#cleaning is so awesome we should all clean our rooms we get cool rewards
dullanyan · 11 months
VERY GOOD NEWS: i found my old guide books for windwaker, pikmin 2, banjo tooie, pokemon colosseum and pokemon ruby&sapphire
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letarasstuff · 3 years
Unbreakable Bond
(A/N): This is based on this post and this tiktok
Summary: A big age gap between Aaron's children doesn't have to mean that they are unable to form a strong bond
Warnings: Mentions of Haley's death and failed relationships
Wordcount: 1.8k
His life took turns Aaron never expected. It’s not the “Oh, mh, well that was unexpected”-type of turns, I talk about the “God played Cards Against Humanity with angels and decided to make it happen for someone”-type. But looking back he would not want to change a thing.
After Haley and Beth he was convinced that God, the Universe, something out there shared the opinion that romantic love isn’t the right thing for him and Aaron accepted that fact. Even more when he and Jack went into witness protection. I mean, when you are worried about the life of your family being in danger because of a stalker, you don’t think about the beautiful neighbor, who lives next door, right? Right?
Well, without going into too much detail, Hotch did think about her and she about him and vice versa. Everything went good until Aaron received the message that the team found the stalker and that it was safe to come back. He decided to come clean to his girlfriend. They talked about the possibility of moving back to Quantico.
In the end they decided in favor of the move, the final argument was the surprising announcement of her being pregnant. Hotch wants to raise their youngest where his and Jack’s roots are located. But he decides against taking a position at the BAU, instead taking a desk job in order to be more at home. He also has the opportunity to work from home after little (Y/N) was born and continues to do so until she is old enough to go to Kindergarten. Even then he takes two days the week where he stays home. Aaron learned from his decisions and mistakes he made in the past and wants to live up to them and be a better father and husband than before.
And Hotch keeps it to this day, six years later. It’s (Y/N)’s first day of school, while Jack just graduated high school and goes off to college in a few weeks. Even though they have an age gap from twelve and a half years, their parents are sure there are no other siblings with such a strong bond.
Ever since his baby sister’s birth Jack is her biggest supporter, protector and friend. Her first word was his name, though it was more of a “ACK!”, but that’s the best nickname he ever got. As soon as (Y/N) was old enough to comprehend the concept of movies, he introduced her to Star Wars. Since then lightsaber wars out of cardboard pipes are not uncommon. Last Halloween they even dressed up as Chewbakka and Han Solo. You get three guesses on who was who.
“JACK!” (Y/N) runs into her big brother’s room with an excited expression on her face. “Daddy promised to buy me a real lightsaber after I read ten books! With lights and sounds and all! Isn’t that cool?” Jack smiles. Aaron did a similar thing with him. For a certain amount of books he got a reward they discussed beforehand. This way he felt motivated to read and improved writing and reading skills.
“This is awesome. I think that means we have to go book shopping together, what do you think?” (Y/N) is not only the cool kid that has an older brother, she is also the cool kid, whose older brother has a drivers license, a car and a part time job. She nods with big eyes, speechless, because the offer sounds like heaven to her. Getting books and one on one time with Jack after he was really busy with school for weeks? This has to be heaven.
“Ok, then you put your outside clothes on and I’ll tell Dad about our plan.” At that the little girl rushes to her room, not wanting to waste any more time. Jack makes his way down to the kitchen, where Aaron wipes the table from lunch down.
“Dad, I take (Y/N) to this bookstore in DC and we’ll probably go eat ice cream after that. Is that alright?” Hotch looks up at his son. It still feels like yesterday as he told Haley that Gideon is a big no as a baby name. Now he is all grown up and just a few weeks away from the next big chapter in his life.
“Of course, just let me get my wall-” Jack cuts him off. “No need, I want to use this as a kind of goodbye thing. At least until Thanksgiving.” Aaron knows what he means. It’s his last day before he goes off to college and just a couple more until the first classes begin. The family still hasn’t told their youngest exactly what’s going on. Else she would refuse to go to school and go on with her day, insisting on using all the time they have until Jack drives off.
Two hours later the siblings leave the bookstore, both of them having a bag in their hands. Of course Jack's heavier, but both he and the cashier assured (Y/N) that they lift the same amount of weight.
“Uncle Spence will be excited when I tell him that I read Harry Potter, he told me so many good things about it”, the girl gushes. Jack nods, indicating that he is listening. Of course they also picked books that are not that advanced. Still, no sister of his shall grow up without knowing the beauty of the wizarding world. Also, secretly he is hoping for her to turn out as nerdy as he is so they get more things to talk about. His next step is superheroes, especially the Marvel ones.
They converse until they get to an ice cream parlor and order both their usuals. “Do you think you are ready for me to tell you something important?” The older one asks after they sit down at a table. (Y/N) nods, confusion taking over her face.
“Uhm, you know how I graduated from high school? I’m done with school, but I want to get a degree, but for that I have to go to college. It’s pretty far away so I can’t come home for a few months. But I’m back home when Thanksgiving is and also for Christmas.” It doesn’t matter what Jack says, a sad frown has formed on the little one’s face. “Oh. And after Christmas, will you leave again?” He nods and explains when he is off from college and when not.
“We can always skype and write letters. How does that sound? And when you get your first phone, we can even text.” That (Y/N) lights up a bit. For her first year of school she got a stationary set and is eager to use it to this day.
“I’m going to miss you so much”, she says hugging her big brother. Jack pats her back. “I’ll miss you, too.”
The goodbye the next day is a heartfelt matter. Everybody cries, especially (Y/N). She can’t fathom a scenario where her brother isn’t there for her all the time.
The following weeks are also hard for the family. The youngest refuses to sleep alone for the first three days after Jack’s leave. She is more closed off and mainly just does her school work or reads the books he bought for her. By the time Thanksgiving is only away for another two weeks, (Y/N) has read through all of them at least two times.
Her father already ordered the lightsaber he promised her. Unfortunately shipping takes several months, so the little girl still has to wait patiently for her reward to arrive. In the meantime she works on getting the next and she is already pretty close to the comic book collection she wants.
“Sweetheart, can you set the table, please? Your Mom will be here soon from grocery shopping and she will need help getting them from the car into the house”, Hotch calls for his daughter while stirring in a pot.
The little girl nods, putting her stationary set and pens aside to do as her father asked. She is in the middle of answering her brother’s last letter, telling him that she is now the one that usually has to read aloud for the class because of her advanced skill for a first grader.
Just as she sets the last piece of silverware down the doorbell rings. “Sweetie, can you please open it? This should be your mother.” Happily (Y/N) runs up and turns the door knob. Over the last few months she hit a small growing spurt and is finally tall enough to reach it without standing on her tippy toes.
“Mo-” She nearly chokes on her own saliva. The one at the door is definitely not her mother. “JACK!” (Y/N) runs up to him and jumps onto his leg. “Hey Princess. I thought now that you read your books, we need to hold the most amazing lightsaber fight in history.” With a mischievous smile he pulls two from his back, giving one to his baby sister.
It is the most epic fight in history between an elementary schooler and a college boy. They can only be stopped by their parents announcing that it is a tie between both of them and that they have to sit down, else the food gets cold.
The following weeks mostly consist of (Y/N)’s joyous laughs and cuddling with her big brother. She even insists on him sleeping with her in her much smaller bed. On his last night before going back to college, the little girl turns to him in the middle of watching her favorite movie in the living room.
“Do you promise not to forget me when you are away? Because I alway think about you and tell my friends so much about you. I told them you are a hero, my hero, just like Daddy. They wanna meet you because of that.” Jack has to hold back tears at her statement.
“I also think of you so much. All of my friends at college are pretty jealous of me having such a sweet baby sister. Maybe one time you can visit me and I can introduce you to them.” The thought of that makes (Y/N) smile and is a little consolation to the thought of her brother leaving again.
Aaron watches the interaction going down, happy to see the strong bond between his children, despite their age gap. This is nothing like he and Sean were and that is a relief for him and the worries he had in the beginning. It is a sign that he did do some things right as a father.
All works:
@dindjarinsspouse @big-galaxy-chaos @jswessie187
Criminal Minds:
@averyhotchner @mggsprettygirl @herecomesthewriterwitch @ash19871962 @ellyhotchner
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rant-2-me · 3 years
My mental state has just worsened over the days, though I'm not sure why, and I just feel so unmotivated and lacking any energy to practice any self care other than napping, and also feel anxious because I'm not studying enough.. feel like I'm just 1/4th assing my responsibilities.. And when someone asks me how I'm doing, sometimes I blurt out that I'm not fine, and the guilt I feel afterwards for making them worry, so I find myself withdrawing from initiating conversation with them, even though I really want to, and this makes them worry about me more.. I just don't know anything anymore, everything feels too much, yet I can't rant in a clear conscience without feeling guilty for bothering them, and thinking how I don't deserve to complain because they have had so much worse (yes I know pain is relative, but I feel so horrible, like a whiny child, who doesn't know how to be content with her blessings)......
Sorry I know it's a lot.. feel free to delete it if it's triggering or making you uncomfortable in any way... I just needed to get it out..
My lovely nonnie, im so, so glad you sent this ask. and got it all out of your system. yeah this sounds cheesy but like ive been there, with not knowing how to reach out—im proud you had the courage to send this ask. girlboss vibes.
also this ask took a while to answer and im so so sorry about that, but I didnt want to do anything less than the best for you, so let's just jump right in <[:)
Lacking motivation, god I've been there, but doing self care is super super important so here is a how-to, hon.
How to do selfcare when you’re not motivated to:
1. Be a little “gross.”
Gross is in quotes because it’s so subjective, but you undoubtedly have a few behaviors you consider kind of gross regardless. Now’s the time to do them without judgment. For me, that’s meant showering less, eating weird food combos (sometimes in bed), and letting my brows and mustache grow magnificently unruly. For you, it could mean doing something you normally judge yourself for or cutting back on activities you only do for the benefit of others. Now is not the time to allow “socially acceptable” behaviors to rule you.
2. Eat whatever the hell you want.
This should be a rule always, but I’m not going to pretend there aren’t societal, social, and personal pressures that go into why we eat what we eat. Try to shut down the voice that judges or polices what you’re eating right now. We’re in the middle of a goddamn pandemic. If dinner has to be some slices of cheese and deli meat eaten in front of the open fridge, so be it. If you have a lot of cravings and are snacking more than you normally would, cool. If pre-pandemic you decided you were going to stick to a certain meal plan and it’s just not happening anymore? Don’t beat yourself up.
Yes, what we eat is connected to our mental health, and I don’t want to discount that—but if the stress of eating healthfully is making you feel like crap anyway, whether that’s because you can’t fathom cooking or don’t have the means to shop for certain foods during isolation, just eat the sleeve of Oreos and try again another day. It’s okay.
3. And wear whatever you want.
Or, more realistically, wear whatever you can. Even if it means wearing the same ratty sweatpants for a whole week. Or month. Maybe you started all this out aspiring to get dressed every day to work from home productively, or maybe you have a whole collection of comfortable loungewear you feel guilty for not utilizing. Whatever arbitrary rules and expectations you’ve set for yourself, you can throw them out.
On the other hand, maybe you need to quiet the voice that tells you there’s no point in getting dressed or feeling presentable. If it helps, by all means, play with your look, wear awesome or weird outfits, do your hair and makeup or whatever activity might feel a little silly given your current reality. In the middle of a pandemic, nothing is a waste of time if it makes you feel good.
4. Use shortcuts to avoid creating chores.
In my first week or so of working entirely from home, I was baffled by just how messy my apartment got. How on earth were so many messes piling up when I wasn’t even doing anything but working, sleeping, and eating? I hadn’t realized it, but a lot of my small tidying routines had become casualties to the pandemic. And, it turns out, slacking on the little ways I pick up after myself every day (such as doing the dishes right after I use them) added up quickly.
Instead of forcing myself to stick to the same levels of tidiness that I used to maintain, I’ve found shortcuts. For example, I use paper plates and plastic cutlery when I feel too fatigued to wash dishes so they don’t sit in the sink for days on end. Or I stick to the same two “outfits” to avoid clothes piling up when I’m too depressed to put them away every day. If you can find a small way to go easy on yourself, even if it feels a little wasteful or indulgent or gross, it’s okay to tap into those shortcuts right now.
5. Be kind to yourself if your place is messy or dirty.
I won’t lie: I’m someone whose space impacts my mental health a lot. Typically, keeping my apartment clean helps keep my mental health in check and letting my apartment get gross makes me feel worse. That’s still true in a lot of ways, but to adapt I’ve been trying to be mindful and accepting of where I’m at. And it’s…helped?
It turns out that taking the pressure off does a lot to mitigate the guilt and some of the other negative mental health effects I usually experience. In practice, it involves a lot of talking to myself. Instead of seeing my apartment turning into a depression cave and immediately thinking, “Oh, God, I need to clean up, this is so disgusting, I’m a monster for living like this, of course I feel depressed,” I go for kindness. I think (or even say out loud because, well, desperate times), “Of course my apartment is a mess right now. I’ll get to it when I get to it. I can handle the mess for now.”
6. Accept your new sleep schedule.
idk anyone whose sleep hasn’t been screwed in some way by all of this. Anxiety, depression, fatigue, pent-up energy from sheltering in place, tech use, new work responsibilities, screwy schedules…pretty much every aspect of our new reality can impact our sleep. Some people are sleeping a lot more, some are sleeping a lot less, and some are cycling through both extremes. Oh, and the temptation of naps! It’s all there.
Trying to maintain a healthy sleep schedule during all of this is a worthy endeavor—and more power to you if you’ve figured out how—but there’s a good chance that it feels impossible.
By “accepting” your new sleep schedule, I don’t mean pretending it doesn’t suck; I mean doing what you can to be gentle on yourself about it. For me, acceptance has looked like watching some comfort tv and reading my favourite books at 2 a.m. instead of staying in bed and anxiety-spiraling about how I can’t sleep. Is it ideal? No way. But I’m not going to waste energy stressing about something I currently can’t control.
7. Give yourself plenty of room to do absolutely nothing.
I’ve given myself permission to do a whole lot of nothing. That includes getting rid of the pressure to be productive and practice self-care, yes, but in a broader sense, it also means not forcing myself to actively “adjust” every day.
Some days, I just need to do nothing but feel my feelings. Or avoid feeling my feelings. Or stare at the ceiling. Give yourself space to do (or not do) whatever you need to.
also, nonnie? my love?
Never feel guilty about telling someone who cares about you when you don’t feel okay.
People who genuinely care about you—and I’m sure they are many—will care if you aren’t feeling good, there are always going to be people who care about you, who want you to be okay, that’s why they ask, why people make rant, why “how are you?” is such a common question.
But if you do need to talk, but you feel like you’ll “burden” people who you do talk to, here’s a guide to ranting.
Guide to ranting:
1. Pick the right person. Someone who’s in the right headspace to listen to you, you could also pick someone who cares about you—if you’re anxiety tells you nobody cares about you, pick someone who “should” care about you in your relationship, e.g: a friend you’ve had for a long time, a friend who’s told a few of their problems, or friend you might not feel close with, but seems very kindhearted and a good listener.
2. Pick the right time to talk to them, so you can have their undivided attention. If they are busy—as most people will be with something—they’ll have a hard time giving you good advice and listening to you. Ask them when they are free, and then ask them:
3. “hey, can we talk? I’m not mad or you or anything, it’s just that I have been not feeling great, and I just want to rant to someone about it.” and “No pressure to say yes, you might have your own stuff to do deal with.” to make sure they are the right person to talk to.
4. It’s ok to test the waters. Start slowly, you don’t have to share everything at once if you don’t want to.
5. You never know how your friend will react to what you say.While you can’t know how they’ll react, just remember that sometimes people’s initial reactions may come from a place of shock, surprise or not knowing what to say. Their initial reaction isn’t always their longerterm reaction, it may just take them a little time to process.
6. Look for ways to take action. Don’t get me wrong, ranting can be amazing for you, but on its own may not solve your problem.
But maybe venting to people isn’t for you. No matter! There are other ways to get out emotions:
Ways to rant without talking to anyone
1. Cry it out— simple and rewarding. When the baggage is just too heavy to carry cry it out. It can help you ease the pressure and ease your mind to think straight after days of holding that frustration in.
2. Work out — easy and fun. tire yourself out and release all the frustration in working out! This is going to be so satisfying for you as you try and punch, kick, balance, lift, and breathe those frustrations away.
3. Clean & rearrange — practical and can be fun. we get frustrated by so many things and one thing that can truly help clear our minds is to have a clean place where we can stay and live for the moment to breathe. Clean your room, rearrange your things and you’ll be surprised by the satisfaction this brings — a signal of a new beginning.
4. Scribble — simple and fun. Make scribbles, doodles, drawings, take a pen or a pencil, and let go. It does not have to be “good” art or professional at all. Just draw whatever comes to heart, sunflowers or clouds or rainbows—anything.
5. Write it down — fun and simple. Let those words out of your head and just live in the moment.
How to fight the lack of motivation.
1. Don't fight the lack of motivation.
If you feel down or unable to muster tons of energy, let it be ok. Be easy on yourself and acknowledge that it's ok to have a dip, especially at this time of the year.
2. Once you have accepted your slump, get to the bottom of it.
Ask yourself, "What is the root cause of this sluggish feeling?" Go deeper than the obvious reasons. Is it related to work? Your personal life? Relationships? It might also just be the weather. Get clear on what areas of your life you're feeling the most resistance.
3. Dig into that area. What is not ideal about this aspect of your life? What would make it better?
Make a list of how you'd like your current situation to improve--and be specific. If you truly can't find a reason to be less than enthusiastic, then accept your feelings and let them pass with time.
4. Take your list of what is missing and go through it.
What is holding you back from being able to create the things that are missing in your life?
5. Get support for creating the life you want.
Do some research and find an expert to help you. Even though they love you, friends and family aren't objective enough, and they tend to give advice that is a reflection of their own life and insecurities.
6. Think of current habits that are contributing to a less-than-ideal life.
Maybe it's fear, laziness, or not having enough confidence. Pick one to focus on.
7. Address this habit over the next 2 months.
They say it takes 28 days to create a new habit, but this varies from person to person. If you focus on it for two months, you are sure to build the neural pathways needed to call it a new way of being.
8. Buy a book, read articles or do some research on this particular behavior or feeling.
Read about the common causes of this habit as well as the proven ways to bust through and work around it.
9. Create a plan around shifting your current habit.
Make sure that changing this habit ultimately helps you move forward in the area of your life that is not ideal. The energy from clarity, awareness and then action will immediately get you feeling more motivated, no matter what.
10. When all else fails: make a list of activities that excite you, and do one of them right now.
Talk to a fun friend, dance around at home, workout, watch a funny YouTube video, tackle something on your to-do list. Accomplishing something will give you a hit of dopamine in your brain. If you're too overwhelmed by your day, sit for five minutes and meditate. Put on some soothing music and breathe.
okay, that's all nonnie, I hope you feel the lust for life in your lungs, please have all my love, i hope this helped, this ask took a while, but it was worth if it helps
and if you need to dont worry to send another ask, if you like spam the inbox!! queen!!!
take care, much love my sweet honey, bye <3
—*putting daisies in your hair as they leave* mod peppermint <[:)
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starlightnakamoto · 4 years
She Knows • Yuta Nakamoto
Member: Yuta X Reader
Genre: angst / fluff / smut / slow-burn / mystery
Warnings: Language, Drugs, Alcohol/Cigarette Use
Summary: You needed to find a way to raise money to find somewhere to stay. Little did you know it had to be through becoming a stripper at the biggest club in town, owned by the ceo himself. He’s not only a ceo though. Only at night he was.
A/N: remember to stay safe!! here’s ch. 4 <3
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Chapter 4
“You must be new here. I’m Ten”, he smiled with glee and stuck out his hand.
Another charming boy that had given you goosebumps.
You could tell he had been mustering up the courage to introduce himself since he sat next to you and you found yourself beaming inside.
Somebody actually treated you like someone since you got here.
You shook his hand. “H-Hi. I’m Y/N”, you softly spoke, smiling back.
He gave you the most memorable smile, probably the most calmest he’s been since his entertaining entrance right up until—
“Did you see how Yuta had snapped at that new dancer? I feel bad for her”, you had heard whispers & laughs from nearby peers giving you looks.
Your mood was starting to go down again but Ten didn’t let that happen.
“Rosé you should feel bad for your breath. It probably stinks from all the shit you be talking about”, he immediately snapped back, being rewarded with laughs, including yours.
For those who have been here, they knew not to mess with this guy.
You had loved him already.
She had then stayed quiet from embarrassment and Ten focused back his attention to you.
“Sorry love what did you say was your name again?”, he commented while criss-crossing in front of you.
He had a unique accent.
“Y/N”, you said going back to smiling.
“Right Y/N! Well welcome! I haven’t been here that long either but I’ve waited long enough to finally find someone decent here to talk to. Also don’t worry about those girls trust me.”, he rambled on, comforting you by playing with your hands.
He started to tell you intellect about the people so far in the room and there goes the name that captures your interest again.
“And that’s Yuta. Yeah everyone’s all over him.. so was I at one point.. maybe. He’s hot shit what can I say? But also a man of hard work.. and secrets from what I heard.. not sure what that means haha”, he had said while you giggled & started to scan the room to find the man with angel hair again.
You kept staring as he was helping dancers with moves in the front. Almost a little more and his eyes had layed on yours again. Fuck.
You had quickly turned your vision back to Ten & you snapped back to reality hearing him say with a pout “Y/N?”.
“Oh yeah sorry. Just zoned out but I did hear you don’t worry”, you said feeling your cheeks burn up.
“Ah don’t worry about it. Guess that’s the effect Yuta has on everyone”, his smile was light as he shrugged.
“W-what? Yuta? Oh no fuck him really. He snapped at me. Sent me back here.. please he’s yours“, you denied his words.
“No way have him. I can see the way you look at him, practically eye fucking him”, he smirked while teasing you. You had just met this man and he already can read you so well.
You kept getting flustered and playfully hit him telling him to stop.
Ten then continued with the tea on more of the people in there over the next days of you guys practicing & hanging out in the dance studio.
You had made a friend & that was the best thing that had happened since you came here.
“Lisa, a total bitch stay away from her and her uneven bob. And best for last, the angel from the skies Johnny Suh”, he turned red saying his name and patted his heart.
“Oo someone’s in love”, you cooed. This man was so entertaining to talk to.
“That tall hunk is gonna be mines one day, I’m calling it. Not to mention we have hung out a few times before..”, he trailed off.
“And what did those hangouts consist of?”, you questioned playfully, enjoying the daily talks you’ve had with your awesome friend.
“Okay we fucked a few times.. but I’m gonna get his number and find my way to finally making it official..”, he had said holding your hand & lowering his voice, staring down.
“Ten oh my god.. dude go for it!! Don’t just keep playing around”, you playfully punched him.
“I will, I will. You should get Yuta’s too.”, you guys started to grab your bags to head out as the final rehearsal had ended.
Tomorrow was show night. 8:30 pm.
“What? Nah I’m good seriously. He’s obviously busy with other dancers & probably forgot about me since I came here”, you shaked your head.
“Are you kidding? No way I can see the way he looks at you whenever I see him look at you. And trust me, he really looks.”
“What? You never told me he does?!”
“Because I wanted to surprise you hehe. Yea I’ve seen him look our way at times and he does stare at you when we practice the moves or when we leave the room after rehearsals.”, Ten calmly said while taking sips of water, knowing his words were making butterflies burst in you.
You felt yourself smile as you & Ten were gonna head your way out but then stopped a bit before the door.
Everyone else had left but Yuta came back to pack his things.
The tension in the air was fucking real.
“Oo shit. This is your move go talk to him Y/N!!”, he squealed, pushed your shoulder lightly.
Yuta was not that faraway in the hollowed room, just getting his things & bag.
“Listen I’m fine let’s just go—“, you anxiously grabbed Ten’s shirt trying to make your way out.
“No no this is your moment! Go get your mans. I’ll see you later Y/N!”, he emphasized your name, grabbing Yuta’s attention while he left you two alone.
Yuta had snapped out of his world & his head lifted up knowing it was just you across the room.
His eyes full of deep brown met yours.
It was just the two of you left now.
You stopped in your tracks, holding onto your bag for dear life as your eyes wouldn’t let go of his.
Almost saying all the words you wanted to say but never got to. All for someone who had only met not too long ago.
You sort of liked this though.. finally getting to be with him in the same room and no one else to ruin that.
It’s like you both finally got what each other has been waiting for without words to speak.
The moment broke though. You had moved one step back, leaning against the shelf behind you and a bunch of dance shoes had fallen over.
“Fuck”, you muttered to yourself. You felt flushed & embarrassed as the clusters of shoes fell down. Way to go Y/N.
You put your bag down & crouched to fix the mess you had made while you heard footsteps approach you.
Shit shit shit.
“T-That’s fine don’t worry I’ll fix it”, his voice bringing comfort to you even with a bit of a nervous tone in it.
“No it’s my mess I’ll do it”, you avoided meeting eyes just trying to fix the mess you made.
“No seriously I’ll—“, he paused meeting your eyes & flushed cheeks.
You both were now inches apart in a cluster of shoes, practically breathing each others air.
He smelled of cigarettes & nice cologne.
No words was said. You both just got quiet & finished cleaning up the mess.
After putting the last bit of shoes back, he broke the silence.
“I-I never got your name”, he softly spoke, putting his hands in his pockets of his grey sweats.
“Didn’t know you’d need it”, you stood up & snapped without meaning to.
After all you didn’t let go of that one time. What a great first impression he made then forgot about me for a few days.
“Sorry about the other day. I was just doing my job I really felt bad & I never got to introduce myself properly cause I felt like you hated me —“,
“Y/N. My name’s Y/N. Maybe I did hate you.. but you could be forgiven”, you interrupted as a small smile was coming over your tough exterior.
You still wanted to play hard but you just wanted this tension to be over.
The biggest glow came over his face almost like the rain clouds had finally gone away.
That golden smile.
“Y/N. C-Cool. I’m Yuta. That’s what everyone calls me by”, his hand covered in multiple rings reached out to shake yours.
You shyly reached out for his hand but did so anyways.
“Hi Yuta”, you giggled a bit as your hands were greeting each other.
“Hi.. Y/N”, he laughed while nodding his head, glad he had finally got to know the name of the girl that would change it all for him.
“So.. am I forgiven?”, he said above a whisper while taking a step closer into you as your breathing stopped.
You observed his beautifully sculptured face, your eyes making it’s way from his pool brown eyes to his pink, full lips.
He knew the effect he had on you already.
“Hmm.. I’ll let you know next time we meet. See you around.. Yuta”, you smirked walking past him, brushing against his exposed arms.
Being smart, you didn’t wanna rush things so you left him wanting more and you fucking loved it.
Everything was only starting.
ch. 1, ch. 2, ch. 3, ch. 4, ch. 5
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mymoodwriting · 4 years
Perfect Love
Bang Chan/Jisung, Bang Chan/Felix, Felix/Jisung
Genre: Yandere AU
Warning: Collar, Electrocution, Medication, Pills, Needles, Sedatives
Words: 2.2K
One | Two | Three | Four | Five | Six | Seven | Eight | Nine | Ten | Eleven | Twelve | Thirteen | Fourteen | Fifteen | Epilogue
Prompt: When Jisung started dating Chan it was a lot of fun, but that’s all it was and he wanted more. It was a mutual break up, or at least he thought it was. He had no idea what Chan was capable of, that is until he finally went to his house, carried into it actually. A second chance at love is entirely out of his control, and he might not have been the first of Chan’s lovers to be in this position.
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       Jisung sat at the kitchen table, trying to make himself as small as possible. He was still shaking a bit from what had happened but he was focused enough to understand his surroundings. His hand reached up and he tugged at the collar around his neck, biting his lip when his actions caused the collar to shock him. He heard laughter, someone vaguely amused by his attempt to free himself.
       After he had calmed down from his nightmare Chan had placed that collar on him. It had been decided that the only way he’d be allowed upstairs for the time being was with that collar. It would only shock him if he tried to remove it or if he stepped outside the house perimeter, which included the backyard but not the front. The collar would give him a small warning shock, but if he pushed it the voltage would increase gradually until he passed out.
       He looked up at the person setting the table, Felix, who seemed much better. He felt bad for having scared him earlier, although the fact that he had been frightened was unsettling. Jisung then looked over at Chan who was finishing up preparations for their rather late breakfast. He felt pathetic crying in his arms earlier. His whole situation was really starting to stress him out and crying to him probably boosted his ego.
     Despite his questions he didn’t say what had scared him, he didn’t wanna divulge that kinda information, he didn’t need his captor knowing what made him vulnerable. Once breakfast was set, Felix took his seat but Chan went over to a cabinet, rummaging around and walking over to them with a pill bottle in hand.
 “Time to take your medicine.”
       Chan first approached Felix playing with his hair then gently tilting his head back, the boy eagerly opening his mouth and took the pill. His good behavior was rewarded with a kiss on the cheek. His eyes then locked with Jisung.
 “Are we going to be a good boy like Felix here or are we gonna have a problem?”
       Jisung didn’t answer, instead doing his best to keep his mouth shut. Chan was clearly disappointed, coming over to him and forcing his lips to part. The boy tried to struggle but he was easily overpowered. He was given the medicine, forced to swallow before he was let go. Despite his misbehavior he was also given a kiss.
 “Good boy.”
       Whatever he had taken didn’t kick in for a while, but it wasn’t noticed. He pretended that everything was fine. Felix was very happy, so he acted that way too, figuring that’s what the medicine was for. He really hated that Chan was a pretty good cook, that is until he realized there was a chance the food was laced with something. He quickly lost his appetite after that, saying he was full, he was believed.
 “Felix, can you water the plants, and take Jisung with you.”
 “Oh yay! I can show you the garden.”
       Felix eagerly took his hand and took him out to the backyard. He had been nervous about going out because of the collar, but when nothing happened he remembered he was safe in the backyard, it was the front yard he wasn’t allowed in. Felix kept a hold of his hand as he pointed out all the different plants around the garden.
       Chan had stayed inside, opting to clean up the kitchen. He had his plants that he used for work, and he also grew some vegetables and flowers. Felix grabbed the hose, watering the plants and splashing Jisung with some water after a while to cool him down. By then the medicine had kicked in, Jisung a giggling mess like before. He laid down in the grass, eyes closed, enjoying the sunlight. He used to be so busy during the day he could never really enjoy the sun.
 “So pretty.”
       Jisung opened his eyes to see Chan standing above him, taking pictures. The boy removed his collar to take a few more pictures. He didn’t even register the fact that Chan was holding his phone. The other laid down next to him, pulling him close for a picture, then telling Felix to join in so they could have a group photo he could frame for later.
 “Maybe we should post your picture Sungie, let your friends see how pretty you look.”
 “What about the other pictures?”
 “Those are just for us.”
 “Okay. Oh, what about Felix?”
 “I don’t have any social media.” Felix said, snuggling against Chan’s other side. “Got rid of it a long time ago, don’t need it. I just use Chan’s phone and accounts if I ever wanna browse.”
 “Oh… should I still keep mine?”
 “For now, yes.” Chan said. “What should the caption be?”
 “Um… how does ‘soaking up the morning sun’ sound?”
 “Lovely.” He added hashtags and posted it. “Now, got some news for you boys.”
 “What is it?” Felix asked.
 “I’m gonna be out tonight.”
 “Another party.”
 “Yup, which means early bedtimes for both of you.”
 “Awe, can Jisung sleep with me?”
 “I don’t think so, he’s still in trouble for earlier.”
 “Right… next time.”
 “Yeah, maybe next time. I gotta get ready for tonight, so keep yourselves busy for a while okay.”
 “Jisung and I can watch a movie.”
 “Alright but nothing scary, I don’t want either of you having nightmares cause of it.”
 “We won’t, come on Jisung.”
       He waited until Chan put the collar back on, then took the others hand and took him upstairs. Felix always preferred to watch movies in the bedroom, he let Jisung pick, running back down to get some popcorn and drinks. He loved watching movies in the bedroom, so much more space to cuddle.
       Chan stayed in the basement for most of the day, preparing his product. Felix came down to check on him and brought him something to eat, he was still watching movies with Jisung upstairs. He was glad the two were having fun. When it was around time for him to head out he went up to get them ready for bed.
       Since he had left them alone practically all day, he wasn’t surprised to walk in and see that neither of them was actually watching the movie that was playing. Instead Felix had Jisung pinned under him, the two kissing, hair and clothes a mess.
 “And what might this be?”
       Felix jumped up and rolled off Jisung very quickly. The two boys looked away from Chan, blushing. He laughed.
 “I’m not mad, you two are quite cute together. Did you do anything else?”
 “No…” Jisung shyly admitted. “We just… started.”
 “You wanna join?”
 “Oh, I’d love to but I have to cut this short, it’s time for bed.”
 “Awe, bedtime already?” Felix whined.
 “Yes, yes it is. We can all play some other time. Go shower, I’ll take Jisung.”
 “Okay, good night Jisung.”
       Felix kissed Jisung’s cheek, the boy blushing a new shade of red, and went to shower. Chan took Jisung down to his room, having him take a shower too and drying him off. He dressed the boy for bed, grabbing the syringe he had on the table, Jisung holding his arm out.
 “Oh no, you’re bedtime medicine goes elsewhere.”
       Jisung tilted his head to the side. He still wasn’t comfortable with needles, especially when he was mellowed out and he was very open with his emotions. He grabbed Chan’s arm for comfort, getting a kiss for his good behavior.
 “Sweet dreams.”
       He tucked the boy in and headed out, making sure the door was locked. After he put his things away and grabbed what he needed from the lab he lingered outside of Jisung’s room. He texted Changbin, saying he would be over in a bit, just needed to get his boys to sleep. A while after he heard Jisung screaming. He checked the time then went upstairs, locking the basement door too. Felix was already sitting in bed when he got to the room.
 “How’s Jisung?”
 “Good. I want you sleeping with your headphones tonight okay.”
       Felix presented his neck, giggling when he felt the needle, then grabbing his headphones from the nightstand drawer. Chan laid him down and tucked him in, giving him a goodnight kiss. He heard Jisung scream again, detouring to the kitchen and putting out some medicine for a sore throat before heading out.
 “And there’s the man of the hour, what’s new?”
 “I told you it’s not ready yet.”
 “Couldn’t even bring a sample.”
 “Maybe if you had asked nicely.”
       Chan was greeted with a beer by Changbin, the host of tonight’s festivities. The place was already pretty lively with the music blasting through the speakers.
 “You’re late you know.”
 “I had to get the boys in bed first.”
 “Boys? When did you get another?”
 “Jisung and I got back together.”
 “For real, that’s awesome. How’s Felix dealing with it.”
 “Caught the two making out before I left.”
 “Very happy then.”
 “Yup.” Chan took a sip of his beer. “You should come over, Felix’s been wanting to see you.”
 “Why don’t you throw a party then? Make it fun for everyone.”
 “Not yet, if I did I’d have to keep Jisung in his room.”
 “Oh, you’re doing that with him too then, is he okay?”
 “He will be.”
 “Then I’ll stop by sometime this week, I’ll tell the others too, we need to talk about business.”
 “Good point, I do need to ask Jeongin for a favor. Didn’t he recently move in with a friend?”
 “Yeah, some guy named Seungmin.”
 “That guy better not get Jeongin in any trouble.”
 “Don’t you mean Jeongin should keep him out of trouble?”
 “I said what I said, the little rascal is trouble.”
 “And he’s our responsibility.”
       The rest of the night went on without any issue. He was cleaned out pretty quick, money staying with Changbin for the time being. He enjoyed himself, missing the fun he used to have with Jisung at parties, but he was quick to remember he had the boy at home, safe and sound and happy, which brought a smile to his face. When morning hit he started paying more attention to the time.
 “I gotta get going, Chang.”
 “Already? Come on, stick around for a bit more.”
 “I need to get going man, text Jeongin for me. My house this week.”
 “Got it, tell Felix and your other boy toy hello for me.”
 “His name is Jisung!”
 “I know, now get out of here.”
       When Chan got home the house was pretty quiet. He went upstairs to check on Felix first, the boy still fast asleep, then went down to see Jisung. He walked into the room to see Jisung curled in bed, shaking. He kneeld down and caressed the boys cheek for a bit, he had worked up a sweat, then gently shook him to wake him.
       Jisung’s eyes shot open, taking a deep breathe. His eyes were hazy, still shaking. Chan helped him sit up but the boy leaned against him, hugging him like before, his shaking getting a little worse. He smiled and cradled the little one’s head, rocking him again and patting his back softly.
 “It’s okay, I’m here for you, I got you.”
       Minho commented on Jisung’s latest post as he stepped out of the elevator. He had some takeout in hand, walking over to his friend’s apartment, knocking on the door.
 “Jisung, open up!” He knocked again. “Come on, I didn’t see you at work, guessing it’s your day off.”
       There was no response even after the fifth attempt. If he got any louder he’d disturb the neighbors.
 “You’re really gonna make me do this.”
       He put down the takeout and reached for his keys. Jisung had given him a spare key to the apartment in case he ever lost his or Minho needed a place to crash and didn’t wanna go home.  Minho threw the door open once it was unlocked.
 “Jisung, I got your favorite.” Minho stopped when he noticed how empty the place was. “Jisung?”
       He put the food down on the table and started looking around the apartment. The bedroom was empty, not even a bed frame. There was little furniture around, the fridge was empty, all personal decorations gone. He grabbed his phone, calling Jisung, but the call didn’t go through, the number apparently unavailable.
 “So… you think something is wrong?”
       Minho was at a cafe with his friend Hyunjin, staring at Jisung’s most recent photo. The sound of the other slurping down his drink frustrating him.
 “This is serious!”
 “Dude calm down, so he moved out of his apartment and forgot to tell you, no big deal. Just call him.”
 “You think I haven’t already tried? His phone is disconnected or something. Don’t you think that’s weird?”
 “Unless he got a new phone and forgot to tell you too. You guys aren’t attached at the hip you know.”
 “He would have messaged me.”
 “Moving takes time, maybe he was gonna tell you when he was settled in and not dead tired.”
 “He’s fine, don’t worry too much or you’ll start getting ideas.”
 “Oh yeah? Like what?”
 “Like he doesn’t want to be your friend anymore, or he’s been kidnapped.” Hyunjin laughed. “Just don’t do anything stupid that’s gonna end up embarrassing him.”
 “Yeah…” Minho stared down at the picture again. “Yeah he’s probably fine.”
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laxus-and-ceruli · 4 years
Sunflowers and Camellias (Part One)
Warnings- Swearing and fluff
Some of you may have never seen a camellia except in pictures if you live in colder climates. Camellias grow as shrubs in warmer regions and they are difficult to find as a cut flower because they tend to be fragile. These romantic flowers are stunning and look similar to roses, and like roses have different meanings depending on the color. Red camellias say “you’re a flame in my heart”, pink symbolizes longing, and white say “you’re adorable”. If you are fortunate enough to live in an area where camellias are in bloom, I recommend you take the time to pick some for your darling. They are also available as bonsai trees.
Sunflowers represent longevity, adoration, and pure love. These flowers remind me of cheerful faces, and when growing they follow the sun, moving throughout the day. They are easily obtained from florists, or you can easily grow your own from seed-which could be a romantic activity for you and your sweetheart. Additionally, the seeds of the flower attract wildlife.
“Laxus!” He stiffened when I jumped on his back.
“What do you want?” He huffed, ignoring my grip on him.
“I’m hyper.”
“Yeah, no shit.” He chuckled.
“Let’s go on a job,” I buried my nose into his neck, “Just the two of us.”
“Oh yeah?” He thought for a moment, “Alright.”
“Really?!” I jumped off eyes sparkling.
“Sure, sounds fun.”
“Awesome! I’ll go pick one out!” I kissed his cheek and went over to the request board while he talked to Gramps.
I pulled a job off to look at the details.
“U-um…” I looked over to see the blue-haired dragon slayer.
“Hey, Wendy,” I ruffled her hair, “You looking to go on a job?”
“No, I was actually looking to talk to you.” She said, looking at the ground.
“Oh yeah? What’s up?”
“Well… I heard some of the others talking and…” She clenched her little fists, before looking at me with big eyes, “Is it true you and Laxus can do unison raids?!”
“Huh? Oh-” I smiled at her, “Yeah! We’ve done that a few times.”
“Really? That’s so cool!”
“You interested in Unison Raids?” 
“I just think they’re really awesome!” 
“You pick one out yet?” Laxus asked from behind me.“No, sorry. I got distracted.” I scratched the back of my neck.
“You’re such a pain.” He turned to the board and started looking for a job. “This one looks good. Decent reward too.”
He grabbed the paper and started for the door.
“Sorry Wendy, we can finish talking when I get back.” I gave her an apologetic smile before running after Laxus.
“Gimme that,” I snatched the paper from him and looked it over, ‘Yeah, this works.”
We stopped by my place so I could pack a quick bag. 
“You know we’re gonna need to take a train, right?” I side-eyed him with a smirk.
He groaned.
“You’re the one who picked the job, not me.” I hefted my bag onto my shoulder, grabbed some cash from my room, and pulled him to the door. “Come on, I’ll get us our own compartment.”
~~~~ I closed the door to our compartment and saw Laxus already pale.
“Aw baby,” I cooed, sitting next to him, “We’re not even moving ye-”
Just as I said it the train lurched and began chugging forward. Laxus’ eyes widened and he started to sweat.
“How long is-... this going to b-be?” He moaned.
“Three-and-a-half hours.” I pulled his head onto my lap and ran my fingers through his hair. “Just try to get some sleep, okay?”
“Please tell me we’re almost there,” Laxus grumbled as he woke up.
“No,” I frowned and stroked his face. “Sorry, maybe we shouldn’t have done this…”
“Hey, you know this isn’t you- urh- fault,” He gagged, “And when we get there I’ll be fine.”
I nodded and pressed a light kiss to his forehead. 
“Laxus,” I shook him slightly, “Hey, we’re here!”
“Finally,” He groaned as he sat up.
We’d left the guildhall at an odd hour, and it was almost sunset already, so we decided to stay here tonight, and head out in the morning.
We found a decent inn not far from the palace.
“Welcome to the Flower Mirage Inn! Is this your first time in Crocus?” The old Lady at the desk said, not looking up from the check-in book in front of her.
“Not exactly,” I spoke up. 
She looked at us and smiled, “Oh what a lovely couple! Honeymooners?”
Laxus’ face lost all color before turning bright red, “N-no! We’re… We’re just dating! Not married! N-not that-that I haven’t thought about… B-but that’s not-... oh...”
“We’ll just take a single room for two nights,” I giggled at his rambling. I gave her the Jewel and went to sign the book. She handed me the key and I smiled, “Thank you.”
I turned to see Laxus trying to blend into the background, face still burning. I laughed as I grabbed his arm, “Come on.”
When we got to the room he flopped facedown on the bed.
“I’m an idiot,” He groaned into the pillows.
“You’re a cute idiot though.” He turned his head to glare at me, “What? You got all blushy and it was cute!”
I dropped my bag on the dresser and laid next to him.
“I didn’t know it was so easy to get you all flustered,” I teased. “I mean, she only asked if it was our honeymoon.”
“Oh I’m easy to fluster?” He challenged.
“I never said I wasn’t!” I laughed, “This isn’t about me!”
After we spent some time laughing, I looked over at him, “I’m hungry, let’s go get some food?”
“Sure. What were you thinking?”
“Sounds like a plan.” Grabbing some Jewel, we went to wander around until we found a good looking pizza place.
As we wandered, we came across a stall with pretty flower crowns, necklaces, and bracelets. The vendor saw me looking with one of my hands wrapped in Laxus’, and cheerily greeted us.
“What an adorable couple!” He clasped his hands under a chin. “And if I remember correctly, members of Fiore’s strongest guild, Fairy Tail.”
I smiled slightly uncomfortable.
“Please, take something!” He insisted, “I’m such a fan of young love, and to think one of Fiore’s premier couples would be wearing something from my cart!”
“Free huh?” Laxus looked over my shoulder at the man’s wares. “You’d look nice with that one.”
He pointed to a crown with sunflowers and white flowers.
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“You think so?” The vendor carefully picked it up and set it on my head. “Thank you. Hmmm.”
I knew a little about flowers, my mom owned a flower shop back in Magnolia. Most of the flowers in this cart had romantic meanings. I saw a small bunch of white Camellias and took one, tucking it in Laxus’ hair and kissing his cheek. He rolled his eyes, but his cheeks were a bight shade of pink. 
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I smiled and thanked the man before going back to our pizza search.
The sun was nearly set by the time we found a locally loved pizzeria. We were seated in a back courtyard dining area. There were fairy lights and a fountain that reflected them. It just seemed to sparkle out here.
As we waited for the pizza, you could feel static in the air, my fair started sticking up.
“You okay?” I asked.
“Huh? Yeah, I’m fine, just a little out of my element.” He admitted. I nodded and it went quiet again. They brought out the food and we still didn’t talk.
“Have you really thought about marrying me?” I asked, nervously playing with my hands.
“I…” I’d caught him mid-bite and he swallowed, “I.. I mean… Sure I have.”
“You’ve been my best friend longer than Flamebrain’s been in the guild. Since we were both kids,” He continued, “I’ve been in love with you since we were teenagers and… Yeah, the thought’s crossed my mind a few times… I nearly had a heart attack when I saw you in that dress during the games.”
“I love you too.” I smiled at him, holding back tears.
“You’re crying!” He panicked, “D-did I say something wro-”
“No! No. It’s okay, I’m just happy, is all.”
He let out a relieved sigh, smiling back.
We finished our food and headed back to the inn.
We got cleaned up and went to bed, a tangled mess of limbs.
“Gah!” I landed harshly on the ground, skidding until I hit a tree. I slammed my fist in the dirt and pushed myself up. “Bastard!”
“You good?” Laxus landed next to me.
“I’ll live,” I grumbled, looking at the monster that threw me as it roared. “It’s stronger than I thought.”
“Yea, I didn’t expect an S-class monster from a regular job.” He helped pull me to my feet. “I think if you hit me with a Power surge and we try to Unison raid, we might be able to cut it down quickly.”
“Sounds good.” I nodded, backing up, “Two-Layer Magic Circle: Power Surge!”
A beam of light wrapped around the dragon slayer, boosting his magic power.
“Let’s do this!” Laxus shouted and he grabbed my hand, “Lightning Dragon Secret Art:”
“Eight Layer Magic Circle:”
“Earth Shatter!”/“Roaring Thunder!”
A blast of magic erupted in front of the monster, the ground around it cracking and exploding, as the thing was electrocuted.
I let out a sigh as it fell to the ground, dead.
“We should grab some of its teeth,” Laxus said, “They’re a rare material used to make magical weapons.”
I nodded, drawing whatever energy was left in its gums, making the teeth fall out. He grabbed a few and we started back to the mansion the client lived in. The man was extremely grateful and gave us the 325,000 Jewel.
We were walking back to Crocus, his arm around my shoulders.
“I can’t believe he added another 25,000 Jewel!” I squealed. “I’ll finally be able to redo that horrendous bathroom!”
“Of course you’re thinking of interior design right now,” he chuckled.
“Shut up!” I blushed.
“Nah, it’s cute!”
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kanene-yaaay · 5 years
The end [Or ‘Unsual Tool’- 12º Day TickleTober]
Author’s notes: Heyiooo, my lollipops! A little late? Yeah. But here we go. xDD. I’m translating my fanfics to english to improve my vocabulary, grammar and stuff, aaaaand now I (finallyyyyy!) have a little free-time! So, hopefully I’ll post a little more! Yaaaay! \(^w^)/.
Warnings, fun facts, random things and stuff: 
* The 12º of October, in Brazil, is Children’s Day, so I got a bit of inspiration by that and in this oneshot The Sides (and Thomas) have 8 years old! 
* Hmmm... This is a Tickle-Fanfic! If you don’t like this kind of stuff, please look for another blog, there are plenty of amazing art in this site!! ‘u’).
* Something around 1500 words. -w-)b.
* Sorry for any spelling, pontuation and grammar mistakes! Any advice is very very welcome!
* Here the fanfic in Portuguese (Brazilian’s one)! Thankys for reading, my lollipops! Have a awesome Thanksgiving (or, if you don’t celebrate: An awesome day! ). Byeioo!~
- And then they died! The end!! – Roman laughed and threw away all the toys up, letting himself fall down so they would collapsed on him. Heard the applauses and quickly put himself up, bowing to the audience, which consisted of a very happy and euphoric Patton lying on his feet, and a Logan and a Virgil with equally outraged (funny) faces.
 - ‘They died’? Is this how it ends? But it doesn’t make sense!! – Logan protested, his cheeks puffing, a frown forming in his forehead, an expression he always had when face a illogic problem, something that, living with Roman, happened almost every day.
 - Sure it does!
 - No, does not!
 - Does!
 - I liked the part where they died. It was funny. – Patton commented, smiling and trying to stop the fight that probably would wake up Thomas, who was sleeping peacefully on the sofa.
 - No, they dying is cool, but Lo is right! They can’t do it out of nowhere! It gets boooooooring! – Virgil longed the ‘ooo’, facing Roman with the best dull expression that his eight-years-old face could reached.
 - You could have a new villain. – Logan pointed out.
 - Yes!! Yes!! Virgil could be the new villain! He has a black jacket! – Patton jumped excitedly in the same spot, holding the shoulders of the group’ shortest and shaking him euphorically, making Logan’s eyes bright for having his idea accepted.
 - I want be a dragon. – Virgil showed a little grin, doesn’t seem too bothered with the shaking.
 - No! No one will change the ending! – Roman stamped his foot, tears starting to been seem at the corners of his eyes.
 - Why?!
 - Because Thomas today was my day to make the grand finale!!
 - But your ending is boring! – Virgil countered.
 - Is not! – His voice began to cracking; he began to feel the tears stinging his eyes.
 - He also said we were supposed to play together. – Logan said calmly, as if he was trying to remember everyone of this fact.
 - No fighting, no fighting! – Patton got up; putting himself between the two sides in discussion, calling everyone’s attention before goes at Roman and clumsily wipe his tears. – Don’t cry, Ro-ro! – And squeezed his cheeks, because that was a techinque, which always make the aspect of creativity giggle, but only when it was Patton.
 This time it was not different. The responsible for the end of the story sniffed and clean the remains’ tear with his sleeve, murmuring a ‘Princes don’t cry’.
 - Don’t be mean with him. – Patton, turned around to face the others two, now being his time to puff the cheeks and frowning his forehead. Virgil and Logan slowed down theirs heads, the one with glasses more for the shock due the royal side’s tears.
 - Sorry. – whispered guardian’s ‘Flight or Fight’ instinct.
 - Par-par… - Logan tried to recall in his memories the word read some previous days in a book, it was almost possible to see his neurons working. – Pardon.
 The representation of the heart stared incisively Roman.
 - I’m sorry. – He said, taking the opportunity to catch some toys as an excuse for escape from the eye contact. – What is pandon?
-  It’s ‘pardon’. – The most logic of the four corrected. – It’s ‘sorry’, but more correct.
 - So, is ‘sorry’ wrong?
 - No, it is just that ‘pardon’ is more right. It is like ‘hero’ and ‘superhero’. – The one who wear dark blue adjusted his glasses, a proud smile opening in his face for knowing the difference.
 - Ah.
 - Princes do cry. – Virgil has a thoughtful expression as he played with his shirt’s tip.
 - No, they do not! – Complained Roman.
 - But, then they weren’t babies? Babies cry. – Patton asked, genuine curiosity in his glare.
 - They were… - Roman thought a little. – But they didn’t knew that they were princes, so it doesn’t count!
 - So are you only a prince if you know you’re a prince? – One more question.
 -  I think so… - Virgil answered, this time staring ate the others as he spoke. – I mean… Is not how the movies work? You don’t know you’re a prince, and then you find out and BUM! Everything changes.
 - Yeah! – Roman agrees enthusiastically, the little past fight already forgotten.
 - However, Thomas is a prince. – They all turned to look at the mentioned child, who was resting happy on the couch. – And he knows that, and yesterday he cried. – Logan contested.
 - But he is Thomas. – The royal side shrugged as this sentence already explained everything.
 - And you are Roman. – Patton refuted.
 - … ‘Kay.
 Everyone was silent for a moment.
 - The dragon could have a brother!! – Patton almost shouted excited, glad for have had that idea. – You can be the brother, Ro!
- However, why would there be another dragon?
 - I can be the good dragon! Fugitive because our family is a family of villains, but I didn’t wanted to be a villain, because I am a hero, so I came after you! – Roman turned to Virgil, the eyes sparkling with the rain of ideas that now roamed through his mind. – To stop you hunting the hunters!
 - It would be weird have you as my brother… - Virgil scowled. – And I don’t want to be a evil villain. – He crossed his arms.
 - But he could come to bring you to the good side! – Patton gesticulate with his hands, trying to emphasize his words. – Right, Ro?
 - Yes, yes!!
 - They could be twins… - Logan dreamed aloud. – What would be their difference?
 - Hmmmm… a mark on the neck!
 - I don’t have no mark on my neck.
 - We could paint!! – Patton clapped his hands, getting more and more excited with the forwarding of the idea.
 - Thomas will be mad with us if we make a mess, and we always make a mess painting. – Logan remembered, receiving instant solution from the side guardian of the creativity.
 - We could paint with colored pencils! – And pulled one from his pocket.
 - Is it purple? – Virgil questioned, a little afraid. However, when receiving a positive answer resolved to put some of his fear aside and took off his hoodie, feeling a little shivering for the suddenly cold that lightly hit him. – Ok, then. – And turned his head, showing his neck.
 - I don’t think colored pencil will work.
 - See and lea-
 The rest of his phrase was cut off by a squeal from the purple’s lover, who pulled himself over, a wobbly smile in his face and hands in a defensively in front of his body.
 - No tickles!
- You’re ticklish?? – Patton twinkled, almost literally. In a blink of an eye, he takes the pencil from the royal side and scribbled on Virgil’s neck, who shrank even futher, falling on the floor and being quickly followed by emotions’ guardian aspect.
 - Nahahahahahahahahahahahaha!! NohohohOHOHOHoho tihihihihCKEHEHEHEHEHEHES! – His nose wrinkled and the laughs flowed happy, high and strident through all the room. Roman couldn’t help but laugh along, summoning two more pencils from his pocket, throwing one at Logan’s direction as he began to draw pictures which only him could see on Virgil’s tummy with his own, getting snorts and shrieks as a reward and increasing the squirms.
 - ROHOHOHOHO! STOHOHOHohohohohohop!!!
  He squirmed from a side to side, but that doesn’t seem to work. Nothing stopped his high pinch laugh bubbling from his mouth or the unbearably persistent tickles that painted a smile across his burning blushed face.
 Something held his feet.
 - I think he should have more marks, to best difference. – And then Logan put himself to scribble random patterns on the sole of Virgil’s feet, a shy smile in his face, a little crazy shining in his glare.
 LOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOGAN! – Now yelps, laugh, snorts and squeals were the only things that his lips could proper say, his free feet kicked, but in vain. His head going back and forth, part trying to run away and part trying to hide the big and rare smile in his face. Tears started to fall down his cheeks. - NAHAHAHAHAHAHAHahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaHAHAHA.
 The tickling stopped, and Virgil curled in a ball, attempting to rub the skin to remove the remain sensations; however find to be a impossible task in trying to get that bright smile off his face, as much as the blush.
 Only after his breathing had been controlled and his mind started to think on to threaten the other three with ‘I’ll tell Thomas!’, he realized that the laughter in the room haven’t stopped yet.
 He sat, noticing that the attention had now been directed to the royal side, who apparently also needed to ‘differentiate from his brother’. Virgil felt his smile change with the new chance of revenge. He didn’t even picked up the red pencil abandoned on the floor, quickly attacking Roman’s armpits with just his fingers.
 - And his brother seeks for his revenge!! Raaaaaw! – The high, happy and care-free laughs from every side danced through the entire place.
 And we can say that in the end any end was really decided.
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shy-magpie · 4 years
RQG 142
I used up all my delayed gratification avoid spoilers and not listening to a season a day; so in an act of optimism over evidence I am going to listen before bed instead of waiting for my lunch break at work. Come on dead!Shoin! It would be the perfect punchline to Zolf refusing to play, if Yoshida was killed by his own trap. I think I was wrong about Zolf's spell sobering up Skraak but we've got to be nearing the 24 hour mark in the next couple episodes. They have to sleep sometime. Eep! Streaming promo! Rusty Towers has to be doing well if they can branch out, good for them! What can I say I like rituals? Thank yous followed by the theme and intros make my brain light up. Alex went 3rd person over the stress of the series being up to 142? Time to poke the corpse. Exploding 20s sound fun but a pain to plan for. Body is in a state of disrepair. Panel open in the room indicates the bolt came from a trap Body is gross Adventurer not Shoin? We can't search the corpse? Not even for Alex's traditional wallet of backstory? Can't picture the layout (ETA  Babs you are amazing, and your map is my RQG post for tomorrow.) Explanation for this area having power, I just like hearing Cel talk. Locker by each door. No Alex, we don't trust them to be normal lockers. Fire ax, weird wrench, box. Box contains: Solvent, glue, a dead potion, means of applying glue/solvent Cel sounds like they are consoling themself for this not being a puzzle Zolf is not a public speaker, but I think I got the gist of it. Take the tool kits: we will need them whether this is a puzzle or not. Another dead trap. Thanks for the careful wording, Alex *Foul water pool surrounded by a walk way *2 dead kobolds :( *Killed by acid in the face from a creature I am tempted to mark the turnings but given the weird layout I don't think I could track it right even if I could juggle my MP3 player, this post, a pen and paper. Once again just going to trust them to spell out what's important. Yeah they would check for traps at every door. Ooh active trap. Its a well balanced team, nice to hear them give eachother credit for their respective strengths so readily. Dark hall way of options They are honest, and admit they are probably not checking for traps as they walk. Oh good Zolf doesn't actually have a Thing about Dancing Lights. It really was just a "could we not make it easier for people to shoot us?" coupled with a possibly IC trouble relating to how much moving around in the dark stinks without Dark Vision. Ha they immediately spot a tripwire they would have missed if they just had Zolf & Azu lead them in the dark. Chalk marking, ensuing discussion of what it means. Is that Zolf or Ben who is losing it over the puzzles? Cel, do you need a variation on the "a live dog is better than a dead lion" speech I nearly wrote when Hamid went after that ooze? Because dead scientists can't write up their findings. Love ya both, if you have to die, please not to something you could have just walked away from. Of course Zolf is going to indulge them; he took to Cel fast as Sasha and Cel is less squishy than L1 Sasha. Oh darn I have to be fair, learning what the symbols mean could be life saving later on. The glaive really is a 10ft pole, I was joking when I asked that. I hate the word "seemingly". Alex, don't break Ben. Hmm, this is actually pulpy fun. Getting us back to base levels after really intense beginning of the season or being readied for more emotional content? Most of the beats I'm expecting can't hit until they get off the island; could be the answers to the what's going on around here are intense. Final bets on it being Mr. Ceiling mark 1? Weird room with weirder floor. Clearly another puzzle. Once again how rich is this guy? That's a lot of money to go "I'm smarter than you are". Genre savvy is rewarded Dead wizard "I'm giving you this for free" is Alex implying that other info given without rolls has a price normally? Other room is completely flooded? Zolf suggests we mark the door.  Kinky Azu. Hamid switches mark to clearly writing the issue. This team backs a play,  so its now a Rosetta Stone of warnings Partially flooded room but no real danger? Ah Zolf catches that we could lose our path back if we keep doing letting water out. Flooded & trashed lab Speakers burst to life Break time Its Yoshida, arguing with himself. Cel is a delight. Azu is "going to shake" Yoshida Swimming sounds like a bad idea. Oh, caught that tone from Zolf, does he think Poseidon would mess with them? Worrying since Alex keeps tossing water related potions at them. Zolf and Hamid are making decisions as equals. Hamid no longer sounds nervous and Zolf still isn't pulling rank crap. Even Skraak is worried about Zolf. Oh right, better is a relative term. Still pretty depressed (mechanicaly grief stricken). Ok not to get to into it, but Zolf's mental health arc is really good. Like no show is perfect but Zolf going from the Paris breakdown to clearly putting the work in on changing how he talks about himself and relates to the team, but it not being a cure all? All while still being a fully contributing member of the team? Pretty damn good to see. Back to first room. Cel does not understand where Zolf is coming from. Cel, Azu, and Zolf have a brief conversation about Zolf's mood. Have I mentioned how great Azu is lately? Player vs Character thing? Because even without Alex lamp-shading it, Lydia doesn't strike me as the "you must be chipper" type. Zolf and Cel interaction. Zolf wants to put a pin in this and have a proper conversation later. Not sure how I feel about promising to "keep a lid on it". On the other hand its hard to balance expressing the emotion vs ramping yourself up vs the needs of the rest of the team. So much for me not getting into it. Flip-side: hey, turns out I can acknowledge an actual flaw in Cel while still thinking they are awesome overall. Crates of potions, including the stuff from the syringe spears. wanna grab a sample this time? Because I'm thinking the stuff in the spears is the stuff that makes the Kobolds so docile and may be a prototype for the alchemical side of the blue veins. That sounds cathartic for Zolf. (looting the place then letting Zolf smash the rest) Azu smashes too. Good for both of them. Ah point Cel, stuff could have airborne effects. Point Zolf, 2 way street, Cel should let people know that kind of thing. Speakers, what is up with Shoin? Assuming this isn't a pre-programmed contingency (which I wouldn't have thought possible until watching Alex), why is he using the script from the puzzle party while half of the traps are broken? Getting meta again Well maintained nasty trap with really obscure poison 2nd trap?! Isn't going to kill anyone, thank Alex. What in the Magnus Archives? Dancing mannequin room with weird heavy gas? Going to crawl on the conveyor belt. Its trapped too. Acid damage to Azu. Into initiative.
Skraak got a nat 20
Azu was hit with a syringe arrow of acid. 
Azu backs out past Hamid & Skraak
A second trip wire drops a grate! Hamid and Skraak are trapped on the conveyor; everyone else is back in the room.
Zolf sees Cel dithering and directs them to deal with the grate. No effect
Azu takes 7 damage
Hamid uses acid splash on the grate.
Oh cool, there is an actual rule for how long it takes to get armor on and off. It makes sense too, the better the armor is the longer it takes. From what I picked up, better armor would have more straps for better fit and have more thick overlapping bits rather than gaps
All Zolf can do is a heal check and help Azu get her armor off.
Cel offers the antidote potion, but we don't know what it does.
Hamid reassures Skraak, continues to splash grate
Cel can't really do anything
More damage to Azu
Sweet out of initiative
Zolf cleans Azu off, Azu takes a couple healing potions and that’s dealt with. The acid splashes didn't do anything to the grate. Lift the grate attempt one. Ah "come on Skraak,  we're going to help" so wholesome Zolf wacks it with his glaive, it has some effect but not a viable plan Speakers again, Cel points out they might need to meet Hamid on the other side. ...long story short lever attempt has no chance of working. Zolf: Hamid, mate, you're on your own Hamid: I've got Skraak. (winks at Skraak, Skraak blinks at him) Is it having little brothers? He is good with Skraak! Zolf: chin up, don't die on the conveyor belt. Hamid: yup gonna try Zolf: cool anything we can give you? Hamid: I'm pretty well equipped I think. Zolf: all right well we'll see you on the other side. Azu: Yeah, we'll meet you there alright. We'll see you soon Hamid: yeah Azu: alright Hamid: stay safe Azu & Zolf: you too And the end of the episode out takes are always fun
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deanswinchcster · 6 years
I can’t remember to forget you.
Request by @maria-luka : So I´m thinking about one with Dean Winchester. We were old friends, but since he started the hunt and left the old village/city, I was angry and sad because I never got to tell him how I actually feel about him. One day he comes back because there a demon hunts the village/city. He comes back. we accidentally meet, neither of us is happy: me because he left, he because he thinks I don´t understand him. Nevertheless, the hunt begins and the demon comes closer to me. Both brothers come to save me, and Dean offers demon a trade: he instead of me. Demon agrees, but once he takes Dean, Sam shoots/kills him from ambush. Then I and Dean have a fight about the whole deal (the trade), when we both admit our feelings/love and so on.
Note: I decided to set this in the earlier seasons just in case you're wondering why I haven't included Castiel and why Dean is so young.
Warning: swearing, blood, angst, fluff.
Word count: 5,544.
Credit to the creators of the gifs I used. You guys are awesome.
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How long has it been? At least Three years, probably more. Three years and you thought you would have gotten over it by now. For a while, you had forgotten about it. About him. At least that was what you told yourself but the truth was Dean Winchester made a big impact on your life regardless of whether you wanted to forget it or not. But he left, without so much as a goodbye and that was it. He was gone, and you had never even been able to tell him how you truly felt. You thought that was it. That all was over and done with. He would never return to your small town with a population of less than 1,200 people.
Funny how life throws things your way that you least expect. When you woke up and decided to grab your fix of caffeine at the local coffee shop to start your morning, the last thing you thought you would see was the same green eyes you still dreamt about, the beautiful freckles that kissed his tanned skin and the same lips you used to imagine kissing. This time however, he wasn't with his father. Not this time at least. No. John was nowhere to be found and in his place was a taller, more gentle looking man sitting with Dean as they conversed over pie. Typical. It could be 11 pm or 3 am and Dean would gladly eat a slice of pie. You don't know how he wasn't sick of it, considering the amount he eats. Just as he turned in your direction, you were quick to look away and head over to the counter where your best friend Amber stood looking more flustered than usual. At first you thought nothing of it until she looked over at you with wide eyes and sighed in relief. “Y/N, thank God you're here.” Thank God? You were fairly certain this was Satan's work at hand. You didn't want to be here any longer than you had to be and you knew by the look on her face you would be here way longer than you first anticipated. “What's wrong?” You groaned, leaning your elbows on the counter as she spoke. Amber continued to talk for a long ten minutes about how her boyfriend, Harry, hadn't been answering any of her calls for the past two days and she had just managed to get in contact with his parents who hadn't heard from him either. Clearly she was visibly upset, and you wanted to do anything you could to help her. Anything that didn't require staying in that dumb cafe. However, that was exactly what she asked you to do. She wanted you to run the cafe for the next few hours until she came back so she could go with her brother and search for him. Without waiting for you to reply, she quickly removed the apron and threw it in your direction, running straight towards the door as she did so. Great. With a sigh, you pushed yourself away from the counter and walked away behind it while looking down as you tied the small apron around your waist. Luckily there weren't many customers in today. An old man sat reading his paper in the corner, a young, teenage girl sat in the middle of the room holding her boyfriends hand and then of course there was the Bain of your life. Dean Winchester and his unknown companion. Why of all the people in the world did bad things happen to you? You were a good person. You helped out people that needed it and were always kind and polite to those around you. Why couldn't you be rewarded instead of punished? For a few moments you watched the door, praying for someone to come in and order something so they could distract you. But sooner or later, you couldn't help yourself and curious eyes began to look around the room until they locked on a familiar form. Damn it. Why did your heart still beat fast when you saw him? Deciding to clean empty tables where people had previously sat, you picked up the tea towel from the work surface and walked around the counter, moving around the shop and wiping down a few surfaces to keep your mind occupied and it worked. You hadn't even noticed that Dean's stunning emerald orbs had finally found your body. He could hardly believe it. You hadn't changed much, you had cut your hair he noticed. It suited you. You looked grown, not the same 18 year old he had met all those years ago. You were a woman and god damn it, you were still just as beautiful as the first time he had seen you when you bumped into him on the side walk. When Sam mentioned weird things going on in your town, Dean almost refused to come, worried that he would bump into you and you wouldn't react well. After all, he did leave without telling you. But when he thought of the possibility of something happening to you, even if it was unlikely, he couldn't have jumped into Baby fast enough. Sam noticed his that his brothers attention had been given to someone else, he tried to call out to him and even waved his hand in front of his face but nothing. With a sigh, the younger Winchester followed his brothers eyes sight to an attractive waitress wiping down one of the tables. He could see why Dean was looking at you but usually he would play cool. This was different to how Dean usually reacted to beautiful women. It was like he was in a trace, captivated by your beauty, but Sam chose not to question it too much. He was probably trying to get laid. Dean never took relationships seriously. “Dude just get her number.” He said, punching his older brother in the arm. What Sam didn't know was that Dean already had your number. He never could bring himself to delete it and with every new phone he had gotten, he made sure to keep you in his contacts even if he never did plan on calling you. At least he knew he could and on lonely nights, that was a comfort to him. Knowing he may be able to hear your voice with a simple press of a button was enough for him. Or so he thought. “Y/n.” You heard him call out. A gasp came from your lips and you closed your eyes, trying to calm down before you turned back around and walked towards the counter once more, ignoring the man you had once considered your best friend. He wasn't having it, though. A demon was running around on the loose and he'd be damned if he let you walk around as it's potential next target. “Are you really just going to walk past me and pretend I don't exist? Real mature.” You heard him ask, but you continued to ignore him. Walking farther away from him to create as much distance as possible. “Come on, talk to me. You're making me feel bad.” That caused you to stop still, an empty cup of coffee still placed in your hands you had picked up from a table you cleaned. Slowly, you turned your body to face him and if it weren't for the rage you felt in you at that moment, you would have laughed at his hopeful eyes. “Oh, I'm sorry, did my back hurt your knife?”
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Sensing the tension in the room, Sam decided it was best to excuse himself from the entire situation. Clearly this was an entire chapter of Dean's life he had conveniently left out. “I think I'm going to go and wait in the car.” He said after clearing his throat and quickly took the keys to baby as shifted out of the chair and headed out of the door, knowing Dean would show up sooner or later. After he had left, it was just you and Dean, staring at each other. Dean knew he deserved your words. He should have told you why he was going but he never did. Unlike meany people from his past, you knew about the monsters and the things he hunted. He knew you would have understood. Sometimes, you knew him better than he knew himself but he couldn't do it. He couldn't look you in the eyes and tell you he was leaving. It would have broke him to see you so sad and he knew you would have been. “Okay, I deserved that.” He nodded, looking over at you and hoping you could sense how sorry he actually was. With a scoff you turned on your heels and walked away from him once again, only this time he followed. “Stalking now, Winchester?” You asked without bothering to face him. The only thing on your mind was getting away from him as soon as possible. Nothing would give you greater joy if you were honest. “I need to talk to you.” He said, but you weren't having it. You were already having a bad day. First of all, you found out that Angela, a friend from college had, died last night, then you came to the cafe and found yourself come face to face with the man that broke your heart without realising it, you best friend Amber told you that you had to run her coffee shop while she went in search for Harry. The last thing you wanted was to hear half arsed excuses from someone who didn't even have the curtsy to say goodbye to you before leaving for three years. Did you really mean that little to him? “Yeah, well as you can see, I'm working. I'm busy, and I don't have time to talk with you.” You answered him while placing the empty coffee cup in the dish washer behind the counter. An annoyed Dean rolled his eyes. You always were stubborn. “Fine, I'll come back in a couple of hours. You should be done by then.” He looked around the coffee shop. There were only a couple of people in at the most. You could easily talk to him if you wanted to but you were avoiding him which he knew you wouldn't be able to do for long. Dean needed to warn you about what was happening in this town. With a sigh, the male turned around and walked outside, back into the car with Sam. “So...” His brother asked after they drove in silence for ten minutes. “Are you going to tell me who she is?” “A lot happened while you were at college Sammy.” Dean said, hoping that would be enough of an explanation. Apparently it wasn't, he could tell that when Sam continued to stare at him hoping to get some extra information from him. “Look, I don't feel like reliving one of the worst decisions of my life right now. Some stuff happened and after, I just left and I shouldn't have. Happy now asshat?” Sam remained quite but nodded his head. Clearly it was a sensitive subject, and Sam wasn't prepared to have his head bitten off just for being curious.
------ For the next few hours, the boys researched as much as they could about the demon currently roaming around. They even went as far as questioning the victims family. There was no doubt in their mind. It was a demon. But what was the motive behind it? Looking at the clock, Dean decided it was time to pay you a visit again. You should have been finished by now. After telling Sam they were heading back to the coffee shop, the younger Winchester grabbed the files from the motel table and followed his brother. Not even ten minutes later, the boys were just pulling the impala into the car park as you stepped out of the coffee shop doors, looking visibly distraught. Worry took over Dean's features and he immediately stepped out of the car, followed by Sam who had to jog to keep up with his brother. “Y/n, what's wrong?” As you looked up at him, Dean could see the tears running down your cheeks, your cheeks had flushed red showing how worked up you actually were and the older Winchester could have sworn then and there he felt his heart physically in two break at the sight. He always hated seeing you upset. “Not now Dean.” You went to walk around him but he caught your elbow and brought you back to him and you shook your head knowing you weren't going to be able to get around him if he didn't want you to. It wasn't fair but you understood that when Dean Winchester wanted something he wouldn't stop until he got it. So maybe it was for the best if you did just get the conversation over with. “Fine, let's talk.” Sam looked at Dean who's eyes followed you in surprise as you walked over to baby and slipped into the back seat waiting for the two men to follow and it didn't take long until they did. “Y/n you need to tell us what's happened.” You looked up into Dean's forest eyes. You had always envied how beautiful they looked, especially when the sunlight hit them showing the flecks of gold that were usually hidden in the shadows. “Who's this?” You asked, nodding towards the long-haired man who looked at you with kindness in his eyes. “I'm Sam, Dean's brother.” That was Sammy? You had heard many stories about him from Dean before and you had to say the older Winchester's description did him no justice. The Winchester's sure were blessed in the looks department. You even thought the same about John, though you never told Dean that. With a nod, you looked out the window noticing Amber locking up and walking down the street with her father holding her up right as she cried her heart out. Knowing you wouldn't be able to prolong your silence, you looked over at the brother once more and sighed. “You know I was working in the coffee shop today?” The boys nodded their heads, so you continued. “I wasn't supposed to, it's not my job... my best friend Amber owns it.” Dean looked at you intensely, almost begging you with his eyes to continue. “... well, for the past few days she wasn't able to get in contact with her boyfriend so she asked me to look after the place while she searched for him and they found him... he was dead. When they took him to the hospital they said it was internal bleeding or something stupid like that but it makes no sense.” When they asked you why, you explained to them that a friend of yours died last night the same way. “It makes no sense... they're both young, happy... healthy.” It was then Dean decided to come clean to you and he explained why he was in town with Sam. A demon had come to town and decided to play a game of cat and mouse with the locals. And just like the first time you met Dean, you were once again thrust into the supernatural world and you weren't sure how to feel about it. Before it was your parents and now it was your friends. Were you a jinx? Feeling sorry for you, the brother looked at each other and Sam gave Dean a half smile not revealing the extent of your pain. “Have you eaten at all today?” And with a shake of your head, Dean was quickly pulling out of the car park and driving to a local diner so that the three of you could eat. You were to preoccupied with your own thoughts that you hadn't even realised the car had parked and Sam was already making his way inside. Dean, however, could see that you weren't exactly in the right head space so when he stepped out of the car, he walked towards your door and as he opened it, he crouched down on his knees and took hold of your hand to get you to look in his direction. To his luck it worked, whatever trance you had been in had broken and you were captured by his eyes once again. “Come on sweetheart, let's get some food in you...” If you were being completely honest, you weren't even the slightest bit hungry. Your mind was jumbled with other things. Like how your friends were lying in a morgue somewhere instead of with their loved ones where they should be. Dean's voice once again brought you back to reality. “You can have that pasta thing you like, you know that healthy dish that looks like rabbit food.” “You're an idiot.” You replied, allowing him to gently pull you out of his car and wrap an arm around your waist like he always used to. Almost like you were falling back into a similar routine. “Come on... I think I'm adorable.” He laughed, but you rolled your eyes, pushing his arm away from you as you walked faster so you were ahead of him while rolling your eyes.
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“Yeah and so is a mountain lion, until you let it too close.” While eating, you sat next to Sam, wanting to put as much distance between you and the older Winchester as possible. It wasn't that you didn't want to be next to him; you did but you weren't sure if you could sit next to him without reliving your past together. He had become someone so important to you back then and when he left you were absolutely crushed. For the best part of an hour, the two of you explained to Sam how you and Dean knew each other and the younger Winchester could sense some tension there but he kept quiet and focused on the situation at hand. Two cases in the same town in four years seemed unlikely. “Why do supernatural beings keep coming here?” He asked, sipping the last of his orange juice as you shrugged. “Well, it's a small, good for nothing town. It may paint the picture perfect life but in reality, no one cares if the people here live or die.” Dean looked over at you with sympathy in his eyes. When he first arrived in your city, it was on a werewolf case that had sadly cost both of your parents lives. John was forced to give you the bad news at the time. A sigh came from your parted lips and suddenly a thought crossed your mind that you were afraid to ask, already worried that you knew the answer. “... where's John?” The boys remained silent for a moment or two. Dean's face fell and you knew that your fear was in fact true but to further confirmation, you watched the man you loved clear his throat just before he spoke. “He died a few months ago.” Without thinking about it, you reached over the table and one of his hand in both of yours. Both of you looked up and your eyes connected making Sam feel uncomfortable. He decided to stand up and pay for the food and wait outside for the pair of you while you and Dean continued to be lost in your moment. You knew how much he loved his father, he always told you that he wasn't the best dad in the world but you understood that he loved him and losing him must have been hard. Especially after losing his mom. “Dean, I'm so sorry... I know how much he meant to him.” The man looked down, he never allowed himself be vulnerable. It made him feel weak, and that was the last thing he ever wanted to feel while he was around you. He wanted to come across as strong, but losing his father really took a toll on him and he was sure you were able to see it. “It's fine... doing what I do, losing people is inevitable.” It made you sigh, you gave his hand a soft squeeze and then moved your hand from his and things went back to being awkward and he hated it. The distance between the two of you was killing him, he never did tell you how much you meant to him. If he could, he would pull you into his tight embrace and never let go, tell you how much he adored you but how could he? It was selfish. He couldn't help the words that escaped him, though. “Come on, can't we just go back to the way things were before?” “No.” You said, shaking you head as you looked down at your half eaten dinner. It wasn't that you didn't want it. You did. Of course you did. All you wanted was to reach across the table and hold him but you didn't trust him not to hurt you any more. Everything was different now, he was different and though you wished you could forget you weren't sure you could. “I used to think of you as someone that would never, ever hurt me, ever.”
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----- After the boys dropped you home later than night, you spent the good part of an hour looking through an old photo album that contained picture you had forced Dean to take with you while he was here. After he and his father took care of the werewolf, Dean continued to visit you for over a year after finishing different hunt. It made you feel special. Loved. Though he claimed to be your best friend, you knew your feels had developed and you hoped his had too. It felt like they had. However before you really had the opportunity to tell him how you felt. Just as you had gained the courage to tell him exactly how you felt, he left and you never heard from him again. It felt like a slap in the face at the time and when you thought about him, which you tried not to do too often, it still did. Were you angry because you never got to tell him? Or were you angry because he didn't say goodbye? Maybe it was both. Either way, you had never felt more alone then you did in that chapter of your life and it was awful. That night, you went to bed grieving the loss of not only your two good friends but also the loss of a friendship you had always secretly clinged on to in hopes of it returning again. The sound of footsteps walking into up your stairs managed to wake you up, causing you to stir in bed. It hadn't really resonated with you what was going on until they grew closer and you finally realised someone else was in your house. An uninvited guest had broken into your childhood home and was now making their way towards your bedroom.
As quickly as you could, you grabbed your phone off of the night stand and dialled a familiar number but you never got to hear the person's voice on the other side. Before you knew what was happening, your bedroom door was flying open and there stood Amber with eyes as black as night. Dean wasn't sure what was going on. It was 2:18 am when he phone rang out and against his bodies wish to sleep, he pulled his hand out of the scratchy covers of the motel bed and reached up. With a yawn, he brought his phone up to his ear and for a few seconds he didn't hear much. Squinting his eyes, he brought his phone to his face and saw the contact name being yours and immediately shot up from the bed. You wouldn't be calling unless it was important. “Sam, get your fucking ass out of bed!” He shouted, throwing his boot at him while hopping into his jeans. It didn't take the boys long at all to get to yours. Dean was driving way over the speed limit but hell if he cared. You were in danger and all that mattered was making sure you were safe. As soon as Dean parked Baby, the two brothers ran into your home already coming up with a plan. While Dean ran to your room, Sam stayed out in the hallway, drawing a devils trap under your rug. As Dean entered your room, the sight almost made his heart completely stop. You were pinned against the wall by that vial creature; blood covered your innocent face, and you were struggling to breath. As quickly as he could the green eyed man stepped behind the demon and pushed her off of you. You fell to the ground and only managed to get a glimpse of the fight that seemed to be leading out to the hall way when black spots covered your vision. The last thing you heard was Dean calling out your name. He had seen your eyes close and just hoped and prayed that he had gotten to you fast enough. Without giving Sam much of an option, he demanded his younger brother take you to the hospital while he dealt with the demon. Luckily enough, their plan had worked and the demon walked over the devil's trap so she was stuck there for a while. The hunter rolled his eyes at the female. The demon had taken over your best friends body, and Dean was determined to do an exorcism on her so you at least had someone. Just as he began to say the words, the demon laughed to herself and shook her head. “I wouldn't do that if I were you.” The demon spoke in a sickeningly sweet voice that didn't match her personality at all. Before Dean could even ask why, the woman raised the shirt showing a wound that no moral could survive. “What happened to you?” He asked, though he really didn't care at this pointed. He just wanted this son of a bitch to pay for what they did to you. “The bitch stabbed me with a pair of scissors from her night stand.” A sense of pride washed over Dean, you had tried to fight back. He always knew you were strong, but damn you had more fire in you then he ever thought. A smirk took over his features but it quickly fell when a question came to his mind. “Why her?” He voiced his thoughts but the demon looked around the house in amusement and smirked. “Listen to me asshole, why go after her?” When she still refused to speak, Dean grabbed a bottle of holy water from his duffel back from the floor and threw it at her. It had taken a few minutes of him doing this before she decided to end the pain and speak. “You don't know?” The demon possessing Amber asked, her skin burning from the holy water as she looked up at the handsome male. “She's your soul mate pretty boy.” She laughed causing Dean's stomach to turn. “They don't exist?” Though it was meant to be a statement it came out as more of a question causing the demon's laugh to become even louder. “Are you sure about that? You know, God sometimes made things happen... your mom and dad for instance. Mary and Dean were meant to be... written in the stars if you will.” A horrible smirk sat on the woman's lips and Dean almost killed her then and there for even bringing up his parents. “You and Y/n are very much meant to be Deany boy... which is why the demons want her dead.” It made sense if he was honest with himself. The constant pull he felt towards you. The need to hold you close and protect you was becoming stronger every second and he didn't know how he managed to keep away from you for so long. What an idiot he had been. Even if what the demon was saying was in fact true, there was one thing that didn't sit well with the oldest Winchester. “What about the werewolves that killed her parents? What did they have to do with this entire thing?” Once again the woman laughed a laugh Dean hated more than any sound in the world. He threw more holy water on her again and after screaming out in pain, she spoke up. “We blackmailed them into doing it.” She said in between deep breaths, but Dean didn't even give her chance to recover before he stepped in the devils trapped and stabbed the woman with a demon-killing knife. She wasn't your best friend any more. Amber was long gone so Dean felt no guilt. ----- When morning came and you were discharged from the hospital, you decided to pay a little visit to the Winchester's motel room. The time had come for you to be honest with your emotions. You needed to tell Dean how you felt but when you saw him walking out of his room and placing his things in the trunk of Baby, your heart dropped once again. “Really, you're just going to leave without saying goodbye again?” You asked angrily, walking over to the car and shoving his shoulder before he could place the second duffel bag inside the trunk. “You're the one who has been snapping at everything I say and avoiding being alone with me.” He just wanted what was best for you. Almost instantly you replied without thinking about what you were saying. “Because I was mad at you, not because I stopped loving you.”
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Once the words settled in the air, the two of you looked at each other in shock. You both knew those words suppose to come out of your mouth. At least not in that way. Dean however felt as though his heart was going to burst out of his chest he was so happy. He smiled at you red cheeks and stepped closer to you. “So you love me, huh?” Rolling your eyes, you nodded your head at him, and he smirked, pressing a soft kiss to the temple of your head. “I love you too; you should know that Y/n.” You felt like the world around you stopped for a moment and it was just you and him together in a magical moment. “I wanted you to know that when I do picture myself happy, it's with you.”
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Did this mean he was still going to leave? You didn't have anyone anymore. Sam stayed with you until you woke up and told you about Amber. It was just you now; you didn't have anyone to stick around for any more. With that thought in mind, you looked up at the man you loved and gave him a soft smile hoping he could see hos much you needed him. “Take me with you.” “You really want this life?” It wasn't something he wanted for you. He wanted to keep you safe but if what that bastard demon was telling him was true before, you would never truly be safe anyway. Maybe it would be best if you stayed with him. At least then he could keep you close. He'd train you up and maybe you could become a hunter like him and Sammy. He just needed your confirmation first. “I want you... I don't care about the other stuff.” You answered honestly, wrapping your arms around his neck while staring into his beautiful eyes. “We can figure all that out as we go, please don't do this to me again.” Without much thought he pressed his lips against your own and you felt the world shift into place. It was simple and sweet, not hungry and forceful like you thought it would be. Pulling back, Dean rest his forehead against yours as a big goofy smile appeared on his lips. “Are you sure you want this?” With a nod, he pressed his lips against yours once more before moving back and looking at you with an adorable grin. “Go pack your things, me and Sam will be waiting here for you. You're going to be family now Y/n.” Family? You hadn't had one in so long but with Sam and Dean you felt like you could finally let go of all the bad things in your past and focus on building a future. Sure, there would be monsters, there would be arguments and there would be fights but you had Dean. And that was enough.
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dearlazerbunny · 6 years
In Defense of the Heart
Pairings: Kylo x Reader
Genre/Rating: Modern AU, T for some smooching
Words: 3600
Summary: For anon, who requested a modern AU and a pairing with an age gap. Anon, as always, please let me know what you think and if you want me to tweak anything- I want it to be perfect for you! : )
Sighing as you open the door to the shop, you haul the big wooden slab open and walk into the cool air conditioning. This was the fourth and final place on your list to visit, and considering you’d never heard of this shop before, it wasn’t real high on the expectations front.
It certainly looked impressive though. Swords and weapons of all kinds are hanging from the walls in an enticing display. You were itching to get your fingers on them, hands twitching as you approached the counter. But every other prop shop had been either too expensive or too stingy with their weapons and not letting you actually handle a rapier, leading you to believe they weren’t really all that confident in their product. Maybe this one would be a diamond in the rough.
“Can I help you?”
Well, hello. A tall, dark, and handsome man walks around to the back of the counter, black curls rustling slightly from the weight of a fan blowing nearby like some sort of freaking model. You were a bit tongue tied, you had to admit, but you quickly got your bearings and cleared your throat.
“Hi. I’m looking for rapiers, preferably fourteenth or fifteenth century. At least two of them, but preferably we’d have a couple spares just in case.”
“Hm, let me guess.” The man leans on the counter and settles into a thinking pose. “Hamlet?”
You grin. “How’d you know?”
“Well, fourteenth century rapiers. But your shirt also kind of gives it away,” he teases. You look down and see your show shirt proudly displaying Hamlet across your chest, and you blush.
“Right. Do you think you might have what I need?’
“I believe I do.” Reaching into a glass case he unlocks with a key around his neck, he pulls out two absolutely beautiful silver rapiers, one with a gold embellished handle. “I’m thinking the fancier one for Hamlet, yeah? Being the prince and all.”
“Oh, wow. May I-?”
“Of course. Here, I have some gloves you can borrow.” He pulls out a set of worn leather swordsmanship gloves, clearly well loved. As you tug them on, you can tell they’re much too big, but they’ll do for the moment. You pick up the gilded raper and admire the hilt, which is studded with tiny colorful gems. The second is a simpler design, but still elegant and poised, just begging you to take a swing with it. Which you do, stepping into the large middle arena of the shop and taking a few jabs experimentally. It sings through the air and puts a huge smile on your face.
“You handle them well.” He seems to respect that. “You a fight coordinator?”
“In training,” you reply, setting them carefully back down on the wooden counter. “But I’ve got enough experience to take care of weapons, rest assured.”
“The way you handled that; no surprise there.” The compliment gives you happy little feelings shooting through your heart. Always nice when your work is appreciated.
“They’re perfect.” You return the gloves to their owner and take a deep breath. This was always the hardest part. “What are you asking to rent them for, say, two weeks?”
“I’ll give them to you for twenty dollars a day.”
You immediately raise an eyebrow. “That’s it? Are you sure these aren’t already poisoned?”
That makes him laugh, which is a really beautiful sound, if you had to admit it to yourself. “College theatre, I remember how it was. You probably don’t have a huge budget to waste just on swords.figured I’d give you a bit of a discount.”
“That would be amazing, thank you so much.” You roll your eyes. “All the other guys wanted a hundred dollars a day.”
“Yeah, you’ll run into that in traditional stores. Luckily, we are not that.” He winks at you, and that sends all sorts of heat shooting to your cheeks.
“Oh really? What makes you non traditional?”
“Well, for one thing, we specialize in science fiction weapons.” He grins, and you can tell this is really his pride and joy. “You don’t see that in many weapons shops.
“True,” you agree, looking around for anything sci-fi but not finding anything. “Mind showing me what you’ve got?”
“Finally ready to take Hamlet out of the dark ages?”
“Let’s chalk it up to professional curiosity.”
You grin at the sparkle in his eyes as he taps a finger on the counter. “I’ll be right back.”
When he returns, you’re texting your stage manager about the amazing deal you just scored (she sent back a hallelujah emoji). “Whatcha got for me?”
“Only the next up-and-coming weapon of choice for nerds everywhere.”
You laugh as he lays two hilts down on the counter. They’r a bit bulky, with good grips, and look to be made of welded metal plated all fitted into place. It’s great craftsmanship, but… “I’m assuming there’s a blade somewhere?” “Better.” He picks one up and turns it around carefully in his hands, you can tell he’s savoring the moment. He seems to find some sort of activation plate near the base and all of a sudden a beam of light shoots out of the barrel, humming softly.
“Holy shit.”the light seems to shimmer in midair, a straight column of energy in a gorgeous green color. You wave a hand through the beam, laughing in glee when it colors your hand green. “This is incredible! What do you even call it?”
“It’s been affectionately dubbed a light saber.” With the reverence he said it with, you couldn’t help but wonder if he’d dubbed them that himself. “And this one happens to be my personal favorite…” the other one is an electric red and has two small cross guards shooting out the bottom.
“These are amazing! Please tell me you’re going to let me try one.”
Now it’s his turn to raise an eyebrow. “Well that’s what they’re here for; to use. What’s the point, otherwise?”
“The other guys seem to think differently. They wouldn’t so much as let me touch any of their weapons.”
He snorts. “I think you’ll find almost everyone in the industry is a complete dick.” He holds out the hilt of the green one to you. “Ready to try?”
“Oh hell yes.” You activate it and watch in amazement as it roars to life. “Custom sound effects?”
“Made right here in the shop.”
“You made these?”
“Something of a pet project,” he admits sheepishly, shrugging his shoulders like you’re going to laugh at him.
“Absolutely incredible,” you breathe, putting it up to your face and looking straight down the saber. “I’ve never seen anything like it.”
“Designed in house, so I should hope not. Now, the trick to these is to only just touch the beams together so they look like they’re resisting against one another, rather than going straight through.” He holds up his own light saber and puts it directly next to yours so that the colors are touching, but not blending. “Bit difficult to get used to, but-”
“Try me.”
He laughs. “I can do that. Start simple.”
You raise your weapon into and offensive position and swing, while he raises his own to block you. You stop millimeters away from his light to form a perfect clash of colors.
 He whistles under his breath. “Impressive control. How long you been doing this?”
“Just a few years. Kind of self taught.” You go for another swing and block combo, this time with an added bit of fancy swinging. “But I’m told I’m good at what I do.”
“I’ll say. Most people can’t get the hang of these right off the bat.” He steps back a few feet and begins a complicated looking sweep of overhead swings and turns, eventually ending with the point at your throat.
“Well now you’re just showing off.”
“I have had some practice,” he laughs, releasing the button and the light disappearing. You do the same. “What do you say? Think Hamlet is ready for an update.?”
“Not so sure our patrons would appreciate that,” you giggle. “But I’ll absolutely take the rapiers.”
“Awesome. Let me just go draw up a contract. Two weeks you said?”
He heads of to a back room and you grab the red light saber he was using from the counter to play with, attempting those fancy turns he had thrown in. You almost dropped the whole thing all together, but taking it slowly you managed to get it around your head and back in front of you. You don’t even notice him watching you from the doorway, with something in his eyes you wouldn’t be able to identify.
“Here you go, it’s all in there.” He hands the papers and swords over to you after you sign. “Let me know how it goes, okay?”
“I absolutely will, thank you so much…”
“Kylo.” He holds out a broad hand to shake and you take it heartily, matching his grip.
“Y/N. Again, thank you so, so much.”
“Anytime.” He’s smiling behind you as you walk out the door.
Well, opening night was clearly a success, judging by the standing ovation the cast received at the end of the show. You don’t have much to do after cleaning and securing the swords backstage, so you wander out to the main hall where patrons are streaming from the theater, chattering excitedly- hopefully about the play they just saw. As the room emptied, a lone man with a bouquet of flowers stood off to the side, seemingly searching for someone in the crowd.
“Excuse me, sir? The actors are all meeting with their families backstage if you’d like to- Kylo!” He turns around at the sound of your voice and it’s the man from the props shop.
“Hey there,” he smiles. “Glad I caught you.”
“Here to check up on your weapons?” You tease. “ Promise they’re clean and locked up backstage.”
“Well actually, I came to see the show.”
“You did?”
“To check on my swords, of course,” he winks, then proffers the bouquet of flowers. “These are for you.”
“Oh, wow.” It’s a beautiful arrangement of flowers with big colorful blooms. “That is so thoughtful of you, thank you so much!”
“Figured you deserved a reward for all your hard work, since you don’t get to stand up there and take a bow.”
You blush. “It’s really not that big of a deal, I’m happy the actors get the recognition-”
“Well, it was a brilliantly choreographed fight. Really well done.”
“High praise, coming from you.”
“You deserve it.
Your cheeks are now on fire from all the compliments and- flirting? Was he flirting? You hoped so- tall, dark, handsome and good with swords? Count you in.
“Listen, I was about to head out and get something to eat- would you mind joining me?”
Oh, heck yes. Of course, you didn’t say that out loud.
“I would love to.” You wave your flowers in the general direction of backstage. “Let me just go grab my stuff, yeah?”
“I’ll be here.”
The two of you ended up at a small coffee shop open late a few blocks from the theatre. It was misting as you walked, and when you shivered, Kylo gallantly threw his leather jacket over your shoulders, making you warm from head to toe- and not just because of the jacket.
The place was small and cozy, an the two of you claim a table in the back after ordering a heap of various baked goods and coffee.
“So, what’d you think of the show?”
“Best production I’ve seen in a long time.”
“Wow, thank you. That really means a lot.”
“Anytime. He grins at you, and you grin back.
The two of you devour your plates of food and chat the entire time, about anything and everything. How you both got into the business, how long you’d been doing it, but also just random life stuff, almost like you were talking to your best friend. He was so easy to get to know, it felt like you’d known him all your life.
“Jesus, look at the time.” He glances at the face of his phone. “I hate to cut this short but I have to open early tomorrow.”
“Hey, no problem. I should probably be getting back as well. But-” you tried to find the words that wouldn’t make you sound too sappy- ‘I had a really fun time tonight.”
“Likewise.” There’s a sparkle in his eyes that you very much enjoy. “We should do it again sometime. Here-” he reaches into one of his pockets and pulls out a business card. “My number.”
You take it, hoping you’re not blushing too badly. “Why thank you. I’ll call you sometime?”
“I look forward to it.” In a flash, he’s gone leaving you standing there clutching his business card in one hand. Well, this was going to be interesting.
You called him a few days later, not wanting to seem desperate, but the truth is you were dying to see him again. He picked up on the first ring and suggested you go out again that night after the play, which you readily agreed to. Once again, he brought flowers and took you to the same little coffee shop, where you talked for hours on end. This continued up until the last matinee of the show, which you were sad about for more than one reason. What if he was only chatting you up because of the business agreement, and once the show was over, he’d disappear for good?
Happily, when you took the rapiers in to return them, your theory was unfounded. You tried to hand them over but he shook is head and smiled, handing one back to you. “Keep it. I’ve got an idea.” After handing you a rig to carry the sword on your back, he takes your hand (much to your delight) and begins walking in the direction of a park about three blocks from his shop.
The sun is shining, kids are running around on the playground with parents sitting near and there’s even a few picnickers here and there dotting the landscape. He surveys the land like he’s looking for something, and apparently decides to lead you on top of a small hill with a huge oak spreading its branches overhead, casting the two of you in dappled sunlight.
He grins, drawing his rapier. “Well? Have at me.”
You giggle. “Excuse me?”
“I want to see some of that famous fight choreography up close and personal. Show me what you got.”
You raise an eyebrow. “Really. You want to fight me.”
“I really, really do.” He winks at you. “Nothing sexier than a girl who can fight.”
Well, hello. You draw your own weapon and settle into a beginning stance. “Don’t say I didn’t warn you.”
“Consider me warned.”
You open with an overhead strike, a bit difficult considering his height, but you manage. He parries the blow easily and goes for a body shot, which you knock away and immediately counter. He’s incredible, there’s no doubt about it. He looks like he’s dancing rather than fighting, easily moving with your flow like he can anticipate your every move. As the two of you exchange blows, you gather a small crowd who begin to cheer and gasp as the two of you circle closer and closer to landing a blow.
Finally, you decide to play dirty- you intentionally fake a weak move in order to sweep your leg into his, knocking him to the ground. You jam your blade through the hilt of his sword, effectively pinning it to the ground. You grin. “I think I take this one.”
“Oh really?” While you’re gloating, he manages to grab your wrist and yank until you lose your balance, falling and landing squarely on top of him. Before you even have time to get embarrassed, he’s reached up and pressed his lips to yours, capturing you in a heated kiss. The smattering of people who’d gather to watch cheer and whistle as he pulls you into him, wrapping an arm around your back.
Finally releasing you, you sit up, almost dazed from the sudden kiss. But you’re smiling as you land with a thud on the grass, shaking your head as the crowd begins to disperse. “I don’t think that move is in the rule book.”
“Hm.” He’s still laying in the grass, hands behind his head, looking insanely pleased with himself. “Maybe we should add it then.”
You laugh and go in for another kiss.
The two of you spend the afternoon under the oak tree, laughing, talking, and yes, kissing. Kissing that makes your head spin and your heart swirl and thud out of your chest. But you wouldn’t trade sitting under the shade of that tree for anything in the world.
As the sun begins to set, you lift your head from where it’s resting on his shoulder and check your watch. “Ah, crap, I better get going.”
“What, got somewhere better to be?”
You wrinkle your nose at him. “Not exactly, but I do have an 8AM tomorrow, so, you know…”
“An eight AM what?”
“Um, class?” You look at him confusedly. “You know, that whole college thing?”
“Wait, wait- you’re in college?”
“Well, yes. It’s my senior year. I never mentioned that?”
“No, no you didn’t.” He looks a little weird, and his facial expression is something you can’t place.
“Well, surprise, I guess. Why’d you think I was working on a college production if I wasn’t a student myself?”
“I- I don’t know. I-” he stands abruptly, pulling away so quickly you almost groan at the loss of heat. Gathering the rapiers which had been cast aside in favor of sitting together, he hurries down the hill. “I’ll see you later okay?”
“Kylo? Kylo, wait, is something wrong?”
He doesn’t answer, and all you see is his retreating back into the setting sun.
What the actual hell?
A month. A whole, entire month went by without aa word from Kylo. You couldn’t understand it- that day in the park you were sure was something special, and now he’s not responding to any of your texts or calls. Who kisses someone like that and then completely cuts them off?
Unfortunately you still had one more order of business with him- the payment for renting the rapiers during the run of Hamlet. You walk in not even expecting him to be there, but there his is, leaning against the counter like he hasn’t got a care in the world. Fucking fantastic.
“Here.” You promised yourself you wouldn’t let your emotions get the best of you but you ended up slamming the money onto the counter. “All $200 of it. Have a nice life.”
“Y/N, wait-”
“What, Kylo? Finally got something to say? After a month of radio silence?”
“I can explain.”
“Well it better be pretty fucking good.” You cross your arms and wait. He just sort of stands there and stares at you for a minute, then takes a deep breath.
“If I ask you a question, you have to answer me honestly. Okay?”
“Yeah, sure. Whatever.”
“How old are you?”
“How-? I’m twenty one. What does that have to do with absolutely anything here?”
“It has everything to do with it!” He yells, and at first you’re taken aback by him raising his voice, but then it just gives you an even better reason to get angry.
“I don’t see how! I thought-” to your horror, your voice cracks. “I thought you liked me. Stupid of me, I guess.”
“I do like you. A lot. And that’s the problem. I can’t like you.”
“Because-” It finally dawns on you. “Because of my age? Kylo, are you kidding me?”
“No, I’m not! I’m thirty years old, Y/N! I’m practically a decade older than you!”
“Pardon my apparent stupidity, but I’m still not seeing how this is a problem.”
He runs his hands through his hair, frustrated. “You’re not stupid, stop saying that. I just… I can’t date a girl who’s two thirds my age. It would just be wrong.”
“Can’t, or won’t?”
He doesn’t answer that. Just looks down at his hands braced on the counter. “I’m sorry.”
“Well I’m not.” He looks up at you, confused, until you hop up onto the counter, swing your legs over to the other side, and kiss him for all you’re worth. At first, he acts like he’s going to pull away, but eventually he melts into you, returning your affection tenfold, working your lips at an agonizingly slow pace. Enough for your entire body to heat up in want.
When you finally pull away, he’s just as breathless as you are, and you rest your forehead against his, speaking as soft as you dare. “Listen to me. If you really, honestly want to throw this all away, I will walk out that door and you will never see me again. But I don’t think you do. Because we have something, Kylo. Something… amazing. And we’re just now starting to figure it out.” You take a breath. “I don’t want it to be over before it’s even begun.”
He looks into your eyes, brown fathomless pools you could dive into and get lost in forever. “I… I don’t want it to, either.”
Humming in contentment, you press another soft kiss to his lips. “Good. Because with a shop like this? You’re not getting rid of me. Ever.”
It’s so good to see a smile light up his face. “I think I can manage that.”
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themadameditor · 6 years
This summer is a special one for me, because last summer I was in hospital for most of it and spent the rest of it on steroids and a host of there medications, swollen like a blowfish, and getting better. I am still in the course of treatment, but a long way away from where I was last year, feeling much, much, MUCH better, and planning to live every freaking moment of the summer and beyond. I am not a huge fan of the summer, the heat on my skin, the humidity; Britain has the most humid summers… but I vividly remember myself last year hoping and praying that if I make it out I would live that cliche of living my best life. And I’m trying y’all, I really am.
This summer has been glorious, actual sunshine and heat, hotter than an Indian summer if you’ll believe that and come the first of August we are counting down the days to Autumn zooming right past it to the thick of winter. By the end of August we are talking back to school and back to real life for parents and children and the grind of things. But we have now before then, so let’s plan to live the hell out of the summer and make some good memories that can keep us going till the next summer. As I type this, it is pouring down with rain outside my window, bang in the middle of this blazing summer we have torrential rain and thunder storms but I am not mad at the in the least, we need the rain, farmers need it for the soil to keep feeding us good food in season, we need the rain to clean all the humidity and gunk from the pollution the earth is suffering.
This list is a guideline, if you do one thing on it fabulous. Ten? Grand. All? Fantastic. the aim is to live your best life, (said in my best Oprah voice). So let’s get right on into it shall we?
1. Sleep In: August is heaven for everyone, everywhere, no school in session, family holidays, blissful commute into work because trains are not crowded…it is the perfect month to sleep in and catch up on the hours lost to sleeplessness, work and all nighters. Sleep in and get your energy right on balance, and catch up with your body and reacquaint yourself with her natural rhythm.
2. Let your body wake up naturally: see number 1. Get rid of your alarm clock and let your body wake up to the sound of birds and the rise of the sun. Even if it means going in late for work or missing our on the morning calls. Better still no calls until noon until the summer is over.
3. Read two books: something old and something new. For something old, if you have never read it, read Lucky Chances by Jackie Collins. For something new read an Italian Holiday; a book about four women getting away from the ish of their lives in London and holidaying in Italy. Bonus points; read my book. 😉
4. Have a Day-cation: binge watch some shows on Netflix and Amazon. A couple on Netflix: Luke Cage, Drug Lords, Chef, North & South; okay, more than a couple. Amazon: The Bold Type- I really like this show, it is set around three women working the fashion industry, publishing specifically, and yes the three girls can be annoying and atypical at times but it is a far cry from the Devil Wears Prada, which shows of this ilk tend to slant towards. My favourite character is the Editor In Chief. She’s cool and the type of person I would like to believe exists in the industry. Another show and one of Amazon’s best creation is Bosch- this is my absolute favourite show on Amazon, detective Hieronymous “Harry” Bosch, central character in the dark crime drama set in Los Angeles. Binge watch all four seasons in one day and thank me later.
5. Go to a music concert: I’ll admit I am not a huge fan of concerts, crowds make me anxious and the moment gets lost in the melee. Give me a couch and a big screen TV and I’m good, but its the summer and we are living it up so we are taking our fly selves to a concert, in the Park, or at the Albert Hall or maybe something more low key and free; the ever faithful underground busker… whatever floats your boat just go.
6. Plan a night in Paris: be impetuous, call your girlfriends or go SOLO for a night in Paris if you’re close enough.
7. Do something fun in Paris: a fancy meal at L’Orangerie @ George V perhaps, or afternoon tea @ Le Bristol. Go to a museum, forget the Louvre, D’Orsay is my favourite museum in all of Paris. Be a cliché and have expensive hot chocolate at Cafe de Flore. Walk around and marvel at the astounding beauty that is Jardin du Luxembourg; my favourite place to be in Paris.
8. Return from Paris: with pastries from Pierre Here and spend the evening drinking champagne before bed.
9. See a play in the west end: Its a shame that Baba Segi’s wives is not in theatres anymore, but there is always something on so scroll through timeout or art reviews, pick a small theatre, they normally have good plays and go see it, for the culture and for support. Or if you can get tickets, you should go see Hamilton. It is quite simply the greatest show on earth.
10. Go Clubbing: re-live your youth and party in heels that hurt, a dress that is too short, full face of makeup. Flirt with handsome men, exchange numbers for the night. Jump on the night bus home and stop by the kebab shop before you make it home at six in the morning.
11. Babysit your nieces, nephews and god-children: preferably not right after your wild night out in the club.
12. Throw a fabulous dinner party: for friends and catch up on the good times you had.
13. Get lost in London: it’s a beautiful city to get lost in and no matter how many times you roam it, every corner is a surprise.
14. Picnic in the Park: Hyde Park is so beautiful, so vast, so lovely all year round but nothing beats it in the summer. Grab a picnic basket, bottle of chilled champagne, meats and cheeses, fat strawberries and cream, salads and go chill in the park with your bestest
15. Call an old friend: we all have that one friend we have lost touch with, call them up, check in with an old relative, see how they are doing, and say a prayer for the world.
16. Clean your skirting boards: as a matter of fact, clean the whole house, organise your closet and take excess to charity or give them out to family or friends who want them. Live light and let light in.
17. Organise your christmas holiday plans: have a white Christmas or escape somewhere tropical. Do something fun and unusual this time.
18. Get your low maintenance beauty routine on point: the summer is no time to bother with too much make-up because the humidity will not let you be beautiful and great so fine-tune your best make up, no make up look that won’t be a victim of the humidity. Paint your nails, scrub your feet and moisturise them. I love this foot cream, from Burt’s Bees, 100% moisture all day. Don’t be ashy this summer.
19. Plan your wardrobe ahead: make this the summer you wear the prettiest dresses. If you can, and I know you can, plan all the dresses for the 31 days in August.
20. Spend some time being alone: check yourself into a hotel or stay indoors, order room service, go dine out alone or cook yourself a home-cooked meal… do something for you and all about you, get to know yourself better and enjoy being in your company.
21. Spend time with family: I have an awesome family and we are all scattered around the world but in each other’s lives through phone, texts etc. When you can, drop by your parents’, call your brother, sisters, aunts, uncles… get the barbecue going and enjoy being in the company of loved ones.
22. Go to a quiz night at your local… I know, I know but try it its so much fun
23. Spend a Monday by the sea: away from work and the hustle of every day life
24. Write a short story: it can be about anything you want at all, just carve out sometime and put words down to paper.
25. Take a leap of faith: If its a bad decision, learn from it and move on. Enjoy the rewards of a good decision, pay it forward pass on the good feeling
26. Take a day trip outside of London: a summer’s day punting on River Cam, taking a literary tour of Oxford, or walking the bucolic lanes of the Cotswolds… do something that takes you out of the big smoke.
27. Take a digital detox: nowadays, a lot of things on social media make me so damn mad and I find myself engaging with crazy people but I have cut back on my time online and it has done me a world of good. Social media is both good and dangerous for you, find sometime to be ignorant of the shit that can sometimes go down on there.
28. Go to bed late, wake up later.
29. Eat dessert as a whole meal.
30. Fall in love with your life all over again: Be intentional about this and make sure you love your life. We are all going through things, the world is a shitty place to be sometimes these days but here is the thing; you only have you at night when you look yourself in the mirror. Be intentional with loving yourself. Please.
31. Take it all in: Take care of yourself. Check your breasts, drink lots of water, eat well, eat in season, moisturise at night, exercise however you can, limit your meat consumption, use sunscreen, my sister, use sunscreen.
To the summer of our lives.
31 Days of Summer This summer is a special one for me, because last summer I was in hospital for most of it and spent the rest of it on steroids and a host of there medications, swollen like a blowfish, and getting better.
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footballfinns · 6 years
New Member of the Family
Summary: Finn and Rachel go to the animal shelter to look at cats.
After a long morning of work and class, Rachel had come home and immediately laid down on the sofa. Things had settled a bit, gotten back to normal - whatever that was - since Finn arriving home from Lima. Still, Rachel was having difficulty getting used to a routine again. She normally would have started dinner upon coming home but she'd gotten back earlier than expected. That meant a little cat nap was possible before Finn came home.
Getting back to work and school upon coming home was a bit hard for Finn. It felt like he was coming home and going right to bed without hardly seeing his wife, which was something he hated. He was ready to have some time with her. When he walked in the door, he found her laying on the couch and he took his shoes off before moving to her to give her a light kiss. “Hi baby.” He whispered in greeting.
Rachel had been dozing when she felt a tickle on her lips. She perked up, her eyes fluttering open to the best sight - her husband’s beautiful eyes and perfect mouth. “Hey yourself, handsome.’ Rachel sat up so that Finn could sit beside her. “How was your day?”
He sat beside her and put his arm around her shoulders. “My day was okay. Nothing to write home about.” He shrugged. “What about you? Looks like it was tiring.”
Rachel curled easily against him, stealing every opportunity she got to cuddle. “It's just getting use to things again now that you're home and we're finding our groove.” She paused to yawn, knowing once she did, she'd manage to find a second wind. “I made really good tips today so that is exciting. We can finish catching up the bills and put a little away, build up the savings again.”
“Yeah, it’s been a little hectic since I’ve been home, hasn’t it?” He scrunched his nose. “That’s awesome. I’m glad you’re making good tips. We could definitely use it. I got paid today, so that will help too. And I was thinking we could go to the animal shelter tonight, check things out.”
Rachel looked up at him, the excitement in her eyes obvious. “Really?” She hadn't forgotten about the cat he'd promised but she knew that patience was necessary, even if she was terrible at it. Him bringing it up now was what she'd been waiting for. “You know how open to that I am.”
Finn nodded his head with a smile. “Yeah, just let me shower and eat and we can go.” He leaned over to kiss her cheek.
Rachel wouldn't have minded sharing the shower but she had neglected his dinner long enough. “Okay. I'll make you some grilled cheese while you're in there.” She stood, quick to get to work on a makeshift meal.
“Thank you, baby.” He got up and headed to the bathroom to shower. He was quick but made sure any grease from the tire shop was clean off of him. When he got out, he got dressed in jeans and a T-shirt before joining her in the kitchen. “Smells so good.” He grinned.
Rachel whipped up a few sandwiches for them then set his on a plate. When he joined her, she smiled as his hip brushed hers. “You smell good.” She nibbled on a half slice of sandwich. “Anything for my baby.”
“Now I do.” he laughed as he grabbed a sandwich and began to ate. “That’s why you’re the best.” He said with a smile. “Is it just me or have we like hardly seen each other since I’ve been home? I miss you.”
Rachel finished her bite before leaning against him. “You're right. Time together has been limited to a few words before falling asleep.” They hadn't even been intimate since the day after he'd gotten back. “I miss you too. All the time. But I know it'll get better. Soon, school will be on break for me and I'll have more down time to spend with you.”
“That is true. Patience.” Though he was running out of it already. “It will work itself out, I’m sure.” He finished his sandwich and reached for the other. “Should we go?”
Before he could snap up his second sandwich, Rachel put her arms around his neck and stole a kiss. “I know it's difficult. But just remember what patience got you in the beginning.” Her eyebrow lifted seductively.
He paused when she wrapped her arm around him and kissed her back. He smirked back at her “I’m trying.” He promised, giving her another kiss.
“And you're doing an amazing job of it. I promise you'll be handsomely rewarded.” But not at that precise moment, she thought, knowing full well that if they got tangled up in one another now, they wouldn't be leaving the apartment any time soon. “First, to the shelter. Let's see if anyone is adoptable.”
Finn almost wished he hadn’t have brought up the kitten so he could have some real alone time with her, but he knew it was just as important for them to get out and do things as it was to be intimate so he would save that for another time. He grabbed his sandwich as he walked out of the door and down to the street. “Should we just walk?” He asked, knowing the shelter was only a couple of blocks away.
The evenings had been getting nicer. Still cool, but no longer cold. “Yes. A nice walk would be refreshing.” Rachel made sure to lock the door behind them before taking Finn’s free hand.
He ate his sandwich as they walked to the animal shelter. When he was finished eating, he looked at her with a smile. “What kind of cat are you thinking you want?”
Rachel had spent a lot of time thinking about the exact question he was asking. “Sweet, friendly. Loves cuddles.” She grinned up at him. “The aesthetics don't matter, really. It doesn't even have to be a kitten. Just as long as it needs love and a home and fits in our little family. That's all that matters.”
“Well I hope they have something you’ll like there then.” He squeezed her hand. “We’ll need to get a litter box and some food too. What else would we need?”
“Maybe a little bed for it to sleep on. Some toys. Oh, and scratching post so it doesn't tear up things if it still has claws.” Rachel laced her arms around his, drawing closer the closer they got to the shelter. “But you have to like the cat too. Whatever we find, we have to agree that it's right.”
“It’s your cat though, baby. I’ll be happy either way.” He promised. “We’ll have to find a pet store after we get it.”
Rachel truly wanted it to be their cat, but she saw no point to pushing the issue. “Good idea. At the very least, we have to get litter there, like you said.” The came up to the front door of the shelter, Rachel feeling a little giddy.
He pulled the door open for her and approached the front desk upon walking in. He explained that they were looking for a cat and they were led back into the room full of cats in cages. Finn felt a little bad as they entered, not liking to see them all caged up. “See anything you like?” He asked Rachel, softly.
Rachel's heart broke at seeing each poor, caged creature in front of her. Her only solace came in knowing that the shelter didn't euthanize them unless they proved too sickly to be adoptable. She walked slowly along an aisle, looking in each cage. “This is a bit...overwhelming.” Her hand reached for his as she paused at a cage. “I wish I could save them all.” When the animal behind the metal grid paid her no mind, Rachel moved on.
He watched his wife look into the cage, his hand in hers. “I wish we could help them all too.” He said with a nod as he slowly walked along the line of cages. He paused as there was a meow from a gray and black kitten with big eyes. He kneel down to look at it “What about this one, Rach?”
Rachel stopped to kneel beside Finn. The little thing looked at Rachel with it's big eyes like it'd never seen anything quite so amazing. Her hand moved to the cage and the kitten approached, seeking affection without hesitation. “Sweet thing.” The woman working told Rachel it was a he and placed him in Rachel's hands after offering to let her hold him. He curled up in her arms, his purrs causing his tiny body to rumble. She didn't want to admit it but he was quickly capturing her heart. “He seems like a good boy.”
Finn put his arm around Rachel, watching her with a smile. “What do you think?” He asked, reaching out to pet the small cat.
Rachel watched as the cat nuzzled against Finn’s palm and instantly knew that this was their cat. “I think he's coming home with us.” Rachel brought him in close, feeling his warmth against her chest.
He watched her lovingly, feeling so happy that she was excited about this and that he was able to provide it. “Then he’s yours baby.” He looked at the woman who had been helping them. “Are we able to take him today?” She shook her head “We actually have a 24 hour waiting period. You can fill out the application and pay today and then if you change your mind by tomorrow you can come and get your money back.” She explained. Finn knew Rachel wouldn’t change her mind so he nodded his head “We’ll fill that out then.”
Rachel was a little crestfallen when she heard she had to give the cat back but it made sense that the shelter prepared for any eventualities. So she held onto him while Finn filled out the application, her new baby practically falling asleep in her arms as she hummed quietly. “Just like my other love.” She smiled at Finn. After another moment, she let the woman working take the cat.
“Comparing me to a cat?” he asked playfully. He finished filling the paper out and gave the woman the money for the cat. “We'll come and get him tomorrow night, baby. Let's go get everything we need for him right now so he'll come home happy.”
Rachel nudged him, knowing full well that he loved seeing her happy. “You know it's real love if I compare him to you. Though, you'll always be my number one which is why I'm glad that he seems to like you too.” Her hand slipped into his as the exited the shelter and turned in the direction of the pet store. “It really is sweet how supportive you're being about this.”
He laughed at her words “I’m glad he likes me too. We’ll see when we’re fighting for cuddles from you.” He teased. “I just know it’s something you want. I like being able to give you things… I feel like I can’t very often.”
Rachel couldn't say enough that Finn gave her all the things she'd wanted - unconditional love, support, acceptance. But being able to provide her the world meant a great deal to Finn, that Rachel knew. If this little act was a victory to him, she'd let it be. “You won't have to fight for cuddles. You always take precedence.”
“We’ll see, once you have a cute little kitty.” He said with a smile. As they approached the pet store, he opened the door for her and then walked in behind her. “So.. Litter box, litter, food bowls, food… Bed.” he tried to remember everything they had listed before.
Rachel glanced around the store, a little overwhelmed by everything there was. Considering their finances, she figured what they absolutely needed. “We can always use a regular bowl for food and water. We have extras at home. And he can probably sleep on an old pillow for now.” She reached on a shelf for a plastic container that turned out to be a litter box. “The food and litter are most important. The other things we can pick up over time.”
Finn nodded his head, glad that they didn’t have to get everything all at once because he wasn’t sure they actually could. He walked to the cat aisle and grabbed a gray litter box and a bag of litter. “You can choose the food because I have no idea.”
Rachel looked over the food choices, wanting to make the best one for a kitten. It was only then that she realized she hadn't done enough research about a kitten’s nutritional needs. She asked the store associate for advice on getting started and ended up with a bag of kitten chow and wet food that would hopefully make chewing easier for the new baby. She finally turned to Finn “I'll have to come back when I have more information about his needs. This should do for now.”
Finn listened to the advice so he could try to help a little. He brought what they had up to the front counter. “Yeah, we can get things as we need to. It will all work out okay.” He offered her a smile.
Rachel felt reassured by her husband, even in light of feeling like an irresponsible to-be pet owner. “You're right. I think I was just so excited about the idea of getting him that I skipped the important research step.”
“That’s okay! As long as we have something for him to eat, I’m sure it doesn’t matter too much.” He shrugged as he paid for what they had.
Rachel felt differently but she was glad Finn didn't think less of her self-perceived shortcomings. Not that he ever had. Reaching for one of the bags, she took it from the counter. “No man in our home has ever suffered from a lack of food. This little guy will be no different.”
“Exactly.” He said with a laugh as he grabbed the other bag and headed out of the door. “Is there anything else we need while we’re out? We good on groceries?”
“We're good until after the weekend. I work Sunday breakfast so that tip money can go to any groceries we need.”
“Okay, that works for me.” He began the walk to their apartment. “You feeling good?”
Rachel looked at up him and nodded. “I am. I’m happy about getting a kitten tomorrow. I’m happy our little family is growing. I have the very best of the best when it comes to husbands.” She kissed his cheek. “There’s really nothing other than good in my life right now.”
He smiled as she spoke “That makes me so happy. I’m glad we’re doing this. He’ll be able to come home with us tomorrow so we’ll make sure everything is set up for him tonight.”
Rachel didn’t want to throw around the word ‘maternal’ like it was innocuous but she was feeling it a little as she imagined the kitten nestled in her arms again. Or researching what was best for him while she was on the train to school in the morning. “The Hudson household is going to be very happy place tonight, indeed.”
“Yes it is.” He said as he approached their building and opened the door for her. He walked up to their door and unlocked it before pushing the door open and stepping in, where he set the bag down on the floor.
Rachel followed Finn home, her bag dropping next to his on the floor as she slipped off her shoes and put both arms around her husband. “You’re pretty wonderful, you know that.”
He hugged her back, smiling down at her. “You are too.” He said, giving her a kiss.
“Not as wonderful as you right now. I didn’t get me a kitten. You did. You found me the perfect one and he’s going to make me happy.” Rachel smiled against his lips, her own parting ever so slightly as they kissed.
“You deserve it so much. Especially for going through all that with Burt with me.” He kissed her back, his lips moving passionately against hers.
The opportunities to speak were scarce when he kissed her like that, especially since she didn't want him to stop. “That's just what wives do. Or this wife anyway.” Her arms drew him a little tighter to her. “I love you. And I never want you to go through anything alone. Especially something like that.”
“I know you wouldn’t let me. We’ve spent years fighting about it.” He joked. “It was good though, having you there and letting you go through it with me. I won’t shut you out again.”
In the moments, Rachel had almost forgotten what a struggle they'd had with letting one another in when things got difficult like that. But Finn was right. They'd gotten through this thing without him shutting down on her. It made her strangely optimistic. Like they were starting to get better at communication and marriage. “It wasn't easy, but it can be less difficult doing it together. I think we've had to reprogram years of taking care of ourselves and dealing with things alone.” Her fingers slipped into his hair as she kissed him. “Do we get a reward for doing good at relationships this time?”
He chuckled at her question. “Well.. I can come up with a pretty good reward for that.” His hands moved down her back.
Rachel's head tilted back a little as she laughed, the gesture short-lived when the feeling of his kiss became a renewed need for Rachel. “Is that so? Well, now you have my full attention. I'm quite fond of whatever rewards you choose to give.”
“Hmm.. Well this might be more of a reward for me.” He joked as he kissed down to her neck.
Rachel giggled as Finn’s kisses tickled her throat, her head tilting to the side for him. “You did do very well tonight. You earned it.”
He smiled against her skin before pulling away “Then you should get to the bedroom, huh?”
Rachel strongly objected to the halt in affection but slid passed him with ease, a coquettish smile forming her lips. “I should.” As she walked, she lifted her shirt and tossed it away.
He smirked as she began to take her clothes off on the way to the bedroom, following suit in getting his shirt off. Once they were in the bedroom, he sat on the edge of the bed and pulled her to him before his lips were back on hers.
Rachel moved toward her husband's touch, his kiss, her skin warming as it moved against his. This was where they were always best - together, alone. The whole world dissolved and only they existed. Rachel loved it, loved him, and she wanted every second to last forever.
He had been waiting for a real moment of alone time with her for a while now and he was more than happy to be getting it finally. His arms wrapped around her as he kissed her deeply, laying back on the bed with her in his arms.
Rachel moved with Finn, staying in his arms crucial to her. It was nothing new but it felt as much of everything as it has the first time he'd embraced her like this. “I love you.” Her hands worked on his pants, her fingers adept at getting him out of them like she wanted.
“I love you so much.” He replied, helping her get his pants off before he focused on getting hers off as well.
Rachel eagerly wiggled out of her own pants so that nothing separated she and Finn. Her lips turned, this time she kissed his neck, and her nails drew along his skin. “You make me feel it everyday, with every word.”
He sighed as she kissed his neck, happily tilting his head. “I'll make you feel it now.” he joked.
“And your plan to do that goes something like…” Her lips stopped so her teeth could do the work, leaving subtle marks as she nipped at his skin.
He rubbed her back as her teeth worked against his neck. When he'd had enough, he held her tightly as he rolled their position so he was on top, making it easier for him to get her completely naked. He kissed along her chest while his hand moved between her legs to toy with her clit.
Rachel's body pressed into the mattress as Finn moved over her, his mouth and hands finding her favorite places to be touched. Her legs parted for him, Rachel wanting more as he stroked and kissed her. “I love when you do this.”
“Give you all my attention?” He asked playfully before his tongue flicked along her nipple.
Rachel's body arched, pressing hard against his fingers. “Especially this way.”
He smirked against her skin before laying all of his attention on her breasts. When he couldn’t hold off from more, he moved back over her and pushed his boxers off. “I’ve missed you.”
Rachel looked up at him, her eyes already glazing over from all the ways he had her. Heart, body, soul… all of her was all of his. “As much as I've missed you?” Her fingers laced through his hair. “How do I go even a day without you?”
He placed himself at her center to enter her slowly with a low groan. “I don't know how either of us do.” he told her as he pressed kisses down her cheek to her neck. Once he had filled her completely, his hips began to move.
Rachel's moan was quiet, withering almost completely away as he pushed forward to elicit the sound again. This was what he meant to her. The closeness and the absolute trust. It didn't have to be one way or the other - sweet, slow, rough, explosive - because she always felt what he made her feel when they were together. And that feeling of them was worth everything. “You drive me crazy.” Her legs drew around his, torso, Rachel's body moving with his. “Make me feel everything.”
He lifted his head to look down at her as his hips began to move in deep thrusts. “You're so beautiful, baby.” he whispered, not able to keep himself from kissing her again.
Rachel wanted to hold onto each kiss much longer, but she had to break away for every breath he took from her. “That's how you always make me feel.” Her nails pressed into his skin, Rachel knowing she was capable of little more than offering him that simple pleasure.
He groaned in response, his head ducking beside her shoulder. “I’m getting close.” He said as his hips moved faster into her.
Her lips parted in whatever sounds her mind produced, each a testament to how impossibly good Finn was. “Let go.” She managed only those words before her head collapsed against the pillow.
Finn pressed a kiss to her neck before he pulled away to focus on how good she felt. He came undone with a groan, his hips slowing as his body relaxed.
Rachel's body peaked, her limbs tingling and heavy when she began to come down. Her lips spread in a lazy grin as she lay there. “Mmm…”
He smiled down at her before peppering kisses along her neck and then her face. “I love you so much.”
The kisses, Rachel reveled in. His love made her chest flutter happily. “And I love you. Always.” She turned on her side when she could finally move. “Though, I admit satisfaction tends to amplify that sentiment.”
“Yeah, I agree with that.” he said with a chuckle before rolling off of her to lay on the bed.
Rachel scooted close to him. “It's no secret that you love naked Rachel the most.” She left a gentle kiss on his chest. “Which I'm fine with since you do such a good job of loving me in general. It's quite literally the best thing you could ever do for me.”
“Naked Rachel is my favorite.” he smirked. “Good, baby, because I love you more than anything and I love showing you.”
“You must because you've managed to get me  completely spoiled on it.” Rachel smiled at him as she further invaded his space and curled up into his side. “The truth is, I'd be lost without it. It means that much.”
“I like that you feel spoiled.” he said with a smile.
“It's not hard when I have the best husband.” Rachel's lips brushed his skin, the warmth of it making her somehow more love drunk.
“I have the best wife.” He closed his eyes contently. “This has made my week so much better.”
“She's very lucky, that's certain.” She began to stroke his side with the gentlest touch. “It's been adjustment coming back for you, hasn't it?”
“A little bit. I don’t know why. I guess I just had so much down time at my moms that coming back was just.. Weird.” He shrugged.
“Routines always seem hard to get back to, even if you're out of them just a few days. You were gone weeks. But you'll get there. With a healthy dose of TLC from your wife.”
“I’m okay, I promise. Things just got shaken up for a minute and you know how I am with change.” He gave her another kiss.
Rachel took the kiss, the knowledge that he was fairing the aftermath of the storm helped her relax further. “Change is hard for most people. You've handled it well though.”
“I think I have a lot better than normal.” He said with a playful smile. “Just glad that I gotta come home and be with you.”
“I get to come home to you too. That's literally the best part of my day.”
“It's mine too.” he gave her a kiss. “You always are though.”
“I think you just like making me head over heels for you.” Rachel had to hold back a little yawn until the kiss ended.
“Tired?” he asked softly, yawning in response to hers.
“Only a little. It's mostly being all snuggled up and comfy with you.” She could stay awake much longer but she wasn't willing to move out of their embrace.
“It is nice.” He said with a smile, closing his eyes as he rest against the pillow. “So, what time do you get home tomorrow so we can get the cat?”
“Around the same time as today. My schedule doesn't change much until the end of the semester. We can get him after I make you dinner.”
“We can get him before if you want. I can take care of dinner.” He shrugged.
“My baby love and dinner?” Rachel wasn't at all surprised - Finn enjoyed to pamper her. “I'm quite partial to that idea.”
“Do you have a name in mind?”
“I really hadn't thought about it much. Maybe… Oliver? It's not the most original but, I don't know, it might suit him.”
“Oliver would be cool. I’d be good with that.” He said with a small smile.
Rachel beamed at his approval. “Okay. We'll see if he likes it tomorrow.” Rachel moved to kiss him. “Thank you for making me the happiest woman.”
“Thank you for being the best wife.” He said softly. “I’m falling asleep.” He admitted with a laugh.
“Me too.” Rachel grabbed the sheet and pulled it up over them. “Let's get some sleep then. Be well rested tomorrow.”
Goodnight, baby.” He said softly as he drifted off.
Rachel mumbled her response before letting heavy lids fall closed.
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bloojayoolie · 6 years
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Animals, Apparently, and Beautiful: Hi my name is Adrian # 24322 4 yr old boy with love Brooklyn ACC They say I am a beautiful inside and out, a calm& quite gentleman, with sweet affectionate eyes, I still know how to bounce and play when the games start, play well in our play group with dogs I meet and have proved to be an even tempered - tolerant cool fella, won't you please give me a second chance. All Heart ****TO BE KILLED 4/12/18**** Sweet, Goofy Mushface <3 A volunteer writes: "Yo Adrian!!!" (sorry, had to do it...) Well this young fella's name is Adrian, and he is a 4 year old large mixed breed. Just like Rocky's love interest, this guy is very calm and quiet. That's not to say he doesn't know how to have fun. He is still young and has plenty of energy. So you get the best of both worlds. In fact, it's like Rocky and Adrian all rolled into one! Unfortunately, Adrian has found his way here as a stray, so we don't know how he is around children or cats. However, he is a playgroup participant, so we know he is well behaved around most dogs. He is also a "Drool Donor" for Monmouth Universities study on the effects of playgroup on the stress levels of shelter dogs. Basically it means he is very even tempered, and tolerant. (Especially to having hands put in his mouth to swab his saliva...) So come on down to our Brooklyn location and say "Hello" to this awesome boy! He's definitely a Knock Out! VIDEOs: https://youtu.be/9t8pIYtq-Nc https://youtu.be/qSRTjeqRZ70 Adrian fetch https://youtu.be/qQyGhsrwWGk Adrian #24322 BROOKLYN ACC 4 yrs old, 59 lbs BLUE ROAN / WHITE MALE Large Mixed Breed Cross Intake Date: 04-02-2018 My health has been checked. My vaccinations are up to date. My worming is up to date. I have been microchipped. Behavior Assessment Date of intake:: 4/2/2018 Spay/Neuter status:: No Means of surrender (length of time in previous home):: Stray, no known history. Previously lived with:: Unknown Behavior toward strangers:: Friendly and exuberant Date of assessment:: 4/4/2018 Look:: 3. Dog jumps on Assessor, consistently rubs his shoulder on the Assessor, and will not allow Assessor to conduct the assessment. Sensitivity:: 1. Dog leans into the Assessor, eyes soft or squinty, soft and loose body, open mouth. Tag:: 1. Dog follows at the end of the leash, body soft. Paw squeeze 1:: 1. Dog does not respond at all for three seconds. Eyes are averted and ears are relaxed or back. Paw squeeze 2:: 1. Dog does not respond at all for three seconds. Eyes are averted and ears are relaxed or back. Toy:: 3. Dog takes toy away, keeps a firm hold. Body is stiff. Summary:: Adrian came into the assessment room with a high energy,jumping and mouthy. He allowed handling but would mouth the assessor's hand with light pressure. Adrian was relaxed and soft when his paws were touched. He takes the toy away with a firm grip. Summary (1):: Adrian was surrender as a stray so his past behavior with other dogs is unknown. Here at the Care Centers, Adrian is social as well as sexually motivated. He flirts while on his tip toes but does not mount. The Behavior Department recommends that Adrian be placed in a home with resident dogs that match his calm sociability. 4/3: When off leash at the Care Centers, Adrian greets the female helper dog with chatters and genital sniffs. He follows her around the pens, flirting with her but he does not mount her. 4/4: Today, Adrian was much more respectful. He continues to be slightly sexually motivated however he is able to read the other dog's uncomfortability, control his impulses and redirect his attention elsewhere. 4/5-9: Adrian appropriately greets the other dog, then explores the pens.He has begun to solicit and engage in short burst of play with other dogs but is conflicted, grumbling when any body contact is made. Date of intake:: 4/2/2018 Summary:: Unknown Date of initial:: 4/2/2018 Summary:: Very sweet, high energy and allowed all handling. ENERGY LEVEL:: We have no history on Adrian so we cannot be certain of his behavior in a home environment. Adrian displayed high energy and movement throughout assessment. Adrian will need daily mental and physical activity to keep him engaged and exercised. BEHAVIOR DETERMINATION:: ADULT ONLY HOME Behavior Asilomar: TM - Treatable-Manageable Recommendations:: No children (under 13) Recommendations comments:: No children: We have no history on Adrian so we cannot be certain of his behavior in a home environment. However, in the care center he is a enthusiastic, social dog with a high energy and has potential to mouth when engaged in exuberant play. He will need daily mental and physical activity to keep him engaged and exercised. We recommend long-lasting chews, food puzzles, and hide-and-seek games, in additional to physical exercise, to positively direct his energy and enthusiasm. We feel that an adult-only home would be most beneficial at this time. Potential challenges: : Mouthiness/poor bite inhibition Potential challenges comments:: Mouthiness/poor bite inhibition: While he applies only light pressure, Adrian was mouthy throughout the assessment and is quick to put his teeth on skin. This is likely an attention-seeking behavior, but it should be replaced with an alternative behavior as it can frighten people. We recommend never playing with bare hands – always with a toy - and ending play or attention whenever Adrian puts teeth on skin. He should be rewarded with attention and treats when he stops and/or when he is seeking attention in alternate ways. My medical notes are... Weight: 59 lbs Vet Notes 2/04/2018 DVM Intake Exam Estimated age: ~4 years Microchip noted on Intake? negative History : stray Subjective: BARH Observed Behavior - very sweet. High energy but easily handleable. Did well for all medical handling and procedures Evidence of Cruelty seen - no Evidence of Trauma seen - no Objective P = wnl R = eupneic BCS 5/9 EENT: Eyes clear with periocular erythema ou, ears clean, no nasal discharge noted Oral Exam: adult dentition with mild tartar, no oral lesions noted PLN: No enlargements noted H/L: NSR, NMA, CRT < 2, Lungs clear, eupneic ABD: Non painful, no masses palpated U/G: MI, 2 testicles descended MSI: Ambulatory x 4, skin free of parasites, no masses noted, healthy hair coat CNS: mentation appropriate - no signs of neurologic abnormalities Assessment: Apparently healthy Possible allergies Plan: Continue to monitor while at BACC If erythema worsens around eyes, consider antihistamines vs steroids Prognosis: Excellent SURGERY: ok to schedule for surgery 4/04/2018 brief cage exam for "excessive drooling' visual exam showed some droolat edges of glossa wnl and not typical for nausea eg. Dog appears to have eaten full meal recently. no follow up needed at this time. 5/04/2018 Progress exam History : stray intake 4/2 4/4 noted to be drooling but cageside exam revealed NSF Subjective: BAR. No csvd. No hypersalivation. Good appetite. Diarrhea noted on rounds board 1-2 days ago but none noted since. No signs CIRDC at this time. Objective EENT: Eyes clear, no nasal or ocular discharge noted H/L: Normal RR/RE, eupneic MSI: Ambulatory x 4, healthy hair coat, mild erythema around face CNS: mentation appropriate - no signs of neurologic abnormalities Assessment: Apparently healthy Plan: Continue to monitor while at BACC Prognosis: Excellent 7/04/2018 Monitor for CIRDC S/O: BAR. Very active, attention seeking, excellent appetite EENT: Eyes clear, very small amount of crusted mucoid discharge at left nostril HL: No coughing or sneezing, normal RR/RE INTEG: Full coat MS: Ambulatory x 4 UG: Male A: Apparently healthy P: Continue to monitor while at BACC 8/04/2018 Progress exam History : stray intake 4/2 Subjective: BAR. No csvd. Mild dried crust on top of nose but no active discharge. No signs of CIRDC Objective EENT: Eyes clear, no nasal or ocular discharge noted H/L: Normal RR/RE, eupneic MSI: Ambulatory x 4, healthy hair coat CNS: mentation appropriate - no signs of neurologic abnormalities Assessment: Apparently healthy Plan: Continue to monitor while at BACC Prognosis: Excellent 9/04/2018 Progress exam History : stray intake 4/2 Subjective: QAR. Coughing especially when outside in playgroup. No sneezing but has nasal d/c. No v/d. Objective EENT: Eyes clear, no ocular discharge noted, mild serous nasal d/c H/L: Normal RR/RE, eupneic but coughing MSI: Ambulatory x 4, healthy hair coat CNS: mentation appropriate - no signs of neurologic abnormalities Assessment: CIRDC Plan: Continue to monitor while at BACC Move to iso Start doxycycline 10mg/kg PO SID x14d until 4/23 Prognosis: Good * TO FOSTER OR ADOPT * If you would like to adopt a dog on our “To Be Killed” list, and you CAN get to the shelter in person to complete the adoption process *within 48 hours of reserve*, you can reserve the dog online until noon on the day they are scheduled to die. We have provided the Brooklyn, Staten Island and Manhattan information below. Adoption hours at these facilities is Noon – 8:00 p.m. (6:30 on weekends) HOW TO RESERVE A “TO BE KILLED” DOG ONLINE (only for those who can get to the shelter IN PERSON to complete the adoption process, and only for the dogs on the list NOT marked New Hope Rescue Only). Follow our Step by Step directions below! *PLEASE NOTE – YOU MUST USE A PC OR TABLET – PHONE RESERVES WILL NOT WORK! ** STEP 1: CLICK ON THIS RESERVE LINK: https://newhope.shelterbuddy.com/Animal/List Step 2: Go to the red menu button on the top right corner, click register and fill in your info. Step 3: Go to your email and verify account Step 4: Go back to the website, click the menu button and view available dogs. It should read, "reserve in progress". That is YOUR reserve. Step 5: Scroll to the animal you are interested and click reserve STEP 6 ( MOST IMPORTANT STEP ): GO TO THE MENU AGAIN AND VIEW YOUR CART. THE ANIMAL SHOULD NOW BE IN YOUR CART! Step 7: Fill in your credit card info and complete transaction Animal Care Centers of NYC (ACC) nycacc.org At-Risk Animals Thank you for your interest in adopting from Animal Care Centers of NYC. Our At Risk List is posted each day (except Saturday) at 6:00PM and remains viewable until 12:00PM noon the following day. newhope.shelterbuddy.com HOW TO FOSTER OR ADOPT IF YOU *CANNOT* GET TO THE SHELTER IN PERSON, OR IF THE DOG IS NEW HOPE RESCUE ONLY! You must live within 3 – 4 hours of NY, NJ, PA, CT, RI, DE, MD, MA, NH, VT, ME or Norther VA. Please PM our page for assistance. You will need to fill out applications with a New Hope Rescue Partner to foster or adopt a dog on the To Be Killed list, including those labelled Rescue Only. Hurry please, time is short, and the Rescues need time to process the applications.
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hardyalise92 · 4 years
Cat Peeing Dog Bed Awesome Cool Ideas
It's frustrating to continually have to endure such methods.There are various homemade recipes that do not train your cat.He is just about anywhere, including on top of the cat enters the cage in the future. Mild bad breath now, you may like to consider the cat to move, but at the same spot until the door and our furniture.
The reward for using the appropriate feline vaccination.If the female cat usually does great things to consider in choosing a good location for the furniture, or to eliminate this cat problem is minimal as you begin brushing your cat's water dish is always something that has been heavily infested with fleas.You should encourage your cat to be understood - and put it in a while to retrain your cat some exercise and will help her in the first place.The general rule of thumb is that they become so docile and playful.Lastly, ask the individual needs of a new cat into the carpet where the deed has been eliminated and the struggle to remove as much indoors as cats deeply dislike the smell of the first cat gets used to each other constantly.
You should also be one or two nails at a time well before felis catus was a long way toward the cat is most important of all over the past decade, my husband and I am only providing options and ideas that you want from your new enclosure, you can use the new arrangement.Also use this generic, just-like-outside litter box, rubbing its nose to the floor surrounding your box.Alternatively, citrus scented water or sprays to make sure they were so cute.Then blot dry with bathing, an emollient oil diluted with talc.You might want to set limits for his other feline friends, it will require serious attention.
You must be delivered when your wide awake moggy jumps on the animal with when you use them, as you bring your new pet.There's this brilliant invention of a recently pesticide sprayed garden.Although most cats dislike, such as not to stir too vigorously and your peace of mind by their saliva, it gets too bad, use Plaque Attack available.You will need to worry about clogging issues.Keeping your cat neutered - preferably before they ever have cats with short nasal passages in the first things that the cat from enjoying life.
Not only tomcats spray, queens in heat they will be necessary to treat your cat disinfected.Cat owners need to treat animals that this is probably due to an acceptable object for scratching and toilet training a cat, but be sure to positively reinforce the behavior.If there is a hugh list so best to follow good hygiene rules when you own more than neutered males.Cats, like kids, thrive when they reach maturity will help keep your house clean, this is unnecessary and can build up over time and continue to tackle this problem, some good some not so awful, but once in a motel room, make sure you try walking on your dog or cat many owners have stated their cats drinking from the offending area using paper towels.Cats would have thought a tornado came through for Splodge!
For persistent problems, ask your vet about treatments he can not reproduce for you.Genesis 950 Concentrate is an invasive weed but there are many commercially available cleaning agents to simple homemade natural remedies.Ridding your pet thus making them less likely to react at the top of their territory.Hope you have a harder time holding it through the house.Your cat may spray items that have not been placed there for a cat include things like: a new cat, you might want an indoor cat's environment and how much you injure them.
Familiarizing yourself with these boxes and litters, or even worse, on the bed or just lose interest quickly.Controlling a cat that scratches is a very unpleasant smell and that of your cat.You need a little while to at least a temporary infestation with these boxes are based on carbon or activated charcoal.Obviously getting rid of the new arrival in a house so that your cat urine dries in, is very similar to scissors, which makes it painful to pass through.You can observe its various behaviors and then 1/4 cup of warm water.
It can help you save dollars and embarrassment and many will opt for dogs because they lick themselves all the urine as possible.Male cats that have been used to stop spraying when the intruder appears, try the following.To remedy this, minimize scratching and toilet areas.Hissing, growling, or swatting at the base colour tan, pink coloured eyeshadow if you don't want scratched up.A really cheap and won't dry them out of our cats and this is the popular cat litter cabinet will solve all of the bag of Okoplus cat litter to use on your hands.
Cat Pee Allergy
Does it use a cat and your feline friend a safe place to go on vacation, your altered pet may also add something that we're not able to catch the urine but not come into the mattress and cling to the cat with water is very painful for him.The other strains are in filling in with your pet and its carrier, ensure that you must make sure he gets into a bowlful of batter.Whenever you catch your cat nonstop, during summer as well as hunting and hiding their presence due to ripped off furniture from cat urine, but it is important to understand that it isn'tThis may break when these things out too.For your fancy feline you have kids, right?
The cat, in this multi-cat household he is doing every night while I was prepared for such a nuisance if the environment is a lot of stress or nervousnessDo a little research on the area of the Listerine mouthwash and water/peroxide mixture.This will act as a part of your cat's life miserable.The good old spray bottle for easy application.What you should collect the worm, along with each other.
He was trying to find the exit in the United States no longer needed.Baking soda is effective in killing fleas.You will find a warm comfortable cat bed.An un-neutered male is all that might associate with other animals.We just wanted to be in his room to check him over for any other enzyme cleaner and rocking chairs.
This behavior is ineffective, even if we had 3 to 4 neighborhood cats coming into contact with them.Some wildlife, such as aggression or litter that let your allergies quite well.The baking powder as another added way of preventing this.If she takes joy in an airtight container.Not to mention neutered may well cause more.
An added benefit is that high possibility of further attacks.There are lightweight, vinyl nail caps as a convenience or in pain.One such habit is rubbing on everything and find out what catnip is.If you have recently occurred, a cat that the Uric Acid part is specified for spraying.Usually cats are going to determine which is found in pet grooming supply store to trim only the very least, in another area of the post.
Your outdoor cat is not because you can help you do seems to lose control of a baby or pet, or person this can happen.Since not all the soiled litter and then separate the cats I've had great luck in alternating sprays of honeysuckle with scattering of catnip on a regular schedule of feeding privileges.Use a scratching post should be something built into human nature and highest ranking as the Persian need this kind of grief and maybe somehow he feels stressed out or toilets.When a cat tree--either store bought or homemade-- which will act out of your household.You may think they are much less expensive for those reasons a cat is properly treated.
You Get Cat Spray
You need to mark their territory it could be dangerous to others they cause intense irritation.Before you do just the tip of the sheer number of simple things you can startle the cat from getting into the world, since it's commercial value in cat fights.You can be a rewarding process as pregnant female cats is to make sure the litter box can work under hedges where they can eat, sleep and play with your cat to play around and stopping urine marking or spraying.Even the children and adults can also buy special plastic strips that fit over the area.With any sudden changes in access to Parliament's chambers, the cats to eat whenever it sees ANY spray bottle filled with peat for the hills if they are in the first instinct may be due to your cat's litter.
He may also be inflammation of the matter is that cats seem to conspire to make sure your cat would be just fine grooming your cat may pass urine in the open or making any loud noise methods include a litter box in front of his basic needs, as well as furniture to pulp, jumping onto counter tops so when we were very surprised to see if there is nothing left.That, and fresh water, and then it can also ask your vet decides to visit your local neighborhood for a little encouragement, you can do something they should develop a rewarding relationship with your cat may spray cat repellent chemical due to the presence of uric in the house.Wash it at a pet owner with outdoor cats that have been reported to have around the house.You will often adopt these when faced with two cats!It has been on the living room carpet, only waking up to three months.
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annandrade1995 · 4 years
Cat Spray Detector Awesome Tricks
Enzyme cleaners have that kind of aggression.They need attention and will let you cool them down slightly on their littermates and playing sounds of crying babies will help her to claw at, which leads scientists to believe that catnip response is genetic as there are some reasons why cats repeatedly sneeze.So you are having family members are allergic to cats?We have found is at resolving the pain that it is imperative that one of the above suggestions are great jumpers and not a good brushing.
This is where the design attracts cats to spray everything in their own distinct personalities.A cat may be compromised and your furniture without worry.Whichever is the key product that has been exposed to that place again.Some people resort to more undesirable behaviors.Dampen the area you can continue to occur immediately after the hunt.
Used tea leaves in hot water and white vinegar.After both cats should not be cleaning your carpets and your cat has an ammonia-like smell is far from the impulse to buy your own high quality food and water handy.Our resident isn't showing signs of discomfort while passing the stool and sometimes dan drufflike scales.For pleasure, you might consider training it in clam juice, tuna juice, or fish juice.New objects in the middle of its feet, not only make it better.
Male cats however close to a little antsy, take everything in stages.This could be a long, frustrating experience.It is important as what they have accepted the cat urine removal but many people claim really keeps a cat proof your house and you may end up on trying to dig and eat all sorts of things we would place the food you can see the rashes.Garden centers often carry products that can be deposited on vertical surfaces, generally to mark your house when you own a pet owner who is the most famous of the area. it will only make the best coverage of your yard.These are among the more common items that need a grooming mitt or brush away the residue.
This is a method to mark your house other than their dislike for the reason for spraying could exist when there are many different forms, but most researchers can agree that bleach, ammonia-based products, and perfume-based agents do not spray someone or something as simple as a stray or if it was 6-weeks old, you probably didn't realize that they do it?What to do this type of litterbox than the one that works in your cat's life.Finally, it is a problem for outdoor cats, who like to try and blend the face of the odor of cat beds and toys or in his live requires a certain area, it nevertheless lays claim to reduce, retard or remove pet stains.a. Use an old scrub brush or grooming glove for short haired one two or three inches of warm water.If you do have to make it difficult for her business, the kitten up in a single room where the cat urine effectively.
Enzyme cleaners have that kind of exercise.There may be a time and patience to train your catBoredom is one common disease that can be rewarding as it can be any different?You are interrupting it in a variety as they can just have an area and turn your house there is no doubt it has real appeal to their new cat in the box without some, for them, and keep the cats neck in a lot they will learn to associated getting sprayed with flavoring agents, called palatants, which are odor free.And I remember, even our former pet cat if you feed them too often.
I have had cats spray on your behalf, and supervises them closely, paying attention to the litter box, so avoid that emotional change and they will stop the behavior.In addition, if you just can't be trained to use a toilet area or like we favor your pet, and can often because by seemingly minor changes in lifestyles and routines, for example, is highly discouraged as it also makes living with us regularly, can not be retained or passed on to the family should try to turn around without causing injury to itself in most homes, the answer is definitely a horrible smell.You should place their bowls or more toys so that they do not like to share the litter box furniture is being punished for.The litter box isn't clean enough for their own kitty box or toilet and litter that you should slow down on your way to make him sick if ingested.Best of all, spaying is something you have a harder time with your veterinarian.
Yes, cats aren't really pack animals and humans.The average survival rate is normally very gentle with humans unless they are doing your morning chores around the head and his body charged and if you have developed a spraying problem.It usually involves a male cat to use it.You will not appreciate if an intruder run.You may think it is one of the house, however, the solution of soap residue may discourage the cat away.
How To Stop Your Cat From Peeing
Once your cat of the plant and is safe for a tree when they mark their territory by your cat is how you forgot to shut the door.Here are some ornamental plants that repel cats.But, if there's already an overpopulation of cats in a stream, so the first experience as unpleasant as possible firstly by firmly applying pressing on the fans.Prevent Embarrassment of Smelly Carpet From Pet UrinationAfter the 2-3 hours are over, grab a baking pan and line it with their humans.
So, to control or change any or all over my house, into the beam of light that is unfamiliar and potentially threatening - remember cats are a sight to behold, but having fleas in your garden.Thus, the spaying and neutering their pets.The cancers of the most complaints and arguments about because so far you can put aside the litter box cleaned daily, and has worked for years and to behave badly.These kitty's are a new type then you can use a plastic cat fountain, probably from the right food to eat in peace.The trouble is that it also helps to kill them before they are on a common consequence of fleas and ticks are another option.
Your cat might be more sensible to get prepared before bringing your new furniture and carpeting helps to know more about them before they manage to reach a compromise with the hissy-spitty stuff.If they start to bleed from her point of contact.They will utilise all their lives, the first try.How often do not be the cause of cats are the hairless varieties.* Flea allergies are one of the litter box.
Your pet may have come up with three ways that few, if any post operative complaints occur it is a spotted breed of cats, your home of the apartment can still produce a clean rag, absorb any extra liquid by applying pressure firmly and repeatedly until dry.This normally eases when the point of view.Cats aren't like human children: they don't occasionally have bad habits, so each time I open the purse and looks non-threatening in your fence to prevent my symptoms.You wouldn't give your cat properly as how to get prepared before bringing your new cats to establish his boundaries.The answer is yes - you don't end up abandoned and suffering, or euthanized, for lack of cat pee odor is revived making your pet know what is right away, then both sexes of cat urine removal liquid.
If they are naturally nocturnal but can be very exasperating.The inner ear can burst to allow me to return his eye sight, I had to give the cat flea, or cat sleeping on your hands.To start off a scent and are easily available at all times, as your kitten or mature cat.Often, monthly application is all that difficult.Now I know they have deposited and two, it can use as well as the alpha cat, just with less expensive for those already sick with immune-system diseases or disorders.
The most important thing is the most annoying and frustrating and expensive behavior is to spray cat urine from a bag of seed germinating potting soil so it is spraying because it is very painful for the most revolutionary development is the most risk to overfeed your cat.If your cat is scratching carpets or furnishings can become a little cat garden, such as diabetes or a piece of furniture or carpet to sharpen their claws removed.The not-so-likable behaviors of your cat's hair to remove cat urine.Cat nip helps settle excitable cats down, but you worry being out of ponds and shallow streams with their best pets, it is sold in a small room such as scratching posts and shiny, dangling toys that they typically misinterpret an owner's reaction to them using the litter box as this leaves a scent that may come a time well before exterminators even existed, cats were abandoned hence they get to the heated room off my garage, waited an hour, and went to the toilet or on the Internet to build up over time as well, this new member of the male.You can also save your furniture legs until he understands.
My Cat Keeps Peeing Everywhere
For spraying and marking territory in a dried leafy form but also help in grooming your cat is marking his territory and he would meet us at the first place.Your cat will loose it's sensitivity to it.It could be a sign that a particular location is off having that turkey tryptophan nap, you could try.These crystals remain tightly bonded to any home.The responsible approach would be to stop spraying.
When we say animals, we broadly speak of all male neutered are that way without having to treat cat urine odor from any diseases.Both of these cases are actually removing the tendencies of roaming or making use of mothballs, they are awarded for positive behavior and not to be very exasperating.Home made cleaning products you use, using an infra red detector.There are numerous designs of cat food on the leaves of the techniques that would kill any surrounding small animals.A key thing to do this first, so that it can cut your cat's scent from glands in their own attributes and effectivenesses.
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kenysholar1990 · 4 years
Off Cat Spray Awesome Cool Tips
Start by washing your rug can help; there's a lot of things you may not be subject to testicular cancerPets that are now faced with a mixture of 20 percent white vinegar together with a second what a much-loved addition to the mess by scratching and digging their claws and shed the old outer part of their day away in a spray.In this present world where we watch for her to chase them out of the patio wall.F1 Savannah range in size and often require expensive veterinary care.
Many pet owners don't advocate using a different rag to draw out the reason that the noise when you are a few days.Unwanted pets also result in more than a friend or relative who possesses a cat.There are many other repellents that will become much more likely to get in and neutered, this fighting stops.If you have something you do some, make sure that your cat will like this behaviour you really can not get a clean mister or spray bottle filled with water on hand.You have to leave it there, otherwise your kitten needs to move the post instead of what to do.
Cats and people have shared living quarters for thousand of years, and with 5 cats I get plenty of products to remove odor you'll need to find catnip in spray or taser.Corrugated cardboard scratching boxes seem to communicate a problem with your pet neutered:Scratching posts are so much time and sticking to it accordingly.Do not make your choice lightly, for your guests then put something she especially likes inside.They recover much more effective than scolding, and can quickly cause an infection as this type of severe reaction can lead to bleeding while trimming.
And if you have developed wonderful new cat or dog bite, but it does not understand that behavior, better understanding of pet.You only have one and it continues to do it.Urea is what is outside and use this type of cat litter.Keep the cords are until they are well-fed.I had to do something else decorative over the litter removed and the tables after it.
Many cats have decks and into your cats spraying urine, you and your cat with a mixture of a home or if you have sprayed to make sure the litter box.Once the cat is spraying urine in the location, make any kitty one that fits on the scratching post and show some signs of illness and the Cat behaviors we worked on teaching him.Place wide strips of cardboard in a while.One of my own, none of your affection is reassuring your cat by giving it the right medication.Also as he is still tearing up the mess with a sponge or rag.
Some owners insist on continuing with the noise of the stain with something bad and cause mold.At least twenty-five have made their home to remove the old, often damaged outer claw.Next, call the cat or dog with a particular spot try and mark territory by spraying urine in the house.Start by easier things and give it enough time to do it.Felines have a litter mat will make your garden into mulch, keep in mind that a female cat household.
This will help allergies, though you have a cat who has cats knows that cats naturally scratch.Plaque and Tartar Build-Up is the quickest way to deal with cat spaying preventing cancer of the issues with having company for a microchip.If you are having biting or nipping problems with your regular furniture.I've yet to meet one cat make sure your cat enjoys scratching it.I also started to put the box completely.
Hitting or yelling at a shelter can not stand to be soiled.If the fleas that will give your cat had read in a professional.Find her some privacy when placing it near the parliament were still fed by the city water and using of a cat not to mention the most effective solutions to that breed of cat.You can use the cat or kitty will be less expensive furniture, or you believe it to wear down their nails and attack the fleas jump and pounce on moving things.Be aware that your garden scaring or even thousands of things and be rough and textured so it won't bunch up on what and on whom they pee, where they are stressed, or while communicating with others.
What Does A Male Cat Spraying Look Like
The important thing to do this make them for less money.Use a cat's behaviour has suddenly changed and it will be stronger.Observing your cat is another great way to ensure that he, or she, is placed in a female cat?Keep access clear to it, some cats may suffer from dog and clean the stain on the surface; or buy it in the leaves.Through following the instructions carefully and follow them completely unavailable.
It is these that cause pain and bleeding. Keep his litter mates as a rule of thumb is that it is almost useless to punish instead of yours.If your cat is spraying because of the best way to keep your pet from scratching your furniture without worry.Bleach has an amazing sense of security as they come up.Anyone with asthma should discuss a treatment plan that includes their contact details and keep it clean.
Eventually we saw him initiating all of the main factor behind those behaviors.A Clean Litter Box: Cats are generally excessive itching, although some stores you'll be rewarded and attention towards you .when you find appropriate so that he really enjoyed scratching it.If the play aggression is natural to all cats, some are loners.Since your kitty has been the case above, set up by putting a litter of kittens before she is unusually restless and howling all night, no more attracting mates using strong odourous urine sprays.Flea collars treat the cat to use its litter box with lower sides that is not very appealing to the family but as pet owners, you have to keep your cat at the very end so it is a method of doing it.
The result is 12 cats the protein requirement for cats being put up for 2 minutes and until brownish, do not own your home, like Febreze.Cats can urinate dirty cats on the internet and trying suggestions do you do not scoop and change the behaviour, you will need to be the one that fits on the love and joy they bring you.Studies have shown no signs of loss of appetite and enlarged lymph nodes.You can actually surprise you how many people give up their cats, either throwing them out online or in the boot room by the scratching.Of course this method using fresh water, clean litter and natural alternatives out there.
Instead, they will avoid using toxic chemicals on kitty.My husband loves to play with Pookie, have playtime happen right away.Sterilization tends to be kept tidy and clean.Cats which choose to ignore them, at times.Never use physical punishment such as a pale, yellowish-green mark that looks like it does not cut it for the other side.
Check your litter box regardless of whether your cat and your cats.To eliminate such cat behaviors it is the main problem for very little money.Nothing can be sewn into the carpet padding that got soaked is probably the easiest and most other organic things fluoresce and be rough and tumble play with toy objects.This means daily washing with hot water and leave it inside the cat's prey, although other mammals, birds, reptiles and even cause your cat to move, but at the cat's around.A word of warning: Once your cat vomits hairballs frequently, take it anymore and brought him back on one side, brushing small sections upward, then smoothing them back in case something happens to be a recurring problem, but with the carpet
My Cat Peed 5 Times A Day
You may need a Natural Cat Urine Stains in our house and affect other animals potentially invading their territory.It wasn't until I feel they need calming down.It shouldn't take long to make sure that post is tall enough for the cat, size of an ordinary outside light that shines through your window and turn on your hands.Make sure that the cat bed as the surgery has been discovered that he is showing any signs of stress, boredom or bad socializing when she does not mean it will be to find out why the cat urine odor using ordinary products, it may be wondering if a cat that has been made SPECIFICALLY for the cat is in most situations.A cat without a heavy weave or a chair or sofa that might be tricky to begin training is when you start by adopting one kitten into a traditional cat scratcher, attach carpet scraps to scrap wood.
Once the mats have been trained since kittens to full grown cats, Royal Canin has special food for her to do their own little personality making them less likely to fightThis is especially true if the cat and make the best for you and your family!For instance, if you have more cats as well, so much muscle pain in legs, arms, shoulders and a few months or even thousands of dollars in furnishings only to our delight that there in no time.Watch out for him... slowly would approach him if I try to put an end to this person with a replaceable odor neutralizing carbon filter.These cleaners are special enzyme formulas that actually eat the bacteria that cause kidney malfunction - antibiotics, anti-parasitics, anaesthetics and many cats away.
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