 month
20 Questions for Fic Writers
HELLOOOO, i was tagged by the wonderful @wolfiemcwolferson @duquesademiel @golden-fairylights and @your-littlesecret, thank you my lovesssss <3333
1. How many works do you have on ao3?
i have 52 fics up on my normal account and i think 2? on anon
2. What’s your total AO3 word count? 
272868 (i thought it would be more lmaoooo)
3. What fandoms do you write for?
currently just f1, but i have fics up for a couple of kdramas and football rpf
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
a long time (maybe forever) - reddit fic my beloved
hey, brother (there's an endless road to rediscover) - my only non-piarles on this list!! written for hospital playlist, it's an outsider pov from the main character's little sister seeing how the main ship develops over time (as i'm writing this, i realize i wrote that same fic w arthur the other day oops)
we should just kiss (like real people do) - sol's bday fic from last year!!! i love this one a lot <3
i don't want you like a best friend - veeeery smutty soulmate au (this one was VERY hard for me to write so i'm super proud it's up hereee)
you and me would be (a big conversation) - SOCIAL MEDIA AU!!! this one was also a process but i loved every second
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
sometimes i try to but i never know what to say so i clamp up and don't end up answering 😭 so if you're reading this and you've ever commented on my fics just know that i see it and i love you
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
football au definitely has the most angsty/bittersweet planned ending, but i haven't actually written that lmaooo so i'll say and still, your heart beats. it's ultimately hopeful, but it's a tough situation
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
all of my fics have a some kind of happy ending, but i'll go with swear to be overdramatic and true bc i love that universe a lot <3
8. Do you get hate on fics?
i've never gotten explicit hate on a fic, thankfully
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
yesss, and.... whatever i'm vibing with i guess?
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
i've never done it lmao
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
no, thankfullyyyy
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
nope, but it would be an honour!!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
YEAH BABYYYYYYY!!!! writing w friends is the most fun bc i love my friends a lot <3 currently i have monza proposal fic w @duquesademiel, the Justly Fic w @your-littlesecret and posting the alphabet dating fic w @duquesademiel and @wolfiemcwolferson <3 a couple of other things are also being planned so stay tuneddd
14. What’s your all-time favourite ship?
all-time is a very difficult question, but piarles is def up there
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
football au i love you and i swear i will come back
16. What are your writing strengths?
i feel like i'm pretty good at writing dialogue and i think i'm v good at humor!! making insane situations work lmao
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
definitely lack of planning/getting carried away by the vibes and losing sight of the plot. also i feel like i struggle w longer descriptions
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
i don't love it and i usually limit mine to only a couple of words (say, nicknames/terms of endearment in piarles' case), but i don't mind it in other people's fics tbh!!
19. First fandom you wrote for?
one direction LMAOOOOOO
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
any of my co-written fics or change my mind, my pwfe gift for sol that i love very very dearly <333
tagging @yukierres @pinkierre @boxboxbrioche @espithewarlock and anyone else that wants to do itttt <3333
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fragilelovelythings · 5 months
😅 and 🎉 for the emoji asks?
😅 What's a story or scene you've created that you're a smidge embarrassed exists?
As I generally opt for being blatantly honest, I have to say that after printing my current ongoing fic, 'Eunuch Besties' (Succession) I felt the oh-so-called cringe while reading it. Most of the fic felt pretty weird and I think it happened about my insecurities. I had never written something (prose, narrative) in English before, and my inner critic got to relish in aspects of my writing that maybe, I hadn't seen before. I know this sounds like an apology, and maybe it is to myself. I have been since July so excited about the fact of actually writing fanfics again that I omitted its quality. I mean, I had the plot for the story and I went full-board with it. So, because of that, I barely have gone back to it to reflect on its content and my writing style. I just kept writing, happily to feel ideas flowing and giving form to a story that I hadn't yet read before. I am a very enthusiastic fanfic reader, been for years, so I just vomited most of the chapters crossing my fingers and hoping for the best.
Now, I recently got a dear friend of mine, who is also a linguistic expert and an avid reader to check on it, and she said it felt like a draft. And maybe it is. Again, I am still in awe of myself for being able to write anything, considering that I wrote like a possessed in my teen years and then well, I stopped when I began my undergraduate and postgraduate studies. I am now in my thirties and decided to just do whatever I wanted in terms of my life and my artistic aspirations. 'Eunuch Besties' is now on chapter 9, and I've written 50, 724 words (wtf) aiming to end this story by chapter 10 and actually realizing I'm far from putting a pin to it.
There are scenes of course that felt odd to me, dialogues even, and the struggle to find the characters' voices and make them feel in character is something that I have felt more than once embarrassed on its outcome.
I've got two other fics (Loki) which came when I was around chapter 7 I think on 'Eunuch Besties', and those two other fics feel pretty different. Perhaps after practicing, with 'Be my once in a Lifetime' and 'Built yourself a Myth' I feel more confident about how I'm writing.
So maybe yes, I am a smidge embarrassed about my first fic, but I love it deeply because is the one that has been giving me so much happiness that I do not want to stop writing it. 🎉 What leads you to consider a fic a success?
Reflecting on what leads me to consider a fic a success, I'd say I have mixed opinions/feelings about it. On one hand, the count of hits on AO3 does tell you about how many times, probably, the story is being read. So for example, on my Lokius fic 'Be my once in a lifetime' the hit count is 5,074, and is the fic I usually receive more kudos every now and then. But, does that really make me think it's successful? I'm not sure. The same fic has 261 Kudos which, again, are the likes on A03. I get why it's a 'popular' fic and I actually wrote it during Loki's fandom at its peak. I just wanted to contribute and indulge myself from a block on my Succession' one as well as write a smutty PWP. And it worked.
Then the whole deal on comments is for me another different story. I find it hard to get comments on my 3 published fics and this does worry me about the quality of my writing. But, after reading about this insecurity from other writers, I have to remember that not every person feels confident enough to just say 'Hi! I like this fic!' and that's alright. I got a comment like that on chapter 8 from an anon daring for the first time on leaving a comment and sharing with me how much he/she/they adore my work. This fellow reader said that even RE READS my fic. So here, I do believe lies success. Engaging with a fic, with a story that becomes sth that you decide to go back at again and wait for its updates, god, I think it's when you've actually created sth others find solace/fun/distraction/happiness/entertainment in that said fic is success.
Thank you so much for asking these questions :') I loved providing answers to them.
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powerfultenderness · 6 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
thank you @chemmerson 😊
1. How many works do you have on Ao3? - 49
2. What's your total Ao3 word count - 153,380
3. What fandoms do you write for? - Currently, only CoD.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Forlorn Hope (925)
Death's Angel (257)
Lucky Stars (217)
Why is your hair so long? (192)
I Take What I want (177)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not? - I try to now. I didn't realize I could when I first started posting on ao3 😅 I try to at least thank every comment now. Unless it's something like "part 2!!!" on a one-shot I posted years ago. Idk how to tell those ppl that I don't even like that character anymore...
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? - oh. I Know you didn't mean it. (Bucky fic written before CW came out, and I had Bucky revert to the Winter Soldier again)
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? - Hmm, hard to say. I went through a couple of years where I only wrote fluff, so there's a lot of happy endings (er, not the smutty kind).
8. Do you get hate on fics? - I used to. Back in my ff.net days. But nothing of the sort on AO3.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? - I finally gave in and started writing smut this year! What does this question mean, what kind? like m/f? or like...the warning tags??
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written? - Nope.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? - Nope.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? - Nope.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? - Nope. But @pretendfan and I have joked about collabing. Maybe one day when we're both back on the same blorbo (vig lol) at the same time.
14. What's your all time favorite ship? - i'm a self shipper above all.
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? - The current one that I'm chipping away at.
16. What are your writing strengths? - Idk...sometimes I come up with something silly that people grab onto.
17. What are your writing weaknesses? - I don't know how to write feelings and emotions.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? - "Italicize it," and simply say what language it was spoken in.
19. First fandom you wrote for? - hmm....Inu Yasha? Yu Yu Hakusho? Tbh, I can't remember.
20. Favorite fic you've written? - The Baker's Daughter. It is a good example of the essence of my writing, the kind of sweet fluff that often permeates my fics, even the ones that are supposed to be angsty/dark/smutty.
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readythefanons · 1 year
Thank you for tagging me @mrs-steve-harrington ! Tagging in @tinygigas and @tkwritesdumbassassins
Rules: post the top 5 works* you’re most proud of that you released in 2022 (not necessarily your most popular), your top 4 current WIPs that you’re excited to release in the new year, your top 3 biggest improvements in your writing over the past year, your top 2 resolutions (ways you wish to improve your writing/blog) for the new year, and your number 1 favorite line you’ve written this year! 
*for my own taste, I'd this to offer "or scenes" if you're a fewer-than-five-fics-per-year person.
Favorite line
I have no earthly idea 😅 I've been trying to think of this for a WHILE
1 and 2 have to be Pull It Together/the Lorenz of Doubt. This was my "big WIP" for such a long time! I'm so pleased with it :) For anyone not familiar, this is a two-fic project (a duology) for my rarepair ship Leonie/Lorenz (from Fire Emblem 3 Houses AKA FE3H) where I wrote the same overall story from the POV of the two leads
Leonie's POV: "Don't ask me 'cause I don't know (pull it together, Leonie)"
Lorenz's POV: "I have so many feelings, none of them actionable (pull it together, Lorenz)"
3 "the glass slipper (now kiss: with a cinderella spin)" I LOVE THIS FIC. Yes, it's my own fic. This fic just gelled for me.
Count's son Lorenz is ready for another monotonous ball, but a mysterious lady changes that.
Leonie's stoked she got to go to the fancy ball wearing a disguise from her fairy godmother.
4 "now kiss: under the full moon" This is a fluffy oneshot! There's a funny line, there's fluff, it's incredibly self-indulgent. I just... I love the mix of fluff and fun this fic brought me.
5 "forget-me-lots" This is my hanahaki fic (with a twist)! It was incubating for a long time, and I almost didn't post it because of a last-minute crisis of confidence. BUT here it is. Hooray!
Oo I get to talk about some unrevealed WIPs
1: Petra/Sylvain post-crimson flower political-marriage-to-lovers fic. Petra returns to Brigid. This one is shaping up to be... long.
WIP summary:
Petra boards the ship even as the victory celebrations are still being planned. While her comrades-in-arms are toasting their success, she will be sailing west.
Emperor Edelgard has promised a new era of friendship and equality between the new United Adrestia and the kingdom of Brigid. If Petra is to see the Emperor's promise realized--if her people are to remain truly free--she must assume leadership of her island home.
She was once the favored grandchild of the Macneary family, her position as her grandfather's successor all but assured. That was more than a decade ago, before agents of Adrestia kidnapped her to ensure her people's good behavior.
She will need allies. Although her newly-acquired husband Sylvain was chosen for his understanding of Fodlan's politics, he will prove to be one of Petra's most valuable supporters… and, in time, her friend.
The war of Fodlan is over, but for Petra, a new journey is just beginning.
2: Leonie/Lorenz sci fi au! I'm trying to follow a Romance (genre) outline!
3: a very personal FE3H fic that I'm still to shy to even specify who is the main character and what the premise is.
4: my very obscure jollybaby/blorp (murderbot) fic! One chapter to go!
Also-rans: leonie/lorenz mulan AU. Leonie/Lorenz beauty and the beast AU. Leonie/Lorenz monsterfucker AU. Leonie/lorenz A/b/o AU. My next life as a villainess keith/sophia+gerald heat fic. Also a continuation of my smutty Zelda: Breath of the Wild fic "Inside of you are two wolves (both of them are DTF)"
My brain is empty so I'm interpreting this prompt broadly
1. I did some experimentation with different ways of getting feedback!
2. I got involved in some fandom events! I got accepted into a zine for the first time!
3. I wrote some varied stuff, including some (mildly, for me) experimental fics, fics I don't know I would have been comfortable posting a few years ago, that sort of thing. So I'm pleased with that.
Also, I learned ficbinding!
1. completely prewrite this next big fic before posting a single part of it. (Will I actually finish the fic without the rush of posting? TBD. I write as I go for a reason, so this is an experiment)
2. be more self indulgent and more subject to enthusiasms!!!!
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VelvetCardiganBucky’s Recommendations 2021: Week 12 & 13 | March 14th – March 27th
Welcome to weeks 12 & 13 of my recommendations, if you would like to be featured on a future list, I follow the hashtag #VelvetCardiganBucky, message me, tag me in your future works, or reblog this post and link to your story, one-shot, Masterlist, writing challenge, etc.
Be aware some if not most stories and writers on this list are meant to be consumed by an audience of those 18+. My blog is also an 18+ blog.
✨Page breaks are made @firefly-graphics✨
«Last Week
Week 14»
My Masterlist
My Fic Rec List of Mafia/Mob Bucky/Sebastian & Steve/Chris/Andy
Stuff I Posted This Week:
Steve + Bey = 4Ever » Steve Rogers and Bey carved places in each other’s hearts, that no one else could ever replace.
I Hear A Symphony » Bucky Barnes x Mutant!Reader — Reader plays an important song to her for Bucky.
—Formerly The Winter Soldier » “I’m no longer the winter soldier, my name is James Bucky Barnes & you're part of my effort to make amends.”
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Lee Bodecker
(Mini) Series:
*Give In by @not-a-great-writer » soft!dark!Lee Bodecker x shy!Reader — She didn’t think she was anything special. So when the intimidating Sheriff takes an interest in her, she can’t help but feel a little unsettled. Her boring life is about to get a little interesting. | This story has to be one of my all time series I’ve ever read, and I know I will weep when it’s over. The chapters are decently sized, you have angst, fluff and smut. I couldn’t ask for more, it’s simply a masterpiece.
Deadbeat Pt. 9 by @the-witty-pen-name » Lee Bodecker x F!Reader — You work at the bar at the edge of town, the Sheriff is going through a divorce and needs to rent a room. | Cole thank you for feeding my current Lee Bodecker obsession after I watched The Devil All The Time, for the time. This story is good and I love soft!Lee, and one where no one dies. At least I hope no one dies...
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Loving You Is Cherry Pie by @river-soul » Sam Wilson x Reader x Bucky Barnes — When Sam Wilson, one of your regulars at the cafe finally asks you out, you’re ecstatic until he tells you he wants his friend to join. When you meet Bucky, you decide it might be worth your while after all. [Allusions to stalking, exhibitionism and explicit sex, 18+] | There is just not enough SamBuck stories out there and we have @river-soul to thank for feeding our love for the boys and giving us some good smut, especially to tide us over till Friday.
Nothing Good Happens After 2 AM by @callmeluna » Sam Wilson x Reader x Bucky Barnes — You are admittedly a handful when you’ve had a few drinks in you. Luckily, your partners Sam and Bucky are more than up for the challenge… maybe. | If you are looking for something to make you laugh, might I suggest reading this? The whole time as I read this I couldn’t get the huge smile off my face, it was that good.
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Bucky Barnes
Matching by @heli0s-writes » Bucky Barnes x Reader — Reader and Bucky are “matchy matchy,” with their belly button rings. | This is adorable as well as very funny.
Smooth Criminal by @bestofbucky » Bucky Barnes x Reader — Based on a dream @velvetcardiganbucky had. You’re parents told you to never give rides to strangers, but when you notice Bucky Barnes trying to break into your car, you know some strangers aren’t so bad. | Jenny did my dream justice! I honestly couldn’t have asked for anything better.
Don’t Over Do It by @whisperlullaby » Bucky Barnes x Reader — Your boyfriend is an asshole. Bucky reminds you that you are perfect the way you are. | I can’t describe this anyway other than perfect, that I wish I had a Bucky like this there for me. Trust me you’ll love the ending.
Coming Home to You by @angrythingstarlight » Biker!Bucky Barnes x Reader — Your Biker boyfriend is finally home and he’s going to show you how much he missed you. With every inch he has. And you’re going to remember how much he loves you. | It’s not very often you read something that has an alternate ending and when you do you find yourself loving both endings. Both endings are hot, the smut is great, again who couldn’t love Biker!Bucky?
Won’t Let You Go by @kind-of-crazy-butthatsokay » Mob!Bucky Barnes x OFC!Kori — Kori met Bucky in one of his clubs, out to get shit-faced with a couple of friends to forget about her worries and maybe take home a guy to further rid herself of her numerous frustrations. Little did she know that the one-night stand with Bucky would turn into so much more than that. | Thank you so much for entering my writing challenge, it means so much. This one-shot is so good, it hit me right the feels and left me falling in love with Kori and Bucky.
Show Me How To Ride by @angrythingstarlight » Beefy Biker!Bucky Barnes x Reader — You’ve been keeping a secret from your biker boyfriend. He is going to get the information out of you one way or the other. | It’s hot and it makes you realize just how much you realize just how much you love Biker!Bucky.
Bubble Baths by @floatingpetals » Bucky Barnes x Reader (Modern AU) — Even your boyfriend Bucky, needs to wind down at the end of a stressful with a bubble bath, but he doesn’t want to do it alone. | Okay, so my summary of this sucks but let me just say this is fluffy and smutty all at once. I wish I had Bucky to take a bubbly bath with.
Bad Boy!Bucky Barnes x Shy!Reader by @gagmebucky — in which there’s nowhere to sit and bucky offers his lap—then, subsequently, his cock. (bad boy!bucky x shy!reader, dirty talk, exhibitionism and voyeurism, cockwarming, unprotected sex.) | *chugs water* yeah is it a little hot in here? I probably would have failed class if Bucky had been in my class along with Steve, I wouldn’t have known who to stare at, forget learning the material.
**Greater Good by @fuel-joy » Bucky Barnes x Reader — There is a cure for the zombie outbreak but is it worth the cost. | Grab your tissues, because you are going to need them. Thanks darling for entering my writing challenge and making me feel so many feels with this one.
(Mini) Series:
A Tender Heart ♥️ Pt. 2 by @river-soul » Alpha!Bucky Barnes x Omega!Reader — You’ve been sweet on Bucky since you started working at the compound six months ago. Normally quiet and mild mannered, an unexpired fight with a coworker brings Bucky into your orbit. [A/B/O dynamics, brief mention of bullying and fluff] | If anyone can pull at your heartstrings it’s @river-soul making the beginning of this series look so promising and I can’t wait to see where it goes.
Run To You 🪙 Pt. 10 🪙 Pt. 11 🪙 Pt. 12 by @bestofbucky » Mob!Bucky Barnes x Bodyguard!Reader — Mob boss Bucky Barnes hires you to be his bodyguard. | Jenny left me at the edge of my seat, making this such an amazing story, I always look forward to her updates, and so sad that there is only 1 chapter left.
Better than Working sequel to This by @angrythingstarlight » Beefy Biker!Bucky Barnes x Reader — Beefy Biker Bucky shows you all the benefits of working from home. In fact what he has for you is so much better than work. | Sometimes you just need to read something hot to lift your spirits, let this do that.
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*Tell Me What You Want by @angrythingstarlight » Mafia!Steve Rogers x Reader; Mafia!Bucky Barnes x Reader — Your mob boyfriend, is none other than Steve Rogers and he is willing to get you whatever you wanted, all you have to do is ask. And be careful what you ask for because he’s going to give it to you over and over again. | This is so hot that I highly recommend not reading this anywhere out in public. The smut in this is just *chefs kiss*
(Mini) Series:
Miracle Pt. 2 🥀 Pt. 1 by @heavenhatesme » Soft!Dark!Bucky Barnes x Reader; Soft!Dark!Steve Rogers x Reader — When infertility threatens mankind with extinction and there hasn’t been a baby for almost 18 years, what happens when two certain super soldiers fall for the same woman and accidentally impregnate her? | It’s not tagged as dark, sorry to the writer I tagged it that please forgive me? But I just want to tell everyone heed the tags. I do look forward to reading what happens next. The smut in this is great!
Invisible Ink by @navybrat817 » Bucky Barnes x Reader, Steve Rogers x Reader; Bucky Barnes x Reader x Steve Rogers — The owners of the Howling Commandos Tattoo Parlor want to make you their best girl. | I love the idea of tattoo’d Bucky and Steve, but that's because I have a weakness for tattoo’s. So this series is just right up my alley, and the start of it is so good that I know it’s good to be a great one!
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Steve Rogers
Chocolate Milk & Dino Nuggets by @nony-bear » Steve Rogers x Reader — Daddy Steve helps make his little girl feel better after a long week. DDLG THEMES | Had me wishing I had a Steve to make me Dino nuggets after a long day at work. It’s precious folks.
Prompt 4K Drabble Challenge by @sweeterthanthis » Steve Rogers x Reader — “Show me how deep you can take it.” | You’re going to need an ice cold bath after this one.
A Cruel Tide by @writerwrites » Nomad!Steve Rogers x Reader — A lost hero thinks she needs saving, but this divorcée’s needs were different, fleeting, and then full of attachment. Can they overcome the burdens on their shoulders and keep their word? | Sometimes you want to wrap the reader and Steve in a blanket and protect them while enjoying the smut. This gave me that and more.
Untitled Request by @navybrat817 » Steve Rogers x Reader — Sending Steve a naughty photo while he’s in a meeting leads to punishment that will remind you to never do it again, right? | Hi, I’m just going to drench myself in ice cold water. ✌🏻
(Mini) Series:
*Control Pt. 3 🔐 Pt. 1 🔐 Pt. 2 by @river-soul » dark!Steve Rogers x Reader — When a probationary agent asks you out on a date you learn Steve’s intentions for you have evolved. He doesn’t take kindly to someone touching what’s his. [Noncon, physical violence (biting), grooming behavior and explicit sex, 18+] | Definitely one of my favorite series to read on Tumblr so far, you know it’s dark, and the smut is great. I always look forward to the updates on this one.
*Lipstick and Crayons 🖍 Ch. 4 by @oneoftheprettynerds » Dark Mob!Steve Rogers x Reader — Steve can’t ever repay you for what you did. After meeting you, Steve believes his broken family is the missing piece in the puzzle of your own wrecked one. Indebting the crime lord to you has been the biggest mistake of your life, cause now you can’t get rid of him, no matter what. Loyalty and favours go a long way in the mob. | This story always gets my heart a racing and leaves you with questions as to what is going to happen next. I truly love it and Soft!Dad while being Angry!Mob boss Steve all at the same time, this story just has it all for me.
This Is My Unbecoming by @river-soul » Werewolf!Steve Rogers x Witch!Reader — When the Hydra pack graduates from turning humans to swell their ranks to kidnapping and murdering witches to consolidate power, Steve knows he needs to strike. He makes a deal with a powerful coven leader for a witch of his own in exchange for destroying the rogue pack. [Magical realism, biting, blood, slightly dubious consent and explicit sex, 18+] | Okay this is so good and I would like to thank the teenage mind of @river-soul for creating this! Like seriously thank you. I look forward to reading more!
It’s been a long, long time ☕️ Ch.1 by @mostly-marvel-musings » Steve Rogers x Reader — Steve Rogers – a man who has lost too much finds himself blending into the crowd in attempts to forget his past but revisits familiar places and spends days sketching his heart out. A rainy evening leads him to find shelter in your coffee shop. Is having meaningful conversations over endless cups of coffee with a stranger the key to unlocking a heart that’s lost the will to love? | The prologue tore my heart out, it truly did but the first chapter just puts the pieces back together. I really love this and I’m honestly looking forward to reading what happens next. I can’t thank you enough for entering my writing challenge!
*Not A Team Part: 1 by @shedobewritingalittle » Steve Rogers x Reader — The Reader tries to live a normal life, but her memories won’t leave her alone. Rhodey comes to visit the reader with a proposition. | There aren't a lot of stories out there that have walk on parts with Rhodey in it and I didn’t know how much I missed out on having him in stories till I read this. This was just so well written and the characterization of Rhodey was perfect, how Peyton got the emotions written across, it’s perfect. Read this and have some tissues on hand. I will always love it.
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Andy Barber
Closing Arguments by @river-soul » Andy Barber x Reader — Andy and you are going out for the first time since your daughter’s birth. Anxious about leaving her behind Andy does his best to make you feel better. [Fluff with explicit sex (f recieving), 18+] | So fluffy and sweet!
Keep the Heat by @ozarkthedog » Andy Barber x Reader — Andy fucks you in the coat. | Semi-Short and the smut is oh so good.
(Mini) Series:
Homebound 🏡 Ch. 1 by @fuel-joy » Dark!Andy Barber x Reader — You witness your neighbor kill his wife. You try to gather evidence all from the comfort of your home. | Prepare to be at the edge of your seat with this one, it’s just that good.
One Night by @darkficsyouneveraskedfor » Dark!Andy Barber x Reader — One night changes your entire life. | This is dark and exciting, with tons of angst in it. I love a real good dark!Andy fic and this is it.
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Chris Evans
Mirrors by @cherrychris » Chris Evans x Reader — “wanna know what i see? me owning you and this sweet little pussy” | Sometimes you read things that just blow your mind and this was one of those things.
*Work Party by @harrylovex » Chris Evans x Reader — you get drunk at a work party and chris looks after you… | This is really adorable and probably one of my favorite fluffy Chris Evans one-shots I’ve ever read.
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An Act of Kindness by @stargazingfangirl18 » Jake Jensen x Female!Reader — A simple act of kindness seals your fate. | I would like to simply start of by saying that this was my first Jake Jensen fanfiction in years, or maybe my first one, and all I could was where have I been hiding from him? So good and glad I read this and so will you!
*Come Back Safe by @celestialbarnes » Sam Wilson x Reader — based on tfatws, you find out sam’s leaving for a mission, afraid to lose the man you love, you confront him, and he promises you to come back. | So fluffy you’ll want to cuddle it under a blanket fort and wish under a thousand starry night skies for it to come true.
(Mini) Series:
Fiery Friends Pt. 3 🔥 Pt. 4 by @wanderinglunarnights » Johnny Storm x OFC!Sophia Jones — Johnny invites his best friend Sophia to stay with him in his penthouse during quarantine. | I really like this story, because I find myself mentally rooting for Sophia and Johnny, also going you go girl. Looking forward to what is next for this duo.
Ensnared Pt. 2 🔗 Pt. 1 by @stargazingfangirl18 » Ransom Drysdale x Female!Reader; minor Robert Pronge (Mr. Freezy) x Reader — Robert preps you for the handoff to the smooth talking stranger who bought you, but before he lets you go, he wants to have a little fun first. | So good and hot. Honestly I look forward to hopefully finding out what happens between the reader and Ransom.
Made With Love by @ayybtch » Wanda Maximoff x f!Reader + Friends to Lovers — Wanda is an excellent cook but a terrible baker. A rough day leads her to the bakery in the Avengers compound where she meets you, the lead baker. After a dismal attempt at making chocolate chip cookies, you volunteer to help Wanda learn how to bake. Your friendship grows stronger with each successful recipe until the two of you stumble into something even sweeter than baked goods. | This story will constantly have you smiling, sure it’s only 3 chapters so far, but I started off reading it in a bad mood but by the 3rd chapter I was just so sappy and happy. I can’t wait for more!
Without Me by CuttingMyFingersOff » Legolas x OFC!Braigeth — Braigeth was an elf who has nothing but memories of Legolas to help her survive being imprisoned in the walls of Orthanc. That is, until she is able to escape and reunite with him. | I’ve been invested in this since my friend came forward to me with the idea for this story and now that it’s being written, I couldn’t be more excited to read it. I need more Lord of the Rings in my life if I’m being honest.
Forever and Ever More by @syntheticavenger » Dark Alpha!Ransom Drysdale x Omega!Reader — Ransom Drysdale may be Boston’s most eligible Alpha but he has his eyes set on you. With his inheritance hanging in the balance, he won’t take no for an answer, whether you like him or not. | Prepared to go on a Hawaiian EMOTIONAL roller coaster with this story, there are so many times in this story you find yourself picking your jaw up off the floor. I’ve linked you to chapter 9, which has all the previous chapters, listed.
Is A Shout Out To My...
@bluemusickid in celebration of 700 followers is hosting a Holi Celebration Writing Challenge, that is due April 30th, but extension can be given. Any Marvel or MCU characters can be used in addition to Chris Evans and his characters. The theme is Holi and its colors, for better explanation visit the link provided.
@whisperlullaby in celebration of 700 followers is hosting a 700 Followers Challenge, your entries will be due May 5th. The theme is kinks, no RPF, DDLG/MMLG, bathroom related , incest, or under age kinks. This is MCU characters, Sebastian Stan, and Chris Evans characters x OFC or Reader. For more information visit the link provided. Congrats Becca on the 700 followers you deserve it hun!
@stargazingfangirl18 in celebration of 5K followers is hosting a Soft Dark Writing Challenge, which is due May 31st. Don’t let the name fool you, your writing can be soft, dark, or soft!dark, or headcanons about any Chris character. 500 word minimum with no max, but new or be read as a stand alone piece. For more information visit the link provided and be sure to congratulate Siri on her 5K milestone!
@cloudystevie in celebration of 4K followers is hosting a Mob!AU Writing Challenge, that is due on May 30th. You can use Chris Evans and any of his characters he’s played before, as well as make it NSFW or SFW. To learn more about it please visit the link below. Also congratulations Jasmeen on the 4K followers! 💗
655 notes · View notes
hes-writer · 3 years
Patreon Masterlist
These are exclusive fics that you can read on my Patreon!
* = complete, ^ = in-progress, + = will be posted on tumblr, (s) = smut (implied or mentioned) writing count: 78 pieces
**billing cycle currently paused** | new patrons will still be charged
This is a reupload of my masterlist with sneak peeks of each piece so you know what's up :D
Multi-Part Series | One Shots | Drabbles | Extras
* Unwavering (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) - 6.5k, the one where harry cheats (again)
"Right. Maybe we can go out tonight to grab some dinner," She suggested, a hopeful glint in her eyes and he almost felt guilty for putting her on the back burner of his mind. "I really have to go, baby," Peeking his head around her frame, he spotted the untouched toast and apple juice resting on where he should be. "I'm sorry."
^ + Roommate Series (3) (4) (5) (6) - 9.8k, the one where harry and y/n are roommates
He sighed, “I finished my coffee ages ago. I was just waiting for you to finish studying so we could leave together and go home,” Y/N dropped her fingers from his wrist, slouching the slightest bit as butterflies attacked her stomach. “Don’t look at me like that. I just wanted you to get home safe,” He nudged her forehead with the ball of his palm, his face contorting to annoyance.
^ + Notes on Camp (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) - 16.5k, the one where harry and y/n are camp counsellors
Y/N looked around to be met with puckered lips and clenched hands as the campers practically requested for her to kiss their favourite counsellor. Wide, hopeful stares were willing her to commit.
“Alright, alright,” She bent her upper body to reach his cheek, licking over her lips once before pressing it on his skin. It was only a quick peck and then she pulled back. He stayed unmoving.
Jacky and Emy poked their finger at him on opposite sides. His cheek dimpling with their small indents. “Maybe you should do it again?”
* Friends Don't (1) (2) (3)- 3k, the one where lines are crossed
“It’s Harry Styles fanfiction on Tumblr,” She suggested a conversation, shyly smiling in embarrassment. “I can see that,” He murmured, using his thumb to scroll through the rest of the story, “It’s . . . interesting. People write these about me?” His retort made the situation seem like an utter surprise.
* Digress, Progress, Regress Series - 5k, the one where harry falls out of love
Y/N wondered if there was a chance to fixing what has been lost--what has disappeared as the canvas soaked through in a permeated osmosis. Coating the brush of blue with white paint took several layers to completely cover the mistakes. There had to be an effort in wanting to make the faults and errors completely opaque from the eye; the bleary, watery irises soaked with tears, dampening her lashes in a thick haze as she cried.
Tickle Fights (1)  - 1.2k, the one where bff!y/n teases harry about his boner
“What’s going on here, Harry?” The light tone of her voice indicated that she was teasing him, paired with the subtle movements of her lower half. Harry whined in response, feeling the blood rush downwards to make him even stiffer. “Does this feel good? Got hard over me straddling you, huh?” It was almost degrading, the way Y/N formed her question yet Harry couldn’t help a whimper from lingering in the air. He nodded, hands sliding down to grip at her moving hips.
Real Mature (1)  (2)  - part two is patron exclusive! - 603 words, the one where bff!harry and y/!n fight
“You shouldn’t have. I’m sorry for being bitter about you and Ruby,” She rested her forearms on his shoulders in a slant when he stood to his full height. “I know you’re happy with her,” Harry gave her a shy smile that confirmed his words. Ruby is someone special to Harry now and Y/N had to learn how to share his time, attention, and affection. “I reckon I’m just missing you a lot more now,” Y/N’s tone was sad and despondent, trailing her gaze to the floor where she almost chuckled at Harry’s fuzzy bunny slippers which she had gotten him.
^ Fine Line Series: Adore You - 1.1k the one where harry and y/n are friends with benefits
Still, with her back against the wall and Harry’s fingers still gripping her hips—she waited for his response. I told you I loved you. Say it back, Y/N thought. “I love her, Y/N,” He mumbled against her neck in a drunken stupor. So close.
Kinkmas Blurbs (1 - 7) - 4.6k, the one where it’s all smutty
Maybe it was the way that his jaw ticked harshly every time he threw his head back at a particularly good stroke. You wondered what he was imagining that had him bucking his hips to his fist before realizing that the movements would probably cause you to wake up. Still, his hooded lids didn’t peel open—not until a core shaking fondle of his heavy balls forced a choked whine out of his throat.
Harry’s neck snapped to your figure, catching the way you looked at him as if you were in distress that he wasn’t cumming anytime soon—not when you were there, willing and able to help.
“Fuck, love. ‘M sorry,” He mumbled, not stopping the flicks of his wrist. In fact, you swore that you could hear the squelching of his clear pre-cum squishing between his fingers.
The Secretary (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) 11k, the one where harry is the CEO and y/n is the assistant (cheating fic)
Two months ago, Y/N unburied a not-so-hidden secret that Harry tried to bury. Two months ago, Y/N walked in on her boyfriend and his secretary fucking on his office table. Two months ago, Y/N experienced everything from pain and discomfort, to disappointment and being scornful. She threaded the line of confronting him or waiting for the day he came forward and admitted it himself. There was a desire for Y/N to see Harry sweat beneath her beady eyes, watching him scratch the back of his pants in a nervous manner. She wanted to hear him stutter as he spat an excuse, she yearned to see him pleading with his gorgeous green eyes for her to stay.  Y/N craved for his throat to close up, whimpers choked from his trachea because he was losing his stability as she walked away from him.
(s) Tension (1) (2) - 5.3k, the one where harry and y/n hate each other
“S’that why you hate me so much?”
His fingertips tapped his thigh methodically, crumpling a faint thud against his jeans. With how close they were sitting, Y/N’s bare knee brushed against his clothing. A burn of desire and anticipation lit inside of her like a dose of gasoline another in a flaming hot fire.
Harry shook his head, “Don’t hate you."
Champagne Problems- 4.4k, the one where marriage is a sensitive topic, the 1 - coming soon!
The freshly popped bottle of champagne poured into the flute on the table beside her bubbled and simmered, the sizzling reaction of the golden liquid ignited a moment of realization within her. The reason why her body felt more weighted, why tears filled her glazed eyes, pricking her corneas and threatening to spill down her face. Y/N’s heart had cracked–she was certain that everybody around her could hear it.
One Shot
(s) Achy Back - 813 words, the one where harry draws y/n a bath
A pout sat on her face as Harry stopped himself from ducking his head and catching her plush lips with his, craving the sweet taste of her and her strawberry lip balm. Her arms wrapped around his snatched waist, halting his breath at the tightness of her embrace and settling for a kiss on her forehead, the scent of her shampoo wafting in his nostrils, knowing that she had taken shower hours prior.
A Letter to the Man I’ve Loved - 1.5k, the one where harry receives a letter from his ex
Is it really worth it to look back in retrospect about ‘what had been’ when she can think about ‘what could have been’ if both of them realized their faults? Granted, he was more resilient in that sense than her, but he was no better at the time. She made mistakes and it had haunted her to this day, practically killing her with each moment she spent without him by her side.
Renegade - 981 words, the one where harry and y/n do a tiktok dance
“What are y’doing?” Harry asked, his eyes wide as his large palms ruffled the fluffy towel on his damp curls. The steam from the bathroom escaped to your bedroom where you were panting with effort, your chest heaving so hard that the peaks of your breasts rose with each breath.
“Uh, what are you doing?” You retorted slowly, hiding your hands behind your back were your fingers gripped your phone. Your thumb dug hard on the volume bottom, frantically trying to decrease the music from the phone speaker.
(s) Drop the Towel - 644 words, the one where harry does the ‘drop the towel’ challenge
You gasped at the sight, the knife clanging on the marble counter, “Ooh, hi there,”
He smirked cockily, watching your eyes observe his body, tongue subconsciously peeking out between your lips until you snapped your head to the window, “Oh my god! There are people out there, Harry!” You wailed in alarm, bending over to hand him his towel.
All I Ask - 2.2k, the one where feelings aren’t mutual
“I don’t want to be scared of what will happen tomorrow or if all we have is right now because we’ll have nothing left but I am,” A sob ripped through his throat, emotions were heightened tenfold because she was so close yet so far and they were still Harry and Y/N but at the same time they weren’t. They’ve changed over the span of one night. “All we have is tonight,”
Little Prince - 583 words, the one where 7-year-old harry takes care of his best friend
“Y/N? Y/N! Are you okay? I’m so so sorry, I didn’t mean for that to happen. I swear I wasn’t mad at you, I was just jok- Why are you smiling?” Harry yelped, panic evident in his shrill voice. His hands wandered towards her face, tilting it left to right, up and down, searching for any visible and invisible injuries besides the bump on her forehead.
Stressed Out - 1.8k, the one where y/n has a huge term paper due
“What d’ya mean I don’t get it?” He closed the paperback, making sure to clip in his bookmark to save his spot.
A pregnant pause slithered the room. Her fingers typing against the keys of her laptop ceased as she shot him a glare, “You’re not studying, are you? All you do is write songs, fiddle with a few instruments and sing it in front of people who adore you,”
Valentine’s Day - 1.5k, the one where harry runs into trouble and y/n is there to save him
“Shit! Are you crazy?” Y/N gasped in surprise when the passengers seat was occupied, the door opening and slamming shut all while the car moved at a speed of 15 km/h —cursing her forgetfulness for not clicking the locks shut.
“Keep driving!” The passenger shouted, looking back through the windshield.
Dream With Me - 1.3k, the one where y/n has trouble sleeping
Harry’s admiration gets interrupted when a sudden jolt took over Y/N’s body. He dropped his mouth open a little in shock, rubbing her back soothingly when she whimpered quietly, “Shh, it’s okay. You’re safe with me,” She must have had experienced one of those moments when she was falling until her vision drooped to a shaded black.
Pet Name - 1.2k, the one where bff!harry just wants y/n to call him by his pet name again
His voice emulated a soft, syrupy tone that lingered in the air whenever he spoke. He was the colour honey itself–golden and yellow like the colour of the sun. Harry was bright in its sense of intelligence and the way he illuminated the whichever room he entered. His kindness catered to everyone’s needs and left pieces of his heart wherever he went.
Harry was honey.
Shave - 768 words, the one where harry helps y/n shave her coochie
She sniffles some more, “I’m trying to shave, H. It’s so itchy but I-I can’t reach down there,”
Y/N began to sob. The rattle of the razor clanking on the bathtub floor where she sat her bum on the edge. Her baby bump was causing her to teeter over the porcelain which urged Harry to swiftly plant his hands on her to keep her steady.
“I’m so huge! I’m the size of a house,” Y/N palmed the crest of her bump, rubbing it loosely as she admired the stretched skin yet slightly wishing that it would disappear and she was holding their baby in her arms instead.
(s) Don’t Worry, Darling - 1.5k, the one where y/n rides harry
He slipped down the headboard, resting his back flat on the mattress with Y/N sliding with him. She positioned her feet to rest near his knees, wrapping their limbs together so she could have some sort of sanity whilst Harry incepted on his shattering thrusts. Feet were planted on the mattress to give his lower half elevation to propel his hips against Y/N’s core. Harry’s fingers left white marks on her skin, gripping the plush flesh and essentially spreading Y/N open as he rapidly shoved his dick over and over inside of her with no signs of slowing down. He staggered for a few moments when her pulsing core emitted dazing throbs over his leaking cock but Y/N was quick to duplicate and resume the pace he had set with the movement of her hips.
To Be Loved - 2.3k, the one where y/n’s feelings are more than friendly
“I love you. Don’t you love me back?”
Harry’s eyes visibly widened, clearly taken aback by the question spewing from Y/N’s mouth. Her heat cheeks and a shy stance; knees knocking against his knobby ones while her dainty hands interlaced her fingers.
Revelation - 2.1k, the one where famous!y/n and harry are spotted together (pre-relationship)
Before there were Harry and Y/N--the power couple--there was Harry and Y/N.
Y/N, who was one of the most sought after female artists in the industry because of her angelic voice. The woman who had managed to catch the lingering stares of every household and the ears of many listeners with her truthful songs; narrative from the experiences she had gone through and shared through the art of songwriting.
Harry, who was quite the artist for the night. Harry’s limbs were being pulled metaphorically every which to ensure that the cameras captured him clapping respectfully in the audience. Others were asking him to stay for a bit more time backstage for content for an upcoming video. Right now, he was sat in his uncomfortable chair beside a handful of producers and well-known singers. A brief hug and whisper with Ariana Grande were enough for their fans to implode about a possible collaboration, granted that Harry had written a song for her album before. But Harry was certain that that feature wasn’t coming for a long while.
Apple Cheeks - 1.1k, the one where harry says something and y/n isn’t listening
Clearing his throat, he began, “I love you, Y/N. And I know that it might be too soon considering how short our relationship has been so far but I-I really do have strong feelings for you,”
Harry dropped his gaze as soon as he managed to peel off the first three words from his hoarse throat. “You don’t have to say it back. I just wanted to let you know that I really care for you and me. I definitely something for us in the future and I hope you feel the same,”
Dreadful seconds shivered up Harry’s spine. His stare was still fixed on her shuffling feet and the floor. It was painful to hear nothing but silence so Harry decided to courageously lift his head up.
Affliction - 1.5k, the one where Harry breaks down (TW: depressive thoughts)
It wasn’t even that Harry did not know how to say ‘no’ because he truly did. However, anyone would be worn-out by the amount of exhaustion carried on his back. That cold shudder of loneliness--even when he wasn’t alone-- because nobody shared the experience of defeat with him. The twitch of his ears straining to listen when nobody would do the same for him. A subtle jerk of the corners of his lips because he could not keep the smile plastered on his face like paint chipping off the drywalls. The flutter of tired lids waiting to be shut tightly as tears were wrung from his green eyes, lashes tickling his skin underneath the violent colour of his eye bags.
From the Dining Table - 748 words, the one where y/n’s new boyfriend looks a lot like harry
Y/N wondered if her former lover shared the same thoughts as she did. The girl that he woke next to—was she still there? Did they share the bed together—not just in the morning—but the nights as well? If so, did Harry love her like he did with Y/N? Or was he just pretending to be okay like she was?
Blanket for Two - 990 words, the one where y/n kicks harry out of bed
And now, Harry was in bed with the woman he loves. Her light snores echoing in the dim room and he was staring up at the ceiling, shivering in his bones. If she were awake, Y/N probably would have made a snide, joking comment about how he shouldn’t sleep naked, especially in the winter.  Not like she didn’t do that either--she was practically naked with the thin camisole over her body.  The difference was that Y/N had an extra layer of blanket keeping her warm, shielding her skin from the night air and Harry only had the friction of his palms rubbing against his arms.  He was sure that he was a hint away from his teeth chattering. Harry had half the mind to dip his freezing feet beneath the blanket and jolt her awake with the change in temperature.
That’ll show her, he thought.
Around 1:32 - 3.2k, the one where y/n has a wet dream
“What?” Harry spat, tugging his shirt over his head, waiting for you to form a coherent excuse. “‘Think that jus’ because you woke up horny from a dream that y’can touch yourself? What a slut.  Are you that desperate?”
Your cheeks flamed at his words of degradation, doubling your arousal and one that had you smushing your thighs together to relieve the ache. You rolled your eyes as he continued his rant instead of using the time to keep you satisfied.  That was his job, wasn’t it? To make you cum and make you feel nothing but pleasure, yet here he was shaming you for touching yourself. Granted, you did it without his permission and done so while he was asleep beside you, but still.
“Wouldn’t have touched myself if you treated me well.”
+ Stories in My Eyes - 1.2k, the one where dad!Harry gets woken up in the middle of the night
And while he liked to think that he had gotten the hang of—quite literally— his kid dangling on his leg like some sort of koala, pulling on his hair every time he gave Beau a piggy back ride, and the random visits late at night where the small child would stand at the doorway with his teddy bear so quietly only to say, “Can I sleep with you and mumma?” He was not at all prepared for tonight’s’ events.
+ Feather Boa - 1.5k, the one where harry comes home after the Grammys
Y/N rolled her eyes, “Oh, stop that!”
“Stop what?” Harry nudged the strap of his custom tote bag higher on his shoulder.
“You just won a Grammy, you goose!”
Harry’s gaze softened, endeared at how happy Y/N was for him. She was jumping on the tips of her toes, hands clasped in front of her as she stared at him with admiration and awe.
(s) Roughed Up - 2.8k, the one where harry’s domestic and y/n’s mind wanders
You whimper in return, almost collapsing straight on his body when Harry uses your body to move you up and down his cock. His curls flop on the soft pillow beneath his head, sweat matting the tiny hairs to his face. The way he looks at you with such intensity and a certain kind of awe as if he couldn’t believe that this was really happening is rewarding. Hooded eyes observing how your body twitches in his grip, gasping at how strong he felt underneath you like you were merely a ragdoll to be played wit
Pudding Cups - 1k, the one after harry steals food from the kitchen (Notes on Camp Extras)
“So is it common practice for counsellors to steal food from the kitchen?”
Harry lifts his head up at inquiry, shifting his attention from gently taking out the contents of the reusable bag towards Y/N.  She was laying on his mattress, flat on her back as she stared at the wooden ceiling.  If she looked closely, Y/N was sure that his light bulb was flickering the tiniest bit and usually, she would’ve been freaking out over the fact that she was in the middle of the woods, hovering over a potential power cut.  But the fear subsided once she reminded herself that Harry was around.
“Hopefully not,” He muses with a suggestive eyebrow.
(s) Drabble #1: Fratboy!Harry - 469 words, the one where y/n meets fratboy!harry at a party
Y/N snapped her head towards the member. When she applied for the rush, she didn’t expect that she would have to sleep with someone in order to officially join the sorority.  “What? Why him?
Sadie chuckled, sensing the panic in her voice. “Don’t worry, Harry’s nice. Besides, everybody does it,” She swirled her drink around, mixing the liquids together. Her lashes draped over her cheeks, almost touching the apples. “Are you in?”
Drabble #2: Asshole!Harry - 848 words, the one where harry cheats
You were calm, silent, and patient to see where he would take the conversation. Guilt was not present when you stood face to face in a battle of tranquility that pierced through your heart. His eyes gleamed in concealed smugness while his tongue curled in endless apologies. You knew him too well that he didn’t even stand a chance to hide his true intentions. But to Harry, you were a naive little girl that failed to acknowledge the difference between his acting and the truth.
(s) Drabble #3: Tease - 1.4k, the one where harry teases y/n
Harry plunged two fingers in her hole carefully, biting his lip to suppress the sound he was bound to release from the feeling of her wet walls suffocating his digits. He delivered punctual thrust, making sure to graze her sensitive spot to heighten her arousal. “Harry,”
He stepped back abruptly, pulling his fingers out and creating distance between them. “We have dinner to get to,”
(s) Drabble #4: Dessert - 1.7k, the one where y/n makes dinner but harry wants dessert
His thoughts were always about her no matter how hard he tried not to. And the fact that she took the time out of her day to prepare him something that he will enjoy; well, Harry’s heart just about swelled up to three times the size in his thumping chest.
She pulled away, shaking her head adamantly, “No way! I spent all day cooking and you’re not gonna skip it just to eat my pussy,”
He the corners of his eyes squinted in offence at her description, “Your pussy’s top tier, baby.” Harry ‘tsked’ his tongue, “If yeh didn’t know that already, then I’m doing a horrid job,”
(s) Drabble #5: Mine - 579 words, the one where harry is obsessed with y/ns tits
But he couldn’t exactly do that when all Harry wanted to do was do her. The smooth skin was supported by a navy blue push-up bra; he could tell by the lace mesh that he could see peeking out. It gave Y/N every favour because Harry was trying so hard not to let saliva pool in his mouth and drip out in a line of drool, his eyes widening with each movement she made with her arms, jostling her boobs a little bit here and there.
“Hello? Can you hear me?” Y/N waved her arms to catch his attention. A frown creased her brows as he blinked sluggishly before finding enough coherence to recognize that she was trying to talk to him.
(s) Drabble #6: Early Mornings - 1k, the one where harry thinks y/n is prettiest in the morning
“Get to see ya’ when you’re most beautiful,” Harry tickled his nose on hers, smiling at the way the feature scrunched up as she giggled. He groaned at the contractions her walls gave while her tummy flipped in gentle laughter. “Oi! What’s so funny?” He smushed her face with kisses, pausing his thrust halfway through which had her whining.
Drabble #7: Getaway - 952 words, the one where harry is always cold in the mornings
"Y/N, have you taken my purple bathrobe?"
“No,” Y/N tugged the lavender coloured fabric by the sleeves first. Then, by the lapels draping over her chest, drawing them tighter to block the gust of wind currently caressing Harry’s floppy curls.
Twisting his body, a knowing look overtook Harry’s face as Y/N exited the cabin door. The sheepish smile on his lover’s face granting all the information he needed for this morning’s chilly inception.
There she was, clad in the said purple bathrobe.
Drabble #8: A Little Chilly - 451 words, the one where harry sleeps on the couch
“‘S my bed. Dunno why Lydia can’t jus’ stay on the couch,”
“It’s Y/N!” She wailed, walking closer to the doorframe with her arms crossed over her chest.
“Dear, we didn’t know that you were coming home,” Anne tried reasoning with him, not seeing the gravity of the situation as Harry was making it out to be.
Text Messages:
Text Messages #1 - ‘would you love me if I was snail?’
Text Messages #2 - ‘did you know we had a quiz today?’
Text messages #3 - ‘did you steal my hoodie?’
Notes/Behind the Scenes
Notes: Tarnish
Notes: Stressed Out
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drowningbydegrees · 3 years
Fanfic Tag Game
Thanks for the tag @lokibus! <3 <3 <3
How many works do you have on Ao3?
54. I've written quite a bit more, but I just can't be bothered to carry over most of the fics from my LJ days. Also, once upon a time I had a super insecure streak and I went on an orphaning spree, so... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
What’s your total Ao3 word count?
Apparently 457,241! Kinda same as above.
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Though I Try Not To (The Witcher)
I'm so weirdly pleased about this. I fell into Witcher fandom totally by accident. I don't usually do fixit fics, but I couldn't help myself. This is, I think, the only fic to date where I've started posting as a WIP and actually followed through and finished.
Where All Roads Lead (MCU)
If there is one plot device I'm just eternally a sucker for, it's time travel shenanigans. This was one of the two time travely fics I wrote for Stucky fandom.
For The Space of a Heartbeat (The Witcher)
I'm honestly really surprised by this? This was totally just a self indulgent spur of the moment kinda thing, and it's only a couple thousand words.
Even in the Dark I Know You (The Witcher)
Okay, I lied. There were two WIPs I actually followed through and finished. This started as a random oneshot for a whump week thing, and then the prompt for the next day fit so well with a follow up chapter that this just turned into a whole story. I really enjoy subverting tropes and with witcher biology I see a lot of sensory overload kinds of fics, so I decided to play with the idea in reverse.
Even if it Hurts (Even if it Makes Me Bleed) (The Witcher)
So, most of the time when I settle into a fandom, there's one fic idea that I feel like I cannot leave without writing. For Witcher fandom, this was that fic. I have a lot of complicated thoughts about soulmates as a romantic concept, even more so when you're involving characters like Geralt, for whom fate is so often a double edged sword. This story was very much an excuse to dig into what soulmates mean for personal agency under the guise of a narrative. XD
Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
Admittedly, I do this with embarrassing inconsistency. Basically, what happens is: * Something gets a good response. * I respond to a few comments and then find myself overwhelmed (mentally, not as in there are a truly overwhelming number of comments). * I step away for a bit. * A month later I realize I still haven't replied. Cue paralyzing indecision about whether it's too late to reply. * Rinse and repeat.
I do want to! And I'm working on it. I've gotten a little better about it, but my apologies to anyone who I haven't responded to. Please know I'm not intentionally ignoring you. ;_;
What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending?
Oh hmm. I had a reputation for a really long time as primarily an angst writer, but pretty much all my stories have a happy ending for some given quantity of happy. I guess it kind of depends on how one qualifies that.
Noonwraiths and Other Woodland Forest Creatures maybe. It's got a got a pretty fluffy ending.
What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
It's a tossup.
I, The Paradox, which is my other time travel fic from my Stucky fandom days, with a paradox (shocking) that lands Steve with two versions of Bucky. For plot purposes even! It's not a particularly smutty story. It ends sort of ambiguously. There's a sequel outlined that was meant to resolve said ambiguity, but alas, it's still sitting in my WIP folder.
Truth in the Periphery. It's a psychological horror story I wrote for an event. I think it's the only fanfic I've ever written that was really intended as a hurt/no comfort kind of story.
Do you write crossovers?
I haven't, but not because I specifically don't. I've just never had an idea that felt compelling enough to follow through on.
have you ever received hate on a fic?
Maaaaybe once or twice a long, long, long time ago, back when FFN was still the best option for posting outside of LiveJournal. I don't think it was even about the writing. I think it was someone was mad that my much younger self tried to sneak smut onto FFN.
Do you write smut? if so, what kind?
I have such a love/hate relationship with smut in my own work. I used to write it a lot because I felt like I had to. It was until I came to terms with being more or less ace irl that it occurred to me why I didn't enjoy writing it. Weirdly, I like reading it just fine.
The thing is, while I don't really care for the physical aspect of it, I like the emotional touchpoints of it, so I do still write smut sometimes. It just tends to be a little cursory in terms of action details and heavy on character dynamics.
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No. But I used to RP a lot, and it's always been a lot of fun, so I wouldn't be opposed to the idea!
What’s your all-time favourite ship?
Oh shoot. From a romantic standpoint that varies so much depending on what fandom I'm currently feeling enthusiastic about. It's pretty much always a specific character that draws me to a fandom, so I think the most consistent ship I have is favorite character/unconditional love and support. XD
What’s a wip that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
The sequel to I, The Paradox I mentioned earlier.
What are your writing strengths?
If there's one thing I feel like I have a consistently good handle on, it's emotional impact. I put a lot of thought into why people make the choices they do and how they relate to each other, and I would like to think I'm reasonably adept at leading readers to the emotional response I'm going for.
What are your writing weaknesses?
Descriptions. I'm just forever in awe of people who can just write settings/action naturally. It's a constant effort for me, and it's the thing I always feel like I fall short on. I can write navel gazing in my sleep, but an action scene? Pfftttt.
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
Very situational. Kind of like in movies and television. I don't have any kind of always x or y opinion on it though.
What was the first fandom you wrote for?
Inuyasha. It was back when I didn't have a computer of my own and would write at the library, so the only record of it was the site I used to draft and post to that is now defunct. No one is happier about this than I am. 😂
What’s your favourite fic you’ve written?
I think I'm genuinely pretty proud of everything I've written in the last couple of years, but if I had to pick right now, it'd be It Doesn't Break But it Bends. It's a time loop fic. Someone left "Recommended but you will sob." as their bookmark note for it and I think that might be my crowning achievement in fandom.
Tagging (if you want!): @mikkeneko @goodheavensgwen @writinglizards @plotdesigner And anyone else who wants to <3
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lycorogue · 3 years
Hey girl! For your "Ask about WIPs" game, I'm interested in "I Don't Care" and/or "Seduce with Caution." Hope you're well, stay safe!!
Hey right back! I am doing well. Hope the same for you and yours.
[WIP tag game: my list]
Ya know what, no one else has played yet, so I'll go ahead and indulge. 😀
I Don't Care
This story actually started life as a "tumblr exclusive" one-shot called Stranger in a White Dress (published here May 2018). It was actually one of the first fanfics I posted to Tumblr. It was inspired by the song "Play Me Like a Violin" by Stephen (*warning: the music video has flashing bits, so those with photosensitivity, please be careful if you watch instead of just listen).
I don't know why specifically I latched onto Gabriel Agreste and Emilie Graham de Vanily, but it seemed appropriate somehow. The story was them having a meet cute in college. Emilie would have blown into Gabriel's life for a few minutes, stole a kiss unexpectedly, and then blew back out of his life just as abruptly.
The story stayed like that for quite some time. Then, August 2019, I heard the acoustic version of Ed Sheeran's song "I Don't Care". At first blush, the song sounded like something my husband would sing, but the more I listened the more I realized it could be Gabriel singing about/to Emilie. This song was kind of the theme of the Agrestes' relationship, in my opinion. Hence stealing the song title for the story's title. I took the first verse about being at a party, and continued my story. Gabriel was dragged to a party by his flatmate, and Emilie coincidentally was there. The two reconnected, and Gabriel turned a one-time chance encounter at a club into a potential relationship.
I'm not entirely sure where else to go with this story, aside from knowing I want it to be the love story between these two. Possibly ending with Adrien's birth. Possibly continuing until Emilie's "disappearance." Not sure which yet. However, this whole story is a bit of a slow process while I wait for inspiration to strike again, mostly by way of new music. I have been a touch obsessed for the past year with the songs "2AM" by MK (feat Carla Monroe) and "Say You Won't Let Go" by James Arthur as a back and forth between Emilie and Gabriel respectively (the fact that "2AM" has a female vocalist and "Say You Won't Let Go" has a male vocalist just makes it all the better). The only snafu there is that this would be a chapter about them drinking too much while out, and/or Emilie drunk calling Gabriel and asking for him to spend the night with her. As spontaneous as I like making Emilie, it seems a bit abrupt considering where their relationship stands at the end of the 2nd chapter. So I want to come up with a buffer one showing their first official date as my 3rd chapter. I'm just not sure what said date should look like yet. Thus this WIP sits in waiting.
If you want to read the first two chapters, you can find them over on AO3, FFN, or DA.
Seduce with Caution
This one is actually my current WIP. It's also my first foray into Miraculous Ladybug smut (aged-up, of course).
For some reason, August brings out the smut in me (is it the warm weather?), and I've written other smutty fics during that month in the past. Most have never seen the light of day. I've written a couple using the X-Men OCs created for my husband's play-by-post role-play game. I've written one using my D&D character and one of her partymates. The only smut I've officially published though was my interpretation of a handwaved sex scene in the book Bitterblue by Kristin Cashore (mostly because the series was fairly unknown and that book had been published 7 years prior, so I figured not many would even find my smut).
I have never tried ML smut before though, despite enjoying a lot of the ones I've found. I just couldn't get past the mental image of the Love Square as 14-year-olds.
Last year, however, while reading Dressed to Confess by @zenmisery , she had a bit where Chat Noir's costume acted as a bit of a magical chastity belt. For some reason, that gave me this fantastic concept for a MariChat sex scene. I started working on it, but I realized that it seemed too abrupt of an interaction between these two characters without also having the story be post-reveal and the two of them being in a relationship. The concept, though, would have been how MariChat could spend a night together without Marinette finding out who Chat Noir is under the mask first. The whole premise crumbles if they're already in a relationship and/or it's post-reveal.
I just couldn't get the balance right, and so I abandoned the story. Right around December, I tried again by backtracking a touch to include the seduction and foreplay leading into the sex scene. That too seemed a bit left-field. It felt like glorious crack, and I was tempted to just run with it because crack is a fantastic story "genre" but I... just can't find it within myself to do so. So the story was abandoned again.
This past August I revisited the story once more. After 3 or 4 false starts, I tried backing up even further with my story's starting point. Now this story has become a slow-burn, sexual tension, blushfest. There's implied masturbation, and later chapters will include make-out sessions with heavy petting, but the actual true-blue smut won't show up until the final chapter or so. So my "Porn without Plot" has become "so much pining with a sprinkle of smut thrown in for flavor". 😅
I still don't have a concrete story figured out, but the working summary is: "While 19yo Chat Noir tries to demonstrate to Marinette his new 'moves' to try to win Ladybug over, he accidentally seduces Marinette. Now she has to come to terms with the knowledge that she finds him sexy and highly desirable, all while still holding a flame for Adrien. Meanwhile, Adrien has to wrestle with the knowledge that he found Marinette getting hot and bothered over him a major turn-on. Chaos ensues."
Considering it kept me over a year to write just the first chapter (but only 3 days to write the second one), I want this story complete before unleashing it onto the world. I also need to build up the confidence to let the rest of the fandom read my first ever MariChat smut soooooooooooooooooo..........
ANYWAY, yup. That's what's up with I Don't Care and Seduce with Caution.
A romance story between young Gabriel and Emilie where I humanize Gabriel....
And a slow-burn MariChat smut story that will only really include anything explicit in the last chapter or so.
Thanks so much for the ask! This was fun. Feel free to ask me more!
I've also talked about my original WIP Glitches here, here, and here, as well as talk about my other Gabriel-humanizing project When Love Matters here.
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jessalae · 3 years
fic writer interview (tagged by @akisazame <3 <3)
name: jess
fandoms: currently The Magicians; in the past, a wide variety of things
two-shot: Accept No Substitutes and Rain Check, a pair of smutty Queliot fics in which Eliot's dick is temporarily nonfunctional and then afterwards it is very functional, and there are Feelings. I love when a joke idea spirals into something I actually want to write.
most popular multi-chapter fic: any thrill will do, my massive fake-dating-at-Encanto fic. Tons of smut, tons of pining, almost twice as long as the next-longest thing I've written. I am massively proud of it and not at all sorry for dragging out the slow burn as long as I did, it was necessary, they had to earn their happy ending, I don't care how much y'all suffered.
actual worst part of writing: when I know in my heart exactly how event A leads to event B which causes conversation C, but I can't for the life of me find actual words to put on the page to show that.
how you choose your titles: with much wailing and gnashing of teeth, and usually asking sylph for help
do you outline: i write notes about plot points or conversations and try to keep them roughly in order so i know where i'm going. I only properly outline when I'm really stuck on something and need to break it down to figure out why it's not working.
ideas you probably won't get around to, but wouldn't it be nice: i had an idea for a real fucked up fic where post-niffin alice and shadeless julia decide it'd be fun to tie q up and make him watch while they fuck... then i realized that those two characters don't actually exist at the same time, so i can no longer make it work in my brain. :( my internal rules for what details of canon I can cheerfully ignore and what details i have to abide by are incomprehensible even to me.
callouts @ me: believe it or not, there are things characters can do other than fucking! there are even things they can do not even slightly related to fucking! also, you don't need that dialogue tag. or that one. or those italics. or those parentheses. no, you can't just change the parentheses to em-dashes, that's the same thing.
best writing traits: I'm proud of my character voices, both in narration and dialogue. i think having those locked down helps everything else slide into place, plot points, emotional arcs, etc.
spicy tangential opinion: quentin coldwater is not and never will be a sweet uwu baby. he is a brat and an asshole and has more neuroses than he has cells in his body, and that's why I love him. This is not to say that he isn't kind or loving or that he can't have a truly happy ending! but he can't be just sweet and obedient and perfectly self-actualized or it's not him.
tagging: anyone who hasn't gotten tagged yet and wants to play!
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orbitariums · 4 years
𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥𝐬 𝐨𝐧 𝐟𝐢𝐥𝐦 | 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫 | 𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐯𝐞 𝐫𝐨𝐠𝐞𝐫𝐬 (𝟒)
part three
note - i wanna thank everyone for reading once again! i'm currently in the process of writing imagines, those will be posted throughout the week, i don't want to clog up my blog bc i want y'all to see this chapter!
this one switches pov a lil more frequently, so bear with me <3 also not as smutty as other chapters, this is more of an emotionally-charged chapter!!! still a teensy bit smutty thooo. i want to make it clear that while this fic is definitely rooted in smut & sex & sex work, it is not porn without plot & will not ONLY be smut as i put effort and time into plot development / character development! i'm sure y'all know that tho. there will be conflict, there will be plot!!! i feel like that's clear already but there's discourse on smut happening rn and i wanna voice myself! omg anyways luv y'all enjoy the reaaad <3
new taglist!
word count - 8.3k
warnings - age gap, sex work, smut, vibrator, ANGSTYYY like hella dramatic, dirty talk
That slight shift that you and Steve both felt, that happiness that you realized came from talking to one another, only lasted so long... for you. You could hardly sit in your feelings about your situation with Steve before another thing that occupied all your time came crashing down upon you. Except this time, the thing brought you no such happiness or curiosity.
    You had spent almost your entire senior year working on a special lab project about drought tolerant plants in Southern California where you lived and went to school, and your professor was making completing your project incredibly hard for you. And you felt incredibly stressed out about the entire situation - not only was the project necessary to graduate, but it was your heart and soul for the past year. Now, your professor was basically saying it was "ineligible."
     "Ineligible?" Aaliyah repeated after you, after you told her what your professor had said.
     "Whatever the hell that means," you huffed as you power walked down the street, hand in hand with Aaliyah, your free hand holding a coffee.
     "That's so fucking annoying, holy shit," Aaliyah pressed a hand to her forehead. "He had the whole year to talk to you about changing your topic and...”
     "And he never did," you sighed, frowning. You settled down onto a bench where the two of you sat next to each other, staring out into the busy streets and sipping your iced coffees.
California was a beautiful place, and you were a native, you'd lived there all your life. You knew the ins and outs of your city, knew Southern California like it was your backbone. And you loved it here - loved the sun, the beaches, the way the people were either shady in the best way or incredibly friendly. You'd never really known any other place like you knew this place. You were just glad that if you had to be stressed, you could do so in California.
Aaliyah pouted, feeling for you. She placed her hand on your knee to be comforting,
     "It's okay," you sighed. You sucked it up, like always, because you had learned how to fend for yourself ever since you realized that depending on others could only lead to downfall. You would figure this out the same way you figured everything else out... on your own. You figured out your house on your own, your job, your finances.
     "Is it, though?" Aaliyah pursed her lips and squinted at you. Despite how much you tried to fend for yourself, Aaliyah was always there for you. She was one of your biggest supporters.
     "I'll just keep visiting during his office hours and work this out."
Aaliyah rolled her eyes,
     "Men are so annoying, girl. You know what, he probably wants to fuck you. With your fine ass. That's why he's doing all this."
You chuckled, shaking your head and covering your mouth, trilling back in response,
       "Okay girl, don't get too ahead of yourself."
       "I'm serious! Men are evil. Oh, except your fave."
You made a face, nearly choking on your iced coffee. This was news to you,
       "Who are we talking about?"
       "You know," Aaliyah sang slightly, nudging you and leaning against your shoulder. "Mr. Won't Show His Face."
You scoffed, rolling your eyes, but bit down on your straw with a knowing smile, eyes peeking out over the top of your shades. If you were being honest, this idea of Steve, whoever he really was, had been a fun thing to entertain during this period of stress. You'd been talking and engaging with him for two and a half weeks now, and the connection you two had was undeniable.
But you knew better - maybe he wasn't just another customer, because you could really talk to him and felt like he was real - then again, he was strictly a customer. You liked him, a lot, but you couldn't like him any more than you already did. That would be dangerous and silly, and create unrealistic expectations. It wasn't like you could go on dates or anything.
    Still, talking to him (and performing for him) did help to distract you from your stress, at least for a small amount of time. Steve was becoming less shy, less inhibited. He cracked jokes and was starting to keep up with your innate sense of sexuality, starting to navigate you, find you the way a bee might find its nectar, hidden deep inside the curvatures of a flower.
If you were a flower, you'd probably be a sunflower - bright, yellow, almost always in a positive mood, or at least trying to keep yourself in a positive mood. More than that though, sunflowers were tall and looming - you felt like that represented your put togetherness and how hard you worked, how smart you were. Only sometimes it was hard to keep yourself up and tall, but you always did it, time and time again.
But when it came to Aaliyah's comments about Steve, she mostly just made you laugh.
    "Haven't seen him yet, have you?" Aaliyah asked, raising her brows expectantly.
     "No. And I'm fine with that. He's simply another very loyal customer who I happen to like."
     "Hm," Aaliyah hummed, and you could tell her mind was up to something - some very wishful, and mischievous thinking.
     "What are you up to?" you narrowed your eyes at her and glared at her, and she just shook her head with a lazy smile,
     "Nothing. Just thinking that maybe it would be cool if he really was this really hot guy that you actually knew and he wasn't creepy and y'all... you know... started dating. Just to get your mind off a lot of crap. I know, I know, strictly against the rules, blah blah blah. No feelings for customers, it's basic shit. But in a perfect world..."
      "I know," you sighed without thinking, sipping at your drink.
     "You know?" Aaliyah questioned, surprised.
You shrugged,
     "So I've thought about it. Except, you know, in a perfect world, I'd meet a guy like Steve in like, a farmer's market or something. Not on my shady ass cam shows."
Aaliyah snorted laughing, and at the sound of her laughter, you joined in.
You continued,
     "I mean, not Steve exactly, because that would be weird. I just mean, a guy like Steve."
     "You mean a guy who makes you feel the same way he makes you feel," Aaliyah corrected you, and you glared at her again, pushing her gently.
     "Don't push it," you teased, but you meant it - you might have liked Steve, but that was all there was to it - you liked him, he was a distraction. And maybe even that was too much.
✺ ✺ ✺
As for Steve, he thoroughly enjoyed his time with you. He thought constantly about how you made him feel, how much he looked forward to talking to you. How everyday, his worry about your situation becoming more serious dissipated slowly. He could feel himself easing into you, everything that made up this character you created called Moonrose. Conversation seemed casual, like you knew each other in real life, it felt easy, and there was no pressure.
As for your connection, he had finally acknowledged that it was real, and more than either of you had wanted to realize at first. But now, there was no shame, no worry in acknowledging what the two of you had, because you were both smart enough to keep it at this level. It was like a shallow pool. There would be no drowning.
He mostly talked to Bucky about you when it came to the emotional aspect of it. He still feared that if he talked to Tony, it might come across as an issue, and might put a pause on what he had with you. But everyone noticed how different Steve was acting. Even without the phase he had gone through where he was sexually frustrated and angry, he still acted different.
Lighter on his feet, more smiley. And he was always on top of his work. You weren't distracting him from his duty, so that made the fact that he knew you had a unique connection with him more bearable. Because of you, he was learning to worry less. To have a little more fun.
    It was a bright day that week, the sun filtering in through the large windows of the meeting room where everyone was gathered. Steve was engaging in some mindless conversation with Sam and Bucky in which they were debating whether or not pineapple belonged on pizza.
     "No. I'm not sure why everyone keeps trying to put all these twists on pizza. It's pizza," Bucky scoffed, Sam rolling his eyes as a result.
    "You're just closed off. With your old ass," Sam retorted, and Steve made a face. Sam raised his hands up in surrender. "You know what I mean. What about you Steve?"
Honestly, Steve had never even tried pineapple on pizza and he didn't understand why there was such a big fuss about the banal question.
    "I don't really have an opinion," he shrugged, not expecting Sam and Bucky to start clamoring over him and trying to force him to pick a side.
    Before he even got to grasp the situation, he felt Natasha patting his shoulder,
"Hey, mind if I use your laptop? Mine's gone haywire, don't really feel like messing with it right now."
"Yeah," Steve agreed without a second thought, setting his laptop on the table and letting Natasha handle it- she was better with tech stuff than he ever was.
Natasha would use his laptop to showcase some data and start off their morning. It seemed innocent enough —a simple, barely impacting sacrifice. But Steve clearly hadn't thought everything through, because the moment Natasha logged in and hooked up Steve's computer to the holographic projector, more than just data appeared on the screen.
In fact, a whole array of women, all of them engaging in various sexual acts or preparing themselves to, showed up on the screen. And at the top, where the browser was, were the words "girlsonfilm.com."
Steve hadn't noticed all the clamor, too busy thinking (thoughts of you and thoughts of work), until Bucky called it to his attention.
"Steve," he nudged him frantically, his voice a loud whisper.
When Steve looked up at the screen, his face couldn't have gone any redder. He hadn't thought about this at all, and he had clearly forgotten to close out his browser. His heart sunk all the way to his stomach - because it wasn't just Natasha seeing this, it was everybody. And that included Tony, who was glaring pointedly at Steve from the head of the table. Meanwhile, all the others were too busy heckling Natasha and making brash comments about what was appearing onscreen. To Steve's relief, your face didn't show up, but this just might have been worse than only your screen appearing.
     "Woah, Nat, I didn't know you got down like that!" Sam hooted, cupping his mouth with his hands.
Natasha, though she was in shock as well, rolled her eyes,
     "This is Steve's laptop."
Now a hush, then another clamor of confusion and heckling, all directed towards Steve. He couldn't recoil any more, feeling the pangs of embarrassment as his eyes flashed between every one of his teammates. He felt as if there were an asteroid approaching fast, and he was right where it would land, too slow to move out of its way.
     "Steve, what do you know about 'girls on film'?" Sam nearly cackled, reading the name of the site.
Steve sighed deeply, locking eyes with Natasha as he mouthed "turn it off" to her.
     "I am, I am," she ensured him, quickly disconnecting the laptop from the projection, unplugging completely.
A beat passed, everyone staring expectantly at Steve, who was staring down at the table, trying to process his own thoughts. Like for starters, why didn't he log out the last time, and why didn't he remember to log out? And then his mind went to deeper places. He hadn't been intentionally secretive with his actions, but he had been intentionally private. It had to do with his own growth, he was learning how to navigate a world that was new to him and somehow helping him at once. He didn't want to have to share this with everyone, it was nice having this to himself, he had no intentions of revealing what he had been doing in his past time that made him so happy.
One of the reasons he didn't want everyone to know about his situation was because he didn't want to have to be concerned with what everyone else might think. Because to begin with, being on a site for cam shows wasn't exactly everyone's idea of what Captain America might be up to these days.
It was a matter of his image, what values he was supposed to hold. This didn't exactly match, and Steve had just gotten over the idea that he was a bad, sneaky person because of what he chose to indulge in. At least here he knew it was ethical and not causing harm to you as a human being.
He also didn't want to have to deal with the insufferable questioning and teasing his team would put him through, or the judgment he thought they might put him through. He felt embarrassed, exposed, and like he had been ill prepared for a situation like this. He was just grateful they hadn't seen more, because that would've been a disaster. What they had seen was only at the surface level of what he'd been doing.
But his thinking was interrupted by Tony's voice, which broke through all the silence, and made Steve realize again the eyes that were on him.
     "Well, jig's up," Tony sighed, leaning back in his chair. "Care to explain?"
Steve locked eyes with Tony, as if hopeful that he wouldn't have to, but he knew it was best for him to just spit it out. Tony shrugged apologetically, and Steve took in a deep sigh, looking around at everyone at the table.
     "What was that?" Scott whimpered, probably the most distraught by what they had all seen.
Steve nodded solemnly and began to explain himself. He would tell the truth, but that didn't mean he had to tell them everything. You would be left out of this, if anything. He'd just explain to them that sometimes, duty calls - and sometimes, it's not at all work-related.
✺ ✺ ✺
It was just hours before your cam show when another disaster struck, the first one being the fact that your professor was giving you shit about your project. You were in the bathroom, getting ready for your show, fixing your hair up and doing your makeup, laying out an outfit, doing all the things you did to feel pretty before a show.
    Your phone lay beside you on the bathroom table, pinging with messages every now and then. You ignored it, leaning closer into the mirror to get a look at your lipstick, dabbing your fingers into the pigment on your lips.
You smiled, feeling that gratifying sense of achievement. Despite what was going on with your professor, you felt like you were doing well in life. You usually had a positive mindset, enjoyed your work although you sometimes felt as if you were buried deep in all your occupations: student, office worker, cam girl, designer, young woman. Your life was never dull, and you wouldn't trade it for anything. Talking to Steve helped too, but it was more than that.
But that sense of satisfaction all seemed to dissolve when you looked down at your phone, and saw a text from an unsaved number, glaring bright on your glowing lock screen of you hiking with Aaliyah. Still, you recognized it immediately.
I miss you. Text me back.
✺ ✺ ✺
Steve wasn't exactly keen on joining your live show today, but he did so anyway, because he still had time to himself despite the spiral of events that had happened earlier. There was nothing else to do, and he didn't want to miss out on you after attending almost all of your shows for the past almost three weeks. Didn't want to just leave unexpectedly.
It felt strange that he felt this tug of commitment, but he brushed it off. He was just fulfilling his needs, which should even be expected of him. He was stressed again, after being caught up like he was. And maybe that was all the more reason not to watch your show tonight, but he wouldn't devoid himself of the simple pleasures of life. He'd learned that lesson a while ago, from a special someone called Moonrose.
After everything transpired, he explained himself calmly to his team, slowly to ensure that they'd understand that this wasn't the beginning of a deviant phase, that he wasn't throwing away his work responsibilities to lurk on the NSFW side of the internet. Not that they ever thought that to begin with, they never questioned his abilities or his authority for a minute, not even in the midst of what they'd seen that had shocked them.
This was the product of Steve's own insecurities and his admittedly silly fear that he was somehow letting his team down. He told them that he was on the site, as recommended by Tony, to relieve some "frustration" that he felt he didn't have the time or the means to release in real life. He said that while it had helped him do that, he wasn't throwing away his responsibilities, nor was he dependent on the site or the things on it, or the people on it for that matter.
He knew that if they knew about you, all those private sessions, all those conversations you'd had, the connection you had built between the two of you, it might be a different story. But because they didn't, they appreciated his honesty. They were confused, it didn't seem like the kind of thing Steve would be into, and he ensured them that it was a shock to him as well.
But they didn't mind on the whole, it was just a shock to everyone at first. They didn't think it called for a meeting, thought it was almost humorous how serious Steve was being about such a trivial situation. Wanda had joked about how we've all been there, Thor denied ever having to do such a thing because: "I have all the romantic partners anyone could ask for. I could introduce you Steve, but these Asgardian women are fiery, far beyond anything I believe you could handle." In the end, Steve was relieved, felt like it didn't have the disastrous outcome he'd been expected.
But he could feel his guard slowly coming back up. That was a close call, and it was a little too close for comfort. He didn't want to disregard you, but he couldn't afford to sink further in, and get his team involved. He just didn't want to face the consequences he could imagine if they knew how much he decided to stick with you, how much you talked, how it was teetering off the range of normal customer to cam girl interaction.
It wasn't like he was careless when it came to his interactions with you, but he also didn't want his team to know about his business when it came to you. He didn't want them thinking he was engaging too much, didn't want it to get to the point where he was worrying again or felt like he needed to deny himself such wonderful feelings.
All these things were on his mind while he waited for your live show to start. When it did, and he saw your face, he felt a little bit alleviated. Just for now, he could have this fantasy to himself. If they knew about the site, so be it. At least he had you to himself.
      "Hey guys," you mustered a smile, waving to the camera.
Unbeknownst to your viewers, you had spent the past few hours off camera panicking, on the verge of tears, calling Aaliyah frantically so she could help calm you down. That text from that mysterious unknown number had been from your ex's number. The same ex who made you fall into dependency patterns that you worked so hard to get out of, the one who made you feel like you had to work for his love. Like it wasn't something you deserved, just like anyone else.
You had worked so hard to finally wring out all the effects of him, all the bad habits you had fallen into because of him. That was part of the reason why you worked so hard. Not because you were actively avoiding him specifically, but because you were actively bettering yourself. You weren't looking for a relationship. But you knew that if you were in one now, the same things would never happen to you.
When you got that text, it triggered a flood of memories. Feelings you had to work to suppress and actually get over for months so you wouldn't fall back into the same desperate, needy patterns when it came to your relationships with people. All over a simple text from someone you hadn't heard from in almost a year. It hurt you how easy it was to get you to crack, even if you didn't spill out all the way. But on top of the added stress because of school, you were damn close.
You would do the show tonight, anyway. It helped you to escape, although Moonrose was a part of you, it didn't one hundred translate into real life. So in a way, this helped you escape real life. Just for a while. Just like Steve.
You grinned when you saw concerned comments from your watchers:
Are you okay, moonrose? You seem a little sad.
Girl r u ok? i missed seeing your face!!!
     "Guys, I'm okay," you grinned. And you actually felt better seeing comments from your supporters. It reminded you to cheer up - they were looking for a good show, not a sob story. You leaned back, revealing your stomach in the sheer, sparkly fringed bra you chose to wear (another piece you had designed by yourself). "It's been a looong day."
Steve watched silently, observing your behavior. He didn't notice drastic changes, but you did appear less chipper. Then again, he brushed it off. He didn't expect you to be smiley all the time, you were human too, and this was your work.
"But I'm okay," you reassured, giving that signature grin, genuine and charming and alluring. You were trying to gently distract yourself, get into your act. "I hope you're all just as lovely as I am. I have a special game for you today."
You directed your viewers to your spinning wheel, which you had been working on crafting that week for a game. You grinned as you spinned it. Each act on the wheel cost a certain amount of tokens, and by the end of the game you would garner a bunch of funds. The show went by relatively quickly as you played the game, eventually ending up completely naked.
As ordered by the spinning wheel, you were to use a vibrator. You held it against your clit at the highest setting as you watched the numbers of viewers and the tokens jump up, Steve watching as he stroked himself leisurely. Your legs shook as you restrained yourself from your orgasm so as to increase the length of your showtime, garner more coins to encourage you to come.
     "Mm," you moaned, massaging the vibrator against your clit, getting wetter and slicker by the minute, sliding the toy between your folds. You laughed, breathless. "Fuck, this thing is so powerful. Someone make me come, please make me come. Just a few more tokens for me to come for you."
Steve was hesitant, but he decided to go ahead and give you the amount of tokens you needed. And when you heard the chime of the tokens being added to your account, and saw the name it was attached to, it was like a blast of euphoria. When your legs started to shake, when you started to moan and your stomach started to rise up and down, it was genuine. It was like you were back in a private room with him, although you weren't.
Your orgasm was blood-curdling in the best way, and you felt like you were releasing part of the stress of the past day, the past week. It didn't get any realer than this, once again you felt like he was really there to satisfy you.
      "Oh!" you exclaimed, your mouth dropping open and your blood flowing, moaning. "Yes, Steve, I'm coming for you. Thank you for making me come, Steve!"
Steve had been stroking himself along with you as he watched, and only let himself come now that you had come, his cheeks heating up as he heard you moan his name, something he hadn't been expected. Something about you saying his name like that where everyone could hear, even though he enjoyed the intimacy of private rooms, felt victorious. It felt lewd, salacious, but he couldn't help but enjoy that aspect of it. He moaned through grit teeth while he came, stroking himself to completion.
You came down, thanking everyone for attending and ending the show. But it wasn't long after that you had requested Steve for a private chat. He accepted, because he had gotten used to you doing this a little more frequently. It didn't scare him any more, he just thought of it as making conversation, taking advantage of this connection you had with each other. So when you requested, who was he to say no.
When the chat log opened, you put on your best happy face for Steve, trying to conceal how fatigued this week, today in particular, had made you. But your tired, bleak voice gave it all away, buried deep beneath your smile,
    "Hey, Steve."
Steve was surprised at the sound of your voice. Again, while he understood that you wouldn't be a happy go lucky fairy like personality all the time, he wasn't expecting this. You were smiling, but the weariness in your eyes was hard to miss. And your voice, which usually told light hearted tales, sounded worn down as if from tragedy. He was concerned, his eyebrows furrowed gently,
     "Hi. How are you?"
     "I'm good!" you exclaimed, trying your hardest to really sound "good."
But you were just tired. Tired and sad, and scared - scared of what the future had to hold. You were already dealing with school stress, and the text from your ex-boyfriend was like a bad omen, an anxiety-provoking assurance that things actually would not get better and they would in fact get progressively worse. You weren't even sure why you thought you should be talking to Steve if you were tired and just wanted to sleep off the weight of the week. It would be a weekend tomorrow, and one of your very rare days off.
Maybe you figured that you wanted to talk to him despite your fatigue, because conversation with Steve was a nice distraction. You had let yourself forget that this was still your job, and that you were too tired for anything sexual — you knew he liked talking to you, but you hadn't put into consideration the fact that he might request a sexual act from you. You would be burnt out if he did. The fact that you didn't think about that should've been telling, but your brain was too scattered to think straight.
Anyway, Steve called your bluff, and laughed quietly, his voice inquiring and pressing,
      "How are you really?"
That was all it took to get a deep sigh to come from out of you, all it took to allow yourself to show your true feelings, at least the surface of them, what you felt comfortable showing a customer. You felt a sense of relief and gratefulness for Steve, like he was letting you breathe. And if anything, he especially wasn't enlisted to listen to your problems. But he wanted to, and for that you felt foolishly grateful.
    Steve noted the deep sigh that came from out of you, and he frowned slightly. He could tell you had been holding this in for a while, and some part of him felt remorse for the fact that even though you clearly weren't in the right mindset, you went on and did your show anyway. He felt some guilt for being a part of the reason why you did your show.
    You answered, allowing your voice to be as honest as possible.
    "Honestly?" you chuckled a little, albeit bitterly. "I don't know if you really want to hear me rant to you."
Steve shook his head.
    "Don't be silly," he grinned. "I wouldn't have asked if I didn't want to."
You felt a warm rush in your chest from the reassurance, and the corner of your lip quirked up in a small smile, before you decided to dive in. You'd spare the emotional details, spare your private life. But it would be nice to talk to someone, just about the general things, right?
    "Well, it's been a pretty stressful week, honestly. I mean, school's been the main source of my stress. My professor's such an asshole, he's basically been telling me my entire senior project, which I need to complete to graduate, needs to be redone? And I can't even fathom how I would have enough time to do that with like, two and a half months left of my senior year. I mean, he said I can keep most details, but I'd have to rework it, whatever that means."
    You kept your emotions at bay, sighing in annoyance just at the story you told, because it really was irritating you. But then you felt deeper things, even more went into why you really were upset.
    Steve nodded, just listening. He was prepared to offer advice, but in your situation, he thought that maybe just letting you rant would be best.
    "That's gotta be annoying," he shook his head understandingly. "Whatever your project is, I'm sure it's wonderful. He shouldn't be forcing you to rework it or make any last minute changes."
    "I know!" you nearly jumped up, feeling amped up now. "And it's just so fucking annoying because I work so hard and I'm really passionate about this project and it just feels like..."
    It felt like you were about to overflow, like a pot of water that had been left on for too long. You were ranting almost uncontrollably now, maybe because of the fact that it was more than this that was tugging at you. Because you'd been carrying the weight of your life on your shoulders all the time, like Atlas carrying the sky, and it felt like that weight was finally starting to mean something.
    Steve could see you were unraveling and he let you, he let you take the time you needed to feel everything you had been holding. If your connection was strong, it was at its strongest here. Sure, you and Steve chatted about a little bit of everything, even had deeper conversations here and there as the weeks went by. But you had yet to genuinely complain to him, because every time you spoke with him, you were happy go lucky Moonrose, with nothing to complain about to begin with. But now, you needed a release by any means, and you were just glad Steve was there for you, even if he wasn't really there. How unlike you to unfold in front of strangers.
   Your breath stuttered as you took in a deep breath in a failed attempt to calm down, only further driving yourself into your rambling. You felt yourself tear up, your voice becoming watery as you continued,
    "It just feels like all my work is turning to shit, and it's so fucking frustrating because I work so hard all the time, I do so much and I manage so much all the time."
     The "hard work" you were talking about wasn't just school and work-related, it pertained to your journey, and how hard you had worked to be a better person. To support yourself. The emotions pent up inside of you, they were more than just being upset over a school project. The idea of someone toxic trying to re-enter your life, someone who had forced you to rework the entirety of your life, made you feel like you were on the verge of crashing. You knew better, but you didn't want to return to those dark days, where the light at the end of the winding tunnel that was your relationship seemed so far away. It was why you were so weary of relationships today. It was crazy how one person could change your life so easily.
     Now you were crying, before you even noticed that you were crying. Tears just seemed to leak out of your eyes, sloshing wet and sudden against your cheeks and underneath your lashes. You wiped them away quickly with the back of your hand, frazzled at the fact that you were crying in front of a customer right now. Steve said he'd listen to you, he didn't say he'd watch you cry and be your therapist. You instantly regretted it, although you couldn't stop yourself, tears threatening to emerge again. If you were cracked before, you were spilling now.
    Steve was surprised too, at the fact that you were crying. You appeared so put together to him, it was almost something he didn't expect from you. He was in shock at first, so much so that professionalism was not on his mind - it was an afterthought. Right now, instead of wondering if this was appropriate, he was occupied with you.
    "I'm sorry," you murmured, but you still hadn't stopped, tears falling out as you blinked. Composure was nothing now, you were sobbing, your shoulders slumped and your head hung as you sniffled. Still you enforced control, wiping away every tear that fell with the back of your hand. "I'm really sorry, I don't mean to cry to you over this, that's so-"
Steve cut you off, shaking his head slowly,
    "It's okay to cry, doll. We all have those days. I know better than anyone that we all have those days."
    You mustered a smile, feeling cared for, feeling accounted for by someone who wasn't even obligated to have to see you like this. Still you shook your head, sniffling,
    "I know. But it's-it's stupid, I shouldn't be crying in front of you."
    "I'm not judging you," Steve said, so nonchalantly and firmly, so genuine that it almost scared you.
You blinked. He should've cared, and he should've judged you. To cry in front of Steve, a customer, was to imply he had some duty to comfort you when he probably just wanted a show. You knew that you didn't have to do anything you didn't want to, but even you had rules when it came to what your customers got to see, and to you, that meant they didn't have to deal with your blues.
     "Really," he reassured you with a nod.
    Was Steve scared that by giving you this reassurance, this entire situation could become deeper than either of you could handle? Yes. But did he let himself shut down because of those pervasive thoughts that he might get himself into trouble? No. He didn't see you as a liability right now. Right now, even though the situation was certainly questionable (and this was something he had no doubt about. When emotions get into the mix, things could get tricky- he knew this), he saw you as someone who desperately needed someone to talk to. Maybe it wasn't smart of you to make him that someone, but regardless, he was, and who was Steve Rogers not to listen to a person in need?
    You blinked away the last of your tears and swallowed hard. You were making this choice consciously, to tell Steve what had really gotten you to your breaking point. And maybe telling him meant you had trust in him, maybe too much trust for someone who, while great, was still a customer. But you felt like there was nothing you could lose from telling him. Maybe you'd even feel better after the fact.
    You looked down, picking at the body glitter on your arm that you had applied before the show. Your voice was considerably quieter now perhaps because you were looking back on the moment with a clear mind for the first time since it happened. You hadn't been thinking straight ever since you received the text just hours ago. Now your brain was a little quieter with the help of your tears and Steve's reassurance.
       "I think that the stress of this school project is making me resent how hard I work for everything, just to be met with this kind of result, you know? And it's even worse when... things seem to be going backwards. You know, like when you make so much progress, moving on from things that don't serve you, and you've finally done it and you get to flourish in it and then, it just gets taken away from you. Maybe I'm being dramatic, but that's just how this feels."
     Steve nodded, his jaw ticking as he let your words settle in. Somehow, although your situation was so different from his, he felt like your words perfectly described how he felt with the world sometimes. It was even part of the reason he'd held off on talking to you like this, held off on getting too involved. He too had made so much progress in this world, which took so much getting adjusted to in a way that absolutely nobody else could relate to.
    It was a world that he didn't even know, a world that he had never been properly introduced to. He'd had to fend for himself. He did his healing on his own, just like you had. And yet sometimes it felt like he had no control, like the universe was going the opposite way of all his plans. Then he felt stupid for even having plans to begin with, because in life, making plans was like comedy for the gods.
    There was a weird feeling in his chest and stomach, like he'd been stabbed with a gutting realization, and the knife was just turning inside of him, churning his insides. He began to feel a sense of unease, because this deep conversation was beginning to feel incredibly personal. Even though you were talking about your own situation, he couldn't help but think about how much he resonated, and the fact that he felt like he could relate to you on such a deep level scared him. This was more than the conversations you'd had before, more than the simple similarities you and Steve shared. This felt like a conversation that might be too telling for his good and your own.
     He swallowed his words as he listened to you continue. You chose your words carefully, but you had shed yourself of your inhibitions when it came to being truthful.
     "Earlier... I heard from someone I hadn't heard from in a long time. And it kind of pushed me over the edge," out of your mouth stumbled a laugh. You were calmer now, and looked up at the camera, Steve swallowing hard when you did so. It was all so real, just like it was when you touched yourself and moaned Steve's name. "I think it just made me feel all those things I just explained. Because I feel like I worked so hard to rid myself of this person and them trying to come back just feels like all the things I worked so hard on are going to unravel. Even though I know they aren't, it feels like a setback. And that was like, the icing on the cake to this already terrible day, I guess."
      You let out a breathy laugh and smiled gently, shaking your head slowly.
     "I normally wouldn't be telling this to a customer. But here we are. Again, I'm sorry... I feel like I shouldn't have said anything? Should I... have said anything?"
In the brief silence that followed your question,  both you and Steve were thinking the same thing - were you going to regret this? Intimacy both physically and emotionally was good when you capped it at what you both knew to be appropriate. When it came to the physical aspects, you each let your fantasies unwind.
    And on the emotional aspect, though you had both grown closer and more open, some things just didn't get touched upon. But now you had just cried over the screen, and spoke from the depths of your heart. It was scary to open up in such an uncertain situation where your own privacy was an aspect that got involved. There was no doubt that it was too much. It was just a question of whether the result would be negative.
     Steve sighed deeply, a crease forming in his forehead as he furrowed his brows together, folding his arms over his chest.
     "I don't know..." he trailed off, took a breath, a leap, his body practically lurching forward. "But... it can't be a bad thing that you feel comfortable talking to me about this, can it?"
      And there it was, that glint of hope he was trying his hardest to conceal. That feeling he got when he got off that call with you, the one where you both started giving into those unspoken thoughts. That this couldn't be so bad, that you could enjoy each other's company without worrying.  
     You smiled gently,
    "I guess. It does feel weird though, it's not something I normally do. It feels like something I shouldn't be doing."
    You could hear Steve breathing in deeply, and for a moment, you imagined what he might look like, envisioning the outline of a troubled face, eyebrows knit together. You snapped back to reality and made a face, confused by your abrupt thoughts. You had long gotten over the very brief desire to see Steve's face- why was it coming back again?
    "I'll be honest, same here," Steve agreed with your sentiments.
    "Do you always feel like you have to restrain what you say when you talk to people? Or is it just with me?" you added that last part in a quiet voice, biting your lip.
Steve chuckled briefly,
      "Are you asking me if I have trust issues? Because I'd tell you, but I'd have to trust you to do that."
You shook your head and laughed at Steve's stupid joke, and shrugged.
     "I could say the same thing, I think. This person I heard from earlier is... I developed those trust issues because of them. Or, my already existent trust issues became worse. But what's funny about it is that this person was once someone that I loved," even as the words were coming out you questioned why you were letting them, why you were allowing yourself to be so truthful in a situation like this at a time when you were so vulnerable.
      Steve didn't reply, again feeling that sick feeling in his stomach that stemmed from his fear. The fear that this conversation were too serious, fear surrounding the fact that he was able to relate so much to such a personal situation of yours.
    You spoke again, daring to ask the question that felt like a final blow to Steve's stomach,
    "Have you ever been in love, Steve?"
Now Steve knew he was in uncharted territory. Not because he feared you might try to exploit him, but because he was so struck by the fact that he had allowed himself to feel so safe with you and get so close to you. He was surprised at himself for letting you feel safe enough to have these kinds of conversations with him. It all felt like a mistake now. He wanted a way out, any way out. He knew if he even attempted to answer that question, he would be making a big mistake. He had shared some of his most intimate moments with you, but always keeping in mind a very sharp line he didn't want to be crossed.
And in his mind, he thought of the one love he'd had, the one love that hadn't been fulfilled because of the situation he had been thrown into, one he had never signed up for. He thought of how the things he cared most for in life had been discarded, how, like you, he felt like it had gone to shit. How sometimes, though he tried his best to be grateful and had taken that journey of self-healing just like you, it all felt like some sick joke.
Could he even call it love? He wasn't sure. And he wasn't going to answer. He wasn't going to answer at all, because he wouldn't be talking to you again. There would be no chance for this dilemma to resurface, not with you, not on this site. He made the decision with haste and a heavy heart - he was done here.
      The discomfort was well evident in his voice, answering loud and clear, though his voice was morose and a bit closed off. You sensed the shift immediately.
     "I... I can't talk about that right now. Listen, I have to go."
    You felt a pang in your chest at the sudden switch in his demeanor, straightening up and trying not to frown. All this time you had been letting the words spill out, telling yourself not to worry so much, reassuring yourself it was okay to make your feelings known. Now it felt like you should've never said anything at all. You started to stammer.
      "Oh, I- I'm sorry, I didn't mean to pry, I was just... I feel like I got a little overwhelmed." You laughed nervously. "I didn't mean to scare you."
Steve felt his throat ran dry as he blinked, feeling emotions come up to surface that he wasn't quite familiar with. Maybe he was grieving in advance, regretting the decision he was making to no longer speak with you, regretting the fact that he was letting fear get in the way of what he wanted so badly to be a good thing.
    "No, I'm sorry. I feel like I let things go too far," Steve apologized, but the apology felt more like an insult.
Was he implying that whatever this was, you couldn't handle it, and that it was his fault for somehow leading you on? You had both made the connection with each other, it was an equal effort. And why was he acting like the two of you communicating at all was somehow below him, somehow a risk? If anything, you were the one risking it just by talking to him the way you did. You were opening up to him. 
     You almost felt betrayed - you had convinced yourself that he wouldn't want to listen to your problems and you told yourself it wasn't his responsibility to listen. And then he listened anyway, told you that he wanted to hear it, and you cried to him. You felt like you had made so many unusual accommodations just for him to scare off like this. He was just another person you had expressed your feelings to, only to regret it in the end.
    "Too far?" you questioned, furrowing your brows.
Steve swallowed. In your voice he could hear a hint of frustration, but even worse- hurt. It pained him more than he cared for you to know.
    "I don't think we should talk anymore," he said instead.
    "What?" you were taken by surprise. "Steve, I'm... I'm not understanding. I... I don't usually open up to people like this, I mean, I thought maybe it was fine here, because I feel like I know you. But you're still a stranger. I understand you're a customer but I thought we were talking, I thought we broke through that wall-"
    "We did. And we shouldn't have," Steve said, his voice so calm and firm that it was almost cold.
    By now you were just staring into the computer camera, as if you were looking at him and waiting for him to come to his senses. But as you did that, you slowly came to your own. Because you weren't looking at him. You were looking at a black screen with his voice behind it. You realized you hadn't known Steve, not enough to talk about these things. And just like him, you too were full of regret. You kept all those walls up for the sake of customer relations, only to put them down and be met with this disastrous result.
    Steve almost couldn't bare to look at your face anymore. You were confused, hurt. He could tell you regretted the fact that you had opened up. He was hurt too, but he wouldn't show it, or let it overcome him to the point where your methods of communication with each other became something neither of you could control. Still, yes, he was hurt.
    But he had been through plenty of hardships in life. What was one more, even if it shouldn't have come to this point anyway?
    "I'm sorry, Moonrose. We can't. Goodbye."
Chat over.
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erin-bo-berin · 4 years
Hard Love (Companion to Darkest Storms & Brightest Rainbows)
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Thank you to @multifandommandy for helping with some of the dominant female traits and ideas since I wasn’t very familiar with them prior to writing this.
This was a request from @dreatine​​  to do a smutty continuation of my Cat fic with submissive Spencer, so huge thanks to her for this idea because, man, I had a little too much fun with this. So this is like an unofficial part 4 because it deserved it’s own title since Cat isn’t exactly present in this like the other three, but takes place in the same world. I’ve linked the first three parts as well for anyone who might stumble across this and haven’t read them. You don’t necessarily HAVE to read the first three to appreciate this but this part would definitely make a lot more sense if you do. I apologize in advance for any Spencer feels you may have after reading this.
Spencer Reid/Reader
Rating: M (smut)
Word Count: 2,912
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Six months had passed since the arrest of Catherine Adams.
You thought you���d been done with her, but you didn’t take into account that there would be a trial. So she swept back into your lives, like an unwanted disease.
You’d like to think you were a better person and above being jealous of a psychopath, but you weren’t. Just seeing her again had brought up too many bad memories that you’d rather forget.
If that wasn’t bad enough, on the final day of the trial, after being found guilty, she tried to kiss Spencer. Again.
Fortunately, the bailiff was quick enough to pull her away from him before she could lay a hand on him. Still, it brought back old perturbations.
You sat quietly on the way home, jaw clenched. You weren’t angry per se, but frustrated and hurt were two good terms for your current emotional state.
“Y/N, please don’t be mad,” Spencer pleaded with you.
“I’m not,” you answered, truthfully.
“You’re tense and you’re clenching your jaw,” he pointed out.
“Well she annoys me.”
In actuality, a plan was forming in your head.
There was just something about Cat that brought out a side of you that you never realized you even had.
“Are you sure you’re gonna be okay here for a couple of hours?” Spencer asked as he pulled into the parking lot of the apartment building.
He was dropping you off at home since he had to go into work for a little bit to tie up a few loose ends on the Cat case.
“I’ll be fine,” you answered cooly.
He gave you a dubious glance and you knew he was resisting the urge to ask once again if you were sure you weren’t mad.
“I should be home by 2.”
You nodded, watching him pull out of the parking lot.
Three hours was just enough time to make your preparations.
You called Penelope the moment you entered the apartment, checking up on Spensa. She had been babysitting her on the days you and Spencer had been at the trial.
“She’s been a perfect angel,” Garcia answered, “We’ve been having lots of fun.”
“That’s great,” you smiled, “I was actually wondering if you minded keeping her until tomorrow? Spence and I might have plans tonight.”
“Ooh, a fancy dinner date? Some alone time for mommy and daddy?” 
You could practically hear her smirk through the phone.
“Something like that.” 
The corner of your mouth turned upwards as your plan played through your mind.
“Well, I’d be happy to watch her. I promised her we’d watch cartoons together later anyway.”
“If it isn’t Tom and Jerry or Looney Tunes I just might have to revoke your godmother status,” you joked.
“Girl, are there any better cartoons? It’s like you don’t even know me,” she scoffed.
You laughed.
“Thanks for doing this Garcia.”
“Anytime. You and Boy Wonder have a great time now.”
“Oh I will. I mean we will. Bye.”
After hanging up, you headed to the closet and took down the box that you’d stashed for a special purpose. Laying it on the bed, you grabbed a towel and headed to the bathroom to begin your preparations.
You were laying on the bed in anticipation of your prey.
You’d showered, making sure to wash your hair and shave every inch of your body before dressing in a provocative, lacy, lavender lingerie set.
The top part was deep cut, showing off your breasts. It had just the right amount of boobage falling out of the cups, your cleavage on full display. Two thicker straps at the bottom of the bra wrapped around the top of your ribcage, tying in the back.
The matching panties were see through all around except for the patch of material that covered your crotch.
It left little to the imagination and was exactly what you wanted in this situation.
You’d lotioned your legs, moisturized the rest of your body and blow dried your hair. Now, you just waited to lure the fly into your trap.
You perked up, hearing the front door open and close.
“Hey babe,” Spencer called.
It was silent, even though you heard his footsteps through the living room.
“Where are you?”
You picked up your phone, pretending to be busy on it so you didn’t look up when the bedroom door opened a moment later.
“Y/N?” he paused mid-sentence, “Holy shit.”
You look up nonchalantly, smiling and setting your phone down on the nightstand.
“Oh hey, Spence. Back already?” you stood from the bed, walking over to him, “How was work?”
“I- um- It-It was good,” he stammered, eyes moving with your body as you sauntered up to him.
You wrapped your arms around his neck, pressing your chest into his as you hugged him. His hands found your bare sides, sliding all the way around toward your back. You immediately pushed his hands away.
“What’s all this?” he asked, his eyes still roaming over you.
“Well, I got some new lingerie and I thought I’d model it for you.”
You stood back, doing a little twirl in front of him. You bit your lip, twirling a lock of hair slightly with a finger.
“What do you think?”
You saw him swallow hard, trying to find words to say. He looked like his mind had gone completely blank.
“It’s- It’s nice. I like it.”
You took the few steps back towards him, standing on your tiptoes to whisper in his ear.
“Yeah? You do?”
Your hand slid up his thigh sensually and you could feel him already beginning to harden against you.
His voice was thick, his eyes closed, desire beginning to flood through his veins as he answered.
“Yeah, I do.”
He attempted to lean down to kiss you, but you pushed him away with a tut.
“Uh uh,” you scolded, “You know what I want?” 
You took his hand, leading him to the bed, pushing him to sit.
“I want to play a game with you.”
He licked his lips, eyes finally reaching your face again.
You pushed him down roughly against the bed, climbing over him.
You gave him your best, innocent smile before you spoke again.
“But there are rules.”
Your hands roamed over his chest as you looked down at him. You kissed his jaw gently, then his cheek, then the tip of his nose. You just barely touched his lips with yours before you pulled away. He reached up to pull your face back to his, but you pushed his arm down, holding it against the bed.
“Rule number one. I’m the boss. You do what I say,” you purred.
“Yes ma’am,” he whispered, all of his attention on you.
“Rule number two. You’re not allowed to touch me, unless I say you can.”
He may have actually whimpered at that part.
“And if I do?”
“Then you will be punished.”
You didn’t elaborate further as you leaned down to kiss him. His lips moved against yours, his hands clutching at the sheets to keep from touching you.
With one light flick of your tongue against his, you pulled back, denying him of the more heated kisses he wanted. 
Your hands busy themselves with loosening his tie roughly as you kiss his neck, sucking hard enough to leave a bruise. A small gasp comes from him and you smirk, knowing you’re just getting started. You sit back, pulling his tie loose and taking it in your hands.
“What are you doing?” Spencer asked, watching you curiously.
 “You’ll see,” you smirked, putting his tie over his eyes, tying it into a knot behind his head.
He suppressed a groan.
“Y/N, this isn’t fair.”
“Honey, this is gonna be the easiest part of tonight,” you grinned.
Your lips brushed his again and he lifted his head, trying to find your lips. You gave in to him, your hand resting on his cheek as you kissed him passionately and fervently, tongues and lips in complete synchronicity with one another.
His low groan vibrated in his chest and his hand slid up your arm, to your shoulder, feeling around for your bra strap, then pulling it down off your shoulder.
You reprimanded him, this time holding down both of his arms.
“What did I say?”
“N-No touching.”
“That’s right. Now you’re going to be punished for being a bad boy.”
Your hips moved just slightly over him, your crotch grinding against his hard on, making him inhale sharply.
“Oh, fuck.”
“That’s what you get for not behaving,” you smirked, letting go of his arms to unbutton his dress shirt, one button slowly at a time. 
You watched him, his chest heaving in anticipation, listening and waiting to feel your next move since he couldn’t see you.
You pushed the garment off and bent down, your lips moving over his chest and collarbones, ravishing every inch of skin. 
Your tongue flicked and lips sucked, giving him a few extra bruises along the base of his neck and collarbones. 
Your fingers traced the newly left hickeys and you grinned.
“Mine,” you mumbled, nipping his jaw.
“Y/N,” he whined, “I’d rather not be able to touch you than not see you. This is pure torture.”
“That can be arranged,” you grinned wickedly, untying the knot and pulling the tie away from his eyes.
He breathed a sigh of relief when his eyes landed on you again, then furrowed his brows when you moved off of him and the bed, walking to the closet.
“Now what are you doing?”
“Don’t worry.”
You giggled as you pulled another one of his ties out of the closet to join the one you already had in your other hand. You walked to the edge of the bed, taking his arm and wrapping the tie around his wrist. You extended his arm over his head and tied his wrist securely to the bedpost.
“Shit,” he mumbled, watching you with wide eyes.
You held back your grin as you walked to the opposite side of the bed, repeating the process. You climbed back over him, peering down at him.
“Now it’s really time to have some fun.”
You reached behind you, unclasping your bra and slowly pulled it off, tossing it behind you. You were satisfied at the look of pure torture on his face as he groaned. You knew all he wanted was to touch you.
“Something the matter, Spencer?” you mock pouted, rubbing your hands over your breasts.
“Is this what you want to be doing? Rubbing my tits?” 
His groan of frustration was all the answer you needed. 
That wasn’t the only frustration you noticed though, his erection straining against his pants. 
You left a line of kisses along the waistband of his pants as you unfastened them, pulling down the zipper at a snail’s pace.
“For fucks sake Y/N, if you don’t just-”
“If I don’t just what?” you asked innocently.
His hips lifted as you pulled off his pants, your palm rubbing against the bulge in his underwear.
“Oh god,” he groaned, biting his lip.
You sat up on your knees, pushing down your panties, discarding them. They’d done their job and were no longer needed.
Teasing him had worked you up too. Your core was throbbing and slick with your arousal. All you wanted was him inside you and his hands on you, but you weren’t ready to give him the satisfaction.
After ridding his own underwear, you took him in your hand, squeezing gently, just enough to make him want more. 
A loud moan ripped from Spencer’s lips as you took him in your mouth and you heard him pulling at his restraints. Your tongue swirled around his tip lazily and you retreated, much to his dismay.
“I’d like to retract my earlier statement,” he grumbled, “This is pure torture.”
You returned to his face, kissing him long and slowly, tugging on his bottom lip gently as you pulled away. Your hand wrapped around him, guiding him inside you as you lowered yourself on him.
“Fuck,” you breathed, him now fully inside you.
“God, I just want to touch you,” he whimpered, chewing on his bottom lip.
“Tough luck,” you smirked.
You moved your hips in tight, slow circles, tantalizing him. It was  difficult for you to keep your cool as well, but you weren’t about to let on to that fact. The feeling was so blissfully excruciating, you couldn’t help but moan yourself.
“Baaabe,” he whined, “Please.”
“Please what?” 
Your hips stilled and he looked at you, pleadingly.
“I want you to beg,” you said, hands gliding up his stomach to rest on his chest.
“Please fuck me,” he groaned, tugging harder at the restraints, throwing his head back in frustration.
“What was that? I didn’t hear you.”
“Fuck. Me.” he growled.
You rocked your hips forward, resting your hands on his chest, his groan of approval ringing in your ears.
Your hips grind against his and you gasp, when your clit rubs against his abdomen, adding to the pleasure. All your pent up frustration Cat has caused is somehow being released in the moment as you move roughly on him.
“Holy shit, Spence,” you moaned, the position allowing you to feel every inch of him.
His breath is erratic and you can tell he desperately wants to touch you. You’re starting to come apart yourself and you want his hands on you too.
“Baby,” he grunts, trying to move with you as you pull up just far enough off of him to bring your hips down again, roughly, “Fucking hell, fuck.”
Your teeth sunk into your bottom lip and you grinned triumphantly. You never hear him curse as much as you do in bed.
“Who’s making you feel this good?” you taunted.
“You do,” he breathed, chest heaving.
“I’m sorry, who makes you feel this good?” 
Your hand snaked down, rubbing your clit just so he can see.
“You, Y/N,” he moaned, “You do.”
“That’s right, I do.” 
You lower your face to his, your hips stalling for a mere second.
“One last rule. You can’t cum until I do. Then maybe you’ll learn your lesson. Understood?”
A small whine left his throat, but he nodded.
Your own pleasure was building and you knew your climax was in reach. You slid back and forth on him, your moans increasing in volume. A string of curses left your lips, your back arching as the ecstasy hit you hard, jarring your entire body. 
He watches you intently, his desire and need written all over his face. You move off of him and back to his face.
“You belong to me,” you whisper sternly, your lips hovering over his.
“Only you,” he agreed, moaning into your kiss.
You reach up and free him of his restraints. Like a tiger freed from his cage, his hands were on your hips and your back was hitting the mattress, hard.
“That was the worst torture imaginable,” he grunted, hiking your legs up to his sides, thrusting into you roughly.
“Oh, fuck!” 
You moaned, simultaneously gripping his back and thrusting your hips upwards, attempting to pull him deeper within you.
You thought he’d done a number on you earlier with you on top, but his earlier frustration being released now was enough to make your eyes roll back in your head.
The headboard clanged against the wall, but you barely heard it. His thrusts were hard and fast, his moans fanning over your face. 
You’d already gotten your climax, so you weren’t expecting a second. You were adamant on getting him off though. At this point, he’d well past earned it. Your nails scraped down his back, sure to leave a mark by morning.
As your hips moved together, his head dropped into the crook of your neck, groaning lowly.
“I’m yours baby, I’m yours,” he mewled.
You kissed the point where his jaw and neck met.
“Only I can make you cum,” you whispered.
He groaned loudly, your words sending him over the edge and he shuddered above you, completely lost in the sensation.
Your sense of accomplishment was short lived when you felt his fingertips on your clit, bringing you quickly to the brink again.
With a loud moan of his name, you too were lost in the abyss of all the pleasure he’d quickly provided you.
“And only I can make you cum that hard,” he whispered, when you’d recovered enough to focus your attention on him again.
“Glad we’ve established all that,” you chuckled breathlessly.
You hadn’t planned for such a quick reversal of roles, but you had to admit it was a pretty successful endeavor.
His body had stilled against yours, the perspiration cooling against yours and his skin. He took a moment to kiss you affectionately, not in any hurry to part from you.
“Let me guess,” he said as he settled next to you, propping his head up with his arm, looking at you, “That had to do with Cat, right?”
“Dammit, you know me well,” you grumbled.
He chuckled softly.
“Okay, yes,” you admitted.
“Remind me to thank her at her execution for improving my sex life so vastly.”
“Spencer!” you hit his chest, exasperated, causing him to laugh.
“If it makes you feel any better,” he said, pulling you to him.
“I’ll be happy to be your bad boy any day.”
Tag List: @dreatine​ @reid-187​ @groovyreid​ @reidslibra​ @suvikamahes98blr​ @fuckthealarm​ @whatspunispun​ @iamburdened​ @cindywayne​ @thomasfoockinshelby​ @tinyminy88​ @theitcaramelchick​ @missprettyboy​ @hushlilbabydoll​ @sammy-jo1977​ @theonlyone-meeeee​ @haileymorelikestupid​ @lemonypink​ @multifandommandy​
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kyberphilosopher · 4 years
Important Information
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I am a minor. As such, smut can not be requested and can not be written. As a compromise, smutty themes can be used as overtones or undertones, often vaguely or simply eluded to. But pure smut? Not for a few months, which is when I’ll be 18. Sorry horndogs. 
Please request through the submission inbox, or my direct messages. Further more, be polite. Be clear. If I ask a question to clear something up, answer it. Don’t let it dangle. I will always ask if there’s anything else you so desire (a word count, any details) so please tell me if there’s nothing else or if there is. English is also not my first language. 
Do not request something against canon. I have written like that before and did not enjoy that. This means if something is considered canon, say Star Wars, such as a line of dialogue or something shown on screen, I would refuse to write you into it. I feel that it distorts the fiction so much you wouldn’t really be in it, and the characters wouldn’t be themselves anymore. Allow me to write you into the world as a side character, as something not shown directly but something that could fit into canon. 
Some fictional characters have different versions of them. For example, Movie Anakin Skywalker, and the Clone Wars Anakin Skywalker. Ben Affleck Batman, or Christian Bale Batman? Or even, Comic Accurate Batman? Specify for me. If not specified after asking for it, I will write the character with headcanon information pulled from multiple ‘canon’ sources. This will be referred to as ‘headcanoned canon’.
Reblog my stuff? Absolutely. I see all my reblogs. But take it an post it to a different site? No. Don’t do that. Maybe I’ll spread over to Ao3 one day, but for now, please don’t. 
Last one I can think of for now. But luckily this can be updated over time. I don’t write drabbles. I know! But just imagine all the times you’ve read a fic so good, only for it to end so soon. I like the thought of writing something both high quality and high quantity, which means I won’t be satisfied with anything under 2,000 words. Unfortunately, this may sometimes come at the expense of time. Especially if what you requested doesn’t fit into my current hyperfixation. 
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List of Characters I’ve Written, or Am Open to Writing:
Aayla Secura, Star Wars (Clone Wars)
Ahsoka Tano, Star Wars (Clone Wars and Live Action)
Anakin Skywalker, Star Wars (Clone Wars and Live Action)
Asaaj Ventress, Star Wars (Clone Wars and Books)
Boba Fett, Star Wars (Live Action Original Movies and The Mandalorian)
Bodhi Rook, Star Wars (Rogue One)
Bo-Katan Kryze, Star Wars (Clone Wars and The Mandalorian)
Cal Kestis, Star Wars (Jedi: Fallen Order, Beginning and End of Game)
Cassian Andor, Star Wars (Rogue One)
Darth Maul, Star Wars (Clone Wars)
Din Djarin, Star Wars (The Mandalorian)
Finn, Star Wars (Live Action Sequel Trilogy)
Jyn Erso, Star Wars (Rogue One)
Leia Skywalker, Star Wars (Live Action Original Movies)
Obi-Wan “Ben” Kenobi, Star Wars (Clone Wars and Live Action)
Padme Amidala, Star Wars (Clone Wars and Live Action)
Poe Dameron, Star Wars (Live Action Sequel Trilogy)
Rey, Star Wars (Live Action Sequel Trilogy)
Rex, Star Wars (Clone Wars)
Batman, DC Comics (All Live Action, All Comic, Arkhamverse, All Animated, Headcanoned Canon)
Bane, DC Comics (Games)
Barry Allen/The Flash, DC Comics (All Live Action, Headcanoned Canon)
Black Canary, DC Comics (Birds of Prey Live Action Movie)
Bruce Wayne, DC Comics (All Live Action, Headcanoned Canon)
Catwoman/Selina Kyle, DC Comics (Headcanoned Canon)
Christopher Smith/Peacemaker, DCEU (All Live Action, Headcanoned Canon)
Cleo Cazo/Ratcatcher 2, DCEU (Live Action)
Conner Kent/Superboy, DC Comics (Titans, All Animated)
Damian Wayne, DC Comics (Animated and Injustice)
Dick Grayson, DC Comics (Titans, All Comic, Arkhamverse, All Animated, All Versions)
Harley Quinn, DC Comics (All Live Action, All Comic, Arkhamverse, All Animated Versions)
Jason Todd/Red Hood, DC Comics (Headcanoned Canon, Arkhamverse, All Animated, Titans, All Versions)
Katana, DC Comics (2016 Suicide Squad Live Action Movie)
Poison Ivy, DC Comics (Arkhamverse, All Comic, All Animated, Headcanoned Canon)
Tim Drake/Red Robin, DC Comics (Arkhamverse, All Comic, All Animated, Headcanoned Canon)
Raven, DC Comics (Headcanoned Canon, All Animated, All Comics, All Titans)
Robert Dubois/Bloodsport, DC Comics (DCEU Live Action)
Scarecrow/Johnathon Crane, DC Comics(All Live Action, Arkhamverse, Headcanoned Canon)
Starfire/Koriand’r, DC Comics (Titans, All Comics, All Animated, Headcanoned Canon)
Superman/Clark Kent, DC Comics (Cavill’s Live Action, All Animated, All Comics)
Annie Leonhardt, Shingeki no Kyojin (Marley Resident, Season 1-3, Season 4, Titan Form)
Bertholdt Hoover, Shingeki no Kyojin (Marley Resident, Season 1-3)
Carla Jaeger, Shingeki no Kyojin (Pre Beginning)
Eren Jaeger, Shingeki no Kyojin (Season 1-3, Season 4, Titan Form)
Hanji Zoe, Shingeki no Kyojin (All Seasons and OVA)
Jean Kirchstein, Shingeki no Kyojin (Season 1-3, Season 4)
Levi Ackerman, Shingeki no Kyojin (All Seasons and OVA)
Marco Bodt, Shingeki no Kyojin (Season 1)
Mikasa Ackerman, Shingeki no Kyojin (Season 1-3, Season 4)
Moblit Berner, Shingeki no Kyojin (All Seasons and OVA)
Sasha Braus, Shingeki no Kyojin (Season 1-3, Season 4)
L Lawliet, Death Note (Season 1)
Ryuk, Death Note (Season 1)
Touta Matsuda, Death Note (Season 1)
Raye Penber and Naomi Matsura (Season 1, Pre Beginning, Throuple Headcanon Canoned)
Connor RK800, Detroit: Become Human (Deviant, Android, Mid and Post Game)
Chloe RT600, Detroit: Become Human (Deviant, Android, Pre, Mid, and Post Game)
Gavin Reed, Detroit: Become Human (Mid and Post Game)
Kara AX400, Detroit: Become Human (Post Game)
Luther TR400, Detroit: Become Human (Pre and Post Game)
Markus RK200, Detroit: Become Human (Pre, Mid, and Post Game)
Nines RK900, Detroit: Become Human (Post Game)
North WR400, Detroit: Become Human (Pre, Mid, and Post Game)
Other Worlds and Fandoms Coming Soon. 
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What You Can Expect From Me:
Headcanons- While I’d consider all of my fanfiction headcanons, I’m referring to those little bullet point things you’ll see writers do. Here’s my deal on that. I won’t do romantic headcanons for the characters listed above. By that I mean you won’t see anything titled, “How Poe Dameron Would Cuddle”, or anything of that sort. But you probably will see just my own little headcanons for fun. Like, little fun facts. You know, “Superman’s favorite food is ____”, “Nines hates rats”.
However, I will write romantic headcanons for my OC’s. But that’s for later.
Further regarding fanfiction, I typically write angst. Not sure why, it’s just what I started with because I thought the plots were strongest and I wanted to see where I could take it. Like I said, no smut, but you’ll find allusions to it. Fluff? Yeah, it’s there. Hard for me to write fluff without a plot, but it does exist on my page. 
Original Stories
Most people ignore this, but if you see that I’ve posted it won’t always be something regarding your favorite character. I write my own little stories that’s basically just glorified, book length headcanons for a few worlds, but mostly the Star Wars galaxy. Don’t worry, there’s no need to pay attention to it if you don’t want. It’s something I do in my spare time besides x readers and oneshots. 
Spontaneous Posting
What I mean by this, is that unlike a lot of writers, I don’t work on a schedule. There’s no “once a week posting”, or anything like that. What I finish and give the okay to, is posted. If you’ve requested something, I’ll let you know that it’s about to go out. So sometimes a burst of fics may be pumped out in a week, or none will for up to a month.
Going by EST, I typically am most active at night and early morning. Especially in the summer. During fall this may change.
I rarely put out a post that is unrelated to my writings. If it is related to my personal life instead, it will be posted, but not saved. Documented and available, but never pinned or anything. 
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Do you write queer pairings?
Yes. My earlier works usually elude to a female reader and it’s blaringly obvious, though it’s shifting into androgyny for ease of reader. I would prefer to have an androgynous reader instead of a set in stone male or female one. 
Am I reading a queer fanfic written by a straight person?
You are not. I am androgynous myself in terms of gender and unlabeled in terms of sexuality. 
Do you write for poc?
This question shocks me, though I’ve gotten it twice. Then I realized- it’s because so many writers forget the point of a reader. The reader may be described as blonde, or white, or thin, or female. You will not find that here. There will be no set in stone appearance for the reader except for mentions of whatever hair you may possess (apologies to those without hair). There will be no talk of ‘light skin’, or ‘curvy figure’. The farthest I’ll go is describing you as pale, if say, you were sick. Because any race or skin tone can go pale, you know? The only thing I’d do- rarely- is give you a real age. But only to further the plot if needed.
 My point is, ‘Y/N’ is not just a pretty white person with long hair. It’s inclusive to anyone. I’ll stand by that. 
Do you write headcanons?
Answered in the above section. Long story short, I’m working on it, but on my terms. 
Do you write song fics?
I haven’t before. Why? They make me cringe. I don’t know why. I’ll write a fic based on a song, or with undertones of a song. But those little paragraphs with the lyrics that aren’t even in time with what you’re reading if you were to read and listen at the same time? I don’t think so. 
Do you know what sex is?
I do. 
Will you have e-sex with me in the direct message chatbox?
I will not. 
Why do you write on tumblr?
I started writing just to share an old word document with over 300 pages worth of an Original Star Wars story. I tried my hand at fanfiction because, while I don’t read it often myself, I know a lot of people do. It helps them escape reality. And, I’m a pretty good writer, I think. At least I can only get better. I’m just one more person trying to put something out for people to enjoy, and maybe even rely on. 
Will you ever write for real people?
If I ever wrote a fanfiction about Christian Bale or like Barack Obama I think I would just disappear. I can’t do it. It’s like warping my own reality. 
How often do you post?
I don’t know. 
Do you have a taglist?
I did! But only for Star Wars. If you want to be tagged in something, let me know. But you have to be specific. Just for a certain character? For a certain fandom? A certain plot? Just og stories? Be clear. 
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Dynamics I Enjoy Writing:
Man simps for person who almost wants nothing to do with them. 
Hero simps for villain or villain simps for hero despite the obvious consequences.
Two jokesters destroy some area while left alone together. May get along better than they would admit. 
Two people who are not expected to get along, get along well. 
Hero and villain are best friends but won’t admit it.
Basically if I’m left to my own mind most of my fics will fall under one of these dynamics. Not always- definitely not always. But I kinda like them. 
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Anything else? 
Nope. Can’t think of anything. We’ll see if anything changes. Thanks for checking it out. 
Header Credits to: @moonknights​
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nikonothere · 4 years
How did you first get the idea to Working out the Kinks? When is the new installment coming? What’s your favorite fic by another writer? If you met Flake, what would you tell him? Are you less bored now? 3 objects you couldn’t live without? Question you would like to be asked? Question for each R+ member you would like to ask? I am running out of questions.
Aaaa, so many awesome questions!
Okay, here goes:
1. The idea for Working Out the Kinks came from wanting to see some very in-depth, serious BDSM smut with Till. I wanted more than just smut though; smut with FEELINGS!! It really snowballed after that first chapter, and I realized I couldn't stop with just that.
2. The new installment is being written as we speak! Well, part of it is done, I mean. I'm just working on planning the timeline.
3. My favorite fic by another writer-- and I'm in a smutty mood so that's what my current ones are-- is a tie between Asphalt by Peggy Rosebud [Till as an extreme sub who spends the day with a random stranger; incredibly full of feeling and beautiful descriptions] and A Pain in the Ass (or Gas) by TheHellCow [FlakexTill that shows one of my favorite Flakes <3]. This can change weekly, though.
4. If I met Flake, I'd not want to tell him anything so much as ask him questions, the biggest of which being his general world views. I know that isn't a specific question, but I'm so curious about his philosophy of life. It seems both very simple, but at the same time has very odd nuances in his day to day. I'm so looking forward to the English translation of his book.
5. I am significantly less bored now! Thanks in part to you and these questions, and being home from work. I'm going to write some more and then do more screencaps later so I will certainly not be bored anytime soon.
6. 3 objects I couldn't live without would be probably my phone (I do all my writing on it, weirdly enough), my car (I hate feeling stranded and I live on a ranch in the middle of nowhere), and my bass guitar.
7. Uhhh, wow, this one is hard. I love any questions that have to do with my writings, and the more specific the better. I love hearing theories especially.
8. Hoo boy, a five sided question! For Till, I'd love to ask him fishing questions. Corny, I know, but I adore fishing, and if he's got some secrets, I wanna hear em. For Richard, I'd ask about Emigrate and his song writing processes. Paul, I'm not really sure; probably a goofy question like what's his least favorite pizza topping, because I know he'd spin it somehow into something ridiculous. Flake, I'd ask what he and his daughter's horse's name was. I would ask Oli about surfing, and Schneider I'd ask his favorite cymbal: brand and type. I have a thing for cymbals… and Schneider >.>
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so-shiny-so-chrome · 5 years
Witness: Battle_Cat
Creator name (AO3): battle_cat
Creator name (Tumblr): fuckyeahisawthat
Link to creator works: https://archiveofourown.org/users/battle_cat/works
Q: Why the Mad Max Fandom?
A: Fury Road blew my goddamn mind. I like action movies and female action protagonists, but nothing has ever quite hit me like Fury Road. I couldn't stop thinking about it. I had never written fanfic and didn't know what ao3 was, but the characters just wouldn't leave my head. I started seeking out meta on Tumblr, and many of the people who were writing and sharing great meta were also writing fic, and at some point I started thinking, hey, this is a thing I can do. And then I did it, A LOT.
Q: What do you think are some defining aspects of your work? Do you have a style? Recurrent themes?
A: Smut smut and more smut, lol! And sometimes action. I really like writing about intense physical experiences and the emotions they generate. I come from a screenwriting background, so I tend to be terse and am always thinking about how to say the most with the fewest words possible. I love writing characters who find it very hard to talk about their feelings, so Max and Furiosa are pretty much perfect for me.
Q: Which of your works was the most fun to create? The most difficult? Which is your most popular? Most successful? Your favourite overall?
A: Ahhh I can't pick between all of my children! AO3 statistics says Zero to Sixty, my Max-and-Furiosa-get-together fic, is my most popular by hits, kudos and bookmarks, which is not surprising given that it was written early in the fandom. I don't think I can pick a favorite but I have a lot of love for: Desperate Measures, Her Reputation Precedes Her, Hard Run, Tough to be Tender, and Scarf Thing. The only fic I'm still slightly unhappy with: Equinox. I feel like I set up some great tension and then wrapped it up too quickly.
Q: How do you like your wasteland? Gritty? Hopeful? Campy? Soft? Why?
A: Hard but with some humanity left still.
Q: Walk us through your creative process from idea to finished product. What's your prefered environment for creating? How do you get through rough patches?
A: Most of my short pieces are really just a single scene, sometimes with setup and aftermath. Sometimes I'll start with an image (like one of @youkaiyume's excellent smut drawings) or a concept or idea for the scene. Something short, like under 2,000 words, I will ideally sit down and write in one draft, maybe in a day or two. I don't do a lot of drafts, although I do somewhat edit as I go. Something longer like a multi-chapter fic, I usually have a separate Word document with notes and a very rough outline. I usually have the ending or the big climactic scene in my head before I've got everything in the middle figured out. If I'm struggling with something, I'll usually step away and just let my brain chew on it for a while, until I figure out what about it isn't working for me. I learned in grad school that your brain can be doing a lot of creative heavy lifting while you're off doing other things.
Q: What (if any) music do you listen to for help getting those creative juices flowing?
A: I'm not much of a music person, tbh. I have gotten inspiration from fanart, Tumblr submissions and kinkmeme prompts, though.
Q: What is your biggest challenge as a creator?
A: Finding enough time and energy to write. I'm someone who needs big chunks of time to let my brain get into the creative state and this whole having to have a job thing is a real drag.
Q: How have you grown as a creator through your participation in the Mad Max Fandom? How has your work changed? Have you learned anything about yourself?
A: When I saw Fury Road, I had been in a serious writing drought for the better part of a year. I was frustrated and feeling very hopeless about the filmmaking world. Even under the best of conditions, filmmaking is an incredibly slow process with a lot of gatekeepers. Being able to just write something, put it on ao3 and get instant feedback was an incredible breath of fresh air. I remembered my love of writing and found a whole new creative community. I started exploring a new genre, erotica, and learned that I love it. I started writing prose again after a long period of focusing on screenwriting, and gained a new appreciation for what can be done in the short story format.
Q: Which character do you relate to the most, and how does that affect your approach to that character? Is someone else your favourite to portray? How has your understanding of these characters grown through portraying them?
A: Furiosa is the character who lives in my head most vividly. She has a lot of characteristics I tend to put in my original female characters: a certain ruthlessness and hardness; hypercompetence combined with standoffishness punctuated by a few key moments of vulnerability.
Q: Do you ever self-insert, even accidentally?
A: I don't really like talking about characters as self-inserts. I think every character has some part of you in them whether you're aware of it or not.
Q: Do you have any favourite relationships to portray? What interests you about them?
A: Maxiosa for sure. I already had a pattern before Fury Road of writing hard women and caring men, so Furiosa and Max fit right into that. They are both incredibly damaged people who have been the victims and the perpetrators of violence, have a lot of self-loathing, have been isolated in various ways for a long time, and are used to having no one to trust. Bringing those two people together and watching them slowly allow themselves to trust each other is very powerful.
Q: How does your work for the fandom change how you look at the source material?
A: Fury Road is an incredibly rich text and there are so many things that are only hinted at, left unexplained or implied. I've lost count of how many times I've watched it at this point, but there are always more details to notice and spin headcanons about.
Q: Do you prefer to create in one defined chronology or do your works stand alone? Why or why not?
A: For MMFR, I started out writing mostly short smutty one-shots. At a certain point it made sense to start stringing them together, and the ones that take place in the same timeline are now roughly in order in the series Together. It happened organically, though - I tend to write my longer stories non-chronologically anyway, so at some point I realized I was constructing a giant smut novel.
Q: To break or not to break canon? Why?
A: Ehn, I am pretty agnostic on this. Sometimes sticking to canon can be a fun limitation you impose on your story. Other times, ignoring it can be a fun what-if.
Q: Share some headcanons.
A: Ace definitely lived. Nux definitely died historic. Valkyrie is alive in some of my stories and not in others. Dag's baby is a girl and she names her Angharad. Max comes and goes from the Citadel, staying for increasingly longer periods of time. Furiosa often wants to leave, but feels too much responsibility to the new Citadel to ever let herself.
Q: If you work with OCs walk us through your process for creating them. Who are some of your favourites?
A: I haven't created a lot of OCs in the Mad Max world because the canon characters are just so interesting to explore. But when I do they just kind of pop up. Biltong from the story Her Reputation Precedes Her is a personal favorite.
Q: If you create original works, how do those compare to your fan works?
A: My original works are mostly on the action/thriller/horror spectrum. I had never written smut before MMFR, but to me, it's very similar to writing action. You're telling a story through high-intensity physicality and the emotions surrounding it. In my original works, I mostly write female protagonists in high-intensity situations, so it made sense that MMFR would catch my attention.
Q: What are some works by other creators inside and outside of the fandom that have influenced your work?
A: @primarybufferpanel 's Orbit was my fandom gateway drug. @primarybufferpanel, @sacrificethemtothesquid, @lurkinghistoric, @v8roadworrier, @thebyrchentwigges, @thatonezombiecosplayer, @youkaiyume, @ecouter-bien , @bethagain, @fadagaski and @yohunny have all created things that I find inspiring, epic, thrilling, heartbreaking, hot, funny or all of the above. And I'm lucky that I've gotten to know many of them online and in meatspace!
Q: What advice can you give someone who is struggling to make their own works more interesting, compelling, cohesive, etc.? 
A: Stop and ask yourself: What does this character want? Why are they doing what they're doing right now? Concretely, what are they trying to achieve? What are the obstacles? What are the consequences if they don't get what they want? If a scene or story isn't working for me, usually it's because I don't know the answer to one of these questions.
Q: Have you visited or do you plan to visit Australia, Wasteland Weekend, or other Mad Max place?
A: I've been to Wasteland Weekend 3 times (2016, '17, '18) with Clan of the Boltcutters, and plan to go again in 2019. It's been so cool watching our camp and the festival grow and change each year. I had never been to anything remotely like Wasteland before I got involved in the Mad Max fandom, and now I can't imagine it not being part of my year. Australia...maybe someday.
Q: Tell us about a current WIP or planned project.
A: While I've been writing in the Venom fandom lately, I do plan to come back at some point and finish Closer, a story I really liked writing that I just haven't gotten time to get back to. I also have a few lingering MMFR projects that will hopefully be completed later this year.
Thank you @fuckyeahisawthat
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