#but your creepypasta/slasher dreams
sk3tch404 · 2 years
LMAOOO what if I was hackerman Nonny all along? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°): "r u lost bbgrill?"
JKJK I don't think I have enough power to type with his ultra long Snapchat girl acrylic nails unfortunately 😔 that's exactly why my nails are always short af for maximum keyboard comfort
Yeah those darned creepypastas (affectionate) actually immunised me to nightmares in the end huh, talk about having the opposite of the intended effect lol
Elaborating on that Jason dream, I was in some small dilapidated room when I fought him, the dream was very much horror game inspired, because that room was one of many, it was basically like a liminal space house maze and Jason was the one chasing me through the various halls&rooms with the typical shitty lighting.
Apparently dream!me had enough of this shit though, so when he eventually cornered me in a dead end, I just straight up picked up an abandoned bat(or maybe it was actually rusty crowbar, because of a later scene I just remembered) and hit him on the side of his head after I dodged his Machete attack. I was apparently strong enough to K.O. him with just that one hit, which I couldn't really complain about because why would I lmao
After knocking him out I wondered wth I was gonna do now, because even though I defeated my primary concern, I still didn't know the way out of this maze. That was, until I noticed a vent in the corner (this was before amogus I swear- it was like 2014~2015) so I forced it open and crawled into it, chalk it up to dream logic because for some reason I thought this would get me outside faster.
So I was crawling in the vents and just as I was about to reach the outside(at least that's what it felt like because I saw light) I heard the mf sounds of smth crawling really fast and rapidly approaching me in the vents. I then woke up w/o any sort of closure ._.
Back to the discussion(and making this ask bible length again because ig that's my anon gimmick 👉🥲👉)
The only jjba dream I've had was about going on a shopping date with Bruno in a big mall, where we got a big sea turtle plushie and saw Abbacchio(he didn't play a big role in the dream, he was more of a cameo really lmao). Don't think I've ever had one of HxH though, but meeting Chrollo would certainly be interesting (inbefore he decimates me if I ever dream of him 😔) can we trade dreams? 👉👈 /hj
Also about that Man Door Hand Hook Car Door thing I was talking about. Yes it's the story you're thinking of BUT it's a special shitpost version of it, like it's written in extremely broken English, you have to read it for yourself because it's hilarious as hell 😂
Take your time with responding to my asks honestly, because it definitely takes a while to read&respond to something as big as my essays, considering how long it takes me to even write&correct them myself lmao the writing burnout is real (I got sidetracked like 5 different times while writing this one, this includes me correcting an old "script" for a 20 minute English presentation I had to do last year, which never ended up happening anyway, because the teacher straight up forgot I still had to do the presentation 💀💀 so correcting it was absolutely useless actually :,))
the only thing I was really worried about, was the possibility of tumblr eating my asks, because as you've already seen, they're super long, so it'd get instant eMOtioNAL DAmAge if they were to ever get lost (;´༎ຶٹ༎ຶ`) but luckily they didn't so I can rest easy 😌
And finally, TELL ME ABOUT THAT RECENT DREAM 👀👀 YOU CANT JUST HINT ABOUT HAVING AN INTERESTING DREAM AND THEN NOT TELL ME WHEN ITS BASICALLY DREAM SHARING HOURS (unless it's due to your writing burnout, if that's the cause, take your time, no need to hurry of course^^)
-Ren'py anon
Omg you've actually been hacker nonny all along? 😱😱😱 IM UR #1 FAN PLEASE
Jk lol but wouldn't it be nice to have the ability to type with long hot pink nails and SLAY while doing too? 😪
That Jason dreams of yours is so REAL. I HATE UGLY BADLY RENDERED 3D HORROR MAZES. It's giving free mobile games 🙄
I can take vent mechanics in games but oh my god I HATE IT WHEN THE ENEMY CAN FOLLOW YOU INTO THEM. Jason probably just shrank to vent size or smth idk (or maybe it was the Rake coming for revenge again 💀)
CHROLLO IS TOO. He was like, obsessed with my cousin and we were playing this tag game with a lot of other people. He caught her, But I guess we had multiple lives. When she poofed into thin air, he was PISSED.
I got to a safe distance and was cursing my ass off. This dude was there and told me to stop cursing so much. LIKE NO. DO YOU KNOW WHAT I JUST WENT THROUGH? NOOOO SO DO THE HOKEY POKEY AND SHUT THE FUCK UP.
But on a brighter note, at least you had dad Bruno on a shopping sate with you 😭 you even got a hot Abbachio cameo. AN ABBA CAMEO ARE YOU KIDDING ME?
I will never get that special experience of being Bilingual and foreign to mainly English, and reading badly translated stories 😠😠😠
And yes I have been taking time working and answering asks, especially yours! Im just glad we're on the same page with all the spelling correction and how everything looks in general. I enjoy how you have so much on your mind and try to share as much as you can within one ask! I really love having honest and fun conversations on serious and stupid topics.
I've just been taking time to live life and work on games and such. If it seems like I haven't answered your ask for a while, please don't worry! I'm just taking a small break from writing since dialogue writing for Ren'py and a recent commission has drained me ^^ please no more EmOTioNaL dAmAGe for you Renpy anon 😭
My recent 'interesting dream' was basically me trying to save my friends/family from these really hot yanderes. Mind you I have NEVER seen these men in my life. Not even in fiction.
One of them kind of looked like Ren or whatever that red haired guy with goggles from Final Fantasy name is. The other I think had white hair or something idk. My memory is really foggy because you can't remember faces you haven't seen url while in dreams.
I was driving on the street in a suburban neighborhood in this race car/go cart thing (I know it sounds goofy but it was kind of cool ok) It kind of looked like my old neighborhod streets back in Wisconsin. Anyway, AIN'T NOBODY WAS PARKING RIGHT. Crooked asf, not even on the side of the road, but like SIDE WAY IN THE MIDDLE OF THE ROAD.
Who do they think they are? Walter White??? 😷
Anyway the yanderes pulled up not too far behind me and I legit started to panic, but I took this chance to assassinate the people I were trying to save in the back of the car with a rifle? Idk maybe I was trying to shoot their seatbelts off lmao 😋
The bullets phased not only though the car but the hostages. While I was doing that, the yanderes (who were in suits btw) were acting like the traffic police and telling people to fix their shit in the middle of the night very nicely (they were assholes 😤)
Right then I guess they were ignoring me, but it skipped to a struggle in their car? It was different from the one the darlings were in. We were fighting about it and I guess my torso was sticking out of the window while I was holding onto a stick with decorative pink lights loosely on it. The red haired one was fighting me, but then I think I said something that made him stop me from flying out of the car.
I legit think that I reminded him of his darling (because it probably one of my family members BLEUGH 😷) He looked at me with these crazy ass eyes and this insane shocked look. Like, you know the yandere girl from the game Crimson Gray, and the image of when she saves the protag from killing himself. Yeah looked just like that.
He then said, "Do that again."
After that he drove me to this school and told me if I could do 100 do-dares, then he would let my friends/family go. I think I also had to do some other things, but I don't remember.
Anyway I went to my first class and the teacher passively told me to focus because I was zoning out. I got angry at her and starting arguing with her.
I can't zone out now? Damn it's not like I'm human or anything, AND YO CLASS BORING AS SHIT. By the end of class she just got real frustrated and the class got a free show so that was okay I guess.
After class there were these 'special' vans outside the school that do all sorts of business. I tried one of them and by the end, I didn't get to do anything bc an old friend of mine just took me away to hang with her? Like, the dude was gonna wait for me in the bathrooms (ew) but this girl really went and snatched me up for herself 😭
It was this dating thingy and the only reason I followed the dude who ran the van is because he told me the guys weren't nasty or disrespectful (which was probably a lie but whatever)
That's where it ended.
Ah I love talking about dreams, thanks for sending in this ask anon! I'm glad we could bond over our weird dreams <33
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eldritch-nightmare · 9 days
hi hi !! i was wondering if you could make any creepypastas of your choice (but if you can please include toby) with a final girl reader? you know that cliche of slasher movies, thank you <3
a/n: fun fact abt me my favorite final girls r carly from house of wax and princess from laid to rest. and arkin from the collector. he is everything to me. honestly wasn't all too sure who i wanted to put in this so i just sorta chose at random?? idk maybe in the future i can use this premise for some of the others if u guys want that. this is really short nd kinda bad tho and i apologize for that. i'm trying to ease myself back into writing so tht might b why tbh
warnings: not proofread. pre-relationship?? the romance isn't really there for the most part but the obsession is, attempted murder, gn reader, reader has a younger brother in lj's part, laughing jack is probably actually his own warning i think he's kinda. kinda fucked up in this. many mentions of attempted harm to a child.
includes: ticci toby, jeff the killer, and laughing jack.
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He had been tasked to kill you. He doesn't know the reason, nor does he really care. Maybe you knew too much, or maybe Slender had other reasons. Whatever they were, you had to die.
And Toby rarely ever messed up an assignment. He never had any issues killing anyone. Sure, they typically fought back, but he'd always get them in the end. He didn't think you'd be any different.
He was rather... surprised, to put it simply, when you proved to be a challenge.
You didn't want to die, so you fought back. Hard. Honestly, it was impressive how determined you were to live. He's never really met someone like you before.
This is one of those very rare times where he's a bit glad he can't feel pain, because if he could feel the pain he gained from you fighting back, he probably would've blacked out from it.
The only reason you get away the first time is because you had stabbed him one too many times and he didn't really want to bleed out and die, thank you very much.
He still had a job to finish though, so you fighting back meant nothing to him. He was told to kill you, and that's what he planned on doing.
It didn't matter how long it took. Though, as time went on, Toby couldn't help but find himself wondering what he would do with himself when he actually killed you.
He's never found any joy in hunting someone down, but he finds himself strangely excited when it comes to you. It's the first time he's ever felt this way for someone he was meant to murder.
He doesn't really want to let that excitement go just yet, and maybe he's delusional but it almost seemed as if you were having fun with these little life-or-death chases you two had.
Maybe he lets you get away a few times. You would've been dead a long time ago if he hadn't found you interesting.
And who knows... maybe he can convince Slender that you're a worthy candidate to be a proxy... that way, he won't have to kill you.
Absolutely thrilled at the idea.
Jeff is a big fan of horror movies, and he's always dreamed of having some final girl type of person that he could never kill.
Key word. He dreamed of it. He's not a big fan of it when it actually finally happens, not at first.
You were annoying, always somehow dodging his knife and managing to fight back against him long enough to make your escape.
Now, normally, Jeff would've just dropped you and gone on with his killing spree. He didn't have to kill you, and it's not like he's scared of you going to the police. He's already on the FBI's most wanted, trust me, he couldn't care less.
But there was a thrill that went through him whenever he got close to killing you. Each time he's able to cut you, he feels his heart pound in his chest.
It reminds him of when he first started killing, and that feeling was becoming addictive.
He didn't even realize how obsessed he had become with killing you until he actually got the chance to kill you. He had you cornered, and there was nowhere for you to go.
He could've ended it right then and there, but he hesitated. Jeff the fucking killer hesitated to actually kill someone. What the fuck? That made no sense.
The hesitation was enough that it gave you a chance to get away, leaving Jeff alone to ponder why he had hesitated.
And during that time, he left you alone.
But trust me, once he finally figures out why he hesitated, he'll be back. You can't escape him.
Hates it and hates you. Your little brother was supposed to be an easy kill. He had been so desperate for a friend, neglected by his parents, that he was eager to let Jack into his life.
But then you had to come home for the holidays, and suddenly it was hard to get the brat alone without you being around. The only time he could torment your brother was when everyone else in the house was asleep.
When your little brother went to you crying about how his friend Jack was being mean, telling him horrible things, you weren't supposed to fucking believe the kid. You were supposed to be like the others, brushing off the kid's concerns and sending him back to bed.
But you didn't. You believed your brother, and now you can fucking see him, and he hated it. Oh, he wanted to kill your little brother so badly, but he wanted to kill you more for ruining all the fun.
All of the torment on your little brother stops, and instead he starts tormenting you instead. His ultimate goal was to get you to kill your little brother. It would be a satisfying thing for him to see. And maybe even poetic. You're trying so hard to protect him, and you end up being the one to kill him... that would be nice.
But you don't make it easy for him.
Seeing your fear was entertaining, especially when he was able to strike at your insecurities. At some point, he found that he didn't mind how long this little plan of his would take. He just wanted to see what made you cry. What scared you? What had you reeling away in disgust? What made you laugh?
Okay, that last one confuses him and he does not at all want to know what makes you laugh. No. No he does not.
Sometimes, he doesn't even torment you. He just silently watches you, which you find to be arguably worse than him actually trying to cause you harm.
It felt like he was studying you whenever he did that, and you hated it.
And Jack finds himself struggling to hate you the longer this takes. You've become interesting. He finds himself looking forward to seeing you, and he finds himself admiring you whenever you end up smiling when he's around.
Though, that's not something he's quite ready to admit yet.
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Requests are open! <3
Salutations everyone! So I'm a new writer but I've decided to give writing a go!
Fandoms I can write about:
Undertale/undertale au's
Ddlc (doki doki literature club)
Toh (the owl house)
Avatar the last air bender
Fnaf (five nights at freddys)
Wendell and wild
Mha (my hero academia)
Monster high
Helluva boss
Hazbin hotel
Inside job
Q force
Dream smp/mcyt
Streamers/youtubers (like jacksepticeye, markiplier, ect.)
Slashers/horror movie characters
Tmnt (Teenage mutant ninja turtles)
Httyd (how to train your dragon)
Td (total drama)
Mlp (my little pony)
Aphmau/my street
Mlb (miraculous lady bug)
Sander sides
Crk (cookie run kingdom)
Squid game
Baldi's basics
Aot (attack on Titan)
Yandere simulator
Tpn (the promised neverland)
Dc super hero girls
Darling in the franxx
Turning red
Cup head
Depp (dead end paranormal park)
Gravity falls
Bluey (PLATONIC ONLY. Unless it's a ship of like bandit x
chilli or something like that)
Mean girls
Sally face
Teen Titans
Hp (Harry Potter)
Dhmis (don't hug me I'm scared)
The incedibles/the incredibles 2
Pokémon (humans)
Guardians of the galaxy
Sea beasts
Family guy
Spider man into the spider verse
Rise of the guardians
The hunger games
Suicide squad
Shang chi and the legend of the 10 rings
Micheals vs machines
Maya and the three
What I will do:
X reader
What I won’t do:
Adult x minor (romance/smut)
Problematic ships
Minor/child/underaged smut/lemon
Write about homophobia or racism
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littlespace-imagines · 2 months
wow the way your blog is a dream to me uwu good soup good soup.
i just found out i was an age regresser and then seeing you write for slashers and creepypastas is 🩷🩷🩷
Thank you so much!! ^_^ I love writing fanfics and stuff, I really hope I’ll get the opportunity and inspiration to write here soon :).
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batsforbadones · 2 years
Dear Batsforbadones,
I wanted to thank you for your writing of Billy Lenz.
As cute as OOC fluff can be, I just love it when there's writers who stick to the more canonical version of characters, and aren't afraid to write them as the deranged assholes they are. You made Billy rather sarcastic, condescending, and rather calculative while still maintaining is mental instability and rather animalistic insanity. The way you even write his dialogue is so great, as it oozes this capturing, but psychotic asshole vibe of "You're a dumb slut, but I'm gonna fuck and kill you now". With that, you're not afraid to unleash the more unpopular, and controversial side of Billy character, and that's the fact that he's pretty much a sexual predator, and absolutely wouldn't mind crossing lines to get "what he wants". People tend to baby Billy as some "ADHD" poster child of Gen Z "quirkiness", but you don't seem to infantilize him at all. You give him a personality outside of the "lol random xD" trope that many people seem to like projecting onto such characters. Like a gust of cold wind, your writing is rather refreshing.
Once again, I gotta thank you for writing Billy in a way that makes me smile whenever I see a new fic with him being released. I wish you well!
This comment means so much to me. you've given me a very in depth analysis, and I feel the urge to give you an explanation- a thought process as to why I'm so- mean when I write my slashers. because i do try to be. I also enjoy the fluff and the 'awwww, cute they'd hold my hand in a barn after killing someone' thing, but I am intentionally mean when I write, at least i try to be.
so, if you're willing to, hold out with me. It may not be worth much, but I'm- so glad my writing does what I intended it to. TW - DISCUSSIONS OF SA
fun fact about me- I got my fanfictional start in the creepypasta fandom on wattpad c.2012. If any of you got pipelined into being a horror movie watcher, you know how I got here, but basically, OOC content is- insanely popular in the creepypasta fandom because of how little substance there is to a lot of the root characters. Most of the source material has this very- passionate, but over all lacking development vibe so you'll get these really mediocre concepts handled very poorly. so you end up with things like jeff the killer, whose very clearly written by some 14 year old boy who listened to marilyn manson's cover of sweet dreams are made of these and it changed him for life (me too), or you get some bastardized form of someones passion found footage project- this isnt to say I wasn't also in that boat, but it was to say that I was kind of thrust into this very romanticized, and understandably less morbid view of these characters very early on. I responded to fear with sexuality, and that is an incredibly unfortunate boat to find yourself in so early on in your internet life, but fuck it we ball-
so basically, theres a character who is incredibly similar to Billy Lenz in the creepypasta fandom, and if you were there, you know exactly what I'm about to do because i've been sitting on this for almost two years now-
The way Billy Lenz is often written, is the way Ticci Toby was written. And Ticci Toby was my favourite creepypasta (i am using creepypasta as a fandom term, and not an actual iteration of the website. i mean the pantheon, because this differentiation is important to some people ((theres a lot of creative elitism in the creepypasta community)))
Ticci Toby is a slenderman proxy oc described as neurotic, bipolar, delusional, unstable, and with an unmaskable type of tourettes to where he garners the name he would later use as his moniker (all as written by a deviantart user c.2010, so take a lot of the sensitivity with a grain of salt)-
and my god, did the creepypasta fandom infantilize him. i did too. he was, for all intent and purposes, my baby girl. and I was like- idk fucking 10 and being into true crime and not flinching was cool so I was dick riding this man and eyeless jack like it was my job. and a couple of notable things about how they would treat him would be a bizarre obsession with waffles, Hollywood tourettes, if you were really ballsy, you'd make him hypersexual, and constantly trying to anime grope the reader, and he was just- all around considered to be the comedic relief character when paired with our other collection of 'the killers'. get its, its funny because its 2012 and we all think a severe social disorder is the peak of comedy.
and he wasnt well written, i would argue this is an actual infliction of what he was written to be (creepypasta oc rights drama aside), but later down the line when I got older i had this faint realization where its just like- no. he wouldnt-- do that. And not that it matters, you can literally do whatever you want with these characters, death to the author shit, but I was put off by it, almost? like, i look back on my old preconceptions of these characters and im like, morbidly inspired by my own childhood innocence when interacting with him. like- oh wow. i really wouldve just walked into the woods with a man with a hatchet if he was hot enough. oh wow.
once again, i too love to read ooc fluff and smut and stuff where these men aren't sexual predators and arent abusers, and i care for funny giggle billy, dont get me wrong, but I'm not- aroused by him much. i feel like, an emotional fondness, but im not- attracted to him.
and this isnt to say i dont think everyone isnt aware of how we are writing about fucking fictional murderers. we all watched the movies, we all got horny when he came out. we're all aware- and i know for some people it comes from a place of personal comfort that the boogey man treats them with care. its not my place to ruin someones comfort character. it never will be.
but, i genuinely struggle to make myself dissociate enough from these characters to believe they would care about consent. Most if not all slashers are founded on the grounds of the male, predatory gaze. the woman is the victim. the man is the victimizer. they're often literally metaphored with actual prey/predator situations. anyone killing women in mass is doing it because they hate women, and likely wouldnt have a problem raping said women. this is a fact i cannot remove myself from, both meta and not.
and i find a weird comfort in knowing they will always be- just that.
i feel that way about billy lenz a l o t. he, verbatim, threatens to rape the entire sorority house and then kill them. Its only by 70's movie censorship that I'm sure we didn't have a violent and grotesque assault scene from him. Billy Lenz is, at his core, a sexual predator. The little canonical input we get from him is- of him being a sexual predator. I'm not going into his phone calls, but basically- him being a rapist is, so incredibly core because we get... what? 7 minutes of dialogue with him? and not a SINGLE full body shot of him moving? We get a blood shot eye and?? what?? like i cant just remove him from the rape. theres nothing left of him. i'd be ticci tobying him again. and its not that i dont feel right doing that. not everyone should be like, forced to think about rape all the time- like, if you want a funny, sexy, evil guy, do it. I'd read it and giggle and kick my feet. if billy is your favourite character because you read him as autistic and gender, do it. but my billy- exists on those grounds. And so does my Jed. and my Stu. and my brahms- and so on so fourth.
sorry for the rant i'm just- so so passionate about like, this topic. and this is so fucking sweet to me. it means the world, really. thank you so much. im always in a billy lenz mood and plan to do some stuff for him soon. Thank you thank you thank you <3
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persephoneofdecay · 4 months
My Garden - Bio
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Call me Persephone/Prosepine, Sephie or Peoni. English rose. Fem. Springborne, '98. Chronically afflicted. I hold a passion for many things, though my themes revolve around; creativity, life, death, rebirth, nature, flowers, animals, bugs. As for my personality, that's up for your perspective. As with anyone, I'm as gentle as I am fierce. Embrace your contradictions. Links to other media: TBA
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HOBBIES/INTERESTS: Art | Music | Dance | Literature | Elegies | Dreaming | Animals and Nature | Botany | Bugs | Gaming | Filming and Photography | Weird Stock Images | Animal Care | Rubber Duckies | Collecting | Death Games | Medical Stuff | Psychology | Circus Stuff | Performances | Horror | Comedy | Nurturing | The Dead | Witchcraft | Magic Tricks | Streaking | Playing With Rain | Weird People | Them weirdos online that make weird contraptions out of random stuff | Floristry | Cosplaying | Fashion| Cute Stuff | Creepy Stuff | Bubbles | Monsters | Silent Hill | Noodling/Fishing | Urban Exploring | Puzzles and Jigsaws | Grandfather | Fairies | Florence and the Machine | Exploring | Wandering Off | Dolls | Fog | Purple/Lavender | Noting trivial things about others | Taxidermy | Cleaning | Being allowed to be eccentric, makes me feel at ease not to act all times | Masks | Designing | Selling | Inventing | Survival and Wilderness | Shellder | Sewing | Ballet | Etc
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FANDOMS: Horror Games; The Evil Within, Silent Hill, SCP, Haunting Ground, Resident Evil, Amnesia, Remothered, Spookys House of Jumpscares, etc. Nintendo; Super Mario, LoZ, Animal Crossing, Pokemon, etc. Sega; Sonic, Chaos, Jet Set, Billy Hatcher, NiGHTS, etc. DDR. YouTubers like CallMeKevin, GrayStillPlays, Dashie. Anime; Accel World, Assassination Classroom, etc. Hitman, Resistance, OFF, Space Funeral. Slashers. TF2. Creepypasta/Slenderverse. Etc.
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bimboboylink · 2 years
Requests Open!
Rules, Fandoms, + What I Write + Tags :D
Abt me!!
(If you don’t want my random posts on your feed, block #phespeaks and #phetalks thanks!)
Nothing illegal, or naturally taboo. (underage, scat, incest, ect.)
I write for all genders and sexes, but I am gender fluid so some days I will feel more comfortable writing certain ones than other
I will write IRLs, but only those okay with it, but I may post a non-boundary fic every once in a while, but I will put warnings on those.
Any fandom with characters below 16 will be only written for SFW even if aged up
Any characters 16-18 will be aged up regardless of NSFW or not
(Applies to Demon Slayer) I WILL ONLY WRITE SFW FOR NEZUKO
I am willing to write yandere characters, but please know it's not something I'm used to, but practice makes perfect! :D
Fandoms I’ll write for:
DSMP(I enjoy the characters and admit some of the IRLs are attractive, but don’t interact with any of them on platforms)
Blue Exorcist
Resident Evil
Hazbin Hotel
Creepypasta/Marble Hornets
Demon Slayer
Genshin Impact
One Piece
Hunter X Hunter (character list in the works)
Sanrio Boys
Cooking Companions
Devilman Crybaby
Mystic Messenger
Undertale+Deltarune(character list in the works)
Slashers/Horror Characters
The Arcana
Overwatch(character list in the works)
Obey Me
Yandere Simulator (all characters will be aged up no matter what)
Andy's Apple Farm
Tokyo Revengers
Saiki K
Something's Wrong With Sunny Day Jack
My Dear Hatchet Man
Cuphead Games/Show
My Boyfriend
Resident Evil
-Any Games/Shows/Mangas Past This Point Are Things I’m Still Currently Watching/Playing/Reading-
Neokpara Catboys
Tears Of Themis
The Symbiant
Dream Daddy
Housamo-Tokyo Afterschool Summoners
Stranger Things
The Umbrella Academy
-If you don’t see a fandom on this list, request anyways with the character :]
#phespeaks or #phetalks - nothing to do with fanfics, or just off topic things
#phespeaksfanfics - me talking about fanfiction, but not actual fanfiction
#phefanfics - all actual fanfics
#notsafe-ish --not to nsfw, but still there
#nosafechild -NSFW MINORS DNI
What I’ll write:
Feel free to request anything!
Mostly anything :D
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callmegkiddo · 3 years
Ayo! Hi!
Requests: Closed
Requests in Inbox: 28
Requests being worked on in Drafts: 3
Welcome + Rules:
Welcome to my blog!
Write occasionally here. I draw and reblog a lot of stuff. You may check my description to see if requests are open or not.
Also refer to here if you want to know anything about me! I may add there some stuff in the future.
I write for fun, and it is my hobby, do not pressure me, please. Do not send any writer I support hate, they are all very hard working and fenominal people who are talented at their work. Hate sent my way will be posted as the post of shame, and will be used against you with comedy.
Everything is under the cut!
- Transformers (TFP, Bayverse, RID15, RB15)
- TMNT (I do 2012, 2014-16 bayerse movie, and possibly ROTTMNT if I am not familiar, please fill me in via DM or in a separate ask)
- Wish Dragon (I also do the goons)
- Ghost BC (Papa’s, Ghouls, and Ghoulettes)
- Cooking Companions (Karin, Anatoly, Mariah, and Gregor only)
- Cookie run (Kingdom)
- The Boys (Juicy fruit snacks, Your Narrator, EddieVR, Josh Dub, Mully)
- Creepypasta
- I do Undertale, and it's au's + BHC
- Slashers
- Poppy Playtime (especially for Rowan Stoll-)
- I do Boneheads
- I do Roblox (piggy, bacon, Ronald)
- I do anime: Assassination classroom, BNHA, Danganropa, Pokémon, AOT
- Spider-Man into the: spider-verse + Spider-Man No way home + Toby Maguire Spider-Man movies + Andrew Garfield Spider-Man movies
- Potionomics
- Night At The Museum (don’t let it all be for Ahkmanrah-)
- Blush Blush (MY BABYS)
- Dream Daddy (and only the daddies... Maybe even Mary-)
- Spooky Month (4-5 for now)
- Guardian the Chinese BL series
- I do hello puppets (character x character is exemplary, specify)
- puss in boots (don't judge me pls-)
- ROTG movie
- Some Shrek movie
- Babysitter's guide to monster hunting movie
- Cuphead (I also follow the Casino Cups lore)
- TF2 game
- Overwatch game
- Disney
- Pixar (Underrated movies are encouraged)
- Youtuber Ego's (ISWM, AHWM, ADWM, WHM, etc.)
- Alice In Wonderland Tim burton movie
- Hamilton the Musical (give me Lafayette or Jefferson and I will be so happy-)
and that's about it! I'd add more if I forgot any of grew attached to newer things!
What I will do:
- fluff
- Smut (on rare occasions, but not requested... Maybe-)
- Things relating to trauma will be reviewed before being approved.
- Angst
- I do one-shots, scenario, and HC's
- platonic relationships
- Poly
What I don't do:
- pedophilia, incest (dem nasty)
- Certain kinks (piss play, coom play or whatever it's called, candle kinks, blood kinks, knife play)
- I don't do matchups
- Oc x character or reader x OC (unless your big buz apparantly-l
- pregnancy
- anything too heavy on drugs and abuse (tell, and I'll see if I'm comfy with it)
- Ships, however, if I tag it as "Ship exeptions" that means it is a ship I will make an exception for, and will thus make a fic for it.
- I might not post often, so I hope you all are patient
- Expect delayed requests. I have school and other things to do.
- PLEASE be considerate and don't push me to write. Writing is my hobby, not my job.
Character limits: This is per request you make
HC's - 6
Scenarios - 3
One shots - 1
Here are things I think you should check out!
- Masterlist
- fandomclutter ideas/requests
- Ask/Drawing request rules (for any curios people/anons)
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creepypasta65 · 2 years
Hello!!! Could I have a creepypasta/Marble Hornet match up
I’m straight but my pronouns are she/her I’m a fnaf kid and love party’s and social events I do cheerleading and I tumble. I support everyone and I have a good amount of friends. I’m only really close to one or two of my friends. I love Melanie Martinez and Kesha. I’m always wanting a relationship but they don’t usually work out. I’m a cat person and have two cats and a dog. My favorite color is pink. I live to live life and take risks. I live horror movies and I’m a total slasher slut. My nickname in school is Valentine. I have a love the true crime and would love to start a YouTube channel talking about crime and exploring haunted places!!! I am going to College for  psychiatry and want to work with criminals in psych wards!
Thank You!! I match you up with Ben Drowned and Hoodie/Brian
I match you up with Ben Drowned
-He is also a fnaf kid, you two will play together fnaf's
-You and him go to party's and social events like a Melanie Martinez tour
-He also listens to Kesha (His favorite song is die young and blow)
-He loves your pets and thinks they are so cute, he would buy them toys
- He loves that you take risks in life
-He doesn't like horror movies but he will watch it with you
-He loves your nickname, it reminds him of valentine's day
-He will help you with your youtube channel (he would be your camera guy)
-He likes that your'e studying something you like
-He supports your dream and tries to help you with your homework
I also match you up with Hoodie/Brian
-He will watch you play fnaf's and will sometimes play with you but you have to teach him how to play
-When you go to parties, he will follow you like a lost puppy (He doesn't like any social events)
-He loves that you take risks
-He will buy you tickets to watch your favorite artist
-You and him have horror movie nights together and bring snacks and blankets
-He loves your pets and will play with them
-He will always support you and wants you to achieve your dreams
-He will be your camera guy for your youtube channel and will edit your videos
-He loves your nickname and he will make his own nicknames for you like sweetheart, love and sugar
Hope you enjoy these!!!
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screamcreations · 3 years
My names Len and i'll be fulfilling your dreams scenarios with your favorite characters.
Please read for what I'll do and not do. Which fandoms I write for and what characters will be included. Keep in mind I had to go to therapy and wasn't allowed to watch anything horror related so I'm behind on some things.
Fandoms & Characters:
Jeff The Killer
Ben Drowned
Slender brothers (no fender man)
Laughing Jack
Jason The Toymaker
Jane The Killer
The Proxies (Masky, Ticci, Hoodie)
Nina The Killer
Eyeless Jack
Bloody Painter
Nurse Ann
Michael Myers
Jason Voorhees
Freddy Krueger
Ghost Face
Leather Face
Jack Torrance
FNAF 1,2,3,4,& 5:
Freddy Fazbear
Purple Guy
Mike Schimit
Phone Guy
Toy Chica
Toy Freddy
Toy Bonnie
Weathered Freddy
Weathered Chica
Weathered Bonnie
Weathered Foxy
Omg just everyone in this whole series.
Will Not Write:
Piss/Vomit Kinks anything related to that
Self Harm
Anything triggering.
I'll immediately ignore your request if they have any of the above on what I'll not write.
I'm into a lot of other fandoms but these are the ones I can think of right now. Otherwise, please be kind and don't be afraid to ask. I'll definitely do NSFW and SFW. Please give a short summary of what you'd like to be able to give it a thought. Thank you 🖤🖤🖤
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I do matchups now????
so ask me for a matchup when requesting just tell meh a littile bit about you and ill try my best to match you with a fandom person fandoms i do:
*camp camp
*Hazbin hotel
I do all sexualitys and genders *girl/boy/trans/non-binary etc..
to ask for this just go to my main page and look for the one that says “hey wanna get your dream fanfic ill try” and ask away! i really wanna write for you guys and see what you guys are into at the moment i have not much to do meaning i might be more easy to write for all of you im really exited to see what i get lost of loveeee <3
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jewin-your-mom · 4 years
Tagged by: @autisdoc
Rules: Answer 20 questions +5, then tag other bloggers you want to know better.
Name: Jackson
Nickname: People can call me Jack if they want to! I’m also called ‘Clown’ by a lot of online friends. It’s better not to ask. (*´꒳`*)
Zodiac: Sagittarius!
Height: 5’0”
Languages: English only. I tried learning Spanish multiple times, but I am terrible at absorbing language information long-term, sadly.
Nationality: American
Favorite Season: Summer, especially when it’s ~90 degrees outside! I run very cold, so warm weather is the only time I can really function well.
Favorite Flower: Romneya flowers! They look like white daises, but BETTER!
Favorite Scent: Rose oil/rosewater!! I have sensory processing issues, and I am understimulated in the ‘smell’ area, so I’m constantly dunking myself in rosewater/rose perfume.
Favorite Color: A nice pastel pink! Cotton candy pink is a nice way to put it!
Favorite Animal: Has to be a tie between the Lord Howe Island stick insect and Burmese python! I love all animals, but bugs/reptiles hold a very special place in my heart 💕
Favorite Fictional Character: Nepeta Leijon from Homestuck! She’s literally just me! Those weird stimmy habits, sharp nails, constantly teetering on the edge between ‘cute’ and ‘terrible bastard’, violently attacking people who touch me...the list goes on!
Coffee, Tea or Hot Chocolate?: Coffee! I really like it, but only if it’s really sweet/iced! I could live off of Starbucks ( ˊ̱˂˃ˋ̱ )
Average Sleep: Between 4-14 hours!! I vary a lot, and I have a very inconsistent schedule, so sometimes sleep just...doesn’t happen.
Dog or Cat Person?: I’m honestly more of a dog person! I love both, but I can pick up the body language/attitudes of dogs easier, so I tend to get along with them better!
Number of Blankets: I sleep with 4 currently, but one HAS to be heated to the max level. If one isn’t heated, 6-7 works!
Dream Trip: Hmm...probably a road trip with 3-4 good friends across the country! I want to see the world of course, but nothing beats being around the people I love.
Blog Established: I think 2017? Idk.
Followers: 206!
Random Fact About Me: I’m a huge fan of everything horror, and I fall in love with every scary buff man I see (unfortunately)! I am also Jewish!
My own 5 questions:
Favorite Horror Movie: A tie between the OG Scream and the 2003 remake of Texas Chainsaw Massacre!! A Nightmare On Elm Street is a close 2nd though...
Favorite Music Artist: I love Jack Stauber so, SO much. Both his old stuff and his new stuff are GOLD! I also really like a lot of Vocaloid producers, PinocchioP, GHOST and CircusP being some of my favorites! My favorite Vocaloid itself has to be Fukase, though I absolutely adore Meiko!
Favorite Show/YouTube series: I don’t watch a lot of mainstream TV, but I find The Good Place really funny! I also love, LOVE Naruto, and Interface is an amazing YouTube show that I ADORE.
Favorite Food: CHEESECAKE ICE CREAM! Anything that’s sugary and cold, I’ll shove in my gullet. ( ´ ▽ ` )
Favorite Fandom(s): As problematic as it can be, I adore Homestuck for the way it kind of encapsulated the ‘Hanging Out With Your Teenager Friends And Being Stupid’ vibe so well. I can’t imagine my life without the fandom and the friends I met through it. I also love the Slasher, Dead By Daylight, OFF, Creepypasta, Marble Hornets and Smile For Me fandoms too! All of them just have a really accepting vibe, and the source materials all give me Big Nostalgia Vibes. (^∇^)
Tagging: @neathbowz , @angeltheproxy , @abbeygator-xo , @gay-defying-gravity and anyone else who wants to do this! If I tagged you and you want nothing to do with it, feel free to skip out on it. 💕💕
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mlmdarkfiction · 5 years
I’m opening the inbox for requests! Feel free to request whatever you wish just make sure you read the Rules before hand. You can either find them on my blog page, or I’ll place them under a read more. 
Happy requesting! <3
Boyfriend to Death
Boyfriend to Death2
Till Death Do Us Part
Fire Emblem (Awakening, Fates, Valentia, Heroes)
Persona 5
Jojo’s Bizzarre Adventure
Until Dawn
Stardew Valley
Slashers (Jason Voorhees, Michael Meyers,  Bubba Sawyer, Billy Loomis, Stu Macher, Brahms Heelshire, ect)
Far Cry 5
Resident Evil 7
Mystic Messenger
Team Fortress 2
Fandomless Monsters
Bo and Vincent Sinclair from House of Wax
The Vampire Chronicles by Anne Rice
Dead By Daylight (Killers and Survivors)
Dream Daddy
Kingdom Hearts
tbh there’s probably more stuff, if you’re unsure if I write for it just ask
First things first before sending in a request know that; For REQUESTS I will not write:
Some Dubious Consent
I will NEVER write:
Scat fetish
General NSFW, Gore, and Violence are fine for requests. This blog is specifically a mlm blog! Meaning it’s only for male identifying characters, and male identifying reader inserts. Although the main topic tends to be dark versions of characters, horror esq romance, and things like the yandere trop, any type of mlm ask will be answered. Mod himself is a gay transguy. I reserve the right to refuse doing any request sent for my own comfort, although I will almost always tell you I am ignoring your request. Please specify in your request whether you want a drabble or headcanons. Leave drabble request to 2 characters per ask, and headcanons 4 characters per ask. Happy requesting!
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fandomgirlygirl · 3 years
Screw your zodiac sign, what was your most crappy Creepypasta OC you’ve ever made
I’ll go first
It’s gotta be my first ever Creepypasta OC, Nightmare Angel. Take pretty much every stereotype (horribly written, cliche backstory, the character being supernatural (not a bad thing in of itself but it was executed horribly), bad catchphrase that ripped off Jeff’s catchphrase and just about almost every slasher Creepypasta cliches)
Worst part is, the concept itself wasn’t that bad. Nightmare Angel was basically this chick who snuck into peoples minds (practically their dreams) and slowly kill them from the inside out (via horrible dreams) and I feel like it could’ve been executed A LOT better than what I did with the OC back then (then again, I was pretty new to writing back then but it doesn’t make the cringe go away)
And oh god the RPs I Had with that character. I feel bad for the RP Authors of those books on Wattpad that had to deal w/ my horrible a// Ocs and my even worse RPing habits back then. I mean, I guess this is a sign that I’ve clearly grown a lot since then but GOD, the cringe is real w/ this
Anyways yeah, that’s my 2 cent, what bout yall?
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titleknown · 7 years
Cryptic Vs Rakuga Horror
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@tyrantisterror, in my eyes, is one of the great horror critics of our generation, and I would say one of his greatest achievements is the existence of the Four Horrors theory. Specifically, it's a hypothesis based on the idea of four primary “Axes” of horror fiction based on the place the horror comes from.
Namely, the horrors of the past (Gothic), horrors of the future/irresponsible-progress (Atomic), the horrors of human rottenness and cruelty (Slasher, tho the issues with that name are for another day) and the horrors of things that are so much more vast and terrible than we could possibly comprehend (Cosmic)
But, I would say there's another axis related to that theory, one that's not quite in the same boat but rather supplemental to it.
Like categorizing library books by author or by subject as TT put it.
And thusly, this is the truth of Cryptic Horror vs Rakuga Horror....
The core difference, of course, which I must emphasize is that while the Four Horrors categorizes the horror in terms of its cause within the narrative, these two categorize them by their means of aesthetic convenyance. And that conveyance is the realistic horror of Cryptic Horror versus the surrealistic horror of Rakuga Horror.
Now, when I speak of Cryptic Horror as “realistic,” I do not mean excluding the fantastical and only keeping the plausible. I mean, the Creepypasta known as The Burgrr Entries goes immensely batshit and weird with such, and David Lynch's weird shit could be slotted into this category as easily as he could the latter (Tho more on that in a bit).
Rather, it's “realistic” in the sense it feels like a real experience, that is; as such an impossible thing would be experienced by a real person at the ground level. It comes with little warning, little if no explanation, more questions than answers, essentially the thing you feel could happen when walking down a dark alley or a dark forest or in an empty Wal-Mart at night.
It presents the horror in the sense that “It could happen to you” and that's perhaps why the idea and its aesthetics has its genesis in stories that were told originally as true.
While, as TT said, most horror stories have always kept a pretense of realism; and there's always been ghost stories of the baffling chronicled around the fire, the true origin I would say is in the sort of “Fortean” stories, named after Charles Fort; who chronicled bizarre; anomalous pheomenon that were documented and real, but also unexplainable.
These spread out into conspiracy theory, urban legends and the cryptid stories from which I gave the genre its name. And I named that because I would say they also spawned its blooming into what could be called a full “thing,” in ways that can be seen in the most wildly prominent of its incarnations, because a lot like fantasy the idea of this as its own aesthetic is relatively recent, thanks to it not really showing that much as an independent “look” in fiction.
And, I would argue, both the medium of found footage film and creepypasta solidified the idea of Cryptic horror as a look, both via the inherent nature of their mediums. The lack of conventional framing in found footage was a perfect vehicle for the versmillitude the genre trades in, and from that versmillitude that sort of profound feeling of paranoia I feel the genre does best (Though that was from a different time).
And, drawing from documentary, it's no wonder it'd draw narratively from real creepy things, such as Blair Witch or; in my mind; V/H/S/2's underrated framing segment for some examples.
Creepypasta, of course, had the feeling of versmillitude just by its sheer embrace of the idea that this is being written by a person from a place of experience, ideally preserved in both the formatting of the text and the level of mystery given. The anonymous and ephemeral nature of the imageboards also has to have helped, along with the decentralized nature of its spread such as in the case of Slender Man especially .
So, if the Cryptic Horror is the horror of Blair Witches, Mothmans and Slendermans, what the hell is Rakuga horror then? Well, that starts with the meaning of the name Rakuga, which is a shortening (as I understand) of the Japanese word Rakugaki, for “childish scribblings,” nonsense if it were.
And, that's what Rakuga Horror is, nonsense horror. It is the horror of the surreal, where everything is in your face impossible, even the world, like the logic of a dream. It may have rules, but those rules are poetic and of the kind no sane person would think up except as a gag or a fit of madness. The aesthetic could be described as generally “fever dream”, a fluid state of liminality.
I would give this style the alternate name “Cartoon Horror,” because that is what it is and what it's been most concentrated in throughout its history, though some early examples like Alice in Wonderland or the works of Winsor McCay are borderline such (Though not horror per-say).
From animation history, Minnie The Moocher and Swing You Sinners from Fleischer Studios are outstanding examples of it, as ar the Heffalumps and Woozles and Pink Elephants On Parade scenes from Disney, even Sally Cruikshank’s Face Like A Frog is a primo example.
But, it's never really been considered horror, perhaps due to how animation; especially the type known as “cartoons” has been treated as the beaten child kept in the basement of filmmaking. Likely because of Western film criticism’s fetish for realism, which is why I would go back in time and beat in Andre Bazin’s face with a shovel if I could, but I digress.
Of course, as animation becomes de-stigmatized, there are more creators than ever using that for their aesthetics, though mostly online given it's the fasted medium for such (Though Gekidan Inu Curry’s work on Madoka Magica captures its aesthetic properties quite well). Don't Hug Me I'm Scared is an excellent example, as is, and Bogleech's webcomic Awful Hospital.
Which leads us to the issues with those categorizations, at least the big one, which is that they mix a lot. For example, Burgrr as I mentioned before is a primo example of truly weird Cryptic horror, and yet it takes place in the same universe as Awful Hospital. And; as I also said before; David Lynch can fit in both, with his dreamlike underbellies to seedy realities.
But, given TT did say that Slasher/Cosmic and Gothic/Atomic Horrors could coexist in the same work, I don't really see that as a disqualification. Horror, like ogres, has layers, and their coexistence does not make them any less aesthetically distinct.
Though, the cliffs notes on the imagery, that's for another post...
This is something of a rough sketch of the idea, so feel free to critique it for my inevitable “smoothed out” version, but that's the gist of it! Hope ya dig it, and hope it’s interesting!
BTW, I don’t quite have a name for the two representative critters above. Anyone got any ideas?
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vampiredepths · 7 years
I was asked to do all of them
ghost - have you ever had a supernatural experience? If so, describe it.
nothing except hearing sounds like footsteps when home alone
candy corn - what’s the scariest movie you’ve ever seen?
pan's labyrinth probably
werewolf - what frightened you as a child that is not scary now?
electric (machine) car washes (I know I was dumb) 
jack-o-lantern - have you ever been to a haunted house? What was it like?
I haven’t
October - “Frankenstein” or “Dracula”?
dracula :D
poltergeist - what’s your favourite candy?
does turkish delight count
graveyard - what is the strangest dream that you can remember having?
a lucid dream that animals in a forest turned into people and when I realised I was dreaming, we got on a plane and I took them to places around the world
black cat - do you believe in UFOs?
I don’t, I believe in aliens though
cauldron - unicorns or mermaids?
skeleton - what Hogwarts house do you belong to?
midnight - have you ever lived in what you believed to be a haunted house?
Transylvania - do you believe that people can be psychic?
I think there should be evidence for the powers to exist
coffin - do you read Creepypastas? If so, which is your favourite?
yes, I don’t have a favourite I’m afraid, I love lots of them
phantom - who is your favourite horror movie villain?
pumpkin pie - what is the craziest conversation that you’ve overheard?
these boys were talking about how this particular girl was very attractive 
fog - a style of clothing that you don’t wear but you wish you could pull off?
I wish I could wear winter clothes without looking like a yeti
masquerade - do you consider yourself to be brave?
yes and no, it depends on what it is
vampire - pretend you’re in a slasher film- how long do you think you’d last?
depends how much time I have to get a taxi away from the whole situation
spider - what’s your dream Halloween costume?
honestly any kind of vampire is cool
broomstick - what’s your least favourite book to movie adaptation?
warm bodies
scarecrow - what’s the scariest place you’ve ever visited?
...castles? Idk if that counts
zombie - what current trend makes no sense to you?
I don’t know much about trends 
hayride - do you think humans will ever make contact with aliens?
I hope so, what comic books do they have over there
tagging @floweroftheothershore @hobibong @you-w0nt-kn0w @freedom-from-pants
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