#chatnoir oneshots
multifandomwriter18 · 3 years
“Just one Kiss” Chatnoir x Reader
A/n: sorry for not posting again, I’ve been in a writers block for a while. I haven’t touched any of my fanfics for a while but since we are in 2021 I wanna change that and work more on my stories :)
Anyways here’s a short imagine, hope y’all like it! Also feel free to follow me on my wattpad @alexandracapone1 and @annalisathewriter
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I've been fighting along side with Lady Bug and Chat Noir for a while now..
But there is just one problem...
I'm in love with Chat and Adrien..
I sighed as I leaned against the light  post as Lady Bug takes out the akuma with her yo-yo.
I smiled as we all fist bumped. "Pound it!”
Chat Noir winked at me as I blushed furiously while rolling my (eye colour) eyes.
"Well that was fun see you all later!" Stated Lady Bug and ran off leaving Chat Noir and I.
"See ya later Kitty.."
Before I could run Chat grabbed my arm. "Please don't go.." I froze and looked at him.
His hand moved from my wrist to my waist and pulled me against him. "C-Chat, let me go, we got a few more minutes before-"
"I want to know who the girl under that mask is..the one I'm falling for.."
Heat flushed through my (skin colour) cheeks. "N-no we..wait what?!" I nearly shrieked.
My heart was racing. He has feelings for me?!
But I love Adrien too..how can I just..oh my god..
"H-how can you have feelings for someone who you hardly know and I-"
"-I know you feel that spark too My Lady..just tell me you feel the same."
His green eyes burned into my (eye colour) ones. "I.." I trailed off adverting my gaze to the ground.
His gloved hand touched my cheek as he put a strand of my (hair colour) hair behind my ear.
"My lady..look at me.."
I bite down on my lower lip. "Please..don't push me away.." He barely whispered.
"I..I..I don't..I mean I do but I-" suddenly I was cut off my his hand gripping my cheek.
My eyes widened as his lips crashed onto mine. Tears weld in my (eye colour) eyes. His lips were soft as silk, the kiss was soft but full of passion.
I wanted to push him away and run but my heart was screaming to stay. I warped my arms around his neck pulling him closer as I kissed back.
His hands tangled in my (hair colour) hair as my finger tips brushed through his honey colour hair. I felt his teeth drag on my lower lip.
I gasped, as a shiver went down my spine. He pushed his tongue in my mouth dominated the kiss. His mouth tastes sweet, as a moan escapes my lips I felt a purr rumble in his chest making me get butterflies in my stomach.
His hand tighten around my waist. This felt like heaven. Our tongue tangled together. We kissed like it would've been our last.
His body fitted perfectly against mine, as if we're made for each other. Then there was a flash.
We both open our eyes and I gasped. Right in front of my eyes was Adrien..
"(Y-Y/N? Is it r-really y-you?" He stuttered and I felt tears slip down my flushed cheeks.
"A-Adrien? Y-your C-Chat N-Noir?" I barely managed to say. "It's really you.." I added on as he stared at me.
He stepped closer to me. His breath danced along my cheeks as I couldn't even stare at him. "Oh (Y/N).." My lower lip quivered.
"A-are you disappointed at the results?" I asked as I finally met his green eyes.
He smiles as he leaned down resting his forehead against mine. He took one of my shaking hands in his. "No..no..not all..I'm forever grateful.."
I froze. "What do you mean?"
He smiled and kissed my wet cheeks. "I'm happy cause I've always been in love with you..it was always you.."
His gaze dropped to mine. Without thinking I cupped his cheek and pushed my lips to his.
Our lips moved in sync. Hungry and passionate.
I don't know how long we kissed for. Seconds? Minutes?
By the time we pulled away we were both breathless. A perfect smile played on his lips.
"I love you (Y/N).."
His brushed his fingers through my (hair colour) hair and kissed my forehead.
A smiled played on the pink lips. "I love you too Adrien..or showed a say Chat Noir?"
He chuckled softly and went down on his knee. "My Lady, I want you to be my girlfriend."
I laughed and kneels down and kissed him. He kissed back and I pulled away with another smile.
"I'll take that as a yes?"
I laughed and nodded. "Yes, yes I'll be your girlfriend.."
He laughed and pulled me in our arms. Both of our Kwami's dances around us cheering making us giggle and kiss again.
He's just purrfect~
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Just a bad day
Marinette was having a bad day.
Like a really bad day.
It honestly felt as if the universe was testing her today. First, she was an hour late to school, missing her favorite class. Then she had forgot her lunch, and didn’t have any money to buy lunch. Alya had offered to buy her lunch, but Marinette refused, not wanting to bother her best friend.
And we can’t forget Lila. Pushing every single one of her buttons. It was almost like Lila was destined to make her life miserable.
Then there’s Adrien. God, did Marinette make a fool of herself in front of him today. And he called her “just a friend” again. It was happening more frequently, for some reason. She had sensed some hesitation in his words. Did Adrien not want to be her friend anymore? It might sound selfish, but if Marinette couldn’t have Adrien as a boyfriend, she at least wanted him to be her friend.
Marinette sat in her bed, her head against the wall next to her photos. She moves her eyes watch Tikki sleep, without moving her head.
Marinette had made a small bed on her desk for her small friend. And, man, did Tikki love it. She found it super fun to experience a bed that she could actually fit in, not one where she slept on the pillow next to her owner.
Normally the kwami would be up, trying to comfort her miraculous holder, but Marinette had reassured that today was just a bad day, and that everyone had bad days, even magical super heroes. It’s tomorrow that counts, because you can always count on tomorrow to come.
Marinette closes her eyes and sighs. Just a bad day.
Moving her head this time, Marinette looks at all the photos on her board. She tried to smile at the pictures, but ended up failing and getting even more sad. Marinette places she hands over her face and groans as her body cramps again. How dare she not get pregnant this month.
Even though it was almost tomorrow, she still felt like crying. A few little tears slip through her hands and down her cheeks, silently splashing onto her pajama pants.
A certain face looking through her trapdoor with a smirk almost makes her scream when she removes her hands from her face.
“What the hell?” She hisses, opening the door, letting Chat Noir drop down onto her bed. Her eyes flicker over to Tikki, who was fully under her tiny blanket and completely out of sight. Marinette mentally sighs in relief. She turns her at back to the man in a black cat suit. “What are you doing here so late?”
“I couldn’t sleep, so I thought I’d come check on you.” Chat gives her a look. “What are you doing up so late?”
Marinette sighs. “That’s none of your business.”
“Why were you crying?” Chat presses on.
“Like I said, none of your business.” Marinette replies, beginning to get annoyed at Chat, as she probably did every other day, except that was just mostly fake annoyance. This was real.
Chat Noir blinks at her tone. He looks around uncomfortably before leaning in close to her, with a slight blush, and whispering, “Are you on your period?”
Marinette looks at him, deadpanning, and with obvious sarcasm, saying, “No, what have you that idea?” She rolls her eyes so much that her eyes might have rolled into the back of her head if she wasn’t careful.
Chat get a darker red. “Well, I don’t know, Princess! I’m not a girl!”
Marinette sighs and drops her head into her hands again.
Chat looks at her, biting his lip worriedly. “...Is there anything I can help with?” He asks with a moment’s hesitation.
“No.” Marinette groans. “I already took pain killers and I don’t exactly have a heating pad.”
“That’s not all that’s bothering you, is it?” Chat points out. “And I can be your heating pad.”
Marinette glares up at him with a red face. “WHAT IS THAT SUPPOSED TO MEAN?!”
“Well- I just.. I guess I meant that...I don’t know...body heat?” He shrugs with his last words, stuttering.
Marinette groans again, also rolling her eyes again.
Chat Noir holds his arms out for a hug. After a few seconds, Marinette sighs and hugs him. He wraps his arms around her and lays down, holding her close with her face in his chest. Luckily, he couldn’t see Marinette’s red face and she hugs his torso and cuddles into his leather covered chest.
Chat pets her hair. “Can I take your pigtails out?” Marinette nods and Chat does his best to carefully pull the hair ties out. He goes back to petting her hair, running his fingers through her hair. “Now will you tell me what’s bothering you?”
Marinette sighs. She couldn’t get anything past him. That’s when her tears began to come back. “I just had a r-really bad day.” She says, her voice cracking and lip trembling.
“Can you tell me what happened?” Chat asks, begins to rub circles on her back.
“I-I was first late for school and f-forgot my lu-lu-lunch. Then the-there was this girl that see-ems to know exactly h-how to make me-e miserable.”
Chat frowns as he recalls the argument he had spotted between Lila and Marinette.
“That does sound like-“
But Marinette wasn’t done. “A-and I have a fr-friend that I d-don’t even think wants-s to be my fr-friend anymore.”
This confused Chat Noir. As far as he knew, none of Marinette’s freinds didn’t want to be her friend anymore. “And who is that, Purrinsess?” He unconsciously wraps his arms around her in a protective way.
“A-Adrien Agrees-ste.” Marinette answers, sobbing harder into Chat Noir’s chest.
Chat stiffens and guiltily looks down at the top of Marinette’s head. “This Adrien guy must really be a jerk to not want to be friends with you.” He whispers into her hair.
“But he’s n-not.” Mari says. “He’s really amazing and super kind, even though he’s kinda dumb. It makes him cute though. And I really love him.”
Chat grows redder at every word Marinette says, mentally freaking out. Marinette had a crush on him.
Marinette was in love with him.
Thats why he was so sad when she would freak out and run away from him. Thats why he found himself hesitating when he called her a friend. Cause he loved her back.
Marinette was completely oblivious that she just confessed to her crush and slowly calms down as Chat draws shapes on her back.
He smiles widely and hides hides his face in her hair. “Well, all that counts is that tomorrow is a new day, just like you say, right, Princess?”
Marinette let’s out a small chuckle. “That’s right, kitty.”
“And look.” Chat directs her attention to her alarm clock. “It’s tomorrow. A new day.”
Marinette smiles and goes back to cuddling Chat. A new day. Yesterday was just a bad day. She’ll have a better one tomorrow- or today.
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Let it All Out: A Post-Puppeteer 2 One-shot
***Puppeteer 2 Spoilers****
Sometimes there's an episode that just has to have a one-shot based on it. So, for everyone throwing a huge fit over Puppeteer 2 (I'm right there with you!) here is a one-shot taking place later that night. Because, seriously, this had to be written.
I do not own Miraculous Ladybug, but Thomas Astruc if you read this and want to steal it and, you know, MAKE IT HAPPEN, by all means, please do! That's all.
"Miraculous Ladybug," she called out half-heartedly, tossing the broken bracelet into the air as Chat Noir handed baby August back to his mother. It had been a routine akuma attack. For whatever reason, Hawkmoth seemed convinced that a midnight tantrum was someday going to be the duo's downfall. This night, however, Ladybug was thankful for the routine. It had only taken a few minutes to break the bracelet, purify the akuma, and restore the peace; all without the use of her lucky charm or Chat's cataclysm.
"Good job, milady," Chat told her as he returned to her side, patiently waiting for her fist to meet his. "We should consider a career in babysitting."
Ladybug barely heard him as her horrific day replayed over and over in her mind. The pain of it all was still coursing through her despite Tikki's small pep talk. Adrien didn't love her. He loved someone else. And, to top it all off, she had made the most embarrassing love confession ever only to try and deny it later. Thankfully, Adrien had seemed to buy her lie that she was pranking him as well, but that only made it worse. Now she could never confess. Not after that whole fiasco. And especially now that she knew they were only friends and would never be anything more.
"Milady?" Chat's voice pulled her back to reality. They were alone on the empty street. "Are you alright?"
His green eyes glowed in the darkness and she knew that he could see much better than her. Her body was shaking and suddenly, she felt as if she might burst. Tears started flowing down her cheeks. She didn't want to cry in front of him, but suddenly, she wasn't able to hold it in anymore. All the pain, the embarrassment, and the heartache started pouring out of her. Chat was quick to gather her in his arms and Ladybug didn't even notice he was carrying her until they were sitting on a rooftop.
"It's alright, milady," he whispered to her as he continued to hold her. "Let it all out. I'm here for you."
"I'm such an idiot, Chat!" she cried between sobs, not sure why she was even talking about this to him. "Why was I so stupid?"
"You aren't stupid, milady. You are the smartest person I know."
"But then why? WHY? Why do I have to be such an idiot?" she questioned herself more than him.
"Milady, why don't you start at the beginning? Tell me what's happened."
Ladybug looked up at her partner whose eyes were full of compassion and support. She didn't want to tell him. She didn't want to tell anyone. She hadn't even bothered to call Alya. But she also knew, somewhere deep inside, that she needed to talk to someone. Someone she could trust; who better than her partner.
"Chat, you don't have to listen to me," she said, conscious of his feelings towards her. "I don't want to hurt you."
"If it's about the boy you like, don't worry. I'm still your friend and I still want to help you, bugaboo."
His words made her heart ache all the more. She realized, then, that this must be how he had felt this entire time. He had loved her since nearly the beginning of their time together. And, while he had made his feelings known all too often, she had told him time and time again that she loved someone else. Even earlier, after her embarrassing moment with Adrien, he had reassured her of his feelings towards her.
"How can you do that?" she asked, her tears beginning to slow down. "How can you know that I like someone else and still be my friend? Doesn't it hurt?"
"It does, but you're still my friend," he admitted with a shrug. "Besides, I'll never give up hope. You never know what life will bring you."
"My kwami said something like that earlier," Ladybug added. "I just...I just don't see how you can do it. It hurts so much."
"Milady, why don't you tell me about it? Just talking about it might help."
"Ok, I'll tell you, but promise you won't laugh?"
"Cat's honor," he smiled gently. Ladybug wiped her tears away and looked out across the Paris skyline. Taking a deep breath, she chose her words carefully, making sure to protect her identity.
"I...I was practicing my confession to the guy I like. But, not in like a serious way. I was just fooling around, being overdramatic. Just...you know...stupid."
"How can confessing your feelings ever be stupid?" Chat asked. She narrowed her eyes at him and he quickly looked away. "You mean, like me. Don't you?"
"You times ten," she added.
"Ooof! That bad?"
"Yep. That bad. Really, really bad."
"Alright, let me guess. He heard you?"
"Worse," she explained, but then thought twice about explained how Adrien had been pretending to be a statue. "But, yes. Basically, he overheard the whole thing."
"What do you mean worse? What happened?"
"Just leave it at that, please," she begged, the truth much too embarrassing to share.
"As you wish. So, he overheard you. Then what?" Chat asked, his eyes begging her to continue.
"Then...then...well, there was that akuma attack. But you know how that went down."
"Oh, so that is why you were asking me how I can so easily tell you how I feel! Because you can't!" Chat chimed in, a little too excited. Ladybug punched him in the chest with her elbow. "Well, now he knows how you feel at least."
"Not...not exactly."
"Don't tell me you denied it?" Chat asked, his eyes growing wide with shock. Ladybug nodded and he gasped. "And he believed you?"
"Yeah, well...he was trying to pull a prank on me. So, I said that I knew he was joking, which I didn't, but I said I did and that...that...the confession was me pranking him back."
"Wait...what?" Chat let go of her and started rubbing his temples.
"And then, the worst part," she continued, ignoring Chat's request to clarify, afraid that she wouldn't be able to finish. "Was when we were going home and he explained that he thought we weren't friends, but I told him we were and we agreed 'no more jokes' and...and...then he said that the girl he loves tells him he's bad at jokes! He loves someone else! I'm such an idiot!"
Another fit of tears and sobs took over and Ladybug buried her face in her hands, ashamed of all that had happened. Her heart felt like it was breaking all over again as she told the story to Chat. The memory of Adrien's words echoed in her ears. She wasn't sure how long she cried, but Chat waited patiently by her side.
"Are...are you sure you aren't the girl he loves?" he asked as her sobs died down.
"Kitty, I have never, ever, told him anything remotely close to 'you're bad at jokes'."
"Ok, but I mean...maybe he thought you said that?"
"Chat, I can barely talk to him. Trust me when I tell you, I've never spoken to him like that. I love everything about him. I would never tell him something like that."
"Never say never," Chat Noir muttered under his breath as if he didn't want her to hear.
Silence fell between the friends after that, but it didn't feel awkward. Chat started lightly scratching her back, which Ladybug found quite comforting. Crickets were chirping in the distance and Ladybug found herself staring at the lights of the Eiffel Tower in the distance.
"Milady," Chat said, breaking the silence after a while. "Can I ask you a question?"
"Sure," she muttered, not sure what he was going to ask her.
"What makes him better? Than me, I mean. Why do you like him and not me?"
"Chat...I..." Ladybug tried to look him in the eye, but he was avoiding her gaze. She cringed as she realized how much he had to be hurting inside. After all, she had just poured out all her emotions about Adrien to a guy that liked her. "Chat, it's not that he's better than you. It's just...just...I fell for him first. After that, there just isn't any more room in my heart. Does that make sense? You are my partner and my friend. And I love you for that. It's just in a different way."
"That...that makes a lot of sense, actually," he said, looking up into the sky. "There wasn't any more room in your heart. So, yeah. Of course, I'm just a friend to you. It makes perfect sense."
"Thank you for understanding Chat," she added, thankful that he didn't seem to be hurting even more than he probably already was.
"Of course, milady." he said, turning to face her. "But can I ask another question?"
Ladybug rolled her eyes, not liking the childish grin on his face.
"I guess. But it better not be something stupid."
"What would you want to say to him?"
"What?" she asked, shocked at the strange question.
"Your confession. You, obviously, didn't say what you would have liked to so I want to know how you would confess. Really confess I mean."
"Oh, I don't know, kitty," She said with a sigh, "It doesn't even matter now. You can't confess to someone who is in love with someone else."
"I beg to differ," Chat smirked, earning himself another playful elbow to the ribs. "Come on, just tell me."
"Well, I guess I would just tell him how I feel."
"Alright. So how do you feel about him?" he prodded.
"I like him. A lot. And I mean really like him. He's the first thing I think about when I wake up and the last thing before I go to sleep. I just want to be around him as much as possible. I can't explain why. He's just...amazing. Inside and out. He's kind and caring. Thoughtful and always there to help his friends when they need it. I...I love him. I've loved him ever since he gave me his umbrella. Before that I actually hated him, but that's another story."
Chat was silent after her speech and he had stopped scratching her back. Looking over, she saw that he was staring off into the distance, deep in thought. He had a smile on his face, which was much softer than his usual grin.
"Why are you smiling like that?" she asked, certain that hearing her feelings for Adrien must have hurt him. Surprisingly, he shook his head.
"No reason," he answered, turning his face back towards her again. "I'm just thinking."
"Thinking about what?"
"About how late it's getting," he said as he stood up, offering his hand to help her up. She took it and got to her feet as well. It was late when they had first started their akuma battle and she wasn't even sure how much time had passed since then. Luckily, it wasn't a school night.
"Is that really what you were thinking about?" she asked, knowing her kitty too well to buy his lame explanation.
"Well, yes, but I was also thinking about pretending to be a statue tomorrow. This time, I'm not going to pull away from that kiss." He pulled out his staff and quickly bowed to her as he often did before leaving. "I'll see you around, milady."
Chat Noir turned to leave, but Ladybug quickly caught hold of his tail and pulled him back. Their eyes locked as she studied him intently as her brain tried to catch up with what he had said.
"Chat, I didn't say anything about a statue." She said, a knot forming in her stomach as a certain truth started to form in her mind.
"You didn't need to," He said. "I was there. Had a front row seat to the whole thing."
Ladybug felt her head spinning as she tightened her grip on Chat's tail. A million thoughts and questions came pouring in, but utter shock kept her from voicing any of them. As if in a dream, she watched as Chat Noir was replaced with Adrien Agreste in a flash of light. His green eyes were soft and gentle, waiting for her to finish processing.
"Milady," he said, grabbing hold of the hand that had previously been clinging to his tail. "I am so sorry that I hurt you."
"A-Adrien," she whispered, reaching out to lightly touch his face with her free hand. "How...How is this possible?"
"I've been asking myself the same question, believe me. You've been right here, this whole time."
"Adrien," she repeated with more confidence. "Chat Noir is Adrien Agreste?"
"Yes, milady," he said nodding. "And it just so happens that he's madly in love with you. So much so, that he was blind to the amazing girl that sits right behind him in class. As you said, his heart was already full so Marinette could only be a friend."
"Yeah, but also because you were too busy making out with that Ladybug body pillow!" Plagg's voice broke in. Adrien's face turned beet red as he turned to face the black kwami of destruction.
"PLAGG!" he cried out, as Ladybug started laughing. "Milady, it's not funny!"
"Oh it is! It is!" she argued as she doubled over. "You...you have a body pillow?"
"YOU tried to make out with a WAX statue!"
"Yeah, but it wasn't wax, now was it?"
"Pft! But you didn't know that at the time." Adrien stated as he crossed his arms, clearly embarrased.
"I'm sorry, Adrien." Ladybug confessed. "I'm just...just shocked is all. After all, I have all those pictures of you in my room."
"Wait...so those upside-down spades?" he asked, raising an eyebrow.
"Yeah...those are hearts. I was going to tear them down today." she said as her own face started to turn red as well.
"How about we replace them?" Adrien suggested, reaching out for her hands.
"Replace them?" she asked, letting him pull her closer.
"Yeah, with pictures of us."
"I...I don't have any pictures of us."
"Then we'll take some. On our date."
"Date?" she asked, not believing what she was hearing.
"Well, I like you and you like me so I figured we could...you know...date?"
"Adrien Agreste is asking me out on a date?" Ladybug asked, feeling like she might faint at any second.
"Yes, for about the hundreth time." He said, a grin breaking out across his face that was clearly Chat Noir's. "I'm hoping I'll get a different answer this time."
Of course, she realized at last. He's Chat Noir. He's been asking me out all this time. He's liked me this whole time!
"We really are a pair of idiots, aren't we?" she asked with a soft smile.
"If you are referring to the fact that we've been in love this whole time and never realized it. Yes. Yes, we are idiots."
A large smile broke across her face as the truth set in. This was Adrien. Who was also Chat. It made perfect sense to Ladybug. She looked at him in a new light, finally seeing how the boy of her dreams and her beloved partner were two parts of one amazing whole.
"Milady, can I ask you one more question?" Adrien asked, to which Ladybug quickly nodded. "Will you try to kiss me again?"
"If you're good, maybe kitty." she teased.
"Oh come on! Two kisses I can't remember, one that I backed away from because I didn't know it was you! It's not fair!"
"Alright, alright!" She said as she giggled at his pained expression. "On one condition."
"What is it, milady?" he asked.
"I get to be your girlfriend."
"Don't do it, Adrien!" Plagg cried. "We bachelors need to stick together!"
"Tikki, spots off." She said and then waited for the red kwami to appear before her. "Can you make him shut up?"
"Gladly," Tikki growled as she turned to Plagg. There was a loud squeak and then the two kwami disappeared into the night with a sigh of relief from both Adrien and Marinette.
"You were saying?" Adrien asked with a smile. "Something about us going out?"
"Yeah, that is...if you want to." Marinette answered, feeling nervous now that she was no longer wearing her mask. "If...if you don't that's fine..."
"Marinette Dupain-cheng," he said sternly, pulling into a tight hug. "I love you. I accept your terms. Now, about that kiss."
Marinette laughed at her own silliness. Of course, Adrien would go out with her. He was, after all, Chat. He had loved her and she had loved him, even when they couldn't see it. Standing on tip-toe she pushed her lips onto his and, this time, he didn't pull back. Instead, he returned the kiss full force.
The world melted away as Marinette lost herself in his kiss. It was warm and sweet. She wrapped her arms around his neck and held on tight, afraid she might faint from excitement. Finally, they had found each other and when they finally broke apart, she buried her face in his shirt, never wanting to leave the warmth of his embrace.
"Um, Marinette?" he asked after a moment. "How are we going to get home? Our kwamis flew off."
"I'm sure they'll be back for us," she muttered. "I'm not in a hurry. Are you?"
"Nope," he said, squeezing her tight. "I could stay here all night, milady."
"Me too, kitty. Me too."
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chelleaslin · 5 years
Adrinette April Day 1- Just Friends
Marinette hung her head as she quickly zipped down the school hallway. Posters of the Valentine’s Day couple dance were plastered on every surface and every student was talking about it. She didn’t have anything against the dance, she thought it was a lovely idea, she was just very, very single.
The bell rung, echoing around the school ground, drowning out the students excited chatter temporarily. Marinette sighed in relief, she’d have a break from the torture while class was on. With a slight spring to her step, Marinette opened the door to her home group, stepping inside.
“So, what do you say, Adrikins?” Chloe’s abnoxious baby-talk voice loudly asked. “Pick me up at 7 for the sweethearts dance?” The blonde girl was hanging of Adrien’s side, her arms tightly wrapped around his neck.
Marinette felt her blood run cold in shock, was Adrien really going to the dance with Chloe of all people.
“Ah, Sorry, Chloe but we’re not going to the dance together, remember?” Adrien awkwardly replied, desperately trying to shake her off. He eventually unlatched her arms, gently but swiftly, creating distance between the two.
“But, Adrikin, of course we are! We’re the most popular kids in school, we’re a power couple. We have to make an appearance together.” Marinette grinded her teeth together. She was getting very annoyed at Chloe’s persistent nagging, any normal person could tell how uncomfortable Adrien was feeling.
“We’re not a couple, Chloe. Please stop saying that. I’m sorry, but I’m not going to the dance with you.” Adrien curtly spoke, with that he straighten out his tablet and faced the front of the room, ending the conversation. Multiple snickers were heard around the room, as Chloe stomped her feet in anger, marching back to her seat with Sabrina hot on her heels.
Marinette smiled, relieved that Adrien still didn’t have a date, dispite the fact that she knew she didn’t have the courage to ask him herself.
“Marinette!” A familiar voice called, Marinette, turned her head to her desk to see that her best friend, Alya, was already there. The beautiful, thick haired girl had a slight smirk on her full lips, no doubt from Chloe’s antics.
Marinette gave her a small wave as she walked toward her desk. Her heart started to thump loudly in her chest as she walk past Adrien’s desk, she had to do this almost daily for the past two years but she still couldn’t help the way she lost all focus around him, he was her weakness.
“Morning, Marinette!” He greeted a bright smile on his face.
Marinette jumped, shocked that he started talking to her, let alone bless her with one of his award winning smiles. The poor dark, haired girl jumped so suddenly that she missed the next step and tripped right over, directly in front of Adrien!
“Classic Dupin-Cheng.” Chloe snickered, a roar of laughter was hear from around the class room. A heavily blush stained Marinette’s cheek as she died of embarrassment. She heard the sound of a chair scrapping and a slight under the breath cuss.
A presences was felt besides her before two arms wrapped around her waist and lifted her back onto her feet. A grateful smile stretched across her lips, she turned around once her footing was steady, ready to express her gratitude.
“Thanks for that-“ She started to say untill she realised Adrien was the one who helped her up. Her brain completely short circuited and her mouth froze up.
“It’s no problem, Marinette.” He smiled, “are you okay?” He face was filled was so much concern that a Marinette felt compelled to ask him if he was okay.nShe tried to speak but nothing came out, she looked down briefly and noticed his hands were still ever so slightly hovering around her waist, most likely as a precaution in case she slipped again. Unfortunately for Marinette that just made her weak at the knees.
“Argh!” She screamed as she felt back again. Adrien’s eyes widen as she slipped right out of he gasp. Marinette squeezed her eyes shut waiting for impact but it never came. She felt strong arms catch her under her armpits, holding her inches above the ground. She peaked her eyes open to see an angel smiling down at her.
“Aren’t you luckily?” Alya laughed as she pulled Marinette back up. “Thanks for your help, Adrien, but I’ve got her from here.”
Adrien gave them a small smile as he nodded. The three of them settled into their respective seats.
“Okay class settle down, lesson’s are starting now.” Miss Bustier annouced as she walked through the door, setting her laptop down on her desk.
“Girl, we need to work on your confidence levels.” Alya whispered as she unlocked her tablet.
“My confidence isn’t the problem, it’s my brains inability to function around him.” She groaned as quietly as possible. Alya gave her a soft smile before focusing on the board as Miss Bustier begain to write, Marinette followed suit.
“Okay, class. I’ll see you all after break, have a wonderful time.” Miss Bustier loudly called out over the sound of chattering students.
Most of the class were already out the door, eager to relax and eat. There were small clusters of classmates still packing up and talking among themselves, there’s included.
Nino and Adrien were chatting quietly among themselves, swapping schedules, trying to organise time to catch up. Alya and Marinette we’re behind them, discussing the dance.
“Just ask him.” Alya urged as she carefully placed her tablet in her bag.
“I can’t just ask him! Look at how he rejected Chloe!” She hissed throwing her arms around in exaggeration. Adrien caught the movement from the corner of his eye, briefly glancing at his pigtailed classmate curiously. She, of course, noticed his minor movent and blushed heavily, waving at him awkwardly. He have her a soft smile and waved back, turning his full attention back to his best friend as Nino asked him a question.
“Yeah, but she’s Chloe and even Adrien can’t stand her. Look, Adrien likes you, even if it isn’t the way you want right now. The only way something romantic will come out of this, is if you start spending more time together.”
Marinette nodded in defeat, she couldn’t argue with Alya normally, expecially when she had a good point.
“You’re right, I’ll start putting more effort into getting to know him.” Marinette sighed, swinging her backpack on her back.
“Awesome.” Alya laughed, adjusting her straps on her shoulders. “I’m glad you’re on board.”
“Wait, on board with what?”
“Hey, Adrien.” Alya called out. The blonde boy jumped slightly, whipping his head around to face the girl’s.
“You going to the sweetheart dance?”
“Ah, no actually.” He muttered awkwardly. “It’s a couples dance and I’m single.” He scratched the back of his neck, a nervous tick of his. Marinette watched the way his toned arms flex, she had to physically stop herself from drooling.
“That’s great new!” Alya cheered, her cunning, Fox-like grin present on her lips. The three other teens gave her a mixture of looks between confusion, disbelief and worry.
“Ah, it is? I wouldn’t exactly count it as a good thing.” He mumbled quietly, trailing off towards the end but Marinette heard him. She also spotted the look of pain in his eyes, her curiousity was sparked.
“Yes,I was hopping you’d double date with us!” She clapped, gesturing between Nino and herself.
“Who else?” He asked curiously.
“Well, Marinette of course!” She said like it was obvious. By the look of surprise on Adrien’s face it was anything but obvious. Marinette started to flail around, what the heck, Alya? She not only threw Marinette under the bus, but she was the one driving it back and forth over her mangled corpse.
“Um, I’m not ah, sure.” Adrien started to stutter, avoiding eye contact with both girls. “I don’t, Marinette, not like that-“
Marinette wanted to run all the way home right now and never show her face again.
“Come on!” Alya slyly drawled out as she placed her hand on Marinette shoulder. “You’re both single individual that want to go to this event, why not escort eachother?” Marinette felt like an item up for sale, unfortunately, Alya, wasnt the best salesperson.
Adrien’s worried face suddenly straighten out, his frown now curve upwards in a small smile.
“Oh. You mean as just friends!” He laughed in what Marinette could only identify as relief and man, did that hurt.
“Haha yeah friends of course, just two pal, buddies hanging out at a...couples dance.” Marinette awkwardly sighed, glumly trailing off towards the end. Nino and Alya both send her looks of pity, of course, poor babbling Marinette.
Marinette was sick of being clumsy, she was sick of being tongue tied, she was sick of being friend zoned! Alya was right! She needed to make a move or Adrien would never know how she feels.
“Okay. Well I’ll text you so we can sort out the details and-“
“Actually Adrien,” she found herself interrupting him. “Like Alya said, we’re both single individuals and this is a couples dance, so I was hoping you’d be my date? rather than my friendly escort.” She couldn’t believe it! She did it. She asked Adrien Agreste out.
Her blue eyes flicked towards her other two friend, both their jaws comedically open in shock. Alya seemed to snap out of her trance, her face lighting up in pure glee.
Marinette felt nervous as she peaked back at Adrien, she expected the worse. Instead of a look or sorrow or guilt, Adrien’s face was bright pink as he blushed, a star struck look on his features. She waited a few seconds but his expression didn’t change.
“It doesn’t have to lead to anything, I was just hoping you’d give me a chance to show you who I really am and maybe, get to know you a little better too?” She blantely flirted with confidence she normally only felt behind a magical latex mask.
Adrien just nodded as his face darkened more.
“Oh god, yes.” He finally blurted out, His eyes widen in realisation. He quickly covered his mouth with his hands, he was completely horrified with his brief lack of filter. Marinette smirk, loving the reversal of rolls.
“Alright,” she smirked, leaning in closer to him, making him make an unintelligible noise. “Like you said, you’ll text me right?”
Adrien could only frantically nod as the other two tried very hard (and failed) not to snicker. Marinette feeling very cocky decided to lean in and give him a kiss on the cheek as she departed.
As soon as her pink lips made contact with his soft cheek, it was like a magical spell wore off. The clock striked midnight for Marinette and her magical illusion disapesred and she was awkward, stammering Marinette again.
She took one look at Adrien’s bright red, frazzled expression (something she did) and freaked out. She muttered her goodbyes before she jogged out the now empty classroom door. Although she was super shocked and embarrassed about her flirtatious attitude she felt an overwhelming sense of pride. If Adrien’s reaction had anything to go by it, she may have carried herself out of the friend zone. She walked home that break with a spring in her step and a massive grin on her cheeks. Until she realised this was only a lunch break and she’d have to face him again soon, then she panicked.
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thewritingstar · 5 years
WC #13: LadyNoir
Prompt: “You’re my reason to live”
Pairing: LadyNoir
Enjoy! I haven’t written anything other than FairyTail lately so here’s some good ole Miraculous Ladybug because our fandom is a burning fire right now but it’s still good :)
After the long and grueling battle, the heroes of Pairs rested on top of a lonely building, nighttime falling slowly.
“That was a close one huh babe?” Ladybug asked looking over to her hero companion.
He was quiet. He sat looking over the dimming city, the bustling coming to an end as everyone turned in for the night.
“I did like how close it got.” He answered. It was true. Ladybug pushed him out of the way, making sure he didn’t take the blow but she barley got hit. The thought of her getting hurt haunted him. Especially if it was because he couldn’t protect her, let alone himself.
“You know I would sacrifce myself for you, without hesitation right? I would do anything to protect you. You are my reason to keep being better, just for the chance to see you smile all the time” Her hand topped his, rubbing her fingers on the ridges of his fingers.
“It’s funny” he shrugged. “I’m your reason to be a good hero.”
“Well yeah? You being by my side, why is that funny?” She questioned. “Am I not your reason to be a good hero?” Her voice soften.
Quickly he snapped his head to hers, he cupped her face, kissing her cheek right below her mask.
“No, no ,no” he answered. “Of course you make me a better hero M’Lady, but there’s more.”
He took a breath and took her hand in his, bringing it to his lips.
“You’re my reason to live” A whisper only she heard.
“Let’s face it Mari.” He said, her eyes widened at the mention of her name. “I don’t have much. I live with my neglectful father who couldn’t give me the time of day, even on my birthday.” He sighed. “Even Natalie is only there because of pay.”
“You have all your friends who love you Adrien.”
“Yes I do, but” his eyes glowed into hers. The city fading in the background as the star became their spotlight.
“I have you. Everyday is hard. It’s hard to get and see the sun, knowing deep down it’s not as bright anymore. But I have to keep going, I have to be Chat Noir, and I enjoy that freedom, but you. You make the sun brighter, you make getting up easier and making life enjoyable. Sometimes you need to live for others before you understand to live for yourself.” He kissed her gently.
“And I live for you.” He whispered against her lips.
“I hope that one day, you can be enough for yourself.” She replied knowing that the smile he wore only held minimal happiness.
“It’s coming faster than you know, not to worry.”
“Well I certainly live everyday, just to kiss your pretty face.” She brushed his golden locks away from his mask, his stark green eyes taking her in.
“Let’s make a pact Chat.” She said.
“What do you have in mind?”
“We live for each other, for our city, for Tikki and Plagg. We live for our love and our friends. Let’s make everything and everyday worth breathing for, more than we already do. Live for the moment where you can step away from your father, have a new future will someone else. Live for a better tomorrow as we taking in all that is today.”
“I think you have yourself a deal.” He smiled.
The air began to grow cold. Nighttime had truly sprung and it was time for the heroes to return to their closed quarters.
“Chat?” Ladybug called.
“I love you” She blew a kiss to her knight in shining leather.
“I love you too.”
I hope you all enjoyed!
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artzychic27 · 2 years
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We got a new fic coming out next Monday! Be there!
The person who originally asked for this wanted a oneshot, but I got excited and made this!… Yes, I know I made a Ladybug!Marc & ChatNoir!Nathaniel fic like two years ago that I never got around to updating, but I’ll keep up with this… I WILL!… Stop looking at me like that!
Also, @colinxwolves , you’re request is coming along nicely👍🏾 I’ll try to have it up by next week
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zyulla · 7 years
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I FINALLY FINISHED THE MIRACULOS' ONE SHOT OMG IM SO TIRED THIS TOOK 7 DAYS OF MY LIFE Well I'll post soonkk ㅡ ㅡ ㅡ ㅡ ㅡ Follow me on twitter by @Zyuradake 🌸 ㅡ ㅡ ㅡ ㅡ ㅡ ㅡ #Ladybug #Miraculous #Zag #Fanart #oneshot #cartoon #japan #Korea #France #draw #adrien #marinette #love #romance #funny #fun #school #daily #sleep #cute #animation #myart #Cat #ChatNoir #akuma
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ML Fluff Month: August 4th
making up for no update two days ago; sorry / it’s still fluff! not crossing the angst line
Title: Please, stay?
Ship: Ladybug + Chat Noir / Ladynoir
Words: 454
Day 1 / Day 3 / Day 5
Chat Noir willed tears to not fall out of his eyes. He couldn’t let Ladybug see him like this. He couldn’t let anyone see him like this.
Earlier, he was yelled at mercilessly by his father. The day before, he couldn’t fit into the pants he was given, gaining a little weight since hanging out at the Dupain-Chengs with his friends.
He’d never seen this side of his father, normally his father might have been harsh, cool, and collected, but something about that day made it worst. It just wasn’t a good day.
“Chaton?” A familiar voice called.
Chat Noir swallowed the hurting feeling down his throat and said, “Welcome, Bugaboo.”
“Ready for patrol?”
Chat Noir smiled with his usual peppiness, or so he tried. “Yeah!”
Ladybug walked a little closer and looked Chat straight in the eyes. “You’re not happy.”
“I’m completely fine, my Lady,” Chat argued.
“If it was opposite day, you would be correct. But I know you’re lying, I can see it in your eyes.”
What? “What?”
“When you’re happy, your eyes have flecks of gold in them. When you’re sad, your eyes lean more towards dark green. Angry, they look neon green. Neutral, they’re the classic electric green.”
And guess what, they’re dark green today,” The spotted heroine smirked.
Over the years, the duo found out from their kwamis that the miraculous takes the most obvious feature, and tied it with their emotions. Chat’s was his eyes, and Ladybug’s were her freckles. This tended to seep over to their civilian selves, but no one else paid attention as much as them.
Ladybug commanded him to sit down, while she leaned against his shoulder, scratching his hair. “Now, what’s wrong, kitty?”
The hurting ache he had in his throat came bursting out. “I just feel like I’m not liked by anybody and my father was yelling at me and I got into an argument with my best friend and-”
“Hold on. Not liked by anybody? I like you. All of Paris likes you. Your civilian self must be liked too.” Ladybug moved so she was sitting in Chat’s lap, facing him and playing with his hair.
Ladybug kissed him on the cheek. “I love you, Chat. Over the years that we’ve grown together, as partners, as friends, as heroes. I’ve fallen for you. You and your stupid puns. You dressed in the black cat-suit, with your fake-real cat ears. I love you for you, Minou.”
Chat stared at Ladybug leaned in closer and looked at her freckles. “You’re really passionate about me aren’t you?”
Ladybug nodded.
Chat Noir leaned in even closer and kissed her on the lips.
And that was one of the many kisses they shared that night.
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ao3feed-ladynoir · 5 years
U Love I (Miraculous Oneshots)
U Love I (Miraculous Oneshots) by random to the core
WARNING: TOO MUCH LADYNOIR FLUFF. (Don't worry there are other ships too... I think)
Certain actions can get you a bunch of surprising words. In the same way certain words can get you a bunch of surprising reactions.
After confessing his love to his lady countless times and not getting even a hint of a desired outcome, Chat Noir tries a different approach, twisting the words this time.
(This summary is for the first chapter only, other oneshots have their own.)
Words: 2104, Chapters: 2/11, Language: English
Fandoms: Miraculous Ladybug
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M
Characters: Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir, Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Nino Lahiffe, Alya Césaire, Luka Couffaine, Kagami Tsurugi
Relationships: Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir/Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug
Additional Tags: Fluff, Angst, Romance, Love, Humor, Drama, Different AUs, Oblivious Marinette Dupain-Cheng, Adrien Agreste is hopelessly in love, Somebody help this two dorks, Kisses, Some heavy kisses, Jealous Adrien, Many Oneshots, i think, Ladybug - Freeform, chatnoir - Freeform, LadyNoir - Freeform, Marichat, ladrien, adrienette - Freeform, SO MUCH FLUFF, I swear to God, miraculous - Freeform, oneshots, Oneshots on requests, Lovesick Dorks, loveeater references
Read Here: http://archiveofourown.org/works/21295196
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ladysunamireads · 5 years
U Love I (Miraculous Oneshots)
U Love I (Miraculous Oneshots) by random to the core
WARNING: TOO MUCH LADYNOIR FLUFF. (Don't worry there are other ships too... I think)
Certain actions can get you a bunch of surprising words. In the same way certain words can get you a bunch of surprising reactions.
After confessing his love to his lady countless times and not getting even a hint of a desired outcome, Chat Noir tries a different approach, twisting the words this time.
(This summary is for the first chapter only, other oneshots have their own.)
Words: 2104, Chapters: 2/11, Language: English
Fandoms: Miraculous Ladybug
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M
Characters: Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir, Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Nino Lahiffe, Alya Césaire, Luka Couffaine, Kagami Tsurugi
Relationships: Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir/Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug
Additional Tags: Fluff, Angst, Romance, Love, Humor, Drama, Different AUs, Oblivious Marinette Dupain-Cheng, Adrien Agreste is hopelessly in love, Somebody help this two dorks, Kisses, Some heavy kisses, Jealous Adrien, Many Oneshots, i think, Ladybug - Freeform, chatnoir - Freeform, LadyNoir - Freeform, Marichat, ladrien, adrienette - Freeform, SO MUCH FLUFF, I swear to God, miraculous - Freeform, oneshots, Oneshots on requests, Lovesick Dorks, loveeater references
Read Here: http://archiveofourown.org/works/21295196
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multifandomwriter18 · 3 years
“If only I could hear your voice” Chatnoir x reader PART 1
A/n: this was requested by DianaTales on wattpad I hope you like it, just to let you know this one shot I believe will be at least two parts. Also I thought this song was suitable for this one!
Also possible triggering warning. This imagine contains strong language, bullying etc.
I never was born like this..
I don't remember much about when I was little..
Don't remember what happiness was..what peace was..how it felt to talk or sing..
How it felt to hear my voice..for people to hear my voice.
Things use to be perfect..my goal was to sing..to sing my heart out and become a singer.
I mean isn't that every girls dream? To become someone people look up to?
To be noticeable?
The doctor's voice rings in my head again.
"(Y/n) sweetie, I'm sorry but your voice box was damaged in the accident..I'm afraid you won't be able to talk..or sing.."
"(Y/n), honey you'll be late for school!" My mother called from down stairs. I let out a small sigh and I gave myself one last look in the mirror before heading down stairs.
I greet my parents with a smile and they gave me a kiss and a hug. I ate breakfast and I walk to school.
I kept my (eye colour) eyes glued to the ground while I listen to music. As I walked I tried to sing again.
I know I can't speak but I've been trying a lot to try to..I just want..I want to sing..
I let out a sigh which sounds like I was being strangled in a way. I hate not being able to speak.
I higher the volume on the music as I walk.
Once I get to school I scan the area for that girl Chloe and her 'friend' Sabrina. With them not in sight I head straight to the school doors.
Without looking up I bump into someone. When I look up I see Adrien. "Oh jeez I'm sorry (y/n) I didn't see you there..you ok?" I nodded and he helped me up.
"Oh Adrien!!!" I froze as I see Chloe and Sabrina running over. Adrien gasped as he is suddenly embraced by the mean blonde girl.
"I missed you so much!" I take a step back and turn to run to only be tripped by Sabrina.
"Well, well, well, look what we have here. The little mute girl is back." Sneered Chloe as she flipped her hair over her shoulder.
My eyes narrowed as I met her cold blue eyes burn in my (E/c) ones. I brushed a lock of my (h/l) (h/c) hair and glared at her.
What does she want now?!
As I stood up Sabrina pulled out a sheet of paper that slipped from my binder. My eyes widened as I tried to grab it from her.
As I opened my mouth try and speak only a squeal escaped my lips.
Chloe laughed. "Aw the mute is trying to speak again, you really a pathetic."
Tears weld in my eyes as my (s/c) became flushed with anger.
Sabrina giggled as she handed Chloe my sheet of paper I was trying to get back. "Chloe, give it back now." Adrien stated angrily.
She rolled her eyes. "Don't worry Adrien, I want to see what Mute made..oh my!"
It was a drawing I made of Chat Noir and I..in the drawing I was in his arms and he was holding me tightly as were in the sky.
It was based on the dream I had last night..when I have a dream I like to draw my favourite scenes so I could cherish it forever.
She laughed even more when she found some son lyrics on the back of it representing about Chat.
Chloe began to read.
" 'I don't want to say about you, the way you move, the way you talk, the way you walk, the way your always in my mind~your eyes shine so bright, it's like I'm seeing a whole new light yeah..' What kind of crap is this?" I froze and the look on Adrien's face made me heart shatter.
"Oh my god! You have a crush on Chat! What a loser!" She shouted loud enough for people to hear. Another squeak escaped my lips as I yank the paper out of her hands and ran the other way as tears escape my eyes.
I ran to the girls washroom and sobbed my heart out.
Stupid Chloe..
*Time Skip*
After crying for a while and controlling myself I stepped out of the washroom and cleaned up my hair.
My (e/c) eyes were red and blood shot. Around my whole eyes they were puffy and red. My skin colour was no longer had its natural (s/c) glow. It was now pale.
I splashed cold water on my face and tied my (h/c) in a pony tail.
I step out and walk to class. Miss. Bustier looked at me. "Ms. (L/n) your late to class." I bowed my head and walked up the back of the class.
"She was too busy dreaming about Chat Noir." Teased Chloe making some students laugh.
My heart clenched as I sat down. "Isn't that right Mute? Oh wait you can't answer that cause you can't talk!" Chloe added on with another laugh.
"Chloe, that's enough!" Our teacher stated calmly and I looked down at my shaking hands.
"I mean what chances do you have with Chat?"
"Leave her alone Chloe!" Snapped Marionette making my heart flutter a little.
Marionette and I use to be good friends when we were little. We still are..just..I prefer to keep my distance.
I let my (h/c) bangs cover my eyes as I tried to not focus on Chloe. "Hello? Loser I'm talking to you? Are you deaf too?"
"Chloe leave her alone!"
"She's so pathetic, at least now I don't get to hear her ugly voice, she has no talent what she ever, glad she had that accident."
I froze, my whole body just shut down on me. Without anymore thought I grabbed my things and ran.
A sob breaks out of my chest even before I could make it out the door. I stood back up trying to ignore Chloe's taunts.
"Maybe you should leave, like forever. There is no point if you even being here. No one wants a mute. Your just too pathetic for this world."
I ran, not caring that the teacher was calling after me. I don't care anymore..
I just want the pain to stop..
Strands of my (h/c) hair stuck to my sweaty (s/c) forehead as I ran down the hall and out on the streets.
I even ran all the way home, I didn't care about school, I'd rather stay home..that's the only place I can feel safe..
Where no one can hurt me..
I sobbed as I run to my room and collapse on the floor pulling my knees to my chest.
I tried to scream but only a squeak came out of my mouth. I kicked and three things across my room. I grabbed my music book and threw it hard against the wall making all my papers go flying.
Chloe's right..I am useless..
There's no point for me..
I cried even harder as I grabbed my sketch book and tossed it in my little garbage bin.
I sank to knees again and sobbed.
I hate her..
I hate her..
I hate them..
I hate the world..
I hate myself..
The doctors voice rings in my head again.
"I'm sorry but she won't be able to talk again..she will be mute..I'm sorry.."
That what I always will be..
Forever and always..
Two updates in one day. I’ll probably post part 2 later on today. And I’ll try to post some more transformer one shots as well.
I’m also well aware that I got a few asks as well. I’ll try to work on them later if I can. I’m currently working on my other books too.
I’m also going back to work next week so I won’t be active that much again but I’ll try my best.
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multifandomwriter18 · 3 years
Feeling a little down *PART 2*
A/n: So here’s part 2, sorry for not being active on here. Work and other things have been keeping my busy. I promise I’ll try to make some more TMNT content once I get less busy😂
Anyways I hope y’all will enjoy the Imagine!
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In moments we land on a roof well balcony..
The balcony was scattered with red rose petals that filled the air with its sweet aroma.
On the bars of the balcony on the railing had small candles litre up, giving the dimmed area some light. The moon reflected off the velvety rose petals making them shine.
My jaw dropped as I did a small 360 spin. "Oh Chat Noir this place-it-it's so beautiful!" I stated as tears weld in my eyes.
"Yeah..I'm glad you like it.." He muttered as he leaned over the railing. He stared down at the empty road and sidewalk beneath us.
I frowned as I adverted my gaze to the ground. This was all for Ladybug..how could she let this so easily slide?
Couldn't she see that he loves her?
Any girl would be lucky to have such a sweet and caring guy like Chat in their lives..
Yes he is a bit flirtatious but he has a heart of gold.
I looked at him as I smiled a little. His kind natures reminds me so much of Adrien..
I walked up to him and rested a hand on his shoulder. "Chat Noir? Please do put yourself down like this..I..this place is so beautiful..and..I'm sorry about Ladybug..but..."
"But what.." He growled lowly and I take a small step back, removing my hand from his shoulder.
"B-but..you.." I sighed and closing my eyes taking in a deep breath.
"She's crazy to have missed such a beautiful opportunity with an amazing guy. You are so kind, so sweet..you have such a heart of gold..and to have brought me here just to try and cheer me up just proves my point of how any girl..and I mean any girl would be so lucky, so blessed to have someone like you in theirs lives." His green eyes widened and I clenched my hands into fists.
I felt tears weld into my (eye colour) eyes and I suck in a sharp breath as I finally get the courage to look at him again.
"And if Ladybug can't see that, after everything..then that's her loss, cause she doesn't know what she's missing out on."
My whole body quivered. Oh my god..I can't believe I just said that..
My cheeks flushed as I quickly looked away. "I-I'm sorry.." I stuttered out quickly as I could.
"No..(y/n) please don't apologize.."
Suddenly his gloved hand cupped my (skin colour) cheek and titled my head up so my (eye colour) eyes met his green ones.
His other hand he used to brush a few locks of my (hair colour) hair away from my eyes and behind my ear.
"Don't apologize for that..that made me feel better..you made everything feel better.."
My face darkened a new shade of red. "I-oh..y-your welcome.."
I didn't even remember resting my hands on his chest. I guess my hands have a mind of their own.
He frowned and leaned closer. I closed my eyes as I felt his Walt breath dance along my lips.
"(Y/n) I.." His words seemed to have faded once his lips crashed into mine.
At first he was hesitant. His lips first brushed against mine. I was a litre but shocked at first but slowly he kissed me again applying a little more pressure into it. Showing more meaning and compassion.
I closed my eyes, taking in the whole moment. Remembering the shape of his lips and how they fitting perfectly in mine.
Slowly the kiss began to depend and become more compassionate and full of a kind of lust and tenderness.
My hands clenched a small amount of material from his suit against his chest. As I titled my head to the side the kiss seemed to have depended a bit more which he seemed to have liked since his hand clenched a handful of my (hair length) (hair colour) hair and moaned a little agains my lips.
Slowly I felt my back press against the railing and I warped my arms around his neck, eagerly pulling him closer to me.
This is heaven..
This is just perfect..
Our bodies fitted perfectly against each other as our lips now roughly moved against each other. Both our lips parted as we both take in a small breath before pulling away.
We both seemed to have been in a daze. We both looked deeply into each others eyes and at that moment I knew what I wanted..
I wanted him..
He was the key to my paradise..
He cupped my face again. "(Y/n)..I think I want to kiss you again."
I smiled and licked my lips. "I'm more than ok with that.." I murmured softly against his cheek as I flicked his little bell making a loud purr rumble in his chest.
"Bad kitty~" I cooed softly as a small
chuckle escape his perfect lips.
"(Y/n)..I..I want to..I want you to be..to be mine.." He barely managed to say. My eyes widened as he then looked at me.
"Oh Chat.."
My heart thumped as I could feel the beating of his heart under my palm.
His mouth then touched mine again and my heart went erratic.
He held me closer as he pushed his tongue in my mouth. We kissed as long as we could.
Just him and I in the dark..
Under the moon and the stars..
In a place known for love..
Who could ask for more than this?
And there you have it. I hope you all liked it, again I am sorry about not being so active, but I’ll try to post more when I get the chance :)
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multifandomwriter18 · 4 years
Feeling a little down: Chatnoir x reader :PART 1:
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A/n: hey so it’s been awhile since I last posted. Sorry for being so inactive I’ve been working full time and I’ve been really busy. I havent been in such a writing mood and of course work and life has been keeping me on my toes but I’ll try my best to get asks / requests done and try to be more active on here.
Since it’s been a while since I posted a Chatnoir x reader I thought I’d post one now. *this is taken from my Chatnoir x reader oneshots on wattpad.
I'm basing this chapter on season 2 Glacier..(was that the name of it?) I think it was episode 10? You know the one where the ice cream guys gets akumatized and Chat Noir gets depressed cuz LadyBug didn't show up and Marionette is upset about Adrien? Yeah well this will be sorta based on that specific episode but without the whole akumatized part etc. OKAY! Now... You may enjoy!
ALSO THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 200 FOLLOWERS! I know it’s not a lot to some of you but it really means a lot to me. Thank you for all the support and love I have received on my blog. Be sure to follow my other one @swiftdagger-con *keep in mind I cannot message anyone on that blog but feel free to send dms on this one here :)
Tears weld in my eyes as I small sob breaks out of me. I was standing up on the roof top/balcony of my house.
I can't believe it..
(Boyfriend name) broke up with me..how could he do something like that?!
"I don't love you anymore (y/n)..I'm so sorry..I'm so sorry.."
His words ring inside my head. I don't love you anymore..
My whole body shakes as I clenched on to the bars of the balcony. I held on for dear life chase it felt like the whole world was shaking..
"I thought I could love like I loved (your enemy's name who was once dating your now ex.bf) but I don't..I just..I..I just can't.."
I clenched my jaw as I covered my ears, shaking my head trying to making the noise in my head stop.
Not too long ago Rose was telling me about (bf's name) and (your enemy) getting close together at a small Café.
I take in a sharp inhale and slumped down pressing my face against the bars. Marionette and Ayla were trying to cheer me up today with some ice cream along with Nino but nothing was working.
Not even Adrien could help me..I mean he couldn't even go anyways but still..
I grabbed a tissue and blew my nose. My (eye colour) eyes burned from all the crying. I bet I looked hideous. Strands of my (hair colour) hair stuck to my sweaty forehead.
All this crying was making me sick. I closed my eyes and take in another deep breath. I stood up and shakily went into my bathroom and splashed water on my (skin colour) face.
•(When I mean by skin colour I mean like pale, or flushed or like light coloured skin, or dark or tan etc.)•
I looked in the mirror and frowned. My once (eye colour) eyes were now a little blood shot and I had small bags under my eyes.
I groaned and slumped on my washroom floor. "Come on (y/n) you can do this..you gotta be strong.."
I stood back up and cleaned up my face with more water. I sighed and dried my face again. Slowly my eyes softened a little more and the bags under my eyes didn't look too bad.
I fixed my hair into its usually side braid and walked back outside. I closed my eyes enjoying the cool breeze.
I leaned against the bars and looked up at the moon. I have to be strong..
"Hi there, (y/n) right?"
I gasped nearly falling on my ass. I was too much in a daze and I didn't even see Chat Noir sitting on the railing.
I stared at him with wide eyes. "Ah..I didn't mean to frighten you..I um..I was wondering if I could hang out here.."
After I was able to slow my heart heart I walked a little closer to him. "Ah..yeah sure..I mean-yeah! Yeah, I would mind that at all." I rambled out as he slumped a little looking at the stars.
"Y-you ok?" I asked softly as I moved a little closer to him. "I guess.." He barley whispered and I frowned.
"What's wrong.."
"Love issues.." He grumbled and I looked away. "I know how that feels.." I muttered as I looked back at the stars.
"Wait what happened to you?" He asked softly as his soft but sad green eyes met my glassy (eye colour) ones.
I looked away and tucked a stray strand of (hair colour) hair behind my ear. "You first.." I mumbled and he sighed. "I had this whole little date planned for LadyBug and I..b-but she didn't show up..it's not like she would've came..she said she might now be able to come but..I had my fingers crossed..I thought she would've made it.." He replied as I felt his voice starting to break.
"I..I'm so sorry Chat..I..maybe she was-"
"-it doesn't matter anymore..what happened to you?" He asked cutting my off.
I bite on my lower lip as I made sure to not cry. Especially in front of him..
"M-my..my uh...my boyfriend broke-broke up with-with me." I babbled out as I let out a small laugh.
"Not like I didn't see it coming..the thing that made me wonder was how he came up with the whole thing. 'I don't love you anymore..' Who says that to someone?" I hissed out as I cursed under my breath for saying to much.
"(Y/n)..I'm sorry to hear that..I mean..ouch..that must've sucked..wait I-"
I waved him off as I leaned against the railing. "It's ok, I got used to it a long time ago.." I stated softly and looked over at him who seemed even more depressed.
He met my gaze and looked away. "Yeah..I guess your right.."
I frowned and without thinking my hand rested on his. "Hey..don't be like that..I-maybe she was busy..people sometimes have a full plate and can't do everything at once."
He huffed as I felt his cheeks turn pink from our touching hand. I sighed and looked at him with a faint smile.
"I don't think she meant any harm..Ladybug didn't mean to hurt you..there's always next time right?"
He shook his head and I frowned pulling my hand away. "I'm sorry..I'm just making it worse right? I'm sorry.."
He looked at me and stepped off the railing and stood next to me. His back rested against the railing as his eyes met mine.
"Please stop apologizing..it's not your fault..and no your not making this worse, I promise you that.."
My eyes widened for a small moment and then softened. He gave me a small smile extended one gloved hand.
"How about I cheer you up a little, I have the perfect place." I stared at him and back at his hand.
Slowly and shakily I placed my hand in his as he then held me close.
"Hold on tight ok? I promise I won't drop you.." I smiled as I warped my arms around his neck closing my eyes as I breathed in his sweet, almost drugging scent.
"I know you won't..I trust you.." I rest my head on his chest as I was able to hear the rhythm of his heart beat.
I felt a small purr rumble in his chest making my stomach dip and churn. Finally when he was ready he scooped me up in his arms and we were then on our way.
Part two will be up soon! Thanks for reading!!
I don't think I want to add heavy sexual scenes for this chapter..
Maybe something a little vanilla like scenes..
Anyways stay tuned for more!
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multifandomwriter18 · 4 years
Chatnoir x reader imagine ~ “My Hero”
~I made a Chatnoir/Adrien x reader novel on my wattpad. It’s called “Dirty Little Secrets” it’s basically full of smut and all that kinky shit.
Yes I know Adrien is like 15 but I kind of portray him as legal age. You know 18-19? Read if you want.~
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I've been madly in love with Chat Noir. When I first heard about him it was when those stone monsters came to life.
Lady bug is cool too but oh my god that cat is hot!!
I brushed my (hair length) (hair colour) out of my (eye colour) eyes ad pulled out my (type of phone) and started to record Chat Noir in action once again.
"Welcome back My Little Kitties! Here's (y/n) (l/n) with ya and I'm once again filming our boy Chat Noir and the one and only Lady Bug!"
As I was filming The Bubbler snarled at me. "HEY WHAT ABOUT ME DUDE?!"
My (eye colour) eyes widened as he shot bubbles at me. I turned around and ran. "Oh shit!"
I tripped on my shoe lace and I fell.
I winched and tried to get back up but only to fall again.
"Look out!"
My eyes widened as Chat Noir swooped down and scooped me up in his arms.
I clutched onto him as he brought me to a small ally way. "Stay here, don't move alright?"
I froze still realizing I was clutching on to him. "Milady?"
I blushed and pulled away. He smirked and raised my hand to his lips kisses my hand. "If your a good Kitten I'll let you get a one in a time interview with yours truly."
I blushed and with that he dashed off again. "Whoa.."
After a while I ran back out. My eyes widened to see Chat Noir corner. I grabbed a small crow bar on the floor and hit the bubbler. "LEAVE HIM ALONE!"
He spun around. "Why you-"
I kicked him where he sun does not shine and grabbed his bubble stick and tossed it to lady bug. She broke it and out came out the purple butterflies.
Everything went back to normal and Nino sank to his knees. "Oh dude what happened?" I sighed as Chat Noir and Lady Bug fist bumped.
"Pound it!"
I watched them with admiration. "You two are awesome!" I pulled out my phone. "AND WE'RE BACK MY LITTLE KITTIES! Look at this Lady Bug and Chat Noir!" They both waved for the camera.
Suddenly Lady Bugs earrings beeped. "Oh I gotta go! Thanks for the help (y/n)!" I froze for a moment. How did she-
Chat Noir walked over to me. My fave heated up automatically. "Thanks for the save Milady~"
He bowed and kissed my hand. I nervously moved a stray strand of my (hair colour) behind my ear.
"Ah..no-no problem."
He laughed making my heart pound. "Anyways, before I change give me your address and I'll come visit you. Then you can an interview."
My (eye colour) eyes widened. I totally forgot!
I gave him my address and he pulled me up against him by the waist. "I'll see you later~" he purred as his claw touched my (skin colour) cheek.
With that he leaped up on a roof and ran off leaving me speechless.
Hot damn..
Oh this? Ppfffttt Yeah I write Chat noir sin too. This is the only book that is so popular. It’s sittin’ at 180k.
I’ll post part two in just a little bit. I hope you all enjoyed the chapter my bugaboos. *I’m callin’ all the miraculous ladybug fans that now so...
What did you all think?
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Check the book out if you like. My user on wattpad is hotnspicydolantwins
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thewritingstar · 6 years
LadyNoir Oneshot: Fallen Heroes
Perhaps it was when he sacrificed himself countless times so that she could save the day or the wave of comfort that washed over her body when she looked into his eyes.
Maybe just maybe it was the way he said her name or how he was always there. She couldn’t pin point the exact moment but she knew without at doubt that she fell in love with him.
For him it was like he was plunged into deadly cold water that made him feel alive, his love smacked him in the face before he even realized it. His heart speed up with just the mention of her name.
For her it was like a flower. The moment she met him, the seed was planted, days and months passed and slowly it started to sprout and she didn’t even notice until there was a huge flower field blooming in her heart.
They knew they were in love with each other and the other knew too, but what held them back was what was behind their masks.
Everyday she fought herself to keep the mask on, even though she wouldn’t hesitate to rip it off if it meant she learned of her love.
And wanted more than anything to unleash what was behind but he knew he couldn’t. They had made a promise, it was hero law.
But something changed. Their eyes were locked and their skin broken and bloody. Their bodies were shattered from the battle before them and she was afraid this would be her last breath.
Half of their masks were broken off and they were going to transform extremely soon, but they were too weak to move.
 The entire city went quiet and for a moment it was just them.
They were laying side by side and they could of been on the cover of a magazine except instead of a beach background, they were consumed in a mixture of their blood.
“Chat, Chat.” She whimpered out. Her hands that were once warm and soft were cold as ice as they made their way to fragile ones of her partners.
“Yes M’lady?”
“I don’t wanna die, without, without knowing who my kitty was.” Her lungs struggled as blood dropped from her mouth, but he thought she looked beautiful.
“Knowing who you are would be the greatest honor a fallen hero could receive.” And though she couldn’t see him, she knew a smirk covered with blood was on his face.
The final beep of their miraculous was in sync and Tikki and Plagg watched with horror of the state their precious holders were in. Tikki hugged Plagg tightly knowing the fate of the young teens.
Slowly they turned to face each other but to be fair they already knew who was behind the mask, there had been many times where they accidentally found out but kept it a secret of their own, they just wanted to see each other before the clock ran out. 
“Hello princess.”
“Hello kitty” Blood leaked from her mouth.
Tears spilled from their eyes, and the only light was from the soft moon. The sound of sirens could be heard in the distance and sadly she knew they wouldn’t reach them in time.
“Adrien” a whimper came from Plagg and Tikki rushed to Her holder.
“Please you gotta get up” Tikki cried but she already knew the fate that was waiting for her girl, but Marinette looked up and smiled at the small bug.
With the last of their strength coursing through their bodies, they struggled to crawl until they were in each others arms. Finally sitting up and balancing their weight on the other. 
Nothing was said or even needed to be said. Her once vibrant blue eyes were now a puddle of darkness and his electric green had lost their spark, but still they looked deep into the others eyes, pleading for more time. 
Almost on cue, they both leaned in, a soft kiss was between them, and they hoped it would be full of life and desire. Instead it was heartbreaking. They wanted each other so bad but they knew their heroic lungs wouldn't make it. a kiss full of passion and sorrow lingered, it had a sense of warmth and a taste of blood.
Once they parted, they gave small smiles.
“M’Lady, it has been a pleasure to fight and love beside you. You are the greatest hero the world will ever know” his hushed voice caused her more tears and she grabbed his hand. 
“oh kitty” her hand cupped his bruised cheek and the look in her eyes fractured his heart. “We are the greatest.” she pecked his lips one last time. “You were the best part of being Ladybug.”
Tikki sobbed in her hand. “You were the most miraculous Ladybug I have ever known.” Marinette smiled. “Thank you for making me the best I could be” 
“Thanks Plagg, I couldn't have done it without you.” Adrien hugged the small cat. “I couldn't have asked for a better Chat.” Plagg mutter into his shirt.
Adrien looked at his lady and kissed her hand one last time. 
“I love you” His eyes finally shut and he fell back.
“I love you too” She replied and her body swayed and landed on the ground. 
Heartbreaking pleads could be heard from the two kwamis that lingered above. Together they watched the fallen heroes of Pairs, eyes shut and in the arms of the one they loved most. Finally the city was protected for good, but the price to be paid was one that no one could afford.
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chelleaslin · 5 years
Rare Pair Month Day 5- In Denial (Lukanette)
It was two days after the events that took place at the iceskating ring. All the emotions that Marinette felt that day were still fresh in her heart, so she was spending some quality time with Tikki and her diary to figure things out.
The sleepwear clad girl, laid on her stomach across her pink bed covers as she doodled in her diary.
“It just hurt a little that after all this time, I’m not even close to his type.” Marinette said sadly as she groaned, shoving her head against the pages of her book. Tikki floated next to her sadly, she knew that Adrien was indeed Chatnoir and that he was only attracted to Kagami because she show strong leadership qualities like Ladybug. Sadly she couldn’t tell Marinette any of this, there identities needed to remain a secret, at least until Hawkmoth was defeated. Tikki glanced up from her hands (nubs?) towards her choosers sad expression, she wasn’t sure she could watch Marinette suffer, pinning after Adrien, until Hawkmoth was no more.
“What about Luka?” The small Kwami piked up, landing on Marinettes bed beside her diary. Marinette stopped her movements with her pen as she looked up at the tiny goddess.
“What about him?” Marinette asked in confusion. Tikki sighed a little at how oblivious her young bug was.
“Well, he really seemed to have left an impression on you.” Tikki mused. Marinette gapped a little at the Ladybug kwami forwadness.
“No he didn’t Tikki.” Marinette snapped rather defensively, “I’m 100% for Adrien.”
“Hmhm” Tikki sassily replied, while rolling her eyes, she wasn’t quite convinced. “I don’t see what’s so great about Adrien, Marinette, you only seemed to get hurt when it comes to that boy”
“That’s not true at all Tikki!” Marinette sternly said, her expression serious. “Adrien is wonderful!” Her facial features all turned soft and dreamlike as she thought about the boy she held dear to her heart.
“He’s sweet, kind, talented, tall” She swooned, “and those blue eyes are so beautiful, don’t even get me started on his turquoise dip dye.” She sighed.
“Um, Marinette, that’s Luka, you’re describing Luka.” Tikki awkwardly pointed out.
“What? No I’m not!” Marinette snapped, avoiding eye contact as she furiously squabbled in her diary. “And if I did, it’s only because you keep talking about him. Okay? Tikki just drop it! I don’t like Luka, I love Adrien!”
Tikki simply glanced at Marinettes notebook before looking at her owner again.
“What ever you say Mrs. Marinette Couffine.” She snickered. Marinette froze as she looked at the entire double spread she did covered in Luka related doodles, including Mrs. Couffine written over and over again, all in hearts.
Marinette screeched in embarrassment before throwing the book across her room. She hid under her covers for the rest of the day, not dare showing her face to Tikki.
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