#cant wait to make both my entire personality
mrkis · 23 days
200 vs 200 - minhyungs vers.
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i think we're not talking enough about how when crowley drives away in the last episode he DRIVES UNDER THE SPEED LIMIT
#crowley#rewatched the last 2 episodes again and im positive the next season will have aziraphale trying his best to thwart the second coming#from inside heaven using bureaucracy and technicalities also that metatron has got a plot significant reason for going to such lengths to#get aziraphale#maybe because they could be strong enough to stop them destroying earth if they do miracles together because they're powerful as fuck#and he wants the second coming to happen#in my head we start off with aziraphale puttering about making plans and all and its rather funny and then we switch to crowley after#sndjdjendndndndndndndwatched the last 2episoded again. watched them. again.#anyone notice how we see how they're really like when not made to be someone they're not or do something they dont want to#ughh like how aziraphale likes to always move about doing something or the other with always a Goal in mind#and is polite bur also bitchy and bossy and stubborn and crowley mostly just hangs around him and watches whatever he does#loved aziraphale in this. hated how in the last episode we see how SURE they both are that they're on the same page about how they should#be together ideally.#like. theyre so sure the other person will say yes. aziraphale already said yes to bitchatron. crowley set up the nightingale song#i think this entire thing is to have aziraphale let go of the idea that heaven is inhenrently good and better than hell#devastating but. needs to happen#anyway. cant wait for season 3. they'll probably end up staying on earth. crowley was willing to leave earth bur aziraphale wanted to stay#and fix it from within. i think the best ending wouldn't be if they ended up running away to a random planet?#it would be perfect if they stayed on earth after fighting heaven and hell along with humanity and winning the war#if they're gonna fight on the side of humanity against heaven and hell we actually need azira out of heaven. mr angel pls come back#good omens
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bbreaddog · 10 months
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hazelfoureyes · 3 months
before i never really interacted with blogs(cuz anxiety and very toxic friends had my tumblr, who ive gotten rid of now) but now i literally interact with every post bc of you, you are god and i will worship you, your smut is poetic af and has my legs SHAKING(.literally.)
also, alastor and his rivals(vox or lucifer) x reader smut? like i know alastor would be petty asf and have them watch as he fucks the living out of their beloved, im curious, do you have any ideas regarding that?(cuz your ideas are delicious and im hungry for that)
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You’ve left me speechless which is quite the accomplishment, Darling. I am just a little goblin! Or like the tooth fairy, but instead of teeth I take praise and instead of money I leave filthy smut 🥺 I am so glad you removed the toxic friends and are interacting more. 💖 you deserve better and your interactions are a joy. Thank you for brightening my day! I am so far away and yet you’ve got me blushing like a fool.
oooh yes okay so! Here’s some ideas 👀
Energy for me is Lucifer: Here to please. Alastor: Here to win. I imagine Luci brings you to the hotel for Charlie’s Birthday party, already having a precious casual fling once or twice before. All the guests are there, everyone is dancing and drinking and having a good time. Alastor notices how you call him Luci, how Lucifer cant keep his cool when you lean closer to him when you speak. Naturally, Alastor sees an opportunity to fuck with Lucifer so he asks for a dance. He is uncharacteristically sweet and loving, willing to do anything to get under the king of hell’s skin. He changes the music to something slow, holding you close he whispers in your ear during your dance, “How can any man maintain composure around you? I feel my manners slipping through my fingers every time you look my way.” When you leave the party to cool down, Alastor follows, finding you in an empty room trying to decompress. “Would you hate me if I kissed you? Be forewarned, once I start, I’m not sure I’ll be able to stop…”
Lucifer walks in to see you absolutely melting under Alastor, lipstick smeared and face flushed. But Luci adores you, your pleasure is his pleasure and he’s compelled to stay and watch, even as Alastor makes you moan and scream his name. “Who do you belong to, sweetheart?” “Whose cock are you made for?” You’re reduced to incoherent babbling by the time Alastor is finished toying with Lucifer. Lucifer can’t take it anymore and finds himself crawling onto the bed to swallow your moans and shower you in praise.
I can see Vox bringing his beloved personal assistant to an overlord meeting for note taking, and Alastor notices your glances to him. Vox adores you, and is always on his best behavior around you to impress you. Alastor waits for you outside of Vee Tower that night for a “chance run in”. “What luck! Allow me to buy you a drink, as a welcome to hell.” Charms you as any good southern boy could, and suggests you both go back to your office for privacy. Knowing full well Vox has cameras all over the office, Alastor fucks Vox’s assistant on his desk while maintaining eye contact with the massive collection of screens there. Vox catches sight of this while skimming through the feeds but can’t break away from the video. Alastor keeps your back to the displays while bouncing you on his cock, smirking at Vox the entire time as he leans back on his desk chair. Vox is seething and finally rushes to his office to find Alastor gone and you lying on your back, still out of breath and cum dripping onto the desk.
Vox keeps you, but gets rid of the desk. He can’t let Alastor have the satisfaction of making him lose his prized employee. For weeks after, while zoning out in board meetings, his screen flashes images of Alastor smirking from over your shoulder as you ride him. He’s entirely unaware that it’s happening and everyone is too scared to tell him.
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moonastro · 4 months
mini message from your fs
pick a picture
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left to right(top)-> 1,2,3
left to right(bottom)-> 4,5,6
*this took me quite a bit of time to write and i would appreciate the support that you give me, please enjoy this post as much as i enjoyed making it!*
°DO NOT take this as literal, take everything with a grain of salt as this is purely and intendedly for entertainment purposes. °Don't be afraid to give feedback and opinions about this post (as i would entirely appreciate it). ° This is a GENERAL reading, take what resonates and leave and pass on what does not!
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pile 1-
"hi, i haven't done this before so please understand me☺️. i have been focusing on myself lately and kind off forgot about the people around me. i tend to do that sometimes. right now i may not be in the right physical mentality to be in a relationship but i always seem to think about you- literally, even if i don't mean to. please understand that our time together will come one day and there is no rush at all, after all the saying goes, 'good things come to those who wait.' when the time comes i am sure to have healed and be in the right mental space in order to take extra good care of you. i feel like you think about me also, you may even feel strong emotions when thinking of me but hold on just a little longer, i promise our time will come."
aww this person seems to be focusing on themselves at this time and it is important for them to do so. i think that they have went through a heartbreak and they are taking time off from any committed relationships as of now, they may be isolating themselves more than usual and that's just because they are regaining their mentality and energy.
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pile 2-
"um, this is a bit awkward, not you but me, i tend to have awkwardness crawling next to me at all times. sorry, for the babbling, i have actually gotten a new job, a job that i have never had any experience in so that's really what I'm focusing on at the moment. it's a job that requires me to be independent and not rely on anyone else which i am very grateful for. this is actually a great time to remind myself to say this to you as i feel like i am quite distant with you sometimes. i dream about you...like a lot. it truly awakens something in me, passion, lust perhaps?? i actually don't know the feeling, its so unique that i only feel it when i see you in my dreams. i secretly want to feel that feeling all the time so i purposely sleep a lot just to see you. i need to pick myself up and sort my life out, I'm in a bit of a mess right now but that's just life you know?? i hope to someday release the feeling that i crave every night and i hope that day is near!"
wow, i feel like this person has strong feelings towards you, you may be connected spiritually and communicate regularly in the higher dimensions. they seem to be learning how to routinise their life and their life seems very busy and tiring. i feel like you guys will meet very soon as both are heading in the right direction.
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pile 3-
"hey! oh how i need you in my life. every day i feel like a puzzle piece walking around longing for my other half, i feel very empty. not in a bad way of course, its just i know we are meant to be together and I'm a bit impatient at this point. how long is this going to take?? i guess i have been avoiding meditating and practising my wellness and that's why i have been battling with my thoughts 24/7. thinking of you makes me feel very powerful and secure. when you appear in my mind you clear every last of my bad thoughts, thank you for that!! maybe i can thank you soon? please tell me you are on your way to me? please. please. please... don't make me wait any longer. i do escape my reality, i tend to leave my house and sneak through the window to walk at night. i feel like that calms me? do you prefer night over the daytime too?? i feel like you do, oh we already have one thing in common imagine how many other thousands of things we relate to. i cant wait to talk to you, i really cant."
your person is rather impatient!! like really impatient. but i feel like they need the nurture from someone and they may be lacking that as well. they sound like they are struggling with their thoughts and overthink a lot, especially about the bad things. they are constantly trying to figure out what may be the problem, they may be new to this lifestyle and they are constantly trying to flee their problem instead of confronting them.
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pile 4- 18+
"i feel you. i breathe you. i crave you. if you think i don't know you, oh no no i literally think of you all the fricken time. thinking of you makes me cxm. i cant wait to be intimate with you, i don't care if we don't know each other in real life, i want you! you make me want to touch myself, but how can i perform the act without you??? i sometimes think that I'm going insane but deep down i know that you are here with me. i really hope you are prepared for me baby. just a heads up, i may be out of control when things get too intimate if you know what i mean. but i am trying to control that because the last thing i want is to hurt you. i will worship you like a god, i will kneel down and worship you right in front of you, that's how much you mean to me. I'm not a committed relations typa person, i am waiting for you and saving myself for the fun that we will have."
pheww, wowwww wow wow, your person is very sexual. they sound like someone who connects with someone through being intimate and they are waiting for you to do so, sooo don't be surprised if there is crying and lots of raw emotions being released when you two perform the act. this will be very sacred for them, and you will be their art and world and basically their everything.
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pile 5-
"hi lovely, just popping in to tell you that i am on my way to you. please don't be afraid, it is time for us to finally become one. i am finally ready!! aren't you excited? because i am so excited. every day i am getting closer and closer to meeting you and that makes me feel like a noodle- absolutely WEAKK. your presence is so strong darling, you wont need to be so strong when i appear in your life. we will grow together and i feel like you learned enough life lessons and that why this is possible in the first place. we have completed our lessons. i am so so proud of us. i am ready to finally settle down and commit to you. you are like the sun and i am the plant, leaning towards the sun, please keep shining my dear! we will make this work, together!!!!"
aw such a sweet message, your person is definitely such a cutie. they are definitely ready for marriage and to have a stable relationship. i do however think that they may speak a different language or are from a different country as i feel like there will be some set backs to your communication, but as your person said, you will make it work!
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pile 6-
"hi, i have been daydreaming quite a lot...maybe about you. but that's really not important.. perhaps it is, i have been exploring new ways of expressing my emotions, been practising quite a bit. i think that i miss out on many opportunities because of my daydreaming but that's how i connect with you!! there i said it, do people really want me to break the only connection that we have together? are people that cruel? they just don't understand! music is my go to, i speak to you through music so please listen to music more. i have some things to learn and unfold but please don't worry about me! i don't want you to stress over me, i know you have your own set of problems so please don't add more to your list. can i tell you a secret? i am on a difficult path right now and its all my fault! we cant be together as soon as we would of want all because of my stupidity! but you are the star in this connection so i have my whole trust in you. please wait for me. can you promise me that?"
so your person really blames themselves a lot. it is not their fault at all, it is just that they need to learn more lessons than an average person. they feel hopeless and lost at this time so their energy is all over the place. they do lose their ability to focus as they are distracted by the tempting things in life and that sets them back.
that is it for this post!!
wow, i really enjoyed doing this reading, i had a lot of fun writing this, some messages were so cute and others steamy lol. but i hope you guys enjoyed this as much as i did!!
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t4rt4gl14 · 2 years
Cockwarming the genshin men and watching them squirm 😻😻 in public or not is fine [drool]
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-> 𝙁𝙀𝘼𝙏𝙐𝙍𝙄𝙉𝙂 : DICKZ!! — diluc. itto. childe. kaeya. zhongli. [ BONUS : PANTALONE !! thoma. xiao ]
☻ — 𝘄𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀 : mndi. DARK CONTENT AHEAD. FEM!reader + c0ckw4rming duhh 🙄 + edging + sub!reader & dom!reader + spanking + degradation + praise + brat taming + body praise + hickeys <3 ( giving and receiving ) + kinda public s3x ? ( diluc — childe — kaeya ) + b3lly bulge ( itto — pantalone )
A/N : y’all 🔥 I ADDED PANTALONE AS A BONUS cuz i didn’t know if i could write him well 💀 but first time 4 everything ig
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🌀 — here you are, sitting on his lap, his chest snug against your back, you patiently wait for him to do his paperwork whilst you sit on his lap however you cannot ignore the pleasure pulsating yet unsatisfying as you sit in your spot with dilucs cock deep inside of you. your soft gummy insides make him want to bend you over and pound you right there and then but he convinces himself to sit still so the pleasure will be fucking delicious later on. “d-diluc..please move! i cant~ i wanna feel good”, you whine with a small frown on your face, “i wouldn’t want to punish you dove, now do a small favour and keep your lips sealed as i finish off this paperwork, i assure you once i am finished you’ll be in bliss.” and he wasn’t lying..30 minutes later he’s destroying your insides, reaching so far inside as you he uses you like a personal fleshlight..you’ve no choice but to take it and enjoy it like the good girl you are!~
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🌀 — “c-cupcake m’sorry just for a little while more, m’kay?? my good girl”, his thick cock stuffed inside of you, reaching all the deepest places, you knew it was big but not this big. “itto! please m-move mmmghh!”, your pleads and cries fell on deaf ears just as he snuggled up to your hips even more, biting and nipping at your neck whilst you tug on his horns, at which, the bulge becomes evident at some point especially when you sway your hips back and forth, just yearning for some sort for friction! even when you scratch and claw at ittos back- he still can’t help himself. is it wrong that he’s been edging you despite no punishment being deserved, in fact you’ve been good to him the entire week! but he can’t help it!! the tightness of your gooey cunt, the unexpected contractions and squeezes, you two might be here for a while <33
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🌀 — well i must say this is a punishment for you both, whilst he signs off his paperwork and you patiently sit there with his cock nudged inside. so big that it presses right up to your cervix and each time you cry and beg for more, the tears cascading down your flushed cheeks, he only tuts and adds on 10 minutes, patting on you the back, occasionally he’ll allow you to move, a thrust or two just to edge you tease even more but that’s about it however he admires your patience and courtesy..constantly reassuring you that once your punishment is over he’ll fuck you so good that you won’t even remember your own name. the thought alone causes you to contract around him— if childe were not holding back he would’ve cum long time ago- painting your inside a pretty white but none the less he holds it all in just so he could torture you more ! <33
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🌀 — kaeyas only intention was to have you sit on his lap whilst marking knight of favonius paperwork however the plans seem to have diverted..now both of you are here kissing each other, practically snogging, you wonder when you’ll take a break for air although it seems as though it’s not needed. the tip pressing right up into your sweet spot which only causes you to tighten, “s-snowflake-! a-angh you’re c-clamping down mm~”, and it’s only a matter of time before kaeya sets all the paperwork to the side and place your back gently on the table, railing you and claiming your insides as his own. which we all know, eventually leads to your cunt being so full that his seed leeks out whilst some sloshes inside <333
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🌀 — despite handing over his gnosis to the fatui and attempting to live the rest of his life as a mortal— he still gets such symptoms of when he was rex lapis; for example! the horns and even a tail can be seen from time to time but only when he’s extremely horny…and today he demanded you to sit on his lap and take it all in despite it being much larger than usual! if you whined, he would only shove his fingers down your throat and order you to be quiet, “such sluts do not have the right to whine. let alone disrespect an archon”, however for your sake, he’ll rub your clit ever so slowly just so the pleasure doesn’t die down but only increase >:)
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-> PANTALONE !!! : edging with pantalone is certainly something. he’ll keep smiling with that ‘innocent’ smile of his even when you’ve been sitting on his cock for hours. massaging your tummy, pressing down on the bulge just to make you even more sensitive, he just loves it when you arch your back, the way your face contorts- it turns him on so much! he wonders how long you’ll be able to stay in this position until you break.
-> THOMA !! : thoma is so cute! his skin etched red as he tugs on the ropes, gaze clouded with lust whilst eyeing your body, the spot where you two connect- wondering when you will move; just do something..anything!! move up or down or back n forth! he doesn’t care he just wants to feel good :( his cock engulfed by the warm of your sweet cunt. thomas completely at your mercy just to be your good boy~
-> XIAO !! : xiao is just skfbjsdbsn, cheeks flushed as he hides into your neck, his precum smearing across your gummy walls whilst he clutches onto your shirt, almost tearing it. you could hear the slight mewls and whines even when he tried hiding, biting his lip found no avail so eventually in the end he just attempted to get you to move…which only caused you to prolong the time of his punishment— truly you show no respect for the adepti >:(
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TAGGING : @kxisuke @itthoee @currysrealm @leathernourishingshoepolish @stygianoir
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comet-forgot-you · 6 months
river x fem!reader
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summary: you cant let river walk home in the rain :/
warnings: 18+ pls. smut lol. car sex, strap-on use (river receiving), river gets called mamas, bottom!river, smoking, idk if theres more.
a/n: sorry for not posting in forever, i forgot who i was. all souls came out and i cant find any river fics so here i am. once again written in an hour, sorry. do not repost for any reason.
you stood in an empty alleyway, back pressed against a cold brick wall as you stared at the door you had gotten used to watching river come out of. you dig around in your pocket, searching for the pack of cigarettes you had just bought, before pulling them out. you open the case, picking one out and stuffing the box back in your pocket and lighting it.
as you take your first inhale, a metal door slams open. you turn your attention to the girl you had been waiting for, her focus solely on the stack of cash she had just received. you take the cigarette from your lips and exhale.
“river,” you call out. she turns her attention to you, fighting a smile. she stuffs the money into her pocket and walks over to you.
“y/n,” she mumbles, taking the cigarette from your fingers. she places it between her lips. “what are your doing here?”
you smile, looking away from her for a split second before returning your gaze to her. “had to make sure a pretty girl i know didnt walk home in the rain,” you tease. she rolls her eyes, exhaling a cloud of smoke.
“ahh, my knight in shining armor,” she pokes back. you let out a laugh.
“right this way, princess,” you fake a curtsey before offering your hand for her to take. she smiles, slapping your hand away.
“you’re so stupid,” she says. she drops the cigarette to the ground, stomping it out before following you to your car.
“fuck,” she moans out, head falling back in pleasure. she presses her hand against your backseat window for some sort of stability as you fuck up into her.
you and river both knew this was going to happen. it was never just taking her home for either of you. not when you couldnt keep your thoughts from drifting to her, especially while you were on duty, and definitely not when you became the second person she looked forward to seeing after every shift.
you sneak your hand up her sweater, palming a tit over her shirt. river lets out a shaky breath, holding onto the headrest like her life depended on it.
your free hand moves from her thigh to thumb at her clit and river cant help the moan that escapes her lips. you roll her clothes nipple between your fingers, thrusting up into her like her high was the only thing that mattered to you. in this moment, it felt like it was.
“taking my strap so well, mamas. you gonna cum all over it? hmm?” you mumble out, rubbing her clit in tight circles.
“fuck, yes. yes i-“ a moan cuts her sentence short as your strap hits a spot inside of her that makes her see stars. “oh fuckfuckfuckfuckfuck,” she mutters it out like a prayer. “m’ gonna cum, y/n. okay? gonna cum on..” a whine leaves her throat as your cold fingers make their way under her shirt to pinch at her nipples. “your strap,” she mumbles.
you smile at her broken sentences. “go on, then.” you pull her hips down, the entire length of the strap nestled in her cunt, your fingers working wonders on her nipples and clit, she couldnt stop the orgasm that washes over her even if she tried go. she grinds against the strap, doing her best to ride out her high.
she mumbles incoherent words, her hand falling from your fogged up window to hold herself up by your shoulder.
“did so good, mamas. one more?”
a/n: the way i view/perceive characters comes from the way other ppl see them, so if yall dont think this is what she seems like, im sorry 💀💀
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buckybarnesb-tch · 6 months
Heyy I totally understand how you would feel uncomfortable about the Ed one so could you please do the insomnia one shot i cant wait to read it if you do xx
Internal Clock in Smithereens -Klaus M.
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(Sorry this one took so long, I completely forgot I had nearly finished it)
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She tried so incredibly hard to hide it.
The first 2 months of their relationship she came up with every excuse in the book to not stay the night at his house. Forgotten things, appointments the next day, family emergencies, and she had to give Klaus credit for putting up with it for 2 whole months before he began taking it personally.
Admittedly he considered she was just more comfortable sleeping in her own bed and so he had gone shopping and gotten the comfiest bed he could possibly find. He knew she liked it because she had drifted off on it for many naps at the strangest times, naps he always felt bad waking her up from for some reason he couldn’t identify, though she never complained.
He had also considered that she was uncomfortable around his siblings and so he set out to ensure they behaved themselves around her and they all did. Elijah loved Y/n, he was thrilled to finally meet his brothers redemption in human form, he knew this girl was it for his little brother and he would do anything he had to, to make sure she stayed with him. Even if that means controlling Kol.
Shockingly enough, Kol loved her as well. She distracted Klaus and kept him off of the youngest Mikaelson’s back, she also kept him in a mostly good mood which saved Kol many a time when he had screwed up again. Rebekah also enjoyed her (though it took her a while to warm up) after learning that Y/n was much different than her Scooby Gang friends and didn’t judge Rebekah. Y/n enjoyed spending time with the Original girl, going shopping with her, having days out just the two of them, basically giving Rebekah the best friend she had always wanted.
All 3 of his siblings would have done anything to make sure Y/n was comfortable in their home.
It was actually Elijah that proposed the possibility of her having sleeping troubles but Klaus dismissed this as he had seen her fall asleep in the oddest places at the oddest times.
When Klaus finally just asked her if she had reservations about being with him, she gave in and stayed over. She didn’t want him to think that she didn’t love him, or that she was afraid of him so she pushed through her discomfort and packed a bag, staying with him for the entire weekend.
The first day after Klaus woke up he had planned a day out for the both of them and though she was exhausted, she powered through. The second night she laid there, staring at the ceiling all night long with Klaus’ arms around her without the option of even reading on her phone, only getting about an hour and a half of actual sleep.
It was the third night that she finally snuck from his arms and ended up in the family room, reading a book. Klaus woke up around 2am and ventured off to find her, thoroughly confused as he could clearly see how exhausted she was when he looked at her eyes.
‘Love? What are you doing out of bed?’ He asked and she jumped, startled as none of the vampires in this house make noise when they walk. She had gotten used to identifying everyone she’s ever lived with by their footsteps but she can’t do it here.
‘I couldn’t sleep is all. Go back to bed Nik, I’m okay.’ He shook his head, moving to her and taking her into his arms with no effort at all.
‘I’m not going without you. Come on, I’ll make you some hot tea and you’ll fall right asleep.’ She shook her head this time and tried to get him to put her down. ‘I can compel you to help you relax…is that what it is? Are you scared of being here? I promise you that my siblings-‘
‘Nik! It has nothing to do with your family, I-‘ she heaved a heavy sigh, forcing her way to her feet and sitting back on the couch while he crouched down in front of her, taking her hands into his.
‘What’s going on, Love? I don’t understand-‘
‘I can’t sleep.’ She admitted, actually feeling good about finally saying it out loud to him. ‘I have had really bad insomnia since I was a kid. It started when I was 6, it’s why I end up napping in such strange places. I get so physically tired that my body eventually just passes out…it made for some interesting jokes with my family my whole life. That’s why I didn’t want to stay here, it’s even worse in unfamiliar places and I didn’t want to keep you up.’ Klaus paused, just watching his girls eyes as they looked over his face nervously.
‘Why didn’t you tell me, Y/n? It’s not a big deal!’ He eyes hardened and she glared at him angrily. ‘Let me rephrase that. It’s obviously a big deal that you can’t sleep. It sucks and I wish you didn’t have this problem, but it’s not a big deal to me.’ He hated how she looked up at him in that moment and he wanted so badly to comfort her, moving himself to the couch and pulling her onto his lap, kissing her head tenderly.
‘It’s embarrassing. Do you know how funny everyone thought it was when I was a kid? They got annoyed that I would be up watching TV all night but then be laughing about a new picture they took of me asleep leaning against the couch standing up. It was like my issues were a huge joke to tell at parties. My parents showed those humiliating pictures to everyone that listened, she sent one into school for my yearbook childhood picture. I don’t tell anyone…I should have just told you but I didn’t want to risk you finding it funny. God knows Kol would never let it go-‘
‘No one here will tease you, I’ll make sure of it. Now, let’s go get you to sleep. I don’t know how long compulsion will last but you’ll be able to get some rest. No more embarrassment over this, you had me worried sick, do you hear me love?’ She nodded, allowing her Hybrid to sweep her off of her feet and carry her back to his overly comfortable bed.
It turns out compulsion only works for about 3 hours at a time but considering how shitty her sleep normally is, it does wonders for her. Klaus is more than happy to wake up and compel her once again into sleeping for a few more hours and now that he can, he all but moved her into his home with him.
Apparently even a fucked up internal clock doesn’t stand a chance against a hybrid.
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(This isn’t my best work. I wasn’t really into it and I feel like it really shows (even if it was already meant to be a short fic) but I hope you at least enjoy it a little bit)
Klaus Mikaelson Masterlist
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whateverisbeautiful · 1 month
Hi! I just wanted to say that I discovered your top 30 Richonne list a few days ago and I've been down the meta rabbit hole you've so wonderfully crafted this entire week so far. I've cried and smiled so much reading them. Each post is just so beautiful.
I was reading one of your Reveling in Richonne posts this morning for episode 10 x 04 where Michonne talked with Ezekiel about how much she still misses Rick and loves him so much and that she misses his walk and now I can't get over it. Now I'm thinking about all those times when she looked at Rick walking towards or away from her pre- and post-canon where she would be thinking the man I'm crushing on, then eventually the man I love is so sexy. Is there any chance you can do a post speculating those moments where they are both checking each out specifically regarding Michonne checking out Rick's walk?
Also I cant wait for you to do a Reveling in Richonne continuation based on TOWL 👀? So excited! Lastly I just need you to know that my Richonne withdrawals have been pretty bad now that TOWL has concluded. So discovering your blog and your metas have been giving me my whole entire life and I just want to say thank you and that I really appreciate all the thought and beauty you put into your posts. You're amazing!!!! 👏🏽 👏🏽 🤩 💖
Hi @rct85 ! I'm so encouraged by your message, thank you so much. 🥰 I love that this richonne reveling rabbit hole could help with the richonne withdrawal. I’m feeling it too and really miss seeing them on screen each week. 🥲 Thank goodness we were spoiled with years of richonne content that I’ve just been playing on a loop in my head. The second I'm finally able, I'm looking forward to going all out and writing about every golden moment from TOWL. The towl thoughts and observations are abundant lol.
And I really like that thought of highlighting the times that Michonne was looking at Rick and thinking this man I'm crushing on and later in love with is so sexy. I can definitely speculate on those moments and I've placed my extra self’s speculation right below. 😊⬇
I focused on Michonne specifically for this one because if I were to make a list of times Rick was looking at Michonne and thinking this woman I'm crushing on/in love with is so sexy it would be wildly long because it's every single moment he and Michonne are on screen together. Like truly from TWD 3.06 at the fence to the TOWL 1.06 finale Rick looks like he's thinking that. 😋 While Michonne can be a little more subtle than Slick Rick, she's still head over heels for her husband and I think I pinpointed some clear moments where she was noting how fine her man is and appreciating that walk. 😏 Thanks again for reading my posts and for this kind message! 💗
Moments Michonne Was Checking Out Her Man’s Walk/Thinking Rick Is Fine 😋
Exhibit A:
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It started real early if you ask me. 😌 At this point our Michonne had been abandoned by her only friend, unsuccessfully gaslit by the governor, chased down and shot by Merle, and passed out killing walkers at the prison fence. She’d been put through a whole lot in mind and body…but her eyes clearly still work just fine as she seems to be taking in this handsome stranger in front of her.
And sis is an observant person so I wouldn’t at all be surprised if she had a conscious thought that this man from the prison is attractive, even here in their first exchange. Thinking about how she described Maggie and the Governor based on appearances in this ep, I’d bet that had Michonne had to describe Rick this early, some type of good-looking adjective would‘ve been used.
(*Also the footnote for all of these bits of evidence is that Rick is absolutely captivated by her in each of these moments too 💯)
Exhibit B:
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Clear is where that Richonne attraction was loud and on display from both of them. We don’t see Rick walk away in this scene at the end of the ep but uh Michonne does. 😊 And of course she likes what she sees with that lingering look and smile she gives. And all that car key shuffling - it’s giving Rick is pretty eager but maybe she is too 🤭
Exhibit C & D:
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I put these two moments side by side because I love how similar they are in the way Rick walks up to her and the way Michonne smiles at him. To think one scene is during their early s4 crush era and the other is during their s7 honeymoon ep, just goes to show these two have been smitten a long long time and always will be. In both moments I know Michonne loves seeing his walk just like Rick loves seeing her smile.
Exhibit E:
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As she observes Rick here, I think Michonne has a lot of thoughts going through her head, which naturally are deeper than just checking him out. On a larger level, she’s realizing that Rick has unique qualities that she loves and respects and recognizes in her own self. She saw firsthand the way Rick walks the walk when it comes to protecting his family and she’s fallen in love with him. But I think an appreciation for his literal walk can be included in those thoughts during this scene as she starts to slowly become more cognizant that she sees Rick as a lot more than just a friend.
Exhibit F (Pt. 1 & Pt. 2):
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I may have forgot if this was a list of Michonne’s thoughts or mine with exhibit f lol. But I’m just gonna venture to say that she and I shared the same appreciation for Rick’s walk in that barn. It’s Season 5 Rick - of course Michonne was feeling a type of way about him. And she might not have agreed with him punching Aaron but I know she wasn’t mad at that walk.
Exhibit G:
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Seeing Rick’s clean-shaven face for the first time was Michonne’s most blatant display of attraction towards him pre-canon and she was definitely noting how fine he is. And from my posts on the scene, it’s no secret how much I love this moment and it’s no secret how much these two were into each other. I also just added a later s5 moment of Rick seeing Michonne in the constable windbreaker for the first time because it gives a similar energy. It’s cute how Rick and Michonne both have such obvious attraction and intrigued reactions to seeing each other in ways they haven’t seen each other before.
(That’s also why I thought it was so funny and doomed that their plan was to pretend like they don’t know each other at the CRM because Richonne hasn’t been able to mask their blazing attraction to each other since season 3)
Exhibit H:
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This is such a sweet moment and I always adore seeing the slightly bashful way Michonne can’t help but stare at her man and smile after their first night together. And the way Rick can sense her looking at him and then smiles and reaches for her. It gives me life. This had to make this list because I’m pretty sure “the man I love is so sexy” is one of the direct quotes from Michonne’s mind in this scene.
Exhibit I:
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Even when injured Rick’s walk is hot and Michonne knows it. 😋 The scene above and a couple more in this episode were clear signs of Michonne admiring her man inside and out. They were both so cute and couply and in love in this ep and I’ll never get over it.
In The Ones Who Live…
Each of these towl moments deserves dissertations so I’ll wait to elaborate because dissertations are coming later on. But I still had to include them on this list because they’re prime examples of Michonne loving Rick’s walk and/or loving how sexy her husband is - with the last one being the pinnacle 😍
Exhibit J:
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Exhibit K:
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Exhibit L:
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Exhibit M:
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113 notes · View notes
aaron warner x ferrars!reader pt. 2
aaron warner continues to make way into your life, and it's only a matter of time before you grow fond of him too.
(taken place during unravel me)
continuation of the hcs from this piece!
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a/n: hey y'all.... the long awaited pt 2 is finally here. so sorry for the wait, but i had some major writer's block with this at first, and tbh life has been a lil hectic rn with classes n stuff, so thank you for all the love and support on the first headcannons, and thank you for being patient with me! i truly cant express enough how happy i get when you guys compliment my work <3 as usual, hayden is my personal fc, imagine who you like !
side note: i know reader might seem kind of useless at times even tho she has powers, but it's because she doesn't have a full control of her ability yet, still learning how far it goes, and she doesn't have much practice on defensive uses of it, since a lot of her training is about learning about her powers. hope that makes sense LOL. some big events are going to be briefed over bc i didnt wanna bore y’all with stuff you alr read in the book and wanna focus on warner & reader interactions👍
word count: 8.2k
warnings: some plot changes, vague taylor swift reference, mentions of injuries and blood, some violence
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after receiving the note, you immediately crumped it and stuffed it into a random drawer with your clothing. you hadn't told a soul about the message, you feared it would only make the implication of meeting warner again true.
thinking about the note was a pipeline to thinking about aaron warner. thinking about him meant flashing back to the last moment the two of you shared.
his lips on yours, his confessions of his infatuation, and of course, the way your shot him in the chest. you hated how the memory was brung a warm and unfamiliar feeling in your chest, especially thinking back to the kiss.
you told yourself it wasn't a big deal. maybe another member at the base decided to play a prank on you, or perhaps it was just an empty threat. there was no way warner knew your location, so there's no need to tell anyone about the silly note.
but to be extra cautious, you laid off going on missions to the outside for a little bit. plus, it forced juliette to interact with people that weren't you on missions when you weren't there.
you went along with your routine as usual, training with castle and kenji, and hanging out with juliette and adam.
you didn't hate castle by any means, but you find his underlying scrutinization of both you and your sister at times to be bothersome. his constant pushy treatment to juliette never sat right with you either, but since he was the leader of omega point - you knew you had to still show respect for him.
although, you started to notice a strain between the couple recently, mostly from adam's side. there was obviously something he was keeping from juliette.
you comforted your sister to the best of your ability, but you knew not knowing was starting to affect her. kenji also seemed to know whatever this secret was, but was adamant on keeping his lips shut.
however, once castle took adam away in the middle of you guys eating lunch, juliette demanded answers since it was obvious adam himself was struggling to reveal it himself.
this time kenji was helpful and guided you and juliette to the research labs. there you both saw castle engaging adam in some sort of tests, and it sent your sister into a fit of rage, mainly aimed at castle. which then resulted in her angrily punch the ground, causing for a large earthquake that shook the entire establishment.
juliette was passed out for three days before waking up. you worried for her endlessly during those days, it was the one of the only times you intentionally listened for her thoughts, to ensure she was alright, but it was scarily silent. you knew adam also was quite worried for juliette, but castle made sure he kept his distance.
after that, her and adam were on some sort of unofficial break up, and you knew better than to get involved. juliette was also now required to join you and kenji in training, which made for a chaotic, but fun trio.
your powers were getting easier to control, you were working on levitating heavier objects every time. you've practiced mental manipulation on insects and small animals, so you had a gist of to what extent you could control a mind. the most you've done so far was send simple commands like jump, sit, move, etc. kenji always offered to be a test subject for this, but you always declined, not liking the thought of possibly controlling the mind of your friend.
now that you could control when to apprehend thoughts, it made it much easier to make friends without disrespecting people's privacy. while sara and sonya were always kind to you, others had made it sort of clear they wanted to keep their distance to prevent their mind from being read by you. being able to now reassure others that their thoughts weren't being heard made it easier for people to approach you.
much like juliette you found new friends in brendan, with an electric ability, and winston, who had a stretchy ability and also designed the suits for both ferrars.
days at omega point were serene for a bit, everyone following routine and members continuing to patrol areas for any threats of the reestablishment. but it was surely disrupted with the arrival of threatening news.
it was in the middle of the night when you were dragged away from your bed by kenji to castle's office; juliette and adam following suite. he claimed it was an urgent matter that required the presence of the four of you.
there, castle revealed the return of the supreme commander, also known as warner's father - that was big news to you and juliette. it explains how warner was able to be out with his men in the sector so often.
however, news worsened when you found out brendan and winston along with emory and ian were taken by the reestablishment during their patrol. at their missing location was left a note, with specific instructions on how to proceed.
you were shaken by this discovery, it had been only less than 24 hours since you had last spoken with either of them, both you and juliette had had breakfast with brendan and winston.
that wasn't even the end of if, castle instructed that all four of you were to go to this meeting destination.
all of you were taken aback by this, you had initially assumed castle would be the one to see the supreme, since has is the leader and all.
adam and kenji were at the head of the protest against this plan, not wanting to easily comply . both you and juliette remained silent, still taking in all the information given.
you without a doubt were ready to head in for the safety of your friends, but you also didn't like the unpredictability of the situation you all could possibly wander into with the commander.
"the two of you may opt out as you like, but i am requesting the aid of both ferrars, seeing as they are the ones very explicitly instructed to see the supreme - a sort of exchange, them for the hostages. "
again, everyone in the room was stunned with confusion. all having the same question, why would he need both sisters there?
you didn't know the room could've possibly erupted into more chaos than right now. adam was now furious, kenji not too far behind with questions of his own.
you couldn't help but think back to the note you found in your pocket, "see you soon." is this what he had meant? had he known this would occur that long ago?
again, you shook the thought from your mind. aaron warner wasn't the one who sent the order, it was the supreme, so it's possible warner will not even be at the location the four of you are suppose to go to.
no need to think about warner, you told yourself. no need to remember how he kissed you with ferocious passionate intent.
with this newfound knowledge, you knew you couldn't back away from this, not when there were lives at stake, and you didn't have to be familiar with the supreme to know he would not hesitate to take the lives of omega point members.
you looked toward juliette to inquire her thoughts about the situation. you understood from the look on her face that she had a similar plan of action to you. a telepathic (without actually reading her mind this time) message was communicated between both of you, making a mutual agreement.
"we'll do it." you announced over the arguing.
castle was pleased with this decision, but immediately adam objected, and even kenji was hesitant for you both to go through with the plan. however, stubborn as ever, both of you committed to your decision.
preparing for the meeting with warner's father was nerve-racking, worried for the safety of your team, and also the hostages. you and everyone knew this had to be some sort of trap set up by the commander, but there wasn't much you could do besides arm yourself and comply.
the four of you were gathered in castle's office. castle made sure all four of you were equipped with necessary gear for the mission, including having weapons with you.
you attire was the same as usual, a red leather corset-styled top, a matching leather coat-like jacket, black pants in a stretchy material, accompanied with black fingerless gloves and black knee-high boots - except now you had the addition of a harness and holsters up your leg to hold any firearms given to you. the coat did well in concealing a lot of the guns.
luckily, you had a good amount of practice with a gun since the warner incident. you were no james bond, as a man kenji liked to reference, but you had enough skill to defend yourself and others in the face of danger.
"why does warner's father need both sisters?" kenji humorously asked castle, "can't we at least keep one of them, one for the reestablishment and one for omega point."
you scoffed with a grin, entertaining the joke. "i'm sorry, who exactly are you willing to sacrifice to the reestablishment kenji?"
"well, with that attitude i'm starting to lean towards you."
castle goes through the plan once more before having to leave with the rest of omega point. they had to be stationed around building near the meeting point before the four of you arrived.
the time finally arrived for all of you to begin the journey to meeting the commander. since you all were traveling on foot, adam and kenji leading the way, you needed to leave at least an hour before the designated time.
adam was able to successfully turn off his protective shield for kenji to make all of you invisible. it made the journey easier; being able to wander through the land unseen.
after kenji misguided you to the wrong house, you all rushed to get to the correct address, 1542 sycamore. with 50 seconds of time, you all arrived.
juliette made the quick decision to tell kenji and adam to stay hidden, that it was better if warner's dad thought we were alone. in the case of an emergency, they could jump in.
kenji and adam gave a few last words of reassurance, before turning back invisible. then, you and juliette stood in front of the door of meeting house, holding hands before entering the house.
warner's dad did the job of opening the door for you both, inviting you inside even though it was more a of demand, and commenting on your impeccable timing.
once inside, you got a good look at the man. you shouldn't be shocked he was also quite handsome since he is warner's father, but you were still thrown back by his unexpected attractiveness.
unfortunately, you didn't take him his appearance for long before he abruptly & forcefully pushed juliette head against the wall behind her, momentarily knocking her out.
you didn't even get to process the action before you were pushed roughly against the wall, the commanders right forearm holding you down by the throat, while his left hand was disarming you.
almost as if acted on instinct, you pushed him back with a scarlet force, sending him back first onto a nearby table.
you took a second to get react, unsure of what happened, before rushing over to your sister. juliette didn't seem to be bleeding, luckily, but you figured she might have a concussion. much to your surprise, she sat up straighter attempting to act unfazed.
you were roughly yanked away by your wrist and away from juliette. you attempted a second self-defense act, but the commander was first and pulled out his gun, pointing it to your sister.
"try anything else, and i'll shoot her before you could blink."
your silence was a sign of defeat. you stood still as he unarmed you, even taking off your coat for good measure.
he released you finally then went on to do the same to juliette, who was still recovering from the slight blackout she faced from the collision with the wall - he repeated the threat to her, gun pointing in your direction this time.
you swore if you made it out of here alive you were going to learn more defensive uses of your powers to never be in a position like this again.
juliette must've been refocused on the task at hand because she starting asking the commander for the location of the hostages.
you stomach dropped when he disclosed his army is equipped and ready to take down any omega point members who are lingering by.
he went on to elaborate his plan to eliminate the "freaks" that made up the rebellion. but what got your heart beating faster was the mention of warner.
he directs his talk to you, "i admit, your sister, juliette, had piqued my interest quite a bit with her ability and history, i'd never paid much more than a glance in your direction. but what really astounded me, was when my son begged me to spare your life." he smiles, in a terrifying manor, "i just had to meet this girl whose bewitched him and spelled him into such a lovesick fool."
you felt physically stuck to your place as you listened. you didn't have to look at juliette to know she was also frozen.
'did aaron really do that?'
he turns in your direction, "i have every intention to use you to teach my son a lesson, and that will just have to include your death much to your misfortune. i really do hate to waste a pretty face." you face pales at the mention of your death.
then he faces your sister, who had taken a sudden step in front of you, "but that doesn't mean the older ferrars has to suffer the same fate and couldn't prove to be useful to join me in the capitol."
"i'd rather jump off a very steep cliff, thanks."
you wanted to laugh at your sister's retort, but you couldn't help but worry that he'd kill her for her denial. you'd rather be the sole target of his persecution than drag your sister down into it as well.
you reminded yourself adam and kenji were still around, they would surely arrive in time before either of you could be dead. you hoped.
the commander, however, does laugh at your sister's rejection, "a stubborn one you are."
"son, would you come in here, please?"
your eyes widen, warner was here this whole time.
you and juliette glanced at the same time, both being shocked at his presence.
when he appears in the doorway, all the memories of the event in his room come back to haunt you.
his face was void of any emotion, but his stare directed intensely toward you.
there was no time for small talk, because warner's father handed him a gun, meant to kill you. he places it in aaron's hand and aiming it to your head, dishing out the command to 'clean up his mess.'
you wouldn't be surprised if he had intentions to shoot you, you quite literally had shot him the last time you'd seen each other.
juliette let out yells of protests, telling warner to put the gun down.
you were preparing ways to defend yourself, mainly involving levitating an object and throwing it at either person with murderous intent toward you. but you weren't sure how you could hide the movement of your hand, and red glow of your eyes, when the attention was all on you.
but you couldn't help solely stare back into aaron's emerald green eyes. you wondered if this would be your last sight before death.
no, you refused to succumb to death like this, you wouldn't give anderson the pleasure.
you stared back into the green eyes, daring him to take a shot. this could be really courageous or terribly stupid.
then in the next instant, the gun had a new target, his father.
his father didn't look too fazed, confident that his son wouldn't shoot him, even patronizing him for it.
you didn't wait to find out if he would go through with it because now that the attention shifted, you could execute your plan of action.
the supreme and warner were both knocked down by the large heavy table being thrown at them. granted, aaron wasn't your target, but it didn't hurt to knock him down in case he intended to shoot you.
juliette took the opportunity to get the firearms the commander has taken at the beginning, and use the gun to shoot him in the leg. both legs. multiple times.
you were about to reel her back, when kenji appeared out of thin air, literally, and held juliette back from further injuring anderson.
suddenly, you remembered warner was still in the room. you looked around to find him passed out on the ground, a syringe, you guessed kenji used, next to him.
kenji tossed you as roped and told you to bound his arms, so, you knelt down on the floor next to him, carefully shifting him to place the rope.
as you did this, you noticed his features closely, how different he seemed unconscious, at peace. it kind of made him more beautiful.
out of your better judgement, you reached out slowly to touch a lock of his blonde hair, soft.
you immediately pulled your hand away when you thought you felt a stir, but you looked back to his face and he was still unconscious.
maybe, if you had looked a little closer you'd notice the ghost of a small smirk on his lips.
"we're going to take this kid hostage."
you were brought to your current situation with that statement.
"wait, what!" kidnapping wasn't on your to-do list for the day.
however, the most shocking news to be said in this room, was when adam dropped the bomb that the supreme command, warner's father, was his dad - making warner his half brother.
in the midst of all this chaos, omega point had already set off the call to attack, and now were battling against the reestablishment.
there was no time to think about events because kenji was rushing everyone out the door to get back to the safe haven.
the four of you needed to a large distraction so castle could draw back before major disaster since anderson was down and you now had taken warner. juliette promptly stepped up with an idea and create a part two of her earth-shattering ability. - which it turned out working really well because you all were able to make contact with castle.
adam and kenji did the heavy lifting of carrying aaron's heavy body while you and juliette had the task of finding a tank for the four of you to head to omega point in.
once that was settled all of you clambered into the tank, kenji taking the wheel and adam acting as second in command - that left you and juliette in the back with warner.
who was currently to the left of you, slumped against the window side of his seat, and juliette being on your right.
you weren't thrilled to have him smushed next to you. not when you were close enough to smell his cologne and feel the outline of his muscles through his jacket.
a part of you thought he would maybe wake up somewhere during the ride, but his eyes remained close. you know because you were staring at him more than you'd like to admit.
you reminded yourself what he had put you and juliette through, the asylum, the imprisonment, and the tests. it was enough to reel you back in and continue your dislike for warner.
although he was asleep, the bumps on the travel to the underground base made for a lot of jolts of movement and in turn caused warner's body to tumble onto you.
his body was heavy, but somehow it was heavier whenever you had to push him back to his side. it was like a force was trying to keep him on there.
his head somehow always slumped into the hair on the crook of your neck, and at some point, you could've sworn you felt him breathe in through his nose, like a sniff. but you wrote it off as the movement of the vehicle.
you must've passed out at a point because when you opened your eyes, you were lying against warner's shoulder.
your face was a flush of scarlet when you realized your position, but luckily juliette was fast asleep, and the two men were occupied in the front, likely going over today's events. thank god.
not long after, you all arrived at the destination and made it out of the tank.
kenji helped pull you out of the tank, not before leaving a teasing comment.
“have a nice nap, did you?”
you ignored him, but your face went red in embarrassment. he would never let you live this down.
you took a rest for a whole day before interacting with anyone. you weren't sure if you could handle any other sudden revelation without rest, especially if it involved warner.
castle came to you and juliette to discuss further the plan with warner and such. and you were reminded of the fact adam and him were technically brothers, which was kept a secret between all four of you still.
then castle gave you both the most ridiculous task; to be in charge of the questioning and occasionally visiting the prisoner. his reasoning being you both were the most acquainted with warner, and he'd be more willing to comply with at least one of you.
you wanted to decline; you didn't understand why castle always sent everyone else to do work for him - but you knew your sister was happy to finally have a real assignment for omega point; she wanted to be useful.
so the following day, you began your "mission." you sisters went to where they were holding warner, a room much like where you and juliette slept, but the difference was it closely guarded, not letting the person inside leave.
you greeted the guards, and they had looked very relieved to see you there. apparently, warner has been less than pleasant as an inmate - throwing things and demanding to speak with you, and they informed him the two of you would be arriving to calm him down.
you stepped into the room and noticed the lack of furniture, probably because he was throwing, then you saw warner sitting on a mattress on the floor, indulging himself in some sort of journal that you didn't get to get a look at before he put it away.
he looks up at your arrival with a grin, "hello amor, a pleasure to see you again at last." he scanned your attire, "i have to say, this new look on you has you looking rather ravishing."
you rolled your eyes, fighting the butterflies because of his comment. "how you manage to be a prisoner and still keep that stupid charm goes beyond me."
"i did say i'd see you soon didn't i?"
juliette gave you a confused glance, you hadn't told her about the note, nor the kiss.
you ignored what he said, trying redirect the conversation. you glanced down at his chest, "nice to see you've healed from the shot, for a moment, i thought i'd killed you."
"takes a lot more to kill me i'm afraid, however, if it's by your hand i'm more than willing to greet death like an old friend."
before you could bite back, juliette interrupted your banter with a cough, meant to serve a reminder to you to stay on task.
"right, forgot you were here juliette, perhaps you'd like to step out so your sister and could properly reunite."
god, you hated his suaveness. you hated it even more when it worked in making your heartbeat pick up.
juliette took charge of the conversation and started asking questions relevant to the establishment, but warner would either change the subject or give vague answers.
you both decided to leave after growing tired of the lack of information. you ignored warner's pleas for the company and walked out.
the next day you both tried again, meeting in from of his room. juliette, however had decided a change of tactics.
"i think you should go in without me."
you turned to her confused. she explained he would likely be more cooperative with your presence alone, his actions from yesterday proving to be in support of that.
you denied it, even if part of you believed it. you weren't sure you were ready to be in a room alone with aaron.
nonetheless, juliette left you to your own devices and rushed off, probably to find adam or kenji, before you could protest further.
you cursed her, but prepared to enter the room in front of you.
aaron was lying down, resting an arm behind his head and using the other to throw and object up and down. once he noticed you he sat up in your direction.
he noticed the lack of presence of juliette, and you could tell he was more than pleased.
"finally, i was starting to think your sister would chaperone us forever."
"don't be so eager to be alone, i could shoot you again."
"and i'd willingly take another bullet if it meant another kiss."
you couldn't help the annoying pink tint on your face that came up with the mention of the kiss.
you changed topic, "how were you able to send me that note?"
he smirked, "well for one, i noticed you after our eyes met briefly during your first time outside in the sector. after that, it was blatantly obvious who you were; that disguise did nothing to hide your gorgeous face, unfortunately for you. and then it wasn't hard to order a civilian to drop the note in your pocket while you were distracted."
you were stunned; you really hadn't thought to think he recognized you. you thought you blended in pretty well on those missions.
"okay, stop distracting me, what are your father's plans."
"hmm, maybe if you ask nicely and give me a kiss - i'd be more willing to comply."
you left shortly after that, knowing you weren't going to get much out from him.
it continued like that for a few days; you'd walk in, try to get information, but then he'd turn it back into a way to flirt with you or bring up the kiss.
this time when you walked in, you saw him reading the journal from the first day, and you were able get a better look at it. it was yours.
"hey, what are you doing with my-"
"dear diary, today i checked out a book from the library, there was a rather intimate scene between the main charact-"
you immediately recognized the writing as your own and strided across the room to aaron to snatch your journal back.
warner was quicker, standing up in a snap, keeping a distance from you as read aloud more pages.
you yelled at him to stop, catching up to him, but now he held the book to the ceiling, making it harder for you to reach because of his tall body.
you, much to your embarrassment, jumped up and down to reach the journal, wanting this humiliation to end.
"aaron, just give it back!"
all of a sudden, aaron stopped his teasing and looked down to you, a lopsided smile on his face.
"you called me aaron."
you eyes opened in horror, you just called him aaron, not warner. and he heard it.
"no. no. i said warner, you misheard." it was a terrible attempt at lying.
he smiles even wider, his dimples prominent. he reaches a free hands to lift your chin.
"please, keep saying my name, i do love how it sounds coming from you."
you felt you were gonna explode from all the emotions you were feeling, the room was getting hotter, and your heart was pounding in your ears.
you couldn't get a solid sentence our without babbling in embarrassment. so you took the coward's way - bolting out the room, abandoning the mission to retrieve your journal.
you avoided visits a few times after that incident, you were still cringing at the flashbacks, it worsened when you also remembered he had the contents of your journal and all the embarrassing things and darkest secrets you'd written inside.
unfortunately, that didn't stop you from running into warner.
you were eating lunch with kenji, he was currently explaining some princess film you'd never seen.
"wait, so how did this girl even find out when her birthday was?"
"well, obviously, mother gothel told her."
"why didn't she just lie about her birthday, or not even tell her what a birthday is?"
"i don't know, i didn't make the script."
"also does the ending mean she has power still, or was it the last of her ma-"
"oh my god, can you shut up and just appreciate the greatness that is tangled!"
"hey! you're the on-"
"well, isn't this a surprise."
you turned to the new voice that entered the conversation. aaron warner stood in front of your table, hands behind his back, and castle behind him, likely guiding him somewhere.
then you remembered your last conversation with the leader and came to the conclusion aaron was on his way to be tested, probably like adam had.
castle remained unaware of the blood shared between the two, but you did let it slip you were unable to read your mind, and he was able to make skin contact with your sister.
"well if it isn't my favorite ex-boss." kenji spoke with a mouthful of food.
aaron ignored kenji, much to kenji's offense. "amor, here have you been these days, you left quite flushed after our intimate moment in my cell."
kenji spat out his food at that last bit.
you body was filled to the brim with utter embarrassment and hate toward the way he phrased his wording to make it seem what it wasn't.
you turned to kenji who was coughing continuously, "nothing even happened!" you gave warner a glare, "stop making it seem so.. so-"
"so what, amor? i'd love to know what you think i meant by intimate."
"you are so insufferable."
castle then dragged warner along to the testing area. you couldn't deny you weren't curious to find out if he shared a gift similar to adam.
you were planning to engage with warner the next day, but his guards had come up to you during your training session demanding your presence because apparently warner was in a fit of rage.
worried, you rushed over. entering the room, warner was sitting against the wall, face in his hands. the room was in disarray, broken items of what was already so little, scattered all over the room. even his floor mattress had been tossed.
he barely acknowledged you, so you took it upon yourself to kneel down in from of him, silently asking what happened.
"castle..he told me it's possible i have an... ability. he told me i could change," he laughs humorlessly, "that there was potential for me to be.. different... possibly better."
you stayed silent, unsure of how to respond, as he bitterly ranted about his talk with castle.
"what do you think?”
“do you believe i can change? i’d love to know what your opinion is on this, amor.”
you weren’t sure how to respond. “i believe… everyone can choose what they want to be. it’s up to them to decide, even if everyone tell tried to tell you who you are.”
this time, he was the one silent, looking down at his lap, likely in thought.
you took the chance to take in his attire; some black sweatpants, grey socks, and no shirt.
you probably would’ve been flustered to see him shirtless if you didn’t notice some peculiar marks peaking from his shoulder.
silently, you slowly crept to the side of aaron, still distracted. you slide far enough to get a good few of his back.
you internally gasped. his back was littered with lines of scarring - likely whipped. your stomach churned at the thought.
you also notice a big tattoo in the upper middle of his back, in all caps ‘IGNITE’.
you must’ve said it out loud because aaron’s head whipped in your direction. he turned his back away from you once he noticed where your stare was directed.
“no need to say anything, i already know how hideous it looks.”
unsure how to respond, you blurt the first thing out of your head - “i think they look cool. kind of like an abstract piece of art.”
yeah, comforting people wasn’t your forte.
luckily, aaron seemed intrigued by your statement. so you took the chance to request something further.
“can i touch your, erm, back?”
aaron was hesitant for a few moments, but then sighed and turns his back toward you.
you delicately pressed your fingers along the canvas of his back. you could feel every ridge and texture of each scar as your fingers glided over.
aaron flinched at first content, then progressively & visibly melted into your touch.
“why ‘ignite’?”
“why not?” you really hated his vagueness.
an idea popped into your head. you pulled a pen out of your jacket pocket, testing it on your own skin a few times before you started drawing lines on aaron’s skin.
“amor, what are you doing?”
“hang on.” he could feel the ink of the pen etched on his back.
“you know, my original plan was to seduce you with my perfect abs, but i guess luring you with my scars works as well.”
“shut up.” but you were smiling while saying it.
you finished connecting a few lines, “there, perfect.”
"i think you've forgotten i dont have the neck of a giraffe to twist around."
"oh, my bad." you said sheepishly. "do you have a mirror?"
"i did, then i broke it. pieces should be in a corner somewhere."
you mentally scolded his carelessness.
you managed to find a piece big enough for him to see your creation upon his skin.
"i drew a star." you wanted to facepalm at how silly it sounded.
star was a bit of a stretch, you connected lines scarred on his bank to form a lopsided and wonky-shaped star.
he just stared at it, not uttering a word. you moved to try to wipe off the mark, but he grabbed your wrist before you could.
"no," he grins, "i adore it. do more of them."
you did. it was a whole galaxy of stars embedded on him.
he stayed mute as he watched you through the shard of mirror while you doodled, but suddenly he spoke and gave you details as to what his knew of his father's plans and the location of brendon & winston.
"why are you suddenly telling me this, why now?"
"it's what your here for, isn't it."
you rushed over to castle immediately and repeated everything aaron told you. he thanked you for the information before he called in others to draw up a plot of attack. you all were to leave immediately the next day.
castle called a meeting in the lunch hall a few hours later; everyone at omega point was gathered there.
he briefed them on the commander's plans or what the plan was supposed to be so far. of course, people were suspicious of this information coming from warner, not trusting him at all; not that you could blame them.
"he's immune to both of the ferrars abilities, he can touch juliette with no issue and y/n can't get into his head. after this reveal, we did some test, and we've come to find out he's gifted like the rest of us."
the room exploded in chaos, gasps, yells, and protests coming from all different directions. a lot of ongoing looks toward your table. castle raised his voice to calm everyone down.
you and juliette didn't stick around long after, for one you already knew the information being given , and two, the stares and questions were getting annoying and uncomfortable.
however, adam shortly followed the two of you out, desperate to speak to juliette, and you knew why - warner being able to touch her.
they began talking intensely as if you weren't there. you watched from the sidelines as juliette explained her side and adam getting more frustrated.
you butted in at a point, you felt bad for the guy, but your sister came first. “adam, maybe it's best you leave to cool down.”
but your voice of reason only irritated him. “how about you stop inserting yourself into your sister’s affairs and let her speak for herself.”
"what is your issue?"
"this is between juliette and i; she doesn't need you speaking for her."
"you hypocrite, that's what you're doing right now!"
"why don't you go fraternize with warner, that's all you seem to be doing these days." adam venomously spat at you.
as if the mention of his name made him appear, warner's presence made it known. he stepped in front of you, dividing you and adam who got closer as the argument headed.
"kent, you've really got an attribute for being infuriating and vexing."
that set off the fire for an intense standoff between the two. adam, already mad at aaron, started the verbal feud.
it got so heated, kenji inserted himself between the two - trying to stop the commotion. you even grabbed aaron's arm to pull him away.
it was all happening so quick; one moment, they were shooting insults back and forth, the next instant kenji was dropping to the floor clutching his head in pain.
juliette immediately called out for help, finding castle, who brought in sonya and sara to take kenji to the medic.
adam and juliette went trailing after them, but you stayed there stunned. what did you do?
you had a flashback to the experiment - kenji reacting, in the same manner, those soldiers had after you freaked out.
you felt extremely horrible for kenji and you prayed he would be alright.
but you hadn't intended to hurt kenji nor did you exert any force in using your powers. you had better practice with your energy, so it didn't make sense.
aaron, still beside you, reached out to you - but you instinctively took a step back. you weren't sure what was happening to you, and the last thing you wanted was to hurt someone else accidentally.
"probably better you stay back," you looked down at your hands in fright, "i don't have control right now, i'm don't even understand how i did that to kenji."
"because amor, you didn't injure him. i did."
your confusion only deepened with that. then he brought back the mention of his gift, and you put the puzzle pieces together as he spoke.
"so you can basically can absorb someone else's power and use it?"
"a little more complicated than that. i can sense people's energy, like right now i know you're confused and worried for your friend, but also scared of yourself for what you did, or thought you did."
he elaborated, saying he unintentionally manifested your energy when you touched him. when kenji grabbed his arm, in an attempt to pull him away, that was when he projected the energy on him and hurting him in the process.
"wait, so does that mean you have my ability to read minds too?"
"hmm, i haven't given it a chance," he smirks at you "would you like to be my test subject?"
"absolutely not."
later that night, you check with sara and sonya on kenji's condition. they informed you that he was alright, but just needed some rest. after, you met up with castle in his office, finalizing plans for the morning - the beginning of the battle.
before you said goodbye, you had a question that had been crossing your mind.
"why do you trust ar-, er, warner, what's to say he won't turn his back."
"well, i guess i can't say for sure that he won't. i just have to have faith in mr. warner that he will make the right decision for himself. and with your added presence, i'm sure he's more open to that than ever."
"what do you mean?"
"surely you realize he's in love with you. he's even told me himself."
"he..he told you he was in love with me?"
"yes, just after i was discussing his gift with him." he said it like it was the most casual thing.
you stayed to chat briefly after. you directly headed to aaron's room, no longer littered with guards since he was considered a "member." you were able to walk in with no issue.
aaron hadn't been asleep yet when you got there, he was sitting up on his bed, which had a frame now, reading a book.
you didn't give him a chance to react to your sudden intrusion before you started speaking.
"why would you tell castle you're in love with me"
he furrowed his brows, but you kept going - you were set on getting answers.
"how could you just.. say something like that, what is your motive? are you trying to get to me?"
"amor, calm down. i have no motive." he said, standing up and walking toward you.
"then why would you even say that."
"isn't it clear?" he gets nears, a hand going to cradle the underside of your face, "i meant what i said."
"you can't love someone you barely know."
"but that's just it. i do know you. i've read your mind on paper, and experienced you for myself the moment i met you. i know that you hate to be wrong, you want to clench your first when you lie, although juliette is older by a bit - you feel the need to protect her, you're afraid of the dark, but never admit it, you hate yourself for loving your powers, and you want so badly to be accepted here because of your lonely childhood. shall i go on?"
you were flabbergasted by his word, and you couldn't even deny that they weren't true.
"how do you know this?"
"because, as my dear father put it, it seem you've bewitched me, my mind, and my body."
then he kissed you. and you let him.
and you very much liked it.
it was a longing, messy, kiss - he had you against the wall, lifted by your hips to his height. you wrapped your arms around his neck kissing him deeper, not letting any thoughts or worries flow from you for the moment.
the doors opened. "y/n? are you her-" then a gasp.
you recognized the voice - juliette.
you immediately panicked and pushed aaron away, attempting an explanation yo your sister, but she was already turning her feet and running away.
you gave warner a glance before you ran off in her direction.
you caught up to her, "juliette, please, wait!"
she abruptly stopped her feet and turned to you, "what are you doing y/n? kissing warner, are everything he's done!"
"it's just... i didn't... it's not like-" you struggled to put it into words.
"so what, you- you like the guy who kidnapped us? the one who shot a guy in front of us. experimented - borderline tortured us? he made me hurt a child, y/n. a child! and now you're making out with him."
you were at a loss for words, tears starting to build up at her harsh words.
"you're an idiot if you think you could love him, and even stupider to think a cold heartless person like him could love you. and i won't have anything to do with you if you keep him in your life." and with that she waked off, leaving you in the hall.
you didn't go back to warner after your fight, nor did you go back to your room immediately. you shamefully found an empty closet to cry into for a while. once you were able to breathe normally, you went back to the shared room - luckily everyone was fast asleep.
by morning, everyone was preparing for the rescue of brendan and winston. you and juliette exchanged no words; you attempted - but was shut down every time. she had never been this mad at you. so you just suited up and went to find kenji. kenji sensed the tension between you sisters, but didn't push for information.
you came to found out from castle, aaron warner was gone - he escaped omega point. likely on his way to the reestablishment.
you didn't want to focus on why a part of you was hurt when you heard that.
the battle was not a scene for the light-hearted - anderson's men had already begun gathering civilians and spewing blood. if you didn't have a strong stomach, you'd already be spilling your guts.
midway through dodging bullets and soldiers, you felt a shift in the already dire environment. there was something wrong, and you sensed it.
you urged kenji you felt the need to return to omega point - there was something wrong. he wasn't too convinced by your vague intuition, so you sought off on your own, doing your best to avoid the battlefield.
you ran into juliette at some point, not caring for your argument at the moment, and told her your inkling. she also brushed you off, telling it wasn't a time for your dramatics.
even with no support, you went back - you couldn't ignore this feeling.
you were maybe 200 ft away from omega point when it happened. bombs were dropped on the territory - causing the destruction of the building and any remaining members who stayed behind.
the explosion was powerful - even from where you were standing, it sent you both painfully flying back. you blacked out before you could react to the tragic ending of omega point.
you regained consciousness after consecutive kicks to your ribs and a voice telling you to wake up.
in front of you stood a crippled anderson, standing with he support of a cain. his composure was calm, but you could see the hatred behind his eyes.
you painfully stood up, surveying the area. you were in a house - similar to the one from last time.
you felt weak, dizzy, and the world was a bit blurry. you were leaning on a mantle to support your standing.
"ah, the fatigue your feeling would be my own fault. had those lovely sisters inject you with something. it will incapacitate you enough that you won't be a threat. can't have you flipping tables again."
you were barely registering his words, but when he mentioned sisters it gave you a bit of a jump start. he had sara and sonya.
your words felt faint, but you demanded to know where they were. he assured you they were unharmed, but it did nothing to ease you.
midway your conversation, warner enters the room - shocked to see you there. you probably would've reacted if you weren't so dosed on drugs.
"now that we have this reunion out the way, i'm going to be generous, something you ought to appreciate. you can tell me where your sister is and where the rest of your band of freaks are. you can aid me in destroying them and only after will i grant you the mercy of joining the reestablishment."
"what do you want with juliette?"
"she did this to me," he gestured to his legs, "and now i want my compensation."
no matter the situation with your sister, you'd never give her up.
"go to hell."
he sighs, "a disappointment once again, miss ferrars." he turns to his son, "this is why it's important i teach you this very valuable lesson son."
warner goes rigid, "what do you mean?"
warner pull out his shotgun, "justice, should always be served - even if it has to be by your own means."
then you were shot right in the chest.
you blacked out, then started slipping in and out of consciousness. all you remember is blood spilling from you at a rapid pace, and aaron crouched in front of you.
you remember voices - aarons, sara, and sonya's talking in rushed voices - then it was only aaron.
"hey cmon, amor, stay with me."
"wow... getting in the chest really sucks. i feel really bad about shooting you now." you spoke deliriously.
"it's alright, i just need you to hold on a little longer." his voice strained, holding back anguish. 
but you didn't; you passed out, your last thoughts hoping juliette would throw you a nice funeral, enough though she was upset at you. 
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skullvgirl · 1 month
a strange dream | barou
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incl. barou 🎀 ( he would kill me )
warnings. completely sfw, fluff, school!au, fem reader, very much ooc, slow burn
an's. i missed him so much i had to revisit
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BAROU probably hasnt got any interest in you before your relationship, not in a bad way but lets be honest—he's a soccer addict, he definitely wouldn't notice you until well, he did.
you're both sitting in math class (which did i mention had one hell of alot of students) and someone from the other side of the room asks to pass a note to you, rumor has it they've got a crush.
eventually the note ends up in the large hands of Barou Shouei and he's of course expected to pass it along to you but doesn't see anyone ahead of him expecting to receive it from him. he's confused—who the hell was yn ?
its his bad—he really wasnt to familiar with anything not soccer related.
he looked around, then finally decided to give the piece of paper back to the person he got it from—whoever that was.
you look at barou confused, so the paper was for you? you had originally gave it too him because you weren't sure if the people mumbling in the back of the classroom were really talking about you or not.
you opened your mouth to whisper-yell at him, but he wasn't paying attention to you anymore, his eyes trained on the teacher once again.
you uncrumpled the paper, trying to be as quiet as possible in the dead silence, but with no luck.
"yes miss?", you hid the paper under the desk, trying not to make eye contact with the 28 other students that had eyes on you.
"care to share with the class whats so important that you need to be passing notes in my class?"
reason #1 why you really hated this class, your math teacher was a fucking bitch.
'mean girl giggles' echoed throughout the room, barous eyes paying special attention to what you were about to do.
you dreaded the feeling of being forced to stand up in front of the entire class and read aloud whatever was written on the small note.
"get to it missy"
oh fuck off
you looked around the classroom trying to assess anyone who may have been distressed or embarrassed but with no luck, everyone seemed to be waiting on you.
"im serious yn. if you dont start reading in the next 10 seconds im going to—"
"no, no thats okay—i-im reading"
for whoever wrote me this, i am so sorry.
you cleared you throat in preparation for the humiliation you were about to face, curses be upon you miss peterson.
"hi, i think your really cute, we should go out sometime together, from..."
your heart stopped.
oh no this cant be right
"thats it."
"thats it?" the teacher probed, slowly making her way towards you.
"that it. i-it just says from your secret admirer after that nothing else".
your math teacher narrowed her eyes, looking closely at your expression—she didn't buy it.
dont breakeyecontactdont break eye contactdont breakeyecontactdontbreakeyecontactdontbreakeyecontact—
"really!" you broke eye contact.
she pointed her nose upwards, probably as high as possible and began walking towards your desk.
"alright then i wanna see it, i need to have it confiscated"
"what?!, why?" oops you said that kinda loud. the class whom had previously lost interest when you finished reading turned back towards you and miss peterson now intrigued.
"well why not?! it was a distraction in class and now it needs to be taken away to make sure it wont be a distraction again...!"
but that doesn't make sense, if you care so much about us passing notes you should take our notebooks not the gosh dang note !
"but that doesn't make sense—" but you didn't get a chance to finish as the teacher viciously snatched the paper from you and spun around back towards her desk.
you sat down and burried your hands in your face, you couldn't watch this.
"oh this looks fun...says it's from barou shouei, not what i was expecting...not what i was expecting at all..."
fucking kill yourself, PLEASE
the class, which had previously been dormant erupted in a series of raging giggles and screams—shocked at the reveal of who the note was from.
a soccer player.
it was no secret in BLLK High that nobody—under any circumstance—was to mess with a soccer player. they had a bit of a reputation going on. even the nice ones.
" 'cuse me?" a commanding and masculine voice emerged from your left side and you turned as quickly as possible to the over 6 foot ( 182 cm ) tall man trying to explain yourself.
fuck, one day you were seriously gonna kill your math teacher.
"no, no no i promise it's not like that—i seriously don't know who made this i promise it wasn't from me and i know it wasn't from you—"
"you're yn ?" he cut you off smoothly, leaning back in his seat ever so slightly.
his knees were facing yours now. "you're yn right? been wondering who that was for the longest, guess i know now, cool."
okay now you were confused—about multiple things actually. #1, barou shouei, the man you'd been sitting next to for almost a full year now had yet to learn your name untill just now which is—gosh, just outrageous even for a soccer player
and #2 he wasn't toltally angry and going to kill you like everyone said he would have, should you make a fool of him?
no seriously someone explain what was happening.
you didnt get a chance to ponder on your thoughts much longer however, the bell rang loudly in your ear and soon everyone including yourself was making way for the door out the classroom.
what the fuck just happened, what the actual fuck just happened.
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"heyy ! yn over here !" you didnt realize it but you apparently had auto-piloted your way all the way through lunch and was now being called over by people you've never talked to a day in your life—and you knew exactly what it would be about.
could this get any worse
you were about to find out. "yes...?" you asked, tray still in hand while you stood awakwardly by the trash can near the lunch table who called you over.
"soo—wait first sit down, we're friends we're friends, sit down first" one of the girls said, patting a seat next to herself eagerly.
you looked at the eyes on you and quickly made a decision to move.
there definitely here to ask me about him. it can't be that bad right? i think her name is ashley? i don't know maybe this'll be fun, maybe they'll be nice.
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"so have you guys had sex?"
"what?! no—"
"have you guys even ever kissed yet?"
"we used to talk you know", this one was from ashley, a pretty blonde haired girl who's blue eyes sparkled like marbles.
she was attractive that for sure but and you could definitely see why some people would wanna date her but barou? not so much.
like in what world would some super macho super mysterious soccer guy get the hots for some popular pretty blonde girl? not to mention an obnoxious pretty blonde girl.
gosh i sound like a pick me right now, who knows maybe they really did talk
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"didn't even know her name" barou said, cracking his neck from side to side.
"seriously man?" asked isagi, popping a fry in his mouth.
"dead serious"
this was the soccer table, a table where only the best of best players would sit for lunch, not that it was official or anything—but new students were warned not to go near The Table anyway.
"so you did ask yn to prom?"
"no bachira, i didn't ask her how many times to i have to say that, i barely know her anyways"
"untill today" kunigami confirmed.
"until today" barou repeated.
"would you though?" chigiri asked, he glanced over at your table—you were pretty that much was obvious but it was barou we're talking about, who knows what he thought of you.
"nah, couldn't."
"why not? shes not ugly" nagi questioned albeit a bit insensitively.
"shes not but..." he trailed off, stringing his eyes from nagi to you, she looks kinda...
"but what"
"i don't want her thinking we're dating after prom or somethin', gotta focus on the game."
"what if i did then, think she'd say yes?" it was reo speaking now who was now also looking at your table.
"nah, your uncanny resemblance to a donkey might turn her off"
The Table laughed as reo scowled at the other players, he didnt find it very funny.
"shut the fuck up shouei, i didn't hear her accepting your undying love now did i?"
"thats because i never really asked her dipshit"
"your point! still better than knowing your rejected as a default"
"is it though?" barou was almost smiling at the purple headed boy.
"oh really? watch me"
the table made boyish "ooo"-ing sounds and reo stood up confidently.
shouts erupted from the table, causing the whole cafeteria to turn towards the players, they payed them no mind however, only staring intently at where reo was walking.
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"look, look, look! one if them is coming over here right now!"
you whipped your head around towards where the whole cafeteria's attention had been directed.
nononon, this cannot be happening. you seriously did not need another soccer players thinking you were some freak weirdo because someone else wanted to be messy!
"thats reo, he's super fucking rich, i heard he has a whole two backyards !"
"and an a theater room!"
great, and it was a rich snob kid too.
"does yn sit here?"
your table said nothing, even the loud ashley kept quiet while he was talking. everyones heads turned to you, waiting expectantly for you to say something.
"yeah thats me..." you said meekley.
reo smiled and curled his finger towards himself a few times, asking you to come to him.
this is so awakward
you stood up silently and walked over to where reo was. he didn't stop directing him towards you until you were standing right up against him, close enough to where he could grab your jaw and yank your ear towards his mouth.
"you're hot, go out with me"
your eyes bludged, and your heart accelerated way more than it should have. that was NOT what you were expecting.
reo let go of your face, his hands were in his pockets as he waited for your answer, he looked confident tou would say yes. and most people would, but this was a soccer player we were talking about—and this one specifically was known for being super rich, super smart and a super hoe. three things you couldn't be bothered to even try giving a chance with.
you glanced behind him trying to peer at the damage that had been done.
holy shit the whole fuking cafeteria is looking
you were snapped back into reality as reo looked at you, still waiting for an answer. it was pretty obvious what you were going to say.
"no. im sorry but no, i hardly know you and you're really not my type, sorry."
your table made all types of noises as they watched the now humiliated boy bite a scowl and walk back too his table.
you quickly sat back down and watched as The Table made fun of reo's rejection. all the players were laughing but you were only looking at one.
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"said i wasn't her type". The Table erupted in laughter, all the players except reo cackling like animals.
"fucking told you so, at least get to know the girl before you start trying to hit on her" isagi joked, slapping reo on the back repeatedly.
"no for real, dont know what made you think she would fall for you in a day, not all girls are so easy you know" kunigami shook his head.
"what did you say too her anyways?" nagi asked now curious as to what got him such a harsh rejection anyways.
"didn't say nothing, js asked her if she wanted to go out, said no, that's it." reo reiterated bitterly.
"knowing him it was probably something like 'youre hot, lets go out'" barou said offhandedly, distracted by the feeling of eyes on him.
"you could hear?" reo asked, now confused.
The Table went silent for a moment and isagi burst out laughing when he realized what reo had just said.
"so you did really say that?!"
the emmbarassment for reo only cotinued further but barou wasn't paying attention to that. the eyes from before were still on him.
it was you.
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BAROU isnt really much of a romantic either, he hasn't got the headspace for it like he does for soccer, so of course—he's not seeking the love. the love is seeking him.
1 week later
you sat quietly in the school library studying like a madman for finals, it was just near the end of the school year and you were determined to get good marks on all of the subjects.
the library was the most perfect and quiet place to relax and work at the same time—without any distractions or problems to bother you from your job.
"excuse me?"
you glanced up to where the voice was coming from and your heart felt like it was going to explode.
it was none other than barou shouei in the flesh.
a whole week, a whole week you had managed to somewhat avoid his presence and pretty much ignore him during math ( your teacher denied you request to switch spots ) it was going fine untill—well, now.
"can i borrow your computer charger? mine just died and a left mine at home"
that was it?
you didn't really know what to expect from the man though. he was known to be pretty brutal on tbe field maybe you were assuming he'd be the same in real life.
although i guess i shouldn't think that considering how chill he was over the fake confession and all of that...
"oh yeah sure, I uh can let your borrow it no problem"
barou took your charger without another word and walked back over too his seat.
the racing in your heart was begining to subside, that wasn't so bad...
you shifted to get comfortable in your seat and began studying once again, right now where was i...
"excuse me?"
and just as you were getting comfortable. barou shoei again.
"sorry im back so soon but, could i sit here for a little bit. the outlet by my table isnt working for some reason" he said it in a polite tone but seemed eager for an answer, he was probably in a rush to get as much study time in before practice like most athletes were.
he really isnt as scary as i thought he'd be...
"yeah of course that's fine, it's better this way anyway, wont forget you had it in the first place ya know" you smiled moving your belongings over to make room for his.
barou set his things down and soon enough a static silence ensued over the both of you, not that you minded though. you still needed to get work done and it was better he wasn't attempting to make conversation with you. it is a bit awkward though...
"you color coded your pens"
the voice that emmited from the other side of the table almost made you forget who was there.
"i did, why?"
"nice, i did too"
barou didnt wait for an answer, but instead pulled out a all black pencil pouch to reveal all seven colors of the rainbow line up in order.
jeez, i just think it looks cool, his has all the pen hooks facing up too, ocd much?
that wasn't the main point though, what was more important was his sticker—on thst rested sturdy on his bag. "you watch graves anatomy too?"
he looked surprised when you mentioned the show, and nodded his head appropriately. "yeah, and im all caught up too, all 22 seasons and counting."
"holy hell, im only on season 12 how to even time for that—aren't you always having games and stuff, scince your on varsity and all..."
barou quirked an eyebrow, "mm you know your stuff—i make it work"
now it was your turn to make a face "you make it work...really, its that easy?"
no. the absurbant amount of school work i have is fucking killing me right now plus i've got sisters too take care of so no, it's definitely not easy
thats not what he said though.
"yup, real easy." he nodded his head and although you didn't buy it, it was hardly your place to nag. he didn't seem like someone you should nag.
"uh huh.." you shook your head up and down slow and repeatedly, "for sure, for sure"
"what you don't believe me?" barou moved his chair closer to yours, so close in fact you think your knees were touching, his arms bulged as he rested his hands on his head ; it was hot nice seeing him in a position that wasn't so straight .
"no i do, you seem really responsible im sure you're great at 'making it work' " you put a thumbs up.
gosh, could you be anymore awakward...
"oh im responsible ? you would know that im responsible?" barou questioned, leaning even closer on his arms towards you.
is he...flirting with me?
you laughed and covered your mouth with your hand leaning slightly away as he got closer.
"i mean yeah" you paused to swipe away the nonexistent dust from your eyes, you just couldn't hold the eye contact.
come on, dont get shy now yn.
"people talk, i guess."
"do they?"
"they do" you nodded your head firmly up and down, since it was the only thing you were sure you could do at the moment.
mmh?!? the fuck does that mean ??
"so yn i wanna ask you a question" barou leaned back as he said this, finally returning to his normal position.
holy shit my heart was beating so fast, somebody get me on a stretcher and to the hospital NEOW, i am about to blow!
barou stayed silent for a few moments, thinking deeply about what he was going to say.
"hypothetically..." he paused, staring directly at you.
"hypothetically..." you confirmed.
"hypothetically if someone, other than reo from the soccer team—just as an example lets say...yoichi ! remember hypothetically speaking—asked you out on a date what would your answer be?"
"what kind of question is that?"
"a hypothetical one" he said matter of factly.
"a hypothetical one, right, well if—hypothetically of course—i was asked out by isagi, om a date that is...i don't know...yeah? I guess i'd day yes?"
"really, you would?" he looked surprised and you suddenly felt alarmed, was that a bad thing or something??
"yeah? i mean no, not really—maybe not if he asked the way your friend did..."
??? again, what does that mean?
A moment of silence passed between the two of you and you tried and failed at going back to the work you were supposed to be doing in the first place.
"what about chigiri?" he said suddenly.
"chigiri? what do you me—"
"chigiri. pretty, has red hair, plays on varsity and is super fast? chigiri. would you say yes too him?"
"i mean, maybe, yeah he's definitely not ugly and i guess if i knew him well enough I would probably say yes—why are you asking me this?"
barou said nothing and suddenly, the strangest thing began to happen—he looked at you smiling—a large, uncanny smile resembling a creepypasta monster formed from on his face, your heart began to beat but for the wrong reasons.
"wake up yn" it was definitely barou's voice but it sounded far.
"huh?" you couldn't move, and you now realize you probably couldn't move for a while.
what...is happening...
"wake. up."
your head shot up from your arms, ans you looked around disorientedly.
up untill about the last 30 seconds you were a bit disappointed it had to end. your dream that is.
"yn", a voice—much deeper than you recall im your fantasies spoke out to you as you felt a tap on your shoulder.
it was barou. the real barou.
"i baroued your charged?" he said holding it out towards you. (an's. IM HALARIOUS LAMOSJKWIS)
"oh. right sorry, thanks." you took the cord from him. but he didn't leave, still looming over you in his tall stature he spoke again.
"uh, you got a little.." he pointed to the corner of his lip, scratching at it in expectation for you to do the same.
you did, softly at first, not really sure what is it he was implying but quickly realized what he meant after you felt a crusty dry substance still left from your unconscious.
oh !
"ive got drool on my face haven't i" he nodded his head, and you swore you saw grin appear on his face—a real one but he turned and walked away before you could make confirm.
"thanks for the charger yn, see ya later"
his back was facing you now, slowly getting smaller and smaller at he walked away from you.
seriously ! could i be anyless embarrassing for even a second!
im afraid not yn.
because according to barou, he thinks your little moments of embarrassment and humiliation were pretty damn cute.
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BAROU is never scared. he hardly ever get worried, he's king and one of the best players in his school, he's top of his class always and struggles—never. so why? why was it now, over some so trivial that he was all thoes things he never gets all at once?
1 week later, in the classroom.
barou felt weird.
the truth is, he didnt need a partner for the social studies project. his teacher was allowing groups of two or singles all the same. his reasoning behind why he wanted a partner is what was scaring him.
after almost an entire year, barou realized that you not only were in his math class, but his social studies as well. and his history, and biology—even his orchestra ( he plays cello in case you were wondering ).
he realized that you were everywhere.
barou, for the first time was recognizing someome else, not on the team, not an adult, but a girl, he was acknowledging a girl, as more than nothing.
it was weird.
you peered up at him, wide-eyed and adorable. "work with me on the project"
your eyes, (e/c) and beautiful, got impossibly larger.
"yeah—uh—sure we can"
he gave a thumbs up, and went back to his seat.
what am i doing?
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"i dont know, maybe we can exchange numbers instead?"
"yeah thats better, since im hardly on social media anyways"
even though you've got so many followers..
"alright cool"
you and barou were in the library, again. instead of dreaming about his muscles however, you were watching them in real time move for your phone and yours the same.
there wasnt mych said after that, only short words to communicate what part of the project you both were supposed to work on, untill...
"yes" and once again, you were looking at him, wife eyed and adorable.
"i've got a question to ask you"
no way, did i fall asleep again?
you sucked in a breath, and pinched your cheeks, not paying any attention to the words that might come out of his mouth.
"ow!" nope, you were definitely awake.
barou raised an eyebrow and couldn't hold himself in. he burst out laughing and you we're glad the library waw empty, because in all his seriousness—barou's laugh was loud. like the sort of thing you'd been holding in for a while.
"what yn, afraid you're gonna fall asleep again?"
your cheeks heated up an intense amount.
"you're funny you know, really funny"
"huh?!" you squeaked, shifting all over in your chair. "what does that mean"
barou leaned in close to your face, so close that your noses were touching.
"it means..." he tilted hid head sidewards, waiting for your permission.
"i think you're the stupidest most adorable person to exist..." you didn't move away.
and like a shock, barous lips were on yours so softly it made it feel very much like a dream, but it wasn't.
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an's. i know this is not himmm, he wouldn't even look at you after a supposed fake letter i knooow, i couldn't think of a better way to force it ( i was lazy ) and he's cute let me live.
an's. i rushed the end i knoww, leave me alone. i like writing for personal enjoyment shhhhhh.
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actualbird · 9 months
do you think the nxx ever cries or just… don’t deal with their emotions in a healthy way? they must be so emotionally repressed!
im so sorry but this is worded in a way i find absolutely hilarious omfg. do they cry or do they suck it up til the end of time? KJAHVSJFHAVSLFSFKJA
i like to think they Do cry, but my god it takes a Lot. this goes for All of them. like, we've seen in canon when the nxx boys and rosa cries, and it's usually during/after very high stakes or very emotional situations. some examples off the top of my head are
marius cries in SSR Unconcealable, the card where mc gets KIDNAPPED and then both of them get TRAPPED IN A FREEZER FOR A HOT SEC
mc cries in SSR Peaceful Place because she thought luke got shot and DIED,
luke cries in his Blossom Chapter Personal Story 4 because he thought mc DROWNED AND DIED
artem cries in SSR Two Hearts as one because he got so emotional acting like he was choking mc
vyn cries in...well, several cards like SR False Tears and SSR Neon Melody but those were 1) not exactly a "healthy" way of dealing with emotions or 2) caused by pepper spray KJHVSKJDF. im behind on vyn's cards, idk in which ones he cries honestly due to genuine in distress
so like, they DO cry. but it seems to take rather a lot to get them there. the flipside is that they also cry when overcome with immensely positive emotion (like, mc was on the verge of tears when luke finally proposed in SSR Orange Scent) so at least theres that!!!! but it's not much, chief....
all members of the nxx team all are IMMENSELY repressed. i think the most emotionally healthy of the team is DAVIS, which isnt a good sign, given that hes not even human
anyhoo this ask inspired me so
here are some misc headcanons on the nxx team and crying
i hc that luke as a kid was Such a crybaby. he'd cry over everything: when he saw a sad movie, when he saw a happy movie, when he saw a dog being walked but the dog was so dang small, when mc cries and his high empathy kicks in to make it Our Cry Session, just...he cried over IT ALL. he was just a very emotionally sensitive child, even to emotions from others. he eventually got emotionally steadier as he grew up but i think there are innocuous movies that, due to him crying over them as a kid, still make luke cry as an adult
[nxx movie night]
marius: man i love this movie, absolute classi---WHY ARE YOU CRYING??
luke: because ANYBODY can COOK!! EVEN A RAT!!!!!
mc, silently glaring at marius over luke's shoulder as if to say "Don't You Say A Mean Word To Him Right Now": O_O
(yes, they were watching ratatouille)
vyn has mastered crying on cue and can do it at the drop of a hat, but when he REALLY TRULY ACTUALLY is hit by the genuine need to cry for any reason, be it positive or negative, he cannot stop it at all until its run its natural course.
which is just AGONIZING for him, surely, but this is the price he has to pay for the power of being able to cry on command: not be able to stop when it's for realsies
vyn: //throws a book at him because just cuz he cant stop crying, doesnt mean he cant attack
it slightly pisses everyone off a teensy bit that artem can cry artfully.
like, the single tear. the lines of silent tears streaming down his face. even the more desperate sobs. doesnt matter whether theyre stage tears for another play or if theyre during high stakes situations, artem seems to naturally cry in a cinematic manner
artem: //shedding a few tears because of the stress of an nxx operation or something
luke: hey it's okay, everyone's alright
luke internal thoughts: why is he so pretty while crying?????? .....wait what
and lastly, marius can hold back tears like nobodys business. like luke, he was a huge crybaby as a kid. but unlike luke, he held it back so much that when he DID cry as a child, it was REALLY CRYING. like wailing, like sobbing. it's heartbreaking to watch
so via his Entire Life Of Repressing Weakness And Related Emotions, he became rlly powerful at holding back the need to cry. it only happens during VERY EMOTIONALLY INTENSE scenarios ORRRR
during horror movies
because hes such a horror weakling and he gets so spooked that tears literally come out
mc: how did that jumpscare make you tear up but not the intro scene to Up
marius, hiding behind a pillow to avoid any more jumpscares: im a man of endless mystery, miss
thank you for the ask :D
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drewsbuzzcut · 6 months
Dallas and nick eloping because they cant wait
As The Flowers Begin To Bloom
nick moldenhauer x dallas blankenburg
a so it goes blurb
warnings: alludes to sex and marriage
sorry this took me so long to post! (Also this take place April 2024)
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“Are you ready?” Nick asks, clutching tightly onto Dallas’ hand. She can feel him shaking, but she knows it’s out of excitement.
The whole day the girl has been on the verge of tears, tears of happiness and tears of the thoughts that she’s growing up before her own eyes. It feels like just yesterday her mom was dressing her in a puffy, white dress ahead of her baptism. Now, she’s dressed in white, ready to give her heart to Nick for forever.
Dallas turns to face him, watching his blue eyes as they shine in a way that makes sense of everything they’re about to accomplish.
“Yes! I have the marriage license now all we have to do is get married,” she cheers, her smile breathtaking and Nick can feel every nerve ending in his body spark with an unconditional love that was always meant for the pair.
“Perfect. You’re perfect, June bug. I can’t believe I get to love you forever,” he whispers and Dallas thinks her heart may explode.
“There’s no other person who can love me the way you do and vice versa,” she says, closing the remaining space between them to press her lips to his.
“Do you think everyone will be mad when they find out we eloped?” Nick asks just before they enter the courthouse.
“Probably, but I don’t care. This is our day and only ours. Do you care?” Dallas really hopes he doesn’t.
“Of course not. You’re my only thought,” he states, pulling her into the courthouse.
Dallas and Nick’s hands and eyes stay connected throughout the entire ceremony. Their hearts beat in tandem as they entwine into one. They both give short versions of their vows, choosing to recite the complete ones in private, but it doesn’t stop them from crying their eyes out.
The moment they’re announced as an official married couple, they pull each other in for a kiss. It’s bruising and full of tongue, but they don’t care. Only when Nick lets out a low moan, they pull away from each other. He lifts her ring-clad hand and kisses the back of it. She repeats his action and Nick feels a flurry of butterflies in his stomach.
As they walk towards the door, they come face to face with their two witnesses, Luca and Sienna.
“Congratulations, oh my goodness you’re so beautiful,” Sienna squeals as she pulls the girl into a bone crushing hug.
“Thank you,” she sighs, happiness being the only thing she feels.
“Congrats guys,” Luca says, pulling Dallas and Nick into a group hug.
“Thank you, Lu.”
“Yes, thank you guys for being here and being our witnesses. It means a lot,” Nick says.
Walking outside, the sun casts on the couple, magnifying their glow. Dallas excitedly drags Nick to the car, pushing him against the hood so she can finally make out with him.
Nick’s hands roam her back, fidgeting with the thin straps of her silky, white dress. He wants to pull them off her delicate shoulders and press kiss after kiss on the bare skin. Dallas fists the collar of his button up, not allowing an ounce of space between their bodies. Her tongue curls around his as they fight for dominance.
“I want you, now,” Dallas says against his mouth as she feels the lust surface to the tips of her fingers as she tries to push at the material of his button up to expose some of his flesh. Her lips need to be all over him.
“Let me take you home,” he responds and Dallas lets out a sigh. He noses at the veins of her neck, inhaling her soft, heavenly perfume he gifted her. The newlyweds find it hard to pull away from each other. Nick can’t help but kiss her lips again.
“I can’t have anyone seeing you the way only I’m meant to see you. Let me take you home and devour you on our bed,” he pulls away to whisper in her ear. If he weren’t holding onto her, she’d crumble into the ground. His raspy voice always makes her weak in the knees.
“Whatever you say, husband,” she cheeses, feeling blissed out on love.
“I love you, wife,” he kisses her but her smile interrupts.
“I love you, husband.” Dallas grins, contagious laughs falling from her lips and she pulls him into a hug.
a/n: I may write a full version of this but i hope y’all enjoy this little blurb!!!
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chrissfawn · 1 month
ꨄ MAKE IT UP . 𓂃 ㅤ۫ ㅤ⊹
— c.s. series | part 1 . .
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pairing :: chris sturniolo x fem!oc
summary :: in which isabella decantis has to share a dorm room with her high school enemy, chris sturniolo.
word count :: 1,390 k
warnings :: swearing, angst (??), lowercase intentioned, 3rd person, chris is a dick, drinking, throwing up, fluff if u squint, n thats it
a/n :: yall r crazy for getting tense to 800 notes 😭😭 i love u guys all dearly. also the story line is js smth i ended up doing on c.ai and i thought it was realy good so 😁 also credits to maxine for the name she said she wouldnt read this if i didnt give her credits
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COLD was what amber-eyed isabella decantis felt while walking down the long hallway. after waiting for weeks and even months, she had finally gotten accepted into her dream college. the brunette girl looked down at the small folded paper to know which dorm was hers. to her surprise, the hallway was empty on move in day. she knew how hard had been working and how much money she paid to get one of the dorms that have a private bathroom. she knew she deserved this.
‘ROOM 617’ was said on the small sign on the door. isabella put her boxes down after struggling to carry them for almost 10 minutes. she excitedly took out the key to unlock the door, but it was already open. bella raised her eyebrow slightly, a bit shocked that her dorm mate would already be here. she opened the door slowly while letting out a soft, “hello?”
her amber eyes met with blue eyes. “uhm.. what the fuck are you doing here?” chris mumbled, getting up from his bed. isabella’s jaw clenched as she looked back down at the folded paper. “this is room 617?” she spoke with anxiety laced into her tone. “are ya’ blind?” the brunette boy spoke coldly. “no because if i was, i wouldn’t already know that im gonna have to be with you.” she spat as she kicked her boxes filled with clothes and other things into the room.
bella picked up the few boxes and placed them on top of her bed. the room now completely silent, she took a box knife that she had in her purse and started to open the boxes up. “cant fucking believe im gonna have to be stuck with you for the entire year.” chris mumbled under his breath, thinking that isabella couldn’t hear him when in reality she did. “well we both wouldn’t be pissed off if you didn’t bully me through all of high school, wouldn’t we sturniolo?” isabella snapped.
“well thats what you deserve for being all slutty n shit when you fucked every guy in school decantis.” he argued back, not even looking up from his phone. bella paused from packing to turn to chris. her hands rested on her love handles. “excuse you! your the one who played every girl in bell borne! remember lizzy? yeah, you fucked around with her for a bit and then you cheated on her with her sister.” she retorted with frustration laced into her words. “but ohhh, no remember that one time when you cheated on her sister with her bestfriend?” bella continued, pissed off that chris was probably not even listening.
“oh please bella! you sent nudes to basically all of the guys during junior and senior year. dont act all innocent and act like you didn’t do anything.” chris finally snapped as he put his phone down. “jesus christ and you fucked how many guys in the bathroom?” he didn’t stop there. “don’t be coming after me sayin shit like im a player when you were a slut too.” he finally stopped. isabella rolled her eyes, turning her back to chris. “oh so now what? when i finally say the truth you stay quiet? is that what hurts you to know bella?” he taunted.
“that’s because its all a shitty humor chris! i didn’t fuck anybody in any bathroom, i didn’t send nu— well i sent nudes to my boyfriend.. i didnt send nudes to any other guy but him!” she defended herself while throwing her hands up with mercy. “for fucks sake chris you’re just like your ex girlfriend. she was such a fucking dick. you know you were nicer in eighth grade but when you started to date her during the summer you became a prick. guessing you also played her then?” bella added, tilting her head to the side slightly while crossing her arms. after a few seconds of awkwardness, isabella knew chris was finally silenced, atleast for now.
bella turned back to her things and continued to unpack everything. she carefully placed things on top of the shelfs next to her bed. her dainty crystals, her box of tarot cards, her little jewelry box, everything that she had loved. but it wasn’t too soon until the silence started to kill her. she then remembered that he had brought her vinyl player along with two or three records. the brunette girl carefully opened the book that held them, then taking them out. happily, isabella plugged in the vinyl player and putting on a mac demarco record on to play. chris groaned quietly as the music started to fill the room. “jesus what is this shit?” he asked while getting up from his bed to turn off the music.
“its music…” bella mumbled, quickly turning it back on. “well yeah it sounds depressing, who listens to that kinda stuff.” chris argued as he turned it back off. the girl pouted slightly. “people who listen to mac demarco?? if its bothering you so much then get out while i finish unpacking.” she shrugged. chris didn’t give her an audible reply, instead just simply putting his shoes on and leaving the room. isabella let out a small sigh of relief, thankful she had the room to herself now for a while.
. . . .
isabella was now in her nicely made bed comfortably. her wired earbuds connected to her phone which played music softly into her pierced ears. she hummed to herself quietly once she noticed the time. 1:03am. the brunette girl couldn’t actually help but feel a little bit worried about where he was. but of course, she quickly brushed it off and enjoyed how cozy she was currently. soon enough, a loud thud hit the door. isabella’s eyebrow raised slightly while lazily getting out of bed.
the brunette walked over to the door, taking out one earbud while opening it. her eyes met chris’ eyes. his hair stook out everywhere and some of it stuck to his forehead, his hand holding a bottle of something, his eyelids droopy, and his scent reeking of alcohol and his cheap cologne. “jesus what did you do?” bella asked while moving to the side to let chris in. “mmmhh” he rather giggled. he belly-flopped onto his bed and wiggled around on it for a while, bella assuming he was trying to get comfortable. “are you.. drunk?” she asked, crossing her arms. “don’t be ridicu-lush.. ‘m not that drunk.” he slurred while continuing to giggle like a baby.
isabella hesitated, but she grabbed the bottle that was in his grasp. “jesus! vodka chris?” she groaned in annoyance. he let out a small hiccup in reply that kinda made her laugh. isabella just watched him wriggle around in his bed before his body shot up. “what now?” she mumbled. “im gonna throw up.” chris groaned as he quickly ran to the bathroom that was connected to the dorm. the brunette girl ran after the boy as he kneeled down in-front of the toilet to throw up. isabella who had emetophobia, was also not doing well. her fingers lightly held chris’ front pieces of hair back with one hand patting his back gently, trying not to look at the throw up.
“there ya go..” she whispered quietly. after he was done doing his thing, isabella grabbed a plastic cup and filled it up with tap water. “here, drink some water.” the brunette said, then flushing the toilet. chris gladly took the cup of water and took little sips. “feel better?” she asked as she leaned against the sink counter, looking down at chris on the floor. “hm, i think ‘m still drunk.” he admitted, putting the cup down. isabella hummed quietly, nodding her head as she stuck out a hand to help chris up. “get some sleep.” she suggested while walking chris back into the room. “m’kay..” he babbled while quickly flopping back on his bed.
the amber-eyed girl turned off the bathroom lights then walked over to her bed. she had also decided to go to sleep. isabella turned off her lamp and put her phone to charge. her body slid underneath her sheets and blankets. she heard chris snore like a truck, “great.” she thought. honestly though, she didn’t mind it that much. after staring at the ceiling for a few minutes, she quickly fell asleep.
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a/n ;; STARTING MY FIRST SERIES 🙀🙀🙀 this might be a bit messy for the first part but i do hope u guys enjoyed it!!
taglist :: @espressomads @mattsluttywaist @sturniol0s @luverboychris
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vixensbrainrotts · 4 months
Happy Birthday, lover — Manjiro <Mikey> Sano
Content: specialty post
Tropes: established relationships, it‘s readers birthday, kind of a continuation of the ‚Committed to you‘ series
Summary: it‘s your birthday! Let‘s see what your darling lover has in store for you once you get home…
Vixen‘s two cents: Hello hello hello! This is a special piece because guess what? It’s @anahryal ‘s b-day!!!! Happy birthday moot, hope you‘re treated well, and all the best for the coming year! Anyway, i was a little unhappy with this, i cant do half as much as i usually can cause im like really sick right now (its stunting all my intelligence) so yeah, sorry if this isn’t up to standard… either way, happy birthday and enjoy!!!
Mikey had never really put much effort into anything, things just had a tendency of coming to him. But for this, for today he had planned in and out, checked up and down to make sure that everything was working out.
In terms of gifts he learned to be resourceful. From checking your perfumes to see which ones you were running low, on to crossing the ethical boundary of snooping into your journal to check the “wanted” list of items you fancied.
He double checked with your best friend for your favorite type of flowers and even attended a Mitsuya-special baking course to personally make you a cake.
It was a struggle and a half to try and time the whole thing right, between grocery store runs to get the supplies and decorations to somehow getting you out the house to hopefully set everything up.
Now he sat at the kitchen counter, completely winded and waiting for your arrival back. He had everything done and dusted, and was just eagerly awaiting your arrival.
When he heard your car pull up into the driveway, he snapped out of little phase and brushed off the dress shirt he had put on earlier, breaking into a quick jog towards the living room where he had set everything up.
There were garlands hung across the room, and the coffee table had been turned into a gift display table. A large bouquet was placed in the center, wrapping paper and gift bags coordinated to match the floral display.
The cake was placed on the formal dining table, two sets of dishes, glasses and utensils set out for the both of you to dine on later.
Mikey’s eyes drifted over everything once more, and widened once they spotted an unlit candle on top of the fire place. That’s right, he had bought a specific candle for today, one he had found when shopping for ingredients for the cake. It caught his eye, and when he gave if a big sniff, the scent didn’t seem too bad either.
With a smile on his face, he grabbed the candle and pulled a lighter from his back pocket. The lighter was yours, he noted, looking down at the pretty pink plastic as he lit the ‘birthday cake’ candle. Fitting.
He heard your keys jingle in the lock and caught himself almost giggling as he made a quick pace to meet you at the door.
“Majiro! I’m home!” You called out, voice rather cheerful (seemingly in a good mood, Mikey said a quick prayer thanks). You turned around to face the door when hanging up your coat, unaware of your darling husband creeping up behind you.
Slowly, Mikey approached and waited for the right moment to strike. “Mikey?” You called again, just about to turn around when a pair of hands were clasped across your face, shrouding your vision.
Your hands flew to your face, grabbing at those that held your eyes shut, a bit more than derailed as your scrambled to gain recognition. You were about to scream again when your fingers found and felt the very familiar ring that donned the left hand over your face.
“Mikey?” You said, entirely confused as you finger the ring again to confirm your suspicions.
“Hey baby.” His voice mumbled into your ear, and you could hear the smile in his voice. “Manjiro what are you-?” You started, but felt him push you forward to walk, taking baby steps towards what you thought to be the living room.
“Trust me.” He spoke as he guided you towards somewhere within your shared home. “Alright..” you trailed off, now smiling a little unsurely yourself.
You allowed him to push you towards somewhere, giggling a little as he chose this to be a good moment to place tiny little pecks down your neck and nape.
“Mikey shouldn’t you be focusing on where we’re going or-“ you smiled as you held his hands. “Nah don’t worry baby, we’re here anyway.”
In an instant he pulled his hands away to reveal your living room, decked out and dressed to the nines, a cute display set up, just for you. “Happy birthday sweets!”
“Oh my gosh, Jiro…” you turned around to look at him. “You did this all for me?” You looked at the display, seeing the flowers and the gifts all daintily wrapped.
“Yeah… i mean why wouldn’t I? I had the day off anyway, so I figured I should do something sensical, especially cause it’s your special day, right?”
(That’s a lie, he groveled on his knees to one of his coworkers to switch shifts and spent half of his overtime to get today off.)
“Manjiro…” You turned to look at him again, eyes glossing over with emotion. “Thank you…” you wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him into a tight hug.
“Anything for you.” He hugs you back and nuzzles into your hair, swaying you lightly from one side to the other. “Now please babes let’s eat the cake, I’ve been resisting it since I got done with it.” He pulled away with a wide grin.
“You made me a cake?!” You gasped in delight as you looked at the beautifully decorated delicacy that sat on the dining table. „Yeah, you dont want to know what i went through to get it right…“ Mikey trailed off remembering the many, many failed attempts at cake that Mitsuya had to coach him through.
„Oh my goodness Mikey… this is, i- thank you so much!“ You preached to him again. „Alright now, how about you open those gifts so that you can thank me more and then eat cake together?“ He had a twinkle in his eye as he pushed you towards the gifts with a hand placed on the small of your back, giving you an encouragement to progress further into the room.
„Open this one first!“ he plucked one of the bags from the display and thrust it in your hands, sitting himself on the couch in neat anticipation. „Alright…“ you smiled at him and pulled the topper paper from the bag, revealing… „Manjiro! How did you know?“ your voice sounded even more cheerful than he had anticipated, and the mini-Mikey inside his head did a celebration dance.
„Well, i know you love those crafty things, especially the knitty gritty things that i cant wrap my head around… You know, i wanted to make you a heart out of those yarns that you always use to decorate that bag, but after trying and failing about a million times, i figured i should leave it to the professionals… also you wouldn‘t shut up about fluffy yarn so…“ he monologued to you as you scanned the insides of the bag, pulling out the colorful yarn.
„And baby, i was thinking, for all my hard work and cause you love me and all such wonderful things that you could maybe, just maybe, and hear me out on this… make me one of those delightful scarves you‘ve been making for all your friends but not me??? Preferably not in pink though, ill take a red one instead.“
You giggled heartily and pulled him into another hug. „Of course i will, it‘s only fair, right? Yarn is like, super expensive so yeah, i wouldn’t mind giving back…“ you smiled at him and pulled away with a quick peck to his cheek, to which he cradled his face with a bashful expression.
All these years that you spent together, as friends, as lovers, as a couple, as fiancée’s and now… married… No matter how much time would pass, Manjiro knew that he had found everything he wanted in you, and he‘d be damned to let it go.
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yuri-is-online · 20 days
Hello hello! Anon here. First of all, congratulations on getting accepted for your courses! Don't worry about trying to balance work and the blog, we will always be here waiting for you. Second of all, your whole Yutu AU has been really fascinating to look through. (Though that may be because of my bias toward Fire Emblem Awakening, as it was what got me into the series) Sorry for the incoming wall of text, but it's been giving me THOUGHTS.
So imagine this: whoever Yutu's dad is (I'll pick Azul for this example because I headcannon his English voice somewhere between Matt Mercer's Chrom and Olivert from The Legend of Heroes games) finds out who Yutu really is. You remember that cutscene after Chapter 13 in Awakening, with the Lucina reveal and Chrom has this: "You deserved better than a sword and a world full of troubles. I'm sorry."? Imagine Yutu hearing something like that: the acknowledgement of everything he's gone through, the pain of knowing his dad couldn't do anything and can't do anything more than offer words, and the reality that it might now be really possible to change the future? I imagine Azul breaking down after hearing all that because the last thing he wants to do is hurt Yuu or his son after everything he's been through. Oh goodness, the two of them both need hugs.
Second: did Crowley tip off the Magic Marshalls (because I think he would) and force Yuu to take the blame for his negligence (because he absolutely would)? Now imagine Yutu finding this out and telling his dad. Now his dad knows Crowley is a cheapskate who fobs his work onto everyone else without a second thought. And now he's responsible for having Yuu taken away and starting all this? Knowing the boys and how far they would go for Yuu I'd imagine they don't take that well. In other words, to slightly alter a quote from Regina in Once Upon A Time: "I guess killing a crow suddenly made the top of my to-do list."
Sorry for the wall of text but that's been rattling around in my head for a few days (so make of it all what you will). Hope you're doing well and looking forward to what's next!
-The anon who loves Riddle & Azul
AHHHHH (i feel like I always take forever to answer your asks I am sosososososososososo sorry, this one just drove me crazy in a good good way)
Listen fire emblem awakening was my entire personality for like all of middle school.  The only thing i wanted to talk about was chrobin.  I celebrated Morgan and Lucina's birthdays by drawing them. I think I still have a Cherche x Libra fan art thing I drew on some sheet of paper somewhere in my things because I was SO MAD that no one shipped them and I couldn't find fan art of them anywhere and I just oooooooooooh.  THE WAY CHROM GETS A NEW CRIT LINE ABOUT HOW ANYTHING CAN CHANGE AFTER THE REVEAL???? BECAUSE OF HOW DETERMINED HE IS TO KEEP THAT PROMISE AND GIVE LUCINA A BETTER WORLD???? i just cant be normal about them i am so sorry.  R+A annon I love you, I love you so much for this you made my entire month and possibly my year.  Awakening is also what got me into the series and made me so many friends I just love her so much.  She's an icon and I hope she gets remastered with Sumia either deleted or with a fucking personality.
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I should probably sit down and actually write a timeline for myself of events, but since I am free to lean in to the fire emblem pacing, I want to say that monsters from Yutu's timeline start showing up (similar to how the Risen do in Awakening) in the past and stirring up trouble, which leads to an event where Yutu panics and forgets himself in his desperation to protect his dad.  The main way the future kids always proved themselves was by showing their mother's wedding ring, but Yutu doesn't have that so really it's just up to his dad to see someone who looks like him and Yuu blended together, supposedly from Yuu's world using magic and above all else crying out and driving up his own blot levels to protect him calling him dad. For Azul! Yutu it's especially painful, he feels like he already knows what his dad is going to say. That he's disappointed in him. That he has no idea how they could possibly be related. That he hopes in this future he turns out to be different. But that's not what happens.
Before Azul overblotted he was quiet. There's a similar quiet over him now, a similar look of tense surprise, but Yutu- no- his child doesn't know that. His child is looking at him in fear, in worry for his reaction or his safety he doesn't know but he knows the way those tears start to form. Azul knows the quiver of the lip and the shriek, of all the things he could have passed on to such a treasure.
"You deserved better from me." Because it's true. He might think of himself as a work in progress but he still thinks he has quality; he would have done research, read every book he could get his hands on, taken classes, anything he would need to do to be a good father, a worthy partner. Anything. "You deserved to have the world within your grasp, not whatever shadow of a future and a father I left you with. I am so sorry." He does not expect Yutu to grab him and hold him like he's still somehow worthy of his love, but Azul can't fight the urge to grab back, to stroke his son's hair and let the tears fall on his suit without any care at all. I'm here. It's ok, daddy's here, daddy's got you, he won't let anything happen to you.
As for your second question, I did not really write Crowley like that no. It was more like he was the first person mysteriously arrested after the Magical Marshall's decided to finally do their job. I was writing it like they wanted to ship Yuu away to cover up for their own incompetence in preventing seven overblots instead of properly investigating what might have caused that. He's not completely innocent though, so yes. The boys do not take it well at all. And please do not apologize for sending in your thoughts, I am so so slow but I love hearing from you.
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