#clean crown chakra
how to alchemize with aries season:
third eye + crown chakra protection
solar plexus healing
spend time in nature, especially by water for downloads
adjust your vision boards
limit social media screen time
monetize a creative endeavor
spring clean!
take care of your feet
scream in nature
healing toxic masculinity
healing parental wounds
change up your social circle accordingly
heal your people pleaser tendencies
heal your authority trauma so that you can start taking authority in your own life
yoni steam
address any yoni health issues
practice self-validation
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1galaxia369 · 5 months
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❤️ Timeless Reading ❤️
For my lovely Leo risings, I see that you're at a beautiful point in your life. You have been handed support and abundance by the universe, she has been favoring you. It's for a reason, you have a lot coming in and your purpose and soul fullfilment is prominent for this new journey. Your spirit guides need you to be prepared because once this starts coming in there's no turning back and no going back to your comfort habits and coping mechanisms. They're trying to teach you to be intentional with everything you do. You're on the right track, I need to clap yourself and be proud of yourself. You learned your lessons and overcame some tough stuff, that's admirable. Now I see that you're having trouble with the "what next?"
Your ancestors are at work right now. You have things to do in the meantime though, you're worrying about what to do next and the tasks that you have been saying you were going to do are sitting there undone. All those creative skills you have and are planning to use to achieve your goals need to be worked on more. Your Spirit team is working to arrange and bring forth a lot of opportunities for you in the meantime perfect those skills, have some fun,do some soul searching, spend time in nature, unblock those chakras. You have an abundance of things to do that will heal and make you better. Worrying about what next is showing that you're not focusing on the right things and that will lead to self doubt and procrastination.
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I see love coming for you, alot of peace and balance and harmony in relationships. You successfully removed all the negative people from around you and now the people that are in your life are bringing harmony and support. You have people that love you and are stepping up to support you, I'll suggest trusting that, use discernment but still trust. I'm seeing boss energy coming in for you, I see a lot of Mr/Ms "I don't play that shit". I love that for you guys! Stop accepting peoples bullshit and stand up, who cares if they think your being cocky or acting like your better than them. You have to take care of your self FIRST before anyone else. Self love is choosing to do right by yourself regardless of what people say or how they feel. You know what you want/need and you took the time out to learn yourself. You learned your own love language and do all the things you need to be happy and feel loved…for yourself. This is what the universe wanted and now you’re about be rewarded for your hard work and self improvement.
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I understand your restlessness at this moment but that energy needs to be put into something else. I already told you about your neglect towards your creative endeavors and skills. Get on that. It will lead to something, go revisit them and review those old plans and mood boards and journal entries. Get your stationary and start your revision and rewrite things it'll be better now that you have more information and a better idea of what you want. The universe is about to open doors to fulfillment and you need to be ready for it, practice meditation and breathing, you need to maintain a sound mind, clean from clutter. The field is cleared and I can see the gears turning but you need something to direct that energy into something hence why suggested to you to go look back at your goals. There's no confusion or illusion, you're creating that yourself and it'll throw you off we need some creative focus right now. Congratulations again on doing away with the bull shit. Enjoy your "We only entertain peace" era.
I recommend Carnelian,Amethyst,celestite, smoky quartz,rainbow flourite. Aura cleansing is needed, egg cleanses are good, go see a practitioner for one good cleanse(you don't have to tho), Try putting florida water into a spray bottle to help with quick cleansing. Crown chakra and third eye needs some attention. Stay away from people that drain you.
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santoschristos · 8 months
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The Seven Chakras:
Root Chakra – Muldhara:
Earth, physical identity, orientation to self-preservation.
Sacral Chakra – Svadhisthana, sweetness:
Water, emotional identity, oriented to self-gratification.
Solar Plexus Chakra – Manipura, lustrous gem:
Fire, ego identity, oriented to self-definition
Heart Chakra – Anahata, unstruck, unhurt, fresh, clean:
Air, social identity, oriented to self-acceptance
Throat Chakra – Vishuddha, purification:
Sound, creative identity, oriented to self-expression
Brow Chakra – Ajna, perception:
Light, archetypal identity, orientation to self-reflection
Crown Chakra – Sahasrara, thousandfold:
Thought, universal identity, oriented to self-knowledge
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“You received this card today because you, or someone close to you, have absorbed some energies of fear. They could have been self generated from your own foreboding or may have come from being with fearful people.Whenever you feel tired or have been subjected to substance abuse, (such as spending time in a pub or bar), take the time to cleanse away residual energies. You can conduct this process anytime or anywhere, even when other people are nearby. You can also conduct this “vacuuming” for other people – in person or remotely (just be sure to ask their verbal or psychic permission first).
Action StepsTo vacuum yourself or another person, just say: “Archangels Michael and Raphael, I call upon you and your healing Band Of Mercy Angels to come now with your spiritual vacuum cleaner. Please deposit the vacuum hose through the crown chakra and suction away any toxic, fear based or entity energy.” See and feel the vacuum hose completely cleaning the entire inside of the body (including organs, muscles, and bones) from head to toe. Shudders and other physical reactions are a normal and positive sign that the process is working. Continue until the body feels quiet, and then say:“Thank you, Michael and Raphael, for this healing. Please now fill the body with your diamond-bright white light to heal and protect.”
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visdom444 · 5 days
Omg the pink full moon was rocking my shit lmfao. In the most positive way though. It was for sure very releasing and cleansing. I guess I wasn't fully aware of the things I hadn't let go of and a lot of it was centered around projection... Crazy how we easily hold onto other peoples shit and completely can release anything that belongs to us.
So I pulled 4 cards and the second two that came out came out together and I put them back in the deck lmfao. I shuffled them again and they came out literally the same way. I think that might be spirit saying "TRUST that I got YOU."
A lot of old memories coming up! You could be thinking "well why the fuck am I thinking about this" the same way when you drink water and you pee, your body naturally purges out the old so it can make way for the new... its the same thing with your emotions they just don't teach that in health class. You are making way in your emotional body so that you can allow yourself to experience new feelings and emotions without the disruption of the past. It can feel like a part of you is dying and it truly is. You could feel very heavy in the heart and your crown chakra could be feeling a little irritated. Take time to explore your thoughts! Write down all the stuff that keeps popping up. Cry it out burn the paper... Do whatever you need to do but don't try to suppress the truth... Girl are we still in retrograde? LMFAO. The universe really is not playing with us when it comes to growth like we are being PUSHED if we haven't willingly decided to grow ourselves. I think its for our best benefit... Honestly not everything is happening to us but for us but when you don't understand it it can be confusing tbh.
Taking action to become this new version of you. You already are it. It feels different don't it? You cant even remember everything you've been purging and if you do you laughed because you now see what it turned you into and you are thankful for it.
What actions are left for you to get to where it is that you want to be within self? I see people changing their eating habits and indulging more in the things that truly bring them happy instead of doing things that they feel obligated to do. I see a lot of people cleaning out their home or just simply selling the whole fucking thinking and moving on lmao. Like "I don't wanna be here anymore." A lot of people moving to different parts of the country and really finding their life outside of the idea of what other people keep telling you its supposed to be. Finding new ways to pick up the energy within self. I think a lot of us are just deciding to not overthink and form an opinion after we do things instead of before we do them.
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divine-nonchalance · 5 months
The Solstice Energies & 2024
The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
You have already begun to experience the energies of the upcoming solstice, and you will continue to receive as you move closer to the actual day, the actual event. We are noticing how much more you open up to the energies that are upon you when you have a big event to look forward to and to experience in real time. We have been teaming up with the Andromedans, the Pleiadians, and many others to deliver to you quite a beautiful cocktail of energies for the solstice.
We want you to know that you are being catapulted into a higher frequency of energies, a higher level of consciousness with every waking moment and with every breath that you take there on Earth, and we invite you to recognize that you are doing this because you have decided that you wanted to explore consciousness in this very deliberate way. In other words, you wanted to be awake for the ascension, and you wanted to lead others through the experience of awakening their consciousness and ascending themselves to a higher dimension. What this means is, you’ve done all of this before.
Of course, there were times on Earth when many people were celebrating a solstice, or an equinox, or a full moon, or an eclipse. There were many, many more percentage wise than there are today, and that is because people have let go of their connection to nature and have connected to other ways of exploring consciousness. Religions are a good example of this. They have been widespread across the planet, and there isn’t a real encouragement within most faiths to check in with what’s going on inside of you and to explore nature. There isn’t as much of an emphasis on the power of celestial events, and therefore, humanity has moved away from tapping in to all of the possibilities and all of the energies that are present at a time like the solstice.
Now, to prepare yourself for the influx of energies, you do want to make sure you are taking care of yourselves by hydrating, grounding in your bodies and grounding into Mother Earth. You do want to keep your bodies as clean and pure as you can and that includes your thoughts and your emotions. Do what you need to in order to cleanse away anything that no longer serves you, and make yourselves the beautiful conduits of the solstice energies that you can be and that you have been, and let the solstice energies catapult into 2024, where you will be moving closer and closer to e.t. contact experiences and the completion of the shift.
As far as the energies that we are sending goes, you can expect an upgrade to all of your seven main chakras, as well as an emphasis on helping you to open up at the crown so that you can receive all the contact, all the downloads, all the activations, everything that is coming to you in 2024 and beyond. We thank you for this opportunity to serve, and we know that some of you are opening up right now to receive.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
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amieravenson · 5 months
Cleansing Magick
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This is perhaps the most important magick that any witch can learn. When you're able to cleanse your space and your life, you're able to assert control over the energies that have access to you. Perhaps that's why cleansing is one of the first things that we're taught as baby witches. Keeping the energies that we surround ourself with clear and fresh is the first step to other types of magick. There are several ways you can start cleansing yourself and your space. Take these suggestions and run with them! - Actually clean your space. (Not gonna lie, this is one I need to work on...) The more you move old, stagnant energies out, by cleaning, organizing, and minimizing your things, the more you have room for new, positive energies. I find that whenever I clean my space thoroughly, I feel lighter and more free, and I also have exciting new energies come into my life. It can be a huge pain, but it's worth doing! - Clean your body. Treat showers and bathtimes as a purification ritual. Imagine the water rinsing away any negativity or 'gunk' that can collect and be stored in your body. Use special soaps or rub a little salt on your skin to amplify the cleansing. Use my Florida water or my smudge spray recipes and create a spray that you can use every night before you go to bed. This will help you get rid of anything that you don't want to take with you into dream time. - Clean your mind. Think about the things that bring you down. Too much screen time? Too much gossip? Too much stress? Do you have friends or family that put you in a negative headspace? How can you limit their affects on you? Make a list if necessary. Identifying the problems will help you find solutions and clear your mind. - Clean yourself spiritually. Periodically I like to do a small energetic ritual where I cut cords that I'm no longer needing. I then use my left hand to take back energy I've given to others, visualizing it coming back to me as a silver light. And then I use my right hand to project the energy I've taken from others back to them as a gold light. It helps me to keep myself to myself and not be caught up in others' issues and drama. You can also meditate on your bodies (physical and energetic) being cleansed from above by golden light pouring in through your crown chakra. Whatever floats your boat! And of course, now we need to talk about...
Herbs for Cleansing and Purification
- Hyssop- a brilliant cleansing and purification herb, and a worthy substitute for sage in your workings. - Peppermint- Great for a Winter seasonal cleanse. - Rosemary- Use in baths and cleansing teas. - Rue- Can be used by dipping a bunch into a cleansing water or tea, and sprinkling drops over your space. Also used in exorcism rites. - Sage- perhaps the best known for purification and blessings. Be careful with what you buy, and forego the white California sage (which is sacred to some Native Americans as a closed practice and is being over-harvested). Use garden sage instead (which is easy to grow yourself, and has just as much 'oomph' as white California sage). - Solomon's Seal- used in exorcism or cleansing. - Tobacco- Burn on charcoal to remove negativity. - Vervain- Used in purification incenses and baths. - Woodruff- A Spring herb, used to clear away the stagnant energy of Winter. (From Scott Cunningham's Magical Herbalism)
Stones for Cleansing and Purification
- Agate- Cleansing at physical and emotional levels. - Amethyst- Cleansing, helps over come addictions and blockages. - Ametrine- Cleanses the aura and helps remove toxins from the body. - Black Tourmaline- Absorbs negativity, especially electromagnetic smog. - Petalite- Aids in spiritual purification. - Smoky Quartz- Absorbs negativity and transmutes it to positive. - Turquoise- Dispels negative energy. - Zincite- Can stimulate a healing catharsis. (Use with caution!) (From Judy Hall's The Crystal Bible) How about you? What do you use to cleanse your home, body, mind, and spirit? Are there some things I forgot here in this list? Please let me know in the comments. Blessed be! Read the full article
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gems-addicted054 · 8 months
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100% Natural Multi Flashy Rainbow Moonstone Oval Shape Faceted 8x11x5 mm 2.60 Carat Eye Clean AAA Quality Rare Fire Rainbow Moonstone
A Crown Chakra crystal, Moonstone has long been the stone of love, fertility, intuition, magic, protection, hope, and spiritual purity. Moonstone calms and encourages as it teaches us the natural rhythms of life, opens the heart to empathy, and assists in the acceptance of love.
Moonstone is said to increase our sensitivity to the Feminine Divine, to heighten intuition, and to open us up to our psychic gifts. It encourages hope and inspiration to allow us to wish, aspire, and flow in harmony with our dreams. It opens us to serendipity and synchronicity. Moonstone is said to induce restful sleep, and aid in lucid dreaming.
It is a stone of protection for women and children, especially pregnant women and babies. It has been used for centuries to enhance fertility and is believed to support women's reproductive health all around, from easing menstrual problems to soothing fluctuating hormones, to assisting a woman in childbirth.
Considered a stone of the goddess, Moonstone is associated with the moon, the tides, femininity, and the subconscious. It helps sync the rhythms of lunar energy to the rhythms of a woman’s body. Moonstone helps men become more in-tune with the feminine aspects of their nature. It stimulates the right side of the brain to encourage nonlinear thinking and emotional balance.
Rainbow Moonstone has all the properties of White Moonstone, with an extra focus to on protection, especially psychic protection and especially while asleep and most vulnerable. The Rainbow Moonstone reacts with a person's own light body to help deflect any negativity and allow the person to sleep peacefully. Many believe that the Rainbow Moonstone is the most in alignment with Nature and extra-worldly consciousness.
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capitalnineteen · 1 year
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Breathtaking panoramic views of the Aegean Sea and Peloponnese await you at this private island oasis designed and curated by Alpha Industries founder Miles Bron. Sleek architecture and sophisticated design with an equal eye toward nature and extravagance provide an unparalleled luxury living experience accessible only by boat and crowned by a Glass Onion atrium – an architectural triumph and one-of-a-kind piece-de-resistance adorning the main residence soaring 20 meters high.
This private commune is the perfect retreat for groups of friends, families and enemies alike with the property boasting seven private studio villas – each inspired by a different chakra, six pools, a state of the art gym featuring on call private training sessions, lavish gardens and a multitude of entertaining spaces including a sunken living room and massive dining area perfect for hosting the most elaborate of murder mystery parties.
Large scale sculptures adorn the grounds, and the owners’ carefully curated and commissioned selection of high-end art including works by Banksy and Francis Bacon make this a truly priceless acquisition.
Powered with clean energy and brimming with opulence and intrigue, don’t miss this one of a kind opportunity to own a masterpiece of elegant indoor-outdoor living and true commune for creativity. The Glass Onion is sure to be the full reclamation of everything you’ve achieved.
Interior Details
State-of-the art gym
Wood and Marble Flooring
Six levels or more
Glass Atrium
Smart Home
Bespoke Hourly Time Keeper
Green Energy Power
Media Room
Wine Cellar
Custom Furnishings and Frescoes
Priceless Works of Art
Museum-Grade Security System
Robotic Butler
Exterior Details
7 private studio villas each with en-suite
6 pools
Private beach with one of a kind glass pier
Panoramic Views
Ocean Views
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makespaceforspirit · 9 months
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Chakra painting by K. Ibura Circling back to the story of the farmer that I mentioned in my last post, both calamity and luck have the possibility of being good or bad fortune in the long run. As life continues to roll on, we sometimes find that huge wins or losses become neither good nor bad, just a point in our life story.
Yesterday during my meditation session, I felt a lot of volume and weight in my root chakra area—almost like a heavy lump of stuck energy resting in a bowl. I worked on different ways to release that stuck energy. When I attempted to move on, I was pulled to remain in the root chakra area and continue trying to clear out the weighty energy.
When I was finally released, I went up the chakras one by one, sending energy through them and envisioning their colored light shining through. When I got up to the crown chakra and reached upwards to connect to the universe, I felt a huge whoosh of energy rush through me, clearing everything out, including what was left of the stuck energy in my root chakra area.
What a clear illustration of the limits of my human consciousness. When that huge burst of energy swooped through me, it was like a physical sensation cleaning me out, reminding me that the answers and solutions won't be found in my past or in my mental capacities or my efforts. I can soar by connecting with the larger stream of the universe, getting in the flow, and surrendering my worry.
This is not a revelation, but the reminder is revelatory. It's not a revelation because humans have been turning their lives over to a higher power since the beginning of our existence. We have so many religious systems that we use to calm our minds, soothe our spirits, and give us the faith to continue on in this unknowable, challenging journey called life. But the reminder was revelatory because we, as humans, are not even conscious where we are drawing energy from. It is seductively easy to live only from our past lived experiences. Believing, for example, that if something has never worked before, that it will never work. Believing that if you can't see the way you're going to reach a goal, it's impossible to reach it. Believing only in what your limited experiences have proven, even as we look around us and see other humans achieving first time experiences all the time.
I am not an airy person. I'm a grounded and practical person. My spirituality is anchored in my need to walk though this world as a functioning human. Without some faith that energy from the universe will, from time to time, come whooshing through and sort me out, I'm not sure how far I would be able to travel on this journey. I am grateful for all the reminders, big and small, that I can rely on myself, AND I can be sure that I'll be getting help on the journey if I let it in.
Have you had experiences where the universe gave you an assist when you were stuck? Where help came out of nowhere and/or a path that was blocked is suddenly clear and accessible to you? If you are stuck, may this be your reminder that the assistive winds of the universe are active and present. You may need to release a mindset or a belief to access them. You may need some quiet time or to take a small leap. Whatever it is, I'm hoping that you feel the breeze of support whoosh through you today—and that it points the way to a sustainable path to keep you closer to your own soul and the flow of the universe.
—K. Ibura
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firstpersonnarrator · 2 years
Color Symbolism: explained quickly using stones.
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Taken from my reblog of a picture of Robert Sheehan wearing a long necklace full of stones in every color; via @robsclan
Discusses the benefits ascribed to all the colors in the rainbow, and a few that aren’t i.e. gold, brown, black.
Passing clear light thru a prism breaks it into its component colors of the rainbow, roygbiv. Random side note: Stones in these colors turn out to share the same attributes as the chakras. So reading this list is kind of an unexpected two-fer: stones & chakras.
Hey writers! There’s stuff for you below…
Where the chakras are on your body:
Each color matches your chakras, in the same order and everything.
Red: between your legs-basically your perineum // Orange: your sex organs (uterus for women and right where a uterus would be on a man) // Yellow: just below ribs // Green: heart and lungs // Blue: mouth and throat, brain // indigo: third eye-centered just above eyebrows // violet, purple, white, clear: the space in the air just above the top of your head-basically imagine having a halo and that’s your crown chakra.
The takeaway:
Hope this wasn’t boring or pointless. Takeaway: Clear quartz (or a diamond) of any size is the winner on every front universally // tiger eye and turquoise kick ass for business and luck // amethyst opens up your mind // selenite keeps you safe // I like malachite and lapis lazuli together for love and speaking your truth from the heart and head. // For writers: Lapis Lazuli and amethyst together are great for creativity, coming up with ideas, seeing the story in your mind’s eye, etc. If you have writer’s block, wear amethyst and/or clear quartz for inspiration, and maybe a tiger eye for accessing emotions, regaining motivation, success, and luck. // If somebody you don’t like is around and you can still feel it after they’re gone, making you want to shower the minute they left, grab a clear quartz to get rid of the residue in the air from their gross vibe. // Same thing for cleansing a new house and you don’t like burning sage (or can’t because you can’t figure it out, like me). // If you’re an empath, clear quartz cleans your mind of other people’s feelings; obsidian or hematite protects you from other people’s feelings like a shield; rose quartz cheers you up and makes you positive/happy/loving yourself again; selenite traps bad stuff and needs to be on your windowsill pretty frequently for emptying the trapped bad stuff out. Might as well just leave it there.
Hooray for rocks. And rainbows.
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mrsdallway · 2 years
witch neil josten
WITCHCRAFT!!! i really like the idea of cozy neil crocheting, gardening and baking… and that's probably why i LOVE the idea of witch neil! (no supernatural elements, just a normal modern witch)
a rewrite of aftg. everything is the same. except
mary is secretly a witch and teaches neil everything she knows
neil's binder is a book of shadows / grimoire
neil has a LOT of amulets! necklaces, bracelets etc all handcrafted by himself. when he starts to get familiar with the foxes, he makes for them too
TAROT! he obsessively reads the future for himself and the foxes! watch out for the king cards! allison and renee weekly ask him for advice
crystals! neil carries at least a quartz with him everywhere he goes. amethyst for kevin's hungovers. meditation with rose quartz when he starts hooking up with andrew.
neil always forgets sabbats
sigils/runes!!!! he draws them everywhere! exy racquets, notebooks (we all know neil doodles in the margins), phones, his duffle, allison's beauty products AND HIS SCARS
tea!! after his first night at eden's he makes spearmint tea to control his anger, garlic tea to expel negative energy and evil eye. also,,, he lights a black candle (our little candle collector) for banishment and takes a coarse salt bath for cleaning
fennel seeds under his pillow to keep nightmares away
saint george's sword at the dorm entrance for protection
neil puts pretection spells all over the fox tower. many students have reported odd events where they see a tiny little weird guy reciting ancient words of prayer in the hall
neil is obviously adept of chaos magic
he tries to curse riko once
matt eventually gets used to the rituals at the middle of the night. he even defends neil to dan saying "let him! it's full moon!"
neil's water bottle at practice is alway full of sun or moon water
"no nicky i don't worship the devil"
when the foxes are fighting at practice he just lets some chamomile incense burn
he eventually becomes pagan and prays to hermes (get it?) / or maybe he gets in some religion like umbanda
neil likes listening to celtic songs!!
after evermore and being beaten up by riko he jokes that the pain is just because his chakras are unbalanced
sitting outside, sticking his fingers in the earth, laying in the sun, stargazing, hugging trees, hunting mushrooms, watching bugs, feeding stray cats, making flower crowns
his offerings always have fruit
he probably blessed his exy racquet, don't judge him
when neil moves to the monsters' dorm andrew helps him to set up an altar. and gives him one of his knives to use as an athame. he loves his witch bf
neil pays back spreading lavender essential oil on andrew's pulse points to ease stress
his fav element is obviously fire (but he's a capricorn so he likes earth too)
blowing cinnamon every first day of the month
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Sacred Geometry to Clean the Chakras
From bottom to top the 7 chakras are as follows: Root (red), Sacral (orange), Solar plexus (yellow), Heart (green or pale pink), Throat (pale blue), Third eye (indigo) and Crown (purple).
Each chakra is built on the other, which means that a blockade on one chakra affects the others. Often the others try to compensate the blocked one, which causes them to get overactive and thus out of balance.
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Sacred Geometry also works very strongly on energy fields and therefore also on your aura and chakras. Some sacred geometric forms work on specific chakras such as the dodecahedron and the icosahedron. These are Platonic Solids, each of them are linked to a chakra. Others work balancing on every energy field like the Vector Equilibrium.
Choose a sacred geometric figure of your choice. Preferably a physical one so that you can place it on your body. Make sure there is a nice quiet spot where you can lie down, if necessary bring some blankets to keep you warm.
Place the sacred geometry on the chakra you would like to clean. Close your eyes and relax. Ask the consciousness of your sacred geometric figure if he/she wants to clean it.
Surrender to the process. Emotions that can come loose may be expressed so that space is created in your system and blockages can be healed.
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falutears · 2 years
Spirituality and Hair, Skin, and Nails
When it comes to the spiritual part of it, 
Your hair is the protector of your crown. It’s important to nourish your scalp to improve your hair quality and allow your mindset to be clear. You can cleanse yourself just by getting in the shower and visualizing all of the negative energy melting off your body and all the bad thoughts melting from your mind. By doing this, you can help yourself feel more at peace.
If you work or worship Aphrodite or other deities that relish in beauty, you can wash your hair as an offering or wash your hair with products based on Aphrodite or the deities’ name as a devotional act. You can make the products, most easily with scents. Scents they love or are sacred to them.
Recognizing your hair texture
If you have straight hair, you will have straight strands when it’s wet and it will not hold a curl whatsoever without heat. If you have curly hair, or wavy hair it will hold a curl even if it’s slight when it’s wet. 
Now on to the physical tips
-Wash your scalp with shampoo, and your tips with conditioner.
-Towel dry and then air or blow dry. Blow drying can damage hair if done too much.
-Most curlers take up to 12 hours to dry, depending on the thickness of your hair and the amount of curlers used.
-Don’t ever go to sleep with wet hair
-Brush your hair gently when it’s wet. Don’t always brush when dry, as it may puff up.
Now onto skin.
Your skin, which it’s most likely known to you, it’s the biggest living organism in your body. And it protects each and every chakra. It protects your muscle, and is an outer layer of protection for your intestines and internal systems.
You can cleanse your skin the same way as your hair, get in the shower and visualize the water washing away the bad energy. 
As for the physical tips, 
-Wash your skin with a body wash that doesn’t irritate your skin.
-Use washes for designated body parts.
-Pay attention to the oily-ness or the dryness on your face. Buy corresponding face washes.
-After you get out of the shower, or even when you go swimming, put lotion on. It doesn’t matter the amount of melanin in your skin, that won’t affect it. Water dries out your skin, it’s important to put lotion on.
As for the nails,
Your nails are the conductors of your energy. They have energy flowing through them constantly. Whether you’re expelling energy or receiving it. So when you get to your home or bedroom where it’s energy your nails are used to, it’s important to manicure them at that time.
For the physical tips
-Clean underneath your nails gently.
-Don’t pick at them. Don’t rip them off. If this is a habit of yours, then it’s important to get a substitute for it,
-Clip your nails to trim them, don’t rip them.
-File them to the shape you’d like. Also file them to get rid of sharp edges.
That’s all for today. Thank you for taking the time to read this and please follow if you’d like to see more like this, or suggest something. 
I do readings, to book one please message me. They are 2 dollars per card. I take cashapp only.
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healersangeetajha23 · 15 days
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Do you ever feel like something is off-balance within yourself? Maybe you experience stress, anxiety, or a general sense of disconnection. If so, it might be time to explore the world of chakra cleansing and spiritual healing.
Chakras, originating from ancient Indian spiritual traditions, are energy centers within our bodies. It is believed that these energy centers play a crucial role in our physical, mental, and emotional well-being. When our chakras are blocked or imbalanced, it can lead to various issues in our lives.
Understanding Chakras:
There are seven main chakras, each associated with different aspects of our being:
Root Chakra (Muladhara): Located at the base of the spine, this chakra is linked to our sense of security and stability.
Sacral Chakra (Swadhisthana): Found in the lower abdomen, it governs our creativity and sexual energy.
Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura): Situated in the upper abdomen, it influences our self-esteem and personal power.
Heart Chakra (Anahata): Positioned at the center of the chest, it’s all about love, compassion, and forgiveness.
Throat Chakra (Vishuddha): Located at the throat, this chakra relates to communication and self-expression.
Third Eye Chakra (Ajna): Situated between the eyebrows, it’s associated with intuition and inner wisdom.
Crown Chakra (Sahasrara): At the top of the head, it connects us to the universe and higher consciousness.
The Importance of Cleansing:
Just like we need to clean our physical bodies regularly, our chakras also require cleansing to maintain optimal functioning. Daily stress, negative emotions, and even physical ailments can cause blockages in our chakras, disrupting the flow of energy throughout our body.
Techniques for Chakra Cleansing:
Several techniques can help cleanse and balance your chakras:
Meditation: Meditation allows you to focus your attention on each chakra, visualizing them being cleansed and energized.
Yoga: Certain yoga poses are specifically designed to open and align the chakras, promoting balance and vitality.
Reiki: This energy healing technique involves channeling universal life force energy to remove blockages and restore balance to the chakras.
Crystals: Crystals have unique energies that can be used to cleanse and align the chakras. Each chakra corresponds to specific crystals.
Aromatherapy: Using essential oils can help stimulate and balance the chakras, promoting overall well-being.
Sangeeta Jha Healing Services in Chandigarh:
If you’re in Chandigarh and seeking spiritual healing services to cleanse and balance your chakras, look no further than Sangeeta Jha Healing Services. With years of experience and a deep understanding of chakra cleansing and spiritual healing techniques, Sangeeta Jha offers personalized sessions tailored to your specific needs.
Whether you’re struggling with stress, or anxiety, or simply seeking greater harmony and alignment in your life, Sangeeta Jha Healing Services can help. Contact Sangeeta today to embark on your journey towards holistic well-being and spiritual growth.
In conclusion, chakra cleansing and spiritual healing are powerful practices that can bring profound transformation and inner peace. By taking care of our energy centers, we can experience greater vitality, clarity, and joy in our lives. So why wait? Start your journey towards balance and harmony today.
Contact Sangeeta Jha Healing Services for spiritual healing services in Chandigarh.
Remember, true healing begins from within.
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komal09 · 22 days
Mahameru Shree Yantra
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Let us enter the wonderful world of the Maha Meru Shree Yantra, a sacred geometric symbol revered in Hinduism and Tantra. This intricate yantra has great spiritual importance and is considered to bring health, wealth, and prosperity to those who connect with it. What is Mahameru Shree Yantra?
The Maha Meru Shree Yantra, also known as the Sri Chakra, is a three-dimensional version of the popular two-dimensional Sri Yantra. It represents Tripura Sundari (also called Adi Parashakti), the pure feminine soul. The yantra is composed of nine interlocking triangles, four pointing upward and five pointing downward, which represent Lord Shiva and Goddess Shakti, respectively. These triangles form a circle around the Bindu, or center point.
Sacred Geometry and Symbolism
The Maha Meru Shree Yantra symbolizes the fundamental concepts of creation, preservation, and dissolution. Its intricate shape represents cosmic order and the combination of masculine and feminine energies.
Upward-pointing triangles signify male consciousness, while downward-pointing triangles reflect feminine energy and manifestation. The central bindu represents the source, the unmanifested state from whence all creation emerges.
Meditation on the Maha Meru Shree Yantra is claimed to activate the chakras and link the seeker to greater consciousness. The yantra is said to provide the advantages of Goddess Lalita Tripura Sundari, such as health, money, and spiritual advancement.
Placing it in homes, temples, or businesses is believed to be auspicious. Spiritual Practices:
Pooja (Worship): Devotees perform elaborate rituals, chanting mantras and offering flowers, incense, and lights to the yantra. Meditation: During meditation, meditating on the yantra helps to tune the mind to higher frequencies, which promotes inner growth. Mantra Recitation: The Shree Yantra Mantra ("Om Shreem Hreem Shreem Kamale Kamalalaye Praseed Praseed") improves its efficiency.
Connecting with the Maha Meru Shree Yantra promotes prosperity and success. The yantra is believed to provide riches, financial stability, and material prosperity.
It awakens the Muladhara Chakra, which is associated with anchoring and financial prosperity. The yantra's holy geometry encourages health and healing by harmonizing energy centers. It relates to the Anahata Chakra, which enhances emotional well-being. Regular contemplation of the yantra may boost spiritual awareness. It connects the seeker to the Sahasrara Chakra, or crown chakra, which fosters unity with the divine.
How to Connect with the Mahameru Shree Yantra
Placement: Keep the yantra in a clean, holy area. You can set it on an altar, facing either east or north. Chanting and Meditation: Repetitively repeat the Shree Yantra Mantra and reflect on the yantra. Visualize its complex patterns and let its energy infiltrate your being.
dedication: Treat the yantra with respect and dedication. Believe in its transformational power. In conclusion, the Maha Meru Shree Yantra is more than just a geometric design; it is a portal to cosmic energy and benefits. As you go deeper, may it reveal your way to prosperity, health, and spiritual awareness.
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